File #4207: "Suffolk Journal_1995Feb15_vol53no16.pdf"


TbtSalfolki-ul W.....,;..y,Felwary8, 1995


Sharon Stone

. ady Rams dealt a ....---'-"-L
Jmock-out punch
By Ryu Foley

Suffo& raises tuition


By Ryan,.,. ·

The men ' s basket~ IJ
- - . ._ undoubtedly seen
D ,..._ of milestones lhc
~ tew Weeks. Besides

....... -Vlcl.-.nocch" ' Ma IOOOtb point on

i,,i.t,. .. ..,..·uve

Volume 53, - r 1 8






ll!llilaiii . . .



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Coatialld from pqc I

,... l for



a cllaalodll .



TbeSuffoltloun,al W - y,Fd>r,wy15,1995

Wedaesday, Febnw}' 15, 1995

tenn• _

bill ~ ~ i p


19ft' Ill

,.....:.i. .

Pre-,Paid PhQne Card Use
- rowing on Campuses.

o£•'ffw :., Jud)


~ •, •

8,apaky ~

t'i- Scw,(ioe
_ _
" ~ ~ Uli~9'


.. •
they were fil'll ~ in Europe
IOd 1 - . 11..canb ha,o h<comoafliWlltiD~U.S.onlyin thc

Life Almost &ck to Normal for 'Ten~" Prof~r


LYNCHBURGt VL - Life LI start•· •
ing lO get back' lo nonnal for Tom':..
N;..fy,· had a1mOll goueo """1

St0.000 for tbll
,• .N ,.M ~ bad, very bid." Dutm& one month
to . . . . . dllllmpleda
aloac,thebilltotallcd.SIOOforlong-~ ~ . . , , . . . r.,_ tJ.JM.~ dilwlcccalll made to friends atoeber'
SaraeatdiaasisilrddlloDOtionthat campuses. The biU's-atrival put an
J-. 26. ~"'We'n, A
very N I ~ ~cacii.
rilills 1Uidoe bnmediatc dmlper oa. hil ~
wUt we tpoad our monCy oa ..l wue 1
la lbe admini,rra- lo call buddies an:i!ndt the clock to
~ . _ . . . , ckab 1111d adlln lioa decitKMt to
hl.idoa. at I Jib. ·
lib. k . . INpa..~-bJ' . .
qm ill(r-'• 8.3,.,
Oibl,oa rallied, ~per,
euna; ~
-..__ . . _ ~ •
AltpP-' ~ o a by th 9 when be di,covered I new l1!CO\ be. . .....,- ~

~ ,.sr.1aa1 ~ ~ in 1ng hawked on campuses - the pr&~ ~ di,.T
~ by Saraem ,pajd 'pbooe card. Sold .in ~ u
..... nipnllai-CO, bodtctinl u"a~oppo,tunlty'~foiifu- ofS5,.$10,S20andm0te,thc.di~pos1philoloptly IUblkled • dae council dent invol'lernent. Sarpnt •~
ablecardl .operateonaflalper,m1nute
..,,i,Mid a coaditklall·cap o f ~ tbal1bc WUvcrshy'l ldm.lni1tr1tlon rate no matter what time ,of day-you
._.,..... bydub. Noy'lhft thole was "very unhappy'/ about having to call.lnmostcues,tbetearenoadded
implogiieat; ml year'• incrcue and costs for primo-timoadling, toll calls,
' will 1111 op'° . . aowt,,-.,oiDled ,haa•
,-alw:aylubQe:11. •~roul of cap- busy sigaaJ, ,.d'J. unaas.wetca: calli.

pur .cwo ,-,.. «ese:ucb alrcad)
shows that ~ I bait of pre-paid
pbooe card pwdlMen in this nation
arc becwaca IICI IS to 24. To date.
more lhan JOO diffuent compan1
arc vylna-loc collcaiatc busincb.
knowina that colleae 1tudcn11 arr
big UJUI of pl)' pboacl. Those 11.·uh
phone credit or c_alli~& ,cards fr, .
qucntly mu OW.their lmut.. and par.
enu ICC reluctant ·to Pr:9V1~ them
with pcnooal tclepbooc credit cards
"Pre-paid phone cards lire \ 'Cr)
popular bac.k ~~e. in ~inga~ rc:·
uya Soutbcm llliJ'.'01S Umvcmt)· i.c nior Sanjay Seth. 1"hc cards come
decorated with different designs tlwt
users coll~ l i b ~ cards. Some
of1p0puJar tour-

to seeing tbe1daity 1
conupcnu abow
his dilcovuy in the newiplptt aad .;
on TV.
And while you may noc m:ognh:e Niccly'1 name, you've probably heard of his discovery: lhat che
Pentium compua.q chip was flawed.
Aft~ rockina one ofthomlion't
largest companies, u well as iu millions of cu.stamen ICJ'OU the globe.
by flagging the flaw, N"icdy is rQdy
to put lhe past behind him aod get cm
with his quiet life as a math professor
at Lynchbura CoUege.
"It's fuMy. I wu aimply doing
research," aaya Nicely, •adclina tha.
11ie corutant phone ca]Ja from reportcrs have final.\y. alowcd ...A math The
lbc.o. powacd
professor wually hu lo aboot
by . Iiitel'a - Pell1i ■ID cbl p, aavo
oaetogcMhis,mucb~atemion. L21265962"tll.S/7104. 11• it,

made.~ many other matbemad-, um.MC$ .wbat eacb ·mambcrabould be
ciana -., computer men.
u •lbe pl'llbiem-aeu tolved..-To mate
The D£&t marniDg. be received a aan lblt lbe maws ii ICCWale. the

• ~ • ·Nll>dluttahd
piaa" iacreuetbinl mo I J.,,., 1
The cards arc "activated" ,-r~ ~ t l W i a ' r......,tafy -<fcil~~1if,.t.denusbould chuebydialing800, apenooal 1D
........_. . . . . . daiie,11terelcllrle CJ:lpecf......,. mcreae oat year, mun7>er and the 'phone number.
s.r,eataidtblt ":it'stou&h touy."
Gib50n U)'I he's oow • regular
~ . _ a r e fll00d with.ID Recalijaa tbe daya wbcn he paid user, buying the cards in S10 and
admittedly :form..ldablo ,,prob
$400 a· )"Ill Cot ta.itJoa 11 Suffolk, S20 increments as I way to help
taaaberl ol the tllll> beo,....y mat SIIJml voiced' bis c:onc:em thst ris- cooll'Ol hi1 phone call budget.
tt.y ate1 boD ~
rand 'open. ing iaftadop.,wiU make. those da)'l 11
''The pre-paid cards I buy cost
nu.oded u lticy.-tfke on their rapoo- distant memory, and the future more about 12..5 ccnu a minute and arc a
sibilidea. f"'Wdl I ike the idea." ro- unccnain. ·
much better deal than the 20 lo 30
nwtcdDicgoPOl1illd,adnuttiag's ~ - -- - - - - - - - < c c n u a minute chat&ed by AT&T,
goina' to be difficult because ·I don't
which runs the phoQC scrvk c at my
bow what we are gding: f\l,bl ~~'~ ~jobef'g aJso noted that her doan." he ~ S. "Now, I buy a card

ists spots like Ila mer-liori ·starue."
W1yne ,St1t.eUnivenitypo~1 graduMe itudent Christine Clay also
got rumed,oe to pre-phone card,
wlulo tnvelina abroad. While the:
cards arc newlx available 011 her camp,s and aren't popa.lar yet, she say~
this 11 only 1 because U.S. stude ntdon't bow .. w.haL they are. Clay 1., additional uudies ,at Waynt
State tinivqlity in Wa)'OC, Neb .. af.
tcr spending two .years as a Ptaci:
Corps volunteer in Ghana.

• '..-,..

cul ~~-lnleLol~·~..- - ,;•1

college.. wruch is locatod 1J)pl01.imr,tely 180milestouthwcatofWasbington and has about 2.300 ltUdc:otl.
"I would have •people callina me
congratulating me," he uya. "I really appreciated it. but I just don't
know how much I deaerv«l iL"
Nicely insisu he was just doing
his job when he realized thal the
'Pentium chip had a flaw. Last June,
the 5 1-year-old professor was .con-

paid·~:t:': '~d~i~:w~:~.:
Ulc aay, .. ·:Usina, it wu ,-neat. You
didn' t have to sctape up money and
then insert all the coins into th

five computers one night to perform
routine - at leas1 routine for• math
rofcssor-arithmctic roblems, like

figu~ic:cl~c!:!!i~ii:;;:!i~ - 1 :}~t~~dco:~=~ -~
pany official, of the problem. At ing" 'to racarchcrs. •
first. his concerns fell upon deaf ears.
The Pentium chip's flaw ia based
Then,• few weeks later, Nicely de- on (ftve miuini numbers on• divi-

lot to call my mother. I was surpnse,J
to see the cards in this country."
Indeed, international siudcm ,
who have uu:d· lhe•cards back home
buy the cards regularly on campu~.
says Michael Shupp, general mer•
chandiwmanagcr at Iowa State Uni•
vcrsity in Amca. : !startedsclling the
earth two yean aao, and sales ar~
increasing ," ·ho •,s...I cxpcc1 th~
market lo really take off."
Jim Slr.icrsch, directorofthebook·
store at Southern..Olioois Univcrsi t)'.
&ay1 then:'• a bi& difference among
the various companies Selling pre•
paid phone cards. , ..Stores have· w
know how cOfflpetitive the market 1,
and make sure thcj, offer cards with

When Ni:::ely came to work the
next morning, four computcn
had the right answer for the
problem: 1.2126596l940g666956.

