File #4210: "Suffolk Journal_1995Jan25_vol53no13.pdf"


TboSutroll<Joumal W - y . £locemi!"r7,



SuffE>lk Sports·


Rams head towards break_ a wk)ning n~te


Suffolt · Concluded· the
first two weeks · r the 1994o
9.5 aeuoo ·ridina the crest of
a WUl streak, to up their record
to 3-4.
ID a Saturday night 9272 defeat of Roger Williams


Center, never mind his
oppooent's tjtile attempu at
player _ efense. In 3.S .mind
utes of actioo. Ace tallied a
career-high 37 points, while
shooting an ungodly 71 'I,
from the Oooi;;
·"Rick was just spectacular,'.' Head Coach Jim Nelson
said w~ ~ bit of uadcrstatcmenL "It was his finest per·
fonnaoce all season."
Dclpite Ace's theatrics
though,_the game was far
from a solo performance.
Guard Chris Toglia was
stroog]y supportive, scoring
10. and dishing out 6 assists
in a game high 37 minutes.

freshman Ed Hurley rackc4 ·
up .5 poiJ)t5 and 7 boards !fl
over a doz.en minutes ofpl.ay.
'From th:e onset - and
throughout, the contest ap.'
pcarcd to be one of a com- ·


in a 3Z..32 tic. Then
Coach Nelson altered his
game plans , and the Rams
responded nc11r frighteningly.
With a 3-2 defensive 20ne
to toil under, allowing fo r
more fast breaks and better
opportunities for rebounds,
Suffolk explode.d with a 60poiot second haJf that sealed
the game's outcome. ~It .,..'as
an cxci1ing win," Coach
Nelson said simply. "A very
exciting win."
Last Thursday, the Rams
squeaked by Salve Regina
University in the Ridgeway
Gym 79-76. Stellar performances were turned in by
center Mike Vieira who
cranked out 21 points and
hauled in 13 rebounds, and

winning playwright David Mamet's

C:-~ : ~ v ~ : : ; b;:: ; ; n : : - ::::
And ;nee then, lhcrc ers or baseball slowly add
han't bc,eo one aingk: pitch up. The numbers have grown
thrown througbout all of our to hundreds of millions of
COllDtty'I bal)pub; and ·as a dollarl, and this-ii jus1 the tip"
rrsu1t, the IDOGlh of Oc~_,.of the economic iceberg.
met not boll a ·Wodd
.. What of all~ the people
for me fint,time 11.oc:e
ore who work fot major league
to the Basetmll
Strike of 1994.
o{tbcindividualclubs? What
Does thii strike dauve abopl all of the people who
, tilt comtant media atwition wOrk the concCl1ion 11ands
thal it i,i gettibg? Should in atl-ofthc ballpark.a? What
people really care? Molt of the vendors who ~ food
poap1e: would say no.
in the stands? -.What of the
Some, however, would . street vendors who set up
camp jus1 outside the
~ before every pmc?
W. of I b o ~ who wort



· Beacon HUl, .Boolon, -

~le::::: r: :!


B,effalo, A Ufe in du 1Maur, S~~tM-Plow, E.dmcnd. add SUM01 P~r•
venily in Chicago. allo·thc
author of numerous adaptatioD1, ;•
translations, and screenplays ioclud-

:wt;:ri::-~r::~:!:'Thcaur1,l'l\C- • :! ~


Wom:en·end two: pme fu.n1',


--'===c...The Lady Rams snapped

o two-game losing streak Sat·
urday evening (12/3) with a
59-51 defeat of Eastern
Nazarene College. For Head
Coach Ed Leyden it was s
squad's best P.CJformance of


g=o~ been the

bright spot of the year. We
were able to successfully
stand up to their _
Nazarene) last minute charge.
Offensively we were at our
E.arlicr in the week, Suffolk had battled Simmons
College ( I l/30) in an affair
that was back-and-forth scor-


~-w~::~.e7~. kcytumo~ - inthei&ne
that proved ID be the \,a(ly
Rams' bane.
This, after Suffolk shot to
an 8-0 ntage at the
game's onset and held a 22-

happy with how my player.;
Mond.iy....night (12/5),
Suffolk fell to Curry College
65-3 1, their lowest point total of I.he season. "It was illfated from thC beginning,"
the head coilch stated. '"They ·
played well and we played
poor. _
That's it"

:~~ro;5 ;::7:::;; =
wai1Cl'S, waiuases, and bar1el\(lers who ckpcnd on base,.
ball to bring them cuslDmcrs
everyday? W~ of the street
performer on the corner who
is just trying ID make a few.
bucks playing to the crowd?

n::!7o :i:


Before they recess for a
month, the Lady Rams travel
play \lfentworth !Jollege
on Thursday. Their final
game of the 1994t ycar is at
home versus Endicott College Saturday evening.

could have won that game," Around the Campus

hype and glitz of the highpaid players and high-powend owners or all four profcssiooal sports, theJe are the
little people who make ii all
work. Over the months, I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
have walchcd the figures of in the s~i:ting goods stores their jobs would probably say

out it


Volume 53, Number 13


=u;:o':::~r~i~;~~ ~

It's strike three for
baseball'~ little people
Back in August, the Base-ball Players As.sociatioo decidcd they couldn't live
with a n impending · salary

- - --y~Dma--Barfu--oo--9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , the




continued on page 13

. By Mike Shaw


Justin and Kristan's ee.t
and W"orst of 1994

It ~ - only during lhl _
first week of the strike that I
saw, heard, et; read any menrion of the people wbpm the
strike most affected: After
that first week, though, all
everyone cared about was
bow much the money-grub-

By Ryan Foley

not~~tr~ r;~Ccki:~~
ons, the Studs, cu rrently
known by the moniker Back
2 Bock. were lhc pre-season
favorites ID repeat, yet hav4r
already been upset by the
Mutts 56-43.
This season's favorites to
take thC SC:ori~ title arc Sal
~ (Back 2 "Ba._k),
:~'ste:n'!i~~~:n (~:::~
(Mavericks). Currantly there
is a- lhree-tcam jam at the helm of the sumdings, with
the Muua, the Gamecocks,
and the Mavericks all bolding a piece of ft.rst place....A

::=:': :'~U:•.= ~.~::~=t :~!:

who needs the crowds so he power-mona:er owoen w~
can cat everyday?
forfeiting. ' Why dOCS 1his
Do the players and own- matter? -Why do we care
ers C8rC about them? Do we, about it? What abnut the
the American public, think little people?
about them when we .place
Asking about the little
blame 00 the party we think people is all well and good, ·
to be most rcspoDSible for .
denying us -our national pastime? Those who have !Oil

a four-ycarswfor the men's
buketball team, will be leaving after thc conchlsioo of
the Hsc•mpo,pytcr..Hol,·d,ys •.
Coach Jim Nelson, C ~ I
Jot Walsh, and the rest ,of 1
the athletic department:Thanks for all your help dur•
~ ,P>e semester.

= :n:.a'!:'~~

University!&: C. Wal&h
V~f .)!l&l ,rq:entlyJ pu~l\f~ ~¥,·:~
pla'y'"opens after a ·succesafuJ world ·Little Bi;own.
premiere in London June, diMamet's new play Tise Crypto- _
reeled by Gregory Mos~er. that ran gram centeni: on beaayal, Jou, de-,...
into the fall. ·David Mamet will be suuction of faith in human frienddirecting this productiOp, that will ship, the fragility of bonds ·or love,
nm through February 19, for the and the complexities. of three 1t1bdc,
American Repc,:tory Theatre · (ART) chan.cters. According to Mi1ebeU,
New Stage '95 series.
the play. is ~ scenes, and at ~
Th~ ART is a professional theater time. has two act fonnat If is"uncel'"group that tias resided at Har\lard tain at ' rime !,be u'pcoming pro-•
the last ·sixteen Y~- duction will include an intenniuion. ,
According to Katalin Mitchell, DiThecastincf~actOl'Ed~l!Y,
rector of Press and Public Relations Jr., best ~ for. liis ~e oq lhc
for the ART, the company ae'ncrally ~cvi.sion Sbo'1\' "'St.•"• fO( .,




!~:t~:'~~~~th~7; ::~:eac~t;:m~,

In addition thrce or four new Amcri•
can plays or revivals are produced as
part or The New Stages series at
places such as the Has1~ Pudding


Mllfflct, The Cryptogram
will be presented u part Of The New
Stages series in February, !U)d this
change is.~ringing ~ ~ t o the C.
Walsh Theatre for the first rime.
David Mamet is the author of the
play Glengar,ry Glen Ross, wbii::h
was pan_of the AIJ.T's New ~ C l
· . ,- ..:,~ '92. 1crica, apd ._,.., ·also .tbe J9'4
· Pulitzer Prize ·winl'ICf' -and the . New
York Drama Critics Award .winner.
His othet plays include: American

: So=~=~=~~-;
"Winnetka Road." Felicity fJ.offman

By Ron Vien and
tht·PIDJN, and Sbeltoo Dane whose
crcdi~ iocJUde 61m, television and in
theater include appearing in The - - - - ' - - - - - -~-·
Merry Wwu ·o1 Wu.4sor at the New
Iasues and problema llaa,rding
York. ~ Fcstiv~. •
~ io. tbc C. Walsh TheAssociation iriccting on Tuesday,
January 24,


::ir::5±}~tb~~; ~-pee,~~=:~

Veteran pollster joins·faculty


and_eocouraic:d evcryopc to
tinue being motiv•



~=-=r-1n:: =-~ ~"'
and Sltldcm Judicial Rniew Board
aw,p;,.,~ il,;r tJlo,l' .....



~:c~h= : ; : : : - ~ :
memc:d·hcr sayina she ii, ..Not
ricd abclUI wbo ii not bae
.HowCvu, in tbcsc minutes it



Board i1' rcaponaible for ensurini · ICU for the ci- of I

-~~_ ! o ~ ~ o a & pro-

tary of Stale W-dliam Garvin. Auclitor
adjuct faculty of Suffolk Univcnity's Joseph DeNucci ad Ailomcy Geoocw graduate program in Professional en) Scott H.arshl:lwserPolitics. He will teacJi a coune in •. In 1988 ~ invented lhe

Politicil SW'Yey· Reaeirch.
" i n ~ indu.,.. a fomwb
Palcolo1oa i1 the founder and - used to m·cuun: any cudidalC's
paideat "of-DAPA ~ . J D c . .· ltri:aitli: OI' ..-.-i. Tbc·indcll; ha


.... ,


Violalions tnclude.ttne ccmccu~ minutes. "'
rtivc absc:Dce:s in one KfflClfel 'or five
in one year. Threebf bciq IMe or of·
COlltffluCd 011 pip 2
lcavipg a mbctins ~y equal ooc
abK:ncc. according to the SGA conlnalde~Joumll
ltiturion. •
F~no voiced his disappoint0


,¥==-lo•=-~ -:;--=:7...;_ ~ -~•:.7~=-- ~........
He wu"lbe polliter for ' COlllllltat :Micbld Goldman_calla
Kevcrian's. ~ of Tho- PaJeoloaoa "me of. die bc:ct men in
the buafncu...
cbusiUI HOlllC ol ReJi,esentativcs in
The coune Palcologoa
1984, a feat for which he won •
·coveted "'Golden Donkey" award
from the RClldoa Report. In 1994 he
. ~ OD pip J
ten· ~

McGee~ speaker mthe Massa-


rdlclCt oa bow J1igb. school was. to be
oa audcnt
and Ibey think
i1 will be me umc."
Howcvis, accordina to the SGA..
mimalCI of the meeting oa Janouy
17th, SOA i,rc1ident Erika
Cirilicmoa WU DOI yet ~ ) '




( .




be:~-=== ~1¢C::~:~bou:::

.PC holdsflrstSpringmeeting .


· . bdief .ot .~ t h e r M w i l l
~.•011 ~ c . .





Hi-Tech Chlsm'oo~ Designed With MTV Generation In Mind
TboSuffoll:- W-.j,,J-,.25,1995


Caadaocd. fnxn , _ I

cifically with .three opea_~tiOftl
aodtbebnipoltbeSGA. tieDOCcd

'ey Marco Buteaclia
CoBeac Prat Serrice
ORONO;-Jiainc(QJS) .....;_Uaivcnity




1 'l!llid•---oll.-'-91 ·•"~ ~•all'~lili!
-~ ~'~"'°" :.;:~~~..!: ~~•

liJkJ&; ljlffl•l~i,]t.SUit

room1 '

fuft. dimualoa, for poddoo avail- ~A,

~ ..-t
ability were halted \Ullil-lOIDC mem• n • lf'Clll to be vx:e-premderat

bcr1 ol PC wuc in betul' -1th.
'dent aovc:mment but they don t un~~:::-;:,~:,':;
S&,,,daMI Orpnimclt,\pinM Rae- ~ lha thrm's • lot of workNO l'.>llaay QI 1oa, .; ad ~ ism(SQAR)willbolda,~ o o
lwd==~peoplc to

'IIWl_lhe-alN<W Yo<k., , ,,.
Jui:iO~y,l 9,~pedl6-year-old
Tortorici ~lcr ~be
cbain-1mok1n1 psycbolo&Y maJor
held a Greek history clau holtagc
(f?C mon, than two booq or Def; . 14,

are fCCWI& dcpriYed.

, . _ _ , _ . . . 1; , . . . . , _ .


ii •





wacablc.lOIUtlldtbemeetiac; tbefo.


~ ~ m . J . 1 . dllnlc




- - ,.,. . ~ - .- - cu wrill dowa ideal Md ~esbODI for Im s.trolt orpaizadoOI
,ind commaity.
no sa.dem Qrpnwd Apimt
RadD(SOriUO......,,•Nortbeuten UW\Jlnity wu dl1tuaed.
alcllla ~ . . , . . . . _ f o r particutar dial,. ,rkllia Propa Coancil
ud (1M: tllowia& of the movie
"'Malcolm x• fCN' .Black History
- ~ of Dr.

. ;{i


~ I to be
bddca~, antrom3 -7 pm,
ll for aD to aaeod; however, durlna

SmRdlY, ,....., 21 - ~Ip
OU thll Suffolk
cmUniwnitycatitJm. •seckhllCom- . F ~ ~~ t

b I
moa Orouodr "Pbo-ma,dq will be 11 a rcali1uc co~ater ac oo
MJOlll c:tbi:licity mlllti.iocw and culwort.~ do~
tural idcatity;,.; todly•~ iocicty. Any . .
wbal kind ofacmm:tment it
C)D,e iacerested ' in atLODdiAa a ~d

call• tbc SOAR office:.t.(508) 3584919 or coa&act SOAR rcpraeatacive Role Wrip. R-lo.t, ,ext. 8667._
IQ addili9II to t h e ~ or
understandina, rclalin& to, multiculturalhm, m1lthociali1_ and
I N l ~ l l a i ~v-::r~~lm'


ahown--somewac.un lhe
near ,uwte.
Latty on the liJ1. of i~p0flanee
the IDCIOliDa. it wu decided by Rat was the idea ol a Fvnily N1a,ht. to _
Cbai~ Ju.stinGriecotbatlbole oafebnjaly25from7 -8pm. Fam1
who wiib to at~d need no1 g;:t N'iabt. ~bich will inc~ ~ing.
drelled In a 1poru COIWme.
mu.sic, ~es and a wide vancty or
Grieco, who ·was under 1 _ family enjoymen't for youna and old.
wctlthct, wu unmre as to whether or · Any one wishing to attain informa•



ben (ell lhal"u a tiam, DOtbiftl cowd .573-8697 or Student Activitia at
Slop Olan, 10 with thal toua,h mii¥kd ! .573-8320 .or 8~21 .







of acnwlin& out

bill of

pro(euon' loctum now immene am-

include direct· video, surround-sound
acrecm and computeraeoerated videos.
Call it cducatioo for the MTV',
The University of Maine Id ouc
10 build the clauromn or tomorTOW
when i1 planned ill new dir-c:&1tory,
$7 millioa Corbea Hall 'Ille buiJdina
bouts a 3»1t:■t aldi&orium. KYCD
hi•iecb daslrooma and aapMsticatcd
compilta' fw:llitiea tbaf can link studenll 10 each other, their 'teachers
and the world.
,be buildina was deligncd u a
hi&b-tech facility, " say1 Virgia.ia
Gibson, associale professor of managemeru and co-chair of the projecL
"We wanted a building that incorporated' some leading-edge 1cchnologies Into a standard classroom environment ,"
Dick Aeming, the uni versity's
dircc:1or or compu1er ICl"Yices, 5ays
the building wu designed 10 give
instructon the most innovative teach-



:n~tu~ !:~:U~!. ;;~;~
is being held on attempted murder

wa,1 of 1eeebiq." Ile uy1. "Ollr
ltlldmla 1111m: moved bcyoad...,
ad we ,, too."

= ~:;,;~;1:::: ~-:=..,of:-:videc,, . :-=:_,..of,__ .....
=~=·==~ !::u: ~1=:•.::: ;:~~L;.!: ..

Aemin& -uys. ' "'By utiq rmJ-cime'




aacl ianovabve mahodl."



·· ·

Corbett Hall'• piece de la (ailA1tbou&b ~ ~ tbal tbe
tmce .may be lbe fnc-floor audito-- ~ 10 _ new buiJd..


hat control or a variety or multi-

learned. "lt'1•eality ,bccome the 1DG&1.
popular bulJdlna (or clauei on' cam•
pus," he •7i "But we know more
about this 1:)'pe •of~fac:ility now becauae of iapac &am our studem."
Accordlaa io Fleaiaa, a new
buildiaa r« tbe mime and au de~ with limilar tecbnolopcaJ

de.nit in mu U
Jmedia presenwions that media presentation options.


