File #4115: "Suffolk Journal_1980Jun08_vol36no1.pdf"


Students convey feelings about Journal fund cuts

/'a�' /t, .'>'111/ul� J,,ur,rn/ \fu. 1. 1 ''·"''

Face the issues

I" Alu·,•\\hnul.-)·
I l\o· ,I, •"'"" b, lh� lk,•r•t .,f I""''"''
1 ...11,t1U\• fund•nr1t1,S.. ffulkJ,,,,111<1i
.. �, "" 1 ...,111 11 • I'"""•• ,.f , '""�·w .,ui
t>o ,.,111, nu, "f II\ Ill• •lud,•nt, 1�,U..d !II"


1,,to I Ii.AU•·• d'•'<hului, ,.i,..,,d
111,, 11..1,1 lh• ,·,umnun,.-.1,.,., 1>o·1 ... ,·,•n
llh ,,,111,111••lld in,· ..i,ui,•ul .,..,·
•"'i th,""'' ' u11p,,n•11I uri:•n11•"""' ol
.. n,..�
l.>111· I••" 1 1\u,m•,.. \<In"""''"""'
�,, ,,,.,•.,,, ni,•<I Illa! I\, (!.,,.• n•ol ·•1tun�
m,, .,.,ul<l h•" ,Inn , ,1 ll111 111,,;.,,., ,
,i,,..,1,1 �• ., �l'"l•'l!ll•·d lo,o Ill• l'l"•I•
, . l'>,-1 -l>uuld II•" •l"•�•EtJ••<I '"
,11 .,...-11,•"p1,-..11............rr,•nd,·dl>y1n..

JNU,,<1, ,.,,,..
II, .. ,..uuu,-d b• "''"'t
bulh -,dr• an• b,•111� unn••·"�••hlo •mt
u1\\1�hluo� 1'houi111 ,tu,uld '"' w11•·n t,,Uh
.. 1h,•1 olt,m&u,..., r.. , ,..fu,u:lu,w lh•
;.,.,,,,,./ ",mp ru,111 1.. th•· •••d•'" '"
•"n11nun1\ t r,p,-,·,.11• t/1r J.,,.mah"'" &lid
M•"lu 1.-,h,,I llflmr •!Id llt>L111< 111•••"'
,u,,..,.,,.d ··10..n'1 11,n,�1h,·• ,11.,.,1<1 ha1,
1 k.-n a,.a, n,,. f,.,,du11 r,,, 1h,•J,,u•>1u/
I hr plU••d) ,,._,11,• ,..,, l11U�hll .,ff lh,• -..oll
1h11 11 I> lll,• unr 11111• u/ • r•r "•' �d I"
• ,µ ................1, ..,
J,., 1 ,._,h1_.1.,,J.,un1oJ,-,n �l , h•''"""'
,,.,_ firm ,vn•"I'""' "" th, "'b l.-.1 llr
,- 1,.1,.,ntrd l thu,�th, l>o>.ud uf1n,_1,•.-.,­
• '"'"•'h ul ,,.,�rt• �., ..n ,vll,•cr nrrd> •

PA 8UNCH OF TURKEYS�,, """41 Jo#(1h loPt"'1<>
t.Jouuw/,,.,. '811 col/1 rn. Bo.Ma al fwp- ·••wr,;

"""'l'"I" ' II,, f•· JU>I • prtod11 1 .,f \hr"
,1,.,.,,.,_11,µ,f-..,1tu11 t ha"•""'""'&\I"
............,, ,,inn,.,," W,· r,,•rrin.r�\µr,0.- nn­
,1 �"''' u,,-, l'-'.. n,ah,,m ,.,1Jur> I 1.,m
l�•lar"'' ,,\r,,,unt,n� ·Ml+ "1 Unnk ,1 a•
to.d id�• ·•n,. J,,umo1,.,hr t.>nl\ wn Lh•
,i,ni.•nh ha•,. lu irt 1nfurm.11u11 tu •ll uf
1hr ••ll"Ur, •I ..--hvul f'hr,.. an &1,oluf
kid> r,..,.. •<HI '"" dun I W•'I tu mrrl
,..,.,_11.,d, U',thr unl)"'")"' ha,vlu
r,t1<1,,u1,.ha1 ,,h1pprn,nl'
[IU1& Ha\>1.. ,,; IA<'lt>Ulllllll Il l , -aod
11·. •,iau,..i 1h,•pn,10.. ,p1" ..r.r.....
, ....,,,u, r,-,•, P"·� and thr f ,N
••""ndm.-n1 flu, ,..h. ,.,I d.,,,>11 1 "'"•
mu,11 111 lr••l "' "'ould tu" a,tudrnt
nr•·•V,IIL"'' I I""� f,,r...,u(I \nlho·Juwrnal

J,,.. M1111>h} ,A...-ountrnl '"11 ...,d Lhal
n ,, nr.-....l') tu h,vr • papt"r 1., ,..,11� for
h •• th,· '>fll} pl11t·r P,' upl,· mt,en•1t1•d +n
-..,,11111t-an pn,·U,,.thr1r\klll, "
un llt>fflard u,t.,k�tmi 't40f Yid.
l'hat '♦ kt11dut,�111.-f'ht('Ollrtrn.o-.-:Si.
.. ,...,.111,nc hkf lllu r. ., th .. .audrnt&
w,1h01Jl l\ 1! .......ldbl>•t>I'} hard to kno-..
ot1<>Utrnnu1ndu ur• 1c1un·1thmk lll1•y
,t1uuld lta•r u,k,•n •"'•> th,•,r "'"""'} "
tt,...,. !Wn,ard 1Kt,�nr.. /,b1111••mr111
Ml1 .,.,d "thr bnlld didn't ha,- . u,;o nrtu
"" th .. ttuund\ ur a pr..._.naJ bu,, tu §!ht!
ih, J.,u,_/, f..n d> l'hr\ d1dn•11,..,ku• r1
.n .,f th•fa,1,t,,,fur,· m•k1n1lllr11nn11

THf BDARO DID NOT "�v• .. r,gt,r ft>JdMI> rMJoc,m;,/'1
lumh /Qr O<ffX>IWI ll',Ul>•>S ,._c,,,r/,r'fl 10 (f.n,r,r &>mard
,s,,.,,_M111,.._.,,�, ·s:J1

I AUHA 8[RNARD rmarln,ng 1KJJ w,a ,,._., lt'tP
.Jou,,w1·, � or /umJf.,. 4md ol • ...,...,.... •nu-11 ,,.,.

,........................................................................................... �.

:- .......................................................................................... _ ..........................................................

:,- ....

FRIDAY, MAY 9, FROM 12-5:30




1980 ALL

ur 1u m,..•I 1n <II•• tall l.u <Ira-.. Uf'
,..qnuun• ·\•·•·urdmc lu Huard ul
r ,,,,,_, l'l\a,rm1n \ u..-..111 A tuln,r1 ,r
lhrJ"""HI h&lnutbo...n r,.fundr<1,,lh•
<'llmm,11..., .,.·ould ht> fvrm,d •n• •" Kuth
t1cul1, m,•mlw" ond l'ru)I...-, u� up,,•l
Wllh th,•<U,l,•m,•nl 1,,.,.......... H r,, dum, 1 ..
wllh \h r J.,.,_.,,.,J and all uf u,r- l,•�11
r ...pun\lb1l1t1r-> ht' ,.,th lht' tH,,ard Ill�
i,,,.,,:11l,,ud,,nd..d th&t thrJuu,,.al m11>1
,<Mr-&<"11>,.fl<'UI\) •If'""
l'h• board ma<W ti\ df<'1J1Un afi.-1 th•
C..11,-�� t:omm,ttN' •·oto-d tu r...-umrn,-nd
J.,urNJI fund1ni fUI !hr- l9li0l!Hll
•rad,,.m,r }'rat � rt'lnU.lh•d Anord•n8 to
t ulmu, 1hr Collrw,• l'omm,tt'1",'
r.-,ummrndat,on st1pula1 r d that
addmon1l (llldf.llll... bf- oddt-d tu thr �•••11
wt�m,-nt, fur t.t,., pro1 ....1,on uf bptn
>ludrni.. ,nd•tN'S, a �un1m,11.... uf
r..«>mm ..ndat,on, to th,· s1.,drn1 Afl11r<
<..:.omm,n,,,, •nd th .. J.,u,,.,,/ ulH.1onrn�
mllr• flrult, 1dns,nt
Al th� C'ull.-�� l,,nmun rn...111,1
t ..tmrr r, 1 1 th1L lhHr -..a, "I.II, rw-,:,nn,n�
of a ••I') 1mpurun1 and n,nstru,·11�..
d,1Jocuo- with u1,- JuwtNJI" tll.. m .... un�
... 1ttr111l,'<I b) lht' m,,.n,ll,,r, uf th,•
c-ull,•i!• c-umm111,.,. ..�:,\ p,,...,d,•nt •nd
"'"" i,1v11d,-nl fo, UI• l!t19 l�IIO )•••r
W1l11amSuthnl1nd1nd Rub,,rt),kCanh!,
•nd•d1tur for \9801961 Journol Ahc-,-T
\l,'houl..) T"'o propo1,1.b...,rrr p,•1
thr- mr•tinc, onr from th,• facult)
,,-11rnLlltlvl'• from 1hrcullr-[1t'oflJbt>nl
,\rh 1nd s.,,.-nrrt>, w the roll"I•'
,·omm,11w and a Ju'"' prupu.._l from 111,­
Jour11-1l and thr SI :A

fly llunn;a lo111h,1n11
A_.,at,- lllSl,o<) f 'ruf....- ln•odL
Hobb•n• ...,.., namrd lhr "ouUI.IJHhn i
f..-uli. m�mbo••" for •II� 1979 19111)
01.lld�m,,• )••u dur,n� lh• Mi) :!t
Curnm,i,crm,, nl Hall 111 1hr r1rk 1'11,_.


SEPTEMBER. _____ ,


It,., fac-ulh p,upo""I mad, lh,fulluwul( ...........,w11<1a1,.,.,- ''th•I tJ,,,
,ufful� J,,urn&J ,h....,ld b,, fund,,d b, lh•
I n, .,.,,.,,,
l'hai thr pt»mon "'
1-.dllu, mll,,,-f ,huuld t,,, h,-h1 b, a
••1,'hn,.,, fo, d,-t,•,n11n,n1
1"""'"1,-u, r•••pun,,b,tn, ,hould h,•
•,-,,.1,,,,,.., µubh,h,•d u, 111..-ordanrr-..1!h
,\rt..-1,•l\',S.•,·l"-'n \h,.mll<>f lh,.'\urfo!k
ln,.,·,..,t) Ju1111 ">l.lL.-m,.111 "'' n1ht..
fr,-i-doms ind •�•pun>1b1hu..� of \.ludrnu
o\ thr c oll,.t"of l.1b,,r1I Arb1ndS.·"'oc"�
•nd thr Srhoul of Mana�rm..nt. """"'00'
1-hu..ld b,, mid•• m th,•Suffolk l'n"·.,n,11)
Joml ,u,,-nwnl iurh lhll th.- Stud�nt
l 'ubl,callon< &lr<"l•on Lomm111,... ,:,, •
.,m,la, tomm,u...... �a·rn lhl'IUIIIOt!l) IV
d,.1..rrn,n• b, .-.,-,11.., nl J(>..rnal••"'
,..'fl'J!ISOblhl) ''" 1ddUIOft LO l"'f',Unal
••u-,1nr-,1-..·hrnuirhqur ,n10n,1m,,llun1,n1 from th� prup, .,al d,.,. ., up
frum th,• fac-ull} r�f'rrirllllllo•,.. u( th"
1·. .11.-�.. "' J.;h,•r•I Art,, IOUd :-.r,,-nr,., "W,•
•••• mmdfulur 111 .. ,,.,..,.,.r"fr..,.dom oftM,•
rr,...,."an d 1,.-nut1d,·oc·•11n1crnour"1,p
uf • ,<u\ """•P•,,... u, 1,1>,tr.ll\
�dmtllblflll,,. .. ,,..,,, 1i,,,n,1 ,lud,·nl
Juu,n•l,.t,,. Uo-..,..,., .,.,. at•• ,tn,n�h
,ubflr of"frrrdom ur th�pr..,.. "W• f•·•·I
lhal thi, ,. u, ,n,porunt d1<l1n<"l�m to
malr- "
Tot- rrpr>"'-nlllll•P> hum 1hrlull.-�-, .,f
l.1bt'ral Arb ind s,-,..n.-..• wlk, pr...,..nil'd
u,,.pn,p,1,11] ..,rr,,
1' hr corrM-pUndrnt tow.. Cullt>lr
Wmmot..- 0• "1111t1tfl Uo)d, iu..t.c,11�
1•�,·rholon l'rohuu, , U, Mat••
l\un-•rnrnn i"rofruo, and l,'ha11pr-rwn of

Robbins honoredfor wo_rk


Still no new President

We're back! And we never left!



·•!••············........................................................................................................................ ,

Aaocwt• t,1ao,y
p,ulnu,, 0.wd l Rubbt,u Jtk•1

Robbin>...,._, plrb«d bU-1 >t.llJ>fl...d W
..,-,nana..-.r-dfor h,.wurkatS11tfolk,
"1..,....,, thoucht1boutie,-mn�an1w1td
for,t,"Robbm,,..,(f of h<>romm u.mrnltu
,tud.-"1.• II Suffolk" I r"•ll) rnJ U)
,...,k,n� with Jt.. d,•nt,._" Hobh1n1 ...:d
"I\·,· �u11.-n m, ,r...,lrd lhal "I) ," h,·
&ddrd . Thr•-..•rd I> I''"" dl<"h >r•rtulh••
fa,·urt, • mrmh.·tfur <M11.illll<l1n("'""."'"
wnd,-,cradu1tr•Jud,•n1>,a1 :,.offolk
Hobbrn,._ who ha• Ulu�ht I ISuffolk r,,,
'" ,rar.., ••An ad,·1so, to thf l.:<,unnl or
P,- ,1d1•111.>, •n idv,wr tu lh•· H1>luf\
:,,,,r1rt•, •ndam,•rnb,•1uflh••"itudrn1J.1f,,
C'omm,11•�·, 1 f•rutl\ .-omm,11,.,. -..-11..-1,
•,1ud,•ru,,;1reho-rnc1r..u.. d
J1(hl. ··•• ..·•,,d•nllORul>b1n_.
i11r,..m.1h,Hubbm, h a,h,...n •fi1,ulh
rur ,..,urn uf fund> rut' th,
'""""''" l' n• pul 1ti:r.-oi d,..l <>f ,·n,•ri)
,n1u,t," h,;.oi(I
Hubb,n.., 1 �raduah• ur l'ol�.111•
t no·...,.,l} dtd ho c•ild,> wutk 11
,11 ..,_;;a,d ..tud,,nt,, al Suffolk"1tr mo,.,
du..,·n to ..nh" th•n ,t..df>ntl. oi I I)
ROBBINS p ag�2



Lh,•mM'}. l'll\lW• 1•,urruu, lk><IU!
fr,.,.u,,,,, ..r ..d,101"'1""'"'°" i rr.�,""""'
Y.a!lr• J,;1111,or, , ]), SMu 1 -... ..· 11,,11\l
h>11d uf u,,.- pruf•·'-'01 ,., u,,,.Juum.1hsrn
ll••pllr\m,.,u bo• h11h1 ..nrd 1u1llo,. um� 10
:;;�::� � ,:" l)f
�;� �:�:, :�
h• au • .--1,.,• Id"'"'
t IJp,,n
'"'""'"'"nhun tubt' dr,,•lop,,>d -..,tJitll,.
fh,- �udo>nt '"'""""'""' AM<,,·o•l•un
J.,.,,,,.,1 ur1111101tlfJfl •nd th•t 11'11•
•nd Ill,· ..:uffolkJ...,,,.,,! p..-ntrd th,•
pr... .-d.. rn thll "'"'" ,tat,,d 111 lhrJoolll
f ulluw,n� •�II""'' tn lhr t,;.,llrr,•
,1 i.•11n•n1 be folluw,.,i ... h,•n th•rr a,,•
romm•tl•.,. 1 A d�lrtll1UII of I ru'4�••>•11d
prubl,•tn>"'t\h lh,,J,,,,,.,�1puhhu11u111nd
adm,nostnuon tw ..-Lt>rl,•d Iv"""'' ,..111,
f,,,.nr,al 111l\>l\utn) b0t>t!111Pd 1n 1hr,-,uu
,.,fful� J,_,., ,,...1 ,u,(1 .,,,..,,o,-,. !<> d"" ....
,u,,�m,,n\ I n,.. l!tNO Kl bud�.., r.... 111..
I h , r r 1 1 I 1 u n , h,p brlw rrri' th�
iuHulkJour"41 hf' r�,nu.11....i 111111nt,-r,n�
'"•P<>n>1b1llllf'\of a l nl\,"'l)pUl>ll<'IIIOn -�na,lfh.,.dom•nd fmanc-,al •utu11om)
and u,,. runcrol uf I tr�,- p,...,, ind thr
a,O<l'l/1nr-<1111\ho•Ji11n1St.11..m,-nL ·

by John u..y�
n,,. final .......�. uf :-.uffolk 1-'r>.-s,Mnt
n1om.. A �ulh•m ·• 1.-,n• ur utr,.,,. 11r
appro•chmi, and th,·f""•tlll n,,,,, ..,.
► ..lh•nt -a,d h� "hid 11u 1dt,a""-..hrn h1>
rrp,l..-.-mrnt wo/lt,,,,1p!lfJtnl,;(I
"Tlw Tru�t >-.- "lom,n11,nr t·urnmm....
hun'1 mMlr ,1-1 !>'poll," ► ulh•m <a1rt, ''w
111 .. ma11.,,,,,ull up,nthr •tr •·
"Wt,,,., I ,ubm,tlrd m) ,.,.,en1111un I
wud l"""ldn · tp.11rt,r1p1h• lftlhr..,.1,rhfor
Ill,• ro•pl11·,•m,-nt. ·· ti,· ..\plom,-d "I r.turo•d
lh.11-..l\-ontron.-•�"·,hr11brh, •.
Th•· K>>•t<f of 1,,.,,1 ,.,u "'" m...-,1
•�••n u11ul ".,.,m,•l•m•• ,n -...•µ1..rn1>1••·,
�11lh1m ...,,d, hut of 1h.. numu,..1m11
n,mmn,,... ,nakr• ,1�11,.,.,.,,.,,. i.-ru«· th"n •
sp,� 1111 m•-.•llni: ,.,11 brUllll�••d
H • r ,•pl1,·••mrt11 rur hrlh•m "uul
•PPl'-'"•d lll•fuh Jul, ht lh• di!•
�ulh•m·, ,.,.,i,,lll•ut• 1�-'""" ,•r, • ,,, .
._,,.,. 1'1-,...,,drnl b1n,·1, \ l-l.4n. .,-,, ,.,II
b.•,um,-.·tmr rn-,1!\t<111
111•· Tru,l...-- '-uulUlllln( I u<nmlllr.1 r,c1 " """ ,........ n,e th,• ,,.�um,.,, uf
th,..,. •·•nd1dllln n•t·urr,m�nd,•d bt lh,
�ul,,nt"'I :->rorrh Comrr1r11,.,. 11'SC1.l>ul
r�(' rh.a.uman lkrho•n Hambo>fton ..,d
•dd1ll,onal"" 11.1,,, br,>n �bd to,
1ll� TNC--w,11 11.... ,11t. "" a l"andutai.
"'.omr-timf' ,n thf' nr•rfulu1r,".,.curd1n1

to ltamb..hon ,..Jh� S.,••
hu IU/ftt-d ov.-1 1hr
, . ,n ul lhr.1'1'
C.lndida= fur thr r-,b , fin1Hst,,, r
M.ippa.,•"HPlt' OU/d noll[t•'P&•pl'<'lflrdltf
for lh,1nn(I-Unn>m•nt
Th" rand1di11" ...1...-1-.-d t,� �
�provNl•nd"'°""don b>th.. ;, •�•••dof
',�11h,·, llambo>lton,:,, PSl' rh•irman
[),,111 Jo, ff Stn,n .. uuld ,r,·f'al th•
n1m... of 1h,. po1t·n1<1J prt'lld,•nl/o "\l,'r·,
undar •n ,,uh of cunfidt>nt11lui, •boul th,
•dt-111,1,,.• uf 111� und1d1t... .-.. �, ..n Ln•·
1p,-c1f1r numbo>r . .a1d:>1 r n
"itr••n ha, d,•nord 1h.. 1>"rfflUn l rumo,
11111 11,.. cun l'u bhc ,,11 ,..,1,
�up,,m1M•nd,u1 kob.,11 Woodand 1 ,.,,:,,,
l1u,rman \',nrrnl �ulm,·r ""' undP1
Bui ...,..,,." du.,. lu th,• ..,_Ufh
Comm,11..- �.. ould nul conf,rm ,., llrn}
I/lat \1,0<,d o und .., , un>1d.. 1•11vn, •nd
a,d tulm.., -.. .. "'trci...d b,,i:1u._ �
tuppo..-dl, L•ull, • "'<l"""d do<ton1r

,,..,.,. an

n,1,.,, ,nh•n�,.-.., Mtlln wiu;
qi,ott>d � .-a,·11111 tht> c,ommu1..... ""
lookinJ for .Ontf'On<" with I Wont
1ud,m1c boc,k1ro11nd, n.a,.rt,w In
un,vfr,,ty •dm1n,sl1111n1 ind w-achlnc,
bud1t>une, fund rau.l.111, <community 10d

The Empire Strikes Back and The Long Riders;

Students need
more space

11,<la!•,.•• 1.,.. l1..,,11 r•i.

,,., 111,

cinematic tales of myth, legend, and morality

I ,
""• ,
Ill, f,.,,,e, ,!,.4,
,1,.,-, ,,.•1 ,., 1,, .,, ,., ,,,,.,, , , \1,. ,rr,, ••
J, '1/h /1,.,,, t, II u11.! / ,.,. •• .,, , /\,.._14•� 1n.1
.,...,,.._. \/,ttt ,,.,,.,,11_ /jJ,-,,,..,, , ..-,/.
I Q"" f.,11, , . u,.,, Jiu/, //., " •il.,r,,
/'1 ,<t�• �! �" • I /r.;,u, • nt'IIO:• "<• -,, �, /�,
,a, t l "lw•/,·,
/It, / , •.,., k1,I,•• I •,J,., l•" • ,,,1 •••
� .. 11,, 11,11, �rl/1,11 �. ''' ' ' " ·'""'"· 11,,,
14,, ,1, 'I, ,,,., , "'"' ,.,.,., "··�· '•· .,,,,/
' ' • ' ' ""° /"'..,,1, 1',·,tlt �,,,/ k•••,. , •
4 "'""'''"' • ,,o,·, o,�/J.,,,,, • /\,-.i, "· '" "'"•
<ttfJ //lllllh jJ"'1hl, 1 ·ll1jJ,l••/>ft • · _,,,,/
\n II••'-• 1;,., ,t, .,,,,/ / 'a..,, lo, H�, .J I .,,,
...,, l ( _.,, n... - .,,,./ , • ,.

',;,•:t:;._i p�:,:;:�• •..,::�:it;,';, :'.•;:·:,�::: �•�:;��' ,:: t•"'',;
.,rr......, 1,. 1 • 1.....,••,,,,• • 11, """ • ,,., • ..,., •••�- . .1 ,n,

nu1hl11>r .,,..,,i, ,t '" u., I'"''"'" r,., • h � 1> .1 ,.••
rnrh••"· d '"" · l" "'•"• "••lh r "'""' • ' ·' " ' '" ''"'"It' .
.. ,.,, h " "' l'I"'"' n c .. t• ct,, -•�• ,111<1, al , ,., i.•r, h•• n,.,.,
• ••'"l "''"""'t 1 ..,1 .. rr1,·•1 , , ot ••"•' ' 'l'"'•!•tl tin..
""'' h•11•·• ,. •.,. ,, ,,,, ' " n r, .. ,., 11,, 1,.,..,�, , .. i.,c.,,...,t,1· '"
. ,,11,ll•l lh,· 1111 r,•.., ,,,,.,.n,.11,111

1 t. , , , r..,, 1,,," • ,un,rk r ,,r lri11H11•I• , , ""'l�•nl>
,.,l�•·d •it,, ,t ,tu,t,-nt-• .11,, ,,., n<I u,, u - 1.,.,, 1,n>o "'ti, ,
Hoda: • • • hu,ldn,r •••"1.1,_n, "•• ,,... ., '" 1h• "" ,u
H1tl�• .. ., . ,on,t ,1 • •-fl••llh • "'"'' ri.. • ,.. 11,�.,, l•"·
ltlot tu ll!n,,. , lutt- ,..,, .,f 11" , ult�, - l>o�•u" uf II"
n,, t,, 1,,,1 •I I�• l, ...nt• •"<I h• lluu• .. u<lo/oh,..,1 ,,!
.. ,..,.,1 1>,, •.,.. " ,.oto<tol,-n, ... ,,,..,o,�111..-<1 ��..,�� Lu
. ,... .. •l>i" • - t h, lt,,
• .,... n,,1
th, p,,ot>,, ,., ....

,,M,111' .,,d ,1 ..11, t
h " ,,,.fr.-1hlo '" r>jM •
.,,,, ,.,.., ,,, ,,.,,,.,. ,n th, "'"'' ' "' '"""'"'"· '"'' •• •• ••
UU•·•!"I" ,, '"Pfl"'" th•t lh, ,..,_,.,., tu llh 1.0,,.t.i,m
l'h,hl, '" , h • r, llh,>r \11,· 1••1 ••·•II�• uf ,t ,i<I, t,I ., 1,.11,,
..,1...,1, ,11 to•h·otn,., ,.,11 uml<>uhL,,11, h, ,.,,,., on<I
•l1>d1 roi.. .. ,1h IMllllll\t 1,, d,, ... rr,,.,. ... , .. ,. ,1 ''' ' '""'"''
••todlh,n••u,1 1/o,"• "'h""" ''"''

ltula::••,.•\ h•• c,. ,..,, 11 lu,C- ' "'�"••I 1'"' 1"'"' ,:,..1, ••
•• 1.. ,1.,.,,..,1, n,,.,. "I '�""""'c, 111, , , nn., 1 ,. ,.,,..,. ' II•
11,,•.,, ,,f , du,•l•"" ..,!ln· tn•••..,n , ,,...., . . .,.,tfli• U"
•1111••..,h ,,. 111, ............ µ,..111,m " '" "•" •lu<f,nc'""'l"· d ..1111 "''". r,., Ill, 11,u..·r-,1, m ,..,,,,.,,• •I>"' .1,, •
\l<h •• munol•>rrnt Ill,· h•llllf• .<f "''''"'"= Ill Ch• ,1ud, ul


'lud, ..1 \,1.. ,,,.� 11,.,.,., \0,11,'""' no, ..,,rt ,.,
'h•••• •ii• '" lflh•fl• !fl• , .,.,,, IJl ul '• ••+o•lf•" ''"
1 "11, t,n., II•• , ,.11,. '" n lJ'"" l h,
l""''"'i,,,,.,.,,.,.... r.,11,

Program Council frees S.G.A.

,,.r,.,1� • ·u "' l'T,..:,.111 I ""'" 1! ,h"u!<I fr ,.. Iii, �• • -\
f,.,.., th, h.,11111""' ,.f p,,111, 1�"""'''11 •Hd th, h•·•d•, ,,..,
.r u,.,, ,.11,,-. ,, ,,,
'""'" '•,.-a ,. ,1 , .1
1 1,11111•11• , II,, 1 ,,,..,,.,1 " ''""'"l' l" b, ,nrt.·p,na.-,nuf
lh, 'l,,\ !t,, , .,,.,,. ,1 .. ,., f.,r,11,,t b, lh, l ,.71• 1 "/111 ,( . \
'""" .. .n1,•n l•• ..., ;1,. t ,,,m, d l••m"<fl 00<1 .,.,rr1/ � • •
1111 1utt.•1, ,u111..., ,., ,..,, lh, 11.,. .,,i:,,11,,..c11m ..........., ,
·,1,,...,, ,n
"' "' " . 1,�c,t1 ,,f 1h, 'l, \ 111omh,•, .. 11 .... 1111.-..
•·"•""•t llh ••'""" ..,.,.1 •••mrn111,�-.. f..J1 111, . did n,,1
r,·1 • f•11<1o•, \1,.., ,,,,-....,11 m,·n,t,,·,- ,.-t.,tt 1h, ,.,,.n,,11,
••· u•r•11•1•t11•1• lh•I nu,. fll111 m,.,,. ,u�urtll "' numn.,,­
lh•n 111,· "4 , \
111,, , ,.•, , � - \ •n..ul d ,,.,, ,,,..,.,n tt,..m,...1,,., ,. 1 1n
• •• 111.-. tit.ii ,. ur, A, u •l•nd• "''"'• Liu•� ,. ,u appu1111 ,n.,

Guida becomes supervisor

l"b.. �un,,n1 ,\rcnu,.,.. 11r,,. •. ,.., 1<1••
.,,., """ Do- ln1,1,.,. ••11rr "'P--"'"�
11,.. ....,.,...,n,,l 1 1r,,. ,. .,l>P'""<tlh, 1,1 "
•"•"I" ,.(1.., • ,_,,., ,,.., rHuu 11, t,,
1.u,da, ,.nu ha, l).,· r1lh, 'lu,1o n1 \,1,, 11.
1 1(1,. ,. .., ,,.u,• fu, 1hr,·, , ...,.
\1� urtl•11r 1,, , • .,ub,. h.-1 ·••l'• "'""'
,IUll•·• uul11111uh.·, h,·t , l,·n, ol ,!_,!.,,, .,.u
••• ""•I• u111�,,,,.n1 - 1 II, .,, r• ,,.,,.1 1 , 1 � ,
"I !l•u•�• I , 1 , . i.., � , • :,,. 1. , ,., 1 , 11 ..

