File #4213: "Suffolk Journal_1994Nov16_vol53no10.pdf"


Tbo Sutrollc Jouou1



w-.y, November 9, 1994


· uffolkSportss



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A chage comee over



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NawSuffolk ~

Volume 53, NLmber 10

Freshman forward Ucal

Eodin& with an ovcraU
record of ICM, the Suffolk
IOCCCr &carb can DOW ~
oa their put Kasoo and make
. plans forucxt year. This time

however, with competition
oflkially over, lbc playen
md . ., positive things to
•Y• U oppDICd to rcccol SCI·
Senior defender, Tatsua
Naaa;oe, believed that the
team played bcUu than e.-

pecled ... la his fourth and
final year of cligibi li1y ,
Nagasue said he enjoyed the

most sUCCCISful
in Suffolk'• history. "The
ICUOO, the

coaches supported us and
ftlCOIIIUUCted the Learn. This
year we had more players, a
kt more Went. and also had
fun. I'll miss this team." he

Joba Mkuel StcWUt, a
junior &oalkccpcr, sax!, "this
was tbe best IJ'OUP of BUY•
I've worked with in my 12
~ o( playing soccer. I'm

year in whic.b I
iQl.cod to be captain and bring
seMOQ .• DClt

eveo more u.nhy."
Stewa11'1 tcam~c. de·
fender Jose
.. ~1guel "
Fenrandes agmcd ·•Au the
CUYI are pal. They were•
very important to me ia be·
com.Ina intc~·bere." said
Fernandes, a• Ponugal-bom
player, wbQ had a rem~kable doun. gom this year.
Yaun Shureidch said oppooeou are provided
with facilities such as a field,
and Suffolk is not. "Other
teams have their own field

aod doo ' I acbie~• o\ucb.
We're • team thac docs not
hi ve a fie ld : ud we"' ve
acbievt.d suoccaa which indicates that we have gteal

By SUvla M.dia

bu.sineu on the. fie.Id."
Oventll aca.son, Suffolk had a shot in entering Lhc
Ea.stem .Collcaiate Athletic

JOUaNAl. eotnamllT'tw:
The Suffolk Univenity 11Udcnts
will be the 1t.ars of the c. Walsh
Theatre stage this week u swdent
directon SllllJlflC Been and Tomoko
Kawasaki make their directorial &buts in the Suffolk Student Theatre
Ono-Act Play Festival to be pn:sented
TbuJ1day, Friday and Saturday.

Coofcreocc (ECAC} 1oumame.n1... However, to be &eriously comidered by the de-

ciding committee, the •earn
needed to win its rcmainiQ&
games. The lcam WU not
able 10 complete the task..

.. Hello Ouc There" by William
Sa royan and directed by Senior

Nonetheless , Franczak
said lhat the team e•cecdcd
his apoccaiions. l o be hor.est. I didn't think they'd be

lhis ca.lented. Everyone made
a lot or sacrifica. We had a
g.rcat season with just a few
problems. It was a learning
e.pcrience in dealing with
all the different pcnon.alities.
I'd like to see everyonc come
bad," he said.
Franczak has many
changa in mind for the Rams
next year, wantina a 11able
ractice site and addina
higher quality to toor SC

ulc. Though. 1w one di~
p:,intmcnt of the year was the
lad: of support from the stu·
dent body. ..We reprcscm
the school and give it a good
name. The playen work so
hard and no one comes. to KC
us play," said Franc:r.ak.
In olhcr prcpanllions for
next IUSOO, the team will be
playing indoor soccer from
January 10 April. Toumamcot play during that time
has yet 10 be decided upon
by the coaches. "My 1cam
goal for next year is' to make


pl,y. My ..,.

tonal goal is to keep all the
AHistant Coach John
Natale was limilarly amar.ed

potr::~ ~~:eade, :!":.'!:1'::i~;

Phil F ~ know u lbe
"lw:Maodsoul"byhulcammata. also bid mucb ~
to bellow upon his ceam•
...., "We managed to iron

Suffolk Studenffheatrepresents
evening of one-ad plays

McKenzie echoed tti,ll. UWc
had a (cw uruggles here and
~ . but that~ with any re•
building learn, We put OU~
diffcrcncc1 uide and sccured

year and thii year we
eodt.dup 10.-.. h 's been an
amaun1 seuoo. even with
all lhe advtnities, the tnveling, and ,such. Nut year

Touglt endings on a _ough course
The month of October
conclude.d with Suffolk's golf
team contesting ia lhe New
England Championships in
New Seabury . Their last
match or the IC&SOO, saw the
1quad placin& 38th from a

group or 236 olher gotfcn.
Placing behind Dupill
was Mike DcBenedich, who
shot scolU or 83 and 8.S.
DcBenedictis' total of 16g
gave him the I 14th slot in the
final standings. Finishing
lhird for Suffolk WU Chris

'PJ'be team did rdatively
well," praised Head Coach
Tony Farma. "Most of ou.r
players shot well on a very
tough course."
Pacing Suffolk was ChriS
DupiU, a standout all season,
whoshotan81 on the match's
ini1ial day of competition.
The followina, and final day
of the New Eniland's, DupiU
scored an 84, giving tbe
sophomore a two-day overall Iota! of 165. His numbers

(92 and 85) which sent him
to 164th place ovcraJI.
Af1er the fint day of
course ac6oc. Suffolk fou.ocl
itsdf 1ittin1 in 21st, as' oc. the
head coach had aimed his
eyes for prior 10 the New
But his hopes of ending
the championships· near the
middle slOll were ,quashed
the OCXI day during the final
r(IWldJ or COfflpctilion.
"The second day was


~ . even Lhouah
w, ...I q:ree or uader-

._ . _. ott. • ~ -

We' re
pick up tbe 11act, pick' up I
toape, aclledolic, 11M bead

for p o l l . _ play."



cougher on the guys," wrmised Coach Farma. "We
were competing against
mainly Oiyjsion I and Division I~ sc.~ls."
With this year's rendition of golf now over. bow•
ever it may have closed,
Coach Fatma stiD bas next
season 10 look __
towaids. Evwill be rebJ.ming DClll autumn
with the e•ception of one
player (New England Cham·
pionships participant Manuel
Bal~~~- year was a ~Ging year more than anything

else. I'm really looking forward to ncJtl year."

The excitement is moum-

rape. 1be 1000Dd. pliy. "The l;.ady
Aio" by Yuti0 ,Mishima and directed

audience will uoderitul' ud find
What makes the pllf special is
that lhe lttldciftts ffll imoduecd 'to • ·
oew cultUM. Lut weet."Pton5ii¥«
~ of unrequited love.
Marilyn Plo&kma, who is superviaills
Been .... drawn to the mood of the production, the a,st ot-ne Lady

by Tomoko Kawasaki, is • modemi.utioo ol a lnditional Jape.nise Noh
drama concemiac .the aJJ-consuming

~;:-~~eq:::: ;::::i; ::·i::!ct~=i~~-~i

with the teclinp of our genetation.
The play, set in a desolate town in

hope to those who do not think one
person can make a difference.
Saroyan wrote lhe play in ooe night
and c\edica1ed to famed playwright
George 8emard Shlw.
. According to Been, "the most
difficult part in directing the play has
been gcttiaa the ictcn to fclcl com• fortable with one anocher, eapecially


ina. even tbe bead bu :n~d~r ~ : ' ~
llalcd so, and only mere days record. and wc:rc labe1t.d u
remain till tht;; commence- · being a taleated team •bo
men1 of the 1994-95 Suffolk u.ndaachievt.d.
hockey season.
Talent docs eaist withift
"I am more excited about the Rams, bavi.aa 'eibibited


~-= the~=- :


hue bow it will manifest
itself thi1 year remaina to be


facts or Japaacse culture. and al•
lowed lhem to view a film -oaf"'tJWH.
tiooal Noh drama and a, tape of a
prowctioo oC '"!be udy Aoi" Iha
he dira:ted • Wdlealey.
The playwright, Yolcio ~ishima,

coatinued oo pqc 2

Michigan welcomes . orensics team

doun playeri due to J!Wlua·
tion, and will rely heavily on

the ICUOO.
from l•t year's llnc-ap inelude Chris
Mullen and Mark TIOUblas,

=~: =~::; ;'~tmi!~

"I am
very opcimillic about the u~
comin& seaaoa."

Barstow, an ex.pen in . J ~ the-

atrc. He sp:,ke with the compu_

"We'll Blways be looking for good playcn," Coach
Fanna about 1w team's

Bentley Colleac, lhis
cca1d be the year to make

other better.
lken is working hard to juqlc
her work.on the play with her scbooJ
wort. She is now takina aeve.n claues
so ~ she can a;ndaMc chit..-yMr in
addition to rebealint 1~15 boun a
One rcuon Kawasaki .wanted IQ
direct 1'bc Lady Aoi:-- wu becatse

Suzanne Been is about a )'OWll man she bu ncvu seen a J. . - e play la
who faces terror and lonelinesa '1\-cr · Boltott, tnd me wanll to '"n:prae:at
• • -bettcn up and charged with Japaneae tbeitre in 'a way tbal the.

By Cbrlld• M. ·Ttaldo

Excitement builds over unpending hockey season

~«:::'i~= ::. pys.
:!°!e!°~~Y ui:_: :'en'7;=.. •

lpld. l1le team bonded a a

were adequate enough fOr a
final place of 93rd from a

By Ryan Foley

since the play.calls for lou of phyaica1 contact." In order 10 overcome
this she used trust e•en:i1e1 u a way
for the acton 10 get to bow each


Ibis yur," Bums said, "which
I rmc1 i, enjoyable."

JCll!"AL SfAff

The weekend or November ·•·
1994, the Walter M. Bune Formlica

Soc;,,, .......... - . M;.i,;p,,

such scboola u Bradliy Uniwnity

ICbooli ....... ~ s,nci o( tbeao acbool• ~ -

Mary Cuulapam, Tad


oc~~ 10

Dr. Rldlord!C,opp,-ol
,_......,dlia __ _
lodividuatJ Events, made coameaa
.... _ _ _ _ _ He

..... -.,maoo. ......... _

a power-packed wccb:ad com-

peaDDD. Tbc eompedaoo,- ljon:e,


team. lDdlc-i..tieayeanSuffalm



........ _.
ably ,. ia Illar lbilida oo 1111 indi-

nelevel:.: 1-..:;:::::::.=::===-J


_apooldoa ........ .....
.. .

o111111a,__ _ _
o,_ . . . . . -





UC Students~
Launch New Bands Via the Internet
Ho-,. music


a, .,_. .......

a.o., _ _ . . •

.....,.bwd.,.. poople. tGd the orsazi.iutioa now
. . , . . , ~ [ pollld mJ
a. office spec:e in downtown Santa
SANT~ CRUZ. Calif: - Want to awadomd. dlil DeW, froely dillrib- CnlL
~ o r ~ ndio --'OIY d&lt ,-pie
Muical aubmils.ton', w_hich ar·
19!:dlfll-CID'lftpdil coiild_to_
,._.oa.tbolw. rive aa uipcud c:o:DPIC' ~ from
■...,No .prob- •..tlftlflltaaeabW' !hewaiialcr- .,_..worldwidc.cedinuelO~tellC
1e1a; , •·iv:
.; .• ·, 1
eac:b • • · Munwhilc, JUMA '•
COllllplar at
,.....;. waa lool:ill for a way 11mp1ca aie bciq downl<>Med ·hun•
~ IN halonudoa aapcdup: to pn:aoee ~ '-', dlio UaJ.y Mup.. dn,di of times a day, givi111 comW11J ~Ille..._.. Ulldcqroad aadtbooowlOftnni~caiied •puter lllt.l'l & ·Chance to bear buds
MIiiie Adivel(IUilA). 0acelbcre Zlq: Sound Player, - s lib the dslt have yet to make it to or
·J(!a,cia.....,. ~ fn;m perfoctvdliclcaotjmHor ,-,but ,MTV.




fna·¥ .


*• _.., ,_.

::-..::..-:%-:,~== for~!7,:-CC.::°"so1t1



ware-foi' i . - . -bc(ore io6citiq Whiltle Pip,
tW'Olbldala ......... ollOGlk andawritc-upandwithlna~wc
rwa ~
·ot ~ fftllD local~ lrUdcmd it to bad toa1 «respoMCS from all .over
iMo•boon thdtilrddri-.odpniaued•way the place." uys Jobnloo, a ll-ycM·
rar ......_ ti.di: ~ ~ lo¥- . for computer 11ar1 -~
tho world old pll~ting major at UC-Santa
en - ad ._ C... IIICOldiDa in- to dowaJ«-f tbe m ~ samples Cruz. "All of• sudden it 1CCm& like
drlllly plllll -=Ill • ~ane:r Broch- into diar own complla'I at home.
this is our brcaphrou&h year. People
m to,lk 11p ad &lb aadcc.
• Aft«l1llCWaa • llf'eemmt with are uying they really like our style of
· IUMAit.,bai-=llildolRabcr1 tho UIUvasily ~Noltb Carotimi for music."
Lonl 1111d Jdf ...._, ~ l;lC- •the ate of disk apace, Lo~d and
Since their arrival .on IUMA ,
S... Ou ....__Saco ia incep- Pltterloo bcpa _ . . . e&eerptl of Johmon and the other members of
tica . , . • ,.._ qo,. (QMA ¥I muic
the Whilde Pip have been IC:lldin&
a i d e ~ alic snillble to
--r'bo t.... ii tib • bqe col- . outtape1ofthdrmuicfrec-of<barge
~ .... m.. die --.,
fco ahop ~ 20 aaiUioa people wbo when they receive req~._~ut if
~ • ~ acieKe -.far · arejult sininf:.arouml calki:ac to each the rapome keeps up,.Johmoa uys
wllo-,. • blia .._ lmlory ol wodc- otba," ays Lord. '1'bcn'1 this 111,e they'll have to mrt charging somems ill m:ord atora.," • • crulaiDg in the coffee ahop, ud all we're thing, just 1.0 cover their cx.peo.aca.
. , . . ~ cbe 1-met'i.t -Noveli-.-.~
to 4o. i1 put ~lo ·~ that
Tbe Inieinet exposure has
- - - be ru. intp Patterson, a . it.,C."
•. ·-· -. -:-· ·~pt'tt.cord 1abc1.&- to· tbe Pia,..
frimd.of!u liller'L
Bqinoiq with jusc 10 bm,w, i:1ooruep aa well; but for. oow, the
"'~e were . dcfendin1 [•11~r IUMA hit now pmniacd IDCX'C ~ Santa Cna bud bill dee.lined.
..WJ Km Mou' ....._ be- 200· ldiaa. TIie IUMA staff arcw
..A compmy in LA. •
~ 1111 ,......~
· - . ~ rn.l)i,t~ -............. Ii>
but wan't lbM pd. olid,we
could tdl they .. ,!'> ·- . .

mlNN. ,


O._._ ........





