File #4212: "Suffolk Journal_1994Nov23_vol53no11.pdf"


~ .,,._95

makeup-bulk of
BasketJ,all team

Vouna 53, Norn>;r 11

mate 101DC adj111tmeat1 on

International 'C~rs
Forum held at Sutfo~

- - OW' wcabeucs were.
aod to cmphuiu some of
n.,-,,.,.ilhobock- ...,,._..,._

~ Two val a,poc111Mt
Everytla.101 mu.It cOCDe
. . . . . . . - • • belb:tb.n lOletber 1hi1 KUOQ, with
may be rl9tllll upoa. vdteraas 111e1blb1 with

s.c.. ·• c1ae--o(dle ,.....-pa.ycn.,ifs..trolk il

IWO - •

by pooidoa u,cl

.-:aAL TO 11m J0laNAL

"'°" oflho

Uacre are oo 1ipificaat

mtft . ... tqUd.
Startlaa U...p:


FOl'WIIIU-Ju.o.ion Rick
Ace •ud Marie B011chard

mordy wbtk dif.

...._ n. 1994-95 .-ca was a 1cm, but otherwise it was~•t
., -

"'last ........ -

rd6ed upon heav,ly to 1eore
under the Nlkec, IOIDethiD&
bim. He maftqed to rxt up
some impreu.ive oumbas last
yes, lyina for the team scor•
ing title with 19.2 points per

r= :::c~:;f':c: =i~gun:n!

mat coae from Suffolk\!_ weabeu.
\'dcrla ltalla. NodaiD& am
Center-Mike Vieira,
toeally cme a ddicieacj of wbo wu abo a llaf\a' last

(°~ ·~ Suffolk did stJck

way, lhe poslti¥cs may out•
shine the nepti¥cs.
Indeed, Saffolt: did ran
to Bentley CoUqe 6--1 in its
fintbockeymaldloftbe sea.
100 on Saturday. But o¥er•
all. tbe Rams were able to

the coatat' s secoed period
transpired I llalo diff~y.
the Rams may have left" the
iceofWaltcrBrownArena u
victors. Bentley reJl1u:rcd
three tcorcs ln the middle

=:=~ ::e


~~:C!c_p,,tioa of

compedlk,o."ffaviaa the five mnm

rcllmll li·•

MpDCt we


. . . . . boildolfol,"Cocb

,.... alallDd.
......... - -

- - ~ ...

._...,..,oraaplil.. tlcy

......Oonloo Collop by

BiU Burm, "comiderina it

Crooo-country...., -

- - - - ~ u.a•,



, ......
... a


......... 1o




we did play v
"t,y well while sborthuded."
Aside rroffl their postti¥e
play while bein& under•
manned, surrott also cwned
in upirina t ¥ormances in
other area O p,ay. Tbey
COW\Cly of Lany Me<J~y•

continued on pqe 10

lbmb IIDe In Maine . Wallh olren ...,._



TbcSuffolk' 1DC11'1crou,. -nilwuam.:bmo,edlalcount1y team dosed Ill SCI· . leasina coune tba' aaydlinc

:::e~,:s~c: : ~ ; : C ~
0" ' ~ ;
Repoaals II Soutbc:m Maine. M'iine &ania.
TatiDs tbe O¥aall meet
wu wuu.... CoUeac,. wbo
tiaea of udar 27 miaaa

tm will


NowEqlad lo tk iproaJ•a
D11ioM1a. "
Al for bit OWo aqud'a
pcrfonuac:c. Coach Walall
WMoplimilcic, "Allcsna.nen .,.,_. liCady ~
. mcm O'l'Cl'dle ,... We wa-e


In lieu of ~ lmpmdina
~ seasoo that com•
mences lhis wcdtmd. ono of
oar esteepied .c?Kbes, Joe

·~akh. ~ williDC IO off~
his all-ume areatca. mar•
ud - •OmeA's bukelball
~ Read oa Md let tbe
bmlcd debates beaio..


·GwmhKevin Clark-• oathe or
Cambridac, wbo Jed Uie
also piai•a COHJdcrable Rama to lhroe NCAA lOUr·

. __·-•--pro.



of our main probtcm.s .,. we

Dou (3◄: 0S) , Du Burke
(3':12),),tibllmu (35:15),
_, _ _ (3'7:32).






Dr. Da\'ld


. . o11~"""""""""···





...... -o1p,i;H,:....-..
alona: with intcractina with ao mari)' t.Jnlvenlyonlhurlday,,.,,.,.,17,glvlnglpn:M)Clllve,..---•

Ibo -

nomlc• OepartmenL
.• .. : • . ~ ..
Heisted pve· an eacellenc over· diff...,. p<q>le on I daily buil. ia
¥iew of the intcmational careen. plr· Ibo rew>nl of aomcone 1" hi• ~

ticularty oa bow lO ao about joiniD&

aa lnlemltioM1 Bcmom.isl It the fed.

pn--by-,ylnlOdly'l~-T h o - - - - 9
by Tho Women's cenier,

Un~(l(tlUlltely, neither ~

opporankia, iD dfle UJ&erDMioal1 flcld

Gurdl-Seaior Chris 0.¥e Allen, 1 stand-out all
Toalla I• Net, a ¥cn:atile year despite aririna oa the
tcOml dna wbo cm hit die aquad midway .WOUp tbe
year; fmisbed fint ror SIi.(•
........... " " " " ~ to tbc ~ wel l The folk \nth an O¥awl time o(
,S-11, 160,-dpadwill 27:44. DitU'tly betliad lrim
Dan Alperi• ,rllo a11o
widt ~ ..S Vidra u die finished below the "thJrty
minute lioe with • 29:16.
- - . . Ibo bock,curt '1"hilhMbeentbe6nttime
witlri Tot,lla. wW be iD ycan lhlil we baYC bad rwo
,...S Jlke Mlblaia.skis, i nM11t1en ~ nm u,.
two-year ltarUr' with areat dc:r dwty," coaameaud Head

1" Ibo aecood period," IIOCed

Bentky squad many obscrv· folk WU sborthuded, and fint period of action. The
en fed will fuiish oear the \tU'W.llly lllllffed out a 1-0 Ram.a would tally three more
top or the ECAC collfc:reoce Ram advantaae. A1tound• bdore the pme WII tbrou&h,
tru, sea.son.
ingly, all of the powa play ~ th Armando Mancini head.
" I think we did a prcuy BOU' came within the spin
good job," occwmod C-h ot 1eu thltl a RUIWie. '"One


oa tbe Rama. Tbe 6-.2 amior
willbeavicali-tof54lffolk' s
fl'OCIC oowt tandem, an wca
of tbc lqUd thac will pro--

Ont pme. -

is a lean ~ with \'da'-

ua! =~~:"b~°!

.... bot~_,...,. - for... ,e11ow - a pme
cu come clole. Ace
moat poiats

.. Mllmt,-will aleo pad)' Md
the beaci. players as weU.
Playen witll mimuai under
daeir belts is aomechina tbc

.. -

am who are qtuCk and CJlpe--


6-4, llO pound Ace will be

Aid wr.Jle weabesae.,
may lie ia the aras or re.
bouadiaa. ~ due to
a beipt diudv&fltqc,· and
from iu uperience. MOil of prc-seaoa weiaht•liftina setthis 1euoa' 1 squad has aionl, 8ouchlrd beaim this
Jouccl leriow playin, time )'CII'" u Suffolk'• mo&t prom die pajC. espccialty within ductive rebounder. He is inthe lllftffl.
rqtal to the Rams' ovcnJ..I


• .,.


commcace wilh Saffolk re. were botb IWdq mc:mben
...... -.lho .... ,quad
wlio _..._, ... ,._... Bek
in . . . . _ apin wjll be the
ClldN lllrtiaa five. • wd1 as
Yarioa .... byl"CICn'a.

Schwanz. Senior Vico-Pru.idellt of •
hHerDlliODII "Trade Services I t
BayBank, were ¥try opti.m.iJtic: for
Al part ol the Clrcta Fat spoo-- thc Juwre ill ioternltJooal c:areers.
Sdlwartz p¥e a brief &klNI swsored by Suffolk Uni..-cnity Careen
Semca, the newly formed Suffolk. ¥ey of di.ffCl'CDI rqiom IO lh«7w bow
Econonuc Auoc:iatioa and the later· the present polidcal situation of in•
natiooal Sbldentl held a 111CCCS1rul cruscd atability·.wowd open the way
IO fonher lnt.enwioul Trade ud
IDtcmldooal Careen (o,um•
At ·4:00 p.m., Wedocsday, No- lncre11e oppoctwlitio ln rdaled fields
,emi,a- 911>.
f,fty Sul- or taUtion, KCOWltiq, baakiq and
foll, both pdmle ,..SUD· tndesavicaiaaco,cnl.
The third speaker was Frank
room to liAeD aad
quptiom or O 'Coanei of tbe Head , or ln&pDI·
Ibo ......,,...._uk _
tiooll Trade ·ot
JCart Hdsacd. the uccuc.J"e di· mat:e lneo.&oo.Hespob.abouttbe
rcclOr of lhe UN Association or - - o l -beiqportollboproOmiier 8oaoo, WU ~ first ia&boMMeol~ 't.Wl

By Cadlerlne Caaaeely

.-. only tbe butel· to compete with lhc 8absom
boll pk ll>aud•eo J<aow _, Cdhy Sawyers ot lholr
bow~ diltaDcc this ICIID coo(ere.ace. The 1a1cly
caa und.
teacbinc ol the older- crop of
.,._. bear lbc words or Rams CMl achicWI thit, and
tMir • • coach, Jamel tbea dse will fall
' Nellm!t. "'We sbalald llave a into place. lncludina the
..... -r«o.x1va. bcnc.h uc1 the blcktw.rdl.
if n aa overcome tbeae
H~ ii a team analyaia

=-~:=:~~ ;::1~

By Maco


wilh our owa racardl. it wculd be •


famous baul.:-_" modorllor. DeWmdt lsb
ooro::tiaa orpuzaticw IUCh .. bet botb are ICbcdukd to ,peak at Sur- Jazz. mllliciu proridod tbc .,._ rqr .,..._ die ......, . . b- •
own whlch provide directories or folk Uni¥enity 100Dthe cartoon chanicter, Hons Koaa rapome and then evallaily mlpa
jobl a¥ailable and also help with
Jane Uuk: will be here on Thurs- Pooey?
them 6Dd tbe Ullwet. "'DcWmdl it
intel'Dlhip i.Jlfon:n.Mioa,
day, December lat, at 1:00 p.m., in ,
U ,au mow the .-.wer (Scatman .. __, • em.bcoktntnc
Sbelb'aNdtbeaeedror. rdcvant ,Sawycr429tospeak.tostudeou.lbout Crodlla.). maybe you need the questions ," H YI Oeorae
experience pbas a ~pee if ooe hopes cffllUI in lnten:iaooaal Economica. off tbc cable TV Md pt 0.1 fD(R. Or Pict.crma, profeuor ol relip)UI IQld.
to join die UN and al.lo the need lO
Tbe e¥UII. was also spoasored by .maybe you can use your Weal for ~: ~~t ,!:~~c!..i~ heme
hive a direction for one's ruture. the ~ and Comnuaok:alioft the uMal IO swmp dtie paid ol sin> - . - - - •Ull--..
Boch &be "and the next speaker. 8etl Ocpartmastl and Careen Servk:a. reuon oa die l)'IIClleMed mdio IC- knowhta aro ...tins-"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ries, ..Ask the Pro(eaMW."
DeW'mdt, thoqh. U)'S he . . • ' since 1953, a am mimlnlclon esplMiadoa ror his wisdom. "t U¥O
rrun' the Univenity of OeuoiC Macy ~ ~ ri&M in froa m ae.• INS
has beetl answerin, quadons from • 11.ys. ';I c:aa'c belp but mow.•
curi0!,11 li1teneis about e\'U)'lbin&
Slill, Pic:keriaa UlPSII 0.Wjadl
rrom the Battle of Huuop lO B• it tbo sbow' a moilemor ao die . . .
. . . . . . ..we • ...,.III ... -.C
dlloup rowtb in speaker of IOUfm- ld'o vies.
"We' re. just 1 •bunch or KteW·
mcnu: Aqdique Muller placed .sec. QIJ1Z
ond, Public reladonl major, Raad h>lbwbo"'-""'"".,;qk."
says Edwin DeWindt. prorcuor of ..,
coalimed oa P'IC 2
Vetaanl day weeka:ld, Novem· Patten took third, and the roorth place hlllory .. Dcaoa Macy_, _ _
bet 11 , Sutrolk fcmisic:'• team com- in tbe speak.ct or toarument wa
I« ol the . . .. -ne show be"""" u, Ibo ,......i tam held II bold by ICmn Coaolly. .
NcwdliaNlaD Uaivenil)' bere at a..
Karee Cole, le11I queaent come aomedlin& of a Money Python
toD. TIie toandlcal- WU ~ major, took fira place iD . . IMIDri,


Forensics team sweeps

Northeastern tournament

-""""''"""' __ (_
--ctidnot-•lo~Aqellqoe-- ·----·,-.. ----1

.-lybyacboob1"1ho-- coloriociam. _ _ . . . . ,.. - . : . . : ;......... _,stwice




place•..,.,,, .. ..,_


25 - - - . . ocaary. u..
first in pemzalOII and aecoad. lo
--llntplsc1"1hol...,,._ P O C f f ) ' o o d - .... swccipaU1ka witb ,impruli¥e
This KalOD is l'l'O"III IOllie_
.... . - , . _ . , .___ "If


1 pNlllkm la the least for the team.


- -

.. - b y

a.:..- - -


.... ~-W•-•!ord
...... _..,.. .....

. . w1011actgptMM . .wen



WcdDelda~.November23, 199-4

Tbes.«a11<·--■1 w-.i,,i,i.....,,,,.23,1994






n>OllalMo~GM ~ - . l i t ~
. . . . ., . . . . . . . . . 1Ulllwnlly,o.
aJar NI CampWI • cllo,ov.