The Suffolk Jimnal!
Watch th~skies!



1994, atthcStatcUnivcrsityofNew
Yod at Albuy.

: Tbrouabout
ordeal ,
Mc&ancy. was repeatedly sin&led
out by Tonorici, who wu armed
witbarifleandaknife. WbilefoUow•
llt_o beamember~SOA. ~ : : : ing Tortorici'1 orderl to walk from
be feeb ~ fttlfi~ ~ ob 1 .
one 1ide of the room to the olher,
-of auendin& ~eeung1 11 • :::-- McEnaney, • hillOf')' major, lunged
He was in the leg
tO::in10bebeard, the{reabu1• and in the 11de. F~r_
otber IWdenU
~ tbcir own ri&bt 85 an SGA mem• then ~ e d Tort~ci to l;he ground
: . .. ltalCd F ~
•. iwl_. w:-,i1¢. ~~golice. .w.b~ we«:, ne• NominaLions to fill Lhl:!se ·1pc;Si- g®auqa iw.nh Jhe 8~flJ',-}H).,:i the
tionJ 1 bclinning ,.;ith nomination P.A.~:~~ey 's attorney Neil
3 nd
~ : ~ on ;:::~ 23
81:~v~- Shay~, 5ays • ~ of claim was
tion speeches will begin on March 2 f~cd with~ 1tate in ~ly J_
anuary. It
. thecaf, . lththecl .
giveitherea1dento( HlCksY1Ue, N.Y..
:ntion f = w two
90 days lO sue both the state ~ ~e
school. Shayne uys the lawsuit wall
seek millionJ of dollan in damages.
Coming soon...
McEnuney is undergoing ph)'si•



~ it'1 DOt eUICUy ai if ltUdcnta

iD& apparatu5es pol&ibLe.
ciem .u, .., 1- it.
'" "'Wewanudtomatethiadlebclt
....,_,.,. ball!C300...., in
pollible cariroammi ( o r ~ " adala,ic'alardlD..,clirecdydaroa.ab

Richard Jacobs, who teaches a
music apprrciation c1aa in the room,
'8)'1 IOday'1 atudcnu dc:maDd more
in of ltNClure.
"You have to do mo,e than," aay1 Jacobs, who bu
musk clau.ct a1 the Univenity or
Maitlc for •31 yea,s. -rhe room aod
all its toys have made the c1all come
alive. Evayoae'a excited. It fee.II
like.we're pMt aeaentioo






. lntcachinahiaclau,Jacobstaka
advanuae, of the auditorium'I innovative re■wrc1 in a variety of way,.
"While focusiaa on a particular piece
or musk,. Jacobi cari lhow aa. «:
c he.stra playl na the work on one
screu, zooming iD on the variou1
reatllred ioatnl!flCJIU- On another, tie ·
can show the 1core. pointi ng out
notes as the music' progreues. He is
also able to 111e c:omputcr-geoented
art to show even the moll 1ub!,le
nuance,. " It brinai a whole ' nf,w
meaning to the class," he u,-. "'Stu·

U.floaul.cW,~ ~
to be opc:aod lo 100 ,-.. . . . . . ,
{or the tiooa are Yarieu pieces -~ l990I


and tbal OftC&,oecoaary ilom f• ID
claurooma, • ban .,..._ ia lipl
in Cubrcu Hall: 1 ~ of chllt..

ucw it alft:ady under a:mtructioD.
OI)' ~ a. new tmildin&: beclwe die
~ r e is already Ul place,"
Fledli»I .. y, ...Matin& an, older.
bulldia.1 comp,tc,..frimdly ca lie!
more difllCC1h bccause' yoo have IO
make modifications for wires and ·
Corbett Hall was paid for by a S5
million hood, which was approved
bf" Maine votcl"I in 1988. The rc-majning expenses were covered in a
private con&ibution from. Frapcelia
and Dooald:
who graduated
from. the 'unlvenit)' in· 1934.
• As •lludents bocome more tcchDQ1qaic:ally advanced. so should their, say1 J.i.cobs. " We
1houldn' t be limited. to tnd:hionaJ'




-··- ..



Continued from page I

I ,

atre Manager Celeste Wilson, the

fice at 64 Braule Street 1n Harvard

-'j----f- .!....l~""""-'""-u,""'-LLJ>Mic.._.Ll:l.<~!±!.~ l=-- -f+- - - -~ -=-:--;---:;- -;-;-;--- : ; - - - - - - -+-- - •l----,AR~.!.;!~orting with the House
Organizational Meeti11g...
Crouy • ICruor, public relations ma-

Square, o; _:,/617) .547•~ ~

Become a Member of

throu&h the toll rrom ew
jor, on this production. Rehearsals Relay Center at 1· 800-439-2370.
will be in I studio UI Cambridge.. with Tic.kcu arc priced between $19-$39,
technical and finaJ reheanals to be but they arc half price with a Suffolk
held at the theatec.
ID for all Suffolk studet1t1, f1eulty
Wilson stressed the imponance and staff. The bo,;. office at the C.
of having a Pulitzer ~~ 1
Winnirg , ~alsb
'¥lll~ be open (WO
Piiaywright and a 'profcssiC?n~ cast hou~ befiini 1mc: performance.
and company on campus, '"This will
Volunteers are needed to be ushbe a wondenul opportunity for Sur- ers for the pcrfonnanc:es. 1bcse ushfotk studcfl41 to work with the ART." ers will be required 10 be 10 be al the
She also noted, that this will tran· C. Walsh 1'healtt. ai.J :pm, receive a
scend into all aspccu or the un.i Ver- fast trainiqg, and in lexchange can
si_ community including the drama, v iew lhat night's performance. For
hu.mqpjtics, and the communications more .information/ and schedules for
depanme n1s. •
bein1 ·a voluntcct usher, stop' by the
Tickell 10 the- ~rformanc.c arc C. Walsh Theatre office or call Mary
available through the ART 'bo,; or- Crouy\, 720-2398.

'Become a Member of the



Public Relations Student
Society of America

.• Become a better speaker
~ea team membei·•travel throughout the U.S.
-*Learn new skills
*Meet interesting people
*Prepare for Law or Grad School

- Attend the P ~ Na~~I Conference
' · Compot,o.ln llationalJ;ompotltloi\s
- Become lnvohi9d in 1namat11p program•
•pd acholar'9hipa

- Receive National ·PSSRA Newsletter

,' qi'

February 7, 1995

·ii :,,,,_ :,9rm1 II A · '11Wi'1 r
Get started in the field now/


1 i·, 1·,fl

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\I •

1- ll;t,"'1111;.., 1
1,,11\ ,11,,J


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Ridgeway 400 ·.,,..






Conti!)ucd rrom page I

I .. ,_,. I

,,,,....,,,. ·, ,, PetJruary J;- 199'5 ,.,. ,,.,., :""'',
l f(fO p.m.

to perform in


is part or iK Professional Politics
propam al Suffolk - a Mwcrs dopu PfOll'Ml (or those who wbant to
raake polilica thcif career. Suffolk
University Pro(euor John Be,s, wlio
directs the program, laid, "We want

::.:~ ~&::; ~r_:.:

anhip and cr,11tia.g•ed1e practical
applications. This appoinlmall confirm• our commitment to bringing
the belt practitioocn imo the classroom." '

Accordina to Paleoloaos, "Students will be Ible to leave this coune
prepared to direct a llttYC)' ia. any
political campaian III aay le¥cl." He

Applications available at the Student
Activiti~ Center. All tapes are:due in
byFebruary 15, 1995,Theeven~will
Infonnodonllboullllit .......
take place March 3; 1995 in -the C.
~ in the Profea-■I N6dc:s
~ j a available &nm Joha a.a . Walsh Theatre.
'!!!<lod- ,"{biois,i,al_,...;,y

politicalpolllhali-. ..... ukcd before. The powbiliciee are


(617) .573-,126,


ThcSu.ffolkJournal w~)',Jin~25. 1995

al Hailed u

Hero Sues

Prai Servi&·

K>LA, N.Y. - The Univcn.hy
w York 1tUdcnt who Wu shot
wrestling • homae-takina &lUI·
lO the JrOUnd ii p!&nnin& 0!1

)ll rm•lw\ljeP""fAo~11IJJ",'uit
ll the -

m New York., ,r,,,

11011 Mc&aney, 19,jwnpcd 26)1d·· Ralph 1'.ortorici after the

-amokioa psycbotou major
1 hiatory class hostage
ore,thao t w o ~ ~ -~ -. 14,
at the State University of New
• Albuy,


1riflcandaknifc. Whllcfollow•
'ortorici'1 Orden to walk from
ide of the room to the other,
iancy, • history major, lunged Hcwasahotinthclcg
a the side. Four other students
.vrestled Tortorici to the ground
1,ai1f!d,Jor;,,,'w,b~ w~ nc•

w.lU•j:thc/ &lrnlJJan,.plJq the

lcEnancy's auoroey , Neil
ie. says a notice of claim was

with the state in early January. h
the resident of Hicbviu, N. Y. ,
ys to sue both the state and the
d. Shayne says the lawsuit will
millions of dollars in damages.
lcEnancy is undergoing physi~py for wounds he ~u~taincd
g the hostage ordeal. Tortorici
ing held on attempted murder


Hi-Tech CJasm,ooms DesignedWith MTV Generation In Mind
By M.-co ,BU1£1l&lia

iDa apparatuses p011iblc.
' .. «<we wanted to make this the beat

CoOege Preas Service
ORON0,1 Mline (CPS) - University
of.-Malne atudcnta won 'l find -any
chalkboaida in Corbett Hall Cina•

room,. ,.

" . -.

Bue. it'• not ell&Ctly as if students
are feeling dcpriVed.
- of acnwling out bill of
mu1ical ICOrC:I and DJl!ll.m and dates
ol historical figw,es on blatlboarda,
professors' lectllJCS now Immerse stu•
dents in multim:dia preser:awiom that
include direct video, surround--aound
stem>&, large screens and computergenerated video,:
Call it education for the MTV
The Univcnity of Maine aet out
to l.luild the clasaroom of tomohow
when ii planned ill new threo-story,
$7 million Corbett Hall The building
boasts a 350-seat auditorium, seven
hi-tech claurooms and saphjsticated
computer ~llitiel that" can link students lo each other, their ·1cacbcrs
and the world.
-rbe building was designed as a
high-tech facility, " say, Virginia
Gibson. associate professor of man8gement an:I ~hair of the project.
"We wanted a building that incorporated' !ome lt:ading-edge technologies into a standard classroom environmcn1."
Dick Flt:ming, the university's
di~tor of computer services. says
1he building was designed to give
instructors the most innovative teach-

daltl rally get iato iL
"'Wllen you have 300 lbldentl in

::!f~ :;~~~~!:.,::::~

ways o( tem::bin,-,.. be uya. "Our
atudealt blve moved beyond that,

·------,and we ,.'.boaii IDO.",llooopl,yi,,i;,,fori,edby

, ~~.;;,;n~~:, =- ?=~:;::: "!>°°"""""llli:balldl,,i••~


new and innovafive methocb:."
Corbett Hall's piece " Ja rail•
tance may be the fint-noor aidilorium, a "81&-o(.d..,.ut teaching and
l~ng center where the instruclOr
has. control of a variety of muJti•
media presentation options.
Richard Jacobs, who teaches a
music appm:iatloo clau in the room,
says today'•· students demand more
in tam! of course structure.
"You have fo do mo,e than Jee.
lure," aay1 Jacob,, ~ho has taught
music classes Ill" the Un.iversity of
Maine for
yew, "The room and
all ill toys have nia'ac the class come
alive. Everyone'• excited. It feels
like we' re pan of a new J;eneration of
ttachina his class, Jacobs takes
advaol.lge of the auditorium's illrk>
vative features in a variety of ways.
While focusing on a pan.icular piece
of mu.sic, Jacobs can show an or:
c hes1ra playing the work on one
screcn, tooming in on l.bc various
fearured iostrumenu. On another, he
can show the score, pointing out
nolcs as the music progresses. He is
also able 10 use computcr-gcncratcd
a n 10 show even the most subtle
nuances. "It brinBs a whole nqwmeaning 10 the class," he says...SIU-





Although F1anin1 U)'I lhat .the
students' rapome 1o lhc new buiktin_g bu been extteme1y positive, he
realites there atill i, much lo be
learned. "lt'nuily become the most
popular building for on cam•
pua," he 1&yi "But we know more
about this t)Pe of•1acility now becauac o( inpot from our students."
Accordina lo Aemiog, a new
building (oi- -lbc mUU:: and ans de-~eoll with similar lechnological
treats is already w,dcr conwuction.
"lt'1a loc.cuf~tol:9Plythiucchnol01)' ~ .a. ~ builc;lina because lbc
inf~struc:lu.rc is already in place,"
Fleming 1&y1. " Making an- oldcrbuilding compater•fricadly can be!
more difficult because ' you have to
make modifications for wires and
Corbett Hall was paid for by a S5
million bond, which was approved
by Maine voters in 1988. The remaining upcoses were covered in a
private contribution from Francelia
and Donald Corbett, who graduated
from the un,i versi1y in 1934.
As students become more technologically advanced, so should lhei.r .
surroundings, says Jacobs. " We
shouldn't be limited to lnlditional

opc:ned in 100 ~
for tJie amuaanem of. ruaue ....,.


ff varioa,

pioees •ol-19901

-U>Cbodul&OftLLcatalogue, a Far•Sidc:"'dak ca.lender
and lhal onco,occeaary item for all
claurooma, an itaa ~ in lipt
in Colbctt Hall: a bpx of chalk.


The Bat~JJ94:

t :El1IR.filll11I

Eullandq oripaality abi...

1 .....

film made ia the

,er of the

2 'iiaonl B<0 Kilko"

Oliva' S&one't bftadmkinc commentary on tbc: atate o f ~ to- .
day cootioucr 10 dazzle and ltimu•
I.Me with each viewing. A dilrw1,iog.
and llkKl&ht provokiDg proca.a indeed.
-3. 'Tbc

,tihe U.S.
or Grad School

Conti~ucd from peg~

make politics lheit career. Suffolk
University Profcuor John B
.erg, wbo
directs the program, said, "We wint
lo pve llUdfDU lhe besl of bot4
worlds: 'solid political science !Cbolanhi p and cutting-edge practical
applications. This appointmept con•
firms our commitment to brinaing
the best practitioner, into the class-


:o:h l~~~pe~;e.;:n

Volunteers arc needed to be ushers for the pcrfonnnnccs. These ushers will be required to be to be at the
C. Walsh Theatre at..1''.pm, receive a
ras1 training, iind in exchange can
view that night's pcrfonnancc. For
more infonnation and schedules for
beiog a volunteer usher. stop by the'
C. Walsh Theai,; office or call Mary
Crotty at 720-23~8.

,. ..

is pan of ,tbc. Professiq_oaJ Politics
•program at Suffolk - a Masters degree program for those who whant to

reway400 ·



Ac.cording 10 Palcologos, "Students will be able to leave this course
prepared 10 direct a suryey in any
political campaign al any level." He
~ .~ ii~ peat opportunity
for 8 classroom to ask qocstions in ii
polilical poll that have. nevei been
asked before. The pou'ibilities ,are
about this and other
in the Profeuioal PoUtica
propm j s available from John Bers .
at (617) 573-8126.





to perform in

Cameron have concocted an immcnscly cntenainin1 and hilarious
spy film with more than a twist



. .



Applications available at the Student
Activities Center. All tapes are-due in
by February 15, 1995.Theeventwill
take place March 3, 1995 in the C.


Action ·rans never _ad'it th.i's good.





t-- --M,...,,,....,,....uffolk,--:,:-,:;~~~!;t';\'the toll ;il·og~~"';gPl~"8SC~<~ol~I+~1'f-fli'li'f'\'1Hlr~:it'IH~ft"'lf-ll~~~+---'
·;;heari7, from ew g
Crouy a senior, public relations ma- through
~.L ,~-~ •~

~Tco"m~n;n:n :!:;~~s~~nh~s
be a wonderfu l opponunity for Suffolk students to work with the ART."
She also noted. tha! this will tran·
sccnd into all aspocts of lhc un.ivc rsity community including the dmma,
humanities, and the communications
depan mcnts.
Tickets to ,the J)trfonnance arc
available' thrfg h the ART box of•


Jjoo ICioa"·

SenHtional animation and a
hcanfell "ilor'y propel "The- Llon~
Kina" into ao instant classic. Thia ii
some oflhe most emotional material
put on lhe acrcen in a Jons while.

ficc at 64 Braille Street i n Harvard
Square, or call (617) 547-8300. Deaf

jor, on this production. Rehearsals Relay Center at J.gQ0. 439-2370.
will be in a studio in Cambridge, with Tickets arc priced between $19-$39,
technical and final rehearsals to be but they arc half price with a Suffolk
•ID for all Suffolk students, faculty
held at the theater.
Wilson stressed the importance and staff. The box office at the C.
o r having a Pulitz.ct41Ppz.e ,wi~ing

five ye.s whic:h •

C<lfflC dote to matcbm& the eoi:Dstiocu of "'Pu.Ip Fiction"


Continued from page I


~ ' - f l "_ _ _ _......,..



alte Manager Cclcslc Wilson, 1hc
ART will be working with the House

l l y - G l i - ...


