File #4239: "Suffolk Journal_1993Nov17_vol52no11.pdf"


'The Suffolk J(Jontal·
Wednesday, November 17, 1993

Beacon HII, Bomn, Massachusett&

Volume 52, Number 11

Numerous break-ins plague the Sa~!!w
By Stephanie Snow

A number of various break-ins
oc:curing this month have pJqued the
SawyerBuildiflg, with thcshith, ninth
and tcnlh noon all bein.a victimized.
Thc Sociology Department, in par-



lbeAs;::t!:::~i:incidcnll arc rehaving been atolen. At nxigh]r the fer?Cd to u burgiaries aod ·not wcesame time, it wu reponed that a nies because of the nature of how
VCR Wu taken from Sawyer 929.
they were.committed. While tbc difCaptainJohnPqliandoOft11eiSuf- 1 ,;•
fereoces ate'nii)it juatfortbeukeof

~:~k::!~~:~=~~~;:~~ns:: . clarification they ~ill be nottd.
gainedbybrcakingtheglusnear lhe
mail box. Pagliarulo stated that "the
_ continued on page 2


By N.ErEKobar


hem bown IO
maytalmtedteams. ·


"l 'm....~diaappoi,Md. lM( my
counterparts, Bob J..obel aad . Mike
Lynch, couldn't join me,"


Ocnnissaid. "'ButMikewouldn'tcome

day to watc~ the lids."
As the crowd of abou1 80 people,
whohadgatbemdin the Fenton Lounge
Nov. t01ohcarDennis1peak, laugbed
over his opening remarks, the air of
ten1ion that had been building in the
room was broken. Dennis went on furtber to ma:ko an impression with SIU·
dents and faculty by telling a few anccdotes about such sport! stan as Larry
Bini and Danny,Ajnge.,
Oetting over his initial ncrvousncu,
Dennis talked openly about his college
yean at Keat State, localed in•Ohlo, •
where be·•~
fivelµgh u a wcek ao--

the pme on the line
- ~ people· bave


Suffolk horiors its veteram

Y?"w~... Sbcled·.lhe'

f~ISpoints a
~ lall year, but Brown
Ill much more lo this


(ou can't measure he.r


po;iau: ," · Walsh said .

,,, • tJemeDdous ind.i-


ild ...........



s...,.-., - - · •





llaod•dto---ad-l'IIJlanllolbo-- llrillcaldtod!Nlliqaloa- .. _ _ ...., . . - ........

-IDll,elllpnimowith upoc:1alll,e~ lelf•al•
. ..... IOcomak a feloay. ~ ~DI that it WU &till onao-- Man:lu1nl

u. . ,.._.....,. ....


lucuJ ii defiacd u i,
AlcuadraTodd.CWrper. ead lpOIII
...... canyiq ... .,...



_ . , _ . _ . , ---thaltheS.,- to .......

- - -.. depri ..

folk Police

· 1 1 •artioa

•onerpcnaaeadyofiu ~CJadlia."Toddabollllfld
-thattbesmlf«tboSociolPq1ianalo llated thal Ol)'Deputmcat -js toacctllb
-....,.!thebtuluiaJ... ldllcd".
Howcva, Todd dcc:liaod

Saffolt Police will have an
al Ille .,...._ CUI ha-.e

to c:ommcat


-:.:--'"':"1k.:...W :=,:._...




lM pord
uy preucc1 aa

tllM ban
la dlo1


._ u

. . . clinic







G~vemmerat- .........

A-:r.vonble lft"season

all. I lib our .chances

burgtary, thcn:forc the keys ato1en in
the first burglary were not a factorin

John Dennis urges students to
perservere tQ achieve dreams

' ~, team be m underpr&teuoD

1042, at appro1.1mately 7 : 15 a.m.,

':;! ~!:fct! !:e:e~or:e;:rv~:~

among the it;ms reponed stolen.
A computer and a set of depart·
merit ke,:s were stolen in the tint
break-in 'of lhe Sociology "Deiwt·

~ ~ f ; :1
On Nov. I, it was reported tha1
"'-.thecallabou1thebreak-inatappro11.ithere was a break-in on the &
ixlh mately 8:25 p.m.

* -•

Then.on Nov. _
15,qain to Sawyer

floor, which many of the
School of Manag~ment's offices ,

a...--·..,....·~-- -·
... -....,...,._...... . . to_ __.,. ._ ...........



COW>tr)' al

tbM timC.

" It never really occuned to me that
E~ward Krle , Keith F!llmore, you don't 111ft out• tbe top 10. lt's
M1rudolc Pilct, Wayoe Sottile, Rob- aomewherc )'OU ac:t to," Dermis rccrt Starr, Lawrence W~ ~ f'ec:er· called. '7oday it's easier for you118


booorina their icmcvaoenL


· Tbisevauwasoo-&pOIIIOffllbyboth ~ the Student Activities Office and the
The HOOGr Roll of Vctenm1 names
()ff,ce of the PresidenL
Reverend Charles Rice, Bill Calghlin.


Association -11,e
· ··ng to .be· .........
November 23,at 1:00
. ·/


Holulay, du}..,..Jwi/1,wt

,,, pllbulwtl -

wuk. .,.,,,

-.,OIU'Jllll will rrtum to it'1

... wtdnadoy.!l,c. t , 1991.




: = = ~ face~ thatjMf upiD,

Aftcr~~duecyeanin "411111
lettcilofintJpductiou tonews directors City, DennisMijlc,balbcbcpnsecrecly
in the top IOldt(idon martets in the sendingoutleaeru obiggamarbato

. am" on Tuesday, NOY. 9bonoredbodl Wollh.
-IOBd...,ibe ... lO'w.J, ....
the Vc:tcnml and the ~ wbo , .
apcrience dilc ID the fact lhat DCW1 .
cum:ntly on Clive duty. Tbc ~
D_, 10th, T/ta,wgiving
who were booored l'tlCCivcd a certifi- anl Wripl, Rliboni lCdmaio, Annal

directors arc ' fazing out' olderjournaliscs,witbbi1Warieainfavorofyou.nger
people who will ?'()rt for !cu money.".
Dennis. who had made the final tty•
outt of a natiCN1wide sc.rth for two
sideline rcportl!n 1o cover
cOJlege football for CBS, Claims lo
bavcseal ow 202 letters and resumes lo
prospective etnployers. It wasn't Until
he received a letter from an NBC affiUa1e tn
ny, w
they .. might be interested'' and "could
he please stay in lOuch," that he struck
"I made &bi& pain in the ass out of
myself," Dennis snid with a laugh. "I
was, like. calling this poor guy [the
qews director) e11ery other day, but it
paid o£f in the end.·•
because he didn't gh,:e up 200
rejection letters that he was able to land sports anchor jQb in_~ City.
He claims that it is the ~ !e who
don' t''giveup after ..ha~ng l'f'_doon

cootinued oo pqc 2

Saw,er: Room421

· - - • . , , _ _ _ , . , - 17, 1993


John Dennis, WHDH sports
plague Sawyer buildinganchor, speaks at S~olk
s...,.._......... '° ■a,q,GL{!alBS :i:=. ;~:;:~r~O:: :::~v=~i~:;;v~




ftaod • dte r,I doo dwellia1 of ...
..._. in tho aipttimo with
iaeeM IO comait a felony.

u........ - - . .

be increuod

pMrOli of the

doo...Wburplrieadlol ....
occwnd, Piclianalo cbole
Pqliarulo 1110 cbole oot
to comment oa any particular
aspect or the invcstiallioo,
sayina that It 'f(U ltill oqoiq.
Aleund,a Todd,Cboupo,IOG r,I Ibo Soc;.toe l>eputlDCIII, reawted lhat the Suf.
folk Police late] womq
bardoatbi1." Toddlllaosuuid
that the p l for the Sociol•
0epartmcn1"is to ace this
However, Todd declined
lo comment fun.hcroa u y
fulbcrupcct of the bn::ak~iu
that ha.YO occurred in the of, _ "' ... Sock>logy DoputmeaL

larceny la defined .as a


. .,_..,.,r,.borlari..Jan,

P-,U1nllo IUtOd thal "be


RIIMod..'" Hcrcasarbdthactbc
s.ffolk Polico will have u

.........- , . . i.. o1a11

Coindoued~ NC I
municarloos and Journalis.m
"tat lbc 'WIim." Afta his Bob Roscnthl l hu always
boa itilcowftd wbal be wu tried to convey to bis stu·
doinc, bowcver,befoundhim· dents.
ldfoutofajob. EveaNally,in
"I wu glad lo sec him
Macb ol lm,Dea:nisarrivcd ('Dcnais) n:lnfon:c some of
inBoaonlOrq,alCOtheweck- the things I' ve been saying
eadsporulDChor11a.noe.t for years," said Rosenthal,
7. Hepvem01toftbecredit whose Mass Commuoicato laadiq tho job to beio1 tioos class attended the preabletoQetwort..
scntation. "I wanted them
" Yoo hive to be able to (the clau) 10 1e1 a different
aomebow plug into the net- pcrspcclivetha11heycan'11e1
work." Denaisadviscdhis au• from mc.w
diencc. "It's likestaodin&on
Also attcndina the lecture
the porch with your face wuJocWalsb,aarrcnt.lyhcad
prused qainst the window coach of Women's basketlook.ins iDlo the party. These ball, who had high praise for
DCWS dirccton all know ctich Denn11.
other and they teod to ul:
" I enjoyed him," Walsh
cich otbcr, 'Who would be said. "'II re.any motivates

...,.....,...,.......,...................,...,...,...,~- ~ ':1~~eyy:::; ="!·u~::ict!::~
W'- lltod iftbcre would

Meeting to be
November 23,
at 1:00

,Demiil' visit to Suffolk
marted the cod' of Career
Quest, 111thich ran from Nov.
·1. 10. AhhOUJh the exacc
numbataren' tinyct,Direc: · tor of Career Services and
Taa.k.ld'&kyis ..quitepleascd"
the IS cvenu duri na 1he
coune or iodays, a new format wtucb Tuklc.flky said
oul year.
Ah.houah everyone is still
talking about having John
Dennis speak at Suffolk, the
final words must come from
Ocnnisbimsdf. Wbenaskcd
why be rdt it was important




ataDd ouL"
Althouah the Pittsburgh
native bu DO plans to leave
Bosl0Gaf\erl7ycars, bcwas
quick to ldl atlildcota to nd
ajob----coywbcrc, dbin1aoy•
aQlwbcrc you're 1oina to be
wbe.Dyou rcrirc." Hepuscd,
1111ikd, then added, " It better
DOl be!"
Tbe idea that future broad·
cutcrs should Ir)' to break in

could relate to."

to get where he i1. Wbcn I
left, I felt really pumped up."
Dennis. Seven.I Su ffOlk studcnts,1uchuAnna8alliro,a
yed the prcsenwioo.
"Hewas verycncouraaing
owuds people brt:akina into
tbcjoumalismfield, .. BaUiro
remarked. " He brouaht up
bot.h positive and ocaalive

lcgea,hinnswcrwustraightforward and pcnonal.
" It 's very i.~portaot. It
doesn't seem that 1001 ag~
that I.was in cqUcae and was
thiokina about bow ,I wa~
aoing to get a job," he confidcd. "I was lookin1 toothen for suppon myself. So
it'sonlyfair dwaincc l know
• little somethina about my
field, that I gi ve others some

SmalerdlRBpovide ~edlJK'af-m, 8lpf'delly
for fremten, a panel~ educators • dffie

honors its


first holiday


please contact
The Student Government



!II ·,,,, ., /'


thatshedidn' thavethodis-

ona difficult project and fi nishcd k. •
Mtrfy rera p lOyenl loot
hi1bly on a attMSen1'1 initia~
tivcln lactijna an advanced
course . ..
• Participate in public service by fi ndlna ways that
link your coursework with a
wonby project.
A co-op job Is the perfect
opportuni1y to combine both
what you have learned in the
• Recognize the potential
value or courses.
Sven i( thoae course,
seem boring now, the mate-

"If I had 1ooc to·col(ege
and done wl).at J wu expectcd to'do; IWould be playing ttic piano at Nordstrom
right now," shesald. "Don' t
get toctcd Into what others
think you ought to be or to
what you lhinkyou ought to
for aomc reason a courac
and explo re it in depth .
Yol.\'11 never get another
chance to go bl.ct."
Other word& of wisdom
from the panelists:
.-Qon' t beafraidtpcactle
j& cballenaln&,counD:.uYoW
mayinotcxceUobulyou will in your lire.


Thahksgiving Dav,~~~
·Suffolk.Universify' Book~tore · .

~~:~ft:11ctrR~b: a~ '


inspiring benediction 'at the
, ~vent. Having been a Vet.uan himself, ii was a nice
tOuch to !lave Rice give the
bencdiclion fo r his (_p q_w
• • ~

grams, commented that l,he


Veterans celebration wu ..a
good proaram,
came were arateful that we
cared lbaa m ~~ tgc!:"~ t!'e,;
p1f.!gram." Hixon staled t~at
s~ hoped another event hke
this o ne will happen again
ne11.t year and went on to 11y
that she hopes to act more
stndcntsinvolved ia ttie 9'9-.




.Jfu:on related a story or
older vetcn.o who wu
sllrprised 10 ace fellow students . who had served during the aamc COl)fl.iCt ht bad.
The mm ~ '
the event and the Interaction
it ,afforded hhn with other
Veterans. Hixon said acelna \
IDOfespcdal. ' \ t ,-\H,

Ifyou are interested

ptOfcssors are very inter-

:r~h .%!:i~t~~l.O t=.t~'~!:!tft,!1:.~

or their educations ahould ·you on."
sign up ro, , mailer clauea
Ot!ttrpanclists urgcd11uwhere they can act more per- dents to experiment by tak•
sonaliud instruction, a pancl ing aubjccts lhcy'~e never
of educators adviscdincom• tried. " College' is a unique
ing freshmen .
opportunity not only to try'
Continued from page I
The anonymity of large things, but ! protected
fice and by send lna out lecture cluses may be com• from outrageous punish•_
memorandums to each de• forting in some ways, but mcnt." James Adams,
partmcnL The names were students mias the opponu. • profcuor of mechanical
1ha.n compiled from both nity get gain valuable con• engineering.
sources and the Ve1erans tact with instructors.
Rice, who served as IC·
were notified and uked to
" Goup 1 professors and nior director for Soviet Af•
tdl them that you' d like•10 fain on the National SecO·,
In keeping with the ·patri• findoutmOf'Cabouttheirre- rityCouncilin formerPresi-;
01ic 1hemc. food served dur• search and would lite 10 fi.nd dent Bush's administration,
ing .tl)c celebration included
a 1. wayb,io,1 p ~rt!i;ip a_te, " rec~~ th~t ~~e h~d in:
hOI dogsi apple pie and, td
Stanford University Pro'l(qst I t'tP~ ~~!PA~ C.29M,
wash it all down, i.pple ciCondoleczaRiceauggcst.ed. pwmt when .•be wen.t ,ta
de r.
"Keep io mind that many college, butqu1cklyrealizi:4
Th e Ve tcrani who at•
1endcd ranged from people
who served du rina World
War U to those who senicd
duri ng the most recent con•
nic1, 1he Persian Oulf Wu.
The Veterans talked of ll}elr rience~ se"i'o. their
coU ntry nOt only' to each
other, bu110 the people who
Ulii"mblcd to sec the Veter•
ans bonOrcd.


needed to host
International students
Th$nksgiving dinner!

Cali f.


J~ocCawley,GraduatoAlai'9nt ac tbe S1udent Activitie& ()(flee, remuicd. "1 am
'iery pleased with tho Stu•
dent turnout and Lb~
all thote veter'IDI wbo par-

llclpauil aad bclped make
this event ncceaful."

j, ••.

~ Dennis, WHDH sports ,

tor, speaks at Sqffollc

n." After bis
xi whit be


r,hefoundhim~ fivmrually, ln
putelhcwockborat a.noel
, job -to beina


to be able tO
1 into the net•

advilccfhil autc~ng on

1 your face
"the window
cparty. These
all bow each
y tend 10 ask
Vho would be
,b?' Youbavc

inakc younclf
be. Pittsburgh
plau to leave
r yc&n, be WU
Mlenuto "find

~ .. Hepused,
ldcd, "ltbetter
lfuturebroldtiy to breat in

anywbcte they can is some,.
thi n1 ~ profcsSOt" of Com•
muoicatiooa and Journalism
Bob Roscn1hal hu al wars
tried 10 convey to hit stu•
"I wu glo.d 1 sec him
(Dennis) reinforce some of
I.he things I've been saying
for years," said RoscnlhaJ.
whose Mass Communications clan attended the presentation. " I wADted I.hem
{1heclau ) to gc1 •, different
perspective thal I.hey can't get
from me."


coach of Women's bukcl•
ball, who had high praise for
"I enjoyed him." WaJsb
said. "II really motivates
people. I mean, he sent out
to get whcrc he is. When I
lefl, I fell rca11y pumped up."
Faculty membcn were not
theonlyones im~with
Dcn.nis. Several Suffolk studcnts,suchuAnnaBalliro,a
Ju niorjoumaJismmajor,also •
enjoyed the prueJltation.
"He was very cocour1ging
towardJ people brcakina into
lhcjoumalismfield, "Balliro
remarked. "He brought up
both positive and negative

points, but overall, it was a
well-rounded lecture tha1 cvcryoae cOllld relate 10."
-Da!Dis' visit to Suffolk
marked the end of Career
Quest, whlch ran from Nov.
'1-10. Although the c1.oc1
nwnbcn aren' t in yet, Director of Career Services and
Cooperative Education, Paul
Tanklcflk.yU "quite pleased"
with this year's ~ttcndance of
1hc 15 cvcnu during the
course of 10 days, a new format which Taaklefsky said
his office will be using again
next year.
A1though ~vcryone is still
talking abou t having John
Dennis speak at Suffolk, the
final wonts must come from
~shimaelf. Wbcnaskcd
why he fell it wu imponant
that people wcU-cstabLishcd
in their fields speak at col•
lcgcs,hiunswcrwu stnl.igh1fofWard and personal.
"It' s very important. It
doesn't seem lh,at long ago
that I was in c.qlleae and was about bow I was
aoing lo act• job," he confided. "I was lookina to othen-for support myself. So only fairthalsinccl know
a liltle something about my
field, that I g'ive olhcn some

~erican Families
n~ed to host
temational students
~anksgiving dinner!

