~ bats i'8 way
Journal and WSFR em
I.a pre-scuons puc, the mcnts
baKblll team wu without a auffi:
ciCIII fcility to booe ill battina &tiUJ.
The squd's annual QCW'POll to the
s....wae S&Mc wm usually when the
.-,.S WOllkt let •Y wif'.lltt kinks
So when Co.ch Joe Wal&b wa
able IO pt bk Rams some ample BP
a1111opdmiltic,overbisteam's c.ty_ . otl'eme. And now, wkh ~
111111 ...,_. beta delivered. itrcr«IMbe I i.ore appropriate IC:ml.
t, 4tPbr darfoa their 1evcn-11mc
Plorida road trip, Suffolk players
clONCld the plate (are you sitting
downT) a'aow of 16 time:&. Yes. 86
ti-. Do you think use of this
CICOily will become a fixru,e in the
won the game on the strenath or
'"This was our biaaest win in
three yr;aa," u.id Wlllsh of the 12-9,
10-innin& victo,y. '"This WU a huge
wia.forus. Wchitlheballalltripand
we weren't aoin& to stop. I have to
aay though, my heart was in my hand
dwilla lhe ninth innina."
Suffolk returned to Boston with a
~I OYerall record (their only blcm•
Reaina) and in thcfr Nortb-o(-thcMaonDiionLlneOpcninaDaylbey
stifled <Jordon College 7- 1, uppina
their ·scoritla total to 93 ruru in eight
So their offemivc numben have
been ju. tbal. offtt11lw, yet Wlllh
still desires to elllb!iah a decent pitcbiq pm~ " When we're tbtowin,
ltrikcs we' re aoocf... be said. "Wbca
w~~ Tonnis teaor hopes to make some racket:
eventually like to win :m\ 3- 1
I _~
TIie Rams opened their tripad dlcir "'-veliq ICOrin& showapiuc' Hllilu Colle&o in the SL
PetcinbutJIC)cuwater area, where
dla pla)'ed moa of i t s ~
i t . . . ia a ,._. pme enterina the
.,...._ Sllffolk scored six more
dam ...., HoaaD bef<WC the 1ml
• . . called, IJ'MWl& the Rams an
1l ◄ "6clory in tbcii South-of-the. . . . . Db.011 Liae Opmina .DrJ.
followina day S.ffolk du·
· pin&-4Jp "for
picc:hin&•wile. then. I
think we will be okay."
l!I the opiDiom ofbocb the playAnd several playenhaveatcppcd- en and the COIChcs, the 1994 men's
up lm1I far, much ti;, Walsh's likin&- tennis MWOD may have ended a little
Sophomore Rob Foumiu (7 JP, 7 pranawd.)'. At leaa for their comK's, I ER VmuJ Gordon; retired 20 biaed liking.
lfl a row vcnus Fi1ebbulJ) aJ junior
After ~ the ya,- with a
Steve Loud (9 JP, 8 K's, I BB w:nus rocky 2.-t record. Suffolk would reel
Salve Recinahre two such spccl- off five comeomive vic:toriea before
droppina their final match of the
"As Iona U the bau keep &oin& ~ I O ~ Co0tec- Tbe' bn:il
we' re going to &i¥e • lot of tclml a had 1oobd IIDdd'eaaltillC and in the
toughtimc.,. Walsh1Unnised. "But eyaofmM1yievolvedwitbdieceam,
we're still aoina to need that pi1elµnc the• 1994 IC8IOG coalda't have c:ondepth.
eluded at• more inappropriMc time.
"Thetc'1 a lot of l ~ p OIi
Coach fticb I.evcuon'1 team did
tbit ~ aod lbesc CUYI fflllly bo- illdoocl Clld lat_ -.oG qiu1e ~ y.
nua ~
· blrdly ebbed. ~
by ju.flle' Dmwin -Hoffla!l,dez who
chabblDd two' HR'1, the Rams woo
.n;, by a 6aal r,l 9-2.
.::;: ::-1.:.:..Saffs: ~~~~°C~~::
. . . (21-6) and ~ Stilt
c.o11tt (17• 11) bet-. ~ up
9-8 lou to Wcat CoftDocti.
c:utStaleiatbeECACplayoff1). We'll
hi New ........ llley'n: cm, of the
"MOil or lheae players DOW haVe'
ether for almost 1111:ee
lcvCIIIOD said. "'They have been
and lhey mi&ht be able to him thole
close lo&se1 around this scuoa."
Two inte&ral pa,u to the Ram,,
tennis macbiDc arc partners Tim Kane
and Roo FaUon. The duo combmcd
for a jaw--droppina 40-S record last
spring. •The looe aenior oo the 1cam
is Rodrigo Meodc:r., who balls from
Oill.e. l..ut yes Mendez WU named
for his Olumndiaa Coouibutioo ' to
themCD's temris propam• .
Alooa with Pioleodez., · Suffolk i1
brimmina with other' international
talent. Yuan Shureiddl,from Jor-
ciao i1 maklns a r e a ~ e. u
e!:=~ ~
;::- 8-:;n~.e:.
Ania,d dtc C-,,■
Ollllp(9-5).· Wora:arSWcCoi-
c:ar,yoweriatolhilacuoa. Aaood CUt9Celare0rqoryO.CO.ud. Arr
portioD or lbat 7.5 team ~ last
'YC#lf ll recmnini ad _
f!Otbd'lldl year-
.-apowc:rflllUMalll.owdltqaad. dcflaitdy be tbc:rc apin lhu:
..,__. ii DIX Ollly ol tbe lop lmml , - - - ~ - - - - - = - -=,L-.JL-_ _;:.;__;__ _ _ _~
~ J Sharp. who comp1aneot DCW·
comcn BH1 Dowacy a tnnd'cr Crom
Qidulp)ac CoUq:e, and franan
Tony Mirotiuoi1.
Widl a favorable miuu.rc ~ both
.. - ■ •-•"OlidWIIIII.
WJilmlhe1995--UICUOllbq,n~ ,leeW--)all .... _,,..... . . . . . .,1- ■
.... 1...... .....boHom ol tbc niath
. . . . . River Hawks bc:f'Cft they
. . . . . ICCft ud was ni:ac:cJ feet
........... occuioa dllouah, it .
_ . . . . . , _ .... _ . . ,
WU jUll nae. win away u .or 3124. Meanwhile, rootic IOft:braU COIICh
a.t.tim Carr WII in lelr'eh of her fUII metl' Suffolk vic:torJ.-Tlle 36
pmcslbemca'1 ~amwillbepla,-.dm . . . fldle.,_eftl'
lormySulrolr-.. Allat--willbe..,lllo...i...........,.c.r
with the IOftbaU tcam 'lbit IP'UII ii bcr PIIC:f, Ka11eJ c.n-. Kc&y will be
will be a sooc.t yes...
1995 ._....., S - , (31
. ...... -
'lictoriashyolreachlq200forhilcareer. WkbMt1t1e 0 17-t
mn. Wlhll
Mpiaa the '95 ,quad can COlldmae
~ the ' SM l(flaad wu doiq be1ue
the seM011 Dltimetdy coded. "We
Hip-··---- -··--"'"' ~-------------------'h¥
,.. _ _ _
lhoori,iioal...S.......,.,,, _ _ - · - - - , a local ' publicllion lhM tervCII the
Boone betiewll tblt the name cl
local P t, commw,hy.
tbtmaurial. Yiolaa the ,pbit ol •
Tbetfint lu, - • 10:4e a.m., cea11y . . . . - . . - , cti11ri1,.
_bad,.....,.ol a molecouplcldlaina u1Cd10("""" maoba,, lbll-1'----=~~;;;;.:==~;;.,;;::a;:;.i;;;~....,;;.,;,.,.._
atap1Q111,wilbdaeimaipciDll"We'n: the IIJUvcniry'a aciediac:babwd•
lbotladalp)'llblljuo(Jam1""aal policy; Tllo policy 1jJOCif1ca11y •
Oel Ibo ma&I"
----- - Ila;"'""'°"""~· -
;,.-:;.,;;::,._,...:::: ,::•:,.":! -:;,~,.":w::. .
OW' wort at the YMC
really showed,'" u.nden&Mcd
PfWIIIIIN, ~ 1!'cre
iocluded .,.,..., . , . _ , at mo1e
.,.. em"" atlho . . _ ,
genitalia and bomolexual rclatiom, Cculey. echoed Mc:Oa11oq1i•1 .....
aa March 29, ~ the cf. timc:nts,aa)'inc"'l'billQflolllilll . .
fendin1 imqcs bd'"to the radio 1'11> place cilbcr • the J ~ or•
11adoo''s office u1in1 the rax ma- ·WSFIL Al the main media 09tlea •
cbineloc:Mmin 11teJ"""'°' office. suffolk.wcbod:lacedto•••Tbe,oply101bo~,iioalluinchldod ample, Ind lhil
ish being a 10-7 Ktback to Salve
W"1 dliok
JOURNAL fflll'f'
Mn-Rellcher's J.Nn homer in the
office&, by individual, within their
organizalioo1••, ·
Nit diaappoi.au me Md maka me
lndividuah working ror univcr- very U&1}',.. a.aid WsFR Ocneral
aity media CkMScu: were. the foa&s of Maa,..c:rU,a McCuJJoup iat .ruc•
■uetilioo wlthbl the: pMt week, u
tioa .to the.incident.. '7bc fax m,-- ,
uruvcr,fty offlcials lcamcd from The chine it not auppoacd to lllCd IM
SM/foll Journolabout • series of pctlOllid 1a,.. abo llid, ~ to a
offer11ive and conlrovenial ru lip p:Jlled ~ file: smcMnc. Sbe
komm unic ~liops between SIi/foil abo ~ coaecn M dm iadFree Radio (WSFR) and 71ie· Slflfol.lc dent wouJd damap dlll repmdoa ol
the radio l&ation. oae Illa shc ha
The 1Df4rnal,aftu reccivina two · beeo .worttna .hard.to rebuild ewer
faxes from WSPR' s machine, that the pat year.
and tossed the winning run out at lhc • <.
plate. The Rams escaped me inni.na
with no funber hurt .IIMf eventually ,
IColley...SOriodoe _
David Leuenou fame, that bad •
dnowmg of mole aa,ltalla .,pcrim.
n ••
L 1 • ...-_
Do /o,u,,aJ '~ telpoolC WU tO ba:Me WI 1111w 11111 ... el . . .
l u l b a o - - - ~ - .....~ - ... comiatiDa ~. pbolosl;lsli of bow . .
·worii "t"'!7. wfiaa\ O!I ll.
----~ ___
. .,,~ .
,,.., __
,·. ·.~.JIClioiiN,IG"°"
_ ....
of.._ •
,. ,. . . . . . . i
,~ 'Dw.'CllarlallooOa,.
i,, ...
• - . - ...
1k fun •coald' corublly k
people IO
nor,- - ......
.... poopla.
Ma.ill, ~---Ckf're
Repaca&ati~ca froai .... . . .
dc111 orsuiutiou voiced atroq
ooadauetioa of tJie dutributioo
of aucb material, wi~in their
One~ the . . . . . .__ bebbid
... jua:l ~ to come to play...
........,. polidao . . . . o, di•- l o D r, _ _ __ loabd•-AD<1-.11ow
topped tbefu, while a baUooa a1,ovc :
the character's mouth~ .. You Hcrraclkmao·dle--=-ofOGalO
s. arn1 o lmpoJ.·
=:..:.=: .. __ ,...,.._?
__ .,. ....
oricelllioe" • ii , . _ 10 "lbc -
, of ........, _ -_- ..._...
m.ioittndcm ol,
- pallci,a._
iirr" a pat ·o1
.,.. ____ ..,._ .,....;;c._
. __
,... _,,..,._ ... -n,,_c....,,.
""'............ .a. ~ -.., .....
1.....-. .. .,. .......,...,..,..,__ •• . .
........... ................... ,uh-
••--.--.. . ..,
By Colleae Pia, ScNt
CHICAGO - Couple,
loday are likely IO'bc <
•topllloatiiii:cw-...aap .....,. 10 ead Cllcm 7 cu pad< . . . . . . . . _ _ _...,.
CAMBIUDOl!,Meu.(Cl'S)-'Eco, plyllalas ... due"io""coun,
,_., M1W1 1re .._ -
' - . ,.,._. -S wiral froa
.ct-.. to foel bcamr."
Aldlou.p die price may accm
hiah, ..._. r -·ilill wonbwlli1e.
....... -- .... .,.._,_..,....,;"""
MI . . _ . IO Joli --.: ...,. vice
.... ...,_
thM't prowided,'f lhe
. . . . . . . . . .1. . . .
..... - - . ..
~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - ~-~ ~ o m a r e
..... - . . _ tbo--..iuoc ........
.. .;::1=:; .. _--~
..... _."'"""_ .... ,... . di-·
- - - - . . . . - - i..11'-.-.tofooll .... lycenmw
..... -
.... - · ·
'Kai... ..,. .... fools ...... ;,
~ 10 UP Kaine Brett more to lier job dwi jldt helping
M'........... llas tried Student rdu ttudeau' fflaldca.
....... ..._~dtedDapy
Wlien abc alves. ffilHIIC,
ndy W111ita.
Kmam iDvica adtats to talk with
...._l...,donc(witbmy..., bcrabcml U)'Chb,a. lfthcy prefer to
-1ll'ollmybodyead-hed ..,,.U....tboop.llhcdoo,°'""'
. .....--o1-..,,.. -ID- .Kni&ht (eds moat •uc•
motnhia I WM Mly
liali.ir-• ft:lucd."
IO come IO
pU:y... .
... _ _ _ _
.11le 0rey-.t ~ lac. ii I
be added:
. Kalpi·• rtnt 101.l ia to make
. . . _ fed coaafonable.. $lie explaillltt-111pn wbal ii i~"!l'-...ll'l .
.....,_ ~ u d fet1 • ~
ceaflll wbea abe'can rdu-a lhldc:at
so much ma lie or &be ra11a uJeep•
~ 'bigal compliment to me
i, . wbea .aomcou not only faJl1
_....,bucallodrools... .a.cuya.
.Multicultural Se~
noo-pn,llt .- ell _ _ _
All ol - · How 2.l • • . _ ,,_ d<,t
............ ..,1.cme~
.,_,, ... even briaa:facililimlO~f« .... 'lbo
. 'ft
-. --::;~
out ol ffQptiaaa.. MA ii tho IDOll.
" ' -· . . " ' - ~ i o t h S .
Tonw-m..U.ob- ltiodol_,_.,_, ...,
birtlldays,1 'i "'
lrldidoully uadcnablcribod moat lllldeatl .... !I MIid ~ I
H.....i Uolwni"ty ...,... (tbo --1,- ~ uld. ·
10n and leaChiq (dlowl have folSc:hlaNbeq's'-ffien. for • clau
lowed tbc lead ot ~ e IW• tt.111-1111 by Profc11or or En1li 1h
dent or1anh:11ions -
of Coaunercc. dia IQ:
first-1lmc mama,ea in J
ICrOII ca.pus.
tt. li5Glaa-.._......~
The flier for ..Ancieat Near fMl ard-akla ~ -• .-diaa in • liv102: latroductioa to M ~ I• UIS room deconlad eadrdy in leop-.
Rd.iJioa.,... c1au ..... by Pro(a. -ltin pd.nu.
ol ,',llyriokv Piolr.Stdokdlcr.
11le pl ol tbo f6en aoea bcfCltl.lftld coune ~ Wormaioo, yoad Cl'UI ~ialian, course.
a bdcf syllabuJ and aomcthio, extra beads Mid. "14'• not a mart.ding or
to attract the aamdoa ol jaded~ comrpClblivc ilalc." MmQ Aid. ~c
pen: a dn'v.ina: ol OOW1.
kind ot did it for the fua of iL"
..1 think it'• problbly a tcclioa
~ tcachen were tkeptiwben you're bavina ~ new coone, cal wbccber ~ would produce
especially durina •hopping period, • aipificw
Lbcy uid they
that you wut people to know it,a• fdt tbc effort.., w<Wtb a tty. M
isii," &aid Or. lour.bu M. MIM, jult tr)' IO pt tbc infonudon out any
Francois-Xavier B•noud. Prorcssor w-,tbatwecan."uidSuanJ.Smilh,
of Heah.b aad HuJUD Ripes.
procram admiaiwuor r« FolkJcn
. Manh'• gc:neral education dee- . and MytholoS)', whole po1ten rea-
Learn about your'ewn skills in conflict
effective problem-sol~r when ~ties
of diff~reoce~ CQntrovers.y and,
tared pbotognpha and c1noon
dcctcbca .
Student, interviewed, however,
aid Uie artiatic eodcaion may have
gone to Wllte. "J really dofl' t think
they' re dfe@ve bcc:ase Ibey blend
in with cvc:rythin, cite," Mid uudcnt
'"They don't really Rand
out ,pct lly, ' Hey, I'm a clan; you
should"t.ake me."'
~-Aaall.u•.11-w 1ac.w-
,:nroro~rnication difficul~.
When; Wednesday, April 12th - 3:004:30 pm .
Wbcte: Sawyer 521
A "Leadership
situations and how to become an
................ edopdoo of
all-lime hip
The itadatics, wbicb
livc, "AIDS, HeaJ.tb aad Human
Ri&hts," drew a packed hall ror ·the
f,na lccw~ but wu ftOC mre bow
mid hiJ ldvcttiaiag cfforu had coatributed 10 the crowd. .
"You bavc to mark.et a litllt bit,"
-he Kid. " It mi&ht &timu.Jate IOfflcont.
10 come 10 a counc that they mia,bt
otherwiac. oot bavc known edstt.d."
· ' Linda Scb lou bcra, i. '1e1chin1
I ~,n
in February by thll U.S
Conflict and Problem-
. •lorioa- __
•wo,le-7 . . . . . . . ol ..... umildleyfind
A rcw decades' qo,
lied lhc knot shortly d
-We pll (fBmJ • P because 1
"Y•-----·........·--you-•, . . ....
- ~......- - - -..b•••--f•""'_. caffa.a .... to ree1 beaer
. . .tyweda of the put.'
. . , . . _ . . . _• • Kaipl. . _ Aaciea. Na" 611c.10l7 .
r _~:-----
for Life" program
Remsbments served
- ~ - w.i,,aWq,ApdlS.19"
..•·. =-~ . --!l'!'Y- ::':,,.;.~
,"~ Q e t.......'l'llmlpy
- Flleri, ~ lure ..........,dass
ldlo9fot.-Jl4 "!Jlln>due.
:1 116t·111e1miftkJ...Wtlb H.--d Unlwnity
, up~forlbc«IDlll8bocane11m~ . _ Joi,- ... IO ha' to pal 00 music GI' uac mallP.: - CAMBRIOOE. Mau. (QJS) ~ 6co- .. ply l~DI the cW.S la ~ coun.e
Ilia ..... a.a ail.•ftDdl••specifieN
nomics JO and Cb.cm. 7 cui plCk.
-balk ID)' IC:l'DllllllS, BUl•whlt
.....,.. --..1!)2? .
To...., ........
--,.,, p11ce co be. Peo,lo who acwo. tn4idoaally ~~
..... ..... ID be lhao ..i,;.ou. H""""1 U m - proles'
ud wiat 1o feel bea«.:O . ,
ion and talcb.ina fdlowl hive folA ~ tbc price m■y • ~ lowed the ~ ?' innumcrable ~Melll« rooa. iliil,'WUtlrtflillc. denl ora1n1z11~on1 ~ postenng
f:ram -=rou campus.
