File #4216: "Suffolk Journal_1994Oct19-23vol53nos6-7.pdf"




I season
., .........,
!f1U"W- srAEF

Suffolk's varsity eolf learn retumcd lo COUM action on Tuesday
with COmpctition in the Uttlc Foor
Toumament.. This week, lhc elite
pool of colleges. c:oosisting of Suffolk. W.P.I., Brandeis, liOO Nichols,
recommenced round-robin play at
Brandeis College in Wallham.


Maureen •Moe • Brown

In women's basketball at Suffolk
University, has been named
aulatant womer'l'a basketball
coadJ at the Unlveraity.
Brown, who totaled 1'35
po1r1ttlin her lour-year career
Mraging 21 polnll per game. ·
will aaalat head coach Edward F.
Layden of North Raading, who
was appointed IO his position In


''Pulp Action:" Thlsy-'.•


Volume 53, Number 6

By Christian En&lcr and
Anthony . ~malonc

dent G overnment Association (SOA).

proving, but alack ofgolfplay in~
spring has poally clfectod lhc per•
bmanoesofscveralplaycn. Wilh
no ample program for practice,
would-be playcn ha,. bccc left to
ICl'Ullble for playing on their own

. R,pnllc,s.CoachFannastill
the halls of the university. Team
nuni>ershavegrown, buthaveyetto



Council of Prcsidenrs (COP), and
Progrllf11 Council (PC) were rcpresented u well as most other student

produced, la an outsta'ndtng

---~~«andshoudbeanto Ed Laydon In hll nr.t .....,.

coaching wcmon'I bulcetbell,'

~-::·!: '; : :art~~ ~d ~e! f:r ::rns~~::n~c~;!C:


pilltwoyeanin/l"'~PI' The New E>!iland a..mpioolbip&beginonSunday,Octoba-23,

ad ~tia14C throu&h the 24th and

Suffoltwill_ e~~lffffl •

Callese. Staningomeafortbe
lfar...i.Darthmouth,and. . . . .. ~"'yctlObc-

c~-Country team off to a flying start

an ove...U record ol 6-2, iecood-ycar
Coech DfflllU Fruczak bu.his eyes
fixed Ob • trip
the poll·ICUOD.
..AU our remaining pmes are imporJOtJaHAL . , . , .
t&DL No one coar.ea ataad:a oaL•
Tbe aoccer team continued ill Qualif)'UII for the playoffs or DOl,
victoriou.a ways with .a shutout of the leUI is one victory away
front aealina • .500 ICUOO., some,.
1hin1 never accoi,npli1bed .in the
nee the IOCCO' popam's
have vastly improved oa lall )'ta''s
record, when in ftMC:uk's initial
a..,,__,..,-n1,.u_ year, the 1cam rllliahcd • 2-lrl-..1be
_ _ _ _ _ . _ women's tennis team recorded their
fnt win of.the year with• defeat ol
LaJey ,6-J l:>aKbaU ended its
•--"!""talllod•pl -

Around the.Campus


~-0~:;' ~:':i _....,......,,




leaves, they' all should leave. ' '
A student spoke and said, uwc
have lO hnv~ show of soli~ty. lf
some leave, we all leave. If some stay
we should all stay. If you really want
to send • message 1ha1 this behavior
will not be tole rated, this i1 the way 10
go." One sl'Ude nt staled that they
came up here to bond, 1 lcnm how 1
be leaden and not run from iL
The major problem with leaving
that night was tmnsponation. Tbcrc ·

were~~:rw:n;;:,ri:; ~t~~~=\~8:::~h~U:; Connollyctoesfo~
lugaage to arri'{e and-cxplorina the . couJ~ T h e ~ wu broen; .up ·'·teari..-prouif

In announcing her-appointme~I.

n:covenng ,
a knee injuiy that
JOtJaHAL .,,.,.
had s:ideliDca him till his e:xtraordiSuffoik'S0"0SS-aJUllb'yleanjour• u,y pcnonnana, OD Satunllly.
ncyed lo Babson College on Satur..Dan Alperin is a very talented
contiftues to pcrfonn excepeionally. day and fl8:Y have discovcrecisomething more than an arduous five:-mile
course. Whattheyuncloucd.wlSa future hereat Swfolk Univcr&ity."
New Eo&laal qualifying round in
AlperiJl' s talents arc expected to
,ldethuen, OcBenedicits shot a 78 on
ilic:par71 course ... Mike is a very, of Babson lo finish with Surfollc' s significantly help the Ram's running
program,whichsec:;:mstogrowstronvcrygoodgolfer. Hcisagreatstriker
Dan AlpcriO, starting in his first gcr as a whole, each week. Yet,
on.the ball."
race o~ the running season, kept paoc according to Coach Walsh., Alperin
Ou"is Dupill aJso played wor•
with the opposing lead pack for JD0SI has_ not even·hi1 bis fuU potential,
thily, scoring an 86 on the Hickory
Hill course. Overall, Suffolk fin - of the race. before completing with a cspcciallylhcgrcatnCS1ho.,.Jiibitcd
32: 13. Alperin, a transfer student during •his· days at Boxford High
ished 16th with a 344, an overall
from lllo- University of Kansas, is School. Whal else tie possesses, will
position 'in the standings, Coach

ChampiOlllbips. Hciswishingforn
"nliddlcof thc pack" finish.....,.

Some stated that in order to send a
message to the camp, ir one group

organiu tions.
The bus ride to the retreat was
boisrcrous and had a $Ummer camp would be no way 10 procure the
like atmosphere. 1'bc bu.sscs arrive.d , busses to Camp Cody 'lhut night or
at Camp· Cody ~tween 6:bo p.m. indeed until . Sunda}'. Anothe'r SIU •
and 7:30. p.m.
den,: suuc,ted that SOAR (Studenu

coaches contcnL ..Many people ar
Suffolk don• t even know there is a

Far;malllricipaacsan improvme.ntoo
:in tJie qpcoming New Enaland


Racist symbols cast pall.over
otherwise productive retreat

Brown. aguanlwhoaYOraged

P.,rt:iciplllioo on the squad is im-


Beacon Hill; Boston, Massachusetts

-6.1 assists a game, received her
bachelor's degree in Ji,Jne. She
topped Iha Northeast .Women's
AtNetic conference i'1 10011ng.
"Moe Brown lsor-." the meet
versatile athletes Suffolk has




before lhc season is to conclude. "I
have a pretty good field with Ibis
lle!,fl," hepraised ...lfoclgoodllbout



The Suffolk Journal

ill b'UC potmtial, bul eventually will




Soccer team has first-ever

Over the weekend o( October
14- 16. Student Activities had their
Annual Leadership Rcuut at Camp
Cody in New Ham pshire. The Stu-

the team• a whole has yd to n:ac:h



Win a ~ date to the
Fenton Lounge with Jim

_ .......

soon be seen.
Roondin1outthcfintfivemen' s

finishcn: aa Babson were Tun Bean.
Dao Burke, Scon DuM, and Rob
Fumier. · On the women's side.
Noreen McBtiils,. and Jennifer
Vcrliocoplaccd in theiopspots., but
the women did notplaceduetoalack
of runners.

1bcmcn,otherwisc,finished near
the bottom. platjng eleveoih out of
lhc thinccn other squads compcling.
Dewire this.Coach Walslmillprai,ed
what his teams have done and what
they.are capable of, "EM;h week we
seemtOgcibetter." ·- •




on a ~live oote. The squad
Bridgcwarer State on 10/5, but

swept two.from S1ooehill before split•

wag • doubldJader with B.t.oa oa
ticipatinJ a repeat _perf'ormtnce of
lu& year's lrip
the poll-lCNOl'I,
wbm the rqu1ar acuon ataru in the
• ~•.•. Both women' s and men' s



buketball commeocc on October
(DOC a milprint) ii cunaidy in the
plmnina ataaca • the Alhledc Des-tmmt. Games
taativdJ 1,e.
iQa plloned fo, the Rqeway Gym.
Stay bmed fCN" more dcaila.


salad. It was here thal the srudenu
were assigned to their cabins, ate and
were able to pick up their luwae.
Ev on
aood 1ime. The men and womc.n
their respective cabini,


Hixon suucsted that studcl'lts rd1cct
upon ~ t happened and bow to
handle the situation.

B_y_a, M._1'_____

=.i:s':e.lC~=t~:7i~ug~! ~=Y~~:,u:~:

were rustic, but fortunately had por- hers withirl the respective· ocganin- Siau ancl.Wuhington and Lee.
!able bcatm. ·A gcncraJ meeting w tioni and how 10 1t1raet students into
isSuffolk's Kevin Connolly did
then called ar the Lodge.
them. In the mid afle.mooo, SGA , exceptionally well. pllcin& sixth in

~~nf=~ ~:•,::lo~: :;rc~ ==~:~:1.:e

the dining ball lhcrc were pictures of

white people in blaclc face that were
a looa time aso. There were
also the word "cooa" oo the wall u
wdJ as a Coofederare flaJ- When the
camp lceepcn were' infonned, they
rcmovecl Ifie piclUres.
"Those ne8ative symbols took
away the whole meaning of the re..
. in:at." said Kw Lawrence. Ptuident of USU. ~bcrs of the Blaclc
Student Union were offended, and
scveral slated their desire to leave !he
"'We (memben of BSU aod the
Haitian ·American Students Auoi:iation (HASA)J will never fo,aet those
pic:IW'CI arid nepdvc symbols u loog
as We live." stated I....awrmoe.











=~ ::::

were aperu on team building excr• Open al West Cheater University in private commuter colleps in -tbe
cisca and actting to know one an• Pennsylvania on October 8. They country. Tbe Klet:tlon ~ in

by. ! : ~ ~ ~

Suffolk recognized by
Moriey magazine


the Poetry' competition. His other
year. After tuncb, there were a Imes
of team t;uildina cxerci1CS lhat in•
chadcd a
coum organized by
studcau frcm UMw Lowell After a _
bad:iccuc dinner, there
free tiaie crcdiledtoDickKropp,hispaduale
for students to pfan s.kiu to be put on assistutsaodl.ackadAnnieElliot
lhat ni&ht and tO bond with their [members of the coaching staff],"
•fellow ~ t s.
siaredCoonoU)'. .
That night s.kiu were held in the
Lodge. A group had a certain num- Persuasion. On the compeotion,
her of prop1 tWt they were aivcn to Muller commented, 1bc West
ma1ce the most out of the a.kit they ChestetOpenbeinaaobltaclcintbe,..
could. Even lhc facully puticipeted put coded up bein& a coofidence
after popJlar demand and produced · buildcrforlbc
a lively ml in wlla they praeodcd w~ o{ both tbc~~·-.. .........
to take the saacleals' ponablc hcMcn
~Md leave die camp. They were fortu- paid off."
Dllely stoppect by a Mltid pliaJanx of
Mary Cunninpun, who placed
utmnely cold IIDdelll lelder&.





=:.:.-:i-.::.":'".;i: :::-.::-cHdror.=::...~
~-= =!:.
Thaloipt.lhoLodp_._. Doqlal-•aicl"kwuapd




coalillled• . . . 2

Collcae Buys ?)low.~
.. Suffolk was the only New England tchool listed.


this ..
folk Uqiversity President David J.
Saracnt .. "It has Iona been the
Univcnity' s million 10
q~ity education at reuoabk: tu·
idon 111tc:1. This Mlcctioa recopiza
SuffoUc Univenily • IIIMNll lbe bait
in A,mcrica in canyln1 out dla mil-- ,
Also iflCrallUII s,troik's visibiJity_in the sea are a t...i: ol 19 lipa ....
be.1n1 ~ placed m-area

provide •

MBTAataUOn1.~Strer:1tandGov~cot ~ iiadom will f ~

llPI menbOIWlg Saffolt and offer-

ing dircctiolll.


lnelde lhe Journal,







Tllo SaffoUt Joumal Wodnc,day, Octobed9..l 994

·. Venus De Milo: a diversion
·fiom·ordinary dubs

Italy on the Hill
By Gina Brau
COt(RlaUTOII Pasta
lS an expcncnoe. You can choose



JOlaNAL ffN'P.


. W.iththcnightsVcousisopenl

from seven different kinds prepared

A little pieccofila1yon Beacon · in just about · anyway. They also

slushes you may fin,dyounclfdanc- Hill?That's wha1 you: 11 find at 288
~I in a cage.
Cambridge Street.just a few_ bloc_ks

a, CluiOllaa M. T Suaday


down from the. Suffolk Umvers11y

havcalatgcaclcctionofvcaJ ,ehicken
and ICAfoood dishes in addition 10

E.~ L

· .~teu-J"~,i,- ~en,t a-~c:J


Veaus De Milo is wouJd hi&hly mcommcnd a trip to Bookstort:.
cials. And save room for dcsscn.
Rqpca.ipt.Sunday0clober30lh secwhati.shappening.Thelincswts
Antonio's Cucina ltaliana is they have some of the bes,

Verna; is homna: • ·special concctt
with Bi& Mountain \ Baby ,I Love

tO form before the doors ope.n at

Your Ways'') ud Motion aod,other
surprile pesu. This event is 21+.
will opefl at 9 p.m.
Venus offen ~ divcn:ion from
tbe ordinary dub vcouo.,'J'-bc 'startiahf l..omtff 'Jazz dub. The Jazz
Cub opcm at 9:00. p.m.. cover is
":cc;:.: ,
Ven• it hoatin& a Halloween party,
--v~DilcoMardi-Grasu ....ucr.
·DJ~ (Pri Venus), Perry (disco,
m80) and Bea Sparky {American
Spirit. Thun.Bill's Bar). With a cos~ ~ ~ fl~bolb WIVenlhousutDe$SMil .
.OO; '
,._,__,., 00 ....
aod Bill's Bar: HlHowccn Monday

wait. But once inside it will be worth


wiJl ~:::/i~•
.:Fal T~csday," and
in typical Mardi Gras fashion people
will be partyinf .
Thursday is "American Spirit."
Vcnus plays disco. so if you were
wondering what to do on a Thursday, play the Village People and
practice your rendition of YMCA .
Thursdays allows you to have acoess
to both. Venus De Milo and Bill's


:OQ p.m. 10 2:00 a.m.
If you want 10 take a break frol]l
DTU3 cod~: s,ay awd,y from white thccafewi.awithou1putting~~n:
smakus. caps, andaJIUiticwear.
the college budget Anlonio s
Cavu: S 7.00variu however with lun(;.hspccialseverydaypriccdfrom
S3.75to$5.95.AnythingfrommiatbaJ I sandwiches to manaconi to
ceasar Wads, or you can choose
from their ful l menu . You won't be
Continued from page I
lneir fu11 menu has appclizcrs
E.thics as well 15 other issues. The suchasArtichokes Principcse, Mus-

about '"dinner al Antonio's is lunch
the next day. "
And of coune there
was room left for cappuccino and
If you wanl 10 impress a date or
pick. The waitstaff will make sure
you enjoy your evening. Ifs a cozy
placcthatletsyouhavegoodconvcrsation,grcatwineandlctsyou linger

:",:t::~~hw::~::::::: sels Bianco o Rosso and originals

over your dinner.

whal they lcamcd from ~ retreat
and whal they would take back with
onnnindexcard Wfiii~ygoioutof
wa.i. Aller this exercise, s1udents
galhcred around and listened ioJeneuc

1ak_ thcm back to civilization.
The ride back to Boston WllS n
linle more subdued after the long
weekend. Some studcnlS slept and
others didsomcltitminutestudying
before goingtotheirclasses the next
morning. Thebus.scs arrived back to
school around 6:00 p.m. to let the
sleepy leaders go home to theirwnrm
beds. All in all, some students fcit the
w~kend was productive and 1hc
exercises were helpful. A good time
was had by most.


needs 1but
Your Student newspaper is looking


for people interested in working
on the]oumal. If y~_are
interested in news writing,
advertising, copy editing or


Cominucd from page i

in 1he forensics coaching s1arr.
Cunniaiha,n said about outgoing
coachSarahCarroll, .. lwant1othnnk
Sarah for ~I her help and support.
and we all wish her well."
ThePormsicsTcamwillbetravcling again this


They ~11 be £acing a host of other



The. Suffolk J ~

production, come on down: to



on my ' last visit, service was
exceUeol as usual . lbe brucllctta
(ocsfrcshl cbooocd ~ b rus~-!owi~, h
!., ... .
,• ·
0 ....a 1
Jtafiio ~
z : ! ~ ~ e ~ ~ n : 8 : r;~t~
enoughfortwopctfectly pairswith a
glass of the hou se wine . My

and head out to the waitingbusscs 1

streamupec,Je~gestudcnl VenmDeMilo~ngbetwecd'
,11 :JOand 12(oomi~ight. The club
. is definilely Ulletesting, well worth
tbe trip. My (avorile was the duh.
You haVc a choice betwcca cherry
ad lime. much like.~ 1IUIII you
at the comer e~cq,t for
dlo ilafe kid< of Abaolui. (I should


varied toplcMCJnY appcti1c ortastc
it niecrowdiscoolandthemusicis and they are always more than willhappening.
ing 10 make special dishes at your
request. The minute you taste their
Venus De Milo
marinarasauce you·Jl t,cabletotellit
11 Landsdmme Strut
is from authentic old world italian
recipes. llmightcvenbcbctterthan

~ llal'."'"'e~
~"""=~ f =~= w .~=d~ "Thc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ; :
o ~bolb w =
Friday is Delta House Night at
Venus De Milo. DJ's dynamic duo
Soundtrack and Top 40's college
dance music. Friday <>aober 28th,
therewill_a .. mostrcvealingtoga"
contest. They will also be giving
'- away free tickclS 10 M People and
Big Mountain. Admi55ion i, $10.00
anchhileven1is 18+witJ)collegelD,
Babarclla is found at Venus on
Saturday nights. This is a science
fiction space fantasy. Saturday October 29th. Venus is hosting a Space
.fantas'y pany with DJ Bruno, ~ ith
costUmc ticke1 giveaways for M
·People and Big Mountain. Cover is

where to go if you want uuc lllllian

10:00 so be pn:~_for a bit of a food . The menu is extensive and

After a oouple of thcirchancafor1aa1C1&•lhaloompetilim.

the Journal offices, Roo~ 116,
first floor of the Student Activities
Center (near the Fenton Lounge).
Get involved. You can make a

'.'Pulp Fiction"" is_
Tbis ·Year's Do-Not-Miss
By Justin Grieco

Quentin Tarantino's ,.Pulp Fie•
tion" is this year's must,ec motion
pic1urecven1 . It is n()( only the best
gangsterfilmsince "GoodfeUas" but
the best American ·movie to come
along since the heyday of such re•
spected direc1on; such as Martin
Jonathan Demme.
It takes you back to when movies
were nofjust well directed but wonderfullyactedwithintcnsityanddcpth
and amazingly written.
"Pu lp Fiction" is a masterpiece
which not only da.zzlCS.the eye with
its images but awakens thew from
a num6 sleep with dialogue that is
emot ional, funny. shocking; honest.
and beautiful. II is movies like this
1hn1 lake the time to not only look
good, but say somethiflg th.dt truly
makes your jaw drop in the sheer
·exhilaration of what a night at the
movicscanmcan. ltiscn1ertainment

by Quentin Tatl}ltino. The first in;
volvestwoganP.(Crs., Vincent Vega
and Jules Winnfield (John Travoh.a
on Vincent's one night adventure
w"ilh Mia(Uma Thurman), the sexy
· wife of Marsetius Wallace (Ving
Rhames), the mob l;toss who watlis
Vincent show Mia a good time
whilehc is ou1'oftown .
Wa11ace is rumored to have
thrown another gangster out of a
four-story window just for giving
watch his every move.
The evenlS which result arc a
blend of slioclcing and shockingly
funny siluations and _ too good to
· .anything about "Puli> Fiction's" in•
tricateanddirillingsuq)rises·andncithershould anyone else before secingit .
characters show·up in the mJtlS fe.
rruµning segments. In the ftn:t one.
before. Oscarnoffl!nationscouldbe



•"· '


Not Much That's New in fraven's ~'~ightmate" ,
8 1tiJM'flq Grieco


l'en ycan 'ago, writer/direc1or
Wes Craven unleashed hls brilliant
andicrrifyingmastcrpicce"ANigh(·mare on Elm Street:.. upon un&uspectins audiences. The reaction to

icon that Preddy tlas become but in
the end vi'ewers can't help feeling
that they have seen lhisall before. If
lot of fun 10 be had in the "New
Nightmare." The reason the film ·

- - -a-- --1ai~~:;;::;::-;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;:---'oru, ~'r~w;•~;;,:;;;;;;'n;;;;;;;;;;-;;;i;;;-~llu~-•~lit~enu~e~an~d~•~
·o1en;se~s1U:d~yof..~o~_!!i11~b~ril~li~an~1~oon:ee~p<~...,;r,;rl'ii,ililv- _ ' .]
1bc dialogue is not the only asAlsowondcrfulisThurman, w
pect of "Pulp Fiction" which is ex- plays a strange and sexy interpenlycmficd.everyfnuneofthefilm . changablech.aracter. Thufm4ln adds
is. There is simply no Way to justify a likeable and swec1aspcct to Mia,_
thecxpericncethatis"Pulpfiction." failedactrcssandCQCaineaddict. She
The movie works like a powedul twalottosayaboutlifeandVincent,
drug, it holds the viewer in a hyp- a heroine addict and ruthless criminal
nolic trance for over two and a half is willing to listen.
hours, nnd you will barely notice.
Their scenes together arc filled
It is a wild picceof contempo- withrcalsexualtension(rcmin.iscent
raryfilmmakingandarideyouwon' t of the Taratino scripted ''True Rowant to get off. Thc movie is a com- mance"), and Travoha and·Jackson
binalion of many great stories' and are portrayed as. two bloodthim)'
someo(thcscrcensmostmcmorable criminals with ' their own twisted
set of misfit characters (all played .~ty.t,btirsceoesJogetheraretbe
•· heart of !he movie and also evoke
Everything works in "Pulp fie- rea1 lauJhs from the audience; the
lion," and oneo-)'ou see it, you will kind that vicw,,i"S can't just tum off
know what all the hype is about and ~hen tbcncx1 acenesta,\I.
why it opened the New York fllm
festival and won the top pril.C al outrqeOUlly blact comic piece of
film making lflis vicwor had • If the Academy of Motion Pie• seeD (that w81 until I uw the third
turcshasanyscll!IICofgreatness. ..Pulp seament).ltstartsouaaimplecnouah
F'lClion" will walk away with the 1111-a,11.111111,11 ■•11u •
Academy A,ward for Best Picture in de(cd to ttnw a fiabl. ends up win•
hand. It sbo9,ld be a crime if it Din& it iDa&cad and ii.,,, 111111UD1
This se,gmenl cbanae• tone

=~~~r::!: V::'~: :::;:~.=


Photopou,111, ....