Ifyou are interested
please contact
1he Student Government

(-> • •

,1_,s:~, ,, , ...~


. I



TbeSuflolk- •Wcdnot!tay,tlove1111••!17, 1993


Smaller~.provide b e U e r . ~ ~
f o r ~ a panel m
hQnors its
Calif. pr~fessors are very inter- lllat.she didn' rhavethedis- on a difficult project and finVe~raris ,in (CPS)-Collcge. l tudeqts csted in Y?f i'\t~~fj j~ \C""l 'rciptine~the_tllent for:that ished k. •

first hQliday of their for smaller classes yo~Other panelists urged stu- and" If I hadwhat Itowas ex- highly on employers'initiaeducations 1h0\Jld
gone college
• student's
sign up
tive: io tickling an advanced
where they can get more perto experiment
tak- pcctcd
ceremony sonaliz.edinstruction, a pancl dentsaubj~ts ~cy'ycbyn.cvcr ing theto'dd; I Would t,e,si!J,y. course. in publk sering
piano 81 Nordstrom
• Participate


Continued from page I

fi ce and by sending out
memorandums 10 each departmcnL The names were
than compiled from both
sources and the Veterans
· L keeping with the patrin
01ic theme. food served during the celebration included
hot dogs: apple pie 1and, td
wub it all down, lpple cider.
The Veteran$ who at tended ranged from people
who served during World
War II to those who served
during 1he most recent conflict. 1he Persian Gulf Wu.
The "{eterans talkedoftJ:leir
expe ri ences ser>1ing their
country nOi oflly to e~ch

notified ,sited

ofcduca10111adviscdincoming freshmen .
The anonymity or large
lecture cl uses may be comforti ng in some ways, but
students miss lhe opportunity get gain vaJuablc contact with instructors.
"Go up to profcs.sors and
tell them lhat you' d like to
findoutmorc abouttheir research and would Ii.kc to find
a ,. way.,Jo1, p ~rt!F.ip a_tc ,"
Stanford University Prov,qst 1
CondolcczaRicesuggcstcd .
"Keep in mind that many

carcet. :,..,.,,, ., •.,,,

tried. ' ' eollegc is a unique
opportunity not 'only to try'
thinas. but to be protected
from outrageous punish-_
mcnt,'' said James Adams,
a professor of mechanical
Rice, who served as se- ,
nior director for Soviet Affain on the National SccuntyCounctl1nformcrPrcn•;
dent Bush's admimstration,
recall~d that s~c h~d in, ,.d~d .~~p~,~ C,!WfCfl11
pwust when she went lO

ans bon0red.

~~:ek;he;,~tb; 7;~

inspiring ~ncdic~oia at the
event. Havmg been a Veteran h.imsClf, it was a nice
touch to have Rice give the
benediction for his fellow
· ,"
Jcanne1e Hixon. Ass ist.ant
Directo r of S pecial Programs. commented that the
erans celebration was "a

~:s;;;; ~~~~:/;:~!again

will happen
next year and went on to say
that sbc hopes to get m0rc
students involved ill IJic p"9gram. ·
· •
Hixon related a story pf
an older velera.n wbOwU
sW'J)rised 10 &ee fellow swdcnu who bad served during the wnc conflict be bad.
The man totally· appttaat'ea ·
lhe event and the i.ntcractio~
it .afforded him with other
Veterans. Hixon said seeing \
things like that made th eccl•

\µ, oecawley,GraduateMsil(tant·u the StudclltActivitics Office, remarked, -i am
•'cry p l ~ ~ltb the Stu;
dent 1uf'Dolll and_~
all tb01e veceraru: wbo par-

tioipated ud helped
thil event s~ful."



or doUan eac ,
1be RSP Ill<

l.uldondOUI-Of-stale tuiti
gland public col!


,;·;,~~ 0

pal=oage ;~the ::': '

Thanksgivinb Day c i rds . -,,,
·). ~
. .
Plenty of C h1"'.1stmas Gift Jde<lls
:,. ' · uge Seledi?~
:ofG,ift Books
·· · ·- Sweatshi '. j ;, - Jackets - Insignia

·For eumpll
bachelor's de~
.., • pluticS.,cngilleelj


. ' Vermont; rcsidci
states. may puril
· the Univenity o
Lowell this year





T hat\ -right, '20% off
- f;;xcepr fextl5oak, Lr --_- -~~-----.Pacu lty G, Staff t hat means '20% + 10%
Now'~the time to save on l_g_w/Study Aids
We want to show oJ-r' app-reciation fo-r you-r


sett4.New Ham1



r "'.:

cared that m!f.Ch 1~c~lfr l:he::

...-orpad nlli

rightnow,"shcsald. "Don't vice by · finding ways that
get Ioclc'ed into what others link your coursework with a
think you ought 10 be or 10 w0rthy project .
what you think you ought 10
A co-op job is the perfect
beri&hlnow.Ifyou find that opportunity to combine bo't h
for some ,reason • course practical job experience with
really turns you on, go ahead what you have learned in the
and· explore it in depth. classroom.
Yo1.1'll ncvec get another
• Recognize the potential
chance to go back."
value of. courses.
Other words of wisdom
Even if thosi: co urses
fr om the panelists:
seem boring now, the matc•Oon!tbeafraidtp"o.ckle
~ challenging, COW'16:.ul"ouJ
maylnotexcell, butyouwill in your life.

fiiJ' Thanksgivin~ .~ .~~
Suffolk Univer~ity Q.ook~tore





1 1993 ·



f educators am,e
he didn' I have the dis-

le°Of'o-lho ~ len1 for.that

onadiJficultprojectandfinished k.

Man·y em ployers· look
hiihly on a lludcnt's initiative In tackling an advanced


r I had gone to college
:lone what I was c~d t~dd;.I would be play-

tc pi ano at Nordstrom
now," shcsald. "Don't
ICicd into what others
)'ou o~ghtrlo ~ or to
you think you ought 1
;htnow. J(you find that
ome ~on a co,urae
f turns y~ oo, go ahead
explore it in depth .
II ocvcr get a nother
::e to go back.''
lier wordJ of wisdom
dlenalna, COIUWr.f Yow
1 c,i:ccll, but you will
ongcrforhaving 11kcn


• Participate in public service by finding ways that
link your coursework with a

wonhy projcc1.
A co-op job Is the perfect
opportunily to combine both
practical jobupericnce with
what you have learned in the
clusrooffl .

• Recognize the potential
Bv!I if those cou rses
seem boring now, the mate•
r\f:1 tb4~ yo~ lel.fll .could
c~in handy,ata laiertime
in your life.





1111s.a.aJaaW•W-,..S.Z.~17, 1993

NewFaglend·reside.-ts save tuition dollars M new ''Apple
Book" sliows.students .how to study and save


Education (NEBHE).
tuition nte of $2.826.
1be regul&rout:Of-1tatc uoder- ~ NBBHB is a nonprofit. conLowell g:ressiODally authorized interstate
-..Ticliiooo~Qlildoorlaw pwluate fuldoo at UMus
agency whose mission is to foster
enfon:ement ue just a few of the iS $6,894.

prolfllllS najlabli1:: at · rec1uc·ed
out--of-slate tuition to New England telidenlS
the New
&gland Regional Student Program (RSP), W
hich saves residents of the aix states thousands
of dollan each year in tuition.
1bc RSP allows residents of
Connecticut. Maine, Massacbusew, New Hampshire, Rhode ls·
land and Vermont to pay reduced
out--of•Sll.te ·tuition at New En•
gland public colic~ and un iver•
sities when they enroll in certain
academfo· programs not o ffered
by their home-state public institutions.
For exampl e: Becau se a
bachelor's deg:i'ce program in
plastics engineering is not offered
by any of the public universities
in €onnecticut,. Maine, New
Hampshire, •JUlode ' Island and
Vermont, l'CSidents .of those fiv e
siatCS may pursue that major at
· the University• of M assachusetts
Lowen this year and pay the ~SP


On ~aduate level, for, example, residents o( Massachusetts, Connecticut.• Maine, and.
Vermont eligible to pursue a
master's degree ill hydro Joi)' ( the
scientific study 9f the properties,
distribution, and effects of water
on the earth 's surface, in the soil
and underlying rocks:, and in the
atmosphere) al the University of
New Ham pshire thi s year and pay
the RSP tuition rtite of $5,775,
because that major is not offered
by a _P,Jblic university in their
home states.
The regular out.or.state under•
graduate tuition at UNH is
Almost 900 undergraduate and
graduate programs are available
at reduced tuition lo New England residents under the RSP.
· Jnfonnation on 1994-1995RSP
'programs is !low avai lable in the
ncW: edition of the A.Pple Book,
wbli::J, was recently released by
the New England Board of Higher

dents and their families thousands
of dollan in tuition. It also saves
tupayen mlllic:m of dollars by
enabling New England state pub.
lie higher education sys tems to
share resources and avoid duplicati ng costly academic programs.
The Apple Book. can be found
in high school guidance offices
ind public libraries throughout
New England and in the admissions offices and c ~r planning
cen1ers of New England's public
colleges and universities.
For more il\fonnation about the
RSP, or to order a copy of the
Apple Boo~ contact the Office
of the Regional Student Program.
New England Board of Higher
Education, 45Temple P lace, Boston, MA 02111 ; 357-9620.
Copies of the Apple Book are
$2.00 each. C hecks should be
made payable lo the New En •
gland Board of Hi gher Educalion.

COOperation and the efficient use
of resources a mo n.g New
England's colleges and. universi ties.
All of New England's 79 public colleges and universities participate in the RSP.
Programs are available at all
academic levels: certificate, associate, bachelor's. master's. certificate or advanced graduate
study and doctoral. ·
Students apply for Regional
Student status when they apply
for admission to a partici puing
out-or.state college.
New England students have
saved on more than $ 100,000 on
annual tuitiop bills since the RSP
was established in l 957.
Thanks 10 the RSP, 6 284 New
England s tudents and .their fami lies saved an average .of: $3,379
on their tuiti on bills in 1992- 1993
for a total savings of more lh4n
$21 million.
provided by tbe New Englan d
. The RSP not only saves Stu- Boord of H_igher Education



. means '20% + 10%
Jn l_g_w/Study Aids
pp-reciation fo-r you-r

~~~~~-- '

J the
)ay Ca-rds ·




1ll&til: Z ~ ~
were UIO

IIOd llllf'Dtd off.

iaddtlw c. dM U•b·enity PoU«.

U ,-aotlctaltaltwaJoillalrwdlls

nas G,ift Ideas
i?§ift Books
- Jackets - Insignia·

17 .l~(,V\.'~2

to play at'

0. Mc.diaJ, Noftaber I, 1,,3, a

allt llp&ed, call die U.trenky Poke

.........,. 00 NOT EHl'Ell A·


a benefit for



~ _j;;FFOLX 'liN1 11ERSffY
University Polke

Ext,. ,83~3 or 81 I I
Ext. SJ J.) for Emergency!

All type~· of music l1(Qlltetj. For
apjJlic'lltioflS 'and Cl{ldU{onal ,, _
information.,gb to the Student ,
Activities Office.
·' '

This viewer was lldrniuedl)'
tiring or the numerous bi1•
budgeted. period piece films
made each year. Although ·
some o( them are grea1. ftlms.
it's more an excuse for big
name sws to play dreu-up
and talk in forced European


The last thina. American
cinema needed was another
•Robin Hood-etque" costume
exuuagama. So this viewer
settled into Disney's brat•
packed adaptation or
M ~"witb t b e ~
lion or catching.up ~ ·sleep.
What a milCOflCC&ved idea!
"The Three Mu4k.ctcc:n" is

family entcrtainnient. Disney
~tylc. I~ i~. like a live ~00



w-. - - 17. 1993

New. England ~elits save tuition dollars as new ''.Apple
Book" shows stu(lents how to study and sav~
-,.&viroameatal ilcsign, tuition rate bf $2.126.


mf«ce11Nml arejuJt • few of the
programs 1vallable 11 reduced
out-of-slaae tuitiqa lO New En- residents under the New
England ~giOl\11 Student Program (RSP). which saves rt.iide04S of the six states thousands
of dollan each year in tuition.
The RSP allows residents or

~nnecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode lsland and Vcnnont 10 pay reduced
.out-of-state tuition al New England public colleges arrd universities when they enroll in cenai n
academic programs not o ffered
by their home-state public institutions.

is $6,894.
On the gilduate level, for example, residents of Massachusetts, Connecticut,• Maine, and
eligible to punue a
master's degree in hydrology ( the
scientific study of the properties,
distribution, and effects of water
on the earth's surface, in the soil
and underlying rocks, a'nd in the
atmosphere} at the Univeriity of
New Hampsh ire this year and pay
the RSP tuition rue df $5,775,
because that major is not offered
by a public university in their
home stales.
The regular out-of-state undergrad uate tuition at UNH is

For example: Beca use a Sll,480.
Almost 9(X) undergraduate and
blchelor's degree program in
plastics engin~ng is not offered
by any of the public uni versities
in Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire, Rhode Is land and
Vermont. residents of those five
stales may pursue that major at
the University o f Masuchusctts
Lowell this Yf ' and pay the RSP

dents and thelrfamilies thousands

E.ducation (NEBHE).

NBBHB is a nonj,rofit, con- of dollan in tuition . 11 alSO saves
The regular out-of-state underg,aduiie tuid<!o at l!Mus1.owell greutooatly authorized interstate tu.paycn millimu of dollars by

graduate programs arc avai lable
at reduced tuition 1 New En0
gland residents under the RSP.
Jnform arion on 1994-1995RSP
programs is now available in the
new edition of the Apple Book.,
which was ·rec;ntly released by
the New England Board of Higher

ai.tocy whose mission is to foster
cooperation and the efficient use
of resources among New
England's colleges and universities.
All or New England's 79 public colleges and Universities participate in the RSP.
Programs are available a1 all
academic levels: cenificate, associate, bachelor's, master's, certifica te of advanced graduate
study and doccoral.
Students apply for Regional
StudCn1 status when they apply
for admission to a participating
out-of-s1a1e college.
New England studen ts have
saved on more than SI00,000 on
annual tuiti on bills since the RSP
was established in 1957.
Thanks to the RSP. 6,284 New
England studen1s and .their fami lies saved an average o r SJ ,379
on their tuition bills in 1992- 1993
for a total savings of more than
$21 million .''\The RSP not only saves Siu-

enabling.Nevi England state public higher education systems to
share rcsoUl'CC$ and avoid dupli cating costly acadeinic programs.
Th~ Apple Book can be found
in high school guidance offices
and public libraries throughou1
New England and in the admi ssion! offices and care~r planning
centers or New England 's public
colleges and universities.
For more infonnati on abou11hc
RSP. or to order a copy or lhl'.
Apple Book, contact the Office
of the Regional Student Program .
New England Board of Higher
Education, 45Temple Place. Boston. MA 02111; 357-9620.
Copies o r the Apple Book are
$2.00 each . Checks s hou ld be
made payable 10 the New England Board or Higher Education .

-Information/or thi:r rtpqn wa.f
provided "by tht Ntw En;:lm1d
Board of Higher Education

' 11!!"ee Musketeers:•• ·ramily entertainment, Disney style Musical
and legalities

By Ju,dn Grieco


tirin& or the numerous biabudgeted, period piece fibns
made each year. Although


some or them ire great films,
it's more an excuse for big
name stars 10 pluy dress-u p
1t11d talk in forced European

·Music has been a means qf
exp,u1ion ror t:CQtwies. As a
ronn or entcna.inmeot and ar•
advantaae ofbcina r-t of die
· universal lan,uaae. A
wrilltll i.n ~F.aglishcancmily be appeciatcd bylhole who
speak Italiu or Anbic.
However, 11 tccboology bai
evolved, so h,s the mcam of
artistic upras,ioo. In muaic,


The last thing American
cinelll,!I ncedc:d was anolher
extravu.aanz.a.. So lhis viewer
settled imo Disney's brat•



or Dumas' 'Thel'hree
Muskcuers"wilhthecooception or cau:hing up on s.lcep.
Wbar. a misconceived idc:a!

family entertainment, DlSncy
~tyle. I~ i~. like i liv~ action

Three MuskeleerL•
the holiday season off wilh a
1bit swashbuckling, wnpbangandlaUIHollywoodout tcmth remake oI the classK:
or"iu prcsentllump. lt il filled - doesn't stopmovina f'rom ~
wilh mystery, intrigue, adven- ginnirlg• to end. It's a rowdy,
ture. romance and just plain wtll-madc roller coa,s1cr or


amuscn:enL A

prise indeed md pou.ibly the
most enjoyable movie or the


The film, which taka place

continued on

leas.ant ~r-

Pearl Jain's-sophomore ·
release "Vs.''. a winner

choo&• has been -

:::::-::u;: '


pn:uion have iocreascd the

:I'be way in which !Xie ex.presacs him/hcnclr is extrabdy lmponadt in a sociaJ -

bNtalftywith"W,M.A.(Wbitc conJell.L Altboup it may oot
Male Amcricm)," cricic:ixmg have been pnwm. artislic,a:q:the'unfairprivileactthatrace prepion forma. IO and amdet' bring. But Vedder tieat. the way in wllid:i people .
is certainly not the Ollly one. interact with cacb odlcr. For
~pk, if cvayme's _OUJ
who dcsc:nu credit for these Guitarists Stone Gossard
and Mike. McCready deliverlhe same gara&c-type sound
A sophomore album has a heard oo "Ten" with m<:ff dilottopi-ove..EitberabandlW'- memfon than bef'<n. Mean;vivcsabeodorlinksintoob- w~ !,be rhythm section or

Pearl Jam mua the work. mer Dave AbbNU.elC help to
look cuy with "V1.," their proVOU lhe M.CCSsarY ~ loat-awaitcdlOCCilldalbumand s.ity to bolster Vedder's qty
a debut that makes its anisll

0. ~ . ~ i, IJIJ, a
hilc&. n.m1M,...~•IIM
...... _l.boduaaamudtanieclolt.

to play at


international stan.

form of ,violaa, we wowd
live illl a violllKIOCicry.
An eumplo of. ic:ac:r cs:trcmity would be if a l l ~ ·

tbe.-st,or~Jr:_ ·

or -

&caentor auclla'.

Whal. wou1d IOCic,ty be·~
people dajto


-.11pt.1, c:aD lite Uaivenit7 Pollce
. . . . . . .,. DO NOT ENllll A

PeartJamalsodemonstralet bc_

"::=~Oaooc eaJ~-::-::C.a ...
=:~!:'°G~CC: .

, abalchot~andor: thcir~ity!Ohilbotb,:ndaol

~ benefitforchildren


~ J;;FFOLK 'lJ.NtVEJtsffY
<lolvcrslty Polk.e
Ext, 8333 or 8111
Ext. 8111 ror Emergency

~-Tbe~bina$iooi1~- : : ; . : . ; : : _ ~ ~


Rtp0rtan71Wpdoos penou or
iaddbll.l lo lite Ulli,tnit7 Police.

the rouow-c.p to the higbly


':°'111 with -subject

~.. attitude oI sociecy



• f

tima na IUaCk. with the fiery

cc::rtOll~dbcreadistbemlleb = l ~ - : S o a ~

bind the CoUDtcr m• Small
Town,"J!lWD&foA:isb ltXIUS-


~-1111·-,·- .1r.011Jr...,__..., -- . ,. , . ,. .__

.,_ _ _ _ .,l
All ,types·ofmusic wante4. For ·
applic'afions ana"ll{ltiitforial
infonnation ,go to the Student
Activities Office.

of espreuio& AltbaDp it k

ek>od,:-·a ~ DO<~oadlaamface.
musac is a blallly......,


ticuddooUic__..wb o(lll~tblo-loJ .......

......... ~ b n y 'ria..tlolt.............

......k l l l o d ~ . r ~


Ill,-~:=':::-~ --


- - ... ~ - , -

_ _ . . . , __






. . . . - . . . .-

.... t h o ~ · - - - · - -

l'BilL.lill_ .



Pearl Jani
movie ii punuulvcat=/flD· releases
:C%~~~=- ''Vs.'' .




Music has been a means of
cxpreuioo for centuries. ~ a
fonn or cn1crtainmcn1 and arti,ticcxprasion, music haslhc
udvan11'ge or bciog part or the
uniVCrsal language. A son&
written in the English can easily bcappn:cialed by those who

speak Italian or Arabic.

US swashbuckling, umpb remake or the classic
1' t"stop moving from beng 1
0.end.Jt's a rowdy,
ma.d e roller c01111er or
iCmcnl. A Jcasanl 1ur-

prise indeed and possibly the
mos1 enjoyable movie of the
The film, which lalces place
conlinucd on


!81'1 Jam's sophomore

lease "Vs." a winner'
IC of the bigaest chal:a that comes along with
fl& a. very 1ucce5sful alis the foUow-up atbuin.

1 thal


,ut that makes its artists

lllional stars. ~
sophomore album has a
prove. Eitbcta band sur•
1 a lrCDd or 1i.nb into ob-

brutality with "W.M.A. (White
~ale American)," criticizfog
the unrair privileges that race
and gender bring. But Vedder
is certainly not the o~ly one
who deserves credit for these

However, as ttchnology has
evolved, so has the means or
artistic expression. ln music,
the change has been through
bolh computers and the development in the area or audio
these new meansornrtisticexpre.ssion have increased the
bouodaritsor expression while
others may argue to the contrary.
The way in wNCh one expresses him/herselr is exttcmely imJ)Man1 io • social
CQntcxL Alt.houaJt it may DO(
have been prov-en, artistic expreuion form1, to ,on,e cii:tent, the way in which people
interact with each othcr. For
~~~• if ev~•• . only

