File #4230: "Suffolk Journal_1994Feb23_vol52no20.pdf"



iy, l'd,c,wyl6,1994

Pap 5

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.....,_,Df'.Goo' · x·

1 ~•

playoff hopes



The Suffolk Journal
Volume 52, Number 20

Wf!(lneoday, Februaly 23, 1994

Beacon Hil, - . Massachusetts

Mysterious disappearance and reappearance otVCR baffles
Communications De~nt
ByN.E. ~ r

It was Monday, Feb. 14, a Monday


IS will galn•a berth in the ECAC North-South-(',entral while Jim
3 win over New Hampshire College MOf}day night.
r) iccC::- ahorthanded tally . Burns
,al with thought that Eonas "looked
ft in the great and made some spec:tacular saYcs." "Wc put it all
solid in together," he added.



I learn s

Suffolk's record 10 12- 10-1,
leaving its playoff fate to the


cou ld

im prove

hands of lhc selection


I.he Rams should they drop
one of those final three games.

Bentley 11nd Tufts arc also
vying for playoff positions in

~:/ t~; :: J;,:: :u!W:n~
tinue at Winter Olympics
:old the
k from
·e rady
ter tape

y memr apin .

nd book
the big •
cing an

:tion afts title?


,? Docs



all the

cable. The all-sw concept is
like playing the regular season without the playoffs .
Footbnll tak:ca this ridiculous
format and 11lk.cs ii a step
funh·er, placing its all-suu
game, the ~Bowl, a1 the
!NJd of the season. Give teams
a reason to play or eliminate
the game. For example. have
baseball , hockey and bask.clball have the 'fJllu\pion of
the prior ~
playoffs play
a group of
from any or
the divisions or conrcrences.
Points jn the standings could
be given 10 lhc champiOClS if
they win, aod stal5 could be
counted fo r the all-stars to
benefit incentives dravin up
in their i:ontracts. FootbaJI
could realign the ~Bowl
r« the week before the Super
A" on a serious note,

the ECAC Nonh-South-Ccn•

(hockey should never be
taken injes1) the Bruins turned
the L.A. Kings wondering
how they could be the vie'tims or a l:ltoody coup in their
kingdom . An esse"htial clcmcn1 called depth is being
displayed by all the Bruins'
lines. Glen Mumy is playing
like a relative of Cam Neely.
Dax_e Reid is finding the
shonhandcd touch that descrted him earlier in the year.
Brian Smolinski is dcvelo~
ing into a Dave Poulin type
of ccnttr. If the bears of the
east can tum a ferocious growl
into an effective bite, the Druins will be able to pul ttams
oul or their misery early in

ued oo page 10


aomctime Tbunida
~e,; leCUrity~
be added 10 tbll U
lite this will'DOI ooc

'1l'I lOO bad tbll:

.. _,,.-lhli

allO coacbos: &be I
leaul, wu ooe o(
people Who ~ VI
tJae VCR was in.ill~
Feb. 12.
"All I know it
the foft:mia ~ Ii


=~"~=--·=-=~ ==:..::;,c:;~=='-'--"
:c:, =

._ -

uu. . - -




ill cmnmoo with~ crima dllo to
the fact that tbil piltimlar VCR wa
returned to t h e ~
Sometime between 10 Lm. and
DOOD cm Fd,_ 16, the VCR was dil-

ope bad jp.11 ~ it iD lbere. I wait
OOWJI to Ed IDd laid 'Why i1 the

mOll Cl.dling thin, to happen lat


;:"iaia~~i°fby~'= ~


Allen Callahan, a minister ..;d
Professor of Theology at Harvard
Divinity School, was the firs l
speaker in a three-part series 1peuhcadcd by 1he Campus Ministry
office titled, ..What Happeris When
God Goes To College?'"
After a brief introduction by Campus Chaplain Charles Rice, Callaha.n
iook his text from the book of SL
John in Chapter 17 depicting Jesus
preparing for His crucifixion 10
s peak oo lhe topic, ..African American Religion and lls Reflection in
Callahan began his lecture with
the maxim, '"The African American
Experience in Cbri1tianity (those
e:rpreuions) have immediate effects i.o educ~oa ~ .~ commu-



Receiving degrees. from both
Princelon ~and Univuaity
and a teacher in Biblical i.oterp~
tioas, Callaha.n posed the qaestioo,
"What in 1M" wodd, are you doia1
and what are you doing in the
worldr In answering that seemingly deep queatioa, Callahan iodicaled dw Africa American Christianity bq said that ""we are here to
make cbanae."
He went on to illuatrate bow religion i1 prcaent ia politics by u.yin,&
tbal even la NCUlar circlu, the iDflueDCe or relipOD ii readily accn.
This i1 an e.xample of bow reli&ioa
exprcssei ilself in the world,


cc:mnucd oa ~ 2



• ~~ ~

.. I wu walkina by thi1 bo• of

=:i;- :...:,n::. 1:5~ ~ =-~~w'!t,i::.toca!:

Campus MinNry hosts first -in thre:e.P.'i"t
series, "When God Goes To College"


should be bad: iD

person of the dc.panmcot, oo whether
or not the VCR was be.log repaired
for technical problems. Harris denied any knowledge of such repairs,
but asked Roderick to telephone Bill
Walcott, video coordinator of Media
Services in the Donahue building, to
double check.
" I called Bill and asked him if be
had the VCR," Roderick said. " He
said he didn'I have it aod then he
came down to take a look at where it
had been. He was lhc one who discovered that the chain had been
pulled out of lhc wall Md that the
cable ~ CUL He Uim called
the Suffollc. P ~"
Suffo lk Police Captain JobD
Paglianilo ackaowl 4..,.dtat the
office on Feb. 14, bul u of prea ·


By V. ~ o n Glean, III

UIIIOWilc:h. .dae

the morning or Feb. 1.5 ,



Wilcb, wbolall

Rodericl: questioned E.d Hanis, chair-

much like any othu at the Depanment or CommU nicatio n and
loumalism ... proressors taught. SI Udents yawned, the world we nt on
much like ii had before. Professor
Oerald Peary' s American Cinema
class was about lO meet for their)
p.m. session 10 watch one or those
American movie clauics while their
professor was away. Whal. happened
next is something that has left every•
one in the Suffolk community stunned
and COnfuscd.
" We wetc going to watch
Humphrey Bogart io Tiu Maltese
Falcon," said Karen Cole, a s1udc.n1
in Peary's class. "Tammy (Roderick)
was suppose to come in and put the
tape in. She was the ooe who ducovaed the VCR was missing."
tim,. had claimod tlw ... ~ According 10 Roderick, the Com- menl had no suspects or motives in
munications Ocpartmcnl secretary, the case. He does, however, have a
she went in to put the tape .in for theory of wbal. oc:currcd.
Peary's class, but thought ootb.iog
"I LhioklOOMlODt:~ have Liken
about the VCR missing from the wall it, then hid it
tab oat laler, but
unit located u.ndCI" ooc of the televi- didn't," he uid. "When you leave
sion monilors oo the righ1 side of
like llw.
. Ridg9ay 400.
"Peary had been saying something ~
Jen Vats are not a new prolr
about the VCR having problCDls," 1cm to Suffolk Ille to the robbedes
Roderick explained...I just thought it
was being serviced."

The Rams lnllvcl 10 play
e raced. Stooehlll tonight at 7 p.m.,
c back then host SCdmorc at I :30
:becked p.m. ih a game at MIT. Suf" Oum; folk dose5 out its schedule at
m's de- UMass-Oartmouth
dqnday Wglrqday~~ 7:30 ~ - ~ - - - - ~
ntrollcd p.m. WiMing its last th ree Iona, however, may haunt




OOlllhuicl CID plF 1 '

Forensks'Ieani·travels to Michi-

gan; places foorth·in tolimai'gent


Suffolk UDi~ty Fona-

aia Team _

ulii weekend

in Michigan ~d came in fourth
place overall. This delpite the fact
Sllffolk b·a d one of the smallest
entries at the toumamenL
Suffolk had muy perfonnen
wbo placed well in this tournament.
particularly Kevin Connolly. and
Tad Partado. ·Botb did well i.6 th1I
~ ~ ! : _ ~ o p 10

°"""" •

place, fiDiab in


81 Gar,- Zenia

C-OUy ........ fint ........

ioa,,i, .. both Poetry
Putldo placed aecoad in Jm..
~_....afoanbill .Ex-.
- u d ~ • .ftftb


Futl&do commented, "It wu a




compe&itio■ UI


InLincola-. oq!M-~- .,
Paucn l01t 2·1 ia tbe ftqab to CmFOUNSICS


Callabaa qaeatlcMB: ''What 8N
OJadmm -

c.uata. aaid.

The SuffolkJOurnal-




Callabu outliood some
m.omea1s wbere African

wldcli lacladcd d,o-,
• very potitiOGI to co
........_ doo l'lcl lball
alavea foll dW the di

~ :=;;:
No leads in VCR ca~

A~oan Cbriftiaalty bu


Beacon Hil , Boslon, IAassac:lqetts

Volume 52, Number 20

Wednesday, Februaly 23, 1994

Mysterious disappearance and reappearance of VCR baffles
Communications Department

....,,.,., _
~orth-south-Central while Jim ·

go Monday night.

By N.E. E&cobar

It was Monday, Feb. 14, a Monday
muc h like any other at the Department or Com munic ation and
Joumalism ... proreuors 1
augh1 . student! yawned, lhe world went on
muc h like it had before. Professor
Gerald Peary's American Cinema
class was about to meet for thei r 3
p.m. session 10 watch one of those
American movie c lassics while lheir
profCSSOt' was away. Whal happened
next is something lluu has left everyone in Suffo lk community stunned
and confused.
.. We were going to watc h
~:,;t:!'w: o: : ni~o~~


in Peary' s class. '"Tammy [Roderick]

On the mo rn ing o r Feb . 1.5, •
Roderick questioaod Ed HI.IIU, chairperson or the department, oo whether
or not the VCR was being repaired
for tec hnical problems. Harris denied any knowledge or such repairs,
but asked Roderick to tdephone Bill
Walcott. video coordinaaor of Media
Services in the Donahue building, to
double check.
"'I called Bill and asked him ir be
had the VCR," Roderick. said. ..He
said be didn 't have it and then be
came down to take a look at where it
had been. He was the 'one who discovered that Lhe c hain had been
·pulled out of the' waU aod that the
cabie II-' been CUL He thea called
the Suffolk Police."
Suffolk Police Captain JohD
Pagliarulo ack.Dowledflllil"tbat the
repon on the theft came in to his .,,
office on Feb. 14', but u of PfaS"

was suppose to come in and put the
cape in. She was the ooe wbo discovered the VCR WU mi&Sing."
According to Roderick., the Communications Department secretary , the case. He does, however, have a
she went in to put Lhe ta.pc in for theory oC wbat ooc:urrcct.
Peary's clus, but thought DOibin&
'1 thiak IOfflCIXIC may have t.aken
about the VCR missing from the walJ it, theta bid it to take Ol&l laeer-, but
unit located under one of the televi- didn't," he said. "When you leave
sion monitors on the right side of something in .a clawoom like that,
Ridgeway 400.
it's always \11llncrable."
"Peary bad been s.ayina somc:tbina ~ Stolen VClb arc not a new ~
a.bout the VCR havi ng problems,.. 1cm to Suffolk due to the robbcriel Roderick explained. .., just thought it and break-ins 0 11 campus last fall.
WU being serviced,'"
Pagliaru.lo, however, doel not feel

~:;:: a::aj.:=w~~~

r ove
10- 1,

o the
: ~

Jona, however, ma y haunt
the Rams should they drop
onc orthose finalthrccgamcs.
Bentley and Turu are alsQ.
vying for playoff positions in
~-ECAC 4>nh-Soulh-~n-

~ is

(hockey shou ld neve r be

sea- takcn in jesl)thc8ruins 1umed
offs. in a ste llarteamcfforttlw1lcfl
~lous the L.A. Kings wondering
SICp how they cou ld be lhc vieI-star tj ms of a bloody coup in the ir
1 th, . kingdom. An essential elc-

okot10 Of


~Y of

n'lc_Pt c alled depth is being

displayed by all the Bruins'
lines. Glen Murray is playi ng
like a re lative o f Cam Neely.

~:~!:~~ ~
~~tt! ~~~
scncd him carfier in the year.

Brian Smolinski is develop:ould ing into a Dave Poulin type
m if of center.' If the bears of the
Id bo cast can tum i. ferocious growl
n lo into an effective bite, the Brun up. im W be able to put teams
<ball OUI of their misery eai;Iy in



contit_lued on page 10


Prinoe1on and Hamid· U~yenity
Allen Callahan , a minister and
professot of lbeology at Harvird
Divin ity- School, w as the fi rs t
speaker in a three-part series spearheaded by the Campus Ministry
office titled, .. What Happeas W hen
God Goes To Colleger
AfterabriefinlrOductionbyCampus Chaplain Charles Rice, Callahan
tOOt his text from the boot of SL
John in Chapter 17 depictipg Jesus
preparing for His crucifixion tospeak on the topic, "Amcan American Religion and hs Reflection in
Callahan began his lecture with
the muim, "'Ibe Africa.a American
.~perieace in Cbruti-.n,ity (those
expreuions) have immediate effect■ in education and the commu-

:f ;:n~=

exprease.1 ilself in the world,

coatiDued cm paao 2

mm dlinp more ~

down to pt the uniL Accord-

Suffolk Police cond.1
QO the caae. ,Bd
perfect wor:l:ina order aod is pai:rJcd OYU 11111 ea
should be back in it1 place mco ol the m ~
aometjme Thursday. How- • pean,ncc IDd teapl)C!
cYcr," ~ t y .m ~ will . mthe VCR.
be added SO that &II iDCidcat
'1' m baffled," ffn
like this will not occur apm. sbakina his head. "'fj
"'It'• too bad thal. we have DOticed tlw the. VC
to wony about that kind of. ·aone darma the day
scuff' here," Profeuor Rich- day] since oo one in
ard Kropp said. K(Ol)P. who ~.iu;_ used it. '1
also coaches the Foremie1 came .in
team, wu one of the ~ -Lm., it wu ~(indM
people wbo can verify that ·
'As evayoac coadl



· bea- ud .

that dlis pmticulartlicft bu aytbioa
in comm<m with ~ crimel b lo
the fact Uw this particular VCR wu
n:wracd to the,eot.
Sometime betweeri 10 L m. and
oooa m. Feb. 16, the VCR wu discO\/Cffd iD a box mboob and graded
~ in the hall by Prof'euor Sarah
"I 'wu walkiq by this box of
boob profeuon arc loin& to discard aod jlllt happeaed to look down



andtbereitwu,.. Clm:illlllid."'Somcooe bad it DI thin. I wmt
down to Ed aad said ' Why is the
VCR iD thD box of boob?' It wu the .
m01t eicitiog thing to happen last

Once he'd retrieved the VCR and
made ~ it hadn·t been damapd.

fiaish la Peatadwon.
Furtado ,ommoaled, •11 wu a


.,._-.r.. ~ •


c=~•: ~ : Patten 10117- 1 in the fillab to Cea-

ingly deep question, Callahan indi- Suffolk. had one of the smaUes~
cated that African America.a Chris- entries at lbc toomamcnL
tianity hu said that "'vie are here to
, Suffolk bad ma.ny performen
make a cbaq:e."
· wb() plKCCI well iD this toumameat,
He w·ent oo to illustrate how re.Ii- particularly Kevin cOnoolly.
gion is present ia politics by sayina Tad Purtado. Both did weU in tbia
that eveD in s«ulu circ.lea. the in- toumamcat,' landiaa in the top 10



in& to W-llcke..the yCR. ii iD wort

:~~wa& i!littplacc u of

and a teacher in Biblit al interpretaaood opponufty'bec&use we f ~
tions, Callahaa-posed the qoestio1t.,
tbc mid-WM..,. compotitioa in
"Wj,at io the world an, you doing'
Tbe Suffolk Uoivuaity Fomi• .
and what are you doing in -Lhe sics Teim .compeced ~ s weekend
wortd'r In an&Y(ering that sum-

Harris c alled Dlrector · of

:-:.:. !;;:: .Z!:

back ....
While Media Servk
. stepped up ICCW'ity me

.::::.!!:"...::.:: -~....:..=:::


"ceiving degrees fro m both

Cootinued from pa,ge 1


Campus Ministry )JOQS first in three part Fore~'Th)m·travels to Michiseries, "When God Goes To College"
plaM.ti fourth in-~ n t
By V. Gordon Glenn. m


laflaeacod Americal


.= ~tx:! =

in lmac ditrerat catqoriea.
u d d o o -.
Pulado placed KICOtld ia Im-


-,_....~ -


e.-. P=m•L------LZ-1

- - ·Sllj(-•.ffftll

~ •i:;;:

aidjatinaly. .,tmfrij
for IV life!"

The Sµffolk .Jouru1 • Wedncoday, Febiuary 23, 1994


Callahan questions: "What are you doing In the world ahcl what in the world are you doing"

wu a (abo one, and the
c.tperiencc ofreligioo in its
critical coucience and,.atCalldian outlined &Orne
mo,meau where African
.. As Christians of any
Afflerican Ch,ristiuity hu
stripe ... it's we do in
this \fOrld which character- - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - izes (African American re,1,ligion)," Callahan uid,

sisWtt to the President and tbe c~urch.
0 ~ fUJther su~m,.ucd
fai rs, uked how Callah~ lhatwatbmorecq;aniuuons
~ounted for the chuae 10 to ~~ from today than
radicalism ainong African lhc ch~h. many African
.- ,\mcrican~ choose to lake
Callahan nored I number other pa · ·
or factors which catended
Alex Hurt, anbthcr stu •
from the demographic and dent in attendance agreei ng

" more than what we do in

geographic changes Arrican with a student who relt that
Ame ricans wen1 through African Ame ricans have
during the move from South fai led whe n ·it comes to ac10 North in the " mass relo- tion,
ca ll ed
fo r a n
cation," he called i1.
"understand(ing) the inti Callahan asse rted that the niacy that Christianity ( has
educational realm during placed) between yo u and
and afte r thi s expansive Christ."
period produced a realistic
Speaking or some Chris.competition with others.
tian leaders, Hurt said, " I f
With the development of you think that what they're
the inner cities, Callahan sayi ng is incorrect, the n
said that early settlers were don't go."
missing the ~ral base or the
Las tly. Callahan was
Soulh. II was a "different asked hls position on the :so
kind of segreguion, " he called "blind black Chrisstated.
tians," to which he in turn
The discussion continued asked, "W.ho mediates the
with various students ex• religionL .The leaders hip
pressing their views and ask- must be held accountable ...
The series will continue
ing diverse quest.ions.
On e who exp ressed a with other speakers in the
view was Black Student months to come.
In March, there will be a
Union Presi dent Diane
C lark w ho agreed w ith presentation made abou1
CaJlahan' s sentiments that women priests and in Apnl
when African Americans the seriCJ will conclude with
came from the Soulh i.b Lhe a rabbi speaking on the topic
North, the route was through or Judaism.

CoD&iaued fffD.,.. I

Call~ Aid.

infl~enccd American life

which locllldcd thll anti-all-

very petitions to colonial
masters, the fact that many
alav~ felt that the diati~cs
tion between the .. master's
Christianity'" and their own

No leaUi' m· v· CR caper


Coatinucd from paac I

back ."
While Media Services hu
Meppcdup securitymcaslm!
around other campus equipment by "doub e locking" to
make thinp more leCUrc· and
S uffolk Police continue to
wort on the case, Ed· Hams
is puzzled over the en~ fi.
asco or the mysterious ~
pcarucc and rcapJ)Carance
of the VCR.
shaking bis bead. "No one
noticed that the VCR was
gone during the day [Monday) since no one in the department used it. When I
came in [Wcdne5dayl at 10
a.m., it"l"&Sthcte (inthcbaUJ."
As evc:ryooe continues to
e1tplorc the possibilities of
the bizarre VCR thef t,
Roderick is· taking the entire
VCR adventure in wide.
-..I' m Super Glu ing my
clock to the table, "Roderick

Harris called Director of
Media Services Midge
Wilckc, who ICDt fOfDCOOC
down to gee lhe 11nit Accon:1ing 10 Wilckc, .the VCR is in
perfect working ot4cr and
should be back in •its place
sometime Tbursdf~ow~er, security mcasun:s will
be added so th8I an incident
"h 's 1 bad that we have
to worry about thal kind of
stuff here," Professor Richard Kropp said: Kt:opp. who
also coaches the Forensics
team, was one of the last
people who can verify that
_lhc VCR was in it& place as of
Feb. 12.
"All I know is that when
the Forcasics team~ Lround
l p.m, the VCR was stil l ~"
Kropp said. " In fact. · we' d
been using it to video tape ~~f.:"l'mfrigi.cncd
s echo.a and ; a them

the next..
When th e floor was
questions after
Callllhan'a presentation , he
was asked by one of 1he
many students i n atten •
dance, ..What needs to hap•
pen now?"
In response Ca ll ahan
calle.d for a movement that
would ret ~rn to cert~in
Christian and Biblical tradi tioos that can produce a
c hange, "a re-appropria tioo."
Another s tu dent, w ho
said they were not involved
very much io church, asked
where else they could go if
not to the church.
"One of the biggest chal·
lenges is ... this is not 1963,"
Ca11ahan indicating the
pre.ssurcs now on the clergy.
"We' re looking for {an •
other) M·anii;i Luther King."
On a diHerent note.











l'laideaia (COP) .-..


=..: =-=•,":.:
urea. Cluistealoau.w oo DCCd to

1Mt Feb. 17 WU ialatupled by some :
- ..
dent:e' sbc bid iD lnbocula.
~ to the smro&--umverWhen 11m1 to commcot 00 tbe
1 howCOPIOpo,onnv~.iaf~ whole incidedl.. Kelly-Lynn Cbaue.
- 00
._.. Chair of COP uid, "I'd l"llbcr DOI





comment, it WII a mistake and bu

made aware of die aerv,ic:a al the
BalloUi l..arabta Ccaia' by thc ' di•
rector, Susan Tllayer:. She aplainr.d
a1udeata were 1rec1ed by 1be about bow the ccnlcr worb with
JJrosnm's spouon and coordina- repnk to tu&ofiDc: orpaiziq and
ton, iramfer meaua, a
placiDa IIDdalls iD IQldy pllUpl for
re:aaaliva of varioul studmt orp- diffcrNt C!)W'IN. '1111yet..afao ex.'
plailllcd die new E.aaliab • a Sccood
Gina Ciaram.ilaro, lhe Graduate Laapqc propam.
AamtUlt to the ·Dean, pve a brief
I n ~ IO be.lpina tdlldel' ...
1rectiq and then introdocod lbe deol& set acclima&ed 10 tWr aew
spaken. 7.e1c:au. T,;,e, . Auil&ant ICbool. die Tramru Mealor pn,pa


die-·· ;,

oo <hfthla • COIIIOllltioo. The Cow>-• . bealWh=~ bad gooa, bb fi,i- 0 - of ud
f-=-11)' spcaor, wu the fint speuer.
cil ii comprised of all rccopltcd urea or why he atated that COP did
student orgapiutioas ... •« their •P- oot have sufficient fu.ndl is u:lear. Sbe .-..I by lainlduciaa bendf
aad .bric:!fty e1plaulias the Tramfapoiotcd pcnonaI repreacnWivcs. •
What is clc. is that SGA never pve
Mc::oiof Pq:nam ad die functiom or
COP bad just begun to call to him the pcrmiuioo to IJO to lhe COP
the Deal of Smdentl office. Tsi1e
order thdr ,bi-moothly meetina when meetina on SOA's behalf.
Fm:n Hidalgo, Slladent .Oovc:romeot
M.ichclle McGinn. SOA Pruide:Dt. c;xplamal that "the Dan of Scudcnu
office ia the beat start:iq poia&' (or
Associatioo (SGA) Vice President, com.mellled I.bat ..Efren WII in DO
made it known to Bruce, way reprcsenti.n& SGA., a1 the COP any quclliom that you mi&bl have..,
Tbcacxtapeaka' wudocaonllmOOP Treasurer, Lhal be cfiH oot t,o. meeting. She, 100, did not undcrlieve there would be enough fund.I &taDd the reuon for Hidalao lcnl, Paul hdy, of thc Coumdia1
left in· the COP budget to allocate
evc:rythin& that ocedcd to be fuodcd
dw:ina the particular meeting.
Inbucuan argued that as far as be
knew there wu sufficiCllt funds to
allocate whatever was ocedcd.
However, dcspite"tbcse iwunmccs
it was decided by . COP to hold an
cmergCtlCy .mcctif!g yesterday and to
seck additiO'nal information from
Erika Christenson, ssA Treasurer,
abou t the discrepancies in the funds.
s tated


cooap fuda in ID Tbc T,-d'a- Mc:ll&or PtosramSIW()pea Heme OD fc,b, 17th ill
ycr 521. Appnwmatdy 30 tnmlcr

.bew; OOP .bad

JOtaNAL fflll'P

COP they were running out of funds.
Hidalao ii rq,orted)y rwmina for
chair of COP in their Delli dection to
be bdd in the nCJlt couple; or w~ .
While be is the vice praident of SGA, it wu unclear u of
press time .whctbcr he woold also be
seckinl re~cctioo to bis SOA poaition. Nomi.nation papers for proipcc:live candidates arc due this Friday.
Hidalao did not IUend Tuesday's
SGA meeting.

alao dents reel more wi1II - . Dona
at cue. . -

o f - - Aclmtiea. attempted1oaplaia1G1Mofdle
nwncrou activitica ,and clabl dill
cxia:t Oil the campua. .Scae ol die •
. over 35 clubs dial abc bridly dotailed were thc Seadiem ~
Auocialim ud WSPR. Site . . .
tbcnewtnr.reraa.dcnalOb)'IO . .
involved wilh ICDe OlplizatioGa.

