File #4205: "Suffolk Journal_1995Mar01_vol53no18.pdf"


Suffolk's Young Pu~k Team:Falls 1wice

Vok.rne 53, Nun¥>1< 18

Student Hhw to

By Pldl Troutman

I.ion, after wb11 Hamann a■ id
amounted to yean or pleadiq, Ai?'" '
proved the dirtct0r'1 n,quac for a
When some folks say tha1 work paid polition 10. be crcaud
has been piliog up, they ~•1 cng- to temcdy the problem.
Neverthdeu, HIRWlD cautioned
Yesterday, a history major named that while the newly crcaled po&ibon
Nancy Powen wu hired by I.he unincceuary to get thiap back lam ·
vcn.i1y and auia,ned the unenviable some semblance or orda, a "more
task or makin& molchiUs out or moon- qualified ardllvist. with a p,ow"lcdge
tairu. Her job, moving and rcorga- of university histoly and its'ldmiQis.. archive mal.Crials, won' t be. 1rati Vc stn1ctu,c, would 100n be
easy, but will, according 10 the dircc:- needed for proper orJtnization and
tor or the Sawyer Library. mark lhc main1cnancc of archive documeota.
first K riou.s aucmpt that the adminisHam ann declined to publicly
tration bas made to care for I.he Su£- answer questiODft.regardiog salaries
folk -archives aincc Dick Jones, the for either the newly created positioa, .
university 's last full-time archivist, filled by Powers, or the tu)l-timc·arwbo died in 1986.
chivisc positiOn, that Hamaru:a be•"\, Edmund Hamann, the library 's lieves the library's !lf'Chives dc:scrvL
director, recalled that the prescrva•
The .uni venity an:hivei include, .
tion of the archives was threatened a · among O(hcr things, back iiiues of
few years ago, when meltina snow ~ S~olk JOflmal, the now defunct
leakt:d into the room where the at- Suffolk Ewnilst Vob md ~ lka•
chives arc kept. Hamann ICknowl- con r~arbook, a well as put issues
a v~~re, the uni~ty's litaary

By· aon Vieira




Rams end losing streak

to a seven-game losing
streak. The 108-83 victory,
Suffolk's ftrst in over a month,
saw six Rams score in doublefigure s, led by Dave
McLaren 's career-high 19

said Coach Jim Nelson on
his squad' s play.
lmpreuivc indeed, for
Notre Dame's Rob Enael, a
se.n.ior from Germany, ~ his
team's offcu.ive bJmgc with
a gamc► hi&b 40 j,oiou and
21 bolrda. Nonctbclcu, it
wu not sufficient for a vietory u Suffolk crossed the
ccnt~ry mark in points for
the fint time all scpon. "Our
coaching staff wu pleased
with all OW' pcrf6rmancea in
this victory," remarked

poin:ck Act. and Mitt 'V1
each churned out I 5 ~ints ~
in the win, 'whilc freshman
~ Miguel Fernandes played the
game of his young career !n
tallylDa 17 point.I and 8-re•Pods. '"Al'this offense
was ot.ecssary to offset an
impressive performance
mmcd in by Notre Dame,'" .


Nel~.Sarurday, in the final
men's game of the season on
theHill,tlfCRams uppcdthci r
win streak to two JAflles with
a trouncing of Maine Maritime Academy. Onct aaain
Suffolk had six players scoring in double figures u the
RarnJ woo casi!y over their
~pponcnts from uP norJh ,

By Kyan fok:y

The Rams crushed Notre

Dame Colkac on Thunday
(2116), applyi ng the brakes


Vieirn led all players with
22 points , while Mark
Bouchard (17 pointl and 9
rd'tou.Pdl) _!f'd Rick Act. (15
points and 12 rebounds) Wert:

also instrumaual la the win.
Suffolk'• overall reco.-d
now stands at 10-14 for the
scubn. They played their
last game·or the year on Tues•
day versus Nichols Collcl(:.
The. game· WU slated to be·
gin at 7:30 p.m.

Suffolk Star of tM Wed:
Dave McLaren was the Suffolk star for the week of Feb. 12- 18. The senior auard
led lhc men's basketball team to i.mptt:11.ive victories over NOU'C Dame College (21
16) and M&ine Maritime Academy (2111). Mclaren shot 6911, ror the week in tallyin&
a tcarn-bigh 19 poiats oa Thursday aM aootbcr 17 on Sa111rday. away
a pile. have stayed puL
According to Hamann, it was
only last Weck that the administra-


cootiooed on p,igc 3

Suffolk PalQ07.8 rocks into .C . Walsh Theatre
By Oat.a Barisano

ood annual event raised about ,\9CM)
!n 1994. TI¥• year the pis to raise


The C. Wals h · calrc will be
rocking and rolling on Friday Man:h
3, to benefit tJ1c Clilldrcn's Hospital
AIDS program_ (CHAP). C.o-orgahiring the event arc Steven Hunt and
his brother Dan Hunt,' both seqior
history majors and· members of the

~w:: !~: :/!=~~

including the costs of. the IOClDd sys1em, printina, the C. Walah .wr, and
for the services of the Suffolk Univcni1y Police OfflCCl"S. Last year, lhc
dcpanmcnt donated the KM0CS of
ooc of thc police offices, aod HDD~
b'and Soylcnt 0rCc0 )With Scan said he wafiiill waitiog to sec wbM
McKinnon who ll alao a' sc:ni~ :ad, the situatioll WOll1d be thi1 year with
vcrti,ing roajor. All ol the t.nds that the ~~will be pcrfonnlng bave dooatcd their
However, Hunl mentioned prob-performances, free of charge. Each lems getting funding to produce Suf•
of the bands have at least ooc Suffolk folk Palooia , noting they appealed
University 11.udcot &I a mcmhcr..Tbc to several campus •p-oops ~ fwld...
bill will include the well mown 13os- in.a wt ytAt. This yeas' they toot a
ton-area sba bud Outk and Cover, ,im.Us approech aod
"com,tan acouslic set by 5cm McKinooa, i• OD COP." Hum did 10 cm IO Sly
One of Many wbo an also a Iba · tbll botb the StDdall Ac:thtily Cc:nler
band, Soylent Orccn described by and WSflt have made ~
·availStc.vcn Hwu as "an old-fuhioned' . able lo bdp ~ the cvc:at.
rock n roll band," Two Less Feet
The modCy raiacd ii aoiD& lO be
wJucb plays industrial lypc music, doaatcd lo tbc Odlilren's Hospiw
a(Kl Uninvited Oucsl, a progressive AIDS Propam wbidl is pmt of tbc



rod."It~ benofit ~ . -


~ - ~pordi..•toHuatdtescc-






Studeal Ocmnmont Asaociatioo
(SOA) IDd odvilon mode
sics team
in, two c:tw- tomorrow'i election convention
lenaiq Cdpec:mcnlS al local univer• speeches the: topic of discuuion du.rlitics. Rccently they in a ina the mectin& held oa Feb. 28.
Allrinaof . . . . . . . _
grucliq four day IOllflllmCDl, The
Northeastern/Suffolk Presidential eJccdon to SOA wfD be ...... aeSwing. The event took place over the quired speeches ia Sawyer Cafeteria
holiday wer.kcnd, beginning ~ Fri- on Tbunday, Mar. 2 frocp 1:00 p.m.
day, February 17, •And ending on until 2:15 p-.m •• The •~hel. from
Pre1iden11 'Day, Monday, February two to three minutca in lcnath, will
20. This tournament included thir- each he followed by tim'e for student
teen universitica, and featured some qucsiioos O the candidates.
or the top foi:,e.nsic, teams in ·the to Caitlin Hubbard,
nation. The first. two days of evcnu SOA advisor·and Student Activities
werebdd • Nonhcrn University.with Graduate Assistant, the cudidar.cs
lbc fi_oJ two days of compdidoo
.......... ii,, poclium to ..
lld9 in the 5aw)u buildil& at Suf- wby they wam to he meabcrs a(
SdA, wha they cu briaa IO Ille
Suffolk' team fairfld ~ n o IDd-...,. coo bri,s
well in competition, finhhlng ICCOnd
place a1 Nonhcu1cm "and second
cOQlinued OD pqc 3
place o'lffllL They also did well in
muy individual evcau, brio• ina
lnaldethe Journal
. . . . . " ' " . . _ . . wen, turned
Llncoln-Douglaa style debate (LO)
and founh UI impri,mpcu spcakin&.
Mar;r CUrmiqhlm, Marina Conba
IDd Vickey WholcD wen, ,n finalists in LO. AnpliqueMuller ftl
KCODd in penuuioft. third in imorThe Suffolk Univcnity F~n-





oa pap 2 .



~ - MurpbJ .,.,......
8YC01. Ub Suf- '

Jail eathallMn r« •

Coadn&aed frcm J11ae I



Continued from page I

;!: :-' ~;;:,

a.o.piW'i_ lafectiou D i ~ Pro- :
mauve s~h,._roufth i? rhelori~
~ nia ~ alJcn temeel - roots lfflllllS a d ~ Yoo ¢tidsm, r~ inaftcrdi:'"::tcr
10 - ~ aid lldolclceDb tee to mucb in tbc ,-put about Ing, and firth in pe~ ·
widli, or M rilk f«. HIV- inl'ec:tioa9'" these, hu,c, a-orout ewnu:: "ftlmc." wu also quite imprcu1ve as _she
AlbS. aad it direc!led by JCcoacth: smaller C\'~ts rully · p,ov.ict. the( .plact,d in several othct events: SlXth



dlii!""•,W Qlvi,,;,- - ~

. . . . . . . _ ~•neOLV

tica. die 11111pa1

,r., .....,.;u.

indllCld?° ti

. . . . . . . . . ol ~ Dis,.
._.•Wt:DI ODtol8)' be (ecl the
- foDowa. . . . . ~ ~ eved will also bi_ w;eU aincDdm by
~odllc:an, Md aptn~: people &om outside Suffolk. ~
• ilea. nia im::IDdea tpeCil1iltl in Car- 0 ( • bud like ·Duck n Covir that
llolou, ~ . ·ffematol- bave·u ~ Bolton ro&wDIJ, Nearo&au, P l ~ . Pu.I- • iac- Dllck ■ eo..ii..-eilut.daate
-,-.Y ~
--!, ~ araa. ~ r« Suffolk '-loo:ai '94,
ne .....-_
.-illoipecial lkiDa .a-a bud had dtoppcd oot. He also
alill...tial10prowide•apoctn:an added, .. I think there's a lot more
ol AII$relaD:ld. aemca. iacludbt& people who bow about iL" He bad
~ laliaa, diapolil. -t:reat- • oocc:d lbc C. Walsh ooly hokb 500
.- --. ~ caae --,emeol. poople, and Suff~ eYffltl are oot
aocill tllppCll1. at rdaDIL Slral&th- • always well attended. ,.I just •hope
- . coamaai1J c:aro dnu&b coo- that peop&o 10."
suldaa wicb pDOCGU' primary care
1bc doon of Che C. Wabb ~
- , it • m.,.. goal or tbe atre wiU open for Suffolk Pak)o:r.a at
7:30 p.m.. Ticbu are S4 in ad..::e

Mod position


ia..::aa::=!:;:,~~~-~ :e~at~~~=~

pi.» penWhloa, secood •~ ~
.aion. r011rth pl.ace rhetorical cnt1
cism, aadsinbinp>CUY. ~~~lc
placc:d ~ in_rbetori~ cn_ClSrD,
si1lh in penuuion, md sixth m ~ tathlon. _
Russ Paucn placed fifth m
Al.theSuffolkportioaofthctourcwncnt. ~ Suffolk Fo~~ _
vided 10 be scroag i.n many 1~vidual
evc:au.~g.bam badast&Mout
performance finishina fint in LO u
wdl • fine place overall in the same
event. Purtado wu again impressive
with• first pllu finish in cxtempocsocouupcuing and third pt.ace overall in LO. Cardosa and Whalen had
excellent perfonnances, both finish·
ing u ~-finalists in ~ lD evenL

.i:: ~ ~

Cltin, young_ peopk,, talking about
and at WSFR
available strong showing in the LO event, fin •
alternatives to din1croui lirea1ylcs from band members ~ will be play• ishing as a quarter finalist . Cole also
the · street . . . Nut·rition, ing at Suffolk Palooza.
placed sixth in informative, and sixth
Homclea:ni?s, and medical care are

in rhetorical criticism . Kevi•
iSP.ICI that are addraacd, as well u
C'.onnoUy took I sixth in cxtempor.•
high-risk bcbavion such • dn:11 use
ncous, and I third in prose.

fier, a more ·

a knowledge
its admin.isld 100n be
iz.ation and


to publicly
lin1 aalariet
led po1ition,
fuU-time ar-

childjen. As-~or·~ sulrolk ·tmdition·ancl 1 the delight or the audience
his soo FJ., age six, and daughters


•,e 25_ and yooeae~. ·A 'drc>P" in
center u OP.Ill~ amca • _?:eek
~ offering ~ H I V tatin& and1

~c~•:1 an~

r~ ~ : t i t ~-~

ty'a, litcnry

..,.,.... cammvn,a



, - - - - - - ~ - - - - ' ' - - - -...~ ,..: _"-. -. _:_~
. . ,_:::.


