File #4006: "Suffolk Journal_1976Apr02_vol31no23.pdf"



April 2,~ffl

Vol. 31, No. 23

Administration OK's
New Equal Opp. Act

S.G.A. to Amend
~action Procedures


by Debbi e Burke
fh<' S1ud tm l Governmen l Associali on is awa ilin~ a n April 5 rntificnliun or 11 s proposed '4."Cndmc nl s
lo th e l975-'7R consliluli on rcgarding lhc runnin,w: of e lcc lions fo r
semis on Ute SCA
Three i1me nrlmPnl s havr hcrn
propascrL The f1rsl stn lcs: ··11 .!i holl
be composed uf the duly elcclr.rl
Pn'!si dcnt ; Vicc Presicle nl and four
re prese ntat ives of each of the fov r
unde rgrnrlual f' du y clas!'les of thi·
Universi ly, the e lection of which
sha ll be accomplish ed in th e same
mann e r a!'! 11et fo rth in !he constilution." In su mmary this a mend m c nt lo roplocc Articl e 1, Secti on 1,
requests thal four undcr,;irads be.
allowed to be e lected
The second one s lnl m1 : "S!udents
sc rvir:e un th,• Elec tion Cnm milloc
sha ll b 1? compc nsnteii fo r their s,•rvices from th e SGA--trcasury. Thu
amounl of co mpensalion sh a ll va r y
wi th servicos re nde red on a hourly
ba.!!ls 11 1 the discretion of th e SCA."

This a mendm e nl lo replace Articl e
I , Section 3, was decided oii
because i/ was re l! 1h01 ii would be
easie r 1 gol more volunl ee rs to
•wrvc nn 1he commi ll ee if th & were
,w:oin~ to trn cn mpenso ted for th eir
\'vn rk and lirn1•
Thf! lh ircl amendmen t will repin c e Arlicle l . Seclion 3 ,
Pataf(tilph 3 . c l ause 4 ·· sophomore . Juni or a nd Senior
cluss e leclions shall co me within
three weeks or April on a dat e sel
fo rth h)' the Presi de nt. " This will
ca use the prese nl • scheduling of
e lections in Ma y 1 move up one
monlh .
If approved . 1hcl'le l'Cuidolinc!I w ill
he a tta ched lo th e new co nslilut ion .
which wHI not be co mple ted by the
rlcctio n!I.
Furlht• rm ure, elcct ion11 fo r eac h
cl ass are bein1 conduct ed •oparately this ye ar to reduce congeslion 01 pHlling pl aces wh ich had
heen a hindrance al former e lec-

by Mary Grtllln
Suffolk Un ive rsit y's Board of
Trusiees, as or thjs • semester have
voted lo include lhe followfll@ stateme nt into the university hy-laws:
Suffolk U nivenlty 1elecu
studen ts , facult y. and ataff without
regard to race. color. religion, sex.
11ational o ri gin , age . marital or
parental status. The Univenilf
does not discr iminate on the basla
c of race, color, religion. aex, national
origin , age , marital or parental
.! sta tu s in the ope ration of any of ii•



SCA Treuurer Jam e• Tomey
demon1trale1 a paradoxical polnl .
lions .
The tenlative time table slales:
Mun .. Apr . 12 a l 12 pm deadline for
irnbmisswn of nominati on papers
conlQ.i ning at least 25 signalures and
ca ndida1u aptutch ea and va lidation
or the nomina1ion signature, ; Apr.
13 a nd 15 is Sophomore e leclians
frotn 10 am - 2 pm in the ca feteria
Continued to Page 7

No Impact Program

Ex¥on Grant Denied
by Marlin Gavin
In n le lt er ln t·res hma n cl ass
Presid e nt t\d,artin Da\'iS, Cary n G
Korshin. lhe ProMrnm Mnno1ger of
the Exxon Educu tional Founda ti on
a 11c mp tod lo exp la in why Su ffolk
IJnivcr~itv dicl no! re ceive a Mrnnl
rhal it ap ,; li ed fo r in 1974.
Th o- lilrnnl w o uld ha v ,! un dorwrill on a prol(rnm of studcnl IO
sluden l co11nseli nj! aimed al reducinM the numhor of Freshmen drop •
pinM out of th e coll eJZe . In a perintl
be tween 1969 and 1973 tho drop-out
ra te
rnn),!NI he lwccn 35 and 39 pnrce nt
of !he t· rcsh mun class al Suffolk . In
onS\)'Or 1 thi s, the Psycholoj!icul
Services Depnr1 mont proposed a
Student Adjust me nt Course . The
one day a wee k doss would have
been conduc ted by a member of
Psych Services with upperclassme n
servin1:i1 in a co unselinM ca pnci ly.
With th e backing of Suffolk Pres id e nt Thomas Fu lham , Psyc h Se rvices applied throu)(h Suffolk for nn
I MPA CT (I mp le m e nt ation o f
Mat erials a nd Procedures Affcc ling
Cull cl,(C Tea chinK) RrAnt from the
Exxon E.cluca tio n FoundHtion
trtya's re jecled .
O n F-'ohruary 22 of thi s yuu r thr!
Freshman Closs Presid e nt wro le lo
Dr . t'.redrick deW Ba lm .in 1hc Ex•
ocu live Director of tht, founclalion ,
askinH why Su Hnlk was , "dis,ucl ··

Answt• rinK for Dr Bulm an , Cu ryn

C Korshin co nt e nded 1ha1 Suffolk
was nnl disqua lifi ed . She stated
tha l the founcla1ion unde rwrites
o nl ) five o ut of eve ry 100 proposals.
" Usua ll y ii is 1hc relative me rits
nf compelintt propo1als 1ha 1 de te rmine how n proposal fares and not
so me ubsolul e ly applied measures
of 'jtoodness ' or ' badnes,· . as,erted
lh c Program ManaRer.
Kors hin admi11ed 1ha1 it wus impouib le lo a nal yze individual
fouh :i; of 01,plicanls, howeve r she
inclucl1?d a list of Keneral p robl e ms
1ha1 th e fou nd allo n claims to have
wi lh s lucl e nl to st ude nt counse lin~
pro1ccts .
In order to qua lif) for aid !he
vrowc1 must closely conform to a
specific typo of counselinK projecl
known as the "Soulhwesl T e xas
mo d e l o r p eer aca d e mi c
co unseling."
T hey a lso blamed , "l nad quatc
informa tion abo111 the work be ing
proposed ." Proposa ls some lim es
fail to inform the fou ndat io n about
lh u upe r111ion of 1he project or 1he
se lection and traimng of s1uden1
cou nse lors .
Finally. " Failure to ind ica te how
1hc slu de nt 10 s tu dent cou nseling
proR ram wou ld he continued upQn
the ex piration of rh c Foundation
,Rrant," wa s cited 111 reason for rcJcc lion.
T h .. lc 11 er did not e xplain which.
,f any . of the requireme nts Suffolk
did nnl meo t

:;og::~: r:7d ::~iv!:i:i'/~:~,d~:~
regulat ions.
Although 1he Board of Turstee,
has always held a nondiscriminatory policy. the addi tion
was made in orde:r for Suffolk
University lo meet the Internal
Revenue Services Anti-Siu Rule,
for pri vate colleges. Suffolk wu
required , as any other in1titution
1hat is exempt from Federal Income
Taxel, to include in to ita by•laws a
racia ll y non-discriminatory policy
as to students.
•A nother requi r ement Suffolk
University had lo meet was Title IX.
the r egul at io n im plementin1
educational amend m ents. These
a me ndments were brou3hl about in
1972. They prohibil sex discrimina1,on in educa tional proarams. All
universities rece iv in1 Fe deral
fi nan cial assistance are subjecl to
Title IX, which became effective in
Jul y 1975.
In ord er to meet this requ iremp:nl
Pres . Th omas A. Fulham appoi nted
Jud y Minardi to be coord inator of
Titl e IX for the university . Ms.
Conllnued lo Page 2

A.A. U.P. Petitions

~0.1% Raise Sought
T he America n Auocialio n o f
l lni ve rsil~ Professors. chaired b)'
English Professor Blair Bige low . is
seek ing a cost of liv ing adj ustm e nt
10 1heir ea rnings .
It 1s the d esire of the AAU P
c h ap ter to have the Boa rd o f
T rusl ees rec'o nrirm '\IS co mmitment
lo !he 2-3-3-2 co mpe nsation levels.
In orde r to insure 1his level, th e
curren't proposa l ca ll s for a 3"/., increase for professors , a 2 1'/r increase
for associate p rofe l!lon, and a 1"/,
increase for ass is tant professors
a nd instruc tors .
A rece nt AA UP re port poi nt ed
out the fo ll owing facts in order to
jus ufy such a co mpensat io n hike :
Suffolk as a privat e institu tio n has
increased e nrollme nt fr om 41 27 in
Spring '75 to . 1 506 in Spring '76
A recent AAUP report poi nt ed
out 1he fo ll owing fa cts in order to
justify s uch a co mpensation hike :
Suffolk as a pri va le insti lut ion has

increased enrollment from 4127 in
Spring '75 to 4506 In Spring '76. Tuition 1976-77 was raised 16'h, Suffolk
up until recently had not made an
a llempt to build up e ndowm ent
through a fund raising effort a nd
1he Co nsumer Price Index for the
Boston Metropolita n area Increased
10.1!'/• during the cale n;ar year
1974, whereas th e aver e '7S-'76
compe nsation Inc rease f Suffolk
was 10'/•
Former 74 - 75 fisures were :
professors r eceived S21 ,600 as com•
pared 10 th e AAUP request of S22,•
880 (a 6'7• difference) : auociate
professors received $16,800 81 com•
pa r ed 10 !he AAUP req uest S1 7,310
fa 3 '7r diff e ren ce ) ; assistant
professors received S14,400 co mpared lo the AAUP requut of $14,•
560 ta 1.,..~ diffe rence}: and lnstruc•
tors received $12,500 compared to
lhe AAUP request of $12..650 (a l f/,
difference) .


th ,, Ex xon Ed111 .111 una l l·n11nm11u1n
n1t1•mpl1•d 111 1•xr,l.11n v. h~ Suffolk
I 101\ 1•rs11\ dHI nol rt• , l'ivt• ,t ~mill
thal 11 ,q ,phPri for 111 1!174
T tlt' ,wr,111 1 w n uld ha\,, 1111
d1·n,nl1t•n ,J pr11J,1r,11n nf st11d1•n1 1
~l111 iPlll r.1n1n~1
•l1n>1 a1nwd ,11 rmlw
inJ,1 th1• numlll'r nf Fn•i.hnwn drop
pin),! 11111 nf 1h1 • 1. 0111 · )11" In , 1 pn tnd
IH'l\\l*t•n IOOY a nd 197:t 1h1• drop-11111

nf 111mp,•l inj1 prnpns.ilit that detPr m1n1• ho" ,1 propns11I rares and not
-.nm ,• ,th!m lutrl~ .ipphed mea11urri.
of ·,11oodn1!ss· or ·hadness ·. nssoned
th1• Pro,11 ram ~tana,11e r
Knrshin aclmi ll Pli th at 11 was im•
pusi,1h1'• In nna lyz,, 1nd1v1du;tl
faults of ,lpp li cH nts , how1~vrr sh1•
1n1 ludl'CI a lls1 uf ,weneral prnblems
r,11 ..
rh,11 1h,• foun1 la 11un cl.rims 111 havP
r,lll)ll'd llt'l\\l't•n 1, and 39 p..rn•nl ,, 11h s111drn1 In .. 1udi>nl cnunsPl11,1,11
of 1h1·: Fresh ma n das.!> at Suffolk In prn11•1 Is
,111sw1 lo 1h1i.. th1• Ps~chnlui,z11:, il
In order to 11uall f~ fur ,nd tht>
Sen It.cs De lmf'n l prnposPrl. ~ prnwr.1 mus! clusel} r:on for\m to ,1
S1ucl1rn1 Arl111s lment Cou rse Th" sp Pc1f1c lvpe nf counse lin,11 pro)('ct
0111• da) a wtiek doss wou ld h,1 vr \..nnwn a~ tlir · Sout h\,rsl Tcxds
b1•pn cn11d11 c1ed hy a mem be r uf , mod u I o r p " 1• r ,1 ca tie m I c
Ps)•c h Sc rvict!S with uppe rcl ass men 1
.uunsP lin,11 ··
T he~ ,also blamed . · ln:11lequn1c
~ se rvinK rn u co uns e lin~ c.ipaci1y
With th e backinH of Suffolk Presi- infurma lmn ,1hou t the work bt?111,11
de nt T ho ma s Fulham , Psych Srr - pro posect .'· Proposa ls some 11mes
vices .ip11l11•d 1hrou)(h SuHulk for an f,11110 inform th e foundatum ahont
IMP ACT i lmplPnwnlallun u f !ht> upna lton of the prn1ec1 or th e
MJ ttm, ds ,,nd Procedures Aff Pclin1,1 •wlf'1·1Lnn and traimnJ( of slllclen l
C11 ll1!i,z1: Teach inJ() Jilranl fr om lhl' co unsclnrs
Ex).on Edu cation Fou ndalwn
Fina ll y. ··Fa ilur e 10 indtcatr how
11 ,•11,ts re1ec ll'CI
1h1• stude nt to s tude nt cnuns~ lin1t
nn FHhrnar y 22 of 1h1s yu,ir th, • p,u,wram would lw cont inu ed upon
Fresh m,111 Class Prf's1rle nl wrote In 1lw ex p1ra11on o{ 1h1• iuundat ion
!Jr Frmlnck d eW Dolmt1n thf: Ex- ,'Crant .'' was i:1 1 a11 reai:irrn for re~
l'Cllli\•1• 01rPclor uf 1hc roun dut wn .
ask1nJ,( wh ) Su Hulk wus . ·· d1sTh,• lcner du! nol ex pl ain whi ch ,
11Lrnlifu.HI ..
1f an~ . nf the req111ce m.- nts Suffolk
Am,, ,!rlnj( fur !Jr Dolrn ,111. Caryn du! nfll me r t

