File #4215: "Suffolk Journal_1994Nov02_vol53no8.pdf"


Brigbtspots on an
otherwise dark year for
women's tennis team


., ....

BJ 11,yu Foky




Lift:A-Thon in Ridgeway Gym
BJ ICrlatea


On Friday October 28,
the Suffolk Univcnity Police
will sponsor a Ufi-A-Thoo in
lhc Ridgeway Gy~. From I·
3 pm, men and' women from

_ . . . . . , ...._, ~ r nilllll

prowcu while
to beoc:fit




For ewnple. a 200

pound bench J)l'CU sponsored
It fivccenu per pound'woukl
mean $10.00 toward Ibis e,;.

AJ for (jboOliog 10 ben·
cfit the city 's bai1Crcd
women' s 1hcl1cr1, Offi~cr

Cross country teams in m~ts
By Ryan FO,ey

Both the men 's and
omen's Crol;!-country team
Romprey aaid, "We pa,tic.ipated in mocu this pas1
it would be &ood IO initia&.e weekend.
somethirla that would raise.
Saturday at lhc NEWAC
money for such a goo~ Cbamplon&b.ips, the women's
aide did not place due 10 a
with ~hcio& dearth of rwmers. Fallin& also
Nllioftal Oomatic Vioacncc to gain slou because of deAWart:OCIIMonth, thecboice (aalt, were the colle1es or
.,.. cuy to make.
RCvere, Pine Manor, and
Most important, iu DOl Maine Maritime. 'This took
too late 10 lpoftlOl'aLift-A- the praawe
or ooc. having

::oa.-'o~ ~~

die $dolt Univenity
· ~oocoftheorpaimsaltbeeveot.pplaiocd
.... die Lift-A-lbon ti and

. . . , die)' raise to be.ucrcd

Thoa panicipanl, or to
coaaiact Officer Romprey
.,,.... ~ t i ia lhe about becowQa • p11ticipaD1
Lift-A-'noa euaa do is a yoanelf. ~
- - - - lam . . . where ~ days to &O IO colloct tboae

,,_., altdlen.

.., __ ..,........,. ............·~•-""Suffolk
_!!_!"' _ _ .,._,


enouab women to place,"
said an optimi1lic Coach
Walsh regarding the situatioo.
FiDialtiaa in lbe top DOlcb
f9r Suffolk WH Noreen
McBride rwmina the counc

in a 28: 15. O osdy behind
her, and roundin1 out tbc
university's Jone three cballengeu , were Je nnifer
Vcrlioco' (30: 13) 1nd Naricy

Glennon (30:27)1
For 1he men , the eyeopener or the weekend wen1
lO Dave Allen, who flJl.i.sbed
lltb ovc.raU from an emulous
fit:ld or 78 runners, IDd first
fortheschoolwicba21:14. It
was Allco•1 maidea nut for
Suffolk cross-country, after here in Bolten from
the town or, Ohio.
Kaaul trallder Dan Alperin
continues to shi ne on the
cotlne1 u well. oYerall,
Alperin tallied a time or
29:30, aood mougb for :nb
' place overall, and second
behind AJJen..

Tb& rcmainiJII top five
for Suffolk were Scott-Dunn,
Dan 'BUrki .. and Mike.0.isan
who all aided the squad to an
overall position or sii:lh.
'11tis WIS out flfit time lO ~
beat scbooll llw have beaten
us all year," 1umm1riied
Walsh. ..We're aettia& nda
Mth talent that are wortina

very hard."
Repnlioa ... immcctifucure, WaUb commented
oo upcomina meets on fri •
day II Wbcaloc Ccllcge IOd




R.ep:,aall ll Southern Maine.

·"OuraoaJ u todo wellatlbc
NCAA'1 and lo reach our
potctllial u a tt.:am. It's been

aa enjoyable seuon with
many quality kicll· eom.ina
- •
- -~





miplbe_,..,_ ... ....


.... . . - _ _ .,die ..... dlat

_ . , ..
-. o,


----caJJcdalaa __

•tiliii ;• . .ta '

WIIII, • ~ .,_,_.,• lariJ,Jc
111 a ilaijoctioe, u in "I im

Dictionary of
Slaq" (1994; ,._... Boob~

Wonk that dell "witll 1uual in-

- , "' Califomia-Davla ,...

~y·~ -~;:.-: ·; .~ ~' : •~- -' ;~ ~ )from
: - ~ ;-


G8ad~dm..._..cllild .,..woakwerelllOllillwllicbcra. IDOltcolorfv.lea~HC711ever,
of die ~ . . . . . . akboqb bat abo'dei,per ICCial iUDel
tis-'• dil::doapry allo is blteresl...... aolM IOCIIIIIIJ ~
,.._Wld:BnclilhbepDIOlinre• iDi:lorwhli'itdoeaNOTcoatain.For

....r - - - w - .
a.rote from the COIUllerculbirc '60s
didnotTerma . . . a"'aut~light"

: . , . , _ _ ,~ ,



. . . . ._ _ _ _ . _ tally;"SoidJ!at.,...~1 Ibo _.........; ""!di 11W
·- , . , . . . , , ...._ .... is DOt. oa1y aanca ......, ~ •
pmide _
llWly o( 'Amcric&D 11~&~




ac=- • - • me!.. Wpl

die military

..!.": :~


- - . 6imds. ,if& not. cucy.y an
' . , . . . . ~·d ..... to air at •
.._..._. . . . ..,._Hmaae.Or
.,.. . - ,...- ....,._._ .
lapolil9 11 it'llli1bl be, IWl1
j daa ._. .._--'it it i:a aprai there' s aho







... _..,a,

- .,-


20da t:OfJilWy

way .we speak." Upler
dictioGary ddlils oot
wonk ~ • "bm'J: but it'• many
permutatiom u ~ T• barf, 11 io
"lovomit,"•~tict•finttdereacelotbe 1940a.---...itsoared
ia popularity in tht-.1 970.. Then

it's cataialy , conc::nabOll

I ("!'\Ill

dmiaa: ._



bis editors did

aa proclodils -

~-'2.,.~ S-~~..'.. manthi~~



lfXUIII from ao.




""'7f •





Lmcoln Douslu Dc:bMc. fifth in Af.
~ s_,-.. at the ..., Ditii,a Spoolaoa. ""'! uitll place
~ PlaasbwJb, Nnt in Proto. Rua also had lO add "We



place rallkiiil ._itt\Jhe After. Dinner
Mullcr•pla::ed first in Spcuina evatt and ,{place iu
l&idam, fourth in Po- ~ ~ CoanoDy drew an
lilfonmdvc lad As· im~ve 'first .l!face liowi111 in
Ibo ~ o n . Pri>ae. ,!ta,,.; Cole p!ace,I Tbml in
eft'on bclpod us ·: lbe .Rhclorical Critidtm,'ind in Un• llalod Mull«. <0lnJlooopu Dd>olo, Vickey Wbo1aa
ftbcaiiieitflllf pJaccddaird.
~ellt aod . th~
1bit weelaldl ~ OD 'bolb,
boob from otJib- swa ~ 111d
~ - . placed

~ die O,amaoc Dao,

e in Pen111iio11 .


u...-,.•a ·

' •


-- -·-----


Th<-.... ...

r - -;;;~ ~ .2
- °"°9TvNITY _




pl'Umuivc aad _cabaustiYOty rc-


TN• - ~ A S T Cl.I.ID

.lCU'Cllod colloclioo or .\mcrican

"Collei! Sbq


Comur.b,ie·, .

IOI " (1989; Spec- .




DietiONI)' o1 Aaenc&a stua~


. . . . . .!196,-liolblal




,._..,. Noa. 9 - · .
,, ___
·4-.-.. . . . . ,._.,_ ••c---•..,.-u..,,,..,_..,.__
.........-i--- ,•

....... -NO.('l'wd..-,
_ _ _ _ _ be.,..

PAN• CH....• ·



-~~:ilZ. .
-.; ...


_, _____
·•·---••O.--.-· _


Radom 1ioue•i "Historical



ltaAUTY . ■'1TS■



·,-p,culouo 10 ..... compil"'!om of .
- t ~ u Uaivenitj' of North
CaroliDI PtoCeuor',



. . . . . . . . . . IObcdle-com- '

EDcliob llkoooay


- ....;..; _,,,_: ,.;.. . . . . .L


al Ibo Odon!

.:;:-.:..-...::;,c;: ✓'



Um--, of T-ICooxville.


popalu wjlk


ram,~~ . .

i-olaDooala -•~---

vcy... Slllts, irids ila R:bdliaaa llti·
lade IDnnl •tm:liliom, ii .. uader-

R1111 Pane'a remarked on the

Pauea's ·wort dcftnitely plid 'off as

arediffcrc:nce11D t b o ~




w.c co maat Mary'a Mom loo."

f ~ Forawta team
lbe ·coochln11ta1Tba
Forawcl tellD took

_,_... ...,,.,

.; ""'1inlo--- SlqabolU&·



., ......

bad .. - - -

• of 1lan1 upreu iom, MIJot:
black slang ii • part of Ami
"I don' t see them • two IC
cultute1. · They' re inierwovca
whatever ancaa,oaimll bavc m


t 994 ·
(617) sn:84.BO

a lhuivc new ' dictioaary that
treas ..,A_
......::JI aerican ~ i n . scri~ . ____
....., ..........

~ -Toam Smes:'lbumameJit

s1an,. -

Ammca.Mojar ..... ~

be in lbc
onmu.s,icalqualhy, therh)'\bali

NOVEl',i~BER , 1 ~ 10,

"'WdL rcic- 1lDC drlilia, it'• fall."
•,s4'-.-B.Upoa-, ......


Blad<llaq. . . - ~

=i!':~! ': :,.~..:J
differeoc:c would





Europca.o meulnp


as "hip" 1ret1't u recent u one might

iblyvutarnyollOW'CCS,soch • thlnk.
crime, violence. pqlbliaa, the'niruForimtaoce,. in "Juba to Jive: A
tar)', ak:ohol, dNa use and so on,"
which can l..ia,hter says. O:S'1nce moat of these
cominued OD page J

daq pi&, the point

,-.jllll . . . ~iDdieUDilal


look the broad


.... ... ...

~ " .... "com:ct '.--10 open

eye,," "'Fllllky" also ii belie¥
fuDk.i, " which means, 10 ba
body odor. "Rap" .S... t.:.t
1730, aad bu moat 30

~~f= ~-= :~~.. :

corwder it to be


...-,i.J • • - ... .,._.;,.
...,...;.u.. - - . . . . .

word, such u "hip" to the ~



IWI~ dictionary also doesn't in- =.1~1~::.==~~~;
elude jqon that'• oftea used by wrote boob oa African-American
specif1e pro(euioos or businesses.
rJana tblt also prove expraaions such
• "'Siana


move· into prcvloutly malc-domi-

;:o,..,,.ww;.,,.,,,.-...-...,.... - -·

tioa widlia • ~ CUIIIGi'CQll-f .~

....~ .........'" ,rbile

Continued from pqe


diaap- ,..., _ _ _ ..._. .po,- · ii.wtD ..... 11, ..Lipe, _
"a .......... - - . . we hem'." aJl!,oaab _ _






in phruuw."

F« groupa - -



a, a......


~ ~

llilliio- 9emoo• .

- ...........


- - - - - ....




lat, ........ • • oi,jo<I .



__ ae...., ..

mipbo_,.., _t _ _ k

Cops An Attitfde
di-,.. -.
wonhlell per·
......, --'-.(-.•,.,...
, .11°

ba.. ......S-ollllollaoa""'
we heir,• aldDip lJChter IUQats

k , _ _...,-.., ·.,...,.,;;;.,-,,.,•-;IOd


~ , : ; ~••in"Urn

~lllo•-lllop,od-''• ............. ......, ...,,,...,

pnmclemaoyolAmcricu 1,.,..'1
· - - - - - - ...,."SaldJlol......._~, ..

.._ _ _ -,.,_..,.., oot,aolJ--,.--aodl•



thatwill~. .
move J iito prniously male-domina&cd
Words thal dlll wilh aexual in-

----cl < =
"'ili,p,I; - .•






16001. The o ria ioal me1oio1 or

ar01e from the c:oUJlla'CUlblre '60s
did not. Tetm1mdla"'oo1or tigh1"

"T'°"~t: :~:;:-~; ~~~r


_ _


Whlle Llabicr (ook the broad
approach to 1lq io Amaica, lwo
other colleae prore11or1 recentl y
wrote boob oa African-American
a1q tblt alto prove e:x.prcuiom such
• -iiip'" arco'1u recau u one. m.ight
For imtance, ia "Juba to Jive:: A



COfllirmed onlJl&C )

-("Qa•ol-r-n,,,..I"). « ...... ( - .......... . . .......:dy im-

.... ..,,. u-. ... ,._ .,;,-.




