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The Suffolk University News
May 2010     Vol. 36, No. 3

NEASC 2002 Effort Leads to Book Award for Bob Dugan
Responding to the 2002 NEASC selfstudy led Sawyer Library Director Bob
Dugan on a professional journey that
culminated recently in an award for
his book Viewing Library Metrics from
Different Perspectives: Inputs, Outputs,
and Outcomes.
The University is once again at
the data-collection stage of the New
England Association of Schools
and Colleges accreditation process,
providing an opportunity to examine
how well Suffolk is fulfilling its mis­
sion, according to Vice President of
Academic Affairs Janice Griffith, who
is heading up the NEASC self-study
for 2012.
The American Library Association’s
recognition of Dugan’s book as the
winner of the 2010 Greenwood
Publishing Group Award for the Best
Book in Library Litera­ ure can serve
as inspiration to committees formed to
implement the self-study.
Viewing Library Metrics from
Different Perspectives, co-authored by
Dugan with Peter Hernon of Simmons Bob Dugan holds a copy of his award-winning book, an
College and Danuta A. Nitecki of
outgrowth of the 2002 NEASC accreditation process.
Drexel University, grew out of Dugan’s
(Photo by John Gillooly)
efforts to respond to NEASC Standard
7, Library and Other Information
based management information system
Resources, for the self-study submitted in
(SMIS) of library metrics.
2002. Dugan began developing a new means
He was able to develop basic tables so that
of organizing information about the library’s
the library could determine, for example,
holdings, one that has become a model for
how many books it owned and how many
other university libraries.
Dugan, working with Assistant Director
“When we began our building program,
Becky Fulweiler, developed a statisticalwe could tell definitively how many books

we had and how much shelving we
would need, so we didn’t underbuild
or overbuild,” said Dugan. “We
also know the days and hours we’re
busiest, and that means we can staff
Some fun facts that SMIS has
revealed about the Sawyer Library:
• The library’s busiest day is the first
Tuesday after Labor Day
• More than half of library usage
occurs from outside the building
• For every $1 the University spends
on the library, it returns more than
$8 in services
Now, as the University readies for
the next accreditation cycle, Duggan
said the NEASC form “will take us
about three minutes to complete,”
because all the necessary data is in
“We can show how far we’ve pro­
gressed since the last self-study, and we
can show support from the University,”
he said. When the NEASC site team
arrives on campus, “we don’t have to
say, ‘This library is a good library.’ We
can show them what we do.”
“The NEASC self-study encour­
ages us to explore what the University
is doing well and how we can
improve,” said Griffith. “The dynamics of
higher education have shifted rapidly in the
past two years. The recession and changed
leadership in Washington have resulted in
some new paradigms. A thorough self-study
will be extremely beneficial in helping us
plan for Suffolk University’s future.” 

Living on the Dock of the Bay
David DeAngelis never has to worry about mowing the lawn
around his house, because he doesn’t have one. A house, that is.
DeAngelis lives on a sailboat at the Constitution Marina in
Charlestown. The place he calls home is 40 feet long, has the USS
Constitution as its neighbor and was built “for speed and comfort.”
His fascination with boats began at an early age.

“I grew up in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in a boating family,”
said DeAngelis, the director of Student Leadership and Involve­
ment. “I bought my first boat when I was 14 years old, a 13-foot
Boston Whaler. From that point on, I got ‘the itch,’ as they say in
the boating world.”
Continued on page 4

Faculty Publications
Eric Bellone and Graham Kelder,

Paralegal Studies program, Education and
Human Services. Their article “Drug Court
Contract Issues under the Model Drug
Offender Accountability and Treatment
Act” was accepted for publication in the
International Law and Policy Review.
Melanie Berkmen, Chemistry and
Biochemistry. Her research “Cytoplasmic
acidification and the benzoate transcriptome
in Bacillus subtilis” with collaborator
Joan Slonczewski of Kenyon College was
published in the journal PLoS ONE, Vol. 4,
Issue 12, 2009.
Tom Connolly, English, has published
the book Genus Envy: Nationalities,
Identities, and the Performing Body of Work
(Cambria Press).
Micky Lee, Communication and
Journalism. Her article “Google ads and
the Blindspot Debate” will be published in
Media, Culture, and Society.
Lydia Martin, NESAD, showed her oil
painting, “La Estrella: Portrait of Jemima
Pierre,” at the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art
Club member’s exhibition at the Broome
Street Gallery in SoHo, New York City. The
portrait is part of a series of works Martin
is creating based on the Mexican children’s
card game, Loteria. On hand for the recep­

Eric Bellone and Graham Kelder,
Paralegal Studies program, Education
and Human Services, presented a paper
“Drug Court Contract Issues under the
Model Drug Offender Accountability
and Treatment Act” at the International
Association of Law and Policy in
Washington D.C.

tion was Martin’s
former student and
Suffolk alumna
Jemima Pierre,
who posed for the
painting holding the
La Estrella card.