,,,,f� '""" . , .•,1, ..1,, 1�11,,,n, �
'""""' •dm•1 1>u,11., '1u! , · l"• I • •• •
\,,.1,.,.,.,,,. .,,,..1 , M ,, 1,,,1,,, L •11••h11 .
" 1""'1 nr lh• ,,.,,1,.,, ll•• ••ll�d•�, ,.,.,,
,,.1,..n, ,1..,t,..,..,. ...... , u-n., !Ulu ll•• ••IT.,,
" Lt,, �•t> na, f'""'" • ,� ""'" I • •
1 , r, thr,, ,,.,.,..,,,. · 1,u"i.o ..,
t ••..,,...- "lud,·ut \.1,.,1 .,., 11,1,,i,,,
li..uut.a K.-11.-0 l(,,· d 4r, lh•I C ,uo,1• •
�•l>cnlr .Jluuld o·llllllKr · y.11,,., l\.,nn!o· t, fl ,
'" • •latl,•d Ill•• ,.t,,-•h turru..t fnr 1th ml,
, n •nr• , •· 1,u,da"'''

1\-,..,nnrl ,,,., • n..n,..u n�, 1,11, h1
11lf1t'r ,..,.,,/l,n•hll, b"l l,u,!h <JI>,.-. lr<I,
,.,,n, 1hot 11 ,...,. 1 ""1r,1.-,llln"'•" 1nd n,,I
,oflal >ll, • •lltrO """' •PIJo'•loll \h,
""""'""· huc ,,..,...,,,,...1 a,.n,..ll hrrr..�11...,1


'l"'tll uth • .,., i,-,.. h1ll. OI \•h• l 111,,-n,•l•
" t. � l f l ,·umrul., 11<·loll1�• ,. •n
11npur1.1n1 par l ur • �u11.-,.. ,-!1111·•11.,11, '
ltobb•n- .a1d Hut h� •dd•·d 1h11 lho
fl<'llit,,.. .,,. tar•mf 1 1 SuUul� '�l'h,·r,•
>huuld b.- ""''" ,..,.. .,,l,,,.1,u11 ftif •IUdrnl
r...,111,.-.., ,,...,. &> a ,1ud,-nl rrn1.,,;·
Hobbuu, ""lr<I n,..,.,. .,.. ol•n• n..-. tu
•rnnu11lr tu,• 1(1di,-,.a� l.111,- Hu,td,llt,
In 111..
1hweh lh.-} u,- ..,,..,.1
1,.,.,c ,un, lll,, plan>at ,..,.... bot ll 1> h•1'I
f.,. '4..d,·nl• nu"' , � Hobb1n,-.11t


II\ ,l..rt
h • " ' ' fhllll /;,, / ,.,,. H...i, , , O UN
'"""11''1 lhoud I .unrt,11<· 1..,t, ►
Jan- ,,wn h•·••h• 11ut1 ,.11,.n n..
�nk '""'"nt dlt • • • " ...,,. n.. p1a,,, 1,,p,,n
I'll> •ul"l>l"rr1p11, ,n •n u1..mpt tu n11�..
"'"' """"r1mvu• trt•nl.. oln-•d• ....
II, ..,..,d �"I 11•" """"" lh•I "'"'l•
► "·n •• lh•• c.alk•d. '"h•I• .·�
h"" rHI
..... 1, '" lh,·1 1 ,11 fah•d ,a,d "" 111, h"I
,,1u,,.al li•n� ,n ,...,nr,.. M. \lonn,•-,�• .
thr,,.ro uf lhr J,m,·, \ uun(t'r 1 .1nc
had 1lrr•d• 1>,,,-om, mcrau,..11 l..l(<'nd• on
1n.. n,,r11.111, urttt.. i\ln..nr1n frunhr1
U 1n ,\11Wnc1n �ul111r1I n1.-d1um, th,
• mrm, ha; 1l ..1y> t,,.,,n OO"t'up,.-d ,.,th th,.
,1.-1lloll and '"'""'""'I ,,1 lr�rn<b. and
"""" I\ U mu,·h • r,,1,.thn1 uf p(lf>ula,
l,.r,•n d h 1! 1> 1 prudu,· 1 u f d11..,.I01 l'.IIJ.-1
Holl 1 un1ul&1 p<>1r.,p11on uflh•1 l,.r.-..11
llw m•kmJ of l,-if"nd 1> nu! 1h,. .,..1,
vt,upahon of th.- fllll'ma 1 .-,i.,n
fllmm1k,.n, l>P"" 1n 1n <>idt'f 1nd loll,,.,
lho>m111r df',·1r.. th.. ffl)lh J.u-t II rn ..
m•1m ,\mo-,oran r,1m I""""" (Jurh u

d :::..
l'-"• h1-.U,.-) c,,<1,ut,...-C.,dnt)lh>
Su,cw SLlnlr) K ub11f'k .1 :!00/ A Spar..
Cl<h...,., 1 196!1, lhr i,o.-nc.- r...u<H> rilm
ll» brcmTwo a rnaior MtU,c.- o(fdmof- m • tn
lto"'""rf, 11 •A> not 11nul lk'lri) • dN:ad,­
llt•• Wllh si.r i.·.,... (1977'1 1nd ,.,.,.,.
�·nru11111t<> uf /1-, n,,,d l\'"d 119l111 1h1t
icuon nim approKho>d IN
lh• tc-1r1•..,. r
my1n"' ,tandlrdo or .'tJUI n,., ....,.und
1n.,i.l1,n.,llt uf th,, \t<U 14(11, .,.11
J ...,,.,., .,;,,.•n H«lr ,a,·tulll) 111.. r,nh
�po,od,• uf I nrn.- JNrl ""�• "'htrh .,,U n•>l
h,, , un,pl,•1.-11 unt1l .'IMl1 1 1r•n..__-..nd, 1h,
"'"Pl"'I� ,n.,.t...m ..r lb p,, o,.........., •n•I
,·,nu,., , 1.,,..., lo r•·llfflfm11,� Ch, ,n, 1h11
!�•l•·"t,al ,,r . 1111/
,.� ••111• u.-J,••I• · out! I "'/•· • Ill, ll,·•I
f1ln,, I,, , ,,n,, 1,UI ••' ll••lh�•MoU •lll•• /.,
,1,1,.,, ra1>1, . H.-,,,11 11,, ·• . ""' u,, • ••• .1..
11.. . ...1 •mp ,1...1 ,,.,n,.,,.,r.,,,,. , .. u..
"" rlf\ tr�ftll�•II ••f Ito, 1 Uh·m• •JU•• la.,I
, • •• , 1.onr,·m "' \ � u,,.,., • p,.·,.
II""�"'"' \ . , , and I•• /lun1,• In Ill,


, .t

1 ,,_,.,. , , \ ,. , l'f• _,d, .. 1 , ,,,d ,11ll h•" ' 1,,,,. ,111,•,,,,r ,
l ll••••••l•r•• Lh,·><111.,,l,,•..
1 1,,•r, ••• pr,•, ,....u.-.. 1h•l •••n••<1> •Cun,·n 1 hf,
,� 11.. ,. , ,.,., 111..,. ,,nu10,111,t.111 ,,•p•.-..•ni..11,.-,,11
It,, tt...1<1.,/ l ru,1,· ,·, hllflurluu l'l••• ••"•� r,n,_h.-d ,,1,
.,,d th• ll1dt•·-·· lh10du,r flll, IIUI hid lh• .......,,rt
f•·r,,,.•1•u11, \1,·••lll>r> 1h11 (I,., 1d.- ,.,._C h•l)p,-n, lu
,tUll,·Ul; .,, ,1,u • ,,,....,1 1 Ulll•tl> ,. "'"'� .. 1111 '"' .-ml m
"1111, •nd ""'' en,... ,1,ui.-111• '"II""" 11, lu ..n..,, 11, ,
"'"''''' " 'l" h l, lh.., •••. ,...... 1h,· ...m,, ........,, 1nflu....
l , 1 !h• /'r,,crllm l ,,1111,1l i.a•, r • r u f ••••n1.>. l'h" "
uuh .,,,.. .. 1 ..mrnt of :-uflul� llh• � . ,\ ,., pc,..-..,ful bo<h
lh•l f'ut<t,<>i> Ill,• rrlll '"'"''' uf ,uffol� and lh� lO,.n,·11
•l1t,uldtif, •<1<1,, ,t,.,1Rhluff1b' ,touulO.-r,

We 're looking jior Robbins receives
:.'r ffl;m;:.J]
�t � .Jlrg .

-� }_

Come see us
in RL 1 9

, ,ulril Ml•l"•I• •I Ill, ,,., +-y•n ·�·"' .,.,1
l',·1..,m,.·l th,•n•nm,,.,.,1
., \ I,� ur Ch, n, d11l ""' ..., Ill• "" 1..,.
•l•••h t,,..-111... tn, , h•d• I ti... n ,1.,,.,
h,1, , 1,.,,,u.,.,.
1,11,�nulrd chal ,.1 111..uch 11 �•h 111L..
,.,U, 1\011� . lh• ;.b,.,l1n,,1

1(.,111>,n, .,..,,t ,lu•t.·11._. 1•••• <1 mu. ,
•"IJIIU•I rrvrn thr '"'""' •I ,uHulk, •nll
th•l th,-,. u an "l"'lh, •""''"I man•
f1,·ul1< nwmbw, .. l'h•·,. 11,• 1 1,Jt uf
n• ••lflHlll> lhu..wh
'-1111, ltuhD,n, .,,,11 • "p,.,.1111, •U11u,1�
ft.,m fa,ul1, m..rnbs•"" •• 1>ul n -...d,•
,11r,••d •••lm<thl br "

l!.uhbn,, ..,d 11.. ,. 1.-1, lutpp, lu "'• •· •�,
111. 1 1o1rd n-um 1hr '-1 , \ '"l'h.·,..·, ""
,�h,., ••llrd I "d rllh,·• '""' 11 I rue •n
...a,d, I'd IOinl 11 «., ,•,..,, , fh)lll lhr
,1un..n•,. · ..,d 1tohb•n•

\.. lHM ...,lr,·111< l)p,-•nWr lrum u,,.
lw¥un \ .-nlul>' uf0...., 1nd 1n undlM:towd
&m,..,n• ur m<>n,., hom a ....,,,.1,1,,_ ·�
p,.... ...11 ,i Mu.. """'n ""'-'n """"� ,n..
f ,.., ,...,.u,.,r,umm.,rhrHL
-.•.-um• 1 11,..f ►. ,1.. ard tarn·n <aod lttr
lh!o·,,-. ,.,,. olll, In "'ill" 1n1u lhr ufh,.,..,
•nd ta�, "h<fl Ch•, ,,a..t, ,t ;,,nh ,,a,.,.
ho<n"" lh• f,,.,,1 •l<�,,,.,r lh•· ulfo ,� ,.,.,,.
-...,1.. .. �..,1
� 1; 111, , . , .,.1 .. i. .• r u.. .. 1r . . . , ,.,,,.1.,
"" ► """ •h••"· 11,., .. ,.. ,In ,•l1m111�h· It,,
Jlt••hl, n· !,, • I••�• • ,t,·I<! . " f4rr• 11 --•d
t ,,J,. ,. ,1 ,.,�,,- ..,,..,�. ,, ..... ,.••• , . . .. .1.
fl�hl ,., •.,,1 lot�, •ha1, .,., in, , ,.•n1

I , . ��:t�:;%�n:'::'���!��:"�·�:�·.

h• lii, ,,rr.... .............. ,,... u...., ....
::: :.:t
.. lh, t,"'" ar• •''"••• k,. .,.d .n,
· ":_:ul
•• •:.:• ": ,rrro11t.n..blr po-upl..


L. ====-===:'.....:•:"__

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,..,,. I,,• !Mho'MI"- i"'tU -l»<.ll·•�t•I><'

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11)1 1,Jf< , \ ,..,,.
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f�f<'vf111/ NIWS (CJ"! f'

Ci•"f -0,#ft

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:.::;:;�•,nr�:�!":..���. , r•,�
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'"l f0RCf � 01 (,(JOO -• .-.-.I lul<' S!-r-/lr., - 0.,1/1 VMkt ·nm.,..,.. ..,.,
....r• ..........."� •... ir . ...,rn .. ,........,o, ,,,,,,� ,,, ,,...,, s,..,11,, ,,,.,,...,, fn,; ( n•,o,,..



rHF t fGENOAR Y HEROfSrifl� _,, '"- """'ff YOU"i,N'< Jl,i"11 -1,11• ....., llllho A dlftl


n,,p,.-t11m uf t<>11lriM bt l,....,n �,.,d and
'""'• 'I�• 11.,, .,... fflHh lwwd ,,n ,d,-alo
l"tl>l•t • nl\lh bu,·d 1,n rullh li\ MldlOI
11.-p111 1u 1h,-m . ma,,..,m,nd l.,.,.rt., l,uciu
1urn> h,., .,n,·r11� 1ntu onoff hum»nforna.
·\Jo I/Ir b.111., t,, t,.N'n t,., \lll.lnt.t
1 .,h,.11�.-r, 1,,.,p,1 and th,• ►.mpHf
1 \ Ml•• • • fofl·•••• lln••• •tul .,nd al lhrd°""
..r J. mp,,. tlw ..,, -.1 ,p,,• , llu Hrtl<",u:r
"' llfr Jrd� �hvuld 1>ru•1'1, ""'"" lf\<>11'
d�r1n111<,/l of lft>hd and ,.,1l , ,·unt1num� tht
m, 1t,,,.,,f 1h.- .'1g1 i.u,,yp
k,•hi� » llMI lh,· U") to l,,trlld
1..-,e,, .. &r; rharvlo n '™""' 1w ,.,., bdUO'
1n..1 .-.n 1161.lm.. tho• manU.. ol l,,r.-nd
, .,.. , Jn,...., 1-.,.i K1t11)•n, 0111� floono:.
1q,, 1 ·,.,.. •..u 1nd M1"W J1mN &Ll ,prvn,
,,...,, 111,, 1o.-ouland ur1 rhanrm1Affl<r�
J,..,... tn, ..nrin...-r Ind Run)•" In<'
1umtt,,,,- � t,,-,-am,. t)fflbolt o f In<'
\nw-11,,.,, 11r♦1m ur pmt;rl"M. fr,.,,urnnwn
11o,...,.. 1nd c·.....-k•II •>mbob ol Anw:nean
.. ,p;,n>1on but ,1 •• J11n" th• Ulltlaw
'"h" t1t><·1m.. ffl<"l 'rh_,...i)' UIU<'lal.,d wllh
lh,· hu1ld,n1 p.-nu<1 0F ,\m,.,lu Jarn.,1nd
lh,- utM, , mrn1ho•r, llf h,.••nM b.-a,m,, fol�
tt.-h..-, 111�• konn,., anrt IJ)d.- 1nr1 Ulrml
t.·.-1u.. ur th,·<r anUu• 11l 1<'th,1u.,. at a
unw """n """wh 1nd 1uthont) w..,..
p,,r..nrd h .,ua,n• 1'hr J.m..,_ Younlf'r
l,an1 bo-nomr rn,...,...• . , , . ,...,. monhty.
� 4nd ...,1 h..l .. ,rhanrl'd po.ullon•
lb.. uutlaw, t,,•t"lltll th.,W<'tll modrb1nd
1u1to,irll) b,,,·am.. d,,...,nnc >1ct1ms
\J 11\ JtJi1l"", C,"-'d lnd P-rd H.. nQ
l•.n(n 1n1onym1111> .-nd, o( • munl

/:r :�:·;: .:.:.!::. .. ;
�· �


..,!�: . :
:;:.. �
punu,- th� pn11 .a:1fto'n1.1Uy lull memb.-o.
'°''"ll"'' N,cfooi111 """ Cl.,,nri,JI,.,, G,_ n 11,., forf/1 o.,,.,,,, �•'fl R,itody tJ,,...r1;n ,n.,
uf th,. rn11l1,.,· f1m,l1n, JUlilW:<' ti..cumn
M,llrrs �,.,, SIKO' ,m,I 1.,,..,, � ¥,,< h •S ,n., .1a,,,..,,,,,,
mu1M1 Wh,•11 tllr Pnl l>'l.llh1tt'1o, murdt-1
b,-�un1n jlllllf'O' Dll11n1 tn..H um.. u,.,
um.. Drt-....t'fl th.- r.,1..1,.. nf 11>,-w, \l,-tn1m
hl> U"'ll "'""'rnl ,.Vll, br ll."3 f...,"Vlll�
pandln ,... nu jNrldo\, ind lhlnb lo
r.lflUoffld Hldn, •nd f'"P"'• Uw Amrrw:an
-nd K�nu..-...q,.. 111 �1 mal .,,nw-n.-..
ll,lfo f11thrul Nlndhni of Utr l.-llf'nd, th'"
n!M'ml hld llnC ..um1n•d 1tlo l>'l•l""'''"P
w1tn111h1m ll<'l1t,,, duaJ•·rntn11 \ adf'l ot
nonp,111do1U<'al pu1du1 w.r,·1•t'1o
'"ilh Ntho-, m)thu,1,,trnd
h1> faih.,,, ,.-ho wu lont 1»4,,-.,.d Md
lllll rf'<'1ptu""1 IM l,,f!O'ndw1th >l.lrthnf
Koth filnu fto'fm� d1Nrr..n1 .n1dn "'
,;ky.,llk••• born lrom • m1n,r.-.u11U11 of
IN'\11'1<) pll)lf\ftar,ba,.,.,,.,.d pau,t,,d,
munh1y Ill c.rrmo uf m�lh 1nd l<'tt'nd At
�••l. fu..., a cnwa of f•nll ,.hod! " l1f1
ind • pnmartly
111.,n ,.,.,11, II>' ,.llfn
1n ',/,,., i.04", Lll• "IUmM, d»h b,,1-......n
untno1,·N1 11 th.- .- n d u f l "V'IFf' Ku1 ftu1h
rvnc......,d ,.1tn llw l,,,:,,ndlr) rhar1et,,n1n
•n�lp l.ood Ind h,i 1 1.,.k., Sh•,.·•lt.-r
�nc.rd a11d if.ft
o n,v1 ,n,. unh n
,..1auonJoh1p "'1111 th, ..,.. whlf'h prod-d
Ind Ovlh \"ldr,, •��p,-ct,.,.t. I h,,C'Oflk"
f'h.,.,. •• I cru,,. Ill U.,­
t""'m Tbr J1ffl<•• ,,..,n..-, t,;int l'.Ullldnol
u,.. foea,I pu.nt of bulh thrth.-m�•ndpl,,1
a,.r1n1llon ,., ruud and ,.,,1 ln ,._Jm� h1>
ft••• tlo· �umr l,·ie,·n<b, had ,-..,, 1..mpu,vy
.... lh, ,11... 1o.,, ..r
., ,· ,.,p,u Wh,.,
p,.1r1111I ltn.h,p .,,th ��)"'lllk•r. \ Id,·!
.,.,.,�" nul t,,,,.n .. ,�r.-pt,., tu 1Jw1r
,�,,.ll k.-r , ,1.,k llanull , ..
,11 \ •!l•·•
t,,,.,ilh,.. m,.,.. human lnrt... • llfo,,f
,.,,.r,.·d ntut•IM" , ,u,..d, n,, 1:,1n1�tul,­
, l );o.od /'r"w,- , with 11!, '""' ,.f .l•m•· •
�hmp,, ..r 11., ....n,lm,•1o-<1,d..(,Kun d h.-1d
""' ful lho-lf ""'" 11'•...._,n•I 01n . bul H
t.1,l .h ..1<'!>1 ,.,.,., ,,.,.,r '111prl,•,, , ,,,,n ,1,u,
r,.,.,.., lh•I I ..,t, r ,, h um.., --�• ,..... �. , ,
1 l�•hh, \ , oun�•·• 1/,.t,,.,t I ur1'1m, I 1.,11,
u h r 1 rn , d
\\-,,,, r••· h h i "
" � � ::; · 1,..,�, 1 pur, , and "··•Ill, r ,.
., .
111, l�o�, rr,.,. 1,u f �I"''' �" ••plu,. ..,.,.
•1J l>l'l,·mr11Lr.l •'f•r.f••l•·r i,I"• • " ' "'/'"
11,.n, .1 r.., r,. ,,. . .. 111., ..,,. •., ..,...
'" " .,1, m1� 1 •. "' hn, �•�•11 .,,,1 , • .i .
ll,.· 1 1 d ..... ho, t,,,,•11nh m1or• ,·,,tt11fl"•l•tl
1..11, , n , u,. •�•• ,.,,.. '"""" 11,11
l l u r , lli I • t u "'n( -.. •1l. ltu
1 -,1· • •
, ,.i •• .,,,,111 .. ,., J• , y,
�llu,I• l • • • - Lll••lnpl ,,r l!J, ,.,p1.,,1,.,fthr
ru• , I , , , \ "<I• .
�"" , , •• uld J.-ri
f'"'� • • ·•••r . ••d lh,,, !,,r, ll• r:l•1<oh r:,;,..
i:,o!!� 1 It,. • •I • •• . •h'l > I ,fl, tnt•lh "I
�.,�, t hi,, ,.u.,...,.., d Ch, ,Lori, .,t, ..1
, 1 , ,..ji, 1 ,i,1
, ,�i,J••• , ,/.·I,o.,r,,.,,.
r,,., . . . ... 1 .,.. ...... . .,11 ..1. .....
... ... .,, o!'-"'· ""If \ ,.11,·f , , ,,. "'"
"" ...... n.,,w . ,,1111��,• •u, •l•\Ult I
• r· u.rt,,trl,nn ,r,r . 1 ,,1, , ,,unr,·1
1h,uuc11 11.,,, ,,. ,. , 1•tfll•l••"'"' ' "' " "a,.
..1111 11.. 1tih1 ...,h!, \ , 1 , .. 1 th..uit1 1,
,i,•,1ru,. 1n.. 11un,·n,1,,nal m..rnf,�u1""'"1
1.. . ,. 11n,.,. ,1 ..,,, 1,,1",n•·• '" ,1,

,1:: o;:::::,"t::,",'0��::;,

":t��nc.:...:�n :,;::""�1

. .. , , .. - 1

Heaclin' for Broadway with cast of cardboard characters

\ ,.;M, /
/!• .,, , , ., .
o;, /,·,J �, '•H /hh•� "",J •/<f1'H<.<.
/,·,·, / •re• t , u,,, /1,,,/
1/, 1 '""''
.,., J 1•�111 I Q"lf,.r, • \ : th, ""' I

1,.,,,, .,

byli�ic �m,111
Hra,l·n (11, H"1C1,/11,u >huuldlut•r b,,,.n
hll,,d /1,...J.,, \uuhr,r Tht> f,lm b) b
llrook,,,, 111.- p.-rp.-lnttor f>f \<1<1 l.,el f f p
lh Ll/r, 1i1 1-11p" • l.lP9)•nd .-omplftrh
unt,,,l,...-.bl4'...,_l,ull .. n1t-h pu,poru10
.no... tM lna Sfamoruu> wd<' ot Bro&d..-1)
1n.. .,...m,ncf)""d....,., rUf'lin1a"d't"'n�
fu1UIOM'lrw, 1Jl•1mportant11.11,rolel
llroub fi•n w rou, yuun1 8n.M1dw1y
hol)l'fub whu lru.-1 to/1/r• ,· or• i n $ot'1rc:h
of thll .. 1w.iw "tlit fln•lk .. lb,5 would
ha•� brrn 1n ,n1.-...�1in1 ,.·1y of nplo1m1
lhf romp•on bth,nd th,- ,pu1ll1hu tnd
�htt"""I marqu,..., 1r ,1 h•d b,.,-n loulwd
upun 1, 1 wriu111 rnti,.1wrandnol o.imply
I WI) lo m•k.. ffl<HIP) I cilPlp,
lhlrd ,11., r,tm full ur c:ardbt»rd
rhara<'l,• t11at,on1 Ind d1dw•riddtn
dl.llOfll� lb11 film. ntlwr than pro••d•nr
In) 1n.u1hl ,nlo lw11,uuie,, flruadw-.y,
m1�n • muc:•rn. uf th,> 111d,11onm1


l1 11 d1ffkul 1 10,,... ,.h) Wtll•C..nturJ,
� ox "'ould bo- wmin1 1<.J pmbifo '"'Ith
Hruodu,ay 11.1cr ffroc,k•· lhl "'hll1alt,y
'iff l'ou A,.i111, w1.> 1 bo\
r,/ ,
(11sco, /(/ii,
ulf..,,. dlsast,,r •ndth,. Olm 11ofthr""'""'
O!uac-lo'• d..wfWpm,.nt \hould bo- •
....,.... pall "' Broodu.a. , bul I I ,. •lrno.t abs.-111 Came u,.,n.,d� n �m
l'l'r•H I> I u·c.rr1n of many homrlo"'n
mw,;1,;th ind d..c:,d..a lh.- hu rnoul!h
npt'ritnno 10 1toa,.., Qh1uandtt)hn luck
on l:lroad"'I) ,\ft,,, 11,-.,,nl h•• wn1, ,1 ,.
d1fl\cu,I! 10 •�lh' 1h11 ln)'Uf>.. -...,uld cut
ht-rm ,_..., U,.. •milInt .UJI<' ml,, w,. ""'"'
"'fbo-h1ndh<'1 11mhn1,urf1er
Wr ,,..,,., 1,,am ,..,., \·lllrrw- "alb,

, 1 , .,111 lt,·, rt, ..a111> t" In 111 d m 1k,- Ulo>
h•� tom, \II "' ' ""''" 1• thll '11,• d,ln<'O I
Int, "�t• ,n Ill• , bun n rhulf and ndt-s ,n..
....n ..... .1t ... rt, 1ul.ll >(",..,•n u....- 1> 1bout
ll1lpn \lu,rll, 1 1'11111 l11dulnl II a
da11f'O'r ... n., n,.-. r,,.t ••nt 1u ,po-..d h11o lir.­
d1uu11 dllr�, • ho falh.-t= don II•
,.11d"a) C.-n.fotn,
. ,,.,.,,.fur,· ,. ..., ,,..,1.,. 11r
.-m.1u 111,.- r.-.-n .-..1 ror11,s-mbla11C..

-- ' "•n � h111
::; ,!
�:: :::
"; �,
, ::;
l h1 t a flroadwa)
m,,,..,,c,.pnrr ri.01m,h., �dop, nut
ft·•ral lb<•l r m lh,. film
ltP\ -.m,th l)llp t-.t � ddw, a
""iCl' l >OnlWrllPf '""" tn, L/111 I
Kroad.. 11 p,ut wvuld �,..., h,m I btot1P1
chlnN• • l 1 ro•1'0,d1nc�unlr•�t Sm1lhi1thr
u,ml>,,r ur th.. ��l Ind hf'
Ofll) lll�nu•d n
•· mo,1 uul 11f h,� d1<"hr••po!1llni
:�; �
: ;,
Snuth h&> n:•--·nll) brrn•·�•l•buulhll
d"plo>Hu,.. ...,111 H,.,.,d,..,,, ..y,nc Ulal
f111.ob "'...-.111wd" h,montu t,,.h"ml lhlll1t
,..,,.Ld b,• 1 q11,1hl\ Fi lm lt n too bld Ul1t
IC�� 'i<n1th p,d nOI IHh..., !hat b l:lrooU
,....,, .........,1..d1n qull,t)

· and The Long Riders;
1yth, legend, and morality


h� SJvwall<'r ,11•<1 o.,11h , .,,.,, . nnt•""'
, ,,1,..,,,.,,.• .,.,1 .,. ,,.,. ,1,.,, ,"1 ,,. 1 1,. r

1t>,Mmes 1'00.....,...._.., ..,., ,,.,. ,..,..,...,.,, . ,,�,
11,.., H,IIJ r,,., L,,.'!J H""''• ,,.,.,.,, 1.-1,,,.,,,,.,,
,ghf/ o.,,,., ""''" ..,,., ,;u1...,, r:..,,..,,,.,...,, ,,,..
II dS rr,<' l r,,,<1' /.Jel>WI ,tll<I �..11,/\ ;,,_,,,/ ,1'l'lr

h1> """" 1nh..,•·n1 r>1I, n, 111 .., ••�"f'""..,
anrl ... �n,n,·1.,,1�.,, ,1, ,·h• rh.-1 �,nc ,.,,
,.-,th,n h,m llr lat..r dc..,.u••·••lhal \ ..,t..
h1• f•lhrr, "ho -..·h loni hofo h rl
Sky,.atkr,, horn from a m•111f,•,1JOhu11 "'
,.,il. f•,·••• I r11ll> nf fanh "fad, " h•fl
,,,,,...,.,1,...,1 1t 11, ,. rn<l .,f � ,.,,,,,, lhu f•uh
., nu! th,· u11h ,.,.,,, 1>,..,..,.,,.r1 ""d 1.. n
lh, r, " 1 , . ,�,• "' lh,
,t.,f,n111un "' ll'�•d•n11, ,,1 l11 r,•, mtlu•

::,�7�� ��::!'I n::..--�;.�.:!�;•·.<1\:;:::
d••fl�i.r, h,·�•1

�hmp..• ..r h•• unth In�·!, •l.
1m,,,., 111,1 I .,.,, , ·• hu,11"" "�'"'"'�•, ,
"-'•"I " H•• l••U�• l I'"" . •>•<I '" 1
\ a,t, , , , ,,I
lo I! JI!. '"I''· 1,. •I• 1,,,. "••"! ., ,I • ••
I �,,, "
'""' J•
""l"!•lj} '
I'",�,,-... ,, • ,1 ,1.. ,, •.,,, .,,....,., ,, · - �·
"' ... • · •
• ,.,,.I'" ' -� r,., ' ""

•• I'" '- I , ...1 . .,. •I \ ••I• I •
lhrt,ue• 1h, , " , !, ,.,,,. I, r ·'•• �- 1 ,,,..,
!•, " '"•"" • 1 .... r l• •�• t i , ,


"""' ""'t
,!, I "• 1 ,.,, .,/ , ,<1.lf,od I• 1,., • I •
, , , 1 , , ,... 1,,., . .. .. """' "·"· ,, ' " """"
; ..,r. , ,, ,," 1 1, ,...... ,1 ..,, , ,.•1 . , 1.. .,111 .. ,r
,1, 1,11, i., •11,•m, •"••• · •"•"'11 • • "'�' 1 .,,,..
,,,.,,. ,.,. _ . ,,,. ,11, ,,.,,. .,,,,., 1..,n,.,, r..m,.
\II•• , , ,
h Un 1..,111, I� I,.,�, 111,
, .., � , . .., 1 1 , - , , lf•••I"' .iid \11• tml""
\ .,i. , , ,,.,, , , , ,1,.,, ,,.,1 , , ul • t m, , ,,,.,,
"I 1 "'I"" th, 11, ,: , p,.. .,1, , I ,,, //, 1,·••�•
•••• /, ,,., ,i.., .. 1,1 pr,,,,.,, ,.,,.,, m,,,,
,1 , twn ,..11 ..r ._-.. .,t •• ,1 , , < 1, , ,",1'"""'� lh,
'"''""' ,,1111, ,., II ,. ""�•
u,.1," ,• •,,., th, �.- , ,., t.-�•·nll