ICCtinas and

~liu~U:• both age

f i v e , ~ the awards at the con.
clusloo of tbla tournament.
Last "'eek on Sanmiay, Fcbrutr)' 24; tbe ( ~ team iravelcd 10
Tufts University IO compete in a one
day townamenL Tbit particul11r tour.
namc.nt wu imponaot: because the
sevec achooll
in the event.
met~ ~ f l. lo .make ha
quallfylaa 10IIDd for tbe nationals.
All trophy ,..... will subsequently
qmJify (or tbe ,Dlliouls, to be held m
M;cbipn duriq April.
The Suffolk tum had another
suong abowinl, placinc ICICOlld overall, u well u wi••a honors in
many iod.ividual eveau. Pauen received first place boaon' for
ovenll 1pakar of tbe tournament.
Patten ~ tiatb ill impromptu .
third lD pl'OIC. IC000ll ill both in£ornwivc. IPd Cll&aDpOdDCOUI Speak•
ing, which COGlributed to bis winnin& the beat cwcn1I spmker award.
Cunningham was also imprcsaive with • fint pl.ace finish in the
persuasive speech event, Md second
place in the Uocoln Oou&lu style
debate, contribllting ID . her second
place finish a best speaker. Funndo
tumcd in another strong pcrfonnance.
winning first place lD impromptu and
placing si1lh ln LO. Cole took an
impressive trurd place finish in im•
promptu , an event ia which she
doesn't usu.Uy compete.. Also Brian
McDermott a·•first lime ~ ~
with the Suffolk fom11la,team , took
• fifth place finish in tbc lafonnativc
spccch ·event, pmvina be wiU be a
fine ~tiOl'I to the 199S-1996 team.

The Suffolk Univcnity Forensics team ha competed in two chal-


~~ ~

o. Orpni2:


r,ooiig sys•
Lh staff, and
uffotk Uniyear, the
KMCcs of
1,. and Hunt
IO sec what
1 yW with'


kloed prob-

roduce Suf•
-:y appealed
1•ror fund:hey took •
re. "count•
0 on to ~Y
•'· y Center
~ avail'event.
soiQa to be
1 Hospital

s-t or die
• 2

. 1'

By G.Ltb:latit

l~lina cnpscmenll at k>cal

univcrlilies. Rocattly they competed in I
arudin1 four day tourument, The
Nonheastern/Surfolk Presidenlial
SWUlg. The event cook pl.Ice over the
holiday weekend. bcsinnin& '?') Friday, Februai-y 17, and ending on
Prclldents 'Day, Monday, February
20. This toumament included thirteen univenilies. and rcaturcd some
or the top forensics teams in the
nation. 1bc fitit two days of events
the ~l'l!II two days o~ c~mpelilion
J1el61 tn ~ ~wycr bu1ldin1 at ~ 1
folk University.
~vcn.11, ~ -Sulf~ ~ raitt.d'
well 10 com~uon; firusbing second
place I t Nonheute:m and second
place overall They also did .woll in
many in~ividual evcn11, bringin1
home their share o( awards.
Strona pcdonnp:cs were turned
in by Tad Furtado placing first in the
Lincoln-pouglu style debate (LD)
and r o u ~ p c u s ~ g. •
Mary Cunningham, Marini COfdou
and Vickey ~ were all quarter

= ~~!:~:~~n7:

e<xllimNldon,-,c2 .

Student Oovcrnmcat Association
(SOA) tDemben and advisors: made

tomonow ' S election convention
spcc,cbcs the topic of discussion durin, the: mcctina held on Feb. 28.
A strlna or ~ acckloa
SOA ·11 be D1U¥I
quired°:~ i:Sawyer
on Thursday Mil(.~ 2 from 1:00
until 2:15
1T,c speec~. ::;;
two to three fflinutes in length, will
each be followed by time for student
questions Or the candidates.
According 10 Caitlin Hubbard,
SOA advisor and Suadent Activities
Graduate Assistant, the candidates
arc s<>ing to the podium to•"'spcak 00
why they wane 10 be members of
SdA', what 1hcy ' can, bria1Jo the
orpruzalimi and:wbat-lhey,can brina


p:'ro ..




e . -lnmont aL.elaur\



, .... r·



$588.88 CRSH RWRRD




1:00 - 2:30

fll'IC: . . , I CNSl Tl ITilHa SIUfDllt UHJ U[HITV
llNSff: Z l'Hl MHIMaM
HBILIN(:• r~tlY, M~IC• ~4Jlt

Clfffl:ST U lrl~ ~. Ill


continued on paac 3


llllll H . ., . .



flfr■U: •l(!~■HIHffll
un,Nm ■H u,.


· ,


l'l(IS( llH(MaH Tl INCHH \IIH N8Hl, HHUi IND
l'HN( NJIMDU. (UIYS Man H HNa Hlll(l(I Tl Jlf(


IN a SHU~ (Nll(U l' t,

~ !"IN

(no.,.....,.,.._ .. ulc q-,•-....,._•
/ PrHldent Da\lld S..gant lnvltn you to mNt ~
~ ~. and tau him how you tNI

PIHN llkl advantaga Of Iha Opportu nity to spelk



lhl President.





wftt\ and.mN I


~ -'W~ ii'@ IX]~ ~ ~ i i'' ..
One Beacon Street - 25th ,Floor

.n.e·suffi>ll:Joumal Wednesday. Man:h I. 1995



C:00,-.. Ma,t Mwplly

Coatinucd from pace I



fioaphal~i lJtlectiOUI DileUCI ~
,,__ T1lh,..... otrc:n aemoet
10 W.U, ~ and adoleaccatl
~ 1 or atlriak for, HIV infecti~ or
AIDS, and ii diNictcd by Keaoetb


five, pc_esenlcd tho awards at the conclusion of this toumamcnL
Last wodc oa Saturday, Fcbru,

u,.....a ■ FORENSICS
Continued from page

e.idmi.n r« 111 event like Sur~

;!: !u~,;.ti,a;c;:, ,mativc

spuch, foul1h i~ rhetorical

roou aruu,,a-iod

critidsm, fourth inaltcrdinncr spcak·
iag, and firth in pe.ntalh!on. Muller
these. huge., &Jamorous events. Tbcl,c was also qilitc impressive at _he
smallc; ·events rully provide th&- placed ia ~era! other events: suth
Qlviri _thfolll..e.iit 1iapport f0t orppu. pllce penuthloo, 5otCood P~ ~-

M.D.. :<#«'1.t f,.
--, W.....,W-.:,.~~AP

. . ilomadel llp ol lAfocd~ Di••
eae Id.Iowa. mna. IOdal wOfbra.
~~. Md autritioo~
nb indade& apecialila: i.a Car·
~- ~
. ~OIJ'l Nearo&au, •P I ~ . Pw·
- , ~ ~ - ~ arcu.
n . ~ lltilila illo apcdaluilb
cl ........ IO provide. tpeetrvm
ol AIDS-rd-.d: tcrtk:a. ~
c:omeeHaa, ~ dilrpom, ·tlell·
_ ., ~ ·CIIIC ~ •
-,cW lllppod l(ld rdmab. Strea&tb-·-




orpnizations.. You
sec IO much la • the peperl about

MIGK)l'l, f~rth .place rhetorical cnucism, aod 11xlh m poet?'• ~~ ~le
placed &iath in rhetorical cnuc1sm,
~ from ouuide Swfolk sixth in persuasion. and sixth in pen·
-of • · band like Duck n ~vcr that wblon. Ruu Patten placed fifth in
bavo an (!llbUabod BOIJon rollow- lme,omptu .
mt,Duct ■ Cma'waoi.lutmiaute
AJtheSuffolkpcwtionofthe.lOUrreplaceramt r« Suffolk PIJoou. '94, namcot, lhe Suffolk Fo~~• .peoafter• bud had dropped out. He also vided 10 be strong in many ioo1v1dual
added. ... think !here'• • IOI more CYents. CU~ngham had. siand OUl
people who mow about it." He had pcrformaoce finishing first in LO IS
ootcd the C. Wabh ' ooly bokb 500 well as firsi place overall in the same
people, and Suffolk events arc oot CYCllt. Purtado was again impressive
always well au.ended. "I just hope with• first place finish in ei.1cmpor11•

dom, the bmpitll inclucW; h
HUJII. went <m to say he fed the
eveot will aJso be well attebded by


p,crriden , la • m.ijor goal of the
outrcacb ~ ~ tbp progrua
is ~ed with~ pn:leui~, e4u- ~
ca11na young people, taJking about
alternatives to cfinaeroua lifestyles
street. , . Nutrition,
· Homcl~~• and medical care uc weUas
high-risk behaviors aach as dnla use
and unprotected &CJ:. 1biJ part o{~
progrum provides ICIVices 10 people
•10 2.S and youoaer. A drop io
center is opc1 ~ timea • ode
offering anor1ymoar-HIV tclting, ~


~:x:.o;fthe C


atre will open for Suffolk Palooia at
7:30 p.m. Tickets arc $4 in advance
or S.5 at the door. ~ uctru

are on &ale at


orriee and at WSFR, or available
from band members that will be playing at Suffolk Pal0028.

f~- ~:, ..~~~

ei.ceUcn1 perfonnanccs, bolh finishing IS aemi-finalisu in the LO event.
Special coogmu.l1tioos 10 out to
Sharon Sundburg as she also had a
5lf0Dg showing in the LD event, fin •
ishing as a quancr finalist. Cole also
placed si11-th in informative, and si11-th
in rhetorical c rit icism. Ke vin
Connolly toolc. a si11-lh in e11-1emporaDCOUS, and • third 1n prose.
The pcrl"omtance of the week.end was Jume.d in by Dr. Ed Harris'
children. As pan.of the Suffolk. 1radition and to tht delight ol the 1udlencc
his wn E.J .• age si•. and daughters
'!,e~f a, an~ ~lizabet~. both age

I:~~ ~

ary 24,' lhe fOly~ics team uuvclcd Lo
Tofu Univenlty to compete in a onr
day tournament. This paniculai- tournament wu im ~ t, because thr
seYCD schools compctjng In the evcni
met lhc ~ t i. to make 11 ~
qualifyhic rowd for the nationah
AU trophy wfnncri wiU 1ubscquentl y
qualifyCortbc ,nationals, tobcheldm
Mk hipn durina: _April
The Suffolk team had anot her
suong sbowiac, pl■ secoad over,
all , u well u Willllin& honors 1
n individual evcnu. Paucn re ceived first place bODOrs· for be~1
oYerall speaker of the tournament
Paltco placed aixlb in imprompcu,
lhird in prote. IICCODd in both infor •
mativc, and cxtanponneous speaking, which conlributcd 10 bis wmning the best ovcnll speaker award
Cu.nnin&ham was also impr~ sive with a first place finish in the
persuasive spcoch event, and second
place in the Uncoln Douglas scyk
debate , conlributing to her second
place finish u best speaker. Fun.:ido
1umed in another.,stroog pcrfonnancc
winning first place in imprompcu :ind
placi ng si•th in LO. Cole took an
impressive third place finish in im promptu . an event in which sht
doesn'I usually compete. Al w Bn:m
McDcnnoll a first time compcutor
with the Suffolk Forenaics lCaffl . 100k
a fifth place finish in the informao,•c
speech event, proving he wiU be a
fine addition to the J99S-l996 team

-----,:QR'STUDE'N'f,.__ _ _ _ __,



$580.00 CRSlf RWRRD

Tl rl C: IIIIIIY I CHUTI llll(NO $Uff0llC UNIUllllllY
, ■ Ii( HHIM ■M

llHllN( :· flllHY, Hllllc ■ ,Z4TII



IS ■,(~ Ta






t:::: _

wildli1e officials
shot lhe mOOK that trampled

:mt~~IU~~it1, o f ~


PlUS( l(M[Hlll fl INCHH YIH Hl'1(, IIHUi lNI
P'IIIN[ NtMHI, UHH HHT 1£ H N I ~ . , _ , q JI[
Mn '1 ■Yfll , TNIIN


Prnldent Oavkt Sargem lnYll■s you to meet with.him
(no appointment neceua,y) to ask qunUorw, • ...._concerns,
luggHt ldeH, I nd ttll him how yoo IN I tpout ~ ffol k.
PIHH tak■ advantage ol the opponunlty to speak wilt\ and meel


Iha Presld1nt.


