File #4220: "Suffolk Journal_1994Sep28_vol53no3.pdf"


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... -docoll ... -C--.-... - ~ ....


periaa iMo die eaa ~ N)'.

"aJwayl available if lhere. are problems. Please come to me".
Thi, year, dale ol Fralmaa
At the September 77th meeting candidaa are off and IO So·
or lhe Studeot Government Auoda- Chrilt.ian1 l.eo1te1, candidaid for
tioo. candidates ror the variou, ~ Frcabm.ln am Pn:sidcor. bopr:a to
of"6ces where asked whit they hope be I voice fpl) the Pn:lbmiao a.a.

mdoc--,_, . . _ . .
....,, _ _ ia23

11t1~1tan lite Barry the owocn bave lbcir own
ICell Orlffe, Jr. ood Ids,. or demaDdl and· aui~
P'1llll ,,..__ were 1up- Cliea.allofwbichaem:pooPGlllll 10, le.l llaeiWl'1 fan aibie for tbe 1port' 1 abject
. . . . ... . . .... miJlat. prueDl- lma,e and 1tatu1.



,,_.....,lhcl'lilqycr'o"..,......,pood-rebir1h. ciadmi feu a Iola of free coBat


Black Wednesday,

acdq 'tomml11ioner · Bud"
IOWldina mich lite •
pricll • • fubnl, offlcally
. de/dired Ibo alOD dee. F«




.We've now wiUleHed

booolllll',...........,. ...
doc . . .•,1,..- 0■,b
.I... _......,_ Neaou■ lioa . . . . . . . are not





By CoUcae Press Sctvice
Kao._The pre,-pmc college





But todly' 1 p~en have

bcctldoiQ&morethaolrllhtalkina IDd lllring each other
down from the aideliocs. 1D
recent yCU11, fi&htl bdore the
open.ins kick-off have be,.
&ipl in coUqe foocblll ....

Burns' 'Baseball": StrlJ(e..R.elief ,•..:, ..

.,.,.. ...,

inaiop OM tllrwp five will
plly. Oatbe:2$da,itcoadil........... -

.... 21dt.

diumuaoa the Dmon. u.y
Notioool Collq!or,Alllleac

Auodltioa offldlla.
........i aucceu or AD . . . . tUrtlll:00.
But 110 more. Oood

. . . . . . , - - ~ 1.,;,..,;,dly.tdoc..., spottlmalllhipiJhi&boatbe
lq f!Jauub,- ICqrBiua'\ ·•• OD Jwid,
- , i NCAA·• qeadl thi1 year,
._.,..._ a ttriel•devotcd ... offlc:ally over, ud ICUll lookiq ror lhM
Clltrl mociVlliow q't bef1l ....U.. nicb. dClbatcd vie'Mn 1ti11 cn,ve the , - fore the aame bcaiD.I may
..,.__ • • cm PBS.
or MWI daclo to abwl tbe find lba:mciye1 dltowa for 1
II boon . . . . ID .....
loa_ol 15 yardl to be cuct.
Bepnniaa football
,..... -•'l'lll~f• ·llflMJ' .... IOIUoiD.for
(caicby 1111c,
ICIIOll.officialllreincon............... .... • . . . . . . ~ l!qlud


. ..

_ ...... ......,......-.....
............. ... ,,,_,,_


:7;:1:: ~~ :-=;~-t:.:t,':i

N~Says s.-..;......., Cowlla -



proachin1 stardom.
otremc of the put two weeks
Tbcit pus dtrense oa the , bu awoken IDd a 28-poi.Ju
other hind , j1 1till auapcct at lambMliN of tho Scab iJ
bell 5,apcct New Eaalaqd to valid evidence. Added 1i1-

weekend, thh time with crew la• cxcd.lml .u they
Sadly CDOllp. the wocdl ~ ( l o ' ) ,
I U ~ back Bury Sand- H)'•Or we,:e 11yla1., The
"'bllcball" and "alrlke" bave
en u their blnc.
CbarJer 11tack, led by QB
almost becollle synonymous tor)'
IDd it's noc. beca&le of any ocs-:eia not{ ..~ of oae..of
S\IDH~,wlllbeMlaml (3.G) al Miue-. -.S ,· Rider def- ""'
fireblllin1, faathlll ld\y. U tbcbc:Moffaneahltbepme.
.bas · allowed the third moat
the pLayon aid owaas want Drew Blcdsloe and Im rc- -(2-1)
Tbe lh>mberio& Vlldq pomu iadocNFl.
iorescorc,ayical"!t.itbin ceivina corp, are fut ap-

' " " . bl.YCO'I aeen the end
We' wdl
of bueb1l1' 1 coatiouioa,
But if Hallowea arrives
~ ..... And it'I I
.....,,,, - . . tldl yoar his ~
. . . . . oo-6,Jd lm,o,b .. tween lfJlffllll aidcl, expect
.fill Wt a dec:ldt. and it'll be the wane.. 11• 1 jut disbcart1'ldrcoff-.f'ieMacdvity~ CIUJlltotcedw10many
IOClll'O kt place in our dark and omiD!)UI c loada
blve allbeted over such •
Maybe the cancdlation pat pnc.


Sunday!s Best

t.e.rprise &ad deaou.oc:e any
fomu of a ailry cap. On the
oppoahe side, Ricbard
Rarilcb ud tho owncn can'I The; NFl,.'l'.moll Udriping
accept uy altemat.ivoa, or match-up& this wcctmd:
New Jaslaad (1-2) at
it'1€llapcerU .

coaduioa of Octobct, the


Sao,•---- -,.

,-....-. .,


Meet The Candidates·'adoae

were under 1ie1e. Do you
Hen we were ICaDdi.q; "'""' aod■ Radl .., Od,ria
uipadlep-=iplcool1DeW ay have doDc • liale .,tu-

....,.....,. o-Id Fds1


Volume 53, N•mber'3



11,n:h .


~ • s Ju~ntDay?

--•doc()or_......., .. _

. '.

trol of'.tbe IIDlC one bow-

Delore & After lbe Game
ydlowflogbelORlhc.,,... bopoto-lo ■ &ri<fuoo
in& whistle. 1n addition, new w:nioD of Amcricaa Gladia-

Nlea arc io plAce thlC will
gfve ou',aaa more authority
10 cooaol tamtifta and prolonged celebrations durina
the gamea.

un.·fi&hU itivolviq • lcat
10 ~ ow ill five
same,, includia1 • bench•

Cieariq: bnwl between the
Colorado Buffaloes ud the
P!Jycn who act • little Miami Hurricanes. Playen
too ex.ciccd after I bil play ' wuai't llonc iD. their brutalmay alto be penalized IS ity, bowcYer, u a poll.•pme
yards. "Pllyen will exprcll wre11Ho1 matcb between
acitemcnt over • plrticuJar Um~ty ol Nri c.oum.
pby but must never addral ........ooacb nd.Cain lad
rmwu or aeswres to oppo- • North, c.ouU-stalt 111i1_ . « spectaon.. onr may tant coach Don nomp1011
docJ,pibdocboll .. ~ ; , bocamodoc"ploymdocdoy"
itito the air," uy1 tbe DCW oo &elcviaioa 1portltuu
rule, part of lbc NCA.A'1 aero.. t h e ~Points of Emi,buit io tbc
Tbencwnalciupcic:ify I.hat
1994 Colleae Football playcnorc:aacbelwllofipt
RDld>oot. "Cltor.oan,pbed will becjec,etlfna doc...,._
or delayed tpc,c:tac:la have If Iba fipt. ocan ill die acc·oo validity ;• Joodllll ood ood 111,lf, ..., will be
docrot:<mxnhotnoidooo . •. probibltod-....,... ia



6aJtu tbn>uabou• .... -

bo oje<tod -

•~~ ;!!i-

Altbouab there were tho batch dariq • &pt will

doc ....

laoty,a,,playcn.......i·,.. .,_· ■-1 ,rill . .
aible f<r ... followlD& • well.

before kickoff, aivina them peciolly riJod up OD Sept 2.5,
tbc authority' to throw . the whea many football pma


to do on SGA
10d to work with their ·oudt.
Answel'I were varied. Mic.hat! EmmanllCI Nub&li, aoodicr caodiJ.Duran, candidate for SophmOre date for Fre&hmlo a.a Praidcnt,
Vice President, would like 10 lee a docs not waat people to Vote for him
new team mascot uniform. "It may jutt bcclux be•, their friend. .,V•
seem trivial to some but it'• aomc- for the betl. the moat competanL..
thingthati1dcfinitelyneeded.,"Ou11111 stated Nllhali.
Denise l;a MOilica, cllMtidltc for
Junior Reprueotative ·caodidatc Freabmltt Cius V~ president hopes
Dianne Turlo saidshe i1 !'1traiJbt. for- to reprc:seol the clw io t h e ~ ~
ward and very 0Utaoin1. 1 hope to ·lhe,catl and '"will JivC IIOS
put thia ·wgood use a1 Suff0ti" She whatever f"' do." To~y Sasi,C'Vcro,
also stated that she would like 10 1ee candidate for Clau Rcpreaenta'.tive,
10 i1 that the computer lab monitors bopc1 to "brine new ideu to SOA ·
are provided ,with .Wormation. abo.u-- ~
- IDIU-SyffoUt--1!!4'euer ·p\lce
all software In order to better aui11 for everyone." Clua Reprcsmtati•e
the studen11.
CIDdidlle ~ WIDQ
Keith Hau, candidate for Senior her fellow claulDltcl to bow that
Representative, wou.ld like to "\ltiliu: lhcy UC "the .power IOd cbarlcter
the powa of SGA to ,serve the stu· be.hind s.ia-olk Univen.ity, IDd I will
dents II S
Ted Ei1en1t11, candidace for
Official Clndidatca' 1peccbes
Sophmore Class Rcpcaclltldvc, feds will be bdd iti the Sawyu Cafeteria
thal "atudenu here at Swfolk ww oo Tbvndly, Sep&anbcr 29th 11 1:00
1omeone who will liuca to their p.m. EkctioDt...of" officers y.'ill be
needs." Julia 8. Rivera, 1 caodidatc 'Mo11day, Qctobcr l.and .Tuesda~
for Junior Rcpraentldve, waats 10 October • from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00
"'bring together all members of our p.m. in the Sawyer Cafeteria. Also

divene culture here at Suffolk io
Order to diacu11 thote ialllet llw
COOOttD ut thc-mott."
Scnior Reprcsenwive candidlte
Calherinc Conneely sla&cd tbll Ille is

they will be held oo Wedncaday,
October 5 arid Tbund-, October 6 in
the Fmtoa l...obby from "I0:00 a.m.-

2:00 p.m.

SGA _ , (llrtl row) t,ldlllol J. Duran, Diano Turto, Kolth Hagg;


Tony Sanaevon,,

- • DoniM ~ ; (fourth row)





By Judy' Bn,iasky
Sp,ciol .. ~ ..... Scrrioo .
OIICAOO - Whcii ~ Collqo muslcll ~ ...., Sopllla . . . . iNre to cad. braik. ac-t helped ccacoct • - - acj.

::·!.r::~ ~·;::::.:--..=:-;.-:::bol-=::
. ..- ...- .... ._ __ ...........,_m ----.--

Pat.iu, 20,


..._ •


drcaladq before her daamam. die -,. • · ool;do.
Mfi.ntitfelt libtbeeadoldleworld.

lonip - ·
torySciaEe bad - ooly ._i,. lo
obe'd ...ion,!

- - .......

ml ,... ... wilf>

-· -lodadiq....
.... bodl,.... _, ---




callap '

Tbe """"<t--■ mellel'c,,anec:allcid"',. .,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


-•Ya,/"-lo-- ______._____.

