File #4004: "Suffolk Journal_1976Apr16_vol31no25.pdf"


Vol. 31 , No. 25

Colb at Suffolk

by Bruce Mclnlwe
WhilP spcak1~1,1 lo ,1 full huuS,• 111
1h~ Suffo lk n111,ht11r1um . ox-C IA
chlef \\lillium Colh} was prpp1•n•tl
w,t-h qlwslions and ,u;c usulinns
ri'jarchn,ll lhc rolfl of the C: IA m the
,•ve nl s 1hn1 shaped th e sla lc 6f 1hc
worl d in the lasl dPc1'1d1• Cn lh,
anS\\Crcd s mon lhh and re main ed
calm .
A h1$ln' pui n l in 1hu harra)ll! uf

q11f'slions co me w hen WBCN's Dan-

ny Sch(ttler provokil)lli~


Colby, " Does tho nnme Vic tor Jorn

mean anything l o you?" Colby
re plied that he hadn 'I heard of 11 .
Scheele r then shot be ck an exp lan ation wh ich said Iha! Jara was a
Chilean folk !linger much like Bob

Dylan who had his finge rs broken
and was s hnl whi le playing his

guita r and singing in the sladium as
a pri!loner aflor th e revolution .

Co lh~ !hen rcr.,tllf'li the name and
llwn wus askcil h, · Sche1;t1•r if he
,,as humf1cd h~ · !he act Colb)
n•plied 1ha1 he felt cha! wav abou l
1hc riP11!h uf anyone Sc.heeler.
!!peakm,1t louc!Pr than usual in o rder
lo rc,1t1 r the cxchanJii!e in his te pe
rrcorcler . then in 11m1datecl Colb\'
m1o sayin,ll that the C IA had not in·.
st1ga 1erl the revo lution in Chi le.
" In respecl to lhe military co up.
,,,, hnd no thini,r 10 rlo wilh 11:· Co lb y
snul "We he lped cerlain media
lh ouRh . Vle were nctuallv invo lved
for n period of 6 weeks d·uri ng 1970
nl the re qu es t of Nixon . It wa!!
3Jilmnst o ur policy. however:·
Colb y was 1he n asked by olhers
in lhe c r ow d H the C IA had
a nything to do with nssosaination
plo_ . He answered that 1h ey
"dcfiniloly were not. Bui it was
su~osted by so me I Rm no ~Moi ns 10

For mer CIA d l~ector Wllll■ m Colby ~dclrem,d Suffoll< •IIUCl■nts.

1ell who though ."

Colb )• ca lled the report by the
Pik e Co mmi11ee on the CIA :·a
biased re port asainsl the ClA . It is
not an accu ra te reflection ," he said .
The report. which was leaked by
Danie l Schorr to the VIJJage Voice.
co ntain ed some material thal
s hmJ.hl not be r eleased, acco rd ing lo
Co lby . ··There a re m any things
w hich shou ld not be revea led for
diplomatic pu rposes. ,:hey are ~mbn rr assing." h e said .
He quolcd Kennedy's co mments
oh the C IA h~ sayi ng . ·· our failu r es
,ire 1rumpete<I a nd o ur successes
unheralded ."
Co lll\ wenl into some o f 1he
h1stOr) · of inteJHse nce ga thering in
the United States. •·ou r first
nttempl wns a disaste r.'' Cplby 10ld
the cro\\ d "We recruit ed a man to

Issues but no Answers
by Bre nt L. Marmo
Vo ting will be he ld today in th e
Do nahu e Buildln~ ca fe lerin .
··1.('1 nH' rf'prf•sont you :· " I se rve
'~> record shh\.\!! it ·· ··v111e for

Th,· Stucl,•n.t C.o, Prnrncnl
\ssoria 1ion 1:,1nclida 1,•s arr cn mp,1 ii,1n111J,? ,, 11h poslf'r honnl anci
nrn,-:u: nrnrkt-ro; T lw h,rnd-shakmM
,md bnb,-k1ssln1.t nHI\ c:omt• tocl,"
a,; c.1rn cl1cl,11 1•s hnnd oul fh,•r~
hcforr s111dcnts ,·n it• . Bui tht• \\ holf'
c:ounp,li)i!n ll,ts h1•1•n low-k,,, <'d
Wh, ·,
lw 1hc 1ss111•s ,1rt'
nhscun• . or ,,ors, •. non -1•x1s11•111.
~t.i~lw thf• ap.ith~ ,s high •,;o 1h1•
c.,1111p11iJ,?n1ni,? 11'.I low ~1n, lw ,1
ri•cnrrl ancl p('rson,1ht.!- c,,mJlili,l,! n
r ,m he run u11nhtrrn11\Prh
'" I lhink the r.,11np,t1,1,!n °
tleals '"lh
recor ds ,11111 pi~r,;on,11i1..-•s," !'l,n tl
Ollt' c.,1nthd,11t• "Tlwn• ,in• n,, n•al.
lf tll! ISSlil'S •·
" Th,• prohlt•m i'i thur -.tud,•nt!'I .ir1•
nnt '"·11 Pduc:,111•d in 1h,· 1s-:1ws "
-.,lid ,11111th,•r t:,111tl11 i,1h•
ltwn thPrP dre 1-.!-uf'-., Ttw
Rld,1,!1'\\,I\ l!uilchni,1 1s i.mln,I,! ro he
turn iln\\ n llf''(I , f>,1r anrl thP
plmlllt~tl huilclin,ll mny poss1hly hold
111111"1' ,11lrn1111s1r,11or~ than stmhm ll'I
T lrn l°s nn issue Tui lion 1s i11cre,11tlll J,l uf l nr •,, dt"c: r easl' 1n
facililif's Tha1 ·i1 an 1sst1P A stuclcnl
r ,•11rus,•nlil ti ve is nnl 11111 in,w on 1tw
Uo1ml uf Trust1•cs's ,,n 1ssU<!.
Ancl so 1s 1he im11lcqua1c fn r:u ll ~
1dv1s1n~ sys!P m And 1he cn111 lo),!ue
,, ilh its paci<lot l councs 1\nd lhe
1hscnm1na,trnn in rciiislnllion Iha!


h ; rt:~~~~1~/ ~ict~:
w ho knows abou t lh em
''Co mmuni car ion is lh A main

issue of 1he SCA 1his yea r ." said an
incu mbcnl. " Probl emti a rc prod ucls
o r lack of co mm11n1 cn llon. Crowcled
sp;1cc rcsuJl(•d rrom a lnck of co m•
mun1ca1ion lwtweeo the ad•
minislrulinn ,inti • tudent s which
resulted 111 student d 1
sMl 1
11fac1ion ··
"Th~ ide,t is to keep studenls we ll
mfnrme<I If th,•~ kno\., "hafsJtOtnJ.!
on , chrrc is ~oinJ,1 to he ,1uJen1 111p11 1 The, ·rr Ji!llinM 10 hitch "
\ 'olmJi! tod.1~ \\Ill bl! hf'ld m !he
l)11ndht11• Bu1\d111Ji! r.u rc1erio .
.. Iii' \I, n,mlf' 1s so-and-so rm
th,• 1 H1't'll ,1ml ~,•!lo\\ po!IINS \'ole
for ,rn1•

S.G:A.: BarelY- a Ouorum,--8.ut . . .



.Constitution Approved

~"111urs lrl ,1ss nf 1977,: Prnsidcnl
t\lu .h,wl Pm ,•u. Joe Sh,m \'icrPrMHlr111
Tom Fnlf'~ . lames
Brtl\\11 ; R1•prn.!!Pntnll\£' - .<\Ian
\\'einh1111m . JJ;w1rl OiResta. Thom,1s
KrJI.,~ . (m,·f' ll nyns. Sue lhlrl<'~ .
Juniors fclnss of 1978) . Pres1de n1
- Jim ~1allozzi, Oomt ld Peale ;
Karen Kelleher ,
Rrpresc nlnl ivc
lohn Qnn ley.
DMwrnh n on,inno , Brucf! K111z .
Susan Andf'rson . Slephcn Arnvo.
Rir:h Gihhons. Stuarl Winnel(, lack
Co11t•r . Ill
Suphumorcs {class nf 1979) Pr,•sidf'nl - ~tnrt 1n Davis: ViceP res 1do n1 Ge rr y Lumh .
Rc prnsen1a11ve - lfrrbcrl Collins.
Ra l ph Jahlrn . Tom Elias. Jean
D cA nM e l o. Jo hn C umm i ng ~.
Theresa Joyce. Patri c io Foley ,
.,K,:c,n n.._ hla, v.,, .. - , -_ _ ___,
"-"' ct..,_, ,e.,. in""0

see where the British woald land.
When he arrived he found that they
were already there. He wu causht
and hld his secret.I in hi1 1hoe. He
was hung as a spy. Hi• last words
were ' l regret 1 hive but one life to
3lve for my country." Hts name wu
Na1han Hal e."
The former CIA chief explained
tha 1 the nature of the world loday is
such 1hal we must order and auess
information. He cited the fusion or
technology wilh intelligence salherins ac1ivllie1.
lnheren1 in the beginning of his
speech was 1he story we a re a ll
fa miliar wilh : The fear of the
Russians. "In the past, in 1960 dur•
ing the elections, there was lhe
great debate abou·t whether we
we re behind in the space age . Now
{Conllnued 'on paae 5)

by Pau l Donovan
Thf' Student Cove·rnment
\ssncin!ion decicled to e nd o rse the
:-,.:ational March o n Bosto n lo
Ot•seMre),!atP lhc schools. which will
11e held April 24. a l !he mee lin~ on
Thursda~ Apri l 7. Wi th just eno ugh
members to comp rise a quoru m ,
cle,·••n members prese nt . th e group
clccided to 1able d iscussion of 1he
President's Council Cons tlluli on
becaus e or the a ll e nd ance a nd the
Council .co mmittee was not
prepa re d.
~1ar,1tery Feldman, chairpe rso o of
1hc 6uffulk Studenl Co alition
A~nins l Rac ism {SCAR) . wenl
befor.e 1hr. SCA see king the c ndorsement She s ta ted 1hat endorsemcnts from loca l groups such
as1 heSCAofSuffolkiseHec1ivein
publicil~ T he e ndorse ment would
e ncourage Suffolk studen ts to 1oke
Once a motio n 10 e nd orse was
ma de by Karen Ke lle h e r, SCA Vic e

Pres1den1. Chris Spinauola SCA
Pr eside nt spike in favor of th e en•
do rse ment. He said' that Ms. Feld•
man had app roached him about the
march previous to the meetlns. He
had ~iven his personal endo rsement. a nd wou ld support a petidon
to the SCA. Menlloning lhat the SIU •
dent gove rnmenls of Boston Slate ,
Boston U niversity, and the U niver•
sitv of Massachusells Boa1on had
al ~eady given their supp01't , Spinaz•
zola said tha t th e Suffolk SCA
s hou ld follow suil.
On a voice vote. the motion was
The March will bj Satu rday
April 24. a 1 10 am 1o atart at
Franklin Fi eld. The march will go
from 1he r e to City Hall Plaza ,
Gove rnment Center. where the ral~
ly will take place . 'fhe rally is slaled
10 besin al 3 pm and will featur e
both nati onal ~nd local people to
speak for the cause of desegrega•


~pyvs. ~PY
hv Bru ce Mclnt\'rc
\\'hill' -:p,•,1k111_11 In .1 full h1111,;,, Ill
1h1• Suffolk ,111d11ur111m •• ,.c,1 a\
1.hwf \\'dlt,1m Cultl\ \\ll'i 111•p1wr1•tl
\\ 11h



,ii 1;usut11111,

r,•11,mlin!,l 11-w rnl•• Hf 1h1• CIA 111 1ht1
lh,11 sha1wd 1lw 'il,tll• nf 1h1•

•'\ ,•nh

\\nrld 1n 1h1• l,1,;I cit•r,ul,·


,11\.!m ••n•d ,;rnon lhl v anrl remmnml
t:n lm
<\ h1,wh p01n1 ,n t(IP harm.we uf
q11n,lirm'i r.1m r wh~ WBC:N'5 Dan ll\
St:hrr.lor provoki nf,11 ~ askf•rl
Co lh y. " Does lhc name Victor Jara
mean anythin)( to you? " Colh~
replied that he hadn'I heard of it
Scheeler lhc n 11h01 bac:k a n e xplan n111,n which said tha1 Jara was a
C hil ea n folk singer much like Bob
Dyla n who hod his £in11en broken
~d wns shot wh il e pinyi n)( his
gut tar anrl singinH in lh c s tadium as
a prhmn r r a f1 cr the revolution


<:olln th,•n rN:,1ll rrl the• nnme anrl
tlwn \\,I'- ,1-.lo.,•d II\ Sche1.ti•r 1f he
\\ u:-; hnrnf1cd II\ thr ar.1 Colh\
n•plwd lhal h1• frll 1h,11 \\II V ahuu"1
1hP ,! ,• ,1th uf ,,n,o n e Schecter,
!>p1•nkinJ,1 lmulrr 1han usual in order
10 rt')USll'r the cxc:han,11:e in his lape
r,•r.ortlrr llwn m11m1dated Colby
1n10 !hl~ln),I 1hn1 the C:IA hat! not mstq,mt,•11 thr revolu11un 1n Ch ile .
·· Jn respecl to 1he m1h1ary cnup.
'"' had nolhln~ lo do wi1h,11 .. Colbv
s,1ul "We helped cf'rtil'm mecli~ •
1huu~h We wert' aclunllv involved '
for n period of fi weeks ciunnR 1970 '
al 1he rcque!II of Nixon It was
• aJiila 1ns1 our poli cy . however:·'
Co lb y was tlte n as ked by oth n
i,n lhe crowd if 1he Cl A had
any lhinM 1 dn wilh a11osaina1ion
plo1s He answered 1ha1 they
"dcfinitu ly ~were not. But ii wH


hy 11ome

Former CIA d irector Wlll la m Colby addnttted Suffotk~ents.
te ll who though ."'
Colb y call!"'d the reporl 'by the
Pike Com millee on 1he C IA "a
biased repo rt agains l th e C IA . II is
,iot an acc urate re fl eclion ," he said .


I am no~Moing l(l

aee wher~ the British wo111d land .
When h e arrived he found that they
were already there . He wu caught
and had his secrett In his 1hoe. He
was hung as a 1py, His lut words

;:~er~/:;~!;~~-~ :'-4:ulif!:

6~~l;r~~l~r;~~c1 8w~~ll~;:kt~l!;.
cotl 1ained some material that Nathan Hale:·
should not be rclea11ed. acco rding 1
The former C IA ch ief expla ined
Co lh) ''There are many thing, thal the nature of the world 1oday is
which should nol be revealed for such thal we musl orde r and aueas
1s~ue of !hf> SC.A 1h 1 \'f'Ar ."v<1aid an
inc11 mhcn1 " Pruhl e m~ arf• producls diplomatic pu rposes. They are e m- information . He cited the fusion of
1echnology with intelligence satherof l~ck nf cum m11n1 c:nt 1nn C.rowr!NI hprrnssm~:· he smd
1le quoted Kenned) ·s co mme nts Ing acllvlties.
s1u1ct• rt•sultl'll frum a lock or i.:n m•
the CIA br sa)ing. "Ou r railures
Inherent in the begi nning of his
munir.,11111n h1~1•en ,h,• ad•
m1111str,11rnn ,uul !ltudPnl, ,,h,ch ,t c trumpeted and ou r successes speech was 1he slory we are all
nhern lded"
ra mili a r w ith : T h e fear of the
n•sul1t•d in s1ulirn1 d1s11at1<11faurnn
1.olh~ went into some of the Ru ssia ns . " In Jhe past , in 1960 dar~
"Tht> ttlf',1 is tn l,.1lep ,;tuliPnl!I w1•1l
infurnwrl tr 1h,,, knu,\ \\h,tfs~Olll),I h1.,10r~ ur m1ell1~ence ga1hering in mg the elec tions . there wu the
the l ' nited SI ales "Our first ' Ji!r eat debate about whether we
un . 1h1•rf• is )l1111l)t In l.w ~11ulen1 1n,lltt•mpl was a disaster." Colb y 1
old were behind in the space a11e. Now
1m1 ThP\ ·r,. ),10111),1 10 h111:h .
\ 111111~ 1od,1, \\ ill lw hPld in thf' the nm,rl .. Wf• r ecrui1ed a man to (Continued on paa• 5)
IJunJhlll' Bu1l1lin),! 1,.,1ft•lt•ria
111' \I\ n.tnu• 1.., ,;o-,inrl•M) Im
1h,· ~rt•1•n ,incl \ 1•lhl\\ postt>r,; \ 'ulr
for .m,·

Issues but no Answers
by Brent L. Marmo
\10 1ing wi ll l>c held lodil~ in the
Domthm• Builtllnsz cafelcriu
··1.1•1 nw rf'Jlrf•.,t:ml , m, .· ·· 1 Sf'r\ 1•
Ill) rt•1 uni ,;hn\\~ 11 .. ·•\'oh• fur


fhl' S1uil,•111 Co,.,rnmcn1
\,;,;;m 1,1110n , ,11ul11l,111•.., ,,rt• cilm•
p,111,1'nlll)t \\.llh pn..,tn 1111,11d ,mrl
ma)tu- nrn r l,..,r,; J'h,· h,rnd-,;hnk inH
,incl hall\ -k1s..,1nl! ma ...,• tndtl\
a~ ,.,11Hlid.111•., h,1od 11111 fh1•n
hdnrt• ,;1udrn1., \ nlf' Hut 1lw \\ ho\,,
CillllJl,li,l!n h,,s h,•Pn low-k,•,f'd
\Vh~ 1 \I.I\ h,· 1h1° 1 ..... u,,.., ,1r.n~.cur1• or ,,11rs,• nun••''<ISl,•nt
1'1-_)}l~ ht• thr ,1p,1th~ ,., l11~h "" th,·
ca mpalj,lOlll~ IS ltl\\ \1,1\ ii .. ,I
rl"cnrd ,ind 111•rsnn,1l11 , 1:,1rn11,11 Jrm
f",1 n ht• run 11nnhtr11s1,'-"h
.. I 1l11nk th ,• ,.,11np,111m d,•,tl,; ,, 11h
n•cnrdi. ,l!ld 1wro;nn,1l111 1•,;
11111' t.,11wi1cl,1 11 • •'Th1•!'1" ,II'!' Jlil ri•,11
tru,· IMillPS.
" The prohl<'m 1,; th, 11 ..,,11d,•111.., ,111•
nn l \\~l1 l'rh11,1IPil m ·t h" t~!.Ut'S

S.G.A.: Barel'{a0uorum,__B_u1 ...

Constitution Approved



rh,•n lhf•rf• ,tri' .....
H1rl!il"" ,1, lh11l,lm)I •~ ,l!Oln~ 10 hC'
lnrn t!,n, n nP,1 , 1•,1r and tht'
pl,1111wtl h11ddin~ m,1y poss1hh hold
mur,• ,ul m1n1slr,1tors lhnn slmhm l,;
Th,1t's .111 1ssut• Tu1t111n 1s· in.
crP,1!-LllJt aflf!r ,t d1•c rr as1· 1n
for:1h111•s Th,11·s nn 1ss111• A studcnl
n•prl's,·nta l1\'P 1s no l stllmJl on 1he
IJ nartl or TrustPt!S . Th,,t'!I ,1n issue
And sn 1s 1111' inadeq uate hu:ull~
arh tSITl!i! s~slf•m And 1he carn lo),1111·
"1 1h 11 s pmlrlr,1 cour.!ICS And the
d1snim11Mf1Ull in r •gistralion that
allnws 1hosu w ilh mune) a 1icke1
forward . Th~se arc i11sues - but
who knows ahoul them .
"Co mmuni catio n is lh<' main


!-,1'1''11ur,; le \,w;; nr 19;-1 Pri::s1den1
:,..111.h,11•111m,,•rs joP!-.h.n, \'tn••
Tom Fol1•~ l,1m,•s
Bro\\11 , Rq1rt•~•·ntal t\ 1' - Alan
\\ 'pmlrnum D,w1d OtRrstn Thnm,1-.
Kf•llry , rnwP llil\'PS, S111~ Hurlr,
l11ninrs ldnss of 1978) President
- Jim ~1al\u;i;zi. Oonnlci Pcnle :
\ '11:f'•Prt•s11lf'nl
Karen Kelleher .
R1~prf'scnta11,·,• - John Bartle~ .
!Yt-imrnh Bon,1nn o llru cu Kr1tz .
Sus,111 Anderson. S1cphcn Brnvo.
R1r.h Gihhuns. Stuarl Winne),!. lilck
Cotter. Ill
Suphonrnn•s {clt1ss or 1979) Prt>sidf'nt - ~1nr1111 Oavis: Vice•
Pr esident Gern l.t1mh :
Rcp rescnta1i\'1• - Hcrh~rl Collins.
R,ilph !abh,1. Tom Eli as. Jett n
D1•AnJ(e l o. John Cum m ings.
Theresa loyce. Patricia Foley .
Ke nn e th Levine.

by Paul Oopovan
Thf> Studf'nl ~ov~nmenl
Assnnnlion rlectrled t end~se the
~.1111.inal 11. lar c:h o n Boston lo
Ll(•s,~_l!ri'),l,llf' thP sr.hools, wlil'eWwill
lw h,~ltt April 24. al the meeling on
Thursda, .-\pnl.i \\' ith j11s1 enough
mt>mhNs to cll mpri"J:e a quorum.
f'le, 1•11 members present. 1he group
dcc:idecl to rnble discussion of th e
Pre!ildPn!'s Cou ncil Cons titution
bec:nusc or !hf• aue nd ance and 1he
Cou nc:d com mille e was nol
1'. lnq,(er} Fe ldman. chairperso n of
th e Sufrnlk S111dent Coalitio n
A,w,iinst Racism (SCAR). went
beforf' lhf' SCA seeking the e n•
dorsemenl She slated that en•
dnrsrments from loca l ~roups such
as 1he SCA of Suffolk is eff ecth·e in
publici l~ The endo rseme nt would
encou rage Suffolk s1udents to take
Once a mo1i on 1 e nd orse was
made by Kare n Kelleher. SCA Vice

President. Ch ris Spi nauola SCA
Prcs1denl spike in favor of the endorsement. He said lhal Ms. Feldman had appr oached him about th e
march p revious to the meeting. H e
had jliven his personal endorse•
menl. and would supporl a pelilion
to the SCA . Mentioning lh a t the sludcnl ~overn ments or Boston Stale,
80s1on Un iversity. and the Uni vers11\ of 1\tassachusetls Boston had
a\ ~eady given their support , Sp inazzo la said !hat the Suffolk SCA
should follow suit.
On a voice vote, the motion was
passed .
The March will bf Saturday
April 2'1. al 10 am 1o sta rt at
Frt1nklin Field . The march wi11 so
from th e re to City Hall Plaza.
Gove rnment Center. where lhe rally wi ll lake place. The r ally Is slated
to begi n al 3 pm a nd will featur e
· bo th nat ional end local people lo
speak for lhe cause of desegresalion.


Vol. 31 , No. 25

Colb at Suffolk

by Bructticl nl yre
\Vhlln spuu krnl! IO o rull howw m
tht• Suffolk nudi torium . ox-CIA
c:hu•r \\'illlllm ·co lh} \\'11111mp1mred

Colby then recalled tho nftme and
1lwn ,,.ts..,..!lke1I b~ Schec:1er ir he
,,·us horrlfit-rl l,~ !he net Colby
rf'1>li ed 1ha1 he re1t 1h01 wAy aboul

·--· ·t. . -··--·•--- __ . . . ---···- ·· - - -


, 1.,a fh







Vol. 31 , No. 25

ColbKat Suffolk

SpyVs· Spy
by Bru ce Mclnlyre

Whtie spc,1k111),! 1n ,1 full hnus1• 111
rh e Suffolk ,nuliturium. ux.C: IA
r.h 1,;'i William C:1111,~ was p1•ppcrctl
w1Ut-' qucstirms and ;1n;usn1111ns
rf>Jmrdm,,i the rulr of the CIA in 1hu
t•w•nls thal shap£>d thC' stnlr. of 1hc
worlrl in 1hr lasl d1icnllr- Cn lh,
answernd smon1hl y and remained
c,ilm .
1 hil(h"poini" in 1he barre~e of
qur•sl ions come when WBCN·" l}anny Sr.hec: l er 1
trovoki ngl~ nskecl
Colby. "Does the name Viclo r Jara
mean anything 10 you?" Colby
rep li ed 1hat he hndn '1 heard of it:

Sr.hector the n shol hack an expla nation w hi ch sai d that Iara was a

Chil ean fo lk singer mu ch like Bob
Dylan who had his fingers broken
a nd was s hol while playing his
guitar and ~inging in th e a!adlum as
a prlMner ufter the revolution .

