File #4222: "Suffolk Journal_1994Sep14_vol53no1.pdf"


TheSUffoltloonal ,w-.y, April20. 1994




Justin Grieco'• Summer
Movie Roundup


. f(11) DEALER



Suffolk Campus Gets Facelift
that our competition i1 going to great

expense to put their best foot forIn • move to loolr: m~ attractive
10 s1udcnts and bu1incuca, Suffolk
has updated and improved its racilities over the summer.

"First impressions 1001ctimcs are
1hc lasting ones," said Marguerite, Dean of Enrollment and Re-

fOt"" thtatea.
-n.cre hasn't bcal anythlna done
to that lobby since it wu put up
fourteen years qo." aaid Demus. It
is hoped that lhF' renovations will
give the _
S•~ycr lob_ a warmer,

studenlS to coogreaate.


gel away from lhc fae1

ward... awed Dennis. "From a marketing perapcctiYe, we haYe to at
least be • · player."
Olber area colleges, most nota·
bly B ~ UniYcnity, Mount Ida
College, Wellealey College and
Framingham State College, haYe
spem millions or dollars in the past
few to improve their facilities
in order to 6ring in Dew ltudaKI and



Seva-al other improvcmeGll arc
planned for •lhe Suffolk campus.
V"'4co pllyt,ock ~ ... plano<d·
for five cluuoom, ln the Fenton
pildlng, u ~ • iound systems

for music- apprc,r.Wioo ud' music
hiltory clauc&..
Five daufooms in Sawyer will
alfO b.ave video playback 1y1te.m1

lion X Recruitment, Srudy,'"


..-s_ _ _ _ _ ,.., .. ~....,

Green Day: ~~rWoodsloc.k
~""!"~ ·=~but..:.~



Preparatory work has already
begun on new campus map, and

profcsaor'• reaction if I told her 1 1ide and 1 SlOOd there juat out or
cowdn't do the reqwrcd l'Cldia& be- reach,

11 WU oot for the meek w c\fu.1- ,..back lO ,achool and bdna !OIUlg.
uo~ic. A crowd whiclt woul4
Al,IID • down pour, yet ti.,. not

..a. -

• ,...

--lhalwillollowprofoo- au ■round me II I cla&c.Ud empty 'COllllaiaen, •~cooplo ol f-a,U
iape: ctu.a actividcs for vicw- prccareioualY ro a plalac: bit ccm- oms. I .....,. u a 1bit, ~
iaa later' ftw clau. auipaicnll.
Wniac •Y fricod'• swaabitt' and thamOI ailed ~ lbc . , N~ classrooma II One Beacon my copy of Ralph Waldo l;JU:son'a ~ tcm fem &om me on die bead
Street .;,,u also ~ve video equip- '1'hc lnviai~ Man" .•I ~ iby Rf some . u.afortunate c~ncc~r.
son to


ol Suffolk's

Grades Count to Employers, Study Shows
your grade point averaae. the more
likely you' ll land a hip-paying job
after colle&e, a rec:cnl study suggcst.11.
According to lhe '1'be Gencnri-


Manager, Uaa McCullough


Volume 53, Number 1

look as special u it. pouibly cu."
The mOlt noticable of these improvements i1 lti,c lobby or the Sawyer A new wall-to-wall
carpet lias been pul in, U well U
improved liJbting, specifically a chandelier. New couches are a1ao planned

your ftrstpaymen; up ID 120 darsYou tool< endless cesa and endured more aJkligbten than
This offer is Milable ID a,lleae pl<ates, pl-school
you an count ID finally get ID graduadon day. Your Fon!
graduates and pl-school studorlls pluadng between
how ~ you',e wori<ed and thinks
January I. 1994 and Sepcember 30, 1994.
special dis<inction ... big sm,p on the
So hurry In ID. your New ~
,_ Ford carortnd of your choice.
Riplt.-, youcanl'9CIIM!a'400
Ford Daler and - how your ,_
calh r'lllm on al,_ 1993 or 1994
d!,g,'Ncan eam}'Oll bigSM'5on •
.-Ford caror"ll'UCk. You ""I'..., be
Ford' an or- )nldcs in addldon- ID
eligiblefoq,re-oppnMC!tlnancq. Tho
most other ~ ~ ollind.
Ford Collep Graduate Putthase
Qu,lilld ~ could hM no
Propm. ru, more inb1narlon all:
down ..,,,... on whldu less than
118,000 HSRP. You can _, cllifor


WIFR'• New G8lwal


1cntion. "When we are inlUViewing
prospective students aDd doing a lot
of corporate ouueacb to oraanizatioos in aftd arowM:I the a,ea. we lib
to have facilities tbal make the place

And-Get s400 i> Use As Cash Back Or A ~
P b ~ emit for~~ Circoms:


- - lghlaupJlm

with GPAs oC3.5 and higher on a 4.0
scale receive 15.7 job bm-ricwl and
3.1 job offen. Tbole wilh GPAs oC
3.18_the averqc GPA ol tbole slUdenl leaders inlervicwed • and less
ger: 11.3 inlel'Views and 2:6 job Qf•

C0mpa- fen .


nics hiring recent colleae grads may
"Some com'~ will just _
care m0re about potential employ- at a GPA as a badac ol honor to uy
ccs' gn\dcs than ~ lcodcnlup 01- ' they pb,ii,d .lhl, ...,_ fmn lhl,
pcrience. The uody wu cooductcd caD1P.J1 with this OPA,* uid 'J"bom8I

:C~"- lhc book . . . punk ~~~Ior~"!:1.:!:.
1n front oCmc were body aurfcn,
who appeared oot or nowhere and
after a few IDOIDCOtl oC glory diaap,peara:1 back into the abyu. On my ·
risht were mop,en caYOrµq in all
tbcirritualisticaggrcuio.i. Tbcaowd

waa a livin&

wave with tboi5e


Fhmod, jeans, and baebal.l _
. ere the attire IR(Xted by ,GliOIL N"arw
YUi& and Peart Jam 1-shirta wae ao.:•
ood only to Orem Day shitta which
were ldlina for • barpin price oC
$10 for 'a)'ODC coouih. to ven-

flccin& : : ~ ~ o r ~ =

pits. while

The sky dartcaed co gny
with a hint of in,.irooo; beavy abow·
en came down: Samclladamlrilfaa
but moat w c t e ~ • die IUD
reappeared bul 111e' raill coatiaNd.

~ ~ l o o k b ~ and fluna
willing participants into the air, u



M ftftu:a fciel. before CIICbia&
aaaia ~ in tllr. blm-

~.~Q=== dd'-~"' j:~ ~-:=-::=-:_:e';:u:1
_, _____ _
·= '•w~.,::;

.~:y~~eo,m:.=~:~~ ~

by"::'.'."..:.i= ............ """-. ......

u> lho - .
~ op;a..-soao1 . . , . . , . . ·
panics~ J;lave 1o tam: They want
Be1lde me a 11t1.-ycar-old &irl ~ , _ d i e ~ I ... ■-bd
"Recruitcn tell srudenu to act to keep up lppeal1IIICel ibM they're cllll'II lool,ely to her baldbla. fortyiab om 111 tbe ldllive calm of 3 pm.
involved in school 1ovcnunen1 and hirina: lbe bl\tt and die brip1at."
Clmplll Oll,l&iutiom if tboy want 10
Cbril Mcl..apHa. ..._ ~
land tbf tat jobl." compay Pimi- clad~~pn.sideal of o.rptown
........ Journal
-.Uy ap ... feelu>a "'
udoa dcUriua dlia of bo-

sultina finn .



..,_lo._..._,.. ..............

~,:?-=·-~00-== =vc:.,~:.

. . u i . - ........... lilnly."
. Haqa ....... - ~




,:.~ _n.,....,,....._
.. __... .... -"-'


0-.t.dlia ... uaeildefl

«-puia:, iachldi:na Cibl,at. the notaoi1110MN ■ 4.0 . . .
t,loniou Corpontloo ond Coopen ; . - , • aid Mcl..apHa.
liol, _ _ .. ,,__
_, L,t,n,,d.
The JtDdy fow,d tho! --du~llip ■-Nllad
c:iamaed - . . . 2-

·· --·


Wedne,day,Scpll:mbcr 14, 1994

~ --•. : - ~ u ~ ~
- •in

r- - "

c•crr _
ai•deat' • aoal.• added
McLuP,Un. W1u1e some peol)le


.,.,..._._..... _, .......-


"softer alills," she


Cootioued (run paac I

the cooccpt r:I pamditc quitt ironic
as I• baldy kept my balance in lhc

1bousaDds moce anived, work- ~ : :~ : - : : ~ :

Ocoenlly, atudeat lcadcr1 &bould int towud the front of w~I ~y .
oat WOff'y about bcin(' linc:mploycd . thou&hl WU lhe serioos moshing pt.
after collc,e because they will land Others found Ule adY~cc forward
by IM>w mDCll ~y have ..made a al.molt u m&11y olfttl u hiah GPA to0 lt<liOUs and began 1 mosh ;"her·
llff...:c in ~ • liva, be said. students. said Ob.
ever they were. I foond myself~ the
--.emp1oya-..i.the study' s other find- middle wbea a ·crowd surfer landed
tiolac:oon:liaMclf"Mlbo(JecqeWlllh- in&•:
witboul wwnin& OIi U1. We used all
iqtoo Uaiv.-.l&y io Wuhin&lOD ,
.• Oyenl.l, thoee companies Ull.c:r- our mi&ht to batter Ule surfer for•
,-dlbe--y..,.,i; viewed have inaused recruiting by ward, but he laDcled pretty bard in •
8.4 percent aioce 1993.
rare empty space. The crowd closed
job-......... or the compuica 1urvcyad, a
• More than 69 pcteeDI or 120 in and he became inv~ible.
hi.ah 'OPA It •importaat uodergraduates surveyed said tbey
When the r.rsi vibl'8ting ~hord or
tion iD
uarview, BUI &be have held an intemabip or• CIHlp TbeMiecacmu.latedthecarbc:rlhun• bot jobl today we often with srnal.1- job durini college.
der a little after seven, lhe crowd
aad· companies_oot
• Almmt half of all college .mi- went manic. I was pushed left and
.... ~ ~ , . ; d . deotl. begin !heir job aearcb during right. and I ~ .my friend. but held
ICc:Ddn NdlCD, a ' counselor 11 their ICDior year. Thirty-eight per- on to The Inv1s1ble Man somehow.
tbeCan:a"Cmla'111tbcUniveraityor cent 1tart G.Uml thcif junior year.
Then both sides seemed to pu sh
Tcui • AUIWl, uid the results or
•~infivera:~tcpllegegradu- equally. I felt like a lump of c~ th111
job cootcnt and challenge everyone wanted t0 squoci.e mto _
"1 certainly don't lhink employu thell' lop concerns. Pay rank~ diamond:
en uy they daa'I ~ about OPAs," third.
The Micccs, who IOI name
she said. "'Bat lhe llrOa& menage ii
from a Hanna-Barben canoon. were
that aperic:Dce ii the key to act out
lood aod that was all that mauerr.d 1