"Well. .for ·OK thine, il'I filll,"
. , . Dr. . . . . . B. l.iahltt, ..,..
of • .-i..-e new dictionary that

lftlllS Aacricaa IW!I in• serious
ftY. ~ .-.. pep. color IDd pcnooallly i.t . _ _

s1aoca1ao ..,-



'ICJ... Sllil&, widl its rdldlioas •

. . . . . . . tladiciim&.il•uder·

..... ..... .,...,.... .,....,

uc.larly pop.tar wit.It iliii7ipii'"""
Jnjops or


--=mre; -



people. fo,r


(617) 573-8480

··--·•---Cof1.I·-----------·---- .
-----·---·-----·----M...Jo,.No,.. 1
IIIICA U T"f' . .ITS ■

n._..,.u,1 .....,,"'"""

~~.::~ ~u,.

eapnNiom i..e bcea recorded by



iawllll~IO bcdle- com• ·
prei.eulve u d eabaustiVelJ re•
soan:INld collectioa or American



Rd'eraca are 1lc:ucd rrom
diw:ae - weipl:y. tome&
ol ... Ouonl-llaooa,yto
pop aalturo to 0lber compilMioas "'
..... such u Uaivenity of North
Carolm Pioeeuar's Conme Ebk's
"Collop'Slaoa 101" (1989, SpocIOlll'C:a •

_.. ,._ ....,,_

a--- -Hoax••


Dictioeary o1 AaoriCU s 1u1.:-


UfM. Ull)it , . _ . . . , , ~
. . Ille . . - ... -l,000 ~ . .. . -,....

' -aaly- A-0. (1'wdoe-

.,J:~r:.J:;r.;,.. ~._"'...,; -

") n,, -



will be ,..,._

. . . . . . 1996,-lllo, dual


=-':":.----· .
. - ==--======-s.:. ::'~-==::·'""·-·------..
- ...-___ "!1!9 ---- '-------~--=l'"l&L.D O P D lll&AMA


_.,. _ ..,.


- IU\.9IU- • - U ••N lwt..... Nn-wo ,111<

,,.....,,,.,,.Ne., j
h u


. . TNar-



,, ,!~ ~
~ ~==

........ ~


a.,. -W...i4 t.SU• .S.....,,___

= .;.:::.::::: ,r.,,Q--•



-·----~··----1~ N - to


. . .. :::!!..~e-~~
-....u... ....



Slang Differs from Campus to Campus


Pfal Service
aware ol . . .., aoina en III odacr
" Pedtlllpl y°ou' -.c: bcca t11ac wordt. you have I due. (Jldt'a oae
lwtina in your dormitory ballW11J, clDdul dade when it «-ea to mcdiComer" (199,t; Houp&oo-Mifflia), bouncioa from room to room, in I evil 11:ia&ory,)
Proreuor Ocona s mlu.crmaa or cSapen.--.. to Walle time while _ &eek box: Al. Puntuc uai~,
Michipo State UDivenily rocu1a your roommaae ..entertains" hi• or Seek boxes are uually tackle bout
more qn uq•, cukwal impKt.
her iipificaat other. •
cll'ried by EES M1f EBT'1. They coeBladt talk. Sdlitbermu,....a proCooaraiuhtions. You were I WO. millions or electrocak compoBy

IOW'CCI with different ,A(ricao IDd
Europe111 meao.ioa• na1io1 from


cordilll ·• to pauem, developed by thathavebccacreatedbylt1ldcntato
blldt Americam,";. lhe
dacribc the oh-so-unique but ni-eJy
pauen: come out ol Africa•Ameri• ' dull upcricoca or ooUqe life.



Uaivcnicy, you did wdt on• cum.
(I jual roc:bd my bio cbcm 1111111
or Techlloloay, 10 uy you were
1CnU11pia' is lbonbaad ror u)'UII
JOU t.t ltl: wkll __,__
- stopped by the Unioa: Al Nord!
Datou. State.. IIY this, lad yoa' ne
bound IO Id I smile. suu co.ta.
machines are · locaced in tbc ba&ltroom, or the Ullioo, u yina ) ou
..ltOpped by the Union lut aiaht"
mC1R1 JOU hid ICX .
- want: Al Cohunb~ UIUvcrlity, 1
want C• 1 noua) b someooe who is
ICJIICd onto I COCllputcr ror I bup
lm0IW ol time. To wink (u I vat,)
hack )"OOr brains OU1 while driuiQC
lou of MOllnflin .Dew.


cao cultme ud tbe black upc,i•
--a - - .
..,..._ coce; may are trlCClble. to African
UIQI, hal: bad an ODOnDOU.1 impact laopap1."
~ - ~ de-vd~
Altlaouab· aom.e co11te11d that
1 -----.BldEllpllliaadecndodMdtlabare diffcrtace1 ia the dndopmeat ~fcmaofEapata.Saidler:maa
or d ua upre.uiou, Major uy, dcfeDda ill ..., - • lepimae ....
black llua is I pan or Amc:ricu auace. Bliek Eqlidi ~ spec.DIC
paaam md mies dlll m1111 be ro1.
"'ldoa' iaeetbcm•twoscpume 1cried,-ibc DOie&.
cultures. TbCy' re interw'oveo, ud
'"This it 1¥ ianplac in which


African Aai,ericaos detc~ be ou r
livei., OW' lov~ CW' pd- peeve, ud
our hopes ud dreams," 1he u y1.
"Bec1uae thil tao.au11c i• ao dyumic IDd li,'(_C - IO Di- much or
ttm1 in phruiog."
i1 crouea ova ioto the mainstrctm
Foraroup1tatareaclaadcdflmi..· P-Qblic ~ ol 'whiia."
• '

NOVEMBER · 1-10, 1994


=.: ~


1730. aod hu about 30 dlrrereo1




U •

powe,, llaq ~ - "ao • - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.,_- :....,....,
aemcol~. ltdact1em1tobe


~;::::r;.7-:.:°:E~;E =Ibo~;~~:Ef·1'. :~~.;;~~-=:..: ~~~~ ~ ."!i~:' ~=

whalcver u taaoniun, have c:mud,
there bu been I IOI or crou-reniliza.
! ~ ~ : = ; d hi:
--. . . on miwcal quality. the rhydunic pal·


~daacpi,tllc pohu

wonb such u "hlp" to the Bantu

f•ily ol Lmpqes in Africa in the
"bcpi" WII - to opco one'•
cyca." "Fuoky" also b believed to

IDd 'W" bavc roo&1 la e:x.prcpions
used back in tbe IIOOL

bil editon did oot con1ldc:r it to be
The dictiocwy a1Jo doem' t inelude jargon' • orteo used by
specific pro(cuions or busineues.
"Slaq spu'l&I from u l.ncredibly vat acray of ~ audl •
criml\ riolcoce. pmblill&. the military, ak:obol, cha use aad so on."
Upla' uys.. "Since mOll or tbelc

Coatioucdrrooi paael

other. Swprbb,aJy, many

ol,._BacJW,--..,aldloqh ...,__.....,.._,. ,_,.,...,,., .......... NOT_...,!°"'
.......,_, _ _,, _ _ butalao-aodol'-_.• l:Jahla'•dieuooay-bln"""·
.,..._ M::11 • "Bile me!'" alipl tho miliwy
_, oar u.._ and ~
. ludf aft'ecsed lbe way we a:pclk-," Upler
alO dlity ~ Aad daoup IIYL
• •• ~ ~ canenadoa '
Tbc dictiou,y ~ DOI
- - . fricada. :X•• not. euctly aa word& 11.;b • "'batfJ but it's IIWIY
....... Jm:d - - lo air It • ~ • ~ T• barf, • 1a
.._. . . . . . . . Wlite lbae. Or "'lo vcaia.• ._JIiek ia fint rclCI'e.- . . ,_. .......,_._
aato die 19401. . . . . . lt..ul
....... • ii aipl be. st.a ia popalarity i• tN-i 19'70.. Thu
,._._. _ _
llllal&:ilcacapas tbere'c: aho '"bufbq:," whicb cu


Olctlon1ry or African- American
Slaq" (1994: PaJauia Boob), Uni- u ~loded." be 111)'1.
wnity ol Cali!omia-Oavil Prorcuor
la " Black J,-lk : Word, u d
~ ~ - trxa the oriain or Phraia hom the Hood to tbc Amen

i:pan' tlq syoooyms

ae.llil.....a.odlaebaltadcWJd wut wonk WCR:'IINd a wWcb en. molt oolorfu.J uprasioca. However, ..,....iocu ""' people mlaJw, think

•ll.::..) colorful.~• breezy

Tbe 1am, which wa

by Swlrtbmore Collcp Ddcat&. deICribc:s the ll-'c.

ocaanwbmo..-..'1roomma1e il witb

• boyfriead or ptfriard.
Waat mofti umplel?
- SWAO: P'llrdoe Ua.ivcnity Stu•
deou Ille this lam to dc:acribe . .
, wen to homework or cum quatiomU..waewriuendown-KCOads
bdore they were~ (Oriptl: Sciea.
tific Wild Au Ouas)
- Swarthmore S wivel : A11i n, 1
SWlfthrnorc Collep iaventioa. ffav.
ina Ollly ooe dimJla hall, if I ltl.ldcnt
wishes to tllk , about SOIDCODC at I
meal, he lhould fint look left. look
111re thM
iio•t. in carmol.
~ clueful: At Carnegie Mellon Uoivenity, ir you' re cluerut, you are


(Oive mc plMma. RllO.)
-toebd: Jryou' vcrocbd1tPuntuc


The Suffolk Journal Wcdnesday, November2, 1994
Continued from page l

power, alug imbues ..a.a illhc~nt
scnse m aeaccy. It does scqn to be

about .mpowerment and creati!J,i •
Dlttionary or African-J.mirican commuo.ity from which otbert are
Sima" (199-4: Pcnauin Boob:), Uni- Cll.Cluded.,.. be U)'L
wnity of c.t-ifomia-Davil Profcuor ·
ID ... Black Talk : Words and
~ Major lnlces the origin cf Pbruel from the Hood ro the Amen
won:ll such u " hip" to the B&ntu Comer" (-1994: Houahtoa-Milflin),
f'P'ilY of linauagcs in Africa in the Profcuor Geneva 5'11\ of
16001. The original meaning of Michigan Stitt Uoivcnii y focuses
"hepi" wu "correct - to open ooc'a more on daft&'• cubunJ. impact.
eyes.'' "Funky" aho is believed lO
Black talk, Smithermao,. a proderive from Banw - the term ':lu- fcssor of Jioauiuic, , H Y • is

fonk.i ," whlch means to have bad Africanized linglil.b. "ll'a a Ryle of
body odor. "Rap;" ,dates back to the apeakiag tho EnaJ.iab lana~c ac1730. and h&I about 30 different • cordit11 , to pau.crn1 developed by
soutee1 with different ,African and
black Amcrfcans,". ahe saya. 'These
Europeln mepio11 ranain& from patten come out of Ml'icu-Amtri"steai" o, "flirt" to 'iaunt" or "tcuc." can culture and the black ezperi-

s1an!,-:. -:C~:=,~~
oo the development of


A}nerica. ~ uyi. Altbou&h there
are differences iD the devdopment
· of slang exprcuions, Major uys
blac k slang is a pan of American

"I don' t sec them u two separate
cultures. They're intaw'ovcn, and


~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'','"-,-.""'<'.e'n•n
awan: of wblt' .. ioina ·on: lD other

Perhapl you-'ve:· bceo there - wordl, You have a Clue. (Jack's
lurtjog in your donnitory_ ~way, cludu1 <lade when it ccmes to medibouncioa from room to room, in a evil history.)
dcspetate attempt to wute time whik~. - geek box~ At Purdue Univenity,
your roommate ..entertains" his or guk boxes arc usually tack.le bolcc:1
her sisnifk:im: other.
carried by £ES and EET1.;fbey coo-.
Congratulations . You were a tain millions of cltcUOnic compDscxilc.
nenu DCCded. in a lab.
"Scx_ile" ia juat one recent eJt- - plasm·a: Wheibcr ill adminiltered
ample or the thousands or slang terms throuih java or Jolt, at MIT, plum.a
that have been created by atudcntl to describes caffeine in any or ill forms.
describe the but ...-dy (Give me pluma. man.)
dull experiences or collqe life.
- rocked: Jr you've rocked iu Purdue
The term, which wa origioaacd Univenity, you did wdl on an exam.
by Swanhmoni College-students, de-

(I just rocked my bio chem teal!)

a boyfriend or girlfriefld.
Want mortf sampks?
SWAG: Purdue University students use this term to describe answcn to bomewod: or cum qucstioos that were written down secoods
bcfon: they wen: due. (Origin: Scicntific Wild Au Oueu)

scrumpin' is for saying
you had au with someone.
- stopped by the Union; Al NMh
Dakota State, u.y this, and you're
bound to get a smile. Since condom
machines arc · toca1cd in the balh-

IJC U.:~~ l~ Af~ scribes the state of banilbmcnt that - la'Ump: At the Rocbcatct Institute
~lthouah some contc~d 1ha1 occurs when one'• roommate is with of Technology, to 1a)' you were

Black Eqliab ls a depdcdud subscandllllrdforaolf.Dgliah.S~
ddeadl it1 study • a legitimate Ianguage. Black Eoa lisb bu specific
~ and Nb , that lrt11ll be fol :
lowed, die notes.
'"This ii ~ lan1111&c in which

whatever antagonisms have ~

~frican Amcrica_ desci;ibc our

there bu been a lot of CfOS,f-f ~

lives, our loves, our pct· peeves and


- Swarthmore Swivel : Again, a
tioo in speech," he says. "The bux: our hopes and dreama," s he says. Swarthmore College invention. Hav•
difference WJ?Uld be in the cmphalia ':'Because th.ii language is so dy• iog ooly,ooe dining ball, if a student
on muucaJ quality, the c h ~ P!'· ~ and li,y_c - ao fly - much of wishes to talk about someone at a
terns in phrasing."
it crouea over ioto the mainsueam mea], he should first look. left, look
right, and look behind them to make
Forgroupatbat-.:c~from .'
sure that pcisoo i; o't in eanbot.
- clueful: At-Carnegie Mellon University, ir you're clueful, you arc



College Slang Differs from Campus to Campus
By C-oUet:e Presa Sc:rvx:e

room ~ of the Union, saying you

"ttoJ!?Cd by the Union last night"
means you had sex.
- wank: At Columbia Univenity, a
wank (u a noun) is someone who is
logged onto ·• comj,uter fol a huge
amount of lime. To wank. (u a verb)
i1 10 log on and stay ton¢ on and to
hack y9Ur brains out while drinki~
IOll or Mountain Qew.