Internet:, Olher Pentium users
if their comeu1ers produced the
wmn& answer u well.
Within hours, he received conftr-



"'We •

dam~ bill. be...,.., '1 fdt

• • . . . . . . . bo-

••t apmd
::'°~.-pcaidal-% i ."aid
Repoblicau. after the+moctiA& of




• •

......,....._., • ·~ i t




.: ow~m:i~IJ the, ~•istina
or distributioa:· fu~ t,a j'sartiYal ,of
thefiucst,' Sfobugaa,eeswithPbrtiUo
that changingithings won't be eas)'.:

a tough one.

~:~•: : ~:~1 :;n~;o=~;:,S,lij~!:

While the consensus amona ta.sir.
force members was that the job may

warn my frif:nds not to take it pcr,on•
ally when we get cut off, which ha;>pens when ou llllk.
t ow limit."




.. ·
-I.LIM 1•-111,11,1 .:!_•;~1.. .;..._i·
.....-..- - --.


UICI. . _ _


chal made the Cl'nll',". uys
N"ICCly. "ljllltfipredthaewaslOIIICthiog wroo11l(itb die c:quatioa."

So be worked
the prDbkm off
and oa f« four moathl, chcckinc it
on compaten that IIICd the Pentium
chip and thox tbal did no1. Ae used
ccmput:ers o( other Ly&hburg. iwofessors, friends, even the local elt.c,.
tronica ,tore. Each time, be came up
with the woe rwilu. By then, be


___ -,-.-.


officials spen& lhe out
__. acbowlodpng dllll thc, dlip
wa1 flawed but rdaled IO rq,ilce-iL
FiaeBy; afta: the Pmlium chip coo-.
trovaly aeemed to take on a life ol ita
OWll, Imel
to replace !he dup
freo-o(-cbarge. C the fflore' than 2
millioa.affected ·computtt ·owoera.
Afthough Nicely aereei with the
Intel offf4;,ialJ who say the flaw would
, never have any implCl oa the Jar&e


',----.;;.._;~,a'waaaai,'i:,o'",;i;;;i;;;;-;..;ii,-i.~, so-,,rmm,,nr.,.,..,..,...,,,rir,;,o;,,a.,~t-="i1nC-ou,~" '°" "';;;"";!· ;"" p:T ,:i'.ho,'=---;: ::,_1d~b"::--:,:';15-'t-, :--..:::.".'._,,=".:~,:",-,- .-- -.'.:'.:f~;,~,'og;;24~_6<i)~l.i i101STT,4TT117,;;;ot;o'f='-c,f. ..';;;;:r.;;""c,'=, m i.a-a,,:;,on.;;~
~;;;;;; " ::'·•<' = , bo' '-;·;:;
:~ =
.. m
;. ;.
;' 1. ;,o-;;;
.:.aa u,g
change the way ~that the money is pressed a willingnus to meet such a
distribuled. Getting agreement frOOl challangc. Greg Lanza bdievcs that
COPu •whole.which happens to be experience -in thC S1udcn1 Governmade up of many smaller organiza• ment Association's Studc:m Judicial
lions, is gOUI& to bc"a littJe difficult." Review Boan:I (SJRB) will cnhanct:
Sjobera explaioed thal larger or- Ills conll'ib~tion ~o the task force.
aaniutions are " very active and, -rhe expenencc itself lhould be •
becauso,. ~y.J.l!_vc ~ a:a~~ ~J,ac~~ for .me 10 ,wort ~ff ~to.!'(H'Clt)Q!_CY•?'• ~ uu!P " I ?,' going
they arc ~fervc mlirc r uuo it with eyes wide open.



P~Ot>zA ·•95
A µiosical eveiit
-to·beJJefit Chi,Wre_ with AIDS.
Friday; M~p:i

C. Walsh 'Theatre


Ticket&: $4.00 in advance
$5.00 at the dpor·

cards have been popular ways of
chatting since the mid-1980s. when



contioued' 1 page 3

,., • .,.


Continued from pege I
should bave found out when 1hc)
staned, the ~ . aod we should
have made our QtUentation at 1
firu mcctinc,"
decision by Cbriatenson and others
within SOA to lcam from last year's
miatalr.ea. "We ac,c out there and we
aid ' We wur. in'(olvemenc in this
procesa,' Md ~ p v e it to us be·
cause wl' did t» l'CICUCh and we
were prepared." uid Qristcnson.

.( '