C:olln thc>n rrcnllcd tht• name anrl

1htm \\·ds a!lkt-11 h\ Sche1;1c r 1f he
\\ni. hnrrifat>d h~ th 1 net. Colby ·

rr•plierl thul hi• fe1t 1ha1 \\av abOltf
1lw of ,m~one Schecter.
spt•akm,.i lnurler than u!lual in order
In re~1 ster tlw exch,1n~r. in his t81Je
rf'i:u rcler . !hon ml1mida1ed Colby
into s,1ymi;i that 1hc CIA had no t in•
s11i;it11ed 1he rcvolut1on m Chile.
" In rcs1rnc1 to !he n11lt1ary coup.
\\ ,, hncl no th in~ to rlo wl1h 11:· Colbv
s,nd . "Wt? he lped ceruun medi~
thnujl:h \Ve were actuullv involved
for a period o f 6 week.s ciunng 1970
al the request of Nixon . II was
1tMains1 ou r po licy. however:·
l.olby was !hon asked by o th ers
in th e c r owd if th e CIA hart
anything 10 do wilh a.uossination
pl ols. He Answe r ed Iha! 1hey
··ctefinilely were not. Bui ii was
suiuiosted by so me . I Hm no1 goi ng to

Issues but no Answers<
hy Brent L. Marmo
\'olin,i will be h e ld todnv in the
Donahue Buildin~ cafe teril; .
··1.c, OH' ff'!}rf"ICnl VOii •• ·· 1 serve
m\ rt•corrl "hows 'i1 ·· ·· vn1r for

issue of 1hc SGA this year," snicl an
i ncu mbent .. Problems arc products
or lack ur cummunication . Crowded
spacu resullf'cl from a lnck of com•
mun 1cnlinn hrtwoen the arllllf' ••
rn111is1rn1io11 und s1i1dcnts which
l"hP Sturlcnl Go\1•rnmcn1
rcsuile<l in slurlenl dissn1isfn c1i on:·
ia11on candili.1tro; nrC' c.1m"The ide,1 is to keep studen1s well
p,ii,1m1n~ w11h postf•r linanl anrl
infnrmi•d If the, know \.,ha1·sJ,1omj,!
rna),liC mr1rhrs The hnnd-shakin~ on. there Is )l'lllll)I to b1• -.1utl,:m1 1n •
•ind hall\·•k1ss111,1Z 111,1, cu m1• tmJm • put. The, 'rf• J,lfllll)I to bi1ch ··
ilS c,anclicla1cs hand nu1 fhcr~
\ '011n,11. 1od,1, will be hflld in the
before stutlent~ \'Olt• But 1h1• ,, hul1•
DonJhue BmlrlmJ,? ca fo1erin
campaij,!n hai,: hecn lim-k1•\cd
·· 1n• ~I~ n,rnH~ 1s so-nnd-so rm
\Vhy '1 \I,\\ lw lhf' 1-!tSU!'S ,1n•
tilt' w1•t•n ,m d , ,•Jim, posters. \'01c
ohsr:un•. or \\fir•w . non-,•xislPnl
for nw:·
~l,n lw 1hr apalh~ 1s hiJ,!h so th,•
ct11npilij,!nin)l 1s low \la\ h,· ,1
ri~curd •.inti pcrson,11i1~ 1.,11111m1)ln
c:.1n he run 11nuh1r1a"1,·1
··1 think 1hr r:,11n(fa11,:n ·duals \\ith
rt>cnnls and prrsonithlit•s:· 'iilld
ont• 1:,rnd1rlo11t• "Th1•r1• .1r1• nu re,1I.
S1•niurs ldass of t97i"J : President
lrt11• ISSU S
·•Th,• prnhli•m l.!t th,11 !-ot11drn1s .tr,•
~lir.h,1cl P11\,1•rs. JneSh11\, : \licennt \\t>ll rdm :,1H·tl rn 1h1 1 1ss1u•s "
Tum Fult•~, In mes
...1i1l ,1nu1h,•r u 111tlid,11t.•
Br.l\\n , R1 •11r1''it' lllt1l1\f' - Alan
Wrrnlrnum , David OiResta . Thomas
rh1•11 lhPr,• ,1r1• 1s~u"s? Thi·
KollPv .
lhncs , Sue Hurle, .
Rui,MP\\ ,1~ Ut11ld1n)l is i;imn,M lo he
torn dnwn n1•'(I \'(',1r and thf'
fumors ldass ~r 1978) · Presicient
pln1111u1I hu1\din,w mo1y possih ly hold
- lim Mnlluzzi. Do n a ld Peale :
mor(• ,11 lmini str,1t n rs lhan s111dcnt. .
Vi1,•· Prrsident - Karen Kelleher:
'I h,11 ·s un issue . •ruitinn is in R1ipresentn1h•~ - john Bartley,
crt•,1s1n),I a r tt•r a Ciecrr.ase in
lh•lmrnh Bonanno. Bruce K'a12.,
Susnn Ancif'rsnn . Stephen Bravo,
r,11:11itit•s Thn1's an 1ssm• A st11rlcnt
Rich ltihhuns. S tuart Winne.I(. Ja ck
r1•pn•11f'nlnliVP as nnl sillin~ on tht.•
Cutler. Ill
ll ounl uf Trus11•us. Tlrn1 ·s ,rn issue
Sophomurt'S (clnss or 1979) And so is the inndequ.thl r,1cuh~
Pr esitlPnl - t-.1ar lm Davis : Vicencl\'1sinj,! sys lcm And the t:a1ulo)(1w
Pr rs 1dt>nl
Gerry Lumb ;
\,i1h Iii,, 1rnclrlocl co urses. Anti thlj
Rup rcscntnlivo - ll c rlrnrt Co llins.
cliscrunina tion in regis1r11 tion thal
R.ilph Jabh-1 . T(lm Elias. Jeon
.a ll ow those w11h mwut, o tickt! t
forwar~. T h ese a re isst;P.!I - hut
DeAn!(el o. John Cum mings ,
Theresa Jo yce, Patricia Foley,
who knows about them
"Co mmuni ca li on is tho main iaK~•..~nali.~ ·• vJ.lL!ia..- - - - - - - - '
•n el hwl.:.!:i: in P



Former CIA director Wllll■ m Colby ■dclreued Sufloft •oiadenll.
te ll w h o tho ugh."
Colby call ed the repo rt by the
Pike Commi ll ee on the C IA "a
biased repo rt against th e CIA . II iJ
no1 an accural e refl ec tio n :· he said.
T he re port , which was leaked by
Daniel Schorr to the VUloge Voice,
co ntain e d some mat e rial that
shoult! nol be released. acco rding lo
Colby. "There are man y things
which s ho ul d no! be revea led for
d1pk1matic purposes. They are e m barrassin,R." he said .
He quoted Kennedy's co mmenls
nn !he CIA h>' saying. "Ou r failures
11m 1ru m pe ted and ou r successes
Cu lb\ went into some of the
h1stor~ · or in1elligence galh~ rmg in
the Uniled States "'Ou r rt,.rst
attempl wos a disas1er," Col6y told
the crowd . "\Ve recruiled a m a n lo

see where 1h8 British would land.
When he arrived he found that they
were already there. He wu caus}tt
a nd had his secrets in hl1 1hoe. He
was hung as a spy. Hi1 word,
were ' I rearet I have but one life 1
give for my country.' Hlt name waa
Na than H a le ."
Th~ former CIA chief explai ned
th at 1h"e nature or the world today It
such thal we mus! order and asaeu
information . He cited the fusion of
technology with intelllaence aether•
ing activities.
Inherent In 1he beainni ng of his
s peech was the story we are a11
familiar wit h : The fear of the
Russians. "I n the past, in 1960 dur•
ing the e lec lions, there was lhe
gr eat deba te about whether w e
were beh ind ih !he space age. Now
(Contlnued on page 5)

S.G.A.: Barely: a Quorum,-6.u.t ...

Constitution Approved
by Paul Donovan
The Stuclrnl Government
Association rlecided to endorse lhe
~.11ional ~larch on Bosto n 10
Of't'egrcgnte 1he schools, which will
h" held April 24 . al the meeling on
Th11 rsd3y April i" \Vith just enough
members lo comprise a quorum .
elP\ en members presenl , the gr oup
clticiderl to table discussio n o f lhe
Pres1den1 's Cou ncil Constitution
beca use or the allendance a nd th e
Council cofnmit l ee was n o!
prepa red
~lar~er~ Feldman , cha irperson of
the Surfolk Student Coalitio n
r\)!ainst ~;u:ism (SCARJ, wenl
beforf' lhf' SCA seeking lhe e n•
dorsemenl She stated 1ha1 en•
dorsemenls from local jilroups such
aslheSCAofSuHo llciseHectivein
puh lici ly. The cndonement would
e n cou raMe Su Holk s1uden1s lo lake
Once a molion 10 endorse was
made by Karen Kelleh er, SCA Vice

President Ch ri s Sp inauola SCA
Pres ident !pike in favc,r of the en•
do rsement . He said !hat Ms. Feld•
man had approached him about the
march p revious to th e m eeting. He
had E(iven h is personal endorse-'
menl. and wo uld s upporl a petition
lo 1he SCA . Mentioning tha t lhe slu•
dent govern ments o f B01 to n State,
Bos1on U n iversity, and !he Uni ve r•
si1v o f Massachusetts Boston had
already given their support. Spina z•
zola said 1hat th e Suffolk SCA
should follow s u il.
On a voice vo le. th e m otion wu
The March will be Saturd ay
April 24, a l 10 am to starl al
Franklin Field . The march will go
fro m there to City Hall Plaza,
Covernm e nl Center , where the ral~
ly w ill ta ke place . The ra lly is slated
10 begin at 3 pm and will feature
both national and loca l people lo
s pea k for the cause of desegrega •
lion .


Pa1e 2

April II , 1'71

Su ffollc Journal

Editorial _ _ _ _ _ _ , _
Open Letter .

1111 1111 11




· ··,·,h c 1c•n.... , c.. on.. n.... nr·c , ,-o n...."•· i'"'"'" e'"'"L "' '""''" ;.....·m·.
11· · ·• '" ,c n u, a d co '" · i , nr ' n o,d , '"h•·ve . ,1"' h, ·;,



di.!1--'rl In rnporl I slolP R book .
Tlw nt~wr rlny I decided to fmd out how m lhe world $30,000 wort~ of
honks rnu ld Ill' slolen ffom the lihrar~ I co uldn ·1 helteve fhat h, wpuld he
so s11nplr 10 s lea l ,1 hook from under the noses of lhroe lihra.cians, a roon_,
full of studenls and Cod . So I tri ed 11
Wlwn J e nt e red 1he room I had a plan all worked our with an alternative
cuursu of aclion in r.ase of an unexpPcted imai,1 m the t;peralmn M~• speech
wn,; we ll rnheursecl Once I sun't'}'etl th,· s11uat1on I realized ~he caprr was
gom!,{ lo h<• disap1,nin1ini,1ly !nmplf' I pi cked u p a hook and walked nut
J'his 1s n s1mous s11ualion The library d1rec1or , Edmund Hamann h s
hm!n doin,w u ~nod joh of .w~rling nHw titles in lo qu! stack1 H,s prob l1n
scl!ms to be. however. keepfng 1hr volum es msict8-1he room Because f
!his siluation 1hc lns1allmen1 uf 1111 electronic turns1Yle syslem s
neccssa rv , Th e librarv fund cannot stand this s1eadv draw
We no~v have a lur~slyle that is supposed to be l~cked so 1ha1 librar)
personnel can check a l>erson's hooks hefore he or she leaves. This is not
in prn Ctice at this lime . 0efore the odmmistratinn allocates the money for
n new sys lcm. llom nnn hns to lns lru cl his people 10 check each penon
before lea vlnR ,lh e library. If ii is a question of havinR nough people lo
man the secu r ily s lalion he shou ld us e some of his presenl budget lo hire
addilional help . Artc ra ll.he miRhl as we ll cu l down on his number of new
tilles if th ey disflppear as fas! es 1he) are purchased.
This is a stucle nt prohl e m. Bes ides bem,1,1 a queslion of eco nomics. ii
co mes down 10 co nsi dera li on fo r olhc r:1, 1hc missin.l( hooks have to he paid
for and we ·re the peopl e who are soing 10 make up the difference.
The libra ry s1uH has lo make a hcllrr cffo r l at curbing 1he the£J of book s
and individuAI s1t4.dents hove to becom e more responsive lo the needs of
the s lud onl body as a w hole. The adminislration also has the responsibilit y
of providing Mr Hamann with lhc funds to inslall a better secu r ity S)'Slem
U., the way. I re lurn e rl the book .

Students Criticize
College Committee
b y Jo1eph Haye,
(This ur11c/1• 1s 1h,• firs! of. rwo rho/
w,11 presf!nf a prnRrf'ss reporl on
1h1! Co llcl{f' f',ommilll'f' of 1hP Roord
nf TrusfCf'S and lhf'1r dPu(in,'tS w11h
1/11• Sruc/,·nt (; nv,:rnm1•nl Associo11on Purl Onr, prrsrn1,•cl hf•rf". will
deal with !hf' S1urlen1 c;m•nnmrn1
Association mem/wrs wh o meet
w1 1h the College Comnn ll eP and
fhe,r ree/ings on thP l)fOl(rt•ss lhar
cnmm,rwc hos mor/1• thus for in
dno l inl( wir/1 und erl(rad uulf'
pro/J/ems. Next week. th e Rourd of
Trus rees ' me mbe rs of the commillec will be looked ut , with lheir
feelings on !he effec11veness of the
commillee and ils fulurc role or
Mosl Suffolk Univcrsil'y un •
dergrads ar e aw are of what hasical•
ly hapl!ened last September. They
reme mber lhe noise , !he shou ting,
1he r a lli es in th e s tr eet and
audito r ium. th e pelilions. 1he
mee tings. the fee ling that pressing
uni ve rs it y p roblems were finally
being addressed .
They kn ew what !he problems
were. They relu rn ed in the fa ll
se mesle r of 1975 lo find Lh al the
Donahue Building was sudde nl y
tr a ns form ed inl o a Law School
faci lil y. They found 1h01 space had
dwindled . Thev discovered 1hat !he
en teri ng fr class was lhe
largest in Suffolk's hislory. They
snw thal th e Fe nl on Bu ilding wa:1
too s mnll to hold th orn . They fou nd
1h01 a tul li on inr.rease was imminent, tha l their p romised Fenlon
Lounjl_o had di,appearecl into thin
nir. thot dassrooms were unbeara hl y overcrowded.
They underslood whal all th e
commo tion was aboul. They kn ew
lhal !here were problems. and 1ha1
th ese problems h ad lo be ad •
dressed .
\-\1hal mr.,st Su ffo lk aludenls don't
~ow now is whul happened lo all
th e co mm oti on.
The problems ha ven't b een

snlvccl - wha!'s h appened lo !he
demands? Tempi,- S1reet is not
flllf>d with studenl,; dPmandin,u;
1hc1r r1Mhts . 1hc auclitonu m hosts
onl y ~chflduled speakers ancl
classes; wcrkly SC.A meetings hold
li1tl f' talk on 1he demands and
problem s of las! September: no
more pe1i11ons arc bem!l passed
\\Iha! has happ e n ed to th ese
Thev have been funneled inlo tho
Co ll c~·e Commillee of the Board of
Truslees.! September. most students
agreed thal a necessa ry segm e nt of
any so luti on lo univers it y p roble ms
wnu ld have to be s1udenl inp ul lo
the Boord of Truslees: 1hey dc1ermine the policies of Suffolk Unive r•
sity - they wou ld be th e ones lo see
about 1his.
Bui !he prob lem is 1ha 1 s!Ud ents
a re n 't all owed 10 oll e nd Truslce
mcellngs .
President of the Universi ly
Thomas Fulham stated at a general
universi ty mee ting las! Septe mber
lhat co mm unication cha nn e lS
between s lu de nl s and lruslees did
ex isl : the Co ll ege Com mitlee of 1he
Donrd o f T r ustees . where four
memhcrs o f the u nde rgradua te
tlivi sio n arc allowed 10 mee t wllh
severa l truste e members to talk
about sluden t problemS. H the
prob lems are deemed important
enoug h. th e committee report s back
to 1he rull Board of Trl¥1ees and
reco mm ends necessary action.
Fu lh om suggested that lhese lin es
of commu nication th a1 a lready existed be availed of by lh e students.
Since then, th ese lines of communication have bee n avai led of by
s tud ents. The Coll ege Commillee,
has mel fou r limes since then wilh
the four memhers of the un•
dorH raduate hotly occ r ed it ed lo
mcc1 with lhom .
(Conllnued on pa1e .J)

0 n SG A m eet1 n g
To All Suf£olk U ndergraduate
As you know. plans are present~·
being formulated whe reby lh e prese nt Ridgewa } Lane Building will
he des1ro yed 10 make wa)' for a new
muh1-storied facility on the same
site t\ ne\,. larger structure Is indeed neccssarr for Suffolk. yet unless ii adequately serves this uni ve rsil)' ii could turn oul lo he of no
use whalsoever.
There will he an All-Universit)
Mee1inij this Tuesday . April 20. at
I 00 pm in 1he auditorium It ~will

co ncern the futur e of the new
Ridgeway Building. a nd as such ii
will concern every student in this
Many things are p resently bei ng
considered for inclusion in lhi.l
struclure. and lh e space may ;u11
not be !here . If you care abou1 your
future here at Suffolk. you 'll be in
lhe audi torium al 1:00 PMon April
20 10 heat the facts.'
Thank you ,
Marty Davis - Chairman
S1udent Organipng Commillee

Reactions to Colby
by Bruce Mclnlyre
are 1hat !he Vie t Nam e xperience
Despite th e hea ted and unin• taught us to ·challenge lhe official
formed queslions which s tude nts word . People should' feel free to ask
fired al Will ia m Colby. mos t of !he questions and convey their feelings.
s!ude nls had a ene rally favorable I wanted to Im.ow how he sleeps ...
rea ction to 1he former CIA chief.
He re are some eacl.ns:
Sieve Kincaid - " I hough! he
was credib le . MQM of m)\ reaction
was from the heckler in..ff'le roo m.
II waA frus1ratinjj . He dese rves
respect for who he is and whal he 's
done . I thi~k 1hat he doesn'I believe
in killing:·
Tom Pole) - "I thought he was
cre dibl e. He defrnitelr avoided the
Ph oenix Program issue . He said 1hal
th e ~uerillas 1ha1 were fighling in
'68 were no lonser in ii after
Phoenix Pro~ ram. He's full of i1 ."
Mary Rohe rls - ··t believe what
hl• sa~s. Ono pt!rson can't be in,·olrnd and know cvery1h ing. I co n't
condemn him ."
Baker Smith - " I had a positive
reaction. The tough questions a re
good He handl ed Lhem well and
save posilh1e reasons why 1he CIA
exis ts. I don 't lhink he told lies.".
Danny Schecter rites In an1er at
Danny Sch ecter - "My feelings WIiiiam Colby.


· JolJDii,ll

Edltor-ln..ChJef • ~
Mana,tni Editor
New, Editor
. Feature Editor
Sport1 EdJlor
A.11octate Sport, Edhor
Arts Editor
Pholoanphy Edilor
Graphic Art, Editor
Senior Edllon

Production M1111a1er
Bu1lne11 M1111a1er

Mark C. Rogers
Phil Santoro
Debbie Burke
Johanna L. Roberti
Slephen Corbett
Joe Reppucci
Patricia Fantuia
Martin Gavin
Nancy Kelley

Bob Carr
Brent L. Marmo
Brian Walker
Paul Donovan

Cindy Fellch

WRITERS: Carol Birm ingha m: Mary C. Buckley: Debbi Collar:
Nane tt e Collins: Linda Comeau : Kevin T. Creedon; Fran Cullen;
Lou Dele na ; Pa tr ica Catto: Mary Griffin : Maryalice Guilford:
J.C . Haye•: Jack Heffernan : Vale rie Jamlol : Mark G. Mazzie;
Maureen McGonagle : Barbera Ocha: Rebecca Pearl:
Bob Reardon: Mary Kate Russell : Rick Sala
Judy Silve rm an : Joanne Torreco; Jame, K. Varga
SPORTS: Gregory Broolts; Patricia A. Callahan: JeH Clay:
Brian Donovan: Tony Ferullo : Jon Golllieb:
Linda K. Johnson ; Kevin Leen
PHOTOGRAPHERS : Diane Co,ta: Michael Cuneo:

Paul Darrah : Marie Doncette; Ron Geran eo: Bruce Mcl htyre
GRAPHIC ARTISTS : Michael Sereda ; Sieve White
Earth Mother
Faculty Advisor

Pam Strasen
William Ruehlmann


rr=============;i .. ~Committee
[News Bri8ts
(Continued_ham pa1e 2)




, ,

Suffolk ~

Apr il 11, 1171

These four membera are : tne
President of the S1udenl Governbanana. chocolate. and cherr y and men I Auocialion , lhe Vlce will be avai lable for both ae:1es,.
Preslde nl of th e SCA. the Presidenl
As id e fr o m being stl~ky. lhe q_f th e Sophomor e class and the
A film produced h) lhe Suffolk "pa nl s" serve only as a kink)' sex- Presi d e nt of lhe Evenln1 Studen t
Government Association . The SGA
Film Cn-op w i ll he s hown o n ual sll mulant and no 01her purpose
Ch11 nnel 5 N1ghlsh1 f1 s how on April To wear !hem wouid be like wear- me mbe rs of the College Commlllee
26 at 2.00 AM Tht• film . " The inM a lollipop . So if that's wha t generall y agree lhat the College
Advenlurrs uf Stu D Baker," was you 're into. watch for them soo n •Comm i11ee has not lived up 10 Its
prodt!cetl by the Co-op In st sp r inM (~otc Cosmo roli cs recomm e nd s full responsibililies and poten 11 was shn l on locn t11ins in New- for hest rns uh l .J1ck w,e ll before 11alt1ies. Some believe !hat th e comhuryport ,me! For! R1wcrc in Hull. chewi ng.I
iltee has been lotally ineffective
Ma.!ls . and pa rt !~· m 1he Suffo lk
n respondtng to 11ude nt problems.
nuclit orlum
T he four undergraduat e s tudents
The m11~1c trn ck for thf' film was
w ho have been mee linR wllh the
perfornu-rt b, Surfolk student
College Comm illee this yea r are-;
Kevm Curnm1ske,
Pre!!ldent or SCA. Chri s SpinazN1g h1 s h1fl. •• ~ -ea rl~ morninl(
zola . Vlce-Pres1den1 of SCA . Karen
s hnw 1s Jpvn lecl 10 lh o airing of sluKell eher ; Presi dent or the Class of
dent fitm!I from loca l co ll cJ,i es and
1978, SCA. James Mallozzi ; and
um vc rs il ies
President of 1he Evening Oi,•islon
Students ,,,.ho participated in th e
Studenl Assoclalion , John An.111uking of th e rilm : Ke vin Klmbu ll.
nry Bre nn.rn . Br ia n Ke ll e her .
Th e oth er membe rs of the ComMa ry F.llen llt um . Kevi n Cum mitt ee ar e: Dean Michael Ronayne,
miske) . David Sheffer. Bill Bro1herwho reco rds the ' inu les for the
1un, Patri cio Coll lu. and S111,•e
commillee. a nd T uslel\' Fulmer,
Zaya .
Hamb leton. Fulham Cam~on and
Hessio n. Vincent FultQer cha,irs !he
commill ee.
James Mallozzi. Presid e nt of the
Sop homo re class. feels lhat the
A 3-week career coun1e ling
Coll ege Comtnillee h as. " Not enprogram for nil Slude nlS will be
llrely been as e ffe ctive as i i could
he ld In the Mt. Ve rn on Building
be~i nnlng on April 19 .
nal exa~mallons m the Day be . The proposals that we've made
that 1he co mmillee has accepted'
T he " Hnppy Su mm e r Program.'' D1v1slon are li sle? bel ow according
which will be leuiht by Profotsdr L. to th e dn)' a nd llm o that th_ clo~s have been of lillle importance e
for instance, ge lling the turnstyles
William Suthe rland , Is designed 10 mee11. All classe~ are examined 1n
In 1he library to squeak lesa. The
givo ca ree r cou nseling mainl y 10 1he regularl y as11,u:ncd cla"room.
seniors who will he joh-hu ntin lhi s . All c!as,es 1h01 m~el on: MWF 9- important proposals haven' t been
sum m er.
· H
9:50 will he examined on: Mon . acted on The Gallese Com millee
should also meet more fr eq uently ;
The p rugrnm will consist of !WO May 10. 9 lo 10 50 Am
mnj ur pnrli : finding oul whal O porAll dns~es Iha! m~el . on T-Th we've only me1 four li mes since the
son r ea ll y wonts In term!! of a 2:30-J .45 will be exommed on . Mon , beginning or the ye ar. And when
we do meet, il'1 only for about an
career and a markeling CAmpaign May 10, 11 :30 am 10 1:20 pm
hour a nd n hair
where' appli ca nt s co n loa m how t~
All t ~asscs th a t m~e t on: MWF J.
" I s1ill ree l 1h is avenue should be
writ e le tt ers and ar range for per- 3:50 will he exa min ed on Mon .
pursued even though ils not e ntiresonal ap pearances with e mployers. Mn y IO. Z IO J :50 pm
ly effecrwe. It's the onl y avenue we
ClaHeS will be he ld for three
All classes that meet ~n: T-Th
hou rs each Monday a nd Friday un- 8:30-9:45 will be exa min ed o n: have lo the trustees."
When asked 1f slUdents shou ld
iii Ma y 7. Cerli fi ca les of Comple - Tues. Ma y 11. 9 to 10:50 am
lion will be awa rded 10 those who
All classes lhat meet on: MWJ: 1t - return to 1he s1ree1s. he said. " No.
That ~ ill onl y turn off the lrustees
su r.cessfully co mplei e !he progra m. 11 :50 will be exa mined on: Tues,
A $SO fee is chargerl 1 each parlici - May t I, 11 :30 am lo 1:20 pm
Kare n Kell her. ~ice- President
pa nl.
11~~1~1:::!le;il'tha~e m
e::'m~~~dT~Tn~ of 1he SC ..ti. , also feels that lhe
College CommiJtee has ·not IJeen as
Wed , May 12. 9 to 10:30 nm
All classes th BI meet on : MWF 1- e rfecli ve as it could be. " The
1:50 will be examined on Wed, May College Co mmitte e meetings turn
out to be a llm e w hen we air our
There•wlll be l'wo co nsecu tive t Z, 11 '. J0 am to 1:20 pm
photograp hy dlsplnys on the 3rd
All classes that meet on: T-Th 10- co mplainls to them . The Tru1tees
fl oo r of !he Archer buildins by the 11 :15 will be examined on : Thu rs. don' t know what's going on at t)le
un iversity. The college committee
und e r,zrad uate libr ary . The iirsl Ma y 13, 9 lo 10:50 am
display, which will begin April 20
All classes 1hat mee t on : MWF 12-. is mor e of a forum lo In form the
and run until Ma y J , is a p roject 12:50 will be examined on Thurs , trustees of wha1 goes on during 1he
da y- to-day e xis tence of Suffolk
called "A Day In Th e Ufe." II was May 13, 11 :J0 am lo 1:20 pm
done by Sta rr Okenga 's pholoiou rAll classes 1h01 meet on: MWF 10nallsm class.
10:50 will be examined on Fri. May
The second display, which will 14. 9 lo 10:50 a m
Any woman int•r..i.d in particirun May 3 through May 14. is a co mAll classes tha 1 meel on: MWF 2pating in fall int•r-coll-oiat• teDJUI
binali on of photo cl ub members' Z:50 will be exa min ed on Fri. Ma y
... Ann Guilbert in th• Alhlatic
14. 11 '30 am to 1:20 pm
Offic:e Chari• Rinr Plasa.
F~r informarl on resa rd lng !he use
of dtsplay case1 by the library, con,
o you n..d to Improve
tucl Ke n Kell y at th e Studont Ac•
All sections of ~CI.L2: Tu ~s, May
ln reaclla.9 mid .tu.dy u.llla.
livilies Orflce.
11. 2 lo 3:50 pm rn 1he ~ud.
Journ . 2.2A - Journ . ... 2ll : Wed ,
and wrltino ability?
Ma y 12. Z lo 3;50 pm In F-636
Prye. Sertic.. E SI 6
Cla!lse11 1ha1 are sche~uled at
Commu.nicution ProNN
other than 1he normal class time11

by Marie Ooucelle
lisled a bo\·e will he exa mined by
To be offered during Summer S..T he newe11 1hlnjC on 1he ma rket . arrangemonl with th e instructor
th e one and only edible und erwen r, within th e exa min ation week.
May 25 lo July 2
was rlistribu1 ecl fre e lai11 week m.
Plf'ase note thal th e examination
(su weeU)
whe re else. hul llarvarc l Squnre. schedul e for .. the evening divisio n
5 20-7. 30
Cu mbridMe.
nnd for th o Sat urda y classes Is
" (three credtll)
A wortucl of Cos moroli cs . Inc., ava1h1ble un anot her li sti n)(
• hh;a)(o, tho Cn ncl y pants con1Rrn
The reM1
Slra r's offi co rloes not
Dr Mory Ma honey
f8orl s tarch . Mlycerine. mverl SUMnr, ha\'e the aulhoril) lo chan)(e an)
Direclor of Reading Serv1ce1
mannllnl. lecll hin a nti ar tifi cinl C'l(Ol11!na1ion da1t~ uncl / or lime
Arche, - 20J
color T lwy c:omti in severa l fhtvors prinh•d on this schedul e

, ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:..__ __


Film Coop

Career Seminars

F"Ina I Exams

Photo Displays

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Unive rsity Therefore , 1 he
proble11t1 lha l are aolved are DOI the
major ones at Suffolk."
Chri1 Spinauola, President of
SCA , feel, that the Collep Committee hat thus far been, "A total
wa ■ te of time . Ir, very ineUectlve."
Splnazzola. who will graduate thls
June. seems lo be able to tpeak
most ca ndidl y aboul ihe Collep
" 11'1 a placating board. Left N Y
that we have a strong proposal for
the resolu1ion of the ,pace proble m.
There's five· of them and fou.r of u,.
They listen to u1, seem 10 be ~
,ympalhetic, but that'1 ii. They ny
1hey' ll look into It. And It dies-t.,here.
Even if 1hey report back to the
tru1lee1. I doubl !hey give lhe iuue

a~~~1~ ~:~~ ~•::::Sbe

1llfwed 10
10 in front of the Board when a
proposal of the" Colle1e Committee
is pre1en1ed lhere. It's been ineffective so far. To be e.f£ective the
College Committee will have to
mee t more oflen. They'll have to
meet for a looser perfcfd of ti me
when they do meet.
" More student represenla tlves
will have to be presen1 at the
mee tings. SCA will also have lo do
a better job on the co mm ittee .
Future SGA members or the
College Committee will have to So
w il h
1t ron9 .
wellrese arched proposal,. Thete
proposals will bave to go before the
Board as a whole wfth i student
representative there if we're goi ng
lo get anywhere .
" The College Committee
members from the Board will have
10 increase their pace. They' ll have
to move faster and take a more
se ri ou, attitude towards acting on
what !hey say.
"The way II l• now, II'• a donothin, commillee. We gel yessed
:~ _!lea th , bul nothif!8 ever comes of
So th at brin11 lhe under9radua1es back lo whe re they 11ood
in Se plember wilh the overcrowding, the lack of apace , a nd higher
1uit ion . The College Committee hu
not resolved any of 1hese problems.
But ii Is eviden l 1ha1 lhe Colles:e
Com m l11ee. if H is lo succeed in der
ing its job, will have to change. Oroth er avenues will have to be pursued .

