File #4353: "Suffolk Journal_1991Oct23_vol50no4.pdf"


ne Suffolk Journal

W-Y, Odobu 9, 1991

The Suffolk Journal


The Official Student Newspaper Of Suffolk University

~yNkole DrSbto
The Suffolk Unhriy Women', cCIUWi

season is nearina the end. The Lady
Rams Oft!)' playdeYen pmcs per KUOn.

Wednesday, October 23, 1991

Volume 50 Number 4

Varsity tennis takes off

SGA finalizes Activities Budget

Other rllSl 1ime players fOf Suffolk an:
Maurcco "Moc" Brown; who is filled
wilh 1cnnis potential and she's only
played six Limn in her lire (includina
matches). Brown lost a real clos,c match
qainst Eodkotl but won II Wentwon..b,

lbeirrocordnowis l-6,bu11hatdocsn' 1

whereshcdiowcd firstU&

n:nect their season 50 ru.
The team W dcve.n women, $UI of
wbkhueinlhdr rant,arfoc-Suffol.k.

Dapi1e the rcsipalloiuoft•o or It's
mcmbcn, the Student Ocr,,ernmenl
Alsoda1ion (S.G.A.) hu made remarkable wides In pusinJ the 1991 -1992
tbca) bud&et and in almost one monlh
earlier than last year.
Aocordln1 to S.O.A. facully adviso r
Vicki Karns, the budJct passed quickly
tb1J yar-becalllC the proceu nm. much
amoother than before.

makiDJ. Mau rccn Brown;• ICIOOf, won
her first match at CUrry CoUeae {Sept.
24)6-2, 6-l. Sheplaysasteady,comistent pme. Amy Kullco, Beth Oxner:
and Mkhdle Tabrorr; who allo played
siqlelat Curry but loll in lhtlhirdact.
Veterans foe 1bc team are Theresa
Prisoo; a junior, playin, her third year,

"Wc'n:a)'OUnttcam. Wclactexperi-

cncc, bu1 if eYU')'ODC lticb with it there is
reaicbaacc todevdopova-tbe·nen few
Levaison hubeencoachiqSuffolk 's

=::ePrcsidaitandrlnancCComthe row- or~niz.alions which comprise mittoe member Rob Prcziolo Mid tbal he
Student Activities; S.O .A., Council o r felt that the number or e&rly momin1
Presidents, Proaram Council, and. the Finance Committee meetinp played a
Beacon Yqrbook .
biJp&rt lnlheeuewith whithlhebudaet
• The total number or undersraduate was passed .


pla,cr in a lfUdilll match.
.. She played really deep, and 101
EVERYTI-IINO back," aald ~101 or
It is her first year oo che



ArantzaSancbcz; second year, also won
at Wentworth in a two-hour, three Kt
match, llDdS&nb Kdlcy; in her rowth

''There are 1ood racilitles for praclk:ina, but tchedulinJ has been a problem.
Some &iris have late classes, work or
otber resporuibilitcs," s.ays l..eYfflson.
''lbcrc is a teal unitY between Prisco,
Tabrorr,Sa.n1os. andOxner,andsoi:nelimc1 that is hard to find . There is a real
leri in lhcir
seuon. The Jut one IJ home qaimt
Emerson Colk1e on October 1~- Th_y
are looklna for a _few more VlClo na
~~re they lay their weary rac.q~ to

Suffolk Goll:

A well kept secret
The Surrotk University Golf Team

1be play in a round-robin tour•
nammt called "The Little Four" with
Brandeis Univmi1y, Clafk Univenhy,
and Worcater Polytehnical lnstitule.
They areCWTCDtly in last place but
Tony F ~ krloWI ii is not because they
"Unfonwwdy, we.don' t always ha ve
5C'lm(U}'lsbow up rorma1cha, usually
only four. Tbero are 5C'len auys on tht.
team bul du,1 Khedula and work mike

il~i:r~~~a:,i:he KaSOII lhefe
were seven people showin1 up ind 1hey
were in second place.
"1!'1cruytofiD.Uhlaitjust because
we have a Lxl:: or students,•• u:ys Farma.
"I know !here are plenty or Suffolk
1tudent1 Iha! are 1otren that don't join
the team . 1•11 be alad to work with anyone. We are constantly lookina ror male
or female players."
Aho, asfarma points out, il'1a area1
opponuni1y to play outst.andinl 1olf
councs. Brandril ii holti111 a match at
Spiq Valley Counuy Club in Sharoa
plalbial COWICS in the United Statet.
O. ()cl0bel'20tbc111Y1arcplayiqin
dlie Ntw EA,.laod l..ntcn::OUqiaU Ool_
~Tow-namcmin NewSeal,ury'.



=:;.•::::.w:nU:':.,:-S~Y~::1'P!:: ~an~8::.~':°i:!:!=~

Tamil Oub. The club hu indoor and
outdoor couru, lhowm a.Dd lockers.
'The match at Wmtworth (Sept. 18)
duriq the amc maich.
"We'n: not totally consiJtmt, But
says LeYenson.
Heatba · Sanu:., a second-semester
frcshmen, b pla)'Ull first for Suffolk. 1

to 1be Allocatloiu Commiuec 10 be
Finally, after the budJct Is endorsed
by the Allocationt Committee, it ii YOtcd
on by the S.G.A. This year, the budJct
passed wi1 hou1 any no 's and only •
When ukcd how be !di abou1 the
budget proccs.s this year, Senior Representad\le Dan Jaehnl& said, ' 'I think the
budaet proccs.s h.u becu excdlenl,
doauncntcd, and people
actually lcamcd how to put pr()pOSW




~-~~~i:: ::~~~~~
i:.~)f,',o~"'· '""""" """"""


Humanities tunes in
to the news of the world

~~•~,t/,:-~oc:; :::.:=:::.~"""' '"•""" ....

The' u1dli1e dish ooivcs broadcasu
The SCOLA Ne1work broa.dcuts
1ehoolsandUnlvenltle11h&l, sublcribe.
The " T .V. OuldeoflheSJcy''lndudes
newsahowlfrommanydivascCOUDtries such .JS Turkey, Qcrmany, Pakb1an,
Croatia, Taiwan,Chile,Czec.hoslo'lllia,
Saudi a AR bi.I, Lithuania, and


On lhe roor o.(the J;cn1on BijiJdi!i&HJS
surrolk's .. Eye on the workt."
Last 1pringtbcUni'lff'litypurclwed a
S&ld.lile dish, funded throu&h lhctoilqe
of Uben..l Ans and Scimces, and a U.S.
Title YI Onm.t received by t he school of
Management for a program In lntertta•
tional Btwnw Studla.

= lheSchool
°:a~~== :;::a•

can copy International new, •hows (in

Students in
whose m.ajon arc lntetnetlonal Business

their original lanJUJ&et) and 1how them
in forci1n lanJU.11( classes.





oflbe fourorpnb.ationl that meet with
1he S.O.A. Finance Cohun.lttee. Then
decide what cuu, If any can b e ~ to


can do 1&, weju,i llavctocuc.olJl IOffll
S48,000TI>li over account which wu
that the ro{I ov-er a000Wlt Is a llddity
account •hi!:h on,;nar.ed in 1981 from
student activities fea and accum ulated
over the years.
The account wu accidentally dis-

:z;:~e~1': =~~:.~.b~:.:J::~~~~it
Ohe account) would we know about

The rm~ bods~ then proc:uds oo.

COOtinutd oa pace ~


Library hours reduced The Tho
due to budget decrease


late hour, he explained, would be there
for a serious pul'l)OK, He WO pointed
out that lat~ hours are,ly cori-

dent assistance at the Mildred F. Sawyer

~~ ~=~

~:t ~t~bo~:

~ I for ~enina"studenlS wbq wort:


''Once upon a time we . incrcued
library houn to midnil,hl durina final

"We had 10 cut out a lot or clerical

examperiods. Thepolicywuabandoned

boob,''Pvt-timcltudcnlem_ployoelare .= . n ~ n' tbavetbelZIOOC)'.' 'said
1be Stepbm p _ Mupt law library,»ebuildiqilopm
I Lm.. to 11 p.m. Mooday tbrou&h
Friday and 9a.m. lo II p.m. on weet.-

a Ver)'. impoitant part or our work
force,ll&aid Hamann.
Pan-time 11.udmt .,Qrten are hired
direct.lybytbtb'brary. Tbepolltionsare


==..~.:-= . ,. . . . .,. ... ·


note!::'!7~aidrtduction, IUI
bows per week haft hem alt from the

ofUbenl Altlud.Sdeacel (a.AS) ad


Hamann dted wtw be called a


::""'~t:."',.:~ :;."':. ~~':': .'.':
~ tcmr:lta' bnab have abo been_
..,.l:larn.aaouidtbal''am.all . . .ber''


Journal News Cover&ge

lawaudeatl laave to UKa libratyorclse


and pull oa

Personal Expen·ences


Massachusetts Law on Sexual



CODdaued oa pace,

Confirmation Editorial

Tbe Suffolk Journal Wednesday October 13, 1991

Tbe Sulfoll< Joarml W ~ y OdDbtr 23, IJ91


e, 1be~.1oten, ii b wron1ofthccoruava1ive ~ i p lousu'?e
Thomas will abide by their wbha. ~ . or pany Jina. The riJh1 w,n1 commericaJ seen acrou 1he coun1ry over the 1ummer anaclr.ina the credlbilil)' of
Edward KeMed Y Joseph Bldm, and Alan Cramton were nothina shprt o r


~o~~~~:ii:~:!:i'~~~i!i.ty or a

finally, at the end, Proreuor Anlla Hi11'1 confiden1lali1rwu comprom_is«I by
an ullSCftlpulous senator and 1he issue or sexual harw men t wu rocketed in10 the
debate. When Hill went public with her accusa tions of sex ual harusme n1 , tht
issue had been 50 clo uded that eve n !ht doso1 1upponed needed a road map to
; find thtir war 1hri>uah the rhetoric.

Both ProfCSSOf HiU and Jud1t ThomaJ art succasfu.l, credible, and repu1ablt
peopk, both from impoverished backsrouods, bolh black, and bolh tnjo)'io1 1upport from friends and collcqua. Thtrt is absolu1tly no reason to
bdleve that dther oot o f 1hem any reason 10 lie about the evenu which
transpired over ttn yan qo and lhtrt is no definite way to prove elt h~ • claims.

11 wua mistakeand Itmembtnor1htjudiciuyc:ommi1tee theIIJ 1odiscredit lht
1estimooy or
was equally wron1 ror mtmbers of
commiuoc: and



l Stnalt to condemn or convkt Thomu 1uilly o r the crime of 1e11ual harusmtnt .

~ Thomas wu nc:ilher rou nd auih y o r innocent . !!, was nol absolved or !ht accu•
\ u1ioM or committina 1e11ual harassment. Subscqumtly, HiU's testimony wu
nevu dcitrmincd 10 bt lt\le and her a«usations where oeytr concretely
l\ substantiactd.

A confirmation of disorder:
What happened to the process?

The testimon, beard br 1he judicia,y comminoc: by both Thomas, Hill, and
their respective suppontn wu equally convindo1 and completdycoo1r1dktory.

The only thioa 1ha11he hearina did accomplis h WU to alt tr tht li ves o f IWO
people, rqardicssof what lht)' mayor may noc h1vedone.

Tht 5UJlple faa is 1he 1
uut over tht Thomu nomination has always been
political. Yes, lhcrt may have been an incident ofsu.ual h,arassmenl. Yts. the
nomination mar be bucd in racial quot u. Yn, auence Tho mu may no1 bt the
most qualiried person for the btnch , Dul the issue has alwa11 been over ldtolo11 Y
»nd politics.
Reprdleu of whttbc, An1ta HIii 1 ,ellini th~ uuth or Oartnce Thomu is

With millio ns of Americans w11chin1 in livi n&color, the UNITED ST ATES
SENAT£ J UDIClARY COMMITTEE confirmed one th ing and one 1hing onlr.
lyi n11 grave injustice has been done to 1hc 1wo of 1hem. They have been linlc
rtdix:cd 10 a Stries ofhish!y publicized accusations. wumptioru., confront111oru. more thlln ponds in I vut political pme of power.

lo~~u'!~!~::!::i-:! ~z:!,':!~!:i:~~ r:~'?he bench, hi, poUiical

Tht only 1ood we hope: 101am from thlJ painful proccu i110 brina mort
:~~~oU::~r~h:fr!;:;:~•1t:n~·~!=~~inoritits, lhc ri1ht of an

idccJlosy, his vkws 00 Cffl&ul issues. Of bis ti«, uc not and ntvtr were impo,1an1. Thomu wu the cbo~'ofthe presidm1 or the United Sla1es and the rccom•
mendation ~or~lf1nalKNllhould have boc:n ~ fo.- t h e j ~ c o ~ t «
,u f0< the proccu. • ·e need druuc rhan1t and we need it now. The Supreme
11,e ooaunaoon bu brO\laht lht worst qualiu~~t o_ftht Amcncan pob!ical
Cou n, 1he proccuof1ppoin1mcnt and conflta,atk>n, and thewa, 1hat the court

systan. The1tfdom KC~, but always present, political ?valry bttw«n tht
~ u ~ Rq>ubl~ hu .~" placed on o_pen display. Tht 1 moun1?~
innuence pohda plays I~ the dtoJ1ons o ~the president hu been almou tmpmcall y
meuured. And1he omnipresent special tn~erest aroupJ have Cllposed !ht am 011 nt
of loflueocc they ~vc on our el«lcd orr~.
~--=l~=-~~e~iffl~-=l~ ~ ~
opinion. Tbe Na1ional MIOCiation for the Ad vanCffllen1 of Colored Ptoplt and
1he NaliolW Or&anization for Women were somt of tht u rongtst voka heard



Tbcir daimt o f a fiflb CO!lKtVltivc juuicc oa 1he Suprtmt Coun would Kl
back civil rishll and restrict a woman's ri&ht to choose were pr~ica.lly
unfounded. The views of an individual art cxld.l)' that, those of the individual.
The job of any judae o r Suprem e Court Justice 11 to determine where an issue or
co nflkt may I~ wllhln tht lttttr of tht law based on th t evidmcc prtse111ed at lht
1ime or hearin1 and not btforc.

ueau the issutsof our ti mt must bt dt-polit iciztd. Wt must not allow tbe coun
10 fall into 1hc con trol o r ovc1-iealous politicians with their ow n poli tical agenda .
The court wu dtsi,ncd 10 i11 m prt1 tht 1
1.,... of tht constit ut ion an d act u 1
balancina check 11ains1 bot h the Conirw and the Executive Branch . Any
(unher politicaliza1ion will draitKallr sh1f1 1he balance of pown in our 1ovcrn•
ment . Chan1e must be ac1uattd now

Lawrence M. Walsh
News Editor

Letters to the Editor

The Suffolk Journal
28 Deme Streel
Boslop, MA 02114
Room 116

To the Eiliior:

Attentionfresh~an class of 1995,
I would like: 1othank all the frahmm ;._ho attended lhe ' 'NochtTropkal·• o n
Friciay, Octobtr II , m i: 1twunioetomtct 10menewfacesfromthe dusof
1995. " Noc be Tropical" wu • difrtrcnt cxpcrieocc for mt. Tbe Spanish cUUlnc
was not my Ulua.l Friday oi&bl dinner but I tried ill 8ecallkofmybodybuildin1
lifest)ie I did ooc uyuyortbedeums but they were,
I espedally would like to conaraiula.L,c Lou Orenawald, Antonietta Siconolfi,
Antonetta Tammaro, Marco Vriart,c, and Javic-r P1.&An (a. k.a . JP) for 1beir danc•
ln&ahow. The combination of the band and tbe OJ mu,ic wu 1ood but unUJual
to bear beatuK I have not had the opportunity 10 hear musk wit h a Spanish bc.11
The DCXt cbaDcc fot 1bt CW$101tt tO&etbtr wiU beon Friday, November I,
1991 . Tbere b a ..Campv.sSpiril" Ratbslr.tlla.r in the SawyerCartttria btt,.·tffl
4:JO and 7:JO p .m. A Ratbskdlar is an afternoon pany that is free: of chu1c for
Surrolk studcou. Music is provided by a local OJ and the Pro,ram Council orrm
free food . It will~ a chance 10 get 1h tclu1 to&ethtr and show our campus spirit .