J•- h - l d o d 'otan-aloa.~D 1ummer

ro~~~ arou~,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (own. l., l~

.,_.. . . _ , . - o f July,

He-PhiJCampboll... lblpatdle"CleYdaadl'lainDeale,"
Ibo ..._
and ftew down to Hwiuville. Ala.,
, . .. . . . . . . . ,..... Haw,' - - - . . . fflCl!d from Nortb-


-=-. ~.~!'".r.-~~

-,.. .._. jut Wea •J - - - - ~
bit_ ~ cimmoi, t h e ~
..;.. 'Hen:'1 our 111W. pat, anicbt road1 when we ,aw thi1 ' Phil

frml:~~- =~o(~t~~~~=

laudlodCamJlbell ,oaaqueat..'l'hc apicmrc."
'.Tllapicolmwu ~u,tofmaoy
PWJ ~ AIL, dlil but 1ba1 Suodo)' aftauooo, "I


~~a:; ~W-:,~W: ~--=~nJ-r~ ~~

hit ~

Store, PW! Campbell H.igb School,


~nowdii.naoldtifooe Phil Cu,pbell Furniture , Phil
doy.wtim'l.c•u1,o ablli'ro-ali·lbe c.m;i..o'rV ...i Ille Cbwcb o1 God
PWI c:.m,,t,d1I ol die wodd



71h Day ol Pllil Campboll.
Theeo pbotot were a.I.I s ~

'"Jjult. have dUI visioa ~• bwach

PlliDs souod the
blr in ou.r_
own t.,wn." Cam~

befocobittiaaPhileu'ipbeUCity Hall,
wbcrc cbe NU sm.ior pated wilh both
~ L t b e Phil Campbell Police

Aft« hcariq ltbou.t •the Alabmla

After a quick tdepbooe call from

Cmlpbdl, Ala.
of Phil ~



town i.i.
deddeil oae of the off"acen, Phil Campbell's
dlat'f~~wollldbclObit t'Qt clert, Alice Vandiver, came to
"T' f ~• iJ oa map -1 dty Hall to euend her welcome to
bpt Mowia& up dllC copy IIDtil ii wa ttie tawn•, favoiitc son - well, a1

a decent 1it.e," Campbell 11y1... I leaat one of ils favorite sons.
1,:., ,I.,

I, Ul

P ~ I;.

'..¥ l i1l •J1 J/l ) , l !1il t1

"She pulled out lhis manila file C-.0 widl two employeca from
with 1euen and pictures from aome Bob'• Sa1v11e of Phil Campbell.
other Phil Campbclls who have wril• 1he)' Fl• aood'lausb-out of it, but
ieo to tbe IOYt'n," 11,)'I Campbell...Ac-- I WU acared to death," Campbell
coniln&toberfde,lwutbefifthPhil 11y11
C.pbdl to &tOp lbere,"
Campbell, Nltllruod to Nonh Vaodiver, who ba been the cil.)' waum· dda tall more determined
.clerk for &even yean. uy1 she CD• thaa ever to roand up the Ph il
joyed Campbell's July visil. "He wu Campbdll ol lbe- w$lfld for the fi rst
fflll mce," abe says, addina thll &he Phil Campbell Coovcodon.
plalll DD JCDdina Campbell 50fflC Phil
While at ,Ibo ~Plain Dealer: ·
Campbell momentoer and • cettifi• Campbell did il dllt.abMe Kal'Ch or
Cite matiq him an boaorary citizen • Phil Campbdb In die United Slates
ot the IOWD. "11'1 always • aioe IW'· aod came up wlda 232. So far. he
prise wbeo a Phil Campbell stos:- by." bu coa&ac&ed a few on the phone,
Acc«di.og to Vandiver, the toWo ud the recepdoa to the idea has
took its Jl8mC a1. the tum of the century been poliliYC. "MOit of them know
when a local developer convinced • about Phil Campbell,~.• and 5eem
railroad worter named Phil Campbell pretty eathuaiutic ~ t lhe conto build a ttation in the oeDtU of what veadon." Campbcll aiy1. "I'm still
would become the town. Campbell waitina lO coalaCl everyooc, though.
builtthestation,putbisnameoa itand I have 231 letten, atuffed in enveleft Alabama to seek bit f ~
lopes, ready to go."
Nonhweste:m's Phil Campbell and
VIDdiva says the town' s res1his friend spent lhe rest of their dly in del'lts would welcome a plhering
Phil Campbell meeting the locala. of Phil Campbelll in Phil Campbell.
"When we told people I was Phil "We don't have Ill)' botc:11 heft., but
Campbell, lhey didn't bunt out laugh- we_ do have• nice community cen•
ina or anything," says Campbcll ..In ter," ahc ays. '"They'd have a real
fact, they hardly blinked. They just good time."
look everything in stride."
Campbell bu big plant for his
Oc1pite the July heal, CampbeU convc:atioo. Ind for himJdf u well.
wore ■ whlte shin and tie throughout "NOi everyone can say that there is
his day in Phil Campbell, malring sure ■ town 'Vilh P.'1,llffl':t~ u lheir
be looked presen11ble for the own," he l&Yft ~~& that ~ ·1
camcorder doeumenwy hiJ friend wu · wriuea to David :~1.lCrm■a ■n d
makirtg. She capc:wed hiJ entire Phil Smrpplc, the bevaqe compaoy. to
C■mP,bell experience on vidt.0, in• let them know that bolb be ■nd his
Clbdi.{,9wlldr1deift11 &11'ipped-«)WD lOWdllafti' availablc, ~tm IJOin& to
trytotab:1bil-tlting.-far arlc:an."

sips or hold moeli'!P




1::,-::: P'F'loS19J>J>rint4'1bcaJn,liiico

WSUB is looking f~r students
interested in being in
?Jld contributing to
a documentacy about
Generation X

We~ ~pting short ~ys·
to be .~Pped off at the

Stud~tA«#vities Center.

. _,,.

For more information
ot to volunteer
all WSUB at 573-8696

,a,1!\IJ{ ,_..

Pid:aia& a,.rcea. "
~ ■hid to answer any question w,. llld tlllivenitim arc atway1 spokal
;:.:e; ~.. ■t least 24 houn to about in ,ucla revereoa., serious
. Ol'IL
tooe■," be-,.. "5aldalt■ be:regd
While the pror~u on s■y they 1 &ood bala:e. No oao would ■c­
spend hours prcpanng m■terial for cuse us tA DOt IMia, our c1ulcs
lhe radio show i1 ■ seriouly, bat we·ni eot aoinc 10
y I crcnt matter. --rhete is bore our ICladeMa to dclth, either,"
aod~ed II hostsioce 1976. '°They'd




be wa • tho epd of December In becnlOilolaledlncidenuofp,,flld
New Yort.
_ , . . . , .. lboNCAA'1lldth,

., JW>~jllltlba- .......
Jftli<lcntofSo.phcnP. AUllinUni- OVERLANO PARJC, Ku. --Aflorlllleptiou
-~basonl=dthattlieachool 's Ncwq,■pc!1ihotdoa'tpullcollcF ' --•lbol'IIOslllMcollcF
l!Uden1-1ovcmmcn1 rccopizc lho OO!'PI from lhoirbetiJn& lines may J>loym _..IWaa_for_,
0.yandLelbianStudentAuocia- findlbcirttipCldla--Sl'ioaloovJ blen.lblNElAAltw-1 .....,
.... 1M' atudcm·....... Yo<ed 10 CMI lhoPinal four-tbo 'cbampi• lliit' ..,..adverdsiqfn>m-.
dcoy tbopoupcertlfication.
onshiplOW1W1!cot in collcF men's blla11C1Vica 6om cowrin1 tbo PiIn mid-October, the university ba■ketball .
ul Pour.
Sludent ICOMe n:commea<k:d ton:1bc NrAA Division, I Men's '-.
Yob-..;tioaoftbo°Yai'oldGay l!ukod>olle.l"\,;..-;iillq :/ni,uncws' foirtial,i'(/, iilJi;disill,i



•.: '·'

publishc,sdoo'111rec, lhocomnut- PAJRl'lfU), Coma. - la iapc,,iie
ice says, lhoy won't be allowed lo · 10•--ofrocialpalllti
scndrqK)fq:nlOOIMrtbefllaalPoul': oa"
campua,fU,dentlllPairfieldUa:i"Thero bu always been a _ , , _...,. .,......,,1,ow
concern about 1amblin1 and ho"! it thlt thoee rapouible for die otreninfluences colleae aport,,'? 1lvescnwJhl:are.c:tiaaalone.
"1bc Men's Buketball Committee ~-~ttowardochc:rbackisjusctr)'inetopnerar.emoredilcus- pounc1allldli(Qtylcs,studenta,facthegaystudeotaroup'1PintAmeod- siooOOtbeealUl~"
,.., u1ty1~andschoc:iladministramcnlriaf,ls.
Oukellhlctlc,~:1:cmllut- ton,l)iqcive ~fpld Topd,cr!"
''l)lc SJudcol Go-DI A<- lerspr....-llhe~laltlulybca which - moat .lo allow

fees by60pen,cnt.
P. AUltinltUdcntgovcmmca.tvoted
30-26 lb bao lho GI.SA bocame ill
members may participate ln illegal
behavior. Sodomy is lllqal Wlder
Tew law.
But President Dr. Dan Angel
revoked the vote,.sayln1 it violated


lab ad py llUdcou. "h mipl,..

,eriously-."be..W.,, , ;.1 ,, ,VII


throuptbo-ld ·Toplllorf"
budoolcamofrom.-..ifaculty membcn, ..,. - - So r.r.

. . . . . , , .,

• , .., ,.••



just .because many, or even most,
pcople.find opiAiOOI of• particular
group "P•gnaot," we! AnacJ, cilinJa 19&4fedctaloourtrulinatpinst

CoMiDDCd from pqe I

of &real pin, ~ for Mllllcr.
Kevin Cocusally made
1ive 1fandin11 by ta.k:Jn, third i■
~=Y;~temporueora, aad
Patten had an excellent ~w-:ft
1ho> in Imm,mpt~I~ . ( ~



plaoe,i o S . _. ,.._.ud

Kacie .Pukcr placed fi~,i~Jl>a ~
hcsteppeddv,vauc:bahmm"oltbc ~oftberacistsraffiti.
competition■ •
Vk:kl Whelan once ■pin bad I

acceaatothebetdn&Unomaktasimbling Oil collep 1ame1 more_
_ . _ 111,Ullllpcoplobcttmaon
games sometimes try lo m0omoe


nolae cbe bi1ot1 and make them . ~ f u t ~•. leadina·tbe dcrealizetbltthey are acting alone~ ~~~==C:.:.:P~=
~ • J)III of lbe campu comn,u in lhe ...... 1'lljl ,. bo,
mry; said Momy Partu, apotea- first
on~=P!M' · a.
pcrl(Nt(orlhouniYORity. "11»~
· ~




whicti i~ f i(8~o?~P 'Vu m- · ;rl)e potential l,.'.n is CW!'CJl!!Y deftli leel ~aJy about~ ~i
!. tu · •·
n i e d ~ by lbuehooL
-tic:ina:rcviewcdby~lborne')'J. bave~
alwaya&abaprideinouicli~! uam
'n. .- .
Hadthev~stood, thcpt..SA AfinalvOleto~the ~
comin& American IOW'DameDl wtn'
wP\11!1,~~ ,lwY•,~al>!,,lo,·J>O!l ,, ;o,,10J111~•~~.ill . • A~Porber, thcn,havc p t 0 v e 1 0 b c m , ~-::i

answer. '"Once be sees we have no absolutely oo preparation for the
chance, be IWts to give hlrw,.. 11ys show whauoevu," uys OcWindt.
OcWindt. "We know a little bil, but "We walk in, do the show, walk out.
noc too much, ■nd it 1how1."
It'• • thoroughly 1pontaocous pro.
Sometimes, the chance, of reach- aram."
ing the coma ■nswcr ■re nearly 'imAnd do the profeuors sha.(r:
pos.sible. even for lhese six acadcmi- the knowledge that they've pined" ~
ci■m . "We ■re talking ibou1 absolute withln the ltlldio walls wilh others".'
questions or minutia," s■ ys Pickering. "H■rdly," 11y, Pickaina. ~en min"People write in wilh this obscure utes after I walk out, l c.' 1 remem•
televi1ion show from lhe ' SOs that· ber • lhina:."
they still care deeply about. They think
When ..Au: Che Proressor" fin1
we should. too."
aired 41 ycan aao, the ahow was
Those trivia buffs who do Stump meant u a w■y to pr~mote the
the profenou receive an official univenity. Throu&b the years, the
autoar■ phed picture of tbe panel, ■ show bu developed -a loyal cult
UDM bumper sticker and wha1ever followina, and DoW"Ukk illliw the
else _my be laying around the Smilh 199-'venionol.tbeabow is ltill true
Media.~Dla, wbe~theshow is taped. to lha( oripn.■I iatenlion,
And the •how's panelists ■ren ' I - - - ~'Mercy ii a place where
cuctly rcluctalll to hand out the priua. profc■IOl'I are11' t afraid to li&}
In . ~act, the ~cipaling professors' up ■ little," be says. "Some of my
ability to m~ light of not koowin& student, have told -mc they beard
~:wen ts pan of the philosophy our lhow wbiSe they were io high
the show. "Some of ~ col- school , ■nd decided th■t they
,...,oes.'!""ldn't <0me,.., "'ii'. show w~~ •-•
with a 10-fOOl pole " Sl)'I OcWindt, teac.b" .. bJ £.' l
f ' 'd
who has been on ~ show since 1973 lauai:!' w o wereo l • ra1 to


G17/Lelblu Gn,up llao lDepl,


Department •~

is pleased to announce that

''African American Literature'
will be offered Spring 1995

Tues., Thurs. 2:30-3:45. pm C
in Fenf,9n 438.