• ... -_ . ... warld Oil s,,m., a..,,,,... l!tmnloC
,_ . · ..............
......... Jaumal
.............. 6-npd, .... ;,,__ ........... _ . . . . . . .
bn ud . .ylicl acarod Iller
from ·pwadaa any more CCIWIDI.
• Bot ODCC io oollep, fer:ldllt liad -■-ll~IOddltlweQJo - l l a c l _,..... - , I

•••Y _ .. ,. _ _ _ _ mbjoolm.-,,11,---., ....,,..,.a..-~


- . ..... -

........ ...,. ....., ..... . . . , . _ _
...,.. Ila.,. ialro-

_,.._....,... __ Chleaco -


oat,lhc,..tmt11e•odd-- <Ollqe.
........ - · -







.. - , , _ . ,_
_ _ ()Bly ___ ....,




,llloSuffoltJoumal Wcdnesday,Stptcmbcr28, 1994


~ from pqe I

Sbiau. Their aim, she said, wu to
belp itudeaa: ovcreome !heir aciencc


ct. ICimtific.~ behind phobia. iocreale tJieir curiol.ily and
the poblc:m. ~
boolt confidcace. in their abilitie, lO
For Cllql_ple, in cWICI on acid think crilicalJy about issues iovolv:
raia. IGldenu learn about ~-fimd ina ldeocc.
pow. p&anti -and automobiJel aod ~ • "Prince&on is a.n Ivy Leacue lflsti.
their eauuiom, which caUM acid tudoa. IndiaDI Uaivcnity a lap date
raia. TIie. lhe studcota tludf the achool, aod Colmabia an open urban
funda.rncocal c hCmiury of acids, coUca~ apedalizi:oa io the arts and
~ aod satii.
the media," shc "'We felt ifwe
TbC currkulum , fundCii by a ooulddevilcac:ounethaccouldwor:k
$265,000 NatkJul Science fodnda. a three auc.h diverse institutiom, it
tioo grant. involves k:cauu az!d Jabo.. int,ehly would work for any institu. racory wort u well aa lfOUPI of thm: tion."
A.lhc"OiooctoOilSpilll"11uaemcita'-lon& pojects. 1.umao., ,who denu continue UJ.Velina to each
ii a profes1ot of acienco abd plblic otbcr'1campuaeaeacb yc&rtopreaenl
policy at Columbia Collep and in- their wo~. Lerman detects a ucislU'llationally recopiied f« her in- f)in&. levelina: of ability. "Princecon
nov.MiYC approechel to tc:.c:hinc aci- . . . _ for example, may be more
eoce 10 noo-scicnce oajors, varied &ift6dmitbcmaticauy,•waid. ..BuJ
Columbia', cOW'SC ao atudcots like
Perkin, could incorporatC skills

learned in majon into their class
cwricvJwn smw out of a 1987 meetiog of the American Chemical
Society 's Committee on Human
Rigbu that Lem:ian bad chaired since
198ft. She began ca.lking, about what
could be done to help improve Jci.
ence education in the U.S . with
Princeton University chcm.iwy ~
(essor Thomas Spiro and Indiana
Univen:ity chemistry profcuor Jack

Columbia College students arc not
leu gifted in the understanding or
science. lo face, they' re better able 10
use other methods like dance, film
and music to express scientific conc:epu and ideas. The Princeton and
lndiua studcnu
from the Columbia students lhat thue arc altcrnative methods to the prcscnuu.ion of
lndt:cd, Columbia marketjng and
communiaitions major Juon Kruger,
21, took the c.1us ~
and helped pn>duce a promotioGal videotape for 1
fictional children's TV &bow called


''Chone the Oown" 10 describe wbal

S.G.A. Holds Third MeetIng al Ac:addnk Year
By ~ N. Amalone

ozone is and discuss the effect, of iu
depletion. He now worb part time,
helping high school srudenu visitins •


... ,

Columbia's lnstilutc for Science Edu- · Gov:!7'~!:~:;::~ i~~u,!~:
cation and Science Communicalion, mcetina or lhie year in Sawyer-423 on
w h i ~ r ! : u ; i , . a joiunal-

=~ :~~~,.;~

September 27,1994. Amona the is-


ism major II Columbia, also took the
class. She helped recast the periodic an S.G.A. '"m.iuion statement" , and
elemenu in10 colorful posters that commitce reports updaleing the mcmdepicted elemcnt.s as individual wres- hers on the progreu or issuca fac ing
!lers like Hulk Hogan and prcsentt.d the various comm.iueea.
what bappem when elements com•
A propou.J was handed out by
bine. Ourruthy since bas changed Erika ~ S.G.A prestdcm.
her academic focus 10 science writ• who sill OD the Diversity Task fOft"e
committee, and asked for imput from
Ocher students buill windmills lhe roembcn. She asked members 10
nnd oil skimmen, creat~ dunce per- mark down what they though1 should
(ormance, showing the earth's cro- aiid shouldn't be i,ncluded. She stmed
, ioo, iUustrated a comic book (c:atur- the committee needed student 1npu1
ing a "Biosquad.'' and sewed dtcsses =~:orm::;i,!1.•o CbriSlenson.

from recycled material like potato
sackillg, bottle caps and pigOOfl fcalhers.
Sophia Perkins is glad " 10
Oil Spills" was recommended lo her
by a friend. who'd taken it earlier and
inc0tp0ntted scientific principles in10
an elabon11e nip song.
~, won't be swi1ching majors,
because musical theater's my love,"
she said. " But who knows whnt I'll
incorporate into my future won: thut
might touch someone and awaken a
reeling for lhe environment.

ideas on wbar the S.G.A. mission
sta1emen1 should be. " We haven 't
really stated what our mission is for
S.G.A . " Christe nson said. and
~ the importance of leuin& SIU•
dents know wlw the S.G.A docs and
what ii plans to do.
Eacn committee chair of S.G.A
updated the membcn on lhe progress
of their respective issues. Among
thqse iuuea discussed we re the
upcomming electiOfUi, club constilulions, and recycling. Christenson then
made announcements <>t{ipcommrng
campus activilic.s. The meeting was
adjomcd at 2:30 p.m.

The English u a M.Cond Language Program, (ESL) held a rcccpti90 (or ESL swdcnu and friends last
Wednesday in room 521 in the Sawyer buildin&, SIUdents enjoyed rcfrab.ments and the·
affair. A wide selection of refreih•
menu were served lOC!u.diq American and intema.tiooal (oock. Fcmandl
Rodriques , Director of ESL, and
Maria Olivera, ESL i:>cparunent ~rctary, coordinated the evenL The
reception was aucodcd by more than
fony s1t1dem1, student lead.era and
University officials.
Amona 1bose lltending were.
Haidy Cutillo, Milena Pctrol)'an,
Nonna Khach1yan, Nau.yen Tkuna
Hein, Tuan Huu Nguyen and Enive&e
Arn.iejo; all swdenu. Abo, MicbcJle
Tran, Vice-President and Acting
President or the Asian American Swdent Association, Donna Schmidt,
Director of Student Activities, aDd
Oa Cheng, English Instructor and
newly announced A1ian American
S1udent Associ111.ion advisor.

Th~ SufFolk Journal
is looking f.o.,., wr>iters .fo.,., all sections of the ~pen
Come to any ge~eml editorial meeting,' ThlJ'l"Sdays at 1-'2:30pm
in the Journa l office, Roo~ I 16 of th~ Student Adivities Cente':'
.•.(next to the ~nton building)

is looking for full-time graduate



Suffolk University'Booksf9re

students _
interested In open
~llowship positions for the

148 Cambridge Slntll!

1994-95 academic year.

l..ocaled between Hancoqt·•


~ • SlrfflS across from lhe Old

:~ ;: t :


_ ~~on

You must be eligible for

Y~ar,~J( '?5

financial aid aild able to


work 20 hours per week



.f .,


during the school year.

· Our Qm mee.&ing

If Interested cont09t ·

,1:00 p.m.




Dean EUlot Gabriel or

Paul Fahey at 573-8239·


AJJy qbcltioo.s? Call~ at: l27--tll5
We.a,e open. .






•--, ...

,- -z.-

bave a great Blllllltel'

is Sept..29

TbcSuffolkJoun>al Wedneaday, 5-mba'28,

· - - WoclDelday,Sep<cmber28, 1994

. . &L..,.~er,.t


Everything you wanftll
By Christina M. Tealdo
7 A ,-,.~d..,.,._om~;~", -'-,"c:;;:.c,;c...o, in

l-els~.n-e ·

''Iemdnat Velocity'' Sinks to

the Ground By a ~urden of

81uPidHY ·

-,--,,_,:--------- ·-)ro,;_llildt.,W-.,...._
......,_ nAl'I' '



(Social and Academic Or·

Tho..,...-..,Ywaidoefon """'...ia,-aboulRuaaiaO
bod---dlocspiooi,, e • spioodiatlmnopayoff. 'lbemo¥ic,
.IDd"'TnacUCS,;:IMildidilbavetobc like it lotl on fcrcver. There isn't


onbelicvably bad? ..,.cr:minal v~
locily," a "Spood"l"Poml Break''
mixed with romance, ~uspcnse,
my.stet)', and comedy, but delivers
DOlhina- lbc~is•~-chccsy.
ba(by acted bore which never rises

lptla Phi 0mep
(O>ed Service Fra1cmity)

ooc exciting sequence in-the m.m.

haw: been dooe befon:, 111d better.

his wise
comments and bis touJb guy attitude.butitjustdoesn'twort. Hchas
(c:) T ~ Pleb-. Al FU!;llt ReseNed.
abovethclcvclofancpisodeor...well, starred in both "Hoc Shots".movies
Johnny Depp al)d Patricia.Arquetteatarln "Ed Wooer, about the prolific
an~g on TV is better than this whichwerepm-odicsofthcvery~
e.movle produoar 91 the mid• 1IJSOs. Directed by Tim Burton. from
actioo film that is '"Terminal VclocTouchstone Pictures
~1AA cxcrci5c iD excess stupidity, ity." Ooca thal mate ~ c Sbcco
..,.~Vckx:it(~tohavc a hypocrite? Not re.illy because
a storyline, but 11 s a cootnved and ·,-enninal Velocity"is funnier than lndie .Label C'Est La Mort Collects Dark,
uninteresting one. Charlie Sbce:o MHot Shots" and Its sequel; it's just Cerebral Recordings
plays rebel sty-diving instructor too bad the film takes itself so scri- By Rick. Anderson
An American label lhat takes a
Ditcb ~roclic. wbo&c life is turned ously.
Special Correspondent
similar approach is C 'est La Mon, a
upside down whea .• mysterious
The fjlm'• ~.~~ is a mess. College Press Service
small but muscular Louisiana ind.ic
the DCXl action hero




s hav

Kimti) llikcs a lesson.
Aftcr ,jumpioa: from the plane.

out a lauJb while the "&erious" lines

IO the pound. Tbi5 sccoe was sup.
po,ed10bealhoc:tiaaop:nmg. like
thc heart♦•your•tbroat, edge-of.

ridkulousthatitgainsapointju.stfor enables you 10 identify them without
even recognizing 'the song. Some
having the nerve IO exist
Moaactioa filmsan: pn:posicr- record labels bu.ildlniches r« them-

sound that distinguishes thCm rrorn
induccplenryofchuckks. Thccli- other &roups_something about the


ous but the eood ones deliver their

way they play, , ing or w("ite 1h01

selves lhe same way, by giving all or
the releucs a certain signature mood

ywr.seal, suspenseful prologue in msanc. e114~n1 with fun , en•
or unique production 11yle. Britain's
\... '"Cliflbanp." H?wever, director C1J}', and -~pounding thrills. 4AD is 111c:h ~ label, one which i1

Deno Su-afWI .f11icd ~ ~ o e
any ol _ 1ens1on of~ Sraiiooc-1"

It will come no surprise to


·1'enninal Velocity" is clicbed , known for prodJJCing moody, liter"boncheaded,andcomplctclydevold ate and introspt'.Ctive albums'by bands
ofapyeJ.d~ Jtjwnps _ utofthe such as Mona) Coil,!·Coc1cau
plane •l:l crubics all too soon.
Twins and t>cad Can Dance.