........ a.,......,


Wt mus, noc ho111·t\·tr bt na1 ~ccnou1h 10 believe that ..-c w!I I have a completel y
polilicall,- neutral coun, but 1ht conservatives and liberals m\151 understand that
chan1c and conflict is healch. Wt muu not bt trklr.ed into btlicvin1 a cha nae in
1hecoun wiltmeanachan1e1n 1heAmtria.n way of lift. What we1hould
demand is that 1hc: coun 1rea1 each of the Issues tha1 come btrortthtcoun rm1,.
1u111, altd in according wi:h the Conslitution o f tht Unilcd Scates.

Tbe Sufl"olk}oW' is the off
Kial IICWSpapcr oftbe campus community and

the produalon or the Jo urnal. The views Cllpressed in thcs,c paaes ue in no
way meant 10


fleet th OK of the school'• adminlstral.100.


Edllorlal Board


Spons Editor . . . . . . . . . .
Associate Sports Editor . .

. :::.~;:~~i~~~

. ................. Paul Ring
. ..... . ... NicoleOeSisto
Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . .
Candida Ferreira
A~ r y Board ............ . ... : : : :
Richard P. Preiss,
Dr . Gerald Richman , Wendy Sanford


Slaff: Patnc1a C~bb, A_ ~rey E. Daly, Christine FiU&crald, Jodi Oa14e,
~v!~r!~~ ~ :~~1~:'sr:~~1i1!:S:r=.our.;t ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~
1nrn1, Jenmfcr WalJ.



Sexual Harassment

Two Women.,s experiences
by Anonymous Staff Writers

Time won't heal the wound
rub lotion on my back, 111yiq u be did
"Let'1 DOt tell your mocher about
I have 1ina: talked 10 other sirb wbo
wotked (o.- blm and ,ottca similar
I, ror one. would lite 10 1han k Anita respon.KI rrom chem when I uk what
Hill. Htr allqatlons, whtthtr they were they trunk of him. " Pen-ert"wu a recut•
true Of not (wt will probably ncvtr rina term used to detcribt the: doctOf. ·
the whole story). brou1ht 1hc issue of
Now, five ycan later, I know what be
1e11ual harassmffll in1 0 the media SJIOI· did WU wroq. At the tlw it hapliahc, and into the conscience of tbt pened tbouab, I WU merdy coo fused . I
na1ion .
doa'1 knowwbetba-ornot ''Dr. Smith''
wu aware of the kriousnas and wrona•
Sexual harwment in tbe workplace is nw o r hb actlom. Thal 11 why it LI JO
10mtthinJ that IOCiety has been aware or impottut that womea and men be
fo.-qu1teawhile, but it is10mttbiqlhat awue thal they can, and must 1peak up
n«ds 10 bt addrcued in a suoqtr wa,. if they feel !hey art brio& ICllually
I' m sure lhtre were many women in the harassed .
week durina; the 1tnaie hcarinss that
Women must be given a wider an d
foundthemselvei 1hlnkln1backupona more acccptln& around upon which to
certain male tmployu they may have mate· their complalnu. MllllY people
woc-lr.d:I for that made s1iah1KXUaJ com• found it bud 10· beUcv,c Anita Hill,
menu Of insi nuations Iha! the)' jUJt because she did oot brln& up bu allcpmierdy brushed orr, even thouah It made tioos until 10 ycan laltr. Wdl, I have
than feel uncomfortable. I found myself never told anyone of my o:pcritoccwitb
in the same u.ncomfortablt .situation, bu1 " Dr. Smith," with tbe o:ceptioo of
chose to lport ii.

maybe two close friends . ..
Al 1ht 1.1~ of 17, my senior yea, of haraamc:al is embarulina- It is
hish tchool, I 1ot a job porlr.i.ns for a evco more difficult fOI" women. becawe
chitopraao,- in the aftffllOOns doioa intoch.y'1IOCW!ylfisinevl11bktbat the
rettptioni.u work. " Dr. Smith" wu a accusation that the woman 10mebow
"brou&ht It OD htr1tlr ' will be brou1h1
up, orUWlhebtryinatoteekJusticefo.offerlna to &Ive m)'ldr and anyoneebc lo some wroa.a or rejecdon dooe 10 bu by
my family a free exam ud•chiropractk
Anita Hill bu brouabl lbe issue of
• d i : t : • : ~ ~ mfonabk
5Cl1UI baraMmcnt to the forefront, ud
when " Dr. Smitb" wouJd &Ive mt itmustbeaddraled. Mmm UJtbemadt
impromptu •boulder musqes while I aware that acdom Neb as tbeooes ' 'Or,
wu 1ittiq at my desk. 1ben came the Smith'' made are DOI accq:,tcd, ud will
KJ1ual ins.inuatiom. He wowd ask me not be tok:nilcd. Sexual baru&mm.1 ii a
thlnJS aucb u .. What do you and your stictysubjecs,butwithtbeopmb)aupof
friend,: do at pattiel - sexually. I communkatlom la tbe wo,kplace and
One day while the "the dOCtor" was hopefully It can be crfc1cdvtly addreaed
aivina mt an adjv,1mtnt, he decided 10 inlhefu1urc.
Now thal Judie Thomu is Justice
Thomas. I hope that Anita Hill is not
looked back upon in history u LM
woman who stood in hb way.




Anita, you are not alone
I had been hopin,: that O&rcncc
Thomas would not be conrumed, different reuom. I fdt that tbe
allqatlom apinst him s.bouJd never
have come under public scrutiny oor
1umed Into a media carnival, but I also
saw that the allcpl1ons were 1triou,
tnous.l) 10 a.a invcstlption.
What madf: me aa,ry wu that Tbomu
did OOC see I.hat. Ht thoqbr IO liUlc of
the p.-oomlin.p that be did ooc even
llslm 10 the testimony of Anita Hin. A
{ : ~ ; ' : , ~~1dhavcllfUltedlobear
ButTkomubnotajudidalmaa. He
accused the .enatc or • tcdmok>a;lcal
lyachina and the p,cu rcvaberatcd 1h11
hearloa. He~Hillofl)'llllandlhc:
prw pondered reasons why sf!e mlaht
lie. People who never met Hill, nevtt
thu: whole ..tblna naned, speculated
about her motivations.
She WU jcalou, or Tbomu, IO she
lled. She UI cmotioaally unstable, IO &he
made ii up, odinal:ln,cd the..-bole thlna.

bim to llOp. He couldn't undentand that
l'dalrcadydooethat. Wbmltalizedbe
wasn't aoloa: to bdp. I pve up. Aad I
asked him not to say aoytbln&.
Now I can jlllt picture tbe ICeDt If I
wue ever to ao further wttb my com•
plaiat. l 'dbelyncbedjmtuAllitaHill
wu lynched.. They'd uk what I did to·
dclerve dlil, wby I didn't lptU up
IOOOet, why I dido'! wilt that my boss
do somcthins. TbcJ would not under·
= ~ ~ .Intimidated I felt, how
Most importaal1y, boweycr, arc my
fears that Ir I 10 oa wi!b thb, I will be
looked at u the pubUc bu kloted at
Anita Hill. I' m noc. emotionally uo 11ablt, l'mnotallu, I' m not Jealous of
him, I don't lust after him. Bue, lib Hill,
I Have oo lrrdutable proof. I bave no
witncua. PciopkwillaeverlootaiHm
thtsamenyapia. ldon't waat~.
I' ve come to dap(,c ,ola, to wort. I
dread aecia,: thil man. S1Doe lbe coclflr.
madoa- bcariap lane blipm, be'1 bocome more.subtle ia bla abwe. I've

::!i~~~=~: =~=:=~
I hat HiU WU aqry because Tbpnw oo,c of a limited pool of 1ucca,ful,
powttfW, healthy, rich blact, men m.uricd a white woman.
I had hoped~ Clarenoc: Tbom&J
would aOl be conf"ir:mcd because I
wanced to see that the ploy oftllamlna
the would oot ,irort this tlmt,
wbcntbeltak•ueJOhish. Jhadboped
that be would DOI be confirmed bec:aule
10 few peof>lelfflD to realittjlllt bow



I would appear absurd and lnatio~ If I
were to bit hb band away or tdl him 10

r ve coafidcd in oa,e penon ,- my
mom. ShethloksicwouJdbctoodrudc
10 file a complaint. She tbiau 1 &bowd
(mdlDOlberjob. llovemymomdearty,
but lt 's,ootthate.y. lbavebca!tbud
tlfeinlw'ancewhc:relwork. l ' mbmltcd
la the pemJoa plaq. I baV;e two weeltl of
YKatioaaadtwopenoaalda)'l pcryar,

:U.hlch~wc;'or~~~.~ - =

sill on the hlabcst court lo 1h11 1ood money. I wu recently promoted
nation. )t 's a queatk>n oftile importad:.e and I '.ve been 1okl I have the potential to
ofawoman·whoajt1ata deskloartrm kcepmovlna¥P•
and has been ~ y ~
•by her
And the duaifiedJ uen.'t euctty
WW ab,c come forward ao1'7 Would days. I'm la my am1or ,-, • Sl&ffolt
you?Would l? Icaoonly__.tbelut aodmynw:aberoaepriorityil.,._.
hi&, I doa'.t baw time Ill OM" T\MUIWeril DO.

q:aln. I llave twb.,wcry 1PK1fk

~-~C~e!~~:;:: ;:,:J.~~~•t lO ,


prasedbimxlfqainltme. l ' vetoldhim
OOI to touch me. I've told him OOI to
q,eal: 10 me. I've tried iporina him,
talklnatohim, tt:UOllmlwilhbim, ydJ-.
The ruw iOSWl came wbc:n. fiadia.a
me alone iD tbeofficc, be shul tbedoor
(wllk:blocb frCIIDtbeimidcaadtbeout·
8'de aad cuae up bdamd me, reacbed
aroud IQ Did: Mid tried to force his
baDCb down-., llbalc. I bad 10 wrestle
I can't dacrlbebowaqry I WU, bow
u,ry lamand bowem~thllll
lO wriic:. lt'J why l'waaked my name not
lO bepubllabedwilb tbiludde.


people I've beard la my


accua Allita Kill ofbem& 1 vlndktlvt,
lyiq bi&di, tdl me the same t.ta,'?
riahl thiaa aad rillt myOW11 repalalioe
and job? Sbould l kmi,qwel aadlllffaaadbopethilmaarillUddieelyliua
wbc:a I tell him not Or allout I live up
alJ baadka I
yean or -.rd wort aad dadicadcm to a


I'm aOl sayiaa thaa If ClarcDce

nonw bad DOl been COAftnned 1111,)'0(

ti..q\ladoalwouldbl......t. S.
WbalbaYa·ldoDtaboutthil? ltold lamo.waaa. llmato ddakllow
myboll,wbolllllClllodthatltomebow manyllka•wt . . . toclowbltlam
IDOl:tlikdy . . . todo: liOlhbla,



11ffolk _Journal Wednesday October '13, 1991



Student Reactions

., Thoinas ConfirJ!lati_ n

tal Harassment
Tomen's experiences
by Anonymous Staff Writers

: wound
11 1cU your mother abou1
: talked to oth~r &iris who
kim and aottcn similar
m them when I uk what
um. " Pervert" wu a recur•
a . At1hc1imc1hat i1hap,lwumcrdyconrused.
hethcrornot ''Dr.Smith''
the aeriousneu and wrong•
lions. That is wh y h isso
11 women and men must be
~ can, and must speak up
they arc being leX IIIIII)'
ut be given a wider and
Jg ground upon which to
omplain!•• Many peoprc
d to bdlevc Anita Hill,
idnotbrin1uphcralleg1+}'Qls latcr. Wdl, I have
" with thC o:ception of
.sunentilcmban.ssin.a. It is
iat the woman somehow
n hmclr' will be brought
: istryin.atoJCCk justice for

Anita, you are not alone
I had been hopin1 that Cla.rcnce
Thomas would not be con finned, for
many different reasons. I felt that the
allqa tioru aiains1 him should never
have come under public scrutiny nor
turned int o a media carnival, but t also
saw that the allc111ions were serious
cnouah 10 · warrant an invcstiption.
What made me anarY was 1hat Thomas
did not see . He thouahl so linlc of
the proettdinp that he did no1 even
listen to the tcs1 imony of Anita Hill. A
judidal manwould have wanted 10 hear
both sides, riah1?
ButTho masis not a judicialman. He
accUKd the senate of a technological
lync.hln,: and the prcu reverberated this
accusation throuaho11t the hours of the
hcaring. Hcaccu$CdHilloflyiqandthc
press pondered reasons why she migh1
lie. Pco·ple wh o never met Hill, never

He 1u11es1ed I talk to the man and tell
him to stop. He couldn't Wldcntand OW
J'dalrc:adydonethat. Whealrcaliz.cdhe
wasn't goin1 to help, I gave up. And I
asked him not 10 say an)'thinJ.
Now•I can ju51 picture the scene if I
were ever to 10 funhcr with my complain!. I' d be lynched just as Anita Hill
.,u lynched. They'd u k what I did to
deserve this, why I didn't speak up
sooncr,why l didn ' t insist lhatm yboss
do somcthina. They would not undcrstand how intimiducd I felt, how
Most imponantly, howeve r. ate my
fears that if I go on with this, I will be
looked at as the public hu looked at
Anita Hill. I'm not emotionally un stable, I' m not a liar, I'm notjulowof
him, I don't Iwit after him. But, like Hill,
I have no irrefutable proof. I have no