.......BMW;" otben detamine-=clllt"1 tboaocld - it
bcr OD a


in, '"Welcome IO PlndiJe." I thou&ht





screamed U only lbcy can, and Ralph
Waldo Ellison danced wiUI them.
Uthitwarb'Ulyli!llilartoDente' s

"lnfemo," tbea Elliloo was my Virgil,

leading mo thr~&h it unscathed ,
kccpi1'lg me Ulvit.ible and safe.
When NBastet Case" and
"Longview" came oo, those gath•
ertd were cornpk:tcly conie.nt. There
was a l~h or two or per10n,.1 s.,.ce as everyone rtallud the
band could be seen. All lhe crowd's
crazed activity wu elsewhere. We
settled in 10 what seemed like a 11:guJar, if bJge. c:onccrt.
But midway through lhe sixth or
sevenlh song, it wu· all 0Yer.
Unsure of what was unfolding.
my friend, Mr. Ellison and J thought
it wise to depart. This took a while.
but from lhe tdcvision repons I saw
when I aoc borne. it was a good idea
Some ovenealous fans, an untbe muses. The crowd was an derstaiemenl considering those 1ha1
amoeba. dividing and multiplying. attended were crazed enough, chased
Bodies floated above me and frol - Greco Day off the stage and ended
icked beside me. Some seemed 10 an event that Boston will ne.ver sec

ar--. •



Most companjca want a "more
wdl-rmodcd experience" in • new
hire. Nelson a&id. Employcn will
woodcr bow atudcnts without job
capcrieoce will perform on lhc job
wbea tbey have to juggle many roles.
, Scammom l&fflCd. ...ying GPAs
matter ooZy for ccrwn technical ca-

~::~:::::~::'.' ::~th:::: ::➔.'~::7?~":0'~:
;;~:::r.~:!::S::~:E ;~i',!":~d°:11 ,~::: ::; ::

reen, such u engiacering IIOO ac•

c;,o,unting. "If you're going to build •
bridge. )'(N need to bow what two
aod two equall. You need to have

live in such a large gathering. I saw
many cans of BudwelSU and many
Grun Day finally appeared, sing-

gobal through those courses," 1hc



yes, a

linle slice of

;::':~ a:: ~~:1 s::~
than they <lid in Saugerties.

Tho Suffolk Jounul

Wodneoday, Se~ombo, 14, 1994


S~s Adam Sandler Rocks in "Airheads" ·
By Jan Spelling
Specjal Com:spoiiden1
College Press Service
N):.W YORK_"Airheads" is a per•
fcctly wonderful: silly-goofy end of
summer flick, the kind that keeps
you laughing, rocking, and spits you
ou1 ol the theaier wilh a sore throat
and •.
So what if, lhe next
monung, yoo may not even remem•
ber the film's name?
Wba1 moviegocn will remember
is that the nonnally serious Brendan
Fraser, S1even Buscemi and Joe
Maniegna become, respectively, the
lead singer and bass player for the
band The Lone Rangers and a veteran rock radio station deejay.
Even beuer, they'll recall that
Adam Sandler, one of lhe few bright
spotS on ..Saturday Night Uve" lhese
days, thanks to bis Opera Man, Cajun
Man and Canteen Boy charac:ters,
was given a s howcase for his off.
beat bumoc. In "Aifflcads ," Sandler
plays Bu scemi's brother Pip, The
Lone Rangers' slightly da£1 bl.It IOY•
able drummer.
The film', plot is simple: Desperate to 1e1 • demo tape of their wouldbe classic song played, the trio inadvenently Wes a radio station hostage. The more desperate the sitl.UI·
lion geu. the fu nhier the film .
Som~ow_to a cheering· audience's
dc.lighL.Pip mant&es IO gee it oo with
Sun.i (Nina Sicmaszko), the station's
deep dish secn:tary.


.. lt-Nasagoodtimc,.. saysSandler
during an inler,riew a1. a· Manhattan
hotel. "I <lidn't lcnoW any guys
when I g~ there, and all Or a sudden
it became a family . Manteana,
Bre0dan, and (Michael)
McKean (the station's slimy program
din,c1«), they're all good fricddl of
mine now. 11,\"u like being ln ·1ummer camp. It W-as also my ficst big
pllrt in a movie, so it wns excitins,"
Shooting "Airheads" brought
Sandler back 10 his high .school days.
when he was considerina a career in
music. ..I wu a guitar player and
sang with my (rock) hand," says
Sandler, who deliven solid Axl Rose
andEddie Vcdcrimitauonson ''SNL"
"Every time we'd be in a i ituation (in
the film) where the band wu sea up 10
play J wu very ueited. t)ut"_he
mock mopcs_"lhey wouldn' t tum 00
our amplifieri. So I was kind of frus-trated."
Moving on, there's SNL, which
took a critical beating this past sea•
son. Sandler agrees that ..SNL" had
..some &ood ahoW1: and some shows
that did n't click," and argues that
st■ ying on top isn't easy. That much
is true: Every few seasons, ..SNL..
bas needed to regroup, be revamped
and virtually start~fresh.
. When "SNL" rttums this rail ,
Sandler !ill be· hact. u . will Chris
Farley (who plays• put-upon cop in

·..Airheads") and Michael McKean
(who joined "SNL" late last season.
after film in1 "Airheads"). Gone ■tc
talen1cd Phil Hartman, Rob Schnelder
and Juli n Sweeney and the one-note Hutsell. Sandlct hopa the
funny-to-no1 -funny ratio will lean
more toward funn.y. but knows fail0

Michaels hired Sandler as a writer
after seeina him at a comedy club.
He gOI his fil'll screen time in a Wt
wilh Tom Hanks and Dana Carvey.
"I had two lines," rocalls Sandler. w
got out then: and said 10 myself,
'This is it.' My bead wu spinning. I
was sayina, 'Doa' 1 faint.' I didn' 1

week, and you ' re just· dying for the
nc.xi Saturdaj to rcdocm yoqrself,"
he says. " If you stumble it haunts
you because you know · it'll be repcatS for the rest of your life. But the
next ~aturday, you go on and if it
goes well, it Crues that mistake."
Shortly ' after "SNL" returns ,
Sandler', next mm, .. Ufes■ vCB," will
head inlO theatua. In .it Sandler plays
• &UY wilh • crush on Rita Wilson,
who's involved with St.cvi Manin. "I
keep flining with her," he reveals.
.. l'minlhemoviejustiogccSt.cvea
little jealous. It's goc • lot of cool
people in it. Julieue Lewis. Rob
Reiner. Gary Shandling , Madellne
Kahn. I'm really getting to meet and
wort wi th a lot of good people."
Not bad.foe a l7•year-old Brook•
Iyo-born kid who was raised in New
Hampshire and earned a fine arts
degree from New York Unive,sity.
At 17, Sandler began performini
stand-up comedy. During tbc 199091 "SNL" season, producer Lome

been a famous guy right away . .. the

~t!':i !!ti!:': ~::::; ~;! """""'t<·-·',,u-,,'.--ddid -~001ood•,"',
,~•~.. ~~::.:'y . .·, ..

£aintin1 · 1 uy."
As if things aren't alftady loin,
just fine for Sandler, he's got a girl•
frieoi::I be "'loves very much,., 11 com-edy album acllin& well and anocher
movie, which he co-wrote and will
siarin, readytoroll...BillyMaditon"
finds him aoing 10 scbool from fim
10 121.h grade, two Weeki in each
arade. All in all,. Sudler hu few
complaiots lbou1 the wry bis caroc,hu evolved. _ ow could be 1Ctua1Jy7
.. , guess it'• what J es:pecu:d," be
says of succea,. " fl hu.n' t chana:ed
thi ngs for me. I'm aot Marky Mark,
with people scn;aming and crying
when they meet me. It' s just on occa•
1ion. It's someone saying, ' Hey, "Saturc:by Night Uvel" ' 1111d J go, 'What's
up!' That' s it. Tbal:'s how it ehan&ed.
On occasioo when I'm ia a re5tauranl
someone will waieh me chew for too
~Now .I give my food' 23 chews
just IO mate sure I set the ria,h1 ex•
afflple... ,,



This Is a,runusually busy time of year In
Aid Office. The following
Information may prove helpful if you call or vtsit us.
Aid office, please remember we don't offer




and complex profess so we can't offer ·on the spot• dedsk>ns or
...._.Intact.dealing with the Aktofflc:els much Ilka dealing with the
I.R.S. There are numerous forms, deadlnes and regulations. Most
peop6e don't much of what we do In the Aid office Is regulated
, by 6 federaJ or state law. For your convenience, lnfonnalton on the


types of services we ojfer is llsted below. ·
~ When


dasses are In session during the Fall and Spring
98mNter, the office Is open Monday through Thursday from 8:45 a .m.
to1:00p.m. andfrkSayfrom8:45a.m. lo4:45p.m. Forwalk--invisitOl'S,
we can:
- anawer general questlol;\s
- distribute appllcaUons
- prOYlde receipts for loons personally submitted

lhe Suffolk Journal

- schedule appointments for retum visits



- rv:::i;~

~ Phone calls are accepted during regular- business
hours. In response lo calls, we can:

- ¾".r._r _ . i questions



~~requests ,
"' schedule appointments for visits
Specific quesHona and/or-concerns may require re5f8rch, so the caller
miw be asked to caJI again at a specific lime for a response.

