File #4228: "Suffolk Journal_1994Mar09_vol52no22.pdf"




· Pue 4

WII 0ecar make the right
declelona Oi'I Ml!rch-21?



Despite strong effort, hockey team's.~
- Al.0::.~





hockey ttatn

Volume 52, Number 22

By Stephanie Snow

ended its leMOI\ with • disac>"
Senior dcJcnseman Mark
pointing 9-1~1 rccud which Tsoukalas wa., also• positive
p'tVCDIOd them from comptt.• JftSCl'ICCbchindSuffolk'sblue
ing in lbc BCAC tine. He provided a physical
tnl-Soudlpllyolfs. This record prC5alCC and was a solid stay
is deoeivina becalse the Ram5 at home ddcoscman.
hlld the pou:atial for • much
Senior nctmindcr Ruu
bdrt:r aeaoo. 1bcy bcestcd a Eonas complcced his finale
serons line of forwards and with the Rams in fine fashion.
dqllh•tbeaoaJlCDdc:rposi- "Russdidagrcatjobas•
Uoo. Chris - Dwyer, Jim scnior,"Bumuaid. "He played
Rtzacnld IOd Bill Santos all his hcnJ1 out and wa., a p&ea- The Rams will miss senior goaJie Ruu Eonas, who, here, prepares to make one of
retumed thi1 put ICUOl'I to sure to oo.::h. He is a ll'C8I many saves he made this l88l0f'I kl the Suffdk goal ..
provide what critics viewed c:xamplcforhistclUllm8lCSand to 6U the boles left b)' the 1 amihi1moo ol. ~ schedule.
would be a aq:ooa offensive the ~venity."
graduatinascniors,buthefoeb la.stNovcmberwha'ethecbam·
mrc:. and Ruu Eonm rctumcd
The Rams will retain the lhal. a lack· of depth at each piomhip poc.cntial this team season with id.cnsity most.oJ
polition W&!I ~ Y rcspon- held came throuah. These the timf. They came up short
1ible for the Rams' sub-par flashea wwkl then be dimmed on some evcnin11, but oae
record. ..We didn't have in games like the 6-5 ovatimc thioa was a constaot. Bwns'
enough competition at each Jou to Bculey.
demand that each player pit
1CinJ a void ~ Owns will Glioooa, a freshman. saw lim- position," Bums noted
The Rams al5o bad the du- his heart into every pncticc
bavc 10 fill ncat SCMOn. Bums ired action bctwccn the pipes.
~ a team, the Rams cxpcbious distinction of an and game 1i1Uation. Should
aid be will b e ~ ) ' n:auit- but will 'lock to c:ompdc: with rienced the type year that- opponeac no ~ l h u u continue. ctpoutiog
ing ~)"II for t h e ~ ~
for some D'IClll.UlgfW hasc:oac:bcsandfansalike&u:- cauJd bandJc, the JJ>OW. Two this philosophy and his playmg
n n
I en
Bums will have hiJ work Tbcy displayed flashes of bril- used to their definite advan- victories and playoff victom out for him a, he aaempu liancc in games such as the 8-- tage werecliminalod from their rics will come.



:c~Tinfromof : ..~~::

bc:=.i::=: ===~=~



Patriots, Celtics, Red Sox all
• attempting to restore what was

dirli oiiion


The Celtics. Red Sox and
Pauio&s all played for a cbampion.ship. While the Celtics
won their 16th NBA Ownpiomhip, the Red Sox, behind Bill Buckner's antics,
lost the World Series and the
cindetcU. Patriots fell i.n the

:; =


~tl.t-o, thc

l980'a. '

Si\lce 1916, theae teams

"'rebuildina ycan."
Tbc Celtics' suc:ccss coo-

paucd. but not tor long, as
tbey wenl 10 the finals in
)ffl, but 1ioce then have
. . . . , lOOC dowllhill.

by the Celts in the 80's is the
Big Thrco---Larry Bird, R~
crt Parish and Kevin McHllie.
The Celts get credit for beina
loyal to the people who won
them these championships ,
but lose points for their
olplannin~: For some reason, l,he Celtics forgot !}lat
professional sporu i1 abasiocss. lnju.ries began to plague
The death of

Len Bias

::t:1~~~d~:~~ 7d:
replacement for McHale in

the low post. With the development of Bias, 1 1
.henhealthy McHale could have

for aootbcr valuable player.
'The Celts cou.ldn' I have
acca lbe dcadl (:A Bia com-

.;.--p;o,,,i,;,-,..._, . ,....

in&, but cowd have drafted


thn>u&b lbe


Beacon HIR, Booton, Maaaachu&att&


In a bid to gain attention, SGA election speeches held
in Sawyer Cafeteria





The SuffolkJo.u mal

. . .

and wbo will be IIYliLlble for
VWc wae a talmtcd team us ID kd. .... he aid
who uadaw::hicved." said •
The season' s defensive
rdk:cdvcoo.:bBillBurm. "'It standout was senior Chris
W1111 di:fficuk )al' for many · MuUc:n. ,"Olrisc:anctoplay in
rcacm. but mainly because evuy game." SIUd 8umL " He
we didn't play up to our capa- played every pme with inteft.

Paa 6-7


1he lrnporlallC8 af vallng & Spring Sports PnMaw,
,Jordan way oft bae


Amateur snowboarders can r!lce
against the pros--ilt Sunday River

Amateur s nowboarders Cara-Beth Burnside,
will get to compete alongOn Friday, March 4, raclate eighties that could have s.ide the professionals when ers compete in the Super:O,
been groomed under the Big the Butterfiiager Pro where racers will ~e skii_ng
Three while they were still Snowl:ioard Tour makes its through a11es in this event
efreccive. The drafting of final stop· at Sunday River, adopted from alpine skiing.
MichaCI Smith and Brian Mai ne from March 4-6. The six. man Boarder ~rby
Shaw didn't help replace the More than IOO ~fthe_
world's is scheduled for _S1turd1y,
Big Thrtt.
top professional and . 1ma- Much 5. The Halfpipe comNow the Celtic& are lot- tcur c°'m petitors will ~ace ~tition, • freestyle event,
tery-bound and ha;e placed off for the tour champion- . will be held on Sunday.
their inside hopes on Aci~ ship in three disciplines and
Reaisfi'ation for amateurs
f.arl. Good luck..
f9r prize money totaling beains on Much 3 1t noon
The Red S<u, after losing $40,000.

~ : ~ ~ : : : ~as~~

Featured professionals

Summit Hotel. Theenuy fe.e

=~ :i~=.~: ::: ::~:!~:C~;1c::~=:~ t
in 1988 and 1990, but aot

endured two of the franchises
worst seasons in 1992 and
1993 _
Since 1990, the Sox, for
some reason , have played
their cards as if they arc con•
IWltly ooe player away from

continued on peae 10


Boarder Derby leader David three.
Bas1errechea and men' s
The tour is sanctiooed by
fre.estylcchampionshipcoo• the I.ntern1tional Snowboard
tender Todd Richards.
Top female competitors Butterfinaer Candy Ban,
include women's alpine f1- Paul~tchc:IISalooHaircare
vorite Tara Eberhard· and Ford. Trucks.
Mas1erpool, who hu two
Portioos of the Sunday
first place finishes in the River event wiU be aired on
ae ries, Boarder Derby ESPN Monday, March 28,
standout Janna Mayen IDd 6-7 p.m. - hf/a. provithd
o r9rau t,recsty le leader by .preu nkase

The S1udent Government
Association (SGA) election
speeches were held yesterday
afternoon in the Sawter cafcicria and. like pest years. therc
positions people are running
ror. Elccticm will be hdd from
MarchB - 10.
The Clw of 1995 has a
pcrsoo NMing for ca:h position but onlf one candidate foe
each position, meaning then:
will be no contested races.
Also. barring any u n f ~
surpl'UeS. the same group ttuit
!ICl'Vcs onSOAthisyt.arwill
serve a.gain next year.
Running foe 1
e<lcctioo. a,
pm:idcnt is Erika Ouislcnlon.
She slaUd lha1 "actions speak
louder than wonb" and that
SOA wanted to MCI. oo bcbalf
or the students. She SlrCUcd


Phil Falzone is running for
re-election a, vice praident.
Respondina to unnamed tilldents who asked him IO run for
Jm,idenl, Palzone Jllled lhlt
he could accompU&b jult as



much Krving as vice prc1ias he could a1 president.
Tbcrc are fOW' dcdan:d can-


gave speeches. Beth Evans,
executive bo8J'd secrcuuy, Jeff
Lynch. Michael Mirabile, and
Kathie Pooser, arc Ill scd:ing
n>-dcction to their respective
The Cla.u of 1996 has various openings for their rcprc,scnt:alivc scats bul docs have
candidau:s running tor president and vice president. In the
AIWII lalW.lcunll CoMlliaor
conteSt for president, Rich L!.Th!!!isecme=lte,edecs,eOON~,e_ls'-"""-'"'ul""I'-"ac,,al"""-n,,.,lhat,,,_,,1ti.,1Se.,wf n.,,,1e,,_f.._s·.,19<Xl=rd"'a"-nowf=,,eal,._,l f -""'-",,_=·.J
Joyce,. cumnt president, is as vice-praidcnl but due to bis
E l l ~.a contest for VX:C alsq lllltCd Iha lhe fell !'Wellbeing opposed by David Tam, ra::cntadmiuiontotheTriBda president. Mary !inn H91,1lrl suited ,o reprcaai amdtatl
cum:nt vice president.
honor society, he fdl lhlt he became tbe only candidllC for needs." A n:a:nl trlnlfcr .,.
J~ce Utled about the work would riot be Ible to make the tbc ieM. Hopi llid the would .deot, &he also talked ti ps- ·
he bas dc:nc a, praidcnt lhis time commit.mctit oeceswy "work with class officers .to haps iervina • 1 b'Ml&r ....
yeu, includj111, bis work u to serve as a vice-praideot. work. on clau wuty." While . &or .c:mmne in the ,.,._,,
chaiE'oC the SOINCl.AS com• l.naead, ToutounjilD will run she would be a ncwcomcr IO
Tbcrc are ltill two opeMISI
mi~ oo SGA lftd bis ovaall for n>dection • •. rqxac:nta-- SOAi.,__Hopn· said ·shc wculd for ~ . . , ill ~
involvcmmt oo"SOA since be tivc.
w~ iiild to pin bow~ Class or 1996, • lhuc •
began serving • a (rest.nan.
Eacb vice
'dent of a on bow SGA worbd and lean bcca for fflOll•r:I the
clmmustserveoo1commit- lherula1Ddrc:gu1aticms
• FortbcClapr:119'17,M.t


" Cultural Unity Week" now

expanded to !I larger celebration

- i ,2~':!':,dd

open 10 everyone. Using vid::• : ; : ' ~ ~ • :

in& CftCOW'l8od to learn and
:'.!e::n~~ltures. o er
.. Many ·faculty rqembc.rt~
have devoted clus time to
cultural exploration," explained Donna Schmidt, director of student activities.
According to..,Schmld.t, it's a
time of "celebrating muy
different culturct, leamia,
cultures from other ICladcots,
staff, aod faculty, ud tcldns
oor own personal l.bouptl
week.. The proaram wiU con- about difl'Cfflll cwtuffll and
tinue until Man:h 12.
Jcanneue Hixon, 111isiut
Faculty members bave
obliainaJY dcvoccd clla time
to CJ1plorc different cultural
lUUICI. Theac c ~ will be
COOliaued c. pqe 2

Culwra.J Unity Celebration
is in full swing, with acadert\ic and social activities
geared 10 educate swdcnts
and staff about the many di(.
(crcnt cultures that make up
the Suffolk community.
The proaram beaan on
March I with an opening ccr•
cmony in the Fenton Lounge.
Cultural Unity Week fir11
stancd in 1991 , but the pn>,



pra;idc:n1.Somcc:Ltha:icthinp ~
meets every Thunday. Beincluded improvcmelll.l in tbc calSC TiJwaunjiM's Tri Bcca
Fenton Lou.nge and evalua- honor .odety would allo mcc1
tiooa d oounes.
on Thunday, it would be a
Raphael Toutounjian wu time cooflict that could not be
originally Nllfling 'ror .ckctioo rectified.

~o;:outounjian MI
be wri~in qndjdatc Kristie
Bronson. atirig the influence
of KIie Parm, cunmt SOA
. ~ rcprclCmDvc, a, a
'r cuon for rwmin" Bronson

his main driv• fo,...._ ., .
election is to deal widri die
many problems. Suffolk baa,

continued on pqc 2

TKE sponsored "Sweetheart Party" is
subject to controversy over format .
~ y ~ ~ •T1uKappaEpail.oa(TKE)
due to a party ~y threw on
March 3 1t Who s On First
in Kenmore Square. At this
patty, TKE wts to crown
TKE's sweetheart but the
process they used"to deter·
mine their sweetheart hu
been questioned.
TKE, however, the
iocidenl bu been resolved
and would like It to be for.
I Oltetl.

Kata Parter, a freshman,
w.1 *deceived• about the
wbolc party. Sbe fut it wu

offen,ive toward not on1y ukcd \0 • COOtell.Ut was
womenbuttoallpeople in ~what's the biqes1 tbioa


n ; : : r swed there were
12 women nominated to be
swe.elhups but onJy five questioouhowuabdtlar•
shho w_';},
Partthet'o'w"',.,dm·"'°o, inathceventbutrqretsbav•
00 &" ul&l
of the nominees was due to
the hcaV)' snowfall during
continued 00 paae 9
the course of the day.
_ _ _ _....;..;;..-~
A:ccordina to Pader, all
the Journal
of the con testants were
uked different questions
except for the first questioo
which was the aamc r« all
the COllteatalllS. The QOC:S-tiou liked after lhe fint
aestive, however. 'For example, oao of the questiou


12 ......


TheSodfoll<.Jqonal.W-y,Man:h9, 1 .

Ranging trom emodonal to subdued,

~A candlda~ present speeches

.■ Cond,lwcd

·-.~- ; .,_:"~~~



page I

I>ifffil l'IOtCd that the mor-c

· plan b the·~
. In • ~ l e


~ Pagano said ~ he be-'
lic~cd SOA >hould sponsor

~ at Suffolk S&ds."


In the most chsged race.

lhe,e""' """"


poople vying

and Pad:a ,all liave thrown


~ in

the ring scciing


only offlcial,cand'daie c•hallengcd the audi



candidate nmnin;;or the po. . shesarcasticall gucuod

~ whole~ must


like her. 1n the last SCUleDCC of

person running for SGA."
Exclaimi113 that "yes. Kate
Parlccr, you do have an •P-


heartedly threw himself into
the race. Occasionall~
ing applause from
coc:e. Pagano SUlk.d he ~
work f<r housing, and O meal

By v.