:,:.� ",'�,:· ••:·,;;,�: ··, ;,: ";,·::,/1� '.�t\::·.�:::;
, .,,.., J.,,,.�, l�,,i llunu11, l)arn,•I ti<,.,,., ••
I•••, 1 I•• �•·II •11<1 �''" ,J.,r,,.., •II <jHUU�
r, .. ,., , i., ,,. .,,,.,,,1 .., • t .1,�,,.� ,n.. ,,. "

ti" ' ·.�,,,,.' •IHI lluo, ..n u,,
lun,r,, ,1,1, I ,.,., "'"'
.,.,,,��- ,,r Ill,
\,.,, ,,,.n tlhdl1l••f l'<•,Co.,_, f,,,nl"""'rfh'I\
11.H,, . •• ,, 1 ,.. �.11 ·'"'"'�• .,f ,,,,..,,,.n
, ,ri,.r,,,.,., nu, ,1 ,.,.. J.111,.. 111,- .... ,1...
" " ' ' '"""'"' "''"' ,.t,,..h •.,.•• ••h•d ,.,u,
1 1.. n,111<111,� 1 �·""'' ,,f \nwr.�• Jom,.,, 11n,t
I!., .,u,. r m,-,nt• ,. "' n,, �•n� t,,,·anw fol�
,,, ,.. , , 1,i, t1,u111" •""'i, ,1,, .,n, , ,11,.,,,
h, ,IO o,-. - ,I Uhu ••·1•.,• ••I .,. ,,.,.,,.., •I O
r,n,. .,.h,u u • M•I, •not •ulh•MI\\ "'""
1 • • • • •• •· <1 •• .,11.,,,, n,, 1.,,.,..., \ o,mi:•••
, ·•••t to,, ""'' ' ' ""''" " ,,t • ,,. " m,M11h1,
1."•"I •11<1 "' h•ot , " 11•,.�•·<1 l"'"U•M1•
llt, .,ull•" !H • •'"• lh• "• '•J m,,il,•l,,tul
,..,rr,,.,tn l•�dllh <\,.... I\IH�>""\ i111'
\., 1n l-"'l"'• • t•••<l •r,<l , ,1I Jf>• h••
1,,u�• • •nlumm,,,., • •"" , ,, • """"'
,,�, 11un1 ,�""' 1,. _ I•·• •.,,., , ,,I and �•
t,_, ,,... ,,m, �•••<l, 11"1 ,n ta, n,,,.r r,11,•n,,
,·m um,..,,., ,._ lh•n , ,.,,,.,, �11,•n th,
"n�r(lun .\ie,• r,,·, ! I ll,• la-..·mr" """
I""'"". th,• l(llni1••• 1<kn1J1U, �,ll m •••"t�r­
.,r 111, u111h,,., fauulw, , 1.,,1..·,• h,•,,,rn,,.
,,,..,.,.., Wh,•n lh,• �•"� n• l.1111•1,-., n,u,,I, r
!o· r"n"" 111,1,,... l lu rm� Ch.-u 1,m, lh,
p,>flld<•• "'" nu fWlnlrl<l\. •nd lh•nh lu
11111 , fallhful han<1l1t1 � ,,f lh• 1,·�nd. U>•
n,,., pa,an., "rup:o,.d"' '"'"'•·•
H,J1 ,,..·apluu•• lh1• l1·j!l'nd .., llh ,1.111hnt
pl•,u•�•Uth1,.. haP1d jllllnl••<I,
.., cui: ,
tram ,...,r, arr "'''"
llnrt " 1mm111I)
... ,.,,.,11,, ,t • • !,IILh, 1,�• 11<1••• • h••a• Lo•r,,n
••·l1! >,•0>llap -.. un 1 h, , ro "t,. , h pr,wtu, ,•d
Lh,n, llt, J,.111,, \ . ,.., � · �•h . ....rdo,,t
na" ,,,, .,m,, I,·� •"'' 11.,t , ,• .,c, n,i,,.•••"
�� ,,.a ""' I>.·, , ,., t• • • I" " lu lh, If

, , " ,.., ,1 "'"'" ,r,, ' ' '"'''' I ., ,s;,• • • ••�•'
""I f.,, II•, " ""'• I••-•••• �••••. hul •�
!�•llh, I • ""'�' , !!,,!>, " • .. .,•. 1,,,. t o l l •
, 1


,1,, , .. ..1 1 .. I
,. ,, , 1, . , ,,

. ..,, ,.

ast of cardboard characters

!<Hall ) •II,_.,., I 11,r,,. 1(1<·h111b , h·rn
l't>-a.1 ,, • .,.1...1n uf m""' hum, lu\1111
mu,1.-ab and dr<'1dn YI,· tu,, .,,,.,u�>Tt
.-�p,,rlf'n<Y tu lt·aw Uluuattd If\ h,• r lu.·t
on ffroadw11 \flt'I hrar111c h•< >IIIC, 11 "
dtff�ulti.,,mA1Pnr tll•t 111) 0<... ..,....ld,._
ho·t m�,,•u Lho- ,1111Jl,,.1 ,u,�,• wl, \\,• 11, 1,·r
,., ,. bo•h1<1d h,•r ,r1uh1 1� ,urfa,·,•
W,• .. •••••• In,.. •h, \•l, 1k• \\al�,.,

\ "'•II !{,, , 1 "••11· '" II\ ••"1 rn•�• lh•
'"� I ,,.. \I ,. , �""" " 111•1 ,J1, ,tar,.,-. ,1
1,., , ""�' to• 1n, • nun h , Ii"" ., ,,, rotl,·• 111,•
,.,t,,._, 11 ... 1 , 1 ..<M1 .. ,, , n llnl, '> dk•UI
r . . ....,,,,, • •
11•1111 \I. . , 11. I';,.,, I •••fuh••I " •
••, ,...,,1 1,, 'P'·nd h,, l,f,
,,..,. , , .. 1.. , ,1,�
,\,(�• ,� ,tn, ,,. ,, ,. 1>., f•lh• r ...,.., I I ,
lll• h t "'' .,,.,.,,1t.or l1,.,•tl"•' L u1of<t11· •
., , '"' 1,,h•••· h,, r, • "'' l,,r to» 1,,.,.n,bl•1�,
1,, Ill< 11.,.i < " " ,.,n. P 111,rn f.,, h1, ""tUIK
111,• "•JW•·••I
•"<! ,1,. , , . "'t .u,l,n
"'"' • lho 1 d " • '
,.,,n,·1 ll ! r• �
<lhM• ••�rapn,·r , 1•.,,,.1. . J••'- .,.,,J....,, not
, . . ,.•1 , 1 ..H m th1> r,1,.,
)(, , "tnllft pl•" ..., •.ddlo• , a
•IIIK•• "�'l"Tlllf .. 11.. 1n,nb 11111 •
11,.•.,,.., p,rrl """h! t'" n,m • b.•11•••
ihln••• • I • ,.., .,,,1,nK•·un!""'' .-;m, L h •• th,•
<>rlh 1JOl, ,,!,-,l nh·mb,•r 11f LM, •·bl 1nd h..
m•k••• th, mo,1 ""' uf "" ,ho ll,• �poulmK
, hu1,t,·r
'fnllh n,.,. ,..,.,...11, r,,.,... ....
<1,,p1,...u,. ,.,ch H1>-• l,,u, . ''"'"it Lh11
1\1,�•k• ",-.,n,,,.d .. h,m 1nLu tJ,•lw•1nt U!•t 1 1
,.,.111d t i< • q1ialu, flin1 11 ,. 1,0, had thu
f!,., ..m,111 11..1 "'� ,,•• 1,,.. LhMI ,Joo• 11rook,
,, nnt ,.,i, r•·•L•· d ,n �u,11,1,


by Joe Colll(hhn
I V.'lto _..,. thr /1.aho,,_I l,l'ICIW L)
Youna A,...,d w1n11•r 1n 1911�
A KandyJorw>
It Sr,,,,.c.,-1\0..
(. Jokn Cand�lar,a
IJ J<.,ryKuusman
Who h�d• th.. ma1orlrafUf' rr,,or,t
with rnnr runM'<'uta yun ufllrik1n1
,..t u wll,t 200bltt�n..
A TomS.avH
H Nol1n Rr•n
C J1mf'alm.,
I) Andy �,_.•....,,.til
J Who wu thr fint with mo"'
than 300 itrW-ouu for nv,- il<'uora?
A fr1r.k Tltnana
fl 1"1;1m$en,.,
L" l>unt:..11,,11
[J Nol1nRy1n
I Which play�• wu runn•r up for Ult'
NtlA Mou vai ... 111,. Play,., award rou,
um"', Y<'I MY<"r won thr ,wud�
A JoJo Whii,,
B J.,rr, Wnt
(' � Kobt-rlM><!
U tlf]n liaylor
!, WhU quartnbld holdl 1.h,, t111tt-1
rN."Urd for fombl"�
A Johnn1 Umu.,
II Fnn Tark.-n LOn
C HartSlan
U Romat1G1br1rl

),,tu, I' 1 ,,,r,,• 11 . lr,.k,bu ,- 11,�n
..., ,.,.,., , ,.,..," llurkr• r, ..,·n t,,, 1h, !">I
1, ,11r1,.,.,,. , ,.... . hll> l"•••H t1.nh•t! Lh,• ror"
, 1 1,, 1 , � " ' k••• ,.,..,,,.., 11 ""rf<•ll
1 . . . . . ...11, . \thl.-t.. 11...�-1 .., J,m �..l'-Qn
•rn1<•un.,·d "" \b, I I !lt, 1,,.m "'II
rr,•r,.m, ,11,>1\\ 1..,.-1 fur u,.. r,r>1 1,m, Lh1>

I nlbt-11 att,,nd..d hu'1d"n.-" l"ollt>t••
•nd pll)�d •11r<1I\ horkf') "h�• th�•• IW
,,.,...,...d I bach,.J0< "r uh ,...,.,.,. from
l'fu,·1<t,,m·, llt 1965, Drfm,. ,.un,ni h"
,,,1,c,,, u f rt!u,,.hon d..�,,.r II -..1,• m <;t11i,,

l ·,.11,••

��:�'.��=:� .:�

� n�./:.:
m•"mum •·Clu,;;11t,on coordu,,.1.,, It,. hill>
,.,.,, .,.,,,.t1 ., fac-ull1 m1n1�..,uf11hl,•iu-..
.,,.,,t•n1 ru1rhnf,-aNt) foutballaudbo�•n
•n m,1rur1u, IL th,• °'"" ►�•£l•nd llu<,kr>
._, lk,.,lo 1nCI llw l'r,•.,d••n<, l ,,lk•�•
Hoc••·• l uno


l. .,11,,11 . . mao-,�c, t,, 1n,. fu

�=� ���b��

lnd Ga"ihL,-r



I - ff

!VI W �FAD CDM:h Johtt P C ,bett l•bO�r! ..,,11 �.td Su/foll ,n rite" /,,st �a/1",rl' l>ot;ker
��•un e-w, Arhl<'tot O,...:ro,J11n lVelvmha1anno1Jrot:eC1

! _�

Sixteen will get you twenty
t,y Ru•hartl Hober\ t apru,

::,Urnm.-r 1n ho!.ton llfmr,, tommom,.,,,
nwm0/...., of •·un1M'1ful •1ct1t11, .ounll.!,1nd
.nwlb NUurf' d1.--• 11p 1n hfl fin•it
::' n1 •nd U<'f}lhmC ••mpl) fl'1'b

�chp,,nonh&> lh••or u,.n fom111lath11L
!1,-i,,rmm,.. LIie �m•·•I of ,ummN To
>Olllf' , thr ,nd or ..:h..ol ma.rb lhr
�c1nnm1 of1 J1>yu.. nn11on Ulh+'ll\11.11
f11< til, ..,...nd or U,r bo'lll of •n 10:•..
, c,,.•m
t1ud, to w1n1.l 1h.. ...,d of�m1 llut tht-"'
.,,. •bo tllo,,,o "·ho iimpl) will not dN:la1t
th.. an,.-.1 o( •umme, un UI 1hr tint
lutlt,r-tup and c..totf• 11¥ lllht,,d. ot lh�
1n111,1,lp,•r�U tanklops 1ndlO'm '110,ll
Bnld,.. lh.. 1>e1..ty •nd po,1.-.. that
.wmmer br1n1(>.. ,1 •IIO tlr1n1• • mllj!JCal,
wi..•Pl•1nabl,. wm..thmc ti111 ,a1..,l th<>
..,, dr,vr or moot p,-opl.. to Uw h,rt,.,..t
�bl.. p,..i,.., wh,1., lo"rrinc lh�tt m,;,nb
to iuti,,r 1,,,·,-1, lo mu,,1 pt'Upl.. 1>
,prll�d, ••·
t'nlJ:f Lh•n!!> <><."<'U I ,..h,• n Lh,• ,uni, ho�ll
1n th,• •k) It 1> H 1f • m�c11· .. 1nd .. ,.-a...d
u,w ttw rnL,r,• pupul111on 1nd nrr,un<'
forcrts "'-" Uw) .,,. and .. 11.11 th..) did
dunni tilr prr,,oou ••·•• ('tlll1a.-t�"'•
p,,r. ,.,,.1,1,..,. 1nd r,�u,,.. 'tU lhrouih
�u....m.. ,·h.tnl!t',, ••mph i,,..,.....,. ,1·,

huL r, r.t ind fur.-nu.,.1 , �·" 1> whal
,.,,......... .. t h,hl,ni Ml>uut ,\nd,C 1> rr•I! )
ll•1d n..1 1u 1h,n� ,bo,ul,t (..10Lh1nialll>u1
dNrPJII'•"' <'Umr Jul) 1nd ('()nf'""'unal,
bN.-umr .-n;-..d.-d PKipl•' "hu_,,., .,..d
U,p paprf wddt-al) jtand un 1 cr,,,""'""lh
urtP dlUl)·, 1nd ,...,·.-, ,....mtui..m U,.- p.e,,
Eye. bull!'• u"I wh,lt> loc1km1 11 O(htt
hllle"•, •nd m,• n whu hut' nn,..r shown•n
1111.,,...,,1 ,n finan�•• bo-rom" •nv,.,,....d "'
dt1..:k1n11 uu1 ..__ts, .,,dfmnl.M'll..


Journal meeting
June 22 7 : 30 p.m.
1 n RL 1 9:, 'JOIN!


Corbett named
first varsity
hockey coach

AduJ u a... nut llh uni) unO'l c•ught ..r­
"' ,umnw, C,uld,..n M•ffl tu bloom nrh
,pun1t, •• nltlu"' dun n,. mnoc,.,nc• of
111- nub,l.- 1uun,,1,.n ,u0Umc throu,11
th• <"ll) ,. .-no..r,t, to wt off sparUm wm•
propl., Thr 1•.., ._ howe.-..,, L.ak.,. qu ,r,, 1
dim v,,...,. on such m1tt,n. !>c>m..1h1ni
11>oul llw q., ofcon...n 1
!'hr lilt' or con,,,,n\l) >1mply U!ra,:••L
"'hll'h l ilalf' d•ll"""m"' llllrt •�ncan
,111 lnlf'l'('OU,... ni.. .....
<"OM.>f"nl to ha,
don 1pply to b<Jtll m.-n and wom•n A&,,•
t • • rood n umn.., to
do ,·1ry but
,�m..mbrr 1n
,;unwnl •• II,
And lu" II to
C.hrorma lo na.... II� •tr of consent IL
fou,t"'n 1,... s1ran11•1 it, lh'-' f1ct Lh•t
until 1973, til,- age ofron.w.•nt m U.II.,.·•••
"'" ..,••n Nol m11Ch .,.., to do th...r•
Most w...l.(',n c:uuntr..., ,,.. rat/wr llx
•buut .... l•w� u... I ' S , bt-1ni ffl•
,ml) lrul ) .tr,tl on,, And of cou....,,
hos1,,n b,•1n( th, wor1<1'1 h•1d1nioppon1• nl
LO lii• V )"lly, M.....,,•ll.l law> ar,,
,1r1, ie1, 1 tr..m 1 mon1>U1r,
r,..,. t:nc1andobo>lf1•n·1 1oobad
l,t.n d and .\!.....aeh..><'tb hi"<' ag.,s uf
"'-'"""" ' " l t>1tht....n All uf lhr oth,n.u,,
St1ll, a. ,n,·,11nr u 1 hp!'mack,nJ
)UUlh m•) S<'<"ffl, 11 th•) C"ln. l ""1 ........n


;,1:r •;�,.�.�i'n,r11 �:,'.

f'l, j;'�,ut,,I) ' 'llu ,lip u n th,. "'r1>.l for
LuhUI lll"•f'I> ti•·• tu t.o!I' t> t.... wnl, '"
t;.-urc•• i·ou·,.. look1nr •t h(r Tha l.,
,url"ly unrlk-lluf•n .-irp,,-n:11-... urpun
Sl,11, buy• and Klrl�. nlf'n and wunwn,
ie,•t ,n thr muod JuslIt)' to kr�p lh.- m•n
w,Lh the wom�n •nd thl' boys w,th till"
,,r1,, andhaw1 h1ppy1iummrr

�!�'.'.�� ;. <1:�· 11


Of myth and legend . . .
Conhnued lrom pag,el

L,,lb lh.- Pink...1..nn m&n S.,..,.-1y C�tfd •
ntt-d for tilt• outlaws to OU , ,n
11wln1nrn could Lh.-rt Ill< 11,.
ltl'COMIIUCUOn ..... delrly I um, of 10C1al
..p11uV11l, m which oulllws. hkt lht,
J1m.-l-Younl:"' r•nE us,I)· bream..
11,11 ..01 only con�•nshunM'lf w1til lhl'
outl1,.,i n>l•l1on,Wnp with socwty , but •bo
w,til til,. pr()plt who t,,.camf' lf'l,.ndaf}·
Hill ha. 1lw1yi; 1>t,,• n bt-tt..r al p.ainlln�> than with. •�nc ch1n..i,,,
1lt,- l.-11<"n<b m> p,-upl,,, bu1 lhll do..t no1
roreieo U,.- f.lcl tti.1. UI.,) ,..e,,. 1,,pncbtlwn
U "'"'l n thryurtodl) Thrtrrn ..,,,...,.,
,.h,dr n...,,....1111..d ,llont mtn Ind
"·um.-h. J•m""' i,;,...,1,·, ,tony r,,,1ur"'
p.. ,r.....1h bo•fil ...,.,... Jim•·•, lla,·,11
l"••••d;n,. · • .. ,..,h,.,,.d f••·•• and'
,hould,• r lt•ntth hllflrr p,•,r,..·1 m,.a,,un·•
of frun11,•r 11\·mi, and f'am.-11 ll•�•d'• r,,.f}
8-111' Stan 11ni> with •n ... tl'l<'nhc
1h11 ..,.... h.. l"'flr111i. ,.,,.,,.,mp1,r� u,�
i..rrnd> 11111 p1ut,..-L lhe portr•11.> w th�I
th,, 1-,:rurls ,,.n,1,n ,nucl l)un111 u,.,,.
udon Nor\hfi.-ld,whot-ll <
,11,fll,•d rt
,n thrir walktnc lnwa t11p. ev..n u,,. 1,.,1 ..f
�unfill' wh,ch Ulolill It..:,,! cannot IM'iitru)'

lh�m t!al:h (UIINH>l •• l,fl.f'd out of til.­
coni,,,rt or u,., 11.. blttlr a l!Jll ,m ploys
>low mot1un to rrcord Heh bu ll.,1 •,
p,-ntlrat,on inl.o uch of til.- gan1
m•mbt.• r,,, 11,. d<-v1c.. wh,rh 1h11 bun-uw,
from h•• fo•mr, m.-nto1, Sam f'N:lcinp,ah
An "'""" .-1...-tn>n,c •·hin- p1PCPd8.-1eh
f'Onnrcltni�ot, ,rtriaunc ltlrmfromu,
C0'1lf'Xt ofthtlC'IK>n 8y m1k1n1MCh..,,ot
11\ lnt11c-1t• d.-1111, lhll KCf'nhlltl't tht
l�IC"nduy ljllllotu, of the out11w1 Normal
�unfin• ,. ,..ff,cn•nt fo,nurmlll po,uplf, bllt
,l talt<'s 1rt1111r .1ilo" moti..n �unfirt' to
wound i.-c,.nrl> 1)1,. uni) ,unwtol who,;,,
r,,ult ,. nut 1t'(:r,,,drd "'til•onr,.hld1 lulb
Jr..... Jamn Small-t,m.- iunm:an flub t urd
,,,;, up 1>,hmd Jam.-.. ,n J•mr1· own
hou;,., a, hr •tra1V,lrn•1 �mpl<'r l>l>ann&
U1,. l••�'>•nd "(>od 81ns Uu, Hume" " (l,p
d,•alh or 1h, m1ndut.,, nut nh•• n l h1• d(·ath
or • lo•ie,,nd In f1,·1, !I oft,•n M'r•n to
..-n-nl"•ll' th.. J.-p-nd, •nd H,dr,. pmn.,
r.,.-u, .. 1n 1rc..n1..aunclt•f••nd•
:,,,,,.,,. :and H.Jcr1 w,U probltbl) �
,..m,•mb.-red mcbl by v"'"'""'U lh<'"°q""I
to till' mtal ,.....,"5iful film of •U t,mo- :and-..
th,· film mark,n� c,,·, ,,.1um lO th,·
\11',.'m, but 1n a n,or,, 11tbt1c M!ns. ti,�y
w,U b<- rrnll'mtJ.,rl"d u til., fln;Lcinemat,�
mythandlri:,,ndofU 19KO,,



Corbett named
first varsity
hockey coach

h) J<1f'( ·.,.�hlm
I Vtho ,... 111.. ,1uon1J l,·•i"' ! ,
' ""l'lf: ,\• r<l .. •n.,.., 1 n l "t1
\ ll&ndy ..lon,,,
H ..,,,.,.. t arn. .n
1 Juhnl and,-111.a
II .lttt) t.,..,_,n
Vtt..., hohh Ulr m•"" l"•I�•· ,.,..,.,,t
.,,th ,unr •�•n....,·utm ...,r, """'�!nl
,,ul 1l lrhl �)l1t..1t1• " '
\ lum -..•or,
H ,ul•n k11n
l J_,, l"al..,..,
II And) �t,,,-,,..noth
I v
•ho ,. .. 1hr flnl ptl,"hrr ,.,th m.,,,.
lh•n JOO �1111.... .,..,.. r... r,.,. ......,.,,.
\ � rwn .. l'llnan•
H lom:,o,•w•
I Uun l,1111,,11
IJ ''-"•n ll)•n
l Wh>t·h pl1)r• .... , ..n,..., .. p r.., lh..
,HA Moot \ 1l.. 1b.r l'la).. r 1 ,ra,<1 fuu<
umn. , rl nr•••• -·,.n th,·•,.,.,11
,\ JuJ., Vt'h1 1t
H Jnrs Vt',..,,
1· U.,-11 koh•·""'"
IJ tJr,n kl) lot
Vtll11 q...,..,,b9.I, huln, tn. ra,,..,.,
,...,,.,dto, r11mh1...
\ Juhun, l 11,1.11•
/I tnon hr�••nl••n
, 11.rt '>tan
1J Hum.ot1 1,,11n,-I

1,,1,. I' , ·,.,1,.11 . l , ,.hl>«n lhth
" h,�,1 ,ot,n, lh" ,,,, ,, ..., I I f,., th, 1..,1
•,.,..,,... n ,,•1,, h... t•·• 11 nam,· d lh1· f11,1
ar,1h h•u �H ...., h Ol -...(Jul�
I ,..,,,-,1,, \1hlrl" lhf•·•I••• 1,m ,rh,,,,
•• ""'"" ' '! ,,,, \I•• 1 1 lli,• 1.-.n, ,.,II
1,. , ,,111, ,u,,t, 1.-,,,l f,., lh,· flnl !"II• lho,

, ,,.1,-u 1,.diulrd hum ,,mr,.,llr
th1h ..,..,,,,.,1 111 L'lt, 1 , ,-1,r11• h, ,.,., •
111"� l, 11,•,m1n

r,,.ut..n,-. • •�l.•1••
1 o,b,,t\ 111 nd,• d t•
and pll"'d •onlh h,,o k,•• •hJr Lh,•••• llr
,..,..,,.rd l IM.
-hrl,>f 111 ar'h c1or-,.... fru1n
,,....n.-,..-, l'b , ...,,. ,.,, f..,., �"""( 11..
n,a,trl ufrd1K'1
Ui,1n 0o<crr, al -...1. m ,�,,

' "'"""'

le lr,. hbu" JO-rt, '" "'"" h, "• ll•�h
� ,..,.,t ,..,,.1 -11><11,-. h a , ,,.. , an<t h at... ,\
...... ,,....., ,·a,,n, 1,..., , ,.,,.11,..,
11,., llr t, a,
•1 ..., ...., , ., ., ,., ..11, .., •.,,.,.., .,r.,111,, ,,.,.
.,,.,rant , ,.., h .. , •.,,..1 , 1,�-11».II 11111 11,-..,,
... 111,1,... ,, .. •I lh• '-·• t.n�la,u1 11, ...... ,
-., l1u,1h •tut lh• l'1u,1drno • I "ll•t•
11,....... , .,.,,,

VfW Mf,\D rn.orh .Jof'>n " (.nrr,,m
.,,11 �.,,, Suti,11• ,n ,1,.:.. ,.,., ,..,111� 11t1<•�1
.,,,., ,,.,.,.,. -1,,,,..,., 11••..,•r• " ,,,,. t,J,111.,,, ,.,.,, ,,,,,.,,.,,,..,,,



Sixteen will get you twenty

,,11nm.•r ,n llv,1un l>r111c- 1<>1n1n11m.ot1,
/ ,,,..ffl,l,fl.-. u( ,.,.,ndt-d11l ,1111n,.. w11nd> •11d
,.,,..n, -..., 1 .. d,.,..,,.., up u1 h.,, f,n..,1
dnlhutll •nd ..,..'1-lhu,, ..mph r....,.
•.a,·h p,,,.,.,n h.. 1h.. ,,u,.,.form11111h1.
.,,.,,.,m.,,..., th.- •
..,,..1 ,.r -.umm,•• 1 , .
.,•m,• • 1r,.. ..nd , 1 ' ..-hu,ol m u k • lh••
t-•(lflnlll(uf1 ,-,,uu,,.,.,..,.. lllh•· ... ·�•11
1.., 1M ....,.nd of lh,. bo-H,uf 1n ,n.,,.·1m
lfll('l,. tt;"lrYl lhr ...,d <>1" ,pr,n1 Hu 1 111.-r.­
.,,. 1lw thu_... .. 11.,.1mpl• ,.,11 n.,, ,,.,.. 1.,,.
thr iu,,..1 ,,r ,..mn1,•1 unut 111,, for•!
1'1111.,, lop 111d ruwfh .,.. .,�ht,•d, ....- th,•
,n1111lpt"O'l,. 1 t 1.1nklup.1ndc,m .tiu,h
llnld.-. lh<' t,.,1111> 1nd p,,a.., lbl
•umm...- brin111-. ,1 ,1.... IMlnll> I ma,:1<<al.
..,.,.�plam1bl,• """'•thn111 lhll ,,.,.,., ih•
.. , "'"" "' mOM p,'Upi•• tu tn.- h•lh,..t
pu,,wbl,. po••k•. .. h1lo• loJ,.••ll�t th. 11 murah
'" (Ull••• J,.,...1 -...mmr, ,.,n,...1 p,•.,pl•· "
•p,•11.-d ,
t ·ra,., uu,,�• ..,.,..... ,.11,o,, 111.. ,..,. ,. n,(h
1n lh• •\•
11 .. .. ,f • m•t" '-llld ,.,.• .,.11
.,.,.. u , 11rn, p,.•pu1•l•un 1nd .-..·n un•
f"rr,-u "'h" ,,....) 1r, 1nd ,.,w1 lll•·• du!
rlu rrnc lll, p,,.,oou, •••• 1 ·t111M"l••r•.
p,.,,,.,,... 1,,.... .,..1 li(llh" .�. 1111..uch
, •ln•n1,, • h•nl!O •. 11u,1II• "'·••u,. •l •

11111 f•"I �IICI (.,...,,...,., . ,.., h "'l\;ol
. , ,..•om· •• lh,nl,•111 ab.•11l \nd •l .. t,•.oJh
h11d n,.1 t., \h111l,.•b.,ul ,t l lulh•n«•llbul
,1,,.pp,-1n ,,.,,w Juh 1nd ,,,.,f,..,..un1t,
r,,.....m.• rn,.. drd IW1�• ,.h., n.•••.. ..·•d
Ith• P'fl"1 >udd,'11 1) ,1.1nd un 1 .,><1w• .. •II•
.,..,.. tll,l► • •nd no••·••• ,..,,m IOlum lh,• p��•
....., bul r,• mil ..·h1I,• l,11,kml 11 oth,.,

i-..lw,.., •nd mrn .,hu h1•r iw•·••• "'v.. n•n
'"""'"'" ,., n.......... -•um,, •11,...._... ,n
ffl..,k,n1 uut•--b., ..,dfmnbM.>

\<halb ••• n"I th, ,,nh ..,..... , 1u1M ..,1
u, .umm,., t luld�n .,.,.,., tu bloom .-..-h
,pt1nr., •• nalun- ""'"' ltl•· ,nn, ..-..n,·• .,f
!h••"• nub•I• \UIIIIJ•lrn ,Lrollon1 thmuill
t h• r11, 1> •·nuu1.. 1u ...1 ufr'$Wl'U•n-..m,,,
p,·Ufllr lh, I•"' • ho,..-,.., .,.. quot 1
dun ,,r.. •Ill "..-h m•Ltn, -...m..11unr
oOU\ll lb•••r,- ,il ,,,n..
lhr ai,- ur eon..,n1 » ,..111pl• tb.-aitrll
•IIIOI• ,Lllr do-trnn,n,.,, u , • P'"""""'"
• .,,..,.nl lo h•"lll 1ntrn-uw,._. lb. 11"'
d,,..,1ppl) lu bolh mrn anl1 "'""'"" o\c,-•
,.,, ,an hul

. , , ie,11•dnumb.-r '"
•Uol•••lh•• •1.- ur
,-.,n..-nt " :,
\nd 1,,• .,. '' • '"
l •lllurn•• ,.. ...... lh •to" "' < on.,•nl II
fuu,t...., t-n •lflnlC"r 11, th,• ,.. , lhll
unul 19iJ. thr •1•· 1>f n•n,.•nl • n l WLl••11
..., .,..,•., ',ot mu,,h ,.I., h• du lh,•r,

Mu>I ....,1.. ,n ,·....11t1M·• ...h· f1[1\,•1 1. .
11>uu1 .,•, l•"•, 1h•. l -. ,,.,ll, t,.,•nK llw
.,.,i. uul, ,,.,., .,.,,. ,\11'1 ul ,·uu"" ,
H.••l,.n bo•1ntlhr,..urld·• lr1<11niul)P,•U•ll1
tu "- " ,..n.,. , \l-•h.....11. 1a.., .,••

1,1.�� :,,� \�:=!u;'.:� �:�:. .�: �;

;;::;;:;.tt\:;�\ ·:!i:·: {\§:I�::i

llu••• ,, n,, •l!O ul . ,.,.....,, ,n I'"""
"'-;:.r:11.1,·h ' '" ,lap .,., 1 1 .. .., l•M

:�;��.:.,:·::, "� ":�,�:..�·".,.. 1:�;· . ��·.;�

...,,,h .,,.,,11,•U ,,ron r,p,•n"'' utl("'"'
• •
l!O I � o,,'."'
..:.:;: .i!�:;t::��::: :;:.: ::::.�
-.,th Ulr .. ,......., and 1hr h<>H -•lh •hr
C"t,, andM•�• h1pp, .ummrt




U, ll•nwl II """""'" h..,.lk-rn n•m,.d
,.,ff•�� I 11,.�.,,,1, ,.,..., nil• 1',..,..,1,.-,,1
l'•rlm•n ••• •·hu,.·n .01 L.-, .o '" m•,t1lh
••h••n ,. ,,.. ,..,.,.,. • ,.,,,. ,., �••m 1 •,•1
•lndlll.o,._.• ., , ,- ••Hl..,,..,_.,t '" lr,,
f• ,. .,11,, u1,., -.. "'' � , '"""'"'.., • I'"'
f• -, "•• 11111l> u 1•••• f,., 1,l 1 • 11,.·nu"" 1,.,.,
... ,..,,.
v tl<IU• .1 ,.,!,
••I• .l it"

�n ... .,, • • .,,. "
""'"""' · ••• •••"• , ! m1a, \�,11-i
, • •, ,u1: •• a 1 ., • .,,....,. ,.,.11.,,,,.,.,.
11..,.,.,•. ,, ,.f �ur1. .11 1 ,.,,.• ....,, . 11. ...m .,,
l n"c,•,
\ ,nu "· \ t ,.ltc,.-, n• .. nl-·d
l'rrtn111, •· � ,.,,..rr.•·h• • h•n11,,.,, ,,I ...,,,.,
, ,.,., ... .,. •·mm,n,.,.\h 11u•hf11·d b)
,..., �,,. ... ,.d •nd , .• p, ,., .•.• , t" a.-.11 ...,rt,��
d,mnt lo, l \f•\O
n,. ""'�•nl\ ,I l'•·rln,•n •••do"'"
•· ,i-·nrn" 11.o. 1-ok • " p1..,,. al M,••.,. 11

, ,,,...r,,, . 1n ! h..-.,, • •o ..,..i,1 .. "•Ml .. h11h
n, llh 1..�•11 ,rni.11o·fl .,. ,, ,, fn, •"''"'

1 ...,..,,, • •.•,... 11.......,..u ,, . .. ....,(1.,11,. " •
0,1111 pn••I> urt>&n ,n..utuuon h ,t,.,.
,1\ i,&udrnt· pnm•nl\ hum ,..,rnm�trr
,111d.-11� fru,nlho t·h1< o1CV•w•
f',.rlrnan •••unul hbn,• w a pr,,11n1n1••fll
\ ,..., 1-'l-r51(1.,111 fnr all1111n.,11111Un ,1
kuu,..,,.11 011nn1 ..,. durat,on •l lho•
11111\rn,h ,.,. t...1<1 •, of araO,,nu,
•nd ldm1n1>trtl,.,. po511Jun. . l'• w»

seventh president

,�•·"""'"'"'" 11 fur Ill,. P,•UIH,n ••I th,
-..,f!ul� p,•..,.11,,..... h\ Ill• \n,..m·•n
1 ,,uu, 1l•"< ► d11•-allun ll,,..,. \ , - � h,.
...n,·d ..,. • ,P,-.••! ""..Uni ,., 11,. drpu!>
. ,.,.,.,,.,,.,.,,,. , ,.,, n,1h• • •nd • •onlin..u1'!
•.,11.,,,, ...... 111.
. ,rr , .,t•·du,01""''"

If I ·•
h• .,,., ,,..,lo'd ·M� ••I Ill
ff • • • l • • f
l• I ••"
•II •• ••lrf', < •
•ltn1m. .1111 1un ' " 111• \nMn•on I ,"m• 1I
••., ,·au, .ou..11 ltunnr h•• • mp1,,.11 1• n 1 01
H,-•.,..,,.11 tw ..a, uu1o·d •ll••nlh"I (m bo>
•nllo r>lANl1,nr "' ,n, urt,1,1 <I""""'"
n, lud,nr • • ""'""•' •110 p,uc••"'
•l• . , lupn,rnl
h,n( ll"11,. pl•11 111nr
,n,u1 ..•••M••I n �·••rh 1nl1 ru,
,.-1.i,.,.,, It, n•• 111 , �·n.-d "' 11

1> 1,n·,.•n<•ll" l"th, '•h•,n•I \_" ,au..,,
.,r 11111••1" ,,,1,.,u i ..11,.,... �nd 1 """"''"·•
ta,.. furn h•t urbln a11d 1!1Kh•• f ••d..•,.l1011
1, .. ,.,,11 h" """"""'·,.m,·nl t ..1 n,... ,,ud
t" P,-nn11n .,K.,,.,. q..,1111.-. .•r m,nd
,nd llh11n<11mp,,.m...,n1..,n.. ufcn, f,N
rah loll ,,. h" u,111n,n,.,.., .-1.., 1, on t>, th,
, ....c,..., p,, h•,;o•d ....., 11-1 l',••lma.....
do,<•n1..1-.ll•'<t • h.,,;.,. h• 1null1lw lh•
1.,.,11, , ffurt •" 1..n1.,.nnr lllr 11n 1umt
Lin•.- Im q...J.u 1n lh• ..nll..r'l•lldUilr and
profrM,1unliol llOU(:IUl» u( \hr 11111.,.n,\\ .