APPQICDIENJI• ff walk-In or


l8fVic:e dool not . - you
neecla, ~ t s are avallab'e with staff members. We regret we
aocornodota request lor aamo day appolntmenm.


To -thllimoyou_,ctonlinanclaleldhullel.·warac:ommend
· Tilo Jolmll. Wo (roquonlly run ada ccntalnlng . . , . _

~ t o r -..

Li4te«, u tk

~ eu,d



is looking for writers, edijofs, photographers, cDpy editurs.~
just anyone interested i,n newspapers'and newspaper production.
•/Come to ageneral meetiag Thursday, September 15th at 1pm.' :
fenton 430. Open to all!!' .


~ Suffolk JOl,Ull,II

~ - WedaoldaY, Scpeembcr 1•. 1994


--, _ ..S pubUc
fter~ll1," ahc




dy'1 other find·

sect tteroirin& by
~ percent of 1'20
rveyed uid they
mbip or • co-op
;,faJlc:ollqe .llU·
lob~Kucb ctyring
Tbirty-e.ia,bt pct·

'°!Jwll"' ,......

:cnt cpllcae lfl'(lu•
imt and c:hllknie
ems. Pay ral\ked

P'&' 1

niousandsr m~

arrived, work·
in& toward I.he front or w~ ~Y
tbouJht was the urious moshiQ,8 plt.
Otbc:n found lhe advance forward
toO tedious and began to modi wbcr·
cvci Ibey were. t found myse,lf in lhe
mkklle wbea a crowd surfer landed
without warning on us. We used all
our might to batter the surfer for•
ward, but he landed pretty hard in •
rare emp(Y space. The crowd closed
in and he. t,ecame invisible.
Wbco the first vibrating chord of
The Miecel emulated the earlier lhundcr a little. after seven. the crowd
went manic. I was pushed left and
right, and I lost m;i friend. but hc1d
on to 'The Invisible Man somehow.
Then both sides seemed 10 push
equally. I felt like '8 lump of coal lhat
everyooe wanted to squeeze inio 11
The Mieccs, who got their name
from a Hanna-Barben cartoon, were
loud and that wu all that mattued to
the maues. The c rowd was an
amoeba. dividing and multiplyioa.
Bodies noatcd above me and frolicked beside me. Some seemed to
levitate forever while othcn plumml:ted in seconds.
The Stale Police went lhrough
the crowd a couple of limes to confis•
cate beer and marijuana, but they
were too (cw i ■ numbcn and ineffective in such a tarse galhcring, I saw
many cans of Budweiser and many
lit joints.
Grun Day fi nally appeared. sing-



:,ot" decisions or

" dealing -

:yw~~7o•:.,1i th=~~'.



but from lhe television reports I saw
when I JOI. home. it was a good idea
Some overu.alous fans, an un•
dentaLCment considering those 1
attended were coou&h, chased
Green Day off the stage and ended
an event thaCBOSlO0 will ne.ver 5«
again. a free concert tha1 is as close to
Woodstock as I will ever gCL Belin
yet. it wu just a walk down Cam•
bridge Street and only a few houn of
mayhem ins tead or three day s of
Ah, yes, r, little slice of
WoodSlock. And Oteeri 1 0ey evi:n
played two and a half more song~
than they did in Saugerties.


:e. Thetollowing


in& "'Wck:omC ID Pandisc." I tbough1
tho coocept ol ~ a e quite ironic
as I bard)' kept my balance in the
turbulence from thole pas1ing above
me and those dancing against me.
Behind me, 16-ycar-old girh
,creamed u only they can. and Ralph
Waldo Elliloo danced with them.
lfthis WII truly similar to Dante ',
"Inferno," then Ellison was my Virgil,
le.adin1 me throuah it unsc:athcd .
kcepina me invisible and We.
When .. Basket Case" and
"Longview" came on, those gath •
cred were completely cooLCnt. There
wu a .bcavcnlY inch or two of per•
sonal space u cveryooc realized lhc
band could be seen. All the crowd·,
crazed activity wu elsewhere. We
settled in 10 what seemed like a rcgu•
lat, ir huge.. coocert.
But midway through the sixth or
sevenlh song, it wu· all' oYet.
Unsure of what, wu unfolding ,

SNL'sAdam Sandler Rocks1n "Airheads"
By Ian Spelling
Special Cortc1ponden1 •
College Press Service ~
NEW YORl{_''Airheads" is a perfectly wonderful. silly-goofy end of
summer fli ck, the ~ind lhat keeps
you liughing1 roe.kin&, and spits you
out of the lhe~
llcr with 8 ~ throat
and a. ~
he. So what if, lhe next
morning, you may not even remember lhc film 's rwmc'I
~ mcwicgocn will re member
is that the nonnally aerioos Biudan
Frase r, Steven Buscemi and Joe
ManLCgna become, respectively. the
lead singe r and bass player for the
band The Lone Rangers .,id a veteran rock radio stalion deejay.
Even bellcr, they ' ll recall lhat
Adam Sandler, one of lhe few brighl
spots on "Saturday Nighl Live" lbCIC
days, thanks lO his Opera Man, Cajun
Man and Can1ccn Boy character&,
wu given a showcuc for his offbeat humor. In "Airhclids," Sandle r
plays Buscemi's brother Pip. The
Lone Ranger,' slightly daft but lovable drum mer.
The film's plot is simple: Desper·
ale to get a demo tape or !heir would·
be cl11.Ssk: song played, the trio inad•
venently lakes a radio station hostage. The more desperalC the situation gen. the funnier the fil m .
Somchow_to a cheering audicnc.e's
dclight_f>ip manages 10 get it oa with
Suzzi (Nina Siem_
asz.ko), the s1ation'1
deep dish secretary.

" It wu a aood time." Ill YI Sandler
durina an inwvicw It a Manhattan
hotel. "I didn' t know any 9.ubc__-guy1
when I got there, and all of a "1ddcn
it ·became a fam11y ~ M• ntcgna,
81'Cnd1n , Buscemi anit (Michael)
Kcan (the station's slimy ~gram
dircc'tor), they' re all good friends of
mi ne now. It was like being in summer camp. II was also my firu big
part in a movie, so it was exciting."
S hooti ng "Ai rheads'' brought
Sandler back to his high school days.
1Nhcn he was considerillg a career in
music. "I was a &uitar player and
sang with my (rock) band," says
Sandler, who delivers solid Ad Rose
and Eddie Vedcrimitatioosoo "SNL"
..Every time we' in a situation (in
lhc film') where the band was sec up to
play I was very excited. But" _be
mock mopes_ "they woukln' t tu m on
our amplifier&. So I was It.ind or fruslnlted."
Moving on, there'• SNL, which
took a critical beating this past sea·
soo. Sandler agrees that "SNL" had
..some good 1how1 and some shows
that dido' t click." and ugues lhat
staying on top isn't easy. That .much
is true: Every few seasons, "SNL..
has needed to regroup, be revamped
and virtually swt frah.
When "SNi." returns this fall ,
Sandler wiU be back. as will Chris
Farley (who plays a put-upon cop in

"Airheads") and Michael Mc Kean
(who joined "SNL" late last sea.son.
after filming "Airheads"). Gone are
talented Phil Hartman, Rob Schneider
and Julia SwCCncy and lhc one•nole
Melanie Hutsell. Sandler hopca the
funny,-1o•not•funny ratio will lean
more toward fuMy. but knows fail•
ure ii put. of the game. "The best put
is that you can have a bad show one
week. and you' re jUJt· dying for the
ncxl Saturdaf to rtdccm yourself,"
be says. " If _
you stumble it haunu
you because you know it' ll be re•
peats for lhe rest of you r life. But the
next Saturday, you go on and if it
goes wcll, ii erases that mistake."
Shonly ' aftc.r " SNL" returns,
Sandler's next film, "Lifesavers." will
head into ~ n . In ii Sandler plays
a guy wilh a crush on Rita Wilson,
who's involved with SteVe Martin. "I
keep nining wilh her," he reveals.
"I'm in the movie just to get Slcve a
little jealous. h 's got a lot of cool
people in it. Jul ieue Lewis. Rob
Reiner. Gary Shandling. Madeline
Kahn. I'm really getting 10 meet and
worli:: with a lot of good people."
Noc bad for a 2'7•year-old Brook•
lyn-bom who was raised in New
Hampshire and earned a fine ans
degree from New York Univcnity.
At 17, Sandler beaan performing
stand-up comedy. During the
91 "SNL" season, producer Lome

f.!!chacls hired Sandler as a writer
after ICCing him al 'a com~y club.
He got bis fir&t screen time in I skit
wilh Tom Hanks and Dana Carvey.
" I had IWO lines: .. recalls Sandler...I
got out there aod to ' my1elf,
' i1 it.' My head wu spinning. I
was u ying, 'Don't faint. ' 1 didn' t
think I'd faint , but if I did it would
have looked pretty stupid. ~ld've
been a f~oos auy right away . .. the
fainting guy ...
A1 if thinga arco'I already loing
just fine for Sandler, he's 101 a girlfriend he "loves very much," 11 com•
edy album selling well and ancther
movie, which he ~wrote t1nd will
star in. ready to roll. "&illy Madison"
finds him goina to school from lint
to 12th
two weeks in ~
grade. All in all, Sandler baa few
complaints about the way his c:arccr
has evolved. How could be aa:ually?


offloo ls regulated

,fonMJton on the

OQ.ell, •••



~""' ~~




I regular b0s1ness



7u,u ut,


s ~ l9.t4

~utµt,utk~ad--~ t k ~ o l S ~


1bers. We regret we







J83rch Rather than
SeMCe Form• and
specific time fof a

. !;, t ~~~~g::

things for rrlc. rm not Marty Mart.
with ·people screaming and crying
when they meet me. It' s just on ooca•
sion. It's someone uyi ng;- 'Hcy, "Saturday Night Live!"' and I go, ' What's
up!' That's iL Tbat's how it changed.
On occasion when l'm·ia a m.taurant
someone will watch me chew for too
"NO\lot I give my food 23 chews
Just to make sure I SCI the rlgbt CJ1·





e Fall and Spring




regulations. Most

a response.