Gknn, m
QaHAl. STAff"
Roccntly Suffolk's clttnic
or1aoiu1ioos anno unced


soc~:o>::~~~= :: ::yr:~~"":~c;;;

arnoog ~ ~ho

announced Dana chole to run.

nolninatiorls last week. Aa
clpected, Ken Williains, a

thci r ' ~ominatioos for "their junior, the first black

=-~~~ -~8;bo~t.~;~y~;=_v~9~9:~

llid, "'For lack « 8 problem -Nith SGA spomorbetter: wont. the social atmo:, ·: ~c =
whcn he

TbcSuffolkJourul • Wedlitzdar,~9,1994

Suffolk's ethnic dubs announce nooJinations

At the Black StUdcnt
Unioo's (BSU) Last meeting.



tary. All f~ .13: Juniors.
The AAA election~ will
take plac;c on Thursday ,

-~,~:tAA,wiUrunfo~re- Ma;!n:!nons for officers
In AAA's vice president
Mic.he.Ile Tran and Alvin
Yu bolh announced their canrtOC.

continued 00 paRt 10

and itthe duties or Program didacy for the piesideocy of Cultural Unity Celebration
also directly conflicts ~:;1~:n::;dah~:j:~
Council. wruc~ was @gnod BSU.
w;th seeks tO educate aDcl entertain


Lawrence on the same ticket


Lanza, regrc:uing his original
decision to not run for re-dee·

When asked why she wanl.Cd

Cootinued from page I
ditt.etor of spcciaJ programs

tian, decided to chaoge his
. mind and seclc the vice prai~ - He stated thal he "en• ycd the opportunity and is
asking for the opportuni t}'
Despite Lanza not running for re presenta.t ive,

it this way. Lawrence indi-

cated th8I she wanted 10 wort
wilh Shahid because they
share 1he same vision for the
foture or BSU.
Although Linc-Rose Isaac,
a lso a sophomore. an nounced that she would be

for s1
udcnt activities. is he lping the studeors coordinate
the c;clebration. " It celebrates
the richness of the cultures
on campus and the unity of it
aU. Hopefully, everyone will
wall: away with a greater pieturc of the divcni1y here at

~: s"::::n1°1::~~:~r~:e

:.U~::~~ ~:, fr

ruMing for treasurer. no one


will be hosting "Dcsscru of

rcsc:nta1ive positions.


the~s :~; i:°:i~~::~;:~ the World," fea1uring foods

. Po: ~ ' :~,T:::~8:dw~7:.

::~~ian;!~;.ho will be a

in campaign, will be seeking ~cction to their re-

Speeches and elections for
BSU officcn: will be March

travaga nza" on Thursday.
~ : ~. ~ c:U~~ :a:i:
celebration will be the Black

22. Anyone else wishing to

Student Vnion, 1he Asian

:;:;,~:n:c : : g : ~ c ::
rent BSU president, at the

~:;;!~A=~: ~ : : :
Association. There will be a
manialartsdisplay,aperformance by the Haitian Ameri-



is see.king an elective office
on SGA for the fin:t time,
and Laura McCarthy, a recent lransfer, wiif also seek
a scaL


Another sociaJ highligh1


of the program will bt
" fnt.vcl Day," aJso Marth JO.

:r~;;~~~~~u~~= c~:;:

and orga nizatio ns in th e
... ·ilding will be a rcprcsen m-

~:~u~.a ~~~rc:il~o~:irr
from Italy, Greece, Ireland.

~n;n:;~:,eni cuhu resaround
Schmidt hopes that "student. faculty and staff learn




the efforts of this program.
~alsohopcslhat "ncxtycar
it continues to develop llOd
hopefully, be a whole momh
celebration ."


Balancing t h e ~ of oollege·Ufe keeping-a sense of limbor

rmeve but
• cm

Elams, papers, and Class

tivlty as

timc:lmcrcu:::ccafialdamlbJ-. tea yeas from now. Try to
dcats who viewed a non-bu- appreciate the absurdi~ of

people wbo are cloee to )'C1U.
By ~ 8 otben know that

~~/=== ~=-=•=y:'1~ :-::::=~·= :1~ ~,.:: ~:: = =•
=-~For=Jso~ :::::ztye:: ·= :::bcmtrdatti- :1 ~bance

8 1. Robert Vitt

are placed on slUdcpis on a by ~




Some critics argue that

anu:t>'. and i_n- . wo.rk

';:t the rest

of=:: you~•aea:~= dlare





: : : more '°humor alttma..


source of great tension and ing in hearty fiirghler may also tude coward work serves as a
Many people who are
ing cxhau.!,u,d, moody, or irriUlble much of the time. Olhen
rcpon significant disruptionJ
in chcir normal sleep paa.ems
or they may engage in cmdic

aidlcamingbyrclc:asingoer- • distra1iorl.thllprew:ntsthings

eating habits. Excessive stress
can also impair one's ability to


can help mduoc sRSS, enhance

cain neuroc:'hemicals in the
bminwhich incrcascalertneas
and improve~- Jnstruc..
tors wboadopt a morerclut.d
or '" approach to
teaching often make it easier

conccntmte and to complete
tasks on time. which may lead

for students to participate in
class discussions and to ask
for assistance.
Humor, and laug hter q m ,
also have a positive impact on

chronic strcs.s, people often
have difficulty experiencing
any sense of joy in life, even
when doing things that used to
bring them pleasure.
How can one be successful
in school and at work, and nt
I.he same time enjoy life to the
fullcst'? Believe i1 or not, the
answer to these questions ffll\Y
lie in learning how"tO apprc:ciate the "humor in difficult si!U•
alions. lncmlsing the amount
of positive humor and laughtcr in your life not only helps

dcnytheaist.cnccofaproblcm, however, the use of hu·
and promotel more ba1aoced
view of a difficult situaDOll.
Since humor and llmghtcr

help ctealC a mood in wluch
ideas flow more freely, pre·
venting the ookf of "psychosclerosis.," or a ''hardening of
the attirudcs."
1urcd laughter exercise, college students in one study reported feeling mcirc excited.
informed, comfonnble. and
creative •. In another expcrimc:ot. sfudents who watched a
humorovs film before completing a test of creativity,
logic. and reason were~



in •~andsup-

g ......_toosen-

ou~~ ....,. the
f b
, .... .....,..."6e
use O umor and laughtef among

Remcmbcr, takcyourwork
self more ligN]y.

lcamina and creativity, and
iq;:rease productivity, studmts


can easily lcam to improve the

:~:x::;:;: ~::::u;r

wcwk less painful) by practic•
Decorate your work area
with fftvorite canoqns, ~ y
photos, absurd signs to help
remind )'ourself to mai ntain a
balanced. light-bean ed pcrspcctive.
lf you begin to wony ex•
ccs.sively about a particular tes1
or paper to the point where
you aren't getting anything
done, ask yourself how im-


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MARCH 11, l 994.

Attention Ga!dn41ting Stftilents· - ~


Career Setvica' ) prina
Emp&oyerl Proiram
is,gctting .under way. Tho fQllowP,'& empjoyen are
coming for on-campus recruiting 'UCt may want 10 meet


BayBaak Bolton
Keaae. IDc.


, ... _Eqaltilo_



ccui-, s.....





f'Jll"'!--,/il•-,.,,.... .... ---,-,.,.._,.,.


.,:;",..! UIIP

· '710......_11,_...._~. n.J-HM

)94 .

ThcSuffolkJoumal • Wocbietday,March9,1994

l o b s ~ nominations
be Asian American As•
~ 00 (AA A) wu also

Balancing the'~

di~y. ·while Warren Chan

OP,lCd for treasurer and Joch
annou6ccd .. Dana cl¥>&e I!) run for ,Sttn:•
1inations lut week. ~s wy. All four are juniors,

By Robttt VIU
TO nm JOUI.NA1..

111g those who

octed, Kerl Williams, a
or, the first black prui: of AAA, will run fot rc•
l AAA's vice president
, Michelle Tran and Alvin

announced their can-


The AAA elections wi ll
ta ke place on Thu rsda y _

Exams, papers, arid" class
present.ations represent some

March IO.
Nominations for officer~
of the Suffolk University H1~-

Uthe stressful demands which
are placed on studcma on a
regular basis. For many people.
these demands can also be a
source of great tension and
Ma ny people who a re
ing c.x.haustcd, moody. or irritable much of the time. Others
report significant disruptions
in their nonnal sleep pattcms
or they may e11gage in erratic

~ntinued on page 10

dtural Unity Celebration
eks to educate and entertain
Continue.d from page I

t lor of special programs
itUdcnt activities, is helplhc studcnu coordinate

:clcbration. "It celebrates
ric hness oi the cultures
ampus and the unity o f it

Hopefully, everyone will
,away withagreatcrpicof the divcrs ii y here at

.s for social programs,
~ will be a ''Cuhural Ellagaoza" on Thursd2y,
ch 10 at -the C. Walsh
Ute. Panicipating in this
bmion will be lhc Black

lent Unio n, the Asian
~can Association and the
tian American Stu!Je nt
x:iatK>n. There will be a
:ial arts display, 11 perforce by the Haitian Amcri-

Ballcc and cultural fond

Another soc ial highlight
of the program wil l be
'1'ravd Day," also March l0,
in the Student Activities Cen.
ter. Each of the student dub,
and organizatio ns i n the
building will be a reprcsen1;,
tive or a different coom11· or
C\l lturc. There will be fOO.:
from Italy, Greece, Ireland
and many othe r c oum nc,
The Student Acti vities Office:
wi ll be hosting "Desserts of
the World," featuring food~
fromdiffen::nt c ul!urcsaroond

the. world.
Schmidt hopes that ..! LU ·
de nt, facuhy and staff learn
something new arid apprec1 •
ate a ne w c ulture" through
the efforts of this program.
She also hopes thal "next year
it continues to develo p and
hopefully, be a whole momh
cele bratio n."

eating habits. Elcessive Stt?:S.S
can also impair one's ability 10

concentrate and to complete
ULd.s on time, which may lead
10 feelings of guilt and selfloathina. Under conditions of
chro nic stress, people ofte n
have difficulty e,i;periencing
any sense or joy in life. even
when doing things that used 10
bring them pleasure.
How can one be successful
in school and 111 work. and at
the same time enjoy life lO lhc
fullest? Believe it or not, the
answer to these questions may
lie in learning how to appreci•
ate the humor in difficult s.ituations. Increasing the amount
of positive- humor and bughtcr in yoo r life nol only helps


of collegetife keeping a seme.of li~r

timcamm-esua:cssfulchmstu- . lc:D years from now. Try to people who IWC dole to )'OUdcm w~ vic:wcd • no&tu- appreciate the absurdity of By letting others know lhal
ativity, and inc~ produc- fflOf0WI film.
.w ~ g in thia manner by you·appeclate a sense of~tivity as well.

Some critic• ■rgue that ~~ ~ o n . -mor-, you incrcale the liuliA sense of humor can en-'. laJghta ■nc1 a aeme d humcr __Will tbc rest 9', Yfl'M life ho- 'hood that they will ahiR their
haoccap::non'1 ability tolcam arc not conwciw; to i scrioua come totally chaotic or hope- laughter in a caring aid supby reducing anxiety 8.0d in- work environment. They lculy ruined because of ~ · portiw: ID8DDCI" in the ~
c~ing one's capacity to tis- claim that Sharing humor or one paper or tea? After you
Talk with Ctiends, family , and comprdlcnd. Eopgc.xpn:ssing a Jigba-hcartcd atti- "" able to lhift pcnpc,ctivcs, and other atudcnu, in order 10
ing in hcatty laughter may also rude coward wort serves as a enjoy a good lalgh on your- create more "humor altc:rnaaid learning by releasing c;cr- distractioo that prevents things self b talons. thingl too acri- lives."
ta in oeu.rochegiicala in the from getting done. Rather then o usly!
Remember, take your wodc
brain which incmlSe alertness deny the eristcooe of a pn»
Encourage lhc use of hu- seriously, but try to take yourand improve memory. lnstruc- !em, however, the use or hu- mpr and laughter a mong self IIK'ltt lightly.
tors who adopt a more relucd mor lad tmigbk:r reduces sttess
or 'light-bcatod" approach to and P'OO\OUS more balaoocd
teac hing often make it easier view ol a difficuJt situation.
for students to participate in
Since humor and
class discussions and to ask can bclp reduce stress. enhance
for assistance.
learning and creativity, and
Humor and laughter CIJl i:ocreasc productivity, students
also have a positive impact on can easily learn 10 improw: the
lcamiog by encouraging ere- cffcctiveoess or their studies
ativity. Humor and laughter (and hopefully make school
help create a mood in whlch work less poinful) by practicidcas now more [rcely, pre- ingsomeofthefollowing£Ug•
venting the <>MCI of "psycho- gestions:
sclerosis," or a "hardening of
Decorate your work area
the attitudes."
with favori1 canoons. funny
After putticipating in II struc- photos, absurd signs to help
tured laugh1er c,i;ercisc, col- remind y0Ur.ielf 10 maintain a
lege students in one study ~ balanced, light-hcaned perported feeling more e1c itcd, s pcctive.
informed, c omfortable. and
·If you begin to wony e,i;creative. In a nother e xpcri• cessivclyaboutaparticulartes1
mcnt, students who watched a o r paper to the point whcte
humorous filni before com- you aren't getting any~ng
pleting a test of crca1i vi1y, done, ask yourse lf" bow imJogic, and reason were three portantthisissuc willbefivcor
relicvcstress,bulcanabomhaoce learning, promote ~






