File #4219: "Suffolk Journal_1994Oct05_vol53no4.pdf"


runa "WIid"

Suffolk's Best Kept Secret_


Volume53, Numbe<4

Beacon HIii, Bostoo, -


Sl'9CIAL 10 na J0UI.HAL


. 111111:G

ii Suffolk'• best kept

ICCftt.,. imd Coacb DcMis Fl'UICZU:
• .;eodottbe&SI brllf otSPrday••

pile 'IClf'llll Won:cstcr State. The
Rams twahed lhe pmc with an impn:IIMI )..I will at Harvard's Smith
Add. Suffolk'• "'llomc'" 6dd. Suffolk it cunanly 0111 • three-aame
winniaa 1trcu., holding • record nr

3-t. the same, the player,
ahowcd lhcir excitement about the
ratofdlDKMOn. "Suffolk has never
played ltle lhil in the yean I've bccu
tiae," -'d Tatsua Naguue. • se.,.iot
dcfcoda'. '"There' s a lot of defensive
and midfield improvement~ We're

playinau • unit."
, Cafioi-'byscm0<PhilFohone.

Suffolk IOCCCI' began the aeason with
a tougb 2-0 lou to Cuny College In
the Cuny Cup. The next day, Suffolk came back with vcnseance and
dellroycd Emenoo 5-0. Suffolk WU
the sCICCMKI place wtnner In the 1
ournamcn1 which consisted of teams

lcae. and Won:catcr StMc CoUeac.
Suffolk's own Joao Paara wu the

E r i b ~ S O A -Mact.DiFraia,Pruidcntollhe
Oas of 1997 and Executive Sa:re-


l,eyd«;n appointed new Lady~ coach

dent Qovernmas

One of may cbaagca



tbll Suffolk ~ • • butecball
team occwrcd thb: pat llll'IUba', with

1988) and lhe BOllOD Globe's 1988
Coach 'of the Year.
ln 1967, be pdu.a&cd from B01t00 CoU.qe Hip School before mov.
lfll OD to the U.n.ivmity ' of Massa-

lho_.,,ol6dwanlF. Leydeo lJ
the- i...i, Rams ..., head cood>
chuscas,Wbc:ri be nceived a bacb• _
Leydc::G. a proven wiDDa' in both
,the blcb ,IChool""" oollqe '"""'•
• Hip School ham D01100 Stale Collcac. His other
1912,-1919 .... die 0mMer ........ darjea ..,_ bang bead
Bolton I..apa' ■ Caleb ol the Year of lbt Muaacboldtl Amateur

;!:_°t.:'be-: ~

for dlftlc yean


ID 1989, ~ a lCDUl'C Ill
Radioa Mcmoriil ffi&h School tloot
i-cl IOW' yan, until be commceced
cmdliDa aa.'J\d'ta Unlvenily lhil Jat,

1'1hktic Union and the Bay Stale
"""'1laliooooAu.... 2Jn!,Athletic
OiftlCtCW J1me1 E. Nd.loo bad oothioa but pni,e for his new employee.
"'We are dd.ipted to welcome an
imlividual 9' 6d Lcydea's talents."
~ llid. "He brinel cudlenl
Cftldrmdall to Ilia position .and WC
view bis appoameat u a definite
plu1 IO oor women•, basketball

- -t.lllballteaPl.Heiaalaopreaiol tbe l!utau New· Eqlud
~ Allociaooa ud ii a.-hal.1-


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BuketbaJI

=~1 =



in&, Mike Trottier, SOA Secretary
moved to accept Di Pnia u Temporary Parlimc::turiaa until tbc poaitioa

Coaches Auociatioo { 1987 and


~ for Life · eries ciiidoQ.eS: Recruibnent and retention

tered on studeou i.ocreued 101ial
.....,. pmcdcal ic-1oc1&e ol
how 10 lead and plan poup cvadl.
, Du Jardin capnuocl lhal eff'cctivo . . . . . - mmt bccin with•
~ • ll>ility to coaffJ tbdr cotbuaium f« a poop'• came in a
visible nwmer to overy pouible

The Leadenhip for Life ,erlea
oontmuec1 00 Samnlty, Sq,lember
24, willl a aeuion on orpnu:atioa
rccruitmeat and retCIQbOD ,by Picne
Ou Jardin, auociatc profcaaor- of
~ 11 ~olk Uai..aky. stDdat.


Oui.-diDWClllontqaythlla ~

1.-.... pnmde • -

which mrar:u-acmbcn bM:lhemeDt
It muat· be aomedaiq daey ' botiev.c"\

""""1yin.Tbe-c,fdlewill ~ limiled or pnpllcd by dUI
Bffec:live ~ ol llCW manben reHea • a __.s ilbilily IO kit
....,_,...., _ _

,,,,_ . . . . . . . . . ,..., m l -

- - - - ....... , . . _ _ _ _ _ will
. . . to jaia or 1111d, M1WC11 ~







Do- ,...__

--~lo...,_.. ............ _....,, ............. - - --. .......
...i,,• ""'
,yia Lao . . . . . . ., -

- . c:iloddlel"actlllt<acconlilia10
needed to be ~ by now, dms
neceaai&alin& this move. A vote Wal
taken and the motion wu pu,ed
wilh oae abstmtion.
"'We are tryin& to fill um positions on SOA. we·~ waitin& to offer
the pennman1 poaiocm to scmeone
that does not act .. elect.ed ,"
ctilllcull10!1111ho "pollaoelhe penoa hM to be..,vciry wD vened
in Padimcmry JW00(ICla,e. and that'•
ooc. comnacia...
i5. "'very c a m ~ with the p:lli-~



• ....



r I



111oSllffi>lt- Wedncsday,OclobcrS, 1994



.,, Many African-American Students Adjust
.to ·N~w Culture at M~y White Colleges
By Marco Buscqlia
canlly Sower tbu }hit or lhcir" white
Co0ep, Pre:u 8emoc
couatorpaftl. Aa:orditl1 lO the N...
Wbu kcilb JohD100 catered ti~ Collqille Athletic Auoci••
Ncdaa iltiooia University in the tioo (NCAA), 37 pcn:mt of all ArriC.U ol l'92. lire didn' I bow (l'lice Clllh~mericaa imdeata WJio enrolled
...._ to expect. ..I'd heard that the • ooUeae l'reabmcn in J987 camed
black. lbideatl atlack with tbc black depeca. Duriq that same period or
....;... IDlt tbc white llUdcnu stuck time. $9 pm:ent of white studecn.s
~ die wlli&e ICudmts... be-A.ya. " I finished coUcse.
filard it would be ao diffCftllC from
"'Wben I awted my freshmen
anywhere ebe."
year, I wu dctcrmiocd to stick it
But for iobosoo, an Africaa- out." A)'I William Sbenod, who bcAmericao student. from Chjcaao's pn 1WJ11 clalel a1 West Chester
Soacb Side., that fust ·semester was . Univenity ol Pennsylvania in the falJ
more difl'out and difficuJt than he ol 1.991. "I'm DOt making excuses,
fint ima,iined.
· but jt wu • whole ditrcrcnt world. I
., ... used lO bein& in the m,Jor- WUll'I n:a!ly ready for such a big
ity In my ncipborttood," Johnson clu1llle."
says. "AU any friends were black,
Sburod kft the school during·the
fflOll of my k:a:hcn !Nero blK:~ the middle of the ICCOOd Kmcster. After
gu)'I I warbd r« were black. Bw ll taking some time off, he enrolled at a
lcllool, I • • dcf"ulitdy ia the minor- community college in Erie. PcM. He
ity, ~-wcrtll't ~y holtile··to IIY,S be lcanr.ed a lot from his West
me or aaylhing. It· WU jUlt a lot OleSttt e11pcricocc and plans on enhatdet to adjalt than I 1bou1ht it-- rollina ~ a large college sometime
would be."
IOOD. "I don't think I was ready to
After three semesten, Johnsoo,"
rc:turned to auc.o aad bcpn wort- he Uy\. "I wu counting on help
~. convinced that ~coUqe dc:pee from too many other people. Now I
WU m,
know I have to do mme it on my
lodw own."
· eater
:According to some, Sherrod 's
1brief ,May II a 1tate college with a
laraely, whi~_. ~ n t ~ could
~av:~ bun )e~~~ 'v,'jth some

' . ;in ~

•!~ ~



ii;i:·..,;'~ ~-~'";~nt
Pe!mHOI'. ,19?,4-;sY~'
-·· ·

by JOO

By .M a m o ~ '.:!



College Press Service
Univasity of Missouri has been _
in& to shed its "white school';' image
and lltnct more African-American
auden11 to its cam~. uy college
.omciah:. Yet, while mote lhan 12
of the state', population is
blact. les& than 4 peicall of the Land
grant uAven:ity's swden11 arc.
Until thi1 year, effon. lo change those
iumben have largely failed throuahout the put decade. However, thanb
to a tccrviting push and a SJ million
scholanhip drive, thi1 )'eat's freshman clau • the Unlven:ity of Mis•
souri includes 3 10 African-American 1tudenu - up more than 300
percent from 1993.

l.Jst fall ' s freshman class, which totaled 2,940, had 97 black students,
>jua1,, 3.3 petecnt of the entire fir11year class. That was the low point in
a l ~year strugle to add more mi-


.ot. ~et(of segregation in

1989 by
lbe fedeAl aovemment, I.he low numbaadidliulc: to helpdismiss its moslly
"We've -always believed that there
..inalotof African..Amc:ricaoswdeaa wbo lived in the~ thaf,could
beadic rrom a Missouri education...
uy, Cllarle1 Schroeder, lhe
llllliwnilJ'• vice chancellor...BUt it
IOOt a wbilc f« the school to learn
Ail ftlCld:llt,: ~
_... meant more
............. IOIDCOl)C.,lettcr. 11

took a 1)'fle01alic and oogoing effon

&et them cc:m.necu:d to the school."

nior at Southeast High School in
Kansas City, didn't plan on
Missouri this fall but after witneuing
the 1ehool '1 recruiting pitch, s he
changed ber mind. 'They rally made
the extra effort." she says. 'They had
a pQt presentation and JUlly convinced me to go."
That "great presentation" wu the
main fOCld of an iDcrcased effon by
Missouri'• chancd.lor Charles Kicsler
to IW'ael more black swdents 10 the
Kiealer travded to Kansas City and
St Louil 10 speak to high school'
superintendents about rumo rs tha1
~ uni versity treated black students
Unfairly. He convinced black Students who were. already on campua
•lo help lltract other black students 10
lht:ir school by hosting dinnen for
students and paraus in the state·,
largeit cities. The univenity also
chartered buses from Kansas City
and St Louis ao applicants could get
a foe] for the campus.
'7he intention Was to immerse the
viJitin& atudenll in the UnderJ:ractuate cultwt: of Jbe Miuowi campus,"
says Schroeder. "We wanted them to
foel u comfortable as possible."
Ahhou&h lbe fflCNitin& b'ips helped,
the bigeat d,ra.,.. for tho school was

basic: preparation.
"Black srudenu: never really learn
th~ coping skills 10 make . it in a
moslly while university," says Euacne Williams. a ~ t aradu.ate of
Emory Un.iveni1y in Atlanta. "We
have a hard time dealing with the foc:t
that we•re in such a mioori1y."
WilliamJ has written a book about
tw; experience. "The Ralsi n-in-Milk
Syndrome: Ten Survival Tips for
Black Studen11 11 Predominantly
White Universitiu," and hopes to
help other black studenlS benefit from
hi1 developmen t. "College is college," he uys. " If you find yourself
in a pn:dominanlly white institulton.
you haYe 10 know what 1 do to need
10 survive."
Wanda Ruffin. ll5SiSUUll profes•
sor or psychology at Hood COilege
in Frederick, Md., says that the sooner
black s1uden1s get involved as an
active member of the student body,
the fas1cr they ' ll adj us1 to college
life. "h 's your colle&e," says Ruffin.
"You' re not a guest al somebody
else's pany. Participate, don't segregate."
While Williams suggests that African-American _
studentsjoin 1ogether
1 form suppon and stUJ1y groups,-he
admits thot che concept is not as
simple as i1 sounds. "For some reason. bind; studen ts don't' wa.ot to get
t6gether to wori: on tht'ir' acdniic
problems," he says. " h 's like we
don'I want 10 let each other know
whaa we don't know,"
Ruffin agrees. "Some AfricanAmerican students, in their zeal 1
quiel Slereolypcs O
tc 1D enority, won't seek help from study
groups or from their professors," she
says. "S1udents have 10 remember
why lhey' re here. Don't get so caught
up in that 'block thing' that you igR0C'e academic excellence."
Still, Williams maintains that in•
clusion in any son or campus organization is impon.ant. "S1udents oe.ed
to learn how 1 network to survive in
this very competitive society," he
says. '1'hey need IO belong to black
groups because of the brotherhood.


..Laden. improve their hs1.Cmoa akilh and be responsive 10

iiieinber's 1ugestioru," Ou Jardin
continued. ..A member who feel s
they arc not bein& beard or"txening
any influence oo the group may lose
inlercst and \(:ave."
· A leader 'must oot make promises
to member1 they canno1 delive r.
Memben Deed to fed the time they
volunteer to the oraaniz.ation is fn111 fol.
Ou Jtrditl summed up, "a kadcr
who makes a bi& 1peech without
deliverina any taQ&ible results, will
lose crcdjbility with the mem ber~
Achievable &oals must be se1 wit hin
reasonable time limill with rccogm· tion for all who contribute."
The l..eadenbip for Life .w:nt)
continues on Thursday, October 20
with a session on effective adve m,ing for organiu.t.ions. For mo~ 111
fonnation contact Lou Pellegrino a1
the Student Activities Office.