Heather l.angenkaf!lP and !4lko Hughes star In -Wn ~ ' I New



~ OD. PIil 6

1 , an
the two was phenomcrtal.
. Moviegoers wanted more of the to the SflJries of all the nightmare
film's villain, burned child molester filinS and by"killing Preddy off his
Freddy Krueger. Well, more is deft• e_yil isnowlctout intotherealwodd.
n.itelywhalwcallgot. Fivescquels hislikelettlngthegcn.icou1ofthe
followed the original clafSic. and .. A . bottle and oOW the only problem is
Ni&hlmare on Elm Street" became how &et him back in.
Thcfi lm movesalonginiife•like
Craven, however, had little in- fashion ·)Vith ,m&J\Y of the actc_,n
volvemcn1 with the series.. lbe one and crealivc minds behind the (ltll
sequel whicl) he did work on (as co- film playine thcmsclvf!S. Healber
saiptcr), ..ANietmarcooElmStrect Langenkamp, whoplayedtonmmDd
3: DreunWarrion::"wuby,_the tcenNancy,isnowawiteaodmoda
most entertaining and intriguing of wbo •is suddenly piqued l,y
the .aeries. ·Throupow: "Ni&ht- dteamsanilmanyocberdilturbaca
ma'.rcs"' ffip II tbetinaofhorror ~minalt conductc.t by Preddy
films a sipiftcaal danae became Kraopr.
. ~
Lanpakamp look,: forbeJp • ·
Freddybecamcthefilm'1 bero.
HcwadiaallypultorMilll991 iaNewl..incOaemapn:,duoerao.
with ",Fl..tdy's Dead: Tllo f1mI, er1Sbayo(-bcn:playm&~
Nightmart:"ID4the"1!lmStrcetP.ri" and""Niptmll'e"dlredorWeaCra-Wassuppo5Cd)y ovcr...
ven (also makina a cameo lfPIW·
NowOavee'1bict.11oarwith 1n0e).bolhofwhomh1Yeaunwaaed
most of lbe oripaal case of the rtnt berbac:t1D1tart ap IDOlberlenllof
film1Drevivefmidy000Cmcnina E'lmStn:ietmoviea.


~!===e" to=-::;:'::=

is a very ambkioaa baa somewhat she doesn't eee the method bllliad

~... ,_a:!~· Df!:~
WUY.., .__._





Wodoolday, Octobe<l9, 1994 ~


I'll make love to you,
sa:ys Jim

~t off your butt, ~uffo~
M/l{e S h a w - cachP.&l)e:rsothatitwuu

At \994 leaden_ -- rilcist CRYitonmenL

rweat. I W called • racist.
While we ...:.ere eating dinner
in the mess hall . at Camp
Cody, some 1tuden u had
come upon- a southern ~g.
the word "coon" and some
piciures or Caucasian males
with black face paint on their
bodi~s. Immediately , they
assumed that racism was in
their midst
Now , 1 am aware that
these "things" did OOl appear
to JRSCnl • positive message
to the African-American SIUdents or for anyone who was
on the retrcal, for that mauu.
However, the small majority
of sludcnis who w~rc orrcndcd, did not even bother

apparen&Jy, because someone
·had found out that I irtltiaJly
did not intend to wriie abou1
the incident in the Journal.
When I firat heard lhis
horrible insult, an array of
thoughu entered my mind.
First, if people arc so insuited by these idiotic objccu, then to me, they arc
already dead. If these people
cannot accept the smallcsi
amount or prejudice at sl\l8
pid camp, then how on God' s
earth will they be able to sur•
vive the racism, which is by
rar more worse, in the real

to ask the owners or the camp
to clabora,te on the three objccu that offended lhcm.
At first. I pitied these sni•

When 'MUdenu and advi-

dcnu, because, I 100 judged on prejudice. He showed me
the book by its cover.
pictures or two blond men
Over a period of time, I , with no shirts on. I .and three


cl05e to·periect as we could

When I first came toSuffolk, my orientation guide
gave me a psychological quiz

~llo? Can anyone out
there bear me?
..From what I've seen so
far, I don' t think so. In my
firstmonthhcrcatSuffolk, I
have already been made the
newspaper, and I must say
that although I really love
doingwhatl'mdoing, lhavc
oeverdoocanythingas rrus.
tra.tingin my e ntire life.
No, ifsnotthewodc.load
that's got me down. I don't
mind staying until three in
the morning on Tuesdays
making sure that the 'paper
comes o ut on time. Nor do I
mind writing three articles
myself because there is
simply nobody else to do it
Really. What is bothering
intodoing l uchthings. lam
deeply disturbed by the lack
or student participarion in

anyoneelse But what l am
s,aying is~: Howis itthata

son fini&bed wi th their1fiscuuioo, i was c:allcd • raci st,

other st~dent.s immediately
::c!c: : ~:::;dg:;;'. ~

What the hell

cvcoL _ hey n ~ the black

judged the book by its cover.
The two men coded up
being• flllhcr and a son. The
father was
actor and the
son was .a lnodcJ. Wbcn•thst
was made known, not only
did J feel ashamed, but I felt


-·s~gt411c-tikc~.._ _ _ __
. that?

to the mixed emotions , the
camp dirfflor apologized and

"Look out, Millncr's got a knife!"
• Jim Bebrlt, in Prof. Millner', Literary Satire class
when Millnef used I pocket knife 10 ldjml the heating
unit in the cold room.

The-Suffolk Journal
Dan Couley. Editor--in-0:aief
.., JI .. Clriltian.f.lclcr, Manaa.ina Editor
MicbldShlw. ~
Juidn Grieco. EokrtliDmffll Edik>r
Ryan Foley, Spo,u ~tor
Jim Behrle, Cohamnisc
&mee Plummer. Photo f.ditQr
Gary Zen:u. Spedal Advllcw to the Edifur•.aue,
Noriae Blldplupo, Jouma1 Comaltmt ,

.,.._.~ ......._ ___ ,,_,_,tyln._,.,....,,.,,q,Mfl_
......,.,~.---...,.,i.•SIIIIW',,___..,,.. ".........,.,,..,~
n,~J--,11,,,-...,._~• l!/s:..,.Mt11w...-:,.• u•-... l!f•s..,wt,HWttM • ~

~~•-rdlffl1lo#f{Sllflill'U...,,~ _,_,....._ ....
. . . . -, ,,._,for-,•-- ..J --,lk, rilt -11 11111Wr"'1 ,olldn


-,.i., ,..,_ """rr.lty. A

.......... , . , ,,,1ir$,#f,a.J--1'1~,i,#q• .,.,..,,-.,U.Ml..,,,..,,-lt1 lr.....W,,

• Booton,-02114 • Plx>no&Fu(817)573-43ZI


thinginthepaper, thewriter
SotMbody wouli:l S&)' somlthing.
I mean, how can ali of
you out thercjU5t 5tand by
and let somcooe like Jim.
Behrle say whatever it is he
stand up for yourselves?
Show a little self ~pect for
You mi_ghc be woodcr•
ing exactly where rt is'that I
came from. Wu it some big
it a big budgeted school like
BU ?.
man. Lastycarlwasinhigh

l ' mnOlsaying ihatl'rna

wrong . bigh school with

thc studcnu,thatwas notgood
enough; many still wanted to
As for the word "coon"
and the southern flag, the
·flag was u.scd
southern state that bad sojoumcd at the camp some• .
time i n the 70' 1. The word
"Coon" wu the name... -that
some kids had given their
group. tu'd.idnothearincor•
n::ctly, I believe J heard .ooe
of the CIIRtP dirocton say that
lhe word "cooo" was short
for the animal, raccoon.
• Later on. ,s the evening
pr0IJ'CUCd. Mudalu and activity advisors met in the
kldae to discuss wbctber or
not we should even bother
following through with the
retrcaL M1ny sl\ldcnts just
WlUUCd to leave, becallSC they
did not feel welcomed, but
tbcy wuted IO leave wilh the


who marched in Selma and
Birmingham in the early days
or the civil rights movement.
had rocks and sticks ·thrown
at them, dogs biting at their
heels, piercing .words slicing
iil10 theiri souls. Yet, thH
marched hand i"n band, with
prilli·, alonpiOC Jicople of
different nationalities and
failhs, to ph,ve that people
could cocxi5t in . society.
I 1f11 so tired about hcaf,,.
ing the youlhs or IOday rut,ing on the laurels of those
who produc1ively tried to
abolish ncirm.
What is my point you ·
may uk? My p,im is ,et the
facts before moutiq: racism.
If one docs not think before
he or she speai:i_; many
peoplemaygethun .andifOII
wanu to· try to scos, nciam ,
then do it productively or not
at all


or happiness a nd Uma
Thumian, 'a .vision came 1o
me. I saw the faces of all the
women here at Suffolk, distraught. They sat all in a
circle weeping, shouting out,
"Why are all the men at Surrolk~llinky weenies? We're
lonely and desperate for love.
Please, God! Give u, just
one real man."
I woke up screaming.
Needless to say I was
shocked. Stinky weenies? I
think there's lots of truly cit•
cellcnt gcn1lcmen here al
Suffolk (but that's probably
'cause I don' t have to make
out with them). What should
I do? How can I help all or
these women find their apecial man?

this newspaper. Include also
a photo and in (JO()() words or
less describe wh.11 euccly
~ould poucu you 1 c11u
want to go out wi1h rne (don't
forget to mention prescriplion medication , linaerina
psychoses, or out1tandin1
criminal warrants). It's just
that simple . Note: kinky
sexual dysfunctions • plus.
One minute you' re home
alone OR Saturday nigh1, lhe
nat minute )'OU're home on
• Saturday night cooking me
dinner and laughing at my
Are you des perate?
Lonely? Loopy? Constantly
writing lettcn to that damned
"Ask Pat'" loser?
I'm· your man.

mea back rub while I fiaally
be:al the New York Knicb
after 1pcttding $100.00 worth
of quarters. Who said I
wun' la sensitive 90t tyj,e of • .
· 4, Youna Rcpublic:11"1'1
meeting: the.e'uothing qu.itc
like a bunch of COfllel'Yalive
19 ycar•ohb talkina about
Miu Romney to really act
things happenina between us.
I'll whisper l'AI.CCI nothings
abour the death · pcnaJty and
urm limitatiOIIJ Into your ear
~y°:°.:;:\:I~~~ 1~

you •-~·· w•-· 1 -••.
..,"""' ,....,.,.- .. _,
5. President Sargent's
~~ cc: PSoo~nLffolkw•,.ow
11 - 1
,_, 00
Pink Floyd eds and play

,~, ,.~.•p

Th•.•l lww~kk~!.,~~••m"o;n,n ._

rom!~.~~~:~:w •,'oulhc "longuc, pictionary" on his
... , ,-. ""' ..,,,.
..... ~........
big old leather couch until
Finally, I gave uP wracking~ . come up with:
I.he day is new. I'm sure be

enroll• . Th~~~ottl •c!;~n:~c. ·It



!:;:m!:;~°:sij~ :~ ::n:~n':~~.



happiness? A man whose
crim1nal record has been
sealed? Amanwhl»elingcr•
ing, bumhii CUC of ~ clap
has fiballyclearcd up? A man

ing between 8:00 and }:00.
Add Jim and il' II ~ an affair
10 remember.
2. Buck-a-book: I could
walk around lhi• place ror
houn. I'd stare b~y into·

was.:!:.~ v,:.o:ant


6. Jobin Bridac:·


I'l .

studentshercatSuffolk,thcrc paper,oranyotherorjaniu• meet a man about IO\fn? A! s~cre. Kiss IQB. No smok- ~~;e.>;:':i:;:s:;;c:
arcolllf fivCpcoplewhoare
interc.stodcnou&hinjownalto devote a little time to
~ .paper-each .week. Jjust
won't accept it.


tionforthatOWtcr,that, nu•
more student
aco~gcof2.84S?. ,
Wake up people! How



ouch myselr', whjle we con-1cmplatel 1aki'n1 "1he bit
plunaeN The 1rndl or tl)e
Charles River is an aefuodi•
Hiac ,• ya kno.,-. It dri ~e•

7 H~o""'wn~•P~•µ~~mide;Jlho;;.;d~oor.;;~~d:....;
-•~y;u~,~h•~d~y.bu~,'h ~ w~•~m~•·'H:·" -;;;-;~::;::;---:i

, ~~~d


chancc torryour(orlheShl·

strcettbercare 'kidswhose


10 rcprcscnl

By the s1uden1s, ror the students, since 1936

Or. Gerald Rkbmlo, Advilor

drnt aild only open it when I

had : c'


learned 10 keep my mouth


~iL.Wherelco~frori,, Jim B e h r l e - her, home lddra.s, bank pin me, you and Oikembe
whcusomebodywrotesomcLat night. durina dreams number, and a Twinkee to Mutumbo. I'll let you pve

:h :;~=~:; :t~ ::l!::S::=~~~:

~: c• =~~=~c ~:.:~:~

Wedoesday,Octobe,-j19, 1994

voices &:IC-just





an r
onnan Mailer' s
" Harlot'i Ghost" until you

I'll be your drum-boll.

cwt up into• liulc ball.

enter my con1cst.
Yes. Youcanwinadatc

with Jim

proftiiie you by the weekend

nam~.~s.::•~lc!::: :;;~ gam!: F:: ~ :.:n~/i::
.~ :::e=be~

continued oa pqc 6

Volcea of Suffolk

By Ch/Wllan Er,g/M and EruJne Plum,,_

Wh..t qmstion would you _like tQ ask Presl~ent Cllntc;,n
when he visits the State House this week?