Continued from page 2

~~~~· · .,Ari==~rie:!'!v:~ .
== ::-~~t!::.-;:
:i~ fru
40 minutes of time a ,aecond Cffll,




or charge to ,fve

Further, some companies pro- and ent.husiastic ~paid card UICI',
vide customized and private label appreciates the lack of billing saas
cards. For example. the Quest Ub- "bccailse your 'bUI' ii l.ucaotly taken
cny card can depict fine art repro- off tho canl. And f« l&Udenta, the
ductions of J>l!ntinaa by van·Gogb: ot Icsa strtu the better."

•.ooo poaib1e americ uswen.

TM 6ve ~ IIUmbcrs make
cauio Ulwen to· cataia aumeric:
ccmbinaaiou ~ Whal any
two numbers tbM mrc niliucd to the
five millina 1oobp table nwntien
are ia a div~ problem, ibc, chip
pro&cel an error, albeit after the
eighth decimal place..
Intel apolr.eamaa Howard Hi1h
uy, Nij:dy ,did "'a _
finiand thor-

;:!; =·,A : t , = ; , ':ei~
offered Nicely a COCllllJtin& job.
But .rter stints oo CNN, National
Public Radio and other networks

ookup,able-of-4;-000r-Coro-aaou..tbe......Z...<-......"--LI-llX-- ~-",

puter chips gcfanswers to long divi~
sion problems, or floating decimal
point problems, by wing an algorithm f ~ called SRT, whkh es•


SeuraL Other companies ftalurc inelude ski and buicb acenes, stock
good rates and reliable scrvi~." he .
Card,' scllen toot~ advansays.
tages to the card bclidea the obvioos
Calling roles,, ScrYiccs and fea- 50pen::ent~l,inpormoreovern:gu•
lures vary from . company to com- larFSllinacanb:. "lfyou'n:inaroompany. The Libert)' pre..paid calling mate situatiot, rlthcr than split the
card of Qu~ Telecommunications phone bill, eac~ student can use his
Inc. offers an auto-refresh system Of' hp- own card to keep lhcir phone
tha: can be billed to lhc wtl''I .credit tabs separate," Shupp &a)'1. " And if
card eacH · month: ,The PhoncCash you lose your pre-paid card, you!rc
cardofTLC The Loo.1.J?isianceCom- ju.s( out of the money left oa the card.
pany offcn ~ based oo time and • where you C!)Uld be out up to s1;000
distance rather than just per mioote:, if someono.,aeu abold o( your regular
says TLC's Vice P!Jsidcnt of Mat- callin& card. And I've seen this bapkcting Tammy Frtnlr.lin. "So the pen ."
cl0$CI' you call, the cbeaj,er the rate."
Oisadvantagei to pre-paid cards
Frank.lin 111y1.
seem few. "'Some rate.a are hi&her
Additionally, • two-for-one dea1 than others, ao you need to under•
offeredbytheUnivenityCallingCanf stand what '70U'n: buyiag," Shupp

j'•~ ~~•~~ ~ cmol
u..--.-._::wlllLCII ...... _.


ready to jDmp bact on the ~ w
fut track just yet. "I' m goina to
enjoy the quiet Cot a while,.. he uys,
.,and ~el back to my research."

ThcSllffolkJounw Wednesday, February 15, 1995

ThcSuffolkfounw Wed»a4ay,Fehnwy 15, 1995


Dead Concert Ins_pires College Filmmaker
By Marco Buscqlia
CoUqe Pras Service
Pete Shapiro
wa waJkioatolua'c!!'aftcrwatctdn,


Ullo each sbowdown.- Tht-

Dead;' Slil,pq,!ju,p; p\i!YAl' "1!'il~it'csthasnc,ed,ccnlhis
myACtious la4y gunslinger c1tcibng. The
with revenge on her mind.

mm ~Y be

run by Herod (Gene Hack-

Another plus in a film
bclicveainS1caliogthecom- loaded with pleasures is the

mer Bros ·
Wh:>opl Goldberg, Mary-Louise Pari<er and Drew Barrymore lnthe new'Wamer Bros
munitics money, turning perfonnances.Stone(..Basic . release, "Boys on the skte.•

women int,o w~orcs and Instinct" and "1bc SpeciaJMlusing hinu.clfby intimi,., ,1 i5f':).,,ari _
~ lrWM never
II '
daling.hwniliOl mgaru!.mu,- seems lo ,n:cc;,. deserved
dering his rivals.
credit. gives another solid
J ,.
Herod loves vioJenQe so portrayal
By Jtnmru MJdaad
home. Combining a lesbian, _crs. and willJ lhe;i;nselves.
much that he has devised a
She doesn't stop taking
an AIDS patient and a prcgWilh paf'ectly acted char•
- --.,ont,,srin whicltpleyers-&ign-ri&b.-Wilh-hu-g
men and (ollowin ac1ers, the movie i1 very ht-·
upto competcin quick-driw looks and sculpted figure,
"BoysOnThe Sjde tt takcs theirrriendsh.ipthrough some tievable. Dircc1or Herbett
shoot-outs. The. wiRDCrs in Stone seems theJcast hbly on a very dirficult task. dr,al·. cough times, in every 1i1ua• Ross makes thi1 hit his 25th




n ·

uo·, .o' fii:ou plrt ''Boys" on-the side





the entire COnfest gets to blewecd, but1hepulls i1~ff. andMary-LouiscParkcr,what
pockttnhc~yamoontof~. . S~ provides her character movie could be II mi11? D;c-(i·
.. St?,IJC , ., •lllY,t.e[!u>us .~.Uh 1 tradcmark .s~th. nitdy not' this
~ CllloC'11
Jhc2~ L 1 h~~h'(C~,-coqlul':'todQ1"" ~" ill takes ~9 ~ ~,;

f.~·-, : :. •
, .:


~ rcla1e some


as• :: !¥~

plet!; : ; : ~ : ':,~ ~::~
the three ~h~ ters take off
pp nj~~-y frpm N~w York
i!:l4,~JR1Wti ~ } 18, H ~: .



= ~: '. eG::n;o':r~~~:: :n::
box of tiss~es and go cnJo)
the ,~~ : ,
, 1• <l'tr&:J ~euf~-'3 41~.JAcf. !~

alOl\lfth-ocldbaHout-alTanlla>...-g _ _ , ,,, "'.....,arld ~ ~ ;lfu'f/!,l!f,111!,.,wl../lWJioal"'f' iacii.,,,d<~ill•)~,98" ~ '!
lb"l"d I><
law~and~~tcc,haiilc-~ encc.
~mdow. Eve7 ~m~~?t .. ~~P _
they ~ro':"' mto more - ~ ~ I A l • Jllilll
Gary Sinise'' ( .. Porre·st
Gump" ), Lance llenrikson
J.. Aliens" ) an~: l.eo'!_ard0
Dicaprio 'c_--Wfiit~ r~ lir\g
G ilbcn Grapt"{ .,
, ,
a brilliaptJy sta&ed &Cries of
shool-OUBarwllensecoofron- ,•
lations. Dicap:io'sKidtrieJ
to cam there,pcct of his fa.
lhcr, Herod, whUelhecowns•
people pray to oven.brow
Herod from power and put
,.., _ ,_ 0 .. _ - - - ,
11 ,
, ,1
~ As
b y S~m



:l '

rn ·


fron:' the audience 11 IJ:ian Just fn en.d1: . lhey bewell desenu,g,
come a family. Somc1hing
. ~in_ with tough sp~ none of them ~ ve beCfl able
JCClS in hg~•~carted w~y_ to ba_ e before is an under,
Ill.lows the nK>vie to really bu standing and comfon in oth·

·Stone 1nteU1gcntly fib • digs up
manizcshcrcharadcrbyproviding depth through 100ks
:or hatrc.d , coinpas~iOtn ,
~ . fear' and doubt inter•

H a,ck man

f'Unfor -

givcn'1 givcuficroeperfor•
r:nanOC as Lhe villian; and

likable• Kid.

Partys<:hool poll:Whoi rtilinber
one when c~ ~done? · :.;. ··

"The Quick and the
Dcacr' is a uniq~
by a director r fL-~g
on his mind · •• fun. The

By Marco BllSCaglia
College Preu Service
lli Satur says be had a
docent social life in college.
•~uelisft~ieff'lgmo,w: "I Y~.oulto <I>• ban oo the
r~ ~


f;;~cJp{ .,tnypjboo&:f



ofthc'~ei:rirc; ~
•• a 1hc fl~t guy," he says. "II
Raiini(..ArmyofDaibcss" andditectoiRaimi(tbcffare' was nothing special, but ii
aad"Dlrtman'1 1bc:Quic.k ~ of his ak:t lO!JChea).. was all righ1." .
..SdleDead"is amaster-· Porallothcrfilmaocrs,;wi
Butacconhngtolhecdi__,ia-,kand lddelip. sil back, rdu ~ have ooe ::,~~~~nr~~


'1118 JIID¥io ii tuutitul •d hell of• aood b~


Clmll8 MR is breath-

ne:,r. rel~, from Mells~••
El,lierid&e'* Jn(I Sheryl Cro"'the ' m'us)c llij,:cs the moY1c 10
the top'.. ·


Chicago grad, attended the
"all-Ollie wom place to go 1

school, ever."
While University of Chi-

of ~ o a. case or da.sse., .
colleie location. college fa .

cqo may be a good place 10 cllities, spbns involvemen1.

bump into Nobel Prize laurc- happiness quotient and brag·
· · •
a1es, 111sntuac1lypanyceri• .gin& f•torl" ·'
Gcotietown'> University
: :. say. ,.Inside ·Edge" cdi•
tops the suniey, scoring &8.9
In the mag111ine's 1 cc. oot of a possible 100 points.
ond annuaJ Fun College Sur• While acknowlcd,;na that the
vey, 101 colleges arc n.tcd 11:bool iJ difficuh 10 get ioto.
rrom O LO 100 for each of the the mag~ne describes the


tJactivcncu of studt.ou, ease

COCIWKled on page S

rvdy gives interviews. He agreed co

mcntarie, on the Graleful Dead . student's film.
When he didn' 1 find any that gave •
"Wbe·n that Jiule spJil.Sccond
INO ~ ofthclire of s Deadhcad, "thing happens when the Dead are
he decided to make his own.
playina and everybody in the 11.1di-Sh,oi,ro g_ui~y rcpJJ! ted '?hil eas:c:1.Q!S ·•wow~d!cf you sco ituu-,;"
e~el1!"J'riiendb1hi,11who"\t!Jamffl Kestf


major. and the two decided that they
would be the onii 10 · prel'tn1 1the
gica1 American Dead experience 10
"People who have never· been to


= .

~=~~i:~~:nrc.~~:= =:~;~~;~!';· ,-::,~

still burning in his mind, Shapiro,

toa!,ulld .

man), an evil lawman who

Supiro~pe,fi,rm.iDI ..miracles"



on bis fann in Oregon. 1'hut's why
kids will sit through five tiotu1 of
mediocre music to' have ibat one
because it
them in
1oucb with the invisible."


"'Aad Miles to Go" cods with

and Wavy Gravy.
Continued from p1ge 4
Ke19,au1!»« 0£''0ne AewOver e'··· __ , _,. " n»ffy," lea~••,.,.
the Cuckoo's Nest'! and originator of
.... 1
. ,.._
the Electric Kool-Aid . Add Tests , dew plenty or time 10 so.kin the


slim on story and charactcr-

Shcridcs into the town of iz.otion, but it is loaded with
Redemption and s-hakes wit and sardonic humor and
things up a bit. lbc town is moYCSalongatapacesimilar


Your ad C8D appear


oily bd'0tt.," says John Bariow, ibc Ocldbeada. ill which a ~ fan
GtMduJ Dead'• lyricist ill Ihm rwn. planauia oa spcadiq tbe cmq,t ill
"'Wbco lhat ai,ac ln coaract wib a ',tbc paddoa lot receives a free ticta.
rQf CCIIDDIJUlf'• tMy•u .... tomD- . from 10aC011e be or ,~·
thin&," '
·know. '1 ~ to show llow' pu• Su.alitia i · tkadbead froin siCIMIC people are about tbc Dad,"
Perry, N.Y.,-_.
poppiq up ia. Sbapiro uys. "You ICC bow tbcac
"Aod Mllea 10-Go,. a t ~ 1oca- ~ react It's like the ticku'1 the
lion, in Buf'&J.o, N.Y., LO\llsviUc. bat tbia.1 that eve~ happened to
Ky., and CiucNo- " All thcN p,oplc tbcJli."
arc me. ud .. I am them~ a. ~uys.
"We're. all about peace .,J IO"IC and
lovio' everybody."
Sbaeito A.YI tliai because of his
amlUUr 6lmmal:in, IWUS. be wa
able lO get historical pcrapcctive oo
the Grateful pc.. from aome ao-

who have ncvcr· secn uy

=~::f::: ;~0~;~1:: =

In 1he Quick and the

tbe ~ d f~=~n~t~r!~ :-.
almaa.ainllyoftidlbom.dle : barba

film on the Gnueful Dead coun•
terculturc. and shopping around for
a distri butor.

~S.:~s:1%~~!> .




tar)' that will b,c
to c:dd:,ratc
lhc Ckalefut- Dead•• ~ a.nniveraay. Hebu beeocop~ by~
lllbOQI.M wcU .. MTV ad" car-

""Thcrc were wu_this bi& drum
circle IIOUDd this ~ ll'1 IDOW·
ina: out, and these auY1 are all ~ ina the drums. daociac .ind just enjoyiq it," be aay:1 . :'W}lea 'I AW
lh!"l, l awmfld(Jlaewaepoop&c
of all dift'cna ~ &cuiaa
toptbcr'to d o ~ they loved.
It really SOC. lO mc:.,r..
Havlna l,cen to many of the Sao
Fruclsco band'• c ~ , Shapiro
was aware that nc.d shows were
more than • liie pcdormaoce by a
band.Still, thcima,eiofroatoltum
bad an dfca oo him, and be decided
that he needed 10 ·ac1 on tha1 inspiration.
Two later, Shapiro is pre.-

By· J~

fans arcri•1 M ~ with beiJII
outside ol IOcicty u they are widl


Suffolk caiDpUs at

once, ~v~ ~ " .
The Saffolk Journal.

Karen M. Courtney,
ofJPmnsylwnia, ' wllefe tiwle is no
oceall, no callwc.: Md 1no sumhioe.
Ob well, no schoofia per(oc:t."
• ;Tulane Univenity '7be.lW·
dent body1panicipata: ia ,year-loo&


= = =n~s;:::::-0 : : ~ : : . -:::



high~ could beat." s ~
~otic dripts aft\1
that •
. 1uniey, -rhese guys m!lll.btow bow lat all Dipt ~ .'
· :...
to lie~ back-"
• OtuoStatc,Uai~cnity.-:-~U
Al!'.houth ~enn Siate., foot~all basap-eat~rc.palSboo.~ ~
team wu '!e,rued the natJona1 title, amounts to some of tbe beat tailpt1
~ ~ VC(li_ty has ~ 1 b e ~"'•111g ~
iii _ N!'~...

~"IJ~n _f _bcina~ the '.-'_~ "!11i~efl~Qilifor-;
number one dnnking school IR the n...,.._ 'Of couno_yoii ~ ttitl '
macot of- tbe ICMOl • approprilldy
"Wilhoul, • doubt, it's the- top named tbc Tn:,jam.. 'Huff Mid." ' 1
drink:i~--!!9hool in the cowmy, Stu• Stuford Ua:iyenily - 'ibe
wbae the ~ doa,

Wednesday, Fclxuacy IS, 1995

TheSuffoll<Joanal w - . y. FclRuy 15, 1995

Sex! Condoms!

· Once In a:llfetime opportunity

- Mike S h a w -

s.oa: ~ now have a rare opportunity to
mapel. \ ,,.

Dpid - • • ploy, Tit, CrypW&,_ produood b)' lheAmeric.MI Repcnoryn.c-, iocumotly
baviacm'.-pe,niorodalitllSuffolk'1C. Wabh
'lbeltm. Mamet. Puliaa- Prize wiuer and adthor of
