File #4008: "Suffolk Journal_1976Mar19_vol31no21.pdf"


Vol. 31 , No. 21

79-76 loss to SM U

~ams Koed in Tourney
h y Ton y Fe rullo
'~\',, d11ln '1 pin~ our kind nf

th1111~h1 lw i nu ltl :.hnol 1lw \\ .t~ lu!
tlul I It> \\ .,, dl'fm11t•h .1 kt•~ f ,u -

hall).!nnw ." d1 •dared l.1t\\ , \,1th ,t
,o lPmn srnd,· ··Tt,,. css, •nlrnl'< w,•
had lo do 111 \\Ill j11,1 \\1•n•r11 hPm,L?

tur 111 1111• ~-•m•• ·
Th .. f,r-.1 h,df h,111 SuHnlk pullm.ll
nn lhl'II' 1111,, .. 1 11n111•r-.nnn111111 nf 1tw
C: 1111 ,1,l! tl 111111., .. hno11n)l ,1n 11n1111,1Jl111,1hl1• ·m 111•ri 1
•n1 frnm th+•

,u1 m1q1l~u•d Th,• kid-. lnr>d thl'lr
l11•sl ,II th1• fm11<>h . hut 11 \\,l"i ,;11nph
lun l,111• \Vt • 111,1111• 11111 rn,111\ 1 O!»lh

1111-.1,,~PS" .tnd 1h,· 111lu•r t !uh Jl l,t
li,•11,•f11Pcl from rh,•m ,ill nrl(hl l11n,L?
l'n •n<;,•h .'\ nd J,k,• ,di ),!null tlun,:!,

mu,1 u1m1• 111 ,111 t•rnl. ,u ,,,,~

flou1 rh,•, , 111l11nu,ilh \\l'rP non,1µ1 , ... ,I\ •• nil d,·f,•11,,• In 1h,11 first :!O
111111 111,,,

,1 n d

,1n h, •, 1r.t11111.!


In, 1 -.1 ,, d



u n


1h1n),!,-d11\, n-tn-,111-<lnl ,-cr,1\, I


f ,•n ,;1\ t' ,1 11 111 k
I !In,,•, ,•r . 1!11• ,;1:1•111• of 1•\ .-111, \\ ,i-.
1 ompli•l+•h r,•, ,•ro;,•li rn 1h1• -.,•1:11nd
h,1lf_ fr,11111• l'h,• ht•,11,111 to
11111111• 1h,•11 lu,l!Jl ••.:-1 \\i',lJIOll
r.1sl hn•ilk
,ind r:,tlllP ,,ithm Onll


,,1 1h :.! fill n•rnoiinin)l ,

,,11h th1• 1 r,ifh 1l1mm,1n J.1111,• ,ind
l',11 lh ,tn 1h1• II ,.,h \1ln,1n ll,inll,•,
,, nnn~ 14 ,11ul I:.! pn1111 .. 11°,p,•1 II\•'·


In lh•· l,1,1 h,n mmult·-. S\11 -.
l.t•n llropll\ 1111 on ,1 f1111f linP
111m111•r .111d I lnl m,1n h,111 ,1 l,1, up lo
,Ill\.•' rh,• C:ur,;,lin, ,1 fi,1• puint 11•,111
,rnd tht• ,,PJl-dp,,•n"t·tl triumph
~t.,,m,1111 1.nntnb111t•il :!4 p111n1s
,ind ,11( ,1ss1.,;,; tn tht• S\11 1 ,111ad,
111• ,, ,1.., tlw R,1m s numlll'r on"
Pllt'lll\ . ,litho11jth 1lw Cnnm,rs h;1tl .,
.suppor1111,11 1:,1-.1 11f h,•rn,•s such ,is
~lark l\t.1cl.1•1ul llH) ,i nti 1h,•
G,•11 ,•r,il (13)
As fur itw R,1rns. no mw play(•d
Cnnt11m,•tl 11 n l'a)l•' H John Howard a 1templ1 a layup agalntl SM U

C h rl1 T1loto1 is guarded b y lwo
SM U defenders

11\1• 1.,1s1• fur th~ H,1m!> 1975-iti
rountlh.ill season Inst Th11 rscla~
cv,•nini,:, \\ l'wn 1hc) w,ir,. 11ps1•1 h~ ,1
h11s1lin)l Sm11hc,1slrirn f\- lass I lmvf'f•
sih conllllj,:l'lll IO lht• l\lll(' of jl)-ifi
111 th1• f1rs1 rnuncl or 1lw NC:AA Div1 •
•uun :J 1011rn,1mf'lll ,II Hhrnlt· ls l,md
If th ,11 1
11•\\.', l.'i ll .l l'IHHJ~h lo :,,O!Jf
}llllf 11111r11111i,: i:11p of i:n ffp1 •. tht• f,11.1
1h,11 till' llP,11,on I !ill q111t11t'I ,1b11
\H•nl tlo\\n lo 1l1•f1•,11 rn ttw 1.un,;11\,1tiun 1•m.1111n1 ,·r 1lw folltl\\lllJ,t 111J,thl
In 1lu· \\',1rr111r, nf Bns lrin S1,1l1• II\
1h~ oull,1111li.!,h scort• of !OH-IOI.

suri•h ,,ill
'I h,· 1up-.,,•1•1!1•1I H,m" losl ttw
Sf\11 1 ,1ff,11r in 1h1• fir..,, h,1H nr pl ,1,
P1idor1111n)l ,is 1f they w,•n• und,•r
tht• mrl111•n1:1• uf ,1 \\ilc:h clm:111r'.,
lr,1nn•. 1h1• lt,1ms {,•II IH'hrnd ,11 till'
11111h,.1\ pmnt. 4:!-26. d11t'f l~ dut• to
1101 onh 1h,•1r 11wpt 1r,1nsition from
off••n:.P 111 d1•f1•n,;+• ,11111 , 1
icl' ,,•rs,,.
hu"iie 1lt,, f11rm:11111., lurnrdhanJ,tin),!
1•x hil111wn nr Si\111's C,•n,•r,d
I ln\m,111 ,111tl lht• t'\.U'll1•111 f11111r
\1•111l1•1-s h1p ,1t11! !-oh,1rp:.h11u1111~ 11,,
p l.1,· 11f l{un i\\,1~n,1nl. ,t !11•1·~. 5-f,",t.
IO J.tU,1rd "ho sup,•rhl} clicl 11 all
''Tlnt+-,011 n)l .
.,1l'r \1,1µn,1111 rc,111,
tlul ,.., 111." ,1.111•il H. ,un<i ,1
,.11,tch J,11111•~ '.'ol ... un '·\\'•• kn,•\\ 111·
\\US ,1 f1111• 11l,l\11l,lk1•1
h111 1 i'I

$30,000 in Books Gone From Library
mJ~ he hi~h becnusc we gel a, discount for severa l or the
hooks: plus several of lhe books
n, l,1111111 ll,·pt staff r.u~posed of wcrr free"
honk .... 1111,1ll111~ ,1pprox1m,11t·I~ S.'to.
"8111 this ca n be offset by the facl
11n11 h,1,,_,. lw+•n stul,•n from Suffolk ':. S11ffnlk -.1uilPnl'I ,incl} aids
" TIii' t•sllm,11rtl i:nst \\,IS iiPrivE'cl., thal this cus l (530.0001 does nol inlihr,1n s1111.1• \1.., -.11mnwr 1nv1•11tnn
dude uur t:nleMori,:i""- and recordThi ... f nt tor h,1,; ll'd ,,1, s I l,1111mann h) Pl( lrapnla1in,1,1
1 n~ of th e librnr~ collection,'' adI l,1mrn,11111 to luuk 111111 lh1• po-.,ilnl - pru.f's frum 1h,• Puhl1sh1•r'o; \\',,,.kh
11u•, nf ,n,1,ilhnµ .111 Pl1•41ru1111 ·l1011k 1•1htion 1975 I Inn~ lh(• ,l\'f'r,l)W dPd I lammann .
Sonw of the fiMures sited b~
d,•, 11 ,. ,1pp1 ux11n,,1t•h I n-.lJnJ,! Sil.- pru ,, uf tlw h,lf(I cm ,•r hook m1sll,m1m,1nn incl11tl f'd 408 honks.
-.111j,! m lh,11 1 r1.11n t:,tlti).!Of~.
OIi\) Thi,; t,p, • nf d1•\' \11' \\1111ld 1·l,•1
C:untinuccl un J
)a,11:e 4
"~t1 ,n •m,·r. th,• S:111,0011 fi,1,1ur1•
tr11n11;,1 lh d,'11'1 I ,Ill\ MIit I, .., frnm
l1,•111µ ,1ol1•11 '' I ln,,1•\1•r. ,111 h ,1111n , 1,1llm, •nt ,,nul,I n1•t•1l ,11q1 rm ,1I nf
1111' 1Jn,1rd nf Tr11 ... h•1•-. " -.,11d I \,11n m,1nn
h y De bbi e Burke
Collf•lo(I' l.1hr, Edmund 11,tnl• rei:1•111h n•H•.1 Jt•tl 1hnl 17fi4

Th,· C1•n,1r,il Uuok <:n llcctinn
lnh•nluQ j(lxc\1111111,11 lhc rcforenct!
SPt:twnl \\,ts cond urtf'cl In the Cir-


The ;•l,•1 ltnmc honk d,~vu 1• -.i·t•rns
In Ii,• 1h1 1 lll':.I -.uluturn lu 1h1s
pruhh•m, ,u:n,rd1nJ,! to I l,1111111,nin
\\h+•n o1,k"d ,,hl'llw1 m no1 q_onn
\\11111.1 h,· ,1pprupr1111t-d f111

111·, 11 ,.

\'u.,· Pn•,11!1 •111 Fr.u1u"
H,1111w1, n·ph,•1I. ":\I f1f"I I ,,,1,uppo-.1•tl lo 1111' 1n,1,1ll11w111 111'1',l\l',•• nr
1h,• !>lllh'llll,11 k,•l•I\ pt• ,1111111,pht•ft• II





1111111h1•r .. r hunk-. 1111/o!'lllJ,! ,.. ,· ,il11I.
I'd d,,f111n1·I, 1.11n,11!1•r. th,• 1111
plP1111•nl,1l111n uf ,111 h ,1 dt•\ 11.1 •
/\fh•r.,11·11 \\11Ult! p,1~ rnr il.',l'lf Ill

1,,., .. th, 111 ,I

,,.,II" ..

Fil,, ca rds rc1>resenting los t h ooks

79-76 loss to SMU

Rams Koed in Tourney
hy Ton,· Ferullo
.. \\, • tll'•I duln I pl,H 1111r l.1nrl of
,t,•1.l,1r1•1I 1,,1\\ , ,,1th ct
.,,,l,·mn ,1111 1+ · "Tlw 1•<;<,1•1111,11,; " ' '
h,1d In du lo,. 111 p1-.t ,,,•n•n I h1•1n,i.i

1hn111.d1! h,•, 111,ld -.h11ut lilt' v,,t\ h,•
II,•,,.,., d,·f11111Ph ,t k,,, f,11


1h•· ,ll,lnh·
l'h,· f1r .. 111,,lf h,111 S11ff11lk 1111111nt,.?

11,111,i.i.11111• ·

r,1r 111

nn ll1,•1r l11h •'>I 11np•·r-,ru1,11\11n nf th ,•

nmpl1,h,·d nu• kul, 11, .. d thl'll I .h11 ,l_l,!ol liull , .. hnollllj,! ,Ill 1111·
li.•-.1 ,11 1h,· 11111,h 11111 11 ,,,1, ,1111111,· -im ,,J,1111,11,1,· ·m r11•r• Pnl lr11rn' 1h,·
Ion l,1!1• \\,· 111,111,· Ion 111,111\ 111,rh
1111111 !ht", 1ortl11111,dh ,,,·ri• min
1111.,,,, ,md rh,• n1h,·r , l11h 111,1 ,otn•, .. 1"' 1111 dd,,11.,P tn th, 11 f1rs1 .!II
h"111•f11r•d lroin 1h,•m ,111 tH,1,!111 l11t1t,.?
, P1••1 1,,,h \1111 l1k, , ,ill ,i.i,11,d 1111111.!-. 111, h,·.,tr,11111\! ,, 111 ,n, ,-11111 .. 111\,
thllli,!"·d•m ll;l!J-,111-,1111 '>•Cr,t\\ I
rf'1,11 mu.,, 1.11111 11 to illl ,•rul. so \\ ,, ..
f l'fl',l\ I' ,111,11 ~

I l11u.,•,1•r 1hc


of,,, ••n,,



1.umpl,•11•h r,•\ ,,, .,,,d 111 lh,• .,,,, und
h,1U f1,1m,• l"h, · H,1m<1 111•).!,III lu
1111111,· 1h,•11 liu.!\!•'"I ,,1·,1pon
f,t!'>I hr,•,1~
,1ml r-, 1m1· \\llhrn on1•
prnnl -:1 -.!. ,, 11h .! fll, r,•m,11nin1,1
,,11h... 1lw 11,ifl\ llnnn ,,in l.1111,, ,ind
P,11 H,.111 rh,, 111 .. li. \rlri.111 ~.11111,,,
.,, ,11111\! 14 ,111d

1! l~lll.,

1•'"111'1 II\,.

111 th,· 1.,~1 II\


I i'II. Brnl'ln h11

~,11 ..
,1 fuul lin1•

,1111:,1h• ..

p1111p,•1 ,ind I lolm,111 h,111 ,, l,I\ up 111
.._ i:1,,• lh•• 1:11r~,11r .. ,1 fn1• pmnl \,,,1d
.11ul 1h,· \\,·11-d ,·.. ,·n ,,,! 1r111111ph




,rnd s l\ ,,.,._ , .,: .. In lh~• S;\11 ,111,11 ~
111• \\,1,. 1h,· R,,111., numh,·r on,•
j ••n,,m, ,d1hu11;.ch 1tw Cnr-., 11r., h,11\ ,1
i. .,11pp11rllll),! 1 ,,.,, nf lwrn•'" .. u,h ., ..

£ ;\I.irk

;\1.11 l.1•11d

I IHJ ,ind


] r; ,,n,•r,d I I.I I
f_ •\., fnr 1lw R,,111., nu 11n1 • pl,1~1•d
t :u nl111 1w1! 1111 l',t)t• ' tt

Ch r is Tslolos is guarded by two
SM U defenders

tlw c ,I!'>~ for llw H, 1111!'> l !t7'i•71i
ruundh,ill ~c,1!'11111 I.1st Thuro;rla,

C\•cnini,.: . \\ h,•n lhl') w,·ri: 11ps1•I 11, , 1
lwsllin,11. Su111h1•,1:-l1•rn i\ l a!'>s I Jrm n •
Slh c.0111mi:1•nl In tlw 111111' uf -,, - ,;
1n 1h,• f 1r,1 rn11111l of 1111• NI :A/\ 111,·1
s11111 '.I lu111'1Hllllt'lll ,,I Rhruh• 1:,.1,md
c:u ll,•i,.:t·
I f lh,11 flt•\\ S l',!1°1 t'IIUIU:h 111 ',11111

~ 1111r mu rmn j,!

cup of I uff 1•1•. I~\!' l,11 1
1l1•,1cnn 11111 q111111,•1 ,11.,n
,t,•ft•,11 Ill !ht• I 1111.;1.J ,1IIOll .. nu111111,•r rh1- !111!11\\lll).l r11>thl
tu 1h,· \\', 1rnur., nf 1111 .. 11111 St,1h• II\
the 011tl.111 d1 !'>h .;con· ur ltltt. tnl.
Sllrt'I\' \\ ill
'I h,· 1np•.;1•,•d1•rl, ln.;1 1ht>
S;\I\ ' .,rr,ur Ill th ,• f1r!',I h.df 11f pl.,~
P1?rf11r1111!1).l ,l'i
1tw ~ \\I'll' llntlt•r
1h,· 111fl11,•m.1• ,,r ,I \\ II( h dn1 ·111r ''i
tr,11111• IIH' R,1111!'> f, ,JI ht·hind ,11 1111'
111111\\,1\ po in t 4:!•'.!fl I hil•fly 1h11• tu
11111 1111h 1h,•1r 111,•pl tr, 111 s 1111.1n from
.. rc, ,11 .. ,• In tl,·f,•n-;, • ,IIHI v ie !' \'t•rs,1,
11111 In 1lw f1•r111 11111-. l111,1rdh,lll),!lll),!
,,xh il 11111111 nf Si\\\ l's C, • rwr,d
J lulm,111 ,11111 1h,· '' '-t:,·11,•nl floor
11•,1111•1 .,)up ,111d .. h,1rp.,hu11t111).l ,11::.
pl,I\ uf Hun ~ l.1.1m,111I. ,I fu•r~ . f..foot111 ,L!U,Hd \\ bn o;11p1•rlll~ dul II ,tll

lha t




1\11\\ 11 \11


"Th,11 ,uun),!.,IPr \ \ ,1,L!n,1111 n•,dh
t!ul u .. 111." !-tl,11t'1I R,1m., ...... 1.,1,1111
1.11,11 h j,11111'!'> ;\,,l .. un • \\'1• kn, •\\ hi'

\,,,:- ., r,11, · 1,t," 111.,k, •1



$30,000 in Books Gone-From Library
Tlw 1;,,ncr,1\ Boolrt CnllPr.linn
hv Oehhie Burk e
·( :11 111•),!1' l. 1hr,1n,1n t-:•lrn11ml I l.11n • In, 1•n111n 1,•,d11dm_1t th1• r1 •f,•r1 •nc1•
m,,nn n•1.1•n1 I, 1"1'\1•.il,·d th,11 1-1i4 .,,,, 1111111 "•'" r:11 ntl11r11•!1 In th1• Ctr•
r ,Li,1111111 I l,•p!
.. 1, 1ff 1:n,i{pus1•d 11!
lmn~\ 1111,tllinµ ,1ppru!'l.1m,11t•I~ s:w
01111 h,1\1' hL•1·n .. 10\,·n from Suffolk., ~11ff11lk .,,ud,·nt., ,11ul hlir, 11 , ,111ls
Th,• ,, .. 11m,111•d u1 .. 1 \\,1s d,·rl\rd ,
hhr,1r , ,1111 ,. 11!'1 .. 11mnH'r 111\ ,•111,1n
"'"., I l,1mm ,1 nn In 1•1< lr,1pol.111nJ,t
rJ11,. 1 11\lh f.11 ,tur h,,., l,·d
pm.,,., from lh,• Pulillsh,·r·s \\ ,,,,kh
I l.1111111,11111 In lrn,~ 111111 th,• p11.,.,1hil
,•d11111n Jll-~1 I l11nk lh,• ,l\l'f,l),!1'
1IH'" nf 111 .. 1,1lhni: ,Ill 1•l1•1 lro1111 hou~
pm,. 11f th1• h ,,rd t.11,1•r hook 11\LS·
d, ,, 11 ,, ,1ppr,,,1111,,1o•h , 11.,1111i: S•J
.. 1n).! 111 rh,11 1 i•rl.1111 1:, 11!•,1,?on
111111 1'111 .. I\ 11 •• nf d,,, 11 ,. \\!mid,,\,,,
;\lor,•u,,•r 1hl' s:ui nnn f1t..!llfl'
tr11n11 .dh d,•h·• 1 ,rn, ,1r1 11 li•., fr11111
h,• 111 ),! :-1ul1•11 1111\\ 1'\t• r .. 111 h ,111111
.,,,1llm,·nl \\fllllcl 11>•t'd •'l' llfll\,tl 11f
1h, • 1l r1,1nl 11f Trn .. 1,•,•s:· .,,11d 11 ,,m
T lw ,•l.•1:1r111111 . hon~ d 1•\ H ,, "''''nl!-t
In Ill' Ill+' h,,.,1 .. uluuon lo th1!'>
1m1!1l1•111 . ,11n1rd1n).l to I l,,mm,11111
\\'lwn .t.,~ ,•d \\ h, •l h..r or 11111 $!1.nnu
\,1111ld lw ,q1prnpr1,11t•d fur 1h1!'>
111•\ 11 ,, \'11 ,. Pr1• .. 1dt'nl l-"r,1111 ...
Fl,1nrw1, r,·ph, •d .-\I f1r.,1 I\\,,., ,1p•
JHl\t'tl In 1111' 111-.1.1111111'1\I ti,,, .111 .. ,• of
llw ~11111•r111,11 k, •l•I\ p, • ,111110 .. ph, •n· II
\\1111lt! 1.11',tl,· 1111 \\t'\l'I" 1f 1h1 ..
1111111lwr of lino)..., 1111\',lll~ I., \ ,il11I
I ti d, •f11111t• I\ 1un .. 1d1•r th1· 1111
pl1•1111•nl,1l111n ol .. uc.h ,1 ti,,, 11.1·
\fll •r,111 11 \\mild p,1~ fur 11,"lf 111


1h,111 .t "'•"

nHI\ be h1~h because we gel a
\1h~.1n discount ror scvnal of lhe
honks. plus se\'eral of 1he books

frl'C ..

" But 1h1s can lw offset bv the foci
th,11 this r.osl 1S31l,f)(}OI do~s no! in•
dudt> 1mr c..1tc)!'unzin~ a nd record•
in)! 11r thr· lihra r~ co ll er.lio n," ad-

11,•d I l,11nmann
Sonw of 1hc fi)!'urt•s ,;itecl h~
ll.1mm,111n 1ntl11decl 40R hooks .
Cnn11nucd on P,t)!t! -t

File cards representing lost hooks

Vol. 31, No. 21

79-76 loss to SM U

Rams Koed in Tourney


h,•111•111,,t! lr111n lh,•111 ,1 11111),!ht 11111~
1'1,•11-.. ·I \ \ml 11~, . ,di 1,:nud 1h1 nl,!,
th,11 111 1 11 11111• 11• ,111 ,·rHI . ,u ,,. ,,

111111 ,1 ',·,
,t 11 n
, 11,,,,, "
.. "
11r1 h, ,lr,,1111~ ., P, 1111 ,•ton ,1.,,,
1h111_L!, ,t,1,,11 1,, ,111 ,1111-..,r,1,,I
f, , n.," ,. ,111,11 l

1111,,,., ,·r rh,·.., , ,n,- 111 ,.,_,•111, ,\,,,
urn1.!,•11•h r, ,, ,,, .,,.,1 1n 1h,• o;1•1 und


11,,lf fr.,111, , rtw H,1m-. h,•_l,!,111 111
11td11,· tli, •11 li1ci.! ••,1 ,,.:.1p11n
f.,,r hr,•,1~
,,nd I ,1m1 • \\llhm um·

- I ·.;

,,nh ti"',

, ,111, :. l)h r~•rn,1111111),!

1.ifh ll11111n,1n

I 111 1,


P ,11 lh.111 th, lt1,h \dr1,,11 ll,m1I,,,

• " ,111111,! l l

In th,



l.. 1•11 l!rnpln


l"'I 11r.. r ,.,l "' t,.111,


1111 11,-,

111111111•r ,mt! I lnlm,111 h,1,t
),!I\• '




1111 11n .1 f1111I 111w

1.1, 11p 111

1h,· C:nr«,ur, ,, fn .. po mt


,11111 th, • ,,,.~l-1!+--..•1, ,·,I t r1 111111 1h

\l.1.:11,1111 1 nntr1h111,·d .! 4 p11in1,
,11111 "" ,1-.,1,:, 111 1h,• S\ll 1tll,11 ~
111• \,,1, th .. i{,11n, n11mh1•r on,•
l'l\t'lll\ .d1h,mi,:h tlu• Cor'i, nr , h,1cl ,1
o;11pp11rllllJ,I 1,1,1 ..


h,•ru,•, ~,wh ....

\I.irk ~l.11 l.1•od I IHI ,11fil lh,•
C ,•1wr,il 11.11
,\» fur 1h,· H,1111, nu 11111• pl:l\ ••rl

<11•1.J.!t"flllt 'd ...



Ch r l1 Tsloto1 Is guarded b y two

SM U dc fond en
,1M' fur lht• H,11n, 111-~, .-;- h
ri11111tlh.ill si•,1.,on I.isl,1,

1111' t

1 mni,:

"h,:n th,• ~ ,, ,,ri· upM'I I,,


husllinJ,! S11111h, •,1,11•rn M,t!.s I !n1\'1·r •
-.11\ 1unt1nj,!1•nl In ttw 11111• • of -11 7 h
111 1h,· f1 r, 1 t.111111\ of 1lw '.\' f : AA l)n 1
,;11111 I 1u11rn,111wnl ,11 Rhudt> l,J ,111d
'1: th,11 11,,,,., 1~1·1 1•1111111,!h 111 ,our
~u,\ll m11t111ll,L!, up of, off,,,, tilt' f.111
llt,11 tlw B,,,1, .1111 11111 q111111t'I ,1\,11
\\l"ll1 i\11\\ll 111 d,•ft•,11 111 tlu·, 11n,11l.11rnn ,•111111111h•r tlw lnll4J\\Lll>! ni,iht
tu th•• \\ ,irr111r, 11f n, ... 111n S1,11t• In
!ht· 0111J.1mh .. h !.Cort• ur l!IH- lfll

$30,000 in Bo'oks Gone From Library
In• De hbie Burk e
· , nll,•i,:, · l.1l,r,ir1,111 Edmund ll.1111 111,11111 1Pl ••11th ft'\ 1• ,d,·d ,h,1! ,-ii-I
111,n~, 101,ilhn).! ,1ppro,1111,t1 ,•h s·m
111111 h,n ,, 111•1•11 ~r11 l,·n from Su Holl .,
lihr,ir, ,111 , , , 11, ,11mm,•11n,1•111nn
l"h 1, t 1i-. 1h L11111r h,1, 1,·cl
l l,1 111111,11111 111 luul 111 111 1h,· p11,-.1lql
lllt'' ,,r 111,1,illin).! ,111 ,.,,., 1r111111 h,11,l
d,·\ 11 ,. ,1p11r,,,1m,11t•h , n,1111).! $'I

d,·, II,. \\llllld ,,l,•t
1r11111 , ,ilh d,•t,·11 .,11, .1,11, I,,., 1111111
llit\\• •\ 1•r ,11 , h ,Ill Ill
, 1,,llm t-111 ,,,,u lt! 11 •·•·•1 ,1ppri 1\ ,d nl
rh,· 11,,,,nl nf !111,h•,·, ,,nil ll.1111

11011 1"111 , I\Jlt' 11 1

sun·h \\>Ml
'I h,• lnp•"'''d"d H.1111 , l,i-.1 tlw
S~tl ' .,If.or Ill 1h,· l1r,1 h,tlf or pl,I\

! 11 •111j.! ,1nh•n

1'1id11n11mi,: ,1,; 1f 1111' ~ t,,•r1• 11ntl,•r
1tw 111f11u••11,.,, 111 ,, "111 h d1wt111 .,
lr,11111• . lh,• H,1111', f ,·11 11,·lwul ,II lb •·
1111d,,,I\ pu1n1 , 4.! -:!li ,·hit•fl\ ,hw 111
11111 nnh lllt'1r rn,•pt 1r,m,1tion frnrn

Th, • 1:f'ncr,il Bonk Cnll,•1;110n
l rnN1l11n /1•,d111!1n)l lhe n •f,•n•n r.1•
M'I 1111111 "''" ,ondm !I'd In 1h1· C1r 111!.1111111 11.•pt -.t,1ff 1:o ~pn-.t•tl vf
:-.11ff11I~ ,;111dP11I,; ,11111 hhr,tn ,111!-.
· rh,· ,•,11111,11,·d 111,1 \\,1~ i1,,r1,1•1I. ~
,,,,., I l.1111m,11m In l'Xlr,q1nl,1t1n),!
pm,., from th, · l'uh/1'!h1 •r\ \\ ,·1·kh
,•d 1ti11n \ll-~1 I tool"' tht• ,l\t'r,1),!1•
pr11 ,... r th,, h,1rd u1!,•r hoo~ lnl'l,1111,! 111 1h,11 11·rt,1111 •-·~ ••r,mr •
\lor , •11\1'r th,· s1/\m111 ~ur,•