'Wha1 -

do you

"Would you go to hell'

~~~ - ~mer


. wn,ngly...itop,m,?'







,TheSutrottJounw Weclni:acky,Clcu>ber

Tbo Suffolk Jounw Wodae,day,_
Clcu>ber 19, 1994

•- -••·3

■ 'fllu ncTION

■ ~~~

Cmdmcd from pqe 3


lbrup(Jy u ~ hlml'intoil Cl'OSI he- CtaVCD' s decision to ·brin& back
twaea!"'JbcTCI.UC'uimaWMassa" Preddy.but whenbcrpctSQ(Wniahtere• IDd ..Dcliven:nce." Viewcn marestakeonatenifyil'lgrulity(her
wcrcJauabinaaniscreaming(llthc spctjaif/urtisthusbanddicsinacar
same Dme)bythc·cnd0flhis warped

tbcboxcrBulCh. You feel sympathy

fod1isdaaqlctetand yOU understand
~I of his motives. His relationship
withhisoaivefrc~ hwifefabienni
(Maria de Medeiros) is very believ•




telling morni:nts in which Craven
abourfriddy ,crueger' s popularity
and instant dillution throughout the
~ .sJtlial effects arc ii;i high
"Nightmare" style, they are done to
theextremcandalsovcrywcll. Rot).
wtiich includes an acciclenaal murder
(the films DlOA grotesquely hilarious crt Englund (here playing himself
and Krueger) has been playing
~ ), and their unplanned in•
volYCmCDt in • restaurant robbery
c:oadadcd by two thieves (a philo- has a new. more artistic looking apsopmcalTunRothandanicelycooky pearanceandadiffcttntbutstillfright.
ening glove.
Amanda Plummer).
It is almost as if Freddy is the
1bc.two thieves arc yet another
exampleofthegcnuine,elationships artistwhoshapesallourdrenmsin10
Tarantino develops in all hii stories rea1ity. Howcvcr,vicwerscan'thelp
withinhismovics. Heisanunbcliev• butfcclthalallofthishasbccndOOC
bcforeclsewhereintheserics. Even
ably.talented writer and director and
though Fredd y has never been
..Pulp'Fiction" confirms this.
All of the acting is top-notch, ~,tghy• inmo, v.,.ou r, ,:,~,lity. ~,us1 1he
hard,1c 000
there are also two very amusing cam• ,~ 0 1
cos by Tarantino stalwarts-to•bc vince oneself that the ,.New Night•
Harvery Keitel and Christopher mare" is more than a movie.
The majority of the film plays
Walken. WaJkcn is doing a brilliant
send-up ofhis ''True Romance" role. like a retread of the flrs1, and alAs a foilow-up 10 Tarantino's though that wn.s the whole idea it is
· initial
ic of "A
Fiction" is another flawless knock• Nightmare on FlmStrec:t." Throughout the .. New Nightmare" there arc
out. It is even bcucr than "Rescvoir
some honest scares, a genuine ccri•
Unpredictable, hilruious and na• ness, and a henpofci.Jssic one-liners
mcrizing. nus viewer can't wait 10 and memorable sceris but for some
secitagain. TilCmovicistwis1eclfun reason it al.I just does nOI 4dd up.
This is mostly due to an unsatis•
Fiction" never ceases lo astound. A fying climax, which is wild and a lot
film this great. and original comes of fun, but it is also cut way too shon.
The "New Nightmare" is defi· along.once in a great while. treas we
nitely a beuerthan average entry in
evuycompclling momcnt.
the weakening horror &enre but it is

thing about it. I'm getting involved.
Nowthatlthinkofit, maybelam
schools blandness, then do some- better than everyone else here at
thing about it! Don' t sit there and SChoql.Maybelreallyam smartand
wallow in self-pity: maketheschOOI everyoocelseiss1upid. I mean, what
proofisthccctothecontrary? ·
lldoesn'thavetobedooeinthc • Oh, anddon'tyougoofftelling
newsroom either. Join some other me about how you aced aJI of your
club, plAy i. sport. try out fora play, classes last semester either. That
go watch a school team play. What . doesn'ttellmc:jack. Thefactthalyou
else is college good for? Why is it can successfully regurgitate infor•
worth paying activities fees if all mation,thatyougotfrom&bookor
you' re going todo isearnJinlc_
piccc from a lectun::to a professor in such
of paper that says that you found a awaythalheisimpressedwithitsays
way 10 1 make a big bunch of over• nothing about how sman you arc. II
bearing professors happy?
just tells me you could run for
office. And we all know how smart
Oh, I know the problem... You somepoliticiansarc(visions ofDan
arc 100 busy 10 do anything. Well, Quayle still haunt me).
You co uld have·a PhOlOgraphic
shoveit!Howbusyw;re y!)uinhigh lllCmory and total moron:
hide behind the brain•numbing pink

;::========:;, enlry inCthe "Elm Sum" series. It
DOI f1lOl' than a better than average

IAsk Pal I

doc:sn' 1comeclose1o killingthest·
tggdhcr~italsodoesn' tadd
either. all, as ,olid and
· entc:rtaining as "Wr.s Craven!,:New
Nightmare" is ii would be more fitDear Pat,
ting to have titled it "The Same Old
I believe I just met the boy of my Nighlmare." · •
drums. Hc' sextte~~IDC , GRAD£: B-



school ? I know 1hnt I had two jobs
Are you tbconly busy person in the
world? Do you think thnt aJI of the
people who work on the paper have
a IOI more free time 1han you do?
I'll take m self as an CJCam le 10
the rest of yo,u. I ~ve three jobs. I
workfivedays aweck. Jh.aveashow
on WSFR, and I write for the paper.

justlookatDoogieHowsel.So don 'I
approach me in the hallways or on
the street to tell me off. Anyone can
talk a big game: but writing takes
talent. Sodon'ttcll ffleoffinpcrson ;
I won'! lower myse'if to your ICtel.
It seems that I really am above
this lace.
But•.then again, maybe J'r'n not
Hey, prove me wrong.

~n~!u:t:., page 8
In reference to lhe Lady Rams
upcoming seas011 , Nancy had this 10
say, "J•m very optimi&tic abou1 our
chances 10 improve on last year's
achievements and I know we will be
one of the top seeds in lhis year's
N.E.~.A.C. playoffs."
With lhe cxpc:rieocid veterans, a
oew coac.h. ~ a great crop of rook·
iea added to ·lhil year's Lady Ram
anenal, Suffolk Univenity will ooce
again' be cheerio& in lhc scats of tlic"- .
Ridgeway Gym.
The . women's basketball team is
readied to begin practice on the 24th
of thls D'IOl'llh.

~ ,._liku~_ oo.-lf-,-l,is-i,-,-,.,-c-as-,.-., L,- row..-.and g - 11-,0 g.-G-_t._c_k!-I
--,-;-, - -,ow -•- ood

¥tlw is truly .. ,ht boy ofjour
....... wiry do you think Mis
..._,.., /f.infact, htisu.ringyou
rll(Jlfl!lk,tlllbtetM •:drtamboy?"
lAH"• MIU of urgu~,u. say


very well may be!, thffl why nuh
lovt ? f..qye Isa pridow commodity
that ha.J to GROW btrwun two
people. Trying to ..mau .. him do
anything will just drive hi,;,_ away.
BtpaJltntwiththi.s. lt'sMW. Have
fan, k yo,,rulf. aJtd be! tMrefor
ship. Evtnnu,Jly, , fiumeanttohap~
~ ::: rh,lovtb,,...,.yoorwowi/1

Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
9<:tober I 9 - 25, I993
wtdlc:tdlJ fk&ehtc 19
~:30 ~ 1:00
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 · S:00
11:00 · 12:0J)
12:00 · 1:00

Human Resources lpOIIJOn lnlrO to LotuslQuatfro
Suffolk Uni v. Blood Drive •
' •
Scni0t Ponna111: Beacon ydrt,ook
B.LC. S111dy Group · Swb tics 250
B.L C. Study Oroup-Chemlst:ryUI
B.L C. S1udy Group· Micro - Economic, 211
B.L.C. Study Group. Chemistry 211
Careen In Lltlptlon

• 1:00-2:00
3:00 • 4:00
S:00 • 6:00


Bucon, M I S ~ Im



28 Dcme St 4th R, Im 421


n,a4e, QstphcclD
1:00 · 2:30
1:00• 2:30

WSU B C ub Mcetin&
B.L C. Study Group . Chemistry 111
B.LC. Sll.ldy Oroup . Physical Science I
8 .L C. S1udy Group. ACCQUntin& 201
8 .LC. Sll.ldy Oroup , Mipo- Ecooomk , 211
Humanitic:, and Modem Languqe Mcetin&
Humao Resourca 1 ~ ucces1ful Telephone Tccbrdque1
Alpha Pbi Omep Mcetinl

1:00 • 2:30

1:00 · 2:30

1:00 · 2:30

1:00 • 2 :30


1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:30

1:00 - 2:30
1:00 - 2: IS

S:00 -7:00

...,.. ...


Fealoa 337

Rlds-ay 400

Fmoa 601
Sawyer 808

McDcnnon eonr.

fridlY Qrt®fcll
· Last Day ror Withdnl.,al: Without Penally o f FGndc

&CIO - 4:00
9:00 • S:00
12:00- 1:00
1:00- 2:00

Senior Portrai ts: Beacon Yearbook

B.L C. S1udy Qroup • Accountin& 321
B.L.C. Study Group • Accountin& 20 1

,,. ·c .Wallh~
28 Dc:tnc St 41h A , Rm 42&

S.l!lcday Prmhcc 22
Botton Marrion, Copley Pllioe

Law School Reunion 1994 Dinner/Dance


5Mn41Y Qstobcrll
Natioaal Alcohol Awarc:ncn Week
Law Sc;hnol Reunion 1994 II the NE Aquarium
Under&flldu11c: Information Sen ion
B.L.C. S1udyOroup • C~
lt}I 211

11 :00 - 2:00


Sawytr 427 a: 429

Mewll! Qc:tpbcr24


B.L C. Study Oroup • St1ti1tks 250
B.L C. Study Oroup • Accountina 321
B.LC. StPdy Group · Accountina 201
8..LC. Sludy Group · Physical Sdcn« I

11:00- 12:00
12:00 • 1:00

1:00 - 2:00
2:00 _. 1 ~ '


Tuaday Or1obcc 15




·- ·1111,M




As I write the letter fromthecircu-

ready 10 go to Spooky World with
ei~girlsfromSuffolk. lhavestrong
don't know what to do! My other
problems~: I. thisgirlfromSuffolk I am madly in love with won't

talktomowbi!•lier~mceumo '-::----...,:,,"'-''-..;,:.,---'

1:00 • 2:00
1:00· 2:30
1:00 - 2:JO

i:00 · 2:30


One el.con, MIS Trainloa Rm

Human Resources sponsors PC Basks
B.LC. Study Group· MiCf1>--Economlct 2! I
Humanities and Modem Lanauap Mee1fn1
PropunCow,ci.lMceting ...
BLC. S1ody Group· Cbemislr)', UI
Colkai: R:epublicaa Mce1ing

9:30· 1:00
11 :30 • 12:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 • 2:30



Sawyer 1125
si.w,cr 1126

Au oci11ion Meeting

Communication Cub Meeting
English [)cpl. Meetlna
Oay and Lcsbiaa Alliance 21 Suffolk Mutin&
Admiu ion1 Key Oub
Accounting As.sociation Meetin&
Beyond 30 Alen: Effective Advtt1is in1 for Your Orpniz.atlon
Mus. Bar Auoclation P i:ua Pan,1 Membcnhip Drive

1:00 -2:10
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 •2:30

4:00 · 7:00


muadnotjus1uscmc:. Pleasehclp!
lriend (Freshman)

.University DateLine

,.do it. .- ·

btfoved university's pubtication _
• Butthat'sjustit.don'tyousce?lf
shame! How can you sleep at night you really cared at all, you would
acci<lent.. andher.soo(Miko H11ghes) knowing that pre-pubescent children make yourself sit do.wn lfld write an ·
starts to act possessed). she is forc<:d are ovcr-achieving'oollege studc:n"
t.s article when you sboUld be studying
in their own hometown? ·
· forahumanilieseUfn.
This cqncept works quite well
Aa;ain, I'm not better than any· due to thesimpldai:t that it plays as ls that it? Are you so hum.Uiated by one else. I'm just not sitting on my
if Preddy is getting revenge .on his the fact that you go to Suffolk, and butt complaining about m·uch this
creators, and for a while this has a n01 MIT that all you want to do is school sucks. l'intryingtodosome•

If ..Pulp Fiction" ended here it
oumanding. but Tarantino tops ita,11
with hi! jlartal UICI~ brazenly
origiul segmtnl of the film.
Vincent aod Jules return and the


CoaO•""" mm,...'

curfewsttwcansitdownandput Olli'

film kick·. This aJso has sonic very~ walls in the Fenton lounge?


'. .•



: ~em


B.LC. Study ~ p - Accountin1321

1:00- 2:30

1:00.;, 2:30
4:00 - S:00



- Saw,-430 .

Suffolk Univ. Hbpulc Association M~g •~
B.LC. Statdy 0toap • Swisdct 250
Suffolk Llwyen Guild Mcmbcnblp MeetiAJ
B.LC. StudyGroup-PhyskalScicoocl

- r


• Dollabae211

Ulha:IMJDtltlJMlsSuffolk.Univmlfy'swcaleadlr. Forhdormltkiaoa•yscbedllledhall.•Ydafollbeacademkyear:«tollaae¥Catthllyo11-pa--.
c:aU 573-8082. A comprehensive record orwbal U bippeam&.•when and wllm- r«plmain&. plllllldty OI' __.a lnfcwmldoa.

___ ..

to ltaw yov, prlorl1'u straight and Yf"' Nl'H....,, llrli
for1unch evcr)'daJ.i. calls me: con~ Dear Forever single,
Pm(JnQ)ly, and don't kW of· b,ab/etolftaUaMCUionyo,,.,.
fe,ue lO tlus. )'OU r«Jlly do Ml /ttnle cOllf//t,ntlbl,wlll,. hnwarelalloll• ~/17. J u t l # - t l f
·UICI 2. my buddy ,.Us me 1 should
date them all IOd be a stud. I think """h to offer IO ant ,i,,p.t-i, Mip-dw-,ut,-..,_•-,
rwld- la/ow" _ _ _ .,.,_,_

loltootra-. Plealehelp!


.,,,.,.,.,,,..,,..., ,,,..,.
--IIJt* __,,,,,
who,,.,,,,, to,.•
do,u/tlp_,._,.,_,,,__, ,.__lflltl,doe--•}ul
to~lop•,,,__,_,,., _,.,_,,,__.,.,_
relaliou/rlpwllfl_,.. _

_ ~...,,_,._.,//

Sousa have aJio tallied 3 or more
Not all things are rosy fo; the
Suffolk University soccer has team thoogh. Pedro Sousa, a fresh- •
turned the come.-. For the first time in man from Portugal, has decided to
l!te history of the soccer program rc1urn home. "Pedro decided he
(datiug ·back 10 the 50's), the soccer Woold be hal)pier back in Europe. I
~ will have a winning record when
have to respect _that. He will be
~ semon is concluded. As of Mon- sorely missed by all of us." lamented
· ·
day_Oct 17, Suffolk' s ru:on:I stands Coach Francz.ak.
at 8-2, the best ever in Suffolk hi.sOne of lhe Rams' best assets is
the supporting cast, which provides
C.oacb Dennis Fraoc:zak expects Suffolk's depth. "I reel we are one of
lhat record to improve. "We've got a the deepest learns in New England.
chance 10 be considered for post- The guys that come of£ the bench
season if we kecP. winning. I ex- keep the flow of the game going.
pected improvcmen this year, but We've got a number of individuals
f'not to the extcm iluu we have. This is who can pl ay more than o ne
an incredible team. There is so much postion ." praised Franczak on his
taJcnt· here and we play such a beau- team's versatility. "That is a very
tifol game of soccer, it 's a shame imponam thing to have at this level.
more people from the school don'1 We 've had injuries, but we've been
come and wruch us."
able to overcome the adversity beAnother amazing SSpec:t of the cause of the guys coming off the
team is it's youth. ·0ri1y three playcl'S
:~hi.~; "' them, 'Z{ would no<
will be lost to graduation JlCXt year
(Desmond Patrice, Phil Falzone,
If all goes according 10 plan,
Tatsua Nagasuc). 11\c key for me Suffolk will finish the season at 12-2.
By ADdy Waa
once our season is over is making By for, i1's their bes1 season ·ever.
suf"C my guys do well in school. They Coach Francz.ak and his slaff, in only
" La<lics and gentleman, welcome
need to keep'lhcir grades up so they their second ycsrr, ha~ been able 10
can play next year. I want everyone create a very positi vc fu1ure for Iha to toniaht's basketball mau:h between
coming back ," stated Coach teain. Franczak Slald, "I want people the Suffolk University Lady Rams
and the Pinc Manor Gators ," the
to ~nd~tand ~t this is. only the
manager of the Lady Rams will say
e m1crop one.
28 aoals and have allowed only 11. work to do. Next year, we're going 1n o
Last year, Suffolk only scored 11 after some or the eliie teams so Si:,angled Banner" will play over the
goals a11 season. "I've really spent we can become an elite team oor- sound system and then the cry or
lime trying to work on our sclves. ,With the players J have, I "jump ball" by the referee. Yes, it's
time for another grueling· and cxcit•
Jcnow we can get there. They are the
;p;n:::.:·w: best group r~ver coached be• ing seuoo of Lady Ram basketball
in the Ri~eway Gym.
to 1eore aoals." Miguel Fernandes fore."
Unde~ the guidance of Head
cum::atly leads the team with 9 goals.
•· This story was compiled by
C.oach Joe Walsh, Asiiatanl C08Ch
Gus Martins, Luis Pirea, and Pedro Coach Dennis FrancUlk
Donna Ruseckas and the talents of

Volume 53, Nuni>er.7,

By Ryu Foley

a~ ~..., Zerola

"Jump balli' for tbe Lady Rmw.,



Moc Brown, Mari& Gll.Frre, Kerri
Sweeney, and Sharon Fld,dler, the
Suffolk Lady Rams had a veiy. successful season. lfowever, this year's
squad has gone 'through a si~cabt
number of changes.
This year. Coach Walsh and A s&istant Ruscclw wiU not be courtside
dim::ting lhe uoops into battle. An-

~~~g;~; ~ f:'C:~~::~
seryes have gradQ.ated. Witb 'tbc Jou

of two great coacbca aoo· many of
last•year's players, it would seem that
the Suffolk Lady Rams are ·heading
into a dimial season. However, this
is not going to be the case.
Thi, year'1· lady boopttas will
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.::,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be led by· the talenu and .Jeadenhip


~ d the Campus
BJ Ryan Ii'~

The Cheeriog, ciub, c~ptaincd by
senior Ralbfta Clark, arc presently
llliaing moocy for a new Rams mucot: 1bc iquad. now 1 18 members
lkoillg, have been holding practice
every Swwlay m~ng in prcparatioa for the coming basketball and
hockey seasons ....Suffolk golf updltc.: The team finilhcdthelhirdrouod
of tbe Little Four· Tournament in
8rardm boldina oo to sccood place.
ihe squad with ..


80. Sllllolk · was still seYer1ll IU'Okes
. . . . . . . .. che ... -h. .......

_ _ p1a,........i,.,

. . . . . . . . . . . . TuesdayatNicbols.


. . . .• ....... CNdll Tffy
. . . . • ldl teaa'• cllaacea.

~Nichol, is loaded." . 9'-ch Farma
also p.nnounccd hii i electiom for
the upcoming 'New &gland Championships. Chrls__J,IIJln, Mlt-t ·

DtBinNictu, Rich Ittton, Manuel

Balmori, ~ Oupill all w!ll be rcpre1enting Suffolk Vnivcnity ~ hcn the
championships commence on Monday (10/24) ....Anyoae mildly intercscm in woman's volleyball ahould
llttCDd a meeting being held on November 3rd at 1:30 in the Ridgeway
buildina room 400....Quiltine Carr,
80 o u ~ Mhiete from Harvard
University, will become the wOIDCn• 1

,defeited 3--6 to Eqimanucl College
on October l4lb.... Practicc for both
men'1 and womcn'i basketball startJ
on lhe.. 24th. Coach BUI Burm· and
his hoc~e::rcrcw commence- practice
on Octo~er 29tll .. :.Thc women's
cross-country uam registered an incomplete at Regis College 00 Saturc1a·y. Despite this, tbe tbrcc woma:i
who did compete, ran exceptional
times. NOl'ftft McBride jrabbe.d first
for Suffolk with a total time of
29:56. For the ICCOod spot, Jenntrer
Vatlcco (30:54) slimmly edpd 001
Ni.DC)' GlautM (30:.s6f "We had

:!n.~=:: =~
the women'• vanity lmais .team go
dowa to Pinc Minor Q:iOese 3-6. On
WClll:a&li ~ Collrce 0-9 and was

or Noreen

McBride (#35)

and Nalic)' Olcnooo {#1.5).,COrDbino:t
with the energy and en.tbusium. of a .
great crop of rookies.
Also added tC?. th~ o e w c ~
of the Lady Rams is new COIIC!i Ed
Leyden. Coach Leyden bring, with
· him, from .Revere J{igh School, .-,
very mucturcd style of co.Ching
basketball. He (9mbines hls ·wisdom
and e1:perie:oce to pfOOuce wi01 in
the . record column.
When abd bow her u.pericnce
will help the DCWCOmen to the Suf.
folk buli:etb~I proaram, .Noreen
staled, "Jbe aperience Nancy and i

~= ~..r=.c:f:;;.!

!:"..!'. :: ·:,;·::,.;:.,;.: ~


Clwnpionsbipa. ~ Coch \\'.alab

is ycarnioa for two more ranaen
~ace .

J - D. McCoy .




rease ·aiw..offcaie we
face dwial the seuon."

have to ·


comaiodoa"!96 r. , ·

The lint of two debates for the
hotly eonle$led l.!nitr.d Si.ales Senatorial scat now occupied by Ted
Kennedy was held las1 cvcnina 81
F&neUil Hall in ijoaton. The g p.m.
debate was co-sporl10rcd by The
Boston Globe 800 The B03ton Her•
The debate began witJ\ some very
biased questions which ma3e inlinfil•
ations. about Senator KeruJe<IY that
seemed unfair and uoicai obablc,
. , than
The que,i;oos
weren' t pointed a t ~ willmd


Mitt Romney al-o), the ~cd to . (8\lgJ" Kamcdy. The me-

diator wu very much part of Um
debate and ,a defined and lllimatcd
presence oo staae.
One quauoo j,o,,d to the candidatea WII ror lbcm to elaborate OD
their biggeat fallina. Kaincdy, spote
C&Ddid.Jy abou& hi.a failod fint msriaae ·and bow be Jhould ~ ~
more time with/his kidl. Kennedy
aniwcn:d die questioD booeady •Yini maybe be badn'l do~ everything bi could bave for his collltUU•
ents. This, exemplified the brilliaol
political actions of Ted Keacdy,
being hoocst wl,llle · 1.ddre11ing his
problem 1.
The mediator then ukC:(I Romn,ey to ans:we! the aame q~estinp,


.continued ~~~ 2

It ' s preuy safe to say that
Framingham will be feeling the shock
of President Ointon' s visit last wed::
for a very Iona time.
High school students w~ given
the opponuniiy to witness~ ia
the maJdn& last Tburiday u PraidcDl Qinton, Ted Kemiedy and other
political figures sigoed $60 billion
education bill at Framingham High
school The 1ehool had two days to
prepare for the visiL
Thc bill, which bu been a
Kennedy cooc:entnllbon for some time
oow, will piovide money for' more
· tcaeher
drug and alcohol
~ preventjoo educatiOll, and propams that will enrich the 'kids to
teach each other.


vok:cdbii opinionofhow "weoccd teacbina: ~ds."
. Clinton' s message about drug
and a1cohol abute wu that "i1's
11upid, it's ·illegal, wh)', take the
.. chance of ruining your livct1•• He
11111eaaed that ~ rum off ·their
rdevilloo' ldl and IWt ·taking more
Clin~ feels ~ cvcryoac is ll part ·
of a .i\irctime of lcamina."
Framiniham Higll School PriDcipalRobert~tboqbetbe.vWc
wu 80 ~ cxperieac:e for his
kids, and up1iftiq nae foi- tbe ICbool.
which roeracd from two ICbools to
one in ~ 1992-9A .IChOOl _t:ar to
save money. ~
Other key~ ipeaken f"clu
Prcaiden.t Clinloo's sparkled Senator Ted Kamcdy, M81L Depl&ty
so much CDCf1Y that tbe kids rwliaud Sccrebr)'.. ot"' Bdllcadoa MadelaiDe






-•~caplOtlma dll lCbool to .... bii morn-

10:-45 am, ~ IYID raaed wid1 a- Spoc&or-. p'ICll dic opparlllllky to
•the ..... pn,,ed to be . . ... - . . : . : . . . ...