~ ( ,. (.994


~,.ru~ .... '- 8d)()~~ c5i1..-~ g,~


1,,µ...;.tl".~~ -

Prof~r DiaJl.Harper to the
English Department

~<if--,t~ .
~ 'I'-,;,,;/.,;;I



Student'directors excel in One-Acts
i noocence, and a desperate loaet,·
By Du Couley
Wbtn the chance f« ffl!Cldaa,,.
with the pmbler i1 pres,emed, ...


a, U. 'C..adl:J
o;mw. ffAfl'


• ne 1WO , _ captlim .

arc oa bud for lbc media
evait. Suddoaly, the EnterprDeltsc:etlOSlffaabip
&om • m)'l&l:l'KJIII "ribboo"

:r:,c!.rm~; - ~ ;:
lM dnal of Malcolm

$orm and Whoq:ii



of looelmeu permeated the entire
Oboui'• cbarxccr, a amall-time
aambler n.icknamed ..Photo Finish'"

~··••'!\)<. ... ·-·

,. -It
,Spiaer'a. - -Wbeo·t h o - . , . . ~ct.r.c:ta- cl LL' C.ommmder is~itf.U.t0(:ap,1,
DlltatbMstolelhemoviefrom tainJameaT. Kirktouvetbo
bodl C-.,mn Kirk~ Cap- day. He does. ol coune. and
taUl Picard. With l newly- in the proccu is !Oil and ~Ulltllkd emotica chip, Data sumed dead.
· Thil_iswhcnthcmoviei1
dream of e,:pcrienc:ing real turned over to the En, apriaet


~ ;!;!


~.. B. Video ReI~ 1.or the Holiday Season
, .~
. .

oos ~bbocl~

By Jmtia Grieoo

M lbc dd'eat o( a
Spiner's series,. equal pahap, to the
0.. ii a pown child flaing best cl them, "Sm Trek VI:
bit new emotioas with the Tbc Undilcow:red Country." Speed • A r.._ and furious

~ ~~

jG;Y ol ~

the bottle.

A ,-ycboblbbk:,ani.a.

=-~:o.c::~: ~:.n:~~e:v~~;;_~•~fi::;_:=.:~=-=

-. lt •
the c:blrw::ut;"aiid•incrc tbu ~ t b e maio story. ' heroine cSandrll Bullock),
caobjb to jutif)' the leap W.. Picard fiiwly mceu and a wonderfully psychotic
&om the small ICfti:n to die up widl lwl:: in the mystai- villian ( hopper). A
bi& ooe for the "'Star·Trek: ou.a Nexus reaioo, we are crowd-plcuing good time.
Tbc Next Gmcnti<:m" fran... iDtereated. but aomcwbere,
GRADE: Achiac.
ia tM back of our-ininds ,
Ooe of the advanUsca we're wooderiq what will Blown Away . A big ex),i'J="
TNG bu over the oriJUW baciPea •
0.. ~
sive dud. This Boston bomb
series wu ui tbt ~ C,Tbe
bcw«:D" 1quad thriller i1 a 1noozer

ftlm is m:• iDlaatiaa u
1be Prlican Brief" but much

beuer thao "The Firm."
Standout performances and
fast-paced action ovcn:ome
the film 's acnc:ric plot.

di=~·!':. ==• ;;::t: ~~:u:: ~~::!:~::d ;:1~::,~;:f~~
&cidcd to place more cm-

~'fw lie ori&iml =<f, ~,.....11.d jnd>o,liaad a pod beainnina for -=tic baale with McDowell. Wbea a Man Love, •

mck I CUC in tbis haJ/·bakcd
iiucmpc. at a tomutic comedy/thriller. The' film 1ucceedl iG ~ the two
~ and ~ -• •few laupl
"1,ut• lu: TV movie my1\ery
will have vicwera reachiog
for the Vivaria.
The Cowboy Way -This i1 •
tame comedy wbicb tea.mi
Woody Handaon and Kiefer
~ .. cowboy, in the
big city. The film'• aimcad






For kida ooly.
- • GRADE: C


D' Gormlez u the wlfe, both in a
flubback scene Mid io the ccnf'rontatioa with Emily near the md of the ■ STAR Tll&lt ._
play, wu superb lo the 1mllll but
Coatitwed from pap 4


pi~een":1:·vewtn of many Suffolk ' nal bawe ICCml IOIDCWblt

Kara~tlan ' s Emily, a sma11-towo
Tua\, girl who'1 bleak life ec~
the de1pai r felt by Photo Finish.
Karapcti1n played lhc' role; with a shy·


flick bu a c lepto monkey
bc! a lonely girl. A
beucr- than-a.v erage tim e•
wasca- (orchildtelland adulis.


in tbil iporccl fvtwutic action ~ that is beac:r than it
buiayriJbr.tobe. '

Naked Gua 33 1/3 - The
f'mal lmult • Lesli< N',daoo
and comi-uy are bac:t. in the
wildcat fwmicat, moat off.

tho-wall police ,quad Y"-

. CJRAPll, A-

Khln ("Star Trdt II") or Chm

Kawasaki'• production of "T.he · ;::;;~~•,Cd~':!j:a:n

=~!• ~ • ~-·;u ~ : t i:

continued on page 8


, i~~orcn,


wli~ ~


Ovjtlll, however, them,
one of tbe hest o_[ ffl!C "Sm
auiet, and the bulk of the ra

•'I AskPat I

that 'IOCI to Breot Spiner,
not the only reason to wa1ch
aatiCbl:'" ll dn1 1.-c sop




Being 24 and &till in college I
thouaht my life wu bad e00Ugh, but
now I have been having feelings
towards people of my own ICX.
I am a female and I have been
involved with IDOlher·female for lix
months. I thought it wu only her, but
now my daircs are to be with all
women. Well, not all, but some.
Could I be bilCllual, Or do ~ think
1 am a Je,bian?
P1cue' help me. J have a lot of
here at Suffolk and I am afraid

tdJ anyone!






,.t (~ 8

Yoa, ad wht1Mr JOfl could be





ln-Jieu of a 1econd letter thi1
week, l/we would like to addral a
inthe ..editorial'.. wrilten
in Jut weelr:'1 Journal by Mike
Shaw ... or shall Uwe IIY the Jim
Behrl.; wa,w..bc?

Fintofall, Mr. Shaw, wbatmaka

bi.senMJI or ltsbian ... tlus dqatds on you think that anyone woold WUl lo
,OM thlnf.' do 1°" only wont to be have SQ with you in the fin& place?
widlW1MN11ordo1ot1"'1Naninkr- The tide o( )'OW' ..odi&oriar ,,._ it
u,ln11W11aswll?lwouldbewilling IOWld u if people . . - . • .,..a,
,o MIJ thaJ )'OIi ar, a U.sblan ,iud1ing 10 your tied and you ue--ump1y not
by w,,at 10fl say in 1""' letur.


Af ~ l"l'l'lf.Jlodb,I
,o.,. V.,.,;yn.,,'b are~ - !




stand by )'OM and support you in 1""r
clwku. QJOf,l 'vt #wen i.nvolwd with
Olf()tlttr woman for six monJlu you
are obviowly 1ryln1 vtry hard I!'
ludt It. This has to 1w tryln1 for )'OU.

Bt proud of wllo you ar,. Then
will always ~ close.,,nindtd people
1ha1 will not a1ree wl;~ your lifutyle
bul you should hold your Mad lugh
and remain true to yo44rulf. Luckily,
Ille ~orlty of the Sl(ffolk com,ru,nily is very cuxep1i.n1 of all peopU, ·
niardlt~ of INlr ract, cr,td, c:olor,
o r suual orlt111atlon. YOM may twMI
to rontad tk Gay and Lesbian Alli·
DNt at SIi.folk (GALAS) . . The mtm-


Otar Conjustd,
I can SfflH that this is troubiUf&
)'Ot4 althou1h J dm'I think. it is yo,u
suuallty what you are confaud
abotd. I fttl tNtl iJ i.s yoMr mnnoil





~FUatltonel - Thclive
aaion v+aa of the popular
o dc/:e pnrnc-1ime canoon
looka areal and John
Goodmaa gives a wooder•
fully hammy performance.
But at ooly 90 mirultes the
ttlm is too long
cvennially wean out its welcome.

Plwltaim 3 - Lord o
QJfford • If it weren't for Dead • Lib die prcvia6s twO
Charla Gtocfin'1 enjoyably film,; in the ICria. dlil movie
cynical performance Ibis i1 Jory, funny, ind makes
mo"vic wOllld tllClltilllly be liltle ~,-C. Not -~ f u
uawttdlable. Martin Short ori,-lutbcftnlcatry. For

dlair 2Ath ccaiury coantcrStill,Mfunuitiltoace w.... -This would-be tear·
Ille movies. baehlthh>dl'kad_..,, jat,r b •«Y wdl-"""1 by
botb Mca Ryan and Aody
......... lqjm-d>o - - ~ - - o.da.butitilalOUllaaand
wa111na ,., 1ar _,, 11>o
awdpulat.ive movie about playa.a 1at-yar-o&d boy and
aacc.liam ~ at timca will the film plays like-a twiltod
•- - • ·.... .,..
make viewcn want IO pb ~ of "'Problem Ciild."

_ _,_Odo¥ --.. -,

their abated

lonelioeu may hue been eoouab
for most actol"I, but the chcmiury
between Cibotti and Karapcllan wu
palpable. One can believe the tWo
may 1till have been toae1bcr even if
they had met in the mecca of San
Marco Uriane u the husband,
wbo6e wife Ciboui was ICCUSCd ol
raping, added an clement of pain and
anger 10 t.lie despair of looellllCU
presented by the others. His wu a
thinly controlled rage III the accu.scd

.• .,5 :.it1;,..... ,

J Love Trouble. - NK.k Nolte Mookey Ttouble- date kids


&owever. Botb ~ mca of poo,rly acted by the usually
.phMil011.tbc~cblr-- the 1DOIDC':Ol, md cannot talented Jeff Bridges and
acten over lbe main onea loq· in tlli1 Nuu1 reaion, Tommy Lee Jone1. Rent
added a ~ lO die Ealic:r,. wba'e WWlel become real; ..Spcod" instead.
~ tbM ,.,. ~ pramt ity. Both raliu: all too IOOD
_oa board the oripml Eau- thatic'1all adrcapl,1Ddcan't
s:rite-ltilalltbelb(Rfiaiog wait lo &et baclc lo the real Wl~oaon - Superficial,
_ _ d>o....,_
Ood>o _ _ _
IMtd>iaao_,i,o<,-... world.
mdundam. and irruating, tbis
movie is pure junk with a
die aew to the movie the- ..,oblcm-lOIYUll approacha; tacbd on moral value. View11trq.•
areradicallydiffcnmc.Picard ers will Pl at the Ivy League
"Scar Tffk Oc:ocnaom" i1 more tbouabtfol, more humor and cringe at Joe
provides a aice ttauitioo opai. so . . . . . - : wbcra& Paci'1 truly hambk perforperiodfor"'S&arT'lllk,"as-,- Kirk. die burplacdc cow- mance U I bnmdess man. iG
iac of the ~ b from. ooe " boy, is more prone to,aimply Boston. Obnoxious at the
p:aentioa, 10 the Olber. Tbc takc·actioa bim,df'. Bodi Ip- very k:ut..
film proYide1 I w.isfyiq; ~ have cbcir uae&, and


Boa Cibotu IDd Karapetian 'lfMa
perfectly cut for the productloa.

Tbdr circumstanct1 and

u ti~i~~rrn


:.-:::,=;,~~ i::=~ ~~



afunmer of

alw1yr IOICI), 1pendt the majority of Student Theatre productionl, put tothe plly in , jail cell, pacina in.his gctber a powerful and eapaiiia procaa~ like a cojote who can't wait duction of "Hello Out~" Irwu
~re _', beard by ;!o~o~~~!J~:~:=~~~~~'.na

~ ,otJ~DJ.!, ~
S l i t ~ ~ ~ bow is'~gW,'Pfcd.n the myatcri-


sea, for the first time, •

~ro:!-tera~u:e;: ::;~

McDowell'• Dr. Soren, bat ,eprilm& bet role • n«J'•
dlff_w m D , t ~ ~ Ouinaa, doa' I seem too



It wu i night of alienation and
~ ; of londiacas IPd the deep hurt
that CIII come from love..
It wu Suffolk'• Annl¥1°Studentdirected ~ Act Play fcatiYal.
S1udent dir~ton · Tomoko
Kawuaki and Suzanne Been presc:.nted two very different kinda of
play1, one derived ,from Japanese
Noh drama. and one American.
DiR!Clor Suzanne Been:' 5VO(NCtioo of William Saro)'lll't "Hello Out
There" wu the lb'Dnger of lhc two
play1 iti thlt year'1 One-Act Play,
presentation. From the opeoiDa line,
a howlina cry ol "Hello out there!"
from Suffolk Student Tbatre vetau CbriJti,n Ctl,oai to the quieter

Student directors excel in One-Acts




Star Tak: Generations: Data steals the show







_ .(

are oo bud fm the media
ev.c at. Suddemy, tho &ierpd,e l1 leal to uve a ahip
'Ille rwo ,_,.. capaiDI . &om a m)'1telriom: "ribbon"
o(- bodli ""Star rrea· .., ia ..-cc. but mo coloauu,
jGmd r'on:a .. die WNt of Malcolm
McDowell'• lk. Sorce. b11t


.......... Mdl\-U .. 0,.
Semi .ct Wboapi OoldbctJ

: a~~

aepriaina ber role • TNO's

- - ~ l P ~~
qyt:11 Ouinan, don't accm too

,-«°'!fflll'---.,., a- ~oboo/•» e·•·w - - ~
•· -It wu-8rMt •Spiaer'
~ Wbeo-l
cblncler ot. lL' ~
bo1b Captain Kuk ~ ~
t1iD Picard. With a ne,,lyillltllkd emotion chip, Daia


is eadaqCftd. it
to c.p..
taia JIIQCIT. Klrttoaavetbc
day. He does. al c<>unc, and
in the proccu is lost and pre-

sumed dead.
' ThisiJwhcn..lbcmoviell
dream or c,:perieociJy real turned over to the EncapriseemotiOOJ, ud S,4ncr took D in tho 24th Ccowl)'. Sori:n,
ttJ,J~ t y 'io ·~ the still alive in tbc new ceorury
ja:ll bow a·liyui1'it ~
the m)'ll~
verllliJo - actol' be tndy is. OUI "ribtion,. qain.
. , _ , _., lint cbonco
....... Trek,





