File #4002: "Suffolk Journal_1976Apr23_vol31no26.pdf"




r--- '

Coalition Plans
'76 Tuition Boy®tt
by Susa n Be land

i l,.!li,1m111ccl lo rtw Coaliliun from lhf'
SCt\ 's -.111d1•n1 .:1 c 11v1t1eS funds
If 1•stahli!1hecl. the Coa lilion Df
S111.tnnt Ri11h1s wou ld allempJ lo
rion hu~coll 1n Srp llimlrnr of 197f'i, ,stop lhe S250 luilion hike schedu lccl
pondin)l s up111111 f rom at l4!ASI 40 ":, fur next fall Ir woulrl a l110 im ple.
of !he st ude nl body.
rnon1 student invol\·omtml in !he
The hnvcoll was 11nn1111ncccl hv plannin~ and utilizahon of 1he new
M nrl} IJn~•is nn d Vicrnr UeCoutu
R11 l~cwo y Lane> huildinM
the Co,1 li11 nn cummi ll cf' lo a spa rSf'
Davis P.xplni ned th<II the new.
1urn11111 ,II 1h1• :\ 11 -tlmvnsi ly S 111 " mul 11 stnrnjlt'" Ri<IJ(cwny Lane
tl e nt Covernmrnt me,•11nµ in the huiltlinM was to hold a ll o rgani•
Suffolk Au di1 or111111 . April 20th nl zat ional and sotilll facl!llties of
1:00 p. m.
1he present huildinJ( as well as
OeC:oul o accused t h e SGA o f arl minist ralive offices unrt class•
failure to r •cli f} ce rt a in s tud en t roo ms. He ndmi1ted 1he Coa lil io n
grievances. He ca lle d
r the reco,w nized lh e sincere a11ilude
I mm e d ia te· o r1en iza l lo n a nd of rhc adminis truli on anrl 1he com•
perman e n t e stablishm e nt o f an plexilies involv'ed in huildln8 lh e
autonomous Coalition· of Studenl new st ru cture, hu t "t h e rights and
Ri1,1 hts and proposed !h a t mo ne,• be 01>inions of th e Suffo lk sl ud e nJs

Thr> Sr.A appoinlml Commillcc

'}or lhf' Cnnlilinn of S1udcn1 Ri~ht!I
nnnnunc,•d l1mtnlivc plt1ns for ii tui -




Vol . 31, No. 21



tor DeCouto t treNeS • point u SGA Prnld.ent Cbrfi Spinaaola Utt.em
a Tuesd ay', ft.11-U nJvertlty meetln1.

'fJSI be m ade known to a ll and the
Included will be a comm1tmoh1
Ridgewa) Lone huildinM should not card lo be Hl led out by the stu<Wntt
hu like the fiasco o f the Fenton , who are willing 10 boycott S250 of
their tuition in Septe mber.
S1uden1S will rece ive information
ff at leaat 40-,,. af th e atudent body
encou raging parlicipation In the re spon d , apeclfic inalruction a will
Coalitio n or S1uden.1 Rights in May.
{Continued on pa1e 5)

Surfollc Un ive rsity, Be acon HIii , Boston, M111achu tett1

Davis, Lamb Re-Elected Sophs.
le rval between classes lo broadcast

Information 10 1he srutlents - ··i nfo rma ti on · they rail ed to extract
from !he Journal or the bulletin

boards. ··
VP Gerrv Lamb is also aiming a1
lhe pussib.ilit y of issuing a ne wa? lett er either during the !IU mmer or
] al regis tration li me describing in
i detail the rqle o f the SCA .
B La mb also added, " t think w e'd
.tcqui re more involveme nt i{ w e
~ published 1he agenda prior lo each


Chris Splnau ol a and Mik e Ke n y ,hare a light poi nt while ma nning the


by De bbi e Burke
The Sophomore e lectio n results
f1 la1ed h)• the El c tio n Com.
mi Hee Fri.. A1Jril 161 a re cu r ron lly

he inR cha ll c nf! erl by an in cum be nr
r c1mmrn1n1ive, Ralph f11b bi1. who
failed lo be re•e lec tccl lo lhP. S CA.
In a wrill o n co mp la in t fil ed wilh
Chairma n o f lhc Election Com•
rnill ue ~en Kr ll r. Ralph Jal.>ha·s
urxum cnt poinll'I 0111 1h a1 the ha ll o!
in hi s P.vcs fulled lo In fo rm 1he
s l uclcnlS · thoJ the as le risk pr -:ccmling so me u f th e ca ndido1c's
names denoted th at lh C)' were
i ncu mb e nts li e hf'licvt1cl this
rlclPrrnci his chnm:os of win ninjl ,1
,11 rO.lll'r 11 11111 1111 1 o f \ 'O lc11 IJahh,1

rvceh•f'<I 46 volt•sl

If 1hr. Appon ls Bonni deci des in
fnvor o f J:i hhn's nr).:umenl. n new
i!leGliun will,,-he h e ld .
Bui rlrspit u th is rcques1. results
o f lh c e lecllon were made public
Frida~ . The winning candid,u es in•
d ud fJ : r-.lar rin Dflvis rc•e lecled as
Pr esiden t w ilh 86 votes . Cern
J.nmh re-elec lcd as Vice Prcsiden·I
with 116 vute.!I . und four rP 1
1n•sentillives ; John r.ummin,11s . incumhcnl . rcci::ivlr1M 82 votes. ll crhc rl
Cullins rf' Cf'h-i n,11 70 ,•n lu.'l. Jrnn
OeAn~c lo receh•mj,t 84 vuh•s ,ind
fl,1tr1 c1a Folc) rnceivinj( i O \'Ulm, .
~ lon•nv<-r ii was tlf'r.1dccl th is
\ 1•:ar 1u ha\•p f111 1r rrprriwnlatives
,• l1•11t•d lo tlw ~CA ins 1t•111 I of 1h1 1
usu .ii 1hn•c> It \\,IS frll 1hat un ,lei•
1'111011,11 ml'ml11•r ,,ould hPlp to sta ff
,rnd ~upp l) more manpowr•r tu the

!Ahhii's c:omplmnt will Ju- rt'\ 1(> \ \ •
od hy th,• El,·r:1111n CummillPt• uncl t(
OOU'/'1'1,lry illl i1Jl lll'11 1 r,;111 1 filt•d "'''\ 1•1,d s11hc;11111m 11t1•1•s ,, 11h111 1h,•
wi 1h K1•ll v wilhin 48 lll111rl'I u f 1h • 1111th
d ,•c ,sio n. ·11 wi ll lhf'n'"'ho hnml IH
Ttu~ nf!i!cl for ~LIJUlrin~ nlnrt• !<IU·
the Appt•n ls I onrcl r.on!.iiuin,11 uf fiv~ tlimt invuh-enwnl rrnm 1hr• S11Hulk
membtJrs. Tht'SC 111cl11de: Jnurnol tt1mmun11~ ,IS Wl'll ,IS impro, IO~ in Edilur Mnrk H.o)!crs . SCA Prt•si d cnl ll'rn,11 curnm un11:11111111s ,,re 1lrn 111,1
Chris Spin,1 z;w ln. WS I Jll Stution Jllr jlflllls
,111 1lw ,wwh clt> r.lHtl ofMnllitj,Wr fim Z1 11k owsk1 . Dt•iln ficNs . In r,u:1, R"p jn hn r.umminj,ls
McUo\, nll .ind Ke n K1•II~. who will ,~ focus in,11 on a poss1hl1• utilizulion
nc l ,is mocfornlnr
uf WSUB clurin,w the> 10 mrnul c Ill•


SCA m eet ing ."
Herb Co ll i ns added ... It's dis•
co uragin~ to see the same old,gang

at eve ry mee ling.''
Patricia t-· o Jey report ed. "My gQal
is lo make more studenls awa re.''
Junn Oe,\ngelo stated. " I want peo•
pi e 1 get invo lved instead nr jusl
silling a nd' co mp la in ing.''
Citi n11 tha t the re we re olh e r ob.

April 2J, 11171

Junior Class
iunior election results were eb1oined We dnesday ju,1 before the
fournol wenl to preu.
Pres. : Jim Maltozz.l .
V Prett.: Karen Kelleher
Reps.: Bruce Ka lz
Debra Bopanno
Sieve Brav0i
John Bartley

Sophomore Class
tl>res.:· Marty


V. Pres.: Gen y Lamb
Reps. foan OeAll@"lo
John Cumm ing,
Herb Col lfns
Patricia Fole.1

jeclives lo be focused on next year, Marlin Davis a nno unced that
his main Interest will lie with th e
Student Or8anization Com m ittee of
wh ich he is ch ai rman . " This com•
milt ee involves a variety of topics
fr om th e planning of 1h e new
Ridgeway Building 10 a discussion
rconlinued on page 12)




Is not h ing ucred? Red Cron Bl ood Va n sport, a park ing tickeLfor their
day'1 wo rk al S uffol k. (S lo ry o n p. 4)


Page Z

April U. 1171

Suffolk Jou rnal

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- 11


weakly supports boycott
I mfor1una1ely, lhl'.l All IJnivcrsity JTICP.lrn)( held on Tuesda y in lh!>
audilo rium se rved mninly lo co nrirm th e daims of apat hy made by our
university scale poli11cians. Only 50 sludenti;; showed to h1?ar I.he sprinM
vers ion of SuHolli:'s problems - spacf'. 1u11ion and gene ra l m1slrea1ment
of und oq;i:ra du ates.
Victor DeCouto proposed the formalion of a Hroup, which would hi!
funded by the S.C .A.. ca ll ed th e S1udenl Coalilion for Student RiRht s. Both•
S.C .A. President Chris Spinazzola and Freshman Cl-!9ss Prelident Mari ~
Davis s upported lhe formation of the nr!lanization arttt lhe coursr of act10n\
OcCoulo wanls to lnk e in dcalinM with !he 1Jni\'c rs1t } aclmrnistralion }
The pi on is lo lnk c $250 (t he omuu nt of th e tuiti on ,incrense) from flllr.h \
studcn l's 11aymen1 and pul the funds •in an escrow 11r:co11n1. Th,! will
not be .used if less th, n 40 11ercen1 of th1• stude nt s I 1.000J a~rf' e 10
coopera te . DeCou lo and his svppo rl e rs hnpf' 1ha 1 with S250,000 of th e
Uni versi ty's mane)' lied up the studenls will have some cloul in
nc1i101iu11n,11 wilh Suffolk Every s lurltinl \-vho lakes parl in the partirtl
hll)' COrt \\' ill 80 on lhe deferred Jlil)'mcnt plan !IO he or she can register for
The escrow idea ,:ould work If sturlfmts rt tt • willin1i1 111 ll 'i C the most
va luah lc wettpon thoy have . mrnw> , thP Trust ees ma} hu vf' to huckle un .
tier lhn cir.o_n om1c pressure and make some mnior c:1Jnccssiu ns On e
- prohlcm thal DeCouto has ovcrluohd. hm...,cvn. 1s thal th,· cuqmr a!f•
minded Board cnu lcl hold out l11n,11cr lhan he thinks If this haprte ns th e
Coa li!ion could \ "CQ' wrll find themselves haquuninJ,1 for no1h111'( mott•
Than nmn osly from aclion b} the l lniversit} on those siudunts who tHn ;•
wken part 111 the plan.
Tt:iil see ms unliktJl y. Suffo lk runs 95 percent on tuition inconw and , 1
quarlcr of a million dollars is quilt• a dmu m any opt'r,111011,1! luul,w, •t
Besidc.s, this is the first positive acllun tak e n h> s ll11l1•nt s \\h1 ch s hnws ,in ,
promise or success ·Ancl )Zkc!I lhn 11rn1n ho1 I~ n ch,1nc1• 111 ,1 r. lt \"P I) p,,r .
1ii:1pntl' on a personal lin·d
Wh e n 1h1 1 commi lm on l cards .ir1• rnnilml nu! 10 st11 cl ,•n1 s. \\1 ' Uf"JH' 1h.11
c,1 pc-rs nn react tho ('Xplanalinn carl'fulh und d N;i dr- 1r th e hm coll 1s 1lw
r11i1h1 me th od for them to protest lJn1\'f' 1wlicy ,md a11crn1; 1 lo c Ht• t.t
chn l1Rf!lt mn y h e wor lh the chnm:c

Retract ion
I n l asl week 's issue of the Journal we incorrect l y printed
thal lhc Biology Departm ent was going to dispose of experimental rabbits if th ey could not be given away. T hi s
insinuated that the animals were to be killed . The Department has i nformed us that they did not plan thi s action .


. el JOIJl2!1111.-'l


New, Editor
Feature Editor
Sporu Editor
A1 ■oclale Sports Editor
Arts Editor
Photography Editor
Graphic Arts Editor
Senior Editors
Producllon Manager
Bu1lne11 Mana1er

Mark C. Rogers
Debb ie Bu rke
Joh anna L. Roberts
Stephen Corbett
Joe Reppucci
Patricia Fantasia
Marlin Cavin
Nancy Kelley
Bob Carr
Brent L. Marmo
Brian Walke r
Paul Donovan
Cindy Feltch

WR ITE RS: Carol Birmingham ; Mary C. Buckley : Debbi Collar:
Na nelle Collins ; Li nda Comeau ; Kevin T , Creedo n ; Fran Cullen;
Lou Dele na: Pa!rica Gatto : Mary Griffi n: Maryali ce Guilford: '
J.C. Hayes ; Jack Heffe r na n: Valerie Jamiol : Mark C. Mazzie:
Maureen McConaglc ; Barba ra Ochs: Rebecca Pearl :
Bob Reardon : Mary Kale Russell : Rick Saia
Judy Silve rman : !oanne Torraco ; James K. Varga
SPORTS: Gregory Brooks: Patricia A. Call ahan; Jeff Clay:
Bri an Donovt1 n ; Ton y Ferull o: Jon Gottlieb:
Li nda K. Johnson : Kevi n Leen
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Dian e Cos ta: Michael Cuneu;
Pau l Darrah : Marie Ooncette; Ron Ge raneo : Bruce Mclnlyre
GRAPH IC ARTISTS: Michae l S ereda ; Sieve Wh ile
Earth Molher
Faculty Advl1or
- • Puhlh h er


Pam Strasen
William Ruehlmann


Ed11 or,
I am wr iting concerning Ke vm n's c
ulicle litled " lntramurals:
Wizards S e ek Triple Crown ."
An yone doiflg the least bil o f
res earch would have known Iha!
1he ll elmul Heads were rl ag foot•
ha ll c hamps for 1he second con •
seculive year We feel 1his blunder
111 be particularly annoying in light
or the racl 1h a1 absolutely n o
printin,11 was give n to the heads

upon ca p turing the '75 champion•
ship . Pe rhaps Mr . Leen 's source
s hould be reminded of the Wizard 's
({Temple St.) 29--16 lo,s in the finl"I
game of the playorfs. HeJmul Heads
remain #t and should have been
given cred it for it.
Chip La Frazia
Mark Kostegan
Helmut Heads
Edflor'1 note : Kevi n Lee n tapologi•

Cum Laude for.Both
Mother, Dauijhter Graduate
by Nanelle Colli ns
When graduation exe rcises are
uvc r on June 13. 1wo members of
the Donoghue family or Saugus wi ll
have gradua1ed '~ m laude from
Suffolk on the sa c d-t:Ma r ion Dono hu e. who is
ma1orinM in gover e nt. and her
d,tuRht er Pat ri cia. 28, .t--Ja school
s tud ~n, . will graduate al !he Hynes
J\ 11d1turi u m tOHelher
" I cxpccl lo be 1here all day."
lauMherl Marion . "Th e Law students
must be at 1he Hynes Auditorium al
10:00 Thn und ergraduates march in
J I :! :00 p.m .. as the Law student! are
ma rchi ng out."
Marion , who is an Adminlslralion
.-\sNis tanl to 1he Pos t Audit and
Uvcn,ight Committee at the S tale
I louse . de cid ed to go ba ck to coll ege
after her husband died .
"' I le died on Ap ril 9, my birthday.
fi ve years ago . It was Good Friday,"
recalled Marion .
"Some women turn lo drink when
.1heir husbands die , I turned lo
school I found ii groat therapy." •
" I sta rt ed out as a special student ,
laking four courses and I went Monda y lhrough Thursday nights . Then
l'cl come home and s tudy until !wo
or 1hreu in lh e morninsc . Finally , to
~t!I me lo g0- to bed. m)t kids unscrewed the light bu.lbs!"
r-.tarion . a graduol e b f burd e ll
Coll CJ(e rn Lynn, hadn 't been in
schoo l for twenl y-fivc ye ars .
" Or c:ourse it was hard gelling
lrnc:k rnto sc hool. Bui I didn 'I think
Jbo111 gellinH a degree , I don 't lhink
I would have done it ff I did I jusl
tuo k 11 a da y a l a lime ."

Marion . an .a ttractive. motherly
person . with sort brown eyes. and
dark brown ha ir piled neatl y on he r
head . ha s three grown children.
Patricia. a graduate of Emmanuel,
and soon•l~be•graduate of Suffolk,
Cha rles, 23. a gove rnment major .
w h o gra duat e d from Bos to n
College. Charl es works for Rober!
Q. Crane in the Slate Treasurer's
Ofri c e . Marion · s you ng esl.
daugh1er. Kathleen , is a graduate or
North Shore Co mmunit y College
and n ow atte nd s Pr ovi d e nce

"O ne thing thal worried me aboul
sc hool... co'nceded Marion " was
how !he studenls would treat me .
Bui they've bee n great. 1 like
everyon e . They In clude me in
e \' er~•thing and they call me
Marl on ."
Marion's job at th e State House Is
n ew . s h e ' s only had it si nce
February 1.
"They wa nted someone with a
college diploma . And since 1 only
had lhree more credi ts, I s till got
the job."
The commillee Marion works for
is called The Joint Legisla1ive Com•
millee on Post Audit a nd Over•
sight. Founded in 1971 , Its mai n purpose is to be a watchdog for the
The co lTlm iltee of twenty-one. six
members or 1he senate and fift een
members of the House o f Represe ntalives. is unique because ii has
subpoe na power. And so far th e
co mmill ee has saved 1he taxpayers

(C onll ~u ed on pa1e 4)

Applications have been
Are you a creative person
who needs 11850.

We are now taking applications for the Editorship of the Suffolk
Journal for the 1976- t 977 school year.
Applicauons must be submitted to th e Student Activities Office
1n the Ridgeway Lane Building . Room 5.
On or before April 30th before 4:45.
To be eligible for the position the Candidate:
t. Musi be registered as a fu ll-time day undergraduate
2. Must be in good academic stand ing at the time of applicallon-during the term of office-good academic standing
dependent upon summer school or upon spnng semester
grades is nol valid.
3 Must not be a ca~d1date for an office 1n Student Govern•
ment Associa tion.



call Ken Kelly, ext. 320.

I ·

Ap ril 23 , 1176


Su(folk Journal

Media Night at the Press
by Debbie Burk e
Ddm1n')l 1hnm11e h1•s as~co m pl1m t> nlrtr ~ r.11her tha
stf'rf'oh pt'li co mp e l in~
e di n
Mf'W'IJl ill)l'r r<•pnrtrrs a nd r e prt'sc ntulln•~ Frum the r. lcclroni c neJ.s
mcdlH r c1
:enl l\ dis c uss ~d th e ir
ro les m lh c Lummunicalio ns fie ld
hefun• th f' Prt>'i5 C lub . 1R5 DMI •
m ou1h St
Sturicnts from 1ho Bos lon a rea all
\\till all duh mt!mher s listened to a
'ilX m+>mllf'r pa ne l com11s1in~ of



)~:;i\':~~ (~~~~~~ ~~c~f~

ca meram,i'n for C hann e l i, Bob
Sa les uf lhe CfoLe. Diane White .
ft•a1 ur1• ed11or n f 1hc Globe. a nd
Ri"k I lownrcl. n11111is10n1 cit\ edilbr
nf 1he , Polrrn1 Ledger

Snl es 1
>01n1 ed o ut that 1he two
types o f metli a
er a ba la n ci ng
f e ff ec1 ·· The rarlin wels yo ur
appe11tc a nd forces you to 1{0 oul
;:; Jnd hU\ ,1 ne w spapl' r lo g~t th e
:'e: rf• st ··
~ Susk in ;ulclr1d . ··su re 1V has its
i» \Hnkness hm:ausf\ 10 a jl re at cfe)Zr ee
l: 11 is .i h cncllme S f' ·ice. but with the
111tlizalwn of th(' ' \1mtcam ·· anrl
o. purhaps lhc 11npll"me otnt\pn of an
Globt]:dltorlat Writer Joh-n Robinson dlacu1 rn1 lh e politics of Angola with ··c>11 c n ;'l,;f•\\SC,1s1· ·
e co\ild be
lhe /o o rnoJ.





more e ff ective in co mpeting wilh
the print media ."
I IO\\>CVE!f. Shc lb )' Scon added .
··we wun ·1 be e ff ecli ve ,f we
ovP rust• this new toy - ··1he mini•
ca m:·
Furth e rm ore Sal es beliC\•es thal
11 is the newspaper's job to bejlin
cove nnjil slories differentl y. •·we
ha\f' lo beMin stressing lh ~ " wh y."
more tha n the ot he r five W's and
H 's (who, what w hen . where a nd
how l of the story."
··w e have 10 realize." the confi•
dent Sales ad ded . ··th e traditional
press has lo change becauae we
a re n't th e primar y source of ►tlfo r •
malion anymo re.''
Sh e lby ScoJl 1hen had tn'e oppo rtunity to deny the belier th a t adver•
tisers are llla ni pulators o f !he
med ia . •· Advertisers ar e buying our
public not our policies. so as long as
I can back up my a ttack!: or view•
points wilh fact! - rm covered ."
The program lasted .ipproximaleh • two ho u rs. after which slud e nts
had the opportunity to min!Zle with
the \.arious personalities in lhe
p lush su rroundi ng, (marble topped
lahles. green velvet seats} of the
adjoining Press Club Lounge .


