File #4214: "Suffolk Journal_1994Nov09_vol53no9.pdf"



Conclusion outstanding Soccer season

Mayor Menino guest speaker at Career Fest

According to FrancW,
continuity among the team

could noc be achieved due to
The Suffolk soccer team
ended their season with an
best in Ram soc:cer his::ory.
Comma off two straight
loaes to wnp up the season.
Head Coach Dennis
Mariti.xQe Academy as a
..I wanted evcryooc to
play. Posl-scuon·pL,.y was
not an option at tJw poinL I
fdltbcie would be oo•diffcrCDC1;betwccoan 11 -3 record
Md a 10-4 record. I wanted
al.120 guys to' It was a

help each other, work ;_.ilb each
The ~ayor is culTClllly involved
Mayor Thomas Menino visited in a program thal is dcliped lo bdp
Suffolk University'• Ca.rcerfcst lcick· high school 1tudent1 decide whether
off last WcdnClday. The visit, ar- or not college ia the right choice for
rv1&cd by Surfolk'1 Career Service them. The program is in ccquncuoo
Center, wu the first event in the ten with Suffolk University ud the Ciiy
day U lr'lVllf.lWor Boston, and is desipcd IO provide
The Mayor approached many high ICbool studcnll their parsubjectl in his talk wilh Suffolk SW· cntsj,tith a band in ~
dents and faculty, from his views of for coUcgc.
the 8 0$lon Public School system to
At a prcscnwion on Thursday,
the more dcva1tati ng 1ubjcc( of November J, • Well Roi:bwy Hlab
growing crime and vio!cncc.
School, Mayor Menino and Boltoo
"Whal you learn al Suffolk is up School Supcrintend_en1 Lois Haniaon•
to you," said Ma)'OI' Menino, an. hon• · Jones accepted brochures ud video- ·
orary gnr.dualc of Suffolk University, tapes thal l)n>vidc .;,.iuablc inf~
"Wh.b a liule hard wOrt: and dctemtl· lion on the college experience.
nation you tan make things happen.
This program simply ilh11~
Look bow far you've already come." whatMayorM~wllOU"tbopeople
McDino's speech was positive, of Boaoo ~ pt tlack to. He bdkwel
and served io build up lhc ~-cs· that "if you OOll' 1 invest lo the Youa&
teem of the Suffolk attendees. The pcaplc, you're not invesbna in Sol·
Mayor discussed his vicW1 of the too, or America." V/jlh ~ ooaoin&
CUITCl'.lt society that WC live in, and violence in OID' citi?r
•tiri1· lo
bow be believes that we need to "get
b«.k 10 hcl
le, we haV to

a, Cluildae ScaflcU

the frequent' substitutioris
made. 1bcusualgamcstra1cgyisto ..aowithsmalloumhers". Erickson Justus was

JOU&HAL cot(1'1J,UTm

the goalkeeper for the first ·
Michael Stewart as goal-

tccpcr. Maine lead the first
half 1-0 and ended the game
withafinalscorcof4--0. "We
had many opportunities ·10

score. but we just couldn't," Francz.ak.
Suffolk soocer team In adion.
Prancr.ak also stated tbJu
the overnight road trip was a
goodcxpcricoccforthctcam. play well. Wcdidn' 1havc bclievcdthatthcteamwa5a
..It was a fun road trip. I got full strength tho fim half," linle unfocused towards the
out or it whal I wanted to. said the head coach of Suf- end oftbe season.
TbeyprovedtheycouJdhan- folk. For I.hat match, Justus
OOIChuig decision.
"We'll have a couple
" I consciously made ii dlesometbing like it. We had was once again inl oal.
months off and get 10
and it effected our ability 10 a great practice on Friday."
Thcdefensewasalsosus- work in January with indoor
Last Wednesday, the pca, according to Francuk. soccer. We'll do somii replay. I JUCII you could uy
Rams met Notre Dame Col- "We eave up four goals. auiting and ici an even bet•
c:au,ed us
IO)oic." said Pranczak rathe,- lege and SIIUJilcd lhrough That' s not good al all."
ter team oext year."
. another4-0loss. "Wcdidn't
The seoood-ycar coach


Carr named new As.sistantAthletic Director, Coach

MiddJesc:r. League champioosb.ips and wai a thrte-time


Jol.ltflel fllephoto

8)' Ryan Foley

An afternoon of fun and
aamea is what its being
pitched u and it's a far ay
from the rqanyother univer-

sity sporting events taking

place on Suffbtt-s campus.
· 1cacDep, table-top in the
Ridgeway Gym.


won!:a~.r!:. ~':;::


tcnycars. lt~~ct.,..otCl\l'CIIII
What .do you want to be when
you grow up?
U you're like most people today,
chances are you cannot answer this
qumtioa, and you'te in 00 hurry 10
do so. Thinking about the future can
be confupn&, as well u exhausting.
But don't panic, there are ways 10
~ the lalecisiveneaa. Suffolk Univcnlty Caft:a' Savica ii offcrina an
opportunity to explore the opponuaicic:I lbc:wl:, Cara:rFat 1994.

The elimination ~ meot will run fro~ I p.m. to


Christine M. Carr, a
::n::-'i: ·
scandou1 athlete in lhe high
seeds will be chosen prior to
1ehool and college ranks, has
btt.n appoinccd auiscant ath- and was co-captain of the thematchcs.,
Along with ping-pong,
letic dlru:tor, and coach or 1988 Division One North
bolb softball and volleyball Champion.
table•top football will besetal Suffolk University. The
• She latei played both up ror students as well. All
announcement was made last sports at Harvard University. arewclcomeaodnocnb'ance
week by Athletic Director Jim captainina the 1992 1-vani recs will be required lo parflcl son,
wrtban team wbjJe· eatmna ticipete.

Can.., a native of All-Ivy Lape ·booon. In
Those interested for ex•
Stoneham, is cum:ntlr: UW• 1993, she pduMcd from the act details can stop by lhc
tant volJeyblll COICh at-Nonh
Rcadin1 High School, and :~oo~ ;~
lo auouacda ..., •~ d:lemMcxtensioo8379... .At
U l iftanl softball coach at
Philipa Academy in AJK&ovtt. pointma11, A ~ Oiftaor Wheltoa CoUeac this past
weekend, the men•, aossShe is also pracatly a Nc1soo said, "Cbrisliae
intem M Bull HN Worldwide brings uccllcn1 ercdeatiab: country team SIWChcd the
Information Systems in •IO Suffolk University • well Mb spot from a pool of sU
Billerica. .
as a ·deep commitmcnl and •other schools. Dave A.Um,
In 1989, Carr &raduated enthusiasm. She should be a Suff'olk'stopfinisher, loggcd
from S1oncham High School, valuable asscat to our athletic • final time or 26:56, fast
where she ranked second-in a program."
class of 20.5 Ind delivered
Behin~ him, wa., Dao
the honors address at the
school's graduation ei:er• rapoosible for acbnimterin& Alperinw1tha29:05, markciscs.
women'1 llhlctic prosram.1
ID IOftbal4 Ma pilCher,
she led Stoocham IO U4fCC
coawmcd oa pace 10

lb; ~11



Beacon HIii, Bootoo, Melalichusetl&

Volume 53, Number 9


Suffolt bdd a forcmics t.ownameot the · wcetcod or October 29,
(CMUri.. competidoo · &om acbools

11om,a.,.,. . . _


Wb~= c~:!D~


ciallybot,hadllqo _ _ ..,...,.

__ ____

wnlt)o, Tulu un1ven;1y...i,..,._





Competitions in the various
Cl\'Cllltl . . . beld.UO¥Cl"dle..0. Tbc

Sllffolt, Fclnmlics staff did - CltCCI·



me ..t WWoD. tlkinc

die ICICODd seed

u eccoapliallmeat. Cunaiapua


-35polmlil ........... . _..,. .. - .


. -N-1111 .. _


polilil!a.-•-~:...... - - - - - ..........
"' _ _ _ _ _... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ac:allal: llma

- - a t , o -,k•IO ~ - WI _


ha... . . . . . . _ . . . , . _ , . .
IOCoodo,y .... ol
,1gain a levd ol rillliility-ca ~

.. _ _

................. ~ear...
CAamJICST .. . , ..

... ,...., soed

-~---llnl• :..~-"'":1'-0:.-.;:
......... ~-..~tecaadialllllllaril:al~


........... ....-bcl... ~

lmprompm this wectmd.


_ . . would • • placed ICICOOd
lib-S-HoDli11Ammcan Univcni(j trawled IMn ror a
wCCU:nd of (oreosk competition..



n.kinDl!bllc.a-Paacac:ontioues IO ~ well, placias sccc::md in

cOlllpctitio1L The w.hole (unction
wcat otf whit out a bi&ch.

Bya.riltlnaT.WO \.i

surrounding career choices of all
kiDds, and allows studeab the •
portunity to lcam men aboat pro(cssiOCll they ~ inlerelted in, or know
little about.
' Paul, Directorpf Career Services and Cooi,crath'C Education, said that the pt\mary goal of
Carcufcst is to "offi:t quality programs and events that wilt appeal IO
the entire student ·body." Tbe C¥mtl

coawaed oa pace 2




....--&Lf!Mn - 4


.,.. .


12 ......





CAIUIONDAl.6, DI . - .

, Wednesday, November 9, 1894

speaker at Career Fest



fllllloweea ,woet:


.... pa11oo.....ida,a OM Nadred put)'·
p:n. 1k armsta occ:uned
doopilO - - apodlically meat to cut down OD
the Halloween revelry.
On oho SMurday ·bef...
Rlllowceo., abour l,000 llU·


·pllod ...


--.-tbc. .

tabliah.mcatl closed at 10



,tJtbDua.h the ban' USU·
ally close at 2 a.m.,
Carboadale officials had
puled an ordiAUCe io

? for


acwe . . . . . . k¥dl., it is
cuy to see wily ~
ad a thil OQO hive bcca .

alllNlenl abautlu _
to die IDCft.recalt dcllltlt ol I
DIN year old boy rrolll
Roi.bury. '"It's aomc:tbioa lhlt
yoate,elin.yourp~" MmiDo
rapoaded. "Some 1twt more
tblD otben. this being 00D of
them." Mcnioo believes 1h11.
the violeaoe situation in Boaton ii more than just a probIan for the Jaw eafOC"CC:mCllt
ad police. Evayooc· needs
to take some rupoosibility
for Wltat ii loiua OIL ,

la die ~ of cbiidr,a."
eoow,ucd from
ja tiaa lib dlc.e we Deed I Service Center ii tbtro to alp1a -we MWII° biow-.bal sill in any way they ca
~ will bl!PPen- [We]
The theme of the feltinl
need to be ,-ty for it."
ii centered arow,d movie~

Tlto-ovaall' viewolthe filmtitles,andeachCYeatil
Mqor'avilittoSuffolkwal namedafter1aKMC,Eve:ob
polidvc. and it pYCl the ICU· mnfd Wodnclda)', Novcmdeau ud faculty; that at- bes_2;, and will ~ until
tended a sense oLwbat Is Tbursday, November 10.
1oio1 on lo the city of
· The Carec:tfat bqan_
I on Wt:dpt:sday in the
om Coofett:OCC Room, OQ
the 25th noor Ill One 8CICOO
St. Thomas Menino, Mayor
of Boston, wu the guest
speaker. When asked what
be thou1ht of Carccrfcat,
Mayor Menino replied that
be thoul,ht it WU ID incn:d'"ltistbcguaa!COQICQible idea, and 1h11. it WU.
~...~~~too~ l
... nua:a ......... _ , -.-,-..,~ collqca abowd offer.

efllll will lab plm:e in the
Sawyer Call. nil CYmt ii I
........ Ill Sdfolt Alumru
wbo bave oome Mek to an.
.,... qQNCiou ud advise
IIUdeau oabowthcygot
• be llelpfal ·to lhldtatl by
abowiaa lbpm bow to 1e1
IWIOd la whatever fidd of
wort~.eiDla'ated in. It
ii al.lo a sr-t opportunity to
pt tho advice you may have
boeD loGtia& (or, CN' even get
tome idea if you don' t have
any yet.
So. if you're undecided,
and your adviao,- keep: ldlinc you IMl )'OU IXICd to de·
dare ■ major, ajve CarcerFc:st
•visit. llwillpcovetobean
opportaility to opcn· some
doon, mid some eye,.

~111. -ood .......


p.a. ca Priday, Oct. 21, ·5-doy, Oct. 29.



Potioc bepo arrestin1
~udeall 1bortly after 11
p.m. whee the crowd bepn.







thelb'elebbfU.S.51 where

~ b


- ~ 100-.