Page 2

Judy M1nard1 lo be coord inator of
Ti tl e IX for !he universit y Ms~
Conllnued lo Pqe z

A.A. U.P. Petitions

'1o 1OL Ra1se -iJllllllght
• ~-■

The Amrr1c,1n Assoc1a 110n of
I lm\·nsll\ Profrssors . cha ired b,

En,wltsh Cruft'ssnr Hla1r Bi.Reio\\ 1~
set• km,11 ,1 cn'>I of h\·111.11 ad1ustme nt
10 1he1r ,· ,irmn,11.!>
J1 ..., 1s 1he desin• of the AAUP
ch,1pte r 1o h,1ve the Boa r d o f
Trust,•es reconfirm 11s comm1t me n1
to lhe 2-3-3-2 compensa lio n leve ls
In ord e r 10 insure 1h1s level. 1he
c\i rrent proposal ca lls for a 3"', m r.rease for professo rs, a zr·, inc rease
fe r assoc ial e professo rs. a nd a 1r,,
increase for assislanl professors
a nd 1nslruc1ors
A recen l AAllP repori po111ted
uut th e foll owi ng fa c ts 1n order lo
1us11f ~ such a co mpensahon hike
Surfolk as a pri vate 111s1i1ution has
111c rcascd e nrollm enl from 41 27 in
'sprm~ ·75 lo 4506111 Spring '76
/ A rece nl AAU P repo rl poi nled
bu t the fo llowing fa cls in ord e r lo
1m1 lify such a compe nsatio n hike :
Suffolk as a private 111sl1tu1ion has

mc reased enrollin e nt from 4127 .rn
Spring ·75 lo 4506 in Spring '76. Tui 11011 1976-77 was rai sed 16.,e , Suffolk
up unlil rece nll y had not made an
a llempt 1 build up endowmenl
1hrough a fund raisi ng e ffort and
the Consume r Price Index for lhe
Boston Metropo h rnn area Increased
10 I <>,; duri njil 1he cale;ar year
19? 4, whereas the aver e '75-'76
com pe nsa lion incr ease f Suffolk
was t Oli~
Fo rm e r 74-75 figures were :
professors received S21,600 as co mpared 10 the MUP request of $22,880 fa 6"1, difference) : associate
professors rece ived S16,800 as com•
pared to the AAUP request S1 7.310
(a 3 r,, dif f e r ence) ; assi stant
professors received S14,400 compa red to the AAUP request of SH.560 fa 1•;, diffe rence) ; and in,truc!ors recei ved S12.SOO compared to
1he AAUP req uest of $12,650 (a l o/e

April Z, 1171

SuHolk Journal

Rathskellers, Activities Relocation

Ieditorial-------- I. Maj~y~:::.r:n SG~h~=~~~~ Program CamCom mu111 q111• spo nso rs n monlhl y co ff ('t' hou:-e 111 !he for:ulty ca fete ria
Thi s prowam allows peo pl e lu di spln y 1heir la lPnls , while others can e n jO)
a szood show for onl y a dollar.
Any type of ac l can partici pa te. At th e firs! two coHees most acts we re
~ui!Rr pl ayers a nd sinjlen bul 1h re ha ve bee n p0e1ry readings and plans
nre hei ng made for comed y acts: shorl plays a nd film s made by lhe film cooµ . Courdinal nr Barq Ouellette. s tresses lhat he won ts any kind of at;t
rrom lhe s tudent hod}'. I le--hopcs to produce a va ri ed" pro,wra m lo keep in•
teres l high . Ho also e mpho:1izes th111 the a udi e nce hn s b ee n ve r )' receptive
to nll nets thu s fa r
We conH ra1ul ate Co mmuniqu e for d eve lopi ng an..-ir:1ivi1y which is much
need ed 111 Suffolk. Thi s uni ven1i l)' affords lit1l e op portunil y for social
funclions and slnd e nts du nol ha ve an adequate vehicle through which
i•a• cn n Kain an a udien ce for 1hemselves. It hu also se rved to brins
rrl"Venu c in lu Communiqu e which rece ives no mone y from th e u ni versity .
The nex t t.:o fr cc house ill toniijhl al 7 P.M. There will be some talent.
some food a nd yo u ca n brinK you r ow n. H you wan t to pe rform fqr other
s1uclen1s or you'r e looking for a c heap ni gh! of good onler tmnm e nt go lO th e
cofrc'l! house. yo u will he welcome .


. JOIJl2~.-'l

Ed II or-In-Chief
Managlns Editor
News Ed itor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
A11oclate Sports Editor
Ar11 Editor
Pho101r1 phy Editor
Graph ic Arts Edi tor
Senior Edllora

Production M1na3er
Bu1lne1..'•Ad Manaxer


Merk C. Rogers
Phil Sanloro
Debbie Burk e .
loha nna L. Roberts
Stephen Corbell
Joe Re ppucci
Patricia Fantasia
Marlin Cavin
Nancy Kell ey
.Bob Carr
Br e nt L. Marmo
Brian Walker
Paul Donovan
Cindy Fc h ch

WRl1~RS : C11rol Blrmingh11m; Maq C. Bu ckl ey : Debbi ollar;
Nnncllo ColliniJ; Linda Comeau: Kevin T . Creedon; Fran Cu ll en :
Luu Delena : Pelri ca Gano: Mary G rifrin ; Maryalice Gui lford :
f.C . l111 ye11 : Jack He ffernan : Va le rie Jamiol : Mark C . Mazzie:
Mau reen McConagl e: Barbara Ochs ; Rebecca Pea rl :
Doh Reardon : Mary Kat e Russell: Rick Sala
lucl y Silv e rm an: Jonnne Torraco: James K. Varsa
SPORTS: Gregory Hrooks; Palrl cio A Ca ll ahan: Jeff Cla y;
Dri an Dono\'an : Ton y Ferullo; Jon Gottlieb :
l.inda K. Johnson : Kevin n
PHOTOG RAPHERS : Dianu C0111a: Mi ch ael C uneo ;
Paul Darrah : Mari e Oon ce u e: Ron Ceraneo: Bruce M c Intyre
GRAPHI C ARTISTS · Mi chae l Soredu ; Stev e White

Ea;1 h Molher
Faculty Advisor

Pam Strasen
William Ru ehlmann

A decision 10 rletermine whether
nr not the proposed s1>ace a llnlmenl
for the studen1 ac1i v11 y offi ces. once
re loca ted in the ne w Cambrid~e
st reel site. is suffi cie nt a nd tht!
de nial of a proposa l lo cante l lhe .
tw o remaining ra thsk e llers due lo
th e committ ee's de ficit were !he
lwc) m a1or poinls of 1he SCA
mee ting, Tuesday.
In refe re nce to th e new Cambridge slreel si te, President Chris
Spanazzola 1old members that
Pr esident Thomas Fulham has
issu ed a ,"Je t of proj ec!ed plans for
the ne w building: These sta ted that
ther e will be two subbatements and
five fl oors above ground . The rirst
s ubbaseme nt will be utilized for
book s10rage, maintenance departmenl slorage and student activities
-offi ces. Th e basement wil l house
the cafe1e ria . The administrati ve
oHlces will be located on the first
fl oo r and the classrooms on the second , third , and fourth floon wilh
th e racuh y orfices ol'l the fifth floor.
·The problem as Spinazzola saw it
was if tht! orfices were to be in a
base ment With storage e tc .. would
1here be adequate space for the offi c~s? "Thererore. stated Spinazzola . we are pre1en1ly measuring
the lolal square footage curre ntly
allowed us In the Ridgeway Lane.
Bldg. and will then compare 1his
figur e with !he allo tm e nt in rhe new
compJex ."
SCA Trca urer Jim Tourney In
outli ning the c urrent balance In the
. lnH!Jle t siled the Rachskeller Commlllee a, a trouble spo t wt1h a '796
deficit as compa red to the Social
'Committe e's balance of S5291 , the
Program Committee's balance or
$4 245 and 1he Movie Committee's
bahmceo r $1080. Tourney motioned
Ih a! the re mai ning rathskeller, be
cancelled du e to lack of funds.
" The y' re
proposition ."
However al this point. chairman
or lh e Rathskell e r Committee
Powe rs said that the projected

mllle e, an nounced thal their
budge ts could be tapped for t~e
funding neceuary to run the two
lasl rathskellers on April 9 and May
14. The stA voted down Tourney·•
pro1>osal and the funds neceuary to
sponso r the April 9 event , featuring
a 10 piece black band " Hypertension '" was driiwn from 1he Program
Commi tt ee.
The Public Relations Committee
chairman John Bartley added a
humorous sidelight In explaining a
visit over to Charles River Plaza lo
see Vice President Fr:ancl•
Flannery in rqards to space accomqi. odations for the offices
before co nstruction ia completed.
··we discussed the possibility of
lookin1 into the renlins of six or
seven places in the Beacon Hill
area when it was brought lo my
a11ention by Flal)l}ery that orflce
was e2•, the pUlfl'ic relations office
was 96• and Mary Heffron,' office
was frozen . II seemed that they are
having exleMlve problems with the
air conditionii\g and heating in that
building. In racl, Flannery announced that he was considerins a
rent strike. Whal if we had done
that when we were havin,- the ume
problems in the Fenton Bulldin1
since September?" added Bartley.
Karen Kelleher foJlowed with a
report from the Social Committee.
A party entitled the Fool's Party
will be held on April 8 at Floriad
Hall . S.50 for Suffolk students and
S1.SO for guests. There wlll be two
bands and len 'T ' 1b.irts stven
away with ttJe insigni a "Fool" on
them . The estimated 101al coat of
the party is S2000.
Before closing. a list of conslitutional cha nae• were handed
out lo be voted on at the next