Globe Editorialist Robinson :

Foreign Hot'Spots


hy Putricla A . Cnllahwn
flt,· ~1 111 .,\ (111 \111,:nl,1! 11\~ 1• '1 tis
\ 11 lun 10 t:u li.1 and \ht• Sm 11 •1
I l11111n
\\h,11·s JIOLll~ tu he 1h1•
P••~ off , .. Th,11 is the lmport11111 issu£'
•rna1111n,.i tt, lw sc11 lcrl re)l!ard in~
th •· ,\n>,:ol,m Ci\"il \\ .-i r, nccord 1n>( lo
lnhn Rolunsnn of 1hc Hmunn C:lnh1•
Thll l!Chtonol wr11c r, a >(IICSI of
1lw Pnlilh:u l Scie n ce Associa110n ,
wrn t 1111 to SH)', "Civ il wnrs hy their
natu r e allrnc t outsi de interven •
li c
m:· in this case. fr om lh e Sovi e t
tl ni o n a nd th e U nil ed S1a1cs.
Th e Sovi e t IJnion waN lh e first Ill
1nt u rvmlf' , with dirccl aid in the
for m of money u nd a rms va lucrl .it
w<! II ove r $1()() million . T he Soviets
had 1wo reasons fur gcttin,r in vo lve d in Angola : lo counler 11
lhren l from Pe kin@. w hi c h had bee n
su pportiOg th e U ni tln fa c ti o n , ancl
b1;ca us e " , . th e Sov iet U niun is a l
,t poml of g rowlh wh e re ndvenlurism ill in uvitahl e" to broad en its
s ph ern nf )Z lohn l po lili cN
' l'jic U n11 e rl SHlll!S j,I.OI mvolvccl
twcn us« 1hr. Slnl e Depn rtnwnl relt
thnt ·· R11 ss 111. h y suppurtin)( a po lit·
icu ll y unproven fac 1ion . wh ir.h wns
nut winninM militarily , was torcin~
,i n 1m 1
,osr-d so lut ion ·· Thi'
,\m Ni cnn Fo rei~n poli c~ in thi s
sit11 11 tiun w.-is h,1mp crocl hy tw n
Nro1•s ; n ·· ti oni ,l,\n nu>(IPc l'· nf thr
si tu a lrnn m th e .. nullwrn tif'r o f
:\fru:11 und e r tht• ~ixo n and Fu rci
.irlministrn11ons whir.h 11•£1 policymak,irs o ut or 1nur.h w llh whnl w11s
haµp c111n)( .• ind the cl1! Cl"i o n In ),tl\'f'
rnv•• rl , cl 1rt1c:I ••Ld to th e FN I.A r11 c11un the 1111lihtril v s lrtin)l.l'SI hut
po li1 1 y w~akrst · fon t·
Robi nso n s,ml tlw \',1luc of U.S
r:ov1•rt ,lid in the form or money nnd
ur ms wns in excess of $3:! milli on
ovn n s b.•munth period . Tho nrms
\\'e re sh1ppccl IO neiMhhoring Zaire
and rlistrihut ml to FNI.A fo rces .
·•rtfo si tunli o n ca mu to n head in
1-otc Fc lmmr )'. w he n the Sovi e l
I In io n c nll s1e d th e ai d of ila A y

1: 11h.1 to 'l1•111l 111 ,in ,•,p;•t\ 1111111,,n

furn· Rulun•.im dt•M nl ll•tl Cuh,1


'HIPol1•~11.,1ll, foi \\ ,1r, u f n,1111111.11
lih,•r,1111111 ·· .lncl rP,uh to f 1wh 1
amwlw1 11 111 lh l' \\urld
ilc1:,111,;o uf 1hc rf'Ct• n1 i.:onlro\' t' f!I\
su rroumltn~ C IA 'in11•rff'rf?nt.tJ in
rurt'1)ln affa irs. Rohm son d oe not
feel lhl• Unitt'CI Stales wi ll ,iet m vo lvnd in any ·· hot spots" ror .,
\•,,hile . Asked Ir th;_11 includ c rl
Rh odes ia . whi c h is sce kinM 10
overth row rule h} 1he white Enlish
min o rit y. Robinlon sairl yes. ·· t1 ow
tl o you op pose o utsid e in le rvenlion
(h y F. n,wlnnd) and th en inter fe re? "
Th,! on ly silualions \, •here Rob in•
son fo rcsros lJ .S in le rve nti on are
in l.c nl ral a nd Sou lh Amer ica ''I'm
sure 1hat 1n this hemisph e re, 1he
l Jnit c ri S1 a1,:s woulci tak e mililnry
a clion ,'· lw, said .

llse's·Third Comer
........ c.un.. .........
in a C&l"Pded mftXr. +th n. Fenton
o ,o,,...., • ... _... ,_.. U--1, •

doaaildlo""""'"'""T_,.. "--.._. •I


....... ,

A 1- 0 . , a l ~ M . • 7, l , Q ...,.. ... ,
A ! 1-.tfi'.INC , . S T _ __ ,,.,.. _
0 ...,._,._..,__,... __ .-II T ..... !lo_,


c .... .,,,...,


\'o•• ~.,.,. an

,.0 0.1,...~_...__,

c• ..... ,__, _ c..w
.... _,..~_.....~8llff•S,-. Owl

sm,: M


Tuesday, April 27

Rm. V-353

All members and
interested candidales are
urged to attend

•"""" •• iM

.... _. ......,.

l"Tlm~,.-rs · TALLVf" COJ,,TUT

Both : Aventi! Los! Seung-al
LET ' S GO !Ill


Mon. Tues.
Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.


Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-out

Part/Platters also A vailahle
Beacon Hill, BOSTON

742 5458


~: ~"~~~~;~·.: '"'t: . . ····-·
= n' ·:;

f P,lllltr ednur of 1hr c; lohP. a nd
R1r k ll ow ;u cl ,ICi" ISlanl ri l\ ed il or
n f 1hr Pn lr ml l.1 •Ugf't

Sh e lby ScoJl the n ha d 1he o ppo r• /
1umt )' to den y th e be li e r that &dvet•
tise rs a r e m a n ip ul at ors of th e
medi a . " Adve rtisers are buyi r111 o ur
publi c not o ur poli cies . so a s Io ns as
I ca n back up m y attacks o r view po ml s w ith fa cts - rm CO\'ered "
T h e proRram lasted approxima1e •
h two ho un. aft e r which atudenl.5
h;HI 1 o ppo numt} 10 m1nRle w it h
the \ a riOUs persona lili es in !he
plush 5u rround ings (marble topped
lahles. ~re e n velvet seats) of the
ad 1mn in~ Pr esa Club Lou nge ,


S,1 li•ci pomt.-.d 0 111 1ha1 1he two
1\ pt •<; u f mt.!d1 .1 n£f er ,1 ha la nci n~
·T h P r ,uiio wets , ou r
~ ,1 ppf!l1 t(' and rou lo Jil' ~ o ul
;:; J nd hm ,1 nr>w sµa pr r In 1i1 e 1 the
., r f f,,rl

! n•o; I .,

Sus kin a dd,•d 'S ur(' TV has 11
m \\ r> nkn,•ss h p,:;rnsP rn ,1 ,1,rPn l dr jlr r r
~ 11 l!I ,I lw,1d hn 1• Sf'rv1 • hul , , 1t h thl'


util1 za1 1 of 1h1• \ h n1
-Cnm ·· ,ind
' f pt't ha ps th• • unpl ,•mcn latw n of an
Globe Edllorla l Writer Joh n Rohln1011 dl1cu11e1 th e polit ics of Anijoh1 with
I Jpp~ "\ P\\-.1,1,; 1 \\ r> cnu \d h1

the /ournoJ.

Globe Ed itorialist Robinson :



Foreign Hot Spots


In Patrid a .-\ C:all alu1n
l it, · \ 11'1.. \ j 111 \ 11 i,: ul.11

11\, ,·~


to l '. 11b,1 ,ind th,. :-,.,,,..r
I 11111111
,, h,,, ·s "1111 11y In hl• t! II'
p ,1 , n~f 1 ·· Th,11 1 th•• 1mp11r lil nl t"l"lll l'
r, •111 ,11 11111,i: In hr , r11 lt •rl rt •),! ,1rt lin ~
T · J\n,i:nl.1 n C iv il \\'ur . ll LLn rchn,i,: 111
John R11 h1n:m n nf 1h 1 Boi.11111 <:l nht•

T hi · 1•d 11nr rn l wnl c r, n )lllt?SI of
1lw Poli 11 cul Scurn ce Assncmll nn
w1 u n tn say . "C1v d w ri rs h y th eir
natu r e ,1tl r,1c 1 nu lsidc in tc r \' f' ll ·
lion ," an 1h 1 case . fr om the S11 vie1
llnin n nod the ll n ilctl Sla tes .
T lw Snv wl \J ni nn wris th e fir s! Ill
1n l1!rvc1w . w ith direct a id 11\ 11
fo r m uf ruonc r a ncl arms val ued ,ti
w £' 11 o ve r $l00 mill ion T h e Sov1e 1
h ud 1w11 rn usons .. for gc llin,i,: involved in Ango la · In cu unh:r a
threa t frn m Pc kinM w hich hacl hcf'n
su ppur linl( the lJ n idn fa,:ti.un . ancl
bccnww " . th e Suv ir. t \Jn iun is 11 1
,1 poin l or )t'r'OW !h whi •rf' acl \'l'O•
J.11 n s m is incvi 1a hl1 10 hroudm1 it s
s ph f'rn of )llohn l po liti r.s
Tlw ll niH •d Sta irs )!Il l m volvt•d
hi•ca us11 the Stnl f' IJ,"p,trl mcn l fo ll
t h,11 " Russin . h } i.upporllll}: .i po hl •
1c;,1il) un p nwc n fac :11011, w hic:h wa s
111)! "4n n inM mi lil un l) . \\ II S fnr c:111,1.:
,1n impu s ccl s n l u1 i un .. Th P
Amnit;an F11 n •1i,!n po lic~ Ill 1h1
i.thi.ttio n \\ ,IS h ,1m pcr c d h~ lwu
1• rrun,• ,1 " htJ ni,i.:n nt•,i,: lcc:t' ' of t h f:
i. 1111,ltlOO Ill 1lw .;0111h urn tis• r of
t\ fn rn und i• r th1• :-.Jb:11 n ,1nd 1-'nr,t
,1dmini strn l11111 s. wh11:h h·fl p11l1cy•
uw k,•rs 011 1 of 1
n11rh w it h whnl was
h,1pp1•111nJ,(, ,llld lht' df' ci si on tu )li\' f'
1 m ,•rt . d 1rrt: I a 1J 10 1h1 • FN I.A fit c111111 1lw 1111li 1,mh• stron~C'sl h11 1
1m l1 11 c,1ll v wf'ak f' :--1· fon.(' .
Ruhi nson s,iid ltw \'ilhrn of ll S.
t.ow• rl ,11 tl m th P fo rm of mo ney and
a rm s was 111 excess of SJ:! milli o n
ow• r a s ix-mo nth peri od . The nr ms
wNe sh ip pecl In nr.ifehhorin MZaire
and cli s1rihu1cd 10 1-'NtA fu rc:r s.
T he s il un lio n cam e to a hcud in
kit e Fc hrn ur y. wh e n the Sovi e l
tl n ion e nli s te d th e ai d of its a ll y
, 11lut \

I 11h,1 IH ,,-11,I 111 ,1 11 , •·,1 w dll11111, 1,
f11 11 ,. Hoh1ni.11 11 ti,,.,, r 1h,•tl Cuh,1 '"
' 1 ,•,11
,,,1,111 .111, l,11 "·' ' ' ,, t 11 ,11 11 11 ,1 1
lllu•r ,11111 11
,in d n •,111\' Ill f1~h1
,l ll \ \\lw1, • 111 iht• ,, n rld
.i•11f 1h1· n't .t•n1uin1ro\ 1·r-.\
-.u rn1 u11d 111)! C IA ·,111 Pdt ·n •111.1• 1n
f11r1• 1 .1rr.11r<1 H11IH11!1flll tl(W'i 1101
f, •1 1h1 · 1J n1H•d S1,11 M wil l ~,•1 10 •1
\ nl v,•d in it ll ~ " hut ~pnts .. for it
wh d l' A~kc d if tha1 inc:lud ed
~hodt!sta . w h11:h is Sf' c k1n)i! lo
nve r thrn w ruh. Jh 1h,• ,,,h1tf' En lish
m1nur ity. Roh immn snicl } CS . " ll ov,, /
du ~1111 oppnst1 n11 tsid1• int c rv.e nli on ,
1 En;,!l nn d l a nd llw n 1n tc rrn1•·1..
Tlw uni ~ s1 1u11ti11ns \\ h e n• Rubrn sn n fnrr.s Pf'S I l S inli •n e nli un a n •
111 C:P nl rnl an d Sn11 1h t\111c ric:a ·-rm
su n• that 111 1h is hf'm 1
sphe rf' , th e
t ' n1 1crl St,1tcs wuuld 1,1kc m1h1an
11:111111:· 1w Sitld

Ilse's Third Corner
Spring Rdraher Coune, O'l'fl"bcard
1n • carpeted

Rm. V-353

All members a nd
interested candidates are
urged to a ttend



mr ,...-.T..... """-, ....i • I
\l Of'l'Oall' \I

A i - Un clc:t-. M.. 7. 1 ,-,

'A.,... .,,,

,,.,r .,....,,,,.......,.,

A 1,... .J r • 1Y c

0 ,._,._..._...,._, _ .. _..T...... 5'. -


0 \ ,.. I btMoi "'7f'"AI
.t, OI ,ou n< \ - , , o, u o
{"TLTlL.'•'T.f f ALL"T OO,-'T6!lT

•nN<I 1


0 0.1 ..,_,....._u.t. _ ,
A11no;in t . . . .

,....., le ..

..;lo ........

Sllll: WAU: ,tMl. - c• ... .. :,aw-il•CtlWD,d.
................ _ , . ... .., Sulf.S,0.-


Both : Aventi! Los! Seung-al
L E T ' S G O I!!!

l0am-11 m

Tuesday, April 27
1:00 PM


'A........ .. ............ 9,&Al,_,-, ..




aornc:f ,


Mon. Tues_ ..,,
Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.

Sun. 4:00-11 :00

Quality food

Primo's Italia-Sub Shop
all orders prepared to take-out


latters also Available.

742- 5458




Aprll U, ltn

SuUollr:· Journal


Security Improvements:

We Are No Longer Watchmen'

by Ri ck Saia
The Security Departme nt of Suffolk U ni ve rsity under th e supe r•
visi o n of Edwa rd Farre n, th e new
aupe r\!isor of aecurlt y a nd sa fe ly.
has begun lo wo rk towards a more
Jlrofesslonal lmnge. The deportment for ma n y years was co mbin ed
with maintenan ce, unl il th e e m•
Mr. Farren.
Mr . Farr e n . wh o ha s b ee n
e mpl oyed a l lhe U nlve rsll y since
Janu a ry. has been tr yi n8 to c re ate a
·, r e r vl slbillly of th e d e pa rtm e nl
lhro ughuut the school.
" Th e • U nive rsil y dec id e d 1ha t
th ey w a nt ed so meo ne wit h a prof cas io n11I b ackgro und in security,"
h e said . " tuok y eno1-1tch I ijOI the
Mr . f-~ re n. w h o received o n


Senior tclence major Dorothea

Bowen won lop prize In !he Suffolk
Debali111 Club'• ra!Oe held lo cur•
tail the costs or 1he upcomlna
national debates ln California.
M,. Bowen wit! enloy five day, In
the Bermuda tun.




Tiu· -4 1h1,11111n t..,11n1• to ,1 hrad· 1n
whrn tht • Sovll'I
I ln1on Pnhs11;d tilt' .11d nf 11~ all}

h111• h•hruan

P•1e 4

Security lmpcovements:


April 11,


Suffolk Journ al



~(!~ Are No Long~r Watc~men')
The Security Department or Suffolk Univcrsily under the supe rvisio n o f Edward Farre n, the new
supervisor of securil)' anrl safe ly.
has hesun 10 w o rk towards a more
profess ional image The deparl- _ _ _ _
m e n I for man y yea rs was combined
wi lh main1enan ce. unl il th e emplo yment
Mr . Farren.
Mr . Farren . \,•h o h as be ,•n
e mpl oyerl n l th e University si n ce
la n ua ry. has been tryi ng to creole n
hish e r vis ibility o f th e depa rtme nt
thro u3h r,,u 1 the school.
"The · U n ive rsily tha t
!hey wanled someone w ith a JJro•
fessiona l ha ckgruli nd in securi ty."'
h e said . " Luoky· c nouj(h I JZOI the
Mr Farren . who received An
Associate Science Degree Al No rthpas tern Unh!ersily. was for the past
The monllor 11 walched 24 hou rs ■ day b y Suffolk security guard,..
Aivc ~•c;1rs 1 rector n f Secunt) at
' wlll affecl them ..
th e C ilchri sl department store in thal Farren has inslitutecl · more 1he law a nd how [
Bosl on . Previous to thi s 10b. he also nightim e rounds. A nt:w reporlinjl Farren said ... I al wan! them lo be
wor ke d for seven y~;i rs as a Sf!cu r l- s,•sl e rn has a lso been e!l lah li sh ecl b,, more responsive I the \'eeds of the
1/arrrm. w hen• rnpnrls hu\'e In h~ s111clrn1s a nd racu ,Y· Th' purpqse
ty gunrd at Tufts IJ niw.irs il y.
CommenlinK o n his plnns fnr the failed uul c overin)( lll !I I ahout of a secur ity o Hl ce r · ser~e. Peo1> le turn 10 us for eve ry" re.&on undepaftmcnt. whi ch consis ls of eight e\'Ct) 1h111,w th.ti m1jlht happen
" I want m} stnH tu be aware of der 1he s un ··
men . 1he supervisor said , .. \\'c are
swi 1
chinM from th e o ld wa tch m1•11
imilMe , which Suffolk definit ely h ad
,incl are now tr ~
•ing Ill h ccom,• more
Th r hst
o rji!an, zational work
pro fcssiu n al l'\'e insliluterl i'\n un - (Con li nued from page 2)
Mari u 1l's 10 h for no\'\ 1s mnstl} 'icr ms t•ndlcss ;ihoul Mari o n . wt\o
thc-1uh tr,110111.1( prOjlrnm and am
lnnk111i,z for a 1i l,1 cf-' for outside Irain• res •arch hut she s••t u p ,1 llhrnr~ fo r .1dn111s In heinlil un ,1clivc person.
111.1( su c h as an academ y. The )l ua rcl s thf' c 11111m111t•t• ·w hl'n sh H f1rs1 Sht• \'\,I S tw o-lim e PTA Presidenl.
1h cn \\i ll IH' sworn in as 1
,qlic ,• of - slartutl Anet aflC'r ,wr ;1dua1io n. sh n ,\tlm1ni s trntion As s1!l trrn t tn a
~l .1'is a r: h11-.C' lls S1 a 1P S e nator . a
fice rs , spur:ial s trati; poli ce nff u:t•rs ·· lll il) do Sumi' im f'S ll)l[lfl\"I• proj
Milrlon . wh o·~ q111t l• cu ntrnl a nd c,1m p u1jlnn fo r man) stale orfi •
Thi"! Si•curily 11,•partmrnl. wh1 c:h
hnpp\ !hi,; w•, 1r. f1•rl ." !lhf' woulcln 1 na b . n 111,•rnhl' r of th e Saugus
11p1•rn11•,; : hnurs A rlin•, hn,; 1itk1•n
1l,•1111 11.r,111t: T u \,n Co mmi11 e e . a
,n,·r 1l, •l,11 b . -. 111:h ,n, H,11hs k1 •ll,1 n, , \ \ "illll 11 1 dn 11 o\' i' r ,1).1,1111
" P1•upl o ,1sk ml' 1f I \\ ic;h I'd ,1,:nnC' dPlt•)-late to the Deniocratic Stale
th,11 usnl to bfi ,1
1l'd 111 otht•I
to r:01\1!!,W \'I h,•n I \\ ,I'- ,oun}wr , hul I Cu n \ l' n l 1o n . Ch a1r mdn of the
,1_1,l r' ll l.: l1•s ou lsicle lhf' 1lni\' e rsil\
Fnrrun st.1lt•rl. " \.\1 h,11 surp~1 . C!'> sa~• no. !'vu loci a ve t} happ). ful - C:,101;r r F und o n th e No rlh Shore.
and I had ,In excelhrnl ,mil ,1 C h a rtrr OrJiani zer or 1~e E.tst
nm 1!-i lhttt wt• dun·1 ha vt• lho cnmo fillccl
thn t is .i ll arouncl us ," I le 1hen com.- mnrrln,wf' . .'. 1hink I apprrc lal e 11 . S,mgus Improve ment Association .
rv1 ,1rfon \\ as also listed in Who's..
nwntccl upon the fo c i 1h 01 lus s laff more nnw
D,•sld us rnlsinjl h,• r t..hildri·n fnr Whom Ameri ca n Politi cs from 1968
doe s 1101 ca tr } ,cum1 b) sayin1i1. " 1
sc,· no prPsent ni•ctls for lh cm tu twe nl\ •I\\ U \ eM!I. ~l.1no n found lh ruu~h 1973'
And whal is nexl for Manon
carry firnnrms no\, ur i n 1tw lim1• 10 do sc cr i!l.trlill work fur tw r
n11onw} husband nnd /WI 11wnlvcd Dono~hue? Well. sh e 's s till unfu1uro .·· The mnjor s t! Ct11' il )
tl r cicl e d about sc hools . But s h e
in or,1!11t11 z.tt1ons and duhs
, problems lie nt mjlhl dut• to 1he r.11.1
ho pes lo ,1w IV jltAdu~le sChool to ,11e1
he r masl ~rs dejZree in Pu~li c Ad m1n1s1ra 110 n.
Work Study




... graduation·




This Summer
The Rober! S fr1e c hm a n
Cobacoolt Boy laboratory of Sulloli
Un1ver11ty , Edmundt4Maine , hos
work 1ludy po11bon1 ava1lable for

Call Us
We Can't Call You
Suffo lk University
De p a rtment of Securicy

1) Maintenance
2) Assistant Cook
For information see Dr. Wes,' in
the Archer Building,' Rm. A49, or
call ezt. 247.

freshmen - Sopho more
April 2S1 h, 1 p.~ .-10 p .m .,
Webb Brook Cou ntry Club
Billerica Mas~.
Free Beer • Food - Mu sic
open 10 all Suffo lk S1udents
Tickecs in S1uden1 Activities office

S.50 Suffolk Students, S1.50 Gues1s
Rain or Shine

Senior science major Dorothea
Bowen won top prize in the Suffol k

Debating Club's raffle held to curtail 1he costs or the upcomins
national debates In California,
M1 . Bowen will en~y five days in
the Bermuda tun.