Bilrs 8-r:Always Crowded,Always Cool
know you all walCb -




everyMonday,10whydon'lyou . .
out or the house and watch it with a
BiD'sBaronLandsdowncStrect new group of friends_
iseuctlytbat-•~- !tis,aplaa:
Live local rock bands grace the
. . - you cu go ud drink $4.00 stqoatBW'aeveryl'ueldayniiibl. ' pltdw:n ud 75-ilrafts all night. Thisislhepem,ctoppommilytohear
WheffelsecuyoufiDdadeallhatis localbaodsbemlhey!\
that cool and tbecoolesta0Wd any- it is always an ex.cuseto cet out on a
in IOWD?
Tuesday niaht.
Wednaday !"ghls jw,dy and

Bill'ai.otrerswhltismoJ.vastlic Mike do acoustic co\-cr sonp.


"AllecSchoolSpccial.'.'!lo<oolydo Wedne$daynighlsitBW',maybelp
you . . the great deal oo beer, but you get
hump day and make
lheyba.. lKepizuand~gs. And yourweekcnd'Pll°"evenquickcr.




oaFtiday'aftt:moons.M011evcotsat Thursday nights. 'IhundJysare 18+
Bill'i are 21+, so be sure to bring .and you have the run of two ni&ht
your ID because they ask everyone ·aubs:Bili' s'BarandVenusDcMilo,
foe it • the door.
for ooe price. Who can beat a deal •

aill· throughout the week.Every
~ y Ni,-is t.:atin•Ni&ht, Bill's
L the coole&t live Salsa and
Merataioc Bands. Go ahead down
and Ir)' yourbmd (or feet) at Salia.

· nilmdays you have the option
club1Ulfhice~~~&O.lq- •

tioa for those who bavt!'a difficult
club. This night cui allo bdp~

your:-:-~-~- . .... between,F"I'.... -..,


"!ill«liabl and Meiro.c Place. Yo~

Views from both sides or n
Two ipf:repid Jo':!~ reviewers talc
nasties and .the latter'• ge,inding


Madonna is an eq,er\ when it
Madoana bas offi- comes to music and allu. liatal:iaa to


Good news,

~ y droppccl lhal~ thin& in .search

;Lso:i~&m:~ !!;;::

"Bedtime Stori~" any music lover

-:e::!· .

By Ml

thoupll to 1

= ~'%l:!ii:. =x:
::-ip -=•~..

IOllDd f« bcr, wbidl sho euibits on

•::.: album tidtd ..Bedlime Seo-

Mlcbma W coaqacrcd dlDce

. can


Stories" ~ I uoc ·
Madonna's bell ·album (tbal rc:maim, f o ~


fprt ol su.mpa;aous poovca., duob-

She ii ah

~!:'::U:u,•~~ ;:::;:,


for ; : : . : : ,
u pop
may bedis-_
... _ _ ... """''"""' _....i>tluhtbeolbam-l k . : - . . . .
(abholap, umillabblc) vo;,ce ud ii IO low-by and DOI M in-your-face wmolicod •
- - it illlO a- deeper, smootbor, M ... cmtict works, but Mldoalla
.. . cm .... bat abo adda .,...,...,jack.....,walli,p- ._,. ...
- ~ ... ~ "11eddme Storie.I" COlllilteat ,and ~-11~

.... _


.. ...,,., ... -..,.mood.Tbealbam- ..._

_ IObeliltcmdtouawboloaadDDl•
u--.tballloa lndlYiilul
1>e - . . i ,


. . . . '"'!= --- . . --pap- _::a::..
rncb ,.



' :-

'I1"'Suffoll:Journal WedDClday,Novcmbc,2, 1994
:OOtinded from page 2

(onary of. Africin-Amiiican
l" (I~; Penguin Boob), Unity !)fCalifomia-[?avis
:nee Major traces the origin of
ta JUCh as "hip" to Ban1u
fy cl Janguqca in Africa in the
•• · The original meaning of
l" wlil "correct - to·_open one'•
" .t'funky" a1so is believed to
c from Bantu - the term ..lu1 whiC:b means to have bad
odor. "Jiap" datea beck lO the
1 an~ bu about 30 different
:ca with different ,Africa.n and

power, •i,.a,. imbues "an ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -'<-H-;..o; , .,
"' L..,•
senae cl sec:rccy. Jt does seem to be
ubout llllpOWermelll and creating a College Slang Differs from Campus to Campus

community- ffOID Which othen arc
excluded." be &ay,.
· ·
In .,Bfai:k Talk: WOrd1 ana
Phrucl from the Hood to lbc Amen
Comer" (1994: Hougb~-1,tifflin),
Profc11or Geneva Sml tbermu of
Michiian State {!niversity focuses
more oo Ilana'• cultwal impac:L
Black talk. SmitbetmaD, a professor of liniui1tic1, says , is
Africanized Eqlilh. "It's a style of
spi;£,Wng th& EnaJ.i1b language acCorifi11.1, 10 pauem1 developed by
black Americ1114/'. ahe IIYL 1'hcsc
pean nieanina• ranaina from patten OCkne out of African-Ameril'"or"flirt"to"ta&Lnt.. or·"iease." can cu.ltur'c and the black. c:itpcriltd alq:, , a]ong with Yiddish ence; n.any ~ i:raccable to African
' bu had In eoormooi im~ languqe,."
ie dcvdopmcnt of lanP,qc. in
A~thoqah ~ome contend {hat
;ca. Major ..,.•. Alltaouab there Black EnaJwa ii a degraded and subllffereoce1 • la the tle:vdopment al.tDdard form ol English, Smitherman
ang cxpreaaion1, M•joi uys dcfeadl ill Ibid)' as a legil,imate lanslang is a pan of American guage. Black English has specific
patterns and ruia that must be fol I don'1 see lhcm u two separate IOWcd, -ihc ooces.
res. Thcy'r~ . inter;w'oven, and
-rhis i~ tbc language in which
:vcr antagoni.&ms have ex.iated. African American, describe our
bu been a lot or cross-fcniUz. lives, our loves, OOr pet· pcivcs and


aware or wbat'a going on. In ot.hc:r
wools; )'ob have a clue. (Jack's OllC
clucful dude comes to ndievaJ history.)
- geek box: At Purdue Upivcraity,
your roommate '"entertains" his or geek bc:ncs are uswilly tack.le bc:nes
her Pgru6cant other.
carried by EES aad EETL Thcy.COllCongratulations. You were a tain milliona or .electmnic com~
ncnta' needed in a lab.
"Sexile" is jus1 one reccn1 example of the thw~ of slang terms
that have beezt created by studcntJ to describes caffeine in any. or ill fOfflll.
daa:ibc the oh-50-unique but rai-e!y (Givs. me plasma. man.)
dull experiences or eollea:c life.
- rocked: Jf you've at Purdue
The tam, which WU originated University, you did well on an exam.
.by sWarthm()fe Collq:c &Wdenu, de- (I just rocked my bio chem test!}
scribes the state of baniahmeo1 that - scrump: .,,_t the Rochester Institute
occurs when one's roommalt: is with of Technology, to say you were
a boyfriend or giricricod.
s.crumpin' is shOrthand for aayio1
you had sex· with S9JDCOOC.
Want mens .arAl,les?
- SWAG: Purdue University stu- - stopt1e<I. by the Union: At North
dents use this term to describe an- Dakota State. say this, and you're
swers l9 homework. or cum qucs- bound to get a smile:. 'Since condom
tiODI that were written down seconds machines arc ' located in the bathbefore they were due. (Origin: Scien- room• of the Union. saying you
tific Wild Ass Guess)
.., topped by the Union last ni~ht"
- Swarthmore Swivel: Again, a means you had SCJI:.
Swarthmore Collqe invention. Hav- - wanlt: At Columbia University, a
ing onJy ooe dining hall, if a student wanlt (as a noun) is someone who is
wi:lhCS to talk about someone at a logged onto a computer for a huge
mea], he should first look. left, look. amount of time. To wanlt (as a verb)
- right. and look behind them to make is to log on and stay logged on and to
sure that penon i$n't in
hIICk your brains out while drinking
- ducful: At Olmcgie Mellon.Uni- lots· of Mountain Dew.
versity, if you·rc clueful, you are