It's a pl.:e where they can be tOtall}
honest But other ifOOP5 are imporcan be fu lfill
ing as well. They arc also good plact,
to make cootacts."
Margarc:t Bus,,director of mul n
Culrural affairs ~ ·st~WTCncc Umv~rsit! in"' Ca!ltCl~'J i .v ~ says lha1
mmonty students riced 10 have morl'
realistic expectations~ -.,hen 1hey en
ter larger un.ivenities. "Stt1dents mu ,1
realize the limitation• of tbCir inM1tll
lion': • ~he sa}'ii. "Sorile o( Their nffii ,
wi ll not be m
Williams iayi that black student,
arc still victims.of racis m, both subtk
and obvious, on campus. He person
ally ruaJls be~& ~oned on a
1a I
"My professor said I bad plagiarized
because the paper was 'too good: he says. "It was like I was unable to
write a lreat paper on my own. Sht
wanted to sec all of my sowccs because she ihou,h1 that the paper was
'too good' to come from a black
Staning this fall, black studen1s
at Penn State have a new suppon
Wlt, 100, because they

continued oq page 3



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Forensics? That's Greek To Me
will re&UtCh this topic the whol~ team to victory in addiUOCl to SaDlb ■ l!NIIOLLMENT
Continued frorrl page 2
yearandwillpresenrand•~ - ClllTOII rQC1b&: Ed Harris, Oloria
views. of the welfare system. After Boone, and as1is1ant coach Brian
F0rensic1 !" a Greek word mean- their prcst;nt.i.tiotU they will be sUb- 'Orl:eley. ThC I ndi vidual Evenu
ing "for the court", or "discovery". ject 10 oJIPOoentJ analysis , of ~ir C08che!. c~~ of: Dr. G!ori• Boone, the increase in financial aid made
Webster's New Dictionary defines facts and iuggettions. They will then John Adl m1; An nie •Ellion. The 10 students. In tOW, Misforensic as "&elonging to the courts be cross ciamined on points or con- Oraduate' Assistants for Individual souri officials·planned to offer thn:c
of justice, or to public: debate, used in 1ention. lt you thiru:: courtroom draiifa ~ E~ts ,.ar,i:: ~sten Ciel.wt, :Z.Ck times the amount of minority scholcourts or le~ debate".
i1 beuer than da' me television you Elliot. M Obuin. The current mem- arships as ifhad the ,nvious year.
Here al Suffolk we have a nation- will enjoy .observing these events.
ben Of both Deba&e and Missouri tiscd mdrc thin SI million
ally ranked Forensics Team. CurThe other sphere of forensics is Events are: Tad Furtado, Russ ~en. from its general ICholanhip (Wld 10
rcntly, our Forensics is ranked num- the Individual Events. These arc com- Mary Cun ni ngham , Karen Cole,
create more than 30d scbolarahips
he r one in New England, the team is petitions based on a aole perl'ormaoce Vicky Whalen\ Chris Wil1'ens, Jenn
for- blllCk students. And financial
also ranked i,; the top twenty in the by a team' member. There arc a wide Peterson, Kevin Connaly, Angelique
nation. Our t.e,m bas won three na- ran1e O Individual EvCnts. These Muller, Sharon Sundberg, and Kate awards were announced early, pror
vidingsiudcnts with an added incentional c:hampifnships. ~ is quite include: Poetry Interpretation, Prose Parker.
tive. .
an accom plishinent when one has to Interpretation, Dramatic Duo Interconsider that in the arena of Forcn- pcetation (two speakers interpret: a Team Schedule for Fall 1"4 Se- "'1be best studeots arc going 10 go
where they get the moa attention,"
sics there are oO divisions, as in sport- selection from a play), Impromptu mester
in& events. The desi4n of. the national Speaking (a limited preparation event
says Schroeder, addi,ng that the new
championships plecesSuffolJc.iocom- on an assigned topic}, Exiempot'llfte- October 8-9 Cht:atef, Penn- awards have not n:duccd scholarpetition against Ivy League schoob ou1 Speakil1g (limited preparation sylvania
ships for-others1udents."By increassuch as Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, event which~ speakers to discuss
ing our attention to our SludcnlS'
and othct top nlted schoob. Suffolk's cum.nt events), Wormative 'Speak- October 22
Plattsburg, New York needs, we were ablCto move toward
wins should not be taken li&htly , in& (Spe~ken present original
a more diverse studeol body.''
they arc quite the accomplishmeot s peeches to Inform), Penuasive October 29
Suffolk University
Fifty students will
full &Chol•
and should be IOUJ'Ce or pride to both Spcakina <•~en ery to penu.D
the team.and the Suffolk COltlfflu.nity. the audience to tau ac::tioo or change November 4-!i EMU Eastern Michi- arshlpu1$6,SOOporyoat, whil<235
odi<n, incluclingAndasoo,acxq,o,d
The team memben: participate in attitudes), After Dinner Speaking (a gan Un.iveni1y
African-American Achievement
two different public speaking cvenu: speech to entertlin which includes a
debate and individual events. Suf• serious poi~t), and Rhetorical Criti- Nqvember 12 KEA Nonheastem Awad&
and we renewable for bar years. ,
folk debates both locally and natioo- ciam (contest.ants is.amine some Univen:ity, Boston
ally in Lincoln-Douaiu l:>eb.&c.. Sw- speech or other ~ v e commu' SomemarpaJ-will.-..,
denu rcsca,ch aaid argue iQPics of · nicatfoo using a specific critical December 2-3 Ohio State
serious' cOl\ternporary significance. method). These arc peal evCDts to
This promises to be an C1citing fOOlerdieiraoadeinic powth.
This year the debate team is pres- wltlc:h if ooly to view possible future
year for the rorcnsic:I team. U you are
ently ruearch.ina the " d.fare .l)'ltem P.Olitical ie.ders • work.
While Schroeder
thal school
of the U.S., evaluatlna the i.nfonnaThe Din:ietor of Debate is Sarah iDU;relted in
i n ~ ill any
officials wouldc-ientually liketotce
tion aa,thered and iecomme~ding Carro_ll and lhc Diniclor of Individual aspc:a,'of the team or wou.ld lib IO
possible system changes in the sy1- Even11 is Ric.bard Kropp. The coaches viCW qy of the comJtd.ition, ealJ Afric,u,CAlnoricaosmateupl0p<rtern. Each of the schoob debate teams who do ~ well to spur ·our debate Sarah •Carnll or Dkk kn,pp al oenl of the ~tire ~ body. be
Qy ChristJna

M. Tealdo







knows that n:cruitmco1 is one thing,
getting studeats to stay in school is •


-b)'ing to set up support


can ~;;o~;~~~F~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;~::::;==~,~~
•~g:e-•==--~~•~•'.American students wen: stupid. ..
m~•ffo~r;• f·c• •u~d~•• tsi=-_--}
o~u~r ~•w~•~ ~
~ : a :-=~:~::~u~t~%!~1rn:,: :
Group (AAAIG). MWe're looking for
ways to strengthen the ties between
blac k American alum ni and black
American studenu at Penn State,"
suys AAAIG president Donald
Campbell. ''We want to enrich their
college experience and enhance thei r
c:~e°::;\~nned oul of an African American Alumni conference
last October, after PCM State graduates saw a need to help support the
next geoera.tioo of African-American students. Bui AAA.JG members
· plan tobemoretlianjus1tbegiveaof
advice for th~hool's black s1udenl5. In fact, CarnpbeU, Who is praident and CEO of Century Tcchnologies, says the group has a number of
goals. ..We want to wist Pean Stale
in lhe l'-ecruiunent of African-American Sludents, faculty and staff," he
says...We're hoping to get involved
wilh financial aid as much as we can,
. 100."

establish a positive self image and
continue 10 work toward reaching
your goals, regardlco of what others
- think." _: •
• Johnio,t also says that be was
Cll~tobetbe''blackvoice" in
some of
cluscs, those
that dealt with social issyes. M Bad a
sociology class wbae other students
wou.ld always uk me what black
j,eople thought of
situation," he
Py1. " l doa'I have the authority to
s ~ for all ~lack people. I can only
speak for mvelf,"
stteuing that each
swdenl should remain true to their


dents, a.nd Wanda Ruffin• says students should be prepared for it UVou
may be perceived u representing
your race •and nOI yourself. Ignore
1hac mandale! You arc,a.n individual,
not a race." she uys, adding that .she
'disputes critics who believe academic:

says. ""Ne want lo CSllblish longterm relationships with oursludenlS






1ein:o~s~!'5, : : ~ ~:::~
the additional burden of aclticvina African-American experience just
, succeu. "I felt like people were look.- like there is 00 ooc Native Aincrican
ing ll me 10 see bow black peopte did uperience or A'Jiu-American U·
io geiieral," he says. "I was in cl&uc:t perience. And since there is ao ooe
where there wOUld be ooly three Af. . experieGDa. you do DOI baYC IO ta-WI
rican-Americans. I felt _ _ I failed u the spobspenoo for your aroup. •
like if


hasal.readycontactcdhcroewroommate and is planning on a busy (all .
welcome so hopefully that will continuc."slicsa)'S."lplanondoingalot
· o(things·this-semcstcr~but I know I



havetospend!'M>Slofmyti.mcatudying. That' s alright, thougl\, bccaUSC
that~swhy l'mgoinglOschool.''


• .t: Yo.mtID ,


•Cu itDrrM. • Tuvn WIDE5


fUE'SIUMnl».wb"tue.UN! '


Continued from page I
tion. I've been familiar with it aince
hiah school so it's second natUrc IO

Also • this mcetia:1, Olriltemoo
uracd members 10 keep thinking
abool •hat shoald be iDdDdod ill die

SOA' m i u i o o - ~

IO dilam d i e ~ fwdia.


'lbeSa&I;- w-.y,OaobccS,



The S.ffi>lt Joumal Wcdnaday, Oaoj>or S, I ~

Restaurante Beu?Vista: Elegant and ~ harming
... And The Food 15 Good Too
By c,..,. ·z.......
J0UIJ<IAI. ttAl'I'

E.~teu-taii~~e.~t, ,8-~cJ Leis'I.Jre.

Streep runs this _

I .Askl'af I

''River Wild!'

not. l amdcvastated. I'd give any .
Dear Pat,
This weekend I went on a trip thing to be with him. What do I do?
and Roarke, making 1be River . with my boyfriend. It hM always·
Contused, too
Wild" a suspenseful and very wet been unders1ood bc1wccn us that I

By Jaltl• Grieco

ln the new thriller 1'bc River
Wild ," Meryl Strcep plays

most moving portrayal in the film.
This is due to Strcep's superior actingtalentandthesimplcfactthatGail
is the most fleshed-out character in
the script. She is thcdcfiOitlve 90's
woman: tough. snwt. protective.
ar.d likeable. The audience likes
Gail and her attitude and
therefore roots for her 10 win this
good, coosiderin& ~ha(ntucll less
of a~~erl9w~ with. Wade's
but Bacon brings.depth to the role
th.rouah charm, an undeniable
cn:cpiocs.s and an all-out pipping

..supermom." wcU,sonof. HercharICla',Gail,isanarure-loving woman
lhe rapids of one vicious body of
some family problems and uve bcr
path.le aimutal. Stn:cp's perforrnanoc. aJooa.~ some spartling
cincmat<>p'pbyandtcnseactionseQUCDCCI make -rhe River Wild'" a
trip~ii'cktiiptcly wonbtakina.
The film's celW,n] pl~ llevice is
really the only~ poioc in this
,cevc. Gail dec~IOtakealrip to
her homdo-.,a ia ,Mootana to go

am waiting UU marriage to haveiCx.
This weekend he tried to push nie
into having sex and I told him no. He
got mad and said that if I didn'1 have
SCx with him soon he'd break up
with me. 1lovehim somuch thnt lam
thinUng of just giving in 10 him. I
really need advice. Help!
A Virgin
DttJr Virgin.
"lfyourtallylo~·tmtyou'ddo... "
Tha/Uanage-old line that has bun
ustd on far too many loyal, loving
girlfritttdsandboyfritttds. A.nyguy
that gives you an ultimatum such as
'jOutMrupecl'youdeservt. Srickto


c:-------,;<:!t':'tc,:'.:!!,;"'~Josepb~rafti~~Mau.dlo .her~G!:,aiu,!!'°!9,
i-1!~ l ,ll,!ll" '.,. cc,-",-,-, -,~...
l~l ' ~ •-. ,1o .., '
husband Torn (David Strathaim) is
not rcally into nature in quite the
reallyintoGai~Cither. 11\eonlything
Tom is into is his job in Boston.
The vqion begins cventua11y,
\ begin their adventure down I.he
river. AJong the way, they moet up
with Wadc(Kevin Bacon)andTcn')'
(John c. Reilly), two drifters who

Hanson ("'The Hand Thal Rocks the
er..dle''),is excitingandveryentertaining. II doem't aa1 fora moment.
The actioo sequences arc relllisti•
cally and thrillingly filmed. and the
scenery is lNly b.-catbtakin&, The
story is somewhat flat but it Is a
forgiveable flaw once lhc viewers
rcaliu: that man is not the 1n1e force
of tenor, nature is. This factOI' comes
lo play in full force durin1 "The

h.o.vt more on their mind thnn just a
good time. These two tum an or<ii•
nary family vaca1ion inlo a nigh!•


continued on page 8

age, allhof.tgh it is not/or t1Jtryont.
lustrtmLmbutobttrut toyourstlf.
And lost this guy A.SAP. You dtstrvt rtsptC I, not ultimatums.
Good luck.'
Dear Pat,
Finally I've met a guy who I was
convinced could be the one for me.
He'sswee1. runny. intelligent, litnsi •
live. Md extremely handsome. We
get along grent Md have run 1
0gethcr. The~ is one problem though:
he said he's not sure if he' s gay or

Otar Confa.ud.
Thi.I stuns as if this is cm,sing u
grtot deal of slrtss for you, and
understandably so. Wt all wait for
/hat one day when we can find that
one special ptrson to bt with. Wht,1
tvtrything is so rig hi uctptfor om•
thing-in this cau. one big thing-ii
can.sttm a.s if'your whole world ha.J
bttn iiuud upsik.doWIL Ht told
you ht ·, sure of his suuality.
andthatcouldbtagood-rign. ltalsn
ioundsas ifyou two ~t. de.wtloptd
lhings yo11 can do is to bt. thtrt for
him. Rtmtmbt.r: thU 'is confusing
an.dstrtssfulforhim. too. /kthtbt.s1
/ritn.d you can bt, bt. thtrt for him.
and care. [Qr hi"f,' IJut also bt prtpand/orairythffl/ Youcan 'tchangt
him so you may have. to bt willing 10
accept him as afriend only. This iJ
going to bt a long and difficult process. Try your btst to stay positivt .
Ont wayoranothu, things will work
nut and you ~ a t ltast hove e1
.,pecial, li/tlongfritnd. Good Luck!

11 you have a problem or a question
you'd like to Ask Pat, send your
lellerto The Suffonc Journal, or drop
it off ~I the Journal office, Room
116, Student ActiviliJ,s Center.