The APO Blood Drive raloed 71'
p ints.
Se\'enty pints of blood were
donat ed b)' members or th e Surrotk
Communit) al 1he annua l Blood
Drive sponso r ed by Alpha Ph i
Ome1rn lasl week in 1he Ridgew&)'
1.olln~e .
:\ r:cordin,R to Blood Drive coo rrti n,11or Alan Wei nbaum. this was
much leM 1han Josi )'ear·s figure or
11 4 pinlS .

AsshlinJi! W e inbaum in coordinating lhc drive were Students
Activities Dire c 1or Ken Kell) .
Secretat) Pam Strasen a nd th e
mailroom who dist r ibuted 6000
flyers in the m<\il prior to the event.

Senior "Cross" major. Sandra
Rodrijlues h as been awarded a twoyear Graduate Fellowhsip al Ohlo

Stale Unj\'ersily, for gra duate study
in Linguislics. The fellowship
ca rri es a sti pend of $6400 per year.
Congra tul a tions, Sandra !

Beacon Hardware
Supply, Inc.
Phone 523-11'8

We carry a lu.J line o/ Ammoaic
T. V.'1, ,orJ;o, and A t /be
lopncw in the d t,I


r~:o;: :::=

lnten11ve Summer CoutN in IJ)Olen Spanil.h for corNr•onented irtudenta-ager lo
for •mploymenl, and lor others who 11.11t want 1 lecnn to speak





Two weeU ol late-ohernoon con.,eraabon group work o1 Suffolk
two wNb ol lntenlin, bve-1n Hperienc-e ot Cobecook Bay,
two more wMb ol converecrtion group work o1 the UNveraty
Some previou, es;perience m nec.aary
SUI bur- hlmt, shde 1how1. tertulla,, Spani.h cuwne, and oleo u1dud• tu1boa,
room ond board charg• al the Cobtoook Campu,, rou nd-tnp travel, 6 credit hours
Intermediate Spontah


See page 17 of S')mmer Catalog for det01ls, or call on the Dept of Modern
Longuagff, HI 384.85


Security Improvements:

We Are No Longer Watchmen


hy Ri ck Sai a

The Securil y Deperlm e nl of Su ffo lk Uni ve rsit y und er the su prr vis ion o f Edw erd Fa rre n. th r new
supervisor of sec urit y a nd sa fe ty.
has hegun to work toward s a more
professional imag e The cle porl mc nl fo r man y years was comh m erl
with m aintenan ce, unlil the e m ploym e nt of Mr. Farran .
Mr . F a rr e n , wh o h as h ec- n
o mpl o yerl 111 th e tJ niversil ~ s ince
Janu a ry. has hce n tr ),' ing In c r ea te a
higher visibd11y of th e d e parlm e nt

Seqior tcience major Dorothea
Bowen won top prize in the Suffolk
Debating Club·• rafn e held to cpr•
1ail the costs of the upcomln1
natiollal debates in CaJifOmla.

M1. BdWen will M)joy five day• In
th e Bermuda sun.

through out the schoo l
" Th e Univ e rsit y dec id ed 1ha1
they wanlcd someo ne with II p rofessional ha c k~round in ~ecuiitf."
he said " l.uok y onouMh I ROI lhe
10h "


Mr Farre n . wh o rece i v<' d an
Associ at e Sci ence DcKree al Norlh-

e ul e rn tl ni \'e rsil }. \\ia s far th e past
ri ve \Ca rs Direc to r of Srr.u ri t\ al
lhe Gilc hri.!11 d c 1,ar tm e nt slor~ in that Farrr.n has ins til uJed mo re
lloslon . Prnv inus 10 1his job. he al so ni,11h 1im e rou nds . A new repo rlin,i!
worke d for !'!eve n )'f' ,1rs as u sflf:uri • s~,tmn h,1s a l.!lo boo n es111hlishe d by
Fn rri• n. whe n-. r•! ports h ave to he
ly ${Uarcl a l Tufl s tl ni ve rsi l~
Comm e ntinMon hi .!! plan s fu r 1h1• fd lccl u u l cm·Ptl n)( ftl "il ahout, whi ch cn nsi sts nf Cl,i! h l 1•vcry1h1111,1 1h 11 1 m 1gh) hnppen
men . thl! s 11p,i rv1sor snid . " Wr arf' • ·• 1 w.i nt m ~ sta ff 1t1 he awntt: nf
swi 1chin,1,1 frnm lh e old wa 11:hm1•n
rnrnMe, w hi ch Surfolk derinitcl y had
,111d arn now tryinij 10 hllf:0 111 1• m n r c
(Conllnucd rrom page 2)
p rofcss iu rrnl l \· 1 in slitul cd ,ltl on
;\ lanun-. 1nh fQr nm\ I!> mnsl l~
1lw-111h train m J,1 pro,i,trnm a nti ,u n
lnokin)I Ulr ., 1 lacr fnr 11111si dt• lr,u n- t1•!<!1•.1rch 11111 sh ,• st>! up ,1 h hrnr~ for
•n~ suc h ,1 s un ac1111 Prn y T lw J,l ll ~ tls 1h1• 1 ummlllt>,• wh ,•n shP ftrsl
lh c n \\ ill lw swo rl'I 111 ns polit.l' uf- i,, 1,1rll·d And ,t{ll'r ,1,1r,11!11a111m, sh,•
fu:Prs, spm: rn l stat i.; poh c1 n rf 11.ns · nl, l \ do St11111' 111\ t•SIIU, 111\ I' {lrtlJl' f'.IS
!\t.1r mn \\ho '"I q1111,, eonten1 ,uul
T he S1'ct1ri1y D1•1Mr lm"n1 wh11 h
o p1•rnl t>~ 24 h11 11 rs n rl rn h n~ t,1k1•n lrnp1l\ 1h,-. \f',lf" r,,l'I~ ~hp v,;1111\dn I

... gr~i:luat ion


II\ l' t d1 •t ,11J ,_ ~1/1 h .,~ K,11h-.lo.t>ll,1t ._
l h ,11 ust•d Id b e ,1
wcl 111 ftlh1•1
h.1,11· 111;1,•s uulfu tl ,• tlH' I l n 1\ ·i:rs1h
Fa r n m ti lah•tl. "Wh, 11 s urpn fc~
m1• 1i,, th a t w ,• rl 11 11·1 1
1.1\l' lh u c n mt•

lh al is a ll a round uJ." 11 1• 1h e n w mmenled upo n thl· fact thnl h is st ,1 H
dues no! «:arq ,i!l lll S h> sayi n.1t. " I
sc i• rto prmmnl nt•i·ds fo r th em 1u
ca rr , fir 4•ar ms rw\, nr , n 1lw" Th e ma1or scco ri t~
, 11rnhlt1m s



111,1,1hi lhw 1 tlw f,11 .t


Suffo lk Unive rsity
Depart men1 of Security

Tho APO Blood Drive robed 71
p lnt1.


Thr list of otJ,(an1 zatin nal wo rk
-.,~ ,•ms "nr:llrss nhoul Ma riun. \•,ho
,ulm11s tn ht•lnJZ an aclhe per SQn
Sh,• \\,1 I\\O•llme- PTA Preside nl.
Allm l nistrnlion Assi-.1an1 In a
~1.1-.sMh11~1•11/!I S ia , ., Senator . a
•.• 11npa1,1tnPr fur man) !! late o Hi 1:1,.t-. 11 111,•mhN ur ,tw J,( US
llt•111111.r.1111: r m-.n Committee, a
\\,1111 lo .! 11 11 11\·,• r ,l!.l,1111
' P1•opl1• ,1,k m1• if I \, 1-.h rd i,:11111 • d,•l,•, rntr 1 thi' Oem'ocra ti c State
lo u1 ll 1•1u• \\ lll'n I \,,1,. \ uunt,:i'r. hut I Corl\ ,•nr,nn . Cha 1rm,1n or th e
1 t! r~ hu p p~. fulCa111 ,•r Fund nn the No rlh Shore ,
say no. I've letl u \
rill t•cl
and I h ntl ,m eM:d lt:'n l ,ind ,t Ch,1r1r-r Ur · mz~ r of 1he East
mnrr ia)lf' I lhm k I ,1pprncrnh• 11 S,IUJZLI!> lmprO\C ent ·socia lio n.
:-.. t,ir 1on \\as .ii. lls1ccl in Who's
mo re now ..
Dcsi d cs raisi nl,!. lwr • t11lrlri<11 fur Who 1n Anwric,m l~i 111:S'from 1968
1hrouJ,1h 197~
l \\1'111\- IWu \Col t s . ;\1,,rnm found
And what 1s nex l fo r ~la rio n
lmw to 1111 sccrtilun,11 \,or\.. fo1 twr
,1llornu, husbn nct nn d ) 1n\'nlv1
•d l1nno1,1hue., W~II, she's s till untl1•c. 1dccl a b11u 1 s,; hoo l.!1. Bu i s he
1n ur.1,1,1;11 z,1tiuns ,1ml duhs
hopes lo MO to Rra du a te school to gel


her maslr rs deizree m Publi c Adm111 1
s1rn 1io n

Work Study
This Summer
The Robert S fri e chm o n
Cobtcook Ba y laboratory o f Su Holk
Un1ver11ty, Edmunds,.iMaine, has
work study pocitions ovmlable lor
the summer

Call Us
We Can't Call You


the law a nd how i i will affect them"
Fo rre n said . " I also want 1hem lo be
more respon.!live lo th e ne ed.!I or the
st ude nt s a nd facuh y. The purpo1e
nf a secu ril) ofrlcer is service. Peo-p lP tu rn 10 us for eve ry rea son unde r th e s un "

l) Maintenance
2) Assistant Cook
For inlormalion see Dr. West in
the A rcl1~r Building, Rm . A 49, or
c:all ez t. 247.


FEA11.J R/NG :


Senior "Cron.. ma jor, Sandra'
RodriMues has been awa rd ed a twoyea r C ra dual e fe llowhsip al Ohio
S ta te nive rsit y. for graduate sludy
in Lingui s tics. Th e rellowshlp
carri es a stipend of S6400 per year.
Congralul a lions , Sandra!

Freshmen -


April 251h, 1 p .m.-10 p .m,.
Webb Brook Country Club
Billerica Mass.
Free Beer • Food • Music
open to all Suffolk Students
, Ticke1s in S1uden1 Activities office
S.50 Suffolk S1udenu, S1.SO Guests
Rain or Shine


S eve n! } p ints or blood were
d o na led b)1 members or th e,Suffolk
Commun i1-.• al rhe annq.ll Blood
Dr ive s pOn so r ed b y Alph a Phi
Omc,rn last wee k in 1h e Ridgeway
Accnrcli ns, 10 Bk,od Drive coordin,1tor Alan Wei n baum. 1h1s was
m uch les.5 than lns i year's rigu re or
114 pi nlS,
Ass 1s lin M W ei n& an m i n coordinallng 1he d r ive we re Stude nts
Aclivi ll es Dir ec 1o r Ke n Ke ll\•,
SccretJ n Pa m St rasen a nd 1he
ma ll roo~ w ho d is1 r i bu1 e d 6000
fl yers in 1he m,\ il prior lo the evenl.

Beacon Hardware
Supply, Inc.
Phone 523-11'8

We carry a /uJ lizJe o1 Ama.oaie
T. V. '1, rodios and llereoo. Al tbe
lowest pric9 in the cit,/


Intensive Surftmer Courie in spohn Spcn1.isb for ca;eer -onent.d students eager k>
unprove p r ~ for employment, and for otbets who 1ust want lo learn k> speak
Spanllh suddenly
Two wNb of lat.ahernoon con,er.ation group work at Suffolk

University ,
two "'"ks ol intensive, live•m npenence at Cob.cook Bay,
two more "'"ks of conver.ation group work at the U01veraty
Some previous erperience in Spanish Dece91CJTY


S441 buy■ blm1, 1bde show■ , lw!rtuhar, Span.ah cuiaine, a nd aJ.o ,nd ud• twbon,
room a nd lx>ard c harges at the C obacook Campus, round-lnp tlavel, 6 cr.dll boun
tn lnferm.d1ate Span11h

See page 17 of Summe r Catalog 1 details, or call on lhe Dept of Modem
eat 384.85

La ngu age■ ,



April 2S , 1871

S u(folk Journal

..:I. Th-! m..-ir~n llanhltinn

p ... I

Bosl o n Prf'\'tn ll S to mi s JOt> . nP ;u su
workr cl fur 111r>vc n yr>,trs as il ,wrun •
I\ )(11.t rtl ,ti T u h s I l m \' t' r s il\
CnminPntinJ,1 nn h is pl ans fnr 1h1•
de pc1rtm1• nt. \\ hu:h cnns1sls nf ,•1)11h l
nwn lhP s u prr\' l!HJ T stt 1d. "\-\'1• ,trt •

\\\' ll chtn)II from th e olrl " HI! hnwn
,m a.111!. w h1 c h Surfolk d ufini11 •lv h,1rl
,1m l ,lrf! no w 1r yinMtu h1
•c11m1• ·11111r,·
pruf1·'i'll fl lloli f' w• lll'ill!U lf'rl ,tn nil
rh1•-p1h lr, 11nrnJ,1 p r11)11 r,1m ,md ,tm
lnnklllJ,! rnr ,I 1il,1 i:1• r11r oul s 11I,· tr, n n•
111 )11 s 111.h ,1s ,111 ,u.,11lr nn Tlw ),!U ,trd,;
th1•n \ \111 111' 'i\\orn in. ,1s po lu I' off11.1· r ... ,; p1•c1,1I s1 n1i. pul u:,• off11 ,•r,; ·


Th,• S Pr.ur itv ll• ·p,1rl nw n t wh ir h
up ,•r,11 ,,., 2-1 hou r., a r1 .i, hn-. t,1k .. n
"' ,., ,l,·1,111, .. 111.h ,1-. H. 1rh-.l-.,•ll,11,
lh,1 1 11st•d In lw .1~,;1~1r11•d to 11t h1•1
, 1'-!1• m 1" s u uls u lP 1h r I ! 1t1 \ 1•r•.il\
F,1rr1•11 -. 1,11 ,•d , " \ \'h,11 •m t pns1·:m1• ,., 1h ,11 w,! don I hJ\ ,, 1hc 1;nnw
Iha ! 1 ,il l ,1 mu nc\ 11s" I h• 1h ,·1 1 m-s
1, ;~
rn1•nlf'd upo n !h(• fa r l that h is s l,tff
d 111•s no t i:u rr~ ~Ull/i b) s, n i n,w , " J
-.i•1• no p n •sl' n l n,• 1•1b fo r 1h c m 111
1.,1r n
f 1r1•,1r m s n o\\ 111· 10 t lw
fu1u ·r,•." T he mn1 o r s,·curi l \
, prnhl,•m s 111• RI m,1,?hl d111 • Jo tht • f.11.I



11 1~ /1 111111' r 11u 11u:,. f"I IU
::'V\ 1VJJIII ' '''If;
111\slrm h;is al~o h f'f'n ,•s1a hli s h t>d b\
F,1 rrr•n. w hf' rf' rrpnrl'i h,1\·p to h~
fill1 •d 11111 1.0\·t•rin i,t 111'11 ,1hn111
1•\11r~tl11 11)! that m1 l h.i p1 n

I \\ ,ml rn\ sta ff 111 lw a ,, a n • nf

mo rt! res 1 ns1ve to the needs of the
sturl,•nts a nd facuh ) The purpose
r,f ,1 !lncuril ) oHi r:er is servi ce. Pe op l1• t u rn In 11• fnr CVP ry rea son un--


1h1 1

•urn "

... graduation
(Continued rrom page 2)
\ l,trmn., Joh for 1111\\


r!lll!l h

Thi• ltsl nf 11r),lil01t,11ton,1I work
-.,•t>Ol\ "m!IP-.s ,1huul \larum . who

.11 lr111l'I tu lwm),I ,in .ir.11, e pe rso n
Sh•• \,,1:,, l\\ll · ltm1• )YJ'A Pre!ii dent,
-\lim1n1,;1r,111un .\.s"1"ll,1nl lo a
\ l,1s,,11.ht1\••lls S1,11t• Sf'nator ,l
111.1~ d11 i.11m,· m,,,,;t 1_i:,11n1•11r11 11•<".l'i
M, 1r111n "' hn ", 1111111• rn ll \(' ll l ,1'111 c.,,mp,11~0,·r fur m a m s tai r o ffi .
lrn pp, 1h 1,; H',1r f,• ,·I• •h" w1111lcln 1 , 1;11-. ,1 111,•mllf'r nf 1tw Sall VU1'
11 .. m,11.r,111, ln"n Comm1t1Pe, a
\\ ,1111 I" ,I n 11 n\l' I ,l\!,1111
" P,·npl, • ,1,k rn,, 1f· I \\lc;;h l d J.!mh' t1,•l1•,1rnh• to lhf' Oem'or.r,111 c Sl a1f'
Ill i:n l\ 1•1,w \,h ,• n I\\,,\ \11un>t1•r.,\1ul I C:1111\ ,,n 1 11n , Ch.11rm,in uf thL·
·\rnd on tht-' No rth Shure .
s ay no l'vo led ,1 VN \ IH.1)11)\ fu l- C,1111 :;r 1
,tnd ,l C:h,,rll'f CJ r,i!rtn1z1•r of the East
fil h•d fl fp an rl I hacl ,tn "'t:e ll t'nt
m arn ,1,w1 • I th in k I ••Pl(TCC H
ll,• 11 S,111,1ws lmprm1•n1en1 Assoc 1a ll o n
.., ~ w n \\ dS ,1 \so lis1 1n Who's
rn O r (• Oil\\ '
1l(•s 11!,•s • r,1is 111J,! h,•1 , hd,lr,·n f111 \Vim in Am ,•nc,tn 1'0li11 c,
h, ,• nl\•h\11 ,r.i rs ~1,t r mn fm1ml 1hru11),lh -1971>
>\rul whal 1s nex l fnr \t an on
t11n1• lo do ,;,•cr 1• 1,1r,1,il ,,ork f111 h ,·r
lln n o ,11h 11t• 1 \\'e ll. s h e'!'! . Iii un -,11t urnc, hu 'l h,mcl nnd )WI 11Hulv1•d
d1•c 1dNI ahoul sc hoo ls Bu i s he
Ill orl,!Hlllt.,1l1o n s ,m d d u h!.

rp..i•, , n h hut -.h ,· !H'1 up ,1 lih r,1 n ft;r
11' , nmm1111,,, "h ,•n sh,• f 1n11
,;1,111t•d ,\1111 ,1f1,•r )tr.Hlu,1111111 1,h,•


hop,·s lo ,ao 10 ,1tra du a tc sch ool td i,zcl
h1• r m ns l f'l!. clcJZr eP m Publi c Ad-

Wor k Study
This Summer

min 1slrnl1tm


T h e Ro bert S [r1e c hm o n
Cobscook Bay laboratory of Sullolk.
Uruvennty , Edmu nds4 M aine, hos ;
... worlt study poa1hons a vailable for
thesummer ..

Freshmen - Sophomore
Apnl 2Slh, l p .m .·1O p.m .,
Webb Brook Country Club

Call Us
We Can't-Call You
Suffolk University
Department of Secu rity


l ) Maintenance
2 ) As sist ant Cook
For inlormah·on see Dr West in
the A rcher Building, Rm A49, or
call e.rl 247

Billerica Mass.
Free Beer • Food -- Music
open to all Suffolk Students •
Tickets in S1udent Activilies office
S.50 Suffolk Sr udents, Sl .50 G uests
Rain or Shine

Seve n!) pi nt s or hlood we r e
donatf'd h, me mbe rs of lh e Suffolk
Com m u n ii\ al th e a nnua l Biood
Ur lv'p sp~ nso r ed b~ ·Alph a Phi
OmcJla -t,ast wePk in the Ridgeway

Ar umhn,Q


Btooc:I Ori\·e co-

1)rthn,11or Alan Welnhuum. this was
much les." than las l yPar's f igu re o f

J 1-l

pmlS .

Ass 1
s11n,R \\l ei nb au m in coordtnellng lhc d r ive we re Students
Ac11v 111es ll1rec 1o r Ke n Ke ll y.
SPcretJn Pam St rasen and th e
mailroo.,; who di stri bute d 6000
fl yers i n th e m c\ il prior to th e ev en t.

Se ni or "Cross" major. Sandra
RodnMues has been aw a rded a twoyea r Grad ua te Fellowhsip at Ohio
Sl a te Uni versity. for graduale study
in l,i ngui s ti cs . Th e fellowship

carri es a stipe nd of $6400 per year.
Congratu lation s. Sandra!

Beacon Hardware
Supply, Inc.
Phone 523-1148

We Carrf a Jul line of Ammoaic
T. V. '1, radk¥ and - Al Ibo
Jowat price. in the city/

Fiji TUR ING :


i :~


rnoon con.,reracnJOn Qroup work at Sullollt

two weeb ol tnt•rwve, hv•1n eq,enence a1 Cobecoolt Bay,
two more .#Mb of con vermhon group work at the Uruverlllty
Some preV'IOUI eq,enence 111 Spanish neceaaTy



April 23, 117&


lnten41ve Summ , CouTN 111 spoken Spaniah for ca1H1 •onented studenta eager 10
un p,ove p,ospectt or enl),loyment, and for others who 1ust want to learn k> epealc
Span11h suddenly

SUI buys lilm.1, slide 1how1, lertu/Jcu, Span11h cuwne, ond abo 1ndudN tuibon,
room a nd board char9es at tht!! Cohecook Compu1, round-tnp travel , 6 credit bows
m lnhumedmie Span11h
See page 17 of, C oiclog for details, or co.JI on the Dept ol Modern
Long uagea, .. , 384.85

Suffolk Jouro ■ I

, ••• 5



Aprll 23, 1976

Suff olk Journal

, ••• 5




Then and Now.'






"'Ibis is a first-rate book. well researched. well written.
and admirably iDustrated. It recreates the confused and
agitated days of the outbreak of the war with dramatic
"At a time wren the c-elebration of the Revolution is being vulgarized for financial or political gain. it is good to have
work so honest to put into the hands of trose who want to
know what actually did happen in and around Boston from
the Tea Party to the siege of Bostoo, and its recapture."

"The Boston Globe has made a most useful oontributioo to
the Bicentennial. Our two hundredth amiversary offers an
ideal moment for stocktaking. It is not enough to celebrate
a remarkable pasL We can better employ !BS landmarlt
year to re-examine the philosophical. moc'al. economc and
governmental premises underlying our Nation. How well
will they serve us in our third century? The writers gathered here under the bannerof'The Unfinished Revolution'
offer a wealth r:J wisdom as all Americans seek to answer
that question"
Nelsoo A. Rod<efeDer

Henry Steele Conrnager

Professor Emnitus and L,ctu,.,.