spending for the next two Friday
beer blasts would- not exceed SSOO.
To this figure. Pat Mullin, chairman
of the Movie Committee. Karen
Kelleher , chairman of the Social

~~~:~eeedn ~ne;~ 1


a "" •EquaI

Commillee a nd Michael Re.ill y

Coallnued from, ... t
Minardi 11 Suffolk Unlveulty'a
personnel and equal employment
opporlunily officer. Mt. Minardi


student areas. obviously but more
so with the faculty and staH al Suffolk ." She continued. "Tit le IX
~:~~:w~~~ 1
The 34 women employed as full
lime faculty 11 Suffolk Include 1b
minorllies, while the administr••


_ - •- •-'

%ot:::~ :,~:e~~:~:
--·-·- _, - - -


An!>\\••r 111.11 fu 1 l)r llul m,1n C.1r~n


II an~ . 111 111-,
11111 n111 m1.~Pt

11·1pu ..· 11 , ., ,.,.,, . ..... ~.~

, .. ., ... ,

- - - ··

Surfolk as




pr ivate 1nst1tution hos

d tHeren ce) .


Page 2


Ieditorial-------- .
Cmn rnuniqu" spo nsurs a monthl\' r.o frp f:' hou!IP

1h1 far.uhv ca (f•tpr1a
Th is proMrnm nll ows 111•ople 10 d1spia ~ 1he1r l,1lf' nl s. while othe~s can e n,o)
n ,1tnnd show fo r onl y a tln ll ar
An} 1}111' or acl cnn pa rl icipalc Al 1he fi rst l\v'lk:orreelmos l acts wtt e
,w 1111nr pl,1}t'rs and sln,we r, but th e re hiwr bPPn 1metr) reacli n~s a nd plr1s
,ire lrni ns,i m;ufo for cn mt?d y ac:1 shorr plays and fi lm s madn by th £' film f U·
o p Cuonhn a ln r Harn Ouf' ll c ll e. Slrf!ss1•c; th;11 hr wn nts am kind o f act
rrnm .1h1• stu don l hod> I lr"'41npPs rn prorl 111:t• a \'il rircl pro,l(rn.m 1 keep m•
tt•rcsl h1,wh I Ii• Jlso emph as11:,c1'i !hat thf' nudiPncc h ns hrr>n wi r~ reccp l1\'r
lo nll ac.ts 1h11s Wlr.
We co ngra1ula lf' Co mm unique for rlP\'e lup1 n}il a n acl i\'ity whi ch 1 mu ch
nccided al Surfolk Thi s un ive rsity afforJ s lillle .up portunit y fo r socia l
(uncti ons a nd s111rle nl s dn nu1 have nn adequ ate vehi cle 1hrough whi ch
1bc~ r.a n Hai n an audience for 1hcmse lves. f l has a lso se rved 10 brins
rnvc mi t: hi lo Communiqu,• whu:h rt•c:mves no money from the univenily.
The n1•x1 coff ee house is loni,1,1h1 ,1 1 7 P.M. There will be so lTl e ta len t.
sum e r11od and ~ou can hr inJ( ~our own. If you wanl 10 pe rfo rm fo r olher
stud c n1 s or yo u·r1J lnokin~ for ii c:hen p niW,1 of good cntt1rlammcn1 go 10 th e
co Hcc housf' , Y04J wi ll he welcome


Managing Editor
New, Editor
Feature Editor
Sport, Edllor
A11ocla1e Sports Editor
Arts Editor
Pho101raphy Editor
Graphi c Art , Editor
Senior Edllon
Production Manager
Bu1lne11-Ad Mana3er


AP<II 2, tffl

Suffolk Journal


Mark C. Rogers
Phil Santoro
Debbie Burke
Joha nn a L. Rob ert s
Stephen Corbett
Joe Reppu cci
Patri cia Fantasia
Marlin Ga vi n
Nancy Kelley
Bub Ca rr
Bre nt L. Marmo
Brian Walk e r
Paul Donovan
Cimly Feltc:h

WRl1"ERS: Carol Hlrmlngh nm; Mary C. Bu ckl ey; Dehhi Co ll ar :
Na nell e Coll ins: Linda Comeau: Kevin T. Creedon; Fran Cullen :
Lou Del.cna ; Pa tr ica Gotto: Mary Griffin : Maryalice Guilford:
I.G. ll a)'es: Jack Heffe rnan : Va leri e Jamiol ; Mark G. Mazzie:
Mauree n McConng le; Barba ra Ochs; Reheccn Pea rl ;
11oh R rclon ; Mory Knt e Russe ll : Rick Saia
Jud y Sil\'e rman : Joa nn e Torrac:o: fa mes K. Vnrjila
SPORTS: Grogory Brooks : Pn1r icia A. Ca llahnn : JeH Clay :
Bri nn Dono\'on: Ton y Fe rullo; Jon Colllieb:
Linda K. fohmion: Ke\'in Lee n
PHOTOGRAPHERS : Diane Cos ta : Mi cha e l Cuneo:
Paul Darrah; Mnri e Doncelle: Ron Geraneo: Bru ce McInt yre
GRAPH IC ARTISTS: Michael Sereda : St eve Whil e
Earth Mother
Faculty Advisor

Pam Strase n
William Ru ehlmanr\

Rathskellers, Activities Reloc<rtion

SG~h~=~~~~ Program Com-

A decisi on to dete rmin e whPthet
1 nol lh c proposi• d space allol menl
ror 1he student ac11v1ty orfi ces. once
relocaled 1n the new CambridAe
sl reel sit e. 1s su H11:ie n1 and the
de niai of a proposal lo ca ntel the
1wn rcma in in8 ralhsk ell ers du e lo
lhe com millet!s deficil were 1he
two maiur po ints of the , SCA
mee ting, Tuescla}
1n re £erence 10 lh e new Ca mhridJie stree t sil e, Pre ident C hri s
Spanazzo la told members that
Pr esicie nl Thomas FulP,am has
issu ed a se t or pro1 ected plans for
th e nev.. buildi ng Th ese stated 1ha1
ther e \\·ill be rwo sub basemenls and
h ve rl oors above Rround The firsl
sub base ment
be utilized for
boo k sto rage , ai nle nance depart ment sto rage d s1
llde nt aclivitiesoffices. Th e ha{lemezl\ will house
the ca £e1eria. 1'h ad,i nistrative
offices will be loca le on the first
£1oo r and the classrooms on the second . third . a nd fou rth £l oon with
1he fa cult y offi ces on !he fiflh (Joor .
·The problem as Sp inazzola saw ii
was 1f 1htt orti ces we re to be in a
basement Wi1h storage etc .. would
!here be adequa le space for lh e of•
flc~s ? ..Therefore, slated Spinazzola . we a re prese ntl y measuring
1he Iota! .squar• foo1ase cu rrentl y
al lowed us in the Ridgeway Lane
Bldg. and wi ll then comp.are this
figur e with the allotment in the new
compl ex: ·
SCA Treasurer Jim Tourney in
outlining 1he curre nt balance in 1he'
budget .si ted th e Ro1hakeller Commltl ee as a trouble spot wilh a $796
defi cil as co mpared lo the Social
Committee's balance of $5291 , th e
Program Committee's balance of
$4245 a nd the Movie Commitlee·s
balance of S1080. Tourney motioned
that th e remai ning rathskellers be
cancelled due to lack of fondS,
" They're to o. ex p_,e nsiv e a
propos it ion: ·

However al this point. chairman
of the Ra th skelle r Committee Mike
POwers said that the projected
spending for lhe next two Friday
bee r blasls wou ld not exceed SSOO.
To thi s figur e. Pal Mullin , chairman
of the Movie Co mmittee. Karen
Kelleher, chairman of the Socia l
Co mm ille e and Michael Reill}'


mll! ee , an nou nc ed thal their
bu~P.ts could be tapped for the
fund ing necessary to run the two
las! rathskellers on April '&and May
14. The SCA voted down Tourney's
proposal and the funds nece1sary to
sponsor the April 9 evenl , J'ealurtng
a 10 piece black band " Vlypertension·· v.:as dr8wn h-om th~ Program
Comm illee.
T he Public Relation. Committee
chairman " John Bartley added •
humorous sidelight in explainin3 a
visil over to Charle, River Plaza lo
see V i ce Pre1ldenl Ftancl,
Flannery .iri resard.s to apace ac•
co mmodations for the office,
before conslruction i1 completed.
" We discussed the pouibility of
loo kin8 inlo the renting of six or
seven places in the Beacon Hill
area when il was brou3ht to my
a11ention by Fla_9l)ery that hit office
was az•, the pub1ic relations omce
was 96° and Mary Heffron,· office
was frozen . II seemed that they-are
having extensive problem• with the
air oonditionins and heating In that
building. In £act, Flannery announced 1hat he was con1iderin3 a
renl strike. What if we had done
that when we were havlns the ,ame
• problems In lhe Fenton Buildlns
since September?" added Bartley.
Karen Kelleher followed with a
report from the Social Committee.
A party entitled the Fool'1 Party
will be held on April 8 al Florian
Hall. S.50 for Suffolk 1tuden11 and
$1 .50 for 3ueal1. There will be two
bands and len 'T ' 1hirt1 stven
away with the lrulgnla " Fool" on
them . The estimated total coat of
the party is S2000.
Before closing, a lisl of cons1itutlonal chanae• were handed
oul lo be voled on al the next

... Equal
• Contlnued from , ... l
Minardi i1 Suffolk Unlveraity'a
personnel and equal employment
opportunity officer. Ma. Minardi
described her. position by saying.
'Tve been Involved. not so much in
student areas, obvioualy but more
so with the raculty and staff a1 Suf~
folk .'' She co ntinued , " Title IX
cove rs not only facul ty and 1taff.
but now ii als~ covert the student.a."
The 34 women employed as Juli
lime faculty a l Surrolk Include six
minorities, while the administrative staff consiSls or 20 women ,
Continued lo P rl

Thna the ARCH at 50A TEMPLE ST.
DIRECTLY across from University Entrance'
Enjoy our " Hungr y Perio n" Sandwiches
(Syrian Bread ffouches)
As well as a full sa ndwich and
sa lad plate menu at low prices
We are open from 7 am lo 4 pm
Looking forward 10 seeing you



"!,ITIC..bridpSt.,OPEN -!M0- - 3-(7 doywl



April Z, 1971

, Suffolk Jou~al


Wizards, Sox Named Champs

hy Tony Feru ll o
So the ~amc emerJ!eS once nJ,:aln
from hibernolion in the 1empera1e
zones. rnvlvinK ili,clf for slill annlh -

ur lo n,11 pull.
And for the 1976 edition of th1•
Suffolk University baseball learn .

there is legi timate reason



1hn1 this cou ld ve ry well he o ne of
!he Rams niosl procluc1ivc seuson~
in rece nt memo r y.

" You can bel we'll be ready for
eve ry 1.ame lhis year," boasted
hand coac h Tom Walsh. thi s Jo b e
his fou rth cntnpni,11n al 1he dinmond
h m. his fif1t\a.ltoge1her . "The en11 r altitude disp la yed by the playe..,..lhus for in pre-season has been
siu:iply nmnzi n,i!. These kids really

seem to wanl ii.

" I had 51 1
•layc rs



S IJ(ll


up for

numlwr Jly II wide mnrj,!in J\•e ever
had in my s lay twrc. It is ,woin,w 10 Im
u prt!lly lough uuk cull in,M !he squa d
down lo size . I only plan-on kecpinM
18 o r 19 players The compclilive at mosphere belween all o r the caJ1dicl11tes lryinR ou l for lhc club ho s
really been sreat."
The infield corps for tho " Beacon
Hill Machine" cloesn·1 cxpccl In
posses!! !he ovcrnll 1alcn1s. of suy, a
Philad e lphi11 Phillies prodiHiou~
Dick A ll en. Dave Cash. Mike
Schmidt and tarry 8 ow11 cosl. but
nevurlhcloss qui le 1,romism,M
Al fir.!11 base the Rams will 1. 011111 e r with .!!Ophomoru Bill {Soupl
Campbell. a hard-hlttinK, 6-root-2 .
200.poundcr who moved inlo the
starling lin eup 01 1he midway poinl
11 your aMo , Junior John Zizza and
soph Pete r Mulvey, bot h or whom
emp loy signiri,anl deronsivc
heruics . will be the two primary individuals ba11lin11 for the second
sack po11iWPn ,
Se ni or~111 in Phil Tnnillo . .i
lhroe-yenr s tarl e r. will honcllo thu
chores at the hot cornt!r . With the~
physical dimensions or 5'9", 160,
Turnllo is a bonoririe sinM les hiller
and unve il s ux lronrriinn ry leaders hip crecl,m tials. Freshman Jack
Hirolini, a solid ~love mun . will be
th e chief hack-up performer for
Tarallo . Impressive frosh Larry
Sknrra .from Che ls ea, and senior
Bill y Cole will due l ii o ul a l the vita l
s hortst o p dimension .
"I will s lress derense 10 ils fullest
exte nt. " ex11laincd the 29-yea r-olrl
Wulsh , whose Ra ms nin e finish e d
last season with n mediocore 6- 12
reco rd . .. We s hould score ou r sha re
or run s. but it will he tight .
oggrussi \ie dofonsc tha l I'll be counling on . And I don· 1 want any or m y
ba llpl ayers making foolish me ni al
mi s takes . The!'s one or !he hardesl
ways to lose a game. There's lil e rall y no ne.ocl for it'J
T he Roms out fi e ld uni! wi ll be
you ng. inexperienced , bu1 capab le .
In lcrt. fr cshm 1tn Waller Bu hay and
se nior Bob Pe rakis will be lhc ma jor comba tan ts . Frosh Jimmy
Celustc , a rirs1 -1011 m Aos lon Globe
AII -Scholaslic so lecli o n in 1975, is
slated to 1ml on his finest impcrso oa·fnr. o r Fred I.ynn In center.
Cu loslO. a 5-foo t-11. 175-pound
wonder frnm lloRlon Tech , is o lertha ntl cr both m the field an d nl th e
plate ... Jim is really some kind or
player," noted Walsh . " He. clo


League Titles Won

Rams Set To Go


, ••• J

Wa ll e r Be hay makes conlacl wilh a
Bob Rea rd on pitch al the Rama
prac llce . The catcher la Paul Aralro
so many 1hi ngs so well . Hi s po1en1i11I is unlimi lod :t· Chuck Feltch . a
hunds-up 1unior. out for rhe learn
for his rirs l lime j1 expecled 10
vucale the sec1ion in riHht.
Be h ind lhe pln1c wi ll bo .!10phomnf1• r ~ VanS lry VanS1ry, ;1·1 I .

175, cauMhl every co nlc s l la st
season. can hit with poweg." has a
,Mood MIO\'C anrl throwmM arm . and
uu:orrlinj,l lo c:uru:h Wnl.!!h . "a ver)