6-a Uol-,IIJ IIUdoob
-. . . . .....,pri..


·.. :bcic:.-!t'·~~~,pqe l

■ c.uuann

- ~ &en p11C I



lllos.ftblt-..i W-.,Y, No~9. t!l94



;Q ,.,_ ..;....r...icd.

"ties to explore
BJ<luilll•Scatld1 .

What do you want to be when
you grow up?
If you're like most people today,
chances are you cannot answu this
(Nation, and you' re in no huny to
do ao. Thinkina about the future can
be conf'µaina:, as well as exhausting.
But don'I panic, there arc ways to
'euc the indecisiveoeu. Suffolk Univcnhy Career Servica i1 offering an
q,pcxtulllcj to exploi;t: the C>ppOrw.
nitim abc.s:, Catccr'fat 1994.


CarcerFest bas been prue.n1cd
by the Career-Service Center (or about
1en yean. It i• ten days or cvenu
sunounding career choices of all
kinds; and allows swdeou the opportv.ftity 10 team more about profes-

~: =l~ntezuted

in, or know

'- PIWI Tank.Jcfsky, Director r,f Career Services and Coopcrath ·c Education, uid that the primary goal of
CarccrFcst is to "offer quality prograrils and events that will apptal to
the entire student body." The cvenu
arc aean:d toWards bdPna: studenu
determine wblit career- choices dtey
ba~, ondtbdr-1oJ ........ 1W
secondary &oal of C--.Pat it to

!,ainml !:!:



and tbreateoed to spray
Mace ·imo tbe crowd wllcu
tbe trowd headed back to-wards the Strip. Police followed, firin& Macc at lhc



If y9u missed the fall el~ctions .and still want
to be an $@~ member it is not tod i~tell

the nut 45 min--. lblckllll broke off imo



vwiolasfac:tma.ow:rtum~lice: Fourteea people
were broupt to tbe local
boapilal for trcataumt for
Carbondale police of6',, Ooo Priddy .......
for a wide variety al of- .
fensc1, inclodia1 ille1al
p,aeuioa'-of alcobol, mob


Siace 1989, tcbool off"aciab bad scbedaled· fall
bffiik: oa· Hallowem .,__

- epen po■ on ...-•a-e
~ • - - ~ Represeatadve.
You can pick up yo~r nomination papers in
the Student Activities Office.
TUM THIM ,IN II~ NOWM- 10 AT Id>@ t.M.

____. ...,, T·• ...,,.._.
_...,..._ ...,.



lf:lldall were prob.ibited

of tllla opportunity to aet
.IIIYolV9d wllll OH of the ..... 111...en. .l
g_ Nips ~ campual

. . .. . . . ,_,from
O:t.2'7-3 1 . - . . . S
fnteraitia were Ht al-

..,.._, ....
lowed to


-.. .--.

I SID'1....abllllt.
JU la 1917 wbca Ibo

....... ..._ .

llolloweco. Tbo









olud~I Qooemm~I 9fuoclollon




ThoSuffoltJoanw W~y.No_,9, 1994






in the banct•
faxl Meaiilo.Hcbelievesthal
,~ - ~ Jcvds. it ii . In times lite thcle we need a Service Center ii lhcre to uCdy to Ric~ wby proanm• plu. "wo never toow wbco silt in any way they can.
' IUCh u ' this dne have been IOlllahin& will ~ [We)The theme of the fe#tvtl
liDCU UDiven.ity wdcau
need to be ttae1y for iL"
ii centered around mOV!C and
· W a: c:mace IO plly pria- .
The Mayor wa ubd by
The ownll view of the film tides, and each event ls
bltier oo HaDoweiD woc:k- • •,.... ~ Im rllltdoo Mayor'• visit to Suffolk wu named after a movie. Ev~
am!• polb; ~ men to CM 11101e ftl0CCII dam of a pc:di¥C. aad it pve tbc IOI- swtc:d Wedoc:May, NovemtJt.,a oae luledred partynine year old boy from deaU and fac•hy I.bat at• ber_
1(1«1,. The areat1 occum:d
Rox.t;uy. "'It' s aomethiDI ~ tended a sense of what ii Thursday, November lO.
dapitc re,ulaliom speci&
JOU feel iD )'OW' gut," Memno · 1oi111 on in the city of
The CaieaFelt bepn at
cally ....._ to cut down on
mpoadr:d. "Socnc lmn.more Boston.
I p.m. oo Wedoe&day in the
the U.UO-eca revelry.
~ ~~ ~-~..~
om c.onf~ Room, on
Oo tbc Saturdl)' •bcfOff;
UEW~ ~ wa
the 25th floor at One Beacon
flll.lowem, about 2,000 awthe viok:ace lilllltioo in BolSL Thomas Menino, Mayor
dcatl pik:d out- of ban IIDd
tm is more than jual • probof Boston, was the gUeat
Ian for the Jaw c:afon:c:meiit
apcaker. When asked what
the of U.S. SI w~
aod police_. Everyone nccdl ,
be thought of Careerfcat,
.the ~ y of SIU drintffl to take so'.me re1pon1itiilily I·
Mayor Menino replied that
mually ptbcr, wbco thees•
for what is 1oin1 oo. ~
be thought it wu an incredtabllahmenta cloaed at IO
'11 i• the gcoenl coptenY •
ibic idea, and that it was a
1111 that IWll are too frcqUClll '
: ptat opportunity that a loc of
A1tbou&h the bar.- IIIU- in Americu cities, especially
area colleges should offer.
By CoUop
~ dilD 400 5oulbcm 0-


m. - . ·



Sawy• Cafe. Tbi1 C\lcnt is a
pdilriDa: of Suffolk Alumni
who ~ C0CDC back to answor qoeadom and "advise
s wdcal.l oa bow ·they got
. ialodlelrlleld.'l'beCVcntwiU
be llc.lpkl to studcDJ.1 by
1bO!in1 Gem bC:.. ·1 get
IWU:d· in whuevcr field of
work they are iiurated in. It
ii abo a pat oppcnunity to
get the advice )'Oil may have
beaa lootiaa (or, or even get
some ideal if yoq don't have

any yet.
So, if you're u.ndcc:ided,
and your adviaor keeps telling you that. you need to declare a ~,aiveCam::rFcst
a visiL It will. Pf'Ove ro be Wl
opportunity to open · some
doon, aod some eye,.


Jey Je- for gas .

lilly cloae at 2 a.m.,
Carl>onda.le official• bad

puaed aa ordhtance in
,..,. ,n ban .... liquO<
pa ca Friday, Oct. 28, and



bepn arreati.n1

a,tlMloata aboniy after 11
p..m.. when the co:,wd bcpn

;Q• - i:.~~
~ u;o~~~

and tbrcatene"d, to 1pray
J..t.lcc into the aowd unleu
llUdcala disperacd. Instead,
the crowd headed back towards the Strip. Police followed, firing Mace at the

If y9u missed th-e fall elections and still want
to be an $@ti\ member it is not tod ii'tell

During the OCl.t 4S min-utes, aaadmo broke ol.f.into


~ ovcrtun:t-


po\icc~ Fourteen people
were broupt to the local
bolpital for ueatmcnt for
miaor cuu and bnUles..
Carboadale pDLicc officer Doo Priddy uid that
for a wide variety of of.

feiuea , incllldin1 illc1al
....-... ol olcobol, mob
ac:tioo. public aloobol coo... ption and public urinatiCM1;

an ~pe• pos •• f..,.- ••~
Sophomore Represeatative.
, __
You can pick up your nomination papers in
the Student Activities Office.
ffl!MI ffllHlil IINI In INIOWMl3§1il no AT§:@@ t.N.

Since 1989, tcbool of.
ficiah bad acbedalcd fall
brak. Oil Hall.OWCICQ wcet<ad mbopcl ol .dimwihiaa
the ...... 0-. Thia year,


atadenta were · P,fOhibited
_ .uow;,ia_ .....,

T$• ~ - - - of this op~rtunlty to ·get ·
Involved «!!9• of the inOet lnfluentllll
groups on campu•l

ill. tllcit dorm l'OOClll from
OcL 21·31 . Scnritia Md

fntcntitiea w~ aJ.
lowod to brfe parties Pri-

. ·, Sly's - . . i ta.a. bo-



~:'CC:.~ t:~



Halloweca. nc

r- ~







~ - ' - - - , ; - - - - - - - , - , . - - - : , - - - - - : - ~ - , - - - - , - - :.





ia a


Entertain - .


I or

r to

a Potent Creation.





yo u 'll have

9ney l e.fa for gas.






ster'• is up a.nd abouJ turning the
village upside down and,, IOOkina .for
1evenge on iu: crcato,.
De.Niro plays the 1
monslCr and
there are many changes in tho char~
acter this _,lime· around. Far oae. the
loolr: of the creation is CC>mpktely



mpg / city,
not need it.

differcnL The":"is oo arJn.race.and

square h,;ad this time arowxl. DeNiro
takes on tbe'tooic ofa
or tiiai"
of a hideously d t f ~1~
DcNiro play~ the tf9lf, ~~ ~





trademark fer~io usneu
shoWs a surpri,\.in~ ai;qou}fOf'"lor=- 1
hurt, and :~1>111~~- He does


this through tormented~monolop~and e,'o<onlact. 'l')o-nciii•....
the monster but•also (eet...orrfif'dr ttJ1

bb\'eY. ln DcNir; nevcr,.O'f~ find' fo.t!iWI
'bycr bands the m ~ - . . ,1 •
1 ·i1
the:' umc:'· audicntC 'mCmberi"wbO· : ing po,trlR ofnn:ixcd~~
~iatid;"'Bpitff s1
Bninagh (~hniCh ·-;Mep.cMM,dt;
wfuetl \\.-115 also ,,,&tuctd' b~ Fiknci, Nothing") is veiy,llO(>Cll-, Vicldr.'l ffe!

,~°lif:fl}~·· ~ -q~









emu. m .


. -

i"S, creepy spc)a·iaa'"11 i 1 offun.
' The sao,y ~Im iu,,w,d
of Victor Ff8n.tensi'c.i.n (Ki

and Victor'• ~ t . t 1 1 1•rlui,

lf:e ~!!:'~:•be-,---.:±

•-J. 'ao

i8thca,iury . ' •
~be .'bo., toses hii JD~ ( ~ e
,~h~) .,.
...., 0. . u
binh.' ll is"
Vict'or' a 'life·
coune of lbldy to focus more closely
on dcab and beat it at its own P.JIIC·
· Vtctor decides ~ leave hiJ home
in Gc:aata to
mcclicinc in Germany. He finds thai be docs not




~ b , eventaalJ)'. Ultta.VC~
everythina-in hll li'f&_ 1 1 ~ d t -:


many of ,bis ~reisor·a
--6uc fmds 181.vation i~ the

mysterious Profcsaor Waldman (an
uii~o11JI~~- -_:foha ... cieC:ae) .
\\r~)~.lp:namdyinc _ndlama
pcrin1 with death and reanimation

lo.,e Elizabetb-t(Hcteaa. Boatwb



t~ 1lif


.... U1C1D 1
aloagC9ealb6■pthoy ....' iloomed . '

•• •'

charactcn from~~ .•.. - "'. , ~
1 Helen!(
Bonh1m , ,C8rtjl .
., ,
("Howard's End; ai.•delervc. con-,1 1
•• By
aidcrable mentir, for a superior perSP!¥
formance. In Che bcgianin1 of lhe - - film ahc _ portrayed u • devoted
· Lasr fr
fiancee and libblo looct' bat ii the ·was the R
end the film tabl:'a twfa. aod Carter'• Franklin,':
Elizabcch becomes the moa compel- dents in •
ling cbincier ia. lbo movie' ii. is place was
for a few minutca wJiich the pace .bands: }
· is treated to a Indy 'chiUinc •perfor- ~olk's i
mancc or rcar, · bMrcd, ,and c011fu- ~
~ t tw~
Ju directed by ~ Branagh,
Hive '1

:;.::J;::cx\C:-.!':t::! ~~~r!~:~c':;~;:;:;P
too imeasc aod WICOlltlODcd.


braithtakin1camcrawork. TholtOf}'

thk time,

"'When Prof~19r' is flow1 nicely most of the time but assemble.



~·beaw .(ltobcrt· DeNiro)

i_,,...-.,i&~fi¥gf«7maime;Y-,c• ial ..a.,_~ doc~
..... ~ piocmJOI" left


somctintt:1 it aeema ruabod (a,.