=~~;: ~=~~~:!':,!; =



1 .11
I've come to dapise aoing to wort. I

abou1 her motivations.
She wu jealous o f Thomas, so she
lied. She It emotionally umtablc, so she
S~ lusted a fter Thomu and be -1hc
moral he ls - 1purned her ad·
vanca, so lut week wu pl)'•back time.
A caJlcr to a talk lhow evm 1\1Uc5led
that Hill wu &n&l)' because Thomu one o f a limited pool of suoccssful,
powdful, healthy, rich blac k men marriedawhitcwoman.
I had ho ped that Clarence Thomas
would not be confirmed becallJC I
wanted to see 1h11 the ploy of blaming
the victim would not "ork this ilinc,

drC&;d secin,: this man. Since the co nfir•
rnal.ion bcario,r ha Ye bqun, he's •
come more su btle In bb: abusa. I've
asked him not to touch me - now hc'U
rest a hand on my 1bou.ldcr momenwily
or tome up bchmd me and squeeze the
backofmyna::k. Tothcrcst oflhco.fficc
I would appear absurd and im1ionaJ if!
were to hit his hand away or tdl him to
I' ve confided in one person - my
mom. She thiD.U ii would be too drutic
to me a complaint. She 1binb I should
find another job. I Jovcmymomde:arty,
but it's not that cuy. I have health and

ed. Sexual b.araument 'is a
, but with the opeoloa up of IO few people aecm to realiu just ho"
on, In the workplace and hiah the1taltcsarc. lt'1 not a question of
conceruiq the subject, the imJl()rtaoccand inOucnoe ofa man
m be effectively addrcucd who sill o n the highest coun in this
nation . lt'1 a qucstk>o.oftbc importanoe
ofa "oman who 1it1 at a desk in a_
and has been 1U:ually harassed by her
bouo,-aoo-wo rker.
Will she come fO(War~ now? Would

vacation and two pcnooal da)'I per year,
which I've "orked ro,. I've been with
tood money. I was recent ly promoted
and I've b«o tol<l I have ihe potential to
movin,: up. ,
And the dusHicdl aren't cuctly
daY,:. I'm In my lfflior year at sutrol.t


bu brought the issue of
ment to the Corerroot, and

=-.:«uch~::~·ern ;~~h;=~~50co~ t~~ ~~~=n;t~ ~':!:,~::;:~

:'Jt1~:~~?~~u':;1~~werlhclast .-::


The aaawcr It no.
_ .
...,.i:n. I baYe two very specific needs: a
1bcre b a man that I work with tbaJ. wo,t ICbedulc that com~mt, my

has uked me.-,_bcn we arc aoina to "do dul tchedulc and u houri)' WI.IC 1bal •




~ ~ r m t ~ ~ • t afford to
pressed himsdfq.ainst me. I' ve told him
not -to touch me. I've 1old him not to pcop~ l ' Ye heard ui my claucs, who
speak 10 me. I've tried iporina him, aocusc Anita Hill ofbdq a v:lndktiYe,
tal.ting to him, rcasonin,: wi1h him, ycll- Jyin,: bitch, tcU me lhc same l.hina?
In,: 11 him.
Should I do what I kDow b probably the
The final insult came when, fiodiD&
own repuWion
me alone in the o moe, he lhut the door ·
quiet and 1uffer
1uddcDJy lilten
side and came up behind me, rcacbed
abowd I a:ivc up
~ d my neck and.tried to fotc:C his all the benefit, I have pmercd from
hancb down my blouic. I had 10 wrcsllc ycan or bard wort and dedb.don lo a
wlthbimtopthisbandla1n.yftommc. companyand1tttlcf0f°10mcchina"=uio
I can't dacribc bow aqry I WU, bow pay and per.ks.
&Alf)'l&mandbowcmbamwi.nalhilil I'm not uyin.a that If Clareac:c
1olmtc. l1'1why l' Yeukcdmyoamenot Thomas had DOI becncoofirmed~of
to be publilbed with thb ardde.
tbcse quatiom would beauwered. But
What havC-1 dooc about thb? I told I am OM ~ . 1 bate to thmk how
my bou, whosuucmd tbaJ. I somehow many like me arc ,olaa to do what

. The rci::cnt Claralcr: Thomu nomin.a•
tion hcarinp affected mOlt Amcdcans,
and studcnU on the Suffolk University
Clnlpd¥1GeOOocq,lioo:. Mlll)'sndcrl.1
had very cornmcnu to make
A ruidom poup cl SlUdcns O D ~
were u kcd whether or not Claraloe
Tbomu abould have been confirmed.
While men were ahnosl equally divided
in tbdr , to this iuue, most
women felt that he should not ~vc been
One student said, " I disqreewithhiJ
comervativc idcolotY,' ' and anOlhcr
added, " I don't lhlnt be had tbe qualifications, tbe bacltarowld, or the o:pcriencc for tbejob."
The m011 vocal AuckoU ftl't: those
who oppqaed OareDcc'Iboaw:.
''l careverymix:htbatTbomuilnow
ajustkeoathc·Suprcmcc.ourt. l'm\lcry
nervous about the powio&c:omervatism
in the U .S. ," a student laid. Another
.added, ''Civil ria,buandwomc:n'•issucs
arc beinaput bide ~ycan:. I II.ill want to
bi!>" if be'• aoing to uphold Roe v.
Some 1tudenu kit that Thomas wu
100 vque dw'ina his nominal.ion hearinp. " HcmUJt have~ opinion. He lied
when be·aid be had no opinion," one
Audcot said o r 'Tbomu' ucrtion tbaJ. Ile
hadnoopioinoooRocv. Wadc. Anothef
-added, " Hca11oldlevuyquationbc is
asted. How can be be a Ju.cite 6n .the
Supreme Court without an opinion?"
Many Audentl bad an opinion OD
Tbomu' qualifta:atiomforthe~

b.aruamml. " I don't lhiJi'k ahe made it


took it more scrioully than be did," and
"I don' t think these charges could just
come out of the blue."
Oocstudenl Cdttlw. ' 'shcwulooki.q
for a relationship with him, and when he
rebuked her, 1be tot mad." However,
another added, ' 'I cannot imqincanyo ne doiq what 1he did ror no rcuon.
h'1jUS1 notsomcthiqyou blow off the
rcstof)'OW'filcfor, uolcssyou mean it."

Hill', I""kofp,oofw., qwt<an w "'


JANUARY 24, 1992



crcdibk, there wu 1ubstantial. doubt

Aa:ordiD& to the MCAD, however,

many ...,. m,01,.

,.,ba! ''"...'"

~:'~~.~;:~,;,''." doeu=t It,"


===~~';:1:!:; ~~~:r~~.~



·state's harassment-law
This UI MasuchUldU' law aovcmi.n,: i!]Y « implicitly a ten:n or c:onditon o r
ICIIW baraumCDt in the workplace: anploymentor••ballit(orcmployment
· ~
. OcoenJLawOip. l,1B,Sectioo • decisiom:(b)ax:bM\IIJICU,rcquestlior



·ua1•1 wort pcrfonamoe by crcatio, an

crbnlnldm m the bMil or ~ shall

of-=taadvam; ..indudc, bat aot be timhed 10, sexual

," '

Sponsor~ by Program Council

~=:1.!~ '----'"-....;,_______________,





e.c:.~=::- ~~



However, one MCAD case, (ilcd in

~~!~':!.:"' o beud '"
M.any~fdt that Hill
n.9t treated

barassinenl seriously, and who canno t ·
even bavc,coocepc.ionorbowil fttltto
be a woman and be suually haraucd .
These men are totally iporant of the
psycholoa of it all, the Pl)'CholOIY or
wbmenuvic:tima.' '
have made a diffcrmc:e ~ it wun'1
Another Audcot disqrced. "I think
provm ••• ffOWCYcr. another c:ommcotcd
that this WU a diffcrmt td of circum- she sot just what ahe deserved." However, DOI evaybody fdt thb way. Other
ataooel from a oowt of law, which made
thcialltevmmorea:,mplicated..'"lbe atudmlsadded, :•No, &be WU nottrel1ed
wbolelluna·wu10oonfulcd,ad10c:oo-, filrly. Sheil a quite upltandioa woman,
whoec lire bu btto altered by this.
fllliq,'' &bac:ommenud- ''Tbcs.;nateis
1bomu expected to be 11tacked, U a
Supreme Court nomiocc. She dido 11,
Otbcn fdt more auonaJ y about i_t.
·•~ Iona u thac.UI rc:uooable doubt . and shouldn't have ' been." Many
about his IMOCCDCC, be 1houldii't be studenU fell that the Senate dealt with
appointed," a lludcnt said. "Wba.J. WC
should oot have been made public. '' It's
occd and 5boukl blvc for oui Supreme
not faironbcrorherfanilly. Somebody
CourtillOIDCORCWboUlfairan4, b00Clt
and rapa:tful ot diffCffllt poupa .or meuedup."
One lludcnt rdt tha1 1hc entire iss ue
''I wouldn't fedcoofldcotcoofumioa; wu,not tar'"en seriously. " I believe 1be
himulolllutbereW&1a(I\ICalionor WU ban.ued. Ir she WU offmd'ed by
Tbomu' tdvanca, that ahou.Jd be it,"
doubt u to · wbat bappmod. I know
Uw'1 DOC fair, but it'1 too import&lll a Thb view m.irron the shift C the law ·
wbic:h is evidmccd by three court rulings
R()lition. "
Almolt all the •udenu intaviewcd
fdf tbaJ. there ·wu .ome aubawace to
A.nila HSl'adlkna. They fc:l tt.t • ~ tlm tmaa1 baraumen.t &houJd bcjudaed bad bappaied.." y4 dilqrood from· a . woman'• and not a man'1,
onlywladheror DOC it c:&itit1ltcd ae:xuaJ • ~ c.



Registrar's office organizes
advising,registration fair



Student Rtactions

by lknadtcte Smytb

., Thomas· Confirmation
. The rci:ml QarmccTbomu nomination bearinp arfcctcd m01t Americans,
and studcnt1 on the Surrolt Un.ivmity
bad VttJ sip.incant 00111DlC111.1 10 ma.Ice
on all paruo(tbcproceu:.
A ramb:n pq, datldcmsoa~

were utcd whether oc not Clarence
Thomu shoukl have bcco confirmed.
While men were almost equally divided
in lhdr n:sponst' to lhil W:uc, most
womco/dt that hc 1hould no1 havebciefl
One student &aid, ''I dilqroe wilh Im
conacrvativc ldeoloCY," atld another
added, " I doo' I thmt be had the qua.Iiracadons, the backaround, or the experimoe r01 tbejob.''
Thc most· vocal 1tuder11s wen thOK

who o ~ Clarence Tbomu.
" lcarevaymiacbthallbomu iJnow

a jusdoeonlheSuprancCourt. l'mvay
nervous about the powiqcomcrvalism
in the l,1.S. ," a stl.ldcnt said . Another
added, "Ovit riahts and women's iu\tCS

baraumeut. " I don ' t think &be made it
up. Somettima happcnod, '' one 11udent

For !he JCCODd semester runniq, the

sald. Commeou lnduded, "She just'
toot it mon: ICriouily than he did,·· and
" I do n'ttbinkthaechar1e1could just
com!i outortbe blue.''
Oncstudentfdtthat "shewaslookina
for a rc:wionship with him, and when be
rcbutod bcr,-ahc sot mad." Howcvct,
another added, " I c:aruiot lm.qinc ID)'·
one doina what the did ror no reason.
l1 '1 jus1 no1somethio1 you blow o rrthc
rest of your life
unless you mean it.' '


Hill 's lad:orproorwuquitca.n iuue

for Suffolk studtnlS. Many felt that
while both Thomu and Hill were very
credible, there wu substantiaJ doubl
around the mtirc ts.sue. " I bclieyc bet,
but W had no pcoof," one student said.

rqistrar'1 off,oe bu orpnizod ID AdvislnJ and Rqisuatioo Falr in the Sawyer


JANUARY ·2 4, 1992

OF $500.00 - WINNER TAKE ALL!!

somcdocumenlatloo .''
Accordfo,1 10 the MCAD, however,
m.lDY cues involve verbal cxchanJes
withnowitneues. ''lo that cue, women
lhollJd tdl IOm«IOC - a fricad, a family
member, a la.,-cr. Jusc docu=1 it ,"


one student l}IUCSted.
arcbdnaputblct50)'ell1. lllillwantto
HIU'1 dd1y in comina rorward was
know ir hc'1 aoina to uphold Roe v. aboanis.suc.." Jobornojob,&he:shou.Jd
have come rorward cattier. I haveahud
Somcst~u rc11 that Thomas was
1imejustir}'Ullhnwaitin, I0yean. ''
too vqik durina hb nomination hear·
Howcvn, one MCAD cue, filed in
inp. " Hemusthavunopmioo, Hcu,t
Boston 8 years qo, was on!y heard in
whm be said be had no opinion,'' ooe
Fcbnwyo!this year.
studmt aid ofTbomu' asation that be
Many rdt that Hill WU DOI ueued
hadnoopioiononlloe:v. Wadc.Aftotbcr
rairly. " AnitaHWwuno1uca1ed rairly
·addeil, "He1voldseveryque1tion heh atall, butshewuOUtedu l wou.ldhave
ukod. How can be be a judJe on the
expected I woman to be Uealed by a
SupmneCounwithoutan ofl.lUOn7''
Jl'OllP ofmm, who do not take KXUII ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
M&Dy student• had ID opiWOo on
harusmcru seriously, and who ca.nno1
cvm haveaconccptionor bow it feels to
Cowtjudaepolitbl, wbkb tbcc:haraes
be a woman and be sexually harassed.
brou&ht by Anita Hill did liltlc to These mm arc lotally igDOraot or the
. clwlae. Oncstudentaid, '' ltaboukln'1
Pl)'Choloaofit all, the pa)'Cho&os:yof
haV"Cmadcadiff'ermc:ebecau.eilwuo.'1 womeouvictims.' '
prow:o.'' HOWYG, ancthcrcommeotcd
Another Sludmt diJqrccd.. ''I think
that thu wu a dlfferml let otcin:um- 1he &otjust what ~deserved ." Howltanca rromacouno(law, whkh made
ever, DOI everybody felt 1h11 way. Other
theiuuecveo mon90CDplicuod. ''The
studcnlladdcd, ''No,lhcwunottrcaied
wbolethm&wu10coofmed,ud10mofairly ,Sbeilaquiteupsaodi.qwoman,


~ ~ o ~-•~

Program Council


= - - l i ~ e d ~ : = ~ k ~ . ~~
Supreme C.Oun nommtt. She didn't,
and fflou.ldn't have been." Many
lludeou feh that the Senate dealt with
lhcluue badly and that, for her sake, it
1houklnothavcbeeomade public. ' '11'1
not (aironherorhn family. Somebody
meaod ut,."
One stlfdffll fdl thll lbc entire iuue
' ' lwouldn' I ((9COIUidmtCODfirmin.a
.... not taken Mriollll y. ''I believe me
llim 1,1 Iona u then wu • qucsuoo or wu haruaed. If •be wu orrenc1cc1 by
doubt u to J"t:iat . bappeoed. 1 ·koow Thomas'. adyanc:a, that should be ii,"
that'• not , buL lt:1 100 impo,wita Thls vtew minor, lhc shift In 1he law
AhaoSI all the studcnU interviewed on1Ul..Wharaummrsorar1~ycar. ln
rdt that thtte wu 10me JUbltanoe lo C:Kb or these cua, the c:ouna i:ssatcd
Anil.aHiD'1daiml. 'Jbcyfdr.lhat''a - - lhactaualbaruamentlhouldbcjudgcd
thi.q had happmed," 'aad ~ from· a . w~man•• and no1 • man's,
oalywbetberor not it COllltit~ ,auaJ pmpcctJvc.
Otbcn fdt more 1uona(y about it.
"~ Joa,: as !here is rcuooabk: doubt
about his inDOCCDCC, be shouldn' t be
appointed," a student said. ''What we
need IDd 1bould have for our Supreme
Courtistome0newboUI f,#andl\ODCSt
and rapoc1fol or dlftnmt II0UJlll o f

ICXlW baraumeot lo !he workpqce:
<M-. OenmlLawChp. ISIB,Secdon

ltly or implicitly a term or axiditon or
employment or • a basis for miploymcrit
deddons: (b) 1ucb advanca, req~ or
coodua have the purpoae or eITcct of
·ua1•1 wort performance by at.llina an
lmiauclatiq,boltilc,,auaDy ofTau.:ive wort cnvironmetit, Dil~ oa lhe basb: of tci lhall
iDdude. ~..not be tlautfd lo, ICXual

from each departme111 lo the Cafe at all
times durin1 the time alJOCltcd for this
advWq," saidLIJly,
Many freshmen and ttaN(er studcnu
wu~cnremdy frustrated by the walk-in
r , resistralloo p"rooedu,c which they went
lhrOllah lut AUl\lll, it is intended
that rqistratioo for IJ)rina counes will
In an effort 10 clarify the process for
nCW 11udents, Lally explained that all
n udenu fflou.Jd fint let up an appoin1men1 with their advisor and choose their OncethelCheduleba.pproved,
the ad viso r lips the rc&istration form,
and lhe ttudtol delivers lhc 1igoed form
10 thr S1udeo1 Ac:counu' office in
Sawyer 751.