=- - ........_J~ ~~~~°:-:!
i:i~ =:~~
The laat

of than.

Maraarct Fitzierald. director or
Health Scrvicca, alto seote at the
e~cnt. She pve an overview of,wbat
services were available at H~allh
Scl'Yia:s, such as binb cootrol counscling·~ a .lCafl' pbylicilD available
for appoulb?mta duriDa wer:ily of.
fice Fit21erud allo itre.scd
that m.Q:11 of tbcsc "scrvica ~ free

1peabn Wffll

two olthe

Mentors do, aod bow the u:aufcr
studcats caa baldit from thil program. Claocy cncourqed-atudcol&
to ulili:r.e their ~ .ii! empt.
aizcd they should never feel they are

askina somcthiaa .trivial.
The event ended with a raffle ill
which St.,rfollt 1Wsca1 penrwn,,
window stickers. and· T-shitJJ WCt'C
aivcn away to the students.

ba~-*i- - -t- h.i~~

by popular

Suffolk University's best source of news and information


Program Council
presents the

"Karaoke Rat"
3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
in the Sawyer Cafe
Du.e to snow dela11s the "kreolu Rllt" u/llS
postponed from F~bruar11 11 to FridtUJ, Feb. 25.


· ·

Confusion at last week's "co· 1hmllerMmtor Procnm.---epeiaa.fer all llbldcala. not ODly tbole with
Suffolk imuraDDe...
meeting concerning a:v~ fonds
muter lbNlada weic also




,t :

Call an




. the Journal
In Room




'l'nimflr Mmtor Program . - , a opm oo,ae,
Su.Bolk· inlurucc. ..
Ible funds
The transfer llUdenll wen: also

'!.~~:~ :.!,:;