:s:!~dh:e~:-the--:,:: ;~~::s :: 1=::~• i:h:tr;~
~~~; the~~ JJ!C·

orgrouJ)UlliM -.


::.::::::r- : ~ ;ai~:!
~ l i e ~ ol.wbit.e1."


e'y CoUcae Preis Service

·Perhaps you've been there lurltlna in your donni1ory hallway,
bouncing from room to room, in a
desperate abempt to waste time while

~1;1:~::e:~: :;:~~


Bill'sBar:Always Crowded.Always Cool , ,
know you all wau:h Melrolo Place ,




is exactly-that - a bar. ~ti~ a place
where you can go and drink $4.00
. piu:bersand7Scen1<lrafts11Tnigllt
Where else can you find a deal that IS
lhlti:ool'lndthecooles_tcrowdanywben:in lDWII~

out of the house and walcbjtwith a
new group of friends.
Uve lqcal rock~ gra,:e the
stage at Bill's ever,. Tuesday night.
itis always an excuse to get out on a
Tuesday night
Wcdne,day nights Randy I
Mike do acoustic cover songs.
Wednesday nights at Bill'smaybelP.
you get. over ,hump day and make
yourweelce~ appear even quicker.

Bill's bar offen what is know as tJie
· you ·F' lhc groa1 deal on beer, but
lheyha't'C freepiu.aand wings. And
I can icstify lhlt the placois bopping
-~Pridayaftemoons.Mostevents~ Thursdaynighli 1bwsclaysaoo,18+
Bill's are 21+,. so be swe to bring and you have.the run. of two n.i.&ht
)'OIK ID ~
-they _ everyone clubs:Bill'sBarandVenusbcMilo,
for ooe price. Who can beat a ~ •
ror 4·~ ihc door.
Bill'sBaroffcrsvariedentertam- liulhal?
menCifuougbQUf. the wet.k.E\'ery
Sunday Night is:Latin N,i&\!L Bill's


!he coolest live sa4a.and ·

Mapi&iuc Bands. uo llhcad down
lliidlrJI your band (or feet) 11 Salsa.


· ' ·
Miller~,,.aodMe~~- Yo1:1

COn1inued 0~ page 5

Views rrom both sides or Madonna's
'l'wo ip~pid Jo~~ reviewer;-s take Madonna ti

J - Griem



nastic1 and the latter's grinding


B)' Mk:had~McCusker


Madonna.i'henanicbijngsmany •a)l

bu officially,dropped lhat sex thing jn .search "Bedtiq\e, Storfea" any m~ic lover · tbougba to mind. ProvocaleUr, boy
of IOfflechinJ more self-satisfying, • can ·see why. ·
toy, f ~ ~piorfof &elf pro-


:-nd=·-~=:i~llne; ~.~':_ ::,e;:;;. ~ ~~u::~::n:r~:O~~

·• i,ew album titlocl

"Bedtliae Sto-

=::.'::r: :r-....::

1989'• "Lib a l\aJa"') hut ii-is a
unique, laid- back; mulli-layeitd ef.

Madoamlbod._....idoace fp,t of sumptuou.1 poovea, throb-


Tbroapout bor reip u pop
quec:asbis ....... bcrc:mccwilP')'
(altboup aamiiubble)' voice and
aned it illlO a deeper; smootbor,


......... bat :....
..i ......... ..,.., ...


dysfuactioD. and,_« course.. pop star.


of these things.


~~ov=:::: ~
to be taken seriosly as art. Her


- , M/ld<JoUJam may be du-_.....s

~ - all>wn.,JO<!Cbing on many "'
aibvenive imd. taboo ~ . 'went••
1100 .,.... - , . . . . aor~- wmodccd amid all the "Sex" hype. 1a1
• ._ c:utier w ~ hut MadoDoa
Madaana tries to alnmend this M
.,._ a aew jack IWUll wallop with whb "Jl:edtime Slorics" (Mav~k/ llJ
•Bedllme Stories" consistent and Sbe), k'1 UIO bad. 1"a. IOOII OQ this of
~ m o o d . Tboalbmttnccdl · CIOlloclioD do litde to ltimulate, or Jn.
cobellacnod tou • w~IDd not• ovm---. Tho hlJHKIP "look. at · fir
' lndl..iaal lnCD lo be -.WY ..:rmladlelOpfOlly"vibelluough- _<
•dle- ■ -...ocwlOlbc
, •• . . . . . JW.UIO Ille. Artiau · co


llblak+.... adS-Dofiy,.

TbeSuffolt.Jounw WcdDelday, Noveml>er2.1994

al&oa 1.mbllc:a

"u lnhueat
leGIC.ol lCICftC)'. It docs acan 10 be
about ampowenpeor and cratiq a


commmlity from Whici'""othcn are
cxclD4ed." be 111)'1.

~ ",::C~T.:!!J ::•~

, - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~I .....,

Co!Jelle Slang Differs_ ~pus to Campus
By CoUep Prall


Perups you' •e ··been tbcre -

lutkioa in your dor!D,jtory ballway,
Comer" (I 994: HOUahtoo-Mifflla), bouncina from room to room, in •
P-iofeMOr .Ocoeva Smh.Mniuln of dclpenlC attempt co waste time while
Mictii1an Stale Uaive.nity focuJe& your roommate "entertains" his or
moi'c .on slaq'I adtwal implCl
her sipificaot other.
Black tal.k, Smit.bcnnan, a p,oCongratul•tions. You were •
feuor of lin1uiuic1, HYI, i1 sc.11.ile.
Afric:aitju:dEoa.1iab. "lt'1 aatylcor
"SC.11.ilc" is ju11 one recent ca1peakina tho Eft&1l1h lanauqe ac- mnplc of the tboulands ofslana terms ·
conpq • to paucma developed by that have been cn:atea by studcnll to
bllck Amcnclnl," 1bo ..,._, '7hcse describe the oh-ao-uniquc but rai-dy
\ patter'I come out of African,Ameri, duU cxperimcea or collqc life.
I can culhlre and tho black experiThe term, which wai oriainaud
ence; maay are tracable to African by Swarthmore ColJece ~ . &>
scribes the m&e oC bam&hmcol thlt
Altlaovah some coatead 1h11 ocaus wl¥:o ooe'• roommate ia with
Bla:k EDalilb it a ~ and IUb- • boyfriald or gfrtfriend.
scadlnt foraolF..oaJ..iab.~
Want OOl"CJ umpb?
dcfatdl .. tbldy - • lepimale. tan- - SWAG: Purdue University stul"l&e.. Black Ea1li1b bu specific dcntl use this term to describe anpaaerm and rub tbal must be fol - 1wcn 10 homework or exam qucslowed. abe noccs.
- tiom that were wriw:u down sccondJ
'1'hil ii lbe lan&ualc in which before they wen: due. (Origin: Scicn~fricu. America,!'• dc•c?be our tific Wild Au Gucu)
live,., oor lovet, our pee peeve, and - Sw■n,hmore Swivel: Again, a
our bopca and dreamt," she uy1. Swarthmore College invention. Hav~dk1u1e tllb language i1 10 4.Y· io.g ooJy ooc dining ball, if a student
umic and ~y_c - ao fly - ml>Ch of wishes to talk about someone at .1.
it croues over Into the mainstream meal, he should ftnt look left, look
right, and look behind them tO make
surc 'thac person iSn•t in earshot.
. -clueful: Al Carnegie Mellon Uni-

versity, ir you're clu.cful, you arc

•wan: of wbac'1 &oina on.




la other

wordt. you have a clue. (Jack'•



cludul dude when it c ~ to mcdi-

cvaJ hiacory.)
- at:ek _
boa: At Purdue University,
aeet boAcs are usually tackle boxes
carried by EES and EETs. They cootaln millioos or .electronic compi>
nenU llCCded in • lab.
- plMmii: Whether itt administered
throuah j•v.a or Jolt, at MIT, plasma
describe• caffeine in any or itt fonna.

Bill's Bar:Always Crowded,Alw~ys Cool ,

(Give me ,pluma, man.)
- rocked: IJyou've rocked at Purdue
University, you did wdJ on an cum.
or Tccbnol9a, , to uy you wen:
acnunpin' ·i• 1borthand for uyiq
you hid r:cAl,itb 10mCOnC.
- scoppcd by the Union: At North
DU.oca Stile, uy this, and you're
~ to gee a uni)c. Since coodom
machines are loc■icd in 1he bathroom• of the Union, uyina you
"stnpped by the Union Jut night"
mean. you had ICJI ,
- wa.nk: At Columbia University, a
wank (111 a noon) iJ someone who is
logged onto a computer for a buae
amoonl ot time. To wank (as a vctb)
is 10 log on and II.I)' logaed on and to
hack your brain• out while drirw'ng
Iota of Mountain Dew,

kno-;_ you all wllCh MeJrooe Place
out of the house and watch it with a
1'CW a:roup or friends.
Uvclocal rock t+ndsgrac:cthe
st.qc at Bill's cvc,y 1-elday nipL


BJ Cllrtala:Taaldo

(I jllll ,ocked my bio chem tell!)
- 1CNmp: At the Rochester lnsliune


Bill's Baron Landsdownc Street
isex.actlythat-abar. !t.iSaplaoc
where yoo can go and drink $4.00
pw:bci,i and 75 cent~ all nigj,t.
Wben:clsccanyou find a deal that is
thatcoolandtbccoolestCl"OWdaoy- itdalwaysaoexeusctosetootona
wb= in eown?
Tuesday ni&ht ·
WcdDelday nig),u Randy ·and
Bill'sbaroffcrswhat.isknowas:tlic Mike do acoustic cover sonp.
• Allc,-Sdlool Special." Notoolydo Wedncsdaynigj,u~ Bill'1maybclp
you p;t the great deal on beer, bul you get over hump day and make
theyb■ vefrecpiu.aandwings . And


I can reatifythatthe place is bopping


·American Spiritisalltherqeoa
Thursday nights. Thwsdaysare18+
and you have the run of two niabryour ft> bccaus,eJhcy as~cverybnc clubs:BiU'sBar~VenusDeMilo;
."'for one price. Who can beat a deal
ll+, so be sure 10 b'rina:

Bill's8acoffasvaricde.ntertainment thr6ugbout the w~Every

SuodayNi.gbl: is Lalin Nip.. Bm·,
hosts the coolest live Salsa and
Metmciae Bands. Go ahead down'
and try yoor ban~·(O( feet) at Salsa.


Millcrli&btud Mclro&c Place. Yo~

Thursdays you have ·the option
clubudvk::eYCl'$L Theperioc:Uolu- •

lion for those who have a difficult
timcdctjdingwhc:rctogo: abarora

club. This night can also bdp seule.
disput~ bctweenJ ouplcs, dancing



continued ~ page 5

Views from both sides of Mad~~•s Bed
Two iptrepid Journal reviewers take Madollll!1 to "Bed"
n■ 11ic1 and the laner'a grinding
Dog have al[cady given this sour
By Mfcbael McCuaktr
ill innovation and it's mainstreaJ
,-,tadonna is an ezpeit when it
Good newi. Madonna bas offt- cornea-to music and ■ltcr liaenin& to
Madonna . lbcnamcbringsmany
Madonna needs a hit rec01
dally dropped tbac sex thiog in scarcb r·"Bedtime Stories" any music lover d!<>Ygbls ·10 mmd. PYovocat=, boy lhoog),. ood she stylO<:OpS to do ;
of more Kir-wi.Cying.'"' can see why.
toy, feminist. clwnpioo of self pro- Tbc sin&]e '"Sectct"' and other tr■cl
1'1111, IOmedlia, is a compl«cly new
" BCdtime Storlcs" is not modoa, bolineu-woman, coat rxk _ like
Stop" and "!!~.fa
~ for her, which she ahibita on MIJll,onna'a beat ■Jbam (dill rcmaim (01' a aoc:iety's sczual function or wrc" rad like musicaJ paim~DWI
~...s,cl.,..,,.,pop...,.. be,,wbile-.!ina1111citlletllem<
albua tided -scdtime
W--- is ,aD of tbe:lc thinp. · that bave made her a -.:eea.
M--. Iliad caaqaaed dl8ce f,-t al 111mpmoua pooves. tbrobShe is abo CWCft:lpoted. Her 1992
- Once p11t the sticty IJallacl "Lo,






muie ud ~ ad - - ·
wllicll be . . ~ lcs, ..t bril1Jut11 lfflqed vocal liaa of oven::apoae. 'while tryina
for may ,aa to c::ome.
to be taken scriosly as art. Her
nro.poa, 11cr rcip u pop
.._, ~ f - _,. be dis-- ""&lcica" .albwn, ~ 011 many
wilpy ..,..._ wlm die ...... ,...._lk lldJ,,wcnh,e ad taboo theme.a, 'went
(■llboqll ..........,.., voicD ad ii ao low-by md aot • io-your--faa:
uaooticed .... ·" ' die "Sex" .,,,._.
iaco •
MadoGu tries to ammcnd thla
.it _deeper, aaoodlor, • llar earlier worb. bul . . _ _
_ ... ..., ,-b•-JoOk"""lnllapwida "e,cllilno Sloricl" (Maverick/
lbe ca U1 but ·a1ao adda '"lledUmo Storia" coullwu ua Sire), 11'1 IOO bad. 1'bc '°"II on thb
... 10 cl bor ~ - - Tboalbum- ooUocdaa do liulo to ·aimulacc,~or
iobeu.a-dto11awboleand not• naa -.naiD. Tbe.Ju~bop "look II
iDdMdul cncb to be tltoroa:ply ae.f■ ladle1npfony"vibcthrough :

- •--•ooce





1111 . . _ ii

aoduaa new

. . . . . . . . . , _ IOO

lib 11111...... ad

to the


rcvcali iu savbla pace. ""Bcdtin
Scory,"a techno-~ romp that W1
written by Bjork..
Madonna is u eood • her co

llbonton, """ "" Ina. """ ,.

Madonna copyU11 Ojcxb:' voc1
style, doea wen. Jt'a IOO bad the re
of the album iJ bivial ll bM. sbo,
ing that Madonna 11111)' have lit~
time ldt to judfy her pt-=e ■iDCNi
pop'• hiervcti.r,
, Let's aee, if Madomla •~

lllc. Anutl cowuiq her peaaiea

5 - Dou, ,.. be, in tbe ,-...


Mazzy Star: Old but not F()rgotten
performuc:c appean oo Cu.In'•

By KrlMia Padlm

:E.~t- rtalt-..~-,.:.t,9-i-,.,d .,Le~:!:n..n :e



Callfomia'1 Mau.ySuu-havcbeeo
~ cri#cal n.vcs for ycan now
bu1 the duct's sec~od al\)um, .. So
T~&bt ·1:h-t I Might See," ~ver
PfDCd mauu:trcam
despite a
dcvoced cult foUo"".1n1 ,
•The w~Uy moody aJbum,
wh.c~ has been 1n ~ for well
over a year npw, is j ust suddenly
~::na some much deserved attcn•
Thia IUddeo .,.--; .. ,;on comes


Bill's Bar:Always Crowded,Alw~ys Coo1 ·1
Br Cluildna Tealdo
JOt.aNAL ST,.,.

Bill's BaronLandsdowneStrcct
is euctly that- a bar. 1' is a plaoc
wbcro you cu go and drinlc $4.00
· pucl,en and 7s'cent drafts .U night.
Wbtreclse can you find adeal that is
thalcool and the coolest CfOWd any•

Friday aftcmoons, 4 pm to 9 pm,

Bill's i.'rofferswhatisknowastlic
• Aller School Special." NIM only do
you act the deal on beer, but
they have frcepiu.aand wings. And
onPridayaftemoons. Most events al

Bill's arc 21+: so be sure to brini
your ID b& they aslc everyone
Bill's B8rnffcrs varic:dentctt.ainmcnt lhroughOUl the week.Every