:.::,:c½y~~~ 1~; ;~,r:r~~r:
aiitccWc:atol.a'.r oe,spiner'1 seriCl,. cqual ~ to lhc
O..isap-ownchildflexing best oltbem, "Star Trek VI:
Ids 1CW cmociom with the Tbc UDdisc:ovaed Country.'"



tand Lels,ure

illDOCence, and a de1pente londiDell. When 1hc cbpce f« freedla,
with the pmblct is preaemed, Ille •
It was • night of ali~oo and sea, for 1hc fust time, • alim.mer o(

pain; o( I ~ ud tpe deep hurt hope.
Bodi eiboui and Kanpctian were
that can come froi:n love.
It wu Suffolk's Annual Student- perfectly cut for the production.
Their cin:umstancea and their shared
directed ~Act Play festi val.
Student direc tors Tomoko lonelineu may hne been e.noul,h
KawUW and Suzanne Been pre- for malt acton, but 'the chcmiltry •
sented two very ~lfferent kinds of between Cibotti and K.irapet.ian wu
pl1y1, one derived (rom Japane1e palpable. One can believe the tWo
may still have been together even if
Noh dtama and one American.
Director Suzanne Been' produc- they had met in the mecca of San
tion or William Saroyan' s " Hdlo Out Francisco.
Marco ·Uriarte u the husband,
lbue:" wu the stro.Dgcr o ( the two
plays in this year's Onc-Aci. Play, whose wife Cibotti was accused of
presentation. From the ope:nina line. rapina, added an element o( pain aod
• howlina cry of " Hello out tbcrclN anaer 10 the despair o( loneliness
Crom Suffolk Student Tbeauc vec- preseoll:d by the othcn. His WU a
era.n Christian C:ibotti to the quieter thinly conuolled rqe at the accused
per from Ven JCanpetiM, the theme
of loneliness permeated tbe entire D' Ooozala as the wife, both in •
flashback scene and in the confronplay.
Cibotti's character, 1 small-time tation with Emily near the end o( the ■ STAR TREK.
aa.mbler nicknamed " Phoco Finish" play, was siiperb in the small but
Contmued from pqc 4
(because all of the rlCCI be bets on
piv~ee:.':· veteran o( many Suffolk · nal ~ aeems somewhat ~-cli- and 1t d0e1 that very wdl. There is a
end in • photo finish, and his hone
apedal suopg K:01C by the end or the 61.nt
alwayt IOKS), spends the majority o( Studcnl Theatre productiON, put 14> mactic. Sure, !here are
the play in a jail cell, pacina in hiJ aetber a powerful and enaa&iffa ~ effects ~ a cool ~pace-~ but tbac Kirt IW'Ova or the new keep,
cage like a coyote who can' t wait duction or "Hello Oul There." It WU McDowcll I Soral·JUst doest! t have en d his shJp, and )hat be wilbel
a. thorOughly profcuional outina the cbari~ of Ricardo Moalalban's them well.
until freed.
Khan. C"S~_
Trek _ or;
De$pite. c~~I 'ff!por, · to lhc
Hi s · cries arc hcar,t by from a fint-timc sll,ldent di~or._
Kawasaki's production o( "The Plummer I Admiral Chang ( j tar .. contrary. 1h11 will t;e, ~ ~tely
Karapetian'• Emily, .a 1mall-1own
Trek Yr'). The 1talteaj1111 am,' t hiah should be, the final voyqe of the
Texu airl who' s bleak life echoes
cnouah, the bad guy just not evil . origin»l "Star Trek" crew. They have
the despair felt by Pbot~ Pi,nish.
Karapetian played lhc"role with a shy
continued on p&gc' B
Eitbe~:n~, ~ ~ ~ t•··~
t !'f~ti:stimefor,tbe
I Tlee'ded?Cff.11.
y ~~ . )' : . - ....
""yeah, ~ ~,'~'t d ~
- - - -- -~ -- - - - - - - - - - Overall, however, the movie is ker will tell you, Spock, McCoy and
one o( the best o ( the "'SW Trek" . Scotty are alive in TNO's 2'ch cen• ·'
series, and the bulk of the rcuon for tuty, but the d.Me 1hu ~ (or than

a7 nu

B~ ~deo Releases for the QpJiday Season
By Justin Grieco

A psychobabble
the bocllc.

Foo- kick ooly.

Speed - A fut IDd furious

TM FUatltOaa - The live
The Oimt - John Orixbam' s action v+oa ol the popular
tbird-DOYel-&o•ba-adap& o n
than ~ cbe maiJI story. heroine (S.andra Bullock), film is not • imaating u look, areal and John
CIIOUlh to 'J"-'lify the leap W11ea Picard finally meeu aod a wonderfully psychotic '7be Pdican Brief' but much Goodman givca a wooderfrom the '!WI ~ .to the up_
~ Kin: in the mysteri• villian {Dennis hopper). A better than '"The Firm ." fully hammy performance.
bi& oae (or the "'Star Trek: ou1 Nena re1ion, we are crowd•pleuina aood time.
Standout pcr(ormaDCCS and But at oaly 90 minutes the
The Neat Genention" &an- i:ntaaced. but somewhere,
GRADE: Afast-paced action 011crcome film is coo long and eventu•
ia the back ol ouf minds,
the film'• aeoeric plot.
ally wean out iu wdcome.
Ooc of the advaatqes we're woadcriaa what will Blown Away • A bi& cxplt>
TNG has over die oripoal
0.. DC'1L
live dud. This Boston bomb
squad 1hriller is a 1noozer I Love Trouble - Nick Nohe Mookt:J Trouble - Cate kids
and an insult 10 the Bay Stale. and Julia Robcru an: feuding flick bu a cleptO monke y
biDtd with • ~ uff that ,lmilarities, 11 h.iahliabted The film is ridiculous and reporter, who 1eam up to bcfrieadiq a lonely pl. A
dDcidod to place· aore em- however. 8oc.b Jnl men of poorly acted by the usually crack a cue in !his balf-babd better-thao-a.v eraae times-isODtbeleCODdarycbar· the mommt, md cannot laa talen1ed Jeff Bridacs and a11empt at a rom.&l'WC com- waier (orcbildrentnd adulu.
ac:ters over the main ooCI loq ia tbi1 Nous reJK)n, Tommy Lee Jones. Rent edy/thriUer. The film sucClRADIC 8
a6kd a IC1tln to die Eam- wbae wbbel become real· N
Speed" instead.
ceeds in alamorizina the two
prilo-0 dl:at WIii DOt praeal ity. Both realize all too IOOfl
leads aod bal • · few Wla,hl No B,ape - Ray Uoua $tars
oa boatd the oriainal.F.nla- , tbat it'1 alladraim,1Ddcan'1
but i'u TV movie mystery in this iporcil futuristic•IC·
"P.riae,. It b all tbe 9WJR fiaiaa wait lO act blc_k lO the real Wllb Hooon • Superficial, will have viewen reachina Dooflickl.hacisbeaerthao it
J.r. blil strea&th of 'cbar,c:- world.
rcduodant and irritatina, 1hi! for the Vivarin.
bu uy riahC to be.
~ mate the )cap 1hth ..
0a the ochu ti.d. tbc:ir movie i1 pure jwik with a
the crew to the movie ~ probk:m-solvin, &ppn)kbc:s cackcd on moral value. VicwMrel.
areradicallydiffereat. Picard enwillmatthelvyl.elgue The CowboJ Way - Thb i1 a Naked Gu ■ 33 l/3 - The
"'S&ar' Trek: ~
• is more thous}lt(ul, more humor and crinae at Joe lame comedy which teams FIAIJ Imwt - Leslie Nielson
provides a nice trulitioo o p a l ~ wbetcas'- Paci' • b'\lly horrible perfor- Woody Hmdsoo and Kicf'er and com~y arc back in the
paiod(or""St:M'T-."a,-.. Kirt.Gate,~ cow- mancc: u a homeless man in Sutherland • cowboys in the wildest funniest , most off•
iaa of t1,e Ulr'cb (rom ooe boy, is more prone to limply Boston. Obnoxious at the bia city. The film' • airbcad the>-wall police tquad yet.
s,eacntibD &o the odaer. Tbe like acdoa bimadf'. Both ap- very leasL
trailer uid it all.
ClllAptl, A·

t :;7.•._!t~~~e:n:i~c~vl;~:,-~lefi::;;
~ ,"'!Dd more


:!::;i~:a~. ·

: :;' '!:!ns~~t ~~~ _

;o, o f ~-,~ ~

bal- ....

=-~::a:·~~ ~1:J:S:':u~~

~i:.:;::= ~~~-~~

ad a aood be1iuin1 fot
dlair 24di century couotc:r-....,, iuo d>e mo,ioo.
Tlil llOf)' bepm widl the

• __. _. a new

cap: ·


GRAD'" DWhen a Man Lons a
w...n - Thisw~tc:arboth lthhld Plead_....., Je,br lo , ..-, welJ.act>d by
• ewm Tntan UYC bcai both Mea Ryan aod Andy
-..foifu_,_dlcfi- Oon:la,butkloa...U...aad
mnlp11lalive movie about
alcoldism CUI a1. cimca-will
nactic bllale With McDowell.

-on-5 _,. . -. . . .
. .,



OJrrord - If it weren't for
Charlea Grodi.n's enjoyably
cynical performance thi1
movie wou.ld cuentially be
~ L e . Manin Shon

PhanlMm 3 - Lord or the
Dead - Lib the pmrious two
is 101')', fuuy, ind makcl
little 1e111e. Mot ..,Jy as
ari&ioal • 111c

play, •
boy and
wnioa ol "Problem Child."



ron1 -,,.

/ ~II~~ 8




the occuiooll


too::b from one ge:oeratioo to the next.

Dear Pat.
Being 24 and still in college I
thouaht my life was bad enough, bul
now I have been havi na (eellnas
towards people or my own ICJ.,
J am a female and I have been
involved with uolhcr female (or sit
months. I thcJuabt it was oo]y her, but
now fflJ desires are 10 be with all
womu. Well, not all, but some.
Could I be bisexual, or do yoo lhink
I am a lesbian?
Please help me. I have \ lot of
friends~ at Suffcilk and I am afraid
10 tell· Dlyonel

stand by you and swpport you in ~
choices. /f 'YOu've Min involwd with
OMthu woman for sir months Jou
are ob't'iowly trying nry hard to
hide It. This has to be tryln& for you.

Be proud of who 'JOU an. TM re
will always N close-mlndtd people
that will no, a1ne with JO"' llfutyle
but you should hold you r Mad hi&h
and rtmain trw to
IM majority of tlu S1'fr,lk CC>ffllftll•
n:IJ. is ~ ry OL'Ceptint of all peopU,
nzardlus oflklr ro«, creed, color,
or suual orientation. Ya&1 may wont
to contact du Gay and Usblan .X/llance at Sufolk (GAUS). 1M mem•



,!:; °L ~a~!:;:':~.youa:!1

Dear Confused,
I can se.rue thot this is t""4blin,
In lieu of a second leuer lhi1
yov. althoM&h I tu!fl't think it Is yo,n
su11ality what 1011 are confused week, ilwe would like to address •
al,ow, I feel that ii ls -your nmnoll paragnph in the "editorial" written


in last week ' • Journal by Mike
Shaw .•.or 1ball I/we. say the Jim.
Behrle wanna-\)e? ill wom,n.
You ask whetlur •yDfl could btFirstofall,Mr. Shaw,wbatmaka
bisuu,al or Iesblan. .. tlus dtpends ay'you think that anyone wouk! WUI ID
OM thing: do you only wont to be have sex with you in the
place? •
wit#I wom,JI or do you haw
utler- The title o(
u,i,,,nena.swtU1 J woWllbe wUllng IOUlld • if people SC bcltina • ,-di
1awythal.)'0Wanalubldtti""'6UII toyourt;(dudyouarcaimplylXIIC


'"' ... -""""" .........

by w#tol )'OW .ur, ill yow letur.

)'OA&.t;&l;,~ are trwdwywUJ





The Suffolk J---1 Wedaeoday, N.,.._23, 1994

. n . , - 1 - u ( w-.iay,No-,Cmber23, 1994


:-s excel'in Oge-Acts

lnnocc~c. and Ii dupe;te· lo~DCU. When the chance for (rccdc:at
with the aambier- is presented\ &lie ...



for lhe first time, • g~mer of
Boeh CiboUi and Karapetian were ·


Their cin::umstances and their shared
lonclinesi may ):iavc been enough
for most acton, but the chemistry

of between

'cibotti .and

.,;. flllod oooitwben, alooalhe way.

Karapetian Wu

portico,ls ...... _ . . ....

palpable. One can believe the 1Wo

wo Fra:t: Uriane as the husbarid,
1y1 whole wife Cibotti was accused of
oe, mping, added an eJemeot of pain and .
cl" anger to the despair of loneliness


presented by lhc others. His was a
rapist, an anger that explodes sud•

talion with Emily near the end of the
play, was superb in the small but
pivotal role.
Beers, .a veteran of many Suffolk

of Student ni\a~ productions, put tohui gctber a powerful and cngagiiig pro'8it duction of ..HelJo Out There." It was


a thorou1hty profeuional outi ng
from a first-lime student director.
Kawasaki's production of ''The
continued on page 8



----· - -

dcn1y and unexpec tedly . Carola
o•rionzalcz as the wife, both in a
flashback scene and in the confron-




thinly controlled n:agc at the accl;lSCd



lhe of it However,-• Ibis
- - -·oa1o1proportioa.
Polico. Mililaal . , _ bavo ,_.. the
air of
offeadcd. ,o you an: wrong."
laldaa lhe U- of ibonioo doc<on to &llli-tar (or pro.....iactivilll)llllowiDabloodonb.......,ftir,l'C
p>Od -

may still have been together cven· ir
:; they ~ mec in the mecca of San



Political correc1De11 i i • idea tba a.ted out nobly,

perfectly c~a;t for the pr~uctloo.




n:cf ~.