·apro(alioaaldaat youcan'~pt~
The flier for "Ancic:ilt Near~
wllin, h'• "DOI apemi¥e for tbe"scr- 102: totroduclioo to Mesopown11
vice tt.·, pcoYided.'l'i she said.
Religion,~ a class tmght by Profes-
feol amt
...... · · ::i.,.,..,.._ <·,. '"Ila ,.i;. 10C1C11iaa,..;. l(apl. ~
. ....
.......... .., "ltlollo--i\ ■ ,ay''
... W
ta Bcoa-.k:I.
.... - ....... Jab - -
Joe"s .,.._ f19 abot _ bo'a
• .._.,..._ _. wired fiw:I, too ..
_ . ~ J o e ...u to feel t,eacr-
• :.
'l'bc Ualwnity ol ~
· "'Y•-..-.•ctiMc'....
s.lal Hii1111~"6ow:a lhc
,._ dte .._.110 Joi, .ams:. .....
bilk aho pvai........, wort- sor or Assyriology ·Piotr Stcinkdler,
~ ftw .$20 :, . ball 'IIDur: ~ 1kipi . . corocud by dnrmito,y (eatutt:d course~ inf~on:
Halllli ~ ..._.... Jcaifcr roddeM lmlC.'!"· . . ,•
a brief syllabus aDd something CJ.In
~ - - ~ • . . . . . ·~ llltlloaao-oo-oac:scssiomare toauncttheattcotionofjadedsbop-5'iif!iltili ~ the . . . rnadi.aa for her.
pen: a dn.wing of cows.
""'6c- _
_. ,-,·1Bot • m)'ldf a .a n::source IQ
..I lhJnk it's probably a reeling
~ ~
.... iallalhnboar,cbe ~"abeaaid. ..Idon'tdomagic, when you're having a new couflC,
~ lave pal oa tbcir bod- but il'l,,Aice to reel I really can make especially during sbopting period,
illfcar-• KaqbtNid. .. But lean a dlf'faeDce." t
that you want people to know it,U·
.• 1 ; . ~ Kni&III says she feds there is istl," said Dr. Jonathan M. Mann ,
· ·to UP KDior 'Bretl more to la job than just helping Francois•Xavicr Ba,DQUd_ Professor
Molher elto hH tried Student rdu. SIDdcmu' rDIIIClcs.
of Health and Huma Rights.
rally wmb.
When she aives a massage,
Knipt invi~ ttudmts to talk with
'"Wba l W81 done (with my mu- her about uything. lf they prefer to
J (ell my body and ~ bad my silecit, though, lhe does not get
~ hdplmed;..e· ol sensitivity. ! : offeaded. , , J•.··
nea:.'t1 ~y
Kaialit's first goal is to make so much dial be of she (.US asleep.
lludcDla foci comfortable. She b. ~ 'biJlell c o m ~ t(? me
~ wbal i& iarql~in is . w.boa.'.tomeoac rtot-only falls
muu.rc . ~ ~ncl-1ei:{ lb~ : aslcc;t. but ,allo droola.i she say&.,
r:I a _
cai,tmcc.. .
"W~ put lflianl up bec,u,e a
most ~ laeaa, t board about
~ uld.
Sdtloubera ~ fl.ion, for a e~s
lau~bl. by_ Pro£e11or of Enahsh
-(lhe -ooono),
tho l~of-~-woaaa..,~.l~p~lnl\.c_locbioa:, ~ ~ • -hvlDI ~ docontcd eat:i~y 1n lcopud-lldn prinu.
, .
The aoal. of tbe ffien goes be·
yOad c ~ ~~ercialism, ~ourse
bcfds ~~ .l\ s ~ • ~ n ! or
~ b ~ e .wue; Mun~d~ We
kind of did 1t for tf!,e run of 1L
AJthoug.h ~~ were skepti•
a s1gmficant ~ they wd they
~dt tbe effort~ worth~ try. "We
JUll try to get the inf~n nut any
way that we~~ saidSuunJ. Smi1h,
program admi.nis1rator for folk.lore
Mann's gencn.1 education clec. . and Mythology, whose posters fca .
ti~e. " AIDS, Heal~ and Human tured photognphs and cartoon
Rights," drew a packed hall for lhe sketc~.
fmt lecture, but was not sure how
Students interviewed, however.
m1JCh his adycrtis!na efforts had con• said lhe artistic endep,von may have
:°:!:et alittle
lrib~~1~ ha~
he said. "It might stimulate someone
to come 10 a course tJia1 ~ey might
otherwise not have known existed."
• Linda Schlossberg. 'teaching
:;~oc;:~e"I= ~~t :i~:
in with cvcrythi11.1 else," said student
Trey Morris. 1bey dona yeally stnnd
nut and say, ' Hey, I'm It class: you
should' take me.""
Coilflict and ProblemMulticultural Settings
Learn about your own skills in conflict .
situations and how-to become an
effective problem-solverwhen
of 'difference cause controversy and
f()mmunkaiion difficulties.
~re: Sawyer 521 -4-
A "~rship for Life" program
Refreshments served
illl..sm.; liiji
"I didn't foci ti& acttina mairied
when I w&I S30,CXIO in debt," 'uya.,. idea. Sutrolk University would lik.C' .1ioD ~
2&-)'C#~ld Tom Savino, 'a aradale ;1o ~ b ■YC1 tllo, .O,poriuaily 10 teach its ~
ofl.oyolaUni veni.1yinOllc:qo.wt.a - ,pcoplealialebilmorcaboulwllatwe' Adii-J
will ~ getting married·in May. "It's will ~'lo__,,•· • achoot
kind of bamllto llart planning fot • 1 ..I don't expect U, on this cam• wbo t
familyWKll~stiU' ................ 1pule~1'.!ftll1 --■--Uy· be ~
·•eut ■ccordingiofigures~ mOlt.cf•.yow,isaliwy~ r~ .,,L •T.
b■ppy.1..b,1r:1.,Ysud.~-Mefld • tbl!Jdj
In Febnwy by~ U.S. Departrnc:at
. -..Jthoush·'&od■y's couples acen'1~ Suffolk.' ~\icnify _ r . . _ • ¥.. lZIIIIO!
of Commerce, the IYcnlgC 11:ae for &euinaman:ied~a.erinlife-;moD folk Uni'lmlily,:ancM'mfully aware ~
firsH.ime marriagea in America is at and women are movina in with each that many people. foci, ror moral ro- result.
1111 all-limi high for both men and
~ at approximately tbe same qe sons, .that dus is not an accepllble
wome n.
.' 11.1coupleawhowererrwried40yoan · lifeaylc., but I do apect ~
· The slatistics, which lll'C based on Bgo, according to Jut y,ear's Univtt• in Suffolk \Unhter1i1y, everybody,
1993 .censu1 fiprea:: say ·that the sity or CbiciiO 1-lmut 1a IWVC)'. every woriet, Cllf:r/ ~ IO IIDavcnae ap for' ·IDOG. C':lll&irinc· marThe ltady fomd •
...- da dmta.ad that, ,oricc • stadem, i.s ca-.,
nap ror tbe.fint time ii 26..5, while 60 paieDl o# die men lllfYC)'Cld. ftnt ~ berc, or 6occ • pcnoa is emwomeo ~ •allwlc'dowa-~aisle 11. IDOYCd in 1"lll • faDale wbm Ibey pk,ycd betc. _.., liap palOD ~
qe :a.f. '24:5.,.
were 22. COlllplled 10 tbc ,... po· Saffoll: .Uniyc:riity • tbic rig.ht 10
Fony yean· ..0. •Wore twO-in-- oe6UCC 'of "ilDIDcn who MR 20 11. wort and learn ln a comfortable en-come ramm,s Jc:re tbc norm, men the time. , l-·
vironmcot," said Arti,..Jacboo. .
married 'Ill an avcn;e' aie of. 22.6
At lc:Mt:a.i,smdent., Vaci Prenwhile women.tint we1 at ■n Sveragc ■ GREYIIOUNDS
dent. of tho fJay AQd Lcabiu Alliage of 20.2.
Continued flam P'&e 1
ance at ~uffolk Greg Lanz.a, fccls
Exporu •Y lbat many factors• them in -lJ!!•~ · 'i or yow pc,-- tba~ in liaht. of ~ ,h1cide1u, t~
could' bo,'pa:tlmaiaa • -aveaae • ' Iona.I ~-;
too to' ieo.vU'OMICftl II bocomma more. unor•matri••11· laclDlll•a collc&b t talk'iJtbeat,lPpal,- ,: mrWi \comforuble by t h o ~ .., be.wort and ftmDcill imllbility.
caaeaadp1tdaciirnoac,.Aa.tpmd-- lieve tbM they wtJC ialCDllcd to'be
ina a few . . witb tbeae baatifu1 fu.nn,y, and I'm. awe thM cve,ybodyaood
pnde' -1mak, ~ involved got a. big ~ah out of iL
will want 10 ~ lhem an home nil Whal ~ e
realize, is that
yoq, 100: ~ •
w~ you J, b like that~' 8:°
What is ,done IO Jbete q i b amre culQR_ or pcc,plc, no jekc as
By' CoUeie Prt.iu" Service
dof.. IDa! : ~y~~" , Lanza IUd. : . ...,_
man --...,
Ntve never .... lbe'cblnct
In fact. Lanza was '°: ,infuria&cd .
inbu~. unfaif• 1.~ ;~
~y•re !iv.in& -C~tu~.
.tbecbuct to DOW ny Olllerlife that b e ~ ~ meetuaa of .~e
thall th■t ~ - iia a •
•orruaictl Jkmd .« TNllea ~ t Affasrs
...;..a.tiock. ..... - - ..... ~ - b e u , f - , c a,
7lUld.lel diem---;~,
Tbey',.-.. far .... ...s - -
-'4<mfc~...-~lNll... ..s_.- --
tioo. ~
-- ~
is re- by
- - : ; , . . ~ ,_.ti,. Plmdonl Erib Cbril<cmco, ro _
the Greyhound Pdea!dl, Inc. c ~ ~~. apolog1icd to Lanzi for .
bouisc--€oleman· at-(-508)- 4
the PCUaUon, •
WOMim Cl!Nl1lR, WOMllN'S ~ AND
~ - Apdl,18~ 1D.811
. •.l
• .,........._~~Ila.
eon. Jain 1181
When; ~y.April 12th - 3:00-4:30 pm
Afen\lle lillflilftlffiariiage~dles
CHICAGO - Coup!~ saying ·•t do"
today arc likely to•be older than the
newlyweds of the •past.111 ~•1 • - .
•A few decades' ago, most couples
tied lhe knot shon.ly after- theit ~
birdldays.tl ,.J l "'.1111 1 1·•:. •••,
; ·:xa.~Tbenp;
llio,, ~ or •
• 'Wllll
- die·.;_. H' iMy ...t.:I 8b
Fiers, photo8 lure
...,..69 dass
..,_c. KMM11 •
· I . U . . f a r - J l 4 . -CnMSOII
doD IO 0dlllml Smdicl... Ilic!~ pit
ffanvd University
· up ftlml for die CCIOIII because 11m-..,. , - ~ . .... la ~ pat oa maaic 0, UIC IDIIIIP CAMBRIDOE, Mau. (CPS) - Eco- _ R(y Ultia, the clul in tJ:,c course
- - • ........... lllillilll O. oil', md flndl out nil sped~-. nomics IO and Chem 7 can patk. ~ bldiDIIDy ~ uuwarc
t111~·,91,p41a ...,,.,._,__,_ v
tecQ>rohlli■,.1 ...,......e.,-..o1111..i.-o.
• ·
-.,,. _ .
..;.·.Kaigbt. ·aboW. Aideat No&r Eul .102? ,
-Wo pill (fltcnl up because a
........ .., '1'•11o........_,,-ilaway·'" TodraW studeml roamaH.ob- podolWtaaalllln'e)'abowec;llhat
•..,......_ ltl9Uflll_place _co be. People wbo scure, traditiooally u.ndenubscribed most ..Mllde°!' Wall ~
pm - . . . . . jib lallniiw.
come IO roe l"Qllly . . . to be ~ Albjccll, Harvard Univenity pro/et- [lbe coaneJ, ~ aaid.
Jot"t...,..,. dtoc ,- bo't 111d waat to fed bc:U«... •
IOf'I and teacbins 'fel.lc,ws have fol~ • • fii!sn, for a class
• ..._ ,....s lad wired &om too
.-.. co&e.,00 WlllbJO fed hotter
n, Horvord
the ·price may seem
bigb., Mot=· feels it,lil wortbwhi]e.°.
lowed the lead of inmuncrtblc SW·
dent O!a1n iuiion1 - postcriog
"YOll-...-..•~~from acrc.1campu.1.
a profeaioM1 tb,t you can't pt dieThe t1icr for "Ancicot Near f.asl
whore.•lt'• .t expcMlve ror ~ sa-- 102: ·intrOductioa to M tsOpotam i ■
.. ' - • · t;;.111 JJ1 ■cn:u: ....:· vice tblt'i pnmded.'t she said.
Rdlgion," a class ~gbt by_Prof"es. . . ....,.
. •
ICaipl allo-&i~.....,c work- ~ t;!f Assyriology Piotr S t e ~,
ftlr .$20"' ball baur. --,.: 11q11 .._ CODl■iClfd by dormitory ,fe■bared
~ n ,-informabOII,
~ ....... 'Dllnplll: ...,_ r..w.t ~ ,.
a brief syllabus~ aometbing extra
~ . . . , ~ •;~
Jk111111, onc-ori-ooe aessions are to _
llltrllCtthe~tl°'!ofjadedshopUlllwnity";" oC f'almylYMia
Slldllf...................._ Ibo
-e~$Ndiab ,..,...
· ""6c,
· al
• .·'1
Che . . . rew■rdiaa for bcr,
. 1"f)oak M myadf M,a f'CIOUrcc to
.· ,
.... ialilllfanbourlhc
pa-their bod-
•tar,-..• IClipl.Mid. "Bull can
W p - 6'DI bcaa'."
Ai:,con8:q, 'to UP senior Brett
....._, WM la11 tried Student
fllllilllll•• ~ aavicc, the ctaapy
"'Wbea 1-..S done [with my musqo), f fcill my body and ncrva had
pcopte."abollid. "ldon'tdomagic,
but it'a,_aicc to ftid I rully can make
a differeace." :
.,. ICllipl uys she fee.ls there i1
more to lier job than just helping
rclu students' .ram,clcs.
When she giVes a mauage,
Kniaht invites studcnb to talk with
her about &Q)'thin(: u: lhcy_Pfefcr to
su.y ailent, though, she doCI not get
a hdploaml-.._ of sensitivity. ! . , o r ~ . •.
· .--rk aat momu,a I wu really
.In f'!Cl, KruJbt fccls most suelimber ad rducd," be added.
ccufu.1 whcll s.be can rdu. a student
_ ltaipil's first aoal is to make so ouach t.ba be.or lhc falls asleep.
~ feel comfortable. Sbc ex"The 'bigat compliment to me
plailll • ~ whit ll iD~m- , is . when . .omeone Dot only falls
mauqo ~ 104-,fets tbC;"'.; ~ but .also drools, 'l she says._
drawing Of C0'11,
tauaht by Piofc11or of Enalish
tboto.,oiofa·W01111alnllriq ,rcop-
ard-lki.a. clotbil'I, ltlndi.OC in a li11-
in& moauioco,wd ctlitdy in leapanS-lkin prirw. • , .
. The goal_of tbc ~ goes be·
yolld ~ ..
c~crcialilm , ~ou rse
bcldl ~d.
~tl~c_usue; Mann ~d;, We
kind of did It for_ll\e fUQ Of It.
Althouah ~hen ~ere 1kep11 -
..I lhink it'• probaly a fechng
when you're having a new coo_rse, cal_w~iheflierswouldP_">duce
especially during shopping penod, 11 11gnificant reapoose. they uid they
that you want people to know it c.x- ~cit the effort w~ worth~ try. "We
isis," said Ot. Jonathan M. Mann, Just .fr'/ togcttbe ~ormanon 011t ~ny
Francois-Xavier Baa;noud. Professor way lb.al wecan," wd.Suun J. Sm11h.
of Hea1tb and Human Rights.
progrtm l&dministrator for FolkJort
Mann's gcnctal education clec- and Mythology, whose postcrl fea .
ti;e, "AIDS, Health and Hum an lured photographs and cartoon
Rights," drew a packed hall for the sketches.
fl.f11 lecwre, but was not sure how
Students interviewed, however.
much his advcrtis~g efforts had con- said the artistic ~von may have
tributcd to lhc crowd.
gone 10 waste...I really don't think
..Yoo have to market a little bit," they're effective bccau.sc they blend
he said. "It mi&hl stimulate someone in with everything dsc," said srudcnt
to come 10 • coum that they might Trey Moois. '1'hcy don't really 1tand
otJ:i~ise ~ have know~ _
exi.s~" out, and say, 'Hey, I'm a class: you
Linda Schlossberg, a teaching ~ould' take me.'"
Coilflict and.Problem-
. Avenlie 611flrilti
ri'iage\'eadie.1 ali.atime hiji
By Colleae PYtaa Sc·ivice
CHICAGO- Couples liying "I do"
!pday arc likely to·be older !hon the
.,. newlywed! or the.past,111 ' J I " - ~
A few decades ugo, moat couple$
tied the' knol shortly afti:r theit 20th
"I didn' t feel fiie ~ 1 'mwricd
when I was $30,000 in debt.,., 'uya
26-re--old Tom SaVUKI, a g....._
will be getting matrjed·in May ...It's
kind1 hard'.lto start planning for-a
birtbdays.n · ,J I .•,11; . 1•··1
fami lyWhcn,odstill'6wa.aamc bank.
8U\_~ n g to figures released, most of }'OUrisalary." 1~ ~ ;f. •·,:
in February by the U.S. [)cpartmcnt
'Althouab today's c:ouplel arce't •
or Commerce, the avertge age for
first-lime mania&ea in America is at
an all-time high for both men and
women :
' The slalistics, which arc baml on
gcuing~cdw,cillala'ialife., meD
and women' arc moving in with each
other at approximacdy'
umc aae
ascouplcl~howeremanied 40yC1111
&go, according to last year's Univcru y ~ the oliryofPdciioludmut11CJtsuncy.
averqe age for •mon- enterlot mat~
The lbldy foud ,pore than
riqe for the,fint time is 26.5, While 60 ~ of, die mm sa,ycyed ftqt
women are waJkias 'down,tbe aisle at moved' in widi a1
wlaen they
an average age :of, 24.5.'
were 72; compared 'lo the ame perforty years -ago, before two-in- cencace of'warncn wbo were 20 at
come f ~ WCffl the norm , men the time.