soll cl . all-11rounrl ballpn)•er." Junior
Paul Argiro , who needs a li1tle mo r e
1wlish cleren11ively. is scheduled lo
be workhon1e VanSt,y 's replacement.
Dedarod W,1lsh, "You don ·1 \'ldn
in Ihis gnm1! \.\'ilhoul. £undamen1als .
Thev are a must and I am a firm
heli~vor in 1hem. I like lo use things
like the bunt. 1he h11 and run . !he
suicide squeeze. elc . They nre nll
pa r1 or winning hasehall nnd essentially what 1his .l(Bme is all ahoul "
The Rams pilching slaH will be
molded loge1her by a nucleus or
se n ior righth ander Jim Byrne ,
juniors: Brian lmba ro (who can nlso
pin~• the ou1ricldJ. Jimmy Scibilia .
Louis Scleparis and southpaw Ed
McDonough loul for a minimum or
1hree weeks duo lo an injury sustai n ed in a car accidenq, plus
Harn e-th rowing ler1y Jim Devaney
rr om Watertown . who's only a
"I'm really loo king forward in
gelling thi s season underway ."
proclaimed Walsh. rather exciledly. " We have a you n8 ballclub. so
we will derinito ly have our problems in cer tain areas. Ou r sch ed ul e
is very competitive 1hroughou1 .
Teams suc h as Assumption . Herlfo rd and Brandeis. just to name a
fow . a rc alwa s tough lo contend
wi lh . I J!!Uess a ll we can clo nor is
wail a nd see whal happens."


Blood Drive]

Thursday April 15
10 am-12 pm
12:30 pm -3: 45 pm
Rid geway Lane
RL 2
- sponsored by APO

.by Kevin Leen
Greenfield hil for 12 more to lead
Semiflnal and rmal action ch- lhe Possessors.
axed lh e 1•nd o r the Intramural
The o ne remaining American
oop 1.eaj,!u last week as the I.e ague semifinal saw the Can tebs
izarrls an<l th e Red Sox we re race oH to a 29-16 lead over lhe
o~ned Ame ri can League and Pos1al Pistols and never look back
~ a11nnal 1.eaf!:ue c hampions . enroute1oa61-45victo ry. The0anrespec11vel} .
, tabs used five ·men the whol&-"wey
In the Nalional 1.eague semifinal and fou r of those hit for double
lhe Possessors blew out the figures . Chri1., Kell y . Ke vin
Deviants 60-22 The De\'iants of- Naughton. and Doug Ross with 14
rense bordered on the anemic as poi nts apiece a nd Greg Swartz with
lhe y manajiled a paltry 22 points.for 12 were loo much for the outthe game , o nl y six in 1he first hair man.ned Pistols. T}-ie bis rector in
Cap lain Pau l Ba ccari or the the Cantabs win was their.ability to
Possessors nearl y matched the hold Bllly Hunler scoreleu. Tom
Deviants e ntire ou1pu1 as he poured Greeley hit for 13 points ·e nd Ma rk
in _ poinls. Bill Ca~oll added 14 Kostegan chipped in Wilh 11 for the
points and ~evi n Ca ton cq_ipped in losers.
wilh 9 poin1s for the innef, _
The Undergrad final shaped up
In whal !urned oul
be a rill- as probably !he best game of the
inJi: co nlesl . the Re d Sox ni~the playorfs as the Wizards dumped 1he
Possessors. 45-44 . to win the Law Ca ntab s 86-46 . Br ian lmbero
School championship. The rirs1 heir do mi,nal ed the first hair wilh 10
was a ue-saw ballle. as the poin ts .a ndfinishedwltht6overall .
P~sesso rs took a 2:J-20 halhime The second half turned into the
lead In th e second hair lhe Sox shut Steve Roberts Show aa he hi! for 16
o rr Paul Baccurt. holding him to just poi nts a nd wound up with 23 for the
rive po ints fo r lh e e ntire game.
game . Gutsy derense by the
With three seconds on 1he clock Wizards sh ut o rr lhe vaunted CanPaul Hodnell dribbled th e length n r 1ab allack . Dous R0ss was 1he lone
lh e cou rl and ca nn ed a 15 foot bright•lisht for the Ca ntab1 ;
Jumper lo wrap up 1he Sox viclo ry finishing with 21 points .
in dromuli c fashion For the Sox .
The Athlellc OHice would like 10
John Ha1hawa} showed !he way co ngratulate both the Wizards and
with 14 poinls while Paul Hodnell the Red Sox , along with all the
added 10 second half poin1s. John 1eam11 who participa led in this
Feiler h11d 14 puinll and Marc yea r'• intra~mural proaram.



• 29

T hurs

al ,

LOwell U niv .
Framingham St ate
Assumpti o n 2 games
E. Nazarene
Filchburs StAle

-3: 00


Hartford 2 go mes
Salem State
Tufts 2gomes






Golf Tearn Tees Off
by Slephe n C. Corbell
Coach Cha rli e La'-'( will sojourn
with lhi s )'ear's G0Jr l1eam lo lh oi r
ope ning match al Brayburn Country
Club on Monday, April 12 versus
MIT a nd C lerk Universi tv.
Right now Law has twe.lve solrers
o n th e rosie r ... The sc>H kids ere a
diHerent kind or players." Law
related . " they ' re hard lo gel a hold
or. it's rough gelling them to go oul
for the 1e11 m. The kids are very co ncerned about missin,8 classes. 1£
1hey have a class or a lob they' ll go
lo 1hat ra th er Chan a prac tice and I
cn n unde rs tand thal. "
Relurning 1his season nrn Bruce
Hend r ickson, Paul D. Federico.
Euf!ene McCa rthy, Kei1h Maher .
and Ch ris Ke ll y.

.. It looks like we have so me good
playe rs thi s yea r ," co mmented
Law, " bul it 's really too soon to lell
yet. I'd like to remind anyone who's
interested in playing for the learn to
repor l to the Athletic Oepartmenl.
It's nol too la te ."
Here is a partial list of some
schedu led ma1ches. Others will be
named later.
April 16 al Babson and Assumption
20 Lowell Tech end Clark


22 al Merrimack
26 Gordon and Curry
29 STATE MEET Jal Stowe

All home games played al Saddle
Hill C .C .. Hopin810n , Mau.


April 1, H71

Suffolk Journal


arts - - - -- - - - -


"I'm as Crazy as Dickinspn Was''
b )' Rehecca Pearl
··1 w,111t !u s lun, p1•opl c 1h,1t
1m,•ln i"i nut likfl opna - not -.nm1• 1l11ni,: ~111 1 lt.1\t' lo m,1~1• ,Ill r11l1us1nwnl lo.' ,11.101 -ch n:clnr Ch.1rlcs

N1•lsu n R1•1II~ tnld rcpurll?rs ,II ,I r1 •c 1•11t prt""S Lonf1•rflnu• al B~to n s
C1 1l 11 n1 ,1I Thr111rtTh111 , h,• sms. 1s w!H tw dws1• tu
chri •i:1 Th,· llt,-1/1 • nf ,'\1~lu•rsl. ,1 pla~

nl1n11t Amoru:a's ,wr1wl p ot.t ll!SS. l~m1 h lhd1nson H1•//f' repr1• s "11h
Rt! 11l y's "r'hmh ,ny clllim l llS fl ,hrt•i:-

.- ;\111 1 ;'_';~"t:~\1~ ~:la:~ s:1 r1
•:r i~~

Cnlunrnl Ttrnutrt> April 5t h in a rwownc k prn-lJroadWil)' c nMai;te me nt 11
h 11.!1 alrc,1d~ pla y,•tl in Sea ttlP , Dt1 nvc1 . ,111d C:h1
ca,wo " Sflalllt• w1m1'lanas.' ' .sa ~s H.t!ill y " II was lih
t-:11011 Jnhn cnmP lo•town "
Tiu• 11 11,• A!'IJ,, of .'\mh,•rsl wa:.
dw~cn lw,.ausc l)ii:k1ns11n rl'ft•r rt•d
lo hP rself as sueh in ,1 \e111•r lo ,1
fri e nd ill 1h1? llj,{I' or r,r 1r.1:u ·· 1 , 1111
),!rowin,w hamlsnnw \'1ir~ r,1s1 1n11ced1 I cx pt>ct I sha ll he th1• Be lit• or
Amhor s l wh,•n I 1 ,i nch m)
Sf'\ 1mlt'tmth y,•,11 ··

A,~;:::::'- ~~•.n;~::~::~·: :n ~J~~Ona ~n

\,,1s "a ma1or writer ·· Rei ll y wants
.icquaml peopl e with her wrihng
" I loVll the mat er ial so mu ch ," he
li \ 1
!d ht1 ri whu le life• th1• rn Sn t
H.1•dh . ·· 11 shnuld 1011ch lhe peop{; says. cross mp and unc rossi ng his
Ill 1h1s ,1rea v,•ry mu ch ..
hlue-1ean ed legs ··These words are
" Bcll1• · follo\,s lh f' chronu lo),!1 wo nd e rful
' You nev e r kpow
orcll'r or IJ1 k1n.son 's hf P " from 15 how lall yo u are u nlil )'Ou· re ask"cd
. Think about 1ha1 for a
vcars IO 53 .'. The clirt>c lor slressed to r15e·
itrnl 1he sc ript ts hascrl on 3.000 wee k• That's a ,l! OOd iC " Re-i lly
ect1s or h1ern1urf' wrillrn h) th t• repeals lhe quota11on "Thal's all
µuuloss lwrselr The ma11mal wns Dickinson .'' h e sa)s . .shalting his
co mpil ed h> T11no1h~ Hel),!uson, 1he head
C harles Ne lson Reill y. wh o is
sc n !ttnplay \Hillen b> William
well-k now n fo r his ·· co medy" on
l.11 cr
··whut I tr~ 1 do 10 thf> pin~ 1 television j"The G hosl aod Mrs .
tnkr all he r wnrds and put them on Muir ," 'Lidsv~e .'' and " Maleh
1tu/i r fet•I
Miss Ha rri s ijocs on Ga me.'· to me n on a ewJ lakes no
lwr J..,,,, ,md s lw acts th is 0 111 You'll credit for 1he
mof in the play.
lw amazed at how 11 pla ys as a pla > ··Th e comedy is ~ cor"l-ec1 for the
hn wu rd s The•~ ·re no l poems , properl y, it doesn I ick ou1. :· he
says. ··1rs Dickinson. II elongs so
nu! lilll f' 1h111,ws
" I heliP\'t' her to Im lh e bt1sl slrnnMI} 1hat it does n't slick ou1.··
\\ rtlt'r 1h1s 1
:011ntq ever harl
Accordin~ 10 ReiU>•· Dickin so n
who els,• 1s , 1 heller writer?" Reilh• deserv es 1he credil fo r lhe lauJfhs.
,1sks Cas uall y d rPs!wcl in 1 ns . ;, ··This woman ," he sa ys. ··was fun ca
m,irnn n S\Vt•Ull' r. nnrl mnroon socks n)
1 nrnti:h . he rPfers to 01ckinso n's
No w 1ha1 Di ckinson has "soa red
di•!u.:npli on of a ~make , "a nar row £rum her h11le room:· Rei ll y hopes
fr•ll11\, ... ,ts ,111 mdicntinn 1ha1 she " .she'· will wan! 1 re turn to the



"I ahouldn't be dolnj It, but I sbould
- I doll ."


Boston area . "We sta rted dolna
1hi1:· he said. " a nd a lot of wild
things happened . me1aphy1ically. ls
thal what yo u say?"'
He 1alks about .. Emil y"' as if she
were alive . " I want Emily lo come
he r e ... I don ' t know if Emily
wants to come to this area . There's
a 101 or funn y 1hings happening."
When ii was necessary to find a
na me for Dickinson·s English teache r . Reill y said he · just picked the
name ·· Crowell ," which was lhe
,-ame or one or his former teachers .
Subsequent research revealed that

,, Do K
H ,,
N ever W rote 111 n t now OW Dlckl11S-On·,_ teacher was, ind eed,


by Bob Carr
At onu 1,oin t in thi • Him . th 1:t
Shcrirf of Nollingham suys or Rob in
Hood . " I know him . He's a lilll c bit
in love with denth .'' And death as
mu c h as Morran is the mistress pursu1Jd hy Robin in Ri ch urd 1.cstc r"s
ve rsion of the She rw ood Forest
h•1o1end, Rohm and i\lon on
The film opens in n s lark . du sl~
d ese rt at th e en'd uf a lonM find futil e
r. ru su dc Rohin find 1.i11le John . no\\
muldl c-.1
,w1!rl, have hc a n 20 ~
•cnrs in
th,: service• nf Richard ll;r- I.i bnhcn rl .. The c n1t•I dl!scr l s un .rnd Ion
m,rny )o{nt ml ill usio n:, ha\·1• 1urn1•t.l
the )o{ood kinj,( mi n Ri c hard the rnv111),l l11n ;111 c. I le 1 reclucecl In rna kinl(
war un fri)(hlt!nm-1 pld men a nd
d1ildrcn for th e price of a rock . li e
clumnnds st upid ulied ie nce as his
d ivi ne ri),!ht and fum es al Robin 's
refusa l lo mussac r e innoce nts .
" Peusnnt bas lnrd ! Judije fl kin),(!" he
shouts. Ye t he lat e r s hows th e de pth
of his kinJi!ship whe n he s lates that
he ne ver Have a damn aboul En1i1land . I le was ne ver ren ll > them

1ll s dea th frc Ps 1hc ou tl aws from
hi s se rvi ce a nd from prison . " l.u1 ·s
HO home , John .'· says Ruhin
Al home. lh ey find tha1 th e ir
merry hn nd has fall e n inlo sa d disrepa ir. F'ri ar Tuck. nlcl11r now and
slnwer , shru•s as he nrlm its lh 111 he
pu s~es his time lakinM r:onf Psslons
Marino , Rohin learns has lwr.o me u
nun in hi s abSL'flcc She is an nhbess
and is to bu 1
aken Ill pri son b y c rud
KinM lnhn . Sh e is resiJilned lo h,•r
fate . She lri ml 1 kill he rs e lf when
Rob in we nt oH 10 Jtiru su lem srwk lllM his ot he r lov+> . ShC' s hows him
- • lhe scars, " I d1111 '1 dream 1J f ) 'ot l .
Robin .'' Marinn le lls him . ·· You
n,•vcr wroto ." Kohin . a t <l<T. still as
mu ch u boy ,ts n mun . looks ut he r
wirl e-eyed and answers , " I don ' t
kn ow how .''

- Th e 0111 law 11 ln[iltrnte No tlln,'!ham Casi le and roscue Mar ian

nod the ca ptive s1s1ers from the
cl u1 chuMu r tho •huri H. In n cnmi r.

chase sce ne, lhc} retreat 1 th r
.sunctua ry of She rwood Forest. lh C
pla ce where Robi n is mos t a li ve

" I' ll do an ylh lng for you , but
mourn ," Mari an (Audrey H ep•
burn) , te lh Robin (Sean Conoeryl .
Amm11i1 the lush trees a nd huhbhnR
s tream s, thHy nre safe. Tlrnv see m
10 he one with the fores!. ns·H 1hey
had ah\'n)1 been there. as i[ 1hcv'd
neve r lcf l. It is hero th111 Marian
"ihows Rohin tlw sca rs o n h e r
wrists : a sign or love and rle nlh in tcrmin,M led . Twonl y ym1rs hefore,
~he had s lop ptid bein~ a wo mnn. In
lh c fnrnst , s he soflens a nd regains
h r nolure.
On the plain outside the forest.