. llloTnlllfuMenlorPqramhdd

made · aware of the servica of the
BalLoai t,.aroi.lta Cenler by the di•

d tbM abc Md com- ; ~
rector, Susan n.)'a'. ~ explained
~~~~ _i ludent•. were areeted by ,'he about bow lbe center works with
boob to vaify tbe pro,ram I aponaors &Dd, coonilaa- rcprda 1o tutorina, orpnmlla and

!':..,~ conr,.
to commeftl OD lhe


~ :0
OIUUOnt. ,


Kdly-Lymi Qaue. ,
~Ina C1an.11uwo, the O~te
aaid., "I'd fllher• not Aaaiscanl to tbe Dean, pvc a brief
• • miatate aml bu



to bad
IUled il,,I COi' did
- fwa ii



:=:!. -;:,:~•T~:;:'1:1n!:
0cao ol Studaua IOd the propm:i '1

fllCUJty lponl(N', WU the first speaker.
She atartcd by IDU'Oduc:ina herself
aod .brielly eapw.nina lhe Trander


JiM, SOA Prwdent.
office ia tbe beat 1tartinl ~ o r
l "'Efteft WU in DO
any qucatiool lbat you mipl •ta."
I SOA" 11 the COP
The ant apeaker WU doctofal i.Jt1
00. did not undertcm, Pad bdy, or the Cou.aacling
1 fm ffidal&o tdliil&
Cea&er. bely briefly ezplaioed what
IUD.Ilia&' out of fuadl. acrvica waw available M the center,
porud]y running for
and WJcd students to take advantage
tbeirncatclectioo 1
w couple of weeks.
Maraarct Fitzaerald, director of
;cotly the vice prai•
Health Services, al50 spoke 11 the
l wu uadear u or
evenL She gave an overview of what
a he wcwd·also be
services were available at Heallh
on to hi• SGA p01tServices, 11teb as birth cootrol coon•
• papers for pl'Olpccselina and a staff phyUCiaa available
ue ~e 'tru1 F~y. for appoUl.tmenU c:urina weekly ofKit IUeod Tuesday'•


fice bour1. Fiuacnld also 11reucd
thal mOll or these ..Krviccl arc free

placinc ~ in study ,n,up1 ror
diff';"Cnt COUrtN. Thayer also explained the aew Eq:lilb u a Second
Lu1ua1e proaram.
1naddidon b'lnlfu11» get acclimated to their new
school. the Tnamfcr Mealor pr.ii a1so conccmod with makina ...
dents feel more at eaae. Donna
Schmidt, director ol .Stadmt Activities, auempted to oplai.D 1ome oldie
nwnerous activities ud ehlbt thlll
u.ilt oa tbe campus. Some cl tbe
over 3.S clubt lbat abe br1c0y dctailed wcn tbc Studcat Govetamc:IDI
Auociadon and WSFR. She UJ)td
involved with aome o,pmzatioaa.
The last 1pcabn wen two rl the
Transfer Mealon, Danny C1aocy ud
Tim Burke. Thoy uplaiDcd whM the
Mentors do, and how the tranafer
atudcnu can bene.fil from lhit proaram. Clancy eocoura1cd· 1tudcall
to utilize their services, and emphasized they 1twkald never feel they are
asking_somcth.ina uivial.
The event ended with a raffle in
which Suffo lk glasses, pcnnanu,
windciw stickers, and T-ffliru were
&ivcn away to the students.


WSUB 8IDIUDft!S Ms De\or lliewWon aews
magadne; '"I.bk Semrskil m .WSUB"

JOUtNM.- ITA# ..

Suffolk Uaivcnity hu
~ bloued with mt ooly a

radio twioa, WSFR, that
broadcuu ·flee of cbarp·in
tho Feo . . buildiq but . _
its own ·tc1evuioa aatioa,

WSUB, that-froi:
of cbup.
WSUB hu taken Ile.Pl
Ibis year to bro&den lu buc

aod bu alto tried to p~
dDce more pcogramming



The beiinoina of the
scholutlc year saw Mike
Clohcrty, WSUB Gtncral
Manaaer, undertake an cs.•
te~•ive recruitment ,o,m•
pugn and encourage students to join WSUB.
List year , WSUB hid
many tcch nic1I problems

.. tbal limilfld &heir raqe md



WSUB ta ped Suffolk
Paloou usina a ..mylti<am-

Tbis ye.a,- with tho propu ua lboot. • With the help of
cqa.ipmcat ud back fcUow members of WSUB ,
ia aervice, WSUB ii
\lJed three lO four


tryiQI t~ · broadc ut on a
rc1ular . b-.1i1.
Clohcrty, an En1li1h major who hu been a member
of WSUB aiDcc his freshman year, noted dw he aot
involved with WSUB after
taking a television writina
WSUBDOloalytapesSuffolk cvcnu like Jut wee.k's
Suffolk Paloor.a and lut
semester'• 1mdeot diffi:ted
oac-act plays bli:t also ereates its own original programming.
Scheduled to premiere
today ii 1bis Semester on
news magazinc.

cameras to film the evenL
In the past, Clohcrty
stated thll taping of an event
like Suffolk PalOOLI would
have consisted ofsetting up
one camera and just lcttina
it run . However, be.cause
their technical glitches have
been overcome, WSUB hu
more options at their disposal when tapina events.
Clohcrty said the news
magazine premiering today
would includC features on
the Suffolk Police, WSFR
and also a wai: mu.scum thac
hctouredwhHevisitingLondon last spring.
WSUB taped the Suffolk
Palooz.a Jut Friday and has


man from a Beacon HIii flrw
CICb band that performed
on a separate tape. It is
Clohcrty's hope to soon have
all of the bands on one tape
and to have the whole of
Suffolk Palooza together on
OCIC tape.
While the feature will premiere in the F6 ton Lounge
at noon today, Clohcrty had

Introducing .!he
mthe history of test prep:

- ---t-- t -- -- - ~ -- - - - - - - - ty's best source of news and information

Come to class, do your homework, use the Trai ning Library, and
_ . , . ~ your score will go up at leasl this much:

Call an

LSAT + 7 polnt,i
GMAT + 50 points

MCAT + 4 points
GRE + 150 polnt9'

or__..~ you yow .......,. back. All ol It.


ors.tpp by
in Room
116, Student

Come into' any Metro Bo.ton center and work ~t!i-• tutor outside of

al no extra charge. Our tcac:~ will help )'OIi design I study

program to mc,ct , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .

tclcviaioo to perhaps broadcut the show in the Sawyer
CafctcriL These plans were
tentative, however, and. not
finalized at press time.
TheUoiversityMedi1Scrvicc1 room located on the
second floor of the Donahue
buildina house• the conuol
room where most of the cd·
itiog of the tapes is done.
Bill Walcott, University
Media Services Coordinator, serves u WSUB 's advi-


·" '8$1 •
daring offer

spoken of perhaps taping
the show and setting up a


• Commenboi on the time
he spends In the room,
Clohcrty joked, '"'(his is
where I live." He sail:! that
depending on the length or
a tape he could spcncl more
than 30 hoursjusi c<litins i1 .
. This room -is also where
the feed for WSUB ' s programming is~bcamcd from.
There is a wire that goes
- directly from the Donahue
buildi ng Co the Fenton
Lounge telcvisioo, therefore
making the broadcut possible.
Unfortunately, the Sawyer building is not attac hed
lo a server to all.9w th11
building access to whatever
is broadcasL
While admitti ng that
video prod uction can be
."very' tedious ", Cloherty
stressed that "video prodUction is fun and intcrciting."
Cloheny estimated th11 there
=,ip~o~~~;:r ~;, ~~:;
would always welcome new
After its premiere Coday,
"This Semester on WSUBM
will be televised on Mondays, Wcdnesd~yl, and Fridays II 9 Lm., I l a.m., ind
lp .m. and Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 10 a. m. and
Clohcrty would like to
make "'This Scmcslcr on
WSU~ .. a monthly show
and 10 Mfill tlw go,J bu
plan.1 to produce two l'l10re
sbow1 in March and April.


WSUB 8IIDOUPCeS Ifs new 1flevWon news -

Ollly thole, wi1h

rnagame; "'Ibis &mesm- ~ WSUB"

flenta weni also .

tcmee1· or lhc






l'hayer ·a1to ex•




: to tbeir MW


1, ~-

__ _ limitcdtbcirrup .aod


orpaiziaa and


. . . . . . S..
i:xa,w. ff"" .

r. She explained

Do ■u

r..-.Aa1v1plaia ..... otlho
1 totJ' ehlbe lUI
JI. Some of the

Suffolk University bu
WSFR, that
Of dlaqe in
the Fee ... buildiq butwo
ill own ld.evisioo atatioo,

radio"' iWioq.


wsue, tJw broadcuU,...;

or cbaqe.

wsue hu ta.te.g stipa
thia year to broaden ill bue
ud has allO tried to pro--

d11ce more pcogramming

this year.
The b~ginning- of the
scholutic year saw Mike
Cloherty, WSUB Ci"eneral
Manager, undertake an extensive· recruitment campaian and encourase students to join WSUB.
L•s t yeu: WSUB had
many technical problems

abc briefly (le.

SFR. Sbe wpd

I o,palzadoat.
were two o/ t.bc
plamt.d wbM the
ow the trusfer
I from this pro,ura1ed•1tudenll
.ca. arM:1 pnpla:ver feel they n
with a raffle in
ISI CI, pennant,,
:id T-lhigu were


WSUB taped . Suffolk
PalOO&a a Mmulti--cam-

year wilh the proper en aboot." With the tiap Or

cqlllpmcat fi&ed and back
ia acrvicc; WSUB ii ~ o
tryina to broadcut on a
reaular bull.
Cohcny, in Enalish major who bu been a member
of WSUB since his freah .
man year, noted that be aot
involved with WSUB after

fellow IDCmbers or\vSUB ,
Clobuty uaed three to four

cameru to film the 'evcnL
lo the put , Clohcrty

'''' an entertaini

'like Suffolk Palooza would

By - - ~

have consisted of setting up
one camera a.nd just letting
it n1n. However, because

tlkiag a television writing their technical glitches have
been overcome, wsUB has
WSUBnotoolytapesSuf• more options at their disfolk events like last week's posal when taping events.
Suffolk Paloou and last
Cloherty said the news
semester's student directed magazine premiering today
one-let plays bUt also ere- would include features on
al-CS its own original pro- the Suffolk PoliCe, WSFR
and also a wax museum that
Scheduled to premiere hetourcdwhilevisitingLontod•y i& 111is Semester on don last spring.
W'SUB" a Suffolk televi,ion
WSUB llped the Suffolk
Paloou las t Friday and has



melt from a Beaoon Hill fire eecape.
each band" that performed s poken of perhaps taping
on a separate cape. It is the show and setting up a
Cloherty's hope to soon have television to perhaps broadall of the bands on one tape cast the show in the Sawyer
and to have the whole of Cafeteria. These plans we re
Suffolk Pal~za together on te ntative, however, and not
finalized at press time.
one tape.
The University Media SerWhile the featurewillpremiere in the Fenton Lounge vices room located on the
at noon today. Cloherty had second floor or the Donahue
building houses the conuol
room where most of the cd·
itiog of the tapes is done.
Bill Walcott, Universit y
Media Services Coordinator, serves as WSUB's advi-

In.trodu·cing the


; o$t daring offer
in the

history of test prep:


'h'' f

I '


tflt;!, ~j



• •

Come to class, do you r home work, use the Training Library, and
we'N o ~ your score will go up at least this much:

LSAT + 7 points
GMAT + 50 points

MCAT + 4 points
GRE + 150 points




Come into any Metro Boeton ce~rer and work with a tutor outside of ·
clua at no extra charge. Our teacheni will help ,ou design a sti.d y
program to meet your,..... nNda.

Commenting on the Lime
he spends in the room .
C loherty joked , ,.This is
where I live," He said that
depending on the length of
a tape he could spend more
than JO hours just editing it.
This room is also where
the feed for WSUB' s pro•
gramming is beamed from .
The re is a wire that goes
directly from the Donahue
b ui ldin g to t?Je Fenton
Lounge television. therefore
making the broadcast pos•
sib le.
Unfortunately, the Sawyer building is not attached
to a server to aJlow that
buildins access to whatever
is broadcas t
While admitting th al
vi~eo producti on can be
"very tediou s", Clohert y
stressed that " video produc•
~~:h~rt~~::a!:e~T,ti :~
are apprdximately 15 mem•
hers of WSUB but they
~ould always welcome new
Arter its premiere today,
"This Semester oii WSUB"
will be televised on Mon·
days, Wednesdays, aiid Fridays at 9 L m ., ll a, m., and
lp.m . and Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 10 L m. and
lp.m .
Cloherty would like 10
make "This Semester on
WSUB" a monthly show

ud 10 fulfill that goal has
plans to produce two more
shows in March ud April.


_ ~ euclly ia Generation X? It is about time 1hal
we clear up thia question,
after all, t bis "gc:oentioo..
has had a number of movies
made about their way of life
and their transition into adult·
Generation X is, quite sim•
ply, the• majority of college
students. If you arc 18 to 2.5
you are part of this generation. As the "slacker" gen•
eration, which it is sometimes
ca]led, Generation X is the
era of young aidults who canDOl make a amootb transition
adult world.
It is the generation weaned
· on tras h- pQp culture like
-rhc Brady Bunch" and 7.
Eleven Slurpces. It ia the gen-


eration o( the crippled job X life ud I
market and the age of .,.m- "Reality' Dita
unambitious, be ~ . wia
twcntysomethings who f¢ oped and altot
tbal thqi al-e too cool to work flil.. This ia or
at Burger King and too ere- pleuurable m
alive to auociate with the encea I have
rest of the world.
while and it ·
This is ~ gCDCJ11lion lhat rancmbcred a
will continue to chain-smoke ooe of '94's ti
even though they know it is
"Rwity Bit
bad for them and who will lifeo!Lelainf ]
live a care-free, without any Ryder). She ~
immediate (ears . The gen•: ated as valedi
eration is living in a dream university ~
World and tryioa 10 made someooc· to p!
those dreams reality. ·
in a documaw
If you are pan this
iag about ha f
ention (like I am), althou&h bas been worl
you prol,ably are aabamcd to . duction a:ssisca
admit it now tb._t I ·just IIIOl1W1I iaik t
strippecf it of iu barat. eutll- likes her job I
tialJ, you will fall in love with aouicc of illCI
the neW film '1teality Blta."
Lelaina ii I
The mov_ie is a ~ friend Vi_c)




WSUB ~ Its new teievWon news


magazine; "'Dm Semester m WSUB"
JOWHAl.ffl#P _

mat limited lbeir ruac ud
WS U B llped
· ·· ·
Pal~ usini a ..multi-cafn•1bil yur with the proper en shoot." With the help or

Suffolk Uoiveuity b.11 equipment fued and back:
been blcued~
wilhllOl oaly a ia ae,vice. WSUB is again
radio awioo, WSFR, that _uyina ta 'broadcaSI on a
broadc·u11 free.of cJwae in rcaular basis.
09hc,rty, an Enalish mathe Fenlon buil4iai but llao
ill (!Wll televisioq_ atatioa, jor who hu been a member
WSU)I, tlw broadcuta r,.,; or WSUB aince his fresh-




WSUB bu taken atcps

tbii year to broaden ill buc
aad · hu alao tried to p~
duce 'more piogrammiog
thia year.
· ·
The beginning of the
scholastic year saw Mike
Cloherty, WS U~tlene ral
Manager, undertake an ex•
tensive recruitment campaign an4 encourage s tudents to join WSUB.
Las t year, W SUB had
many technical problems

=~ •

feUow members or WSUB.
Cloherty used three to four
cameras to'film the event
In the past, ClohCrty

"Realityffites:t1'an-en.1:ertainilig po·11raya1 .orGenenmoox ·
. .
. . . .

stated that or 1U1 event
like Suffolk Paloou ~ould
have consisted of settina up

man year, noted that he got one cimcra and just letting
involved with WSUB after it rvn . However, because

televilion writing


WSUBrt0toolycapcsSuf- more options at their dis-

TheJanuarythawcamea~laterthilyee,as lcicles

folk events like lut week's posal when taping events. each band that perfonned
Su(foU:: Palooza and last
Cloherty said the news · on I separate tape. It is
semester's student
one-act plays bUt also ereatc.s its own original pro•
Scheduled to premiere
today is -rhis Semester on

maguine premiering 1oday
would include featuru on
· the Suffolk Police, WSFR
and also a wu museum that
hetouredwhilevisitingLoodon last spring.
Palooza last Friday and has

Clohcrty'shope to soon have
all of the bands on one tape
and to have lhe whole of
Suffolk Paldoza together on
one tape.
at noon today, Clohen.y had


Introducing the

1110sl· daring offer


in the


By - llljln Grlece
What ~uctly is Gclleftl·
tioo X? II is about time that
we clear up this question ,
after all, 1 his "generalioo"
has had a number of moyies
made abou t t~ir way of life
11Dd their transition inio adulthood.
Generation Xis, quite sim-

history of test prep:
Come 10 class, do your home work, use the Training Library. and
we'N clDfll'Went your score will go up at least this much:

LSAT + 7 points
GMAT + 50 points
cw ~,.

MCAT + 4 points
GRE + 150 points

wh'• you row money back.

All of h.


into any Boston center and work with a tutor outside of
class at no extra charge. Our teachers will help you design a study
program to meet your i,e,MMI ....._

For moN details, caU 1-800-KAP-TEST

___ __ ___ _


~potcn of perhaps taping
th~ show and setting up a
television to perhaps broadcast the show in the Sawyer
CafeteriL These plans were
tc:ntative, however, and not
finalized at press time.
TheUniversityMediaServices roo m located on the
second n OOlofthe Donahue
building houses the control
room where most of the editing of ttie tapes is done.
Bill Walcott, Un iversit y
Media Services Coordinator, serves as WSUB 's advi-

Commenting on the time
he s pends in the room.
Clohe rty joked, "This 1s
where I Ii ve." He said that
depending on the leng1h of
a tape he could spend mor-:
than 30 hours just editing i1 .
This room is also where
the feed for WSUB' s pro•
gramming is beamed from .
There is a wire that goes
di rectl y from the Donahue
b uildin g to the Fenlon
Lounge television, therefo re
making 1he broadcas1 pos•
sibl e.
Unfortunately, the Sawyer building is not auached
to a server to allow that
building access to wha1ever
While . admi u ing 1ha1
vi deo production can be
"very ted io us", C loherty
stressed that "video production is fun and interesting.··
Cloherty eslim_lted tha1 there
are app roximately 15 m~mbe rs of WSUB but they
would always welcome new
Afte r its premiere today.
'This Semester on wsue~
will be televised on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days at 9 Lm., 1 la.m., and
I p.m. and Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 10 a.m. and
Cloberty would like 1
make '"This Semester on
WSUB ,. a mo nthl y show
and to fulfill that goal has
plans to produce ly,"0 more
shows in March and Ap ril.

ply, the majori ty or college
students. If you are 18 1~15
you are pan of this generation. ~s the "slacker" gen-

eralion of the cnpple4 job
market and the age of pampercd,
twe.ntys~elhings who f~I
that they are too cool to wod::
11 Burger King and 100 ereative to associate wit h the
rest of the world.
This is the generation that
will continue to chain-smoke
even though .they know it is
~:: ~o~~and.
wi::t ,


immediate fears. The generation is living in • dream


-ud aly
wu . riUe:o by 24 year-old
Helen Oaildresl. OiJdlal is in taudt wkb die
generatioa •he is writi ■&
about Her ~
- ii a&,.
tcmatel)[ toucbi.a& and bilarious. She feels for every ooc
or her charactcn and never
exploits or trivlalius their •
What "Reality Bites" ii

JUII 6'.......
atcd as valedictorian of· ber
university and is looking (Of

lbe~ • , •a1read
"de01 s
Y upsi
down life i1 then IClltCred
even more. She finds herself

Jackjng in 1i1nifi.c:ant story
line it makes' up in deft char·
acteriz.atioo. The mm seems
to l)l?int back to the okl days

:::=,:=~ =w=~~•!:

If you are pan of gencration (like I em), althou&h
you probably are ashamed to
a dmit it now tha t I ju u

· on trash-pop culture like

= i ~ ~ i:n

~~f~~ it is J


the 0CW fWll "Rcal.ity Bites.,.
The movie ii a Gencnitioa





O.arofalo), who II manager
of The Gap. Wbea Ldaiaa ii
in~olved ia. a car ~idcnt
with a yuppie MTV-like executive named Micb.ael (Ben
Stiller) , she fiod1 herself
oddly aurx1ed to hi1 ear•
ncstness. Vickie then decides
to invite their f riend Troy
(Ethan Hawke), '!¥ho is now
unemployed, 1 move in with

crntion, whichitissomctimes
not make a smooth lfllnsition
into the adull world.
llisthegeneratioo weanod



X life ~d love st~ry and
"Reality Bites" ~ e s to
be ~ . winy, well--dcveloped and altogether wooderful This is one of the most
pleasurable movie e•peri•
eoces I have had in a loog
while and it will surely be
remembered 111 ycais end as
ooe of '94's ten beat
"Reality Bites.. follows the

ing about her friend, . Ldaina _he can't refat.e to, and Troy,
bas been.. working as a prodllCtion a.uistant for• cheesy
moming 'talk show andonly

l.elaini, is living with her


a Scst friend who she loves 10


~~ : r i : v : : : :
original. The acting is topnotch. Ryder is, of course,
CAc:tllcnt In her role and anyonewillbe .ablcto relatclO


pe<1_Nl_. .·-=--------~
., . a conti!!:"oo~pqe 6

bi.nation that Jives "Reality


_ College student invents toy ·
.... Jha(~ ~ Qe,V fad .
Mark ford ~ad, no illea lev'el line.
.. _
two yean 110 tba't be WU on
_ At 23 ·okl, Forti now
the brinl: of ~iscovering a is partner in a eorpol'ltiOO
repwbhle new flying toy _ wilh his dad, owhs palCDtl o,i
.. be thought he WIS jUSl ioof- the X-zylo and the naaonal
ing off by making paper air- space indust.ry ~is bocking '
planes in hi• apartment at - on hi• find some sci-Ba lor Univ ·
"Basically I was avoiding tion!I for the pdgec's design. .
homework• he said in ex- He has reason ·1 bel.iive that
plai ning how the X-zyl,o, a . life is good, very g ~
" gyroscope that can Oy twice
But Forti i1 quick to
.. the length of • fOOlball fteld downplay the lucrative na-when thrown, came , 10 be t11reolhisinvcntion.·He says
markttcd acrou the 1Wjoo. in the real challenge of a com-toy stores for $6.95 to SS.95. pe.ny is P'Oviding a
Hii.~ situatioQ may icem ~ C\IStOOICfl• a,e satisfied
thalslack· with. " Moacy-isjuslaW1Y.of
ing off never pays off quite keeping 1COrc," Forti said.
so haodsomel.y for molt
In its,currcnt form , the X·
people. but deVclopment of Z}lo is; a, thin plastic cylinder
~e X-zylo wu more than lhal mc:aiwa 3.75 i.qclles in
just a Ou.k.c.
lliamder, weipl lea diaa I
" I've always 'wo "imer- ouace and loots IOClldhiD&
esc.e.d in air- foill and other~ ~J,hon toft--drinlr. cu
physical pbe.Qoal,CJ1a.' Slid with the tQp and boaom cut
Forti, .who aradua ted last oui.
year. He bad..beal ICudying • Aocordinl to Forti, the ~various air foil deli,m (p.-t zylo tm a hc:lvy SYl'OICOPic
of an airplane. such U a, pm II the lcadina cdac of the
thal provides lift or stability) cylinder'i bgdy. Wba:t ~
fm quite some time, IOd he.._ pelled forward, the be.avy
. . itltria;ucd by the idca .of ,piDnina rim allows the body
coming up with a different. 10 mamtam its p-ojcc:lcd m.
technique. ·
ra:tioa. IDd the rim's....1
The curve of airplane lar momenlUm seems to pmwinp falcinalcd him in pilr· YCDl the cylinder from 1101-ticwa', and the X-zylo .was in& down in rcspomc to the


=;:'!:' a•::::

f~•==~:\;!U: ·

.lftcril itllrownaadf!ic:aia.•

ron:c or_
gravity. •
X-~YLO ·
cc:iriwued Oil paaic 6


<>scat~ Debra
talks -Jeanette Hixon: dedicated to stuabout role in "Shadowbmds"
dent affairs and Michael Jordan

: : : : ;...,,

6 •

'"I . . Md_,... C.S. ■ BJX~N


Althoop lhae _

ard .Attc:aborou&b,


" S ~ " is

Wmaer 11)'1 dtt'.• kdina; rorww
at the w0t:nan both Lewis and her to "Shadowlaa:tl" with her
)'OWi& IOD adore.
)'<IWII 101'1, Noah, in pM bocmle lhe
What allracted Winaer to wns to be wilb him 4'rins tbe am-•
" Sbldowlanda"?
bOIIII deadH>ed 10me1 which tab up
"Money," she joked ... naot • hdty pcltXm ~ the film. WJlll'C'-'
praancrvicw. '"Tbc...-drobe..Sbc's no trepidaliOQ,1 abooc. thole sccoa:,
alwa)'I curious. J cm't put my finger which e¥cke moments in ' "Terms o( that. "At times it wukindalonely,"
oo it. bec:alse it waa a combination of Endearment."
Hixon aaJd ...Like all only children,
lltlnaa-n ~•,. ~. J got that it was
_ ' I didn't ~vc it a ~ght.'' abc we make up imaginary friends.
_ .....,. _
said. 'The ICnpl was IO litrntc md
'"I've alwaya been I ver, )Jappy
Win&cr aplaim tbM the cbaUmge ~tiful.l'd~¥ebceaafodnot~do ' (c.hild),"abeaaidcreditinabermom





~=-=~c::.~::: ~-~=~:

adeooe ewe about her' _.,.,..,.
.is made ol • ~ O s - " I relalt:bcd the c::barxccr. It's ro- car- DCmllllbOD for her work m her rwo
ally pe:M. fer me., when it's bicJsnpbi1~ou1h it's li~ely
toOsc.-oiak w~a:°m~...::.=
lhe cod you use the infonnation II smil£s and crinaa. " I don't lib lo talk

inspirlDon,uliccOUlolherlife.Scmotimes you take license, but rad
e¥aythina abc wrue.

about Chat," she said. " I thD:° (such
talk) bd,-: cbe buux:u, but I don't
want to depend on such outside


.. ,.. peal

t~~ wanted to drop some
oames, uuttbcawwboiscl01e1tto
her heart is "'Mr. three---peat" himself, Michael Jordan , former caprain of the Cllicaao Built.
worken) and my students," she
.. Jjustlovetheman,"uidHb.OG
said, uplainina what she liked of her six year fucinatioo with the
about the job, but wbeu liked why buketball pat, ..even before be ...
she left 'ht aiid, ..B.U. la • ¥ery WU bla."
different achoolt citina thal the
When uked if abe would watch
developmental bolillic support to him now that be may be oa lbe
ltude.Dll WU DOl lhere..
Chicaao While SQ,., Hiaoa said,

Amaicapoetandwri::bolcldcas .
Coamnucd (tom PICC 5
10c:mcciomUywabchwnBridabWTC" ren in low wkh bit writinc-100. I'm propunmiqcou.ncilaadsomespeInd thcolopn C.S. Lewis (An&boay glad I WII mawft o/ bit WClt bdcK cial inlcnst poap, for oiac monlht
Kopkim) lead 10 a fricndahip md tbm lhc movie becaliae I ould ha
durina the 1992-93 academic year.
• doomed rornance. Direcud by Rich- ~ idem 10 it
'"I cojoycd working with (my co-

whb cxpo1io1 he, 10 . diffmnl

peol~\n1ere1ting aspect about
Hilloo is that she calls her ..accret'"
ii that, she said, --When I wwlittle,
the upenence,, the be~1nrun1


m,y stardom that never picked up.
It I DO ~rprlae that shp WU voted

if she

withoutmiu.inaabeat, ..ifbelDUCI

the cul," ahe' II definitely be at lbe
aame.s .
Hixon ad.mined fun.her that, "I
did send him a birthday card:
(once)" and laupcd wbco it wu

· i::;:;:;:::,~;,:=r.
A more aerioua auwer came
when uked who wu socoad to

Jordan . " I would love to meet (uth

or/poet} Mayab AnaeJou •.• Sbe to
•_:~m• to e a f11cinatla1
to my mother, 1 would
I~;: i:r.!'°w up llftd upire to be


" .Tbe~latercsliasupccubout
Of her e1tpe~ence at Suffolk,
HixOCI ii her elatioratc Wall pie- _ : ;




decislon' to take the job to Oona
Acliviliea Center wbfb ~oat.aias ~~~dt, Oi~tor of Student Acjust somc of tbe ~ thal abe hp tl\llt1e1, 'flt.horn she aot to)now
.~ ~•\th the in)'riad of 't ~ 1 throu, .h.. ~t~~r. ~~le...tlir~~-~~'.
people ahe bu met iD·bcrlif9 1
her career.
The te.nathy list inc:lpdel the iik~ ' Hixon enjoys Work.ins whh Sufof comedian Howie Mudell and folk stude.nts. "'The IWdcatl here
Ruth Wea~mu. '"(She'~ a) very, . are • vety di~erenc,· e.xc!tilla, denay woman," Hixon aid of
(and) cann1 aroap


once at SMU.

Hixon has also had the chance to
meet rapper 1.1u;f college circuit lecturer KRS-1 (Chris Parter) from
Booaie Down Productions, reuac
areas. Jimmy Cliff, actor/comedian

Third Annual

Tommy Oavklaon from Fox's "In
LiYU11 Color" and MTV. comediu

Big Climb

' Mario Joyoer.

reuoo," she Jald, explaiaia1 what
ahe would say to her adverMria.
"'There were plenti of other rotldl
for me to trnel (law achoo{, school
committee) but student affair1.. .lt la
my love."
..I enjoy it and that's why



for Leukemia
One lntcrnetlonel Place

April 10, 1994

' iiiformatlort


, _ , . . . f_lllAlfUL •

and receive o
Ilg ~ r-::Sl,l,t

cll-i,ltr .


~ - m- j


Help 'Take Steps'
to wipe out Leukemia

Uu emia Society
of An1cric:1


·-. ~

CHmb 46 Flights of Stuirs

10 8F M

~ ~-~ A l d A , i , l l c a d a a - - 1 )

·~----- ..... ---

lldp&--tlle-.Dld,-...,,__,..7 lfaot._.
,..,..,..., _ _ tlleOllloeal-Aldd_......,.._...,._ . . -


... - - .. n..i,.



.. , . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ _ _ _ ( L o . l a - ~

~ ....... wtll ..


_ _ ,._ ... ,__IDIN ..... - • .. -


'rorms, ladh-ldual aad team laformadoo _ee ~•ry at the Suffolk Journal, ~r call 573-832


ruay23, 1994

tte Hixon: dedicated to stuffaini ··and Michael Jordan
,\lthough l,bcae people ~ &JUI

if she jvn w-.nted to drop some

I from page_5

01me1, but the star who is closest 10

, council and some spc-her hean is ..Mr. three-peat" him~PI for nine months
self, M.icbi.el Jordan, fonner cap>92..,93 academic year.
tain of the Chicigo B~lls,
working with (my cod my students," she
oing whit she liked
,, bu1 when ukcd Why

.. , just love the man ," said Hixon
of her si.11: year fascination with the
basketball great, ..even before he

was big.said, .. B.U. IS i very
When ukcd_if she would watch
1091.~· citina that the
him now lhat he may be ' oo the
al holistic stipport to

not there.
child, Hixon admilted
11 itwukinda!oncly, ..
Like all only children,
imaginary friends.
)'I been a very tiappy
laid crediting her mom
'ng her to different

sting asp~ct about
she calls her ..secre1"
id, .. When I wu Uttlc,
per Room." She called

:e. "the beainning or
hit never picked up."
IC that she WU voted
her senior year in high
1tcrcsting up:ect about

Chicago White Sox, Hixon aaid,
without missing a beat. ..if tie makes
the -cul," she'll definitely be at the
Hixon admitted further "I
did send hi m a birthday card,
(once)"' and laughed when ia wu
s11ggested that his wife prt,bly
intercepted the card from the mail.
A more serio1.s answer came
wheo asked who '!_l,'U second to
Jordan ... 1 would love to meel (au•
thor/poc1) Maya Angclou ..• She 10
me seems to be II fascinating
"Second to my mother, 1 would
love to grow up and aspire lo be
like her."
Of he_r experience at Suffolk,

~~:.:::!::;t:~ :~r.~~~·.:2::E:~

:ntcr which contains ~c~~idt, Director or Student Ache photOS tha\shc has uvmes, whom she got to \now
IC~ infriad of (~O i lhrou•~--~l~~r J?C!Ople ..U\~? ~-~?Ut
LS met in her life'.
her ~arecr. .
r list includes the likes Hixon enJoys working wuh SurHOwie Mandell and folk s1uden1s. 'The s1udents here
tmcr. "(She's a) v._ery, are II very different, e~citing, dcomu," Hixon Wd of :;1~~:e:c:!tic, (and) caring group
·1or" who pcdoaned
alto had the chance to
nd college citcui1 lec(Chria Parker) from
1 Productions, reagae
Cliff, actor/comedian
dson from Fox's "In
• and MTV comedi. .

reason," she sald, cxplainina what
she would say to her advcrurica.
'1llcre were plenty of other road.I
for me to travel (law school, school
committee) ~ut student it
my love.."
"I enjoy ii and that' s why l"m






Tuldoli.~ • llll'lel!ffl auptie .
n.ilioa iaaemel- baad IO oc:c,r-• •
Tbil.iradanlal"' ol H.i.i ...._ _., ,_ M!i tbc ~
~ lbat iacw nilc ruaiq Suffolk , aiwnity are


~-""""'- .............

. direcdJ.rclllcd 10 Im C \ l t r ' - ~ COiia (I Ibo world at



'"""lpeople ,t o.-alllllli,a!acniaooif,thoyfeolkio

· J=:,,"::if::=------~
: Thii
is pnmdy ..... ii ~ with tbc Ltieat tu.itioo
mctealC aaaounccd by Suffolk UaiVality. Al ttllkld earlier,

while ltn:l(lioa the r.ct dlall Suffolk ii ltill
the lowest
in tu.itioo coas, doca not aive ID)' iodic:Mioo of whal inerased ,cn,im will rcauk &om lhc il!Cf'CNOd Dlitioa ra&ea..
Iaatcld ~ pl a lokm tUllc:lncal.: '"••..&affolk Univer•
sit)' mU1t C011D11UC to coa.nce the qqality of ita ~


:=r;:rzr~=:=~~= Grad Student respon~ to "Clinton .Cuts" o ~
the ycms by iDcream& Che fads 'available for 6uocial aid. ..
The flUClbOD is.\~ _ , . financial aid~ year? Will
flftalCW aid UIICfflllC fo.- adeaa neat year? It ii arc-·W!I

fimncialaid~in - Jl!llll.bulifitdocaoot-UIIC:ft:UC
for ncal year WUl diff~ do evcnu in tbc ·put. make?
Aod if the fiaaocial aid docs tDCrCIIC wlta'e ii jbe moocy
coming froa;17 .Tbcac are quatiom thM QMld "to be am'!Cffd
ror~Of.,._ ....
_._.L . ..,..,...m~-&--

L -....,; . _

• .., DUmU


••--. _



David Sqcat. Vace· Preaidepl· -;t Trcuurcr
Fmx::is X.¥::ry, IIDd lhe Fmancc CoaJnilacc of the
Board, appro¥Cd the incraac but accmcd to fOl"Fl the IDOl1



PUIANCW_ ~ - 'ffl', 1.



l"'P--.. ,._,> ,.. ......... .......,,.
,c,..,_..,. ...

~ Roudal •~cilloo ~ (Mardi I)
aadtbocamcr.Dld·;Jt;;r~formayd7 lfDOt.aad
~ ~

Ollkc o l - A l d w l l l -

, tbc llnt will be bcld oa Tbandoy,

ne ~ w11-... ..., 1a 5nycr -i ..,
' . . . . . . . . , . . _ _ _ ,..("'-).

... ,__,.!l,e·....... - ·.. ...,Ollkc

11:Alllarmll • • 5"73-M70ad. we wlll llip,. _.

Dear Editor,
. [n rcapoue to Anthony
Anulooc'1 colu~ Clltitlcd
"Al Odda with Clio1qn CUts,"

I .wlah


offtr this rebuttal.

Ml rad.Mr. Am.alooc's articlc,Iwaawaiting(orbimto
<Jrd:a' to save
money, President (BilJ)
CIHuoo 1bqu~_lake gucs~
lib Boria Ycltleo or.cvetl die
tuqal that, in


cicty 11y1 that Congreu it
ovcnpcnd.ia.g. The«trUth or
the reality is daat entidcmen{
spending; evcrythi.61 :from
interest oo the debt to 1111i



aboutl~ofODPia 1968 to

awboppaa 15CJloofGDPin
1992. The main C:Wpits have
bcm..illlaat payment oo the
lleapl-,-Bmh 2 trillion dollar
annual~il'lMcdicate, l apic:a:lina-,tee; andthcrapid
is lhc main~ of our (ed- ..
eral fi~ crwa. ~
coatiaued OIi Ne: 10


• I'm


conventional wisdom of ao-- lpCDdiq bu ioctcascd from

away rl'Offl its 10 called miaioa of providio& quality""~- mcctiog to help trim admin•
tioo £or a reasonable COil. Ao 8 pcn:ent incrcue, iJub.ioa istmivc expcnaes.

rapoadl to llolae ~

When , omcoo; vi~latc
I would like to brin& to another'• lpal:c, and de
your attention a series of •tro)'• what olhcn regar


::~~in•~ c:::1lCr~; ··= ~ i : r = : ; : :

j!:~Q~U~O~TE~=s;:;o;;F;:TH;;:;E;:;WE~=E~K===i: .,,.~.t,':..'.'"..
- '. ::lli:nc~lhe~:::REALr.:-➔Ww~~m~c~n~·.7c;.~~:;;,.~~.~.~.~.i.p~~~ ...
.... ••
-~.::.:.~- - -l------1-Board was vandalized oo
get: Entitlement Spending!
three separate occasions.
The bud,et bas major struc·
wrwl problems becawe en- . down, articles on women
titlcmeal spcndioa is mandaand feminism were retor}' spending (by law) and is
exll'Cmely difficult to citiThe Studen1 Activities
Mr. Anl.aloac's article foand organizations. It is imCU1C1 auictly oo dilcrmooportant when one club is
ary apcndini which, by the
s!J]glcd out that we, u a
probk:m with the federal bud-

"Part of my acailcmic f"rccdom is 10 say what I
witbout .m:vi.og you quoce -mc!"
- Ed B a n i a ~ of Commuoicatioca aod Joor
nalism chairpcBoo to


n;portcr N.E. Eacobar.


"Can I quote you cm tbaf.7'


- N.E.'_ , . , Journal S14ff
"Yeah. I guess so."

1be children's future~ in oor hands




~ is abo • .,..ue staemcnt in the IDCIIIOfandu.m about
bow .in the put, illcreaaed fuwac.W aid woaJd be made



h•~ :f~;;:dl~=
onlyHiofGDPin 1992. The

only. ain entatainmem - - but - .. educalioml.
bi, IOIDdbinc il ... mM!I'" dmiped co be.
Clullm•dlelallnad ... aftcrM1aacme,wW.betbll

--........ ... _... ,_
----,..o1---w.............. .
.. .....

....... wbo will - - tbc.., .,_,_
,,OIAt,od_,,.-.. ____ Qildn,,
_ lime.
inclii-.-of wllln
IOddy ia .. Ibo


-ffaa1yrnr . . , - - - . . - . . . . . _ . .

..,................,........, .... ..... . . .


We-llopeMthoy...,;,,, .. .,.....,. ... .., ..

-.._• ..-a ... c:1iMm.a..fllllnwiDbev:«1blelt. wne

••-lf .. ollowllmro-.-.

women at Snffolk. It is im
porunt that womco have
their belie& and idwa
reflected. These incident
have . comprom ised ·th
Womc(l'a Center mission.
This inue -wu brough

community, undcntand that
it "!ill not be tolc~ated .


coatinocd on ~
.-ce JO


r..;__ _ _ _


y« it scrikea c1cq,
c.hc CCR o1
If only WC uQled cbildrm like a commodity lmtclld ola II
burden perbapl .we would be in beac:1- DpC ~ . im.e.i. WC
mc:k our chilmm in froat ~ a tdcrillon and mib il scne not

. , tie ID


Ceal£!" ~~tli IO promote th

,rowth ud advancement o





V.Oordoil Gkaa.ID,EdilOJ•ln-auc1

Paul Dil'ana,Manqinl EditOf

ICaa M. Yoa,. IJfacyalidiu
. . . . Ori9co.Aat.~Ediaor
l'n:llld.Aat.~NmqaDr. Oenld lt.ic:llawl, MrilOI"


R.Plfrict ....... Pn:ldlcdoilMIIIIWII
Erilr: .....,u.wc.,.,...



Dan Hunl
atttie Fe
The &uff



sion, to raise m1
efit c hildrerl wl
wa,s orga ni Zei
Fenner a nd S
• curre ntly juni
folk. They came
idea for' the Pal
time last seme11
their hard worl
tance from oth1
tions in the uni
were able to
Palooza como 1

The Sufi
was held last J
ruary J8 in th
Theatre. T-br
"duck •and
Dusthead. and
two accou1tic1
Man withNoB
McKin?~" • a1

pie are.glut


drop IOQ\C

>is closest to
c-pe11" hiffl-

former cap-


,"said Hixon
tion with the
:n before' he

woul4 watch


on the

, "ifhemakcs
ely be a{ the
tbcr that, "I

lhday card, .
When it WU
ifc probatily
om the mail.
111wcr came

s second 10
to meet (au~ou... Sbe to


her, 1 would
aspire to be
I I Suffolk,
he owed her
>b to ·Do!m•
Studeni AC-

:ot to \:now

iig with Suf!udents here
:xciting, dc-

carin_a group

-- · Tuldon_i.r-~-....-

-""::'.::-::,:.:::..::;:= :...-:t

M01tttudmta.wllileDOtbappylboutrMICllllblclllidoo ·

:r:-:=.._dley;.!:;!:\"'==~ ..
· IDOll people I O ~ a laitioa iDcniMo if they foci it ii
oul '., ~ ........ if Ibey do aot ...:lcint.d what


nii is precucly wut la -wroaa with tbe lMett Qlitioo
UICftalC ...auaccd by s.trott Univeriity. 1.a IUllecl cartic:r,
reasonable increuea are eapc,ctcd. u 8 pc:rceat bike in
mmoa as,DOI. 111e ~ lll1DOUQCiq tbe ux:zaise;
~ ICffaina: lhe &d lbat Sqffolk ii ltill _,moq the lowest
in tuition COttl, doa oat sive any indiclcioo of what incn:::aed ICn'icel will remit from the i.acrealcd Qlitioo ratea.
lDltCld ltUCWDfl pt a tokm IClteOleDt: ..... ..8uff'olk University must ooatinue IO ,CGMD:e the quality of itl procrams,
itl facilibel...
1bcre is alto • 'tape ltalaDent in tbe mcmcnndum about
bow in tbe pajt.. iDc:rwed f"uwacial aid would be made
availatile f«lbldp:a. 1be ~ ii u foll~: "'We have


The fluestioa i&.\wbat lboat finaacial aid out year? Will
financial aid increuc f« ltDdeDu nut year? It is great that
finlDciaJ aid incrailed in " put. but if it docs oot illCICUC
for nut yt:M whit
do evcnll in the put make:7
And if the finlDCW •d docs iocrcue wbue i1 the money
coming.from.7 Tbelc arc queatiou that need to be am~cn:d .
for studcrlu.



Fmneis X. ~ - : - ~ ~ Finance Committee of the
Board, approved the bx::reac but aeemcd to forg« lbe mosa
i.mportlat people in the c,quMioo. the students. With these
kiad of iocreasca, it slowly KCffll that Sotrolk is mo\lllt&
my from ill so called miuion of povictfug quality cducarioo for a reasonable cost. Ao 8 percent ~ pwung
tui~on over the $10,000 mart, seems to fly in the face o( that

otbe, _ ,

hool, school
affairs... itii

1 why l"m





:;:'b~.:::,:;::,=:,:i:::,.=:_'! _ Student responds to "Clinton Cuts" op-ed

laini.11& what


Sdolk Umwnity ·ae

apeaiea that i.ncw

'"""'!I',.._.., die.,........._ c..ii ollbc .'""'d"
larso. .

cooveationll wisdom of so- apendina bu incn::ucd from
ciety says -that C.oogrcss is about 8., of OOP in 1968 to
overspending. The ttuth or a wboppiq 151,1, of GOP in
the rtal.ity is that c:nritlc:ment 1992. 1)e main culprill have
spending, everythin& from beal ~ i:-jmcot on the
interest on_Jbe debt to ll'li ,R.eagao-Bulh 2 trillion doUar
annual indalcl in Medicare, apendina spree, and the rapid

Dear ~tor,
In response to Anthnny
,\nzalooc's column entitled
"Al Oddi ~th Clintoo CUts,"
I wish to offei- this rebuttal
MI read Mr. Am.alooe'1 arlicle. I WU waiting for him IO

like Boris Yeluen or even the


QDeen of En&)aod to the k>-cal McDoaald's for a diMcr
meeting to help bim ad.ministrative CJ.pcnlCI.
I'm afraid that Mr.


..Pan. of my academic freedom is to say what I want

,.-ithoot t.ving you quote me! "

"Cao I quote you oa lhlltT'
- N.E. FM:obor, Journal Stall

blll.ity to outline the REAL

::d s

~ t ; ; ; ! : . r = d ~; .
The budaet: has major structun! problems because enritlemenl spending is mandatory spending (by laW) and is
CJ.tremely difficult to eati-




-Oaikren .-e:·our'ID0lt pm;:iaul oommodily-·Thil soundl like
a simplistic: uc:meat n1 yec. it lbikea


,.. ....


illdcaor~wlaeow lliciccy ilatlbc~limc.

_ _ _ .. .,_.palm_ .... ,... .......

...... ot., .. today'l......,, ......... .,clml.,..., ... --. __.
__ .,...o1 .alho.....,.tboy..- ..
............... tboy ......

... -;r..

1t ........, ........

liaD10..,.iDouraiildrm,oarfubnwillbevuyblak. We're