~ - ·,

_-1.-. ...-:...1:.a.._~ -to
i:u--. -




while &bopping for the right deal.
Scott Brookie, computer director
in the division o·f the arts at uCSlllta
auz. helped Loni and· ~ " '



vice fof iadepeoclalt band,, Lord
intoanqr'CaDl!IDl9rilllW&mc:rBrothen and bai offend mpiel of songs
fro!D DiDOUur Jr.. Ptiace, Laurie
Ander&oa ud Madonna.
~ doc,; the inllumce of musical
corpor1lle ~ wot ltlMA'1 original miuioo7 l:.ord uys no.
'7be idea i.l to make dril Ii level
pllyiJ11 fidd for blilll:k who are out
ltlcri"tryiq to act DOCiccd," be uys.
"When we have umipcd bmds, we
caq lend °'!_t their eatire aoop. It
gives people llll over· the world a
chance to liltcn to IOIDdbini they
wouldn't normally belt, but bands


""J'hia i.J obviou.lJy



is to keep offerina lltemative approaches 10 keep y~ artists avail•
able to the people ~bo wut to hear
their music."

~ from page 1

faeinaicd folk lludeau· Mob.ammcd Faiu,
brbod\_..lbc:-=ienlNohtraditionand ~Ori .Shirammu, iY)' Wora1 and
coatemporuy Weatern dwna. be .Sbannoo Onici.a. ne ICtJ
ctaipcr is



Macalf--, Sbldey 1taoody • m.ana,er. Mitiko Manbmi is the

~ mau,ii. .... '"!''' r·· --' ,

.. aft«; _ _ tl&.....,..;~
., ·n.o'tady ""'~ k> ltii .......... ... "'i--. -

...... po,·


""' Faa·

1bc -

Mf "Hello Oat · a.· , _ 1bc n

toCJada ~aiu Cibotli , Vera


u..... Can>la

Vlll will at •

1'11aday, NcM:m·

bcr 17 duriaa ... Qioulica, }Ul!CI f!ayes Md Leon : period at 1:15 , - ID 1M C. Walsh


._...1bc .. _ _ i s _
- ._ _dooi,-isTntcy ..,,,Nowiatba
Melailf', $Wrle): Kennedy Is props 18 Ind 19, 11 I pa 1kb11 . . $2..00
- Rllidi0iWaia,~11.1gtmu- per penon ud ue a•

'-===:;::================---..:.::+:..:::..:._ _ __


Aoi"will ,...,...,,_ the-door or

October 3rd until the end of conu;nunity wOutd
The donations and
canned goods raised by the
B.S.U will be distributed to
Boston arusheltcrs.
On Thursday, Novemher 10, BSU treasucr, Anthony Ross,, w'as '" o~crwhelmed When he went to·
ttic Faouly Foodland, a ....
pcrmarkct · IO~atCd in

dropped off at the B
ficc in the Fenton B
or at the Director fm

cultural Affain offic:
SaWyer Building, 7d
Your support ·,
mu~fi ~81Cd.
totich the lives Of th:
· ·

ply of food and cloibas•towards thedrive. -Tavares;'in . I

ycarspast,lwbocnaJigrlificantcontributel'towards ihis

Ouringthis sca.soqofgiving: BSU would like io 1
Jll:e ·
the . Of P?riuniir lo'_ ih41llc

Tgy_,!f,!,J ~I. hitl.l!/!~!1


S.f(l)l!<,,J.IR(~r,iailJl, AAd io .
his COlll{IJl,W~!tavares'

Ghooolate<•0v~r- ·• · '"' ,

a~1·11iwart~t:": .:-:· ·
the Rei1'"'

..t.L ! . " :;,'_

'lWu-:111Ji/f!• ,.

By College ~


WAS 1t!,,GTON---It wasonc


stuff," be uys . ..But it will only a pud the bu&meu in
it's a way to get inataat feedback..
"There' s ~w•y1 beco a huge
market oot there r« music. 1be trick

waa • w d l ~ ID.UI,

~1m-...., .......


Thc.fooddriveWillrun·rrom ·


16. Dolpto Im eaty 11MXa1
die recpml ol masy . . . for his
.wod:>. ~ commiUed ~

S11.ffolk University' s munity.hisindmcf
Black Student Union (BSU) the bctte"imcnt oflbo
1,,aoo · ... 1ea-.11111
f!rl•~"that ~ and ~ trying 16. aim-~
comibuea · to be a success.. ence.

andlndooeaian·ID\I.DC. You can have
the· aogQd iuelf recorded on the
lntc:rnct and tbcn excbaq~ ii with


a combination of biuqr.-1, disco
and heavy trail muaic,~ can continue

·proves tbM people 1


~ no.western, Chinese


just figures that bis bud, whose
IOUDd be describes u "tand-ttip and
monster-walking power •ueu with

By Chriltlan Eqler


·"'It'••• way for maaiciam to cxcbanfc iafonudoa nd for music .

BSU food, .toy, clothing drive helps•


AlltlMAcoatisu:iim·cxpaod its
audience, major record llbcl1 are
looldq to ... ialmt!l:lfficloo\ '• ·
wbo will be ..... - ·bii thiq.. In
some things," uy1 Joluaso111, the addidon10offeriaalOl6cofiliatiw
bud', al lings and le-' pi&arilt.._ oo l ~. Wamm: .. . . . . • its
OD ·lUMA from in- !fD 1Duaic"tcmcc~l&\ tCompaScrvc
dcpendem '-di is compldely pure, ( . . America On1ino.. •·r.~ -.,~.,::
Detpi&e tbcdlllap in tbe music
IOWXl. There's DO
fm a llbd. to
meu itup."
en' vice pcaideacol~, isn't
Still, Johmoo huo' t written off
:u;: ,wnte off~ IMfOl" Labels
ligo.ina with a labd evCCIOla,IJy. He




~ _ ~!i.~QQ i}4(l- \ ~Pt';'.~'.!.'". .


Want to know the damage? At SUNY Plattsburgh,
s1udcnts ncc.d only Walk up
to I.heir cafeteria comPuter to
get the full nutritionaJ scoop
on their daily diet.
The NutriCrit ·N
developed by Marriott Man•
agement Services, t&
daily "
intakeofcaJorics,. cholesterol, protein, saw111ted fa1
and carboK"'ydrates aftez: a student puoches in .his or 'ae{ ·
daily menu.
A gieen lighl indicates .
that the atudent' I peteenLagC
oC daily allowances a:reJ n M
acceptable tange, a yellow
light signifies "borderline,"
and the red light signa1s lhat
there is "cause for alarm."
The -compute( program
first .)Vas tested at the SUNY
Pl.atuburab campus 'cafete-

riAr1ii,l'l1 b<lni~ at .
~ C.pusel nationwide.

• - - ·w-.,,Nowmbe<,16, 1994


UC'Students·Launch New Bands Via the Internet
W.00 . . . . . .


bow diapltina ... ..:;.; bwd - people, and iiw_ organization now
0.-. ,._. Scmcc
•rt, "'Wbea 'I polted my liiplme. I Jiu qtr,oc ,pec:c: in downtown Santa
SAHI'~CRUZ. Calif. - Want to · DMIIIUOlled th& kw, freely ckrib- Cru.
N,lbd. or Died audio lecbolOl)' -dw peop1o
"Muaical IIUbm:wions. which ar-

fn:im,¥ .

•-:r-....liiitca'&ftpd it

~.::.i::~lbe1-: :!:t.aa..==~mc::..

way for a. a.... Ullderpouad
Malic Aldlhral (11.JMA). o.:io dtae

,.. ca .... ~ ,...

~ b y . . _ . lblt ltill ~ out ol
lk:ir . . . . . lOTom Plca:y'a ncwat

WM& ..... • • ~
lar . . . . ~ i...ct.d by

two OalwnkJ ol ~
O.. . . . . . ._ .....
fot IIIIIMhe .._.~-aa!sic kwen - ad a.. caaecl ndllina: in-. . , . . . . . . . . . • Wlli:Dcr Brodi-


eacb •week. Meanwhile, IUMA.'1
amp1a n beidg down)olded hw:1- for te.nina maic dial ·b diffia.111 LO
drea o( times a day, givi11& com- anoota&e. ~ DCD-watem, Otinesc
andlbcDt:Wsoftwampnlplll,callcd pater uacn ■ chance to hear bulb: and~awaic. Y~canhave
:ziaa Sound Player, eemcd lib tbe ~ have yet to make it to ndio or the 1ound itself recorded on the
perfect wbicle - jml for !um, buf MTV.
Internet llld tbm CXCqc it with
lot other local amica • well.
WM.A gave Danny Johnloo the your collcapc:a."
Lord~~tbctoft- chance to promote hi1 banil, the
Allbousb IUMA bepn as a scrwaro •for a moadl bofore Whiltle Pip.
vice f« iAdcpoodc:at- bands, Lord
baata from die Saa Qm . . . Tbe
"'Wejulc pvcRDb a tape, a photo and PMlenoa have llartcd aampling
two ~ ~ amplDI ol lOll&I and a write-up arid wiJhi,n • week we music &om record~• well. Just
en. local 9t1ia, lrmlfened it to bad tons d raporues from all over last mcxttb. tbc mlllic taVice entered

for compua Uffll ad.. the world
to dowol°"4 the mai~ u.mple,
into lbe:ir own
at bome.
en ID,lil -, -., 11b aadoe.
Atta- n:adliq • llft'CIIICOt with
DJMAialm,lniacbildolRGbert tbc UIUVU'lity ~North Carolina for ad Jeff ......_ bodl UC- ·the u1c of diak space, Lord and

= :-:=-:,m


the place," uya: Jobnlon, • 21-yearold playwriting major at UC-Santa
Cna. "All of• sudden it soems like
this is our ~ g h year. Peopl~
are saying they really like our style of
Since their arrivaJ on IUMA .

intouagrccmentwi,tbWarnerBrothen and bu off'cnd iamplcs of songs
from Dinoaaur Jr., Prince, Laurie
Andersoa ud M ~
But dot.I the blfJucnce of musical
corporate: tianls taint IUMA's origina1 mission? Lord uys oo.

•°"lllDl.mnctiltib•buiccof• outtapesoftbeirm~frec-of'-clwJe



::"!~ tt eaceqn


~d~ ~


!::".=~= ==~~u;,1:'!-o!~;:

wllo-,. be Im "a biMOry of work- odiu," uys Lord. "Tbift1
..,e they'll have to &tart charging someii! record ICorel..,
av.iaiog ffl the coffee &bop, ud all we're thine, jllll tc:i cover their expenses.
___. oa die latamt"laat Novem- .r#Yio& 1o , 4o is p u t ~ oq that
The Internet eK.poture has
ber _... be tu illlo Pattenoa, a stq:e."
·. ..• •. -:.· . bro'.uihi. tti:on:I labelt to I.he Pigs'
&imd al lair mtlCll''a.
Bqinning with jutt 10 bands, -doorstep u wdl, but for now, the
e ~~..
-de~e!'.t:,!!u~r lUMA bal now prrmiered more than SaDlll Qui band bu dcc1iacd.
,_. 200 artilu. ne niMA Raff
"A t.ompuy in LA. offered w a
1 .....





"'," '!e~- ~


cbanp infonudon ud for music

~ ~-~ ~_Noprob- Cllkld." •
JIil . . . . , ,....
and ·
Plaerloa . . loolr;illll for I way
.-di die bdmmadoa aapahlpi• co promocc bis 1-1.,' ..:C: Ualy Mup.


up IUMA. He 18)'1 thM music listenen are DOt tbc oaly ~le who stand
to beocfit from tbie""ravicc.
"'11'1 •,ay form~ to ex-


W(jiiit">t&it ,..i·.....,. ID



i:.::~.:::: ~e::

1,11 • · ··
1,00 • · ··

S.ti.uwy", Moveal:ler 19

a,oo •···



Suffolk UpiVe.nity 's mu~ty. Itisinthis'effottfor
BIAck Student.Onion (BSU) the bcttcnncnt oftbo&e who
iuponsOJingafood,toy,aocf an: le<s forwnilo, thlr {'OOPle '
~~jlrive :11\at ~ and arc trying to make a di('fcr- ,
c0Dt:pn1es to be • suc;QCSS. cnce.
If ■Q)'j)~ iri the SµftoUc drive wiU run from
October 3rd until the end of community would like to
the semester.
make donations, they WI be



canned goods raised by the
B.S.U will be distributed 10

Boston aica shelters.
On Thursday, Novem-

ber 10, BSU treasucr, An-


inc:tu~ ~•tian Cibotti, Vera
• bapetin. Marco Uriir.e, Carola
«;iomal,ea, Janea Hayes and Le.on

· oat.iooal level C
Six ollbeldiool
ta:I of Ibo mdoall



bi& thina,.. In

len wu ao <
success. Thi1
quality of !heir

Your suppbrt ·wm be
much appreciated. as you


bf e.-.. Pbnmat, Jcunll _,,

Part ol the collection IIOl'(l P.19 BSU drive

to •


mw,er. Miliko Mwabmi it lhe

no°""""" PloJ
Farival will ltlrt oa ~ . Naw::m·


!:be . . . _ activmes
period at 1:15 pm ia lbe C. Walsb
- . no"' deoia- ii Mm Tb<oue; followed 117...,...._..,..
- . .dtc deoi,- ii T"'Y on Friday. ml ~• . _ ,
Mdcalr, Slurley_ Kautedy it props 18 Md 19, •Ip& 11cba ~ '2-00
Heidi Oillit ll ~ stage man- per penon udl ue a.allable .at
ber 17


L::::::===:;:=============~.:...::'."llle~Lady~ -" ~-f~ ~ . ~ ~ · - - ~ ~ ~ =:~



«f~'!"~ware.·~f" · ·
the ~@'~t. _. "'
By College PresJ-,

tage of " Mex ican Buffe1
Night .. a1 your college cafeteria.
Wam to know the damage? Al SUNY Plattsburgh,
studcnlS noed only walk up
to !heir ,cafeteria computer 10
get the full nutritional scoop
oo their daily diet.
developed by Marriott Managemen t Services, tillies
daily intau of calories, cho'listerol, protein, saturated fat
and carbohydrates after a Stu·
dent punches in hJs or her
daily menu.
A green light indiCJtes
that the student'• peroeruage

of daily aUowances arejn an 1
acceptable raiige, a yCllow
ligb1 signifies "bordedine,"
the red light signals tha1 _
there is "cause for alarm... ·
The compu1er program
Ptausbw-ab qmpw cafetc-ril'ttil b ~~ ll



~~ aatioa1ride.

~• '. ":
r• '


full lqll,ldt, and !

his COmnJ\W~:Tavares'

~ ,r,,,_.IO

for oar dc:bll


Duringlhisseasonofgiving, BSU would. like io talce
the oppon uniiy to' thank


was a w d l ~ man. fmcinaicd folk 1tuden1s Mobammed Faisa.
by both tbe mcien1 Nob baditioa and · Kaori s~ramatt:u, Ivy Woaa and
coatemporary Western. drama. he Shannon Chcia, The ICl daipet is
pub~ his abort story• die a,c: or Jeue Lim, cOllume c1e11per is 'l)'acy
16. Deepite bis early -.:cas (be was Metcalf and Shirley JCeaaedy ia props

no ·- i,.
o. na.·


dropped off at the BSU office in the Fenton Building
or at lhc"Dircctor forMulti-cul1ural Affairs office in the
SaW}'er Building, 7th floor.

thony Ross, was ' overwhelmed when he wcllt to 1
ouch the Ii\lCS of those less
the Family Poodland, ti sU- f~atetbis~lidayscason .
pcrmarket · !Ocatcd in
Roxbury. Themanagcr,Nict
Tavares, dooated~iarpJupply of food and ~lodles ·towards the drive. Tavares; in
ycarspa.g, hasbeenaiignifi-

The NutriCrit ·N



Suf~ 1;ijfH~F.ffltJJ,md to

10 ' ilool butitwua'ttha-,ad ,we lookittg io dtc
could ld1 they wanted us, to "
cbln&e wbo will be 'ibe



&atfollc't Forensic
to uy about tlM


AA.pJMA00llliDuiii1Gezpand its
audience, major record labdt are

Continued from pai,e 1 _ .