SWlday Nigbc is Latin Night. Bill's
hosts:, lbc coolcsl live Salsa and
llfampuo Bands. Go ,m:ad down
and try your hand (od.,..)a1 Salsa.

moW you all watch Mc1rosc Plllce
every Monday, so why don't you get
out of the house and watch it with a
'new group of friends.,
U,c local roclt binds graco tho
stage al Bill:s cvefy Tuesday niahL
local bands before they !\it it big. plus
it is always an excuse to get out on•
Tuesday night
Wednesday nights Randy and
Mike do acoustic cover 1ong1.
Wednesday nightut Bill's may help
you get ovir hump day and make
your weekend appear even quieter. .
American Spirit is au lhe rage on
Thursday nighJs. Thursdays are 18+
and you have the run or two ni&,ht
clubs: Bill's Bar and Venus De Milo,
for one price. Who can beat



This listener admits feeling disappointed al first be<:ausc of the upcctations of "Bedtime Stories" be·
ing an aJbum of ballw and adult
com1cmporary cuu (two genres Ma•
donna ha.s proven surprisingly 1troo1
io), butwhcn "BedtimcStorict"ttarts
ii cuts an in'CSislable urba.o s!)Cll.
Ml\donna is at her .crafty, invcndve
best on "Bedtime Stories" ind runs
away with a quality hip-hop aJbum
with IOU of seosuality.
This is no 1urptjsc corpin&.
from the woman who always p~
duced Quality dance music in die
wake ol an era when rmwc IOUDdcd
11 if it was coming from an Awl
Madonna i• working wilh tal-



clubandvk:cvcrsa..!Jbtporfectsolu- •
tion for those who have a difficuh
time deciding where to go: a bar or a
club. This night can also help settle.
yourdoepeabiddtadanccpuaOOI. disputes between.~pies, dancing
· • ·

Milla-lip< and Mclro,c Plaoo. You



Continued from page 4



and lead 1in1cr Hope Sandoval'•
memorable gucat appearance oo The
),I~~ and"S ~~-~~~~ new
......,.. tuuo.u...., ~ Her

continued ~ page S

oo "Bedtime Stories" IO all of the




~ •
--SO·Toaipl.Tbac J Mipt Sec" ii
definitely wOt1ll ~y s«iOl.ll pasic '
lo¥ct'1 time. Tbc album is leductivc
. ~ -~ • widl a com~~oa of
ltlnU!& vocab aad bush ~ical •rangementa.
The fflu,ic produces a dreamlike acmoepbcre similar to 'The Sun•


the bit aiaale "Fade lnln Ynu,'"
Sandoval aod guitarist David Roback
mix vocals ao::I i.astrwnentJ into one
luting and uancc-indocina sound.
'"So TODia,bl Tba I Miabl See" ii a
uruqut abd stirring musical upcricnce.D,.nz:. A•
touch upon many sub~.
There ii the beautiful "Forbidden
LovC," the haunting "Sanctuary," a
mid-tempo dance track called "Don't
Stop," the single "Secret"
and the ~lting, media-bashing
" Human Nature."
on every track on "Bedtime Stories,"
especially on ·,he albums' clo,er
'1'ake A Bow." . Hu back-up vocaJ· istt arc .just. as impressive.. Wottdng
again with singcn N"lkki Harri, and
Donna Delory, the thtcelOme produce lush and. ulllorgettable barmo-

• J
Thia listener came away not only
ldmirii:i& "Bedtime· S1orie1" drutic
~ r e fmm die ordimry but roipccdng the al~• riclmcu aad
the artist's daring cboicea. ..Bedtime
Storie," may not plcue die-bard
nitely i ati1fy anyone looldna for


jAskl'at I
Deer ht.
s ~ CtMV jro,,I dttp, lont•laltuti
I have an awful problem. ·1 really JrkntWtips. So if 1"" feel oomfort·
li.lae this auY whom-I've been frieods able eM111h to tall to him abotu
with for a long time. My Mi yow JeelJnis that 10 for It. Odwrswtina to change about him, and wise Y"" may MWr .blow if 1w ii the
I'm. terribly confused.
one fo r )'OM.
Spending so much time with lhis .
Yw "1,w,dy M\/C a solid MU fo r
pcnon is driving me crazy. t value thu to •NI up t#N. way )'OU._, It ,a,
this friendship and don' t want to lose Maybe you bolls Nnl• ,..,,,_ifrl,u,tb
him but this is really a tryin& expcri- that serue thu ~en,,vctlon bdwun
ence. LaLely I've bad thouahta of tJw. two of )'OM as well. 11w cotlld
being with him and I fed like I am : ·wo,t, in 'JOllr Jaw,,.
goiJI& out of my mind.
Drop hittU if JOM con, b,u M
Do you think I should talk to him SMbfk. But if )'Oll 'n 1,nnv MOWlli.
abcu. it er Jet it 101 Please help me, ,conv rlpl OvJ ONl tell hli,c,
l'ffl aoiDa i:aycbotic.
mostliUly/whappyyOfldid. Good


Heart a FluUtt
Dear Hean,
111is is one of the most dijfict,Jt
problems one ca1' face in a close
JrleNhhip. Unfortunately, tM only
way )'OM wUI ewr know if the romantic Julin11 )'OM haw for y~r friend
are Jell by him, too. is to simply talk
to him. tell him how you fed.
However. this is not easy.. It is

■ Bo.L'S BAil
Continued from page 4

for her and serious bar drinking for
SJIC!ill,Jlill's offers ao _,jukobqx pight. Ju a penoaal opinion, I
can' t'tJtlnk of anythin1 elle to do
feels the same as you. tlaen ,ov both cial. It ICCfDCd to me dial neryooe
M\/C the potenrial to M a wry IO'II• WU having'&~ Ji,ne.
in1, ton1.-1erm cqwple.
Saturday'• Burt offai one of
• I ant tu.JW!Wls :J<Mr Jmttdship ii my ·fav0ntes~80'• nipl. Saturday


10 stron1 because JOII both share
many common interests and e'l}oy
each other's company. If you two
spend 10 much time to1etMr you
both ob-.,iously ,ferl some1hin1 to•
~rd e~h other, ~ ;j it is put a
In my opiniotf. c the bat nlarion•

ni&ht Bill's is filled with till> ,.U
spun by DJ Dovid .lamcl. .
Bill's Bar "Always Crowded.

Al~Coor is21+eve,yniiJ,,cxis no cover.


Views from both sides of Madonna's Bed

1\vo iptrepid Journal reviewers take Madonna to "Bed"


By J utln Grieco

nasties and 1he latter's grinding
By McCuskcr
Madonna is an ci.pcrt when it
Good news., Madonna has offi• comes to music and after listenina LO
Madonna. The name brings m.a.ny
cially dropped that sci. thing in sea,ch "Bedtime Stories" any music lover thoughts to mind. Provocate\lr, boy
of 1omcthlng mo,e sclf-sati,fying. can MC Why. ~
· toy, feminist, champion o{ self proThat ,omething ii a compktcly new
.. Bcdtiinc Stories'! is not motion, business-woman. coal rack
sound for her, )lllhicb she ahibits oa Madonna's best aJbum (that rcmainsE for a ,ociety's sexual function or


album ,..titlad "Bedtime Sto-

Madoana lad cooqocn:d daacc
mus;c IUIII c i . . ~ ~and
lt)'k:I ,rhic:11. .-Id be

for many yqm to come.. .•
, . Throa.P,out her rcip u pop
qaee:o lbc ~ bc:r oace wilp)'
(al&bou.ab ~ l e ) voice and
un,cd it inco a- doeper, uaootbcr,

' ~ ~ ~ DOt

.... and



but also adds .
emotioa to many ol her

. , _ she can


QliDr _. , _ . Jack-

.. ....,., '"""'a,m-

Dog have already given lhis sound
iu innovation and it' • mainstream


Madonna oCcds a hit record
though. and sbc llyle-cops 10 do \L
The single ..Secret and ocher ti"leki
like "Qon'I Slop" and "Human Nature" read like musical paint-by nwn•
her, while avoi4ina any ollhc themes
that have made her a
f~ of sumptuous croovea, throbShe it a1IO overesposed. Her 1992
Once put the lticty blllad .. Love
blociwu ~ ~ ly,- "Sox" book pml,,d be< to Ibo OUIU Tried To w ~
the aJbum
ict, and brilliantly lff'Ulled vocal limits of OVCff:l.polUrc. while tJyina reveal\ its s.avina ll'1ICe, "Bedtime
to be taken seriosly as art. Her Story,"a techno-trance romp that.was
~ ~ £ a m may be. di., "f.mtica~ album, ~touchina on many written by Bjork.
lppoimed with tbe album bcicaulei it anbwnivc ad taboo themes, 'went
MIOOMI is u aood • her col·
ii 10 low-key and DOl • iD-yOW"•face unnoliced amid all .tbe "Sex" hype. labonton, and this track, oacC past
• her cu:licr wo,b, bus Madoaaa.
Madomla tries to ammcod lhi1 Madonna copyin1 tjorta' vocal
pa:tl a new jack 1wiq W.U0,, with widl "B;edtimc Storie,~ (Maverick/ 11yle, doca wort. It's too bed the real
"Bedtime Stories" consl1teat" a.nd Site). It's too bad. The aonp on this of the album 11 trivial II best, show·
.-izina mood. Tbc album necdl colloctioa do little 1 stimulate, or ing that Madonna may hive littli
to be liatqled to u a whole and nol a eveo ~ - Tbe hip-hop "look at time left to juatify her pbce among
pop's hierarchy.
~ ~ k s 10 be tt,orouply
Let's see, if Madonna starts
yar too Ille. Aniw cou.ntina her pclUUCI aow, we may
lib Sok+Ptpl IDd Soo.., Do11Y see her in _
lhllyear. ..






c-,i- ,_ -

• •_.._a



YOUR student n~wspaper_
·needs writers, eopy i ditors,


.. r·

advertising representatives, or anyone i11tere&_ted in
news writing newspaper production.






Come on-down ~ ~ Journal offices, first floor of o
the Stu~ent Activities Qenter; next to the ·F enton building.,r

.,. :, I u J




Kennedy and Weld


Bread and Circuses ·Ele~t" Behrle for a better~
W orld, UFges J.

Wtdltbccloctionsf~UnitcdStatcs Senate~ GovcrnorolMlllacbucttscomiq up next'T'ocsday, twocandi~emel'F • the best c:boioes ror·each respective race.
l!dw#d MocR Kcmicdy has a prow,n and exemplary
tractKICOrd in the Unired Stares Senate. With the 32
of clout he bs built up. he has proven his worth to lhc



~1,;11.basboena_,entolw,iverial hcallh""!'fo,
20,-..adbasfouabtfoclhc minimwn wqo forappro,d- '


IDlldy l!l)'Clll inaupportof wortinsfamilics.
Keuedy bos broqbt millions of fcdcral doU....
- a n d bas pro""' himsdflhclcad spokesman
l a d l e ~ race, Governor William Weld has

pcriloua last )'<#IOflhc Dukakis administnlioo, ind made
He bas proven himself to be tough on aimc and on
wd~ ad.has still been able CD work in a bi-partisan
manoc:rwithMusaclwsetts Democrats.
Weld bas proven himself to be a Republican in a
traditionally Dcmocralic state like Masuchusctts who is
noc. afraid to speak his mind, even if that means going
against powerful~ popular Democrats.
Witbtcrm limiu a hot button issue of the day, ii
is imporu,a1 to mncnibcr that voters have always had the
power of term limits within their grasp. The ability to vote
..,..-.s.,dlai isnotdoinglhejobcxpcd,dsbould not
ll)d _
Governor Weld, who have proven their wonh and
should be allowed lO continue the eood work they' vc been


Tak~ anolber look at Suffolk partidpalion.

No such lhiDg as small


Dear Mike Shaw,
AJthough the 1evera.l letten dropped in your office


As an active member
WSFR, l see. patticipation Dear Editor:
every day where you say there
In his article ""Thinl. be·
may have bceo in poor tam, is none. I wou.hf venture lo fore you q,eak" in the Octo-I think th" ' were fitting. I, say that lhe authon Or those ber 19th Journal, Christian
too, read \you colum n and hate leucn are members or Engler describes an incident
was bothered by your re• organiz.ations here at Suffolk which occurred ·at I.he s1u mark.I about the supposed who feel that their contribu• den1. l~derslliP idriat a1
1ac.k cl 1pirit here at Suffolk. tiom are going unnoticed.
Camp Cody.-: T_bc r'a nklc reWhile I undc:ntand that
I feel that your negfllivity flccll I untoriwwc lack of
you inlmtioa wa to shock, I was uncalled for. I cncour- ,wuioeuaboi,/ilioirlll!nseiy
definitely ~ DOI agree _
with age you to take aoolber look hw1ful power of racist pie•
1 1
muter school, there is an CJI • tioo 'in this 1ehool.
portant to undenwld ~ ; ~

~ra.-:::c:~ ~:, ~~,::,.

lar activities.



Confedenlc flla, the word
"coon" and pictura of C.u•

=:::::-----,---:.______ j =~r~~
BSU e ~ Engler to "Think ~rore

,, YOU ~ , ,
Oear. Suffolk Ulbversity,
• ......... Slmrt MIDaer, com:DCOtin& oo lbe
effcctiYmea of the Secret Serv°ice co his l..ite:ruy 5-ire.

~mi;~:,:oo. .~~


have bceo circulating

~ campus.




.· r

By the lltUdeou, fotlhe ...i.;.., ~ 1936




'<... 1.: . .



'!~IIM c.,lloy,) ~ ~

MikllS.., Eia:.iive~





FIIU, I was very upset by


The Suffqlk Journal


ticlc that BSU, HASA and
other c:oncemcd studenll "usulDed that ,ihe, the
1011tbem 'flq: a.nd a plaque
~ aa,!d _'cqcd 1
c:ooqa' were
..:Ill. EnaJer wmt
to say
that • first be J)kied Lll be,.

innocent' cultunl e11pressioos. They art: i.mtcad deeply
offensive a.nd inlulting sym.bolt to many Africao.Ameri cana: "
reminders or a very loog
en Jn \American history in
· which it was r.bionable as
well u -politicall,Y and cc~
DOOUCally profi&able. to tmit
black'. ~ aa atupwl,J:hild•
lie, tublevicnt. aimalistic