Journal meeting
June 22 7 : 30 p .m.
m RL 1 9: JOIN!

Of myth and legend . . .

t,,ll> lht- f'mkrt1.,n n1an ':-,,.,o,r\) Cn>ll,.d l
IIN•d .... lht- u1111.... IO f,H onl ) 1n
11 .. 1.-.,nr.- ,u.. l d 11\,•fr br ••"'
M.................--1,on .... rlrlrl) l hlll�UfMX".,,J
uph..1.-al, ,n ,.,h..-h uut11w• hkr th••
1111ie,•1 c•nc �Q.ll) t,,.;·1n1r
Jim,• • ,· ..
tl,II notonlj .cun�'l'fll> hlmSPH ,.•lhthr
00111.. · ,..(al1on,h1p -.1th>0<·1rly . 1>u1a1,.,,,

-.,th th•· p.-oplr who brt-1m,• L�••ndlr)
11t1L h.. &1 ..••·• IM-rn t,.,tt.•• 11 pa1n1rn1
potllllb lhan .. ,... IMl)t•nc rhan.-1
n,.. 1,,IC"ncb ...- p,-uplr . 1>ut lltll do.-.not
r..,,.l!U th.- f•rt lhll th"\ " •·•• k•crnd>ll>,•n
•• ,.,.11 1,th,• • U••l•><ill• ll,r,. rn"'1• ut1•
"'h"h ,...,••..,,.,l•l•·<I •lr••"C m,•n •n<I
....,....n J.a,n,.. ......... . ''""' f.�, .... ,
P•·rf...·1h ti.•r,1 Jr- Jin..-,. 1 ,•.,,.
1 1rr1d 1 11.. ,
.. , .•h.- ,, <1 r.. .. •nl1
,h....l<l••• l•·nclh h.oot ••• ru,f,.,, ,.,..,..,,.••
uf ft,,nu.·r 11,mc. and r.n,,�. 1-1,�·d • f11•r)
11,,H, ,.Un rn,�, "llh •n 1..11,., ,11,.
,u,Y, •I•
H•II .,,...., h" 1�,r1r•11> 1u ..�r111pl 1 h II"
1..,.....d, fl,ll r••"-••• l> lh,• p,.••lu,b ...., lh•I
Uh �nd, ,,.11,11n ,n UM.I l)u,1111 lh•H
,K l1tril nudun , ,.,h1Ch•<"1,..IW'd
,n 111,.1r -.·11)·;1nc1nw1trap. .. ,.... lhrh11lvf
1unr ,.. wh1t·ll 1,....,l, 1h.-mrannut lk1lro)

11'1,•m �...-h 111n>J1ut •• hfL,•d .,.., of lhr
n·.,111•�\ uf 1hr cun bllll• .. thll .-mpl,.n
>Klw motoon tn ,...,...d Hrh bt.lUrC,
P,,MU�llutl ,nu, .....h of Lh.- (Ill(
........ i..-... . drWl<'t- wh,..t, 11,U bunu..
(rum ho• fo•mr, n,rntor, "•m ,...,_k,npah
\n ........ ..1...-1ron..- .. hnT p,......dr,, rld,
......,n.-.·unc.tiot . r1<lrocll•n1 1t,,,mfrum1h..
�••11 ....,1 11( 111.. l(llOO 1-1) m1k1n1 �...h Mlol
•11 •nlm·ai.• d••!.1111. 1h11 ..-nontu1t.,. thr
1..�·nrll•) q1111i11,.. uf 1h� uut11 ..., >:orn11I
tl,lnfin- ,,. u1ff,r,..n1 (,,. n unnal p,ruplr. but
11 u,k,.. arh<,1..- Ju,. ....-,un cunf,..,. 1u
...,..nit Lr,.-nd• n,. onl) ru....,,,,, .. h.­
=uli b no1 r,-rord..d ,. 1hrunr,.,hwh k1II,
.i.,.. Jam,.. :...1111ll tun•• tunm1n lk.>b �u,d
""••k• up t,,..h,n,t ,l1m,-,, m J•m•1,· u .. n
11.,.,,..., •• h.- ,1r1,rhlrn"1 ..mplr, bra11n1
1n,. l,,i:rnd "l-'>d lil<'W ll\l1 lt,,m,," Ill..
d\·,Ch••f th.-m•n <1r""' "ul m,•1n lh,• dt••th
.,f a k,!O'nd In r..-1. ll uflr n .,.,..,, I<>
.,..�..,tu11, •hr L, r,• nd. ind H.J,·,- pnn1o•
f.,.·11, i, ,n •n.,.n1 ..111n� l.-1!rn<b
f"n,110,r •nd H•/, ,.· w•II probiobl) II,•
r,•nh•mlk-,.-d mu,l b) ,,..,.,.,._ .. 1h,· .........1
"' lh.- ,.,,,.., ..., �...,.ful f• lm of •II l1mr and
th<' f'ilm ma,l,.1111 r1n,,ma·1 ,,.111m I<> 1h,­
"'"""""'• bul 1n • - •ru,toc ...n.., •nr>
,.,,11 Ito- ,..m..mbo-rrd • lh.. finl nnf'fflllK'
m1·thand lt-r,-ndnf 1h,, l!!!W:,

Suf k: your worldand welcome to it
Th1> ,., ... • nr • cruup uf h,·,Jun,u
Ind l'nin,ft• n WIii 1111"' II liuffulk . �"
thro..1h vn.. nuuun 1nd ,..1 th.-u
,ntrud..o:t""' t.o II(� 11 �on,· onh
pnot.r all<"<>fflm..u,• ..,hoot
TI>r) ffll) b,, awf'd by U"' fa� UIII
thr lnp from lh., K,d�••·•> Ltn•·
•do ,l,..• Huddm& lu th,;, Mt \ .-rnun
,;;,.,...t 8111ld1n 1 f.,..t,, mu"' hk,- 1
cn1rl1111 h1kr l..1n • ,trull �m,• uf lht­
pl'Opl,, )Ollll � "" tho- WI) lO t..f'II
dti&l• s ,,.. ..nfurt..n•lr . of1,•11 hVfflf'k'�.
and lh,., •11 1,,..,,. I Yd 1mPf""+Otl on

th<'>•·•trrlmr hf'..•
f h"
:,r.:� :
�.��,\ h• ��;,:: �
u �llll p;lllll. 111/l ch.- ...obbl) dn•
thr) •·Ill fi nd 1 •.,() �bl,,
rnw,roomrnl for l,,•mn>1 and f,,..
mN"t,111 frllu,. .i..d.-nb Th.-) 11 ,11h,u
(1 11d br1U11nl pruf-.n •hu ,..,.. ,,.,.,
m.. rh about 1 ..r •lud.-nh and U..•
lj.._hl} uf thr rdu�'ah(Hl •I .;uffulk
r....) w,U r d a bo-u.., ..i..ffl'nl lr..-r..-i
•1W1 th1111t1n, othrr l n1v""'''),.lth0'1
pobl,� orpr,,11,, ,n thr 1n-1 ,\nd 1( 1hr,



1h,·m ... n,.-h will hnrr ,., Th.-, ·u uft..n
bo- '"')tntt.-d b> th.- ,.... lhll ,......
pruf.....,.,.... an• (vrffd to tr1rn 100 mAN•
r las,,..,, 1 11d d,111'1 •l"'l\• ..•• •• n1..,h
umr 1t> fl""'1 "1lhlhr""11dr11t,. .. th..)
wo.. ld IA,• 10

._11,�: !n ·� ::-���� � ..
, �;;:. �:�, �

16111 123 • 000 °:J1J

,n,·ul•rd _, "udrnl OfCalllLIIIOII) ti..-,
..,u f ,nn • , .. , . hltlf\OAIOII>
ro-r�o>lr,,.... brt ......n lr1n11nc and
At SUffoll th.., will n11<1 du.,.n lo
... frUu.. >tudrnb .. hua,.. w1ll1 n� c.o

!:�."n�: r..�: !,1��


Ashburton renovation injury

n,..., ��" ,.1, n """ 11,n
b) ,ma l ,:.f'la
nn, "'Ufl•·• '"'' """'"'� 10 t,,
l ,on>tn,d ,..ll , ..n: 11111.-, •I '>Uff•-ik ..a•d \lnrin ·, . , , .,1,-11 1 1,.,,. ,r,...4
ht,1,..nun P'l1,,. bo•ldrn( lvll••"'"'I •
•r" 11,11 n••I app,•a, '" I,, .,.,. .... ,.,.
,.., ,.,,, arnd.-nt lhAI ,...,I ,.,,.. man , . , 110.
1 1........., \I•""' fl•l1 ,.,.1 n•p<•fl M• k cu
.,,.,l u,.1,1 •h.- .,..,1 ,.,., k •f1,., lh•
I ,1n,1n,1 t"" •"•�• 1 H,,1u•fl \l•"•n ••• t
.., • ,,t. ut •nd th,.n "•HI llum, •IIOn
•t 1 11

�,: ;�:::: � :: .. · � :� � •• �. ... :
IM·, 111� II, ..,,,1 h" ...,., .. ,.1, I ...., n,,111..nnc
,., � l'lamm.-, 1,�.. 1,>ul •h.-n lh• n, ..., ti"
"'•' ind II• r..11 Murin ,.,, � Ill tu
�r�•ln.-, ,..,,l.., ..aid \h><•n hll 1 hr
\la,.;,t< hu....11, \ ,.·n.-rwl ll,.
,pual "'ll< '• h•
I"'""" P••II\ Mr11• .onl1 .,,.•n,hrd ..1>
'-•• l•.-11•-d•ntlg.!..,,..d
,11,..,1,1,.• . ,.., ,.f p,,.!l•n11 Jt• .,.,,t h,• '11<1 n,11
,\r,·nr<11n� ,., ,•nl(Jn.-,., llum \luod•1
..,p,·, 1 ,,.,.,,. 1o, u. b.t• � ., ""'" rv, •
\l••r1n 111, n.�·n th.- ••nl• . , , ,drnt ,,.1,m
........ lh.- A..hb<lrto11 10·MOUl1<>n ht-I•"
\lnr,n ,.• .,k, f,., 11.,•.,.. th.. n,mptn)
,-a,I, thl• h•II ·r,,,,., I\P,. <of •h•nr. 1h11
,.,,.. ..,,.1 th,. on.\tdr o( th.. bu•ld•na: Thr
l'l1pp,.·11,-d I<> l\obll, 1 \\<111111 .... • ,...1
n ,1r..r11u11 , <>mp•n• ...11 • bu,ld

r••·itl .,.-.d.-n• I ,1n ·1 , ,,�.,,, •h• th,

Activities Assistant named

b)' Ahcf' Whool�)·
tomwr \II Id• Jun..,, t nll�I" -.tudo-nl
Arh•1lor• 1 >,,..,.tu, Ka,t>.n1 t ...nman h••
bt·.,n n1111.-d tu ,11,.,,.,...d l'•ml l.11,, .., 1>
S u ffolk ', ,.,.,.1,1n1 .-111d,•111 ••·•0111.-.
l.11<1U> 1> prn,onll) _,.,_,,n,·u ,ludo• nl
..-11.,.,t,..,, d,,....lur •t Q111r 11amont Jun,u,
t•n Vton..,�tr•

Th.. ""'"' \•••"tant '>tud<-nt ·\.-1,.,l•n
ihr..rtor fttb 11 hum.. 11 Suffolk .;11., .,.,d
·1 f,...J ,·rr, romfort•bl� hf,,.. t>rcau... I
.,rnl 1.n • .,.r, b11 rollri:,. fu, Ill•
wndt<l'l[radu11.. ....... l l M- ,\mhr"I I ..

�nol...tlh11 thf' d1frr,r.,,...... t,,-1-.....n \l1
td1 ,nd Suffol� ""' nw••..nbt,• ·,1\ •
b1un 'ICh0<.11 """h I 101 ·-··· ., ..r1,•nhllt1d
I h1u�••·n• HOllm.•nl •.
►•..nn�n .,....,,.rd h.-, undo•r1n<I.. •!•
11o,:..... ,n tt1•t.or> hrr m,,.lrr 111 r ....1111,n
Admm..int1Un fn,m Ro.1un I nn.•r-u,
ind ,,. pn•,o•nlh ..,.,,1<,n�<>n ubta,11 1nr t1•••
' 11 ll 1n h,Ch,., �.d..•·•• ..,n al tt,,.,,,,.
l ollrc.- pa,1 1 1111<•

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••� ,•nth pill rd .., ,n,uum...,111 "'"' ,n
notprnc \h Id• ..,,ub,I,.,;, 1 PN(nm bovd
11m1l11 lu Lllr """ JL>>I ro,,.,..dll :,uffull
� ...11 rn1n "
,.,,.n ..,..1.1,r 100111
....,11011,. ·, '>I • \ 1n<1 ,;11.. ...... cn.-m c•11 nc
fl'lll) f•1p!I,-...
t,..,.....,,. " napp, 1na1 th.- , \;i,.o�Ulnl
..,.. 11,• r1t A . ,•.,,,..,, 1,,,,... ,.,, .• ufr, ..... hu
n,·.-11 """rd tu I l l I lll1• uff,,... duttll►
....,uw. fn,m lh<' :,1..<1,,nt -'<•h•!Un
1>i...-1,,r,, off'"' ...,,.,.nhl!l lo � lt'nmM

c,..., ,...., 1 ,·h111...., 1o bt- clu,. 1u··..+..,..,.111r
adtnn ,_ "

.1 ...

Rainbow's end,
gold or glitter?

.\I Lh,• ..nd ul • , .,,,.,, .. , .... ... ,u r, .,i,. "''' ,,j �ulrl ll<ll

•I 1 hr ,-nrl uj • ..-.,, h ,,,., "Ill f..,i, • ·,�,. ""'''' "''I '
1>n·W<1, n 1 • • • .. ,U na,, • ••n•d O••lri,.und .n u,b,t,,
� d... .oll•lt• •"d h1t"l..1>U\i JI, ,.,11 h •d , • .., Ull•• lh• "''
\. ""• 1..11 ..,·d lu UI• t�•""'J "'""h n f t ha.rm•""'
1n, "'••"1 .,1 r..,.ir,-. \ .,,.,,.1 \ t111n..., ,n.1 -1,••11"
\"I"" "'""'"'' ""' ,· ,,,n "'� n. 11) bul f,,, 1 hup,·(ul ..,
:� ,��

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•"d , , •• ""' 111111 .., '"•"I 1,,, ...,,,, lh, ....1,1ul1•� ,., ,.,
'" ,..,,, '" l•" ,.1.. 1h, •o-,,1r1,. , "' .,, ... ,- •••1 ,,.1,,
....,1(,,.1, • '"'""' .,,.;..,, c .,,,.1.,1 .• ,.. 1M•l , ., .,
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I nr, .......1.·I, "" "'" "•' a • " ""' t,�U ,. .1 t h.,, .....
.,.,, lh• •Lu<lr nl• ,.11, 1u1,, ll•t! lrt••l
,r,.,,. . , .. 1,,11, l •• ntak,· .,.,.,, """t t h • •l•tl• h•u�- , t . ,
n n.,,u .,,,1. ..r 11..p, .m ..,,. .n,, ha•h•,l • • f>' ' " "• ' " " '
...,••n� "•· I • • I• � "JI'" II l h•ni• t, �,n 1 • •,.,,. • ....i . .,,,1
....,. n •t •��·• ,.,,n,· ,c ,, ult• " .. uh , ,.,,,1,1,, •.,, •• , .. ",1
111, '"""Id ,oll h�•· t,, I'"·'" i "'" p,. tu" lu, Ill• lul ,..
\ p,,,-,,..,r,1 "'llu ........ rj>I • • ..... ..... ,. ,of 11l,· 11«- ht
, , 1 , .., -lu•l,·•h •nd 1h,· f•• ulr, , ,.,,.n1 ,.11,, un<1, r,1, ...1
lllal •lu<1' 111, "'•nlrd I••"'' ,,11 Ill, • r11,1•I ,t, , ,,,..,,, th•I
, (f,., e,••, , 11,.,. ,-,1.,, .,,••n \ pl••" .. n,· n 1 11. •3>·� ""1 1 ,..
lu"t"•�• ul •n •• 11,,• ,lud.· n l ll'>IIUl�lh•I -.. ••<• fulfo/1,·<1
flu! th, 1 '••1 " " 'U•II• •• lu• h• "'"•' ,,,., futun "�•• ,,i
! , o l • ,,l, 11,.,. ,.,. ,.,. ,..,,Jh ,,..1,, ,,. ,. . n• ., <•·•• "•·•!•h•
,·1111 ..1 11.. ....... ...... ··'""''"


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St 11 I 01 1\

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lo .., ..,_,....._ •...,._.,, •"" 1tuo

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8rH . ••,,.,,... ""''"'"''"'
..... ........ r,

.1,o._ ..., , .,, J>,.,,.._.,.,,..,

( S v ffoJ X
Good job done by students

Come to the Journal
Open House
Tuesday, September 9
Wednesday, September 10
1 :00 - 2:30
We're looking for
writers, photographers,
ad salesmen
We Need You
Improve your writing skills

&11tf'mbef 4, 1 980/Su{folk JfJUmal/l'vg" J


I I �1.,1 1

J�,. 2 Suf/nl/1; Journal Sq1/, mtir,


,. '"J·•lrl ·••<I' ' � I""''�

i.,.,.., u � "'
Jon•• l .tm>Oo�•••••
ll.,n Mu,�••""
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l"'"Ph •lun� .,,11, 'I.OH fr,•m tho• '"11>1•1,, ,.rt,,.,.
•<1m""""' 011<1 Ill,• ""' r<l�lu•ro l�allri- ,.,II hPIJ> lu ,n•l.r •
, ,.. i:,., ,<1 .,111,,, ,..,.,,.. 1.,, u,, ,,. ., .,rn,· ,lf lh" ,.,.,,.,1,,,, 11,,.,,rn,nl! ._.u,lrnh ,...,.,, muto• ,.,.II
••:111•h· l1 1'• , .,jl,•r, l•I• lo-,, ,n11m1rl•lrd h• (.... "'-'' ul 1hr
1,n1 P,·llUWl"'" om! ,,..1,,,. •n �11.\lrf IHn_,1,.,n :u
,1 ...
.• .un i .,j 1 11,. hud ,.,.,,� ��
�:; ,
, .

:�!: ;;;, '.: ::,�.':"

Mall just one of many features

Multi-million dollar development plannedfor Assembly Square

by Tncui K�U.-y
Ai.on�.,..,..,11,,,,.iun h.,,n,.,..,d t>uund
"n lnlrntJot,. 'U h, ma, nuun- • ,1n•m1
,.,th Ill•• •·•><ch
lllu" ,.-l("f IU"'•'I
"\'1- .mbh "I"""' ,.,ut.,••• •1t• 11 ,n hnihl
t....d ll• PY• \11Ntt11, ,h,...1r1,, ,...,,dl'il"'
U uff fuo • pl, .-\Imp!, .,( •
,..,,,.,f1lu,.., rl•n r,,. ..,,m,n,H, nu, "'•
h, 1,,.,.,,. lh,i lh• 111,11,r I"'" ' " I"�'"''�'•
n11t1,..,. loll•• l''"l'' l 1 11 .1
,·..·nlll•lh . ....111 ,.. ...... ..1 ct..· l.o•�• •I ....
• .tat, �•IM ' ' "' ' " ' h• l • < I •
"h, ,1,,.,·!•'I""'"' . .1 \.... rut>h "'"""
1,,.... 1 .... 1.,,1.
. .......... ... ,11.. ,. ,.,,...
,1,-., 1..,,..,r • : 1 o •�w, ,.,...,,. 1, •.1 .,,,,.,
• r nt,., ,,, 11.. 1.,,..,. , t ,r,1 '\•l""'• 'l"""'
�"'' """ • 11(,., ku,1<1,,,. Ir •HI �""
,,. 1 ..<1, • lull, ,·n,-1o,�n ....u ., lh• ,,.. ..,
n,· I ,,rn1o , �,.,d ,,,.,.., < "nu...,
\ .., mnh 1,A' I ,........ 11 ... ,......, HI•
I • " • ., 1 , , i,.,111
,1,. . , , 1,,11n,. ,,1
,.-.1... ,.,. c..,. .. ,11,n ••II 1.. ,, .... ., ,1 ,11 1n,
""ll'Uill l)u"• r fll•HI "" n....�,n11 It\,
"'·'" 11, .. , !'I·.... w ,... ..,11.., ., ,..,t•
'tlll t<hMH·· •11n • numl>o t ul h(I.-I
,.., .. �
ndu<,.1nal ,...., ,. ,. , .,mm.-11 1•! pa,i.•
..-curd1nr 1. . Ju.. ••""'"" u,, • un1n 1
m,,n,i,,rfm h.,•n,bh '<I"•••
\,.<, m11h "'I"'"'" • 1,,. •lrd .,,,. .ua
,.,,.. nalf ,.,,1..., r,.,.,, lio,,ton , • .-111r
•·onH11,.,..11t anl1 r,,..,.,.,.,,1 1h�tn, 1., and "
\ll11at,·d 1 t 1.... 1111,-,.,.,,.11un uf ln1o ..,u1r 'lt
�nd lh• \hd,11,..,., h•ll> l>i,,\,.11, IL• •n•
""lud,•, I 1H .,.,.., "'n"n �.&.,I I�• 1h,
lo• ,,.lupnu n l � Ofp,,nllH-"1 ,.,., u,..,on .,,..
•I ,n .,,.,,.J<>111n11h,. u,,.... pn- 1>11n
ll,, "h ,.,i,..,. \-tnlll• "l!uln ,­
,.,.at.-d ,.,1, un1,,.1u , , pnm. 1o..-111runf,.,
, umrn,,n,• In t., ,., "Th,- k,....,111 uf1n,
�' · ,.,,., .,1 ,,.,. t n rlln,f, (, N ,,.»o-1,
,.a,. 1aun,·....n fn>n\ lhr shur,,, .., ,.... ,,.,,,.
1(,.,., 1 hrf ll)ll \rU'> lah· r lhr h,•d
\1ulur I unipa,1, mad,• ol, r,..,,w �t
\.�..-..,bh :,,quu,. H,•r,, tllrr urw m,11,un
pai,,;,-nr,·1 ...n,rl.-• ,.,,..., pnodur..d \fi, r
lh,, �otd \lulor C'umpan, lo-fl 1h.. "'' ,,.
1 9!>11 t'1N '-•IIUNll �c,n-, ..,.,1,, " '""'
llnd u..,d tlw pla11l a> a c..n1o>t\h1pp,nta11 d
,w,,,1,·•nt, uMnt lflr ,,.h ...,,c lt,.,-, "'hwl'l n
tlw-no,ih,.mmo,,t boundal'\

"�oPOSl O ,.I 4NS lo, I� So,,,,,,..,,1,. ••�II o,or,_, ol rM A�nb/V S<lu1rr.,.,,<t#Olm,.nt
n,,. , ,,r,.,. i ••111.-, •n11 fhr \\all ar,
"r, ..dulrd 1.. t" • "'"l•�•h·d ,,. th,• t.u uf
lh•• ,.-a, 11,.. • n ui,n.,, ••• 111.. 11ffon
l r01,•r 1111U l•• •• ....•n• • d h, 1 f,,u, ...,urs
�• lolhh d •tr,um ••lh �11,,, •all,.d
lh, • • <>•p,.ut,
I ••I
• 1 .. ,,11.,r,
"'".dtfl>llrl••r,1n .1,,.1,h � ... ,.,,..,,.,.,.
n,..\\.Ul -..,Ur� ....,....,,..,ib, t.nwrt.nd
J.,m.,. \11r,.n ..,II ,.,,II ,n, lu<I• •,l ,>11!. r
lurr, · n,,. .,n,,n,1 ,k, hlhl• lhlll • • ..­
..,,..11 lu 1111..1 tho � .. 111 A-mhh 111.,11 .. ,n
ho• pr,,.,..,..,.(l l<l hKhl lh,• \bll run,·011...,..
l'h,• ,.,p,,...,d •l,.••I IN""'' 1nl1 ,k,hKh\;, uf
lh, ,,1<1 pll,nl 11.,,. tJ,.,.,1 u... l" u,,. \l•U
.or,hol,-,� lu h,•lp tTl'•lt' l..t• lllrmr uf lhr
...,.nln • _,1•,,1,.,,.1 , ",," , t1 ,1k>ro
..t,,...,,, t••�·nr" and i..,,,. _n..._..
ptuJN·I 1ho-

:::-:.:.>l::: ,..�•��.•....,"';;;;.,�"