Wednesday, September 14, 1994


The Suffolk . ournal
is looking for writers: edijors, photographers, copy editors.~.or
just anyone interested i. ~ewspapers and newspaper production.
Come to a.generaj meetiaglbursday, September 15th ·at 1pm.
Fenton 430. Open to ~



Wedncodly, ~ 14, 1994

''Natural Born Killers,"
the soundtrack Is as powerful as the motion picture
By JustJn Critto



out With aBang

I Askl'af I


Sleeping with the Prof

'Ille s.ffoll< Jownal



•tiyou're a writer, an atµSl , a photographer, or you
just want to kiss my bun... Vcnture's for you:

.J.), Editor of"Vcntu.rc" litcrary

ma.a~ speaking at OricnfJ!lion before 11 new crop
of Suffolk students.

Wodoc,day, Sepccmbe• 14, 1994


The Suffolk Journal
Bylhcstudents.forthcstudents.,since 1936
Dan Coak.Icy, Editor-in-Chief
CbrislianEngln, Mana,gingEditOf
Anthony ~oz.alo~, News ~IOr
Chrutian Engler. Odef Copy Editor
Justl~ Grieco, Ufestyles Eduor
Kami M. Counncy, Bulioess Manager
hm Behrt., Coh1rnnisi
Gary Zero1a, Advertising Man,gcr
Dr. Gerald Richman, AdYisor

Norine Bacigalupo, Journal Consultant
My ~me that there's
even better news, however.

Word is Suffolk's

&ctti.D& •

pat big chandelier


Tho Suffolk

:~l: 1:i!;, ;:~l:t~

11>e J/JedlonS Are Coming!

pus q,eaken may be 'tiol-.·

ney Ococral'•· oCfice..
1be docWoo came in
real)OO!C to ■ n,ql.lCll lty Kcaia
Collc1c President Eba
Gomoz, who had received

WSFR'S Lisa :M;cCilllough: ~usic in the Heai1

11>e J/JedlonS. Are Coming!
The Student Government Association (SOA) bu many way1 for you 10
get involved and become an active

Suffolk ttudeat. One way is by voicing any augestions, concerns , or
ideanbout.the Univenity at the SGA
Stodmt Fon1m. During the SGA
mcctina, swdenU let us know whal is
on their minds about Suffolk. The
SGA meetiDaiJ att hd d every Tues•
daJ at l p.m. la Sawyer 413.

heavycricicismlatelulyea,when she failed to immediately denounce a Kean
speech by the Nation of
blam'I Khallid Abdul
Sta1C· colleges may

"replMe 1tudent-1poal0ftd

1peuinlenpgecnaa IO tbal
campo1 activity is not di1ruptod

aod reasonable ool-

legc natei arc enforced,"
wrote Deputy State Attorney
General William Brown in
his ·opinion. gjven to Gomez
hu t Much but only made
pu,blic~erthi.smooth. "But

they ma)' not iofrincc upoo
First Amendment rights by
restricting 1peaken because

of the content of their
. Brown did add lhat
school admulillt'llon could
restrict a speech if it had a
"direct tcndeocy to incite violence."


national bcadlincs in November of 1993 when be called
Jews "bloodsucken of the
blacknatioft" i na,pecch at

the 12.~1tugcnr collcac.
Muhammad wai public information director of the Na--

~,._...,.......,..:t..___ _;_
w~s demoted by Louis

~ubammad . later
spoke at the New Jersey Iastitutc of ,Technology. Dr.

spoke apimt the oontcat of
Muhammad' • ' speech bu1

S\lppo,tc:d hit right to speak
Goma, .whoplans J;st.cp ~o u president neu
June, says she feels her ioterpretadoo of .the Flf1l Amend.. meat wbeo oriilnaHy deal~ with iuuc wu comet.

days doriaa.., _ _ .Suffolk

Our mect.ings arc Tll

upcoming SGA
c1ectioos. 1be folowing positions arc


-Vtee Presidenl
-Four Representatives

.vice President
As wd1 as banding the p~eot
of variow newcomen, the radio sta- tioa is also poised to spomor more

university events this aemester. More ·
shows and perfonnanca will become
a future in the oear future, with some

-One Representative

--One ReP,re5Cnta1ive



.Qne Representative


S~denU intefeSled in running for a
positim can call tbc ,SGA office at
(617) 573-8312 f0r mO informare
tion. Whether >'?I plan on running in
the eJecdocu or~~. It ls, lmportan(
and Titta In- the deitiom. so that
you Jc:oow the students that are representina_ you.
SGA will also be reaching out to the
students once a week as the Presldeat ol tM Studt:nl BodJ Ula an
open mlc:hrophone dmt In the Sawyer Cafe to Inform, au questions,
and llltal to you. It will occour at
different times on diffueiit days of
the week. Thi• is another way SGA
to bear what ls oo the miods
of the. Suffolk studen.ta. This open
michropbone rim~ is called "As Yet
Unnamtd .. (A YU), so look for, it
soon. H you have any suggestions
for a name, SGA would be haPPY to
..., Ihm>\

hopefully exicadina &om the radio' s

cozy studio and inio, say, the Sawyer

=::"-=-~ ~ ~:d,':

..,...,_.._ . ... . . --.
~ --·-0

. . . . . . . . -tverythioa.

October Hi, 1994 fr
Fenton Lounge.

candidates roi the

tt.i&iunl that i s ~ l y bcrown.
''There'• a lot of local taJent
Yet rapture: « 110, she still be· around here that's pretty cool," Lisa
stows duel"Yecl..lratitude towards pmsed. "We'd like to 1tan sponsorWSf'R ooocernhq: what it~ IO help lDa panics with WSFR...and- aomc-~
ber'aituaDOll some two years past. "lf body else, maybe some of the clubs
this didn't aisl or l wuo't involved that aren't u wdJ known. It's just to
with it. I didn' t know if I'd stay here." get everybody involved that' d be
Complete with aa executive boud 1ood."
WSFR has even expanded their
full of frelb facca, WSFR is gearing
up for a ~ 19th return to the broadcastina houn. They1l broadairwaves ·and'wb.t could be a banner fTOfll 9 to 7 in an cffort to not
only reach daytime students, but our
A good pe:rcenta,e of last year's night brethren as well.. It's all pad of
board have .graduated and moved the powtb that oow bas the staLion
oq. thus 1eavma moat of lbe manag~ , puiiiped into not only the Sawyer
~ dutiel to a ~ ~ of ~o- caf~ and Feoum loun&e, b;u-1 most of
friendly ~
- lt·h this conveying the on-campus clubs u well.
d politioaa ~ ~ to ~e tnm-.
Distioct from moat collep radio
f~lhe&IJ',t,outihestaOODtotbc stations, WSFR eaten to any ac►
~"!'~it evc:a caapt,lhe aueo- dcmk bacqrouah You"don't
non o!~ta genenl_~ e r.
"Difiereot ~ .'" runnina the o1 ·com.zpurueatiom to -=quire a pOli'boal now, a.nd tt wa lik~ • wbole 180 tion in the at!tion'a rankl Ll11
~ d trip. r thiJlk ~ .'s a beUer bend!, is a lhea&edfilm ma}or. .;,'
feeling too, I really do. Lisa stated.
" You could bi from the SOM
!"?'~1-tyear-'1, orevcn~t andyoucan·atillbeootberadio. You
adminiltnlJODI have done a poor job could be any major ud be oo the
of handling the rw.tio station, it's just air," she u.ed.
that, ~ could one not act c~cd
Yet wbcthcr WSFR is primed for
and excilcd a t ~ ~ of hav1n1 a bia year« noc., does not seem to put
almoat45aaudmtlf.rom~the~ . • · damper ~a this current aeoenl
man clau alone apras int.crclt ID maaac,r'• apirita." Maybe abc jut
~DI • m_ mber of the swelling ~ to live a liqle bit Nek,IO the
WSfll ~ Yclub dllt pve to be:r. "ljust WMylD
BIii du larp number in no way milic everybody feel the way r'feh.
abollld .tiaioi•h any# interest, DOI wbcn I firM Sol bc:re. Just wdcome.
.aaer llow minute, stDdeots of a!I and thal they can ~ e up here and

jocayl . .

October 3-4, I 994 fo
Sawyu Cafe.

423 at I :00 p.m, Ev1
one is invited and c
the Student Fonam. I
Ytt UNIOlfl.tJI" in . ti:
We will be ruMina
month in the Suffolk
Another opprotunity SGA is proud for the SOA symbol
IO aDDOfmc,e ii the Second Eltc.don at the next SGA me
Conftlldoa that wlJI bt atardna on
Erika Ou:isteo
tbundaJ, ~ b u 19, 19k In
President of th
the Sawyer Cafe at 1 with the

For the Geoonl Mua1er of
WSFR, Lisa McOdloup. ...,_ wen>

when the hoivuaity'• daatina halls
aacl claurooml could seem almost
Havin& •~tbelastlU.yeanof
ha' life at the same school, Lisa'•
adaptation: to be:r -=-dernic eoviroomcat WM becOmin&, to pul ii
simply, diffJCUlt. "Coming here." she
would uy, recalling those times, "I
didn' t know a iouJ aod it wa.s very
But unlike other awdeots, who
may have 1-=ked. eithet the ample
time or coaunitmeat. Lisa followed
dnugb on some of the ututc advice
~ ~superiors: aet involved.
And she did. The club she chose
to pai\kipalC in wu the campus
radio stMion, WSFR. and according
to tM:r, it may have racued her career
Now, two years later and count·
leu ndio procram• laler, Lisa ba.s
come to reside i!!,_ WSfR•s most
puk,ltlpoatioa- Maencralman·
aau of a llalioe. she blilhdy calla her
..accood bcoe", Ula fronts Suffolk's
eulu.aive radio ..uaioo with aa en•

Welcome Bacld Elc
held on lhe followint





Today's \lfOrh;I ~ changing. It is becoming

bacl<growlds..Sullolk Univcrsil)' is
oo exception. Here at Suffolk,
everyone is guaranteed the

in a worry~




You au cordially invirtd ro owrlrominr aqption for gay, ltsbian
and bisuwal studtnrs andfritndt who support on:
Wednesday, ~ptember 21, 1994


3:00-4:JO p.m.
An:bu 110

Another- new service SGA will

Thi.s tvtnr, co-sponsortd by G',s and Ldbianspr Suffolk andrh.t
Dirtcror ofMulticul1urilJ).Jfairs, offusyDu tM opportunity to mttt
othtr studtnu and tmploytu in a worm and casual 01mosph.trt.