Business Law and
Ethics. His article,
“The Rule of Law
Metric,” with
research assistant
Dan Hohler,
was accepted for
publication in the
American Business
Law Journal.

Lydia Martin and Jemima Pierre at the Broome Street Gallery exhibit.

Ronald Suleski,
director, Rosenberg Institute for East Asian
Studies. His book review “故都新貌: 遷都後
到抗戰前的北平城市消費 (“The Old Capital
in a New Guise: Market Consumerism after
Moving the Capital South to the Beginning
of the War of Resistance against Japan
[1928-1937]”) was published in the Journal
of Oriental Studies, 42. 1–2, pp. 215–218,
(2010). University of Hong Kong and
Stanford University. He also wrote the intro­

duction to 從哈佛看中國: 中國問題學術演講
集 (China Seen from Harvard: A Collection
of Essays from the China Study Seminar).
Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2010.
Bryan Trabold, English. His
article “Walking the Cliff’s Edge: The New
Nation ’s Rhetoric of Resistance in Apartheid
South Africa” was published in College
Composition and Communication, Vol. 61,
No. 2, December 2009. 

Sustainability Plan in Place as Campus Celebrates Earth Day
The Suffolk University Sustainability Committee has released a
draft Campus Sustainability Plan to serve as a road map for cam­
pus environmental initiatives.
The plan resulted from discussion among several departments
about how to integrate sustainability into planning and operations,
according to Erica Mattison, campus sustainability coordinator
and Sustainability Committee chair.
“We have been able to take many ideas from committee mem­
bers and others and turn them into actionable items,” she said. “As
we strive to become a more sustainable institution, there is a value
in having a written plan to help prioritize and guide our efforts.”
The plan, which is available through the Sustainability Web
page — — describes recent
achievements, sets goals and outlines strategies. It addresses issues
that include green building practices, energy and water conserva­
The SUN i s publ ished by:
Office of Public Affairs
73 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108


Executive Editor
Greg Gatlin
Managing Editor
Nancy Kelleher

Staff Writers
Karen DeCilio
Tony Ferullo
Heather Clark

tion, waste reduction and recycling, environmentally preferred
purchasing, sustainable dining, and education and outreach.
Feedback from the campus community is welcome.
Last month marked the 40th celebration of Earth Day, and the
Moakley Archive and Institute and the Sustainability Committee
co-hosted Boston Harbor Islands: Past, Present, and Future. The
panel discussion highlighted the creation and ongoing manage­
ment of the Boston Harbor Islands National Park and the groups
that made this transformation possible, including environmental
organizations, state and federal agencies, and elected officials.
Awards and recognition

The University’s efforts on behalf of sustainability were recog­
nized when its employee education program on waste reduc­
tion and recycling earned a Gold Achievement Award from the
Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise Program.
Suffolk also made the Princeton Review’s newest guidebook,
Guide to 286 Green Colleges.
In the latest RecycleMania, the national collegiate waste
reduction and recycling competition, the University placed 28th
of 267 schools in the Grand Champion category, which measures
waste reduction and recycling. This placed Suffolk in the top 10
percent for the first time since it began participating in 2007. 