=.:: : .: :- -

,· _Tbcbc


IO pjclt ap ''due lo choppy editiq. ' Tlus 'P00<• D!illu· "I
off. UIUIC _ editiq t«baiqu is the oaly nJ ~ Fm


• flllll. add ,ame dt.ctric:itY aoo · Tbcfilm·isnotarce1.8oodmovic. they~
· .-,._Viclorbala.-cdlifeualag .. Jt is a tragic, ,dad:: We ora _
man tbeyarcc
tllD ..._
triumphing over Dlblrc but Wllblc co and better.
Al 6111 ~ bllicwt hi• ex- cacapc the somethqes blnb bandi of
. . - -~ die ·"'moo. . . , ..... - - - -



ThoSuffolltloaraal WodJtolday, Ncwemb«9, 1994r

Nirvana Unpl~ and Doesn't Lose
... -.
any of Their Raw Jn~nsity

Continued from page 4

who 1w bad • ltrong influcoce on

By Juatln Grt«:e

Nirvana's ju11-relea1cd " MTV
Uopluged in New York" iJ noc only
a raw, edgy, unsettling m111ical muterpicce, it is the bes! of the MTV
series of unplugt.d specials. The
album iJ also an cuy coaleDdcr for
record of the year.
The apcrimce will not only chill
listcncn to tho boae but will leave
!hem utomldcd by ,a clam and pow•
crful, intimate CODCat ICI..
The albu.m piAI ill bauotiD1
qualities due to lead 1in1cr Kurt
Cobaio' 1 unfortunate 1uicide five
months after this beautifu l "live"
petfonnance. It is hard to beliCYe that
only five mooths prior to his death
Cobain wu in New Yort wil.b his
bud and C8Cti one of Lhcm wu in lop
form .

a Potent-Creation
By Justid Grieco



In turnina Mary Shdlcy's "Fran•
kcnstein" from novel to film, dircc•
~~Kenneth 'aranagh C';Dcad AJain")
goes for the grandeur and fortunately
comes out 'on top. '
Tbls effective iilm version or the
classic horror Lale IS
an all-001
mghkc:st and more a htcnuc. moody.
anckJ.oepdonally well-acted an film .
~ is very little about "'F~cnstein-)ylµcb wiU •weal to thc)nainsiferftn' Cxc~pl the nir. me Robert


' .~ movie _
)'fl!l, 8ppeal to ,those
lookina for a ric~r. sty~h. and faithful= ~ .o,r ~~l~~(! ~~ti,; In
~ fni&c""em w~T win over
the· lame 1udienCe members' ·who
apinciatcd '.. eram Stolcci''s' Droc:Ula"
which was aJso produced' l,~ Fti.ncis

~~ ,rn~.I say ~tankeJ~..
is"'dotrorboHn!~ CYen ~·



' ible



The movie CW a rncsmeriz-

ing, creepy spell and is i lot of run.
The 11oryunters tl'OUOO ~life
of Vic1or (Ke'0ineth

•-> ,a,.""""'

oci.!l.tistto-be who loses hi• ' piOlher (Cherie
Lung,hi} when she d.Jcs•ca;ng Child·
birth. It iJ: •~ r this piVocal P,fut in
Victor's life where he change's his otstudy to (OCl,li more closely
on death and bell ii at iis own pme.
Victor decide, tn leave his home
inGenevatostudymedicincinGermany. He finds I.bat be docs nol
a,rce with many of his professor's
teachings but finds salvation in the
mysterious Prof~ Waldman (an
unrccognittbJe Joba Cleese).
wakhnan tu.,be&
and Lam·
pcrin1 with death and reanimation
for a good many years but recently
~ his work when it became
too intense and
When Profeu or Wal !Jlan i1
killod by • .....- (Robert
. 11'0)
cri~ Vic· .-tol Wq...~ dcctaOD to pick op
wllme die ,-o(cuor left ml. Using
dlO body~ ol the dt.ccacd ~
r..or . t beallf ""1 kits of amrtiode ftmd, add aome ckctricitY and
· 5RIID-..Victnr bu aeaed life using
1118 ....


unconuou:t:;,i. .



lier" is up and abouJ turning the



ca ~ -.... ~ tbc "'mon-

looking r«

DcNiro plays thc ,monstcr and
lhcrc arc many changes in the characlcr this ,lime around. For one. the
look or lhc creation is completely

diffc~nt. There is no green race


square head this time around. DcNiro
takes on the look O a phantom or tJw
of a hideously dtfonDed ' vnmpiM: .
De.Niro plays the role wil.b_, .bis f
trademark fc rOCiousness buf"also' ,•
. shows a surprl\ing ~ounl
row, bun. and C
om~,P.'1~i He docs I
this through tormented monologues·
and eye-contact. The audicnoelfCIU'I
the monster but also feds aonj•t'or ffi1
DeNiro never ovc,n;,cts ilnd In, hi:i!
hands lhe m~bff\el'-111hoclt7.I
ing portrlit of'•mixed· mnotiOM, ,,...
Branag h (""M\lch ~A-d~ IAbolit·
NOl.rullg") i1 vt:iy l()O(llu VictdrAle'

- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -~


I AskPat I·
°1-f!r·; wr~ IO

which eventually. hu:.wiVctreN' on

CYctythin&-lnhllli're..-s~,prov~ -: ,

~-"'-Alk's own·- -.:,1. a'.l,.ea·d
·' 1/~U~
~ ,

and Viet~, reladonlJti :.with bit • '· - · 1_1,,~,·:- " \
love Elizabetb·•(Hcten! Bo'!ll•m
Carter-) is 1h11 of adusic •IVDWICC I ,
and audicnccl •iJJ be cbccring lhem

,.«:! _,._.,_ ,~~.":'.'!....

,..,_..,.,. ,.,, .. ..,._ .......
("Howard's End") also descnct con•
siderable mcntioo for a superior per·
formanc:e. In 1he beainning of the
film ahe is pon.rayed u a devoted
ftanccc and liable '->net- but at the
E1iz.abeth becomcl the~ compelling character i.a the movie and it is
for a few minutea wfl!l::b the audicnc:c
is trcaled to a truly chillin& pc,formaoce of (car, hatred, and confusion.
As directed by KCMcth Branagh,
"Mary Shelley's Frankeustcin" is a
beautifu l movie wi16 sweeping,
breMhtakinr,camera wOJt. Tho story
nows nicdy most of the time but
sometimes it seem, rushed (especillty duriq Ck fim ballot d:\elfilmf
due 10 choppy editini, This poor
eclitu11 teclutiqae is the only uue
·o.w la an olberwisc pleuunblc ta·
Tbcfilmisnoiafeel-goodmovic. ·
It is a 1,qic, a..t tale of a man
triumphina over oalure but unable to


' ~~


.& " ' " ' ~

• u



, .. ,


the Raven

I____ ______
. '
By Shawtt McKinnon

midnight, and even though not ev•
eryone in the crowd sun the
group before, by the end of
Las1 friday night, the place· lO be everyone lhcre Wu a Duatbc:ad fan .
was the Raven In lovely downtown '1'hcy SOU.oded ~~"",uid ~lf1t time
Franklin, u the many Suffolk Stu· fanErinM~."'lJu.stwi.&hmore
dents in auendancc can anest. The people could ~ them." w,ith each
place was with lhrcc local show, thouaht ~lDd more people
bands : Hive , Wedie head, . a nd do bear: them.. •
• , •
Suffolk's own Ousthead. This was a
N~ g lhar. ~ ~ far .oo many
~nonn•th e tuffl001 was labds III music
so ,
&hej ~ their
ibou, R,;c ~ .
style "Heavy claute rock... The. cli
Hive was the first to 1ake lb~ verse influences ' include The ~~
stage around 9:00. Then came the Alice and Chains and Simori ilnd
older, more traveled Wedgehcad.\By · G ~: They Kai c-~
thi1 time, a larae crowd began to on and off, for aticut 3 1/1 years. In
!hat time, their mualc hat transformed
_ The ~liners were ~-"'?"P ~ - from a 20 minute allow fca!Utilig
~ of
Suffolk studr:rul! Kmn mostly cover tunca hllb tiour-ipoa
1moat1"y olipDntian·'oft °guiiar and tC8'fV9CW, • pcrform.-ca
Claris Fenaer" oa piEi:i and'brtihcn· Dill IOCIIJ.
5taoe and Du ff'o.nt oa pc:rcuqion,.
ID fact. M tbe. bour,.laa& abow at
and bus. reapectively. Forthemaht, • tbcliyeqtbcy·c:mJ..,pleycdtwoCO'ler
tbcycalledtbcmsclvcsDu~but · sooss:"ihct Rollina StOOCI' clusic .
Ibey are cum:otJy looking (ora new · "Syufpalliy(ortbeDevil"and"Olmy
and better name, because, as' SICVe Clleny"' by Neil l)iaDOnd, an artist

~ ,"iwt~;_




: :.pethesomctimeshlnbtwldsof :.::.!ays, "Du1'!e•d i, a stu'P,id
G ~:.,.,.B+

.. Unptugt.d in ·Ncw York" opcn1
with a laid-back rcoditioo of "About
A Girl," a SOIi& taken from N"'irvana's
dcbul rcconl "BIC8Cb." The .IODI is
catchy and brilliant, u gOOCNl-any•
thing the band would later p-oduce.
The mu1ical, landscape con1inues
with the IODII "Come As You Arc,"
"Dumb," "Pennyroyal Tea,,. "Somcthina io the Way," "Polly," and "All
Apolo&ica" from the Nirvana smash
llbumt "la Utcro" and ""Neva:miod"
displays his voice full of sympmly,
lincaily, aiiauisb,-and pain, 111d the
band is -allowed to 1boW off their
pn,ao-rock roots without any technical ad\lllncernent1.
Cobain and Co. also cover a
David Bowie ·sona called ~ Man
Who SOid the World," and invite

Oustbcad took the scage around


DU ~

c:oadnucd on pqe ,

~y 1CUU
lut week and it
very belpnl but
l haven' t been able to 10 throoah
with what you IUd.
The. pt(IOO I am i a f ~::wkb
even if we were only frienda I
wouldn' t •want to be ·considered a
Our rtlaliorubip at times 1CCm1
u tbouah there is no one else in the
world but be and I, but at other tirna
i1 feels like be doe,n't even know I
CUSt. I still wonder whit it would be
like 1 be io his·arms. Do' you think
it iJ: bopclcu7 Am I caupl up in
something arcatcr than I can bandJc?
Is it pouiblc to CYa' fed secure in oui
,wtioasltjp ll>d ,bappy with
that we are just friends?
You are the only ' onc I talk to
aboul tbe&c problems because my
~ lhink I am fooli.1h: I mi .23
years old ar>d I fcd.lika a ICQl&a' in
ltigb Khaol. This b U., ~ - I
will write about lhi1 problem because I'm sure you have much m~
imponant thinp to deal with. I hope
yr,.{ Cati bdp me as you hive done in
the pas(. Take care and enjoy your


Bart• Flutter

liq a 1lst151"Jf...,Y ~ k-dqlaMJ
I0 1H ~ BIii "f llltl'J k ..,.,.,
tlw u, protect ltl, D i t t i ~ for
1"" I ~
·, lft , M»Wdd,,1 liu

'::J::::"' ""willt--,:,'JOW
A.r 1 ' : last




bow how M feels_ wdas JOM
MM 't SIi'/ dw

talk IO ltlm about it. I


inspirational band nx Meat Puppcu
on stage to team with them on COYa1
of the ·Puppets own "Ob Me," "Pia·
tcau"'udtheexcdlent ti..u.eolfire."
Nirvana adds a soun1fand ID attitude
10 ~ sonp which is all their OWD
and ·..,cry special.
"Uoplugcd In New York" cl01e&
with • devas1a1io1ty emotional
"Wbcrc Did You Sleep Last Nipt"
and it is oa tllis powerful note in
which Cobain's polC: J.inscrs ia an
odessy of pure rock and brilliant
"Uoplugcd in New York" is a
mllll ba\l'C, a flawlea. u.nfcqeuable
perl'otmance. The album is· ooc to
cherish, It' 1 a 18d and touching reminder of a · reat m ~ WC:ot and
a significant loss to the world of rock
n' roll.