IA,li :Pat.I

Dear Pat,
I am a senior
~ Saffolt wbQ.._ SOtMlhing good. 11te best way to
n:ca,llybrolrejip wubmyboyfrimd mutanyon, ,,,,.aJSujfo/J:, wh,t/tu
~two~.':(.ti.boupJ~wuqui~ lftah or Je1'111M, i.r 10 GET JN.


cad. .am Lntcrestcd m fiDdina a ......._ · • •

ncwlowmtcrest. Howdoc:$cmeao

aboutmcctingmenof~ ty~at



■ll■■ ll■


at k PS a firm foothold in the
aJt.crnative music market with its ~ leases or dart, cerebral recordings
by bands whh name, such u Tel
Basta and Johanna's House of Glamour. You can' t say that aU C'Est La
Mon anisu IOUOd lhe same, but you
can assume !liar-anything you buy
from the lnbc.1 is going 10 reature rich
le•tures, lilerate themes and lyrics
that corutantly tread that fine line
between inspiration and pretense.
One e•ample or this dynamic is

contina,cd on page 5

itrvolved.. Youshowd be dating again slMdenu hue NWt a free ~cowu.
very soon!
lisfru to ,,,ail aNl ii pts to your
tk.stiMllon In secON:b. ALro if the
person lh-e1 clou nun,.gla, dm,e to
A person I've been dating since -,ourvisiu or UJUa train. ..iumuch
April bas moved out or stale and J CMflF<rthanjlyuog. Jfpouibu,pick
misshim'!'Ctymuc.h. Myphoocbills 11pex1rohounalwo;.;and,avesave
have gone through the roof. Whal save! You canalsogetcrealn'e••.try

scltool..roitUIMportantlOdo.rome• should I do?

go,.,__ Llbrory... nevcr bww

SiDcerely, ·



toe'1Ch dtMr. Useyourimagination
... and Good Luck!

Amerlcao Chemical
(Educa tion al a nd Socia l


to know about S ~ Activities...

Computer . Information Sys-


Crhn.lnolOC)' Cub
(Academic and Social Club)


Walter M . Burse Forensic

(De.bating Club)
For more information contact
Sarah Carroll o r Richard
Kropp, 573-8'236, Communications Dept.

EcoaomJc Allodadon
(Academic and Profctsional
Emerald Oub
(Academic and Social


Flnanda.l Manqement As;
IOCUdon, Shldeat Chapter
(Academic and Profe11ional
Club Primarily for Fi6ince
C ■y

and Lesbian Alllanct at

Suff'ollr: UnlYtrSi.ty
Suff"olk University C hap- (Social and Suppon Organiult:r or American Colleae or . !ion)
Bc■ Executlns
Haitian American· Student
(Graduate Studenu inter• Association
csted in Health Care Ad(Social and Support Orpniiaministnuion)

Associa tion , Collt&la te
Supplements academic
pre~tio~ for careen .as•

Health Careers ciub
(Academic and Professional
Organization) 1 ::_.•
Belknk Culhlral O ub
(Acadc:mk, Social,
port Club)

, ...r

American Advertising
(Collegiate Chapter of the
American Advertising Fc.deration)

B.lllel Clob

S.O.A.R. - Suffolk Univu1ity Society Org■ni :r.ed
Against Racism.


Activities Center for more


Asian American Aaoda•
(Social and Academic Organization)

1.00 P,.m.

Beta Bloloetcal
Honor Society~
(Hooor and Professional~
cicty Primarily for Student
in the Biological Sciences)

Sponsored~ . . DaanolSlucllnlt-Ola
• and lhe Trw'lllar Mera Program

Blaclc. Student Union
(Academic •and Social Organization)

Suffolk Unl,nrslty Repub-s 6ci 1 Orsani·

tom.munlcation Oub


' '


SAWY~R 521

, Bet■ Bet■

(Academic and Social Club)
Call ll<. Bob 57).

continued on page 8


Archer Fdlow1 Acthltles
(Academic and Social Club)


Slanfonl Buyw
GIDllburg ColJodloa

By CoUep Pral Sc::rvicc
ALTO, Univenity
Blsplnk Aaodation
Soddy of Pbysk:r Students bu acquired the 300,000·
(Social, Academic, and Su~ (Chapter of the National ~ item archive of Allen
Oilllbera, the natiooally re,c.
pon Organization)
ciety or Physics Studcnt11
ognized poet of the, Beat
B!story Society
TualCappa--Altbouab the amount
(Aaldcmlc 'Ind SociAI O,ga- (Social Fratcmity)
paid for the acquWtioft WU
Coat.act the History Dcprut- Venture Ukrary Mapzlne not revealed, Oiosberl's col·
(Sludent Literary and Ana lcetion wu appaisod ar. s1 .2
mcnl, Sawyer, 12th noor.
millioo five yean ■ao, TIie
Magaz.i11e) ·
Intermdooal Studtnts Qr. To get involved c ■ll Jim poet decided to ldl the collectloo to bdp fund a move
Behrle at 573-8328.
to a WJCI' New Yor:k City
(Support and Social Oraani·
rcaidcnce, ooe that will have
Women•• Cenll:r
Coal8CI Marprct Lorct, In• (Suppon IDd SociA1 o,pn;. room for bis aJllng step-mother. Stanford oulbid
tcmatioaal Student Advisor. z.ation)
Oinsbers' ■ alma ma&er, CoCall 573--83'27.
lumbi■ Univenity, for the
The Soffolll Journal
(The Student Ncw,p■per)
The Oimbers ■rchive in1s OWti radio ~on)
To get involved call Dan (Suff"olk
Couley or Ouistian Eo&lcr, To get involved call Lisa cludes orippal ditto IIDUCal
of the poet", be1t-known
McCullough 573-8324.
wofk, .. Howl," the 1955 epic
poem that voiced the anxi•
Lltuvy Sodety
(Suffolk's Student Television etics ot • generatloa alien(Audcmw: IDd Social °'Ja·
. ■led from American society.
To fiiid out more infonna• " Howl" made Ginsberg a
Math Oub
tion, call Michael Clohcrty nadOftlll name and a cu.lturaJ
(Academic and Social Orga• 573-8324 .
and political spokesperson for
hi~ generation.
Student Govtrnnk,nt As;so.
Angilcu a,
· PolltkaJ,SclenceAaocladon elation
Stanford's director of collec•
(Academic and Social Club) Call Erika Christenson 573~ Liou, say\ Ginsbcrg~archive •
helps,tolidiry the uoivenfty' s
Pre-Law , Aaodatiftn
commitme;nt to modem lit•
· (Acactcltlic anif Educational ~ Council
" It
C lub)
(Help plan Suffolk's Social Stanfont'1 efforts co devdop
distinguished collection, in
Call Tina Pacheco 57l-8697. su~
of the study or twen-PsycbolOIY Oub
ticthccorwyculnu-e," he uy1,
(Academic and Social Club)
addiJlg that the uni ersity a). •
re■ dy hu I collection of

~ • ~=~o:

and Social

Contact CIS Dept. Chairper·
son Dr. WllfTCII .Briggs.


lf~n a hot, )'OfMII Mlomey•to-be . ·DearloMly,
w,U be tlwre 1111dy1nialone lookin1
Thi, is really a tough situation

II you ha,... a ptoblem or a question
you'd Ilka 10 A1k Pat, aond your
l'lnltfall, ii was unclear as to forcomtr»IUMdtaldoun 'tmiolve Unfortunately,thebestanswerist~ letter to TlwSulfollcJoumal,oictrop
. . .CcalU.•l#au11medlhaJitis arowtd tltt U,W. So ~I Old•~. .rawuverypeMy-youget. You could It off al lho Joumal offloo, Room
,..,,.have /w, Mn at ldtool.- Oltd I" abo try e1'1ail Mre at Sujfolk.. .. aJ/
1~6, Sludonl

a.or s.d:Jlw, •

Suffolk's social KCOe is the
divctSe selection of clubs
and organizations Offered .
The recognized organi zations cover a wide area or
studcru interesl The orsani.zations available to the
student body present an appropriate avenue to become
active in the Suffolk Social
scene. The following is an
apaosive list of the clubs
and organizations.
If a contact person is
nol listed, con tact the
Swdcnt Activitities Office.




A ~ t Solution

You are boldin1 in your
hands the atronaeat force in

cmmcnt1, wreak Wllold dam11e in the Jivct of people,
and affccc tbc course of the
entire world.
' Thil(orceb1troagerlhan
gnvity, moredCluuctivethan
the hydrogen bomb, more
d1n1erou1 1b1n nuclear
It is the power or wordl.
Woodwud and Bmiltei.n
were able to briq aboal the
rcsip.ation of the Preaideol
or the United States. Somewhere io En1land, Salman
Rushdie 11.ay1 hiddoo, protccted from memben ,i one

lrilll ..,...._ Anny cledan,d tbM • polllical,'
ndicr tba a violeal: one. would now be sought for ""the


11·, - - · The 11pw>a bu beeo IOi"i oo roe ao

,a11. 0iildtm-ot1acbildrenbocauaethcirrlllhcn

ffl nudered by the otbtn' fllhen. It is• endless cycle



1000 uODCpua down his WCapofl.

titting behind the ~ and Loeb chick ahd tryin1 to
the bowling alley oo the roof. '-mlb burrico come out of my
The next clay, Physical Plant no,e, I wu think.ins bow
called the Corilmunication1 quicc the joint wu. The Su(offlce,andwithinalborttime, folkcaf'eteriaitacbamberof
an air conditioner wu in- 101itude for many or u1
1talled and lhe sounds from Suffolkiam. Il'1 the place we
lhe ccilina were quieted. 1be go to be one with our
post still remains, but as it ii thouahts,tobeonewilhaome
a auppon for the building, I clam chowder. lt'1 the ooly
lhink we can live with iL
place that really understands
K4reo didn't make any UI.
demand.I, 1he didn'1 com Well, bold your Fri«-,
plain or procca. ln fact, the Suffolki1n1! Herc come,
never even •pob: to anyone SOAI
Lalt~'•Suffolk. Jourpatmeat ~ Physical Plaa.L ml •YI SOA •• cmmn· to the

me other

....,.,.. ...... and bopdully...., ~ peace.
Ireland is'• bcautituJ island. filled with some of the


tarorism, and with guns.

· Letters

Hopefully, this COlll'l&'Cl)US move wilJ chanac that image. to be replaced wilh the true beauty of that emerald isle.

"Can 1 tave my ~ Walnut ba:kT'

• a.r.tlao Raper, Joumal Manqjng Edit«, to
. . _ . ICaNa M. " " " - ' u &be .....
£.aalcr.l cup of coffee poised over Editor-irt-Oud'
Daa c ..1t1e1 '• head during a typical Journal

Does Jim Behrle make you
laugh ... or want to throw The
Journal away? .


~;:·~ :=

Tbe Student Government Association is holding their
electionsthcweckofScpt.c.3, 1994. Thcrearcquilca
few offices ~arc on the ballot for all classes. MO&t of you
may say, ~yevco botbcrtovou;?Jt'• a waste of time."
• ofyoumaybavecl.auel• thetiaaoftheclectiooand
and may ooc think you have the time.
It only takca about fiveminutcsto cast a ballot Okay.'°
lhe fiYC.miDUICI CUllinlo c:ipn::aciimc, bowevarit will be the
mostwmthwbilcfiveminutcsofyourda}'. Aftcrall:youcan
always make up the smoke time after class.
Rcali7.1r something: lhcsc electiops &l'C aucial. It will be
tbeStud!:nt Govenunent Associatioo that is aifoqw,iJ!o,,,
stbdc:atactivitiesmoneytoclubsandorpniutiou. Bveryonc
be ooaoenied at leaa aboat tbat. If S.G.A. is
dectin1tnspcndthatmoneywilely. Thcothcrissueitl!W:
is student ~ I f a~COIDCI up that you'titnketotnowthllyou
VOlblfoctbllpcnoooaS.G.Atbemocelrhbe lloj,lipdtn
bolpyou? Also, ....... !Otaow who is beiaceleaed.-peoph, OD the IJo!rd • -:•doaey,ltiaa IO bolp



Yocias is a right in tilia COlmlry. Evea tboqbdu ii a
...U election. we 111¥e•IO tie awtn ol all al.... ollld"1I. whctber
s.d.A. !be U.S. C...-

- v....,-. •

it's ..


bis i-.,octoe liow tbiapdowilop.
_ , _ _ _ _ Atldju,ttbiak. ...itoaly-- fi ..