Guitarist& Stone Oos&ard form or vipme. we would
and Mike McCrcady deliv-er live iA • violenc ~ y.
the same garage-type sound
An example of leuer exheard on "Ten" with more di- trcmity would be if Ill CllJDSmens:ion than before. Mean-: sioo wascootrivcdfromeither

'ollow-up to the highly
leriad com,-iyofferup
ch of powerful and often .
rbffll aonga with sub)ect
:r ranging from gun conin "Glocificd G" 10 the

whil~ the rhythm aection or the past, or complddy by the
~ Jeff Ament and drum- _
rpcans or ~ non-human
mer Dave Abbruzzese help to generator sucti'U •computer.
provoke the necessary inten- What would ~ be like?
s.ity to bobtcr Vedder'• angry Wbe~ would ~ derive
lyrics. The combination i1 pa.. their creativity from'? Tbcle
PcarlJamalsodcmonstralcS bc:askcifinlfi,bl:oftechooaogitheir ability to hit bolh ~nds of cal a d v ~
. t.l1e m¥&ical ,pecuwn. On one
C,onsidcr mmic • • mems
cmi,tm:Rilthcseventieaesque of exprcssioa.. Altboa)h it ii
"Blood," a high-octane IOnic DOl apparent on the "




;Go" aoct'conIUaCk with the fitry'
1enonoous AiCCCSSwilh
idco bit "Jeremy," abc:lut

q~eter "Elderly Woman Behiod the Counter in a Small
mixing folkisllecousuc and dectric piWJ with


tistics:, sequc:ncca. and baJc
mathematics (oot to mentioa
ofa)Joftbi1_.. ~ crada&,
mdodiel JQd . . . . . ___.

~ - c.,,uou1aa

idlocti.. "RamewMlmlr;

_ _ _ ., _ YK>tia, _. - - _

obdta-"llaqlt- .

hi_ dli1hslhe~ calmilld,balac:noadw,mlod



arl Jam makes the work
easy with "V1.," their


=~~1 be =~=--rm:



coatinood on J111e 6



• 1

::.,:t.;'!' J~1•i,!';::!!'.


iog to blve to prove himlclf
. irbc wanu to join O'Afta&Dul aJ-,iioda time
De oruy 1(
for honor and tnath with the to protecttbe~tifulqueen Sin" aod "Tbe Hud That
three remaining Musketeers. (GabricllcAawar) udto(all RocbthcCndk:")CICellent
,:his is due to the eviJ ma• io love wi,th the qµeen '1 , :portrayal of lhe evil Milady
Dipulatiods of the horrific friend, Conatance (Julie .,,diWmter.OeMornay.isquite
Cardinal Ri Chclieu (Tim Oelpy).
· an uodcrratcd performer, as
Cuny). The cardinal is at·
Thia II a crowd-pleasing , this 11 ber ICCODd great per•
templina t o • ~ the posi- advc~turc that easily places ~o~ofthcycar,1nclud•
boo of the throne from illl 1tself1na.~usa1?<>~e : '9bin l~l , .. Q.u,~!1

:=::.~,::.,b6y •"':=",.T.'",;~~~,1'
ybil" 1
tft '1Cin,1f~'lsdijl,1:]lftef•,s, ~ : ~

and fun for all!"
As an added bonus, the
viewer were treated 10
Disoey s 1ure--firc ad cam·
paign for the &
tudio's latest
animated atuaction, •The
Lion King.• The movie theater waa 1urrounded with
1oaring Elton John mu1ic
laced with Arrican uodcr•

~~1M,~, r9fi ~ti~ .



.:::::::>• !';:fi":i.":',~ :;:~;::•~~hi~-;.:;~


"The, I.rion .Kin&~ appearing
quickly on the screen. There
bas never been l U a well•
made trailer in th~ bis1o,Y of
Tiits ts'olo com1qg at.trac·
llon ~fore the reaturc / litcrallyblow1tlieaud1
-back of the theater ·in· awe!
11lc 1ummcr or '94 watch
oot!Thert.couldnotbe aiythin& followiJig thit cxqui1ite traiter,toilnl'tdl-iiifin~=sit}'. Diaoeybaditallplanned•a great ~vie.w to match a
wonderful mm.




Tobchoncst, thcrerealJyis
DOtmuch tooomplainabouton
this album. Most of it aocms

like a.Jogical next step for the
baod.Lyrica!ly,tbcre aremore
attacb on society than there
Musically, the new di sc
manages to match the buzz
wordof theniDCties, "gnmge,"
wit hout' falli ng vic tim to
b'Cndincssor monotolly,




paao key I




have catapulted to the top of
the Billboard•charu, where ii
will probably stay for some



•ti me. Daervedly 10.•PcarlJam
~ answered the difflcult call
of following up a successfol
113' PfedeadKlf•ib ' pnctiat)ly
every category.One C8l1 t,e suie that when
Seatdc baodwaaoo, have col•
·be one
ofihe few that are still going
str:onB- The baDd will start a



... ..., ...

~ ~'pagoS

"RIii," f Dd lhe anthemk
"l....easht • demand for ftt.c.
dom of youth.



exoeptioaal .
D'irtaghanj~the likes cnted cuj..O'QoMc.ll ("Scent 1, Thefilmiabcautifullyshot
of Atbce-(~eUerS utbe-rland), or a Woman") is likable. and .
b~t.aking locatioos in
a Mosltetcer rwho ·1ias bceri pcrforl]I& believably as {\_u1tna and England, but
tormented·-by i ove,"·Ai-amis D,' Anaanan.
W,crc are 10me changes io the
(Chmtie ·stieen), an ' intellii
S ut:11erJand ("flatli ne rs" grigina1 110ry. The direction
gentladiei:' man.~iiPohh~s· . and "Youqg Guns") tums in by Stephen Herek ("The
(Ollver Plait), the clown o r another fine perforinance as h:lighty Duc~")could bc less
the group, JO" expOse· the .A1hos.
c9nfincd , especially in ·,he
Cardinal' s evil dOings and
Sheen {"Wa ll Street" and action scenes.
save the new tin&beforc ils "Platoon~)kcepshisgocifball
The film's humor is abuntoo ·late.
"HotS~"cbarmasApmi1. dant and at times Uie vie~er
.Tbeirmiuionbringsthem P~att _(",'Phe T_
emp" ' and loogcdforthemorcspious
to England~wb:_en: they have
is~e life of the ~uence1 to lut, but, these
c lose cncouiiten with party as the Jolting and inven- fa_µlt1 hardly matter in a film
Rochdon, Rich.elieu'.• one• tive Porthos.
that is this much fun. H other
eyed h ~ and Milady
The film is loaded with critics do not like the film,
de Winter (Rebecca De ~oe~•tealingperformances then they are being overly


among ..,




~~r.~:· "!' ■·· ,
•:c nJ?JJ':.1.-..,uba!"<;il ·

!~~..6~"'7<:::t; ,
IIOme time to bo the embodimcnt of his r.ibet, -who dJed ,
11 11'illllketeer.
Wbon be arrives in Paris·,
D' Artapu rew~ be is g~




di&ital equ

Now Ea~~Y.°'"

o: marching to the
. of-a different drummer

Continued from page 5

Rhetorical' Communication,
Marko also oms the ,

"1 don't expect anyone to get mcnl: "He' stiU dontinues to'
upthercandbcMartin l...uthfr tnkeclaueswhenheCBD,&nd
King, _
bu1 i' do expect !=Very hepl¥s tobecome&fu!I prostudent to • ~ something,.... fessor eventually.
and lhp.t.eachspeechisbcttcr
Next semester, Marko,
than the p~vious one. I mark along with Jotin Mulrooney,
based on improvement, 50 J ~e secretary of the HurdaniCJ:pect a!)- swdenti to wort lles office, will be conduct• on ~ir 1peating 1lytc:--ti-fng an ~her F.eUows semi•
you .work, you'll
a good 1W on Modem Popular Mu' gfBfk:, but if you ' blow"orr sic: RockandRoll.
Your ~~..SO w),l.J."
"~l'l i~ i! one of the stronAnd 1t say1just that on his gcstpus1omofmylife."11)'1
Muto., "l~.~••eminarii
Aside rrom the speech de- • way of combining mU1ic
gree, MarkoalsoholdlaMu- and teaching."
Combiniq: two of hit inSuffolk Univenit~, a~d a tctestlsliollldmakethesemi•
~ ~ h m nar one of tbe most excida,


N ~ UlDY"?ity. •1 - ··
knew I WIUHed. to tc:acb, and 1 hi• career.
waotcdtgleachaa thecolloae :••••••• .. ••." •••••
level, 10 I kind of made up . •
11ui,,f"'YON to
my own d,elree ," Marko :
ev~ryoMw!wtlWUU •



! ;:, 1,~ ip.tI!Mlp"~"'" ~ -



1n addil~on to teaching

1ugge1tioru for :
UniY~r,lty Profiles. :

• .






"1be Three·

Suffolk- • W. . .y. N<i..mbc, 17. 1993

·Music sampling, trdJnology, ·and_
legal ismes

one md never fall below zero.
and bad a tremfflOOUJ 1lllPft" m the 6dd of
coosormance ,reprcscnt the physiCJ of mU1ic. Wilh lhia uchnolOl)'i. COIDpalhc sound, Crtat:ivity is required lo put nica aucb al 'ltcw E.nalad Syncla¥ier
lhc two togetbc:r in some cobcrcnt _ nd have Mal able to produce clectronic
keyboards ud sound 1yntheaiuri
· It J true that whether a .melody is wbich~wnplcdaouodusafoundacobcn:nt or pl'casant is strictly a philo- tioo to build a more realistic sound.
sophical issue (ooc pcrwn's trash is
This i1 achieved by takina the
another penon's ticasure); and this is wnple, which inthiscaaemayonlybo
why theiuue of tecbnology and mus.ic for a fraction of a ICCODd. and addina
is cootrovcnial. 1biJ article is DOt in- 10. orsyrilheaizi.og, otbcrwaVeforimto
tc:odcd to take either side. II is merely crcatcawboleoewlOUDd..lnthepasc.,
intended to praeot both sides.
syritbea.iz.en relied oo analogue tech-



Music sampling is one tcchnologicaladvaocemcnt which bas both helped
and hindered the music indusuy. Sampling is simply the recording of small
scP.)Cn;ts of sounds. Fer example, one
can sample the sound produced by one
piano key being prcucd. The sample

..., ..........

wou,ld,morcthan likely, be for on more

This samplewouldgcncnucaserica
of oocs and utOS which would represent the analogue waveform. In general, digital means something which is
represented by ones and zeros. l'be
actual analogue wavcfonn of the second of sound may actually have a frequency of about 240 hertz, however, ilS
digital equivalent . will never exceed

•uinptiaa·ooma iDr.o play.

fnm • lepl ~ bow cm . dildnguiabnmicfrom. forccanplc. 1bc
rumbk: ol th.mdcr curina a .amm?
To view this p'Ob&an from.amen

By. . .16ar.tiricatalpiaoolOl.llld, IOaal•pocl, <Xma,IO!!o>'·~~

a small laople d • rml·piaoo (f0t ex.- mu,ic;"Mucboltoday'1muaic~d·
amplc.thefmcciooola aa:ondwbmtbc .soop which were wriam by vaioul
hlmmtr !till the
tbc -realistic -.bulmcludc_(_lol
"punch" claac:lr:rizcd by a ttlll piano is othcr artist's work. Arc dac oompmi,,
thefabriclrt.dooe. Tlattcbool- tiomml1""""'1aalorip,J!Howdooa


compk:cdy new level Tcchoology ha



The answer is C. from beioa simple.
While today'• &l"blll mull lliD be cre-ative in compolina; IODP, IJOmC d lbll
niqucstoproduccthciraouods. lnotbcr
Cfativity ii bindtft:d bythcUICol adlO
words, a voltage wu acnt lhmugb the cmoopyrigl:f.aeatiom.lfsomoone'Nriles pcopae·, c::ooipoaitions
synthesizer and thcn_!ll'OUgh a mecba- a mclodyorcompoaeaasympbooy,hcor
Wbal.thismraosil thatwhmtbcartiat
nis m which created the wave.
sheamcopyright.xtclaim•fullposses- compose& a
bil or btr crealiwe
:roday,digital 1)'1k:1:DShavctakentbc sioodit.
pla:eofthciranalogue rdMives. lndigi·Coosidcr a sampled SOUDd as a com; fom>edjultbyb)qk>mobleIBl ...... ;, passed tb,oogll poomoa wlud> ""' be !)OPYri&blcd b artiat's wom.. lfydibavecwrlricdln
an anaJope:todipal c:oavatcraodtbtn something which is originally• DMwa1
tluougb a + ~. Usingdipal occum:nccCOOlidcmltobeapoaaaion
.systcmsgi~tbeuaermoreDcxibililyio o1
die? can. liP&le penoo IOl_'ll•ilriap,adlro&llb~bqd.
manipubfing the l0Wld :wa"ve (a ~ poucathesooadCl'CMCdlla&w:tiooof
In cumce, muaic baa mcaed ialo.
wbicb is at11Wticleinitldf).
thefractioadaaecoodtbaf.thchammcr new "ealm of uodcntandin&- Teclmolr
Thc""'11ollhitiubot,bycambimng ldu.lhc..;,,; In
a limil ..t
waves, new soundscao b e ~ Some
lo thcligbtcl modem day tccbookJgy, OKY "!" decRaledourpercq,tk:Gdwti.Dalic
ofthcsesc:amds ~ like dugs which music haaC:dltred a gffy area. There is• ""'1y;,.A,........,_,i\mooi,.;-,lp,d.
arc fam.iliar- to our cars: drums, violins, fuzzy line ~ music mm·all sociely must adapt .. lhc ...
brc:aku.t&glass... Howcva-, ou:rcanknow othcrthinP,Apin,mudcmc..differ- makethebcstdit:
thai:'~ ~ ~~ the real thing. em thlng:S~ 'diff"crcnt people, however,

Whcrcdocsthec:omrowny.UC? ln
music, much like the litenry 6dd, one






}!!_day, No:vcmber 19; 199~ at 3:00pm
in the Ridgeway Oym


Marko: marching to the
~ t of a different drummer
■ io<ARKO

Continued from page 5


For iMaice, • &bric:lml piano souod
a ,_ piano.may ' have. Thil is wbm


The first

annual "Egg

Rhetorical Communication.
Marko also runs the language


"I d~n' t expect anyone tog~;
up there and be Martin Luther take Classes when he can, and
King, but I do expect e'very he pl 11jt1s to become a ruu prostudent to learn something,
and that each s peech is bett,et the previous one. I mad:
based on improvement, so I
expect iny 11u4cnts to work
on their speak.iog· uyle. If
you .work, you' ll get a good
jrade, but if you blow off

your grade,10 will..l."
And it says just that on his
Aside from the speech de.
grce, Markoalso holdsaMas-

fessor evelitually.

my own degree, " Marko


The Rules for the Eg}2J;.!!P Coatest-in: • litllows:
The apparatus will be dropped off of ti\e trelcony of the Suffolk Gjm.(Ridgeway Building)

nar"on ·Modem Popular Mu-


sic: Rock and Roll.
.. Music is one of the strongest pusiODS ofmy life." says


Once released, the coo~ must remain iDUt:fin llipt (i.e., no parachules aJ)owedl}


We provickthe egg

Marko...l~tJu ••emiur u ·

·Nortbeuiern Ulliven.hy. ..I ca,,!ii,""llm'!,ii~ptln
knew I wanted to tcacb, and I tifj career.
level, 10 I kind of•made up

'· /
3rd Prize

Ncxf semester, Marko,
along with John Mulrooney,
thCsecretary of the HumaniLies office, will be conducting ~ An::bcr.Fcllows se'mi~

a way of combinini: mllsiC
and teaching,"
Comb~ two of hit in.tenin,Hifbq ~ f r o m
Suffolk Uoivcnity, aiid a terests sboa.ld mate the semiPlf8lqal!=if~from •nar one of the moat excidag

In addition to teaching

2nd Pri,,o
$75.00 . '.

is o'pen to all

......., ..........

77uuil .,011 to
nttryOM who ,node •

suggutidtU for :
: Univer1ity Profilu. ·:


The "egg cootainer" must oot exceed I cqliic

rooi in vol~

. ,



.... il ........................... ua.i. ...



• :C-C.