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.......,,..,,....,.H,..._,,..,,,~ ,.,
. __, ........... __ c:....,~•..-,0,,-


~~~~•~"-~- n~•

_ -.

Twoocw lbeatricalro. leues, •Aqie ... .,,.._

...,.. a...· -u,. -

moro in common tbcn oee
woo.Id believe. Both fUal


.; tile. One -


1-tl iD tbe_joy of acc:icaplul,ma .lDd ov......... .U
rl Jifc'a blnisllipi and baY-

irtc mc coanwe


ace -=11.

tatnomatta'bowiaq:tatsibleatolatioa ' may ■clCIID-

Tbe other movie.






the mi,eryolfailmeandpYCI

inlotbe -sinaolllluaaat.
inp_ It diYa down deep ia&o retllm ■pin.
"Angie,' ■- new corrx,dy"/



The Suffolk.Journal• Wednelday, March 9,1994

~ nominations
tlidacy, "while· W~n Chan
and Jod,
tary. All four are juniors
The AAA elections will
take place on Thu rsday
M.atcb lO.

~ for treasurer

o.n, cholt: to run for ~

NOffliqations for officer)
of the Suff'olk University Hi s.
continued on page 10

llild entertain
Another social - high ligh1

Clf the prog ram will br
1'ravcl Day," also March 10.
in lhe Studcnl Activities C'! n-

tu. Each of the s1udcm cluh,
, nd organ izations in 1h r
~ ilding will be p reprcscnr11
live of a different coumry ur
: ultu re. There wi ll be rooo

rrom Italy, Greece, lrclamJ.
1nd many other counmc,
The Student Activitiu Office

will be hosting "Desscns of
the World," featuring food~
From different cultures arou11d
the wocld,..
Schmidt hopes 1h1 ··. ,u m
(icnt, faculty and staff learn
something new and &PJ,rcc1 ue a new culture" through
!he efforts of this program.
She also hopes that "ncXI year
it continues 10 develop and
hopcfolly. be a whole momh

Balancing the stresses ofcollege·tife keeping a seme of hwnor
relieve stress, but cao also enbance learning, promote en,ati'{ity, and increase procb::Exams, papers, and class 'tivity as well · · ·
By Robtrt Viti ·


presentations represent some
oil.he strc55ful .dcmand.s which
are plact.d 00 srudcnts on a
rqularbesis. For many people,
these demands can be a
source of great tension and
Many people who arc
"stresaodoot"complainof fccl•
ing exhausted, moody, or irritable much of the time. Othc:n
rcpon significwu disruptions
in their normal sleep patterns
0t they may engage in crraDC
eating habits. Excessive' suess
can also impair one's ability to

A sense of hwn<r can ca,:
by ~ing anxiety and increasing ~•s cupaciiy LO tisten and comprehend. E.ngaging in hearty Jaughltt may also
aid learning by rdcasina•
tain neurochcmicals in the
brain which increase aJemcss
and improve memory. lnstructors who adopt a men relaxed

or 'light-heated" approech to
teaching often make it easier
for studcnu to participate in
class discussion.1 and to ask
for assistance.
Humor and laug~tcr c,.n
also have a positive impact on to feelings of guilt and sclf- learning by encouraging ereloathina,. Under conditions of ativity. Humor and laughter
chronic stress, people often help matt a mood in whkh
have difficulty experiencing idcas flow more free ly, preany sense of joy in life, even vcnting the onkt of "psychowhen doing things that used to sclerosis." or a "hanicning of
bring them pleasure.
the attitudes."
How can one be successful
Aftcrpanicipatinginasuucm school aod e.t work, Bild at 1ured laughter exercise, collhc same time enjoy life 1 the lcge students in one study re0
fullest? Believe i1 or DOI, the ported fee ling more excited,
answer to these questions may informed, comfonablc, and
lie in learning how to creative. In another the humor in dimcult silU•
mcnt. srudcnts who watched a
ations. lncrcising the amow11 humorous film before comof positive humor and laugh- plcting a test of crcativily,
ter in your life DOI only hcJps logic, and reason were three


timcsrnctesucc:essfulthaoscu- lffl ycan mm now. Try_to
a n01tl»- appreciate the absurdity of
_.. worrying in this manner by
Some crilics argue that
humorous cuggaation.
lalgbterand'"asensedhu.m« Will the .rest of ycur life~
arenotcomb:iveioascrious come totally chaotic or hopewort cnvirOnfflciil. They lculy ruinccl' bocausc of thiJ:
claim lhat -sharing humor or one paper or test? After you
cxpasing a·light-bcartcd"alti- an: able to Ulift pcnpcctives,
tude toward wort serves as a enjoy a good laigh on yourdistraction that pevenu things self for laking things lOO scrifrom gettin,a: done. Rather then oualy!
deny lhe existcoc:e of 8 pro!;
Encowage the use of hu1cm, hc:PNever, the use of hu- mor and lauahtcr among .
mor and laughter reduces stress
and promOCCI more balancc.d
view of a difficult situation.
Since bumot" and laughter
can help rcdooc stress. enhano&
learning and creativity, and
iocrcase productivity, stq_dcnts
can easily learn to improve the
cffectivcoess of their studies
(and hopefully make school
wort less painful) by pmcticingsomcofthcfollowingsuggcstions:
Dccon.te your work area
with favorite cartoons, funny
photos, absurd signs to help
remind yourself to maintain a
balanced, ligh1-hcaned perspective.
If you begin to worry cx· •
ccssivcly about a panicular test
or paptr to the point ~
you aren't" getting anything
done, ask yOl.lnClf how im•
ponant this issue wiUbe five or
dents who viewed
morou, fihn.


~ who are cloec IO you.
By "='ting others know that
y o u ~ a ac:nse of incrcasc the l.ikelihoodthat Jhe); will aharethczf" in a caring tnl supporrive manner .in Ute fucure..
Talk with friends, family;
and othic:r lllldcnts,in order 10
cmuc more "humor altcmalives."
Remember, take your wort
seriously, but try to take yourself men: lightly.

for the



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MARCH 11, 1994.

AttePiinn GOld~1Bting Studf~ts·
Career Services' sPnna Rccriliti111 E.i;npioyel"I Program
is getting under way. The following cmploycn arc
coming for on-campw: rcc:ruiting and may want to meei

BayBank Bolton
Keue, IDc..


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- - Sen. .,12/!M
CCHLtpl halo.

Saks/Semce Allodata
Eat,y--leftl ..............

1n.-eamea1-~ ~ :

. ..,--..... -c--.s...ic. • .,.....,, _


· '120~ll_.,...._~- n ~- -

Twci acw llleatrical ro-

. leues. · - - and .,,.._
Gome" .-lly
more ia commoo the:a - one
would beli~ve. Boch fllml
-=-,,t 10 cumiDe dac DWI
al life. One movie. .., . . .•
t.ts ia tbe ·joy ol acc:o.
pliwq_"aod ............

al life'• banbhipa aad - tbc c:ounte IO lice ·cacb


taiknomllltll:':rbowimplalaiblc_a ~
·1111.y acmi.
The otbcr movie. "'Du--

gc:roua ·,.. Wallows m
· tbc~olfailurcadiivca
ia to the llDI of llllmaa boinp. ft dives down deep into


Tllos.tlblt~•~--9,1994 '



~- •






Walsh: not
just your
Coot.it1ucd rrom page •

Two ocw theatrical re. • ~. "Angie.. ud "'Dangerous <lame.. actually have

more in commqn then one
would believe. Both (tlmt
eumioe the triala
cl life. Oocrnovie. "AQllc,"
bllkl i11 the joy of accomplishing and ovc::rconuQI all
of life's hards.hips Md hlvllll the courase to Cicc each
tllt DO matter bow implausible a solution may 1CmL
Tbc other movie, "Dan- will bate and women know hued upc:m the oove.l "Ancic.
gerous Game," wallow1 in they will love. The truth re- I Says" by AWII Wing;"An&ic
tbemiJCrYof!ailurcaodaivis mains, however, that every- is • Brooklyn-born woman
in to the aim of lwmaa, ~ one will Jove iL This is DOt who is suddenly (tnding. bu
iDp. It diva dowo deep illlO just a '"wmlco's movie" like life difficult to adjust to. She
the depths of hedooism, never its promo6onal ads lead one finds herself pregnant by a
man whom she is DOt comto believe.
aaempt to


The Suffolk Journal • Wcdncsd.ay, Much 9. 1994

Violently ignorant lesson


·when members or the
Black Student Union (BSUJ
asked its Executive Board io
follow up on an alleged ra•
ciaJ incident that occurred last
April al Venice Piua Ill 204
Cambridge S treet , Caleb
Desrosiers (leader of the Information Team) and I, as
BSU'1 president, took action
10 find out if the si1uauon had
been rc10IYcd.

Voting is essential, get involved
It is again that time of year wbco elections for the Student
GoYcmmcn1 Association (SOA) and the Yarious other clubs
and organii.ationi on campus arc held. The eloctiocs are
conducted chis early to bclp in ~ necessary transition or
powe, that is essential when lcadcn.bip changes hands.
It ii hoped that this year, ¥Oler participation for elections
involving SGA and the ocher clubs and (IIJanizatioru will
increase. Withou1 people participating in the electoral process, there is basically no mandate for the fu~ leaden 10
follow. How are futurc: student leaden; to know what the
SludcnlS want if a quarttr of them don;t even bother lo vote?
While everyone is understandably busy lhi1 week. getting
ready for Spring Bruk and talcicg mid-terms, there rc:ally is
no good reason noc.· 10 vote. It takes a rc.lalivcly shon time,
maybe five minutes. and ii r'CSUJts in the Yotcr haying a say
in !he direction o ( Suffolk.

The following is a st.utcmcn t o f the incident as reponed 1 Sharon An is-Jack 0
''On Friday afternoon Apnl
9th, an eleven• year- old Af-

~Jri!;:;!1 !:;:; ~~';~:~:



;u:rn:s message, and the SGA of course would hove iis name on the mug if it providtrl some



I though! SGA's. token llllotmcnt to the program being initiated by Univcrsiiy
'1"heonly way 10 stop violence is with non-violence."
Pn:sidcnl DaYid J. Sargent was lilllc mon: than sc:lf-cngrnndiumcnc. lASl spring when the iSS!JC
was .~ghl 1~ the floor of the SGA meeting, several members expressed concerns over
- -ti;;~;:;:.~~=::::-::~~~::i:~~~ -IJ--:po,;di::::"
:•~fu;n<fu,=,g,for• program which Wa<i already going to be fully paid for by the uniYcrsity.
. ukvgumem.m a d c . . h ~.w ~ ~~ - effects our actions could make in our

, J

N0 retiorm ID

lives and others.




IU As I hod said. I ~gh1the SGA. llllocation o($150 r,
logo ~•shed
these would-be ra::ycling mugs.

001 the student activities budget was little
~ than an cffon to Jump on and suppon a program which would proYide liule cffon on its pan
ID exchange fot high visibility w~ the program came IC fruition. Thinking il OYCf again, thwgh.

:?:.:::~=~:-:i~~Pi~~:,7/,~:. ~:-:,,;.~:~~="!:l.~ ~~ :~~:..::";

,· "I

while our goYcmor, William Weld, who rc.ceivcd
honor• con=!ion.
may vc saved small. but important, pan or the environment from
ary law doctom1e from Suffolk two years ago, is said to be
Unfonunatcly, I hav~ not n:ccivcd nor lliNe heard of anyone at Suffolk Uniyenj1y m::civing
making prcparutiOR$ for such a law in Ma.ssachusctu.
~ of10
these Eart~-savmg mugs. I would hope lhat this cnYironmcnt-fricndly progrum has n01
In a sort of, "out of sight. out of mind mentality," this law alien the wayside and the $ 150. of the SIUdent's money disappear into ahothtr"vacuwn.
may take some criminals off the 5lrecU, it speaks volumes m:;~a:aSIUdcot~ Suffolk Un1vmi1y. I still hold an affection and great concern for my alma
about the State of affairs the American 50cicty as a whole is
· realiz.e that I will ~ rt:eaYc one of~ fine mugs, but J wauld hope thc lcadcrshi of
in. As a people, we haYe given up on our civili:r.a1ion and opt the srudent govemmeni wdl follow through with this effort and hdp save our environmen~
lO lock up lhOM: undesirables as WC see fiL
•• Sincerely, Lawrenct; M. Walsh
lfi1 is poss1ble fora t.'hfflinal tocommil a violem crime, be
WTCSlcd and jailed thite times. tficn there is something more
The Suffolk Journal
wrong thun Uuu which is in a criminal for th:cffl to perpetrate
Bythestudents. forthcs1udc.nts.sincc 1936
these acts. What is wrong with a system that allows this to
V Cionx:inCilmn.llLEdiwr.m-<lliet
PIii! DiPtt'III.Man&p11 Edilor
The whole point or our jail system, supposedly, is to
Slepllanic S.0-. Ne"-"$ EdiQ
lfldgmi, or radta~teach, lhose that enter so that they may
luftnM. v-1.urcsiybEdiior
noc. return, If they return, we haYe fai led.
R, PMritklkllcdr;ai,ProductionAJ.sbtan1
HaYe we, as a peop1 said that we are beyond refonna•
lion? It is sad 1 say. but this is what we have become. We Chris Ptttti,Aall. AdvertUin1Man&&er
Oll')'Zc.tola. Advenllln1 Manaett
have found that the only 10lution is ·rM a fierce and excessive
lock down.
Dr. GtnklRidunaa..AdYUOI'
The proposed ..3 strikes law" would DOI be ncceuary if we
were in the bw:incss or rc:fonning and not in the busineu or





On F.d,. 20. I con1ac1cd
the owner of Venice Piua in
regards to the 111d dcn1. I was
to ld by Ramin Doorandish,

owner of Venice Pina, that
the pen.on who was involved
1n th e alleged incident was
no longer employed by the
P1u.cna. Doorandish runhcr
stated that the termination
of employment was uo t a

result of the 1nc1dcnt. I was
then duc c tcd to contact

Brian E. GlenMn, I I - - looking tnuuparent blue wa• eigner, lest you become an.
Snow. Nancy and Tonya.
Whitewater. Midterms. The
MBTA. Papers. The Cehic1.
Studying. This scmcslcr has
been about as exciting u seeing Kathericc Hepburn in a
teddy. lt'1 been so monoconous aroond hcte that I' d
conside, limning to Miltc
Dukaki1 lecture aboul calcu•
!us, just to break things up.
I foci SO robotic. Get Up.
Go 10 school. Go to work. Go
home. Go out. Go back home.
Go 10 bccL.R2-D2 and C)PO
lllld it bcltcr. Well, I've had iL
l'Ye slid on enough ice, written enough papers, and taken
the Sawyer stairs enough 10
las1 me a lifetime. It's lime io
get the hell out of here, It's
lime for...SPRJNG BREAK!
My goal is to get on I
plane headed south, sit on a
warm, hypodermic needleless, while. sandy beach 0Yet•

mother, went to Venice Piua
204 Cambridge SlfCCt in
Boston 10 buy a small pizza.
A white employee behind the
counter asked the child if he
had seen the moYic "Malcolm
X.M The child replied that he
had not. The employee 1
the boy that his faYocitc pan
of the moYic had be.en when
Malcolm X was shot. The
employee then poin1cd his
finger li.kC 11 was a gun and
symbolically shot the child
wilh a "bang ! bang!."
The writers of the letter
then Slated that because the

Venice Pu.1.a 's lawye r.
Wha~ asked 1f there was a
suit pending, he slated there
was not.
Although 1 some this may
seem like a hannlcss joke,
this 1
ypc of joke is not acccptable simply because it
in.,,ol.,,ed the belittling of a N.E. Escobar -- - man who was and still is a
I had the most bizarre exhero 10 many Black Ameri• pcricncc the other day and I
cans . One wonders if the juu had 10 tell you aboot it. I
employee thoush1 he was was standing on the sixth
~elating to · the young man noor of Fenton waiting for
when he rdcm:d to lhe yif> the non-existent eleYator and
lc:n1 scene u the bcsl scene. this girl was.rcad.i.ngthcJour•
That in itself is disgraceful. naf, Nothing new, right? She
In this era where many then ·staru reading my Yan•

:c:~;:;~edw~o d!:i'~:



ter. My socoodary goal, lo be
com pleted while on 1he
beach. is 10 race north and
scream, " Bice me l" to the
1roubles which remain in
Bostoc. But, that•• only if
l'mnotou1jcukiing oraeuba
diving_and for somelhing 10 do.
And by God , we
Suffol.kians deserve a vaca•
Lion. Indeed, we're a rugged
bunch, but eYen New En•
glanders reel ii tinge of cabin
(eve, rig he about now (remember "The Shining")?
Why do you think~ isn't
an ax to be found at Suffolk?
It ain't an OYersi&ht, kids.
Many of you will be going
10 Florida. Most by plane,
and a small group of. really
silly people, some of whom
are associated with chis fine
publication, by car. I implOf"e
you, whatever happens down
there, don't acl like a for-

other Yicdm of Florida's new
international hospilalU, campaign. And remember not to
call police officers "Bubba,"
no matter how huge their belt

buck.lei are.
Others will be going to
Cancun. Bring an English to
Spanish dictionary bocause
nobody ii going to know bow
10 speak Engli~ when you're
asking for your change. And
cals. 1bc water there is ol the
same qualily as that provided
us by lhc MWRA , so the
worm in the Tequila bottle
probably won't seem 10 bad.
For those going oorth.•.are
you cnu.y? YoU think it's
cold htrtt? Good luck to you.
In any evenL keep in mind
that speed limits in Canada
arc: posted in kilomeun per
continued on page 9

Hello? Is.there anybody out there?
ing things around here that
need attention. Since J'yc
manaied 10 tick off SOA this
sCmester, I figured I would
II}' lo tick off everyone else
too. H~ iocsM. ,,
A few wccb ago, one of
our rel)Orters dilC:OYcred a
conspiracy by the adminis-

know you were being taken
to the cleaners, now would
you? Aren't you glad you
haYe us around to keep you
abreast of the. latest scandals,
the big covi r-ups, and. of
course, thOle nifty comments
from the student body?
Then of course, there's the

~::::.~OUTLOUD, for~~ ~:~~;•~c:K~u:~; , ::.::!C:,~::: ~ .y=~


.uack, they were boycotting more scnsitiYe to the fact that
Venice Piua until lhe ownet .,.our youth are still learning
published a public apology about thcjr history, and such
in a local newspaper. The jokes or sta1cmcn1s cou ld
writersofthcleueraskedthc cause confusion. hun, anger

sake !t ! I just stood dust
c:ine of the acicnce
thcre... stupificd.
labs and neither were· the
AJ a journalist, you hope missicg
and pray, and often light ~ ident 's funds Efren
candlcsatchun::h,thalsome- Hidalgo insisted were ab•

pon of their effort.
BSU receiYed news of the

encounter them. It' s quite a deepcr... into 'our eYer-shrinlcshock 1 actually see some• ing pockets. Yes, our lovable


INiy ,iu.ltyate:rdayaftcnlooo.
Supp»cdly, there wu • bia
lhindig planned on Saturday

night 10 celebrate Cultural
Unity Week, now the new

r- -;'."."~•:;~'..".:";~~!,~:-'.:'.':;;;':.:;"';'.::'.:-.;,,..,o-yo""tt:::· bu1 you never".:;:-~•;'•~•~df'"!!!••!!,h.°iN~•~•_!!•h~i•~o~•;•·~aad~i;m:prov~cd.~Cbl~bual=~U~ru:ty- -!
~ ~:-';~ really spiracy aqes muc
boycott Venice Piu.a in ~up- m~iju'nd heart.
Surely this inciden1 won't
be lhe only time this young

::."'::,=·~•~~I~~,~~ :~."!'.'!£::=':2:::f :~::;::~~:~: u
mediately after Dr. Artis•
Jackson n:ceived the informatiob from the Dorchester

still remains in this world. It