In th e meanlime . Suffolk students
wond er w hat happe ned lo the halcyon days or September.

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Freshman-Advising ,


by Dehble Burke
Thr SC.A. sp,uked hy a numhn of
r.nm11laints concnninR the adv1smj{
program for Suffolk sludunts.
f ormed a subcommillec in
February lh at conducted a survey
lo delrrmine lhf' pro)l'.ram·~
slrcnJ(lhs and weaknesses
The resulls were formu lnt ml and
prr,senlud lo the S!udenl Life C:ommillee nnd Associate Denn Peter,.
Sart\-.1cll (who's in cha rge of the 11dvisi nJ( 1
>rogroml, however to this
dale there ha\'C hcen no cnnr.rPIP
allempls al re vamping the pro,wram
Rf'asons for no cur enl chant(e..'l
)Vere r.ited hy Peter Sartwell . " Firs!.
the survey conducted WIHI too
Henerallzed ; ir posed queslions
which co ncerned oth er areas rathe r
than just freshman advising. Seco nd. when Rsking sh/dents why
they disaeprove of the system we
do no! get real feedback . All we
hea r are co mplaints backed with no
Joan MacVicar, chairman of the
S tudent LH e Cbmmillee a,wreed:
" The su rvey didn't receive too
much feedback a l all."
"The su rver •C'onducted b} Marl\
Davis of nie sGA c;:rnvMsed li3 dn~
s1udenls - 14fl freshmen , 1en
sopho mores, four juniors. eight
scrtlars. one &Jleciul s1uden1. and
four trnnsfers .
Va rious questions posed \•,ere :
how man)' limes dirl you mcel wi th
)•our ed\'isor - 41 "/, said one lime ,
l? o/.., .said two limes, 7t1,. siUd three
timt!I , 6 7, suid four lim es. &r;r sni~
Anolher question was why did
\ 'OU m ce l with him - 57'.., said for
~1!,w1s1rn1ion. 16 ":, for .l(t!neral
academic purpot1cs, 2"', for personal reasons. 14 "!1 for Ion~ r,tn!l!C
co urse plans. and 8"', for vocational
in formatio n.
Ocspile no clinic! changes, all
th ree persons questioned aMree that
the re are needs for improvement
within the sys le m, Sttr twe ll reports
1h n1 too often "sludenls who are do•

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April II, tt71

Suffolk Journal

Page 4


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111M pnnrl~ fail 1oisee their nd\'1sors
on lht> four nssismed limes. whereas
lhe Helter s1udenls usual1~ k eJ)
1he1r appointmenls

Sar'1wcll also pmnls,out that the
student-10-foculty adviso r rntio is
h,Mh in some departments. For example , m the 1ournr1lism depart•
men! 1he ratio is 26:1.1'his h1 due 10
lhf• lack of faculty members in Ille
departmenl Howeve r. he eXplai7s:
" There ar~,p.rohlern, in modify~8
this ralio "'S'ecause maybe jou .
nalis~ \\\on· 1 hr ns popular n I
" I lowe\'er.' according lo Sartwell'.
this is 1he hesl S}'Ste m we can offer
nt this lime bul I am open 10 new
approaches.· ·
Davis pointed out thal a major
fauil of the program lies in it nol heln8 adequately publicized to the
freshman s1uden1. It is no! sufficiently explained
MacVicar even feels 1ha1 1here's
n need lo formulaic an informotion
booklet to aid the facuh)' in advisi ng.
At prt!sent , how does the system
work? Fir~t .tdvisors are chosen on
:-1 \'ll lunlecr basis The)' arc paired
up \\ 11h stude nts accnrclinj! 1n 1heir
nrcas of ulltperlise.
Prior tu mecllllM with s1udcnls
ass1,Rnctl them . th t•~ mee t wilh
Sarl\\ell and are presented wilh a
packet of materials lo aid in 1he1r
advising role .
The student should (nol mantlatory at thia lime) meel wilh his
advisor in o ri e n1a1 ion where a
µrugrnm of courses will be outfined
for him. then al registration . then in
mid Sl' nwslr-r lo have his grades
r1;:viewud, then once again before
c;p rinj! semester and finall>• in midsemcsler of spring lerm.
Students are also enco~raged to
m •cl wilh their advisor al any ol her
lime deemed n8cessnry.
" Tho freshman advising program
1s importanl hecaust! it is !he only
year 1hn1 o !tudt!nl is assigned to
meet with his advisor. Our j!Oa l is
thal after one yeor of faculty ad\'lsinH the s1udent would hav e made
r.ontact wllh faculty thal might help
him . Al leust. he wa-s assigned a one
~c11r's \\'OrkinR relalionship with
une fncull~ membe r."


Dean Sartwell tallc:a about fretbma:n advisory tyltem.
The slUde nl should also be aWare
that he ca n requ es t a new faculty
advisor at any lime .
In addition, two ot her programs
exisl. Tra n s f er stude'hts are
handled and orientated with the ad-

v111ng prog r am lht'ough the
r esis trar 's oUice . Also a new
program c,onsitting of th ree adviso rs (Math. Science, General
Liberal Arla) was also formed latt
year to aid ente rin g mid-year

It isn't Sex - · T - it isn't Sex

by Lou De Lent
oi somewhat nervous conversation ,
" !l's a pince to
perlrqenl, to try the speaker.emcee changed th e
- to see whel happen.,._u;,, playing. procedure ro sentences starting
,\ kid and an animal learn by with "You." A different way lo
meet someone. lo be 1ure, but those
" It " I! Ce ta ll Therapy, as in a ll enda nce seen:i,ed to enjoy this
founded h~ its " main man," Fritz interaction session.
P e rls The 1nt,1!rpre1er of his
" Our most meaningful actioruocteachinMI, Or. Paul Korn. of Psych cur when we make contact with
Services, pointed ou t !hat 1he cen- ourself or ou r e nvi ronment, " Korn
tral conce1>t or Gestalt theory is explained. "This is expressive acorganization through aware ness.
lio n. Action without co n tact it
" We ca rry around an organizing hollow:or impressive action ."
principle wi lhin us Perls applied
But just wh at is Gestalt? Accord·
this 10 perception All pe rts {in usl ing t6 Korn , it is a branch, a part of
arc pieces of a whole . There are pe rceplual theorism . the stuff
ho les in our whole. Gestalt makes preached by Kafka and friendl. Inus aware . It is accepting the fact ciden 1ally. the wo rd " gestalt "
that we are wholes."
, mea ns "entire: " this goes back to
Korn wen! on to say the_ there is 1he aforemen tio n ed concept of
an awareness•action cycle 1ha 1 we orga nization of the whole.
all 'mov e 1hrough . 1f we
Korn co ncluded the' prese ntalion
naturally . as do anima ls and in- by organizing the informal group
fants. we will be happy.
inlo a circle and having all think
Four steps are involved in lhe deeply, wilh each person porcycle : IJ , becomi ng aware, which !raying a pa r! In a fantasy . Yes.
leads to 2) . excitement. causing the diHerent but enjoyable.
rnking of some co~rse of 3) . action .
involving 4) . contact with the en•
vi ronm ent. " By lnternlpling this
cycle." Koc.n co ntinu ed, "we
become miserable. Many people
kwp 1hcir awa reness fuzz y. You by Maureen McGonaale
Suffolk Universil y ha! recently
hove to tru st your awareness. It will
acquired a chapter of Sigma Delta
lead \'OU .
Of· course, Gestalt Therap} in- Chi. the Socie1v of Professional
volves more than learni ng about it. Journalisls.
S.U. has been working for a few
Parlicipation i needed . Korn
years to obla ~ a chapte r. but due to
realized lhis. and requested the
audience to pair off in a kind of a lack of studenl pa rt icipalion on
'00\:; longer.
one-on-one rap session, wilh a the project ii 1
In order 10 qualif>·· the Society
examines S u.·s journalism
" I wan1 }OU to start orr each
sentence to each other with 1he Mraduates who are in tl,e jour•
word ·(' " ; after five minules or so nalism £ield , 1he professionalism in
the faculty , and the journalism
cu rricu lum .
Student members pR)' $17.SO In
dues 10 1oln . These dues make
stude nts e ligibl e to co mpele for
schola r s hips and writing com-•
Iner.a- yo~ cbo:DON to be in the, omNr ol JOU.f choice
and ti,ion you"U h"" A HAPPY SUMMER!
petitio ns. Members receive the
monthly fflllf,lazine " Quill" and may
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Sigma Delta Chi

By Marjon·e Slone
New England ConNrtalory Grad .

Enroll now for Sprinq

rresnn1c:1r I Muv1:,111~
hy Dehblc Burlu ,
Thi• Sr.A. s parkf'd h~ n munhrr or
r.ornplamls cnnr.rrn1n,11 1hc ,1d\'tSlnjl
prn!i[tilm for Suffolk .,,udPnls ,
fnrm,•d n s11hr.ummil1l'r in





h rail to


!heir adv1snrs

11n lhf' rm1rnss1i,cnf'd 11mf's "hereas

1hc IH•llur s1urlcnls usuall ~ keep
1hu1r ,1pp111ntmenls
Sar1w1ill also pmnls out that thf'
sluden l•to- racu ll)• advisor ratio is
Ft•hru•:ir~ th.ti conrluclf'd a sur\'f'}
lo rlPlerminc thr J>r11J,!ram·li htKh in &Orne rteµarlmenls For ex.11npl{1 m the Journalism depart•
slrcnKlhs And weaknrsses
The resuhli wflre fn r mulatcd a nd men I 1he rnlio is 26:l This is du~ 10
prcsflnled to the Student 1.lfr C:om- 1h" lar.k o r far.ult\' members in th e
mitt ee and Asimclale Denn Peler dt'IHHlment How~ver. ht> exp lains ·
Sarh-.•ell (who's in chaq~r of lhe ad- "Ther.e are problems tn modiryin11
visin,11 pro){ram) , however lo this rhis r alio becaulfe maybe jourdate lherl! havf' heen no conr.relf' nnlis~~1 w110 ·1 he as popular nexl
allempts at fC\'Ampin!I the proJ,!ram
" However. accordinH lo Sartv..ell. Opan Sartwe ll talks about frethman advisory 1y1tem.
R,iasons for nn current changes
were died b y Pet e r S11rtwell'. "tirsl , this is the hest svslem ,~r can offer ..., The studen t should also be aware visi n g pros r am through 1he
th e survt•y co ndu c ted wAs 100 al this lilrie hu t· 1 am opeh lo new that he ca n request a new (a cuity resislrar's office . Al10 a n ew
program corui1ting or three ad){enernlized : ii IJOsed tiueslipns approaches .··
advisor al any lime
Oa\'iS point ed ,out that a ma1or
viao rs (M alh . Science , General
wh ich concern ed 01he r a reas rulher
than just fr eshman a d vising. Se- fuull of 1he program li es in ii 1101 heIn addition, two ol he r pro3ram1 Liberal Arts) was also formed laat
cond . wh e n asking students w hy Ing adequntely publicized lo the PXisl . Transfer 11udenl1 are year lo aid e ntering mid -year
they disappr ove of the syslem we fr eshman student. It is npl suf- handled and orie nta ted with the ad- fr esh me n.
rlo nol ge l real rcedhack. All we ficie nll y exp lained . ...
MacVica r eve n foo ls th,11 there 's
hea r a re comp lai nts backed wil h no
a need to formulate an in formalion
suggesli ons.''
Jolln MAcVicar. chairman of 1he book le t lo aid the faculty in adSIUdenl Life Co mmilt ee nHreect, vlsi n~of so mewha1 nervous conversation.
Al present how does the syslt!m hy Loo De Lena
"Th o survey didn'I receive loo
" Ifs a p iece to experi me nt. to try the speak e r-e mcee chan1ed the
m :a ch feedback al all."
.. work 7 Fir"it advisors ore chosen pn
- to see \Vhat happens. Ifs playin3. procedu r e ftJ se ntences starting
T he survey ~co nduc lerl h) Marl\ ,1 \'ol11n11•er ..l1;1s1s Tkey arc
Oavb or fl)e SCA canvassed li:I rln, up "11h s11i'n'-en1~ accnrcl injl to th r A kid and an anima l lea rn by wllh " You ." A diff rent way lo
mee1 someone. lo be sure,-l,u t 1ho1e
playrn1.f. "
slu d e nl s - 14 R frf'shmen . ten ,1n•a-. of ••~pcrllse.
Prior lo nlf'f'lln~ w ith -.1ud,• ts
" I t" 1s Gestalt Therapy . as
in allenda nce seemed lo enjoy this
sophomores, four 1union1. e 1!1'hl
seniol'S. 0 0 11 spccrnl student . and ass1,in1•tl th~m tilt'~ meet wll h founded h\ its " main man:· Fritz inte raction session·
S11r1well and arc presented with a Porls Th·e int.erpreter o f. his
''Our mos! meaningfuf action• ocfour lrnnsfeu.
pm:ket of malerlnls tu nid in their 1cachtnM•• Or. Paul Korn, of Psych cu r when we make contact with
Various quu!llmns poscrl wc rc
Seivices. poi nted oul that the cen- ourself or .p ur e nvi ronment, " Kor n
how many 1ime~ did you meet wilh advising role
The s1urlen 1 shoulrl {nol man- 1ral conce pt of Gestalt theory is explained . "This is expressive acro ur ad viso r - 4 1,.-~ said one time .
lio n . Action without contact 11
17"/r .said lwo ti mus. r • snid 1h ree tlatnq al 1h i• lime) me e t with h11 orga nization lhrough awareness.
" We ca rry around an O"'S&nizins hollow.'or impr~ssive action ...
lim e, . 6'i', said four limes. 8,.., saict advisor 1n orienta tion wh ere a
program o f courses will he uu1rined principle within us Perls applied
But jusl what is Gestalt? Accordnone.
Another question was \·\'hy rticl for him . then 11 1 reJ(islralion . Ihen in this 10 perception All parls (in us) ing 1() Korn. if is a branch . a part of
,,nu mccl wl 1h him - 57 '"', !i.11 tl for mid Sl'm••'>l!•r to hove Ills Mrlldes .ire pieces of a who le . There a re perceptual theorism. the 11urr
reviewed. 1hen once again bufo rc holes in our whole . Gesta~ t makes preached by Kafka and fr iends. ln~UJ,PSlr11linn . If! '"', f or j,(tl llf'r,d
academic purpoMes . 2 r•, for pn• -.p rin,11. SPmesle r and finally in mid- us aware . It i accepting the £act ciden lall y, !lie word " gest-e lt "
Sf'mester of sprmg lerm .
me"ans "entire: " this 1oes back to
that we are w oles ."
so nnl reasons. 14.'', for lnn,Q ran)l•'
Students .t re also e ncouraged lo
Korn w e nt on to sa that there is the aforementioned con cept of
co urse pl ans. and 8'"', for vnca lional
mecl \\'1th th e ir adviso r at an)' oth er an awa reness-a~n c~le lhti l we organiza tion of the whole.
in formali on .
Korn concluded the· presentation
...ees pll e no rli recl c hanges. all time deemed necessary.
a~i~"fsean~ i~~ by organizins the infor ma l s roup
" Tho freshman advising program
1hree persons queslioned aJii: ree that
into a circle a nd having all thi.nk
th e re are needs for improvement is import,tnl hrr:ausc 11 is lhe on ly fonts . w~ will be happy.
Four ste'ps am in vo lved in th e deeply . with each pers on po r wi thin th e sys tem . Sartwell reports yea r Ih a! I\ studcnl is nssigned to
thal loo oft e n "s lud en ls who are do- mcel with his advisor. Our goal is cycle I) . becoming aware, wh ich trayi ng a pa rt in a fantas y. Yes.
1ha1 a fl er one \'eur of facultv ad- leads 10 2) . exciteme nt. causi ng the diffe rent bul e n joyable .
visi ng lhe Stude~t would hrt\ e ~ade laking of some course of 3) . action.
r:rmto ct wi th faculty 1h01 miHhl help involving 41 contact wit h the e nBeacon Hardware
him . At le.ISi. he was assi~ned no ne vlro nment. " By inle rrupling lhi s
Supply, Inc. }Car 's working reh11ionship wilh c,cle," Ko rn co n " w e
one facult~ memb er ."
bCcome miserable. Many people
Phone 5Z3-11C8
keep 1hcir awa reness fuzzy. You by Maureen McGon■gle
ha , e 1o trust you r aware ness. It w ill
Suffolk Unive rslly has re ce ntl y
I d
acquired a chapter or Sigma Delta
e~/;:~rse, Gestalt Therapy in- Chi. th_ Society or Professional
We c arry a lul line oJ Ponasoruc
T. V. '.s, radios and s/erf!O$, Al the
volves more th an lea rning aboul it. · Jou rnalists.
Jowst pn'c . in th e city!
Par1i c ipati o n is needed . Ko rn .
S.U. has b?e n working for a few
real ized 1his, a nd requesled th e years to obl&IJl a chap1e_ .. bu1.du e to
audience lo pair off in a kind of a lack ?f s1_
uden1 paruc1pallon on
o ne~o n- one mp sess io n. wi th a lhe pro1ect II loo k longe r.
In order ID qu alify. the Sociely
" I want )DU 10 slart off each exam in es S . U.'s jo urn alis m
sen1cncc to oach olher wi1h th e graduates who are in the jourRECORDS
wo rd ·1· ": after fi ve minutes or so na li sm fie ld , the professionalism in
th e faculty . and 1he journalism
cu rriculum .
Studenl members pa y $17.50 in
d ues ,to joi n. These dues mak e
studen ts eligible to compele for
locreoN your cbcmo. to t,,. in the oatMr of yow cl:,.~
scholarships and writing comand then you'll ha"H A ,HAPPY SUMMER!
peti tions . Members receive 1he
month ly majlazine " Quill '' a nd may
Fe. Senion, Graduate. I: Other College Stud■nta.
Imt:ructed b1 Prof. Le■ W. Sutherland, in
Prof.-ional Cm: ■■ r Couu.lino
APRIL 19-"'4AY 7

It isn't Sex - IT - it isn't Sex


~~\u~~l~~ ~~r~~g


Sigma Delta hi


(617) 523-5195
100 Charles River Plaza
Boston 1 MA .

April II, 1871

47 Mt. Ven.on Street, Be.too, Mma. 02.108

COST, S50 (t.dudod)
TO REGISTER, CAil., 723-<700, ~ 3'2
or COME lN TO ROOM V-153 or V311

Suffolk Journal

... Colby
(Continued from pa ge 1)
td't.hno lo~)'. we cun' I
hnvo thut Juhote Wr must ho able



SUFFOti UNIVI:RSITY ,' College of BUILD- Ad.m.bu.trcrtioa

"The C IA did pu t so me people in
th u ,1111i~ar movement here .... ith
the 1ntonlion of se nd ing them
_ 1,. ___ , 1 , ....... ir thPv wou ld make

°' :178

By Mdrjorie Stone
New England C on.Mrvatory G rad.

Enroll n ow for Sprinq



than 1us1 freshman advisinlil


cond. when asking stud e nts wh~
they disapprove or the system we
do not Ji!OI rea l reedhar.k All we
hear a re complaints back e d wilh no
Joan MacVicar, chairmen
S111cltmt Lire Commillefl ai,iree<I:


"T hr. 5urvey didn ' t rcct•1vr loo
much fec•ribaclc ar a.JI "
The survey ~
conduc1cd ~" fl.farh
Davis o f fl)a SCA cim vnssNi li :I da,
stu denls 1411 fr,-shmt'n h'n
sn ph omore"I, four 111n10nii. t> l)l'hl

scrflnH. one spccrn l s1ud1•nl. and
four trrmsfon1
Vanous 4u u,11 o ns post•d w1·rc
how mRn ) timPs ilid you m1wl \\ ilh
your adviso r - 41 ,.., snid 0 011 Um e.
17%• .said two 11m us. 7"'~ SRill 'nlree

lime,. 6'i< said four tim r.s. ar~ sairl
non n.
Ano th e r question was \,·h y 'ct1d
~nu m et•\ w\1h 111111
57'", !m id fu r
r1•J,p~tr1111nn . J6 "i f or ,W.1!1\f'r,il


acadcmu: purposes. 2 1 ·r fur per•
sonnl reasons, 1-1 ''• for lon>,i r,an)l!t'
co urse plnn ~. nnrl 8": fur vocnliunnl
Oespile no dir ect chanl(es. all
th ree pcuons questioned ajlre1i 1h01
1herc are needs for improve mf'nl
wfl hin the svs lem Sartwe ll rf'ports
that IOU ori en "s!udents who ar e dot

Beacon Hardware
Supp ly, Inc .
Phone 523-11'8

We carry a Jul line oJ Panasonic
T. V. 's, radios O.tJd derem . Al tbe
/0,,..1 price. in the dty!



fault of tht> program lies in 11 nol he·
In addllion, rwo ot her programs L10era1 1uu1 wu iusu 1urmeu 'fllllll
m>,i adequatel} puhlic1zed to lh e i>x111 Transfer tludenll are yea r lo aid ente ring mid-year
fr eshman stud e nt II 1s nol suf. handled and o rienlaled wilh the ad- freshmen.
ric1cn1\y explained
c11r eve n fee ls 1ha1 1here's
.i need In formulate an mform al ion
boo ki e! to 1
ml lhe facull)' in Jdvisin~ o\l prnsent. how docs th e S)s lem hy Lou De Lena
of IOmewhal nervout eonversalion.
wnrk 1 F1r~1 .tdv1 rs are r:hose n on
" ti 's a place to e xperiment. lo lry 1he speaker-emcee changed the
,1 volunt,•,•r h,u11s Th e} ;Jrf' pa ired
- to see what happe ns. It's pla yl ns. procedure I\> senlencet slarlinti
up \\Llh 'llutlcn t'i ,1c:r.ord1nJZ IU 1he1r
with " You: · A differenl way lo
t\ kid a·nd a n animal learn by
,11·c ,1 ., u f 1•. 1u:rllse
mee l so meone , 10 be sure, bul thoae
pl~m,11 "
Prior 111 mr-t•l mJl \, 1th -.1ml1•n1s
·· 11
15 C.es1al1 The rap> . as 10 allenda nce seemed to enjoy thit
;1ss 1,i,cni•d lhrm , th1•\ mf'cl w11h founded . hv its ·· mam man ,"' Fritz i nt eraction Sf!ssion

Samv"t•II ,md arti 1-1re~cnterl w11h 11 P e rl s . T l;P rnt.erpr ete r o f his
" Our mos! meaningful actions ocpackel nf mat c rrnl s 1 1111 1 m 1hc1r 11•achmgs, Dr Paul Korn . of Psych cur when we make contact with
.1dvismM role
serc.1ces. poi nt ed ou1 that the cen- ou rseH or our e nvironment," Korn
Tht! student should (nol man- 1rnl co nce pl of Ces!alt lheory is explained . "This iJ expreuive acda11ir} at thi11 time) mt\el with h11 -..o rga nizalion through awa reneas.
lion . Action without contact it
advisor • 111 o ri en lHtion \v h e re a
" We ca rry a round an organizins hollow,'or impres.slve action."
program or t:ou rses \Yill he ou 1r1ned prmc1ple within us Perls applied
Bui just what is Gestah? Accordfor him , 1lrnn at rfyizi st ralion , the n in 1h1s 10 perception All parts fi n us) inM tO Korn. ii it a branch. a part of
m,d M' m1 •-.1i•r 10 huvu hi s MraJ es .ire pi eces of d whole . There are pe r ce ptual theorism, the stuff
n•viewml. then once again before holes in ou r who le . Geslalt makes preached by Kafka and friend,. ln-.p rin·),! sP mf's ler anrl final!) in ffiid • us aware It is accepling the fa ct c1den1ally . !h e word "gestalt "
se rnesl e r or spring term . •
that we a re wholes."
meant "entire: .. thit goes back lo
S1url c nts a re also eiicouraMed to
Korn went on 10 5a y that there is 1he afo rementio n ed concept of
meet wit h the ir adviso r at an y ot her an awa re ness-action cycle !hat we organization of the whole.
limP clcPmcd necessnry
a ll mo ve through . If we move
Korn concluded the' presentallon
"The fr es hman advising program nalurall v. as do animals and in: by organizing the informal group
1s 1mpor1,1n1 hecuuse 11 is the on\~
fants . w8 will be happy.
into a ci rcle and having all think
~••t1r 1h,11 a s1uden1 is assigned Ao
Four sleps a re involved in the deeply , with each peuon pormccl w11h hi s advisor Our li(Olll is cycle . 1) becomi ng aware , which traying a part in a fanlaty. Yes.
leads to 2) excitement , causing the different but enjoyable.
th,11 ,1rt1ir ~f' \ '•or ra cull,
\'hnn~ th e !i lud eOt would ha vr Ola i•
taking or some course or 3) . action ,
r.onla ct wi th facu lt y 1hat rn1gh1 h p involving 4) contacl with the enhim Al lo.1s1 .' he \\as ass1)1!ncd a one \ lronment. ··ey interrupti ng this
, ear·s work inM rela tionship wilh qcle , '" Ko rn continued. ," we
nni• fa r.ult~ mcmlwr ··
become misuroble . Man)· people
ke6p their aware ness fuzzy. You by Maureen McGonagle
Suffolk '1.J niversily has recen1ly
h ave lo lrusl you r awareness. a will
acqui red a chapter or Sigma Delta
lead ,au .
or · course. Cestah The.rap) in- Chi. the Society or Professional
volves morP than learning about it
S.U. has been working for a few
Par ti cipat ion 1s needed . Kor n
) ears lo obla!Jl a ch"
apter. but due to
r ea li zed this. and re<1uested the
audience 10 ,,,ur orr in a kind l)r a lack of student participation on
!he p roject It look longer .
onf• •o n-one r ~ session, w11h a
In order to qualify. the Society
!\\' ISi.
··1 want )O to
rl oH each exa mine s S u:s jou rnalism
sPnlencc In eaob olh
wilh th e ,l(radua1es wh o are in the jour~
word 'I" ··. after f'iv~~ut~ so nalism field , the professionalism In
the facult y, and 1he journalism
cu rriculum
Studenl members pay $1 7.50 ' in
dues to Join. These dues make
s1u de nts eligible lo compete for
lncraGN your chanoe1 to b. i:D the oar...- of your
sc h o la r s hips and writing co m•
and then 70u'll h.OYe A HAPPY SUMMER!
peli linn s. Me mbers receive the
monthly ma~mzine " Quill '" and may




(617) 523-5195
100 Charles River Plaza
Boston , MA.