King John and th e she rHr ha ve set
up camp 10 wail ror Robin . They
r.,mnot e nter lhe fores! a nd so, wilh
lheir so ldi ers, the ir buffoons a nd
thei r ladies , they wail in a grotesque . ci rc us-like tent city for the
fighl th af must come .
_!.ohin ca lls for a contes l or cham -

named Miu Crowell. Another
name, " Snell." was arbitrarily as-sianed 10 a famil y men tioned in the
pions. a showdow n wilh the s he riff. play . Once a1at n , 1ub1equent
Mnrian 1e ll s him , "'I'll do anyt hing · research revealed lhal a fa mil y
ror you , but mou rn .'· Legends seek named "Snell" resided In Amhenl
no mourning. What Robin wanls, he in the 1800s. " We had a lot of those
gels: on e las 1. hloody fighl.~ a thinas:• he said .
Pyrrhi c vi ctory and a final. futil e
Reilly does not Hice what the term
c has e . Es ca_ ed, but mor1all y "one-woman play" connotes - h e
wounded. Rob in lies . in th e ca ll s it "el cheapo," in te rms of th e
p resence of 1he two peo pl e who p roduction's budget. " ll 's lhe story
love him most Jo~n . stands im- of a woma n, who for one hundred
passive, ready 10 e rve, or de fend . minules . is a lone .. . she just hapMarian is heau t i fu"- . a lm osl pens to be alone at the lime that we
lumi nous ·· 1 love you more Jhan meet Jier.'· h e says.
Cod ." she te lls him
O riginall y, Th e Belle of Amhersl
'.'The woman always knows 1he was wrillen for two people in a
reol p,un ," says Robi n. " Men feel te levisi on ve rsion - Dickinson and
th• fo oli shn ess .'' Ma ri a n tak es hi s a narra1or {who was to be played b y
blood s ta ined haod in he r own Buraess Meredilh ) . It was
while hand and love a nd death are r ew rilt e n , however . as a onemin1i1led
perso n s iege play.
The fi lm is a n mteresti ng comRei ll y does not think that Emily
binnti on of co medy a nd adventure. Di ckinson was as reclusive as most
II isn 'I as za n1, as some of Lest er's people think, bu1 th at she simply
past wor k. bu t ii is beaulifully a li e nated herself to work . " She
balanced Th e visual beauly alone c hose to be alone so that she could
is well worth !he pri ce of ad mis- do he r c rah ," he says, " Someone
sio n.
thal writes thal much.would choose
Sean C:on ne n • is a fine actor . He to be inside ." R~ill y re fers lo his
a lWil)'S seems "more alive and in- own idiosyncrasies - his refusal to
lernsl in~ on scree n than in live in- have a theatrical aaenl {he'• never
te rview s As Robin , h e is th e had one} and his neglect to answer
per fect col'nbmalion of m iddle-aged the te leph one . Says Reilly. 'Tm aa
mnn arid romanli c c hild . He can sa y crazy as Dickinson was ."
mor e with his large liqui d eyes 1ha n
Charles Nelson Reilly will a lso
many ac1ors ca n with a hundred be directing an opera this summer
pages of scr ipt.
ca lled Lo Belle Helen . He 1 doing
Audrey Hepbu rn is s1ill quite ii , he said. because " they call ed and 1
beautiful a h cr a dozen yea rs away asked me." Looki ng around the
from th e scree n. Nicol Willi a mson room , he inquires. "Wou ld you
1s pcr£ecl as lh e faithful and s1oic wanna do Lo Be ll e Helen?"
l.1t1l e John . Robe rt Shaw is more
Admitti ng th at his nuc1ualion
wooden 1han he was as Quint in from theatre and ope ra to television
faws. bul th e SheriH of Nottingham gam e s hows appears " stren11e ,"
w,1s always a ca rtoon cha racier. He Rei ll y says , ··11•, really all the sa me
is s uHici e ntl y lreache rous in lh e in a way ... I shou ldn ' t be doing i i ,
showdow n sce nr .
but I should - I do It. " And with a
Ric hard Harris, in wha t Amounts grin he adds. " And lh e Ma tch Game
to a hil part as mad King Richard , is pays good ."
wonde rful.
Throughout her lifetime , Emily
Ro bin and Morion is, as th'e man Oicldruon wrote over t,700 poems,
said . good fun , grand fun!
Continued on Paae 1

Aprll %, 1178

Suffo lk Journal


Sounds Like·a Rolling Stone
'Review of Me"


by Patt y Fant ula
" 1t ·s th,1 qualify u f llu• nudii•nc,• .
nol lh f' qu,mlily ," I lrtrr) C h.iprn an •
llt)llllCPd lo 1h,, hair .rul ed Music;
1lall Tht•,1ln• nn lhf' rvenmli( of
~tn rr.h 25
I If' rtH•n trnah~d his hstcnc rs 1t1
O\' l'r two hours nf lwarinj,( l11s
strn n..:. haunlinli( ,·01cr si n,l(ln)!' 11
nwlod1 c mixlun• of o ld favnntPs
and rH!\\' r1..,l1•11ses. includm,¢ orw
rt•r.entl) ,vr111cn i:nllecl "If Mar}
\Ven• llt•n• "

T he Elf•k1rn rPcu rding star's son1i1s
pcoplP .
places an rl ~i luulions wov,•n rn ;1
po o mlik c SlrtH; lurn and com• lrn tmonio us lr wilh
mu c.
{;Most 1w op lc wrilH a1111ucli•
son~s. I wrile snn,Ms ahn111 how lhc
11llitudcs hnppcn," ho.. cx pl oi nml
" h1 man a hucket o r a Wf!ll 7 II wtws
back tu thnt old queslion ··
ReM:1rr.Uess uf which ht• 1:,., Cha pi n's frn,lc'.ile . yet powerful ,l(f•m~
fill e d him lo 1h1• hrim with cnJu}
mcnl if hf! hm1rcl the cnric:c rl. which
bennf1ted 1hc M ass CP ntcr R1!p1•r•
lur y Theatro .
Severa l of th • tunes am 1mln•
hiuKrnphical. lie claim s 1h111 " Th r\
Ca ll li e r Eusy," which focuses o;,
sexual morali1 y. wa s a huul " a
lesso n I l1rn rn ,icl in r.oll c~e"
S!ickin,I( to lh c same ll10m1!. hut
1ack ling i i fr o m a fr osh nn,l(le. h e
followed "Easy" with " llalfwn y 10
Hea ven : ·
I le resc mhl cs your avernj,(P man
In the slrorl. Ho ha!i hrown . i:u rl y
hair, spurklinM hruwn eyes. 1h111
wide lips. a r.11h e r poinlod c hin a nd
a !urge slraiji!hl nose . H e wa s clad in
a b lue swea te r nnd blu e pnnts.
nr, • 1n1r1cll11• !ales a hnut

l. 1,l(hl!i of rPfl. whil e and h lu c luuk
fo c: usinM on hirn and hi s hand

I urns

Th, • h,md 1s G
ump ri srif of his
hrnlh£•r S1,•v1•. who pl ii )S 1he piano.
t\'1i1=hael 1\1Js!ms o n the cello. Dou,w
\\'ulkt:r s1rnmn11Qi.foacl ,wuli1ar. 1lar·
n Flt'lds h,lnj,(111~ drums and 81~
John \\'a/l ,1u • handhn,w th,• h.i~s
·sounds lik P a Rollrn,w Slone rt-•
\ 11•w or rn P.' . C hdp1na banlcrPd l1t·•
fort• ht· san,w " ~1r Tanner .' w h1r.h
i:unccros a m11n whusr Im~ fo r s1n,w 111,w 1s \\11111Hled h~ a harsh crill cdl
r,•, 11 1 \ \ Th, · sun)! 1s from th1~ .. Shor!
Stones .. .J lhum and featu res 81,11
Jnh n s1n,11in)!' on opcra11r. hack •
wrnund rnr Chapin
After th e c rew performed !ht•
r.omical "Six Sirin.le'. Orcheslrn .'
S11•w C: apin rl1d a snln r.alli-d
" Tim" Cu l.i,whlly ," a 1cncl e r Jove
sun~ wh1c:h hrn11.wh1 a ,11enll1• hush
m·er 1h1• crnwrl
T o livt•n lhl'm up n~a1n th e
11111SICH111S \\ CO i 11110 " 30.0011 Pounds
of llanan,1s. " a hand clappin,w lune
c:nnc1•rnin~ an acr.1d e nt 111 a 1nwn
crt ll erl Sc:rnnlon. Pr.nnsvlvoniu ThP
,11ul1encc c h1111Prt in sinMmK u vane
I~ o r 1rndin)!s. fintshin,I( w11h the 0 0 1__•
whu:h was fma ll y used in the reco r•
" You sound lik e• th e f,,.lormun
Tuburcular C. hmr." Chap in Joked .
ru1dtf!5S ln,ll th um
Fillin~ a rcq11es1 1he a r1i s1 pla~ecl
his fav o rit e number, " Beller Place
tu Do.··
.. ll°s fl son)! wi1hi11 n sun,w .'' ho
sai1l. H t· ,1lso da1mm..l 10 slrnn)(ly
1Jen1ify with the peop le and fe e linMS in ii.
Tow;1rd111 lho end he performrd
lhree of his mos1 fam ous wo rh .

Hungover and Sickly Sweet
by Dan Pelllpas
You·d expect 1ha 1 an alhum from
Paul McCurtncy wou ld be KDurl •
You 'd ,,xpect th a t an a lhum e nlill t!d
.. Al lh c Speed of So umt·· would he
groat. You·rt ~X JlCCI lhlll. wou ldn ' I
U nfortun111Cl \'. thi s is too muc:h to
expecl fr o m Mr.Cartney and Co.'s
newnsl refoase. " At th1• Sp eed of
Sound ," IMc:Cartn cy/ Capilol SW•
115251 . Th e nlhum surfers fr o m a
completr, la ck of ins1>i rnli o n. The
songs arc unr.xciling and arlificial.
McCurtn ev. we JI .known for hi s fine
voca ls, r c.fus c ii lo ruise hh1 voice
higher lhan n whispe r, exc::e pt for a
re w hriMhl !!po ls o n the ulbum . Th e
entire product sounds lik e i i wa!i
recorded durinM a " lost wee ke nd ··
w hen the Win.l(S MrDUp wus !luff er•
Ing from a trem e ndo us hangover
It's no t !hat th e song8 arcn'I ni ce
- but that's 1he prob le m They're
too ni ce. ni cf! to th e 4-minl of h ei nM
sickly swee t, giving lhe listener
no thing hul a cuse of muslr:al ind i•
gcs lio n a r1 e r prolonged ox rmsu re .
The tune8 simply ha ve no impact 01
all nnd they rirc e asily furK e llabl u
M r.C rirtn cy , in the pasl. h as
d.e monslrnl ml a competent nhilit )'
lo produce hit singles a nd a lbum s .
1Js uul11\.h i11 tun es are hr lMhl , though
hi8 lyri cs are on ly basi c, bul hi!I
charm is in th e ben uti ful molodi es
and uncompllc:a 1e d rock lunus hn
But , mot e 1han that , ii sou!'ds as if
McCa r lf'\41.¥ is havins fun as he
reco rds hi s musi c. H e e njoys thr.

he pfirform s an d th is ndds an
extra dimension a nd excih1men1 In
his rc lense s
Thi s was the magic of " Band on


" C.11 's in 1h1• Crncllr. ." " WO LD " a nd
·Taxi ·
.A.s hP hr1i1an the lall e r one he
rt> markml "This 1s rf'ell) Boston's
t un)! It was number one six weeks
a rem and ,wo! me s larted .''
J 11 \\IIS supposed lo be 1he las!
fo n,I(. 1ml Charin and Co mpa ny
t#111d::ly came h,1ck for an e ncore in
,HtS\\er In a sranding ovation
The} pl.t}ed "Do~lown." w hi ch is'
,1hou1 ii fishin~ vill.,1jile in Gloucesler
LIIIIPd Cnpe Ann wherf' men @O o H
10 se a leJ\ lll.M their \\ i\'e s w1lh dogs .
Chapin h,1s smd of !he song, "!.fs
•• true pla ce II has many le,u:e nd s. I
pick e d th e most specta cu la r ··
As a grand finale the audie nce
par11cipated in singing with th e
e ntertainers a c hee~ lune ahoul
1he crcles of lifer.all cl "Ci rcl es."
Smiling. thi • snng m n a nbo unced
that Jn aud ie nc e sing1ptM som"'et hln~
,i n artist hAs produced' i., "th& uJ.
11ma1e c omplimenl to a Stling•


" I write sonp about how the a t•, happe n.·• •
The c rowd rose in a final stand.
ing ovation. The musi c magician
picked up bunches o( ripe . yellow
bananas o H the stage and casually,
}'el gleefully. to55ed lhem al the
figures facing him , then loudl y
ca ll ed out " We love you Bosto n,"

Squeezing Her Plums
by Pall y Fantasia
The man and woman s lr eak
throug h lhe hot su n on a beautiful
hlar.k horse with a white 2.5 mark ed
units behmd
The M•rl. a dish eve led looki ng
b lo nd e . s houls. " Malloy , you 've just ·
sho1r1 m:m' "
·'Tou,u:h s hi1 ," replies he r companion . a hrown haired, rugged ly
h,rndsome man
··1IU\\ many men have you ahot in
~ ou r life'>"·
··1ncludinM this one 7 "
" Yeah ··
·· one ," he answers a trifle
s heepishl y.
The Duchess and the Dirrwoler
Fo.v: . now plari ng at the Cleveland
Circle Thea1er. ,tars Goldie Hawn
.is Ama nda Quaid. the• Ou~hess.
,ind Geoq(c Se)lal 1 Cha ;li e
~!alloy . th e Oirtwaler Fox The Duchess is a dan ce ha ll girl
on 1he 8arhar, Coas1 111 1he vear
1862. She s1n~s son!lS abo ut· " squeezint,1 her plums" and is nick •
1rnmed lhe Bluebird Tired of this
t)'pe of !He she decides to beco me a
lad} - a lad y of means. In ord e r 10
.iccomp lish 1tu.s lask s he plans 10
her.ome the ~o\'e rn ess of the c hildren of II weal lh y )no rmo n and
e ventuall) ~eco me his seve nth
wi fe . As his wife she believes :;he
w1JI ha ve the perfect job. "six da ys
off e nd o ne clav o n."
The Dirt wa ter Fox 1s a ca rd play•
e r. I le 1s coe rced into robbing a
ba nk by lhe Bloodworth Ga ng , then
s tea ls from !hem 1hc $40,000 they
s tole H e escapes fr om Boul d e r
Creek to 1he ~oast where he mee ls

lh e Du c hess and from then on the
plot 1 filled with comical chases
a nd c razy attempts to hold on lo the
mo ney.
Mos( of all !he movie is a love
s tory. Som e where be tween th e
slapstick and the precarious situations love intervene,. II happe ns
lhe wa y ii used to happen in Hollywood films of the 30s ' , The couple
fight -conslantly. then slowly begi n
10 fee l aU ec:tion fo r each oth e r .

Go ldi e Hawn is delightful as 1he
Duchess. She looks sweel and talks