is sad !hat young people coday learn through the ignoranee of adults.

negative in nature.
Well, just to add a liitle
lfit wun't for the brillian1
;;w ~n:~t~ 1:m.:upo
· ·o~~ ~~~~t.~


Voices of Suffolk

Anyway, ii seems that
somcooc had hired a singer
and bouaht enough food to
feed a amall unofficial baod


continued on page. 9

By N.E. Escobat arid Chi'lstlan Eng_ler

Will you be voting in ,the SGA elections?
''No. I don't
''I nominated
" N.9, because I "Nope. I don't

''Yeah. They're
very Important.
Even though, I'm
not going to be
here next year, the
future Is in their
hands and they're
working very
Ray Raymond



quired ubout the resu lt of the
sirnation, and from there the
Executive Board began con1ac1ing the involved par:ties.

was spending the duy at Suffolk University with his



was announced 111 lhc Dec. 7
BSU fflcetHlg ,
Ounng the Jan. 25 meet•
mg, one BSU member in-

ncan-Amcrican male, who

people to YOCc, perhaps one should chink of tbe pow~r thal
this 24 member body has, They have more bearing on
11udcn1 life than mosc people know.
The 11udcn1 activicics fee lha1 every full -time scudcnl pays
is controlled by SGA. They distribute the funds and, 10 some
utcnt, haYc the poWer to alloc:Ble them a.s they see fi t
The way SGA i!istributcs lhcir funds. and your studc.nt
actiYities fee, is I.hat innucoces each person 's life.
To a big degree, each YOCer can make a difference by voting
for the person hdshe feels would bes! rc:p~t their intcteSts
and. concerns.
Fonner Journal editor reacts to possible money vaccum
This theory applies mx only 10 SGA bu! all clubs and
organizations that will be holding upcoming elections. Each
Dear Mr. &titer.
person seeking an elective omce shodld be commended for
~ one' of the_ rcceru snow storms I was houso-bauod poodering the effects of gloool
their commilmcnl to their rcspcctiYc club and organization. wamung on our ~ c eccHystcm when I suddenly remembered something about the Student
If one does not panicipate in the cle.ccoralprocess, one bas ~ e n l ASlociabon (SGA) 111 Suffolk UniYcrsiry apprupriating MNne 5150 lo thc C05I of
no right 1 argue about the ensuing rcsull. If one does not plas~ mugs the u~Y~ity w11.1 plaMing on buying to promocc: !?.Cycling. The plan was
¥Ole, one 1w no right to c;omplain.
cancc1Y~ by the uruvcrs11y to buy und distribute to CYcry Suffolk studcni a hot/cold mug with

1, -

Gimme a (Spring) Break...Please!

Olane Cl• r k - - - - Women's C~mmittcc, and

never have be- really know
fore and I don't who's running."
really know
enough about
the candidates."

Mary Susan Halpin Mlcbael Fem,gamo




somebody. I
guess so."

Mlllffl!ll Cook


• r



Andrew ~



The Suffolk Journal• Wednesday, Maleh 9, 1994

uma1 • Wednesday, March 9, 1994

Violently ignorant lesson
Dl•n•Cl•rk-- - - Wome n 's Com miucc , and
was annou nced 111 the Doc. 7
Whe n membcn o f th e, llSU meeling
i~u::u~~!0 ~
Dunns the. Jan. 25 meet1
1ng. one BSU me mber info llow up o n an llilcgcd ru• qu ired about the result of the
cial incident that occurred last s11ua11on. and from there the
Apri l 11-Vcnice Pizza i t 204 faa::uu vc Board began co nC a mbridge S treet , C al eb 1acun g th e mvolved parties.
Ocsrosiers (leader o f the InOn Feb. 20, I con1ac1cd
formation Team) and I. as the owner o{ Venice Pizza in
BSU'ti president, took action regard5 to the mc idcn1. I wllS
to find out if the situation had 1o ld by Ramin Doorandish,
been resolved.
owner of Venice Pina, tha t
The follo wing 1 a state• th e person who was involved
mcnt o r the incident us re- 1n 1he nll cgcd inc ident was
poncd to Sharon Ani.s -Jack- no longer employed by the
P1zzc n a . Ooorand1sh further
''On Friday afternoon Apnl staled 1h1 1hc 1crnnnutio n
9th, an eleven- ye:lI• o ld Af. of cm plo ymcn1 was 1101 11.
n can-Amcrican male, who result of 1he mc1 nt I was
W I\.~ spend ing the duy at Sur~ lhc n d ire c t ed 10 co nrnc 1
fo tk University w ith h is Ven ice P iu:11 ·1, la wye r.
mother, went to Venice Pizza When asked 1( t here was a
at 204 Cumbri dge Street in suit pcndmg. he stated th ere
Boston 10 buy a smaU pizza. was not.
A while employee behind the
Althou gh to some tfus may
counter asked the chi ld if he seem like II hann lcss joke,




,rmer Journal editor reacts to possible money vaccum
uMr. &titor:
~ ooc ol lbc_ m:c:nt snow stonns I Wll"i tiou» poodc:rin,: the dfccu of global
mg oo our f~~e eco-system when I wddc:nly remembered something about the Student
nment Asaocl8llon (SGA) at Suffolk Uni venity apprupriating some SISO to the cOSI of
; mug1 the u~v~ily was planning on buying to promote mcycling. The plan wu
IV~ by the uruvers1ty to buy and distribuu: to every Suffolk student a hot/cold mug with
cling message, and the SGA of COUBC wou ld hove its name on the mug if it provided somt

the ~ I though! SGA 's_token allouncnt to the program being initialed by Univcnuy
ent David 1. Sargent WIIS h1tle more than sclf-engmndizemenL spring when the ,swe
,rought l~ the f1oor or the ~GA meeting, several memben expressed concerns 0 ,-rr


whach ~ al~y going to be fully pnid for by the univm11 y
madc-b)I--Erik:a.~ o n-~y-and-the-SGA-would h;w~
:0 ~ 'lfl these would-be recycling mugs.
I had said. I ~g.hl thcSGA allocation ofSl.50from the student ac:tMtics budge1 wa.~ httk
.han an effort to Jump on and suppon II program which would provide little effon on its pan
hange for high visibility w~ the program came to fruition. Thinking it over a.gain. thoo g.h .
mbtt those long. cold momings commuting into Beacon Hill and the incakulnblc num ber
cr_ Styrofoam cups I needlC5Sly thn:w 11way. Hod I a reusable mug for my mMy cups
;:.;!:_rree I may have Sllvcd • small, but important, port of the environment from






ha~ nbt rocc1vc:d nor have hean:I of anyone Ill Suffo lk Univmily receiv ing
_-savins mugs. I would hope tha! this enviroM1ent-fricndly progrum has nu1
10 the wayside and the S ISO_of lhc studm.' 5 money disappear into enotbcs- vacuum.
longC:S:awdenl.~Suffoll: U_ YCBity, I still hold an lllfoction and grcntconc:cm for my alnm
I realize that I will ~K>l rttc1vc one o f these fine mugs, but I would hope the lcaden;hip of
idcnt goYemmcnt wiU fol.low through with this cffon and help save our environment.





V OordoaGlc M, IU. Edi10r-in-Otief
P...i o, ~
~t..QC:inl Ed,l<lr

:icp11MJcSnow. Ncw1Ed1101"
-.:nM. YOIIIIJ, UfcicyluEdiior

OrisOtsoa. Sport:16dil0f
Pn:rti, 1Wf- Adv-e1Win1 Man-,cr

N.E. EKohu. Chief Copy Eduor
Chrutiubi&Ju, $elliorCopyEdilOI
R. Paoid:Bencdeni, Produai(laAuiJQIII
f.rikBunka, Edhorialeanooribl
Gary "Zcrola. Advutilin, Mana~r


pon of thei r dfon.
BSU received news of the
1ncidcnt thr_ough Anis-Jack son, Assistant to the Prcsi •
dent/Director of Multicultural
Affain on Nov. 18, 1993 immedia tely after Dr. Arti s•
Jackso n rece ived the mformation riom the Dorchester

:r:::~ s::;;~

iii d

Suffollcians deserve a vaca- to speak English when you're
1ion. Indeed, we're a ru gged aslci ng for your change. And
bunch, but eve n New En• I'm not: re£crring to thcuoglandcB fee l a tinge of cabin caJs. The water there is of the
fever right about now (re- snme quality as !hat provided
me m ber " The Sh i ning")7 us by !he MWR A. 10 the
Why do you think there isn' t worm in the T~uila bottle
an ax 10 be round at Suffolk' probably won't seem so bad.
For those going nonh ....are
It ain't an o versight. kids.
Many o r you will be going -you c razy7 You th ink it' s
to Flo rid a. Most by pla ne , cold here1 Good luck to you.
and a small group or rca11y In any event, keep in mind
silly people. some of whom thal speed limits in Canada
arc associated with this fine are posted in l:ilome"itn per
publication, by car. I implore
you, whatever happens down
there. don't act like a for•
continued on page 9

Dukakii lecture abou t calcu]us, just to break things up.
I feel so robotic. Get up.
Go 10 school. Go to wort. Go
home. Goout. Gobackhome.
Go 10 bed... Rl· D2 and CJPO
had i1 belier. Well. I've had iL
I've slid on enough ice. writ•
ten enough papers. and taken
the Sawyer st.airs enoush to
last me a lifetime. It 's time 10
gel the hell out or here. h 's
time for ...SPRING BREAK!
My goal is to get o n a
plane headed south, sit on a
warm , hypodermic need le•
less, white, sandy beach over•

Hello? Is there anybody out there?
N.E. Escobar---I had the most ex- ing things W"OU nd here that
pcricnce the otlitt day and I need a ttcn1 io n. Since I ' ve
just had 10 u:11 you abou t it. I managed to tick off SGA this
was standing o n the s i~th semester, I figured I ·would
floor of Fenton waiting for try to tick off everyone else
!he non-e•is1cn1 elevator and too. Acre goes ..~
this girl was readi ng the Jour-

nul. Nothing new, right? She
then scans readi ng my vani shing
suxy ...OUTLOUD. for God's
sake ! !!
j ust
1hcrc ... stupificd.
As II journalist. you hope
a nd pray, and often light
c andles at c hurch, th11 some•

A few week.I ago, one o(
our reporters discovered a
c01Up iracy by the administration , No, JFK's brai n
wasn't ducovered gathering
dust in o ne of the science
labs and neither were the
missi ng
Counci l
P res ident 's fund s Efre n
Hi dalgo insisted were ab•

know you were ~ing Wen
to the cleaners, now would
you? Arcn ' I you glad you
have us around to keep you
abrwl of the llllCSI scandals,
the big covcr-llps, a nd o f
co,.use., those nifty comments
from th~ student ""body?
Then ofcourse. there's the
la iest bit o f go11ip . a COD·
ccmcd swderu let s.lip 10 youn
SupposedJy,' ~ was·• big
shindig planfJC$:on Saturday
night to celebrate Cultural
Onity Weck, now the new

)O ·..~..~.~,.. ..~-!·~·,~~ :~~·~ ,i, ~·~•-~B:~:~;~••~;,~,:~:~:·;....;~;•~;:m:pro;•~ed.~C~•~lom,l::~u~ru:ty~ -_.".:
U"i~M:onic .: ::--:.:,.,: · i;a~· w ;

Surely this inc ident won '1
be the onl y 1ime th is young
man will apcriencc the sad·
dcning 1gnomocc regarding
race. cuhure and "rcspoct that
still rcm11i ns 1n this world. 11
is sad that yo ung people 10day learn through the ignoranee or adults.

encounte r them. It's quite a
shock 10 actually see :wme•
one apprec ia te your · work
since most reactions we get
abo ut things we wrilc arc
"5000" ncg11tivc in nature.
Well. just to add I little
more ncgarivity to the mix, I
have not.iced a few interest-

Voices of Suffolk

deepcr... into 'our cvcr-shrinking pockeu. Yes, ou r lovable
Board of Trusteel were going to bilk us out or an extra
$500 bucks and not eve n tell

"'·If ii wasn' t for the brilliant
dcdicalion of our hard work•
ing rcponera you wouldn't

An yway , it s ccm1 that

someone had hired • singer
and bought enough rood to
feed a small unofficial band

continued on page 9

By N.E. Escobar and Ch,:lstlan Engler

Will you be voting in the SGA elections?

· Sincerely, Lawrence M. Walsh

Bythc!s(u(!ent~. fonhe students,sincc 1936


mvo lvcd the belin li ng of a
man who was and sti ll is II
hero 10 many Black Amcri•
c ans. One wo nders if th e
cm'ployc c thoui;ht he was
rcla11ng to 1hc young man
when he refmed to the v10lent scene as the best scene.
That 1n itself is disgraceful
In 1h1 s era whe re man y
young c hildren look up to
Malcolm X. we all need 10 be
morc scnsi1ivc to thefact tha1
our youth arc still learning
about thei r history, and such
Jo kes o r s ta1cme nts could
c ause confusion , hun, ange r

Malcolm X was shot. The
employee th en pointed hi s
finger like it was a gun and
symbolically shot the child
wi th a "bang! bang!."
The writers of the lcner
then stated tha1 because the
o wne r refused to discipline
the employee who made the
attack, they were boycoiting
Ve nice Pizzo. until the owner
published a public apology
,n a local news paper. The
writers of the leu cr as ked the


BrJ.n £ G,-nni,n, I I - Jookini tJUSparcnl blue wa• cigncr, lest you become an- ·
tcr. My secondary goal, to be other victim of Aorida.'1 new
Snow. Nnncy and Tonya. compJctcd w hile o" the iniemational hospitailry
paign. And remember not 1
White.waler. Midterms. The beach. is 10 race north and
MBTA. Papers. The Celtics. scream. " Bile me!" 10 t he qll poJK:C of'fic crs . "Bubba."
-Studying. This scmcstu hM troub les wh.ich ·remain in no mauer how huge thcirbe lt
been about as exciting as see- Boston. But. that'• only if buckles are.
Others will be going 10
ing Katherine Hepburn in a I'm DOI ou1jct skiing o r scuba
teddy. It's been so monoto- diving and looking for some• Cancun. Bring an English to
nous arou nd here th at I'd thing 10 do.
we : :
consider listening to Mike

:~i;~~ic :.~J;l~c i ::~

had not. The employee told

the boy that his favorite pan
or the movie had been when


Gimme a (Spring) Break...Please!

''No. I don't

"No, because I "Nope. I don't
never have be- really know
fore and I don't who's running."
really know
enough about
the candidates."

'.' I nominated
some~y. 'i
guess so!'

Mary Susan Halpin Mkbael Ferragamo

''Yeah. They're
very lmportanL
Even though, I'm
not going to be
here next year, the in their
hands and they're
working very

Maureen Cook

Aadrew r,tariln




Ray Raymond




know anythit)g /





... .....
... .


..... Liak

s,n,rAl 11ti1





---lllibamL -Tia

eYCDtaod ·aI

. . . , ,:oa,p1





c. .wa1st

The Suffolk Journal• Wednesday. March 9, 1994


Gintme a (Spring) Break...Please!

Violently ignorant lesson
DJaneClsrk - - - W hen me mbe rs of the
Blac k Student Union (BSU J
as ked ·its Ex.ccuti ve Board 10
follow up on an alleged rucial incident that occurred hm
April at Ve nice Pizza a1 204
Camb ridge S treet . C aleb
Desrosiers (leader of the Information Team) and I. as
BSU's prcsidenl. took ac tion
to find out ifthesi1uationhad
been resolved.
The following is II statemcnt of the incident as reponed to Shuron Anis-Jackson:
"On Friday afternoon Ap ril
9th, an eleven- year- old African- Ame rican male , who
was spending the d11 y at Suffo lk Universi ty w ith hi s
mother, wen1 to Venice Pizza
nt 2CW Cambridge Street in
Boston to buy a s mall piua.
A white employee behind the
counter asked the child if he

~ ~~i:~:~~~


:d :;,;· thi;ehi: ~~~:;ri: :


reacts to possible money vaccum
I was hou»boond pondering the effects of global
1 I suddenly remembered something about the Studcn1
,lk University appropriating 50me SI.SO to the cost of
ing on buying to promolC recycling. The plan W
listribute to every Suffolk student a hot/cold mug with
rsc woulcl have its name on the mug if it provided some

of the movie had been when

Wnmc:n·s Commiu c:e. and
was annoanced ut the Dec. 7
nsu mecung.
Dun ng the Jan . 25 meet•
1ng. one BSU member inqum:d abou1 1 rcsuh of the
suuauon, and from there the
faecutivc Board began c~ntacting the involved panics.
On Feb. 20, I contac ted
the owner of Venice Pizza in
regards to the incidenc. I was
cold by Ramin Doorandish,
ownc:r of Ven ice Pizza. thnt
the pe rson who was invol ved
in the alleged incident was
no longer employed by the
P1zzc ria. Doorandis h fun hcr
otaccd that the te rmination
of employ me nc wa 5 not a
result of the inc ide nt . I was
then di recte d 10 c ontact
Ve m ce Piua · s lil wye r.
When a~ked i f the re was II
s uit pending. he stuted the re
was not
Although 10 some this may
seem like a ha rmless joke,



t: eat ; ~
! :~l

~~ :

hero to man y Black Amcri •


:~~:~e ~ h;asp:i~:~d Th~:

~:n;io~e: e 1;:un:hclrsh;r

finger like it was a gun and

relating 10 the young ma n

The writers or the lette r
then stated that because the
owner refused to discipline

looking tfV.OSparctlt blue wate'r. My secondary goal, to be
completed while on the
beach, is-to .(ace nonh and
scream, "Bite me!" to the
tfoubles which remain in
Boston. But, that's only if
I'm notoutjctsk.iing oiscuba
diving and looking for something to do.
God ,
Suffolkians deserve a vacalion. Indeed. we're a rugged
bunch, but even New EOglanders feel a tinge of cabin
fever right abou t now (remember "The Shining")?
Why do you think there isn't
an v; to be found at Suffolk?
It ain' t an oversight, kids.
Many of you will be going
10 Florida. Most by plane,
and a smaJI group of really
silly people, some of whom
arc associated with this fi ne
publicat.ion, by car. I implore
you, whatever happens down
there, don 't ac t like a for-

. Snow. Nancy and Tonya.
Wate r. Midterms. The
MOTA. Papers. The Celtics.
Studying. This semes1e.r has
been about as e:i;citing as seeing Katherine Hepburn in a
teddy. It' s been So monotonous aro und here that I'd
consider listeni ng to Mike
Dukakis lec1ure about calculus, just to break things up.
I feel so robotic. Get up.
Go to school. Go to work. Go
home. Go out.Gobackhome.
Go to bcd ...R2-D2 and CJPO
had it beuer. Well, I've had it.
I' ve slid on enough ice, written enough papers, and taken
the Sawyer stairs enough to
lust me a lifetime. It' s time to
get the hell out of here. It's
time for ...SPRING BREAK!
My goal is to get on a
plane hc:adcd south, sit on a
warm , hypodermic needle•
less, white. sandy beach over-

ci&Jler, lest you become another victi m of Florida's new
international hospitality campaign. ·And re~ember not to
caU police officers "Bubba,"
no matter how huge their belt
buck.Jes arc.
Others ~ill be going to
Cancun. Bring an· English to
Spanish dictionary because
nobody is going to know how
10 speak English when you're
asking for you r change. And
I'm not referri ng to ~ocals. The waler there is of the
same qua1i ty as that provided
us by the MWRA, so the
worm in the Tequila bott1e
probably won' t seem so bad.
For those going nonh...arc
,you c razy? You lhink it' s
cold he re? Good luc~ 10 you.
In any event, keep in mind
that speed limiu in Canada
arc posted in kilometers per
continued on page 9

~~;~~ie ; ~ j; ~e ~:c:::c~; Hello? Is there anybody otit there']


~i:~li.~~gt::igt~.~ child

Brian E. G/enn0n, // -

sc~: ere: rri


That in i1Self is disgraceful.
In this e ra whe re many!:Cba:os-,-b = ,,- ing things around here that
-- - _
perienc:e the other day and I


h a~~t~~ y ::u~i~~~

floor of Fenton waiting for