odlcucdmmccl'p1ayiGi,,,,arry Gk• Ros, I.Ods.....J
p,rwn/,jm Cllkqo,mo<!i"-dlc production, part of
tbeART1 .NcwSca,e,aerics.
Jr.. is aa inteis play aboul the codes we aJI develop '
whee talkiq:tocacbothct, and the roundaboul way we
have of upn,:aia.a omselves, especially to those we
love. "
EYcry atudcot ahoukl avail lhcmselves of this rare
opportunity. No(ooly will it allow studcnlS ro view a
Suffolk studcau ~ availablo at half-price. and for the
fJoc)bul ltmo-lC opportunil}' for lobe
reprded Dlllioaally. TbcNc.w Yort Tunes has been lO
the C. Wal5b Theatre to see The Cryptogram. and gave
theprodoejion a rate review.
Bo&ton has long been regarded asa majorcontcndor
in the lhcatricaJ wortd. Many plays have had initial runs
hctc before aoin& on to Broadway and lhcatrc history.
For many, the stage 1w an intimidating aspect.
Pahaps ii is because of the expense. rarely can a live
pcdOfflWlCC equal the low cost o( going to the movies or
staying home and watchinat&le:t'isi9o, H.a.w~vet.ncitbcr
of,lhesc.mcdiwns can match lhc live theatre for immeducy and drama.
To (ho5e srudenll. who haven't seen The Crypto-

gram. it ii rcoonvncndcd that they b'y to 5ee- it at ~ I
once, although with a playwri&ht as complex as DaVld


Mamet tcnda ro be,
viewing is rarely enough to
discover all that
lS losay.

This is arare~port_unity, one that is gcoen.lly only
achools. such &S Harvard and Yale,
that emphuize theatre for all students, regardless of
major orcareer track. It is an opportunity that all Suffolk




-- -.

"Son, obam:ious Md uaij"'wut only get you IO l'ar in

life. 'Ihc:o you11 oocd talent."

• JI• 11c1ute, 1""""11 cotummu, offeril'I& advice 10


"'So wt.Mare ~
to do. Jimr
- O. Cou:ley, JOWMl Editor-in-Chief. overllcariq lhc coav.~

Ask me! Ask me!
Ask me, says Jim

rupt a nationally televised,

Jim ~ -

· ,, what JOU JC&d IS the sold-out colleae baskdball
headline to this pitlCe made game! Where are their eth·
you really wam 10 s« whm ics? Their manncrs7


comes ne,.t, wek:ome to the


meot chalrpenom will mooi•
tor and ensure the q1Wi1y of
ccaching through lhe review
Dear Editor,
of 1he,e materials and/o r
Those professors who lhrough class vi,itation(s)."
remain ia their classrooms
NOlhing is staled about
while studcoa ,complcte lheir how the evaluations are 10 be
teachir, ~
evalU¥ions arc not administered, or even when
Hin violaaion of university or by whom; each acalkmic
policy" (at least u ii appliea deJmtmcat is responsible for
10 CLAS), de, pile Keith its own fulfillment of 1his re•
Hagg's auc.nion as reported quirement.
in the February 8 S"ffolk
And, o( COUJ"5C. the policy
Jo"mal ("SOA addRnc.1. may- ~hangcd only by I
teacher evaJuation,").
formal vote by the raculty
l1ie policy as ,1a1ed in assembly o( CLAS, SOM, or
ruy CLAS Faculry Handbook Llw.
is u follows:
Blair F. Bladow
"Student course/lCIIChing
Profusor of &&IW.
evaluations, which are desigocd. administered and re~ by the academic deCUntoo doln& tbt unpart.rDC:nU. are required U'l all
popuJ,r lblng
a.AS academic depanments.
lf a faculty member
Dear Editor,
quests. the evaluations may
..Bill Clinton didn't cs•
be supplemented by addi• cape military 1e rYice in
tional formi of coursc/teach- America; he went 10 Englud
in& evaluation in the form of to dodae the draft...
video taping of clw teach"BiU Clinton never _lept
418 perform...ance. depart- with Oennirer Aowers, he

Profaaort oot In viola lion


"I'm -ju,< "'""""1."


alway• went home immcd1atcly after they had sex::
"BUJ Ointon did smoke
marijuana, but he never 1nhalcd.1'
On bis lnlCSt trip to Bm. ,
ion, Mr. Ointon made the

slatcmeni ihat hc•s been COD •
sistcntly "doing the unpopu•
larthing," andtb,ubc's proud
of it! I( my memory 5trvcs
an: supposed to carry ou1 lhc
will 0£ the people. That would
be the u llCt opposite of lhe
"'Unpopular thina," wou1dn·1
it7 BiU Clinton lS actually say•
ing "Hey, you little people.
you don't ~w what's good
for"you. so I'm aoing to jam

~t'ff "enda down your

In the same s peech, Mr.
Clinton likened himself to a bolJma a drill to lhc

Hey, bubba, keep your
drill wt of my mouth and out
of my pocket !
G.L Rizzuto

rali1y that is Political Co,.
What 01otiva1ed y~ to
keep reading? My name at
the top o( the page? I would
be very flljtered if that were
the reason, but I don 't think
that is iL
I would argue that almos1
every perion who hurried 10
rad on did so becauK the
wonk in the headline either
enticed or outrqcd you. By
sccingjust the most milUscuk
amou nt of information, an
opinion was immedia1ely
formed in each and every
penoo's fflind. You were either dilJUSted by the face that
I would unclion those
wonk' use in a column •· in
which cue, you would be
Politkally Com:ct; or you
were excited by the words •·
in which case, you would be
Politically lncolTttL
Every person , it seems
sometimes, seem, to gee really cauaht up in a issl!.e's
Pol,ili~al ~~tncss, rather
thanthciu ueitself. Onesuch
issue that always seems to
gain the public's eyi 'is rx•
ism: and a perfect example of
this ocdlm:d jUJI last week.
You mow, I WU all broken up Wide when I couldn't
watch lhe second half or lhe
UM111-Rutger1 · aame IHI
week. I ' was abso lutel y
shocked and appalled at the
Rutgers studenu• audacity
when J50oflhelittletroublemakcn 111&ed a sit-in protest
apinsl the school 's praidcnt
Francis Lawrence al center
coun. How dare lhey inter•

Tbcrc) wn, 1cdabratiaa

I would u k the same of
President Lawrmcc.
Now I can undentiind lhe
frus1ration or memben or
the PC Police such u Joe
Fitzgerald of the BoslDn Ht:rold and others who would
question the methods used
by the Rutgcn students.
I can also unders tand
chcir frustration at the fact
1ba1 the whole fiasco was
based on, what •Pre1idenL
Lawrence callJ a slip ol the
1ongue when be suuuted
I.hat minorities lacked the
.. genetic, hereditary bad:•
groundR t0 score hiJbcr on
Actually, the good presi•
dent has worked quite dili•
gently over the put decade
or so to increase the minority
enrollment al Ru1gen. Bui
now . acco rding to New
Jerse y's evil RepubliclJI govemor. Ch ristine Wbitma'.lf,
Lawrence's futUre as prcsi•
dent or lhe univcrsicy couJd
be in doub1 unless he can
..make a case why this im'I
something lhat ·s:hould have
more ICrious ramificatioOli."
Whoa.'1 take a link
step back ror just a momenL
First off, the president did
do wrong hett;, slip of the
tongue or not. You don't go
off and say that a group of
people are ..genc.bcatly"' disadvantaged . Period. That's
not just PolitJcally lncorrect:
it's downright stupid
But, on the other hand.
people should not be Oying

continued on page 9

Valentine"s Day io. tbe lap ol
the one I loYe. The IUD wa's
OUL Tbebirda, tbcfwahlfl&in&. Tuition was .aoiog
1hrough·thc frigging roof. All
io all, jUll anotha woodcrful
Suddenly. a po&tman with
an Uzi appeared. He had a
sackful. ol kuen and• frown.,
Needleu to HY, the pany
broke up.
This ocwspaper' I advice
columniu. ..Alk Pat," disappeared in early Jaw&r)'. Pat
11 rumored to haYe split for
Tibet. Some u.y
searchina ·for inner peace .
Qthers aay it WU ac.oe mcdici.oc. Nevcrtbdcu, Suffolk
had become suddenly, advicclcss.
Who wou.ld fill the awful
Yoid? Who would step in for
the wcdly mediocre Opnhlike puudo~advice that
Su£folkiana had come to trust7
The po& with the Uti.
bad choKn me. •...
As I through the
IWO po5\C&fdl and five bills
.. Ask Pat" bad received since
the column's been Jone, I
realiud a · p;ofound thina
about Suffolk. che United
Slate.I, the World, the universe. whatcvcf?Tf:ien, Just
as sud,cknly I forgot IL •
Let the lettcn begin!


Dear Pal.
Where arc youtJrnccd
you des perately. Without
loagcr abk to urinate. I've
been waitina in a Fentonbathroom for weeks to wcc.
Du puakly

P~ pee

VolcM of Suffolk

Whe ·would be your


Th; Suffolk Journal
Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Chief



Norine Badplupo. -



,....,..___, .................. _.._ .._,,_,.,..._,~.___,.,.,,m-'

.,._ _, 1¥"_, /w •1 "._ c--,hu ,. ... all._.,._,,,,,



,wkiu __,,., ...., ........,,_

:!8DomeS"""' • llollon,MA-.0211◄ • Phono &Fu (117) 573«l23

loYe all her movies,

Raphael Drdlnola


becauS8 she's a
• btJ1 becaUN she II my -

- lnind
and m y - . '

·Grefflc& Bou<deau

J unior

fHIU ,ulU'Otk. boob, ~

1.,n.,flr#,.,. . . ,.,.. • .

O.r anon)'IIOl&I pro. of a

...,..,.uy ,,_...,..,


ltllf ,.,,., tu
Seco,u~ly, Su/folk. yo11· a re wdl be,
Go wWa ·• Mlkopur
JOfL I'd ltok to ""'- I MIi pod. Alfd -U.: ,_.,. Ill 4
somehow tl~d to your uri- wiry c1on··t , - n,iu tMldon a
nary /Mr/ I've I°' _llltlf -,,rwe1 Say 14.JJ4-,,_ I
eM111h prob/ans. I drillk IO ""'-. '10" ,,_. ..., eta· ·
,,,udl FfQCIJ. I lhofJd have Pflit!H, rfJlfl7 f 111 o u,UO,,
my very own dr.i ve~tlsr" willat do I can7
~nly lit ltallc.r. Why U dtal7

s,a,Uy Sil/foll

Dea, ....
on the Assistant DiteelOI' of
Sl.udcnt ·ActMUCI for Special
Evcnta. I think sbe'a CU1C
and lwe.ct. I Want lO many
her and run away to be .with
bu -4-eva and evL Every
time I act oc. her, howeYer,
&he Nm tcteamina and calls
the Suffolk Police. Do you
thillk thia will effect our rdatiomhi p in the long run?

. 111cn..en. .. ,..

I think l'm a
Whal. sboukl I do?
Suully Baffled ud

Nakedwlllk l wrt1t•,Oeor MIU'Otic boob I l'w.
lost count,
Sina I otd 'P lwrviq ,a
obtnu o.r oftn as I 10 to
Frrrtdt clau {lsi,tl: thal'111Dt
w.ry /r~qw"1JyJ I '• prob-,
oblytM ..,._, ...;,o IO-·
SW~T'JOf'T~ /lu/l lll'J
10 1
1 ---,l'11111,

Aalstaat Dlrictor et Sta- •MMOlfdlfu/CDlllflUldJ
dt:n~ Attl'fltfer toe Special failUJ4 PIM,.'°" 'UJINldwu
Enna Guy
lhq 'll ltaw.topa'j"Jtlf4""'" '
!Ho'r ~urotic boob 12,
a,_,-job.Good~ 71v A.ulstant Director of
Studatl Aclivides for Doat Pat,
Ewnn U ,,.-fnt.•l..ay• lwMt/ 1. 1 recently completed
on 'fM,,A.uUIOnl Q/rtt10r of •open bean IOfl«Y on m1
Studmt Activilles fo r Special dot. I only bad • prdclp
£~,us ad JOf''ll be wrilUII hoac aod a fort. Evct aiacc.
,u for douaJ odvlc..
Cad haa bocn lildou - '
moody. He no laopcarcbca

I am the currenl Prcsi- • He ab9 ~ r.u
o( a university near Su(- aicam into ~ aide or die
folk UniYenity. but not nee· hoale. 0o JOI" aiat hr'i a



By 1hc s tudents. for the students, since 1936

- ~ n ~ ~ ~1&ti1or


lor - .•

cssatily Suffolk. I'm raising
t ~ ~, aodlWM~•
dcriq... ifyoubad_tbccboice
outCC(ooui.lmaaaeaa'-ayear, wbk:h one
A.Mey- Uaiftnity


vic:tia ol ialeaiDa7
.......... . . Fr..-.:
,.. .
·. ... .,

o ·~


.., • ...,..,...
ua- ,,.,spo,t Mlt,

- ·


· T11oSodlolkJoorul w-..y,Fd>mary 15, 1995


Rutal&'s Uniyersity Presidep.t Under Fire Love Online: Shide~ Others,
a, .._ ...._...

01119,... .__ , . 750. Av,21-.•-.• ro, tho11udcn~.· were. Surf the Net m Search of Love
- ,., whi1e ACT 11.0 '


:-!~'!;.;;: ':'=-~-..,
d ..... ~ • ....... ,1.. 11111: die


,.;,. . ,00t -..w- ~

CoUlap Prcu Sc6k,o··



••fl"upeec•iDwllidl•llkl cea b e ~ to povaty levels,

all OftliDc -romaoca: end


No Vale:ndoe? •

bf,dly. ·


.w--!"ii•~ --~ ~ = . .~ "!"',iM lili'l- ··-·- • ~- ;..tlit~. fire ...._- ~5!;y ~..1.i.llihis11':t~'
- . .,- •...-. , - ~ •
' ••
- -.. ~ _
• .......
~- •

:. .
· -n.o $'1-....._.tomc:aaurc
W(dt 30 L'.Dilhon people from
,............... cn.taen , atiUt, not. ~
... uid J~. moic dlln 60 utioM i n c ~



a...· a..,.... for 'the ·Col-

aalmc dltiq i, becomina men pop,'"Boad, ldm.inistcn tbc W. Infacc;morei.lm<:ncompu&cr
ate u,uall, aeri
findin, Wl)'l. to book up
'4e&enninod by · Lbe preparation dectroaically with their objecU of
~·ve bem,«i-.a."
Lawtence 1mr uid lhil. be WM
"Onlloe romaacu aM .Uy boc
byinatosaythat~ . . . ripl aow," uys Dlnd Fos.aatbor
sbon1d .aot be mtd to uchide dmd- of Love Bytc:S: The o..tme Dalia,

J..awnpce.....,, .............

• ailcmt , , _ ..,.. -

dlo P+ew

B ~ aa,.. ..... . . .
aovenmeat ~ African
~ . . . . ~ IDd

.. =:

IOdadoll for tbe Advuc:e:mcoc of