cootinucd oa pl&C ·10

V. Gordoll Gk:an.llLEditor-lo-Oiid

PlulDiPane.M-,iqEditor ·
StqMlicSaow. NcWI Edilor




it will DOI b~ tolerated.


'pat,,pa we woul<I be mbca<r , _ , we
IDCk our cbilmm al front~ a ldcYilioa ..t 11111:e it ave not
only • ID matliamml - - - bm alao • E educmonal
tool, IOlbCdiinc ic ... DC\IU dcllpd to be.

- - ID



dcict:t no tbe.()(Rof



When 1omeone violate
another•• apace, and d e
stroya what otben regar
important. they are commu
nicatiogintolcranceaod lac
o sup
om n

Posters andpoetryweretom women at Suffolk. It is im
down, articles on women portaot that wolDCD have
snd feminism were re - placetogooncamp111whc
their beliefs. and ideall ar
The Student Activities reflected. These inciden
houscsmanydifferentclubs have compromised ·th
ud organizations. It is im- Women's Center mission.
port.ant when one club is
This iuue -wu brough
singled out that we, u a
community, undcrstandthal

ary spending which, by the
way, has 4ccreaaed from



Dear Editor,
1·"f:oqld .likc to bring to
your alicntion a series of
events that coaeerns me.
Earl in this semester, the
Women' s Center u eun

Mr. Anzalone'• article fi>
cu.aes strictly 00 <!,iscrdioo-

'1be Children's future is in our bands

~ 9G I'll~

- _

Women's. Center responda • liaaile meeting






;:;:• .!:1~d~· ~~~

a..._ nol.AIIC. Adw:nbia&w..caP

':>"· Oenldti::tlruA.




R.Plaict. . . . . . . Prodlcdoa~


Dan Hunt of the band Dusthead rocks th,
at the February 18 Suffolk Palooza in the
The Suffolk Palooza Bi~nnan , performed . I
was a conCert with a mis- more than four' hou~Of 1
sion, to raise money to ben- tcrtainment. McKinn
efit children with AIDS. It started it all off with ' a 11
was organized by Chris of country and-rock, •
Fenner and Stc:vc Hunt, "duck. and cOvcr• follO WJ
curscntly juniors at Suf- with an 'alternative style
folk. They came up with the musiC. Next Bow;
idea fRr the Palooza some- · Brennan, they arc bh
time last semcstcr-.Thtough boys throughout. Dustht
thc'ir hard work and was the next act up, w
t;tnce from other organiza- loud, heavy me
music . Jigsaw finisbccl
~ lions in the university they
were able to make the with rough and tumble n
n' roll that pulsated throui
Palooza come to life.
The Suffolk Paloo~a out the theatte. ·
Although the I
was held hist Friday, February 18 in rhc C. Walsh would have liked to 1
Theatre . three bands , more people come, .t
covc.r, •
Dusthcad, and Jigsaw, •nd :r::: ~~da~!e~:e~~~
two accoustical acts, . The i;ause of children w
Man with No Band - Shawn AIDS. <;Jvcr SOO aollars 1
McKin~On , and BowScr raised, according Assist





__ _


_ ... _otli.toci-....,_u,,1 ... ....,


eap:ma dial iQtW wtlilo . . . . . Suffolk UlliV11ftity are
dirccdy nil•d' lO .dte ~ caltl al die world •
_ _ ...,. __ ,...olUle-Sdo-beol

lo, abearb die iDc:nllo. HoweYs, it boc:cam cliffladt for
-peopleto ........ a111itioa_,_ifdleyreel il il

-..,.._...,..m.,._ ... _

TW• u: pn!dtdy .... ia, wroaa witll tbe . _ . tu.itioa
illcrease ...,..,_ by s.trolk: Uoivcnity. As stlltld crier,
reacmab1e increate1 are expected., an 8 perceal bib UII
blidoa is not. Tbe manonDdwn anaouDCUII tbe iDcreale,
while 1CftNU1C the r.ct tt.t Suffolk ii still imoa, the lowea
m widc:m coata, doel . not ,iWl any iadicadoo ol what in-

== ·:r

~6:: m: :c~~~=-

aicy IIHllt coa,inue IO CDMIICC the quality of ill pr'OpWDI,
ill facil.ita."
There it abo a Y111UC ICMtment in the memormdwn about
bow io the s,u,,, lllcreucd financial aid would be made
available for ttudcntt. The ltllal:lml. ii u (ollowi: "We have
attanpted to mlllimize the impacc. of witioti iocl'UICI over
the ~ by inciemq the filDds availabie for 6uociaJ aid."
Tbe ~uestiou ii. wblll about financial aid oat year? Will
fmanc:ial,ici UlCl'CIICfora.lcnls nclt yaw?It is pat that
financial aid ~ in Ibo pac, but if it docs not iacreae
for ncu year what diffcrcoce do c.venu in the a-st make?
And if tbe fiDIUICial ..d doca incrcuo where ia the money
c:omlq from? Tbeae are quatiom lhM rlOCld to be U11wcrcd


The&.d()(_"'""' __ ... _



Board, approved the lncreue but sccmcd to forga tbe most
unportanc people in the equation, the studc:llll. With these
kiad of incrcucs. it 1lowly seems thac Suffolk is moving
away from ill ao c:allcd miwoa of providina quality education _ for ■ ffalOllable COil. An8pc:rccn1incrcue, pushing
tuition over the S10,000 mark. ICCml to fly in the face oftbl&


" Patt or my academic freedom is to '9y what I want
without havins you quote met"

• .Ed llarriaJ)epanmc or Communicatioos and Jour•
oalism ChairperlOQ lO Joumal N.E. f$obar.


""Can I quote you oo tbatT'
- N.E. F.acobar, Journal Staff
..Yeah. I guess so."

1be children's future is In OOJ' hands
-·Thil IOUDdt like

, ooo1 ...-• mws deep ... the= o1
IOcia y.

Ir only we ~ cbildrm like a commodity im&ra:i
bunkn perblp we would bo in bater lblpe IOdly. IDltCad. we
mc:k our cbikhn in ~ al a lderilioG lad make it ltl'YC - .


., aalya111CIIICrtliama:ll.._bmaltio••~
·_,.:,i '\ool, ~ it ... IICwt dmpcd to be.

. . . , _will_ - . . ""ot

. __ - ,.......,... . .
.. .,_........ ................,.........
... _.....

...,;,.y: <llll,ho
aililoood_, _ _ _ _ _ _



..... o1 • • ....,....,.., .... _.. ....... ....




----•...-dllchn....-'-ewillbev«yblclk. We're

Grad Student responds to "Clinton Cuts" op-ed t-1 increucd from
about 81li of GDP la 1968 lO
a wboppia& 15.. or GOP in
1992. The m■i o culprits have
been i.otercst s-,yment oo the
Rclpn·Bush 2 aillioo doUar
spcodiDg spree, and the rapid

coaventioaa.l wisdom or ~
ciety U )'I that Coogres1 is
ovenpendina. The truth or
the reality is that cntillcmcnt
s pcndina, everythina from
intetal on the debt to 11 lli
annual increues i.n Mc:dicaR,

Dear Editor,
In re,poase to Anthony
Am.alone' • column entitled
" At Odds with O intoo Cuts."
I wish to offer this rebuttal.
AJ I read Mr. Am..alone's Ill'·
ticJc,Jwaswaitinafor tdmto
IUl,ICI( that, ia order to save
money, Preside Dt ( Bill)
Ol.ctoo should take 1uests
Queen of England to the local McDonald's (or • dinner
mcctina to help trim admin•
islnltive expenses.
I'm afraid th at Mr.


coatinued OD plCC 10

Women's •Cmttt respond, to home meedng

De■r Editor;
I would like to bring to
your attention a series o r
even11 that coacem s me.

When 1omconc yiolate
another' s apace, and de
• troys what otben regar
impcxuot. they uccotnmu

Board was vandalized on
three separate occasions.
Posters and poetry were tom
down, articles on women
and remi n~ !" we re re •
mo ved .
The Stude nt Activities
housesmany differen1club1
and organizations. It is im•
port.ant when one club is
sinalcd out that we, u a
comm unity, understandthat

Center elliJts to promote th
growth aod advancement o
women at Suffolk. It is im
ponant that women have
their belie& ud ideals ar
reflected. These incidcnl
have compromised th
Women's Center miuion.
This issue wu brough


~~:~ the:~REAL~-:--jll~~of. ;';•{,hlJ,::i'i 11"'iiluffieiii~;:-~:;rc~-~
... ·
m;,; l 'e~i ,~~,"
· : ·p~~~•to~l'-';cnnce;;,;an;;o:;',!,~:+----J-----➔--,

- - lftltlrtoo.--enaac.

Olildrc:n Ire our moa pn,c:icq; ~



problem with the federal bud·
aec Entitlemen1 Spending!
The budget has major atruc·
~raJ. prob~ s. ~ use en•
btlcmcnt ll manda·
tory q,c:nding (by law) ud ll
cxtremd y difficult to estimate.
Mr. Anz.alone'1 article rocuses strictly oo discret.iooary spending whkh, by the
way , has decre11cd from.

:;i~~~i~=t~ n:


it will no t be tolerated .


page IO


BytheSludents, lcx-the-sinoe 1936
V. Gordoa Cilca..W.EdiQ.Ja.Qlc(

11111DiJltnia.. M&t.&ia& E4iD
S..... SDow. NcWIE.din,._ ... Y~LifalJb fAtilOI'
MMOria::o.A-.Ui:llyb E.diD

l>f. Omld ~ A " " -

N.£. e-tw,Cliid'Qip,Edilor
. . . . . Pmdactioa.A,itialll
Erik ...... &llli:rialc.n-bl


R. ~




Dan Hunt of the band D.usthead rocks the house for a crowd of more than 100 people ,
at the February 18 Suffolk Palooza in the C. Wal$h Theatre.
The Suffolk Palooza
was a concert with a•
sion, to rai se money to ben·
efit children with AIDS . It
wa s org anized by Chri s
Fe nner and Ste ve Hunt ,
c urre ntly juniors at Suf•
folk ..They came up with the
idea for the Palooza some•
time last semester. Through
their hard work U d assis-tancc from other organiza•
lions in the university the)'
were able to make the
Palooza come to life.
The Suffolk Paloo~a
was held last Friday, February 18 in the C. Walsh
Thealre. Three ba nds ,
"duc k
Dusthead, and Jigsaw, .,nd
two accoustical acts, the
Man with No Band - Shawn
Mc Kinnon , and Bo wser

Brennan , perform e d for
more than four hours or en•
tertainment. McKinnon
started it all off with a mix
of co untry and rock, with
"duC:k and cover• following
with an alternative .style of
mu sic. Next came Bowier
Brennan, they & blues
boys throughout. Dusthead
wa s the next act up, with
J0ud rockin , heavy
mu sic . Jigsaw finished it
with rough and tumble rock
n' roU that pulsated throughout the theatre.· ·
Although the two
would have liked to 1cc
more people come, they
were pleased at the 150 plus
c rowd that ai tended for a
cause of children with
AIDS . Over SOOdollars wu
raised, according Assistant

Direc tor of Student Activi - Roger Fisk from "duck-and
ties for Special Programs, cover" said his band wo.uld
Jeanette Hixon,
fill in the empt)' spot .
The Pdooza waa
Hunt said it Was arcsuppon.ed by. a number of_ quirement that binds bad to
student organizations .and have a SuffoJk. student iD it
departments. Those wbO for tbCm to, plaj' at the ,
gave major support ind Palooza. Another probJc,n
funds were; Prog'ram Coun- .that Hant and Fenner were .
cil, The Dean qi Studenft able ·1 0 fix wu one
Office, Health.. Services,' bc lighting.
HealttrCueera .Club. The When the iouad man
Surollt: Joanw, uct-sfudeot abowcd up be wu auppolcd
Government Aaoc:iation.
to do tbe liglata u well, but
. ·1 lite 10 see tbe Sur- be did DOI taow tbaL They
folk community pull to• bad to call in another j;enoo
getber fm 1udl a peat char- at
lut second to ffll in.
ity, • Fo■ aer comme ■ &.ed. a frieDd of Hat and
Hunte1plaiaeddaataeotller Fee•er. Eric LaMo■Jca ,
bud uld they co ■ ld aot came along 10 belp - witb
ploy II die Plloou ■boat tbe aet-up, be fllJod i.o tbe
two • - befono tbe eveal. bole tblt the aotuld mu leri
ud that left a ~ole in their empty with ' the lii:bting
program. Three days later ' t.ccnician.


T. M . W. N: B.


a · one- man

~ & show. Shawn

McKinnon•• debut u
"The Man Witb No
Band" wu filled with
bca.rt . &
McKinnon' •
energy perfo.rmaoce
iqcludcd some of bit
original tracb, cover
songs and a medley tbat
got the audience on iu
feet and pumped ror the
remainder of the
When he started
to play, the soft-spoken
but co'nfident 1inger/
songwriter had to ttopp
due to overwhelming
crowd applau se and
began again when the
roar started io subside.
M c Kinnon
dedicated an original
song he wiote for bi s
hero, "the only person
in • the
(McKinnon) can rclllte.
10; Charlie Brown.~
comical , toe-tilpping-,
knee-spanking son·g,
innoo .inquired,
.. Ob Charlie, wby is
your bead so larger'
McKinno~ also

1too Cuts" op-ed
~ lpCDdina: bu iocrc:asod from
.i.l IOOlll. 8'6 oCODP in 196810
or awbappinal5 .. ofGOP in
nt 1992. 1be main culprits have
m been ~ payment on the


Rclpn-Buah 2 trillion dollar

e, ~sprce.andthcrapid



COIIWIUCd oa s-ac 10

,pond, 1o,i - meeting
When ,omcone violate
to 'another's apace, and de
of 1troy1 what ~then regar
1c. imponant, they are commu
he nicatingintolcranceandlac
llD of auppori. liic Women
on · Genter c~isu: to promocc th
u. growth and advancement o
,m wome~ at Suffolk. It is im
. n poru.nt that women have
·c - plKcto9ooncampuswhc

their be.lie& and idea1s

ies rcOccted. Tbese
lbs havt_ compromised th
m- Women 's Center mission.


·This iasue wu brough

, I




cootinued on J>l&c JO




N.B.e-bac, OiidC.opyEdi10r

Ndalllpa-,ScaiorCopyBdilor 'I
cic:t ...... ProdKdoa~
l!rit ......, U - W ~

,-..........-,. • ..,...,.n,

'1ono & Fax (817) 57:l-8323°

. - - - - - . .<-,.7-olaJ,-....i.Sgft"

Dan Hunt of the band Dusthead rocks the house for a crowd of more than 100 people
at the February 18 $uffgJk Palooza in the C, Wa1$h Theatre.
The Su.ffol k Palooza
wa s a co ncert with a mi ssion, to rai se mo ney to bene fit children with AIDS . It
wa s organized by Chris
Fen ner and S teve Hun t,
cu rrently juniors ·a t Surfo lk. They came up with the
idea (or the Palooza sometime last semester. Through
their hard work and assistance from other o rganization s in the university they
were able to make th e
Palooza come to lire.
The Suffolk Paloo~a
was held la st Friday, Febru ary 18 in the C . Wal sh
Th ea tre . Three band s,
an d
cove r,
Ou sthcad, and Jigsaw, 11nd
two ~ccou stical acts, The
Man with No Band - Shawn
Mc Kinn o n. a nd Bowser

Br e nn a n, pe rfo r med for
mo re than fou.r ho urs of entert ai nm e nt. Mc Kin no n
started it all off with a mix
or country and rock , with
"duck and cover" following
with an ahernative style. of
mu sic . Next came Bowser
Brennan , th ey arc bt~Cs.
·boys throughou,t . Dustbcad
was the next ac t up, with
lo ud i-ockin, heavy metal
music . Jigs aw fini shed it
with rough and tumble rock
n' roll that pulsated througho ut the theatre. ·
Although the two
would have liked to sec
more people come , they
were pleased at the 150 plus
crowd that attended for a
cause of children with
AIDS . Over 500 dollars was
raised, accordin'g Assistant

Diret tor of Student Activi- Roger Fisk from "duck and
tics for Spec ial Programs , cover• said his band would
Jeanette Hixon .
fill in the empty spot .
The Paloo za wb
Hunt said it was a resupported hy _a number of quirement that bands had to·
studeni. 9rganizati0Qs -.nd have a Suffplk. student ill it
departin'ents. Tho se· wh0 for. them to pJay at t-he
·g~ve m~jor su.P~.? rt ~od Palooza. Another p~oblem
funds ,w e,e; Program Coun~ that Hunt and fenner were
cil, The Dean ot Students /able t9 fix quickly wa1 one
Office, He-,lth Services, deaun·g · With the li~ti_ .
Health Careen Club, The When the sound man
Sufolk Jc;nunal, and.Student s.h owed up be wu supposed
Government A1sociation~ to do the lights •• well, bu'l
•1 like to see the Suf- he did not know that. They
folk cpml!lunity pu_l to - bad to call in UOtber person
getber forauch a great char- at the last second to fill in.
ity, • Feilnei: com.pealed. Luckily a friend of Hunt and
Hunt explained that anotlter , Fenner. ;,.E rif , LaMonica ,
band aaJd they coald not came along to help ~with

play at the Palooza about the set-up, be fill..1 ill the
two weeb"befoi:e the event. hole thii the sound man ldt
and that lCfl a bole in their empty W:i tb the·
program. Three days later tecnician.

He flni...,;
..........- l i o p___.,.<11~

or Pelcr Gabriel's •. In
McKinnon claims is a
musical genius.

songs. tailored \
band includi'ni
Hammer's, Can't ;
Th is, Sn0op D

rhe Man With No Band


Shawn McKinnon
T. M. W. N: B.

one- man
wrecking abow. Shawn
McKinno,t'a debut u
"The Man With No
Band.. wu filled with
so ul.
McKi nno n 's
energy per'formaace
iqcl uded some of bi1
original tracks, co ver
songs and a medley that
got the audience on its"·
feet and pumped for the
remainder of the ·.
When he started
to play, the soft- spoken
but confident singer/
songwriter had to stopp/
due to overwhelming
crowd applau se and
bega.n agairl when the
roar started to subJide.
dedicited an origi nal
SOJ!g he wro.te for hi s
hero, "the only person
the · wort~ · ·I
{McKi n9on) can relate
to; Char lie· Brow n:"
Th rough o ut
thi s
comical, toe-tapping, . ,
knee -spanking song, ~
McKinnon ioqu'ircd,
" Ob Charlie, wby is
,__He_fbmbcd wi_lh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,
___ _

t-- ---,,emmned-hiffeadidOG..-a-medl~-f~10.,.p~4Q~,...,,,,.,,_.,_,.,.,.__,,,_,_.__;;:

Dan Hunt of the band Dusthead rocks the house for a crowd of more than 100 people
at the. February 18 Suffolk Palooza in the C. Wa1$h Theatre.
The Suffolk Palooza
was a concert with a mission, to rai se money to ben efit c hildren with AIDS . It
was orga ni2.ed by C hri s
Fenner and Steve Hunt ,

cu rren tl y juniors at S uffo lk. T hey came up with the
idea for the Pafooza SO,Dl.C·
time last semester. Through
their hard work and assistance from other organizations in the university they
were a bl e to mak e the
,Pa'.1&ota come to rue .
The Suffolk Paloo~a
was he ld last Friday, Febru ary 18 in the C. Wal sh
Theatre . Three bands ,
"du ck
a nd
Dusthead, and Jigsaw, and

two acco usticaJ acts, The
Man with No Ban·d - ShaiNn

M CK innon , and Bowse r

Brennan , performed for
more than four hours of cntcr ta i nm ent. M cK innon
started it all off with a mix

of cou ntry and rock , with
"duck and cover" fo llowing
wi th an alternative style of
music. Next came Bows,c r
Brennan . the y are blue s
boys throughout . Dustbead
wa s the ncll act up , with
lo ud rockin, heavy metal
music . Jigsaw fini shed it
with rough and tumble rock
n' roll that pulsated throughout the theatre.·
.Although the two
wou ld have liked to· sec
more peop le co me , they
were pleased at the 1SO plus
crowd that attended for a
ca use bf c hildren with
AIDS . Over 500dollars was
raised, according Ass istant

Director of Studen t Activities for Special Programs,
Jeanette Hixo n.
The Palooza w,as
supP9rtcd by. a 1;>.umbcr of
student organizations and
departments. Those wbQ
gave majoT supj>ort a nd
fund s were; Program CoU:1h
cit: The Dean o Students
Office, Health Services,
Health Careen Club, The
Sufolk. Journal, and Student
Government A1sociaition.
'"•1 lite to see the Suffolk community pull to ·get.her-for such a great char..ity; Fcnnei- Comrpented.
band said they could not
play at tbe Palooza about
two weeb before tbe event.
and that left a hole in their
program . Three days later

RogerFi sk from "duck and
cover" said his band would
fill in the empty spot .
Hunt said it was a re- ·
quiremcnt that bands had to
have -a Su.ffolk student !11 it
for them ·(o play at th e
. PaloOza . .A nother prol;,lem
~t.bat Hdn&-aQd FennefM
werC ...
able to fix quietly was one
dealing with the lighting .
When t he io uad- man
shoW~ up he was supposed
to do tbe lights as well, but
be did not know that. They
bad to call in another person
at tbe tasl ICCOnd to filf in .
Luckily a friend ~fHunt and
Fe nne r, Eri~ LaMonica,
came along to help o ut with
the set-up, be fi.Ued in the
bole thai the iound~man left
empty with the ligbtipg

of Peter Gabrj el's. In
Eyes ,
McKinnon claims is a
musical ~enius.

so ngs tailored to bis
band including MC
·Hammer's, Can'tTou'ch
Th is.·· Snoop poggy to








• T,







lhe Man With No Band
Shawh McKinnon
.T. M . W. N : B.

wrecking show. :Shawn
Mc KinnO,a' s debut as
.. The Man With No.
Band" was filled with
McK innon'•
energy performance
includc.d some of bis
original tracks , cover
songs and a medley that
got the audiCnce on its
feet and pumped for the
remainder of the ,
When he started
to play, the sofi-spotcn
but confident singer/
songwriter bad to stopp
due to overwhelming
crow d applaus·e and
began again when the
roar started to subside.
McKinnon .
dedicated an oriiinal
song he wrote for his
hero, .. the only person
in the worl d I
(McKinnon) can relate
to ; Charlie Brow n."
coniical, toe-tapping ,
tn ee •span lci ng song ,
McKi nnon inquired ,
"'Ob Charlie, why is
your head so_largcr
McKinnOJ:? also
cfinisbedwitli Doi's, Tag_ Team'• •
- -~.,,_.m, d-his-rendition- 1-~&dl..,_oLt.op....:4.0_Wiroomp Tbecc It h
of Peter Gabriel 's, In song• tailored .tQ bis and fi ni shing wi1h
who band iDcluding ~C Y.M.C.A.. bytheVillage
Mc Kinn op. claims is a Hammer's, Can 't Touch People, threatening not
musical genius .
This , Slioop Doggy to stop uDtil the

Dan Hunt of the band Dusthead rocks the house for a crowd of more than 100 people
at the February 18 Suffol~ Palooza in the C. Wa1$h Theatre.
The Suffolk Pa'ioza Bren nan. performed for
a concen with a mi s- more than four hours of en• to rais'c"tlloney to ben- tertainment. McKinnon
children with AIDS . It started it all off with a mi x
. organized by C hri s of co un:.ry and rock, with
ncr a nd Steve Hunt , "duck and cover" following
re ntly juniors at Suf- with an alternative style of
.. They came up with the mu sic . Nex t came Bowser
1 for the Palooza someBrennan , . they a!e- blu_
~ last scmCstcr. Through
boys througho ut . Dusthcad
r hard Wort and assis- was the next act up·, with
:c froni othCr otga ni za- loud, heavy metal
1 in the university they mu sic . Jig sa w fini shed it
:c able to, make th e with rough and tumbJe·fOck
>0za come to life.
. .., 'h'"l'oll that pullated throughThe Sllffolk Palat¥a out the theatre. ·
1 held last Friday, Feb·
Although the two
ry 18 in the C. ,Wal sh would have liked to sec•
~atrc . Three bapds , more people come, they
cove r,
were pleased at the 150 plus
ahead, and Jigsaw, and crowd thai attended for a
, acco u~tical ac ts, The c au se of c hildren with
n with No Band • Shawn AIDS . Over JOO dollars was
Kinn on , and Bowser • raised, according Assistant

Director of Student Activi tics for Special Program s.
Je anette Hixo n.
The Paloo za was
supported by a number of
student .organizations and
departments . Those wtiO
gave major suppo ~t ~nd
fund s were, Program Councit, The Dean of Students.'
Officci. Health Services ,
Health Careen Club, The
Su folk Journal, and Student
Government Association.
•1 like to see the Suffolk community pull to g,etber for auch a great charity, • Fe Doer Con:rmented .
Hunt explained that another ,
band said they could not

play at Ille Paloou about
two weeks before the event,
and that left a hole in their
program. Three days later

Roger Fisk from "duck and
cover" said his band would
fill in the empty spot .
Hunt said -it was a requircmcnt that bandS had to
have a Suffoik student ill it
for them to play a1 the
Palooza. Another problem .
that Hunt and Fenner :W..e,e
able to fix quickly waa one
dealing witlllhc lighting.
WJicn the sounl man
showed ,up be wu supposed
to do the lights II well, but
hC did not know that. They
had to call in another person
at .the last second to fill in.
Luckily i friend of Hunt and
pe·oaer., Brif LaMonic.a,
came aJOag to help out with
Ille set-up, be filled in Ille
hole that the sound man left
empty with the lighti,ng

au(licnce participated in
the traditional Y. dance.
He wu Jotncd for this
portioii.of the aCt by a
Motley Crew of dancers.
With only two years of

Featuring Suffolk
e_art-time student, Roger
Fisk, as lead si nger and
guitarist, "d uck and
origi n~I so ng s for an
apprecialin g audi'c nce.
John Farrington was on
bass/vocal s.
Th urston,
Bos ton
University. on guitar/
voca ls, and Geoff
Eckman, Northeastern
Uni~c rsi ty, was o n
drums. This band is big
time , their third album ,
• A Button and Switch for
Everything,~ is due out
next week, avail able at
Tower Records. "I 'm
glad to sec stuff like this
hapl)cning at this
L..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. __ _...;._ _.,.;;;;_..J ·commented.
He .

co 1
he l
a t
8 ,1

ba 1
th a
l 8i



..,_ _ _


The Man Wdh No Band
Shawn: McKinnon ·

F.........., 23, 1994

Suffolk student Hank
Brennan is a blues man .
Together with John V.
Bow se·r. a UMass
Amherst graduate, theY
" Bo wser and
Brennan, " a couple of
blues brothers with thC
" Oreo Cookie " and
"Beer Goggles" blues!
They · were n othing
s ho rt
of original.
Bow se r pl ayed guitar
and sang , as Brennan
playc~ the blues harp.
These guys fit together
li\:c han~ g'love when

·T. M . W N: B.
oaC - man
'"wrecking show. Shawn
McKinoo.n's debut as
.. The Mao With No
Band" wa.s filled with


McKinnon 's



energy pcrfortiancc
included some of bit _,
original tracks, cover
songs and a medley that

got the audience on iu
fee t.and pum·ped for the
remainder .of the
When he s tarted
to play, the soft-spoken
but confident si nger/
songwr.iter bad to stopp
due to overwhelming
crowd applau se and
began again when the
roar started to subside.

you look at them u a
blues act. Bowser is a
talented blues singer;
while Brennan is a top
no ~c h nfan o n the
harmcinica. These gays
performed their songs
with perfect rhythm and
so und . The crowd
wouhl not stop cheering
for these g'uys. The ·
comica l lyrics of
Bowser entertained the
crowd into a,
frenzy: These two were
a one of a kind blues


dedicated an original
song he wro te for his
hero, "the orily person
w o rld
(McKinnon) can relate
to; C harlie Bro wn ."
Througho ut
co mical . toe •tapping ,
kn Ge•spanking song,
McKinnon inquired ,
"Ob Charlie , why is
your head so large r'
1-- -~..,,,,-McK~o no~ .•!so
ed-h1s-Fend1bonof Peter Gabriel 's . In
Your_ Eyu ._
McKinnon claims 1s a
musical genius.

He finished with Dog' s, Tag Team's,
e- medley....of....t.o~aa..m1"T';~~~;
so ngs tailored to bis a nd finishing with
band including "1C Y.M.C.A.. ~ythcVillage.
Hammer's, Can 't To.uch People, threatening not
Thi s, Snoop Doggy to sto p until the

7l~~Toi~ITo~~-!,";;g~~~~~'---- - ---I-- -I-.Clust1u,ad=::;;;;;;;;jj::;;;w;;:;;;;i;;;;;:iµ;;;;:;2:i~;;jii;;;;~

duck c;1nd cover

m "duck and
band would

.y spot .\...
d it was a re•
bands had to
student ill it

play at the
her problem
Fenner were

:tJy waa one ·
the li1hliq1 . .
ou~d· 1 mad
Vu supposed
1'&1 well, but
w th1L The)'

aotber person

1 to fill In.
i,c:1poU1 with
fiUod in the .
und man left

he lightipg

Featuring Suffolk
part-time student , Roge r
Fi sk, as lead singer and
guitari st. " du ck and
o ri gi na l so ngs for a n
apprc cio.ti ng au d ience.
John Farrin gton was on
ba ss/ vocals.
· Thurs ton, ·
Bost0 n
Uni versity, o n g uit'ar/
voca ls. and Gc~ rr
Eckman , Northeastern
Universit y,
wa s o n
drums. Thi s band is big
time , their third album ,
"ABuuonand Switch for
Evcry t bing, • is due out
next week, availab le at
Towe r Reco rds . "I 'm
glad to sec stuff like this
happ en in g at
sc hool :


continued, "I'm g lad to
help out .• Thi s was a
loud band with class .
they wore suit and tics
o n s tage. Bo st o n 's
ve rsio n or "Tea rs for
Fea rs, " · but mil c h
lo uder. these guys were
a top notch band. The guitarist was from
B.U. a nd the g uy on
drum s
Northeastern. ExCCllcnt
music by a professional
band, definitely a bi nd
th a t should be o n a
stage in a club
somewhere in Boston .
And , they will be on
stage, tonight at Local
186. This was an
excellent all-around
band with great lyrics
and loud instruments.

.Ji. gsa. "l':V
Thi s
included two Suffolk
s tud ents .
Sm o lin sky, publicity
c hair for Program ,
Co uqcil o n· guitar and
vocals a nd Christina

:~s~;~~~~:~~:fr af:

crowd badd"windlcd by
the~ to about 50 plus.
It's too bad so malty
people went home ·
early. bec ause tbCy
missed a great ' band .
This was · the mos t


bo!! ~~
Prog ram Council. wh
"1r°pe rsonel. They were
s pecial tfic o nly band with a
pefto rm a nce with the fem a le and the only
ba nd as wcJI . To band with some sort of
comple ment them we re percussion instrument,
Sm o lin s ky' s brother if a keyboard counts as
Thomas on keyboard s a percussion . They
a nd
voca ls , Ri eb pe r formed
Murray o n bas s a nd following
songs ,
Nick Giamrdarinoon Slanty Math, KayJicvb,
drums. Jigs&w went on Incommunicado ,
late due to .the time it Commfortablc, Hotel
took for the sound man Hobbies, King of Pain.
and others to fix the ·and Bister, sung by
the Chri~tina Walsh. This
· Dus fhcad act, so ~be blftd wu




"'fhe " ari Wrth No Band
Shawn .McKinnon
. -.~

Suffolk stude nt Hank
Brennan is a blues man.
Together wi th John V.
Bo wser, a UMass
Amherst graduate, they
a rc
" Bow ser
Brennan ," a couple of
blues brolhcrs with the
" Oreo Cookie" a nd
" Beer Goggles" blues !
They were no thing
s hort
of o rigin al.
Bowser played g uitar
and sang , as Brennan
played the blues harp.
These guys fit together
like hand glove when

T. M : W. N : 8 .
w as



wrecking show. Sb&Wn
McKinno.n 's debut as

.. The Man With No
B'and" was filled with
McKinn o n's
energy performance
included some of bi •

original tracks, cover
songs and a medley that
got the audience on its
feet and pumped for the
remainder of th e
When be started
10 play, lhe soft-spoken
but confide nt si nger/
songwriter had to stopp
due to overwhelming
crowd app lau se and ,
bega n agai n when the
roar started to subside.

you look at them as a
blues act. Bowser is a
ta lented blues singer,
while Brennan is a top
notch man · o n the
harm Onica. These guys
performed their songs
with perfect rhythrii and ·
sou nd . The crow d
fo r these guys . The
comical lyric s of
Bowser entertained the
crowd into a laughing
frenzy. These two were
a one of a kind blues

Thi s band ·is
packed with talent. One
would bo plca santl )' .
s urprised to find ou t
th a t four of the five
members arc current
Suffolk students,
Drina.n o n guitaf and
vocals, Chris Fenner on
lead goiiar. StevC Hunt
on drums, and Dan Hunt·
on the bus, with Noel
Spada. as ' the lead
singer. Thaae guys
were really iockin' the
place with their heavy
· metal music. Jf there

dedicated an original
so ng he wro te fo r his
hero, " the onl y person
th e
world •I
(Mc Kinnon) can relate
to; C har lie Bro wn ."
thi s
comica l. toe- tapping,
knee -s p anking song,

Mc Kinnon inquire d ,
.. Ob Charli e, why is


your head so larger'
McKinno~ a lso
- -7>e>cform,ed-hi-5-f'eadidonof Pete r Gabriel 's . In
Mc Kinnon c lai ms is a
musical genius.

Hefiniabed with Dog 's, Tag - Team 's,
a-med le,-oLto.p:....AO_Whaomp.___.L\cu fl Ji
so ngs tailored to bis and fini shin g with
band including ~C Y.M.C.A . by the Village
Hammer's, Can 't Touclt People, threatening not
Thi s , Snoop Doggy to stop until the

audience participated in
the traditional Y. dance.
He was Joined for this
portion of the act by a
Motley Crew of dance rs.
With only two years of

e,i:pcricnce on the guitar
this guy was a terri(ic
opening a c t o r t e
Suffo lk Palooza.

duck and cover



Featuring Suffolk
pai-H ime student. Roge r
Fisk, as lead si nger and
guitarist, "d uc k a nd
o ri ginal songs for an
appreciating a udi e nce .
Joh n Farringto n was on
ba ss/v 'o cal s.
Da na
Thurs to n.
Unive rs ity. on gui tar/
voca ls . and Geoff
Eckma n, No rth eas t~rn
Unive rsi ty.
was on
drum s. This band is big
time , their third album ,
·ABuuon andSwitchfor
Everything. · is due out
next week, avai l~bl c at
Tower Record s. •1 ' m
glad 10 sec stuff like this
a1· thi s
school, •
Fi s k

continued, •I'm glad to
he lp out ." This was a
loud band with class.
they wore suit and ties
o n s ta-ge . Boston's
version of "Tears for
Fears." but mu c h •
louder. these guys were
a 1o p notc h band . The
lead\ t uitarist was from
B. U. a nd the g uy on
Northeastern . Excellent
music by a professiona l
band , definitely a band
th at sho uld be on a
s tage
in a c lub
somewhere in Bos to n.
A,-d:- thcy will be on
stage, tonight at Local
186 . Thi s was an
excellent a ll -a round
band with grcai lyrics
and loud instruments.

Thi s
included two Suffolk
s tudent s,
S mo lin sk y, publicity
chair for Pr ogram
Counc il on· guitar .and
vocals . a nd Chris tina
Wal sh. perlormirig' arts·
and lectures chair fo r
Prog ram Council , who
ti'a d
s pecia l
performance with the
ba nd as we !J. To
com plement the m were
Smoli ns ky 's br ol hcr
Thomas on keyboard s
Murra y o n bass and
Nick Giammarin oo n
drums. Jigs8w went OD
late due to the time it
took for the sound man
and o the rs to fix the
Dus fbcad act, so tbc

cfOWd had dwindled by
then to about 50
It'.s too bad so many
people went home
early, bec a use · they
missed a great band .
This was th e most
divc(Se band , both in
in s truments
pcrso nel . They wcrC
the o nly band with a
fe male a nd the o nl f
band with some sort of
pcrcussio n ➔ n st rum c nt ,

if a kcybOard counts as
a percussion. They
so ngs ,
Slanty Math, Kaylievh,
Incommunic a do ,
Commfortable, Hotel
Hobbies, King of. Pain,
and Easter, s ung by
Christina Walsh. This
band wu exceptional .

arOund I
HUi'lt 011
fant as t
bro thc !
wo ndc1
time on
until · tl
do wn.
and S~
'great s
some 1
fans cai
of the 1
... mod




lne Man With No Band
-Shawn McK.ir1noh

Suffolk studC nt Hank you look at them as a
Brennan is a blues man. blues act. Bowser is a .
Together with John V. talented blues si nger,
BOwse r, a UMass while Brennan is a top
Amherst graduate. they notch mll n• o n the
arc "Bowser anMarm ci nica. These guys
Brennan," a couple· or performed their songs
blues brothers with the with perfect rhythm aod
'' Oreo Cookie .. and sound . The crowd
"Beer Goggles.. blues! would not stop cheering
They were nothing for these guys. The
s hort
of original. comical lyrics of
Dowser played guitar Bowser entertained the
and sang. as Brennan
played tbc blues harp.
These guys fit together
like hand glove when

T. M. W. N : !).




one-ma n

wreckini. shoW. · Shawn
McKinnOJl 's debut as
"The Man - ilh No
Band" was filJcd with
so ul.
Mcltinnon 's
energy performance
included some of bit
original tracks, cover
song.s and a medley that
lot the audicnCC oq its
feet and pumped for the


Ftbnw,: 23, 19!14

. •

When he started

play, the soft-spoken
but co nfident si nger/
songwriter bad to stopp
due to overwhe lm ing
crowd applause and
began again when the
roar started to subside.

This· band is
packed with ta.lent. One
wou ld be pleasantly
surprised 10 find out
that four of the five
members arc current
Suffolk students, Kevin
Orinan, on guitar· and
v~a~s. Chris J:c~ncr on
lead guitar, Steve Hunt
on.drums. and Dan Hu.nt
on the bus, with Noc;l
.' Sj,ada · as • the lead
singer. These g u,y s
were really.r0Ckio' the
place with their' bcavy
m~tal music. If there
were wi~dowa id the
theatre, they may have

dedicated an o riginal
song he wrote for his
hero ... the only person

(McKinnon) can relate
to ; Char lie Brown ...
comical , ioc- 1appi ng,
l::ncc-spanl::ing song,

McKinnon inquired,
.. Oh Charlie, wby is


your head so large?"
McKinno'? Abo
- -~·rformcd-his-ffDditionof Peter Gabriel 's. In
McKinnon claims is a
usical genius.

L- ~ , - . . i


Hefiniahedwitb Dog's, Tag Team's, audience participated in .experience on the guitar,,.•~I~•~ccu<~'/~t~/L,_ ;,,;...::..::.dctio;.::." "' dance . this guy was a terrific
th • tra : i:;.,: • al Y.
songs tailored to his and finishing with He was Joined fortliis opening ac t or t e
band including MC Y.M.C..4. by the Village portion of the act by a Suffolk Paloou.
Hammer's, Can • Tou'cli People, threatening not Motley Crew of dancers .
This . Snoop Doggy to s top , until the With only two years of

duck-and cover


Featuring Suffolk
part-time student. Roger
Fisk. as lead singer and
guitarist ... duck and
origi nal so ngS for an
appreciatin g audic11cc,
John Fariington was on
ba ss/voca ls.
Thur s ton.
Bos ton
Unive rs it y. on guitar/
vocals. and Geoff
Eckman , North eas te rn
Unive rsi ty.
was on
drum s. Thi s band is bi g
time. their third album,
Everythin g: is due out
next week. available at
Tower Records . "I 'm
glad 10 sec stuff like this
happening ac
thi s
school. "
commen ted .

continued , "I'm glad to
help out. • Th'is was a
loud band with class.
they wore suit and tics
on s tage . Bost on's
\'C rs ion of "Tears for
Fe ars. '' but much
louder. these guys .were
a top notch band. The
·tc ad gu ita ris t wa s from
B.U. and the guy on
drum s
fr om
Northeastern. Excellent
mu sic by a professional
band , definitely a band
that s hould be on a
stage in a cl ub
somewhere in Boston.
And, they wi ll be on
stage. tonight at Local
186 . This was an
excellen t all-around
band with great lyrics
and loud instruments.

included two Suffolk
Smolinsky. publicity
chair for Program
Cou nci l on· guitar and
vocal s and Christina
Wal sh. pCrfonninians
and lect ures chair for
Program Council. wh9'
s pecia l
performance with th e
band as we! I. To
co mpl ement them were
Smoli nsky's brother
Thomas on keyboards
and voca ls. Rich
Murray on bass and
Nick Giammarinoon
drums. Jigsaw went on
late due to the time ir
took for the sound man
and others to fix tbe
Dus~head. act , so -the

crowd had dwindled by
then to about 50 plus.
It's too bad so many
people went home
early. because they
missed a great band .
This was the ~OSI
diverse band. both in
persoQ,el. They were
the only band with a
femaie and the o nly
band with some sort of
percussion instrument,
if a keyboard counts as
a percussion . They
Slanty Math, Kaylievh,
Commfortable, Hotel
Hobbie,, King of Pain,
and Easter, sung by
Christina Walsh. This
band wu exccptionaJ.

around the stage. Steve
HUnt on the drums was
fantastic, while hi s
brother Dan was a
wo nd er on the bass.
Fenner had a'
time on the lead guitar
until the amp· broke
down. While Orina n
and Sp~da gave · the
great sound -or music
.some me&ning with
lyrics. During thei r
,performance a mob of
fans ca{llc to the front
of the stage and began
• ... moshing. This band
wu totally in sync.and
showed extraordinary

Suffolk st udent Hank you look at them u a
Brennan is a blues man. blues act. Bowser is "a
Together with John V. talen ted blues si nger,
Bowse r, a UMas s while Brennan is a top
Amherst graduate, they not c h man o n t he
" Bowser
a nd harm onica. These guys
Brennan ," a couple of perfo rmed their songs
blues brotl}ers wi th the with pe rfect rhythm and

"Oreo Cookie " and sou nd . The crowd
"Beer Goggles" blues! would not stop cheering
They were nothing for these guys. The
of original. comical lyrics of
Bowser played gui tar Bowser entertained the
and sa ng. as Brennan

CTO\li!d into a la ughi ng

played the blues harp .
These guys fit together

fre nzy. These two were
<!. one of a ki nd blues

like ·hand g love when

· Thi s band is
packed with tale nt. One
would be pleasantly
surp rised to find ou t
that four of the five
members a rc c urrent
Suffolk students, Kevin
Drinan on g ui tar and
vocals, Chris Fenner on
lead iuitar, Steve H~nt
on drums , and Dan Hunt
on the bass, with Noel
- spada as t'hC le ad

s, aud!cnce partici pated in experience on the guitar
the traditional Y. dance. this g uy was a te rrific
e was Jome forilii s o pen in g act fo r t c
gc portion of the act by a Suffolk Palooza.
ot Motley Crew of dancers.
le With only IWO years o f

around the stage. Steve
Hunt on the drum s was
fa nt a-stic, while hi s
brother Dan wa s a
wonder on the bas s .
Fe nn er had a ldckin '
time on 1he lead guitar
·until th e a mp bcoke
doWll. Whil e · Dr inan .
and Spada gave th C
great sound of music·
some meaning with
lyrics . During their
performance a mob of
fans came to the fron1
of the stage and ~$~
.. . moshing. This blnll
was totally i n sy nc and
showed extraordinary

duck.and cover
'- Featuring Suffolk
parH imc s1uden1, Roger
Fisk. as lead singer and
gu i1ar is1, "duck and
cove r:·
orig i nal so ng s for an
appreciating audience .

continued, • I'm g lad 10
he lp out .• This was a
loud band with c lass.
they wore suit and 1ies
o n s tage . Bost o n 's
ve rs ion o f "Tears for
Fe a rs." but mu c h