Tli,, Mall ••ll •l.., ,nt'tu(W 1 <1\ ,...,...,n

Walsh replaces·
Walsh as Asst.
Athletic Director

...-huol "I 'll hkr l() ..... "'"'" thin .....
n,· Joe Coughlin
n-Kul11 ,porL<, " �m,. ofh1>1dn�rnclud..,1
J.,..• ph WtL>h . 1 1 <111; 1r111u.i,, of
b•H•• • and lk<!l,•r lrnn,o \ournarnrnl, ...,m"
Su ffolk L n,,,•nll\ ha� t>,,,, n nlnlt!'d
ruadnc,.n1 . and po.i.ib,ht, r1cq..,.11lall II•
Aw.1•1.ant lu th,. ,\thlruc, U,n-,·tor
I n tramural or,..l"tot 111d A.iaosLlnt
,..,..Id Ibo hh tu """ mo"' par1mpauon
fmmthr frma.,. pupui.uon•t Surfolk
ltQ,pi.11 COKh Atl,lo-1,.- Duwto• Jin1
A ?7 )"If old t.l"IM-101 'A'abh "'""Id
'<•loon Ila• announ.,.-d ..._ph \hhh •Ill
hb l.o tmd,.. tti•rapO..IWN'nthr ,lhlrtH
...p1u. Th- W&h.h Ilk> f'l'latlOfll ..
�tuMnt bod) . 111d Atl'llo-UC' O.,p1utm..nb.
,,..,,nrd ln1 ,pnni
"I ""1111 lo bt- around u,,. lludfonl bud)
,.._. ,ti) IC'h•r ,n <op<1ru ,.,-h,ko
"'°"" You11 ...,,. m,, u,,und. orpnM•nc
11w-nd111c Suffolt 111dh• f,...lsth11 th"""'II
proplr- COKh \l.,bon and ! ,.,11 mak• a
help h1m 1mmrnwly,n 1h� procnm .
'""'• 1nln,rnural P•<>c'"m Wiil n'llly I"•'
aood tnm. I 'll t,o, h1ndl1111 I lot of
Plfk'""Ork bu\ I'll t. f"tound t.. tchool
1•1t•n1 urf thr iround wh•n l •u tlw,.. A
loo I'll Llk• what I his• 1nd 1m1>ro•·• OH 11
hlilf or,t..ft'll wu JIHI lollrt1n1 to i,p11r l
l •·1nt 101t't 1 "fl'nl10ln1 "
tt&U) •nJO)•d m) llrffl' .a Suffolk. bl-1111
AlhM'llt' 0.ft''CIO• J,m �..bon m(J
aMOtlltol>d ..,th ,nu1m11.-.b, bli,blll
b,,hn.,s Wahh "''" i. 1 r .... 1dd1hontolh•
balbtball, and rm co11nl') "
At..... O.part<IM'nt
WlliJI ..&I, 1n op1,mllllt' a\Utudr
"\lilt1t Jo,, bnnp, 1n add1hon to hli
...-....:.m,nc all u( Suffolk Spurti., and r,,.
r1m1h1nt) ,.,-,th Suffolk lfn,.rnrt), ,. an
has alft'ld) comp1IPd iOmt' pli. 1h11 hr
• n l h u s,a,u,· J>l'DIJrllhl) and c,1nnr
,.011ldhk•to ..,..ll"~mph�rd lh1h1111.,,1
al11tud� wh,rh ,n lh• lon1 n ..,11 1)1< I
prionl ) , ho,.,,.,�,. ru bt- ,nQn"....,d
nudi• nt p1r11r1p11<un m Suffolk •port• . • Jft'lt b,<nrnt to 111 of ou , 11tb1,1..� In
,ntnm11rals1nd 1ntrrt'ullr1Ultn. Uunn1h11
•ipttilll) ,nth•lnt...,.,uBl..,lilll'I,
J)l'nonll mlf"k'W b •mpn>,.....d nw w11h
"I "'·lilt iri) M'&Ku,n W IM> oo toodlh,t
- n..... �n.,.-pH h, WIMIN to bn111 10
prop!,, •011ldn'I mmd r-11,111 OUl or ..ork
our 1>roo--m
fo, • INC camr 111.. mlnmur.b lff I p11
l'W'Mdt'l. 1ft M1l1oa /w 11
WI) to m....1 Pf'OPW Yuu ....n) ha,'!' lo
.....,... ,..,.•·n ,n Uorch,,Ml'r wti,,,.,. IN'
cauh 1h,. ,1n1tm111on of th Mudoonllo. r..u
h• t,t,,,n -.oaw-d Wllh <ll&IIY orpnou-d
,..,m 10 .....) • -·on OUI Uld play 111111..
prO(Jllml 1nd11dm1 CYO ind lM Bmton
b11! ' Tht 111tnmunl pr111r1m bnnl• I
N•i�hbmhood ll.uhtb1U Lracu•
ll1tl� <'Dmmud1ty tu J>l•Opl• 1•dvn't llkr tu
In May Walsh •s pl1nnm1 1n Alaska to
i.... llllldfon t5 fllH I" to dlSSr• Mnd 10
Booun bile, nd,. k> '""" mo11•y for tllt
straiiht hom,. r•d lib w ..t11ncr 1h11 11 1
m,nully ft'Llrdtd llld handicaplJ"d
10111« to �h w,m, hatd wo•k u,d
rh1ldft'n It "C&mp Jci) " ,n Bolian. llf' is
�Btlon from \IW M11dtnU."
hup>nl k> l'N'Nil IOl1W Sulrolk �It to
WlliJ1 1llullult)r[WM'Hliff ldor11 1boul
JOln hlffl ,n 11111 wonh,.-tulf' duint) ,
1\lf"I It tlw
lllartlAI nf'W and d1ffP1Tnt ll('U\


-...•k C',n,•ma "h"·h " ,.'ll"' '"d l" b,<•
ffll)Uf •IIBt'IUl<I lu ,..,, l"'upl, u/
"'°"'"'II" • ,1.ah•• ►•••kin
l'h, 1 ...u ,..-au1•111.> lh•1 11,, ,n, lud,•d m
l'ha,.. l l w1II ho• rnhan,•d h, Uw.-llara.-1.. ,
"' '"" '"mlt'• po"'..' '"""'•11nr ...,1u.-...
flu. m.,n l..,,rl 01 lhr P,,,.,,., lt,,u.,
.....i.a..,.,, ... ,11 1,,, ..- 11...:1 lurti,,,.. 11.uana
...,u h••• • ,11�11� waun1 t.,/ 11!> Th,
"-'"'"' 1,,.,,1 ,.,,II t,,, I hl<llll•. "'1t1n1 1 !0
n.. luuntr "'•Jl f,..o!urr ,.nl,.t\.01111nrnl •nd
1Urh ml1
Tl!,,,.. ,.,,II l),, Pll•�•MJ 1r,111i1hh• lut '-''"'
.!-lOII ••" l'ho n••ll ,..., b, J•·•••w•11 ,11
lhn..- ruid� 111 ,.. ,..,,,,.,.(1 _,1 I rb111 1\• IHJ<I
r , ,.,u fr1Jn1 Ill ll ,llou"nl and I •!»on
11 ..... 1upmrn1 , 1uuhn1 \lu,... m,U.un
d.>ll•n II ,.,,II t. .,,..d fm •�d"'•'
•mp•u,.-m n� u,d for ,...,,...,,.,., uf

JI'"""""'' �"• •••luru

\ , , . ,rd1n1 \,i John \lallht'W)
\»1<11nt 11,rr•·tor uf {'ummun,l)
IJ,, .,,1opnwr11 ,,. "''°w"1II,· "'h"h"" t,,.pn
,,.·u•kmK on liw A"""mhl\ �u1 ,.. �11111
,....... ,1. IM'(1nm111. -�.,.,. �,.11 .. 111 bnn 1 I
n,,,. "·unum"· ,,� 1u 1lwno· ·•
\,;,.,,uni l'bnn.., ur .\..,.mbl� �u••.,
\lall J..,.l tl',.-11 (N"k thll liw \lall ""'"
,!01) ,ot,, mu,,th fm ,,nwr,,-111.,
l n 1 �mp..l.-l 1>•uclu,.,.d 11> i.llr t.a,,1 kl\
!J...,•k•J>nlt'nt <'o•p<,,.,Uun lh� 'l ""'ill,un
"'�I du ,.,. ,..11 th,• .,.1,, ' A_n,bl•
�,,uun•'" " ••lrd t.1>-1 tta, n,ph"•· ..,.,
u,n., , 1............ 11111 th,•r�r,un1 rul,. thll 11
na, pll'.-d ,n tho- 1nd11,ma1 •11d
• •><1mlo'..-1al tro,.,h ol "'""' ►.n1i.nd
,..m,uno ,n rho- monlb of u,,.
thou.and,, of p,,t>pl,- "'ho ...�t wurl ,11op
pl1\and koarnlwl'W' '

folk 's
Welccmze LO Suf
very own game show
"Let's make J{,n education "
by llan Muma11,.
W,,11 , h.,,,. "'" in• h••·I,, fm 111,,111,,, , ,..,
u( fun No, I don 't mun 1hr up,-ummc
P,:fUH lh") ,.,,II t,o, ,.IIJU)•blr II<>\ fun
w,...,1, ,....1n, 1U,our fnw11
pk-tilnl 11<>1 (11n ',upr parlJn1UUnt 1n
mt.-.,.,..,., !f11JfU ,. romp,-11111·.. 11<>1 fun

, , _ - Humor , , ,
fun u pl•) me 1hr rmann.i 11CJ,
....,.tnllon. drop •dd ,.m Otdn'I )OU
lluth h)>-1.rnnll)' •Mn )'OIi "'"""d •ou•
>C:hf'dul,a and da.n>••ff'd that yoo """"'
Llbn1 r ..., ,..,,.� 1U 11 thr '-llm,. un un
lh, ..m� d•y Som,. uf \olh11"h11,,. not,.,·,.n
on th.. r..•lrl"Uun !JIPN
r'rym1 lO C"I 1h1J rt>m•,·lrd 1, funn,,.,
1ha11 l,uq and t:thtl ,n 1h,. rilocolalr
(a,c'IO'} Yoo ,.,-ad.U.. up l<> 1hr 1t.,.1M.rar')
and �d '" bnH lonC"r th1n ·-n,.,
c;,...,,., Slon- £wr Tultl ' """' •uu ,,..
.,.,...,.d b\· p... 111.. stlldrnt.a ..-t,o ,....,p
w h , n lh•f •"' tokl, " h<),mndU
sur f,-1,nr, ,i r, llf'd T.,ndPn� ,n Uum..
I I havr a pam m my .vdl' 1ust th1nk1n1
about 1L1 Whrll )·uu do ldsan,..- lo th•
w,ndo,. ll>•y lPll )ou nuthoni ran b<- don"
11 n hl ln'OOnt1n1 .-rnf'i,.. th1t )our tumon
H IJll.ld.
Smuktnr \OU buon"' OO"'n tu
AN".OllnUnl w r,,t Uw O ti.. '-o"' -·· th..

f/ln'' l1', 1u. hk,• "1..-t\.\tak� ,\ ri.:.11" ,., ,th
wolldu,.,, m,t...d nf d.._.n.. llh 110 ' You
1urlr;.-d lll� ""'""' door, I lllt'ln windo ..
Al"c.,.,nhn1 11 th,. ia,l1m1 n,,.) uy you
.,,.,. 3 ?ll dullan an(I 27 .,.-nU. ffut, )·011
can <t,11 ,o for ,.,,no..,., nuinbo-1 l
t-1nanc-11l Ald
W,th moununr ncitrmo,nt Y"" du, .,.
to tlw finanft11 Jud 0rrlCO" llr r,, yoo l"t
lu Pia) • ••ndof WN'rlu(F�lc,rH' Ch11d
Woo!tf} . puOlnJ u an r A. N>Unl"tloup,n•
vour nl•. .U00, $400, tuff lu.,k blnktllpl.
ruur ttt:oc; ..-1.1 avd1tl'd 1nd vouhav,10
tum ,n I au1un1.-d ,1.11 m,nl lhow1ni 1h11
yuu• pa,..nt.1 ...1lly d1d pay tlwwt S9.98
fo• yoor doc'• rabw• )hou. 1 11 1972. llH-y
Ibo ••nl • "<>PY of "Sc-n,rfv'•" birth
You 1;0 IIOfflO' and'1>"ndthfo 1W1r;I wHk
•·-.."'-"'l )Ollr paft'nli tllll l,('..ool ttllly
want) thl.\ 1n formation and \Ou al'I' nol
l,YtnK lodn>r thrm ,n..n, YOUJfl wh1I
you ,,..,• d • n d , t', h.lrk to('h11,·k, Mo111y,
lluy 1nd l}ll"krr 1nd Di<1kt'r ol Bnoon
llilb -.....,. do,,,... ·1 th• lwat Mon090lf'
F1nall), ,ou f'l' , for drop aoc,
11111 • smol.u to "8r1t !lit' l11Wk" lt'1
lliun.dl) at 2 l$ 1nll drop 1dd,,m.,5t b,,
1n b) rndl) 1t 9 1 m Can ,ou do ,l'' You
l"h- t,Kf>,,n uffr thP hdb 1nd thro11th
tllf' dOl do-do fu, 1h.-,r"'IIIIIUft' You""'1,
b""""" •nd stt-al to �,., th" .-ia...., you
n....d . At l1M, d1vp · 1dd�•� 111l• 111>11,d
h<llt ,ntu tllr lt•i\!i!Br'• II 9 02, or,ly to
f'iud th•y hn,. ,..i,.ndood thr drgp Nd
p,,nod wull M0<>dl) M>d t/lO' f11n • <n·•r
Oh w.. at'-'ast1n.. buout- ,:ru1,.. ,.dlb,,

The plus of a minus added to grading system


Flannery holds down the fort
, tno,.,.,_

DePalma's new wardrobe-fit for a start

/I•, ...,, I, I< II I r,/,., ,Jm, /,ti•""" ,.,,,.,,
It . ti·""" ,,. ,...
,,.,,. .,.,,,n,c �,.. ,.,,.., . .....
,..,,,, '
1 ,,.,,/,,,o. o1n,1 /h rltll> f ,..,._.
II /II, '"' �
. ,..., ' ' ,,,,
"'""'""" ' '"' "'"'


tu \l;u-\aim1 \I l\utulu
1r,. ,,1.1o - ,I \ 14 1 .n11 1 1 .. ,1 no
..w,.,, 1 . , th,p,,......1 ,r..t1n1i\,t.-1n
I nti• "''" m•n..
11.1,., '"" t,,,,,,.
. ,.....1..d lhh '"'" .fr..�, f"Umulltlhr ,,.,i.
, ....,.,11...1 ,
\ n ,.11\u,� I " \lar-. IL••fr,,n I ull•·�•
II ,... lh•• luult� ·• ,1,.,·,••"11
.,..rh p•up,,..1, •n· ,,.,-.,mm,n..••d II\
••tlun l,... fa.t·uJt�
•·•r><,u, .,,mm•II
In u,,. ,.,. . , ,. . , u,., ui..,..a11011ru1,....
l umm,11..,. """' u,.. P"''"'"'I ...rt
.,11,.rl II lo lhP f..
·ult� of l>Olh lt\P
.,,11.-cr uf hb,,nol an• •nd ....,... ,,.., .nd tll,
,,.U,· t• uf manal;t'n'lf'nl �an,lt\ or b lh
,-.,11,..,., 111..11,,.lrrtonatlo-i,W<ln
ll••frun ,iat,·d thll Wlr had l.llkPd 1101h
brun, m, run,.,. ind ,..,., f,-U lllal lh.,

'""" ,,,. .,,,... ,.,.,,..

t , , J,.rfl'u 1 n1un

• . .,,, •
: "'""fl
., ,,,.,u..-h ,1, ,1rt1•·•I <1,-11111 IH�I\ "l't'"''
M , ,l,i..,, ,__.,,,.,.,. tlo, ·•n>olll ,n,tlo.
lol n,,t111 ��• • <l••lo.l,
. ,.., .. •fl•- 1 · ......,, ,,.

• 'I�" I • ""'' , , >tU, Uh 1!
""�"''" ,·nll, ti•""'"'•
"'''"' •l>41�h •
In •t11h•• l"'� hi " .,,1, '"' r,,,,,ul, • >lo

•1•1u,..,r, ••• ,..,,1,1 , •1• '"·' ,,.,, •
u .ouulul "- ,I, '"'"' I•••• ' " ' " ' "' '
• • ,.,.. "'"''
,,.,.,,..,, 11,r,,u�t u,,
I• ,,n, tl.o.. •""•�• •�" 1 .. ,u,, •I h<f"
•··•" ' " " '"'"( "'~·11 "'"" • '"'''"''
•"''' n1o.. l ..1 "'"l
\n,1 lh••fl lh, ••Ulo!4 ,1_,,.if,- ..,11,., lh•
..,.,,,.�, �,,. 1,,...,,. Ill• ;o•,m•n "" 1,.,,i,·r
-l•n-• •I 11.. hu,,..nd ,,.,1 ,n,l,·•d '"""
� 1 .. ,.,.-1, •HI•• Ch, • •Uo,·u
k• ..11nc II•!' pk• •mn1 J.,, I I•• ,. ,..i, .,.. ,
n.-, It�• II•• ""'"' •II"'' 1,.,1,.to• • ..,. r n , ,
.n.m.· l.-..... "•••·d h,od, • l l�llmih ....
'"'"' � ,1,.,.h 1 , .. �- ""' 1 1 . ,
,.., , h• t !Jr, •••• •• •II• ,11...u,l>lltur,•lh
<!1'1"""1!._ 1 h••!!• • • · h l h •' h•r'1 h l• " lo. ••l .,...II
• • IIIIIMU!n ( d•1"'U t,, th•t th1d,• •Ul1 CIIO• t1
1 ,, .1 • ""'t""'•""" ,..iurn1nr1 .. 11 .-, r.,,
�111,1 .,. fnon..·d r,, , 1mcm1 """ •ml
h1l1,,,.,••m ,1,U-<11,>1!1>,.I• 1, ,0_,n( lh•



,..ddo--nh l"'"..lh (It, ,.,f1 hh..- .l•·•m
11 !.re,- mu.. ul£r ,,..... ,..,,,.ri:•·• 1..-flmd ll• •
n1>1,.·all• Kr,pm1 •• <1 , 1,,,. 1111 ••• 111 •
� / 1
1 �
' ••>l'"'l "lll vf r ..., ... ,,,,,.,.,,, .,. 110111 -"•
,,...,.,. .,,1'r •,•m •I ll••t hu,lantl ,.II••
rrltlUfh a l 111.. ,mk ,Ull<1u1..C •Hd1-u11 h• "!
•nd ,1 111 -.h•••n� ,. 1lh .11...

ln t ..,. , , ....,.,1, ,,p, ..m1 v <1"'"' ' 1"
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/..,t; ,,. .., . , "-"• <>m•·• ""•·ur ,11,..lo.,nc
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"'"' " ' .. . ,,..p1.. 11orf,,r111 1t1o·,r n11,r11111
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\l,h•l llll)p•·n, t" "•lo \l•II•·•
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"'""I ..;i,, f•·•1nrn1 1IM"•,...,.. ,,.,,·1
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""" oh•lhnt n•Chtllllf1>h \IM<IM,·h
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murd,•r,•d rn ..n ,.1.. ,u.,. b) I ratnr
�"1ld111c1ran.. .-,uc. \llo art ,.a,,.. .
""•uuful .,. tl>o•" •·•,,..,,.,.
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,n1u 1\,-Ji ►ur l�l'ah1•
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•••111....., l.l1t
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•nd .-,am,n,.d
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n.-lo-1M1- llo• l'aJ,....,..,....,.-d,,.. maktn1
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dt•pH1.•om. from th� lo"' 1>11.tirt film•
hno> bN-.. fofJQIU'n
Or P1lma 1> ..,.,,.. ,vn<-'l'm,-d "' •th


,.lf.-. 1•" , ........., ,,... . .. ,.h malo.,nc
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-ltuuld ,.url,, .,, ,. . H .,etn•h ll. l'a!n,.. , l,w1t
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,lr• ,t'1thth < I I
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,.•,,... ""'' ,,. n.·••""'"lm,,,.. ,,,mr,,n.111,
.., ...Lmc
o.llh ..........r,.
flH "P. '""•
,r,,.,. . , ,......,.,,. . I'll• d•·••h" rnufd•·• \
m.. rdr1 1n •11•••lum ,,. ,.1,,.t, 1n, ••hlO·••
. ,.. ....,1, ''""' en. lt,•IJ ... ■. h u ll lh•· II•""'··•
h o un11•ull••<I •t1ot1 11 to·l•ll"11 "1 .. , .n,I
""''' "•�· • ch'""�" n ...,,. . . r "" • ""''"
,tl••I •·nl•r,h •t ·h• -..m,
•n2t•un•ri,n '""' hcht• ,.f ,n.

�"'' ""' ,\nd lll.- 111<W1 P\q..1Yt o f a ll
.\ft•t "'•""-'"l th.­
' "" nl\al rnutd,.•
.......... ,..., p,.._,..n,... tn lhl" hvu... I�,
,..,..."", fr,11n th• "'""'"' 1th,. ,am,. 1n
" h u h 1,.,11,-•, r.uc.a,,� ,,..,-.,,,.,.d1•nd qu1rth
,........... ·"" m,•dK"UIP rh�fit '"' . WUP,111
ul d,.f....,..
th.- ,.,_or IW'fuf1' �•• ran
......c. ,, lh• "1Uf<h•n r • •.,'" nbh••·
., ,,..,. ,11, ,. ,...,,. ,.ud dn .. , ,J,,wh .,·n,,,.
,..., ,11 .... 1
l"a1 ...m•>I• , mn., , ,.• • 1 ,n,.� ..1 ..,n
,!•" l""• lflt•,I .., 1h• .,.,'1
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11,. ,, ..,1 ..,.. ,.
• 1., •.,,,,.1,.... • •H 1u1
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lh, , II.nod, ,._ ••• t•u•II "" • -,mp-I•
.. , u•tn, a,ll •• ,, ill• """"' •"'"'' u,.... ,-.
, .., . , .. ,.,.t••• •n<l l • l 'alm• •ucto·"' lha,•
. �1/ lhn• 1 > 1 " o.,.,,. •l>o,.,1 1 11..,11 h ,11111
1u,1 th• ""'I"' • har..,h•,._ ..ith, r ..,11•
,..,. f',•c, t " 111,1 d,., ,.,,. .,.,, hi> ,.., ...,111,
h•·• n11,t..11d •• I""'' ,11 1,,•4 a n,an
"•·• 1,, .. ,c.. -.., ,,1111,11,, ,.,,., t••nou•n.••
111• ,t,·lr, t,.,· """ ,n,,.,1.1,1.-, h,•1 murrlo••
,. • ""'" , 11..�,..11 ,.,... "" '"'"•" r11....
,u,,i,I••'" , ..t ,t.,fl1t•«h ""•*· , 111111,1.,•r-.
""'"' dlunh·, 11,t.. 111t- n.,,. u f tht- pk,•
lh•I , lh• t,,,aul• ,,f , ,,,,....,.,/ T., I.•//
�,.·,.lhlll( m,-,.1,.,, ..ffortl.-,,.h ►. I►
r ., 1,.,, , mu,\
• . , ., , ..d a..d 111.,.1
. 111,-n.. ,n,ni r,hu 11 1••1 ,,.,.-.- 1,\..ttu•t""
•• ,c- up,•run� ,n,.,.•. , ,,.•..,,. •nd .,
t><•·•1t,c.k111i •• ,t,. .-1.•,alnr mu•d.-r
• l••••h ,t ,,�n uf lk f'•l 1t 1 1 • lll• U-il.>lht

To see or not to see:
remnants of a summer best forgotten


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.,1 111,· oirll,orn, ,a,,..1,
,t,r,•, h•l1 ••11t
,.,ltl,·n h• II••• ••h•,11�d , r• .,1,,. "h" •rue,
1,,.,,,,.,,,, , ,,,.J 11,,.,,. n-.. ,.,,, .. 11.,, n.
•mt Ill,, dun ·1 al••••
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.....,.., d,.f,n,1.1, 1.,.,,., 111,
1��,...h .t,,.. ,. Huin • ••nUr,­
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lt i,,,.. ,• •.,.. ,11.•11 /, ·
lh•nHulh d, ....... , 1.., l• J>lo•I , .., la,t\ tol

,u,·h• ,ca,nd '" ,i. "'"' •- ,,
,u,h ,1,.,.,... mmw•, ., ;.,.,., II•" I••
; ,,.,.,.1, �011 ,a1�nl�• \�Ir/ /.�• • • I im,t
llr>,tc•·•. l ,•,11, ,,,,1.,..,, l'•·h·• , . ,.,,., 111<\
hnll 1•11 1
H"t" 11
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t 111..1 \1..,n..... ... tlflllallh-rd k,Ut'f , , ,...
, . t 1 ·ho'•,..,,,: .,,,,.., ..,,, ..,,,...,....

...i,., ,..,...,,..,

• · • thr f "'I'•" ,:,..t, . Ha,t
1 11\,
It.., . 1_..,. l lN1 IUII.! t11.•11ii.,·••
11.nh •nd lh.- ,.... u! lllr �•111 ,·u11hnu, 1,,
mb•t 1n ch.- ..,,,. r,,., ,.ff., .. 11,1 ..,f en.
,...,,,.,.., Jn ,.,rn,. .. 1,, 11 ,. .. r., ,nu••
'1u, lln.-. , .. 11,.h
••-.-ompl•,it...-1 """"·th•n .
1l ...II fullu"' 1, t p,wld,• \ m (•,..•rt• Lu,,.
. .
llml'-•, c,•d n,n,• p••I ,.•.,,.,1 . hul ,H ulh••... ,t
" ..dh I•• k111t n,,. ... lmc » -� \,-n,bl,
... '" p...11.,........ , .• •�d th, •PP,·•1 or lh•·
r,,t,.,,,,. ••,., 1><.11 11·, ,1111 ...,. lo •nul Im
lluth \•d•• ""'�' "'�•�.. h•• p,,..,._,.
lh.- ,11111,· ""'"""l'"'''"•• p..-.., n., •n th,
,.,.,.,.. ,\Uh"ulh .. n,.,. m 11pp, 1 ...m,-d
\ud• ,...,..,... !M..,....,..,h dmr tH •lr•hn�
Lu,d \ Ml,•t\lll.. ndo•• l1111•ri:•l•,·l1t funf.,,
111.. •hol,- f•m•I• � 1 111. -• , ·""•"'•••"1

••••• ,,..,, I �• ,.,•ll••ul I 1u11<,·, \I, • .,,. •••
11,, B,·,, l
•llf'""'"'""'• 1/.,/,/� I •u.·, H,.., ,
Jl,,r,1 •• • f• uo ••• '111•� I ,,.n., •po•, ..1i,,
,., IA<-. , -.t,..d, r•.., 11.... u,. h•C�ha<I I II ...11
••·t,.lh.i,.. b, 11u,,11c " �11). 0nU l'u~·II•
4uuunc h,.,._,r, •nd f\lnr11 nt"u1"n lrn•nt
-,, •fr Ann .\l ar-r.••·• f. ,,. n,nc••th ll"<t"'•"'
t•r\ • llalla, l ""'t•rl 111 n,u~• n, lh•
1 ,m,• !h,,fi..• l • •••\kt-.<.ulLh••ha,,..,.,.n• •l•·•t
.. ,in 11, . .,..f, •ha, I""""�... ,,. .,.II h,,
Pu~h• ,n◄t ha- ,...,�.,,.,( t,,-m..,.t! ,.,
m,dttt.. ..,.. r,, .,u,nr fuU, , luCh••d1na ....1
•uh '\u1,rn m...-h funat atl a d n..nh,·1
" 1hr ,..,. ,.. H ,,,. ,..,-t n, ., .,,.,

• • ·11,..,,, /•,,�.,.., , / ,f• ,,/ H,.,.,
A,n.,dn,c lu l'\tllun ,. 1u�1 ._,
""lvu, th, ,..,-. ,ni,c,m• .,,,.und Pwh1bh
•nw· uf th,• n,.,,1 un1 .. ,1h n1a1o,n,•d
mv.,.,, "' '"� pll>I o:1... 1dr lh••
1,111.,n ·, •••n't bta>-11h,· m•·r>
lll••• ·••
...,.,..1, 111, 1111 1 l" 1 l laolll•-•""' .\lu,,
,..,,all, and pul1l ,nll, mull'al..d th•..
,,.ht"•""' 111, ,..,1hvn1,..u"" Gt-1",.• • r•1
'"''" ...;,.. ,.,�-•trd ,um.·d• lhan .lfl)lHlt
..,.. 1h••..ummr1
bu1 t1m, ·1 i.-1 tll•1 d,,t..,
'"" 11 ·, ct.·,1,n.-!l tu t,,, • ,·om.-d} ri•"'''
!h•l "•II ••"h •oUtl•" ..urh .ophmn•u
•lh• mpl• •• T�,
H/1t..• H<u/11<'!') '"
1·.,.1,1,.....,,lr -1, ... .. ,.-1.,.,,. ,·11,Cll,!ltitt,...I
"' ,�• .,....1r , ·i..,,1o-,


• •\h jj,.,/1,i...,10/
\,h>r prudu"••
lun, K,lr,d11,·, 1unllldto bul •·ombm•·••h,.
•·hum ,.f 1-1• .,-.t, •nd 111, 1d,,all,m "'
111\" • 11 •'"'•}� u11,..,,
,.._.,,.,.,.1,.,.. .,f 111111 ....-11.....,t bulh •"" Th•
h.-,1 !hill( In I� ,.,d lbuUI II " lllal ••
11.-.,•.., 1 .•nieat• l11 dvp,·• ..,n1 1m,•n1 .., . ,...n
pr.-a,·h•...: ,i, pn,bl.-m• h.. 1n 1b n,n>1•nl
p,....-....pa1w,n "''" th•· uct1m ·, holl'I
man,ae.-, r.,h..• t• ,.,,. --.,bdu� M.IJ't•n
M..lh •n!I llul 1 .. 11..1 1randmo1hr1 • •
•••h.,• "'P"tn•nl H u t h t:ordo.. 1 • n d 1 h ,
far! 1111! M l " •I>-"" �•�"-• .,. • � -


•u!11, II• • I•·• t, < L • l��,n� • ,,. .. , •I .tLull•
h••I ,,.,• ..,� .,.., \111 l 'hm 1\/ro1!,all,1
,1 ••• ,...., . \ . ,,, ..... . ,,,.• • •, ,1.11 ...,,

• k • ..
, ., .
1 '"""
ma,j., fo, f\ ..,. ,.,.. ,hat ,.,m,,..._, ,. fuund
,c, ,.a, ,,r1tu 1h,. _,1,,., .. ...,.n fi"'I
l" '"•P• • bud(.., up,.•fd> of lllm1lllon
.,. ..... 1 1 1 . n c
lo d<>
... :h
I nfmtun•t"h 1h11I ..1 unr) ..,.,.,, 11111, Ln
u,.. ,.,1 ..n,m• lor•rnm >l'IUOt•nl ,n �:n,11nd .
M•lto and th l -.
,..,.ta,nh nut,n tll.­
murh .. nd,,-,>r ..-qurn.. 01 •n 111,.
n.dl, ... 1.-c1 mm,.1u,,., 1i..,.,·lo'ri. llu-t1n
.rK1 ....1 pl•U I .. OUl'\l>\ ""'m..ntud) and
.. 11r.. th•· rr,,nd T011n,.. •.,.,,.111,.. frum 111,­
tll,,...,.,,. o, ffl)\l.-riuu.J)
Ulllll,PlflMt V.h•l " btllo'd a, ma •• 1£,l
1•r•I •d,,.ncu1•· " , 1 ..d1<:Ju, huhumm,••
lh11 n,uld b<• ..uph• alrd b, an) l<>ddlrr m
h1> •• .. n hath1uh
111d pmhabl) "'1th 1 lol
,,,.,.,. tnlaltn•hnn -II !�" ...,,.i: , .,,.,.,,.., \ :
�n,/ ,i,IM,,1,an ,-,.,�"Ill•

'""'"""' anti lnr /u,ndu /1
fu,tllrr ..d,,..1111,..., of lt..odu. hoe.
,mukr, •nd l..,. :.n,,.,m.1111rC.. h•mp,-ft'd
11<,.. n b\ 1h.- addi1,nn ..f 1 bab, ,-"°pt.,.n1
111d Oum Drlu1,.,. "'ho •ft' nu-t <tnl)
,n..,•panobt•bu1 ofh•11 111d,.1 11111.1>habll'.t..d
1•111<1, lu a ha,U H"I> b,•furr ,1 nn .du(t
,,..,.._ \\m,• .,....,.,,h m1ndrd tha,g ,._.
,mulr,., l/wa..btu ....,....,.•nl
pt••.........,..... .
•'" 111.. pn,... n f fomr 1n.. "tr-,m•n••. bu1
f11I, mN•rabh Hun k•·•nolth •• mo,,.
...1f <1,,p,....a1m1h ru.... , •• • au,.t.o..
•""" t,,.,,auwL11..,,.,... d.,,....... ....w 11m..
""" ...-..m•nlh rndh._, ,..,.-1,•.,.._ Uni• for
<IM• h1,d K")nohh bn, •nd lhu,. .. uh
,., ...... n . ,, ,.. 1.-n!l,•m •..•
..,,,.,,,..,,, ,,,,.