1993 ,CCMus
married 'It an aven;e~ ijc o( 22.6
wbilo womcn.first lwcd at an avcr&ge
!. ~pau~aay _
that many factors
could b e , ~ lhe-Pengc. a,c i
from page I
them iD ~~1'beain&'ror
sonal ~
,,our per-
'm; Oyjq' for too
ofi matrimoayf •~~•~ _
e<1llcge,i1 J,llk"~ than, ; ; -70D!"biin:d' ta tbdi
wort IDd fmandal instability.
cqe'udpauticitnoae:a.: .u,upmdin,ra few bolin with~ bcaltiful,
ood ~
- pade aoimala, yoo
w&nt t o ~ them an home. with
y01y 100_
What is done to ttae.e.do&I ls
f y,alhqmeaatty· be cducaletdhoae 1invol~rffowncr,
aa)'s ~JesltiaD..a.cDd · thcuiolOf'rmudw\y; ~ l ' ( i l l be
4~11i'll~ •or WOllk ill s.r~ lraled • · • .,.._ ~ . aod i
{.!ni~ty;: and,l'm fuJly ~ ~ iltVCsci,-ion .wiDc:omeas a
that many people feel, for mom rca- result. ·
sons, that thll~is not an acceptable
lifestyle, but I do c.xpcct CYa)'boor'
in Suffolk: , UIID'ersity, everybody,
every worker, QU}', ltUdent. to Wldcntand _hat,.oace a , lbldent tia, co-~ ....
rolled bc:rc. ar OOCC ..a penon is cm-.
ployed. bee; .e-,cry siap:. pcnon al •
Suffolk Univeriity bu the right to
wort and )cam in•• comfortable enviroruneat," Aid Anil--Jacbon.
At lcasu'OD& student, Vice Prcsident
tho (lay And Leabiu Alliance 11 Suffolk Greg Lanza.,.jcels
tha~ io light_ of _thl1 _
incidetn! the
cavu-onment.11 btcomLn& more llll1
c_ocn£onab1t .by tbi, ~om~ "I belicve tbet tbc:y were. inteodcd to be
age of 20.2.
~ that C\lety~y
tnvolved aot • b11 LIi.iab ou1 of 1l.
Whal peop!e_ don_' t rea]ize, is tha1
w~n r)'OU Joke like ~t •~t 8:° •
eabRI cul~ or pcoplc, .nojokc IS ~ y; _, I'm
-unfair, ,~ f f ••
:•:= ; 1 ~ ~ ~:bu-.
~~Jc;'.::=tu=dlcca:; .
•AoYl!rfflM.£ Touas
JJrfact,l.aazawaaso~ ·
the chance to know any c,da life • that be anendcd ~ meetidg of ~e
thanUofODCiDaca,c.L ~
. or'
Board _ l T ~ .~ J .ut:airs
amtnda track. Lt.t.theol ~ _.!-qe,;., 'CommiUcc.-w.,C_ infonncd aca- _
uif; ~,1ct mcm have~ ·Chance. ,'dcmic ~ ~ S a r g e n t . trusti
They're 1ookin, foi love arw1 ~ ca ~-•mdcnl ~ .
~;,, =~
ti,oo.~ch,w~recei~ iA re,,
Praidint Erika~· to h:pvi
~~ apologized to l.aau.a for
the Gteybouod fricods, Inc.
Multicultural Settings
Learn about your.own skills in conflict
situations and.how to become an
ity would li,ke lion the admlailb"lb<MI'
r\Wlhy to teach . iLS' effort ID cndica&e this problem,
aboutwbatwe·· Aiti►lllcbonwouldoalyaaylhat1111 ,
effon WOUJd1be ~ tO \ft~pte
"I don.'t ~peet tha!, on thll cain- who the pcrpetnltors ,were, ~
mid to
flnlndq. A&ldl 18. 181111
1-1.1180 laC.1111111111.·~
· effectiv_e ~blem,solver when issues
~f difference~ controversy and
, communication 5Jiff!culties., ·
When; Wednesday, April 12th - 3:004:30 pifr-" .•
- ·
~ : Sawyer 571 .l
A "Leadership
fo; Life" progrpm
Refreshments served
C. Walsh Theatre• , tected ~dlyn Plotldu • Apl'il 6, 1, 8 • 8 PJII .
Tickets$ 4
call: 573-8680 .
livop- beO<
Avtn\ke ~™It ffianiiige t'eacties all-time &iji 'llllitAX ·
·By College
~ .ServiCc
CHICAGO_ C.ouplcs aayi ng "I do11
today are hkely lo·bc ol~r than the
newlywedi of the . past. 1 · • · ,·
• •
_ A few ckcades ago, m011couples
U~ the knoc shon.ly after their 20th
·, · ._•'-
'But accordi ng to figures released
"I didn ' t feel !ilcc 1euing married
Wh6r I was S30,000 in. debt.," 'iay1
2&.year~ ld Tom Savino, a graduate
or J-oyola Uni ycrsity in Chkago, Wbo
will be getting married m Ma)'. '"It's
kind of hartNo start planning for a
most of yo11r,11aiuy," 1
~i • T
·,,., -111 ·••
.,,r-Continued fr9ffl p:i~c I
h ..Suf!olk Univenity would
·co - h b:ve tlw..bi,ponunity 10 teach
1people a Ihde birmore about what we
tolcnte- as a school.
.. , don't ei;pcct that, on this cwnlpua;,ie¥Cryl,Jod'f pl , nq:eaarily· bc
happy lhat 1
1,Ys -tldd .lei,bUlll111u.cnd ·
Suffolk 'UniVenity ,oc- wadi: at So(1
f~lk U_
ni\len.ity,:and,J:m fuJ!y aware
tha1 many people feel, for monl reaso,ns, that this ls not an accept.able
·lifestyle, but I do expect everyboc1y•
In Suffolk. , university, every'body.
every wort.er, ·every student. to u.ndemand l.bat, oocc a SUldcni1is enf'Oued here, « OOCC.a pcrJOn is crnployed· bcre., ~ ling&c penon at
Suffolk. Univmity has the ri'ght \0
in Febnwy by thC U.S. Oeputment
Although today's couples armlt ,
of C~meree,_ lhe ~verage _
age_ for getting married unu1 lite!' in life,.mcn
fitsH..1me momqes m Amenca 1s at and women arc moving in with cacti
an all-Lime high for bodi men and other Ill approximately the iame age
The statistics, which are based on ago, according to last year's Univer1993 census fi&ureJ ; 'say -that I.he sity o f ~ laadmart sex survey.
avcnge qe forflnen entcrinC mar1'be swdy found C. more than
nap for the firii lime ii 26.5, while 60 ~ ~ cbe men ~ycd first
WmleD are w ~ 'dow1Mhe iisle at moved in With a 1(anale _
when they
an avaqe age :of 2'.5.
w~ 22, compared lO the same perforty years qo, before two-in- ccntag~ of 'irHkben who were 20 at work and learn in a comfortable encome fam.llic,I v/ue the norm, men the_ time.
• ·
vironll\Cll1," said Artis-J1¥=,ksori,
married at an aven;i &ge oC 22.6
At leastOD! sn.dcnt. VJCe
w~ women.first wed' at an average ■ GREYI;IOUNDS
the Gay And l....esbillll Allisac of 20.2 ,
Continued from page I
ance at Suffolk. Oreg Lanza, feels
.~ ~perts
that many factors them in ~~ ~
yOW' per- that, in light
thia incident, the
could bo-pmlmtJinl die.avenge qc i onal att..J.ti i ,
, ,
fa, '
cnviroruntnl is becoming more un•
of1 matrimoay1• iael•dl•s coUegc, 1 ~lO~ ~ - i" • ~~-!~ - comf'oltable by the momc:M..i"I be·
work and ftnaDcial instability.
lieve that they were inteoded to be
iO,a few hiMfn with lhese beautiful, funny, and I' m sure thal_everybody
· good ~~ aentk' animal$, you involved got a big laugh oul of ii.
' will want 1 ~e them all home with What people don't realize, is lha1
Y°":11 too.
when you joke l.lke that about an
Whal is done 10 ~
-dogs b Cl1lire cultwe or people, no joke LS
nr · d ~n&ic funn)' when ii degrades anotherhu~he;:Cii;in:'~re°:tut1 ·t1ot
'man being," . Lanz.a laid.
chines.. They've never bad thechance
ln fact, Lanz.a was so infuriated
the chance 1o know IQy-~otber life that he attended a meeting of 1he
than lh8I
or OOC in acage; ot nwling ~nu:!::=• ;1 : : :
; :
-~~~~~e ! : l ~
demicdeans,PraidentSargent, trust•
tea and student leaders.
Ptcs.ident Saraem was ~ .
by Swdent Government Auociation
For more information rqadina Ptcs.ident Erika Christcnsoo, l5> have
the Greyhound Friends, Inc. contact peno~~ apologized to Lanza r? r
. ·se·€olcman·at-(.508}-435-5969:- the l lluabOO.
They're look:iq for love and ,UCO·
lion.. Which, wttcn received, is returned. Unc~ditionally. ·
edUCM.e,rthose ,.i:nvol~;¼low.nCT.
1bc' utodr~
, pmpatyl:Jll(iK be
lrealed III al Rplll'ale, maucr.- abd,.ai
separate in~stiption .will come u a
• ·•
,--,-- :::;::;;====-~
''Fires in the Mirtor.'1'an
. ' ,,. .
JOt.aNAl. STMI' '
· acten used by AMa Devere Smith,
o( "Fira in the Mir-
=A(=-=::=. ~·~==~,.~~=
'J'\UI week a.ts lhe debul of the the playwright
uy .
When asked what coo11t1of ac- ,
lioo tbe~Bistration'wouJd take ill
its effort IO eradica&e thlJ problem,
A~Jacbon would Qllly IIY th.al· 811 ,
effort would:bc- made tO in~jate,
who lhc pcrpetraton ,were, :.a to
•lilMAll. & llanult PASSlS
•Wou& Srut1YAIIOI.DP10Gwis
•C\a Roo°AL •
ina na:dolll IO die riolJ ill C:,owa·
llelJlm. BrootJya, New York in
1991. "The ~ dlnicted by
Mlri(yn Plotklu. is u sreating
. drama C. will affect cva-ycme who
ha the cbmoe io see iL
Mohammed (Roc~elle LaMonique
'Me); Rabbi Joaeph Spielman (Heidi
Oilli1) and Norman Rosenbaum
(Christian Cibocti and Emmuuel K.
·Naablaj), brother of slain Yan.kd.
Finl in tltt Minor is a ~
lllillamll~ol•niaJti, .(.,...,. ............ show ....
media pn:IClltMioo inclodiDa slides. takes Dl8PY riab. payinl" off coasid..S video• well u aclOff. Plotkinl erabtyintbeend.lti1.aplaytbal
briap witoellCI, participaaia aod touches Ol'I subjects: blc.e racism aod
UllaalCd pe1iei io life lO detail their perception, and bandla: ·them Ytith a
react.i.ons ud imprea1iqu' of the N8liel)' of viewpoints and·a complllc
riots I h a , . ~ f r o m ~ ~ lack• of. ~~ines1 artd sclf-coa~ , o / ~yowig blq
Garia ~ - A .fflUll•ICC for all
Calo, and the:~
inurde:r'of & folk
as well u anyone wicb •
Jewish divinily 1iudent, Yank.cl the opportwrlty 19 sec iL
RolCllbaum. _•• -~
• ~ play NIii th.is Wedllcsday
makes fu!J.-usc ol her through Satur4ay, Aef'il 5-8, .at 8
diverse ~ . •_111ing male acton.-as . p.ni, ~._$\dfc.A'• C W°~ ~
'~~ 1-i• ~..- :nclcds . . $8fo,lhe-public,
males. w_
hill:;:!,c~on" as A rican- ~ ~ fpr. ltlldents arid seniors.
tbC Machine") ~poradic and ener•
getic touch. Talalay brilliantly in·seru mimakd sepnenu from "Tank
Oids" original IOW'CC comic and she _ _
beP.a the ICbOn aoing. ·
Paty ;a aootbcrplus. Her_pcrfot·
outragt9t1s sequeaces regtlired tq _ .mace ii filled wilb spank and_ • ·
briq h"IO _:Uk_ . ~ ,:.,
._ lil,i. 89"""',es -~ap)tiid . .
SW·llon """'cJ"A ~
-of _alway. iiilirioui. ·• , ,
•-- . - ~
lbdr Own..)
pelfeci •
, _ moric
lffll:._timc ~ CO
lhe heavy
ill doo..,. . , - ~
The latest comic-book-turned•
big•ICl'CCQ•adventwt: -ru11: ·Girt" ii
a fun ftlm loaded with -the kind
~IDd~~ro:: ~ ~
~ ... Easy.•
, duded
,villaio. w b o ~ lld,ecca'~ . • 1&.~y 1W Jla!' ii. the Ic:ngthy ~ -~!
hippie cololly ia lie ..a deal dllt ~ of The Rippers, OOC' of mfla-.,
bu become
a.beccl be-- which is played by rap artist tcc-i. ~ ••
frieadl le< Ohl ...,_. by N - ' They"' a gn,up ol ...,....Uy "'Ii·
Waaaand••hil1fO•Ol!l•miaioa•' DCCRd oulcalta and prov~ a few I t ~
to save the world fnlm dtoapL
but simply get 100 mUc6 Bjmt ,
On tbe way die po cad up ill a ~ time. · 1_,e film would have moody •
8--.. . .
~=.::..::.:~ ~~.-:.:::::•;r.i:..,7~ ~
of Gut,
· 'Jbe ·ftlm is "f•t aod filled with oat beii
Thi,lsjulM.....,..ol"f~ ...... -tinasandwill..;iyplease tlwlbe
--......i coak .....
,,__ ·n.ila .~ ·will- ..ic.: ,.,.._ noc lamJJiar wk!>
Cole Poda'I "I.d's Do IL"
em·•·........._____,. ..... ...
· k it c:ompleldy out of the mabl- - Md tlm is what KU ii apan
fftaocllll' "lllallpllal•li~
COiiie .....,_ 'l'lte movie ii oatn-
_ _...,illl
lbe..., 10 lbe cod.
...... _,...~ .
worth watddi&- '
ORA1E: .a+
!he Sutrollt,J00111ir~;•JI#!/'19951
(ml e ull~Jinaniage~ch~ all-time hij.
'1111111:AX_· •'~ ••:
eotlcsc Pft:kJ Service ..
"I djdn't fed lil:c;...gdtjna married t ., Connnucd from paac I
when I wu S30,000 in~" 1i)'I ideas. Suffolk,..UnirC{Sity would Jiu
26-year~ld To~ S.vino, a &raduate to ~have tlu,, .o'ppon'unily 10 teach
ofLoyolaUniversityinc:-=-aoWbo 1
pc:oeie1littlebitmcnabouiwtw ·,•,;c
wUI be actting married in May.\:ll'a will not lolcnu as a ,c;hoot
kind of hatcbto atart planninl for a I
"I don't cxpcc1 that, on this camfam.i lyWhen,-ou'91i!ltrft.tOmebllflk. lp1,11ii.eYef')'\mdf y,ill, neceanril)' be
Bot aa:ordin:g _ fiprcs rckascd m01t of your!Ullry." 1.
bi.¥P)' lhat 111Y1'1.dd kMi1a11,.1tend
~nwy by tho U.S. Department
Ahhou&h,'ioday' 1.couple1 arcn11• Suffolk•1 Univcnity ,or wC., ll SD£•
~crcc,. the ~Ye.rage .•ge_ for getting married untfl Later in lifepmcn 1
folk Uni\tenity.: and ,J.' m fully aware
mamaget 1n Amenca 1 at Ind women are moo,ing in with each lhal many people feel. ror,moral rea1
all-lime high for both men and other at approx.i~lltdy lhe wnc age aoru:, that this is ' not an acceptable
u couples who were mamed 40 years lifestyle, wt I do expect everybody
The statistics, which~ based on •10. ~ g 1 last year's Univu- in Suffolk •University, everybody,
3 CCDIUI fi1ure1, say that tho. shy of Oddgo1Mdmart sex IW'VC)' , every worku, every student, to un~ 1study ·round that 1')0fe than demand that, ooce a swdc:n1! is co..;e,"qe fot ·meft 'criteml1 l'lllt·
I for the fint time ii 26.5, while 60 pa_:cent of! the meo. surveyed fint rollc:d bcrc, or ooc:e • per100 is em-.
l)eG arc wllkiq 'clown,the msle at mov~ - in '1di a1female when they ployed here, C1'Cry sinalc person ac
compan:d lo the ume pct· Suffolk Univfflity bu the right to
Fofty )"Caf'I qo, before iwo-ia- ceouce of women who weie 20 11 work and learn in • comfortable environmcnt,'" said Anis-Jackson.
f. ~ Wfft the '"norm, men the time. 1
jied. , ac an 1verqe' ate ol 22.6
le women first wcil ac an average
C,ofttioucd from page I
ance at Suffolk Greg Lanza. feels
bcgln('rcir yOUr per· that, in light of this Incident, the
&perta ..y that many filctors them in
Al' b&psokJashla die.average a,o sooal ,ueoo&a;. CryjJij
Joa 1 environmcnl is becoming matt. un0
natri. ., ,- iacl. .•1 coUeae, talk'~ them, tcf put
in their comfortable b- the momc:at.. "J be·
II: ... ftDmcill instlbilily.
caa:eandpat'tlicirnola.'!t.ftu spend- lieve that they were intcndcd tn be
ana a few bc/6n with these beautiful, funny, and I'm sure that evccybody
good ~ - ' lffllle' animals, yoo involved got a big lau&h out of it.
will want 1J~e them an home with What people don' t realize. is that
yoq, too.
w~ you joke like that a~ut ~n
What is done 10 lhcsc dogs ls eabrc cu.hu~ or people. no joke lS
inhumane, unfair, and u~vati~. ,runny "'.'hen 1c dca,adea a.ootbc:r· huThey' re living ci-eatui-ea:';not ffla.' man being,"d.anu said.
chha. They've never bad the chance
In fact. Lam.a was so infurialed
the chance 10 know any other life that he attc.odcd a meeting or the
than utat of (Nit la I cage · ~
Board or Trustees' Student Affairs
an,und. track. Lcc.tbaa
'_Commiuee.. wbc:rc be informed ■cl•
li(~ ind . let lhem haVe a t ~ . ~mic~ PraidcotSargcn1, tru.M•
lootiJll for love and. ,ueo- ees and _
student ICldcn:.
tioo. Which, wbea. received, is re,.
Preaident Sargent was reported,
cumcd. UncoaditiocwJy.
by Shldent Government Association
For more· information regardina President Erika ChristenSOn, 10 have
the Greyhound Friends, loc. COlllact pcrsona.11y apolngiud 1 Lanza for
---(508)-43S--S969. the situatioo.
ICAGO - Couplet utin1 "I do"
'( are likely t_ ·bc older than lhc
•ywedsofthe: pasl. 1' ~
A few decades ago, most couples
the kno< lihortly after thelr 20th
IMlllya.n ~ I ·., .. ,
When asked what coome. oC .;..
cioo the tdmlniwatioa'would ~ ia
its Mfon to eradicate this problem.
•AJtis..JacbonwouldonJysaylhalu ,
cffon would be made 10 investi·~
who the pcrpetratou wcce, -•rid tO
cdUCMc,,those ,invohtt•d,;;'Howaver,
1bc.uao!Of.rtanlw:hny,p,opatyllft'ift be
treated as a, aeparate matter, and 11
separate invc.a.iption will come u a
resu.11 .
''Fires in the Mirror," an arresting and pm
,ouaHAL ,,..,.