It isn't Sex - IT - it isn't Sex

Sigma Delta Chi


For S.Dion, GTIJduatN 4 Other College Student..
lnatruct«i bJ Prof. Lee W. Sutherland, oonaultcmt in
Prof-.onal CmNr Couueling


APRIL 19-"'AY 7


MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS, 4:0&-7:00 p.n,.
surrou: UNIVERSITY, c:ou.,g. ot BI.I.IILD- Ad.mi.utrotioa
47 Ml. Vernon Street. &c.kni., Mca. 01108
COST, $50 (Materialo lndud«I)
TO RtGlSTER, CALL· 723-C?OO, Eneuioc 3U or 378
or .COM:E IN TO ROOM V-153 o, V311

Suffolk Journal

April 18, 1878

... Colby
(Conllnu ed from pase 1)
hccau!le of ltichnolu)ty, we c11 n't
have lhat d,•h,110 . We musl be ablo
to count and me nsurf' Russian missiles. \'\1o sli ll d uhal J? their Slrtin!il lh,
hut m lcrms of 1980-85 "
Cullw s.:titl thn l ii is ncccss ur) In
!!Ill! h11,·t! sprns th a4 work in nn 1111•
dercm'(Jr f11sh111n ··wo 111ill ho ve 10
condu ct inlcllll(enco oporalions in
1hls wa)' There arc so me 1hins111h01
r.nn't be loarn od 1hrou~h no r mal intulliHcnce Q.porolions and they can
be 1
>oton1ial problems Polilical
leOMUtlS nuemble or diuolve
around 1he world . We huve lo bu
-,wn Of lhcs e trends which nffecl
th e world ."
Colby soirl 1h01 ho fell the need to
punish 1hose who leak classlflod
clocumenl!I 11nd CIA secre ts to the
public I-t o diacunod , lhe book
wrillM-- by Victor Marchelll and
lohn Marks . He sold th at 1he book
conlained infer ma tlon and names
which the y (CIA) didn' t wanl


, .,., _


1..i .... ,.l. .. 111

I n on

"'Tho C IA did put some people in
th e an li-wor move ment he re with
th o inl e ntiun of sending them
a.b rand 10 see if they wou ld make
a nv conlucts with fo re iMn radicals .
\'\1~ wan ted tn s,Je if th ere was an
uu ts ido co nnecli on .··
Cu lh\ wa!I asked
hu would
ovo ke ;.plausihl e d e n111l " in cloim•
inM not to know about cer1ain ac•
1ivi1i s " Plausibl e denial " means
that sumelhin~ ma y be lru c but thal
he has no knowledge or ii.


" The concept or · 11l ausl hle Colby fended quntloiu welJ.
denial ' does nol work ," said th e
fo rmer spook . " I told others that
years aso - Wh en tho U-2 plane was
shot dQwn ove r R ussian
Eisenhower wanted lo use 'plausi ble denial .' Bui ii would look like he
wasn'I runnlnK the counl r y. If
something that lmportanl h appened
in the inlelllgence commu nity and
he said he was n'1 awar e. i i would
look IHid . Th is doesn 't mean thal we
don' t have cove r," Colby said.


By Marjorie Stone
New England Conservatory Grad .

Enl'oll now for Spring


Pqe 5


Pase 5

Suffolk Journal

Aprll 16, 1976

... Colby
!Co ntinued from page tJ
h1•1.,111se nr lt•r.hnnlo)I~ . we


;an · 1

ji11vf' Iha! d1•hn1,, WP mus l he nhlr
Ill' Olllll and nW,ISllfl' Russrnn mis.. i1 .... \\'t• sltll tl1• lwtr tlwir slrcn)(lh.
11111 tn lcrms of rnHU-85 ••
Colll\ ,;,111 1 1h,11 11 1s n1•1.csirnn 111
slill h;l\'1 "Plf'S that work 1n an 11n•

tlcr1.o\ er f.1sh111n ·· wo !Hill lrnvc to

,nwlli)tcnce 11pcrnl 1
om, in
this way f'ht•rc are some thin1i1s th,11
1:an'1 he lrmrnml 1hro11)lh normal 111 1tillii,11•nc,• np1m11 inns und they cnn
he µotentrnl prob le ms Political
l ca)(111•s asse mbl e or dissolve
nrnund the world We have 10 he
"iwnre or thf'sf' lrends which oHecl
lh c world ...
Co lhv 5aid that he felt the need lb
punish· those who 1eak classified
documenL, and C IA ser.rels 10 the
public. li e discussed th e book
w rltl e n by Victor Marche ll\ a nd
l.s>hn t\•
hlrk s. He said 1h a1 the book
c'on tainod information a nd nam es
which they (C IAI didn't w anl
r, Jeased . " We 1old March cll i to go
ahead and write the book . but leave
ou l the names. He di<fi'i't listen and
we had lo go lo cou rt 1 gel an in rnd

;nmhu: I

" The CIA die\ pul som" pf'oplc m
th t:> ,tn1 1-wiir ninv emen1 here "1th
1hc in11•n1111n of scndin~ the m
nbroa tl to . et• ,f the, would make
,in~ s \\ 11h fo~t>1)Zn rnrlicals
\\le wanll•d ,,., 'lt'I' if 1
hcre " 'as an
t llll'11d1• r.11nnPCllflll
Colln wa" ,,sked 1f tw ,,011\rl
,., uk<' " plauMhlt· dt>n1al " m cl.11m1r1i,1 no! tu knm, aho ul c:erlnm ac•
11, 1111•s .. Pl,1usihle clt-'mnl .. meo1ns
th.ti sumf'lhm)Z ma y br lnll' but lhn t
tw has no kn1:rw~e nf ,.,

" The concept of ' plausible
deni al' does nol work ." sa ,d 1hc
fo rme r spook " l ' 1old ot hers that
} cars ago . Wh en !he U-2 plane was
s h ot down over Ru ss i a n
Eisenhower wanted lo use 'plausib le denial · Bui it would lnok like he
wosn·t running the coun lr y If
so mc1hinMthat import ant happe ned
in the in lelliJ1,e nco com munit y and
he said he wasn't awa re. ii would
look bad This doesn ·t mean thal we
don ' I have cove r ... Colby said.

The rr1ct of the ma tt er Is the C IA
docs loo k fo r ways lo de ny acti vit ies
whi ch becomes tangled in rhetoric
and othe r parall eli n g ci r ju~~l!o~·~k. ce ll ed The CIA and th e cu mslances .
Colby sai'd th al because of the inCull of lnir./J,ge n ce. btJ~ins by
qu oting en inscription on lhc mur- crease of Soviet st r cnglh "we h ave
to keep ou r de fenses up ."
hle wall of the ma in lobhy al CIA
William Colby was payed $2,000
headquarlers in Langley. Vi rgini a·
10 speak a t the Universily. The fee
" And ye shall know the truth , Bnd
wa~ d ivided hetwee n th e Stude nl
the tru lh shnll mak e vou fre e:· Governme n t Assoc ia t io n . th e The Suffolk Unlver■ity Athletic Department hH bad a highly
John. Vlll :32
Colb y would nol be specific in U n ive rsi lv Lec tu r e Se ri es Com- 1ucce11fuJ year with its intramural provam, at can be seen by this
discussin~ domesti c surveilonce of mit1 ee , ihe P o liti ca l Science photo. In next week's Journal there wtll be a story on bow they
Associa tion a nd 1he Stud e nt Bar
U .S . ci li w ns. He would nol den y.
achieved this .
however . 1h11 t th e CIA hnd an B!i!C nt Auocia llon o f 1he Law School
plun1t•d 111 n m110 11 t lnivcni1y . I l tl Col by o ni;iin nll y wttnl t!d $3,000 for
1he talk but fin a ll y a~recd lo 52,000.
r e fus ed lo nam e any 01her ins liluti ons w hich ma v hnve similar H e was going to he in Boston
anyway lo consult •with ITT.
agent planls
(Continued from page 4)
Suffolk i5 the third Boston collese
a l le nd loca l m ee tings a nd co n- to become a member of Sigma Delta
[e re nces.
Chi. No rth easter n a nd Bos to n
Pr o f essor ?\talcolm Barach ,~ U ni veuily are th e other membe rs.
Chairman of 1he Jou rn alism
Department was a main for ce in
gelling the chapt e r. He feels it's a
great chance for jou rnalis m ma jors
1 gel 10 know people in the jour0
The Sociology fellows and the
nalism field . Accordi'l8 ~a.Professor
Sociology Club will hold a
Barach. "Membersh ip does allow
Graduate School - Career
.s for job co nta cts." Also he ,i'lls con• Sem inar'
~ cerned because he is a me mber.
April 22, 1976
.s Proressor Bara ch cited the stuar 1:00 in F331
'5 dent force beh ind this project Don' t wait until it's too late! II
~ ·.. Maria Plali was ve ry instrumen1al
Get the facts now on when to
~ in gilthering the gr ourtd work a nd ,
take th e Grad Record Ex ] of cou rse . memhers •of the Jourams . . . when ro apply to
. r,. nalism Sociel)' and their President
schools. . . where to apply for
Tom Lau~hlin ."
Colby revea led nothln1 new here .


... Sigma Delta Chi


Mon. Tues.
Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.

Sun. 4:()()..11 :00


Quality food.

Primo's Italia Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-out


,IJ. -

Pastert· bY gaze al the co ncrete arl or Sidewalk Sam, whose work will be
featured at thlt yea r'• spring resl.

Partflatters also Available
Beacon Hill, BOSTON

742 5458

Pase 8

Suffolk Journal


William Colby


April ti, 1171

When yoU're appointed to'a job like that y· u serve.'

by Bob Reardon
limn abO rt cd a n 'au e mpt on Pa tri ce
William Colh > pnrachu1cd inlo LaMumha . an ant i- A m e r ican

Fronce lo h elp o r x(l n izc the lencfor in !he Congo "LaMumba
rC'sisla n ce in 1943 . H e wn!I n v.a s lnler kill ed IJ\ ol he r 1icopl1
mt>mhc r ur th e Jedbur,Rs , a !iabotaHe r:olbv s.i id .
· "
1,1ro11p com posed of inte ll i,Rence ofIn · 1he Domm ican Repuh lic lhP
f I ce r s and Fri•n c h s 1
>ea kin ~ C I /\ 1110k a more acti\·e rolr m a
paratroopers who had voh mt ecrert plot a,1rn111s1 rij,!hl t,·injl dic1a101
lo work hchtnri Gtirman lm t>s Th1rH.afR r l Tru j ill o .. Th e C.I.A
h )WlrS la te r , ht• was appoin ted
im pph1id thrf'P weapons . at le~sl
hPacl of 1h1• Ccn1ral ln lf'Jlij,!cncf" ono of which was II machine Ji!UO. lo
/Ille or ttwl_'" oppofl'njl facl1o i•·
H.1•mi•mh c- r1n1-1 hf' ,; f1rs1 1n - Cn lln -.a1<I
1t•ll1)ll'm:1• 111wra1111n with 1hr Off1u•
T rujill o w,ts ll'i!hl.S'illl,tlf'd \ \ ·1,,
,,f Strat(',RII'. Sc rvi c1~s (0 S S I th t! drl\ m)Z elm\ l'I .tn 1s11l,11,•d ru,111 · ,,
CI ·\.'s prcdt• c1issor .• olhr recall~
WPUpons \\'hil.:h \\r>rt• rn,1r. h1n 1·
" \\' £'It , I was in th P arnn and I ,wuns r.uu ld nor dt!fmtl f•i<J t11• lmkP1'
\1il11n1ec red foJ th e paro.t r'ho ps " rn !h+> C.I A
I Its supermr was fired and Colh)
11 s hould be noled 1ha1 Tru11ll n
fo und himse l'f in a replacem e nt \\R S also dPlesled In· Caslro. whu 111
ct•nte r. " When a fe ll ow ca me down HJ62 . tri ed 10 ove r th.rnw his rejlimt>
rrr.ruil nM French s pee ke r'S £or tb t?
Th,! Cuban dic111101 was himsel f
O .S.S .. I ,1iJ(n od up ."
the ob1ect of seve ral unsu ccessful
Aft e r 1he war, Colby we n I back 1n C .I. A. spo nsore d nssahl n a 110n
__, lnw ~ hoo l end work ed as a lawyer aHe mpl s. The M afia was jnvolrnd
fur lhree or four years T hen the in one of these p lots. II was fe lt that
Korran Wor broke oul .. , lh ouj,!hl I hcc,~use of the ties orga ni zed c r ime
shou ld bo hack !here in some ser- hnd in pre-revolution Guba, that
vi c:11: · lw sai d . He joined 1he C .I A
Mafia pco1
)le wou ld have !h e best
~olh y travel ed tho world . li vi nR ch a nce .
111 Stockh olm , Rome and Saigon
·· trs one occns iun and probabl~ . I
wh e re he remain e cl for fiv e. or six 1hink . the onl y thing you can sa y " When a fellow came dow n recrultin1 French 1peaker1 for the O.S.S., I
,·cars from 1959. Th en he relu rn ed ahoul it : it was a mis take 11 was lh e 1l1ned up."
io tho Slate Dcpa rlm c nl . He didn 't wrong thin~ 10 ha \'e done . It o nl ~ in Latm America . !urning that area
" We need a better law to impoae
ret urn to !he C,I. A. until 1971 , when happe ned once and th e r e ii is " He ,tgai nsl the United Stales . So we discipline upon lhe people who unhn wns nppoin 1
ecl Finl! F
:xecu tivc s hook hi11 h ead at the idea .
were helpin"l the va rious d e mo- dertake the obligations to keep
Dirf'c lo r In 1973 . hn hecame OirecSam C ian ca na. lh e man w ho c rati c par ties. th e democratic secrets. If yo u ha ve a secret
headed lh e Mafia -hosed a ttempt lo media . an d so fo rth .
arra ngeme nl with a foreigner in a
As he reviewed pa!II exp e ri e nces kill CH! ro w as found dea d last year
.. In 1970. fo r a period or about six for e ign country to 1ive you inlormao f the C J .A.. Colby pla ye-rt down in his C hicllH home. Co lby lnsist\!rl weeks . because Presi d e nt Nixon 1ion abou1 his., count ry you can ' t
th e AJ,!tm c~ ·s ro le in u t1 emp1ed 1ha1 1he Agency h ad noth ing lo do asked us 10. we lri ed to ge l in touch publish his name , even after he is
coups and aHA!lsinHlion plols. I le wilh his dealh . and !ha t it was with thei r mihl a ry with !he idea of dead because you a re going to ruin
hlockinK .-\ll onde' s inauguration as hi1 rt?putollon , for one thing. and if
president \.\l e made so me cont acts. you w anl 10 make an arrangement
hul that didn't work . So at th e e nd with so mebody else in that country
of the SIX weeks . we cut orr our , aficr you have published that
li nks \'•.'i lh the military."
name . the other fellow·, acing to
Colbv maintains that C.I.A. ac- H Y ' not in a million years.' " H e
tivill'es .a h e r this period were again cited for an example a Russian
1i1ea red toward Hfdlng democrailc colon e l who supplied the U.& with
ins1i1u1ions des pit e Allende 's informalion and u a result was exallempts to press them. Allende, ecul ed .
Co lb y claimed brou~ht pres.sure
Colby was fired from his post, bul
agamst the society. the ec.onom y r e mains steadfasl in his positive
anrl th e de mocr a lic i.n,tilutions un- oullook for America ; "The wodd 's
til 1he milllary d 8cided to move. moral power." Colby was forced to
"We did not want a c;ou~. because retire., h e was supposed lo be
we predic1ed !hat a coup would allowed 10 reti re wilh honor and
create a ll the troubles we have dignity. He never got lhe chance.
had ·· •
He has served his countr
Richard He lms. who was C.I.A . three decades and the fact that h e
Director before Colby is now am- s till hold s fast to his belief in an unc: bassa do r to Iran .. Helms speartaint ed America is appare nt from
1: hea ded man y pasl C.IA . c-.ove rl hi s ryplcally un e mollonal account
~ operatio ns . Lik e Colby. H e lm s '
of his dismissal.
'i; ca reer was nurtured in the intel .. , don·1 c harecterize the way I
li~e nce ri e ld.
was fired as Ullfair . When you ' re
~ Cp lh y defends his r o rm e r
appoint ed a job like 1ha1. you serve
j co ll eague 's actio ns . " I don'I think al th e pl eas ure of th e president and
f h e d id nnythlnH wro ng," said Colb>•· he can suggest somebody e lse at
"We d id not w a.nt a coup, because we pred icted th a t a coup wou ld c reafe " I th ink ii wou ld be wrong lo make any tim e £or any reason. I don' t
a ll lhe troubl es we h ave had .''
him a scapeMOat. There ere things have any hangups about why I was
that ha \'e happe ned in 1he C.I.A:s rired . Ifs part of the risk of the
sta led st rongl y thal lhe C.I .A. has clcfinitel y nol a su 1
histo r y thal toda y. probably be th e game:·
never assassi nated a nyon e. th ough
CI.A . o p e rati o ns againsl wrong thing. We probabl y said thal
ho admits thal ii has a ll e mp ted 18
Salvucl ore All e nd e have~ be e n one II was lh e righ1 thins then. A lot of
'There was a fo ll ow nam e d major reason wh y man)• peopl e peopl e 1hough1 ii was the right thing
Mu hammed Mossacll!g who took would like lo so• cove rt C.I.A . oc- then , a nd I don ' t think we shou ld
power in Iran while th e Shah wa s tivi 1i cs curbed b ~ co ngr ess . turn on people who thought they

out or the coun try. H e wa s sup- All e nd e. a le f1 ist. was overlhrown we re doing right. Helms is lll good
port ed by lhe Tudeh part y and look a nrt kill ed b)' the military in 1973, a mbassador I know that. And he
a position hostil e to lh e Uni 1
ed the same yea r thal Colby took over ran lh e agency the wa y ii was exStates:· Colb y recalled . Mossadeg as Directo r of th o AHe ncy.
pected to be run at that time. I think
wanted to e xpe l th e Unit ed Sta tes
" CJ .A. activi ti es in C hil e fro m he ran It well. "
• and B~ tish oil inl eres ls. He was 1964 lo 1973 we re basically in supUnd e r lh e prese nl law . the C.I.A .
o\•erthrown by th e Shah . who port or dem ocrnti c fo rces a nd per- must seek th ~ pe rmiss ion of six conrer.c1ved airt from 1h e Ce ntra l 11 es . a nd the media . We were co n- fl'ressional committees . Colby fee ls
lntl'lliMence Agenr.y.
.l•rn ed Ih a! Allende was j!OinH lo that cunj,!ress shou ld supe rvise the
· -• Ont• or thu assossinntwn plots t,1h O\'rr C h1 h•. li e' was an all)' of Age ncy, h ut hP feels that six r.om1hn1 Co lb y Rcknow le ilj,! N I, .took Cnsrro nncl would furih e r !he ux- mill ces on• •• hi1 mu ch , .. Co ns rcss
plu ce In Africa . Tho A,wency l1ei,;an , p,1n s111 n of th ~ rnvolu 110nar~ e ffort lea ks ··




h\ i,~; ~,,?.~, ~ ~: ~:;t.1mnll'r on 11,111

,tnd ttw rn,ul ,, ;r,•, ·rh111,1Z ,,f otn Hit·,:•
lr11 '-,I\\ •' l h u rhrn11,1Eh1111 1 th"

,1111 l1111n11111 S1r111p1•d uf th1•1r sl1111 ,
1h1° 111,•n 1,111s1r11r :1 ,1 s1,11n:,1 '1P ,111,I
ph,,ruul \\ ,111 , ,inti ,l lm11• , uun)!
\\11111,lll , •• , .. ,, ... \\llll f• 1:l111h 1111 , I
111Pr P
ur 1.,1 rd lm,1rd 11.i mm•·rmr,:
;md ',;t\\ 111).! ,1 r,• , n11nrh, 11111 nsu,Ll h
,,.,..rn 1,11,•d ,, 1th 1h, , \\111Hlr1111 , f,1111,1-.\ of 1h" , t, 11w \ ,,, thr- , ,Ir., 111!t•)!r ,d f1,11.1 111 ,•n1 .. .. r 1h,, l,1!1111 Ill
n 1l , 1•1l 111 pl,,, 111 ,ulu i.1 11111

tu-. h,•r ,1wufu fllnr:111m , and 1hr
n•s11lt IS ,t 11n11rt•,1J,Jt, prn~r•''i!'>
D1r,•, 101 \rm,, J-",•~s,•ndn1 ,11ln111s
1h,1 1 1h 11IJ.!" h,1 , ,•11 ·1 ,,h,,1' ,. pfn .
)!r,•-.-.i•,I ,, ,. -. 111un1hl \
'I Hh ,·1 \ +',II " ,• 1r,:h t lo !Pl! p1•npl 1• ,I I
1h, · 11111,t , 1
~1\f'd u p fnr rtw,tlri•
\\ ,11 J..,h ,,1, 1111 1 1h1, , ,•,1r 1h,• ri • ~1n•
l\\ • 'llh •I\\I• ,in d 11 m.,~ .... nn Jo h -.i1
1 11 h 11111 ~1 1•1 11 ,11111\\,. 1111' 111 11'1
,:\ t' l\111\1' rl11 \\ h,11 1h~\\,ltl l \,
I h,•ft

1,, .. 1111,



n1h ,•r prnh lt •ni... nm!
l,lrl''' ,•nm1J,? h 11, ,1,1II

uun 1n , ,11 \ " '"

,h,•, 1,•1p 11r1 •

I 11 1h, · nl t,• n 11 l,• ,d1-.1u t h,•,11 t·,, 111• 11! 11111 , ,md d1p lnm,11, 1
,i:ol'r, I! 1, ,1111111-.1·,1-. d rh,· prnp, .u11\ 1,•..,111\,
\ \ , , \ , • h,.,,n hur l It\ 1tw
,11-.1111111•-. 1h, ,1 ,1d 11 1 II 1h,, ... ,,Ill• " " ,11:-.r11l11, 1" , ,, h,,, ir..,, ,.., rn urh '" 1·i1
o p ,•1111u! 11 11-! h' lt .1, 1• ,1 i, p1 •,1r ,•d
11 ....
,1 .. I 1•,-.i •m l,'11 1on1111 11,• -.
thruui:h ,nnlf> -. 111 ,111 111 tr,1d, •. 111
hl,•.,11, " ' ' ,h111 1I hn h l r,•ht•,1r-. ,1l
s1t11I of th ,· mon1h -. 11f h,mt ,,nr~
111111 d, 1\,. ,1 \\ 1 1• !,. 11111 l11 •c:,111-,,• nf
actunlh 1·xp1•1Hl••d· !'hnu,i:h nl u I,• ,.'. l. n, lnru rn, ldm, · 11nd ,,th•·r ,tr ),!l.1rn11r1111s sph,•n · th ,Jn 1iw 111H,l,1r,:, , 11, 111,.. "'' h ,1\1• to m , tkP d111 • \\llh
ru l• •'I. fl',, pr••-1u·rf,,1rn,1n1.1• \\lll'l uf 11"1 1111• • cl. n \\ hil t ,lftpP <Jr1t rn hl• ,I
St>I lh•1tt111wn, lii:ht1111,1 und o;nun d
111111m 1 ,•,1kthroui:h - 1h1• ,1
1q111si1 un rd 111 ,1l nri;
,tnd r. f1Sl 11"111 •· 11n11 "' , , , ,II ._k,•l1 •lon ,1!1, •1 i.,. Ion~
cl m, 1i:n1~rs 1 \ 11 ,tl , ,rnd r,•q1111 ''" ,1,
ih nld -11111 in 1h1• h1,1\uin d1•1i.1r1me n1
lructed for " Gamma Rays."
mu ch ,1r11str~ , I i, illl\ 111h,•r .i~p,•c l ol
I!'> 1,•, .. 1, ,,d "1th ,ts mu ch op•
he an e n jo)able and edu ca tional esth1• 1lw,1lrf'
hrnt-.111 ., .. ,I -.uu f'.!osrul rlri•s"I rehPnrc,1pade. for the production staff as
Ea r. h memhur nl Th,•alr1• .... 1 l'ru,i.:r, •, ., 1s slow . hut cu n\, e ll as th e aud ie nce.
\\'orks hop i~p;1rlk1p,111n~ 111 th1 • t1n111111 -,
Suffolk IJn ivers1ty The,1tn• pn•i-i•n•
Tiu · 1hu1i:1• uf rnalerml lo he - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
lalum of " The• f-:ff.,cl of t;, 1m m,1 pr,•wn1,•t! 1s ,i\<in sr:ruli m zl!d close•
Ra rs o n Mun - in•th•· • ~lnon
h All ,inj! los art" touched upon "I