One Beacon Street - 25th •


Continued from paae I
to I.he atudcnt body." The

candid■!ea ire convention 1n
also rcqu~
to speak al the

orderou·"--~ •~~1y SwOIAtb ~.~
Wlll:U -,uu

n■aoo· papcn.r,

Althoua,h the moose wu
Candidates running for
CICOr1Cd off cainpus and back election to SGA arc u folinto tbc forcat after ~ g
and lc.illing Myong Chin' Ra
in January , •State •'offfl:ers
killed the animal two 'wee.Its
later after- it ui&l to altaek a
UA professor:•
Bruno Kappes was run•
rung• to class wlicn 'M turned·
ihc comer of I bcritdlng and
ended up a rcw, feet away
from the moose. (('be <ffl006C
ran oward I.he psycboloay
professor but was unable to
catch him.
•• ,

~=: ~!::


W ~ y•.Muoh I. 1995


unfilled poJition1 in other



reprcaeritative ~pc:o•

~~ : ,: ~

Students ■re cocourtiae,d

coolainins the candidMc'_

to ~

pate in lhc

~ · r&i.cms for nmnin&- She Aid

°'•..... -clu• : ~:"'a.e:!.'7~tbeb~=

~!':: ~ : :

PraidentMMt:OiPrlia.Mikc .dates, Hubbard said. SOA day that the spec:cbca are
Ourait.. •bo' i~ a can4fdateo1 Pa::&idutl..Erika!CbmtCDIC9~ tchodu.lcd. • ll If n1n:·,tl.
ror yjcc ,ruident, and &il: u· cven -went • far ai to en!.
Elkedal, lone candidate for courage SGA members on Mar. 6 and 7, from· 10:00
class ,cprtlCtllltift. AH three I present M tbt convention to ,a.m . to 2:00 p.m., in th~
arc unoppo&ed for UJCac po-~ k their ow.o questiom, so Fcaton Lollb)" md oo ~ - 8
that , ltUdcnts wm feel more and 9, clti\na thc,samc boun,
The real oontcsU exist in comforuible·pCISina quest.ions In the S,.wyelOle.
races for Class of 1998 prcsi- themsclYCI.
dent and -vice pm:idcat. In .,
" People arc definitely
the prcUdential con1est, h reluctant to rme their ~ '
Cristina Lcnarcs and Jocelyn and asi, the questions," said "
..,alcus will be vyina for Ill>- i. Hul!bmd, adding -lhat "some

David Tam, currently.
president of the Class of
1996, is ruMing again for
that position unopposed .
Mary Ann Hogan is also runDing unoppoied for thc,.€lasl
of 1996 Yk:e prmidcnti■I
spiDL Dcni■c C...Cy and Ri- dent
Kyri1k9s •n ttudcots ate a,e8l about it;'
chard Joyce aro, two current Kalaitzidil and Arithony ,,, they ·will ask. but SOfDC are
SGA .memticri li5&t.d as can• S&nSC\lcro will compete for-· just not up to asking." As•
didat.cs for class iqftSCnt.8- the vice picsidealial posL result, ,Hubbard feel s lbat
live. Because ~y t#O qual.i- Where other cl11scs
~christenson'l• 1uucstion i1
fied candidates filed nomi- underrepresented in c■odi- • aood one.



P0Ucc SOOD ·anivcd oo
papers, , Hubbatd said
thc SCfflC and decided ■aaina ,that a Special dc:ctiOQ may be

mciole ito·i•

~ f:_.theti-c•. lhc ~ . to "oep~lhc~~ thbod,yn~mlass
__, • ._. r-- .,...

Class •or

1he major poli~Y.: Pl~rs· or
fonner uniYersi;tx. ~1denLS. .~-f"ecl·
ing that the pi'oper preservation of these documents was
essential, because lbc uni·vcrsity wo~ld soon •be eel•
ebrating its cemcnniaJ.
ing the nc•t-~venl fc■r1 ,
Him ■ nn er;plained1•mudi
historical rcscafch will be
done in antici pation or the
upcoming arnUvena,y. ln
addition to expectations of ·
an incrc.ased intcre&I in uni•
versity history; HamaM also
would like lhc archives to be
maintained for use by university alumni.
Althou&b he said that it
would be necessary to tram·
fer some or the documents
and o,ewspapcrs to microfilm,
be: was unwilling to q,eculatc u 10 when this would
occur, .or what the. cs.pcnlC
mi&)ti be.



= ·=:·.:•"::_: ""::·_<:.:•:.:"""'':.:_::"'°"'.=••u:....:.:,_...,..:.:.:: _:=:~::::~~~~


transpprtlng , tbe
· :.:..:•:•~fi'.:.ll=lhc::..::IW0:=-:,..::_::.•99=8aw:.:
remote arc■ of I.he woods. rBccausc of the heavy snowra11 Ibis winter, food bas been
scarce, and the moose would
have been in danier or suirving, said wildlife officials.
After using flare &W15 to
drive a calf away, wildlife
orficers s hot, lhc moose.
'"We l\ad as mony as 80
11:\-oosc on the university campus basically •loolc.i ng for
food," said a s polc.espcrson
(or the AnchOrage police.
''That number is unusually
high, even for winier: ·
Ra was lc.iUed on Jan. I I
when he inadYertently ven•
while to the uni versity's
gym. Ra slipped BJJd fell
when he tried 10 run a.way
11nd wa.1 tmmplcd to death by
the moose within minut.cS.
Policc saidthatmeatfrom
1 moose was donated to a
local charity.
,\' ' . >"·


surnu ■Nll ■HH■ms



Second Atllek


Continued "l,om- pege I


1 :00 - 2:30
llNiTII: Z

. The Suffolk Joumal
MOOH Kllkd at UA After

ThcSuffoll:- Wedaesday, Man:b l , 199S

TheSuffolkloumal Wcdaesday,Man:h I, 199S


·. E ~ i n e n t a n d







Shelley LongDoes. he. radyThing
t B
By Ian Spelling
University 10 Watch the ..Brady -'=poua:J,ut adi 1f!IICked in the note runy unC1plaincd Brady'1-in-chcCollegePrcasSuvicc
Bunch" durina the series' ol'lpul b)'IIIJ!il'Rftl football ; Cindy(Olivia ''901-twisl. l...oo& explains that the
When Shelloy Long, the former • run, wau:hcd episode a&, episode EDck)li,ps;_,.(PaulSutcn)dclls fWIUllllcen wc,e caroM to IIUaddlc


S1M ofthc. bclnvodscri0s;'Cbegs." ofthcshowoo_.,.rnrdle ~~~~•cji~;
wonthc·ri>lco1-.,.anio1Bna! .~film.SIM:,md;odlfendcnoo!1every
.._l)pialiafmSimdiE lqenduilinoddi,s;L

''Ladi~ Qn. th~ Couch," A~n in Life's Re1'ti~hips
• ,~~





0a Pebnwy 21, ;n die cral. FmnlOd~sl_>e,'• I
C. Walsh Tbearre. Saffolt rormuce was •iotclli,.;nt. .. •
wasaakldtoa~ycomic wilty,ironic,hoocttandal~"lbcl..ldies Wllyshy..,rieallyri,,n,y.
onthcCoqc:ll_ ~ ...
Atlhct~ofthcperforWhoarc~LAilicloo ~PinnandJfow_rdana
thcE? WeD,a11ho1,1, · ~~~"'
~l'iNMIIII► ' ail~
,atanf;twofemllo'"&: ~The.lweis* lmcdians from · Chicaio. humorous.butthuwasobviarc not your averqe

ously the show's weakest

funny women, howevei.
part. Tbe duo should have
Finn and Howard. are takenintoconsidemtionlbtll
long time lovers and ~vet aomc of the questions may
fOFlhcrdoiqshowsalfflll!Y ha~e.~an~tcd, ~ .re scri- •
Suffolk wu fortunate to

ous answer.


~11 in au, the show was
havesuc.h•sfi~prograrD very well written and per-_

on campus .

Pin n and

fonnedwith asharp$C,nscor
Howard's perfonnance wu ~r:iliesthrcwste,..

dcfutlldynot limitcdlOtbo&c- rcotypc$ouuhewind0Wand
livingorinteccstcdinahcru-_. lotsofl11ughtcrin1othe mix.


KarJ!I Finn and ~~ Howllf.d,

• A ..


• ,-.

Suffolk's C. Wa!sh Theatre last week.

By c = : ::;_!taldo
· Tueldly, Febnwy 28 is
Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tues., day), otherwise known as
, Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is an
anc1c nt

By Justin Grieco

The run of ..Mr. Pay-

"choosinglhcaction" andlhc
The firsl interactive encouragemcn1fromthca1er
• .,.
movie, .. Mr. Payback" is ..,._ to ycl~d •-am aJ
-., ...
nmong us ~d tt,e qu~~n fellow a~ic
now5tan~; . :0,&~lllo,camtbcmost..
. pouus,andlhosewhoattend
Ofcourscitis,.withouta sbowingsofthemovicwill 1
doubc. The film is·nothitlg find lhcmsclvcs embarrassmorcthanachccsy,suppos- inglyenarosscdinthe .. mysedly futuristic production tefy" of each cootrived plot
abolll ·a Roboc:op wannibe line.
..Mr. . Payback" is far
miss.ion to ..payback" the frotn a oc\'Olutionary breakscum oflhc world.
tlvouJh. but with ~css.
lt'u fun'\namctinggim- .iiaeit,aorjtcllincaudicoc::e
mick. however, as audieooea members will oot notice its ·
choose lhe path .. Mr. f.Mtlls.
Payback" takes dwinc lhc
bricf20minuterunningtimc. at Sony
s Copley 1heaters arc PSaceud
cquippcdwithhand &,r;troll


day oo lhe Christian calcn-


F ~ l 4. Showtimes


When we think. of New
Orleans, we think. of Mardi
ras. but 1 c festival's ori_

!:~ -;:ra:;v:: 7!:~~

were brought to Louisiana
by itt French settlers.
Mardi Gras has its roots
in the pagan worW: tn Rome,
the pre-spring ' season wu
known as Cami vale...fcsti •
val or meal... It wu a lime or
yur ,where it was neither
Winter nor spnn.a::- a nui{ical
lime or year. w~ societies
:;:,';:. were turned upside
The Romans hid behind
colorful mu.ks and !'kmbcrs
of all~~

social classes

minpd and made merry.
1ft Germany, this period
wuknowllufashin& "flesh

.uowingthcaudicna:topick ~°cVcfybour'upundlclos-" (dcrivt.d f~ 'early
: ~rrommultiplcpos- inc.and adJtaissio• ii $5.00 Gennaa) • . la Germaay ,
libilidel which lignf up oo fortwo20minutcfilrns.
strange COltUmcs were woro

O&ADlf B . .