11ff1·n"' In ,fr,f,•n..,. ,111tl \ 1<.1• , ,., .,,1
11111 to 1tw f,•nu 11111, li11,irclh,mi,:111i,:

of S~11 1' s t:, , 11,'t· ,11

!111\rn,lll ,inti 1h,• .. u,•11, •nt flour
1 11t,,1,t11p ,,111\ -.h,1q,,h11,11t11).! t11,
p l,1, nf Hon ~l.1i,:11,1111. ,, f11•r~. :-1- fnnl lO ~11.11d \\ hu "IIJll'rhl~ du! 11 ,ill
·· 1 h.11 \01111),!,t,•r \l.1;.m,1111 n•,ilh
dul u, 111. " -.1,1h•tl H,1111, ,1.,..1,1.1111
, 0,11 h j.11111'!. ~,·l,1111 · \\',, kr11 •\\ h, ·
\\,1, ,1 1111, • pl.1,m,1k, •r
hut n,•,t>t

l h,· ,.J,,, tr111111 l,1111~ d,,, ,, , . ..,,,,m,
In lw 1h,• lt,·,t ,11111111111 111 !hi'
pr11hlt•m . ,111 urdmi,: In I l.1111111,11111
\\h,·tl .... ~,·ti \\h .. 1111•1 Ill IUll ll!IIIII
"111 .ltl lw ,1pprupr1.11+•d fnr !hi'
11,., 11 ,. \"1u• 1'1,·, 11 !1•1,t I· r,1111 1,

l· l.111111•1, r+•1d1, •, I

\1 f1r,1 I \\,1,,1p-

po,,•d 111 1h,• 111,1,dlm,•nl lw1 .111.., , nf
1h,· 'IIJll'rr11 .,t l, •1 . 1, I''' ,11m,.-.11h,•1,• 11
\\OLdd , r, •, 11'• I In ,,,.,,., 1f 1'11 ,
r111111lwr 111 h11nk, 1111,-.1111,? 1, \ ,ilul
I'd d,•f1111t,·h u111-.1 dn 1l1t! 1111
pl,•1111•111,111011 ul ,111. h ,, d,, , 11.,.
;\ft1•1.1ll 11 \\t1tdd p,1~ fn1 lt<,t•lf Ill

It•,, 1h,111

,I \t',11

Vol. 31 , No. 21

79-76 loss to SMU

Rc)ms Koed in Tourney
thnu.,ihl lw mulrl shunl 1hc \\' ii} hu
f·e rull o
"Wt• p1sl dirln ' I plA} our kmd ur tl11! JI ,• ,,,1s df•fin111• l y a kc~ foe.
IH,11),:,1111,. ," d!'r:larcd . \,11h ,1 tur ,n 1h1 1 j!anw"
Th,• f1n1t ha lf hat l Suffolk puttinJ.l
sr, ll'mn .. 111i11•. "Th,• ,~ssPnl ials w ,,
had lo d,, In wrn j11'il wf1 rno·1 h1•ln,i on 1tw1r f111,,,;t 1m111•rsona 1rnn or 1tw
ucn1111ph,,i.lwcl Tlll' kids lrh•cl 1lrn1r C:hu.,1i,:o Bull~ . ,;h11n 11n,i Iln un 111111,1(111o1hlt• :m 1wru•n1 from lhl'
hcs l 111 1lw f1111.,h . hut ii w,1s sunph
f10111 Th,:'t 1:nnlln11,1lh \\t'l"I' nun100 l,110 \Vt• m,1ti1• 11111 m ,111\' roslh
m1s1nl1 1 ,; ,11ul 1lw n1lwr dull Jll'il ,1.:n•i,sn ,, 1111 i\.,f,•ns•• 1~ 1h,11 ftrlll 20
111111111,,, ,ind 111,;ist,•cl on
l11•n1•f11, •d frnm 1h,•111 ,1ll 111,l(hl Ion~ ..
l'n·1 :u,1•h .\ncl hkc ,111,1,(ond 1h1ni,:i,1 11rdwstr,111n)l ·u \lrhtc1• 1,111 'lln\\•
1h.11 mm,I 1:onw to :111 t•rul. so"''" 1hlni,:s-cllm 11 -l11-t111-11nt's-cr,1,,I nf
f1•ns1,1· ,111,wl
I ln\H'\'1 1r. IIH' 'ILIIIH' nf {•vnnl,;M,'ns
1.0111(11,•lt•h rt' \'f•rs,•d m !hi' ttN'.ontl
by Ton

h,df h .mw

l'lw R,tm'I he1,mn lo

file u rds re presenli n g los l h ooks


hf' h1,llh hecause we ~el a

lih;,,n discount for sevf'ral of lhe
hooks. plus sen:ral of th e books
"But this r.a n he off sci bv !he foci

1h,11 1hi,; r.osl {$30,000) do;s nol indudt> om catcgorizin~ nnO record•
in~ of 1h1• librar~ co ll eclion:· ad il,•d 11,,m mann
Sonw o f the fi),!llrt'S ,;itNI b~
ll.1mm,1nn in chu lPtl -!OR huuls .

t1t 1•

earn ,; n:prc~c,1111111 , u,., .. uu"''"


Vol. 31 , No. 21

79-76 loss to SMU

Rams Koed in Tourney
by ~o ny Fe rull o
" \\'1 • J11-"I d11l11 ·1 pla~ tt,,r k111d nf
li:illJ,1,!l!ll' ... tl1•d, 1rcrl l.,I\\ ,,1th ,1
snl,·mn 'innl,· ·'Thr ,,,;,1•nl1.1I -. "''
h,ul lu il,rf,. ,,111 )ll'il ,,,•ri•n·1 h,•ln),!
,1uu111phslwt! Ttw ~111-. lru•d tlll'lr
hr-sl al tht• f1111.,h 11111 11 ,,,.._ ,;unpl,

1,ilf' \\'p

111,ldf' 1111• 111,111\ ( 0,11,

nw,1,1~":,, ,t111 I 1lw n1h,•1 duh p1,1
l11·111•f111 d 1111111 th,·m .di 111,:111 Inn~•
l'n•• 1wh /\nd I,~, • ,di )!nnd thrn)!'lh,11 IIHl'il COH'H' Ill ,111 ,•nil . ,o \\,l'i

1h11111.d11 h,• n111ld .,hnot 1h,• \\.I\ Jw
It,• \\,I', d••f11lll1•h ,1 ~,., fa, .•
lnr 111 11-H' J,!dll\l' .
Th,· f1r-.1 h,df h,1d Suffnll-. p11t1m),!
11 11 th1•1r r1111•-.1 1rnp••rs11n,111on of 1h1•
l '. 1111 ,1):11 Bull -. ,hnnllll),! ,111 11n 1111,1).!111,1lil,· 111 111•n l'l\t from th••


11,,,11 I h,·, t ,111111111,111, ,,Pn' mill•
,1•·"""" 1111 d,,1 .. 11-.,• m 1h,11 f,r-.1 :!I!
111111111,.., ,inti 111,1-.1,•d on
,11,h,•-.11,tlllH! ,1 1'11111,.11111 -.lo\\

1h111,:,;-rln,, n-111-,111-,1nl°s-r.r ,I\, I
f ,•n,;n 1• ,111,wk


I hu,1•,,•1 1h,• •u Pll•·•tf 1•,1•n1,; " •'"

, umvll•h'h r1•, .. r_.,,,ct ,n 1h,• ,;1•1:uncl
h,ilf lran11• J'h,· ~.,m,; lll'),!,111 to
11111111· 1lw1r 111)!),!•''il ,,,•,1pm1
f.1,-1 hn•ak
,md c;1mt• ,, itl)rn tlllt'
pn11H . ~:t-:':.! "1th .! tlf• n•mmn1n,1,1 .
\\ 1th th1· , r,1fh llonm ,in l.1111,• :incl
l',11 lh,111 tlw ln-.h \drt,111 ll,11111,.,
.,, " ' 111~ 14 .111d I.! p11111r-. , , ..,p , 1 ' " ..

lo 1h,· \. , .. 1 h,11 m111111,.., ~\ll .,
l,i'll 11rnp)n htl on ,, foul l11w
111m1wr ,101! 11 111111,IO had ,I 1,1\ 111• In
J,l\\t' 1h,, 1:ur-.,11~., ,1 f1\1' p111n1 11 •,111
,md th•• \\.1•1J .t1,,,;,•n1•d 1r111mph
\l,1),!11o1111 1.11ntnl1111,•tl :!-I pmnr-.
,111.I -.,x ,1-.,1-.:-. In 1h1• S\ll l .,11.11,J..
tit• ,,.,., tlw R.1ms numllf'r nn ..
1•n,•m, . ,1lth1111~h th •· Cors,11r-. h.ul n
-.11pp11r llll,!,! 1 11 of lwro,•,; s 111:h as
/\I.i rk /\•1111 (IHI .,11111 lht•
Cl'n,•r,il {1:11
1\,; for tlw H,1ms. no 11111• pl,1\l•d
C:11n 1111u1·d on l',1,.:,· tt

John Howard attempts a layup agains t SM U

Chris Tslolos is guarded by lwo
SM U d efenders
·i:,,~1' for 1h,-. H,tm!'! 197:l-ili
rn11ndh,11l se,1so n lrisl Th11n,rla~
•11i11K. wtwn t~w~ ,,·•·ri• upst!I h~ ,,
l111s1li11i,t Sou1h1•,1slt'rn ~\,1-.s t Jru,·n •
SIi\ (.OlltlllJ.:1'01 Ill lh1• IUIH' 11f i !l-711
111 1h, • fir-.! round nf tlw :"!Ct\:\ llin •
,-u,n :1 1t111r11,11111•111 ,11 Hhud,, lsl,md
If 1h.11 flt'\\" \'i!l 'l t'llllLIJ,lh Ill -.11111
,nnr nwrmnJ,I, up 11f r11flt•1• 1lw Lw1
1h,11 1h,· IJP,11:1111 I !ill quinh·t ,d-.11
\\1'111tln\\1111111.t,r,,,11 in tlw tllll'illl,1lrnn 1•nc1111111t·r 1lw fnllm,·111i,.: n,~ht
lu tlw \\l,1rnnr, nr Bn-.1 011 Stalf• In
thl' 01111,11,c hsh scort• uf lfut-101
sun•h \\Ill
Th;, tup -:-1•1•d,•d H,1111-. \11-.1 lht•
!it\11 I ,1H,11 r in tht• first h,ilr uf pl,"


1'1•rfurm111J,1 ,,., 1r lhr> \\l'rt' 11nd1•r
1tw 111fh1t•11u• uf ,1 \\ 11d1 dnc:tor ·-.
lr,1n1.1• .



r.. 11


,II tilt'

1111d" ,1~ pntnl. 4:! -:!ll, t:hrn rl \' chu· 111
11111 !_!!)I~ lllt'1r ilwpt 1r,111s1lio.11 from

url,·m9t> 10 dt•f,,n-.1• ,ind vu" , Prsu .
hul Ill IIH· r , •rrn 11111.', hniHclh,in),lill):
1•xhd11111111 uf S/\1\ l's C,•1wr,il
I lulm,tn ,llld tlw ,•xn•l\1•111 Hour

$30,000 in Books Gone From Lib~ary
Tlw C1•n1•r,1\ !h)Ok C:n lli· CIIOll
hy Debbi e Burke
Cull1•i,:1• l.1hr,1r1.m Eclmund I t.11n - Im ,•nlnr, (,1,d11tlin)l th,• n•fcrcncc
m,mn rf'u•nlh rt•v1•,1l1•d th,11 t ;"H-1 -.Prl111nl ~,.as 1:untluctf'd ll\ 1h1• Cir•
h1111k-.. 101,1\lin~ ,tpprnxun,11 .. h s:m.• , 111.111,m l),•pl o;1,1H t:on{puscd of
11011 h,1\l' l11•1·n o;11d1•11 £mm Suffolk ':,; S11ffnl~ s1t11 ll'nl:,, ,mil hhran aifis
.. Tlw t•!,,111na11•d c:nsl \\ai- ;lr rivrd ,
hhr,1n ~1111 ,. ti:- !>Ulllll}l'r 111\ l'lllllr,
Thi-. 111-.11, fa i: 1111 h.1-. 1,·d "••~-. I l.1111rn,mn h> 1•,c1rnpo\,11in,1,1
pnu •-. from tht• 11uhlish,•r·s \\'t't•kh
I t .1m m,11111 111 Inn!,. 1nt11 tlw 1111,,\h1l1t11 •-. of 111-.1,dl111J,1 ,111 ,•l,•1:1r111111 hnul-. 1•1h111m lll7 5 I 11101-. 1h1• ,1,•craJ,w
pm,, of 1h,• !1,ird ,;m f'r hnuk misd1 •\ 11 t' ,1p111·u '<im,1ll'I\ 1.n"illn>: S1 1 •
.,,n~ 111 th,tt c(•fl,un 1;,,1 .. ,1,1on
111111 J't11,; I\ JI!~ 1,f ti,•, !Ct' \\111111! 1'11•1
''1'.1nn•u, n
1h,• s:m.rmn fi,-:un•
1n11111,1lh d,•1, 11 I ,Ill\ ,1rt11 \,,.., fr11m
h1•111),!-.!11l1•11 ") to,,,,,,,r ,u, h ,In 1n-.1,il\nwnl ,,111111 1 1w1•1I ,q1prm,1l of
1h1• 1111,trd 11f Tr11s1,,,,_.,.·· s,111\ I l,1111 111,1nn
Tlw ,,l,•1tron11 hook d,•\ 11 I' "''1•m:,,
In h,• tlw h,•<il -.nlution tu 1h11,

prnhl,•m , ,11 .c:urd111J,1 111 I l,1mm,111n
,,,11ild 111 • ,1pprnpr1,11t•tl fm 11
,1, ,, 11 , •. \'11 ,. Prf'su ll'nl l-r,1111 .1-.
l· \,1n11,•n n•11l11•1 I .\I f1r-.1 '"•"'"I'

\\'h,•11 •.-.~1•tl \\ lwtl11•r 111 not

J/11',t'i! lo 1h,· 111,1,1ll111Plll h,•1:,111-.1•


1,•,ul,,...,Jup ,111tl i;h, 1q1:-;ht111ti11),! d1-..
pl,1, of R1111 ~1,1.1(11,1111 . •, f10r~. 5-hml

1lw -.up, •1111.11 k,•1-1, pP ,1t111n-.plw11• 11

!>uperhl~ dul 11 ,ill
"Th,tt , 01111.1,t.,fl•r \1,1),!n,ml I hllh
IIJd (l',j 111 ," ,;tlf11•d H,111\', ,l'i'-l<ll,1111
t.o,H h j,11111• :,; '\,•l:,;nn " \\', • ~111'\\ lw
\\,Iii ,I f1111· p l,\\ 111.11-.1•1 11111 IH'\l'I

011111111•1 of 1111111-., 111111,111),1.• 1-. , ,11id

HI )lL1,1ffl"wb11



I 1'1',lh'

llo\\1 1 \! 'I



rd 1ld11111,•l, c.1111-.1,l,•r lht • ,rn
pl,•m1•111~1wn 11f ,u1.h ,i dl'' ,u•
l\ft1•r,dl 11 ,,1111id pu, f111 11s lf in
t,,..,., 1h,1n ,, ,,,,,r ..

file cu rd s rnprese ntlng lost books

may be hi>th hecausc we gel a
lihran discuunl for sevr.ral o f th e
hooks : plus .several of 1he books
,,er!:! frf' C ··
··11111 this 1:,in be offset b, the fact
1h.11 lhis r.ust 1S30,000} do;.s not indude our calCJlorizin~ and record•
m),t ,,f th, • lihrnr~ r.ollf'cl10n: · addC"d I l,1mm,1nn
Some nf the fi,l(urcs s1 1e<I h~
I l.11nm,1nn 1nduclf'd -108 hooks .
Cont1nu~tl un Pa)!t! -I

Page 2

March 19, 1171

SuHu ll. Journal

Screwed again
\11111111,! 111h,•r ll1111i,1-. Suffoll. .. 111dt•fll '\ \\1111·1 J.!!'I for 1lw1r monl' \ 1~
1h1• f 111111,• 1.. ,11!,•qu.111 1 hhr,11 \ .. p,11 , , Onh .. 1111 ,1'11 • "'£1·'1• ,, \\ ~I ht• .1ll0\\ 1
tlw 11!11",11"\ 11111w 1•111p,, .. , •• 1 \!1•\, H1t\J.!1 •\,,1, .. rri1, 1,~t1 ,•.. 1111t • 1ti,, f,111 th,1
l. 1hr,11, /)1n•1 l11r Ed111nnd ll.1nn11,11m tnlrl rlt,, /u11r1rn/ 1'1 ,11 1lu- 111rr,•1f
f,u 1111\ ,, .... 1n,1d, •q11,111• ,ind m1J,!hl 11111 p ,1., .. 1h,· 11,,,111r111• 1h,• ,11, n•d11!.111oi,
h,1,1nl 1.111111'!<- In S11ffulk
·· 111 ... 1 kr111\,11 f, ,11. h,• .,,11,! 1h,111h,•1, · , .. 11111 ,·11•1111.di .. ,,,111 n.1t . ,•.. p1•11,1I
t, for s,•riuu-. !\tud,•nl:t ii 1:t 111JJ I und111 1, ,, 111 ,1111 h 1n.1t ·
\'u:1• Pn•s 1d,•nl "-l'n•as11n•r. Fr,1111 , ., X Fl.1n111•n . '\.lt d !h,11 ,,,p,111d111J,1 rh,·
llhrnn f.1uh1y w,1~ 111•\ Pr 1.1111-.ul,•n •d fn,m th,• h1•).l lflllllll.! I It• -.,11d 1h1•n• , ..
rm ,w,•cl

.. Tlwn• ,in• l't1111111h ~,•.11s .·· saul Flunni•n .1,,11l,1l1l1• f•11 s111cl"n1,; ,11ul
i>v1•n Pnnu_i,!h 10 pass fnr ,11:r.n•tlida1111n ·· ·
Slu d fmls t, ill pa y SIH;in for 11111ip n hc)t1111uni,1 n1•-.:I \f'Ur This ll ,111 1n- crcasf' or S2611 ove r 1he pre.U!nl 1
;0:'lt Fur Ihis mon,•~ . \\f' \\ ill rt•c,•1v,• a n1•\,
rivf' -Sl•lr) hui lctin,.: on 1h1• Slit? nf th,• 1 urrcnl R11IJ,!1'\\:l~ ~lr111111rc• Pr,..ml1•nl
Fulh:im. whu ill 0 1\ll -l lmvPrs1I ) mr,'lm,1,1 nn c: riJ\\dtn_li! m l,llt' Sc:p1cmhl'r
l',1llf'il Suffolk an Ptl11r.alinn,i\ h,ir_li!:1111 . ass1m•:- us lhar w1• \\ di ,1,1;11n :150 flt'\\
sen ls wh,•n !ht• h11i ld111,w 1s i:omplP IPcl in rwn, i'ars Th1'I 1:- _li!llllfl lull ,II 1111'
s,1mc linw, lht• I lni,•{•n,il\ \\ di lmw the t\11111111 \'nnnn Sire,•! huildin)t , h1111s1•s 1lw ll11~111 t>ss Sdwnl. and thr Dt•p,1rlnwnts of H11man1l11 •,;
111d Jo11rn,1 l1 sm ln11rnnl1sm Li> 1111• f.tSll'i>I ~nm 1n~ rlrparlmt>nl 111 th,•
;11l1r•J,1t' S111dPnl Arliviliw, D1n•c:lnr, K.-nnl' lh K, •lh . h,1:- l11•1·n prnnu•u•d
spnr!r• in tlw Ill'\\ ,•11 1fir:1• 1•qu,d In \\h,11lw1111.11p11•s nu,, 111 1h,· • 1111v.,rlt•d
:.11pcr'rnark1•I on C:a mhrul~l· S1n•1•1 \Vi· nn~hl ,tlsu rf'mt·mh1•r lh,11 I" tht>
l1nw llrn 1ww s1r11r:l11rP 1s uunpl,•lf'd ,11101twr 111 1111m 1ni;rr,1-.,• 1:011!1! \\1•11111 •
111 dfo1:1 ThP las! mrrt>,ts,• \\as 111 111-.1_ I\\ O ,.,,ir, ,t)tu
II sooms Ihot fur "vt•r~ J,Min m, 1d 1• h~ s111d ,•nf,; 1hn1• 1-. .1 luss ,ind ,II do,;,•r
maun inntiu n. lht• " lmrjt,1111 ·· 1:- a 1!11!111111:t 0111' Desp1l1 • 1h1 tl,•'lirnhi\11~ of
mor,? s111dt•n1 nr:11\'il 11'~ .sp,11'.1' and 1h1• 1
•mp1~ prnnll!W!-- \\t' h,1\+' rt•i:1•1\·1•1l 1n
1111• Jlfl.SI !Im! .sui.:h sp,11:1· would h,• prn vulPd . ti 1-. nor Lnchsp1•ns,1hl 1· Th, .. 1,;
11111 1h,• i:ast· with tlw hhrnr} An ,ul1•i11rn lf' lil,rnr, 1,; ,1h-.nh 111 •l} n1 •1.1•,.,,1n
1f \\IJ an• In 111 01111nm n vla hl1• I lru\·1•rs1I\

Edi lor-ln•C hi ef
Marlaglng Editor
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Edllor
AssoCiate Sports Editor
Ari, Edi1or
Pholo3raphy Editor'
Senior Editors

Production Manager
Busineu•Ad Manaxer

~lark C. N.ojl.ns
Phil Santoro
Df•hbi e Burke
johanna I. Robe rts
St ep hen Corb~ II
Jnf' Reppucci
Patricia Fa n1-.:iiia
Bruc:e Mcln-fyre
Bub Car r
Bre n! L. Marmo
Brian Walke r
Paul Donovan
Ci nd y Feltch

WRITERS C.1rol Hirmrn,wham : Ma ry C. Buckley: Dohhi.Collar:
\!,11w 11 e r:olltn-. : 1.mdn Cnm~au : Kevin T . Creedon : Fran Cull en : Dt•l.e n,1 ; Patrica Gatto . Mary G riffin : Maryalice Gui lford ;
JC lla\Cs . ~~ k ll eHernan . Vall!rie lamiol ; Mark G. Mazzie :
M,111rPl'l1 t,.h\ ona~e; Aarbara Ochs: Rebecca Pearl : Bob Reardon .
t\} K,11 c Ru s~ ll . R1 Gk Saia : Judy Silverman; Joanne Torraco:
l,inH•s K V,1r)ta
SP....ORTS: Gregory Brooh: Patricia A.
C:,1ll,1h,m .

l••ff Cl,1~. Hn,111 l)unm a n: Tony Feru llo:
Ion Co11fieh .1 incl.:i K fohnson : Kevin l.een
Pl IOTUCRAPHERS : Diane Cosla : Michael) . Covino:
\lu.h.,l'I Cuneo. Marie Donc~lle: Marlin Cavi n : Ro n Geraneo
CH.t\Pll!C: ARTISTS Mi c hae1 Sereda: Steve While


Pam SlrHen
William Ru e hlmann

Earlh Molher
Facult y Advisor

ILetters---------------"Llh rtw puhli, :.
,1dn11111 .slr,1tiun
tu 1111i111,11,, 1h,11
.. ,11nt>on, • 1, ,1 murd,•rpr. m,I\ I .ul.
\ ,.,,, 1h,11 \1111 f1rs1 dn •• li11l1· ·, h,,, l IIIJ,! 1111 ,our 11\\11 p,1r1 1
Juse ,,h G. Hayes

,rnd 1;011 p"r,11mn


11 ,,.1:,. must jlratifymM to sPe surh
., l,1r,1,11• turnoul 01 the t Jnclnr •
),!r,11l / l..1w School )l,tme . pariicu larh ,1-. 1h1s \\.1s tht> lasl hom e game of
rht• ~ r ;1r Th , puhlir.~y 1nJrro11 nrtin11
!lw r•u•nl \\,b m(• rt•I ~ ,m allempl lo
),!t'I tlw stulil'nts of Suff1rlk llni\'e rs1I\' 111\'ol\1 with the school h) sup,!cl
porlm~ 1h r leam II \\i\S 1he gf'n...ra l
fc,·lm,11 11f 1hnsP in alle"ndnnn• lhal
mon· 1•n•n1s lik" this should 1al1•
pla1.,! A,11;11n . I fee l lhc aulhor 's arIn l. 1,;t \\1•1•k ·-. 1,;s111• 1~1arr h :ii. ,in hi1rar~ J,?t'nt:ralizalion of lhC("Spec,11111 J, , ,1pp,•,1n•d 111 !ht• /01111111/ on t.ilors· hl'ha\'ior as chilrlish \,"5ls an
1h,· hrn ~, ., ),!,IIIH' lwl\\1 •,•n th,• Suf. rnsull
TIii' l,1sl p.1r,t),!r,1ph of lh(' ar liclc
fol~ I lou f..1 •\ C/111! ,ind 1lw 1..m
1:11f•,; thl' slr,rnw• prt•·,1,1,1rne ' ritual' of
Sd1n11l ,\II ..
II i,; m, 1
·t1111,•111111n ,111tl f,•,•hn,11 · the ( inali. Evid cn ll\' 1his wns thf"
lh,11 1h, .. ,1r1 1111• \\oi:t n11slt~.1cl111~ m ,1u1hur·s rirsl lrip ·10 an ath le lic
""'11' ,1ri•,1~ ,inti 1111,111\ prron,•011s 111. ,., ,•nt S1,llmund FrP11d would ha \'c
111 ,1n ,,1,·d at such stal t~ mf'nts
ul lwr-.
Th,• ,1111h11r·:- sl;tlt•m,•nl 1h,1t ..
1h,· "I'''• 1,111ir~ "''rt· fn ;qu, •nll~
1 hildt .. h " \\,I'> ,Ill 111 .. ull In ,di IIHN'
.. 111d, •111 .. ,, Im 1111 ,l. lh, · 111111• lo .. hm\
Ill' ,11ul .. upporl .i '-1 hnol fum.1111n
S11ff11I~ 1 1111, ,•rstl\. h,•1,1t1:-1• or its
u 1m11w11•r 11,1lt1r1•, fr1•qo1•ntl~ suf1, •r-. frnm , 1 l.1r.k nf .. 1ud1•nt su ppnrl
,II IH,1 11\ 11f IIS runC:1111 11'1
l"h1 • I lrn ~• •~ C: h1h ·,; ~.1rn;•s 1h1:.
,.•,11 \\t•rt• 11,1 1''<'. 1•11111111 :\I m,111~
c,1111,·-. t',1rl1 ,•r 111 1h1~ \ ••,1r. 2 nr :1
p••upl,· \\t 111ld .. 1 1\\ up 111 run! fnr
Suffolf.. l'h,1r .. . 11 th,· hnnw )!,11111•'>
In ,1 .. ! hon! \\1th ,Ill ur11 !, •1L?r,11 lu,1h •
pnp11 l,t1i11n 11f 11\ "' .!,0110.' th,11 ·-. ,I
,,.n d1 ,,1p p11111 11n!,! l1 ),!11n•. p, 11
I ll 111,11 h \\ 1th ,Ill 1h,• I lllllj1l,1it1I:,. I
1,,,,11 "" oll,•n 1h,11 ll11·r,•-. no1l11n,1,: In
du ,11 Sull nl f..
Y,·1 IH\\ ,11 do; th•· ,•nd nf lh,·
........ •,11
111•11111 ,• lu•_l!,111 111 I nm1• Ill
\If I lt1L'h I 111 um il11n11i,th th,• ,•Hut, ..
••.I .. ,'\l'l,il'IUl'.1'1, ul

nn~n•-. -..

Ir , 1111

ll1 •,1r Eclilor.
I \\Otdd l1k1• tu ,lll't\\1' r \Ollr
Ed1 1im,1I wh11:h ,1pp;• ,1r,·d 11, ·
\\ 1°,•k ':-. /!\ larch 121 /ournul In 11 \Oil
d, 11 111 1h,11 . " \\' h,•n :-; ,,nirir 1: l.1-. ..
R,•p1 ps,•111,111, , , 11,.1 /\l11lhn • om 11l,11n,·d 1'!111111 p,1\11\J.! -.11111 ,•1111, · " " ' '
lw c1111 .. id1•n·d ,1 ·m11rd,•n·r · h• · nt.1\
h, 1, .. h,•Pn 1•1.ho111,11 th, • Sl'nl1m1•n1-.
11f 111,lll\' Suffolk s lud,•111~ '
l1 ,,s .. 1
.l1I\. hut I dm1h1 11 ,,•n
111111: h
App,1r1•n1I~ \OIi .ir,· 1 nnf11:-1nJ,1 \\'ill1,1rn C:11ll1\ . ,dw \\di
,1pp,·.tr , LI S11ff11l~ . \dth 11ih1•r
fornH'r Cl\ 1hn•c:lur .. . p,1r1i1 ul,irh
I ll'lms ( :nlh, ii. 11111 . 1 m tml .. n•r
Entl,•nrh \'(Ill r.1i111tl In Lh+ •1. l 1111
Colli~ ·.s l1a1 ·kwo1111d . ,md 1lw r .... 1111
wai- ,111 1•mh,1rrnssil1J,1l~ L1u .11rn•11
,1~s1•:-s111,•111 l1,1
s,•rl :,.111,•I, 1111 ,1111r
hllnd ~,•nl'r,,I .1 .. :,.11111p1L1111 th,11
,111~n1w in\'oh,,tl ,,11h 1111' 1:11\ \,,,.,

1., . ,

\\' ill 1,11n Culh, 's li,•h,n ior ,1,; C: IJ\
din·• lnr ,,.1,; 1 h ,1r,11 t,•r1 1,•d In
l'ur111/1 • lll,1).:,17in, • ,,., ·11npt>1r-,1hl1• ·
T11111• IIL,l_i,!,1 1. i11•• 1n 1\~
11, ,•mh, •1 1:1.. -.i1,• . ... 11tl rh,11 C:,·r·,dd Fnnl r1r••d
t:11 111\ h1•1:,111s,• ·
( :0111, h,ul lw1•r1
1!111 f;, rllu:11111111~ 111 n·l ,,,1 Lnµ .. ,., 1,•I
mrurm,111011 ,1h11111 1h,· Cl\ ... p,1,1
t111:-tl1•••tl,; !I I 1111' l .llll ),!t••, .. Ltlll,ll
Im 1•-.IIJ,1,llt/lJ,: Cor11111ill1• 1•.. '
l.,lll'r 111 1h,• s,1111,• 1!1 .. 111 •, 11 .. ,.11,, ..
.l.4., 1. ' Blllh K h-..11),!1•1 .111,~
Hw k,•ft>ll,•r \\ ••rt • r 11mpl.11n111,-:
,.11111111h,· \\,I\ C:I \ du, •1111 1 \\1U1,,111
C:11111, \\,1:- 1 .1nd1dl, ,t1 1'>\u·11ni,1
q1u•slmn ,; nf rh, • 1.un_i,!1,•-. .. wn,d I nm

II 1 _i,!1•11,•r,1\h l.1111\\ ti 1h,1t ( ;111!1\ ·,
l111,T"1,, .. 111 ., .. ,.,, 1)11,•,lfll \\. ,...
111,11~.• -d \\'1tl1 ,I .. I'll II ,11 I ,t11 d1,l11,••, ..