I CiJll' s~n.JetM 'IIU'fflOilln~
letur_.on,d I ~ ~ , UIS all wort
1 // IN lhinb of JOM

°"' for tit& but.

lhey are DDl workiDa; for dicir ep11,
but for the music. 'J'housb bocb Chris
and Kevin are capM!le of playin1

..... ldf-iDdala<nt -

they ....




nuntly woo. over by the cbildral wida AIDS. It was • very


· bit



Suffolk's C. \Vabb Theatre.

iJ: oo doubt 1h11 Vauca ina =~~
:t.:!.beorc1'!:' for cmulauna caJ should ~h them soon. They



uack.~ : •wjll be doina an acooslic mini-set •
the style of The Breeden OD the thpfallfcatthisTbunday,aodtbey'll
rcmai.ndcr ol "American Tbil,bt" but be doina I repeat #onnuce at
thcbandOVU'COmClldlClcminorftuhs Local 186 on Decc:mbcr 21.
tbrou,b pat prodw:tioa Values (the
If you would like to be put on '

rol objlily to flirt. Maybe he will iet
"""'mailm&U..:«ifycu ...........
Or JOM c'1llld atlist 1M /wtp. of a prodK,er Brad Wood). and deep, so- acstioel for a new name. write 10
riou iau: topb tueb • J'IIIPlley· P.O. Box~. w ~ MA O'ioe1.



.=---.,;:t a,;_ ---------.. _~


bl,; lad . . . .
willin1toMlp. lt~tilidofhl~II ,Nina 0o~'::':: Lott.isC- Pott' a r.,_.;;;;=
school ~.,, maybe OM of dtem will voicca mix tc,aelbcr in perfect bar- ,
tflll u, ldm for YOfl.
mony and the aid s know bow to
Liu 1 .said, IMU shot,J,d 1H 1M have fun.
last ruoru but~ dw poilet wltauw~
Their melodic, are ao catchy and
~IQ, 1° wills u.. 111h sOlllltfb lib ii rock lade11 oo so111s sllcb u
u )oo,1ood u, •~. vp "!It, Try~
'!' '"Spidarmall •79... "Vimola," "25,•
row~r, M~r, tltol JOI' .slill ind "All Hail Mc"' Iba& tbc _ _ .
tll i.s Mea,u to JOll and s ~ In

""· "'~"'"

.,..,,,.,., --•""-- ... oaly~.'l'llc--they....,_

___ _

of aood. bun co®p 10 •w■ a year,
md Oaril orpaized Suf.
furious biddiq war (or a ~ lllid folk Pallooza, 1 fivo-baDd bcnef for

ewryonc's ,fublon is Bvtdowll.:wwrll~IO..t..,.,, sme
pl cbc:ir
impo,ton1 JO nw •· )'Ofln ~ •· dna,,,u o f ~ ~ . '!- ccaw ICIWI. Vcnaca Sak. ~ •
" 1rw. , 7?-,tlfllCot1!4wi{l!'!_!!#-wordt tium Wider llldr bell, c:oald pcub1J

,can. •

.,., __ ...,


-lw~-'-""" -"""'lyria-be-


and " In My Mind,- alon1 whb
Dw~d classics like " Red" and
" Middle of Nowhere.," both of which
are feilurcd on their first demo tape
which w11 rcccotly rcmastm:d (and
available uponreqoeal).
Dwthead i, a solid and Va')' orisi•

them to a minimum because they
true to the music.
Kevi n i1 ID acdJent Imler and
i1 often joined by Chris who IUppUCI
harmonic. aod baclina vocals. SteYe
pull down a steady, powerful rh)'l,bm
behind every song. His beat1 , are
- - - - -- - -- --! always on the money, and always
lead strayioa tiand members back
Mlllk, Alert: "Vauca Salt'' home,.
II lbe Bud to Wald!
And Dan...wdl, you wouJd have
to ace Dan to fully IJJIW'CCialc bis
ayle. He iraa accomplisbcd buaist,
By Jalda Grieco
bot bis:cvil pcycbo-mosh is oftea the
Make 00 mistake,· women are 00 focus of their shows and a dd'"mirc
the uprise In rock music in the '90'1. crowd plea.Mir. In the pul be bu
FU1t. Liz Pb1it proved tak:ntcd and fallen off ~
. bit ~ bead OD
ab to leave
lpcocb- ceilinpwbcl\tie9W11tojumptl'Ollnd;
mcnlDUlic into ud baa even been DOWD IO jokID atmolpbcre of mood, and L7 and 1111ly aive bJs band-matea a bisb
·Hole broke all CDdc:r boandari
vollaa• ahock from loose conoec'
with in-yow•fac! . . , . . ~ UOOI on bis amp.
flip- 'cm--tbc-bird rock 0 • roll
They have played may 1ocal
Now"VCNC1Sak"iltholalescof clubl, ~ T T ~ Bcm's, ~

in 'JO'U' Ii/~. up«ially ~ Y"" debut "American Tbiaba:" is I wia-

sums:~ .: : : . : , ~ ~ s o l uttoru INJt I'll GIDflit, 10 aiaJ,ut m1.
1>,ner JwJ1enwn1 b111 tlu .rituatio,;
sum.r10C4/l forilat thispoinl. Inti
word. .. FURTI Liu craz;y! BUI not
obno.tiollsly..• weryo,ae NU t/v MIU-

For the meat part. the IOIII writ•
in& is done by Kevin and Dan, with
help from the odlcr manbcn wbco
needed. At the Raven, they playaf
new soop like "Doo.' t Feel So Bad"

"""~""'""'"'' ·. ,.

.~ u d . ..lM4fedfreeto)Wile live IOCt. Wlleb out.
ycM1 Mtd IO.
OltADE: B+






'Offl .Jl:88C 4•

stroaa influence on
~in and Dan, with

mMlbcn when

Raven, they played
'Don't Fed So Bad"
find ," alona with
cs tik.C "Red" and
11cre." both of which
their firU demo tape
llly remastered (and


:., l'bou&h both Ouis
capable of playing

ent solOI, they keep
um because they arc

exccJlcnt sinaer and

, thria who supplies
ding vocab, Steve
dy, powerful rhythm

ong. His beats are
money, and always
and mcmbcn back


you 'woutd have

Fully appreciate his
ccomplishcd bassist.
ho--moah isofim the
IK>ws and a defiRJte
In the past he bas
:i, hit his head on
to jok-

ICCrl. known

band-m11c1 a hi&h

from loose


The Mid:Torm Blabs

Rest in Peace,
Alex·and Michael tui


Mary D'Alba-

Ym:t. .
h's aot·just you ...CYCl)'ODCOD ~ i s fcelin& the
malaile. Homoworl<&dl pushod uidc. "1JdYU1& dacks
off, it'sClliertotum.ooMetro&cPlaoethantoktepupwith
lbe reading.
lt'sagoodtimctotrytorccva1uate your priorities. Yes.
it's lmportanl tobcp up with your studies, but it can be
equally important to keep up with your life.





h 'iiinportanttooc:casionallystepback,lctoutahcarty
scream, and take a break.
WatchStarTrclc,listtnto thcncwDinosaurJr. album.
go to a movie; or just take some time off to go out some
night with friends. Relax. Jct off some steam, and have



Mqoday morning's nine o' clock English Lit class
lt's ~ttostepbackonccinawhilc,have '°mc
univCfSC. Thcrcisa-worldjustbeyondthcSawycrb;uilding.
Only when we'\le had a chance to ,rccharge our
batteries can we come back to c lass, and buckle down to


Is Jim Behrle for

Dear Edilor,
This is directed towards
Jim. Behrle:·
God! You just don't get it
do you? rffl· goinl lo ·be as
candid with you· as you- arc
with your fellow readers.
Jimbo, y<iur not· funhy! On a

very grcatl)'. so I feel that
since I won't be commenting
much about the leadership
retreat, it is my personal duty
to comment on the article
: You wrote last week. I'm ju,
going lO take this time and
breakdown your article. I feel



: Md Ibey pion Suf.
5 on February 24 in
~inaperieacdlctheyarestilllota them ,ooa. They
eat'c at
IICCC:IDber 21.

:. oc if you have q oew -aime. write to
r,.i~. M_ 02081.

l l11i1NC. -~Al' •.
, ..506tA'fll.',

=~~;~ you don' t even


a wodd w~ we study right yp until it' s rime to gO to
work. then study into the night before an early class.
So don't feel guilty about occasionally taking a night
off. Have some fun and let loose.
Then comeback and finish that History paper. You' ll
bicalittlclcssstresscdout,and -whokq_ows-youmay
even bcablc tocoocentrale better. and writubcttcrpapcr.
Stranger things have happened.

thing as the leadership retreat
and the 1994 elc.ctions and
tum in10 .such a moci.ery7
How would you like it if some•
one took your life and turmd
it in10 a comedy sitcom?
Knowing you you'd like it
very much.
Since Karen Law rence
did such a good job of expressing {lOw the whole BSU
feel s about what you said
about thC leadership rcucat.
l' m._not going to waste my
time in repeating the same
JX.)ints. However. I just wan1
~(b say ·~1 you offended me

propriate. I also hope that
you might be able to understand how you r humor is
nothing more than ignorance
and pure ideocracy.
I' m firsi going to sian
wilh something minor. You
began you r article by saying,
.. , was sniffing glue lhe other
day after playing a record
setting game or Super Pac•
man, when I decided lO radically change my life." By
putting !his Ii~ al lhe begin•



"'What's up with the Fenton ~ e , hub7 How· c'an you
hang out there? h's all pink; ir's Like a bad ai;id trip."
·_ Bryan Malesz)'k, a Freshmiin al
·p ry while· visiti_
ng-Suffolk's campus.

Boston tfni.ver-

::o:r;:n!, i~:o~1k~

continued on page 8








filled. WecofflCbactaftcralongsummcr,wodcingextia
· hours so we can afford to pay this year's tuition, and fall
- right back into the swing of things. Before you know it,
papal arc dUC. b::Sti ~ coming up, and profcsson arc
expecting us all to keep up with daily assignments and not
f-11 Olk/OP in class.

two. We have Omlel SIDart, Jim
who allegcdlJ' m ~ biJ
I w
pregnant wife. There are deep w:
countless other · CHCI in Wa 1111
America of these hom:ndous 1t11dalt
held lai
Are we such a throw- really n:
away 19(:iety that. someone I could

rested for the murder of her Oilldren ate not like a pair of leagil,1
two children,
3, and old jeans, when a pareal ICU faco-tos
Alex, 14 mootbl.
tired of them, they cannot than w
"Murdcrcdr I tboughL just IOU lhem away. As parSo
Thu could not be happmin&. cnts, they have a rcspomibil· of the
I thought 1omethln1 was ity to love and take care of caaldmi
wrong with bet IIOry o( let- their child.
would I
ting a carjac.ur take ber two
It amues mC that there folb w
small children from her but I arc parents who do oot want there
figure.d maybe she put theOl or love their children, their itioo m
in the underground to keep own Oesb...and blood; Tbcre


work. Crankoutthalpapcr,rcadlhalc~r.

ehris orpniz.ed SuffiVl>baod benefit for
.IDS, JI WU I Vety

I ' ll alwa ys remember
when: I was when I beard the
news. I was si1tin1 in an or6cc with the radio on, typing
a paper f0t my night class.
When the 4:30 news came
on, thctopstorywasdlepress

_).t', ._ time ofyclr apin. Mid-tcrmi are ova/ the

' §.

Bernie's My Hero
Dear Edi.tor,

· ibave,~ .~ Sulfotk s1u•
dent for about l\¥'0 months
DOW, ~d t'Dl I_C8lly surprised
at all,. the popplc who have
~ ~ ! l l f ~ l > J l l_m
Berhlc's eoJ~lt~slike
people tike evcrytbi.n, too
seriously at S'llfl'.:olk..lpc:rsoiabyfindJim very
am~ing. .~ .Q .~ , 'F1or is


laughing at
and some•
times even getting a point
across; like V l l article
"Elect Behrle for a Bcuer
World"lut .week. He talked
about his plans as Governor
healthcare, crime and foriegn
Jim makes it seem like a
joke, _
and that it is. If you
rea11y stop to think about it.
how could one person have
an answer to e v ~g? He


r.~i:= ::.~

the~ ~r= what kiod or toof
pa,cnt would murder.her own ia their li\lCI and yet, there
children. Smith actually had ·arc still ~ who abandon
lO dtjve to lhe lake, make the their children physically and
coosc:ious effort to let the car emotionally. In this world, 10
go into lh~ lake, !"d watch many parentl have I~ their
her children be taken 10. a children to crime and viowatery lgrivc.