If you're in search of an elegant
and charming place to dine on any
night of thc wcek, you need look no
further than the intimate setting of
RestaUI'A(lte Bella Vista, located at
famous North End.
Just a ten minute walk from Surfolk. the Bella Vista's cozy auno-

'lfyoucan' t~idtorhavetroublc
rudina: the Italian meou,' just ask
your fellow, Anthony
Pezzano. He and his mocher Lucia
own and openre the restaurant and
hJ ve tor over ten yean . , The
Pezzano·, also~e I wide am.)' of
red and white wine imported from
Italy. Themenuprovidcsaselcction
ofbecrforthosewhodon' tyct •
wine, and 50ft drinks i the
u.n r-



peodenr.dcbut, .. Bxilc in Guyvillc." mble yet well-wrinen soags such as jects" industry. Phairknowsthauhe
Thealbum.asbrilliandywrinenasit "Shane"and "Nashville." Pho.irlets cnn be a scx-objed but makes no
apolo&ies for creating men as scxobjccts. too. She knows there is a
itself at the end with few rocking, differencc between love and sex and
there is a merging of the two. She
withtheoriainaladpowerfuJ "Su- :it~~~:n~~- "Craterlake"
pcmova," a10111abouaherint•ua•
Ahhou&hthis follow-up isn' t 11 toasktoriL Fortbc$creason.'i alonc,
tioo wilhamale lnvelnraest. Phlu classic,itbccrtlinJyn0<aOopbyany Liz Phair is~ new artist to watch.
kcc:pt the eaersY ~ina: lhrouah means. Phairprovesherselftobean
the DCm
Sys• mtelli,ent, independent woman m
1e.m" IDCI -X:--,MD"dleolq:sin rock, tomelt,ing that 1 s1111 muchs
tbcmiddlcwilbafewooc_.memo- _
oeciileil in this "'Women-as-scx-ob-

ling~.:;::•;n!""~I= :hi!~=:'!i~~ :,~~~~~~~.:::~:
with a daJ.J moooconc sooa called


°'Chopldcb." Howcyc:r fl• this
~maybc.tbclyrics~uadc-11i1111J l'rul<, d;splayina Pbair'uddrably~ attitude . ...This is an_

........ n~~tbceo:







By ~ SpeUi111
Special Correspondent
Colics~ Prcu Service
LOS ANGLES-Actor Dennis Quaid
seems ~o have• lai~k ..lf i t ~
~ns , 11 happen~" atutude about
th~np. He doesn t cooccm himself
wilh box-office iucceu. He debunks
thc lheory that iwo ac:tor1 can't be
married, have a kid and be happy.
Al'ld be doesn't take himsdf or his

Hackman, JoBcth Wltllam1 and
Michael Madsen), it WH Quaid,
whole P:tfonnance wn • UllefUl.

Ing u his appearance wu frighlenins, who stood ouL
Quaid had always b«n fuci nated by Holliday and wu cqcr to
step into the hoots of Kirk Dou&lu,
who many, includin1 Quaid, consider to have c ~ thc definitive
Holliday 1n "Ounfi&,ht at the O.K.


sphere and very pcrsonaJ service are
I had several dishes. The Calamari ~~ ~ " : ~
Coral." He viewed Holliday u a aou
onJythebeginningofwhatpromiscs Salad was an inviting appetizer. I ina a moment
;':cot inter• between• free spi.rh and the Ansel of


::~ ~C:::!~c~l~i:!:;:~;
haventthis family -owned restaurant
is deciding whal scrumptio~ appctittrsand main dishes to select.
Calamari Salad. Main dishes include
pasta, vcal,ch.icken,nnd fish.
The chef offers a myriad or pasta


;,:then~u!risin~rP ~:ythe
I ;.P!C~SS o the
lri . ~
;ith the
tee raOiavolo.
~ bonus ofit all was the incx~veprice~fallllOSlevcryitemon
I me:~u;:rangcsfromfonnal
I y sp«ialitt in par-

. M.:iftt!C e



view at a Los AnJlcs hoed. "I reel
like have more fun with actin& than
I did when I bcaan. I give evc.rything
I've &ot, but when I do wor1t: I'm not
u Knous about it all. I just have


An uample or Quaid'• givina rt
all for a role wu for his m011 re«nt
one. as gunslinger Doc Holliday. For
Lawrence Kasdan's Western epic


combinations from the simplest of ::,:a:::•f~~c:::

::,~:;t t:r~~m:h::.~

lovers who enjoy the ~imple pleasurescanchooseOuckenPannigjana

mosey into 1he Old West.
Rather, he spent three 1DOnth1
jogging, dieting and losing m~ than
40 pounds in order to give Holliday
the pale, haunted look of a man dy•
1~w, Jlll;inful dcalh from tuber·

forprivateparties1Unoex1ra cost.
Rcstaurante BeUa Vista is fine
dining at its best. Thisreviewergjvcs
Bella Vislafivestarsoutofapossible



\\/1n1 n .

Though he tBASformed him1elf
into HOIIKl.ay under the supervision
of a doctor and a nutritionist, Quaid
wu • bh or a crank on e set whi le
shootina ..Earp." "I apoloaiUld to
evuyone in advance." says the now-

sU: moothufter they told him be bad
tuberculosis," notes ,the actOI'. "He
surprised himself by Jivina another
14 ~
- It was amazing. He must
have had quiie a constilUtion to do
that. He druk two quarts of whiskey
• day just to kill the pain."
As ..Earp" moves joins Quaid'•
o1her ·rece nt film s... Undercover
~i~:~st:::s ...

~~d a;:c::~: ii:

faced with a film that didn't become
•ir there's ooc knock on Quaid. it's
tha1 hlsJilms don'uecm lO attnct the
audience to tum major profits.
The undqn.tdl comedy ..Blues" •
c~t Quaid and Kathleen Tuma a
retired -spies who temporarily cive
up the peace or r'maing their little
baby daughtt;r in Ofdq' to pve the
world, whlle "flesh and Booe" wu a
dart thriller in whk:h Quaid Jlaffld
with his real-life wife:, Mea,Ryan.. A .

-W-l~ - ~-µ._ - - - --j-~fi:"~Qu~~•~~•~ru~
· r:~:1r~ioo~•~•·~·~1~~w~•~office~~•~i,appou1!!!!!~·~~~""'i_;.~Quul·~,..~-·-_.1
f the handful ol
Le ~who

is looking fa,., write-rs fa,., all
sections of the paper.
Come to any genel"CII editol"ial

Phair's Latest: A·Solid Effort, Poo~ly Organized
---'~"'"""''r"-.l;,":,!1--""'""=ce..._ _ '

Dennis Quaid Enjoys L:'e, With
or Without Box-Office Success

in the Journal office,


of the

Student Adivities Center
(next to the -l=enton building)

every lake I'd have 1 rest. I didn't saw it durin& its brjd run, k,vcd It.
see myselr as Doc Holliday (Initially) Other csamples? -r'be Ri&ht Stuff,"
because I was in prelty good shape. "DreamSC8pc," ..Jaws 3-0," "lnacr•
and Doc wu a frail man. There wu space... "Everybody's All-American,
this one picture or him where you ''ThcBiaEary,.. "Grca1BallsorFiie"
could just abou1 see his skull. So, I and "Wilder Napalm," to name just a
just thought it was necessary. An few . Most were quality films, and
audience believes what i1 sees and some feature extraordinary Quaid
performances, but none could be
The moment Kadan called CUI on called ho!Jafide hitt.
Quaid's final sccoe, Quaid re1umed
Does Quaid worry about being in
to his normal eating habits. 1n fact, he a hit?
had a banana cream pie on the spot.
"I don't ever soc it u CSICntial,"
And, Quaid joke,. he didn't &ct lick. he says.

So., now that the film is out, w111 it
That sai<ii he's 'abou1 to begin •
worth Lbe sdf-tortlln,?
his-budget epic called " Draaon~ pau.aes. then responds. "I heart." h's about a 8ni1bt and a
dcfinuely think it wu. Tbe tbi111 draaon, sit in a medieval town,'" -.:about film is thal youjustdon' t aesa _..explllins the actor. ts.a Coneery is
chance to 10 back and do ii lpi.n. I in II, too. We'U ~ ii in Slo'lltia...
wanted lO do everything I could while After that, be'i DOI swe. thoup he
I wa there. Tbc:re were times wbta l may 1caa aaaiD in the futme with
wu in the midcUc of it that I llked' Ryan, wbo aharcd the ,crcco wilb
myself. 'b ~ Worth it?' Bot It..._" him ill "lmlenplce,.. "D.0.A." and
Many critics believed • 1bat .. flesh IDd 11oae,• ud with wbom be
Qu.aid's pedonnanec wu worth it, ud tbeir . . l a the iD MGM.a.

wo.Thclilm,,_tlfto."°"'""' -.·• - . , - - , , . _ ~

20-mi.autc ldllac of the life of law·
.... Emp ,(l(,via Coaner) and Ju,'
wilibly frimdahip widll CM _...
Holliday, enjoyed OGly a mild boa·


Ille-..,_ we"m aat

Kti,dy - · '"' ......... ....

i f ~ came ....

fiae. we'd

do it.,.

office 1ucceu before fad.101 ffom
A(ler ,.U, Qllid ila't warryma
scrocu. For all di acope aad ..,. about - · 111·1 M:IQ MY m..- c11,e _..,. iododod O- .to,aa-,:

· ~6====~=:::::;=====~The~9




Wodoaday, Oclobc,

R. Morrill

to the 0 . J. Simp$0n case
sinoe Juncb&1. m&Dypcople
in such a freniy.
Outside the court house
in l.os Anaclcs, camcru sit
side on hugC scaffoldin&, waiting for any
movement of the principal
players. The networks arc
poised lo transmit any new
trivi~. to the global lelevi•
sionvillagc. Everytal.kshow
has. and will continue to air,
O. J. related thcines. Print
articles will analyze every
angle while creating new

Jlldecl..lllDC.A. JIG, tt.~in lhcOJ. Simpt00 murder
trial iG Califonlil,. UI form'.ally ,-oposed IO clolc the COW1
proociodi_. to tdcvisioa ca.meru. Ito has bcc:n ~ to
ba aq:ry over im:ipom.iblc aod prejudicial covcncc of the

. .
With ,the paliferation of cameras in the courts thele daya,

• Tri.all ~ be q,,npliclttd proccedinas;. every flCt must
be weighed by jurors in the course or. the -trial. Tclcvilion's
neccu.ary reliaoce on short seaments, ?'9ing piccci of
testimony and "'sound,bitc:s" ~ it bard for the full 1tory
10 come across in a tw1>mioutc. television segmcnL The
American public can make their decisioas based on t.belc
bits ol information. but the actual membcts of the jury are the
only oaa with the complcce_story.
Oc&pitc all these problems, however, the removal
tdevisioo cunc:ns from the counroom woold be a mistake.
Trials are public proceedings, anyone can walk in off the
ltlffl and observe a case if they are intcn::.stcd in it. The



llmitin1 of cameras also !imits the public nature of the
Print joumalisu "have covered triab for years, Iona
before the advem of ldevilion. CoYcrage of some of these
trials haYe been IS iDtensiYe as lhe OJ. Simpson trial The
only diff'etcDce is the use .or cameras rather than type~~n
and a reporter'• oblen-llKID..
Of counc., it is the duty of CYt:rf journalist to get the racis
riJhL This applleS equaUy to 11ew1papcn as well u the
electronic media. Inaccuracy in reporting, due to a human
reporter'• faulty or biased memory or- LO the camera's cditina
ol a piece. obscuring the full story, is an ongoing problem"°i-. But ihi:se ~ problems

that WS1 £or jownalists in Ill
ronns of media. T • the camau out of the counroom
bcauJe the tele..Yisoo repons are not IOWly accuraie would
be the same as baning reporten because one's memory isn't

..A ~ run or politicians, and she upe,c:ts hones1yr
• Anlbony Am:alone, Ill the SGA meeting when
SGA President Erika Cluutensen pcopk: to be
booelt about W ~ lhey Yotcd that afternoon.



· identif)'mi ~

·ad 10pica
which appeal to the widest Jim Behrle room. with iwofcssors hav•
pouil;tleaudienoe. ThereaItw•latclastnight,•I ingtocompcteagainstpro.
son why the media
was ffljoyln& my ilsJN!, of grams like ..Gary . Zerola
on scs: and violence~ °'Ci&,11' Aficionado" maga- Wor1d'' and "'What's CookextentisaiJ:nplytbatnotwo and Usetning 10 some ingatthcOcmcSt. Deli."
othcrlUbjcctsholdlvicwer'1 Bcc.Qees when the phone
WSUB wilJ be all over
attention bcucr. The mon: nng. It wu the anonymous that• OJ. thin& with J•d
people who foUowa story, tipofalifctimc.
infraspcaroYiail ~ y
the more it rcsuJts m·cxpo- .
Mysource (we'Ucallhim Peter- Jennin,p and Connie
sure for the advertisers, and Mr.Sowu)toldmcthatSuf• Chong would be homeless.
increased ratings and circu- folk Univeni1y is going destroyed by the ratings of
.. NigbtlySuffolkNews with
ThcO. J.Simpsoncascis
J don't Pow if you've Dean· Peter Sartwell and
aboD8JlZaformediacompa• heard, but the space shuttle Binky the-Iguana".
nies ~U&C orthc horrific Endeavour toOk some ti\nc
Forget that CNN crap.
violent~ of the crime. outofitsbusyorbllalsched· HcrccomesWSUB-thconly
coupledwithuexuilrrianslc olclOfocusituupc:Madaroo news outlet tlw can x-ray
that may or may not have somepillasiaRwaoda. I your skull from space!
Two faaors inhc:rcnt to existed. SpcculMion is ad· cuc:a tbc:y stoic some be- They'll know what that
the media effectively make equate enough to entertain nm11 or somcthina, They Shapiro dude ia coona say
the O. J. double-murder even before the fadsarc re-- .....ercablctotracklhcmaaou before: he even thinks iL
chargC the "case or the cen- vealed.
the African countryside. Jul:tsc Ito may bcablc: to ban
tury''. Money and fame: .
andtt:e<>j- Thcy~likctotuncinwhilc camenlll&omlhecourtroom.
The media is a business nitionofthefoocballhallof pandasinChjna"arc"'making buicanhctianprnmabeam&
fintandfoi'cmost. Forgctany famcr,coq:,omtcspokcsman. more pandas" u thcyaay.
and alpha uansmi11ions?
illusions that the mcilia is a spoqscaster,andmovic-1t,s,
Well, Mr. Source says Aftaidnot. · :..
good infon;nation soura:. has made this cascmort IC· lhal.WSUB, ourstudcnttc:lcLetterman, too, wou.ld
People learn'best by reading ccssibk: to people tbc:n any vision. station, is setting ac- become a forgottc:a ~mory
boolcs.notbyrcadingacou~ People fc;el like cesstosomcofthatshuttle . when the new late1ight
ofarticlcsinancwspapcror they know O.J. ~his stufC .
watching 1ilevis1ort' news· lo'nitiistoryibttiepubbce)'C.
Just think of it, .folks. timcwithLouPellipino"fcprograms targeted to sixth O . J. Simpson; u a profes- Gavel-tO"pvcl covc:nge of vawillgripthcnadon(l jwt
grade reading levels . The sionalc:ntcatainc:r,hl11lways Psychology department hope l cangc:Uomc.tic:kc:ts). CODllllllldcdl"!!-..lon.l>ot moetinpl Exciting. never
But.-ofallproitsinccption,a!ormofe_nte~- instead of being the hero ~f _



eapecially in such hcadli~ina cues as Simpson, the
Meneodcr. Brochen, 'Rodney Kina and ~ · some feel ii is
harder to find uobiaKd juron .(Ott these cases.
Also, parts oi tbcie bia1s are used in television and
cable news reports. alone with commentary, these reports
could serve to bias Wstina juron.. incrQlllla the need foe
~ thejul'}', ld(ling io the u : ~ of• trial in the




~ying to ·the camera ·


The Stdfolk jolliul
The money's on O.J.. WSUB is on my mind,
says J"

Do you want to comment
on a Journal article, or
disagree with an editorial?



meant 10 gCncrate profiis

Editor. The Journal wants
.to hear from any and all
Suffolk Students. Let your
voice be heard·.

hc,'savictimoravillain .