~~~{'.:'.;:?.,:::: ;~~':.: ::


inherent ability, because I believe
they do" not...
Bul,for ~ m i n o r i t y ~ it
abeolutc coaaw:ticdon of everything was too late for explanar:iON.'
I believe. of e\llCl)'lhina J stlDd For,
'"People say lhir.p lib this and
and a l ~ that I baYC doot then liter on they say lhey didn't


·U.;.rc:DCC, boWewer, H)'I be

4da'.t 111CM WDII be aaid. ••u is an

diYOl'COd.. He bepll commUDICMIDI
bullotin board and eventually. met
,i;.,., a 1in1le pllMDl from Aupsca,
· Al1t.r the two switc.bed over to

Ddj>lli, a differept c,mli~ acn-~.
: euey ud Liu ended up bdpina
other tia&le ' parent1 learn- the new '
codiQ& that WU nece5Sll1)' to m&Dal·

ver ~ : :

w a ~ : . : , ," : : : '
livca. It awu out with coovcnadoa. and it takaofl'from thae."
Fox saya: that oolino, cncouaccrs
offer intcruted puue& a cbaoce to
~ aod convene with each other
wit.bout any nervousneu or worries

~ ~ Casey

realized he wu ULUft:lud in more
than Lisa's leaching klclmiques.. Af.
ter fhl,din1 out lhe feelings were
mutual, the two decided to meet.
Casey wu li.ving in Indianapolis
at lbc time, so lhc eouplc decided lO

~:=epab: :::/~"R-:!~c:·.1:tv;i•1~ =~~~""==~ ~~~;~~~Taln.


'1 ~ it. I do rqret it. I certainly

~ '%em~ s poke

to about 30 l'a:ully members oo variou, academic. mauen. Dlliin1 bis
thtco-bour spcccb, i.awreoce said:
"llleawnpSATfor-Afric:u American1 iJ 7,0, Do w:e act stlDdards in
tbc4'taaK aq_.UW wttf4oe•1 ~mit
u;,t,ody · ytid) the Dlliocw tell? Or
do we- deal
a d.lladvutaged
P,>PUlatioo that dopD-'t iial/e that
sbtlic be,idjw, b4d:Jround 10
ba-c •
actvai{Ner . .
~ s ~ t d!dn t recti•e m£ aucntioo WKil late January, wbm ~ for t h e ~
Aaodation«Uoi~ ~CISOC1,
wlacli repreieiU - aattesit7 •
2,000 iDltrVtclOn,
1apec Of
die spocd






perceot Or university's 47,000 sru-

in a place like a bar, where everyone


~~" !:

~:i ~v~•~~ :.:,~~,,_rm:


.... ~--"""'1-"

Jew d4ys put him to slttp.