,11111 lht•

,tr, •

It's not who w ins

School spirit at Suffolk Univer•
si1y . . has the re ever been a n y?
Monday night's game was a demonslralio n lhal there is a growing
spiril al S u ffolk . a feeli ng
communily. tha1 ca n ma nHesl ilseU not
onl y al athletic eve nts. hul at Rath ske ll ers. par1ies. mee tings. speak.
in,11 events , and man y other fa ce ts
Iha! are just wAiting for under,111,ul,i.1l c e xpre~sion


Monda) nish r s ga me was an a ffirm,1 1ion of this spirit. There is no
nee il lo over•emphasize one hockey
.1,:ame. hul I do think that such a
s pirit as wns demonsl rated al 1his
J,!ilmP 1s lacking nl Suffo lk T his a rli d,• did no 1hin,11 lo enhance that
Jose ph Geo rge Hayes





llti -..11111 -..1 , \ 111''111 l!'I ..

Bill Coughlin

Marc h 19, 1!t7fi

Suffolk Journal

Page 3



They Call It Fun
hy Slc ph c n Co rbell
E\t•r\' ~1111111.1\ ,ind \\',•dn,,.,, l,1\ ,11
4 pm llwri • ,lrl' fi,11h1s 111 HI.:! \. 11/
n•,d f1J,:ht, ,11111,dh . hut r,t!lw, ,,
Ill'\\' ~il' H-tlt •r, ,11 .. ,, i1r11),!r,1111 ,II S11f
fulk Lnl lPd A1l1dn

Aikuln 1s II lapan1 ·'11' rnnrl1,1I url
l,IIIJ.:hl h,11 d,Hs ,t \\1•1•l h, Jns Pph
c:,111l1 lf11ild.4 h1111s1•lf ., hl,11 .l 111•11
hnldn C,1111,lrif•lrl. \\ ho ,.,a, h1•,


pr,11.lil.,d lim ,11 S11ffnHc l. ,1 ,, Sr. hnnl
r11rr1•11t l) h,,~ unh l\\11 ,,;f11d,•n1,
Pnrull,•d 111 !hf• A1k11l11, 1111r-,,•
" I 1 111111 h,,, ,, ,IIUl'<,I 1ns1ri1,.rn r'i
1•,1r.h ,,,.,,,k ... 1:a11l,tru•ld n•l,11t•s .
" lwl II would
,,n insult lo h111h
p,.a.i:11,•s 1m11h+>d •


Stud~nis Polled on
Colby App_earance

T iu• sunww h,11 chunk, 1nstn11:111r

hl~1 1111•~ 1tw I.i rk of pul~ iUI} .,~ 1h1ma111 n•asun wh, 1h1• cuurs1• h,1 sn ·1
nllrar.l1 •d m11r1 • s111d1•n1~ Hur
1u•rh.1ps !Jw fo1 .1 1ha1 lh, • 1 nur._,,, 11,1


by Mary C. Buckley
The schedu led April IJ appear,rn r.c of former CIA Oirec lor Wi1

$35 !Kl r;;r 1111' rl'lll,IIIHl,•r or ,h ..
/U'lnl'Slf'r i~ ,I J,!1'1•,1ll•r d1sc:1111r;t,11('


mcn l for urns! s lud ,·nts ,
c:au ldf i,•ld Pnc:our,1J.!t-'I ,1n ~111w
\\ ho is llll<'n'stecl in llw Aiki~u
pro,l(rnm lo cornu tin\\ n In Rl .2 nn~
Mu nd ay or Wmlneslla } ,11 4 pm In

••11hPr 1akl' p,,rl or 111s1 11hs1•r, ,,
E,1•n o1w 1, \\Plcom,•

................. ,,, ......... .
Make Extra Money!

iom E. Co lll\· at SuH<>tk University.
and lh e SCA allocation or srnoo
to \\ ,trrl his lolal S2000 fee . has
lnut.hcd off flehate nmonsi: SCA
m1 •mh1•rs

·Ttw,•1~ ·.; no J,:UJ r.mlcf• he' ll be
hnn,,,1 :· s,1111 ~like Covion "No ol'le
knn\\S \\ hal rn tll} ,1Eoe1 nn. and he
c1•r1ninl) isn ·, ,1En1n., 10 divul,11c
,lll}lhinj,I ··
Jim Mnllnzzi d,sa,.rees ·· 1us1
lu•r.,111s,• he differs 1dtmlo,1E1call}
frum mu,;t Jlf'nplr ·· hf' sa1rl, "is no
rnn,.1111 In L., •c1 him rrom speakinK

didn '1 do anv of lhe murdering
himself He didn ' t kill anyone. But
he's 0 clrnwi n3-ca rd person, he's hot
ri,Rhl no'o\' , a'nd maybe hi t
appea rance will bring a hllle pres,
C.onrinn~•I on Pa,ie IZ

Public Garden Realty
Br......on Hill SwJIOI Sl_,5

1!1 1 Charkt St ., Be.ton

\ , 1•,1r ,1J.!n ",. p,ud s :111on 111 h~;ir


Salespersons for the Suffolk J ournal
are paid a comm ission
on everything they sell !

-If Int erested-

in RL 19 on Monday-March 29
at 1:00PM.

SterUng Silver


23 Bromf~ ld St.
Bos1on: M1. 02108


Charles Rit1er •
10% off with
Prl'((fl{HI OU

JOBI Liquors
Welc:omN Suffolk
University students to
our Wine
& Cheese Room.


170 Cambridge St.


MON-FRI : 10-5:30
T HUR: 10-7:30
SAT: 10-3:30

OPEN - 9: 30 am - 3 am (7 day,)

CA U ~fn,- TAK£-O UT


116 Cornbrtdge St.



our Specially


His Disco Show

Mon. Tues.
Wep. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.



Beer and Wine •

307 C11.. mbridg~ St., Bu5ton


In Suffolk Cafeteria


£..,l'J.!lt1<(l'( R.l•fw,m:d


.. Surr:· Pat ~fullin responded .
·· hut no nne \\ its killerl in Wa lt•r~atf" ."
" \\'h,11 p1:n ph• must und1•rs1anrl. "
M,1ll11zz1 r!'l,ilrn1cd. "1s 1h,11 Colh:,.

Rathskeller 1-1. •

meet with CINDY FELTCH

Origi11al [,u/u,,t

Juhra Dean s peak. su wllh Colhy
wu'n• ac111itll~ J,:ellinJ,l ,1 deal "

Sun. 4:00-11:00


Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-out


50 %off-all hand made Mi~~~

MARCH 22-27 (No coupon necessa ry) Beacon Hill

Partf /atter; also Available

742-545 8

BeaconHill, BOSTON


Marc h 19 , l!f7ti

Suffolk Journal

Page l

They Call It Fun
h, Slcphen Corhell

J;,,, n

\l,11111,I\ ,inti \\• •1lrw ,1 !., , ,, 1

4 '"" th ,•n • ,lft' r,~h1, m kl..! ' " '

r,•,d r,~ht,; ,11111,ilh 11111 r,11h, ·1 ,,
111'\\ .. ,,lf -d, ,r,,n .... , jlf!IJ,ff,1111 ,II :-; uf
fnll , ,1ll1•cl ,\1l11l 11
A1k11lo 1s ,1 f,+p,111,,,, , 111,1rl1 ,1I ,1r1
t,111,.dl! 1\\11 d,1\ ,; ,I ,, ,,.,l II\ lmlt'ph
1:,111 ldf11 •/1I. l11m,;,,lf ,1 hl.11.l h, •11

11 11
::: ,11 ~: ;:: , 1

/~::~~11/tt•.i, ¼:•;:,~,'•'I"

~:~ .~:

h 1111 11nh

1·u!'l'1• 111h

f'nr11ll ,•IA

1,,11 11wd, •n1 ...

tlw t\1l11lu , 1111r..,.,


··1 n,uld h,n, • J,fl11•111 111..,lrm lur"
,,1•,•l ' , :,1111,lflf'ltl n•l ,11, ,,
,,nuld 111 • ,Ill 111,1111 In l1111h
p.1rl11•, 111\oh,•d ·
1•,11 h

.. 11111 11

Students Polled on
Colby Appearance

Tlw -.,1m1•,,h ,1l 1 hunl, tn<tlfllt 1
hl,11111•,; th,· l,11 l u f p11hh1 11~ ,_.. 1tw
111,1111 n•,1.,1111 ,,h\ 1h1• 11111r11,• h,,,n ·,
,111r,11 :l1•d rnnr, • s1ud1 •nls llul
1wrh,qi... rlw f,11 .1 rh,111h .. 111uro•1• , ,...,1
$,If, llfl fur rh,, r,•m .11 nd, •1 of tlw
S!'llll'S!P r


1ft' Mary C. Buckley

is ,1 ,l,!lf' ,llt•r 1h11u1 11r,11,tP-

mcnl fnr l!Ht.,I

:,1uldf u•l1I


,111 ~11111 •

who 1s 1111i•n•s lf'1 I 111 lh,• Aikulu
dm, n In RI .:! ,Ill\
Moruln~ or W1•thwsda~ ,11 4 pJn lu

pro)lrnm 18 1

, •11h1•r 1,1~1 • p,irl nr 111,;1 11hs1•n1•
E\1 •n11111• ,.., \\1•lt:111n1•

..Make ......
.... ... .....

d idn't do any or the murde rin1
T he scheduled April 13 appear- himself He d1dn '1 kill a nyone.t8ut
,m cc of former CIA Oirec lor Wil- , he's a drawi ng-card person. he'1 hot
iam E Co lh ~ nt SuHoHc Uni versity . r 1.w:h1 now. wnd ma ybe his
ancl 1hr SGA alloca li on or $1000 a1>pea rance " •i ll brln11 a httle preu
111\\Md his !Ulal S2000 rec, has
Con1in11 Ptl nn Pe,1rc 12
r111u.h('d nH d1•h11te a munjil SCA
m,•111l11 •r"I


,lll}lh in)l "

Extra ,, ,
~.,,,,,,,,.,, Money!

In l,·l.'Jt h11n frnm !II
\ \ t ' ,tl ,11.'n \\• ' p,11.t S:IIKJO I ll he,1r
lnhn ll1•,1n speal. so ,,11h Colh)
\H• n • ,u 1u,1lh )lt>llin,R .1 d ,11 ·
" Sun•U Pott \1ullm rei;pomlcd
n •, i..o n

Salespersons for th e Suffolk Journal
are paid a commission

" hul nu nnt•

-If Interested-


Charles Ri<1er
10% off with




ri•1.1li,11t•d . " 1s th,11 C.olh)

116 Cambridge St.



JOBI Liquors
WelcomN Suffolk
Univeralty students to
our Wine
Ir Cheese Room.

23 Bromfield St .


\V,1 .


at 1:00PM .

Boscon:M ■ . 02108


111 ½ Charla St .• BoHon

In Suffolk Cafeteria

in RL19on Monday-March 29



Rathskeller 11

meet w ith CINDY FEL TCH




\\ h ,11 111 • 0111 ♦ • rnu ,; f 11nd,·r'i l,1ntl .
l\l,11111 1 ✓ 1

Sterling Silver
j ewelry

~xon Hill StuJa $145
I BcJroom '516S
1 BtJroom $1~

lt'f,l,!,111 •··

on everything they sell!

HartdCra/ud [,,dia,.



lirn Mallhui du1 JlfPt>
" )11 s 1
h,•r ,111,;,~ hr ,hrf Prs dcul~call~
rrorn mu"il 1wuplr. h,· , .ull, · l.'- no



Public Garqen Realty

'f'hrri •' " nu 1,,1n 1c f• hf' II he
h,,rw,;t :' s,1id t\ lik1• Covino "Noone
knm,i,, \\h,11 n•,tlh ~ocs on and he
r11rt,11nl~ 1,11 ·1 )lc11n,1r to divuljle

170 Cambridge St.


E'Yl'J!fo u '-•<H.l•fl<J1r'-'J

OPEN ,9:}0am-}am f7d•y•I


}07 Cambridgt! St., Bc»co n


Beer and Wide •

Mon. Tues.
. Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.


our Specialty

His Disco Show


MON-FRI: 10.5:30
TH R: 10.7:30
SAT: 10.UO


Sun. 4:00-11 :00


Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-out


off all hand made
MARCH 22-27 4


Myrtle St.
(No coupon necessary) Beacon Hill

Partflatter; also Available

742 -5458

Suffolk Journal

Beacon Hill, BOSTON

March 11, H?t

Our Photographer Stalks Theirs


11111 11 \,111dd h,, ,m 1n-.111! lo h111h
p,1r11,, .. 111\llh,·d

Students Polled on
,Colby Appearan~e

1lw s1111w\,h,1t, hur,~\ ,n.,1r1111111
hl.rn11•-. 1h1• l. 11 ~ 11r puhlu Jt\ ,,., th ,,
m,1111 r,,,1,1111 \\ In 1h,, , nur,,· h,+-.n t
,1llr,ll ll'd rnnri· .,,,11l,•n1,
po •r h,qi-. th,• Lir I rh,11 ti,,, 1 nur-., , , n,r
s.1;, oo rur th ,, r,•m,11nd,•1 nf rh,,

by Mary C. Buckley

..,, ,111 , •-.!l•r IS ,1 j,!rl•,11,•r d1-.n111r,tjll"-

The scheduled April 13 appea r- h1mst'lf He d1dn'1 kill anyo ne. But
.rncc or former CIA Direc1or Wil - he·s a rlrnw ing-ca rd person. he·• ho!

m1•111 fur mn-.1 -.111d1·r11,

('.,1ul1lf1l' l1I 1•111.1111r,1j,11•, ,1n,111
\, hu 1s 111h•1t•<,lf'd 1n 1111• Aikulo
prnjlr,11n 111 1;111111• du\\ n lo RI.:! ,tll'\ • , 11h,•r 1.1~1• p, 1r1 or 111-.1 oli\.1•t\ ,,
f\ lnn ,1 11\ or \\11•1hwsd,1 , ,II 4 pm lu
E,,•non•• 1-. ,,...,fcnnw





Make Extra Money !
, ••.••••...........,

Salespersons for the Suffolk Journal
are paid a co,; mission

. .:




d1dn '1 do any

inm E Co lh, Al Suffo lk U n ivers it, .
anrl !hf',:<;<.;,, ,1llocation o f 11000
1m,,ml his IOIAI S2000 ree. hf15
1n1u.~1I off d1•lmlf• amun,11 SCA

'1111•r .. ., nn ),!11,1r,rntf'f' hf''II hP
h11n,•,1.·· -.,1ul ~1ilw C.o,1nn ·· Nu one
kn11,,s ,,h,11 t1•,1lh ~f'll on anrl ht•
,(:Nt,nnl) 1sn ·1 )lom,w In divu lJw
,1n~thm)l ··
lirn Malln1.z1 d1sa,1.irPt>s '" Jusl
lwr,111-.,• he chrfns ulculoi,uc.tlh
frum 11111"11 p1•11plf' •· h ,• "la11l. .. ,s no
re,1~1111 111 k,·1•p tum from "l"'••lnni,:
\ \1',11 ,11:11 \\I' 11:liil s·,uon In hf',tr
Jt1hn l>eJll spc.i~ . so \\lrh Cnlh~
, •'rf" nc111,1lh ,WPll in,w ,I dt>,tl ··
.. Surt• ." Pnt f\lu llin rc>spondcd

Public Garde n Rea lty
Hill SfuJIO' Sl -tt
I 8eJrebn SIM
.! BtJroomSl '10


I.! I I: C harles Sc.. Bo.ton



·\u1 nn nnc· ,,,ts killf'rl In Wa •
\·' \\'h,11 pcn1ll1· mw;f 11ml,·r-.1,1nd.'


~lallun1 r,•1,1li,1t1•d. "is 1h,t1 Cu lh ~

- // In terested-


meet w ith CINDY FE LTC H

In Suffolk Cafeteria

at 1:00PM .
9:Jt/ to 5:30
Ha,ul Crafted
@riginal /,,,t;,,,.

Sterling Silver


23 8F9mfi~ld St .
Boston: Ma. 02108

426-411 7

Charles River
Optician 's
10% off with

JOBI Liquors



our Specialty

WelcomN Suffolk
Univenity students to
our Wine
& Cheese Room.

170 Cambridge St.



l'rl' ~n,prmn F,lll·J
E"."t"J.! la ~\l'~ ffrpwr.:J


His Disco Sho


Beer and Wine •

Mon. Tues.
Wed. T hurs.
Fri. Sat.


MON-FRI : 10-5:30
THUR: 10-7:30
T E L:
SAT: 10-3:30

116 Combrldge st.

Rathskeller 1 I

in RLI 9on Monday-March 29


1he murde r itUJ

r1jlhl no\\, ,rnd maybe his
appearance will brinjl a ht1le press
C:unrinur•d on Pa,Ne 12

l!,ill'),!,111' .•

on everyt hing they sell'


307 Cam bridg<- S1., ~ion

Sun. 4:00-11 :00


pecializing ~
Quality food

Primo's Itali~ Sub Shop

OPEN -9: )0am -3am (7daysl

all orders prepared to take-out

Al.tforTA.KE-O UT


50 %off all hand made
MARCH 22-2 7 (

Myrtle St.

o coupon necessa ry) Beacon Hill


latter; also Available

28 Myrtle St.
742 -545 8 . Beacon Hill ' BOSTON

Suffol k Journa l

March 19, 1171

Our Photographer Stalks Theirs
C1•11rJ,!1• H:i zur h ;1s be,rn .t
11hn1011rnphn fur Tia• Hnslon c; /nhf'

for five yeilrs He h as cove r ed jusl
ah11111 l!v1iry ,muHin nh lf~ assi,l(nmcnl
fur his pnpe r. Ri ;,:c r se.! mS to d o

his hes! work o n sports a nd spot
news work . Rec e nt I)· fournal
pho loHrapher Marlin Cavin spen l

the rlay with Ri ze r, lurnilllJ i h e
tables o n th e Phorojournalill




•J.ccu.u.1 J.U.5•

9:30 1 5:30
Horul Crafted
Original lrulian

426-4 11 7 • •

Beer and Wine

170 Cambridge St.


th is



MON-FRI. 10-5.}0
T HUR: 10-7:30
SAT : 10-llC'

307 Cam bridgt- St ., Bw.1on


Sun. 4:00-11 :00


p ecializing in
Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Shop

OPEN -9:}0am - 3am (7 days)
C/\ J.Lfu,- rAKE-OlrT

- . THE I

all orders prepared to take-out


off all hand made


Mon . T ues.
Wed. T hurs.
-Fri . Sat.


£ ..,q!l<,("4..'\ Ht·J')a1r1.•J




His Disco Show

our Wine

23 Bromfi~ld St.

IQ% off with


Welcomes Suffolk·
& Cheese Room.




University students to

Sterling Silver

JOBI Liquors

Myrtle St.

(No coupon necessary ) Beacon Hill

Partflatter; also Available

'742 - 5458

B aconHill , BOSTON

Su rfolk Journal

March 19, 1971

Our Photographer Stalks Theirs
(;1•1 1r~P Ri z1tr hn s b1• o n ii
pholn).:r,1plwr for '1'111 • Hnslon c:/nh,•

fur fi v1• yf';1rs. I ii~ ha s cttVl'rnd jusl
.iluml 1•v1:ry ima~in,1hlt! ass i•mm f'n l
fur Ins pap er Ri:wr sr,c rn s lo do

his hf!s l work on sports and spot
n ews work . Rc cc nll y / o urnol
photographer Marl in Gavin s1 l

the d ay wilh Ri zer. turning the
tables on th e Photo journalitl

Rize r selects the needed equipment
a nd place• II In one of the eight
podcel1 of his cu1lom made over•

Al Be.Ion City Hall , Riser checb
h it molorlzed Nikon before begin •
nlng his fist ualgnmenl

Tfie a nti cipated pollUca l rlre worlr:a
fiu le nn!I lh e hornd phologra pher'1

mind wa nd ers





Pal(r. 4


Suffolk Journal

March 19, 1171

Our · hotographer Stalks Theirs
r:,,ur,L?,. Riz1•r ha s h1•i,n ii
11h11111_L?1,11il11:r (111 Tt11• fl nslun r;/t1h1•

rnr fiv1 )t•,trs I ll' h,1s cuv,•red p1st t11 s llf!SI wurk on spo rt s anrl spol

al111111 •'V l'r ~ 1m,1,i.:i11,1hlt1 uss1).!nrn1•n1 n1•ws wo r k Rccenl1)· /ournol
fnr 111 :o; l"'I'"' R1;,1•r SC'f?m.!I lo · rlo pho toJ,tra phcr Ma rlin Gavin

!hf' duy w11h Rizer

111rning lhe

tahl1•s on th(! Photojou rnalill




Rize r se lects the needed equipment
and places ii in one of lhe eight
pod:els of his custom made over•
coa l.

Al Boston Cit y Hall, Rizer checb

his motorized Nikon before beglnnlng his fist aui1nmenl

The anlici pat ed polilical fire works
rizzl /and the bored pholoxraphc r's
mind wanders

" Ba ck t♦ I the runch ," Geo rgi! Ri zer e njoys th e hcsl coll c~c newspa pe r
while co nsumlnM unc of ei~ ht cups or coffee he drank thal day.

Rizer develops lhe day's take in th e Gloho 's 51 darkroom

Used Book Policy

.. missing books

1 ~1.1r1111i,; M iiy hi ,md 1hru M ay 31st !he booksto rP will buy b,1ck u._cd
. bool..\ 1ha1 Jff' ~oing 10 I)(' lN. d in cla~-. n ex l S('mM.ter for abou1 so• , o f
l1s1 pno•. Supply & demand ~oviermnK,

C11 1!1111 1wd from P1
1J.!P I
inJ.: lUUIO , missin...: from 1h r )Ct.'llt.'r,11
t:,111•,.:oq o f Sur.ial•nt:1•
luc11nnrn11:s. p11li11<.:,d sc 1enr.e.
hus1n11ssl ,ind :!Im hooks 101alling
S-non missinJ.! rrom 1lw En>tli s h
l.111•r,11 ur1! ,11111 Amt•rican Li1t: r,1111rn
s,•i:1 1

2 All olhl•r-. ill prev.:ulmg lrdde pri er-.
J Hook._




mablf> (Qndillo n .

4 You musl hav£> ~n ID whC'n sclhng.

1-5, 89ok . . 1or e rt'\t'' "''' th P 11 Kh l 10 KOve111 1he qu,11i1 y, quJrtlll ~ net p11<c"'
for J11y huv h,1c I,.

\Vhun ,1s ~1•d \\h) knaps,11:ks. ha1,1s
,ind hr11•fc:asL•s wPrt• nol hi•inJ.: con 111111,dh ,:h uc:kwl ror s1n l1• n nrnlt•ri ,11

tlw co ll cJw lihr,1rian b lamed the
ln r k uf l'nfort:('mcnl on the limited
n11mhcr or lihrnr~ personnel. " Right
nm, on l} lwn pcr-.ons work on the
rh•sk '!'h e only \,ay ,,c coulrl ade' 1untPly <.:heck haj,!s ,, uuld be to h ir,e
a 1wrson JUl'il for th,11 purpose . In
u1 ld 111on . ll ammann ree ls that
s t111l on 1 .1ss1stan1s wouldn't h e e r£inen1 becaust• of the peer sroup
j)rl!!tSure on lhom "

Th1•rofort1 direct ion J)Oints rn lhe
fn,1or or !ht• f'IPc:l rnn1c ins ln llm e n t.

March 19. 1976

SurfoU, Journal


Tierney Gets Tough

News Briefs
Tuition Blues
l In I hul',d,I\

\1 •nl I 1h,·n• \\Ill

lu • .111 ,dl-11111\1•r,11\ 111,,,,11 11 ,.:
11 1,11 111 .. ,•11 11\ St; :\ l1 n•,11l , •111 c:hn ..
Sp111 ,t1/.11l.1 ,ind , ,·111111 \'11 ll11C11111t1
Tiu• p11rp11 .. ,• 11! 1111 .. r1
w1'!111,.: \\ di h,•
Ill p111p11 .. ,• 11,, , 1,r,•,1111111 nr ,, ... ud,·111
ltmh 111111111 1 0,1 1.11 1111 lu \\fir ~ nn
th,• pruhl,'111_!> ,11 S11Hul~ . 11111,d ,I} rlw
!>p,11 , . ._,,u, ,11 1111 ,111tl 1111111111 1n
•\1c11rd111)! In 1)111:1111111
\\, -r.,
nnl .... 111111 h f1..:ht111,.: rh,· 1111 n•,, .. ,.
11111 lh•• .. 11111111' ..... ,l),!11,1111 p11h, \

Ji~:;\ P //,t~1\':'.11~ .

1111• \


tr \\I' J,!t•I ,i 1
l,,,1 .. 1 Ill -UI ', 111 lh,· ,111dt>n l hruh
f11•h 111t! u:., '"'·11 ,.:,•1 ,111111• r ,. .. ult-.

JW"'1·d ,._ .. 111d,·11l l,,u J..111)!

h~• Ml~acl S1!rnda
Allorn1•, l<u,.:,•r 1\ ll.111 l1111ri• \\I ll
a dd n·s-. ti;,, Suffn U, 1.,1\\ Fornrn 1111
April I ,ti !i p 111 in lh1• Amph• •
1lw,1t,•r <:l. 1:.-.r,111111 , l )on, 1h11r :!IIH
Tiu • ,q1 p1 •,tr,m11• 1s sp11m,11n•1I h\ 1h , ·
S111d1•111 Bnr Assrn :i,1111111 of llw S uf.
fnlk I Jnivrorsi t \ L,1 \, Sd11111I t\ lour,•
\\ 111 s111•,1k rm " lh, • r1•, 1c l11111 1.on-.P•
qui •n(; f!l'! o f ld11•r ,d pcdt1~1 ., d

n•forrn ··
t\ \1111n•. ·H ,,1 B1•ni·,111 llill r ,•s11 l1•11t .
1:. ,1 p,1rt 1H •r 111 1h,• l,1\, fi rm o f Hnp1•"
,un i Cr.1\ h,1, 111,.: 111111,•d lh1•111 tn
l' lli7 Pnor lo 111111111)! Rnp1•:. ,md
t:r,1\ \l1101,• ,111•111 1h1 P1• "'•"' ,, ..
l• ·\!•tl , .. ,i-.1,1111 1t1 rh,· \11111111· \
t ;,,11,• 1,d nf t\ l,1s-.,u 1111~• •1 1-. T h, • I l,1 ,·

\ ,1nl

l.. 1\\

~ihun\ J.!r,11!11.11,• .. Pr\,, ..

,I ..