. ......

• \•nad11
In I .. .,,d

rrp.. lM�<' ,II

charg,, ol ltt,"'"' lh11 'f't'Ol1ls 11•<11f//'l t1,,

.,....... ......ld l>o lp t""n>
11 · ...,.., t<> I"" •,..,. P"''"'" "'
i>P•furman• • •n lll,.•1•....,..w•m ,h,-IOd,l.-d
See CH/\�T page 2

\ 1rr1m. ,I.\MW,l;nl
p,of,._,, uf mar�..1,n1 1..d n1rmt,,,1 ..flh•
►..du,-.1...., l'ol..., (;...,...,,u.... ..od · 1 hu,.
r,,.,,n • pn,p,,,.,.nt lo, II rnr man, ,ran
1 1.. ,i..1.,,d •ll.- ,"tM1t11t ••• madr r m 1 f,...

r,•1son� l'h••"' -,,-., •�•rn o", t<, ,.,
111111) flt"lfll" ,,,_.kmt lh.. 11,,aii", l .•�I ,\J_..,

'"'""' .,..,.d,.ni. r..11 1 ........,.. .... ,.. ....,,..
hkrl) cn 1n.. th<'tt1 1 ff• r.thn than'lfl \
,.11,.. 111t-, ,.,.,.. i.,1 ..,.,... lJld.,.

11 .. ,.1.. nut,,d Un• t11 P 1radu.1t
ptnJtam huh•.. m,�.,, 111,t.•, fvf t.h.- pul
I \ •·'\"'

\ •, utu --•II hr had tolk.,d ..-nil'nu •nd th,., f.,11 • •·l)PP"<I. lh..r\1
without th• m1n11, p-1d,.

J11 .. • n 1 lum U•rpMlnwnt ( g,nnAII
\laJn,lm Hu..-ti . aJJO pl,,&lf"d 11 1hr
•h•�. n,mmrnl#d " l th•n k ot·• lood ··
II,• fdt that lrlll"• wuutd � me,,..
........u..1) ,,.n,.,-1<�

-SIJFFOl l\ JOIJl<�Ai_,

t6171 rn 4100 .J1l

Stpmm,., 1 1 . 1990

Ashburton: confusion picture

, .... 1 1 . r e . . i, .. n , ., . ,.,.,.,,.,
, un.\cru,·,,.,n .,r � ,.,,1 nun ..,,.. • tn,
"'"'�"'i. • """ 1>1111<!•..l
tn,· th•"• •nam .. ,u,.r• "' 1 11 l..11n•t1on
•l•,oul th.- bu,ldllll th, •r, h,1,,, 1,. tto,
, • .,,,1 , u , ,,.,.,
"'"' lh•
".,,.•.,.,,, ..11t1•rr,....n 111, ...,.,, ....,...u, ....
V.h,·u ..•ll 11 h, f1111-.h.-d hu"' n1u• h .. ,ll 11
.,..1 11.d .. h,. .. .,...... , ,. ,.cnc
I"' .... ., h•••I
,. •.,,.,,
,na1 ., • ., 11..1 1..n m.,d. • ,.,.,.,
, . , ,. • • d •
.. , q . , .,,..n nl Ill•
• •f,.t•n•
►·,lll•m,\""' ,,.,t .. , p, ,1,ni th• uut, ,.
..r p ,.. 1, ,t b) .,..11..flrattualo ..iu ..• n !.>
h •lt• "'· h;o<I MPl,rm,•<1 l h • "�'" •11lt h•ld
H••• und•••ffil•lu•I•·• 11 ..,., 0 t..,, ,.,..,111 h,
"' ' '•l• • n • II�• d..,_.n...,m
\flrt man, Hlf'•Un1, ..,.,,. .... ,..11,
11..Lcl 111•· ,dm,n,..i,.uon .,,...t i...,�,.,t f,,i
""'" ,...,,.. and n•·lul141lrd.for tn, f.,mw•
1 nrt.. \\a, kuold'"l•t/1 \<ohh<ltl..,, l'IM-.
Tl!,· unl\rr-.11\ ll•..1.-d 1l'QI 1n,, bu•l<l1t>t:
• uuld vp,-n -..11.-.. ►ulh•m ,..,,..-rt "'
,.• .,.,..111,... •n l!IIW ►ulhun to·Uf1'd ,., .lul,
,,f tht• )••U. ""d lh•• h1•n,ld• .. ••J"•11111a 1o•t!
nut h11pp,•r, unlll l\:INI 1'�
lh,nnt th. 1'•;117\:1 11,,.1\, 11,i, • • • •
-11111,-ni.,.. f.,, ..u, and u ..•••· • , n1o·• • n 1h•
llu1klln1 t,.mmlllrr fu•um .. 11>,· t 1mpi.,,
►..\pan"u" 1 •.,,,...,.u,•, ll ... ....m,.d lh•
..PP"' fou, n,,..,, uf \s1bur1,,n ...,i.,llt
..-nu,.. .•mpn .,,dlhr tt,fll:.. ,.a, K<>•l<!1n1
,..,ukt 11< "'bu•h 1 u 1 ...., n,.....,,n,nt.ommc 1
by John \lamna

,p1, lhh
l1,. l'f,.,,d.• n1 ·. .. m,.. .. ....
...,,nth 11 , "nu�nl a m•ln
...., and ...,1 ,..lum•nC ..nt•I 11'1.- Pnd"I
-..• pt�mt,,,r
n,.,..,..,.l li.n,�l l'l· rhnan 1>,n l h1Uf<1
1r-.1n1 tu "'ll h1> hum,- ..,.,.,. h1> fan11I) 111
l+unun ind ti, ur io.,.., �nth Jn h11

.,.., "",.� ........ J• u,,u.... ,..,... .,( ...,.
n·nnuut1t •11 un bo <tu,,.. unlll \-.hb..•lun
, f•n1,h,•,.. 1nd un 1.-mp,r1nh """"
,1u,1o 11 1 ,..11u1 ..-,
,. • u•<l•n1 t" \ a1>11• �:n r u w , , I"""
\l•�ui..., • h•· tr•p n,i,,,._ drnm 1, LIil ! ""
UL/I�'" d i., J1, fin•<h,•t! L, I k lulM·r l'•NI
•Uri Cl•• n,,.,,. fn•m !, du1on r•n•,h• d h,
,.... ,.,1,. , l'l"'I 1 .....-.,.,m, .nd ,,m,.
,i... . .. ••• ••· •...,in.-d b, 11
....'1!..I k;au,. .,,d And,,,....., •n· u
.,,,ul• • L• fur -...ffo1ll "'°,l,.'lftan lt11.t,11ul

I i,, rr,._,d,,m 111d ln.·•oU•• •
. ..... .. , ti.,.,..,.n ,. ...1.,.., p,,.,ldrnt

-,,,U bo· "'"Pt>nwbl,, for

: � 1 ;:,1 1 ����ch
: ';
•nd 1a� 1n1 ,._.,. uf an) a<ln11..1>1fat•"·


dut1r, 11101 "''I"•"• ,mm�d,11,- ■ll•• n•1vn
ri.nn,•f) w,11 t,,, •n wucn with J•r•!m•"
....... ,.... da)JtO .N'p hirn up tu <talP UM
\hPhal'l"'M•nt• • n th•• l ·..,...,,._UV

,:ond """' lh tho- sY.t '"""'
l"h•• .. ,,... ...
hi• t,,,r.. ..-1tnc
pn-\fdr..1 V. h,... 111.. Hoard of Tn1u..,.,
6,-l,h,,n,1..d rlMM"•nc ,1 IIO'V. pr.-...d,.nt

"•11h111 on l'�•lma.. . t1•1mrn
h,•ra.......·11uc P"'"d�.. t 11.,,..,.vr•. h.- ,..,
on ,a.-atM,n fl>f mo" ofhis t,,•m. rulh1m
,11.,� u.. 1.>n1,t rt,1n,.,.f) f'OUkl l\'lum

(Ql,,...,, _..,,,,.,...

,, ,n..,

fl,..,,..n ..«1 1>,o ,. ··tonk•ncfut•ardtu
.,..,1,,,.,1 .. 1111 li..rtm rrrlm.n... and ..-h 1I..
1,.- ,. ,n th•• p,.>v.,.•, for ..m, . llr ,.u..ld
r,1th•·• ....., \ 1...- P,,.,-,d,on1 ,1..d h-••11>.U•Pt

1', rJman ·1 .... ..uf) tJ,11:, \\addo•n ...wt
,t,,• , , ,ul<l nur ,.,,mm..n1on ho••du111"'""•'•
P••rhtl.'ln " rt,,... ·· 1 ..f'N\ manon,�· hon,
1.. ............ 1

U•·..-..mleo-r 1917 th•t tti, llll•kl•..1 t.-...,
P,,h'hlJo• d
\l.,nd.t\ ..,d U,r Ml'h•lt� b ...._.,I., tl'u
plarn, uf lllr bu1ldtn� alrno\.l ,.,.,f) uth.-1
d•• .,._., 1,a,k lhr plan,u•.-•3nd",lr,tdo
1.. m..,r I ...11 h.... ' " 1 "•"l' • • l�.,,,,,_,......
u,,und ..

Hndfoo "'•d lh.- h..•kl•n1 ,.,II b,, n,mpwi..d
h, -...,,1..m t,, r L ,.l't\ fu, fall rla...,.,.. flnd1,. 1
,.,,; 111.. un 1HNl• 'Ju�r 1una hll
11, """''""•IIIW 1m•nl41UTt' pbn• r..,
"l-"•1111\� . In "'•1,1• 1nht•t uf 19ilt th,
LIMl\••""l' '•"'' lh,• btul<t,nK """let !�•
,,. ,·up1o•d n, l•nu•" .,f !Wtl •"d on
tu1gm ,.;ud 11..
I►,.,.,.. ,,., ur 1•n;
"'"'-'"""'" .......... 1...... and • • • Uf"II"'"
,,f u,.. bu•l<l1n1 ..,..,..Id ho , •>"11>� l• d •" •
,n lh• •'l,....•� r\.,11•
..L 1
�-� I

l p ,...,,a ' plrmbo-1 uf l!t�I' th• fin•
Pll••h•"" 11.arlnul 1>,o n mad,•,,,,n1fitfl1,un
111,• um"• Nll • l""'"''-''l
"'n,,u..,...n,..111 ,n

llnl11•· ..,,. rn..t •t.llh·"""n l " "'•""�
"• ma) ._...•,d• tu mu,r ...,,n,,lh•n:
••uund IN! ....,, •·••" ,,th••• da) L mr�n
up \h lh•
u..11 ..Nt, ·, HullltH>t
l un>mllll·• n.,., ,. , , . .., tht- pru1,.•,■ 1hd
Ill• l>l110• pm>h tf tt,.,\ .. a n l .,'IU"l"' . U...n
,,. .,,.Id ll,·,ul,.nt ._..,.1,n-•

••· • I I-Into" ,t
r ;,-w-- P"'l"M .luhn V.,I...,. ,..,..Id "'"
,vn1nl"ntun tllr t1no1n•'llan("•""d..aMllh
.,11.,.,.,., 1..,. "'•••• tomak, •"'" " 1,bi•,..�
!l•"•r 111 <'•mrh�nt·r ..,ch th• .,,.1111 ..rtual

•I•·••�"· ..11,rh ,. •h..,luu• I\ ,. · v.• 1i.11n oJ,.,
th,- b1J1ldm1 1o•II up,•n "' •,q)h•mt,.,
�:: 1
v..i. n ,..,..,...,t lu c•�,. ....c •"• m..,,...
.... .,., l"u1>11t• 11..111,...,
u,,, 1�,..,,. I unn..11, ·•rr,. •loll
"'P'"'-' "' ""ff•1lk .. n1hl ..ptu <1,i..

• ........11. ..1d ct..- "'""'-'' �"°" "'
\ Jlb11•l"n to l<HHI ,......,ct-,1\ 11,Ki tt..n ...d
n ro•
"""""'!\ i•"• raiw dal
' •
� L �� � ��•�m:�'.,"'; ;;;
•1u••lt· ,anuu, 11tmm,.tfalon,. ►uJllam ,n
p.,MH'\ll,, ..,.,a,•n1 111t- h..,kl•nt"'"..l d b,·
..,,.w<1 ..,w ,,,... .r1.., P11,.it.1..
, ...
n,.. ..nn,-�1, ....,. u,i,·1.-d S,(1 1Nlh..,,
f,,. ,..,..,...l>tl.. ,,r th,, b\111d1n1

•• ;:,,�� ;:" ,n1►1



I """n..•·d un p.1� 1

A young man holding old creditials
-...ff,,IL l ..........1 ,tud,-..h ,..lum.-<t
10 ..-........I 111,. p■>I \lundl) .pt>rtmi
n.... rl•.ih.-, tf) 1n1 '" ad1usi., 10 nr1o
..-11....ulf'\. ,1nd anur1paunr th,. • ...... 1
ufold 1rq,..,,n1.11tt-.·•1nd th�rnalo.1 111uf
n.,... r,,..n.., r11.., a1... ,,.1 ..,.,..d 1.... •
vho,>l th•l 1< ..nd1 1 lhr lt'adr,..tup 1nl1
IU><bllf" " f a ,,..,. ,,,.._,d,•n\ . Ot 0..n•.-1
� r..n..,,... v.ho 11 o&1r 1--1 . ,. ,,...
�,· p,-,..,.. ..,,., tu hold chat


l'n-"'11'..1 P..1ln11n "
rPlam l) youn1 tu h<>ld ,u,·h I l"lh
!>">-'l><>n, 1w mQ:\I l"'•IJl•nl, ,. ....,, 1
,,.......,..,.., .,. 111,, r ld uf rd..c1t>un
..,Iman hu bffn _,..,.11·11
t'rNl<lr..1 ,.
"•lh ltov..-,·,·lt l .,,.,..,..l) •n Chi.-.�"

lul ,.... Pl" \'I , ...,.. In 197 � 1,,.
bt-,·lnlf' o, ... "' \dm•n•"-••UOn H
l(uu,..•,rlt. 1 po\lhV.. "'""". duu.-, 1n<1
�•11>1h•lot,... k-d t<1 h1m bi·rnr na1nod
\·...,. l',..-,11,·nl fu, \llm•n,..inou..n a
po,u,o.. h• hdd un1,1 hrmi , h""•n
l'r•· >1tl.-nl ,.f -...ff,�\
l f•·.-1 ,.-n furtijn.1l.- 1<1 t,, ,v..un1
""'1 1 11f' n,.,. i,,.._,,1.-..1 h i - , u,.,

..,flJ.Pt>b.. H'I "n"'"'
··Ku.ton " • , ..n .. .,.11,n1 nt, n,.­
.., .,1111 uf rult..nol upfM>r\un111n •g1
nl\b h..n-,. ,n,.,.,..n,... l k,ol for-..-.rd
tu .h•m>r �od t,l•n« p,e,, ,n Ult•"'
,..,.,..,'"" '"•l" m' ram•h 1.1,., f,...l th•·
.,...,d,.nh h• •• ,n.,..ld••••llh•·n>,,-1,,., t,)
!ho .-..l1t<11l •nd .,du1,,r,.,n1I ,..,...,.,...,
l...,, r11.. bo- fuund 1n H,,.,...,.,

C•""""•• •" .,.,. 1


The brand new orientation
. ''"fl--""'"•' .... .. .....

Program budget heads first S
.. ....... ,, ,...... .. ... ... ....
-���� ,:,.. ��"-�./:.�: ":','.',.�:·:. :::


Advertise in the Journal.
Deadline is Friday
at 1 2 p.m.




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n,,. •Ytn Jlrf -.1,A, ..-€...1.,&,-, \1111 I '" ,,.
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'•I -,.,,n , f .,1 lrilm • • • •.., . t.. •·•
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1 , 11 ,\tl► 1'01... - r -' \ ► ICAt,►
n, .. ,...n,uh I trallr p.,,m •• rrat•· ..
••hulatrd b• 1 ,.,<11� lh� ,..m,-,i_.1
r,.,n,11 p,,.,.1, ,Ill', n, lit• numr,.,1 ,,f
• n d,h •llrmp1...-i 1 ;\ 1 n..- c-umulu, ..
t,.,J,. p,,onl U••ac• " 0.-1.-rm,n•fl b,
,1,.,<1m1 1n. ho,nurpuull lOt.ah ,111',r,,
ct• ,umulll••• n...i,1 hi,ur, 1\t•m111•<1

Program Board on its way
plans its first events;
prepares final budget

�·�:=�.'�' 71

1•.� �

;�:•' :::,:,�:::' \::., ,I�; •"';�r;-,1•• -..�:•��
'" r ;�- �:�;.;;,

�·.L�.7 -��� ;::::�., i.,,


SEPT. 1 2 , 1 980
7:00 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m.

Don:hester, Mess.

!,:� ,

l'lw wppl,·n1rnLoor'\ l>urlt•l "'"" " all""
n•p,r..-nl•t""' rn,m lh• 1:,,,ud h, 111,·ntt
thr -.u 1 \ o}aLN,na1 �nt,,n•inmrnc
t·•mpu, l'un,·�n,,on \,,..,. ..1,.,n , \J OIMl
an offtn u11o•r111on hud�rl ur �I . OlK.I •no
1 U001'm••,WrM) f11nd
n,,-,r ..-,11 bo- $JOll ,p,·11 "n lh,.,noh1I
•11 •�•H pullhrn, nmpa,cn fu, 1h.
,...,.,.,,.,, n, .. mon,,, ,-ill 1w .p,-nl un
blf(hlfh ,... ,111n, P,,fl> and p,,n.·ll• Ill,
" aJ,a1 �->�llll llllu lht-po....bd1t1 .,(
llu,1n1 •n ,1,,,u.,,11, ,.,,rd brll •h•h

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, ,upJ>l,•nwntor. hud�••1 11,., ,, m .,1<1n ... 11
ho th,• · .1;,,ii.!t, lMI \1111 Inn oroi:rn1ll,
rl' tju.-,1..d n,, -.c , \ ••II ""•· "" 111.. ,., ..
hud�,., ..,m,·um, ,n 1hr "I"""" �

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.,.,. run<fl•d '" "fl"•" ,.,mnuu,·,
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.. , . , , r,, .......11111,, r in, �·m,-•tN ,,..,,
'h•1 1n, b..oor. . 1 ro·11ur,t\l<1uwi pr,,r..r•h l>o
,.111.. , . u, hm,lrd-.. , \ fun<!\
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11,,. .,,...,.,1 ..1 , , ..,.......,,.,u \bn. ,1nclrt""
;,nrw;>un<'",: Iha! ,ar, dld11, p,•uuun� -..dl lw
.,,,Lobh- "" -...p1 . n11Jo-r !� 111<1 l 1>.&t'• h•
f u•
1n, -.C,Ab, ..., p 1om1><•• tu
!>Mr addt>d (h11 nnd1fla1 .. ,1-••n,-, .. ,u
�k.- pe.n, un t1<1.,r,,., ! u�rlmn <'la••u..
.., , rot ' " i -,i,., � and � n,.,.. ,, •bo .,,.,.
'-'J1)IK>tnr>,.. P.,.,l1<1fl • ..:an1
'ionrl,,tun ,1n-_d lh, ..... 11 for m.,r,
.., , -\ pubhnt• noun1 1ha.1 1 ,.,.,,.,
p.,t,1..-,1, AnO p,.1)11< ,..Loho>n> n•mmut....
,,,...,.,...11 .,,n,1.-wn ...Om.,n, .
tud,.n1, .,,.
not ,rqu:unu-d "lln LhP ._.,,\ Iii ,, du
mor.. 1han n1,., Tund., ......,11nr••nd huld
c-au,-,., �• alu1110,, .. ,.,ni1,-1.1,n,vrnn,.·11t- -d
l l L> 1mpo1tanl fur :-;, , \ '" r•labl•h
IJU.....l•O'> .. a Wl:Ulffll\p bud,
I ,i1n1 mt' mbo'n to N>n.ll<k'f ""' �•nc
to, 'it:A pullhrll�
Smci..wn nul,d
l�I "th.-,.. • ""'"' to p-ubhr- 1 1, Utan
pu11,nc upp,,,,,t,,n·· ,t,,.p,.,111u-duutth•t•
qu..,uonnai,.. for ,1udrnla ,vuld b, •
pu...b,ltl) and 1h,i U ,ouuld ,11'<> t,.,
'ijnclrt"" • •u.,•n\mo•nl ""'"" ,p,-111 ;o
..·mr,w, ,n lliDh,n111vo l l t a,1n 1nt.-r11
•nd J,.an,,-d lluL 11>r,., 1,.. 1\.1\101111
Uf"ll••u,..uo11, th•t .. 1n1 to 1>r1-1 from
lli r Jluuld r,,I ,n,ul,.-tl 1n
pohll(")lnd nolN1n11 ........ .. .n.. .att1
\I,-, d,..-u_.d � th•· mo� Un( ._._, 111,



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1 • � • (>l••·r " " '"·IH•·mt"'' l M ,n l
aurt,tum,nl n,� p,.,ir•m ,,.. lud•••••·I"""
and u lhn ..nt, l!a,nnM·nt ,,.�,..•l• • 1 11,u,
alm.,,pl>r,.. IA>l 1,1,, <4Udrull,• "'""
••, ..... uf th- ""'" hl(hh ,11 ..nn.-d
(lr•>11.,,m>uflhr, ,..,
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S A />,p,:,,dtt,o1M.,,, $"'9..
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u� ;,:. �,�:;,: ,.

,,nc p,'no>d ,,ud 1hr S(;,\ ,ht,uld
,,ont1nur \u,.nfl o >nthr 1dr•
In ott> .. r arh"n lh• Sl,A .,.,.n,m<>u,h
.,,..,., '" f•�ut <>f alkx-11,nc $100 fnr 1
IIPpu,.,1 for • sc;A •·�r\rod ,..,,..,1 •I
1 1,cuod l1II
Ab<>, S.nrlrl.:>n •nn011n,·,-,! lh1l :-.UffoH
' """""t) "·ovld t,,, ,..p,..wl\lNl at tl>r
K,»i,-.,, Jubol,,,. l!,O l'ar•O,, on S..plrmbt-,


�' :t�::

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\lrnob,•-' •'-"> d,.. u...,•d n·nu,,11on, l<l
lh� :-;,,\ .,,n,._, m urdr, \u uul11r murr
""'�•nc ,pa,..- S,n,1,,1.,n ..,,d >hr ,., ...Id
1-11\ w m;i,nt.-nanr,, •b...,l -,...1,,-. and


• •.�• • . ,•,·.·." •


Get results!

II· an<! II a,- t,,-., r••O�
wd 1 r•p<�..,nl ..1,.f1e1,,n.
-..:,; .
I I • an<I ·11 ,,.p,.,.,,1 l""""I ix.1
.......1,.r.,,.,.,_ ,.,,,,�

• •·• .._ • • 1,,,,�,:: h• �_.�. If• llilll(•
, ,. ,
,.um•• m•tllv<: � .. ,1 01
t I, flbyr,: '-�I, t ,, ,..,,, • 11•11 -,,, ... <1
• •·1 ,,.,., .,,., •·11 r � . ,. ,., a.rt, ...,.,.
!>o'l•••II '-• • • ••""· .,d f'I•• fLt ,.
1no1 '• • • ••"'•"• ""I• ••• • "" "' '• • · ·",.
�...,. •• t ,, , '"•·�•�" ar,. • ,.,, , , , ,
,._ ,.,,.,,,r.1l a1'(1 ,, ,r ••••<1• al,
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. . " �l l••rlanl lh• ,. ,, H, ' ,,,. i'
• If · r,• . ,.,, "l�I• '" .,,_,I, f• •· ,: tt, t, ,.,
•" l• ,.1>• f,,-1 fl•I>" "' ' �."• " I'
. ..... . .. 1, .: !• • •·* '
\ ..1,,, :-,..

. . ' ·­

Ashburton delays

&pltmlH>r 1 1 , 1980/Si,-{f,,Jl, J,.u,IWJI f'otr ,'

•••• •,•,•,•,•,••••'.'•'• ' •'»•,•�,•.•,•,•. ,,,,,,._.,,,'N,• ' ' " ·,

Suffolk's grading system is reevaluated

* Are you handy with a camera? *
* Are you good a t business *
i client relationships? i
* "!'fould you like to lay out? #

J Well, come and find out !
: what we're al l about at !
J the first annual Beacon :
: Yearbook meeti ng.
! Thursday, September 1 8,
# 1 980 at 1 p.m. i n Ridge- :
#way 9,


alumni Peterson

h) Alwl' \\h<)t>II' )
r..... ru rm•r .Ju,.,.IW ...-i,tt,r) ,.,.,..
.,..,,,..ll pn�..., ,.,,,. u-.11..'"-. rn "'urn•""''
•• ,cm• [)tolia Ch,• M,,:.. ,n I wn,.-n11,111
,u-.n t. ,..,,.non , t.ncl""' MO, . ,...,.,
dtocu, uflh., 1'1114 i'I ,..,,.,., ,.11,.,..,0,.,1
· 1,-ron '"'
r,N pl.a,.- ,n11>.-· -.p,11 ,�,.,· .-.
•n on,d• ""tl•n du11nr lhr,111d�n,slnl•
,11 �••hrnar. ol 1':11':I Hr111lmrd ►ulm.-1
ll>u .. d ll, Pn•k,•t••"' \C••n " l h>' •rlul,
<1••t;,al,•<I lh>' , 1,1v •1111 ,.._,.�,ni,•nl uf
1 ru,1o..., l� rd l ha,m14n \ ,nr ,,m �"'"" ',,-.......,,..dd•• ofthr -in••



\�1\NJn nul fr,,n,
u11L1H1,•i:ranh �ml duna11un•
11,,-.�,,., \l.,<1da1 ..,,d th•· .-.. , t,;1,
••·l•h•·II SO'I m,11,un 111dlhll f, l flll\
"" b,·t�u"' ,,f •U11lra,·t 11r1<>U•t10,u, ,. , it,
"'"�""' II•• 1110 l>UI "'' 1h.-1 ,.,,..Jd
llo·f,n,1..1, lulpp-11 trul , u, ;, p<...,,blhh
lftal ,an....i t>o-m•r l,,,,�,.d llndrr ,-dtlw
" ' " .,,II n-ma,n " .S,. nHIIIUfl ant' ,.,u ,..,I


Newman honored

1•.-,,.~n"lh,. ''"' -.uffullr. oudrnl tu
,.,,. .r,N pla,-. a,.•rll
Jo-U '""m•n 1 .,..""'' ffll)Uflfl( ,n
a«ounhnt •ntl t11r J...,,�1, phulucraph,
rdolu! 111 i'!t79nU pl1crd third • 111•

phulal(taph, ,unt•" for h1•pho101r-aph of
1 n.. vu,,..., \\arbtpta,, , a 1 du<lt
-.,1m. l"'lt• tlu "' • .....-,rt) "'
jl!'ul.-.,u,naJ Jnumallil.o ,.t,,.-h 'Pl•"-"""
,,,,,..,,.1 •nd n 1 1 , .. nal )"tml•l�m
nlnljM·\11,.,n, ••�') )•••• ltt•,,un I ur th••
',II\ 1nrlu!lr, Lh• ',,• ,.. tn1l,tnd 1nll \\1dlll�
\ll1n1 .. -.t•t•··


' 11

� �:°1n : �t1.:. ��"
hudl11n1 p,ud for ..,,th l!nd<•t(r.du1t�
rnon .., •nd ""ltnlll) ,nt,,ndtd fm
und••t11:r1du,t,- r,,.. ,.,U l'°' lulllh ut1li,�II
b, lh, la• .,...t,ool
lhr 111\IIP11!,.duatr hl>ra') and�,afpt,,N
,.,11 b,o ,...,.,...d ,n ,uhl.unun ;,n<' u.,, i...
vhoul hbn,r. •tll �,r,and tu tJ-,. •HIIIPd
un<l>'ri:radu.ot. hb<.o n,.. ....,,,. ,.
• \ P, 1 lo·d t n !Jo' r umpto,"'11 h} l9,l?



Wednesday, '-october 1
from 1 :1 5 to 4:1 5 pm
Fenton 1 34 A, B, C
Over 25 Law School Representatives
from all across the countr:.y here to talk
with interested Suffolk students.
• Admission requirements and infor­
mation will be provided.
• Chance to ask any questions con­
cerning law School that you may

r!��;-:.�·: -:�o�:·�yoii'"like. ilie·· smeif· · · · · · · ·1 IC
smell of sweatsocks?
Maybe you can be the l
Journal Sports Editor
I:..................Come ...RL19.................................... ..
..... .......... ..... ....... ......... ... ....

Modern Music: a sign of the times
I""" fuo th• "l"' I t,, .icn, uf ""'
ltw p lolw♦I MHI ......, ........r .., . ..,.
c .. 11.ianll)
n,,rrt,o,,.i,,d t-l ♦I ,.. 11.,.,,.,,., tt1,
,.. ,..,i.,,...11..11 .... ,. .., , ,.. 1 . . .., .....,_ .. ,.,,
_,.,., \h,. ,.,irlfl III Ill♦<"\ oncl v,hll,. fall
"'"'"""•' n'mluth,• runfu..-d trl\ ""'I
lh""' J lt1ht11·11•nl1 "K'l•l "' '" b"f•I•""'
""""' ""'' u, uul ,rn·k ,., ""' ',i.,n,lok,
\,.o,h<'> (hat >U<'. bloud 1111,,u, u,-i,•01 1 , , I
,,ul IH••rnnt ' " (htuu11h uh,,n,.,.m,·111,
lrO'nftt ♦l 1,- \hruuch ....l,.,,_,.,., -,," " ' '""d
,,., ,.,,.11 .a,,,1,.,, Ill(" ""' mmd> lllluw(h

""''""'"• h• ••UI h"flll h• lll •
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,..,.- ""''" 111•1 h,o• 11,,,..... nEh '"'"""
l'lo>p..lM ,H,_. • • " t,,,il • tuNl"1HJo "'
p,1hl1o•l 01111 '" � ••I •W•,.nwhl> 111&1 lllnlP
• ..,1 ..i ll1o h-ir.,. , ,..n., 1,ni ,,.m..1 it.,

lh, J1, ...,n,,,,,.,, lial> IHl "n•I• 1 1 �•11 I
I ,�. \\,uHI••, ' t<'II• lh• ••••" ,,I • • '""'I
�,rl '""" "I""" r, ..-,1 nn • (r..uc> .. 1 ,i,.,�nL•
" ' • pl••�r,,1,n<I duflllE ,.., ...,.. n.. , 1..... 1,
u ... llt, ..u ,.,k,•,t ,.h, ,/i, d1d,11, h a lll•l!C
I "'•" I II�,
Uh (lrl "'"Clh n i,h,••I

,, ,.,.,,.....I"
1(.,1,.., j _.,... , ,. ,._, 'f)fUl�l..1 h<'f l'fl"
a ,na+11u11o" llo-""11
1o,1h t hn.i,.u i. l,..f,
lh•l i,a,n , 1., b<' <'\l)r<'l...t •IMl..,..d •"'1
'"'""'""" u..-,t \u rrllll• •"I" • llo"II••
ro-,-.,n, ,1,,.., nvt f,,.,., ,., ••'"'"h •IWI
1 ..11,;i, I" m•b ll""""'h,a•,un, •11•11 ,.,,
\1an• ' "••• •cu ,uu rouhl h• ad a ,10,111I,

Jl1,· . ,,,.,. ,..,,, •· ,.,1111 , ,n•,�h!• •" 11,,1
.1 .. _., ,., .ppar,•n•
lh.. h1k1n1 11.-Mh ..,... r,l'IO It••"" ••�
111,- .,..,, .,f th• "'"'' ""m•• "" a pl:.,,..
"h.-n• n.u1111n1 r1n 11,pprn•
.-,..,.,.t,,,, L•f• Uunnc '4&run" "" 111, ,one
,,f u,., ,am,, n•- • •• • hr, ,ollhu111 " " k
duflt d,..-,,. ,..~m• and•du,-.uun Tl••
-..u u,,., -,nc 1bo111 i.lh iol••·" ..n
111,• ll,.Ml> •""• L,.ll u, ... ,.. ,.,,."