--brd!ecao.-. .... - - ~ l h o

· AJbcricao, c..diaa and Medcan ccoaomies over tbc na.t 15


frco.U'ldcpacu.lOIJ)e(imeakoowna "cuaomsunioaa,"arc
dicllpcd 10 flcilicace the bu}'UII ana semoa ol ,oodl between
such u imporl licenlel or qootu.
Aftct lntcn1olobb)'lna from both the pro and con iideofthe
issue. h wiU come dowo to the ◄35 membera of the House or
Repcacomiva todecidoootbefubueoltheNAFTA ini~ve.
Tbo HOl&IC., the majority of wbic:h ii from lhe Ocmocratic
PMy, tab UIIO IOCOWll how a ddtlll of mapitlldc

front. .-,ucwaty the unions who have lhreattned to woct

would UllW'C that lhe whole North Amcricao continent would be




President of Black Student Union


opposes example in editorial

Trwdo with other markets is essential ir America wishes to
remain competitive in the 20th ccotury. As evidenced by the
European Community (EC), the elimination o( tariffs, quotas,
As President of lhe Black Student Union, I was appalled by BSU's name being used as an
etc., ls the-wave oftbc future.
cumplcio the editorial "A Waste or Potential" in the November] cditionortheSuffolkJoumal.
America muit plan for its future now, before it (alb behind The use of the BSU name implied that BSU had some problem with the way in which COP


Ammb'• ,___ Y,,e -

ad let few ol other couDlricl or Theltalemallthat"'&:lunciloCPresidenuisno1ancceuity" isclearlyanopin.ionofanuninformcd
xeoi,phobla,ndllapoUcydecisioratbatitm;:auryrOl"Americ1'1 pe&,a. JhaveoeverhcardoftbcJou~wminJ•w•YanYadvertwDgrcvcnuealh.1tCOPhup.1id.
fubft lo ranai.a. u promiling a it should.
Not~ p,nc: strings should~ a person from voicing an opinion, but ifit i1 relt ao strongly

"Why doesn't anyone quote me? I'm runny too.·
-Ed Hanis., dwrperso,i of 1M CommwsicatiotuaNJJOfU1tlllismDepart,nen1.. onNXW'Ul1/Ntund
in '71s.t Quote oflM Wui. •

\For the love of the game
They tnditionaUy put in 10 IO 12 hour days, 1imply for the
&' joy ol aport. They teod to play in front of , parse crowds,
duetotbc na&weofSu.ffolkbeing1commuter1Chool They play
DOC because I.bey receiW: tcholanhips, but illllead because of
theircejoymc:n1 olthe .-ticularpme they perform in.

u . : . = : : : z = = ~ ~ ~idcsnoreaJKMCC,bu1
thc slllffoflhe.Joumalwouldbeltigb]yinsultcdirthatstatcmentwasmadebecausetbcy~CA~
long houn putting that paper together. just as Kelly Ch.use and past COP presidcnts"8vc ~rd
hard in uni tin, and adviling campu1 orianiu.tions. Furtbcnnore, the unnamed author of this COP
' ~ & needs fo step forward. du~ IO "."Jhon i~~ibili1y members~ ~ J>UI organiz.a-

made thetccomplainu. I wwJdaho likelO inform theaitbor, that iothcpast funds were allocated
SGA to handle the politicaJ issues oo campus conccmiog IClldeou rather than bcina tied 10 funds which "{onopolizcd the larger ponion or time, had the 111lhor researched and
asked COP members a question or two, hdshc would have had access to facu rather than opinions
portrayed as facts. Before using an organizatiom' name in a story that may implicate the
cx~ion or the organizations fccli nas, lhe reporter should speak to that otganiz.ations leadership. I would have expected more rcspoc15iblcjoumalisf!1 from an editor.
Dianc C. Oartc
President, Black Student Union

habits that just don' l make
seue to me. It drives ltte
cruyl Tli'ere-aresome lhings
we do that no one enjoys doing , but We do it anyway.
Oneofthemostinconccivable rituals in our society it a
wake. No One I know enjoy,
aoin& to wakes, but it is •
commonritual iooursocicty.
People wboacw.allyenjoy going to wak.cs must be either
really demented or just plain
I understa.ncl that we have
to pay our last rapecu IO the
dcccasea'la.ndcxprauympathytotheirramiliea, but there
mus t be a better way to do
this than viewing the body.
Poopleareveryu.ncomfortable at wakes. What do you


to know why people stand 00
the•T• whmthcrcareplenty
otscau. Have you ever been
on a train with JO empty 1cats
and a .half doxen people arc
sianding? Thi , drivel me
crazy. There arc plenty of
scats, people. Use one.
l also cao' tundentandwhy
people don' t talk in elev••
ion. Most people jus t 1tand
there in 1ileocc and wai t for
their noor. Iju11 don' t act ii.
A1 far as lkoow,thcreis n't a
law against talking in elevators.
I Like to break that 1ifencc by
asking whomever I'm with
why people don' t talk in clcvators. When there i1 no ret ponsc, I like to say some.


o,prtiutiom. Suffolk.'1 athlct.cs arc probably the

-motivated ~ of them all.
TbD hours they put irrare incredible, countina the tnvcl \i mc
it taket to ae1 to the ■ way games and also the fact that most
pcop&,o have IO commute for some time before they get home.
While many achoola give scholarships to their athlete,,
Suffolk doct not. Any llhlec.e who belong, to a team docs so only
because of his/her love for the game, not bec■use his/her tuition


nc~ ldmcd £rom playiog i n ~ 1pons iaooetbalcan

~~;l~~r::! : • ~~

~-;;::::::,;:.'.sc:;e: !
way,ifl should'1,icinatngic
clevi tor accident, you are all
u cused from attcndln& my

I also fiad it upsetting lha1 .
my Wt memory of a loved
one will be of him or her
lying in acaskct. When people
die, we ahouldcelebratewbat

Another thing I have al••
ways wondered is why people
scod in for SI rebates. Think
about it for a sccoad. You
•pend 29 cents for a stamp, a
penny ·or two for an cnve-


~·,:1;:,~\\~= !: :

Volcn of Suff!,lk


M. Youn,.. Uf~le, Editor
V. OordonQlcM.llLSped.abEdilor


N.E. Eac:oblt, OiidC:0,, 6dilor'

JUltin Grieco, AaJt. Ufurylu Edi&or
MkMCI A. Tndino, AJA Spedala Edi&or
Oirill:iaa £n&kr, Senior Copy Editor

R. Patrick Bcoedetti, Production AuittaD1



career or life iD

s.a.A11 ~ arc oot appu:iatm eoouab for lhe effort

tley ... fonll. Wldloatmuchf■marcormany.::coladc:a,SufTolk
..._. p,ovcow,ryday by their bard wcrt and politivc attitude
11111 DOl oaJy die wim: and losses ar-c an iadicadon of the value




ccued pcopl~ I find it morbid IO look at a dead body. I
think. peopl_ look bc_uer ""d
c ,

be ..alaecl through the wbo&c ol ooe' 1 life, eveo afta- one
...... ~c.o,,.,.,;.._......,._..,;. _ _ _bu

. . . . . . . . cbat can be applied lo a 6atwe

°::r :;clincher

Derek Sheehey

Ana Lopez



IO make it the


dial drivoa _, more
cruy tbu ayt.lwla die i1

really _worth your time and these events.
effort to .get~ c:enta after
The thlna that drivea me
expenses. I think not. I' d be more crazy than anything ia
embarrasscdlO&oinlOabank 1alth1eboxes. I reached fora
tocu h a SI cbcck.
box or taltlnes when I was
I also find it aad that our tick ea, lier this year and I
society takes• qqic and/or wusurprisedlOaeethatthere
twisted story and taJb about we re directions 10 people,.
ittodcath.Fivcminutcsafler wooldknowhowtoopcnthc
the event happens, there arc four 1tay-freab packages in
four movies or the wcdc, two the box.
mini-series and eight paperYou know tbose little rod


By th:c students, for the sludents, si ~ 1936 ·
Andru "Rwnpf. Edit0r-ut-Otid







For some suuge reason, boxbeingbeldbyafewwires
waltcsmak.emewao11ochcw is kindofscary."
.aum. I seldom chew gam. I
So if you feel uncornfortlhinl: the orilY 'times l cbew able when .riding in an elcvaaum-~ at wakes and hos pi- 1or and you sec me waiting, It's just a nervous thing, you may not want to get on. I
I guCSs.
guess I just don't want IO
Anotberthinglhatbugs mc plummet do~n the. Sawyer
about'wttes rl the'Wiypc2,plc · clcvalOr shafts lo my 'dcath
saythcdoccucdpenonlooks and not say any last words,
"good" or "beautiful." I just which, u all or my friends

.;f=::!:=::C~~~':::~ r--- - ---Tlie.-s----- o-l_ Jo_umal ___ _ .,
-k _ _ ____


There are some lbings in ~ I =
t:~ ,'i~tbc
aee it, you' re
Life tbal J jult don't under- are importanL
luckyifyouaet68centaafter tbeotbartaJktbowstbalhavc
1LUd. 0w' iociety hu some
WakeHrea'ttbcoalylhlDJ your upcmes- and that's the very important job or instrange rituals, custom, and llwlcan' tuodcntand. lwaot not including y<>W'time. II it the public about

The Haue·a t ~ w if will be YOtiq: tcx:t.y, fUllilly,
oo 111c Nonll , . _ mel'mde-(NAFl'Ai lf

• freo-ndc U10C. PreaMlent Ointon tw UU:od his political
capital on hlvin1 thi1 mcasu.rc pass, saying that long-range
pin would offtee the ahon--tenn Joa of jobs.
1be .....,e of NAFTA is oecessary in order to insu~ lha1
America iJ DOt viewed as a projectionist cowttry. 1nde is
esaeatial DOI only to IYOid nwri.n& up a huge U1ldc dcfKit but
also givc:a American workers more jobs if trade with other



. NAFl'A: neamary for the future


17, 1993

• Wodwdoy, -

Some t ~ in life.just can't be understood
Karen ~. Y~ ng :-:.,:~~=!:!



:i"ffi>!' i-ul

the picture,: thal accompany
the directiOu. The saltine
people must think the people
in America &re really IIUpid.
I guess I just have to team to
biurrc thing,.

The Suffolk Aptitll(Je Test
By Jim Behrle.-

3). You need to with-·
dntw fromacounebccausc
I) Youarcinthcfcnton you'veskippedevayclass.
loun~c when you discover / You should talk lo:
you are late for your .. Plya) Dean Sartw_ll.
cbology of lnverubrttes"
b) Dean Dennis.
cowse. Today i1 the mid-


b) . Cf'lickJyMllO CWI
and w.l your prpfeasor thal Grecnt.ioe ~u 00 fire.
10 the Deme SL
Deli and get I gyro. ,,.
d) go IO the Red Hat..
2). YOl;lucstaodinaina
loag line at the boobtorp
waiting IO bu! the ~ ~
for your ~ Wnaen




4). Youarcgoin1tofail
your "HistoryofStuffWe
Made Up" course becaUle
YOOJP.C=lld too much time at
the Red Har... YoP should:
a) applY )'ouradf.
b) apply glue IO yourself.) __ ,
c __.ylO



°! iu;):Tbc pro(qfor .of

Upd-i{: "doo•ih • y you'll,

for your "'Over-~
Studies.. midterm. You.

1k ~

" Car ·
Maoagment", tdlt
you that you have a paper
dDe the dly· aflcr 'lbanb&ivia&bre■k. Yoursubjcct

d) "Rcuoosmypro(cosor should be aevercly in-

6). Younolonae,bave
cnoua,h mooey1op1ythelpiralling tuitioo COIU. You
1) get a put-limo job.
b) get1"Sa'abrtttt!'
Massachusetts lotterJ ticket.



knoc.ldna o.ver Buraer KitJp. ,
. d) Jetlp1-tic-ileln

Robbins" ffi8'k and 1t11t •tendina cl.aua in ditpt.e.
7) A S11.ffolll..awscudeel
CUii X(III in line ai the l)eme
SL Deli. Yoa lhoakl:
a) aueq,&aareaoowidl
' lhollUdait, . . . ploialy•

oow )'OVweretbercftnl..a

how they lbouJd·wu in 1iDe
. b) loud!Y """' Ibo "LA.

Tho Suffolk '°""¥1 • Wedaooday, No..-17, 1993 ·

Some thin~ in lifejust can't be understood
oh, ·

Karen M. Young -

tcr they arc dead. I want 10 ~ js not even lnc:l1:1ding the back~ in the works.
tabs lha.t kcci, the stay-freab•
rt.member the memories that tune'you toot to fill out and and I cant foraet the event packages closed? The ditcc.·
are ~ t to my ~
the form .
being the topic oo ·0p!'9-h, · lions laid J ou pull the tab to
There arc some things in callSC tho~c are the 0Des 1ba1 ~ The way I ICC it, you're P~il, S.Ux, .Montel aad all of opcri and push it close. But
life that I jull doo' t unde r- · are important. . •.
luck}'ifyouget68ccntu fter · 1tieotherulklhowsthathavc the clincher to make it tho
stand. Our 'aociety has some
Wakelarcn'tlheoalylhing your apenlC~ - and that's the very important j ob of in- thing that drives ,me mo,e
strange rituals, customs and lbat lcan'tundcrstand: l want not includina your tim.e. II it- formitig the public about crazy than ·anything else i1
habits tha1 J ust don' t make 10 know why people stand o n really _worth your time aw1 these events.
the pictures that accompany
sense 10 me. It drives me tbc•T•whentberearcplcnty effort to act~ cents afttr
The thin& that drives me the tiil'CCtiom. Tbc ultine
crazy! There are some things of seats. Have you ever been expenses. J·think not. l' d•bc more crazy than anytbing is people musl think lhc people
we do that no one enjoys do- on a train with 30empty1ca1s cm.barrasscdtoaointoabank saltine boxes. I reached for a in America arc really stupid.
ing, but wo do it anyway.
and a ,halr dotcn people arc to cash a SL check.
box of saltines wlien I was It doe5 n•t take a rockeucien•
Oneofthemostinconcciv- s tanding? Thi 1 drives me
I also find it &ad that our sick earlier this year and I list to o~n a box of saltines!
able rit'1fl!s in our society is a crazy. The re arc plenty or society takes a tragic and/or wu surprised to 1eethat the re
That's our society for you.
wake. No one J know enjoys seats, people. Use one.
twisted story and talks about were directions 10· people I guess I just have to learn to
going to wakes, but ii is a
Jalsocan' tuodcniandwhy ii to death. Five minutcsartcr would know how to open the live wilh it. Maybe someday
commonritualinoursociety. people don' t talk in eleva• the event huppens, thci:e arc fou r 1tay-frc,h pacbgcs in l ' llbcableto understandlhcse
People who actually enjoy go- tors. Most people just stand fou r movies of the week, two the box.
bizarre things.
ing 10 wakes must be eilhcr there in silence and wail for mini.series and eight paperY~ know those litUe red
really demcnted ·or just pl8in 1heir fl oor. I just don'1 get it.
As far as lknow, thcre isn' l a
I understand that we have law against talking in elevato pay our last.respects 1 the tors.
3). You nccd,1' withdoccascd and express 1ympaWcll,cvcry once io a while
By Jim Behrle-d) ..Reasons my prof~
draw f.rom a COW1C because
thy totheirfamilics. but there I like to break that sifcrtee by
SOf' should be scverdy ioyou've skipped evayclass.
must be a better w_ y .10 do asking whomever I'm wilh
I). You are in the Fenlon
this than viewing the body.
why people don't talk in cilounge when you discover You should talk to:
6). Youoo lon·gerhavc
a) Dean Sanwell.
Pooplcare very uncomfon- cvators. When there is no reyou arc late for your "Psyenough moneytopaythcspib) Dean I>ennis.
able at wakes. What do you s ponsc. I like to say somcchology or Invertabra1cs"
ralling tuition costs. You
c) Dean Stoll.
say? How do you act? I find lhing like, "Well , I guess the
counc. Todar is the mid•
s hould:
d} Dino Ainwone.
wakes very nen-c thought of riding in a metal
term. You should:
a) get a put-time job.
4). You arc goingtofail
For some strange reason, boxbcinghcldby arewwircs
a) weep.
b) get.1; "Scrmchme"
your "History of Stuff We
wakes make me want to che w is kind or scary."
b) ru ntoclass
Made Up" COUl'Se because
gom. I seldo m chew gum. I
So if you feel uncomfonand tell your. professor thn1
c) get a gun and start
you'spcnd too much ti me at
think the oril)' 'times 1 chew able when riding in an elcva•
~ Qrcen'IJnc was on fire.
knotlring over Buri e'.r'Kings,.
the Red HaL '(OU should: .
gum arc at wakes and hospi• tor and you sec me waiting,
c) go tO the Dcmc SL
d) get a plastic "De4D
a) apply yourself.
lals. It' s jus1 ii nen-ous=~ing. you may not want 10 get on.' I
Deli and get a gyro.
Robbins" mask. and 1tart 111·
b) apply glue to yourI guess.
guess I just don' t want 10
d) gototbcRcdHat.
tending classes in disguise.
self. ·
Anotherthingtha1bugsmc plummet do1,\'.n the Sawyer
2). Youaru1and.i.ngin a
1) ASuffoll'l..a)"ltudcnt
o) applytoMcDonald's
about'Witt!s ~ the'Wajt;c:6plc · elevator shafts to my 'de&th
long line al the boobtOl'pi,.
cuts line at tbc Deme
d) applyy.ourt,clftotbc
say thedcceascd;,crsontooks and noi say any last words,
waiting to buy t h e ~ RedLlnc.
SL Deli. You abould:
"good" or "beautiful." I just which, as all of my £riends
for your ..Boring Writcn of
a) aaempuorcuoowith
5).- Th,profqfo,.of
don't undcntaDd this. With canattcst10,talkingisoneof
the Twentieth Ccntu·r y"
the student, statiq: _
yo ur
.. @
complcle°rcipcc1 to all de- myfavoritcpastimcs. (Bythe
were there fintand
Managmcnt" course
ceased i,copl~;- 1 find ii mor- way, ifl should die in i. tragic
how they should w. it in Ui,
bid to look at a dead body. I elcviuor accident, you arc all
be late for you r "Over•~
property like everyone else.
think peopl.e l~k be!le~ ~d excused from attending my Studies" midterm. You
b) ~ y hwn ~ "LA.
gi~ break. Your subject
Anotbu thing I have al••
"' Howmuchsoap
ways wondered is wby people
I also find h upsetting that
8 g
• i1 too muchT'
c)' give up and go to the
my last' memory of a loved send in fo r $ 1 rebates. T hink
b) punch boobbelvcs.
.. Buckets. Who
Red Hat.
about it for a second. You
c) dropthebookaod, fO, necds'em?''
d)bcatthcmup· witba
spend 29 cents for a stamp, a
to class.
• I
.. The .Red ~
bottled water: . •
die, we should celebrate what penny or two for an enve-~ 1
•1"'"°'"'Yoah.u,ei1,1,iro,-,:,,.., . ,V .,. , ;p<, Hi,(
lope, plus the ink
you • 10 : ~
they did while they we re
aliv~not how they look af- pen to get a SI check, and




~dent of Black Student Union
~ e~ple in editorial
~dent of~ Black Student Union, I wa5 appalled by BSU's name being used as an
,.A Wasfc of Potential" in the November 3 edition of the Suffolk Journal.
f the BSU name implied t.b.a1 USU had some problem with the way in whi~b COP
Nothitl& could be funber from the b\lth. Besides granting funding, COP provides
o,paizatiom the opportunity lO intcnlet witheach~and wort together on poj«IS.
ave neverbelrd oltboJootna! qunina ~,yay, a,riY advcniaing revenues that.COP bas paid.
1111e atrings abould keep • penon from voicing an opinion, but if it is felt so strongly
ii um>ecessa:ry, lhan iu fuods should be unnecessary as well.
: that there are seYerat people who feel the Suffolk Journal provides no real service, bu1
1 the cditoriaJ

'the Journal would be highly insuttediftlwstatement was madebccausetheywqd;Jiard
;putting that pai,crtogclhcr,justas·Ke.lly Chasse aod past COPprcaidcnu,havc :.Vortu:d
ting and advising campus organizations. Funhcrmof'C, the unnamed aulhor of this COP
ab to mp fcr.vard, due to the ~~rt i~ibility members of campus organiutaq Ure tw:o 1t.ppr4 in lbe [ice by BSU muse lhe commcn1s insim111c rhar RSI I
~complainll. I would also liketoinfonn tbcautbo.-, that in the past fun<b were allocated
:OJdentOovcmmcnt Auociation. and the formation COP was necessary in order to free
and.le the political issues on campus concerning students rather than being tied to
funds which mooopoliu:d 1he larger portion of time, had lbc &1thor rcsean:hat ·anc1
, memben a question or two, bdshc would have had access 10 facts rather lhan opinions
u facu. Odore using an organizations' name in a SIOI'}' that may implicate lhc
1 of the organiZlllioos foclinas. the ftponcr should speak 10 that organizations lcadcruld have expccted more rcspomible journalism from an editor.