Jenee and they have •to livi
What kind of pc~ n is wit.Ii the fact _their Cbil~
this? Js .~ s sonieOiie ~hq: im gone. But Jo think, a
should be sympathiud with? ent wf:M> '1Vould actually I~
Lr.i today's society, there is a • her children di~ is incom~
cry of outrage for justice for herisible. .
childtelf."'S~ · )na)\f#fjeO:pie· ' ~·-'•ffere :: We te ·:ui.~~- ·•cw~
from Governor Weld to com- ~tiful cbil~. Alp. ,~
munity leader1 demand that MlChael...,T bcywcre,10y~
violeoco aga;n,i ebUd,en and 10 lnvlng. The vl,tcof
' U!.P,CI showed them playing
_And fer. we _~ . 01~ · a'.~_d laughing .:




beatc'n ,



ahead or them, to araduate
~ ~ s c ~ ~ c l mamed,

his hands allegedly burned · · Now, due to the crue!
by his_mother. There is Diane~ a.nd selfish_actiODS of
Downs, from the midweit. .. own roocbcr, they . will nevct,
who drove her three children get to experience life or their
out lo a deserted road arid
shot the three of them, killing
one and paraly~ the other
continued on page 8


inlet t01
' Ab1





busy C
once SCI





to bcco

band ol

tioa; w
you ul
I bi

Voices of Suffolk

What was the I

• continuolr on page 9

The Suffolk Journal


By the students, for the students. since 1936

The SuffolJc J""mal wou)d like to apologiz.c to Paul
R. Korn for an error in his letter to lhct.ditor)ast week.
His sentence. in the second to la.n paragraph, should
llave read "f encounae all lb.ldcnts, faculty and st:ilf to
,ct a copy of the Oivc:n:ity Plan, read ir, and provide
fccidback 10 · Prcsideac Saracnt'1 Divcnity Task Force
--1 chc fuwre ol our university:

Tbc inadvcrtcau addition ·of the word •positive•
babe •rccdback• chanacd the interu, giving the 'erroncOUI imp'c,lljon that the Talk. Force only accepts positive
~ rather than the wide range of commenll,
, - . . . . .vc or anythin1 in bctwccn. that they do


Dan Coak.Icy, Edi1or-in-.Chicf
Christian Engler, Managing Editor
Mike Shaw. Executive Edlto~
Justin ~rlcco, Entcrtainmc~c Edu°'

Karen M. Courtney, Bvsincu Manager
Ryan Foley, Spo,u Editor
Enkine Plummer Photo Edito,

Jim Bchric, Columnm

Clvisti~ M Tealdo, Asst. Emcnainment Editor

Dr. Genld Richman. Advisor

, .

cooktn1 get ln1D Iha
c l ~ luoor." lee, bul I


Norine Baci~alupo, Journal Coosultanl

Jk s.ffeliJo,,~ Utlv ""'"" ....,. p,;p,, oJ,f'-ffe/4 UroJ,·,tr,by, ht, t.W..Wlool o/llw SlilJoll::}o,uul ,O,.-O•idt
,., SIi/foik ~ . . , , . .....
ttpo,ii,,, of~ .... ,,. r.-,~u. Cllftnl lr,/tU nyk,, ,t..U""'-ffl .,oru u,I



IM1 fHrlll'U for ""1 rJ,uo8 u,W to~,p/111 • ·ith nil "~frtrilly po/lclttt tOIIClrid/lf 1
OflP'"'ll'"IIJ• A
; : ~ ~ Uf110/1"- Sll}foJ! Joo,,w•1 ,di,ori,,/ po/~. ~•at/~, pf'f!"'luu.,rtnq p,,tky ll


28 Oeme. Street • Boston, Massachusetts 0211 ◄

• Phone & fax (817) 5 ~.

Tamika Correla _
Sophomore'olk-.W WodDesday,Now:mber9, 1994

Rest in Peace,
_ aby, you can raise my
Alex and Michael tuition, ~ys Jim

'The Mid-Torm Blahs




Jt•• aaoocS time to try to recvaluacc your priori.DC$. Ycs.
it's hnpoltant lO ~ up with your studies, but it can be
equally important 10 keep up with )'OW' life.
The fint few wcct:s ofschool can be heady and strcss-




fillcd. Wecomcbackattera longsummer,worlringcxua
hours 10 we can afford to pay thls year's tuition, and (all
- ript t.ct into lhc swing of things. Before you know it.
paecn arc due, tests arc coming up, and profCS50fl are



)Vatch SwTrck, listen to the newDi nosaur Jr. album.

NGOC or,,, err academic mbors We can't fa1
nctinn in
a wortd where we study right up until it's time to go to
wort,·thcn study into the night before an early class.
So don't fa:.1 guilty about occasionally taking a night
off. Have some fun and let loose.
Thencomcbackandfinishlhar.Historypapcr. You'U

even be able IO conceotnrfi better, and write a better paper.
Sauger things have liappcncd .


"What'a up with lhc Fenton Lounge, huh7 How can you
hang OUI thcre7 It's all pink: it's like a bad acid lrip."



scream. and take a break.

batteries can we come back to class, and bucldc down to
wort. Crank out that paper, read that chapter.

Is Jim Behrle for real?
Dear Editor,
This is directed toWards

very greatly. So.I fee) lhat
since I won' t be commenting
much abou1 1hc leadership
Jim Bchrlc:
God!Y~j~~•tgctil retreat, it is my persona] duty
do you7 I'm go,na to be as 10 comment on the article
candid with yriu as y'<Mf arc you wrote tas1 week. f'm ju~t
with your fellow readers. going to take this time and
Jimbo, your not funny! On a t.-cak.down your article. I foci
joke meter you don't even that by breaking ii down. I
mnk a -20.
can show you all r.he think~
thing as the lcadcrsh.ip rctrea1

and the 1994 elections and
1um into such a mockery?
How would you like it if someone took your life and turned
it in10 a comedy sitcom?
Knowing you you'd it
very much.
Since Karen Lawrence
did such a good job of expressing how the whole BSU
feels about what you said
about lhe leadership retreat,
t'm not going to was1c my
lime in repeating 1hc same
points. However, I just wan1
to say that you offended me

propriatc. I also hope that
you might be able to understand how you r humor is
nothing more than ignorance:
and pure idcocncy.
I'm first going 10 start
with something minor. You
began your article by saying,
M was snirfiog glue the other
day after playing a re.cord
setting game of Super Pacman. when I decided 10 radically change my life." By
puuing this line a1 the begin•

Behrlfs My Hero
Dear Editor,
• have ~ a Suffolk stu·
dent for about two months
oow, and I'm really surprised
a1 all the people who have

~ <1«Pl1,.plf~P> Jim
Bc.rh1e'1colwnn. lt1CCm1 like
people take cvecything- too
seriously at Suff:olk. '
I pcnQfWly fiJ'ld Jim very
am~ing. Pln,qf.~ ~mor 1

laughing at ·tbem, and someti mes even getting a point
across; like in hi, anicle
"Elect Behrle for a Beuer
World" last week. He talked
about hi.I plans as Governor
Massac huset~ - for
hcalthca:rc, crime and foriegn
Jim makes it seem like a
joke, and_ lhat it is. If you
really stop to think ~bout it.
how could one pcnon have
an answer to everything? He

conunucd on page &

- Bryan Malesiyk, a Freshmaa a1 BostOft University while .visi~_ Suffolk's campus.

continUed on page 9

The Suffolk Jo11rnal
By 1he s1udents, for 1hc stude nts, si nce 1936

Dan Coakle y, Editor-in-.C hief
The Suffolk Jou.rnol wsiutd

i t to apologiu tb Paul

R. Korn for llO Cl1'0C in his: leuet 1 editor last week.
, Hll senlc:DCe, in the secood to last s-ragraph, should
laavc read ·1 encouncc all ltlldcnts, faculty and st:lff to
Ft a copy of the Dlvcnity Plan, read it.. and provide
feedback to President Sargent's Oivenity Task Force
- - ' the fuwre of our university:

Tbe inadvcr1en1 addition ·of the w·ord • positive·
brlfl:ln, • f ~ k • chanaed the intent. giving the c ~ oua ~ o n l])M the. Taak FOC'CC only accepts .positive
I ~ rather than the wjde range of commentl,
or a.oytbio, in between, that they do


Jlllllhe. ~ve.


bcJd i&irwock. Oops! I wU



Monday moming's nine o'clock English Lit class
comes IOOG enough.
1t'1 important toSlCpback once in a while, have some
funandrealiz.ethalthcreislifcoutthcresomcwherc inthc
universe. There is a world just beyond the Sawyerboilding.
Only when we' ve had a chance to ~harge our

Seems Suffolk hllJ,ocn do- Take 'Eo:i to the

~ws~~W:=':.::~ ~::s:ic=~~

IDl!llioo. Homcwodt-gas pus!Jod ulde, stlJ!lying sJa<;ks
off, it'1Clllia'totumonMclr06cPlaoetbantolceep upwith

go 10 a movie; or jusi take some time off 10 go out some
night with rricnds. Relax, Jet off SOf1lC steam. and have


I wuJtbree marpriW
deep when I remc.mbered I

a paper for my lllghl class.

~ IO fiull bu begun,
h 's aotj\llt you...~ on campus is feeling~


who allegedly murdered 1w
pregnant wife. The're are

Jlin s.i,,le ~

I'll always remember
where I was wh:eo I bcatd the

ii•, ta. time of year ai-m.Mid-terms are over,'the

Chnscian Engler. Managing Editor

~ik.c Shaw. Exccu_ Editor
JusllD Grieco. Enteruintnefl1 Ednor
Jim Bc.brie, Columnis1

Kare.n M. Counoey, 8 1,lflncss MaBaget
Ryan Foley Sports Editor
Enkinc P l ~. Photo E.di1or

Chow111 M Tcaldo. An , En1eru1nmem Edi1or
Dr. Gctui, Advisor

Norine Baciplupo, Joumal Consuhanl

about spinlina; tuition coau.
I wu lookiq: forward tochal ~
lengioi my adJninist,ators
face-to-face - ud pcu:ing
them with cabbqe.
So instead, I spent most
of the wockc.od over a hot
cauldron, casting a spell thai
wOCJ]d allow me to ~ you,
folks what would happen if
there was no change in 1u-.
itioo 1iext year.
Ladies and Gentlemen of
Suffolk. Take my hand. I'm
g~n& to fax OU£ molecules
Abracadabra. It's now
November 9, 1995.
. We're standing on

watery grave.
lcncc: ai:.d ibcy have lo livi
What kind of pcBon is with the fac.t their c"hildrcri
this7 Is this somco0e who are gone. But to think, a
should be synipethiud with? ent who would actually lei
lri today's society, there is a her children die is iocom~
cry of outrage for ju1tice for hcns1blc
chUdrcir. ·-s'O' · ma'rlt pcO:plC
Hcre ~weic ' fh~ae tw~
from Governor Weld to com- beautiful childmi, Alex
munity leaden demand that Michac:1. They were soy~
violence against children and so loving. The video=
' IBP.CS showed them playi"8,

~ it a
crater. Legal ScafC?OO, comsoon!
Skipacrou tnffic 1oward
blfsy Demc St. with me.
Where the Archer buhding
OD0C 1stood ~ · ii a i !lour
phok> 1.ab. Tbe Student Activi$Ycs buiJdlna hu been
,iqadc-overinto a YM~. The
1':nton tiuilding it a tampon

:~::v: : ~t: ::~~~o~:!r;:r
should be.

par~ ini



, opAnd yet. wc_~sto~ci


murdered. beaten, and
abused. Wehavcr.hc cascof
his hands allegedly burned
by hii_motbcr. There is Diane
Downs, from the mldweat,
who drove her three children
out 1o a descned road and
sbolthc thrccollliem,killina;
one and paralyzing the other

ahead of them, to .graduate
high school, to get married,
10 be suoc:estful.
Ndw, due to the crucf
and selfish actions of their
own mother, they will never
get to experience life or their



would have every Suffolk,

:di;~~::.:::;•~~ :6:;'1:~"::
delier in the. Sawyer lobbf is

cOIISll'Uct.ioo of the Saw.ycr
Ca.odlepin Studies Center.
Boat" ll Soina to be delayed
iodcfinitdy. And, Professor
Denuck,, I hale to be the one
10 break it to you, but the
Psychology Department is
going 10 have to find a way to
liV withou1 that ~ICUW. Bu t
even these drastic measures
aren't enough.
Suffolk Univenity will
become a dittant memory
without a ridiculow tuitiOfl
hike. Every Suffolk atudcnt
is going to have tO pay $~
· million, oc Suffolk Uni-


dlitate aaia- paymeatL'Stu•

,!7i, 0::-'t

wort ttudy fluntiea would
be dispMCbDd t o ~ llomes
for ..a clca.oi9'. Sllldeau
would beabletotdlold IC11boob, tdevisionl, preacriptioo gla:sa, Md siblinp to
Suffolk. Suffolk wouJd ,ive
them arcai llmDPI in rc:rum.
Collect enoush peen uampl
and you'll gel discouotl · a1
the boolu1ore and the
Srudeo11 wid be allOWed
to adl \heir ~ blood, -cx:pns. arms and lcp to pbt
toward the bill. for every
pound you &ive they'll knock
a dollar off lhe acicktt price.
Suffolk UnivcnilYi th;c


;:;z ':na::.:.~~'!Z :~::ia::;;;b::oi:j:

When you thiM about i~ ~ r bafancct
, ,J ' ,"' " •
tboogb,.thM't only a quanc:r
So, unlea: you Mnl your
of a million dollan more a fricnds ~ atan callina Su£•
clua. Think of it u S3.8k folk. 1'ampon Uru'venity"
every minute you're o~n&)· ycu'd~~fonin&ovet
in clus, slecpjna in ~ ti- ~t\i; ~•b., thoua,h.
brary'i or i aoozin8 i~··the SOA will1p,atcrmany-.
lounge. Isn't your education of these tuit.loo (orumt ~ •
worthanduua SS479aday7 that we fi8tl stop cugioa from
Isn't it7
going up any m"ore tha.o it
Suffolk's been one of hu. I' m sure once lhe ad·

~~ ..~:J;;;s~-~~rN:~

lowerin1 tuition, they'll tab
husc paycuts to avoid ~tIIIUdi:ala out in
lbe co&cl l aicm, Suffolk's •
~ I cqmizatioo dedicated' to, tc:achina us, 001
clcanlag Oll1 oar bu.k ac-

Voices o( Suffolk

What was the last movie you saw?
= - - --'--,,_

lccli~n plus.