Last issue, in an ankle detailing clubs and organizations
at Suffolk, the Journal accideotly omittei! the Olccrina
we regret the ~ - The club is a ftlJ
actiYc organiulion, aod should have been ~wl•


. edged.

their i.nvestipdvc caMcan
lascn. No more smoking in
yourofficet.,profeuon! No
Forae1 big brother!
WSUB will be big mother!
And lf shuttle ICcbnol•

believes it will, televisions ..
willbeathinaoftbc:past. ln

a couple yean WSUB will
'besc:ndiq sipalsripinto
your cerebral pathways!
Every movement you make
will bepreordlinedby111Cllilcb'lftlmiaiomaomcwlae
in the1
Scrnuphcrc! Your
days. o( fice will arc nwn.
bered,! Crime.. n'layhem, aod ICicace labl will
a Suffolk•rc,,entcd 111opi•

world. Kootly!
W$JJ@ ~ the ,pace
shuak! 'lbcy' IIJllllasmil<
on your face (whether _you

Exclusive froalrow views of "Goccb&". Storicl will In•
t aay,_bringoad;letechPbysic,andeaa;-ingdo- clude '"The Mnqemcnt nofoay! Prop-cu ii power.
School Murden", ..Vc:atw:,e.. - etc. And anythin& that imWSUB, ahudy a pow- bigconuptlilerlrymagaz:inc prow,s my reception is.O.K.
erful modiantilct bete II Suf- or just mltundcnt.OodT', with me, baby!
folk. will become enormous .. How the Women's Cenler
o'vemiaiu- Television sets 6"slhoirrulla"llid"Wbt<

By f;ltlfeflan Engwand Enldne l'fummer

Vo/en of Suffolk

How do you 'feel the government Is handllag.• situation In Haiti?

The Suffolk Journal
By thestudenls. for the students, since 1936
Dan Coakley, Editor-m-Chid
CbrislWI En&}cr. M11n11ln1 Editor
Antbooy Anzalone, News f.ditor
Christian Enptr, Chic( Copy EdilOf
J115tin Grieco, &lenainment f.ditor
Karen M. Courtney, BISSinell Manager
Jim 8ebrie. Columni"
Eru.ine fltltmmel-, Pbolo E.dicor
G.-y laotlL Special Advisor ID the Edltor-i.o-Cllief
Dr. Gerald Rkhmaa. Advisor
Norine Badplupo. Jcunal ComultaDt


Council of Presidcau does
when their office door is
The Suffolk Joumal''s
office will be burned for in-

.,.,.,_..._ .

-"""- ----So """'--"Skx:e we've alwllys been


• hu for decadel.

farll,ey _ _ _

about 2.~ ~ - -

p,ogrllllfDr . . . . . . . . . 10

• 7

~ffolkJouinal Wcdncaday, Occober5, 1994

r _ SUB is·on my mind,
. W




lllllllk~ -Senlce: A ufe b'lp to Park~ '


wecmcake," Officer. PhilipDiBlasi

: says Jim



willbe6.u:dupineveryclass-. Council o r Ptwdcnll docs
with ·profclsors hav- when their office door is
It was lace IW .njght, ~ I ing 10 compete against pro- closed~
wu enjoying my isst.16 or grams like ..Gary Zerola
Tbe Suffolk Journal's
"Cipr Aficionado" maga- Wortd" and "Whal' s Cook- office will be burned for in-

Jim Behrle- room.

iincaodlmcning1osome ingattheOcmc:St.Dcli ."
r's Bcc-Occs when lhe phone
WSUB will be all over
ru.a. b was the anonymous that O.J. thing with 3-d
ry, dpofalifctimc.
ioMysource(wc'Ucallhim Peter JcMings and Connie
nd Mr.Souroc)1oldmethalSuf- Chung would be homeless,
:u- folk University is going destroyed by lhe ratings .of
is spacey!
I don't know if you ' ve Dean Peter Sartwell and
•· heard, but the space shunle Binky the Iguana".
fie 'Endc4vour took soine ti~
Porgct thLlt CNN crap.
ic., outofitsbusyorbitalschcd- HcrcoomesWSUB-theonly
:le uletofocusituupcr-radaron IICWS outlet that can x-ray



ve some eorillas in Rwanda. I your sk ull from space!


they stole some ba·

They'll know what that

in nanu or something. They Shapiro dude is gonna say
e- ~abletorrackthemacross before he even thinks it.

the African countryside.

of pandu inChin.aarc'"making
n. more pandas" as they say.
Well. Mr. Source says
c- thatWSUB, ourstudentteleay visiooswion,isgcttinsactc ocss to some or that shuttle .
ii sruf{! ,
c. '
Just think of it, -folks.
s- Oavcl-to:gavel coverage of

Psychology department

• meetings! &citing, ncvcr
>f beforcscco~ootagcofOtlns

their invcstipllve caa.scan
lasers. Nomorcsmokingin
youroffices, profes.sors! No

Forget ~ig brother !
WSUB wilrt~. big mother!
And if. slltlc tcchnologyprogresscs.asmysouroc
believes it will, televisions wilrbeathingofthepast. In
II couple years WSUB will
be sending signals right into
your oc:rebrat pathw.o.ys!

Jud&eltomaybeablctoban Evcrymovemcntyoumake


buicanhcbangammabeams will be preordained bysatelan.d alpha transmissions? litettansmissionuornewhcre
Afraid not.
in the Scrcwosphcre! Your
l..ettennan, too, would days of free will arc numbecomeaforgottcnmcmory bcicd, baby! Crime, maywhen the new late night hem, and science lib& will
biphot takes over:... Bed_ disappear! lnicsplaocwillbc \

A1zb9ulh DO major violent crime
campn wa rcporU:d lD the lalt
the Uni·vemry Police Crimc .Staliadcs, the
S.U: poiiceilahnyscoacemi:daboul
uaivc:nity ufety.

aevenJ ,,_... ICCOrdia, 10



flCd . _ 10 years ago for all mem•
hen of the Suffolk oommunity. "We
slarted wa.lkina people to various
locatioaa, bccauae of arcater con:
cam for the security aad safety,"
Capcain Jollp Pqlim:ulo said.
The waJkioa escort is provided
aevca da)'I a wed. throuahoul the
yew, from dusk (about after the sun-.
set ) to 11: JO pn, to lhc locations of
Pwk Stn:et T Simon, Charles River

_ =,a;.· !ttaa~~ s,=

The officer'• safety' iuuea. are
also coocemcd. '"Park Street i, DOI
Suffolk Uoiven.ity.
"We are out ~
. away from ·our
campus, away from our bd.P," 'Capt,. ,
~ said. .. It {waltiq cscon}
is tough • II is vay@'IC&llt ~
don'~.c = n ~" lhc S .U. Police •
records, 244 personal escoru (118 Ul
Fall semester) were aerviced in 1993,
UM in 1992, and 1991. Moat
of the requew were made by female
srudenta. "lt'ajustootforfc;males.. U
males need escoru, no problem ,"
Off'icer OiBlul Wei. Comments from
proi,.m U$CfS are DOI available for
this ·article.
Making a request for ·an escon. ,
service Is II simple as calling 57:).


Anythina dlll bippca aa)'Whln."
■ llIVltR
In fact, cicb Sbldenl'a awirmeu
Continued from page 4
is an i.mportaDI tey to prevail oneself from becomin& a victim IDd to
Jtiver Wild'•" white-knuckle climu
maintam campos ufecy. The S.U.
Police have been , working hant to down the treacherous Gau~tlct, a part
raise sw~•
by mailiD& of lhc river that Gail hasn't conquered since her teehs. The viiwcr
1 ' : ; has had complete confidence in Gail
variow deW because they know up to this point Her ability 10 take
who belongs to the univen.ity, and control or ditf1eul1 situatiom bas rcnby offerin& seminars such as intro- dcm::I her free from cvdythlng, but
ductory self- defense, "'model mug- when "'The River Wild" reaches hs
1mashin1 conclusion, viewers sec
Now , lhc S.U. Police is planning that the river now controls Gail, and
to offer various ·programs through the audience will feat for her life. It
the yeai. ..Model mugging" may be is the moments like this that give
back· on campus, and lhc captain 'The Ri ver Wild" real suspense.
himself may offer a vcroal seminar,
aocordins to Capt. Pagliarulo. "I'm
a big believer of prevention. Stop it
i~~~· ~ s e when it


~C::~."':6i:•,: ~=,~~-=-:

"We do mate aceptiona," Capt.
Pa&Jwulo llddcd. " if lhere are extenWlting cin::umstances, like somoone being threatened, we miaht walk
to a location other than ones spccificd."
Elcoru 10 outside or the: univet••
lily commUnity,· however, is _ alnot
out vdiicte.., -,Ve may want t o ~
pcopl,:, even further thin we want to
take. But liace we doa't bfve a vcluck., we~ oply giyen cc:ruin areas

ommcndcd to do so in .advance.
'Campus phones., as well as escort
progru1 and other campus brochutes, are available in the lobby or
each building.
When an escort cannot be provKled, allbcMlah it is rare, the s .u.
Police suggest that people walk in
groups. "Don 't be out orumc with
whaf is happening aro uod · you,"
Capt.Pailiarolor.inphasiud. "People,
have to be heads up. By heads up
means, be awarg"'~ jOUr IUff'OWldings. · Be alert. Protect younclf.

... . , ... -

-_,1rom..,..R1<, ......... ""'


timewithl..ouPelligrino" fc- a Suffolk-generated utopiavcrwillgripthcDIUon(ljust world. Hooray!
W~UB and the space
But, grcatCSt of aJ1 pro- shun~f. They' ll put a smile
gram, · will be Suffo~k' s on your rlCC (whether you

&clusivc&ontrowv;cwsof ""Oolcha". Stories will inPhysicundllnpnccringde- clude "The Manqcmcnt
portmcot fist figlllS!
School Murden", "VCOIW<•
WSUB, already a pow- bigoorruptliiawymaguinc
erful mcdiaootlec here at Suf- or just misunderstood',:',
folk. 'MU become enormous " How the Women's Center
ov<rniabL Television sets mcs~"aod"Whll



I say, bring on tl)e technology! Progress is power,
etc. And anything that improves my reception is O.K.
with me, baby!

B y ~ Engl« and Erulne


rnment Is handling the situation In Haiti?

...~ - -............._

1u- ■-•-- ..

pot,."""1""'1,.,...;.. .............. n1 ..... ..., ...... _""'"""
(D.JOl,nl)ll(l .... , _ . . . , " _ _



•---and)W .. -lhlli.l"'lb<IW>""1..,..ct- - -- the-lhll,-dh)Wlroma,lqe•the_,,,pmcm1 .............Cffl!OlbJO!'IUdot ...... nl ........ Com- wodd.And ....
Annlo ...

Ollllft.nlhtJICll'I'~. . . ,.., 'ffltpllll!l'IDbt)UJ'bcK: ~ -

For further infomlatioo contact Ken Vieira or Theo Nicolakis
at Suffolk Un:iversity Bookm>re
148 ~ -227-4085
Check for~ infurmation at the Bookm>re.

Tho Suffolklounw W!'(laaday, oaoi,


SaftlA Nke km Senlce: .\safe trip-to Park Street : ,


is .

,an "




,ns •

Although DO my:ir violent crime
on cadlpm was tcponed in the last
several years. IICCOf'ding to the Uni-

we can take,.. Officer Phi.liP DiBlad
The offi~•• ufcty issues
aJso concerned. ..Park Slrt:Ct is oot
Suffolk Univcnity.
- -..