!~M== ~•~=:r=~i~~~!:
This week lUIU dic debut of the
dent~~'=~ i.Z:~7a:t~~::
\lsed by AMI Dcvtn Smith,
the playwrigtl.t of "fires in the Mir•
~ and African-■mc:ricanl as
,banoct<p. ~ !he clw-
ina ~ ' to the riotl UI Crown
llelpts. Brooil)'D, New Yod: ;n
for .
will affo:t cvuyone
hu the d...,.;:e to ICC iL .
&Y~ t ID
• &..AIL
& 8arn.uL PASIS!S
•CAI RINTAL • lv.va
lull..-., ..;.....
media preaoacatioo iDtlDduta .slides
-9 vidao • well u aclOrl, Plotkina
briaas wil.DellU, ~~pull& and
~ pmtics to life todewl cbcir
reactioos aod impres1i~ of Che
riots that ~lted Jrom _ .::cidealal
Mobarilmcd (Roc~elle LaMonique
I..... Spdman (Hcidi
....), =
Nublai), brother rA. slain Yanke!.
Fire, in tlw Mirror 11 a departu~
Jo,..,. ... . show ,....
likes many risb., payin1 off conlidcnbly in the end. It is a play that
tooebei on subjects like racism and
~ . and blndlcs them with,
\landy of viewpointl and • compclC
lack of- prcacbiaeu 1od self-eon·
deadl of a Youn& bid male, Gavja ~ ~~.:A, .. · .,..u
--wdl ·
e.a,, and lbc S U ~ murder. of a IU&a. Jewis h divinity student, Y1nk:el
P,lockins makes Cuti use of· ha,
diven:e cut, u1io1 male ~ al
f ~ £ . . ~ f~e actqp u
males, white . actor~ 11 African-
~y~ ~
_, ....... WIUI
the opportu.nilY to ICC IL
. 'the play nana this Wedoelday
thiough ~ y. April 5-8, ac I.
p.rn, 11 ,S\d(1?Jk"s C. W~ .~
T"l4ffl arc $8 for t h e ~ public,
~ -~ foe studeoli and senion.
I.he_ ~ n e") sporadic and ener•
---'~==CC.....- -
Girll" original IOUrCC comic and she
kecpa the action Joing. ·
Pctty i11nothcr plus. Hcrpcrf01out,.gOOt.1s scquooces sequired to imace LI filled witb spunk_ and atli- ·
The new soundtns:k for- the mer
briqit ·1oaa1&-. .
tion pictlS '"Tut Girl" ii simply tbc
SW h>d
ffl06l coasilteot ii.I enjoyable alter·
Their Own'1
fidmci •
The a m t ~ • ~ dme nitive rock cailectioe lince the mu•
the heavy mew ............ ill . . . . . af'-~lillCly -Hoaor
lie (tom
'Jk IOmlllttack Ihm WU ~
duded by •Comtne)' Love from the
('"A Clodlw"!_I< ~ ~ . . . . ., .• •
~ H~ ..n.ove' a tavy arunge
v!llaio,. ,11!bo Ollll'o,ed Rebocca'1
~ ooly l'Cll Oaw ii the lengthy
,nnuence 1boWs oa muy o( I.be
hippiecololiyiadlO.,.._.,dlat appwaaccorlbcRippen, oncof
hu ~ die ...._ Rlbc:cca bo- wtlich i1 played by rap artist lce-T: album' s lrtCb. Howcwrer,--Love doei
frieadl let Oid ...,.. by , . _ ;
poop ol,......,.Uy Ollai· notlimkdler.-otdleWauaaaddtehiOp-~•millioo nmred OUICIIU 8111d prov~ . few lt-ffflfjidle-tlyliljpor
Bjork 'and Poniallcad to the cacchy,
tn uve the wuld tr.. ....._
ta111hl buc simplj get 100 mUch
moody s.do IOUnd ol Bush ,nd lhe
On the way dtc ,-o cad ap i.a a ,crcea time_ Tbe film would have
~ and saap dlc 81a llilariolll hem bcaer off dediclli.a& a storyline
The uolqudy:i:..ci..
and ova-tbo«lp -,ioc:c; a . . IQ. Tak Girl' s other lidckic.k Sub
tbe~feeloltbefihnwitbucol, 9....iw,- ~ vi Oir!.
OUC bci.. toO dart. It ~er forgets
Cole Porlu's "1..a'1 Do IL"
' The. film ii fat and filled with
thatthc,'nffll; . . ....-1,froma
'lluolojut•oumplevl"Tuk pmono-tiaon,ndwill .... , _
co.io""'batk and
flm 'o( ~ ccaie ICD· cult pop
The· latest comic-book-tufflcdbig-acrcen-adveiiture "J'ank Girl'" ii
a fun film loaded witb-tbe kind
-,., A
.....,_....... . , - ii..._.,~ .ol _
::borw:;:r=: ~_r,w~ro;.: ~w~~
no, _.,
.Itf. .
i.l:~~riH I
·(:. Walsh Theatre : Dii'ected by ~rilyn Pio~• April~ 7, 8• 8 pm
, ·To order , call: 573 - 8' 80 ·
=a.....__. ::'°°~~~i:,.f=ic-:; ~.=..It:
, -
_ .... ....-.
-~-,··~' b ilcom,lddyoutoftbemaift.
dlil is wbal ICU it sprt
.... ad
Ina...,.___,..• tivo-KOOG
CMlc ...._ 11te mcme
ftllii ... lo,plyuiponol
wllChfala. '
..... ., -Jca _, _ W-""J
__ .,,,._..,.._like
whole reaac of Cole Pona-'s "Let's
they are- llmq die time of their
rrfage \leaches alJ•time . .
"I didn't reel@; gcCti ~
when I wu '30,~ in ~ .. 'uy1
26-ye~~ld Tom Savino, a arMuate
11(1JU , fl
I do"
n the
of Loyola University in Cbicqo, Wlilo
wm be aetting married in Ma)'. "It's
kind of hartb10 staR planning for· 11
~ Conticwed from paae I
ideas. Suffolk "\JnJvcrihy would Ii.kc
10~~•¥e tilc•.o'ppottuaity 10 Leach
p6op,lc. • liule bit more about what we
will not tokril:e. as ■\school .
I .. , don't c•pect that, on this cllffiPIM!:~ ,Y.t-c,d1 y,.ill, neceaurily be
Suffolk-'Un.lVenity ,or w~ al S11ffolk Unlven.ity., aiwM'm fully aware
that many people feel, for moral rea-
(amily When lJ'OU llill:0.0-tOIDC bank.
cased moctof)'OW"!u)ary... ,.
c for
is a1
and 1
·Ahhou&h ' today's coupkll am,1t •
gcuing Dlll'ried wJb1 later in lifc,.JDCQ
and women are moving in with each
When asked what c:owx ol ac>tiop ~~nilfflllion'would take in
iu dJon "to eradicale• lh.i1 ·~ lem,
Arti9-Jackson woukl only Illy thac'a.a •
effort would be made JO investipte
who the pcrpetraton were, 11\d to
01~ •However.
tffiMcd Ill al sq,a,ale matter,- ahd 11
separate in'Yclliaation will come u a
=~~Jli=~-:;:: ~j~:y:~n~~ =.:~ :«:tw!:; .~-'--'--.----_-_~-_-_-_-_~- -
•10. according to last year's University of Cdctco 1andmad ,u IW'Vq'.
The lhidy foaad that i;nore tljin
11rhi~ 60 ~ of,cbe men IUl'Veycd tint
tie at moved in with • • female when t!ieY
were 22. ,compared lO the aamt 'per.
'0-i~ CCllUICC or rfll&nat who were 20 1111:
men lbe time. 1'•
I t.be
t .,•:,, t;P.
:: ■ GU\'119UNDS
''Fires in the ~r,'' an arresting and powerful
in Suffolk. •Univcnity, everybody,
every wortcr, every student, to understand that, once a swdent1is enrolled here. er ooce a penoo is cm-
ployed here. CTcry Angle permn at
Suffolk Uni¥cr'Mty bas the rig.ht 10
work and learn in a comronabk en-
This week marts the debut of the
s.trolk Studml n-ttc proclDction
rl Fira lit 1M Mlnor, a play detailioa rc.:tioat to the riots in Crown
Helgllts, 8rooily11, New Yort in
1991. The prodlctioa., dinlcUd by
Yit0nmen1," said Artia-Jactson.
Continued from pqe l
ance at Suffolk Greg Lanza, reels
ctoB them in cg~'begina'ror yol.ir per- that, in light or this incident, the
'- . . , 1 ,ocw ,rtcotidn;.. Cryjd fo, you 10 cnYironmcnl is bc:com.ing more un•
Iese, 1 talk ft> them, lOpul ~barid In their comfonabk by tbc momCIIL "I be·
cqc and pat ttieir no1e1..After spcod- lieYe that they were ·intended LO be
iQ1 a rcw ~ with thele belutifu.l, runny, 111d I'm wre tha1 eYerybody
amde uhnal&, you inYolYcd got a big laugh out or it.
will want 1 ~ them all home with What people don' t reaJize. is that
. Y°'¥ IOO.
w~n you joke like that a~t ~n
What is done to these dogs ls ennrc culture or people, no joke as
inhumane, unfair, and u.,t'<qlvaftlC. _
it dqnldes anothc:r· buTbey're liYing cie81ures~ dot ina-' man bein,," Lanz.a said.
ddnel.. Tbey'n never bad tbe chance
In fact. Lanza was lO infuriated
the chance to know any other life that he aueodc:d a meeting of the
thanthalof~inaca,e; or' Nnniha Board
Trustees' S1udent Affairs
arou.ad a tnd. Ld,.tbem tno,,r a.GCW Committee. whete he informed aca•
hu tite chance to see IL
media prcseewion iacludia& 1lidel
and videq • wdl u actorl. ll1ockim
brio11 wiLDeues, participants and
react.ions aod impres1ion.1 of. the
riots mat: rt1Ultcd
the accidcDW
death of I }'oung black male, Gavia
Cato., and the subscquellt murder ol 1
Je wish divinity 110.dent , Yank.el
Rosenbaum .
P,lotkins makes full use of her
diY ctlC cutt }ISinl male acton u
• Aovemal!TOUIS
•CAI RDrrAL . Ta4YU.QIU)l:5
llf~ ~ . 1
~ baVt_·a ~
- demicdelm..PreskScntSarJent.bUSC-
Tbey' rc looltina· for IOYe and fUCbliOCL Which. when received, ls ~
turned. Uncoodidoaal.ly.
For m0re infomwion reprdina
the Greyhound frieods, Inc. cmtact
re~ £._
ees and _
student leaders.
PTelKlcnt Sargena was reponed,
by Student GoYe.mment A1SOCi1tion
President Erika Olristemon, to have
pen:~!~ apologiz.ed to Lanz.a fo~
males, white . actors as African-
..~ .., ~r1 J(1
Theatre• Dii'ected by ~rilyn Piotldu ~ April 6, 7~ 8 • 8pm . .
, ·To order. call: 573-8680 .
Jewish used by ~ Devere Smith,
the - aclcrl clwoot<n. the playwright or "f°lfCI in the Mir'tf.'I,.. are Rew:reod Al Sharpton (Tina
E. Oaffaey) and Mini1ter Conrad
Ml)b.ammc!,1 (Roc~Ue LaMoniqoe
....); ....,.; Jo,q,1, Sp;el""" (Hcidi
Plottlu. i1 an arreatin& = o ~ ~ r : : i n
cnma tbll will affect cvuyoac who
americans and African-americans
Nublai). brother of slain Yankd.
Flll$intlwAtirror iladeplm1te
£or ~ tbcaUe. and a show !hat
flllOy risu, paying orr considc;nbly in the end. It is a play that
tcucbes on aubjocts like racism aad·
pcn:q,tion, and bandies them _
Mth 1 •
variety of viewpoints and a c::unplpc
lack qf pruchines1 and ael{-coa~
- -A mull~ !Ol'• .U Saf-
f~:;:=:,~~tnyone ~
The play nans llu1
throu&.h Saiu.rcJay, ~pii~ 5-8; at 8
p.m,.• S\df~'• C. ·W,J,h ~
Tic-"" S8 fo, t h e ~ J>!'bl;.,
S4 r0r; students a.nd RDiOfS.
Everythfug's coming up Spade
E & L..
.~At'.-ct•l.-...~e~ t ,
· - , .. , n , - ~ ,1
~A~ L ~ l ~ '-'F~
''Fires in the Mirror,'' 3-0 a ~ and powerful drama
americans and African-amcricans a
This wcct mns the debut of Lbc the pllywrtaht oC ..FU"tS in the Mir-'
Suffolk S11idmt ne.tre production ro,,.. are Reverend Al Sharpton (Tiu
cl Flru lit tlw Minor• • ~ decail- E. Oatrney) ,od Mio.isu:r Conrad
in, reacdoal 10 lbc rioel in Crown Mohammed ( RochcUe La.Monique
Hei1l111s, Brootlyo, New York in Page). Rabbi JOlq)b Spielman (Heidi
J99J. The prodDcdoo. dirocted by Gillis) and Norman Rosenbaum
Mwilyu Plottia.a, ii u anaUoa (Christian Cibotti and Emmaaud K.
chm.a NI will affect CVU)'ODe who Nuhlai), brotba of t1aia Yankel.
hu the chance to sec it.
Fires in tlw Mirror Is a departure
U&ina fv.ll ldvlll$,llc ol • multi- for atudpu theatre. and a show th.II
media prcsc:awion iacludul& slidcl \aka many riw, payina off COASidlllld video• well a.s acton, Pkiclins cnbly in the end. It is a play that
brings\wit.nesse,, pa:rticipam.t and touches on aubjocts like racism and
i.dlaestcd s-,tlc:s to lire to dew I their .. pen:eption, and handles them with a
reactioas ud impression.a of the variety ol viewpoints and a complete
rioa thal raul&ed from the acddcatal lack of p~hiness and sclf-coodeath of a young blade male, Gavin tcioumeu. A muic-sec for all Suf.
Cato, and chc subsequent murder of a foll:: swdenu, u well u anyone with '
Jewish divinity ,1udcn1. Yankcl the oppot1uni1y 10 ICC iL
The pity run, th.is Wcdoesday
P,lottiDJ makes full use of her lhrougb S11urday, April S-1, at 8
diverse casl, using male acton u
p.m, tt Suffolk'• C. \Y'~ ~
rematc f hanc\crs, f~e tct.Of:1 u Tickets are S8 ror I.he gcncral publK:,
males, while tctors H African- tnd S4 for ll~ts and seniors.
The lttest comic-boo):-wmcdbig-screen-advenam: '"Tank Girl" ii
-~~':.;'~=:=-_ :,_ ....
l::icn:~-=u~ :: mu:~
_ ..... _
..::~;:::;r.;;:. ~
~~:.:?-..~~~ of
~:;~v~ ~~~~
if it.ir~U. ti
.~~: {:= ;~,~ ::,:t.i:
' ..
- it~=~,.~::;.~~';; .:;:~tJ1:~=-~
"'lllnk Girl" soundtrack captures the fun of the movie
By Justin Grieco
,c:)(MIAl. rr.v,r
The new soundtrack for the m~
bOR picture -rant Oirl" is simply the
most consislcnt and cojoyable alter-
~ ~~"&!.~~ ~~~==
s.-Com- •·
• raiaccl in Soocudalc, Ariz..
leaded n
Colsons Hoccl ln Bever!)' Hills. "It's Ill.I (jcrtc). lnthilmovic,I' mkiodolu.t, qe a - d ~ S(,l&C, where~
kind o( mean-spirited and w.holey. espcdaUy iq.,.lhc fira half. I' m jull icd aottu-c,Stl)IOIJ and busincu. HC
l'malittlelikcthat,sute. lwrotom01t rippull ,Cliiil; up. That's why tt tbc oev'er flllllhed IChool. " I think. l 'ffl
or my wff. ao I stepped ioto my own end I like. that I Id to throw in a little about 90 credits &bore," be encb,
tnp. Tbat'swbat~wantoa'SNL'
tbc .s•i~i.uradstmdapcom
They" sec wht(-;'(?lb ~ chert lhcy
uitouS telephone com.mcrcials7
want you lo do it, but sometimes
"Tommy Boy" casts Spade as cdy, ~ & • clubs and c:.:;J
That's a qucition lots of people when I write looficr stuff, WC don'I Richard, the bitchy riJbt band to Bia ~ Hcjoincd"SNL" ill 1990
have been uldng lincc Spade came do it."
Tom Callihan (Brian denathy) , and hu made bi, nwt with &Uc:h
to prominence. and it's what they' ll
Spade doc1n' t seem too con• owner cJf Callahan Auto Parts. When cha,-ctc:.n u the obno•ious nitht
be wonderio1 ·ucw throu1hou1 a cemcd that 1ame people may mis- Bl& Tom dics,'t'h l1 cOMivlna wife attendant ("Buh, bye" ) and the aceraood ponion of "Tommy Boy," the Lake him for hi1 characten and think { Bo Dcrtl) and her IOll (Rob Lowe) bic Hollywood Mi nute reporter
co,qcdian's first swrina role tfter he's, well, an ushole. " I think some plot to wrest the company aw1y from ("'Cliaplio •• .It 1hould be Craplia.")
,maller ptrts io " Reality Bites," do, but most people ue. paiy nice ir TommyCallaban(fartq),BiaTom's • These dtys, of COW'l,C, "SNL"
"c'oneheadJ," " Light Sleeper" aiid they' re fans. I think tbcy undcrscand good-natured bul oono-too-swifi son. seems to be the bull of every joke, the ·
"P.C.U." The film teams him with his that it's more of a joke. I think they Uhimately, Rlf hard and Tommy recipient of every conceivable criti•
main "SNL" partner, Ovil Farley.
koow it's io me," he ootcs. "I don' t embut on • luc.--dilCh effort to save cl1m. Spade bu hetrd lhc barbs.
"I'm terrified of myse.lf," jokes do it to Lbem tt tll. I'm really nice the company, durio& wbich. tbcy be- There arc problems. be achowlthe wiuy, leas-than jerk-lib. Spade when they come up to me because I come &Omethlna rescmblia& pals.
cdp, but the sbow's dcah odl bas
d\lrina an in1cn'.,iew a11hc Four Sea· think they ace scared that I'd be a
Spade rcportS that be~ Ftrley, been sounded before, and it SOfllerrazucnt "SNL" &kdch pannen aad how bounced back. h's his hope that
close off-1ereco friends , enjoyed it wiJJ do so apin.
"""""I IOguhu fo, -r.....i, Boy."