a n d ~ It is lcu rash•
ionatilc todiy to btu blatant
abqut· tJCla#:i-ejadice, but

My oame it Karco. the article that was written by
1.awreoce IDd lam tbe Prai- Cuiatian Engler. It displayed
dent of the Black Studen1 a 1ac.k ol knowlcdae and reUEliao. I am writia& this open spcct for his fellow minority
lcac:r lo Suffolk lblCleata. fac:- .swdc!A. He stated in his ar::-re:da

KamM.Co.rtaey, ..._MlllqU
Ay-.Fdey,.Sports&llor- .


Dl...-.ity Plu cu help
De.- ·Editor,

pro'ride ~ r t

that cOAtributc to oa~Ji na
dilCUh.ioa ol iulilCI
inc 1111 of II&.
Secoad:iy, iD lipt of the
recent &Dd COMUtu.iDa coo·
llOVen)' rcprdiDc die lead·
enhip ~ ia qbt of the

, First of all, conpula~ODI to you all for ha'lffla the
umc, energy ■nd . commit~ t to do yqur 1mponant
~ of providin1 a provocabv~ _
and ra:q,tivc fonun of
for lbe S.tfolk Ual- ..._,-,, Dl....ity Poticy.



forums outside the clauroorn

_____ ,

approved by tbc Board of


" Will someone please
u.plain to me why ii is
,that •.. ?''
"Perhaps someone could
abed 19fflC light on lhe matter
or.. .?"
If anybody was wau:hin& ABC News' Ni&ht/UI~ on
the night of Augus1 23rd. I.hen
those iwo questions will seem
all too familiar.
Ted Koppel spen1 fifteen
minutes trying to act Senaton Alan Simpson and Joe
Biden to talk. about some spc•
cific: items wilhin the now
pused Ointon Crime Bill.
Unfonwwely, all~ goi was
double talk....again.
WbCD will il come to the
point when the American
people will no longer sWld
for all of the rhetoric sur•
rou.mling hard hitting issues7
When wilf ·.u we wake up
and smell the burning em•
bers of what wu once our
great country7
Today's political game is
a lick joke. Nobody c:an get a
straight answer from their officials anymore.
Take the Nighlline show, fot
a.ample. It started out nice
enouab. The 1wo opposing
SC.DllOl"I were electronically
situated "face 10 face." W1d
people · 1u0ing in were e11 •
pocqng to sec a heated de·
ha~ QG the crime bill's mid•
niabt bukctball provisions:
pll.ll.a .~r-,v other tidbits. Boy,
were WC Wl"OIJI·
~ out the first question,
Joe and Alan were at eac:h
other', tb'roiti, Nobody
w--.1 to uy for themscJvca
wbcn tbcy IIOOd on the it•


: 'they were .both

morc,than happy to point out

their opposilg: party' • ideas
as a whole. ·
From there, qainst Ted's

-best efforts to pn:vent it, the
"debate" quickly deaencr-


::c~ ~ti:!t ':,~ Jlm ,s.l)rfe~ ap,waa. But, myplan would
mined the most atrocitie,
1 W-, .aniffi'!I ahac the mandate that every person in
against the other over the put other daf afte r playi na · • America get daily Vitamin C
few years. But surely, that'•• record scttiD& pmc of Su.per s hou. Every citiz.en of ourcrime. isn't it7
Pac-man, when- I decided to fine nadoo would be required
Smokin' Joe Bidcn ~ y cbanae i;ny· life. I to sleep wilh "Vico Vapopoiotcd out lhe Republicao's l'llCall, a man can only live in Rub .. smeared over their
blatant misuse of a Special a boiler room for 10 Iona ~hesu and it wou.kl be your
Orders Rule. and evil unwill• before be IWU thinking of patriotic duty to s uet oD
ingncss 10 bring several bills some lifeatyle change,.
MCntbo-lyptu1 all day. If
10 vo1e as quickly as they
lfeltitwutimeformeto nobody's sick, tupaycn pay
shouldhavejustsolheycould get some respect. Some re- notbina. Hospitals will be
make our pre1iden1 look bad. sponsibility. I wanted 1 con- tuffled into 1bo~g malls
Next, Alan - don't call tribute to " community. To and docton will become cabthe
me Homer - Simpson leu make my mark on the world bie,. Sk:k pcople7 Qumu·
than eloqueatly told ·lhe now and make my paralll proud tined off to some volcanic
thoroughly entertained, ye t of me. And, hey, some They're a ·t;wden. on
still uninformed, viCWen al, moolab wouldn' t .llu,t. But our society, When it's 'lime
home that Dcmocrall bad what job coukf give me both for you to go, I say do the lhe same special otdcn ~ public: admiration I de- right thing- call Kevortiall.
rule over twenty times over &erve and hickeys from 15
CnlflW: La's face it. Our
lhe past year; and that if the yew old aids?
country bu' fallen Uuo the
Democrall Wanted to play
Then it hlt me. I can d- hands o f hoodlum,. But
I.heir way, "They'll have to t.ber become an astronaut, or enough about the Republipay I.he price...
I cou.ld run fOI" govunor.
can Party. I say death peoahy
Of course, as yo u can
Deina an astrooiut ain't allthewayll'llbookupdnla
imagine, the shouting what it used to be, lhouah. dealers lo cu ' battcrictl I
onlygoiwonc. Tbciwoweat · Fixin&aatdlitea7 Whocara7 won't just CJ1.ecute first de,.
oa 10 argue about meuwa Seeing how grasshoppers tc-- ' a,cc murdeten - I'll
and counter-measwu; com• act tO Wdptleuncu7 They their favorite country-we11promises and broken prom• float around! I mean what• em sjn,:cr with •cmt 3 llritcr
ises. All' the while they kepi ever happened to '1Llving I.he and · you' rc out7 That's pr•
half smiles on their faces and · right atutr and "Mr. Sulu, bqe. If you even step up to
coruiantly called each other , fire photon 1ocpcdoea"'l
the plate· you're going to be
" My frie nd."
What I'm tryi ng to aay it spending tome quality time
This is just the son of that I'm gonna run;for govcr• prcased up qainat some bars.
subversive n.m•around 1ha1 nor.
I IUppon confiscatina
most politicians thrive upon.
Yes, indeed. I'm throw· offenden' "in,trumenll of
The less we know aboul"spc• ing the towel in the rina.
sexual offCDIC." I u y if they
cific, pertinent details, the'
So, u a public service, I can'tplay nicethcycan'lplay it is for their liuJe ca• am aoiog to spell out my -Oil all Prison celll will boaaenda, 10 that all you ~ome veal.--crar.e size. T
VOUng •
can brP° ICC WI
Again, when will we
go out and sruff the ballot ud 1aftd minea. They waot •
wake up?

% 7,i! :;;:~J:I= n :::

Today' s political world
is fraught with 'milcooc:e~
Lions and USUmptiom. Ro,. on all tbe diffx:ulf. p,)blema
member thl1 one? Republi• of our difficult time:
HealiJ. Carr. I believe the
cam tried to make w believe
couou,, ii .,...;t;Yid iatd pi,- .
ralytis w\tb thli· ~ytiaa
problcm. '(here are DO simple
continued oo page 9

I' ll aive 'em•


do you thi8k "Oreat American Crack
Sale" will ao oo after I call in

lbe F-1617


801nil1 Parkins lot.
North Korea? UrJderaround
parklna 1ar11e. Euo•
Oimey? A Foto---mat. We're
A1ncricl, baby ! That aives the ril,hl to microwl:YC our
eoem.ic:a wml their eyei.act
14UW'YI I'll be all over that
Saddam PY so Dpt, he'll
tbiak I'm his under-arm de-

odonnt.' Ana·l'still "ddn·t crust


bud& and put up a Cbllck E.
Cbce1C. ,That New World
Order thina7 Thal'• wbe:n I
call Bcijin1 and act some

• Seema to me I'm ready to
start NMiq the Common-

wealth. Muuclwletta, under ,my· rccimc (l mean ad-miniatralioo) wi1i be • very
dlff"cteot P.l,ac:e. E&cclmc and
ti ll pat • · cbickea"in every
a blond in every l?cd, and.

S500 lo

every _

pocka. ·

I'll put tbe 1 word "Wealth"
i-::kinCommcxiwcalth..Tu ,
breab7 You· bet.

emp1eyma1 ·
ript&1 Ooi't SW
pro-cboicc and

justu· ~ . , k


Ford,n follf-T,. !?-t-

ever happened to tbc col~

B y ~ E/tflf#antl

Voices of Suffolk

wv?leejoyedlhefeclina that the world wu
goio& to be blown UltO crilpy
chunb. The U.S. bu ajrplancs nobody can sec, saldlita thlt cm i-t yom bair
from qm:e. and bomt,a dsal
can cbaap your too■c:opc.
Elect mo and die wodd woakl
start lookina ■ little bil differ-





What do yoq do after sch091?
'I do clerical ..., ' I work in order
work at my job or to support ·myself·to·get an
' l'go hbihnnd

. -cfohontework.•

-outstanding ..
education.' ·

'l"wt>rk at my full- 'SornllllmNJ
hofue,c1o ·unfi11- time}oband
- ~anxnllhe
~ woik. eat
'then 'gbhome
··cateileria, read, r
'and piay bailkst- and>
atudy hard! , ' write, study inl
_I usually' go

,.,, bal." ..;,.'


,...,._,,1'1 ,1:




Mary D'Alba
Q,ad 8ludent





w-.,,.-2, 11194



Dear Mite Shaw,

aou scctioo of the student
body. • '

roc1CXJm!1dlOd.,iaformyouorar.w · Youaclcnowled&e-...,.mip!
nucooccpdons you have. ID your · say boast - thal you are an e_
xcolumo two wccb qo, you won- ttemdybw:ypenonandtbatyouare
provide positive Cccdback to Presidcredwbypeopleaten(Jlwritincfor involved in this school. Gopd for
deat Sargent'& Divenily Tuk Force


CoatillDCd from NC 6
IOOllt the hicure of our univenity.
A Diwnity Plan will oot solve
- retain • widely divcr,e &ludent the problems rCpreScntcd by the
body;" bl lipl ol d:le·ltrOa& feclioa• CVCDll of the ~ mCKlth, DOt will it
we Ill haw rcprdina racisrrr, preju- prevent. similar problem• from ariadice, (aimeu and civility; in li&ht of ina in the future. What. plan will do
lhe ilwvilobl4 co,,JU,cu which appear, i.s provide a c:oc::.-duwcd framewod:
directly or indirectly, in evay_orp- that CUI prepare all of US 10 deal with
aizllioa tlaal c:ounaoou,Jy addn:ucl the inevitable in • thoughtful and
lbcee iauct; aad Ull light of SuffolkUniwnily'• IIUIUOf! to educate lhe ed';.U::
iaeabers ol ita CC11111Dwlity 10 ''funcU,s l.,ersiry Cowudi~& Ce,ster
tioa dl'a:dvdy" ·10· aa iac:reui.Dgly and Presidatl of S0/iR: Sot:Uty Or•
divenc IOcidy, 1 eacounae all sru- sanlud Asainsl Raw
in Hisher
dcau, C..y .cl awl" to set. copy Education
ol the Divc:Qity Plan, read it, Md


Cootinucd from page 6


trcaUnCDt and negative por·
ua)'ID m bladr: people are definitely

alive and

Acknowledge, doll't Insult students who work bard


How, the autb<!r ask.a, can people
swvivc racisQI in the real world if

they "cannot accept the sm allest
amount o f pr.ejudicc 1 1 a s tupid
campr F'mt. tbcR is no 1UCb thing
• a &mall amou.ot of prejudice. A
penoo does not. have to suffer- the
\'iolcnoc and death imposcd on civil
rights pioncen to be devastated by
nicjsm. Second, swviving racism in
the real world is aa u.oavoklablc proocu that !»any people· of color go

Continued from page 6

cause we judged a book by. its cover.
A lot of awdenll have walud up
to me and aaid "I can' t believe that he
said lhese things in the
tba1 rcprcaaa dte student body of
Suffolk Unl-=nity."
Honeatly, I can believe be wrotc
the article. He 11w an opportunity 10
brine IUealioa to himidf with a topic
thia ooe and ho toot advan-tage. He i.s just an opponunist who
WII ,nitiJI& to cub in on ao)'lhina
tbll will give him some son of reApt.a. in the jou.malistic world withs,ut thittking , aboul' other people's
(eelinp. I wou~ r,te the time to tear
- apm his wtiole anic~ but I foci its
~ speaks for iudf. All I ask
i.s 1ml he WO hi, own advice and



through routinel y as they attend
school, work, shop, watch televisioo
or pcrfonn myriad other ac:tiom Oil •
daily h~is. The key to remaining
sane is oot to dweU too deeply oo the
ro::wring resentment and frustration
which prejudice generates.
I'm sony that Christian Engler
WU branded a racisl at Camp Cody
because attitudes and behavior cannot be changed through penooal inAalta. I uodentaod, bO'Never, that he
has had an oppommity since then to
fo llow his own advice: Gather facts
and think before you speak.
Sharon Aru.-Jacll.son. Ed.D.
Auisuuu to the Pruuklll
Director of Mw11ifldtural Affairs

I also want to ~ about the N ·
mors that are circulaj:ing throughout
thi s campus. To I.hose who have
talked behind my back and said crud
thlnp abou t me I hope you can find
it within yoonelf lo confront me. I
am not intimidating my c.xccutive
tx.rd members, and tbo5e who believc this mould confront me. I do
not scare my members into following
my point of view. We 1harc • commoo hood and see tbia,gs eye to eye.
BSiJ members ate not only JIU.
nority scudcnii: they 1n1 IIUdcna WI
suppon our struggle and uodemand
that thue is a. desperate need of ccSu•
catioo aniongst the <Student body and
adnllnistration. The retreat llnd th~
aftermath arc prime examples of bow