~larii,,:olcls.'· and hns !men si nce rhosr 1h,s plui f"ManRolds " J,"
FPhnrnn Tl11111j,lh tlw hamm cr mJ,? "1·'t•ss,•1ul1m i:n ntinu es: " for lwo non'!' • ~
nnd,nM ,111d al1erin,1,1 ,rnd
.\1·stlll' t11 . n•,Hmni- First. 11 ·s nn a ll - by Bob Reardon
added and a thriving commu nlt)'
rrrnntl • r11nn1ni,,: 1'in·1 lt.• rr ih lr
\\11m,tn cast anti 10 the past v1o•e 've
Suffolk Un1\'('rl1ty finall) has a
\\as begu n . He spirited the move.
drnnrnli1 ., 1t 1s ll f' \'t•fl h,•less cn•all\·,, h,111 ,1 h,1ril lune )lf' ll in,ll men tu aucli - fo,1lht!r lo plu ck a nd proud!~ dis•
m e n1 10 co nstruct th e mai n
and rndisp 1• ns1hl o, a nrl eac:h I ll • 111111 St•i:ond. wilh ,1 rnsl nf on l~ rivf'
pl,1~ 111 her ra){Ked cap The plume
bu ildmH,• An old friend, Edward I.
rliv 1cl1111I 1s il\\ ,1r" of h1 !'> / hf•r
11':- m11d1 1
•,1s11· r to c hoose part!I and
wlm:h 1s o,·t•r three hundred miles
Teclescho. a prominen l arch11ec1.
:.11,u1ifil:a ncf'
i:11()r1l 1m11t• tim e ,pnnt rl'h1•1
1rs111~ .. fr1'11n the cdp ,1npears to hf! the
cir>•\, up the bluep r int free•ofl)urtn )! 1h,•1r \\•·••J..I , \hmtln,
" Th,• Effl'c:I o f I :,1mm,1 R,I\ s nn
:-il,,•r linin)( 1lw school has he,•n
chartw Wcsl onl y had to fa ce and
,1ft er n1111n s ,•s -.ion . 1tw t.rt'\\ d1s ~l.10 . ,n. tht••l\111011 . ~lari~nlds" 1s o s,•, ror In chis seeminszl~
,.oil\ 1n c:f' lhl" c hildr en of 1he
pl,1,s an 11ll\•11111i- 1
;11111,1rnrler w 1ha t wrnpdlin)! slur~ \\ Ith a r:nntrm~ ,•,ull,•s,i, rra, or ra111-clou1ls .
tl ,:pr••-'>ston who made up !he Board
, .. n•r rnshrn~ 111 II!'> i-11n pl11 ;11\ Th,·~
p,ir,tr) 1lwn\•· 11 1r,u;1•s ,111 cp1
In 1h,~ wiltis of Eclmunrls . ~lmnP .
of Trustees at Suffo lk. Much 10 his
"nrk Inn),! ,111d hard on cons1ru1.non
in 1lw In f'S nf four \\'Olllt•n . ,md lh t•
1h,•rc is an nppenda>1e or Suffolk
,1111.ize me n l a nd clelii,h1 (and mi ne,
and vnrinus 1111ricrtc1,•i- \\ 11h111 s1•1 lra,ilt•d~ nf tht>ir sepn rnte rn,u:11 ons
I lninr 11, : 1he Rob r r t S Fr1Pdman
,tl"lol thP mon e\ was allo1ed im•
d,•i-11.m . , 1•1 s,•1•111 111 t•n111~ th1• J.1hor
hi 11 l11 •,1ln<:f' I ltmsd nrh•r 1s ii ffif!rC
Cohsco·ck - Ba, l.aboralon Tht• lat e
mPd1at e l~
'I h" l' lllJlh ,t'll!'> IS 1h•f1111!1•h nil
i:rn1•n1 of ,1 humnn Lie m~" 11h no Rnh,•rf S Friedman wa s a
The huild mi;i g~w as did the
t,· ,,mwurk . ,ind
hop,• lt!f1 for the future. I In dnnk - !Jislin)(uishrrl Survic:e Proressnr of
t'1 unom, nr Edmunds wh ose pop•
11 ,11u rullr ti~h1
ln~ prohlnm lrn s strippnc.1 e,; of hor H1 oln>Zy \\ ho purohasrcl the first 16
ulu trnn "":, e mployed in 1he co n•
cn•s of till' pri•senl -'O acri• "lh1h1
struc:11011 T lus not ooh holstered
,tnd dnnatPtl 11 annn~ mnusl ~ to the
,;nm mun 11, relallons. bUt saved !he
I ' ni vr-rsll~ Ill 196i

I ' n 1vers11\; a substantial amounl of
Thf' h,n loc,11ecl he1w<'en
money m" lahor . The huildin~ · cost
M,1ch1,1s tfas11 1or1 tf'mp1ctf ..inct
1s 111 the Area of $40.000 .
fin,1lh 1rappml Suffolk with its Ilda !
1'he trailers are now old and
flt11 .1u,Hiuns of 20 rttel which Is 1he
tall('rr d . N rn e ne\, co llages have
h1~lws1 in 1he Con1111e n1 a l U nited
since been added . Recenlh-. a rea
S1,111•s ._ cx1 ;t>pl Alaskn
room wns acq uired a nrl with ii a bit
Tlui- m.mne h111h,>Zis!'s Garden of
of notoriel\', It see ms 1ha1 Eleanor
Erl1·11 \\as formt'fh owned · In a
Rnmu.:',·elt ·once sipped tea there
c: dn\\p•hum1••M,11n1•r· l.f'ste r Seele,
\\hd e her husband . Franklin,
S1·Pl1•~ ·, f,, mih OY. ncd th£" p"'ropert)
m,ISh!rmindcd the nation .
~ fur >1t1nN,1tums . l.1•ster not on!~
Suffol k is nol 1he only school in•
m,Hh• ,1 nice linle profil off of 1hr ,u lvf'd in this proJOCI. A eonsor1ium
:e: l,rnd . . bul IHnrlod £or himsel f. a"I of nin e also participale. includin3:
.£ w,·11. a ~f'.ir -rnund position as
SI Anslem 's Coll e,!le: M t. Saini
carn l;lkf'r Seo lm hu lhluzed o rnali
~tan s : Rh'te r College: Kee ne
throu°Mh 1hc qu·. ~m,rr.s. walls of
Stnlf' ; Pl v m o u1h Slnt e ; New
Th ere is a Jot or ba ckground construcli on work that audi e nces don 'I see.
rn•rs. anrl IOn,l(l ed uml t? rbrush . Dick
EnMland College: U niversity of
Jon e s. Dirrclor of Archives at Suf.
ri.:r \\ Ham1>shir e ; and Franklin
" The uilmrnl!• r1•spo ns1lu lil } li es n•rn,1111111~ sel tee m. an cl s he has
fo lk, promptl) n8med tho lwisled
Pierce. The J'fOUp is under the
w11h 1hc s tud e nts. " lack \\'1irncr . lnlall~ ),11\' Cll up un lirr . Uf h er 1wo. pnlhway : 't he Les ter Seeley Bl vd .'
aus 1nces of th e Marine Sci e nce
tc c hni cu l dir1: ctur / d esi ).lnl'r 1
•x• 11:e n,1 cd cl a u),1hl crs. Ruth is m1•n 1al.
Jon es re memb e rs wilh fond
Com milt ee of the New Hampshi re
plnins , " u ncl 1h1•r take ii upon h uns1,il1lr , and Tilli e is enclosed
,1 ff1•c1 ion th e ordea ls the ori~in al Coll mu~ and Uni versity Council
rh c mselvcs to sec rim! 1ivcrv1h111~ \~llhin her own sc1e n11f1 c world .
~clllcrs experirrtced. Tenls. slee1
:\lll.:UC \\Ill be bullied ou t or
Tiu.Hr li \'cs are furlht!r hurdt'1H:d b)
)i!Cls dun e .''
111~ ha~s. anrl chee rful 01
>t1m1sm Co bscook Bav 1h1s summer when
In the nudilorium, • 1trn cr ew !he prcs1
•nce nf N:mn ~. a w• r>' olrl
were th e onl v tools available to the Suffolk ·s Spa~ish program moves in
j1ili,,:rims. " O~. Wes! was the single
amic11h ly discussos proh lcms and huarrl,•r nnl Inn fondly refcr rect to
fo r a two week s lay . They were
collaborates on produ c:lio n IPch - as " l h t: cnq1Sl' .. Tilli e·-. ii\\ ard dnvin>1 fo rce in 1hu eslahh s hm enl
looki~ for a pla ce where 11 ls quiet
m c:1lit1tJs. Eil uo n Hurns a nti lltll \\ 11111111),1 f').p(•r mwn t on lhf' e Hects
of C:ohscook ," lunf'S saitlas he rum• and wh eru lh ey ca n go relativel y
C.rndy Ox pc rirn e nt w ith so unrl and nf tlw ex 1msun· of d1Herini;, de~recs
01111,wcl 1hrouMh his trensurcy of old 11nmolrs1ed to speak only 111 lhE'
wurk 111 overcome inadPqunr.i PS ; of r,1dia11on un lhr ce se ts o f
phuluMraphs . h lu c pr1n1 s , and Sp,rn1sh v£"nacular They will MBI
KPvin Cum1111sk,i) , Lrn n,• Gol d• m,,nj(ulds s1•ls urf a dt•hru :lt• 1ha1 1s
ncws1rn1wr cl1pp1n,l!'s ahoul th1• 1h1•ir pcncn .1nd qui et h111 al th e
her.I(, Unh (Juin1ilrnni. ,111 d IJrian fn,whh1111ni,: in 11s rcJ li sm
s,1 11w lime 1he~ will p roh,1hlv i,
W,1H.. 1•r h, m11w r ,1,,.i, on 1hP i.l'I ,
" ll"i- ,1 hc,rnllfulh wrill Pn phn : ·
llr \\'1•s1 nf tht• Bmlo~, IJPJlilrl • riu11t• a
mosqmto l11lf''I \laybe
m,•nt r11mm,1ncl,•1•11•tl ,1 hnu,I' 1h,·, "lhoulrl nsk the sc.honls prt>•
K,c.\'Jn Spfltlirn,• ,111d Palh Slf•lln r-.. 1!. o F,•,wnd,•r rt•ma rks . " ,mrl 11 s
un,• ul rh,· f,.\, lh,11 ,h11\\S \\OlllPn
1r,11l, r 111 ),l1v1• ,1 solul p1•rm,111er:, In nwtl dt"l),lflllltJlll In )lU ., Jun~.
t. 1111(1.11 on CUSIU IIIP S, ,IIHl Ron
Cn,11wn M
~c11:h1•s li;zh11n~ ,111',tn)!I' · 1;,,1li,1H;,1lh . ,1~ i.nrn1·th111i: nrnr"
Coh~1.011k .\n111h1•1 1r,11 l1•r \, .,~
1111•111, E,ii:h ...r,·,1d1h p11r,11,,.., 1h,t11 mulh;·t -. ,t!HI hu1 1,1'\\ J\ , ,.., ·•

cobscook: bay

a tllrivi~ community






tUtllll).!\ \\1111 1n1n,11,1 .. ,•u 1111• .,, .. 1 10
,11 ,n·., of 1h1• pro•,;;;,•n! -Ill ,11 r" -.1'-!h t
,tnd don,11,•d 11 ,innn\ muu-.h In 1h1 1

I h,· h,1 \ 1111: ,1 I ,•cl 111'1\\ ''I'll
h1,1., ,,ml b1,11 ,nr 1 1,•mp11•1I ,md
f1n,1lh 1rnp1wd ~uffnlk \,11h ,ts tufal
flw 111 ,1 111111., nf .!II 1,,,.1 wh ich 1s lhC'
h 11.!h••,1 .1n ch,• 1:onl1ncntal l lmt etl
lit ,111 •,
,.,, ,•p t -~1.,.,k,1
I tu-. m,1r111,· l11nlni,u-.1 <t C..t rdPn nf
l'.rl ,·n \\,.., fnrm,,rl, 11\\nf'd II\ ,I
,l11t\n-h,111w-\l ,11n,•1 l.,•slf•r Sf'f•l1•,
S,•,·I•·\., l,1m1I\ ,,v.,w1I th,· prrlperl ~
fur !.!,·n,•r,1111111, Jp-.1,•r nul nnh
rn,td,· ,1 ni r.P Intl" prof II off nf tht•
1:1111! h111 1,uult•rl fur h1msf'lf ""
\\I'll . , I \ 1• ,v -ru11nd pm,1t111n ,11>
r ,1r1•1,1k,•r S,•,·I"\ hulldozNI ., ru,1tl
throu~h th•• quai,1m1rr•s. \\'A ils 11!
1n•1•-. ,tnit 1,1n_wlt!d und,•rh ru sh ll1 r: k
Jon,•s. D1n•r:lor of i\nh 1ves al Suffolk. prnmptl~ narnt>d !he 1w1stecl
p,lllma\ ·1 h,• l.rsl,.r S1•elP~ ll lvd
June!'o r emt'mhiir-. with fond
,1ffl"i:tion 1lw unl e al'i lhf' un,1,nnal
... .-11lt•ri. 1•x111•r1enl.tHI Ten,~. s l1 •cp111~ hM_ws, ,rnd dw,·rful up111111 sm
wcrr tht• nnh tools ,l\:adah lc to thP
111l,11rims Dr \,\'est \\,IS 1he smJ,1l e
tlr1\'111~ fun.1• 1n 1h,• PSlahhshmcnl
of Cnhscon k:· Junrs -.a 11I .i s he rurnm,1~1~d lhrml),!h his lrt',IS\l fr'\ or nlil
phuro,11r,1ph!<o hlu ,• pri nl s and
'.:;•,~~.)''1pt•r d 1pp1n,11, ,t hou! thi>




Them Is a lol of ha ckRr ounrl co nstruc llu;'; worlr; th a t aud~c!1ce1 don 'I set

'Tlw 11lt 1m,11t• fl''ip11ns1l11l1h l1P!<o
\\ 1th 1h,• s tud1•r1l!-o .' J,11 :k \V ,•rnt •r,
tr•t. ttn11 ,ii d1 r 1•1.1 11 1 tl es 11,1n,· r 1•xpl,11f1s, ·· ,11HI lhP\ l,1kt• 11 upnn
llh'mst•l \'cs 111 s1•1• rh,11 ,·H•n 1h111),l
),ll'ls drnw ·

lhtJ aud 1tur1um . th••


,111111.ahl\ tl1s c 11ss1!s pr u hl1•m s ,md
collah11r,1lt<!<o nn pn11l1u:111rn ll•chru u 1h1 11"• Eilwm Burns ,rnd lltl l
ltr,uly PXpcrimf'nl wtl h so1111rl ,111d
work 111 fl\ tirc;nm ,• 111.11l .. 1111,1u1•!'o
KP\ Ill C:r1111rn1sk1•\. I.\ nn, • ( :uldhf'l"J.: . Huh lJu11111h,1111. ,ind ll n,111
\\',ilk ,•1 h,111\lllt'I ,t\\, I\ 1111 lllf' ..... ,
1\.1•\ m Spdl,111,• ,11111 P,1t1 \ St1•ll,1
.nnf;•r 0 11 1. us t11t11,•s. ,111d Hi,n
I :Pr,11w11 ,. 1,. ,, rd1,..., II Mh lrn ).! ,11 I ,Hll.!•'
l·'..11 L ,1,•,11ld, p111 .,11,,.,

r,•m1,11n111),! ,.,,lf-t•!<ol1•1•m. ,ind she has
101,dl, )ll\'1•n 1111 on lif,. Of fwr two
11•1•11,1~ed rlau,:?htns , k111h is m,•nlalh un!<ol,dd t•_ and Tdlu• 11> Pnc losPd
\\1 lhin h1•r 11\\fl ..1.1, •n1 1f u , \\nrlil
I lw1r la\,f 'i ...-,, f11rth,·r h11rd1 •11 ,•cl h~
1lw pr1•!-,1•n11• nf :-.; ,,rm , , ,1 ,·,•n nld
l111, 1rd1 •r 11111 Inn fondh rl'ff' ttl'd 1
,,s ·rt\l' , orp"'· · T1il11• .. ,1\\,1rd\,11m111).! ,•,1wn11wnr 1m !Ill' t• H f!c li.
nf th,· 1•xp11,.11r;• of diff t' flllJ/ d1•1.irf•es
of 1,ul,.,1111111 un !hr.-,• ,f't!'i of
11l,Lt1 .1,! 11ltl-. ,1•!, off ,1 ~1t.l1• 11-.i,t 1.!o
111~hl•'lllll): 111 1t, rt•,111:-.rn
·11 !', ,, llt',nllifulh \\flll, •n pl. I\
\I., l-,,..,.,,,1111,•r rt•m,1r k~
,11111 11,;
th, · !,·\, 1h,11 ,h11\\ \\1 1111,•11
1,•,d1,t11 ,dh
,..., .,0111..rhiru.! 111,111•

• 111•• 11!

1h ,11 , m11 1h ,• 1, ,nd huu-..•H


11/ \\.,,1 of th ,• Bmln'-!, l)1•11,1r1 m,•n f , nmm,1ncl,•,•1,•d ,t h11t1"' '
11,11\,•1 hi ~l \ l' •• ,11]111 p,·rm,111,•1.\ 111

t 1il.-.111,,k



Ul.t l lflll \\ill> PmplU\tm Ill 11\f' con... 1r111 11nn 1 h1-. not nn h hols1ered
u m1m11ni1, rr-la 11ons liu l saved !he
I 111, en11I} ,1 imhs1an 1ial amounl o r
mnnt>} in lahur . The huildin~s· cos1
1-. in lhP area of $40,000
Tht• trailers arf' now nld and
1,111t•r1•d ~ m e nft,, collaMeS ha ve
s1111;1• been, ddded Rcce nth . a lea
roum \\85 ,1cquired a nd with ii a bl!
of no1
orn•1, J1. see ms I hat Eleanor
Rno-.,•\·1•lt nnn• s1ppt>d £ea there
whd1• her hushctnd. Franklin.
m,1-.11•rmmrled lhP nalmn.
Suffolk is nol rhe naly school m, nh Pd 111 this pro1ect A consortium
of n11w rtlso parhc1pa1e. including.
SI Ansl1•m ·s Colle.we.; ~It. Saini
\ l .ir, ..,
R1ner Cn ll+·~e: Kef'ne
S!.i!t•. P l~ m ou lh S1alP; Ne\\
En)!l,rnd Co ll e ,i.:e : Un1 ve rsi1v o f
:-,.;,," Hampshire . and Frariklln
Pu•n•• ThP ,i.:roup is und e r th e
ausp1cf's of the Marin e Scien ce
Comm111,•r nr the :'Jew Hampshire
Cnl11•l!t> rtnd I l111vers11v Council
'IILl L \, 1II ht> h ulli ed out of
Cohscook 0 ,1\ 1h1s summer when
Suffnlk·s Spn~ish pruHrJm moves in
for , 1 twn wee k sla~ They were
look 1n,R for a place ,,here 11 is quiet
and when• 1he~ ca n ji!O relativelr
unmolrslf•d lo speak nn l~ m lht!.
Sp,m1sh \ t•nar:ular Thf',• will ~el
1tw1r pP,lt 1• ,incl 411w1 hut at the
.,, ,m,· lrnlt' thti, w ill prnh,1h ly ,Rel
q1111,• ,1 fP\\ mosquito 11111•, \ 1,1\hf'
th ,·, -.hnulrl a!'II... 1h1 1 sLhnols ptt••
rn:-d tlt--p, 1rtmt•111 111 )!u ,dunµ .



\ \ , l'•

I\ .. ,


Suffol k Jou rn al

Page a



- - - - - - - - -sports - - - - - -- - Rally Falls Short;
ingham Clips Rams
hy Joe Reppucci
1 ninth inning ru ll y b~ 1hc Suf\
fol k Univc rsi lv lrnseba ll 11:am fell
s hort. nnd resl;ltod in a 7•6 clefeol a l
the hand s or Fromi ntiham S1a1e. lnsl
Err~rs we re II key faclor in the
!lame wilh each team comm itling
s ix mis c u es. Suffolk manager
Thomas Walsh's eva lu olion of 1he
game• was , "We beat ourse lves
because of e rrors."
The Rams got on the scor eboa rd
fir11t In the second inning. The
Rams' ca tc he r Lorr y Va n Stry. who
reached base on a fielders choice.
even lu oll y ca me arou nd to scor e hy
s tealing home.
Framingham S late re la lia ted in
th e bonom half or 1he second , when
they ju mped on the Rams ' sla rll ng
pitch e r Jim Byrne for fiv e runs on
three hits. Byrn e ca nnot be he ld at
fau ll . howeve r. because three of th e
Orsi Framingham ball e rs roached
base il!I II resu lt or e rrors . This put
Byrne in o Jom he couldn 'I ma nose
to s lru~l e nut or.
The third lnnin14 saw the clubs excha nge runs . Cente r-fi eld e r Celeste
smashed a doubl e which scored
Phil Tarallo, who h ad reached base
on a walk . for the Rams' scor e.
Frnminghnm 1a ll ied th e ir run on a
solo hum c run b y duslgnawd hiller

Ovrne co mplt'lod his pl1 c hin~
c ho~es fur tht: dny in the fourth in nin.w and FramlnMhnm a lso cn m•pl e 111d thuir sr.orin~ . Calrhn 1.vnch


lf'rl off 1hc bottom of the inning with
a rloublt:t a nd evc nrually came
around to son re. largely due to o
miscue by Rams' s hortstop Skarn.
This mnde th e score 7-2 in favor of
Frami ngham .
In the rihh inninM , Imharo ca me
on for th e Ra ms and put on a fine
pllching pe rfor m ance. H e held
State sco reless on one hl1 fo r the
rest or 1he co nt est.
The Rams closed 1he gap 10 7-3 in
the seve nlh inning. Back to back
si ngl es by Celes l e and Bill
Ca mbe ll . a long wilh o double' by
Larry Va n Stry accounted for the
run .
Suffolk rlnnll y got to Fromingh;\m
slarling pit cher S latkovitz In th e
ninth inning. A C!:a mbe ll double.
three walks , a State error and
Foltc h sing le cut 1he lead 1 one. On
top or 1his. the Ra ms had the base•
loaded with one man out. Siggins,
who was now hurlln~ for Stal e,
bore down a nd gol Buha y lo pop oul
to s h orU l op a nd Celeste to
harml ess ly ground oul to Oral base.
The de rea1 was a tough o ne for
the Ra ms, especia ll y si nr.e th,; y had
a good shot a t pulling lhe game ou t
in th e ninth . onlv 10 have their rally
fall ~hort in the e 11d. There were
some brig ht spots for the Ram s,
howeve r. lmba ro's pitching performal)Co wns e nco uraging, and th e
11t rong hilling or Ce leste , Cnmbell.
anct Vnn Stry was Impressive . The
Rams· ri•co rct now sta nds a t 0-3•1.




Sieve Achin of the Lamb, rac.- to flnt bue with the baJl for the Jut out of
the Inning, H teammate Paul Oanlelt loob on..

Ski and Outing Club

The Future Looks Bright
b y Joe Reppucci
The Suffolk University Sk i and
Ou ling Glub Is an organization that
ia ha vi ng the same problem that
most gr oups have in !his school.
This problem is tryi ng to create s1uden1 in1erest.'
The Ski and Outilll! Club ha,
many things to o r ~er Suffolk
studen ts. but ve r y few actuall y lake
udva nt age or them . Nu merous ski
and ca mping trip• ha ve been

o£fered this year and the studenllt
who have taken advanta,e ol them
have had I good time, according to
vice~presidenl Richard Afrl ktan.
Most of the l r lps are fo ,
weekendl. but there have been
some week long ones. The ski trip•
were held at reaorll in New
Hampshire and Vermont. Sluilenta
a r e o£fered reduced rate1 for the
renlal of equipment , thal ia, if they
don ' t have their own and are forced
10 re nt it, and the coat of skllft$
Itself .
The ou ting phase of the or1anba•
tio n is buil d ing. So far this spring,
there have been trips to Mount
Webster. Mount Monednock. and

the Blue HIiis. One of the bis advantages of the club Is that student•
are supplied with equipment on
th ..... nutinm if thav need i

There h a lol of lutck~rounrl co1111rncllon '-'Or~ lhat a·udi e nces don 't see .
J'h,· 11 111111 ,1!1• r,·,po11,il11l11, 11,•,
\\ 11h 11,,, ,iud,•111,
l,11.~ \\ , ,, rwr
11•1 h1111 ,ti d11 ,. , tin d1•s1,l,!1wr , .....

p l.1111,
,,nd th,,, t,1k1• II upnn
th,·m, ,· h ,•:, lo M't' th,11 "' t-n 1h1n)-!


d u n +·

1h 1• ,1 111!11uru1111. lh1• 1 r,,,,
d1•u.1 1~:, 1•s prohl,•m :. ,ind

,111111 ,11,1 ,

1;11 IL1 h11 r,11 ,. , 1111 prrnlt11·11 on 11•1 .h
n11 ,11111,,,
Eilt·Pn Hurns ,ind 1h 11

Cr,uh ,•-..:p1• r1111rnt w11h °'nuncl ,ind
,,nr~ 111 '" 11ri;111n" 111 ,1d ,•q11,1111• !-,
K,•,111 C:111111111,; k,· , 1.,,m,· 1;11ldh1•rJ.1 Bnh l.J1111111li,1111 .u1d lln ,111
\\,il~••1 h,11111111•1 ,1\\, 1\ un 1h1• ,1•1
.._, ., rn Spdl,rn,· .111.i P.1
11, sr .. 11.,
1111 ,. 0,111111,•,; , .ind !~1111
1;,.,,111,•11 'l ~• •lt h,•, l1~h llll)-! ,111, 111 1!1'
c11nl ,•1


1:, 1,



pur .. 111·.,

.., ,1f.,,,r,•1•m. ,ind ,;hl.' h,1,
1.. 1,ill, 1,11,,•n 11p nn hf,, {Jf twr ''"'
t1• .. n, ,,,wt1 d,111)-!hl •' r!', ~111h 1~ m, ·nr,ilh un,t,,hl,• ,nu l Till! ,• 1, 1•111 ln-.i•d
\\1111111 lll'r 11,,11 -.r 1,•n11fu ,,nrld
I h,•11 11,,•, .11,• f11r 1h,·r l1111d,•1wd In
rh,• pr ,•, ,•nc •• nf :\,in n, ,t ,.,.t\ uli l
1111,,rd , •r 1101 Inn f,rnd h t••fPrr1•d tu
1h,· 1 111p,1·
T1il1t· , ,I\\ ,1n l " 1nnu1~ ,•,p,•nm,•nl on 1h,· 1•ffr•r , ,.
of lh,, 1
•xpn,11rP of dtrf1•nn,1,1 d1•,1,1t1•1•,
11! r ,11 11 ,1111111 on 1hr1•1• -.i•I~ n f
m,1t1),111l d , ",1, ofl ,1 tli•h,11.11• th,11 1.,

m 11\ r ,·, ilo, m
11, , 1 h,•,11111f11/I, ,,r111,•n °pl.1,
l·,•.,.,••nrl,•1 1,•111,trk,
,,nd 11,
1111•· ,,I 1h,· t,,,, lh,11 .. 1111\\:. \\HIIH'll
1,•,W1,111 ,dh ,1, -.,nn,·t h inl! 111nn1•

lrt'''' ,ind 1,rn1o1i,•d 11nd,•rhrush Du:k
jun,.,. 1)11 1•1 Im n f t\rr:hl\1' .!I J I Suf folk prump1h nt1nwd th1• 1w1s1ecl
p,llh\\,I\ "l h, • I.P\l'"r S1•t'l1 Hl\"d
Ju1w, r, •m,• m lH•r<; " 11 h fund
,1ff,•1 llon th,· nn\,•,1ls lhi> nn,1.!ln,11
..,,ul,·r, ,-,i,:p,•t11•n1.,•d T1•nt,;,_ sl,•ep111i: l,,1,1,1s ,md ch.-.i •rful 11p1in11<;m
wn•• th t'• onh lnill!> ,t\ ,1,l,1t,\., 1n thP
pal~runs •· !Jr Wrst w,1s 1h,-, 'itn),lle
dt1\1n,1,1 fnri ,, 111 th•• f'Sl,1li l1sh m,•n1
of <,:olisumk lunf',;, ,,11 d ,t<; lu• rum111,IJ,!l'd 1hro11)-!h tu, 1r,·,i-.ur1•, of nlrl
ph111u,1,1 r ,q1h,
hl11 , •11r1 n 1~
n,·\\,p,1p,•r d1pp111,1,1, ,1h11111 th,•

h1i:h1,•n 111),l





u ,1-.,'\\ 1\ , •.,

llr \\1•,1 nl th,· B1 t1lu)rl, lh•11,1rt
I um1\f",1111l,•,•1 ,·d
,, huu,,


11,111,·r 111 L/1\•' ,1 ,uh,! p,·rrn,1n1••, t,
I ·11 1, ... , .. ,.1;


l t ,1d,•1

En11l,1n d Coll ,·J.: c. Univen11~ o r
'''" Hampshire . and r· rankl1n
Pu•rr ,. Thf' ~roup l!'I under 1he
,1w, p of th e MarinP Srie nce

1:nm m11t1•1• nr 1he :-..:Pw H1t mpsh1rr
C:ollf'I,!•• ..incl t tn1vi>rsll\ Council
,llt.l 1, "ill h1· hu lherl 0111 nf
1:ohscook D,1, this mer \\ hPn
S11rfnlk's Sp:1~ish 1>ru)( m O\t-is m
fnr ,1 two we8 k s1a, The\ were
loukin,1,1 fo r a wfwre 11 ;s qu 1e1
,ind whnt' thf'\ c;,in i,:n relalive l}
11nnmli•st1•d lo °'pe,1k on l~ m thi>
!-ip,1111,h , ••n, Th,,, " ill ,1,1 P1
1lw1r pr,11 ,. ,111rl 1111 i1•1 hu r ,11 rhP
,.1111,• 11n11· thi•, \\1II pruh,1hl, _woel
qmr ,· ,, f.,\\ mu,qutlo 1111,,, \ l ,1\hr

rh, ,,

.. hmdil ,1<;~ 1h1 • ,, huo l,- 11r1•-

1n,•d ,h•p,1r1rn1•n1 lb l!ll


1, , ...