For mort information. pluut con tad Dr. Sharon Arti.s-Jad:son's
,of!lct i:'_Sawy,,765 or call 573-86/J.


- _,,.,,
working on, alOOg with other campus orpiizai~, is a Voter Reafstntlon Calttpialp. H yt>U are not yet
a ~sistered voter, and you live in the
state of Mauachutlell, look for tf!bles
set up around c:ampua. We have a
small fonn which will register-you to
VOl.e thal ii quick and easy to fill OUL
Not only aboukl you be voting in the
SflA _ , , but you ,hj>uld ,ho
be vocin& for those politicians that
you want

Be a part of the Suffolk Journal!
Come to the Open Meeting, Thursday,
. 'September 15, 1 pm In Fenton 430





WSFR'S Lisa: McCullough: Music in ihe Heart -




Eledlons Are Coming!

wbca the uaivcniry'1 daning balls
cluaroom1 could KCm almost



ha' lifo M the aamc school, Lisa'1

n,;llecllons An Coming!

Oc1obcr 3-4. 1994 from 10-2 p.m. -

tidlptaltoo to her new ~ enviromnmt
becomin&, to put it
simply. diff'ic:ulL "' here. .. she
would uy, recallioa thole times, " I
didn't know a IOUI and it was very
frullntli aa."
Bui wilike other srudans, who

Another. opprotunity SGA is proud
IMOGDCC it the Second Eltciion
Contadoa will bt start.Ina on
Tb....,, Scpwm.bu 29, 1994 ln
1be S.wytr Catt at I p.m. wilh lhc
candidatct for the upcoming SGA
dectiou. The folowina positions arc

may have lacked either lhc ample




time « commicmeot. Llsa followed
tbrou&b OD IOIDe of the llblte advice
ol orimtalioa supcrion,; gee involved.
- Pretident
-Vi~ President

And the did. The club ahe chose

como to rclidc i n WSFR' s most
~ polhion. A. gcocnl manIIC'of•118tioa.abeblitbdycallsbcr
..aecond bome"', Usa f'l'ODtl Suffolk' •
acluaive rdo llauoG willt a.a CD·
tbu&ium tbal ii u.ndcbltcbly her own.
Yd ffll'bll'e or no. she still be-

&howa and performance, wiU become

a fu.ture i.n the near future, with some
hopefully o,Wkfu,g from the radio'•
coz.y atudioand mt.o, say, the Sawyer
"There'• a lot or local ta.lent

a,owx1 here that's pretty cool. .. Lisa
praised. --We'd like to M.ll1 apoosor•
WSFRCoaca'IUlllwhltitdidtobclp iDI partics with WSFR and som~
bet liblabea acme two years pat. "'H body else. m1ybc some of the clubs
this didn'I aisl or I wan'c involved that aren't u we.JI known. fl 'sjust to
wilhit.Ididn'ttnowifl'dataybcre." ICI everybody involved 1hal'd be
C.O.plc:cc with u eucutivc board aood.
full ol frcah facca., WSFR is gearing
WSFR has even upandcd their
11pf~aScpecmbcr19thret1.an1.tolhc broadcutir11 hours. They'll broad•
airwavca and wbaa could be • banner cast rrom 9 to 7 in an dl'on to not

only reach daytime uudcnts, but our
A aood pcrt::mla&e of la.fl year's night brethren u well. 11'1 all pan of
'board have 1ractu11cd and moved growth that now has the wu.ion
on, lhlll lcavina moat of the manage- , pumped into not only I.he Sawyer
rill du~ to • new CTOp of radio- cafc and Fenton lounge, but most of
frieodly lbadcru. It is this coaveying lhe on-campus clubl as well.
ol poaltiOOI that KemS to have transOis1inct from moll colle;e radio
formed the air aib< the It.Ilion to the 1wion1, WSPR eaten to any 1e1poil'lt when: it evco CIDl,bl the 1t1CD- demic blCqrouod.. You doo't jull
tioa of ill aeoen& manqer.
have 10 be I major in Suffolk'ucbool
'1>iffcrcat people are nmnin& the of COffllllwueltioas to acquire • posi.bcJat
and it WU like• whole 180 lion in the 1Ultion't rt.nks. Lill,
m6oltrip. I lhinktbae'1a bcucr busdf, isalhcaled6lm m1o,.
feelioa loo. I really do." l...isa stated.
"You could be from tbc SOM
Nci lhal last year's, or even past I.Pd you cautill be Oll the radio. You
admiaiJtraiool have dooc a poor job could be
major ud be on the

atowa dcservcil- snt1tude towards


-Four Representatives

•Vice Prcsident
-One ReprescntA!ive

You are cordially tml/ted to a wrltominr uc,otion for gay. lesbian
and bis~a/ students andfrieNU who suppon them on:
Wednesday, Septembei- 21, 1994
3:00-4 :30 p-.m.





cla\ lloae upreu tntcrat


bcloa a m~ber o f the swelling
WSPR family.
a. du WJC ownbcr in~ way
• should diminit h aoy iotere1t, no1
maaer llow minute, ttudada of all

~ ,:~ ~


~:d.'':" just hlna

Jocb,1-, odllrwite. "We"re look"- for . . . . . ro, cvaything. E,~ i:aald - lodp."

For mor,t information. please conract Dr. Sharon A.rtis-Jad:son 's

1 damper oo this currcot acocral
ojJia i;_i_
Sawy,r 76S or call 573-86/J.
rnaaa,:r"s spirits. Maybe the jusc
waqtl 10 Sin a liale bit back to the
cllab rhlt pve to bet. "l jult WW to
ma1ie everybody f~I the way t felt ' - - - - - - - - -- - wbco J (Ult So' beR, Jusc wdcome,
and 1h11 they can come up bcrc and


Be a part of the Suffolk Journal!
Come to the Open Meeting, Thursday,
'September 15, 1 pm In Fenton 430


-One Representative
Students interested in running for a
position can call the SGA office at
(617) .573-8322 for more inform••
lion. Whether you plan on ruMins in
the docdonl or ~ It Is Important
dull tftl')' student llcan tbe1pttehes
and .-.u, In the elections, so that
you know the students that are representina you.
SGA will also be ruchina out to lhc
studcoll once I week IS the Presi•
dent ot &ht Student Body usa an
open mk:hrophone Ume In th t Sawyer Catt to Inform. ult questions,
anct II.attn to you. It will occour at
dir(erent timca on different days or
the week. This Is another way SGA
will try to hear what ls 9" lhc minds
of the Suffolk atudcnts. This open
michrophonc time is called "As Yet
Unnamed.." (A YU): 10 look for it
soon. If you have any su11cstions
for a name, SOA would be happy to

This nau, co-sponsored by Gays and Usbians at Sillfolk and1M
Diredorof Mulliculhlra.l Alfa in, offers you the opportuniry 1 mut
01Mr snulaiu and anplqyeu in a worm and casual cumosphere.





: _ . ~ n ~ ~ ~·; ~ , air,"Y~hew= WSFR is primed r«
and caci&cd 111:&: J'IU~ ol having I big year or DOI, doa aot teem to put


Today's world is chaogiag. It is bccomin&
and oflolcrancc for people or diveise
bacqrounds. Suffo~ University is
oo cxccpdon. Here II Suffolk,
everyone is guaranteed the
right to wort Of study


Welcome Bae.k l Elections will be
held on· the followina dattt:

Tbe Swdent Oovemmeru Association (SOA) Im many ways for you to
gel involved and become an uc1i ve
Suffolk ttudcaL One way is by voic:•
in& any 1u11e11ion s, concerns. or
ideal about the University Ill lhe SCA
StudH t f orum , Durina the SGA,, students let us know what is
on their m.lMI about Suffolk. Tht
SGA metth1p are hd d t vtry Tuesday al I p.m. In Sawyer 413.

for 1 Oeacnl Maoascr or
WSFR, Liu McOallougb.. there were
days dlarin, her initial.,,,_ at Sllf!olk

to participate in wu the campus
r.tio st:ldon, WSFR. and aecofding
to bc:r."lt may have racued 'her <:areer
As well as handina the placemen!
u a tcboLar oo tbe HiU.
of various newcomers, lhe nwliO all•
N~. two yean later and count• tion ii also poised to, sponsor ~
ku radio proarams la&er, Lisa bas univeni1y event, thiJ acmcstcr. More




· Another new tuVice SGA will be
wodana on. al~, with Olher campus orpmudons, LS I Vo ter Reafs1r11t1ea Camp,up. H you are no1 yct
a reailtcrcd voter, md you live in the
state of Mauacbuucu, look for tables
ICI up arouDd calllput. We have •
small form which will register you 10
VOie thal is quiet md cuy to fiU out.
Not only should you be vodng io the
~A clectic:ia,., but you should also
be vodna r~e politicians that
you want repaentinJ you !

Sawyer Cafe.
October .5-6, 1994 from 10-2 p.m. •

Fenton Lounge. _
Our meetings are Tuesdays, Sawyer
423 at I :00 p.m. Everyone and anyone is inviled and can apeak during
I.he Student forum . Lookout for "A,
Yt t Unnamtd ~ in lhe Sawyer Cafe.
We will be nmnina • column every
monlh in lhe Suffolk Journal, so kxllr.
for the SGA symbol. Hope to sec you
at lhe ncxl SGA meetina,

~ 0 11\ETI-I•-,<, I\.L~"(S ~v•°'El>

OL~ON'l FLY •t,IG, ~ ... ,..'S.

Erika Ouistensoa
President of the Swdcnt Body

The Sulfolk Joumal

dloughi Music in the H~

The EJectioos Are Coming!