~~~s ;~~-:~s:~7~;~

; 0~

11al. Nothing new, right? She

need attention. Since I've


t; '::u~

w:! :yad:tt.i~;
Venice Piua until the owne r
publi shed a public apology
in a local new spaper. The

our youth arc st.ill learning
about their his1
ory, and such
j okes or stateme nts could




! ~--ago, one of ·couBC, thCR nifty comments

our reporters discovered a

then stans reading my v~- ~:a~~:~
~~:.y Jt~~ :d~i i'~
is hi ng
D f 6od'f!'-- wasn't discovered gathering

lllotmcnt -to the program being initiated by Univcrsuy
e than sclf-cngnmdizemcnL Last spring when the issut'
meeting. several members expressed concerns over
1as already going 10 be fuUy JXiid for by the univcr::.ity


SIG:::: have us arou nd to keep you

try to lick off everyone else

young children look up to
~:C;v ~: :h:~ ::h~

know you were being taken

fro~e ;i:e~~ ~'I the
lati;n bit of gossip , a conccmedstudentletsliptoyoun

wri ters of the letter
the cause confusion. hun~ nng·"~f.':j':~~~~~•;;;";--'
Suliolk commm1tty.o--:i:tso-mid-e-vc,r sh:mre--ttt---ir-yoo1.., stories. but you never rully s piraH

e.c:yding mugs.
Ilion of $ 150 from the student activities budget was ]infr
n a progrnm which would provide little effort on its pan
rogram came to fruition . Thinking it over 11gain, though.


8 i:~~l:;;~fmlhl :~:n:::r ;r:

inm uting into Beacon Hill and the incalculable number

· have heard of an~
at Suffolk University receiving
I hope thnl this c"nvironmcnt-fricndly program 1w n04
IC student's money disappear into another vacuum.
:y, I still hoW an affection and g.reat conccm for my alma
of these fine mugs, but I would hope the leadership of
1 with this effort and help save ou r environmenL
· Sincerely, Lawrence M. Wabh