Dear Pat.
Two u-a.ins leave N"onh

Slation in two differejit dircc-


three itt\ps' kr l~n fninUies ,
Which one will travel tunher
ill an hour and a ha~
Your 6th Grade Math



I'm fondamen1ally onhappy. Every mon'lent fexist
newly defines the word pain.
Even typing this leuer makes
me mi"serablc. I hate you\
AU you do is sit back and
answer people's qu~OOS as
if you."n: God or ~ething.
Ws people like you ..JhO are
responsible for the -downfall
of our society. I weep for )'OU
and your simpli~tk advice! I
wis h I could live in your

{Har Mrs. A.Jt P04 .
retard .blow I'm 1W1itin1 Jar

that hundred dolltm W,M
o,r the If I
· Mr ass ls mi~ ..



W~ll I thlnk ttiat•• rpbre
tllah diaU h cdnrlfby ~
tirl 1~ft't'~-' lso. 'imtlJ'Y"
time, ne\.uer yOUi'J)Clt, cal·,

some fruit ~alwtl)'s wear 'a ·
condom .

And thankl for askin8, '

~ a r Ms. PriJby.
Ttn. I mean the firs , trai11.

The Suffolk U~v~rsity ·Boo~re-:-

■ SRA w

Contin,ued from ~ge 7
off the handle every time a
person "tlips up."
T b ink about ii. Even
though i1 may have been all a
big misunderstanding, the
students who ·started the si1-





~lhelheca;~• !.~f~

they were mad. Now 1ha1.
too, wu Politically lncorrecL
Or was it? This whole
n111ion was based upon he
idea of fn:e speech and lhe
right 10 upreu your ideas
whether, the powers r.hat be
like ii
Butifthat' s the casc\l.lith
lhe siudenis. then wou ldn"t
the aam e log ic appl y to
Rufger's preilident?Sh6uldh' t
he be able 10 express his own
ideu and •opinions without

dii:I ii•

pnay bit xbool,



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wilb- . . . prb. Oat fffa Ilia OWD
. . - - , , OIIC· trc. die Uaiwairy

wit•ao~W::w~'!': " laUl

ties~~==--..:: ,__


· <l,oda,o. ,

cal1J f~

aD)' type of ·pcnoa )'OD
saya.Foa. "'If ym're inta"-

Jersey h








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'!'l"hb; •~ • p ) "·yOIJ' talk .
to CNtlrJ niabt shows irp:' and he's

.1 i 1 WCllfinc a suit and a bow~tie," ~
sa)'I.. ..A lot of times people uaetbeir
describcd,benetf,"bell)'I, "ht even ~ t e n to act out &heir (utaties.
ipori.aa tbat, Ibo WU jlaa a differml Wbca they Set iD front of people,
per,on ihu sbe ; wtls oili■e. 1 ..,. have to go bed; io. cbeir real
woulda' t evea ·wait to be &icocb life..)

· ·hoped. "It

wu ~


lhewaao't.,......tkb ac ..-.ilac-



Blind Gradua~
· SU.dent


papen aod boot

Radel:1 will be paid
S.S.OOger hour

Call Mlb McDennoCI
81(6 17))~)5



· ,


'" •'-~"'



=llldtbe.dmd-~- :;oi,"'.:.::: :,-:=;:-;;.

i.:,....,. ..


• tdlout crowd of 8,000, all

'."-:'-m.·~·u,u,m"-""""'""'- - - ---f-- --".opullilic,~owllllL.DLl~+l-- - ::-,,;:::;i,~..:..:__

...._..........,. • ....- . SAT, 'of.-,c:rii(...,.-UCmferiorily

- - ~-~

'"T\e town. wu beautiful, the


: ; ~.:o • ; r , :
::1e ~ i t ~
venity would be someone 1mart usually found in molt placea."
right away aod coded up getting enenough to watch~ what he 18ys. But
Rob Modesto, · a junior at lhe gaged within a year."
what if )le'a just sayi ng what be Univasity of Kenwcky, admilS that
They arc now marriai and Living
thinks? That's the scary part."
couege has gi~en him lllOfC opportu- wilb their children in the 10:.m where
The NAACP• s demand for nities1odale than ever. "When you're they first meL
Lawrence•, resignation slated: "The inhigllschool,you meetgirllyougo
Fox saya tluuwith~-Jimevideo,
African American community hu to school with, but It's only like 200 digital pho1ographs and imprpyed
grown tired of being insulted and or
ue audiO, Internet l.lSerS will be able 1
·assauited;~• halfheartat apolO'- ~lwoauil.~..:ont,.M find.oula1 1abouttbeircomputermates
gics and then upected to ace as if all night or on lhe weekends, and you before they ever meet.
is forgiven. Fcqjvenc:ss is no longer see difl'~t girl!,_,$~~ ';im~". .
pr cour~e •. ,not all computer
an option. Justice ii."
De1_p110- th,. opportu1ut1es, match-up, are played outin.~-life.
New Jersey Gov . Chri s tine Modesio say• he didn' t meet the last
Some Net user& hook up will\
Whitman was by Lawrence'• three ai,rb he'• ~ at any l?8rs in another penoo i~ a ~- ~ID, sneak
remarks as well
Lexington. Tnstead, he met them OI) off to their own priva&e ,lOCf,lion and
I Lavw--pcople-mako-thtpi
. '-Ooli0<nc"'t'__.R""om"eaonCcc•-<C:O-QOOOC«'-'l'"'oJ>&>•
lllUmCDtS, Lord knows I have my- tion.
all vl& lhei.r U)'bcanl. ,.&>me· of the
aelf," she told rq,GfUlrS after beariDa
"Every niaJ.1, I'm qn my com- tbiJ111 get p,euy _intea~•.':' says Fox.

s~~~-~ •·

patlon to tH. M y advice '!
F66d him Churlos. After a




it octually sowtds liU consti• Deat Pat,


The Suffolk Journal Wodncsday, Febnwy 15, 1995

::=~. .!.""'

Prof Could ~ in OJ. 1\ial
are~ ol I ONA ~

The Suffolk Journal Wcdneaday, Fcbniaty 15, t995


BOULDER, Colo. •- Astronauts OIi
thi1 mooth'1 IJ)Ke ahuulc Discovery
Nonll Caroliaa Stale University
m&llioo won't bi drinkin, Cote just
'. µLBIOH , N.C, (CPS) - . For IDQ_II • tbuc cballeaaes, people are more to quench their thU)U « give them...Ncda Cltoliniim, the O.J. Simploa careful llbout tbe .,,.., I.bey go 1bou1 selves • caffciot boolL
amrder criaHm't !, rpJ plll. of their doia& the IC:ltioa:. •
l111tead, U lrOIIIU tl will drink
Uva. For Bruce Wc:if, 1t'a•oaly a
"h ii qever absolute p,oo( .. .it Cokc- and Diel Coke to t.cSt Wte-By JOltlC

,:-ocii.'.'iiictm , ,-

..fl)NA wllraa) bu beeo c.hal·
lcnpd." Weir ..M '• l'UUl1 of.


~:..:-:tlliam Ncii ~

~~I to"ON. io •

ol mlimcl • Nortb Caro1- Sale Uoivcnity, ii '"on calr to

ONA tcatina bu been used if
admissible courtroom evidence since
198.9, and Weir assures that ONA
teitinJ is a higbJy reliable method
used to obuin murder and ripe con•


tcatify u an expert witness in tbe
higb-P.J'Ofile Simpson case. He , will
problbly testify in the early spring or

Weir spcciaJizcs in population
scnr,6cs. the study of ge.octic varialion bclween human, animal and
plant populations.
His rescan::b has led to the dc.vclopmcot of statistical methods en-



=:c:•~~~Ade=~ ~~n~~~f~a::·=


a penoa co a crime accne. could have people bavin& the umc DNA profile ,-rus.
ariKa rrom chaDce.

cmc in 100,000.
The odda fl similar DNA is
in 200.000 between parent and child
Although they are related, they have
no trouble distinguishin1 be1we:.n
parent and child." Weir said.

The similarities between parent
and child DNA is the basis or pater·


Jud&e Luce Ito cam:dod

rOf a ~_,admissibility bearing in
Weil'''wa IO cestify. Weir now
b available to the, prmecution and
will likely be called to &estify if lhc
defallc cGftlmda tbal DNA evidence
doe&a'I ~ ) ' lake id:o account
DNA vaialiom· bclwccn noes.
Critics of DNA testing contend,
jlltl at Simpson's dereasc team is
expecwi 10. lhaf. ccruin races may
have more alleles in common wilh
one another than mcmbcn or a ran-


Univcrti1y or b>lorado's BioScnic
Space Tecbnoloeies Center.
Uniycnity of Colorado s1udcnt1
and facu.lly and other researchcn
have developed a new device known
as lhe Auids Generic Bioproccsalng
A DNA sample is usually taken Apparatus, which will .allow utrofrom blood and a,emc.n &ca.ins u well naull to drink the catbonaled sort
as bone. salin and hair.
drink durina the ffi&hL
The~ au similarities between
Since bubbly drinks have lhe
DNA or brothers and siscers. for tcndcoc), to roam in zero gravity,
example four brothers have a 25 astronauts will dispense and drink

nity tcstina.
Weir has been ,co.lied upon to
determine the statistical ~liability or
DNA tests i~ 15 trials and prc,-trilll
hearings, including one in Hillsboro,
Ott., lhat resulted in u murder condomly cholcn sample would Alleles viction.

The Suffolk Journal


-rbc tcchnolol)' we' ve dcveloped lO dispense au..sat~ liqWds in mkrogravity without foam ing will have ap plication 10 other
Bioscrve pmjccll IUCh u nutrient•
delivery srstems for plants grown in

space," said Alex Hoehn, a CU ~ search wociate.
Test results could lead to the de.·
velopmcnt of bettei"•tastiog

roods and

beve111ges for futu~ spac;c' travelers
as well as the elderly and chronically
ill on Earth.
The e•periment is sponsored by
~e Coca-Cola
in Atlanta.