Photo 00t1rlesy The Ulllll,Dn h Couch
"The Ladles on the Couch, · who ~rformed al

Mardi Gras: origins in pagan WQrshlp

''Mr. l>n.,bark"
fty fun
.: =.=i::'.'" ~~~=

movc.hcrpc,tyhairandhcr- wcll bulc:her,DavcyJoncsoftbeMonkccs
-vaybrip,vaypol-- pla)Olhep,wn -anciArW111dicm
andthcnbrouchtthcc:hnctertolifc, Ull6alC&fflll!u.wholc,'¥iththcblia<f~aforbicnc.tfintbcproceu
''Thcrc'1 just very
cbanniq about this family.., somcthiq very likable. even in all their
qui,rtinc:u.,"shcDOICs.smilia,. "ThM

contiaucd oa pqe I

~.: :':.t.Z- ~ ~;~ ·~~=::~-:1~-~



icon, Carol Brady, in '&he Brady
Bunch Movie," "1c rwiud rathe<
quickly that it would be a rather
unique acting challcoae. After all,
howcoulduyoDDJ>0'5iblyo111-F10rcnce Henderson Florence
"'Really, ~ was a matter or
already played/ .says Long, a

~riJ:;e::~ ~=~
entraoce of spring.

The "traditional cok>rl or
M.-di Gru arc aold, areen,

aoclpu,ple. Thelccolonsym-

New Orleans is " ni.kd ..
by a conoctiOO or thinly disgui sed Pagan Kings and
Lords of Misrule, who dis•
~ Rome.
tributes money charms 1n•
D.iring the 12th century, lCOded to bring lhe rccipien1s
Mardi Oras entered the good fortune in- lhe coming
Christian ca1cndar as the day year. There ore colorful fl oa1~
bo~faitb, power, and ju'llice. Thi1 symbolism has been
p&SICd on lhrougb lhc gen•
crations from the days of pa-

just before Lent. Lent is a and parades, dancing in !ht
fony-day period when i: is streets, culminating in Rex .
traditional 10 give up meat the King or Misrule crownand other such culinary riches in,:: a queen.
10 commcmoru1c the fas1 of
On the first nighl of Uk'
Jesus before His dcni.h.
festival /the ruler of lhc day I!>
The contemporary Car• chosen, when a traditional
nhm l now begi ns on the cake, known a.s King's Cake.
Twclrth Night (January 6). isscrvt.d.
which is, 10 the C hris1ian5,
The crown s.hapcd cah
is served, the t,crson findin g
Twelfth Night is also a the single Pecan bakt.d into
None Pagan Observance, the cake becomes the tipg or
and continues until the stroke -queen until sundown the fol of midnight on Ash We<1ne.s- lowing nighL The pecan sym•
d1y .
bol..izcs--abuodaace uct reru1
'New Orleans becomes ity, as all nuts do, for the
pany ccotml during the Car- coming year.
nlval: elaborate parties and
If interested in an exci1cctcbrarions, a time when ing weekend or week away.
caution is thrown 10 the why not try New Orleans.
winds, a time when all cat,
Cami val It has J lot
drink, and make merry.
10 offer all the sense,:.


givcnthcasafpmcottodoi1~xactly gc:ts.Thc'7Qs;Bnidysliveinlbel990s.
as Aorcnceciid i1. t thlnkBcuyTho- Adcvclopcr'shatchctman(......_vernc
mas, 0urdircclor,wassmattcdough andShirtey"~Michac:IMcKcu)
to knowthll I would paeychal· wan\S to buy iheuhouse.!.i alldlo ,
leolel. lia1tihoici.J~lnowir othcrprapeayintbea,eaUlorderto
I got lhc voice exactly, but I got a buildamaU;onlytbeBrady'1Won' I
voice was closer 10 Flore.nee sell lben, wbcn Mib (Gary Cole)
Henderson's 10 my own. You andCarolrcccivca$20,000taxbill,
needed 10 hear Carol Brady's voice thcfamilymovrsi.ncohighgcarinan
and her inflections, ~d you needed efforuosavelhci.rhomc. That means
to see her expressions, body move- lotsoOawnsarcmowed,Greg(Cluismcnts, ·her head tills, and all orlhat. I top her Daniel Barnes), aJic,npts lo
think Betty-knew, in1uitiVety, that I bccomcarockStar41aJON).OyBravo, .
wouldbringsomcthingalittlediffer- and Ifie whole gang of kids team
ertttoitbccausclhisisthe '70sBr-.JYs together 10 win the $20,000 prize
living in the '9bs. It 's satire, which offered in a t.alentcontcst ... • :----. BcnyandlbothdidatSecondCity
Essentially, the film 's ' writcr5
(the famed c~mcdy troupe) in Chi- havet.akcnthcbcst,mostmcmorablC
. , ., .. ,, moments from classic "Brady epi-,
Long, who odmits she was 100 sodcs - Jan (Jennifer Elise Cox) is
busy.studying and/or enjoying the jealous of the gorgeoUs Marcia
socifilscc'nc'wh1 e afNoitliwcstern-(OlliSllff-e-T4YI0l')':'7Man:irirgo •

Psychics come to Suffolk
By JwlJn Grteco

Monday afternoon when Program
Councilspoosorcd PsychicModman and. Robert planning.
and unbclievoablc psychic abilities
was among the Suffolk. students.
with lhc S1~ t s already in lhc cafe
in order to conjtire upsomeenthusiO.Sf!! for '~ s~~· Raisinl cups;arid

making pens travel across tables, interest was easily gained and when
the show began the cafeteria was
_packed. ,
During the two hour show Jim
Karolstaplcdcards tohcw(afunny
visual gag), made cards appear in
oranges, and shocked all lian. Jim is
the author Ways toHutU YoMr
.Fritndsand has,eccnlly eppca,edin
tte ' Nationpt Enqulrtr. He and
Channing will appear on David
L.cnennan~s Late Show soon.
Robert ~ I ;, a definite
" mind reader." \,Vith I.he ability 10
approach people and UIC their first
name when talking with lbcm. he
amuscdevcryone. Hcsooarapedhil

~.•• = '··

. ,.





mc:ilial iDfonnadoo dlo tllldiem» bla.wnam

name, &om a bowl ad




~ ~~Olllmi '.Mi.if':
SAW'ml~ .. Loan

J'amJlf LOaGI



ThoSullolk,foualll ,W - y, Man:b I, I~

Nothin' up N~wt•s Jim's~
sleeve ...



.Atime 'for tolerance

marked the halfway poinl or
the evil Republicans' firs! one

lhctm.nt controversy regudiilg the administrati.9n and
afflt11l1Uvcactioa~. The YCcycxistcnocof a
D e ~ ~ House after &he 1980's and n~w a

uncertain', anl:f pcq>dually antagon~tic.
Waminasips arcstaltiog to go up, for the '96
campaip willbc.-tarting soon. R.cpu~lican candidaie
Phil Orabull-bu)ledacd 10 cut the Department or
Educatioa. The new Coagrcss is aheady setting its
sightsbn aul>oidixd, school lwichproarams, IIDd
cuttins.the·aru. W'dfarc reform may not be tackJcd in
favor Or acroa t h e ~ swhini, which in the long
tcnn could lead . ~crime.
Today in America the president isn' t elected by the
popular vote. we leave OW' rep,csenwion. up to the
clcctontc.Tok:nDcc nii&ht not be in me vocabulary
rooch lonaer. As rcccnt!f reported, the Massachusetts
Lc:~laturc alone, ~ up a lunch and late night &nack


goingtotakeawayschoollunches? ·



sioned with issues of welfare rip qff, wanDng 10
believe whoever says tuts WOfl't go up, and obsessed
withOJ. orwhnleverthcmediafeedslhem.Y,.,carcno
the "melting potT' lncy once said thal, right'?
Maybe a linlcto~and



---jabou'i;;,,:i .cl,;;"°;:-wa;w~at;i;chi;;';;;ngr;:all=lhesc,i;';;~li;;;tic;,ians;;;;;;cam;-;;::-;;;:i:ii";;·l i'
sJC,mng to t
oricwhUc tumingdown the me d ia
staric. Think about it, you know, before lhe lines arc
permancntlydrawn .

"I was sick. I'm sorry."
• Dan Coekky, Editor-~Chief of the Suffolk
Journal, in ~ to Jut~week'• cdil:ioo . .

"fflElt.E' H,'( SO~E'Tlll<KS
"'(0·11cA,.,•-rrrAc.H ~ "
ANEWl>06 ... ·



~ :!;~

GLIB doesn 't belong in parade


Dear EditOf,
no place in the parade just as for the gander.
Would J suppon the Ku bigotry and racism have · no
There llfC probably· doz•
Klwi: Klan if they requested place there.
ens of gays and lesbians who
the right to man::h in the SL
ln..1993, GLIB were al- marc h in the 'parade annu Patrick's Day Parade? No! lowed to march in the pa: ally, but they don't make a
Would I suppon the neo- rade, and what ensued was point of throwing it in your
nazis if they requested the total mayhem. GLIB were mel face .
right to march in the St. with hostility, which is unEveryone is Irish on St.
~ ~--:=a~edis!~~~p;;;~~~ek';f
support GLIB's reques t to rq:ull, the JXll11(1e was ruined scxua1 preferences, coosermarch in the parade,
for everyone. especially the va1ivcs and liberaJs alike. The
All of these groups have children.
emphasis should be on unity,
the legal right to participate
It was GLIB that initiully no! division.
in the parade, but none of used the couns 10 force their
St Patrick's Day has al them belong.
way into the parade in 1993 ways been a great day of fun
1nc St. Patrick's Day pa· and now the parade commit- ~.nd cel_5bmtion - let's keep
iade is a place to put fonh tee is using a legal loophole n that way.
political agenda. Sexuality 10 keep thein out. What' s
G. L. Rizzuto
and Kllual preference have good for the goose is good



The Suffolk Journal accepts letters to
.the editor from any Suffolk student.
If you have something you want to ·get off your·chest,
wri~ to the Journal.

~~'t: ~:C.,



Voices of-Suffolk

·What wouid. you do to·st

The Suffolk Journal
Dan Coakley, Editor-in-Chief
KamiM. Counncy,Bu&ineaMMIFt'
Mike Stia,r.,, ExecudYCEditof
Chrulian En&Jer, Manlr&laJ Editor
Junia Orieco, Enlenalnmmt Edi1or
Ryan Foley, Sport, Edltar
•JlmBe:lwte,Col\lJIINj1 .
• &ltiocP!ummer,"Pboeallllor ,
Dr. (ic,akt Ricbman, AdviKW'

,.,S-,wl_.., ... ,.,~.~,,,-.~. a,-trn,u-l/'JIU.~ ..... -

lk~Hlfll'Nlli,_.,...._~ II/Sll,(IWl;V.WnU,. lt l,Utf ....... qf~S..,,.1---,.~...

=:..:::::J:.~~. =:;:t./'~"!7:;t;,::~:: =:;:.::i .