Lewis, a ,aeaior • Fnm-

=tbe~~~';.: ini:,_gb

•111~-= .........
:..n..:. I

WC S ~

laere al

Suffolk -•• . . to _.. -

loob IDCrCdlble, it will probably
aeTel' toot dltl pat apin.. rm~
ally a)alltobe ......
Praidmt CmlDG imputed tbe
~ p a O l t of whom IRll'l CVCll

,... ... bill
in tbo km& ran widl '-- and propmDI IO' allow die coali-=e ol



ClialoD ·oa our



will- - -




..., bad.I

-- 1

ii to


Rams~·their first ever winning season
Sousa have also l&llicd 3 or more

By Ryan Foley

Suffolk Univcnity soccer hu
1umed the comer. For the first time in
the bialory of the soccer progr:am
(datin, back to the 50's). the soccer
lam will bave a winning m:ord when
~seMOD b toncludcd. As of Monday Oc:L 17, Suffolk's record scands
at S..2, the best ever in Suffolk his-

C.oacb Dennis Fmncz.ak expects
lhal ~ 10 improve. "'We' ve got a
chance to be considered for pos1aeuon if we k«p winning. I expected improvement this year, bu1
noc to che es.tent that we have. This is
an incruliblc team. lbcrc is so much
.. WCN here and we play such a beautiful aame of soccer, it's a shame
more people from the school don' 1
come w,d wau:h us."
Another amazing aspect or the
team ll it's youlh. Only three players
will be IOlt to graduation 1'161 year
(Desmond Patrice. Phil Falzone ,
Tauua Nagasuc). -rbc key for me

once our season is over is making

sure my guys do well in school. They
need 10 keep grades up so they

play neJII year. I wanl everyone


back ,"· stated



2J: aoeJ.s and have aJlowcd on1y 11.
Lui year, Suffnlk only scored 11
&oal• all KaSOn. " I've really spent
time trying IO wod: oo OW' attacking
play. We have a solid defense. 1bc
challenge for 01 is finding better ways ~


C ~;:17:\.n,. best

Kennedy and Romney battleinBoston
By Jello D. McCoy

SP9ClAL 10 nm JOUaNA.L

and Guy Ztro1a

the aupponing cast, which provides
Suffolk's depth. " I feel we are one of
the deepest teams in New England.
The guys that come off the bench
keep the n ow of the game going.
We've goc a number of individuals
who ca ri play more tha n one
p«tion," pn11ised Fnmczak on his
ccam's vcrsatilicy. '"Thal is a very
imponant thing 10 have at this level.
We' ve had injuries, but we've been
able to overcome lhe adversity bccau5e of the guys coming off the
bench. Without them, we would not
be 8-2."
If 11.1\ goes according 10 plan .
Suffolk will fi nish the lelSOo at 12-2.
By Andy Wa,n
By far, il' s their besc season ·ever.
Coach Franc:zak and hi1 staff, in only
"Ladies and gentleman, welcome
their second year, have been able to
crute I very po1iti ve future for thu to lOCUpl' 1 basketball masch between
ceam. Franczak llalel, "I want people the Suffolk Ul'Uvcnity Lady Rams
and the Pinc Manor G ■ton ," the
to ~!Mt~tand
"this is only the
m■nagcr of lhe L..■dy Rams will say
c m1crop oe.
work to do. Nut year, we're &oing 10 o
after 10mc of the elite teams 10 lhat Si:-n,lcd Banner" will play over the
we can become an elite team our- IOUnd 1y1tcm ■.od then the cry of
sclvca. With the players I hive, I "jump ball" by the referee. Yes, it's
know we can gee there. 'They are the time for another grueling and excitbcs1 group I' ve ever coached be- ing SC8IOD of L..■dy Ram lmutball
in the Ridgeway Oym.
Under the guidance of Head
fore~~ This Slo ry was compil~d by
Coach Joe Walsh. Assistant Coach
Coach Dennis Francu,k
Donna Ruseckal and the talents of

JOUU4AL. !TAl'f'-


The first of two debalcs for the
hotly conlClted Ul'Utcd StalCI Senatorial 1cat now occupied by Ted
Kennedy wu held last cvcoin& at
Fancuil HaJI in Botton. The 8 p.m.
debate wu co-1pon1orcd by The
Boston Globe
71le Boston Her-

''Jwnp ball' ' for the Lady ~


Moc Brown, Maria Gn~rrc, Kerri
Sweeney , and Sharon Fiddler. the
Suffolk Lady Ram, had • very. IUC·
ccssful season. Howcvcr.,..lhi1 y~••
squad 1w gone throu1h a significant
number of changes.
This year, Coach Walsh and Al·
simnt Rusccku wiU not be couruidc
directing the
into battle. Another change is lhll four. fiftha o( the '
5larting line-up and m01t of the reserves have gra,clwcd. With "the lou
of two great coeicbea and maay nf

: ~:~~:~er;·:.:.~~:

imo a diamal · ICUOO. HoWt:vcr, thll
is not g(lina to be the cue.
Tbi1 year's lady hoopa&en will
- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ be lcd 'by the talents and Jc.Scrahip
ab\litiu of Noreen McBride (#35)
"Nichol, i1 loaded." Coach Fanna dcfe;itcd 3-6 to Emlflanuel Collcae and Nancy 0lenoon (125). COfflbincd
Around the
al10 announced hi1 1elcctions for on October 14th....Practice for both with the coergy and enthu.siua,,.o( a
By Ryan Foley
the upcCNDing New En&land Clwn- men'• and women's baaketbaJI starts great crop of iookiu. •
Also ~ to the acw cbem.\W)'
pionships. Ch r l1 Miller , Mille on the 24th. eo.cb BlU Bur m and
The Chee_rio& Club, capuioed by OtBmedktll,-Rkh lrdon, Manutl bis hockey crew
practice of the Lady Ram1 ·is DCW colch 'Ed
aeaior" ~trOark, ~ presently Balrnorl, andDupi.llall'WiUbcreprc- on Octobu 29tb•... nc womco ' 1 Ley\!<", C-h Leyden bri"&I wilh
raisiq l'IKID"? for a new R.amt mas-, 1entin1 Suffolk University when the : croswou.nuy team registered an in- him, Crom Revere Hia,h -Scbool, a
cot. Tbe squad; now 18 members championships commence on Moo- complete at R.cgil ColJqe on Satu.r. very sttuctured style or coac.hiogllrOn&, have been holding praclM:e day ( 100-4) ..•.AllyOGC mildly inter- day. Despite this, the l.brce WOftlal bukctball. He combines bil wisdom
every Suday morning in prep&r11 · csccd in womaa.'1 ~ollcyball should who did compete, ran c.,~cptional and upericftce tn produce wins in
the recon:I column.
tioa for the' coming b ~ l and
When asked bow her upericncc
boc.key .scuons....Suff~1olf ""upw~~o~:i:
dlte::Tbe team fmilhed tk'third round buildin1 room 400.... Ouisdne Carr. 29-.j6. For the sccood 1pot, JCIINta- will help the newcomers to ~ Suf, • al t1te Little Four Tournament in u outltlndlaa a1b1ete from Harvard Vtrficco (30:54) slifflmly c:died OUL folk bukclbaJI pro1ram, Noreen
8nadcia boldin& on to accood place. Univcnity, will become tKc
Nancy Giauto• (30:56). "We bad ltMCd. '7bc expericoce Nancy and I
artollofl!l,-d'lhesquadwilh,n MIOCiMc lllhletic director laler thi1 won thlt meet in '91 wlaco then. lave pined will dcfiailely bdp the
.. s.8olk WU still ievcral ttroke, month. -She will beaidina and wist- wm, 10 tcama," l&a&cd CMch Jee new pt. Ced mote com(octlblo in
. . . . lhe ... -lhoop. .inc in both womca.'1 YOlleybaU and Walab. Thi1• Saturday, the womea playiag lbe diffemu llyles o( de-.
aoftblll... .saturday, October 8th saw will be in lbe NEWAC (cme ud offc:aee we will have to

the womea',1 vanity lamil ram" 10 Clw'l'lpiooahipt, where C:C.:h Wallh faceduri!lcthclCMOIL"

Gus M-ains, Lui, Pires, and Pedro



::,\::~:::a:~~= 1:;e;u~


·---Tuaday lflCbob,
.......... _ ..■_lint

down &e Pbtc Minor CoDcae 3-6. On is yeamia1 for two more n11111en
,,,.,,.. . . . . . . C..dl. T"y .....,., die u.dt. dtellCml fdl to 10bilten.,••wbok.c..Mleat
Ill, leUI'• clwu:ea. WClff!Ma' SClle Collcp 0-9 IDd wa place.

.... •


Volume 53, Number 7

Not all lh.inas arc rosy for the
1eam though. Putro Sousa. a freshman from Ponugal, has decided to
return home. "Pedro decided he
would be happier ~ It in Europe. I
have to respect 1ha1. He wilJ be
sorely m~
b:, all of us," lamented

coaiaed oo .... 6

di&tor WU very ai!Kb pan of this
debate "
and a defiocd and animated


00 Mqo.

One qucatioa polCd to the candi-· •
dascl WU fot them to dabon&e OD


riaae and bow be abol.tld have lpcat
i'.nore time with bi1 kids. Kamedy
amwcn:d the quadoo bopa:dy •Y·
ing maybe be hadn't done every·a
thina be could bave for hil CODlticuald.
coll. Thi• ucmpUficd the brilliaat
The debate began with IOfflC very political action, ·or :red Kcaedy,
blued qualions which made insinu- bcin& boacst while addre11in& hl1
ations about Senator Kenn~y that problem,.
lbe mediator then ~
· Rom•
seemed unfair and unreuonable,
ralbcr lha.n impartial. ~ questioiis ncy to amwer· _lle auie 'tluulion, •
weren't pointed at candidate Willard
Mitt Romney, altboua,h the mediator
'conwmed on PIF~l
seemed lO favor ICcnocdy. The 1biC>

• •


' -.-

~ , . .-1

Clinton visits•
Fnuningbain, sips education _..
By Ouildat Sc:afldl
JOUI.NAL cormalfTCa

- Clinloo said that
the sipi.oa of the bill wilt.."repraenl

1pt.CU1e ~

lt '1 pretty 11fc to say tbat vo5Ccd hil opimoo of bow "we need
Frami.ol,hlmwillbcfcclingtbelhoc:k more kid, ll:aChiq kj,da."
o( President Qjn10n' 1 virit last week
Clin100' 1 miua'ae about dtug
for I very long time.
and alcohol ■ WU that "it'•
High achoo! studcotl were ,iveo stupid, i1' 1 ille&al, why take the
the opportunity to witncsl Mstory in cbaGce of ruiniq your liveaT' He
the makia& 1-t Thunday • Prdithat ~ turn off tbdr
dent Clin_ton, Ted ~onedy and other telmlion ICCI and it.rt taldl\l more
political fi1urc1 1ipcd 1 $60 billioo ol 111 interelt in their children'• lives.
education bill at fn,,mingham Hi&h Clinton feels that everyone ii a part
achool. The achoo! had two ~Y• to of a "lifedmc or leamin1."
prqwe for the vi1iL
FruninaJwn Hip School Ptjo- .
The blU, which ba1 been a , cipaJRobatflabatytbou&),llbevilit
Kennedy CODCel,l-lr'MiOO for-iome time wu u ~ cxppience for bis
oow, will provide money foe more kids, -S uptiftina oae (or tbe achool.
teacher education, drug and alcohol w~ mc:rpd fmm two ICbooll to
abuse prevention c:ducalioa. and p-o- one in the 1992-93 acbool ymr to
~ lhM will CGric.b the kids to uve mooey.
teach eech other.
Other key 1s,e,tcn iGChaded
vwt opodl,,d S-Tcd !(im,ody, - ~
10 mP.dl c:ocrsY lhat the kids ddi.lted Sccrecary. of Edacatioa Mldlllaiae
the bip odlool'1 Jobo F. l(alllOdy Omm, ■-I dlo-•1-0o,,l)'ID. Wben the Praidcm. mla'ed •
ernmall Preddml Jtnmy Spcaor. .__ _ _ __;__.;__ _~_ _ _..;,.._...;.._ __,
I0:-45am.tbe.amrOlledwkba- Spoc:IOl' .... pYmdleopparlllllky1o
Ointoa'1 visit td Pn.miapam,
. . - u l h e ..... pnwcdlO bo . . . . . . . . . . a f ~ H i p
....... Jcunal
11111 ..... ......-,. .. II, •
would •IIDI 100G fcqct.
wla a liiilWl ap ad IWealllmt --will-O>boa-,lo
~Lewia..•amim'•Pnm- -fraadlotc:bool1o . . . onhil~ tbe ript -qoall!J
educaaoa.. PrNideat OiJltOa WUCI
~ p .......... lien .. 10 ..__. dlil dte bNt dmc America "
lookl incredible, h will probably Suffolk didlll't . . to
Wld,d,o . . . . a f d i l aever loot be ...Oialoll • 101111' caas-, tbe
lllyp,I IO dlil ....." . . . . I'm re-- rn.dlobillwill _ _ - ,
bill. ..... ballopeoo ....
f'raidaltaialonimpreued~ iadlolc-a:NDwiaio....tproii wt.,.
- - ol wbam arm't eYtD
10 allow !:be coad-,e ol Sma ol America.
12 ...... .
islOJ1111 . . S60billaa10wart..
to 'f'OtC



_,,..11,~ ....... -

=~~~';.: .



....- .. -




----·Lll u,9 •

....,.r... . _., .lbo-. . .....
AD ._

a..e ,,__ .... w·


The Suflolk JqllfDAI Wedaoaday, Clclober26, 1994 . (
'l'lleSodiJlltloumll Wocllolclay,Ogol,e,26, 1994

11111 -..n

......, .,, ._ ..-...-· ....._.. ,\IIOdatlon approved at ...,....

o..illlaed "ha pace l

aod tbac lteuedy ...



~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~a 15, mi crimo'". Jetmnedy';·:,.. WII
__. ~ ...._ ~ med_il&or .
111ft ltoaDDy om mlmde to ..-wer
dlo . . . . . lboul.bll :r,llurel.whicb
lbo adlac;e ioapoadod to with · •

":1s./::-be didD'ttiop--~ 1---==="'---By

t.-d 11111
rvptcd by IDeltialor, •)'UII be wu

· 1o.· • recent Student Government
touabaacrinie.lWDC•aa._pamplc Aaaoc•oa(SOA)mcedns,tbeSuf-

hi• aupport few the pwri.Jhmcnt ol
uader-qC .o f f ~ and in I dilpstedlODe.utedRomneyto ..... sive
me a brcu."
Romney bu sua:ccdcd .in hclpina defeat himsdf by brin&ing out
the belt i.D Kmnedy. It appeall from
the crowd ~ I t Paneuil Hall.
that thit race bu been ~ " I
for the people of Masa:hweua. Last
niabt, Kennedy invigorated those

folk Univenity Paraleial Associadoo (SUPA) wu appnw;cd u a club
out a comtitutioo and some dc:bale
oa whether or DO( to shelve the vote
oi approval until the nel!.t week.
Pb.ii Falzone, SOA Vice ~ident moved to accept the'club'i coo•
ititulioo 81 it stood, stating that
changes wert; made by SJRB and
SUPA that have met both panics'
Romn·e y scored on an issue
Ted ~ . Y still !as llw wtlque
Rieb Joyce, Junior represcnta•
brollabl forward by the Kennedy ICetuw:d)' class and flair and lhowed live, then moved to suspend debate
catplip. .1be iauc of pr:ovkling that be bu ~ atrona and bindina and approval until a later time. He
pillt_._ cqiloJeea with health in- c:oaaectioa with the people of Mu- explained the motion by stating that
...-ce. RoGacy made a point or aacbuaecu ~. . . reawakened the hecouldootgctintouehwithFalzone
bJplijlaU.1 tl!e Kennedy family adrenaline of bis constituenu. Ted to v0ice his concern abou1 small
OWmDI ~ atarcs which Kennedy aod bia family have Iona lhlngs in the conslitutlon.
do aot povide tbeir i-,t•time em- beeo..aputotthepolilic.slCC:DCf)'in
Mark DiFria, SGA sec retary ,

of~....... .

a-,boala' totpelltolbis
6un bJ ...... lbOllt die almlive
date hlJ cloMo:I to ~privilcpd
DII ..t ~ ·The mcdiltm inlmllpllld. him .half~ mn:m,b and
ldm. ol the queldoa p0ICld.
Hil rapooic wu thal hi• blgoat
failwa d
ooly beina able to 'give~
ODO day a week to lhe poor and

~ . ; : ~ - - = - f o r•

~..andittee11ulhclut ' - - - - ' - -- --

The atyle of this debate wa also
a refre:lhing one with ,-t of it being
of the Lincoln/Douglas ")'le, somelhina rucly ei:nbraced by candi"81cs
for dectcd office because of the unpredictable path this style can take
such u the caodidatel poang each
other questioas. Both cmdidm:s had
theit us- ud downs lhoua,!l neitber
wu substantial, making. oae eagerly
ti · atc Th rada • debatc If
:C.,~tircdlootiqaadhqprd lti- :"ui:wuu,u~ ~ : J h e·~
chard N'ixon. Thouab the age differ- would be close, but"rcd Kcnhedy
e~ce was oot as radil;l!.l ,-s . ~ t; ~ayld"f~ ,P, ,t!;u ..v_ictpr,, :
~JNixoa dc:ibate, it could be
FoDowina thc' dcbate, oullide of
in odd sc.t of JWlllld.
Faneuil Hall, Romney wu greclCd
Romney poi.nted out be was en- by a wave of opposition as he exiled
wad die polidcal maier)' tblc is inbcreat UI tbe Kmaedy family, be
looted fllipcd and draiocd. Romacy llppCllftld model-like. u though
be wu ieciuhcd from 0Q mapzme.
Ooc mi&bl dare to compare the ap~ al dail debate IO the deb&lC
~ a fiw ~ a,o wbca Senator Keaacdy's brother, John F.
Kmaed)'; a )'OWII, vibnnt ~ stri.t•
&om Brookline battled the

. el FF ·



nouoctd an · open forum for tuition
would be held in the Sawyer cafeteria
on T1wraday, Nove;mber 3 It 1:00
pm. President Sargent, Vice Prcsident Flannery and a rt;presentalive
from lhe Board of'TNJtees will be in
aucndancc to anlWCr students' qucslions on tuition.
Beth Evans, Senior rt;presentative, ~ that somcthina like this
had never bec:tl dooe"beforc and that
it wu a very big accomplishmen1 .
Christeruco encouraged SGA mem •
bcrs to spread the word among the
student body and to Come tha1 da y
with prepare.d questions.