Undergraduate Day Students will pick up thei r rcglsuation packctl
In the Registrar's Office acrordjng lo the follo~ schedule:

Senion: Oct. 21
Sophomores: Od. JO

Junior,: Oct. 29
fhshmm: Oct. 31

Evening, cf"rxtuatc, and CAPS SIUdents will receive thell' Registration PackelS via the mail begiMlng October 21.

Faculty a dvisors will be in the Cafeteria for a d visina on
November Sand 6 from 10 a.m. Jo I p.m.

SU student health _
byCluildM n.,_w

State's harassment law
nil is MulachllldU' law SoVmllJI.I

Cafcteria for lluden U wilhiq 10 have
Aa:ordiaatoMa,y Lallyotlhe Rqi.s•
1rar'1 orllcc, \he idea orbaviq ad vison
from each dcputmCDt allocate houn lo
spend II advisiq: tables In the Cafe is
relatively new.
" This Is only the ICCOnd semester we
havedooethis,''she 11Jd .
This Fair Is bcinJ held In addition to
any extended omcc bo u.rtthll ad:vison
will offer during the Advislns and Rqi,,tratioo period, which btJin.s on Nov. 4
and ru n, through to Nov. 20.
The Advilina and Rcsistration Fair,
which will 1ate place on Nov. Sand 6
from 10 1.m. 10 1 p. m., is designed 10
a.s1 is1 lhOK studenu who may have 1
sc hedule which ma¥cs ii difficult for
1hcm 10 fil into departmental advisina
houn, and for ,tudtoU who have ques1ioca rcprdin.a other dcputmeot counc:s
wtudl may fulfill thmdq,-oe ~
"For ex.ample," says Lally, "SOM
studmu must do a departmental CODCCD•
tratlon In I Ubcral Arlt area."
easy acccu 10 advison from all CLAS
dCJ\lftmrou, in addition 10 advison
fromthdrownMajor. ltaboallowsper•
son.s Ul tcrCllod in a minor 10 explore the
various departll)Clltl, and ut question.s
about courses and mlnor requiremcou .

If a student bu a probkm meetlq his
or her advbor'1tcboduk, ud fccb COD•
fident !hat the courses they havechOKD
menu, thiy mly have any other faculty
member in ~ dcpart.mcot sip their
rorm. This can be done by aoinadircctJy
to the drputmcn1, or c.omina to the
Advbioa Fair in the Cafe.
However,' LaUycmphuiust.beiQ'lportanoe or 1peatio1 with an adviloi .
" We want to enc:ourqe lludcnU l0
uscthciradvilon,' ' &besald, add.iqthat
a d ~ become funiliar with thdr
11udcnu and can be a bi& bdp to them
duriDI their academic life.
" My KllK b tlw while the Adviliq
Fair is &ood for alcrtioa studcou to the
need to rq:istn, the real hard wort is
done with lheiradvilor,'' Frederick
Marchant, a profeuor lo the Humanl1ic:s
Department . He added 1bat be trieJ to
make it known to bis n udcnu that be is
available CVtfl' 1fitn1000 if they need
Man y (acui ty advbon will have ex•
1codcd 1dviJ.ina hours 10 facili111c
studmu. In addition, the School of
Mana1micn1 will have peer 1dvisin1
ho un1vail1ble.
"Individual ruulty members lry to
make themsdves more available du.riq
have 1be same time commitmcoU as
before," said Dean Peter Sartwell.
Muchant added a pkce or advice ror
1tudcou trying desperately to find their
" When you ealJ the office and the advisor ll oot tbcre, be1urc 10 Jeave a messqe In their mailbox or with the dq,art•
mcn1 kQ"cta,y, livtna iour phone
nwnber.and atimcyouc:anbercachcd,''
be said. ''The advisor will call back.''
Rqlstration will run.. from .Nov. 4
lhroul,b Dec. 17. Durina the initial
period, upto.Nov. 2.0, tberqbtrv'aof•
ficc will booordaa priority. 'Ibll means
that all 1CD.ion rqistcria,a duri.rla thb
ova juolon, jun.ion over 10phomores,
and aopbomora ovn fruhmen . ,\lier
Nov. 21 , bown"a, rqistratioo will be
done on a first come, fim KrVcd basis,
rcaardleu of c1us ltalUI.
Lally 1uuens that 11udenu rqis1cr as
early u possible. "The tooner yo u act
you.r rqiatrwon form in, the better
dwlcc you have of aettina your first
sdcc:tioo clu&a," she said. She also
added, " Make 1ure that you cbooK the
OOUr1C1 you wam and oeed, to avoid havina lo make adjustment lo )'OW' schcdyle


OnOcll:iba-9, bmw


t'llintto . . . . . rd91CIDffifVwigb,ld.




Thckey1011a)'Ullhdlthy isaauccessful bc.althmaintmanccprop'l.m, Tohdp
, mdcnunaybcalthy, Suffolk University
orren a student health loAtancc plan
and theJCMCl!;oftheunlvcnity'1 heahb
..,.,oder Massac.busetu law every fulltime collqc nudent ( ~ for oioeor
morrerediu) mun"becovmdbybcalth
in.surana::. Since many n udmu do DOI
quallry for in.surancc 1hloush lbeir
cmployer1, Suffolk Univmity orrm an
inexpensive, comprehensive health plan
underwrilleo by Joh.o Hancock Life
1 -.
In Musacbusetu, the amount of
money 1pcot on health cue is 25 pcrqcnt
uab is aho hi&bet.
In an cffon to keep health inlwuce
down and aid llhldeotl with the admio.J.
1tratioa oflheWUJ'IDClllclalmi, Surro1k
opcBtes ltl own beatth cllu:.•
The Health ~ Off1Ct1,·1ocatect

on the fuu floor or the Fenton Buildiq.
offm the 'basic health servica that one
· wowd ....f!Dd in• moa health 110p1 and

emcq,eacyrooms. Anystudad•sutrolt


may u,e the serviocs. providoJ by the
reprdlai ofthcir health
Al,_many IIUdeou know, Health Ser_
lca ol'tm a wide variety of proaranu
iocludina• ca.wion CWICI,
dru1 a.nd alcohol awarcncu daues,
AIDS IWVCIICSI Pfl)lfamJ, discribution
of binb control, and conduelina: CPR
tninina. Unknown 10 many ii tbeotbn
scnic:aand rapomibitida: ortheomcc.
Hcallh Scrvfoeib rapoulbic for the
admbmtratioa or u.nivenky health

budp(, Jmmwm:atioa.pqrml,Mdact- ~ ~atina Joa of the unlvrnlty'1 reccot lotervicw, ICareD Maney, Heakb:

ina 11 • mediator for cWma dbputa bee·
M:a the imurucc CCllllpUYJ ud the

Health Sc:nica ii DOI im.aumc to the
hard economic times. 1be acrcm the





TheKmt-bacts #1: in D6 rda1ioa lo

=~~=~:«; :::-~-

from µac WlftDCC compuy, they arc apaadod,

funded throup tuldolll dollan ud arc
The Health ScMc. office


on.. u

•-. --~-..


Tbae CUU haft DOI deterred the rorthe.....,otSilffGlt.Wldl....,.

ina:iu millicmof~bahhcani

aad adammaradoD to tbcaadmu. hi. bell.tokeepSaffoll:...,.

Tbe Suffolk~

Suffolk Features

Suffolk Features

McDotto ■1III

~~r!nt~~• ':t~d~C:.°"~!!~~;
At the recq>t.loo, Pre:sident DaYkt J.
Sar)fflt was presented a ,okt plalc by lhc

Soviet llucknts •ouJd come to ltudy II
would JO 10 llud)' In MOKOw.
"Neaotiations are lloda" way now,"
laid Profeaor RobcrtJ . Topiuer, of the
SociolOl}'deparlmenL ''We want to 11·
tempi to ICOd five Suffolk students In achanac for five 5oYkt ltudmts."
Topiucr. who is now HI Moscow for

1ppra.ia!ion. TheplateUia"typlcalR1a-

1ian 1CH1vmir, with 1wo horses depicted
on it rcprescntin1 a Sorict-U.S. rda•
1k,ru," said a mcmbtt of 1hc Ruuiao
facuhy .
Suffolk finance major Dimitri Nader,
a Ruulan-American who ltas been ln the
U.S. fOJayear,u.idtbat, "the education
1ystcm is vuy different between the two
c:owllrics. Tbc American J)'Stcm Is mofC
cocnputcriud and orpniud, however it
is DOt u efficient u that or the Soviet
He awed that he rw tha1 ··u..asm in
tbc U.S. are YffJ' broad 1incc multiple
dM»ct and fill •in•tbe-blankl dominate a
ICSI. In RUSIWI acbools, !he exams deal
with the lndMduaJ .student and ca.II ror
more oral orcscntalkms. ''

M~aning of Halloween

(\di IO riclil) SOM Dao!Jalla B - ha C - . 0 , - , ~ fotM-,~ VOkU,e,. D,p. O..C-Sc...... ...i ~ PTaUm,i DINI, 5illia,1;;
Dl.,..~M""8uaC--.yc..Dtp. (SU~ldo&i.o,._).

Ya, IOOD ii ...W be hue apin.
Perbap. some or you have reOcictcd
upoawhytbisholidayCWU. The reasons
for ha YUi.i pumpklm. and
skdetOIU - Ill kuc I haYe(bdna rrom
another country where Hallowcca it not
cdcbn.tcd). I haYe uked a rcw Amerleans, but DObody really ICCIN 10 know.
Hallo.ttn bu a YffJ' str1111e history.
All '• Day (Hallowmu.s. Halloween) b: I VCf}' i.mpQf1ant day In lhc
church almanack, (I.e. Roman, An&lkan
udluthen..o) tocommemon.te1hcdcad
rdatlYa and friends with e x t ~
and pnym.
One accq,tcd (Id it that Hallowttrt it
aa,mbirt.ationof "druidkpractica and
claukal Roman rdipouJ belieJ1. '' h'•
casy1otrac);t0mcoftbeldMtics10 the
Cdlic c:onununidd, apeci.a.Uy in Lrdand
and Scotland.
October it also the CdUC new ye.a, 1hc md of the 1ummcr. It wu 1e1tin1
darker out , sopcoplc"Wt.ntcdto.rripien
away the bad1piri1Jthat mi&hl be in the



'rood and pines. So much (Of wl1ches.
C'Yil splriu and the devil.
Havini pumpkias Yan American ver•
siOfl o r another tradlion from Ireland .
and polltoa (U lhC')' didn't baYC pwnpt.inl)andlbcn1hcywouldc.:arveout races
and put a candle inside ... Abrahdabra
... and hue wu Jack-o'lantern (an
American Y&riant).
Trick or 1re11t, u C"Yel')'lhin1 else on
Hallowttn, Ibo deriYcs from Grca1
Brilain and Ireland .
In En.gland, people went from bou~
10 houJC OD All 5ou1•, Day "to bq for
souk:aka in rrmembrance or 1he dead .
Those t,qgina promised uua praytrs
forthedead •relativaorthedonors.''
In lrdand people wenc around and
bcgaS for money " with whkh to buy
lwuria (or a rcas1 and dcmandin1 that

for lheoccasion ."
Now you know eYU)'lhina you tvrr
have 10 know about Hallowccn. I( you
alto fed like u.pcriC'ncioJ some kind or
the (ootofthe ic.ain o(the State House
on Oct . ] I al 5:30 p .m . dreucd in you,

teaJOn ror 1hcm to believe -~ ~ ' : ~=~~:;?.u:Oo~
1hat tpmJs would be arouDd wu that BY FOOT ' tours tu.Ye 1heir Grand
Chey bcliC"Yed lhal ' 'the iord 0 ( 1bc: dead Fioa,le t.bal yery day.
UKmblcd the o r all 1bo6e pcnons
The tow Is a 90-minutr WI.It. on
wbohaddicdinlheprniow:)'Ul."Tbcy Bcacoa Hill aploriqall of the Hill's
~todolh.isbyhao&in,outn"bbons in "haunted" ~men where ..&boulish"
d.iffett01 colon I'? the lrcu.
thinp iucb u murdcn ha Ye tum place.
Aswe know , witdlaaft wuaJUbJffl Thil Hallow«nthcywill haYCa«111wneofteo diacuucd in the 17th century, In jud,amml aflff Lhc !Ow'. The price It SB
Sakm. Ma., 19 women were lwla;ed, ror the walk and ror the r«cption
and woman wu preued lo ~ b ~Y afterwards.
llOlla, people bad stron, belief• 1
1upc:r1111ural powm. The thouaht or


Dimitri "a1cd 1h11 thin,p much
"It is all caused b~ the American
more hcak bere in the U.S. u opposed economy and the stnve 10 be sue•
10 a more rc.lued lifcscylc in 1hc Soviet ccuful."