280.-SUNI •Boo1on, Muuchuoeits02114, Phone&Fex(817)~


By the students, for the s tudents, since J936

WIICE L . .. No-..; WA,T(.tl ov-r

f"olt "ft4A"f c.-.oSSJ"'G CVA-.a
A.,.& A1.1. --r.iosc L;-r;.,..,.c
<.. MU. bft.l! .... . .


into ~ident Saraent'1 .of•
Man, WU it 9"1C~~ t, fice,aoddeclatcddiar.lwun'l
woek_cend. My .l w n ~ ~i luvina until witloa werit
was .going strong. I was so down, again. My preacnce. I
hungry I was e-vcn thidlldna (elt, was th.rcat cnouab to
of eating at the cafeteria. .(_
cause anyone lo quJkc with ·
To sa.Jjsfy my need for fear and loitltina.
rood I 1uclted on maaaz.ioes
My one man 1it•in, bowwe had aroUnd the house: ever, wu a flawed endeavor
Time, US Nt:ws and World to begin with. rr I had a
Repon, Cosmopolitan, O11y. quarter f0t each time an adI felt like the grea1e11. most mini1tn1or .stepped on me,
noble man that ever lived.
I' d have (rec Frescas til DeI had been depressed ever cember. And after about
si nce I blew my Milwaukee twenty minutct my 1W was
Brewers scab· player tryout. as numb as a rock. f got
Never could hit that knuckle• preuy bore.d, loo. Next time
I'll bring crqssword puzzles
In an iruitant, however, ora' Rubik'scube. AllinaJI,

buffoon. Newt and .his lackeys in Washington. His polihundred days in control or cies and rhetoric are. all so
our coun1ry 's legislatu res; hollow ttlat he ICtJ out a loud
and Newt threw a pany.
GONG every time his bead
You must have seen it. hits one of his shoulders.
There were cameras, AmeriOne or the bi&Bcs1 things
can flags, reponcrs, and poli- that Newt is pushina is this
ticians everyw here: au fight • balanced Budget Amend•
ing for a spot next to our ment fooli shness. Now. I' m
favorite Anti-Chris t Newt not going to get into 1he parGingrigh. It was on 111\ the 1iculars of this truly stupid
networks ... even WB and piece of legislation. but I will
say this much. Our great st.ate,
Okay. I overstated it a Massachusetts, has a . bal linJe biL WB and UPN had anced budget amendment
nothjng on il al all. Bui one within il.5 constitution, and,
things for sure. every news 1herefore, the stale caooot, ~ l ~ i : e ~ ~
broodcast -even c ha nnel legally. pay out in moneys Gino appeared at my door.- SL Deli 10 rethink my it.nuseven's-carried a1 lcus1 o fiv e more than it Ulkes in every step with a large pepperoni egy.
.second dip of the conserva- fiscal year. Good idea. right? and an attitude. How docs
Plan 8 was a wallcouL •I
tive pany' s liulc bash. but Right.
Ghandi do it? Five minutes figured i1 was a fabulous way
nobody cared. Nobody was
But keep in mind that and tcn dollars (plus tip), to thow both faculty and Stu•
when this amendment was I officiaJly ended my protesL · dc.ots that tuition wu gonna
Oh, but how could I think enacted, this state did not have I wat always a 1ucker for weigh me 4own no more.
such a thing? What , wilh all a deb! that was fi-ve times as pepperoni .
So. at cuctly 3:30 M ~
of the radicaJ changes sweep- large as il's annual income,
Needle11 to say. I was afternoon, I stood Up in the
ing through the House and which is exac tly where ou·r prcuy ashll{Ucd. I.~ failed mi<t:«Ue ot my podJy Wock-:
Senate since November. I £cderal bu~g~t stands now. to, revers~ Sllffolk't tajlion -shop, and loudly pnxwmcd
musl be crazy to even as• So . baJancing the bu(!get is policy. I had brouaht d'is- that I was walJcjng out. I
~me that there are.n't many good; but remember. once honor 10 my family name, urged everyorie in the clau
Americans who arc follow• it's balanced, and all of those. and entertained ·thougbu of to follow my lead.'
ing Newt's agenda with home painful cuts have been made, hari-kiri. (was £do busy eat•
"While you're !)Ut !here
made scorecards. But the fact there will still be a dcb1 or ing, though:
can you get miri. gyro?'' asked
You know, I' m no con- a fellow student.
of the matter is. nobody re• over five trillion dollars to
"Yeah. A larae clam
ally cares about the good old reckon with. And then. we'll spiracy theorist, but I
have to make even more
Speaker of the House.
You soc, just as the vot- cuts. That debt will not magi- ::~• :::~~ ';:~~~;~ • : : ; ~ for me," stated aners overwhelmingly elected cally go away simply because
Bill Clinton two years ago, as the budget i1 balanced. This :~1~:; t::s:=.for ~ ": / : ; = . k..; . : : :
So, now protest.len, I you cloae the door be.hind
a symbol or change, the is not a reality. and never will
people have chosen 1 throw bc...and Newt knows it.
t: ~:i!e ~ ; r : ~• youi:,uiog back from the
Then, 10 throw up even
most of the Democrats ou1 or
office, not just because the more dust, Newt brings . Up tion to tp.a1 big old° tuition Derne St. Deli wJlh my clastDemocrat's po,licics, but just public television. And if this "Price ii Right" gaine that the mates' food orden:, I found
mytelf inspired by wordt
isn't some big, political ad.miniJtr-.ion is playing.
for the sake or change.
Mooday momina I set from Ghancli. "OIN:h. su,p
Oh , and you want to bubble 1ha1 is waiting to buJSl
outtochllngethepolicylDCW. pwqina me". Or wa that
know why I think this? Well,
I marched on up to the 15th Shaggy from Scooby Doo1
I'll tell you...
continued on page g
I Beacon St. . I came
Anywl)', I nocded a Plan
The people of.ttus coun-

-. 0 .J( . WC~I" A.,r'-oA t.fC 1Nl.

'.,- S~t4~o:-o :~~;~·

uy cannot be Slupid enough

Wcll kid1. the time is to actually be listening seriupon u.i. This pall week ously to, and supporting thia


Tolenncc coald
many thin.ts to many people.
Debltec r-,c on any number bf subjects.from the liberal
to the oonservadve. Recent dcbales include 1hc latest
controveny in'thcClincon administration and the
questionina·of whetherthe president wi!I swld behind
candidate for Sura:con General. Others arc talking aboul



C. Self-immolalloa. ·
f W!OlC aood-t,ye Jeaerl
IO.Umyfalll. 11nellWUIIIII
lacer, ( . bad pieud -up my
"last Fraca... lllll-,.-s-1
to tbe spot I wanted IO •fie
all. 1bc one ,-:C .Ill Suffolk
thM IWWDCd .., the
&reed that ha
student 10 their 'knees. A
shining 1ymbol or e,;actly
wbat'a wrona with Suffolk
University'• adminiatndon.
That damn chandelier, lhat't
Aa I sal there, qu.Jetly
dousing myself with Ultn 94
octane unleaded; enjoyina


~= ~r~;~~~=,::

happy. All the cvcau of my
life had led to thlt poulL I
was at peace with inyaclf.It· was i n that moment
that I chk:lcmed out and went
back to the Derne St. Dell for
a W):e Italian with ever,•
Jt wu also that rnommt.
that 1 fo,pv,:. Forp'f-,..
tel1'. A.ntfrorpve dae ldtlatn-.
istntion. They caa'1 help ii if.
thty are are,edy hM&ank, eageroalytosuckwmmtlda,..
funilla of yet tlOOGS llaek.
They' re nmnina a Focoma1
here. Not a univmky with
obllptioo, 10 educaae and

~~;r;:;: .



mcot that J realiu:d I
:;:,.~ .
I can't believe I (cqot. You ·
louty undermsamen are op._
your own. If-you doa't waa1 ••
a wition lilkc; yoa to sit ~


contioucd oci, pqe

ByClntJa,n ~tllld ~ P l u -


TheSul'Coltloumal' Wodlleaday, Madi I, 1995

-("IJmtylOlnedtMayroo Loqmum_edforilalandmld<l993 ■ SHAW

- &..., ,.__ Nt 5
""Bc:ay bad a aaod IClipt when
C. Sdl-immoladoa.
I wrote ,ood-bye leucn
to all my tam.• Three minusa

later, I bad picked up my
. "last Fresca." and .... beudcd
to lhe spot I wanted to end it
al l. TJ:)e ooe pl,ce ac Suffolk
that perfectly summed ~p the
&reed that has brought every
student .to their knees. A
shining symbol ~r euctly
That damn chandelier, that'~
. As I sat there, quietly
dousing myself with Ulm 94
octane unleaded; enjoying
the feel or the wet, flammable
liquid'u ii cntcml every pore
or my body , I WII tiuly
happy. All the evcnu ofmy
life had led to this point. I
wu at peace with myself',
11 · wu in that moment
that I chickened out and went
• back to the Deme St. Dell for
a large Italian with everything.
It wu also that moment.
that 1 rorp~. Forpve myldf, ~ forpve the admitliatrati?'l. Thcycan"thelpitif
they are &reedy bucarda, caauoniy to suck workina ~
lbey' re a Fotomat
here. Not a university with
obliptioas to educate -and
improve the liv~ of their IIU·
denU. I fi nally could see
thM, c:ou!,d Id past my aaau,
ltWuaboinlhirmo· mentttiallrealiu.dlwua
senior, and w.owdn·•1 have to
pay the tuition hike L"l.)'Way.
I taa't believe Jforgot. Youlousy unden:laumcrt are on
you, own. ir you doo;t want
a tuition tilke, you 10 sit in

cootiaucd on pqe 9



fuwe, sbe'1aurctbateventulllyev-


Cf)'~ will


apin at the bar

shDllaled. .dida....-C-rewrilC ' VUJ.brief,winsomiccamec,uDiinc wbcre"~knowsyournamc.
·•just to·~ a n lbll,.e,ry pt&C. -Ownbcrs, her_
"Chctn'; chancter,.-. hd'. qllCltlbft llwhen. _ •

i n u e ~ o f "Fruicr."Shc aays

, -:- 'WeAli~vedthcihpw. ltwU

a-, •runnctlna
.-.-to ~~~,~~
ruirilllo~~~! - •.,.. 1
for it by l'IDDI
too 'oaly spcods '300...U~ • Y"' oa

llP,--•lampoomna- lhollillloves~bodf11uliarin1 s u c b a ~"coacludea

flowaslDd,aaoodluclc .... from



i - . ...,._ fllmml

· Ccmtillued from pqe,.,

in the Republican's faces. Whal the
bcD is wrooa with public televwon?
Docs Bia Bird embcnlc money? 11
Olc:ar mtkina bid in_vestJnellt dcciaioo,7 Or is /,ii. .


-u -·---

bepn. · lllocpllode."!mchalii>-..iBcbe
"BeaybadtoUYeUpenpccliw: Neuwldb•~•odw:tpeatloYc. soon. l'maure-it'Uhlppcnsorrieday,
Ulith. AJ for "Olcc:n,.. to which butDOlyet...
suuctive. BybUJtiaiPBS, youwould


:5:.V':i~t!~=~;_: .
be hwtin& all of the children that it's


'Book Review:

_• ~.=~:::r:: ~~~~

come up with before. We liked the ·
characters and could plAy these
people, but. at the same, we
~ IOfflf to haw: fun with Lhcm
. andthewboleoonccptofthcBradys

''Life t,essons

from the Bradys" pogrammmg bei;,.

iuliminmmethauiu. lbabinotriea



«1uca.., """


300 million that woul{ makc up fot'
"Be that lou. Hell, Newt would probably
asgroovypyoucanbc." (Tbcwofd use that money to fund some kiod or
"groovy " turn1 up a lot, aloe&· with ~u,
·hisbowdls•~~ • sUugling company
. '
, " "pad" and '"dia. j Some of
this will brina a amile of rccocnition
. That is · the Republican cree~I.
10 the initiated; bu1 at two ddbiu to a Encourage talk about" education and
paae, il becomes~ pretty quick. family .values, but when it comes

Anthony Rubino wasn't out or : ~ • : : ~

~ when .. :_ he Bllldy e\lOCb" 'funky/ it's 'all &op;tbcr' " aod
pmn.iered 00 ABC in 19ti9, but be
wl;' eventnally became. •booked on
Bradymania when pcrperual , y~~
cation tnnsfonned tbis .innocuous
sitcom' into a campy cult classic.
Now RubiOO, a cartoonist whose


in the '90s.
Movingon, LonghuJ>e,cnquite
busy1ate1Y:lmmedialely aftcrconi-


~ ~ r a d y:l\~~••"she fi~

: i - = ~ ~ e : ' : : ~ ~.: :