Friday, ~ r l l

■ roRENSllll

proves that people still do .


achaDc:cto~daarniusic( too."


'MIIU'9day , Nowaber 17

By Christian Enaier

~ e ! v ~ s i = =-w1
gives people all ov« the world a
cbaoce to lista:1 to tomething they
wooldn't normally bear, but bands

some thinp," 1ay1 Johuon, the additioatoofferin&_,_oliaartisu
band's lead ti.n,a and lead paarilL ... on lUMA, Warner . Ndlerl bu its
"Muaic yoo he.- on IUMA ~ in- own muaic aemcc: l&'t ' Comp&Serve
depcodent bands it competely pure. and America Online. ··t•'-! ·>:.~•
euctly the way the poup ;«i'an&I it to
Despite tbe cbenip in the mwic
IOUDd. There's no
for a label
m'viccpreaideatof~, isn't
Still, Johmoo hun' t writ&en off about to write off die major labels
lianin, with • label eveamaUy. He just yet.
just figures that his band, whose
'This it obviowly v«y exciting
~ be ~bea U "land-skip and stuff," be 11ys. "But it will onlf U·
monster-walking power muecs ~ paod the bwineu in
a combination of bluepu1, disccr- lt's a way to act imfant feedback..
aod heavy trail mu.aic," can cootinue
'°There's always been a huge
to get free expos~ on the Internet market oot tbere for mu.tic The trick
while shoppina for the riaht deal.
is 10 keep offerina aJ~tive ap. ~ -~rookie, computer ~tor prooches 1 keep y()l/.r artlslS avail•
m the diV11Jon ,of the artl at UCS111ta abl,e to the people who .want to hear
Cruz. helped Lord and Patterson set their music."

: : : : : ~ - - - - lstndent Directed

BSU food, toy, clothing drive helps many

~ . ~,. ,; ,...,Afe Yew-P,uzzled.,;•
•. : "About Whar- -Is Happenln~ on
. Campus.
Join us at the
• _
Student Government
Program Co.uncll

Thurs, Nov. 17
.Fenton Lounge


Bring Your Ideas . ,
and, Questlonsll

Tllos.llbll:lourllll w - , ,,Novemberl6, 1994


UC'Students._,..,_......._•-.•-bold Bands Via the Internet
Launch New
,- a,

c..a._. ,-. Sem.ce



SAHl"A CRUZ. Calif. -

Want to


people., and orianlution now
..,... -W- I poe&od my,...._. L .,bu aff'a 1s-:,c in downtown Santa
~ du• DeW, freely dillrib- <hL

~=~°'!.~=·:::-~:..'°t~ ~~\:r::.:,t:t:::u:~~

~ ~-~ . . . n_Noprob- ~ - -\ bt1wkWllinr«•
._ .. _ , --~ Paieno. waa ~ fer I wrJ IMlpla are bein& down]Olded bun~ dm ~ ~ P: to promote bit bad. die Up)' Mup. drods ot times ■ day, aivin& com·




. . . . "7 '-di dlill ltill play oiat of
tk:ir . - . - 19' Tom Petty', ncwea

wi:biclo 801jall for tam, but
odlic:I' local awcimal • wdl.


Lordaod ,..._.--.:f ~IOft-

::bau:n,: ~~1~~

IUMA pve Danny Johnson the
chance to.. promote his band, the
Wllilda PiJt.
"Wcju&l gave Rob• tape. a pho(o
IIDd a writo-.1p l:lld within a wed: we
bad IOOI al retponlel from all over

ware •f• a __. befllr!I totidtia&
WliM ..... • • ~ . badl; from CMS... Om.-. The
1lr ...,.._ prajec:t"" lauded by
~ .-pies ~
tw9 llahwaicy ol ~ 1nm local ...._ llalldrod it to
tWrlwddriYCaadprixmaedaway thcplace."say1Jobnsoo,a21-ycarCar
mlllic kw- for campi1111Cf UCD -~
the ...odd old playwriting mtJor at UC-Sama
.. - '- ' ._ c-..1 ftll0Cll'duta io- to cloW111oa4 tbo . . um.pica Ouz. "All of a Radclal it acems like
dllllly . . . . _ . • Waacr Brodt- into tbeir owa cc.pilllln a home.
mis ii our brc:abhrouJh year. hiopl.e
ap Mid •
After l'CIIIIClailll III a,pcemmt witb ~ saying they really lib: our style or
RIMA ii ..., lllram::llild ol Robert tho Univcnil)' ~ NMb Clrotiaa ror music."
Lonl ~ - ~ ~ - ~-- - · tbCI UICI or diR lplCCI, Lord and
qCSince lhcir arrinJ OD IUMA.
....... ·



Ou...._._ ..... _,,boota



tioa . _ a ,,..



a,o, 1QMA bu
..ta .a.r..dYe llalic availlble IO


caapllClr _ , IICl'OII

M ..._

l.-1. • coapacr ICicace -.tor'
wllo -,S kl ..... lailtory- ol work-

~record•,..-_ ~

awama· ·


bcr .... •


~ bepra ~ ~ or
aaaic out iato ~

Johnlon and the other mcmbcn of

arcjult lkiinc aroat aiWaa to cacb
other," &IJI L«d. -nere•s tbis mp
ill. the coffee abop, aod all we're
~ to clo ii put~~ -~ -~

the l'ClpOOIC kc:q» up. Johnson uy1
they'll have to 1Urt dwJiq; some-

the WhiatJ,c Pip have been ICOding
--rhelalawrk iibaba,ecol- outtapcaoftbdrmuk:fn»-0(-clwJc
fai shop wia. 20 aillicm people who when lhcy ro:::cive R:q~But if

. wen.. .


T~e Internet c1tpo1urc has

· ··

IUMA bM now premiered more thaa Santa Quz bud bu dccliacd.
Jt1MA llaff crew
"A com,-iy in LA. offered w a
ID 10 • ~ but it nan't tbal fOCld, ad,we
could tell they wanted 11.1 1 to change
some thinp," Hyl Johnson, the
band'• lead aiqcr and lead ,ui&ariJL
"'Mwic you hear on IUMA 6tm indcpaldcat bands ii complctdy pure,
cuctly me way me poup Wa11U it to
.-ad. Tbcrc's DO
(Cl" a label
IDCII it up."
Still, Johmoa bun't wriuco off
signing witb a llbd cvcntuaUy. He
just figures lhat hi1 band, whose
IOUAd be dcaaibca u "llftd...wp and
mocwer-walkina power
a combination or bluepa1, disco
and heavy !rail mwic," caa c:ooti.nue
to get free exposun: on lhc Irucmet
while 1hoppin1 for tbe righl deal
Seo« Brookie, compulcr cliro:::tor
in lhe division or the ans at UCSan1a

...,. Ital Molt' - - - be- 200 ~
~Ill~, juat CO CO\IU" tbcit o:pemea.

brouabt ·ro::on1 labcb to the Pia•·
Bc&iooin& wilh just 10 bands, dooruq, u wdl, but ror now, lhc

ra i.-o Plaenoa, a tta,c."

"'We were 'c1ctcndin1 [super




F.~ ~!va1(ltallf--'Jsrudenr Directed


fllOveaber 11

1 , 00 P •• ·

Saturday , NoYea.ber 19

1,ao p .a .

~~U:o~°':d~n ~~:

Internet and tbea excbaq:e it with
your coUc:epea."
Akbousb RJMA bepo u a scrvice r« ~ bud.a, Lord
and Plttenoll bave lllf1Cd umpting
mu.sic from mconS 1a1iJeb II well Just
last moath, the IDllaic ICl'Vice eruered
intoao.qrcaneatwilh WamaBrothen and bai offend aamplel or songs
from DinouW' Jr., Prince, Laurie
Andcnon and Madonna.
But doet the influence or muskal
corporate 4ianu taint IUMA ·• origina1 miuion1 Loni uys no.
"The idea ii to make thi, "level
pb,yina field Ior baDdl who arc out
there uyiq to&ctnoticed." bcu.ys.
WWhca we have Wllipc:d bud&. we
can IClld out their cacitc aoap. It
&ivca people all ov« the world a
chance to liscco to IOCIICllbi.n& they
woulda't normally .bear, but bands
a1rady ailJICld · 1abd ha
a ~ t o ~ U . : ! _~U:.~
As IUMA coatinui:it IO expand its
audiCQCC, major record label, arc
looldna to lbc lalt.rall 1f,r1~ .to
who will be "the DC1l bi& lhillg." ln
addition to offerina toe6e; ol hi artists
on IUMA Wama
bu Its
own U ICmOe ~ J~ c
aad America OnliDn. ·,·•1 • ,•
Despi1e the chlap in lbc mwic



'"There's always been a huge
market out there for music. The trick
is to keep orrerin& altemalive approaches to ltecp you-i ani111 avail•
able to the people who want to bear
lhcir music...

folk students Moltammcd Faiu.
Kaori SbJramatau, Ivy Woo.a ahd

~ ~_i~_i, ,the

·"'i!:~:-..;.:;.;~~; r-... o...Aa..., - •~

Mam, Uriate,


Jama Haya and Leon

......_'Ille• dooia- ;, 1'1-aey

- • 5'lrley l<coaedy is props

- -· Hci!B Oillil i1 the atqc man-


By Ouistian Enakr

...i . . - . . . - ..........
val will ICart • 'lltnday, Nowm·

t,., 17 durina Ibo period II 1:15 , - a 11111 C. Walah
Theoue; followal



~r-::~: ::-!'°1:':.:
oo . , _, ood s..doy, Ni,,anbu

the doot or ClllfbNi~ t offico n

caurcSuf • • - '7'\..Man .
•• • •- ••• •• • •••• ••-=j:"'11Wf]QJ) fj n 1.~J.'"1fl•,


■ Coatinlaed from rlc I°'•
roUNSM!S .--,. T

generousily,as felt by many,


proves that people still do

Suffolk'• forcDliCI tcan, had
to say ~ t tbo weekend,
" Performaa~c 1t Eut(:rn

~aboultbeircity and com-

-k-.. . .

Suffolk Univeni ty's munity. ItlSinthiseffOrt.for
Black Student Union (BSU) the betterment ortbQic who
i.uponsorina:afood,toy, aod

,l(ieb;p,,.-·"'" bell ,.,,r.

an:1essr-.11>a1poop1e '

national levc.l competitiOII. •
Sb ol the ICbnall in the top

clod)loa i!nve that ~ and arc trying to makea differ- ,
oonqhuca lO be i su<;oess,
The food drive wiU run from en~f an yon~ iii lhe Suffolk·

October 3rd uniil the end of community would like ,to
make donation, , they can be
the lemcstcr.
The donations and dropped off at the BSU ofcanned goods raised by the fice in the Fenton Building
8.S.U will be distributed to or at the Dim:lor for-MultiBoston area shelters.
cultural Affairs office in the
On Thursday, Novem- Sawyer Buildin&, 7th floor.
ber 10, esu treasuer. ii..nYour support 'will be
thony Ross, was over- much appreciated, a.s yoo
whelmed when hC went to 1ouch the lives of those less
the Family Foodland, a SU· rortunatethisholiday5Cl$011.
located in
Roxbury. Thernana.gcc,Nick
Tavarcs,donateda~ supply of food and clothes towards the drive. Ta'vtu'C$: in
years past. has been asignificantcontributertowardsihis

and for our debaters to dole
out fiaah wu very
idve. ' And r« the Indinlnll
·Evenu, at least ,iI of tbc top
teD IC~ls~ thde~widl
run aquadl, Md ror our three
ten wu an outatanding
s ucceu . Thi a meana the
quali1y or their auccess was





~art of the collection f ~

me BSU drive



ing, BSU would like io tUe
the opponuniiy to thank

2:wt: ~~£~ :~
his commu..WiH"!Tavaces'

Ghoeohlte,•0ver- · ,,,.

d~1'lllwai-e~f · ·
the R,~ ~t.; . ''' "' '.'~
By College Pte!.s,Scrv.ic.c
WASHJNOTON -••ll was one

en' vice prcsidml. ol m.atdia,, dn'1
jUll yet.
'Thia is obvioualy very ex.citing
lluff," he U.)'I. "'But it will oftly ex·


16. 0elpte bil etdy IUCCal (bcwas



kmnut& maic tllit ls difficult to
IAflOta&t.. lifi! no.weaem. Chincie


~~m:c::.~~1;; ~Um~c;::;=:=
inclllda ~•tiu Ciboui, Ven


■ TBl!.ATllE
· Coatimlcd rrom pqe I
was a wdl-f.di.lcated man., fucinaied
by boc) the ancicnl Nob tradition and


up IUMA. He..,.. lhlt music listenen are oat ¥oa1y_
,poople who stand
to beDefit Croat the la'Yice.

BSU food, toy, clothing drive helps many

~ ..~ .. ".:.,Are Veu•P~d ,.•
·: ·Abolit"Whar--·
• _ Is Happenlno on
Join us at the
• .
~ tudent Government
Program Cou(lcll

Want to know lhc damage1 At SUNY Plattsburgh,
s1udcnu need onl y walk up
lO their cafeteria computer 10
gel the full nutritional scoop
oo their daHy diet.
The Nutrieri t N
dcve.lopcd by Marriott Man•
agenien! Services, tallies
daily irittke or ~arics, cbolesterol, protein, PWr■ tcd fat
and carbohydrates after a student punches in his or her

daily menu.
A green lii:ht indicatea
lhal lhc 11udcnt'1 pcn:entag~
of daily allowances are-jn an
acceptable range, a yellow
light 1ianifie1 "bol]luline,"
and the red light signals that
there i1 "cause ror alarm."
The compu1cr program
first was Ltsced at lbl: SUNY
Pl.attlbW1h campu.s caf'eic,.

rinil i, be19'..a\ldileedat
•otber CIIDp,IIC& Qlbonwidc.



Thurs, Nov. 17
.Fenton Lounge

Bring Your Ideas
and Qu~onsll

'Bos.lJolt- W _ y, November 16, 1994


care Ind time. He is not a hick direcw _. tru1y prvvca n ·bcre
with --.iaJ othcn may be tempted


·ena.rt&tnrnentand l_elsure









,t311 h

::it., ,.

* ..

Rlce's·"Varilpii'e Chronicles'' Makes Fallfest:AtitsBest when it Unplugged
Tak.ill& a dq,anure from the muBy Krlma Padiol
Fol' an.Extraordinary "Interview"
1ical, mccribcn of Suffolk' s forcn •
aod J.... Grl«»

·•-G<'- .,,.,.