tough . She's a (unny. yel hardnosed lady of !he old-fashioned
school. In this part she not only dis-plays he r well-known talents as a
co medie nn e. but also her singing
a nd dancing ab ilities.
The perfect comp lement 10 Miss
Hawn's Amarlda is George Segal's
Malloy. He 's charming as the confi.
den l, egot is tical hustler. H e proves
his skill as a co mi c ac tor in the same
manner as he did in a former film,
A Touch cf Closs. H e ca n porlray a
concei1ed loser w it h the
appea rance of a lovable child and
1hus wi n a n a udi ence's sympathy .
Ano lhe r sla.r in the film , who
s ho uldn ·t be forgottdn. is Black
Jack. th e horse. He has several impor tanl scenes; although in one of
1he m he throws away his chance to
he a he ro and pursues a me mber or
th e o pposi 1e sex instead .
Afler on e has seen The Duchess
ond the Dirtwoler f'ox when he·s
asked if he has seen any good com•
e di es la1 e l v he has to ask,
" Including thiS one?"

1tw Run .'' hi s 1973 album that spe nt

65 wee ks on th e Billbon rcl albums
c:ha rt and ou tso ld nll o ther a lbums
in th e world . incl uding Elion John·s.
for 1974. Thi! record seemed like
om-' mo nstrous part y whe re Paul.
I.Inda nnd De nn)• Lain e were hav•
111,1( on e he ll of ff time playinM IO·
Me lh c r .
1-; ve n his las l a lbum, " Ve nus a nd
Mars." althou,l{h not as as
Co ntinu e d on P ■1e I

Are yo u interested in experiencing a summer on Cod
as so many college students do? We have ava1lable up-dated
and pubhe<>hon please send $ 1.00 and a self-addressed
stamped envelope to C APE COP PUBLICATIO NS, Box 834.
Hyannis, Massachusells 02601

P1ge ti


April 2, 1'71

Suffolk Journal

what are ya gonna d o ? - - - - - - - - - - - by J•cli: Herrernan
'" You l(OI up in the morning. nn rl
ynu ' n • hy yoursc1£. You r fritmds
rhal ha ve jobs are nl work . and yo ur

fr iends 1hnt are unemplo)•ed a re
hom e, like yo u You know th at yn ur
unamployed fri encls won ' t drop by
before 3 p.m. or so beca use. lik e
you . the y' re ashamed of their early
morn inM drinkinM habit "
Alex took a beer fr m his ,l(irl•
fri end Pal . who jus l returned £ra m
the puckn8e store. After handing
one lo me she p·ut the rus t m the
fr ig. llis apa rtme nt was so sparse ly
furni shed and drab , I co uld unrl e rstand how he'd go for n ,zood hf"e r
hlasl In ln~e his mind oH of hi s
prcdh:am e n1 .
In fuel , ,l(Kllons of hcer Is just th e
lhing 10 stee r hi s mind from his
problems. MorninM, noon ond night time drinkin,R wift kee p him pre•
occu 1>ied wllh belchinM. farlin,w.

nt•,11h , ._.,pprd i:nffee nol beer . a nd
wnrP a ),!Pllf!r,dl} \\ holesome
Thi s r:o n1r.i,11orl s h~ r p l~ with
Ali"c ·,; unkempt . iiru bb~ co ndili on'
.. I It• apparc>nt ly wnsn' I a hie 191
la11ndn rt'!~1rly , ft¥ hi s clot h~
wPn • all wrinkl ed and dirt y, and hd
sat 1!1w1> ancl still rn lh e couch like
man much old er tha n has 23 yea rs \
" 1Jn,.mplr1)ffi CAI r.han,wcs ~ou r
w hulP social life," ht! claimer! after
n lun,w slu,z from his holl lf> He
ad d e d · ·· 11 chan,l(es }0U r wholf"
life "
Unemp loymcn 1 is de,.zradin,R .
ilcpressin,w ; it c ha n,l(es one's lifol'l lyle I'll huy 1ha1 Bui 1 ii 1mposs1s
hll' \o esca pe? Are 1ncli vidl!a ls likP
Alci d oomed lo unemplo)menl
Imes for 1he res! of !hei r li ves"' As
had as lht? economy is and th e jnh
s iluali om; are . thcrf' must be so me
1uhs mi l th e re
Alex sa, s !hen: a re . a nrl 1hal
somcon1· \~
•ith lh e I Q of an imbecil,· is r:ap ahl e nf pt!rformm11 the
1,1sks csse nll a l 10 work 1hcsc jobs It
ge ls back lo needrn,w a 1rud e. or an
t'clucatinn. ur hoth Aske d wh v ht-1
does n·1 e nroll in one of thf" lr.11.nin,R
prn,wrams u ff f' r ed by Massa c hu se n s Emµ lo}'mcnt Se c urit y.
Alex con fe!'l sc, he has hea rd uf
1hf'111 hut 1hc Wel far e Dept is hot on
his h cf" ls fur non-support I-If!
claimed 1h01 s i~ning up for on e of
these proji!roms would be lik e askinH for u jail te rm
Too lru e. Dave Tahas nik. a case
worke r at the Lowell l lnemploymcnt Office in Lowel l. Massa c huseu s. told me that a \ iolotnr
could he lossed in to 1he hooset(OW.
or fin ed . or holh "There 's rea ll y ,no·
need for someone in the silualion
)'OU des cribed lo cheal the system .
We have he lp-ava11ab le for peD pl e
leaving jail a nd for people runnin,z
out of lim e on unemploy ment compensa li on . We have a Law OH e nd er
T ea m 1hat inveSligates repor1s of
violations o f e m ployme nt dis c riminalion la \,·s.
" We oven h ave on•t he-job lraininR program s. I'm sure your fri e nd
will find it much more rewarding
for hi1m1elf if he we re 10 e nter one
n f our lrn ininM proMrams and
s1ra ight e n oul the wel far e matJe r
wilh his wife."
I rememhered asking Alex if he
couldn ' I get some sort of training or
ectucut ion . H e was no1iceablv
lrrita led by this and exp lai ned: .:,
didn ' t dig th e work sce ne because I
cou ldn ' I find a thin~ I liked . The
various jobs I had bummed me ou l
so much I just worked long e nough
to be e ligibl e fo r unemployment
and ei the r worked on jelling laid
off o r jus l qui I "
II sounded like a dead -e nd 111reet
until Kor ry paln1ed a diHerent pie-



nnd reg urgitating most of th e eve n•
Ing. In th e morning he' ll have a
stoma ch that'll want lo tear itself in
half a nd a poundin~ in his head
lhat'll knock, him se nseless . A surefire wa y of numbinM one·s r.e ntrul
ne rvo us sys le m.
" ll 's a bummer reeling heinM on
unemployment. You lrn vo all this
time oH lo go places , ond do thing!I .
bul no mone)' lo ca rry yo u thro1111h.
You e'nd up drinkinK mor e a nd
more. Like having a bee r with a
fri e nd on his lunc h hour. He has a
heer a nti goes back to work . I 80
hack to my a partm e nt a nd r.qn1inu~
to drink ."
" You really ca n' I prtrli c ipal o in
.!l trnlMhl thinJi,1 !1 . Yo u kn o w socia li zing like most people do.
Transporlalion i~ a big probl e m.
Un less I d ou bl e-do te wilh n rriend
who owns a ca r. I rarel y ~o out al
night. "
"You fool d eg rad ed ," interjected
Pot for lhe firs! and on ly lime during the discussion . She's also un•
employed. but lives el home with
he r mother. She didn ' t appea r ha lf
as degraded as Alex . She dressed

ture ror me Kerry was prelly much
mro the same unemplo)' me nl gig
1hat Alf!x was mto - with 1he exccp li on 1ha1 Ke rry was stfll wilh hi s
wife and chilrl and didn 't have sup•
pnrl payments to co pe wilh
Kerry didn ·1 e n:iit negative \•ibes
w he n I me nti oned work . I should
have ffi} hea d exami ned for stop•
pmJii the six-fool three-I nch 225pou nd e r lo qu estion him as he le fl
1be Unemployment Office. Bu h he
was ver y coo pe rative.
"Man. I beMan to reel like a jinx.
II see med lik e Ave r y joint I worked
in folded . What a re ya gon na do?"
Collect checks. And he 'f been
co ll ectin~ ch ecks fo r ove r a yea r

now Bui he 's also been taking ad•
va nl age of the Comprehensive
Empl oyment T rai ning Acl (CETAI .
"They ha ve this school to train
you 10 be a Re frigerali on Techni•
c ian . I cou ldn 't pau ii <0p. It's
so me thing I think I'd like lo get in•
to.' '
Far out! h 's somet hing he wants
to try. and he 's doing it. But one
thins puzzled me . He wore clothes
so ca ked with pain I rhal tel believe
it ir he told me he painted my world
and his buth., Bul I didn't. II seemed
like 1he wrong lime and place for
that sorl of question. It's illegal . but
like he says, " What are ya gonna

weeds i have known·
by Lin'c.111 K. Jo
Ca nd y orn'iti ant
(Ne matanlhus . esne ~aceae .J
Remebe r how w al used to
t.lress•up as Khosts and gobli ns and
wi tches on Hallowe en? Reme mber
·a ll the fun we ha d ringing door•
hellN and runn ing . fa lling ove r our•
sci\ es 1··t h1s s h eel is too long
M om 1 " J. laughing (o r wae it
cq •m,w?!) when all the make-up and
~ook wouldn't come oH a rt e r a hard
nigh l's work of ca nd>· i athering?
or course ) "OU d o Eve r yone
remembe rs th e gooey popcornba ll s.
!hose luscious Mi lk y Wa)'S, the
c ri sp Macln!osh apples 1ha1 always
ca me wilh a proverbial "a pples are
he ller for you dear: they don't spoil
your teet h," ond of course. the
,Rnhlen lumps of Ca nd)' Corn .
Hall o w ee n would · nol be
Hal~owee n wit hout Ca nd y Corn it's a lmost a tradil io n.
For those of you who happen 10
be ··candy Corn fr eaks," I' ve found
n new !real. wilhoul Irides! ! Casu•
ally wandering around my favor ite
plant shop. I ca me upo.n a new lillle
pla nt wi1b weirU-looking orange
fl owe rs . Fu rth e T j nv.es1iga tion
revel aed a me mber of the Cesne ria
family. th e Ca nd y Corn Pl ant.
:rhe flower of !his plant is so un•
usual that , al a quick glance , you
may lhin.k t~ 1hey' re a joke. Don't.
Look agai n. and yqu 'II see that the
flowe r is a tube with a deep pouch .
RI 1he e nd of which is a little open•
mg with a lmost mic roscopic lobes.
These blossoms range in color from
bright ora nge , plain or tipped wilh
ye llow. or a most unusual horizon•
lal st riping or orange a nd chestnut.
This cont rasls very striking ly wi!h
the s hiny . waxy . green foliage .
(There's noth ing lik e slanding-out
in a c rowd, is !here?)
If space is a big worry for you .
don 'I fr e t. The Candy· Corn plan!
makes a super. small polled plan! in
the window or under lights. Qn the
oth e r hand , it can also grow to be
humungous H you lei H flouri1h in

bi8 baskels wilh masses of green
tumb ling down, lighled • up by
numerous flowers . Although ii
blooms bes! In the spring. (thank
God it finall y came!!J . you can force
it lo rlower by 1100d cuhure mosl of
the year.
Ca nd y Corn plants should be
polled in a ri ch po11in11 soil mix and
hung with their !railing stems
below the tubes. Ir you" re on the
more limld side. you can always
sla rl 1hem in a li1tle basket and let
them work their way up to bigger
and heller ones. Celling ahead in
this world always seems to take
forever, eve n for plants!
The thing to remember, however ,
is nor to give up. 11'11 get heller, and
in o rder for your Cand}' Com plant
io 1hrive, the soil should not be
si nce quile a bit or aeration is
needed . Thal mus! be how reel feel
bei ng c ramped-up in a pair or shoe,
everyda y!
Direct sunlight is absolutely
necessary if you don't u,e artUi cial
lighling for you r plants. Your house
or apartment temperature should
always be kept above 65 degrees. F.
to kee P C.C. plants happy and
healthy. C.C. planls are also .. waler
babies " a nd because of the loose
polling, you should waler them almosl dail y unless there is a cloudy
spell in which th ey will nol dry out
as quickly .
Art er their blooming pe riod, Can•
dy Corn plants seem lo need a liule
res t. especia ll y in winter. (lust like
,1ude nls a rter f'inal1!!) Once their
linl e kerne ls (flowers) slop pop•
ping, walering should be reduced
and no fertilizer used. Never ever
force waler or fe rtilizer on a plant.
H you do, ils leaves will drop and
rool-rot will sel in.
If you take all lhese precautions.
your Candy Corn plant should do
ver) well and al the same lime revive your childhood memories o[ '
tricks ' n' treats. and witches ' n'
goblins. and good times .

betrayed by a car ----1..-.....:........................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;........;;;;.;;;;
by Scoll Campbe ll
In the summer following my
Hrnduation from high school. I
fuJrill ed one of the requirements of
- my pe rception of manh ood . No , ifs
•not wha l you think . I' m referring to
1he purchase of my firs t car. a
1tlightl y usud . British Ra cinK Gree n .
Triumph .
I had dtH; idod mun y years before
1ha1 my firs wO's not gains lo be
i'iny of the run•or•the•mlll De troit
products. bu t a foreiMn-made ca r


thot ,f.ou ld sy mb o lize m y in dividualit y. This Triumph, with its
rl eo p-lhroat~d roar a nd gleaminM