:. Clart

The Suffolk AptitucJe-Test

thro! ~i:.and~ ·~)




nt, Black Student Union

of Suffolk

The Suffolk Journal
By the students, for the students, since I ~36
Anlbu Rumpf, EdilOt-in..Qicf
I l..ombuQi. Manalill& Editor
11.aaSaow, NewsEdilQr
M. ~~lc&E.diio,

oq,Cllmn. lD.Spcciala:&liior '

Juilin Grieco, A»t. Ufe11yk1 Edilor
Michael A. Todino. AJ.5l. Speciab &litor
Cbri,twi Eqk.r. Senior Copy E.dilOI"

R. ~clt Benedetti, Production AssilWI


Derek Sheehey

Ana l.opez


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __;Thc~S;::ufti::::olk:.!:.lounill:;:
'::.,_•:_W::;oclnc,d:::=:::•:a;Y•!N~•=vemba-:!!:::::..!17:,:,,!199~3-----------.!9 '

Some thirt~ in

Kanm/11; YoungThere 'llrC some thiogs I n
life that I j ust don' t undersl.a.lld. Ouriocicty has some
strugc rituaJ1, custom, and
habill that just dqri' t make
sense 10 me. It drive1 me
cruyl Tbcre arc some things
we do that no one enjoys doing, but We do it anyway.

wake. No one I know enjoys
going to wakes, but it is a
commonritualin oursociety.
PeoplewhoactuaJlycnjoygoIng to wakes must be either
really demented or jusl plain

1g used as on

which COP

:OP provides
:rooprojccu .

lt aostrongly


1atc1hat RSI !
being tied 10
searched and

than opinions
implicate the

Wons leader-

cy~i:~derstand that we have
to pay our last re,pccts to lhe
deceased and express aympa•,, but there
mus t be a better way 10 do
this than viewing the body.
Pcoplearcvcryuncomfortable at wakes. What do you
say7 How do you act7 I find
wakes very nerve wracking.
For some strange reason.
gum. I seldom chew gum. I
lhink lhc ortlf times I chew
gum arc al wakes and hos pitals. ll'sjust a nervous thing,
uy thedeceasc:dpenonloolcs
~good" or "'beautiful." I jusl
don't understand this. With
completC· reipcct to all deceased peopte;·I find it morbid to look at a dead body. I
think pcopl_ l~k-be~e~ ~d
I also find it upsetting that
my last memory of a loved
one will be of him or her
lyingin a caskc:t. Wbcnj,cople
die, weshoold celebrate what
1hcy did whUe they were
alivo-not bow they look af•

·ife just ran't be understood

tcr they are dead. I want 10
rrmcmber the memories that
arc closcst to my hea,rt _ e·
cause those arc the ones that
arc imponant.
thatlcan' tundcrstand. lwani
1oknow whypeoplcstandon
1hc• T• when then: arc plenty
or seats. Have you ever been
on atni n with JO empty seats
and a hair dotcn people arc
standing? This driYcs me

that'• not even intluding the
time\ you took to fill out and


l'he way I 1cc it; you're
lucky ifyougct68.centsafter
your cxpeuea- and . lha"t' s
not including you r time. Is it
really wqrth you'r tiale and
crrort 10 get 68 cents after
cxpenJCS. I think not. I'd be
embarrassed to 10 into a bank
1 caah • $1 chock.
I also find it p d that our
crazy. There arc plcmy of society lakes • lf11gic and/or
twisted story ao·d talks about
sea~. people. Use one.
Jalsocan'tuoderstandwhy it todealh. Five minutcsa£1er
people don't talk In clcva• the event happens, there arc
tors. Most people just stand fourmovicsofthew~ek , two
there in silence and wait for mini-series and eight papertheir floor. I just don't get it.


Well. every once io a while
I like to break that 1~ence by
as.Icing whomever I'm with
why people don't talk in clevators. When the~ is no response, I like 10 say somelhing like, MWcll, I guess lhc
1houghl of riding in a metal
box being held by a few wires
is kindofs,cary."
So if you feel uncomfonable when riding in an clevator and you sec- me waiting,
you may 0 0 1 want ta get on. I
:~:!sm~1j~:w~ ~~~
· elevator shafts to my ·death
and nol say any last words,
which, as all of my friends
can attest to, talking is one of
my favorite pastimes. (By the
way, iflshould die in a tragic
elevator accident, you arc all
u ~uscd from a1tending 'my


Another thing I have al-ways wondered is why people
send in for $1 rebates. Think
about it for a "1?Cond. You
, pend 29 cents for a stamp, a
penny or two for an enve•
lope, plus the ink fi'pm yno
pen to get a SI check, and

back books ih the y;-orks. Oh,
and I can't for&ct the event
bcina the topic on Oprah,

tabs that keep the 1tay•frabpacka1cs closed? 1be directions said'you pull the lab 10
open -and push it close. But
the ciiacber to make it the
the vcrj·important job of in- thing lhat drives
forming the public about crazy than anylh.ina else ii.
these events.
IJJe pictures that accompany
The thing that drives me the directions. The ultine
more crazy tJlan anything i s people mui1 think·tbc people
saltine boxes. I reached for a in Amei'ica arc really stupid..
box of saltines when I was It does n't take a rocket acicnsick earlier I.his year and I· tist 10 open a box of saltines!
wu surprised 10scethat there
That ' 1 our socict y for you.
we're directions 10 people I guess I just have 10 learn to
would know how to open lhc live with iL Maybe someday
four stuy•£resh packages in I'll bcableto understand these
the box.
bizarre things.
You know those little red


The Suffolk Aptitu(Je Test
d,;l rro!:'c.':!:.;::

By Jim BehrleI). You are in lhe Fcmoo
lounge when you discover
you arc late for your "Psy·
chology of lnvcnabratcs"

You should talk to:
a) Dean Sartwell.
b) Dean Dennis.


~Y~°!'!i:: the mid•
a) wr.ep.
4). You arc goingiofail
b) quickly run to class your " History of Stuff We
and teJI your professor Made Up" course because
the Greeo 'Llllc was on fire.
you spend too much time at
c) go to the 0cmc St the Red Hal. You should:
Deli and get• gyro.
, 1 a) apply yourself.
d) go 10 the Rod Hal.
b) •PPIY & 10 your•
2). Youareltandingin a Sclr.
long line at the bookstorp,
c) upply10McDonald's
waiting to buy t h e ~
d) apply y~lf10 the

for your "Boring Writm of ~~oc.The~ of


" Car


freak out and start

throwing higblitcrs.
b) puni:h boobbelves.
c) droptbe~ao, needs 'em'r'
to class.
" The Red HaL
1 : l ~ ~ ~ ~.& ~ Yc:ah,theyt,?,lia·idd i ei:f

By . ich





:'No, I don11t1lhl< theta

no problems.•

are enough courses
being offered."

"No. 'llMli9' lhould be -Vas, !'lie had no
problem getttng·ttie

man, •coun,e offanngs.


coursl.s t'naodod!


Ana Lopaz


be late for your "Ovcr-ratc1f
Studies,; midterm . Yo~

.~ .

i'd say yes. I've had'

d) "RcaiOOS my professor should be 1evcrely in-jurtd."
6). Youoolongerhavc
enough moncytopeythcspiralling tuillon costs. You
a) gct a part-timcjob.
b) gcta ';'Scratcbme"
Massachusetts lottery tickC!,
c) get a gun and start
knocki ng over Burgcr,Kings.
d) gct a plastk:"Dcan
Robbins" mask and start at·
tending classes in disguise.
7) ASuffotll.awllUdcnt
cuts you lll lincllt the Dcme
St. Deli. You1bould:

tbii.t ifyoo don'i hurry you'll~

Vo/CN of Suffolk




Unda Sari


oda_.Y.,.•-...;.;.;.;...;.;;;..l;.;7;..,l;;;. ; .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~9 •

can't be understood
:ludilla the
5P out.and


it, you're
and that's
r'timc. Is it
r time and
cenll after
not, I'd be
into a bank
ad that our
tglc and/or
talks about
bllltes after
1, there~
1 week, two
ight paper•

the Fenton




is the midd,

run 10 cl.ass·
)fcssor that
,as on fire.
e Demc SL

: lad HAL


You need to with-

draw from a coune.bccausc
you' ve skipped every class.
You should talk to:
a) Dffln Sartwell.


Dean Stoll.
Dino Aintstonc.

4). You arc goingtofail
your "History of Stuff We
Made Up" course boc:ause
you s~d too much time a1
the Red Hat. You should:
a) apply yourself.
b) apply glue to your-

tandingin a
c) applytoMcDonald's
d) .applyy~lftolhc
:Writcrsof l«.dldnc. ~
~ prof~ of
lcnlyl"Clllizq yo ur
\\' ash
huny you•l)'. Managmcnt" course i..ells
you that y.ou have a paper
:rm. · You ~ the _
diy after Thanks-


gmpg break. Your subject
: .and ~
" How much soap
oobhclves · is too muchT'

book ~~J

' •

MINNl!APO□S (CPS) - A new
naliOinal grant dUbbcd "The Big Idea• offers &tudcnu $2,000 grants
for designing iMovative service
projccta lO balttle social problems
in their caa,pus communities.
1be program, SP9nsored by the
Jostens Foundation in partmcnbip
with the Campus Outreach
Oppor]ID;ty Lcaauc. (COOL) will
provide gr4nt1 to 10 students

You know those little red

1e Suffolk A,Utu<Je

Cash ' rizes
to students
,with .big

back boob in the ~o,U. Oh, tabs that keep the atay-fresb
forJet the event pack.ages closed? The direc•
being the topic on Oprah, tiona you pull the tab 10
Phil, s.tly, Monte! and all or opc'ii ·and push· ir-close. But
1hcothe:rt.alk1ho11ls thathave thi clincher to make it_~
the very impo~aotjob ofin- lhing that drives me mo,e
forming thi ppblic about crazy than anythina clae is
these events.
the pictures that accompany
The thina that drives me the direct.ions. The saltine
more·cruy than anything is people mus t think the people
sa1tineboitcs. I reached for a in America are really stupid.
bos or sa1tines when t was It doe1n' ttakea rockd 1cicntick ·earlier this year and I ti1110 open a bo1t of1allincsl
That's our socicly for you.
w~su:pri1cdto 1ccthatthcre
were directions 10 people I gueu l just have to learn to
would know how 10 open the live with it. Maybe someday
four ,tay-fresb packages in l' UbcabletoundcntaodUlCSC
bizarre things.
the box-.

•"4 I can't



Ducb:u. Who

" Thcl«.dHat.
~ -~ r-.ywi, lhc:y'cMtcl'ldd it:ar


. throu&bout the country.
The projects must TCflcct cre-

d) "Rea5ons my profeisor should be severely injured."
6). You no longer have
enough money 10 pay the spindling tuition costs. You
a) get a part-time job.
b) get a "Scratch me"

ativity and innovati011 , and have
the ~~al to be replicated on
other ~pUICI.
•Further evidence of growin&
lludent concern over social i&sucs be found in the profusion of
new student &ervice organizations
the late 1980., as well ai in a
~ resurgence in established
-Lacrvicc progrlffls," (X)OL said.
. Oot a "Bid Id~&r-For informationon gh.nts, call 1-800-f00-5262



knocking over Burger Kings.
d) get a pl•tic: ''Dean
Robbins" mask and ll8rt at·
cuts you in line al the Deme
SL Deli You thould:
a) auemptiorcasonwith
how you were there fint and
how they should wait in liae
properly like evcrycmc else..
b) loud}.ybum~•LA.


_ - _ ·to appear
nee again·at S~olk



1be rcmutable, heart-wrenching true Hory of the life of Amcricanhistorian, FrederickDoUglass,
, . ~ be brought to lite in a oqe',DllJ! pcrfo,;man~ .at ~ African
'MeetingHouseat4'6JoyStrect o n

tertainirig and educating campus
audiences across tlie couritry with
character impressions ofsuch grca1
historical . figures as MaJ~lm X
and Martin Luther King, Jr. Van
~r bu performed theSC imprcssions in the past at Suffolk.
' He begil.n hii television acting
career by appeario'g as a background vocalist, Writer and staff
pbotographc!,OD Black Entcrtain~nt Network's . .. Bobby Jones
~pel S~w." He also appeared
";' the DlAJOr motion pictul'e, ..A
League of Their Own," directed
by ·PeDB)'..:Manhall and starring
Gcena Davis, •Tom Hanks and

Nov. 17, 1993-at 7:00 p.m. Areccption will follow after the performancc.
Sponaored bytheBlack-Studcnt
Union, ..My Bondage:" will
.fcaturecharactcraciorDanyl Van.
~ - It is co-spopor:cd by 1hc
Admission• Office, the .Asian
American Auoci.lQ.OD. Coaacil Of
Presidents, Dean of StudEou, the
Gf:>vernnient ~ n t , ffistpry
.Acco~yingtbe performance.
Depu,ment die Office of Ilic , willbcaititbytheMusachusetts
Pre,fdent, Program •C:ounFil, 54th Vol~r' hifaritrfRe-enacSchool. of Management, Sharon ~ . The skit. and a display wiU's ofljce, ~d the . detail the life of_the Civil Wu
·1., • , fighJfrS, fo r wh?m the movie
The two-oct play ,.-ill,.carry tJ,c
•tapui& I)c~I Washauciience through the first 21 years tngton, 1s
of Douglass' life based on bis
Thcpros,ram1s opcntothcpubl84S a'ut!)biography: "The Nana- ~c, bat seating~ limited. The event
tive• of the Life, of Ftedericlc·. for _hoac with &>Suffolk ID
, and for children under 17. For 1he



Van Leer of Nashville, Teanes- · gcaeralFlic,~~isS2.00.


. If you were I
peop~ what fcan
sociale with colic


ol specwon,ma


Notre Dame-.,


59;075 packed





9 '


11 keep the 1tay-frab
~-clos~? The ctirccid _)'OU pull ,the lab. to
1d push it close. But
~her lo make it the

~ t drives me.more
ban anything d ac ia

ures that accompany
ectiona. TI;ic salth1e
rnu11 thint.- the people
tica arcreallystupld.
~n a box of aaltiotsl
•i·our society for_yoi:.
I Just have lO learn to
:h it. Maybe wmeday

nati90al gr&Df dubbed "The Big

Jdca• offers students $2,000 grants
for designing innovative service
, projecu to batttlc social problems
in their CID,'PUS communities.
The program. s1>9nsored by the
Jostens Foundation in partmcrship

~le to~tand ~

, with the Calllpus O.utrcach
Op(JO<l'n;ty League (COOL} wm
provide g~411ts to 10 students


throughout the country .
The projects must TCflcct creativity and innovation, and have
!i tb~ po, cntial to be replicated on
other campuses.
•Further evidence of grow;ing
stUdent concern over social issues
can be found in the prof111ion of
· new"student service organizations
like COOL that hve sprung up since
~e late 1980&, as well as. in a
· marked resurgence id established
--:service progrfinA._" COOL said.
Got a "Bid lde&,,..-For infonna. tionongrants,call 1-800-i00-5262

"Rcasqns my profesuld be severely in..

You no longer have
moncytopa.ythespituition costs. You
get a pan-tiqlc jqb,
get~ " Scr9tchmc"

gCt a gun and start
get a pl,-,tic "Dean
... mask and start at,

,cl.uses indisguiae.

I. y OU ahouJd:

Darryl Van Leer·to appear

o~ce again at SuffolkJ'\
and s~nk s~w


tertafoing and educating campus
audiences across the country with
character impressions ofsuch great
historical fipres as Malcolm X

canhistorian, Frcderick Douglass, an~ Martin ~ther King, ~r. Van
will be.brought .to life in ·• one- ~r ~as performed these 1mpres·
J)Cd0~cc at
African • SIORS m the: pa_st at su.f~olk. .
Meeting House at 46 Joy Street on
He began his televmon acting
Nov. 17, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. A re- career by, ap~n~ as a bal:kception will follow after the per- ground vOC"!ist. wnter and staff
ph~tograpber on Black Entertain~ Sponso~brtheBlack,St_udent ~nJ Networ~· s . ~l}obby Jones
Union, .. MyLif'e inBondage," will · Gospel S~w. fl~ al~ ap~d
;featurecharacter.adorDirryJVU · ~ -the maJor ~obon p~t~, A
Leet. It is co-s.P9D1orcd by the League of Their Own, dircc~~
i\dmitaions Office, the Asian by Peony. ~anh'1] and St'"1ng
Anierican,Alsoc'li tion:eouncilOf .,Gecna Davis, TOD). Hanks and
~idents, Dean Qf Studeots, l-ht t.jadonQ.a.
GovemnienH)epartment, Historx
~P~~nt, diC office of flie -, will~• itit by the ~cbusetts
Presicfent Program CoUDf il 5;4tb olllDteer Infantry Re-enacScbool 0 { Management -S~~ lo~. The skit. and a dis_play will
. Artis-Jack.son 's office •~ d the detail• the life. of. tJie Civil War
Sociology;Deparlment . • ,J, •1.1, .:: f!&~~r~, ,f or _ h!)m t~e moyie
The two.-act play wiJ.licany tbe_,.,.~}f, pl :• s ~ g QenuJ , Wash.
audienccthtoughthe first21 years mgton, 18 bast:4: ·



or DougJass'

life based 00 'bis . Tbep~1~o~n1othepub184S aut~bi'ography; "The Nana- ~c. butseatmgJSliJ_Dited. The ~vent
tive of the Life of Ftedericlf· 11.frce.for thosc..
wtth a Suffolk ID
and fot childri:n under 17. For'the
Van ~rof~ashvilJe, Tennes-

~ralpublic,~Jo~is$2.00. ,

Suffolk coimllunity r:ea~

By 'Mfdlael A, Todino

boostersiilled thcB~;Ath- ! wbci do
letic Center to sd.Bentley bow i1
College's football 1cariq ake · ·pcq,let
If yoo were 10 ask most on Stonehill College.Jt is tlus. 11•1~
people what features they as- ki nd of fan support tba\ lookp,;
socia&e with college athletics, Suffolk's athletic~ have , itina tel

_ ~,u.STAPF

oi , pecwon,mauiveJ)Cpnillies and fanatical fans .
present, last ~rday during

Nooe Dame"s.f'ootball

againll Florida State in which
s9:01s packed into Notre
spirit for the entire countl}' to
- .
. On'!imCRklc:allevel, 2,000



While Suffolk has a·cheer- • J~
ing club, the-obvious lack'ol · more (

fi:nsupportatgamesbubceat:' IOftblll
eoou8h 10 cause somctllblclel, ,apoml
tobocomc mOl!:fruslriitcdali 1·aliucbi
discouraged. ·
prior e
"Ovcnill, ldon'tthinkSuf- work. I
folk athletica Id-~ , _ tiiae laj
su ~" said .KerriSW«:DC)',, 1our ant
a st.aior Govemmeat major, · be oel)!
softball andbm.kdballpiayer._ .pan 'tbi
''Wedo appreciatethet..s a•

Cash prizes
to students ·
-with big
ideas ·


Ul o:'



ByV.GonlooGlaul,m ,.