, .............. ,

Amitm;t Coll,11'. Amhn,t. Massachus,tt,;
January. 1!176




The-Glob,. ....... M,u.02017




O ll«hboou@Sl195

■ N-.

■ -


--...---------,-- ■

- - .

--- ■

n.uq.wo~~~~:;::;;;;;;;/! --;;-- I
. ~-~-~-I



. .. boycott
(Conllnu e d rrom paae I)
hr sent to lhc s111cl1>nts lu lf!r lo se nd
tho $250 to an osr: row acr.ounl Tho
.icr.o unl \-•I'll\ have rtv,: oh!ctcd 1rus1cos rrom lhc Coalition . DeCouto
m ade clear thel lh c commillucl
· monl!)' would hu accessible to th e
par~cipa llnx s!Udcnts 11ny tii_ne . in
the evunl or a c han)tc nr c1rcum11111nces.
Thf~ hm1.ull mnnt•y 1~ clt•sired h)
tht• Cua l;t,un 111 ~i\•u tlwm dirnr:I
harxuinin)t puwt-tr wllh the udmin1slr,1ti o11 ,111rl llo,1rd uf Trustr1·s
1n Stiµtrmhcr
l).,C:01110 hs1111l ,•i;.:ht lrnrnltvr
clom,rn1ls formulill••cl h) 1lw Cnnli•
liUJl.. Cummitteer lJ) Tlw ncquisl-


lion or adequale s pace fo r th e
or~anizalions, clubs a ncl lo un~ws
durin~ r c-co nstrur: lion of thr
Rirlg ewny Lane huildin>i {RI.BJ . (21
S11bs1an1inl sludtinl 1np111 i n thr
p lannin,I(. occupalicm nnd ulili zatiun o f th e ne w RLB. (31 In clusion of
,Ill unclor,l(racluaHJ lihrnr)' In th e
,rnw H.1.0. 141 Cen1rnlizalion or a ll
admrnislrall\•e offices. fS) Simien!
;incl arlminis1ra1ive input involving
tu11inn incrcn:ilC's (61 A permnnunl
o ll'c lml s tud e nl mmnbur on th e
13uu rrl of Tr1ts101•s (7) C:onscious c ffun h~ lh l' 0
11ln11nistr;11111n lo place
r,, c ial 1111noril) professors ,rnd
stucl e nls in th e Suffolk i:o mmunil y
o lc)lnl. .ir;,ulumir. or ocl-

ffiht .S~ton cllobt

I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..


' ministrelive reprisa ls ta ken against
st url e nls par licipating in lhc bo)'COII
or me mbers of the Coalilion .
Th ere were mixed reactions from
sturlenls in lh e question and answer
period whi r.h followed .
Students <1uestion11d th e feasihili •
ty or tho proj ect. h{lsecl o n thfJ
n o li ce,d .> l e apathy nf Suffolk
stud e nts on previous polit1cal acli v1tii!s. DrC.ou10 acknowledged th e
upathy or so m e students , He
hlamecl SCA for pre-occupalinn
wilh social ac tivilies and added that
lh t> Co;ilil io n was nc.m. neecled tu
lake o\'crl action 10 mo ol s1urle111
cl e mancls
Memh c rs of th e SGA foll

DeCou1 o·s accusation was unfair
and unwarranted . Th ev added 1ha1
the social functions \~ere desired
and supported by 1he students. and
1h a1 me mbers of the SCA were
aware of thei r poll1ical responsibililies and have made eHorts to
actualize 1hem . The y saw the
prob le m as la ck of interest on 1hc
part o r th e studenls themse lves.
clcmonstrated b)• th e small attendancr a t the m ce linM
Ano lh nr s1uclcn1 heli eved if the
boycott was enac!ed {40' ~ of th e
st ud e nt body would )live 1he Coa li lion $250.000 to hnrf'ain \,•ith) thi s

IConlinu ed o~ page 12)

Pase I "

April ZI, 1171

SuH~lk Journal


the princess of check fraud,,

by Bruce McIntyre
" Princess" Edwarcis peered m1o
1he window of !he Alls1on hronr.h pr
1lw Firsl National Bank She smiled
anrl wnv1!cl 10 lhc guard who was
stnnding Pxhalin~ li,l(hl smoke rinJ,1s
h)' !he dcposil slip In hie lie wav ◄ •d
hock lo her and she look a few slrps
1ow11rd 1he clnor and opened 11
Today her nnme was Grella
Jndcsnn . She walked loward 1hc
~uar,1 cnsua ll y anrl shuHled
lhrou,llh her purse
.. Ooonhh, darn ii. I must have leh
my checkbook al home . I'll never •
make 1he airport in lim e for In)'
fll~hl now:· she said lookinR sadly
al tho guard.
li e thought for a moment and
sni d. "Well. mu yhe tht1y°ll give you
n chuck You must have your iden•
1ifica1ion with your·
To~elhcr lht'!)' walked up lo 1hr
lcller a nd explained that she for~ol
her chec;khook and that she wou ld
hr1ve lo maktj a rlighl al l.ogan soon
The lellcr dyed her and aaid. " Have
_, you MUI yo ur idenlificntion with

Ill s 1,artner said. "Oh ,hese"
"Yes 1'hose arc files ." Cibbons
sair1 Joe lormenls his partner In
Knod hum()r They,fr equen tl y lra de
shots. Thr files he has brought out
show l.hc princess in aclion et least,
30 times : in two yea rs.
" There fire lhrce rttalor Check
nngs in 1he area ." Gibbo ns says.
" Orw 1s in Roxbury. Home or 1he
prmr.ess. Olhf'rl arc in Ch+!lsr•a and
Heven! Thtm then• is~ttw Everelt.

apd refused to le t anyone pa y for
their own drinks. The bill for lhe
night ca me 10 $3,000. He paid the
ba r by · check. Well. the poJice
checked up. I looked 1010 the accou nt a nd found th al the companies
1hat th e cheJ:ks were drawn lo are
in )a.pan . So we arreated him, he got
out on bail and thev found him
dead in lhe Charles" Ri ve r soon
ahe r." Joe Gibbons frowned .
Joe Gibbons produced aome more


At the accounting office hertt at
Suffolk University, Michael Dwyer
said that 1here is not much of a
problem in th e forged check area.
"We did have one 11udenl who
forged some checks though. II waa
for tuition . We !'-Upended him for
"We had another student who
had some gambling problems: he
losl alot. He used the University
privilege downJtairs al the First to
float som:e checb.. He is;ho lor11er
with us. On a Monday' he would
cash a check. Thursday it bounces.
The next week we get In touch with
him and he comes up end
{ apologizes. Then he 1lves us
\ ~•"" '/ .e another one. The ume th Ina
0 happens, ovffr and over." Finally.
~ the university bounc~ him.
In New England, 25.,., of the uni•
venlllea have check cashins
in privileges which charge a service
Maldun, Lynnfi e ld ope ration . One pho1os of Prine ss Eltward1 in ac- ree. ·· we will probably have a fine
even mnkes i111 own checks . The\' lion . This time 1h: was\halllng to a nexl year IJ we get back a check. "
use sophistica1ed phoioaraph )' male teller whil passing a bad Mr. Dwyer said. "It is in the discus-eq uipmenl and make n negative of check . These were s t ~ from lhe sion siege now but it will probably
a c h eck Then put ii inlo ttn mail boxes or welrare recipients . happen .
"Sometimes a student will give us
aluminum p late and then lo 1hc The Princeu had changed lhe name
prinlinH press. They U!}e magnetic of her welfare identification card lo a check on graduation day. We
in k to print them so whe n ii goes malch thal or !he stolen check. " She have even taken them at Hines
thrnugh the comput e r ii just charg es used n white glue to cover lh old Auditorium the day or Commencename and write over 11. This way menl . Then they turn around and
1he account lik e a ny check
put a slop payment on the check,
"We handle 2-J million checks s he ca n rub ii off and use ii again.
per day nnd we onl ~ hnvo 24 hrs to She liked 1his teller so much Iha! This is after the Trustees have cer·
rrturn fl fraudul e nt chud.," Gib - wh1•n he was lransfened io MaH . &ified that 1his per10n will receive a
bons said . " We hiid this book• 1
\vc. she followed him there and diploma . Sometimes we ha\•e lo go
keppcr flim . flam ano1her into sign• pulled the same stun1,'· Gibbons to courl to protect our interest. "
ing che cks to three other cor • said. He then opened his book to a
Mr. Dwyer said that bad checks
porn lions to1alling over $160.000. He check receipt which was clearl y reall)• are no! a widespread
deposilcri 1he m inlo his account. mark ed ·'NON NEGOTIABLE ." problem at the university. " In lhe
One nighl he we nl lo the lnl cr - Tht• Prmcess had actually cashed six or seven years l've been here ,
mission Lounge in 1hr Combat Zo ne 1ha1 check receip t in the m8in office we have only suspended a few ."



· The "p rincess·· 100k oul er hill
folder and pro®ced a inrvard
oop crediJ card. a tord and T11 ylor
Credi! cerd, a social security card
und" a birlh certificate with a picture on it. The teller looked at 1hcm
•tnrl li(nve her a check, she eve n
filled out th e acc·o unl number for
her. Tho princes11 penned in the
amounl and the teller «;punLed out a
hundred and fifty dollar~ . Sh e
Ihanked them both and lofl. wishin~
lhem a li(ood weekend .
Thrne weeks later loc Gibhons
-;, 11 rn /11s uffi ◄ ; t' al tlw lllilln Hran r.h
thu Viriu National Bank 111 100
Federal St. eyeing th e 8 by IO Kloss)'
photos of 1he transaction .
"Well. I'll hen son of 11 8 . When
did 11hc MCI out? I-Icy Joe , did you
iu-e thcse 7 " he co iled to his ussis1
,mt. llis assis1an1 didn 't hear hirn .
lie was on lhe phone. But loe Cih•
buns recognizer! this foc o as sure as
if it was one of lhe family . 11 was lh e
prin cess alright. He had arreNlctl
h er hack ;n 1965 when he was a
by M.,rk G. Maute
d e1er.1ive fo r the Boslon polic,•
The doorbell ru nK the olhor da y mistak e. buing president or 1he teo
department. Joe Gibbons rel ired in and sta ndinli( with a petition in hand guild was my mothers pride and joy
1968 a nd look a job wilh th e Firsl was a lypical middle.aged house- and the sons of Leo guild presiNational Bank prosecuting check wife. I immediate!)• thought of the denls jusi didn't tsay something as
frnud caaes. He'd seen th e Princess' pre,dous pclilion t was asked to anti-catho lic as .. , go tp pornos."
fa ce many times .
sign, you know. the one ca lling for Remember you can still be ex~m•
The Princess is o heroin addicl. 1hedea 1h pe nall y in cases in which municated for masterbation .
She refused lo sell her body for hippies were found possessing less
.I finally shu ffeled her oul the
door and thought I was through
cash 10 sup1>orl her hahil so she than an ounce or grass .
took up check (mud . fl wasn'I long
This lad y surprised me , her in- wilh this puerile argumenl wherebefore she was making al least St.- lent was lo han X-raled movies upon I decided lo so oul and have a
000 per week al ii. usuall y more .
from showing in our town a ncl she few beers lo soolh my ruffled
She now works a stolen check was well versed in all the a·rgu- nerves . I re turned home la1er that
rackel nut of Roxbury. They steal ments against such debacles . I nigh! in 1
ypical Surfolk rashion fallwelfar e checks, social security clicln't sign and immerliatly was ing oul of my ca r and up inlo bed .
checks. s1udent loan checks, hand- Kivcn lh e ev il look th111 conveyed
The nex t morning with my head
hags and hreak Into apartmcnls all ( the feeling that I had jusl voted for pounding I began lo receive ii from
over the cily.
George Wallace. Total disgust.
" She J:COI two back-to - ba c k
She asked mu if I liked pornog•
onccs 1hc lesl lime I nailed her . rn1,h>: and I was lempted tu s11y yes
Two yea rs each , You know how just so 1hat I could sec lh n look on
Ion~ she did? Forly-flve days . They her face but co mmon sense predidn't even notify us when s he gol vailed and I simply explained lo
ou 1. Now I see this , This is how I her that I didn 't lhtnk ' she had lhe
rind out." he says holding up the 1>owe r lo rCJ,!ulate wha1 I wanted lo
bank camera pictures of h e r see Nol sayin,'C I wanl to see all th e
swindling the 1ellcrs.
dirt y movies just 1hat I though ii
foe Cihb8ns c:allod out lo his should be my choice and my choice
assistenl. "Joe. bring In lhe folders a lone.
on the Princess." llis assislanl
Wf:11. if you will pardon the ex•
car ri ed in n slack of folders.
pfbssion that is when lhe "s hit hil
" Don ' I you over lislen ?" h e 1h u fan.''
torrm:nled . " Do th ese look like
"Whal if I lolcl your mother whal
roldcrs·~ loo (;i11huns snl d 1 nt'ing yuu said. s hf' y1•llecl . she would ho
10 a rnnunlain of fil es " I wish you'd
drunuf'lt•d out of the Leo ~uild ."
· -• ljsten ."
"lli.'t d eal." I repli e d. which was a



of the Finl National Bank : the
Fedeial St. oHice juJt below
Gibbon's office. It nelled her S13S.
"We get them all evenlually.''
Gibbons said. " II takes a while


a matter Qt opinion---------


all sides, it seems my friendly little
neighbor Mrs . O'Connor had
lurned stoolie. She told my mother
of my distorted views and how
could she 11end having a son who
was the ultimate pervert Me? A
pervert. I guess by her standards I
was .
However, I was still free to see
what movies I liked and to rub salt
in old wounds I called Colleen
O'Connor that night to see if she
wanted to see The Story of 0. Of
course she said yes she disagreed
with her mother lo, and when I
arrived to pidt her up, her rather
begged us to take him along.



April 23, 1979


, ,

Su(folk Journal


a 1,600 pound mechanical bird-- - - - - -.....- ,
by Linda K. Johnson
•pilot . and alwuys wan ting t ~ lry
The sky.b lu e l\vin-cngine Cessna someth in~ different. th is reporle r
150 Acrohal s low ly laxied 10 a pin- ~ccided 10 try he r luck al flying.
point s top direclly in front of th e
Not easi ly deterred h:,i the advice
thrcc-stor)' s tone and plcxiglass uf olhers fMom and Dad) and able
lfarnes Municipal Airport lo wi1hs1and peer p ressure such as
watr.htowcr . Quickl)', 1ml corehi ll v
cullin~ hu1 engines, Robert Care)'
quieted his 1.600 1 nd mechanical
bird and bounded out onlo 1he solid
ground of 1h r. rumv ay once again ,
Drossccl in n cocoa-ten e nd blade
pinstripe suil. matching Ian Van
Heus,~n shirt and black li e. he •ooh
nothing like a pllol as he s lrolls over
lo th o r.on lrol lower, his sa il and
pepper hair blowing fur ious ly
aboul in the lii,lhl breeze. T he 37)
yea r-olrl fli r hns jusl co mpl.1.! ted a
r outine f~ighl to Hyannis . "you've finall y flipped ." she
" r )•lhing wen I well," he reports. readied he rse lf fo r a run fliMhl up lo
" Bot h passcnj(on and rrcij( ht made 1he hca\fens.
Ooh Cure\ oozed wilh c onii to the Cape sa fe ly and wllhoul
mu ch lurbu le nce . I on ly wish I fidence . hoas.ting how easy ii a ll is
co uld slay there for a while ins,ead 10 learn. while at the same time putof Lust fl yi ng ba ck and forlh every lins a q uickl y ne rved isintegrating
mind lo rest.

Exlerlor inspection wu th e first
~)•ing nnrl cargo to
and from Hya nni s eve ry da)' is on ly ord e r ur bu,iness. T he two or us
h aff of Bob Carcy·s job as co•uw ner s low ly wen I ove r all 28 checkpoints ,
of Anlhony A_viatlons. hie., A small mu kin~ sure eve ryt hing o n the oul{lwo-manJ private e nl erprise. sirlc or 1he p lane wns runclionlng
Anthony Aviot io n s hears lhe properl y.
Seatbelts and s ho uld e r harnesses
rosponsl b1 Hty of mainta ining doily
lransll flights from Westfield lu ,,,ore wai ling for us when we
Worccs ler . Hya nnis , Bo~ton , Wind .. climbed Into the cockpit. "Make
sure you're locked in:· Carey inso r Locks. and Providence.
Bob Carey's route includes throo strucleci. " Oon·1 cul orr you r cirrun s lo Worcester. Boston. etfd cu lation. thou~h . Many beginners
H yannis. respectively. with flights are afraid or falling out a nd usually
lea\iinK the Wos lcrn Mossnchusotls s lra p thcmsul ves in too tight!)•,
airport at 7 a.m., 10 a.m .. e nd Rpm , restricting their ahility In move
-unl ess drHorred h~• !lnowstorrn1. once in !he air ··
Af11ir hu r.kll nM-11P und hefore
!hick-as-pea-soup-fog, ,S>r l1lindint,t
sta;llnK the enl(ines. the fuel shutrain .
Working as u fliMht instruclor off valve handle. the bra ke.!!, rad ios.
makes up 1hc ulher half of his job.~ and e lectrica l equlpmcnl are
From I p .m. to ti p .m . he can onl y be checked.
Bob now ins pecls th e cu rbure lor
reuchcrl 1h rouKh the shorl-wavc
transistor radio in the co n1rol heal lo see !hat it is on COLO. The
moisture must be RI CH and !he
tower. since h e is in the air mosl of
that time . llis slude nts ranse fr om primer filled . H e says lo open the
se ri ous, pilot -l1cense-soa le d in- 1hroll le one querier Inch . After a
dividuals to kid1 sim11ly wanting to lillle searching, 1ho muster switch is
located and !u rn ed lo ON. the
try somet hing new .
Always wanting lo be co me a p1opeller area dial'1o CtEA R. 'l'he

•Mni1inn switch is turned to START skie,. Carey keep• your mind on
and released w hen th e engine what you're doing, however , and
starts. A rumhling o·r nerves and /YOUr sickneu ,oon leaves.
engi nes follow. goosebumps rise
"Gel lhe wing flaps up! " he
from lhe flesh , and the oil pressure poinll oul. " Keep the tail slightly
is now checked.
low and the climb ,peed 11 70 MPH
. /
..• .,ID
(with obstacles ahead) . You 1hou1d
--: •··
maintain an airspeed or 75 10 as
MPH once we begin aul1ln.g al 5,000 feel. Unle11 the engine i1 rough ,
the mixture should Indicate RICH."
Ci-ui1ing is 1he best part It's like
{ you' re al1 alone up there with no
:! one to bother you - no tramc Jams.
no kids on bike,, no traUic cops.
Farms look like patchwork quilt,.
~ Forests and lakes cover the counE tryside beneath. Clouds loom In tl\e ; •
ii d istance and thoughts of " it ithl•
Before lake-off. Carey radios the ' • what heaven Is like?" run thrftugh
con trol lower for p~rmission to your head .
lake-oH . We check and latch the
Your arms n°"' become useful
cabin doors 10 nullify 1he poaaibility again. steering the wheel to the
of them banging open while In the right and the left Power musl be
air We a lso check the flight coh- maintained al 2.000 to, 2,750 RPM.
trols fo r free and correct move• You adjust the elevJ1:lor trim control
menl. " If you r co ntrols stick while wheel once more.
)'Ou·re off the grou nd , you' ll be
Just a, you begin to gel lhe feel of
stuck!" Bob c hu ck~es. "Se! the firing, you become aware or how
e levator trim co nt~! w heel at late ii is. It's time to 80 down and
TAKE-OFF and lhe t rolll at 1700 return 10 the "good earth."
RPM Now look to see ·r lhe '-.ngi ne
Carey radios the control lower
ins trum ents 11re wil hiltxthe ~ee n again, lhis time 1e.ek:ina: permillton
arc. Good . The suction gaugft'"fflO\J ld to land . All cdndllions clear, we
a lso be in 1he green arc (4 .6 lo S.4 in- a ppl y fult carburelor heal before
ches of me rcury)_."
closing lhe thronle and pull up the
Goi ng merril y on his way with 17 flaps.
yea rs of exper ience behind him,
Before you realize ii. lhe black
Carey looks perfeclly al ease while lar of the runway la almost under
lellinK his now "petrified student 10 you and th e main wheels are quicksleer lh e plane dO\'l' n th e runway . I)· lowered for a very bumpy. Hrtt
ThiR sounds easy . but ii isn 't. In 1ouchdown.
foci . ifs reall) stranli!e , s1eerlng
Feeling solid ground again comes
wilh 1wu fool pedals Your arms are as a sUrpr ise . Carey gently lower,
tulall) useless and so is the steering t h e nose wheel. braking al a
\'ltheel until you arc airborn .
minimum speed and congratulating
Steadily zig-zagging down the h,is new s!Udenl for doing a fine job.
runway. the 1wo-seater is guided. " You 'll make a great pilol." h e
rn the r cauliously. lo take-off point. beams. "Let's check the parking
Here 1he ca lm instruclor says to brakes, Lhe radios and eleclrical
open the throttle to "PULL OPE.N" equi pment , the ignilion and master
nnd lift the nose whee l at 55 MPH, Sv.'itch, and th~coiilrol lock - lhen.
with a clinlb speed of 70 lo 80 MPH . iJ'II all be over ."
Doing this, nausea immediately
It was over too soon. Jumping out
fl oods your slomach as the plane onto the ground is somehow just not
leaves 1he ground and climbs lo the !he same as climbing into the sky!