Continued from pege 4
nal battle seems somewhat anti-dimactic. Sure, there are areat special
eff«:ts and a cool apace battle, but
McDowell'1 Soren just doesn't have
the charit ma of r...icardo Monlalban's •
Khan ("Sw Trek II") or Christopher
Plummer's Admiral Chang ("~tar
Trek VI"). TI,e stakes just aren't high
enough, the bad gu y just not evil
enough. Either one could have derwcd.Soreo, wliy :~·\AAij •iM>tainS'

- - - - - - - - - - - ' rice~:~. howev~, the m•ovi~ is
one of the best or the ..Star Trek.. .

and it docs that very well. There is a
1Lrong sense by the end or the film
that Kirk approves or the new kecpen m his ship, and that he wisher;
them well.
Despite constant rumors 10 the
contrary. this will be. aJl(f ab'sol'utely
should be, the final voyage of...the
original "Star Trek" crew. They have
done their duly, and it's time for the ·ncw' k.idi:~iak~o r$,r.. ,



Thia ~ hal even seemed to invade Suffolk.
. Many~l_
V(ril1Cr5 lolheJoumal have expressed
Bcbrlc and Mike Shaw, taking a view that scerristo be
Yyini. ..I disagree wilh you ...shul up, )'Ou idiot."
· The SuffoDdoumal believes implicitly in lhe first

some 1eue'.r wrilml:, or even Jim Behrle rOr that matter, it_
will defend to fhc ~ tbch right to $1!CU.
Thtgoal,behindthc;;,ocep1ol'il!lll'!f1Jli~'l'.;. ·
noble oocs, and oocs we' d like to S9,C e,;panded beyond
diesedays) to ha..-e the right lo air an opiru'on or~pieas a ·

Scotty are alive in TNG'1 24th ccntwy, but the time ,has , for them
to gracdully lcave_ 1bjJ, ~ ~ ~
move o(( into mythology.
the occasional
ance on "Deep Space Nine."

belie(. lflhatopinionorbeliefisinopposi~on1c0~
clscs, and it is inevitable that irwould be, wrr_ld first

stand by you and support you in your ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

sentimcnl gOCS ror our cDPre world. 1be conoe~ of

series, and the bulk of the reason for
that goe, to Brent Spiner, but lhafs
not the only reason 10 watch "Gen·
tqrch from one genenui~n to the .next,

e I choica•. /f you'vt. been involve:d with

but anodiu woman for six mo111hs you
111s art. obviously trying very hard to
huh it. This has to bt. trying for you.
een • • Bt. proud of who you au. Tht.ll
aiI will always ~ clost.-minded people
but tho.I will ,wt a1rt.t. with your lift.stylt.
all bur you should hold your Mad high
inc. and rt.main trMt. 10 yourself. UldUy,
Unk the majority of rM Suffolk commu•
nity is vt.ry accepting of all people,
t of · naardfPJ ~t.. crt.t.d, Color,
raid oi sUlfOI orit.ntation. You may want
rp c"Dntar:t t!.t. Gay and Lesbian A.flianct. at Sufolk (GA.LAS). TM mt.m•
~rs of GALAS will Juppon 'you a!fd
. ht.1p in any , way they can . ., Good


In lieu of a se.cond letter this
week, I/we would lilce to address a
paragt11ph in the "editorial" written
in Ian week's Journal by Mike
Shaw ...or shall Uwe say the Jim •
Behr!C wan~,-be?

::: ~~!·:;·!~~~~ '

, bt · have sex with you in the first place?
The title or your ..editorial" mua: it
IIUlg soundaifpeopie1rebeltin11palh




to your Md and you are simply not


conwmed on

~ 8

cultural diversity is~gncd tobriogallorus.togt.thtt, 10
sec our similarities as well as our differe-,ccs;and learn
from them. The more we pull apart from one another,
eilhcr oul ofsome sense.ofouuage, victimhood or moral
and c e ~ the diversity lhat
the entire
race a stroaga-, ,more unified race.,
Aodthat indud<oJin,Bebrle.




. . .

v .

INpid taOUgb_to


• Mo,, Ano - - , diacuwq the ........ probkm of findin, a pod Quote of the Wede in lhe JOIUffl#



-::,._. ----------7 •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,:.=.:Sulll:=.-;;;;;;;;.....;.;"'.;;;;;;= ' ;.:.;.;.;.;= - =;.;;;;,•.;•;;;..;.;_ _
Tho = oMI :
' '
' '~•o
23; 994

Tbos.ffolk1oumu Wcdnelday, November 23, 1994

Have you really thought
about Thanksgiving lately?


Gina Braz.a-

It's a PC world

~ a i v ina is almosl
btn. the official kk:koff to
the holiday IUIOl1. But what
docs it really mean?

Polhieal c:orrec:baS is• idea thit ltlrtCd out nobly,
bul failod--.lheway.
Tho lcloa o l - , . DOC I• lhe lr>lfitiCJoal
fflliaMreua bmq a uiy iD die world and die way their

fromA ~~~~

pMlicolo,..,...,_., .... .icwi_...,......i;,a







Maybe people just don't
care. I auc.u that'• cuctly
what made me write this.

l ' o r m o l ~.

This aaitude bas even to invade Suffolk.
Mmy receat lc:aer·wtliticG to the Journal have expressed


Bebde and Mite Shaw, taking a view lhat seems 10 be



some. letter writer&, or-even Jim Behrle forlhattna1ter, it
will defend to the deal!, their right 10 speak.
Thegoalsbchind tbcconcept ofc~l\~~ivcn:ityare

noble ones, and ones we' d like to sec expanded beyond
lheirperoeiYCd boundaries:. It's time for-alJ groups. includ•
ingthole in the so-allcd majority (whateverlhat may be

mate ud WC lpottcd what
appeared lO be and intot.i•
cat.ell bomclea1 person ll')'·
ing to stand up and walk.
Sure we '-&bed at fim and
made a wiJccrack, but then I
rcaliz.ed it wun't fuMy any•
I awtcd walking coward
this man while my roommate
mumbled 1omcthin1 about


=-~e tu ndra pavement

::'..t~ ~lth~:

Thialasuforbours. There
are ielcveo rowm ol com~
tilion. The walNa lhlt &ur·

the Ma. Walnaa.......,
But ..._ dlia ,-.. I canD0l tm'd home IO Saowllad..

poi~~• weird bow liule lhinp
like hdpia, a bomdcu pa'·
son can cbaoge your whole
fame of mind and put- whit
scaru like a mid-21 year okl
crisis in perspective.
I am foreve r complai.a.•
ioa that my life ii so ditr1a11t
because I havc ·to wort 40
hours a week to a11cnd.JChool
and then lake a fuU -time, .S
coune load to get through iL

WU actually celebrated in
Snowlud, In 1 ◄ 35 when
Saint Qilly and his lep,nl
drovt: back the waltu.1-me:D,
eadina years or oppression
aad bu nia,hl IDOWblll he»tility. Saini Qi.Uy u&hen,d in
, new . cl'I of CO--OPt;rlition
and peacef-U! relation• with
the walml population.
Snow cone, were ex-


· The Suffolk Journl!I '


aood Quolc of the Wede in the JoumaJ

Uy the students, for the students, since 1936


Dan Coakley, Edilor-io-Oticf
Chistian f.qlcr, Mamc:iai Editor
Katea M. Courtney ~ ~
Jo,tiaCiriaa:,.~ f . d i t o r

Mib Suw, EucutiYe f.diior

Dr. Omk!ilctun..Amsot

a&alf« OrilWl

_. _,dri,.,Wllile l!oal-dld do ,._
-Ilks .. .. ....,,, !be a.jodly .,_ .... oripal
-, -


Voices of Suffolk

'becctmc Quocc or~ Week...

tacom,ctly giyc:n to ~JOtUJMI

:~~v:C : : : : : : : ~
give up.
lqc. Tbc wallUlcs were bru·

_ . . , BSU ,- r - , . _ , ...,_




pl-=cd in the aoldca
the center ol the IQUltC. for



Wbip and • bottle or diet

Squirt. My wife ad dilldrm
will not be viait.iaa 111e ~

everyone &o prod. He runaim
there rcx a year, faucai.a.g, came o( the court order.
uftlblc IO move,
that the
I will not be able IO c:e;,,,
vil.lqc cao' eajoy bim with tuchig the cu1tomary
pcquin ·uucc nae 'J'banka. Thubaivina IUM:I IO my
~r.neUkme.who 'wO.-e
Thanbaivin& •il also im• ..-:
portant to u1 S110wlandic1 IU'C, like "Poke • wainlla
becau&c it ii the day· when cyc1," " Walru1-e11 bue- .,,.



/w-,,..,,..-' C.,..UU
. , . . . - , i,fu.t

Wo\ Ill/ talw,it, ,./l(lt, _ , . , .... .......,,_A

• -Sl!Nt • - - 0 2 1 1 4 • Pllono &Fa(tl1)


Coac. My I
team, c

~u~ ~&im":tr al·

way, up, UuoU liinla


malt; die Igloolowa Walnla at Tbub1Ma1, Uri■&.
dud , or mlni•a... le
Perhaps most upsetting Snowlandlc, it ~ mean&
to me ii that I will DOt able "abovel tbc driveway, d~
to wa&cb die P!'C- CBS . . mocKhlld".
aoina to carry it, but Ibey
So. my American frieftdl,


~ tuwi~
My Thlnbgiviq will DOC be


[)o you feel that busl.nesses and··relilN •••••
" rushtheholld~ya?
"Yes, they QOll'I •
and 0ll1&1mall are care about the
so clo'8 IOQilher, ~~
ThankllgiY- it woulml'I make a uei, oriiy" lhe

' Yes, they're
'Yes, stores will
do anythingJor a pushing Christ·
tJuck.. . '•
mas and it's not



n,,~,,__1r.._..._....,.. ,,,S.Uu.,,..,.,...,_a,,_.._..,.,.,,,,..,..'--•~


.:1'~=:r....:0: .





"Somcclly I hope to say something 1tupid enough to •


= 501: :~

theirvictory, : !r~ . :i:!faa•:!;; :

':::°:id~~kw:;: bom~~<MJ
witboutitbecauacbccouldo' t point they are a t? Thc1e livina cu opene rs. Ever
bend dtber o( his knee&.
people used to have job1, since, It hi& been the CllltOm
Wbctber or DOC this wu families,. and aomc even hive or the Soowlandic io eat wa).
ttuc, he occdcd help. So I colleac degrees. The only NS, DOt cwtcy, to c:debnte
helped him act 10 a beach io thinJ they arc missing ii their the kinahip my people. hu
sit dowa and called a number wiU. Can you ever imagine fdt with the walru1-men.
r« ~bothcra me i1 how
chii : ~ : ; : i~
many people wa1cbcd I.his
continued 00 page 9
i1 the linde pa&elt day of


. . . . for dllO writinc of tbc ardde oa die BSU toy,

i.nlO the walrus' flcall, dra&·
aina the "'puck" i.ntlad of
ahootiaa. l wiUmiutbotoand
o( the w1lrut tcroeclllna,
aquirmiaa, tryiaa dallpcnldy
IO act froe. Our plarcn. ccw•
crcd in 1we.1t aad walru1
b lood, will be welcomed
home, win or lose, u the

bomelud, Snowland , for
payiq due IO Ood for the
&ift:a tbll we~ bca &ivca..

SeaTo ~

him !Whit w• wrona ud he

sec our similarities as weU as our diff'creocel. and learn
fropJ them. The more wc•pull apart from one another,
dtbcrout of,omescnseofoutragc, vicrimhood or JDOraa
and celebrate the diversity makes the cotile human
race a &tronp:r, mon:
And Iha! includa Jim Behrtc,

. . . . . week', edition of die .SM/foll; J<Mntlll. credit

Ulllikc Nortll American







sentiment 1.oes· for our entiic world. The concept of
cultural divcn.ity is designed to bring all of us together, 10

lem of a

lhe umc without~ baun
olwalruaca bematcnpc:dup
my eyes_ ud down I larp rink.

rather lhan rOCUS your c:ner•
gics oa m.akiag everythia.a
IO perfect that· ycu tniu the

himl'berewashloodallover : ~~~:esc:!:'~1-:!;'w:

1111,aa;"discv.uiq the oagoiag


:Sa:;.na: :~:: ~~~ :;:~o;~mU:/i:1u,ac: ;!:;f:~.t::!:e~:.:;.::.: c d ~ Every tdcvi1ioa bold IDY;~:_~ '!aeU:
7 wife In my ..,,
finally reached this min
am I complaining? I finally Were Jivea the
:::::c :,'~~~~70:11::"~~D~ ~:pou::~: ~ ~ . :~i~~~tt!u;;~:

these days) to have the right to air an opinion orcxpius a
belief. Ifthat opinion or bclicfis in opposi1ion to someone
cites. and ii is inCvitablc that it would be, we should flrst

.-Mary An•

atill briop tcan

dile Loll" ud Orcea Lan· · ~y grudmotha'1 penguin




the year. The 1mcll or my

1WUwritiq::1papa"com• mocher'a &ab~ wainu
puina ud cOlllnltiQa ...,_,.

football u:tnvaganza? And had happened and how ia•
upoa ua, Suffo lk. Great way1 bri na frab pelt& ud
how abo ut lh e day a£ter considerate people can be holiday, ri&hl? Turkey. Cnn- aanfioca. Pure Heaven I tell
Thanlc.salvlng? The 'ldt over sometimes. I gucs1 ita just berry .. ucc. Cowboy• you. In my villlce. It i1 cua.
pies, blrkey, creative casse- easier 10 walk away t.bancarc. apinlt tho lledlldpa. Flirtina 1omary !O .hold a "walru1
role, Mom whips up and the
I began to think about the with couaina.
droppiria CXIOCtlt." All of the
official kick off 10 Chrisunu true meaning or TbanlugivYou Amcricaft1 think that little children will climb IO
shopplnallleathatarewone ing and the holiday seasoo youaretheonlyonettocd• lhelOpoltbcSt.CbillySC.MUe
than the mo1h pill al a and the amount of people cbraie a holiday of an,tdw· ln "'Walralpb Square" aad
Oreenday concert.
that just don't get it or never ncas, but that'• lnr:otrect. 'J.bc , drop YOWll walruses down

Police: ...,.i,, br,o' tal<en lhe fC ...
a.-d•lirof°'weare Q
ffi:aded.lO)'OUIIC~J." '
.,,.,_. . , . ; . - . . .·c..- .,..,.urm. cwy..,; p1c1ti
....... dlo U.. ol ibcirtioa.doaon 10 .,.;.to, (m' pi'o--)11wwioabiood011,i-_.,. l\u, fC

sayiac. ... diA&Jt:e with you .. .shut up, you idiot."
The S ufJQJk Journal believes implicitly in the


Jim s.hfM...,,._

lO over indulac, an all day could think about wu whal :::1::~

px,d me II 11m heart of iL However, tomchow, lhis
pur]Jftie baa i...;. _,, ""' ol propo,doa.

fC baa -


manfallanddida' thclphim.
I know we can't hdp CVCJJ'·
one. but tbal wu ridiculous.
Wheal walked back with
my roommate., be wu aOOC.