much education we need.
I want to thank Ca:odic:c Nob for
helping us out al the retreat, · and

~ou~:m!'.t':'~0-·; tat~ :f ~
::~~t.!;:i:;'. 71:':

bowledge in l'Clpccl to nbtative
a,mhols ia what pun.lea me. We
""' a IOI of profeuors throughout
eaDIIMI that would be willing 10
you. Instead of writing about

you do DOI fully IIOder·
• bo,l,. plaie JO ud.spak
fll tbc followiq pofeuon:
Muulin& , Yvonne Weill ,
'f! Paw Kom or Rohal

want 10 thank Diego Mua, Orea
Lanu, Chris Todino, Phll Falz.ooe
and otbc:n who were helpful because
they did not want to be politically
ICarcu La1'ffl)CC
• ~ Bi,.tt ,s.udent Union
PS: I( anyone it offended by thi1
leuer, then they, are • part of the
problem.. Thia leau is oot meant to

....... .., ....,_i....,,......,_

•ldp' yoa.

., ... ......,. bcMI..........,,

the Joumal. spcculatiDa Jba( maybe
pcopledoa't feel good about Suffolk
and arcubamcd of it.
ldon'tthinkthis i.sthecueaull.

Ibelicvo lherearcplen1y o r1 ~

and rel~ves that they attend this

vou then proccod lo tell us that

there is no acceptable excuse fort.he
lack or participation in the paper.
ignorina: the (act lbat some stadents
here have more important commitments in their lives ancthave chosen
to fulfill them i.nsccad or working
alongside you.
lean uoderstandyourfiustration
that does not participate in outside,
activities. You arc correct in saying
that neglecting the school publication is an outrage. Unfortunately.
yo u s h()()'OIU'seljinthefootbyadopting a confrontational and, at times.
condcscendingtone .By sayinglhere
is noexcuseoottobeinvolvcd,)'OU
have offended me, and_probably a

you. uowc;vcr, you railed t6 rcc:og-

nize that 50me people don't have the
luxwyortimeon lheirhands. There
arc others here who arc attending
jobs. while tryina to keep up good
Kcepiog up with financial responsibilities, such as rent and other
bills, arc a pan or reality for some of
the people who go to school here.
These hard woddna:students should
be acknowledged for their choices,
not insulted.
As for those who do not participate in tl)C Suffolk Journal, student
theatre or any of the other activities.
~pccially those who havCthe time
andthelllent.theyaremissing omon
opponunitics that they ma y not get
anolhcr shot at.
Trying to motivate students is a
noble goat, but there arc better ways
of going abo ut it.
With the gu1.~ to sign m y,
Jlm McLean

Continuoll from poge 7
tbal Bill Clinton would make I bad
president because-he uied marijuana
back in the sixties.
Finl of all, who didn ·, try mari,
juaDI back thcn7 And second ,
whctbct or not one thiO.U that our
preaideDt is doing• good job .. .l don'1
think that the face lhat he tried smokin& the wacky tabaccy hw. llllything
10 do with iL

Can you believe thlll ccnain polilical entities somehow made an is•
sue out o( that?
Can you believe that some people
actually took it seriously?
Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it
seem like the c:si.ablished panics up
on the hill arc nolhing but window
dressing? Does it seem as 1r our ~m•
ploye~s arc hiding lheir INC mOliva•
tions and opinions behind the pany
platforms? Have you ever heard them
give one straight answer on any s~•
cific iuue7
Ma7be i_t's not just me. Maybe it
really is like this. Butir 1
hatisso, then
why isn-:t anybod y doing anything
aboul il7 Do people really do an)'
rueuch before they vocc? Do they
actually care, « do Lhcy me.rely cast
their vote for the person they see on
television the most?
And if it all works like then
why do I even bother lrying to use medium 1 get my point across?
Obviously, ·the people who are most
responsible for our political system·s
decline •· s1upid voters - will nOI see

this litlle message of hustration. This
is because the y will 1tc 100 buay
watching sound bites on the alx.
o'clock news, and complainiri.iabout ,
the world on the talk sbow1. "T6cac
people would never to acw.all1•
write letters 10 or call their rcprea,eo..
lativ;: : h ~ ~ y ? Not only ia ii
their right: bu1 it is also their duty u
vocen. All ii takes is an hour or two
onc:e. or twice a year...zve.r,~ar, 10
jaunt oveno the office that you helped
pay for and· sec what your clecled
orficials are up 10.
Sinct this year's election will
ma.rlt the fin1 that I am old enough to
vote in, I decided to take • littJc trip
down to Was hington DC this past
summe r and get the lowdown on
wha1 is going on there. I round it very
mteresting. if ROI enlenaining, to walk
around the Capitol buil4ing, I must
say that I enjoyed w.~t\l .\1:1~&~
the maze or hallways and opening
closed doors. I fell in lov wilh the
feeling of imponance that I had.
1 am an American Citizen, with
all or the rights and privileges thereof.
h 's like being in a really cool club:
and il's my right to walk around the
building simply because I help pay
for it's upkeep with my mcmbcDhip
fees/tax dollars. I wis h lhal every•
body could reel the way I fell then.
However, there was• down !lido
10 my trip 10 Wai hington. I went to
see my congressman, -loc Moakley.
and things just seemt.d to rail apan
from there.
There I was. on the c:ooch in the

Who's Who Amo?-¥
A~erican Colleges and
are now available ~I

recep6on area in my normal, aver•
qe American Teenager attire - •
"Coed Naked" T-ahirt .and jcana liaina rl&,bc nut to ten older mca in
solta, ~ with foreian acccots,
latp:" briefs, and thick wallets. I
ICaMd to be the only normal person


~y&y I ~ put on u tbiclast
!lPfll?intment. and had 10 wail as Joe
$Chmoozed all of the hi& money lobbyisu. I felt u if I were not important.
I mean, there I wu, an average 1upayina American citizen, but I wu
being treated u an aficrthought I
guess that lobbyists, corporate bi&•
wigs and busineumen wbo want to
discuss ..campaign contributions"
are more important than a guy who
just wants to meet his Rep, and ask
him a £cw simple questions abou1 his
position on some major issues.
Of counc, it could have bcc:n the
fact that I was f'IOI old enough to vote
at the time I uw him; 1hen again, it
cDOUgb nonnal citizens who do regular check-ups on their employees,
making my visit insignificanL
This year will be my first oppor•
tunity to vote, and I wonder. Will my
vote really make • differi:oc:e7 'Are
there enough people OUI there who
really care about what each candi-

Continued from page 7
fec:1 a women's right to murder their
babies. Conooms ill schools? They'll
be pari. or the riew school unifonns
I'm working on. And let's just say:
everywhere you look- casinos!
Character issue? I got character
covered. I'm alttady a corrupt bu·
tard. Everybody~ s l'ni a regular
Lady of Choc:oM&e Donuts." I' m ·a1ready famous fbr my weekends or
endless hooken and wall-to-wall cocaine, so that won't be quite so shock·
ing when ii ends up on the front page
of the New York Times.

togeftic eacb pcnoo i.s7
If adultl t.eod to ¥Ole this way,
then whit'• to make • kid buaaud?
MOit young people lf'OW up thiakhta
thar politics ia 11upid and borin1.
And although, to some degree. it is,
remember that younaacen learn &om
c.xamplc firsL If adulis don't cue,
then '¥hf should children?
Bui imagine for just a moment
whal it would be lib if even a mere
twenty percent o( all voters acmally
cared'. It doesn't ' sound like much;
but with 2.S0,000 people in every
congreuional dialrict, imagine lhc •
IIClion that politicians would take if
50,000 of their constituents w~ following their every move « callina
and visiting the m regularly to c:hcck
up 0r1 their work.
Maybe then we would stop bearing all of these swpid. mcaninglps
debates on television. Maybe then
aome. things would get done without
all or the infiahting. Maybe then the
bo06ters, with their thick wallets and
son up on the hill would know thal
1heir bosses were. watching.
Yeab, ri&hl . And maybe Bob
Dok and Bill Clinton will agme in

I say ll0CCpl me u I

ain:oi you' ll

be kidnapped from your home


1onurcd when I become tingtnwe:r.
So yw sec, I have ,only the best
Interests of the pcnplc in ~n4 ~ ing me gove.mor would be the -best ·
thing Massachusetts did since fn>position 2.541i. Of'c:oursc l 'mjustusing
the governorship u a springboard to
real power is. The YiccLook for Quayle/Behrle in 961·
When you enicr tlaat vOlina booth

nut week, don't vote (or.Dubtil or
Pcro1 or whoever is nu.Ung. Think
of me and kn'ow everything i.s gonna
be alri&),L

s-,.. ..... .

- Who's Who is an annual program
honoring our nation's outstanding college students.

R9vember 10
a ;. 5


e. Wzlli>h Tiiezatre

If you are interested in being recognize~
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- All applying students must have at least
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cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
- Applicatio.ns are due on November 14. '

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Any ·q uestions, please call the Student

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DAVIS, Calif. - Doo'I lool


• UnivenityoCCalifonullms dutridmu.stl say tbM
an macued rat iDtuc may



when Jabonlory rals were

receiving more r.11 are less
fieqDently ud consumed

broad features. Con&e- tures oo white faces.
Wade sud that althoup
-1Y, blacl: r..tura ...
l'flOte ol u aad oa brolC:I JDOrCrcicarch is needed. the
bladt fa0CI dw:l arc white "lmowlodFd>Mwhlablackfcatwesoobbcksii.y
The white studeou did hclpf-..- - . . i _ .
consider white races with taDCCofbladtkltorcsamoog
whilOfeatutabdtalootin& blactsthcmsc:lves.
than any ocher combination.
Sludcots ratod pictwcsof Amc:ricamaybc:cocouraged
broedblact:IDdnarrowwhite to present more positive imfices. lbcfacialclw11aeris- ages of blacks who do DOI
ticawereswappcdiovarious approximate whites in feaphotos, puUioa wmterc..w.s tures and/ or skin tone or
on black races and blactfea- facial width."



fewer~ories .

Britt Bwton-Pn::cman, a
doctonJ canmdaicwhocoocloK:tod the lbldy, Nid that
altboO&bsomcscieotists bclieve lhat protein aod cubohydnles are more potent in
IIIKiD& yoo feel full, the ,..



(35:38). 111d
iaa the third COD5CCUtivc ... • "Bvcrywcekwcaccmto
week Alperin has improved bt cl01u,1 the 111"'1"', but
onhiloveralltimc.'"Botbof we're still DOC qu.ite there,"
tbcsegvys will be people to commcDfmCoacbWalihon
watch in--tbc NCAA' i ," hinquad's pcrformanoe.
Coaclt J oe Wabli comOn• side ~(KC, for both
.mcntcd. "lt''ubeagrcalop- Ounnand Ouranitwasthcir
portunity for them ~see what ,regular season mec1 in
cross-country. For the two
Rounding' s ~11.iors, ii was the culminaremaininacompetitors were tiooo(thrce years of running
Smit Duan (33:56). Dan hc,e at Suffolk.


otum ·9 .



fll lriuen a hormonal release thal sipals lhe bwn
~thcbody issatisftcd."

White Features Area 't
Attractive, Study Finds


faces that look "'black" are
more attnctivc towttlte collep,studcnts lhao blllck faces
with-Whitc'' fcahucs,astudy
by a Bucknell University psychologist has found. ·

"I Was surprised tsy the




good to me," said T. Joel
Wade,&MOCiatc: profcssorof
psychology. " I don' t think
20 years ago w~ would have
had the same ruults.''
Wade c,pcctcd 1h41 lhc
p1whi~studc:n1Sw~~cipalCd~tbostUd)' would
thiolt Iha< broad black fa=
with white features were
more ~ v c than broad
black faces with black features. He said previous research indicatcsthal fcatwes
of a dominant lfOUP in a society, for example, whites,
bccomo lhc occeptcd SWI·
dardofauracti -ienr,JS- for
both btacks and whiles.
The results may reflect

If you have questions on where your
tuition dollars go, come to the First OPEN


qwon, wd Wade.

..Because of increased
contact and know ledge.

. -may be mo,e acccp<·

1,11_of blacks who are more

~ . . . . . . - ... he


Nove'!'ber 2 - 8, 1994

8:00- 9:1S


Suffolk Urii~r-sicy's €alcmdar of Events