student concerns on beacon hill---- - - - - - -.
, pnssed a bill some four or fiv e yea rs
by Ri ck Sall
ThrouKhoul !he stale lh e cos! of OMO that would double income tax
· high e r edu ca lion is goinjC up con• payment for a ll fa cu l y and staff
slderahly 1his yea r . Suffolk is no ex- members pensions. He said it took
<;eplion . The students atlendlng abou t 1wo yea rs lo pul a r esrri clio n
ind e p e ndent colleges and uni- on th e bill.
Over the past few years. True
versities nre ca rrying 1hc heavier
hurcl e n o f 1h u spirullinK co11 t11 . and AICUM have also fought for
While hurdl y nnybody ca n he lp more ploney lo he 1 l inlo the sla te
remmly the situfllion , the rr Is one schot;1rshi 1 proKram . From
aho ul $1 mill ion in 1967; the S tnl e
1wrson hr-lpinJl s1udon1 s by work in~
wilh the Massac husolls Legis la tu re . Scholarship Pro~ ram now con tains
Jnmes A. True is 1h o Vic,: - nbou t SI 1.5 million . due m11inly 10
Presidrnt of l,ovei;:nment1tl Re la- tho efforts of AICUM .
Truo nnd AICUM have two hills
tio n s for AICIJM (Association
of lnd c pcnclc nl Coll "Kes and Uni • filed in thi i, lo)(i sla li \fe session
versilies in Mnssachusellsl - A 1953 which woul<I lessen ihe fin.incial
graduau, or Boston U niversit y hurden of hoth the st ud c nl and
School. True's work ce nters on co ll uge . One hill would impl eme nt
1he Slate I louse mo nitorintc and direct malchinM jilrants from the
a 1tcm r,1in,t 10 in£htoncc loKislali on state which ,vm1ld provid e an lnas it Is ~nhl)C throuJlh 1hc le1eislatlvc s1i1u1iun with half the money the in~
stilut ion Mives in fin11ncial a id .
process .
Anolher bill , the "Student Tui.. A lot of limes ," says True .
" le,1tisla 1ion 1s proposod thnl cou ld tion Equalization Program ," would
mlvt•rsHh • Hect s1ude n1 s. hi)o!hor u4l111lizo tuition bmw ee n lhe public
mlucalin~nl ins tllulinns. 1111' wholt• oncl private sec:lors of hi~her cducof111nn ciu l pror.Pss or 11 , •• Tr111, tiuo . True llnintcd ou1 that 1he
avt•ra~•i c:0s1 for 1t yuar ur hiKh e1
µ1N.QJ~•d 11111 1h,11 tlw lc,l(islalurn

e ducation in Massachusetts in
$4300, wilh lhe taxpayer subsidizing the first $400 in he public
sector. Th e proposal wqu)d allow
the stodenl 75 per cent or the cost of
iuit ion in tho independent schoo l or
half the cost or tui 1ionJor a studenl
bound for a public institution. The
btll would give 1he taxpayer the advan1age a nd gives 1he student a
wider c hoi ce range or schools 10 at•
" I 1hmk 1h01 1his has been what I
ca ll a 'good year ' with the legislature," says True . "Specifically
with lh e Committee on Education ."
The com miltee voted ravorahlv lu1
week on four bills: one of lherTl Is a
bill which would e nabl e 1he state lo
work wilh independenl institutions
lo p r ovide additional s tud enl
>aces, which Presidenl Fulham
>oke in suppo rl of al an April 5
hearing .
The bills still have a lon.g way to
go for e nactm e nl by 1he loglslature.
hut Tru e says. "Al leasl that's a
slronM indication of favorable support"

True po inted out thal Senate
President Kevin Harrington has
been helpful to J\ICUM's goals,
supporting an sducatlon Reoraanization Bill thal he rtled which
we heard on April 7. The bill would
give independe nl in11ilulions three
representatives on the major coo rdinaling board o( ' hlgher education .
True has been with AICUM for
four years. previously being an
Assistant to the President al Boston
Uni ve rslly. He was also part of the
s taH put together lo originally
orga nize AICUM in 1967.
" I think 1ha1 the public and the
independent sec tors of higher
education in Massachusetts have
demonstrated their willingneH lo
work 1osether,"· says True. "'They
eac h re cogni ze lhe lndivldulll
problems that each seclor has: they
rocognize . I think ... the problems
thal are co mmon to both seclors or
higher educa ti on . I think progress
has heen made in this particular
{Conllnued on page U)

by Linda K. Johnsrin
pilnl . anrl a lways wanlinK lo Ir)
T lw s k~•h lu t' 1w1n•e ngin r Ces.!l nR some th1n,R differenl. 1h15 repo rter
150 t\ urnhal s low ly laxwd to a pin - d ecided lo ti:- y he r lu ck at fl yi ng
point Slop cl1rec1ly in fronl or lhe
Nol easi lv delnred hv the advice
lhteP-SIOn s lon e and pl cx iKIH ss or 01he rs 1Mom and D~dl and able
011rn,•s Muni1; iplll Airport lo withstand pee r pr essure s uch as
wa1 c ht 11\.\'l'r Quick ly. lllll care full y
cullin~ hi s e nKinus, Roher! Ca rey
qu1 el1!d his 1,600 pound mechani ca l
hirrl anrl hounclod oul on to th e .!ln lirl
!he ru nw ay once. agai n.
Dressed in n cocoa•lan and bla c k
pinslri1 w s ui t. mat ching tan Van
Hc us,:n sh ir t .-uul black tie, he Moks
nothinf( likl' o pil ot as he st rolls over
lo th e control towe r. his soil and
pc pp rr hair hlowinM f u r io usl y
about in th e lif(ht breeze . The 37year-o lrl rli c r hn s jus t co mpl e ted n
r o utin e rti gh t In H ya nn is
"yo u 'vo ri n a ll y flipp 8d .~ she
'" Everyt hinK went we ll ," he re po rls
rea died herse lf for a fun flight up to
" Bolh pnsscnK ers a ncl fr c iKhl mad e th e heavens .
,t lo th o Cap o snfe ly nnd with oui • Bob Ca r ey oozed with \co n mu ch lurbulen cc , I onh• wish I fidcncc . hoasliOH how easy ii al ~ is
co uld slay there for a whi ie inst ea d In ltmrn, wh ile a l 1he sa me lime putof just fl yinM hack and forlh ever}' 1inM a qui c kl y nc rvcdisintegraling
9ay 1"
mind lo res t.

I FlyinM passe nJi!ers a nd ca rgo 10
Exterio r inspection was !he rirst
a nd fr o m H y11nnis every da y is on ly nrd ur of lnls in ess Th e lwo 0 £ us
hair of B.oh Carc{s jub 11s co--0w nf!r slowl y wt•nt ove r all 28 checkpoi n ts :
of Anlhon y A_via lions, ln c.,, A small makm~ sure every thing on lh ou1~
(lwu -m n nl pri vate e nt e rp rise. side of the pla ne was fun cli oning
Anthon y Avlo li nns h ea r s l h e prope rl y
rnspnnsibility of ma int ai ning dail y
Sea tb olls and s hould e r ha~nesses
lrnnsil fliRht s from Wf!slfield tu Wt!re wa ilinR for us when we
Vlon:eslcr . Hya nnis . lloslon . Wind , cli mbed inlo th e cockpll. " Make
so r Locks. and Provi de nce.
sun.. you' re locked in, " Care y inBob Ct1 rey ·s route incl ud es three- s truc led " Don '! 41,i off ~u r dirrun s 16 Wor ces ter, Bos ton , and culetion , lh ouji!h . Ma ny bef!in ne rs
Hyan ni s. ruspeclivc ly. with fli ghl s a rP a fra id of fa ll in~ ou t and usuall y
leavinK the West e rn Masso chu sells stra.p th<!msulvcs 1n 100 11gh1ly,
airpnrl a l 7 a~ m .. 10 a.m .. 11ml fl 1>.m . rns lrklin~ thdr ,1hil11~ In mnvf'
unl ess df'tmrnd hy s nowsto rms. n ncr. in lhf• a ir ..
1co-soup -fog. ~1r hlinrlmg
Afln h ucklinM •IIP ,in d hdori•
rain .
starl in),I ~ e nj(in es. the fu e l s hut•
Working as a fligh1 ins lruc tor off vn l vc handl e. lh c brakes . radi os ,
miikes uµ 1hc oth e r hair of his job.· o nd e lcc1r1cal equi pm e nt a r e
:rnm 1 p .m. lo 6 p .m . ho ca n on ly he chec ked .
r~ lrncl 1hrouf(,1 the short-wave
Bob now lnspect_ the ca rbure tor
\ratllli"lor radio in th e co ntro l heal lo see thal It is on COLO . The
tot=1'•r. s ince lu- 1s in th e air mo11I or mois tu re mus! b e RI CH a nd 1he
1h111 time . lti8 s1uden1s range rrom pr ime r fill ed. li e says lo ope n 1lie
serious. pil o t-li ce nse..,soaled in - l~rollle one_ quarler inch A~t e r .a
dividuals to kid• sim p ly wanting 10 little searching . 1he masl er switch 1s
try somc lhing new .
located a nd tu~n ed 10 ,?N, th e
Alwa )t,I wanting to b ecom e a pfope ll e r areo di a l to CLE.AR . Th e


s kies. Carey keep• y ~
mind on
what you ' re doing, ho ever. and
your 1icknesa 9000 leave .
" Get the wins flap• up !" he
pointl out. "Keep the tail 1llshtly
low and th e climb speed 11 70 MPH
{with ob11acle1 ahead) . You should
maintain an a irspeed of 75 to 85
MPH once we begill crui.Jln.g at 5,000 fe el. Unle,1 the engine it rough .
1he mixtu re should Indicate RJCH." •
Cruisins ia the besl part It's like
~ you ' re all alone up there With no
one lo bothei•you - no tralflc Jams.
no klda on bikes. no traffic cops.
Farms look like patchwork quilt.I.
Forests and lakes cover the countryside beneath. Clouds loom in the ; ·
distance and though t• of " is 1ht1
Befor e ta ke-oH. Ca rey radios lhe what heaven Is like? " run through
co ntrol 19¥-'er for permistion lo your head .
take-off . We check a nd latch the
Your annJ now become u1eful
cabin doors to nullify th e possi bilit y again . steerins the wheel to the ..
or thenl banslns open while In the right and · the left Power muat be
air We a lso ch eck th e night con- maintained al 2,000 to 2,750 RPM.
lrols for fre·e and co rrect move~ J You adjust the elevator trim control
men !. " H your controls stick while wheel once more.
you ' re off the grou nd. you 'll be
Just as yo u begin to gel lhe feel of
stuck! " Bob c hu c kles . " S et the flyi ng, you become aware of how
e leva tor trim co nlrol wheel at late it is. (1 '1 lime lo go down and
TA'1<E-OFF and !he throttle al 1700 re lurn lo the "good earth."
RPM . Now look lo see if the e ngine
Ca rey radios the control tower
inslrumen ls a r e wilhln th e green again , thla lime 1eelclng penniNion
a r c. Good . The sue io n gauge s hould lo land . All cdndltlon1 clear. we
also be in the gree n arc {4.6Jo 5.4 in- apply ful1 carburetor heal before
c}Jes of merc ury) ."
cl osing the throttle and pull up the
Goi ng merril y on his wa y with 17 flaps.

)~a rs of e xperience be hind him.
Before you realize II, the black
C rcy looks pe rf ect ly al ease whil e tar of the runway iJ almotl under
1 llinJi! hi s now petrHied s1uden1 to
you a nd 1he ma in wheels are quickst f'l er 1he plane dow n the runway. ly lowered for a very bumpy , firs!
T lu s so unds eas y. hut it 1sn·1. In touchdown .
foci. lt's rnally s1 ra nJ1e . stee rlnJiC '
Fee lin.M solid s round again cornea
\\ 11h hH> lunt ped,1ls Ynur a r ms are
as a su rprise . Carey genll y lowers
to ta ll) useless and so ts 1he steer ing the n ose wheel. braking at a
wheel until you a re nirborn
minimum speed and congratulatins
Steadily z1
g-zaM,R10M down l~ e h}s new stude nt for doing a fine job.
runwa)', the two-sea te r is 1ruided. '" You 'll make a great pilot. " h e
rather cautiousl y. to take-off poin t. bea ms . " Let's check th e pa rking
He re the calm inslruclor says to brakes. 1l1e radios a nd ·electrica l
ope n the thrott le to " PULL OPEN " equipment , the ignition and master
and lift th e nose wh eel at 55 MPH . swit ch , and lhf¾.,Coritrol lock - the~
with a climb speed o 70 to 80 MPH . it' ll all be over ."
OoinH thi s. nause imrdadi a1e ly
It was over too soon . Jumpins out
rl oods )'our stoma ch _ 1he\pla ne onto the ground is somehow just not
leaves the grou nd and di mbs to the the same as climbing into the 1ky!
1Jillmt1on swilch is turned to STA RT
and re leB.!led when 1he engi ne
sta r!s A rumhlinR or ne rves and
e n1rin es follow . goose bumps rise
from the flesh . and the oil pressure
1 now c hecked





student concerns on beacon h i l l - - - - - - - - , passed a bill so me four or fi ve years
by Rick Sala
Throughoul 1he slat the cost of ago thal would doubl e in co me lax
· high e r edu t:o lion is goi nH up con - pn ymenl rur all fa cul ly and star£
mbe rs pensions . He said it took
sidernhl y 1his yea r . Suffolk is no ex- mc_
ceplion . The students attendi ng ohoul two yea rs to put a reslriclion
nn 1he hill.
i ndep e ndent co ll eges and uni Over th e past few )'e ars. Tru e
versiti es are ca rr ying 1hc heav ier
hurd fm of 1h c spi r a lling cns ts . and AICUM have a lso fou)ll ht for
Whil1• hnrd ly an ybod y can he lp more mon ey lo he put inlo 1he·statc
rem ed v 1hc s itu a ti on , the rf' is one sc h o l a r s hip program . From
person· hclpin~ s tud e nts by workinM about $1 million in 1967. the Stale
wilh the M,1ss11 chusc 11s Legislature . Sc holarship Program now co nt a ins
lames A. Tru e is lh e Vic,~- about $11.5 milli on , due ma inly lo
Presid e nt of Gnver.nm e nlal Re la- the e ffor ls or ,\I CUM.
True and AICUM hav e lw o bills
ti o ns fo r AICI JM (Asso c io li o n
of lnrl c pcnde nl Co ll eges and Uni - riled in 1h is lc 1i'ii la1 fve sess ion
whi c h would lessen fh e fin oncia l
vers it ies in Ma ssachuse tts) . A 1953
graduat e of Roston Unive rsil y Law hurden of bo th lh e student and
School. Tru o's work centers on co ll ege . O ne bill would implement
th e Stat e !l ouse moniloring and direcl malching Rrants from th e
allcmplinJill 10 influ e nce le Hislalici'n s late whi c h would provid e an inus ii is MOi ni,? throu,l(h lh c leMis lat ive stilutiun wilh half 1he money !he in s tilu lion ~ives in Hnuncia l aid .

Anoth e r bill . the " Stude nl Tui"A 10 1 of limes," Sll)' S True.
" lei,?isli\tion is proposed 1ha l r.ould 1ion E,1ualizal io n Program ," woulcl
uq ua li :w tuition be lw ec n th e p ub li c
adv,:rs Pl v uffo c t sturlen ls. hiMhc r
1•rl11 u1 1i o;rn l ins litulinns. 1tw wholt• a nd pnvalc st:ctors of hi~h e r ed ucnctl out tha t th e
frna nc1 I prnr.••ss nr ii
·· Tr11" llon Tru fl poin 1
pu in t.•d o ut th,11 thtJ ltJf(ISl01u ro 11vt!r.t),W rnsl for ,t ycnr o r hi ).lhcr

e du cation i n Massachusells in
lhe tax payer subsidi7:ing th e first S-400 in the public
sector. The p roposal wou ld allow
1he s!U d e nt 75 per cenl of the cost of
tuition in th e independen t school or
half the cos! of luillon .for a s tudent
bound for a public insli lulion. The
bill would give the taxpayer th e ad •
va ntage and gives the student a
wider choice ra nge of schools to at1 nd .
" I 1hink. '1hat this has bee n what I
ca ll a 'good year· wilh th e legislature ," says Tru e. " Speci fically
wilh the Committ ee on Edu ca li on."
The co mmitt ee voled fa vorab ly last
week on four bi ll s: one of them is a
bill whi ch would e nable. th e fHa te lo
work with ind e pe ntlent inslilutions
lo provide additio n a l -s tull enl
spaces. whi ch Presi de nt Fulham
s poke in suppo rt or al an Ap ril 5
hea ring.·
Th e bills s1ill ha,•c a long way lo
RO for e nactmcn l by 1he legis l111ure.
hul Tru e says. "Al leas t 1hafi. a
s1 ron~ indicatrnn of fuvorah le support "
$43 00. with




True pointed oul that Senate
President Kevin Harrington has
been helpful lo AtCUM's goals ,
suppOrli ng an Education Reor•
sanizalion Bill lhal he filed which
we heard on April 7. The bjll would
give independent in11itullons three
represen1a1ive1 on 1he major coordina ting board of higher education~
Tru e has been with AICUM for
four years . previously beins an
l\ssisla nt to the Preside nt aJ Boaton
University. H e was also part of the
staH put logether lo originall y
organize AICUM in 1967.
" I think thal the public and the
i n depe ndent sec tors of hi sher
educalion in Massachusetts have
de monstrat ed their willingness lo
work together .... seys True . "They
eac h r ecog n ize the individual
problems that each sector has : they
recoKnize, I 1hink ... the problems
that a re common 10 both sectors of
high e r education .)' think progress
has hee n made in this particular
(Continued on page 1%)

:ih~;;~ i~k~ ~ ~;;~;•. •;•·;e•~~~~•,i:~~;; -~ -=:..



to lh f' r.ontrn l lower. his salt and
peppPr hair hluwint1 furiousl y

about 111 1he li~hl hrcrzf' Th e 37.
yea r-o ld flier has JIIJIIII co mpl eted a
routin,• flight 111 H ya nnis
" F.ver yt hinM wcnl wrJI:· h e reports
" Both posscnli(ers a nd fr c iJ,!ht mad e
11 10 th e Cape snfe ly and wilhnul
much 1urhulencu I on ly wish I



"ynu ·vc finally flipp ed ." she
rC'ad1ed he rse lf for a run rliMht up lo

Before 1ake-0H, Ca rey radios the
conlrol low er for permission to
take.oH. We check and latch the
cabin doors to nullify the possibility
of 1hem banging open while In the
air We also check the flight con•
1rols for fr ee and co rrecl move•
me n1. " If your co nlrols stick while
you're oH the j!rou'nd. you' ll be
sluck! " Bob chuck les . "Set the
'e le vato r !rim conl rol whe e l al
TAKE-OPF and 1he throt1le at 1700
RPM Now look to see if the engine
instruments are within the green
arc. Good . The suclion gauge should
also bP. in)he gree n arc (4.6 to 5.4 in·
ches or mercu ry) ..
Cmng merril y on his wa y with 17
years' of experience behind him.
Ca rey looks perfeclly at ease whil e
1 llin.J{ his now pc1rir1ed studenl tp i
slcer 1he plan e down the runway.
Tim, sounds easy , hu l 11 1sn·t In
far. t, 11 's rnally !ll ranMe, steerinJii!
\\' It h 1wo foot pedals Your arms a re
1oklll>· useless and so 1s lhe sleenng
wheel un11I you arc ai rhorn
Stectdtly z1g-zagJi!ing down the
runwa)'. the t,,,o-senter is MU•ded .
ralher ca uliousl y. 10 1ake-0H poinl.
~le re the calm instructor says to
qipe n the throttle to "PULL OPEN"
apd lift the nose wheel at 55 MPH ,
Wi th a climb speed of 70 to 80 MPH .
/ Doing thi s·, nausea immediate ly
rtoods you r sto mach as th e plane
lea ves the ground a nd climbs to th e

the henvPns
Duh r.,1rr,\ oozed with conf11lc ncf' . hnas.tinR how easy it all is

cou ld stay there for a while inst ead


of just rl)•mg back and forth C'\icr}
duy 1 "
Fl)•m~ pas:w n,iPrs ,1ncl r:arJilo tu
a nd f rnm I l yo nnis every do y is nnly

l in!il a quickl y nervechsm 1egra1inj(

1,•a rn . while a l the same lime put-

mind lo rost.
Exlerior inspection was th e !inl
ord er of business The lwo of us

half of Uoh Caruy's juh 11s c1H..1w nc r slowly went over all 28 cheC:kpoints.
of Anthon v Aviations, Inc, A smnll mukmjl sure e,1 c rything on lhe oul•
jtwo-man·l i,rivatc e nlerpri!rn , sul c of the plane was fun clioning
Anthony Avir1tlons boars 1h e properly.
rnspnnsihilily or mainlnining doil y
Sea tbehs and shoulder' harnesses
trnn~II flighl s from Westfield lo were wailing for us when we
Worc:Ps lcr, l-l yt1nnis. Boston. Wind - climbed Int o th e cock pit. " Make
sor Loc:ks. and Providence .
. .sum you're locked in." Ca rf{Y InBob Carey's route includ es 1hrce slructed " Don.'I cu t oH your ~i rruns 10 V\lurce!l ler , Bos ton , and r. ulali on, thou,ih Many bell'.inners
Hyunni s. resp ecti vely. wi th fliJ(hls ii.rt• afrnid of follinJ,1 nul anti usually
Jea \'111>( tho West e rn Massachusells 'ilr,1p lhemst?ht•s 10 loo tiMhli} .
1irpor1 at 7 am .. ,o n m.. a nd RI' tn. rns1rir.linj,1 lh1•1r ah1li1~ 10 mow~
unl1•ss clf' turrncl h y ,mows torms, nncr in 1hrr air ·
~t;:~~k-as 1 >ca-t,uup-fus. J'r hlin;1intt


sl:r~1~~ 1~~c;~~~~~~.Jlth•:";~1;cs~~~I~
WorkinM as a rli1i1ht 1nstruc1ur n H ve handl e , the hrak e!I, radi os.
mak es up 1hc ulhcr half nf his ioh: and e le cl ri ca l eq uipm e nt am
Frnm l p m. tu 6 p.m. he can only he c: heckcd.
Bob now ins1>ecLs 1he ca rbureto r
rca chrnl 1hrou~h lhc 11hort-wavc
lrnn sislur radio in lh e control heut to :me lhat ii is on COl.O. The
moL5turo must be RI CH and the
towrr , sin ce he 1s in 1hc air most of
thel 111m] I tis students range from primer filled . H~ys lo t)pen t he
serious. pilut-1\cense -goalod in • throll\ o one quarl or inch Afler A
divicluals to kids simply wanting to little searching, the masler switch is
loca led a nd turn'ed lo ON. th e
lry some thing new .
Always ~a nting 10 beoo me a pfopeller aree dial lo CLEAR . Th e

no kids on bikM, no amc cops.
Farm, look like patch ork quilt..
Foresls and Jakes cover e countryside beneath. Clouds loom In the "·
di11ance and thought, of "Lt thit
what heaven Is like?" run through
your head .
Your arms now become useful
again , 1teerin3 the wheel lo the
right and the le£t. Power mutt be
maintained al 2,000 lo 2.750 RPM . .
You adjust the elevator lrim control
wheel once more .
futt u yoU. begjn to get the reel or
flying, you become aware of how
late ii it. It's time lo go down and
re lurn to the " good earth."
Ca rey radios tbe control tower
again. this time 1eekin1 permiuion
10 land . All conditions clear, We
apply full carburetor heat before
closing the 1hro1tle and pull up the
flaps .
Before ·you realize It, the black
lar of the runway is almost under
you and 1he ma in wheels are quickly lowered for a very bumpy , first
Feeling solid ground again comes
as a surprise .. Carey genlly lowers
the nose wheel. braking at a
minimum speed and congra1ula1ing
h}s new student for doing a fine job.
" You'll make a great pilot," he
beams. " Let's check the parking
brakes, the .radios and electrical
equipment. lhe ignition and master
switch. and lh1J,,co1ltrol lock - lhe1\
11 '11 all be over."
It was over loo soon. Jumping out
onto the 1round is somehow jusl not
the same as climbing inlo the iky!