- - - - - - - -sports - - - - - - - Raliy Falls Short;
Framingham Clips Rams
hy°'Joe Re ppu cci
A ninlh innin~ r,111) b~ the Sur folk Uni vcrsilv bai.1?ba ll tea m re ll
shorl. nnd rcsu.ll cd inn 7-6 defeat M
the hands ur r·rnminJthnm S1111P , lasl
Friclo r,

Errors were a key f aclo r in the
i,:amc with each team commillinM
s ix mis cues . SuUolk mana1ter
Thomas Walsh's evaluation of the
JlflmC wns, "We benl ourse lve1
because of errors."
The Rams got on lhe sco reboard
firsl In !he second inning. The
Rams' ca tc he r Larry Van Stry , who
reached base on a fielders choice,
eve ntually came around lo score by
slealing homt! .
Frnmingham Stare rctalia1ed in
the bollom half of the second, when
they jumped on th e Rams' starting
pitcher Jim Byrne for five runs on
three hits . Byrn e cannol be held at
fauh , however. because three of 1he
first Framingham ballers reach ed
bnsu us a rnsu h or e rrors . This put
B}•rne in a jam he couldn't mannge
lo struggle out of.

The third lnninM saw 1he clubs exc hange runs . Genter-fielder Celeste
smai,hcd a double which scored
Phil Tarnllo. who had reached bosc
on a walk , for th e Rams ' score.
Framingham tallied th eir run on a
so ln home run by de11Mnatccl hitter


co mplotorl hi~ plt r.hln~
chores for th e dny In 1hc fourlh lnmn~ .incl FraminRham also r.o mplewri 1twir sr.o rin1l Cntch..r l.ynrh

lf•d off lh e bollom of the innm~ with
a duuble nnd O\' tmtuall y ca me
around lo score . largel y due 10 n
miscu e hr Rams ' shorlstop Skarn.
This made th e score 7-2 in favor of
In the fihh innin~ . lmbaro came
on for 1he Ra ms and pul on a fine
pilchlng performance . He held
Stale scoreless on one hil for the
rest of the contest
The Rams closed 1he gap lo 7-3 In the seventh inning. Back to back
singles by Ce lesle and Bill
Cambell. along with a double by
Larry Van S1 ry accoun ted for the
run .
Suffolk finally got to FraminghatJt Sie ve Achin of 1he Lambe racet lo flnl hue with the ball for the Int out of
slarting pitcher Sla1kavilz in the
ninth inning. A Cambell double, the Inning, u teammate Paul Ditnleb looks on.
three wa lks , B State error and
Follch single-cul rhe lead to one . On Ski and Outing Club
top of 1his. the Rams had the bases
loaded with one man oul. Siggins,
who was now hurling fo Slate ,
bore down and gol Buhay lo pop out
1n shor1s1op and Celeste lo
offe r~d this year and the stud ents
by Joe Reppuc,:I
harmlessly ground out to firsl base.
The Suffolk University Sid and who have taken advantage ol them
The defeal was a tough one for
have had a good time, accordin, to
Outing Club i.s an organizalion that
the Rams, especially since thqy had
vice-presidenl Rich ard Afriklan.
a good shot al pulling the game out is having the same problem that
Masi of the tri p s a r e £or
most groups have in this school.
in the ninlh. only to have 1helr rally,
weekends, bul there have been
fall ~hort in !he end. There were This problem is trying 10 create stu- some week long ones. The ski trips
somt.l brlghl !pots fur the Rams, d nt interest.
were he ld al resor ls in New
The Ski and Outing Club has Hampshire and Vermont. Stude nta
however. lmbaro's pitching performance was e ncouragi ng , and the many things to of(er Suffolk are offered reduced ra lea fo r the
slrnng hitting of Ce lest e, Cambell. studenls. but very few actually lake rental of equifl,menl, that is, if they
and Van Stry was impressive. The advantage of them, Numerous ski don't have their own and are forced
Rams ' rec.ore! n0\Oi' stands al 0-3-1. and camping trips have been to renl ii. and the coat of skiint
itself .
The oulins phase of the organization ls building. So far this spring.
there have been trips lo Mounl
Webster. Mount Monadnock, and



The Future Looks Bright

the Blue Hills. One ol the big advantages of the club is thal studen ts
are supplied with equipment on'
these ouling., If they need it . These
ou1ings consisl of camping, mounlam climbing, and the erijoymenl
thal nature has to offer.
The student ' s obligation is
minimal. He is expected to 1a ke
care of any equipmenl loaned or
rented to him .
Despite the problem or creating
student in1erest , Arrikian sees a
bright future ahead . He believes
that Interest can be stimulated
through proper advertising and the
howing or films. "The club Is
derlnilely building. We've gol a
,tood ground . We' ve golleD more
equipment and have that to orrer.
Next year we hope 10 have trips
every weekend . We are recognized
by 1he SCA and are gelling finan•

surlolk Jou?'al

Page I

AprU lf, 1171

- - - - - ~ -- 'Sports - - - - - - -- -

Rally Falls Short;
ingham Clips ~ams
hy Joe Re ppucci
A nin lh inninM 1,ill) h~ t~H' Suf ..
folk llnivc rsil\ haimhnll lmun frll
shorl. and rcsu.llcd in a 7-6 dcft•at ill
tht> hands uf Framin),lham S1a1e. last
Errors we re fl key factor in 1he
)ta me with each tea m commill ing
si x mi!lcues . Suffolk mana,1ter
Tho mas Walsh'9 eva luation of the
,1tilme \\'as. ''We beat ourse lves
hecau!lc of e rrors ."
Tho Rams go l on lhe 'scoreboard
first In Lhc second inning. The
Ra ms ' ca lch e r Larry Van Stry. who
r eached ba se on n rield e rs choice.
e ve ntu all y ca me around to sco re hy
s tealing homl? .
Frami ngham ~ale retaliated in
th e bo tlom ha lf of th e second , when
t~y jumped on the Rams" s1ar1inM
1:he r Jim Byrne for fi ve runs on
three hits . Byrn e ca nnot be he lct ot
£au It , howeve r , because three of the
fir~I Framingham batters reached
base ns a rr.sull of er rors. This 1
B)'rne in a ja m he co uldn 'f mana ge
to struggle out nf.
The th ird inninH saw lhe clubs exchn nJiCC runs . Geni e r-fi e lder Celest e
s mas hed a dou bl e which !!Cored
Phil T a rnll o, w ho had reached base
on a walk . for 1hc Ra ms' 8core.
Frn mingh am talli f' d !hei r run on a
solo home ru n by dcsltcna tcd hiller
t:asn h
ll yr1w co mplc1ctl his pil c h in),I
c hores for 1he dny in the four1h innin,11 and FraminjCham nlso r.o mp lc tNI 1h1•i r sr.o rin,11 Ca1r.hf•r 1.vnrh

\, •d 11H 1hc ho ll om nf lhe mmn)( \\l}h
:1 double and cv1in tunlh ca ftle
around to~re , latgely ciue
miscue by Rams· sho rtsl op Ska .
This ma<)e the score 7-2 in favo of
In th1? fifth inn injC. lm bnro ca me
on fu r 1he Rams a nd pu l on a fine
pit c h ing pe rf ormance. He held
Slate scoreless on one hit for the
rest of 1hc cont est.
The Rams closed the ~ap to 7-3 in
the sev nth inning . Back to back
si n gles b y Celesle a n d Bill
Ca mbell , a lonp with a double by
Larry Va n Str y account ed for the


Su ff olk fin a ll y got 10 Fra mingham
sta rting pitche r Slatkavitz In th e
ni nth in ning. A Ca mbe ll double,
three walks. n Stale e rror and
Folt ch s ingl e cu l th e lea d to one. O n
1op of th i5 , the Rams had 1he bases
loaded with one ma n ou t. Siggln5 ,
who was now hurling for Stale.
bore down a nd got Buha y to pop oul
to s h o rt s top a nd Ce l e ste to
ha rml essly ground out 10 first base
The d efeat wa5 a laugh one for
th e Ra ms. especia ll y 5ince lht;y had
a good s hot at pull ing lh e game oul
in the ninth . only to have their rally
fa ll short in th e end . Th ere we r e
some brigh t spo l5 for the Rams ,
however . lmb a ro'5 pitching perform,mcc was e nco uragi llg, and 1he
s trong hilting of Ce le5te. Ca mbe ll.
an d Vrrn Stry was impressive . The
Ra m5' reco rd now s1and5 Al 0-3-t.



Steve Achin or e t racu lo nnt bue with the ball for the latt out of
the lnnln1, as !~ mm• Paui OanJel• loob on.

Ski and Outing Club

The Future Looks Bright

offered thb year and the students
The Suffolk University Sk i and who have la.ken advantage ol th em
O uting Club is an organizalion that have had a good lime , accordi ns to
is ha ving 1he same problem that -vice-president Richard Alrikta n.
Most of the t r ips ar e for
mos l groups have in this school.
This problem is trying fo c reate 5tu- weekends. but there have been
so me week long ones. The ski trips
dent 1nteres1.
were held at resorts in New
The Ski and Outing Club has Hampshire and Vermont. Students
m a n )' thing !! lo o f( er Suffolk are offered reduced rates for the
s tuden ts. but very few actually take · re nl al of equipmen t. that Is, if they
advan tage or th em . Numerou5 ski don't have their own a nd are fo rced
an~ ca mping trips h ave bee n to r e nt it. and the COIi of skiins
T he outins phue of the organization is building. So fa r this spr ing.
there have been tr ips to Moun t
Webster. Mounl Monadnock, and
th e Blu e Hills. One or the bis ad va nt ages of the club is that studen ts
arc s,upplled with equipmen t on
these outings if they need it. These
outi ngs consist of camping, mounla m climbing, a nd the enjoyment
that nature h as lo offer .
Th e 5lud ent ' s obligation is
minimal. H e is expected 10 take
ca re or any equl pme nl loaned or
re nted to him .
Despit e the proble m or creating
5ludent inte r es t, Afrikian sees a
b r igh t futur e a h ead . He believes
th at inte r e5l ca n b e stimulated
through proper advertising and the
~ haw ing of £ilm 5. "Th e club i5
definit ely building. We' ve xat a
jeOOd grou nd . We've gotten more
equipm e nt a nd have that lo offer .
Next yea r we hope to have trips
ever)' weekend . We a re recognized
b)• the SCA a nd are geltins finan Ski & Oulin3 C lub me mbers e njoy view from Ml. Ski & Outing Club memb,en take breather on c limb or
c ia l support from the Council of
Monadnock last Sunday. Next club trip will be to Mt. Ml. Monad_ ock last Sunday.
Photot by Ke n Kelly
Wa1 hin5lo,. wee ke nd of A rll 24.
Afrikian hopes to have a couple
or more trips by the e nd or thf!
se me5le r . The club is going to hold a
meeling on April 20lh, at 1:00 p.m .•
m Fenlon 338A. Future pla ns will
be discussed al th e m eeti ng , and
films will also be shown .
Th e next o.u tln8 will be on th e
weekend of April 24 . It will take
place al Mount Washin8ton . All lnteres1ed students should attend the
April 20th mee tin8 for furth e r
detoll5 abou t th e trip .
by Joe Reppucci

uffolk University Theatre presents Paul Zindel's

"The Effect of Gamma Rays on
Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"

Thursday April 221:00 pm
Friday April 23 7:30 pm
Saturday April 24 7:30 pm

Suffolk Auditorium Temple Street
free to Suffolk Community
50' admiBBion


Ap rtr11, 11'71

Suffo lk Journal

Page 8

- - - - -sp«;>rts - - - - -- Rally Falls Short;
Framingham Clips Rams

hy Joe Reppucci
A ninth mnm),l r,111} Ii~ 1h u.. Suffolk Unh.:crs1t\ hnsdrnll 11•,1m ft>II
,hurt , and rcsu.llccl m .t 7-6 clcfl'nt ,11
1h11 hands uf Framinj!hnrn S!Ate. inst
Errors were fl key f aci-ur in the
,.iame wilh each team r.ommillin~
sh miscues . Surfolk manaj11•r
Thomas Wal5h'5 evalualion of the
,wam e wns. "We benl ourselves
ilf!cnusc of errors ."
The Rams gal on the scoreboard
finll in the second inning. The
Rams' catcher Lar ry Van St ry, who
reached base on a fielders choice .•
evcnlually came arou nd 10 5core
slcn ling homtl .
Framingham S1a1e retaliated m
tho hollom half of the second. when
th ey jumped on the Rams' starling
pilchCr Jim Byrne for fivti run5 on
lhrec hits. Byrne cannut be helr1 al
foul!. however . f1ecause three of the
fiu" Frnmingham hal!Ns reacher!
base as a rc5ull of errors. This put
Byrne in n jam he cou ldn't man11jre
lo struKHli.: nut uf .
The thin.I innin,'! saw lhe clubs exchange runs . Cen1er-£iclder Celcsll'
smas hed a double which scored
Phil Tarallo, w ho had rcac:hed base
on a wa lk . for 'the Rams' score
Frumingham tallircl lheir run on a
~~:a~om1• run hy df!Sljt1H111•1l hitter




lt•rl off !he holl om nf th e mmn)l \,1th
,1 double and ll\'tJllt\lJll y camo
aruund _tu. score. largely , due to a
miscue hy Rnms · shortstop Skarn
Thi s mad e the score 7-2 in fa vor of
In 1he fiflh inninJil , lmbaro came
on for the Rams and pul on a tine
p11ching performance. H'e held
Slate scoreless on on"e hit for the
rest or lhe co ntest.
The Rams closed !he JilllP to 7-3 In
th,! seventh rnning . -Back to back
single! b y Celeste and B'ill
Cambell. along with a double y
Larry Van .SJry acl:fun1ed for he
Surfolk finall y got lo Framingttim
sta rling pilc,.her Slatkavitz in the
ninth inning. A Camhell double ,
throe walks. a S1a1e j?rror and
Fnltch single cut 1he lead ,o one On
rop of this. the Rams had the bases
loaded wilh one man out. Siggins.
who was now hurling for Slate.
bore down and gol Buhay to pop out
tn shortstop and Celesle 10
ham1lessl}' ground oul lo Urst base.
The defeal was a laugh one for
the Rams. especially since th~y had
a good shot al pullinJil the game out
in lhe ninth. onlv to have their rallv
foll .!! horl in 1h~ end . There wer~
some hr111ht spots ror the Rams.
however Imbaro's pitching performan ce was e nco uraging. and the
:oitnml( hinrng of Ce leste. Cnmbell.
and Van Stry was impressive. The
Roms· now slnnd:oi at 0·3·1



Sieve A.chin of 1he Lambt HC41 to flnt bue with the baJJ for the lut out of
lhe Inning, H leam.mate Paul Oanlels looks on.

Ski and Outing Club

The Future Looks Bright

offered th is · year and the 1tudenta:
who have taken ad.vantage ol them
have had a good time, acco lo
vice-president Richard Afrikt,n.
Most or 1he trip, are for
weekends. but there have been
some week long ones. The skJ trips
were held a l resorls in New
Hampshire a nd Vermont Student,
Brrrw comp lerutl lw, p11chm,w.
are oHered reduced rales for the
chores for lhu d n,y in thu fourth inrental of equ ipment. that Is, if they
nin,i ancl FraminJ! hnm ;il!!o r.o mdon't have their own and are forced
pleted 1h"ir scn rin,1,1 C, l.\'nrh
to rent ii. and the co,t of skiins
The ouling phHe of the organization is building. So far this spring,
there ha ve been trips to Mounl
•Webster, Mount Monadnock.. and
the Blu e Hills . One of the bis advantages of the club Is that students
are supplied with equipmen t on
these oulings if they need it. These
outing! con5ist or camping, mountarn climbing. and the enjoyment
1hat nature has to offer .
The s1udent ' s obligation is
minimal. He is expected to 1ake
ca re of any equipment loaned or
rented lo him .
Despite the problem of creating
s1uden1 interest. Afrikian sees a
bright fulure ahead . He believes
thal interest can be stimu lated
through p rope r advertising and !he
..showing of films . "T he club is
de£inilely building. We've got a
~ood ground . We've gotten more
equipment and have that lo oHer.
Nexl yea r we hope to have trips
every weekend . We are recognized
by the SCA a nd are gelling finanSid & Oullng Club members e njoy view from Ml . Ski & Ouling Club members lake bre8ther on climb of
cial support from the Council of
Presiden ls.··
: er~~ ~~~b lrlp will be to
Ml . Monad,nt>ck last Sunday.
Photo. by Ken Kell y
Afrikian hopes to have a couple
of more lrip4 by the end of the
semester. The club is going to hold a
meeling on April 20th, at 1:00 p.m ..
in Fenlon 338A. Future plans will
be discussed a1 the meeting. and
rilms will also be shown .
Th e next outing will be on the
weekend of April 24. It will 1ake
place a t Mount Washington . All interested students should allend the
April 20th meeting for furthe~
details about the trip.


by Joe Reppucci

The Su ff olk Unive rsity Ski and
Outi ng Club is an organization tltat
is havi'hg the .\same problem thal
mo51 groups t\_OVe ~ this school.
This problem is rying o create student 1ntcre111.
The Ski and Oultn Club has
man y 1hings to o((er Suffolk
students. t?ut very few actually take
advantage of them . Nu merous ski
and ca mping trips have been


uffolk University Theatre presents Paul Zindel's

"The Effect of G.amma Rays on
Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"

Thursday April 221:00 pm
Friday April 23 7:30 pm
Saturday April 24 7:30 pm

April 18, 1171

Suffolk Auditorium Temple Street
free to Suffolk Community
so• admission

Suffolk Journal



Wizards Seek

R.tmS r.atche r Larry Van S tr y. who
n•ncherl lmse on a fielder~ r:ho1cr
rvcnlually ca m e Around to scorf' h~
~l tmlin,i;i hom e
Frnmm,cham Stale rr laha tecl in
lh l• hollom half of the !lf'Cond. when
1he~· 111mpcd nn !ht! Ram!I· slartm~
pit cher l1m Oyrne for h vt• runs on
lhretl h1ls. O}rne c Annol he helrl ;11
fault , howe,•c r. hecausf? thrPf' n f th P

finl Frnmin,i;iham ba11rn rea chP(1
hase as fl rnsu h of errnn This put
B)•rn1i 1n a 1am he co uldn ' I mona,we
111 slrnKH lc nut n f

The third innm,w sa\'\' 1he clubs ex • nMC runs Cent e r-fi eld er Cele ste

1unastwd a double which !!co red

Phil Tara ll o. who had reached hase
on a walk , for the Rams' score
Frumin~h nm 1nlliti1i their run on n
solo homt• run II\ dm11,wn111r\l 1'1 111 cr

lh riw c:nm plf'tl'd t11.!1 p111. h1n)l
1 hurcs



for th,• dn~ m lhf' fo urth m n111,w ,11111 FraminJtham .1 lc;n , nm plt•IPd 1t11•ir sr:nnnjo! C,1
tdwr I.\ nrh

Ca;be ll. alon,w with a doub le by
1..trr} Van Stry accou nl ed for the
Suffolk finnlly ~nl tn Fl'aminji!h am
starllll,I( p11cher Sla1kav1tz m !he Steve Achin of the Lambt racn to finl hue wtth the ball for the IHI aut of
ninth inn111Jil A Cambe ll rlouble . the Inning, H teammate Paul Daniela looks on.
thrnc w11 lk s. a Stale e rro r and
Fnllch single cul the lead to one On Ski and Outing Club
111p of this . the Rams had the base,
loaded wit h one man ou l Siggins.
who was now hurling fo r Statf',
burn down and gut BuhaY to pop oul
In shorls lo p and Celes t e 10
by-Joe Reppucci
oHered this year and the student.a
harml~ss ly Kround ou l to firs t base
who have 1aken advantage.of' them
The de fea t was a laugh o ne for
T he Suffolk Unive rsity Ski and
have had a· good lime, accordin1 to
lht> Ra,n 8 • ospecinil y si nce tht}y had Ouli nlJ Club u an organizallon that
vice-preaident Richard Afrikian.
, 1 j,{Ood shot a t pullinp the ~nme oul
11 havi ng lhe sa me problem thal
M ost o f the trip1 are for
mqft groupit have m this school
111 th e nmlh . onl y to have ih eir rally
weekends. bul there have been
fall !!hor! in the e nrl There werP This problem is tryi n,'I lo r.real e S IU·
some week long ones. The ski !rips
su m~ h riHhl spols ro~ 1he Rams . .., den I Interest
we're held at resorts in 'N ew
h,mrvcr ·1mbaro's pitc hihg perforThe Ski and Outing Club has Hampsh ire and Vermont. Shldents
rn.1nc,• wa~ c ncouraRing: , and thf' man y thing s 10 or(e r Suffolk are oH ered reduced ralea for the
c;trnng hillinf( of, Celeste. Cambell
stude nt s. bul ve r y few acl uall y lake rental of eq uipment , that ls, If they
and \'an Sir~ was imp ressive The adva nl aMe of them Numerou s ska don't have their own and are forced
l{ .111l'I ' rPcord now !!lands al 0-J ... t
and c ampin.l( trips have been to r e nt ii. a nd the coal of skiing

The Future Looks Bright

Itse lf
T he ouli ng phase of the organizatio n is building. So far this spring.
there have been trips to Mounl
Webster . Mount Monadnock, and
1he Blu e Hills. One of the big adva nt ages of the club is 1hat sludenls
a re supplied with equipment on
these ouli na5 if !hey need it. These
ou1 ings consi st or camping, moun1ain climbing. and the enjoyment
!hat natu re has lo offer.
The s tud ent 's o b Ugalio n is
minim al. He is exp et ted lo la ke
ca re of any equipment loaned or
re nted loili m.
Despi te the problem or creating
s tude nt interest , A£rikian sees a
bright future ahead . He believes
tha1 intere-sl ca n be slimulated
through proper ad\'t; r lising and the
...s howi ng of fil ms. " Th e club is
definitely building. We've got a
Ji!OOd grou nd . We 've gouen more
equipment a nd have that to oHer.
Next yea r we hope lo have lrips
ev~ r y ,1-.•eekend . We are recogn ized
by the SCA and are gelling finanSid & Outing Club members enjoy view from Ml. Ski & Outing Club members lalc:e brealh er on climb of
cial supporl fro m the Council of
Monad nock lat! Sunday. Next club !rip will be to Mt. Ml . Monadnock lasl Sunday.
Pholot by 1'en 1'elly
WashlnJllon weeke nd of A rll 24 .
Afrikian hopes to have a couple
or mor e trips by the end of the
semester. Th e cl ub is going to hold a
meeting: on April 20th. al 1:00 p.m.,
1n Fen ton 338A. Future plans will
be discussed al lhe me eling. and
• films will also be shown .
Th e next ou ting will be on the
weeke nd or April 24 . It will 1ake
place at Mou nt Washington . All interested stude nts should allend the
Apri l 20th meeting for furth e r
de tails about the trip .


uffolk University Theatre presents Paul Zindel's

"The Effect of Gamma Rays on
Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"

hursday April 221:00 pm
riday April 23 7:30 pm
aturday April 24 7:30 pm


Suffolk Auditorium Temple Street
free to Suffolk Community
50• admission

Wizards Seek
Triple Cro'tVn
by Kevin Leen
Suffolk UniversUy's i.
10rtball program Sol underway on
April 6th with the larsesl number o(
teams (HI) 10 date, to so a.long with
some tremendou, lludent
The team favored 10 upset

derendlng champ.Ion TKE. the
Wizards. walloped !he Stiffs. 14-0.
Fran Maloney and Fred Waaet
blu1ed lowering home runs for the
winners. The Wizards ■ re seeking
an unprecedented triple crown of
the in1ramurals, having already
swept to the flag football and

ba,ketball champlon,hips.
In other action the Mattan ca~
from behind in the last lnnina 10
take a 10-9 decision from the 80110n
Masaacre. Another thrilllns oontesl
aaw the Loungera dump the
Ba'rgain, 1,-.12. in extra lnnlnp.
It was a tough week for Gamma
as th ey suHered two resoundin, ,
de£ea11. Della hammered Gamma,
24-1 , In 1helr first outtna as Tony
Perez tried to restrain hil powerful
fraternity without much 1ucceu.
Boston~ Mauacre ll'Ved up lo ita


u <c, ouo, auuu,





April 16, 1176


Wizards Seek
Triple Crown


by kevln Leen
Suffolk UoivenUy'1 il4:pmunl
10rtball p rogram got underway on
Aprll 6th wilh the laree11 nu mber of
tea.mi (Ht) to date, to go alon.g with
some tremendous student
The team favored lo upsel
defe'ndlne c h amplon TKE. the
Wizards, walloped the Sti ffs, 14--0.
Fran Ma loney and Fred Wageet
bluted lowering_ home runs for the
winne rs. The Wiza rd,
an unprecedented tri pl e crown of
the intramurals. havi ng alrea d1.
swep t to the flag fo otball and
~aa ketball championahip1.
In oth er action the Matters ca~
fro m behind in tbe lut inning to
1ake a 10-9 decision fro m the B01ton
Masaacre. Anot her thrfll ln1 conteat
uw the Loungers dump the
Bargain, 13--12 , in extra inn ings.
It was a tough week for .G amma
as they suffered two resound ins ,
defeatt. Delta hammered Gamma .
24- t , in th eir first ouflns as Tony
Perez tried to restrai n his powe rful
fraternity wi1hou1 much 1ucceu.
'Boston Massacre lrved u p to it•
name h)• poundin1 haple11 Gamma ,
26-5 , despite usinjl a slowd own
The Lambs. playing llawleMly
afield and exploding al the plate.
scored in every inning as they ove rpowered Hiatus. II should be mentioned 1hat Hiatus wa.s suffe ri ng
from the absence of ill two most
versatile players, Gerry Lamb a nd
fohn CUmmi ngs, who were unabl e
10 make 1he 1ame but promised lo
show up th is week and help tu rn
lh e tables the 01 her way for Hi atus.
In the finaJ co ntest of 1he week
the Wizards grabbed their second




Ph ili p Santoro of th e Lamb, (above ) talce1 a mi1hty cut at the ball , but d oe1n'I have any 1ucce11.(Bel owTfhe Lambs ' ;~~:;,
;;ea~,8~y 1
8~ ~~
Mike Ke lley bea t, out a grou nd ball. while the flrtt bateman Dave Delvecharlo _
Impatiently waits fo r the throw. straight heartbreaki ng loss the
Bones have suffered.