The Suffolk Journal
By the 1rudems, frX the stud~nts, since 1936
Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Otlef
Christian Engla, Mua&m1 Edit«
~ Amalooe. News Editor
Ouiltiaa Eqkr, Chief C,opy EdilDI'
Jim 8ebde., ColllmlUl


Enkme Plummer, Pboco Ediaor
..0.,2.en>Ua, Special Advlsor io lhe Editor•ln-Cbief

Dr. GeraldlUdllma,Adrilor








Letter to the Editot The Journal
wants to hear from you, whether
you agree with one of our ;fories
or columns, or disagree.
Let your voice be h~ard!

:a:~~~ =:r;:1~-


tbe best prosram SGA •, had co ICad up co tbe Boad of
1irw:e "Let'• Pull the Fire Tru11ee1 whcn they cruk
Allnn Day" wu ofUclaJly tuition up for tbe milliolllh
banned way blck in '90!
year in a row.
"M Yet Unnamed" (or
SGA Bup You While You · powc:r,, IO let'• aoe - - dEat, for 1bort) wiU revolu- ·bow areue, buyt Get a
doaiu: tbc way we 1~ at mop! Wipe down di. tlltlel
1tuden11overnment. They I'll bave anocber Bain, larp
will oo loqer- be lbosc folb Tab, please. Thia time wkbwho sit up ill lbcit office and out ice!
do notbiog. Tbcy'U be tbc
The1e people iot OIU
folb who ltaod bcbind mi- VOlel (all aioe of•~). IM' •
crophoDCJ aod bark about · pve 'em ou"r undividml _..
Ratb1blleu wDile your tention. Let'1 •1ive them a
1peod.inc_ quality time with. chance co abow diat SOA ll
• "Lucky CbarmJ:".
1111 aboul Suffolk and DOI

i~ ~~
ochievemenu, aouip
art ioMritl:ll.
· •
·SGA ia aclioa to be bold- 1boupt of luch bagia1!
of civili:utiom· dead ccotuSalman Ruabdic ·wroce a UII • saiol of e'lalll called and ba.rcaacnu, I ' m
• There's ollly oae small
rics before the inveotion ot . DO'¥d..•WOltof6coooncvcr "M Yet UDnlmed"' la die dlhtiacdfairiaaSGAmc:a., problem whb SOA's plan.
tclevilion are familiar to ·.
illlended IO be .....
cmaiL Smippy riDC Co it, bcCI IO loDow IIIO llome ·II'• lib wicbd nade IO talk
today, and can ~ brou1h1 tblt, b y ~ iDlo ~ huh?
aak me bow J
Saf. witll your moadl full. Not
alive at a momcnu notice..
iome belidt ad prll:lica · e
The proaram Ola.inly folk wllile I • dbmcr crvay- only do wo pc co bear SGA.
And R.ld1eway 4'00. aot ' the Islamic fa..i tb, J,roa&ht ~
· of 101De bi&IHuk- \d&bL lllliaklt.willbeltmc batwelllotettowau:bluaan air coodili~r.
about bi• !kalhr1eatu~. lq SOA P;ICIQbon auwcrdan't you?
,.._ (all from their open
AU of these 1ignificant. Today, lboaldbeftllll'rneal - iaa vaaoas ~ from
I dliak.SOA.sboaldtake lmowhs.
some eveo momcn1ou1, hit . where.iiboau, nary cbow-time aadJencea and it-.o-,fmdler,dloqb.. U
rm.Ufor"Ope:a.Microevent5 were brought about QIUIWal .w9Qld lcill-~
~ i .,...., ~ lllpw aacb ta.,; rmDy . - ID acne the 'fboac" days at l,be caf-.ia..
bywords. Wordl,' morepl'W- •' i.i::rffice4tdtbe.Wtlicy6o- tli6f"'Cllie'~1-M ...... . 'S.Wolt commaatt,, the, 1 jmt· bape daere'1 time left
crfu1 than I locomoti~
lievc in. What did. Ruabdie body and boW telpOIWH ~dojUIIUII& Savedle over.,_ SOA it doae to
To give a concrete illw- do thlt an,ered du.I entire dle,aftatotbeever,m,'prob- Saffolk COIIUIIUity.
lblt I cm do my ~ of
trar.ioo to the unique power rdip>O IO .macb? .
lam of Saffolkiul everyUdlcy'•,--bclmla- "Swed Roane Alabmla" oa


ltlveMinutesMakes al>ifJerence


·::n~'::·:~c:e,: ::~':nafo:",:~ ;:;~~u:t~ ;:!~

tht:\IIYloflKA-................. -

·wldi111o11ooa_ ...........,... polllical-umoflhe


U you. think this aounds &ivetbemlOIDCl-1 ne,
YOUD&. a funny piece about
Just 1ut week. • I ut. Like jult uotber dopey SOA could wail aad bu tables
Ridgeway 400. Kareii joked alone., in the Suffolk ca:Ceto- ,. ploy to mab tbamelwa look while they tell u bow Ibey



fcctiaafhat. •


More Powerful than a I'll have a sli~ of SGA and
~ine fri~, says Jim



w..._,,s__.21. 1994



bout Su



~ 'ivd.


cveDtl OD a 1lobal acale.


inc around -,way, I 181 we

lbe Pmda bam.- I've becD

TheSuffolk.lcanllli Wodaaday, Scplombe,28, 1994

More Powerful than a I'll have a slice of SGA and
~~e fries, says Jim
Dan Goit/cJey-.ia
You ue holding in your
hands the stroogcs1 ron:e in
the uni verse. This force has
been k:oown 10 topple govcmmenta, wreak WU.old damage in the live, of people,




Jim Behrle make you
.or want to throw The
Journal away? .
the Editor. The Journal
hear from you, whether
e with one of our Stories
Jlumns, or d~agree.
rour voice be heard!

and affect the course of the
entire world.
This forceissuongerthan
gravity, morcde&tructivethan
the hydrogen bomb,· morc
danaerous than nuclear
It is the power of words.
Woodward and 8ernstcin
were able to brina about the
rcsignat.ioo of the Preajdcnt
of the United SW.CS. Sotncwhere in England, Salman
Rushdie stays hidden, protected from memben olooc
of the world's major religions
bent on bis death. The liva,
achievements, aou.ip and art
of civilizations dead ccntu•
rics before the invention of
tdcvision arc ·familiar to us
today, and can be brought
alive at a moments nodcc.



d:::~~ 400 got
All ~f these sianificant.
some eve n momentous,
events wcre (broughl about
by wonh. Wdri:ls,' more poilrl
crful than a locomotive.
To give a conc:re~ illustration to the unique power
words can provide, everyone out there reading this are
· · about Su rman. One phrase. five small
words, evoked a memory of
a chanlCtcr no more alive than
lines on a page, yet a c:hanictcr we all know instantly.
I was reminded of the
power words have when I
swted working on The Suffolk Journal It was an article
written last year by Karen

Yowia, a funny pitce about
Ridgeway 400. Karen j ~
about the tauna, obstructed
scat discount, ror· students
t ilting behind the polt, and
lhe bowling alley 011 the roof.
The next day, Pb)'lical Plant
called the Communications
office,aodwithin u:hort time,
an air conditioner was inslallcd and the sounds from
the ceilina were quieted. The
post ,till remains, but as ii is
a tuppon for lhe buildioa, I
think we can live with iL
KAreo didn'l make any
demands. she didn't complain 01' protcll. In fact, she
never even spoke to anyone
fromthcCoaunwucatjomdcpartmcnt or Physical PlanL
She cffecud ·cbanae just by
writin& a humor ·cce in the


Salman Rushdie~wrote a


inteadod to be tlba:. litaally,
that, by caUiq: into qoeatioa
some beliefs and pNClica ol




thiap. That c1ooa•1 I
pullinomypaclDw...., - iDdipldon. It doa

Norine Bacigalupo, Journal Comultant

aod ........ will be tboeelllpllwidl•,.,...
Wonk ae ,_ IOO


: . ~ ~ ~ m t o : : :. _
mouths.' ·
· I'm .U for ''Open Microphone" days at the cafcu:ri.a.
I ,iutt...boprc there•, lime ldt
over af!er SOA it done so
tblt I em. do my versioe of
"Sweet Home Alabama" oo
the Pimcb born. I've been

Voices of $uitolk


.,......, _ _ _ a.r,..,,rnwa,1,,,.,_~..,v.-


- - 0 2 1 1 4 • Phenol Fu(817)~

'Anyttilng In moder&·

tlon Is ol\SY, and ff Ifs a
part of your cultura,
then tbal'• also fine.'

Gyendoiyn Foogy

. "Yee. · n- WWII be


-......... ., .......


Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Chic(
Clwuiian Engler, Managing Editor
.., M
Cbrisliao EoaJcr, Chie~ Edi..10r
KareaM;c:omu.ey, BmlbeaMaup.
• ·



""' ... ...,_..,
• pn,ducl-opol-


tli"e students, since 1936 ·








~~:uli'':ic:_~th~==!:~ = - : A o ~ ~ ~ : : :
t~~-;°_ me
Today, should be ever reveal - ii& variaat qQCltiQQI from
I tbink..SGA sbou1d take
his whereabouts', ~ary chow-time a1.1dicinccs and\ It aDC llep fwtber, though. U
kill bjm, • a ~ Jl!,Qwina; ~ .ID&ICh ' thaJ: really 'Want to ICl'VC the
~ i.b-tfice fd,hc obJ ittj'&,. - ~~~ .6dul-'iM ~ ; 'Slfffolk..,community, they
lieve in. Whac clid. Rubdic · body and how re,ponsive . ~ do jull. thll. Serve the
do that anacrcd this entire thcy.-etotbc~prob- Sdfoll: commuiity,
reliaioo so much?
lcms of Suffollians everyli.tbcy'rc aoaaa be bana·
He wrote about iL
in.a around aayway, I say we
Eve:DIS ~ - • kx:a,l levd,
events on • &lobal 4calc.
Words on a Jll&C.
.._tbc power wilhin these
words we UK, especially in·a
busincu like Iownalism, it
not s0mcthing to be taken
lightly. I! is ~ power,
and with &real power comes
areat rupomibility. (Yes, I

The SWfolk Journal . .
lC students, for

Jfm B e h r l e lf you think this sounds give,lbcm 101DC maJIII! They
Just last wtd., u I .W. likt1ust, anotbcr dopey SOA coul'1 wait and bua tables
alone, in the Sufl'olk, cafece- ploycoinabthc:msclYC;Slook while they tell us bow Ibey
ri a. drcamin& ~ t putting uaefol at thit Univeitily',
&9ina to lower boobtore
~ponuy wtoos OD thlt Lisa you're dead wrong. This is prices or bow they",rc aoina
Loeb chick and tryioa to the belt proaram SGA't had to stand up to the 8c:ad or
lllAke bwrito COO)C out of my tiocc '"Let'i Pull the Fire Trutfi.c• when ·they. crank
note, I wu how Alarm Day" wu officially tuition up. for the millionth
quiet the joint wu. The Suf- banned way back in '90!
year in a row.
folk cafeteria is a chamber of
"Al Yet Unnamed" (oiSGA it all about llUdcnt
solitude for .many of us SGA Bugs You While You · power- to kt'• tee aome d Suffolki&ns. lt's tbeplacewe Eat, for t hort) will revolu- ·bow grease, ~ by! . Get a
go to be o ne with our lionize lhe \\Illy we look at mop! Wipe down tbM tablet
~ghis, to be one with some student govemmenL They I'll have another Ema llrae-,
clam chowder. It's the ooly will DO longer be ·!hose folks Tab, please. This time withplace· that really undcBtands who sit up in their office and out ioe!
do nothing. They'll be the
These people Sot our
• Wdl , hold your Fritos, folks who stand behind mi- v()(es (all nine of 'cm). Let's
Suffolk.ians! Herc comes crophones and bark about · give 'cm our undivided at,. •
R, tb sk.allers while your tcntion. Let's give them a
Lui.week's Suffolk lour- spending quality time with . chance to ·lhow that SGA is
·nat ..ysSOA'scc:min' tothc "Lucky Charms".
all aboUt- Suffolk and not
cafeteria - and they're .not
I think it's a &DWbing ai>out ego-feeding, resumelookiq for oo Snapple!
idea. I'm so nuts about the drcuing, or administration•
sGA ii going to·bc bold- thought of e.njoyiaa lunCh hu11ing l
in& a• aeries of eV'COtl called and· bureaucrats, thu I 'm
Tbere!s only one small
"As Yet · Unnamcd" in the thinkinaolhirina:SGAmem- · problem with SOA's plan.
calctaia. .Snappy rillg to it, ben to follow mo bomc ·ud It's lib wicbd rude to ·talk
uk me bow I foci about Sul- ~ yoor mouth full. Not
The proaram mainly . folk wbUc I eaf. dinac:r every OGly do wre Ft to .bear .SGA.