Leadership Retreat

by 'Aa.Me Slutayr

'special'childrmUkeFred. SheditcoYCn


Hot orr or her Academy-award winhappineu and pain only to ha Ye 10 deat ninJ performance u the rape-scarred
with more pain af1erCollio'sdwb. The victim " The Acculed" and hapoaiblc
mdin1 of Lbc play adch an c-Ym lat1t1 a-, oom!Jwed perfGmW9 ia thit

RusaWlwfru 11ifland 1oteaofthrir
Su(folt lu1 week hdd I rucwdl ban•
quct for a number of faculty and Id·
miniltraton who were vis.itina from the

Tbt poup ofJcachcn and 01her rac:u1.
October and stayed for five day1 10 participate lo llalts OD a student a:chaqe
prOIJUD, Tbc prc,sn.m WQUld mt.all the

"Little Man Tate"
A bitter-sweet -tale

· Suffolk theater to host
student directed plays

Russian delegation visits SU
by Jaan W .

w - , ~ 23, IJ91

Student leaden from the Deacon Year•
book, Council o r Prcsidmu (COP).
Proiram Council (PC}, and S1udcr11
CioYcrnmcnt A»ocia1ion (SCA), earlier
th11 month attended the annual 11udent
lctdcrsh.ip rctrca1 weekend brld at the
Univmi1y or Rhode Island.
A special WOl'tsbop on 1eam work and
1uCM speaker. Some studet11s rrmember
him frOID hi.I communi1y work•
shop durina tbc AuaUJi orient1.1.ion that
took place: in tbc l)'fflnuium.
Cu n on had 1oeYcral puulc and neaoli•
al ion 1ame1 for the 11udents to work o n
inaroupsandtry tohdpeachothcr. This
helped break lhe iccamon, them ,
" This wOfUhop oa decision makin.,
and power be:lpcd students cumioe their
cthicsohucccu. Nochca1ingor lyln,arc
very important elerncnu In hemes! and
cthicat d«illon makina,•• aplaincd
Cunon .
" Honcs1ly, it wu ucilinJ
11,·uh this aroup because o(lhcenc:rl)' 1he
111md, •• sakt Cunoo. " They held up 10
what wu ri1h1. Their hllff)Of made it
1rea1 and fun Ii> work with them."
Durin1 the dirrerent workshops on
kadcrship.1oalKttio,, andcommunily

buildin.,. Studcnu had chance 10
work ia dUfercnt &rOupt and teams, in
ordff to ui to koo•each othu better.
.. I WU Yety proud and CJtdted to KC
in to matir11 thU orpniz.ation YCfl'
united.'' laid Julie Nqroa, COP chair,
person, "COP, you1uysare1errifid "
Some of the 10&11 Included what they
u leader, wanted 10 do, bow to work
IOp:lha ud promote their Otpnizadoas.
"EY~ryone has to work tc>sethcr for
ou r Pr.ns to come uuc because c-Ycryone
hu thdr own opioiou and apcrienca
in bow to Id mofC people inYOIYed and
work 1oaciher within each orpniution." said LiJ Fuchs, prcsktcnt of PC.
Thi.I retreat y,u a areal opponuni1y
for 1he 11111dfo6t leaden 10 &ct 10 know
members from the d.ifrettnt orpniz..a•
Lions, and C'Ym, 10 come closer to lhe
ones in their OM! orpnizalions.
" l1 wu a arca t opportunity 10 meet
new people, and learn leadership skill,
Of orpniz..ation," said Mara, Uriane,
president o( 1he In ternational Studmu
Tbcse orp.oiz.ations shared ~era!
IOIU ia common. Tbc most important
ona were (KU!ty inYOIYffllen1 and stu•
dent rccrui1mcnt In actlYi tia and clubs.
In tbe future ; Jtudmt leaden will be
workin&IO&etheria (ulfillin&tbcseaoaJ,s.

h!entµre Literary Afagaz~ne
Deadline for submission
of poetry, short stories,
essays, and visual art is-

9£tober 30, 1991

The C. Walsh Theater will won be
o pcnlo,iudoontoprescnt 1wo11uden1
dir«led, one Kl plays. Thu will be1hc
lint time 11udcn1 directed plays 11,·ilJ be
pcrrormcd on Suffolk campus.
The fi rst of 1he two plays to be per ,
rormed will be .. On Tidy Endin,s''
which will be 1bown on October 291h at
I:00 and qain on November 2nd a,
''On Tidy Endinp, •• dlrn:1cd by
conscquc::nce1of1he AIDS epidemic on
the homosexual an d hctcrose.xual
Theplaypon raysahomo~x ualman,
Colli n, who dies of AIDS and lc&Ya
loYtt, a-wire and son to deal with the
death. The major conOia erupu within
1hc play between Marion, Collin's CX ·
wire, and Anhw, Collin's loYer. Arthur
rcsenu tbcflClthatMarionrccdYcsall

nament. J anecnooun,aa himtoaucnda
seminar of colic~ to eurcbe bit 1ldU..
Fred aocq,Uand • ~ f~ Oak
for two mootht while lta)'Ull With Jane

tw~:~~~~a~in"On Tid yEndln11" is Collin•• wife. played by Suffolk
loYu, Anhur, played byMarkO'Mallq
and Collin's son, played by Pete Hill, 11,
a lkacon HIii 1csiden1 .
lhc AIDS crisis and undc:nt.ands lhc pain
caincd by 1he AIDS epidemk. "I want
epidemic ii and wiU be ror them," Smith
ThrKCOnd play ii ''Cantrell" which
willbepcrformcdonOaobcrllat l:00
and on November 2nd II l :OOp.m. u an
eYenin1 or one acts with ''On Tidy
End.in11. ••
"Cantrdl" ii a story about a hiunan
who it 11ruullo, 10 rhanie hU life. The
play show, how difficult it i1 fo r people
to rise above the abuses 1hey ha Ye been a

on.:,:n::;ofthufilm itFted'tllru~
10 fit into biJ 111rrouod.inp with bu
Einstd.n,-tikc brilliance, u wdl u hil
inner-etruqle lo cope with lhccontrul
o ( adu lthood and childhood and how
that reflccu b1s balance bctw'!fl lhcrC'J)faent.atioDSorboth(Dcdcpcovidcs
the heart~ emotion a c~ld ~ • and
Jane prOYides !he education utility his
Because of the aod.lC:Ut Kltnl from
Adam Hann-Byrd u Fred, u wdlua
Frank (Dead A&ain), "Liltk Man T~"
On the entcrt.ainmmt kvd, It' s a
hcar1:fdt dlama IDd al timca YCtY

c:onlinutd o n pagt\


Hothmu supernatunal UIJ
,nf;le OJ, aprogressive Wl'tCh .f

- Prv.,l,

1 lt


If I~

i.-, Clfuu.,t aad Hn 11Mr A. S•-.ils

On thccri~kYd, it I t • ~ rumor

arv.uUnl wilhlA and UIO of displa)'Ulla

=~i:eC:::"boo~~he= wi~1':~~-1:'~;J!:i~~

=~~;:::,~~.~ ~. .,:.;=:,:::::.
tics. The 1wo share a ldod or map:al



· Th<n, ... ... ln.J... (l)iaoeW<ia)
it a p.)'Choloal,lt a1 a.o in11.11ution ror

ful moment.I.

"Sllmc.e or the Luthi."





by, Harvey Fi8!Slein
Directed by Garrison Smith


"A,-y b u < ~ - • l l ow AJD5""8111f«ud

shop (Crow Haven Corner, on Essu:
Strcet in Salem) with the hdp of her
daughlCr, also a wicch. The shop Kl~
eYef)'lhin1 from t:r)'SIII balls to maaic


Cabo1'1dknu haYe been the
Bollon Red Sox and the New En,aland
PatriOU as well u Reynolds Aluminum,
c~:~:::r'fi1:m:U~~~~e which hired her to lind 1he Titanic. others a,me to her for
h1Ye about witcha and witchcraft. She IJ
quick to peint out 1ha1 witchcraft is a psychic rcadinp, faiJh hcallna, locathtJ
lost objects. and caslina spells. For
relil)On , Tbe aaual mOYC'fflC'nl is called
Cabot this kind of work It only natural,
The word wi tch (or Wiccan) comes notsul)(fnatural. is, u many may a uw, a Yery
from Wicca. meanin1 o ne who seeks
imporWU member of the S&lan c:ommuknowkdp or wisdom.
nity. Not only ii lhe a member or the
The re are seYeral Wicca sects, but SalC'fllo. Chamber of Commm:e, but lhc
Cabot's ki nd of Wiccan is a follower or also founded the Salem Sdencc Ccntff,
1eicnce: who practices metaph ysic; and Inc., (for raureh and cd~ioa In

~~=:~"'i:~:::: =)==~::=.:

./Tuesday, October 29, 1 :00 p.m.
Saturday, November 2, 8:!)0 p.m.

by David
Directed by Chris Wilson

. ,,..,,.... ,._,_.,_.

AMrlc-,.,,.llle-ol'•M- ·

Thursday, October 31, 1 :00 p.m.
Saturday, November 2, 8:00 p.m.
All perfonnances will be held at the
C. Walsh Theatre
55 Temple Street

palm and 1arot cards ... but nc-Yer con• an Wucal the rime wbmOtyCoundlor,
sultin1 with any demons (contrary to who wurwminaforuaayor, wac:barFd
popular-and traditional-belief).
with bdn.a a warlock).
Thefldthatsomanypeoplc capitaliu
AIJthew~kthat.~ h u .

on HaJlowee:ndoa.n' very aoes1olhow wbatooewitcb. ...
happy, Halloween b the witches' new 1 h c r c a r e ~lmllim~
Oi8a..ion following perfonnance.
yearandl100ruideredahi1hholiday. ' ln the UnilmSt.ata}~1·
'------------------Cabot, a tlnJle mother, runs her own


For more information on the Venture
Magazine an1f how to submit call
Leah Schmidt or ~hael Bucdl X 8328




Witchcraft mearu dirrerrnt 1hinp 10
different people. For Laude C1bot i!'s a
Laurie Cabot is the omdal ••itch of
Salem, so proclalmcd by GoY. Dukakil
fOI' her work wi1h handicapped children.

le11er1 to Salem merchants ukin1 them
10 please n01 decoralC 1hdr Halloween
duplays wilh hideo11s, eYil lookin1
wuchcs. Why? Because IHMhinadisturbs
her more than when she s«s her time
hono red profcssiofl/rdiJ,ion marred by
1hc Hallowttn lma1cs or 1reen skinned,
hook- nosed, ja11cd 1001hed bap cack•
lm1eYilly tothcmJCIYes1S1heydropbll
wln.p and spider lep Into boilin1 pou of
1rou 1ook.
Cabot, 57. is only one of about 2,000
wi1cha who raide in Salem. Togcihcr
they comprise 1he Wi1cht1' Lcaauc for
Publk Awarena.1, an an1i -wl1ch-d~ra -.
ma tion society which was spurred into
ulstence by Cabot in pro test of 1he
moric, .. Wilcba of Eastwkk ." More
rccmdy, Cabot headed a similar prOICMS
11ainsttbemovle, .. Witches.''

but alto d.irccu lhc bitter-tweet tale of
FredTIJ.e(thc "lillkman"
is an utraordlnarily airted scYen-ycarold. Wbcohcbnotquitea)'Clll'old,Fred
write poc1.ry.
In the present, youna Tate p&mu In•
plays piano at compct.ition level.
inthcr.Jm, FtedSolYCStbcmollabstf'ICI
Howner Fred ls not happy. He 1urrm rrom a.ouk:et due1owonyin1about
the ozone la)'C'f•&monpl OLber ud work1Jy problems. He al·
tends a unall, IYCf'IPp&, ICbool In
Cincinaul , where he UYa alone with hb
youn.a wlW'm mother, Dede (FOiler).
At timaDedefed&litcthciltbcchild