The advanoe, outlook oa film
vc.nioa or Aonc Rice'• popular
aothic: oovel, "'Jaterview with the
Vampire." did not look Jood. 1D (act,
die whole production IOCmCd beaded

for disuccr.
Tbe DOvd. wriacn in 1976, had
Clll)Cllnld. lhe intueat of many ftlm
mum llDcc ill tint publication. For
many , _ die IDDY* DC¥U got
olf die. poad. ,Pinllly, Oc:ff• Pie-

The JtDfy cal1tffl around Louis
(Brad Pill), a man~ hiJ life llOf)'
10 a reporter (Christian Slater). It
twm out that Louis'• lire strctcbc:s
ovu 200 ye,n and wifolds ia the
cilia of New
and Saa



Fallfcst. Suffolk'1 anQual lalcnt
exuav,guu, came back 10 the
C.Walsh Theater lase Thursday.
two-hour plui show reYcalcd to the

Suffolk COIM)unity the entertainers
Low.I ii a vampire and was trans·; lruOUJhout the Suffolk comformcdinto acreawreot thenipl by munity.
the powerful Law (Tom Cniise).
There were many ambitiOUJ pet· w..- vulocnblc to the powers formaoces in Fallfest this year, alol the vampire ba:au,e al bis griev- though• couple bows the night
Ina over the loN or his wife and felt • ir it wu 1wtin1 to drag. The
daupct:r (it ls impo,t.Mll co nee that hi&h].iptJ or the ni&ht came whca

~~ ~


:;ti:7;;1 .~:~~~:r;1~": :td~n~

lie, team, Kate Puker, Ru.u Patten.
and Mea Gouiq moved the audience
with telccted ·dramatic readings.

Their cboica, '1'...ust." "Disney"
1 and ..A Nam Nurse's
Prayer'" had j un the right mi• of
humor, sarusm, biuerswc:ctness, and
u dncss.
Ovit Todioo performed two mu•
sical nu.mb<!n, "'And You Don't Remember," (performed solo) and a
suikina Baibata Slrtlsand duct: with
Kel'T)' McOonouah. During bo1h
seu , Todino CJtbibiled surprisin g

land on ~

vocal restraint and came out on top
: : .~ ~ ; :
- : : , ~ afta the
with his best performances to da1
e. bepa on the lira movio.
Aflc:r 'bccomlna • va mpire, aapell.a performance.a by Tami ka
For sheer in1trumental enjoy•
The now notqri&u, CVOlts which Lou.ii•, strory becomes the autobit> Com:ia and Stephanie Thompson.
ment, the audience was treated 10
100k place M prod&actioa aot undcr 1",craphk:a) tale of hlt·relationallip:.with
Correia and Thomp1on per- two powerful piana performances by
way swud to spell trouble for thit Latat, his hunt for food, his rebellion formed twice durina; Fallfcst, swtina Mark Difraia aoiS 'cinii'te B yfield.
The rem.lfiiidet"Ol>'l'llff~t1·wa~
bis-budaet cxtnvqanza. Problems against his own uusfonn Ation, and with a movina rendition of 1'be Stir
with the aoreonplay. the approach his dcspente Ktn:h for • compan- Spangled Banner." This , te.llar pet· divided inlo hiBff ~p• eri1enainthe film wciuld take, and findinf a ioo, He eventually finds a friend in f~
earned the women the first men1 and aoory ind!nuptioos by and \wiUr ~ ~ 111ppo1;I ..C,.ughiir";Oaudi a ·~ng-oYabOft:o(~g~t. Durin_ CNm\i Clemsi the Clown, which
•na eaciasb,I01tiJe ID=il a difficult (K'n'\ten •l>lpiaa), a -plape survivor their second pcfformari::e, the audi- bccame •tired long bdorelthetirst act
tuk Wefe; just tome of the obtuicles whom Loula feeds off of.
ence Al in , tunned &ileiM:e u lhcy WU over.
which "l nlerview ... " had to overFrom this point on, the movie d,id their version of the gospel favor· 'lllreughout the dlgltt; Fallfes1 was
take, a twill U O.Udia attempts to ite, "The Reason Why I Sina,"
defini tely enhancca,by, ,jts talented
When 1111 was 1upposcdly taid ~ free from the chains o( Lcatat
Dusthcad (SuHolk 11udenu performer,, but it"Waiind 'tharis·
·l-Joroan-Md Loula'1 yearning turns 10 a need Kevin DriMan. Chris Fenner, Dan malic hosts, Erika Chriltenson and
wu at tbc helm, the film stwnblcd to find more civili.z.atioo like himself. Hunt. and Stephen Hunt) and The Mike , Ouran;-who-k.epl--lhe-fomc..
acrouits bigatproblem inthcncarly Movina to Paris, Louis and Claudia Man With No Band ' (Shawn limes sluggish event alive.
twenty yean of miking. Fans of the come upon 11.11 underground colony Mc Kinnon ) played a rousi na acousAll in aJl, Suffol.k'sannual Fallfes1
novd and ~ bcnclf upreued COO• o( varnpira headed by the seductive tic set that satisfied the rock and roll was an enjoyable variety show which
siderablc qer ov~ the cutina of Armand (Antonio Banderas).
enthusiasu in atte ndance. They could have benefited from 8 little bu
Tom Cruise • the vampire Wt.M.
lt-b here where Louis comes 1 evoked nostalaia for many Sµffolk - more diversity. Much applause g<>Cl>
Tbe final lllil in lhc coffin seemed to terms with a very diffcrenl culture onians ~ remem~ the ~·• pop out to all the perfonncn ~Ill~
hive ~ the W>C.lpcctcd'6cath of : and. he 1~jmsel(, becomes an indi- icons, The Moake~•• when !hey bchind-the-sceftCS• who contributed
actorWVCI' ~ • and the' ursent · ~ i n 11' fi.lm.. i breathtaking and launc~ in10 tbci r"hft," "last Train thcirtimcand ·hardwork·1omaketh,\
rccutiaa of bristian Slater in the CJtckina clirnu.
1 Oaiuville," one of the three SC· annual event a success.
role o( kllcrviewer.
The film venion of "Interview lcctions they performed.
With lbe rdeuo 9f 1be movie, with the Vampire" will no doubt be - - - . : . . . . : . - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- - can "Interview witll the Vampll'e.. be compared with its $00,C.C novel anc1
looked • . - , . . . p;... o1 ... ,., ...,. • .,.,;. ;.,.,.... .... •
tatalnmalt « will all the neptive boot i11 many wa)'I, Gone is Rice·s
By Kristm Padki,
70'1 Kerned to bav~ 4issJpatc:d with
publicity JR#_ lbc film u a whole? cndlcu pu,uaes or pointless dcscripJOltaHAL STAffl .
this COnc;a:1 tour. FoJr iitw tracks by
The answer liet limply ~ the fact~ tioo. Intai? ls the tuthor '1 emotional
the Eagles cinGged,. No(.(ar behind
"'lntccview wiqa dae ~ampirc" is aim- c.baMctuiutions, ttie ~bani1hin1 or
fowtoco years qo, in 1980, the that, MTV cnt.cim the piClurc and the
, ply a ,n::M. llll>ri:ethe vampire myth, beautiful ICttinas.
Eagles called it quits after eiahtytars Eagles uop ubm -wu· bom.
peffotnaiag togctbcr. At that time, , ThcrecenUyrelcaedE.a,Jes M
the membt:n of the Easies ( Don Frceu.s Over" cootaias the foor new
film'1prcmiaedleioucasive10ff., and style and never t.Jtploilltion.
but the Ulbloid llmdline which the
The film moves at a ~ HClllcy, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh. Don studio tracks plui e.1eveo c lassic
Felder, and Timothy 8 . Schmit) said f.a&les cunea reccrckd live in an "Un·
"they would get back iogetbcr when pl
ed" (all
bcUfrec:zaovcr"(NmOndrtulattd ~ .. u~c'a!6wn~~!~wi1h
n o w ~ 10 Tom Ciu~ and acreeoplay. For once the author
conflicts between bud memti ., Thu song is
to atop talk-·
, perfomumee li..,pid,m,d,o b ' "fiia',h'ct 1ctli/d,d;olt'pn,pe1theitory. . WcU.thisputyearsawcolddays
: ~tcs '1976 hit
m bc.ll as the Eagles reunited for an
· Ria> b eom:ct aod.the ooly .,... ...... ol mlekly poetk dblop.
The DCJtt th.rec- studio tracks:
historic, albeit pricey, concen tour
IOO W°mfllr ls spimi4 ii berw:if. Sile'Qc fl1m also beaefit.t from the
"Love Will Keep Ot Alive," ''The
Night after
-olNdl-r-n,ec.y. both )'OWlg ni&bt, thousatwb of f~ Girl From Yeaterday," and "Learn to
and old jammed conccn be Still" are &lower pKCd and moody,
illl,....iy iaca...':). Jordlallkfltothemovie venu~ 10 witneu this momentou.s
mirroring their earlier, country-rock
ballads or the 70'1, mcb u "'Des" ' -·-·
Whatever problems the Eagles
. . _ b sop-aoldt-ud unforaetVAMPmB
may or may not have bad hick in ~e
ut£1:s,. ,; J.,

Eagles s o_ ''HenV....---- o.ver''
oar n
..., • ~,



:'~ ~ ':.:r~~ ~-::_ ~~~~~:~::,~


baa-•..,•-dtlll~.... . s...,. ._ _....,. _ _ _ ...... ,_
...... . -,



~,..~,, ;)


Jcxda pays attention IO the detail witlu IJle ltOry and truly flabea
it - . Uader bis ctiNc:doin, ~
memblrl will find h i.d 1o peel their
eyahm tbcaaoea.
'Dae movie ia bnlupt 1o dynamjc
life by an lDC~bly ta.lcotc:d cast.
it amw111 u 1.auit. He P">
vida die chartcter with anaer aod
raae but also pusioo and controlled
power. Pla)'ina apinst type. Ciuise
will $WJ1ri1e ptiOple .. a mons&er of
ctc:rnal evil, He is witty.and cocrgctic
and tbu is one of his flDC&t performances.
M, Brad Piu ("Tbclma and
Louise"), ponnys the vulnerability
and dcpreuion which hub within
this chanw:ter with w1l and subtle
CJtpeniae. Piw' distwbed. dart. and
magocdc pcrfomw>ce i1 or
Oscar .11.tcotion.
Aho Oscar- worthy la twdve year
old Kirsten Ounst, who plays Claudia.
Ounst, who can be uell later this


C.Onlinued from page 4

~ " utcd
"'new tracks tbal
:: ::."~~~e!;7a:"





chaaacd much. Anyooc who

aeaeo. in

year, for a reunion. The 197


'7equila Sunrilc" starts things out,
and IUrU out greaL One can not bclp
but picture beautiful California
beaches at dawn throu&h the barmt>
nious mdodics.
()Qe after aoolhcr, the hill keep
comia, off .,Hell Frccz.ea Over." 1be
biJhlia,bl of the lllbuin, bowew:r, i, a
SC\lca minut.e acowtic '1focd California." Don Hcmey is II bis vocal
but oa &bis tnck, wbicb is l&Ddolabtcdly tbe Eac.les beat aoaa cver. "Ht>
tel California," writica in 1976 bt .
Henley and Frey, conjltlU up imaaca of a coo-hippie 19'70'a dnaJ
cuhore yet cootaiaa some o( the
molt po(cmad lyrics iD rock and ,oU

I AskPat I


Dcar~y , lbavo·b • • up witb to~=~t:M~k°'.~
oo morieaocn, Wbm sbowiac CIDO- a in. wbo I've beca with for two wbetber or not I ld1 ■J ctl-boJ·
tioaal rap. dtil YOWi& ac:ama oC\cll: ycara:. lo1~ time we an:- 1o love friead. Do J ;.a. railc dll ~ - ~
-h, ~ lhe cmbliabcd 'lod aod care foreacll other very much. ordo J COllfromdlefatt ... W..22
Aootber 11.Ud-out paformuce
comes from Ao looio Banderas
("Phila:ld.pbia") u Anlwld. He doliven • flawlcu ponrait ol a charmioa: bw empty vampire. Seepbm bia
(1'be Cryina Game*), who plays
Saotiaao, is a hilariously crazed
Tbe film'• special eff«:11 by Oscar-wUUICI" Stan Wimton ("JW'IUic
Park") are very aood as ls it's.bk>odcwdllna ICOf'e by Elliot Gokknthal

Wbea the break Up oocum,d I and .. ~ · wW ........ . . . .
wat very UJIICll about it and my pi- bclp me dlcide . . . IO do.
fric:odt took me out lo a bar IO try to
\ I bav«a' I yet IOld . . , - ~ dlil
cbcc:r me up. Al one driDlr: led to problem bocaue I aa to lifnid
&DC1diic:I' my troublca ICCIIIDed to dif.- ~ will call - a ...........
appear I suddenly found this with\ the odlcr man oal)' two ..,.
new freedom.
after my brat up. W. e..,ae
Deina available f« the
time Dco:k 1o realize ia t WIii
iD two years wt1 ICtaally an exddq him and .cded lOIDOIIDC to coafcJr1
eJtpaiCDCe. Well, to make a loaa me.
llory thonJ met 101DC10Dt who l was
~ offer aay actvice yoo c-. .
V«J attraacd to and ace:mcd to fill and I ptombc to &ab. ic au to--.
the void lO my a..t. Conversation

("P~1n=:;1dl the Varn~" la


a gripping ~i.lm wbicb can be enjoyed
by anyooc lookinJ for an w:11uual
type of eoterta.inmen.t. The movie
will euily be • huse IUCCCU loci
hopefully die ume cast and crew
wW wortr: toacther apin for • ncca•
l&I')' KQUCI.
The movie wu a looa time in the
makina but the reault wu well worth
the wait.


VlJ'l9S ~ mad

B7 MldlMI M,,

has followed the 1010 cat'CCn al 0oa.

Hmky, G~ Frey, aod 19C. Walsh
lhouJd baVf!ll Cflpectc:d that
Al this point in the lllbu.m, the
Eagle, unplua and the fun suru for
thole die-bard faot that have waited

'1Jale Womm," i s ~

tioul u a.dia. SN . . _ oae beline ti.. Cludlt it • Nllh
WomM crapped in t liwo pl't dalJ.



it ODCI of the molt eni&•
matic record labels i.o ~ IOday. Started in thc la&e leveatia as a
house for new and Cltpc~meotaf

The Birthday Plrty aod ~
also bad their •awu hue, l>efore
morina oa to ·tbe wond of t h e ~
label& and major IIICCel.&. ThrouJb
would be aianed to thit label, lhat
would cmap the COW1C ~ altanative, or indie, rock for all bands to
follow. So becim • 1qeodo,y label.
Tbe Cocteau him, with dteir

ctberc:al, ci:i::&Jmelodieac:ametoc:My
the 1abd ialo pablk. view, ~ ~
rdale IOl:ik tbc Bridab mNM:: ~
to acw bipl. Dad C. 0-:. capti.- with ,oduc ~ and
TIie Waif.... "Pr.a p111 daeir own





need them).
/ Jul for JIOU. Al / ,Jt ad COlft·
Belen t knew it l was ea roulc IO plmn aboul tJv jaa dtal I 1-rw O _, I
bit Boston apartment ud found ,OMorrOW / m,14- 1Jtat ,-, p,olllat
myKlf in bit bed. Since that niaht I nuut be oU cona.d,s,, ONc Joa tlw
have not beard from him and to top it • /
Jtru.s U mi,, bi dat, ""1 Md
all off I have jDlt found out I am 01• BIRTH CONTIIOL U O - , .
pnipallt. &cina tbtl. t waa to:ually
lfnonlllff to dill ,,,..., 'Will IIOt
• involved with my CJt-boyfrioDd prior .,,,,11 rtf"lt In p,w,-.,.q bM/ ouo
to that IUJbt I am now ~ with
lhC dilemma of whoso child I am
·carryina. ·
cOfllUILlcd \oapaael


The Suffolk Journal '
Needs You!

needs writers, copy editors,
advertising representatives,
or anyone interested in news
writing o,r newspaper



"HeD Frcezea Over"' is not' Che
perfect u■plnged album, thou.J,b.
The-ls a1ow altboup k is moody
I D d ~ The.........,.ipc,tbi of. cbc album is heavy Gl t:.llad&

Mortal Coil • llalal by label f~
.S r.e..riac labd bo,e coQocd,,dy pnMdod

Come on down to-the

lhe labd - - --.,
aod Alla _ . _ to.11nwiDc _ ..,
'lhe bome . _ _ MIiia

Journal Offices, fi~ .floor

IO i.uDe some c1auic IICCOltCic Ill•
bumsbyTbe lled H - ~ a n d
- Eacb , . . _ ... die

of the Student Activities

"Life ia the fat 1.aae" and '711b It
FMy" bell miap up .a bit.
£aalet r- al any ..e will lDOC be
di&appoiated by •,1.bis latest .effort.