I '. h,11nn,111 uf th,· 11f .\.1u 111mul
llo •\1 1'1\

111,1),M'll lh' 11, , ,11~11 ,1•n,, .. ,I

.;11111l,1r m l,· \\llh 1h, · n, •,11'.llll 1111 1
C:l\11 ,\~-.111 ;1,1!111 11

Debators Win
hy Maureen M cGonaglo
C:,1tln I )11 11 m •,H1 ,1111! Buh C d,hc,11!> .
nf th,• Wnllt•r ~1 ltu rM• 1)1•h,IIH1,I,!
S,11 .11•1\ ,11,.S uffulk. r111,1llfwd fur 1111•
\!,1 t111n,1I Sp1•1·1 h Tm1rn,111wnl j iu 111 •
h,·ld 111 Citl1furn1.1. April 22-241 ,iflt•l
\,· 11111111 )! truphi,·-. i n 1h,• Fiflh
C :n•,11,• r l·:,1 ,lt•rn Fon•ns1t;S Tourn ,1•
1111•111 .s 111111,11n·tl h, S11rf11l~ 1111 1\ l'r •\ l,1,1 \\ ,.,.~1•111 1 Tlw ln11rnanwn1

Pase 5

11" Ri ck Saia

S11,.:,1,t1•',IIIIC 1/11\ ,•rllnll'fll 1111,•n t•n
\\,t .. \\Hll 1,, 1,,•nr),!1• \l,1,nn I ' nn,•1
, 11\ uf \ ' 1r,.:1111,1 S11ffq]~ foul,. .. ,,, ,und 111,11 111 rh,· 1n,;11r,1n, ,, hn .. 111,,,. ..
pl.11 ,, l11lln\\1 •d In S11111h1•rn Bu-.11111 r 11, <.011nulnr 1,.-.,·ph
f'i,·rn,,, ... ud th,11 ,n-.ur,1111 ,. 1 um
I ;, 111111•1 ·11, 111 ,,n,I l·.m•·r .. ,111 c;nll1•J.!1'
,.\1i .... IJ,.nu\ ,111 f1111,;lwd ~1•1.und 10 p,1111,•.; h,t\ ,. tu Ill' ~h.,J..,•11 up ,t 111111•
E,1o •mp,11,111••1u~• "'1'•'•,.: \\ hill'
l :1hh1111 .. r,•1 ,•1\ 1•d 1h1• ftrst p l. 1u• ) Sp,•,,! .11 ,t lllt'l'lln,I,! of th+ •
''"l'h\ 111 l11l111111,ll1\1' Sp1•,1k111)! ,ind "i ol1111 ,d Si 11•m f' , .. -.rn.1, 111on l,l'il
\\l' •'~
T1,•rn•·, not,•tl rh,11 lht> in111111 lh pl,111• ,n Hh, •lun, ,d, ntu 1s111
, ,1r, 1n, ,. , 11rnp.1ni1•~;1•~,; 1h,·
I Ith,,, S11ff,,IJ.. \\111m•r .. \,,•r•· l,m, •I
~hhn,INn l1f1I, 111 \ 11'•·d lnln• l,,rc,, .. r ,ind mns l p11,, Prful lnhh, ·11'1
ptPl,1111111 ,.f 11,11 .. 1• ,ind Pn, •ln. IJ11,111 1h,· St,1,11· 111111 .. ,• Shnuhl th1• ,;t,tlf'
(;r,•,•I"\ .. ,.11111tl 111 1'1•1-.11,1,1\1' ,1111, ,•rnm, •111 1111t-r, l'llf' on 1h,. n s1• 111
!'i1u •,1\..,111c ,1111t l!tll H11c,,r .. f1r,1 111 111,ur,1111 ,. prl'm1ums 1h1.; \\Olald m
Iurn .. c ,in• · 1h,, 1n!i.11r,11u ,, 1.nrn•
1;,1o•rnp11r,11w1111,; Sp1 •,1J..111~
p,11111• ..
I \\II \\••Pk!t .,~ .. S11ff11IJ.. 'I'""
1"1,•rn,•, ,dsn h,1,; ilr,1" n up
,.1, r, •d th ,• ll11nl \111111,tl ll1,1,d1
t,•gi-.l.111,111 \\hi, h .,.,,111111 11•,.:,1\111•
S, hool l),•h,tl" 111 1h,• ,n1t lllnP111m
11rr. ,r.11. J.. l11•lltll}!
I think urr.,r,11 J..
1'111rl\ .. 1, lu~h .. , honl, , urnp••h•tl
\\llh 11\,.1 i;un .. 111d,•n1 .. ~tfllun !11•11111,.: \\1111.111111• '\\t'n lu,111 ~ ~,1~,
l'1Pr111•, ,, hn poi f•d lo Dnslnn ·,.
•\1 ,ul,•111\ 1111,il,•d nwr,• p111111~ 1h,1'1
rin11nd ,1\ d iff1 r: 11lt)-. 11s a~ac1n r for
ti,,, 111h1•r .;d1nols ,ind \\' JS lif'd ,1ri•tl
"111111•r ( :mnp1•li1111n Wil'li hrltl in l lw prupns11I Tlw r.11 n"!lor h,t'i
:11~ tu
!IO~ S74
1h1r1o-,•n , ,1!11J.!11r11•'i . 111clu,lin,.: fuund the c
I lr,llnq . IJr,il lnll'rprl'l,111011 nf million m lht> ·· rPtl "'



',Inf.I' II IS 11)!,HOSI the constilulinn
,md c,,nrr,11 Laws. "uuld have 10
'1'11 throu)l!h an amrondmenl prbceH
m 11•)!1.!llatmn T1erne) feel.!! that
"fnn;NI" husin.l( won'I work in this


T11•rn,,, has also prnposeq.i an
,1m,•nrlmt•n1 \,hich would Jtfve a
pul)lt' wntrol O\'e r the lreatrhe nt of
., 1m·1•111h-: cleli nq uenl : char11inM1ha1
1hr l>1\'1st0n o, Youth Services is
l,•1111 •01 rn 1hrir cnse.!I Tierncv
nott'CI 1m·oniles are brou!lhl 1~
c;ou rl. n,fcrrPd to Youlh Servicet.
,1nrl ,1rr hnr.k on 1he !ltree l.!1 soon afler
thn1 Said 1he ·C ih Cou ncilor. " I
thmk il 's needed bCca use of whal's
h,tJ>penl;"d tn the lasl four 1 ri ve
\t'.tr'li ...,,,h the juvenile justice
s,:-1tim · Tinne) add ed 1ha1 lhe
Dh·iswn of Youth Services "so rl of"
u1>pos,!s ii. since they wanl control


lhP \Olllh,;

,E.,1nn pnr,1n1 •1111s


Career Exploration Workshop
Thursday, April 1 at 1:00 pm
Fent. n Bid., Rm F-134B

SCA nu•mhcrs lirn ~l,1IJ1171 ,111 d
lnhn C11111111in,.:s n•pn• .. 1•n1rd Suf.
fulk h1•f11n• tlw l. e,1,?i'il,11urc·l'! Com1111t1r1• ur1 T,u .. 1l11in ~111111!,1~ ~ l arch

H Th,• 1;01111111111•, · lu•ld II pu hli c:
ht•.irlll)( nn I l nus,· ~m1 which "m ild
,•,••mpl rnr,.i .. Sl'r\'t•tl In -.1 11tl,•n 1 1111

\-. ,tn ,t ltrrnall\ ,, lo lhe !}f('Stllll
ll11s11111 ,;1 huol s~stcm , Tierne) ad•

, '>' ,11,,-. ThP " \ 'ouchn f)lan." which.

11111•),!1' t ,lllljlll.!>l'S
1'.1r1•nls. ,111d,•n1, ,lllil pn•,;11h•n1-.

,,I 1nd,·p,•11tl,•nl , nll"J.:''' ,1pp1•,1r,•d
h,·t,11,• th, · l., •>,! 1,l.1 1111,· ..,,,,\..,111>,! ••I'
prm ,11 uf ., lnll 111 r,•1H•,1I 1/11• H l,1,
un .. ,11d1 •111 m,•,11,
Sp1•,1l,,.1n,.: fur th,• \t.1 .. , Sluilt>nl
l.ulih, 1.. 1-. 11111 \1.dln/1 .. ,r, ... , ,,t\
" Th,• .. 1.11o• 1.. l,l'Hl)( 1111,• .. \\ ho 1.111 ' 1
,1ff1111 I II l'h,,, ·r;, l ,1 ,111,.: .. 111d1•n1-.
fur ,1 l11,11r, rh.11 1, 1h1• 1r 111•1.1•.!>:.11\ "'
(Jllw,· t 01\1•)!1• .. ,1111•nd111,.: 1h1•
n,•11· ·111rt-. l 1 nn1•,~11, .
Bo,lnn t:ull ,•J,!•' ,ind 1h,• 1 r111,·1•rs1h
n f l.m\l'll
1 pn•..,•111. 1111• hill 1 .!>l ill 111 1 •
111111,•1 • "' t lwrd11r,· tilt' futun• look.!>
ur,1hl,• th.111 1•,pt•Lll'd."


Ar(' you strugg ling with ca reer choicest
Career hplora11on will empha51ze developing voc.1:tions. and new ways
of .ippro.aching voca1ional problems.

The formal o f 1he work shop will be group discussions on in1eresls,
vc1/ues, decision making, and vocalional strategies.
Sponsored by rhe Direc1 o f Psycholog ical Services and 1he Student
Ac1h111e,; Office.

Renewal of State Scholarships
fhe Commonwealth of Massachusells, Sc holarship Office, has sen t
10 th e De.rn of S
wd en1s Off,cp renewal forms fo r 1he 1976-66

c1c,idem1l ~e.u

<\II s1udcn1s who a re curren tl y rece ivi ng State

Scholarships should immed1a1ely co me 10 1he Dea n of Students Office 1

co mplet e the renewal fo rm , verify 1he i nformati on and sign

rhc cc1 rd . All who are Sta te Scholarship reci pients and are
grad ua11n g by September, 1976, mus1 also co m e to the Dean of
SIuden1 s Office to co mpl~te 1his renewal form and indicate their
dare o f gra dua1ion.


f1111 ~1.illnn Tht• unh
prnlilt·rn 1ha1 1111\, , ..rn,I!'> 1s "h,•rc
\, u11l tl 1h,· .. 1.111• ),!1•1 1h , • moiw~ 111
,;11ppl1•1111•111 lh1• rp n• nn,•s th,11 1h1s
111II \\mild l,1lw 111

,1,11t• d


Student Financial Aid Renewal

New Nurse Named
hy Jeann e M cSha111:
S11ff11IJ.. 1,•1 ,·n l h ,11\tl,·d ,t 111•\\
m,•111!11•1· 11 1 !Ill' 1 1111,,·r:-11\ .. 1. 111
/\ t : ihlu11 1!>. ,111 H \: /\ l rs 1:1t.
hnn~. ,, ,.:1·,11hi.1t•· o f ( :,1r11,•\ I ln, p 1l,1l
111 •)!,III h 1•1 ,·mpln\ 1111•111 111 th ,·
I lo •, dlh I IH1u· !F •J0411111 ll,in•mh,•1

1{111111111• 11wd11;,i\ ,111d 11· .. pi1-.1t11n
prul1l1•111 , h,1\t ' 111 •,•n ,II .111 ,n,'1,1),!t'

1,111• 1111 ..... ,1111• .. lt•r A11nn li 11)! 111
~1, .. c:1hli1111, 1111' flu\'-' ' Suffulk ..



" :,.111111• ,111d , •111 .. r 01111•

111 tl,11h In

,i.w,th•· .. ••"•• .. \\,•l1J..,•111,•111m1r,,i:1·
lht? St11d1"11b \\ hn ,II•· ulu· .. ,· .. J11111ld
lw h,•,1\th 11111" 11111 .. Ill lt ',L!,ttd In
\11,\\• ' llll)J 1111,·,111111,


111 h, •, 1\tlt 111 .. 111 .,111 , . ... ,111111h,•1 duh
I ' hi-., · 111 ,·n
11 1 \Ir,

111111~1• tlw .. 111d••n1" In 1,,1,., lhi .. 111
"-1 11.11111 11, •1 •• 11 .. ,· 11 I.. ,I _l'lll ld pl.111
1h.i1 ,., ,•11 1 II\ •• , .. 1h, · ,111 d,•1II

thr1111J.!h 1lw -.u11111w1 ,.,1 ,tll 1111. ,,111
~IHI\\ ,

Th,· il,11 1111 1.. ,1\ ,111. ,h• · thr, •,·
,t \\1•,·J.. 1111!11• 11111111111),! :\n , ...
,,u .. 11111, . .-.1 ... 1,.., \\!',.1,. 1.1k, •
,uh ,111l,1J.!•' nf 1h,· J li•,1lth I :,•nh•r,


11111,,11• 1,r

Stude nts of the colleges who are currently receiving any forms
of Suffolk University admirustered financial assistance are
reminded that they must pick up renewal applications in the
Dean of Students Office immediately, if they have not already
done so. This group includes students receiving Trustee
Scholarsh1ps, National Direct Student Loa ns, Supplementary
Economic Opportun ity Grants a nd those who are desirous of
renewing their C ollege Work Study Position for the 1976-77
academic year All of these forms must be filed in the Dean of
Students Office by th e end of the Spring semester.

f,11 d11,, ,..
\l,11\ t :,11111,n .. 1·11111\ .. h,·r 1••h
"'Tht• ,11 111,1,;11h1•11• L!o pl,·,l'l,1111, ,11,111,.:
1h, · .. 111d••n1.. f.11 11\h ,ind
,•1111'\,n ,., ,, I h,1\ ,•11·1 lrnmd 11111• ,111
d,•111 lh ,11 I d,..,hJ.., •••·
/\Ir, 1;,ld1111, .. p11,p,1•-. l\\11
,11j,!J,!1' .. llnrl .. hi S11ffnlJ.. .. 111d1•n1, H,•
,1\\,11"1· 11! h, 11o •r1,,11 .. 1,1• 11n1,1!1,1rn ..
,ind \\ 1•1 g h1 1,·.!11, 111111 Hl1111d
111 ,,, .. 111 ,, 1, ·. 11lim.: .. ,II 1• nrg ,•d 111 Ii,·
1.,~. -11 1111 , 1 1,•cul.11 h., .. ,.,
prup1 1,11, • .f11·t ,h,1nld ,'1,11 Ii, •
'-"' 1h11 .. ,· , r.1 .. h ,1t ,,1 ..
\l.11, l,1ht .. ,11, I< '\
,111 lw
lo, ,11o,._I 111 111,· 111·,dth I 1ffu ,. frnlfl
II UI l11 I Ill il.1fh


An Invitation from Mr. H
Enter MAA~~iL~~~~~i;v

The Casa Burrone
185 cu,bf,dge 51'HI 80llOII M in 02114
lne , 110 Ch11le1 The1111I


Introductory Offer
Prese ■ f

this Ad forSl.00 DISCR ■ J IWT




March 19. 1171

SnHofl,; Journal

but there was so much political intrigue-II\ M:1r\'alic:c G u i lford
1,,h11 11,um,· ,t, ... , nh,·, 111., 11,1).!11
, i.i1.t1i1 .. ,d ,,, 11 ,•ri•·n, ,. ,11 ., , .. r1
1111ld r,1.11111,•1,·d ,1111,










1lw.1).!• •• 1I I.' l11 · d1-.,,,,, 1, •,I 1h.1t h,,,
,,t !11-. 1d,nm,1t,·, ,,, .,, hn, h,·d
\t1,, "l"'111!111c p.1 r ,,I h1 .
, hddhnnd Ill ( ••1L11 l11\\ll ll rn,n,•
,d11111! ,, 1th 111 .. l'·H• ·nt-. 1111,• It, ntli,·r
,111d 1111,,,,
\\ 111•1 ,.



•1111 a , •d lo •\1!.1111,1

h,• It,•, ,tlllJ' ,I, l,1,,111.11, nf 1h,




I 111h , •1

J,,.111 ).!


f'.1111, ·J.!••

! ,t,111i•tl ,,,11!...111),! 111 1111' 1•11,nn

.. , .. 11 ,111 ,, .. ,I


).!11,lld \\ Hh ,I

• ... everyone knows
there is no rehabilitation in prison


\l.t-,1,, , , l11•cr1•p 111!-.1111.d \\or!...
! 'I ii
rh,· I ., ( : ummi-,,111111•1

.,nd ll••rnn11.,r ... ,liJ..,, I 1~1 ,1l1.il1h ,Lid
h,1\1' II ,11 f11.,1 11111 ~111111,dlt•r I• ,11111
.. 11 )-!111 l.1111/ 111 p11li111 ,ti
llnun ,· d ,·~,I ,,.., 111 • li.1111,· \\ nt\
'.!'.';,•:•, , n ~•1•:.
;;1\\ 1:;;1,'.~:lr;::~,;;::~
"' .11,c,•1 It,·\,,,., p,11111 ,n .1 p11li111 ,d1
c,1111•· \\ 11h l'' '"l'I• · pl,1, 111~ f 111 .. 1,,1,., •.,
l11~h••f th,111 ,111\Ull•· I 111dd 1111111,,!111•'
I h,· 1 ;,,\ ,·111111 ,•111!111,1,, .. 1,, .dh
1111 , ,,d,,d th,• l•·c1.,l.1r11,• prri),!r,1111
,11111 f.,d,•d 1n Ill\ II• • ,Ill \ I l,•111111 r.11 ..
I +·1,,!1 .. l.111,, • "lllljlllrl \\,I .. I,, .. , ~ .. I
h,1d 111 1 rill Ill' Ill \ .,1,,,·\ ,.., m nrd,•r to
1-!l'I 1h,, l,d\ p,1.,., ,., I
11 \\,I' h,+rd


.,fl,•1 Ii,· 1!1, •r,1lh l1r11~••r1 d111\n
1h,· , 11,1l111r111 /11 •11, ,,,.11 l),•111111 ri11 ..
.11111 k•·puhlu ,111,.

·· ll111 frum !lw h,•,i.:111111n},: I h,,d
',1111\4' .tlll,l),!lllll~llf pri:-.on ),!ll, l r1 I..

It, •

rn11n1h .. II, · 11;111,•rn11r S,1r1wnl l
,.1111 ld h,n, ,l .. n,· ,, 11111t hrr ,,,1,
J \\to11 l,I J..,,,. tlt'lfl'•d him 111
nr• h,,.,1r.11,, 1h1, fur 1lw t,, ,n,.f,r 1 1f
1h,· 111,•1! 1n pr1 .. 11n .inti 1h,•1 r
l.1111111, ,., I ,,,n rld h,111• hk"<I In 'i,I\
th,11 I 1,,1111 1,, l,!11 un In ,1no!hf'r 1111! nr


1,.. lu Ill\



1h,•r• · \\,,., "" mn, h
,h,. , h ,1d 111 h,n.., m \
n .. 1 k ,rnd 1lw, h,1d In 11,. ,tr,11n ,1t11
!-,11 l h ,,d 1, 1 h,• ,,.,.,,i-.i.1n,111•,I Th,.,
1111 1

,,, pul




111,u k
rh, ,
111 ,

,;1•\• •i 1111r 1111\n

11011,m 11f

1,1\\,1nl-. rh,•


., nwn1,1l 1n-.111111tun Ourin~ m) lul

, ,•,1r .1 .. n1mrn1ss'innPr I spenl S34
mdlmn in \\"nlrole on rrison .1'Ua rd1n1.1
\lodolk on prison 1i1un rd ing.

Pn•.,ul,•111 ,
I ~.111 ., C111nm1-.s1un
,ind 1h;1J I :nmrn .. um prnnll ii lo

md "1m•• r:1,•,m~

J,?t1,1rd I htt 1hr hPadlinr.s hecause I
\,,1.!. lqrnJ,! 10 ),!el a mrnnri1~ rccrui1-·

rn1•nt prn)lr,1m j!'otn)i!
l'h,,,.,, pt•nplt• do n·, \,,ml hlack
p,·upl,· 10 ''""r~ 1n pnsnns The) 1us1
\\,tnl 1h,•m m 1msnn ,;o 1hr) can
\..,·,·p 1twm ,ind m.1k,• monr~ So $34
m11l1t1n \\1•n1 d,mn th,• drain - half
nf • lh,11 c 1111lil h,n f' hrrn in core

1',111 , ._ Ill +'\ •'I \ Ill
II, · 11111\1•d up ,111,I
.111 ,1d1111111 .. 11 ,11,11- ,, h,·n
\IJ.1111 ,1 \\, I" "•')-!I •'C,11+•+1 I I, • .. 11p1•1
\ 1.. ,-1 ! ., .. ,.,It ,,I 1-1 \\h11,• 11,·r.,,,11., ,ind
.. 11, • hJ.11"
,r1,•1 1 t \ 1',n .. 111 1h,·
\1l.1111 ,1 I , ·, l, •1,d Pr,.,1111 h,· \\,I'•
lr, 111.,f,•11,•rl
I \\•'nl 1111 ,,. I ,·rr ,. I l.1111! • In •
111,111,1 .111111 \,,,,. 1h-.u11-.1,•d lw1 ,,n._ ,,
1' \ • ' I \ 11111•
\..1111\\ ._ th Pl+ ' I., 1111
1,•h,d1d11.111 ,111 111 p1,.,n11 111 l,•ri, •
I l.1111!• \\I' h.111 , 1 Ill'\\ 1,1\\ ,,h,,,,. ~•HI
'1111hl ,•,i.•nd !Ill' 1111111:,, nr lh, • pnMHl
1h11 I,,.,., ,11n,11,•d
I nndd11 ' 1
rrr,d ,I h,111tHul uf 1nhs fnr 1d1111·-.


Sum,•rn llr \\hf'rl' ,\ lol o,.
1.r1111111,.i., , unw frnm - in South
011,11111 \\ lwri· 1h,-rr ,s ,1101 of crime .

S111 1,d f11rtP'> r.,111se crime in
-; u,r,• ntws ,1m11n.1,1 clisadvnnlajiled
{ 11.1•upli•
hlads ,rnd 1>oor \\ hales
..; ;\u m,111n hO\(' mu ch you hnte a
.! \\hllt' pnson in South Boslon o r a
i3 \\ h111• p1•r.,11n in Soulh BO'llon hales
"J ,t lil ,111 p,•rsun lhe same forces
~ 1 um,• tl1mn on them , anct ifs just
tnn d,1mnt>cl bad the) can·1 see it."
In J111w l'li-1 , lohn Boone hecamc


John Boone , former corrections commlulon er
hn1•,-. 111 1h,•s,· pn'>nn'>
lnu)!hl m,· llrn1n,· qutl 1,·rr,· I l,1111, • rlw pn-.11n 111111111 lt•,,d,•r"i I ••>.
p1•1.1i·d 1h,11
I duln ' t 1,nrn ,1h11ut
'I It' 1hn11)!hl I \\,1-..r,•spuns1hlt• tu
.111d I ,•111111,•11 h• ;\ll,1111.1 11,·
lh,11 ,\II I 1w.-d1•d ,,,,:-. !h1· ~uppurt th,• ,11lm1m-.1r,ll111n "h1c:h lw
1,•111,11111•1 1 1h , ·n• 11111 11 h, • n•1.1•1, ,•1l ,1
,,f 1111' 1:11\'1•r1111r
I,,,,., r1r,•cl -.n111,•1h111J,! ,1l1nu,•th1•r diTf+•rf'nl ,1n1l
, ,di tn ,l,!tl 111 1.nnlnn 111 \Vas h11i),!l1t11 ,
111•1 .,111 .. ,• 1111• c;m1•rm1r 1:1,1111 1 not ,d111.1,1+'lh,•r wrnnl,/ Thi' Cmf'rnor
·' Th ,11.,.. \,h,•11 I n•,1II~ -.1.1111•11 m, .. uppnrl m,• 111 hnn),!1n.1-: 1h11-.,• ),!11,1rd., r1•,1lh d11\ nnl ~nu\\ \\h,11 11 mf',lnl
11nd1•r, 1111tr11I ti,• ,,,,., runlllll),! fnr
h '1• \\ ,,ni.•tl r,•rorm .•ind IH•
IIHlll\,lll\t' \\llr~ hll h\11 \t •,\f', I
11H1n• ,tnd ,,111 ilnn ' I pl,11 \\llh 11,il 1h1111J,?hl h,• uuil d .W•'I rt•fnrm l'rn
l1n111gh1 1h,· 111,11,,1,· 1111 l1t'l\\1 •1•n
,,,rv11.1• 111 \ l,1~/oo,11;h11.,,•11~
\1f1i•r , h,11\_1,1.1• h,•1.,,u._,, ,nu r;1n I
,nu 1,111 · 1 fi, ttwm
' I h,11 1 lh,• -.upJl<H"I ur 1h,• lhrt•1111r r,•lnrm
. . ·. you don't play
.11111 \l,l\11r 111 1h,· IJ1,1r11 :1 l"h.i1 .., (pri~un., I 11p. ,mil I \\,1.,11·1 ,1h1•r ,l,!r'I•
\\II\ I \\,\', ,t hh•. ,I .. ,1 :-OUJll'llllh•II · 11 n),! ,1111 or th~• 11r1 .. ,111 hu .. rn,•s, "' l'r •
with civil service
,l , -111 , 111 d u \\1 11 ,rnd ilo wh,11 ",1-. 1111-fhr I \\,,., ),!llllll.! lo dns1• -.umr
r 1,L.1h t 11,·ri· . 1lw\ !).!11(1fd:-.I ,trut.J.. pn.,on .. ··
in Massachusetts
•mun ,1fh •r I ,u·rn,•il , ,11111 I ,11~p1•nd ·
ll 1111111' 1.u11 lt! h,11 ,. 1 \11.,l'tl \V,dpol,•
1111111• gu,1r1t .. ,1111! lil.u. ~ pt1.,11111•r., 1•d ~11111 ,• uf 1h,•m Thr .,,,nm,I lim,· 111 "" 1111111l h., .,ml \\,I., ),!olll),! lo do 11
I h,111 ,1,i.:u,inl 111111111 ln1IP ,1I \,11h 1h1•\ \\,dk,•d 0111
I \\,1-. ),!11111,1,! to, •· 1 h,111 .1 P,,rnl,· H11,1nl A P,1rnlt•
111 I} l : T iu •, 1,·.,n· 111').:111111,•d ~fi •
,•nrun •. IIIUl"I' tlr,1:.:111. d1M:1phn,·
li11,lnl ,., .1rl111r.ir1 You, .in p,trult·
nl ti,,, gn anl ~ \\l'rt' \\ lull' I ,·~·
" Th1·:.:,• ,tr ,• 111111• hidd1•n t•mp1 n •:-.
1111,, 111,111 .111111111'1 nr ,nu Cilll pnrol,~
1.1hll-.h1•d ,1 n•l.1111111:-.tup "1 1h 1h,·
\V, d1'1 1l1• 11pn,11t-~ \\tlh111 il:.:1 1f ,,11h Hllf' h1111dn•d ,I mnnth l)11r1n)r,! th,•
llllllJII \1 •, 111,·r 11,· \\,I .. ,Ill h1m1·~t 1,:11\
.1 l111 nf I urruplrnn
'\!nrfolk \\ilh ,'\ f,r-.1 11•,1r \1h1•n !h,·M' 11ri!-1ms \\l'rt•
.1ml p,.,1 \\ ,1nll·d to 1•n,1h h• h,-. 111•0
lul .. r 1
:11rr11pt111n 1\II or Kwm ,1r,• 1t\l'rt'. rt1\,d1•1I. ,1lm11., , 1,500 mrn ,md
pl,· 111 du., f.11rl~ ).!11111 1 1011 11111 111 111r111 111 I \\,1~n ·1 h 1•r,• 111 h11-.1 11111 \,01111 •11 \\1•ri• n•l,•,1~1•d frnm th,•
:!,ll!IU uppurll1111111,., 111 th, · t 1111111 111111
1111-r11111 1,m1111•r11 1gh1 I \\,JS ):tllll),! 11 1 pri:-.on -.~slt•m II\ p,1rul1•
I\ nnh :.!Ii 111•11p l1• 1'M ,, p.,d Ill h\u
d11 II II\ 1,;lt',1 1111,1,! ~11 1111• llllt•):rtl\ Ill
\1',lt', ·• 11 1Hlfll' \\,I .... 111pp,•d h,•1,11, ....
p1·rf11rm,11J1 1· ,., ,1l11 ,11111n, ,ind Mtm,·
··T Jw1 ,. \\ ., .. 11111!1111,L! h,1pp,•mn)!
"1,11n \\,1111,•d iu n•d111 ,, 1 nm, · 011 ,1,1111111 .. upt·n 1.-. 11111 I ,1,1u1 rt,,, ,l,!nod fur 1h,•1n 111 prt.,1111 ,Hl\\\,I~ (;4•1
1h,• 1l1,1111 1 111 • 1\,1-. q111111n): 111 .. '11 1)1 '1\ l'lllll ,II 1'\t'I\ Jlrl"111
th,•111 11111
g,•1 1h,•111 "lnnw 10h, I
11,,.,, ,1 1 l,1,nlun 1,h,•11 E, .1;111,•11u11
··,\1 \\,dpul, • tlw ,i.:11,1rd .. h,,d ,1 1hd \\' h,11 ,._ 111111,• 11•1r1,1rk.1hlt• lh,111
S,1rg1•111 ,d1,•r hP,lrlllJ,! uf Ju., 111
p,1, t •. TIii' l11•, 1d 11f 1h,• gu, inl 111111111 rh.11 . th1• r,11.• ,tf r1•111rn jn•r ,•nth
1111\,111\l' \\1111,.. , l',~1 •1! illlll 111 I 111111' \\••nl '" 11t,, t;u,,•rn111 ,,nd r ..
,1111 01111•n1 .. t11 .-. ,1h11111 :!!
nn th,·
111 11 .... 1,,11
'1111•-.i,•d 111111 In 1•11h ,•1 .,,r,11,1.!111,•11 ,1\1•r.t),!1•
\\',, \11•r,· d111n,I,! "111111'·
" I I ,1111,• 111•1 .111 .. , • 111• h ,111 ., :-,,, I :111111111-.M1111,• r l l1HHh' 111 11 111 f,11 ,, 1h111)-! 1,du 1h1•n
1'111111 l 'l,111 f,11 1,•lrn 111 I 11 • .,,11,l
Iii,•! 111l', 1'1jlll'rll , ,, of ,Hl"'\\ 1'rtlH/ Ill
lh,·n· \,,,~ ,1111,1 h,•r f,11.1111 fnr
,Wt/llUIIIIII \\ I}!•'" rm pl 1'11111'1 ._ ,IIHf
,di .. ,.,11 , 1•111pli" ,., ... tl111 IIIJ,! 111 .. I ,1111
ll 111111,• " I in .. 1<it 1111 ,in 11111·11 llll'tli,1
t •.1~• •·•• \\ 1th 1h,11 r 11•,11 I\
p.11,.m 1111 , ,. 1•11•1 111111
pnl11, I 1,u n\d 11111 1111 \\h,111h1•, ,11,•
\\h,·lh 1•1 \1111 ,, . Ill jlll',111\ Il l 11111
1!1 111111• \\,I', up ,l~,1111',I ,1 "1111111.!
dmng 11111, l"h,• 111,·d1.11 ,111· 1 gt•I 11110
\ 1111 1,
\'UIIIJ! !11 l'lll',11• ' 11\llltltllllll
J,!H,11,I 111111111 th,11 , nuld 111,,1,., ,
1,n .. 111i-. r,,11.11 1 .. ,1111 \\ht•l lwr 1lwri•
1,.1~1- .. 11,· ,d .. 11 \\,1111,•d 1111• .,,1111,
1!111•, 11 .. ,111.t 111 .. 11\\11 \ 1"11111!1\
1-. p,•,11 I' nr h11-.1d111 11·1 1lw n1t•1h,1 111
J...111d 111 1,·I,•.,.,,. 11pp11111111t111 •., 1111 ,., 1•1, 111111• Ir,· 11111•11,•.t tu .. m11111h . 11.,, 11111t,., .. 1h1·1,· ,., 11nml'd1,d1• d,,n,l,!• •r
\1, ,.,.,.11111, .. , ,11 ., I t1.11I 111·,·11 11 ,
,11,il th1•1 \\ntdd ~?!'I hurl 11r 1 ,111'1'
~1,1111• 11
"'~"· ,.... , •.1.11 .. 11 m 1h, · 111-.1111 I ,,I
., .. 111, •1111, · ,.,.,,. 111 l-!l'I hurl
I 11l,111,h1o1 I 1h111
,~ht I h.111 lh,· "I 'll
l••c,1U... "111·,,~111),! 1111 th,· 1;1 ,11 •1 m,1
\I 1t•1 linnn,· .. I :11rn1111., .. 111n ,•nd
p1111 11ul .,,;h nf 11,, , l,11\1• 111111 h111
Jh,, 0111' tl11nc I n•l.!•• •I \\,1., th.11 h, · ,•1 1 h, • 11, ·1 ,1111 , • ,1 \ , .. 11111)! 1'1111,--.-., ,r
111 ,1 Int nl 111•u1d,•
k, ·pnhlu .111-. 11 1111d h,1\I' lwld 11111 frn l\\11 1111111• ,II 1\11 .. 1,111 I 111\t' f111 11111• 11•,1r

lil,11 .~..