What Baseball is all About
by Ton y Fe rullo
Throu~h m y tra ve ls in and
aro uncl this e ndless . topsy-l ur\'C)'
b.tsohall worlrl In which we li ve.
th ere are <1uitP. 1 fow 1 ll y out lan!
dish occurcnces and personalities.
c irc;ulalin~ .ove rall, 1ha1 wo uld
s11npl) 1rrilalc- the mosl common
uhse rvrr of our so-ca ll ed ·· N111ional
Pns linw·· to nn rnd .
This sper.iflr. list \\ Ou ld un doublt>dh- ha \'f' to in clud t:
Idioti c· pcuple run nm~ onl o thv
p la~•in~ field
Th 11 ridiculous pric1•s .ii ,1II con ...
Cf:ssion slnnrls .
A halh:r who rouls nff 10 cu nsccu 11vt• pi1ch cs. and th en slrikes
11111 with the ha sos loaded.
J l.1 , I la' Thf> San DI CMO Pmlres .
Ballpla yers who do not co ns1an1l~
Pit chers 1ha1 call for 1he umpire
1 throw lhf'm a new hall. and lhen
wind up lhe \'icllm s or n mammolh
500-foo l shot OVP.r ovorything on
their \'NY nex t deli~•N)
Thv ;1 l,1 Man, Aruthe rs routine
pnp -up cn l.1s1rophe
1Jni£nrms worn hy th e Hou ston
Aslros .
Si~ns wh1r.h read. "Br tnll !lack
Ff'lhi IThc- C:11 1) Mantilla." - 'Tim
Se1111lt• Pil ots Wt?rc Num llf'r On e·•
,1n'd ··w,, l.nv(• Ai~ Ya, nr,:a,t ..
F:l"f1Vn1f ,1II sorts
Strraki•rs t In less of co urse. the~
111st h11p1H•n 10 be f'ilher Raf1ue l

\'\'e lch. Angie Dickinson. Olivia
Newton-John. Jennife r O'Neill or
Ches ly Morgan .
High :r1chonl and coll ege c:oac hes

TheJcurrent Fenway P ark
~.1in dela ys.
Ph ony altl• nd a ncc figures
Boring radio and te levis ion announcf'rs
Umpi r es who makf• c lear ly\'1cwcd . terrible 1uclgmenl guesses ,
and let 1hings gel \\ilclly out of
hand .
tJ nint clli Mcnl fans who vole for
1hc1r fa vorile ph1~ers: inslead of
the proven c,, lihl'c of iQil-lividuals 111
thal particular season tor the mid ' ca r All -Siar confron1a1ion.
· Okay, enough or th e ba nana-bead
seJ(men ls or th e diamond gam e .
I !1Jre are a few co llective h ighlighls
from one spor lswrlte r's speeding
1ypo- machino:,
Ca me winninli! and Mrnnd slam
ho nrn runs.
Doub le slea l5, preferabl y the
s wi11inij of hom e pl.1tc.
The lriplt! pl ay
Rookies .
Ca rhon 1-"isk. Lu is Tinn!. Fredd\'
Lynn , Jim Ri ce. D\\\ili<h~ Evans and
Ri ck Burleson .
The sight or w il nossinK a no-hiller
or ,,e rfect ~me

Box Seats.
Solid d efens iv e skills personifi ed.
The hit 1i1-nd run .
Cu rt Gowd) . Joe Garagi0la 8nd
Ton) Kuh ek.
Twi-nighl und double-headers .
Triples ' sliced up lhe alley.
Ope ning Day.
The 6-4-3 classical displa y lo
perf cct ion
, Johnny Be n ch . Nolan Ryan ,
ReH~ie Jackson . Bobby Bonds.
He nn Aaron . Broo ks Robinson .
Lou Brock, Cesar Cede no . Joe Rudi
and Bobb)1 Grich .
Super-Duper. every thing-ji!oes,
e lpc tronic score boa rd .

Ballpl ayers wh o give-their-all.
da y in and d ay out.
Souvenir hullons and posters of
1he immortal Don Domeier.
Walching Charlie 0 . Finl ey
wrestling his e nliro Oakland
Athletics co nlingen1 . In two-ou t-orthree falls.


· Elections
•, Tuesday, April 27
Rm . V-353
All members and
interested candidates are
urged to attend


CaU Us
We Can't Call You
Suffolk Universlcy
Oepinment of HC'Urity


Summer School
Students interested in taking
Interpersonal Relation s
(Psych . Services 1.3 or 1 .◄)
must have the instructors'
permission .

1st 6 week day session
- Dr. K. Garn i
2nd 6 week da y session
- Dr. V. Katzenstein
8 week evening sessio n

- Dr. J. MacVicar
Dept. of fsych·. SNillces
Archer 20

723-4700, ext. 226 .


............. ___ _
Wizards Seek
Triple Crown
by IC.evln Leen

Un~ver,Uy'1 lr4.Pmural
10f1ball program aot underway on
April 6th with the largest num.ber o(
te ams (18) to,date, to go along with
1ome trerrtendou1 11udent



Th e learn favored to upsel
d e fending- champ.ion TKE. the
Wizards, walloped . the Stiffs. 14-0;
Fran Maloney and Fred Wagget
blasted towering home runs for the
winne rs. The Wizards are aeektns
an unprecedented triple crown of
th e intra[l'.lurals. havins already
swept lo the flag football and
baaketball championahips.
In other action the Maltars ca"me
from behind in the last inning to
take a 10-9 decision from the 801ton
Musacre. Another thrtlllng contetl
saw the Lounger, dump the
Bargain. 13--12. in extra innings.
II was a laugh week for Gamma
as they sulfered two reaoundln1 ,
defHt1. Delta hammered Gamma,
24-1 , In 1heir nrst out1f13 as Tony
Pe re z tried to restrain his power(ul
rra1 e rnlly w i thout much succeu.
Bos to n MasHcre lrved up to it,
name h y pounding hapleu Gamrua.
26-5, detpit e uslnJI: a slowdown
o ffe nse .


The Lambs. playlns llawlguly

a£ield and exploding al Ihe plate,
sco red in every inning as they overpowere d Hiatus. should be men•
tio ned 1ha1 Hiatus was suHertna
£rom the absence or it. two most
v ersatile players , Gen)' Lamb and
John Cummings , who were unable
10 m a ke 1he game but pro"
mited to
show up this week and help turn
the tabl es the other way £or Hiatus .
In the final contest of lhe week
th e Wizards grabbed their second
victory of the year by edging the
Philip Sa'!!oro of the Lambs (above) takes a ml•hly cut al the ball, but doe1n ' I have any 1ucce11.(Below ~La'mbs' Bones. 12-10. It was the second
Mike Kelley be ■ II out a ground ball. while lh. first baseman Dave Oelvec harlo Impatiently wails for the throw. s traight heartbreaking loH the
Bones have suffered .


What Baseball is all About


b y Tony Fe rull o
Thr o u )il; h m~• t r ave ls in a nd
aro und 1his e ndl ess . 1o ps) •lu rvey
b,1soh11II wo rld in w hi c h we live,
1h ure a rc t1u i1 c a few lo tnll r 011 tlnn•
d ish ocrnren ccs a nd pe rso n a lit ies .
ci r c ul o lin,ll ove rall. that wo uld
s 1mpl} 1rril ah• th e mos t co mm o n
u bservf'r of o u r so -cn ll cd .. N at ion a l
Pas li m,• " 11 1 nu C' nd
Th is s p ec if ic: 11 s1 \\ Ou ld u nclo uh 1 •dlv h a\'c lo ind uch1
ld in ll c · peop le run n in,z o n to 1h u
pi ny in~ fi e ld
T h f' m li c ul u us i,riccs JI nll co ncess io n srnn ds .
A h nll c r w h n fo u ls o£f JO co nscr.11 11 \'H p it ch es . a n rl th e n sl rik e~
o ul \\ ilh the hnses loa il etl .
Hn , Ila! Th e Snn O icJ,1;0 Padres .
Ballp la ye rs w h o d o 110 1 conslnnt l~
Pi tc h ers !h at ca ll for th e ump irP
tu thrnw rhr.111 a n e w h nll , a ncl th e n
w ind 111> tlw'\·ic li ms o r a mam mo lh
son-foo l s h o l ovn evc ry1hrn11 un
1hci r w• n · ncx l cleli \'f' r\'
T h e ,1 "i..1 M nrx Rroll;c rs rouliTw
p;1p-11p cn rn s trn ph e
U n iform s wo rn hy th e Ho uston
As lroS.
Si,illl S wh u:h rcru l. .. Or1n11 Oack
Fe li x (Tlw C. al) Mantill a ," - .. Th.-.
S nalll t• Pil o ts We r e l'\'. u m h e r 0 111'"
,m·d .. w,, I.Mr Bi g Yn7 !!read ··
Er rnrs u r ,Iii sort s
Slrca kNs I lnlcss o r course. 1lw~
just hn p p <' n lo h e ei th er Ra q ue l


W elc h , Angi e 1'ickinso n , O livi a
Newto n-John . je nnHe r O' Neill or
C hesty Mo rga n
High !lch onl and co ll ege coach es

Th e c urr e nl
sco re bon rtl .

F e nwn r

P ark

R,tin d c ln\'s
Pho n} a tt Cncl il nCe fig u res
Boring rn c
lio and te lev is io n annnu ncrrs .
tJ mpir f's who m ak e cle arl yvic we cl , tor ri bl e Judgm e nt g uesses.
ancl le i 1h injlS get wi ld )~, out o r
hand .
I ln inl c li1MC nl fans \\•hn vote for
1hcir fal:u r l!e p la~ r rs : instea d o r
1he p r""e n cal ihl',• o f iQd ividu a ls m
that partic ul a r sonson '1hr lh'e mid\ car All -St a r confro nta ti on .
· Oka)', en o ugh or the banana-he ad
si:gmenl s o f th e diamond gam e .
I lore are o
coll ec tive highlights
fro m o n,e spo rtswrit e r's spe eding


type-ma chin e:
G om e w inninJC and grand slam
hn me runs.
Doubl e s tea ls . pr o£e r ah l y th e
swi pin~ ur ho m e pl a te .
The tripl e pla ~

Rooki es ,
Ca rlton Fisk . l.u is Tinnl , Fre dcl v
t.vnn , Jim Ri ce. O\'v,Mh ~ 8 va ns a nd
R·,c k Burl eso n.
T he sight o r wiln cssinM n no-h ill e r
o r pe rfc r: I ~am e


Dox Se als.

So li d d e f e n s i ve s kills p e r•
sonif 1ed
T h o h it and run .
Curt C o~,·d )' , loe Ca ragio la and
Ton} Ku bek.
Twi- niJi! hl and d ou bl e-h e ad e rs.
Tri p les sli ce d up th e all ey.
Ope n i ng Day.
T jw 6-4-3 classical di sp la y to
perfecti o n
Jo hnny Benc h . N olan Ry an ,
Regl{ie Jac kso n . Bo bb y Bonds .
I le nr ~ Aaro n. Brooks Robinson .
t ou Brock, CPsar Ced e no . Joe Rud i
nncl Bob b y Gri ch.
S u pe r-D u pe r . e\'c r y thing-goes,
c lcc lron ic sco reboa rd .
Ba llpl a) e rs w ho g ive- th ei r -all ,
dav in a nd d av o u t.
So u venir hu.110 ns and "post e rs or
th e imm o rta l Do n Oe m e te r ... ..,
\V at c hin 8 C h a rli e 0 . F i nl e y
w r esl lin ~ hi s e nl lre O a kland
A1 hl elics .con1inge n1 In 1wo-ou1-orth ree fa ll s.


Tuesday, April 27
t:00 PM

Rm. V-353

All members and
"interested candidates are
urged to attend

Call Us
We Can't Call You
Suffolk Un iversity
Department of Security



Summer School
Students interested in taking
Interpersona l Relati ons
(Psych. Services 1.3 or 1.4)
must have the instructors'
permission .
Contact :
1st 6 week da y session
- Dr. K. Garni
2nd 6 week da y session
- Dr. V. Katzenstein
8 week evening session
- Dr. J'. MacVicar
Depl. of fsych. Ser•ices

Archer 20
723-4700, ext. 226 .

Sullolk Journal

,\prll ti, 1'"








Bargain , 13-12, in extra innings.
11 WBI a toush week for Gamma
as they suffered two resounding ,
defeat,. Delta ham.mered Gamma,
24-1 . In their hnt out1n, H Tony
Perez lr1ed to restrain his powerful
fr aternily w11hou1 much 1ucceu. .
Boston Mi153acre lived up lo lt1
name by Pounding hapless Gamma.
Zfl•S . deapitl;:: uslnl( a slowdown
offense .

The Lamb,, playing llawleNly
afield and explodln3 at the plate,
scored in every Inning as they over;
powered Hiatus. II should be men•
1ioned that Hiatus was sufferi ng
from the absence or Ila two moil
versatile players. Gerry Lamb and
lohn Cu mm ings . who were unable
10 mak e 1he game bu! proml1ed 10
show up this week and help turn
the tables 1he other way for Hiatus.
In lhe final contest or the week
the Wizards srabbed their second
victory of the year by edging the
Philip Sa nt oro or the Lamb, (above) 1alr:e1 a m lahty-cut al lhe ball , but doe1,.n 't have any 1ucce11.( Below)The Lambs ' Bones. 12.10. It was the second
Mik e Kftfley beal1 ou t a gro u nd ball,whlle the flnl ba,e man Dave ...Delvecharl~ impallenlly wall, for 1he throw. st raighl hearlbreaking lost the
Bones have suffered.

What Baseball is all About_
by Ton y Ferullo
Thrnu~h m~ lra\'eli. 1n and
nrouml 1his 1•ndl,!ss. lop.s) •lun·c)
lrnsrh,1l1 worlcl in which w,• li ve.


\Vf•lr:h. Angie Oickinson. Olivia
Newlon-john. Jennifer O'Neill or


ohsen·,•r nf nur so-callee! "1':altunnl
Paslim1 •" lo no r-ncl ,.
T111s SJl.f'c ,1fic l1 s1 ,, nuld 11n-

d11111J11•dh ha v., In md11dt1
lrliot1 c · 1
mu1•le rnnmn),I 11n1cj 1Jw
pl~·ini,,: field

'l' .. 1! ridic:uluus pric, i:-. .11 ,ill cont:OftS IOO SHIOd,;

A hall er \,bu fn11\s nrf IO 1;1mtlwn !'llnkP,
nul wilh tlw hases lo,uh•tl.

sc~111tve p11chcs. ,rnd

lln . Hn 1 Thi' San DiP_wn Pndres
hu~:~~~,l~•ars who cin nnl co nst,rnll~
Pit c hers 1ha1 ca ll for lh1] 11m1ur1•
tu throw thf'm A new h~II . anrl 1lwn
\\ 1ml up the \'i c tims nf ,1 nrnmm nl h
500-fool shnl nvr.r C\ l'rylhin),I on
1hP1r \'Pr~ llPl(I 1foli\'<'q
Tht· ,1 l.1 Marx Arnllwrs roulirw

1>n1H1p r.alastrnpht•
t ln1furms worn h~ 1hr llnuslnn
As lrns .
Si~ns which rearl , " Brin~ Ba c k
Frlix IThf' C:atl Man1illa ," - ..Tht•
Scitttli' Pilols \Vere t\:umhn One'"
,-an'd " \V" l.ov1• lli,w Y,1 Dnwd "

Errors of ,1II so rt s
StrC'.1k,•rs t In less of co urse . 1h,~~
111s1 h,1p1wn lo he eilhrr Raquel





th em ,m• qu11" ,1 fc\, 101all) ou1l11nd1sh Of:c:11rPnt:1•s and persu nnli111•s,
cirr.ulnlin),I on•rall. 1ha1 \\nt ilcl
s11npl~ 1rri1nt,• th1• most com mon

Box Sea ts .
Sul1d derens1ve skills




H:,1111 clcl,1,s
Phon ~ ,111:•ncl,1nt:r f1i,iurf•s
Burin,w radio ,ind 1cl1•vis1un annnunr.Pr!i
l !mp1r es ,,ho mak,· Licari, .
,·1c,,1•1l. le rr,hlc 1uclgment KUesse"s.

.ind lf't 1hini,:s )(t•t ,,ildly 11111 or
t lnin1cll1i,i,--.n 1 fans who VOiP for
1h,•1r favufllf' pla~••rs. instead of
th(! pro\'cn c,tlahfr of 1Q(lividuals in
thal pa rti c ular season tbr tlle mid ~ cnr "'II.Siar confrontation.
Okay. e nough of the ha nan a-hend
seMments of lhe diamond game .
I lore are a few colleclive high li ghts
frnm o ne spo rtsw riler's speeding
1~ pc-machine:
Game winn in,w and ,1,Jrand slam
home runs.

Double s1eals. preferahl y the
swiping or home plate .
'(he triple p lay
Rookies .
Ca rlt on Fisk. l.uis Tian1. Fredd\'
Lynn , lim Rice . O,~~h,\ Evans and
Rick Burl eson.
The sight or witn essing a no-l'litter
or pe rfect 11amr

h' ho hi1 "'1ld run
/cu rl Gowdy. Joe Garagiola and
Tbm Kuhek .
·r~,• .1nd double -headers.
Triples sliced up lhe alley .
Opcnif\JZ Oay
Th· 5. 4.3 classical displ~ y lo

lnhnn, Bench . No lan R\•an .
Rel,!~if' ·Jacks o n. Bobby Bo~d's .
1lc nq Aaron. Brooks Robin.son .
Lou Brock. Cesar Cedeno. Joe Rudi
,11HI Bob ln Grich .
Supn-11uper . e,· ,ything-,1,Joes.
pJeclrnn1c scorehoar
Ballpla~ e rs who
da, tn and d,n nu l
Souvenir hu.Uons and--posler or
the 1mmor1al Don Demeter _,
Wat c hing Charlie O Finley
wrcstliniz his en lir e Oakland
.A,.1hletics con tin8e nt rn 1wow0u1-ofthrce falls.

Tuesday, April 27

1:00 PM

Rm. V-353

All me mbers a nd
in te r este d candidates are
urged to attend

Sulfolk Journal

Call Us
We Can't ·Call You
Suffolk University
Department of Security

Summer School
Students Interested in taking
Interpersonal Relations
(Psych . Services 1.3 or 1.4)
must have the instructors'
permission .

Contact :
1st 6 week da y session
- Dr. K. Garni
2nd 6 week day session
- Dr. V. Katzenstein
8 week evening session

- Dr. J. Macvicar
Dept. of f sych. Services
Archer 20
723-4700, ext. 226 -

April 11, 1ffl

-'------------arts- - - - -- - -- - -

p 1,1

11,1 p 111 ·11

" '


• . .... •

. .... , ..

Paae 10




April 11, lffl


- - - - - - - - - - -arts- - - - - - - - - - ,

Make it S_
by Pally Fantasia
Rape :, a four-leller word eve ry
human boi n~ is. famili ar wilh. The
dictionary derines ii ns !tie acl of
physically forcing a woma n lo have
sexuo l lnlercourse or any act of
sexua l intercourse that is forced
upon o pe rson. Society refers lo ii
as ant i-social be havior , II is a crim e.
II is a c rime which should be
l>Uni shed. but ii Is u crim e which
se ldom punish es the crimin al and
in stead puts th e bl11me upon the
victi m.
"I.ip111it:k ," now plllying at the Pi
Alley Thea le r. exp lores this unfair
si 1ua1ion. It deals wllh the ra1 of
C hri s t-.t.t:Cdrmnck {Ma rg aux
llemingwayl. a ben uliful model.
who 11upposedly re prese nls what
every woma n wou ld lik e 10 be. She
is viciously and brutally ana cked in
her aportmenl by Cordon Stuart
(Chris• Sarandon), who is h e r
yo ung e r sister's [Marie l
Hemingway) music teacher.
Th e young woman takes her case
to cou rt. She leaves herself open to
criticism and speculalion by rev8alil'fg her expe rience to the public. As
usual th e defendant's allorney
claims lhat !he a uack never loo k
pla ce and that In actuality th e
woman did give her consent. He
uses he r profession against her. He
ex ploits the way she se ll s hersel f to
projec t an image or beau 1y. He gets
his cliunl acquill ed.
Ca rlo Bondi (Ann o Bancrofl) , th e
prosec uting a llorney. is upse t h
the verdict. She's aware th at onl y
lwo oul or eve ry 100 rapis ls are con victed. hut she is any ry abo ut th ese
figur es. ''I' ve t'tnd i i wilh 18th cc nltlry juries ... she 'rema rk s. lcnving
1he courtroo m.
The slo ry does nol end 1hcre,
howPvr.r Ahcr 1he decision in th o
rap isl's favo r. Chris cli:iu:overs thnl
she is subj cc lod lo douhts nmf
r id ic u l e c on ce rn ing whal
hnpJH!nf'd I !er fluurishin,-: cnrf'or as
llin,I( npnrl nnd th(• onl)• thing sht•
feels Is a n~er.

This nn!iler is brought 10 a pitch
when S1ua r1 rapes her yo unger
sis te r. Now. th e only justi ce le ft is
h> be ac hieved by taking !he law
inti) he r own hnnds. She kill s th e



The plot is interesting. bu1 unbelievab le. It does nol concern
ilsc lf wll h the rape of the average
female , but rather wl lh the allack of
a woman with whom eve ry woman
supposed ly would like to id entify. ·
bu t never does or can . As a resuh of
this. 1he lead character is as mu ch
make be li eve lo the viewe r as
Cinderell a wol.llcl he .
l,.,targaux Hemlngwa)'. in her first
Ufm ro le, is wooden a nd unomotional as Chri s. She appcn rs to
be a mishandled Darbie Doll, rather
1han a woman becoming obsessed
with vengea nce.
As th e attacker Chris Sara ndon is
realis1lc in a low key manner. He
appears 10 be of a disturbed nalure
by hi s facia l exp ress ions and by
wha t the viewer sees him do i.nsl ea d of in a ny of !he obvious ways
such as speak inM or public ex hibition of abnormal be ha vi or.
Th e only chara cte r who is strong
ca rri es th e film and convi ncingly
brings Its point ac r oss to the
audience is Bancroft . She's tough iii
the courtroom sce nes, yet she 's
tender to the victim. She stands as a
symbol of wh a t lh e law shou ld
rcprcsenl - justi ce.
"Lipsti ck" was supposed to spea k
fr om a woma n's point or view. It
was supposed lo show 1he humilialion and degrada!lon 1he vi ctim or a
rape is ox posed to when she seeks
lo he 1wen,1tcd hy th e syste m.
It does not acco mplish 1his as
slrOnR IYas it mighl have. but II does
display 1he fact 1h11 1 there is a
rliffcren ce he1wecn legal ili es and
justict• nnd thal if lh o cou rts do nol
punish 1he criminal le,1tally. th en
lh c \'ic lim will tak e 1he responsihi lil y of see kinR 1us1 in his or
her own woy.

his financial ruin through inby Can,I Blrmlngb ■ m
In 1941 reviewer and critic James vestments, lo his beglnninp u •
Agee described William Claud .ritm scriptwri ter then Top Star for
'Fie lds· as a "bea u1Hully limed ex- Paramount Pictures. There are
hibil of mock pomposi ty. puzzled repeated rererences lo hia reverlne Hectualness, subtl e understat~- ence and envy or Charlie Chaplin,
menl a nd tru e-blue nonchalance." his aJcohol ism and his love or the
Now lhrough Direc tor Arthur Hiller res tful eHecls of ra in.
Rod Steiger is a master of
we ca n get a noth er vision of this
"'polypnosed'" comedia n in " W.C. ch arac ters . W.C. Fields was a
mas terful cha racter. Rod Stelger·s
f'ie lds a nd Me."
Based on the collabora ti ve work interpretation and performance of
of Fi elds" .:Oislress"Carlotta Monli Fields is excellent. Elucidating
a nd Cy R ice . the .tdapted Fi e7d'i pe t peeves : "Eleanor
screenplay by Bob Merrill ls brighl Rgosevelt. the Internal Revenue
wilh standard Fields· quips: " I love and all religious Institutions.'" He
the rain . I loved it in London , and in {Fields) is asked if he had ever read
th e Bible? Reply : "Onl y for loopParis. but most or all I loved II in
Philad elphia becau1e it cleaned holes, my dear .'' Steiger delivers
away the horseshit.'~ Told from the such lines with the ease and intonnarrati ve point of view of Carlotta ation of lhe star and we feel he is
she aays: " Fields was a great come- Fields.
The film Is a balance of one-line
dian of that there Is no doubt. A
snide jabs and a4sensitive portrayal
great man ? That I don"! know.''
Tb.e film follows Fields as a or a man. An Insecure man, one of
temperamental Vaudeville pe r- Hollywood's finest and m01t finan former with the Ziegfield Follies, cially successful comedians. ■ n
alco'holic, a lover: a1 his mlstreaa
says: "A man of many paradoxes.''
Valerie Perr ine ea Carlotta is an
eff ective counterpa rt to Field.a. She
is much you111er than he, devoted to
him a nd Is his buffer between
stress and gin. Miss Perrine's per- ,
formance is sensitive and be•
lievable. We readily accept her admirati on of Fields and later her
love for him.
Jack Cassidy plays rough ta lking,
boozing. sex c hamp John
Barrymore. He Is a close friend or
Fields and epitomizes the characterlsti c s hallown ess of the
idolized screen love r.
Fields is ou1raged by In justice
and cor ruption . In polit ics he
(Continued on pa1e 11)


Ap rll 16, 1978

Pop 11

Suffolk JOurnal

Getting Down·to the Killing Ground
by Rebecca Pearl
· l'hn,• s nn huhnJl lll.11:t•.' say'!
Cl,r'J•'n1 ,, \\'illrnms 11 1. in 1h1•
r, ,, 1, ,d nf \\'dl1nm 1111111••, 's
f.11allst11 dr,1m,1 . "Sim, Daner ·on
t)w "11!111),1 Crnurul." al 1h1• Charl,•s
Pl,l \ hm1'1t' now thrnu),lh April
\\' 1ll1,1ms porlra~s Randoll
hl.11 . ~ fu),11!1v1•
,t ,nlr11d1•



comp l1•,





pl,,,"cl 1111• o ri~1n,1I R,mdnll ,,hPn
1h1• pla, np1•111•d nn llroa(lwu , n••nrh, l'h'f' ~ ••an n),lu


Jusl h~ chnnce. nn 1hr t'\' 1• nf '\:,171
/\dn lf Eit:h nrnn 's han),IIOM, Rand 1
frnrh lu s w,1~ lo 1hr. Brooklyn . Nrw
York c umh sto rr 11£ Mr
(Wt• rn er Kl1:mptin•rl . a Germnn im m1
),lr11n1 Thn v nr f' joinrd h~ a you nJl
lrwi sh w oman fro m ll'lf• Bronx
( IP,tn Kurtz) , who )(PIS lost
tr) 10,1! lo rincl rm ahnrt10111st W11hin
lhrcr acls. 1hesc 111d1vuluals rPvrhl
th4•ir life stories
Fr hm 1hr point of slrurluri• .
" Slow- Dan r. r" ,,. calc:u lu1 ed h
r.n ht•,.ivc The happrns1an cC
mPt>lln~ ur 1tw lhrcr c har,11JPrs is
plunnPd Evi-rylhtn>i: 1s mflrnrlecl lo
aruu<1r• aurliPnce mtC'rt•st and inv1 1
1r1u: ip,11mn in u nra \elli n)l lhf'
p lnl
E,11: h o r 1he c harnct1•r~ 1s
1wr:11)111r Rand a ll's suspi c io u s

hPhi1rn1r ups us oH Ihat he is hid in~
lrum sum1!lh1n>( Ile is • a dual
1:har,1rlN , smarl )Pl foolish . )'Oun),[
\ .,, n\il \Vithm !he same sentence
hi' ,.. tn slip fr om t,ihet10 sla n,i: to
propN '' En~l1sh faen his clothrn~
n•v1•,1I~ .t dual persona l ii) ; h e
\\r,t rs ,1 •11111 a nd sneakers
pla~1•d b} Wt>rn(' r
Kl1•rnpr•r1H hrtler . kno\\n · as
C o lunPl Klink on ' H o ~,1n 's
ll1•ru1•a · 1s ,1 ls o a suspicious
1 ha r,tr.lN I It• wa lk.\..'.....aihou l \-..ilh a
hJrt•h ch•1~c1.1hle limp . and his verlml1 za 1mn rarel y ,1mo11nts 10 more
th,in u " vcs" or " no ...
lfo~1r·~ ap pP1ua ncr 1s most puzzl111,w Sh,, nsks wh ne 10 hn d tht:
t:trnokl ~ n ll rid,ifl and 1mmcdia1t!I)'
rain ls . 1hrn lhPrP 1s ,t ten•mmule in•
lt•r m1ss111n hcforn 1h r iHHltc nce
find s 1rnl who shr 1s
In 1h,• lasl lwo acts . Hanle) s
scrip, ex plam!i f'ach characters'
p,•rsnn,1111~ Ro.!lte Is a .!llcr eolypical
losrr II homely girl. who h ad one
sex ual fl111~ Jncl . of course. wound
up pre,llnanl He r whole lire is
d1wn1eli In rejlrrl " I wish I \\'as
hmrnl1f11I " sht• .!la)'s Glas·s lire ,s
d,•,•o!t'd lo HU ill for th e de.!le r lion or
his Jcwith wire and child . who
\\'1:n• ult1marrl> killed b)• lhe azis
'Whu will co ndemn me 7 " he asks.