TIie Sullbll< . , _ . W ~ Odoller 23, 1'91

Humanities-new ·satellite dish

Suffolk News

continued from

pace l

~~~o:c=:=c~°wn:r:: TICJ~:!.t~:\a)'the"What depend,;wilh
we do on
one oa one with a tutor la one: or the
Salellilc) in

tbcmaa:, (ldon, butlbc firstoocilccr•

Riding Safe1y on t he "T',
. in~:~~::::tt ::!i'~":::!:~~
i..n,u.,c labs. The .audellu abo watch

Suffolk News

international new, ·pros{anu from talolyto"ttheSuffoltUnivmllycomFrmchudSpuhb1pcakinJcoWl~




Univenlty and ii.I IWllS u a commuter
colJqc:. 1tteet a.nd travd safety are im•
portanl con1idtn1ions for everyone;
facuhy, Jlaff, &lid Audcntl.
lf)QlareatSuffoltin theevminl, try
wa.l.tlq with friends or classmates 10
your deslinal.ion . If this i1 not pouible.
the campus po&c hl~aa C10011 procram
public traNponation fadlitiel in the area.
For those who we tht MBTA , tht fol lo~JtJ tips may prevent you from
becomi.nt• Mimofaime. WhilerKN•
mally nobody likes 10 be rejected, ii is
lik,ly dw by foUowiq thiJ bask advk:c
and by limply bdq aim 10 your IUJ •
rowxlinp, a po(t1uial muacr may
you u a Wld and look dsewhcre: this
t.ind or rejection you can life wi1h.
Do ooc play your pe:nona.l 1tuto so
loud that cannot h,ar wha1 b aoina on
around you. Alway& be aw.,-e: o f your
Don'1 lland with your bKlr.paclr. on in
• crowded train or on !ht platform. Hold
ii in your hand. Ma.ny pt0pk have: had
their bags opened and valuable pc)lles •
dons 1tokn withou1 re:alizjq 1 until too


and what il'I

Lan&uqc Laboratory lo Fmlon. Jon ~ b c ~ ~ . = . o n ~ ~



SGA finalizes act1v1 1es b u d ge t
continued from pa~

il i~:'"'~·should be awa,c o f 1hdr ~:~:
1:::c ~ :
p01cntial as victims. Many of our locaJ alona with Pro fCIIOr David Hutinp, fro.-tlf6me as wd! u ltudenu l01nes1cd arc quite •~• anc_l • full Fordp l..aquqc Coordinator for I.he In lntemaUOD&l affaln.


:Sv~~iu~:=:~i;;~ :C::J': =:!~

= :=t!,•~~

: ! : J ~ . : 1 : i : : ~ mi ,mmeDon't fluh you r jewelry and 1empc a
thief. Likewise. don'I flub a roll or bila
in front ohnyone. Remember, be aware

shi:=,~~ that wudisciused, WU
10 devdop a treasurm handbook whk:h
wJU consbt or the rules, bylaws, and
duties or no1 only the S.O.A . Treasurer
bu1 treuurers from each or th,

!::t~~nt panu pocket or nulde jacket


Everyone tho~ l!m!t the amount of 1odayT ~ don't think IO. Tbcr~u 100




IOl~le :nol~i=-l~CCOS:'.OC:~~ nl~~
IOfflC of the S.O.A. mcmbcn coooemed
with how it will be utiliud. JachniJ laid.
"Becaui.e we are. faced wilh this money
ri1ht now, le doesn't mun we should





Hopdully, tblJ overvJC:W of tbt 5ltps rtAi: t~":i~.~ ::: o~t
o ~ : f : .·now faces thc cha.llm&~ of 1onunuruzcyourchancaof ridkuloia!"
creatinJ an easy to manaa, budaeuna
~ a victim will keep )OU 1H while
Ciccarello plans on k> in10 ways IYl(t:m tlw c&o be paued on 10 futur,
usina public lI'UllpOnabOn Rcmrmber • of 1pendin1 and Of lnvesdq the money S O A. mmibers.
I.he: Important thtnJ IJ 10 bt akrt and
aware of you r 1unoundin1s. Walk wit h
tomadeoceandusurancc; avoid appu.rFOR '91-'92
in,. ftarful or timid. A muuer or 1hid
willa.lway&preyonthewcak,or those
'i\ DOWN
.. UP


I "-ve conlac:ted the MBTA Police and S.O .A.
have requested littra1ur,on th,subject C.O, P.
o f Lrav,I 1.1ft1y. ir it iJ fonhcomina, I P.C.
will place it In all or ow buildinp sothlt
you can act a bettn undnstandina or
how to llK public 1ransponation in a YEAJUIOOK
safer m.annn.







Career Week 1991
November 4 - November 9

Monday.- •
• Open HouN • 12:00 • 1:30 p.m., Career SeMces Otfice,
20 Ashburton Place
• Job Search fo, Educatk>n Majon • 2:30 • 3:30 p.m., Fenton 303

• Ke ynote . 6:.0Q • 7:30 p.m., Sawyer 429

TUNday, November 5
• Club/Organlz:.ttion Dey . 1:00 • 2:30 p.m.
Accounting Club: Choosing a Career in Accounting,
Sawyer 1008
Black Studenl Union, Sawyer 921
Marketing C1ub, Sawyer 927
Pre-Law Club
• MBA/MPA Rec~ · 5:00 • 6:00 p.m., Sa-.,,,yer 521
• MBAIMPA Program • 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., Sawyer 521
Spotlight: Health Care and SeMces, G rowth Industry
ol the 1990's.

Wedneeday, November 6

• Graduate School Fair - 11 :30 1:00 p.m., Sawyer Cafeteria
Contemplating graduate schoof? Meet with professionals
representing a variety of graduate areas ol study.

Law, MBA. Medicino/llenlisby, Health <elated,
Social Serv1cee: & EdUCAtion

Thuraday, November 7
• ~~bf~ln1Toug._t'_
J,obM1r11:et - 1:00 -2:30p.m.,

Suffolk enrollment
up nearly 7%
byC6mu luiw

We've had 'll very, very succenful

campaign 1hi1year," wd M111um1 J.
Derlnis, dun of enrollment and rtt(n•
tion manaaem,nt at Suffolk Universil y.
Total enrollment of new uudtn11 in the
under1rad uate proarams or th, School
of ManaJfflltnt {SOM) and 1hc Con,,,
of Liberal Ans and Sdeocn (CLAS) is
up 6.8,, for 11\t 1991 -92 academ ic year,
accordina 10 a press release from lhe
" The tnOA sipifican1 increa5e is 1n the
numbcrof1ransfer stud,nu enrolled, an
upswing of 14.J ptrttnl," 1bt s111,m,n1
read. But Freshmen enrotlmmt shows a
wtalr.u increase - 1.6 per~nt. Sev,n
more first yu.rs1ud,nurcais1ered this
year than in the Fa.II of 1990.
StiU, overall e:nrollmmt hu increased
by.)ln~=s~nf~~9:r!~siudcnts,Suffolk Urt.ivmity tw uaditionally had a
good market base fM thffll, but w, lilt,
10.thlnlr. !hat we: offer more personalized
1rcatmtnt with reprd 10th, admission
and finanda.l ajd processes," said
Dennis Rid 1ha1 som, or the new
lr1J1Jrer Sludcnu came from 1111t

Khools, bu! lhat !here WU a Wac iaCftue from fou, year institutions u wdl.
She cited ''one-on-one, bands-on attm1ion u • r,uon that trarufn studcn
com, 10 Suffolk . .. W,'re an alln•
na1ive,"shesaid .
Dennis crediu intmsirtcd rccuri1me:n1
,rroru a.nd increased marlr.ttiq and
advtnlsJn,aua fewof1he reasons fo,the
increase, accord in,& to the pres.t: rduse.
For more than a year, the unlve:r1!1y
has b«n advenilinJ the university via
subway adv,niscments, cruted by the
ad firm of Niblt11 and Devine.

·You'll Havelo

ro, trarufu and sra,duate suade:nu/' said
Dennis. "All thtyare i;upposcd 10 do ·
create an awareness 1hat Suffolk ,Wu,
1hat we're out 1here . .. Bui no one: will
apply because of 1n advtnisement
lnOaober, Suffdt'sauoilmed incrax
wu fca111red in "CoUeae: Muir. •


Aa:cptuotProaram(TAP), ''desipc,d
10 attract 11udcnu wilh acdiu from
other Khoql1, ''
The program, a,xordina to,
has Jevttal lr.ey features for a u ~
studcntr. "on-the-spot tva.luauon o
crediu transferable;" information on
tuition rates and financial akl Mtvisiq.

Library _
hours reduced _
conlinutd from page 1

ButThe Firstll:n Calls Aze R-cc Each Month
Wiv, Our New Oir=oiy AssiscinccOu,gjng Pian:

hdp fund a JDteWide F.nhanccd 9-1-1 anagcncy-ncrwork, as we:U u p,oo,j(k
1e:lccommunicacions acrvio::smd e11uipmcf!t f'orthc lpCCCh and hearing impuircd.
Youcin1voidthac OimaoryA.uawiccc:halJpbyvmtingjlown numbenu)'OU





Di~~callsmadeftompayphoncsarccxemp1 fromanyqwp. .

Odic:rcxernpaorw include thc k:plly blind, ,isualy handir:app:d (pcnoniwt,c»e:

,isual~widimm:a:ion.fta:nificduunabltiorcad normalprn:dmacrials"1,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , u n a b l e.iolCKtoru,eoroi";

.,..,.._.:a::,::_m __ o.m_lM,amy

~dwrin&call'J'Ota'xrvicerq.-c:1CnQtt\-'C"Montby- Fri<b'A 9am-Spm.

@New Englandlillephone


}dentifying Industry Niches and Conducting a Long Distance

• CIS ctub Program - 1:00 · 2:30 p.m.

• Career Expo • 6:00. 8:00 p.m.. Sawyer Cale
At our second annual Career Expo you will have an
opportunity tor CAREER EXPLORATION by meeting
up to 40 p,olessionals rrom a variety of fields. You can
discuss career paths and trends and gel an lnsid8f's
prospective on your field ol lnte,est.
Friday, November 8
• Faculty C.- Doy.
Faculty are encouraged to spend part ol their Friday
classes looking at career Issues induding reflecting
on their own careers. guest speakers that.are class
appropriate, etc.

Saturday, November9

• Executive MBA/MPA Program · 8:00 • 9:00 am., Sawyer 427
Examining Businesl Week's Ca,ee, SuMVaJ Kit
lor the 1990'a.

• Alumnt Program . 6:00 . a;oo p.m., Sawyer 521
Job Searching In the 1990's: Strategies & Resources
• Dual CarMf' CouplN - 5 :30 • 7:30 p.m,, Sawyer 1021

Suffolk University Career Services & Cooperative Education
For more Information, plea- ~II 573-8480.






eom. .. ,..,...,,

~ -allol


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TIie Suffolk Journal Wedn<lday Qd<lber 23, lll91

Sex and the naked truth

A provoc:atlvesexualloolr.atadvcrtis•
1111 portrayal or women and men ii tbc
topic of Dr. Jeao kilbowne' • " 77w
N.ud TrMtlt." Protrun Council ii

Of'Pllliina this ,.s minute llick present.a•
lion that will tue on Thursday,
Nov-tmbc:r7,at I p.m. lnS.W)'a'427and

Dr. Kilbourne, lln lntcmatiolll..lly

known media critic, lecturer and writer,
hu revealed to thousands or audiences
tbc acriow cumulative i.Jnpad or adver•
tisina: on auiluda, values, and
bc:havkw and Oft the aocicty u a wbok.
Shcwilldixuatbetnldruonalstereotypes of the Kll object, the demented
housewife, tbc f,en:e and u.nfcdiq man.
and the playboy, u well u oew images of
the Alper woman, thckductive-littkgirl

and malcw. object .
Thi• Prcsmtatlon will a.lio include an
uploralion or these lmqc, wit h rep.rd
to problems in 1od1y'1 toclcty, such as
the KXual abuse or chiklrm, rape and

Betsy McDowell


This is the
oolumnwhich willappea,inthc ..Surrour.

Journal" amwnin& queslions from
ll udenu abc:11n careen and job$. Pleuc
live Education Offlce at 20 Ashbunon
Place 10 droporr any questions ycu may
haw: reprdin& your job Karch or ea/cir
Library. llltn,w111chin futureilsues o r
the "Journal" for the response to your
~ I to lo u l•lerYie• re r wlucb I
lla9'CNC91111r.edtobriaa llly raume,
dio.wlabolMfac•eo• ffldlel'T
No. The purpose or• cover letter is 10
introduce yound( to an employu and
then to lpC:dficaJJy rdalc ycur qualifica. lions 10 that cmplo)'t:r's needs. lbcKforc, you would write a cover letter in
rtspome to an employment notice or ad
wi th the objective of securing an interview. You would nol need a cover let ter
10 accompany a resume if you have
alrcadybecocboKn ror theintCJView.
SH.N I lad■dr •Y GP...\_ o ■ my

_ ,

The answer to this question is-ii
dcpcnds. There are some fields (public
accou.ntiq, for eumplc) for which
academic achlcvement ii a urongly
wciah ted race or in tbc 1tlectioo proceu.
However, lf yourGPAilnol impressive
(&mcrally, a GPA above 3.0 would be
appropriate for ti&, i1 would not
make5ClllC 10 iocludc i100 )'OUI resume.
You wouJd wabt 1olocusthcm1.P.9)'Q;'1
an eotioo on ochef l)OlitJve. at1ni,u1es,

such u.rdcvaru wort uperie:oc,e or lead ershi p activities if YOUI GPA is 001 a
positive selling Point for yow candidacy.

Anni Marini, PCs Pafonnina NU and
lo 1.911 and 1989, Dr. Kilbourne wu
awarded by the Natiooa.l ASlociation of
CampusActiviticl (NACA) ulectureror
the ycu. She ii a visitin1 1eholar at
WdlcslcyColJcsc, andilonttieBoard or
Directors or the National Council on
Akoholiun and Dnla Otpcodcna,.
She hu been• frequen1 ruesc on radio
and tdrnsioa prop-am,1 lnch,din& the
Opralt Wbifrry Sito• and the Toni11tt
SMw. She 1w also btto coruulted by
li~e~ and CBS new1, 20no and
Rlllowq the prt51e11111tion, the ManztifW
O ub will be holdin& a rectplion . For
more information on th is lecture, pleaic:
contacc the Student Activities Office

Always ut yourself whether or not the
Information you arc includirll in you r
resume is imponant for the kinds of
cmploycn or fields you arc 1ar1ctina in
your search.
Becaue Ute Boltoa job maritel b 10
tJtld,aMld llookforajoboa1 ofsute1
Aaain, there is DO clear cut answer to
thlsqucstion. Howevcr, thcrearc~en.l
(acton 10 corukter in makin1 thil ded 1.0n. Most imponantly, you must mate
an informed decision. That means that
you ) hould use tbc resources available
thfou&.h Career Services, 1uch as industry
publications and directories and the
Alumni Career Advisory Network, to
find oul what the job mart et in 1his area
is for your chosen field . Then you must
research other areas or the country in
order to make • comparison and to
w1ct • 1eographk area lhal has a aood
market for yow field. And, of course,
you must loot at personal ilsues such u
what kind o r area would you lite to live
in and how far away from your family
you would lite to be, when you make this
dcciJion .
If you do decide 10 condUC1 a job
JC&R:h OUI or Jlate, ii makes 1ood sense
10 WJCt a re w ~ a r e u for yow
5Ufch. 8ciq flaiblc tw advaotqcs,
but ii b alm.051 impouible to conduct a
lon&-distaoce job scarch errcctivcly If
your W&ct area Is the entire country.
Flnally, the q uestion of whether or oot
10 seek a 'po1i1ion out or state comes
down to what your mos1 prcssin1 conccm1 or necd.s are-do you need 10
J«Ure a c:areeJ positon quickly or can
you wait and take the lime 10 loot for a
position in this area'!' h 's imponan110
have all the infomwion you can, tKK
only about youndrbut aboaboyt what
the market is before you niake you1

conlinucd from pqe 7

' 'Cantffil' ' bdirectcdbyChril Wilson
wbocbOlcto dfrec:t thisputicularplayin
that is not

order to hia}l1i1bt an iuuc


Dr __ Marilyn P lottlu, Asloc:iate P ro-


MON-THU .. .8am-8pm FRI .. ,8am-6pm SAT .. .9am,2pm


Suffolk theater to host
student directed plays
The play is sei in a bar in Utah and
focuses on Cantrell, played by Larry
Oianaeui, and Chriai.e, played by Jill

Come on In and browse. Our new store ls OPEN:


" I just th ing that 1dvcrtisi111 iJ fJCf•
suuive and w:r-, cyecat~oa- Pcoplean:
aolna 10 believe what they sec, and it's

Ask career services



other forms o r viokoc:e, pomosn,phy,

. !>J M'ul,Cl,ony



ia a victim o f a world that Is hurtina."
Plotkin& continued by 11)'in&, " !he
laoauqc or CanucU is raw and bardhi1tina:. l1describcs a humornu.sand dark
worid, a wor1d that is ponn)'td in David
Lynch'11bowTwi n Pcab.''