. .. They had to put
me on the
chopping block
Ttw, dnn·1 Mrn \\an1 a hlack


., ,1111llnt1


to r-



111 .. ll..l\ Sidi• · \\,, .. th ,•
f11 .. 1 ld.11 ~ p11 .. 011 c11.11d 111 1h,·
\tl.1111., I ,·d ,·1,1\ 1'11.,1111
I ,ltd
•'\ ,., \ 1h111_c
I \\ ,·1 11 1111 tli,· T ttlt<J
,111tl h.1d '" f 1cl11 I ' \ l ' I \ .,1,.1' til 1h,·


s1 11111 n.1r on

~nm\ 1h,11

I :,,11, ·• 11111\', 111



,1r,• .. u ~ Th,,. n n.. rnn S1ranJ,1lt•r died
,11 \\ ,, \pnlt• 111• ,houhl hnvf' rhed in

ri•.,1u1n,d11hh ''"·'" 1rn1
r:o\1 1rnor.,h1p ur th1 •

snnw rlu nj,! J.!Ond

1t•,11. h1•-.

· 'Tlw p1>uph• , 1111 <;C(' m prisons

,n1n~n •·



,, ., 11,,11,il -t h.tn1w .ti Cl.irk I 1m\'Pr51·
h 111 .. 1h1•nn 1, 1h1• ,\hollltffl\ of
pri., .. n., · 1 ti,,11.-,·1• th<'~ shoutd-'hc
,thnli"'h"d 'I'm n111 1,1lktn!l ahout
111 ,•rm)-!ht
I lwl11°,·1• 1ha1 thi\rt• are
111,1m 111 •upl1• ,, ho nrf'rl In ~ conr.1111,•d ,1•1·1 ir(•il nr l0Cked up. Im!
nol n1•u"•i<1,1rih m prison -'

111111111 -.




: ~•;~l•:•, l': ~\: ;' t\'a'.i:t:l.. 1~~l: :

1h,~ llirN;lnr

ur lJ rhan Affairs at

Ch.1nn,•l ; I hs plush. wall-10-wall
c .irp,•t,,d office in lhe R K.O
hmldm1o1 rt'vP,11s nonP o f the past
,• 11111111111~\ c; lr,11n imposed on him by
1tw pulilic,11 h,1\UC ,,hich surround•·tl him in tht• p,1s1 A c ranhe rr~colun•d 111rllPnrd .ind checke r ed
-.porl 1,11 ~"I ,Hi d 10 hie; cilsual a nd

... Get them out,
get them
some jobs•
n•l,11<,•tl rn,1nn1•r
· I h,• m,•d1,1 \\urks to m,untain
dom,•'i-ln. o rder for poo r people, espr1;i,1II~ hl,1ck pf'nple I'm here. of
1 ur,;1• . 111 rlo ,1 little ,1 Hirma1i ve ac~
1111n hut not so much affir mali ve
,If 111m h,•1 ,111sc I ,..,ant to he sure we
h,1,1• ,in h11n1•st aH1rmillive ac tion
pru.1,1r.1m ,in,1 \\(' s lrongl) pursue
uur nhif•Lli\'f'S \\'e turn on 400.000
11,•up l,• 1n nn,• show - pror,:ra mm1n.1,1 , im,1,w1•-m,1kin).! - a nd try 10
L!•'I ,1:ruups unrl inrlivirluals in the
i:11mm11nih 1,1 rnak,• lw11e r use o f


1h1-. 1111111•rrul nwriin

" lh1•n• ,tr" a lnl


prohlems a nd
lhrn,ws J,!Om_w on in urlmn

,ir,•,1:-. 1h,11 T \ -.1,1t1tm.!o ou,whl 10 do
ho 11i·r \\ 11h ,tnd -.harprn 1h1•1r 1 ls
In d,•,d \\llh l"m 1.alkin_w ,thoul all

\..inti-, of p1•npl1




,1li,•n,11t•d. 1h,• 11nh1•r,1htt-cl - lhe
1u•1111l1• ,nu 11011 · 1 h,•,lr rrum loo

B,11111 1• ,~ tH'lpin,1,1 1t1 cl1•n•lt1p ,1
-.111111c,•r prn,1,!r,1111 m r,•l,11iun to !ht"'
mh,111 ,.ummumh I II' ,,url.:. on the
,•11111111,tl hn,1r1l ,11111 tln1•-. r:nmmf'n•
1,111,,., " I h,1,1•n ·11l111w ,1n\th1111,1 in
I :11111111111•1I fill P,11,t1• 12


!\fan 11 19 , 197fi


don't look a gift horse
in the eyes------b y Boh Rea rrlnn
I ,1,1 \,, ,,, 1,. .1 l<u,.,.,111 lr,1\, l,•1 \,,1,
un ( ;,,11riw, 1! ,rn l. \\ 11h , Ill ii
1,•~,d 1,111 h 111 hll p11und-. 111 l11h,1t•r
l'h, , ,l11p :\nl1111 I .unm,,1,11•• 1, 111
dndn1 I,. ,rnd 1h,• , 1 , • \, ,, tll !,, .
,1 ll11\\ .. d , 1 furlnu)r,!h
!Inn , ~l.1tnwlad11, ,ind I nruJ ,ul ,•
\.,1,1h Z,1111,111,h h,111 h1•,11tl ,1 ~r,•,tl
d,,,d .dm111 Hn,1011 '1- f.11111111 !- ,1~!11!',
·1 h,· p,111 ,1111\11•d dm,n (:rmmwn 1,il
1\\ • ·
111 hnpt>, uf f1nd111),! -.,1111,•
J\1111"11, , 111 \,und,,,,
11111 1, 1 •·m, ·mlwr ,•d ,I ,tnn i.dd In
lum jJ, hi-. l, 11!,,,1 .,;,h,•11 h, • ,,,1, h111
,1~,11~'1fr11,,111)! 11p rn I ,•11111),!r,111 !lo •
h.ul ,, .... ,. "h,,,,. l',1111 Jt, ,,,., ,,
-.111,1,1l•· h,11111, ·,\ I\ ,,,,,r1hn•\\ th,· ,·11
1111 • lln11 ,h l·.111p1r, · Bur 1, 1,·d \.11,\11





111 i,1•, 11,h 1if'"Ht •\ •'l t' '

l,11111, •

\.11,111. ~•· 11111,tn
lune 1101 , .. ,,.11111 •11

' \\ h,


Pa,ce 7

Suffull. Journal







1111, ....

.. , 1111 l,.1 111\\

, l\\,t \


I tlun 1 l. 1111\\ \\h, 11 ,1111 r,·!
,1h11111 I 1111111.
h,•,•n ,,r th,·

,1111, ,,

\1 1111,. ,1

I_ _ \


'" , \'t " Im \\11rr11•d ( .nmr,11\1•
l.1,1 ,,.,11 .,n d ti,,



h , ·1 ••

11, •, •·t rn,1d,· II h, 11 ,i..:._•1 h,•,1rfli lrnm
,n 1111• l\r, ·ml , n 1h.1r
\111,•1 LI ,Ill'> Iii,.,, In fdl H11"1,111, \\1th
11 1)! :,.1,.,, ,ind 11!,11 11 ~n• "111
I ;ultl,•n \11 Ji,.,
111111 r h,, , t fuul Bnri, Th ,, ,
,,111il dr 1 1 cl ,11, •
\.11.1h ,,ud II, •
\\, I'll 1 ,.., -.i 11• · ,1, h,· ,,,1n1,•d 111 lw
J \\,tlll 111 )!II h ,11 I. , 1111 l,.11 11\\
"h,11 th,. , ,,1, ,1l1111 11 -\m1• r11 ,,n
ll 11r1, \\•ff lll' fl
· It ,1111 li.•li ,,, ,, !h ,11 1!111 1, ,nu
,h111dd h,, ,,,111 It) P, •l.111~ "1th 11
111 111, p, •1,d 1n
.., uld,·d hnn
\\ •·II I d1111 I I , II t• I ,1111 r,,11 \lll lh \!
lo, li11,~ , ,1 HI ii' 11 f 1h11,1• l '. .1p11,.i ... 11,
, 1111 .. , I h, -, JI • rn1 111 •,riur ,, ,,r. ,HHI
1,,.,1 1!11nc \.nu l,.1111\\ ,,111 ,11,• ,,.,11nc
,, ppl, 11:,•, ,1 ppHH! h,•,-1 ,111.!
\\, 111 h1n)! 1.. 11111,dl I h ,•\ \!• •I 111c ,rnd
Li! .111d l.!O c.. l11t1\! 'I th1<· •· 11111•'' ,l
"''''" ,ind \\o1l1 h B 111,1, •111•r,,!'o .ill
,1,1\ I \\,1111 In )!11 h nn11• \.u,1h
,11111,•11 11 1•




I ~


""Ir ...



..... 1


rh,' found Rf'\ l'fl ' ._ hntl\f' t-ri11
,,,,.n rul 1h111
11,1h1 th + (I,,, uli·d 11
It, • h1•11t•r if 1h1•\ 1111\n t )to 111
lion, ,1111 ! ,n.ih l11111.Pt , II\ Pr 1h,•1r
,hnuld ,•r,;; ,I" 1f -.um1•11n1• 1111,11ht h.1,1•

1111 ,t

1111 \!hl

a; lopsided, red-painted valentine--lw l.1~!l lit· Miloff
I .Ill ,d .. 1 lh , ·


1111111 \\, .I•'

, 11111111.: 11111 ,1 h ,·,11 I f111 \ ,d, •1111 11,• ,
I ),1 \

I .Ill ,d111lj! 111'·


Jnl111.., ,:,11 , 111ll11" .. 1h,, lin,·, .. 1
th, · I ,·d1111!
I ,1111,· ,.,, lnhn i '•11 1h,· 1•.ip,·1
S.rn,h ", 1, ,1r1o • pu-.111', h,•1 lrm\!
hl und,· h,11r h,•h111tl h,·r ,h1111ltl, •1 ,1-.
-. lw \\,111, fnr 1111111 ', r,•.-. p1111,,• 11,•r
\Ult• ' " f11Tll 11111 !J,1111'111
• t '.111 ,tl, 111~ 1h .. lull · , 1111 II 111.,k1 · ,1
\,11,·nlllh ' 111,1

In,,, lh1,.,


luhn 1t11 n, 111, \.!,I.ft ' tu S,t111h ,rnd
.!ip,•,1k, ,l,ml,
hum ,• 1111111\
l-, ,uuh h"n1l, 1 !11,1•1 Ill turn 111 •
m,11 111,1111 h1, 1 on• ,·n lr,1111111 ,11HI
.;,,, ,

\. 11


Y1111 r, · nut


hm n,·r1111m \\h,·n• ,u,• ,,111'
1,1h11, m,·.uul,• 11111.1 c,,,.,. n •111rn,
In lh" 1 ,•1 hm.!


t•· in ., , h,lilr,•n·, ri •h,,l11h •


h,l\t ' \11"7 h,

t' ll


ll u\,


\\1• ,· k,
h•· '"'' ,I .. h•·
turn , f.u1h•1 ,1\\,I\ hum ",,111 ch
\.1 !111 n
'-; ,111,h ., I\, ,., ••nh
turnllh! !11" ~1•1111\ m h,, -.,h,·t•l
ch,111 1n111 h,• f,1, ,. , h1•r ,Hf.iHl

h, , ,11 h••r• • f,,r "" " ,,.,,,
Jnlin I , k\ ,t i hr•r \\ 1th n11 ••'l:pri•,

.. , 1111 , .

~ •. ,,

,. , ·r ,_ l,n ,, ., ,,11 ·ti,- ,.,,p ••r
John' I ..i· , 1 • ,, ,tf,,r1~ •~•· ltn1 f,,,


I h, ,/,1, .., hu,d 1.-.,, h,,., hd1h,·n
tllll)! d1,,1!11lit1o•, "' , ,1rin•:,
,11-.nrtl,• 1, \\ h11 ,11,· 11111, ,·I
1,q1.dd,· ,d p.11111 11,,i11nc 111 1111
l'ul,lu ..,Jiuu\ ,\,lt·lll lh1•\ ,II•' I'"•'
11•"' .,,,1,_ 111c 1,,1 1h1•11 , 1.,,.,, .., .,n,I
rh,· 11.,1\-. H• !dl,•.t ·., 1th -.1111hnl'
-.1\111111111.1 1 hildr,·n ~,,m,· 11! flwm
h.1,,· , ,,1,·hr.d l'· ' I" . 11111 .,1,• 111
,,h,,,,\, h,11r, 11r on, r111t h,,, \ I,·\,
,1r1 \\t',ITIIHI fnulh,dl h,·lnwt,; In

pr11h•1.l 1h1•1r l,,, ,1,I, 111 • ,,..,, •tf .,n
,·ptl••plP .,,,1:111,
!-- ,1n,h 1,1 , . ., 1h,,·,• •·I••• 111,
1,11••\\ r1h•r, fr,1111 ,1 h,111, 1,, .. ,., ,1111\
\\llh 11•,ll

,.111 .. 111111,tl

c~ ~

__=- :==::::::::=..__


l" I .., .,. Ill 1111, fll• lt1J.•

\n ,11q,l. 1n , • 1J1n, ,tll "'·••r:-.
t It... \ n ,11q,l.111 ,· l., •t., hJ11' 1h,
nt,•nr •·
I ..,,,. ,tn ,111 pl.1th ' "ih••
\\rlllll\! iii,· ... ,1111•111 ,, 1n•,·n

111 h,1II ,11 linn r
, ,.,11111,1 \\lltn,111
,•nk l' 1h, 1 ,,if,•11•n,1 ,111111,•lb :-,,1mh
th.11 11 1-.. 11111,• fur 1h,· , h1lilr1•n,
, , ., ,.,., 1-'r,111\,,1, · \!'''" 1111 ,1111I .It"'''
,,.,., 111 K.11h,
I ,,HIii.' "" l\ ,irh, 11 "i 11111•' hi 1,lll
h,· '·" ,1, h •· ,,h ,·,·1, h,• r ,,,11 ,ii th•

1,1f•· l• •r1,1

Sh,1\\11 ~,.inti, 111, ,1111I l',•,1ntr;

;,';!::;,:il 1


,iv,i;~;'11~~;·/:':!:: ~•~,,:
I II lw ,di

lw .,,fH lifl111)t hi~
11\l'l,d , 11111 h, .., from tht> flour
1l11J1 I fi1n.!••I \llllf p,,p ,•r s.11111 ,
.,\ .. t.,•lp1nv him 111 ti,,1,111111111,•r
h1, rh11m!,
fl/ I'd rn··.••1 f11ow1 11,,11
,,,. , ,m,lmlo! tu, .. 11lh
I h•• h,,11, .,11· •r11 •·l •·1 n,, •., •• ,th
th•· , h1l,lr1·11 ,n ,~,,,u , l,,,....,,,,,m, ,,,
, ,•,u!, f, ,1 ,,.r,,,.,
11., •liff1r•Jl1 f,ir H,,. \ 1d1 ,,. 111
, r •r,1'•- 1n it••· , ,,f 1•'•·11o1 .•.1•t it I

~•, ·,, , 1r ,! • ,1 11,

,t.,- ,,rd, n,,,n

•. ul.,1.1,


lJ ,K ~, ..

1 ;!

f ,nd-. ,.,, ,.,

IIN•n fullm, m,ll 1bem The) smelled
lm•,111 h,1km.w anrt p1n a huhhlin.R ,
th,,, f1•lt ,I ,znawin.R 1n thPt r
-.111111,u.h-. Thi•, h,1cl onl) 40 kopPk.S
,1ml 1h1~, \-.t•rt• nu1 JII 1h,11 '1 ,1u· what
,1_ ko111•k ,:nu ld hm
\ ,,n inlo! ,.,11man husllf!<I down
I l,1n m,•r SI h,, r a rm 'I full of Jo rdan
\<i h hm,1•~ .inti hlf'n1•!'o hajiil!S She
du! not •"-'''' tlw l\\o Russians and
,1niclrn1,1II , sh1• hm,IPd into Bon'I
I m •to r t\ ,h1• satrl
Bur i•. ,,a!! ,1hou1 ri•,uh to run for
11. liul 1h,· ,uun.w \\ Oma n\ lonJ< cl a rk
h,ur r;,rn)r,! hl his rH: He looked at
hnt• \\1th 11p rm,i f Pve r hurn1n~over
h1~ lul1h I Ii! 'I:}\\ h1m!!elr l'1 lh~
rdl,•1.1111n 11 f h••t !e,noknl b)'~• 11-:
1ma)!1n1•d h1, rou~h S "ld hand•
hvldm.11 hn 1mdll aim on•• IJ1t fell
mailh m 10\t' wilh hn Noah had

th•· ,·Jmt• .-11,11.k nf lh,. Amnican
H11r1 ) I don I "',1nl 111 11;•1 !,ad: If,
t tw ~hip ',11. ,h ,,ud
h•• h,·l1wiJ


"'um;1n tn1th h•Jr lrnndJ,.,.
Sh•• 1m 1l1•1l ar him ll t:t fhp1'4jd
Th•· .1m I ha1i her 1,adutNt:• ,n h.,r
,1rm• and w.i1 r,n h••r WM)' ru1,.,.

1h1• \huu~

lifir1, anrl No-h 1,.,,lu;,t ,,t
1•,1r.h n1h ••1 i.u•pu 1hu11l y ~r,ah "tint
h, f11llr11.\ th•· w1 rl 1ml a mti:1.-al i,t1p
, ,,11 ~h t h111 ,houltl•:r .. rul h••lrt hun


''''" ,,1

m •·


~,lwr1,1n r,1-'",1·



-i,lat )' 1 /UI

._,_ ,.-,a,n,,,1


<,ti,- t,ump•·tl 1n1,, m•• f ,11t4 rtl,.
.t fi11I 11,1;111,r -.;1,.,h

H rn111111;, 1d ,,...,1h



TI1•• l~111•m J,..JIH 1· hn ,,11:, t,r,, ....
•111 lh•· ,._,.,, k ,a\1 o1n,



hl"'I lt k•• th" "4"11t1Mtpp1
,,~tj •
,t .. ,k .. 111•'1 fi li:.1• ilff ~dtptM-


·r h••lf

1., .•• , ltt,rn•·rl ,,.,J "' th ..
u ► ,,f <.mnm.,,d .. ,

,,rr.. l,H IH'·'

' ' ·")

twd ..,. ., llltlflhf"d 1n , ►.... .,


- - - ·sports- -- - - 1

Rams eliminated in
1st round
''" 1•p111111 11 f l. 1111,· 1\111,, l11pp, •d 111
,,1111 111 p111111.., f11 1 0111, ,, f,, ...,hm,111
,11111 h,.,
1!111r11t•, •''lil'rt,·ru ,,
,in d ).!••I.._ rn, 1111,, fot H1111J..1, • nf lhl'
Y1•.i1 111 th,• d1 \ ,..,11111
1'1111 l,unu•d l .. 111
\\'h,111111111• 1,111
I ,.11· 1 Th.11 f1r'II h,1lf n•,ilh J..dl1•d
11<, Tn,n,I,! 1 m,1J..1> 11p Iii p, ,1111 ... 1, , ,
1 , . , , 11111,: h 1,,.,1,. rnd, ,,•d 1111 1 11 \\ ,1,
,,111111,1 ,l,11w S\11 1 ,i. ,..,,,n ,·, 1 th,·
11 Ill I h• ·~ pl ,1~ Pd 1\111 h,1h ,,., of
,J....i l1,dl ,,, , nnh pl.11,•d on,,
F11 ll m1 Ill)! 1~11,• 111 fnrm 1111 th,11

f, ,..,,.







' \n, on, ·



~I \ •'II


,Ill Ii,,,,,
iJ,!h I

1d t> rll ,. nor 1111h

t :Pr..,,1, 1 -.

Ma rch II, 117f

Su Hol k Journal


\\ ,,..,

11111 '

11 rlw H,1111 ... ~

,.1111!1 11111,,11,1 11

h1 11


111h,·r r11 ,11d1 ,,,. ,11•11
l ,1•d 111 ..,,,1,•11 fnnl , 1'1\11• 1 C'.,1rl11
I), , I 11111111,1~11 I.'. I pu111 l 'I
r,,hu1111d ... ) l{h,111, , 1.., 1,11~d r:oll,•µ1•
'1 1 J..i•d s1•1 011d .,,, ,•d Ho<lun St,111• .
HI fn Su ,, -. 1111\1 dm, n fur ll 11,11111
s upr1·111 ,1c1 hl'I\\ 1· ,·11 Suffoll,. ,ind
Sl ,11• • lun l,. pl,u"
1h11 11 11 ,,..,11 ·1 ,uppu..,,•tl In •·rnl ►h1-.
1,.1, 1111 • l(,1111, ,uu l \\',1rr11,r .... II\
f.11 11,,, 1\\11 mw, I l,1li•111, •d duh, 1n
th,· 1nurn,1111 Pnl •.-. h1111ld h,1\ ,, l11 •1•n

Reserve Clause


1111h ..,,111, 1111, · fnr ,111 \I!·\ , lam,
l',11 lh dll l:!4 p111111, H-ho ,1 nl-.1
[ultn 111111 ,,rd 1.:11 [lnn/11, 111 11111{1
I Ill p,11111,
H 1,•l1n11nd,1
I ,111111.., 11 ·, p111111, H-1 .1rnr11,1 ,1111 1
Buhh, H,•n,1r,, 11 4 1 111).!hlal.!ht,·d th, ·
M,1m, .,ff,,n ... 11 • • ,·,p 111-.11,r1
I ,11 h1 1/ 1+• \\,I\ 111 1h1• 1, ..... , ).!,11111'
11f 1h1• 11111rr1.11111 •11r RIC d ,,f1•,111•d
S\1 11 H'I-H qn ,I l,t.,1-,N:ond 111-fout
111.,r fnn1,1nl c·,,..,,tr

hy Jeff Clay
·1 h,· II•'\\' 11111 uf Fl11r1rl.1 ktif'ps
dnf11n)..! Ill rh,• pl,l\l'r'- .~rt"' -. 1111
n1 ''-!n l1 ,tllll)I \\ 11 h thl' 1111 n1•r-. Sprin)l
lr,11n1n)l h,1 , ,,, 111 ,i, •1 uncll'r\\,I\
Th,• pL1, .,r, ",tnl lht• r1 ..,,,n•1•
1 l.111.,., fwh11 h hind,; 1h,·m w 1h1•
,,1m1• 1,•,11111 hrr1J..,•n fh,• 11\\lll' r-.
, l,11111 1h,11 1l11 .. \\111 dd , r,•,11,, ch11w1
!Ju• 1r11r11 ur 1h,· •ulU,IIIOll IS th,t l 1f
1h,· pl.11 ,,r.., ,w1 11 h,11 th,,, 11.1111.
l',Ll11m,•q11, · ll,•! 111nm.i-.1• rh ,· th,•1 ,,, th •• ~n,·-. \,h11 \\tll ~li'I hurl
!1111r,11•1 ·., i\ l \ I' ,,•11 l'I p111111, ,n 1h,· 11111 ... r S1 r,•. th• • 'llllwr,1a rs will
111• ,,Iii,~ In pl I furt\almus l ,1111 lf'iinl
1h,· .,.,,nn d h.1 U fnr 1111• \m h11rnwn
,dl" r -.i lllll).! 11111 ,ilmus l lh• · 1
•n11ri• tho•, I\ ,1111 , (Id fn st'>vt'n• h)lure
1.nntr,wl it But l'hll!!.:_ ,1r:,1• uni} 111 or
I 11,1 h,ilf \\ 1t h thrt••• p1•r..,,111,tl fouls
S,1 1111 • "''d'illll 1:-. 111 1•r fur th ,• .'.II "11pt-r'tl.HS in 11~, r hasehall
H,,111 .., l'h+·~ h ,11 1 ,111 11uts1,1111hn,I,! \\'h,11 1\1II h,1pprn In the re~I of th1•
1,1111p,tl )..! JI ljh 1tw1r lnlfHl' S .. 1\1' pl.1 ~+•r:-. ~ \\'1• 11. \\ 1th ull th e mnnc~
111 ,. , ,+ II r,·, n.rd of 11
1-h "mild m - µ11111,.i 111 1h, slars. the a\'ern~e
d11 ,11 1• \\' lll'n \1111 .,II do\\ll nm\ 1,111,.
p l.1, .. r \\1111 h,11r In pb1 y whcrr hr
,t h 1111 ! r, •,1111 -. "1th IO)ll'lh• •rnl',s
.., !n it! Hr w ill ,ilc;o h e jielli.n)l less
1 h.1r.11 l, · r ,ind ),!1• 1111 1111• m,1111•\ th,111 h,• 1~ J.l1•1t1n~ nn\, s rn r:,•
,pur1,111,,n-.h1p 1h1 o,; l'l;"'i-7fl Surtulk lh1•n• 111 11 h1• 1,•ss mnne~ lo ,w:11t' out
111111 \\111il1! h ,1 1,• 10 r,in l. up lhcrt•
·1ht• 1111 n1•r-. won ' I he J(elllllJi! the
t1P, 1r lh" lop
sh, 1F1 ,11 ,111 in rhis dt•a l Thry'll sli\l.
l'h ,,
p I,, ,,. r ,;
, 11,11 h ,. ,
h,• p,1\ 111),! 11\ II ,tw "i,lm r ,lffill'tnl of
1 lw1•rl1•,1d,,r .... \Ir \l,•11111 •1 ,11111111 .
mun ,,, unh mun• of II\\ ill lw 1.min)l
pin, th1 • f11w st11 d1•n1 hod~ 1urn11111 lo nrw pl ,11 ,•r r\nd 1h e fnns wnn ' 1
,ti 1111 ◄ ll111rn,11n1•11t. ,1II l..111•" 1h,•1 Jl••I h11r1 1•11h,·r hccaus•• · 1n mosl in~
,t,111<:t''· 111 kr1 prtu•s \\ Ou ld re main




In r,11:t. ,r tlw rt"H'r\ r claust•
lm,k1•n. 1h,•,_ \\1111ld ·h e lhf! ones
\\)111 '"mid )1,1111 th , • mn,t llnw's
th1'1 ·, tr il pl.n Pr C, tn pla\ nn~ \~her,•
h,· 11.1nls . •md h, • has ,t c hoi ce
lu•lw•·t·n :'\:1•\1 Yori,. ,111cl 1\ltl11nla ,
11!1111111sh h,· II 111,1, 111 :'\e11 York
f'lwr,•f11r1· h·,1ms such .1 Ouslon
l.u ... \n)!,•1,•, .• Ch1(:i1Jo!O ,i nd Nc11
Ynrk . ,\'ho h,11,. ,ill the m1,npv .ind
µ1•1 ,111 1lw ptthl11:i l\ ,._ will a llra r: 1
,1 lmu-.1 1'\ NI pl J~ 7•r ·i n 1hr ma1n rs
Th,11 11111 l f• ,111• teoms likr
\!11111"~01.1 i\lunlrf•,1\. S,111 Dieszn,
',rnd S,m Fr,111 c1-.111 \\llh no pla~ers
of .m, 1:.1 lilwr. so 1hP1 will cvenlua lli h,l \ ,, ru J!U 0111 o r h11-.111rss t\,.t,iin .
h,•r, • tlw pl.111:r:,, \\Ill µ,•I hurt.
h,•t:,11 1..,., l, •ss l1•,11n, mran, f1•11·t•r
p1li, fnr 1h1•111 I l11\1P\'1'r 1h1• fan s

r,•,dh J,!-1111 hccduse 1he) Sec'li much
hellPr hr,inrl of hase!)all .
\\'h,11 o.1houl the rans m these unFn r1un,11f• ci11es 7 Well. loo k at their
,1tlt•ml.1nl:1• records over !he past
two , 1•,1rs Then• aren 'I loo many
p,•upll' 111 lht•se cities who will miss
hascli, 111
Anti 1mai,linc a lea)lue with jusl 10
ur I:! 1
1•,1ms. nut 24. Eve ry position
o n t! \ ' f't\ learn will be solid . Backups wilf he playe rs who a re today 's
s.larl crs. No more Diego Seguis! No
more ~l.1no Guerrer ns! No more
A lan Bannisl e rs! Cerl a,nl)• 1hese
pla vN s want lo keep lhe rese rve
c:l,111sr rnta c l
Theo .... ners fail lose Ihis forecast
hm,t!1 er. and 1hev ma111Utin · thal
1he~ will be forcel to pa y oul more
moner than !hey have once !he
pl a~"rs nrc fr ee . However. there is
, 1 s impk! solut ion to that. All the
u \1 n1' rs ha ve lo do is gel !~e ther
,mcl nji!ree on a maximum salary of
-..1 y SZS0,000 a year with cer tain
h11n11 st•s This wouldn "t h;we lo be
1n ,1),!rcemenl " ith the players'
union . The)' wou ldn 'I even have to
know abou l it . and even if they did
the} couldn ' t do anythinM aboul ii
This will insu re heller baseball
lit•c.111se . 1£ 1he pla)'ers h3ve lo do
1.; 1
•r1ai n 1hrngs on 1he ri eld to pick up
cx 1r.1 honus money. most players
wi ll lry as hard as !hey ca n 162
Jo!,1m es n yen r Playe rs Will no lonser
111 :-.1 MO throu)lh the motions (Hi.
Did Allen ! once th eir team is nul of
!he pc nnanl race. Hence. 1he rans
,1)!,1in )!t!I the heller deal .