student concerns on beacon h i l l - - - - - - - - b~lck Sala
l:tirouJ,1 ho11I th e slate th e cost of
higher orlu'cnl io n is going up consiclerahly thi s year . Suffolk is no excep tion . The stud enM atlending
independenl co ll eges and uni vcrs ili es are cn rr yi ng lhfi heavi e r
hurrl c 1hc spirn llin)i! cos ts .
Whil1 • harcll y nnybocly can help
rcm ed v ,he si1untion, th em is one
person' hdpinj,I studrntS by workin)i!
with lhl' ~,fo ssm: huse lls tegislature
jam cs A . True is th e Viec•
President or Governmenlal Reio •
lions for A IClJ M. (Asso ci ation
of lnd ependcn l Coll eges and Umversilios in Massac:hu sellsl. A 1053
graciu a le or Aoslo n Unive rsil)' taw
School. True's work ce nl e rs on
1ho Starn lt ouse mon ilorin~ and
attemplin~ lo influence legis lation
us ii is ,coin,-: throujth th e lcJ,(isla1ive
"J\ 101 of li mes," says True .
" le~u sla1ion 1 proposed that could
adv,irs1!h- arff•CI students. hi)Zher
tidu ca lin;HII inslilulinns. 1hn whol1•
financwl pror.1 o( 11
.. Tnu•
poinl l'd 0111 lh ,11 1hH lc,w1sla111rc

, passed a bill some four or five years
UKO thal would douhle inco me tax
pa ymen1 for all fa culty and staff
members pensions. He said ii took
11hou1 two yeau to pul a restri cti on
on th e bill.
Over the pas! few years. Tru e
.ind AICUM have also fought for
more monf'y 10 hr 1ml inl o the s1a1e
scho l arship program . From
ahou l S1 million in 1967, the S101c
Scholarship Progra m now co ntains
ilboul S11.5 million. du e mainly to
!he e fforts of i\ICUM .
Tru e nnd AICU M hav e lwn hills
filed in 1his leg1sla11ve session
which would lessen ih e financial
hurd e n of hu1h the sludent and
college . One hill wou ld implement
dirocl malchinK Kranls fr om th e
stale whi r.h wou ld provide an instilulion with half the mon ey !he inslitulion gi ves in fin a nci al aid .
Another bill. the " Stud enl Tui•
lion E<11rnliza1iun Program," would
uqualize lllilion betwee n th e publi c
nml privat e sectors of hi,wh c r educ:aliun Trt1f' 11oin lf'd out !hat thf'
nveraMt: u1s1 for ;i ) car ur hi~hcr

e du ca tion i n Maasachusetts in
S4 300. with lhe taxpayer subsidizing !he first $400 in lhe public

sector. The proposa~would allow
1he s1uden1 75 per ce t of t~cost or
1ui1ion in th e indepen ent
ool or
half the cosl of tuilion~r as dent
bound for a public inslitufi
bill would give th e taxpayer the adva nta)i!c a nd gives the student a
wider choice range of schnols 10 a11 nd .
" I thmk 1ha1 this has been what I
ca ll a 'good yea r· with lhe legisla111re," says Tru e. "Specifically
with rh e Committee on Edu ca lion ."
Th e co mmittee voted fa vorahl y last
wee k on four bills: one of !hem Is A
bill which would enable the state to
work with ind e pendent inslilut ions
l o provid e additiona l s tud enl
spaces. whi ch President Fulham
spoke in support or at an April 5
hea ring.
The bills sti ll hav e a lung way to
go.for e na ctment by th e legislature.
hul Tru e •sn)'S, " Al lcasl th at's a
slrun~ indication of favorable sup1
mrt "

Suffolk Journal


True pointed out thpt Senate
President Kevin Harrington has
been helpful to AICUM's s<>als.
supporling an Educa tion Reorganization Bill that he filed which
we heard on April 7. The bill would
give independen1 inslitulions three
representalives on the major coordi nating board of higher educa1ion.
True has been with AICUM for
four years. previously being an
Assis1ant 10 the President at Boston
University. He was also parl of the
staff pul togethe r to originally
organize AICUM in 1967.
"I 1hink that the public and the
indei, e ndenl sectors o ( high er
education in Massachusetts have
de monslrated th ei r willingness lo
work togelher ,"· says True. "They
each re cognize !he individual
problems that each secto r has : they
recognize, I think . .. the problems
that are co mmon to bolh sectors of
higher ed ucation . I think progress
has heen mad e in this particular
(Contin ued on page 12)


pr11 r 1•,~ 111
1111 1




·1 r, 11•
l, •,usl.1111r,·




,·r ,t)I• ' , w, 1 fm


n ul



s 1r1111)1 in1111; ,1tir111 111 1,1 \·1 1r;1111t• s11p-

,•,1r of l11J,!h+ •1

(Conlintpage 12)

p11 r 1


April :U, 1171

Suffolk Journal



(On left) Rams p\lcher Jim Byrne unleashes a hard ra st h all. fcenler)
Fresh man outri ehler Jim Ce le11e takes a slron g swi ng, but onl y manaxcs a

weak ,sround b ' II . (right) Ram, ca ptain Ph il Tarallo steal, second bate in
1he first in nin1 as £tlltern Nazarene 1hort1top 11 lat e with the ta1.

Rams Blow Early Lead; NazareneTakes Game
by JeH Clay
The Suffo lk haseha ll lenm hlcw
nn m1 rl y four-run lead Tuos,luy us
East ern Nazarene Coll ege tvok ndva nlaHe of some mis takes and html
1hc Rums 9 lo 7.
Suffolk head r:oach. Tum Wa lsh.
tn ld hi-. lrnrJpi- 10 "1,.!f'I ~n.nw runs
f•a rl y m the gnmo," a nd lhc Ro1mf
tlicl just 1h a 1. A hard hil run pruducini,t triple hy Da ve Bu ha)•
1,:avc the Suffo lk nine the )!times· in•
ilia! run in 1he first inninl(, nnd
lwfore th e sla nza wns over RBI
.si ni,tl es h y Bill y Cam pbe ll ruH.I Zizzo
made ii 3 10, 0.
Du hay hanJ!ecl in another run
with a single in th e seconrl inning
for Su ff olk . and slnr ling pitche r,
Jim Byrn e, see med on his wny'lo nn
ensv vic lor v.
I iowcvcr:- llrn E.N .C. Crus;1rlcrs

tuok over !he luatl with a run in 1hc
secon d , lwo In 1he 1hird. and rour
more in the fou r th. when 1he v
chuted Byrn e off the mou nd. Som~
sloppy Su ff olk play l(Ove the Cru,rnde rs mosl of the six runs as errors hy Byrn e himselr. Zizzo . ancl
Sknrn p,wed the way for the onslaught.
Freshman Jim Devaney ca me in
in 1he four lh and he succeeded 10
pi lr: h shutou l ball until the sixth,
w he n th e Crusciders pushed tWo
mo re n-1n ne rs ucrdss th e p la te.
again as !he result of Ram errors .
Th e scoru stayed al 8 to 4 until lh o.
Suffolk cigh 1h when Buha y ca me
lh rouHh with anot he r clu1ch hit.
Two wa lks , sandwiched around a
Znr.:r.a lin e s in'J,!l e off the pitche r's
knee. loaded the bases wilh one oul
for Buhay. He proceeded to smash a



ERR01 ~rnr.lN8

■ •ION




- - - - - - WITH ERRORITE!


lhree-run doublie over the center called Ska re ou l on lhe play when
fielder's head for his third hit or the he appeared lo be safe. Then. on a
~amc . Thi\! brough1 Suffolk to late r play al the plale, the other umwithin one run a1 8•7.
pire ca lled·an E.N.C. runne r sa re en
However. thal is whe re lhe Sur. anoth er dispu ted play.
folk rally fell sho rt.. a nd when E.
Despite the Suffolk: loss there
N.i ✓ arene added a run in their hair
..,ere some no1able Ram pe rfor•
of lhf! ciJ!hlh lo make ii 9--7, Su Holk mancos. Dave Buhay had a big' day
hnd suffe rer! Ihei r seven1h defeat of al the plate with a three-for-five
lhe season, while they have one win day that included a triple. a double.
to their credit
and five RBl' s. Catc her Larry
Besides the shaky play in the . Va nStry a lso h it the ball well and
field . another reason for lhe Suffolk connected for two doubles, one of
loss was o coup le of mistakes on the · which hit the ce nte r field C
ence on a
basepalh. 001 10 .menlioJl some fly - 1he third ti me he's done so
qucslionable umpiri ng. The most 1his yea r.
no1aO le baserunni ng mistake OC·
Su ffolk also gol a good pitching
curred in the seventh inning wh en perfor mance 'from th e sou thpaw,
Ce lesle ended a Ram .scoring threat Deva ney. who p it ched five innings
by lryinH to score from lhirrl on an in re li ef of loser Jim Byrne and gave
in ri e ld ground ba ll .
up onl y lh ree unearned runs. while
Anolher haserunning mistake s1riking oul eight batters.
worth mentioning ,amd in the £ifth
But the way the Suffolk defense
inning when Skara was ~icked orf was p laying Tuesday. Devaney
first base, bli l in thi s Case lhe fnuh would liave had to slrike out almost
rea11y la y wi1h !he umpire who every balle r to win lhe game.

Stiffs Gain First Win;
Destroy Loungers, 31 -3
by Kev in Leen
The Stiffs e ncl erl° a long dry spe ll
in inlrnmurnl competilio n that exlendcd back lhrouHh baske lba ll and
flag football as th ey humil iated the
l.oun.'{ers by a 3 1-3 sco r e . Joe
Oo1olln was 1he biRHeSI S liff ol fi ll
as h e went six for six. includinH a
home run in the firsl. to send th e
SliHs on 1heir way.

--------CAP£ CQD------•ol ns TheeyWizards ro llthe 10 a 3-0 record
Bargain. 17•7
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The ,w:unrn wns li ed 4-all when 1he
Wizards erupted for seven runs in
1hc third innin1,1 as Joe McLaughlin
slu,4i!cd a tremenrious home run .
Thr Wizards adclecl rou r mo re In
the fourth inninM lo wr ap up 1he
contest Sieve \\lilenski homered
ror' thtJ losers.
M,1rt~ ·s ~luraude rs rcmnined unlwa1cn as Ihey ou1sl11),i,1ted Della. 161-l. Th,· t-.lara11dns r.amc from
lmhind wilh a rour run six lh inninM
rally . Phil Lucier used his j,!o U SW·

ing. 10 stroke a three-ron homer for
the Maraude rs. The Marauders·
Leslie Darli ng was the defensive
star as she .shon al second base.
The Bon es held off a last inning
rally by lhe Lambs to pull out an 8--6
viclory. The Lambs scored twice in
the scve nlh and had men o~ base
but th ey died 1here. Dan Rahilly
drilled a three-run homer for 1he
Bones in the third in ning. .
The Franks nipped Alpha. 6-3. in
a we ll plnyed defe nsive struggle.
Both learns displayed fine fleldins '
throughoul the game. which was
comp leted in less than an hour .
Defending champ ion TKE 'had a
busy week, first losin g lo the
Lambs . 5- 4, when Paul Daniels
doubled home Mike Kell y in the
final Urning, and then bouncing
back and crushing Hiatus. 16-4: TKE
scored five runS in the first and five
more in the lhird to pul !he game
oul of reach.




April Zl , 1178

Intramural Program Has
Become a Huge Success,
by Tony Feru ll o
H tulr numhcr onf' on the colleMe
spur& s1;1•11c 1s. "To huild a h1i,ihly•
comprlili\'o 1nlcrco lleglale prolJrHm," then rule number two is

cer1111nly, " To build a hili!hl)"cump1•1i 1ivu 1ntra11mrnl 11rogrnm ."
As f,1r us lh1• intrnmural program

al ~uHolk I lni\·ontil~ is concorncd.
1111 11n1•11dln,'! mist fills 1hc air w11h
clouds of succ:ess.
" lnl ramural11 pla y a vu ry hig part
in lh u sports sci-up here ol Suffolk ," drclarcd proji!ram-direclor

famus Nelson . " All lhc participants
Invo lve,! lake ii mo111 serious!
They ho ve 11 101 nr pride in lhomsclvos 11nd workin,M together as a
whole with their 11•o
" Thu t"nt1re prn1i1ram bejilan four
)'1-mrs o,io . Our sr.hf"clulr of sports 1s
comprised of flni,i foullmll in 1hc
foll . hnskcthall rn th~ winier ,1ntl
co-crl 5'tftyull m 1hC !lprm~ Onr of
lhf' mqjOt"'rca. ons lhal 1h1s pro~rnm
is so '1iUC:Cf't-5hil ·is 1lrn1 PVPnon, •
lw lps
nno another



sand dunes of Saudi Arabia .' you ' re
aware thr11 th e hi1U1es1 problem facing thl' inlramural s1>0r11 program 1s
the lack of a1hlc1ic facililies
" It's reall) a shame .' noted
Nt!lson. an easy•HOlllj( )' Olin.I( man
who gels the joh done al a consb•
lcnl tale "The way things have
stood ri,ahl a lons ,s thal the re,l(ularseasun haskethall ~umes are pla)'ed
at lh e Bd'sl on YMCA U nion fpla)'•
offs at 1he Camhrid~ YMc"'AJ.
and lh c fl a~ fuo1ball und co-eJ soh ball contests held at either !he
Boston Common o r Chnrles River
MOC slle I kno\\ 11 ·s a lough
prnrlic nment lo function In lhis
m.ahni>r, h111 whill are )OU .l(Oing lo

ere 1:eally 11 twice th e run. Lovely youna Ea11em Nuarene fan
me adju1t m ent1 as the en}oy1 lhe be ■ ullfu.1 tl ■ y and watches her
mp lhe R ■m• In a 1ame lul Tuesday.


Can Jackson Bring O's Pennant?
by Jelr Clay
When Reggle Jackson was lraded

du 1 "

back or 1he park) background are 1
pitcher's delfgh,.
1he Baltimore O ri oles lhree
Don ' t get me wron1 , though .
weeks aJi(o. ii looked hke the O 's Jackson will indeed h elp the
h,1d hnall) allained the left. handed Oriole, wilh his bat (H he ever
slugi,ier they needed lo re.captu re plays). bu1 not u much is Baylor
the American LeaMue Easlern Dlvi- would have In the yean lo coine.
The real puzzlins aspect or the
mm I lowe\"CL with a closer look al
h.1schall's hij(jlest lrade of 1h1s year swap. however. 11 the Bird, trading
(Don Baylor, Mikf' Torrez~d Paul for a left.handed starter in HoluM1tc h1•ll from Unllimore lo Oakl..-, d man . l.as1 year 1he O ' s traded
ror l.t Lkso n and Krn I-loll
anl t sout)lpaw . Dave McNally to the Exap1wars tha1 isn't quilc true
pos for ri~hl-hander Mike Torrez.
•The rea!lon for th6 trad e was that
l,1 clson 1s alread) creating 1
st•ntion on his new lea rn . ar1er nine Baltimore didn't want three left•
, cars of th e so m e wllh Cha rli e hander!! fMike Cuellar and Ross
O ,rnd !he A 's T,he n, pposed Crimsluy are lhe othe r lwo) In their
-11q1t·r11,1r 1i. askinj! for an un• s1ar110g ro1a1ion . T he trade worked
h,•IH'\'Ohle S60U non a )t•ar 1 When out t(reat for the Orioles. loo. While
McN'ull) quit haseball, Torrez
, 011 1 on-.11h•r 1h,11 lilt' hiJthf•o;I sa h,r\
1n h,1,i,•h,111r1,wh11111\\ !'Ill . I 1n•1•n half hl.izNI 1hs \\ll) to a spectacular 20
,ind 1:1 sr-ason
th .11 l,11 k-.nr1"" d,•m,rnd 111ul1111h1erl1)111 no" !he O 's h11ve turned
h ,., 1111111 oulri)!hl ruhniluu-.
.unund and lradPd Torrez and
rh•· 0·111. un 1h1• n1h,•r h,1nd ,lrf> pid.Prl up Jnulher southpa,, in
h1•111,1,: mnn• th,111
\\llh 1h1•1 r llohzm,rn 118-1 ~ lrtl'II yea rt . A trio of
11ffl'r or S:!00.000 ,1 iw,1,nn 1-· c,, lch•hancled strtrtcrs hke Cuellar.
pl,1, 1•rs 1n thf' 1,•,urne .art• ma~1n,i I loh zman and Cnmsle} pitching in
1h,1t mu c h mon,•, anrl Jackson 1-· ,•m,ct) P,1rk isn't exactl) the
5hould ht> ,zlnc\.,ln he onf' or !hem 111m,1r1cs1 1hintc to do. So. Wh) 1he
trade 1
E\ en the A·s appea r lo have hurt
<ihoulcl he on 1he; playm)! field ri,'l;hl themselves a hil at the plate by 1he
mm with the Orioles
trade Desp11e the fact thal Baylor
la clson's n e \, teammates arll un - (25 homers .. 282 B.A. lasl year) may
cl1•rs1anclably upset over lh e left- do jusl ns good - o r even heller than Jackson with 1be bat , Oakland
now has nu left-handed homerun
h e in.)Z. Jim Palmer and Ken Holtz• hiller. Baylor joiM the Ilka of Joe
man hJ\' C publicly critiched Rudi . Sal Sando and Gene T enace
Jo ckso n for not showing up, and '9[ts the pol e nt ri11ht•ha nded slugeers
riji!htfull y so . B)• nol j>hl)•ing. on 1ho A's, but Oakland's only le fl lackson is hurlin~ 1he loam th at handed ballers are Bill Norlh
thouMhl e nough of him to 1rade fa swllch-hillerJ and Claudell
Washington, and 1hey only hit 11
' three HOod players 10 gel him.
In facl. it is hard to understand home rs between them last year.
why the O's would even bother to This is certainly going 10 hurl the
when they go In to parks with a
1rade a 20-game 'winner and two
player! wilh greal potenlial for leh- short riMhl-Oeld fence . like in
handed pitch er Holtzman . and Oe1roi1 and New York.
ll owevcr. the 1rade doe, help
Ja ckson. For all the pres5 clippings
thnt Reggie gets as baseball's lone Oakland In al least two dlHerent
supe r-duper•slar, one would expect aspects Mos! notabl)•. the A's have
him lo have the slats lo back up lhis helped 1hemselves on derense wi1h
claim . It look at his s1atistics show Cold Clove loe Rudi moving from
dirforcnt. h oweve r . The rlijht- first base back 10 lefl rield. Claudell
r,elder has never h it over .300 m his Wuhlngloo switching to right, and
ca reer. h e has hil over 40 homers Baylor laklnji! over rirst.
The A' s will also have a good
only once (and 1h01 was seven years
·ago) . a nd he has driven in over too riMhl-lerr starti ng tandem in Torrez
runs o nl y thre e 1\mes in nin e 11nd Vida lllu e. Since !he departure
of llm Hunter Josi year, Oakland
seaso ns.
l,1c son also has Clwnmilled more hasn ' t had tha big rijijhl-handcr they
O\\ they do 1
err !I (31) in 1hc- lnsl lhrce years need
T hu s. the 1rorle whe1her
th,1 ,in\ ot h .. r outfield er 111 lho
lru:kson plays or not - shapes up as
11•,1)( " ()o top n( thn l. h,• 11n n1101l y
,t p lus for the A's a nd ii appears
l1•;11ls hi• A I.. m 111tr1Win)Z nut
f,H k111
\,11\ havt,, f'\'f>ll more Charles O Fi nl e) h as pulled off
lrouhlc . fH<1wrially ,11 the plate in ttnolht•r r:oop
Re~1r Jackson with the Oriole !
U,d111nun• . \,h..-r,• 1he lar)(e rield
.rnd tlw h,ul lwhilc. fmm hnu!lt>S in So whnt?