· this

Action fans really never 11,ad it
Two grcilt DOD-IUlp


tired of playiq lll
10. .:saial..Mma:
Jol1n- Water'1
take on aubwbia is
finish. Kathleen Tl
to watch.


jDicb in~ yearf· Wbo -~


~~a=:.'r!: -~~ Fait.pKCCI acti
lmuclde lhrilll to be"bad in 'M7 Only
lhe millioos of theater aoen who
made "Speed" a S 100 million pill&
smuh. ·
& ~
Brandon Lee aivcs a toucbina,
chari s matic performance in the
heavy- met.II datkly romantic, (aotuy horror film which pull "'B,unan"
to sbamc.

winy ~ia101uo an
violence make)
Tarantino braiocbil


Arnold &bwa,
onto the big scree
action per(onulcc
stca1crs ip ~ IUI
arc Tom Arnold an.
both ae at thc:ir bi
·7...ln&axieer Wilh The Ylmllm"
l. :ne (Joo Kiot
T&n Cruiae and Kiraen Dumt
Aoodter Dime
ineal nearly cycry aceoe ill Anne ~ beautiMI)
Rice's alltbic horror tale. The best· iog aod tweet, ..
book movie adaP.Cation since rOM:d away• 00t
"'SilcDcc of the Lambs":
iaa ·falma of all Li

• ••• ,J}(l!), mHlioa wS
HA1oi..q ,~r,·,~ r - - - - ~ .7

pe,fm ~


---hits•----pe,f- .,,~
lilluptilliaa i..&1> ,.,.,_ 1,·, ,

Oae of Meryl

. . . . , . _ die dyalw>£tioaal Cam- your -

t. ::lrllC .

....,.Uy plloloppb<d


~""!"!'la 1ca I


TheSuffoltJoumal Wcdocsda)'. J•ua,y25, 1995

11un>& OO

~ .luil

~2~ ·




fi· 14,
r Now


, ..od
he leg



ftt lhc
ary. lt
N.Y .•

nd the
it will


Hi-Tech Classrooms Designed With MTV Generation In Mind
ByM-•ha, appata.tuses p01siblc.
daw:cS teally pt i;nto iL
C.OOeac Preas Service
' ,..We waritcd to make this the best
'"Whim you have 300 tmdcats in
: ORONO, Maine (CPS).....: University p:,uiblo cnviroomcnr f« t ~ ," aclau,i1' 1banlto1•direi:dythrouah
ot~Maizie arudbta won•i find . any Fleming 11;y1. · "'By using reai-timc to elCb one of'-tbem. Since thcy"ni

dwkboardt · in Corbett Hall ctw- c~era~ ~~ compUtFf•&Cncra1ed osed to' IIOU.Dd bytt:a aad .yjdeo,. yoa
~m•. ,. v.:
1J. ·an,phicl, ~ ~'t)dp but.~ · have .. ~ • . . . . w i • ~•
But it'• noc cuctly 1U .if studenu oew and Innovative methods."
new ."
· ·
are feeling deprived.
Corbeu Hall's piece de la rc&is•
Although f)cmina says that the
Inm:.f ol tcnWling out bill of tance may be cbe fmt-Ooor -..dito- llUdcots' rupoflle to the new buildmUAical tcorea and nama and data riu.m, a ~-ttio-art tuicbing and Ing bu ei~y J>(!Sitivc. be
ol hipJ.orical 6gwu on blackooerdl, !awning center where the jru:truclor realiZcs there still ls much to be
profcuors' lectures now immtrJCstu· has control of a variety of multi- learned...It's easily become the 111011
dents in multimedia prcscntaiioos that media ~ entation options.
pot,ular buildkig for claues on caminclude dirtct video, sum,und-sound
Richard Jacobs, who ·tcaches a pus," he •)'I! "But we know more
stera>C, llrJc screens and computa· music appreciation class in the room, about this cn,e of'1'11cility now beaeneratcd videos:-·
says today's- students demand more cause.of input frnm our studeats."
Call it education for the MTV in terms of counc structl!fC,- •
Accordina to Flcmina, a new
..You to do mfm than Ice- ·• f« ,tbc mudc and aru clogeneration.
The Ul'Uvasity of Maine aet out ture," says Jacobs, who has 1m.1&h1 putmcntl with similar lechnolc&ica) ·
niwic classes at the University of lrCJILI ii al,ady under constructioo.

:.!~~::~o~ :~:~; ~v!~

~cclr:m~ ·
alive. Everyone's excited. It feels
hi-tech daslrooms and sophisticated like we're part ofa. ocw ,:cnenwon of
compbter l'-acllitie5 tbarcan link stu- cduc,tion."
dents to each other, their teacheii:
and the world.
advantaa:e of the auditorium's inno1'be building was designed as a vativc features in a variety of ways.
high-tech facility, " 11ys Virginia While focusina on a particular pieceGibson, associate professor of man- of music, Jacobs can ahow an Of•
agement and co-chair of the projccl chcstra playing the work on one
" We wanted a building that incorpo- scrcen. zooming in on 1hc various
ra ted' some leading-edge technolo- :"caturcd instnunents.-On another. he
gies into a standard classroom end• can show the score, pointing out
ronmcn1 ."
notes as the music progresses. He is
Dick Fleming, the university"~ also able to use compuer-gcncntcd
director of computer services, says art 10 show even 1hc mosl sub1lc
the building was designed to give
instructors thcmostinnovativcieac:h- ~u:~:;-t;•~bti:~.. ~cw!;~~ ..;:~

million Corbc:u Hall. Tbe building
boasts a 3~scat auditorium, seven


ways of teachiJII',.. be UJS. ><Our
stodeau have moved bcyood lbaa,
and we ,lboald,• too.".
Tha pbiloocplly_b ..Wori:od S,

---- ---,


lions are ·variou.l pieca -of'.!19901
memorabilia, indudiaa 1ft LL Bc:ao
catalocue, • Far-,s;de:t dat c:aleQdcl' '
and tfuit ~DCCN:lar)' item for au
cl.aurooau, m ilem nowhere in llpl
in Corbett Hall: a box of chalk.
f' ·•



infra-structure is already in place,''
Fleming says ... Making an, older.
building com~tcr•frioadly can be.
more difOcolt bceause' you have to
ma.kc modifications for wires and
Corbett Hall was paid for by a $.5
million bond, which was approved
by Maine voters in 1988. The remaining upcnscs were covered in a
private contribution from Francclia
and Donald Corbell, who graduated
from lhc univen.ity in 1934.
As 1tuden1S ' become more tech•
nolog.ically advanced, so should their

~=lttd.. .... """'""""•--.I)'.
amut. There ... simply no ocbl!r. ·
film made iD the lut five years which
cloae to ma&c:hina the CD-


. day CC)IJtinua: 10 dazde and ltimu.• .
lalo whlt oach vicwutg. A dUlwbiDg
and tbougl!t provoking ~ indeed.

: ~::~;~.~i;:\!~r~:c:~iti::a~


ficc at 64 Bra1Uc Street i n Harvard
Square, or call (6 17) 547-8300. Deaf

- ~::Iol<..Licl:
Acti011 fans ncvcr_ it this good:

--O-- --M-!felk~=:::.::--:;;!;~f-;; 7,;·og~~ons~pl~oase~cal~I+-~~ffi'Ja~\1'-'Jir7\7flft~ft"'lh\:-i\~~+-..:_-_t
heari j


H I • J •-7.ll '-,.&.nt..J.

Tickets arc priced between $19-$39,
but they arc half price with o Suffolk
ID for oil Suffolk s1uditnts, fac ulty
and staff. The box ofl:icc at the C.

of having a Priz.e ,wiMing

:~h!-:W'tk~~a:~n two

!:{;0r;!~n;n:n c ~ :s!~n:s ~:

be a wonderful opponunity for Surfolk students to wort. with the ART."
She also noted, that this will tran·
sccnd into all aspects or the univcrsity community inc luding the drama,
humanities. and the communications
Tickets to 1hc J)trfonnancc arc
available through' the ART box of•

C.Onti~ued from page I

is pan of ikc Professional Politics
program at Suffolk.....,. a .Masters de.'..
grec program for ~ who whaot 1
rukc politics their career. Suffolk
· Univufity Profcasor fobii B.erg, wbo
dirccu the program; iaid. "We want
to giye uu.~.ots the best of both
worlds: solid political science scboJanhip and culling-edge practical
applications. This appointment confirms our commitment to bringing
the b;st practitioocn into the class·


Volunteers arc needed to be ush•
crs for the pcrfonnanccs. These ush•
crs will be required IO be to be at the
C. Walsh Theatre at.-,,.pm, ro::cive a
fast training, and in exchange can
view that n!ght's pcrfonnanc:e. For
more information and schedules for
bcqlg a volunteer ushu, stop ,by the"
½ Walsh Theatre office or call Mary
Crouy at 720-2398.

r "I •



Accort!ing to Palcoloaos, "Stu•
dents will be able to leave this course
prepared to (ljrtt:t a SW"Vey in any
political campaian at any level." He
~ -·~
for a classroom to ask qucstioos in a
political poll that ha~ never, bcal
asked before. The pon'ibilitiea are
loformatioo about this ud oibe,.
courses in the -Profcuiooal PolJtics
ptQgrml j s available from John Bers ,
at {~17) .573-8126.


:n,e I ioo Kine" ·

Si::o.1atiODal ·animation and a
heartfelt ·uory" propel "The- Lion~
Kina" into an i.n..stant classic. This is
·some of the most emotional ma&erial
put on the ICtCCD in a l0111 while.

C.Ontinued rrom page I

will be in a studio in Cambridge. with
technical and final rehearsals to be
held at the tticatcr.
Wilson stressed the importance

F"ICtion" •

brcarbukina comIWC or America lo-

Oliver Stone's

~ · Ii the


atre Manager Celeste Wilson, the
ART will be working with the House


Exllillnliq ori&iaaliry abincs
throap ~QalllliaT....-.O'a abra-

Cameron ha.v c concoc1ed an im~
mcosely. entertaining- and hilarious
spy film with ,more than a twist of

to perform in .

Actioo fans really never had it

thi\ good Two great DOD-llop ·ac:u_oo







Jthought a runaway bus •
vidc the IDOlt IUlpenle ud w it&knuckle thrills to be had iD '94? Only
the miilions of theater aoen· wbo
made ~
speed" a ·sux, million plus
, smash.



Applications available at the Student
Activities Center. ~JI tapes are due in
by February 15, 1995.Theeventwill
take place March 3,· 1995 in the C.
Walsh Theatre.

John- Water's Wild and wacky
take'on suburbia is a riot from start to 1994,
finish. ~ecn Tu~r is a wonder . most
to WllCb.
who I
PICed ICIJOO combined Wllh Willi1
witty ' dialoauo and highly 11ylized lholo
violence makes . this "Quclltin 2 ::ll
.Tarantino brainchild THE hit of 1994:
2 ~


:l'!V.:- = . . _ · ". • _

1 in one }'car! Who ~have



tired of playin& the loser.


~vu a touc~,
chari1ma1ic _perfonila.nce in the
bcavy,-mCtal darkly romantic, fan•
wy horror film which puu ..Batman"

to sbime.,
7. "lntqyig, Wilh De YarnsiR"

Tom Cruise and Kinlen •bumt
steal nearly eycry scene in Anoe
Rice'• &othic hon-or tale. 1bc bat
book twncd movie adaptation since
"'Silcace of the Lambs".

~ '·
nu -

.a, .,.._ ot Aaerica.


- ■--ultJly

:Qc J.ign Kini"

• ::r

pl,otopapbccl aad

One of t.kryl Strecp's





j okes

°' ,oini.i&olaalf1<c.
Tr'"'""· •"'De BMi!'.18W:- ··

~ Unotbing abort
lide,pliaioa laugh feat 11'1 a perfect

:aw: .

r· movi1
~ Disney animation mu• l:ll
terpie:e beautifully movina, charm•
in& and sweet, ""rhc l:.ion King':' lame,
roared away as one of the top poss- pu,d
ia& ftlms of..all ilipe. wniaa over
0 ptillion while 1ouching the :. . A
both ere • .their hilarious best.


..ur••~...;·"ti1-, J.:~
""' ....-::..;;.

- - cm d y ~ fam•
deNniita-- - ruts•- ...u-



~to' : c ~ ~ ! ~ ~ I = rltom
actioo performance but the rc:a1 sceoc
saealcn ip tbil summer bloclcbu.stcr Now
IR Tom Arnold ,ixf Jamie Lee Curtis hoo,

pafonttal!OOI, .11u, .,.;i;q,


cdao or 5.::111

your seat, white water "tbrillu was
abo eo.banced by Keviri,Bacon'1 riv-



Tho Suffolk l ......

. 'lllo S.«altl~ul Wcdoe,day, 114- 25, 1995

The Daily Grind:A very hip place



J ~ and Krist.en J)ick .the Best and Worst of '94


1be ~

- r 1994:

IUft1N'S nas

Edaiwatia&' ahiocs

throucb i n ~ TlallbDO'a ultra-

Yioleal. alba-bilariou and wtra-lmo-

film made in the~ five years w~
can come close to mMChin& the en~ncn instincts 9[ "Pulp Fiction..

1 "NMuAf R<¥D KiUaJ''
Oliver Stone's bteaduaking commenWy on the state of America today continues 10 dazzle anct atimulate with each viewing. A disturbing
and thought provoking ~ indeed.
l. 1bc Uoo King"
Scnsa1ional animation and a
heartfelt i lor·y propel "The · Lion
Kina" into an instant classic. Th.ii is
aomc ol the most emotional material

Continued rrom page 4

Cling, psychotic chaiacter and breath·

., Photbby. p
Mk:helle pfetffer stars as. a lormer Marine-turned high school English teacher In




•My Posse Don't

Homewofk• (tiHe subfect lo change), a new release from Buena Vista Pictures.



• ,·1•l , .,

mcnscly entertaining and hilarious
spy film with more than a Mist or

John Water' s wild and wacky
take on suburbia is a riot from start to
5. ~
finish . Kathleen ~mer is a wonder
Aciioo rans really never had ii to watch.
this good. Two great non-atop aclion

!flicks in ooe year! Who ~ d have
-~~~•s PICKS
though1 a runaway bus -~p-o,
--Lvide lhe moat auspensc..ud ; hito- • FIil.paced action combined with
knuckle thrills to be had in '94? Only witty dialogue and highly s1ylized
the millions or theater gocrs who violence makes 1h i1 Quentin
• made "Speed" a $100 million plus Tarantino brainchild THE hit of 1994.
l ~
Arnold . Schw~cuer muscles
Brandon Lee gives a touchin,, onto the big screen in ~ line
chari1i;na.1ic ptrformance in the ' action ~~ance but tfte real scene~
heavy-metal darkly romantic, rari- scealcn lJI thit summer blockbuster
wy horror film which pula "Batn;xlll" are Tom Arnold and Jamie Lee
IO ~
- '
• both are at their hilarious besL
7. "loccodc;w With The Ylmlicc'"
l. :tbs l,iqn Kinp"
Tom Cruise and Kinlcn DyDst
Anocber Disney animation masi t~ nearly every scene in Anne tapiece-~Uy movin8'- charmRice's aothlc honor talc. The best ing ~ sweet, "'The Lion King"
book turned movie .:!apwion• since roan:it away u one or the top gross"Si1eocc of the l.ambs'".
ina films or all time, earning over
w.· '.T1WI
0snillion wbile touchina the
Tbla undelTaled aoo ov~, ~
comll:l'y U"DOthing abon"tit't'' .. 4· ,'7bc Rim;:Ytih'!·• ··
tide Jpliaina laugh resL It's a perfect
One of Meryl Sueep's strongest
TICIDo .,.-.. which hits a l8tgc( wdl- performances, lhtl ixcitin1, edge or
cleam'YiQI••.,.. the dysfunctional f■m • you r seat, white water thriller wu
Jly . , . . _ ol'America.
also enhanced by Kevin Baoon'1 riv-



l :salC .

a..tiAally pbotosrapbed and



ia lea .. .