'l'hoSaffoll:-...i Wcdncld,,y,~28,1,994

c•~ La Mort's dark reco~ ·

Stanford buys Ginsburg collection


CorMinued from pqc

■-- -.
dkl r'Cld s~-Man • wdl as Supcmw1.)
As-editor <A 1be Joomal, I have
and lhc tclpOlllibility ~ COIDCl from
a procb:t mllde up of tbcle volatile
thini,. "Thlt doesn't I'll be

pwlio,: my pu.iichcl or IOftcnina, my
indipllion. It does mean,
however, that my punches Will be
• ,r:ucmcct bdorehlnd. m:1 my anicr
. Wonk· arc C. 100 clqa'ouJ 10
be ~ without &ood rcuoa.

an,u or

and audio tapes, varioUJ research
files, Gimbcqf• business records and
mamucripu from aWDCl'Oll1 • IIS5orted bits of pcrsopal memon- •
iocludi.n& Janet Lewif, T'tllie Olsen. bilia.
Rqbert Crcdcy, Denise Levcrtov and
..I wanted to preserve thl1 evi:
lohn Steinbeck. "Ollllberg'1 archive deoce in case e( some future i:rackbwlds out from lhls found&Jion. It down i~ cu.ltural censorship,"
mbancel our covcngc of the av;ant- Gio$berJ; says. '1 archived all l could
aardc tce0e."
or lhit new consciousness and aavcd
The Ginsberg collection is com- every Utt:rary piece of paper that's
prised of numerous hems from the bcel1 throuah my. hands as a record
poet's 'lire. includin& all of his of the spiriw.a1 war for liberation or
scrip&f, bundtedl of private~• form and cooteot in pocuy, bearina
personal lcucra from Olhcr writers in mind that 'wbc:n the mode of muand10Ciahctiviiu, family documenu:, sic cbuaca, the walls of the ci ty
the poet's pcnooal library of boob shake.' "



Your Ad can appear
here. .Advertlse:.ln

The Suffolk Journal
and reach the
entire campus, all
at once. Contact
~ n M. Courtney




page 4

Tohann.a'1 House or Glamour," a
Rhode Island-~d group whose
a!bum "Style Monsters" (CLM 045.
·2)js tone on mood and short on vocal
quality. This disc features a lowbudget.~-at-homc-soondthar.

is ooneqielcu very effective in the
wispy, 'ethereal mood it evokes. A
complete lack of decent melodics

makes the album a bit tiring, bu!
overall it's not bad . M- 1 Alternative
goes for a somewhat similar vibe on
'Toe.Little Tlu<shing Aoor" (CLM
)4 1-2), a disc whose shimmering
sound is richer and more full y real ized than lhat ofJohanna's House of
Glamour. A duo, the band uses echo
and delay to flesh out its sound, and
the effect is lovely - the only fly in
the ointment is lhe singer's highly
affected vocal style, which serves as
a constant distraction.
Pcmaps the best single band out
of the batch of discs I received for
review is Tel Basta.a San Francisco
group wt\()se jongly guitars and occasional North Afri~ influences
combine 10 make a satisfying. if
sometimes mystifying. ~hOlc. Ev -

erything is in place here : melodics

arcgoodandtbeoverall10U11d ilfull

Olmpu6 Nola

results from a smaller NIDA-fu.ftded
invcstipboo of DWC smobn be c:c:m,.
ducted a few yea-s ago.

Ceuld. Smoke &Ip Retltft
~... ,

Gilbert to eumine aendcr dilTc:ra108f

andfmished. Youwon'tuildentand By CoUqe Pra& Semce
in smoldna. "Some ol the lltentae
any of the lyrics but with IOftg tit.lea CARBONDALE, IL •• Depressed 1ugcst1 that females may smoke
suc h as "Voltumtis" and "Sidi people may smoke, in pan, to relieve mDft to n:ckM:e tension and depcet,,
,ion, while men seem to do it to
Bammi," i1 's probably jUSI as '!"ell.
eni~ ' : r ~ llim prove concentration and alen-,
lbe singer is a woman namesL ~
Davia o . Gilbctt, a professor of oess," he says.
and her voicciu.treat. "Laid Up in psycboloJY and nationally recoaLavendcr'' (CLM 044-2) ~ to niud expert 00 smokina, says aorne Saliabury 81,te U Police Are
betheironlyC'EstLaMortrcl~ peoj,le may firid it harder to' Quit Blldftl It
so let's hopclhercwillbcmorc - it's 1mokine because nicotine arrecu By CoUqc Preis Scrvk:c


Probably the best way to get 10
knowthls labclis throughits " Doctor
Death" {gel it?) sampler series, the
most recent of which is titled
"F1oribund\l.S"(CLM039-2)andfeatures all of the bands mentioned
a.bovc as ~a.unanyothcrs. Samplcrsarcus


them like an anti-dcpreuaoL
Gilbert, who beads tbc amoldng on psoline, Salisbury S&al.e UniYa'1
::CDIY~ ~c::v~~tbc
nicotine normalizes activity in the
Tbineenorssu·s 16,PUbUc safett
right aide of the brain wba-e negative offtcen have traded in pm'OI can for


mooch and depression seem to origj-


=::t~cacan~p:;'~~i= min~:i:~le,


standouttracUas"UneAttcntfr-,- : : " : :·..: ; i : w !
ile" by the French band Collection ctepre11ed than other e.-smokers.
d' AmcU ~drea and "Over and That pull
greattt risk for
Over" b)' a group caned Breathless ~ be M)'I. •
(su.rcly norclationlOtbclop4Qband
Gilbert ii tcstiD& his hypolbeles
of the same name). The cover art . iri' • fi~ycar study_, or 120 mnale


features B logo thai look& disturl>- ;:~~=~r:d~~
µlgly like a ~tied Swastika. but
that' s prQb:ably a C:Oincideboe. This
disc is highly rccominended.

" 11' 1 a lot cheaper to buy S500

When dcpres.sion-prone people bikes than a $19,000 car," M)'I .16quit smokioJ, they l01e the lift that scph Gilbert, Vice president of ldcop&

on bikes


:~Jer:1u~: :1;? ~rn':n~!~:


· 'f.heuni~crsityhubecome•b'aioine around ror local municipalities
wanting to try the same thing with
lhcir own police.

- :~i:O~ ~ mai::n:!~li~le~\~:v:~{~ 0';:

Drug Abuse. After completina the vencd' rrom gasoline power to proarudy, which is in its second year, ,pane, which 11 .cheaper ahd burns·
Gilbert will ·compare the data with cleaner than ps, Gilbert uya.

The Wcdnelday, Seplombe,28,,1994 Wcdnelday,Scplombor28, l~

~ buys Ginsburg collection
I G" .... . r;-r rrom pqe 5

and audio

rom nwnCl'O\J•

assorted b·iu or pcrton'al memOra-


m o;,,...,.,; ""''""'


""°""""" · .Your Ad can appear

:l Lewis, Tillie OIICl:1, bilia.
'/, DeniJC i.evcrtov aod •
"I wanted to preserve this evi~
X. "0insbcq'1 archive _ denc.e in QISC of some' future crack:xn this fouodation. It down in cultural censonhip,"
coverage or the •-.:ant· Oinsbcra says. '1 an::hivcd all I could
of this new colUCiO\lsntu and saved
Jal collection is com- every' piece of paper that's
M:IOUI items from the ~ · through my hands a.s a ~ all of hit manu- of the spirinia] war for liberation of
cdl of pri"81c joum,h, form and content in poeuy. bearing
:n from other .writm in mind.that ·when the mode of murisu, family documents, t ic changes, the walls of the city
:sonat library of boob shake.'"

C'&t La Mort's dark recordings

tapes; various ~e&{Ch

here. Advertise .in
The-Suffolk Journal
and reach the
enti~ campus, all
at once. Contact
Karen M. Courtney


Continued from page ~

arcgoodandtheov~d is full
Johanna's House of Glamour," a a:ndfinishcd. You won't understand
Rhode Island-based group whose any of.the lyricSbu.t w ith SOOg titles
album ..Style Monsters" (CLM 045- such as " Voltumus" and "Sidi
2' is Ions on mood and short on vocal Barrani,"it's probably just as well.quality.
disc features a lowThe ~ woman ~~ Pin~
budga, recorded-at-home-sound that.
and her voice ts a treat. 4-,id Up m
is nooethe.Jess very effective in the Lavender" (CLM 044-2) appears to
wispy, clhctcal mood i1 evokes. A bctheironlyC' EstLaMortreleasc,
cornplctC lack of dcccni melodies so let'shopcthcrewillbemorc - it's
makes the album a bit tiring, b4t recommended despite its 36-minute
overall it's not bad. M-1 Alte rnative length.
goes for a somewhat similar vibe on
Probably the besl way lo gel to
'1lle Little Thrcshing•A oor" (CLM know this label is through ilS ·•Doctor
)4 1-2), a disc whose sh.immcring Death" (get i1?) sampler series, the
sound is richer and more full y real- most rcce nl or which is titled
ized than that of Johanna's House of "Aoribundus"(CLM039-2)andfcaGlamour. A duo, the band uses echo tures all or the bands mentioned
and delay to flesh out its sound, and above as well as many others. Samthe effect is lovely : - the in plcrsmusuallyuncvcn,butthisone
the ointment is the singer's highly iscomistentlygoodandf~such
affected vocal style. which serves as standoUt tiacks as ''Unc AttenJ Praga constant distraction .
ilc" by the French band Collection
Perhaps the best single band out d' Amell Andrea and "OvCr and
of the batch of discs I received for
review is Tel Basta.a San Francisco
group whose jangly gujtnrs and ocof the same name). The cover art
casional Nonh African influences rca1urcs a logo that looks disturbcombine to make a satisfying, if ingly like a modified swastika, but
som11.imes mystifying. whole. Ev - that 's probably a coincidence. This
erything ·is in place here: melodics disc is hig~y recoriiri:icnded.


results from 'a &m&Uer NIDA-fuodod
investigation of male smokcn bc (:ODduct.ed a few )'W"I ago.
Could a Smoke Delp Reiten
In particular, lhe data will enable
[)epra,jon? Gilben to examine gender differeooei
By College Prea Service
in~imoking; ·"Some. of lhe litentln
CARBONDALE, IL -- Depreu ed SU81CSU Lhat female, may smoke
SJ',OPIC may smoke. ln part, to relieve more~to reduce tcnsioo and 'dcprel~i~ ~ . n . uys a _
Southern ll- ilon, while men seem to do it to
improvC concentration and alect•
lioo~~:~~~r1:n:f~fcssor of ncss," hi sayJ.
psychology and natiOnally expert on ., mokin&, ~ys 'SOme SaU1bilry State U P°'ke Are
people may find it harder to quit Blklnalt
1nioking because nicoti ne affects By College Preu Service
them like an anti-depreswtL
SALISBURY, Md. •• To save money
Gilbert, who heads the smoking on gasoljne, Salid>ury State Univer:ryc~i:ysiol~ l::.cory~ sity have turned lhc campus police
officen ooto pedal powu.
oicoti~;-1nomi:.:'"es ac~vity io the
~ofSSU'a 16public ult,..
right side of the brain where negative officers have traded in 'perrol. cars fot
moods and depression seem to origi- bicycles.
"ll's a lot cheaper to buy $500,
When depression-prone people bikes than a $19,000 car," says Joquit smoking, they lose the lift that seph Gilbert, vice J>C:?ident of ad;
Meanwhile, cpps on bikes seem
thcori~. After withdrawal, they re- 10· form be1ter relationships with the
twn to a "normal" state that is more studen u and lhe community, say
d'cpressed than other ex-smokers. univCfliiy, officials. .That puts them-at a greater risk for
111c uni hasbccome 'Straining ground for local municipalities
wanting to try !he. same tblng with
1hcir own police.
~::1c:: ~ = d ~
Meanwhile, the university's regrant from the National JnsOM.C for maining ve hic les have been ·con-'
Drug Abuse. After completing tho. vertcd' from Sasol inc powe;. io prq- •
swdy, _
which is 'in iu second year, pao~. which is cheaper- and bums
Gilben will compare the data with cleaner than gas, ~ilbert uys.