"I lake all Ibo blame.• be joca.
lfthclilmis~hi1. chancesarclbcduo Then be hims serious. "I'm ju.st a
will ancc movie ~ for a long hired hand. I 1how up and try 10 be'
timc.'"'l don't thlnk 'a DCX.t nWrt' WOOib funhy aocl ti)' t0 write IOfflethlni for
be a "Tommy Boy") seq~. 1 lhink I.he show at ldut once a week. If It
By Dtna Barbano
imaac to be JIil 01:1 a mouse pld from we wowd do ju.st anothe! movie like aeu on, it acts on. I have no control
AbbOlt and Costello or Lewis and oYer that I ju.st want to bold up my
Martin. I'm kind or ' SU1UJ.bter, and tent pole when I'm in a aocnc. 1f I'm
~ Tbc lnicmet, the Supcrbiahway, ROMs, and pmes on,.._ Some or Chris is aooficr. 'We-tao both be s up~sed 10 be straiaht, I'll be
the" ~Uy, really big cunputcr blur, t.be boob are in-house· ~
w '.
has gone ~omers to use, IO
·ortcach othe\-,".aayl lhe -30-year/41d 11Hie arli1
ude: '
runnymtn, who it smg1e. :1 get'• rCW
."We just have to ride it OtJI and
is, .,BuiJcli'
ith Tech- Newt or your favorite 1'epillticaa 10 actual jQtes io there. I get to say hope cvcrytbina worb out for us.
oolOI)'." 1beir 1'llpbij, lloro ba 50 harass them o r ~ . ___..., j some thfngs that makc~mc or ~ It's ltill a job. It cao got everyone
DCJWoftcd computas wbctt;'youC&II
Wbca ..)ao.... . . tiio ... ...,, ~-dsc 'laitgb., bw. J'm!j,;euy mlich wbeft!\bcy Ire now.Jt's till fu• (or a
v .. ·ftdi•1o'1lii,- ,, o.lioe •.11·i.mwilb•duolil'rl•~ the straialu ,ft'Wl.
hand~ or peopl~. People still come
1trviccs, <;I> ROM, -Virtoal Rtal.ity, . of com.puun, and a11ii ~
..I 1ipcd up kociwiag ic was me 10 my colleac 1i11. Wbcn I do
tnd othcrr "break throl.&all-~9:; the &tore, c..plainiaa tile
aod Ftrlcy, and I know- the exdte-- Lcttamao, there's a jood crowd for
gico,_:: Once you log on.- ilic'oj!i!ciil ' all the high 1p,od. hlp'1DC~ W..1
;:.~.:: ~.:
also iOClu d ~ about the &tore, lion. Tbeycocounacy• ,-..,.. : : : .
aod you cao even order from the care lions, aad employees were friendly, just want to bold my own. It's ~ (Carvey) and Dennis (Miller). Back
respoodin1 to qucsdom: with speed. when be', loud, falliog dowo ud thco, they were scared of 1enJn1
Membcr&hip II Cybentoilb costs Their tips were io laytcrms aod really doina the bcad-ban&in& and things cancdcd.. People were sayina, "The
only ooc dollar for • debit card to helpful. Even lhO&C people who arc that make him rWIDy. Just to stand UI show aucb.' and aow they' re aayini
purchase monctary amounu of time not computer-friendly, or comfon• the same room wi&b him, yfJ6ttt, aak- ' When (Carey aad Miller) were there
for louina on al any ofthc tcnnioals.
ioa for rrow,ic. But. Farley ii &ood al it.wU aood, but
pys . . _' ljuaa
Cards can continually be recharged
slwinc, and I like worting with him. try to be iood every week and. hopein d i f ~ amounts for up lo six
We' re aood t.oadher-"
fuUy. thc tide will twa.. ..
months before the membcnbip nms
out. Some of the rcatures you will
lind arc a clear, "front page" access
and Interface to the lntemeL Th
"hot lists" on their eleven Internet
stations ioclude: Politics and Activ•·
nitive ~ collection since the music from '"The Crow."
lla& IOIU'ljmlCk tibum wu produocd by Cowtoey Love from the
Hole aod Love's heavy srunae
influence 1ho1t.• on many or '!he
tlbwn's track:t. Howevy, Love docs
h .~fnxii~cthcrcalstylingsol ·
Bjork and Pbnisbcad lo the catchy,
Samc toUod olBusb tnd the
heavy metal nasb of L7 •
n..lOWldtrad: uniquely catches
the~Jllllc: feel of the lilm withucal. ~ - - - - o{ Girl.
Cole Ponds "'Let's Do IL"
· The lilm is fast and lillcd with out being too dark. It never foracts
Thill Is jwt • cumplc or "Tank pCIII CJn&-liaen and will surdy please that the ,movia was •Pl,-S rrom a
cull pop ~ ~aic book and
~fore.....,..a. 111t011pC:1irmJy
ten ID over iL
the comic book. Petty mllkes it tll i.n e ~ .
ll is completdy out or tbc maia• worth wttcbiaa.
~ n In the
tUam ad lhia is what KU it ~
fn:a odllr 'aucmptl al • livo-lCUOO
Porter'• "Let's
coaJc book. Titre movie it oatra•
t 11 • -wildly campy musical
Ir-. "'The ~ aim~ 10Und like
~cy are havina the bmc or their
hves. /
v(H, ol• ..,..~
Rociy Horror
Pkwre Show" croslm with "Mid
. \ " A ~ ~ " ) - - . . Ealy.•
villain, ,wlio ~ Rebecca'•
Its only real 0tw is the lengthy
hippie colony in die Ylllt dcaat that appearance of The Rippers, one of
hu become the ~ ~ be- which is plt)'Cd by np anist lce-T.
· friends let Oir1 played by 'Naoo,ii They UC• poup of gcncdcally eogiWam_ dlc twb ,o• ol. a miaioa DCetCd oultaa,. aad provide • rew
to aave the world &am droupt.
lauabs but aimply 1c1 too mUcb
On the w.y die po cad up in a acrccn time. The film woukl have
bn>lhdand ..... <lltfilmlbilariout boa,bea,roffdecticllins•~ ...
and over-lhiHop ~ a mu- to Tank Oirl'1 Olbcr ~t'°Sub
lbc hetvy mclal ~ ~
By tan Spcllina
Colleae Press Service
WASHINGTON - Is David Spade
really ·like thi; quk.k, msu1 met cut-
Boni iD Binnin&ham, Mk:b., and
Cup of coffee while you
check your e-maH? >
Wild and-_
Waclcy '"I}mk Girl"
1he Machine*) s pon1dk and energelK: 1ouch. Tt lalay brillitntly inscrtl animated aegmcnts from ''Tank
Girls" oriJiaal ,ou,cc comic and she
keeps the action 1oing.
Else.where on the al buJn, The
Ml&pll,cau Bastards lend t ca.ichy.
mtdc-for•radio ditty "Mockingbird
Oirl ,.. Hole mixes their old sounds
wilb lheir new souiuis for "Drown
Soda." • gripping, knockout blast of
arena rock, and Bu.sh corltribu1cs a
song from their smash allium "Si,;lcca SlOOc" and it should please (ans
of NitvlDL
Belly is in top ronn wilh a vocal
ahowcuc called "Thief .. Vcruca Sall
provides lyrics to ~ ' on with the
sortertlben darter "Aurora" and L7
lsas ca1chy, quirky and rou&,h rpgtd
as cvu on "Shove ..
The album al~o includes two
lrflcb which do not seem to fit into
the ovcraJJ rec1 of the other music.
Howevu. Dcvo's leclmo-rock "Girl
U Wani" embodies- the visual en·
hancemeru of the film and Ice-T's
"Bia Clan" buju.u the riJhl amowit
olbad--. . auitudc.. Bo<hrracksblcnd
into the m~ 1moolhly
Man! IO~ndtrac.lc °.ibums are a
hit-or-miss l111enin1 experience or
seem to lose power when taken away
from Lbe soun:c film bul '"Tank Girl"
easily stands .i,onc as an
coll«tion or &real rock
. =~~t:~t:~:~
Sila. Shoppii,1 and
lions). the latest ud hippest
Q) ROMs to try CIUl (ten atttions),
I.he lttcst 10ftwarc game systems io-
cludioa Atari Jaguu, Sep Satxaml,
Seat-Ocoesis, Super Nintendo and
300 (ei&hl ,tatioos), in virtual reality, two lhffi>dimemional sames:
Dactyl Niahtmaro aad Zoae Hunter,
and also a FaceMocpbcr wbele•Cllftomen cu expaimeat by ~
manipulatina it as you wish.
Prices for time-based fees are
17..S cenu per mhwt.c for the different stations, and $5- for oacb vinual
reality expcric:occ. Tee UWU. m11&1,
1M other items can be penonaliud
- .--,--,--:,--:---=--
.. ,
~ me"
Ilia Shaw-..- ... then, wouldn' t
-•-"•ar-•iuJ•Tiru..,.,....._ ·
' s
. Prinwily bdoa me April Pools cdltioo NOT lako over
meeotin,_,. Plol.liao,oledi10r1.-yiMTyWalsh
'Al moll of you out there
kDow, ABC's ""'Jhtline";,
ooe ~ my favoriie tdcvfaioosbowi, right nut to Play~y"s "Hot Rocb." So I ~
tut you~~ not surprised
wbp_I tell you. thal l was
wa1ching It lut Thursday
wbul somethiog stnJCk me
odd. Actually, J would call
11 insane
and Co. were
Senate bearing
personne l trai ning pioce, durea, wheo the testimony
swud to aet...rau.nchy. You
sec. the FAA has come Wider
fire lately bcc-.ac their persoond uain!ng methods arc
being COfflparcc1
cult ini•
ti ation ceremonies There
hive bc.c.n docum~ted • •
lllnCCS of inten.se physi::,
intimidatioo and emotional
abuse dwiaa' the "clusroom"
• sessioas;
Foolecl' ya!
ADd eachse.-eatcr, the P.ditor-in..Qic(wilJ chuckle,
and rq,ly •Uli, no.•
Tho sal!jc,ct of u April Foob bsue II lho s.JfoU:
to a ~m • iJ,eviOUI editorship had wttb • conuoversialitlue tblll n:suhod in the suspension orthe JCN,mal's -
· pablit:ation for a yew.
'Bditonsinoc then lend toerroa'"thetldcof caulion.
WeO. W11i1 dus ye,,.
Thodcciiioal6dnowlcdFAprilPools 0:,.Ylhii
~wuaJona-comidcrcd<lae.but wefulallydccidcdto
boil!lioa......,...Y oimeS,tfoU:-oodindus
....... ~ w a n t to see that wort,o up
Th'e Suid.olk JI rr~ wan'!R,,IY>'Y~'
' 'ou---'
•~ ~ J.i·
lhiswcck.~'su.JJolk..lJfM!IL,~ Jimnalwasdone(oc
all1ocnjoy, withnomaliceintendec!lowardanyone. We
.... ~
• • ' .I .,.., ' " " '
conlriblltbl'lo this ,,
whose colo"miu ate •1;
:; ~ .
. for.the ""51 ~ -~ ,Y
• "1"°"'1' ~11> . . . . . realityilalreadybc:rc.'"
- QfrWlaa cibotd,
ooe or the stars or Sufrolk
Studcnl TbcMrc production •fil"CI in the Mirror,· in '
response IO IQaCOCIID._ cc:.nmcnt. ·You're drtan,ioi•
bulld¥tl, _
. _;. ,..
-».vm·yoµ.. .Jf YQt,tb3.Y~/;m.Y
• 1.• I .::;:11 .. 1,, "· ••;· ,
,c1 .• •~-•.
1,e ,1, u:.iqbll
odw :ill.
cpfmilerits Qr opiniQnS.:3.boltt '8
IT'tln~:-n,r"I .. ,,-,
to the'Editor. The Journal is
YOUR student newspaper, let
::::IFoolsbsue, wemayno1-eachothcrfou ·
stor:y in.the Journal,, write. al,etter
enrertain you, oot fool you.,
in the"PmC way they did to the last timcthe/ouma/tried
On the other hand, if it goes over well, next year
Sllllib. It is feltlhaumny Suffolk studcnU tum to the
JOfU1tlll ~ dial tbc news we report will be accuratc
IDd fair, to the beat of our abilitfel (this despite the private
joteamoa1)~111ffo-sorourunomciaJmotto, "all
.A .. 5() ~i~ftQinclude an insert to our ~g\llar issue
your voice be heard.
(Yea!t, I know you've heard it
befo~ but it's still true.)
with z::ium~mnplalw of -get this•
iuual baraufflenL
Can you believe it?
uw the-leafy-eyed tel1
timony of man who w~
obviously deeply. troubled
..., wbOI bilppeoed' lo him
oa •-Oii:iiljob. He ftal~
, • .,, to
have • dozen people all foo...
dlina ,ou1
I know 1--id.
Oecz, l'd ~Y aood mt]!Jtl- lO
work at a place where,t,enal
ha_ usmc nt is the noim..__I
think sexual harassment is
Jim. I loff1L I rill I!-' iJ·
would happen to me more
often .
Ub, oh. I think that l hear
moansfromthecrowcl. ..-How ·
can h~ b~ so ln.muitiw:1..
1 ~ ' .~
r WM, M ~Id
l/wsk ~It happen~d to hun 7..
Well, I II addrcas thole points.
ID fact, I hive been sexuany·twuscd in lhe pasL It's
ll\le. I came into work one
day, wbeo my boss. whom I'
hada't seen in a while. came
up to me and greeted me.
"Ob. Mike. It's been so long
since l've'Scal you. You look
greut" Then the harassment
'em -cake.but only
t ne~ ••W... .
says Jim
, ...
Jim Beltt1- .
. _ wu 111 -~ b or~
limidea pc-■illuili■Hl--liia;
1 .,.
own rc■lity. Iwaslookina f«
a cheap eat.
Sothcft.J SM, CQ,joyla&-a
w ty Fresca It lhe kma:, teet-.
an.a~ gulq-1~ ~ t i
the ~ y furbished Sultofk
ca!et.cna. I was preuy ~n.
Fo.- l0IDiC rcuoo. ,the ■tmosphe~ of the cafeteria was
drap1n1 me into the bowels
or my own person Herl.
_ couldn't put my f ~
on •L I fdt like u exile. 'A
,Su Holk Sob.b~nitsy n. A
Ridgeway Ru.sbdie. ~
And lhe ca.feteri1 food
smelled like baked weucls.
'"",ct i
pan; shc m-,..,bu .".""""
u You,and cam~io
and 4! _ _. ,.-... .,
ts SOOO good ~ & · Have 1 &C..
I r;:uu up focliog like
yoa bcc:D wortiaa ~ r ~
an °1...1~ ~ wart. The
I'Dadmit..lwaubittaken w a l l s ~ ~ ~Cllflh
•~It. ma~bc even a )iule wu. quaking. My miad !~ B u t l ~',l ~ ~~F::.cddcril~
o ~ la facs _ lbougbl
is•~••• ~
~ I .~
my . . . . ....,.,
To die ...... ,.,. it's
AndUll~tbeU-biultt . about friulaa dme! I've
~ 111,k
yaued oat from u ~ me rormuc:b10D\olls.jlck. r■
ud replaced whh a kinder, human. 1 --■--•, MWI .,
soft«, roullder, JDOft. euily emlDrc h.iall scllool •i•a
acceuib'° table ot love and a"irangeme1us any loaior.
Joyll Hallelujah!
That's wby we .-,_
Now I can enjoy my cit• moolah u, aacnd this dllmp,
rus ~enae fn sp■lial hip- right?
Tu ition isn't just fot
t broke through the ·op- breakfast aayrpcn. ·
prcuive ' 70. prisoe' funk !
We pay Suffolk for 10
I was free to be me! Oh. many pretty flaky reaao■a,
bow I daoccd on,thal table.. J wby shouldn' t we.· .a latl
stripped myself ha.re and enjoy our foodl oo ·tbc roullllddanced ~ it wu the fint est of MUl),d tables?
dl.)I ot,ry1ifeoo that $15.000
' Now, if they could Jlllt
I ~~
~ ~·~,of'da■~
,'M'i,, ,om ''"'"• ,,:JY-'!"ll! -j,i,'3~•
, ~Ji!id"1\""
polar . . . . IDWlld _pilllic
----=eilreaHsdcorsnc- :·ailly
, o d ~. willbo acal.
,odbe w e n ! ~ I O
c-icuPQ!'Ove.A,,loo&• upbydte _ _ ..., o i l - -•008-Hjll
thebou! Whalamoronl
How maay'pys-9 pk
tcm .pabyoublckl'Ubavc g'.r¥p ,lho.cooscq11CDCC11. of
oo probka with ii at alt
thdr reform.
:. ~ t do .y ou think_ th6
'f L
~et f°'1 that
reli~:u,.air:~~~ a
.~ J h l l was
rocket lo tbc moon. I WIS the once an animal or 9 -vqI
SP,A rcpruentative ' from c:table, Jhlll would be real
fl.art. . .
. ~•
•}able .. ,. Maybe it's_; . IDCt bDl
iups. l ~ashappj••
, ,
,nor~u. wbo bave ~
.dw.apin& II the bit IO pqc
"··t \~
tbal,i(,fbc,~!f"4dillh •l,Pl'• 'g:(., ~"'1,i ~; .,
Into sbe bMl~bellhk:19 lake
the ffi&ht 1nwer., 001y•to be It. So I reach!~ ~o
"'"""nllod by lati• poup ~ bet- buu. ,pd .
r of , wt,meb- fn>ffl both 'sides. kitwpYl ~ s~ had ,~
•. ,:n.o .womcn-lthen 1
procc,cdcd II! _ .. ..,\.':.,''' , _; ,~~
. to ll'llke-commtiaU tnclwliha -:t>r ·~ ~ my
''Oh,lfflO' t thblejeanstigbL" , tbeJ.~Y,ofsexual
" Ind 1 bel&'l"j<OIII,• o~,WOI '\·YOU ... do It
., 'tol·•lhete'ffl •)'Ollt i-u... and - ~ ~ iJ no problem
one woman even
Dc,a tp,.mewrong;
is dcfulitd laboo,
blltl~ 1of'hi.i ~ nabbed. ~ i,-nocc:nt comment
his cbest and wd-wui. •· thewcd:placearc~
hairy chest you bawl"
In race, if you'd like to
This is diqnce..
res~ IO .this column, don't
Wlw wu be thiating? wn~ a leaer; come up and
This~ had aa tCIISl a tw.s~ i•n imc:rpretcvrry
~ < # I l l e - - p,tbtolhebull os• oepti.,c
siieWtpojllaallll-llim, ,..,,....,_...,p1,iolhe
Suddmly, ■ flod;v/cool
cate.. tkiallikc,,aoat-Myua
The Suffolk
tJZ , 1
. 1mich me·there.~.please
.. , L
".:iot >" ,,
OUl ..... wouldn'l
ooe or ffl)' favorite television
~ . l'. d pay aood money to
· :;~•;H~tocn~~!~ t ~
t~l you~r~ nq_t . surprised
wbeo I c.cU you thll I wu
watching it last Thursday
wbc.n aomethin.a sLruck me
u odd. Actually. I WouJi:l call
it in~
Ted "oppcl IIBd Co. were
al a Same bearing on FAA
personnel traioing procedu.res, when the testJmony
started to get•.. raunchy. Yoo
sec. the FAA has come under
fire \aieJ.y bccalse their pc;rsonnd trainina methods arc
be~& compared µ, cull ini• .
: : ~ ~:r~::::rii~~~
stances or intenJe physical
intimidation, and emotional
abuse during the ..classroom..
,... I
sessions; along with numer•
CIUS b:wnplainu of -get !hissexual harau mept.
C.an you believe ii?
J p w the icary-eyed tes:
iimony of a mDn who was
obviously deeply- troubled
over what bappe!led to him
!~\: ':;,":::.~;
Tfte Suffolk Journal, wan,t'i'tn:bear
Hi .. , : fi.'om;Y.Q.U, ..If you baye.;m;iy'
• ~J 1.d .q:11,1,i'••.· .. .- ,
,t'l-'J r~:•\
1:,: .,.
,i ·•
YOUR student newspaper, let
YO!H voice be heard.