P~ th~ penguin pie,
says Jim

Chris Miller

•No, it's the Job of
.the bullnNI

It's a lloldlly.•

. ......


Oadllled fran pap 4

... ~ OllADB: C+

■ .uatPAT
CoadnDod from PIP 5

■ Ofm.ACl'S
Coadi11xd from s-,c S

intereatod. I/we find thi1 bard to

~ 11m advice collUD,D • •


. . . _ _ - A rip,otroI ."A Nip!- (orSuffollc.tmdenbandltaffia need
M oa. PJm Slzeet" whidri will bore al llnbi.Med advice and support. Not
riewaa to.11:ian with cheeay apecial . CYC,YOl'le CIUI: be as (qrtlmatc 'i s
effect&, J..e .ar:mpa at humor, and you.. •.arc you l,l)'lll& that yoo have
• dliml ~ Not even worth the oo IX")blems., or you' re jut so p'C8t
pico al a ftlllit.ll.
you can just solve them on your
· •
The bottom µnc is, if you don't
Llttle ... 1 - - • Preposterous but qree with what 1/wc·havc to aay then
liblblo family rum. Is one viewers don't rmd iL The people thM wrilc 10
will be IO admit they enjoyed.
melul have actual tu.nnoiJ in their life
and they don't oced the humiliation
o( bc.iag ridiculed in your so-called
Wyatt Earp - Lawrence Ka.sdan'1 column.
You abo 'assume that "'Pal" is a
epic wean IWrin& Kevin Costner
ls a carefuJly crafted and quietly be, and ll just ooe person.. Hu.a'i
~fllmJarawhile. A! thrcc bcina In co!Jep:: taught you to ,iever
boarf' ud U minutes, Wyatt Earp
could ·hive mod an cdiw.
GIWll!, IIthal ; however, Uwe am/arc above
TIie F■ffl' - Stupid and dull Kx
In the ruture I SUJ&CSI you think
comody aUoWI a takoudCMI to make before you print any more uath. And
loak ol dlemldves. It plays lib an stop trying to be Jim Bchde. ..Suffolk
eloaaated po1t-Suuooc . Somcr1 doean' t occd two of him.
"'Tlaree'1 Company.. cpiaode, but
oddly CDOUah, that aitcom was much,

Lady /1-rA" wu, ovcnll, a well-done.
productioo. Kawuaki wu 1blo to


altbou&b the pro&.ctioo
did suffer from aome minor prob-lem1.
Japanese Noh dnma i1 a very
stylized, rituali,tic form of dnmL
The scructure and JftlCDtalioo ia ftOC
one thal American audieacel are used
co. ao the Jaoguage at times seemed
stilted and the chanctcn would go
inr.o loo, 1poocbea that pi'escflted the
thematic points itr a more eaplieit
way than is uaual in American the·
CU l&qC,


These difT'JCultie, aside, Yu.kio
Mishim1'1 "The Lady Aoi" was an
enpgina play that was very effectively, prodaccd. The Id design, es•
pccially, dcKrves notice. Jeuie H.
L Lim, an international student from
Sina.pore. was the act designer lltld
makeup artiat for ""The Lady Aoi."
Her u&c of c_
unaina and Japanese
sett.all for the bolpital room Kl, as
well as a very effective we of cur•
wns to simulate a boat and nil for
the fantasy aequuice. lddcd aignifimuda funnier . ..
cantly to Uic production.
The uue strenatb in "The Lady
Aoi" w.u in its cast. Kaori Sbiramatsu
grw;cd with all the possibilities chi& was brilliant u the myllcrioua Mn.
~ c d from page 7
plancc has 1 offer. It is a time to flirt Rokujo, a staodatd charactef in many
Nob dramas. Shiramatau had a wona& you lit down 10 give thanks for with first cousins.
your rood, your ramily, and your
A1ld. ir you im unable to think or derful ~ e on the •t.aae. comw.-m home, think also of~ wjK> .-. ~ thing that you would like to give mandin& the-attention of the entire
cumal. because or distuce,•moacx.,-- \baaka to God for, think of the saying audience. She played Mn. Rokujo
or expired viu.s. Thanksgiving is a my grandfather would alway• ny,
blcued time, good for expreuing righc before our bountiful meal km: you fed in your bean for "J im ," he ' d say, " P11ybh1 hrer
your fqk,w American&. It is a time

~~v:o:;~ !:u,~l~Jt


b a h ~ God we•~ not walfUStS,

The Suffolk Joµrnal
Needs You!
YOUR student newspaper
needs writers, copy editors,
advertising representatives,
anyone interested in news·
writing' or newspaper
Come. on d~ 'to the '
Journal offi90s, first floor
of the Student Activities
Center, next to
the Fe_ton b1,1ilding.


with uodercurreou of pulioo and
pain, of love and,ot daapr.
The ooly problaa whh her per•
formance ,.... ln her )c:atj ac:cent.
While ia-ctida'I i.nterferawilh her lines
in the mijority of tho play, some of·
her lioea did become lesa clear in
lollaer moaolopes; and given the
umca1e oatute of lanau,age .in Nob'
drama. tlils WU a mil ahame. Still,
her brilliant performance made up
for this alight problem .
Mob.,mmad Faisal u Aoi's husband Hibru, WU aoolhcr strength in
Kawasaki'• production. Fais,J w~
Ible to convincingly porir.y both the
love Hikaru feels fM hi& wife Aoi,
and the conflicttd feeling,; the return
or Mn. Rotujo presel111. Durin& a
marvelous f1n tuy 1eene where
Hi.bro remembers timcs in the past
spent with Mn. Rolnijo, be can stiU
bear the cries of his wife th.rough the
fantasy. Oca:pitc the tempWion Mn.
Rokujo provides, Faisal effectively
showed us how mlSCh Hikaru loves
his wife.
Shannon Gracia also did a wonderful job port.rayina the aurse, a
pivotal character who aeu up the
conffict between Hikaru and Mn.
Rokuju. Special notice should also
be given
Ivy Wong who played
Aoi. While still for most of the lhow,
her ooly action consiatina of cries of
pain, it was hercb&raetei' that served
as ~ anchor for the entire play.
Utheseproductionl are any incfi.
cation. both ·Beers and Kawasaki
've bright f'Dmres ·to the theatre.


THE sT1.JDE'fvT.
Invites one and all
to join us for some
Holiday cheer!

Come view ·our annual
Club and Organizations
Door Decorating C9ntest

Harvard Law Student Memos Used ui'"'O.J. Triatl

Marco. Busca&1ia

After a11i1ni~; the
m~m01 concemina cameras
in the co_urtroom, Neason
Wbea tbc.,ttudmll Ill Harvard 1ay1 be received • c:u.riouJ
..-- Law School· penned memos phone call. "'Judge
on wbethc:r ,cameru should about mCIOOli in a
be allowed ill the"oouruoom ' New Yorter' article,.. said
durina: OJ. Simpson trial, Ne11on. "'Wben bis clerk
they bad 00 idea that Judge called to ask if we could aec
Llnceltobimselfwouldrcad 1he memos, we thought it
their opinions.
mi ght have been a prank.
Like many law ac hool When I found out t he wu
teachers nationwide, Hirvard KriOils, I told her we would
profeuon have been usina look into iL"
the celebrated murder trial to
Althouah Nesson said be
hefp iUUsuate various legal was CAcitod by the oocion o.f
standards and practices.
sharing bis students' inforAnd as ·part of their ex• matioo with
be wu c:,on-.
aminalion of lhe welJ-publi• ccmcd about the impact that
ciz.ed case, the 540 Harvard the memos may have on both
studenta: in "'Introduction 1
0 panics. "We wanted to make
Lawyerin," were as ked 10 su~ we didn'I do anythiri1 to

Collep PfQI Service
CA,__M.8.&:IOGE, Mau.



::a~=~:;: ::::;~

~p into· var;oua rc:1carch
aroupt tO •lhat the memOI


Lawyers involved whb


. •
meot ....'f.e. sent
q ~ will 1'-'Jt1- .,~ 1
~ ~ t b e tq4f,- ~e1110• ~ co,~ered m0$l publk ~ • Wr trial wu
ter over with Peter Murray, upcctl of the 1u ue," aaid conducted.
who abo tcm::bet the course. Neuoil. ""There wereo't ~
Wben anpoancios lai1
and fflmly of ltlldeoa: of the ally Ill)' radical po1itiont. In dc:cition,
IDCDtioaed die


c lass, NCasoo dea dCd to fact;thcyweremost!ymiddle HarvardLawstuclllata.dank·
horior tho judge:, ~Cit.
of the f'Old."
ina them for their mc:mound
Jiowrotetheclaq,thankE.arlierinthc .trial, ltohad "inaiaht." •·
In, them in advmce for their been critical of the media for
Neuoo uid that atudyeontnbution to the cue.. "lo- rq,ortiQI ~ in• inc and dam pMic:ipad:aa ia
put from the academic wortd . formalion about evide.occ in the OJ. Simpeoo b'.ial wa •
is welcomed H a belpfuJ the cue and bad tbrealcDed bead1cial experieDoe for all
source of unbiuod informa-- to ban all c:amaas &om the bis ttudmts. -rbe caae. is a
lion by this trial court,.. rad COWDOmL Afta four wc:cb tremmdoaaly euriout ffClll."
lto'I lcucr. '1 appru:iatc yOIK of delibenlioo. Ito ru1ed CO be l&id. '1"be ICudc:au mded
cooperation in contribu'ila, eontinoe
allow one cam• up accually being in the thma
1 .~ . PM~IJG in,Jl)i• .~
.... ~ •. ~.t.b:lt,.it1, presence they were studying."
abould not eoc:ourqe gnnd·


Neuoo broke..,the C!w

make his job mon: difficult

standing from the legal coun•

. • ~• li
J .·f-11)·l,,11ml


get studenu accustomed 10
lhe basic meaning of our legal 1y11em."



Cootioucd from page 7
your destiny being conltOUed .
entirely by the cbanae of
struaers, ~ luck of finding
a shelter able to accommodate )'OU· 00 a cold night and
the oomfors of a bottle for
your best frieod?
So have you thought
a.boc,t wbft. you're thankful

for'l' I have..
I'm thankful for .what


12:00 noon to 3:00 pm· "'

·co ,

Neuoo . ..Alao, we Lad

doddcifil.;;.dlis,t j~lSjy ICfttiatoltowowdrepreamt tbecaaehlda-poddllltbe
lO do from· an ~ ~ both udca of the qal IIJU· camen COYCnP of die P'O:"

Preuy •Wldarfi fare for any
introductory course.
But when Judge Ito, who
is presiding over lhe SMnpsoo
trial, uked to read those
memos, and then commented
on them from the bench, the
Harvard 11ud enu found
thcmae.lves in • rare position.
No looaer just academic obscrvcn, tho Harard 1tudent1
had become panieipantl .in
the ~ they w~ 11\adying.
"Bdore the semester began, I was lookina for a way
I could involve &l\ldents in.•11
aspecu of the law ," said
Charles Hesson, one of the
proreason teacbing the
Jim~on case
preaenu~~ many g~ ex-

and pra)' that I oeva lose iL

Tuesday, December 6, 1994

than it .alre1dy wu,"



{ s i£&.m_ Nf(iHT (}F F9(JD, DANCE, ~UGHTER, and FESTIVITIES



~~i:~ TR~P- ..




DECEMBER 2, ! 994 ..

I°, ,,..._,,;._



Studem Activities CenJer
.-=:!~" - .arc:o,

Refreshme will be served! I _

·i.T" - ·:

~.,_.,.., -·

: · ~-,,.,- -w.&CDA110Npw11ANOJISINP.)ANOKATl. . (&OIJLFQOD)


The Sutrollc Jouml

..a spoed. wldcb imb her a formJ-


. - , . . . ,-,i. .,w.,,...... t-t
_ _ _ ..

iJ.........,.IGr .._positicmlll
. f"!""....:._~~~~
• filled ' wilh modi talent ud
.,...._ Ho11n111e1tbiltcMl"b:~

BJ a,u r.,; t..