~~~":: .:~;ron BWE:~~ :::;;::;~:~~:/~:{: ~1

Univer si t y. o n guitar/ B.U. and th e guy o n
vocal s. an d G eo ff dru ms
wa s
fr o m
~c~man,'. Northea 5 ie~n .. ~onheastern. Exce ll ent
n i versn_y.
wa s,,· o n music by a pr~ fcssional
d.rum s. ,This band i!" big band. definitely a band
~ime , thei r third album, thal should be o n a
A Bunon and Switch fo r s tage
in a c lub
Everything .· i$ due out somewhere in Boston .
next week. availab le at And, they will be o n
Tower Records . "I ' m stage. tonight at Local
glad to sec stuff like this 186 . This was an
h appenin g at
t hi s excellent a ll •around
sc hoo l,·
Fis~ band with great lyrics
comme nted .
He and loud instruments.

include d two S uffo lk
stud e nts ,
Smo lin sky. publicity
chai r • fo r Program
Counc il o n guitar and
voc al s and C hri st ina
Walsh. pe rforming arts
and lectures c hair for
Program Council . who
's pecial
pe rfo rm ance with the
band as wel l. To
complement them we re
Smo li nsky 's br o ther
T homas o n keybo ards
Ri c h
Murra y o n ba ss and
Nick Giammar i noon
drums . Jigsaw went on
late due to the time it
took for the sound man
and others to fix the
a mp
durin g
Dustbead act, so the

crowd had dwindled by
then to about SO plus.
It 's too bad so many
peo pl e went home
ea rl y. because th ey
mi ssed a great band .
T h is was t he mos1
dive rse band. both in
pcrso ne l. They were
the o nl y band wi th a
female and the on ly
band with some sort of
perc ussion inst rument,
if a keyboard cou nts as
a percussi o n. They
so ngs ,
Slanty Math, Kaylievh,
Commfortable , Hotel
Hobbies. King of Pain,
and Easter, sung by
Chri stina Walsh. This
band was exceptional.

Jigoaw, piocing"IOglllM,ra g,aat

perlooriance 11.,. _





Tllls ,

F,b.,....,. 23, 1994

S~ffolk s tudent ·Hank
Brennan is a blues man
Togethe r with John
Bo wser. a UMass
Amherst graduate. they
"Bowse r and
Brennan ," a couple of
blues brothers with the
"Oreo Cookie" and
"Beer Goggles" blues!
They were nothing
s hort
of orig inal.
Bowser played guilar
and sa ng, as Brennan
played the blues harp.
These guys fit together
like hand glove . .,..hen


you look at them as a
blues act. Bowser is a
talcn1~d blues singer,
whi le Brennan is a topnot c h man o n th o
harmoni ca. These guys
performed their songs
with per(ect rhythm and
sou nd . The crowd
would not stop cheering
for the se guys . The
comica l lyrics of
Bowser entertained the
crowd into a laughing
frenzy. These two were
a o ne of a kind blues

Thi s band is aroUnd the stage. Steve
packed with talent. One Hunt on the drum s was
woi.lld be pleasantly fantastic .. while his
surprised to find out brother Dan was a
thai four of the five wonder o n the ba ss.
members a rc current Fenner had a kickin '
Suffolk students, Kevin time o n the lead gu it ar
D.rinan on guitar and until the amp br.ok e
vocals, Ch ri s Fenner on down . W.hile Drinan
and S pada gave the
great sound of mu sic
on the bus, with Noel so me mean i ng with
~Spada as "
thA lead lyrics. During their
s inger. These guys performance a mob of
were really ' the fans came to the front
place with their heavy of the stage and began
metal music . If there ... moshing. This band
was totally in sync and
showed extraordinary



performing lhe YMCA


ed in
by I

Cllpcricncc on the guitar
this guy was a terrific
opening act for t c
Suffolk Palooza.