Campus Notes

:~:u:"tt:11:p= ~rn!



=~• !!~


TheSutrollcJounal Wednesday,~mbe/28, 1994

The Sutrollc Journal


Universitr DateLine.
·Athletic Toams at
.Suffolk U:niversity


&I Leyden, Coech

As the semester, it is Rockey

hard k:no,vina

whm: to find infor- Wimam Bums, Cooch
mation about the activities we 573-8379
would like to patticipe!c in. The
follow ing is a list of the 1poru Mtn'1 Balkttball
ti:am1 hcrc"at. Suffolk University. If Dennis McHugh, Asst.
you are intcn:sted. call I.hi; appro- Kevin Vancisin, Asst.
priate coach to fi~•ou1: more inlor- . 573-8379
mation. If you would like to begin
.a team contact tbe Athlcdc depan- SoftJ>all

mcnt at 617/573-8379.

Ttmlll: Women'• and Men's

Dennis Franczak, Coach
Gcorac Nat.ale, Asst.

Tony Fanna. Coach


September 28


Occobcr 4
October 12

CALL 617/JSJ.2987
For lnformadoo







"-1,i·-. ~.r i ,



Blind Graduate Sludent

O>oosc from 3 different fundrmen
lasting either 3 or 7 days. No investment. Earn $S$ for your poup plus

seeks Readers
co umt with pnx,r rcadia1

Departmeol, regardless of you
level of cxpenise. Becoming a
pan of a team is a great way to

puaonal aim
r« youraclf. •~t32-G528, Ert '5


improve your aamc.


WANTED: PIT-counter help. Local
rcstawant. ucd1en1 pay. Call Mike
at Grill on the Hill .523-9760.

If any or the above sports
interest you. cootact the Alhlctic


Joseph M.WaJsh, ~ b
Lawrence O'Toolc. Asst.

Womt.n'• Basketball


WtdoUday Sfp'frnt>tc:28


Richard Levenson, Coach

September 28 - October 4, 1994



Base ball
Cllris lknMtt, Asst.
573 -8379


Slrlfolk University's Calendar of Events

ITestP;~~ -

Pn:pmtino Couraa for:



i,_~ ·



papen and IUI book

.$5.00 pu bow
Call°Mi.l:e McDermott
o..r.0ppon.i.,.io..i1t~ 'w..,. lllldeal

11:00 - 2:00
3:30 - 5:00

Laa! Day For FIiing Application for Spring/Summer Flnol 11■9-up Eum■

Ch-Ing Club B■ lol Sole


Reception for A HANA atudenta & frlenda atSUffolk


Thursday s«etomb&r29
9:00 - 9:45
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 -2:00
1:00 -2:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:15 - 2:30
5:00 - 5:45

Fin. Aid Entr■ncel.qanCO<IIINllng-.lona
Tranalw Sll!dont Open Houae - Free Food & Beacon Y■■ rbook1•t-ng
Meri' ■ Golf va. WP1
B.LC, Study Oroup-C-■1ry 111
B.LC. StudyGroup 0. Phyalc■l-nce I
B.LC. Study Group. Accounting 201
B.LC. St~oup-Mlcro-E-.omlca 211





Cl,ASS.nlorSemln■f--byC.-S..V lcea
Hum■ nltle■ ond-.iLang.__ng

Alpha Phi ~ - n g

' Fonton337

ApplylngT09'■du■ta&choolw/omphaalaon :The MentalltulthProlesalona




Men'• Soceerva. NlcholaColl■g■
Women'■ T~nnla va. Emerson College

Emerson Coll■g■

An. Aid Entrance Loan CO<lriMll"II Sea Iona

Fr/"411 -Mmtl«r 30
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 -2:04)

B.LC. Study Group- Accounting 321
B.LC. Study Group - Accounting 201


s«turda11 October 1

B.LC. Study Group • Chemlatry 2t 1

World.Trade Center

Deana' Reception Fall 1994

B.LC. Study Group- Chemlatry 21 t


Team Meeting

Monday October 3


tffurs~ay,.Oct~ 6

Thu. ,!;,cJ.,y, Oct. 6


Ridgeway 416

Ridgeway 400

11 :00 - 12:00
12:00 -1 :00
2:00 - 3:00


B.LC. !itudy Group--cs 250
B.LC. Study Group· Accounting 321
B.LC. Study Group· Accounting 201
B.LC. Study Group.• Phyalcal Sclence.1



w-•■ CenwAnnu■IF■l ll■copllon

. .._i;o,tl.Rm


YlcePrNlclef!ta'~ -


TM4141Y Qcteb«:4
11:30 -12:30
1:00 - 2:3!)
1:00 -,2:30
1:00 -2:30
1:00 -'2:30
1:00 - 2:00
2:30 - 4:30












.r 8:::C:

B.LC: StudyQroup a..n.try211

P■ rentCO<lncH-.,g




.. Stuctlotl 8Mlbtl tWf-Pdol wlSyffglk ID fpr 1P01!P C wtlltJ JbNtrt EY'IOII
C.Hutlnafoo 1511 wbh IDYffl

M , IL

.llalmlllltJ;!idlUallaSUflolkUn_,-•--· For _ _ on _ _ _,.,_tllroflliil
--.ortoUaton ■-11-,au . . .........,.o■1-,A-""--"'-"~


The Suffollr: Journal

Wednesday, September 28, 1'994

Universit_y DateLine
Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
September 28 . October 4, 1994
Wctdnudoy S1mtrlmbec2R
11:00 - 2:00
3:30 - 5:00

Chee,lng Club llake Sole



Fenton Lounge


Thuc,tf<y $@Qtembttr29
9:00 1:00
·1,00 ·1,00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:15 3:30

9:45 .


Fin. Aid Entrance Loan Counseling Sessions
Transfer ~tudent Open Houae - Free Food & Prizes
Men'• Golf VI. WPI




B.LC. Study Group • Chemlotry Ill
B.LC. Study Group •.Ph,-tcal.Sclence I
B.LC. Study Group-Accoullllng 201
B.LC. Study Group- Mlcr~conomlca 211
CLAS Senior Seminar aponaored by Career Services
Humanities and Modem Language Meeting

Alpha Phi

~ Wl'IUI Worcester ~

win • Harvard's Smith
Add. Suffolk's "'bomd' fidd. Suffolk ii cunmtly oii • three-game
winnm& saat. holding a record of
3- l.


ApplyIng To Graduate School w/ emphasis on : The Mental Health Profeaalons
· Home
Men•• Soccer va. Nichols College
Women'• Tennie vs. Emerson College
Em. .on College
Fin. Aid Entranr,e Loan Counnllng Sesalons

B.LC. Study Group- Accounting 321
B.LC. Study Group-Accounting 201

S,,wyer 430
Sawyer 430

Saturday October 1
1:00 - 2:00
6:00 - 9:00

B.LC. Study Group • Chemistry 211
Deans' Reception Fall 1994

World Trade Center

B.LC. Study Group -Chemistry 211

Sawyer 430

Jege, and

B.LC. Study Group• Statlatica 250
B.LC. Study Group• Accounting 321
B.LC. Study llroup • Account(ng 201
B.LC. Study Group,• PhY9ical Science I
'41¥omen'a Center Annual Fall Reception
University Alumni Council Meeting





Qne ,or may c ~.~
ing the Saffolk wcmen•, bub:cblll
team occ:mpd tJm pllll awruncr, with

~:;,,::.."':;=.: °-;:,.._ofl.eydeo'1


" StuctonJI Aecelye H11f:Pr1P1 w/Suffolk ID for aome C W.llb JbHtrw EnoJI
. CaH11taD11on8581 wtth ■nvPYIIJlona.



V(elcomc; . l0the90'

f8JIS, where labor .-CU~
play ~oo,..and •far:l · Dlb



llDilflmlll!~laSuflolkUnl-.Hy"•-calondar. Forlnfonnlllonononyoplieduled-1,anydayolthe

-:;1~ve:'° "Globe's 1988






Coache, Anociation ( 1987 and

m,J,ip-adcollqe...,t,, ,...-_be.....ia......,.,lrom
colicbm at ~ High Sdlool born BostOd State Colle1e. His other
1912-1919 be ... ,.. a,...., .;...;.. 11uuoa molude &ina bead
Bol&oa Lapo's Ow.II ol the Ymr coach ol the ~ Amau:w- tioni to indefiailely pClllp8al!
ror tblee yem (IUIIUIII..
Atlllelic Unioa. ad the Bay State 95Jt:8SOl1,•
best moniker, "fn:iezo.our' i




,I n 1967, be pduced from 8 01- victim.
too CoUeae Hiab School bef'ifre movFor the NHL, the dcdiii
~ Dmlina: .~Bdward' P. ,Leyden.u in& 011 to the Umvcriity of Musa- tober ht. opcaia1 abte i
the Lady Ram new lad COICb.
'~ . where be received a aidi- tcana mtbe 1capc. If. dtcl
Leydc:a. a pn:,w:11 wiDDa in bQtb dor of ans-~ in i'J71 . Four


B.LC. Study Group· C-lat,y 211


~, . , . . J'tiley


Humanltleeandllodem Language-ng

f"mt we bad .~

time pill the plug 00 their 1

..i - clipo of-~
Leyden ~ new Lady Rams-coach -·.-..._.rq,lo<:ed,e81


ColljlgeRepubllcan ~ng SUffolkUnlv.H1-Ul>Aaaodallon-ng ·


JWL· 'Wi may sco m 111b11D1

. Mlll.lct!j;onl.-Rm
Vice Preeldents' ConfeNJnca Room


Where one leads, otben,,

ICUPG, and nowto_pouib~
__________________ '. ~
,llaDd both bod


B.LC. - Study Group Mlcro,Economlca




Tund«Y Qctober4
1:00 -2:30
1:00 -2:30
1:00 -2:30
,1:JN)-2:30 .
1:00 - 2:30
f :00-2:00'
2:30 - 4:30

w ~ swc· ·College.

Suffolk's own Ioao Pelan.
Nancy is a '94 Sitfolk grad1,u2u
•s Moat Valuable Player. and a c11rnn1 s"'4,nl of canmwaicaThe players and coachCI alike tiot)S In the 1U1lwusiry's masters
seem ·confident in the fuhft of the program.

Moadav; October3
11:00 -12:00
12:00 -1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00

ICalOll. "'Hey, we're 3-1. We have
more WW oow ·lhlll wc did in the
eotireaellOCl.1-tyeat,.. saidfruczak.
referrina to Suffolk's mere rwo' wim
lat •year. •
· Joseph Meola, a freshman for• '
want. said. '1f- we 'catJ. set our scuff
, toptbcr, we CID be a great~...
Lotby '"T'" Jeudy, one of the

Ram' s midficlder/foiwads, swcd
Ilia& the team ii diverse with playcn
from all pa1t1 of. thc'.world. "ll can be
our atmigth. as well q ourrtea.kArter the game, the. players ncu., because we have _good wps,
showed ·their excitement about the but diffcratt-~ t i e s. If we can
re1tofdlslCIIIOQ. "'Sllffoikbaaoevc:r utiliu the diversify, we can defiplayed lll:e tlm in the years I'ye been llltely go all the way.",
bae," aid Tauua Nagasue. a amior _ M a whole. the u:am would lib
deteodcr; "11x:rc's a lot of defensive more support fn:m the 1ebool as fu
ud midfiCJd "improvcmcnL •We're • ~ lttmdaDce; is CODl;c:mcd. Ryan
. playina • a unit ~·
Schrier, a topbomorc defender, aid ·
~ by ,eoio, Phil Fahooe. thl~ "Come ~ us pjoyl"' S..n'olk &uffolk..,.:ccr bepa ,die IC8IOII with meecs ~ l a College on 9'29 and
a ICU&b.2-0 1~ to Cuny College in . Frammpam Sime c.oijcae· on l~J ..
the .Cuny· Cup. : The riext i3ay, SJlf- Bodi, pmes will be played at Saµth
· folk came back with veogeaoc:e and Field.
destroyed Emenoo S-0. Suffolk. was
On the oollook of the ieason,
the scccmd pl.:e winoer ln the toot- however, fRsbman ~d6elder U:cal
nament wbi_ b ' consisted of teams ¥a;K,enzie said it best: ..Suffolk.
1• ••
y!" ·

fr/day S,ptembM 30
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00


a... flllilbed . . pme with an un-

prasni, 3-1

· Fenton438

o.,_ Mooting

10 11:E J9UUW.