-loc, eapodaUy


It WU a threepoint pmc. We were our.o'Vll wont
mcmy,.. commenUd held coach Jim
Tbcy, won war of the J>9a,dl, Nchon.
even received coosidmblc aid from .,
Oil Friday, Suffolk shot a pallr)'
tbeif ~
.'•yet' &c ~ e.x/kd 561' 1'rom the line an'cJ- ii Indeed
Babson Colleac this put weekeftd showed to be the difrermcc di what



beaten of a .500 record. Jt wu wu an extremely close affair. Trailby
six. min~~-pncwa,o,po,- eoc.uah to make this plllticular writer . ina Framin&Jwn the tea withrallied to
tcu bb bi,- pro-M9SOD preview (n> uw remainina,
- - neryooc pllyt • importlUlt member 1ut woek.'1 issue?) into the tic lhc ~ with 47 leCOndl left in
role. Ho ~vce ,tbe addillon~or
reaulatioo. A bask.ct, some stingy
aulst.ant cOM:b Maureen ..Moc" provcrbial :,n1tcbukct.
Friday and Sanuday witocued dcfc:rlSC and victory would be dcliv•
Brown. widl bu eaperie~c as a
r...... ...,.. 1m bolpod mw lhu Suffolk pcrformln& the tub neca• cred.
But when the final bu.ucr had
re-'• .-,, more aotid dc:fensively. sary to cam lbcir tum a victory.
Wadi a lialc-cimc aod ~ he is They outrctiouodcd Fnmiogham sounded, the Rams' three allemP.'J at
cc.C'ldall Ille Lldy Rams will dc- Swc in their initial 8811\~• a::orin& as time whittled away had all
vdop iDto a coatpe(itivc team that peatcd lhc (cat the followina day aonc awry. Tbrcc possessions had
against Wentworth. And in -both · meant three turnovers, and when the
s.trolk ... be pn,ud ol.
contcsu, their bench was vital, itumbera had been cruocbcd Suffolk
whcthcr it was in tallyin& points or · came away defeated. Had Uicy only
cruhing lhc boards. so· What pre- shot close co Framingham's 6511o free



paac 12

Le)'dea llid about his playcra. "We
don't bave fivo people who are aoin&
to play the whole forty m.iftutcs."
Because of lhli 1i1Uatioc, the
Lady Rams will have to grow to rely
oa CIDC aootbcr if any coottibutioe is
to be made from both the swtcrs and
h,e rmcrvca. Tbouih all of this will
b.vatJe,·lome 'dffiacncc, espocially
wbc:a you c::ocwder the make-up or
the lltalD. • Ovenedng tt:.n players
from 11!'11 difft:rtnl • ~ will ,have


vented the Ram s £tom leav ing
Wellesley undefeated?
Well, ii was a wcakncu thal may
have crept up unknowingly. Free
lhrows. ..M.i.uing scvcnl.CCO against
Framingham proved 10 be our undo--

tbil ,..-.••.

in1 women'• scorer. ·nc former
guard bu already broughLinsi&bl
and aptitude in her posit.ion 10 this


ward Rick Ace tallied 11 ud blulcd
down 8 rd>ouada of 1w own. the
RamJ even puQed doWft more boards
than their oppooeou. beatul1 them
to the glass -48-39. "¥Y outlook !1as

alwa:,I l,cco. ~veal

Suffol)c University's Calendar of Events ·

Novem~r 23 - December 6. 1994

~!v--m. wei

may 110( do cvaythiog Wf.00,I, and'
even 'durin1· a· win we may oot do
cvecythin1 right," 1urmiscd NdlOll.
On Saturday, ewrydu,11 ~d go1
righL Vjeira wu oncc_api n a force
acoring 2l io the fint half, on his way
lo an eventual game high of 29. man Dave Mclaren, who has
been awting all scuoo due to team
injuries, bad a mooster ~ with 12
points, 12 rebound,, and 6 steals.
Overall Suffolk bad four plllycrs
score in double fiaurcs and
outrcbooodcd Wcntwonh by a 50J4 margin.
Ncx1 up for the Rama is
Bridgcwatt:r Stale College, a 1
that similar to Suffolk. ls T'CClirning
most of its swting tine-up. '1'bey'll
be formidable foes, " prcdicccd
Nelson, "in particular because we'll
be on their home court."


Thanks&ivinglleotssBc&UII l:00pm1iov23-No,,27


areas though. Big man Mi.kc Vieira
re.corded a double-double with 22
points and 12 rebounds, while for•

10:00 • 1
10:00· 2:00
11:00 · 12-<>0
11.1>0 • 1:00
1:00· 1.1)()
1.1)() • 3:00

9:30• 1:00

BI.K:k S1udcn1 Uolon Condom Baske1 Ra!flt
B.LC. StudyGruup - Swisdcs250
B.LC. S1udy Group. At.COUatlq 321
B.LC.StudyGroup • Accountioa:201 ·
B.LC. Sllldy Groop. Physical Scicooc. I

Bouchard .....
Acc ...
Vieira ..
Toglia ...... .
McLaren ..
·ecan ..
Dwyer .......

6-1 7
7- 16
2-6 •

1. 2
5-13 : 6-8
2· 3





•. 17.



43 • 79
44 • 76

Suffolk 94, Wentworth 54

acrte4- "She's been a u a n ~
find fOf
ol co.e6es, JSlllS add to tlie mu. an·
arduous acbcdulc void of any soft
IOUC.bcs, and yo\l could make any
~ v c . Any ucepc for 1...ey.

M -A
11 - 14
1· 6
7- 1~

Bouchard .......
Acc ..............
Vieira ..
Toglia .....
McLar~ .,


lhi~•, •,

if. -


1:00 • 2:30
1:00· 2:30


Sq.dent Govcnunco1 Associati~ Mecdn& ·

Sawyer ?3

Bcc Al phlPdMeclio&
~ ~ LqalSmdicsScml.aar:
~ fblriiom:fromQualificdPlaos

FintScmclaClaucs Eod(Law)
Humaa Raowcct Traimn& Sculon: Advlnecd E-mall
PfopaD Couocil Holiday Party Tickcl Sale
GALAS Movie: ])p BIPd
FeMoe i..o.ia,:·
Jtwlb Bimbcq Danc:eCoq,anY ptUCIX,~



Womc:o'18ubtblll¥L EatauNWRDf ~


Mco'1.Vmi1y Bamtbal~

s.W)'a'921 g:00
SawyulOOI illlla,..lllf
Sawya-1129 .;.:00

~ ..


1; •~.,•ll;~...,:.,;


W W ~ I.Ii ~

.... .. ..... -<;i,moao, _ _ _

C.WMn.a. .

RulhBimberJDanceComplaY'p r e i l e d b ~
•f"J.:c.<.Wablln-... •
,1, 1h-,•(I



M -A 0-1'0-2
10- 18 6-10

:,:;'!ns~:!:v: ~=t : : : :~: : : ~:! ~:~ ~:~


0 .





rc.idatioa.. J'ratdllytrying1obuild Mi.tala\ .........
~ a ddcnsivC J)rCICDCe, and on a Wooten .... .
0· 2
111imt1t.t} hlt we arc going to be vtty "Hurley ....
0• I
CClllllplllidve. We arc 1oin1 IO run Fernandes
.... dial arc better. We arc Totals
37-76 16--34 16-50 19
. . . .., nm Ullo team, that are bik• FG% .486, fTllo .470; 3-point goals:: 4-13 •. 307 (Vieira 3-6. Toglia 1·2,
... We ar11 ,aiog to run into tt:.aml Bouchard 0-1, Dwyer 0--1 , .Hudcy 0-1, Bean 0-2). ·e1ockcd: I (WOOien).
dlllliltemoredqlch. Bui wcarcjus1 Turnover,: 16(Acc6, McLaren 3, Bouchard 2, Bean 2, WootcDl, Fernandes) .
. . . . IO . . llllpeCI all the \l"IY Sleab: 10,,(Bouchard 6, McLaren 4, MikalaU& 3, Dwyer 2, To&)ia 2, Vieira
..... .._.,..... ad that's goiqa 2, Femaadca).
·■ -tiiilill•-pcoplcolf
SuffoUi: .................... -'1
-'1 • 94


· J . . . . . . . . . . dltriabtwlea. · Wentworth ......•.. ..•.. 35 _, 19 - 54

."!~ ,~.
.. c ~i__,.,

lh1l ... whlnlWJs3"""""«1a


Van:ity lceHodeyvs FairficldUnivmi1y

1r1u/cor111r1nd1f111c1 car


Mco'sVmity 8asketball ¥S. CunyCoUeae

pul/111p , ,,u 1h1111 11 hlh•

Wcdlcldlt l llJR


9:30 · 4:30


10:00 . 12:00
10:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30'

5:00 - 6:00
6:30- 8:30

Saturday, November 19th

O!I' the infl\lcnce Brown bu already


• .-.)1,1-J...,,llpMAtfcMAowdcM

1:00- 2:30
ld>O• 2:30


1i- 0:::i--;- ; - ~---, ----..,,;;;;;;;;:;.;;.;;;;;,t--'---7~- --t~~-,--,.,;:.,...~,m~~-===-:---:----:~~;;;.;..-jti~"':'l~-=-:-=-~-=---=-:-~:-- ~.::·.''. --~~.,'";:' :""~'t ---+

~'!' .

~movcn: 23 (Ace 6, Toglia 4, Vieira 4, McLaren 3, Boochan:I 2, Bean.
Dwyer, Fernande,, S1caJs: 10 (Bouchard 4. Vieira 3, Mik.alous.kis
2, McLaren).
Framingham ..
Suffolk ..

•, ....,,ff!NffJJl!Y.

. .,.. .

.,_,_,_4Z'1 .




f f ~ and M o d e m ~ ~ ~ 431

·Cab.... .,,.. ... _

MIS Trainia& Scuioo: lntumediatc Wordpcrfect5.I
MIS Trainlo&Room 10:00 · 1:00
Black S1udc.o1 Unioa COGdom Basket Raffle S.wyerCaleleria
Propam Council Holiday Patty Ticket Sale.
Fcotoa LoMty 10:00 . l.ilO
B.LC. StudyGroupMiao-Ecooomics21 1
Sawya-430 3:00·- ll.ilO
B.LC. StudyGmup • Chemi.llrylll
Sawye,430 5:30-10:00
Cl.ASSeminarScriea: Dr. OvtwllCl'. Praeatcr
Mvnce Confueoce Room
a.AS Cwriculum Commincc Mccdq
Fctitoa 430A .t 430B
Humanitica and Modem Languages ~ n t Meeting
s.taotuJj(J .

10:00. 12:00
10:00 · 2:00
11:30· 12:30
1:00 · l :30



1:00 ·~ 2;30
1 ,- 2:30
B.:,oa•Ycarbook Meeliaa
F,e..,. 430A
1:00· 2:30
WSFR Euadve Board Meettna
~ 4l08
1:00- 2:.30 . H A U ...,_ ...
Pl)Cbolocy 0.. SCldy. Se.ual AlaOldN Slide
1:00 · -2:30
SawyaCafdeda 1:00- 2:30
. , _ ,.. ....,0n,up
...,. .. ,
Fca&ool.obby 1:00· 2:30
Sawyer 430 1:00 • 2:.30;'r'
Sawya-430 4:00 - ,:00:, Suamaer Jobl...tlaWe(Law)
McDcrmouC..,.. Roca
Sawyer 430 5:30°'-'
~ 4 3 0 7:~
Mea'~ ~lnity . . . _ . VL Salvo Rcgiu

Mco'1Vani1yBaske1ballv1. Clartr.Univcnity
Vani1y lceHockeyv1 T11ftsUniven:l!y
Boston unlvcnity

Friday, Novanber 18th
Frandaaham 79, Suffolk 76
M•A 0-T A

J.~ · !'2:lO.I
1:00- 2:30

1:00· ~
1:00 !

The Ion did have its positive

Suffolk Boxscores

~::~ii:! ::~:~~ ~r::~
:,:e:::-~;: :'m~:

~ ..Maorccn bas really il\jt.cted how 10


University DateLine

1:00· 2:30
1:00 - 2:30

throw percentage they might have

ootcbcd a win.

ladiridually, Noreen McBride,
CIDC ol only two retwuecs from last
ICMOll'I squad. wiJJ .be captaining
6-10 1-3
.+afb'·Raml.. _The junior
1- 2
orwlrd ii ea
to be the founda0-0
tioa from which Ley
u ~ i u s i i l ..
=1~ ().I
().. 2
bil idea ud ~INCt hil desired Wooten .....
1• 2
On the 1kSclines, one new (ace 10 TO!al• ..
24-65 22-39 19-48 6
Suffolk's COICbinl staff this season,
FG!io .369, FT% .564: 3-poinl aoa1s: 6--1 5 . . 400 ( Vieira 3-4, Bouchard
tboap well acquainted with Lady 2-4, Toglia 1-3, Mikalauskis 0-1 , McLaren 0-1 , Wooten 0--2). Blocked:!
Ram baautball, is that or Maureen
( Bouchard).
Brown, tbc Wliver&ity'1 all--timc lcad-




Rams win the war, but must settle for a split

---=...-..=.-12 .


. ==-. - I
- ,., I

W""'-lay. N - 2 3. l994



Boi:IODUniversiiy 11:00·12:00

B.LC.S1Udy0roup •Slalistlcs250

Home~~ =

=~~: = = ~ ~ I



MISTrai.niagSeuloo: lnuoductiooTolofonn
MISTralolqRoom ~
Ridpwa,y '1I11 1:00.· 2:30
Sawyer~ 11:30 · 12:30 '
Fenton Lobby 1:00- 1:00
Fcnloa 337 11:00 - 12: 15

Black S1udcn1 Unioa Condom Bultc1 Raffle
Program Council Hulidly Patty Ticket Sale.
Alpha Phi Omega Mceliag
Educational Policy Com.mince. Mcethlg

MIIDCCCoafereacc Room 9:45 -1 1:00
Arcbcr 365
1:00 - 2:30
Vice Prcsidco1'1 ~ Room rWomr:0'1 Bukc1ball vs. Simmons Colkac
SlmmomCoUqc -1:00. 2:30
Careen in CorponlC law


8:00. 10:00
Ooin& Business In The Unircd Kingdom
. 1:00 •
Center rOf Manqcment Development 1:00 •
9:30 · 1:00
HumanRc,owaesTraini.n&: lntcrmediataWordpc,fecc5.1
I Beacoa. MIS Tnkliac Room 1:00 •
10:00 . 11.ilO ~'BlackS1udcn1UnlonCoodom8asltct R&fflc SawyaCafaaia. 1:00·
10:00 - 2:00
~LolibJ 1:00•
~•lnJonnltioaScssion • CMDCodnacellocn HQ..