,fordle srudents. since 1916
ilenn. 111. EdilOf-in-Chicf
:rm. Managing Ediior

~~~/:;;~ ~r
R PwickBenedc:ni,
Eri.kBWW:r.Edi . CanoonW
Ga,yZerola.AdvcnWng Managcr

Norine B111:igalupo. JOIIITII.ICoruul wu
180a u~iw ..11).

,. u IM

,n/u lo,,

0/1'1-S'l§o/tlo,,mal /0 pru,,ld, ,M

w .nu,,..,,",.,/s,.,.,l rr,i,:1, tlll,t~,pom....,J,,,.~. n,
•t ~/y t~ott o/llwtd/JorsaAdll4o{1Ms...i,blA:Jo~r,NidollOI
~.a'. n., Si,,b'!IAJ0«"441 dou-~qa1Mr1111y pm!W
ikvl ffllet""" f tq""1oppolTlUUl)'. A'°""r,,WAtfl,, "1P7o/ lhl

'"' "'· """""'~rfl.rbo,f'(IUc, /sflvailobk .... ,,qwn.

1usens ~2114 • Phone & fax (617) 573-8323



:~ ~;-;~U~LO~us· /r s100;
e~--~s~:i~~~~I. you hope
and pray, and ofte n light
candles at church, that some-

dust iri one of the science
~~:s i:~d ne~!:n;~re t:~
President's funds Eften
Hidalgo insisted were ab-

night to celebrate Cultural
Unity Weck, now the new

-;'; ;'"~";; d-;wit!';.-JN~•~•_l,'hi•~';.;•;; ·i;:;m~pr;v~ed~CU;;; ,';U;•i: __:~
~ hgoes l~ muc•·~'""~ o ltwal;;;, ty-

~~ ~:=~:~,::;:: =~~: i:::::;:•:~,:t ;.:~~ :~~•:;'~~::;,":~·::.- 1:;;·ofotTNS~;;w:·,1~:I~
i; :
. ~~~
• ...



incident through Artis-Jae~-

ma~ w!l~ ex.~ncnce I e : -

one app reciute your ' work
since most rc~ ons _ e get

ing to bilk us out of an extra

: 1;~~

:n:_n: u1 : le«:s~ : t~na~

about things we- wt11e are

$500 bucks and nol even tell

still remai ns in this world. It

"s~;/~~;,ti:: ~~dn:u1

ranee of adults.

dedication or our hard worting reponers f ou wouldn't

Any way, _t seems that
i had hired a singer
and bought enough food to
feed a small unofficial band

us.If it wasn't for the brilliant

more negativity to the mix., I
have not.iced a few interest-


Affairs on Nov. 18, 1993 im-


mation from the Dorchester

~~ 1~:n:h '::',~ ~:



continued on page 9

By N.E. Escobar' and, Christian Engler

Voices of Suffolk

Will you be voting in the SGA ~lect_ s?
"Yeah'. They' re
very important.
Even though, I'm
not going to be
here next year, the
futµre is in their
hands and they"re
working very

"No; because I "Nope. I don't
never have be- really know
fore and I don't who's running."
really know
enough about
the candidates."

Ray Raymond



''I nominated·
guess so."

Mary Susan Halpin Michael Ferragamo .Maureen Cook



"No.I don't

~ow anything









EDSA, Little Brotlien 'Bid

Friends or the Elderly
i,r,:sent spring social .
Saffolk -Uaiverliti~ Sveabla DiYilioa Student's AlloCiatioD (EDSA)


aadlhol..iwe· BrotbDr'I• ~ o f • ~
the Elderly win icam up _ Satur- 5:30-7
day, ~ 12. fat a Wdea.. to ciMioll
S,,.,- ,-t, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. al
&be ·erotber's· beadquartcn.
At th is delicious luncheon, wilh 1
~ will have the opportunity to urday
socialize and be entcrtaiocd by story· tiOft c
tdlcr Bruce Marcus and mme impor- or Syl
tantly, brina happiness to ao older
friend during this sbon-time com- ;~

=~;s'~;-: ..,_

uff arc welcome 10· participate. Vol-


opportunities arc available as who t
party ~mpanion.s, k.itcbctl helpers, try Im
aad drivers..
The party is located at One Chan· AIWJ
dlcrSqume Diem-the Back Bay'MBT~ 20 at
Station and interes ted party-gocn Thea1
should contact Barry Lass, 479-7606, list &1
for funbcr details.
has n


C. Walsh hosts Wells play
A play based oo

the life of Ida 8 .

. Alwa:

Wells. an ~-~ journal- obacc, suffragist and civil_
rigbt1 activiat, publi
who led a campaign agaiDat lynch- best
iq ill the ~y 1900'&; ilia .1~ II. lit.en
.... , will be pafonned In the C.
Walth . Theatre du& weekend J n a

;,..wbcoofil.,..r~ -



• - ·-''1t•~ ~ ....

...... IIIJV. GonlollGleml,ID

EDSA, IJtt1e Brothers
Friends of the Elderly
. t ..a.:..:·· ial

, ··

~= =:1:, ?:;

PreaeDlcd by' tbe Mauacbuietll


TickeU are available throu&h the

~ ;~~~~

C::,-:': = Y E ~


poem en&tnd abo t.. a cbaace robe
published in• dduxe. badbound onThe paf..,,,_. dlla • . tbls Fri- C-unlty Boating "to
5P•uot!i SOC
day, Mmd> 11,,. 7,30 p.m• ..i tbls o f f e r ~ c:oune
To"""• seod one origin,] poem.
Suffolk Univcn.ity'1 Evcnina Di• Saturday, March 12 for ■·family perA . Ctnulal fjloll•t
Htl IIDY sub~ and any .-Y~ tiut oo mote
vilioa Student'• Associ.atioo (EOSA) forman,c,c at 4 p.ffl. A reception will Nflw,p#O• COUl'IC ii .being offered· than 2:0linea. to t h e ~
and the Utlle Brotbct'a • Fricodl of preceed the 'Friday performance from 111 Commwrlty B08lina, Jnc., 21 Em- Poctty, 1141_9 ~ Drive, P.O.
the EJdcrty will team up this Sanlr• 5:30-7 p.lD. at the Boston Bar Asso-- bankmcnt Road, Bolton. The eight Box704-YF,Qwina,Mills,MOJ II I?.
day, Marc,h 12, (01'" a Wdco•• to ciation, 16 Beacon SL
week COUBC will begin on March 22, Tbe poem should include the pod'1
from 11 Lm. • 2 p.m. al
TK:kets for this event are S10 for meeting from 7-9 p.m. The fee is name and addte¥ on the top of the
the · e l"Olher'1· headquartcn.
adultsaodS.Sforchildrcn(4-IJyeu1) $130. can 523- 1038 by Man::h 15 paae. entries muJt be postmarked_by
At this dcliciou1 lu ncheon, with spr.cial family nues for the Sat- for infonnation and regisuation.
March 31. A r-=w ancll opDI April I.
attendies will have the opportunity to urd,y show. For tic.kc:ts and informa• ' =;===:=;=;:===;;=':'7.= Break the silence at
socialize and be enterUincd by story• tion caU Yvcuc Mcndci (57~ 1682) Color, black-and-white




~;~::;:;~.:! -:,or:ni::;;
-r:ucr:,~~-~~; ~


friend during this short•tlme com-

staff arc welcome 10 participate. Volunccer opponun.itics arc available as
party companions. t.iichen helpcn.
and driven.
The pany is located at One Chandlcr Square DdU" the Back Bay MBT A
Station and interested party-goers
sbol.l1d contact Barry Lass, 479-7606,
for further details.

C. Walsh hosts Wells play

cw Sylvia T . Aeccber (279-0006}.

l8ric Opera preseDU play

Trotn of J,,,•onlJJUJ, an ellhibi-

tJmed OD b80Df(ftiook

~ ; : , : w r : t : k =-= :
Boston Lyric Op;_n., the people photogn.phs by Boston photograwho brought to Suffolk Elmer Gan- phcr David Robinson o( French ccmtry last month, conclude their season ctcrics, will be on display in the Great
with Stephen Paulul', n. PoslMIUI Hall of the Boston Public Library in
Af!WIY• Jlja~• T'wltt, from March 9 • Copley Square through Man::h 30.
20 at Emerson CoUege's Majestic
Historians have often studied ccmlbcatJe, marking the fim time librct· ctcrics, but what these photographs
tist and.,stage director Colin Graham reveal iJthccmot.ionsccmctcricsconhas revisited the work since its wortd tain. By focusing on individual tom~

~a:: ~.:,;;:n~



Women presented by 71N ClodtaliM

March 24.

Co-sponsored by the Women's Cen1a, the Women's Srudics Dcpartmcnt,
and Health Services. it is scheduled lo
occur from 10 un. to 4 p.m.

Student Activities Ctr.
hosts Trayel Day '94

The Cultural Unity Ce1ebralion cootinfd tomorroW, March 10, with Travel
about aspirat ion, not deat h. ln
Day, an opportunity to "taste a liule bit
Robinson's view, cemeteries arc repositorics of hope as much as sor- :C~ww::.:~,:=~oo.,UI
Free and open 10 lhc public, for
illformati°'f on the prognun and the
ahibi1, caU .SJ6-S400, cxtcmion 336.
sen fXJWlll;Y· ~ will include cultural
bi.nkets and food.

Postman : !.~:o~=P~ c~~::~r;;

A play based oo the life of Ida 8 . Always Twiet', was tried for
WeUs, an African-American journal- obscenity in Boston soon after it was
ist, suffragist and civil rights activist, published in 1934. The phenomenal
who led a campaign apinst lynch- besl seller launched Cai n into 1
early 1900'1, Miu JU B. litef1ltY limelig.h1, but alto sparked
Wds, will.,l>e performed In the C. COOIJ'OYcny for its trcatmcots of au
and violeooi as inicgra] dcmcots of
= = : : ; ~ : ~ d i n a lheplot.


photos exhibited at BPL




' Owing Mills, Maryland- The NaDOrBl l..ibr-.y of Poetry bas annaunccd
that $12,000 in priu:s will be awarded


be rq,resenttd arc: Italy, U.S.A.. Fm-land, Iran , Ireland, France,
Gamany,Gn:ece. and the IOWn cf A,&-


~~ ~

~:r~h: :::e::~:~::::
ganization s, serving in a
simi lar capaci1y of a Jiaison. Barr commcn1ed that
TKE appreciate.., all of the
help Pell eg rino has providcd .
In response 10 the incident , Parker, along with fcllow Stude nt Government
Association (SGA) memhers Mark DiFraia, Jeff
LynchandPhil Falzone, mct
with members of TKE and
Pellegrino to discuu what
Barr commented that the
meeting was "civilized" and
fell it went well. Parter requested that TKE issue an
apology co all the contcscams involved in the pany
and that it also be published
in the Journal . Barr state.d
that TKE had agreed to these

his intc'nt was 10 have fun

Parker (eel s she got :a~::
through tomostofthemcm-

gized on stage for the contest.
While TKE i'CCeivC$ no
school fu nds and is fuode.d
solely by their fraternity,
they do have an office in

Keith Hau, had been understanding abou1 the incident, butbclicvcrticsh'oui
have been more responsible
for the whole undertaking.
Barr stressed I.hat Lb.e

!~o~~c;ctst;tays~~=:; ;;:
"dead" event and then flee
f0i "the1rlivcs! II .... ;, the only l'CUOCl I'•
u:lliog you all of this, in
case you were wondcrin&,

w:t ~:


and Ul&Offllledltler inochlm; Mworbln MAlwdNtals.

IIJl!w;alfa , _ , . , ,1PJWdipoa:ad,11 1 1 1 l a ~
A1lly&nt. ,ou'l6nd lbt611$1u,11 o { ~, whoM
woa1 ooinm1anmt andweni o;mdniw10p 11J ~ ~ id'f'Cedtt,Join11JUM! bulld row wllh1 rqlori,Jbdff



S.11, ·• & S1•rv1< ,

A· •• 01


~ :ndlilplllidoa..youwlD ~allbnath uleilnadbt
10 proridtthr:bl1be$1 1rod ofcwaomertcr'ri0t,indud!Aa:
p,oc,mm&dna11omrrtnnsiomom.wlltwdin1, 10lCIWII


optnillr,andlTWicwtn1 produaoll'oitt1twllh alllOnWRIO
dfttrmint-lhowWl. bm fflftlthr:ir.-k. ~

wtl h&'f'C~dtprurcow,alnfilwm::le.Ac:o:lwlClnt, ar
equi....,_, ..... wkh priar IIRS aJJd/arn.-.nerMf"IQ:

o.pai,mot-. ~
fflClt I

illl • bwk>ic,r,ironmmc."""°CIJlffl·

pha. ~ oppammkr b p,wtlL

llyllw; affcncomPftJti'f'C ~ .&nd bmdlu 11:l I I S ~




C,oodaucd from s-,;e -7

of guerrillu in the Mexican
lhiJ oo a Saturday n! &ht, mind you,
when everyone with a life is
out partying. Three gucsse,
you'll never guc11 how
many people showed up?
Thia U aomethiog the Jo11rNJ/ sb0uld ru n a contest on.
Guess the correct 11umbcr
of drunken panygoen arid
Cultun.l Unity Celebration
If you guessed ze ro
drinkers give yourself a
point, but if you realized
that oul of about the 5,000
students enrolled at this fine
establishmcn1, rouahly .SO
people bothered to show up.
As my anonymous source
cold me, this included the
five guests and the 45
people workjng the tables,
band mcmbcn:, and a singer




to my collcque Brian- profOl,IC
Oleaoon•a piece ud oacc wen, t d

u i~
again_,. -wbal ii the

:c~t!! i:t:d~=
apologized (?r wha~ hap- tics e~~ry !car •~ part~(


tuitioa dollars -are aoina to
really important lhinaa instead of,1ettina more boob
fo r the library, implementiog for service prosrama for
studcnta, or evco1 Ood forbid, biriag more qualified


i ,-:


· mi1
give YOll
mate au
· aboal

Spring Break: a !lfsen
Coodooed from page 7
bour, soasign.ffadiaa .. 100."
although vtsy appeali,Dg, really t.ranllates into 60. And
bcu c:anaareamaUe.-uptbesc.
_ hey use the royal measureT
meol ayatem, which just
means that you're getting


ve,y I
bard UM

. Arter al
over .the
we dese
By t.b
.deal will

an: not the Saw
10U11 anywhere special, but Ibey acr.
by the same tokm, Ibey aren't in~ job 1
going to clus, either. No

:!\~~~~~:: ~ ;.~:w~:u


:i:"~:~i~5~:~:~: ;~ ;~!~~~~:;; !~~ ;: : :.: !~!~~::.~;
incidenl, but
rcitcrated ·that ii is not "a

lly&nk ll 1 S IObllllon ~
lnBcaron, pouellln1flh,,emm1eclerul'f'Candmodtmlwlkln(I
M1WCn In New Enpnd. wtlh lhe ludlnf: rnuid WR o{
('(IQSllmHdt-pmkand ~
. -Slbtlarp bnnch


organizations on campus

-'i~ rehash tbe

Our PelJi*._ ive Us .


C.ootinued from page 1

ing dcioe 10. She stated that
she wished she had gouen
off the stage, but said she
lacked the courage to do so.
A cting u a contestant as a
favor , Pa.rke-r said s he
tht?Ught the con1es1 was going to be based on student
activities and grade point
Chris Barr, a member of
TKE' and organizer of lhe
event, took full rcsponsibi lity for what happened during the party. He said there
was a "lack ofcommunication" between the contcstants and himself, admitting
none of the contestants
knew what the quesiioos
would entail.
Barr staled th at he
thought the "girls took it
pretty well ." He felt that the
crowd was more offended
by the contest than the con-

7iiilliiln1rw--ir!-~':""W&--foo""';--:--:!'~.illJcJhM"'-.]boo>!!!;!>..J!!!:__ __J__ - : = v ~ ~ ! : :·

The Competitive Edge.

lbeS.trollt- . ~ . - 9.1994

TKE subject to criticism What the Administration w ~
.o ~er Sweetheart Party
y~ ~~' ~t what_
we'll tell you ,

g~, O f ~


A6,. • .••


$,,/1,M • '.....



•· •·

Friends.of the Elder Y

Presented by' the Mass.chu.ietu:
Ticketl are available lhrou&b the
Black Womca AUOCDeylt lhe play Bocton Lyric Opera box office at
wu writtco by Eadeaba Ida Mac 248--l660, and range from St8-S68.
Hollood u,ddi=<ed by Robcda Uno. Comm~ Boaling to

pr;.nt spring social


EDSl\., Little Brothers

:".:::'.':.-= .~ ": :;:;; offer ...going course

· Suffolk Univcraity'1 Bvcning Di- Satutday, March 12 for a·ramily perviaioo Student'• Auociatioo (EDSA) formanoe at• p.m. A rcocpboo will
and the Uule Brother's • Fricods of precccd the Fridaj pcrformanct: from
the EJdc:rly wm team up this Satur• 5:30-i p.m. at the Bostoo Bar Auodty, March 12. for a W•lcoa• lo ciation, 16 Beacon St.
s,,u.,,,.,.,, Crom 11 Lm . • 2 p.m. at
Tickets for this event arc $10 for
tho ·erothu's· bcadquaners.
·'-' thi s dclicfous


:!!~~=t=~= ~ i::;;

with spocia] ramily rates for the Sal·

attcodiea will hive the opportunity to wday show. For tic.keu and infonnasocwiz.c and be cntenaioed by suwy- tioo call Yvette Mendez (570-1682)
friend during th!s short-time co~- ,


or Sylvia T. Aetcbcr (279-0'Xl6).

Lyric Opera presents play

: :e~ T~~ ,~~:~.c~:u~~;
based on bannecn,oo.k
staff arc welcome to pmticipate. Vol•
Boston Lyric Opera, the people
wlJeCI' opportunities arc available.. who brought 1 Suffolk Elnur Gan•
puty companions, kiicbcn helpers, ,,., last month, cooclude their season
and drivers.
with Stephm Pawus', 17N Pas,_..
The pany is locattd a1 Ouc Chan· AIWOJI RiMI' hi«, from March 9 ·