Arlene 5antlago rep<esa1tslg I
· Special Programs Jeanelle·Ho
Student AdiVlles Oonna,Sd"!j
off°"" ol lhe condof!I pins glvj
.GuitaoaWocallst watt,g far hi!
the Palooza, .(left to rl!;lt) Su
Club, Darlene 6antlago; Jeanet

SGA Freshman Repr!"""taitv,

rs of

ind C0\48r
ffolk co'irtin ucd, ~I 'm glad 1

togcr he lp o ut. ~ This was a
r and loud band with class.
and they wore s uit and tics
·med on s tage . Bo s ton 's
version of "Tears for


mu ch

is on lo uder. these guys were
)ana a top noich band . The
S I On

le;id gu1 1a1:,ist was from

itar/ B .U . and th e guy on
1 ff drum s
wa s
fr om
He rn Nor~hcastcrn . Exccl~Cjll
mus ic by a profevito nal •
s big band, definitely 'a band
bum, that s h o uld be on a
b for stage
in , a club
! OUI somewhere in Boston.
le at And, they will be on
'I'm stage, tonight at Local
:this 18"6. This was an
I his excellent all-around
Fisk band with great lyri,cs
He and loud instruments.

Thi s
inc luded two Suffolk
s tudents ,
Smo li ns ky, pub licity
c hair for Pr o gram
Co un cil on guitar a"nd
vocal s and C hristina
Wal sh. performing ans
and lectures chai r fo r
Program Council. who
spec ial
pe rforman ce with !he
band as well. To
co mplement them were
Smolinsky 's brolhc r
Th omas o n keyboard s
voca ls.
Murray o n ba ss and
Nick Giammarinoo n
drums. Jigsaw went on
late due to the time it
took for the so und man
and others to fix the
Dus~bc ad act , so the

crowd had dwindled by
then to about 50 plus.
It 's too · bad so many ·
people went home
ea rl y, beca use t he y
mi ssed a great band .
T h is was th e most
diverse band . both in
i nstr um ents
perso nel. Th ey were
the onl y band with a
female a nd th e on ly
band with some sort of
percuss ion instrument,
if a keyboard counts as
a perc uss io n. They
follow in g
Slanty Math, Kaylievh,
Incommuni ca do,
Commfortablc, Hotel
Hobbies. King of Pain,
and Easter, sung by
Christina Walsh. This
band was exceptional.


[)grN 8cltmlcl






9"aw's5upernatca. Norwood


lhe. This special

Pullout section c


February 23, 1994

Surfotk s tudent H ank

you look 111 them as a

Brennan is a blues man .

blues act . Bow5c r is a
1alcntcd blues si nger,
while Brennan is a top

Together with John V.

Bow se r, a UMass
Amherst graduate , they



Brennan," a coup le of
bluc;s brothers with the
"Oreo Cookie" and
"Beer Goggles" blues!
T hey were no thin g
s ho rt
o f origina l.
Bowse r pt ,ycd guitar
and sa ng, as Brennan
played the blues harp .


n otch m an o n the
harmonica. These guys
performed their songs
with perfect rhythm and

so u nd . T he c rowd
would not stop cheering
for the se guys . The
comica l lyrics of
Bowser entertained the
c rowd into a laughing
frenzy. T hese two were
a one of a kind blues

Thi s ba nd is
packed with talent. One
would be p leasantly
s urpri sed to find o ut
th at four of the five
me mb e rs are cu rre nt
Suffolk s tudents, Kevi n
Dri'nan on g ui tar and
vocals, Chris Fenner on
lead guitar, Steve Hunt
on drums, and Dan Huril
on the bass. with Noel
....-Sj,ada as · the lead
singer. These guys
were really n' the
place wjlh their heavy
metal music . If there
were wi ndowa in the
theatr,c, they may have


around the su1,ge. Steve
Hunt on the drums was
fantastic , wh il e hi s
brother Dan was a
wonder o n th e bass .
Fe nner had a ldckin '
tim e o n the lead guitar
unti I th e a mp broke
down . Whil e Drinan
and Spada gave th e
great sound of music
so me meaning with
lyrics . Durin g the ir
performance a mob of
fan s came to the front
of the stage and began
... moshing. This band
wu totally in sync and
showed extraordinary

Arkin• Santiago repreaentlng"Health Services Club al I

SpeciaJ Programs J!>al18ll8 Hixon holding flowers lltve;

Student Activities Donna Sctupidl. (center).
o11 one of the conQ()m p1n, g1yen away a1 the 'paJooia.
.GuitartsWocallst waiting fo, his time1o go on stage will
the Palooza, (left lo right) SUffol< Journal Edltor•ln-C
Club, Darlene'Sanllago, Jeanelle Hixon, President of Pr
SGA F~man _
Rep,esentative Kata Parke<:
·· ·


;lad to
was a

1d ties
ston' s
rs for
s were
J. Th e
uy o n
1 band
, On a
c l ub
os ton .
be on
lS an
ro und

Thi s
b and
inc lud ed 1wo Suffolk
s t udents.
S mo lin s k y, pub l icity
c hair fo r Prog ra m
Co un cil on guitar and
vocals and C hri s tin a
Walsh. arts
and lec tures c hair for
Program Council. who
s pecial
performance with the
band as well. To
complefll..e nt the m were
Smol in sky's brother
T homas o n keyboards
a nd
Ri c h
Mu rray o n bass and
Nick Giamma rin oon
drums . Jigsaw went on
late due to the time it
took for the sound man
and o thers to fix the
a mp
durin g
Dustbead act , so t he

crowd had dwindled by
then to about 50 plus.
It 's 100 bad so many
peo pl e wen t h ome
early. beca use t hey
missed a grea t b8nd .
T h is was the mo s t
di ve rse band. bot h in
in stru ments
pe rso nt l. They we re
the onlY band wi th a
fema le a nd th e on ly
band with some sort of
perc uss ion inst rument.
if a keyboard counts as
a pe rcussio n . They
th e
fo ll o wing
so ngs,
Slanty Math, Kaylievh,
Inc ommun i cado.
Commfortable, Hotel
Hob'bics, King
Pain .
and E as ter, sung by
Chri stina W,alsb. This
band was exceptional.



DYtNln<ln • .,,,nodQlds . ·._ Toal~:



W8-ll<e l




• Dia, Nancy Slol.

and the bonds,





~KanWl .



Stephen Hunt l

.eeraec.- Norwood


This special pullout section of the Suffol< Journal wa,

February 13, 19.k

Suffo lk st ud ent Ha nk
Bre nnan is a blues man.
Together with John V.
Bowser. a UM ass
Amh e rs t graduate, they
a rc
" Bo wse r and
Brennan / ' a cOuple of
blµc s brothers with the
" Oreo Cookie" and
"Beer Goggles" blues!
They were nothing
s ho rt
of o rigina i.
Bo wser played guitar
and sang, as Brennan
played the blues harp.
These guys fit together
like hand glove when

you look at them as a
blues act. Bowser is a

harm onica. These guys
pe rfo rmed their songs
with pc_
rfcct rhythm a nd

so und . The c r'owd
would not stop cheering
fo r the se g uys . The
co mi ca l lyrics of
Bowser entert~i nc_ the

Thi s

is around the stage. Steve
Hunt on the drum s was
fa nt as ti c, wh i le his
br o th e r Dan was a
wo nd e r o n th e bass .
Fenn er had a ki c kin '
time on the lead guit ar
Drin a n o n guita r and unti l th e a mp brok e
vocals, Chris Fe nne r on d ow n. Whil e Drin a n
le ad gu itar, Steye Hunt a nd S pad a gave t he
on drum s. and Dan Hunt gre at sound of music
on the bass , w;th Noel so me mea nin g with
- s p ada as lhi le ad lyric.t. During the ir
.tinger. These guy s performance a mob or
were really ' the fan s came to the (font
place with their heavy of the stage and began
metal music . If there ... moshing. This band
wa.t totally in sync and
showed ,extri.ordinary

'- Thi s
band crowd had dwindled by
included tw o Suffolk the n to about 50 plus.
s tud e nts ,
J o hn It' s too bad so many
S mo li ns k y. publicity pe o pl e we nt ho me
c hai r for Pr o gram ea rly, beca use they
Council on guitar and missed a grea t band .
voca ls a nd Ch ris tina T hi s was the mos t
Walsh. perfo rming am diverse ,band. bC?,.tb. in
and ICct ures c hair fo r inst rum e nt s
a nd
Pro8, raf1} Council . wh o pe rso ne l. Th ey were
a • s pec ia l th e o nly ba nd with a
per fo rm a nce with the fe ma le and th e o nly
ba nd as we ll. To band with some sort of
comple ment them ~ rtt _ percussion ,Lnstrume nt,
Sm o lin s k y's btOth e r if a keyboard counts as
Tho mas o n keyb
"bards a perc uss io n. Th e y
a nd
voc al s.
Rich pe rform ed
Mu rra y o n •ba ss and foll o wing
so ngs,
Nick Gi a mm a rin oo n Sl anty Math, Kaylievb,
drums. Jigsaw went on In c o m mun i c ad o.
lat~ due to the time it Commfortable, Hote l
took for the sound man Hobbies , King of Pain,
and others to fix the and Baster, sung by
the Christina Walsh. This
Dusthead act , so the band was exceptional.




ief!) ·

Arlene Santlago representing
~ices Club al the
Special PrQgrams Jeanette Hixon holding flowers given to her by Palooza ~
Student Aclivtties Donna Scl]midl. (c;ente<)
. ~ of t h e ~ • ~ Ame
off one of the condom pois given away al the P!llpoza. (upper right\
• Program C
.GuitarisWocaJlst wailflg fo, his 1lmll to go on stage with.a few of
girl-. (abo
the Palooza, (left to right), Suffolk Journal Editor-In-Chief V. Gocdon Glenn, Ill,
Club, Darlene Santiago, Jeanette Hixon, President of Program Council·C&ndl Tuplln, ,
SGA Freshman Reinesentative Kate Par1!ef.





Ibo "Nin @em ·-.aOJis

To au iivolved:
We WOUid lb to extend our

Dama Sdrricl

and the ~ wfthou1 your support this
ovenl would not be posslblel See you at

oa.. ..... Slllwal


~ T h a n k s to the audience



Arlene Sriago

~ Hunt & Chris Fenner



Nol People with AIDS

9Bw'sS!JpermartCIII. Norwood

l h e -.
This special pullout section of the Suffoll: Journal was designed arid produced





you look at them as a

blues act. Bowser is a
1alcn tcd bl ues singc·r,

While Brennan is a top
n o tc h man o n the
harm oni ca. These guys
perfor med 1hcir sO
with p~rfcct rh ythm and

so und .

T h:


would not Slop cheering

for theu gu ys. T he
co mi ca l lyric s of
Bowser entertained the
crowd into a laughi ng
f renzy. These. t wo were
a o ne of a ki nd blues

T h is ba nd i s
packed wi th talent. O ne
w o u ld be p le asa ntly
su r pri se d to fi nd o u t
t hat fo ur of th e fiv e
members arc c urrent
Suffolk studen ts , Ke vin
Orina n o n g ui tar a nd
vocals, Cbris Fe nne r on
lead guitar, Steve Hunt
on drums, and Dan Hunt
on the bas, , F th Noel
- s pada as the lead
s in ger. The s e g uy s
were reall y rocki n' the
pl ace with their heavy
meta l mu s ic . If there

rock video with Fenner
and Da n Hunt jumping

crowd il,ad dwindled by
the n .to about 50 plus.
It' s too bad so ma ny
pe o p le we nt home
ea rly, bec a us e t hey
mi ssed a g reat band .
T h i s w as th e mos t
di verse ba nd. both in
in s trum e n ts
a nd
pe rso nCI. Th e y we re
th e only b" nd - with a
f e ma le an d th e o nl y
band with some sort of
pe rc ussion inst ru me nt, :-:,; _
if a keyboard counts ~ ,..
. a pe rc uss i o n . The)'
pe rf o r med
t he
fo ll owing
so n gs .
Slanty Math. Kaylievh,
In c o m m un icado ,
t Commfortable , Ho tel
HobbiCs , King of Pain ,
and E ■ s t e r, s ung by
C hristi na Wals h. This
band was eK~~tional.

around the stage. Sieve
Hunt on the drums was
f a n tas ti c , while h is
bro th e r Dan was a
wo nd er o n t he bass .
Fenn er had a k i ckin '
tim e on lhc lead guit a r
unt i l th e a m p brok e
d o wn. Whil e Drin a n
a nd Spad a ga ve t.he
grea t sound of mu s ic
so me me ani n g w ith
ly rics . D uri ng the ir
performance a mob of
fans ca me to the front
of the stage a nd be gan
.. . moshing. T his band
was totall y in sy nc a nd
showed ,e xtraordinary

left) .

~ i


Arlene Santiago representing Health Se!vices Cl~b at the.Palooza. (~pper
Dlrectoi ~udenl ~
Special Programs ~ Hixon holding fiowefs given to her by Palooza organizers, being congratulated by·DI
Stu - t Activities Donna.Schrpldt. (center) . ·!'•.~ ident oi the ,8\Jffol<'.•~
Aineilcan ~ !(art Wllfiem
of ihe condom pins given away at the Palooza. (upper right) • Program CoUf)cll, PubllcltytCtlalV and
,GuitarisWocallst waimg fo, his time to go on
wllh:a few,if'llls girlfriends. (abov& left)
i few people who I
the Palooza, (left to right) Suffolk Journal Editor-In-Ch~
Gordon Glenn, Ill, Arlene Santiago of lhe Health
Club, Darlene Santiago, Jeanette Hixon, President of Program Council Candi Tuplin, SGA Treasurer Erika Christ~
SGA Freshman Representative Kate ·Parker. . ·





these guys in the fut ure
they arc going to go a
long way in the music
ind ustry. •1 _;


. . . . . . MID;



•wsue. """80lat,, Mice et,t,e,

Toatt Involved:
We -.Id like to,exleruw,ut
· appraciatlon. ·Thanks to the audi
and the bands, without your suppon this




'John ~ ,nj Michel Ra

~ l b l e l See you at





• -Savloas, """80lat,, Ma

Sl8pherl Hunt & Ctlrls Fenner



-C■raers cu,



Not People with AIDS, .


• SUllolc P0lce

~-.,....~.,.,_..,_...., i . • ~,inlOOWll'lorfllngilal~


-,p,,t andtn:lsnadp


Th is special pullout section of the Suffolk Journal was dealgned ~nd produced

. mnJle


tly Gary Zerola and Kavin Lomb<


Tbe-i-=:: w....,,.l'llnay23,
Wake up SGA, Wake up!: 8% is -great-with Jim
!:°~~~~:=-~:~aht~ra:r:~ !:.~:,.~~..~

''.Les B ttafiJ .
oco" and the drama

that surrounded th



·»y - - - thln:s~ ou!


Thc llindoobu,g.
lbe 'San francisco Eanhquake. Buuufuco
Most lj.kely you haven' t
Buttafuoco." Doi;a"t worry ,
very f~ out there did. What
is_it? Why is it ~•led among
thole other d i ~ ? Well...
"Lei Buuafuoco" 1taned
out u a project for a lbeatre
Arts class, 1 ,hon play b&SM
on the Amy fiaber story. We
enjoyed doing il so much
that I got the idea to do it
again, ttu, time for the entire
school. Not everyone in the

fououy. M•ybo oone of lh,t
would have helped 1111yway,
maybe ii just wasn'1 mcant 10
Al Of! the stage. woodering how I was going to
explai~ ii to the ,rew people
who did come by Co sec the
lhoW, 1 felt disappointment,
frustration, and a little anger,
mostly at myself.
I did learn 1omethin1,
though, and learning i1 what
we all came to Suffolk to do.
I learned lhaienthusiasm isn't
enough to do the things we
most want to do. To achieve
what we set out to do we have

cast wu formed, and a date

~:r::r~ smarter rather than
Lea.ming is doing. In Of•

th th

; ~ : e r = wi
e C. ~=tt?-J;;li~lhcre
But it didn't quite come
off u planned. We couldn'l story, and try to understand
get evc,yonc togc:thcr r°' re- what it's about, or study an
hcarsals~the Oyen didn't go equation to understand bow
upuntilthedayoftheperfor- it works. It's not enough to
mance. On the day or the simply read the story. or to
show, the casf wasn't com- plug in the numbers, you
plete, no audience had ar- have to commit yousclf to
rilicd, and enthusiasm was the acnr lcaming.
dying_. ~
And clc>lag tlili,gs also in•

Arlene San~iago representing Health Services Club at the Paloozil. (~pper left) Assistant QJ{_ector of Student Activities for
Spec~I Pr~rams Jeane~ Hixon holding flower~ given to her by Palooza organiZe~. belr:ig congratulated by Director of
Student Activities Oonna\Schmldt. (center)
Pr_ ~ident of the ~µffolk's~lan American Assoc1ation Kert Williams shows
off one of the condom pins given away at the Palpeza. (upper right)
• Program Couilcil ,P· bllclty Ohait and Jigsaw
Gurtarist/Vocallst waiting for his time to go on stage with a few of his girlfriends. (aboveJeft}
a few people who attended
the Palooza, (left to right) Suffolk Journal Editor-In-Chief V. Gordon Glenn, Ill, Arlene Santiago of the Heatth Careers
Club,.Darkffle Santiago, Jeanette Hixon, President of Program Council Candi Tuptin , SGA Treasurer Erika Christenson, and
SGA Frestlm~ Representative Kate Parker.


~:c~;.:~ ~:::



Jaeneiett,j,r, llcrnlSctmicl


Clay! CUltia .



Shawn McKmon

Services, 8l9l)<ICialy Margaret


• Al lhe talds that appied





Th is special pullout secUon of the Suffo~ Journal was designed and produced~ Gary Zerola and Kevin Lombardi.


All in' all, this

twtion ia-



e with that fai~urc.
ln the fu~_r. w~ll I

: ~~ko


'?' to



crall. A ncW off",cc i1 being
constructed Just · oilluide
• THROW Pll.:LOWS! Boise, Idaho. .JJ'b.i1011fbtto
Have you ever sat on that give cm' a chance 'to keep
hard leather couch in Preli- bcU.c;r in touch with their '
dent Sirrgent° s office? ~ constituenc)' ,
limped for days. A Univer-

v !,e~

will. (Yeah, I know what I

~tn': :~::i':t:i~~=~:g:

Forget .the· Stiqktp1 eleva-


0~ ; ' : n : - : : : : :

the library the option of blinking .
Go from
studying or napping.
~:b:~; - . ~ , ~
Cooccrncd about what kind

&poet installation any day




Graduale Student

By N.E. Eacobar

Bria Moore





Ooi h, they deserve it.
They' II be wort.ins I lot
harder DU.t year spcodinf

' ' I t ~----'.IBill Cosby. "Clint
Cfystal's .r iio~ t o
He's very," Emtwood.
very funny." He's got that gooe?lguea Ille."
subtle sense Icion'tknow
Marina Soldalol



SOA i• just being
aouijpportiq:it. ObviouslY
they are •out of touch with
the 11udcat ·body, who u I
writds linia1 up cqedy to
PIY lbc GOIC. I cu

· --.,;;""".....----ccc:c
•~::.u.AIJJB..1LA1m......l!ll1x.J1AR<'-""ll..lllLls' -- ~

tributioo program would
bring comfon and durabil-


_ _ .,cu ___ .,,.,,....., i




''Beavis and

• Healh ca-. aw

- ~ NorMlod

SHU1TLE! This will bria,
Suffolk 'rocketing' into the
new millermh1m. By 2006
we abould have cWKI oa
Salum and 1paccwalb instead of Astronomy labs.
Th.ii cup, ta solve our of.
f,cc 'spKe' beadacbea. llllt
let Crimi~~ orbit ctu.,..
iag activities periods.

Wl:i_o do you thi_ k shouJd host the Oscars?






Not People with AIDS

= . ran~~;.

224: Wi.nnin1 . the
Yellow Wed1ie in Trivial
It upsets me that SOA PunENu,
_ - - Nov et, of
0 997 • ..,.
voted 17-3 against supportingl.his tuitionhike. C' mon, William Ooldiaill,
guys! Let 's ,top Jivin1 in
SGA-landforaboutfivemin- 43Cli in five ycan and How
utes and travel home to to get away with iL
Earth. In a recent SUffolk
poll 94'li of the 1tudent1
poilcd believed that tbc 1u: QUARTERS! Everyone

eJ[tra dough come ncu.J ear.

continued oo page IO


~ ~ = T 1 4 ) 1 n,

Stephen Hunt & Chris Fenner


. Such
CIN 192: Rhetorical Pro- · ton.

Y°'•·L;o!~:.y:; ~:~:t:.i,: :::,e : i : ~ ;· ~n:.: :::a:.-:p:Tu:e:: . :~:t~:v.~i\y siftcc laser


said at the time!) Because,




=~=: ;~



Voices of Suffolk

•WSFR, '~



8Cli I'll be paying ncitt year

d'odn'l ·· "• lhc n·,c of
trying 10 put on '"Les
Buuafuoco .. I would have
n ved mysd.f the feeling of
failure when it didn't happen. But I would _
~ve lost
- •

or any of a number of other

Td atrtnvotved:
We woulcMik8 to extend our
appreciation. Thanks to tne audience
and the bands, wjthout yOur support this
event would not be possible! See you at
SUllolk Palooza '95 I



::~:s~~~ t!nl mh:!
in~isient about rehearsals,

with hlo parents.'

abcU out u ,atn s,00. for
such wen t.aown graduation 1peaken u Uma
Thurmu. Ela~ Pudd, .l,a
Toya Jackson o r Lou
- Pdlepiao'! (I'd dp it for2.3
millioo plu aiapll boaUI).
Hey, only lbe best roi yow
money fotbl

I believe it is a small
price to pay for the hiaher
education we know 11ld
love. Lct'1 face it , tid1 :
• .DORMITORIES! LoSuffolk'• flllin1 apart II the
cared oo the (irNk illaod al
scam&. It's ud to sec our
Stinki, studeou WOUid only
firie University £111 apart
•THECOURSESWE' VE have a J7.5 hour commute
before our very eye,, ain't SCREAMEOFORI Thewait • (lcu if you count the time-it? I believe that we o,we It i1 over, folb . &pecfnew zone differmce). With a
to the University to ti1hten and improved undcraradu- oppressive 1 o v ~ t IDd

94). HCre' s some of the

the math problem, and you

people. friends. I now had an
au ~:C~hcnt ; : ~
, ,
1h c cast mcm e't"s
one of
showed up and half the cast
~,;!ready left, 1 knew I was

~y. o.r the difficulty of coor-

Il:w N¥va GI.Ml• $QYQ IOO Chris


Sqoowe" ,:;;; ju,i
received from the VCClding
machine in the Fenton
buildina? Fur np more,
my friend,. Feat DO more.
Ou.r tuitioo moaey will DCM
ooly aet us asuaw for every
cream soda, but ii will abo
supply u1 with brand lpllllkina ne~ machinea feum:iag
the voice of Mu Hadrom.
All I sot to uy is, it's about' •time.

Some cast mcrnbcn, real.·· ; o ~ ' : :tr;!'; ~;"C: ~!°;gii:C'::~rr:~o~sr;:ry: :o:tdlhe SOA orfice on

we= ::g~appencc17 What ~
I could challc it up to apa-


II,..,.,. ,eadlq d>iJ .,.
licle, I'd lib you to take a
moment to.lWld up IDd applaud loudly for our wiac
Council of elden that hu
decided to cnnk up our tuilio.a.