In the wake of America'•
despcme cooccm with aood r
bealthandexeteise,ilisamuing Lha1 m~ Suffolk slUdcola
arcn' tmo.einvolvcdwithSuf~
folk Sports. The rwmbet of
women participants ha bc:al f
going down espccially•in tht
past five ye&r1 ,
' ·• A~
;~ •to Donna M.

with the Campu s Outreach
provide grants to 10 students
throughout the country.

The projects must nnect creativity and innovation, and have
, ,the po~ntial to be replicated on
other campuses.
· Further · evidence of growing
i tudent concern over sociaJ iuucs
can be found in the profusion of
new student acrvicc organizations
like COOL that hvc sprung up iince
the late 1980s, as well as in a
marked resurgence in established
-· &erVicc provams/ COOL said. ·
Got a •eid Idci.r For informationongrants,caU 1-800-700.5262

'Ril.....,;'!'i ~ ~ -·,
alhlctics, who is concem6d
withwhetherlhercis thatdtsirc to play, college 1pom,
fflany student ath1ctes don' t

_ reasons unknown.

Ruseckas, who was hil'ICld
· ioto her po1itioo at the bcgJpning of Novcinber 1991 1 :js
catcrin, her third year p a
Varsity coach of Varsity Solt~ , andtheusistantc~of
Women's Bistetball after
working for seven ycan u a ,
and as a coech o( high·1ehoi>I
level softball, basketball and

gain at Suffolk

hadtoacceptabigchallcng "

President, Program council,


Volun~r lnfarih?' Rwn~-




. -"

.need~ for'Women's Athletics success ·

Opponlllity League (COOL) wiU

School. of Management, Stiaroo to~ •. The s~t. and a d1s~l~y will
Artis-Jackson's office, and the detail the l~fe of the Civtl W~
. figh_t~'!· for :,vhom the movie
The two-act play will carry the ,,:'9.,lf?!Y. .' s ~ g Denul Wuhaud.ience through the first 21 years mgton, ,s
of Douglass' li(e based on bis . Thcpro~•~o~nlothepub1845 autobiography; '"The Narra- ~c,botseatmgis~ted. Thecvent
rive o f the Life of Frederick: · is .free for~~sc with a Suffolk ID
and for children under 17. For the
Leer of Nashville, Tenoes- geoeralpublic,admiss!.o ois$2.00.

. re .

national grant du~bed "The Big
Idea• offers studcntl $2,000 granta
for dciigning innovative service
projects to bautlc social problems
in their can,plll communities.
The program, sponsored by the
Jostens Foundati~n in partmcrship

tcrtaining and educating campus
audiences across the country with
1be remarkable, heart-wrench- charactcrimprcssionsofsuchgrcat
ing~oryofthclifco( AIDCri- hi.storical figures as Malcolm X
canhistorian,FrcdcrickDouglass, and M ~ Lu th er King, Jr. Van
will be brought to life in a one- Leer has performed these imprcsman perfo~ce 81 thp African . sions in the Plf_St at su.r~Olk. .
He began his ~lcvmoo actmg
Nov. 17, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. A- re- carcerd by •p~n~ as a baclr:ceptiol) will'foUow after the per- groun vocahst, wnter and staff
photographer on Black EntertajnS~nsorcd by~ Bl.aclr:Studcnt ~nt Net~or~·s .; Bobby Joiies
Union, ..Myl.ifeinBondaae;"wiU ~pel S~w. H~ al~ •p~d
, featurccbaticte'ractorDanyl Van · "?-the maJor ~hon " '.~u_
l"C;, A
Leer. It· is co-sponsored by the ~ e ~f The tr Own, directed
Admissions Offu:c. the Asian by Penny ~anhall and starring
Amcrican.Associalion, COuncilOf Gccna Davis, Tom Hanh and
Presidents, Dean or Students, 'the Mad~nna.
Government Department, History
.Acco~paoytng the perfonnance
DcpaJ1mcnt, tli'c Office of the . willbeaatitby~Massacbusctts

Suffolk copununity rea~ to~
ByMichadA Todino

If yOII were 10 uk (IIOil
people what fca~ they usociate with collcieathlctics,
lits aod fanatical fans.
present last Saturday during
Notre Dame"s-football game
S9:075 · packed into Notre
spirit (or the.entire country to



aa:Cllible now.


uodcrslandina that Suffolk program.·~ ~ idcatificcl
Univcnityi.aa·~utcrcol- some strengths occ:uitjna lhia '
!egc, RUICCQI reminded that year. Just to equal lhcbalance
the same wu the case in high offall spoits,
school where studenu made adding fall
~!Otakcpartinsporuand intrammall for women. 11ail .
Explaiaina ' the level of
In lcnns of general moral,
play,sheitatcdthaltbtrcwas Rut,ckusaJd.'Thoe'1.....,,



:, r ~ ~ r t ,

r\_~r .


boostcrsfiUcdtheBentlcyAtb-.· whedocomcand~ . . . . .
lct1c Center to sec Bentley know 11'1 bard IO . . .;lot
inolif.~ ~
}sutpqn ur •~fi'Jc '
College's football rake pcoplctoshowupailk
IOdlilSClf~~ "le s," said.. Dayltiiri•
onS1onch11JColltge lt1Sthis, Il'sJUPfrustJating...~yod .
ki nd of fan support. that. looltpvcrand~tbat1hp-t,.:
_. blld.,.~ dnd ' Off'm,Jr)r.
Suffolk's athletic teams have . itingtcambasmOfefaftlrool- ~e&ofeacpdiq11PQrt- .,, ..J.fiqf~hard.~.~
betndcprivcdoffor~some ingT~.tbcmtbc:a,wedo,~uid . inaevmbbn~"m:alled mak&~togototbcpmcs.
1981BOMOeOIIIIIJlelll~.~ ~ , of
ai-1dlcpaaaretoo&r checrJenn Lombardi,. sopbo- a BaDotd~
ing club. the obvious. lack of · 'more Olemisuy major and Auistaat D t ~ ·Rose' ;r
~ ~ dlll keep
fan supportatgamcshasbeal·-toRt.U playu bad• similar Wriaht- "flhink it'\;w:rf)' ~
from the ganes."
C1>0Ughtocauscsomcaddda,, rupaaaewhea~aid.""Ire- porunt to- ,uP.porf'-acb"OOJ· Pepero,addcd.
tobcoomemorcfrwtratcd..a. •alizectailolofliDdentllliMI ~ ~-- O l i e f i t ~ a - 1
•prior conuailmeau such a
IObcim '° dcafeolill . . . . . llltlJ'"Overall, 1 don'I think Sof- work, bat if we cm put the «.:6craadbuildfrimdsllipa." iq: IO ..._, -,e 2)iffolt
folk athlcticl JCC-mGIIP fan lmaielOplllyad ,·
Wllilemay mxleaa have .
support,"said KcrriSwccncy,, 1Cll,II' univeraicy, tbca it would fl!'VCl'aucodedOGCq(Suffollr: , bow the adddic dcpan:meat
a senior Oovemmcot major, ' tie oely cocsidcnle on their Univcnity's athletic cveott,
softball and bastetballpla.ya'..· part 'that they sboukl support l!laDybavelricdtotuppOrttbeir
"Wed~ appreciatelhe(w ' us.•
_!2 _


~-~ca.ya. ~ •~~





· Promotions, other ismes cloud fan support

St1141y~ SQlOMl'S ljave
other - ad habits·

T:4,t;LAHAssBs_. ·••• ~


- fivo .icollolic

r ~r~~- ~ ~=~~;~ I

ri\lm"Willa"lt~•il" .,

.. iitortdaStateUnlv~and

• Smoten also , . r


meab more often tbanaoosmokers,andwbcd-tblycfi_
cat, they leaned toward
sally, hlgh-ra'1 -or (rlcd
foods . Heavy smokers also
said they drink nearly five
" A• people begin to cx-


e ~pport, inv9Jye~nt

San Oiqo State University.
much alcohol and.caffeine,
doa.''t cltetcise 'enough-and
eat' all the wrong kinds of
foods: ' 'It appeais that bad
habita cluste.-," said Doris
Abood, a F1orida State asso-

pcricbco some of the many

Abood aod.Te,ry Conway, bchayiors provide and they
research director al San Di- bc;Bin to feel better, smokcgo State's Ccoter for Be- ing may no longer hold the
bavioral anil ·community _ pl&ce it once liad in their
Health, aslr:ed 1,820 Navy lives, '' Abood said.
:~;:.~u~~;~,.;::::t io~•~odd=-:~~e~!a;~
lead t<f other positive
Never-amolr:enconsumed · life1tylccbanJes.''

■ SIJPP()n

Continued from NC ll
weekend pmes uully be,promolel·_bcir le■mS.
gin a& lor 2 ia tbuftc:mooa.
':'Suffolk 11 a commuter The real ilsue seems to...,
acbool sports ·an: reaJly not more willl the advertisemcat ..
~eooughfordleP- of Suffolk r,ortina evcnta.

•~ ~ ~ j ' ~ Brian
·Moo¾e, a 'l"pbomore .Print
~ m a j o r . "Ithinlr: ath~tvenl§ mould be held at
tubes that arc more accessible to the studenll. More
evenll 1hould. &e held in the
early aflernoon when !: lot of
pcopleare stilloncampus. A
lot of events arc held at night
and most people go home and
don' t Wllllt to come back into
B~ tontoseeagame," Moore
While this may seem true
to many students, especially
since most ·weekday games

ing that die k:vel of

1y is just uppaded
igh school level of
tBCcd that there was

program, Ru&CCkas identified
aomc st.rengths occurring this





intnunurals for women.
stemmed from a few swdcnts
meeting with her e:cp,esslng

interest in I.he spcrt.
In terms of general moral,
Rusecbssakt. "Therc'aalways


ife 1hl111N llriojtt_ __ _-':J

,) looking for taltes,.. llidRuscclw.

100 pcrccnt"Thcre~many

people on the basketb&JJ tewn
lhathavehigbeatbti.liasm. ..All
1proaram~ in all, 1 WOllld~, lact a lot
don't want the outofilua~"
ropamtobelooked · ..(My) i:oaJ ino take these



- 'l'f.•i•do""ffl~~--

~-~~-ieriod~~10i~a1ter- -corap1e of
woman sprogram."




able qualitici air..

varsity spon," said Ruse.cka5
who added that this is contin•
gent on thenultlberor students
d¢itaicd lo get it started.
.,II me," she said,
remarking on today's health
' Federal regulations gover<i1ng the and fitness conscious society.
educational loan . progaram requ~ Suf- tryAllhoughtbcfallcrosscounlack Or eothusiasm was
folk university to provide lci'I" counseling_ somewhat disappGinting belo st udents preparing lo leave the ClUSethci wcrcOOl able to get
the S-6 runners nccdcd to have
university.Applicants for December a team that were willing to nm
graduation, MUST aue~d, an ·Exit in weekend meets mostly,
. '"Womcn'shoopisexpocted10
Interview session, Sessions
be of- do well this year," she said
because Maureen Brown, a
fered on the following dates and times:
senior basketball player, is expected ton:sb bcr IOOJpoints.

. Althoughthewomen'sbasketball~ha.5arostero£11
9a.m.-4p,m. "(the) Most we've seen in a,
Monday, Nov. 22,1993
9a.m. -4p,m. fcwycm. "Ruseckasindicatt.d
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 1993
that lbcrc is a constant hope for
9a.m.-4p,m. support from administiation
Monday, Nov. 29, 1993


Tue.!daJI Nov. 30, 19'J3
Wednesda)\ Dec. 1, 1993 9a.m. -4p.;,,_·

cpolioucd oe page 12

r,t; "".
.. .. : ~§UP~rt.
'.lfihool~t .W
~IIIUaUJ ~ • :




j :suppo_rt our~•!:b!~ic

~.::O.~ 'ogy.,,.;o,..•:~o~~>
~ ' " • ';~~
,.. ...., ...,, fond

.ff>qft. ,

..J fJ.04 it hard"bowevcr, to

•="recalled - ._\ii\"_.............
I ~ ,..
~!t~b: ~:tbcpms,"

. -o1~ : m~ti~iogOtotbepmca.