The Elections Are Comi ng!
The StudeJlt Oovemment Assoc iation (SOA) biu many ways for you to
get invblved and become an active
Suffolk 1t\ldcoL One way is by voicing any 1u11euions, concerns, or
ideas about the Univcnity at the SGA
Student Porum. During the SGA
meeting, 1tudents let us know what is
on their minds about Suffolk. The
SGA mettlnp art held every Tuesday a t 1 p.m. In S.wycr 423.

Welcome Back! Elections will 'tie
held on the following da~:
October 3-4, 1994 from 10-1 p.m. •
Sawyer Cafe.
October S-6, 1994 from 10-2 p.m. •
Fenton Lounge.

. Vice Prc,ident
•Four Represen1ativcs

........ .,.,..

unester. More

•Vice President
•One Represenuuive

f loca1 talcnl
1ycool, .. Usa
, swtsponsor•

~and...sornc-1c of the clubs
wn. lt'sjultto
ved 1hat'd be

expanded their
They'll broad•
:n dfon to no1.


-One Reprcsenuui ve

Today's world is changing. It is becoming

a world of mu1ti-<:uhuralism. of rcspcc1
and oftolcrnncc for people of diverse
backgrounds.. Suffolk University is
no c:ii:ccption. Herc at Suffolk.
everyone is guaranteed the

as well.
A.colltp radio
n to any KaYou doo' t jull
I rub. Lisa..,
ilm maijor. n
from the SOM
ubcradio. You


is primed fOI'

= ~;.,¾:,:!:" lh~.:~


You art cordially fflvirtd 1 tJ wrlmrninr crcrprion for gay, ltsbian

and bisuual studtnl.l andfritnds who support tlum on:
Wednesday, September 21, 1994
3:06-4:30 p.m.

Archer 110



Fqr more illftJnnation. pletlse contact Dr. Sharon Arfis.Jack.son 's

current aenual

_ !!'_
'offict Sawyer 765 orcoll 573-86/J.


the way


Just wdcome.,
,me up bcrc and

yer Catt to lnrorm, ask quest.Ions,
and listen to you. It will oocour at
different timea on different days or
the wciek. This is another way SGA
will try IO tiear whal ls on the minds
of the Suffolk students. This open
mM:hrqphooe time is called "Af Yet
Unnamed " (A YU), so look for ii
soon. If you have any suggestions
for a name, SGA would be happy 1
hear tbeml
Another new service SGA will be

This evtnl, co-.rf,oflJPrtd t,y Gays and I.Lsbians arSuffolk and the
Director ofMultia,lmraJ Affairs, offers you the opportwtity 1 mur
other students and employees in a wonn and casual a1mosphere.

1DOtaetJnlO pu l

"1aybo she jun
: bit back to the

and votes In the dcction.s, so that
you know the students that are n:pre•

SGA will also be reaching out to the
students once a week as the Prtsl•

udents, but our
It's all part of
bu lhc station
ly the Sawyer
&C. ~ 1 most of

-One Represenlative

S1udcnts intcrcst.ed in ruMing for a
position can call the SGA office al
(617) 573-1322 for more inform&•
tion. Whether Y!>U plan on ruMing in
the elections or n,ot. II Ls Important
that eYtrystudfflt bcarsthespt«hcs

scnting you.

rig)n to work or study

L------- -----------__,


Be a part of the Suffolk Journal!
·Come to the Open Meeting, Thursday,
'Septenil,,er 1S, 1 pm ln.Fepton 430

working on, along with other cam·
pus orpriiution.s. is a Voter Reds·
traUon CampaJan. If you are noi yet
a registered vOlU, and you live in the
state of Massachu.UCSS, look for tables
set up around campus. We have •
small form which will register you 10
VOie lha1 is quick and easy 10 fill OUL
NOi only lhoold you be voting in the

f~;:1:S·i:=/;:utc~! :
you want


!e;e~t;i:~':l,~ to see yoo



:swill become
~the radio'•
1y, the Sawyer


Our mcc1ings arc Tuesdays, Sawyer
423 at I :00 p.m. Everyone and any•
one is invited and can speak during
the Student FOIUm, Lookout fur "As
Yitt Unnamitd " in the s l wycr Cafe.
We will be tuMing a column every
month in the Suffolk Journal, so look

Another oppro<unity SGA is proud
to annouocc is the Sttond Election
Conftlltloa tbat will be starti ng on
TbundaJ, Sepkmber 29, 1984 in
the Sawyu- Cafe at I p.m. with the
candidates for the upcoming SGA
dectiOlll. The folowi ng positions arc

the radio 1ta·


Wedaaday, Sepcanbcr 14, 1994

so...ETI-\'"'(. l>..Lw/>..'<.~ ll_v•"IEt>

OL'S ON'l l'LY•N G. !)11.£,,;"'-5.

Erika Christenson
President of the Student Body

Tho Suffolk_,_

ro - ----


· 11

14, 1904


ThoSuffolkJoun>al • Wcdnc,day,Ma,d,23,1994


• ~ from NC 12

..11•1 all riabt if the media was
tepOfWII dliop fairly, buc • • our

football ICalD di.d. ii DO difl'tmU than
what odt« IClflll do. and we Id all
th.ii coven,e."
. "'Wc•bavepooplcwboaotoFSU,
support FSU and IUb moaey off of
FSU who.bavi jumped et the chance
, to w.m 1.1S in .and mike • name


themlcltt:a.,. uys fSU lb.Idea& Carfos
Estes. '1'heo lhcre are rcportc11.wbo
make their bft:ad end buuer covering
thcf~team ai,d lhengcton I.he
b4lndwaion when thinp atart 1oing

Some 11:it.6-off Sc:miaoJ,c IUpport·
en hlY'e been Cl1lin, ltlMlent Steve
Ellis III bia apartment ud venlio1

i1'1 notlhofira,timche' 1bccn hulled
00 lhe phone. "Oar ownber ll5Cd to
IO belidel the football calJs, WC get
complalnca about Late. food and bad
ICMCC," Ellis saya. .. , was thinltiog
abol,lt changing lhe phone number
bu\ I f11umt they'd tnck me down
and find me anyway so why bother."
Burda, of the FSU 1ports infor•
mation omce, aays lhat the last few
montha have been tough on the staff.
''This was lhe worst summer we've
ever had in thit office," be says. "Our
joke ll'OUnd here was that if we would
have known we' d get this much scru:
tiny Ind investigation lflcr winning
lhc national title, we would have
settled for second or thlrd in the polls
for the te&t of our Jives."

theiranprllboltttheeaauin,Ulvca.tigatioll. Ellis has oothin1 to do with ■ SLEEPING
Continued from ~ae 5
the problem, but unfort\lUtely, be
t.stheumeG&meastho'"Tallahasscc Democnir reporta' w6o baa writ• someone else's ri&ht to make those
ten some dispanculg lrticlcs about dcc:isioas foru&. Eveo ifwe make.a
millakc, it's &till our mistake 10 make.
the SemiDOle foocbul program.
"Peop&c uy some P'fflY weird Tbis talk about power rdationships
awff SOOD as I pick up the phone. is unflir. I don' t believe lhll someabo,ut me stic:kin1 my DOie when: ii one bu power over you u.nlcu you
doesn' t bdoq:," says Ellis. "I'm like, Jive them that power."
While the increased 1wareoess
'Loot. au.n. yoa'vc aot 1he wron1
Steve Ellia. I'm 11Cudentaa FSU,and about sexual hanwmcilt on campus
baa overall been • poaitive move•
I doa'I WIDl lo hes llboltt th.ii ltllff
rncnt, it has led 10 a ailWlden,tandeil.ber."'
Ellia; 23, is a gradllalc 1111den1 in1 u to j1.1St what cooslitutes haraumcat, aay1 Daphne Palai, a pcuor
1tvdJUl1 crlmiul julOCe. He AYI
of women's Wldics • the µruve~I)'


who .,;, very their, rdlliooship l:',o the appropriate
happy to get on the backs of other ldministntive supervisor so lhat· .,.•
people all in the name o( ddt.Ading ~gemenll .can be made fOI' objcc•
the rights of otben," says Pltai, who • b~e evaluauon end dt.cuion-making
is not • member of CAS6 but IUP- w,t1Yn:11rds 10 the atudcnL"
ports iu actionL "Sexual )mawnent
. Dan Sharpbom, the univenity's ·
is a real problem, but ii is being UllSt&nl aencral counscl, says- the
undermined by the ic:ndency co OYer• ~~•ons fo~ the P.(>l_Cy i1 obviou·1.
extend iu dcfiniuein. Cooscntina 11)It s rcal!y_1ust a logical utenlion of
lationships betwce.n studcf!ll and pro- our P.Ohc,e.~ on nepotism ," . says
rcsson is not a matter of sexual ha· Sharphom . U I taught my k.idl. J
shouldn't and wouldn' t be allowed

However, critics say studcm-prorclationships,.1pcdf'"11y those




Dank aay1 he has c1hical rese.rvt1•


in the same classroom, arc inherently
unequal, simply because: or the academi~ power professor bolds over
a arudent, and that universities must
e:sta.blish polices to protect the 1tu-

tions about profeuon who have re•
lationship1 wilh studcnll lhcy have
In class but add.I tha1 policies bun·
nina or registcrina such relationships

University DateLine
S'uffolk University's Calendar of Events
September 14 • 20, 1994

Wadondav 1'14

"Student-professor rdationships
" Like it or not. the prorcssor- occurrina while • class is on1oing
student tclalionship is a •power' rcla• are
fn~ght with potential diffitionship because the prorcuor has . c:ulb~ ldmiu Dank. " However, we
-IICldcm.ic power over the atudenu," fed rt .11 lneppropriate for authority to
.says Bcrmcc Sandler of the Center coercively repress such rela1ion•


forWomco's PolicySwdiesinWash-


inatoo. " Nooe of the policies 110
atudeots from sJeepiog with profes•
IOJS, Ibey atop professors from~
ing with swdenu. The rapoosibility
lies with the person who hu tht.
Sandler is an advoclle of lhe
Univcnily of Michigan's policy on
professnr-uudent relations hips.
which require, that profcsson involved with studclltJ in the.Lr classes
remove lhall5dvcs £mm grading re•
sponsi.bilities. lhc policy llata that
profcuon in that ,ituldon disclose

Sandler w11cw that sincere profcuon _
wouldn' t have a problem wilh
lhc .policy. ;k IUY who flJlds thal
be •• really interested in one of hi1
s t~deo ~ woo'~ have any problem
~1th &OIOI to his supervisor and say•
mg ' Look. I'm falling in love with
Mary Jones, and I don' t want 10
grade her pai,,c~·" she ~ ys. -rhe
profossor that s Just fooling around
probably wouldn't want to do this. If
you •.Jeep with someone you're re•
1pons1bl~ for, _Y?,ll're COQlf.J1lillllting
lhe rclauonship.