,...,..,30 ..

Scudcm G o ~ Aaociation Mectlna
B.LC.Sbady0roup • ~ 2 II
Tbc Law a Yoa
MJS Trahdna l.oom




a..ASSemiDWScria: Dr. Ptrov,Prcteota'
Humaaiuaand Modern


1....... 0:...~C::-l.oaa


...,... ...






.,, ...

Ual~eom...kadom CoaninDe


Hll/lli1 Holillay
On lh""V o/Sbltlal Savic-es
u,,,,..g PelllJM ia Suffolk Uoivcnity'a m.-c:aa.dar. For Womldca ca aay ldledlW event, aay day oldie academic,,_..« IO lill •
lllM,,__......,. call 573-8082. A ~ n o m d o l - • ......... ....... - f o r ~ pobllcily . , _ . _

The Stdf~klou

Lady Ram play~rs




Suffolk women rebound
from first night jitters



~:~~=i~ :'a1:


Recycling coi:nmittee to
reform program

By Ryu Foley

One of lhcse keys to I
solid tedl- and successful
season is defense, a built di>
He streut.a a formidable fcase lha1 Leyden hopes will
'defcuc, player 1ou1bne11, cam notoriety for being adaand laldy, team dependency. manL ..We arc trying 1 c,0
Besidea ~. thou&b,, be car- tablish that when you play
• ria an ~ t e that yearns Suffolk, you"re really aoina
for viciory. The "he" is fint- to have 10 nail us in the hean

~~s ~~io~

Hill thap jusi various coachIna accoladas and awards. •
Heading a team of ten
women , ei&ht who have
~ played a minut.c in a
S.ffolk uniform, Leyden is
wdl aware of what he needs
lO accomplish tiµs , 1994-95
WOIIICID'I bukctt-11 season.
Now bejua occd& IO implc--ja.adit'snotaoio&to
lie---ia ~baints. A
,.... cm lake time to
aalll. dNlllp d1611tead coacb·
ii . . . . . Tajall lrying 10


: : •ad ....." Leyden


defcnsiYe side."
With stalwan defense,
Leyd~n hopes will come
toughness, particularly on an
individual level. "We have a
tough game every niaht and
our goal is to~-- i@aJ.iough
oppooent eY~ n.iaht.
Dependency i1 another
Leyden stress. point, tnd this
Rams.' dcartboCanobvious
the true seoae of the word..
"Wedoo' ti.veaoironfi;c."

to take Daniel Webster Cd- IO play solid defense and _sake
lege 56-36 in a consolation &ood shots within her ranae.
Sbc:'s been a big bclp."
Nervousness may have
As for thal first aame nerbeen nowin& on their open- vousncss? Leyden wu well
ina night loss, but it wun'I aware of itJ relevance. "We
oo Satw'day and Head Coach have a l¥W coach and eight
Ed Leyden W1II quite contellt rookie players this year. Friwilh die pcdonnanc:c of .his day night was the fin:1 time
playen dllflng the victory. lhe eleven of us have been
" It was good IO get a win and 1ogcther. So I think a combigel that pressure off our nation of us bein& new to
backs," said Leyden. "I wu each other and openin& ni&ht
quite happy' wilh our Cll.CCU- jitters got the best of us." .

By Ryan Foley


The Busters repeated u
Suffolk'Iotramul'U Volleyball
Ownpi0111, when they woo
lheir final piatches versu11 lhe
Mu~t~/!,!~flhetou1nament is 10 ao ou1. play

&ood voUeybaJI, and make
new friend s. Some of the
players in lhe townameot are

to form a men 's and women:,
varsity volleyball 1eam,"
staled Roclrieo Mencia, cocaptain of both lhe 1993 and

1994 squads.
.J This year's Busten in•
eluded co-captai ns Mendez
and Buum Alameddlnc:, u
well as Peter Donlpn, Tony
Ducos , Dennis Fruu ,
Ylaonls Glt&l et, Ollnr
Ryf.... Suffolk's 1994 Pt)igPong Tournament was held
in lhe Ridgeway Gym lhis
pest wc:ck. Ron Fallon wa:i

... ~
By Ryan Foley


let up that one Wentwonh·
Other winnen included
goal We really cost John a Emmanuel Nahla.J, Duiel
A n thon y
Earlier in the week on Mlroa.lannls, SD
1etioo with the Rams first Wednesday, Suffolk s.ka1ed Connolly.
to a- 3-3 draw with Cuny
"I was very impressed
vtCtoey of lhc season. On C.Ollqc. It was a match that with the Went," said wisSa t urd ay, Suffolk downed had the Rams. rallytna from tant Athletic Director Joe
Wentwonh Colleae 6-1, in a deficits twice, before center Walsh, wbo wq alJo an orpme that saw:six different Dan Myers scoi-ed short- aaniur. "There is a lot of
RamStallyaoals.Go.lieJohn banded to 1end the malch ~ddcnlalentbc:rcatSuffolk."
Gilpatrick wu llrOn& man- intoaoCll.trapcriod. "Ooce
With umanyu27JJU.
nin& lbe pipes and would again John W1II a force in OCI, ticipanu aod lhe tourney bcblanked his opponenll had which bas been tbc: story all inglabdedua succeu, lbcre team..accordio& IO Cotcb ·ICUOD," &aid Bums. "It WU bas a1rt:ady been talk of an-

~~2:.10 =ms~:~i:~ ~=l:u~~v:!':
aood team defmac until we

oo def~ "


lo !he past the SGA's own l'CC)'·
cling commiuce played an active role
in tht; C8mpus,-sidc effort an will be
sending !be new SOA cnviroomerul
com mittee chairpe rson Tony
Saosevero u their ,epracnwive.
After the recycllna effon's start a
Oyer from the SOA Legislative Univcrsi1y· Affain Committee (LUAC) Subcommittee bouted,
"Today Suffolk Univeraity ii takina

After a stronB initial start almost
four ycan; ago, the university-wide
recycling comrniuoe is reformina
overhaul Suffolk's recydina program.
The original commi nee went
throuah many stages and official
names over lhe past..lew yean includina : The Uoiveni1y Recycling
~::J!:;:ii!:e:;;;Ji0 ~ ~~~~1~ ~ i:U.":;;;::.:v~~
tee A.R.C. (February of 199'2), and folk Uoivenity will be.Jin a Iona
ily a.n.du Easta"
1he Recycling Erfort and Surroll: awaited Recycli~ Progrul1."
Un.iversity Recycling Coordinatina
Aa:ording to an article dated Feb.
Commiuoc SURCC (dates uncertain). ruary 12, 1991, from ~ &ipoll • The Suffolk Unran1ty ~eic
These new comminec members Eyetiini Voiu, ~s imtitl ~ ,
uavelcd to W ~
have 1evcral major wks ahead since was orpti:zed by JJ'onj,-ltapoai, wf1if D.C: fot the Republican L:oldc;nbip
the campus rccyclina poanun is no was then a seni« biolOl)'·,.;,,•' Coafomico on_ ~ ~ h e r '
longer wdl-maiotaiDCd OI" fuaction-- SOA member. Rapoai bad dcv.&1· I. '!be rcttcal,_ w~ w a s ~
ina IO h1 full po1tndaJ.. The commit- oped the tteycl.inj: prop-am for Suf-::, by.Colleae Republican Chairman Jun
tee is composed of: Unjvcnity Safdy folk u a directed uudy tbcsil in ,. Pagano, gave studentJ the oppottuQfficu Judy Scanlon, Director of envi.rcNune:nl■I tMhoolosY
n.ity to Jeatn more about the R.cpubStudent Activities boiuii Scbm1dt, ---'l'bc-oripla- cws-,- ·
lbc: •
~ agenda



! - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - -- H~key team takes.a win and a loss : : : :·~:ac~~r\~~i:

Dal■ B■riuno


==c~-~;.=~~ :

Leyden brings ideas to
Suffolk basketball

BeaconHlll, Booton; Maeaachuletta

Volume 53, Numbe, 12

nif1C&Dtly, as wdl u Tamm.r
Thorp, a rookicsemation who
can hit the jumper at wiU.
Tania Al'U:dlan it "1"
other player who cao play
big in the pccL However,
Anb.lian brings another dimensjoo to the Lady Rams.
For a pou player Arakelwll
has lhc added tendency of
bciag Ihle to hit tbe fifteen

Suffolk women'• basket·
ball ii bKt io action, Ind the
Lady Ram, a rc ready 10
IQllad i,, lcd by
the ca:peric:aoe and leader•1hip of Norocn McBride
Jll5) and Nucy Glennon
lm), bodl ol wbom .e the
,-17 memllen ID retwn to the
. Radb. Smejblova, a stu~ from
da patience dcna from the Conner Cucho~pidance.thcywiUSead sloVakia, has an unlimi1cd
• ve,y talcftloll poue, of roi>k- and untapped potential to
ta- c:.:ito the DOkt level of bu- become a force oo the team.
Her hard work and dedicallttboll.
The two wceran players tic.n has paid orf trttncnlion offensively and defenByllyuP...,,
sively. I think we defended
ti;e IUff'OU~ by players dously and she bu shown
lhe bukd miach better, and
considerable improvcmcnL
Two 1i11cr1. Sere and
The: Lady R a m s ~ offensively, worked for bet·
. . . . . -cjolkdamoog
lljlDY thinaa, a demon on Raky Kcita, from Mali (a from the Pine MllllOr BruneW ter shots."
n..,•1a1soJClUU- country in West Africa) arc
..,Vc:dicco.91hoae defen- the most surprisina players ~v8:t:1:::~
r,tc ikilh wilfks used to shut on the team. Sere, a player bre1hren. They concluded, with ever} member
tli:,wo the opposing team's with a 5'8" frame. poness ioumamen1 play with a 1- 1 of the squad loggina minutea
greal ball-handlina abilities record.
durin1 the weekend . One
to"" guanl.
MichdJc Kdly, a feroFriday they fell 7.54 in spt.cific standout has been
cio111 reboui,d , and P.O•t
LADY ~ ,0-- hr,"" •~ ~pnicoii!i ;,.'e =·"' • =•c,___.;. ;:. ' :.
_ ~ - ==p
~l•ic.Y;. il~t~ ~,;;::- f;;.;"" d,s
' •




~~:~ Suff~ ~pub~ take OD W ~ n

!:'v:~ o!fyom:=:!:.~

implemcolm afttr a serits

Ann Lyons frorn the law 1£boo1 environmental society.



He said !hat the American people an!
tiffld of bavio1 tbc Dcmocnf,ic petty
doLDa the talkina.
At the conclulioo 9' hi11peoch,
he added lbe fact that the American
people made !heir vicwt knowD at
the poila wicb die Republican eweq,.
TIie Nil day, Sdalk lllldtnu
were involved ia all day KNiom on
political i ~ rangina from conse:rbeva'!av~~~ .. mmi~
~ -~ . to
edia relaliol..

will ~ffcct

~ lhe Capitol, lhe first item cm'
.the agenda wu 10 med with M
aaa- preseatation he said, " I believe in
c hu1e1t1 ConareasD'la'.n Pete r G .' : l?lannin&, strategics and visions. We

continoed oo PIF 2

Forensics team take seventh

· · ~....,n
Place ID W:asl,.;n'n -fn·
- -- ---'Cb~--- T - - ~
.. -..,-..

~ : : " : o ~ ~t: n ~ ~ :
era! Agrccmcnt on Tariffs and Trade
(OA1T), a \rade bill -which is CA·
peeled LO brina billions of dollars

can people are lookina for: We need
to reclaim lht.mcanina of the word
arowth . I opp<>sed taxes when

through th~ preliminary rounds IO into lhc world's commerce in the Rcqlrt, Buth and Clinton wanted,
the semi•finalli Whelan coded De-. nut decade.
tbcm ...We arc stronacr u a pany
bate wilp,a third plate lbowm&Sea.ato-dcct Mljority LcaderBob. than we were in the '20's."
The Weekend of December 2. .
lo addition 10 Debate tbere wc:te Dole . t-Kansu) aaid ibit _bc Uai!,Cd
Aip~na Oinaricb'• aoaJs. be



the Syffolk Forensics team travded
iod.srnati6n.'' capil01 fortbeAmeri•



Harvard Un.ivcrsity, American Uol·
versity, r --c Mason University,


1bil ICISOD's ~ topic WU
Welfare Reform; natiooally a very

:=c:~ :tbcto


nda)lbodaa countrici.

my·procaa. H e ~ by . . . . . .



1he indivi~ual even":. IodiYidual
u'::a~s..': ·
~vg&tafalludOtbree~~~ bide illelffroarbade .aad its claiact

~NbUc ~ ~ v e , M d

spc,1'iaa~ : .Mlle ~

~ - - - .... - ......,

Tbe Umi&cd



limiu for lftPU·



bate. Yickef Whelan advanced


Otdl'American people rejec:#d Illa
if the

~ tfaiac)



oa tbll lludpl- .

tt. Amaba

people _ . . . • • •
fmmaticm IP and tbal the wdfac




CDldllled cm


:tuti.:sf:~ ,._


educatioG. jourMlism and otha vari-

;'imeUC:: ous ~

form propouls.
before the c : . . : :
Conninabam proaressed range from 1 1/2 ll!WMltel 30 miJtoo
throqh the prclimilwy ,opndl of utes to ruearcb a■d preJme. For




lnwpntive CMCIO'Y· ,._ Umiled GCULl&eda tbe eveaia1, irudcau
Preparadoa cventa iaclade &tma-., vcabnd to the Marion Hold, where
~eous and Impromptu speak• thed WII 1 ~ of elected Rc-

~~~r=: ~Jr-:U:: :: ;:::
latioo.. Each school's Debate 1cam

a ~~ - t -


c!.-:.-:,!:.~ ~
and...,_ :!:.

majority of Americans wanted to






E-..-a..-.. 4




t - - -111