CootinltCd from P'IJ.e 12

Su/folk led 39-31 : ..Wbcn Noreen
left i1 WU 10iiicwhir O a disap.
pointmenLbccaule & IUCh an
impac:1 on the leam," Leyden awed.
And the Lady -Hawks gavc-a4equate proor to this statement when
they began 10 chisel away at the
' Lady Rams' lead At 7:34, Roger
Williams had cut the lead to three,
and 1hen finally went ahead for
&ood 47-46, two minutes later.
Suffolk's defense intensified to
counter the Lady Hawks' swift scoring and at 3:14 had pulled to within
a point OD a Kelly ~hander UD· .
dcmeath. Yet Roger Williams was
lO be lhe vic1or or this physicaJ
contclt, and would pull away lO a
SS-48 advantage with 1:46 left and
never look back.


Continued from page 12
in goal," according 10 Bums.
The Rams ne•tgame is Wednes•
day nigh1 a1 Sconehill College.

Monday morning the Rams will
make up their snowed out game
ago.inst Assurilption. The 9:30 gQme
Bl 8 .U. will be 'the Ram' s final
home game or the season.

Comf y
.-, ---------------~

nized instilulions.

lf you ore planning 10 study in o fore ign country or ir you have
any questions about S.A.F.A.R.I. lonns , t:ontuc1 De Ce leste

or·anyone interested in news
writing or newspaper
Come on down to the
Journal offices, fiqtllbor

•of tlie· Stud~nt ;<\ctivities
·center, next to
the Fenton building.

Kostopulos-Coopennan in the Departme nt of Humanities and
Mcxfem Languages, Fenton 440, x8674.

Wcdnas!ex 2/1:5
11 :00 - 12:00
12:00- 1:00
12:00- 1:00
. 1:00- 2:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00 -1:00
6:'.!() • 8:30


Last Day 10 Apply for Spring Admission to E x ~ MBA/MP,\:Program
Last Day 10 Drop a Course Without 1,Orade of ..W"

Musician Tapes Due for Suffolk Palooza 199.S ..:._
B.L.C. Study Group - Statistics 2.50
B.L.C. S1udy Group - Chemistry 112
B.L.C. S1udy Group • Accounting 322
B.L.C. Study Group - Economics 212
B.L.C. Study Group • Accounting 202
8 .L.C. Study Group • Physical Scieooc 2
Orienwion for Parents of Freshmen & New Tmnsfer Students
Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Stone.hiU Collesc
. .
·- ., ·
Amcrjcan Repcnory Thcatrc pl'CSCnlSJht.CryptoKRq)

Sawye,430 .

. Sawyer 1021



sioadlill Oillcsc ·

·:, C.Wlllb,-

'.DmDMY ·2/16
1:00 - "2:30
1:00- 2 :25
1:00 · 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00 • ,2:00 ,
1:00 • 2 :30
,, 1:00 - 2:30

Transfer Student Open House
Alpha l'tu Omep Meeting

Plplo,/op . "Sdcil:ty'S

sl.t~ih=W~' j
' •


. .. ·
1,!1 ! l,ru. h:.,•1111,;....-i,,J &JlhJ( ,J;. m

SOM Facult)' MCC1i"na:

1•11 '"~ '· • .., ,-.-11 rf'..u·>il11/,


3:00 - 7:00

i',oo - ~:oo
. 4:30 · 5:30




2:00 •
3:00 - 5:00
6:30- 8:30

7:00 . ~

1995-96 Financial Aid application packets
are.currently available in the office of
Financial Aid. Drop by the Aid office to
pick on~ ~ P., or ~I!.us at 573-8470 a!id
we-will mliil it.

llladu.l{.U .
12:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00- 2:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00- 2 :00
1:00 - 2:00
4:00 - 5:00

'::··s.~y£l'42f&~. .

11 1



,Sawye,921 .

. ~~"(Y~.~~


CMD Conft:renoc Room-


Saturday 2/18
4 :00

. Sawyer 1021 Al023

1.. ~111t.:f'l(l1h;!.t11a~ f1

MBA Monday Day C1o.sscs Meet to Makeup for Prcsi~nl's Day Holiday
lu y roup - ccoun g
Program Counci l "Totally 80's'' RAT
American Repcnory Thcatrc prescnts llK;Cryp~m

1:00 · 2:30

Sawyer 521


.. urryBluin

B.L,C. Study Group · Chemistry 212
B.L.C. Study Group - Accounting 322
8 .L.C. Study Group - Accoooting 202
B.L.C. Study Group - Economics212
GALAS lec1ure: John Affuso, Mayors Liason to 1heGa}' Coirufiunity '
lntemntlonnl &1udeii1 Association Meeting
' "'

H~ian Amctjcan Stude'n1 AssocillUOn lectu~ , yoodoo as a Religion"
Archer Fellows Seminar
' "
· ·
8 .L.C. Study Group . Physical Science2
Guest Speaker iii Professor Bubnys Cassl
..Asscl/Liabillty Mo:nogemcnrln Bitnkl"F" r
Men·s ~nsketb.tll vs. Nptre Dame College
American Repcnory ThcatrcprcscntslbeCrvPloirnm .


Application deadlines are:
Undergraduate students: March 1
Graduate·students~April 1


Fe6fuary 15 -21, 1995

This _ an interest-free loan program available to all full-time

are thinking about studying a l foreign academical ly-recog-

need~ writers, copj editors:

Suffolk University's dalendar of Events

immediate dfccts for wben.,.K'euy ..

Suffolk Unive n,ity student.s in good ncudemic s tanding who

YOUR student newspaper

University DateLine

foul ou1 at 16:37 or the second half,
though the l01s seemed lO show no
nailed 'I l~fOOl juinpcr al 14:14,

11 ·

R;dp,way Gym

Men 's Alumni Buketball Game
Amcrican.Rcpcrtocy~prcsc~DfSCYPIPKAm •• -1,

Women's Basketball vs. U.S. Co8SI Guard Academy
· Men ·s Basketball vs. Maine MaritifDCAcademy
American Repertory Theatre prescnl$Jhe Cryplomm



·. {f'J:., ,.,



C: )VoWt'l'ltam

American Repcnory Thcalre presents The; Cryptogram
B.L.C. Study Gioup - Chemistry 212
8 .LC. Study Group . Chemistry 112
American Repirtory Theatre ~nts.Jbc Crffiomm

Presiden1•seay Holiday • University Closed

SOM PSPC Meeting
Student Government Associatioa Meetin&
8 .LC. Study Group· Chemistry 1 Ci
8 .LC. Study Group· Physical Scienoe 2
8 .L.C. Study Gro11p-SCatisdCl2SO- 111
8 .LC. Study Group· Accouadnl 201

!~~· z::.-N~=


, ;•_

. . s.wi,,r 423




t.JplyuptyO,tcJ.lpcis Suffolk UnivctSity', nwtercalcndar. formlonnalioooa anylCbedlllei:i~anydlyoftbelCldemicyar;or.,1111•
that J'"! an, plant> 573-8082.


Lady Hawks~t ph.ysical wi~ Lady Rains
By Ryan Faley

BOSTON-It was a game
lhat made the commoo specwince• ud grimace. A
more playen hitting the coun
noor than &hots hitting the
rim. And it was a bauJc that
everyone wMChing and pu-ticipatina knew Was only
goin1 to end when the other
leMl'ICO~ Literally.

~ lnancffontocombat
suffollr.'1 quict.-~oviog offonse, Roger Williams bq.lD



·I..__. •

Volume 53, NLmber 1_7


BeacontjlU,Boeloo, Masaacl1uaella

By Erskine Plulllmtr ·

and Suffolk's offense wiltt.d
as a lCSIIJi of it. falling behind
by twenty at half•time. "Althougb we played on equal
terms in the second half,"·
said Nelson, "we were never
able 10 make a serious inden•

points for the Lady Rams dropped their overall record lead."
Mike Vieira churned out
during one slrctch and with lo &- 13. "Unfortunalely for
2:54 left, ·had granted her us, Babson lived up to its JI points in the loss.21 from
team brcalhlng space in lhe reputation as being one or thrce-poiolcrs. now giving
formof32-21 lead,Suffolk's the top five teams in New the senior center 16 trifectas
Ensland," Coach Jim Nelson
IIIQICSI of the evening.
"Whal a lot of people commenlCd on the loss.
For the firit 15 minutes, CllrisToglia(l3~nu:)were
don't realize," l!.eyden had 10
mc was panicularly the onJy·Ranu: to cross
say about Kdly's s1ellar per- the ga_
formance. "'was that Michelle close with Babsoo's biggest the double.figure threshold.
lead being a mere 6 points.
If anychlng besides the
had to go. up against several
active people on defense, and As the half wound down, the run-court press proved to be
in order Cor her 10 do this, she Beavers (16-5) cranked up Suffolk•s bane. it was their
had to play a very physical their full-court press defense fa}Jure10get:l0lhcfre,e.t.t>,row

~ci:!~~t~6 '.::·s)°:::

line. The Rams only a.t·
tempted nine frr.e..t.bro"!I the
entire game. ..This did noi
present a c~lleogc for
Babson in getting anyone into
fou l troublc;·- stated Nelson.
The Beavers were -lend

Bryant ·Richard, who had
21 points, and Michael
Kingsley. who recorded 17
points of his own.
Suffolk returns to hoop
action' this Thursday evening
at 7:30 p.~ a inst Noire
Dame CoUffe. 9n Saturday,
the Rams play their final
home game of the 1994-95
season against Maine Maritime Academy. Staning.lime
for that contest ii. slalCd at
4:00 p.m.