JburadaY 1'15

arc wrona.


DonahUe 208

Street Law Program (ABA)
Accounting Senior Seminars sponsored by career Services



Ridgeway Rm 416
Ridgeway Rm 416

Men & Women's Cross Country Meeting


Fall Baseball MeeHng
Resume Workshop sponsored by career Services



Alpha Phi Omega MeeHng


L.asl Day of Late Registration and

Femon 438

WSUB Club Meeting
Suffolk Journal Club Meeting
Humanities and Modem L.anguege Meeting




course Changes (Add/Drop)

SatufdaY 9.'17

:, ;~nrcoilJge

Men's Soccer In the Curry Cup
Women's Tennis vs. Colby Sawyer College

SundaY, 9118



Men's Soccer in the cu'rry CUp Tourney


: Cp11ege


Nondav $119

,,__r·, .


Step Aerobics '94 Session Begins Mon. Sept 191h - Fri. Oct 28th


JundaY 9l'l0






1:00 - 2:30


•howbM l /llffttV

' /'Iowa,~, ~

{no~-=-~~o :!:::u;~:r::r~=: :!::ems

•UOOHI ldNI, •ttd tell him how you INI about 8'1Holk.


Gl.ll!St~ Ms. (.lroftASsoci:lf,OHnolStldtm.O..wtCol,g,.

· "Getting Started on a Lifetime of Leadership"

TUESD~Y SEPT. 20; 2:30 • 4:30 PM; SAWYER 521


l.eatlenhl it fot l.11•

Pleue tak•· advantage ol the opportunity lo apHk with ·•nd meet
thl PfHldent


College Republican Meeting



Program COUncil Meeting


Are you wondering bu to gel starttd?

O,Tue,dq.~20,Slti) t Ndln'lplafur.•Sldlftt
MQ'la~0111'Nllllli)911Udt!t /$ lllll:wl. P ~ l r l ~ a : = ~ . :

Fenton 337
Fenton 438

Humanities and Modem l.ang~ge_


: : - _ . ! ! ' : a ~pposiUonln1atudlnltlub,sportstNm,
- - . aCNlll!,tte-


PhllosOphy SOciety Meeting •, • . .
PhllosOphy • Study & Religion,Conii),jttee Meeting

Black Student Union Meeti9 g
Suffolk Univ. HISpa,]lc Associalion, ~eeting



• C

Pre-Law Association Meeting
Careers ln Publlc Interest Law


• Suffolk UrlUClttv Catehtdl EJbtOdld HPYCI

~wmm ffi ~ ~ W©l!/Jii

Monday - ThulSdaY 8:00 am. • 8:30 p .m •
Friday • 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. ·

One Beacon Street - 25th Floor
Upbe!lflyQIMLID1 isSuffoikUn1Verstty'.Smas18fcalendar,




10 Hsi an event.that you are plannk>g c a l ~ . A

plomng, p<blicllY 01 general In1orma11on,

':"''ipNheo- raoord ol whal lo~-.

and wt.. -lor


k Journal• Wodoo<day, Mardi 23, 1994
· of Massachusetts.
'1 been hauled
"W~ have j,eoplc who are very
UJ'l'lber...u~ to bappy to get on the backs of olher
lauant in 1qw:f people all in the,.nam; of defending
I calls, we get ~ righ1s of others," says ;who·
fj)OO.and b,«f 11 not fl member of CASE but tup1 was thirildog pons its actions. "Sexual haraumcn1
hone nu~bcr is • rcaJ problem, but ii is being
riick me down undcrfflincd by the 1cndency to.over) why bother." u.tcnd-iu definition. Consenting rel sports ·in.for- IIILionships between students and pron 1hc last few fcssors is not a matter of sexual ha~ on the staff. rass ment."
iummcr-. wc' vc
However, critics iay siudem-pro' hc"says. ''Our fcssor rclatiomhips, specifically those
aat if we would in the same classtfum, are inherently
his much scru- uncqua1, simply because of the acaafter winning dcmic power a- professor holds over
: would ha ve
ird in the polls


1ge 5

make those

if we make a
istu.:c 1o make.
:velhalsomc~ unless you



on campus

oaitive mOveDilWldcrstand•

Jbtutcs harul·
ai, • profeuor
the University

their relationship "to the appropriate
admi nislnllive supervisor so thru· arrangements can be mode for objective ev,:duation and dccision-moking
with rcprds to the s1udenL"
• Dan St.arphom, the uni vcrsity \1,
usis tan t general counsel, says the
reasons for the policy is obvious.
..It's rcalJy just a' logjcal extension of
our polic ies on nepoti s m," says
Sharphom. " U I taught my kids, I
shouldn't and wo uldn 't be allowed
10 grade them."
Dank says he has ethical rescrvalions abollt professors who have reJationsl!ips with students they have
in class but adds that policies ban·
ni ng or registering such relationshi ps
• student, and that universities must arc wrong.
establish polices to protect the stu1
'Studcot-professor relationships
occurring while a class it ongoing
"Like it or not, the professor- arc often fraughl with pptential diffistudent ,clationship is ·a ' power' rcla•
culties," admiu Dtmk. "However, we
tionsh.ip because the professor has feel ii is inappropriale,f. .uthori1y 10
academic power over the students," coercively repress suc h relation says Bernice Sandler of the Centcr ships.·•
ro, W omen's Policy Studies in WashSandler susgests that sincere proington ...Nooe or the policies stop
fessors wouldn't have a problem with
students from sleeping with profesthe polic.y. '"The guy who finds lhat
lOB, they stop professors from slcc:~
he is realJy intcre.s!ed in one of his
ing with SIUdents. The responsibility
students won't have any problem
lies with the person who has thC with going 10 his supervisor and saypower."
ing ' Look, I'm fa lling in love with
Saiidler is an advocate or the Mary Jones, and I don ' t wan t to
University of Michigan's policy on
8'1lde her papers," she nys. ''The
professor-student • relation s hips. prorcssor that's j ust fooling around
which require51 that professors in probably wouldn't want 10 do this. If
volved with students in their classes you sleep with som~ ne you're reremove lhcmselves from grading re• sponsible for, you're contaminating
spoosi.bilitics. The policy slates that the relationship."
profcuon in. that situarion disclose

14, 1994


University DateLine
Suffolk University's Cale1.ular of Events
Sept~mber 14 - 20, 1994

YftdottdOY 9114


Donahue 208
Sawyer 521

Street Law Program (ABA)
Accounting Senior Seminars sponsored by Career Services




Ridgeway Rill 416
Ridgeway Rm 416

Men & Women's Cross Country Meeting
Fall Baseball Meeting
Resurne Worl<shop sponsored by Career Servk:es

Fenton 337
Fenton 430 ·

WSUB Club Meeting
Suffolk Journal Club M'eeting
Humanities and Modem Language Meeting
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting


8:00 - 4:45


Last Day of Late Registration and Course Changes (Add/Drop)

Saturday, 9/17
·. ,C~ny·Coilege
· Home

Men's Soccer in the Curry Cup1
Women's Tennis vs . Colby Sawyer College


Sunday 9118



Mond■ Y


Men's Soccer in the Curry Cup Tourney


••, C/iJili'€ollege




Slep Aerobics '94 Session Begins Mon. sept 19th- Fri. Oct 28th


Tuudoy 9/20

1:00 -2:80

1:00 • 2:30

PlffM take. advanta;e 01 ~o,lpa,nunlty to speM with and ff'INt


1:00.- 2:30

Sawyer 808
Fenton 337
Fenton 603

Phllosophy Society Meeting
Philosophy - Study & Rellgion,Conii:njttee Meeting

College Reputiiican Meeting
Black Student Union t.1eeting
Suffolk Univ. Hispanic Associatfon,Meeting

Humanities and Modem Lang·u~ge. ~eting
Program Council Meeting





Pre-Law Association Meeting
careers In Public Interest Law


(ER 521

• Suffolk Unlvereitv C1fe1Bdl EPOnded Houra
Monday • Thursday 8:00 a.m. • 8:30 p.m.
Friday • 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. ·

One Beacon Street • 25th Floor



Y•bt9AIIY DateLI•• Is Suffolk UnlversHY'.• master calendar.




For Information on any scheduled e_ ; ~

·day of the _ , . ;

year; or to list an event lhat you are planning call 5 ~- A cornpNlhenlMI ieconl or·wtiat Is happening, when and whe<e-lor
plannlng, publicity or general information.


NCAAMayAllowStudentAthletes loWork

puMime durina the school


increasing cosis.

Former player sues coach, college
MIAMl-(CPS)Fonnu Uni- out the aeuon io compliance
vertity of Miami football wilh NCAA regulations.
player Bryan Fortay ll l&1in&
Torretll , on the other
his former coach and college band, went on to win the
for the ooc thing he A)'I he Heilman Trophy and is curwu promised and nev~ re- ...-,ently in the NR. u a mcmccived • ~ cbancc 10 be top bcr of the Minnesota Vikings.
quarterback for the HurriRoben
Ericboo' s au.omey, says the
Fortray, 22, Ays he was UM coach never promised
promited by head coach Den-- Fonray the ISlaltin& job.
nil Ericboo that he' d be the
The University or Miami
atarting qu.arterback for the baa u kcd Federal District
i991 teUOG.. . B u t ~ the Judge Federico· Moreno to
fall practice. Ericbon named di1mi11 Fortray'1 law1uit,
Gino TOl'TClta to the tole io- 1aying it ii a "morass of
claims which defies an inltj-.
Fortray, who is aeetµig ligible response."
to join lhe NFL as a free
f'&Ctlt. ll aeekina SIO million
from Miami , claimiog the
tcbool breached an oral COO·
tnct ud dama1ed bi1
chanca for an NR. career.
He is 1uina lhe univuaily
and variou1 individuals on
29 CXJWltl.
Accordin1 to Fonray,
1991 was suppcacd 1o be his
brcakthrouah·.,easoo. But



.._ Tom:ua.

w• sivcc the


. . . . , poiilion, Fortny'1


.. _.,opa,iq

. . . . ad ... iiirccd1osit


0. • ....,, 2J, 19!M,
Rieb, supcrin1cadent of lbufon
Brothen lnc .. tho comtracdoD oea-

:~1:u:;c~ pus wO:Jd~!/;!te!nc::

~ ~ ~ b i t~ ~ · IPOna: football was rejected
..._ . - -...for Division I scboola but
.ship IOICICI from boldiog WU aa:epuid for Division 0
' part-time jobs.
1tboob u a way to help cul


Suffolk Police •

amount, which is determined
by their flnandal aeed.