Suffolk ia futurcle sst and World Report is soing to
You're.c.oonabconthellroct ha\'t to name Suffolk "Ooe
babJ,L,'four degme js goi~ ofthccountry'1mosttrenlt:nto become dog food !
. . dous frigin:a rip-offs." The
Suffolk, guided by the proverbial free ride is ovcre
hand of its fine adminisua- It's time to pay the piper!
tion, wc.oL fiat broke. Why
While I wu playiq wilh
you ask?
P.resident Sargcnt'a '"Toto"
I busted irlto President eds I discovcn:d a bluepri!lt
Sargent's off.CC today, to take for Suffolk's new tuition c~-

laughing .. :~c,;el;v':! fact~~· c.;.? W~man!

continued on page 8

at the old boob.

~i::C:::: :t~~== ~~:u~;: ~

awa~ r:OC~:/:~ ~:::~
confcreot::e about Susan actually believes it ll all ript
Smith. Smith had been ar- to mu rder their children?
rated for the murder of her Ouldrcn are oot like a pair of
two children, Mid,acl, J, and old jeans, when a pareiit gets
Ale., 14 mODlhs.
tired of them, they can.not
"Murdcrectr I thoughL just toss them away. As parThis could oot be happenins. ents, they have a responsibil•
I 1hought something was ity to love and take care of
wrong with bet story of let• their child.
ting a carjacker take her two
·· It amazes mC thal there
small children from her but I are parentS who do not wanl
figured maybe she pul them or love their children, r.hcit
in the underground to keep own flesh Md blood. There
them safe.
are milliom of people who
1 wondered what kind of would love to have children
parentwouldmurdcrherown i.n their lives... aod yec. tbcrc
children. Smith actuall,y had are still parcrtll who abandon
lO drive 10 the lake, make the l.bcir children physically and
conscious dfort to let the car emotionally. In this world, 19

~;r1 ~::n


ins some scrioUs deficit




Lina Suffolk


ThoSuffoltJoarml Wedocodly,No..-9, 1994

c..lm,,dfrnm .... 6

,- . . of )"OW' afticlt, you show me
bow dildilb you are without me

-011you'd,etfn>m- fd-· but I llilf'tblnlcyou need help.
low Suffolk SlUdcnll after they finish
C)'I fn:m J5 year old prls. is the same


. HoallhCare:-Sickpooplo?~ antined offto some voleu.ic illand. eyes set squuby!" Wt 're JuunanbeThey'~ a burden oo our society ... · ing1, babyr --NotJilnigtYes uathe
collqe-. Collqostudeai&doo'I How in the wend_could you even rtptto lakeuyooe'1 Hre! ~us,in
lllifr sl!IO aalca it's IOIDebow re-- Ut1e{ these words? Do you have any cue )'OU didn't notice, we have a
1""do,-project. Maybc ifyou idea what it mUSl be like to be aid:? YCl')' wide diversity of natiqoalities.
aoppod ~ sJue your mind To find out that what you tbou&ht Did youevcrthinkttiar:maybesomcwouldboelcareaouat,10 Wldcnund was a very bad mipainc cods up to one in ttiu school could be from
whit ii aol.aa Oil around you. How- beatumoc? Howdo youthink it fccls anyooc of those countries you've
ever,.] doap'Ce with you on matins to sit thc:rc and woDder each day if mentioned in your alticlc? A 10( o f
a radkal chalF iD.your lifc. Yet. I this iube day your to die? How can people take pride io they're country
doD't foci dlor Ibo radical chin&< you take such a thini: as bwth care and you~have no right lO try and
llloaldbonuiaiq fo,govcmo,, but and belialc ii like so? I myself was aiticize whal you bow nothina:
edDcatm& X()llndf aot 011 school si~ bul oow I'm rt:e0vc:rcd. U the obout.
aovemmcnt thou&ht the~way that
..Elect me and J'U put a chicken
Then. you wrote. '1 felt it was you think. I mightas-..:eU have been in every pot, two cars in every gatime foe me to gct SOmc respcc:t." If ik,ad. Since I was sick and have rage.a bloodin everybed,andSSOO
yoa rc.tlly WIDI ii tbm you need to friends who w=/. . .ck, I take in every back pockeL" There is so
. . . b by 1Dwritingstmcsbut focu. arcatoffcnsctoyourcomment. lbi.s much I could say about this line but I
I must admit you might get some articlcjUllprow:dtbalyou wrircwilh don't have the time, or the paper to
respect foe writing what you want. DO morals or consideration for your write it all down. All Jcansayilthat
bat tla<'sooly.,much, _Ican fellow Suffolk students or anyooc you~ portrayed in a such a sexist
give you by the time rm dooc rud- else for that matter. As a matter of manner by saying such a sexist rein&rous-f.:t. why don' t_you go to a fellow mart. Blondes have been gcttina
"Bill whit job could give me student or anyone else whom you aiticizcd$incethc God badpucmcn
bods the public admiration I dcsc.rvc know is iick, (and I'm DOt talkina: likcyou onthccarthwhosttreotypc
ond bl'chylfrom l ~yuroldgirls7', about the Ou), « physically para- them as "bimbos." When men like
the next line I ooticcd. God, lyzed and read them that section of you rcaliu that you can ' t get anywere you uaingyOW'brain when you yourarticlc. lbcn lookinlOtheireyes w~witboutawormnbcsideyou,
wrote this linen Do you know that andteU meif thaclookof Jliusmjs
gpt Jslllgl JOO then you will be
yourcompletdyCODttadictingyour- anythiog you apprecillC.
able to iuJizc that a woman should
scll? Tbcoolylldlmntioo Ibo p,,bLic
Crime: I chink you have some be respcctcd no matter what co.lor
would aivc you wbc:11 you set hick- ideas about what your talking about hair she has. As a matter of fact



TboSoffallc-..i WodMsdoy, N0..-9, 1994 /

goln110die1nyway? Alotqfwomen

.if I had youraltide would ~ve truly
hurt me. Yoo migtu: think that it's an
lot of fac:wn; to 19()ttions. lam

Now when you cod your article
you say to accept you as you arc. I
would like to do that, but you arc
JWJy not giving me a chance. In
ordcr formetoacccp(you, you must
~and&omwhlt Jcansccin
your article, l0CCptlDCC or others is
p<at(ycua,:nted. Youwritcllhout
merercaardsforOW'fcelinp.l don' t

but in my eyes. when you leam to
respect us, we can then learn to fully
accept you. I can tell right now that
the firstaidoiilysteplOmak:ingthis
possible is by doing the foUowing
directioo, ..and please read this very

Th,l,pk ldm Yoo Spnk'
Now YQU might think that I' m
taking your article too seriously and
you migbl trulythinlcyouright. However, l'm 50rry to.tell you thal your
.w.ume. l amalso50rt)' tbat
l don'l fceltbat l amtheoolyonewho
reels this way.
·From someone who gives a

~•1yourmothcrbcside whenyou darm!
while you were growing up. Thal
llalpba Dominique Simoo
sounds like a woman lO me.
As we move forward we come lo
anocbtt line where you say, .. I be- , - - - - - - - - - -


"Big N~ws!"
Fitness • ~
&Gym .
@pen Saturdays
Begin7Jing Nov. 5th
9:0.0am_-4:30pm (Fall 1994)
(Olcc't. gym schedule for reserved times and open gym


not be dis.ippojnicd' by forgcning- your "vlllidN
Suffolk IP - ncces.saty for building, Fitness Center and
, · Gymnasium admittance.

asitdoca'1cffcctawomcn' sri,a:htto
mu.rdcrthcitbrabics." Just from that
senleoce I can ICU that you have no
idea wbal some women have 10 go
·when they get prcgnanL Did yo u
ever t.binlc that some womc.n ~
dcotally g<t pregnant bocause they
arc raped? Did you that
some wOmen have to have an abor-

that they are DOt able 10 carry a bJbY

CCIOtinucd from page 7


Continued rrun page 7
counts. Suffolk is run by reasonable
folb . I'm sure they'll come 10 tbc:ir
Myself, I believe you ahould give
till it hwu. I'm I le.Dior. Next feaz' I' ll
be I college JJWfuate with an !.G&J,i&b
degree and • flexible scbednlc u the
unleaded guy at Ci1go 111.tioo. My
financial worries are over!
Hap py paymcnls!

rest or their ramity.

It makes me Jick 10 think this
woman coo.Id lie IO hcr~cx-bu1band;
full poceotials. Alell and Michael's
m ~ decided to snuff oul their : r : , : ~ s ~ - : ~
bricflivca, ■llcged1y over the love or .day with the ract that the had murdered her lWO chiJdren.
A jury will now bave a chaooc to
arc so many beautiful children, so convict this woman, th.ia monster.
giving and so loving, living lives of But, u a sodety, we must still 6p.l
abulc with ,-ra,11 wbo have no righ1 for Jll5llCC ror childrea Tbe violence
having or tllcin& care of them. Chil- and abuse stop and we must
. dteo. love unconditiom.lly, think or start with send.ins a clear mcuqe 10
it, if you have a young n;Jative. .lhink Susan Smith - "You must pay for
about bow they unilc and bug you, whit you have done." Ch.ildtt:n arc
wilhoul you doin& anything for them. our future and our greatest uscts.
ls there • punishment for Su,u We, as mcmbcra or society, mus1
Smith word\y of fitting ' thia ·crimc'l keep.chem &afc from people like SuNo. Even 11tappi111 Susan Smith in 1 aan Smith. a woman who disrqa,ded
car and pushina her into a lake to their ti \ICS for her own.
drown still ·will ,ooc ~ the ,yoiuig
Rest in Peace, A.lex and Michael
lives of Alex and MkhacJ back lO the Smith.

"'°"'" .....