ffome IS w here the h. at •· - .
, _. · . e is

,-----~---------~~-~--"-Theleadwas tobeshortlived though, for tho lady
Hawks ended the fwf oo the
impressive 6-5 viccocy , ovcr vidcd a much beuer setting
crest of a 6-0 run, uhlbitillg
By Philip Troutman
Iona College.
their lethal talent at being ab.le
(or the Rams match with J!)na
The Ranu traveled south on Sanirday. Bill Mullaly Was
10 score with blwring speed
Ju st how imponant is to Plymouth, Tuesday, only the star of ihe game with four
At the half, Roger Williams
bad crawled to within- five, the home ice 1dvantagc in to be met•by the co~I rink goal.J,u theRilmsbeldoffa
this side of the North Pole. late Iona rally in their 6-5
Well, if you CO!flparc the The Ram's defense and win. '"The entire &earn played
Noreen McBride ( 11
gam~ ~ hms~ ~ ad- points, 7 rebounds) would friendly confines of Boston goalteoding were also cold, a solid defensive pmc, and
University's Walter Brown while the Plymouth State Mullaly provided the ofvanr.age of four e;arfy Lady
Arefta, 10 thc chillina ftou:o hockey team was hot.
fense ," s ■ id a lhawcd out
continued on s-1:c I 0
tundra at Plymouth State Col" Everything they shot Bums. The Rams won dea '7•2 lead just 4:Q3 into the
lqc, lhe difference is ~ went iri," wd Suffolk coach spite missing 7 due 10
. Bill Burns.
injuricaor illDCSI.
,,,,,..S,,,ofw W..ti
~ The Rams lost 10-3 TuesHowever, Coach Bill
Sophomore goaltender
· Bil Mulally was the Suffolk atar fcir ~ wed: of Feb.
day night at Plymouth State, . Bums knew a bo;me ice ad- John Gilpatrick, who.. made
junior cc:ratmwinaer .,. iDltrummlal ·m the
where the tempentwe in the vantage when he uw one. 38 saves, "'wu outstandins
II~ l-9ywu....itSD6'oll'.1,__o1_ boil<tiq WU 3~ dq= be- "Thoy wuo dofimldy u,ed
low =>. They tbcq mun,od IO
OOO<lidom." be smd.
(o,r ... effl\BI&•
continoe.d oa page IO
bome Saturday night for an
801100 Uni•'e~ity pro-

_. _
_,ri«o,y_._c.u.,e .. -,.<v


• -


Suffolk falls behind early to Babson

view, we had 10 be very ac,live defensively," Coach Ed
Leyden stated on the coodi •
tion of his squad. "I am very
proud with the way they have
finis.bc:d SO far year, cspcciaUy against a ·1cnm like
Roger Wi~bcse guys
(Roger Williams) came in
~ just expected a win."
When all thC numbers
were calculated and ~ final
stats tallied, it was a contest
that witnessed lj>oth teams
produce a combined 31 turnovers in the fint half; more
than 45 for the entire game.
And i( those' particular numbers, -do n'ot paint a clear
enough ,,Picture of the raucoiJSDeas this struggle edtibited, then this 5Wistic aurely
will: copibincd, then: were
moi-e than 30 foul~ Ah~

Editor of. Venture to go
on tuition hunger strike

its fu11-;eoun pressure defense,

lbw tumin& up; the ptl:y&ical
Jcvd of the coatesl, whlch
WU alJ'Udy at darlJetOUsly
h.igh levels, several DOlCbes.

udy ~ b...
firm, and on the shootins: of
guard Tammi Thorp (13
points) wm: able to counter
the Lady Hawks' incessant
pressing, and leap out in front
sll_pla ' wu the physical 18--13 with !HO remaining in
affair Suffolk (5-15) found the first half. - This Suffolk
itself clashing in on Thurw- run culminated, and on the
day evening against Roger lypc of physical play that
Williams College. Bodies would be repeated guile ofcolliding and crashing here ten during the :iighl, with
and cvccy°wbcrc, the fan s Thorp grabbing a pass tha1
criOling at the sight of it, and she would lay in as she was
unfortunately, the Lady Rams fouled most fiercely.
being ' the ooes who eventuThe Lady H1wks sJiced
ally yielded, 57-55.
the Lady Ram', lead to one
For Suffolk it was their with more team callousness,
third consecutive setback, and just as Michelle Kelly
and in their Jase home game was beginning 10 lay the
The Rams fdl to pc.rcnof the season. Truly lhcy left . framework IO one of her finthe Ram Dome for the final cs1 statistical performances nial power Babson College
time this year battered and of the season. Kelly (a team- last Tuesday evening (217).
high 15 points a_rid IQ . re- The 100-67 defeat was

The- uffo-·-=-·-~iu•



Jim Behrle. editor of Vcnwre Siude,nt Arts Magazine and a Suffolk
senior, declared that be would be
going on a_bunger strike to po>test
recent tuition hikes.
" I think it's timc'lO say enough is
enough,"said Behrle. · -rhc administration is going to raise tuitioa until
somebody decides to ch:a}lcnge tbcm.I'll be that guy:" ;.
Suff~lk.Uruversny last week an•
fl!)UnCCd that w.ition wc;,uld be railed
6.76% for 1995-96. It was hiilcd u
"the low~ per'C:lltaae increase for
the CollegCL.Jince 1975•76". Tu•
be raised to $11,JtlO, • i.ncrnse of



~-!':, ::11~



SGAlhas let swdents
down. There musa be mote
we can do as a community to '
keep witioo costs down."
Behrle said be would "do his
best" not to cat until S'uffolk reconsidered it's tuition hike.
"You'U probably sec me smokin& Marlboro after Marlboro out
on Ocmc SL ~ drinking coffee
'l11day. ; nie best you C!lf! bope-'to
do ls'chan,e'!!'inis forthcbct\c:r. .
J wish
.bad done this
when I WU a freshman.
TuitiOil has almost gone up 5&I,
since''l.•ve been here."
' Wbcn , uted:'iflae~'



~ •1aii acdoai ,wc,wd have any effect


.:;~bchii~- ~ ~ - wi.. • '
~., .

clear that they will c«llime IO caca• jote.andi .... togetmypicturc
latcWitioncotta."saidBehitc,ina , oolhcfroatpaaeoftheJ01UJttJI

:msscm;::- ~:.:·.


wiU · ~ c• be
able to afford 'hisbcr ectucation if about whit kind of· ,we,
uniVenhies an: 'ioi,qa io 11111d ~ u · a. society, are sending stuover the rifle? People. deaerie "81- deata, I
be mcc:asful" '



tbat simple."

!Jdulelbod<olJcqodothe<'°'dents 10 fOOow bis leed.
. "SOA-hal ' tuia~a' rOf\fflU-·U(I is
happy that Nitioo WUlll't 'railed 71,1,.
That'~ DO IOUOD...lO ~ Gilt ~

Aids Nwnber One

. Killer of Yol}Dg Adults
' byervceJupea
CoUc1cPrea S«Yd°'

8-·- ·

cciucp ........,

Becnse of the



<bi,'-,.;·sox·wtheodmlnl,. '




. uw•, ~ e f f o r t
c.,OC abouUlte umc dmc 'tbat
· u,S-.



,..... ... _ _

it'~' • . . , oa

IOI.mW. n""'
JUDior madll and !
Reactions to the iecently an. jorVitalli Vaachuria
· DOUI\CCd luition incr_ease have ::-:~
.· bee~ ~ed and vaned among ew:r.paclaa1estudeJ
vanousatadeau.Muy11udco11 18 tMM 1
felt the increase was · goioa. to · Co as en°
stress t.bc st~dcot. ~·~Ability ,
to ~ord cos! of hv1111 ~~pc_!ltes cattina in faculry,"O
while attendan~ Suffol~. Flab· date aomc position
mu Ac_c:ououng maJor 1'o~y aomc fKaky full timj
Mtropania feel a the increase wdl art f
d dd
_'~it ~ • t a fi&bt in tbe wallet, :ut~mc:.:ei~:,J
Po~tite aomc: ~p!e, ~ ~ort cnrolicd in the Maie
at a JOb aad pay .for their rv,tio~ Ad.aualtttadoo pro.J
•and,. they wil! !'-"e ·to pay for IUrpriKd by tbe in:

•VCIJll,llls- AadJIOC)ple wl,oc;am- ia&titOlioo II-.
Centen for Di,eue Control u4 .... IO , - a l l & ~ ~ "
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta
Jaave lO ,ay for
Ille . , . . _ ,


g.,... co

..._-....it1iatAIDSre,-.d" pa. aol poltiq"
·accidenttutbeNo. I killerof .,.,..._... ._.·
Amoric~u<hkl-2$11144. oleallodrhe!_a-.
. ofWashinglOD diltribelcd
..The univcnity fipred . aaouia;co...._.OOIII~ "'
coalinued oo
40,000 prophylactics durina
information ud education ud
bit Job. Howeytl' llij: ..... PIY· ·
"Condom Weet• to educate
i■& tblt bad IIOt NU NIJ." ,....,...,....,.--,,.; , coado91werei1J.iaqhuive,"
said.a- illcloldlon,
.Sopllo-- Leu!~
coordinator of the Ualvenily of ~ -.,.,_...
Tips year, joining coadorm
W11hin1100'1 Safe S.. Wee.It.
· - o1lol.,"If...., -Id lawere p_
amphlc,('q)OUcn ffQm
" Lut yur,.. bled co be_,,
family plannina ~ AIDS.•
organization1-■od face-to •face
Last year, the Univenity



di1cunioo1 witb health

a,:cnciel atcdaacMioaal
boocba_ud Ibo week WU
reumod "Sam Sea Week.7



, . . , , ...,._J)r parting .dis...-.lfwe're .....atopay,o

,-,• - u t l b e l p . •