'tOtod on at the 199S 0011veo. dent-advisory_committee.
tion in January, rules that
The Council also
come out of the NCAA Coun- voted to n:ject a number of
cil arc uaw1y approved.
~posals as w~II, including
AttbeCou.ncil'sCali- a move by Pac-10 Confcrfomia moctiaa in early Au- coce officials to repeal a ~
pst, the followioa: measures vision .lhal allow• baskecball
were approved:
ptaycn 10 regain. their col• Srudcnl-.athldcs on Jcgc digibility within 30 days
acbolarship would be able to of eutcrina the profcssiona1
to earn up to SIJO() per year basketball draft.
while woning put-time: cb"A pro1>91al to ban

• Student-athletes
would be able 10 keep lhe


Vokmo53, _ , 2

Ci.Ii(.-. cotiff: amount of their Pell
(CPS)Tbe NCAA Coucil Grant f'rom the federal ,ovrcccatly voted to support • cnua.cnt. Currently, the·
num6cr of Nie.a aimed at NCAA limits lthlctea' share
improvina the ·we.If~ or stu- o( the grant to •hat it figwa
dent-athletes, includina • is COil of IIUCodiPI that
measure that would allow particular collc&c. .'Rcaular
acbollnhip ~ to wort 11udcot1 keep the entire

The- Suffolk Univcnily Police

,-y bandlhlc lllo
a.n inqa.iry aboa:1 -


oblainl• poUoe

ba¥e ...... a cur- dewla Ualwnily Potioo _,
mice July ol dm - · Office, 0..S a... ._, stt- Mlb
Suffolk Police Auociatioa President. Ryan. He even
Corpcnl Orii
balinea Ille be wcold lib.
10 lllcll'a
delayed oep,tiaDoaa are a direct ~ reqMSC oo Marcb 2, 1994, Capt.
IWlofapcod:iaalawluitapinltSaf• ,..uu.lo ll!iat a leaer 10 " - ,
folk Univat.ity by dliD Polk:e ~ reqac:atiac approwal to ,ulp two
elation. .
When CCGlaCUd by The J°"""'I. ~ did DOt im



Vice - •PrelidcDJ.ud~of . re,poodtoPaalilnlo•••·
Mado 21 , 1994, -

Basketball In the Ridgeway Gym


National Vic-

By Reports of Wrooadoin&
By Marco e\1.5Caglla
CoU9e Press Service
T A, L L A H A S S E E ,
A a._Tbin&• around the
Florida Stale Univeraity'1
to easy
Considering the Semioolcs won the ~ colIese football cbampionahip
in January, prcu coverage
~ the off-ieason wu
: :s:~;:~tc';:pc ;
a repeat or how the loa or
Hei1man Trophy winner
Charlie Ward would affect
tho team.

Saffi>lk. Fnncla X. "'-Y, dmlcd
"Ille allepdon. ile aid _ , , , be

mlapia.a a suual

tiaht end Kamari Charlton
wu amsted and charged with

and supporterl aR bea,inning
to fm back at their critics.

sexual baaery.
• On May 21 , running
hack Sean Jackson wu
charged wilh indecau expo-

copies of "Spc?rU Wustraltd"
campua learning of

:;m=:; !~~=~~;


championship pn>aruD and
has inapited SUldenl fans to.
bum c0pie1 of a national
sports maga.z.ine, which
broke a llor)' about FSU Ithktes takip1 put in lhouaaaddollar sbopplRg ,preea.
• On May 10, "Spcwtl n .
tuatrUC:d" publi&bcd a su,,y
deu.ilin, how FSU football


playera, coacbe1, 11ude"n1s

report about the Foot
Locker incident And Doug
himself to a female studenl Andreau1 , the agenl who
broke lhc story to lhe sports
00 campus.
• The .Dal week, the "'S t maga.z.ine, aays he bas rePetersbura Timca" reponed ceived death threats and
lhal ccimc:rbeclc Corey Saw- would move away from Tai·
yer received a $29,000
if he had the money







· a state plane and



lim~:z : : ~ y the ~ area but can't afford 1o
time to come up for air," AYI because of awxney1' fees.
u1iltant aportl infomw.ion
Many student& 11y they
director 'Bob Burda. "Thia are tired of the media attenyew, we feeJ, like we' ve just lion. A)'ina FSU'1 team hu
woacd aa entire football•· been under elln scNtiny
son with all the: media re,. liDce Kizina: the C:bampioo~esu wc' ve bid.
ship. " People. ~ juat look~

"II'• bani for

the ICbool

inc to tear U ·dowa," .AYI



NeAA iafractiou. bavc

n.olllD.\ STAff

coadaued ;oe pa,c 10


om.. a.- _, ,._



............ifi,,IOday, W-ySep- oba«vod •..Warmed~ ol•
liee<....,..tby;,..- ·ThelawmitillObeboanlbyd,c _y o l ~
r i l _ ....._ ..... ,_ ...,_
ol _

Students have burned

ltia FSU junior Toay Elder. w
abo:i. 0 c:i;' w~- di, likeyouwiatbcOranaeBowl,
playen wern on • $6,000 · wroq • • UIICilulioo o r • ~ the aumbcr~ ranthaa
aboppiaa biqe at the fool a fOOlbell proaram... Burda and then everyone come• .
Locker, art Mhletic apparel addl. --n.e tR ilowid iD- after you.
store, with IDOGCy they ri,. c:idmll 111M f«woa piayien'
c:eiml from - ....
lack of ..........
Beatley pleaded DO COlltaC


couldn\ dlcau
pemq ........... 111o,...· '11111 _ , be _ _ _
pcovodby_, _
tion 111it. _ wuted 1o raolve &be wa ordpld 117 ,-i.alo _ . .
. A,.olpn,u-cimo,_., _ _ _ _ "'"""' _ _ _ ........

cooled for now, FSU football

lO cbara;ea

: :; : : ; : r
1n addition to giving inBowl.
formation about .the shopping
• Oo June 9, Florida spree. Andreaus also told the
tt"lte'a comptroller's office magazine that be loaned reannounced an inveatigation ceiver Tamarick Vanover
bcha8:;:W~: ~~m:;~ : ~ : ~ ~ ' : ;
$ \ ~ the story came ou1.
and staf! have kepc com in a, deals on personal item.s · in Andrcaus says he has been
one afler another. Thc-.bad exchallge for football tickets curacd at, 1pi1 on, arre.ated
new, tffs l chool officials




I· ..'


coatncted bf

die COGml II- , . . . . . . _ I O ~ . . . . . ..,

cm$eplemba'29, 1994. htodc:IJDOft' . pu.y WM

U, 1
:1s:r~~;:: Z-:!"'S::!.::. ";: ~-::,":::
.... S300,000


infhleocin1 lhc construction com- PJa1,i1na1o alloal. da delllill _.


llloai10ol . . . . .
• 110 - 120 Tn:ml:a SbU:t.
A , . _ dated Decembe, _
1993 s.trolk Polico C■pUi,1
Joho Pq:liarulo, staled that u Of
Doc:embcr 30, 1993 II 1 p.m., the
offic<n abould bop, p■ao1fu,a
property oace every 2A hoari, u
Suffolk woald lqllire ~ .p at




finl S...

--....--- -


a.w.- ~

22, 1994, ·it atatcd Fl&IIDery qoo- .... ad illriled
~ ■ad iafonnod 111m, I O - "that Univ'°"'? ,._, V. -■die Lyooa[ofdie~lnbolFoloy, office bows, ,t"WII _ .
Hoa,: Eliot), lldTilrd 11im DOl to dcicllftld die pollldmi: for W
Ille u.i_,;,y - . .,_ ,o Ille will be ......
lilbUlty dlM mlJ' be incarred.• ad
Af'ler die brief iatro

11,c .,.


f~oro, -,or Ibo oaaetncaa 0uiltNla dlclarld
~IOJIIO'U _ _ _ ..... dlll ■ISOA

--loforaod ... .,_,_,.._....

rilY therefore cboallltc~ ltnY't b dlil
.. ~ - - . , . _ , . . . _ _ _ IO_ s...ricy~.·

MDt to f1anaay


.-.. -., .. - i--,.,~J
.,..-23. l>il,....,... _


.------ ------- ...-......·-~
~---- -~•........,,_ ~----~

~ P o l i c e ~ Doputy So- "a .... - • ,
, . . - . . - lkydoo ,_ Do, . ........
. - . , 23, 1993 iDfoaalna Wm or Corponl s1■1wy , 1ib•llled a

.. __ -~~ *,::" ~": ==~~ ·-,-,.


comracc......,... •


tbo Ua:iffnity Alhf1!



meeci•a .to
dilt ....~ . ,- iD • S-,., 0111111
....., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . , _ . , _ _

.. ....,., .......... - . _ _ _ _ .,_

_ , , . . . 111o.-....o1 _._... _ . , . . · -· - - ~
.. ..... . dl■ lldpwo)'llaiWial,-• -

_,_ __

-~loe■lod,mllene blriioa-.l&yfar . . . . . . . 111■ -11 .... Halt~

- . .. u.........
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J, .,,.,..Uy • •iolatioa of tbo




(Aa Y• Uailald). wlW