=:~~d°:!::1:: :
~:;:i-:~~ve= :; in

from tho Bnodys"
"freaky1 Friday~ The ABC-TV
. Subtitled ..Far-out Unauthorized
movie, io which younl' Gab~y Advice from AmeriCa' s Grooviest
Hoffman and LOna,_Swap pcrsonali• · TV Fainily," much of the guidance
ties, is set to air fn Ma)'. " It works 1w to do with apparel ('"Polyester
verywcll,"enthustfithe ~ '«drJ ~ J , f i j c n t,- f9rmal wear,"
~tbcrok:Barbara:Huriaplayed ., ~
-ifilrt:coUa~ &Je cor\ccmbJ,
Lfllle: ~ film. '1bCf' ve updatccr the bi&BC! the bend''), the opposite
~ story;' so the ~ r'is i single • sex <."~ '_ date _
crum~, or bolh
workingmomdealih,Swithni>oct}il• ("Ch~cks hlr.e to rap with guys in
dro)I a,QJ1 'tiot ':i.o yf,riood "fuolo;•"
. · • · • ,.,...
, ., -.i.·~#, ,· ~~ 1 •. ·
Unfortunately. 1his 6· -~ 4• .~

plW< doo't t: ,:· mo th'1 :~
first toughL· ThC true Bllldy-ph~e, 1 take Newt 1ind bis henchmen scrisuspec~ would demand more precise olisly.. Any pet50n with a modicum
of intelligence should be able to ,ce
Then again, the true Bradyphi.le riaht lhrough the republican's politiwill automatically know in Which cal ~ d.
·,qilsoW-w~ lcafflllll tb;at "'Jf Q_t,
Jones performs at your pr(l m, you
J Think.Mike Shaw is'fuU
can be sure the scene will be
ofit? Wiile;a litter to ·.,
the editor...
r,..9 ~ Bradys" .&;eI your voice-_ lieard!
will k .JJUPlished i11,:~ ) •


is syndicated in scv-

:=:.:it=; ;~~:.'."';'.;;)•.

lo the jokey inll'O, Rubino claims


~.:--;::.::~~i:i=:: "''.'So

the cold in favor of big b s"


South~~Students• percent on all state progran
Protest Cuts
with the exception or full

By Coll~e Press Service
ing for elementary and ru
COLUMBIA, S.C. _ With schools.
chaqtsof 'l~e'vi;gota votc,"
Thal would mean 1011
more than 250 students from of anywhere ; betwe
South Carolina's public uni- SJ00,000 to SI million
vcrsitica rallied at the State
Capitol buildjng to . pro1es1
cuts to higher education.
Brian Comer, student
government president at the •
UniversitY. of South 9lrolina,
says1 pqjit_c ians who
promileil propcny tax relief
while running for office lasl
November have turned to state
schools to provide the ncccs- '
::;_. reYcnue for those prom~ ""'_ _. , .

er. t e w cncvcrthcrcareculS lo be made.
1he budget for highcr educa1ion is the fint place that lcg
islators look."
StudenlS from 5CVeD pl.I~
lie universities converged on
the Slate Capitol alter ncy.ily
elected Gov. David Beasley
called for budget cuts of 5 .








BQ.PIKS··~ .::.,

~_ •


6ntlllll A\iOI) EXTR-'1_~ "MW All.Ill~ BY

N -.;.


. ARR1 v1NG. WE ARF"OPE'N MGH. ~ s. '~
8-6:00 A ND SAT. 9-2'.00.


.tc:,ws-n.-,-, T1..a.aYoont


. Ft .

:_ l


• ElMAJL&Banu!LP.Alll!I '

,'f/.&SnJOfAIIOlD~ ·

•~ T ° ' " '
-GablrM. •,a


· im_,.;.,.._

Continued from page 7

a tuitioo hike. y~ go sit in
front or ,tanks., lnvi1~ Tnicy
du.P!M" to campus,.for all t
care: Tuition is oow offi- ·.
cially youl' problem. Next
Sepu:mber, I'm aonna be"in a ·
Winnebago, visiting Psychedelic-land with my brother



have to flirt wid).cute Student
Accounta pcoplo anymore .
Uove the tuition lilkc. I
hope1cveryboay here at Suffolk baa to drop oui because
they can't afford io come to
school anymo,c. . I'd like ID
thint l waaoocofthelast!;hat
had to endure this asbestos
navorec1 been.
So.if you need me, l 'U be
over bcn paduatina. Let's
do ....... baby~

TheSuffolkloumal Wedneldly,Madl I, 1995

• .
-,~C'!hirty,omedw,g")Mayron Lona1<1uincdfori11landmod< 1993 ■-si!Aw'
-~Wlued from pqe 7
Clldaed &.I pap .S
finale,shc'isurcthat,eYeDIWdlyev~ W 1.,ad aaipt when
LonaalsorcccntJytumcdupina eiyonc will meet again al the bar in the Republican' s faces. What the

■ -.ADI'

shellllteclba16lap11D-G1Crewrite ~


hell is

WfOOa with

public televWon?

juia to·~

Does Bia Bird embezzle moncyl rs
~ dlll !YCI)' paae. Ownbers, her.""Chcers'! character, Thcq~ ts when.,_ .
cvaytinc.bldthll.1CUCofascnd- ipanepisodc;of"f?Sier."Shc siys
. '"WcaUlovedthcihow.ItWU Oscar makina bad investment ~i-•
aiOGS7 .Or is Mr. Ro,en ~funne.lina
upwilb,apcc:i.awnpooa!na-wilh sbcllilllovu~hadfl!D&harin& ,..,hapat~"coacludea

wtw'• the
wilh J(,ay ~ • ,Loos,"14oo't_.,..,,....IO money to ltit Conuu? ,Ovenu'Knl
deiJ iln? Tbc: federal

aft'-.•saysLoaa.who;;;..,,ed die--

. Oo-,atlduoodloi:l<-froio 'a odd•1lil"wll!.•ni<:emo,...1" io


only spindl ·300 ·nu'Ui9n • year .on

Hoedoli\),I belon, ftlmuoa bcpo.
"lkay bad 10 have dm .,...._ive
andvilicmvuy clellrty in mind.
. "The producon had it, and die

dlecpilodo.wluchllso-Bcbe fo<il by aettml~-,alo IOO PBS, IO trying to elinilnau: WI rund·Nouwirtb•Flasia'•- tbcrareat-, soon. ~m1woi1'U happen someday, ini would be nothina but 1elf-deo
Lili.lh:_ Ai •for "'Chcer1." 10 which but not yet."
wuctive. By lwrtiof; PBS, you would·•

'Book ReYiew: ''Life Lessons from the Braays''



lolofacditbccausel_histiadofthina By Kevjn Swemey
'ICIJly~'~been~. Thisisa~ . College Press Service

.yithony Rubirio wasn't out of

come up with before. We _
liked the
dwacters and could play tbe5C
people:, but. al the same ti,me. we
10 have fun with lhcm

prem~ 00 ABC in I~. ~I be
W8;1. eventually ~me ·hooked on

_.. '°"''

aodthcwholeoonQCp(Oflhc• radys

in the '90s.

Movingoo., Longha.sbeenquitc

d,iapera when " The ' B~y Bu'nch"




for i hiptter'1 deadpu irony"'With

whco pc,poru.i ,yn<H-

cation tran1fonnod this .innocuous
sitcom• into a ?ffiPY cult clas.sic.

Now Rubino, a cartoonist whose

busy~ly. lmmediarelyaftercom•

"Mr. College" UI syndicated in sev-

~f.:'B~r~ -'c#~~ fiiincl
f\W "


~ : :c=~!: ':i';

lOIDdhing LI

this w ~ a a 1mile of mcosnitioo
to lbc LOJtiated. but ll two tidbiu to a
page, it bccomel llalc pretty quick.
lll the jokey intro, Rubino claims

~~::u=~~cz:, :;

he doesn't give any information on
which episodes the life lessons were
.. Freaky Friday." 1bc ABC-TV
first taught.- The true Brady-philc, I
'\ movie, in ·which youna. .Oabl;ly
suspect. would demand more precise
Hoffman and LA:ma'swap pe:rs<>naJidocumentation .
lies, is set to fn Maf. 1t worts
Then again, the uuc Btadyp,bik
vcryWCll,''enthuscs~,dK, ~
c:ifJl-~fJ!eot f~:m~u,I wear," w}II au_
lomatically know in Which
tacklestbcrolcBarbtraHarrilplayc:d •. ~
· i.h1rt collars are concerned. · ep1.soctli· w1:; lea~ ~ t M Dav
bfdle~film.';t'hey' vcupdat~ the blgge! the better..), the opposite Jone, pcrfonns at. your Jirom, you
~ _,,:,.
t h e ~ ,.
• ex ("Don't date crumbs"), or both can be s ure the scene will be
so deal"
("Chicb like 10 ·rap with guys in ou1taaigln! •
wo ngmom
~c7 • -funkji. ~
• ¥ ...,..._~ CM!JU?SOOS fl9!!1(\hC Bradys"
~ .,'";1: y~e nd ~
Unfortunately.. \his 6" x. 4" -~
.•will J,e JJ¥lished in..~-) •

"Li fe Lessons from the Brady s"

such nua,ets 11 "Wbeo

'funky.' i1'1 'all tosctber'" and "Be
8$ grooV} p you CID be." ( The word
"groovy " turns up a k>t, a1oq with
t!=l<li," "pod" aod "dla.") Some of

(Plume, $6.95) _
Subtit1ed "Far-out Unauthorized
Advice from America's Grooviest
TV Family.'' much of the guidance
has to do with apparel f 'Polyes1cr





•£w»L & BlnwLPloSlil5
•'flou & STI/Olf Aao,J, PIOGWII

:~.' - : -~

MO,, ""'N R~TUR_
N1~S: &
fo PUlbjHER~
- .- . .





•!:f-6:00ANO ~T, 9-2:00.


i:ev 1HA1.. DA ,~

' ll.S~S Tit/'
ARRIVING.--~E AR£i'00 MGN. ~


~ttL v

- •8"-f.,00, Fkt •.

That is · the Republican creed.
Encourage talk about' education and
family values, bu1 when it comes
down to lhe green, they would rather
leave the kids and unWcd motben
out in the cold in favor of big business.
So please don't tell me that you
l,llke Newt iind his henchmen seriously. Any person with a modicum
of intelligence should be able 10 sec
right through the republican· s politi•
cal 1hroud.

Think Mike Sh@w is full

of it? Wtite 'a letter to

the N.itar...
~ t your voice be beard!

South~ina Students percent on al l State programs. swe funding for the
with the e1cep1ion of furid- public univcni1ics.
Protest Cuts

ing for clcmcntruy and high
By College Prcu Service
COLUMBIA, S.C. - With schools.
That would mean losses
chagtsof"WJ' Yegotavotc.,"
more than 2.50 students from of
South Carolina's public uni- 5300,000 10 SI million in
versities rallied at the State
Capitol building to protesi
cuts to hiaher education.
Brian Comer, s1udcnt
government president a1 the
University or South Carolina,
says_ Jh,at, pqlitician s who
promised propcny tax relic£ '
while running for office last
N~ cmberhavetume.d IO StalC
schools 10 provide the neces• ,
sary revenue for those prom•
"We want 1hc govern•
ment to realiu that college
sludcncs arc 1ircd of being
taken for granted," said
m~. 'tseems I cw enever there arc cuts to be made,
the budget ror higher education isthcfirstplaccthUI legislators look."
Student1 from sc:ven public universitiei: conversed on
the State Capitol after newly
elected Gov. David Beasley
called for budget cui.s of 5


OFF • :~
·- ·..

be huning all of lhe children that it's
program.ming belpl lo educate, and
there uc.n't many ~other programs
that tho republicana fund with
300 million that woul<t make up for
I.hat 1011. Hell, Newt would probably
use that money to fund some kind of
tu break for a stJUggling company


Continued from page 7

a tuitioo hike., you go sit in
front of .tanks. Invite Tnicy
~pman to cainpus, for all I

caire. Tuition is OOW orri- .
cially youl' problem. Nbt
~her. I'm gonna be in a
Winnebago, ·vi.ailing Psych&
delic-land with my brother
Andy and balf a bale of his
"w"-"<y tabdy"
I doo' I
have lo flirt wit.b ;;.t; Student
Accounts peopls anymore.

hoJ :v~~i=


folk ha to drop out because
they can't affOfd to come 10
school anymore. . l' d lik.c to

think I w11oncofthelaattha!
endure lhis asbestos

flavored barn.
So. iryou need me, I'll be
o.ver bcre lfllduating. Let' 5

doludl,babyJ "



state•~ aftertberally. "1'heieareonJy March.
so many hiti Wb Cli1 take."
Cqmer said Lblf. llildcnt
"Higher education bu
The 1U1e'1 HOUIC Wiy, aovemmeqt ~ wUL.uee
sustained so many bud~er1 and ~cu• Committee bu !11,iJlna~, ~ c:aUa ud
CUtl that-it aimQll lelmS ttD-1•• bqw1 Wodr. (191tbo flt'NWWM. .1rt; ina:IIW:,,~
~ ~
po11iblct,batthcywouldc;,omc --eutalliici.1bouldaa~t-Z~
10 us r« ,more." said Comer r« 1 approval 'by tbe end ot . budpt il_



The Sutrolk Journal


Wednelday, Mareh I, 1995

Students' Notorious Names Bring Attehtion' ■

Drdd Lee

1"' DaU, Iowan.