''We 8J'C Olll then:., away from our
v~tY. Police Crime. ~tatistics, . the campus, •w•y .from our help,"~.
S.U. police is alwaysa;,occmcclabotll Pagtiarulosaid. "lt(walkin&eacort]
univc:raity safety.
is touab . It i1 W:ry difficulL peopie
As • part of Criinc Prevention don' trcaliuthat."
Program, ..Escort Program" was Cff>
According 10 the S.U. P:olicc
Bled lbout 10 yean ago for all mem- records, 244 personal escorts (118 in
bers of the Suffolk community. "We Fall semester) were serv~ in 1993,
'1arted walkina people to various 104 in· 1992. and 159 in 1991. -Most
locations, because of greater con:

CCJDI for the ,ccurity and safcty,"

Let'{ Go Out with Chris

~~~e:t::::~~~ ·

Q)ales need escorts, no problem,"
c.aptain Jolm Pagliarulo said.
The waDdng escort is provided Oft:'tcer DiBlaii said. Comments from
scyen days a week throu&hout the .program. users arc not iwallablc for
this aniclc.
year, from dusk (about after the sunMalriQg a request for ·an C5COrt
set) 10 11: 30 pm, to the locations-of
service is as simple as calling 573.
Park Sutict T Statioo, Charles River
Parking Oaraac, S taniford Street 8333 and tell -your name, destination
• parting Garage, and Center Plaz.a and time escort is needed. It is n:commendcd to do so in .advance.
"We do make exceptions," Capt. Campus ph~. cs well as escort
program and other campus brochures, are available in the !Qbby or
one being threatened, we might walk •each building.
When an cscon canno< be pro10 a location other than ones specivided, although it is rare, the S.U.
Esc~ to outside of the univcr- · Police suggest that people walk in
sily community, however, is not al- groups. "Don't be out of tune with
ways easy to provKk;._spcciaUy with- what is happening a rou1;1d you ,"
~I vehicles. --We may~anl to take Capt. Pagliaru:]ocmphasiud. "People
people even further than we ~anl fb have to be ~ up. By heads up
take. But siQce we don't ha-we a ve- means, be awaro:.'of YtJ'lr sum:,und.
hicle, WC
only given cenain ~ ings. Be a1ert. Protect yourself.



Anything ·~ happen anyw~."
In fact, each student's awareness
is ail iniportant ke)' to pievcnl oneself from becoming a victim and to
maintain -campu5 safety. · The S.U.

· Otherplaccsofsocialinteraction

By Christina M. Tealdo


Coritinued from page 4

River Wild's" white-knuckle climax
Police have been working hard to . ~wn the treacherous Gauntlet, a. part
of the river that Gail hasn ' t concrime prevention program brochun:, quered since her teens. The viCWer
by placing wO
rk-study students at has had complete confidence in d'ail
various desb because they know up lo this point. Her ability to take
who belongs 10 thi: university, and control or difficult situations has rcnby •offering seminars such as intro- dercd her free from everything, but
ductory self- "
defense, "model mug- when 'The River Wild" reaches its
smashing -conclusion, viewi;rs see
Now. the S.U. Police is planning that the river now controls Gail, and
to offer various programs through the audience will fear for her life. It
the year. "Model mugging" may be is the moments like this that give
back on campus, and the captain ''The River Wild" real suspense.
himself m offer a verl>al seminar,
GRADE: Aaccordipg to cap<. Pagliarulo. " I'm
a big believer of p~v~oll. 'stop i1
before it happens, because when it
happens, it's all to late."
raise stu&nts' awaimess by mailing


Strtnd{pitJ 3, Piogg I..Juu, Iha Pl
Now that the semester is offi- Hand, Purplt"Sluunrot:lc and many
cially underway, the familiar battle more, too numerous'to mention.
Lilly's PiiJ110 Bar offers a soJOURNAL. STAFF

campus, " Let's go out". lf you are cially charged atmosphere infused
new to the area,,or arc tired of your willi.Piario music. Thisoffers8grut
usual hanaou~ and would like to try setting if you would like to spend
something new, your desire can be
magnitµde_ drinking and social es•
tablishments in the Greater Boston
area. Througbout lhe year, we wiil
be exploring, through great effort on
the part theJOumal S~ ff, the variety
or nighttime (and aftCmoon t,ime)

9 BoWdinStrcet
Boston MA
It would not be right 10 start this
Rtd Bat. As anyone on campus
for Suffolk Stud~n~. -M
have been· "
misstd beca se f the
sheer proximily Of Tiu Rtd Hat to



10 lhe Dunkin Donuts and Subway


... ..i,.1hem1> _ __ _ _ .,.,.i .........,....


butnow ll n::im2Slim1sc:ltwm.1et~lriyl'romAjlplt.JloraMmltedlne,buy

O).iOl,m!)QJ'llalso .. alldimlli.lnty<l~rdemu~ll.211alhes"111


''""'"""-ntl"'"''°"""lhllbelal"'.....,.,,,....,.. ...... ---lhe-lhll-wihl"'fromailqo•lhe.-W


paptl'S,apa,cnlorpm/alen:br~b)W'511mllhyltamltbtliRrnetO:m-- tmi.An:l~wih·111,.f.amplle'l.oan,it\mrtdw!mrkl
p;anirlkl~)O.lllJlkmcn-hraeardllt50.lm.Pb)O.fl-~an-- _CJ1M1<Rblthtpo,,we,eyJllmtnieds.'ffieJKl'l'l'klbe)W'bf:lr .

For further infomialion contact Ken Vieira or Theo Niccllakis
at Suffolk University Jlookgore
148 eambridge • 227-4085
Check for Jllic!i-lg Information at the Bookmre.

shops located on Cambridge Street.
Walk to the light ar 1he comer tum
right facing up toward Sawyer. and
take about twenty steps and you will
TM Rtd Hal nol only offers a
liquid menu. but a Substantial range
of food . They·have a wide selectio~
of appetizcts, salads and burgers.
Morelha'.n tikefy atany given time of
the day ,you'lf J,ump into a fellow
Suffolk. Studeht Or tc!n who would
enjoy spending'the aftCmo:c,n J m•


PLA.eB ·


. .

Quincy Mukcl ' '
Boston MA •

6l7n25-3 105
Fau..U Hall Mar"Utplact of•
S,o,ut,andCityddtoffer!l scnous
beyeragcdrintingatmoSphere. And

quality time with that special person.

offers th~Co"'-dyCanMction . The
latest and greatest comedians play
· this club. Thereisalwaysarevolving
selecti9n Of comedians to see. If you ·
are not happy with what is offered
oneweek,be suretocheckback the ·
For dancing in theFtlllllud Hall
Marh,JPl4ce , nolhini beals.theBOJP
tanBtachChlb. Youcan'tmissit,il
is the club·that has a person (well,
their leg) in the sftark• s mouth. The
BBC Qffers a w.ide reaching selection of music·to da'.nce to. I can't tell
you bow many nigNs I have "
di,cre,dancing until thCweehoUJS of
thc.J!l<)rrti~g.., •

;, m- Fan,,;.

HalL -kis olso fun

be~use-of the wide range fJ f people
whomake theirwaytherc.Thecrowd
is mainly yi>ung, or young at 11!:art,
and a good time, is lo be had by
Remember, if you do go out·and
fufd yourself-drinking ii is always
~st togtabaca!?, or jump on theT.
Yle want you back to~ the Journal next wCCJ!·

.p ,


bridge: is. the
the "alternafr
that is used·:
ing everythir
to any nuinl
alternative ii
offers lhe i
rcaJi.ty.OnC ,
radio or MT
The mo:
in Man Ray
music mix. ?
here. On \\

Overihe Beat---0 1.oodons Ha




_-Tranquil, lu

· Dance music io the niDcdes bas ,
become I as 'aiven'e ana·· II essential of any ,tecbi
as i t could 'ever be. '"carerina new Orbital tno,
ground as well as a ICflection of the. moup.,· wit?i
latesttrends,lhcnioetics~IOIIDd • ~ C J l l
is high on tecbnotoq u well u ica can era
StylC. 1, FJ'Oa:r \dclmo. aa,-«cblld
house and hip bo!>;¼ ~li. 100.nd . Orbital
evol,ves and cbangea, ~ng u- 1ty while "i
· odl_ r. Tbisstylestbctmmwc~
- dliloae~
to lD. 8 dub.. ! ar ,caiQ qa,, IQ• bcaD, my 'be~

extcoliv_emcnusforthosc~ments i n c l : : : : : = ~ = = · ;-;:;.
(FFRR). nit ~• thinl Ip' fro•


The SuJroO:Joamal

SiollA ...... ~ Sen!ot: A sale trip to Park Sln!et ' ,



Although no major violent Crime

seven dayt a week throuahout the
after the sun-

program users are noc ...-ailable for
this article.

~ ~~ ~ ~~O:U0:

serv~s:8.s\i:~:~f ~ g~


Parkin& Oaraae, Staniford Street
- parkin& Guaae, and Center Plaza
UWe do make exceptions," Capt.


ooe bciraa; thrcatcncd. we might walk
10 a kr.ation othu than ones spcci-

·. The Glob Scene

WC can take," Officer Philip DiBl.asi
Tb~ officer's safety issuca an also concerned. "Park Street is nOJ

op catt11M wu reported In the last Suffolk Univcnity. ·
1CVcral ycan,. accordina: to the UniUWc a,e out lhcrc, away from ou,
ven.iry Police Crime St.atistJcs, the campis, away from our bclp,r·eapt,.
S.U. police is always coocerncd.Jbout f'lt&liaru.]o said. '11 {walking escort! '
university Wetf.
is tough . It is vuy diffiaiIL People
As a part of Crime Prevention don't ~ize that. n

ProlfUI, ..Elcoct Program" was ereAccording 10 the S.U. Police
atcd about 10 ' ag9 for all mem- records, 244 persooa1 escoru (I 18 in
hen of the Su.trolk'c:ommunity. '"We Fall semester) were serviced in 1993,
, tarted walkiDa people to various 104 in 1992, and 159 in f991. Most
locatiom, becau'le of greater coo: of lhe·requew were made by female
cema for tbc accurity and safety," students. "lt'a ju.stnotforf~ales. lf Anything Cal;!, bac,pen anywhere...
Capn !olm hglilru1o said.
males need escorts , no problem ,"
In fact, each studeot's awarmesl
' The walking CSCOf\ is proYidcd Off.jeer OiBlaai said. c.ommcnts from is an import.In£ key to prcvelll one-

~• from ~ (al)out

8333 and tell your name, destination
and time CICOrt is ncedc:d. It is recommendcd to do so in -advance.
Qunpus phones, as well as escort


each building.
When an cscon cannot be proficd."
vi<k.d, although it is rare, the S.U.
Escorts 10 outside of the univcr- • Police suggest that people walk io
• sity community, however, is not al· groups. "Don' t be oul of tune with
cspcciallywith- what is hai,penin& around you,"
out vehicles. "We may want 10 take Capt.Pagliaruloemphasiu.d. "People •
people even fun.her than we want to have 10 be head$ up. By heads up
take. But lince we don' t have a ve- means, be awarc' of your sllJTOUDd'..
hlclc, We ari oaly giveD ccrtaiD areas ,-inas. Be alen. · Protect yourself.


ThcSuffo)t.iounial Wcdllelday,OclDber - , 19941

• •




River Wild's" white-knuck..le climax
down the treacherous Gauntlet. a pan
of the river that Gail h41n't concrime prevention program brochure, qucn:d since her teens. The viCWer
by placina work-study 1tudcnt1 at has had complete confidence in Gail
various-desks because lhey know up to this point Her ability to take
who belongs to the university, 1¥1d control or difficult situatiom has ren•
dercc:I her free from e.,,erything, but
s~':;I : : when 'The River Wild" reaches its
smashing conclusion, viewers sec
Now, the S.U. Police is planning that the river now controls Gail, and
to offer "!lflous programs through the audicoce will fear for her lire. ll
the year. "Model mugging" may be is the moments like this that give
back on campus, and lhc caplain "The River Wild" real suspense.
himself may offer a verbal seminar,
uccording to Capt. Pugliarulo. "I'm
a big bcliover of prevention. Stop it
before it happens, because when iL ,
happens, it's all to late."

:!~C:~~~o;!;';,8y ~



By Christina M. Tcaldo

Suendipity 3, Frogg Lmu, s,a ,Hand, hrpliSluunl'OCk and many


Continuo:I from page 4

self from becoming a victim and lO
maintain campus safety. The S.U.

Now that the semester is omcially unclerway, the familiar battle more, too numerous to mention.
cry on Friday afternoon is heard across
Ully 's Piano Bar offers a so.campus, " Let's go 'out". If you arc cially charged atmosphere infused
new to the aica, or arc tired of your with Piano music. Thisoffcrugrcat
usual flaMou~ and ~ Id like 10 try setting if you would like to spend
something ocw, your desire can be qualitytimcV{iththatspccialpmon.
difficulttofulfillbecauseofthe shear
FaneuilHaU Marbtplact also
magnitudeofdrinkingandsociales- offers 1heConitdyCon111ctio11. The
uiblishmcnts in the Greater Boston la1est and greatest comedians play
area. 'Throughout the year, we will this club. lbercisa1waysamvolving
be exploring, through great effort on selection ofcomedians 10sec. If you
the patttheJoumalStafT, the variety arc not happy with what is 1_>ffcred.. •
of nighttime (and aftemOQ.n time) oneweek,bc!iiureto checkback the
For dancing in theFantiul Hall
Marittplau, nothing beatsthe&n•
9 Bowdin Street
tonBtachCl,d,. Yollcan' tmissit,il
Boston MA
is the club that has a person (well,
their leg) int& shark's ri'louth. The
It would not be right to start this BBC offers a wide reaching selecendeavor without first examiningfht tion of music to dance to. I can't tell
Rid Hal. As anyo ne on campus you how many nights I have ~pent
knowsn..WHalis~oldstandby there, dancing until the wee hows of
for Suffolk Students. Maoy classes therpomi~g. .
have been miSltd because of the
sheer proximity or Tiu Red Hal to stAnding til1lC that require minimum
preparation chances ai:c you will find
it in· Faneull Hah. ·)t ·ts also fun
to the Dunkin Donuts and Subway bc~use-0f the wide range of people
shops located on Cambridge Street whomakctheirwaylhere. Thecrowd
Walk to the light ru the comer turn is mainly young, or young at heart,
right facing up toward Sawyer, and and a good time is to be had by
take about twenty steps and you will everyone.
Remember, if you do go out and
Tiu Red Hal not o nly offers a find yourself drinking it is always
liqui°d menu, but a substantial range best to grab a cab or jump on theT.
of food . They have a wide selectirin We want you back to read the Jourof, salads ~d burgers. nal next wt.e~!More than lik.e'fy at any given time of
the. day you'll ~ p into a fellow
Suffolk Studeht or ten who would
cnjof speDdini the afternoon im-

.,.,,..,_,npodllk>o-pllm. ....""'·"""'--,paddal"""""""'"""--""'"i1lao9"•-.... <i--Ocls.l.U....,n1,
·---""11"!9"-lhol~"'" ......""'"""'"- - --..-lhol .....""'"'"""""'°"""'"-....
eo,,. ""1d.""1""'""''""""'-'-""""~-Apple•



oVer the Beat .

By Midlael Mc:Calktr

!Um, ... _ _ _

1"'_,.l,dm!--Ml""'11iem,&un .... !u,lm<ed .... l,q

For further informatioo contact Ken Vieira or Theo Nicolakis
at Suffolk University Bookstore
148 Cambridge • 22'7-4085
Check for p~ information ~ the Book&ore.


Let'~ Go Out with Chris


..i ........



PUCE · tQuincy Madtct •



Boston MA •
FOMuiJ Hall Marhtplace offersa large selection of activities for
the socially minded Suffolk Student
Seaia and City1iM offer a ~rious
beverage drinking atmosphere. And



Man Ray:Alte~tivelneyery seme
. ·,-.;r

~~~-"~~;. DJ.Cuil, E

o.n· your walknian. Fro1
ManRay in_
Cc:ntral Square, Carn: · 1
[)epctbe M~.'.mid Coct(:
bridge. is the dijcovftY for iny s~•-,11 \0·i'ecenl ~ b ; y 'fhc,Bfl
dent the area in search of "Nine lncli naib,thc mix-i.t

:~:•~t:=:~~· ~:s~;:.j=t

~ t h : ~ : : = withoul
ing everything from MTV's playlist
Visually, Man Ray CO(
10 any number of beer !>rands.The -ting room louqe .tuyte. w
alternative in 1his case is a clu~ tba~ imagery, creating >an en•
offer s the music fan a different : that is pleasing to the cy€
reality.One tha(-'isn:,t foancl. on the:~-~;;citing. Think of
radio or MTV. /
-_.-.. _ ""' "AUce in W~~;lilna" a
The most n09ccable diffe~nce got the visuals down. Fo
in Man Ray fron'i othc!t ~bs is: the ~
mus ic mix. Nothiog i& ~ down' :
..,. .MAN· itAY
here. On ~ o : I ~ and;,.:'8luritay, ~
continued on ~e



~,.: : .•i...