(Y~ Hmow you've heard it
befo~ but it's still true.)
l,;; • .,. ·
think 1uuat harassment i1
pail. l lovt' jL I wiSJf tliiil: ij.
the flight tower.• onJy
. of womm"fn>m both .......
bad ' "'I\«
,,:nto .womcnltben :procceded a&J ,~ - ,, ,•
...• •.
to make-comineats tnchldi."na -~~· ~putt. my •~ 1! 11
'"'Oh, am,'t thole jeans tigbL" lbe J~ or sexual bJuusmenL
" Ind ,Wbat 'a balg!OPl'Ol",•"~"'9<11 ,uyou,andoil ri_gbl
·• ·l(ll•thchdn~ -paii\.r;"and ~~1snoproblemw1th
c,newOCJWl e V C O ~ ,t:-nwa tpA fflCwroDg; ~ .
· ~ definitd taboo, bqt_
tMiu::W idf-'hli wn1, nibbed f~ mnocent comments, 10
hi, cbost and ..,;.i •
•Wbll , .
P~"" . - J\u,•
hairy chest you have!"
In fact. .'r you'd bite~
This is a dis.,.cc.
respond to _ colwnn, doo t
What. wu be thinking? write a _
letter. come up and
ThiL penoa1had at least a barulme.l'llincerprctevery
dou:n members of t,tll!. dppo- grab to the butt u a negative
site SCJ: groplftl till•ovetldm, re,ponf9, ev~ '&"'b to the
and he went complaiaing to . c ~ u J)Q!ibve.. As loq as
theboss ! Whlllamoront---·
Ieat1pbyoubaclt l'llh4ve
How mao)'tpyt and airll no problem with it at all.
to the'.Editor. The Journal is
Jim Behrle~
ure. l tiu~•goat.Myass
Suddmly,a tlockofcool
I wu in search of the is as bi1 • a beadablll.
- people came to~ out~
limitlol!. poeeit:Wti of li6s,;
Kelpl-SOMliiodyl-Akor ..-:.\llti aaeiill ._ ■IICllel I
would happed to me more I Waf 1ocm.D& 1o ~ - , my
1o lbc 1111111. I say, it's ·
owureality. l wulooklnafor.
~odln~chcU-~sl about (riaaioa time! t'vt
Uh, ob. I think that I hear • cheap
. f·
Slddcaly the table was been isolllcid
moans from thcc.toWd. .. How
So there I Ul, cnjoyiilg11 yaabd out from u ~ me for much tooloas,jack. rm
can he be so in.mui1i11e1.. last)' frcsca al tbe loq, rcct- ud Teplaced with a kinder, human. t shoulda."t have to
TheyareallaskingOrmaybe :,:ugn~Jy fu..:.~....
~~• softer, rouader. ~ore euily endure lliab school ~i•1
it's " I wonder what he would
rolalEU »1111'ofk acceuible table of J
OYe and arrangements any loni er.
thinkifithap~ne_Jf to him 1" cafeteria. I was pretty down. jo,!I HalJelujah!
Thal•• why we pq,bia-tiffle
WeU, l'lladdrauholepoints. For some reason, the atmoNow I can cojO)' my cit- moolah to_aueod thil dump,
In fact , I have been sexu- sphere of the caf~eria was N I beverage in spatial hap- right1
ally hara.ucd in the pasL h's dragging me into the bowels- pinessl
Tu ition J1 n't just for
true. I came into work one or my own pc:rlOD Heli.
. I broke through the 'op- breakfast anyiporc. ·
day, when my boss, whom J
I couldn' t put my fi~er prcuive '70s pri~ ' funk!
We pay Suffolk ror
hadn't seen in a while, came on iL I fell like an exile. A
I was free to be mel Ob, many pretty fl aky .reasons,
up to me and greeted me. ,Suffolk Solih eni11yn. A bow I dat>ced on.that table. I why t houldn"t we •I least
"Oh. Mike. 11'1 bcen ·so long Ridgeway Rushdie.
stripped myselr bare and enjoy our foods on the·rouod•
since l've·seen yoo. You look
And the cafeteria food danced like it ·was the first est of ftKIDd cables?
great!" Then the harassment smelled like baited weasels. da)'oflfly life on that SIS,000
' Now, if they could just
cam: : :
~w"li&1:¥Ja'i,:··,\ was a -!l~lo~~tua~y ::- .
·1.rr, "" {
di~ i t
1• 1 ti ft
r> I,
is sooo good looking. Have age.an
up ec1nalike _rocket1othem90n. l wuthe oncC an animal or &•vegyou been working out?'' ,
an oxy--cut.cd
watt. ,The SR~ repre1Chlative ' from e'tab1e, thal woold be a real
I'lladmit,lwasabitWCO wall.lwereshaking. Tbeeuth Wonderland.
ftarL •
•~It. ma~be even a .little was quaking. -My mind' wa .'
'what.a diJ i ~ a table ' Maybe it's JUii me, but
s ~,But I ~ •t ~y achina. The cafetaia
J w aj hiw'j' as a
b~ ofchole-my..
tlu\lM1 lo. f.:t, I thouijhl , me all Frcsca lQng.. l
fhc.-t::.w,aJ<1d~R i\ ppt,
"(~ ~d ·''fiiin~~·~ , •.l, f "•
1 1
shcbad~beoblo IOU!<' ~ yl;:.;.,.;'l,~&iluahl I'll
, . ,IQ /i,Y , ~•
it. S o ! reach_!'d ~round, ~vfl"
. f m a faal- ff!,:.: "'"''.' , " .
: ~•b~. -. , . '.,.~ .-i " 10
~ ~ er butt,apdtol,4 _ ,
,. •
0: ~ .
lri"'/IY,'.-(' ·~
u·..qb 1I :,vl:!! 1.11h,1 '.!l1
cp~erits <Ir opiniQns.: ijboot a
· ,
.,,.,n,,:,nl'!"I •·
,st,ocy. in.the Journal,, write.aL,etter
• ,,,,,. I \"
'°" 10 Let 'em eat cake, but only
at new~ says Jim ·
Mike S h a w _
-~- ~-t- ..':~~ :::·~ :=·, '!::
~ ~
fo~c/a:-dt~~~ ~-
~ ~~,
1,wiec1 ·,;fflf19J.·~
le!Y'~ ..
':r,ai', D\,ro,;,;llo.
,.,,,r~ .~
'1!fWJ4,:l',-i,i'l110 ,rh •,it ~~ bn&!l~
' :•
..,,;-:"J';'~~ 1
1-Jtc;H 01,nl .. ..10, I ,.ilun~ ~-~
.. f!'pppn .for . i,iq.l~Wthen
1 • .Jsr~ !fev9Urta1 tbc 1 qi, Jlt~,1
J)91idcap ~
· ii" •·,ritb l'f!H,llll~AfA,RJre
- ~ ~ ! ~ ( < , < ·<!ll=•~ o ( d e b o l o f!";•
~ ~ W - ~ ~ , . . . 4 ,~hJ\cl; C/il
°'-~ ~ -,~
,Jinkc:r':J~ U , _ , . t . . ,'i"tielioYe ,_.u iciJdloica bardUUW.--,-plal~
r, ·- 1u
1 .,
. ~ to.)re-m~wllauomoeop/)l(gwd-haye ,~,pvc4.Jbe i, . .._.......
c,r 1
..,._,.,.., ~ - • ..-,...i,!'I \l'l!illll:of n;f- ,~
Unfon~ely, t h e ~ t u e b . . - ~ 'l'be-k:t
-,1'1aeacn.._.119DpuQr:alilt.1, w.bo have be.ea rauiM, . . . . . . . . ~ 11G11fk con,equeaca ot die
.clWjDping at the bit to pUlp ~ . . . , IOftrd public nicmtrd"ormwillcome.i.rooitbe ,stMe ofiu'\mmOtiYlled'° .UUllaCC-il~orpnic- ·· cally,••duect·rawr-otdle
aod "wl.PQductive'". will ho ticaL
cffqrt to pall aa:ipic:aC1 i .
cbokin&. po the bait aav9d
~ ~ wt¥f ~ployaaa ta,, me priup by tbeOoYaa wbon dley oil ......_1. . ~- ~
,..,, ~ ,.,
Jf¥P •thecons~iaeocea1
pf ...,_ . . .,_.Ol:dlleaide
. vmaA,
their reform.
of: ~
or Hmkhrg
P'F 8
Vo/cfl8 of Suffolk
.· What do . ou thlnlc: ~• the
Mike S h a w -
AJ mO&t of you out lhcre
know, ADC' s "N;l!hOinc"
out tho,e wooldo't , ... to
sho~,. Hot Rocks." So fPlay- ;:,"u,m",,•1""', w,h•,"",o..,.nnuoll,
boy's .. riaht nut to hope
watcbin1 it 1last Thursday
when 1omedtin1 suuck me
odd. Actually, I would call
11 insane, .
Ted Koppel and Co. were
Senate bearing on FAA
peraonnel training procedurcs, when the testimony
gct... nwnchy. You
ICC. me 1
FAA bu come !olDder
fire lately bccalSe !heir
sonncl U'llinin& methods arc
be.ins Compam:I
cull ini10
tiaiion ce re mo nies . There
have been documented in•
stances of intense physical
inlintidation, and emotional
abuse during the "cla.uroom"
. sessions: along with numcrnus 'almplaitns or -get thissexual hanmmenl.
Can you believe it?
I u w thc'tcaf'y-eycd tcs:
ti rr.ony of a mllD who was
obvlOu1ly deeply- troubled
cri'cr hat blippcncd to him
C:Crini {Mclof1bit•flt«"d:ays
-thol job H
alb!d I
: • flighl ~ow~.--only n=
)'.Q;u,., f YQU b~yeJmY
o:iql!ttl :,vt:! °''"" :,;,
1t/! ,. 1:.:. ~
nts or ·opiniQOS.:~trout a
1eJau~ ~.;· utter
~tor. The Journal is
stuJient newspaper, let
~ voice be heard.
I know.you've heard it
i'e, butit's still true.)
~ SIJfl'olk Journal
ICstudents,ITK t~students,sincc 1936
.•Dan Couley, Editnr•in-Chicf
! '\\
Ctwisrian Engl«, Managin1 Edlto,.
Karen M. Counocy, Bltllneu M--,cr
~ .. ,1,l<lil><
·11 .N)f>d!.ul u ~t
'~ ~•• ~ • i l l
Norine Badp1 i~C6nsultan1 .
Let 'em eat adte, but only
at new .,.IJ...., says Jim .
\filng you? I btow I wottla. .
have a dozen people all
~ ;~~~,:::":'::. 1~
~to~• '
j/m Bffhile~
u.re. l DU.like a g-. My au
1~ • ~ '" :::;:•;,: : _:: •
would happed to me more l Wlf
Uh, oh. I think that I hear a cheap eat.
Cmoansfromthccrowd. "'How
can h~ ~ so in.mtJ{tive7 " Wt>: Fraca at the Iona,~ThtyareallukittgOrmaybe anautar autaa-liu ~ . ,
h's "I wonder what he would I.he pimly furbished Suifofk
ihink if iJ happtned to him? " cafcccria. I was prctty, ~n.
Well, l' lhddrcsstho5epol nts. For some mlSOO, ,~ . ~oIn fact, I have ticcn sexu- sphere of the csfctcna was
ally harasscil in. lhc put. It's dra&Jing me into lhc bowels
lJUc. I came into ViOrk one of my own person Hell.
day, wbcn my h9U, whom I
I couldn' t pul my fi!'&u
hadn' t seen in a while, came on iL I felt like an exile. A
up to me and ,ac:1cd me. ,Suffolk Sob.henitsyn. A
" Oh. Mike. It's been so long Ridgeway Rushdie.
since l've·scen you. You look
And 1hc caCetcria food
great!" Theo lhc harassment smelled like baked weasels.
part; she reached around apd .
What can • gu,y df>? l
grabbed my butL "Your ~· came in ~ get a c~ bcvcr.
is sooo good l ~ g. Have agc.and f codUpCcelinalike
you bcco working ~r I
an ox_y-aited pus wart. The
t'lladmit,lwasabittakcn walls wcruhakina. Tbecartb
•~k. Ola~bc even a liule w~ quaking. My mind wa
.But 1 ~
• rciahY aching. Tbe caf'etaia ihook
0 f!'~o¥.,d. 1n fact, 1 thought
°'¥M',fher~WJ,\4 d!AJli 1hf>Pl, •~
she had bcuer be able t o ~
It So J reach~d arou nd,, ~v~r arad,~
f• ,•~.. • (allJffibb.cdhcrbutt,andtol4 _
be ,
·,;oe,. lciDI/IY,~ •~.... ~ "'Ii'<
• ,no ,womcn ltbeo :proceedcd UJ 1<?R~-. , •··
..~ ·,
of· WOffle\t ' from both
'J'q,,tae ...._ I say, it's
Andl.q ~
theU-Juwhl '
Saddealy 1be table Wu
ytllked OW. from u~
ud replaced with a kinder,
softer; rouoder, more easily
acceisihle cable of love and
joy!! Hallelujah! .
Now I can.. enJoy my cil•
NS bcvcn.gc in spatial happinessl
I broke through the 'opJ)fCS5ive '70s prison' funk'!
I was free 10 be met Oh,
how ldaoccd on.lhat1ablc. I
stripped my1e!r bare a nd
danced like it was the first
da)'oCmy lifeonthatS15,000
table. .
,. t ~~ -ligll\' J ~ r:"1
. 1 :...li.i lhe
Sp_~ representative ' Crom
Wondcrl\ nd. ~
'What• di f f ~ a table
,,-., ·1
~ hai>Pi' as •
Suddenly,• flock r:A cool
~ ~S:.::,:"
my~ raljty
about fri11ia1, time! I've
bea>. itolated
tbe world
fcwmuc:btoolona,jack. l' lli
human. I lhoulda' t baYC to
endure hiab acbool ea1ina
arrllngeme1ui any JOn j er.
Thac.'1 why we pay_bia-wic
moolah 10 attcod this dump,
Tuition is n't just for
brcakf'Ul anyrporc. ·
We pay Suffolk .for so
many preu)' naky .rcuons,
why shouldn 't we
enjoy our foods on the roundest, of round tables?
Now, if they could just
~ct f ~ tha1 actua)Jy re•
-~bled iomtUwia.i that
; ricl' an· ~rfiriia(o;· a . vCIctablc, that would be a real
ff~;:~,.: •\._ .
Stilte,,w___ ....,onn
. . ,
-IS sbo
rwk.~ TJW;.;Jd1a
•nf- :.·.,. bnt !b dL.'lt?l 1't' "(nWla
• . .,
tomake-commeotsincludiiia -o·· ~ ~ m y ~~ is ..~f?!J ,r_;tc-;,i\ ino,1~
$) .~1u11i J ! l o ~ ~
-. f¼I PW"'•f.l?r . &inale..'~
''Oh, aren'ttllblejcanstighl." tbeJ~ .ofscxual ~
nL •~ ,"'fMSC~ -,d ~vQ~P.I tbe 1, 1" .~ tJJi91idca "" po_Ji,IIJ, ii •· Mlh1P.MIJdlikk'Da t5'°rM)lre
" iod ·"What, bol...yw>,o ,~Jli<t&as yoo can do ,tn,lht -- ~ , ! ~ lot _-" ' 9 ~ . , ; f.ot_ ~
,!il',tlle __,.,
·' • '·tbd'e:° •yoorpaku:'"and ~~1sooprobl~with ~ c l f • ~ ~ ~ :.1~11fttl,~ qfJ~luc,es; '¥
oocwomaa. cvcnappi08i:bcd ~ f ~ t ~et.mowrong.~- ,s1Dkc~,::~
8 P ~ t . .~ J l l l ; ir ~
t.rdlNUis _.,.,_~,,_
11dcfuutt.l tat,c,o,bu,11
r 1isu sed...
~ ·1a.i,caiyopic ..... 1C11DOll;:ob1,1u~ ioehii
ion_occnt comment~. in 1
llf?11d.h!-Ye .~
spvt4, ,1 ma ......,.
· ..«
ot,. ~..,._... ,Di
hi,obdtaod...t'-wb..-a. the-.O<kplocc""~i'uo.
hairy chest you have!..
In fact, if you d bkc to
This is diagracc.
rcs_ ondto .thiscolumn, don't
What, was be thinking? wate • .ICW;- _
come up and
ThiS pcrson ' had at least• ~ m e. l llmterpretevcry
doz.ea mcaiben of lbc oppo- • grab to the butt as • negative
tax_,s,.of, ~
- .• ~ ' 1 1 ! ~ - f " , n;f_
Unfonuutdy, the sm~r
p:1or.,U_11s, wbo' ~ye. bee~
.chqmp&n& ~ the bit~ pqc
lhc ,1ta1eof1t1~VMC:d"
and :-UOproducbve..: will bo
site sex:
au over him, r e s ~ ev~ grab to the cbokin&. pa the bait saved
and be went comp1:aiaiD.g to . crotch 11 ~v~ As long u up by the Qovcoor when dley
\.the boss! Whal• moron!-·
lean a,abyou backl'U have a~p ,lhc ~ueocea1pC
How ma:n)',pys and pf.I no problem wilh it at all.
their reform.
""C •
Voices-of Suffolk
· What do you ihinl< ~f the
tuebiacome..,.,..._ 1befiict
_ . _.~
nllllilUlldall:~~ ~ comequcacca ot ak
~ ~ ~ pab1ic ra::mtrefonnwillcomc,~-
,lllilllllCCtsfClllillicorpnc:- . ciJly, • adilec(rauJro(dlte
c:ffcpt IO paa ro:ipic:ab IIO. ~ the aaab- .
pri• oil
~ Hill
t'f • .,
blticw • .,., .... lidc. ti
ol! willldnMac or lim.iliag · c ~ C. Jii&e 8
--~_..,. ........ __
-.w111_ .. __ .
........ _,.,o,,.
...., ...,
..- ..-...- ....
....,,,.,. .... .....
Cafe Uberty i■
Caira! Squme C..briqc
--...Uup IO 15 peoplo,
_. ..... _.bdttiba
subwa, platform for live
ablc. ........... c:acrui,e
Howewr, die ltll't ia not well
w..-.d O'I' bowledaeable
0. dllD be8dy Genera....
,,,. ....
c.iiiJliellfft:a .p11e5
... ..,...,...CC.• ..,.il,_...dlrmp_,--.....,....i·.-.......... _,,..
Cybcn:mJdt iaa'C lhe ORiy
~ &IOl'elcafi in Bean
T~•- Cate Ubcrty in
Ceatnl Sq~are Cambridge
· opened a few mooth, aao.
Tim a,fc ii ,uppmcd to ac~
up to 8$ people.
mil bave a IIIIC built like a
• .•, Wire "!lou1e, 20 Part
. .,,, Cybenmilh IP(I smiuy't- J'lua (at · the poiot or the
On-Lloe -Cafe, 36 Churcb Slf,llcr BuOdiq) Boston .
Street, • Harvard Squaic, Phoac (617) 292-0527', and
Cambridae. Phone: (617) ~ are 7 a.m. to midnipt
Fu : (617) Mon. through Sat., aod Sun.