I fr,1ll baseball coach Tom \\'a lsh
has lwlln 1\1r
clson's as8islan1 in
1h1• mtrnmurnl pruJ,rrJ.m sinc:e lls l nct'plion nntl ff'c ls. " II ts tlw co m plt•lr pnr11c111u11on ll\ r\'N) s1t1di•nt
1m·oh-ml ,,hu:h mak"'s C\'erv1h1nJl
11H1• rrcl 10 1he proJ,(rnm run so
!>mnnlhh "




-;; i



How 1uccessfuJ ii 1he Suffolk Intramura l pro1ram ? Lee Caatlgnell l
(baite r) and Sieve Seto seem lo be e njoying 1hem1elve1 In a game belween
Tke and the Lambs .
m1s1nkt• ahout 1ha1."
Tlw 1nd1virluals pnrlakin~ m lhf'
Suffulk mlrflmurnl pro,'!rnm will nnl
.wu un 1u and lwcornr professio nal
a1hlo1ns . 1h11 so whal. It domm 't
holhtr thorn In lh P lc-nst hil. The
1hll'I~ uf 1mµortancc is 1h01
m•1•r)'onc ,s oul th1•tf', on the courl
nr ficlcl . h iwi nf{ on f' hPlluva limt• for
Explttinod Suffolk n 1hlt•1icchn•ctor Cha rliP I.a\\ . "There nrc
over 800 °kirls rnkinM 11otrl in the 10lr.unur,1 1 pro~iam ao; nf 1h is year.
Th111'111 a prt"lly nma,:ing f1~ur~ co ns11lcrin~ \\C have no athletic
facil1tll'S lwrr to oHr-r
"TlH-' 1;ompPt11rnn f.1ctor hPh\'een
,1II 1ho pln)Orti and lt•nms in each
sporl of lhe prot,1r;1m 1s t•xr.cllcnl
The) r1•,1lh gu a ll 0111 A nd the
,ipnr1smun111h111 J1spl11~erl from f•ach
llf'rsun 1s 111 full £•virlPnce That . of
.u11r'I•·· mak,•s fnr 1111 t•'IClrnrnoly
IH•ulth~ a1nun111,h1•rf• up anti down
1tw lin,· "
I lnl1•s'I , 011 h,1, r- 1us1 rf•turn, •d
from II r1,1•-~uur s,1far1 thrn~1.wh 1h1•


ID R~pla~m~nt Fr,r
ln c r•o••
A, ol luly I 19761h11 lee lor ID co rd,
thnl nMd ,., lw ,,,pin~ w11l b. S3 00
rlu,. lq 1h111 1111nQ coat of mn1er10l1


I lo" did the r1rugr11m get s1n r1 ect
in 1h,• firs! place'/ "We ll . lhnl's kind
,1 funn)' s1ory," proclaimcrl Lnw
" President Fulham ca ll ed m o into
h,s office o n e dn y ilnd 101d m o 10 lry
uml gel such a proJlrnm rlcvolop"d ,
Tu lrn honest, I wns II li11le
pessimistic a l firsl hccau~c we had
nO usalle of for.llilii>s here . You
kn ow. I sll ll r 1
•mcm her Prel'lidflnt
fulhnm·s parlinJ,r \\Orris. 'Civo ii a
Ir) , you c.t n h<' surp r lsrrl ...
What ;iho11 dis f111un" 1 Buasled
Nelson. " I lik lo hclieve ii is mosl
c ncourajilillJZ lntrnmurals al Suffolk
in a nutshell is 11n {'nJornb le sllua11011 CompPl11um nntl wmninM is as
,mporl:lnt to lhMr students as ii is
for those mvnh,ell \\ ilhin 1h1• intercnll£>Mialc h•\'e l
"The~ 1,1ke 11 ver) s.:-riou81) . h111
thrir main 11,voh {'mcnt is m the
cr1mnradene nncl friendships
clm•f• lopt'll 1hro11J,th sporls Thro
u111•ri.1 for pnssessln~ n sucr.esd ul
1n1rr1mur,1l proJ,tr,tm 1s pnrlh:l11n111111. anti we lrnvt• thill lwn• 111 uh11n-


1l.1nc1• ·•
in ,•u h,in1t" iUf lo\N'l..n1J1ht l"O\{'l.ljll' in .-in
.-idnlf'\1t•n1 r,'\ttlrnll.-il p101111•m M..iurr- A
lf'\J)On\lhlr pN.lplt' onl1 \\ Ill~
p.,, ("n11l••11,•r }J.1 (t'fl"" \f

.\M Olt14




,:fe ~~!







1h,, 11!1111q ,,,.,



,' 1.'1, ... ,, , "
1,.,,,,., \1-' fl.').'~

, •.,,, • .,.j, . .,,.,

, >,,,,

"'")()(I•· J•II ~:'>\Il l





So wh,11 1

April-23, 1171
Suffolk Journal

Page 10

[- - - - arts - -I

What Hitchcock Forgot
In the Family Plot
b\' Pa1rir.il1 Ga tt o
. ,\lf n •il lilh h1:nd, '-. " Fa1111h 1'1111.
nu\\ p\,n 1n,1,1 ,11 thl" S,1\11\ ,;h1,11h l lw
l111m•1I Ifs 11111 1hn1 11 1-. ,1 p1111r filnr
ll's 11111 th,11 1l pru111h,1:s s11-.p11r1sc
,ind 111~ll'ud dehv..r" la1;klu-.1t<r It' s
nul I hat 1h1 • p lol 1s nnh ,Lil ••xcllSI' lo
pr111lu1 ,, 1h1• film If ,; o;1mph thnt 11
1-. not 11111 hnwk
Th~• maslt•r nf susp1•1H,1' h,,._
1:1•l1•hr,111•d his 5;uli11•11 !\nn1\)>n1,1r~
111 lh1 • nrnlinn p1r.111n • 1ndu.;1n h~
n•l,.,1-.111,1,1 lw, ;,:tnl ftlm . · F,1mil}
Pini" I Im\!'\ t•r II tlo,•-. nnl f.1II 111
hrw P,b,h \\ 1th !1111 h rn,1s1t•1 p11•1 , •.,
.u,··p~,, h,1 ."'" ;\Jurth h, '\,11r1h,, ,. ,1
'" Th,· B11 ds ,"' 'Frt•n1:,
I h, •
Th1rh -X11w Slt•p~ ,incl "Tn l:.111 h
,\ Th11•f " Ttw " F11n11h Plot' h,1,; ,1
r.h,1r,11 t1·r ,di 11\.m, 11, 111 pi'I h,q.., ii
1-. ,1 lm.k of 1:h,1nu h•r
l'h!' film 1-. cm111•r1wd ,,1 1h ,1
f£&n1d11l,•n1 mys11c. 1narh,1r,1 I l.1rr1 ,;j

,111cl f.1th1•r '\rm he 1s 1\r 1hur
Ad,1mson. a prnh1.11i11• lt.'\\uln ,ind
p,1rl-ltJJ1f"' k11ln,IJIJH'r Ht• .ind his
,1,11rlfm•nd (l<:,,n •n ltlad, J kulnap
\\ B,iltln n1Jl_P1 ,ind ca•maflll 1he "}"·
som 111 l~P paul in 1lw form
h ill'
cl1,1munc li.
Th1•n• an; M'\'t•r,tl renclez\'nu m
1h1• film \\lt11.h rel,tte to lh e
cl. 11Hlf'"il11H' ,1 r:livit11•i. of rnr.h r.01 1
plP Tlw y n,~ver m1•t•t unlil 1h r encl
or th1• film Yf'I. llit chcor.k keeps an
rn\ 1-.11!! ,• ltnk 1111n1n>1- 1h tr de!ll l101es
tr ►)wth, · r
r,•1.hn11:alh . 1h1• film 1s
fl,1,, It•:-.,. J'h,· 1•d!1in),! of sr.tine!i
,1d1•plh <thm,., rh,, ~lruJ.!>1-lc11 of .th,•
t h,1r,11 11•r,
In mw -.u•n1• ,1f1 .. r Shcwhr11i),!e\ 1•rs 1h,11 h1• 1-. h,•111,1,1 ~••,irLh,·il
f,1r (h,• 1h1nks 11 io; 111 •rnnnnl um
\\1lh th1· murd1•ri1l h,• urtl<•r'i ,in ,1, -


.mnpliu• 111 ~1II 1lw

,u,s~ 1:011plt• So

\\ b,•n I l.1rris ,,m l IJ,•rn



Ba rbara Harris and Bruce Dern are two for tbe road after lhelr car
Is tampered with In ':Family Plot."


tur 1hou>1-hl lhe blood
the murder
,w11m which fillerl 1he ba1htub
mt}l.hl h,• o ffensh e to some 1>eople.
Frenz) ," llilchcoi: k ne ve r
"ihm,t>d !ht! ~cu m ac1ually hmnM
1huked tn rl oth ~e filmed the
m11rd1•rcr lym 1he n ck1ic a.nd lh e
kn1'l'S ,ind lr.11.; l)C: thl· str.11>1-.1ding \'IC11m
-!'hi' ·• Famih Pi o!'' m,1rks .1 ne\\
tr,•ml in !11tchcoc k llopefully . this
\\ 111111• lhP Pn I of the trend For nnl

only is iL, uninteresting. ii is
downr ight borin3- The magic o r
Hilchcock simply does 001 illuminale this rilm
In a recent int e r view. Hitchcock
said, "Do you know 1hat some people think I eal babies. I don ' t eat
bdb1cs ·• Perhaps the master is tryinJ! to shake his image. Yet, wh)
should he 7 For ahe r all , what is
\Honp: with atmg babies?

Never Quite Able To Be
Lombard and Gable
,, here the lw .lovers meel secretly
h) Valerie Jamiol
"C ,1hle 11ncl l.omhard, ts sup• a\\a , from the public and any
p11~1•\I tu he d lu, t.' slor~ hf'l\,ecn publicity. However. word gets out
h,o ),!tt-',tl sta rs of the t930's and 1ha1 the 1wo have been meetins in
~ti's \\'h,11 it turns out to be 1s a secret a nd Rhea promptly denies
d esperate 1•fror1 on the parls of Cla rk a divorce. It's only aher lhe
lames Orolin and lill Cln)•burgh lo lwo sta rs ope nl y admil that they are
having a love arr ai r that Rhea relucLll]llllle th ese 1wo greal movie sta rs.
Karen Black and WIiiiam Devane dl1cuu criminal slraleJJY In
C.,1ble 1s porlrnyed as a bungling tanll~ gives in and grants .the
" family Plot."
counlr~ ho} lrrinJ( to make ii into
C lark and Carol are finally
who , during lh t! ,:u urso <11 fl ir;uanr:t•. on a r.u rvin~ mountnin rond. 1he the movie industry. Lombard slruls
marri ed. During 1he war , though.
nruund as the adored movie queen
11!~1.ovcrs 1h01 hor ditrnl is luukini,t hrPoks on th eir car sutld ,•n ly fail
w11h o nl y a colo rful vocabular)' or · their bliss is shattered when Carol
for .1 lnni(-losl ncphC\\ so thnt she This scene. film1!CI mos1ly frun\ th e
diM in an IJ.rplane crash along with
miJ,!hl m,1kc him heir to her forhml"' . puinl of \·iew uf the dri\'cr. is
other WACs. Cable's life seemed 10
l l,1rris' boyfriend (Bru r.P Dmn) 1 clcrnrly succuss£ul The curves of
end with her death and it took him a
a s l,H\'inK ac tor whu decides tu plu,, the road, th e rleop vu ll eys on ei1her
Io n~ time to get over it.
priv,11e eye because the ~
.liPnl lrn·s sicle. nncl th e oncomin~ lrnffi c real•
James Bro lin steps out of his role
promised $10,000 In !ht• lll)Slic I),' keeps th!! audience holcirnjl nn 10
as 1he young Or. Kiley or " Marcus
shcijild ht•r ncphPw he found
11s scat. This is lhc best piece or
Welby" a nd attempts 10 be Clark
The missing heir is Ed Shor- llilchcock-like directini,t in the fi)m .
Gable. Granted that with the
brldKC (William Devane! whn has
Th1! ms! of ·· Fnmlly Plot " 1s r.onmoU!1tache he is a Gable look-alike.
fokcd his own clt!alh nnrl rnken c1•rnl'tl with tlcrnctive-likc aehut Brolin docs nol quite make the
on., 1ww irlen111y IH•ca11<;1• ,, lwn h1• 11vi1ies. The film could he ,1 pilot for S\\fMr words to. her credit. When
rol e gel. Instead, he concentrates
\\,t'i )tHlni,t he hncl st•! (1n• 10 his
.,no1hcr lt•lcvision crime-drama
thf' 1wn meel a~ fin! . ii is not quile
too much on mimicking Gable's
h1mllr"s house k1llrnJ,t In~ 11101h,~r 1 Tlwn• \\'ns no murP 1m,1~11rnlmn. no ms~ In for.I. holh 01>Cnly voice an
m,1nnerisms a nd voice while
lll'lh•r ur.lin),!, nnd. re~rct1,1hl} , nn 1111,•nsf' clislikr- for · each other vowmore polcnt tlirct:tin,w in 11 1han in mi,t the} \\Ot1ld ne\'er play in th e ove rl ooking.J,is abilil)' to act. H only
Brolin put a little more reeling into
,KPnrr lnw cnforci•nwn1 shm,.S nn S,lnH' ptclun· IOJ,!t!lhC'r
thP role. it would have been
11•h•\·111io n Th11 JUPat c,1r -.c1•nf" ,,,1s
E\l•n lualh he foils in lo\'e and
un i~ 11 teast• ll11thcot:k 1lircc1s,\\tlh mnkt•i. s1•\·e·ral dcspern1e allempts
1111 ClayhurMh seemed a natural
this 11111J,tnifk1•111 pull'nlrnl. hu l in 10 ~.lin her ,11lcn1ions. After some
for 1he part of the za ny Carol
thi!I 1110\ ic h1•
1•r f'nt•r.i;:inis 11 to
frui.tratin~ trio!! . he final!, succeeds
1ls full,•st I It• ts ,I ),!1•11111.!o ,, hu l1 •li. us whPn hr f.1kcs ,1 f,1 CP \\t1111HI durm,-i Lombard . The cha racter would
probabl) have been more be•
,t .!tL,I\ ,•n).lr r hunt ,11 a soc1el) cha ri laevable if she did not use so
Tlwr, • 1!-> ,1 su•ne "h .. rr th1•
h h.dl thal he t r,1,hcs
mum fou r let1cr words that seemed
,1udi,•1u:,~ se1•s two drop~ of hlt)od
· II t.,~es ,1 \\hilc. hul l.omhurcl
111 h~ an indispensable parl or l\cr
on a s hirts\,,,,, t' l'his is snmf'lhinJ,t fmjll~ ).11\' PS 111 tn C,1hl1•
, nn1hul11ry. \\'hat Clayburgh 8ivcs
I 1111 lu .m:k ha-. ,1,1111INI in p,1,1 falm~ .
A.._ lht• -.1un unfolds. C,1hlt• is 111
In fo1r.1 . ··r-.\d11t"' \,,1, ftlnwcl m 1lw m11hllt> of oh1a mm.11, ,1 di\'orcf' us 1s 1he 1malle or a loud. mou1hed
hl,u :k ,11ul \\ l1111• ht>1.,rn~1• 1lw d1rt'C:•, frum his\\ 1f1• , Rhtm . j!lcl is slill con- ,ind c rass woman
su lnml to t,\, ,1 m,irrietl rn,1n For
1h1• ~.,kc of dt•ce nc, , ht• is ,1dvised
h, ~101ro-r.ulclw\ n·-~1 aycr S111tlips for this ~••iir O\'erall. ii was a haUSTUDY
hcarled attem1>1 on the part or
1r1 slop s.-ean~ 1hu colorful Lombard
I lollywood 10 revive a very perFREE PARKING
1t,s1 a scanrlul ruin their careers
By Ma,rjorie Stone
sonal par-t of two stars' priva.te
Yrt, nol even a powerful s tud io
New England Conservatory Grad
lives . The film Is nothing more than
hP,HI could smo1her a love as deep
Enroll now for Spring
nnot he r weak try at th e nostalgia
as 1heirs
100 Charles River Plaza
kid 1ha1 seems lo be currentl y In
What follows are a f P\\' inslances
Boston, MA.





sh~11;;, 7,:1 Cf !~~~r:~5

(617) 523-5195



April 23 , 1976

Cannibalism :

A Rite to Life?
b y Bre nt L. Marmo
r11ml11•d rn c n.
C1111nihnlism - A rillwl
wur ur
Sumr m£•n were smo lhered . so me
n t. rim e illi(n insl hum a n nnlurc?
mrn l,11d down anrl died hy rheir
T lw CambridRc Enst>mhl e's 1m o\vn free will - bul two lflen surpecca hlu prc,c nrali on of ·· Jud,w:!v1w•tl Wh} ? The}' lea rned 10
rn,mr " hv Ba rn• Col1111s is n slurk
nrnneu\·er \Vithrn lh e pallern o f !He
ri •v"lntin.n nf endurance and 111 rh o Cf•II Vukhov c,c plain c rl lhi:11 i i
11d1us1m c n1 resu ltinij from tht• ·
w,1s rhe s lrnl c~y of end uran ce
u ipru:,i.s of wur
iva l
~ St•\ en Hussia n so ldiers we r e i:n1•· ra Th,· 1h11n resu.!ltr.11c,,n- nf su rv~ri•n
ll co uld have
IUrt>d h~ 1hr (;crm aJl nrmy u nd f'll •
cltrfcrirn1 Two oth e r me n cntdd
r11111l1 1 d ,n , 1 stone ce ll of 11
h,1-..·c s11rv1, 1 cd rather thnil' Vukhov
mu1rns1er~ Twc h·tJ h ours latn rh, ,
,tnd Rubin . hut the} rlidn 't F.vcn
G1mnan arm} pulli:cl 0111. l1•av 111M
pallcrn o f lif1• in volves cha ,11.1•.
lh,• seven mf'n lo .!l lru&'flc for r,c.
Barry Lyndon (R yan O'NealJ In the act of commlttin1 aduJtery.
£•1thcr on thf> ha1 1l e ficld ur 111 a ce lt
is1 en cl!. No fu ncf nor waw r w,1.s
Some rn,m Ins! hy dr,n\' mg l ol.!I,
m •111 lah l1!, liu1 11 ft cr si,cly cla ys two
i.nm +• own jusl ,wavt• up , sonw mnn
nrnn \\'f' rt! still li vi n,w wh r n a Rus- l'1 ri•d
:111111 lif't1lf•n11n1 opened lh e har rml
~\Jm\ , cumr,1<.!!_• o1d1u&aie,I hi th1•
p, 1llcrns of ,,a r ,trc lo 1ud,wr co m Now !h e two me n sl 11ml lriul
n uf.,s w ho tr,w,• 1 u~1ccf to 1h1•
Whv? llccm1s1J llwv s u hs1sll!tl un 1111•
pallrrn nr f'nlninh m e n l. Vukhm • b y Brenl L. Marmo
ruo;I r111d hlo11rl or" 1h1•ir r:n mrt1 df's 7
hfl,ll1ns h1o;i t!d,•nsc b, saym!(. " I sc ,•
T hrouJh variou1 praxmatic cir.
llccn usr nt h1•r m,•n·s II\'"-" \\1 'rt'
I d 1-".i,:11s1 ~1111 , I can see 1h,11 111 )Our
c umstarkes. Barry Lyndon ac'hjeve,
.!lnuffecl 0111 likr con ,fl,,s ·, Cap l,11 11
l\m,1, i..h111/,- 1hr,f/,
1•~ cs, ynu r f11<:cs" Sinc:e thr 111d,wes
h is goal fso we are to ld by the
Vukh ov !Frank J. 1cn rv ) mul r-..tiqor
have nol ,ix p e rienccd th e pallcrn lq ,:mdcti 1!1
narra1orj . H e marries Lady Lyndon ,
R11hin fT1m r-..1r:1>11 no l1,l(h] p rnvi d!'
/,/fl/(' cu r,- WI;'
nf e n lnrnbmc nl, lh ey mu st be
w h o h as mo ney a nd a 1i1le. ju11 lhe
you wllh llw fa cts. You i nt nrprPI
W1l11am Ma li a11e•ce Th111d:~ra)
f,inu li uri zcd \\ ith ii a nd Vu khov
right co mbination for Barr y '•
ff you plan lo see Stanl ey
lh Pm
~ 011 m11k1• thc judHmcn1
pru\'ul,·s lh c m wi1h the f1u:1, " Fa1;1s
Kubrick 's la1 as 1 fi lm " Ba rry Lyn- assumed parasitic appelite . But
ll arr~ C.ol l1n s · s pl.1 ~ 1s an
,m • not lh e prob lem, 11 ·s thr1r inlN• don." you had heller pack )'Our there is s till a voia. Over a period of
nrp1ly111:a l Sf'.trr.h into lhP dff•c rs or
l)rt'I Ut1o n I'm HUilty , hut of \\hi.II
a few )'ta rs a n d half a film , Barry
lunch A 1b rec- ho11r, four -minute
ph t rns plru:crl o n h11m nn li\'es
Ynu dl't:idu II\ the foc1s ." Vuktm,·
goes from a m e mber o r the Irhh
and fou r -st"co nd t ra ve log u e nf
informs his j11°tl)l'ins,: wm rmlcs
wo rking clau to the c reme de la
e 1Mhl ee n1h -cen1ur y ~ land c reates
c r e m e 1n Enaliih . 1ociety, and
The fact IS the scnw r nffw,~r
an e no rmous appeti e - e n e 1ha1
w 1/lin,1.d) l,1111 duwn his ltf1• fur the
nothing 1n his characler changes.
can n ot be satia ted y 1Pt8 s.uste•
T he r easo n is lhat fher e is norh ins
s11 n ·1vnl u f 1h,• ot hn men T he fo c i n ance of lh c mm .
Is lhl' 1111•11 f1•l1 r,,ur ,m d qu esr1oni•cl
1h e re 10 c h a nae - e xce p t maybe h is
Ry,rn O 'Nea l pla ys th e · le ole costum e .
wh1•1h1•r th,• acl of s,• lr-prnsPrVal inn
nf a wh o. with hi s boy i.!lh
\\.ts \,or1h lh,• hum1lrnhon Th,• fa r l
Whe n a director places the lwo
c ha rm and Iris h b larne y, pe n emain characters together , exploils
1, 1h1• ri• \\, IS nu \\,lie r. lht>rt• \\rl .!I no
lrn lcs 1he bou-nda ri es of hish
lhei r spa rkling white lee th i!"' foll
EnMlish a ri s locrncy . li e soon finds
Tim 1.41ws 1w11. C,111 ,1 p,tllcrncd s~I uu1 1ha t o n ce h~ is i n volved in t h e coverage and even give, lhem some
uf 1nclw1d11.1r'I Jllci,1(1' ,tno lht•r 10 · i,:.-inic 11 is uln 1ous 1ha1 h P has nol s hohby dialogUe. some1hlng sh ou ld
happen . Ir doesn ' t. After Lady Ly n• oru•n rNI In a st•p.:t rn lt• h•arned the rules
don has found oul abou1 Barry's ex•
pallf'rn 7 C,rn tlH' defon1h1n 1 makt•
Al lhe onset of th e film . Barr)
tramarita l affai rs, Barry enters her
1h r 1ur) cx pn ie ncc 1hc horrors o f p re.!l um a bl y kill s his c hildh ood
rn lin,i.: u cumradn's fl es h ,111d d rink swee1hear 1's fian ce and seeks bed room w h e re she is laking a bath
hi s hl om l? r.,m lh c jud)l'cs u nd c rs- .tsv lum in Ouhlin . The ca mera I le ap ffr oach es her . places his hand
trrnc"I th t• ntua l o f c n1 o mbm e n1 locales the picaresque hero r idins on hers and says, 'Tm sorry.·· Th e
w11hou1 ciqwri c n ci ng 11 ? Vukhm hi s ho rse thro ugh a brillianl slice of line p lunges into 1h e depths of th e
as ks , '" Why nw '? Wh) not me ? What rur,11 Ire lan d . The narrator of the full bathtub while echoing th e
is lo he dune of m e? Wh al is 10 be film anno un ces, a ll loo haslil y, rhat th eine fro m " Love Sto ry." O 'Neal
,lmw '' "
cloesn·1 work . H e 's nol b e li evab le as
Bnr r) is "t hinking o f lo morrow and
The ,1po lo)l'1,1 for lht• two sur- a ll th e wonders it would b rins: · R ch c\racler or as Barry Lyndon
because he is a Ku brickia n illusion
\'1\'in~ sr, ld11 •rs 1s presc nr c cl by One m a in problem in !his over•
Fr,1nk l.i t.,llu who. for mun! 1h nn dr e ss ed C!l~c is 1hat O 'Neal didn 't a nd not a char aeler .
Balanc ing th is total GainsbQrough
lwu ho urs, pe rformed· n s1 unnin1-1 hear the nn rrnlQf say he was lo
mo no lnJ!! Ut' wi lhou t fah1•nn~. lli s 1h in k - so h e doesn 't. H e c reat es a pal n ting•in-ce lluloid is Lady Lyn .
rnit:e haun1 c d th t• O ld Ca mbridge c h ina do ll image. lacking inner don . pla yed by Marisa Berenson ,
}1is1 Chu rch as he re 1o ld !he dep th. lar.kinH i nn e r motiva lion for who is eq uall y as illusory, equa ll y
s lllr~• 111s 11 111 111,1! was me1ro no mi • his Ho m e r ic.: escapa d es . H e ' s a as sha ll ow. Kubrick 's closeups of
c:1.111 )' prec:ise as h e conlinu e cl un - puppet on Kubrick 's m elicu lpusly the Lady co mmunl~s o ne thing
- a cha racter with larse gree n eyes
cen.!li n,.il)' 1hrou,l!h out hi s story, sr,r stage