They have items web u Veaetable Stroller sandwicbei ■od Sliced
Turkey or Chicken on Herb Focacda
bread with a variety. or difrerem toppings . I can t.eU you lh■I the undwiches are unbelievable.
Th~ Grind also offers I Hot Soup
or the Day and Olill 1 wanu !bolo
bone in the upcoming (due we aay
ii) winter mooths. The ulad selccdon
is varied a., well. And I can't rcqer. to
mention the fresh baked cpoldes,
cakes and chocolate bannas. They
also offer ·l'OU.11 yogun.
All the items offered ■t the Daily
Grind are fresh and bea!th conscious.
For all of us who vow to try and eat
bealthic:r and find OW'ldva: 011 tho
Hill all day now have refuge In Tbc
Daily Grind. You can be sure what. ever you selection is you w.ill enjoy


By Jatl.n Grieco and

coatimed on Jlqe 5

a glamour vehicle for rea1 lire couple
I. :COior of Nirbr"
Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger.
This is not jusi the worst film or Don·1 be HAD.
1994, but quite possibly one or lhc 7. "Bodx Snorcbca"
most insufferably lame movies ever
~bcl EelTUra· a third adaptation
made. Bruce Willis plays II shrink of lhc classic tnle is marred by weak
who finds himsclr in the middle of spccinl errccts and icro scares.
the mosl inane murder mystery since & ~
"Clue." Don't fod sorry ror Bruce
liven•furtbcr,proof I.hat rom ■ntK
Willis. he redeemed himselr nicely in comedies are never very foMy and
the knockout film "Pulp Fiction.'"
about as romantic as Madonna ·s
l ~
"Erotica" video. A better title for this
Funbcr proor that romantic com. anqnic mess would be "Lifeless."
edies are dead on arrival. '1'ht Fa- 9. ·:wes Crnxro 's Ncw Niebmmrf"
vor" ialces a decent cast and puts
Craven promised us some1hing
!hem in a script which would have new bu1 jLS the same old nighlrnau
been rejected by ..Threc· s Company'". only this time locking any coherence
Now~strctch that concept to over an nccesSllry to produce m\Jch needed
hou r and a half· and lhe result is a chills. Stick 'f"ith the original..
movie best suited to the USA net· 10. "Wbm a Mno IAxra I Wqnan"
worts UUp All ·Night"".
Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia an.
l ~
fi ne actors stuck in a TV-movie-orJoe Pcsci wildly over acts in this 1he-week scenari o. Overlong and
lame, manipulative Harvard bued overl y depressi ng.
pseudo drama.
4. ::rcanioal Yclociiy"
Adion fans
had · ·
L ~
~ ~ ° : ~ch'~ : , :
~ ~ i i , ,,~~!i)m,-,
l'tNalr:ed riGnh:!1•pan,dy~twi.tttout !nt1y
but sadly, this is full:,or ri<iculous
over-the-top perfonnanc;,t1. Dumb !
The poor- filrection and lhe unDumb! Dumb! Gives oew mel&Ring
original screenpl ay cripple this
to the term "sleeper bit'', as in "wake
Bolton-based mad bomber flick. No
llllpcnse. lillle' -=tion and dull charWORST

continued oo pqe 5 1

~~:;~:;~::;.. 4

A disturbing portnjt or dis.illusiooed youth ■od media ~onali1 m. this Oliver Stone/Quentin
Tarantino tour de ro«:e .opeocd the
minds .or many_ ftlm goers to ~e


4. ~

Like thc·movic., the soundtnick is -al•· :~vme;~rocofkuh:,,~. lho:!'llnuie pop .
di!.wrt,ing" and ju~t -., 1ecbnically
.... ,.....
10. "MN'Y SbcUcx'1 fmnkmudn"
1 ~
Kenneth Brana1b'1 arand,acale 1. ~
Tbc:re. ■re enough rarities on this
adaptati'cm of lhit tr11k: dN,k:·lll&y
- A hip mix of70'1 ~ . 60'1 1Urf pop coUection to make ILi kcc'pcr.

not~..U-.dllO'lM:il'..-.,t~ • ~Cffl0lat!W~1lli'k,g. .
but the 11tona pcrformancCs ancl i et de1i1n alona with
Branagb's brilliant• directina makes
this. film thatsbou~ DO( be miucd

,-''--,.....a.--~~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~


America. &.trcme violence and bizarn; backdrops only enhance this
absolutely brilliallt film.
6. "fpur Wf:ddinas pd A Fuoml"
Proor positive that romantic com•

made this adaptation or • Michael
Crichton's best-selling novd the definitiw: film olthe 1990'1. Eatertainina perfom1JOCCS; fine screenplay.

=~= fut°ar!~ ~ ~~= ~

■ WORST from ~ge 4

dearing comedic performances_ by
Hugh Grtal' and Andie MacDowe.U
made this charming filffi the sleeper
hi1 or 1994. '
7. ~ •
The ,b.igh speed thrills, DOD--llOp
actioo and lCrroyinl czplosions will
make viewtn think twice lbout pul)..-.
lie lffllSportation. .Entertainina perfonnances rR>ffl stars Keanu Reeves,
Sandra Bullock anH OerJni.s Hopper.
The third screen adapwioa or
Louisa May Alcott's sentimental
children's novel is worthy of Oscar
mention due 10 the strenatb or it'•
Annwona) and a supcrt,ly IU'OCII
CIR (moll notably Winona Ryder •
Jo M.-dl).
i 1 !1DMlricw Wilh1


me when it'a over!"
1. ~
Bos1on never looked worse.
Pbocy•loolrlni exploaoas, dull pe,ronnances and f.a&al flaws. A'JJy &ood
Bostonian COUid-pick out • millkm of

3: ~



.. ' .... .. .. '\













5-97 ....... ,_"'


X, llu1 . - a y
qllilc liva -, IO flit WM

l l _ o l d , _ . , - . ! G r - . ..,....i.t iL_<I _ _
lllia.mca1y.i.-o .........





Alaupabk: ■-qlptataci •fihor•






ror, the only thin& about lllis film lUl
will mate viewers c:riae,e is tlill it
.S. 'Mr WoodcdeC
Billiaa dlis ridia&lom fam • a




The OM)' Grind, vcit«t Boeton's BHI
.... Nelx:irhOod'ColN HouN:.

triCS·IO be I sexy, roniantic comedy and rails miserably. Not even
4. ::Jbc Pwpt JPllka"

bi&-badaet pro- 6. ~

Pia's tamially dqnalcd Louia and

~ CwsicCaf6


. . ~=-':!: ~.., -- ... ..,.I
dsrive1 d9c: to it's


A noulal• collection of Vietnam era hita lbat is impossible to


·conlinued on page 9·

I. "NebaJ Morn Killm"


6 ~

~ •. ·

PssL..... :... For the bes I cup of Java
on the hW,Jak.e
wallc down the
block from the Rid&eway Building.
nc.xl to the old Metro Deli.
· The Daily Grind is quickly be·
coming the best pllce, to get a great
cup or coffee.. Daily they offer s"ix
different types or coffee. It's hard to
know which way to go..tny ravorite
i1 the Hazelnut.
I am not a coffee drinker, never
have been, *at not until now. I
have no idea whatever pouessed me
to order a Haidruu coffee the firsr
time I walked into the Daily Grind,
but I am sure glad I did. Tben did I
see the folly of my ways . Haz.dnu1
coffee rrom The Grind bas 00W ~
come my bevcn&e of choice in the
morning, especially before that g:00
Millner clau.
Aside rrom the wonderful amy
or coffee grinds they also ·serve
Cappuccino, Espresso, Caffe Latte,
and Herbal tea.1 (camomile docs wonders before an exam). The Daily
Grind also offers an usonmcnt or
fresh baked muffins, scones and ba-


ntand Lei.Ure

gels 10 actompany your coffee selection.
Lunch has proven 10 be an inlefestina adyenrure daily ·it The Grid.
You can be~ that there is aomc=
thing new and intcrcnina offered

..._......;.... I
~~ =::=.:. --FDK.
----·--1,.r_.._~~.,_ ---4--•..d
10.,.......,. r._,...._
L- "~ ~--.-· --.-•

10% OFF




The Daily Grind:A very hip place
By <liriltina Ttlllclo

Put., ..}.For the bcs1 cup of Java


on the hill, . _take i w~ down the
block from the Ridgeway Building.
"!61 to the old Metro Deli.
The -p.ily Grind is quickly becoming the best place to get a grca1
cup of coffee. Daily they offer six
different IYJ>CS of coffee. It's hard to
know which way to go .. my favorite
is the Hazelnut.
I am not • coffee drinker, never
have been, at least not until now. I
have no idea. whatever posseucd me
to order a Hazelnut coffee the first
time I walked into the Daily Grind,
bu1 I am sure glad J did. Then did I
see the folly_of my ways . Haulnut
coffee fmm The Grind ,has oow become my 'beVcnge of choice in the
morning, especially before that 8:00
Millnef class.
Aside fmm the wonderful array
of coffee grinds 1hey also serve
Cappuccino, Espresso, Caffe Lane,
and Herbal teas (camomile docs wonders before an exam ). The Daily
Grind aJso offers an usortment or
fresh baked muffins, scones and ba-


- gels 10 accompan y you r coffee se,.



You can be, sure that th~ iJ IOfflething new and mtcrc1ung offered
They have items such u Ve"a·

~,.....~..,_,· '!-••'

·' . ,
w• .....,,• ., •


1101..,....=,--of'dlO...i.llilload . '

ctablc StroUer sandwichci and Sliced.

Turke:, or Chicken on Herb focaccia
"read with a variety of different toppings . I can tell you that• the sandwichcs arc unbelievable.
The; Grind also offeri a Hot Sou))
of thc Day and Olili 10 wum those
bone in the upcoming (dare we say



,·--=·· ' ·,

• tobulD111...,_..iiaoar,q,c,ruD1adJO..,.._
oarlllll. lOWII ca COYCI' more of the caq,m: than we


it) winier mornhs. TI>t,saJmlsdection ·

is varied as well. And I can't f<qet IO
. mention the fresh baked c~kies,
cakes and cbocolate bannas. They
also offer frozen yogurt.
All the items offered at the Daily
Griod are fresh and health consciOUJ.
foe all of US who YOW to try and
bcalthicr and find oot1Clves oo the
Hill all day now have refuge in The
Daily Grind. You can be sure whatever you selection is you will enjoy

..,..... _ _ _ ... _ _ _n-,,.... , .,
~ ~
.... .,...._,, ,pocilio-.j
tho . . . . . - . 111e-•,c1atyfothoSuffolk




eting, psychotic chamcter and breath~Y.. ,ci-9f~lf9BrlPhY, ~• •

adaptatioo of this irqic clawc may

Kenneth Branagb'1 grand-SCale

s. ~Na111!'W &im KOim"

A disturbing ponrajt of disillu-

on\ Do

sioned youth and media sen~onal-

is m, this Oliver Stone/Quentin
Tarantino tour de force opened the
minds _of many_ film goers to the
Bas inger.

America. Extreme violence and bizarre backdrops only el1hance this
absolutely brilliant film .

6. "four Wq!dinH and A Eunml"
I by weak

:Unny ond
tie for this

;h needed

Jarcia arc
•movic-offong and

s. Dumb!
'i mettning
1in ""wake

not _ _ _


1 :::niiw.m.:
There are enough rarities on this
pop collection 10 make it a keeper.

._...,..,._c.,-..,,i mem~'m-'dilll>g.

but the suong performances and
amazi ng set desi gn along with
Branagh's brilliant directing makes
this a film that should. not be missed
when it is released on video.

, - '' -- · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~~~ ~


rcce~ ~. ~ thcyvcsipcd, willbe;

:, 1 .t u ! .

~ for publication regardti&bftbesubjcct
· matter. 59medung:tictyou off that wc haven't written
about, whether on campus o r off, write a letter and let

ends of the production oftbcSuffoltJoumal, we. ..
welcome any and aJJ student& who me inlaesfed.

•ntinued from pl!ge 4

Afterall, wc~ybetbeSlaffo!tbeSuffolk .

Boston never looked worse.
Phooy-loolcing explosionl. dull perThe high speed thrills, non-stop formanccs and fatai flaws. Any good
action and territying explosions will Bostonian could pick out I million of ·
make viewers think twice about pub- 'cm.
lie transponation. Entertaining per- 1 ~
rormances from stars Keanu Reeves,
Tries to be a sexy, romantic comSandra Bullock and Dennis Hopper. , edy and fails miserably. Not e·ven ..,
8. " ~
worth the price oi a video rental.
The tbm:I screen adapta~oo of " :De Purg;t mwcn"
Louisa May Alcott's sentimental
A laughable IUCIJl,JJl at sci~ borfi
chiJdren's novel is worthy of Oscar ror, the only thina about this film that
mention due to the suengtb of it'1 will make viewers cringe is ihal it
(Gillian evcrmz~·.t61tbtthcatersin.lh&fint
Armstrona) and a superbly suona .place. .,
cast (most no(ably )Yinona Rydei as 5. "Mr
Jo March).
- .
Billina dus ridicvlous face • a
9.··;:Jnmiow Wnta·Dc Yasire"
•tlM: ~ acn:en adapt.- at the- people wbo made Ibis 'awful
tioa of Anne Riccf1 popular novel film.
duives dae to it' s bia:~blldact ~ • 6. ~ • •