Suffolk'• 1hca1er aroup hopes that
11udenu will set aside one a (tcmoon or
evenlq and 10 watch the diversified
theatrical and d.lrcctina talent at Suffolk.





°' VIN, po'SOO&I checlu ~
C&U ..- a1:

led with proper ID






.' j

posttlons available
Company: Progrom Council

Committee members for any of our
5 exciting committees


Meet new peopl_ . make new friends.
become part of our winning team


Fun, teamwork and excitement

To apply:

Slop by Student Activities a nd ask for
Margie. or come to any one of our
meeflngs held on Tuesdays at 1:00
In Fenton 3371 •

If you are energet~9 and
love to have' fun,
this position is for you!!


Join program council


Remhler From The

Office of Financial _



Campus rapes a
growing national
The na tion's upcns on campus rape
told horror stories.
More than 10 fraternity brothers Pna·
rape a vi(lin at San Oic10Slate Univcrsi1y. One year after the incidcn1. the
fraternity holds a pany in honor or 1hc
cvcm . No one is proittutcd.
Arratcrnilychap1cr ot OhioStateUni~e rsity and a nor her at Bloomsbura Uni•
vmity in Pcnnsyl_
vanla require pledaes 10
commit a pna rape or bca1 up a woman
for induction.
CountlCSli women repon date and
acq uaintance rapes o nl y to be told by
police and campus adminb1 ra tors 1hat
they are to blame. " Why were you drin k•
ina? Why were you alone in the man's
apanmcnc? ''
Their forcdul voices sent vibrations o r
anacr , frwtration and uuer confusio n
bouncin& orr1hc walb as 1hey recounted
story a£1er 11ory o ( suual assaull on collcac campuses, large and small, public
and private - nationwide.
Whyls 1hishappenin1'!'
Al the first co nrcre nce on Sexual
Aslault on campus, upens o n rape,
studcou and those workin1 al colleges
and univenitilics in counscli n1. law
cn£orccmcn1 and admin is1ralion promo1ed a national campaign agaillSI cam•
pus rape.
The recent convcrencc in Orlando,
Fla,. wu sponrorcd by 1hc SafcSchools
Coalition Inc., a non-profi1orpniz.ation
dcdkated lo malciOJ collegC$ and Khooh
a sa(er pike to live and work .
Ao l acrnsl n1 Pr<ihLcrn
One in four women in college today
will be the victim of rape or aucmpud
Rape, C$pcciall y date and acqµai ntancc rape:, is 1hc mos1 underrcponcd of
a ny crime.
About ?S percent o f campu, ra pn
~fi1urcscomcfromAnd1n Parrot of Cornell University' s Ocpamne nl
or Human Scrvka Sludics. P1ITT01 is one
of the nation's leadina rcsca'rchc rs of
dale and acquaintance rape on ~
Parrot isn'l 1heonlycxper1 armed with
sobering statistics. Bernice Sandler, ucc•
ulivc direct or or the Association or
American Collc1c's S1a1us and Educa•
1.0n of Womffl projccl , says 100 pn1
rapes have bce:n reponed at colkga and
universitic:s sincc l98S.
the problem .
''There arc people ou1 there who think
date rape is an 01ymoron, ' ' Parro1says.
"We have 10 think about the types of
st udcntJ on our campuses that we need 10
reach ... and realize that we can't change
o pinions with one (educational) program. We need 10 take baby 11cps 10
chanie thcir attitudes."
The attitude problems arc comina
rom many directions.
'' A l«.of lhesc men have perceptions
diametrically opposed to the women.
They don't rcaQy know uey comnuned a
rape,•sheu.ys. "Tbcrcareal5oanumbcr
of women who 11y 1heyonly 10 out with
nice men, 10 they're nol at risk. They
Hy, "This wo n't happen 10 me. ' '
Parrot adds that ad.mlnlstrators'
responses arecruda! u well. Sbcdividcs
them intothrcegroupt: thoscwhowon'1
deal with campu.s rape until it happens
on their campus, those who buy their
heads ln the sand and come up with
crea tive ways to preve nt victims from
rcpon in& rapes, and lhosc who sec 1ha1
date rape is real and take steps to prevent
it from ha ppc:nlfl&.•
" We need to tdl adminiltra ton , 10
rcvhetbcirpolicics . • ,l;Qdtdlthcmif...,·c


do n'l handle Chis problem it could cou
them a lot o f money (from lawsuitJ). ·•
T he Role or CampUJ Law Eafomimcnt
Police DOW promote scnsitivlly and
.. Ir your people in your department at
your universit y don'! care, 001hin1 you
do will come acrou right, ·· says Richard
Turlr.iev.ia. pclicc chief at the Univmtiy
or Florida. "Don't -look for
reaso111 why not 10 help, don't say, 'You
Leslie Scoville or lhc Ru1gers Univcrsi1y police department agrees and adds
that in addit ion to taking addta sec urit y
mca5ures on campus to prevent rape 1uch as ad dilional lighting, kccp ina
shrubl t rimmed, cval ua1ing buildina
plans, the schcdulinJ or night c:Jwcs and
es1ablishin1 campus emcraency communicat ion - indi~idual offK"Cf uainin1
is cruciaJ.
··One session a year is not cnou1h, "
she ~ys. " We have 10 work with prosecutors, ropccrislsco unseling SCrviccsand
victi m assistance programs.''
Carol Bohmer, a former attorney and
now a pcofcuor in CorDCIJ's sodoloay
di:panmmt , 117J laki ng rape charaes
through the criminal justice 1Jstem may
prove more beneficial toa vict im 1han a
univcrs ity'sj ud icial 1y1tcm,
" The anal o f the campus judicial
sys1tm il diffcrent . l1Jprimaryinterest i1
in pro1cctin111udcn1J, its reputation, ill
finances," she says. '"The crintjnal
justice system fOCUSC5 on punishin1
offc ndm .
Many victims arc shying away from
criminal pros«1Jtion these days and
tumin& to dvil~ion qaiiu1 the allctcd
rapist uil(- ap1os1 the schools for
improperly hand.1111Jthc victim'1 report
oftherape, Bohmer11ys.
" This Is an lncreasina area in rape •••
these arc situations in which universities
can be lia ble,' ' Bobmer s.ays.
Evcnwlththe~indvllactioo, a
larac pcrcenta,e or victims d o not take
an}action (or fear or blame, cmbanuamcnt , fear o r rctaliation from bet altacker and fear that no ooc will bcUcvc

plans to devclop 1tudcot worbhoPI and
presentations that will btcoon:linatcd
presentation oat.ionally. to write a newsletter, 10 addrcu the iuues of Knlll
formanetworkor profcssionalsworkfna
in the field. to e11ablilh a library wit h
information about rape, and 10 form a
1uppon mtem fo r rapc .sun,ivon that
will hd p them rdocalttoa.nothcrsctlOOI
ifthciraclministration is ootraponsive.
Rabold says 1bc 11udcnu haw: aho
dfectivdy earned sp()U o n the newly
formed Sare Schoeb Coalition. whkh
was lnlllally made up of>counsdon. professors and adminlnraton.
''Studcnu have.bad an Impact," she
says. "Adminstratpu can say all they
Want about date rape, but 11uden1J arc
peer counsclon and 1hey need to realize
thal, they need to train us. Their proarams look 1ood on paper bu1 it's the
studcntJ who carry them out. ' '
Rabold says becawc sb manyrapaarc
not reported, st udents whoarefricndror
the victim often becOfl\C counselors by
The studc nu aarec wUh.thc cxl)Crts
that education is 1hc key to prcw:ntio n.
EJF: pens agree that the most au,cssive
educational materials publilbed about
dale rape on campus, such u posters and





cai1 90404,
In addition to auresslve educational
propammina, Parrott ra::ommeods that:
• Sch6ols should a:mduct KX.ual assault
to UICSS the scqpe or their
• Sqlools should ban orpnizations that
cncourqc date or aana rape.
. • Schools shoud pro mote media
covcrqeof tbc problem.
• SchOiob should hold dosed judicial
hc:ariop that involve rape.
• Sd1ooluhould prohibit the &rf,duation
or rcsi,stration of a person facina rape ·
• Schoob should have comprehensive
1uiddines defi ni(IJ rllpe and the punilhmcnt for the crime.
Parrott allO eoCOu rqed 11udcn1 involvemcnl. Rabold u.ys anyone ln tcrcs1ed in joinio1 the national 11uden1
coalition can write to its coordinator,
Alhley Bckbcr at Washinaton Univershy. 6SIS Wydown, Box4290,St. Louis,
Mo., 63 10S .
. Anot her group 1akin1 actioo on lhc
Issue of da te rape 11 the National Int erfratcmityCoqfercnce . This·oraanlzation
offers Orc.:ct men a-.21-mintiic video
called "Fraternity Men on Date Rape: A
Candid Coovcnatioo" tha1 rca1ures the .
makvicwpoint of datt rape. ;, A cau.lyst

,~~=:~lion,"' says the aroup's

Ccnlcr, available b y ~ J-213-31

A spokesperson at the Conference on
o r wriliOJ to the trcat,ncnt center in the · Sexual Afsault said the fraterni ty aroup
Santa Monica Hospitlll Medical Center, can hardJy keep up with the demand for
12SO Sixteenth S1rce1, SanJ.a ,Monica. the video.

r - - - - - - - - • • - -~


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lavolnlMII I la
P roblc:m
Jennifer Rabold , a senior at the
University of Richmond, is juat one o r60
s1udenuwhobondcdt()lelba' atthccon- 1 •
fcrcncc1oformthcNadomlCoalitbio r •


St;:::=~~~pls: L- - - - - - - - - - - -~- - - - - - - - - - - If



Campl\S rapes a
growing national
The nat ion's cxpcru on campus rape'
told horror stories.
Morclhan!Ofratcrnityb rothc~gang.
rape a virgin at Saii Diego State Uni\·c:rsity. Onc ycarar1er the incident , 1hc
fra1crnityhold1a par1 y in honor of the
event. No one is proH-Cuted.
A fraternity chapter al Ohio S1111: Un ivers it y and an o ther at Bloomsbu rg Un ivcrsi1 y in Pcnruylvania rcquirc pledgesw
commit a gan1 rape: o r beat upa wo man
for ind uctio n.
Cou ntless women rcpor1 date and
acquain1ancc rapes onl y 10 be 1old by
poliee and campus adminisua, ors 1ha1
lheyare1o blamc, ''Why were you drink •
ing? Wh y were yo u alone in 1hc man 's
apartmen t?"
Thcirforc.ful voicessc n1 vib ra1ionsof
anger, frunrat io n and uu cr confusio n
bouncingoff1hcwallsa.s 1hcy re1:oun1ed
storyartcrstory o f sex ual assaultoncol •
lcgccamp,uses, large and small, public
and private - nat ionwide .
Whyis 1his happen in11
At 1he first Conk rcii,;c on Sc:xual
A!sa ult on Campus, cllpens on rape,
siudcnu and 1hose workin11 11 colleges
and univeuiti1i cs in cou nseling. law
enforcement and ad min istration promo1cd a nat ional campaign agairlll campus rape.
The recent converc ncc in Orlando .
Fla., was sponsored by , he Safe & hoob
Coalition Inc ., a non -profi1 organizatio n
dedicatcdtonJakingco llcgcsandsch~
asafrrpl acetotivcandwork . na Problem
One in four women in college today
will be the vk1im of rape or anempied
Kape, especially date and acquain ta nce rape , is the most undcrrcp,oned of
an ycrimc.
About 75 percent of campu> rap,:~
Those figurcs come from Andrea Parro t of Cornell Uni versity's Department
of Human Services Slodies. Parrol ~ one
of 1he nati on's lcadina researc hers of
date and ar:quainlllnl:e rap.- on collcgl:


Parrot isn' t tht onlyt.llpcn armed wuh
sobering stalisdcs. Bernice Sandkr. cxc-c
uti\·e director of lhe As.sociat ion of
American College's S1a1us and'&luca tion of Women project, says JOO gang
rapcs havebccn rcponcdai co llegesand
univcrs i1icssince 198S.
801hagree1h11 anitudcsarcmuchof
the problem.
''There are pcoplco ul 1htrc who 1hink
dat crapeisanollymo ron," Parrot says
"We have to think abo ut the types of
st udenu on o ur campus.p that we need 10
reach .. . and rcaliu tha1 -..·c can'1change
o pinions with one (cduca1io nal) program. We nttd 10 1akc baby steps to
changc1hcira11 itudes."
The attitude problems ate co min11
from many dircc1ion1.
· " A lot of these men have pcrce p1 ions
diametrically o pposed 10 the women .
They don't ~ know Ult)' commincd a
rapc,~ shcsays. " Thcreas.:alsoa numbcr
of women who say they only go out with
nice men, so they're not at risk. They
say, 'This won'1 happen 10 me."
Parrot adds thal admin istrators'
rcsponscsaucrudl..luwcll . She divides
them in10 three groups: those who won't
deal with campus ~pc un1 il it happens
on thei r campus, 1hosc who bu y thei r
heads ·1n 1be sand and ro mc up with
creative ways to prevent victims from
rcponi ng rapes, and 1hosc wh o see that
date rape is real and take steps to pre~cnt
i1fromhaP.pcnin1." We noed to tell administrators 10
revise their policies ... and tell them if-..·c


' J.

Northeastern H.u skies bite
llltllowo,lirrllol • llul,lftfl • CaVIRa • lhtC.,,.r..o.. • Dld'"tllrwr•CffllllYNI•"'
r.e..CltQlc • kllllllftOCt."'-lllil~---C.. • ~lltJI..._. ,

~ ~ - f t l l ~ •NroEll!n:lse,._,.C... - . •Nlw (lp1!T.,,_,
inNO.._._,s,- , ......,ecr, • ~ ~ • sr.nASn.JU. •

Even coacbina: from a former Olympian could not brina: victory to 1bc
Suffolk _
IOCCCT team last ·Friday
The division I Northeasiem Huskies
home rteld in Brookline proved 10 be a
burial ground fOt" manybrcalt-awayaand
possible scorina: oppon unifics for the

9-n.l.-- • MGlol• H """9AMGc...k•
Wlileilt.«r(ll~NJiltlGa..- • ~blrllltill!III- •
si..r.:i.too,c.o . - • Slr,,,t j 1o\'OS!tf~C.C., • i',.i • 'II011-~.0lnltt5

,.., , _ _ _ _ _ I U l - • lll rl <E&ll'CI

don'I handle this pro blem ii co uld C05t
them a lot or money (from lawsuits) ,··
sheJ.a ys.
'rh~ Role of C.mpus La w Enfo rcemtnt
Polkc now promote sensitivity and
'' I f yo ur people in your dcpanmcnt a1
yo ur uni ve rsitydon'tcarc,nothingyou
dowil\comc11cross ri1 ht, ''saysRichard
Turkiewicz, police chief at !he Universtiy
o f Central Flo rida . "Don ·1 .loo k for
rtasonswhy not 10 help, don'I say, · You
,,olated lhissafetypriociple.youdidthis
and1ha1 wro ng ."'
Leslie Scoville of 1hc Rutgers Univcr s11 y p,olice dcpanmen1 agrees and adds
!hat in addition lo taki ng added securit y
measure) on cam pus to prevent rape rnch a.s addi1ional ligh ting, keeping
shrubs 1ri mmed, cvaluatin11 building
plans.1 hcschedulin11 ofnight cl11MCS11.nd
cstablishina campus tmergcncy com•
munica tion - individual o rficc r training
"One 5euion a yea r is not enough ,"
§hcsays. ·'Wchave 1owor k-..ithprosecu•
to rs, rape crisis counseli ng services and
Pcopk also need 1 encourage prnsccu0
11on, thc y say .
Carol Bohmer, a ro rmcr anomey and
no...- a professor in Cornell 's sociology
depart ment, sa ys taking rape charges
thro ught hcc rim inaljus1iccsystemma y
provcmorc bencfic ialtoavict im tha n a
univc rsi1 y'sj udici11l sysicm .
" The 1oal of the campus judicial
sy§lcmisdiffcrcm . lts primaryin1trcs1is
npro1cctin1students,lts rcpu1ation, iu
fi nances," she says. "The criminal
justice system focuses o n punishing
offenders .
M~yv ic1i msai:cshyingawayfrom