- - - - - - - - - --

the building. Romney speaking with
obvious business man veue was
drowned out by chants or "Go home
Mitt". He then headed for his automobile, avoiding the people surrounding the buildina, including his
own supporu:n. Romney banners litlel"ed the ground in slwds and pieces.
Kennedy emcraed from the
building for a brief 1cc6od before
aoing Wider i1, bypassins the thedia..
He started towards his vehicle and
saw a flood of suppo rtive men ,
women and children sunounded by
l seeinTngly DevCt.endirig se8 of
Kennedy sians, and then headed
stn.ight for lhcm. One was deafened

,"ny ~~~~g•, r ~s"""'"'·
... , ...........,
- ~
some using megaphones. Senator
Kennedy moved the security person•
oel aside to arect his 1upponcn, shak•
iog their hands, exchanging hugs
and smiling widely eojoyina their
roars of 11pproval.
You could literaUy foci the elcc•
trici1y and cxcitemeot of lhe crowd
when gnr.ced with KCo.oedy's PfCS·

myo'," •,~~-.

encc:. Thecoolnightairwasins1a111Jy
wanned to that of a mid-summm
nigh1~ , for onlheevcor Octo•
bcr 25, 1994, even if you weren't a
Kennedy fan or suppolter, at that
moment, you were.

u,wuc SI. rm

SDGIU ~ ~ : ••

IYl'lm\A5111::AU.IIXl!.51Yn;,,,TQ1Tf l

B t.W, OOMCI S..T.,-?,OO,

tlt"llllLDtlAYTIIElr:t\lllf OF

\.'£ ,u,: OfUf IClll. ·'tlU•

8 -1,00


Do you·'-have questions

ahout your tuition dollar1?


If the answer is yes, then attend the FIRST

·, ,~ •

• Ask your Questions!
• Voice your cancers!

President David,
Vice President and Treas.ure,r,~cis_ Flann~ry, ~d
. a'fepteseritative:'from the 'Bo·a tct'<'.>f 'Thistees' ··
will be there t~ answer your questions on tuition!

All Students are Welcome!!!


_,.___ _

Ne rmtnen T 1




~ -: ~1\lcMtrQ~

= in::::.~

35hcu'9._....tutomvchiknn.-, an Mnau,y tct1oo11ocaed.--Si.lfolt
Onehala'WNklyMff1irwalhlriM'My, Monde)'

M I00lS1W: ttlST EUI

f\alSIIDSClllotmaDU$r11 ! 1 •Wlltl O'l'l.,\Dl'OIISlAlllflllnMTIOII


t SGA meeting

joined in the debate by ltalil'tl bis
hope that memben wooJd Vote the
motion dQ:wn. A vote WU tuen on
Joycc"I motion, and it wu defeated
11-.S. Membcn ~hen voted on~Falzooe' • mocioa lQ accepl SUPA.
·The modoo WU puscd'. .
1 other SGA .news, Erik a
Cbri1tcnacD , SOA prc1idcnt, an-

'?.or Dr. Shoi!i Mahoney,.,... • . f11'!1tt.~ F334

Thursday, November 3

· -- ., 1 .P-.m· ·· ·
- . .:~Y(Y~~Caf~.


Sponsored by: The Student Govern11,1ent Asso--ciation

•~,., .,.,.,,~ •!.t~
1\~oas can , p-~2~ (e~ .~22), .


w......,, Oc!ober :16, 1994 ( ·

Tllo SdA -


.• .

·& L

. - - - - - - - - - - - , 'Ambitious''PuppetMasters'~
is Surprisingly Solid
. lly}aoda()Nm

;~.n.t•rt~~~.~t .,_~cJ. Lela~~ ~



tbctoomclilcovcnlOIIIOdliaa ....

forllllbll"Robert~-·. liblc.
M-.." bu wortdna
pamicea who aaacb tbDaelw:a to
. movie premiac, and a silly tid~ in human hosll aad aboot a probe
oommon ·with a cheesy direct-to- throup the back of the hmmD'•
vidoobomlroeria,thcmov;eexhlb- neck. Theytheaaooo0>coalll>lll>e
itasurprislaa:ambitioaand i,ovenll boll and u,c•i1'1 body forlheirown
a solid piece of bnin1css entertain- purpoa:1.
The adcntisu lllilll race apmll
Cubinainonthcpannoiasci-fi timetofindawaytotilllbepnlilcs
thrillcn of Ibo 50'1, "lbc ~ wdhool ldUina Ibo boll aod bct'cre
Masten" is a buic alien invuion thcend.rebumaaracei&cataow:r,
ructwomaa&omllcmlcin'• oriainaloovelforthcfintlime.
The 11ory beltind "lbc ' A1the 1U>r)'I001,1W011111ndon -■-y-anddascudt(;nthclfflllltownor-, roraprodiclablenlaJ1111themrics
Jowa),anchtarttotMeow:rthchu- butwbauaveathefilmiuomuusman nee. Tbis coacepe ha been pe:n1eru1actionsegaeac:e1......_
used before in Ibo orip,al "lbc la- spocial • and IOIIIO - . , .
vllioa of_thc Body Suldlen," Md per1.......,..&omthclilcable&ic
thcbrillianll976......,oflbllfilm. 'lbal("ASinapr~llljand
" l b c , - -• jsa't-, JulieW--("ladjm~.
u aood • citbcr o1 meae borrO£
OODald ~ no•-claalcs,bm;tr... muc111>eaertbu llly•--•---·lara,iaAbel ' l'e.....,,'1 r,make, "Body. !jJirodbilo(.._Qi,...,.i;,1111t

- he

apimc it, shop-worn material, a 8 -

Another·''Love Affair''
to Rememl;>er
cbangingseatstobcncather. When
cngiac trouble fOttCS the airplane to
land on' a ~ i c a l island, the


tifw IIOOUldc '1'cllioa: Tala
clote or the diac, pv¥idc tbc cmcer
lo, ooe ol the 8 :,OU
may"- 11111 tb1r hmo
made the Beacll Boy1 1 little Int

"""'"6,rouclicMJmiitalcsaii-C..,. """'l!llil~gtiJll..;thTcny.
Pea" lllid "lbc Blob."
l!viclcntJy,hu1:l\annsg,v'Won hera
"Capelur."thclemlc-fillcdpsy- they begin to fall uncxpectcdly in
thriller SUlrring Robert love. There is just oDC thing lhal


oftbe sune

: C ' : ~ a r c : : ; t : ~ C&mr(> role as hi, feisty and funny maoy.ofthcclemcotloftbcpn;vious
Ukcwisc. "The people.
Aun1 GiMy. Garry Shandling is two vctlions u pouiblc.

e1ijfj,1' !i,Sqtil'biick to' ~

After their return to the States,
~ i n'l'989tlllderthcwnename. they make a pact: in exactly three
wu actually born of the classic rnoa;ithstotbcdaythey vfui'mcecon
t950' 1 honorpre.
Allo,1Cleviaionbllmadeitsway see irthc sparb: ~
to cinemu ICtOU Amckca· in the fly

tiwmol"'TM~tt -rn.,1..ittle-

uproariousshowcasinghisoutstandIfthertisonecomplaintthat can
ing comedic talents ~ Mike 's bcmadcaboutaoothetwiscOavJlcss
bumbling business mana&Cf. l(jp, film..itishowtbescory conleSacross
PierceBrosnanandOtlocWebbarc to the viewers. To put it bl.tfily.
wonderful as ~ods ofTcny.
..LoveAffaif' i1justabi.{100 sappy
. 1 ~ r Gfeµ.Q ,~rdon:,Caron


=-=~ '11u'CC 'ffibotln-pais inH TUT)' is the ...~ a n u
("C~~!prod~otftheknolw n "., YetThetliis u,9•517~~~ti01e ~~-Aff•',
: ..

Racall," and'1:>eoi'lislheMenace," injurcdenrotiletober1oog-awaired
to name just a few.
rcodezvOUS. ltseecmatthatmomcnl
lo typical Hollywood fuhi~ of that thcy ·uc·destin\:d not to be ro-.

hittelevisionseriel "Moonlighting,''
~ big with "Love Affair," his

to Remember,'' is a bit funni« and
muC SWUrer, flttingfol'thit tno'vic

diffl::torllClorexlnOrdinaircWmen them together? Thisisworth seeing mustalsogo tosqeenwritcr Robert
~Htylxinpfilmgnea~.aywhctc to find ouL
~ latest superb effort. .. Love AfOscar-winner Warren Beatty toscripHhefilm.
t'ait," aremakcofa 19S7rcmakcofa once again puts in a strong perforThe 1
carii adapted the
1939 film.clu5ic. also titled .. Love ..maoc:c both on-screen and behind story to the 90' s while retaining as

cccded inbno'gfifgmhf~:ikrhait,
witty, romantic d,.11)'
is yet another "Love Affair" to remember.

· ,·
sccoecrunuld7bffi;:;.scrct.a..!n7ielileahiff'e':""1C'Uttos-t!rr.But"Beatty lin:u,;.;.._~ ah• sue


• • ··- Aff· •~•(J99339)isunavail-


=~-~= .


the scenes. Attimeslhrougbout the
film his arroa•IIN soo'wa thfough I

be!,"' ~irringJCa& 'ttrlnl la&I,.. foni.ei'i{iayboy-tumcd~rbodel-husDeborah Kerr and directed by Lc.o band-and-father by the channs of
McCarcy is.
lf ooc ii to sec this hilarious romanticc::omcdy, it isapparcottoscc

Bening), but this is tempered by his
AnoctteBcniogisavirtual sccneaulerdvougbouubcfilm. Hcrcalrn

• have many~. Audicac:eswill
surely rcme,mt,er the 1991 b,oct- rolea&Tcrry is lhcpcrftctbalance to
bu&u:t ..Slipeplcsa in Seattle." which Bcauy's hypcractivcMikc.
•bonJ)wectinaay oftbe!OfDUtic f!c·
The chemistry between~ twO
mcou of"' An Affair lo Remember," makes this mm.oat ~y highly io fac as to &how tbc film's joyable, but very.believable as well.
awsvicwin&itov~o r.
Thi5 LI DOl the first time this has
ln the :t994 '
OD.~;.bich i J-'ortcdforlhccouplc. Movie~opencdwithcriticaJ '
toaudi- coocswill'surclyrcmcmbcrBcatty
_,., _
t h e _ Beatty..... and Bening .. the leads in Beoay',
. dur:al-lifewire~Pnf't ~lli.q.p-- nominated ..Bugay."
... dderolcaofMikeaa..il_
-J nis6dtl-ringfortbcmon-scrcen
~MclCay(Kcrr'ac:harlcm'aime iswhatplaotcdlhesoedforthcirrcaliatbD 1957.cnion).two .~ v c· lifcromaocctoppw.
.aod ffc.Upg: may have
,'dhey,Austtalia. ~ fOCusof ..LoVe Affair'but



to the movies in a

'li· J. . ..
.tt.~n Cd.,

Dear Pai,
I bcl~yc my rricnd has a drinking
problem which could easily tum to
alcoholism. She seems to cntvc a

drink wbcncvcra strcssfol situation
comes about. Shc CAMOtevcn have
fun on the wee.tend without drink1
Many times myself and her other
friends have had to carry her home
andmalccsurcsheisallrightthcncxt I ha~ tried to tell her
nicdyttwlthink shehas a prnblcm







sttps can bt You can 'tforct
thisperson to sukM.lp. Theyhavr.10
w.•ant to. HOWevr.r, ontt it has comr
ro tMir an~ntion tMrt is ·a lot of
placts to gofoflstlp.
· •
It is 11.NUrstandabty strusful 10
havt to pick up th.t plt Cu afttr M_r
"wild nighls" out, but you havt to
rtalizt tha1 btlng 1Mrtf r. Mr supo
ponU tlu '"611ini;,JJHanJ. u.l,,.gyou
can do righl now. MayN you can
M{[~ly.s." !!.~'! ~ -~•!J1.,q 1n

i',/ , b w ~ ~ g

toadmittt~undlthink&hc ll hcadcd
for disaster: What should I do?
s· 1
1 1.IX?CfCY,,
: Coaca-nedCobndanl

l.!.coaicpn:,wess.Battydocs other memorable performances ~ar eoncdnid. ··

.,._ W tolle bllllroom ud Hepb:um back


0 Ver TheBea·

A trond bao • - through Hol- Sydncy-bouncl""passen~'.,.fon:ed
lywoodlltely,lhltofrcmatingclas- toboard a Russianauise Shipbound
sicfilmundldmsioalhows. One forTahiti.
oaly hai 10 tbiiliir: blct'afew-~
Whal.ensues is Mike's hilarious


itto Mrantntlon.
RtrMmbu sM may knpw tNJI
admitlt. TMreisalsoinalfycQIM'ISt·


yo~ deal wit/a ,,;,,~Je-ifMjfion if

Fintoff'foiirfritndmu.,t admit10 )'0&.11/J(J.Utoonew,urstlf..
ltavingaprobltffl-btfortany otM~

~ tbc leaves cum aod the tcah
....,.. &o,.. thinas ... hcomt& up
in the record atores. Bia name artist,
,~ up for the Ouisanu Nib. while
artists Iesa mown usually fill in that




holiday aap.
This year i, no eJtcepllon, u
many progrcuive artiltl unleub •the
finest batch O 1ound1 in recent
mem~ry .. .. .lt '1 no aurprlle 1h11
Wecur bu become MTV darli1111
a1molt ovcmighl Their ~ l i b
aiow, pop b Irish on mdocly Ind,
crnot.loully ICCCllible to maay.
..Uodone-tbe Sweater Sona" ii
JNre fun in a three minute auitar
track. Other cw oa lbc aelf tiled dilc
Oeffco lhow Wc,u.a to be
very capiblc of the
y - tt
lib the Smiths - llyle pop trick 11
Dreams" mipt recall the Ck:cm Blue
IS tbil tnck aioo& with °'Sly It Ain' t
So" ml I comicol "Buddy Holly" ICl

Tbcu aew dllc "Flow .. iu,., or My
Sool" tw1,liulecieputuRfromthel,
of· two yw.s 110.- Tben l&fin. Sll&lchen." Penaaa'afilmwutoo
when a ditc i1·lhl1 car friendly it artayandu.ltimatdydull. 1'boPupdoesn't hm 10.
pe< _
.. bu 110 problem w;th
Their IOWMns • milt of street justdcl.i~,,ooos.
beat, eriwl,ea1 vocals (p,o,lded by


•or:-.i• iriJ!" "'· ~•---'~'!!- 00 ~ ii l \ i -:1,oqvat
H ..t) ood aamplcs tJiat eome to- OffiooofScicotillclllldtiFa(OSI)



Ovenll, "lbc PuJIPtl ••
i;.;,qulioupw......,_.. _


the nicest exampla...Flow... " io-

:t::r.=,it~ :-.~




this albu m also features 1ue11 Will Tar U1 Aput'"...Orbical .cart
mlUiciana Terry Ha\l~ Special• lhcu-.lOCOGdU.S. ' ° " f m ~ .
fame) on lhc buoyant~ YouM, supponina their latest releue
and an ever soulful Alison Moyet "Siaivili.z.-icxi." A B0l&Oa date. will
(Vaz) oo the tailor made dllet ..My be annouoccd IIOOD.....
Bat Day." Thi,, alon1 with the beeu·

Get ,,lf'M>M!d...wrfb! .. b the
. .Joutpal. 1he ~ 1s·
YOUR SIUdent newspipeG
volc2 be heard.



-:. ~':!.a~



SDlldicnr>), buc be rllOldy wllb ,

letber' in_, . wbirtpool ol lipt ml bealleclU>in-- lleldodby brtlk'1quict,palaleu,.aodao1!loJI
Andrew!'fi-(Doi,aldSatbl:dand), bad.

.,;th the lad-'< "F9U" ~ the hilsooSam(!!ric'f!>ol),lndNASA f"-..GRADF!.: B.

Some . . . DOC.ea; Tboee •aitirc
for the DCW Siwuic and Tbe BaoWeca apart from thciralackaclu.1- ahees album will have to wait a bit
ma&a by lddina bade pop Udo their lonaer. the album baa been delayed
,uiW rock miL"
For tboee who c.'t wait for new
The Ll&hmin& Seeds rccum with
it'I stroQJ:Cll collection o( IOCl.p IUiCC StOUIPC, Parlopboac in the U.K.. hai:
"Pure" dom.inMt.d the aitwava four juat relcucd the infamous with
yean ago...JolliflC&tioo"(T,Uma )
is the band, third LP, and some
changes have been made; Ima album eitbcrlltiat...

New Ordcn' upcomiq Grt:ltat
ru... - fomilio, dreom
with a puocbed up, drivin1 au.iw



Spread the -'M>rd!
The Corn. uni~ation
is holding an "
Election meeting ,on
Tuesday, November I
at I pm
in Ridgeway 416



Mike Shaw: Telling it ~e it is Thke me to your
IIUce Shaw- ~:~"
r:;: ~ 7:1:= leader, says Jim
::':'.1~~=~~ Jlms.ht1e- it's



To spmk or not to speak
ncn..,rwo ~ 10tbe8ditorpriatcd in tbiJ iuuc
coe..iltJim Betide. 'f'llcm welfl also tbrcc~ &eM to

oa ltadmt involvemmt It Saffolk. Unlike the writers to
Behrlc'i lltidcs.·Cflcdrce pieces of hate mail dfrec<cd at
Shaw wm: 'umipcd.
In thelC days of Political C-Qrrccmc:ss, it may ~m a

puaarpmcot.buttbeJoumalstandsbchindthcConstilUCi~y ~ iigbl of free spooch. This right extends toJOtUna.l oolwmist$ like Shaw and Behrle, but also
to~ letterwritcn who objected to the,a:rticlcs written by


This riaht to &cc spccdi is an important ri&ht. and o..:C
lhM should Dever be abolidled. Tbc risk in llllina-ODC•,
1f ~ only said Whal WU pvantced oot CO
•yooc, dtia world woold be. boria&, bland plaa:.
ThaowooldbcoocuboDFof.icas, nodiscuaiooofthc
_ _ .,.lhcday; people•~-



.. frcecxchaoac - ·

Bebdead Shaw, along with other columnists. whether

.. in ~Joa.malorayotbcrncwspape.rormaaazjnc,
prcecnttbciropiniom fortbewoddto consider. Ukelhc:m

lhciroP,inions. Unlitothc1DOD}'JDO<IShalemailwriten.thc


vicws' cxprcsscd oa these pages are
by real
people wt)o stand by them, and bold themselves accountable for those views.

same vein,

~n Lawrence

r un writing in response
lO the article titled ''Carjack-


In the
letter write~
NaricyS~c•p~~gV1cws, and~ourI read this article in the
lltl/ilmorc:than~ytoprovideaf?~f?"them, andfor
Wednesday, Oc1ober 12,
1994 edition and wu very
disappoinled. I am very tired
t.hoKwhosiptbicirnamcs,aodidentifythcmsclvcs. lfyou
of people using lhe Roxbury
ob' · to
· &aid in the Journal or an y other
r,eighbomood as the brunt of
newspaper, you have every right to express your outrage.


I ~ have the courage to sign your
and stand by
to them. AD of thcae wmc:rs. and indeed any others who
proved themselves 10 have the cowqc and penonaJ con•
1bc opinions cxpm.scd in Qlc l...etttn to the Editor
&eetion, II well II the op-ed scctioo Odlhc DCXI page, arc
arc: tclCIVCd for this space here, wherein I.he Journal
prov~ theopLiic,D of the
and rcplfients

Dear Jbn: Get A Life,

Roxbury responds to Jim Behrle
Des Suffolk Journal,



s::; int::
Roxbury or can" you are
that aie f~ Roxbury.
I would like you 10 know
have come co realize tlw CV·
cry neighborhood has crime

:! :!?!~~ :~

says Nancy

then helps you find her. How Dear Editor,
can you compare a car lo a ·
I have never felt so, how
place where iomc people shall I put it, disguslCd in1ny


~:;e u:a;:: ::;!e;li:~~ :~ .:~e : : : : ~er:i:':
menu. By you making that Oc1ober 20, at llfOWld 4 :25
statement it jus1 ahowa me pm,rcadiogJimBcbrle's'TII
the ignorance tha1 dwells make love to you, uya Jim"
within thi1 University.
article published in the SufI am hoping tlw lhe next follc Journal, Jesus! Talk
time that you print something about pathetic, Hay caramba!