dlcr Square neat" the Back Bay MDT A 20 al Emcnon College's Majestic
Stat.ion and interested party-goers lbcat~. marking the first time libf'CI·
abould contact Barry Lass, 479-7606, list and stage director Colin Graham
for further details.
has ~visilCd the work since iu world
premiere over lCO years ago.
C. Walsh hosts Wells play
James Cain's novd. ~ Postman
A pby based oo I.he life of Ida 8 . Always Rin&s Twice, was lricd for
Welh, ao African.American journal• obt,ccnity in Boston soon after it was
isi. suffrqill and civil rigblS act.ivi&t, published in 1934. The phenomenal
who led a campaip apinst lyoch- besl seller launched Cain into the
iog in lhe early 1900'1, Miu /4,o I!.. liicra,y limelight, but WO sparked
1' ., will be performed in lhe C. coouovcny for its trcatmenlS of su
Walsh Theatre tllia weekend io a aod viol~• integral clcmeou of
special beaefll paf~e.
the plot. \





lilbed er not, cm be • wiuer. Evay
poem cocercd abo ta a chaace IO be

plbliwd in. delu:t.c. bMb,und ...
To eota, send one origin■! poem.
any 1Ubjccl and .;;; ~ .le. but no mori

courx is ,bein1 offered th■n 'l0linca.10tht:Nmon■ll..ilnryof .
at Community Boating, Inc., 21 Em- ,Pqcuy, 11419 Crmrid&t Drive, P.O.
bankmcnt Road, Bo.ton. The eight 8oll7()4.YF,'Owing1Mills,M0311l7.
wed:: COW$e will begin on Man:h 22. The poem should ioclude lhe poet's
meetln& from 7-9 p.m. The fee is nameand ■ddreasoothctopdthe


$130. Call 523-1038 by March 15
for mfonnation and registration.

Color, black-and-white
photos exhibited at BPL
Tracu of J,.,.orlJJlily . an exhibition or ·subjective rather than docu•
mentary" color and black-ond-white
photographs by Boston pbo1ogra•
phcr David Robin.son of French cem•
ctaies, will be on display in lhe Great
Hall of the Boston Public Library io
Copley Square through Ma,ch 30.
HiStorians have often studied ccm•
cterics, but whal these photographs
~veal is the emotions cemeteries contain. By focu.sing on individual tombs
and pcnonal forms or commemoration. the photographs tell 11ories
about as piration , not dea1 b. l.o
Robinson's view, cemeteries Bit re•
posi1ories of hope as much . as sorrow.
Free and open to lhc public, for
information oo the prognun and the
ahibit, call 536-S400, u.iension 336.

Attention Poets!!!


Owing Mills, Maryland-The Nalional Llbnny d
that $12,000 in prius will be awarded

_._o,,.,-,c"""'!. Tbo






TheSulfolt- .,Y(e-y.Marc:119. 1994

TKE subject to criticism What & Adminlstridion wooldn't haft
over Sweetheart Party
know,- what we'll tell you &Qyway


Continued from page I

org ■ ni utions on campus


■ ni.i.ot -; '


Coadaued ~ p11c .7

to my c~llcaaue Brian
Olenno11.'1 piece IDd ~e


to 1iacb7 Ob,
well, ·l digrcu.

~;,,-::'!t:~ ,.: r":i=J:~oe:

lounge visual display
A visual cfulplay of V;olence Against
Women pracnted by n.. Clodsalw

:r~h~ !:o::e~:~:~::::
g■nizations. serving in I
similar capacity of ■ , Jiaison. Barr commented that
TKE aPPfcc:ialC5 ■II of the
help Pellegrino ha & provided .
In response to the iocident. Parker, along with fel■ ver■ge .
low Student Government
Chris B ■rr , a member of Association (SG A) memTKE ■nd organizer of !he be rs Mark OiFraia, Je fr

of guemllu in lhc Melli~
uprisings. All this on ■ S■turd ■y oi.abt, mind you ,
when everyone with a life i1
out partying. Three guesses
you' ll never guess how
many people showed up? is something the Jo11rM l should run• coolCSt oo.
Guess 11,e corrcc( number
of drunken p ■nygoers ■i1d
win ■ liJctimesupplyofnifty

7Jw SikllU Proj«t will take
place in the Fenton Lounge, Thur$day,

~;e~~•r l:~~~!;:~s~b~!:

:rl~c~:n~:h~ :;l~o: ;• :~

ing the puty. He said there
was• .. lack ofcommunic■tioo" between the con1eswus and himself, ■dmi1ting
none of the con tes t ■n 1s
knew what the questio ns
would entail
Barr s tated 1h ■ t he

Pellegrino to discun wh■t
B■rr commented tha1 the
mcctilfg was '"civilized" ■nd
felt it went well. Parker requested that TKE iu ue an
apology 10 all 1he contes•
tants involved in the party


crowd w■s more offended
by the contest than the con•

tes1ants. B■rr upl ainedth■t

some peq,le
oot the Sawyer elevators? Arc
thatTKEha.dagreedtothese people worki ng the tables, 1oin& aoywhc:re apccial, but ~cy. scrap from• rcmqdel•
b■nd members, and • si nger _ same tokal. they ■rco 't ; : ;!i: !ta=
Parke r fee ls s he go t :ahosec~!\~:n~t:: ~ ; 1oing 10 clus, ei th er. N~ th01eStaioMuccrcom~ru

no1 intend to offend ■ny•

: ~u!~~~
~s~:~~:::b~; backgroupd music (I think
nol to all of them. She said he was eYeo flown in from

JJIIIC. cotrics must be poatmarkccl by

M.ctt 31. A new 0C1a.1. cpet! Apil l.

Break the, silence at


March 24.

O>sponsored by the women·, ~
ter, the WOfDCD'S Studies Oepanmcnt.
and Health Services, ii is 1ehcw1ed to
occur from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Student Activities Ctr.
hosts Travel Day '94
The Otltwal Unity Celebration continues tomonoW, Man:h 10. with Tmvd
Day. ■n opportunity 1 ·taste a little bit
or the wodd,- with the organizations io

the Sllldctt Activities Cmcr.
Oc:curi.n.g from II a.m. to 4 p.m~
each orpuzatioo will repracnl. a dif.
fercnt ~ by their C.flCCI with ,omcthing about their~
sc:o c:oum;y. This will include cultural
trinke1s and food.
Alnon& the Countries achcdukd to
be ~ arc: Italy, U.S.A., F'tnland, Iran,
Germany,<m:ccc, and the toWn of Ro,,
vac. lO Donna Scmidl, [)i..


rectoro/Studezll.Acrivitics, thisisthe

Our Peoi*.'Give Us

The Competitive FAige.
6,.yl,onk II I $10 billloawmmnd&i bank budqulru:ffd
ina...ton.pouoslntibt-a.~and l!IDdo:lnbinklnt
nttwan: In New £ns1-I.. Wkh UIS ludinl .....-ln Pffo/
mnsumadtpolffandOdlKalWIG.....tlbc lupbnncb
& y&wollfn~lfO""'bpoiClldlllO \ u ~
N,&yl,.w;, you'l.flndlhl:flllna1Umd~whow
lcM«l~,,..Ul&ndbuild)'OUl'Wftl'wllli 1,qicJNlludtr

;,. 11mp011c1oa..yr.iw1ll~lll~dulles~dfon
proc,NUllal---lRMIOMlnt.~baaclliD&,opmit,r,&nd~ p-odlGolfcriar"'11hCIIIIIIIPffllO


aia~plut. ba:llr,uoppomanhyforgrowth.

&ye..nk otr~nmmpe.ld~ wluy mil bcndl1110 lllftl'lploy-.

cama:N-,O'lulllYADill(♦ 17)S U➔ t .. o,f.oto(617)
:::-.~1i1,~■.7■-k:. 1 7S relc:r&I IU'cd.6dil'loar,loltoll.

ing d0oe $0. She s1a1cd
she wished she had gotten
of( the stage, but s■id she
!■eked the courase to do so.
Acting as • contestant u •
favor , Parker s ■ id s he
thought the contest w■s go•
ins to be based oo student
activities and grade point


Unity Celebration

If you guessed ze~o .
drinkers give yourself a
point, but if you re■l ized
that out of about the .5,000
students enrolled at this fine
e1tablishmen1, roughly 50
people bothered to show up.
As my anonymous source

~~;~!h~e~.~ ~:i;!~t ::,\hi; ~:~~~:::~ ~:~b~i1 ~~!~ ~~e~~~s !:~Ju~:!

h:~: ~~~

one. He Staled that he ■pologized on stage for the contest.
While TKE fCCeives no
school funds and is funded
sole ly by their fraternity ,
they do have an ortice in
lhe Student Activities Ceo •
ter but it is oot equipped


elev■tonr ha't ii nice to . ,c11 a bad rap, but you have

bow that your bard-earned to remind yoorielve:t that
tu.itioo doll■n 1n1 aoina to we are I Dews orguizat.ioa
really imporwit thina1 io- (if only a STUDENT-run
11;eadof1ettia.amorcboob oewipaper). Our job ii to
for the library, implement• give you a reality cbcclc ud
iog (or scrvke programs for ra.ake l ure you arc informed
students, or
God for. about what 's goioi 011
bid, biriaa more qualified ■roaoct Saff'olk.


Spring Break: a ~rved vacation
Yery least. We' worked ·
Continued from Pll.iC 7 hard and pul in some aicat
hour soa&igo~ .. 100 " • effort. It' s time we llep
back' ill d take • breatber.
After • 11 _ bavc eodared
bccrc■nsaresm■lleruplbcre.. over th e put. th ree mootbi,
'.'('bey use the royil ?'~ we9 :e::v:;~, what'I the
meot system, which J~stf deal wilh lbolc lovd _

gett101 ish-teal carpet
al~gh very awcalina. ~
ally tnmslatct into 60. And

:;:i' =::•re


tha1 the President of TKE,
Keith Hagg, had been understanding about lhe. inci•
d1rnt, but believcs:he should
have been more tcsponsible
for the whole
'·..'Barr streHed 1h ■ 1 lhe
p■ny was ~not wb■t we' re
[TKEJaho ut. " He ag ■ i o

n::; ~~' : ~ \ : :
enough. 10 s urvey the
"dead" event and then nee
rcir"thelr lives!!! ., r- ""'""
NOW, the only reuoa I'm
telling you all of thi s, lo
cue you were wooderioa,
is lhat this is where lhe fee
we pay to Stu dent Activi0

-~~~=~~~~••~- • ~~l~ou;~••~d~f~o•uwruh~ll•~h•~·~AtiwcsJ c~v~'.ry~y4m~~~-~ f
• ~ g
• •
to rehash the incident, but the flcsl time this kin
reiterated that it is not "■ event had been held,
school matter."
ha ps ell pl aining wh
Lou Pellegrino, assist■nl might not have gooe
director of Student Activi- so smoothly.!n:'~






The Suffolk 1oarn:al. -.,Y(.~y. March 9, 1994·

Illy pub:r. Every

oond ...

ive, P.O.


,p of the


will take


iedulcd to

s Ctr.
IWOn con1thTravel


o 4 p.m.,




S.A., Ftn-

.. of Rocmidl, Dithis i.s the



TKE subject to criticism .wliat the Administration wouldn't-have
over Sweetheart Party you.know,-but what we'll tell you aQyw~y

■ TKE ·

Continued from page I

ing done so. She stated 1h1
she wished she had gotlen
off the stage, but said she
Jac.kt.d the courage to do so.
Acting ·as a contes1ant as Ii
favor, Parker said s he
thought the conte~t was going to be based on student
activities and grade point
Chris Barr. a member of
TKE and ,orsanizer of the
c.-ent, took full rcspons1
bili1y for what happened during the pany. He said there
was a "lack of communication'' between the conicsrants and himself, admitting
none of 1h e contestants
knew what the question s
would en tai l.
Barr stated that he
thought the "girls took • i1
pretty well." He feh that the
crowd was more offended
by the contest than the con •
tcstanlS. Barrell.plained that
his intent was to have fun

organizations on campus
needed some kind of mentor, has worked with the organizations, serving in a
similar capaci ty or a li aison. Barr commented that
TKE ap preciates all of the
help Pellegrino has provided .
In response to the incident, Parker, along with fe llow Stude nt Governmeni.
Association (SGA) me mhers Mark OiFraia, Jeff
Lynch and Phil Falzone, met
wi1h members of TKE and
P'ellegrino to discuss what
Barr commented 1hat the
meeting was "civilized" and
felt it went well. Parker requested that TKE issue an
apology to all the contes•
tants involved in the pany
and th:it it also be published
in the Journal _ Barr slated
that TKE had agreed to 1hese
condition s.


. .

· · Continued fro,n paie·_
of guerrillas in the Mexican
uprisings. ~II .on a Saturday night , mind you ,
when everyone With a JifC is
ou1 panying, Three guesses
you ' ll never guess how
many people shol!'ed up?
This is something the Jo11rnal should run a contest on.
Guess the correct number
of drunken partygoers at1d
Cultural Unity Celebration
1r you guessed ze ro
d ri nkers g ive you rself a
-point, but ff you realized
that out of abo ut the 5,000
students enrolled at this fine
cs1ablishmen1 , roughly 50
people bothered to show up.
As my anonymous source
told me, this included the
fi ve gueslS and the 45
people working the tables,
band members. and a singer

Parker feel s s he got :a:oscco~!d d~~~-~~~:
th roug htomost of themem

with the fun ction and did bc" of, TK ~um•. p,h
not intend to offend any- 001 10 1 0 .. 5 .. ..,
one. He sta1ed that he apolo- that the President of TKE.
gized on stage for the con- Keith Hagg, had been untest.
derstanding about' the inciWhile TKE receives no dent, bu1 believes-he should
school fund s 0.1,d is funded have been more responsible
solely by their fraternity, for the whole undertaking.
they do have an office iu
Barr stressed that the
the Student Activities Cen- pany wa.s "not what we're
ter but it is not equipped [TKE]about." He a ain
withaphone.S1evcO'Bricn, apologized for what
---.r1'KE-membet-rdid-Oou1t1ant---p~ ned and said 1ba1 ii
to rehash the incident, but the first time this kin
reiterated that it is 001 "a event had been held,
sc hool matter."
haps Cllplaining wh
might not have gone
so smoothl .

• .


~:c!!: ~::n ~:s!:


~ tf~i

10 m; ·c~lleiaue Brian
GlennOO•a piece and
again~ "Whatia the deal
with the rugs io the Sawyer
clCvatonr Isn't it nice .to
know" that your hard~ llmcd
tuition 'dollars· are going to
really importarit things instead of getting more books
for tho library, imple'menting for serv" programs for
studen ts, or cYen; God forbid, hiring more qualifit.d

•• ,h ,,:}


profeuonl Ob,
well, ·I digress. '-


say is that

th'e Jo11rnal often

gets a bad rap, but you have ·
to remind youriclves that
we are a news organization
(if only a _STUDENT-run
newspaper). Our job is to
give you a reality check and
make sure you are informed
about ,whit's going on
around Suffolk.

Spring.Break: a jleserved vacation
Continued from "pllge 7
hour, souign reading "100,"
although very appealing, really translates into 60. And
bcerc,am are smaller up there.
They use the royal measure'mcnt system, which just
means that you' re gcuing
royally screwed.
And sonie people arc not
going anywhere special, but
by the same token, they aren'1
going to class, either. No
matter where fO\I go, or don't

very least, We've worked·
hard a'nd put iii some gf'C8.1
effort. It's time we -llep
back and take a breather.
After all we have endured
over 1hC Past three months,
we dcscn-c it.
Q,y the way, what's the
deal with those lovely-grayish-tea.1 carpel remnants in
the Sawyer clcvaton? Are
they scrap from a remodeling job at the Staie House or
are we going to be in one of
thosc _
Stain Master commc,r•

enough 10 survey
"dead" event and then
r0r-lhcir lives!!! ✓ " - '
NoW. the only rcaso
telling y::,u all or thi
case you were wonde
is that this is where t

·1rA<!.l<l;TS -





ThoSuffolkJoomalo W........y, Marcb9, 1994 ·


_..,.1,,;.,.... '- old '- . sjdrolk's ethnic orpnlmtlons ~ DODltnatlons
......, ~ ~ 1.Qr .
.........., ..i..,. . - would

Qmtinucd from pqc 2

•o.iaucdfromplCC 12


htro1t'1 • burle;.. · " ill take the

aioad tryiq lO poll the 20-wlll sealCID

Waldl ..,.,tbeJareClfP.lbleof.

,.._. Scott Duoo (4-5, 3.119 ERA),
11111 OOIUWld of a ltcady falball,

~ p and breaking ball. The
Rau' number one starter will ,be
mcceed if be coatinues co get these