" . ·• '•·~ .·. ' ..

~;c!°,:ti~~~!!'~t:.,,: ~:~r!a...

- =: ::::..wi: ,=~°:~~,.:-:=
live -"'thinking" t.~hno ever ma&.

' Dance music i~ thc nioeties bas ' their. best ai kccpiDg ohe ~ ahead
become' as •ifivcrs'e anc1·~ as essential of' any tccbno msvcns' pcctatiom:
as 1t could ·ever be. ' 'Coverin& new Oibital knows wti'eii IO slow it 1down
ground u well u a reflection ol the . though, with "Forever" being an ex-.
latest~ds.tbcninetieldancclOGfid · ceptiooalcumpleof bow dectronis hi&h on tcchnolo&)' u wdJ u ics can create SQID!IChiaa ~worthy of
Style. '· Frbm ~bno -lo~~ t . to~ ao1-orcbellra. .:_j.._;_ A.
~ ,
house and hip ho~eacli sound
Orbital ~
.iD their" aimplicevolves and chanaCI; crating ao- ity While ~ the pare- with
other. Thia lt)'lca tbc blDel we dlnce du ODC allium. -Belq uid, Orbital

cards their'"aignature (


on some 'ca1

50 NIIJ' dlDce ll)'lca dla&
it DOt colaive., it
hem claM befote, GIiiy
llll CUffllll ill Ille . . _

importut II


as luck would have ii, they also have t o i t t ~ : . c : : - . : : : : : . - :..
include orbital'• :-s~vmudoll· DJ Towa and welcqme DCW DJ Aiu,
when the hungry horrors strike.
(FFllR). Thi, Ille lhlnl Ip fn>m


tribal lnnaeoce •Bi;i•s
Lo.,,e.. , arii:1 t h e ~ ~
ilStay In Bed. forget the~


cOlldaled •

~ ......

ThcSutrolkloanal Wedoaday,OadJcr:5, I~

Etcort Senlce: A afe ttjp lo_Park~-

. , ... , . _ . .
XUJW. CX>tna11t1roa

The Glob Scene

WC CM take," Offica' Philip Oi81ul

The officer's safety issues are

Aldlou&h no m-,jor violent aimc also concemcd. "Pad: Stnct ii oot
campus WU ~ in the last Suffolk Univenity.
aewn1 ~ 8CCDldinc to lhe um"1tfe ani out theft;, away from OW'
vavc:y Police Crime Scatistica. tbc e11npu.1. 1way from our hclp," ·Capt..
S.U. police b alwoys cooccmcd obout Ptc1ian1Jo said. "lt (waltin& eacort]
uniw:nity Wcty.
is IOUl,b . It is very difflCWL hople
Al a put of Crime Prevention don't ~Jiu tbal."
Prosnm, "'Elc:Oft f'ro&Rm" was c~
Ac:cordiri& to the S.U. Police
ud lbolJt 10 ya.n ..0 r« all mem- rccords.144pcrsonalescorts(ll8in
ben ol th?. Suffolk a:amunity. "'We Fa111tlDC6tCf)wereserv~i.n 1993,
started wallriaa people to various 104 in 1991. and 159 in 1991. Most
IOCllliou, bccMlse of a,eater con• ol the reqaesu wae made by female
cam fo, the securi1y ud Wcty," 1tlMSa:IU. "h '1ju1tnocfor fcmalea. If
c.,,c.;. ,... Pqliantlo omd.
male, Deed cscoru, DO problem,"
Tbo wtDriQI CICOl'1 is provfdcd Off1CU1>iillu.i ~d. Conimcnts from
aena ct,,ya a wtdt lhrouJboul the Pf'OiJ'fflUKnarenoc.....n.blefor
)Ur, &om "dust {aboul aftu the sunlhl, atpCle. .
set) to l I: 30 pm, to thc loeatiotu of
Part Stmct T Staticm, Clwk:s River ICn'ice i, u simple u calling 573Parkin.a Oen.Jc, Stuiford Street 8333 and tell your name. dcstinatioo
• parti111 Qaraac, and Center Plua and time C1C01t ii needed. It i1 RIC·
ommended to do 10 in ,advance.
'"We do make uceptions." Capt. Campus phones, u well u cscon
Paatianalo added. " If there arc ex• proar•m and other campus brotaNalina cireu.llllWICel, like som~ churea,1. are available in the lobby or
oae beiq "thralened, we might wall:: each building.
to a localion other than ones speciWhen an escort cannot be profied."
vided, allhouah it is rare., the S.U.
&ccwu to outside of lhe univa- . Police auucs1 lhat people walk i.a
shy COOU!lunity, bowcver, is 110t al· groups. "Don't be out or rune with
way, easy to provide. ~ialJy with- what 11 happening around you. "
out vduclcs. "'We IDI)' want 10 take Capt. PaaJjaNJoemphuiu.d. "People
people even further lhln we want to have to be heads up. BY beads up
take. But since we don't have a ve. means. be yc,ur surroundhie.le. we~ oaJy aivea cataiD 8lQI lnas. Be alen . Protect yourself.


Let'~Go Out with Chris ~ _
bippen 111tywbere."
In fact., each studeot'• IWIICOCU
is an important key IO 00f>
telf from a victim IDd to
maintain campus safety. The S.U.
PO,ice have been wOtkin& hard to
rai_e students' ••wumess by mai.lin,
crime prevention program brodl~
by placina work-1tudy 1tuden11 at
vuiou, desks because they know
who be.Iona• to the university, and
by offering semill.lB such u introductOf)' self- defense, ..model mugaina."
Now , the S.U. Police is planmng
to offer various programs through
the year. "Model mugging" may be
b11ek on campus, and the captain
himself may offer a verbal seminar.
accotding to Capt. Paglianilo. "I ' m
a big believu of prevention. Stop it
before it happens. because when it
happcm.. it's all to late."

Continued from page 4
River Wild's" white-knuclck climu
dpwn the treacherous Gauntlet, a pan
or I.he river that Gail hun ' t conquered since her teQll. Tbc viCWcr
has had complete confidence in Gail
up to this poinL Her ability to take
control of difficult situations has rcn•
dcred her free from everythina, but
when '"The River Wild" reaches iu
smashing conclusion, viewers see
that the river now controls Gail, and
the audience wiU fear for her life. It
is the moments like this that give
!he Rivu Wild" real suspense.

By Christina M. Ttaldo

StrtndipilJ J, Frogg UJ,u, &O DI
Hand, Purple Shamrod: and many
mon:, too numerous to mcntiOl'I.
UJJ1 '1 ~no &u offers ~ ~
cially charged atmosphere infused
with Piano music. 'lbisoffcrsagrcat
setting if you ould like to spend
quality time with that special pcrsoo.
Faatuil Hall Maruq,IIJu

Now that the semester ls officially underway, the familiar battle
ayon Friday afternoon is herud across
campus, .. Let's go o ut" , If you an:
new to the a,ea, or are tired or your
usual hangout and would like 10 try
somethina: oew, your dc$irc can be
difficult to fulfill because of the shear
magnitude of drinking and social es- offerstheComed1Connecdon . The
tablishments in the Greater Boston
we will
be exploring, through great cffon on
the pan theJoumal Staff, the variety
of nighttime (and afternoon time)
enterta.i!'mcnt presented.

latest and greatest comedians play
thisclub, lllercis always a revolving
selection o f comedians tosoe. lfyou
arc not happy with what is offered
onewcek, be~urctochcckback the
Fordancing in theFanej1dHall
Afarbtplue,nothingbcars lhc&I~
9 Bowdin Street
tonBtath!Ja,b. Youcan'tmissit,it
Boston MA
is the club that has a person (well.
their leg) in the shark's mouth. The .
It would noc be ri ght 10 s11111 this BBC offers a wide reaching sclccendcavorwithOUI firstexamining_71,t tion of music to dance 1 . I can't tell
Rtd Hal. As anyone o n campus you li.oJl._many nights I have spent
knows71NRuHfllisthcoldstandby then:,ducing untilthcweehoursof
for Suffolk Students. Many classes the rponu'!g. •

area. Tifroughout the year.

::~~~:~~~H:,::::w: r:::=~,;::~~! ~:lg~~:,::=~~=~r •t~~:~ixB=~
have been missed becaw
sheerproximicy of Tiu Rtd Hal to

staodin,gtimc thatrcquiremin.i.mum

to the Dunkin Donuts and Subway
shopslocatcdonCambridgc Strect.
Walk to the lighl at the comer tum
right facing up toward Sawyer. and
takeabouttwcntystepsandyou will

whomakcthcir waytherc.Thecrowd
is mainly young, or young at heart,
and I good time is 10 be had by


TM Red HaJ not only offers a
liquidmenu,bota substantialrangc

If drinlti" • • al
find yoursc
ng 1t 1s ways

offood .1beyhavcawideselection



The most noycelble difference . got the visuall down. for lhe first

:!can~yN~oc_:r-__:~ :
~ - On Wed~ and,...SaturcblY, ;


cOClliDued ap pace 10

:rr~J ~=l~:1~!n:h: :~:~ ·--.,; ;.- -------,----,-,:,-...,.---~

""""'"""m11'"""---•,pa1i.....,_,.. ~""''*~-"""""°n1""'.;,,...,,..,,...,...,,
Cl).D1,nl,..,. .. .,,..-1n,y.t--tocis.,....... ..,,
·---~"".................... nllht--"""""'"'...,.,_.."'"'"-"""""" AA>Ie•
_.. ......
,....,....,., -""'~"" ...... ""'""""- ---""-""'-""'""'"""milll'•""~
- - - · - · - - ' " - " " ' " " " • " ' • - .... 1,y

Ollllft.nllieJl(Jll!l'e,ey. . . nmk.~(IOl'l°tlbt!OJ'btsa:

For further informalioo contact Ken Vieira or Theo Nicolakis
at Suffolk University Bookstore
148 Cambridge • 227-4085
Check for ~
information at the Bookstore.

' o.n your F!Oln claHic
~ b l Mode' and Coc:teaJ Twins,

the "altemative".Altemativeiuword and w:ry complete without iivinc in
is used ll1ot these days, describ- 10 the latest tffl\d.
ing everything from MTV's playlist
· Visuall,y, Man Ray combines sit10 any number or beer brandl.Tbe ting room Louoae fstyle with gotbic
alternative in this case is a club that imagery, <ruling aR environment
offers 1he music ran i different that is plcaina 10 the eye IS well as
reali1y.Onc that isn',t foand on the.:·eXciting.' Thin~of "Tbc"Crow" meets
radio or MTV.,

• "Allee in' Woederland" and you've


o fapS)Cl; . nalDCXtweck?More than like yatanyJiventimcof


ManRay in Central Squarc.Cam;


. enjoy spending the afternoon immcrscdinstimblatingeonversalion.


Over;tbe Beat
8 1 MidlMI McCaer
~ ~

Dance mlllic: in die . . . bis diverie mil II euential
as ~ could ever- be. · t:ovai:111 oew
ground II well II a rdkctioa of the
p._,u,1 Holl Madttpl«• of- is hiah oo tecbuolol)' u well u
fcrsa large~on of aclivitic, for ityle. ' From 1-hoo-lO~ IO0
S•a'- and Ciqsilh offer a serious :::1::s
·beven,edrinking atm05phc:rc. And other. 1bil "Ylril me taall we dam:e
as luck would have it. lhcy also have
cxleOlivc menus fortholC moments
incltldc orbital•• "'Siaiwilludoa"

~ ~-·
BoslonMA .


whcJI the hungry honors suilte.

(FFRR). nia IN -


Ip , _

~ ~drop& in the oiAen" (Elcktn)

~ R I H ~-~
fmdi the
duo creatio, IOfflC'of thc most invcnlive "thinkina" 1ccbno ever made. .-Truquil, lush piecc.s co-exbt with

offen mbcd realu. The aitiun, di.1card• their aianature pop~bouse
'4)Und for• rqs:ni,rosr.,.ivc. 1ccbool

of any tecbno mavens' es:pectltiom.
Orbital bows itflen to slow itldown
thou&h, with "Forevd' bdq an ex•

tribal Influence - en1111 Me Your
Love", and the new jack bDstle of
"Seay lo Bod. for&ct the Rat."' Tbe

~u:e:uq,~ ~:.

1!,~ ~-:

,alpn,blm,~tltoathc.-ics can crate ~ wdy of so _ , dance ICylCI dlM DOI om, ia
J.... .i,,.

it DOI cobsvc, it IOUda lild k -



ily : '


.. :



m Toa IDd welcome oew DJ Am.