who is as supe rficia l as her w h ite
,ud ccl o n l) h~ lh e barf' \\hi le slat,ic
It is u nd e rs1andab le th a-1 Willi;am
powder mak e up. During th e final
,111d hurnm,.i white li~hls
~ l nkcpeac:e T hacketay's nin ciee n th
J'h1 : sf'cond,, perfnrnrnd ctmlury novel o n w hi t h lhl s fi l m is scen e in the movie , a rte r Barry and
"-- " The Story
en1o mbm e n1 , co m - ~ "~ Tun ~kDonm1i,1h wa~ hnnrll orl h,1sed wou ld la ck ch a racterlzalion. Lady Lyn don ha ve been per•
ma ne nl l y sepa rated, Lady Lyndon
\\ 1th 1lw sa mt• 1•x pn l1s1• ,is !ht• firsl
rades . An acl & war - and I am an
Mnm of the n o\'c ls o f 1ha1 e ra con.
\Vhrrr Lil:nto ~U\' C all lhf' mon o- cen l;a led on adven lur es ra 1h e r signs a support c h eck mad e ou t 10
lu,w ut• , f\lr.Oonnu,wh s po ke not a than 1he peu11 lc in th e advent ures h e r exiled husband . She look.s up.
\\',ir ,~ ,1 p,1ll;• r11 f\ 1,•n ar, • tau,whr 111
{Continued on pa1e 12)
wnrcl hPcnus,• lw had lrnnsgressed ll111 Thnckera y's main c hnrrict e r has
1•x1:.1 within 1lw1 pa111•rn h t h r
1h1i p,tll ern of en tum brn e nt anti mun• vitalil v and animaJion than
s lr91t1•Jt~ of ,ur\'i\1 ,d C,1p1 ni n
rnlt•rtid tnto tlw world of insnmly . Kuhrick·s. \~•11ho 111 e\'c n a \'isua l
Vukhm s.ns. " TIii' s lor\ .of 1•11101111,.
~ldl11nd11,1,! h. wnh )i!rn,11 ph~sk,11 in- m1•tlium 10 co mmun ica le .
n1o•n1 i.s ,1 11 : 11:1 o f \\' ,IT. c;m1r,ul1•, An
11•n!-t11\ .
,•rs o n slftji!f', hum s.
Thf• film 1-1oes like this - Barr)
.11 I uf \\,tr
,111,I I am ,Ill a <. lrp r ··
,1(1"11, lll ~. s in,ws d1r,111 •s an d as lhn pla y
Th,• prob lwn l11•s in th ,11 rh, · :.trip! pro),!rt•ssrs . .ic:1-" 0111 1h r. f•n lo mb - ,• nl ists 111 lhf' En,i!lish a rm }', Barry
thiserts lh tJ English a rmy. Oarrr,,e ts
11f 1111li1 ,1r ~ tr,1inin,w d r11•~ 11 111
dr,1(wrl 1111 0 lhP Pru ssia n ar m ~.
pro\ 111, • 111form,1twn u1111,1•rn1n,1,1
jn,11111 «:r .. ,•n lh, • il1r1•ctor s11n1,,il \\lliun , 1 lm:kf'cl tomh d1•-..,1,111,•r 1•\1•1 ult', 1111• pl.t\ w ith llarf) dt•scrts the Prussian a rm y.
ll,1rT\ marriPs EnM li sh aris 101
\\ 11h,1111 funrl ,111d \\',1ll•r 1 n1·,,
p11•1 .1,11111 Sh,, pl ,11 L'S lu-1 ,II lur-" , IS a
p,111, ·r n 1w,•d ,•d lo 11ri,w1n11 11• A p,111!111111111 1,1 \\1111ld pl.up his l. ,uh· l. vndon - n nd so on nnd so
un \\'liY·J
1'l l'L1 t;IUI ,. ,lll\' 1•11 An ,lllS\\ ,.,. found
),!1•,t11n•, Th,· -.1,l}W "hu:h 1s lhrc,·
Th,· C\'f'nl s 1n Kuhri ck·s film Just
To 1.u11slrur1 1h,, p,111,•rn of 1•\- 1 ,·Is nf \\ hit. • ,;1,1rlncss. ,1 llows lhu
h,11)1)('11 , nol ,ts a producr nf a crn f1~ .
1:.!1•111 , ,, lhl' St'\ t'II 1111•11 fl'Mirt,•11 IO
,11 lur., lo 11111\ f' ln•1•l~ und tlw !>1:r ipl
,11 lv1·n1ure-st!£'ki ng, c,woce n1ric mind
1lw11 ,1l ri•,1d, l1•11rnf'•I h,•1111,1 1,r
111 l1r1•,1th1• Th,• drnmrt 1 lilw th,• hut ,is the res11l1 of some omi no us
Th,,, 111,1d1• ,I 1:111\M 11111~. 111ild,1r~
i,l,1rk. hrill1,1111 ,incl n" fnn ,. rhat 1hrusls Aarry lh rou}th
JI,,, 1,11111 1•11111111,111•!1 , ... lh,· "f'lllflT lru ks
!-tp,1t.,• ,In d t: in urnsla nces II feels
nff111•1 µ11'"'111 . lu loll nnd f' ,11 on,•
" \\'h1•11 ,l1011 ltl ,1 111,tn ',i d m,t h hr
hkt• the srtm«> fort;e tha1 pln ced lh c Barry Lyndon (Ryan O 'NealJ ride,
m,rn ,11 " Inn+ ' lo Ii,• 1.hos,•n h~ Int 1\
,t.s m,,,fo l ,1!-t h1-" lifer· Yon m,11,.t• !he
mo nolith on r•lancl earth i n Ku - In silence wit h his wife Lady Lyn•
llt'\\ ,q lit lllt,· \\'Ill, J,(l \' 1
:n lo th, · WI - I\J1 l~u1111•nt ,


tAmong the Confused



hrick 's

"'20,~~-~'.~ Sp~~-e~~d)•sse~.~• 10 ~~~- !~~~I~~~ ~!!~~I~ ..... ' ...

Up Temple Street

... student


(Conll n u ed £rom pa1e 71
A ICI 11\ 1 Oppnsml the Cl.l(hl 1wr
u•nt Ill'\ impust•tl on mcnls 1n
coll1•1(1' 1 nf.-1rrias unrl suhs,•·
tJlll'nll~ hrouMhl suil Hl(111ns1 th e
Im, m1 ss1unrt AIC:l 1~1' j,t ,H)l:11 ·
111,1,! thnt tlw lax 1
:nmmiss111nn ,11.t11d
,IS ,in 1ndivid11nl 1:um1111ss1pni>r
wh,•ri• 1h1• law ,;l,lt ♦ 'S lhitl n r11lmJ!'
musl i:nm,• from 1hr .. ,,1x I om m1:.s1m1 ·· A drr:ision has nul ~P l
111•,m ri•nd1•rml Ill Supr.rrnr Court
frn1• c.:ummcnll'cl lhnt the s t11dt•n1
l1vin,.i: 1n n rlur1111lor\, is i<h•nlir:al lo
,1 studcnl hvin,.i: ,11 hnmt! whn
Jowm'I pa y a lax nn his fond thert.i
··su." snid Tnw ... for lhf> stud ,·nt In
lhl' dormito ry to pn) 11 ,s 11nfu1r "
Cumm1•nlin,I,! on 1lw 11np,1Cl!i of
!hi' Snrl(cnl and l)ukJkis ,uTminislrntit1nic on 1n1lcpcndt~n1
c:o llr.MCS. True thinks th at horh h,1vP
clmw " ncxl In not h inM fo r ind opt!n•
den I c,lucalion "·
" la 's diHir:ull lo deal ,... 11h lhe
,.i:ov11rnur on this issue ... SK)'~ True
"Gnvt•rnor Ou«akis. n l the present
lim4', "hus filod n bi ll 1ha1 would
rcorj,lamzc hijZhl'r educa tion . Dut in
his hill he ha<1 missed.a b11s11; r:oncopt: nnd thnl'<1 !ht> conr:t>pl lhal
first. 1herc musl he ,tn ndt•qunte
mano1,1t•rjal s,slPlll for the 1•,c islin>(

public hiMher education syslem in
t-..lassnchusetts .'" tie conlimred. " It
mosl lw ,1 separnte. we ll•managcd
11q.mn11.111on lncl<'pendenl of thal.
q1111r• ,tpart. there must he an
11vn11 II r:o-o rdtna linjZ \ hoard con- ..,
1.enwd ◄ , 0sir:nll~ wilh th e'p rocess of
h1,1,!hrr cd111.a1ion In Massachusells,
,1111\ tht• hcn1•f11 thttl can n:cc ruf> lo
s11ul1•n1s ..
" ~u Jill" t:rnor hiis heen helpful .in
sr:hnlarship mmrnys tu s1udents m
t-.. lnssnc h11sclts .·· c.:ommen1ed True .
who Simi that 1h1• "Champion " of
schn lorship appropriations lo Mass,1chuse1ts stmlf'nls has he•• n the
Sln le Sennte . whic.:hJrns appropriated a ,1,1rPal dcnl of scho larthip
mone~ nvt>r thf' p,1st ten years
\ ' CfHS

· Massueh.i:~setts tanks first )lationally in .-1ssis111nce to indegienden t hi~her educa tion f rum '-ta le
rl'.!I01Jrr:1!!I l luwcver . they rank 491h
111 m·Nnll assistance in tax dollars
" We v.ould like to see Massachu•
sells stu d ents have 1heir choice in
h1)1her educa tion a nd have it fai rl y
and r:ompo11t\•1•\v according to
financ1al need ." commented True .
"w ith Jtl) olhcr slutlent 1hat ma~
rcc:Piw"! . in effec1. a subsid) hy
allendinM the public sector "

... equality
(Continue d from p ase 11)
came ra focm1C!li on h e r inr-< ·
pressivc face . th e n moves hack . cxposinij a larMC vncuumous room
minu l e in d tail. O n ce aKain
Kµb rick h as crented a n illusio n of
a chnrnc1er wilhout b lowinK the
brca1h of life into ii
1 •r " :!!IOI A S1>,11:c Ucl)sst•)"
flflfiHJ, K11 lmck s,111\ he ,,,r1s t ryin1t
"In crcnlr a visu,1\ expe rience. une
1hut b~ pnsscs vcrhalizecJ piRcon h olin~ and directh 1wnctrates tho sqbconsclous with an cmo1ional and
phil11sn p hic,1l content" He worked
w 11h n m inimum o r wor<ls in 1h is
t96R fil m In a n a llc ro pr to leuve the
psyc:holol(icnl. rmutional , und
philosophical rnmificntions up to
his audiunco 10 provide This is
w h at I ilssumu he is nll cm p tinK in
" Horrry Ly ndon :· Unfnrtun,1tcly.
he 1locsn' 1 succeNl
To have a psychuloj(ical.
ttmotionu l an d philosophi cn l im pocl. lh f"tc m us l hu n s timu lntion
and the onlv slimulntio n lh al th e
film offers is in"'1hc phnlnKrnph~ .
Thf' p h o !Ojitaph) hy John Alcoll is
cx11uisitc l) hri ll ilrnl A sc nc where
11 h lnck slnjCecoach wi t h ono
sn li1;irv light is silhouetted 11;,iains1 n
,tuep lavunder sk)' is undescr ilmhly
lin)letin~ . Thr ,1rarden sr:ciws al
J.vntlnn I lousu nrc ns rldk,llch
h ;il nnc£icl as u Cninshorou,.i:i1
painlinM . When B,irt~• and his stepsn n . l.orcl BullinMdon lrht)ccl b )
l.oJoll \'itali) nro d11clin,1,: rn ,1 ltnrn
1h,• pho lOJ,(t.iph~ commun11;,1lr!'I tht> .
nc:t in sp l.-1sh11s of h luu and hlai:k
Kuhnck 's inl,(oniousn'ess in photo~raphlllM lh£' niKhl scen1•s h) usinll
1h,· liMhls from c.:undles 1s un hul u •vab le even w h en ,ou sec It.
Thu to uc h i" snf l. lh o c;o l~rs ,I wu r m
),!Ill\\ in,1r ornn)i;0 But rc)lardlcss of
.Ill the magic of µhotO)i;raph~ , ii cannut cnrry the wei,-ihl of the Olm
Kuhrir:k 's " visual t•xp1 1 rrnnc1• ·
111•,•1\i. mun • 1h,1n ,111 n1um,1tml
\ ' u11nnol L;1'1J)lruph1c slirle stum In
· p,•nolr,1 1,• 1hc suhconsr.wus \\ 11h
,,n Pn1111iunal ,incl philus11ph11:nl
t.111111• 11! " Tht• 1l1rf'1:lor ~1,m, 1h1•
\' if•\\ ('I' , I Slll),!111111' puinl ,11ul l'Xpt•t:ls
him to ilr,I\\ ,I str,11~hl litH' \\'llhnul



. April U , 1m


SuHollc Journal

Paxe tz "

Eve n11/ Actl vll le1
.\»rll Zl , Fri da y
f"10 pm

S 11 Theatre pre1enlt Paul Zindel 's play "The Effect of
Gar.tma Ra\S on Man. In-The Moon Marigolds" In the

April Z-4, Sa turday

; 30 _pm

April r7.
10 00 am-3 00 pm

I 00 pm

1 00 pm

April 11, Thur•day
I 00 pm
11 00 am-Z.00 pm
I 00 pm

SU Thealre present Paul Zi ndel'• i,lay "The Effecl of
Gamm.a Ray• on Man-In-The-Moon Marill'(>ld1" in the

L.I F.E Commiuee sponlOta Crafl Fair . Wealhet permit-ling ii will be held In the cou rtyard ad jacent to the
Donahue Buildin,!l
Polillcal Science Association 1ponaor1 a fo ru m lo di.Kuta
law school admlulon v.ilh John C. Oelito. Oireclor of Ad-m1ss1ona. Suffolk Law School and Dean Bradley
ulllvan . Dean or S1udenlS, Surfollc U nlvenity, F-803.
S.G.A. Lectu re Commll lee pretent1 NORML me mber
J(eilh Slroup spea ld n~ o n "Marijua na : The N ew
Prohibition" In the Aud llorlum.

P1ycholos~ Club prnents Bob Me nard of Campus
Miniltry apeakins on " Pastoral CounHllnt-" Held in
room F-338A.
RING DAY -A represe n111ive or loate.n·• RinfCompany
will be In 1he ca feteri a lo take ordera for
Stude nltActivllies O ffi ce· span.son Recopihon Day In
1he Auditorium .


Orga:niullon■I Meetlnl•
April 17. Tuesday, 1:N pm-1:H pm
Student c&alition Against Raciam. room F-1 34A
Council or Pre11dents, room f'-3388
Political Science Asaocia1ion. room F-603
Walter M. Burse Oebatin, Society. rooms ,\.24 a 24.A

April 21, Thunday, 1:11 pm•Z:JI pm
' Ptychology Club. room F-338A
f Christian Science Associa.lion. room F-MJ
the guide of a second one. and it
\ Walte r M Burse Oeba1i n11 Society, rooms A-24 I 14.A
doesn't work
There is nu paych o loMical or
cmo l ional enli~ h 1cn m en1 from
" Bnrry 1..)· ndon " because 1he
characters in 1h e fil m are too supe rfldul. The, ove n l ack the s ke le 1on
l<uhrick expcclS the (Conlinued from p age 1}
stated C ummings.
The lh ree l n c umb e nl s have
nudirncc 10 dress And f o r or possibly holding th e S250 inphil11soph1c,1I s1imula1ion . 1hr crnnsr. in tu111on in a se p arale fund governme nt back.3rounds lade!)
v iewer 1!.'I confused as to whal unlil the new changes occur in 1h e wilh experien ce. Davis setve• as a
Kuhrid is a1temp1i n g lo co m - university .
me mb er o f 1he Social Committee .
municato. Is it a portrayal o f h uman
Ano ther ohjcclive he ld by th e., th e Public Relations Committee.
frailty or man·~ vic timizalion by h is ef1!cted officia ls is th al of es- a nd Is chairman of the Student
own self-exposure? O r is ii in- tab l ish i ns,i a better a1t of O rga n izing Commitlee.
dividual self Vf'rsus society ? If ,rny profossionalism 10 th e SGA.
La mb acts a, an active member of
o r 1he1w themes are 1h e di reclor's
C u mminM!I poi n ted out, " If you th e Public Re lat ions Comm ittee. the
intenl. 1hov've hm•n done before Ra ths ke llar Commill e e . and the
have an o rganizatio n 1ha1 bets li ke
and donf' i1ot1cr.
an o r)lonization ii wou ld be viewed Progra ms Comm itte e .
The f1tm ends w ilh an epilogue as a \'iahle worki ng unit."
Also. C u mmings w as active on
hurrowed from a line by
" Pe rhaps 1he end resu lt or the at- th e Ra thsk e ll ar Commille e . the
Thackeray '. "Goud or hnd. h and- tf\inmunt of a profenio n a l at- Constitutional Ch a nge Committee ,
some or ugly. rich oi- poor. lh ey are mosphere wou ld gain us a seal o n a nd the Tui tion Sta bili zation C om•
.ill ct1ual now .. And equa l we are th e Board or Trustees," fu r the r mi ll ee .
- 1
•q1rnlly confu~etl as to just what
Stan l ey ~uhr 1ck is doi n)I "'i th
"Rnr ry l.y nclon .''

. elections


... boycott
(C ontinued from pa1e 5)
wou lrl tuml 10 nn laKtmize the admlnislrntio n ins tead of hrin~ini,c
ahoul impro\'f•rnrnts . OcCouto saw
lh c hoycutt as the onl~ ·· prob1'hlc
Pffcctivc rne,tns 10 implrment
r.hnngns" since \i11\e hos lwen ar:complishcd uhnut )lnevnnccs since
S1•pt1•mhcr of 1975 nrCoul n
1111,ilifietl h1-= s1,11ement with the i'X·
n•plwn of n1 mpl,1inl hmws and
hl'ru :ht•s Ill lht• 1-'Pnlnn h11ild111i,.:
A fin.ii poinl rnf' nlion,•d In n ,;tudt'nl \\dS th,• tl1•'fl'rrl'd p,1,m·,•nl fm•
c'.,.i:t>cl In lhf' un1v1•rsif~
~1u cl1•n1>1 p,1rlii:1p,11ed m tho hm r:nll .
1hc~ \\mild h ,1,•t• to rt')UStcr as
a deferrt•tl Jl,t~mcnl studcnl.
l)pC:01110 t1ns\\ 1•tf•d thc11 11 wouhl
h,1, t• lo lw 1,.i:rrnrNI ·
l'n•s1d1~n, nf SCA Chris Spina z101.1 dm,,•rl 1h,• discussion h~ .1skin~
,tudl'nl~ 11111•r1•slNI in th(• Cu,d1ti11n
111 ~l\· t• 1h,•ir n,1mf>~ tu Vi1. t u r
ll1•l ~out11 Th•• remaintl('r uf lhP'
St:t\ llll'l'tlllJ,1 \\US 'iJlt'lll on the fl'\' I•
-.11111 of 1h1• SCA 's uins111u1111nnl h)~
l;m s

r;,b,\on SC S1.1nd-1,d - H-1rchht'l1 c.»e ,ndudE'cl l1~h IOI \ 500 Ownrr, .\i..~ for
,1nvth1nK ov"' \2115 hcl'lll'nl cond111on
C.111 Bob .1hf'I 7_ pm befo,.- 11 ,11 62&-Sll9

K•wu-1!..1 llS Din & Snfft b,l.. e


bC11.1gh1 ,n 1975 In new cond111on. C•II l9Sl492 - !om

WA.Nl[O• Koom o r C•rJge m Qu1nq, /
8r•mlltt / Millon • 1e,110 rent i\ itudio fDf
J ,1r11m C•II Df,!dre ◄79-7S4.S


\\~r-.110 - 8ool\ht'II
A.n~ condmor,
PIN\I! r.i11 lll ·n◄ J ton

fOR SAL( '61 VW. •U1om.11in11d. Rebuih

G~l'lilor, 01bur.1to1, & pump Rum
11,<h\Omewor\. S5000f~toffet


\\ o\1-.liD ,\ ~,nr ••li b,K f'•lOI.IKh for 8

I OR SAi £ 1 Pill of 8 1 C
,11e.1kH\ 011t1m.1I price. '646

IOI Mike 01 lohn


hollll" <.,ond I omlmun (' .111 .!62·'427 ,.,i

C.ill MAt'