.:"'P:"'"'""''-"".:...~.,..niL.J!""'sal:JW""";, ~

::Srr~1: =~~~~
or neighborhood.
I am also extending an
open \nvitatiyn for you, Jim
Behrle, to iome with me and
1akc • 1our or Ro xbury.
Maybe you will lhcn rcalitc
what you did by making that


vm;;idisappointcd in my
school newspaper,
Karen Lawrence,

co live in an area wbctt: your
nexl door neighbor is a serial
killer or kills your daughter

Presiden1, Blaclc Stud~nt



ume issue {as a maucr of
fact, ii was published right
next to Jim Behrle'• ankle).
..... how can ~ you out
there just staod by and Jet
someone like Jim Behrle say
whatever it is he wants to

say~. in response to both
articles, here J am voicing
cOl\tinucd ob page g


the opi.ni90-

ot the p,iper as a wtiole.

The Suffolk Journal

but an official ooc. I will forgo that practice in this inswloc.
lbe.-,ecfinacditorial..,..-.;!Ucoby/0"!7'e!l!di1or-ma..r ~ Coakley. (,,--- •

By the students, for thetsludcnts, since 1936
Dan Coak.Icy, Editor-in-Chief
ClriRian Ea&,lu, Man11fo1 Edi1cr
Mike Shaw, &cculive Edlior
Kara! M Courtney, 8URnCSI Mmaaer

JuR i . a ~ ~ E d l i o r

"Slap! Or Ml...yclrStop again!"


I •.

ftl Suffolk Unmriity pollcc officer,
- - . . , the _ . , po&,· offlcen
. . . llb dDo lO the Uniwnity'a policy 011 DOC allowina

ajno.. .. ....y-.....




Dr. Gerald Richman, Advuor


so :U"!,~Ybi~~~
ooe. But to all of the people and of ~
that comfonable in uy club
who ac:Dlllly took lhe time to be/she doesn't eyea have the I am in. Not oaly •
jot down,- few u.norpniud, gull lO sip the lcuer. Not again, 1hl, person did not
ba&eful, and ,imply cliildish only that, but i~ was written have the pta ,to sip hia/ber
mi:wkl and leave them in sideways on a piece of lined ' real name, althouah be/she
the Joumol office, unsi&ned paper.. .in marker, oo less! '-id take the time to type the
I nlipt add, I say PHOOEY Real classy ·and in1elliaen1, letter.
really valid J'Oints. By the
3. " I read your atticle in
I am very pleucd that way, I wonder if this penon the S,afolk J"'4mal Md fOWld
my inteodcd goal 1w been has ever put our publication it very offensive. Face the
ac: hie·vcd. I actually made next 1 BU'1 or IOffle other facu , you are ju11 a fresh•
some people take a quasi- school's for that You man, hcUo. You' re llYin& to
serious look at 1hemselvea might want to try ii before fit in, hello. Writina that ldod
and what the)' arc doing. Not you 1wt calling ii (explc- of [expletive] in the Joumal
only did I do that, bot I man- tiveJ.
is not aoina to help you ac all,
aaed to have a few very con2. "l've · reaJI your nu- hello. You probably joioed
suuctive convCJ"lations wjth merou1 articles a.nd bet.rd the/"'4maland~IOmcct
some mcmbcn or the fac- your radio &bow and I per• people, make friends , etc.,
ulty, staff, and a few club 1onally think that you arc but all you're doina is pillUJI
lelden..bey,I1otpoopletalk- wasting my bJDC u wcll u'1 people off, )lello.
ing. I'm psyched!
youn. In my opinioa, pick
.. No 011 likes umuwa. l
Now, ror all o/ you ou1 an organization that likes fouod aw.-, for you to mee
there wbo arc: wondcrin& what hiving yOU as a manber lftd pcop&e.. Try it, you adf'"flgh- .
kind of lcuen I aot here in stick with it Otherwise, go teow1 liale (aplc:tive]."
my lovely office in lhe hue- drink some turpentine and
Eidoled w11. a PIie from
pissooscmcbN&hfircs. SUI- " Sheela Wood's 'Have•
1. "Guess what? You cercly, President Sargent~
Friead Cub' pc:rl(llWs, with
don't have to do [expletive),
Well, hcreweblveaclu- seven.I namet outlined, !DOif.
lf ic'1 too much wort. tbco sic cue of someone who of them CJt-com fookina ror
quit You're a [expletive] , · obviously d_oesn't. rea lize rootnmatcs.
I'm not as~arped of my whal lhc column' was abc:!,lt,
This letter.wu my favorschool, but of the [expldive] but he/she bu decided
paper lhat you chum out of his/her 1wo cents wo~. in
continued on page 10toc., .

You' re sittiq, ill frcmt of
Mr. Mlpavox one aia)it. and
you can't: decide between •
"Quanbl~ Leap"_ rerun and
.. Late Night wnh Conan•
O'Brien." You have rcacbcd
·an impasse. Time is short,
The clock is ticking. Do you
have what it to lift the
ranote and make • split ICC·
Ol'ld decision that could fun·damcntally alter Che counc
of your life?
H so. you were probably
at th~t Leadership RCtreat
thing Jut week. (Mysdf, I
• • wMcbing old Spidcnnan
movies and seeing if my
whole fist still fits in my
Leaden hip . Retreat
Weebads ~ - u u n ~
Sllffolk ~ -: at which
ltlMSeftl orpmzabOII leaden
and faculty memben
to drive this Uaivc:rsity into
the around !nd pap;ote the
-,coda of Beelzebub. They.
have been, throuahou&. the
.years, a memorable cVint.
The Rdreli is all about mak~ and



·~ut I'm not convinced

• . .,


Catholic church needs to be remodeled
Ryen F o l e y Tbcle words I pen were
bom throuah, and from, ex-

segmented hwnana in
and will, without doubt,..con.
future. It$ enduring forccs

cr11tion, the produce of the
baby boomcn, an age poop
more than adhere to it Its

lhat "Camp Cody" is really

the plaee ID test onc'1 lcadcrship potential. "Camp Cody"
SOU1'ds like the place I weot
when I wu six and my p■r·
' cnts4idn'tlovcmean)111Q!r:.
Surely, 81 adults in the: ~real,.

perfect. Fu lelda'ship aame, like •w1ton
•bould all of a, crou the
IUCICtT, "'find the SOA mmberlndledmnplla""..S'"'lhe
Dc:mc St. Dell Dalb" would
be used to bood leadet to
Seader' like CtUY·ahae. •bile
blindfolded £allina: backward
lnlat excrci1e1 cmld be bappenina on the State Home
atone atepl. Pitcb IOIDC ICatl
•Iona the tldewalk aad
you've &ot an loexpeulve
~ut rewardina eodeavor. I
augca racbedwina ror lac
January, however, tq Clflkal·
ize on the old Ncr1ppy
weather" that's
2) A llfc-...ft, ae~eaty
mile■ oft' the co1111.'o l Lama;
with just• couple days food,
this could alao
CVUll to
chaiah. lmqi.aelcadcndealin, with morality quadou
CouDell membcf ~ ~ ,~ ,
the Jellyflab tint?"', NHOW
abouJd wo ~ the Rini·

be u

~';; ::;tk.n taste bd,ter
Tilk about·~
chuacter. Thon,. wowd be Joe■ of
time ID bold ,..,,,_. .~ aad
teat other eeoPC'• abilicy to
..go Vl(ith the OOW" u dlley
cue away the day, on die
open sea. all ofthem s!min~ the blame Cor ~ llcinous

- - -•:,"•":;,"'•.;._'-e.;- l'"!lil~•~'-•"'~~"''""'~"t-><ba~•~e' b " 1 ~1f-amt-mrt'11ootoruan .µl>."'-.,"", ...
"""c.Jw....,cx!"-_"J utttc....coma.JJto,u:~llil.J"-""'-- -:=':,

!:n~ :=.:. I sooo
the subject

anything else. Before

~°':°!es:m:.; :



begin, $~DB
ing to
will thepamble,RomanCatholibe tacklitlg, blu phemou.s,
cismisin~DCedofrcmodYou see, reliaion is a eling. A remodeling that
prickly t0pic, one 'that bu needs 10 be aime(ht my gen:n::


= y r : . alack,


find a more appropriate venue
to teat the: resolve of our fu.

tun: President Sargents.
arc similar, if
Here are some of my
noteuct,totheMk!dleAacs, thoughts on where next
year's Leadership Retreat
paae 9
should be held: · ·

that our times

Voices of Suffolk


continued on J11&e a

By Chrt.twl Engler and Enldne Pfl!m-

What do you think ofthe two candidates running In
· thtf Senatorial r~ce?' ·
'I'm voting for '·
Kennedy, because I
think he has done a
lot of positive things
to help the education
system; education
solves problems and
that la one of this
mariy pr1oritles;,--

'I think Romney is
better. Kennedy has
been In the Senate
too long and has
done enough damage. Camelot is
dead, get on with It."


Frank Callahan


•Kennedyhas~ In
the Senate for32
years. I think It's time
fora change."

'Kennedy. He's interested In helping.third
wol1d countries. He'U
make this countiy



theS..., ■ nN




Wedllcadoy, ~ 2 6, 1994

■ -.U

,i i F

ihc commenccmcot of a life, not the 1ymboLicnature.aimU:~
Continued from page 7
ln cxaminina lhe WUCtUrO at the tamiaatioa ol ooe.
of Enalud's current position. Hi,
where the overseeing o! pHirim- Chun::h, one area of notable conccm
Alide from ~ prieathood, the words will still have great bearma
is lhe priesthood. To be'frlnk. l,bere papaay~ be rebuilt also. Bdna and mcanina, but b.11 ablolble power

Wou.Jda't ic be c impirlna to
0llllllled Ina ...,_ 7
- ow ftlllow aadaitl doiat l0IDCwkll GIiiy • ~ ol "'llabbalicious" duq p,odUCtivc 'Ind cbaflen1in1?
Md 1 ,._., ~ oer foarlen fork tbelc f<llb ova- to me and my

:~::.:~~~ . ;~to'::w~~~
way ..,....s Middle~ polCC. Won' t
Seddlill be plmaeed to know U.C 20

all about.
We'll split 'em up in&o tcama. and
year--old Americu.1 are crawllq tce iCJ,bey cao. decide who'll be the
UOIII Ille deaat floor, lootiq for fuu to ctperieace the Pritot u.oder
ao.ble 111d ncw blaeria ro, lheir my l\ttoo. Aootbcr team .will have to
Walk-.c:n? Thia is tbe tiad of event aepmMC my clean clothes from my
all ol11111 Suffolt.WOWd be happy 10 dirty oDel (Good luc.k, campenl).
fund .
Yet anqther would have to Identify
,-4) My apartment, East Boston: and dacuss the collection of mystery
- - - -- -- - - ~ lin foil pacbies in our Fridge. I prom•
ice ycu, it would be• learning uperiencc ror all involved.
■ LETl'&R
Looaudlbon: ofit is, leadership
Coarinued from pqe 6
is a little more than rollin.a out some
my opinion ii the article is by rar lhe slc,cpiaa •bqi arMt sin&ina "Stand by
,rupidesc anicle I have ever read; and Me. .. We need• brave new 1cnerabelieve me, I have ~ pkaty of tioo ol ~ lJ11WDaliud by crud


GOtbiog comSo Mike .,.... Suffolk studenll
to voice OW' c,pimool, to wriae for the
to be a part " ••.or this fine
newsJIIP.Cf," tbal. I am jumpina oo
b: s.,i,,lk JOIUJW W8&(lll.
Here I am ldtina all of you know


Students intere~ted in Minoring in



~~ ~~

PINM contact:
E.. mentary Education:
Advisor: Dr. Sheila Mahoney
Telephone: 573-8281

Secondary Education :
Advisor. Dr. S tephen Shatkin
T&Hlphone: 573-8269


will they come to uodcnland what
tbt=y do to the entire Suffolk commu•
nity on an daily basil.
Amen to that, baby.

=.,:-:.:_-: ~ :!...~' ;:;",;:


wu he'l>doa leriou,? M,yhe the
rcuon I can' t tdJ ii bo:::1111e I lack•



huae ,_.,of d,y



ltumo,-, But,. put•

tina,dlJl' llide. I ltill'cao't figuni OUI
tba JIIIIPO'C 9' this article..



writina to fill up s.-,c in the JOflJftlll,

since it bu a abortqe of writers?
. l'Nl&. mcioa tbb.. if bc _
wl:o&a a.
U I wue one of tliotc "1ondy and
desperMe for love,. women and WU
rcadina thia .-tick. I woold fed ~




.., &


In order10Jx"p&n~~:greal;r detail how a Used Textbook Programwocks, the folk>wing Is a list of
queslions most frequ e ntly asked about the purchase and sate of used·textbooks.
Why a re te xtbooka ao




an en w ~ the upccts of i1s environmcnt truly are ephctneral.
During the 1960s, Catholicism
fuwly reprded change in the fonn
of SCVcral &r'(Klnd-breaking councils
at Vatican City. Here, many clemenull, yet andent Gatholic beliefs were
modified or eradicated. However. the
Church that surfaced from the Vatican
sum.mill wu a "new" insti1ullon, not 8 "better'' institution, still
wniibed with various flaws.
I know or these Oaws, for I was
raised in a Catholic family , was a
major partaker in Church. acti~itics:
but for several years now , I have
!&ken to the sia1 of "non-practic•


\: ~r·p= ::~~c: r:~ :=:-:::=:::!




ishes, an ideal that is troubling. Young
parishonen (I could attest to this) can
find youna clergyman cas.ier to relate. to, due to their small age differ-

encc. I am noc. insultina members or
the clergy in their elderly-ycan, but
rather iclling whai I hold to be lrUc.
Nor run ,! calling for the expulsion of
every priest in his sllll:ties: what I am
re.questing is lhc rabrication or a decree where every pan~ must be
SCJVcd by I clergyman under the a,ge
or thiny.
A sudden demand for a higher
influx of younger clergyman should
give enough rationality to pc:nuadc
the Church or lirting its ban on fe-.

:~:!~::r~:!:;;:,~:~:: :~: :::::.:!~tsc:i ~~::1~


&UICQUI thatl homogeneous, bow is

to an assemblage of appointed leadcrs, ooc to rep::cseat ~ prif!U')'
Catholic nation. Tbta "miai-popa"
could operate u spokepawn, ror
their respective countries, intuncd
with the knowled&e aad f...m.r;ty
or what their people_stand for IDd
who lhcy ~ - Under thil prop0lcd
1y11em, impending church canon and
ecclesiastical law would be labored
over auiduously, with the opiRiom
of all llltioos, all Catholics, taken in
perspective. Having equal rcprc,entadon would achieve this.
Besides hammerina out rules for
the Church, thcac. delegates could be
known publicly within their respec-

it undc,1'00d lbat I am to abide and
adbcre to apiu row- or fi".e decadcl
my ddcr, who doea oot speak my
'native toaauc. and bas oot even an
inkling of what it's like to dwell in
rpy culture or society. When you
whittle away the excess, and get
down to the bare bones, it's
1hao preposicrous.
Can you even fathom our nation
being stccrcd by a pcnon from, say,
the fringes o( Jtomaia. who bows
not a syllabl,c of Eaglilb and '1ill
confen credibility to the existence or
living vampire,? Yes, this example
is extreme, but so is the present litu,

~:s~ !:18;.:r::: :v=~:


i fo~ I lhc Onucb
to do ii
and aspects leave you reeling in• life both dedicated to 1iiod and ram- refine the suucture and desip or the when they are not wortina diligently
credulous. And that appears to be il y, something imp0Ssible before. papacy. Revert the role of the pon- wilh lhc legal side of lhcir religion.
the mutual (cc.ling among my breth- And clergy hopefuls could sec thiJ as tiff, and subKQUent OflfS, t.q ~ or a In thc ,US,. our nation~ "mini-pope"
could be, popularity-wise, 00 a par
with the President, seen shaking
hands, delivering addresses, even





Ancl 1M is when, .;ianty m,y
eclipse,.expcrience for tsbocr impiOrJ
tu= Sun, bOll,

.,.,..;.,,tlal 'ti<ll'II

·res~DI lmeiau tinl•thc: ~
younaer 1congreption -is

USED BOOKS sel tor app,o•imately 25"4 less lhan • new book. then if the book is being adapl~ ~•~· !he bookstore

Thls-.a;,~,.~~,1f.~:~~..•nt. ·


:~:;~~:\:U!■:i~ ~=

Bul how doesaatudentsave75% oftheprlee ofanew book?




ilu . the pricstbood the

·; take ~ c of )'oudl'? \ ...~ , · ·
All I'
· does
to be mu~ = - =
evening. TbeChurcb,likemoauancl,.
it\8--l st.ituUons"maJ be lndrffm:nt 'to


For Exa_

Expeflsive is a relative term, and sinc.o a book is a commodity it will reffed: marMtfon::es. Forlnstance, a
weakening dollar, the deficit, higher oil prices. etc. wil be reflected in the cost of a commodtty (book). SUbjea

Used Price . $30,00

""" .....,i..d evai. thou
~ ,...,·,11
ru~ i
1___,::~~~=f_,~w,low~d~no1:1!1i.,\o~ou~1-lt~ma~n~~•~lo,~tho-mo,;s,.1pa.,. n ~ = ~~.Pe~a~~~,t;:1:;,i".:~:::. ~- .'""'~~u:;:chem:;;~latry _j- -- l--- "4---.,.,---~~~~~~;f---':....l~~L- - - ~ -_J(~$2D~1l<>ir)t.. .. ----+-Jsd~ ~any••··cnc1~,e,~,.v;,·i=:..,:-~~:·,' --~
wilh him ·
$10.00 :
to .,..~,, c•~-~

:::i.;:ysfuDCboas • plus..

:: r'~.

If, OIi the other bud, be wu
b)'UII IO fill up space ill the JOtUJtOl.
1 CID dtint,ola lot of things thlll be
CID write about thal would enbaocc'



for • fact that lbcre arc
IUY1 oOt there that would not find
thit'amu.sift&. ID fact. ooe ol my male
~-~ ' :•~ ~
be fimny, bul he is not. 1 think he ii

=- =~

~ fillina ups~ I think he is hiah


~ ~ h i s lengthy and hu-

Look. I have a lot of school wort
to do. I could spend my time rccbwllll my aelf-portnit Prof. Park's
cl8II bccaule my first ~ ~•not a
Dlllllcrpicce. My DOSC()ll'U flat. al·
. ..... ia tcWalicy ii ii quite round



· i

I fcqoc 1o ahadow my drawin&s.:11 ii life. riahti Or I could MVc
beOII and .siudyina Ot1e
~ Yiron of Solitwk fot iny
. . . . . . eom.ina up, but 000009,

---l-li""'Cbon>wrilina. . . . . 10Jim'1sblp6d 0



~~ =~~i~~l

Does saving 75°/o hold true in all instances?

YCUI, or podibly

le$l lhcm

No. It does not In some cases. a neweo,ooniscoming OUI, or 1ne books1O111 has notye1recer,,ed anotderlorlhe 1.Jtle.


Are fac ulty mem bers concerned a bout book pricee?
Yes. lngeneral. lacultymembefsselectthose books~ give thebestvaJuef0t thec:ontentotlhe00UfM,
while keeping price in mind. Thls is why it is equaly important that the !acuity understand the usect!txtbook

11isaonesemes1a1course. eruollmenldrops.etc


Is saving a student 75% a sought after goal ?