field of developmental education for the
adoption and dissemination of standards
of best practice and program recognition
through the Certification Program.” She
co-founded the national Certification
Program assuring high standards and best
practice of higher education academic sup­
port programs across the country and was
The Center for Crime and Justice
editor of the original 1995 NADE Guides
Policy Research and the Jericho Circle
for Best Practice of Learning Assistance and
Project presented “Wearing the Scarlet
Developmental Education Programs and
Letter: A Symposium on Challenges
co-editor of the 2009 revision.
and Possibilities for those with Criminal
Bryan Trabold, English, delivered a
Backgrounds” featuring Fran Fajana from
paper “Memoirs, Counter-Narratives, and
the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute.
the Cold War: Mandela, Menchu, and
Tom Connolly, English, is a weekly
Satrapi” at the Conference for College
commentator on “The Callie Crossley
Composition and Communication in
Show,” WGBH radio FM 89.7. He contrib­
Louisville, Ky. The paper examined
utes to the “Ragtime” segment, discussing
the rhetorical dimensions of memoirs,
the tabloid treatment of news stories and
specifically how they can offer alternative
commenting on popular culture. The show
historical narratives to those offered in
is also available on the WGBH Web site.
American history textbooks.
CAS Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg
Da Zheng, English. At the Asian
A worker guides an enormous slab of granite
was named an Organization of American
American Studies Conference in Austin,
sidewalk into place in front of the Modern
Historians Distinguished Lecturer for
Texas, he chaired a panel “Understanding
Theatre. The old stones from the sidewalk
2009-2010. As part of this program,
Asian American History through Life
and theater facade have been restored and are
Greenberg delivered the keynote lecture at
Stories” and delivered a paper “Ragged
now being reassembled. The residence hallthe Eighth Annual MU-KU Conference
Verse and the Chinese Diaspora.”
theater-gallery complex on lower Washington
on History – A Joint Meeting of the
Dmitry Zinoviev, Mathematics
Street will open this coming fall. (Photo by
Departments of History at the Universities
and Computer Science, delivered a
Gordon King)
of Missouri and Kansas, held at the
keynote address “Social networks: from
University of Missouri on April 16. His
Carrier Pigeons to Facebook” at the 4th
topic was “Nat Turner: A Slave Rebellion in History and Memory.” Spring International Conference on Knowledge Generation,
History Department News: Chair Robert Allison received
Communication and Management in Orlando, Fla. He also gave
the James M. “Jimmy” Kelly Award for Community Service at the
a technical talk “A Game Theoretical Approach to Modeling
South Boston Citizen’s Association 130th Anniversary Evacuation
Information Dissemination in Social Networks” and published a
Day Banquet in recognition of his work with the South Boston
namesake paper in the conference’s proceedings. The paper was
Historical Society. He also served as a judge in the Military
written in collaboration with department colleagues Honggang
Zhang and Vy Duong. 
Historical Society of Massachusetts’s ROTC essay competition.
Staff and students were soaked as they rode with the South
Boston Historical Society in their Duck Boat in the Evacuation
Day/St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Carolyn Corretti will deliver a
paper “Marital Relations in Calvin’s Geneva, 1542–1549” at the
Sixteenth Century Studies conference in Montreal this October.
Pat Reeve was the keynote speaker at the opening of the Lawrence Please welcome our newest employees:
Heritage State Park exhibit commemorating the sesquicentennial
RuQayya Abdul-Baseer, University Police
of the collapse of the Pemberton Mill in 1860. A documentary
Gabrielle Aydnwylde, Public Management
film that examines the catastrophe includes commentary by
Jillian Bywell, Sawyer Business School Graduate Programs
Reeve. She also was interviewed by WERS radio (88.9 FM) for
Nicole Dussault, Advanced Legal Studies
an International Women’s Day broadcast that explored American
Mia Friedman, Rappaport Center
gender roles past and present.
Bibiana Gonzalez Viana, Information Technology Services
Sebastián Royo, associate dean of the college and director of
Rachel Laisne, Registrar’s Office – Law School
the Madrid campus, presented “The Global Crisis and the Spanish George Leehan, Health & Wellness Services
Financial System” and “The Political Economy of Spain: From
Peter Mollo, Advancement
Boom to Bust” at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Norman Mourtada, Information Technology Services
CAS Associate Dean Emerita Susan Clark Thayer was
Douglas Saphire, Law Career Development
honored as a pioneer and trailblazer by the National Association of
Allison Strem, Law Support Services
Developmental Education (NADE) for “Meritorious service to the
Christopher Teague, Law Career Development 

A Puzzle in Stone

New Faces

M a y 2 010



Pedaling Along the Road to Improved Health
National Bike Week—May 17–21— offers a chance to make a
positive change for good personal health, a fatter wallet and a
healthier planet.
For those living within biking distance of work, commuting on
two wheels can be a great option. Bicycle commuting incorporates
regular exercise into the day without the necessity of even having to
think about finding the time. In addition to decreasing the cost of
the daily commute, cutting down on driving trips by even a little
bit can do a lot to decrease air pollution.
Learn more about the University’s efforts to support biking to
work at

Cycling can have tremendous health benefits that include
decreasing cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.
Many people find that cycling also can help lower stress levels and
increase overall feelings of wellbeing.
Before hopping on the saddle, would-be cyclists should check
out a local bike shop for tips about what kind of bike is appropriate.
A well-fitted helmet is an essential piece of gear, and no one should
ever ride without one.
A check-in with a health care provider is also a good idea
for those who have any concerns about adding cycling to their
repertoire of physical activities. 

Dave DeAngelis at home on the Nan-Sea in Charlestown. (Photos by John Gillooly)

Dock of the Bay
Continued from page 1

Eight years ago, DeAngelis moved to the Constitution Marina from New Haven, where
he was working at Quinnipiac University.
“Most people would simply pack up the moving truck and drive to their next location,”
he said. “I, on the other hand, untied my dock lines and sailed north for three days.”
His C&C cruiser racer is equipped with all the comforts of home, including two
bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, bathroom, two flat-screen televisions, electric and propane
heat, and hot running water.
“I live on the boat twelve months a year, and I love it,” said DeAngelis. “It’s a normal
house, except that it’s in the water. And I have as perfect a waterfront view as you’re ever
going to get.”
During the winter his boat is covered in shrink wrap to protect it from the elements.
However the boat truly comes to life in summer, with sails, flags and the freedom to cruise
the open sea.
“I boat every weekend in the summer,” said DeAngelis. “The people at the marina, who
are all ages and from all walks of life, are great, and we all get along. We socialize together
in our own little world or floating village.”
Living so close to the USS Constitution does have its challenging moments.
“The cannon goes off at 8 a.m. and sunset every day,” said DeAngelis. “Let’s just say that
you better be ready for it.”