~~a::.=; oe!::°l. ::-::U'::e~
never quite lives •P ' 1o


·editing:or asildligwu111i10~... o r - . , ·


~~~;;~ ~..; : :0it~o;~r·

Pid's tcnniaaUy depreued Louis aod




" - '' • a-tia,

express their opinions and give.ourreaden somedung •
to think aboal. Occuiomlly,-59me feathers wiU be
ruffled and tome will claim wc have~ too far, and
r.hal is the price
free cx~ion of ideas. .•
· We ~vc to be• beucr conduit for lhe
o_piqions of the Suffolt·community at large.''one . ·
out there hu an opinion to express, whclbcr it con;tmeoLS on, spocific 1tQf1 we ran or aot. thoy arc
invilei:1 to scnc1 ·us a Letter to the Editor. All ldteri: "'

au of you out these to belj, us improve the quality Of
your student DCWSplpa', Come 911 down to our offices
and offerlO belp. We can DIOaayomi willin&toWOlk.

made this adaptation of Michael
Crichton's besl-sclling novel the definitive mm of the 1990's. Entertaining performances; fine screeaplay. ·

hit of 1994.


be fair and ""'"-<I. tho duty or .... co1wmiists JO

your voice be heard.

10, "-



,1_o1c1. ..... . . - . , - ...,....soli/. ,_ol_..,.


"Na!URI Qom KUim"

Like the movie, the soundtrack is
disturbing and just ail technically
dazzli ng.
2 ~
A hip mix of 1o·s soul, 60'1 surf

Proof positive that romantic com-

cd.ics can still be very romantic and
quite hilarious at the same time. Endearing comedic performances by

: rom11t1tic

10. "Marv Shcllcy'a fnmkcosicin"


A nostalgia collection of Vietnam era hits that is impossible to
Fun miJi: of up-to-the-minu1e p0P,
a1temative rock hits.

Kmten Padloo

Continued on page 9·


Continued from page 4


By J111dn Grieco and

':. ·
However, somo oftho complaints we've beard

' tlonrilloolydopral~'L

Joumsl,and aie~f.,-tho~and
~tofthisnewspapd;'Wcitts"'l00,ftit1§'o «o '
community, who are truly: the guidingJorce behind the!. The Suffolk Journal is YOUR student newspaper. .

',': .'; ·::. ': '. : :1









. Thll Daily Grind, voted Boston's Best
.... Nelbomood Colee House.
~~. Sconn. Muffins.

Let YOUR voice be heard .


"SGA is a ~ scri~ organization ~ii a very




100/o OFF


,o.._ .. ..,.~

,... _....,. ......... 1



.• .



• l'llll Fahoae, Vice_, ofthcClass or
199S, ad SCudcat JIJC!icial Review Board Olair-

. ,·

i a - durina tbis wecb' SGA - ,, ·'
Mike Shaw,

.hillinOricco, I
Dr.Gerald a

}rind:ANery hip place
;;;--- gds to accompany your'"°corree"i"e,lcction.

:cup of Java
, dowa the

1 duilding,
quickly be·
get 1.grea1
:y offer six
h's hard to
my favorire
inker, never

mtil now. I
>ISCSscd me
'ee the first
)lily Grind,
Then did J

i . Hazelnut
.. borok:e in tbc:
e that 8:00

eitin~~e':!°~~/:tbe,,: ~

You can ht IW'C that 1herc is aomcthins new and interenina offered ..
They have hems such u V~&ctablc Suoller sandwK:het and Sliced
Turtcy ot Chicken on Herb Focacc.ia
btead with a variety of different top-.
pings . I can tell you lhat the aandwlche1 are ynbelievable.
T~ Grind alto offers a Hot Soop
or th e' Day and Chili to warm thole
bone in the upcoming (dare w~ A)'
ii} winter month,. The salld selt.etion
is varit.d as wdl. And I can't fcqet to
mention the fresh baked cookies.
cakes and chocolate bannas. J.hcy



1onmcn1 or
and ha-

·cominucd on page 9·

and breath•

IO. "Mary Shelley's Emnkcutcin"
Kenneth B"'11&b'1 grand-lCaJe
adaptatioa of thiJ b'lrlic clusic may

..,... . . . . lllodllllt~mdforootbelq '

cooapofa-CM1campa1. Wean:Jaltia&steps






oc.n lo lhe

l ~

By Justin Grieco and
Krlskn Padlm:

A nostalgia collt.etion of Vietnam era hits that is impossible to
~ ~

Like the mov re, the 50Undtrock is
di1turbing and just as tec hnically

Fun mii; of up-to-the-minute pop
alternative rock hi ts.


2. ~
A hip rnix of 70's soul, 60'1 surf

There. are enough rarit.ics on this
pop collection to make it a kccpcr.


r-• - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
' ·

made this adaptation of Michael
Crichton's best-acllins novel the definitive film.of the 1990'1. Enlc.nainina performances: fine screenplay.

IC time. En-:maoces by
the sleeper


Coolinued from ~ac 4

me when it's overt'"
2 ~
Boston nevc·r looked worse.
Phony-looltina CJtplosions, dull per·
fonnancea and fatal flaw1. Any &ood
.Bostonian could pick-out a million of
'em. ,r·
l :Jll<.f&x.Q1'.'

ls, non-stop
1Josion1 will
: about pubtaining peranu Reeves,
• Tries to Ma a sexy, romantic comlllis f-!opper. edy and fails misentbly, Not even
wonh the price of a ~dco rcrual. ~
1apla1ion of "- ':Jl¥;Pµpi;gmwm..
A Jaupable aaappt • sci-fi horsentimental
by of Oscar ror, Lhc only thin, about this film that
:n&lh of it's will make viewen cri.-.c is thal it
(Gillian ever made it to tbc tbcaren in the fint
:rbly SU'OClg place.
11:18 Ryder as 1 "Mc Wqpdpful"
~illiq dus ridicwOlas face • a


- ~ •bo made lhis•awful

,..i. ...., film.










' ."



.. .. .. '\














Howcw:r, somoofthccomplaints wc'vc beard



unbiucd;h·is the duty or our oohlmmsts to



qprcss theiropiniom aod Jivc our readers something
to thinlr: about. Occuioully,'some feathers will be
ruffled and some will claim wc have goRC too far, and
that is the price for free expression orideal.
• •
We resolvoto be • ·beucr conduit ·(or the vicwi and
opinions Of the Suffolk community al I~. If aa)'Qlie .
· out there has an opinion IO Cxprca, whd6cr it comments on aseocir1e'su,ry we ran or~ they arc


t .. 1

ends of the production or the Suffolk Journal, wc
welcome any and all students who are inrerested.
Aftenll, we may he die ltaff oflhe Sufli>U:
Joumal, and ......~f«lho~rod"1.'l<P..~

cooteit of this newspape/.'blrit Is You, ilfe'So1r;;ii •
community, who arc ttulythe guidingforcc behind the
Journal. The Suffolk Journal is YOUR Audent newspaper.

The Cally Grind, voted Boston's Bes1
.New Nelborhood Cohe House.
fNujng &ag.18. Sconn, Muffins.


Let YOUR voice: be heard.

..SGA..!-5 a very acrious cq:ani.zatioa ad

ii• very






. ,......o111.,-o1-...

the......_. f.._
Oeneruion X,

==""~,,:=~=~ .
coos:idered for publication rcprdlcssofthesubject
matter. Somc:thinstickyou offthal we haven't written
about, whether on campus or off, write a letter ani:t Jet
your voice be heard.
Finally, the staff of the Suffolk Journal chal~gcs
all of you out there to help us improve the quality of
your student newspaper. Come oa down to 01D' offices
and offer IO help. We can UIO aayoae willinc to Wom.

10. ·-

oce and biahance. this


_ _ _ ......, _ _na. ......
·w1,.....,11o.1eoaotdlo)IIDIY. ljlOCillo-.Y'lOdojasttbM.

bMit....a..U. attMltic.10Milf.C-::,oa. and memo~dTie! tfia'IOg.

but lhe 11ron1 performances and
amazing s et design along with
Branagb'1 brillWlt di.rccting makes
this a film that should not be missed
when it is released on video.


tobcllllftc:wpmod inourn:portinaanclJ.OiDCIUIC "
ourstaff.lO'Wecacovcrmorcol.thccuq,usthanwc •


L "Natu11l 8pm Killm"

. of d.isillu-



..,.._.... . . . . _o(!l,eacmdlleaud .

:,;"C:~~:.':; ;::~..':;: Movie soundtracks ofthe year



ofdle_ 11io,._,._crldcbDdlail:imrfor

also offer froxco yogurt.
All the hems offend at the Daily
Grind an: fresh and health coosciOUJ.
For all ofus who vow toll)' and cat
bealthia- ud find ounclvcs on the

xrful am.y
1l10 serve
:acre Latte:.
edocswoo- ever you selection is you will enjoy
The Daily

,i\'.a._,. ___.

___ Ji,,i,Jdio8iftblt.-. ...•.. - ·


this unfottuna1Cly
odl.ouiuad never quil.O lives 11p ' IO wbt wu

lhi1willooly_»......_-.. ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - '


• .PbU Faboat. Vice: President of the Class or
1995, and Smdca< Judidal Review Board Choirpenoo. durina tbis - ' SGA - 1.

The Suffolk Journal
By the students, for the students, sincc'" If°36
Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Chief

Owistian Eoaltt, Mmucina Edu«
Mike Shaw, Eucutive Editor
Kaai M.
R ~;:
Ix. Gcnld Richman. Advilor

Norine Badpfupo. XII

.~,-=t!:."',::-:=·:~IJ,,/w""'-""'·.... ~•-Slllfl!
w.J~,:::" n,,s,.,..~
116'11U u7 fll'ft1~ fH •1 • - ...

w/tl, oJI

28 Doma StlNt • _ , , ~ 02t 1( • Phone i, Fa

The Suffolk Joumal

Rose Kennedy:_'Irue

I t

Auld Lang Syne


TbeSuffollc.loulllll W-.S.,,1-25, 1995

Wednelday. January 25, 1995




Am~rican Royalty


w,_,..,..,.,i_.. ... ..,,.c1ep1nmcn,

ordlo_, Tllo--c:ridobodlall)'OOl'Cor

___., ___

... . _ . . .. . . . . !III_Yol'lbe activllic11nd .

....... s.i,,1t....,..,111c1f0< notboi!!I .
enoqbof Oft campus. Weare takiH steps
10 be ID&ftorpalad iD our reportina and.Joi~
our ltlff.10 we cm cover~ of_ canl"u: than we


·w;..........,be-oflbeaory. 11,cn,...,. .

l b e - , . - 1. lbeloumol's -,,!olbeSulrollc


comrmaaity-isto rq,o,ttbenewsfairly a n d ~,udwctrytodojustlhat.
However, some of the complaints we've beard
haw, been direckd • some of the Journal's cd:iiorial
colwnnilts. WbiletbeJoumal'saews rq,octiq bu10
be fair and unbiased. ilis thedtlly orourcolumliists to
express thciropinioos and give our readers something
101hink about., some feathers will be
ruffled and some wiil claim we have gone lOO rar, and
that is lhc price for free expression of ideas.


We resolve to be a bcuercondllit for the views and'
opinions of the Suffolk collllriunity at large. If anyone
out there has an opinion to express, wbethc:r it com•
menli on a specific storyweran ·orDOt. they arc
invited to send usaLeuertothe Editor. All kiters
received here, provided they arc signed, will be'
COfWdetcd for publication regardless of the subject
matter. Something tick you offlhal we haven' t wrinen
about, whether on campus or off, write a letter and let
your voice be heard.
Finally, the staff oftb; Suffolk Journal challenges
all or you out there to help us improve the quality of
your stlMlcot oewspapcr. Come on down to our offices
and offer to belp. We can use anyooe willinc to wor;k.
whctha- ~ be,..... ocws . , - . , . anicla. copy

Rose ICennedy ,. 1hc:
"quceQ" of Musachuu etu
'"royalty," died at her home
in Hyanni 1por1 Monday 11
lhc age or 104 years old. The
wire or the late Joseph P.
Kennedy, and mother of the
lnfluc,Ui al XeMedy polidc:al
Bom in 1890, in the Nonh
End of Boston, Rose
Fittac:rald WU born a devout
Catholk:. A who saw
two sons uussina1ed for
ic.lift1 lhc United Sulc:I into
rlCW directions, ahe apcri•
CftCCd I Jot in her 104 years.,
from hurricaocs OD the: Al·
!antic Coat to presidential

The dau&,hta of legend•
ary Bos1on Mayo r Joh n
" Honey Fili" Fitigerald ,
Rose WU I Bostonian from
birth. Later, at the age of 24,
t he married Joseph P.
Kennedy in 1914. She bore
nine children, four sons, (Joseph Jr., John, Robert, and
edward) and five daughtcn,
' Eunice. Ptirida. and Jean.)
She taua ht them love,


Democratic politic, upon her
sona. tryfog to ir11till io her
sons the political Jlrltegic:s


It seems like a brand
new _ay~ says Jim


II wiU come • DO sur•
prise lO faitpflal rcadcts of my

:i: ~:.on~=!:~


b:.A:iu:i - : :

me the most. Andy taught
me that I ·should substitute
work, hut throupou1 most my use of danlffl)US cleansthat her father practiced.
or the Fall semu1cr I ·'wu c.n: for somcth!Q& a little more
j\ose dangcrou.aly dcprcucd.. I had socially ~ l e.
Kennedy such a rcmarlal blc 1 my job 1111 lhe coal mine.
ThaW, buddy! I owe
woman? Wa, it her 10<4 lwaslnvolvedinavc,yput,.. you one.
ycars? Wasi1 her famous fam. lie and very uaJy divorce with
So after aettina some
ily? Well I'll tell you. Role my wife o r five yea r,, oc:cdcd therapy from

Kenned y was unique long Christie Brinkley.
before the tabloids. Oden
I spc~ three weeks in the
JohnJr..andWtlliamK.Smitb, FBI witness rclocatioo pro-and there wu Rose raisins 1ram after 1C1tifyin1 at the
her family. loo& before the Bobbi II 1ri1I (bow cruy
media critici~ed Ted, tbc:rc would you be if you bad co
was mom raisin& her family. scay at a Hot.el 6 in Ancbor·
loo& before there was '"The aaedu.riaathedus.lucaaoa'?').
Tenniaator," there was the J cocuiducd salcldc ,1'any
Keancdy Compound• timcs,butwullOlablc.togct
tuary in Hyaanispon.
Mrs. KcMedy celebrated Ke vorkian.
and cried throughout her Iona
Most painfu lly for me,
life. Her family gained their however, wu that I had to
streaathi through her. Her face my up 10 my ,al probcluldrco learned bard lessons letn. I had been in denial
1long1ide her. Through the about my addiction 10 major
tragedies and triumphs, Mn. household clca.ner1 fo r 1
Kennedy held together. the long. It took a Wild New
most prominent family 1n Year' • Eve 10 c hange my
·· mind
Tnic royalty. Truly• part
Wakin& up Jan~ 12th
of history. Rest in peace in in 1 ~ e bq , a ~
Mn. Kennedy.
box on ffl)l,hcad and a bottle

myael(, lOO to
lhe occtSioaal hitchhikcn I
pk:k up alon1 128.
And love bu helped me..
I've fi nally dealt whh my
a,cxuality. l'mno1oa&crboth.
crcd by the , apectadon1 ol
JOCicty. If people can't deal
with the fact thal J can't Id.
the' friendly pro(cuon in the excited sexually without lis•
P sychology
Department 1e·mng the theme: mus.ic from
(Hey, pys, can I have my ,.Welcome: Back, · Kotter"'
walJcc. back DOW1) I return co they can ,crew.
Suffolk: Wt, rutcd and ready
I'm 1oi.a1 to live my own
to blow off an cnti.rdy ocw life from DOW pa. As long u
Khedule· or courses.
me and my suual partner,
lfcellw:amillioabucka. Princaa, 11e abipl with it.
Wd.l, actually, I feel like the wcxtd is aoiaa lO have IO
cope. (ljustcan'tac:tfflOU&h
I sce- befdre me a vut ofhereyc:1,hcre,a, harlon& '
homoll, filled with infinite mane...l mean hair.)
potential And the 1ood thin&
So, l'vedccldedtolighlcn
is, the horuoo is no lonacr 11 up a biL I feel my cone in put
halJucinatioo brou&ht on by ·lrticlcs hu been a bit ncpliquid di1hwuher detcraent dvc and counter-productive.
· Jcll-0 lhou.
I'm JtiU aoona alve my lcn

199.S has brouaht heal• cents, but I'm
topy to
mJtntomyh(c. 11 vescen my focus on the J)Otitlyc, I.he isinner child, and I've kiucd sues, the good. •
· h1m full ' on the h ps I've
There's lots o r rea lly
entered one or thole 12 step • positiveldcu floatinaaroJnd. ·
things. J'ye stopped eating Every1h in1 is c~•nalna
cardboard bo~.,
~ us, Suffolk. We are


·;{_~•~~f£~~ ' Neww~~~!:::ia!
wu a cuuaJ us«. I checked
myself into the "Mr. Ocan
Rehab Proaram . ,.
I spent two weeks in P':
jamas Wider" a fircbolc._ Af.

aD4 clwl&c..


editinc: orassittmgwitbthelM:inea ora«hcrtising
ends of the production of the Suffolk Journal, we
welcome any and all studeots who are interested.
After all, we may be the staff of the 5.Jlffolk
Journal, and arc rcspon~ for the P.RXh~i~@nd
contcDt of this news~W.,. it is
t&'S- trolt
community, who arc truly. the guidini,forcc be.hind the
Journal . The Suffolk Jownal is YOUR student newspaper.
Let YOUR voice be heard.

Voices of Suffolk

t mcaa. let's be rali.s-

By Chrl8tlan Engler 11nd E,.1r1,,. Plummer

·o._. Simpson Trlal?_

..SGA•is a very serious orgao.b.atioo and iSa very


• PhU Fatzooe. Vice President of
1995, and Swdent Judicial Review Board Chair·
• .,

continued on Pl&'C 9

W'14lJ;l.9-y~ th)nl\abo4t.thf! l~test nYist' In' the



:t:g;;:!"t:t: ::fc:

My fine. New shoot people.. We arc livina
Year's resolution wu lO seek in a time when suppor1a1 or
bloody vtQgcaace •al.inst family valueutwow poor kids
my cncmies. I aow realiu inro ~
- ~~
that it w ~ be ~~iblc. to port school p a ~ ~ do

The'Suffolk Journal


By I.he students, for the students, since 1936

'Nornatterwhal ,_ ,

Dan Couky, Editor•in-Chicf
Cbris:tian Ea&)tt. Mamcin& Edi1or
Mw:Shaw. EuamveE.dilOJ
Karee M. Courtney, Buineu Ma,qa
JIISll.11 Grieco, fncnainmmt Editor
Ryanfoley, Spcwu:Edieor'
Entme Plwnmu, Photo Editor
Dr. GmJd Richman. Advisor
Norine Bad&llupo. Journal Consaltanl

_ , dont .... that


on one man


lnnoc8nce, tho Judldal
System says ha Is .
Innocent untl prtMIO

Heather Javolleri
Grad. student; MSIE



been said up ootil this
hll ~ 0<

Jennifer Varss



other poople ufllring In
- lhewodd.'

ManYel Gonzalez

JOIIIDal Wcdocaday,JIOuaty25, 1995

It seems like a brand
new day, ~ys ~un


. ...

Jim Behrle~
II Will come as no surprise to rail)lful readers or my
work, but throuahout most
of the Fall semester I Wu
dangerously deprused. I had
l°'t my job Mt tbc coal mine.
involved in a very publie and "cry ugly divorce with
my wife Of five , yurs,
Christie Brinkley.
I speot three weeks in the
FBI wilnCSS relocalion program after tutifying at the
Qobbiu trial ( how c razy
would you be if you had 1
stay al a Hotel 6 in Anchor•
i&e durina the slush 1CUOO?).
I con1idercd 1Uicldc many
timca, but was DOC able 10 gee
a ppointment
Most painfully for me,
however, was that I had to



ti'.: r:I!'.t

my1 u:ad

1bol.11 my addiction to major

bouschold clcancn for 100
\ona. It look a Wild New
Year's Eve 10 change my
Waking up January 12th
n a prba,ge bag: , a Twinkc:e
,ox on m)'.hcad and a bottle

me "the mbSI.

Andy tauJht

me that I s.hould s ubuituic
my use or danaerous cleans~ for somethlng a liulc more

socially aocq,tlible. Cocaine.
Th1utks, buddy! I owe
you ooc.
So a rter getting 1omc
much 11Ccded thenpy from
the friendly professors in I.he

Psychology Oc panm ent
(Hey, guys, can I have my
wallet back now?) I return 1
Suffolk: tan, rested and ready
to blow orr an e ntirel y new
&ehedulc of councs.
I feel like·• milllon bucks.
Wdl. 11c1ua\ly, I feel like
$8 ,21 .
I set before me a vas t
horizon . filled with infinite
potential. And the good thing
is, the horizon is no longer a
hallucination brought on by
liquid dishwasher detergent
Jell-0 shots.
1995 hu brought healingin1o mylife. l' vescenmy
inner child, and I've kissed
him full on the lips. I've
entered one of those 12 step
thio.p. I' ve stopped eating
cardboard boacs. ,

~~~~i~,,£?~~ · Neww~~~=~~:~~
MAS a casual user. I checked



nysclf into the "Mr. Ocan
tehab Program".
,I spenl two weeb in pa·
amas under a ru-ehose. Af-

and chanae. My first New
Year's resolution was 1 seek
b loody vengeance agai nst
my eotmiCL I now realize
that it w~ld be i~po_ssible 1

trio.le "Top Job" anymore. It
vas a niiracle.

My revised New. Year's
resolution is 1 stc,p killing
myself, and 1 lilop killing
the occasional hitchhiken I
pick up along 128.
And love bas helped me.
I' ve finally dcait with my
sexuality. I'm nolOQ&erbotheri:d by the expectations of
soaety. u people
with lhc fact that I can't get
exd1ed saually without listening the theme music from
"Welcome Back . · Kouer"
they can screw.
I'm goin1 to live my own
life from now on. As long as
me and my sexual partner,
Princess, arc alright with it.
the world is going 10 have to
cope. (I just can't get enough
of her eyes, her can. ta long 1
mllDe .. .l mean hair.)
So. I' ve decided to lighten
up a bit. I feel my tone in past
articles has been a bit nega.
rive and counter-productive.
I'm stiU gonna alve my 1en
cents, but I'm &oinl IOtry IO
focus on the positive. the is- •
sues, 1he good.
There's lots o f really
positiveidcu floating around.
Everything is c hanging
around us, Suffolk. We arc
living in a tim~ when people
who oppose killing babies
shoo! people. We arc livin&
in a lime when Stlpportcts of
fam ily values throw poor kids
inlO oq,hanag~. People i Uppon school prayer and ~ do

year. I meao, let's be realislie.