~~~ v~~_im often become counselors by
The uudcnu agree wi:lh the Cllpens
that education is I.he key to prevention.
~pens agree that the most au,cssivc
educ.a1ional ma1erials published about
Jatc rape on campiu, such as posters and
videotaped discussions, arc dis1ributed
by the Santa Monica Rape Treatment
Ccnacr, available by calling l-2\l-319-4000
or writina to the trcatfll cnt ce nter in 1hc
Santa Monica Hospital Medical Center,
1250 SU:tccn1h Street, Santa Monica,


nn~ : i , : : ~ : :

r:i:~;~i h=~~::~




c~:~:y:;ca in rape . . .
thcsearesituatio nsinwhich ies
ca~!':n ~~~~~~r!-~:~~action,a

mcnt , fear of retaliatio n from her al~:~crandfcar thatnooncwillbclicvc
S1udcnl Involvemen t In SoMq tltc
Jennifer Rabold , a senior at the


fercnce to fonnthcNallonalCoalit.loriof
Students AJl:inst Sexual Assault ,
Thcor1aruz.atlonhu lo£tygo¢s: It


plans to develop &1udent workshops and
prcsct1tations lhat will bc roordinatcd for
prcscn1a1ion nationally, 10 wrile a newsleuer . to address 1he iss ues of suual
fo rm a network of professionals workin1
in the field , 10 establish a library with
information about rape, and 10 form a
suppon system fpr rape survivors that
will help them rclocarc to anolbc r schoof
if 1hctr adminis1ra1ion is not responsive.
Rabold says lhc students have also
effectively earned spots on the newly
formed Safe Schools Coalition, which
was inilially made up of>counsclors, profcssors and administra1o rs.
''Sl udcn ts have had an impact,·• she
says. "Adminstrators can say all they
want abou t date rape, buc s1udcnts arc
peer cou nselo rs a nd they need 10 realize
that , they need 10 train us. Their programs loo k good on paper but i1's the
s1udcnts who carry them out.''
Raboldsa ys bccauscSOmany rapcsarc
not rcponcd, studcnu who arc friends of

calif., 90404.
In addition to aggressive educational
programming, Parrott m:ommcnds that:
• Schools should conduct suual a.uault
surveys to assess the scope o f their
• Schools should ban or1aniz.ations 1ha1
encourage date or Jllfll rape.
• Schools shoud promote media
covc'ragc of the problem.
• School\ should hold closed Judi cial
hearings lhat involve rape.
• Schools$ouldprohibitlhegraduation
or registration or a person facin1 rape
• Schools should have comprehensive
1uiddincs defining rape and 1he punishmcnt for1hccrime .
Parron also encouraged student involveir,EJ L Rabold says anyone in1ercstcd in.., joining the national student
coali1ion can write .lo iu coordinat or ,
Ashley Belcher at Was hing1on Univcr sity, 6515 Wydown, Boll4290, St. Louis,
Mo., 63 105.
is.s~;~t::t!:/i! :,a~~gN~~:~op:i

rra1cmityConfcrcnce. Thisorgan.iutkln
offers Greek men a 22-mi nule video
called ''Fra1cmi1y Men on Date Rape: A
Candid Conversation" 1hat features the
male viewpoint of date rape. '' A catalyst
for conversat ion, " says the group's
A spokesperson at the Co nference on
Sexual Assault said the fraternity group
can hardl y keep up with the demand for
the video.



Best in Breakfast, $andwtches, ·




Olli , tc1.lina:~cral 1COrinaopponuni1ics
for · Umberto. Soric, a fr eshman -from
(Jaly. However, each advance made by
Suffol~ Wu matched and overcome by

attribu1cd 10 lbc playina: field . Northeastcm'shomcfidd isuu-o turfwhich
makct play _atdCI" for • team like
Suffolk, whjch is not used to hia.h bouocinaballs,andfumplay, Aecording10
Walter Escobar, a junior from Wakefidd, " You assumc·whcn you " to the
~':-!~o~bo ~~~-c_rJi':n

sional for 12ycan. Hi wua"tClfflcap. • the-oc:t' wbcn
tainforsii)UJSbcforedcfcctin&lO IWy ~perform
via.YUloslavia ln 1981,whicb lnvolvcda Junlon'Milr.e
swim across the Danube R1'\Cf.
and Doua GriJ
In 1he ~nd quarter, the learn came ; Also icein&·
ou1siiooa. Severalscorinaopportunilics, the am's onl
~abreak~b)o.Martino Naroo, ·Seaesl. a sop)
aJuniorfromltaly.Allscoringopportu- .and Kerr)' -t
~~artcd by Nonh-


stressed to the team to "Be aggressive,
and don11 give thCJD a chan0C to tt um

~~~h~u::,r:• 1~iu=~obJf:J
RamJ. Guitmez, i.ncuttjriaoffananaJe
as wdl as a breakaway, had the save 0£

outin thescco
after halftime
for us. Anyyc

wi=~1oSufillk, Jujucoachcd

the pme, rtsultin1 in the injury or a


for three ICUOM at- West Roxbury's
Catholic Memorial Hisb School.. He wu

Key playcn; in the pmc included

wewillbcsoliwill be S1Toni

O!,t: :
James Cox, a senior full back from
. - - - - - - - - - - ••- - •_ ,.., nm cda shol infrontof

·eo _ -

l'hcRam_ 1


~~:!=~~ ~~~~~of the first





I :


~ -Mo.· · ff :
· o
Luncheon and Dinnex:_ Specials


E.ndre Kristiamcn, a SopbomOl"C rrom


e .


Daily }Jome Cooked

__ ___

==~~~ Rams in the


•'Of,I • • - - - • • • • • - • ,

Bo· toa·s

1~ 1~~~



. Northeastern took lldvantaic o f ~
wcaknes:linSuffol.k's dcfcnscaodsco,-cd
t,alf. Goal ICDdcr Radrw,
Meodcz. of. Chile had some exccUcnt
saves, tuttin&: orr 1CVcral other scorina

early in the first




Paul Ring


.MEAL Wini TIIS ......... ~



• • • • • • • • • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • •. J

Nico l e Desisto
. 573-8 323


TIie Suffolk

roumai w:i:,i:, <klober 13, mi

The Suffolk,


The Official Sjudent New~paper Of S~
Volume SO Number~S'

Northeastern H.Q.skies bite Suffolk Rams
b1 Vlkl ~

byGkuaa Sllliw
Hours at the Mild.rod F. Sawyer
Library, which The Journol reported in
the last issue had bcco cut by la per week
due to budget rcstrainll, will be reinstated, accordint 10 Suffolk President
David Sargent.

Even coaching from a former Olympian could not bri111 victoi-y to the



1cam last 'Friday llighl .

They were beaten by Northcutcm, 6-0• •
The division· ) Nonheastcm Hwkies
home field io Brooltlioc proved to be a
burial ground for many brc:aJ::-aways and
possible scori ng opportunities for the •



___ __ _
Northeastern toolt-advantaie of every

cartyin the finthalf. Goallaxicr RodJV)

Mendez or ChilC had some u:ceU
cn1 .saves, cu1Lin1 off several other scoriq
op~rtunitia, keepina the Rams in the
aune: throu&}u)ut the half.
Endrc: Krutiansm, a Sophomore from

SU triumphs against
Salve Regina


by Nicole M , DcSiteo

out, se11iniseva-alsoorinaopportunities
for Umberto Sorge. a freshman from
IJaly. HowCVCf,eath adv~madc by.
Surrollt wu matched and ovcrromc by







A contributin& faa'or in the loss can be
attributed to the playin, field . Non heastcm's home field is asiro turf which
makes play harder for a team like
Suffolk, which iJ not used to hiJh bouncing balls, and ruttt play. Acco rding 10
Walter Escobar, a junior from "Ucfield, "You assume when you 'get 10'The
ball thaJ it won'l bounccovcr your head.
We weren't used to !hat. P layi ng on
grass is di fferent .'' Al t!Jcendof1he fi rs,
half, Northeastern led 4-0.
str = ~ : : :·
~d don't give lhcm a chance to num
with the ball."
13eiftc::oming ioSuffolk, ~coached
for three ICU;(>M at West Roll bury•s
CatholK Memorial Hiah School. He wa.1
a mcmbcr o fthc l964Ro manian01yrnpie Team, and a top divi~on I profcs-

slonal for 12 ycars. He was a team cai,tain forSUl ycan; beforedefcicting10. ltaly
v~ Yutoslavia in•l981- whicb Involved a
swim acrou the Danube River.
In the seco nd qua11cr, the team came
inctui:fq a bleak..away by Martino NaJtlo,
II Junior from Jl&ly. All scorina opponunitic,.were agai n thwaned by Nonheanem'sgoaltendcr.
Jose Gut ierrez, a junior from Spain,
took the net in the second half and

,~coc•~i: ~:c!:%~~,.{'-~ ~t~nn'::.~':~~a:~::

as well as a breakaway, had 1he save of
the game, resulting in lhe injury o f a
Nonhca.stemplaycr. This gave Suffolk a
breather. and a chance to regroup.
Key players in the game included
J ames Cox. a senior full baclt from
England. Cox ddlected a shot in front o f












Nicol e Desisto


the ,net when McDdcz wu caught out.
GQ9dpcrformancawcrcalso&CCn from
Juniors' MilteShimansltyofl.cxington,
and Doug Grimes of Glouc.e:stcr.

The Suffolk Univcuity Golf learn
rocet1tly wontbcirmatch qains1 Sa.Ive
Rcsina, in Newport Rhode b land.
They played at the Wanumetonolll y
GolfOubinMiddletown, R.J .
Playing for the Rams were Miltc
Jewett, Eric Dupere, Tim Dohen y, Rich

h A ~ : ractrr!:1:n=
M~:!:a~:;~~g~~:~~ !he New
~ . a so phomore from Glo~tcr , England Tourney!
and Kerry Killtclly, a senior from
Wa kefield

SU baseball ends
season, 5-7 record



f:~u:~::n r~c:'

by Nicole ~Sb10
coach ict 10 know c:acb other, NCllt year.
we will be solid . After they ltoow me, we
Though the Su~folk fall baseball
will be strong."
season has ended "."Ith a reco rd o r 5.1,
the y have accomphsehd more than they
The Rams arc now I-land I.
set out to. The Rams played Holy Cr05,5,
(division 1), on Oct. I and won 8- 1. It
was the fint time Suffolk hu played
Holy Cross in any sport.
''Everyone 15 more pumped up to play
divl5ion I and 2 schoob," says pitcher
Mike Jewett. Jtwctl Is also a member or
thetc:ilf tcam. ·
Holy Cross wa.1 missing a few 1tarting



Library hours reinst~t~d

Paul Ring


Sartcnt said he had decided to cxpk)rc
the rcinstatcmenl or boll{$ in early
October, when the issue fltlt arose. Fu r•
thmnorc, he Slated, the university is cons.ldcring the possibility or u.tcoding
library h0urs until mictniP.t d urinJ midterm and final cum period,.
Al press-lime, the library was ltill dosint at io p.m. o n wccltda)'I, but Saraent
said that Librvy OifCC\or Tod Hamann
is authorized at this lime to restore the
Sawyer Library's hours.
Suffolk senior Peter J c,wkes said he
d~n•1 think additional evenina.boun
" I've been down there a1· and
its like a ghost town ," hcaaid. '' I think
the money could be better spent aomcwhcre else - liltc wort: o n makint a
more varied curriculum. lba.1'1 my b~·
aest co mplain! about thii ltbool."
" I hate the Mildred F. Sawyer
Library,'.,..said Jim McBride, also a
senior, "because I cfon't think there's

always someone around to help you ..
There's not enough computer terminals.
The Malden (public} library ii ancient
... bull'dra1hcrgothcreto1tudy."
" To many l)COl)IC Wit in lhc library
. . . when you' re tryi na 10 study," said
st udent Ann Faqn.a.
All three student, arc enrolled ii) an
Evcoina 1tudcnt Adam Silverman
docs fed that the library boun should be
rcinsllllcd. He wrote a ~ter to Viet
President FrandS X. Flannery and an
open Jetter to the unlversjtJ uying 10.
The letter, which wu introduced to
the Studen1 Govcmmenl Association
(SGA) by Junio r Clw Rci>rC1Cnta1ive
Antho ny Stepanik, called for the c:iueDlion or library hours ''becauseacadcmicl
and the compctitio'l ror ruturc student,
clearly demand ii."
Silverman, who uld not be reached
for comment, pointed out in his letter
lhat Nortbcaslcrtl. University•, library is
open unill 2 a. m. and 9o:itop Unive,•
sity's library ls open until 2a.m.
Stepanik said he received "vciyJ,i1tle
. reedbaclt" from SOA on· the ls.sue or
library hpun . SOA Y'o1ed to send tlSe
mattu 10 thc - Lcaialaii'IC Univm.ity
Afrairs Committee for discuulon.
accordfn,10Saiscni, will betaken
the tcncral opcratioru budget.

rrom •

CJN receives scholarship

aid tsuch as wort: study, Arch~ Fellow!
money, federal aid, Pell Grants, i=tc.)
taltc(YolCt and cany (the student) lhrough
the other three~.• •
The BNBA wu e11ablishcd In 1933,
duril1J the 'l>eprcuion, u an aid to
rcportm who were in cc:onontic: distress
and needed the financial help and sup-

._,, ...
association le
papen in Bost
to two today
needy people
said Wysocki.

-due ii a.1Dfli::tq:bolball1Chcdules.

''Bui hey, we're missini' people too,"
says C?jih Joc.Wabh .
Pi1cl1101 ror the Rams were Joe
Fa~. a6 '◄ •1cn handtr,....fiopitcbcd
◄ inoinp and pVe up onJy ona hit;
J~ t. for IWO inninp; Jay Viatlcivicicus
.:•JV", for one m.DU!li Scott Dunn, a
freshman from Quincy, ror an Inning;
and Marty Nuwaia.
'' A std1u performance by our pitchina Jtaff," 1171 a proud Walsh•
Leadin& the attack on offense was
ICD.ior Paul Poccio, with three bhs and
thffie RBl'J.; aad aopb;nim In t.bnr,
''There arc ltrdna pitcbcn comma in
(lhi1 Sprina 1m1011),"ll)'I Jcwett;"witb
V'JattivicieUI aad Dwm...
" We were looltbia ll people for the
Sprina, '' U)'I Wub. ''We ,eepeople at
differea;t polidom .and new COIIWtl
(rc,.bma . . ~ time. 'Ibat'• the

. ~ o l tall bd.Spriqlltbc otbcr

_, INJ a:roand;.. 11owtw.wecan 1o wtii."