Heidi ~

oo-, IDd 111o deoip

£,ea ,.,. who,...., ma;o.Q.
dlen wbclD cbc Ea&J,es aoc their mn
(lib cm,
will ..;o, 1m1

house. V23.

DOI be "W-l'\tl,e.•

The Pwea, - - ... VDGOS
........i oo I'


~ ~·L,;,,,

udat V.....

at: . ;-:;:: =.,-~:



Center, next to
the Fenton building. · , ,

How to - void sex
with Mike

'Political See-Saw


.,.._ a.,.Micaa aow



.... -.... ............ .,.......,.,
w.: :.:::t:e~;,.:::,::.:u~:.::



vo&cd Democnl& into Coaareu. Now that
tbo Dmaocnlic pM)' bas made • comeblck into the White
Home. Capitol Hill UI aoae, to the Republicans.
nil caa be a good idea, but it can alto create immense
problcma. While tht! oppolllla point of view having a
lln:Jal voice. u,. Rcpublieanl will .now have with a
~ fll¥)rity, is a good idea in theory. thc:re•is
alao r.:r eoo much opportunity for aridlock. Some Congrcumaft. like Bob Dole and Newt Oiogrich, hive bcco
very vocal iD their opposition to almc>lt eve.rything President ClimoD Im done, tried to do. or in&eads IO do.
Now. with tbc Rq,ablicu ~y i.n effect nmnfo,g the
coumry. die ~ ii there for an hiltorically ligniftcmc dlaoao in the way· American politica fuoctiona.
lmtead of an automatic kncc,-jcrk reaction for the
~ to vote down any propoMI Preaidcal Ointon
tries• put through Coogreu. the time bu come for a new
spirit ol cooperadon. The has come for the Republican
voice to be heard, bul not at the e x ~ of the American
Wbctbc:r ooc agrees or disaarca with the performance
of Prwdeot Clinton'• administrationi there arc some proposals be has and will try to pass into law are good idea.1 and
iw neccuary foe this cououy.
It is hard to argue that the United States needs some
form ol crime bill, and the need.for aomo fann of teform to
the bealtb care • ~ ia imperative. That the Republican
party will object·to specifics in the Ointon plans for these,

and other, propouls is inevitable. However, a simple
voting down of t.hcse bills ll not the 1mwer.
All that· serves to do is keep the status quo.
The Republican part)' abould use thcir new-found clout

..Have a 'n:ally 1ood Jtoo.ight. ..


• Tom Dworkin, following an actina clau w~
the concept of aubcc::J.t, wbc:rc a chartcter U)'I OOC thiq
but mean.a the complete opposite, wu ditaaucd to
Journal Editor Out Coaldty, upon bcarin, of Couley'•
obtainiaa or actv.ncc ~ tickcu to "Sw TM:
Oencntions" on the' Monday before nationwide



Crossin&, yellVI& into .a Jim,,_,,,._ my pa)'dleck tbal tbc)' now
lt..,.durincthcClltooa wa-c oaly payu11 me n.oo
whowalbbytbat~isa Network'. • Scooby Dqo uhout.Imeul'mawomanl
ncwHMVRccordiliaOown- ~ I dcctdcd 10 llmauppoecdtoc:xpccttopt
town Crossing.
finally do iL I've been tDCaD-- paid lea! I'm supposed to
What kind of a moron iaa to do it for yun. I jult Just tab it.
wouldsubjecthimlelftothc ocvu &ot around to It. The
humiliation that this job time bad come. lt WM time Hide and pat bim in: •

fipl. lib J
do. J
~ ia, tlm ~ NIC>tioa.IWC111111palpwbla
a pwdl rip& abow Hejllll kW - - •
me. He llarled apolosbiq
nd wa1bd away. I -•

you doin& any one of these

ii aa ebb and Oow to poUtJca. Jun u our
1oftl'Dmeat&I syu.n _
employs 1 1y1tcm or cbecb and

Records i n Downtown

astupidpct500. Therefore,
u.ndoubtedly wondCring
ofmypetpceves. lJJeversoe

ad die Hoose ol RepruenwJvcs. This U aot

pany, but la' • spirit of working wilh the Democrats.
Not against than.

says J91Dl

,.,_ Shaw_:.._

aajorities la bou ~


l'm every woman,



$3.0tUor an issue o f Vogu~
Thinkaboutit. There are
388 pages in the fool thing,
wordsonthem. Thal' aright.
pieoc of trash then you've

~ I I J T ~ ............


Dear Editor,
I have been reading lhe
varied responses to Ji m
Bchtle's stories and I just

Dear Editor,
This is in req,onsc 10
Haipha Dominique Simon's
response to Jim Bchrle's ,e.
waru 1oletthcreadersinona spon1e 10 the aeoeral re•
litele secret: Jim Behrle sponse of the day to day gO:
doan't care about you or ingS-on here aL Suffolk which
what you think about ltim, I you printed in the I 1·9 issue
promise you.
cl The SIi/foik JDUmlll. I wilt
Jim Behrle is a classic let I.hose who read this decide
es.11,mple of a sociopath . for themselves.
When he says he doesn't care,
I found it poinllcss for

aside from the fact that your
letter WU poorly written, it
more lhln liltdy fdl on Tun's
deaf ears. I'll bet a dozen
twio.1r:eea Jim crumpled up
and lheo a.sited

Jim lkhrlc's article. Instead.
a more piausible

Dear Edit!M',
T~ere i• a siu.111tion a1
Suffolk Univcnit)' that wa.-rants the auentiqo or all CLAS


tem;::o ~:.
Resource Center (CRC)' in
the Feoton buildlng? Well, I
have, and iJ SOCKS. I am
referring only 'to the IBM
clone1 computers, of which
lhc.....199:!1---9.S Course Bulletin
states Feotoo CRC bolds 60.
Oo Monday, November
14 at II am, I went to lhc
CRC in the Fenton building

somebody from the Jownal
if it was worth reading.
I don't know Jim,
but I used to know someone
who was a lot like him. lf you
are disturbed by what Jim
writca, Jim's happy. lf you
are entertained by what Jim

.. break down" Jim Debrie
himsdffllll. Ms. Simon might
ha~ learned a lot.
Apparently . there arc
thiois in thia world and right
here at Suffolk which H.O.S.
and others hold aac;red. When
these ucrcd insirutioru and
bclicfswcrewbjcctcdtosar~ SCNtiny of a most unrul y nature, 1be 101 bent.

Methods in Sociology. It was
due at 12:00. As I entered lhc
CRC I observed it 10 be busy
with lludenta, and ooc prorcuor. I sat at a computer.
but, l,lu, the drive r« .S 1/4
ioch disct wu missing from
the CPU. I tried another ma•

c~nued on page 8

continued 00 page 8

dumps oo you? M ~ r .

Pcoplcarestupid, butifthey
walk: in front of a big pink
buildi.ogwithloudouici:om-So,ovcntall&lauorlce ,
ingoutofit.~willooticeiL cold Frcaca. l dialed up my
Thcseguysremindmcoftbc local doctor.
S ~ Univcraityl You
soldiers in front of F~O can c:alI me Sbocbal
SchwartzinNewYortCity. All~•
4) People who voted

~Oo ~I



butletsfaceitpcoplc. lfyou
want co be educated, you
have to use verbs. Oh, and

"CanlhclpyouT' .


:;°!,1;: :U-.!':.-:!;

wbat ti tbc proper, lady-lib Dppcn:ut? Wby cat'I F
rapomc to thu problem?
toc-to-«Oe with a w01111117 II .
So I kicked him in the · it that chivalry thine?
Nccdleu to uy, I .waa
Thealwasoffaboppina:. reallyacamcdnow. So.wbile
I wu shocked to fiod that I wu walkiq lbnNtp the
Vicloria'1Se:cretdidn't bave Bos&oa Commoa ·llld ·I doanything my size r« quite cided I woold spend tome/



polite. Well: everybody I'm
gain, to abarc' a liltle accn:t
with you. I may bo Sbec:bl
~ • but I'm not you .

. , . . . . . . • fetll pDllitica'
Studies. Sure, , IOCictyl Jt' a un:W. the mm c:omo IO uwi
peda::dy fiac for mm ro (M, me. I'm appoecd ID • ..._
bclcb, ud pub~ tal:,lea. people willl •Y pocblllioot.




Wpa,ge 10

waaamaz.cdwbca l\oobd at


tbat'i wlllllt I.......,
aad gcop1c ..-e amiaa,
It was tbca t.blll. I realimd
about that doable 111Ddard
tbiDa I .Jearned •la Womm'i


J WClll to wock. I •


Tower Rcrcordl ud piet. •

Ola, b■t wait. I'• •
woman. J'm .. ,.,... co~
carry Spcarmin1 RnOftl!d
mace or• bia llllpid ...._

wca.1,- .... b,-.

~cm,.. I

By Chrldan Enr,.anct,EtMN""'-

Voices of S1/ffolk

What punishment ~ -you think SU~ Smith deservea for
the m rder of her two


Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Chief




tbcHeraJdovcrthcGlobt. as Speaker of the Hduse? ibink
, ffey. ~wc'rc in, colleg~ Thisguy~alrcadyplcdaed
while amot:11111 two
folb. 1 can understand the to " Invcstigatc"Whitcwatcr packsofMartborollDdplayhighschool~ntalityofgq., ; ai,,tamps:.
• ina "Love, B9aC" pinball.
ing for~ R,pct with the
1bisguy's namedocsn' t (-?Ob: I foraotl I'm a
bigtst sporu section, and even make sense.
woman. I have to bo neat and

Chrislian Ena,lcr. Mana&ina Editor

~ M. Courtncy,BlllmtSIMm,qu


I :.: O.K.":';::. ... .._


The Suffolk Journal

Jim8chr1c, C.olumais1
Dr. Genld Rkhmm, Advisor


recycliq machine. wbea

~~oo:: ~~~dj ~aa:,

By the s1udc nts, for the students, since 1936

J u s a i ~ ~ :tor

:-=-::--:! ~=

been robbed. Youhavepaid Republican.
: : : t!oru;;:!t
money for the privilege of
Lctmcaskthis: Hawcao am •abort. ti.Id, dopey look- were bocb dead eadl • wdl lion:. T1le fini two diob I
looking at photos of ..per- somcooeofsoundmind.YOlc ing woman. ljoonyl
Tbcn:lfoamlto1Deftllllyaice held up bepn: to Cf"/• Tbcy
feet" women modeling for the party that wuts to
Thcfintthina ldid inmy tbiAp at che Caldor GIiden: COlllda't·belieYed•uelotbes that you can noc af. deacasc the deficit. and, It new life wu ~ aome•btak- Sten. Let'• jUlt •J I'm aold:!III lbcm.&o dll8cleaDford,orposi.ngn.audinhopcs the~ time, increase de- rut. I wu at ·1..auuc·, Spa. lac to 1ry !JIil the "'leJ.y pin- en.
that you will buy the over- fcnsc spending? Hey, •arp I •gOUJI oa. m_ t.birdbdpin,of tic prt.p blrl"' look. •
· :idoa't,etit.Wcaaca
bearlna fragrances that ttey the only
in the coun- CIS!"aad bacod. when I tellIt Wtii: time for - tchac:c rob people jOlt .. well u
trywhoisshakingin fear at iud IMI' everybody in the down.. So I viutod the Ratb- .meo, ca"t they? Ob,)IOI ·
2)Anypeffi,nwhorcads thcthoughtofNcwtGingrich joinl..wasswincatme. You'd &kc&r, IOCbd down about But 10eist1 dictate• that

,continued on page 8

let er

!~ ~ r'::i~•!"':!
r« ~ o . : . :

iana, tbcte'a been:alitdeaur1


prioon "" abouf forty

yeara 1o rll1hink her


"f'sycholclglcal IPl"k· "She-poydlo,
laglalllhllpllld<!)In- to b e ~ IND a

1o -11111 lho

~=:.~:... --.worst punlsl1manl.

Kim Chiu





1'111111 1.a.•1 lpllic

TV. I bc:t )'OU doa't ew:a lib cbiae, but thM one Ml allo ezpcri.
Outbeadl (I ~ .&bat.. ,you just •ci•&lldlaical difflc;alDa.
Cit Fol.

tirade rather
........,., ... hit-it lier duty to

=::-..:=.:::::.=:: -:'.;-=·~

d the pa{,a viotim,n,bl
: ia lbo .Aerowitb aec-



mmp ~ joba,. 10 Uliafy

ar. Hejut~aaredat
H• ICaltCd 1polosizina

walkod away. I mean,
Ibo tlory £.ib7' M



of meo, Su, it'• DOt koio give I womaD. a •atiff
mat? Wby can't·mea go
o-toc with a woman? 11
It chivalry thing?
lleedle.u to uy, I wu
Y llClmCd DOW, So. while
11 walking through the
oo Common and ·1 dell I would 1pend tome
muqing people. What
di, it WU I special oca. The fim two dinb I
up bopa '\"Y·•Th<y

set iL Women CIID
people Just u well u
, can't they? Ob, ool
society dictate& that
.en are the victim, aad
aetbclQRIIOll, bmm?
Olli, boc wait. , I ' • a
HD. I'm 111ppoaed to
y Spearmint -nnorcd
~ or • bi.a llUpid wbbtlc.
I don't

.......... lo ,.u "STOP!"

, the mm come to sa..-e
l ' mlDIIPC)
Well, ~ pt~~
for you.