,Fonner UT Student Graduates to.Nine Inch Nails
By Clris ~ d e r
needed to meet up with Chrht Rct.nor, tJle &eraway, leatbcr-ct.d
Tbe ~ , . _ _
cum:a1 NIN ~ . wbo icon behind lhe NIN hysteriL Hi1
~ o(__Tcut--Amti.a
bad~widtl....obncroa•Skrew music, from 1989'1 "Preuy Hate
AUS'nN, Tu.u- _ (CPS) Oannj record in CJuc:ICo. Vl'UlDil let bim . Machine" JO the 1991 EP "Sin" to
l..olllllcr wu 12 bowl ahy of a Uai• know thll tfJM lDcb Natli wa1 loot- ---he Downward Spiral," i.smorethan
vasity of TCUI MaaaraanecU lafm- iQa for another piw{u, Md thal WU coou,h ID IUUCll Rcz.nor'1 chaotic
matioa S)'IICm. ~ when be l(lt whca be ,at booked up with Raoor. nacute. But seein& him perform live
the job be'd always wanted.
'"Trail biew I cou)d play die gui- povcs iL,
Aad preuydamc.-soodjob. lt," Lolll:leraays. "But I didalot of
NIN fia&. pc,fonned in Awtin in
Pl)'t ·wdl, be ,ets to travd the wodd the propaaunina and iechruca1 lhit 1989 at Cwfew, the disc-iech lplCC
and docsn'.I even hive to wear a•tic. iri Slaew, and 10 he liked thal I could on Sixth· Street that now houses Milbcoolyproblem is, tbeboudocsa kind be an all·pwpolC player."
raac.A1tbc endofthe&hoW1,Rcxoor
lot of sc:reaminJ and getl violent
Lobner flew out ID Loi Aft&elcs in poured water all over the steamy
C)OCe iD a whilo.
November 1993 and 11)'1 he's seen crowd, much to their delight, then
Bill wbal else would you expect if each NIN member every day since. splattaal bap of'flour on t.bem your job wu playin.& guiiar and.key- The band spctal aevcnl months ~ much to tbcit dislike (water + flour =
bouda with Trent Rc:znor and Nine ,pario1 (Of' I.he tOW', which hep.a early a dough-covered crowd).
Inch Nails?
last sprioa. 1ft thal time. lhcy've gOOC
This stage lnsani1y continues toLobnet, 28, became a member- of from playi.Q& small, sweaty clubs· to day, u images of R.cmor smuhina
Nine .Inch Nails when Runor was packed aram, a change Lohner says instnunents and slamming into his
lookioa for muaicians to back him be bas fOllnd kind of. bizam:.
fellow band members ·on, s19&c have
for the upporn.ina tour iD support of
""We l&lrtCd out in clubs with just surfaced plenty during his m<>lt cur-





the l1T carcer Center that got Jum the job.
Lobner says it ..,.... IDOltly haclc'tbat
got him booked up With N_IN, and the
r-=i that he was a foundina member
in ~ Austin lndusaial biad Strew.
Lohner hid split from Smw a few
months before bc traveled out to Los
AnJdcs to aaditioa for another band
(not NIN), which he asked go unnamed.
"11 w111 a disasta," Lobner uys of
I.he audition. "But it aoc me out to
• 't LA."
And a trip to LA. was all _ohpci: ,



~-l1•:i.aycd with plenty of irntioyouUOW, wtuchi.sbowTrentwanted oal people. but Trent is just I.OCally
to slart out," Lobner nj1, "Now unpredictable," Lohncr uys. " l'U be
we' re 'playing areou, and it really playina, if I tu m my heard for one
isn't u w:iti.n&- I mean, you're up second lic'U come flying ioto me at
there frcczin& oo Mage becawc of full Man, I s wear l need a
the air-conditioning, and everyone's bealth plan with this band, I've gotlike a fCW bum:trcdl feet: away. That's ten eDOU&h bodily damasc-..
hard to set used to."
1be band's abusive nature ls what
But Lobner is quick 1 point out the lead to I.he famed mud fi&ht before ilS
advaotaee ·of playina in the an:nu, • Woodstock pcrfoi-manu. which 101
•which is a much larJ:c:i staae act with them- noticed "by David Letterman
plenty of special effects. "lt'1 a pretty and"nUJDCTOUI otbcrnot·)'d NIN fans.
wild &bow," Lohocr uy,.
T he.. mu~-covered band 's pcrfor~ tbf..,:&docu all swu wjtl;I ~ c be one of the more

a~ol{t t~p t_
i,test twist in·th~
Impson Trlal?

The Suffolk Journal
YOUR student newspaper

. ",

adv~rtising represen~tives,

Come on down to the
Journal offices, firs~ floor

much etlention on one man
~ no need to glamortze '

-- ==~~"

of the Student -A ~

other people IUtlering In
the world."

rue1 Gonzalez


Jodi Dang


:-.:,,Seeking Comm~pGro~••.




9:30 am - 3:00 pm / Registradon 9:30 am


w'iting or newspaper
•1 don't wetd\...the trial,
because I cion, feel !hat



needs writers; copy editors,
or anyone inter~tecHn news

tt.. ii 111ry need for that

:::jj!'~i:.'~b:. everyone ~ ight
"I don't want ID blow the guy's
image. but he's really aot. his shil
togetber," Lohner says of Re:znor.
"Any think.lag penon can see ~1
for him ID do. all tha1 he's dooc - I
mean, he c:ontroh every anistic upeel of the baod, from makina the
reconh down -to dCltgnin& the T •
lhirU - for him 1 do all that. and
ha"ve &Olten w'hcre he bu, l\e'1 really
&Of. to be a totally smart. articulate
cootinued on page 9

SOAR presents

continued on page 9

By Chrlstilln E~ler 11nd Erskine Plummer

' Woodltock '94.
"That was ia11ne play,na
Woodstock," Lobner 11y1. " We
JiCR:D' t nervous at all ~ we
had IOlWl thcte the night before and
had time to take it all in.
:'But when it came time to P~Y, I
was just JCIWl&OUI the bus, and the
next thina I know, l"rcnl pusbcl me
headfirst into ,a mud pile ~ then he
jumps on top or me, and wc'n: all
wrewio1 io the mud. It wu • pretty
IOI?)' - a bunch ol 100-pouncl
~)'I ttyina to ~ toua.h-"
Lobner 1ays the band went on 10
play the wont show or the enti re
tour, but it & had fun. Actually, in
spite of what the.abuse and I.he~
mu.sic miaht SUUCll. be U)'I all -the
members- really have i blast working
1.0Setber. And Mt. R.cmor, he says,


Center, next to
the Fenton building . .

Sponsorin'g lns titutio~: F.mmaquel College.lesteyCollege, Northea.stem·uruvcrsity, Nonheutem S t ~'Activi~. Sr.tffollc University and

SOAR, S1udcn11 Orpnii.ed Against Racism.
Conta9 your SO~ ~wive. RC<C Wrip~ 573-8667 or call the

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aood medical .healtJa and D0t lmftl mcdicatiom (inciudb:11 oral COOba•
cepdY ~ ·toqht fm_a amdy beiq conducted by -che Betb· 1srac1
es): ue
HOIPtal Psycbiaby Raean:h l/,niL
Eliaibk puticipulill will rccc:in S60 for the acrcmio1 and ;)II
additioaal Slf5 for eactl of twO •OVcnu,ht l&lyl ll tbe Clinical Rcscarch
Uait for a k udy oa the effects of amiDo acids on blood lelCI and
poycbolop:al "'""P·
F(?a MOU INF"OallADON, Call CIIDlda■ Wood, Bulimia Swdy,
Bclb ..... ......... II (617) 667-1113.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,;.=S.,;;.,;;olk=J.,;;oamal=;;...w_-== Yc;,llaulry==25=lc;,;,,;5....,;._ _ _ _...
The uff
, 99

Fonner UT Student Graduates to Nine Inch Nails
· ;; Cbril·lliiiiimactmeidcr

.. needed to mi:et .up with Christ
'Vnmna. "cum:iit NIN dnunmer, who

Tbe Dlily Taun
· · of Teu1-~U&tin
bad warted with Cohncr
AUfflN 1 Toxu - (CPS) Danny record iii Chicqo. Vrenna let him
Lobaer was 12 ·bowl ally of a Uni• bow t.bM tfme loch Nails was loot·
vcnity of Teua ~
1 lnfor- in,: roranolhcrawwist.andtbalWU
ffllQOIII Syatem dep«: "when· he got when be &ot booked up with Remor. ·
the job be•d always wanted.
'Trent knew 1 could p~J the guiAnd it is a pretty damn good job. It tar," Loltoc:t uyL "But I did a lot o(
pl)'I wdl, be sets to travel the world _ the ~ & and technical sh.ii
and doesn' t even have to wear a•tic. in Sfflw, and so he liked that I could
Tbc ooly problem is., the bou' docs a kind be ·an all-purpose pbycr."
lot of screamina and gels violent
Lohnedlew out to Los Angd~ in
once in a while.
No\'ffllber 1993 and siys he's seen
8111 what eJse would you expect ir each NIN. member ever, day 1ince.


your job wa.. playing suitar and.key-


Tn:nt Runor and Nine

Lohner, 28, became a member or
Nine lnch Nails when Remor was ·
lookin& for musicians to back
fCN' the upcoming tour in support of
11ic Downward Spiral."
Aod it cenainly wun't the l.fJ' Can:cr ·Ce.oter that goc him the job.
Lobne"i says it waa ffi06lly luck Ow
~ him booked up with NJN, and the
fact that he was a founding member
io dlJ Austin inckistrial band smw.
Lobner had split from.._Skrew a few
mooths before ·be tnavded out to Los
Angeles to audition for aoolbcr band
(not NIN). which he asked go un•
" It was a disaster," Lobner says of
the audition. "Bui it got me out to
And a trip 1 L.A. was all lohper

Reznor, the scrawny, leather-clad
K:on behind the NIN hySlcria. His
music, froi:q 1989 '1 .. Prcuy.. Ha1e

Machine" 10 lhc 1991 EP "Sin" to
"The Downward Spiral," is more than
cnouah to suggest R.eulor's chaotic
nature. But seeina him pcdorm live

proves iL

NIN ftnt performed in Austin in
1989 at Curfew, lhc apace
on Sixth Street that now houses Mi~e. Al the end of the shows, Rezoor
J)OUred water all over the steamy
crowd, much to their delight, then
splattered bags of flour o,rthem The band apeht several ·months pre- much to their dislike (water+ flour=
d;!\:;~~~;:~ntinucs tofrom playing small, sweaty clubs to day, as images or Remor
packed arenas, 8. change Lohner says instruments and slamming into
he has found kind of bizarre.
~ band memben on stage have
"We ajarted out in dubs with just surfac«t plenty during most curwall-to-wall people, and people slam- rent tour.
ming and getting right in your face,
"I've played with plenty or imtioyoubow, wh.ich isbowTrco1wan1ed na1 people, but Tren1 is just 10lally
to start out," Lobner says, "Now unpredictable." Lobner says, "I'll be
we1rc 'playing arenas, and it really playing, if I tum my heard for one
isn't as exciting. I mean, you're _
up second he'll come flying into me at
there freez.ina on stage because of full &
peed. Man, I swear I need a
the air-conditioning, and eve ryone's hcallh plan wilh this band, I've goclike a ftw hundreds away. That's ten enough bodily damqe."
hard to get used to.'"
The band's abusive nature U what
But Lobner' is qukk 10 point out the lead to the famed mud fight before its
advantage of playing in !he arenas, Woodstock pcrfonnancc, which got
which is a moc h larger stage act wilh !hem not.iced by David Lcuerman
plenty or special effects. "It's a pretty and numerous' other not-yet NIN rans.
wild show," Lobner says.
The mud-covered band's perfor•
,A(l4 lhF ,:ejldness all Si.arts ~lh mance provt.d to be-one of the more


By College Press Service
ANCHORAG..E, Alaska - A
71-ycar:ola- mao was killed
OJl.-the Univc'rsity o{ Alaska
CBf!l~11"i when he was
trampled by an angry moose.
Myong Chin Ra was
walking to !he school's gymnasium when he came race to
face with the m90SC, wh.ich
had been walling around the
UA campus for hours. The
11\00lC charged at Ra as he
tried to run away, but the
Anchoraae rcsiden1 slipped
and fell near !he gym's entrance. Th e moose the n Ra several times wh.ile
he was on !he ground. tram•
pling the man to death
According to campus
police officer Jim Milne, !he
m?(>lC. w;'! protecting its
young call, which was
nearby. The two had been
rooming the campus for sev•
erol hou rs and had been subjected lO yelling, whistling
and teasing from students.
Some students had 1hrown
snowballs at the animals.
Milne said that because
of !he previous altercations,
the moose was probably frus ' tratt.d and agitated when she
attacked Ra as he walkt.d by.
"ll's an unfortunate situ . lfilq.n_i'.'._fyfiM),~- Sjljd,._ '_
"There is
a large amount of moose
around the university , but



SOAR presents

The Su' " II\ Jou,rnal

r - -r --

OU ■

YOUR student newspaper

:~:,:,~;,'. '

"Seeking Common Ground"

- -1 ~ e e i c l l ! r ' f l o u r- - - -H - - --=-===-=---::-=~=-=-:-:=~ - -i


■ BElll<LE

Mooie Attack at

'l! ol Alaska

WoodJtock '94.

"That was . insane ~playin"i
Woodstock ," J,;_ohncr says. "We
Weren't nervous at all because we
had gotten there the nial}t before and
bk\ time· to take it all in.
"But when it
time U) play, I
was just actting OUt the bus, and lhe
next thing I knoW, Trem pushes me
bead.first into a mud pile and !hen he
jumps on
of me, and w~•re all
wrestling in the mud. It was a pretty
sorry sight - a bunch of 100-pound
guys lrying to a,;t tough."
Lobner says the band went on to
play the worst show of lhe entire
lour, but it still had fun. Actually. in
spite of what the abuse and !he tense
music might suggest, he says all the
memben really have a blast working
cogtlhcr. And Mr. Rcmor, he say,.
i1n't the psycho everyone might
imagine him to be.
"I don't wanl to blow (he guy's
image, but he's really got his
together," Lobner says or Rcznor.
"Any thinking, person can see that
for him to do all that he's done - I
mean, he controls every artistic as•
pect of lhe band, from making the
records down to designing the Tshins - for him to do all that aDd
have gotten where he has, he's really
got to be a totally smart, articulate
person." ·
continued on page 9

Continued from ~gc 7
would give people time to
make peace with God before
they"·rc stabbed).
fylasturbalion courses for
everybody! Big Bird? See
fl!! President Clinton? 1 Paclc ,
you r bags!
Bu1bcs1ofall? h'sancw
season of the OJ. Simpson
s how. Every day, every
We've fa llen into a
Golden Age! Marlboro& and
assault rifles for ever,body!
Speaker of !he Norm
Peterson has spoken!
rvC gOlta say, as a hippie
elitist bastard, I think this guy
really piccca together.
Once this guy's book comes
OUI (allegedl y titled "The



Afto, tho'"""'· poHoo

- -~


- -:stnyed with the moose and

~ ~ ; ~ ~ - : : ; : ;;headed back into the wilder-



needs writer$, tepy editors,
" . - .... _.
advertising representatives,
or anyone interested in news
writing or newspaper
Come on .down to the
? " ·

Jou~al offices, firs_t floor
of the Student Activqies
Center,•next to
the Fenton building.



Continut.d from page .S. -

9:30 am • 3:00 pm / Registration 9:30 am
Sponsoring lnstitutio~: Emmanuel College, Lesley College, Northeaste rn University, Nonheastcm Studellt'Aotivities. S uffolk University and
SO~. Students Organized Against RacislIJ.~
Contact your SO~ Repl'CSCntaiive, Rose Wright, 573-8667 or call the

SOAR office 11 (50li) 358-4919

iL I have ycl •lO be disappointed and I test i1 out quite
frcqucnt1Y .
lf you want you can call
ahead to sec what the days
selection$ arc before walk•
ing do~. !he ·s,l.9,ff i1 always
friendly a nd helpful. The
Daily Grind also offCf'S a great ·
- tt.treat to sit and lcsurily study
and eiijoy a cup of coffee

FEMALE VOWNTEBRS who are currently bulimic, age Jg◄.s, in
good medical health and not taklna medications (including oral contraceptivei): ·~ ·sought for.. a study bcina conducted by ,the Beth. Israel
Hospital Psychiaby Research 1JniL
Eligible participllDts will receive S60 for lhe screcning visit and :in
additional Si2!5 for each of two ovcmi&hl mys at the Qinical Rcsean::h
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psychological ratinp.


FOa II.OU INFODli.rION, l;!II Cbristiaa Wood. Bulioou, Study,
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Blind Graduate
· s·tudent
seeksReaders .


Call Mite McDermott



Oriat o,pan.kJ I!) lllill

~ ■

!lewt'T-n -

ally are ,oioa to fall all O\fCI"
him. Newt may ICeodike a
white .baired "-- of
liut,; "CootraCt with the Demon3-'.rcally '!ill ~d ~s ,
c~unuy i~to . Rcpubli.can
Htaven. lbcy' II be in power
forg~ onJwilhthatkind
of brain wattage workin.( for
them. I can' t wait lo votc'lor
their pr'esidcntial candjdate
in '96 (early polls Pf"Cdict a
Phil Gramm/Lucifer ticket).
StlC? I can go easy oo the
big boy1.
So, if you see me pruc•
ing around campus in a pajama to p, s houting ·about
Twinkccs, ·Frcscas, and Uma
Thurman-take comfort in
one thing. I'm baaaaaaaaad:I



Continued from ~ge 8
IU::zoor has plenty more in you know, because that has
store for the band, 100, in• its advantqca."
cludio& a•Uve record, a fullOf course, lhil rai1e11 one
lcnath video aod to uring question for Lobner: II he
,a,ouad , thc world through ever going to finish his, MIS
:March.1Aftcr that, a... new degree'?
record will be in st.ore, and
"I'd like to think I am," be
Lobner says it won' t taji::e says. "But I'm a little _
anywhere near as long as "'The now."
Downward Spiral" took to
Lohncr says he dropped
get ouL
out of &ebool before he got in
ButLobner ilquick lOstress with NIN, so the band wasn't
that all thi1 upcomina wort is the sole reason for him IIYOidin atorc for the entire band, ing the UT campus. But it's
not just for .Rcz.nor.
not like he's become jmr. an"I've been told that we Will other slacker.
'be worldna on the next al"Two yean ago, I wu
bum, and tJm will be a long- scalping tickets in front of
lasting lineup for the band," the Erwin Center for money,"
he says, "Trent wanted guys he says. "'Now I'm playing iL
he can work wilh for years, That's bizani.."

I, •·')1·-n

Student Advantage
is Comirig-to Suffot~~
You can Get ¥ours at th.eSports Rat
· Pnday ~
·Januafy '27'
.from 3:00 p,m. to 7:00p,_ .