C:1:~ ~ ~

--~aeaream: : :

11n c,ac album. •Bein& llid, Ortlilll

importul u 1011ndla1

eoaiaed •




The SuffolkJoumal W ~ y , OClabcr 5, 1994


~ ~m!:~rocnJlll&C

■ ~~=:from. page


' dmcr-,lbc clulfil both a ·wue ~P call

~c~::U:~: =


•.:~ah =~}umbley ~d. ~ wu;o~ ·~~,

~ in the mood to dance is wd~ without Mliwde. •

from Indiana to Ulinois Brown
joumeyed, now a member of the

-~ -.

vi:~=n~:~r:~:n::,~; Q,ntiautd ,frotl P.l&C
=:It~ ~~ ::r~i:-~:;,
schootfna full-time and wowd even-

play 1n the AAGPBi.. "I W85 lucky,"



uniy~cy•, law school. She started
the pbyaical education program for



the 1W Sbop Boys,to name I! few.
Periodically, ~ y s 1ab1Ddon the
d ccaimal "Rew. Wave" hits from
~ 'iO'L
nipu arc a lot or



ibo,i.ut time You beard
Nena'• "99 Red Balloons" in a club?


·A,• ~h.

Man Ray is 1111 excel.'
· km dub fOI' the music--minded; the
only one in the area of its kind. Man
Ray pn,w::I & clubs doD'1 need
tons or advcrtiaina, just the good
word. It bal quiddy biiecomc my one
md oaly IIOlllpiDa pound......
dirccdca . t info on ldcctcd
niptl , call l64-0400.




. Ld,n>OR Yoioe
be .......
\\/rile for lbe JoaruL

~~ ~)~~~rc=~km: ~~~=-~•~w~~. ~~. :::h~i:; ~~~~:'g;!,t~





is still looking
for more teams
to play.

~l'l'S l.mpect 'l:an
_~ be si:::cn laid in recent memory~ .
and felt 1n~rareu of Suffolk. f~r
. Darrel Emerserl, 1 ~ nger:. adds
over forty years she ~ed through- soh~ vocals to.the nux w1t.boutoverout various departments in Suffo'll:'s staung or gctung lost In the sound.
buildings, before her culmination as "Dubnos ... " brightest moments arc
associate law librarian in the law i~ stranscst; "Cowgirl" and " Dari:
school, a position she retired rrom . and Long_" appr~ach their si nister
nearly three years ago. She was one themes with an innocent bystander
or the fmit women to labor her way 51yle.
througJ:,; Surfolk.'s occ upatiofla l
And after one listen, "Cowgirl"
ranks, eventually paving the road for does stay on the brain, with iu reother women to follow.
pealed chOl'Us edited througbouL The
Which ia 10mething she al{nc_,st album ends on an optimistic note
accomplished in bas.cball. Most as- with "Mother Earth" being one or the
pccu or our society have gradually most infectious pop songs ever given
besun, ir not already, 10 inch!de the techno ueaunent, as it hangs on a
women in its ra.nkJ':" The realm of very new wave 80'1 Sbuctui:e. This
sports has not. "I think it's terrible. is an album DOt wo!Jb missing.
It's disgusting," she would swe in
And speaking or -missing, what
regards to lwcball's. and mott ~ ~ those Pee Shop Boys thirwng??
fcuiooal sport's exclusion of women. Wuh the rcleue of ..Disco 2." an
'1 myself know t.bal J could never album of remixes f"!m the "Very"
have made the majors but then: arc album, the PSB 'a uy ~o jwnp.on the
10me women wtio could, thal. weµ.
house bandwagon. They should have
that good."'
stayed home.
Yes, timewisc !heir portion may
In bue Robin S. "S8ow Me Love"
have been small, but the ri,Pes of styling, everything from "Go West"
influence from the AAGPBL and the to "Can You Forgive }ier?'' geu the
women who played in it arc still lrclllmenl. It only succeeds in provbeing felt lOday. In 1988, Brown ing their st.rongpoint is the pop song.
along with many women players were These remixes,go nowhere, and many
inducted into the Baseball Hall or lose: their lyric content allogethcr. As
Fame, ~ endowment Jon&overdue. J)Opmcistcrs they ahine, but this aJ.
-And-Brown_.,.,111 oo band this pas,r bum isn't convincing Cnou'gh as a
week to, donate several historic me- hoi,ise recorololle"Wortl1Wblle;-lr_tusr mcntoes to the university's Athletic rings of a grcafband being stripped
DcpanmenL " h was only a ,nuill of it's signature soond. Can we forportion," she would 51y about her give them??
and her teammates place in history,
"but we were juJi•a small portion of
the overall 125 year history."

w..toti4,y OctobtrS
Spring and-Summer Final Examination Make-Up
Last day to drop a course 'ftithOUI a grade of W

11:00 - 12:00
12:00-1 :00
1:00 - 2:00

SGA Eleciions - All C1aa8e1 Vow
a .LC. Study Group · Statistlca 250
B.LC. Study Group - Chemia1ty Ill
B.L.C. Study GrouP. • Micro - Economics 211
B.LC. Study Group • Chemillly 211
CLAS Graduate .lnlo. Session
Law Sdlool Reunion 1994 Phonathon

Cboosc from 3 different 'fundtaisc:n
lasting either ) or T dayt. No invcst_
mcnL Earn $$$ for your aroop plus
personal cuh bonUHt ror yourself. Call l-800-932.-0528, Ex.L 65

Blind Gradua~ .Student
seeks Readers

wu, with proof readina
papen and IIUI book


Phonalhon Cenfe<

Spring and Summer Fll8I Examination Make-up
SGA Elections • All Classes Vote
Tales I~ Homer's Odyssey • Free
Organ Recltal: Raymond Kelton at St. Paul's Cathedral .

c . Wakh ThNtrw
38 Tremont Street

Sawyer Cafe&ena

Thul'WY Octohtr 8
10:00- 2:00
11 :30
12:45-1 :15
1:00 - 2:00
1 :00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:00

Sayw8r Cafeleria




Alpha Phi Omega Meeting



· ~ f}l


1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2::ib
3:30 - 4':Jo
FddlY ' ~Ober 7
1:00 - 2:00
2:@ , 3:00

· Hd ~ 1 2 5

8.1,..C. Study Group - Accounting 321

S..hJrd■Y October

B.L:t. Study Group • Accounting 201
Pre-Law Advising ComrT)ittee Meeting


Execul~~BA and MPA Fall Classes Convene

SUffl:IIY October 9
4:00- 7:00

Sawyer-43<> .

8.LC. Study Group· Chemistry 211

October 10
Columbus Day Holiday (see October 11 and 14 make-up)

IYl:141Y October 11
11 :30 • 12:30
1:00 -~:00
1:00 - 2::j!)
1:00 -2;!1Q
1:00 - 2.'00
2:30 - 3:30
• = 7 00

Tuesday Ewnlng Claases Canoel5ed.
Monday E~ng ~ s Only~ to Maki-up for HoHday.
a .LC. Study Group Mk:ro • Eoonomlcs 211
Humanities a'nd Modem Language Meetlog
Councll Meeting . .
a .LC. Study Group · Aa:iluntlng 3,!1
College Rl,publlcen Meeting
Suffolk Univ. Hlapank: Adoctatlon -ting


,.Sawyer 1125

. r

Pre•l a w - ~
B.LC. Study Grooj> • Cllemlllry 211
B.LC. Study (lroup • Chemistry Ill
WSFA General Mooting

Ofta!Oppon,,nll)'IOIN!a 1fcllow1t.clui



Black Studenl Unlr;)n - SpNker Prof. Lloyd Johr\SQrl • Bunker Hill
PhllOlopl1y Dept. Open Hcue
B.LC. Study Group· Slatiollca 250
B.LC. Study Group · Phyllc:al Sdence


-~ , 0 0

lho..;;..,..-. orlO

YIJhtlntby pateUIJI la Suffolk Universlly's ,..._..,,._, Fo<-..-on lfl'(-ovenl, ltl'fmf.ol
list an event that you are planning call 573-«l82. 4co111p. _ _ _ olwha11s '-"'1g. whenand-.-lorplanni,g,
orgenenillnlormatfon .




; .,,.,,i,d Sllwyer 806 ~
. ,. .
5awyer.927 .
Sawyer 521
. Donatwe.218 ~

H1stoty Dept. Seminar Senes
Beta ~pha Psi Meeting
Graduate Student Resume Workshop
S .U.L.S. Catholic Lawyers Guild: Month_y Meeting. _


Call Mike McDen:nou


Sawyer 430
CLAS Faculty Seminar Series
Fenton 903
B.LG. Study Group • Micro - Economics 2f1
Sawyer 1126
Haitian American Student Association MeeUng
• 'Sawyer 426
B.LC. Study Group - Physical $clence .1
.• .
Sawyer •28
Mullocultural AlfOI" - Sponsors ~uccess Wo,lcshops for AHANA St"'8ntsSawyer 4~7 ~-A29
Gay and lesbuln_Alllanbe at Suffolk Meeting

' 'I ·

B.LC. Study Group · Chemistry Ill


.·, · the Athletic
or call 573-8379

Suff9lk University's Calendar of Events
October 5 - 11 , 1994


Your Ad can appear here. Adve~ in
The Suffolk Journal and i:each the
entire ~pus, all
_t-once. Contact ,
Karen M. Courtn_ey x ~, ,

If Interested, stop by

.University DateLine

but this gang should kn~w

A aroup • worth knowing is the
Underworlil. A four piece tfiind..(yes.

Ieape player,
in& to bloom, Brown had devdoped
a poblan. Now a IWdeait 111 Suffolk
oo. an lthld.ic scholarihip and 8 part·
she ~ lo bypass her
l8lt two months of the academic year
to sprina training. _
pcnnllllon from her v.-fous poresson. she was exempt, but wO!,lld DOt
be 1:0 privilcced the following year.
That sprinJ, when Brown went
1CCkin1 to be ab, olved from her
COllnCS apiA. ·two or her~professors
dcaied, Md suddenly she found her·
· sc11 at a crouiolds.. Remain with
school to realize a dream she had
a1Wlys bad. or depart •fo,r bucball,
wbo,bad infonned.btr lhail if ahe did
not rq,art to aping. training, she Jim.
pty·>WOllld ·not p&a}. "I taa4 to make
a choice, ~d I cho1c 10 ally in
ltbqol.'" Her decision proved faYDr•
&,Jortwo years later the AAGPBL



i1's share of brigh1

biunstonning Chicago· Cont.ens. one •.Suffotlf worqe_ and wu also the band) frofn l;ondon,, UnderwOrld
of 1wo "minor league" I.Cam.I serving founder of the women:, basketball fuses amb\,.cnt tcchno with tnlditional
the AAGPBL rriLnchises. One year team, wheo to her di1may, no team ~ aon~ si;iucwre on. ", ·after being seasoned as~~ - W.Stcd. "lt ~lpsto sAfCad'!"!>menin · wi(hmyheadma.n.'' ~n&rworld ex-

Otber tugbd"ll Man Ray prove to
be jo,1 u eotertaining.Besidu the
damle. nigbts.T'bllndlya offer a niaht
of ~ didce·r« gay men and

The Suffollc Joumol Wcdiaday,



II .

ThcSuffolltJoumal Wcdnesday,OctobcrS, 1994

University DateLine.
Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
October 5 - 11, 1994
Wfmlldlv October 5
Spring and SumfT'l8r Final Examination Make-Up
last day to drop a course without a grade of W
SGA Electlons - Al1 Classes Vote
B.L C. S!udy GrQUp - Statistics 250
B.LC. Study Group - Chemistry Ill
B.L.C. Study Group - Micro· Eoonomics 211
8 .LC. Study Group· Chemistry 211
CLAS Graduate lnlo. Session
Law School ~eunion 1994 Phonathon

10:00 -2:00
12:00-1 :00
3:00 ~4:00

3:30 - 4:30

Sawyer Cafeteria

Phonalhon Center


Saywer Cafeteria
Tales from Homer's Odyssey - Free
C. Walsh Tl)eatre
Organ Recital: Raymond Kellon at St. Paul's Cathedral
38 Tremont Street
Resume Wotkshop sponsored by Career Services
Sawyer 421
HumanlUes and Modem Language Mealing
Fenton 438
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting
Fenton 337
B.L.C. S\ucfy' Group - Chemistry Ill
Sawyer 430
CLAS Fac:lilty Seminar Series
Fenton 003
B.L.C. Study Group - Micro - Economics 211
Sawyer 1128
Haitian American ShJdenl Association Meetklg
"Sawyer 428
B.L.C. Study Group - Physical Science I
Sawyer .428
MuUlcullural Affairs - Sponsors Success Workshops for AHANA StudentsSawyer 427 ~.A2~
Gay and Lesbian Alliance at Suffolk Meeting
" ·; . ,~5_!."f.'l}!,T 798
B.L.C. Study Group - Accounting 201
, ! -~ ~
History Dept. Somlnar Series·
1 ,w,rf Sawyer 808
Bela Alpha Psi Meeting
5awyer 927
Graduate Student Resume Wo.p
Sawyer 521
S.U.L.S. Catholic Lawyers Guild Monthly Meeting


12:45 - 1:15

1:00 • 2:00
1:00 • 2:30

1:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 -2:30

" : :~ggT
l! ~

4:~ - 5:15

Eddlv ' Oc:tober 7




8 .LC. Study Group • Accounting 321
B.L.C. Study Group · Accounting 201
Pre-Law Advising Com111lllee Meeting

12:00-1 :00
2;@ , 3:00

pnc. We. sboulda'l have loll. I
wowd have bca bappy'. wida • tie.
cu'l play ball• aame and
1be Sllf'folk aoc:ca team IUffeted eJ:pccl lO win."
ill fine Jou aince lbe IWt of the
Lat Tlainday (9129), the Ram, ,
cdaed ia overtime by mer. Nkbol1 Colleae at Brandeis
Mllllliltgbam State~ 2_:I, on • Univenity. There, Su/folk beat
mad: on Slmrday (10/1).
Nichok 4-2. ~ three pis ia •
Playiaa al Moax.ley Field in row-. Jose Fernudel, 1 freahmM
Waratow1t. • Suffolk '"home'" field, defender, ac:ored the only aoaJ. in U.
FmaiDgblm acored {n the first balfal tint half, p1WD1 Su.ft'olk ia the lead.
18:50. Saffolt rea,oup:d and came In the lecoad half, Nii::boll rmliad
t.:k bard tbe KIIXID4 half, p.lSbing with lWo aoats. e,:t- jull • few mia-:
lhe ! ao■J put Framinah,am'• u1e1 ■P.Ut, and lpOk. the ~ ~I.
aoalbeper. Pedro Sousa. • freshSuffolk!1 Gustavo Martin&, •
mu midfielder, .scored with help fre1hman fowud, made; Uae tyina
from freshman foward Ucal aoaJ. McKenzie scored next for the
McKeazje II. 28:43, se.nding the pmt Rams aad. Martiftl secured bis ICC·
iato ovatimc. Owing ~ time, Oftd aoel ofthepmefo,-1 fmal ICON
Suffolk bad 14 shots oa pl, double ol 4-2.
the amount of seven FramiQ&bam
Suffolk cunently bolds a recoril
had .
of4-'2. ~iscoafident1;bcJ1igb,
1be first I S-mioutc overtime went that bis team wjll eod the seuoo with
scoreless H Suffolk's aoalkeeper "Ourtcam' iilib
John Micheal StcWart made ,~
.. a puzzle. Every member cootributea, lit~ with only two mio- a different piece. When one i1
..-,left iD lbe' ICCODd half of over- c~ged. it coolinut1· IO wort like a
time. Framinah,lm managed to 1lip machine. , EveryODO knows how to
pul the Suffolk defense and tcore getthejol],donc. W'ebaveflexibility,
the wiarma goel..
IOIDdbina: other t.eam.1 don'L"
Head Coach Dennis Francuk
. Suffolk meets UMa,I/Boltoo at



IbYCINY October 6
10:00 - 2:00

.,_, ......