Ju.a read bis aory, laa&h or be
en wilh lecbaical difllcuhim. Let'f
-. Q) ccapacen. .. dowa dDI! to dilciubcd, IDd then do YOW: homc-


~ alllftl wllic::b ls CIUCl)y.wbat
Jim B e u t e ~- Ia Mtleti111
Jim ,.....0,. whal you. am aaack-

,leCbalcaldiffic:oldcl.thllnneiMc. wort. ·

you're • jllllior. (I i:poloti&e, lhe
Tu.a SWe ~ • • tnaly I


.J, penoully. wiU aeve~ act


wrila, bcdoca' tcare. 1:1c:1not writ-

-ii._ ;.:!i': t'.:.= :;:. :'..":J:;,~ mipl o;plode.
his bead

view ~ - world. ('11111 lhc IOOk. th!:, cerity bocaUIC if you rcmaitll thia
dmatodollia-,-dmelOwrilOto upapt. yoa 1 be #illll • ....




~ in juit Fama

. How<OOldL..?)lJolltoOiu
Brua. I am not aayina lhat l .mi
I tboua,bt be. q much ·fmlaier bercn· tlley'llartcd:puuinabiapictme
oat to bia .-ciclc. k ·waa thm. tblt I
rcaliud .. Heyl Thal'• ODe ol tboee
obnoxious, roo,ball tablc-bogio1
uppcrclaumcn ·wbo hq out in the
Fenton ·Lounae · even tqougb ii ia
pink (&up!) but comp\ain about it
•yway. It was also at thil point th.It
I rcaliu:d bis d&&al.ity.)
So ff:D.S., IO OD and &ct mad.
Get bd.1--bc:atandrabidl Because the
moroyou,do, the betta Jim is doiog

imo a 6 JM dllc:lmlc in ...u.ble

CllC. ~


Moacl,y~i<lthe .lmh .....
c1 tbe aemata.

· By dlC way, the py I tiew~ho

..,.i,lairic ....... t'n,m



cariR>oard box.
Enjoy your fioah,
to find a compotc:r that did wOtt,
bowcveritwu' coaacctcdtoalucr
Ilia pmolli views oa • IUbjcd in •
prialer. (For lbosc: DO& aware, one
A. H.D.S. brndf ~ "You miP,t
I wu fiaVUlg difficulty bavia.1 the ■ Bl!IIIILE.
dat I'm lakma .)'ODf lltido too_
printer accq,c the commaod to print
. Continued from page· 6
ouly and you aupl ,truly thmk you .
the report ' aod tbcte wu NO LAB
.., apt."
ASSISTANf TO BE R)lJND my- f~. If you' re waJ.kin& through the
Nol Rally? s.c.m. ii ooc of
-.:berc in the CRC. A fellow llPdcat Public Oatdais laac ODC nighl &rid a
die oldat fonm of IOCW aitique in
saw my frustratioo ~ auiltcd me in 3•7•, slightly ovcrwcigbl but otherthe world ad obviously if Jim iJ able
compldin.1 the priBtina of tbe report. wise lpec~WUDIID bolds 8 rifle

Now, you mii,btsay, why make in your f-=e, you will come to bow
be all ~i,pcaaL Wblt.doyoocall
abigdealaboutthis?Well,thiai1not the meaning of fe.malc power! I'll
it wllea J'OII lmlOr ,thiap jult. bc- hb,iobandtbemorcyoyareproving the fint time l've , had difficulties show you w~m•• liberatioo. baby!

ttaeJ do · DCJ!· bold uctcd lh;e my point. Hate to IO\le biJn/love -to using the CRC'or asking for auis- I'll lfberatc you of your wallet!
idealt tbll. you. do? Oilc:a:nin& hate him, that's wha bt'1 there for! tance w:itb various mat&cn
warm SUD·
readilc'P No',e. that•, Do& it. Ah,
To bonow from H-.kt. ..Oh ina the computer &cili6el avtillble
So. I wcn1 home and made p-ank
maybe •ii'~ cdacalod evahw.i011 on pernicious woman," how do you to a.AS IWdesus,.· rm fed up with calls till I fell uleep. I dl'CIIDI of
bdlal( ol the ip:alDl IUUCI- Nope. a.peel the Suffolk student body IO payiq:-OYet $10,000 tumoll. and DOC applyina al.Imp,; to um.a Thwmara Cat
thll'1 D0l it eitbcr. Ob )'Clbl It's the take seriously someone who takes being able IO obtain aervicd that are lcalr. lhM hMD't cbanaed), ud of a
C-word (pllt! COmlflUDi1ml Big Jim Debrie seriolwy?
purported to be avmle1e·l0 the Stu· society Where people 8"'.D' t judged




~~I,~ CLAS .~ ,

slw,uld ~::,;._& h a l l : = d : : : : : : : ~ ~



dlC oae tmD1 you flilcd


ud u • ca1i£1Cd mediator I-


:1=~-=~roleyouu; :::=.::~idthatyoi,'~
bme ue. ..lnlOltional/ 1111& to comfort
you, H.O.S., you would be hard
preucd to fiod someone u genuitldy iporaat u Jim Bebrle appears..
Keep lhll in mind...
o uo aay,
work. Have a bra:c of twinkees and
• brace of fi.ficm-year.gJd sirb oo
me. And by the way, Jim, cooaiderinc the good moaey we paid for that
damn cbudelier, do you think it
wouldbepultobeUeruseirWC~by-the-neck-until-dead from it lbe
you, like me, think we pajd hard
eatDCli:t tuition money for a cheap
· lip:it & that ~
:c cvm support lhal kiG:l ot weiiba?
.P"I/OU Jownof--suff, thank you
for your time, pMience, and oa:tlet.
James Teotdl
_ ~-to-be .:Sntior ·

• ~ die bM co lib him or .liltem'
specific opmioD ol h.m!, &hen be
done bu jab wd1. He fills Iha spccial
pace . . Ill ncwspapcn need to 61L


overlooked lhi1. (Oops! Thal was
imemiti~ my apo&ogic:I IO H.D.S.)
How, urcasm ii apparenlly • ~ vepue for you to become familiar
it f o r ~ - If you need DOC help
you m.i,ttl try Mike ~
. Ouy
Tnadcao, Gary Lai100, Cat~y
0.iaewitte." Curles •Schol&. • im
~ ud otbcn. (Hiot, but. Do
aay· of lhae _
names ri~& a bel\?)
OiYOD ' your ~ of


n.....,.,.,__._1,1,,. ·


.r,.,...,., - ~ " " " '

Auoc""- 0 - TorrlM -IJ-:,,Jty


CHICAGO - Tell you r mom and
did.DOI to worry. Not all youngadulll
are the sex-craz.ed pleasure. seekc.n
they sec on the "Oprah " and
"Donlbuc:" talk shows.
ID &ct. so:ual _promiscuity among
Amcdcam b«wccn the aa;t1 of Jg..

=.~t!;~::~ =.n~!!;~
Chicqo researchers.
Their landmark rc.pon, the. National Health and Social Llfc. Survey,
is ~ ll the most comprehensive
survey of su.ual behavior and debu.Db many notions of whom is dol1111what with whom. The 752-page
rcP9n wu based on seven years
worth ol data from ~minute, face,.
to-face l ntervicw1 with 3,432 ran•
domly ldectcd Americans between
the ace, o/ 18,.59.
According to the report, young
adults value fidelity, have ·one sex
the time they' re 30.
But morality ..:act ethics have
little IO do with the decliiie in SCJtual
~ among members of ~ration X, said Dr. Robe.rt Libby, a
former Univen:ity. or George human
sexuality J?fO[euot who lectures col•
legc 1wdents,on sex in the 1990s.
Instead, lhe tec,fot AIDS and other
sex1UJH:i;!'!!ll911tttd discases,.bai
dowcit -~~ revolution.
1be: lcarc' fX AIDS has ~ a.
r ·· t •1"~ ' '

Continued from page 5

Continued from page $

neeileJ Ncmue I am nue yOfl have

nm all this thr'.ot11h .your head a
wtilllon timu but ii mJJ needs to be

ous. y conoem JJ
realize what he is doing and bow
much it has ~ yed our friendship,
My_question to you i1 should I
confront him or just let it go?



Ahota tlu problan of co,ifronling 'j<Mru Isa:, 10/or iJ. Heha.r.the
riJhl ID PtDW if it 1w cllild a/Id lu
may laJ:e uspo,uJbllity for 1w acJiom. Honudy I ,,;,,ui.that ,naybe
JO" f1tr1 a VU# to du H,_. S.TWCQ

Dear Pi.ued,
I do semt to sense a linle jealousy. Whetlur or not you WMt to
adlrdt '1 li "P to you. -Maybe, JOit. are

_,,,,,,""" ,.,. "' .
oil ,,.,.,..,. fast " .., .. ",pm,.ing'
~ U co,,/id-.J aid dwy will he wit(I MlffVOM OIM'r than JOI&. I think.
able to ojpr GJMtf a,,h,la.
JOf1 haw every rl1Ju to a,nfro,tl lti,n

::."'=6.,e;:::.:;:, ::':"'~ ·- -"'""""'"""""......,·


"' -


llabloodtut.,.W-.JfuJ · · ,,u...,.,_carco«Jfllthu

tlvbat. GOODWCK/1!


Drop J,y

.i,;:,:; 111




ot,T ~.' :,;tJ

Jiotlor, CI.XS r

. is



Sex &'GenX: Study RJ
By Marco BUIClaJia
Cdlcp _ , Savicc


ant1w .... ,..,.,,.anddtlllltUM
Dea,Pot, ·
I have a problem. My' once &ood
friend DOW hi,• tipificaDt other, cq,,,eONl,obftlfri,attbwUIHar'Ofllfd
md lie bOI cllqcdillis ltlimde _
.,_ Jamer.

asw as1p1110 an
ch and Belly (from The Pixies and ·
Throwing Muses). Their wild success has given the label ,the attention
it has never sought, but has always
This year's live fcsitivaJ held by
the record label has resulled in a
samP,~ tilled "All Virgos Are Mad."
This ccffeatures twelve all-new tracks
from label artists, and is a· JllUSt for
fans of the label or any given anist on
the label. .
Dead Can Dance tum in a beau• .
tifDDy bewitching perfonnaoce on
':Rlfcim" and•Luah also standout OD "
:,i.e Childcatc.bcr." New artists mo
~ up' a _arge portioo of the disc .
Lisa Germano ls 11. her personal
OD ..Geek The Girl,"
song w
about 'riot bdng 'a very coot young•
IDS His Ntme Is Alive deli~ ·
mind •bogliDg, di1torted mini-opus
tilled ':'1..itnrY.--Girl." Established la·
bet artiall The Wolflang ~ ·are
abo1 fellmed on the decidedly funky




ncw •t:llleli'1'"'()ne:!"II~·

..All Virg01 .. is required listen·

in.gJor the 4AD fan, a cd lhat not only

'sdolk Jounud is YOUR


·student newspaper. Be involved.
Let your

voice b e ~,,, ·"""


u . a . nice sampler for the


wodc that hangs together

tiooii( b.wlDaJsoaerveu a guide to

1 ..... ~ ,r

just before the aae
can-American fem
When givina
fim havin& LDlen:I
cent of the men 1
affection for tbci
probably not aoo.
percent of the wt
same t] ·
Four perceoc
pen:eot of the W01
first scs:ual CD00I.
sure; 51 pcn:mt 1


~--6 ~--6


• - - w-,.-16,1994


........,.. Ille felt it her duty to

...... ,..-!aialtlw,---'ctoos-..Mr. Bellrte'a

\liew olpe world. cn-, lhe ~ ihe

,- ...,_> ·

I, ,-.oully, will aever ace
- - - ~ job,.. to ~
my ....... for . . . . c:riciqu:o of a
Jia &elute p,oncle:a. ltl attackiaa
Jim pcincmDJ, wlllt )'(JU are mackiltc ii a Wnlrlr'a freedom to e:xpaa

J:o1 TV. I bet you doo' t cvm like cb.i.oe.

but tb1t ooc wu allo e:xperi• Dlllt.beidl (I beard tbat. •. you just -=-, kdaicaJ difflclltia.
- " W h o ' s ~ / . . . " •'eia-· yoo..,,, welldliswa
l lUQCII thae dmip iq aJl ain- foUowod by two addidmal comp1teerily bocallle if you remaio this
wieb ICChaic:al diflic:oh:ia. Lee'•
updabc.. you_ll.t:,e~ Olll • deer ,ee. 60 coa,sJ)OWI, • don dlle_ to
nn. a a bcll llDWcr ~Y tM lune tcdmical -diffk:oltict. d i a l ~
you're • juDicw. (I apoloaiu, the into a 6' J/211, dccnale i:a. ~ l e
'J'OUI 5m&e Maiuc!'C WU lnlly I compotll!l'l lll;.. featoa. CRC. cm a
blpdy. HowcouJdL.. 7)0nlibOina Moodily momiaa in tbo tmh week
Brau., I am DOl ~ying lhal I am of the lelDelter.
J.B.·• biuCllt fao
a m.ccr ol lact.
Not 9GC to pve u.p. I proc:oedcd
I lbou:abt be .... inucb' twwer be- to find a compoeer lhat did work,
fore' the)' s&arUld PJUin& bis picture bowcver ii wu c:oancc::&od to a 1ucr



the::== c!u'; :: ~~':=ty:

tbc wodd a! obvioualy if Jim is Ible
IO lltpl' -,,ooc lhis much be cumot
bcall dlaJ,ipcnat.Wbaldoyoucall
it .__ J011 lmlm' tbiq:t jw& ~
caN llleJ do not· bold ucred the
.._. ~ you ~? Dilccnioc
rcadiac? Nope. that's llOl it. Ah,
aaybe it's cda:a&od cvshaalioa on
bdllMf J ·die ip;lr:ml IUllleL Nope,
that's not it c:idlcr. Ob ,-bl It's the
C-word (psst! Com.nuaisml Bia
htotbor ii wahia.a, or abouJd I Uy
~ siater?).
H.D.S., for aU your diucctin,
&Dd c.,.lutiaa, reprim&Gdi111 and

~ :c:a:::~

cohaumt. Nobody said· thal you Of
•,-m- dae 1- to like him or lis&cn
aolma.Buc 'if---,,bodydoelhavca
spoc:ific opaioa a him, cbea he has
dtmc bll job wdl. He 6Us dilt special
low or Jaw ,o NIU.
Beca,,c you se OG!y • fl'ClhlDID. I cm RIC wbae you rlU&ht ha\le
O\lerlOOked (()ops! Thal WU
imem.itive. my lpOloiies to H.D.S.)
Now, urcam ii apparently a acw
Yc,auc for you 10 become '4,niliar
wi&b, IO I will help )'OU find out about
it byoondf. ~ ,_i...,. help
you mipt try Mike RoYl:o, Ouy
Trv.dcaa, Ouy Lanoa, Cathy
O.iac~itte, O.trk,1 SChul~, Jim
Bebrlc, IDd otbat. (Hint, hi-. Do
aay· of tbcsc names rina • bell?}
Oi,rca your opillioa rl Jim Bckrie,
........,, lbdyoo-~Carlbl

J • • 1imna difflClillry haviq the
prinler accepc the command co pint
the repon: and there • • NO LAB


~ n t thal
So H.O.S., go oo a.od get Dllld. completing the of tbc report.
Oct bell-beat and rabid! Because the
Now, you mlabt uy, why make
moreyoudo, tbebetterJimisdoin& a bigdcalabouttbil?Well, tbisisoot
hil job and the more you lie provinJ the fir11 time l'Yt had diffacultics
my poi,:ll. Hate IO low: bim/'love IO using the CRC or ukinJ for usisha&e him, that's wJtat he's there for! tMCC wilb various 111111a1: c:oncanTo borrow from fflftkt. "'Oh inJ the computer facilities available
perniciow "WODWI," how do you to a.AS SQldeou.·
fed up wilb
apect die Suffolk student body to pa)'Ull aver $10,000 wition and not
take scriou&ly IOmeoDC who takes being able to obtain semce, that are
Jim- Behrte ICriously?
pwpor1td to be aYaillble to the uuIt ahould be obvious by this ~ dentJ.
Iba& I could haYe been f• mCR ~
1,990 a.AS ttudenu:,
ICIWtiYe and art:Utic. Lib J.B., I • I'm ~re I'm aot the Ollly onc this has.
border on bcin& • profeuiQoal imti- happened to! We mutt



==~::== •·- er.~

live SCUemeDts. So any tbl.1 you find
hen: ll'C. •• inuNiatto.J! Just to comfon
you, H.D.S., you would be bard
prcased lo find 1omeonc .. genuindy iporut a Jim Behrle appcan.
o UD say,
W<n:. ffayc • brace of twinbel and
• brxc of fiftecn-year--old airls on
me. by lhc way, Jim, ccmideriac the aoo,d IDOOC)' WC paid for tbaa
dama c:jlandclicr, do you think it
would be put to beucr USC if WC bun&•
by-t.he-ncck-until-dead from it the
peop1e wt.o "' buy n? o, c1o
you, like me, thlnk we paid bard
eamod tuition money for • cheap
Upt future thlt couldti't even support lhol kjnd ., .......?
:wJfolk JOfUft!ll staff, than.It you
for )'OOI time. plliencc. and outlet.