\\a1.!1hins to hf' relieved or his gu1h
And Rand a ll '! life 11 devo1ed 10
sea rc hin~ for 1den1ily The son or a
pros11tu1e , hi!I fa th e r unknown 1
him . he seeks lo fill the " hole in his
hearl " wllh love tha1 he ne ver had
wh il e ,wrowinJil up
What m1gh1 have been a lon11 ,
fo r cer! !leque nce or eve nt s Is
shor1ened h>• 1h e inclus ion o r
humor , cen1ering primaril y o~
Ros,t Rosi e i, nd Randall discus
the ~vie my1h 111 which lhe home
I~ ~ I removes he r glasses a n
es a raviihing beauty. Randall an onl y sa)I. " I see w hat you
mean ," lo !he resuh!I. or lack or
1hum , whe n Rosie re moves hers.
Ro!lie. howe,ver . goes further than
1ha1 and yanks off he r wig, 1 Thal
doesn ' t he lp eilher .
The quality or acl,i ng in " Slow
Dance .. is re markabl e As far as the •
role or Glas is from that of Klink ,
Kl empe rer a ppears 101ally comfor•
1able wilh it. Ma rcie Jean Kurtz.
who played a hoslage i~" Oog Day
Af le rooo n," is Inh ere nt y runn y as
Rosje a nd cause! mosl o the ~ mor
in the phi) Her ac e nt ~ nd
manne ri sms a re rem rni sceAI of Bar•
bra Sl reisand 's in "Fu nn y Ok
Especia lly wo rlh )' or p raise is
Clarence Williams' c ha ra cteri za.

" A word with• gun ln 11, .'•

tion of !he schizoid Randall , which
mo re 1han once c;11pllva1es the
audie nce .
" Slow Dance on the Killtns
Grou nd " offen a pentml1tlc view
or a world. " where nobody help•
nobody." Besinnins wilh lhree un•
rela ted persons, the pla y 1hows' 1ha1
all lhree are. indeed , relaled - all
a re viclims of " a world with a gun
in ils hand .'~ Bui lhe play la more
lhan j ust anolher d ep reu lng
d rama. Rather. it prove• thal eve n
an unhappy story can be good
e nte rlainm ent. if II Is done w e ll.
This play is do ne well.

Did You Get Your Beauty Sleep This Year?
hy Patricia Gallo
Tlw Boston 11,ill rl Comp,tn~ ·s
prndu clwn of "Slt•('pillJ,1 At'uul) ·• 1s
1rnlv a r.11 1!11rn l 1·xpnH•nn•. C'VPn
for thn'>t ' \\ h u 1h, r1111 11f1 ,•n
p,11roni•1•· !ht• , l,1,.s1cal artii The
Cump,111~ ·!> !>l,1),[111,1,1, 1.os1trnw ... and
c horco,1tr,tph ~ hlcnd mu•h wi th
"Jlrin,1,Zl11n1· ,,,1rm1h Then· 1 a
s111n hnnl. £,1nl,1s, lu Pxp1111nd on
spr111,i· ... tld1,1,1h1-.
In rHSI' \1111\ t• for),[U lt('ll till' slo r~
nr "Sle1•pm,1,1 Ut•,1111~ .. as most or the
;u lu ll s rn llw ,u1di,~nc•· ha\'f'. 11 is the
s,•x1s1 tolt• or a hl•,w11ful princess
ft\urnr,1J w hose lociks and wenll h
lrnv,• hmm (txplmt erl Ii~ must ur th e
)11 1111.1( 11nnc1•s in 1lw l.in1i1cfom Thry
hm, nntl cu rl sy to hn ev(•r~ whim ..
in llw hupcs that th ey ma y one dn ~
tour.h her royn l fl esh . i)nd tho1 ·s exact I} whnt s hP- wears 11\C pink nnd
)'f' ll m\ rru -rru s hlcnd so n,1turall~·
with her fnir skin fo r co urse s he hns
f,ii t skm, h,1ve yo u cw r seen an
ohvc•skm n('d princess?) that s he
nppears lo ht' nuclt• durrn~ most of
1hc perfo rma nce lrn:001rc1sl. a nd in
t~ pi ca I s1t• rcu t~ JH'd fas h ion. the
h1tnclsom£• Prin ce Desire. whom she
r1n al h mnrr1PS, Is dressed in hah)
hlu1• iootards Hi s J,1 Cnlili1~• is trul y
overd unr . l\:o man C\'t'r prnnces !en
ft'l•lin1h ca1r101i11vemea .dafrodil.
Nf'ver1h<d t!ss, his dforls arc not in
va 111 hrrnusc he ultimah!l } \\ins lh e
princm,s ' hou ri.
The re is a lso a no1he r chara Cli'f Ill
1h 1 iaJ,,, 110 1 1 me nti on do,w ns of
nymphs . who und e rst.1nd11 hl ~ lh e

in II s iat o or co nslnnt e uphori a. The
Lilac Fair y Is th e guardian angel of
1he Princess Aurora . Sh e watches
over he r from 1he da y sh e Is born
unlil i i is time for he r lo marry:
then , of wurse. it is her husband's
dut) 10 be her MUa rdinn . By thi s
111110, the Lilac r-·air) is unem1>loyed
Tho production off ers no answer 10
her fate. Will .sh e gua rd anolher
princess? W ill s h e co ll ec t un cmp loy me nl ? Will she co mbine
bolh and dance for a li vin"M?
The l.• ilac Fairy holds a Bachel or
of Sci enci.! d c ,Rr ee in Com•
muni cat 1
ons a nd a Masler's degree
111 l Jr bnn S 1ud 1 . These facls h ave
hcen cu rofull)• e limrn ated from 1he
p roduc lion so that th e mindleuii ess
nf wo men would not be doubted . In
fa c l. .she d oes her joh qu it e well .

... w.c.
(Continued rrom page 10)
,lnres a Presid en t " whose Scoll)
d og 1
•a1s better than 80' ·, of 1hc pop•
11la1 iu n " l.n h e led an SOB he
app lauds 1he 1ille sayin)( 1!'s lh e
S O .ll .'s 1hu1 mak e all th e c hanijes
in th e world The " prc\1)1 boys" 1us1
s it Ar nt1 tr )•in~ 10 look Kood . MBI ·
hnM nnth in>( donfl .
In mutien, or c hPm1 ca l a nal ysis.
F11'lds 1s a lso quitr incisive. Il e

p11s111la1cs "The c he mical co mpos ilmn or lh e world is OX)'gen. nitrogen
a nd hullshil." T he sce ne then cu1s
lo Fie lds tn M e xico al a bullrighl.
" W C. Fields" 1s mor e tha n a
s lrtnM or MaM r ou tines It is n
blOJolraphy of se nlim on ts . Take some
lun e and v1s1 t the C harl es Cine ma ,
w lrnre 11's 1
>h1)•inM You will lauMh
with a ijeniu and share in some or
his humann ess

Whe n the wicked rain . Caua ndre.
casts ,1 spe ll on Aur0ra . it 111 the
Lilac Fair) 1hat nejii:ales thal spell .
On Aurora ' s 16th birthday .
Cuss.indre mannijes lo nenk into
the cast le 's fe111ivili C's and presenl
Aurora \\llh a houquet or flowers.
\\ h1 ch contains a poisonous needle.
Aurora . who 1s totall y concerned
with h e r dancing among the young
prrnces, s tabs herself wilh the nee•
di e. This . acco rdinjil: to Cassandre ,
should have caused her death
How1!ve r , th f' Lil ac Fai r )' ha s
arra nged it wllh God !hat Aurora
should sleep for one hu ndred years.
After one hundred yea rs 11ass,
Prince Desire 1 led to thei,rincess
b\ !he Lilac Fairy. He ktSles h1V ,
arid she wakes up . This is whefe the
re al conflicl or the sto n • lies .
Au rora obliged 10 the· prince
because he woke h e r from her
slee1>. Yet. !lhe Is nol physically al lracted to him and d e monstrates
lhis several limes before lhe wed•
dhi.M by !urning away frorg h im and
le11pinM Into a gianl arabesque
which la nds her on the other si de or
the stage . He Joins he r in a pre•
nupli al dan ce Wh en he ou1dances
her , s he realizes lhal socie ty would
scoff should s h e nol den y his
superi oril ) by not marryi ng him .

T here is grea l symbolism here. The
quick .and multitudinou s cresce n•
dos in Tchaikovsky'• compo1ilion
clea rl y illustrale th e co nfli ct in 1he
pri ncess· mind . T he cir cling dance
pallern or the dancers represent,
the fr us1 ra1ion and difficulty in
making rh e decisio n.
Th'e pri n ce a nd princess are
marri ed 1n a non•religiou,
cer emony al the cas tl e. The guetts
include Tom Thumb , Pun and

Boots. and Little Red Rldl"I! Hood.
It is by the production or the Boston
Ballet Co. thal we learn why Ms.
Ridine Hood is Red . She 1, Chi nete.
This polllical int erjection reall y
lends lf we ll lo the produclion .
She is chased around a forest b)' a
brown wolf.' obviously 1ymbolizin,a
Western man. She finds peace onl y
when the curtain ii dropped.
Most of lh e patroh, in the
audience did nol comprehend this
esoteric ,•ersion or the fairy lale.
They were content to accept the
belie r 1ha1 " Sleeping Beau1y" is
si mply a ch ild's ·fai ry tale. Nol
much can be said for these people
because they are the same people
who believe that George Orwell'•
A nimal Farm ls a political satire.
When will they realize th 11 ii reall y
lakes insight 1 apprecia te th e arts?

·Ilse's Second Corner:
Happy Easter to all of th e Suffolk Family!
May th e .spirit of Joy abide ever with ye!
After Pa1 r'iots Day ii is barely three weeks
Till th e endi ng of classes (which everyone seeks) .
Let us meet on tha1 night for the great

SIDEWALK SAM who is pai•ting a mura l, to go
Into our n ew bui lding; and Cold Duck, both to cheer,
Will be flowing :

Friday, May 7, 8 pm
You r vote at the Talent Show
is respectfully requested.

,pntlJ.!, d,·h1,1h1,
In•, •...,. \1111 \•· !,,r~n11,•n th,•

S l,•1•p 1t1J.' l\, •, 111 1\

I" ,.,.,.,.,, u, ~., -.111n

,1, 11111-.1 ol


,11lul1-. 1111h1• ,1t 111L,•nr ,. h,1\1 ' 11 1s lht>
:-•'""I 1,.J ,, nf ,1 l,, •,111nl11l 1•nm1•,,
1.\11 r111,11 \, hn,, • Junk, ,ind \\1•,1l1h
h,1,·1• lt,•1•11 1•..:pl1111t•d h\ rnm,I uf ih,·
\111111~ 111111u•-. 111 lh" k1n),!dorn Tiu•\
h11\, ,111,I 111r1-., 1,1 h,·r ,.,,,n \\h1111
in tlw hnp•·-. 1h,1t 1h1•, m,1, ~n,• d,1,
10 , 1 slalP of 1.ons1an1 euphoria The
10111.h h,•r rm,11 flt•sh ~11HI th.ii",; 1
Li1, 1r. F,un 1s th,• j(Ua rd rnn angel of
,1111, \\h,1! ,;h,· w1•,1r, Tiu• 111nk ,in d tht• Pr 1 nc:~ss Aurora Shr WillChP~
'"1111,, fru-fru:- hl"nd ,u n,11ur,ill~ ml'r her from lh e day she IS born
,, 1th t11•r f ,11r ,;l..1n Inf u111r'tl• ,;h,• h ,1:, until ii 1s 11m1• fn r h er lu marq .
L11r ~i..111 h,I\•' ,1111 ,., ,,r !H'f'n ,ln
lhf'n , of c.,ou rse. 1t 1s her husband 's
uli,·,• -sk1111wrl p~rn1.,.ss ·1 1 th,11 sht• du1, 10 h£' her 1,111ardi.rn ih 1h1s
app,•,1n, lo lw nud,• dunnJ,! mnst of
tun~ . the Lila<. Fair, is unernpio}('(l
1h,• l"'dnrm,11111· ln r.11 nlr,1st. and m
Thr- production ofrers nu' answer to
I\ p1111I s l,•rt•ul ~ l"'d f.1shmn . ttw
h,•r fate . Will .she j(tlil rd another
h,1rnlsnmP Pn111·,, D1•:.1r1i . whom sh,•
princess? Will she co llect un f111nlh 111,1rri""· 1s drt•ssNI 1n h,1h~ • t•mployment, WIii she co~h in£'
hhw l,•ntard s !Its 1
,wnt1li1, u trul~
holh and dance Jnr a livm)f
m ,•nlon,· :\111111111 1•v1•r pr,mces ten
The Lila c F,t~r\ holds a Bachelor
; 1 f Sciencf' tt"r.jlrec 1n Com:-...-vcrtllt'lcss, his l'fforls an: not 1n
munica11ons and ii Master 's deMrre
~.1111 lu•t ,111s1• h,· ultimalt•I~ \\Ills lht-'
111 IJ rlrnn Studies These facts have
pnnc :,•s, · lw,1rl
hrt•n c:;uefn ll) eliminated from thf'
Th,•rt • is also ,tnnlh('r r.har,1 1:lt•r 1n
prmlm:11on so that 1hc mindless1,eS6
this l,11,• , not tn nwn111m dutPlls of
of \',/llmt•n wnulrl not he douhied In
n~mph:- . \\hn 11ndl'rs1.11ul.1hl~ ll\t'
f,HI . s he does her Joh quite well

dle This, ,1n:ordm1,1 In C assandre .
shoulrl ha,·r r,111,;tid hn df'ath
Ho\'l.'1'\' Cr lhP l.1l.1 c 1-,llf} ha s
arrun1,1ed 11 \\ 1th (;od that Aurora
should slf•ep for onr hundred , e ars
After one hundred years pass ,
Prin ce Desire 1s INl 10 the princess
h~ lhf' Lilac Fair) He kisses her.
Jnrl sht• wakes up This as where 1he
rt>,11 c onrl1ct of the s1on lies
Aurora fep\s ohhi,ied to the .p rince
hm:nuse ht• woh her from her
lleep Yet. she 1s not physically a11rac1cd 10 him and demonslrates
this several limes hcfo re the wed drn,.i hy 1urnmg awa> from him a nd
lraptnM 11110 a Miant arabesque
which Ian~ h e r on the other side of
the sta,1w He joins her in a prenuptial danct> When hf' outdantes
her . she rea lizes 1ha1 snc1f'I)' would
sco ff should she not deny his
supenorit) h~ not marr)ing him

pu-.tul,11t•s " Thu chcm1cnl compos1llon of th,: world 1s oxygen. mtrojlen
The .sc,•nc Lhen cu ts
to F1d1ts 1n '1.1cx~ at ii hu\Uight
" \V C Fie lds" 1s more than a
str1n,1t of i,.:ag routines It 1s a
hio1,1r;1ph) nf sPnunlenls Take so mr
lune ,ind v1s1t th e Charlc:s Crnr.m,1 .
where 11·s playm~ You will lau1,1h
w11h ,t ~cnius .ind share m some of
111s humannrsl'l

a,uf hullshit "


all of th e Suffolk Famil y!

May the spi rit of Joy abidtever with ye1
After Patriots Day it is bar ly three weeks
Till the ending of classes
hich everyone seeks) .
Let us meet on 1ha! night for the great



SIDEWALK SAM who is pail'lting a mural, lo go
Into our new building; and Cold Duck, both to cheer,
Will be flowing :


Friday, May 7, 8 pm

Your vote at the Talent Show
is respectfully requested . •


April 11, 1171

Up Temple·St.

Poli ti cal Science Assoc.

The Aiigolan
Civil War

[\lents/ Actlvltle•
April "'• Monday

will be !he s_



Suffolk Journal

Pa11e t2


Ilse's Second Corner:
Happy EaSler

... w.c.
(Continued from page 10)
dcplon•s a Prnsulr.nt " whnsr S r.OIi}
du~ ,ints lmtte r th;rn 80 ', 11f 1lw population · l.ahc l1HI an SOU he
,1pplaurls tlw 111le sa~ 111~ 11's th,:
SO B 's 1ha1 mnkc all th,~ chani,:1•s
in !he world The " prPII)' !mys" 111sl
s it Arou nd tr )' lll),I to louk goud , ~f!I ·
1111~ nothtn~ durw
In nrnt111r:- nf c hf'mtcal analysis
Fidds 1s nlsn quitn incisl\'C tl1!

1nclurle Tom Thumb. Pun and (
Boots. and Li1tle Red Riding Hood
11 1s h~ the p roductio n of the Boslon
Ballet Co that we learn why Ms .
R1d1nM Hood is Red . She ia Chinese .
Thu1 political interjection really
lends itself well to lhe produclion .
She is chased a rou nd a fores! by a
brown wolf. obviously symbolizin8
Western man . She finds peace only
when the e:urtain is dropped.
Most of the palton, In 1h e
audience did not c.omprehend this
esoteric version or lhe fairy tale .
They were content lo accept the
helief that "Sleeping Beaut y',. 11
simply a child's •rairy tale. Nol
much can be said for these people
because they are the same people
who believe that George Orwell's
A.nimal Fa rm Is a political satire.
When will they realize that II really
takes insight 10 appreciate the arts?


of o discussion co ndu cted by


April H , Tueaday
1 00 pm - S1uden1 Co"ernment Associa1ion 1ponsor1 " AII-Univarslly Meeling"
in the Audilorlum. Come down and air your re.elinp lo
Ap ril u. Thursday
)'Ou r repreae n1a11ves on S.G A,
I 00 pm - S 11. Theatre presenls Paul Zindel's pla} "The ££feet of Gamma R1y1
on Man-In-The-Moon MangoldS' in the Audllorlum

John Robinson
Edito rial Writer. Bosto n Globe

Tues . Apri l 10, 1:00 pm, Rm F-60 3

I uo pm -


1 IHI pm

lluman111e1 Club and 1•. J FE Commi11ee presenl Rolf Smedvlg.
• Anocit1tP Principal Horn player for the Boa.ton
SHijphon} Orchest ra. President's Conference Room
Soc1rJlll,i; Club prr.5enls 1>0SH1radu,11e optionJ 1ymposium for
wcioln,ll, mA1oni in F-337

Apri l ?l. t'rlda)
S l Tht•,1 tr,• presents Paul Z1mlel s pla~ 'The Effect of Gamma R&)S
- JO pm


un \tan-I n-The-Moon \1an,:ohl8' 1n !he Audilonum

Before going any fu rth er
with yo ur Law School applications.
come and me et with:

John Deliso
Director of Admissions. Su£rolk I.ow Schon!

D. Bradle y Sulliva n
Deon of Students. Suffolk Universit) •

Tu es. April 27, al I :00 pm. Rm . F-603
Sponsored hy
Political Science Assoc.
The Afro-American Association
Suffolk l/niversil)'
Our /nl i:rno!ional Heritage


:-\pril 5-Ap ri/ 9

Ap ril .?-4. Saturdav
- '10 pm
I.; 1· rht>,1lr111uei1en11 Pnul Zindel·s play "The Effeci of Gamma Rays
on M,rn-ln-The-~loon \tarigold1" an the Aud11onum
O raanlutlonal Mee1ln1•

April 20, T uesday. 1:00 pm• Z:30 pm
Swdenl Co,1h 110n A;c,unst Racism. room F-134C
Ski & Out1n,iz Club. ronm F-338B Scl,•nce Auoc1u1ion. room f-603
\\',1lwr \1 Oursr Oeballnl{ Societ) . rooms A-2.4 & 24A
St~ A II 11nl\ t' flUh Ml:'ellng. Aud11ormm
April 2%, Thursday, 1:00 pm - Z:JG pm
Soc.11llO)l} Club. room f-337
Ps)cholo10 Club. roo,n F-WA
HIIIOf) Society, room F-430A
Poll11cal Scl!!nce Auociation, room F-303
Walter M Burse Oeba1ing Society. rooms A-24 6 24A





The biology



April fl , 1171

SuJroJk Journal

Page 12


Up Temple St.

Poli ticill Scienc e Assoc .

The Angoian


Even11/ AC1lvlllet

Civil War

April JI, Monday

wi ll be th e ~ubject
of o discussion co ndu cted by

John Robinson
Edi torial W rit er. Boslon Globe-

I llo pm - S l ' Theatl'c presenu Paul Zindel"s pla~ "The EHec1of Gamma Rays
on Man-In-The-Moon Man8old1·· in 1he Auditorium

Tues. Apri l 10 1:00 pm, Rm F-603

I 011 pin



I 1111 pm





Or1anlu1lonal Meeting•

Jo h n Deli so

S1ud1•n1 Co,1111.f'!n A11:tuns1 Racism . room F-t34C
i;l1 A Oul1n)I :~1h +,m F-JJ88

!~'.~\~:'./~~c~~~r~r~:h~~;°;O:,~':~ ~:.;, A-24 & 24A
"1; ,\

D. Bradley Sulli van

\II 11 nl\l'f~I! Me rinti, Aud11or1um

April 22. Thursday, 1:00 pm • 2:30 pm

Dean of Students. Suffolk lJni\'ersil~

Snnolu)I\ . Cluh room F-337
PS\ 1 holi)I!} Club, roo.n F-338A
l lia1or} Society, room F-430A
Pn\11ical Science Auocia1ion, room F-603
Walter M Burse 0ebating Soc1e1y, room1 A-24 & Z4A

T ues. Ap;il 27. at I :00 pm . Rm . F-603


Th e A fro-/\m e ri con Association

Suffnlk Universit y
pres ents
Our lnt t;, rnotionol / !P.ri toge

April :i-April 9

\\'e ;ire lht! mf!diators of lhe human race
T h e ra w ma(e rlel of the ea rlh
I. ave is uur hreaHasl
l'nity is o,!r lunc heon
Joy is o ur dinner
Some ca ll our gifts lo humanit y
Negri tud e: Blade power : Pan Afrlcanism :
Some cull ii soul hut so ul is
Rcflcclcd by anyo ne who halh es in 1he
Rad ic,d stream of good
Whal lir our rnisslnn African kin?
Our mission is to join 01hers in
C hri slianlzinR Chr is tendom
Clee Snipe Jr.

Cluh rri.•st•nts po11-xraduate opllon1 .s~mpODum
-111c11,lm1, m111nt11 in F-31;

April ZO, Tuet~a}, l :00 pm • ? :30 p·m

DirPr.lor of ,\dmissions. SuHolk l.m\ School


'-om: ,.,loll'

A pril 2◄ , Sa.iurda\
- m pm \i I I lw,tlr•• pm '.-1111 P,rnl Zmdel's play "The Ef!ec1 of Gamma Ra}'t
11n ~lari~old.- m 1he .Auditorium.

Befo r e go ing any further
with yo ur Law School applications.
co me and meet with:

Sponsor ed by

llunrnm11r!I Cluh and I. IF E Com minee p re,ent RoU 'smedvlg.
As,or-1111,. Principal Horn playe r for lhe 8 0110 n
S,mphnn\ Orches1ra Pre11denl', Confenence Room.

-\pril 23. Frida}
Paul Z1ncl,.J"s pla} ·'The Effecl of Gamma Ra}I
nn \lan•l(l-Tht>-~loon ~h1n,roltb · m the Audilor1um



Politica l Science Assoc.



April 21, Tuesday
I 00 pm - S111den1 Go,•ern ent A!lsociat1on sponsors " All-Univerally Meeting"
in I
Audiloriu m Come down and air )0Ur feellnp lo
April zz. Tlturld ■ y
,oor representa11ves on SC A.

The biology
will be lljving
away some
rabbits. H they
given away,
they will be
disposed of.
Please take a
bunny home
for Easter or
for any other
Contact the