SPir::w. TO TIii! JCUHAL


-S.wya1 428

Executive MBA and MPA Fall Classes Convene

=•~~::/::lel'o/-::;: .

~ie~~! ~~~

SUndlV Octobfr 9
4:00- 7:00


llondtY Octoblc 10

Around the Campus
baseball cootinued this


Columbus Day Holiday (see October 11 and 14 make-up)


IYl141V October 11
11 :30-12:30
1:00 -2:30

1:00 • 2:30
1:00 -2:30

1:00 - 2;0Q

1:00 - 2:30
1:00 -~:30
2:30 - 3:30
4:00- 5:00

Meetiagaare being bckt for both the

Tuesday Evening Classes Cancelled.
Monday Evening Ctasses Only Meet-lo Make.up for Holiday.
B.L.C. Study Group Micro· Economics 211
Humanities and·Modem Language Meeting
Program. Council Meeting
B.LC. Study Oroup - Accounting 321

College Republican Meeting

Suffolk Univ. Hispanic Assodation Meeting
Pre-Law Association Meeting
B.LC. Study Group ' Chemistry 211
B.LC. S/_udy Group - Chemlst,y Ill
WSFR General Meeting
Black SludenJ Union - Speaker Pml. Uoyd Johnson - Bunker Hill
Philosophy Dept. Open Houoe
B.L.C. Study Group - Statiitlca 250
B.LC. Study Group - Physical Science

5awyer43Q _,·


. Footon.803



. Sawy,,r 102~



Yobr!rattv Dttallnt Is Suffolk University's masten::alendar. Foc'lnformation on any scheduled event, any day of the academic year, or to
list an event that you are planning call 579-8082. A compNthansiVe record of what Is happening, when and where - for planning, publdty

orgener&I Information. -




Sawyer430 _

B.LC. Study Group • Chemistry 21 1

on Thursday. The women will meet
in Ridgeway ~16, while the men ac
. schodaled fw Ridgew1y :COO. ·

moem,p will C01D1DC11Cc, at 1:00.
.'. .The women's tennis lam is in
occd of . .,.,. _ c,q,aieoce ii
roqlliffilpllym. No_ _


croa-,, llllSabliday atOordoaCollca,c.Saffolltpliood.._.,
o....U. Pimlllmc lint fw the Ram
Oil. the five-mile coune W11 Tia
...... t h e t o p l i v e - -


0n •


week small, aarly 11w

with a split lpmll Maslaoitand •
lossto,SU>Oohill, Thcteamwillbe

....,. _

rctumia&17pla)"Cl5inthespring,in intqral-a any c
whateo.ctriJoeWallllisbenldina tboup it
• "nol • id>uildia&, but• ieloadipa ......., , . ....,_
year'. Stand-owthisfallbavebeen ~ - .
SCCCl Dunn, • left-banded pirda,
B..... hod.
Sten toud, • j_niof ccoter&:lder =..the
~ Cbr;t, ADde?°a, a juni~ for line
riplllclder. O..uide - ,.Coach tmoled ~
Wabbwillbesoel<ioghis200tbvic- ba ~
,priaa. He cummdy baa 196....Thc i- iallial -

w• •





licipaa11 ram~ tbi.s wed. Cur- about • Midltti
ratdy,..doibiucrimmaau,gwith boll ia •

thebopeoofpouiblylllrletiqout- ~ I t . ~

""".....,cidoa...-~ 1 0
(33:26).0.llulce,·-.,_., u. · - . y of the
_ , _n S -. ii........,
a d l l l _ _ Tbo.,;__

"l'm lib1fe
.... __,, _ ,
Alltlolic:IJqalment,oathebinbof - ~

01111Wtm-y ....V"'!'Y611 •~lid-


-• . •
~-... ..



.First~ for ~cer'Tumn


111c Suffolk 10CCU team suffered
ill ftrll ION 1lncc· $Wt o< the
1Ca10G; beio& cd1ed in ovcnimc by
Frami.Da.bam State College 2: I, on a
maacb oo Saturday (IOfl).
Playing at Moulcy Field in
WalfflOWD. a Suffolk "home" fidd.
~ ICOffdin lhcfim half a,
18:50. Suffolk rqroupcd and came
bock lwd lhe oea>n<1 bolf, pusruoa
the tyiaa 1oaI put f,-min1ham '1
gOlllbeper. Pedro Sousa, a fresh•

Volume 53, Numb'!f s·

pmc. We lhouldn'I have IOIL I
would have bem hippy with a tic.
They can ' I play half • JI.IDC and
Cllpecl to win."
•Last Thursday {9129), the Raml

BJ Mike Shaw


man midfielder, 1eored with help freshman foward, made the tying
from freshman roward Ucal goal. McKenzie scoml next ror the
McKeazic • 28:43, sending the aamc Rams and Manins secured his secinto O'latime. During regular time, ond goal or the aamc for a final acore
Suffolk hid 14 shots oo &QBI, double of 4-2.
the ainounl of 1evcn Framinaham
Suffolk currenUy holds a , ecord
of 4-2. Franczak is coofidenl though,
Tbefir&t l.S.minuteovcnimcwcnt lhat his team wiU end the seuon with
SCOl'Cless u Suffolk's goalkeeper a wiM.ina rcconL '"Our team is like
John Micheal Stewart made several a pu:a.le. Every member c,!JKributcs
solid uva. But with only two min- a different piece. Wht n one i1
utcl \eft in the·KCOnd half of over- changed. it cootinua to worlc like n
time, Framingham managed 10 slip machine. Everyone knows how to
s-,t the Suffolk defense and score gettbejobdonc.. Webavcflwbilily.
IOIDCtbing Olher teams doo'L"
the wi.mltl& goat
HClid Coach Dennis Francz.ak
Suffolk meets UMass/Boston ar.
ltMtd thM bis team did not play well lJMus OD Siturday (10{8) and Eastcharina the fint 45 ..We cm Nazarene College at ENC on


. ·~




~lbaf.acc..._tbe.Suf- '---_
~.;......;.....a....:.._.:..._:....;..:.._-"'..;;,..;.:;._ _...;._,

TIie Geeks

IDO'tA ..:W. TO U. JOlllNAl.

build.lie_ .... . . . . . . , _ ~ - - - - " " ' . . . . ,.....
a bma -,..z-, jeans, Md • white
·arc _.., .. call the

l.lbc lowly &alumn. lavcjult

..- -









Suffolk ,

Brown·s sojourn 1 the Garden Stile
with her mother would cod ddpirit•

On a timclioe, their portion is
small, nearly dwarfed by the game's
variouJ other upe,cu.. NooetheJess,
it is still a piece of baseball's immense hi5lory, •~ir piece, and as

baseball continued this past week



with a split apiosc Musasoit and a
1065 to Stoochill. The team will be


whateo.dllJKWallbisbcnlding thou&h it


qualioo, do- not roll your wi
down - - . dlan oec iD:b. 1f
body ~ ) a ftlarm, .

The IWdeDt complied IDd thca folk om.:.. do DOt blYe r.arms or
j ~ reported the incident to I v~!_e, Captai..o Paa(iarulo J~
campus police. The man who stoic . lbal his clepartmml bas bmdled d!ls
die car was detcnl,cd as • white male i.icidcnl wry well. "I dtlnt dlll 1,y,
who 11ood at 5' 10" and weiJhed iepoidiatlil7b t b e ~ approximMdy 170 lbs., ~ a &lipt and by p:aioa the wcri GUI.,_ it,

81'\,ao F...,.

scheduled for Ridgeway 400. Bodi
meetings will cornroeocc at I :00. Sfe't'e..lAud, a junior ccntcrf1Clder
...The womca's cc:nnis team is in nt Cbrla Andenon, a junior
.;....,;Pf playen. No expcriencc ;, rigbtfieldcr. On a ~ nocc; Coach
· required:" Por further details contact Walsbwillbescckinghis200thviclheAlbleoclleponmem11x8379.... ln tory when tile season bepDS in the
crou-<owUry lall Saunlay at Gor- spring. Hei:unatlyhlsl96....Thc
dooColleae, Suff &...-...isow:lllh .,.....,.,volleyt,,llclubbad l4parp
overall. Finiw(, lint 1..-llx: Rams ticipats tmD-(M this week. Qu.
oo' the five-mile course was 11m rcadydmc:lubis ~ g with
8-withatimco(33:12. Round- lhe._ofpoallblylttracUngoutiqouttbclOp five wm&:ottDana lidocuq>didoa....~ I O
(33:26).DoaBuru, - - 1.1111 - • aea.cary of lhe
ad U.S S -. Tbe aoo&- AdlleticDepartmcnt,Olltbcbirtbof
~·•ammcecisai...._ ablbyp1.
QJll,p oo
Vanily r.D


wmdowa up.-lf • 1Cn1ft1et alkl y



year·. Stand~utsthisfallbavebcen
Scott Dunn, a Jcft-han~ pitcher,

Sllff"ollc Nipt School 1wdcot

attacbr" tbcD ~ _
out a budp rq,on. h ac police • aoon ai it
and dc:manded~lllal ·the lludeau. ~ &al" to do ao." .

BJ .... F...,.

onThursday. lbcwomcnwillmoet
in Ridgcway416,.whi\e the men arc

meantime, however, the Suffolk Police have distributed a special,"'Safety
Alen." Oyer all arouod campus describina the CVCIII aod adrilin& SI oo wi. to do 1bouJf1 ': 1im·
incident hlps,ea to them:
in a vehicle, 1
•alert, lock )'Ollr doon and keep y

was anacted .. pllp(lint Md bald bil
car smlco from. him last Wedaelday
nighl, October 5, at approx.i.m•ly
9:40 pn. The atudcnt. whole. Mme
haJ not since been relcucd, wu
waitina in biJ car Olll4ide tlac Pmtm
buildiq on Oeme at. wben a while
male approached bu:n tad idallificd
himsdf • I police officer. \Ybaa the

SuJfolk'1 Gustavo Martina, •

Around the Campus

con1i nue 1he investigation. In the

KIUaNAL cx:woo:aUTOII.

met Nichol's Collcac at Brandci1
Un.ivcnity. There, Suffolk beat
Nicboli4-2.tc0rin&three goat, in a
row. . J. . Fenw:w:Scl, a freshman
dcfcodcr-, ICOled the only goal io the •
first hair, puttinaS"1folk in the lead.
In the sccood half, N"icbob retaliaed
with two goals, each just a rew miautcs ap.rt, llnd took the lead 1-1 .

inlegralasanyotheraspcct. .. Even
a small part," said Pal


:,...,..m ......... .,""', ,1 ..ffi
'·ry•-~-~"", . .... s~_
- __

~ ~ ~-

1 -Bro~ .bad been a piecie of thb
part, the All-American Oirll Profea-

~ (~,'!tPB~

t1avcled tbroupout a .f1fdl and urban bueball-bunpy America.
For Brown. a lllbve of Wimbrop,
h<r ioitia1 -.ct 1!w, lhe __..

...,......- - . llrriDa ,..s
MICJllt I ~Cllml womea,'1 balo,-

P.K. Wn,ley lo Cllicqo.
"I'm lia 1faoaleTodWillam,•
h<r quay leba poiolod ..._ She had
growo-11p with, and Jet ootpown
UDdJoc bucball, IO the pbC WU
not foreip lad tilicm 10 bcr.

--.....,_ .... -.

.,__ . .... -

rl Now Jeney.

~:~ ~i!~~:;cgj~
shr would recall. "and it just didn' I
sceoi like anybody was paying llllco·
lion. Like they almost knew who
they . wanted."
Her second chance. though, was
on the.horizon, and not: hundrecb of
miles away, but rather qi. lhc nearby ·
IOWD ol Everett., Tbcrc. stiowcasing
her talcntt with hundrtth of othcn in
a gyainuium, Brown-captUtt:d the
attaJbon of eVCf)' IC00l present. " I
am 1oin1 to throw that ball with
cveiythina I have.:. 1bc n:mitnbercd
on that day of try-00&1.
She did heave that bucball with
all &be poueucd and when ICOUll
wic:ncaed wbM her arm waa capable
of, she WU ukcd to pi&cb.. After
obliain&, &be WU abippcd 10 South
Bend for 1co day, or rookie ICbool,
without • cootrtct, thou&h ltill zeal.
ow to puy the pmc.
I n ~ • • bcart1and. Brown
was in dira:t compctitioo with women
from all over the coaou,. From
1200 bopc{ab:, 2j'. WCRI dloecm to



Ariyway,dcralilllDIINll'Ch.l "_ ..Sit down and shut up! We're .
ouuomeiaiaadllllllefaas aoing to start the show!"


Before anyone could think lo
chutise the man for his rudeness,
llDOCh6' man walked out on stage.
This man was in a lllUOO,and bein&
escorted by six '!(omeridreucd in tin ..,.


dmoo-•-•· -

Aflo,,Cfew ....... - . ~

........... Ibo



~~ -MOUL