· no -.a.-.~-~23.•9M
Reynolds ,'8p(Jllds to house · eetillg Suffolk )Josts forensics tourney this
·· , ·
. .
weekend; tune up for. the Nadonals


The Suffolk Joamal


-..ioy, Pobnary23, 1994


·NMJ l b ~ e6 Sui6e1Ji·~ _ ;• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·_ ___,_

■ =..-::: a

Suffolk presents
''Refornµng'' dis~


·nwalty I0 .1lli.llac lhe semcea Ind
Ip at a l'fl0Ml Sladeat ActivtbOI alleDd tbe propuu developed by
~ Meedq wbkll wu aueaded ~ tbe Woman'• Cealir. It lJ through
by n,preNIIIWi?• ftom cllff~t UICreued tich1c.ation and uelon•
~enl poops. StodonLI ~oac:ed tioa that we Seam abotu the needs
lheir ~ u well u lbw aup- and i.aiterests or all.
port that furtbor odllc.&6<m and un•


demudiaa wu abceaary to that
we, u a Univcnity , coo.Id more
effoctivety live and wed &oplher.
All agreed that di ver&ity on our
campus should be eocouraged.






!eft out ofAm.alone op-ed


Contillued from P'&e 9
growlh in beahb rdat~ accounu
Medicare. Medicaid and Wei-



iDause in spending oo Bducatioo
and 1)'ainiDa, a fully-funded Head


ro, duod--1


school scudent,. • IK i ~ in
President Clinton, although nol health-rel.MCd spendina wilb a huge
perfect. bas a good Ubdentanding boost for AIDS 1'aCN'Ch and women's
of ltrUc:tv.ral budget problem beallh isauc:a. funds for the tc:chooland bu made IC&Cmptl to addn::u ogy iupabigbway, and full finaoclbe 'Cfllitlemenl' problem by (OC\IS• llll for tbe crime biU which will supiQ in oo. how lhe fedenl govern- ply 100.000 new police offacen to
ment can reduce ovual1 heakh care America's Slrcc:tt over the nut five

-. """1m.,....,. .......... p,n
oflhe lcdcnlbuda«,

As far as Mr. Atauloae'a clusificatioa of the Ointoo INdgct .......
sad joke.'" be muat be kidding himself. 1be Clintoa 1995 bud&et ha.I

several priorilica including a 14'li

■ JQ~CS,


iA&, "We do love SaRIL"


• Cooozmed-l'tom paae I

This weetffld--S11ffolk will. ~
boltin_.a. a debate~ w~tead It ti
tral Michigu. Mary C,uUUnghani calling the Nauoaals Warm-Up
placed iiftb.
. •
Notoolydid the~ place well ,
There will be approxunately l.5 but ooe or Sllffolt'a coaches was 20 schools c:ompetina, wi th ac: hools
rccogniz.tid for her per{onnance u coming from New Hampshire, New
York, Ohio, ud PetLDsylvania.
I Judie.
Sarah Carroll, professor or com•
David ·Darcangelo .uraed everymunicatioos, received the Out- one to attend thit weekend' s lourstandina Judae Award for hu wort ney.
during the tomnamenL ·
"'Jddgina by· lut weekend's reThe membera of the team felt suits I believe we' re going to have
t Carroll wu a worthy rcciplt.llt a good toumey," Darcangelo said.
f ~o-:!'claimed, ..It

ome .



wu awe--


Sarah .'"


1-•..,=,.,.a•,.. oc_k_od.. ,.•• " Y
· __b_

One must always try to succeed

To my casl, Christian, Katen. Mary

Continued from page 9

,\Jln, Jim and Margie, 1 11y I.hanks
for trying. To the original crew: Chris·

ultimately, ii wasn't• failure. I tried,
and it didn't work. So what.

Sotbeleuonioallo(lhis lltotry


to do thin&• that seem difficult,

Still think it's .._ tad joke'" Mr.
Si.noerdy and Democratically sub-


mitted, .

Tuia& cbana:a always means

Michael R Araujo

- Srtpltani~ Snow c"ontrlbut~d

~=:: !~;J~

succeed. yoo. will learn ~



tian, Audrey, Kevin. Steve, Steve,
Anne and Christine. I say thanks for
inspiring me to try to captwe lighling
in• botdealccoodtime. And to the
oaes,Jbo did come ·ror the show. I
say thankt for the support. and I'm
sony we didn't come through.
And to the rest or Suffolk, I uy
take a chance oo whatever you want
to\-do. Jwt by doing that. you've
already succeeded.

radua&e atudenl, M.Ed.


Cruise Ni t

ay, :February 26, 1994
Boston Park-Plaza Hotel
64 Arlipgt9n Street

Men's Tennis
Tum, Meetin9
Tuesda, MArch ·1
«t 3:00 fJ,m.

(near the Arlington

T-stop on~ Green L,ine)

$10 /Id jami/.,J-J1fRltf/Jw.tpiflAJ/.,JJ,uw,l
~ Ml i'N1f/ADJ'I l:,»u,
tkliD.iliRI. ~Ilia IINlU. &J1RIUIUI (!JiD.iAimr Shia, •aciafio,.

u. .



Any questions? Call the

Student Activities Offlce,
. _ _ . , , , , , . , C nlidztn


573-8.120 or Program


by V. Gonion Glenn, 111 ·


Meeting Home




i 1'1


the Suffolk Con>mumty (...t


talioo for five to tea miaatea

1<a1w-.m-1a .........

and Christiani1y in particu-

each. You need have no spe- volun1cen for the •a,_1tun1

~c::~~:~~~a~ liva or

On Tliutsday, Feb . 24 ,
Suffolk Univeuily will
present a panel discussion

CoUectioo of Atro-

A••rlcH l11Nlhtt,u,J/R~li-

The entire Suffolk Universi ty Communit y has been
invited to participate in the
Stll A.11n1t!'l Cddratlo,. of
A.fricon A.Merica,. H l11Dr,
and Cul1urc on Thursday.


rican LIL ~ r s

R•for•l•r th AJric01t- 5th annual ctleb.

p,-, l!qmac•.

scheduled 10 be in the C.
Walsh Theatre on Feb. 25,
!be event has been relocated
10 lhc hist.oric Arrica.n Meeting House, 46 Joy SL
Sponsored by Campus
Minisuy and lbe Office of
the Pre1ident/Multicultural
affair1, the panelists will be
Suffolk Chaplain Charles
Rice, Earl W. Jackson, pas1or or New Comentone Exodus Church; Re v. Eugene
Riven , Dell Johnson, proressor or religion at Stonehill
Co llege, and Dr. Diane
The moderator for the
cvenina will be Sharon AnisJacbo n, Assistant 10 the
PrCsidcol and Director or
MulticlllfUral Aff~.
6-8 p.m., ·
panelists will answer ques•
tions abou t whether the so
called "Black" religion is the


qcnda ror the meetia,:. aoto AAA pftllident,

~;:~re~on°7n ..

Feb. 24.
Scheduled 1 begin at ID
a.m. in lhc Munce Confer•
cncc Room on the fir11 fl oor
of the Archer Building, the
event will cominue, includi~k, a lunc h, until approxi•
mately 2:30 p.m.
The invita1ion has been
extended by Robert A.
Bellinatt. the din:ctocorthe
Collection or Afro-American
Hiatory and Kenneth S.
Greenberg, History Department Chair, to atcnd u an
active picltnta or u apart of
the aooicnce and stay ror u
little « u long u •you like.
Accordina to a recent inttt-ofice memo by Bellingtt
and GrcenberJ, "Our plan is
to have vflrious members of

cial expertise i n African Unity Extnvaganu• slated
American Studiea...
for Tbunday, Mardi 3 - an
Putic:i~areinvitcdto event which it a collaboraptay ·a n:cord, read a poem, a tion between AAA. the Black
selection from a novel or SbJdeat Unioa. and the Haillory, tell I l tory, ling, play tian American Swdtntt At-an inatrumeat or show a video 1ociatioci.
"The C'llltwal Unity Celto c:debrale Africa American
ebration.• · said Willlamt of
For infOffllation oo how to the Cou.ocil or Pre1ideot1
participate or to schedule a spontored event, • is two
time, call Stwon l..eazie in wceb of eventa agd lccQl.ft:I


AAA take Club .
Photo, plan "Cultural Unity Week

deap<IIO~awareoc:a ol tbe aakwes that
boncl the Suffolk Community top:tber:


to IIUcDd, bui all inta:ested partiea arc wck:ome.
Tbe talk will be bdd dur·
lnalheActi-Pmod, I • 2:30 p.Dl. in Sawyu 92 1.




a public rorum and
discu11ion, will kick campaigns for national health
reform and • docreale ill
us military speodiaa oo Sat·
urday, Feb. 26.
Spomol<d by the . _
Mobilizat.ioo for Survival,




Crlmlnoloa, Club pwon of woaJc'poye,, C. style bealth ~ with
preseab "sobering" the Clinton proposal for

.talk from llffll ~

On Thursday, February

24, the Suffolk University

On Tuesday , March I .
Asian Americm\ Auociation 1994, the· Suffolk Univenity
will bold their monthly meet• Criminolo&Y Club will
ing 11. which they will be talc:~ pra.ent an ioforin.ativc and
ing their club photo for the inlc:r'clmg talk about tbe field
Beacon Yearbook, whose sotwiety tell. The preaente:r
theme thls year iJ O•
will be Inb,B.,,,,,,...
W i.
Apoliceofflcet inthe~
Tho m,e1;ng aod photo or "'""itm. H"J"" bu the
session ~ill be during the trainin& and upcricn,ce to
activities period, from I . 2:30 spea( oo this m:attet. ·Crimip.rh. in Sawyer 10'29. On the nology majors are encour•


health care reform. Educa•
tion materials will be provided ud oppomanitica ror
further invotve:mem. in these
camptlips will be ,offend.
Held &om I ◄ .p.m., the
forum will be at the Cmtral



Cambri.... ..., the

1ily junior in materials science engineering and chair•

, .)'Tl takea • cenain finesse
to make the pcrfcc1 cup of
coffee." Shroyttsaid .. Even
ir coffee iJn'1 your cup or tea.
there's sure to be some very
interesting machines and creative motifs."
Judges wiU be looking for
ingenuity in making coffee.
wilh poinu taken off for human iotervention after the
machioeswtsorforeicecding a fjvc-minute limiL Extra
points an: awarded for ere- .
· arivity. utra l tepS, c.ompluity and use cl related themes.
One or the key corporate
s pbnsors or 'the cr,ent is
Thomson Consumer Elccironies, whicli mmufacwres
and mart.tu RCA, Prolcan
and GE home entertainment
The winnin& Will rcceive a cash priz.e or $400
and lhc Goldbcrz trnpby.
The con1es 1 started at
Purdue in 1949 and nn until
19.S.S. lt wasrevivedby lbeta
Tau,• professional engincu·
ing fraternity, in 1983 and
the first national contesl was
held in 1988.



fi,f.ILL . BE HEW
• r·

31, 1994
M 7:00 Hf



For •di~tioos, otbet infonutioa. or tQ. receive ma- ·
terialt in advancei call 3S4-·
• 'JV!' pro'IIMd by pru8 rrlfllM ..

Students to construct Rube
Goldberg Ctiffeemakers
•Colleae s1ude~ts now can
rqucst orape ec
cup of coffee to the NationaJ
Rube Go ldberg Machine
On March 26, teams of
students .will gather at Purdue
University to take part in tbe
seventh an nual contest by
setting in motion the wortd· s
most ludicrous coffeemakers.
Their goal is to sucessfully
make a drinkable cup of coffee in u c0mplicatcd • man·
ncr as possible.
The contests and the ma•
chines arc inspired by the.
Goldberg, who drew outland·
ish chain-reaction ma::hincs
that accom plis.hcd si mple
Armed With the principles
of physics and engineering,
from hydraulics to electron·
ics and aerodynamics to gravity, students are charged with
desianing a m.acbine !hat ac·
complilhes a limple wk in
20 llepa or more.
In thiJ year's competition,
!be final product doesn't nee·
cssarily have to be hot, but
the brew docs have to be
drinbble inthejudges' poin1
or view, accordina 10 Craig
Shroyer, · a Purdue Univcr·



The Suffolk Journal • Wedneay. February 23, 1994

V-1byl b ~ ei111 Su!Wtt ILciviuifi.l·- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - edlted. Y. Gordon G'9nn,

rensk:s tourney this
, p:for.the Nationals

Suffolk presents
"Ref{) dis_.

iii, "W"c do"'lovc Sarah." .
This w.eekcod Suffolk will. be

same as u ·s "mainstream"

• hostlna • debate this _ eekend it is


cussiOn atAfrican

~oumerparu and the "changing role of religion in general
aoJ Christianity in particu-

calling ihe Nationals Wum-Up
• Tourney.

Meeting House

'.;,~ic:.1~~~~~a~; lives of



There will be approidmately 15 -

On Thursday, Feb. 24,
Suffolk University will
present a panel di scussion
R•for•l•1 ti,• Africa,,.

wu 20 achOOls competina, with schools
:e as coming from New Hampshire, New

Yort, Ohio, and ~cons)'lvlnia.
Davia Darcangelo .u(Bed cveryone 10 attend this weekend's tourney.
"Judaing by' tut weekend's resuits I-believe we're to hue
a good 'tourney," Darcangelo said.
to this report


vays try to succeed
To my cast. Christian, Karen, Mary
Ann, Jim and Margie, I say thanks

>try A


for trying~To the oriainat crew: Christian, Audrey, Kevin, Sieve, Steve,
Anne and Ct!ristine. I say thanks for

say thanks for' the support. and I'm

tf_?U sony
" or


we dian't come lhrough. ·
And 'to the rest of Su£folk, 1 aay

take a chance on whalcvcr you want
to do. J'ust by doing that, you've
already succeeded.

American Lit sponsors
5th annual ctltb.

The entire Suffolk Universit y Com munity has been
sc heduled to be in the C.
WaJsb Theatre on Feb. 25, ~:;it:~~:rcc~:::i::
the event has been n::locatcd African A,,ncrica" Hi1tory
tolhc historic African Meet- ud Culture on Thursday,
Feb. 24.
ing House, 46 Joy SL
Scheduled to begin at 10
Sponsored by Campus
Ministry and the Office of !l.m. in the Munce Conferlhe Preaidcnt/Mullicultural cnce Room on the first floor
aJTairs, the panelists will be of the Archer Building, I.he
Suffolk Chaplain C harles event will continue. includRice, Earl W. Jackson, pas- ing a lunch. un til approxitor of New Cornerstone fa(). mately 2:30 p.m.
The invitation has been
dus Church , Rev . Eugene
Rivers, Dell Johnson. pro• eucnded by Robert A.
fcssor of religion at Stonehill Bellinger. the director of the
College, and Dr. Diane CoUoc:tion of Afro-American
History and Kenne1b S .
The moderator for the Grunberg, His1ory Depattevening will be Sharon Artis- mcnt Chair, to atend a.s an
Jackson, Assistant to the active pn::senter or as apan of
Pres ident and Dir~ctor of the audience and stay for as
liuJc or as long as you like.
Multicultural Affairs.
According 1o ·a roc:cnl inOccurring rrom 6-8 p.m..
panelists will answer ques• ter-ofice memo by Bellinger
uons about whether lhe so and Greenberg, ''Our plan is
called "Black" religion is the to have various members or

A.••rl.coa l11UluchUIUR~li-

- Sttphanie SIIQW cOntributed


cial upe n ilc in African
American Studies."

ag~ for the meetint, tccording to


,acd to attend, but .U.inter-

AM praldent, caud P.ffiics are welcome.
The talk will be held dur-

Kat Wilbaiiii;"ll orpnizing

volg.ntccn for the ."C1Jltura1 ing the Activities Period, from
Unity Extravagam.a• slated I - 2:30 p.m, in Sa...Ycr 921.
for Tbunday, Much 3 • an.

pla~=: :::..t: ::~:: ~.~U.:

Collection or Afro-

,U1tu ~ - Originally

the Suffolk Community (mid
tt,cir gusts) make a preac:otalion for five to tcn..minutel
each. You need ha,ve no spe-



selection from a novel or
story, ttU a story, sing, play
an instrument or show a video
to celebrate Africa American

Student Union and the Hai- Care ltdona forum
tian American Studcnu AsTi••

, ...;,.1
"The Cultural Unity Cd- · c.,. ..,,,,. .,_ A. Pae•

CU~':rreinformation 00 bow to
panicipatt or to schedule a
time, call Sharon I....euzie in
tho History Department, 5738116. .

~:~::c~~(W~~~::n: =io:,pu:ji;
sponsored cveot, •js two paignJ for national health
wccb of evenu agd lectures
reform and a decrcuc in
deaigncd to ~ student US mililaey spcndjng on Sat·
awarcnessoflbecultureathat uniay, Feb. 26.
th e Suffolk Commu•
sponsored by the Boston
nity together:
Mobiliz.ation for Suryival,
highlights will incl~ a comCriminology Club parison of ai.ngle-'.payer, C.
nadian style health care with
presents "sobering" the Clinton propOsal for
lalk from area cop
hcaJlh care reform. Education materials will be pre).
On Tuesday, March I , vided and opportun.itics for
1994. the Suffollc University further involvement in tbeae
Criminology Club will campaigns will be offett:d.
Held from 1-4, the
ptescnt an informative and
interuting talk about the field fommwillbeattheCmtnal
sobriety tell The presenter Squan, Ubwyc45 ...., SL,
will be Knill Haan.
Cambridge, near ,!:entn.l
A police officer in the town Square T·stop.
For directions, other ioof Abington, Hermes has the
~~oing ~ experience . t_ formalion, OC' to receive ma•
ipeak 00 this matter. Crum• tuials in advaoce, call 3S4nology majon are eocour• 0008.

A.AA take Club
Photo, plan "Cultural Unity Week

Extravaganm 11
On Thursday, February
24, the SuJfolk University
Asian American Auociation
wiU hold their monthly meet·
ing at which they will be taking their club photo for the
Beacon Yearbook, whose
theme lhis year is
The meeting and photo
session will be during the
activities period. from I· 2:30
p.m. in Sawyer 1029. On the






~ pro~~d by pru,

Students to construct Rube
Goldberg Coffeemakers

bruer.y 26, 1994
ark Plaza Hotel
lington Street

f.~to_p on fu_e Green Line)

,.._ti,.,u,a.Jiltl .

'Jiltl bvrw,·(l).iJ,~-iJuh1ariation.
itloos? Call the

Dor Program
;ii, 573-8697 .


WEST LY=A YE'ITE. Ind. sity junior in materials sci-College students now can encc en_ incering and ch.e:irg
take cir quesl or a pe oc: m
C1.1p of coffee to the National
.. It takes a cenain finesse
Rube Go ldberg Machine to make the perfoc:t cup or
coffee.'' Shroyer said. .,Even
On March 26, teams of ifcoffceisn'lyour cupof tca.
siudcnu will gather at Purdue thcn::'s su~ to 1:,c· some very
University to take part in the interesting machines and crescvenlh annual contest by alive motirs.' ·
setung in motion the world's
Judges will be looking for
most ludicrous coffeemakers. ingenuity in ma.king coffee,
Their goal is 1o succssfuUy wilh points taken off for humake a drinkable cup of cof- man intervention af1er the
rce in u complicated a man- machine starts or for cxccedocr as possible.
ing a five-~inutt limiL Extra
The oontcst5 and the ma• points arc awarded for erechines are inspired by the ativny. extra slCpS. complexlate
Rube ity and use of n::iatcd themes.
Goldberg, who drcy., outland·
One of lffe key corporate
ish cbain-rcactfon· machincs sponsors of the event is
that accom plished simple Thomson Consumct Elcc•
uonics, which manufacturCS
Anned with the principles and martcts RCA. Proscao
of physics and engineering, and GE home entenairuncnl
~an!'~~~:sc~ =:
ity. studenU are charged with
dcsigni"ng a machine that accomplisbcs a simple wk in
20 l~t:s o;.:;~~mpctition,
the final product doesn't neecssarily have to be hot, but
the brew does have to be
drinkable in the judges' point
of view, according to Craig
Shroyer, a Purdue Univer•

prc;t:cc~nning team wiU receive a cash prize of $400
end the Goldberg trophy.

Pu~:: i: ~•=~::

1955. It was revived by Theta
Tau. a professional engineer·
ing fraternity, in 1983 and
the firsl national conte.5t was
held in 1988 ·


................. .
_,..,.,.,. _· -·--·
...,... -Su.trolt Uidftftity bat

me and aid.


apomT'" Joe W~ llkl.'"Td

.... ..,._w.,
.... cane•
._.. ....
ad Ibey



. ......... ..,.ca,,.._....,.

_pl■ja■ ,...c■■p1k

( a d - .W I - ~

n,,, ■11,...,,,t'


.,.._ .... ,o,_ __
.,.,,,,._ .... _..,..

..... o1 ... .,... .• i.s ..



n . ~·,-.a-.wbo

. lmbema&dolkb14yem.
CO.China, • variou, ·umia,

women•i imki:ct.D, balc:baD


and croa coumry. Ard it w-.
only .... ,,....,..
ina things Walsh would ICC


=~~~.---•.-lbc t:·.=
Suffolk outplay•

E71HILY· D ~
'IHORSllllY, HARQI 31, .1 994
AT 7:00 ff!

IN '.IHli:· S1IHYER ~ I A



She takes · julnp





minu1e m



TheSDffolt-· ,......,, ....;uy23,l9!14

Coast Guard SWllltlped by Lady. Ram,, 53-43

half, scoring ■ 5Ca100-bigb 14 points
an'd pulling down six reboondl.

It was as if the Suffolk University
Women'i Baskctball 1cwn had been
playing the whole year for this game.

Led by Gnerre, Suffolk ran off an
t 1-0 run to tum the 7-6 deficit into a
17 •7lcad. ThcyhcldtheCadeuscorcless for almost seven minutes and

-. , Nat Newdl


s:::: :1'




~ to draw even in the Nonh-

~:;;.:ct~~;kcr room wi!h a26-17


.By ._. DIPaa
ll'ltaNAL n,a

waist-biab wriata oo gOUie Juoa


B r o w n ~ Crotty as Stdfoik's a!l.:time.scorer






,--- - - - -----w_;_ u _,""'o__,~="·"
,h_;,_w__lh_, __ r111 __,

Suffolk outplayed by Wheaton, 73-53
The Sui'folk men' s baske1ball team came out
1uong Tuesday night, bu1
soon fell victim to Wheaton
Colleac, 7.3-f3> at. -t he

Ridaeway Gym.
Suffolk had control of the
tip orr and was tradi ng bask.cts with Wheaton until si:i
minutes into the glltne when
thlnp be&an to fall apart.
"We IW"tcd off nmnin,
.OIIJ' pa.y. solid, but II the

1i:1 minute mark of the first
half we broke down individually," said coach Jim
Nelson .
"WC broke down in thinking that we Could jus t go up
and down the court . We
weren' t pla}'ing as a 1cam
on o ur· offens ive end, "
Nelson added.
At the 11:12 rharlc of the
fin1 half, with Wheaton
Jcadin&, 2 1- 18. junior guard
Chris Toglia (four points)
drove coast to coas1 into
Wbca1on territory fo r a
Halfway throug h the firsa
half, Wheaton began to take
control of the game with
power scori ng frorri Craig
Keefe and Mahlon William,.


continued oo page 15

Lady Rams fall in seniors' last game
By Nat Newdl

Seniors Mqc Brown, Maria
Gnerre. Kcni SWccncy and
Sharon .Fidler played th cir
final games at.the Ridgeway
gym ·oo Monday aftemoop.