~ team ii Suffalk•• best kept
lf'Cltlt... aid €oad1 Dcnnia Fraoczak



Beacon Yeal'liooklatMootlng


Suffolk's Best ~e~ ~ret_

Laat Day For Flllng Application for Sprlnw.'5ummer Fln ■ I Make-up Exams
Reception for Al:IANA studenta & friends at Suffolk


-fmtyan.UOlilbe~ -oa-23nl,Atbletic
Mcanwbile, in the NBA;
........ Tufb Uai~tlmpat E. Ndloa bad-· cam~ are ICbedulcd IO ope1
........ season. He ia alao pai- ma bat prai88 r« Ilia new employee. f.oeeb, ~tbctbn::alofa
. . . fll die Ealtcm New Eqlad ""We are dcUpled IO welcome an
owner's lockout•locNna. · sti
u.,piMa .\MocialiDD ad ii a fall. indlvidaal al Bd Lcydon'1 - ~:• theNHL, the NBA ii .ia

=. . . . - . .

.... _.t:lliilo- - - Ilia..,,....-... t . ,m,
of tbe Yca. by




plus to our women ' s buketba1L

I ~..

naw "WIid"


Suffolk's Best Kepf Secret_

Volume 53, Number 4

.. Hey, we're ~ I. We bavc '
wins DOW than WC did in ~
cndlC aeason laatyeu1" said Franc:z.u.
rcfcrrin1 to Suffolk'• mere r.wo' wiu







is Suffolk's beat kept

Student lnputEs.sential to Complete
Diversity Policy hnpl~entation

-,•'ia.fO.ODmni,f- ·1ast;,-.

.Joseph Meola. • freshman for- ·
game \'Cl'SUI Worcea&a' State. The want. laid. ..If we can' get our stuff
Ruts fbliahed tbe game with an im- • togctbcr, we can be a great team."
~VII 3-J ..wira ar. Harvard's Smith
Lothy 1'" Jeudy, one of the
Fidel. Suffolk's "'home" field. Suf- Ram's midfielder/forwards, &,lated
folk i1 currently on a three-game tJiat tbe team is diverse wilh playen
winnin& streak, botdina • ~ or &om all parts of tbe ytortd. "It can be
out, attength, as wcU as our weak.After the game, 1hc players ncu. because we have good dolls,
showed lbeir acitcmcnt about the but different personalities. If we can
tfflofcllcaeason. ..Suffolkhasncvcr utiii:tc the diversity, we can dcfiplaycd like this in the yean I' ve been nitcly go all the way."
Tatsua Nagasuc, a ~or
AJ a whole, the team wouJd like
defender. ""Tbcrc's a lot of dcferu.ivc mOl'C support from the school as Jar
ani:I midfield improvement. We're as fan attcodancc ia coocemc:d. . Ryan
Schrier, a sophomore defende;, said
~ by scnior Phil, 'this: "'Come sco. ua play!" Suffolk
Suffolk 100Ca began the ieasqn with meets Nichols College ot"9129 and
a tougb 2-0 lou to Curry College in Fnuaingham State CoJJege on 10(1.
the Cuny Cup. The Dex.t day, Suf- Both pmes
be played •at Smith
folk came beck with vcogcanoe and Field.
destroyed~ 5-0. Suffolk was
On the outlook of the season,
stc)ppage ~
the SCCOGd place winner in the tour- however, fresttmaft midfielder Ucal
nament which consisted of teams MacKenzie said it best: "Suffolk
Ilege. and Worcester Swe College.
Suffolk'• oWJI Jc.o Pereira V:u the
Nancy is a '94 Suffolk groduate
·Where one leads, othen will fol1oumament's Most Valuable Player. and a curnN stutunJ of commwticalow. FU'St we bad our Dlliooal pasThe players and coaches alike tions in the wtiversity's masters
time_pull lbc plus oo their aplcndid
seem confident in lhe future of the program.
seuoo, and now both hockey Ind .

., ..... ICar'I!

During this fall se.meatcr, atu•
denu from all three scboob at Suffolk Uoivenity will be invited to
reaction/fcedbild:: seuioos to auist
Prq;ident David SatJeot and Auistant to the President, Or. Sharon ArtisJacbon, in crating I relevant and
realillic diversity plan for the university. The stated i:oal this plan is to
create a multiculwral campua that
will' ..prepare aod cdueale mep, and
to be fu~ leaden 111d citi-




ing divene aociety."
Day aod evening Sludenta, full.
and part-time atudenu:, uoder&radu,
ate and gnduMC atlldenu. aJJ·will be
invited to review the [)(venity Policy
statement Which was appl'O\lcd by
the Board of Truatcea IDld Che Administrative C;ounciJ io No\'cmber,
1993. StudeDta also will be ukcd to
contribute ~Jcochck OD the

over NHL, NBA

In varsity tennis, the women's team
suffered three sctbacb this past week
at the bands oC- Simmons College {~ r
9), Aibertus Mapua· College (2-7),
8Dd F.ndicou CoUcac (1-6). Dcapite

_______________. ., ,., . .___ ~i~et!:~':~:::::: ~junj~r!'~u:.=:~=~~

R,- FoloJ


One o[ IDIIOY cbangea concemmg tho Suffolk women'• bukdbaU
team occ:umd tbia i-t

: ~r ~~


Coachea A11ociatioo (1987 and
1988) and the B9tton Globe'• 1988
Coach of the Year• . •.•
In 1967, be .,.tuated from Bost.oo CoUe,c HJgb. School before mOvi.oa oo ·tQ... dlc Univcraity"..of Massa-


Leyden, I proven wiDDer in. both
the hlaJ, ochool ""'1 oo)leae tanks, )'Cln later b e ~ a from
coac:bed • . R.effn High School from Bost0a State-Collese. His other ·
1982-1919 wlNn be waa tbe'Qreata -iw.a ...., mcludc ban& bead
Bolton 1...c1pe•1· Co!cb ol the Year COlldl of lhe Maulchu.aetta Amateur
ror tmec yean ruaai.o&.
Athletic Un.ion ud the Bay State
ID 1989, ho beam a tawrc It 0..ta.
. ~M-HipSd>ooldlat
ln lbe amoum:emait of Lcyde:o'a
- - yan, Wllil be - thia pa imwlalkm oo Aogmt 23rd, A1hJetic
~ ~ T u f u Uaivenity
t.lillbaU ICalOa.. •lie ii aJa;o prai<I lbe Eastem New Eqlud -We are ddiplecl to welcome ao
Aaociltion and ia • full- mdmdual of Ed Lcydm's Weots,"
NICMoa aid. "He bdq:r exccllent
crodollriala to hil potition .and we
view bu appoiDlmc:ftl u a definite
. . . . ~ Cloocl, of ...
by plua IO our women '• bulr:etb11l

-- ---







where clips of baaiocu--style board

Sciencea, tbe School of Manqemcot
and the Law School.
The ewtt:nl efforif of Pruidcot
Sargent and tbe Diversity Taalr: Force

are a result of five-year coocerted
commitment to create a campus
which we~rnes people from a wide
variety of baclr:grounda, whlcb envisions education tha,Vis incluaive of
multiple perspectives, IDd which is
proaie:ti.\le in its d foru to achieve
thcae goals. When this proce11 is, the-Oiven:ity Policy Stitcment and the Diversity will provide to all members -of the Suffolk
community guidelines .that will assist
io program plano.iog, curriculum de- ·
v~opment, recniitment and •hiriq,
student acme&, and resoun::e ailO:.
cation. _



Leyden appointed new Lady Rams-coach


"'most impt'OVcd" player, cootioucs

~::it:' :;!~:1:;:u,:



mcdinga could 11:J>llce the biplight, ~~•Y:~ ..
traospiqog on our fiekb, ccurta, and· MAiden j un.ipr,,hit an II \ to lead Su!rinks.
lo the 90's sports folk in -the. fine round OC the Liulc
f~s. Where labor action outshiocs Four.
tcam'a next
play action, and fan .natic.i: ii bdd match will be tomom,w at W.P.L u
lhCj continue play io the toumaFor the NJD.., the deadline Oc-- meot. The IDIICh ii ICbcduJcd 1o start
tobcr 1st, oe_eniog akate for .m~t ·: ■ . l:00 ....Womco't-iatra-man} ,81:11-




folk Uoivenity: R.cbuildin& a Divcnc:
Ptcaideol Sqenl. baa a-eMcd I
Divenity Illk Force to ow:ncc die
fecdbaclc proc:aa 111d revise: the planning document bacd OD relp(!'lleS
from the Suffolk Commuity. 1bc
Oiven:lty Talk Force ia coow:ncd by
Dr., AJtis.Jacboo, and iaclpdea 26
people who wa-c appoilltcd, by lbc
President and who reprcaent ataff,
admioiatnron, faculty Ind atudenta
from the College of Libetal Atta and


oio& document and: putjci~ lo

amal.l p,rup gitcuuiooa with Diver-. _
aity Tllk Force" mtmba:s. The fol lowing poupa bave been
atrud~: S ~ t Orient,aioo staff,


deol G o v ~ ~OIi,.
ber ol ltlJdact orpoiuliolll, ud -,idem in aiciiom: ol relevant COW'ICI.
·oiscuaaiOo a,oupa have been
~ for 'lllundly, ~
at J:00 to 2:00, in . Arcller 401 and


~:::: ~ ~==·!:!

to the StlMlenl Activitiea Offtee, $738320, if they pllo to attend. More
~ groupa will be acbcdulcd.



in~ feapc. .If there lJ


collcc:tive barg~g i.arcement in
place by Saturday, Com~looer .
°"'Y BeUmap "" ......i hit .....,_
tiom to iDddinitdy ~ the 9495 seaaon. Loclr:oct may oot be the
best mooiktt; "mc:zo-out" ii bctta
Meanwhile., in. lbc NBA. 1:1:ah:Qa


camps are

lfhcdukd to open

in two


~yball cootumea

lO _ _fC orp~ f'

exteoaion "8379. Cmreatly, the

.....,..,; ,oUeybo1l ·club.w .-,,,
forvnty IIMlllby •95 ___Qou..coon..
uy newa: • the SL Amdm.'1 lnvitational io New Hampalwc OD Satmday, vario,aa ocwcomcn . tumed in
stellar perfollDI.DCU .on both the



women'• Gdt&.

"'°" -


wceb, while the lhrcat •o( • -p:ubie
owne~! lockout ·'°'."";'· ·.Simila, .,..-'tboir
Oo a dile me,
the NHL. tbe NBA II m dire aced ol dlio - - -•• Clll9-oDllllllr ._.. is
a new collective ~ aar,o-. llill la NaCb of a:ldidlul rwmen.
mcot The leaau,c'a Bead ol<Jo,ra-- Qs1a JN Wallll aa be rmcbed
non are set to go to the mcctina table tlnDp die Atbldic Dqlll'tmeot for




Leaderllbip forUfe aeries contin1!18fRecruitment and
- --,--~
9 ---L--~--- . - ,ered on awdrenta ·iocreued aOCial iL" •






~i!.~ 1e.!'a:- memlI

how 110 ad IDd plm poup eveat1.


l..adcqhip ror Lile teriea'
Du Jardin cc.praacd tbM cffcccootiaucd on Sabmil)', September live recraiaellt IDllll bqia with a
24, widl l ,euion OD orpnizlllioo lcak:r's ability to COD'IC)' ~ ' eorecnaicmeet and ft:UllbOII by Pierre thaaium for a poap'1 calde in a

It mmt be
suoagiy ill. n.; ..d
will be l:ieiled ar



Du IUOCiaul profe11or of viafble maaaer to every poulble •
.......;. • Saff'Olk Uai~. -.hldeat..

