Browse Items (98 total)
- Subject is exactly "Busing for school integration"
This information was obtained from the 1950, 1960, and 1970 Census of Population and Housing and the First Count Summary Tape. It identifies absolute…
This census identifies the African-American population in each district and categorizes heads of household.
Notes from a phone call between John Joseph Moakley and Attorney General Edward H. Levi urging him to "file an amicus curiae brief in support of a…
Handwritten notes regarding the letter to Attorney General Edward H. Levi are also attached.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to U.S. Attorney General Edward H. Levi asking to conduct a review of federal court busing orders.
Article quotes a letter to the Tribune editor from Congressman John Dingell describing John Joseph Moakley's votes in Congress against busing.
Correspondence between Joe Moakley and constituent regarding displeasure with Judge Garrity's decision about forced busing. Also included is news…
Correspondence regarding Judge Garrity's order to have Headmaster Bill Reid transferred. Please note that the Archives has redacted personal…
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Includes handwritten letter to Moakley from constituent, carbon copy of Moakley's response, and attached news clipping from The Banner. Please note…
Correspondence from resident in Roslindale regarding busing. Moakley's response describes his 1974 work on the constitutional amendment and his…
Original telegram from constituent asking Joe Moakley to make his anti-busing stand public. Please note that the Archives has redacted personal…
Original telegram from constituent and carbon copy of Joe Moakley's response regarding recent police activity in South Boston. Moakley mentions his…
Original telegram from constituent and carbon copy of Joe Moakley's response regarding recent police activity in South Boston. Moakley mentions his…
Telegram from constituent to Joe Moakley telling Moakley to come back to Boston. Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such…
Please note that archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.