,..... 1111111: Llae tbe 11e

a,o,...,..... ljoni:c
m. .-

Tbe navy 'nlJ.' •

. . - - - - ;, .u....- ...t

ol Hockeyteamrallies...again

&i.d • ,._ ,.._ 199< -


-~-~--- ---CAalKJNDALB..


Wortmw, ~• ... ~ • , . .

-•,..-co,clo•to- __,_,_.,....._ol

ceived oa the job, a rcceat study
~ 93 fc:mak: atudeall ruJo,ift& in f:uhion dtl:ip or faahioG ro,wlina were ukcd to.view thrcic pboIOp'll)h, of a model iD • blue bu.IilllClf &Wt a different neck.
ayle in r.:acb pboco. IA one photo. the
mode.I wore an opeo-<Ol1aral blouae;
ia IDOlber she ,paned a man's oecktic; aad in another ahe donned a tied
Then the ltUdenU amwered two
qucsticm - ill which photo dld the
womu appear more competa,t and
in which did &be appear more pro-



1 t i s ~...

... q.;i,~on,i lhiio diji:'" Oo C
DCCbie 111d 'pvcn, Suffolk will play two
tbconfwcari1t1~1Cufworecqully periods of hockey, suddenly realize
tbcy .e down by ·two or three goals,
c~pcte.nL . • . .
&t po1,11b1lit1e1 ro, promotton aod thee, with• any team woukl
lold 4 ditrinotaory. "Wkll wearina cheat for, rally to brio& lhcmsclves
acarf', t h e ~ WU , ICCO U far back into the aunc. And this somemo~c prom~"blc," 1hc 11y1.· The thing happened qain last Thursday.
"We had two really tough peri~ weanng the open co~ finods but finaJly manaaed to pUt ii
ishcd luL
Previous research bu shown to&ethcr in the third," swed Head
the Mektic ii associated with respect• Coecb Bill Owns.
the woman ~ the

ability, inc.elligcncc and .1ta1us -

when worn by a man, Workman says,
:We need to be aware of the

And this game's "coming toaether" aoM comeback took the shape
ol • spectacular Mau O'Kede aoaJ

llcrcotypel auocialcd wilh the way
we dtua." she says. "I trunk most :'ore'L~u~OO:t~:o:;:~~~
people don't realize tbe impact of 3 tie.
appearuce in their intenctions with
Two days la1er against St.
Michael's College. tbou&h, lhe Rams
m ~'~ t s chose a frontnmncr.
were oot as fortunate. Called for a
number or penaJties. Suffolk was
with the. tnoclcd scarf
ron:ed to play a good pan.ion of the
would ..... ..... Sufferiac
}ame under-manned , al some in•

~""'-"_peop_l_•·- ----~


, !~:,,:d~:e:::~
worta necktie." says Jane 8.
man. a pro(CSSOI" in wofkforce eduin&

cation and development a1 Southern
Un.ivertily in Illinois al Carbonda)e.
Workman and two colleagues,
Kim K.P. Johnson at the UIUvmity
or Minnc:sou and Christy Cniuinger
1t the Univenity of Nonh Tuu,
conducted the study. which wa.s pub-


Alrakt of Bees?
Anxious for Arbor Day?
Submit to Venture!
Staff meeting I :30 pm,


Continued from page 12

(1/14). and won going away 82-75.
Once again Vieira was unstoppable,
logging '.l4 points for the game (21 or
whM:h came from lhree-pointer1) and
10 boards.
Wearied from pla,;iflg in three.
games over the past week, but with
three victories in their pockeis to
show for it. the Rams hosted the U.S.
Merchant Marioe Academy the fol •
lowing night in the final contest of a

Tues. Jan. 3J in the
Venture o ffice

,,_ would be po Jut p,riod·

tally ,d 4-2. ...Defeu.ively we just
broke down," aiid Colch Bums timply. "ll'a vuy IOI.lab lo play shortharidcd in !mt k:a,ue .aod that's the
po1ition we found OW'ldves in."
Despite the tbtc:nce of a victory
last week (the Rams also fell to Tufts
Univenhy 7-2), Coach Bums was
still eager to touch upon the posi•
lives, one being the play of goalie
John Gilpatrick.
The sophomore nctmindcr racked
up 36 save.a qainst Tufis, 38 venus
Bentley, and an impressive e ~

~o~~M~~-of"J!' wwe:1.~
rq,lied Coach Bums. "He continues
Tuesday'1 ma1ch vcrsu1 Western
New EnaJ.and College (112-4) bad to
be rescheduled. The new dale is
Sunday, Jan. 29 with lhe aame ,laud
10 be&in at 8 p.m. in Arling1on.
cndary sllllus, no buzzer sounded to
signal the end of regulation , 1hus
1ossing into the ai r the Jegitimateness
of Vieira's final shot
"The referees had to debate over
it," commented Coach Nelson on the
odd 11inu1tion. "FinnUy they 11grced
10 give it 10 us, and I wasn't going to
arg ue."
The Rams. owners or an 8-8
record, h051 M.I.T. on Thursday at
the R,jdgeway Gym. Game time is
7:30 p.m.

Shaking off any apparent fatigue ,
Suffolk squeaked by their military
~~;c;::,: ~~~ :;~;~,:;';:
spoc.lighl (do you see a pauem sian-


~~~=::-:.=-~=~ ·1
¥""-~•~c.&:,.lmai d0. lec,g;,,,S...,,-i.

,...'--gabo,.,~ ...... ~ - -........ awria.6,g


... "~•r-,4,cn:l....,,,__


,ouo,e,..,....w.d. pleo.. ~Coroty,,o,M~ll• inWl•o,,.,.,.lop·
-•Ollice, JoTn.P·J ·ld'20tl•.SJf0tOOCl,1,onol,nlon,,o,,_ We
lool l.._-d to "'-"If No,,, roi,tl


. ~1:-s:.~~~==~-:.~-z':::



L . . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - --!,,


Mik~~e: !!:~tsJ:rp~e'=:


are looking up so far this year. Neely
played both Sunday and Monday.

ing to dcvelop7).

rcaarded us the


if nol the play', growing leg-

Suffolk University's Calendar of Event~
~ ,y,ary 25 - 31, 1995


f,,., 1,1,

1125 ·


9:30 · 1:00

Human Resources pre5en_s "OcaJing: With Difficult

12:00- 2:00

HumanResou.rcesprcscnts :'BalancingWork/Ho~lf'






CMD 0,,. llclco!'
V.P. Conference Room

Thursday. ta6
1:00- 2:30

CLAS Dean 's Meeting

1:00 - 2:30

SOM Faculty Meeting

1:00 - 2:30

CouncilofPrcsidcntsMee1i ng

1:00 - 2:30

WSFR Exccu1ive Board Meering


Fenton 615
Sawyer- 427 &. 429


t ,00- 2:30

Alpha Ph.i'8~p~~ling ,i•


Women's Baskelball vs. Daniel Webster College


Men 's Baskccball vs . MIT


S1udcm Activity Center Conference Room

_ _ __ '_ " -·· •·•_·
' ·_ _

Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Stonehill College

,. f ~~t~:;~ ~-.,
Daniel Webster College
Boston University

Friday 1/27
Las1 Day for L:ue Registration and Course Changel
Last Day for Filing Application for Fall Final Make-up Exams
.. ◄'"""

11 :00 - 12:00

Spirit Day

J'. oo. ,,oo

Strategic Pla~ning Committee Meeti ng, Task Group A

3:00 - '1:00

+ •••• 11 , . • , .


, 11

.,.•.• Program Council & Cheering ':lub Sports Rat

Sawyer 521

Continued from page 12

::::h':n :eia;:


right winger in

various other Suffolk clitff }.Y. ially- hockey , ,
. .
ing his '1,00()"'c'.areer pCli'~t in~ Rani ·•. , •Bost~n s biggest streng1h 1s 1n
It I lop hne, led by Ootes, Neeb: and
"The team was really very tired B~urque. On,1~· passing, stick-~an•
by this game, bul we managed 10 dh~g and vmon are Grcttlty-hke.
~ h down deep and secure 8 vie- while the agclw Bourque is only
loty," said Cooch Nelson. .. 11 was the best ~dense~an °!' the plan~.
greol seeing Mike get his 1 000th ·However, the Bnuns will need solid
ploy from all four lines if they are co
_Now possessing 3 wiMing record compete in the p_ayoffs with the likes
for the first .lime all season, Suffolk of Buffalo, New Jersey and the Rang•
: ;:~e:~:~~r: : . ~~;::
aeam 's founh aame in six nigbu).
Toglia, ~tinuing 10 play comfon.
ably in bis new post. secxed l!i, and
Dave Mclaren k>gaed 13, but
ii was all in • losing dfon..
And that wu the muddle Suffolk
found itself fn two nights later againsi
Fitchburg State College: primed for
yet another km, But what was surely
the play of the scuoo, and oae tbM
will indc:cd remain in the avcrqe
rans· conscious for quite some time,
Vieira draint.d a three-pointer with
no time ranaining on the clock, thus
lifting lhe Ram to a one-point win.
And as if to add to the high


University DateLine

SWICCI without two men, and iaevi•
lably ii prowd to be lbeir ~ •

..., .. ,.i lorat lli&,iob - · ...... ~ ! , a d , ~ -

~ I Qooee wieely. tt ~..mate.•
· Uaace oa bow'U you'll be por-

The Suff!)II: Joumal Wedaeodly, January 25, 1995

w-,,J1111111Y2.!, 1995

ers. This season is a special one (Of
the Bruins. This is tlie last season in
the old Boston Garden. This is their
last chance to use their home fog
advantaa:e in June. I can't think of 8
better way to close down !he old barn
than to have Ray Bourque take his
Wt spin On Garden •ice holding Lord
1_ _ _ __

__l,_ , _c._P_
sian ,•_

Continued from pegL 12
( 11 . 1
rcbounds) ....Thcrc will be a women's
basketball aJumni aame on Saturday,
February I I. Legeods and greats
from" the put will be competing. Tipoff i1 in the Ridgeway Gym at 6 p.m.


Saturday, 1/28
Northeastern University

9:30 , 3:00

SOAR Presents "Seeking Common Ground"

12:00-1 :00

lntroductioq 10 Excel


Wof!)Cn's Bas~ctball vs. Alben ti$ Magnus Col lege


Men' s Basketball vs. Tufts University

' ' Alben as M'i" s College'
Tufts University

Dtesd•r, l/3J
1:00 - 2:30
_1:00 · 2:30

Fenton 430 A&B

WSFR General Meeting


Student Government Association Meeting


1:00- 2:30

Beta Alpha Psi Meeting .

1:00 · 2:30

Biology Alumni Seminar Series:

1:00 • 2:30

Suffolk University HispaniCA~ia.tion

2:30 • 4:30

MIS Trnini~g Session: Wo~ffWC lnt~pution

Archer S:?2

Diversity within lbe B~lqp Curriculum


Sawyc:r 708


-· __ \1lW?lCn·1 BaskMbaJ~.:W:-£mtno11&;1tege



Varsity Ice H~ y vs.

' q


~JT .. ,


' ,

MIS Training Room


( Jnb~nitYPllcLlncisSuffolk Oniversity'smastercalc~~. Forinf~iononanyscheduledevent,anydayoftheacademicycar;ortolistan~ent

that you are planning call 573-8082. A comprchensive~rdof what is happening,_
when and wherc-forplanning,publicityorgc.ncralinfo~.




Wcdnesday, January 25, 1995

University DateLine
., Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
Ja!),Y.,ary 25 - 3 I, 1995




9:30- 1:00

Human Resources presents MOcaling Wi1h Difficull People"

12:00 - 2:00

' JIIO •

,..,,., ,.._,

Humnn Resources prescn1s :'Balancing Work/Ho~lr'

,:l:;l/l 14 •~

. ,, ,

V .P. Conference Room

a,u ...,.


1:00- 2:30

CLAS Dean's Meeting

1:00- 2:30

SOM Facuhy Mee1ing

1:00- 2:30

Cou ncil of Presidents Meeting

1:00- 2:30
J<X)·. 2:130

WSFR Execu1ive Board Meeting


Wo men' s Basketball vs . Daniel Webster College


Men 's Basketball vs. MIT


Vnrsily Ice Hocke y vs. Slonchill Co llege


Fenton 615

p i O~ga'M~ting

Sawyer 427 & 429
$nwyer921 ·

S1uden1 Activity Ctnter Conference Room

'· "


F~IQ~~ • 1

Daniel WebsterCollegc

Bos1on University

Friday. 1n1
Uls1 Day for Lale Regislratio n and Course Changes
Las1 Day for Filing Applicn1ion for Fall Final Make-up Exams
., ' . , . . Ji

Sawyer Cafeteria

11 :00 · 12:00

Spirit Day

3:00 · 4;00

Strategic Planning Commiuec Meeting, Task Group A

3:00 - ·1,00

Program Co uncil & Cheering Cl ub Spon s Rat

Sawyer 52 1
Sawyer Cafeteria

Saturday 1128
Northeastern University

9:30 - 3:00

SOAR Presents "Seeking Common Ground"

12:00- I :00

lntroductiol) 10 Excel


Womcn·s Basketball vs. Albcnus MngnA Collegc


Men's Basketball vs. Tufts University

Sawyer 522

Albert us Magn~s College
Tufts University




,::.; (;;:.~n! . : :: ~

tbt:_cOmtD.on' obs~ryer a


1:00 - 2:30

Fenton 430 A&B

WSFR General Meeting
Studeni Government Associo1ion Meeting


1:00- 2: 30

Beta Al~hn Psi Meeting


1:00- 2:30

Biology Alumni Seminar Series:

. 1:00- 2:30

2 :30 · 4 :30


Suffolk University Hispanici Association



MIS Training Sqsion: Wo'11rparc Jo1egratio n

WoJT1Cn·1 easketbaU:v!i:£mmon.£lolls'Sgo
Varsity ice Hockey vs. ~lT . '· , "



Archer 512
MIS Training Room .

. HOmc


Only three evenings ear·
.lier, though~ the Ladt Rams

defeat from their bralns, the
Lady Rams hung tough for a

of the sctonaer·opponcnlS on
Suffolk's schcwl~ yet their
head c ~ was· still con•
ccmcd. "rwas worried over
that lou. especially since I

htr~1ct;~~ .~~~ri!°7:~
end, but in no way was lhe
score a direct indjcation of
how the 1wo teams battled.
..They rcaJly had to pul a riail
in our hearts for vict~,"


that you iire planning call 573-8082. A comprehensive record of what is happening, when and where-for planning. publicity or general information.





1his true team. I think we can
play with anyone."
That road to greatness
can bc,.tircsomc. but it's the
glimpses of wbat-mlly-bc that
make .the 't"'.ail worth'1'hilc.
The Lady Rams rcnim to
hoop business op Thursday
agaiosi Daniel Webster College, a
they dcf_ atcd




:!:'~::;;;.::: ·
ToumamcnL Suffolk, cur- •
remly owning a 3-11 record,,..
is hoping to put lhe skids OD
a four.,1iune; losing ·screak.
Tip-<>ff t N at " :00.' ·

Rams stick to Bruins.start
tb~u; ~lotion
By PbiHp Troutman





incn' s bal'ketball team was
CMa µ, rill& in 1995 in the

yat, die Rams bdd true

Jake Miblauskis, absent due

to ·t h e i r ~... ebuin.
i.. out a 92-86 victofy over
~ Nazarene. Collcae.

to pcnooal reaaoos. Nevatbeless, regular 1bootin1
auard Cbri, Toalia filled
Miblauski1' •neaken~ and
in crue NMqicaquc" rubion. lead the ic:mn in rd>ounds

Overall, five different
piayen IICOftd in double di&ill for Suffolk, ·lead by Mite
Vacir:a:, 2.5 and Rick Ace's--.wich IIIDL
24. And aJI this offcm,c vcrRiding lhc ctat of a two-

:.;ih.Ea~::a :::r:~ ~,:; •u;:~

,_. &tl)and.


•~~~~':'°:vcr' : are any
old' time rivals. Cam Neely .. perts ma
was the hero Sunday after- their pot
noon at the Garde~ in the
Bruin' s 4,- 1 win over the two ,oa1
Ph\ladclphia Aycn. Nedy's whifc il
92.:65 hammering or Went~ bam1c.;p,h
·• · ,n"",,·c·,°""""p,,e i,•e,lherrso
wonh, the Rams
~•/ f!!

=-~=t::0A;: ;:-~:n7!~n~u':

die founh rooked 1eam in

DO hiJbc

Bruins :-:k,c:

opened their bold--out sbortl

- - - - - - - - perfonnancc. "I was very
With 1994 in the teCOld pleased wit.b our overall
boob, and havina coocludal game."
in the form or 'a ,omewha1
The pleasantries cootin:
sour 3-6 record, the Suffolk ued five .days later with a -


lJnl~ci:slty QateLine is Suffolk University· s er cnle~daf- For infomuu.ion on any scheduled eyent, any day o f the academic year; orto list an event

Sawyer. It bad all

this sports harbinger occurred
But Suffolk was not about
last Thursday versus MJT, . 10 accept another "L" .in the'
and ir the gam~•s play was lpss column, not yet anyhow;
any indication, and it usually and p~cd' the Jypc of game
is in such matters as thts, tbco that this writer was speaking
,Suffolk'• road 10 ballte1ba1V or moments earlier. Appear· ·
brilli~tncs.s..)IUl)' be lhorter. ing 10 have erased any rcc:oi.
than dceme'd.
loction of the Colby Sawyer


· Olverslty within the Blolqu Curriculum

l:00- 2:30

or Colby

said Coach Leyden on his
team's rclcnllessoeu vc:nua
mighly M.I.T. " I was p(OUd
1..1 11 coach."
As (or any flcctina
gl.impses eonecmina bis
team's future success, Coach
Leyden is lltcptical. We may ·
have caught a flash- or the

w)w tbeJuture ~ ~ ~•. : ~~ Leyden explained, "but 1.(c- ·
For Suffolltls l..alfy Rams, ficult New England nigbL
aJly think no one has seen

By Ryu Poley

Tuesday. 113_1


it would tate· the
wind out of our sails," com·
mented Head Coach Ed LeyWith some youni bas- den. "To be hoocst, we were
kedNlll teams, fumilbcd with soundJy defeated that night!'
eit6er iDCJl:peric:aced players
And to diminish the situ·
Ol'uooliecoacb(in tbiscase ation eveti more so, the Lady
·both), there panieular . RJms,' next comest was to be
games during the course or a against lheir.compctitors from

. By

Thursday lJ.26



0pCner, AdamOuaandRay carlyto
Bourque each_..bad three as- w1tii hi1
: ~ • ~big~
in his pro ctet,uL
Wt bis I
Mondaj'I night ihc e• 1 to be hl
traveled to MadjlOCI Squal'c sure and
Garden 10 take on the de- he ~
bding :Stanley Cup champl, J..ab Su
the' New York Rangers. De-- ·lhc Div~
tensive rock Don Sweeney. last scau


matcbina tcOftd lhc game winner with
: : o l k ~ C : : justr,,erfiveminutesloplay,

vented 1

cu1C-Olkae1wocvcninpliller :oalt;t:ilt:'':;~r-- : ;
1 Bniin' s--i-1 win.

~ :..

COllliDDed oa pap 10




The Suffolk Journal

Wednesday, January

25, 1995


·'" ,111 ""-1,0 ,;u;,~ ~


V.P. Conference Room

AS Dean's Meeting


M Faculty Meeting

Sawyer 427 & 429·

u.ncil of Presidents Meeting

IFR Executive Board Meeting

Phi'8~gali~ ting


Hncn's Basketball vs . Daniel Webster College
:n's Bnsketball vs. MIT
rsity Ice Hockey vs. Stonetill College

Student Activity Center Conference Room


F1rn1o~( ~)p
Daniel Webster College
Boston University

>l Day for Late Regis1r.11ion and Cou~ Changes
;t Day for Filing Application for Fall Final Make-up Exams



;i .. , .. . ,

ategic Planning Committee Meeti ng, Task Group A

>gram Council & Cheering Club Sports Rat

Sawyer 521
Sawyer Cafeteria

omen's Basketball vs. Albenus Magnus College
en's Basketball vs. Tufts University

Northeastern University
Sa,wyer 522
Albertus Mign~sCollegc
Tufts University



>Jvenlty within the BlolQC° Curriculum
1ffolk University Hispa.niCAssociation

Sa"'wyer 708
MIS Training Room

'. ~n'i Bask"etbal~'l'S:£mtnort<JoUege ·



Uni versil y' s mnster cnle_idof, For info~ion on nny scheduled event, any dny of the acndemic yenr; or to l~t an event
82. Acomprchenslve re~nt of what is happening, when and where- for planning, publicity orgcncralinformad~.

no higher than sixth or scv-

their hold--Out shortt

aboot Neely' s •troublesome

old time rivals. Cam Neely
was the hero . Sunday afternoon at the Garden in the
Bruin' s 4- 1 wi n over the

perts may want 10 reevaluate
their position 00 the Bruins.
.La!:ber has given up only

men's baJkcthali -t~m was

92-6.S · batnmering .of" Went-

: = : . n ~':)!!!.'."A':
IO, iuct seven da\..,. into the

vices or,
·unior point _L_ - •

~~ -

much an tfoipa ted ieason
~ ' - A ~ ~ and Ray
.,...... ..ue ...... 11a1 three as-

:--::::::.~=-~~•;;=~cv: :1a:

sistl, whilerookicgoaltcnder


11S.Troining Session: Wo~rparc ln1cgra1ion
(. ..
arsity Ice Hockey v ~ -:-. ·

pleased wi1h our overall
The pleasantries conci~ued five days later with ii


ology Alumni Seminar Series:


iaa out a 92-86 victory ovei-

_dwi.n1 sprin1 b~

;;:::f ~.; ~.;.~ :"...:~;=...:::.~ ::;!~r::-:t;~u:: ~E:::~~•,"u:

:ta Aiphn Psi Meeting

Coach Leyden on his·
team's rcleotlessneu venus
mighty M,I.T. "I wu prood
as a coach."
As for a ny fleeting
glimpses concerning ·his
team's future success, Coach
Leydenis _
Ueptical. We may ·
have caught a flash- or the
imminent, but not in it's entircty. Tbere'utillmorc. "We
have givetl glimpses of what
lhis ~ COUid be." coaJb
Leyden explained, "but l .rcally trunk no one has seen
this true team. I think we can
play with anyone."
_ That roud lo greatness
can be til'CSOme, bur it's lhc
glimpses ofwhat-inlly-bc that
make the wait wo"
The L.pdy Rams return .to
hoop business on Thumlay
against IJ!l,nicl Webster College, a team th Cy ddcated
earlier this season in a consolation gl!,fflcohhe:PineM~
Tournament. Suffolk, currently owning a 3-11 record"

tb~ir ll9)lution :~AL.::-:ins ~~k:::~:::~·=; !::':ou'°!:
in the form or a s~bat
IOUr J-6"record, the Suffolk




By Philip Troutman

With 1994 in the record
boou, and having cooclud,¢



~ctr:a:~o~~~tl:j :
in ou r hearls for viclnry,"- Til)-Off time is at 6:00.



SFR Geneml Meeting

=: ·

Rams stick to ✓ Bruins ~tart strong
By ltyaa Feley

udcn1 GoVemmcnt :",ssocintion Meeting

offer~ glimpse oftile~

was afraid' it would take the
wind oot of oor sails," coriimcntcd Head Coa::h Ed LeyWith some young bas- · den. '7o be hoocst. we were
ketball ~ funaishcd with soundly defeated that nlghL"
either inexperienced players
And to diminish the situor a rookie coach (in this case ation even more so, the Lady
"both), there arc particular Rams' nc:J1t contcstwas1obc
games during the coorse or a 'qainst their competitors from
season when everyth ing across the .Charles, an M.l.T.
meshes together, offcririg to squad fresh from a conq1est
thc_comrii.On' obs_erver a of Colby Sa~- It bad all
glhf~ pl w)lat the _Juture ~ !he tnn}n;iiqas, !O~
may bold.
Coach Leyden, of a Jong dlfForSuffolk.'s l.ady Rams, fi-cult New England nighl.this sports harbinger oocumd
But Suffolk was not about
lasl Thursday vcnUs MJT, . to accept another "L" in. lhe
and ir lhe game's pliay was IOSI column, not yet anyhow,
any indication, and it usually and played the type of gaine
is in such maticrs as this, ~
that t;rus writcr ·was speaking
Suffolk's rond to bjsket!:fall or moments earlier. Appearbri lliantness may be shorter - -ing to ha~e -crased any recoi~
thJln dec;...ed_
lec:tion ·or the Colby.'~awyer
Only three evenings ear- dcrca1 fro(JI their brains, the
lier, though, the Lady Rams Lady Rams. hung touil'I "for a
bad been humbled by Colby major pcirtio,f of the game.
Sawycr College, surely one They did ' rail 65-51 in the
of the slrongcr opponents on end, but in no way WM the
Suffolk's schedule~ yet their score a direct jndicatjo1.1 of

~~o~;~:~;!! :::;

)AR Presents "Seeking Common Ground"


.·Lady Rams

!hat loss. especially since I

.roductiOI); to Excel

_l.( IP·


Resources presents :·ea.1ancing Wort/Home/~lr'

Wodwday,l•...;,µ, 1995


Suffolk University's Calendar of Events

man Resources presents "Dealing With Difficult People"



two goals in two gw;nes, and

Geny Olccvcn: it's not


early to bc.miahly imprcqcd
~ith bis play- betwce,- the.


about the upcomb
Walsh com~c~
aquad. "We lch
without 6aishiog
.il tellly left a bad


~ym• mouths.~

~ looks ~~:s~«:n:1
pipes. ~her


Eastern Na.cne Colleae.
Overall, five diffcren1
players scomt in double di&-

lheleu , reaular sbooti n1
auard Chris To1lia filled
Miblauakii' sneaken, and
in · true "MapcCIQue.. rub-

his poise wid¢,. prasure and the winnin, attitude
he displ;ayed io leadina his

schcdulc:1 up nortt
on March 2
Stonehll! ....As a
the bascball. tcarr