547- 8115, e-mail hvdef 9 a.i;n. to 5 p.m. (Sunday
cybenmilh.com, Houra are brunch 9 a.m. to J p.m.)
tubway platform for live
mmic. Ttiey also have three
MaciD&oda computen avail-
able. where pabOftl can cruise
Oii tbcnodyGenera-
■ VWllA
Cooliaaod- ..... ,
ealam& tbc WOik farce may,
........... IOlbe law, be obio
to temporarily,.. ol
theil' be■ofitl ti-bile ,tm•
pioyod. la ~ ......
that ~ill be paid by, )'OU
the Commoawcalth.
law may al.lo bavc ~
implicadom Cm the childlm
of MusachuMUL The i4N
ofa "family cap", ortbc limillllion of benefits to existina
(amily members, miy lead to
the abortion of those chilwho (all above aod beyond such a cap. Such an
eventuality.is ironic bccaliac
many o( the most zealous
Wflfarc reform advocates
the Wodd Wide Web for free.
Howew:r, the mff is n<M well
vcraed or taowledgeabic
..... ~Sai.9a.m.to
tlp.m.mdSan.12. noooto
aaloa-line-...,.. . . o1 10,....
Cml.Jhaly. 4971,..... will aoaa 1141 OIi Ille ol cbarp.. nilo adaen re-- llrdllllem Aftl)UC. c- the
"lfll',-Olffee. --.I ,-.. qais;e ii prior KCOllDL The ~
- Bai.. ftiabt club), ill
md oc1m IMCb are. avail- WiJil}lomelllofealunsu.s ~
-Squrc Cambricfac.
!'hio _,. Sml1ty'1 Do- oC.....-...Sa"Jl•. .od. -(617) ,m.<9900....s
.,, • ~ S.,.., ...,..;_ - - 10 ..... ., J ..._
I · Ii ,....., be' .;....i: 'lalie TV, ...i..t live - ,·day. •
· ',
fiad-J""'""Y-ni n
Perhaps~such 11ron1
eat cak~ but o~y
~ ww.Ac:c:altodlei.~ ,,_ PIP 5 - - ii pollilM~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . COIIII• aaloe-U.O....,_ol
- - ~ - - wbicb_be_fnc
. ...._ .ul . lON N oa me of cbarp. wllilo_..c:i&bl!I ff>.,..,_0611. - . I jn:,ei. qt.ire • prior accouL The
- ' CIIMr amcb are mil- \1fareHoulc"lltofeaaualllBI I
r.___..:.: we. 1 kiu like a goat. My ass
Sudden!)', a fled: rAcool ·
people came lO ban& OQt wilb
___ .. iw.i--.•--- To
search of the i1 as bia u Ii beac:hball.
:;;t.'::;c~::1s ::~i=~
•~ =i==; :7ov:-U.Z ~:;:1t!\:.J°~i::;:.
: cafeteria wu
into the bowcb
cnon Hell.
1 p.at my fi~cr
joyl~!~ca?!~joy m)( cilNI bevcn,c rn spatial happincss!
I broke lhrauah the ·~
prcssivc '70s prison' funk. I
slrippcd mysel f bare and
dwx:cd like it wu lhe first
cafc1eria food
baked weasels. da)' ofmy lifconthat$ 15,000
t a guy do? I table.
~ i cold bevu- ,. I
ligt\(J ~ir: ' ,I ~ a
f up ree1in1 like rocket In the moon. I was lhe
pw wart. 111c SAA representative from
uing. 'Ibeeanh Wort4erland.
~ ~ -.
enjoy our foods en the roundest of reund tables?
' Now., if they could juu
~et r ~ that actual)y re~ ~eel .so~ii&~
~ w~
once an an1maJ or a •Yea•
etable, th.If. would be a teal
Howevcr, tbeacaffis not well
veracd or knowledgeable
. about computers..
0. Ole trendy Genera•
tioa-X-. &be Wire HOUK
II .._
Pim abo ha a
~ . . .l:ul fot C1lS-
.. Wire House, 20 Park
~ Cybcnmilh .:I Saitey's Plua (at the point of the
Oa•Uac Cafe, 36 Church Swlci BuHdinc) ·801100.
Street, · Harvard Square , Pboae (617) 292-0527, and
Cambridge . Phone: (617) hioun'are 7 Lm.to mklnigbt
◄ 92•5857 j · fax; (617) Mon. through Sat., and Sun.
5 ◄ 7 • 8 115, e -mail bvdGt 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Sunday
cybcrsmith.com. Houri arc bnanch 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
_, ..._,_!""
~,.a....,. ..-km~•..., ~ ex•
=-~e::.:.= :i-::.-::r-..•,;i:,
otoy,,i.la .......
·enc, aeceN1rJ to imple-
lOlo'!' _..,_ ..... llacipicols
willatillexisa;daytmcom teetororwo41orlllcwdfart
that will be paid by, you cliedd:
In order
pcued it, the ~)"Cfl of · for lhc
comthe Commoawcalth.
mUnitJ• service o r these
Ano!herprovilion~f~ pc:,op&c.jobt'w11\_.hlve _
l9·~xlaw may also havo profOWJd ist. Since _publk sector Job
implicatiOCII r« the chiklreo opp6riwii~ tre tcaree,·JDOSl
nf MusachuMltl. The ~• will li~y participalc lo some
ola"familycap",or thclimi- type~ publicly funded job
talion of benefits to uilliD& program . Such community
family members, may lead to service cmploy!Mnt will have
the abortion o f those chi I- to be c.-pnl%ed. directed and
drcn who fall above.and be- ~pervisecf by lla&C, and per-
haps local, burcauetatl. Typi•
cally, reformers find bureau•
ctj,ll antithetical to aood a:ovemmcnt and vice vena.
Which brinst a to the
bigcst obataclc 11> 1k sueCCII of thlt or 'ioJ ocher refonn dfort ~ - A<cordina to recant studies in-
-, .
ddu,qucol ciiiii
~s:· ' '
'> 1Jilll,--.,.-
CdoUbal)', 4971,MM- _
,;;r =:;=~.:.::- :::· / L&~ .,_ ......
• ft:ltiplina t!ie:'lriplementa1
~ .tu~
..C: ' ~m,.-a
Tui1ion isn't j ust for
breakfast aoymon:. ·
We pay Suffolk ~or so
Coadaued rrom, paac.. 7 (CJll!ldld 11111
·vae lOClor. Slaale motkn ,.... . .
AYCmuc. (IMW tat ICCOCdiDe to 1M law, be a1,&c
~ Eal&.,Dipt dub), io ID t m ~ ..,._. !O'll8°'
e..mt Sqase Cambridae.,. lheir ·bca..Ct11, ,i,hile ,tm•
011, . . . . . . ••
Cybcnaidl lu't lb8 Ollly
lalenlet aaorekafe in Beas
Tow 1. Cafe Libeny in
Ceaual Square Cambridge
opeocd a rcw •oaths ago.
Thil calc k IUpp0ICld_ 10 ac:~ up IO 15 people,
ad a.we a ltlF built like a
subway elatlorm for live
Dllic. 1ky alio have three
Macialo&b coapolCrS available. where pacrom: can auisc
~ -m.p s.iuy•, o. . of--ada"J;,..,.. -(617)492-9900. ....
my ..-.ii: ~ !
lbe abllt. t say, it'• .
Andlacamc:,theU-biulsl ·about fri11i1111 time! I've
~ f"
Sllddc::ll!iy· lbc (Nie WU beco isolaled ·~
tbe world
lua,ctljoyi6c• yanked ow from under me formucbtooloaa,jack. I'm
it l.bc '°°C, ,cct- md rcplllccd with ■ kinder, human. I lhoulda't have 10
.._dlroupS..9a.m. to
II p.dl. and Son. 12 aooa to
.... me.. Accclll ro dae i., .._, uwoup S& t a.m. to
teneeilpcaillledmJu&bteW· llp.m..lDdSun. 12DOOl'lto
cnlon-liao---.tolDlof 10 p.m.
,.._.mpapticaliJlter. wbicbeaabe---,free. Olfo.Uber'Y,497bMu~ will.ION be oa ttae ' ol charp, while otJNn re- .. ~Avenue. (near the
"NM". Oaffee. . - . l )aii:a, qoire a prior accoant. Tbe . . . EMt nipl club), in
IDd otber~am:b are avail- Wue Hoac: abo feiaua i... c.trat Sqa.n· Cambridae.
s-;'~y•, ~ _of~ad•"Jiffand. ea.-.c6i7) ,m,. ~ aad
.i. ... ......_. com-
__ ..,_
1uddcnly, a flock- « cool
le came to bana out wilh
measures thw1d have been
O:iotinuedfrom,plft.._ ·,, . r ~ - o a ~ ~
·vaae seccOI'. Sina)e mothers l"dl!l'"lhln ._., e:motJOO,
~ l a w , b e a b l e wirwe.ftbea ~ .aee tbc:ex•
to tanpcnrily_l'CC8UI aom,e- o( ~Qn of J.e ' ll.atc bureaJLlteir buefi11 .;-bile ,em.- cl'IICJ ncce:IS&l'l, to impleployal; 1a ~co~- ment~acwllw'. Recipients
II fri11in1 tlrbe! ,. I've
r;, .......
Q; =~~.t-=:",.10 "'.!"- t i._~ =..,-.,,,:t= ;!i":tt~...,'9;~
u,chtoo\ont:, jack. l'. ai
an. I sboukln't have to
0:-=,-;: ~!·:
be ootcct:
eybcnllliUI iao't tbc oaly mmic.
ire luab · icbool eating
ngementi In)' lonier.
'1 why ~ e pay_bia-tirne
lah 16- attend this dump,
Central Square Cambridge
.,_•few moalhl •10.
hition i1n't just for
kfas, anylpore, ·
We pay Suffolk for
y pretty na1r:y f'eUnn1,
1houldn' I we ~Ml leaal
your foods on the rou~>f .-und tablcs7
Now, if they could just
nu cale i i ~ to ac~ up to &s-people,
ad bavc • 111,e built like a
subway pla tform for live
muac....Tbe)' abo have three
'M.cuilOlh computers available, where patroascan cruise
.• =:~::~j
· ••
Street, Harvar4., Square,
Cambridae: Phone (611)
fax ; (617)
547- 8115, e-m•i~ hvd @
cybenm.i1h.com. Hours are
willWUexilt; dayMcosts
Phoae (6 17) 292-0527,
hiounare7a.m. tomidnia,ht
Mo,.: through Sat., and Sun.
9 a.m. to 5 ·p.m. (Sunday
brunch 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m.)
of these
people,jobl-Will..have .to· exisL. SiOCO __pubUc KClor job
will li~ly ~cis-te in some
type ,of publicly funded job
proaram. Such community
service cmployfflt will have
to be organized, directed and
Another provision of the
law may also have ~round
iri'.lptications for the chi1dreo
nr Mugach"u1eu1. The i<tca
or a "family cap", or the limitat.ion nf benefits to cdsting
family members, may lead to
the aboriion of thnse chi!-
drcn who fall above and be-
cally, refnonen find bure&llcrats antithetical to &Cl® gov-
ernment !U]d vice versa.
Which brin11 Ill to the
biggest obstacle IO the success of this or,~ y ocher refnnn. effQ(C bufOocrau. Ac-
J.tu~ ,re1 th~} .~
1 ~
~ an'1
ti!t!r a.v?
le, that would be a real
~•Ybe i\'• j
~ - :\
·~. Wire House, 20· Park
::;:i:?~u~4i:;~n~:!1c~;t ~ Commonwealth.
!1.be:~;;;: .;~ =:-:: ~
munlty."· Service
~::~~ ~ t
delinquent a,
t~ _,. _. . _,. ., __._ _
n.s.11o1t-.., w-.,,April5.J99.i.
Sol.9Lm. ro
! 0....,hm-...O~ 1a111111iipollibledu'oqhaev- II p.m. andSua. 12noonto
lbll .... ,......... com- draJoo-if-M'\lkloa.aomoof 10 p.m.
,.... _. ...,wc..i uur- which ca be a:ic..s tree • Clfe UberU'. ·.t9'1b Mu..... will ba OC!, tile · of chaqe. wltllo otbcn re- • ~ Ayeoue. (_. the
"NIii'. Oalfee. - - .)ldcea, -qo.iro ' prior a0COUIIL The ~ &it niaht club), in
ad CIIMr" IMtb arc avail- Wiro Houae mo featwa lml C.Cral Squre Cambridae.
ablo dll'Ollpi Smitty's 0.- olm.apziac:1,~,. ..Jive&lld. ~ (617) 492,. 9900.' and
";, ~ Jea"' s-a,y
boas,.,are 10 Lm. ID J ~
k , . _. .,_ -..i; -...,..,..TV,MdUve -,day.
, ',
Cybenm.l_. isq,'t the oo.ly
latcract 11Cftkafe in Bean
Town. Cafe Liberty in
Ccaual Square Camb"
opeoed a few months aao.
This. cale ia ,uppoaed 1p ac~ , - , , t o 15 'people.
Wire House, 20 Park
~ Cyt,enaaith Md Smitty's Plaza (at the point of the
On-Ua~ Cafe, 36 Church ~tailer ltulldin,) Boston .
Streel, Harvard Square, Phoae (617) 292-0527, and
Cambridae. Phone- (6 17 ) hioun are 7 Lm. to midnia,bt'
492-5857~ Fu : (6 17 ) Mon. through Sat., and Sun.
547- 811.S , e-mait hvd.• 9 a.m. 10 .S p.m. (Sunday
ad bave a ltlp ht.lilt lilr:e •
tu bway plaJ!orm fo r live
IDUlic: They also b11Ve lhree
MacuMOdl COlllflUterl avail•
able. wbcft i:-rou can cruise
cybersmith.com. Hours are
■ VI£UtA
,.....,..aboujjl .... bceo
SJlle..; 7 , r ~ o a ~rdleclioo
·vaae ICICtor. Slqlc motben nthe!rthaa 1-lt ~
eocc:rina tbt wen fon:e may,
accon1iQa to~ law. be lb}e .
temponrily ttllllio IOlDe ol
their beaefi11 -.,bile ,cmployed. l a ~ 10 ~
,call. dill Cf11 _,,...,...,.
will IOU aist: day M coas sector or work for the ~!fare
that will be pa.id by, you checb tbey .-e tall. In ocder
gueued it, the tupaym of for the Mate to demand com•
the Commonwealth.
munilJ· service.- or these
Another prOViaion o[ the people. jobs wi,tJiave to ex•
law may also have profound isL Sinco public sec10C' job
impliclltions ror lb;: children opporir,miticsaeacaree. most
of Mauachusetts. The idea
o(a'<family c.ip",ortbclimilation or benefiu lO existing
family mcmberl, may lead to
the abortion of I.hose chil-
brunch 9 L m. to 3 p.m.)
Maly r d ~ 1n11y also
~ .... ~ t e e ; ~ ex•
~ ,,,..., . . bwcau·
ency oeceaary...,. t~ ,mplemeatlbcatlWIIW, Reeipicnts
ae r,o,,I ~ I O d~
will ~ly participau ia some
type~ publicly funded job
program. Such community
service employment will have
to be organized. directed and
:=:d~~:,:~cs:'!~ :~~ :=:.~T::
evcntuali1y is ironic b«ause
many of I.he most zealous
welfare reform advoc11e1
fukl abomoo JDOMllly n:puananL Pcr6aPI , uCh sttong
versed or , kn owledgeable
about compu&cn..
0. tllc trendy Generatioa-X-. &he Wini HOU.SC
Plal also has a
~ ..._i.ul for cus-
cally, rcfOnners find bureaucnits antithetical to good govcmmcn1 and vice vusa.
Whkh brin1s us to the
igest obstacle. to the sueor this or lfl-y other n:cffort: buf$.ix:nus. Ac. g 10 recent Sllldies in•
"ptin& ~plemcntao(
in t!r~,~:~
· , even
one an:
__ .,._______ ......,._ ___ ....,.. __.___
-.,NewEn...ntlfwd~••baft~I•? I
.. . .
. ,..,
............. .,•-■••
==-=~..:.-:.:.-::-..:::--u:::..-:.==:.... .-..=...--=
' --."1! ··•
The Suffollt__.
Aaiedc Doi-n.-o Comply with NW.HOUllln& Rule
"'" - •
, .,___ - , , . . ....... "°° -
of ftKn
"' .._
....,. belllad"'" policy.
'-n/e pup,ae ol tlul Nie
. < .... 11(:AAWl~IOV>C,
pe,eeat, , ·
IL .
··-r1N: nle la .to nu-tbet .·~
NCAA roe Cally !•lea.-e a111de1u •alb.Jete1
ftle•partofits 11110. thc aoacraJ 1tuden~
___, . ~..,,_.rtJo,i
colleaamembal o..ct.,NCAAdim:loro{
....-. illiWl''-1 aoo- lqblalive Mnicea. ·
um~,. o1 ~~~
1111 . . . effcictive ~ - em_ Looia1aoa Alhlelica Di1, 1996.- 0..111 Mhlel1e ~tor Nellon ~bc:uayder
donDiliory Goar or wtna can- . said he agtced wath the _
Cfoo~I l> 1
,oc\ .~edtd,
University DateLine
'>ft•>" .lit; • -~ _._., '1
11 •mt.1CIL..at
pop;i,ii Thli rule woiilil Le --;, wlubc
~ us. up."
call team moeciap bee~
Som,C .1,s'111.dent1 who (footbtU!layen:) ..wlll_~ :
non-alhletet u~•ed · aprad9". ~llliid- ltnugbt .
wu · min.d fedinp about livina: t,e. 'dtllblt
cmmo1 P(llS8. I
llllfairto_t b e r a 1 o f t b e ~ ~
.,.,._ _ _
:JJ1!'11Jitwor. , sai _ ~ma, ~
t~cfvet:nai t'wt ~_a
JO be
u~ football _ •~er dis- depeo.; ~ lhci chcmillry _ 1 liulc of s i ~.. - ·
airocd,. ., .
.. belween the twO people. Jt.',.
Some collqes alre.ady
rule ll no •~• like wbco you-.move in wjth have lia'fObd rylel requiring .
pad Bnan Jacbon. We. som~y JOU. doo't taow • llhletcl , &o live. with regular .
to beala yhh,. - you.jwt coll4i:JC 11ude911.• for ex- .
W .p Woril(~ -are
for ~ tlbleu:a.. 11M1
Wz z
~:!!;~=~-:~;~ :..Wia~.':, ::w:
• ISIO'SinJ.dC.JTheCiti•
ollin"""'1Sl>ffi>nl Loan, ,...
- and.our adusiw Goo.,~ Aas!Loan.
have to live with iL" ~. ,.
Head , foq1&all cQ.1Ch
Nel5Qn Stottci uiii con·
· can among coaches is keeping track or athletes scattered
"I. like · to know where
they (the_ . . .ball players}
arc," said Siok.Icy. "Spread·
ingthcmallovucampusleuens the control we have as
coac~-aind-.we ~ the ones
. 'pen something goes wrong
that &Cb iL"
Lo&istically, thi;ngs could
be m0te difficult for athletes,
many or whom mu.st comply
~ith c urfew ctaecks . the
. night. be fore games, said
~~hexll;Byckr. 1
ample. all frabmc:n ahleta
at Nofie Dime 11ft: n::quired :
tolivewitb'"DOD-a~hle1cuheir i
£int · yes 011 _
camp11. Other .
colleges sue!\ • Tcxu Tech
allow j!IJUor• a!l(I senior-year
football play en IO live off
campus if they maintain a
grade point averqc of 2.5 or
Stokley said be ~ y is
searching for rtolutiop.s to '.
problems coru;enlioa the
housing policy,1
"I think lbcre aro pluses
and minuses,.. ho said. M
big on keeping Jbc guys 10gclhcr,butI~tlleNCAA's
view. We.' re jull going to
have to work lll:rough it."