Is the U-.d Textbook Program a cooperative effor1 ?
Yes ii is. A well run college bookstore will buy back lrom it's qwn students before going a used book
wholesaler. Along with !heir desire 10 save money, the students musl be willing to make the time and atfor,
sell back their books. II the bookatOJe has a good woril:lng relationship with the faa.,tty and department
~narors. lacully members WIii try to ~t their~ orders in on time. II lhe books!Ofe has lirnety
;~~s!::;:~:" offer belter selling prices lho t1tudenb .at thtl s:art

Yes 1 is. e 01, remembe,. the bOOltStore does not dic1a1e 1u1 selectlOf'ls 10 the faculty. Aga1n.111t1D00ks are selec:11d on
the basrs of value to the co111se However. 1 many coYeges. laculty memoers try to aoop1 a 1u1 tor at leasl IWo yHrs. Tnis
increases tha criances of 58 "'1'19 75'• ol the new pnce a lexlbook

in par•

i gencntioo' and


' How much will the bookstore ruiy for • used book?
...As much dS 50% of the new book selling price. if the book ls usea bu! no! abused, or excessively hl:lited.

How much wiH the bookstore pay for a book that was purchaMd uMd?
:~n. as mucn as S~:. ol lfle new book selling price. it the book Is used but nol abused or excessively hi•

Will the bookstore pay· SO¾ for all used booka?
No, The bookstore will pay 50":o only lor lhOse books which the ldeulty has placed a wntten book order with
the bookstore !or the uocorn1r19 Fall or Spring Semester.



th ·

Wbc:ther my opinions would fail




nu.mben;:. ·
Roman Catholicism has shattered
humankind before, but this time it's
oot jmt ourselves who·could be &roken, but the institutioa:iuelt. It'I fate.

What will ihe bookstore pay for books NOT being adopted for the next coming term ?


~~c:_7:~ ~~-~~:iue~

C.U it .,...._y, this l,WbClllar
wriwleebbtta ·~yc:oacfhod.


buying guio& ...111, the most current pnces available. The bookstore

How much Is Iha!?
Anywhere lrom nothing 1 at:>Oul 2s•~ ol lhe new sell!ng puce


~;. ::::;ac1ors1nvotveo Stnca thewhOlesaler~1no coil1rolove~~ ~~t!c;;~4:~;;~·
..,1,.hoyse. prices are kep1 loW Wholesalers olfer nolhlng 1 • new edition II conq out, the m1fket lor • pat11CU1ar title
11 small. 0, 1 the r,ile h &imOly s1agna1ed and has 1os1,ts resale value.

How does the bookstore and faculty benefit b)' the U~

Textbook frogram?

BvoltertnoveNIUbSl■ntlallllvino910lhestudentlwhaJllertwiu!tl"""'" ",..~:: "'i,,,th .... """""~•rw1thlt~.


are lhe futw:, ii fCltl


The SuffCllk Uaivasity Boabtcn ,
is lookiD&...rfor •• pmt-time c:alaied
dcwi l.tuin I ~o •rfa• ·11 1 •
1r , • riv·1,•~ 1 : :;
1 a1,




Tho Su/foll< Joumal Wocaoldoy, Ocoober 26/199,4

TboSulloll:Jooiul Wednesday, Oc:IDber~ 1994

Profes.sors study effects of
Cola in Eastern Eu!')~



p~=iwi:~;pl!:7z7oo: :::'m:~,~i~~a!~~

profCSSOr of International buaincu at
USC. "We want to see not jus1 the

While Eastern European markets
continue to embrace American products, how do American producu such

impact on busincucs, but also how

as Coca-Cola rea]ly effect e«1no-


mies in places like Warsaw. Poland,
and Buchruest, Romania? That's what
a team of researchers from Uni11crsity of South Carolina is hoping lO
find ouL

Although Fol.p: did not make lhc
trip, USC international business profCSS:On. Jdf Arpan and Jim Kuhlman
did, along wilh Doug Woodword
and Frank: Hefner, economi.stS in the

the product impacts the people as

1banks to a grant from the At- college's division of researdf.
Arpan and Kuhlman will base
Business Fellows, a [l()flprofit orga- • their research on discussions with

lanta-bascd Society of lntemational


nizatjon concerned with the intema•
tional growth or American business,
four pro£cuon and economists from
USC's College of Business Adm.inistration have headed to Eastern Europe to study the economic effecu of
Coke' s pos1- 19g9 investments in
Poland and Romania.

(617) 573-8480


from page


ite. ii ~ually presented a different
viewpoint from my own. This letter wanu IO be my shrink withou t
every having met me ia· ~ n.. .J
tbink. Again. the letter was unsigned,
and she ends on• sou.r DOie by calling me names. Hey, not ooce in my
column did I ever call anybody any•
thing. It's too bad that this person
couldn' t stay n n a conslNClive track
through the whole piece.
All in al l, I'm happy with what
bas happened so rar. It's just unfor111-

PPIC !h91


~uffolk. lfniversity1· :Calendar of Events
October 26 • November I, 1993

bow a hu1e force· like Coca..ColaA Ro:nanian _ plays in a foreign niarut, especially

for a Cou.

NOVEMBER 1·10, 1994

University Dateline

1'her-c is a lot oC-spcculation oa

Prus Service




business owners a nd consumers.
whi.le Woodword and Hefner will
cooccotraLC o n more tcc:hnical, cc0+
oomical data.
. The USC pro£essors wiU re1um to
the U.S. in the Ja1e fall and hope to
have their findings published by the
beginning of next year.
haveioownup toii.sowbyshouldn'I
you? By writing a letter like the let•
ten I've already received, you're
just ahoot.ihg yourself in the foot and
reinforcing my point
Think about it What real arguments were presented in thesC1 !etten? '"You doo t have to do (ex.pietive) if you doo ' t want to." .. You arc
wasting my ti me.'" and lei' s not for'get, "You're [jus1] uying,to fit in and
writing that kind of {stuff].•.isn'1 g0+
ing to help at a U."
1bese letters don' t say anything!
Look everyooe, aU I wanted 10


9:30 • -4:30
10:00 • 12:00
11:00 · 1:i:00
12.-00-1 :00
. 1:00· 2:00
6:30 · 10:00
8:00· 10:00

Human Resource.s SpclQSOr1 Intro to lnfonn
B.L.C. Srudy Group. Swislics 2SO
Bl..C. S1udy Group · Chemistry lU
8.L.C. S1udy Group· Micro-Economics 211
B.L.C. Swdy Group - Chemistry 211
Ruui1 Al The Croswlds- Ecooomic Re(onn In Modem Russia
Parents Orientation
Gotpel Night
"Doing BusiDea in The United Kingdom-. The World Trade. lnstiWIC


One Beacon, MIS TralDiaa llm

...... 4)0
...... 4)0


McDumou Coat Rm



1bua4ax Qdol>c:r 27

Akohol Awarcoess Dead Day Campus Ob5ervance
Human Rewurcu sponsors PC Buics
8 .L.C. Study Group· Chemistry Ill
8.L.C. Study Grou p · Ph)'Sical Scicoa: I
B.LC. Study Group· Ac.countiq 201,
B.LC. Study Group· Mlo-o--Ecooomici 211
Alpha Pb.i Omep Meeting
Haitian ~ Sludent Associatioo Meeting
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Humanilieund Modem Ullguage Mcetina
lcitiation in the New Age - Astrology talk by Christins Hal\mann
Cl.AS SemiDIJ Series: Adaptation ro Adoption

9:30 • 1:00
1:00· 2:00
1:00 · 2:00
1:00· 2:00
1:00 · 2:00
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1:00· 2:30
1:00· 2:30
1:IS • 2:30
6:30 - 7:30

Womeo', C.enterpreseotSWomen's lsaJCSandVntia.gTrends

Tnmeie Sludeol: Affairs Committee Mciting
MPA Assodlllion Meeting
Wail Until Dart/ James Productions


One Beacon, MIS Tra!Qina Rm




An:111!1' 110

Munce Cont'. Room
Sa,,ya-521 j


fd41t Odobcr 1JI
Last Day 10 Complele fiD&Ddal Aid Application for Spring l99S
8.LC. Sll.ld.Y Group· ~ :121
B.LC. Study Group• Accowuill& 201
Brown Bq Luocb with SUUllya Juy-Changes in Geodet Rok SocialiWlon
·Raito Morley ForBaltffld-Women'1 Sbelten"Liftatboa
Halloween luth&ullw
Wait Until Dark/ James Wal lace Productiom

1:00 -2:00
1:00 ·
l:00 - 7:00


Rldpway Welpl Rm .

·~ c -

C.Wabh lllalre

Satyrdfy Qgpbg 29
9:00. S:00

Suffolk Univ. f0m11icToumement


Walt Un til Dark/ James Wallace Productiora

I ba, • AK:eivedr-M-o,f-;do-,~~;;.:;;;;;;:..;.rl;;;:iH;....- -+ - -+iioo=::.....-----;wiii.ili,'uuii,,iii,06i...,ifi,-~;',w~.iii-~-iiil,,id,dio<""'•- - - - - - - - - - - - . L . . l___...C.._tl>-Il_,.:1.___

Friday afternoon, arc three counter•
productive that do not even fil
the criteria to be a letter 10 the editor.
11 was either print them here. or not
print them al all, prjmaril_y, because
they wen: all unsigned.
Hey, I have my name prin ted in
big bold lellen above my column
each wock. I have to take rcsponsibility for what I say, for lhat is lhe
na1ure of free speech. I can say wba1
I want, but I must OWQ up to it
How can I tak~ a response seriously if it hasn' t even been signed7 I

takes a s.hock to do that then so be iL
It jusl seemed 10 me that the laidback humor or Jim Behrle simply
wasn't doing the trick.
Truly, all I want to do wilh this is
get people 10 start t ~ g at their
school and start taking some pride in
it There arc so many wondcrfuJ organizatiOftS here run by many hardworking people. The problem is that
sometimes'it's the leaders of the clubs
who are the only ones participating.
Don't get mad at the messenger.
I'm o nl y telling ii like ii is.

C. Wa]Jb'TheMR r


Suodu Qctcthtc JO

Daylight Savings " Se1 OOCU Back 1 Hour
Br.!um Coocett by Emmanuel Music
B.LC. Stud)' Group · Cbemi5tty 211


C. Walsh~


MOll4'1 Qc:tol>c:c 31
AdviJ:iog, Cowse Selccllon, and Regisu.tioo for Sprulg 1995 Begi111
8.LC. Study Grou p · Statistics 2SO
Bl..C . Swdy Group · Accounting 121
8 .L.C. Slud)' Group · Accountiq 201
8.LC. Srudy Group - Ph)'Sical Scicoa: I

11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00- J:00

Tuacllr Nen:mba: I

Suff~lk University
Tbom•s M. Meaino
M•yor, City of Bostoa
,,..., 4 .



Keynote;'and Opening Address
Wednesday, Nov. 2
,, (:00 pm, I Beacon St.
25th floor, CMD Conference Room

, ......... . _ _ _ _ 1•17) 17S-M80

Center for International Education
Study abroad scholarship program
Information,s. ssion:
School of;Man'ag~~ent
Faculty Lounge, Room 521

November 4, 1994
1:00 · 2:00 pm

B.LC. Study Group · Mlao-Ecooomics 21 1
Campus Mia1stty Ollell Speam'

11:30 •

1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 -2.-00
·1:00 . 2:00
1:00 -2.-00
1:00 - 2:30
1:00 -2:30
1:00 ,1:30
1:00 ~ 2:30
1:00•~ 2:30
1:00- 2:30
2:30 • 3:30
5:00 ~ 6:00

B.LC. Study Oroap • (liaai.say W
B.LC. Study Groep· Ac:e:ouadq 121
B.LC. StudyQ-oup •Cbemimy2 11
PbiloeOpb)' Dept.. film : lbeHIIIIWI Bebe Griffith


==· c;,.~id


- ~ o,pc. -

B.LC. Smdy 0roap • Slldsliel 2.50
B.LC. Sbldy Group· Physical Sdeac:e I

c.areen: ia Labor-1 Emplo)'llml Law

Jl~JM:fftlsSuf'foltUIU~••-caleadar· For~ca-,.....ald--,dayol. . acadllalk,,_-,cr-.tia•ew:mdllll,-an......,
Ualvenily[)Mel.ineisacomprebmllverecordol . . . h: ........ ..__....__for.....,pablldlyar,·



TheSulfoll:Joumal Wodacaday,Oc:lobcr26, 1994


Univ~rsity DateLine
Suffolk University"{Caienclar of Events
)ctober 26 - No✓ember I, 1993


w4lj October 26
• 12:00

One Beacon. MIS Trainlna R.rn

Human Resou,ces SpoMOfl ln tco 10 Inform

Ric:f&ewaY Rrn2117 .


·-1 i:oo


B.L.C. Study Group · Statistics lSO
8 .L.C. Study Grou p . ChcmiJtry 111

-1 :00



Parenu Oricntalioo
Gospel NIJbt



8 .LC. Study Group • Micro-Economic1 2 11
B.L.C. Study Group . Cllcmi stry 21 1
Ru11i1 At The Crossroads- Ecooomic Rcf0m1 In Modem Runia

"Doing Busineu in Thc Un iled Kingdom" - The W\lrid Trade Institute

McOermol,1 Coof. Rm
West End Cburcb

141Y Qdohc:r U

B.L.C. Study Group. Cbt mi stl)' m


a.LC. Srudy Group· Ph)'lical Science I
8.LC. Study Group - Accounling 201
B.LC. Study G«,up - Micro-E..-ooomia 21l




Sawyer 1125
Sawyer 1126
Fenloa 337

Alpha Mli Omep Meeting

Fencoa 438

Humanities aod Modcra Language Meeting

Arcbcl' 110
Mu.nee Cool. Room

Initiation in the New Ase · Asirology talk by Clui11iru; Hafunann
a.AS Seminar Scrie1: Ad&pultion IO Adoption
Women'• Centerprucou Women' s luues and Votio1 Treods
Trustee St~1 Atrain Com:niuee Meeting
MPA AuochWoo Meeting


women's tennis team
subslitiuled by Sharon

Mastropietro. a player who
bas held that primary spo< all
II bas hot been the most • ICGOG. "'Sharon is ID inmemonble of seasoos for aedible·player. butsbe'salJOURNAL

One Beacon. MIS TBinin& Rm

Haitian Americu S1udcn1 Auocluion Meeting
Bela Alpha Psi Meetio1




By Ryu Foky

Alcohol Awarcocss Dead Day Campus Observance
Human Rcsourca spooson PC BuiCli

I :00


. Bright spots.on an
otherwise dark year for


cw•'"'""""' I

Wail Uodl Dart/ James Wallace Productions


womcn' 1 ~ butstill.that
iadiVMlual bipligbls. For

ways hurt, .. commeoled
l.evmson. Preseotlythelleam
is nilied in a funk that has
mncn,.thacisNIIMhaZok, witncs&ed them win a mere
born ad bred in the country one match all year.
of Switzerland, who as of
But similar to !IS beg_inyesterday's match had al- ning.thisyear'srcoditionof
teady.logpdfourwins. Then women; s teMis could also
then:isJcnniferLammers,a e11d on a bitter note. 1hc
sophomore transfCr s_t~pt end of the season will be

who bas 108#4 ID •
impres- disappoin~•: for two ~-

Lan Day to Complete Anantial Aid AppliCl.lion for Sprin& 1995
B.L.C. S1udy Group · AcCCM.1oli11g 321
B.LC. Scudy Group· Accouoling 20 1
Brown Baa Lunch whb SII.Ullya Ray- Cbanaea ill Gender Role SodaliUlioo
Ral•Moaey For Battered Women's SbellUl • L.iflathoa
Halloween Rauutellar
Wah Uni.i i Dart/ Jame5 Wallace Producti001

• 1:00



Rid&e-Y Wdpl Rm


C. Wahb TbelUe

MY Od;eba: 19
Suffollr: Univ. ForelllicToumameni


Walt Uni.ii Dart/ James Wallace ProductiOQi
Walt Unti l Dart/ Jamel Wallace Productioas

C.~alsblbeltre :

sive 11--tn:cx,rd&s,itehav-' SODS," l.cVCllSOD deduced.
ing opened her season late. ~ wearetheOlllyscbool
. And who~could dismiss inthecoofercnccnOIIOhave

Cad>ien H0111g. one of sev- woo_
aconferencc game. aDd
endpntiCtic::ul&rcgularsdown two: the' tournament
It the a.tes River .Part
complexudthepossible fu.

tbe commencement of the

,x QdotH:c JO

season ~have
Dayll1bt Savings - Sf:1 Clocb Back I Hour
Brahms Coocer1 by Emnwiuel Music
8 .L.C. Srndy Group · Chemistry 211


~ ;s:n~~~==n Sf:lecli~: and Registt11tion for Spring 1995 Begins


B.L.C. Study Group · S1ali1lics 250
B.L.C. Study Group · Accountin,: 321
B.L.C. Study Group• Accounling 201
B.L.C. Study Group · Physical Scieraee I

· 12:00
l :00

Mt! N_ewrnba: I
• 12:30


, 5:00

, 6:00




, 2.-00
-l :30
· l:30
. 2:30
, 2:30
, ) :30


Lll:t Day IO Apply for Febnwy Gr.du&lioo
B.LC. Study Group · Mim>-Ecoooaiia 211
SOM qmpenoru Meetin,

• 2:30




B.LC. Study Group-Cbemilbylll
B.LC. Study Group · Accou.adoa 321
B.LC. Study Group · Cbemlmy 211





• ~ ;,, ~


Pbilolopby Dep. . Film : Tho Human ~Bebe Griffith


eaq,us Poiibe MBTA Prescmidoe
BetaAJpbaPJi Medin&


8.LC. Sn.idy Group· Ph)'5ieal Sdcooe I

Careen in Labot nl Employmeot Law

1 ••: I I



.. ....,.,..,


eo..tiae 211

1tSulfoltUniven:lty'1rm,tie,rcalcadar. Forinlonmdcooe1aylCbedialede-,111y.,oflheacomicyar.orU>liJt111ewa: dlMparepa.....,
. . . . WMN-focp!almina. plblid~or ~ lalonmdaL

73-80l2. Uniwnity OateLIDC ii a comp,eberuive recoi:d_ol.tlat it ~

not been • compleo:: SQUID·
dcr. Alloftbeceams' membeB have earned coveted
experieqce in how the game
isplay,,dandopcrad. "Ibey
hive improved a lol ,"

slotted in the ownber one
position, went down to a crs. "Therehasbeenalotof
knee Uljury' and ba4 ~ be ~ L "

Jay Qdobtr 31


ourhomepaitand we won' t
twcqq,quad tluiisstockcd be playing in ii."
with imaerclassmen aod forRegardless, the year bas

B y ~ l'lldlGo


Fo, cumple, a 200

JX!UDd bench 5X'CII Sponson:d

Suffolk student Bica Pcteraon was recently awarded ·a plaque from the National
Collegiate Athletic Aasociation for leadiog
Division 3 in ~o base hits in 19ftbaU pliy.
Peterson, a 1992 graduate of Medford High

School. had' 15 doubles in 22 game, last


::=.i:r,.::h=; :_~betJ!cOO:.C:dUU:: wcc~Y
money for such. a good
A1ao, with October bcin&
National Domeatic Violence

-•--! .

___'!_,._. _

in a 28: ts. Closely behind
bCr, and roundin& out the
univenity's Jone three cballeng6'1 , were Jennifer
Vcrlicco (30:13) "ind4lrlancy
Glennon (30:27) .

tffiWAE: r.:rorth:.Cm~:,:

at the
Clwnpiooshipt, the womm'1
side did ,oot place due to a
dearth of nmncn. Failirlg also
10 pin alou becauae of deAw•mc•:' Mcmtb.tbe~ fautt, · were the c0Ue1cs or
was euy to make.
Revere, Pine Manor, and
Moat important, its oot Maine Maritime. 1'hil took
too 1- to apomor a Lift-A- the pramre off or DOI having
Thon panicipant, or to enou1b women to place,"
- - • • IINlllcrs.
· coutact Officer Romprey said an 9p1imi1.1ic co,ch
WIiii p11ticisiaru1 in the aboat ~ • ~ Walab reprdina tlie 1ituaUft•A-n. . _ do i1 a yoanelf. niereareltillarew lion. ..