Sex &'Gen X: Study RevealsYQungAdults NotPromW!IDI;
By Marco Buscaali.a
Collqc Plus Savi«
CHICAGO - Ten your mom and
did not to wony. Not all young llduhs
arc the ICA-crued plea.sure seekers
they ICC on the "Oprah" and
"'Oooahlle" talk shov,,s.
1n ladt. IC.lual promiscuily among
Amcricam bawccn the ages of 1830 his actually decreased in the pas,
decade, according to UniYeni1y of
Chicaao researchers.
Their la.ndmark report, the NatiOOII Health and Social Life Survey,
is bill~ u lhc most comprcbensiYe
IUJ'\ICY of ,uual bchaYior and debunks many notions of whom is doini1what with whom. The 752-page
repon was hued on , e..,en years
worth of data from ~minute, faccu,..facc interviews with 3,432 randomly IC!cctcd Americans between
of 18-59.
According to the report, young
adulu: Yalue fidelity, ha\le one sc.
partner II• lime and plan to many by
the time they're 30.
But morality and ethks haYe
little to do wilb the decline in saual
p&rtDCr1 amona members of Geoeratioa X, 1aid Dr. Robert Libby, a
former UniYcrsity of Oeoric human
suuality profCIIOr who lectures college 11Udenu on su in the 1990s.
Instead. the tear.:or AIQS ~ other

.,.-...., lusi-lmipt~.
Jmt ...t hi• ICOIJ, 1auth or be

ud then: do YOW: homewo~
. By lhewty, the ,Uy Ibcw who
for CIWIC • cardboard bo•.
Enjoy your flDIU,


. _ .,,_

n •.....,., .,__.... ,, 1"4
.,_•• ~ . . . . · 1511

Continued f ~ pqc 6
folk,. H you're walking through the

~ - ~ , : : ' o ~ : ; t i ~ t :er~
wile 1pec111CUlar woman bolda a rifle
ln your face. you will come to know
the meaning. of female power! I'll
show you wO(l'ICD'• liberation, baby !
I'll liberate you of your wallet!
Feminism LS • warm pn.
So. I went home a.od made prank
calli: till I fell u lccp. I dreamt of
appl.yiDJ ltlmpl to Um.a Thurman (81
leaa. that hlln't changed), and of •
society where people aren't judged
by loob.

ot ~ :..•1 ; .


Continued from page 5

,a & o


y coocem IS •

rilt of disffJSe.
realiu what he is doina and bow
I IINUntaltd dwd a is Mt much it bu desllOyed our friend•
Muwl IMcaMU I,.,,. sun 1"" hove ship.
run all tllis 1hrat1&h )'Oflr head a
My question to you i1 should I
tnllllon timu ""' it stiJJ needs la be confront him or just let it 10?
AhtwJ t& problem of confronJ•
....... Off
UIJ'Y<H'l'ulMIJ&oforil. He has the
rl&III lo .brow if ii lau child and M Dear Pi.ued.
may lau. nspo,ulblllly for his oc•
I do seem 10 sense a little jeai•
Jiofu. H0tuS1ly I 1ugesl dtat maybe ousy. WM1lur or M t you want to
'10M pay o rilll ,o 1M Heablt Slrvlcu admit U ls lip ID you. May/M )'Ott are
cm.Jer llltd lall to diOI. oil llt/ot"lltO• jMUfeoJOfUojdulitruMlsspatditlr
rior, ls COlf/fdalial -,ti dwJ will be ~ SOIMOM other du»J )I-OM. / IJainA:
abk to olfer a,Mrt ~
JOM laaw
rl1hl to «wrJro,u 'hun
aduplala N1W 'JOfl-f•el abow toos.
. U - / y 11w
wiU be ""'6 to fi,ttl 1M IMO Njflllwi
is ii o blood IUt by,baillll -,s.. ffad
1ot4owidtls1o~Mtlbatllof ,.,.,,.,, ,.,...,.f4P-Mt,,,dtlssi1wordi du

, __

-,·wy -





- - - •·"""'"' lfr-l1

fo, - ~ .. ...,...,-,/oj.Try

I have • problem. My oace aood

.... ,..,_,..,_

1M .... ,,.,_ and ""'1 It ls M

lla,a.JMr 6o;rfrl,t,uu/1lrlfriends

frimd 00W bas • lip:ificar other.
... be lm-,..Sl!,i, ....... to- forert•r.