.ii,,111 111. _...,.,.,m,.n111n 1h.. ..,nc llo()n · 1
•1nn,.·n1 · , i..cau,..
...,.,,n \l'I0>11I Lh,, 1,u..
,,.,l ..,n,011111 ,,.. JU>l hk.. m, Lu•rd,,......
n,n ""'� VJ 11.wd Wld th.-, Ln Lu t,, ,o
J11>1 lll<' Ullnuf "<lffl• "•"l> �'lln lf'lt u>
'""""\h1n1 1bu11l ""' '"urld fh•H!l:?"tlf'll
.., 11111 · n ,.. .. . '1uun 111 lhf" Sk) lcall,,d
r"h.. puh.... df'M"tlbo- th.­
111,, "'"""f
l•·••hn�, .. r luw ,n •• 1','alk11111 011 LhP MOOn "
l hl' llim,in.., •hl•III I V b l rrlll)Unt, of
p,·upl• ,n · 1 •m• l..,.nac• L•buwm,·· 11, d
ti. .. , ,,.1..i1.. 1..u, .,, 1hal A, no:1,.nu on
11n�••f ,.n..-h ...-<W1
n,,," ,. ,,nh un.. 1¥
h, ,�r1a,n n,.. "IR> uf 111,. un,.. .,..
nt.-,v,..i,,a 11,ur.-n-nth ,,. d,U.-..."'
p, ,-.,,,, \nd lh•• .-an onl\ b,• r,:,mpl.-lf"lj,.rHt II• Ihm• uf "' ,.11,u 111,-,. b,,..n
..,_.dH"lh d1ac11<,..-d • h11rr111n 1•r,,l•blr

Stp11mbt.r 11,1980/Suf/ollt Juur,.J/Pa� 5


Jf1hlru•· lh11,,,u1111,p f,.,n.. , ,.,,... 1u,uu, _tan,�
•• ,tw um,·, .. 11,n '"" r..-•d th,m •h.- '"'"' u n 1h.'"f'- •'l '


t1un,11 ''"' n , •· nl , ""' •�•·" !h, l\•,arfl uf r,,.,,1,.,.,
>nl•tl t" ,J1,J1 uu, flin<l,n� fo, lit, l"IIIJ l'INJ 1.--.....m,r
••••• ,.,. ,.,,,.,.,d ,ut•i""1 fh,rn la,ul•, ""' "'"'"" alumni
ni,,nm.-n "' 111, Wud.-,u t,.,d1 .,,.. , 0,.,.u...,. ..111,-.,, Jf n
""" n l lur th,. ,111•p,.111 H I l " ,1tJo J.. ,.....,• .,,r...,. , ,.uuld
no,• t. ,,_.,,ur,d,ria '"'I/\ Ill• ,.,.,nd f ._ .,..,.nl•l'> And
p.-upi.. .. ,....,...., ,,11 .,1,-"'"' •11•1, 1hr, """' un u,
1,,1,,pftuno- ...... ..... _p,, .11,o1 ,. ,,., .. ..n 1.... ,... .......,.d,,
•nd "flt&\ol,,d ,,n , afrlrna l•blo• • ....•.. 11, ,,..,.,.o1,, fb,.,.
••"'kl t>. "' 'uf/,.1� J. ,,.,..,.

l"ho-r, 61' , ,-11&,H '"""Pl, •hu mu,• 1.- wn(lo-.. ,,ul U1.­
)'I�" 1 "�•• "111,i.-�1 '"""mm.-..1
,f 1hr
m, mh,-,,...,M ..,,.,., r,{l,, ...u. ,...,,.. , -.f . \ ,.,...,ai--111 �,u,.,.
...,• .,.n,,.11 .,,,t 1(,.1,o" \1,1 MUt• •h•,..,.tp,d u• t.., plan
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'"'1""•••11• 111.. r,,l, .,f1h.. •lu(trnl iuum,1IM" tlo t&II" ,..,.
11,., bl·rn 111,·n ,,.,h •n ,..,,,.,,,,_.n, ;uh 1h.-,. '"" ..,.fUJn
...,,. ..,.. 1>o­
1h1nc, fur """" "'' ,.,,. • • • 011nt.1hlo
"'�"th •••" ,,I U..- .. ,un,n •nd l1lo .,t,,"" ,,f
•·••n """ ""• .1.., ,.,,.,.,,. lh.. •• ••u.-,.."1 i,<1um,L1.-1 ,.,
'>l•llh,., • l,.-•l ll.-al •u lt-&t11 1nd 11l•1 ,1 •111 ,.,m,•t,rn.-.
h,• \., "'" ,,..n,.fll 1,. ...,.� !ho ho-h, -,t ..u, f•111lh a,du,,.,o
rt,,. .....,,.,� ,.......... ..,u ..... ,....... 1.. ....... •P■..,.. ,,.,
...,n,t.-n uf u,, • • -"'""'" 1. . . ,.,.,..,...,, ..., t,n,..-rai:,
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,,... ...... ...... .,.,i ,. .1,1,- 1u ,mpru•• •b -iM><brlh


: S.G.A. N EWS :



• Freshmen elections for Class President
Vice President and four Represen• tatives
• Sophomore special election for Representative
• Pick up your petition in the Student
Activities Office beginning September



Next Week


... ,.... .. . .

















1>,, '><1>o1,u" 1'·�,, J\,,,.
t<l f'l, (4,hm
! u,1 ,



They are due in the Student Activities !

Office by Sept. 30, at 2:00 p.m.
All candidates must make a speech on
October 2 at 1 :00 p.m. during the
Activities Period in Ridgeway 3.
Elections will be held on October 7 and
a in the cafeteria from 1 0:00 a.m. to
2.00 p.m.

,,,.. ,.... ,, '"'"'' 1 0 000


• n.


, _ ___

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\bt) \l•n H..n,,lo

(,,..1 a,,.,.,.,.,,

•hard lluho•f! t .ap1u,

.Ml• I • ,11.,t�nt.a�,

Juhn \1111,,.,,.

IJ•n \lurn•n,

,..111-b. S..ttolk v..,_.,,. _ ,.... ..- ....,,..., -·hpo ....... ..... ........ .... 9.1_ ,.,...,.. c. a.,,......,, MA

l'u.J!,• t> Su/f,./k Juurnul ....,.,.,..,.,1, ,,, / / . / �,\/,

folk and takes in Boston
New President takes on Suf


N. H.' s Mystery Hill

1,. ll1< h.,,,J l!.,h,· r t t .tllll"
l ' .o · , , .
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11. • •,. ,.
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111•1 t -..a, • "'' "I ot••1••I
1,11, • • h

America's Stonehenge
Mystery Hill is
indeed a mystery.
Answers as to
precisely who,
when, and why
it was built, can
only be assumed

., .'. ::t; :�� ���-�·.,::; :·,:1. � · . .:::,;:::i.

I ,n 111• 1\,....,, \,� 1 1,,.,,th 11" I' �.
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It.Jiu, II•• • ond Ma) I 1wh1rh ha, \h,•
1&11:t'>I m,,nolllh .,.. d1..-u•,.rrd1t th� .i•.,1
1 70 Cambridge Stree� Boston
,,.. '"'" huhd•�• .. n,rh ,,.,•,.. c,olrbntl'db,
lh� an<"1....u Uthrr \Ion,<� ,..,i..11n;1., •"'·


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"'""'" ' .,. ,I ,. "'• r �,1,1.,, ..,, ,, ,
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\l,,.1 ,,• th•· "'"'l 1> du11,• J>) ..,,•,- •1
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"l•m•• th1>(n1up h1, Mn rNpun.ihl•• f •r
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PR[S10[NT PERLMAN Jft'J long '""116 Ql11tu lo, o,1!d,r«o<., ,,.,,kl,r,g ,n,p1r,,,,r,,,.,n,, �
lool<rfl!lw-,r<l ,u ,,-,mg ,,.,,,1,dotnu.11Sulfo,• ,..,,...,,.,. ,..,.,,.., ,,,.,. 1,,,..,,,

, urtu·uh1m II••"' -..0 ll"' """"' at lh••
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......11 k•l<llltl(> 1 1 1.....,to• d ..r ....,,...1 ...,,.k,
"" h &> f'll<l<J • k,•pul>hr. not ,..,.,,,.
,.,.,,. •. , al>on!l Uw lh• pu hl"
1rall ua••·l1 frum "'"'"''' t;.,11,•i,• 1n l!li, 1
ii•• th,... 11•..••••<n-ri '" tt"' 1 .... ,. ...,1, ,.(
,·n.,.,111 ..n,.,.. t1r n.mpl•• l>'d "" "'"''"II

Ii;;,,,.�•• I i. er, , • M,"I••" 1"'11••·• and•
r� 11 , n • IIU• •t•uro

I ,�!,� 1,r h .., 11>•• •�1..n• IN�•.. 10 larll"
l'•r! ,,f l'h·••�••lll !',•rlma11 ·, hf,. And th"
,l,·nd, , 11,·.,,u1t,.·• lu lhr ll,11 ..•�m• •u bo• 11
p,·rfr, • • ,... 11nd h;11pp\ tu Ii-• ,n h1, n�,.

••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


You ought to be in pictu res ! ! !

3f a 5t3

I\JM9LJBliJIHl ---.t







WSUB - Suffolk 's TV _Station - is looking for
ON-AIR personalities, behind-the-camera people,
and anyone interested in TV, Films, and Video.

- Meeting -







Sept. 1 6, 1 980
1 :30 p.m. in RL-3

&ptf'Tnbt:r I l.l 9HO/Sulfollt Joumal/Pogt 9

How I spent my summer vacation,
or the demise of the American cinema

t" J;,!f Puw:vn
I , ,.._ •
, ,,mr1, 1,·I , r..,�••<1ab+• n,,,,., '"''"' •
' '"' � "''" • , ll,,..,,,, llul,, • , '"'""� ,,t
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1,,.,, '" tt ..1,, ti,-, f••·•· " p,•rr.-, th blanli
•n ,,m,,1,.",h'"'n,--.. Jlf••b.ol>h ,r1l,•nd,•<l 1,
abondun, l>ul ,uu.-�t,nt ""h .-mph,...,,.
lh• a,t r-,, ,.,.,...., n,,1hmc ""'"" Uun •
1,..11,,,. 1,,.,. .. 11,•n>h, 111,,, ,..,.�hUu! ,.1,.
,, n1an"<1
1h11 ,.h,rh 1> ""'"•thh
-.·dl:• I"•· ••HI n1•>rn,-,,1-11ril, ...u,h,nK <:>
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• " 11•1.\ ,.�,. 11\lbo n,.i,,r,aJ
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u/ '1'•""11
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\\"U f•l!'II••• r•l•uw, unl,.,<I llh••t • IOfl:<>• uf
"'"""" ,.,, Ill• 11, \, . I turn, ,,..l . 1 n , _ , , ,.,
IL•• •h�• lu••h H•Hh•ni t,• ,1,. """ Ur,
• • C w•I
11 1.. 1
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,1 ,t11),.,lo,, lh• ,)o•, t,n,hi ......1 , ul llh
, ,., ., ,. , \11u•r•• •t· ,,. .,..,,.
•"1 • ••1111,
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lh• ,n,<,•il"h� ,apod11\ • •f 1h, O"\lff••III
,..,• •.,,, ,.. 11.-1n,�1 . . 1 111. ,nh.·r,0,1 :-,,-., ,
,.j Mm 1,, , u••h . 1..,un11m..:,
•ud,., ••
•I �I. •<I•••" ,., , ....,umi 1 .. • ' ""'"'""
IUl�•fll\ fut I., k ,,f n•ur, ...,ph1.. 1,, •h (!
"lll>l•lul, . <lun,1""' " m t,,,!" �•II "" .. 1

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l,·rn,, 11, .........,i 1 ,,.,,. ' '"""""'•
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, ll•m· ••. ..,.,, M"""'" '"••• th�n folno 11.,
,,.� ""\, , 11.,.,,,..... 1,1,.,.. ... ..,.<1, .,..
1..n,t--r '"' Ut, " "'"' .. �• . hut fur Ill•· ....�.
.,f pm•flnl l""f• l • • n d l h • ""••·p,,.fnlh•
11,•tl,11 A, M,m1•·• • ••• 1>lain, .
lf lll•• ••·,·uunt.itn 1 , ■n..l, - ,, .r,.,... u.,
1•ro1f11 marir:•n .. m.1l•·dh tr•·•••·• •f )\ 11
m,lhun " ,p,-rit ,.., .,,.•. t,1,,.·U11..1,•r ""d
u,..1 1,•nd•nt 11ubh, 11\ !ll,• n •l """ld t1,
,f ,1,.·n1 ..n 1,•..•., r.1m... lhrn u,,
bl,,. �b.J,1>• 1 .,.,U II, mod•• • 1hr ..m.11-·t
film, """ I It , Q,>I lh•I 11,.,,.. ,.,,.11, 1
r,lm , ,.,.. l(lnl h••· tnlll•• • pn,r11

lll•••nd. hlll ll muS!IIMU,.dl ) •••1n1t1but.•d
u,nr ul Ult' f• nal l"h•pt.-n, •11 lh,
,nu,,..1t1..naJ 1mpt.,tant? of 1h.- Amt'rM:•..
n11rm1. o..,. ur lhf' lunll"�l ind """""•
�unt1nu,1u• tradtUon� uf 1n, 1111 '"" ·• 'Jl,11

"h!Hl <>11"' p1t� \ht•M
•trr..>w•thf 't11. �n
K•n• 11'\d ,-,.,, I/al ind /,ml.r 1 ·ar:1<1r •nd
/lmwm,! r f' ll<IIH 1 ..d ln,,./rrun,·,. nu"
runr•ntrah•• "n llfo, l <w•�•" •"d \'amwfo
1nd /llu,1 H,..1h,� •nd H,-tor and
t u,/,.hUl4r•

It, pt<>p••,._u, lut,,n •.,,. .i,1,•<1.
b ,u.11 ndlu.•n, , b
�,,....,,, ,,....... • 1'17111. i,,.,,,, p,,i;,,..,,
I 1(,· ,,f /lrw,n 1 1 ••�'11 .,,.,•.,11•uro r;,.,ff,r,


nvo Of r,11 SUIIIM(R S "'"'., '""'• ('.,,,.,,.s,,.,,, JI""""' ff,11 111,,,,.,,. ,.,,,,,• -M"-1
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'"' lh>.L 11,�, .... ,utttn'! ...... m•tl• "'
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1 "hl! ... IUI• !�• ••Ill• • • I W • • ..,_ th,
11 .. u, "'"' �\ 11,...,,,. """'' " "l'I
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Ml1>l,.•1I• ' " •"•� !dm, /i1, ,,�l,u,/••
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, ,,mn• n ••I _,,, , ...._,... ..... ,.,
' ""'"l.> .,f ,.,!,·• <'I"� 1• • lh• ,n11ll•·d1,.,,·h
h·••�fi,Jalll• '"'"•IIA ,,t u,. "'"1'" , ..1
,.,..,,,i,. ,-. 111. .l, ..,n., tur.•d "'"'"'' tu
,r,. 111,1'• ,., m u,t< � 1 111111 ,., '" 'l�n••• ..
1'•""•111••• IOllll "1" 1>11'• .. Hf •I •il• m••,..•�•·•
Ul41 ,an !� und,·"•••,d b, tit• 1,..,.,

111 1,·ll•• •u.ol nou\l••,:,_...,
, ..11.,f, ,,u� . •f l lh ,1Udn-n, . " "'•·••d•
l•m•l o1, .. ,th Ill•• Jmxl u , t. ,., ,nu• I I th,
ti< O•••. .,11,,,n.., 11111 l•m•hanl\ •h-m• f!,m,
••In.-, nh·d••· �,rual ,,..,.,.,.,,n,·..,,. ,�.
•..,p,�·,alh . ,,., ••n\11 ,u. ,.,...,fol .,,.,, ,.... t ,•.
,.11,� I nl llt<>d,.,�,.. 1> l•J <"'"".. ••

p t ..nl1�I OU,IM •"• ..�· n,b,•r, 111•1 111• ,r
""' llu,, "' I ,, .
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•""' "•• I\IUdU••·• ••111- !••I� • • • n - � ••'
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, . .,,..1 hul. , j , ••U"•
,1 • , •�t\ (>I• t,·h
''"ton•l••• "
t,•1, ,,nt
- " " • · •••"•d11111u \1,.t1••"
,11..,,1.. ,,, ""d n11m1, i... i,,.,, ,�, ..,n,
1,,.,..t-,dl/1 • \m••f1, an, u,.·n••
!r10d""'na11, . 11r,• .umm..1 111,,nm,II•••
1.1,••.., rn. ,.,..,.1,1�,1, " r 111, '""- .,,1,,,u,
, ,,...m.11, u,pr. i.... ..... 111,i . ,.r,,., u,.
""d� n,·•· 1> n1,.,1 •uln.-rabl. , fu1 ••f "'"�•I

�::�t;: f·. .:.;:;.£:�i�"�, �.:�··�·;:·��

,a,"'lllkJ'UnK •dull., .,....k ""' hut -,,r•lhrl
f•••• 1,•4umnK ""I) • m,,dwu,n uf thuu�hl
••f •n• 1 1 1 1 1 • .\n<11, ,u,n pr•>du,·I -Juwl•
hu l ,un•h m1<n1f.-.u .u,,lf lhrnu Klloul th•
••·•• · n-rr.a,r,h u,,. ..,,,1>..c 1,o.. ,�. wall f•><
u,., \m,• rl,•111 r•M•·111,11
:'1>11 CN> I ,um m,•, n•�) n"I h••r ,p•·llrd

, 1 '0 11
/ 11 , l 'li'•• •PP,••n·d
r,�qurnU, . •nd ... •llll<,U, , , ,mlMeu,ll•Mh
I nfn,tifn1lo·h,
\1//"""'' '""'I•""' ,
l11,,.1<1/ //.,,.,_ 11"'1 l, , »un��, I �n�tl•1n
, ,....,.,_ 1...,1 ,u.«nh·1 .. l/,'41tllol/,, t,.·••rn•
1h.. n""' n,nu,•nt••I r, 1n, _,,..•• �,,,, 11,,,,., .,
,.,.,..,.. ,r,1"·••lilD1•• ,,,.ruuh"" • ' • t l pr�, •"
,n;,,�ud11,� , ••Utll,
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f••1lUtd1 ' """'''' •it'll I"'"' � r, • rn(
..,.,..nd , n , m1fu.,.... •••d•·nl\ '""'' · •II� t•
,.., .-,1 ,,,,,.. 1,. 11.·Qr,.,,11,. i,,,.,•thr,,. ..1(1,,
1Jh•1•�••1U•b 1,. d....,..i ..h • •<IHIPII•·· • arup
I � J I On dof,l•d ...,1.,,,...b•I• d•·•lo••�h•p,
,.. m�lll>h,,.._ "' Oh
,nh·f"lll "•'
I u,1,1,.,,.., � 1, •m•·d ,.1,1,., ",,..,. up.. 1 ..11
hrll(h1 .,,n H,,11,,.., I lan�•·tfl •·l<I � <lh
,11,.,. t ,1,. •ntl li11l \lurra, •• •�1upl•· ,.,
• "m• <lllm• """ t,••,. in·•! 1"''"""•1
,l1uul<I u, •., , .,. , o,,,. "11/ l•• " n •k h1""
"" • \\ \,]' ' """'r\ •·l11t1 l/o,l/>1'n1H/
1\11,�"1• <t• P" h·<I '"" mi:t,t ,,fhrll •u,,nt
,r, 1n. nud , ,..,,, .. h, . hu n,h ,.fuld,• r t,-.. n,
"" th.. n,.:111 t,,• !..,, lh••lr h•nthUI

t1..... ... ,••, ... ,,..,, ,
. 1 . .... .. ,,.,.. ,, ..,,e1 ..11,
ul ll • n numr,,, 11 < - , .,1f•,. \ y ln..m ...,n
"'"" \ ,.,,.,,.uul,..,./1-'l, II• .,.., "' \<1fy,1111/
1,,,.,,,..,.,. , ,,,,,,,�! 1/,,.,.,.. • 1 11,�•,·h a11,1
' '•••1'-/ •
\. , .
,u1·1u1 ..,·d th•
, . . , , 11,.,u•·<t duu, •11..,hrun..i1t .,,..ulr
•I• "••<1"111 , .,Hur, "' lah· !•",ti , d""'"
•nrt " " un f un m
• I I•' •
1 ,
:;;:�: 1 ��+ :
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1-. 1....., . , , ;,,,._
1 1... ... 11, ,,
1,,�,, ...... , . '' 1..dr, �t,Cl "" "'ll•Krn•l" • I •
,11,·l.ll• <I 1 14 � .,,1, \f,.1,·• m,l•·•d " I
"' "'' •n--1.i.•n !,., ,,,,,_,
l1u,t1•., \l,h>r• .,..._ n•"��rn f,., \1,,... . I••.
" I'" • n , .. hll "'""' ,n Ob ""M ll�hl. .. ...
II,• _,, , !r,•m A h i , I, Uh d<,,,.Ui \/1<J/ll,
\,:, l •u .. • A·• • Yl l l\11.-<l l'h, ad•,·n1ur•·..
, . r .,.,.,A. , oJ•1<l lll, /"1ri,/11 ,. , ,.. n,.,.d!r-..l,
, ,1 ,•11d,•a """ �"'"�' , �ml ,,,,. H,,.,.1,1 II
"Ill• II '°"' �,.. .. 11•1 "> •lll'"(lllill\•• "' •L,
1111, 1/.•,..J,n 1,., /lr,..,d,. o, .. .. . ...... l,•
•�VI rn ur, II/ /h�t /a.·: ,n<l 111• lhrll nn\
\ • I r••l••a,.•d h1m,
,nd """" ih•·• ,.,,,.,. ·, •·•nn1b•hJ1t1(
111...,,...,. filnh. ,,111r,,. uf th1> wmm..r ,
\111mn1•·• 1 n•1• lum,•d to l•· l�•l>•••n fur
">fl1ralllll1 /'II�
Sholl , ,..,.,. 111d
\•.,er ffon,11 t:rt Smo,1 · , ,..,,..
nutlt•nr mor.. 1hanr•P"'""'-'"• o(thr..-•1t• •
from "hu•ft lhr� �•uni 1/u,, / . , /J...,1 /hr
·.,,1 ••f / 11·•"11 " "uld h••r m1dr 1
llll(h 1
•l "11tJ1hU11•. •••rn fvr thrm�•un1

1,,,,..,...,,. mm•,. ·r,,• �p,..,<1,.. ·n,,
//,.ttt,,. lhuurt• 1.,.,..� ,.., Ur� ,ral llfr
Sc� p.rge 9


Caligula: still crazed after all these (2000) years
,�. �l••�•al• ,.,..,,..,.,,.,,,. t1t.
'"' ,J.,,
l••m ,11111111,,.

Ju,,, ! , llt'lll " • 'l"to· lh•• lt,,,,...,
,. l

-: �=��=m � .,.k..�.•
rh�II ,n ''"' uf h,, ,,.,,.,,,. h• 11 l,•II fn,n1h
uf h" fvnum• b, pl11•rnr I ..1,� •�
Ill.- ''""' "•"' I d,unt "'""
p!l\ !Ml t,, ... lf •·tnpt, ,,.,.,,..,_ ,.h,.11 ,t "'.b
,..11• d ,h•·r thal \m•• •l'l"•at»� r,, , , , .,n
,Ji,, .. ,..,
l h•nk .,,.,
11,,.,,," .. / .,., ..1
nrnutttt .. ,
lln lhll ,1., f, ,r Ill• '" , tun, ·" " " '
f < , u r , ...... • 11,11r,r f i l m ..... ••01•·<l .,,
K..ntun 1h• l•'-I IMU<1 # ,n.,.,1, , """''£
.... run •I lh• I 111•·nu, .; t•U• • "•l'lr
p11r.l,.tlrr ,.r /', ,,,,.,. .,�
nllotunw• ' "l'ld P\•'1 b••• to•uK h l L h o • k111n
,.[ publuu, •I ""' 1•m •· \t lli, n.,,.,,,..•
"'""•n� Ill• '1•• IM• fun ,\ "a• ,..,,.,t1 ,,..,,.,
• ••uldn t n.,. ,.,.•,,,,,,..,. ,n,.11 1 1 • 1 • • •\'h "
"II•• " ,, 1n11 , .,,.. ,, 1 1, .. ,.1, 1 . , , .,,.,.
,t.,•n --• h•irl•\ un tll" f,hn ,1;.,, ,.11 •I
...... ..,.., .. ,,,f ,n \h¥ ' ""'b•l hrn, .n. . .

r:.. :r.:, ;•;: : ;,:1�

�:"' ;:;;;�i::� ··�;.�· ��:., ,'."·:·:n::��:

nnurh \ll • •ut-r•u•"· <l,d ..... 1., 1•u1 lllrm
all u, un.- r.l m \., a ,••• ,1 ,.a,, ,,.,..
tu ...... ml ..! "'""'"' 11\<l)U>I P"' 1...
,.,.,. r 1m
l'h" r,1m ,1.... 1f n... • .."•"••· h""''"'
(ln�111.11, llll••d 1;. .,, 1 ..1..1 , r ·atll,'Ula I I
nn1II) �n,.. ,,ut u l aJll("kr nr,.,.... .,,..<1
.....-n aflrr .,., ..,,.,11,..(,n•l p1udurl \Ir
\ 1cbl n,-d l ftlwr, 1mrl ud•nt d1,..rtu<
1'1n1u tt,-. , d�f.,rt..d r,..m 111.- film ,1...,
m1k,nr for ...,..,.. .,.,.. .tranc.- n.-d1h ,,.
. d11,n�1" 111.- produrt,un·•

I• 111.- 1110•·,., ,'tf """h' .,r ,·,·n�,,.,r,,p
l,tantrd lh•n •n n,an, �••II"" ,.-. nr,
uf ""\ an'1 .,•ln•m,> u•l••n,•· \, tu,_ .,.,
ron,t.anlh d•l>H' \¥rl �) 1><•111 � 1><-hra,1.,,1
ra.,uai.d mut,lllt'dor �...-m t,,,,.., lrd "" •
u,·n,D f,....l) . OP,-t1ll and uf1>-n
rh.. ..-c u•I lahtul1 " "' ,..,,...,, "" 111.,
111,.. ur th� murh ll.-ral<l••d l'"•• hr ( ».•,..,.,
th• ...,,n. fmm 17 Cu I l A IJ Wb '""
f•lt"d with c.,,nu, ,ndn�pra,11, Thr ,..,...,..
..11ow, th•• m fulld••\111 anrl 1h11 " "hrn
thr pruhl•"lht'>
An,on" """ II.&> "" ' r•••d Huh-rt

,,.hr,.. 11 .,.._, >llown unt•I ,u.
"''£Uft, • hid no pK"�Ufrl ur ll•ll1 from IA•
mu••r. noth1nt fo, 11v10<. 111 vuun1t)tel lo
,r.a,.. •I , .. 11., .... ,n..OC'f'nl )OU... f')"'
tk11n1 ,n ti,.. n>mbl\ 40fH' Ill) wa)·� I -.o
mt11\m11d.,, n,,...m.-nt.,app,1'1n-drn m1,or
.. 1th th.- • Hcrpuon or
1.,.......-,.,.. ,u•n /'r�llluui<' 1,\i, J tN:IU. n,o
...... ..-n"t•• d mr .,.. rr,,mont Stlfft •nd
f,,,.,d Ill<' ,nu, lh" tll�alr• I how•�,-, h.ld
'" ' ,.,.., "'' •�•mpan•on1
Th" """"-' U,., 1mpurtanC't' of1 l)llron
,...<1,nt"'"·raln-.,.. • , ot • f lm -..,, do..,.