~~~oolcc:d solid
Monday night thc • B's
traveled to Madison Squatt.
Garden to take 00 the ~e-


24. And al\ IHis offcase vcrsui an Eastc~azarene

wicb - •Riding thic crest ol a twogame win ltrcak; mMCbiog

fc:odingSlanleyOapchamp1, LalccSupcriorStileteamto
tbC'New .YOR: Rangers. De-- the Division I Clwnpioo.s.hlp
fensive rock Don Sweeney. last season.
ICorcd the game wioncr with
Neely's left • knee pre-

who are intaak
by the Athletic
or call thcrn at i

just over five minutes 10 play,

of Jan.24, juni

:;-tbad~=:'5.S:~ ~,;0 ~~tbe.eo,,-::
di, fourth ranked team in


'"We ,Ud great baluce

...... - ! ' - • "

cutColkae two OYCninplalcr

~ oa ~


;'o.i~ik~ : : : , ~~;;
Bnain's 2-1 win.

~ :US:~~~niC:~


10 be

vcnled the bruising winier


McBride of the


continu8!':!1c 10


Wednesday, January 25, 1995




iv~rsity's Calendar of Ev""ents'


'•!•It ! ,

,no• ,1:m 1, ,
11..· ....111 ~-

~in.a With Dirficuh People"

,,,..u~.. ~.

1'1:J"' ~•1'o>~·•• ... ,rt.....

forSuffolk' a Lady Rams,
Ibis sports harbinger occurred
lut Thursday versus MIT,
and if the game's play was
any indication, and it usually
is in such mauers u lhia, then
Suffolk's road 10 bw;kctball
brilliantness may be shorter
than deemed.
•""\Only lhrec eYcnings carlier. though, ·the Lady Rams
had been humbled by Colby
•Sawyer College. s urely one
of the stronacr opponcnu on
Suffolk's schcdule'i yet lhcir

was afraid' lt would tatc the
wind out of our sails," com•
men1ed Head Coach Ed Ley•
den. -ro be honest. we ~
soundly defcaced I.hat night...
And to d.iminish the situ•
at.ion evea more 10, the Lady
Rams• nu.t contest wu to be
agai nst their competitors from
ictoU the Charles, an M.I.T.
squad fresh from a conquest
of Colby 'Sawyer. It had all
the ~ . to Plt!ptvasc
Coach Leyden, of a long difficult New England niahL
But Suffolk was not about
. 10 IICCCpl IIIOlhcr " L" in the
loss column, not yet &nyhow,
and played the type of game
t.tuu this writer was spcaltlpg
of moments earlier. • Appearing 10 have cnued any recol·
I ~ of the Colby Sawyer
defeat from their brains, lhe
udy Rams hung tough for a
major portion of the game.
They did fall 65-51 in the
end. lxl1 in no way was lhe
sccwc a direct iodication of

:~~~~~~:;!! :::;



With some young bas·
tecball teams, furnished wilh
either iaexpericncc:d playcn
o, a rookie coach (in this case
·bo1h), · there arc .,.nicular
games during the course of. a
season when everything
meshes together, offering to
the.....c:om ni.o n' obs.e rver a
gli"p,K ~~ what the future

Fenton 61.5

Sawyer 427 & 429

S1udcm Ae1ivi1y Center Conference Room
'• "


F~ntoi;i .~~


Daniel Webster College

may bold.


Boston Univcnity

id Cou~ Changes

:>r Fa11 Final Mnkc- up Exams
Sawyer Cafeteria
:cting, Group A
bSports Rn1





• •

Lady Rams offer~ glimpse · rfbe future.

CMD One BcAco~
V.P. Conference Room

mcing Work/Ho~lr'

w-.iay,1.....,,25, 1995

Sawyer 521
SawycrCnfclCria Coach Leyden on his
team's re.lenlleu11CS5 vCl'1US
mighty M.I.T . ..I wu proud
as • coach...
As for any fleeting
g limpses concerning his
team's fuwre. success, Coach
Leyden is skeptical. We may
·have caught a floah- of the
im.minem, but not in it's entirety. lbcre'utill mOf"C.,""e
have given .glimpses of what
COUid be... eoaJh
Leyden e•plaincd, "but I re-ajly think no one has seen
this true team. I th~ we can
play with anyone."
That road to g~atness
can be tiresome. but it's ihe
glimpses or wha.t-mi.y-be that
make the wIUt worthwhile.
. ~ The lady Ruru return to.
hoop business on T&'ursday
against ~el Webster College, a team ·they defcatod
earlier this
in a ~
Tournament. Suffolk, currently owning•. 3-11 ~ .,




~!!~:a:~:t/~1~:. .

'!'91 loss, especially since I in our beans for victory," Tip--Off rime is at 6:00.

>n Ground"

Rams stick to

Northcascem University

Sawyer !i'.!2

Magnus College

tb~b;- ~lution
e .,_.,...,,

Albcrtus Magn~s Colcge

, .]ufisUnivcrsity

commenied Head Coach
Jamea NeJson oo his lbnu'
performance. "I wu very
With 1994 in the record pleased with our overall
books, and having concluded gami."
in the form of a somewhat
Thc _plcasantrica ~oruinsour 3-6 ~ the Suffolk ued five dlya later with D
men's basketball ~1cam wu 92-65 hai:nmerini• Q{ Wern•
eager IO ring in Jm'"in the worth. though now the Rams
mmtpabfyinaofwaya. Aod ; WtfC doing without the ICI"·
io. just .sevea dlys into the vices of junior p,in1 11.Wd
new year, lhe Rams hdd uue Jake Mikalaulkis, absent c1uc·
lo Che:ir "raofuUOO", chum- lo pcnonaJ reaoos. Never•
out a 92--86 victofy over 1bele11. reaular s hootina
Eastern Nazarene CoUcac. · guard Chris Toali• filled
Overall , five diffe rent Milu.lauwa• sneakers, and
players scOftd in double di&· in b'uc ..Mqicc:sque.. fash•
ill tor Suffolk, lead by Mike ion. lead the tc.n in rebounds
Vieira's 2' and Rick Acc't - wida lliDe,.
24. And all this offense vcr~ Ridl . ~ Cff:11 of a tw~
s us an Eastern Nuarene pine win st~atcbia,
aquad that several niJbu ear• their Jonaest 61 lhc __.,
1ict bad defeated Salem Seate. Suffolk entclUinr:d CoMccti•
tbe fou rt h ranked 1cam in cutColkgciwocveninplllcr











MIS Training Room

·• ,HOme

rinfo~ioffon any scheduled event, any day of the academic year; or 10 list anevent
,hat is happening, when and where-for planning, publicity orgcneraJ infonnation.





PIP 10


Pbllip Troutman


DO higher than or scvenlh in lhe Eastern Conference, citin& huac question




opened their hold-out shortl
eocd -48-game seuon wilh
imprcuive victories over two
old time rivals. Cam Neely
was the huo Sunday aftcrDOOQ at the Garden in lhe
Bruin's 4- 1 win over i h~
Philadelphia Ayers. Neely•s

:~.-~:el~~~• ::~b

Baseball practice beains of.
ficially on Sunday. Though
Che Rams do not begin rcg\l·

:~=::rs'!: ~:t!!

an: any indication, the CA·
perts may ·waot 10 reevaluate

durin& spill&
Joc Walshlislil'lquickto'talk
of his team's -current atatus.
..We ' re pretty optiminic

their position po the Bruins.




squad. "'We left lul lflllOn
while it's still 1~ early to wilhout. fioishing tbejob aod start calling ' him tl;lc oczt .ic'l'Callykftabadcasteinthe
much anticipated season Gerry Cheevers. il'nK>t 100 playcn' mouths." That sour
early IO be mipl)I imprcllod flavor of which Walsh speaks
~1~· bis play · between the wu whco bis temn fell in the
lists, while rookie aoalcendcr P•J)e!• Lacher looks strong ECAC's by • mere Nd' last
Blaine Lacher looked solid withhisgloveaodhisblocker spring. Suffolk's tradwonnl
llut his bigaa IIICI ~ •scbcdule up north will begin
in his pro dtcbul
Monday night the 8'1 10 be bis poise under Jll'CI· on March 21 -fersus
attitude Stpoehill .•• -;As a s_
icte note,
tnvc.kd to Madison Square sure and the
Garden CO take OD the de· he displayed iD Jeadina his ~ baseball team 11 sescblending SW>ley Cup cham,-, Lab Superior Sta&e team lo 1ng for a ffl&nlF'. Stuclea&s
die. New Yort Rangers. De- the Divisioa 1 Oampiocuhip who are incaatcd can 4rop
by the Athletic Depertmcnt
fensive rock Don Sweeney. Jut season.
ICored the~ winner wllh
Neely'• left knee pre- ot call them . at .~8~79 ..... As
just over five minutes to play. vented the bnaisin& winaer of Ja_
n.24. Junior Noreen
• Lacher outdueLed Ranger from playing on consecutive Mr.Bride 0 the Ladf ~ •
IOUlC Mike Richter in the
nighu last season, but thi ngs
Bruin's 2-1






Mottoftbeso-calledczpcrts picked Bosaon to finish

continued on page 10

coatinued on pll&C IQ