. . ~...,.......,

10 Dave Alim, who finilW
llthovaallfromaamalou. 1
field of 78 rwmera, and fine 1
fortbeadlool'W'Uba28:14. It
wa Allal'l' maidc:n nm ror
Suffolk cron-oowatry, after
arriving baeiio Boatoo from
the town of Loraio, Ohio.
Kamas' tnmfer Du Alperin
continue, · to abine on tbe
cOUrse, u T(ell. Overan, J
Alperin- tallied a time or I
29:30,&oodmooabfor3Clb ,
place overall, ud. aec:oad

lalima:f«S.all: for Safrolt wu Noreen
_MdlridcnuminalheCOWIC ~ . . . -


more here at I
award from Su
Nelson. •.

at five CCDtl per pound would
mean $10.00 toWard lhis ~By Ryan FO,ey
oeUeot ,cause.
willspociioral.ift-A-1bonin • · M foc.cboosin"g 'to hen- - - - - - - the Jljdgeway Gym. From I- dit the· city ' s battered
BQth the men •• and
women' s shelters, Officer women's _
crou-oounlly £eam
,,um.... fomm..... ...... ,Romprey said, -He thought participatedtn meets this past

to bDlle6t bmered WOIDCQ'I
,abdlen ....ct Boe&oa:Officer Lee Romprey of
111111, Sllffoll: Uai~ Police
. lltlpalmmt. ,aaeoltboo,p.._.GfdleeYmt,aplliaed
wilill W Uft-A-Thoa ii aad
..,,-., dlote to donate the
_ _ , IMy niJe to t.uen:d

scored witl

Cross country temru.

On Friday 9(tober 28,
the Suffolk Univcnity Police



Peterson,. crin


,... ,.,,

! .,.430



d a.d>

Bright spots on an
otherwise dark year for
women's tennis team


Suffolk star honored by ·N CAA

subsiitiuted by Sharon
Mastropietro, a player who
has held thatprimatyspotaU
It has not been the most season. "Sharon is an inmemorable of scuons for aediblcpl.ayer,butshc'salBJ-.,_Foley


rya 1125
rye, 1126
mtoc 337
,w yu426

womcn'stennis,butstill, that

cannoldiscemfromthcmany . l..eYCnSOD.~llythetcarn
individual highlights. For is mired in a funk that has
starters,thc:rcisN&ltihaZok, witnessed them win a mere
born and bred in,thc country one match all year.
of Switr.erland, who as of
But similar to its beginyesterday's match had al- ning, this year's rendition of







women's tennis could also
end on a bitter note. "The
end of I.he season will be

"(lu._....i, . . _


ina out of tbc q, of
Safe1)' omc:or·









.k,ggcdfourwins.. Then

~ is Jennifer Lammers, a

sophomore transfer student
who has logged an impres-

disappointing for two reasive I l-4~despitchav- sons," Levcnsdn deduced.
ing opened her ~ n late.
wearclhconly school
And who could dismiss inthcconfercnoenottoha~
Catbien Hoang. one of sev- won a conference game, and



A ps ICU: oa Ridpway
1ue1day mornioa prompted
evacuation of studcnts and faculty
Responding immediately 10
ports of the ltl'Oog odor ol DMmal
in the area, Sutroit: Police
top of Ridge.wax Lane bad

ways hurt," commented

IW)W430 .

er,lpncricia,c,egvlarsdown two, the tournament
II the Oaarles- River Park (NEWAC's)isbcinghcldat
complcx.andthepossiblefu- ourbomcparkand,lcwon't
ttm:ofasquad thatisstockcd be playing _n it."
withundcrcla.wocnandforRegardless, the year has
nor. been a com lctc squanPm Lcvcnson and c:rew, dcr. All.of the teams' mcmthe COmmcnoement of the hers have camcd coveted
season could have been a experience in how the game
harbingcrofevcntstocomc. isplayedandopenl(Cd. 1'hcy
StarpiaycrAngcligucMullcr, have improved a lot,"
slotted ia the-number one Levcnsonpraisc4_ofhisplayposition, went down to a ers. "'There h a s ~ IOl of
knee injury and bad to be improvement"

Lift-A~Thon in ltidgeway Gym
..,. KriRa, Padlo,


On Friday October 28,
the Suffolk Ulllveniity Police


fo, oxampl~ • 200
pound bench preu·sponsored
at five cents per pound wou.Jd
mean $10.00 toward this D.-

cellcn1 cawc.
Ai r9r -_s:tioosing 10....ben,
efit the city's battered
' women's shelters , Officer
Rom~y said. "We' thought
it would be good to illltiale
IOlllcthing that would raise
money for such a &ood
Alao, with October bcina
Nal.ional Domestic Violence
Awmncsi Month, the cboioe
WM cuy to make.
M~ important, its DOI
too late to spouor a Lift-AThon panicipant, nr 1n
- • • lllcllers.
conatact Officer Rompre,'MIit JWlic::ipants in the about bccomia& a participmt
Lill-A•1'ltoa muat do ia a yound:f. 1'beRa .-e ltill a few
- - - ~ ,._ where days to 10 &o coUect 1bo1e
. . . . . . . . . . . . . uy lpOIIIOn. lt1Ul'!llforSuffolt

will i ponsor a.Lift-A-Thon in
the Rid~ay Gym. From I3 pm, men and women from
the Suffolk com°lunity can
abowc;uc their bench preu
,-,,.,at wbile raisina i:ooney
co beodit bllucrcd women's
sbellcn 8ftMlDd Bost.oa.Officer Lee Romprey of
the Suffnlk Uni?CRity Police
. nie,.tmem. OIIC of the.orpailln~lbecvcat,aplai.ncd
wllll die Lift.-A-Tbon is ud
."7 ..,. cbolc to donate the
--,.cky raise to bauercd

_'f!_W _


diiif:" ..

cominaupt.llnllp. . .
adjacent to lhc


... - b e

the·--.··,. .


w<lddqmtbe_,.... ..... ...,.


""'1od10wmofflho . .
lioo.A&rtbepa ... lllmliilalf,a.1 . .

Su'ffolk student Erica Peterson was reccrilly awarded a plaque from the National
Collegia1e Athletic Association for leading
Division 3 in IWO base hill in softball P.lilY•
Pe:lcnon, a 1992 graduate of Medford High
School, had 15 doubles in 22 game, lasl

. .
the Ramcttcs and ranked sixth in the natioo in
runs sco~ ~th a total of 37. S h e ~
19 runs batted in and Cranked four bomen.
Peterson, a criminology major and ·a sop~
more here at the univeniity, received the
award from Suffolk Athletic Director Jim


Both the men ~ and
women'! cross-country team
..participated in meets this
Saturday ill the NEW AC
Cbampiomhjps. the women's
side did not place due 10 a
dearth nf runners. Failing also
to pin slob btausc of default, were the colleacs nf
Revere, Pine Manor, and
Maine Maritime. 'This took
the pressure off of not bavin&
enough women to place,"
said an optimistic Cnacb
Walsh regard.fog the situalion.
F.uuabiQS in t.bc top OD&cb
for Saffo'¥ was Noreen

in a 28: I 5.. Closely "behind
her, and· rounding out the
university's lone three challengers, were °Jennifer
Vcrl.icco (30: 13) lsnd Nancy
Glennon (30:27J'i,.For the men, the eyeopcaer of the weekend went
to Dave Allen, who finilbed
I Ith overall from an cmulous.
field of 78 runncra, ud 51'11.
fortheschoolwitha28:U. It
was Allea's maidea nlll ror
Suffolk crou-country, after
aqiving here iD Boltoa from



...... . - . . . " ' - "· ...................... 111o

..;:.~~~"'"': .~-:;=~:.=.i..~

ton Public Worb ~ - bad iDC ihe" tipl..
- - . .. the ... tipl fbtu,o
Wl'oll< .... - ..
•thetopolltxiF,wayl.aae.tceard- repoc& &111-.ialenni"- RIOCCaftlDCIII
ill& s.c..,OfflouScaolaawonmd· _ _ _..___..,..,.-.,,.
to Suffolk Police.
" "' ........ odnr, and . . . Oai


The remaining top fi ~e
for Suffolk were Scott Dunn',
Dan Burke, and Miic Duran
who all ~dcd the squad to an
overall ))Osition of sixth.
beat schools tbat•have beMcn
us all year," summarized
Walsh. '"We're Jeaiaa kids
wilh talent that are wortina
vtty bard."
Rcprdina tbc immcdi•
a&c: future., Walill ccmmcac.ed
on,: mccu on FriWheaton CoUeae ud

!Old. ·me dloy bed ..
. pn,blanbodboeo_..i,ridtdle
. . Us,. ad • ~ble .... .... c;1y~ •

... •
aevaa1 limes in Ibo ... IDDblb, and
Sc:an10o ootrfted the . P"blic !!J118
tllat B - Ou ud ,._...., W'OfU ~ dac:ri.bed -

... -

- • - ......

!lioirP!"-ad•--·· .. ..


...... ......... .,, ......... ..- ........... ._. __



........_ .. bod!or ............



,_.s.ioloo..._.......,...__.... ._ ............. -""" ....
dooy_,ad_,. ..._ _ .___,.,....._ ... ,did ... _ Cua
"TIie -


- ~ . , Ille



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u,11. • .-:

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~s.,,,a.i;.... ~ - ......., _
k--•dlep,oM,a . .
..-apeoed-.lbept ... _ _ _




...... ~

. ~,....--.'..
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continues to 1hine on the -"Our pJ ii to do well 81. the
cQUnica as ;well. 0Vera11, NCAA' • and to reach our
Alperin tallied a time of poccotial u a team. It'• been
29:30, aood mou.Jh for 30th an eajoyablo acuon with

~ .. Scaloa,

Police ..S . ......... ..,.. _ _ , . . _ " ' ... : ]
.. - ftysic:al f'lallll ~ at thia tiao ...etber ill

.............. ~ .... -


q ~~II_!



day ..

lllcllridef!IDDln&tbecoune ~ o ~ , and aecoDd -~1


NpQltl Scmkm.


l"()SS country teams in meets
~ A l .. 5TAEF


~=8:':u°:,: :-J

went il!fD buildiap m the . . . ,ridt . . Uno wilbm ten ........ How• paid j
gas vapor_
·monitorio& ioltrumcllca,, ever, 8-m 0. ..iaformed Scalaa f'illl J


By Ryan Fole1

"Ii_....,...... _

~ - ~....., ~ dle ·tiplad·occa-






Suffolk star honored by NCAA

B~t spots on ·a n
otherwise dark year for
women's tennis-team



substitiutcd by Sharon
Mastropietro, a player who
his held that primary spot all
Jt-~z:tlbocnthcmost season. "Sharon is an inmemorable of seasons for aediblcplayer, but S&e's alBy '~Foiey

., -



A pa leak on Ridaeway Lane.
tuesday momin1 prompted the
evacuation of studatts and faculty in
lhe Archer building.

Relponding immedialely to reports ofthesuong odorotnaturuaas
in the area, suffoft - olice rcptdd
thattheheadofa~ . . . . . • •
top of Ridgeway Laoc bed

ways hurt," commented

~discc.mfromthemany l.cvcMOn.Preseatlythetcam
is mired in a funk lhal has

Witnessed them win a mere
one match all year.
But similar 10 its beginning,thisycar'srcnditionof
readyk>ggedfourwins. lbeo women's tennis could also
lhcrc is Jennifer Lammers, a end on a bincr note. "The
sopbomon::: transfer student end of the season wiU be
who has logged an impres- disappointing for two rca-


'"'Ouvappn'could--ing out of the qip ol Dlla.:

fixw,e." i.pG!ll9ioltilllti

=::.t~.... .

sivc 11-4recorddespitcbav- sons," Levenson deduced.

Lift-A-ThQn in Ridgeway Gym
By KriAm Pa!U•


~ A l . STAff

On Friday October 28 ,
I.he Suffolk UniveBily Police


For example. a 200
pound bench press sponsortd
at five cents per pound would
mean $10.00 'toward this accllcn1 cause.

· : \ : : ~;; ~y~~•;!:
efi1 A~h~r ;~,~tgb:~t~J1~
3 pm. men apd wOttlcn from }"Omen's shelters, 0((icer
the Suffolk community can - Romprey said, "We thought
~ !heir bench press it would be good to initiate
prowcu while r, mooey aomcthing that would raise
to ·beocfit bauere.d women's money for such a good
lbellcn around Boston:cause."
OfflCCt Lee Romprey of
Aho, with October bcioa
die Suffolk Univcnity Police National Dome.tic Violeocc
Ocipaanc:llt. ooc or the o,p-- A ~ Moolh., the choice
.._.mtbcevcnt,ei:plaincd wa euy to make.
..._ die Uft-A·'lbon is and
Most importlnt, iu DOI .
~ dleJ' c:hotc to donate the too I.ale to sponsor a Lift-A. - , ~ raise to battered Thon participant , or 10
.__.., alldw-s.
conatact Officer Romprey
·wr.t s-dcipanu in the about bccomioc a s-mci•
Li/t-A·Tboa must do is a younelf. Thc:reaeltillafew
- - - . . . . . . . . where day1 to So to colloct tbole
.., ...W be ____. aay spoGICn. Its ~for Suffolk
.... ,1--,
ttudcata to ICf. pumptdt



=::.=· -=

"One, wearcthconlyschool ·

Calbien Hoang. one of sev- - won acoofcrence game, and
cnlJnClicia&:n:gularsdown two, the tournament
a1 the a..les River Part
complcundthepossiblcfu- ourhomeparkandwcwon't
tureo(asquadthatisstoc:k-m be playing in it."
withundcrclassmcna.odforRegardless, the year has
not been a complete squanForl..cvc1150n and crcw, der. AU of the teams' mcmthe oommcnccmcnt of the hen: have earned ~vcted
SCtiOfl could have been a experience in how the game
harbingcrofeventstocomc. isplaycdandopcn11Cd, 1hcy
SlarplayuAogeliqueMuUcr, have improved a lot,"
slotted in lhe number one Lcvcnsonpraiscdofhi.splayposition, went down lo a crs.1bcrehasbccnalotof
lcncc injury and had to be improvement"



individual highlights. For
bom and bred in the country
of Sfttit?.crland., who as or
ycstcrday's match had al-

~g opened her season late.
And who could dismiss





lhcltftlel. •


E1cctrician Jolm. Sui.liven

~-0.j,<qcn- '


~ t o ~ l b o, piOl_ .~
·~ . , •b e ~
'11 wa IU-1
Sul,follt ,polk:t _ _ _ . . ...,..,_"'~



A gu company reprcientative
went into ~u.ildi:np io. the D ·witb
gu vapor, mooitorina i.utrumeatt,

in lhe nation in
runs SCOred with a total of 37. She also bad
19 runs batted in and cnmkcd four homers.
Peterson, a criminology major and a aopb~
more here 11 the university, received the
award from Suffolk ·Athletic Director Jim
lhe Rameues and ranked sixth

Suffollr. s1udent Erica Peterson was recently awarded a plaque from the National
Collegia1e Athletic Association for leading
·vision 3 in two base hits in softball play.
Pct.erson, a 1992 graduate of Medf'oa!- High
School, had 15 doubles in 22 game. last



The remaining top five
for Suffolk were Scott Omo.
Dan Bum:, and Mike Dwan
who aJfaidcd the squad 10· an
overall posi'ticin or sixth.
'7his wasourfirittimel0
beat schools that have bear.en
us all year," summarized
Walsh. '"We're pttiq Dk
with talent tfiat UC wuting
very hard."
Reprdina the immediOD


informed Sca:akm


wen.a ..

paid off. no Forawcs team took
Pint-Place ill tho S-.r,cepillbl • me

, Uncobl
tu Dilia'


.a- 10 di
ne ....... • ............. ~
K-. ~




too Public Worts depadm- had U11 the lipL
boea womoa oo lbe1M ~ llxmn,
,tlbetopofllldgewayl-,_,..iC, _ Sutrollt _ _coaliilaod •• "'1,. i ~ . foant, m .... -_._-...,.
... employees _ _ - ......... - . . ... ....

· . , ~ , _ -.....

- a ,( -

.... -. ...... -

............. _
the """' Offi=Sapetmor dial a · - - -dley_llad- '"lklbe ~ • Siad Maller. c:calloi(IIN
B011on 0. s..toa mfonaed I.bit "'dlay told me ' - doM wiD -


Walsh commented
upcoming mC:CU
Friday .. 'Whclloa College ,nd .
the impcndin& . NCAA / ReJionab: at Soulhem Maine.
NCAA's and lo .reach OUI;
poceotial u a team. It't bccu
80 enjoyablo ,euon with
many, quality lddl- comin& 1
. ·-- - - ate future,

eva-, eo,&cm

-s::1~:,,,U:."'I!::l.::. - ~9:,.;~:::...,~
• ;ag1oSu1Jo11tPolice.

in 11 18:15. Oosely behind
her, and rounding out the
801h the men' s and ·
,y!s w1:: ~n!~;
women's cross'-counl.ry lCam. Verlicco (30:13) and Nancy
partjcipatcd in meets this past Glen.ion (30: 21).
For the men , the ·eyeSaturday at the NEW AC opener of the weekend went
Oaampioaships, the women•, to Dave Allen, who finished
side did oot plaoc due to a I Uh overall from an emulow
dearth of runners. Failing also field of 78 JWIDClS, and fil'll
to gain slou because of de- f«tbe~wilha28 :14. It
tautt, were the colle&ca or wa Allco't maiden run r«
Revere, Pine Manor, and Suffolk crou-country, after
Maine Maritime. 'This took arriving here in Boston from
t h e ~ off of not having the town of Lorain, Ohio.
enough women 10 place," Kansas lnllllfcr Dao Alperin
taid an optimistic Coach continues to rshine on the
Walsh regarding the situa- colJrses u weU. oVeraIJ ,
Alperin tallied a time of
fioishina in the top DOich 29:30, &ood COOU&h fol' 30th
for Suffolk Wat Noreen place overa11, and accond.
McBride rum:llQ& the coune bebjad Allen.



ootheportof~Fo<awcs- , - - , ~
memben Md tbc coachina ttaff ha be pGll'IJd a

gerous , _ of._,. '• ...... oil dlo 1M ....... 1ip1. 11oo Yqct thew~ of' Oclcb_c, 21.

Cross country teams1n meets
Py Ryan FO,ey


:...,.... rtpartl
' s-taaooafied-0..,nd
perioDml ~ to tum off the
.. lino wichia ten. minules: How•

~ h a d ~ ~ - ... .i-,~oadit ..... ~ . . . . . .
" " Uthl ud ·a ~li!>le ps t•· Cily. ' •

acvml dmie:s :in tbe pett' IDOlllb, and ~ Scanlon notified the Public·
tlsal Bo.toa _
O,. llid aappotodly w'o,u d e ~ described dail


Wmb 0..,.-'"' Od<lbs 19." IIIUI..., woaltl ..._h wo,un
atafcd Sc:alm. .._ rcqDeSUld tber. ""wilbiadtcbour":biil.Scaloa."bpt
Ibey :ftllPODd~
bccmle the odor . . c:bocldac for tbcm, bur. I did aot 8IC

"It . . , ...... - . . . . . . . . . . . . of 11t1te - " "
wrm lea ot tcllooll flam odaer ltlllCl8
' ~-~
>"Mlry~'1pllced- -

p ......


aodmlhoUocololJoaala- _
foant, .,._ la dtc . , , _ Dtio.
■ad fifth place in Pen•u.ion.
Clllloiapalll, COIIUbCDtio1 on the

'")be_,.......,.,,.... -.. .. - ,.,- • _ _

.. .,.




=.~--=--= c1o---a. . . . . . .:::=,:';; =

. ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ ....,.. _ _ tbet.-)loflho ..... 1 - . lank ■y Mca far '
Uoivenity Police Ull ")'liclll Plalll ~ ■I daia limo whetber World. _ ..,

-::-..:.: :..;"i
··--..... ..-..... """"tint"'.._. ....

----- -------


, _ _ ...

L u i ~. . . . . . . . , . . _ ~ - ~ - - - ~ • -

~~~- ~~ . , _.,..-


,_ a. r, ..