wirn wheels , woulrl be my ticket to
th e world of the " man who read s
Pln yboy."
At ,he lim o or my pu rchase I was
1ui1e info!Uat cd with a girl I had
bee n dn1int,r since th e Josi week of
iichool. I must admit thal this fa ctor
en le re rl in10 the bu ying decision .
The plnn wns si mple ; I wou ld tool
Ov.Jl r to Joanne's p la ce on on e

moonlil eve ning and charm lhe he ll
T he day the ca r was delivered I
washed a nd waxed ii 10 a brilliance
ii hncln ·1 hod since ii was new. Arter
!hat. I a Item pied lo become familiar
wil h the inlricacies of its fours peed transmis ion . When I got
tiret.l of grinding th e l(ears , I turned
m) a11en1lo n 10 the lowerin11 or the
top . After an hour of pipched
fingers a nd utte red obsce nities I
was ready for my lriumpha nt trip


across town .
It was an e xhilarating 1rip; 1he
cool ai r of the lat e August evening
playing across my lace: th e feeli ng
of ca maraderie when I patsed
f e llow Jpor ts ca r o wn ers: the
rea ll zalloo that I had made ii.
I down-shifted as I approached
Joanne's house. !he staccallo of lhe
e ngin e a nn ounced my arrival.
Joanne ca me out to the car, and
a her a long disbelieving s tare said .
Conll nued on Page 1

April Z. 1976

Suffolk Journa l

betrayed ...

Continued from Pqe 6
" I I s 11110 . hut 1· m not J,!o111,w
,10\ \\lin,• wl!h the lop clown ··

\Vh,11 d11 I !ihe mean h)• suyin,w ··11°-.
r:111,-. ·r· !l's lou.l(h, r:ool, sha rp. sex, ,
an}lhm)! hut Ul lf' I lcl the sli,wh1
µas,; I told h1•r lhal I wasn·1 sun
how In put 1h r lop up, hul I \\ould
lq lo fi,wurP if fllll Sh,, sa1d, ··no II 1f
ynu w,1n1 . I dnn ' I core··
I Wil,'i d1 •lcrm1nrd nol lo lel hPr
pul a dumpf'r on tlw Pvenin,w sn I

Pase 7

News Briefs

1us1 the <;nr. _"" don 't hnv" an}thm,w
m cnmmnn
I r:n11ldn '1 hrltf'\'C this. !urn of
t•w•nrs. l111pp1nPss ro mh,erv in an
hnur ,tnd II half I cl1•t:1ded. how •
1•vcr. lo liv e up lo my ne\.\ imaJ,!P I
ar:1ed r:nol "If 1ha1',; lhP- wa\ vou
wanl 11 loann f' 0 K Ah
C~odhvt• .
,;, I slrndo hack .I!,' !TI} r:ir with my
lwnd h1•1tl h1,wh":'-f1°} m,w 1n7ook lik1• a
man who r.oulrl ,wet any ~irl ht•

Coffee House
Commun1qu1i s acoustic coffee
house tom.wht will feature Greg
Swartz Fred Rack1n , Barr v
Our.lJ,.11e. And, Murray , Wi ndsonjil,
and movies hy Suffolk 's film co-op.
Co me down IO the facu lt y dinin~
room and le! )ou r friends entertain
you . The show starts al 7.00 p.m
and the food 1s fr ee
All lh is for a buck - ··such a

Faculty Evaluation

busied myse lf wi lh 1 1tinH up the
lop. tryfflg to i~norr he r less th a n
e n1husiasli c rema rks. Aft e r a ho\f.
hour (a l leas l II was easie r lo pul up
lhan down I, I told he r th 11 1 we we re
ready lo go for a ride .
Th e trn nsmissi on grin ded a hit
hut I finally go t ii int o reve rse a nd
ou l of th u dri veway. I only missed a
few gears during th e ride. but I
noli cod Joanne 's expresaion was
gelling worse a nd worse . •
We w ere bo1h 11i le n1 as wf'
wttlkerl h;1 to her house My plan
was failinK , S ho wasn't cha rmed.
sho wa s n't eve n faintly amused .

A SCA subcommit tee , composed
o f loseph Hayes. Chri s Spinaz,zola ,
Michael Cov ino a nd Michael
Powers, was recently backed by fhe
university 's Educational Poli cy
Committee fEPAI in thei r plans to
hold another facul~ · evaluation set
for d.is1rihut1on urin the las!
u week 10 Ap r il
.f 1-ta)·es explained 'tt,al f e SCA
;: had been deluged wit h ir-mu;ber of
i req ues ts from lrnnsfer students ,
~ l'freshm e n. and evenins students to
wanted J reac hed th e ca r. ope ned
p e rf orm another eva luation .
the door and s la r ted 10 e nt er I The r efore a subcom mill ee was
s lo pped half way and strnighl e nucl drawn up and seve ral ty pes of
up as if 1 ca ll some lhinij back 1
0 eva luations we re reviewed . It wa s'
her such as "let!I lry agai n, oh decided to follow th e recent law
please , please. p~ase." I thoug h! schoo l eva lu a ti on as the guideline.
heller of ii though and resu med my
The law school eva luati on is a
e ntry inlo tho cnr . I would zoo m ou l one page questionaire divided in
two pa rts, in whi ch !he stud e nt first
0 ( loanne's life with lhe fin esse of
Mar io And re ll i. Al this point I had
responds to the questio ns by utiJiz.
forgo ll e n thal f had le ft ih e ca r in ing a sca le . For exa mpl e, the sca le
first gear. I pul the key in th e i1tni - r eads 1·3 u nsatis f ac tor y. 4 -6
lio n. turned ii. a nd !he ca r h.trched salisfacto ry. 7-9 above ave rage. and
furwa rcl iui,·ernl limes ,1nd then
10 nu lsHrndinM On a scu le of 1-10.
citm e 10 a most ung race fu l ha ll. I some or the ques11 ons included.
looked back. loa nn e was laughing I re le th e professor 's preparation for

" I hale th ffl ca r. " Joa nn e sai d. A
few minute s µassed , I cou ldn' t
lhink of a d e fense. Fina II )' she said .
" I th ink we shou lci hrenk up."
" Over a ca r?'· J was stunned . "No l

cu rsed and cursed and even1ua ll y
MOI the cn r sta rt ed . I evaded n 1ree
a nd a neighbo r hood pel. m y
ciignifi ed ex il nflw hum i li ated



• • •
Conti nued from Page 1
a nd Ridge wa y Lane: Ap r. 15 and 16 !he elec ti on resu lts of sop homore
is Junio r e lections to be held dur ihg and junior class electio ns will he
the i1ame lim e as Sophom'ores: Apr. re lea~ed, on Apr. 27 th e new SCA
20 and 21 is_ th e se ni or electio ns also Execulive co mmittee eleclions will
during th e sa me lime· on Apr 20 be he ld

~=~·,,;,:~ee ~h= ~r~:=:~~:·.sa~~e;: ~
his ah ilil ) 10 Slimu late rur lher
th0 ught a nd sludy. The second half
asks ques tions designed lo be
a nswered by yes o r no. For examp ie. did the exa ms rairl)! and adequa tcly cove r 1he subj6c1 metie r of
the co urse.
In addilion, 1he studenl is asked
to suppl} additiona l comments if he
fee ls thf!m to he releva nt.
The eva luali on shee ts will be dis-

Student Financial Aid Renewal
Students of the colleges who are currently receiving any forms
of Suffolk University administered financial assistance are
reminded that they must pick up renewal applications in the
Deon of Students Office immedia tely, if they hove not already
ci_op.e so. This group includes students receiving Trustee
Scltol~rships, NCltional Direct Student Looris, Supple~entory
Economic Opportunity Grants and those wh o are desuous of
renewing their College Work Study Position for the 1976-77
academic year. All of these forms must be filed in the Dean of
Students Office by t~e end of the Spring semester.

Evening Students
The Evening Division S tudents
Association. a nine mem be r
legis lative boa rd rep re1entin3 th e
2000 eve ning students, la see ing
additional members .
The evening division of slu.denls,
represe nl ins 50", or the Suffolk
population , are confronled with the
sa me problems tha t a ff ect th e da y
division of sludenlS.
The EDSA has inslisa1ed action
on seve ral of lhe problem areas in
!he univeni ly. These include : the
need for co mmuter matchups , th e
over~rowded problem. !he-desire. to
obtam speake rs, an effort lo m crease social functi ons and at present the exp loration into the
possibilit y of joini ns with the SGA
(day division legislative body! irt
conducting a faculty evaluation.
The eve ning division sludenl is
latgely disenfranchised because of
apat h y . Ther e fore additional
members on the EDSA would allow
for a more posiliv e app roach
toward lhe curtailment of some of
the pfob lems.

WSUB Broadcasts
WSUB will soon have most of the
Ridgeway Lane offices wired for
spea kers lo broad casl. " Just how
soon 1he wiring will be completed is
not known yet," accordins lo Jim
Among othe r WSUB plans are a
showing of the year·s t.v. p rograms
in the Ridgeway Lounse, Also an
excha nge program of 1.v, shows
\'l.'ilh Emerson is planned. And as
usoal news shows will be broadcast in the ca feteria on Thurs. at
2:00 p.m . and in the Slh floor
Donahue Lounge du rins the same
hour .

Are You into Radio
and Need S1,85()
for Tuition Next Year/

Renewal of State Scholarships
The-Co mmonwealth or Massachusetts, Scholarship Office, has se nt
10 the Dean or S1uden1s OHice renewal forms for th e 1976-66
academic yea r. All stud enls who are curre ntly receivi ng State
Scholarshi ps should immediatel y co me to the Dean or Students Qf.
(ice 10 co mple1e the re ne wal form , verify the info rmati on and sign
th e card . All s1Udena who are Stale Schola rship reci pie nts and are
graduating by Septembe r, 1976.' must als,o co me to. th ~ Dean ~f
S1uden1 s Office to complete 1h1s renewal form and indi cate their
date of graduation.

trihuled lo all cou rses and all
classes within the university
Resu lts a re expec ted lo be co mpiled by the facuhy In conju nction
with lh e SCA and will be made
ava ilable to the public.

The Colden Dome

150 Bowdoin St., Boston
• (K,,ou from rht- State House)

WSU B needs a station ma nager. Sµbmit resu mes to Ken
Kell y, Student Activities O ffice . Deadline Ap ril 12.


- - - •"The Fnendlint shop in town'. ". - - -...

Sales, Repairs on All Makea, Rentals
Open 7 days, 8 am -·9 pm


3111 eAMBRfliF IT.




. .. Elections

nnri R11l1,tnway La ne: Apr 15 and 16
1.!> Junior e lections to he held durin,c
1h,• s,111w 11mc as Sophomores. Apr
20 nnd 21 1s 1he senior e lecllons also

r• ' '•~ '"•" •••m •im• :• • "d"• " ,_ •' ••• - o

"., r

;l ;"1j./,t;h~~P~::n~11 ~~ctad~~:
r~1~1 \r

Continued from Page I
th e t~ lec li on reimlls nr suphumnn•
11nd Junior class elec1in ns ,,ill 111•
rPl eased . on Apr 27 the nt'" SCA
Execu11ve comm11tee elec lrn ns \\ 111

•'•"- '•"•"• _________1 ,,
• •ld

q11,1trl, r.ovn thP !rnh1Pcl rnauer or
1hi• c:m irse
tn addll ion the sludt!nl 18 asked
:,u supph addilm nal c:om me nts if he
rr-,•I ,; ihrm 10 hr rel e \'anl





wi1h Emerson is planned And as
usual ne ws shows will be broadcasl in 1he ca fet e ria o n Thurs. at
2 00 p m and In the Slh floor
Dona hu e l.ounge du ring the same

shee ls wil l he dis-

Are You into Radio
and Neyd $1,850
for Tuition Next Year!

Renewal of State Scholarships
Thf" Com monwealth of Massa c husetts , Scholarship OHi~e. hai, se n't



ro !he Dean of Studcnls Off,cr renewal forms for rhe 1976-66
,1radC'mic year. All studen1s who are currently receiving Statr
Scho larships !thou Id immedia1-e"° co me ro the Dea n of Sruder,.ts Of fi re 10 romp le le 1he renewal form, ve rify the ioforma1ion and 'J.lfo:n
th<' ra rcL All s1udents wh o are Stale Scholarship recipients and are
gradu,11ing by ScpTC'mbl'r , 1976,'musi abo come 10 t~e Dean of
Studrnls Office IO complclc> thi s renewal form and indicate 1hf'ir
dau• of gradua ti on

The Colden Dome



150 Bowdoin St, Boston
..... ~,os~ from tM Suite Hous,e)

WSUB needs a station manager . Submit resumes to Ken
Kelly , Student Activities Office. Deadline April 12 .

, - - •"The Fn endlint s lwp in town'. ".-


Student Financial Aid Renewal
Studlmts of the colleges wh o are c"'u nently rec~ing a•y fo rms
of Suffolk University administered hnon c1al assistance are
reminded that they must pick up renewal a pplicahons m the
Deon of Students Office immediately, if they have not a lready
done so. This group includes students receiving Trustee
Scholor~hips, Notional Direct Student Looris, Supplementary
Economic Oppor.tunity Grants and those who are desirous of
renewing their College Work Study Position for the 1976-77
academic year. All of these forms must be filed in the Deon of
Students Office by the end of the Spring semester

Sale s , Repairs on• All Makes, Rentals
Open 7 days, 8 am -·9 pm

363 efWIUB&E IT.
&23 ·!1133


Suffo lk Jour nal

Up Temple Street
Event1/ Actlvllle1
• April Z, Friday
7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Commun l4ue .!lpnn,mrs CoHoe hou.!le in Facu h~ Dining•