. · , '·· · •., .... ,t

. i,.' J •


12:00 - 2:00
12:JO - 1:30
... 1:11 •••
1:00 - 4:00
4:00- 7:15
5:00 • 6:00
7:15 • 8:4.S
Thgnday 11/3
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30'
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 . 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 • 2:JO
1:00 - 2:30

.S:00 - 6:00


'•·~ ,. •

Carter Fest: SOM Grad ExccutiYe Speaker's Saics:
Bruce Hartman, CFO Filene's &. Suffolk Alumnw .)
Bar ReYiew Information
'-Career Fest Sneak PreYiew - The Sequel
Carttr Fest PraeGta Mayor Thonw Mauo
English Department Open House
Make-Up Clw for 10 Cootracu - PcrlmuLtCr
Carter fcsl: Coffee Talk With EDSA & Catccr Serviocs
SMH Lecture {Law School)
Carter Fae Gru1 Expectations - Alwnni Panel
Wait Until Dark/James Wallace Productions

One Beacon, 25th Aoor
4th Aoor Student Louose - I:>oolbue
Sawya- CafOIISia
CMD Coal 11m, · .. o
Munce Conference Room (A-110)
Sawyer Lobby
Sawyer 521
C. Walsh Theatre

a.AS Seminar Series Peter Bum Presenter
SGA Sponsottd Forum on Tuition with Preaidcnt Sargent
Career Fesl: AHANA Career Oppommitics
Beta Alpha Psi Meetina
Mathematics 106 Study Group
WSFR EitccutiYe, Board Meeting
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting
Humanities &. Modem Languages Meeting
SOPA Meeting
Women's Volleyball Meeting
Suc.ccssful Telephone Techniques Seminar
HASA Meeting
Orientation Scholan Meeting
Career •Fest: Coffee &. Talk with EOSA and Caru:r Services
Dean's Ope4 Forum - All Day & EYcning _ aw S!~U
Boston Law Firm Group Mccti~'For 1• Year Minority Srudenll
Wail Until Dark/James Wallace Productions

Munce Confcicnce ROOGI
Sawyer Cafeceril
Sawyer 927
5awya-82l r

-·Featoe' 337
Fcatoa 431

Ridgeway 603
· - 400
Sawyer 421
Sawyer 426
• SAC Comcreace. Room
Sawyer Lobby
Doufatle 211

C. W~-Tbeabe

President Sargent, VP/;:tre,asurer·
Flanne and a re resentative from
the Board of Trustees will be there to
answer your questions.

Thlirsday, Nov. 3 ·
I P.M.
Sawyer Oafe.

thalwhitcstudcntunayhave .. "'

more lmowkldgc and ex.per ·
sure to black,facial features
ithrough tclevisioo, movies,

University DateLine

Sponsored by: The Student Government Association
'Any questions call the S.G.A. Hotline 573-8322
(ext. 8322 for on campus calls)

10:00 - 12:00
12:30 - 2:00

Food, Toy & Clothing DriYe: 10/3 - 11/16
Black Student Union Turkey Rafne Ticket Sale
Career Fest: UniYcn.i.L)' Staff DeYelopmen1 Program
GALAS Meeting
Wait Until Dark/James w allatC"Productions

Drop Off in BSU OfftCC>SAC 321
Sawyer <W~.
Archer 110
Sawye, 70I
C. Walsh 1'bcllre

SahmSIJ 11/S


9:00 - 10:oo
10:00 - 12:00
11:00 • 12:00

12:00 - 1:00
1:00- 2:00
2:00 • 3:00
6:00 • 8:00

9:30• 1:00
11:30 - 12:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
.1:00 - 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 . 2:30
1:00- 2:30
'1:00- 2:30

1:00 - 2:30
1:00 • 7:30

Wait Until Dart/James Wallace ~ ~ons

Undergraduate Information Seu.ion

25th Flo«, One -

Food, Toy &. Clothing DriYe: 100 • 11/16
Career Fesl: Sociology Internships
Block Srudem Union Turkey Raffle
8 .LC. Srudy Group • Swistics 150
a .LC. Study Group - Accoua.ting 321
8.LC. Study Group - AccountiDa: 201
8.LC. Study Group - Physical Scieacc, l
N.E. EnYironmental Law Societies Gc:nc:ral Election



ofi in BSU Office SAC 318
. Sawyer 1023

Sawyer Cafeteria '
Sawyer 4JO
S,.,. 430
,Sawyer 430
Snya- 430

••• Eled.loo Day-Pleat: v*• ..
Human Rcsoutces Training Se?,ion: Bepmel''1 WordJIC!(cct
\P.LC. • Swdy Group Micro-F.conom~ 211
SGA Meeting
8.LC. SWdy Group - Chemistry 2ll
Commurucarioo Oub Meeting

C.- Fo,t G - School C..... Doy
Key Oub Mcctina
Black Student Union
&taAlpba)',i .
SUHA Meeting
WSFR Gmon1 M"'°"'

/ ~t:=~\l:!.,~~=--CoUege Republican Mcding
Spodal SOM Faculty Allcmbly


JJli,,,,,.bPetrJJm isS»ffolkUnivvsity'a maaa-calmdlr. Forillcwmllioocm-,ldlodukdcvc:a&...,.dlyoldlc~,-;at•lll
A ..,.,..-.._.i<1- ■

111ot,._ .. plloain3call S73-8082.

........ ----t«pi..,;q. pobticityo,·-----.-



Conclusion outstanding Soccer season

Mayor Menino guest speaker at Career Fest

According to FrancW,
continuity among the team

could noc be achieved due to
The Suffolk soccer team
ended their season with an
best in Ram soc:cer his::ory.
Comma off two straight
loaes to wnp up the season.
Head Coach Dennis
Mariti.xQe Academy as a
..I wanted evcryooc to
play. Posl-scuon·pL,.y was
not an option at tJw poinL I
fdltbcie would be oo•diffcrCDC1;betwccoan 11 -3 record
Md a 10-4 record. I wanted
al.120 guys to' It was a

help each other, work ;_.ilb each
The ~ayor is culTClllly involved
Mayor Thomas Menino visited in a program thal is dcliped lo bdp
Suffolk University'• Ca.rcerfcst lcick· high school 1tudent1 decide whether
off last WcdnClday. The visit, ar- or not college ia the right choice for
rv1&cd by Surfolk'1 Career Service them. The program is in ccquncuoo
Center, wu the first event in the ten with Suffolk University ud the Ciiy
day U lr'lVllf.lWor Boston, and is desipcd IO provide
The Mayor approached many high ICbool studcnll their parsubjectl in his talk wilh Suffolk SW· cntsj,tith a band in ~
dents and faculty, from his views of for coUcgc.
the 8 0$lon Public School system to
At a prcscnwion on Thursday,
the more dcva1tati ng 1ubjcc( of November J, • Well Roi:bwy Hlab
growing crime and vio!cncc.
School, Mayor Menino and Boltoo
"Whal you learn al Suffolk is up School Supcrintend_en1 Lois Haniaon•
to you," said Ma)'OI' Menino, an. hon• · Jones accepted brochures ud video- ·
orary gnr.dualc of Suffolk University, tapes thal l)n>vidc .;,.iuablc inf~
"Wh.b a liule hard wOrt: and dctemtl· lion on the college experience.
nation you tan make things happen.
This program simply ilh11~
Look bow far you've already come." whatMayorM~wllOU"tbopeople
McDino's speech was positive, of Boaoo ~ pt tlack to. He bdkwel
and served io build up lhc ~-cs· that "if you OOll' 1 invest lo the Youa&
teem of the Suffolk attendees. The pcaplc, you're not invesbna in Sol·
Mayor discussed his vicW1 of the too, or America." V/jlh ~ ooaoin&
CUITCl'.lt society that WC live in, and violence in OID' citi?r
•tiri1· lo
bow be believes that we need to "get
b«.k 10 hcl
le, we haV to

a, Cluildae ScaflcU

the frequent' substitutioris
made. 1bcusualgamcstra1cgyisto ..aowithsmalloumhers". Erickson Justus was

JOU&HAL cot(1'1J,UTm

the goalkeeper for the first ·
Michael Stewart as goal-

tccpcr. Maine lead the first
half 1-0 and ended the game
withafinalscorcof4--0. "We
had many opportunities ·10

score. but we just couldn't," Francz.ak.
Suffolk soocer team In adion.
Prancr.ak also stated tbJu
the overnight road trip was a
goodcxpcricoccforthctcam. play well. Wcdidn' 1havc bclievcdthatthcteamwa5a
..It was a fun road trip. I got full strength tho fim half," linle unfocused towards the
out or it whal I wanted to. said the head coach of Suf- end oftbe season.
TbeyprovedtheycouJdhan- folk. For I.hat match, Justus
OOIChuig decision.
"We'll have a couple
" I consciously made ii dlesometbing like it. We had was once again inl oal.
months off and get 10
and it effected our ability 10 a great practice on Friday."
Thcdefensewasalsosus- work in January with indoor
Last Wednesday, the pca, according to Francuk. soccer. We'll do somii replay. I JUCII you could uy
Rams met Notre Dame Col- "We eave up four goals. auiting and ici an even bet•
c:au,ed us
IO)oic." said Pranczak rathe,- lege and SIIUJilcd lhrough That' s not good al all."
ter team oext year."
. another4-0loss. "Wcdidn't
The seoood-ycar coach


Carr named new As.sistantAthletic Director, Coach

MiddJesc:r. League champioosb.ips and wai a thrte-time


Jol.ltflel fllephoto

8)' Ryan Foley

An afternoon of fun and
aamea is what its being
pitched u and it's a far ay
from the rqanyother univer-

sity sporting events taking

place on Suffbtt-s campus.
· 1cacDep, table-top in the
Ridgeway Gym.


won!:a~.r!:. ~':;::


tcnycars. lt~~ct.,..otCl\l'CIIII
What .do you want to be when
you grow up?
U you're like most people today,
chances are you cannot answer this
qumtioa, and you'te in 00 hurry 10
do so. Thinking about the future can
be confupn&, as well u exhausting.
But don't panic, there are ways 10
~ the lalecisiveneaa. Suffolk Univcnlty Caft:a' Savica ii offcrina an
opportunity to explore the opponuaicic:I lbc:wl:, Cara:rFat 1994.

The elimination ~ meot will run fro~ I p.m. to


Christine M. Carr, a
::n::-'i: ·
scandou1 athlete in lhe high
seeds will be chosen prior to
1ehool and college ranks, has
btt.n appoinccd auiscant ath- and was co-captain of the thematchcs.,
Along with ping-pong,
letic dlru:tor, and coach or 1988 Division One North
bolb softball and volleyball Champion.
table•top football will besetal Suffolk University. The
• She latei played both up ror students as well. All
announcement was made last sports at Harvard University. arewclcomeaodnocnb'ance
week by Athletic Director Jim captainina the 1992 1-vani recs will be required lo parflcl son,
wrtban team wbjJe· eatmna ticipete.

Can.., a native of All-Ivy Lape ·booon. In
Those interested for ex•
Stoneham, is cum:ntlr: UW• 1993, she pduMcd from the act details can stop by lhc
tant volJeyblll COICh at-Nonh
Rcadin1 High School, and :~oo~ ;~
lo auouacda ..., •~ d:lemMcxtensioo8379... .At
U l iftanl softball coach at
Philipa Academy in AJK&ovtt. pointma11, A ~ Oiftaor Wheltoa CoUeac this past
weekend, the men•, aossShe is also pracatly a Nc1soo said, "Cbrisliae
intem M Bull HN Worldwide brings uccllcn1 ercdeatiab: country team SIWChcd the
Information Systems in •IO Suffolk University • well Mb spot from a pool of sU
Billerica. .
as a ·deep commitmcnl and •other schools. Dave A.Um,
In 1989, Carr &raduated enthusiasm. She should be a Suff'olk'stopfinisher, loggcd
from S1oncham High School, valuable asscat to our athletic • final time or 26:56, fast
where she ranked second-in a program."
class of 20.5 Ind delivered
Behin~ him, wa., Dao
the honors address at the
school's graduation ei:er• rapoosible for acbnimterin& Alperinw1tha29:05, markciscs.
women'1 llhlctic prosram.1
ID IOftbal4 Ma pilCher,
she led Stoocham IO U4fCC
coawmcd oa pace 10

lb; ~11



Beacon HIii, Bootoo, Melalichusetl&

Volume 53, Number 9


Suffolt bdd a forcmics t.ownameot the · wcetcod or October 29,
(CMUri.. competidoo · &om acbools

11om,a.,.,. . . _


Wb~= c~:!D~


ciallybot,hadllqo _ _ ..,...,.

__ ____

wnlt)o, Tulu un1ven;1y...i,..,._





Competitions in the various
Cl\'Cllltl . . . beld.UO¥Cl"dle..0. Tbc

Sllffolt, Fclnmlics staff did - CltCCI·



me ..t WWoD. tlkinc

die ICICODd seed

u eccoapliallmeat. Cunaiapua


-35polmlil ........... . _..,. .. - .


. -N-1111 .. _


polilil!a.-•-~:...... - - - - - ..........
"' _ _ _ _ _... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ac:allal: llma

- - a t , o -,k•IO ~ - WI _


ha... . . . . . . _ . . . , . _ , . .
IOCoodo,y .... ol
,1gain a levd ol rillliility-ca ~

.. _ _

................. ~ear...
CAamJICST .. . , ..

... ,...., soed

-~---llnl• :..~-"'":1'-0:.-.;:
......... ~-..~tecaadialllllllaril:al~


........... ....-bcl... ~

lmprompm this wectmd.


_ . . would • • placed ICICOOd
lib-S-HoDli11Ammcan Univcni(j trawled IMn ror a
wCCU:nd of (oreosk competition..



n.kinDl!bllc.a-Paacac:ontioues IO ~ well, placias sccc::md in

cOlllpctitio1L The w.hole (unction
wcat otf whit out a bi&ch.

Bya.riltlnaT.WO \.i

surrounding career choices of all
kiDds, and allows studeab the •
portunity to lcam men aboat pro(cssiOCll they ~ inlerelted in, or know
little about.
' Paul, Directorpf Career Services and Cooi,crath'C Education, said that the pt\mary goal of
Carcufcst is to "offi:t quality programs and events that wilt appeal IO
the entire student ·body." Tbe C¥mtl

coawaed oa pace 2




....--&Lf!Mn - 4


.,.. .


12 ......