pitches over the plate and cut down
OU his base on baJli (26),
Sari<N' Tom Fiala , a ~foot, 3-inch
right-bander, hu played exceptionally well in practice and hu improved on his breaking ball. A power JllliorScottDunn(,(--5 3.69 ERA)
pitcher, Fiala will pick up wins if he wU( lead the Rams'
acts the ball to both sides of the plate. '



includes the cw:ve

~ ~ 0: ~

~;h:~: ::i

bases. De8ene.4ictus hu been applying his ski lls at sh;on stop and·
will challenge Nunez for the honors. He is a versati le bitter who
could be placed in the two, three or
fi ve spots.
The Rams will open their season
with a six-game set in Florida. They
will practice and play in a fit:ld
originally bu ilt for the Cleve land
Indians, but damagcd by hurricane
Andrew a few years back.
As the team move1 up the coast,
Walsh plans to stop in Fon Myers
and play a game against some or
the Boston Red Sox players. Look
out Roger, The Sox are not the only
tea m enterfng 1994 with a venaeance .

Salior kll:-handcr Jay Vaituvictl
poueues a good cu.rve ball and could

be utilized in different roles. Walsh
is cootemplating usina him 11.1 cit.her
a starter, in long relief or as a closer.
Freshman Rob Fournier will chaJ•
Jengc foe a spo1 in the ~tion. " He
can be a power pilcher," saia Walsh.
The coaching staff is impressed by
his abili1y to throw strikes and worlr.
quietly from the mound.
Pan of SuffoUc's positiVi: outlook
foi a 20-win season comes from potential areal seasons from Chris
Andcnoo and Mike De.Be:nedictus.

.o( lbe Suffolk [Jnivcn'lty Hjspanic
Auociation (SUHA) w"ent u foilow1.
~ Kathc.rioc Seoanc. current
SUHA pruidc:nt, is graduating, ahe
is indiaible to run again. Hoping 10
rePticc her, sophom9 re Dlyimiri1
Pqucro anoounccd her presidential
Arlene Santiqo, • junior, i1 runnina for vice-president while Gloria

be held at the

ll!DC miccti.Dc-

According lo Delores Pariah~,

HASA prcaidcslt, who ii DOC. NMing
again, HASA will be bolillaa nomi-~ons Thunday..Jdarth 24 'ind ~ i
tions the following Thursday, ~
31. Puiste aid •tbat the time ror the .
,mcctinsa will be durin& the Activities
period, from 1-2:30 p.m. in Sawyer
426. • Ra.JltJIQ Clart. ond Kert Williams contribwnl to tltu report.

Peguero it contending for secretary
and Jorge Baez is opting for lhc

Lccas urcr' s scat. Both Bau and ·
Peaucro arc juniors.

For Council of President's rcpre-seowivc, Jeannie Pena and Carolina
Cabral, both freshmen, were nominated. Wilh ovcrwhelmina · 1uppon,
Wilma Celestino from the omc:c of
Adult and Evening Studies was nominated to resume her title as advisor
for SUHA.
While the Haitian .American Siu•
dents Association (HASA) and the
Emerald O ub have not yet held their
nominations, they do plilll lo do so
later this month.
"We 're havi ng (our) elections
shortly after returning from Spring
Break." commented Anne Condon.
Emerald O ub president and graduating senior. explaining further \hat the

=-· =



manager _


~ g c 12
"He· look eve any~
. y, the
rybod~, 1 m
: : : '~
crew ~ ) ' diivew: ~~
)' g
1n desperate straits, Jordan
decides to take up baseball.
Bang. the media's then: 10 follow his every move. Luckily
for Jordan, Chicago Bulls
owner.Jc:ny Reinsdorf just happens lO also own the Oicago
White Sox.
So Reinsdorf offen; Jordan
a uyout. ls Rcinsdotf trying 10
pull a media sturx as did Phil

Elposiu,, general
midi IOlid C01D:1 : hia fiat
the Tampa Bay LighLnfog. at bM, Haiitc om 1o 1£4 &ljt.
Esposito brought in Manon but his lince"povaa ~lhl(t
proressiooA conui:twanot.biilabuu'flall.
female Hcllillrema&\s'.hitleaut°'~oaltendet, 1 _~goa.1dur. bilionplay. CyY~-A-,.n:I
ing the ell.hib1uon uason in winner ~ack. M ~ ~
19 92.
Jordan seems happy now while the.SOX were playina in
that he'~ccnterolatter.iion a national league team's park.
aaain . He even has some
Baseball players a.e differ•
people believing that he will ent types of athletes than those
make the major leagues aod who play baskecball. For one
5Ulr1 in right field oo opening
thing, you need to be a q.iick
day for the White Sox.
thinktt-mtding the pitcher's
Sure, he can nm well. But next move and being able to
that 's about all he can do. He concenlnlle oo a ball that is
dropped a routine fl y ball in his coming III you 111. 90 miles per
first fieldi ng attempt in his first hou r,
sprin trai/Un competition. He
Certainly, baseball players


~,! ~!~,.~!.!' !!I~~~~


7 f f
llM • lldl

...._i.....,_.,,.,_....,_,, _









IHM: . . . lf


. ..,~..- CHECk 'EM. .OUT


· --.... ,,.. .. . ...
- .......-


- ....,,

.IM- lltSI

' ·- swEAT-:SHfRT~


Sollt,llr u.iversily's Ca1-lorol&Mfs



would have a 1001i1 time ad- a, dllt have aover bid a . .
jllllina 1o the. NBA. C. )'GU widi lbe bl&~
aee Plliladdpbia PbiWm alugAnd thould Jordan ·not,
John Kruk fil1IDa tb6 laac make if. with the orpaiadon.
onaCastbft:lllk?TedWllliams lhop&bcr be will limply rooo::esaidthalbinio,abalo- tue~Aftcr~morc
WI is the toupe:11 thin& 1o do moaths oot of the lpCIClipt.
in sporu.Foraomcrcason, Jordawillrc:cum.To wblt
Jordan~hecowdhil~ sport. who knowl?
make spcmcular
Maybe JordaD will join.the
dunb, so why c.-.'t he bit a ProSurfiacTom. Orthe~
hill Siding Wc:rid Oip. How
Should Jordan not make the about the Pro Beach Vollcybig club, he ~ said he would ball Tout'l Maybe he'll driYC
accqlademotion to the minor in the next Oilytooa500. He'll
leagues. For some reason I ruri the Bolton Manahoo. He' ll
find it hard to envision Jordan suit up for the Chicago
oo a 12-hour btQ ride with 20 Blackhawb.
other minor lcagucn-includYou ncvU" know with Jor.
ing some career minor lc:agu- dan. Just stick around.


(MS f t 1RIQl'll:I ~ km llol&on.



Jordan feels need for spottight again· retires to the world of bMehall

- - ffW'J'bcN!p'fld

r - - - - - - - - - -'-----'-------


ThoSuffolk.fournal •Wf'l"ed:y, Marcb9,1994


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. . . If

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Tl t ... .,

,. . . ,
,,,._ lltlf
,,._,.. .



,.u.,.___ ...,._.

- -.

........ -.i-...



:uffolk:JOW'Dll • Wcdnctday, March9,1994

1tlight again;

retires to the WO~ of bmeball

:irof .madt.iidcaa&attiahitfiat
ti.a~ •t..fiaioaouuoWl:flc¥.
lDOll bul 1- sinDe prow:a thM.,,lbll


1 his

He ,tin rmiarna:hitlml bt~bltion _play. Cy Youna Ari'd
winner Jack Mc[>o,tdl even
douh6cd in Im fw • bat ever,
while the So,:~ playina in
a nationaJ league ICam •• park.
Bac:ball playcn ~ differelll: type, c» athletes than those
who play baskctbull. For one
lhin,:. you need to be a ~
thinker-aiding the pitcher's
DCJ.t move anct being able to
concentrate on a ball that is
coming 1tt you 111. 90 miles per

. He

Certainly. baseball


n in






ice Pbillddpbia Pbilliel sluga« John ICNk (tJluis the lane
on a fast brak1 Ted Williams
Olw;:c said thM hiuin& a bac·bl.I.I is the toJgbc:st thing 1o 'do
in sporu. For some reasoo:
pointas and make ~
ck1nks, 10 why can't he hit a
Should Jordan not make the
Dia club, he has ,aid he woo.Id
leagues. FOi' some reason I
find it hard 1 envision Jornan
on a 12-hou.r pus ride with 20
Jther minor lc:aguc:r5---iniudin some career minor lca,gu·

And abould Jordao not
make ii widl the orpniDlioa.
ahogechcr, be will limply ~

~ l&ain. AIia ICVeral more
month, out of the •potliabt,
Jordan will return. To what
sport. who knowl?
Maybe Jordan will join the

hill Skiin,: World Olp. How

aod the buchall team' I record

dan. Just stick around.

,,__!Sf __,H
,,_ _


...,.. ,,.-- 1----0







I - 11


, __ 111,..._4




ruri the Boston Mlnlhon. He' U
s uit up for the Chicaao
'\{ou never know with lor•

iclfWlr 1/teiwnity's Co,_,,,,, of llfenfs


~ p r e v i e w : ~ ~ to return to winning ways

about the Pro 8cacb Vollcybu.It Tour? Maybe he'll drive


... ,.

The 1993 wi.ater au.son

had one thin& in common
last year. bolh deviated from
succcuful ircndS. New En·
gland m;ovcd from a recent
series of mUd winters and the
Suffolk Rams suffered their
first losina acasoo ia sc.vai
yc.atS. Stuck with a 12-16
ru:ocd nobody waatcd. head
c<MICh Joe Walsh de.scribed
last year u "the season that
1'11:Yc.t was ...
1994 has pounded the rcaion with c.noug,b snow and
ice 10 wear the bottom of the
uronacst s hovel thin , but
Walsh plans 10 take a nc.w
route and warm. u,p the baseball passions of the Suffolk
community. Sitting in his
orfice overlooking Cam •
bridae alrCCl, he. de.scribed
the poaibilitiea or this year's
squad wilh a spark in hia
eya. "We' re goina 10 play
agrcuive ball," Walsh said.
~c will be. aurcssivc oo
with M1thority."

This year' s squad will
blend a combina&ion or vet•
erans, freshmen , an4 U'IJ'IS·
fcrs, all vyina to SWt a new
winning streak. "'Our aoal is
to &ct into the ECAC playoffs
and bit the. 20 win mark,"
Walsh said.
One qf lhc New England

area·• punier catchcn. Ti.Di
Mumy, will get Ills u.nifonn
dirty bc.hiQd the plate once
again. Mumy combine.I a
hoc. bat (.376, 33 RBI last

season) and a

strona throw-

ina um.
Sophomores Steve Loud
and Darwin Hernandez will
s ta ke their territory in
centerficld and left field , re•
spcctively. Lood is a versatile player who can hil for
aVcrage (.320 in . 1993) ~
contribute on the mound. He
threw 28 innings wilh a 3.2 1
ERA Rlr the Ranu 1ut season. Hernandez. a bright ipOt
in last season's line-up, h1\5
improved lus bat speed over
lhe off season. He wiU take


Tlm Murray, who batted .376 with,33 RBI and Rob Zeytoonlan (.359, 18 RBl}w\1I look to
lead the Rams to 8 winning season. Last)'98r5uffolk postec:h 12-16 record.

hotly contelt.ed as a number
of playcn work for a spot.
"For the first rime," said
Walsh, "we have 12 inflc.ldcn bettlina for three ,pou."
Amona the veterans compctina for the itlCOnd, abort, and
third position, will be Rob
Zcytoooian. This Nnnc.t· Up
: = t ~ : : g : ; to the team batting title (.359).
the line-up.
ia a solid de.f~ve player
Infield positiOl'ls will be. who COClld sec time• second

J~~;.'!'~L e Returning p

How can a multi-millionaire be bored with rctiranca.
Just when )'OU thnu&hl i1 in his early thirties? He could
10 w1IICh some sports buy his own baseball team.
oo, ldcriaon ...iio., ""'""I Hock. be ""'1d prollobly""'
acrwa cilbcr Nancy K.crripn his own pro(emonal i.cbau
Of Tonya Hln:lina, here COfflCI
league and IC'SVe as commis-.
Michael· J ~ to the sioncr. R.ig1i. off lhe bet. his
league would h a v e ~
Jordla., afta rccirina from Major League Baseball
tJl5kdball la,t fall, decided it doesa'L
was lime IO hang up the Air
It may seem stninae. &ut
Jordiw and spend the rest !>f here' s- my e,:pl anation to
Ida life relaxing and betting Jordan's \ICl'lture into bascbail:
on.•.uh. I mean. playina aolf, Hc,c's a guy who has bocn in
~ it accms • if Jordan . the ij)Olligbl C\ICI' ainca he hit
has a new bobb) b ±all
the, witming jump ahnl to gm
He was bend widl hil n> North Carolina the NlbOCW
1iranco1.allfour0t6vemnati. Championship in 1912.
fl it. and once Jordan ali.zc:d Though be. would constanlly
be wouldn' t be abk to join die rip tt:ic, media for followin& Im
fOA Tour, be figured he'd try t:YerJ move, includina lalehlscbell and use bis (abc:r'a nigti:lripsto.Atldicc.yafta
dcmh as Im mm:a ofmoti._.. a playoff
in New Ycd:
lastyear, bc.k>ngitobebackin
JJ1CJ!an hasn't played ~ that media spotlig,bt. He mows
pdjtive baseball since high oo diffcrcnL He may have
school and 11y1 ti. ir.'1 al, found out that aying to be an
Wl)'I bocn a dream
bis IO awnge guy just isn't whll it'•
play in the big le.quea. ca out 10 be.
Jordan '• father alto wamcd
"'Hey, bow come oobody'•
I ca'I buy the fada" aat1e.
Jalllllll anpty ...... IO fDnl
coatiaxd OIi pace 11




or third base. Ainona hi• decision a toug,b one. Moyc.r
urona s ui t.p ue · effective abowc.d steady improvement
buntina and movina pc6plc a a third baseman aod should
alooa the bales. "'Rob is • establish himself as a steady
contact type. of bitter who defcosivc player by aeuon'a
givc.1 you everything out oo c.nd. Nunct WU placed II
the field ,.. Walsh said. N
Ho ~
.top 1owards the end or
plays the style of ball I want tut year and will look to have
a stt0n1 sc.uon in.the field.
the team to play."
Mike. Moyer (.247) and



CODWlucd oo pqc IO


·to spark this year'.~ Lady Rams squad
By Sll<Uy Lue

With ICN than three wc:c.ks
to go until open in a day,
ball coach Donna
is looking forward to the
l.ady Rams' upcomina sea•
son .
..I'd like to aivc tough
tcaml we had latt year a ND
for their money this 'season," uid Ruaccku.
N addition to playina
better ud more compet itively. I' m lookina to•
nitdy improve in the win/
Jou record, whieb is some1bin1, as a coach, you
should 1hoo1 (Or," she
added . feels confident
about win, this KaSOn with
the new additions to the
Erica Petenon, a rcct\lit
from Medford, play, thi rd


ia Freshman pitcher Janet
Aaherty of Dorchester.
Returning players arc
Sharon Fidler, Nancy
Glennon , Eve lyn,; Nunez ,
Kristen Fitzgerald , "lcatrlna
Lombardi, Jc.aqifcr Connely
aod captajn Kerri Sweeney.
N lent-wise, we. look
much better with a couple
of new addi!ions and we
show a lot of promise from
rctwuina playcn and talent
we've cOBU.ined tbia year."
uid Rusecbs.

Lombardi. batted .-439 last
s.eason \Gd played well 11
fint base. Connely baned
.408 and was a stroll& abort•
stop for the Lady Rams lut
Sweeney, a senior, will
be the team's 11arting
pitcher. "I'd expect her to
be stro111est in pitching, but
abc is also a ble to play acc-

proved from last year and
I'll be countina on her a
lot," Ruaccku added.
The lady Rams. for the
accond year in-a-row, will
be. traveling to South Carolina Jor aprina trailling durina spring break week.
Suffolk wiU • be pi.cticina and 1c rimm11in1
against ciaJu other teams


a Jot IC·
compllabed," --::-.aid
Ru,eckaa . ..We won't~be
confined to the gym here
because or the weather.
" Down aouth we will be.

WC R p:ctina bcaer from ye.
to yes. And ·• )'OUQI. i.e.n

The udy Rama' lint pmc
b1Ck home wW bo a ~


bue aod shortstop. "She's ood-lMue and cOlob. She iJ
a &real hiUet Md bu a a,at pretty venatife," 11ated oa Mn:b 26 ■ 11 a.m. All
oolbllbamc-. .....,s
mm, so we'll be apectia& • RuaccW.
lot from i.a-.•
" Her (Sweeocy'a) pite:ll- •PlqdofickliDlbcNarda
-0. odler" aew additioo LDI Im loobd to UYc im-