C hri s Taiotos "ocs hase line in SF. Mass . ga me .
iPholu b" PhU S•n•orol
..,•111,1r, ii off ,11 1•,wh 111h,·r 111 1lw 11,•r•• 1m,,l1r1I \\1th ,I lrt H' t l,1-.s,
1 h,111,p11111ship ,l,(,mw. 111, 11•,11! o f 1lw
1111111 h nr •n11n -q11111t•r-. 1tw ,,hol ;,
),!1'11111,1,! J..i s-.,~d hy ,our ,1~1,•1 1.1 ,n - "'', t.,,111 l11n,I,!
... 111,1111111 1•x,•ri:1s1•
" \\'1•11. ,o u l..1111\\ ,,h, 11 th• ·~ :-.,11 ..
Th,•r,, r, •.ill , ,ir,•11·1 tuu 111,111, ho, ..,1, ,,I l : hris 'l\1 uln., on 1h1• h•, 1111
llUll'\\llrtln ,nsi~h,, cir lwnl'fi, ·i,,I l11 1, Frid,11 m ,.d\l '" \Vf" II ):+'I lhl'm
,.1l11, • l111•,11 r, ·-., ,1f1t·r 1·1 1 111,.i th,11 ;
111 •,I \f', lr
I' 111 fi,, ..,H1 Sl,tlt' r ,11 I'd uH In ,I
,h,1k1 11o-:111 h,1lf11m,· ,11h,,nl,t).!1' .
m,unh on 1h1• -. ,n ltn),! hol h,md u f
Test Prep Services offers ,
l1,11 l,.1 u11rl u, t ,tpl In•· l.,•11111• "h11
'ree lesson 6-8, Thursday,
fu11 , h, ·d ,,11h :m-p111n i.. tlll ror -.::1
hose who call to reserve ,
lrum th" f11111 1, ,t .;, from lh, · 11111'1
place. Our clients repor
,111d lh, · hnll1,1111 ,11l -..r111md pl.11 nf
f111 11o11t! t,:, ,, 111 ll m11 I l.!1-pnm l, \ I
gains of 60-120 pis with
r ,•h111111 d ,1 •
so me as high as 150-180. Call
llnlh 1, •,1111, ..,c nrt h1•d-1 h, •-nl'lllllJ!
>66-5082 or write
1111 ll;!-prnnf', ,1p11 •1 " 111 th, · "l'f.11111 1
Test Prep Services


h,df \\ l111 h \\ di


r,,r 1111 nl lH'r 1t'd<,fl ll

p1u , ,, IHI\\ fnuli..,t, th,,..,,, 1111
111111 ),!,IUH'' ,1r, • '\'.11111• ul th,• 1 ltLl1.,
1,•, dt , 11, 111 l!' d 111 pl,I\ .11 ,di
ll1 •l ,•11,1• Ill th,, ... ,, I'll! 1111111,,..... , .. lll•II
1•,i,1,•nl ,111 d lh,· nff..11..a\1' pl.11
µ"1111111 ... 1,l,1 hr,1t11I 11f !,,di ,h111111 1,





You must exp r-ess your in terest
Conine-I John Gordner

c / o TKE
Ridgeway Lan e Bid

Room RL14





The Golden Dome

150 Bowdoin St, Boston

hom the Sute Hous.e)

Sn . 1 mon owners! Give the
pl;i~'n s what they're aski nE! for. See

hnw much 1hcv like it. We fans will
-. 11 down anri enjoy some peal
h,1seh,1II. You uwners can sit down
.inti l.111~h al Ma rvin Miller. And
~ 1,mu Cuerrero a nd his buddi es
c,in sit down lo wa lch a ll Ihe fun on

by Jell Clay
Men's Softball Rost ers
Due by April 1st
Available at 100 Charle<
River Plaza
Athletic Office

- - - •"The Friendliest shop in town." - - -..



Ski and Outing Club
11ill \ pono;.or ,1
Uni.. ,luff• C.1r11p111,-: 1np
du11ng th<• v,H .111011
'1tlnd.1y• We1!11 c-.( l,1\

Sales, Repairs on All Makes, Rentals

h ll-24
Conlul ;
i\ 1-( f( h.nd Afr1l..,1n



c o ",11ulrn1 •\ <11\IIH'"' Ofli(t•

Ii\ I 11d.1\

"1t1h h 19, I 00 pm

Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm

623 ·!1133

... Rams eliminated in
1st round
\du,, hqq ... d

I 1111,

, .,, , pl111n ,,j


\\llii IH pi,1111-. f,,, 1,11h ,I fr,•-.l,111,111
,11111 111 .. f1r .. 1 ,.,,11,1, •\ ,·,p,·11,•111 ,,
,111tl ~•·I-.. Ill\ \111,• 1111 l{ ,u1l-.1,· uf lh••
Ill 1h,• ''" 1-.11111
111 11, 1,,1tJll'd 1.,1\\
\\ h,tl 111111,•' ,Ill
I ... ,, 1 Th,11 f1r,;t lmU 1,: d~ l-.111,•d
11.., I 1,111c ,,. rn,,1,.,, up 1n 11111111, 1-. .,
, "" 111111.ih 1,1,I,. rnd,·,·d But 11 ",,.,
,d11111-.1 dnnP St\11 .t,,.,,.,, ,,d rh,•


I h,·,





•\ll\11111· I ,111


Cl\ •'II

,111 \

h.,1,,·, ,,I


nnh pl.1,1•d 11111•

11·1 11• 111 fnrm on rh,11




1 , ,,, .,,111,



l.,•d II\ s,,, 1•11 font
ll,· I 11111111,1,u



\\ ,1-.


rh,· H,11n-. -

,., ,d,•111.,•



11•1111• 1 ( :.1 rl11



,,,1!0111111,J Hl11,d1• hl.11111 1:11 llt:1.!1 '
,ho, ~•·d ,,•1 uni! , .. ,,d 1\11,11111 Sl,11111- ti ·, Sn ,t ,!111\\dc1\\II for ll,,o;ton
.... 11111•111,11,
11,•l\\l'l'I\ S11H11\~ ,IIHI
S1,11,, 11111~ pl,11 ,.
H111 II ''•"II r "*l'l""''d In 1·nd 1h1,
lh, · H.1111-. ,rnd \\',11r1111,. In
f.11 1h,• h,u 1110,1 1,il,•111o•d~ Int., 1n
1h,• 1,111rn,11111f11t ,h,1111,I h,,,,, l11•1•11

Reserve Claus!!

How We Feel

"llh -.111t,d1I,• fnr ,I! \ll \ 1 111111
1'11 lh.111 l.'. 1 p.,1111-. H-l111,1rd,;
1,,hr, 11,1\,,,rd t 'I
llon11\,lfl 11111,,
11lt pn1111,
H·,,,l,11u111t, t I hr1"
l,1n111, 11·, p111'n1, H1,1rc1111-.I ,11111
1\1111!",1 Jl ◄ I h1).!hli~ht,·d th,·

r .. ,dh 1l,1111 hm.,rn"e 1hev scf'"fl much
IJ,-,un lir,tnil nf hast!h~II .
\\h.11 ,1lm111 1h1• fans 1n.1he$e un•
fur1un,11t• r.i 11cs ? Wrll. look al lhf'lf
,,11 .. nil,1111;1• rt•t;nrds over the
pl.,, ,,r .. ,, ,1111 1h1• rt •., ,•r, ,. "'" , 1•,1r<; Tht•rp ,lfen·r 100 man}
1 l.111.,, 1,,h1, h hind, 1h,•1n "' lh,· 1w1111I•· 111 1h1•o;1• 1,11tes "ho will miss
1,•,1111 t
hrnh,·n rh,· 11\\ n,•r,; h,1,;i•h.dl
, l.11111 1h,11 1h,, \\11111.t, r1•,111• 1 h,10<1
Ami 1mJ,111ne ,1 leaKur w11h 1us1 10
I h, 1r111l\ ,.f 1h,· ,;1111,1111111 1, th,11 If or I:! , ... ,ms. no1 24 F.ver~ position
th,· pl.n,·r, ~••I \\h,11 th,,, \\,1111 1111 1•,•r-n team will he solid. Back•
th,·, r, th,· .,r, ,,., "h" \\1ll 1,11•1 hurt up-." Ill hf' pl,1yers who are 10day·.s
th,· m,.._, S 11r,· th,· "llj1••rM,1r,; \\Ill 'il,irlns 'Jo more Die!il'o Seguis' No
Ii, • ,ild,• lo pl,1, fnr ,dmo~I ,Ill\ IP,lm mun• M,1rm Cuf'rreros' No more
lh1•\ ,,,1111 ,tnd fnr ',f'\'t•n•flJ,!Uff' Al,111 IJ,mmslcrs! Cerlatnl} lhese
1.n111r,111~ llul ltlt'r•• ,lrt' unh Ill ur 1
11,1\i•r \\itnl 10 keep the reserve
.!II .,11pn'lt.irs tn ,1II of h,1-.clirlll t l,11151• inlilCI
\\' h,11 \\ di h,1pp1•n 111 lh P rest of llw
Thi• ov.ners fail to se !his forecast
pl,1,1•r, 1 \V,•11 . ,,1th ,1II 1111' rnno,·)
hm,• 'H'r . and the~ maintain 1ha1
)llllllJ,! 111 th,• ~,.,rs, lhP ;wcra)!t.' 1h1•~ will he forced lo pa} ou1 more
pl,1, "r \\ 1111 h,1\'1' 111 pla~ whrr,• hf' mnntty 1hr1n th ey have o nce 1he
1, 111ld I II' ,, 111 ,1l•m he )lPlll/l).! less pl,t~Prs are frr.e Howe\'e r , lhere 1s
rtHIIW\ lh,tn h1• l'i ,Wl'llllljl nm, 'ilnr.f'
,1 s1mph> so lution to thal. All 1he
th,•t•• ,, 111111• 1,•s~ m,m,•y lo
m..,nrrs have lo do is ~el l()Methe r
Tli, , 11\,nrr-; ,,on't he .we11111,w 1hr and ,1gree on a maximlfm .salary of
-.h,1f1 ,ti ,111 111 th1<1 deal ThPy ·II still 'i,l) $2~0.000 a yea r w)th cerlain
Ill' p.n Ill),! 11\II lh,• 'i,llnf' ,1m11•m1 11r honusf''t. This wouldf)."I have to be
nwn,., 11n h rnort• of 11 \\ 111 tu.' ).!0/11,I,! 1n ,1J,1rcemenl wilh ., 1he players·
111 0111• pl,n,•r •\nd the f.tns ,,nn·1 1111100 They wouldn'I even ha\'e to
,1,1,·t h11r1 l'llh,·r li1•r;111,;1•. 111 mnst Ill
knov. ahoul ii , ,rnd e\'en if they did
,1,11111•-. , 111 k,•t pru ,.,. ,,011ld rPnrnrn lh<'~ could n't do anythinH about it.
ll\ JcH C la't

I h, · 11,•\,., ,,.1, ,,f Flurul,1 k1•1•po;
.f11ft111\! Ln I h, 111.n••r, ,1ro• o;11II
11,•1r,111rl,111n~ \\ 1th 1h,· ,,,, 1wr-. SpnnJ,!
lr,unin~ I ,1~ ,,,1 tu 1.!t'I 11mlf'n,,I\


lt.1111 , ,. ff.,11, H• ,·,pln,11111
I lh II\ 11,,, \\,I\ II{ 11\, , lw,1 1,1,11111•
.,f th, 11111rn.1111,•11t 141 d,,f,•,11,;'ft
S\11 ••11'1 H- ilfl ,I l.,,1.,,,1 nnd 111- fnnl
111111111 •1 11, ,nu.,, 11\.,r f,ir,,,1rrl I ,.,,,r
l'. d,1111, •qu,· , 11, .·r 11111111.1,1, rh,·
lllllrllt'\ .. \I\ JI 'II 111,•d l'I 11111111, Ill
th•• ,;,1 oncl h;11f for 1h,· \m l11,rl1w11
.,ftt-r "IIIIIIJ,! 11111 ,1lm11'il .ih,• ••nllr••
111 .. , h,ilf \\llh 1h11•p llt 'l'-!ln,11 ,, .. 11 ..
S11 lh•• -;1•,1~1111 1, 11\f'r f11r 1t11 •
R,ml'~ Tl,1•\ h,111 ,111 11111s1,1ntl1nJ,1
, ,1m11,11~n ,J'- 1tw1r 1mpri''i'-I\•'
11\ l'r,111 n•Lord of" 111.11 ,,,mid In·
du ,111• \\'h,•n , 1111 '-II tlu,, n ,inti tulk
,1lio111 11',irn, ,, 1th ln,1,wlh,• 11111•,;o;
,p11 II l ,H,11 11,r .1nil )!1')111flf'
"l1"rl"n~,h1p lhJ'i \'l-;'i;.;11 S1 Holk
111111 \l.1111ld h,1\1' In r,,nk 11p lwn·
11 ,•,11 lh, , rnp
I h ,,
p L,1, ,. r,.
, 11,1, t, ""
1 l11•t>1IP,11lt·r-.. \h


\l,•rnl1•; ,md 111,

pin, 1h1• fin,• s!11d,•n1 hmh lurnoul
,11 1h,, lu11rnJ11w111 , ,ill k111•\\ lh1•~



f.11 ; 1. 1r


rt•'i1'r\ f'.. d,111~1• \V,IS

lirn~••n 1h,• f.111-. ,,mild ht• rh,• one<;
\\ hu \\ttuld ,11,1111 r~w m11,1 I lo\\ ·s
1h1-. 1 If ,1 pl,1,.,r r,m pl,I\ ,tn)\\herf'
h,· ".nlls. ~rnd h,· ,, cho11:e
l11•1w,·1•11 \;t ,, Yurk ,incl Alllant.i.
oil\ 11111-.h h II pl \ m ~r,, York
l'h,·r,•f11r,•. ,•,1m~ sur.h as Oos1nn .
l.u-. \nJ.!,•1,,., t..,Ch1c,"liin ,ind Ne,..,
Y11rk \\h11 h,1\,• .rtNbi- mont!\' Jnd
µ1•! ,ill tlw IHlhlu 11\
will a·llrncl
,ilmo,1 ,., Pr\ pl.n ,·r in lhf' nrn1ors

Th , 1 t

\\ 1 11

I,· ,1 \


1 c ,1


.. 1i.1k,


~" :1•1



111,nnh 1111 1l11• ,1 ✓ :.d111J,1 hnl !1.tnd uf
ho11 ht n1ir1 111, ,tpl Ju, , 1,,..,n,• \\ 111,
11111 -. h,·d \\1th '!h pmnl ., flf, fur :!'.I
Irum 1hr f111111. ••·~• frurn lh,· hn,•I
.11 Hl lh, • h11ll1.1111 ,1ll -,1n111111l 11l.1\ 11f
f,.,,,.irt! K, •n11 llt1,,d f:!l-p111n1, I I
IJnlh t,•,1111-. '-Lnnh1•d-1h,•-111•!1Jll),(
f111 1i.!-pn1111, ,lptl'i.l' Lil lb,· ,1·1.nnd

h,ilf "h11 h ,, di

f11r 110 11rh,•1 1,,,1,1111

pro\ ,, lul\\ fuuh.,h lh,,,,. 1 n11,11l,1
,lff' \:11111• .. r 1h1· I lnh,
\\ ,llll1 •d 111 pl.1,
,ti ,di
I ), ,t.,,,..,. 111 1ti,,.,,, ,•111 011111,•1, 1-. 111111 •
' ""'1,,111 ,111d 1h,· uff,.,1..,., ,. pl."
1,n111111il ,1,J,, h1,111d u( l,,tll ,1111,,111 ..
t1nt1 j,!, l lll1•<,


/1.r, ·,

' ,., .. ,, '· :
;! I H

It co n happen at Suffolk
Y ou m u st express y ou r int eres t
Contoct John Gardne,

c / o TKE
Ridgeway L ane Bld .

Room RL14

Mardi 19, 1976


So . 1.'mon owners! Give 1he
p l,1y c•rs what 1h1•y' re askin~ for_ See

Ii k 1• hm, rnuch 1hev like ii. We fans will

\111111,•,01,1 \lonlrt•,il S,tn DieJ,10.
,11,d Fr,1111
o \\1lh nn pl,1,ers
of .in, ,·altltt·r , -.i1 th,•, will ev,~ntua\.
I, h,1\ ,. 111 L!n 11111 of,•ss <\J1o1in
h,•r+ • 1h,• pl.1,,•r-. ,,di .i,!••I hurl.
l11•1 .,tt1:-.1 • I,·~, 1,•,11n, mf',1n, ft•Wf'r.
p,li., f11r 1h,·m I lo,, I'\ ,•r lllf' fons

1111 ilown ,1nci enjoy so m e ,,-real
h ,1sch,1 II. You owners can sit down
.,nd l,111~h al Marvin Miller. And
\ Cucrrero a nd his buddies
1.,111 s11 tlil\\n In walch all !he fun on
1t> lmis11m

The Golden Dome

Men 's Softball Rost ers
Due by April 1st
Available at 100 Charles
Ri ver Plaza
Athletic Office


tPhoh11,. Ph,I Sanlnrnl
Chris Tsiotos goes bas e lin e in SF. Mass. ga me .
Mf11,1r, ti uff ,II ,•, 11 h n1h+·1 111 1lw ,,,•r,· unnhrd \\llh ,I tr11,: 1 l.1,~\
, h,1mpi11no;hq, ),(,1111,•. 111,11•,111 nf 1lw h11111 i. ,,r nmH 111111,, ... rh,· \,11111;,
)-(1'11111),! h1,M'd h~ ,1111r ...i:-.1,•1 ,·1111 "'•""n Inn),(
" \\',•11 ,nu !..rim, ,,h.111h,,, ,,I\ .
,ol.1111111 ,•Xl'I U"'
l'h,·r, · r,•,i\h ,1rp11'1 11111 111,11n h11,1,1t·d ( :hns 1-..1u1u, 1111 1111• lt•,1111
1111l,•\,11rlll\ lll'i1J,!h1:-. 11f li1·nd1u,il l111-. Fml,I\ n1J,1hl .. \\',, II ).!1'1 th,•m
, .d11t• lo ,·x11r1•o;~ ,1f1t·r, 11'\\ 111),( th,11 - 11,,,1 ,,,,,r •·
p 111 fi,,-.( 11 Sl,111• r,111•d off 111 ,,

Th11t "ill rnsure heller ba!ieball
the players hJve 10 do
c nlain 1}liTlgs o n the fi elcl lo pick up
exlr,1 bonus moiiey. mos! player.s
will In as hard as the, can 162
)i!,1m f's f1yea r Player.s -.(•iii no longe r
1ust lo(o throu,ih the motions fHi.
r>,ck Allen I once their leam is ou t of
th~ pennant race. Hence. the fans
,1~,1in lo(f!I 1hc heller deal.


by Jelr Clay


Test Prep Services offers· ,
~ree lesson 6-8, Thursday, fo,
"hose who call to reserve ,
place. Our clients repor·
isains of 60-120 pts with
Isome as hig h as lS0-180. Call
266-5082 or writ e

Test Prep Services
575 Boylston St.
Boston, M~. 02116 A
Ski and Outing Club
"111 .. pomor ,1
H1•rhlun~ C11nrm,.: 7np

dunn~ !ht.• ,,u,111011
\und.iy- \·\ edne,dJ\
\.1,1rd1 2 1-2.i
f\ 1-(1< h,ud •\ fn~.111

150 Bowdoin St, Boston
(acroufrom rheSUte~)

, - - •"The Friendliest shop in town." - - - ,



Sales, Repairs on All Makes, Rentals
Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm

am ~ !fl'_
623 -9133

< o "il111lrn1 ·\c11,111t•-. Ofl1t1,.•

Ii\ I 11d,n .\'1,lll h 19. I 00 pm

Suffo lk Journal

Page I

____ _ _





I /11'\


l, .1,l.,·rl,,dl


II.ti \ •' '


onh pl,H••d 1111 ,
1111,• '" f,nrn 1111 1h,11


I 111111 1,11 11?
,,1\ llll!

\11,,111, · 1,111 lw.11 ,11111111,•


\!II • •11


,., 1d,•r11 ,,


\\ ,I', Ill
,111h 111 1h, · l{.1111'

c ,,,..,,u , , , 1111!111111,1111111



I ,·d II\ ".,,.,1 111111 1,•1111-1 I ,1rlo
!I,. I "1n 111 ,1," t .'. I p" 1 n I, !It
r,•ltn1111d,f l{hud,· J-.l.111d t .ull ,·l!•'
,hrn l.,·d .,,., 1111d 'l'"tl 1111,11111 i-.1.111·
11 - 1,·, l-,n ,1 ,hn11d1111n f,1r ll,1,11111
"llJ•l'••m, 11 1 lu•t\\•'+'11 ..:.11Jf(.LII. ,uul
~I.II•· 111111. 111,11 ,.
ll ut 11 \\,1,11 I -.11pp•"••d 111 , ·1111 tJu,;;
I\ ,11
I h, · IC1111, .111d \\',11 ri•Jt ... In



l\\11 1111,,1

1h ,· 11111r11 .1m1•111

1..t,• 1
111•11 I l1i1, .. Ill
,huu ld h,11•1• 111•1•11




l · q ll •



HUI I l l < I ~ "

1h,· 1110-.1 <,11r,· 1h, ,111u1 r,1,1r,; \1 di

r11ur n1 •1 , \1\ I' -., ur,·d 1•1 p+11ni.. 111
lh ,· .,,,,nm! half fn1 1h,· \111 h,111.,,•n
.tll"r '111111),! 11111 ,ilmo-.! 1h , • ••nrir,•
111'-I h,df ""h 1111,,, , 11••1,11n,d 111111,




l1,•1•rl,•o1d1•r-. \1r


\l,·nd .. ,, ,ind

f•ir , ilmnsl ,111\ t,•,1m
,,nil f,1r ,;,•1,,pn-f11,rnn•

In p\,11


, 11111r,11 ,.,

-.,,,1.,,,11 1.,

11111 tlwr,· ,in• unh



,u~1,-r'll,1r-. ti\ ,tll nf h,1'1Ph,1II
\\ h,11 \\ ill h,1pp1•n 111 1h,-, r,,,1 of th ,·
til,11, 1 r, 1 \\,•II 111th ,111 1lw mnn1•~
)!HIii!,! 111 th,• ~1.1rs
1hr ,l\ t •raJw
pl.11,•r \\ 1111 h.11 ,, In pla~ whn1• hr

l111• 1 fur 11!1•
I h,·1 h,,·d ,Ill nnt,;{. 1nd1n),!
, .1111,.,1,),!ll
11-. th1•1r 1mpri"11-.11 ,.
,,1,•1.111 '"' ord 111 111-f, \\•111ld 111
du ,th • \\ h,·n 11111 -.11 dm, n ,ind 1,111.
,1houl IP,tm, ~11th lll)i!Hlh1•r111•-;-.
,p11 ,1
, h,1r,11 t,•r . 11111 )!1•1111,r,,,
,p .. r1,111,rn,h1p tlu-. 1•1-·, - 1, };11ff11lk
111111 \\1111ld h,11,, tn\r.111 ~ up 1lwrt•
11+•,1r lh•· rnp
I h~·
fl l.11 ,. r-.
, 11,11 h , . .,
Sri th,•



,1,ir11•n Nn mon• Diego S~u1s 1 No
r10n• M,trlfl Currre rns 1 ~o more
\l.111 li.1nnish• rs 1 Cf'rla1nl\ these
pl.1\ ••r,; \\,tnl lo keep thr ·resnve

• l,111sr inl.1C1


f'ht- "" nen fail lo sc thi s for l
h•1\\rH'r. and th e\ ma1111ain thal
.tw for ceito p.t),, nu! m ore
rnont!) 1h,m lh e) have once the



..., ln1d Ill' 1\1II ,il-.n lw )U'lllllll 11•:o;s pl.n Pr'I nr,• fr ee I !owe\ e r . there ts
1/,l'lll''' th,1n h,• 1, J,!l'lllnj,! nn,1 ,,nr.,• ,1 •,1mp\.f- so lution lo that All the
rh;•r•• \\ ,II lw It•,;-. mun ,~, In J,!11 ,, 0111
111.. nrrs haw: 10 do is get IO)iiether
Th,, 111, rwr,; ,1011'1 lw f,1Clt1n,w 1h1• ,md aJ(rcr o n a maximum s4.lary of
slufc ,tt ,,II 111 tlu,; d1•,1! Thf•\ ·11 ,11II -..1, s2:,n.000 ., >ear with ce rtain
111• p,1\ 1111.! 0111 1h1· 'Mtnt• ,1mu•1n1 nf
rh1s \\ouldn 'I have lo be
1 ,;



1 ♦ 11•

fm,• !.t11d,•nt hrnh l11rnu111
,11 lh , · l1111rn,111w111 , ,il l. ~11,•\1 _rh1•\

,111h 1111,r,• of 11\111\

111 1101• pl,11,•r

h,, J,11Hn}l

\1ul 1h,• f.111-.