~ina-whllc,·- ·


me .


Univenity al Iowa


WodaNday, Mardi I, 1995

University Dateline

""" I'll•

Yet with all coaches, there


rives a time to halt musing over 1~·
ltlrt P~il!I for the 0

in jail?' tboy would Ilk me," ~ "put and ,

if I was named ·alter Michael,'' •Jor-

.=~o::.;_~~::.: ~~~"'l~nk~::i.:1~~~ ~~-~'!!: ~: -Yt'i~.~>:~hislq~

her- name· was borina, but clue.."
QOD. I'll &ive ·them·• smpid llllWCI'. " n:ca~thcirdiplomum~spnna,
litdy people act like &he's pulling a
Store cu.biers a1Wlys give him
"Stupid" it bow UJ :l~bmu • ~ t 1 .wcllaw!'!_Qf_
~ ~·fut OM .,..... ahe aip.1 her John probml, top, ~ Aid ,"J,can never R9bert $~piro dp,cribca• tfte' O.J. hll!-fo~ and has already begun
..,.rlcc a check w:itbout having them Simp100CUC,inwhich~l\ob- ,l~pr:cpaicfornextyeari_
I Sau~ ~her life hu changed do double' ~ " be iaid.
en Shit~i~? !• a •tar '!l.~mbcr ,of 1 • HccxpcctStwO-yea(~rMark
~•Sulia~framSoutbCaro. Altltough he is ~ y &Moy~ Sim~oa•s, dcfcue tcan\ •.
.: ,Boucha.rdtobeoncof.~veralplaylsna COllfaeod to ckownb:la: her two. wnh the namc. ·Jcnlan md he pu!J u
A lot bf pi,oplc 1.1y, 'So how~ en; to step forward DCJU ICA&OII in
~ boys "' k:din, them in her to good USC when be CM.
the QlSC iOfna?"' ho
cue . ~ofbothplaying&\•




' . ;::v~:nt!;i~ ~ 1:;ally Su• -chic~::.• h:
pick.up line for
Smith hu ~ i i ha.ule, Smith
One person who may not want to
U5C her name as a piclcup line is• Ul
"lwasordcringsomefoodoolhe senior Amy Fidler, whose 'troubles
phone while some employees with lhc infamOUJ "Long Iswatched the news (about the event)," land Lolita" incident in New York.
she said. "They didn 't believe me
"People think they ' re creative
when I said my-name."
when they say, 'How's Joey?·" she
Smith said she knows ~vc,y facet said. "Lllce someone hasn't done i1
of ~ case bcawc her fncnds have before."
ldt _~crous·.new, clippings abou1
F'1$her said she also docsn'1 like
the iocideril on h e r ~lN: first day of classes.
M sorority thinks it' s pretty
"I dread when they call auenfunny by doing that," she said. "I've dance," she said. "People are like
kept them all, too."
'WbO' s that?' when my name is
Uvitia lritb.tbe infamOUJ•name is called."
compounded .by the fact t.hac4South
Like Smith, Fisher also has a vast
Carolina's Susm: Smith wu ll)a!'ried collccdon of newspaper dippings
to a man named David, while the about the incident which made her
UJ's Susan Smith's father is also Infamous.
nanftiit/ Dl\'id.
" I got all the Amy fisher ~tuff,"
1 Overall, she . doCla't mind the sbe said. "People .actually call me
newfou.adattc:ntioa..'1thi¥it'&,prettY ijuUafucco. My boyfriend at the time
~ . " &he said. "'NOl mat1y Olbers wa., called Joey."
~ say the same dung about their
Fisher said trying to make friends
has become a challenge.
• Howcvc,, Ul Mkhacl Jo,"h 's really ln,Slraling when you
dfl~'! find much humor in his med somebody, and they dpn'l bentm w'fiich he shares with the lieve who you arc, so you have IO
former Chicago Bulls sw.
whip our an ID," sh& said, ..Even
· ; ~ ~ ~ : ; : ; ~ ~ =- =:;_~er =~s=ri~t~~~~e,,shortcrii,,reallifc.'lt&e11old.". :
All in all , when people make
DfmC.. they arc osuallj, aldng him jokes about her name, Fisher said she
how be got it, Jordan said.
uwally goes along with it


f-- ~="l.::· :

~~:J:,~ I don't care: I'd -:: ~n.1:: ~reshmanF.dHurl;yis~ot~r

15 111
Shapiro, who nonnalty"


a~ 1')'

Bob, said he uses his newfound

. in.~~
vtdual who Nelson
.;' sec
fame bnghter basketball days. Hurl~y

to make friends.
"When I godownlown on w~•
eods, I ffltroducc myself as 'Robert/
not ' Bo:lil.:_" he said. ~y'rc like.
'No!' ar!'t take out my ID and show .
1hem." . .
UI JUruor Michael Jaclcson was
unavailable for comment.

Back-up center J~n Woocen
underclassmen Matt Dwyer and
Miguel Fernandes will also be expectcd to be major contributers for
1995 _ scason.

' .
A benefit for children with AIDS

Uninvited Guest
With Nb Band
Soylent Green
Duck and Cover


Suffolk Uni~ersity's, &ilendar-0f. Eveo"ts

March,_r ~ 7, I995

J!....,iJ l/1
12:00- 1:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 ' 2:00
2:00 - 6:30

. \




I ,,
Last Day to Apply for May G~uatioh
Undergraduate Financial Aid Application Due for 1995--96 School Year
B.L.C. Srudy Group-Statistics ~O
•. \...B.L.C. Study Group - CIC~ 112
B.LC. Study Group - Aca>uotina: 322
B.LC. Study Group . Economics 212
B.LC. Study Group . Accountin1202
B.LC. Study Group . Physical Scicooc 2
MBA Job Fair · Open to all Graduate SOM Students

March 3, 1995

.,,,·1u11 u.1n t.'l•,.;)111.1l 1 •

1:00- 2:00
1:00 • 2:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00 - 2:00
1:00- 2:25
1:00 - 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00-2:3.0 ,
1:00- 2:15 ·.
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:30
1,00-2,30 ·
1:00- 2:30
1:00'· 2:30
1:00- 4:00
3:00- 4:00

12:00- 1:00

B.LC. Study Group. Chemistry 212
B.LC. S1udy Group • Accountina: 322
B.L.C. Study Group - Accountini 202
B.L.C. Study Group - Economics 212
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting
CLAS Dean's Meeting
lntimilte Images: Photographs by Eric Myrvaagnes
Learning Disabled Support Group
Election Convention Spc:c:ches
History Society presents.the movie!ilm::t.
lnternationaJ Student Association Meeting
GALAS Meeting
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Archer FeUows Mcctin·g
. .
HR Training Session: Using the Magic Moment for Coiiimunication
Ecoriomics Association Meeting
JJ,.LC. St1;c1dy Group - Physical Science 2 ,

55 Tempi~ Street




PE.MAU VOWNTEERS who are currently bulimic, age 18-45, in

&ood medical ~ and not taking medications (including on.I conu.ceptives). arc 10U&ht for a study being conducted by the Beth Israel
Hospital Psychiatry Research Unit
Eligible participants will receive $60 for the acrcening visit and an
additional S125 for each of two overnight stays ot the Clinical Research
Unit for • study on the effects of amino acids on blood tests and
paychologicaJ ratings.

"Sawyer 1134

P-430,'..~B , ,
- 6 U•
Ridseway 400
Sawyer 427 &. 429


·.. s.W)Ol'm
SaW)'Clf llCNt", r

Economics Dep~nt, '20 Ashbwton Place

....... . ,



• : v •JJ LJ'


Sawyer 430'' '
C. Walah'Ibeatrii I

8 .LC. Study Group • Accounting 201
Suffolk Palooza 1995

- - - -- - - -- - - - 'c.f'--- -'::

\I .
j .,

Student Government Association Elections
8 .LC. Study Group · Statistics 2S()


· Tieket_s on sale at ·ptograni Council ,
· · · · office and WSFR. ,

Sawyer 1138



C. W&Ish:Theatre
$4 in aqvance, $5 at the doo,r

Hyncs Coaveodoo Cemllr



10:00- 2:00
11 :00-12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00- 2:00
1:00- 2:00

7:~ _



+ - - - - --·~One-4!'!:<..:o~f..!Me!!an!!!!L.)'.______--l-- --l-- -~IIIIIIIL.~- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -B.L.C. Stud y Group . Chemistry 212
3:00- 5:00
1\vo Less Feet
8 .LC. Study Group • Chemistry 112
6:30- 8:30


1:001:00 1:0IJ1:001:001:001:00-

2:00 ·
2,30- .

l:,I P- 2;3!) -..

1:001:00 4:00-

2:Mlc •,-·:, ·

- B.L.C. Study Group· Acoounting 322
B.LC. Study Group - Economics 212
B.LC. Study Gioup • Acco~tlng 202

Student Govc:qimcnt As.sociation Elections
SOM Clwrs Met:tif!'
Student Govcinmcnl Assoc:iadoa Meeting
. 8 .L.C. Study Group • Chemistry I 12
' i;J.LC, Study GroUp ").J'hysical,Scieooe 2
B.LC. Study Group · Swiltics tso
B.LC. Study Group- Accountin& 201

Pr.ograro Coti•cn idcci_ina··

CLAS Dean's.Meeting

. P,_IJeg~,l!~bM-


;., If.

l:lispanic~ioa~.... 111

1., 4 ,-

Black Student Uoion Mcdiog
Beta Alpha Pii Mtetin& '

B.L.C.·s tudy Groull-".°"ffldUY 212




- ......

·" •· ~ . .
University's•Cal~ndar of E~ents

t\ia Application Due for 1995-96 School Year





cou.ntina 322

Sawyer 1021

,sical Science 2

Hynes Convention Cealer

~I Graduate SOM S1udenu

Sawyor 1138
Sawyor 1134
Fenlon 430 "-.f;.B ,

:mistry2l 2
countina 322
counting 202
nomics 212

1phs by Eric Myrvaagncs
rt Group

Penton 636A
Ridaeway 400
Sawyer 427 & 429
Sawya- 1108 ,

,ciation Meeting

ng the Magic Moment for Communication

fn>msucbdacouraaia1 klues,




CMD, Qnc.lleaoon

Economics Dcpanmen1, 20 Ashburton Plaoc

rsical Science 2

:oun1ing20 1


If a 1CUOO ooa.ld be mcaswed
oaly in ot pe,-i ICbicvc-. Ibo 1994-95 - · · bukdball acaon woald be one of the
most ,ucceidu.l in rccen, ,poru:
m,;mo,y. Bur alu. • uy avid atbJctlc ,... • Indy ,ewonling
......, . , . . . _ . . _ _: And


Pc,i, bepmen. dlCft: WU cepter
will an,:tu.e in M_y) notchiag his


goodforllllllhoaSu&ll<'ull-timc .
also seniQr
forward Ride~ whose 19 points
in the ICUOII conclusion apiosr
Nicholl College put him secood on
the scoring·ifl!X:x with a grand total
of 1658.

scoriiig list. There


lemll • - . this past hoop season·

Chris Toglia, a player ':Vho commenced the season in the-shooting
spot. but then. had to 611 a void
uncxpcctingly in mi'd-seasoo, when
regular point man Jake Mikalauskis
had 10 dcpan from the team for per-

play. Uafortunm:ly,'ncithermateriatuod, "!'<I this 'dapito,d,o·~ ·



·"Toilia nccdcd lo
refocus lo become a shooting ~d ·

sonal reasons~

Nelson. ..He did it in ·an all-siar

Seniors Dave Mcl.arcrfand nm

sea.wns forthcltum, ~ -bolh may
have been wrongfully shuone.d in
tmns of.immcdiale credit because of
a lack of gawking

camer statistics.