'Sdoool,f- · '

~~~e;:_s his
fcatc of AIDS has caused a


Continued from Jagc 5









of lock and , _ • aJ 1M IM.u. GOOD Wi:K JI!


writa, bcdoeu'tcare. Hc'1notwrilU11 b yoo, l,o'1,n/d,w for ldadf.
ff he docm't p:t-tbeac cniy ~ 00

=-wllidlv::::r:.:: =~~~.::em:%! =y(~r'= JIUDOl~~~I----------

M H.D.S. lllndf" aid. · --you mipt obnodoua, fooaball tablc-bogi.Qa
dlial: ra - - . yoor article too aeri- uppcrdu.smcd wbo liq Ollt in the
c.aiy ad JOU mipl: tn&Jy thial: you featoa Lounge even tJtough it i1
are .dpt.•
pillk (l•pl) but C9Dl,.in about it





"i'l'IUII J.8... lllllatic


The Suffolk Journal is YOUR

student newspaper. Be involved.
Let your voice be·beanl · ·,'

uw usp1no. an
en and Belly (from The Pixies and
Throwing Muses). Their wild SUC·
CCIS has given the label the attention
it has oever sought. but has always
This year's liYe fesitiYal held by
the record label has resulted in a
sampler titled "All Virgos Are Mad."
This cd features twelve all-new traeks
from label artiau, and is a must for
tW of the label or any giYen artist on
the label. '
Dead Can Dance tum ln a beaulifully bewitching perf~ance on ·
"Rakim" Ind also SWldoat on
"lbcChildc:a&cher." New artists also
make.up a WJc ponion of the disc.
i..iia 0ermuo LS at her peBOO&l oo "Oeu The Girl," • ~ g
about not bci.a& a Yery cool youngster, IDd His Name Is Alive deliYer a
miod•boaaJ.ina, distorted mini-opui
titled '1..ibrmy Girt." Established label atiltl The Woltgarag Press ·arc
alto feaaured on the decidedly funky
new t:naQ •""One." .~"All Virgos " is required listen·
in.a for the.CAD fan. a cd that not only
1erves u I nieC sampler for J he
labcJ.,but a wort that hangs togEthcr
"U)' will. Al this year brings new
projcica from nearly eYCl}'OOC men·
. . , . ~I

_l otra-.



lot of people IO pill" .-id
pacent 111e womeo. aaid it WII out
By CODtrUl, more &bu ball of
"lt', noloaacraquc:atkmoffdiaiou, J:if ci.noeit)'; ad 11 paccDC of the womcoilltbar501 waemarriedby
be.lief1. l1'1 J1,11t practical coocerni mcn&l)d3pcn:cneoflbewommsald the lime they Were 20 years old.
•bout safqy~"
-~ ' .. it ~ •bocatilc o f ~ plcawc. compMd to only ODO-fifth o( 1111.e
While tod:ay' s youqa adulu: Are '
Ollly ' I percenl a tho ma 1t1r- in tbeit 20i. ,.
lotingthci!virJinitycarl.icrtbantbeif 'yeyed ~ 1they bll 'tbeu •
Bot' bccale" iowaauildu.111 iue
parcnu did; it's only by about m becaJic·• thefr were under the iaflu- • ddayiaa awrilp klGas ._ dim
months. The anrqe qe for white ence a ak:ohol. ~lJa'CCDl otthc · 'pt.tmll tlid,'lttcy alao mca tibly to
femalcsaadimalestofinthlYeinte:_ wOfflea ~ -the umc.
eapae ia pralllriuil IU IDOl'9aftea'
course i1 11.5 years. AYC1qC AfriHowe~. while Americans bo- ud with more pertaon, Mid the
can-American ma.I~ 1tart bavina -&eA tween the 1ae1 of 18 Md 30, like 11Udy's co-aathor S.. l..amanD.
just before the age of 16, while Afri- 1hcir parcnu and ~ n u :, re.While ic ~ ol IDd 94
can-American females bqin at 16.5 main committed to the idea of Slay- pcrceatolwonaeo.ladleit50ldlimed
in& lNC IO i,oe pwtncr, the way they lbe:ir f1nt au.a~ .,. wtillc
Whe.a 1Mn1 their reasoa.s for ga about i1 bu chanaed, said the they were married, oaly a dlird of
first havin& intacourse, only 25 per- study'• authon.
thole la their 20I lllid die-.
cent of the men laid ii wu out of
Youns· Dllu are more likely to
'1'bcy ao thtoa&b a acd _ , .
affection ror their partner. This is Ii Ye wilh ~ ~ before marriqc, period before deddiq: aboal IIICb
probably not good ·news fm tbc 48 while chefr pa:rcnb Wtft more likely iuuea u career IDd fiaal raidmce,..
pcn:cn1 of the women who said lhc to matt}' , TwCMhltdl: ofyoua, adu.ltl I..:aiuaam fflCClllly IOld the "'Odc:qo
same thina. ·
reported ~ r fint liYO-in patnonbip Tribunt."
Four percent of the men and 3 did not inYolYe marriace. while only
Th.c survey alto 1howed thlt ~
percent of the women allributed Jllei.r I 5 percent of men and 6 ped:ent of
fin1 sexual encounter to peer •pla- women In their 5()1 uid they llYed
sure: 51 pcrc:en1 of lbc mc:a and 24 ioeetbct with a 1c. ~ - ,

TboSalfoltloonull Wocmeiuy,N-- 16, I ~


-~ ~ : 12 ,
~ la ~ tbe . , _.. of ball- . Friday and Sec.arday. Official reJUlar
, . . . . , -1 ~
..acaoa tctioa .tip, off 01t_

(llfll) qainst Brid10-wa&cr State
Ji,!s.lh mu David Mcl.arcn re• ,Collep. Tbe Rams' firlt home same


amoa.a youna

• .,. I I

University DateLine

are• result of today;, chanJina aocitty. ~ m e of.. w~ -wfilcb cqn·
tiaues , to take up roore and more ·
time, We really doo't have enough
~;,,i.-~ ~ " " " " "-- of. tll,..yeh:,!<illb<:. •A.S.llm!,.,,.• -4 1.......,_.,
timolo, ... ,"heuui"People-.
dmap ,dml .' - m ha~ used (11/26) vcnus Clark tJrtivenity.
Yet, according to the •t~dy, ~ home, watch "te!evi,~i~o and 10 I~
mpet1y • a amu:r due to vuiout _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Amc::ricat a,:c mostly m ~, deep. "They don t ~ve1 lM~dmlrio 1
ai more Illa-~ oui of \0 pcc)p9 blive fun with oac partner, much less
• ~ cMCr 1-on" Woocco ,,W ■ BOCDY
said they diNppl;ove of-b~ 11 dlret or four."
~ Viein'• prattllble bact-vp and
Continued from page 12
affain. $irwJe y ~ Americans sur' The SW'Vey indicated that over a
will.•'bc aed praDl!rily for cnahing
veyed said they foe] the pme, indi· lifeti~e, a typical man bas ti.I. wc.uaJ
thb ttc-dl and blodiq sb;!ts. lo the ~
catin& that they have one sci. partner partnc:n, while a woman bas two.
lbOal wbile manning the twine mak- ~Y
bein& married hav:::
~ ~ iooc defenses.
ins ,:!, '::eaRams lhefe were several
Aod contrary to ·popu.1ar opinion, cent of the men and 31 pacent of the
j Salior Tim Beu, who 'had an bript IP!)Cf, and all will aid in pre- single people ate having leu 1ex worilen have had one; 21 percent of
excq,dona1 teaOG in awniner lcque i-rina ~ team for the irduOUI u:a· than married individuali. Thirty-six the men and 36 perc·cn1,or the women
bublblil play, will be called u·poa SOIi ahead. Saturday'• outcome may percent of married mcn·and 32 pea;- have had 2~ partners; 23' ecicent 0r

·. r

-=- .,...


oi within

the Rams' resenea.
• ; Ooooftwo fresh races siuin& the
js •a dclrth



lou in the sl&Ddinga.

·only a

Bentley, 6-4




al Wal&trBr;own Anna
Belldey (3-0)....................0 3 3. 6


J'lovember 16-23, )994

=~ ~to


while 19 percent of ain&IC men •and
1.5 pm:ent ofamgle ;,..omen said they
have su that often.


:! ~~::e:~!






~~ M ~ i , : ~ n ~J


Cente;- .

ca,eer, according

10 th


similarly raise p11blic . awarcneH

abou.:i.e-::::..~:~ Ccali&

·, •
StpdY . . . . . .



Belt CJdel .for

_ .Job-Seekms Gndl

BYf Co1J110 Prcu Service
~ ~ . . . _ : -~r- •..

• - • ._.cuc.c;a,.


Ulab; Madison. Wll.; or S,oux



. . . . . . . - f o r -. 1-,

IS>- .~.

:mi:= =nal


· ~•J'Jri l


Donovan l..iule--a player rrom the
~ ccooomic treods and the cost city of Dotcbester and SuffoUc's nil·

- v~na,1o!"'.:~=esto.!.7::

schoo l

Continued from page 7
say ..Hi.. and be dooe with it? No, I be at Faneuil Hall on a weeknight
jUII: wanted to,comple(e d;le maze after7:001Notonlythat,butifsomc-


Majo< ......,..,,.. ...., 1ucb u Jhemalldial"--abooldill
Phoenix, Minneapolis and Atlanta ·pact'upandmovetoRUNia.~Truly
evil people like bcr, who thrive on
pwc gmcd and the auffcring of othmarkdl - w.itb l50,000
500,000 cn,deaervetobuminbdl.
jobl - idcludcd 'Madiaon ; AWtio,
7) :Jbc people respoasible for; Lake Couoty, m.: Raleigh/ keeping ice. aeam_storcs open at
t:ludmD, N.C ; aod Omaha. Neb.
Faoeuil Hall until 9;00 PM during


H.R. Spomon-StudcalR.c,ponll:"(
B.LC. SladyGroap - Stalis:dcll.50
H.R. Spomon- Studeal llecordl:lbe Law lad You
8.LC. • Study Group Micro-Ecooomkl 211
B.LC. Stlldy Group · A.ccomidDa 321
B.LC. StudyGroup•- ~•lOI
B.LC. Study Gruup • Pbysbl Sdcnce I



would he even buy an ice cream in
Theimbccileswhothoµ~thi s
policy up should be sent back to
businessscbooYa'·ty Colle
dbeforced tak
to e
Wbatkindofpc:rsoncouldbe so
stupid ( dcapcnle)

1:00 -2:30

1:00 -2:30
1:00 - ~
l:00 .2:30


1:00 / "6
1:00 - 2:30
. i:00-U>
1:00- 2:30
1:flD- 2:lO



=~~=::,Y·~~ aotJ impowmhed ci1bcnJ ..a cell po1Chi1:berproblc,::t::
also IUde the top JO list.
Tb.c ·top five ·cities in medium

11:00 - 12:00
11:00 ; ·12:15
11:30- 12:30
1 1 )0-1:00
1:00 •1.1)0


,cliool oo,ly dtrou)lh a quaclt·like
"Pat7' The phony advice that he
to suicide.
Nowyouallknowthcmain types
of people who are, in my opinion,
stupid. So stocr clear of these



- . . --~-11/21

-~- andyoucaabaw:ICX""~me



UaderpadaMe lmonmoOD Seakla



•_'_oadi_·_••_"""__•_""""· _ _ __'_"'__'•__ _ _ _ _ _ _,_
' _ • __
Y •·

holderswboarc~b:fbaod oYer
6)Ptoplcwbovotedapinstrent '
Cambridge. a ·property· owner, I




the early oinctiu who cumntly holds

numero us

,,.,~ , - . -'-·. .
_.,_ ...,_,,_


~~=th~~~::~;:~: :::


Bia SClllleal Uakla: Slap die Violence forum







"A)lemadve Roct"" llll


points in her career.
1,000 point Kdier and member of ~rd.sthe Orcck National Team.
Sheryl Scanlon-from the town of
from tho ciiy of




..y ...... _


Winthrop. who was an All~Amerlcan

1111Mi!it!•--- r-,u.:-.-s- .... d,c;:'kiador.,.....;,'ic-.10 ::,---... loai.:n"'~ -- --.............
_iuJM_ ~i-'!!!!l..!'~-Ci!l•.~,O, ..


Chris· Ti h1tcis-fr'OJO'•:ihc ·toWn of ,.. a\hle'ce and amassed over 1.000

"We bucd our, findiogs oo a

to'7::nc~a: be.~::;



NBA'18:ostooCelticsandthcABA 's


_,,.;,..~.,""1r·;~ B"'_ :ea~m~bri':"·d&<,~:';-~•'=sccood~~-':""'.fAll"=--'"~s.r~r~•lk.~
,,_-_ _ ·-'

insurance," aaid "Natiooal Business
and ne .AdvertisiD&,..CouDCil have Employment Weekly" editor Tony
joined ro«J 10 1amch thc·finl na- Lee.
tional pillblic IUVic:e campaian foWhile many college grads dream
Cllliqoopdt' and WOIIICQ'l"educ:a· o f : . : itbigin;:::uN~
tion. Tbe Ad Council bias appoinlcd Y lilan
Los An ~
the New'
ad •aency ~
car=r, said Lee.
Mcunc, v,urc.. ~•. McNamee,
'"These cities a,e very dpau;ivc
S c ~ Y ~ = ~ v : and employment growth wasn't that
-enjoyed aa enrollmeai IUJIC, aad great," be said. :,In fKti :b&licitica
~erihcl)Mldwocyain.tbeDlbOD's actually cxpcricnccd ·a act l~u in..
_iobl · year."
'11J'Wt11M:1J'I ~
-. t h e ~
Large cities, defined u baviog
:,. ~~ ~
moro than 500.000 ~ in the 1
The Clllaplip will Wpt tchool ccoocxny, that flllbcl ID tbc topf'IYe
girls their ,-aa aad their teachcn. ~Jhlt Lake Ci!}';.._ IDdian.tpolis:


a.nd ::=:j:~ft'=o';!.'::'•

~ <i;'!!!::=/:....


ODDBeacoaStrllCll-256,._. .

Propam Cocmcil/Sa.dml C.0---. AAocildoa Open Houe
Oricaadoo· Scbolln Meeaac

111c Bi& Sq;ap~Otrilts c...,.p.


that brought Smokey the Bear

1:00 • ◄:00


C... Lauacb to •tart •
same group

1:15 -1:30

leadiilg women's Korer.
KeUy Homey-from Lynn. Homey
:.~es~,OOO poin~ durin&,*~


· Cernpelp


f1an,gan)l :l5;S; JimMulla1y(Billy ·Altano.ltoo-anativeofHydePart.
MuUaly, Mau Hardiman) 5:49; B,

Ht& nwly taleau wilfbe ~ for (unauiswi) 19:59.
~ in· the~,• ffoot court.

Savca: B, Kris Smith 24 ; S, John
I ~ ,- t-.;,r;a1,1 Rams ..;._ lho.aea~ G i l ~ 20, Vadim
sob in
~ dus Mbtyemev -5.

: J ' A ~-~

""""""-Beta A1pba f'li Meedq

............ , _ _ _
....,,..,Alida.. ,...;a-, _ .. _ _

1:00 -2:30


...' -:'Q

St&ldent 0De Act Play FeldHI

~=•:=:-.;.•.,~ .:•.=~~:~'~


::=.-..,.,.,_ . ,

1:00 -2:30






Maureen Brown-a native of
R01lindale and Suffolk's all-time

~ . ~· his mhal

yea,-, a smdcol wt.oee adl:Jetic exp&oiu have almldy bc'8 tea in an-

Cootiwed from page
ney appcaranccs during the mld-sev-

Propam Coudl T1cbt


or more sexual partners.

Humaaidcs IDd Modmm laqulaa Dep11tmmC McetiDJ


O&bidiaa..:Dciheballddllyas Suffolk(~l)..................... I I 2 - 4
wtO.X>rrilpllobil ~ ~ . Scorina: S, Lany McGahey (Ron - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:~~..:::b::.=: =:i =(f.!~!:1) ~~\ :: ■ GREATEST





MIST_ _ _ o l U -

10:00 - 1.1)0
12 :00

:CYC°'~ womeo'have had
11-20; and 17 peteent or the·men and .
3 percent of the women have Md 21


Slral lDddies.ffi:111:Si.dmt
Bar Review lafonmdoe
Mui. Bw AllociadoD Law Smdml Committee
Vani1y lee Hockey VI Cml)' Collep


=~ :e~:

· " ·· · .. .. .,_ , .

An.C...., ....
Black Studmt Uaim ~ lafflc




Advisia.&, Coane SdecdoG, IDd Rqi.-.doa for $pdq: 1995
Bw Review IDformmoa

12.-00 -1.1)0




Univ.mity'~ 'biicriclat .o f Events


~ leu than
than the divorce~ of their i:-ent1


~~ii~=-~ =·

: . : : ~ l = h ~ n : x : baYC brm a km, but ii


:caill for, marrilC(II

25dlfleor, O. . . . . . _



, BT 3;.t?.A.
11 ' .. 1h IUI\~

..- .... ,· ,
. ~
~ Univ.cqiW's talcndar .of Even~
., .. . . . ·.··· .,. \




._ ......

,811d lqi,hdoafor$pdq 19"Eadl



Doa11Ne4dlfloor ............




la Modoa Sasklll with S'-kat





...... .,.
...,.. ,




Oae Bacoa SCrm- 2Sdl-,omM-,e 0 - . - looa






■ &ll&lullllJlml,yWillimDS.0,-.


MIIOCe ~ looa


Aldls36S '






2$dlf1oor, O...._S....










and to - ~ IOIIIC Of

~ Two Yitll alprdl dalt
1118 a.&rlll: - • • beab:eba8
1UJ be radnc apoa.
Sacceil ill tbelc _ . of the

- Evcrytbia1 come
- -··
toaetber this aeuoa, with
nterau me1b.ia1 With
)'OUJIICr playc:n, if Suffolk ii
.-. oely tho bukct- to compete with the Babsons
m1I pk tbemld•cs ~w 111d ~ Sawyen ol lbeli
bow llDCla dima:e tbls ICUl coafercncc. Tbe uaoly
ca tdYel:
ICXbiDC ol the older crop of
hit Mar the won:b of Ram CID achieve dul, and
~ Mad .coach, James thm C¥Cl)'dlma ~ will fall
"We lboald _,. • into place. lacludin& lbe

......... r« c:.iclvea,

beocb. and ·•


if we ca overcome tbeae

Hen:: ii a team anal)'IU
by polilioa and IWDI of the
Forlbo Rull t h i s ~- ~ mm'• aquad.
..., ........ lisaificaal ·1.4"e-ap,

two ~ . .

........, mady aubdc dif-

:.C~~:: ~ - !:!~

'wlro__.., .... .,,.. Jla
in....,_ .... the

. IUffliDanealytbcsanc:~
will be


MlS Tmiaiq R-.O. a.-






beaYiJ:y to


undet' the batct. acmethina
Alld' while w~se• him. H e ~ to rxt up
may lie in -the areu of re-- aomeiinpraaivomuDbentac
bolmdinl, JmUCljlluty due to year, tyina for the te1m
. a beipl ~v&Dla1C, and ing title with 19.:Z points per
streagdl from the bench, the
fromiuaperialee..Maol prc-tealOD weiabt•liftina sea-tbi1 1ea1on'1 squad hH DODI, Bouchard tqins this
logcd ....... p1ay;a,.limc 'year u Suffolk'• moll· ~
. itlthepMt,c:spcciallywitbia diictive rd:,oundcr. He is inthe . . . . . ,

rqral to the Rama' overall
If Ibo' I ocher boles 111cceu, 1ince febo11adi111
aetobecil&elall,tbeir_fillen hu beea a glarin1 team
mast coec £,om Suffolk'• weabeu.
Ce.. ter-Mite Vieira,
lalallycureaddicicacyof who WU also a ltaU:r lut
' .,,..... lcodcnllip-S ..... teMOO. tied follow teammate
····, ace are ca come doae. Att.forPIOICpoiaa' apne
the baclr, playen u well. willbeavitll~olSuffolt't
~ wicll mi.DUia under ~
- court tandem, an . .
olcbc' ,qaadthatwill...,.
head cOICb bops will branch duce;_ lubltaldalpottioa.of
OUI ..,.,_. ocber aectic:ml of the ,ga.• off-.
G#Ordl-Seaior Cbti1
• "ffl¥iaadaetivo___, Toafia it bed, • wnadlc
n::1111m1&•·•-,oct.wcare -=orbts duam who can bil the

.. ,.~:..a.:

.-.l!>bolldalfol,"C-0 -oi,,ald..i,t;.. _

to die balbc • well ne
S-11, 160 paad pad will


IU.te ~


but in_

VWm .. -


1n1whoarequkklndexpe,- 8W111."'B~&iiilcbm.lllad.
rleaeod." ..
we did play ~
wdl wld.W '
: ·Yci, Sllffolk dJd 1tfct beina lhorthudcd."
lhecomat~1 1ecoadperiod play while bein1 under•
trampnd • Halo ~ y1 sunned- Suffolt mo tamed .
the R-.. dll)' have 1dt' the in 11pint11 ~ onnaftCel in


~~; !,,~~ ~



iceofWakerllrown Arena u
victon. Beallcy · reafatored
three acorca ln the middle

other area of ~ .. They
courteay of Lany McOabey,

top of -the ECAC confercacc: -Ram advantqe. Altoundlhis .......
"'IIY, all ol cbc powe, play
"I think we did • preay pis came wichin, the 1pan
aood job," acdauna1 Coach ol leas Ihm a 111U1Ute. "Ono


Bill Bums, "cOllli,deriq it , olOW'~problemaWII we . ,

continued on. paae 10

Croos-couatry "'8m . , . _ llnlm line In Maine' Wub offen p!otat
By a,u F.,.

Dona (34'0,), Du Barte Samilk



ia IQ- ·
last wee.t wit.b u dleae

counqy''leam doled


Bali:etlNdl ·

(34;12J.-Dluu(3':t>J, tamohDllme


e;,i,mN . .~ , . . . .

ID,a laaft

., - •.,.

JOUUfAL ff/I# ,

cmr nm,"


~c./~ ~ :t_~Wahh oa ~~ ~ : _ : i:.'"';!:

Dave Allea,

Tallia& die ovcnU moct
1 stand-out .u •r
yar dapire arrivia& OIi lbe .,. WiDilllllla ~ wbo
""°"P lhe placedlhe-,.lli,&.1
year, finished 6$ fo, Sef. tiaee of INII' 27 . . . _
folt-witb an ownU rime ot mdwillbll........._Hew.
squad audway

,,,., bo_,...,_ ... !:"o.o::.~
- - /v:e -




way, the pootivcs may out•
lhine' the -neptivea. ·
lndced, ~olk did fall
t o ~ Collqe 6--4 in its
tint lfockey mau:h of-the teaIOCl•oa Saturday. But overall,
Ram, were abl~ to

·__,will __ ..._

~;,........., ...

'!'"' ..., 11n1 - · BcpleY Just .;,..

. ~
lt wualoa,_ oaopcn,iaa

ol 1-t - • • lqDad. 'The
M, i 10 polllKI Ace will.,bc ,

rd:icd ,._

a,. IIY,u r.ioj .




•• IIIIIJlllDm by wuu.. San,yaa


mab ...., adjultmc:ntl on

.... oar WClbella were.,




makeup bulk of
j 1"4:-95 Basketball team

DcMumeoidlflocw . . . 1.-...





meacea thil weebod, ane of .
oor cateemed cOllcbea, JGe
wllUac 10 offa

-w-. -


Im all-time pa&ca men'•
ud- Womea'1 baakethall

-•--JIIO---- -•
-----·-la 1M


fiaitbed below the thirty
A.a for hla owe ..,S's
miaute liae wiclti • 29:16. p e d ' ~ Coacla Wallll
~bMbemdlefintdme -■1oplilllildc. "'Alles,-.
iajanlbMaNW!lladrwo _ . , . _ . . . . , . ~

kl lbe

G w,rd,· bkaplal.
Kevla Clark-a native of
. . . faclor• .,. panllab Mitalaukia.a r-.ccaailady,_ ..... ■-owrdlo,_.. Wewwe Cambridp. wbo led lhe
Rama IO tine NCAA tour~
~ , . . ICarter witb pal
dor llmly," Had alao pioia1 eoul""'1bl•
Co■da Joe W■llb.

....... OonlaoQil,pby -


• -••