1n ,1),(ri •t:mr nl

with lhe pla)ers'

I union T hey wouldn' t eve n· ha1•e lo
,1,t,•1 h11rt 1•11h,·r 111 1 ,tll<;t•. Ill mnsl Ill
kno\\ ,1hou1 ii. dnd even 1f !he) did
-.1,1111 , •.,_ 111 l.+'1 pni ,,.., 1111111d n~m.1111
1hi>1 cou ldn ' t do anythi nM aboul 11 .
th+· -.,111w
rh,-. \\ ill insu r e heller baseball
In f.11 I 1f ,ti,, n·, ,•n 1• r.ln11-.1• \1,1<;
hn.111se. 1f lhf' 1>la)ers h:we to clo
lirnk,•n 1h,· f,111, 1, mild ht· th" 1101
1_1• r1 a111 th in~s on the fi e ld 10 pick up
,,ho \\t111ld ),!,1111 th,• m11-.1 llt1\\·s
cxtr.1 hnnus money. mos t pla}ers
1111,;' If ,l pl.1\1•r c ,111 Jll,I\ ,1n111hcn•
\\1\1 In oH harct as thrv ca n 162
h,· \1,1111-. ,rnd h,· h.1~ ,t rhmu:
,:,inw-. ;, ~ ca r Players ~,iii no lonjiler
!11•111,•,•11 '-•'" Yurk ,incl Alllr1n1,1 .
111s1 ,wu thruuJ,!h the motions (Iii,
11h11011,;h lw II pl.H in '\1•11 York
I h,,,,,r,,r,· h•,,m., s111.h ,as OwHon 1)11:I. /\ll{'nJ once 1heir team is oul of
l.11, \11),!,.I,·, • Chu:,t>!n ,ind Ne" 1h1> pennant ra ce. Hence. th e fans
Y,,r~ 1\t111 h,11,· ,1l l 1tw muni•\ ,,m l ,1,:,1111 ),!el rh" he ll er de.ti


1 -.

µ1~1 ,lll rh•• 1111hl1111\ \11II ,111rru 1
So. t;'mun o wn ers• Give lhe
., Jm,1<,I 1•1 l'r\ pl.n ,•r 10 lh(' m,qnrs pl.a) ,•r,; what th,: ~·r e ajkin~ for . See
rh ,11 111 I I 1,,,1, ,. tc,1 nts I I k,• lum much th e) like it. We fans will
_\111111,,,11 1,1
:-..lonlrt•,11 S,tn Diej,10.
,in ti S,rn Fr,1111,.,,11 \1tlh nn pl,11er,;
,Ill~ ! ,d1h1'1", /,II 1h1 1\ \\ ill ('\'('Jl!Ualh h,11 ,, r,1 i,:11 11111 of hu, 1111'!->S Aj,!,llll ,
h,·r,• 1h,· pl.H1•r., 1,1lf >!•'I hurl.
IH•t.,111"' It,,., 1,•,1111, mr,1n._ ft•w1 •r
p1li-. f11,- 1h,·111 ll t1\\1•11• r 1h,• fons

Chris Tsiolos Rues has.cllne in SE Mau. game .
... ,u,, r, d urr .. , ''•II h 01 !11 •1 111 !IH' \\ • ' l"I ' 11n,1h+'d \\llh .t lni.• 1 I,,,;.,~
, h.1mp11ll1 •d11p ,:, 11111• 111,1t•,1d uf 1h1• h11111 h uf nm, q11111,,,, !h,, 1\h11I,•
)!dlt11),! l.1,-.,,d II\ 111111 -.1-.11•1 ,on
,ol.111 .. 11 •·~,·n ,.,. ,
J'h,·r,· ri•,dh .,r,·11 I tuu 111,111\
11111+•1111rll11 1n..1,:h1-. uf lw11..f111,11
1 ,du,, In '''I"''"' .tf1,•1 \ ,,.1, Ill)! 1h,11 I' Ill , ...... II Sl,11<' l',11 ,,d 11H '" ,t
11.,l.1 It• l'I h,1H11111,• ,11h ,tllld),! 1'
i11.11nh Ill\ th ,· ,111 li 11~ hut h.,nd .. r
lt,11 I., 1111rl t", .1p ! l•w I 1•,111,• \\li<1
r1111,h,•d 1,11h :11, p111111 , jlh (111 .::1
rr11111 th,· rl11111
➔ -·, lr11111 th,· hn,·I
.md 111,· 111 dl1,,111 ,ill .1r11•1111I pl.1, 111

f111\\,1tcl "• '\ Ill 1)111,t! l:!l•jllllt11,



un l11•d -1h, •-n,• 11111}!
f11r ti~-prnn r, .1p1, •1,· 111 1h,· ,, ·1.unc l
h,df ,,hu h 1\1II f111 1111111lw1 r ,•,1,1111
11111,,• h,1\1 f1111h-.h 11,, . ...,, 11111-.11!,1
11 .. 11 J!,1111 , •, ,1 r, · \;11111• 111 1h,· , hit,,
r ,·. dl , ,1, 111!,•d tu pl,I\ ,11 ..II
IJ.·t,,,i..,· 111 1h,,...,, ,•111·1111111 , •r, 1, 11,,11
,·'\l,t.•111 .,nd th,· 11ff,.11,n ,, pl.11
1? 1111111d ,1,1,• 111,1111111f h,dl ,h11,,11 i-.
1,•,tt11, ,,

.,.,,i~~''.'.11 1': ;,11

!..11111, \\h,11 1h1•1 -..1,





lu,.1-.1t·d I '.hn-. 1'-.1u1n, .11 n 1h,· h•,1111

111.., lrul.11 111.1,d,1 ·· \\,·II L!t'I th,•m

, I!

It con happen CI I Suffolk
You must express your interest
Co nine-I John Gardn r
c / o TKE
Ridgeway L one Bi d .
Room RL1 4

M11rd1 19 , 1976

The old~n Dome

150 Bowlloin St.,Jloston


(.KIOU f,om

Test Pre p Services offers a
free lesson 6-8, Thu rsday, fo ,
~hose who ca ll to reserve a
place. Our clients reporl
gains o f 60-120 pis with
o me as high as lS0-180. Call
266-5082 o r write
TeslPrep Se FY ices
575 Boylston SI.
Boston, M•. 02116 A

Ski and Outing Club

H1 •1k,l11.1P

',f)Oll '!!OI ,I
CJIII/Hfl~ ,,,,. '

1lu1111g 1h<• \,H,111on

\u rHJ,w· \\ e,fnc•-.ilJ\
\1,ir< h 1 1-24

Co nl ac l:

1<1ch,11d •\ fn~.111

un s11 dm\n to w,ttch all the fun on

h• l('\1sinn -

by JeH Clay


11,•,1 ,,.,11

\\ ,II

"" dn\, n ,incl e n1oy some ~real
h,1!'>1•h,1lh You o\.\ners ca n sit do\10
,ind l,111.l(h ,11 Marvin Miller. And
\ Cuerrcro ,1nd his buddies




Me n's Softball Rosters
Due by April 1st
Available at 100 Charles
River Plaza
Athletic Office

- - - •" The Friendliest shop in town." - - - -..


Sales, Repairs. on All Makes, Rentals
Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm


1 11 "itwlrn1 •\ c 1111 11r-, Offu1·

Ii, I 11d.w .\ ·1,11 1 h 19, 1.00 pm

623 ·!1133

------ --- -

Suffolk Journal






Pracucall)' t!\eryone koows what a ,

Or an t'diltlr. Or a press
But u, tem'6 of the tau!
nllrher I)( pe,opk- 1t takes to plilish a
Jl"P"f, edi1ors, reponeni and pmt01!111·
phc" re.1U} form a \'er) smaD nmOnt)
rn the nne than 2IXJO J)e(ll>lt who
work at Tht.• (~kb!. nKbt are 11wJh.ed
~,th tr., pll)'SIC'ai prucb.1n> "' tr.,
....__.., - r _ II- • c_
_ _ C......_
n.,x.111er dt



lh 1•1 h.dl11111, ,1,h.1111.11.'•
tit,· -.1:/l111L' 11 .. 1 t.,,n,I .. 1
l,.11l•,.,111 ,,,,.q,1 I"• l,·.,n • ,,IJ.,


111.11111' .. ,1



ti , p11111 t-.

(It, 1111

Test Prep Services offers a
~ree lesson 6-8, Thursda y, fo r
ihose who call to reserve a
place . Ou r clie nts r~port
~• ins o f 60-120 pi s with
Iso me as high as 150-180. Ca ll
266-5082 or wri te
Tesl ,,.,p S..rvices
575 Boylslon SI.
Boslon, Ma. 02116 A


J,,.111 rl11 !I""' I ·, f,,.111 ih, 1111,·I
.,,1d iii, li1dl1.111t .di,,, .. 11111 l'l.,1 .. t
J,., .11,I h., 111 l).,\\d l.'I i,111111-. 1 !

1,1 .... ,11,l-.1
11 .. rlt h·,nu., .,, 1111 h, ,,I 1h, 11 .. 11111L'
1.. , r,' 1'"1111-. ,111 1,·1 ,. 111 th,· ..,,., ,,n d

Ii.ill ,d11, h

!'' "',


t .. , 1111111h, I , ........ 11
!,u,ti .. h rli,, .. ,, , .. u-...t.,


,,.n,· nl

11 .. ,1 L'-1111•·" . 11,

,dh \\ ,111',,,I
ll, l,-11..,· 111 rh,--..


•· \l•,l,·111


1h ,




l'LP · " ..II
,·11, 11,1111,·r-. , .. 11 .. ,1
th, .,fl. ri-.n,· pl.,






Y ou mus t exp , ess your 1n te1est

John GcirdnPr

Ridq;::~ R°i:1I~ B


I l\




~1;irr h 19 , 19 7 fi




:l33 BRfllllUB&E ST.


-..11uk111 ·\ 1'1t\ 1111•-. 01111 t·

\1 .11, h l<J

Alhketic Office

Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm

~,:t~~::~ n

Ii, I nd.1\

I 1··· -·

S ales, Repairs on All Makes, Rentals

'' "
c ·'"'''"'" ,,,,,
dw' Ill" ' ltw \ ,1< ,11t1111


"-u nd ,l\• \\t>
\ 1 ,llt h l l -24

1t cu n hnppen nt Sullolk


Ski and Ouling Club
,,Ill ,p,111-.0 1 ,t


, - - •"Th e Friendliest shop in town." - - - -..

\ Oll'pm


61!3 ·!1133



S uHu ll. Journal




·eryone knows v.-hat a

reporter Or an £.'ditcK. Ora press

phr:'llogrdpher. Rut in terms of the lOlal
number I)( people 1t takes lO ptmhsh a

paper. L-ditlJl"S. reporters and photnw-apt)l:rs reaU funn a \et)' srraD nunont)·.
Of the mllre than 2fXX) people who
'AT4 at The Gkk. most are in,-oh"ed
imh th,: physrcal pruduc\,on ol the
paper T1)11l Hw1t. Gt.'Or~ Sht."t.'han.
J Manz, and 1-'U'T)' llandilli an, foor ol
them. Tht'\ "'nrk in what v.e call the
'terco Department. h's their Job to
transform Ihe work of editors, reponen,
and p/,o(o,,r,tpher; UllO the plau,s from
wtuch the p.1per tS actually pm ted.
In an averaj,,,>e ""''d!k. Tom. George.
Joe and Larry. along wnh the 61 other
"platemaker,," woo work m the depah menL ~ill pnwce more than 7000
I plal""Most people take The Globe's l(<lOd
photograph) and prinlWll( pretty rruch
for )(!"dilled. And the)' slvJuld. But all o/
Lile dfon arwolved 1n ~"Ctl"'" ~
1>hotogr.tph~ and prndut.,ng w eD wntten I

slones would be wasted without the
pm£esSOlilhsm our »,latemaken bong
to their Job. W11Jn.Jt them. there sinply
wouldn't bt: a BnstonC~'lbt:.

@he ,G~ton ~lobe

)"OU Sot.'Cl1



M •m h 19, 197ft

Su rf ul L. Jo urnal

Pa111e I






kroY.'S v.'Nt a

rL•pi>r•tt,r&o. (Jranedltc,r Ora press
phntoS,,rrJtlllt.'r. But in temb of the total
nun"ik'r 11f p..."Ople 1t takes to l)lblash a
papt'r. t.-dih"3. reporters and pool.Of,?l"a·
pl~f'i. reaU\ fi,nn a \er)"sma8nmonty.
<>f lht· ffWlfe th..m 2'1U> people v..ihf> .
W'l,rk at Tl1-.• (;kQ.', n-Kbl are in~v~

lh<· p11,-s,ca1 productJon of the
Ti•n Hunt. Ceor.!,,'e Sht!'eh.1n.

kit· Manzi and Larry Banchlli are four o(
1ht.1l'L "Ill<·\ ..... irk U1 what we etU Ult"
. Sten.'o 1.lcJMttmem h's l.hf.>ir JOb to
transform dlt.' work of t".'Cht~. reporters
and pb)co,qaphers 1mo the pL·ues fr001
wtuch l~ µ.1per is actually printed.
In an av~ra)..1\! week. Toot. Gt.'Ol"ge.
Joe and Larry. ah,g •1th the 61 o<her
"platen'lolkcn, ·• who,.•-,.•cirk m the depart•
mcm. will prnduce more 7(XX)
M o,1 people take The Glooe's ~
photograph)' and pnnllllSl pretty mx:h

ror 1-,,rr.mterl. And.they 'WJUki. But all of
Ult.· df,lf'l inrnlvt.-d a, gt:Ui,g Rl)lXI
phutQW<1ph!-i .tnd prnduong wen wntten
stones would be wasted "'ithout the
pmfess1nn,111sm our alatenla.kers brlfll,?
w thclf Job. Wit.hoot tht,_,n, there simpt>•
wouktn't ht.· a Bnslun(;lobc.

(theyuu St.-cn ~lobe
,G05ton >

1~ Gk:ibc


P axe JO



Ma rc h 19, 1971

SuHolk Journal



Pop That Pill, Bang That Ne~dle, Pluck That Baby
by Akosla Farra r
As -. h, • 1•nl1•ro•d lhP

1'11•..,11!1 •111 "

C:1111f,•tf'n11• H.n11m th e 1,•ns1on
n1011n11•d Th,, 1hn11Hhl or lwin),! in
lhP snnw ruom \\1th Th1• H.uh~ l>Pe

c1111s1•d a f1ltmin,u: anxich
1\lis,; !),,., , nolidn,u: lh" huff1H-!WI
t;ihl,· lir,nnrl 1tw c:o nfcr, •m.. l' 1;1hl,·.
imnwdi o"1dy w_.n, fl\' IJr nnd h1•lpPil
hersl'l f In n d 1•villt ► rl t'J,!).!
Sillm,ll umh•111h m lirh\1•1•11 l\\11

s1t11l,·nL'i ,11 lht• 1,1hl,·. sh,. u111f1•ss1•d
" You ' ll hM I' In for.wive mt •. hut rm
slnrv,•d ·· •
~" mun · l1•ns111n Nu m un• ,lllXII" ·
I )'

Ont• uf lwr m,11or 1;on c1
•rn-. 1'i

nurn ·s inululit\ f1l rch111• \\ nh rnan
I !is k1•1•11 111INe.,1 rn teclrnnlu)! }, s tu •
lw lie vr.s. h,1s rn111 .h lo dn wllh II

-·nil' l rulll'il rt, il H.1•,•ol111111n 11' p1:.I
ttbou l m•1• r T1•i:h11n1:r,11, h,1 ., ri•,u hetl a ,,.ry ln)lh 1u11nt 111 11111 ln1 •i,,
l fu\\ 1•, ,•r , 11 ha,;11 ·1 hrm1)lh t h,1p pin, •,;-. I lum ,111~ ,11 pn' t 111111,• ,11 ,•,1-:p
wllh 1•,11 h nl lwr lnsl1 •,1 • 1h,•, n•
m111 t.> ,1m.: 11111s, •ll' lf-d1111l111n),! . un happ~ j1 n -1,•s:-. ·
Shf• t•x prr:-.s 1•d 1 n1 •1• cl fnr ,t
h,1hrnn • 'I 1•1,hnnln),!v should h,• pul
In 11,; pl.11 ,, ti's nwn•I~ ri ···.,,·n 1 ,•:
lo m,111 ·, 1,1r,•,1h-r rh•ccht,
WP m•t•tl lo " upMnHI+· rh, · 1n1anj,1ihlHs of ri• ,;p1:<: I ,ind lur1• ,"
nlo nJZ w11h olhcr humnni,111 ,·,1h1,•,;

lln•-.s,•d m i1 m,1rnon C:h1n,,,., .
..,,, l1•d p,11~wil th, 14 looked cl1~p
liruwn m 1J;'i, h,Mhl a. net ,u•11rm1,t ,1
)to ld , J,Lrt•l-11 ,tntl m,1rnnn send t ;ii
1:m 1•rt•d ,ill hul her li,mJ,Ls . slw 1
.o\,f cs!->1'd . " I hope. I look ,1lri,1,thl. ~1111
knm, . I ha ve n drcs,; in ht>tt"
fpn mllllj,! lo her n,1vy hl11,• · m·e rlll)lhlt>r l r, ,. heen 1r yin,1,t In p111 11 o n
,1 11 da " ..
Slw 1'., 11111• 1hrec1lv 111 Suffolk fn1111
\\'lw,llon t:nlle)(r in Nnrton Sh"
i- puh th1•n• al 3:30 pm . Thal morn•
lll)l slw ,puk•· al a Cornmemnr,11i11n
fur \\'tuln i•)· Youn)l /r. f.. l!'s h;m l
for ,1 hl,u:k man. " SIMhPCI lhf' l.itd~ I
111 \\lh1t1• l'la ins . N1•w )e rst') Thr
naihl hrforc she spoke in Chu:.i )ln
S1ill. 1111' lad) w11sn '1 li n•d . 111st
",; t,1n "d " ·
t\llhuuj.!h 11 WMI lhe sm.ill1•,1
, 111d 1enf'.1• ,tu• has rver rend 10, f\llss



ln t•n1n~ 1hr

f ' '( •

111•ru•n11 •
.. I'm h,l\lll,it such a ,1tood 11mt• I
hopt• \:011 Mf' Ion.'' confessed the
11n•li, .. .s,,u mirh,a ~ lhrou~h lh e

She at1 e mp1 e d ,1 poem or lwb..she
h,ul nr,·n clonr m f ru nt of an
,rnd1 r nr.l' hrfore
" Pup 1hat pill
" D,m,1,! 1h,11 nccdll'
" Phu k th.11 h,1h~ ...
·· pp1'1d1•s n in ' I
,10~ \\,I\

C,111111111s ,1 ppl.1us1J. "Thnl had.
h11h 1 0km . !'I q11i1 ," she smiled.
Sht> rnarl n poem hy a yulln,i(
f rl l'nrl \\ hnse rnse"'e r.ame ilR a
SllrJ)tl'II' In h,•r
C.1h in Andrrs~ . 21.
Sr1.-. ,11:1• major a1 lfaltolt Colle)le.
,,nli,1,!hlt•necl 1he audience wi lh a

Miss IJ01 • 1s ci11rri•ntl~ p1 onw1111)l
"Kus\111 ," ,I Cnh11nhl11 rnm sh ,· IS
s l,1rrm,1t in w11h Ossrn lh1v1:-. fhn
hushund. who is ,11s0 thr c:u-author
and dircc lor of lht• fi lml ,rnd Crn,w
Mnrns II wns m;11lt! hv th,~ D1•lr ,1
Si,wm,1 Theta Sornri1v. Sh~ read to
11 n ;1111ILt'nr:c of :10 ~I S11 Holk lns l
S111urdn~• nil,i hl . 12 of whom were · Black acl reu Ruby Dee r ead excerpti of black lite rature and poetry 1111
O1• lh1 Si1i1mn ThPlas from Doslnn
Salurday night ln the Pre1ldent'f Confe re nce Room.
Col l1ii,<o.
" ll 's lhe fi r~I 1im1? I evu r worked
und e r Rur.h nu,i11i ces (Della 's) ," sh1•

Ru by Dee will ioon be appearing In
the lll m "'Ku,lnl."

vcr~ ,ina ly1ica l (in le r ms of the US)
poem of his .
Al !he reception. Anderson . a
junior. oxplainecl his ro la1in nsh1p
\\llh Mis.s Dec.
"We are close friends fhoth lh•e
in New Rochelle. New York} .
" She's always bee n a n inspiration and focal poin1 in terms of a
perspective or life ns a black man a peop le:·
Presently Miss Dee is writing a
musical. " I call ii a poedansical II
will i nclude pOP. tr y. da nce and
music. So look fo r a n Off -Broadway
poe,lansical. I'm hopin3 lo have a
fall produclion ,"
Wil l !he da rin~ duo. Ossie ancl
Ruby. appear in th is 'poedansical'
al a ll ?
Mo11 li kely.
" We , ha ll probab ly have to make
ii ~u:· s h e expklined .
Un li ke mos! ce le bril y marria~e
lenms, s he a nd her h usband don't
mind working toset her.
"We e n joy worki ng logel her ,"
staled the lad y. "So mell mes lh e
on ly liffle we ca n be IC)Mc lh e r is
w hen we' r e w o rlcin3 taxe th er."


ex pl a in e d .

" Ku,iin i" \"l'A!J fi lm ed in Ni~1
an d Miss Dee e njoyr.11 mak1n1,t
every minute of ii II will prt•m 1t>rr
Murch :1 in Wnsh in,1t 1t1n, D.C: nnd
other ci lies w hore lh e rc ,ire lnrj,lf'

Here Comes the Bride

by Ju dy Silve rman
" ll lnod \Ved di n~." now p layln1,t al
tlw Ca r.l\'a n Theal re at 1555 Mass.
Aw• in C11mbrid1i1c. is a tale co n01•!1 ;1 1r:11i1ins.
pCo " T hr.y' ve [1)!!1 1nsl mad•· sm. h ,1 1.nmn,1t lhf' p rh •a.te 1ms~ions
plP Ill Inv, •
slunnin~ in1,tri•ss in ln tnajnr films :·
It dt!,d s with 1h r ee cenlrnl
she exp lnin ed .
The :u:ln•ss 1mm11•d 1h1• p1L111rt • of r hnra cti•n : J.eo narclo (C.11s1a,·e
!ht• nl .1 f.!S JJl'ril'IICf• 111 Am,·rn :,1 lohnson l, 1lw brirln fC.aro l)'ll Pick ck
\'i,1 1--1111•rns, hook ,•xr:<•rp!s . ,i nd m,111) , .ind 1Jrn brit lc~room {lor)le
Drus len ) SuJlporlil'lJ,L lhem in 1h1•
c.1 ,1 r, • 1hu ,wroo m's mn1J1er [P.nil
C11ifm lt•I, l.l•onnnln 's ,, ifo (AndrP,I
\\'11111 1;d1, 1h1! hrult•s r.,th e r flim
Spr111\l1 . ,ind his si•rva nl II.~ nch1 F
J'lw h,11 r,1ntilws nrr tnrn nparl
II) l.1•1111,1nlu. \\ho usl!d In he lh c
h rid1• 's luv,•r hofnr .. he morri c tl
<111m1•nn1 • ,• 1st•. lie tl1•,•s 1ha1
d1 •-.111 r1· lhf' L1LI 1h,11 lw mn, h,1,; ,t
\\ 1f,. ,11111 1,,111:hihlr,•n . hr• ,,nnts h1i,,
f11r1111•r l,11h h11f' l ,tnd · llt•mpi... 111


Offer Expires March 31st


(617) 523-5195


wi n he r.
The uni)· perso n .u naware or lhis
is lhc hrideijroo m ..H e is so dee1
in. love with the girl lhal h e doesn' I
re alize ii. Th e b ride is ve rv fo nd of
him , hu l she's torme n lod b\• th e omnipresPnl l.conordo.
ll ri n~ overl) prote c tive . 1he
J,!room 's molh"r dnes no l wa nt h e r
o nl ~ !'Ion In )ltH married. but fin a ll y
Jli ves her co nse nt. leudm~ to a
:hrnful cdehrn110n bv hoth fom1lil's inv11ldn)I sinJ,!inM aOd dancin~.
l.eun,inlu turns !he weddin~ niJ,!hl
into ii tli !'l,1ster .,s hf• pe rsuad es th e
hrid1• 10 µo ,1wa~ wi th him . The
famili,•,;; ;irp oulra)led and l.conardu's wife, is henrlh rokcn In a lro,wic Paul Guilfoyle pl ay, th e h a unl ed
•111lin1i1 ho1h 1h 1 unfoi1hful hushancl mo the r In " Bloocl Wedd in3."
,ind 1h,• hritlcµroom ,tir
character exlcnsions m
Tlw pl,n , \\ hir. h was productid h)
lht! form uf j! hn,ils wenrin,I,! \\hi1e
Anclrua \\'o mad: ancl clireclcrl hy
musks . The t•frPc l is ceri._.. I I
\l,1'<1111' Kl r·in 1'- ,;1•1 nrnund ,, s tun••
pro\'idi•s ,1 my:11e rin11s q1111lit} , hut
1 ~1\ ,, ,, 11h l\\11 r111 : ks tlll 1lw ),!r1111111l
,11 1h1• s.1m,. lim1• prrm11~ n closer
II 1, ,1 ,u11pl11 h,1r:l.).!rm111d . h111 11
lnuk ,11 lho sln.1i1.•~ ·s rnhnhnanls.
,tpp,·.ir, 111 \\ tfrl. \\I'll
• utht'r luuch , \\ h1 r.h i.o; h,111n11n,w,
\11 11111-.u.111:o nlri\,llHt' , \\hirh l!'I
nun,·lh,•1,-,,. ,,n 1mpur 1,1111 p,irt 111 ,.., !hr• pl.1, 1111,1 of m u.sir, \·in ,I ,;u lu
th• • plt11 1,; th ,• ,·i1·\,111)l II\ 1h,• 1,!1111 Hri s l 1hn1111,!h11111 the\ Th,•
,tor,• r.r, •,111•, ,Ill ,turn or 111,lj,!U.,l l d 111:-.11111 II 1
:,lphlff-'S th(' f•,;ci ,•nct• o f
HILLSIDE COTFFEURS 1h, · 111, 11,11 11 , ,rnd unh,1p11~ 1:n nf11 ,1nn fl'II II\ lh,• r:h,lt,tr.ll'r~
Individual Hair Styling
l'nfm m,mr.1•, for " Bl ood \\'1•11
35 Myrtle St., Beacon H ill tlin).!•· ,In• 1,!l\·r n P\1• r, \.\'1-cln1•s1lm .
Frnl.i, ,mcl S,11unlnv ;11 A·on pm 1
\\ di t:unhnuo uni.I \rlril :I


M ,m J 1 19, 197fi

SuffolL. Journal

Paxe 11

Andrae Crouch? What Is He? Some French Director?


\\ h.11


,,.,1•1 h, •,ud 111 1111
ti,, , S11111 ,• I r,•111 I, d11, •,


I h,11 , 11111,,.., rh, 1''1"'' i,,lf \ll
th11,, ,1111).!, 11111 ,I n11:.t\,., .111111n\!
1111 •111 ,1, rh,· 11111111 nu k.., tu th ,, h1111111
111,i,i p11I..,,, nl
Y,111 f) w1·1 l-.. 1111\\
\\ h,11


th, · L.1nd.., nl r,•,1111,111,
o n, · 111111).! , up
t\nd1 , 11 • C:, 11111 h ,11111 11,, , I )i..,1 111 lt>,
\\ h,,1 f.-" p1•11pl, · r,•,d, ,,,. 1.; th.11 tin ,
).!l1111p ,, \\llhuut q11,ddw. 11111n rlw
1111ml11•r 11111• ).!n.;p,•I ),!rnup 111 1h1• 11,1
111111 T h,, r1•1 onlin).! 111.!11,ln h,.-.
r,•1 11).!lll ✓ "d 1h1• J.!ruup' s 1,il1•11t llw,
,,un ,t i ; r,1111m, 1l11s \1°,1r fur th,•11
~nng, .. 1'.11., , 1\11· B,11 .k ··•
Chu:,1,1,!CI. Ellun lnhn Tlw Who
Blond S\\1•,11 ,md T1•,1n, 1
•,·,·n llw
111111.h -l11•r,1ld1•1! l.1·11 Z,•p11l111 ,,l11 •11
pla c.r d l1,•su l1• 1
\rnlr,11 • 1:rurn .h ,111.!
h1'i '."'41s1 ·1pl,· ~ .1 f , .. p1 •rh,1ps. h,,
1•1p1,ah 11111 1111 111,..-,, I :r1111d1 ,ind
i. n•\\ pnH' t•d th,•msPI,•,, ,; ,11 .,
h ,11,•h p11hl11 u :1·d 1.11111 ,•r! 111
,11, ,

0111.: 11flo•11 ).!1•1, \\l 11•11

Woll, 1.;11111


Th,·\ 1.,11111 • 11111 s 1m11I \, un ..,1,1),!1'
,111d l1111L. 1h,•1r pl.1u•, Nn ),( hll t.• r rm
h~ 111• Thrl d1<111 ·1 111•,·d II I 1..,11 ,tlh
nnt" s1•1is v,1n-col11n•d spoll1).!hls ,m
in>( franlii:,tllv , r111:uss 1n)( h1•n·
l1t),(hh~h1in...: 1h,: n ,. nnl w11h Aru lr,11•
0111• ..,111,• s 1
,inti lh,· ~Lm •

.. r fnnlliJ,!hls full on l'\' l 'r\11 111' n,1
o n, • •~ hi1ltlm1 111 :.h,1d1m : ,,,,,,1 lh,·
~111,• 11 11•11 nrp Childn•n of lht> l.11.d11
,1111 ! , in• ln•,1IP1I 11:- such

Yn11 ,.,.


l-..11 11\, \\ lH l• •,1.-.