__ _.....,-~ -


..... --.lilnly. ............

----.. . . . . . . ---•will
. - 1..a , . . . . _ ol SIDdeal. It£. _ or to dau a fsw· mintol early,"

.. joio - - _ _ .,_
· - " -o,lood. - - - - - D o - " l f y a o . . ~



. runa "WIid"


Suffolk's Best Kept"~ret_
"HCy, we're 3--1. We have '
in the
eotirc1CUOD1-.year," uidfrancuk.
rderri.n& to Suffolk's mere two Wllll
more wim lktW tllan we did


1bi1 u:an ii Suffolk's bcst tcpl
ICCl'Ct." .... Dennis Fl1UICDk

After the game, the players
showed their acitcment about lhe
restof lbc aeuon "Suffolkhasnevcr
played Jib lhis,in the yean; I've been
bere.," aid TllSWl Nagasuc, a senior
defender. "Jberc's a loc of defensive
and midfiCld improvcmcnl. We' re
a unit"

by seniorPbil Falzone,
Suffolk 100CCr began the season with

~f ~eu:.c:a~:•;ui;.


Joseph M ~ • freshmtn for- ·
want. aaid, "Ii we can· gd our stuff ·
togctbcr, we can be a great team."

On the outlook of the scuon,
however, freshman midfiddcr Ucal said it best: "Surfol.k

nament which consisted of teams


Seate College.

Work stoppage IQC)lm Around the Campus
~ver NHL;NBA
• a, a,.. Foley


Suffolk's own Joao Pereira wu the
Nancy is a '94 Suffolk sraduate
Where ooc leads, otbas will foltournament's Moit Valuable Player. and a curre,u stutu,u of communicalow. First we had our natioaal paslbc players and coachCI alike tions in the 1U1iversity's masters
timc pill the plug oo their splcodid
seem c:oofidenl in the future of the prosram.
SCUOfl, and DOW both hockey and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;__ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ball Stan d to pou~ y r,o Uow


Leyden appointed new Lady Rams coach
BJ RJUl'eley

Ooc of DUIOY cbugcs COl'ICCming tho Suffolk women's butdball
team occum,d this put Swomu, w_ith


the DBlllllll of Edward F. Leyden u
the , _Lady Rams new bead coach
Lcydca,a ~~i.Dbotb
the hiab· acbool and coUeae ranks,
coacbcd .. ltnae ttigb School-from
1982-1919 wflcnl' be
die Gn::ater
-Bolton I.ape's Coach of the Year
for thfflC ye.a runaina-


"most improved.. player, continues


to be one
Su.Cfolk's top
play:en .... Mlkc DeBe'.nedlcUa, a

e may sec an autumn

:!:0 ::~~-=~h!::

In varsity tennis, the women's team
suffered three sctbacb this put week
at the hands o( Simmons College (09), Albei1us MlpUI College (2-7),
Md Endicott Col.lcp: ( 1-6). Despite
the ltrcak of Quincy, and Glalaoo,
a junior fromloua, ,NUCJ Jut ye&l's


and ::::e1:=!c:,~,n:~· =7n1z~hi~\:::ii:

Coaches Association (1987
1988) Md the Bolton Globe'• 1988

fans , where labor action OOt1hiocs F<:ll.r. The vanity JOlf team'• oczt
Coach of the Year.
play actioo,.,antHan natioo -is•bcld maccb will bttomonow at W.P.l as
In 1967, he ar-at,ed from Boa- victim,
they continue play jn the IOUmalOQ CoUeae flip Scbo9I beforemovFor the~ t h e ~ is,Oc- ~ T6e
~ to start
in& oo. to the Uniw:nity of Musa:.. . tober lli- optni.og skate for most ill 1:00....Womca I inba-.mural vol~ ~ teams in ~ Jeaaue. If there is 00.-";"~ball CODtinaca ·to loot for '-orp-


folk Uaivenity: Rebuilding a Diverse


S-,cnt bu acaced a
Divas.ii)' :raak -Force tq ownce the
fccdbk:k proccu and revile.the plmDina; docwnc.nt baled .oa rapCllllCI
from lhc. Suffolk Community. The
DiVers.ity T,-t Force is coavcned by
Dr. Artis-Jacltson, and includes 26
people who ~ .appoiatcd by lbc
President and who represent staff,
adminiltra&on, -&1C011y and llUdenu
Crom the CoUqe mu~ Arta and



___,.. __ _



collective barall!,Ding ~ t in
pl!"=e by Saturday, Com~loner
Gary 8cUmaa baa llalcd bis inlmlions to inddinitdy poapoac thc 9495 season. Lockout may not be the
best moniker; "fnao.out" is beuer
suited, for' tbe ~ 110p1 Mrc Dia.
Meanwhile, in the NBA, baimaa
campe arc IChednled to open in two
weeks, while

the threat of a.poaible

owner'' lockout -loolDI. · Similar to

cxtcnli~n · 8379. Currently, the
women's voUeybu.l club is abooting
f«vmity~by'95.-.CnJaa..cou.otty news: • the St Amdm's Invitatiooal in New Harnpallire oo Saturday, vario,ia aewcomcn .turncd in
stellar pcrfo,:maocea on both the
- • • and. womm'1 lidea. ~


-1bcir n,mie c1ebata. Ot[ a aide note.
dlie womee'i CNIWIIDDlllr)' Imm is
llill in IIIICII o f ~ NIIIICl'I.
C.-. JN w... ca be .-::bed
tlllOap die Athlccic Dqctmcat fix

tbc NHL. the ~A is in dire need ol
8 new collective. barpiamc ..,0mcnt. The leapt'• Boad olGowl'norsarcsettogototbemeeliaatable
Octobe, 5th.

~=; =~ -- -~e-,-.._,---N.--~

dent G o v ~ Auociatioo, a num-


Discunion IIOIIPS .havi l>ecn
· - ·oaNAL STAl'I'
scbcdukd fix 'Jlunday, Ocy>bcr 6,
at 1:00 to 2:00, in An:bcr 491 and
Tuclday, 0clober ll at I :00 to 2:00
in Sawyer 421. All swdeau who
have ttad the-~
documeat arc
dent Oovenmeai AaociMioa IDCIClwdcomc. Tbole) ntensted c.m RSVP
illg. Mike Troaier, SOA Sccrdlry
tiom oc
to the Student Activities Office., 57:3-,,
moved lo accept Di Pnu II Tempo: ' the 'l'Ct.
8320, if tbcy •plan to attend. More
r&q ParlimeotmiM uatil the polhioo - that
dilCuuioo groupe will be scbedwed.


==--::-~T's: ~

________ __________



ycan laler ¥' eam:d a master's from
BOiton State College. His other
omdliDa duties✓ incwdc being bead
coach ol the Muuchusetll Amateur
Athlelic Union and the Bay State
ln 1989, be bepn a tawrc M Oamea.
- . , . Mcmoriol !tip Sdlool dlot . lndlip,annouaccmc:acofLeydeo's
loa\fouiyan, W l l i l b e - imtaUMioa oo Anpst 23rd, Athletic
oadiD& at Tufts Uni~ 11m pat Dircctw .James E. Nehoo had noth~ seuon. He ls also prat:
al lbe Eutan New Eq1ud ~cbld.:-C
µ.pi,. AaociatioD and ia a full.. iDdiYdlal ot Ed Lcydea'1 lalcnu,"
No11oa aid. "'He brinp acellent
c:redeadala to bia position .and we
lfipview bil appoialmcot u a definite
plu• IO our women'• bukc1b1II

1.IIJda'•--·::S :::Uo( ~si:r~

Sciences., the School of Manaacmcnt
and the Law School.
Tbe current efforts of President
Durina this iaii'" semester, stu- Sargent and the Diversity Talk Force
deDlS from all three schools at Suf- are a result of five-year concerted
rof0 Univenity will be invited to commitment to crea1c a campus
reaction/feedback seuions to BS1ilt which welcomes people fTOfll a wide
Presidtllt David Sarae1u and Anis- variety of backgrounds. wbich cnvi-·
tant to the Prwdent, Or. Sharon Artis- sions education that is inclusive or
Jacboo, in creating a relevant and multiple perspectives, and which is
realistic diversity plan for the univer- proactive in iu efforts lo achieve
sity. The stated goal of this plan is to thele gollls. When this proccu is
create a mu.hiculwnal campus that completed, the Divcnity Policy Stitewill ·"'prepan, and educate men aod meoc and l;hc OivqJity Plan will prowomen to·be future leaders" 8Dd cili- vide to all members of the Suffolk
um who can function cff'CCtively in- community guiddincs- that will assist
an C\loMii.a:, phnli~ and increas, in program planning, c<irriculum de-rag diV'Cr$C societ)'."
velopment, recruitment an~ hiring,
Day and cvenina students, full- student services, and raourcc allo·and par, stu~u. uoderpadu- calion.
• During this· ICmeltCr,
atc and gradualc 1bldaus.~ will be
invited to revit:W l,tiie DMiacy P.olicy will be i~lo ad"~ drift
statement which was ap,i-oved by Dina docu.m·ent partici
~ -Boent or J'nutees and die Ad- small torup dilcuuiOOI with
' ministrative Couocil in Ntwcmber, sity Tuk F
r ·.., 1993. Students also will be ukcd to tOwing arou
coauibule ~ fedJltl Oil the dmt

. , . . . Kam


Lothy "T" Jeudy, O of the
Ram's midfielderlforwards, nated
that the team \I divase with players
from all puts of the world. '1t can be
our lb'ellgth, as weU as our weakncsa. ~ S C WC have Sood skills,
but differen'l personalities. If we can
utilize the divenity, we can definitely go all tbc·~y,''
M a whole, the team would ti«
more support Crom the school as far
as fan IIUcOdaoc:e is coocemed. Ryai:a
Schrier, a aopbomore defender, &aid
this: ·'Come ~ us ptayr Suffolk
lllCdl Nicb~ls College on 9/29 ani1
fnuDit'lgham State College OD 10(1.
Both pmes will be played at Smith

folk came back with vengeance and
destroyed Emenoo S-0. Suffolk WU
the second .place winner in the tour-

1cae. ~

Student lnput~ntial to Complete Diversity Policy hnpl~mentation



pmc ¥CnU1 Wo«:ata State. The
Ram.I fiolabed the game with an im. ~ V O 3-1 win II. Harvard's 'Smith
Add. Suffolk's "home" field. Sulfoll: is cunmUy on • lhrce--gamc
winniq streak, holding a record of

playina •

Volume 53, Number 4



5'B:3AL 10 nm DJaNAL


_,,_...;._..,...._ ._

canbe_ i l l e d _ _


in PIHi

Leadenbip for Ufe lerh!s oootin~: Rec~tment.and retention "°'


Mia.el a. Mlrrll



IDw 10 1-s and plan lfOUP CYCIDU.
Du Jantin a,naed that cffec-

The Le:adenhip for Ll(c ll(:l'iea
CODtiiwd on Satudly, September tivc' ftlCIUillwl IDUll bepn with a

:::.:...~= =-:'!=-~~in~

Du Jardin, u sociate profcaaor of
~ • S.trolk Uniwnlty.

--pnr,ldo•-...... on 1tudmu iacre,,sed social it."
eomcl wilb the amdalr: body along .

iardm .... 00 IO la)' . . . a

whicb aaracu mcmbcn br¥Ofvemca
It mut be .:imeddq •dlcy · belleve


:n: =-:-c.w!..daeby":



vislMe IDBllDCI' to every poaiblc
~ taeldca of new mc:e-.llldeDL •
"DoDOtbeofnoidto_llbthis . . . . , _ , _ . . . , _ _

al-,.,,. .,
·-~•.-.--..,,--Do-_ eu1,."llyoa_ ...
- - ~ - ....... Lao .......
to -

~--Do . . .

. . . . --.lilnly. . . . .
• ,.... lbe

- - - - ........ , _ _ _ _ _ kwill

·-"'Joio"'...._ _ _ - ~.. - - - -

._....pOlidoe -