:misuy 11 2


And lhetc was also seoJorpard

may have been sotneWhal discouraging.
-rhisleltOD. wasd.isappointiag
to 111." echoed Coach Jim Nelson,
"'became with the nucleus of veterans dm we had, we expected 10
pcrfpnnsomowhalbettcr." .
According 10 Nelson, the Rams
fell shy of two specific pre-ieasop
accomplished.· In shon, the coach
dcsucd to see an overall .500 record
tutncd in by his team, as well as: a
return lo post-season tournament




finale, in whit _ become
almolt i. game ritual, ~ Rams ·witoeued yet another oppoaeal reach a


;]itJntc:a Lobby

ciation Elections


•. Sawyer.,


~ Sawye,430


! $jlwYot 430
,.. Sawyor 1021

X>~t!ng 202

N"icbols' 8111 Celllm tallicdn points,
giving him over ~ 000 for bis

By a,u • ...,



Nichols (1 1-1 1).

. oflbo yoa;, '


. Fl;.scmonhelpedputlhoMl!'I

..... , ... 11:

· Rici.Ace. T,m--._..,"'Vielra . S-lioeduuwsev<illuallymade


au doaocd Cbeir Ram jeneys for a up the four-point differmce of vicliaal , . ud . . . _ _ _ _
, . .timc,. . .ford1.,ol<e of l'ahm: iory.


squealred!'>'NkllolsCdlep90-86. 27poinls(18fn>mlhr,e-point...,.~
"Nidii>b'a.ko-ruo,bul wbileTosliatumedin23. Suffolk
we Weft Ible to CCNDe . t OYell' finilbed tbc ICaMJill ridiq: I tine-

~iofooualioo ...aylCbocfuted°""""'.;.;,dayoflho '•.

.. -

I. UMus-Dartmoutb (21-3); 2.
FitcbburJ SL (21).5): 3. Skidmore
(18-3-l); 4. Framingham SL (IS-6- ..
2); 5. Faidield (18-7); 6. Tufts (13- .
5-5): 7. Assumption (12-10•3); 8•

• Fora,oodportionoftlicCOlliest,
.ontbc1DC11'sba:blbal.t~sea- limcwithou1thcatis(actiono·f•win.
soa lul Tuesday, ud oa a pmdcr Aft£rleadin& by six at Ibo broak, the
.scale, closed 0111 fornu lheir Suf- Rams padually fell behind, before
Bd Hurley sank a bucket with one
. Daw: Md.lnm, ,Orio Topia,' mnalnln1 .IO tic the score. .

iuoµn,20 1



. -·.··

ECAC North-Central-South playoffs.
Here are the scbooiuhll did mike it
~ chc::ir respective records and seeds:

Five seniors·ieave the
court forever 'as victors



a tp...notc from }'UcsdlY's


=--=~ _

- • • uiil ~ Jim Ne1ooa -vai,y-lOapiU.....0
. oo bis squd'• ftaol .,...._ reimlio 11-14.






·bldmdua) accolades brighten the.Rams' se&SOn

we-, Mann& 111116

~ :::::


Volume 53, Number 19

If a acuon could be measured
oaly in of .,......i achicYC·
mcat. tbca lbc 1994-95 men's butctball 1e111011 woaJd be one of the

will graduate in May) notching hls
1000th career point Oft Jan. 15, bcfococoocludmghiscarml""'> 1219.
good for ninth on Suffolk's all-time
scorin& list. lbcrc WK also senior
forw,u:d Rick Ace, whose 19 points

SGA-election convention- stage for election week

- ----'==='-'-----

moat suoccpfial in recent sporu

BMoon ... l l o l l o n , -

fives and incredulity, his uacrtloa,
near 1bc' end nf his •~h, that

ej lloo Vieira

memory. 8~ alas, anDy avid athJcdc tu knows, , truly rewarding in the season conclusion against
year can only be achieved when the Nichols College put him second on
......, ........t - -. And the scoring iodeJt with a grand total
of 1658.
tcnos II least, this put hoop se&on
And there wu also senior guard
may have been somewhat discour- Chris Toglia. a player who comaging.
mcncc4 the season in the shooling
spot, but then had to fill a void
unexpcc:tingly in mid-season. when
"'because with the nucleus of veter- regular point man Jake Mikalauskis
ans that we had, we c:..pectcd lo hod to de pan from the team for perpcrfonnSOmewhalbctter." .
sona] ~ns. '1'oglia needed to
According 1 Nelson, the ~ refocus to become a shooting guard
fell shy of two specific pn:-seaoon andaplay-makcr,"conunenl<dCoach
objectives be was dctcnnined to have Nelson. ..He did it in an all-sw
ICOQmplishcd. In short, the coach fashion."
dcsiredtosccanovcrall ..SOOrccord
Seniors Dave Mcl...aren"and Tim

Candidates for Student Governmen1 Anoclatlon (SOA) election
flocked to lhe Sawyer Cafeteria on
March - to .outlioc lhdr polidom on
student Wues in anticipation or this
w~•• voting.
While many uoopposed incumben11 reiterated a them_ of SOA ae
pericncc u reason enough for continued support, newcomers and othcrs, involved in the few SOA p01itioos thaJ were contested, placed 1pccial emphui1 on iuuQ: ranging from
lhe recent tultinn increase to the
unlverilty-J rccydina proara,n.
An lntcm.i.fled focu, OD lhe is1ue1 wa1 e1pccially evident in
speechl!t offered by the candidates
for lhe
of i998 presidential

Bean alsochumcdout fine individual

After 11re11in1 her impre11ive
JlllC,Odlnce record with A Cristina
, L.enare,,cwrmt~oftbeCl&SI
of 1998, bc:pn the round of clectonl
speecbcl wilh ·a descripdon of her .


~.,- -




dedicated players," said Nelson of
Bean and McLaren .



~nfonunaLely did not qualify (oubc_ __ _ _ __ ••m•:~:v~•~m,~:;1..:::i1hme~tl-

a lack of gawking career statistics.

of Incle men me exuemet;



seasons forthc·Rams,and both tnay
have been wrongfully shunned in




~1:1::e j;,i:i~basRan,7:i~ ~tc~:~•s~a;:~~:h 1. ~~~o!


As a side ooce from Tucaday's


ncued yet another
reach a (18-3-1); 4. Framingham SL ( !5-6ltati5tical milcatonc. On this evenina, 2); 5. Fairfield (18-7); 6. Tufll (13·

:•;f:~•· =.~<=:'!' ;'1.:2;:,-•~~; t~~1?1~~~p<J•• 112-10-,>: •·

Fi,;e sem·ors leave the
~orever ·as Vlctors
· · ·· ·.
COurt U


.. "By Ryan



of the year.
itappearcd asifSuffolk'ssenicxquin-

Fivesc.nio,s helped i,utthc wraps
oothemcn's~reguJ.J!season last Tuesday, and on •araoder
. "'1e, closed ouc forever their Suffolkcareers.

tel might trol off the oou.rlfor the Itit
Aftcrleadingbysix a!_thcbrcak.thc
Rams gradually fell behind, before
Ed Hurley sank a buckec with one
Due McL&reo. .Cl;w Toalia; 1D.DWe remaining to tic the score.
RM:kAce. •'!"'Be..aiii!Mike-,.iclra - Suft"olltf=lhrowscvellhiallylllldc
all donned their Ram jerseys for• up the1 four:-point difference or vie•
final time, md for"'° akc of run.. ·uxy.
' squemdbyNichobColle_l<90-86. 27poinls(l8fromJhroc.pointrugc),
.. Nichols'madcastroaarun. but while Toglia turned in 23. Suffolk
VIC were able lo come back even· finiihed the liCUOD ridin& 1 three·
strooacr," said C.oach Tua NeJsoa· pmc~ltrellctoupitsoverall
no Ins IQllld's
IOCOfdioll -14. . _


"Cristina lwa.'1doac anythina" about
lhe recent tuition increuc i1t1pired
dJabe.licf within IOfflC . and anae, in ,

, •

Lenarcl respoodcd to Ille Maleu.s
auertioo caimty, uyinC "I'm sorry
t1w: Jocet)'G Jeh that way lbot.1: lhc
tuition i.acreue, ' but u far u rep11►

sentadon of the fra:hman clau, I feel '
I've done my best." _
Nevcrthelen, quesdo,u later
p0ICd to Maleus from lhptical Ddents indicated that iome ltUdeG&
were , till anacred by hi• blamina
lenatt, (or tbe :tuJ_
UOII ~ All ~
dcnf;!fied 1tudent, after quadOIUq
Maleui ~ hll IW8l'CIIICIII ol tM.ld1etioa· l)'l(eml rdallq to lllldeat
activitiel, WU later iDv~lYod ia .,
inteuc ao4 ~ b a t llc:aled clia-, 1,

with _.._•·•
, -•-


Ventlon ended.-:.·

only other contcstod poa~
lion. that of the Cua cl 1991· vice

president. had a ao-tbow iD Kyrium .
Kallllzidit . The ab1eace of
Kalaitz:idi1 i1 t i ~ becwe lhe.

= °:~•::.i~ .
the beat and water bubblm fi.:..ed."

- - -=-- - - - team

~ ia

boob." ~ . CODCerned

lack-oflwdcnt input. ~aWcd lhlt

lludeaLI waJbd WOllp the CkJthea.

SO~he rcmainina contcader, Aa-

"--.J!uina atudel'ltl 10 .utilize SOA w~ a

comin1 a ltgjthnate candidate for

~":,~,.:-'= · : : . . 8 t : : ' = = • T =

walked away 11


tboQy· ~vero, _
pl'O'fid/cd ltUdeatl • .'llat: lplCill wmb o( Ill wen • la al,;litioa to, fin& ,aace ia die
withabrieftpeechvoiciqhildaire feacwed ill the ICICcmdaamaal GMbk O\'mall IOallllmellt, Wd at llollGD'I
~ ..~ ·.., aerve • ·vice prai- 1pouorod by Suffolk University's ~ CciDep lllmday, Maleh 4,



ixto:::·oppooem, , ...,,. MoJeus..~;:. ~..=;~.,.:~...:; !.i~
~;;:""''' s.-.._~'1:.....P~~..

::ei::=:j:::;,,': :!. nue
Cited 111 .increae in awdeill IICdvily

to be


YOlce m.

blaloslo.....,..,._r. ..

Four available c. 0..<11911 _ _ _ _
tlvepnsl-fn, ... . . . . . . . . . . - dnalded .,,_ ........ _ . , _ place iD die P'Olt ~ , . .


.......,_tldd--daca· .......... ·

wtD ,o
&kym<bdn,IUldno snotlntlleir unlilspoclolelectionsn- . . . . ~ - - - -. , -·- ·
- ;• Maleu, outlined In• per- !be fill...-. ,
..,_, ~ - - """'•plaaofoedoa'.
Allbnap,.,..,t ... , . . _ . • ~
- To'ac:tmon:mcney~to ... . _ _ ... _ _ _
- - - . . . -. . . . - - .
llll,i, fc.-tbeO-ofl997-~ - - . • 111111.~
let S"1follt IIUdenu ""!"'duo"'°

..d lftcr-dumet...., lftd ,&im

..._......ldhlii,j ......

- M a r y ~ ........


ac.........!!'- ~ ~
,.,__ - ~ ......

·saiil u 11e waaW • l'reddml1· Swdenu 1bcir bell\~ we0 • . . tb. ...._ ~
-...._ ... ~ ~ , . _ .
SoipaulW10o· I0.1_11Ycat.He 1-sbou<-McaaMl,o• - < I ~ ~ ... ....._........ _
... Colo
o1so.._,.iu_- w h h teadodlOID""&lf_ .
·- - • - - • plooodddnllll,.._.. . _ _
llloldrA. . .
flaiollodllolnlinn,'ftY,.. fGr lllfRlk: ....... a . Cius of 199'7, .espNINCI ccacaJ1 Woatell.
. . . . . . . . .._

;!:.~~ - : .
in i,,tdac -

,...._oad __ .,..


==..i~-=:.:..-:: MA.....,... ___
~--2 ___





-.c:..ia.-. .. .-Jecl

_..,. .. _,,dis. . . . . eatlluted 50,000 to
. . lllllin art WCllb. She added


~ - - ... 3