Cdiileo. ·a,rayiondllUdaaUIUallyhave

_ _ _...,_

thll keep


, , -.. , ..... ~ia ......... lat,yl ~ ~ p l ... ipa to alb'ICI JD0f'II $dfolt
may lllldeala have spcclalon to athJedc cvmu: ~
tlect ooe 'of Suffolk bow tbe ldllctic deputmcilt
1 athlcoc events,


~~~~ c ~ p q~



and Suffolk IIUdc;nll al

Continued from page 11

From the Office of
Financial A i d - - -



Participation needed in women's athletics

seasons get it recognized as a

anding lhat Suffolk
rs a commuter colclr.u reminded that
vu I.he case in high
iere itudent.s made
:e part in sporu and

Joaepb Amico,ucniorSociolot;ym■jor, buketball and
croa country athlete, best
staled why the athletic de.
.-,tmc::otdoeso' talwayshave
MattM■ilio, asopboam:o lbcmlamtodoumucbcad. Criminology, major, uld, .., pJipiaa ■I they would like
lhinkthe ■th.l~depanmeot wbenbeiaid,"Wt'readjvicould promote their teams 1 ... sion ihrce school We don't
little better. I don't know bave the resources that a
whenmostofthegamesare." achoollilteMlchiganStatcor
Sweeney, • bOwcver; be- Notre Dame has. We're just
lievesthcathlcticdepartment student athletes playing for
has done a lot to publicize our acbpol."
their teams by using a variety
"J lhinkthe athletic depan•
of mediums. "They do have ment docs u much as it cona sign in the.Ridgeway Buiid- ceivably can. 111 not the ading that has the dales and vcrtisement, butthedcaireon
locationsforeach taJDe.'They the part of the students that is
also advertise in the Suffolk lacking," said Lombardi in
Jouhlpf, Maybe they' could support · of Amico's stateput another sign in the lobby ment. ·


c~=~~~:r~~~ersity that are l~ng in num•
hers," she said, bul, the·
past, there seemed to always
be coough women involved in
the program."

Because of the low numbers, Suffolk Sports must gear
: !~t!~n~o~:n~:
qid The process foe
which begins with a circulation of about 2S to SO letters to
highschoolcoecbcsandpbysical education instructors telling them about Suffolk's athletic programs.
This first step, she said,




to you_,l'beinterview sbouldonlY. n:qopre2(f- 30
miauies of your time,

the rime to scout out athletes
and buically sell the Univcr-sjty. lflbcy are intcrcsled, ''we
invite them to the university,"
In the meantime, the dirccton are k~ping their cya on
the lqcal papcn:·for writo-ups

on students, after which l!JeY
call the school to let them know
that they ~iolelQ!cd.
But, because Suffolk is a
Division, can't give
scholarships,'lhehigh profiled
students are ..not always attainable," Ruscclr:as said. ·
Although she said that it
hasn'tbecn ii rcalproblcm with
her, Ruscckas said, when aslr:ed


better. I wish
could be a
univcna! symbol.Werollwith
it because it corrects the gen•

·- ~~
·-- .............
·- ,,...~==-=-,...-==:a:.;........ ..-.........

Exit Interviews will be conduc~ EVERY
to the
Financial Aid Office five minutes before•the·
session \)'ou choose 10 attend is schcdtiled to
begin, You do not need to make an·appoi olmenl
Please note that untii you attend an Exit
Interview and cqmplele_
paperwork. ypu will not be cleated for Jll1dll!lli!>n,
with the Registtar or Sllldeit! Aooomns Office.
Thal means we will not be able to forward
diploma, 1SSue
r,anscripis, or n:lease gnides


1be big question is "Where
are these runners?," 1&id
wasn't "a total flop," because
(NEWAC), ia. which ...all the
tcams"havean' opponunity for

SAVB . . oaPrecWoa~

· •·Jdm ..

... . Nl:ima

.._ -·



,a:a~.,_ ,..



0..W.... ...... MAGZIN

Buy;..., two p,odud,





0..,.,.,-, ......... _,........,..,



Owner ,!.•



Ask about our frequent cutter ·~

-· 9th cut fr"9

a Suffolk Graduate

~ t.
S T A N F O· R D ,·
Calif.(C PS)~A£te r three
years of dCbate and rewrit•
ing; Stanford Univ.crsity orficiaJs enacted a new policy
in early October that deals'
with sexual harassm'ent on
campus- - - · - -,
Unlike policies at some'
other institutions, SJanfonfs
does not prohibit consensual
relationships be'i'Wun stu•




involved when the relationship is betw~n individuals
in .''inhcrently "iine.qual positions."
The policy states that
those relationships may be
''lebconscnsual than theip•
dividuaJ whose position conrers power believes. ' '
The policy "comes ~own .
squarely on the side of con•
fidentiaJity," said Univer•
sity Pre1idcn1 Gerhard ·
Casper, regarding the conflict betw~n the desire " to
establlsb records of trans·
grcssion1 can be reviewed later" and the assu rance of confi~liality that
would. enCQW'BIC people to ,
come forward .
Sexual· birusment is defined u unwanted suual advances, requcau for suual
flvo~, and other visual, verbal O(.pttyijcalconducL


Tbos.llolk- ,)Vodnolday,No..;..,.,1~, 1993



&omotions other ismles clood fan support
Study: -~ r s Jutv~ •. ■ St:JPl'ORT
awtat6or7:30p.m.andall oflbcS•w~Buildio~."
aftemOOD. ciok:ICY
other bad habits
.. ..Su(fblt
a commuter The ruJ i11~•
crou country athlete:
Continued from page 11
their teams.

Students help Calit. fire victims

weekend alffles 111ually begin at Jot 2 ift lite
to ~

major, bukctbal.l and
morewithihea.4Ycrtise...: '"' 1talcd~•hy the tithlctic de-



MAUBU, <;alif. (CPS)Scudeol& M•Pq,pcrdioc Uni. venity helped ricdms of the
fircathltaweptthrnugbSouthem California in l a t e ~
and early November and de. 11.roying hundreds of homes
Although several hundred
outlying acres at Pcppcrdine,
located in Malibu, were
burned, studcnlS at the univer•
sity organ~ a di~ter response team to help those
whose homes were destroyed
According to Jonathan
Risenhoover. coordinator or
the response team, the student
vol unteers n,ceivcd calls from
the fill! victims. who were ·in
need of food and shclter. He
said the response teams worked
as a liaison bctwo:n the victims and social service agencies to find assistance forii:hc
fire victims.
;,vcr said lhc vol•

TALLAHASSBB'-.· lcu tbu five 1lcO)llolic
bod. Sports"are~lyoot
, Fla.(CPS)-Wc,ll, amobn. driab ■ woet, wbiJebeavy
of Suffolk sporting evcota.
putmcntdoean' talwars havf
7 Menougbforthe~
· tGcroi.t' m~ 'bad Dew-a for amolerl 1bad,mdriithinl0 •~~boay"~d.Brian I MauMulin,uophoaoro- lbon~n1todoumuchca~
'f~dDl1W.~ilt(~~i;_r; •t 1beftn&ei ili~ _ftiet<." "-{ I' r . ·Moo"~: a ;i'opbimore Print Criminology major, said; .. , . P-'sni~• ~ t~y ~ould ~k~
~orida state•Uftivcrshyand Smotcrt alao •lkfpped Joumalismmajor.'ithinkath• thlnktbcathletic1depan~111 wbeo, lieaatd, We read1v:•
San Ditto State Uhivenity. mcah mote often than.nonictK: events should be held at could promote their teams a sion three school We don t



Chancesareyoudrinktoo smokers,andwhcn·theydi.d
much alcohol and caffeine, cat, they leaned toward
don't CJterciae " nouah and cahy, hi&h-fat or fried
cat all the wrona kinda of f ~ . Heav~ smokerlalso
foods: "It appears that bad s.a1d they dri,nlt nearly five
hablta cluster," Qoris cups of corfee daily.
Abood, a Aorida Stace uso'' As people bcain 10 ex•
ciateprofcuorofhcalthedu- pcricnce some of the many
, Abood and Terry Conway, beh•~ior1 provide and they
research dimctor at San Di• begin to feel better, smok•
ego State's Ce.otu for Be• ing may no longer hold the
.havioral and Community • ·place it ,once had in their
Health, asked 1,820 Navy lives, " Abood said.

m,n aboul """ smoking,

. "Addinghahhybobo,ion to one'• life tends to
lead to o ther positive
lifestyle chanacs.' '

From the Office of
Financial Aid - - Federal regulations governing the
educational loan progaram require Suffolk univcft'sity to provide lol\11 counseling
to students preparing lo leave the
university.Applicants for December
graduation, MUST attend an Exit
.Interview session. Sessions will be offered on the following date~ and times: .


Nov. 22, /993
Nov. 23, 1993
Nov. 29, 1993
Nov. 30, 1993
~ Dec. /, /993


tiincs that arc more acccs•
sible 10 the students. More
~cnlS should be held in the
earlyaftemoonwhcnalot of
pcoplearcstiltoncampus. A
lot of events arc held at night
and most people go home and
don't wont 10 come back into
BOScoou)Sceagame." Moorc
While this ma y seem true
1 maov siudcnl5, especially
si~e ~ost -weekday games

Jitdc bcner. ·I don't kno9t have t~e re~ou~es that" a
whenm·os1orthcaamesare." 1ehoolllkcM1ch1
Sweeney, however, be- Notre Dame has. We. re Just
licvcsthcathlcticdepart~~ot · student ath~etes playing for
has done a lot to pubUc1ze our sc~90I.
1hcfr 1
cam1 by using a variety
"lth1nltthe athlcuc~epart·
of mediums. "They do have mcnt docs as much as 11 con•
a1igniolheRidgeway Build- ceivahly can. Its not l~c ad•
ing that has the dates and vertisemcnt,butthedcs1re o.n
locatioru for eac:h rame. They the part ofth~ studenu th~t ~s
aJSo advertise in 1he Suffolk lacking," S81d Lombardi m
Jou'mpl. Maybe thei could support of Amico's state•
put another sign in the lobby ment.

articipation needed in women's atbletjcs


Continued from page 11
seasons gd it m::ognized as a
varsity sport.fl said
who added that this is contin•

gen( on the n~mberofstudcnts
~tcd to gd ii swted.
'1t amazc.s me." she said. on today'$ health
and-fitness conscious society.
Aithoughtbcfallcro.sscoun- .
try Jack of en~siasm was
somewhat disappointing be·
the 5-6 runnen needed to ,bave
a team were willing lo nm
in weekend meets mostly .
"Women·, hoop is expected 10
do well this year," she said
because Moure.en Brown, a
Altbough the women's bas•
tetballceam has a roster of 11 .
"(thc) Most we've socn in a
1Upport from administration

and Suffolk studcnu at the
The big question is "Where
arc these runnera?," said
wasn't ''a total flop." because
they arc now in the Nonh East
Womcn's AthleticCon(ercncc
(NEWAC), in which ,al l the
tcamsbave an opponunily for
conference championships.
"We'rcnottheonlyuniver\i1y ~•t are 1
.acking i~-num;
bets. she said, but, m th
post, there seemed_to olwo~s
be enough W?,mcn involved m
the program.
Because or the low num•
bcn, Suffolk Spons m~t gear
a lot of encrsy for ouu1de re•
sai~ Ruscc~.~ ~ f o r
which begms with a cnculati~n of about 25 1050 letters~
highschool coechcsandphysacal education instructm teU·

i~ them about Suffolk's athIdle programs.
This finl step, she said.

•- Elm~
·-·-• A-

Exit Interview$ will be conduclcd EVERY
HOUR ON THE HOUR. Pl.,;,., come to lhe

Financial Aid Office five

minuleS before the
session you· choose to attend is scheduled to
begin. You do not need to make an appoinuitenL
• Please note that until you attend an
Interview and complete lhe
paperwork, you will not be cleared for Jllldµaq_o11
wilh lhe Registrar or.SIUdeiii Accounts. Office.
That means we will not be able to forward you
'diploma, issue
to y'oo_Theintcrview should only rcquire20'- 30


miautcs of your time.



·- .
....... ·

. • ,...MkWI


11111-. . .


specifics or eliminates some
letters thedim::ton have to find
the time to scout out athletes
and bas.icaUf sell the Univcrsity. lfthcyarcinte.rcstcd, .. we
invite them to the university,"
Ruseckas said.
In 1he meantime, the dircc·
tors arc keeping their "eyes oo
the locaJ papen for wJite-ups
on ·students, after which they
call the school 10 le1them know
!hat they-arc interested.
Bui. because Suffolk is a
Division 3 school, can't give
scholarships, the high profiled
student! arc "not always atiainable," Ruscc:tas said.
Although she said that ii
hasn't been a real problem with
her, Ruscckassaid, wbcna.sked
abou1how she felt about being
lhe said, "I think it could be
beucr. I wish there could be a
univcrsalsymbol. Werollwith
it because it corrccu the gender."




Buy any.~""""""


Ask about our irequenl cutter cold .. 9th cut
Owner is a Suffolk . raduate


Ca lif.(CPS)-A(ter three
--years of debate and rewril•
ing, Stanford Uoiversity of•
ficiaJs enacted a new policy
in early October tha1 deals
with r xuaJ harassment on
Unlike policies at some
does not prohibit consensual
relationships between students and professors, but
doeswam lhattherearerisks
involved when the relationship is between individuals
in .. inherently unequal po•
The ~olicy states that
those relationships may be
--Ycssconsensual than the in •
di vidual whose position con•
rers wwer believes."
~ policy "Comes,,down
squarely on the side of confidentiality," Said University President Gerhard
Casper, regarding the con flict between the dCiire "10
establish records of trans•
gression1 lhat can be re•
viewed' • and the assu rance of coofidcntiality that
would" eocoung~ people to
come 'forward.
Sexual•hannment is defined as unwantcdsexuaJ ad·
vaoces-, requests for seual
favon, and other visual, verbal or p)lysical conduct

untccn also provided drinlu ·oamesoltbcvictima.
Acconl:in.aroBlias;tbccamand companionship to
ftrcfi&btaawhoWU.onbrcak. puj aeaned to be bllck to nor•
Sevcnl hundred ll~ts maldelptolho-Heomd


They spread the word about
lhcir ICMCCS by po1ting mm

on businen · buildin11 in

Pcppcrdine had several hundred acres ofhMh bum on its
830-acrc ~put, but had no
structural damage. No injuries

Claues were canceled for
ditions and road blocb. Al·
thouah classes reaumcd on
were still evident on campus.
"This place smc.lls like a
barbecue," said Jeff Bliss, a
univenity spokesman .
era! faculty , staff and student!
burned in the blue. The univenity hos not released lhe

ltwlenta rccumcd ro·~
The Univmity of California in Loa Angelcsia llboul 10
milca away from the fire lhll
portion of lhe .,, ....
Peppcrdine caOJpus. The
UCLA campus had smoke
from the fire. but classes were
were! no, closed.
' 'Other than our conocm for
everyone, the rltC hasn't really
affecced us,'' uid Jaquie
M ichels, a spob:swoman for
Ua.A. ·
At California Stale Univc:rlity in San Beman:iino,~
" If you ·straincd your oeck:
yoocouktscclhcsmoke,'' ~
Pringle. a spokeswoman for
California State. said about the


The Suffo'1c Journal
Suffolk University's Stuqent Newspaper ,
Needs you~ talents _,µ}, exp~rlise!

H you have e.xperien_e i!l advertising, marketing
.or accountim,1,,putyourta~~ io 1i1se while·helplng
your col.~
~paJ>f:r,._r,~t, ·. -· , . ' ,, 1,a. , '., iil
The Jour~ I$ ~ISOIOOKIDgfor r e ~ ~ ne\!8,

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Call us 'today at 5 ~




Holtz goes too far





Attbeb.:tofdaedlirdpl«, Notrc

Olmec . . ftrced to put. With. dcci&iVC ldvanuae. pulllio,: with tbc wind
play olf bef... die play clod< .,.....,_
Holtz wasn't a happy camper.
On 8DOlhc:r occasioo, Holtz barked
• a player who made an unneccuary

late hit, &ivina; Notre Dame a penalty.
Holtz had lalOO tocoafront the pbyu
for the stupid play, bat still wcotov«•
bolrd, pirsuin& his pliycr on10 the
playina fidd and continuing the verbal

, Dllrina the pn>-game hype and mcdiacircu.saum:,wxling thepme., Holiz

ThcSaffolk-..i • Wccmday, -17,1993

0ome-. ........... w. ...



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Fasheria- Many earn $2,000+ /
. mo. incannaicsor$3;000 - $6,000+/
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~ u e d rrom-paae 16
they' ll reject .)'CUI' claim.. 'Ibis: out oot
only nalet over a lCl!1' m coUeae ttu·
dca&a.butallotbelOWD o(Souah 8md. bu1wemodetom<bod,_lhl< la!
Throw ia tbe scate of lmliana. for•tllM to1oa1L They[theddeme)madcaome
mau«. Evcryoac ii under hit spell, aad bad decisions, especially ln OW' own
believe he it the second coming o( end."
Suffolk came out flal.-footcd at the
Holtz doet.n ' t even deserve 10 be pul atart,anda16:04ofthcopcninapcriod;
on a pei- with put Notre Oamcco.ches Benllcy'1 Oris Jes.sopp beat Suffolk
tueb u An Paneghian and Gerry FlllSl, 1oaJie Ruu Eooas (27 saves) from the
right circle. The Fakoos a.rabbcd •
wbodidn'thavct.bcrecon:btbatHoltz- "
coacbcd teamS ha~ had in the pe.51 two-goal lead at 14:02 when Kevin
eight years. But cxb o ( ibose co.cbcs Scolagottbereboundohlongaholof'f
carried ontbctraditioo of a cleanly-run the backboards and toofcd • ahot over-


Butabould Holtzstic:lcarou.ndNotrc
Dame for the next few yell1, more will
come out-no doubt. U~ Holtz. the
luck o( the Irish will tum from good to

~ f ~'


ou:~~ ;JgiDlO~~tfitJ.&~d


down the left wing and belling Bcnlley

f.ooa.s. The Rams claimed that a Fakoo
co the rc.rerea:, but tono avail
said Burns . .. It's a long season..,

The Rams turned lhings around in
the tecOnd period. scorin& Uu= goals
in the fiBI 11 :51 totakeaJ-2 lcad. Jim

for• quick

acoratonanindividualeffon,rushing :;:Yw==::pi:;:::iod!
Pie Sean BW'D!II (22 saves). Aftu
and swept• shot through the legs of


U::n~~ tied at two only

Santos' goal came on the powerpla~, u he batted in a rtbound o( a
Oins Mullen point shot to give lhe

~t~~)e~~~ the lead with

i ·.


Fittg~d. Larry McGahey and em
Santoc all tallied in' the ~period


he ll.

Paul 8aru&i l'CIOlted for. Suffolk
cmc. ne..s-1 lead bdd up ror BeotJcy
wrist abot thal beat Bums
and tnoaed thc-pmc with'cmly 1:46.
aod Bartalim (ooe goal , ooe a.uist)
seemed to click for the Rams in lhc
,econd and third periods, as did the
ICCOOd line of Atzaera1d (one goa1),
Santos (one aoi.1, one assist) and
Bums said that Al Rogen, who is
recoverina from a separated lhQuldcr,
should join the ICCOOd line and add
some more sooring punch to an aJ~ ~ t p f Jc~siveauack.. ,

=.. -

Holtz docan·t have to coach. nor
invited seven! writen to hi• place for
tome bccr1 and a little food, in an recruit at Nocrc Dame, since tbe re•cruiting proceu is nearly nooaistc.nt.
attemptlolhow the media.(.bat he isn't
The Notrt Dame mystique recruits
thewcasel ~'•craclced up to~ .
Since the relc:ue ol a book entitled brings the nation'• most-talented play•
':'{ndt:r the Taroisbcd Dome." Holtz en to South Beod. Brirrg Holtz in u
has been on a CIUl8de to prove thM he's COICh of a pitiful Temple Univcnity
ootsucbabadguy. VCTbalandphysi• team, then we' ll see what typco( coach
ell abuses towards playcn arc wdldocwacDted in book.
in.the book tum out to be true. Hoitt
~ • t ~ lOQ)Jllg_the lidclinca

Falcons spoil Raffl:S
opener, 6-5 in overtime

aoab at 14:12.and 19:26 by Shane
Borman and Mi.kc Moran. Borman
picked ofhclcaring pw: (rom behind'

~~ Score

At ~~It«, Bro,.-p Artna
&enqey (3-0)........2 2 l.1 ·-6




2nd~, Fitzgerald (Mullaly,
Santos) I :39; S. McGahey

~~:!n~/:::;;~y~n:u: ~~~~!r~~•;-n~~~=~

To Ndolf1 L,

game at three.


With only 34 seconds left in the
period. Moran's blast from lheblucllnc_

ern stMdtnt i.r thinking of-you

sisk.d) 14:12: 8, M~
~ n:f.8, Jcssopp(¥,lva,ptncst)
7~. §, Q!U:Wini.(Dwycr, Franklin)

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......... . . , , _

P.O. Bo,, 2370

H.ialeah, A.33017•1370


Overtime: B, Walsh :40.
Saves: B, Bums 22;S, EooasT7.


.....1 No Jt■ bu !J

AdvisinJ, Coune Sc.lcctlon, And RegistntiOfl fllf Sprina 1994 Ends
Odlllll Observance Fut
the Dsy
10:00 • 11 :00 CompulCI' Drop • In : I.urn 1...ocllS, Dbase and WordPerfect

Jtid&eway 300

U - . Program Committee Mtttint
Ballolll ~ n t Center . Proditetlons & ()pentioos Tuinr Group

2~ • 3:00
~;:. 7:00

~~~~~ ~mmiucc Medin&

6:00 • 7:30
7:00 • 10:00


811,ct Law StlJdent Association Meetint
Frederick Douglas l...ecwrc . Speaker Darryl Van Lea
Mca'1 Hoctey V Curry College

MllaCeC.naf. Room
Sbcratoo-T. . HOldBraiattoc
McDermott Coor. Room
Africm Meetiot HOUie
Cuny Collcae

Deadly NoYCWbcr JI
11:00Mictey Mouse Birthday Celcbratino
1:00 lntcnWiooal Food Fu1ival
· 1:00 - l :00 81U01tl Lcamint Center . Microeconomics Study Group


:: :~~ =::=::::~~::•Ith

1:00 • 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
I :00 · 2:30
I :00 • 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 - l :30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 : 2:30
1:00 • 2:)Q
1:00 - ,2:jo
I :00 • 2:30
I :00 • l :30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 • l:30
5:00 • 6:30
5:00 • 7:00



Sll.ldcnt Actlvldet Lounge


Div~ Shim

AJpba Phi Omega Mcctin1
Women's Center· Seit Ddcnie Worbbop

fentoG 338.B
Atcher 631.

Counsel in& Center Gtoup Meeting


Human.ltiel Depanmcm Meeting
WSUB GcncnJ Meeting
Ellgfuh Depanmcn1 faculty Mccti.n1

Rldac-ay 4 16

Foccmic Team Meeting
SOM Faculty Meedng
Beta AJpha Psi Meeting

Sawycr ·4 27

SaWJ'CI' 927

81!1011.I Leaming Center• Accoonting S1udy Grou p
Accountln1 AJsnc\ation Mcctln1
Anandal Management Association · P1nel Oitcuainn
Criminology Oub Mcctin1 · Speaker Oo "Priest In Trouble"

Sffrytr"t 1'22

sawyer 1128

Sawyer 102111023


__,~Arcba' 522. __

Ballottl Leaming ~nlO · BlolO&Y Tutor Oroup

Phi Sigma' Sia,na

s.....-Acdffdea eeo.--m

EDSA Office Hours Staffed by Board Membcn


New England Ellvlrorunenlli Law Society

Npyt■ bfc19

Sawya-52 1

9:00 ·• t 1:00 Slide Presentation and Lcccurc oo Latin Amc1icll

~:·: ; ;:
: : , ~ i ~ G o ~ = ' ; ! : = ~ ~ ~ , = ~sUtutc
Council • Karaoke Rathsuller
~00 Womea'1 Baskelball , ·1. Pine Manor College

· -Sawy,a-C&t1:- - Pinc ~ Collc:p
Williams Collqc

,_,:()() Men'• 84$kctblll VI. Williams College

S,,tynt,y Notc11hct 20

.c~h Ass~ _e,p~~?·~~l

Cominued from page 16


Although sagging a bit to open lbe
second. SuffolJI: cootinued ill usault
oo newly· imcrted aoalie Rick Robus,
· unctwicbirij a ihon•handcd tally and
breakaway ~ around ill opponent•1


o( the final


concluded at

ace when BalUJ.i.nJ '

coonecud to com~ 1/JF frusuaioa
ror an obviously

~ qrq,~:··

as tilt ,l'Clllof the scasoni there is no
doubt lhcy can go places.
"We're going to enjoy this tonighl.
but come 4 o'clock tomonow we'll
forget (the scoce) and concentrate on
canying ovq the effort.

"'Rjiht !K'W. I'm

coocemating on
lhelhon-termbecauscwecan't afford
to look \00. far ahead.':. .
· ·

,._ Seort ,.,

· ·• Af " ' ·-Bnnrn Attaa
-(Q-1).....0 I 0-1
...._.k. (1-1)........__ 4 3 1-8

.u....., <\a=Fl!oo ,.-s,

r"'POJd·c-a. Owyu>
morechaait1fairlhllreo(ma,~ '. 1--'2; S, Bataliai {Dwyer) 6:03; S,
die Ram, lib a·wdl, , ~~ ~ ) 1"14;
oiled mKhine. The ~allowed ~-.~ ~ ~ ) 16:Jl.
&mo IO ,ee die pod sod qmdy ,.