""'P'' tu U\uw ti\, ,...,�,_,,,·, p,-n.onal
"P'""'" ..r 111.- r 1m 0..1 t.o un-rum •ta
•unt•·nl 1,,.. ,. , p,-....,., 1) 1..-•r,, of U'lt
, .,nto•nl uf • film an,lhrnc th•t h.lpp,l'ru
.. 11h,n thr lllr1t.-1 " 0f lll• palmn ·s ow ..
1·at�Jo • ru,.,n1 111.. ........ lllne'llon
111a1 /1.-rp fi,,...,1 n•ti ..,.,.,raJ )•aD back
fh111> ·rn•r purn" At.,, dutl•rj• lhro,.,
n.,t m111, p,-,uplf ••lh hip bOIIIH
p,,p.-um buv, .,.. ,n,...d>111 · ro, fuur
tiu•�•tn.., ,,n J•' ,.. thr l'u"4)·c•l C,nrma
'" ('al�/G ·� lllllCCIIMJ lhr
.11 (In
111"• P•..,� puh,.._1,1 rft<"d Wh1l• mOlt
1••1"'"' durl 1n•uth• ,\rt (,,-,,.ml . P"'OPI•
• a! IMr C "ho>n ••" p1ral1,nf 1mund hop•n�
,,.,,.....,,,,. 111.-, knu" -..-,n iN' 1hrm
1 ucktarl pan•r•an- ..nh,.-.....:1 b) qur1Uoru.
•buul th.- Olm l ,. n,-.,. ..,1 "-lti.1 ,ymbOl,s
tu -.a, 111•1 \ Ou .. ,. l..� filn, "p CC "
p,.. ......,,,
,,...,•..,, , t . n l..1t ,..1ton . l h•p
m, -...on..i.,bm m, l)Ol"k�t ,
ln h,. r• n•l ruhnc [J1slf11"t Judit., H1rr,
l l1m > thal attlloU(h u,., film
,..n111n.-d»ffrnw•r ..,, ,.,.,.nn l.h.-,..w111
'"'"""' puhural m.--.-. c{)fl,(',>m•nr th•
1hu,.· uf pc,,.N 1 .. 1h� r 1m ro 1n,un.. w110
11-. ....,n 1h,- r 1m 11111 ,nd...-d i . , 111.-,....,.
that n:,m,,, .,..,.. pll•nl, Thr •mprro,s.
hrl<1 thrh,,.. ..fllluf•....... .roundl.h,-m tn
th.- palm of lh�II h111d A )..Ip of 1hr
f1 nc.-.. ,vuld n,,;1 1 pr"""n h,, r,r,. ,r 111r
r mp,•ftlr ,.·,.nrd Th•,.·,nn1 of th,
bn<lr •nd truum •�rmphri•, th" I>'>""'
tlun11llauu.. mu l• l11Jun 1nd r•·�n dnth
�1u ..•1>f) th.. ..mprn,n dt>1,n- fo,
pl•a.urr V.unb 1lonrruuldn ·t l'On•r• th1>
f,•rhnc butC 'al,g11lo ,ar1,ondon
h " nut knu ..
·n .. u,tl) how Ion�
r ·�,wi""" ,.,11 0-- "'""'"' '" �wn and•f
..... nu...1 111..,.. ..,,.,.·, 11r • d,-( n•1>- •u1d1n

'""' hf,, but thrrt' m•• ""'"•br 1nulltrr
fl l m l , k e u


... ..... ·-·· ·· ·• .···· ·•·' "·
' ·�
, ,. .
.,.. . .... . ,,. . . •! •- .
, .,

1 ,,..,... uu••• I • W11,1,11, ., ....n ,,.,,. "'
lhr., 1wu,. •n'1pr...,.,n1l•h ufl 1h1ula ,nd
lu, p1,•d,.,..,...,,. r,1,-•nu, t.n,,�, Ir••�• ""
,i.,, .._ i.., ,on..- . .t 111. 1n11.1n• ol tn•·"
1,-u 1 , r.,,11, Tl>t• Hntu,t1 1r1.-.,_....,. ,..n,..uf
,... ...,,.,.. n•m.- 11n-d ,.,,... mn PH.�,
,,,,.,n� tnr put l'"O �r•n. ,1.., K•'" •I•
.,.. ...... • pr•l M! " b.· h • n d c h.- ,n,nr,
H,.,,,. ...., ,...u, ti�•· \l.hai4,t••.-,.and Ut,
HHI o•r u, "•• to, t ..r mo.., Plfn
i,,.,,.,., &.II• ""' un!r an<I , f ,., t•�" "h•t 1>
�,.,,n u, ,.,. can 1nujlmr othn
•lro, •l•.... •..·•utfd t.utt,un.- lt,1•�• u••1lh
nu •U>P""'"' lo l•n�.. 1o, . 11.. ,11owJ u,all
t •om ln.- d,. n.,,.•,• nnw uf I br,,1,. and
�ruum "" 111�1• ,.-,.ddm1 n••hl to r.-,b11n
�"•• ,.·r0r, .. nd I n11thl ,n ""d '""" {·ah111l1
11nrl h,, hw,-• . ('u/....,�I., nuld,nuthmt h:i• k
11•. •n• sh,,,.., th� �1,�o11 ind �"••· ,.,. "'"
,n1,·..11nr, fl,;""" " " 1 ' " • •uanl• •tum1rh
"'' ••In••'" "r'J•""• b, 1nr al"lun ond
Ht"·""'• "• an --•nd uur ,m�Rmauon• ••ff
f.,r 1,.., 1nd unr n&.1f nu...,. b...->.u,-• our

l f • p,-,..,.. .. ,... n t11n11,a.1u th• ••tu•I
d,•IJrN"l\ uf • , h o n , l r r a1,tl l,,1"• • tllr
!/)O••b•r knu,. •n( l h•l th,•,.. ••.. .,,.,,.. 1.,11,,
fitn> tlL•L mr•· t.- t hr r,.- 1h1l1> 1r..,.ptabl.­
ftu 1 -..h•• n !hr dorrt\ut llkr> 1hr \lt''"rl
""'' 1h, hn,. f1<>m thr ,nh• 1n·d lo lh•
.. 1u•l <lor, lhi! ffi•kr 1 laflt, <11H,•n n• •


What f'lll..c"..: uff,.r,, " . on ._pr,01
p•noru,u of t1,nad•n...- \ •"•"'• ..,\u&.I
a•!•. man• fornu ur mu11l1t1un and "
pl1'1hon uf madn••\> " pur1,.,.d If OM•
1.-,,r, fr,.Jm1 ,hor�rd >Mldrnrd 1t1d
humr1r◄1 111,H m•itlll r,,, th.. -..m, n-;><"llu..
,.,,,. •uuld �•· • b) ,othn ,..1d1n101 hnnn1
.,r th� ..., d,..•<h and l""'P"' 1 1 1 <1,n-ctor
cn,d to "'0" th,- Homan, ,n .ii of lll•·n
''°" · "•th oc-�n•l -...., o, s110.-k
unr rn•1hr ,o..n for1.-1 lh� badond Kl•ntrh
"•lh lhP hr-,1 f;umu11r f""'">th• b1d ,n
•ll of,t;. tluF\ M1d h,dPj flOnr o( 1t .,.•th
Hui "'h" "' h• d••tnm1nr "'"II Ito
,..,pt•rt.ahlr fu• .,,.,.,11(' .\f••n r,,-')U'Unr
tha1 -..- portr•srd ,n (·a/Ol(ula
•ppra.r•·<T •n ..11m,• n,u.,,the1t'\lm,. • • /.,,.1
To,v., /,, f•""'ltl'""'"'d<tm) . Th, 1\11/11�
,.f .�,.,.., 1,.·.,rr,:r ,-t,o,.rd lt<.b,1n11,m ,apr
ha• ll•f1m1..1) brrn owfdon,. 1nd1lmo••
,.,r.. IJ.i; n.d•• hum,, r,1m <1111"� mu•1111,on
/'n� T••�a, ('lu,,n S,w 11111-MJ,·r• / 11>1
11.... ..,.,n 11,, / .-{t1 1fnn,n1t•ofurm,uf
<1�Pnt'lt• • • n t,, •ll"•"d "h) nu! h•,r
,, ron1•·d11n l'••n• .�muth<•nha, ,tat"d
,f ,uu dun l hl, .. • "" ,ha i.. 111.­
<lltmn J'h , i,..,1 ,.., 1.. r, 1n11n<1upp,,>"'•
r,1111 ..urh ,, ,·atOl(ula "'"""'Ph ll>'l!IHI II
rh• �<1.,·m••nt •n uf ,.,..


--.r� .,.,.,.,

Simplicity replaces creativity in American cinema

ru""""'' fwm r•••• ,

' ' I " ' " " • • • ,,I 11,,unc·. 11u.. t,1 kalpt
l h,,,-,,n. ,... rr, ,·Cl h• lo m,,r, ,1,,...1.
r,•111, d I"
1.,, " • " 'I> IJu•� n , • •rl·.
" ' " , ll�nl•U /><O•I •' I • / '•• J . •-.
, , ...�u.. . " n..n . " P " " ,.,.n, 1. ., I \
"'"'" p•ut A• ri •Ot••• .. •••t ,1► • •'1 l • f' . , !
,1t\d , mal , ! n./ """l•I,\\ •II • .n, , , uw
••· l•<t h •• ·•.... •l l'- • <•<l • · • "u, lo , • • •
/.•hn !I. ,,., •••! I !,.. \ ,.,. !f

., ,



.., • . ,,.. . ""�· '·· J..._. ' • . ...

.,,. , ......1., "" t'"• �I' "" ' • ,• .• • '
.,..,.u 11 .n, II • \,•., • • •' I'•'''" • •
""t •• n"•"· • "' • 11•� fll• ,..l" ,� d �·1�
lh••U . . . ...Jwi ,. ,,�u..,,,. . . j hlu•- . 1 ....,, ,
•ht<r �•• t• ti, I'''" 'l•• ,! Ii•• I t,.,1,
l•m•" H,,.,.,..
\<•Ill• t••n�I"
, ""
I �11 ..... �, •nd J,,nn l •·· )I .... �. r , <>UH!I 1
11 ... 1
! h,mu•I
, .. •..,.,dlt C •nil
u1,n1nc f•1lur,-, ut .. J1 of 111.-<um 1n"'
r,•l,,1>.,.. ,.,.,•. th .,..• whwh ••\h1btt••d lll,­
"•111u,Lh1nuf tt1<11lu,n11 ,\mrm•� t�n,r,
th.- .. �,w•n · '""' /1<,,.,_ n,r \/<,<111/am
1/.•n, th• mu,..· a l , . \ulladu, 111.. 1.,,r,tor\
//.,..r,,u,·�I. llu>•'
Utr < IJ)•· • ""'' "
H'-"'{!/11 1 ·111, 1 n . •dh•n\ur,• mo"' //au,
fhr r11anw, and ch,· rrtr, uf manh11ud
mo-,,,. , T/u,J<• l l/>J "/'�,,... , , ,.., l}f ,,..,.....
111 ..... f.,111,... b, nu mt'an,,n,&.1,dl<l,• lhr"'
trnn·• thr f••lur.- d .,r th,m..•h"". n,o!of
lh,.u l"'h"' :.Uch f•1lu••• '"U">I th" •h•
,\,nr11nn f• hn. fnr th.- mn'1 pa•1. h•<
b,..-omr no lnn�r• .-omfort.ablr "°'�•nc
••lh ft'n,-,,, wlllt'h hu n1>1rd,-•rn brforr
tht'ld•·..n c ol wi.tnd
ll1o� handfu l uf "'"""' �hw>1n1.
,·u,011, 1.-••h ,,< n1.-d1ocr11, .. ..,� pl-,u d
b, conn11u.., 1n1>-nt1nru - 11 ,..,.,.
;,\1>-mp11nc tu m<Hal1L.- OO •�•nun.. thr ,.•)
tudl\ . Ouc ,nnult.arwoush
1,. ••
,ubm111utc It! thr lfn,..m,•nuon�d rrn,•nrl
w«- formul• Th, for,,! hou• ur w uf
IJ,i,bali/r• ,.,.. u,� mo,1 pt,.. .,,ru1h t..n>r nf
all of u,, j.U111m.-r, ,,., ,.., "' •t.<

\n••?l•4n r,•n.ol ., ,t,,,n 11,,,.,.•• , fwrn
11,r. 1 r,,.,l, d n,. ,, ,n1., 4 , • .., ... ......1r.,,.
" n " • , ,., ,1., tt,.n,,1 tt•df.,l"ll l •l\a11
1 . ... . ,, •• ..,, . . ..n1. •n• l•1•i,,., r.,, u,.
• Mh••••n,.al null •• •n
• ,,..,.,,.,,.., ..,l•••h b"I ,,, """''' u,., ,!
,,.,1 • .(�DI ,.h <t 1� ' t <1•·� IO• f•!, n n 1 " •

<• • • • '" A " • I , . . , . m . 1 1. . , f•11 �,nn
I ••• •• •
t..., .. ••<1 ,; .,,••. •/1,11,

..N • .,.. •
• ••.I�, ' •t • •-.I ...t, .,l ' ... •
',\ u<I •'••• ...,••,. ' • '" ;u•ll•· d ,,u! ut

' n �

.. 1:·.; ;, ; ,1 . .
n,'.�� .. �'.
,' ,
\,,., IO•• '" •· � · th n '11fr, tor
\ •• ,, I'•••• •• A•,r�. ,t .. n "'•·11 .._ . mu,,n/ .
., 1n �"••• ' " " !•�• ,.11 1, , t, "' 1>r<•dun•un
,.,,n,n, ,-_ , , .,,,,..., ,., ,11. \, ,. ,.,,i. tf•ch
._ 11.,.,i f,., tll,· l'• •l,.rmm( A•t.o. bul l...t•U.
•l••t� ... ,l ,..,.,,,...11 lo .hu• blL d,rh•••
" " " '· ,1 n ...1 .., t •· • po,nd<•d not HIIIM.-d
\h H,.,J,�< ,•.,11,..rnrd ,...,.If ,.,th h 1Ch
" """� Dull•""'· bl.II ,.� ,._.., •oundabout
1 n ••.-dlr-.h
,n.-.,rpu,.l•nf n,..,,.,1,.., ,.,.,.,.,. wllh tnr
r.;,..,,....,:t ,uuu,·, (atllrr and1J11ndmn1h..u.
and,1>. ul1,m1l• l>"'"''"a!.1U w,,.,.mpl1>11.­
�"d ..,.1 •••" n1ffim••"d1bl•• l\lolrnn• -, a
•'Urr-•I J 1 1 n 1n, 1·•,..
Uf ,Ill""' film, ,,-1,.1,..d lllo ...,mm.-r
"h•cll man,�rd lo l!t'llrlll., favnrlDI•• f • f
onh t.u • , d• �•..,.I n•l•c•I mir•rit.

uni, "•Jc.,,, 11,11', Dt•ll,111tchronodt'o(th,·
r,,.., <D,, uru,,.Jan1� y.,....,-.,o,n•. Th�
lmll( ltufrt> ...,,·,uld br <"0>nud�,-,,d I

n""'"'"K •rho,••rm,•nt u! •hr Holl�·wood
mach,n.- Puamo1m1· A1tplltnt . wr,u,.
•nd d•n-,·trd Ill .hm AOrlhllf\> Ind Jf'(f)'
•�d l)a.,Cl /.uc-k•• r. w-. hrrllld.,d mo,.. for
•l.> hoitl rnr'l) j>iirod• .. r d,..osto-1 mou
Cll•n for 1n, ar\llUC' m�,ilSU/1'1.tUu,.,. ,
m•nur ,..d.,l)t'ndrnl mn�•r 1nd

�.�•; •i•. ·�' �::,''.'':�

� � �(; •if•:� ' �__ mu ·'.
.. , �i if · .. ,.i ,
_ �_
� _
_ ,


A horrible summer for horror Jans

t,, th, h,ml ltutwrt I apno1
.,., ,,t, ·�· ,..... .... . ...
.., .
,•,,/, t" . . ... ' ""'''''""' /�, 't.•1�-··
, .,,..,.,n,, \I•"
\. I""'' , ., ..... "" "'" "'"''" ,,. ..
,.,\ ·1., "'"" lh111i •fl, 1 r,., ,,,� ,,. "' ,t w,,
''""'' " ' '"I' ,.t C/1<111, ,- I "'""" .•1, 1>
'" .,,.1, , lull, I t•� ,r, "" lll•·•h •• "'"

t,, ...,r,,m,-r •l•rhd ,,I! ,J. , , ,,11,
, �,� .. I h , -.1 •UI• ,
t. " t, 1" �,
I .., •'"• !,,! ,. f••• 11 ,ut�l'l•I•"" ,,f -.., I''",,
l,.«I( / • , '"'"• k f>L>I 1fldo ··• "'"''
I '"1'1"• "1ftl0!>1 \fl,, �,.,,i r•••I th,
••• ,1 ,.,, "'"' " ,....... ...,, .. -111 .. ,,,,.
"••" ' "' '1"' '1,un, ah<t l , .,,. d tl n l ,...•<I
, ,, , 1 � r, ,_, 1i,,,, ••• nwn, """'r'•'"'"''
�•J'I" "'''"i• 1t1 1/h· m,.,,, i,. .,1,,., � ,. •
.,..., , r "" <1,�1111 ,., 11-.1 ho.ii .. ,m..111,nc "
'"" r,1,11 f,, 1, ,. ,,..,, ,1,,, � '" n.�....
• I'!" l &t•ol In tu"
"'""" .. .. lh•n .. .............. ..,,, I�•\ llu,.u
.... "" , 1 I<> n, • '�"'"' .. r,·om \l'lru"(h""'
....... . . r lh• flh!W · h••� r.., h•·r '" rta ,
• 11,,. , ,, 1 ,,. lt,•l>l1 \t,,lh•m• /•.,1,. ,• "1 4H
"l" """"l ..,,.,,.
\1111 Liu., lllnn, I �•"1
�•I 1"<•l11> h•�• oruuod • I,,.
h "••il••"l �•• 11,t,,,., n1 ,,.., l<'•I"• i..,1
r,o,,r,· ,.,.,,, """"' � ....i ,.. ,, ........ 11,,
"'"'" .... il•-od lh•• ·�· ,na•nll t" Ho, ...
� �•11<1 .orul \t,rnJ, ,..,. It, _.,,,, 1 u1.. , I ,1
..,n..,1 ,,.,, •.,, ,,,........,,,11,•• � ...., ,. .,,.,,.
"•" .,,,.,-1 I�. '"·" '°"
\h. • lo, , � h"'J•P-"'"1<<1 r
" ,,.,.
,,,.,i,.,, . •,.1 ..., 1 , , . . ,,.,,r f,.,.,. r.,·••1•1>
u,., 1 11,w1 .,,...., .....,. 1,,...r,1,./ t,,.,.. ,. \ e.
<•,.l mu•hol oll
,.,,. t,uh•--• ,:.,,, • .,• • 1 , 1rn 1 1,.1 1
�'" " •uuld "" l<'fnhl• ,.. ..n I ,. ., n .,..,
11 /lo-Jl'l ,11'11 I .... ,.f "" ,.a,<111 ,0. 1ul,� 1.,,
fi lm ...1o n,nc 1• th•1 .. t,,.,. , , , .,•.,., ,t.o"
.....� . . .. ·" ...... ,•. u . .... , . , ... " ""
,,.a,-on•nc u ump1o l>lc ...... ,.. n1.1�• "''
hu, h •• • •rn,llh• n.. i n,,1.,1n.-, ,....,.1.
\ r,,, non..- hi• •u I""� c,,-"1 ...,d •I It••
pl<"1ur• ,. Nd Uln kx,� .. •r,-<1 ho·• • .,.,
,11,. ,,,.,1,1 r-- ,1..·u 11,,, r,rm
1.....1� .��,r .t.ilrr,.ll t,..,.o,;:, "• •u,r<I,
,..,., ,. ,,mph 11w11111 11.. 1,n... r.., , ..,�
•I I•• < • Hn,• ••ul • _.,.,! f!" h•td • ,•.,.,.. ' ""••
.,, .,., •• ol v•�• l.-•nt 1>un,t,,,, 1 .,., "'•" 1..


1(,.1.•M lt.o•NII
:1., IUn• II••' ••ti •
1•••1111 ••I 1,..,•l•l• "'' • 0,...,1 •h•Jl ••1 """" I
.U•h(• 1/•IUt• l\•J>jJO"h •••rt • ••• " •II•

l t.. 1•· • • !..,, .,. ., \1,, 11., 1 H.t . tU• •U•I
I'• • • • I�,,. t,�, , / �, /.1,.,,,.1 \I•• "••·I I am•
,.. l"•�•l>h ....,,, I" f, .,r;,·1 lh• .,. -.. 1
1t• l l>• • •ml>4••" " •1•·1Jt,01th 1'>r•lr• •nd•
''"" �.,.. 1an,t 14.-n, n1r , .. ,,.•.rt h•I.. nll
a , , hul 1,,,. ho·¥1,.d rt., .. .,.-..-, ""•�· ,,.1
Jo•�•• I!.,,.., , I ,hot! • I •""' lh•
l " • f• ,.,will !W,,. ..,.,,'<! IIH• "I" l\yl I
'""""' ,...,. 11..,�. u .,.. ,,. .,.,..,. ,1 1 ni
t•u•lh ...m•• ""I"' fa"u .,. •• """' '"
l'"'•"M•Uh1 UJS-•• h , p d t•,./J• •�•
''" h�r• u/ •h" II k,o.., • t..� 11 " , , ··•"•
/1,;1, 1,., � I h•• .,.,,.,.. >l�tt, uff ••• I! ""h
....... l W•l•••n• ..,....11 �nd '""'� '"""'""
11.,1 ,1 r,l,"1, .._, .. , ,...,..,n.u,..n ..1
''• u1,,,/h .,,.., / u,1 II ,•.-, "" I�, I �"· • 1,,,
•• 1 •U!• l1th •I ··•mp .. n.. f••• \•II• ... ..... I••


1,,., ••11, 1 o,.. urll• 11,., ""' r,1,,, ••
.,....... ,,..d h, l\.o.l• ... ,1....1 �nr,.,.., '"'''
th, r•r!, ,.·rm lu ,j..-nd m,.,t .•lllw" I"'"
,.,,.,.,,.c .,...,,.,1 " u.. " �,.,,•., ..... , 11..,
...., . ... 1 ....11 ,,... i.1.. i. ··�• .. . . .. .u. •'
.,,., ,on1n..m
\n,l lllr" •••"•' ,j ,,,,.,,., l'"" �"'' •"
1.•llo·d .. n.� l .., top,mnt • ••·d·1. oo, l•••,r
n,. r,, ,1 \n.1 1 .... ,• •,, ...,.., 1. .. ..,.1.,.r
n..·111... ,... ,l h• •·hnun••• lll• • ••un..-1, ...
f,,,n, "" • •"'1' \l.,,1 ,.,<!•"""� •• If.,
•l'I"•"'•"• ,,f 11.,,, t••IU• I ' "'"•"'
:t,,,u�hl l>•<t 1•"'1'1��•••! ,.,11, l'•·��• I •••
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ODD COVl'L l"S Cl>e«;h ..,.., ChOnfl ,ar,,1 1n. s•- IJ,.,,,.,,,,, (Dan Avtrord - JOiin
Brlt,J/1.J ,.,_, "''" IWO n.o#ill ¥'<"' f """'"'' r,,,r,.,, fllMI o,w .n f�r ••mn� ,,,oo'"
·- r, _.,.,,t ,.,,,,q ,Nr•IM,.,.,. .,k, r,,., 1J�wJ8ro1�,

�Uokd I>\ kr,l•-.11 <nlk-. \\,..,,lo'! I"\ ,
..n d I ,nda \l•I.., • n 111•.,. bo �•• /lo, 11.,. ,.
n,, ...11 ,1 .." .,< ,�,. 1>u-,11...... uut ••
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ll,1, ,.n,�, • • Al lh, ulll,·> 11•1 \-.I.I,\ ,
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•""u"nt • C..U,·•·• P-t•• th"'"ll.. lit.
ll•�h"••od h1••t<·da. ht1l•·.._,
!�,,.-,.,., Hut/·•1/ ,.•t•1tu11,••1

New faces in sports

CV' '°'''( •tl,"'t h••• lhr ,...\l unr .. •ll t.., lt
-..,�.,nd h••• •"•-m•l .t,o1> or nud11,
lu kr�p lh•• pall""' lf•l,.n•,t�l1 b..i"�..n
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Swnmer cinema ' 80 - waiting for the apocalypse



&p!t�r J I , J 98Q'Suffollt Journal Ptgt I I

h ...... .. ll,•1 'fl"!t,,••t • /iJ.:/ .n...,!ll
r,, ,,.. ..,.,, ., th• bo t•nn1n1 ••f lh,· .-nd l•lf
t,., " ll,�1, ....,.., ,,,..,1,,,... . Ahr, �l.
"f>-·111><1,c.. h�• I uo, •�d 1),,l'aln,.._ n
<• tlr<l••d •• ""' uf lh• f• tm (>'ll••rau.,.,,
•h• l1n, h•• , .d.-• , �,,. J .,.,.,..,,n, ,.•
•i, ,�.,,, J..,n.l • 1 '• , ... bnlh•n1 r,.., •
.. 1 "•••••• m•�•"I!. •·mapw11un�,.,,.,. thu11
r,,,.,.111,, 1t1,�11 \nwnc,an , n..-m•
•P•rit,>d. br•ilht . •nd run uf • 1.,.,. "'
,..,.,.,nil liuc '"" ,n.,n ,�.,. 1.,,.,. /<1.11
rn1 •p><>l1t,·d �•,•r< lh,..� d•>fll� •b<•ut
• n n,.,. ,,.,
l>loo. kd 11nd
;:�:::: .
�. th,
<1111.,...u, hl• 1111/1• "0.od
mlMn,... d�-- vf lb ...... . . ........... 111.
""�"''"" u• • n.-• "'""'rn •.. <"•n.• rna ml\
b, furth, ummt OM, fr...-d of 1hr
•lf•<"lu,,.. p1,..·r<1 nr1 th..m o, 111.. n1M'h 1nr•
1.11,•nc.,.d r,lmm,1�n ...r.. i.. "f>lf'lb..rt
l'1-l/ m ...l l>,, Ufol1m11U<'all• . .......d b l
m,•rr mum¥nltr\ .. 1hork1. l.u<'a>.
h11111 "'...-.n.-. lto1>r,1 Altm1...
ll••f'•lma. \
Paul Ma,�•�1, . 1••.,1 .,..11,ad..r, T..rrtn,·,·
\block lltld ►ra,11 1;. l •u.111uh •'"h" U,,ou�t,
"" p,•n,,.,_.I ..,.. ..,._. h•• ••""'•"v�d • crr1.1,..
1,..,.luf •ncto,,.-116'-n.-.. w1tll lu• produ,11un
••,unp.-.n, l\nwnran /
10Uuf"' ! and ,-,•n
......,,.,_n dJn•n,,n I,•,. Alan l"akYla.
\hrt,...i H11rn.... 'A,11,am,... f'h1llp
l\au fman. ...d A>h&y 1n,cn1 fonna,trnn,.
nr11 nat.o......i .-,,, hb U1,t,1 ufth,- Wn1
1 •.-nna,u ,t._ b<nd..r.,c. W•..d.-n..
S..hlol\d"'(f• ,;1t1ub 1 •nd II•,- rap•dl•
od•a,,,.,n, Au,1n,t11n, 1 \t ,-., R,,,-.,.d
\rm•lrunrt. . ...,,.,.,., ..,,,..m • .,..,i.-d b•
Mlu,.i l),,u11<1.,..,, ra•h•·• I �.. b 1>1h•'U

<:., 1,,.,1 u tnr It,�!) '""'"' ,,..... ,,,,.
i11 .,,., llark, hk,• fbndll 1,11• •.,• • 1 1;,.•.,.,..
/llu. /4
��,n, and John 1 .,,1111,- \◄1110,..,J
1.:1,..,,...,,, , 1�,,,,..1 11uu,.·. 81u.•• Hrv1h�rs,
ltJ fll'ul,h•,u�. ii n11l t ha,•..n• •I> ,m1 ...11dm�
do•m..., \nd ,I u,,. do-.UI nf 11o11, ,....,..,
prom,...,. lll• bfrln •>l' a ,...,. Amrnun
••1nrm1. 1h,-n P,•fllltP> •<' <huu l d h<,p,· •u•
!lu :::: :"" ' •uppola • phr-l ap,..-,t,l)pw

"It's just a shirt"

h) ,11111 1 ;,.,.,,.
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ho 11.,..,.tuu,1., •""' ..,.• ,,�
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F,rst Sec11r11y Strv,us C1rpo11110.. ....a, rnP0..5101t 1nd•v10ual1 IO Ot UtUflly 0!11t1•1
PuOhc relaUOAI Ofllnllll HCUfl1Y •Orl at 1ome Dt 8o11on 1 m011 prut191ou1 lltsp1Ult
and mtUIUIIOnt All n11 ly flKhed by M 8 TA We can 0111, you

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-l,OI l(l t,,,lpllw l.-.._.,, J.rl o�.-om,nJ
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C alllnhf•..d \hoyldhrlpui;out ••
Th.- L'roi. l·,w..1n T.-am IS ho,1n1 •
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WOMAN S COACH ,..,., Ao.., �•

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Notes From The
Athletic Office
Intramural 6-man flag football. Roster
available at the Athletic Office, 1 00
Charles River Plaza.'-.Roster deadline
Wednesday, September 1 7.
Varsity Golf team Meeting Thursday,
September 18 1 :00 PM at the Athletic
Office. New candidates welcome.
Cross Country team Meeting Tuesday,
September 1 6, 1 :00 PM at the Athletic
Office. New candidates welcome.
Women's tennis practice, Monday
through Friday 3 to 5 PM at the Charles
River Park Tennis Club. Sign up at the
Athletic Office.
Varsity Hockey Team Meeting Thursday,
September 18 1 :00 PM Fenton, 337.

Happy belated birthday
to Earth Mother II.,
you're a Super Office
Supervisor Fran Guida.

fivm p,;111,. ! ]
Th,· 'ih1rl If>' <1n pnnr..1>1.. ..What'• Uu•
....11,(' 1i..,,. ·1 ""' ..... u.,
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�"' nd or 1·11., Sh1rt , I ,..r.,�-u M) 111n
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dl'filrM.,._ huldn<'t. ru..t"all"- -,,d.Cup1d1I)
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,trlnK""' '"" ICO' l l dbll.Wl Hlll''"..,on thr)'
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,h1hll) ,urn,.., f..,.hnc thal
iLar,• or th""'"')"IMIJ1• •ormn1 rrw1tan
ll1d l ra,.., m,• w110..·uU.11t rlu..-,1nd
Ja,11t. ,n iJlr ra., . uf r1,hn� final•. du1 I
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llu1 nm rnuu1h t"" "P 1'h Sh1n 1 ....
11""'1 lu r1rdr th11 proud -.y �mbl,,m !n
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,.•, ' ' " ' Aftrr 11·, 1,ut • Vl1tt "fhl'' Ju\l
l1h th� lfrd �, ,.,,11 ""' 1/1� p,•1man1

\ 1 1 , r O t K UNtVrRSIIV llf ACON Hlll

Staying at '79 - '80 level

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t _',t • \ I


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Six women leading the way
� Ce1Ty


Tom•-· M>/1 rom l(N.,.,,,,,..,. -,r:,.,r,g lo,r �,:,1¥;rlO


!'1,,, um,• hu com,• "hrn th,•�
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llo• to •--·•llow tht,r pndt-, Md th,>,..
IA' •ix .'it't'Nllllll) det,,rmlll"d wom�n
who will i;how th�m ho.,.




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Otht't lh'lll lh<' fvtthll "''

•'-"}'rd l11e, tluin lhP} l,k....:t, Wt' -�...
pmhlrm. ••



Lrnox IS pu lt1111 • <'Ompn·h�nJ<�,.
prol)OYll lotrthrr t1>1CPt ltath>krll,r,.ba,·k
on campu, Th,,,.. ,..,II b,< to(hl<'r ,
1 nd n.... ru1�, rn forrrrl t.o k,•..pon:I•· •
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Hath!krtlu •nd th.-) w..A' qurtlrd unlll �

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llm> :-..·1rborou2h 1 .Juurnllo,m ·11 1 1
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·"""•bon.ourh , hi•• n•a.11<111 for llklll� lh,·
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appu,.,-d hi f'l-,-..,,h,n 1 JIMnh·I


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1..-no� QUU,,...d lhrnr"' P,opoiill) mo,..
sro:unt) , l'lthH Suffolk '• ro,..., or S..ton
l'ohr.-. on� IIW•t hnlll tu R1th>krU•nplus
I dollu <"O•·rr. tw11,lamp r.t,...,U11n h1nd•.
O/\f'IA> ent,., 1hr H1thok,•ll•r 1nd oDr l1> lrt
P,'Upl<' drmk !Th<' t'Otn,w,,, >I.amp ,.,JI t..
in k and th•• dt111k1nt ,ump will t.. dt'a,
nou,-..,t)t.. undn fl!>t1,..i1<'1"1ll lithl ,

ll•••n of Stud,oonb IJ 8,.dlo>) Sulhan
,1ud ht' ha. nul """" Ill) form1I prop,-,).1/
for •�mpl,011 of lh� luthk<'Hln on 1hr
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