Cliffs Notes ofVideos Puts llumorinto Microeconomics
By Elina Leibowitz
OW Hatchel
George Washington Universi1y
w-,.SHINGT0N (CPS) - '11 was a
hot day in my motor home," pri~te
eye Highball l..owjack says in his
best raspy Kojack voice. '"The kinda
day they warned you about in those
OrecnPcacc videos,"
Lowjack 1its at his k.hchen dioeuc and lakes a long suck out or his
Toot!ic Pop. Suzy Surplus slinks up
to lhc trailer.
"When she walked inio the door,
my eyes popped ouu a my head,"
Lowjack says. "S he had lips that
could refurbish a kiichen 1.nblc and a
pair of legs that could fire a pound or
bacon into ori>it around Saturn."
Lowjack and Surplus arc on a
mission 10 find her missing husband.
Their search takes them meandering
through lhe dangerous and fast-paced
world or mk:rooconomics.
You know. run-ins with lhc law
or distinguishing relums. Marginal
utilities. Supply Wld demand.
If It seems a liul~ bi~anc, the
dcviantll who brought you The lllustraicd and Elusive World or
Mic roeconomics will ag ree. Two
0eo,g~.. ; Wasbin&Jon Universi 1y
grad~ founqe.d and now run CerebeUum CprP,$,.. an Arlinaton. Va.based comJ>M'Y producma videos to
supplement college courses.
ne•video and its two prcdccci.sors, !he
~ ~ acky ~Of!~ of
Basit Fmllnc"c''end The Stimng and
Provocative World or Billie Account1na _m.Jpsuht...sian or a brainchild
al ready well on iu rccc, according
to 1he Cerebellum chief.\!il!t'!~i;C
orficer Chip Paueclr: . a 1992 OW


each lesson in from of a bookcase
The Standard Deviants is 1he
Brcakin& the boriQ& mold
Pw.ica and clus of 1993 alum- aroup of lhrce. sometimes four, OW
R'.ena were both W<>mng araduates whQ ■ct UJ,.the skits.
foe lhc" govc:mmcn1 before the Idea Maslin and Alisu Rosen, iwo former
suuct lhc:m ■t an ww.suat
mcmbcn or the comedy troupe No
"11 '1 ICtually lcind ol funny ," rrr Time~ which launched ■l OW,
calls Pauce.k, 13. "Wi were on"a-wal.k showcase their orlbcat humor in the
in a park late at night, and .there was Oirr1 fl(otcs or videoa, Both gradua tom:ntial rains1
al.Cl now perform with the No Time
The two men sought shd tcr in a Playcn in Greenwich Vil(aae in New
small hut and bounced around the York City but return to Arlington 10
idea or starting their own busiheu. l lar in the videos.
"When we were in school, many,
LeFort apd Andrea Shmlmao, a
many courses were boring . And 1993 OW graduate who guest stars
stud y aids were worse," Pauock uy1. on the third " Lape, add their acting
The group_ raised ■n initial 1kill1 to tbC late-nigh1 commercialS200,000 r~ ''family and rricnds llyle of the fapcs.
and friends of rricnd.s and friends or
Mastin and Rosen play Highball
rricnds or .rriends," says Production Lowjac:lr: and Suzy Surplus in a rundirector Mk:hacl LeFon, a 1994 OW ning
s.kit . throu& hout
microeconomics video. Their madCerebellum was incorporated in cap search rw Suzy's husband. DouVirginia _i n NovemberJ 993. Since Clas Surplus, a proressor at Mi50&ylhcn. the group has produced lhrcc Univcn.ity, leads them to run-ins
with the missing-a-screw chatacters
played by the sometimes goatccd
lures on what wo6ld otherwise bc LeFort.
dry subjccu.
The microeconomics tape incorThe three vidcos•oow sell ■t rriore potalts a ba.laooed mix or comedy
than 200 univcrsi(¼' book:atorCS na: and cducation; aod the skits arc actu•
. 1ioowide, from the UniveniJy, or ally f.unny, Thc',basic-:accounting and
Fai~ In Aluka.P., lhe y~yc(li.!_y~ finance tapes a,; 111. lilt!e drier, wilh
or lhe Virgin Is l ~. each ,yideo more 1CC:1ura _
IP.M,.&auahl. Bui this
sells for $29.95.
j~ g~ . 9. ¥l0Y' t¥t Cerebellum is
,._j,f, ,:, 'I
::;~ serious~y."




J~., 'ff?,./~;




:;~y~ueek, • bl.i1 P.'!l ounclvcs seri-

'The proressorJt"reauy'bdc~ coR: 1 And they learn a 101 too, says
trol of the ac■dcnllc 1iiie," t.tFon Le.Fort, wbo majottd in political sc:i"I can't believe I can tdl you
says. "h's an c x c i ~ t6'6iin,
the classroom puJpillio yoaf•DOUC~
the beta coefficien1 is!".




A Big 10 Coach is
Stalked by Former
Football Player
By College Press Setvice
EAST LANSINO, Mich. - A fonnu
offensive lineman for the Michiaan
Staae Spuwaa hu 10 ltalkin& head'(~ coech Gco!le Perles
foe two days wilh the intent to kill
R~velt Wqncr, 24, told the
Dctroh News that ,ac P.llnncd cm killing Pertea after beina kicked off lhe
ieam and [aillna to get drafted by lhe


..I was going to shoot hlm," Wd
Wagner, who played roe the Sp■nans
rrom 1988 to 1992 ... , was going 10
kidnap him and take him and shoot
'Wagner. who currently lives in
Ohio and is unemployed. said he
followt!d Perle$ from the MSU campus io his home in ncatby Okc~
and back qain ror two days. He
admits to havina a IOldc:d .38-caliber. 'two 9-mm pistols and,.bQxes or
extra 1hcll1 with him in his Jeep
whilt he was 11.alkini ~ coach, ac:contlng lO the Odrolt NCW1.
·Wainer laid he decidod .;.lnit
killifllj Perlca an,lt weflt•back 'tnlOhiO
~ ~Ina told l.ttl~ ~ ~Ir
would ..dictate the real ofl your life ,il"
you.,did so,neaina ~ 1i,Ml..f

,,-.Y,•~i, wil,,;""°"'·'en,1 ·1,y "'!l


?"«I ~lclfll:
1ioiµ or,1ariOU1 NCAA viol■tlon1
within lhc MSU program. While he
: i : ~ p : : ~ • r e : s : ~ c l ~ j~ ·
them with can, hotel 1ui1C1andm{&ls,!


and helped change !heir grades

so '

players would wnain
eligible ~ y . claimed Wagner.
Aceon:!:i~g to MSU offlcilh:, ~

;ngin<Olltgilje~,"'"'~- .


N.Y.•bue4, f\,dd .~hoencek and 1

The S. ffo)J{ Journal
Neem You!


YOUR student newspaper.needs writers,

·:~.:•=:d~:,cs-~ .


copy editors, advertisin representatives~



or anyone interes~ in news writing
or newspaper production:.
Come on the Journal ~ffices, first





floor of the StudenCActiviti~s Center,
next to t,he F~n~n building.


addressed Waancr's allegations or
viollttions duri ng bis .;eekly prus

::::nr:~!~ '10;~ i

coofldc:nc that we run a .super-elem ,
footbolli-'." ,,.·.1,

· ■ RHO
Coadooectfrom ~ 6
jUll bas a diffat:nt way o f ~ his
point ICl'OII.
It's a olce chlaae from 1111!1 ullaal

on - ...
s.. ..... lhoqb .. _ _
)Ult ldlills ,.._

some of you, nezt time yoa read one
or his aticles think lllboat wlall be ii
sayina beyond his choice of wonk
OD paper. •
And ftll the bell scad him a I
fcw twfalda■•

A hqcr.,,

G-, M.-





n , , - - . . i Wodoeoday, - 9 , 1 9 9 4



Wodiaday. November9.1!194

University DateLine

Student F.ditor Resigns After Pulling False Fire Alarm- Be~ Cover·MoideJ .
,. •
HaJ:aJ:.l:~~ihc thc~t,rial.aldlhat*aftcrrc- :~~l~, ~ ~f~~~




Suffolk T,Jniversicy's. ~alenclar of Events

\ HarvardUoivcn:ity
wen1,heuid,andhcdidnotsuue11 couidaina her actiOllJ, Hali.k:man ll)' ~JUll.D& YOW' way oato the cover
Nl!Wl'.0111'.(CPS)-Thocdito<- lhepulllhellann.
liomlhe 1181h manqina of• naoooolly
~ ~ •-rorCol:.~. U .
. ·•
A~-- 15 . ~-(
.._ __. ,,






~vemty s

uuul atcr, ua; en-

Review, a non-profit ~


dlilylCaikal:newsplpCtraipedlaa ginelefttbcltalioaonanalarm.and
moalb aftrerabcFdJy pull.izl1a fiR Altmanwippedthepictwe,hcl.lld. on Tbeaday because or a letter e:1UID101tageaphotoofafiRIJUCk
But Marw Roch,· HalilcmM'1 p,euinaano-confidenocVOlCfrom
boy&icndandformerassoci&tearts- thcmanaai,og'board.
1woothcrD¥.mbenoftbeOaily and entc:rtaipmeot editor, said d\11
Altman was asked Wednesday
Spcc:tlllOr'slWl'alJoruipcdovcr Halikman acted on Altman', sug- torcs.iphistitleuanassoci&tephotbeincidcot.udthcncwspapt.rran acstion. Roch resigned his position tographer,eveotbougbhcinsistshe
•cditoriaJlastw6ckuplainingthc last week.
bad no knowledge of's
"'She trvstc:d Rich ttw pullin& 1 actiON:.
lbc cditoriaJ blamed cditor-UJ- fuealarmwunoc.anolfe.oscdcscrv
chid'Rutbffalikmanrortbcal&nn ingorbeinaplasteftdillover~ o r the managing board probably
ad t.aid
"sad!~ ac- newspapers." Roth' said. ~She was IICDWcdfiomprcviou.,in1emalcoo-


ccpt1bcrrcs1gnation. Shedcclined
Jfali.,tmao._.Ucgcdly set off the
al'..n. on Supday, Oct. 16.
The oe,-spapcr bad planned a
AOr)' ud a phoc.oanpb or the fire
C:Opoc for the &oat page ohhe next
day's cditioo oftbe newspapei.
Acx:ounts diffcr of exactly what

Altman is a resident
Columbia, Roth said. Since
Columbia. Roth said Halik:man


Altman denies any involvement

in the plan.



ans based at llliools Wesleyan UNvenity, is 1 ponsorin1 the covercompetition.
"I aot to thinkina about bow to
appeal to people -

bow to pcnuade
them to give literary maauincs •
try," said Plath, in an intcrv~ with

Chicago Tribune columnist Bob
Greene. ..I cu't do it With big-budget
advertiJin1 or promotions. r don' t

have~ mooey.
otherwise never have the chance 1o
1bcrehavebecnal01orelhical be on lhc cover o( 1 m1pz.ine? Why
lapses since I've been al the paper," not give someone lhc opportunity to
Roth said. " I think the way lhiuitu- be I celebrity."
~0!1 was ~ I .,ilh displays acerTo make lhc event a lltcrary ef.
wn amoun1.9r'!5tility and lack or fon. or sons. all contutants ~ asked
respccffor ~uth:
to write in 35 words or lcu, "Why I'd
"Had she
a better working like to be on lhc cover of • magardarion.shipwitbthest:Storlhcboard. z.ine."



"Personally, I know I didn't do
anythinawrong,"hesaid. '"They say ii probably would have turned out the =:er~ ::~:rt~s:rc::
Spcx::utorauoic:iaepholognphcr h o ldhertodoit. What.l5sheeasily vc,ycliffcrendy,''hesaid.
quired bccaUJe "u I liier11y magaRich Altman said he wailed ror 45 manipula1cd7'
Mike H. Stanton, managingcdi- zint:, we celebrate the wriitcn word.K
lriinutcs ourside the station 1 take a
0's cxac1 reason for~ - 1
oroflhcSpccwor,saidhedisagrccd said Plath.
picture of the engine, but no vehicle si,ning is also unclear.
with Roth.
The winner will ~ his or her
Last Monday. the nine-person
"ll's a real tragedy for everyone photo on lhc entire color cover or lhe
Al~ said he went back to the managingboardoCtheSpccuuormct involved," Stanton said. ''The ex- magazine, which is nationally disSpectator offices to gee film. and to discuss I.he incident. No exccu- ccutiveboard will really miss her:· tributed to newsstands. bookstores
when he left lo return to the station, tivcs will discuss what happened DI
itot.h said Spccwor publisher and libraries (including the Library
happened.Sunday afternoon.

Ch ri stopher

I nt ra m U ra I

: .ikman



November 18

of Congrcn).


in 10 enivcrsity authori •

onitr;~~::; ~~;_c,rculatioo is

'1'his ~ orsmall -mindcdre vengc_._oravcry.scupidlapseinjudge-

R,_ i,~, Oepariment or _ n_
E gl~sh.

The storyonfbc fire engine will
probablyrunevcp1uaJly, bu1thcpicturcs will not. St11.nton said.


Continued ~ page 12


Suffolk docs baYe coruiderable
urc nath, and these nuributcs can off•
set 1hcir deficiencie1. "We do have
some kids to put the puck in the net
and our goaltending is solid 100;·
Coach Burns com mented . And
though thiJ year's ruumin& playcn
arc youna and inexpcrieoccd, they
have. done., in Coach Bums' eyes. a
coosiuenlly &ood job.


Bloomingto n, IL 61702-2900.
Entncs musi be postffl!U'kcd by
Jan .2.
Bums also said his 1cam mllSl be
primed dc[cnsively for this ~
pan.icula,y in the area or chcc:kina and Z0nf;Coverage, especially if the
Rams arc to atay in direct compcti1ion wi1h other 11rona conference
schools like University or M.usachuseus/Oartmoulh, Assumpdon College. and this weekend.s's adverury.
Only several more <biys till
upcomina conta1, and the exci1emco1 continues 10 brew.