1),111 ·1

1,,,,•d \I,•


~h.,U ll t- I .~ •. 111111
\II llf l)llll,il
,11df h,· ,1rrn,i,i 1l~11111nl'4,1l.,tld,·
,1,unp nl \d ll,1.!,ll+•d rll\lhm lh,11
111,11 ~ .. \111 11 ,11• 1hr1..,•· ln ·,h f,,,..,,,
111,•l,11!1,,, -.i11111, l111 ,1.! l1lo., th,·, ..,h,111 ld
h.n ,. r om ,• fr11111 \1111 ,", 11 /-(P1 nnl..,
,, nr.•1 of ,0111
1-:uv••n•· H.,•i 11rd
l't,,,, r• • .di ,il ,11111 l••'oq'§ ,,, .,r, 1111,•
n f 1h,·rn \ ndr ,,,, , 11 11,.! .. ,1h1111t hm,
gf,11 / I,,, ,.., In 111• ,1 r :hn...i,,111 ho\\
J,!l.111 h, • 1s ·•1 h,11 You rr• •,111 •d m,· 111
\'0111 1111,1),!1' 111 )!l \'I' ) IHI 1h, · h1µh1•<;!
11, · µ111-. h I It s 11 ~,. 1h,1t ,,. ,I
lh,· 1111111111,1111, nf ,,pp\,111..,. 1h. 11
f11llm, ... 111 11, •hn\\
\ndr,11• I UT n. .
1nrn p,11•,1n, ,,r pr,11-.,• 1n t;rnl E,,,n
1hn11µh h P ,L!<'I'> ,I ,1,111d 1n).! 1h1111dl'1a 111 111 of ,1ppl.111.., ,•, ,111 d ho; \l,t'ill'I
,-:,,1, nnh ,1 rnu.;rn,L! rouml nf d,1p
ping ,inti I h1•,.nng h1• j.!1,,,.., ,ill rh,•
,1ppl,,11~,• li.11 I. lo I"'"~ ,01 In 1 1111
,1,1111h ,·,h•ll'IIIIJl 1lw I ro\,d lo
,,dnnh ( :hn.;I 11111 h~ o;1mph L. P••p·
111).! ht, n•m, ,rk, C:hn,;1-c,•n11•n•tl , 11111
It, p r, 11:.rn1,1 t :mt !fr h,1, nu , 1•11-.i• uf
f.1\..,1• 111 11d1•'il\ ur hum 1li1,
\..,u,,\., 1111,, ).!1H1tl h,~ 1i- II•• .1ls1 1
l-.1111,,._ \\'Ian 111,ut,, l11m 1h,1r ,,,1,

f~,• f111\\ ,,f "HIJl'l !lllllllll•'', -.;JrJ\\
h.ill.11I.., "" h ,.._ (J1111ot rm11•,;

111,.11,!I' 111111 "'Ill-!' r,•l,111111,.! In 1:hr1'il,
11n111•nrl111l! 1"11irn ,md rh ,·n m,•11
llll'• r., .. 1 ',111111111 r+'IHh111,ns ,,r 'illn)!'i
lh,11 pPupl1• ..,in)l ,d on!,! ,md s\\ ,I\
,il ., n)l \\ llh I! ,• +'011111r,1g1•', II AS ,In\
l!n d p•• rfnr1111•r clnl'S Th,• 1.un1 Prl 1s

,1d••m"n h,Ht• th••1r r1!'ld-dn~ on ·· 1
(:,1n I c;,,, S1.1r11••l rh" l1,u1.s-)(u1lar1,.,., h11, 1rrl r1•ll11\\ )lf)t'S h,tnan,,s; hi
f1n1,1r-r" fh fo'ilf'r 1h,m th, · m1ml ca n
pH L. 11 11p Tiu• drurnmN loses all
11•,1snn ,tnd Ifs ltke Chir.,tJ,?o. Ellon

l11hn. TIii' \\'hu or BST Andrae a~d
Co c,tn d11 sot,,-rl,,whts o n pun•
11111.,i r: too ,111111lw rPleas,• lies it all

S11ll. 1h,,, ,,nn I lei h,m leon·e
I \\O huurs (onh


i.i ruup ,1pp Pari•rl ). his \'O ICe Wlnjl~
uni o n a snfl h,' lllad t:x horlinJ,? lhe


l1 ,d ,111t:1•1I. 101,111:alh 11111 11. rPrl1~clinJ,1
th,• mm1 l or ,1 m.,n r:n ·att•1l h~ thr
1:r,•,1111r nf H.P ,1snn
rtu •n 11°-. ,1II 11, N Or is 11 1 Thi'
un,"I~ ,,on·, lt•I him l,~11vc: the,
,, h1 .. rlt·. lh l•\ s tamp , 1h1•} c: hcr.·r
,,h,•n 1h, • lh sc1plrs r rlurn Thf'

r nmd hJ .. 11"1 e ve r~ lhlOM you do
o;h,m 1he lo\'e of Jesus ," and lands
1hh in 1he comfo rlm~ \'Cnes of
Firs! C:orinlhians Thirleen . "Love is
palienl. love is kil'!c[
Tu w.1rd ofr ano lh er PhCOre. he
tell,; the crowds he·s lellin~ them go
··-.u ,uu ca n catch the lale movie:·
Evu~~·one l11 ughs - !hey know whal
he 's up to. but they reluclanlly let
him go . I le slips oul - not lo a
\\Ailing limousine. bul to a table
\\ hc r r he 11i~ns autosrophs on
pnslc rll and LP"s. He·11 nnl afraid 10
race his fans : it's nol like he"s some
h, pcd-up su1,ers1ar. He's there to
Sf'rVP li e cloes . 100. He puts soul
into music. and the disco heal can 't
111uch him
obod1,, can. for he
iwrve:, A Kin,-i: lhal c;n•t be !ouched,
r-,c:,•pt 1hro uJ,1h !he heA rl.

You Never Talk Anything but Nonsense ·
1111•1 •· 11 1 ilr.1111 ,111, ,trl 11 1, 111 Th ,·
b y Carol Birm ingh am
" \Vhal ts 111 ,, nunw ,.. An onlinµ · 11 , ll111 )! nf lh,, l.d•• lh,11 11111• rll,I\
lt1 two of ( l,1 .,r \Vdii, >.; 1 h,ir,11 11,r..,
fu , 11,
rl11, p111du1 lion 1.., ,,,•II
Ill " Th,·
l111p11 rl, llll ,,
ll1'111 ,W
\\n l rli th,•, 1111111 In Iii",, . • nntl fl,.,n
Enrn1 •s r · 1h +• mime is f'Vt!fythin~ 1 th, •,1tn• H.1111 1<111 hPll ., o; l11hn
\\'11r1h111µ .11111 l,u k 1,1h1111!'\ ,1,
Alµ,•rn1111 \lo111.r11•ff mu,t Ii,•
1,1n•ful ,, 11h ,11,.,r r11\,,, ,1 ., ..,,, li,h
h.u.lwlnr, Im ,II 11111,.:.,; lh t•II ,t\111u..,1
.. ,, h,111c,·,
111 ,1nn1 •n..,111.., 1 ,Ill 'n \ 1•1 do ' lh1•
h umor c:\\,•nduhn ,1 .. 1,li ... hl,
hnr, ·tl ,unnJl l.11h ,11111 !,u,~·..,· ,111111.L!

.,r t:,·nh

o1n· \\1•11 pl ,1\1•d h,

Pnlh I ln_L!,111 .rnd l ,IIH'I Rmlµ,·r,
Th,·ir, h ,1rn1111J.! 11•,1 p,,rt, ..,hil\\-. 1h,·
hrtll1.1m,· 1,r <;\\ 1•, •I .. ,1 11" ,1 ',lll .1111!
\\'1 1d,>.., 11111111 1111 ur hu\\ , ,1p,1hl,·
\\1111\1'/l I .Ill h,· ,II II
J<, ,, 1•1,1nd t : h,1 :.11hh •

t' t I lt •:. l , l',III


l'••rfnr 111111).! nm, thruu.,:h April I 1.
tlw L,ru Sl,1.,:1 •. l111 .•1h•d ,11 t:opli- ,
pn•-.1•11\ s 1h1:.



..,1• 111 1\11~.., Pn..,m ,1.; ,, o;ln c.t 11ld m,1111
ht11 1,llh Pr ,t I.1th ·,uh ,111 un1,1 111
, 1•,1r.., · ,,,1 ,•,tJl"I' In flirt ,11111 p,•rh,qi-.
11111!111• ,1 1 ,•11,1111 11111.1? 1 Sh,• ,.., 111,·

1:1111w1h Tlw ..,m,1ll 1h,•,11r·1 1, ,111 ,1111

,lfl'll,I ror i h ... pl.1~ Ill~ 1h,• \\'i ltl,· \\ II
s .. 1111 \'11 lu r i,111 Enl,!l,1111I. th,• pl,1 ~
rnl11 111t,.., 1h1• ·.,,11 n•,r 111s111111ions nf
f.1111ih , ~111 ·1,•I\ , llldrl'l,1,1,W .111d
hl1•r,1111n· Th,• ,111111)! ru,-:111 • Al.,:,•r
111111 nri. •n 111,IL.+· ~ lj).!hl ,1nd }' ' '
r,dh"r, \ 1111 ,ti. 11111\nwnh ,11!11111 111 ,;
1.unll•111pnr,1r11 •~ \\'Jul ,• d1..,1 tt~'i lll,I!
,Ill np,..•I


lh1 • !Uni ur


llf'fnrf' m1
1rt111~e. which I think is
n,•, Pr ,11h 1,;ahle ··

\h II,• Fr,•111 I, ,1, th ,· 1\ 1tnr ,._ th,·
•, ho\\ , ,1. ,r 11, ·r pr, ,..,•1i. ,, dr,I\\~
,11ull,•n,.1•, ,1lh•n1w11 ,md tw'r
,tl11Hl,1 wh1-.;f'h •n•d ,1.,;11lt•, ,inti ' n,1s1 ~ ·
,11, 1,11 ,:111111111•11 1-. Jlt'I 1h1• s1IPnr1·
1!1o•, 11,,.,,,n •• · 1h,•n ilw l.111),!llli•r 1h,•,
11n ,,,1L.,· I )111 ,, ,,h,l,• r 1•p r 11,1t h1n\!
\lj,11 •rr11 1n 1..uh llr ,11 kn1 •1l \\,lrn,
,~\Pr ',pt•,1L. d1,r,•sp1•1 tfull~ .. r
.., .. ,.11,1, . ,\IJ,wrnun ()nh- p1•01 ~whn
1 ,,n I Jl •'I 111111 II tin th.ti '" Shr ,1ls11
1li-.,11 11irt1\ t'.., ,,f lung ,·n,1,1,li,tt.ull f>l'II~

In lh+ • pl,1~ ·s rlircct; ,in s Osc nr
\\'aid,· ,1sks the c harncl e rs lo ··s peak
,,11h 1he polished a nd pointed
,.1;,.,:,1nr:<' of A lc1surecl sociel)
,, hu:h 1,,,1ltH'd hrilliant. cle,er.
,111111..,111).! ullrr,tnr:I" ·· I lis 1:n n\'ers,1111111-. 1,..rt,11nl ) e x1msc a h1jthly s e lf•
L1ms1: 1
ou:. \\ 11 and 1h1s cast rela1es
1ha1 well Ca reful a11en1ion and in ),(l"nuil) is ,1 lso J,?1ven lo 1he set

·· ru sp1•,1~ fr,tnkl~ . I am n111
1n f.n 11r of lun),! 1•111,1,t)l:•'llli'nts Th r}
}:I\,. p1•11 ph· th,· opportunit~ nr find -

shuw ,ind Hn 10 ~ some cider durinj,l


.. ,l\i ll J,:.

llll! lllll 1•,11 h olh1•r·s , h,1r,11.1i'r

th•si~ncrl b~ Mar~ Rit chcll. See the

1111ermssion. One con


lhi •n nn \\hal ma~ he or Rc,11 lmport,1m:••



w11ntln111,l:,, 11l,1,,•1l l1\ H,,I. Hu h,ml
,un I ii ~, 1111nlo•rp,1r1 1 llv~ l'n, rn
pl.1, .. d II\ Ju 1:,1rpt•n1,•r ~i...
( :,11·p1•11h•r ·.!oo p urlr,t\ ,11 tin,•.; 1101 p1 ,,

Squ, 1r, •.

, ,•ro;111n o f Al~ e rnon 's
, h,1r11Hnl.! ,11111 1. l .. uh llr.11 kn,•11


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All Suffolk l)ity Divi,io n l,1w s1udrnh inlf.•1r,1e•d m 101rnng ,1 1,t\\
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Phi l..1w rr,lll'f11ily 10 Ill' hl'kl Oil r1id ,I\ , Ap11I 2. ,11 12 noon Ill tht•
M( ()('111w11 (.onf(•1Pnc«• Room (111 , 1 flour ol 1h1• Dnn,thur

A 1i ric(1,1I lllt't•llll,-: ol mll'Jt'',l('d I \t•JlUlg l>l\1 \ ltHl l,t \\ ... ,ud1•r11 ..
lw llf'ld on· 1lw ,,1mt• d,1) 111 llw• room ,II 5 P \1

\\' Ill

111"1 _)~ ' l.1w , 1ud(•11 1 ~ H 1 \ 1 ~ - - - - ~ - - ~

25% OFF ACCUTRON Watches
Timex- Seiko - Bulova
Mon.-Fri., 8:00-5:30 Sat. 10:0-2:00


... valentine
fr11111 \l,1c,· -

t ... 11111111,•,I

l,11,p11.1I I look 1111,· luul. .,11l11•-.,• l.1d,

1111 th,, ,l,,.,1,, S111,11111,· .. 11, 111 1ti .. 1,•fl

11 .. lil1\ .,,1-.

.,,,1111111111,-: 111 h,•1 , h.111
h11111 h, ,d





I, 11,,,., ,,1 ,, r11r11111-. p,u ,. ,.,_,.,.,., h,·r
-.h ,·,•I 111 p,q1,•1
\ UIJ I•' \\111\..111.c ' " " t., .. , 11,-l,II\
\ 1,,1 \ ,. ~11I 1,1 ,111\\


'-,,1111 ,h

,11,,,,, ..



1111,111,,,., 1,


l-.1 •1111\ :,.,hn\\ 1111 • h11\\ \\ 1•11 \U11
\\fl l• ·
'-;,1111h ,,n-.
lh,n 1
p,, ..,., 11111,11 "" h.1111 I l,·ld1,
l-., •1111, hu 11..,,., hi-. .1t!i•11t111n 1111




h,, h11ld, up 111-.


._ h,•,•1 1111 :,.,,11111\ I" .,, .,


I , ,11111• In

Up Temple Street

th, 11

I "' ' " h,·l1Jm~

March ZZ•Zi, Monda)-frida y
'-iPH/", \" \f ,n1,,



~- a rch !6-?7. Frlda,-Saturd•)
\\ ,, ltl'f \I llo1r,, · O,•h,tlln11 Snc.u•r, ,pon~nt~ Ann11..1l Commum1, <:ulle~t' Foren-

,11111,·,11w h,·11•


111 It.,, li.tlh, ,t \ ., l!r111q, ,d
I h1lil1,•11 .,,,. l,•,l\' llll,! 1h,· !1111111111~
f.,, 1h,•11 ro•t ''"-" 1u•n11d I h1,• nl 1h,·

March JI. \\o ednesda,·


1,, .. , .... 1h,,

J,!ln11JI ,HH I ( llfllt'',

ltt\\,llil .. ~~11111\ 11,,, .. ,h111l\\llh h1~
,., , •., h,., hliJntl,· h,111 ,., .,., 11),!hl 11 ,.,
,111111,..t \\11111•_ ,tnd hi, -.l.111 1, \ ''"
p,d, · h, .. 11, IIIW , .. l'hd1p I ,Ill 11, · h ....

J1111rn,1m ••nl

4 1111



O~mner Clime. Br,itlon ltarbor
\.1,1t1na'Tt>nm11 C.luh Quine,

\\um,!n., Tt'nms -


,;,,.,lu ,1111111 !11(11rrnJ1111n ,s ,111urhed to thf" tl••itree i-1l1phcat1on Be sure 10 (ile an
,q,ph • .111011 ,r ,,111 ,in• pl..1nnmi,1 1·1 11r.ulu..1t'° 1n lune
Ap r il I, Thunda)
FIim Cnmm1Uel' pres,!nlJ " Gunjla Din " 1n lhe

I 1111 pm

S c;·I\

I Oil 1'111


I'~, rh1111111ff,1I S<>n•,cf', anrl •lht• o~pa, lmc nt of S111dPnt
•\111\ Ill+" prPs1•nls d ·C:.ari-•N Explnr,1tinn Work!lhop .. In
r110Jl1 r·-11411 -\II art> 1n\'1lt'd 1n ;11tt'nd


/1 ,- -.,1111 ,,., ,II S,1rnh -.11\h ,,nil


f11 .,1

11\\,1,-. l.1111\,

II h,1-. fn111

-.h,,l, ,-.,
I h,,1., lu•,11111f11I l-., •1111, :,.,,11111\
"·"., ,•1111111 , 1 ll, .dh
\I 1,•r h.ilr ,111 1!11111 1h,·, I,,._., ,•11d-.
.11111 S,111,h Ii.,-. .111 t111111-l,,11).! l11,•.1l
rit, 111111 h l11•lu1,• h"r 11, ,,1 1111,,,.

I !,tl,t 111\ lui-.., rlwr,•., nu \\,I\
Ii ,111 ""'\.. \..-llh 1h,,,;. \..1d, lt11t ,1f11•r
I\\ 1111, \ IJIJ d,"1 I .. ,.,. 1111'11 pll\ .. ,1 .,I
h,,n,h, .q1, En 11 1f ,• \ ,•1, !hlnl.! 1,(..,,
Ill Ill\
"' 1!11 \\111111,!



Sh,· 11111mld,,., 111 li,·r.,, •11


March 19, 1r,1

SuHulJ. lnurnal

l',,~r 12

11, •r,•


I 111;111, ,1111


Organizalio n al MeetingJ


\-. -.h,· 1,1.k,,., th" 1!111 ~.111.t ,
1h.111\..-. 111111 ,ind l, .. .., .., 111111 on 1h,·

!\l arch ZZ•Zli

I 111,1 lu, ,· iii,·-..· 1,,,,1 ., .,., 111111 h
, h, · "·" .. ,1,, -.h,· l,111\..-. .,1 h,·, c1!1 111 ..
d l,,,1.,1,l,·d ,,.d 11,qw1 1 .d,•111111,•

M;,irch JO. Tu~sda\ --.,
\l,111,·I I 1111,·d '\,1111111~ rnt11n f- -1.. 0 I 00 pm •:! 30 pm
r ·111m, 1l 11f Pr,•-.11lo•n1, r,1"m f- - 13Hll I Oil pm-:!:tu 11m
',,,. 1.,1.,u, I :lult r,n,n'I 1 -h !hA 1 110 pm -.! :1(1 pm
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~Pl<!";\ \I


<\ 11ril I. Thunda,
\l,wt,·l.l '1111 .. ,t '\,1t1un-. room t;·.

... political intrigue
1 :,111 111111,•,1110111

P.1~• ·

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\\ ,1lt, •r \I llur,, • 11,,lt,tlllll.! !-,on,•I\ rnnm \ -:!-I /Y ! 4t\ I Oil pm-:! 3'l pm



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,11111 +'\1•nth1nlr,! .

fuhn !11111111• h •.-. h,111 ,1•\ ,•r,.-1 p1h
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· I 1.11111.1 1101 ..,,,11111 111\-..•lr \1nr\..1ni,:
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.111d 1h,· µ1,·,11,·~1 -.h,1111,• uf .ill.., 1h,·

1li111l 1li.11 ld,11 l, ,h1111ld 111•• nm, ·




111,1\ Ii,· 111,1 .1, q11.il1fwd
I 11•,dh !111111.. lh,11 1111, ~t.11111 1 1.,.
,111 11,11

,,1111 111•rJ1,11i-. ,1h,•,ul 1,I ,111,




th,•11• ( 1111lil 111·





~1111\).! LI\ 11, l,111l ,II

Are You a Creative Person
Who Needs $1)150
for Tuition Next Year1
1,b1eir,hip, lo, ,uffoll Jm11n.1I ,incl lk,u1111 ' t',11hook ,111• ,\,,1,l,1hl1• Im
l'l ~f,- 1977 l<f',Ufllt'" ,hnuld lw ,uhm1111•d In t..,·n tr..Plh ,11 \hnlf'nh •\t 11,1111•-. C>fht1 • UU lj) 110 l,11t•1 1h,111 M ond• y, April 5, .al 1:00 pm.
Io q11,1llh ,1 ,111d1•n1

1 11111,1 h,• 11•..:1,11•11•!1 ,1 , ,I 1ull-1mu• cl,1\ und1•11,:r,1d
mu .. 1 llt' 111 ).tl111d ,II ,1tl1•1111c .. 1.1mhng ,II tlJ1• 11111t• ot ,1pplu ,111011 , ,,nd d111 1n1-: l1•nu1t·



I mu,,, 11111 hf• ml d1\t p111b.11u111
4 mu,1 nt1I bt• ,I 1,mdrd,t1t• for \11ult•nl ( ,0\l'fllnlt-tll

1<.-.. 111111•,

111tlud, , 1 )' 11•,1"'111 " lor tilt' d, •.,ut• 111 h1•,or111• 1•1!11111 , l1l
p,1-.1 1•,,u-111•11, ,• ; () pl,111., 1111 1111' pulilu ,llum \\h1t,• lwm~ 1•d11t11
I," lu11h,·1 11111,rm.1111111 111111,UI Ke n Kt•lly, Student Acti\lilie~ Offke
(NL ,).


nn I 00 pm-:! J{I pm

1•.,i.111 .d ..,, 1,-111 ,.

I .1111111111,•d lr,1111

l'o1i.:, ·

\\ h, should


,•r,1).!+ ' ,ind ,;,11111,• 111h•r,·.,t 11u1-.u1,•
!h,• Suff ,.ll • n111m111111,
lhn111!h lhu-.,• 111,•mlu•r-. npp11.,1n1.!
t:11111,-. ,1-.1 1 ,it,· I I\ l11,1•rl ,I!
ll\1ta,•-. ,1~ th,· r, •,1,011 fur t h1•1r
1wi.:,11n 1-.rn th,•, .d:-.11 11l1J••t:I 10· th,·
., ,., •. ol 1h,· r,.,.
\\ ,, ,h1111ltln I I'•" 1h,1t kind nf
morlt·\ fnr 1 fnrm,•r p11ld1r !H'r1


\ ,tlll " Ln\'11111 S,1111

\l!,1111 _\l,1!111 1 ✓ 1 t11 .. pu1i•il
S(; _ lhtn\.., n111h:n1,1 nf p,nlll~ l'iOII
for .1 R,llh~l.e-11,•r rirJhcms.,nct... fur il
p,,rl\ ." h,· ,,1id " lh1n ' 1 1ml nu•
\\1'1111),! p,1rr11·, ,11 , • ,1 p,irl of our
,1,u,il ,,,hu ,1111111 h111 munt•\ ,hnulrl

II,· ,dim ,th'd fur mun• ,11;,ult•rn1r
,u In 111,•s .,~ \\I'll t-'1n,1nc 1,111~ . \\ 11h
1lw 11111111•, ")lt'OI on D,•,111 ,ind
dn h,111• ,1 prt>11•dl'nl ·


( lp111111n, 1111 Cnl11\ ·., \ ISII , lrt' nnt

,.,, Ju.,., ,•I,

SC \ .,,,pr 1•s-.t•d
hn\,, ·, ,•r tl1twr 111t•mhf•r.s
r.,11111, .,ncl ,;111d11111 h111h h,nf' 11bn
\1111 ,,,I dn,•r,:111,: ,,.ntim,•nl.,






11.t) an idiot lo

1di o1 thtn~s he's

dmH', nnc "tud1•n1 rPSponded "\\'e
shnultl ,'!Pl pt'ople like Ral1>h Nader
\\lu, h.n,• don,• \\nrlh \\hilc 1h1ntts
for ,di uf us

\ r,1cuh, m,•mlit•r added 1ha1 no
1 11111•0

sh~uld be ctemed freedom

nf speech. hut a)Z rced wil h those
who helie\'e 1ha1 " 52000 seems a lil11(• 1111 sleep fo r Colby"

Colh, ,,as rr-moved from his posl
,is CIA ctirector in Novembe r 1975
durioM 1he Ford administ r ation
shJkP-up 1ha1 also saw the depar•
tur" ur former Defense Secre1an,
l,1mt-s SchlcstnJ,!cr. Colh) remained
on the 10h. however. until his rep laceme nt. Geor~e Bush. r et urned
from his representalive dut ies in
Chin,1 this pasl January .
Thf' SC ,\ 1ledsi11n to allocale
!llflO 1m,:ird 1hr fee ,,as made al ,1


~I .in h 9 mo llnM The r emai nin~

S IOOO will lw paid by Dr Dion
\rt hon 's l.1•r.turc Series ProKram

Playoff Box Scores
II\ Tonv Feru ll o
r't111r-.d,1, - SE \I\S~q SI ' 1-'FOI.K
,11 I< I Collt:,-it:
SE ~d •\SS
llrnt),! C:r,1h lrt't' :!-fl-4.
lloui,t ll.l\t\1•11 4 -11•8, Gt•IH'ral
I lulm,lll. tj- ..1-15, Ron ~l.1~1i.rnt 10·-1·
:!.a .


\1,u I.rod

;-.,a.rn ,


Brnpll\ :t-0-fi, lnhn , \llf')lr,111,1 2-0-4 .
t..1•11h :',.t'II 0-0-0 1'111,d, :1.a -11-79
St 'l' l-'01.1\. •. /11hn llrm,inl. 5-0- 111.
I )11nm ,111 l.1111,• 4--1-:.!:.!, Chrt~ 1..,111,rn,
;, _, I-, 1',11 R, ,Ill r, .:;. 1- Sit'\,.
ll111 r,·11 :.!11-0-4 1111!. F,•rr,,r,1 1-0-f,
\11 l. r,111111, 1·11-:.!. l:,•urJ.!1' K,dni.:Pri~
I -II •.!


1.!- 1:.!-7"h

SE \I \SS 4:.!·:.!1>
Htl~lll\ ~I \ll
~I I Fllll-. 1111
I 11d,1\


RI Collr•)lt'


BOSTOt\ ST . Silas Dobson 0-0-0.
ll,1\e 11,trrcll 3-7-13. Mickey Gon•
-.,1h-t•s 1-:!--t, James ~leu~e 3-0-6,
J.u k Crump R-0-lft Kcvrn 00\\cl 10-

1-:!l. foe

l.ennf' 16-4-36, Mikt

11,,rr,~un 0-0-11, Rob Grassia 2-9--1 .
\l1h Sarsf1t•ltl 30-6. Bri,1n Conr.ul

1-11-:! Chn~ Ch,pnuras Cl--0-0 To1als
➔ - - 14


St 'FFOI.K . C,•orji;!t' Kalo~<'rts 0-0.0,
John 1111\, ,irrl 10 - 1-'.!I . 1..trry
\ ,1nS1n u-n-n. Doh ~tello 2-0-4. Bob
Fnr,1r,1 R-2-14 Slc\C- Forhu1 0-0-0.
Sh•\,, 11,,rn•U 1).0-0. N1d TsiolO"i 2-1-, P.11 R, ,m 11 •2•'.!4, Sh!\'t' Relihan 011-H c:hris T,;,11110~ fi.-:1- 1'1, Donovan
l.11111• ;-4.18 Tutals 42-17-101
I l.ilr 11m1• • Rusin SI 46-39

Fm.ii R1•1:1lrtls - Roslun St (2'.!·

"1) SuffnU,. I 1!1-AJ

Women's Softball will begin in April.
Open to all Suffolk University women .
Rosters at 100 Charles River Plaza,
Athletic Office.

. ..