!:a°i' ~


wi n. f'he Ra.m.s fell to the
Colby-Sawyer Chargers, 69-

49, in ao emotionally charged

~\hougbt the fin t five
minuces we w~ pretty-tight
~ we
thinking or oc.hcr
th~ng~, coach_Joe Wals h


::Uo!i ~t :C~oc~~ ;!;'::

~~~om: am:.,

5- 1 in lhc NEWAC) team
cook advantage or some early
Suffolk tumovcn and ran off
a 12-0 run. Suffolk would
11ay rellltivCly close until
Gnerre (five rebounds) and
Brow!l . (14 points, 10 re•
bounds) foulcd,aut, but never
retook the lead.


was c

The Rams qui,ckly fcU be-

hind I0--1, but rebounded to
1ml only 25-19 • the t.Jf.
In the second half, the
young Colby-Sawyer (12•12,

The game ~ook a tool fu ·
m~re ·":'9 Y ~ one. Fidler
(su. points, .two bl~ks) ~d

(= :c::~•
::.:w: =


1 •~

~itb ~ood-i :

vocal throu&hout.
Withthcloss, Sulfolkfalls

S.C.O. R.E.
(The Sert/ice C11rp 11/ Retired E1tecutitles)



appl 6yS.C.OR.E.An.appf:icant must6eentab;1g
senior yea.r (as of Septon6er, 1994) witli a. minimum. graae point aven19e of 3,0 and" demonstrllu

to 8-15, 3-4 in the NEWAC,
and out or the playoffs. The
game did show what Rams
ram have to look forward to

conti.n~ oo pqc 15


is offering a. $750 scfwUll'Ship t.o a. student witli an
inturst, or course wom, in Entreprene=mp. Suf_fo[k University stwfents fia.veJ,em 01COWlJ9ed" t.o

For addllloul lnlo, contact the office ol Flaudal Aid.
The deadlae tor app1y1ag is March 15, l9lM.

.,tbc Suffolk Rams•


By ~ Lane


Tbc Ram, lempanri]y cndc:d their
f N strations when 1ophomorc Al
playoffhopes _
wen, dim. Unable 10 · RodpnpobdintbcnfloundolaBill
make up two cmcdod pmes {due 10 S... tbot, tying the pme • ooe with
snow), Jou tndtba- pme would ICtl Comina into the accood-to-lut

··1 was consciOUJ; of the fact we
eaR Womea's Alhletjc Conference at were up nin ~ points at the. half," victories 10 eod die sc:mori a -giving
·-- Walsh said. "Dul I WU also con- the Rams 1 "vfSy n:mocc ctumpe" to
The Rams (8-- 14} played far from sc:ious that we stopped Jookjog to do mm the F.CAC playof&.
lheir beat game of tbic 5C8SOfl, but with things out of our orrcnse and we
There will -be no poll ltllOG bcitb
a wcll-baln::ed attack, downed Coast never gCM 10 the free throw line (3-4 foe the Rams. whole playoff 11opcs
Guard. 51=-43, <?Cl Saturday afternoon in lhc first half). I cmphuiu:d that at we= mu:npkd upon in 1 6-2 )c:a to d:ac
a1. the Ridgeway Gym.
Skidmore 'Jbproupbrcdl II M.rr1
'"These se the games we've Ix.en
Bui Brown would not let the Ca- Howard Johmon Alhldic Cc:Mc,- lat
losina," coach Joe Walsh said. --When dcu to get any closer. Knowing that Sarurdly. The ~ ae the
lhc ocbir team plays so-so and we pl.ay Coast Guard had oo one who could top team in the ECAC Sou6 dmlion
so-so. It used to be the other team handle her, Brown took the ball to and used agrcunoe rora:btdiag and
would get on top and we'd say, ·Whai the bas ket at wilt She finished with I five-man aaadc lO del'IW s.trolkand
in What irl' Now" things arc turning 12 points and 10 rebounds in the lower thc. Rarnl' record to 9- 12- 1.
around apd we're getting a few to go second-half.
Sophomore c.entcr Joe Doldo ( two
our way. We' re starting 10 get our"Moe had that look in her eye," goals) and junior defenscman ·Greg
sdvcstotbefrcethrowlincandwcjrc Walsh said . "She only had three Annsboog a:orcdinlhefdpcriodto
people involved other points at the half, but she was always give Skidmore a 2-1 lcld.
chan Moc (Brown)."
around the ball. And all those reThe Rams bad many chances to
Brown, Suffolk's do-everything bou nds < for the game)-she finds score in the 6Jst. but the puck was OOl
point guard. struggled offensively in 3 way to do it every game:"
bouncing for them . Center Jim
the first half (but was huge on the
Brown finished with a team-high Fitzgerald broke by his maq • the red
board5 with nine rebounds) scoring 15. while Gnerre finished with 14 , line and fed left-wing Gary Fowkc.
ooly three points. The whol.c Suffolk and Noreen McBride 13. Tarah BcU who broke in the Thoroughbreds U!DC
team struggled during the first four led Coas1 Guard with 17 points.
for 8 gol4ca}.. opportunity eaty in the
minutcS, and it trailed the Cadets (1. 21 ,
"We've got some drive," Walsh game. Fowkc was inlcdcrcd with 111d
i:nchxling 21 straight kl65c:a), 7--6.
said. "I think the kids, especially the &om
The ~y•IC8SOII Raml migbl have four seniors (Brown, Goem., Sharon the officials. Fitigcnld was· awadrd
fo lded-but this is a dilfercnl 'team. Rd1er and Kem Sweeney), ~ start- with a penalty $hot ~ dllOugh
The Rams looked lO senior captain ingtofcelthc hardwor:kwc'vcpu1in the6ntwbcnthe~S&eve
Maria Gnerre, Who had 8 can::er first- is starting to pay off. I think the kids Murphy covered _ Iha pact with his
hands. He could not c:omicct ~


Skidmore puts end to Suffolk's playoff hopes



Anmtrouc diro:ud a ~ aOII
off chc led poll, r-!_t~a IWQIICd Scoct
lo die tecoad period, ~•• ,eoond tally• 17:38 ..,._ pivotal KOl'C
d tbe pme. He l00ftd from the sJot I
mime after the Ram failed to l00le
widl the mu lldvaDllgc. ~ of
p111 iolo the dlint period down by ·
one. Suffolk QOW .tnilcd. 4-1 .
TIie Rmll took tbe ice in die third
mpllyipc • rouah -9 mmble brand
~hockey. h 'It'll Skidmore'■ dly.bowevier, • the Tborougllbrall l00ftd two
eaffy goals foe a 6-1 mowain tbll the
Rams were unable. to climb. Junior
a:orcd Suffolk's kmc pl o( the p&~ • 14:29.
/ Burns Aid bdcn the game that he
told bis playm: they, '"had nothin& ID
be md IO Jue all the bullets ill the
gun." Deq,itecoming up afewwlletl
short U a full chamber ill ·the end, be
prailcd the ieam's play ill lhe third
whca "'Everybody kq,t their poiae."
Bums aid. WJbcy're a aood lf'OUP m
' . ~ tummcd up It, bs t o ~
msimpk:term1.· "''reJOUII ,
. to ~ the jolnlone or OOl,::' said Burm.
"Aft:d _ we didn!t." .

MARCH 3, 1994



l :CX}-2:30 P.M.

. . Lcam 1r..... to be

~ - the ~";.,: ..





• Resume Hdp
• Int.nicw Sida.

• Job Folr lidiimudk,n'


Sip» ~.=-~


--....., .





Moe Bri>wn becomes



The Suffolk Journal .w'cdacoday, Pdnory23, l!IM .


Uidvmffy~s most prolHlc scorer
~-~:=:!°~ :O.~...!:"ao;::_-=:,~
Joi, lib. ..... - · - ....... ~ , : . ; ; . : ::t-;."'!"'! ·- ..,..;· ............ '""'8y ,.....,., - - - ....... do
a.·, iD
dicatJvo of
if•·• bllllillts
bomo_,tDrk. Bcfai ~ doa't
· onNdyadblocWlllc-....,wich



WO.._.. IL
d10 • ~ 1be plays, t11iat, 'Hoy.
W buU
..,.,. cl ........ "1;.t pl-, to ,etdaa back ud uiat lier oc.ber tolfll~•dllIalilluldtoo.' .
_,.,___.,M:li11a--.1-Itab ._.toblock.i&clealJ-,<l(ccp1el Tlleilllmlity_._wai..._" .
. _ • . . , - . 1 1· we1o1oil'1 dukatow ... c:alled.'"

IJed. t,ca I ....,. It) out to ,._,. IO
Brow• bu dcvelopocl"a almple its peak. A1dlolip
· , .
IOlllckmtodcialwidtdtielajuiel:lbo .15,it•loi:attnea--byooe
~pll!Jal..._Blowallllnot lmpla)edwut.-tmfenddlraup polat•lfts•l--1311111.tholtama
_ _ .....,_...., ...... llloloot,_yoon.
ba,o-lbaflboi'10lldU&lop...--. ......i al 91
if you bop • "Aajbocty wbo bM playod .,,_ . , . . . . _ . . . , . . _ .. _
p1ay1q.•-.oold. "Yooibiak w..... ....:"lllolr-plaola,'Slop
. , . _ . . . . , 11111._Wto..,. IINlllllil ..... dte ....'1 0Nfll."
Moo lDd you 1k11> Suffolk.' Te,ml
all 40 • - . . . . boiq iick •
W.W. ,-bera w pme ·ia • playiac a lol ol 1-3-1 a.-e and

d!e ._•only

"l1lo.,.. - ....,.

lioodoid ,o11111o-.. ... ... rs:cn'lll • . . - - ._..


:.: ==-z~


uy ..- wtiae • - - . . . , . .,_ m
,-.·liaela:lldia't...._ . . . .
, . . 10 p1 ap. 1 loobd
11 m

1.a11 .,.. . . _ bfuke Mr left
p1K1ice Wore die~
olf dltaic • Roemt - - - Col1c:p-bu1 dltl - -•• SCU1 to karp
lo- from ...._ • • ~ oa tt.e
........., Aa ....... brok OU1
ol the pack f• .... lllou.ld llave
.,_ - -iq,.. 8,vwa -


ol the balbt, f"Ndled ac.roa bu


-9 i . 1ep lllad cnaped al de
probably bad alMllllt • ~.bnaitet DD
ber bDe1. I'll pro1ab1y dlUlt ol br:r

ia .•

1ipt, • - - nD pvc

~ tile 1.t dmill: die cou:nc

ol lhe pne."

NW l)olp finding a job. 1
Cii'ia',..-, gel your foot in

ad Law depe-.d 3.0 OPA ~
become a B01toe Pollc· O!fkc.r.

• dJfforent 1ype or .court," Walth
She will o11o ......,i,,, Ibo IUIIC
oaond ,afflhe oowt~tbew
apcat with Onem,· McBride. Kari
Sweeney, Nancy Olea.non and

-1'. -·-·

tbe'1 1iadl0~ .....
IIOticed IMl .._. n.,.. llavo ODD
" l'U remember hu1ia1 ia the
pa,aacabcr~tbeOlba'barvuy Jou.naewilhmy~" BtoW11
ca.doul o1 m.·Bal ue dwta that aid. "I'd Ibo lib to thmk tbcm ror
IDIUI il bani lo do tul b MOl't lldpiq !PC ICOfC my 1,000 poiDII.
aood at mdia1 the opca penon. I'm deeply parified."
.aitt, a rebound or a
When tbe team fiDisbcl ita ICIICm
Ibo&, abe'1 got a lot o/ ways to hwt oa SMwday, Browu bu ooe final
10&1 Oil tbe basketball court. She
Duriq tbe lb'CU. BtoW11 bM bec:n bopet to play OD the ·lrisb Nltiooal
..... ■- bolp doiaa lhe bmlm&, 6o■teiball lam. A)tboo&b tbe bu
poUIII a pme lhil ltalCJII IDd ICIUOf' d i e ~ it Walab.
~ Maria Ooem i1 averaain&
'"For four yc:ara ii r-. bceri a priviatmoit seven· poinu and seven re- lege ud dlallen&e some-bounck an outing.
ooe the calibre player she ii," be
The IC~ ~ ii DOC the only ICboM--dau. joba, lhc:o tlien;'s play•
things Browo i1 aoing to titc with ing basbd,all. She's dooe all thtt.c





:es=ze l!1':re~ ::i;::

time." said Brown, who also works


Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
WHfon41y, 211..l

StudcntScrvices S1affMccting
6:00 Parcnt'sOricntationProgram
7:30 Varsity Hockey vs. UMass-Dartmouth

Dean of Studcn11 Conf. Rm Ridgeway '1J.'J7



Thursday. 2124

· Sib ADD~ Celct,ration of African American History and Cullure
I0:00 -·2~
30African Amcrie19 History And Culture: A Program Of Readi ngs And M usic
10:00 . 2:30 P.A.C.T. - Reading Celebration of Arrican American History & Cullurc
I :00 • 2:30 Psychology Club Meeting
I :00. 2:30 Tau Kappa Epsilon Meeting
I :00 - 2:30 Hwnarubet Meeting
1:00. 2:30 WSUB Meeting
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting

Math Ocpt: Tu1oring
Information ~ ions For Prospective S1udcn1S And Parents
Haitian AmcriCAR Student Association Meeting

%. ....


TB .vm,r rou •n - - UZ2'DIO .ro.R
A'T A ~~ • Di«:Of1!!tr I I I

~ ·2'D·. ~

mr:nmw.rn .

BLACK -Sf'Fl1}llll'l' 'DNION

ZJllln'D n>IJ IO ·c:a,,a roa . . . . . . a . ~



•s ......., __.
canar z-.. au.·

• • •• D'



ft)....,,.M• . - r
00T OIi



or MJJ,r.rcor.ftlll&&

f f fttlllU',. , _ _



wn.r. - - -


J'n:lf ID' .



One Beacon S~·2.'l,l b Floor ·


McDermott Conf. Rm


Faculty Evaluatioo Of \:J.ncfcrgraduatc Srudcn1 Pctfonnancc
SGA Election Oim 95,96,97 Nomination Packets Due To SAC Office

Friday, 1/lS


Munce Coor. Rai
1'sdlcrllO. ·
4th Floor Studcnt,Actlvitia

s - ~~-

Beta AJpha Psi Meeting

Friday 2Q5


nexl year in 5-8 junior forward
Noreen McBride.
With the ot.hcr rour s1arten out of
the game, McBride (8-10 from the
line, nine re bounds) took on the
scoring burden and led Lhe 1eam
wilh 2 1' poi nts-including 1.hree
th ree-point plays. Mak.iris it even
more impressive, she wu doio1 lbc
scoring against six differen1 Women
from C-S who meuured 5-10 or
.. (Noreen) ii a , man player,"
Walsh uid. "She takes what the

dc:feOM 1lvca lier. Sbe'1 one of
I.hose people., wbca lbe pmc'I O'IU,
1bc bad 15 poiatt aad yoo ·cu•1
remember her out~- Sbc'1 so
~ut, with a banner eoataioin1
the numbers of tbe foar senion
(Brown 3 1, Onene 24, Fidler n ;
Sweeney 30) han1i111 overheid,
Walsh couldn'I help reflcctin1 on
their contributions throu1bou1 1heir
careen .
"To have four kids 1b.u play four
years and be u fdsty a they arc
and be u hard-wort.Ina u they
are," Walsh uid, ..i1' 1 toa&b lo see
them 10 out."

February 23 - March I, 1994


-i-,,, ~

Coatinued from pap 12

University Dateline

I:00. 2 :30
I :00. 2:30
I:00 . 2 :30
J ·00. 2 :30
J·00 - 2 :30

Ille door.


Brown, Gnerre, Sweney, FldlerdOlleSuffolk
careers on a down note;·a - fall, 69-49

strong 1ame, blocking a lhot .witb
12:29 lert that led to a Suffolk score.
· Toglia made • steal and layap
with six minu1e1 left in the game
~nd Suffolk mtdc· a five-point nin
in the la.11 four minutcl of the game,
including a layup and foul shot by
Bouchard. But it wasn't enough, as
Wheaton went on to the 20-point
•W .
Nelson pl ans 10 have his team
work on the concentration aspect
of the game, stating . "We have 10
remember !hat we have 35 se.cond1
to ge1 a shot off, not IS . We need to
set ou1 of ou r 15 seconds mode and
stop hurrying our shou."

ContiDucd from Pl&C 12
Wbcaton bad a seven-point nin
with J:,O rcmaf.a.ina in the firs1 half
10 put tbcm Up. 43-27.
Afta' a turoover by junior guard
David McUreo with 36 seconds
Jdt to pla)' In the half , Wheaton
iook possession and David Mille,
h11 a three pointer nl the buzzer 1 J
give Wheato n a 46--27 advantage at
With 14:52 lert in the game, Mlllk
Bouc hard (14 poims) made a suong
rebound and pu1cd off to junior
i:enter Mike Vieira (17 poinu) fo r II
basket .
Bouchard continued 10 play a


1:°row~ ~~ ~::::, ::::c;:s

From 4- 18 • a freabmaa. to 6-17, to


DOW•• I'm dobta-'"
Sbebopettotlbba"O:imil!(lloc ,

Wheaton College fe~ds off Rams

Sawyer Cafeteria

QSU Sponsors Family Dinner

Saturday. 2/U


Women's Ba.skctbaU vs. Gordon College
Program Council Presents ''Cruise ln10 Suffolk" Family Program

Booloo Pn PlazaH°"'I

Sun d ~ Music presenis Sunday Concert Sena At Four- Conccn 3
4:00 ~ 1

C. Wallb"I,-.,

Mon4&~P«Uoderg:raduateS ToComplctef"~ A i d ~ 1994 . 95
ust Day Tb CompldcSummer Session Aid Applicab011

~ Bmcrgin& Economics of~m ~Program - Panel Disaw:100
. .
8:30-9: 3/1
1:00. 2 :30 Student Government Association
(lpcnlog Ce,emooy • A Celebration Of Colours

1:00 . 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30


I:OO - 2·30
1:00 - 21
I:00 - 2:30




Vice~eolif'. Rm

l:00 - 2 ~ m : ~ m : ~ : i = : n
l :30 Uni,enityAhumiCounci!Mccling ·


One Beacoa · - 2lcb floor
--r : - ~ 423

,......, ~








Thcal,ellq><. Woruhop


- -

Asian American Association Mccung
S.W,. 11129
Univcn.ity Dlflla is Suff'olk Ulllvcr::sity's ~ calendar. For i n f ~ ~ aay ICbedaJed eYml, my - ,,m d i e ~ :,ar; IX ID t i l l • ~
that you ~ ~ cal1 573-8082. A compd,cnsive reconl of whit 11 ~ . wbco ad wllae ~for,._.., pallliciry • ...... i1fom11ica.

Crim1no1ottY Cub Spcakct

Snow- Spring, the blltlf!t

.Due to the snow day on

February 9th, the Beacon
Yearbook will have one last
sitting on Friday, February
25th from 9:00am to 5:00pm
on the 4th Ooor, Student
Activities Bull~g. No
appointment necessary! This is
your last chance!
Questions? Call 573-8326

The Suffolkl6umal
Volume 52, Number 21

Learning Center implements new

im plementing services ,
sldl as a graduate student
writing clinic and convcr-

Wben Dean of Enrollment
and Retention, M'argucri1c
Dcnnis. asked members of

sational wo rks hop, to all
ESL and intcmac..ional -students. Specially trained ESL

By N.E. Escobar


t;u;:~i f~o~:~:~:7«! : So p~::!:,:~l;u~:~ o:~

help implement new scrvices to aupport the growing needs of the intcrnational student population at
Suffolk Univc.raity. one of
lhc rcsulls wu the new Ianguagc-service program al
the Ballotti Leaming Center
'1'be p0pulation or .Surfolk is cbadghig," Andrea
Mcbonald, assistant BLC
diroctor, said. "We _
want to
b_ able to help (internsc
1,ona l] students dev~lop
their language sk.iUs."
By collaborating with the
Engl~sh Department and lhe
Enghsh as a Second Language (ESL) program, the
BLC has already begun

on-one help sessions.
"The program is going
well, but not a lot of people
arc co ming," McDonald
said o f the convcnational
workshop. "We're on the
verge o( canceling it if no
one comes in by the end or
March. I know i1 would belP
• ■ IOl or studeftu ," bul sometimq. it's bard to fit sometbin'g like this into a tight
Although the BLC ba.s ~Iways been available tq 10,t ~ o u . 1 - ~ ~ l l.

in the 'pa,c by tcachinJ them
· study ,s_ ~ in Enali•~•
~ scmeue~•• pr_ grams
aim at working with 1tudents throu&h the content

ClaN BnNlcl A quiet lull I the 11






.. ·


onn~,U1•u 19 ... -'-:"'ofdaltee°'.'1o.,neStrNt. _

work of their Coones. Like
the study groups that arc
~ oul 'of the '&LC,~ derun
·mjnd: fgr this p,osram ii
"We have 30 client, beins tutored right now, "
"exp lained.

"We're g~na to keep work- what she tenm 8 ""wilb list"
ing with the Enaliah De- Of things abc would like 10
partmeuc and tho ESL pro· addod to ~
. . . . . . . . . . ,-:boat
ICC tbe:--fdmre~
- ituderlll wlto oeiid belp."" ~1 - · · •· •
In .order to keep up wi\h
~be ateadY. dcmand a,
- McDona!il, hU -dcVelopea
• --BLC {"'\
· CQGlinucd cm page 8

k , J - - . ..._

UNIVERSITY COM M -=-N =---=-----Ht---~,==,N=uSchool==s==,,~=.==.
= =- =-=
u 1yy
=at=African=. . • ===r.u~nd~e=rgi:ac1=

parents, students, faculty,
administration.and coworkers
Support the 1994 Beacon Yearl,oo~
by taking out an ad hi.~he 1994
edition for a frieiJd, lqved one,
student, or coworker.- •

Support,._......, lo¥9d

°"' .......


573-8328. ASK FOR GARY.-


House~ many "reforming" isQies

speaker format -

. adear

religion at Stooebill College. "Yes. It is vay, w::ry difl'crcl
B y ~ S.OW
emoaia would be beau for
Sharon Aro1-Jaouoo, ...... from ... ............_.
tant to the praidtp: imd direo'1'bt black. ctain:h bas al·
Brcakina the usual lnlli- by ,COIIDU amior ~
ln • rowxkab'c format, btorofrwlticultwalMfaiawas waysbccaaforceforthcbla : tiooofpickiqltudeatcom- tive Vicki Newberry, ud
au nilig;ou, bden, "8d><n
c~~unity," Jacbon said., mencemeot ~
. an UA- former ieoiof praidai. Loo
andminislcrs sat downintbc the modenlor. ·

By V Gordon G1am, m


standing African-American
church buikling in lhc U.S.,
the African Meeting House,
on Feb. 24 10 discuu "Re-.
forming the African-American
Intciiectual/Rclisious Expcrien(;c."
\The Meeting House was
completed in 1806. Locau:d •
what was once Boston's black
oommWUty, it was known during the abolitionist era as the
Black Fameil Hall
SpoolClfOd by Campos r,IUlistry, the Prclidcnt'1 Oflicd


c1tmgthc faa that~- ~
people loday oftm amaze thic
un, Suffolk a:riior- Ab Hun.- black chwdt and look to Olhcr
who indic,at 1bal he wamed ~ for IIIS'Nen. ~
= • ~ ~ B ~ queD)ntSoow, bowdowc
• ..._._..,
~it..(,the chi~ for_
libcn"These pcople...form
~ Cbriltiao..JbougN.," H~ ''lheans tomclhalit(black
~o(,i,-pmdis<l .... nale . -)babodmm<li,_
u_p I tho.i&bt which_bccded empowerment (l:'fect on ill
tbe "Nu Scl>nol"
l ~ )." """"""""1Rlce."
The format for the discus- omringacritiqucofthe "m■in:sion WM for ca:h ~ to stream."
r~po_nd to three prepared
Rivas pt:ICICCd a ~JIM
diuentina rc1pdmc to the
The lint question, "Do you ip:stion. Maldoa • dilliliction
think tbit the IO-Cllllcd ' Bliek that it ia • caac of Bid: Rdi-



dcrgnduMc bat
year win& a complecdy acw

s.clcction proceq.
In ~Ill tbil
tbe1oalw■1tomcit ■ c.:b
commencement ,pcuer ao•lection. However there waa
never any au.n'.at.ce mtK1c
"'°'d,uwnald ·.......,_ .
~ t b e dcdaioa of
araduatioa rotata between
Mk~ Ronayne, Dean of
the Cobeac of Ubcral. Altl
and Scicncea (a.AS), ud
John BrcMID Dean of the
School of 'Mau.1emea1


· Multioultw>I Mm, ml '!be religion' is the IIIDC U it'I ~-.~--.. !~~ (SOM). Wbca tho lelecdoa
mainstream counlerp&l'U? - 1 ....., ...-c.sw , _
~ wu pq oa IMt
:~- ·....:..:....... ~~fint-lOJ..:: iog mgges&a tfat widua die ,.;., 1toaayDe WIii la dllrae
~ . thc.
black ,el;pOUI ...,..i-..
Sutrnllc~P.alW. Ja- - - • • soa, .s-tor of New CornerNolina,"block ............ once."
...,. ....... Cbwcb, . . . _
(SOA) -




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arrcttcd ... becluae



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oi(to ay.



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an undersnduate 1peater


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tbat • cbuae wu ia «der