roo m AdmiH1on price is S1 00 and re rre.!lhme nla will be
1e rved.
April 5-1 , Monday-Friday
3:00 pm
Afro-American Hitlory Week - see separate enl ri es
helow for de1ail1 of week 's pro.,rams
April 5, Monday
:J:00 pm
Mary Lewin Small conducts poe lt)' re11dlnjj: 1n Zrnman
Poo1r y Roo m. Sponsored hy Afro-American Hi11to ry
" 'eek •
3.00 pm
Suff olk IJm \'ersily Baseball Team \ ' S Cu rr} Colle,ie al
April I, Tuesday
1:00 pm
Humani1 io" Cluh and L l.f F.. Co mmlll ee prese n1 Mrs
\Valier Gropius speaking on the Bauhaus School: F-636B
Rauhnu1 Exhihll will be on d1 1pla)' in the Lanjluage Lab,
4th Floor Fenton .
1:00 pm
Politi ca l Sciunce A1.aoda1ion prc1cnt1 for mer Go\'crnor
Francis W Sar)lent speoklng on "The Polill cal Scene in
1976." in the Audi1orium
1:00 pm
Ca mpus Ministry 1ponaors Cat holi c Masa . F-337
April 7, Wednesday
Suffoltc Umversily BRseball TeRm vs. Lowell University
3:00 pm
at l.owell
April I, Thursday
Paycholo..:y Cl uh prnsenls Ma I. yon Sco11 of Greenhouse.
1,00 pm \
Inc., a cou nselin)I ser\'ice in Ca mbridgr, wilh a videoloped pro..:r11m , talk and exercise. Fenton 338A
S G.A . Film Commltlee presents the him ·•Night of lh l!
1 00 pm
Ll vln,i De11d ,'" fre e of charge, in the Audnorlum
Women·s Program Com mlll 1Je 1p1.1nson1 an 1nform11l ge1
◄ 00 pm
1ogc1hcr In the ir offi ce. R-20. in the Rid)leway Building
SC.A Social Comm illee pre!len ls .. Fool, Parl)•·· a l
8·00 pm-l ·OO am
Florian Hall 1n Dorcht1s1er Advance 11 ckc1 rer1ui red ,
nvoilnble in the S1uden1 Acflv\1\t:s OHice SOc: iitudenla,
SI 511 gu ests Two rock hand1 alu, rn 11 1i
April 1. Friday
2 00 pm•7 ·00 pm

7. 00 pm

S GA Ralhtkeller prescn1s Rathskeller m lhe Cafeteria.
wll h Arro Amllrlcan lllslory Week tponsorlng ID-piece
hand ·· t1 ype rlen1ion ·· from 2-6·00 pm 11rinh at usu11I
11:ood chee r pru:ea
Latln-Amtiri ca n Show - dances and mu11c from l,alin
America. WIii bf! held In the Audi1ot1um

Or11anlullonal Meetln11
Aprll 1, Tuesday - 1:00 pm
Model United N1uions. room F-330
Ca mpus Mlnl1trht11 M11sa, room F-33?
Suffolk S1uden1 Coall1ion Against Ra cis m, room F-33tli\
Council of Presldenls. room f'-803
W11ller M. Blltse OebA1ln11 Soclt11y. rooms A-Z4 A: Z◄ A.
8TudMt Govcrnmenl Auoda li on, roo m R-3
April I , Thurtday, 1:00 pm
Model UJ\iled Nallnns. room F-330
Psychology Club. room f .JllftA
Arro-Amorlcan A.uoclalion, roo m F-603
Waller M. Our,u DA
lmlinM Socrnl)'. rooms ArchN NA 2◄ A
Phi Chi Thi,ta Sorotll), room V-◄ 01


... hungover
Con tin ued from Page 5
" Band
·· had lhat same spontanei1y 1hat makes most onMcCertney·s musi c Cun lo li111en to.
liow e "er ... At the Speed o r
Sound ·· la cks 1his aspect totally.
McCartney see ms obseged with
being a musi ca l genius , a kind o r
boy wonder or pop. He has programm ed a string section and a
ho rn seclion inlo his co,nposilions.
leavi ng his o wn ab1e band , Denny
Lain e a nd Jimmy M~ullech . (two
good guitarisls). drummer . Joe English . and wife Linda , In lhe background . What e me r1e1 i1 an inesca'pnb le rigidity. There is no jamming and no ad -li bbing by the band.
Ever)'1hing hasbeen planned down
to the las! note o( music . The songs
come out bland and dreary and
ove r-prepared . In turn. thal
McCartney magic is gone - no
lon1eer is he having fun with his
IUnes. il has been sacrificed for a
bori ng Corm o f 10ft . poli1hed ,
backgrou nd type music.
O ( th e 11 cuts, o nly two can really
be e nj oyed . " Bewar e My Love."
c urre ntl y gelling some airply on the
local r adio stations, at least has
McCartney opening his mouth and
s inging. inst e ad of mumbling his
way through lh e lyrics . The other
o ne, " Time to Hide:· Is a flawed
Denny Laine composition which
Denn y sings , but ii succeeds In
c re ating some movement with an
up-beat rode tempo.

April z, lffl
The rest or the song:s jUJI drq
alon3. "Silly Love Sonss .. is 11.stenable, but a poor excuse for a 10ng.
"Co ok or the House, " Linda
McCar1ney's 10l0, is aimply ridiculous. The others are ,low. lowkeyed and extremely harmleu in
McCartney tries to gel some unity
by squeezins his songt together,
frequently overlappin, them. Yet,
o n the whole. they are not arran1ed
in any distinct order and seem to be
vainly forced logether in the hope•
that 1hey might flow .
Wings. was to embark on a Z1 city,
30 day tour or the U.S .• the rtnal segment in a world blil:z for McCartney
Iha! started in En1land , 1wepl
through Europe . and wound up In
Australia . However, that tour. at
press lime (and would have come to
Boston, May 22) has been poll•
paned b y band member Jimm y
McCulloch breaklng his hand earlier this week. 11;1 a terrible dlaa~
poin tmenl for McCartney fana, but
so is " At the Speed of Sound:·
which does not even come close to
reachins the aound barrier.



... Dickinson
Conlln ued from Pqe 4
but lived 10 see only Se\len pub- •
lished . I-fer first book of poetry was
p ubli shed Cive yea u after her
dea1h . Cha rl es Nelson Reilly be•
lieves 1h a t Dickinson always
wenled her poetry published. " She
wanled to be somebody - she
wanted immor1al11y:· Perhaps The
Belle of Amherst will granl Efflily
Dickinson just that.

(617) 523-5195
100 Charles River P~u
Boston, MA.


April :1. t ffl

Suffolk L


.. . hungover

Up Temple Street
Eve n11 / Actlvllht1

. April 2, Friday
Comm11n1quu !lpunsurs Cnffeehou5t• 1n Facull} OlninH•
room Adm151 1011 price Ill $1 00 anrl refrr11hm1in111 will hr
April 5-1, Monda y- Frida y

3 oo pm
Afro-Ameriran lil11lory Week - 'ler st>paratt> t-nlnes,
helnw for dt>!n 1!11 of wt>•1k ·11 prn,wrams
7:00 pm -111 00 pm

ARrll 5, Monday
Mar} Lewin Small comluclll p1~ re,1difl11 m Zieman
Poclr} Room Sponsored '" Afru-Am..rican H1s1ory

JOO pm


Suffolk I IOL\' Cr'III\ Rasehall Teom

3.00 pm


Currl Colle,wti


April I, Tut11day
1 oo pm

llum anilil'!! Cluh and I. IF F. Comm11te1• prf'Sf'nl Mr'I
Wnl!er C.rnr11u1111peak111)1 nn 1hc Bauhau, School. F-6Jfi8
Bauhaus F.11h1hil will he on d111pla y m lht> l.1m1uiaJC!! Lah
4th Floor Fenlon


1:00 pm

~~!i~~~:I ~1;1~•~1r~~:i11;~~:1i:~~1 ~1~•:~~h:~

1·00 pm

Campus M1m11lr} .sponsors Cathu\ir Ma1u1


197fi," in th1• A11d11o rium


April 7, Wednntday
Suffolk l/n1v+1rslly Baiwhull Team \'!I l.o'At-11 U ni vcrstl}
111 J.owcll

3:00 pm

Apri l I , Thursda y ,
Ps)·cholo,w) Cluh pre.senls Ms Lynn Scott or Greenhouse
Inc. a cou nschn,w service m CambndJlt' \\-Ith a v1 deo1apml proJ(r11m . talk and exorcise Fentnn 338A
S 1: A Film Cumm1llefl pre1um111 rhu film "Ni shi of rhr
l.ivinM IJ,•11d .' frNJ o r chnrJ,!r . ln lht' Atlflllonum
Women's Pru,wr11m Commille11 .sp1111son nn informal MC I•
IOJlPlhc; in 1h,•1r orf1ce. R-ZO. 1n the Rid)le wn y Buildini,1
St: A Social Co mm1l h1r IJTtllll'nts " Fools Par1y" at
Florian I !all m Dorchu.ster Ach nnce tu:kct!I requ1r1•d
avm lnbtc 111 the Student Aclivili,is Offi ce sue !ltudcnl.1,
Sl 511 11.ut•!lt!I Two ruck lumd !I ultl'Tna1lnJ1. hu(fo1

1:00 pm\

4 00 pm


April I, Friday
z·oo pm-7 oo pm

1100d cheer prices
l.alin-Amoncan Show -

d1rnces and m11•1c from l.a 1in
America . Will be held in the Aud11or1um



St: A RalhskPller p resen l!I Rathskeller m lhe C:afe1er111 .
with A f ro American H1s1 ory Week 1pon1oting 10-piece
hand " ll )'per lenflion .. from 2-fl :OO pm Drinks al usu11\

OrAanlul lonal MeetlnA•
April I , Tuesda y - 1:00 pm
Model United Na 1io n1. room F-330
Ca mpus Mini.s1rie1. Mass. room f".JJ7
Suffolk S1udent Coali1ion Agains1 Racism, room F-338A
Cou ncil of Presidents. room F-603
\Va li er M. B4r!le Oeb0lln11 Society. room!I A-24 & 24A
S1uden1 Ccwt1rnmen1 AHoclalrnn. room R-3

April I , Thunday, 1:00 pm
Model Unlle~ a1ion1, room f".JJO
Psychology Club. rooni F-3381\
Arro-Amorlcan All1odatirm. room F-603
We lle r M. De lmllnM Soc11:ity. rooms Archn :?4
Phi Chi Th1:i1a Sororily. rouni V-401

• • • Equal


Continued from P ■ge 5
·· had that ~ m e spo ntaneily that most of:McCarlnev's music fun lo listen lo.
However ... Al the Spe ed of
Sound " lacks this aspec l to ta lly.
McCartney see ms obsessed wilh
beinK a musical genius, a kind of
ho) wonder of pop He has p roKrammed a slrin~ section and a
ho rn sec li on inlo his co mpositions ,
lea vi ng his own ab le be nd , De nny
Lame ar,rl Ji mm y McCulloch , (two
JilJOOd !(u1tarisls). d rummer. Joe English . and wife Li nd a, in the backgrou nd . What emerges is an i nescapable rigidity. There is no jjm.
mms,and no ad-libbing by the band .
Everylhing has been planned down
10 the las! note o f music The songs
come ou t bland a nd d rea ry and
over-pre pared . In 1urn '. lhal
McCarlney magic is gone - no
lon,11;er 1s he having fun with his
lunes. 11 has been sacrificed for a
boring form o~so ft , polished ,
backgro~nd lype usic.
O f the 11 cuts. nly hbo can rea ll y
he e n1 oyed " Bevya re "dy Love, "
cu rrently getting some ai rply o n th e
local radio statio ns, at" hfasl has
McCarlney ope ning his mouth a nd
slnJiiJinJl), instead o f mumbling hi s
way through the lyrics. The o lhe r
one . ' Time 10 Hid e," is a rlawed
Denn~ Laine co mposition wh
Denn} sings. but ii succeeds In
c reating so me movement wifh an
up-bea t rock tempo .

... Dickinson
Continued rrom P11e 4
bul lived to see on ly seve n pub- ..
lished . Her firs! book o f poelry was
published five years after her
dealh . C harl es Ne lson Re ill y believes thal Dicki ns o n a lw ays
wanted he r poetry publi shed. " She
· wanted to be som ebody - she
wan ted i mmortality." Perhaps The·
Be ll e of Am h e rsl will granl Emily
Dickinson just that

The rest of the 10np just drag
along " Silly Love Sonp" is H1tenab le, but a poor excuse for a song.
"Co ok o f th e House ," Linda
McCartne)' 's 10l0, is ahnply ridiculous . The o thers are slow, lowkeyed and extremel)' hannleu in
McCartney tries to gel some unity
b y squeezi ng his songs toge the r ,
fr equently overlapping them . Yet,
on 1he whole , they are not arranged
in any distinct order a nd sea m lo be
va inl y forced loaether in the hope,
that they m ight flow .
Wings was lo embark on a 21 ci ty,
JO da y tour o f the U.S .• the final segment in a world blitz for McCartney
1h01 started i n England. swept
through Europe, and wound up in
Aus tralia . tipwever, that to ur. al
preu ti m e (and would have come to
Boston , Ma y Z2) hu bee n postpo ned by band member Jimmy
McCulloch br~aklng h is hand earlier this week . lt'a ■ 1
.errible ditappoinlmenl for McCarttrey fan.a, bu t
so is " Al th e Speed of Sound ,"
which doea no! e ven come close to
reaching the sound barrier.



-(617) 523-5195

100 Charles River Plu•
Boston, MA.


Continued rrom Page 2

no ne of th em hc inli{ a rninoril y The
1:11 women, whi c h are me mhe rs of
1he supporlive sla H. the o ffi ce,
cloricn l, 1ecur1t y a nd service peopl e, nro mnd e up nr 17 minorities
Ttfere oro a 10101 or cigh1 women in
th e e ntire school wurkin11 nl Su Ho lk
as depa rlment h eads. Thrnc are in

Mon. Tues.
Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.

lhe academic areas a nd 5 in the adm in istrative a reas.
Pr es . Fulham slaled in his
memorandum or March 2. 1976. thaJ
h e urges all stu dents. faculty ond
s taff to co ntinue to suppo rt the
equal nppo rtunil )' and a ffirm ativt•
action 110licles di all 11mes.

Sun. 4:00-11 :00


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Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-oat


latters also Available

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Cunina hlSIOl'y was nevn JO much fun. Or mcrranna,


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Arlinaron and Columbus Aw. 111
&Am. Opm Wttkday,.. 9:00 AM 600 PM, wmmdo 1000 AM-

800 PM. Ftlm showmpon chr hour.
Call )38-l976for 1nfonn.luon..
U'Jmt cakl' a ltlldy break. And
ll'am a litdl' hlSfflrV.