1beloroanlsbacl:-cbcckcdmdeffel:1-~n.~&,/f,,ll~~---- ~ -_-l l tivdycloggcdu,Ptbcncutra1~aica..
il- - --.
Bum, agn,ed lhl< ~bis~ cao
NWI, cany Mooday night's effort avu to
..,,;p's pme ,pins< Ou,y, • well


18: 14 .

Suffolk Univers.ty's Calendar of Events
November 18 - 23

Williams C:Ollcge

1:00 Wnmcn'• Butetball VI. Pinc Manor College
1:00 Men's Basketball VI. Williams College

highcsicommissions. Oeiti.natioos in-

Frtt T ri pe: and Mone,!!


Bentley c,,:ponded iu lead 1 two
goah at the 7 :00 mark or the final
stanJ.a whcnJcssoppscorcdhissecond
of the game. lluffing in a wn!lparound

University Dateline

5:59;, K..

OWII ( B ~ )

~:07;.S, Saal"! CFmlrid) 7:~.
a rd·S, McOaboy ()l(udield,
F- ) 4,t2; S, llwtaliai (Sant00,
15 29
Mallc:o) : •
~A.Small 16, Rd>w28:S,

Mowllt; Nel'IWha: ll


11:00 • ·12:00 Balloni LcamiDJ Cen1tr • Accountln1 312 Sludy Group
Annual Pund PhoDalhna Moo • Tbun


5:30 • 9:00

J'wdlt No:q:ebcr n


1:30 Brakfalt For Law Stlldcnt Leaden
McDctmott Cont. Room
IIJJOSOM Policy & Stra1t1ic Plufli.n&Coa:ual.lllle
11:)0SOM Promotion. Tenure& RevicwC-ommllll:lc
ll.-00 • 1:00 Balloul Leam!,n& CtGIU • MkroeccmOmicl Study 0roup
1:00 • l.-00
8aUOld l.araiD1 eea.e, • Ptjdloloa Tatiq
1:00•2:lO PropmnComdlMc:ctia&
1:00•2:30 Mab~HnoorsClaa

Sawya- 321 '


p.._4lOB ,
_ ,,.
.._ ...


Hudiddcl nep.tmcnl

t :00-1:30 . GeoeleeryGroupMced..q
I :00 • 2:30
SOA ·Moctma


1:00·2:lO ·

Pft . LawAuodatioaMecdlc

SalfnlkUELIY. ~Aaoc:iadoo . . . . .

Hl!"!'1_..,.. ..... Up . . .

:1:~•·~=..;~ ·'"


4:00 • 3:00 • BaUotd LeM1lia& Cealel· ~ , . . , . . . . ~
, :30 Mm'i Kocb)' VI. New Fbqllbire ~


7:30 Mm'18alted,allvs.BJid&cWllefStaaCollap,

- 4 21



,, Malh~ · Sedlll•n.diiaa•~

. ~6q)

,!oo-2'30 ·- - Meecin&
1:00 • 2:30.

• Sa,r,yer-521
One Beacon Street


5 - 911
"·· ...,_ua,.




,.,, '


f"l • ,.J I,-·




-117• --..



~ ~~


' Hcae .


1vemba' 17, 1993

,~-Calendar of Events

Rams crush

Ridgeway 300
Sawyu l..ibrary
Munce Conr. Room
Shen.too-Tara Hot.el Braintree


Sawycr52 1
C.Walsh Thca{Cf
Sawycr 430
Sawyer Cafe
Pinc Manor College
Willi am5 College

Williams College


BOSTON-Hockey coach
Bill Burns came into the sccood ~ of the semoo de~ a coocertcd effort al He.aoc it.
coach a game to remember,
anni.hilatiqg the Aasumptioo
Greyhounds Monday night at
Bolton University 's WaJtcr
Brown Arena, g: 1. The dlclllctingincludedtwogoelsaa,d
an assist by senior ceiitcr Jim
F.itzJerald and identical lOUllll
for left-winger Pail Barialini.
Center ' Chris Dwy·er also
chipped in with tht:ee assists.
to be the ·game-wjnnct., wilh
opening stanza. Rifling a shot
top &hclf00 Assu,mplion goal:
keeper Mike Small, the.forward gavC his team a 2-0 I~ )
they would never relinquish. ...

Sawyer 623
Sawyer 521
Sawyer 430

Fcatoo 338A
'Fcmon ·nae




. ·Sawyer 426




,· . .. ;,, •

- ~ l J ~ .1•,1
~llll ,

. ·hsll'c.u.,,;

·s.~'~:= .


ofthc1C1110n,coachBill 8ums
'said that defense would play a
key role in.his tc:aiq'IIUCCCU,
ID Sawrday'a season-opener
apinlt. Benqcy, a couple of
goab, -and eventually, a 6-S
overtime losi for the Rams.
Suffolk found itaclf down
by scores of i,o .and ·S-3, but
came back on each occasion


. TbC Evenin1 Divisio:
Aasociation (BDSA) 1
awarded three I C ~
time students. Scholanbi





Ram Jim Atzgerakl attempts to 11ft a shot by Assumptiori goalie Afck'Aobus during
seccnd period lictlon.
~wb.ich bad the Assumption
players and coaches ahaking
their b ~ in disbclicf.1fe
looked like a man on II mis$loo, allowing only a power
g~at7:C17of thcsccood
period to hit the twine of lhe
Suffolk net.
Coach Bums was proud of
the turnaround his team made

came out Willi' intensity from
the stan tonight...
Th.alintcnsity showedasthc
Rams got on the board fiBt
when Fitzgerald took advantageo£trafficinfrontofthc0et

Suffolk continued 10 take
lackadaisical play to ball09"
their lead to 4-0 b'y the end or
thcpcriod.Senioi" Dan.Cuddy
nighl with a goal at the 16:3 1


to the extra session where
Bentley'• Brian Walsh scored
~ sccoods in, giving the Fal·
his club's slow start.
" After only two weeks or ..
practice, we wen: affected by
said Bums-. "Wecari1eback in
' lhc second and third.periods,

Fine line between motivation and abuse
BY Sbclky Lane

Sawyer 52 1
One Beacon S1rtet

BJ Chris Olooa.


African Meeting Hoiue
CUil}' College


Volume 52, Number 1


McDermott Conr. Room

Student Activitia Lounge
Fenton Lounge
FenlOO 33
Sawyer Cafe
Fcotoo 3388
ArclJcr 63 1
Feotoo 603
Sawyer 927
Sawyer 1122
Sawyer 1128
Sawyer 1021/1023
Sawycr929 _
Arclicr527 \



Athletic coaches yell and
scream obscenities at players. ·Coaches melc.e forceful
physical contact with playqs.Coachcst)laymindgames
with players. Coaches can
melc.eorbrca.k a player in one
~ h out1ash.

ls this what coaching is all
about , or ar·e too many
, _ coaches crossing the line~
tweeo fflotivatiooand abUse?
With the upcoriiing basketball season around the corner, many h~ecball.PlaYers
will be ponderin1 this question aftei thcabrupt fuing of
last season.
Coachu in c;oUcge bJlve
and mold tbeirplaycn pbysically, athletically and cmotionaUy. Cqacbca use• wide
range oflcChniquca to moti·
nae players.,.
- - , coaches •9'k off of an

athlete's rears to get them to
perform b~lter. Too many
coaches threaten players or
humiliate them in front or
team mates in order to get
them 10 perfonn 10 their full
,ary Murphy, women's
basketball coach al the Uni•.:,,crsity or Wisconsin, was•
sued by fonner pJayei- Amy
Bauer, who said she~ surfe~ from scvFrcdepression
sinCe she was 1ubjecled to an
e motional b(:ating by the
coach in February of 1990.
The episode happened at a
meeting called by Coach
Murphy where-she wanted to
confront Amy about her alleicd improper relationship
with su spcnded ·usi1tant
coach, Mike Pcckntan, Ouringthemccting; Bauerclaims
~ b Murphy called her ..a
disgrace," and encouraged
otberpli ycnto'confronthcr
about bCf re!ation&hip.
_ Campanc.lli,forpierme.n' s
basketball cOflCh at the Univenity of California-Jk:rte-

Icy, was fired in February of
1993afterplayerssaidhe had
directed personal verbat· actacksatthem.AthleticQircc•
tor Bob Bockrath overheard
i.wo such incidents and'claims
that they were ve ry vicious
be fired for his actions.
During ,the 1992-1993
.football season iit Colorado
State University,coach.Earlc:
Bruce was for his physical and verbal abuse of players. Albert Yates, president
of Colorado State, felt that
Coach Bruce bad a
clitnate of intimidation and
Catholic University io
Wubingcoo, D.C.fired C()aCh
Bob Valvano last year because he put tampo'ns in the
players' lockers to let them
lcnoW he thought they were
playing like girls.
.In Fai rfax, .Virgini a,.
Heather Phillips, a starting
guard on the Robinson High
Scboolptb' baskctballteam,
suffered • -aruelin& .year or

abl/sc despite her team win•
ning. The relationship be•
By Cbril Olson
tween a coach and an athlete
isaspecialone,andit l bould
be bui lt uporf trust and muWatching the Notre Dametual respect. Coaches must Aorida State ..Game' of the
have the same respect for sta'i- Ce.ntwy" last Saturday _fter•
athleteSand for lheirbench noon, I couldn't help but nowarffiers. Ju st beca~se a tice the antics of·Notrc Dame
player isn't a star, it doeso!t coach Lou Hoitt..
mean he or sbC isn't human
·we all know bow Holtz reanddCICsn'tdersel'VetheuAC a c t s ~ ~ playersartcra

I ~ t 'After a vie~
,.coaches must learn to dis- tory,howcver, is hC.any'differcipline athletCs wi410ut de- cot?
gradingthem.InsteadofabulOwing several points during ·them mentally o,; pbyai- ins the game, Holtz abed his
. duy, just talk to them and maskandrevealed.histrueself,
explain what they' are doing erupting at some ofbis pliaywrong.
Cl?· Sure, be• bad a righ1 to
Today's athletes want to show hil di1plcasun: at some
be respected and mated u
ofbiiplaycnforapoordccihuman beings, not. as II: ma- Uoh on the playing field. But
chinetbat isonly beretowin, givcn · Holtz' eract ra:ord, 1
and 1fhe Of ahc docan' t win, Jiavctowooderwbatbappcned
they're ou'L Atbldcl want to to the payen: ~ lbe game,
k.nowlhatcoacbcscarubout even though their team W8!I
them and don't just took' at , " victoriOClS.
them as a ticket to winning ·
continued on page 14

On NOv. 20, the We

Testing Service of Prin
Jersey. The convention
ham I0<J0-3:30·,ad
sion fee.
· upoo reaut~a'- inti
dents had the option o
information seuioos ab<
experimenting with the a
with representatives ol
pduatc ICbools.
Information 1casiou
.. tu}



[_ vents

~ -~




Rams crush


Rid&cway 300
Sawyer Library
Munc:e Con(. R,oom
-McOennou Cohr. Room
Afrlcaa Meeting House
Cuny. College
,hies Lounge

Sawyer 430
Fealloo 33
Sawyer Cafe
Fenlon 3388
Fenton 4308

Fenton 603

. ..,.,..,,

Ridgeway 416


Sawyer 1122
Sawyer 1128
Sawyer 1021/1023

W ~~P -~-·


- Dod&bac 207
Sawyer 52 1


Pine Manor College
William, CoUcgc
Williams College

Bentley, 6-5
in overtime



In Satwday'a season-opener
apinat Bentley, .a couple of


Greybouods Monday night 111

to be the game-winner with
just 6:03 having clapK:d in the
opening stanza. Riflins a &hot
top shelf on Assumption goalkeeper · Mib: SmaJll lhc forward gave his team a 2-0 lead

they would never relinquish.
Also wming in a stellar perfo,mance wasgoalteoderRuss

overtime loss for the Rims.
Suffolk ·round itself down
by llCOC'C8 of 2-0 and .S.3, but
came baclc on each 6ccasion

Ram Jim Atzgerald attempts to lift a stlOt

seoond.period acllon.

by Assumption goal le Rick Robus during


which had the Assumptio.n BcotlcylaslSaturday. "Welost
playcn and COIIChes shik:iq;g atoughooetheotbernightbut
their heads in disbelief. He came out with intensity from
looked like a man on a mis- the start tonighL"
sioo, allowin1 only a power
· Thatintcnsitysliowedasthe
play1oala17:07ofthesecond Rams 19' '?'J the board first
period to hit the twine of the ( when Fitzgerald took aclvanSuffolk net.
Coach Bums was proud of and poked 1he pock through ·
the turnaround his team made assorted legs aod peds for a 1-


$uffolk continued to tak~
lackadaisical play to balloon
night with a goal at the 16:31


to the •extra session whcr'c
· Biotley'•Brian Walsh scored
40 seconds' in, giving the Falconsthcirthirdwin~ many
games this season.
his club's slow start.
"After only two wecb of
practic.c:,wewcreaffcctedby '
·thatandourtiming ·wa,soff,"
Sllld Bums. "We came back in
the ·sccood and third.periods,



The Evening .Divi1iOn Stu den ti
The o n l y ~
Association (BOSA) recently anliip is thal a lbldci
awarded three acbolarl;hips to' part- gradu.D or gmisMc i
time stiidents. Scbolanhipl equiv.- • · muat a:tend .-:t-time:
!COt to ooc coune
awarded .each and merit ~
scmeater to• two uodapduatc ~EDSA rec:eiY!fJ
deDlS and one paduatc smdc:nt. . • . tioos froqi tho ~
The Fall 1993 scmeate:r ICbolar- · dcntsemoUcd.·Alme~
&hip winncn arc Hclco Murphy and year ,president of ,E
Donna Szlosek, both.' ~ndcrg~- that the raaon for I


Fine line between motivation and abuse

Sawyer 521

oflhcaeason,coacbBill BWllS
said tbal defense woold play a

c:oach a game to remember,

ates, and Daniela ~
graduale winner.

By Nancy Sodano


BOSTON-Hockey coach

Center Chris Dwyer also
chipped in with-three assists.
Bartalini ecored what proved

EDSA awards .sell


Bill 8111'111 came into the sec•
ood game of the season demanding a concertr.d
both ends mthe ice. H~got it.

Boatoo Ulllvenity'1 Walter
Brown Arma, S-.1. The shellackingi.ocllldedtwogoalsaod
an assist by senior ceiiter lim
Fitzgerald and identical totals
for ~ft-wingea- Paul Bartalin.i.


Volune 52, Number 11 _

By Otril Ollon .



Athletic coaches yell and
$Cream obscenities at play~n. Coaches make forceful
physical contact with playcn. C.Oachcsplaymindgamcs
with playen . Coache 'Can
make or break a playerin one
harsh outJash.
ls',ihis w~t coaching is all
about, or ·arC:- too many
coaches crouina the line betwcen motivation and abuse?
With the upcoming basket•

:!'. ::;::::!1~~;:

athlete's fears to get them to Icy, was fired in February of
perform beller. Too man y l993afterplayi rssaidhchad
coaches threaten players or directed personal verbal at•
humiliate them in front of tacksatthem. A.thleticDirecteamma1cs in order to get tor Bob Bockrath overheard
1hem1o· performtothcirfuU twosucbincidents andclaims
that they were very vicious
Mary Murphy, women' s andCOBf hCampanellihadto
basketball coach at the Uni- be fired for his actions.
versity of Wisconsin 1 was
,Ou ring the I 992-1993
sued by former plriyer Amy football season at Colorado
Bauer, who said she has.suf- State University, coach Earle
from scverodcpression Bruce'V8.5firt.d fo~bisphysismi::e subjected to an cal and verbal abuse of playemotional beating by the · t:.rS. Alben Yatci , president
coach in February of 1990.
or C.Olorado State, felt that


will be pondcrina this qucs· Murphy wherc,shc wanted to
lion after the abrupt firioa of confront Amy about her alUnivcnityof~o,nia-Ber- tcscd improper rdat.i..onsbip
kele>;coac.bLouCam~li with suspended asaist~nt
last season.
coach, Mike Pcctm~n. Dur•
Coaches in c;ollege have.,/in&themeeting,Baucrclaims .
thepowcrto~~callysbape <:£!8Ch Murphy called her "8
and mold tbeirplayen pbysi-· disgrace," and encouraged
cally, athl~icaJly and emo- other plityus lo coofroot her
tionally. Coaches use a wide about her relationsh.ip.
range of ~hniqucs to motiCampanelli, fonnermCll's
nae playen. Unfortaoately, basketbalf coach At lhe Uni- ·
•- , coachel .,ort off of an veraity of Califomja-Bcrke-

8 ~t~r::~:

abuse despite her team win•
ning . The relationship be•
twee n a coach and an athlete
isaspecialone, andii Shoul~
be built upon trust and mutual rcspec1. Coaches mUst
athletes and for their bench
warriicrs. Ju st because a
player isn't a, s~ar, i1 ·doesn!t
mean be or she isn't human .
anddoesn'tdcrst:rve the same
Coaches must learn to discipline athletes Without deg~ngthcm.lnstcadofabus-

By Chris Olson

Watching the Nom DamcFlorida State ..Oamc .of the
C.Cntury" ta,,t Saturday after•
ooon, I couldn' t help but riolice th'c antics of Notre Dame
coach Lou Holtz.
We all ~w h~ HollZ
acts towards his players afters
loss-abuaivcly. After a vietory,bewever,isbeanydiffcreat?
· • r
Owing several poims dur-

re- "

i:~:; ·~t.:=~~~:

explain what they arc doina erupting at some of bis playCatholic University in wrong.
en. Sure, hc~bad a right to
Wasbingtoa, D.C. fircdcoach
Today's athletes want to show his displca'surc at some
Bob Valvano last year be· be respected and treatc'd as ofhisplaycnforapool'llecicause he put tamporu in the human beings , not as ll ma- sion on the playing.ftcld But
players' lock.en to· lct them chinetbatisonlybcretowin, ·pven · Holtt' 1rack record, 1
know ht thought they were and if he' or she doan't win, bavetowooderwbal.happcncd
playing like girls.
they're out. Atblctcl want to to the pliyen af'tc:Mbe game,
Iii Fairfax, _
Virginia, know tbatcoacbcsc~about cyeo though their team was
Heather PhiUips, a starting them and don't just look at victorious.
guard on the Robi nson High them as a ticket to winning
School girls' basketball team, games.
cootinu.edoopage 14
suffered a arucling y~ of .

By MldMal A. Todlno

exam ·allowed studcn

:=i;it~ ~

:~:c::. ~ , ::11::?:


p ~ :~~·



the ICtN

ton, hosted a amduate rOIU.ID IJ)OQ·
sored by the Graduale Record Eum
Testing · Service of_ Prioceton. NCW
Jeney. The convention was open
from 10:00-3:30 and bad a $5 admission fee.
Upon regiatcrina,, Jntcrested &tu·




who Used

films ai
aides to danonslnlo
orpoiml apil bow
prepare IO 111b iL
()oe of the OlOlt Cl
tions of the day wa t

:a:tb.:S::"1~t-== =

_o:perimcoting with the

DCIW comput-


~=n°!t'::e:7r1 : ~ try. Ualito tbe
·graduate schools.
'Information ,ession1 abOOt the

• t:t.!