Rosters are available at the
l etic department


ffie Ridgeway building

~ ~,,-. ~


, .. ,••



dise hlaad.
.aad J~c•
Rtlp Wanted
&om Slff, Air, .Hoed, Tramfen, • The Suffolk University Boobtcn
Putiel IDd Mort! 1<>raanize small' is Jookina for• part-lime cashier/
pwp - eam ,FRSB";tnp phis com,. clctlt

millloml Call 1-IOO-l22-02.11. .

Form your rpsters now

November9- J5, 1994

9:30 - 1:00
10:00 • 12:00

Human Resources Training Sesslon:Advanced lnionn

One Beacon, MIS Training Room

Studenl Servtces Dlrectont Meeting
Career Fest Field 0111<9emo - C . , - Expo

Ridgeway Room 207

Sawyer 521

Career Fest:ConMCtloM ForC.....SUcceaa

Ibuctdly 11/10
9:30 -1:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 -2:30
1:00 - 2:30
6:00- 7:30

fddlv 1101

Human Resoun:es Training Session: Beglmer's Vfordperlect
CelN< Program
Alpha Phi ~ MMtlng
Malhematlcs 106 S1udy Group

Career Fest


Counclt ol Meeting
eeca Alpha f'1II MMt1ng

1 Beacon, MIS Training Room
Fontcn 337





H ~ & Modem~ Dept. MMtlng

Fontcn 438


C. Walahn-.

Vo111nn'a Day Holiday (no c a - )
Masque ThealerCon-,y PrN«11B, • A Few Good Men"

C. Walshn-.

Saturday 11/12

Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Bendey·College


Masque Theater Company Presents, •A Few Good Men•

c . ~a1a11n-'1re

Music Presents a Brahms Concert

C. Walsh~

Sunday 11/13




1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00

B.L.C. S1udy Group · Statistics 250


B.L.C. S1udy Group · Aa:ooot1ng
B.L.C. S1udy Group • Phyllcal Science I
SOM General Alunnl _ , Boetd Of Dlnldool Meeting
MPA Association MMtlng
Varsity Ice Hockey vs. ~

IYM41Y 11ns
9:30 - 1:00
11 :30- 12:30
12:00 -2:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 -2:30
1:00 -2:30


Last Day To Apply For Sp,tng To Part/Full-Time Graduate Programs

Human·Resources Training SNalon: Advanced Lotuo/Quat1ro
1 Beacon, MIS Training~

B.L.C. • S1udy Group Micro-Economics 211


l.oosenolg the Credit Card -



51udent-·- MNt1ng


B.L.C. S1udy Group· Chlmlllry 211

CLA!I _ _i ~ _ _ ,..___
__ /








_ l'R>P,l)<;oin:11-::.....




. ':,, ..

• •, '



•I : ~- l I

~\al:u:~~ ~ ·~.=.J. !
,.. ·- -~ - ~:="c.-~











Volume 53 Nuomer 10

Frahman forward Ucal ·


Ending with an OYertil
m::on:I of IM, the Suffolk
soccer u:am can oow rcDect
oo &heir pas1 season and make
plansforoat·ycar. This lime
bowever; with competition
omc:ially over, the playcn

Suffolk Student'fheatrepresen1s
evening of one-act plays

McKenzie echoed l{lis. "We
had a few wugglcl here and
there, but ~ •• ·with. any rebulldina team. We.. put our
diffcrcoecs aside and scc:un::d
business on the field ...
Overa.11 this .season, Suffolk had a shot io entering the


The Suffolk: Un.ivenity students
will be the stars of the C. Walsh
Theatre stage this week as student

Eastern .Collegiate Atblelic
Conference {liCAC) toumament. However, to be seri1001.
ou.aly considered by the deSenior defender, Tatsua ci(ling commitlee, the team
NagUoc, believed that the needed to win iu remaining
11;am played bctler than exgames. The team was not
peeled. In his fourth and able to complete the wk.
final year of eligi bil ity,
Nonetheless , Fraoczak
Nagasuc said be enjoyed the said that the team exceeded

had many positive things to

say, as opp0ICd to recent sea- expectations. "To

in Suffolk' • history.

est, I didn't lhlnk they'd be


John Michael Stewart, a
junior goalkeeper, said, ''this
was the best group of guys
I've worked with in my 12
~ of playing soccer. I'm
seuoo ~~ year in which I
intc:od to be captain and bring
evc:a more unity."
Stewart's teammate, de·
guys are · pea1. They were
ver, important 10 me in becominc integrated here." said
Fernandes , a Portugal-born.
player, whq bad a remarkable doi.en goal.I this year.
Yua.n, said
lhat opponents are provided
with facilities suc;h 8.J a 6eld,
and Suffolk is not. "Other.
teams have their own fiCld
,,.a nd don ' t ichieve mu ch.
. We're a team that. does not
have a field and we've
achieved 111CCeU which indicata that we have great
potential," be cm.plained.
Senior captain defender
Pb.ii falmae. know u the
'1amrt and soul" by rut leam·
maaa. also bad much praise
to beatow upon his team- . "We - , e d to iron



leave it off tbe
flfld. TIie: team bonded • a
~ and



. even thoaa,b
. . ., · -.._cc or uader11. limet.'"

·. ... ac:11,,.;.



I'd like to see everyone come
back," he said.
francu.k bas many
next year, wanti ng II stable
rac 1icc! site a nd a dding
higher quality to !heir sc

ule. Though, his one dis.appointment of the year was the
Jac..k of support from the Stu·


Been is working hard to juaale

:.r:=~=: !~~'!e~!:~witb~=

t>e hon-

s,;ason, the most succcss£ul

coaches supported us and . this talented. Everyone made
m=onsuuctod the team. This a lot of sacrifices. We had a
_ year we had more playen, a gl'CBI season wilh just a few
lot more talent, and also had problems. It was a learning
fun. l'U miss this learn," he experience in dealing wilh
W d.
all the different personalities.


f'l UggeclVamplre



Tough endings on.a tough


The month o f October
concluded with Suffolk's golf
team' contesting in the New
England Championships in
New Seabury. Their last
match of the season, saw the
squad placing · 38th from a

were adequate enough for 11
final place of 93rd frotn a
group of 236 other golfers.
Placing behind Dupill
was Mi.kc DeBenedicits who
shot sc6ics of 83 a nd 85 .
DeBe11edicti1' total of 168
gave ·bim the 114th slot in the
final standings. finishing
third for Suffolk was Chris

to ugher on the g uYs," &ur•
mised Coac h -~arma. ''.W~
were competing agams t
mainly Division I and Divi•
sion IJ schools."
With this year·s re11dition of golf now over, how•
ever it may have clos ed,
Coach Faniia still. has next
season 10 look lOWards. Ev-

"'The team did relatively
well," praised Head Coach
Tony Furna. " Most of our
players sbot well on a very
Pacing Suffolk was Chris
Dupill. a standout all season,
whosbotan8I ontbemalch's
iniLinl day of competition.
The following, 8Dd final day
of the New Eztaland's, Dupill
scored a n _84, giving I.he
sopttomoit' a two-day ove;
all total of 165. His num~rs

(92 and 85) which sent him
to 164th place overall.
After the fint ~ay of
course actioo, Suffolk found
itself s itting i~ 21 st, a spol'i.he
head co&Ch had aimed his
eyes for prior 10 the New
England 's.
But his hopes of ending
the...championships 11enr the
middle slots were &quashed
the out day during .the finaJ
rounds of coaipelition.
"The second da y--~ a s

will be returning next auwmn
with th~ excepti.on of one
player (New England C!hampiooships panicipant Manuel
'This year was a building year more than anything
else. I'm really looking for~
ward to next year."
"We~)l always be looking for good players," Coach
farma said about- his team's
future: "It's not a heavy com•
mitment for anyone."

By ~an Fok:y

name. The players work so
hard and no one comes. to see
us play," said franczak..
In other preparations for
next season, the team ~iU be
playing indoor soccer from
January 10 April. Touma•
ment play during that time
has yet to be decided upon
by the coaches. "My
goal fcx next year is 10 make
post-season Play. My persoljlAI goal is to keep all the
By Ryan FoleJ '
_when they square off against ~ (folk has . )011· close· to a
Bentley College. Ami this doz.en players due to paduaAu ista nt Coach John
caald be the year to make lion, and will my heavily on
Natale was similarly 8IDllzed
The excitement is mount- amends foe a put season an inexperienced stock of
at this year's performance by
rut team. "We were 2-8- 1 ing, even the head COkh has where they tallied a 9-13-1 playerstoguidelhemthrou&h
,Wt year and this year . we stated so, and oaly mere days record., and MR labeled as the SCUOII.
Some of the ICDior loua
ended up 10-4. It's been an rema.iii till the commence- beiug a talemed team who
from lldt year'• lino-up inamuin& season, even with menl of the 1994-95 Saffollc u.nderw:b..leved. :
Talent does clllll \'fithin, elude defenaeJ11en Chris
all the adversities, the travel- hoc.key SCI\ 0n.
"I am more acitcd about
ing, a.Gd such. Next year
we' re aoina to bed up the this team than I been in
recent yean Head Coach .J"
daring tbe
cL lalt "n will be t.ct to teactiiaa
ie.n, and we' re only lomtg
three pys. We're aoiog to Bill Bum1 praised. "I am
pick up the 114a. pick up a Vety optimistic about the up~ ICMdlde. • lad eocniq seaon."
for . . , . _ _ play."
skate arri\lCI this wccbnd, die~il)'Olllll, 'f'a)')'OIIDI,
~ oa ,-,e 10


, -:.,;

buts in the Suffolk Student TbeMrc so dlal. she caa ~ dm )'CS in
One-Act Play Festival to be presented addition to "rehcanlna 10-15 boon a
Thunday, Friday and ' Saturday.
.. Hello Out There" by William
One reuoo JCawlllki wanted to
S aroya!J llnd directed by Senior -rbe Lady Ao, ..,.. becaalC
Suzanne Been is about a youoa man she Wncver 1CCD • JlpUDIIC play in
who faces terror tmd lonelineu after ·BQltoa, and mp wlDII to "rqwaeat
,. . . , ~ up and charged with JaJJUCIO ~ in a way that the
1111pe. The ,soeioDd play, '7be Lady audience will unden:tand and fincf
Aio" bY, Yakic:i,Mishuha 8Dd directed intcl'eltina.·
by Tomoko Kawasaki, is a modernWhal"~
the play-apcciaJ is
!zatioa~ a ·,lnditional Japanise Noli that cbe lladmits UC introduced ' to ·a ·
drama CODCamag the all-coruuming new cllllute. :i:.... weet.•~
paaioa. of umequited love.
M.;lyn Plodrim. who ;, -aapenliaiaa
Been ._.drawn to the aood of the prodoctioo, the Clllt ~-rbe Lady
lone~DCIS 8Dd entrapment in "Hello Aoi,* ad set dalpei reue Um, 1
Out There," eqllatina those themes •were.iavitod co the home ol Dr.
with the feelings of our generation. ~ . ii, CXpert in Japmc:1C .tbcThe play, Id in a desolaie lOWII in ain:. He spoke with the compu_

hope . to those who do not think one
person can make a difference.
Saroyan wrote lhe play in one night
and dedicated to 'famed playwright
George Bernard ·Shaw.
. According to Bcc:11, "the most
been geuiq: the act.on to feel com~
fortable with one another, especially

By q.ftlllaa M, T.acio
~XJWNAL ff,vp


~~ :~~~


weekend of November 4 ,
1994. ~ Walter M. Dune FoRqaica
Society nvdod,. _ , , Michipn
for a powor-pacbd....oekend competition. The canplldtiao.,,... f¥tCC,
such acbooll • Bradley UDiYCl'lity


coatuw.d oa pqe2

Mi~big~ welcomes Fore

Excite)Jlent builds river impending-hockey season


~:':iso!!~:.t:'=• c:iira:!:

drama and a tape of a
prodgcdoa of '"1be Lady Aoi" th11.:,
he diftlCled II. Wellealey.
~ playwright, Yokio·Mis.hima,




Obio Univcrsi£y and Indiana 1,1niva-li£y wefta lft8Cilll- MOii ol tbc .._ ...
Scmae of dteie ICbools seat •



.- . . , .... cclmpo-

titiOL Suffolk llfDt fivo --.a,:
Muy Cuaalo..... , Tad Punado,

. keo!i~---'l'IIP-