..., 1.o,n
Fs ...... -......
1 :00· 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00.· 2.'()()
1:00 • 2:30
·1,00. 2,00
1:00 • 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:00
.:00 • 2:00
Open Office Hours with President Sargent
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting
CLAS Dean's Metting
B.LC. Study Group - Chemistry 212
Entertainment Clµb Meeting
B.~c. Study Group • Accounting 322 :
lnlCmational Student Association Meeting
Philosophy Lccrurc; "Manin Hudcggcr. Language & TcchnolQ&y"
Council of Prcsidenu Meeting ~
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Archer Fellows Meeting
B.LC. Study Group • Economk:1 212
8 .LC. Srudy Group • Accou.nting 202
Economics Association MCWDg
B.LC. Swdy Group • Physical Science 2
Men 's Vnrsi1y Tennis vs. Salve Regina •Colle8c
Suffolk Student Thcall'C: Flccn in the '4irrPC
• . ahdoncl!OD-fra: number
Oordoo eoi...,
Sawyer Sawyer . .
SaW)ler 911 •
Sawyer 927
Sawyer 1101
Sawyer U34
, Sawyer 1131
-~ 2 0 '
or anyone int.crested in new~ writing
3:00 • 5:00
4,00 \,__
6,30 - 8,30
or newsp~r production.·
Emcnon CoUcp
UMASS Dartmourh
- C. Walth-
B.L.C. Study Group · 0.emisll')' 212
Collage New Mus.C: Series
B.LC. Study Group • Oicmistry 112
· . next to ihe Fent9n building.
1,00 ·
1:00 . 2:00 .
1,00- 2'30
1,00 • 2,00
1:00.- 2:30
1:00 •
1:00 .
1:00 .
1,30 -
pnva1c I CCIO
~ p t iJ .oo.'l!•Ylil1
.,._ All...._.aredjJ
pblo.La•llelp. Fi>rmon, .
info, call 1-800-263--6495
CXL f.50231.
, ~
Sawyer 430
Mit..a . -
W~OCl 5.1
;:':'w~-=,;.;:;~':,Nol a....,,..,. -.it'.i. Fall'
8 .1..C. SIUdy Group - Pbfflcal
Seminar for Sophom~ with Undcddod M.,n
B.LC. Study Group · Stldsdt:a 2.50
8 .1..C. SIUdy On>up • - , 201
Model Mugi,,a-Self °""'1c & -
Mm'1V...;;,,~..: ..... 21:r'
8 .1..C. SlUdy Group· Cllamiay
MPA As,ociatioa
4,00 -....S,00
'File KltcllcolBada, - - - - S1,600
• lacl'""1 bcai Ind bol ·, llor- I )ID+loft oo
-- . . SL S1500. Bo1b . . ...U. fer Sl!Pl).-;l.e~ ,
-- .• _· . ....,.•.'!
B.LC.. Soj,1,,0roup - - . - , , 112 . .
6,30- 7'30
........ Bill: Mo4,n, lwuuy I BP Duplex oa a-... SL
"MIST~ Sc:uic>a:
Sawyer 430
C.WalthSawyer 430
8.L~ IUdy Group • Swistica 250
8 .L.C. Study Group • Accourl,tia, 322
8 .1..C. ·slUdy Group • A..loui.ua, 202
Women's Varsity Softball-vs. Endicott Co~gc
11:00 • 12:00
. 12.-00·- 1,00 ·
1,00 - 2,00
llMABS8C. Walth-
Program ollm F«kral
Stafford loans and our
Women's Varsity Softball vs. ,UMASS Bosion
Suffolk Studcn1 Theall'C: [lea In the Mla:oc
Women's Varsity Softball vs. Pinc Manor College
Men's Varsity Tennis vs. Emerson College
Men's Vanity Baseball vs. UMASS Dartmouth
Suffolk S1udcn1 Theatre: Flea· in lbc Mla:oc
CitiM<w<,11.o,nPn>gr.,m . ,..,,_,....
, ' ·.·, •• ./, tji~Qlld;;:;.;~:tothe1o'urnafoffices.
Ftdcr'al Stafb,:I
for mo« ulfonna1ion
Loan,""" ou,ac1..,,,
'- """on',pplialoon .,, •
·.!'irst floor pf the SttideritActivitie.~Center,
Citibanlc.Graiiuatcloan. l r ' :.:'.
~ •• ,-•-;
Sawyer 430
.r.. ,ppo,,b,
- ask for ~fo,r 256'.
and • -
Sawy,,r 1031
8.LC. Study Group • Acc_ Wlling 20 1
~: .,. .
B.L,C:/1..anguage Related Services: English for Academic Pul'polQ-Rcacu;b-:.Worksbop _,;
·,_°PY ed)to~, advertising representati~es,
==~Tht ·
12:00 • 1:00
1:00. 2: 15
~ & '·" ··• ·; YOUR studc;nt newspaper_
needs writers,
number~ origi:nl~ or
N~You! ·
.lowintcrclt raics.
HR Trainini Session: ~
.Acrou F ~
B.LC. Study Group • Swistics 250
B.LC. Study Oroup • a.emisuy_ 112
B.LC. Swdy Group • ~ a , 327
B.L.C; Study Group • P.conomica 212
B.L.C. -Siudy Grqup •
8 .LC. Srudy Group • Phytical Science 2
MIS Training Seuioo: Advanced L.ow,JQuauro
Mt;.n's Vanity Baseball vs. East.cm Naz.an::nc College
Women's Vanity Softball Vl, Gordon CoUece
. 11:00 ': 12:00
12.1)() · 1:00
12.-00 - - 1,00
1,00. 2.-00 ·
1,00 . 2.-00
1:00 • 2:00 ·
1:QQ· 4:00
3:00 • 4:00
The Suffolk Journal
9:.30 • 12."'°
Now that you're going to ·
ii ._. school,_how ,
do you pl~ to pay far it?
Suffolk University's Cal~ of Events.
April5-- 11, 1995
M.-._il.,..·•w•il j
Spooton,d by Uai--,
-1--_,. ..
· -,. -
Jalzdy;.,-,ilSuffolk Univmiti's~c:tleDdlr. Par...._,.IIIY....._.....__,.,o1._..._.,__ . . . . . . . .
lbot,- •
.......,..u.m-,on,Acom..-.,,...f!'-• ......... -aod--lor ....... .....,. ...... _
~ -'
ThcSuffolk.loonlil Wedllelday,'.~pdl5, 1995
U~versity DateLine
•"" thet I
, becaUJe
ayen) will bf'
~ il;wjl bodiffi- t
~ -io~vcto bc .
1 ~- 4'$
9,JO • I 2,JO .
B.L.C. Study Group - Statistics 25()
B.L.C. Study Group • Olemistry_ Ill
B.L.C. Swdy Group - Al;countiaa "322
B.L.C. Study Group•- Ecooornlcs 212
B.L.C. -Study Group - Accou.ntift& 202
B.L C. Study Group - Physical Science 2
MIS Training Session: Advanced I..otusKNattro
Men's Varsity Bascbol.l YS. ~tern Nazarene College
Women's Varsi1y Softball YS . Gordon College
i-.ts.• Por uve.•hb reaular
1:00- 2:00
~ lthJetes
12:00 - - 1
-Olhu ·
1.•TuuTec:h '
,crs to live off
bey maintain a
lVerapofl.5 Of
:aid be already is
or aolotiops to '
:on;ernina the
," ho said. " I'm
~ She guys tO.
= just ioing to
~ i t ''
J,00- 2,00 ·
1,00 - 2,00
1:00 l 4:0{)
p,c 'ui-rcquired :
• 3:00
. 4,00
1:00 - "2:30
J:00- 2;25
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
·,:00 - 2:00
t:00 - 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
3:00 - 4:00
1:00 - 2:15
Oonloo Co~
-. _
--___ .,, ,....,., ...........
--·· .........
........... •....,..,_~·
One Beacon, 2Sth Floor
fetllOO 615
_,.,, .,
Sawyer 427·
Sawyer 430
Sawytt 101
Sawyer IOI
Sawyer 921
Sawyer 1108
Sawyer 1134
Sawyer 1138
Econoa!ics Dcpartrncn!,- 20 Ashbwtoa Place
• -~
Sawyer 430
' •·
Salve Regina
C. Watsh. 'J"heatti
B.L.C. Study Group - Accounting 20 1
... "" • ~ \.
B.L.CJLanguage Related Services: English for Academic Purposcs-8.cscardi~orbhop
- · Nola . . . 4-2.
lliJ4,lli"I ........
Sawyer ~30
Pine Maaor
Em,crson CoUqe
UMASS Dartmoath
C. Walsh 11am
6:30 - 8:30
11:00 - 12:00
12:00·- 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
9:30- : 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
1:00- 2:30
1:00 • :
1:00.- . 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
Sawyer 430
Sawyer 1021
~ J, P,,opo&ofield
MIS Tru.ning Session: loltnnediale WordPerfect 5.J
8 .LC. Study Group ~ ct.::misuy 112
Student Government ~iatioo Moctina
fu,andol Ml U!1D ~- ~ Not Rewmu>a 1i, Suffolk ;,, Fall "
8.L.C. Siudy Group >PbJ!kol ~ 2
Seminar for SophomO(el ttith Uodecided .My)n
'Mls, .Oao _
Sawyu 1023
s.~~ •
1:00 -· 2:30
1:00- 2:lO
1:30 - 4:30
4:00 ---.S:00
6,30 - 7,30
Program Council Meecin&
CLAS DcM:'l Medina
Modd Mugging-Self
Sawyu 1131
Def""' & .
. n_.,..,._ _.,.._
Sawy;::r •30
8 .L.C. Study Group • Statistics 150
B.L.C. Study Group • Accowtting 322
B.LC. Study Group • AcCOWltina 202
Women's Vani1y Softball vs, Endicott College
8.LC. Study Group ·
8 .LC. Study Group - ~ t m l 201
1:00- 2:00
crn11pllUhc die r • veaaa die dillMce yd
bofon, mai!m& recordlllJ 11
""'daysI-.IO W1- die lalt
· ....,.ma, badbecacallod.
aocbaralia ,_ilp
C. Walsh.'l'bcllre
Sawyer 430
P<>Jjce Crime
·- · "
Mat ...._
·Men's Varsity Bucball vs.:'Mau Ma;idme
8.L.C. SIUdy Group • °"!"li"Y 212
MPA AllociatioD Mocdlli,
s.w,,r qi
Sawyu :lOI
UMm:,lg , . , , . i.J Suffolk Univenity'1 IDUlCCcalmdar. F o r ~ oa an:y tcbtdaledovall. a,dayoflbo ---'c year: or IOliltm...lhu ,oa . . .......,eall.573-8082. Acomp<dlcmll,,.~of.- ■ ........ -llld--b..-.,pll>lldlyo,_,i-•
-. ..,.'ll!"•""'-•·-•o1
B.L C. Study Group· Chemistry 212
Collage New Music Series
8 .LC. Study Group · ~istry 112
3:00 - 5:00
C. WiJshllam
Women's Vani1y Softball vs. Pinc Manor College
Men's Varsi ty Tennis vs. Emerson College
Men' s Vfflily Baseball vs. UMASS Dartmouth
Suffolk Studcn1 Theatre: fjcr;,j in Utt MICDK
: writing
Sawyer 43Cf
Saw,,.;r 1021
MlS, Ooe.Beacon
Women's Varsity Softball vs. UMASS Bos1on
Suffolk Student Thcauc: Flea In the Mirror
tie.Ii Center,
Sawyer 430
R.ici,cway 400
Open Office Hours with President Sargent
Alpha Phi Omega· Meeting
CLAS Dean's Moct;og
B.LC. Study Group - Chemistry 212
Entenainment Club Meeting
B.~C. Study Group - Accounting 322
International Student AssociattOO Meeting
Philosophy Lecture: "Manin Hudegger. Language cl Tcchnoi~gy"
Council of Presidents Meeting
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Archer Fellows Meeting
B.LC. Study Group - E.conomics 2 12
B.L'C. S111dy Group • Accou nting 202
E.conomics Association Meeting
B.LC. Study Group - Physical Science 2
Men's Varsity Tennis vs. Salve Regina College
Suffolk Student Theatre: Flm In the Mirror
12:00 - 1:00
HR. Training Session: Com~unicltion AA:rou F ~ ~·
,lleau l.liudy
lcNHdiJcta their ,
11:00. • ll:00
12:00 - 1:00
, .........!ri.. .
Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
~~ ..lt~i~hl ..,
, _ W..-.doy,~S,199'
niversity'_ Calendar of Events
CMO, Ono._
S."Q'<' 430
s...,.. 430
:atia, 322
s...,.. 927
mies 212
ruin, 202
Ill Science 2
Sawyer 4)0
Sawyer IO'lt
Fenton .530
~ Naureae
. Oonloo Colleae
Oo,doo Collcec
FtiMea 615
w-y 212
s...,.. 427
Sawyer 4JO
s...,.. ,..
min& 322
lion Mcc:tiDa
"""'ucr. Laniuac• a Tecltnology"
Saw)'ff lOI
Sawyer 921
Sawyer 1108
Saw~r 1134
Sawyer 11 38
Economics ~ e n!, 20 Ashbunon Plac:e
ni«2 12
~un1 202
~ Science 2
11c Reaina College
Sawyer ◄30
Salve Realna
Ina• ........
of bis ...
.... 4-l.
-0. billiq lial
1tru11H•1 a bit iia
Plorido," w
-··A, ..........
Thia . - Salunlay
u.ing 201
rices: English for Academic Purpoact-R.esearcb~Wodtsbop
Sawyer 430
Rict,cway 400
UMASS Boiton
C. Walsh
Pine Manor Collqc
=rsoo College
MASS- Dartmouth
Pine Manor
Emenoa Collqe
UMASSC. Walsh Tbc:Mre
try 212
Sawyer 430
C. Walshn-r.
Sawyer U>
• 250
tiq )22
liq 202
Sawyer ◄30
Sawyer 4l0
Sawyer 1021
....,,_ J. Puopolo Pldd
Jdillc WordF'trfee:t 5:1
ry 112
l(fQr . . _ . Not
MIS- O o o -
. S.W,-423
to Suffolk l a Fall 199J)
-S..,.,430 '
S...,.. 1013
1 250
S...,.. 1134
Sow,- 1131
a Empowama s........., by UaiYaucyPolice Crime,.,._
a Mlritime
...,. :IOI
:..' . . r,-_,. ........ _ _, __ ,..,.._..,,-licily .. _ . . _
1"--0111DYdlldlied .... -,dlyoldlo---'cyar;cw10lilt• ....
pild,ina ......... ...
Journal and WSFR em
I.a pre-scuons puc, the mcnts
baKblll team wu without a auffi:
ciCIII fcility to booe ill battina &tiUJ.
The squd's annual QCW'POll to the
s....wae S&Mc wm usually when the
.-,.S WOllkt let •Y wif'.lltt kinks
So when Co.ch Joe Wal&b wa
able IO pt bk Rams some ample BP
a1111opdmiltic,overbisteam's c.ty_ . otl'eme. And now, wkh ~
111111 ...,_. beta delivered. itrcr«IMbe I i.ore appropriate IC:ml.
t, 4tPbr darfoa their 1evcn-11mc
Plorida road trip, Suffolk players
clONCld the plate (are you sitting
downT) a'aow of 16 time:&. Yes. 86
ti-. Do you think use of this
CICOily will become a fixru,e in the
won the game on the strenath or
'"This was our biaaest win in
three yr;aa," u.id Wlllsh of the 12-9,
10-innin& victo,y. '"This WU a huge
wia.forus. Wchitlheballalltripand
we weren't aoin& to stop. I have to
aay though, my heart was in my hand
dwilla lhe ninth innina."
Suffolk returned to Boston with a
~I OYerall record (their only blcm•
Reaina) and in thcfr Nortb-o(-thcMaonDiionLlneOpcninaDaylbey
stifled <Jordon College 7- 1, uppina
their ·scoritla total to 93 ruru in eight
So their offemivc numben have
been ju. tbal. offtt11lw, yet Wlllh
still desires to elllb!iah a decent pitcbiq pm~ " When we're tbtowin,
ltrikcs we' re aoocf... be said. "Wbca
w~~ Tonnis teaor hopes to make some racket:
eventually like to win :m\ 3- 1
I _~
TIie Rams opened their tripad dlcir "'-veliq ICOrin& showapiuc' Hllilu Colle&o in the SL
PetcinbutJIC)cuwater area, where
dla pla)'ed moa of i t s ~
i t . . . ia a ,._. pme enterina the
.,...._ Sllffolk scored six more
dam ...., HoaaD bef<WC the 1ml
• . . called, IJ'MWl& the Rams an
1l ◄ "6clory in tbcii South-of-the. . . . . Db.011 Liae Opmina .DrJ.
followina day S.ffolk du·
· pin&-4Jp "for
picc:hin&•wile. then. I
think we will be okay."
l!I the opiDiom ofbocb the playAnd several playenhaveatcppcd- en and the COIChcs, the 1994 men's
up lm1I far, much ti;, Walsh's likin&- tennis MWOD may have ended a little
Sophomore Rob Foumiu (7 JP, 7 pranawd.)'. At leaa for their comK's, I ER VmuJ Gordon; retired 20 biaed liking.
lfl a row vcnus Fi1ebbulJ) aJ junior
After ~ the ya,- with a
Steve Loud (9 JP, 8 K's, I BB w:nus rocky 2.-t record. Suffolk would reel
Salve Recinahre two such spccl- off five comeomive vic:toriea before
droppina their final match of the
"As Iona U the bau keep &oin& ~ I O ~ Co0tec- Tbe' bn:il
we' re going to &i¥e • lot of tclml a had 1oobd IIDdd'eaaltillC and in the
toughtimc.,. Walsh1Unnised. "But eyaofmM1yievolvedwitbdieceam,
we're still aoina to need that pi1elµnc the• 1994 IC8IOG coalda't have c:ondepth.
eluded at• more inappropriMc time.
"Thetc'1 a lot of l ~ p OIi
Coach fticb I.evcuon'1 team did
tbit ~ aod lbesc CUYI fflllly bo- illdoocl Clld lat_ -.oG qiu1e ~ y.
nua ~
· blrdly ebbed. ~
by ju.flle' Dmwin -Hoffla!l,dez who
chabblDd two' HR'1, the Rams woo
.n;, by a 6aal r,l 9-2.
.::;: ::-1.:.:..Saffs: ~~~~°C~~::
. . . (21-6) and ~ Stilt
c.o11tt (17• 11) bet-. ~ up
9-8 lou to Wcat CoftDocti.
c:utStaleiatbeECACplayoff1). We'll
hi New ........ llley'n: cm, of the
"MOil or lheae players DOW haVe'
ether for almost 1111:ee
lcvCIIIOD said. "'They have been
and lhey mi&ht be able to him thole
close lo&se1 around this scuoa."
Two inte&ral pa,u to the Ram,,
tennis macbiDc arc partners Tim Kane
and Roo FaUon. The duo combmcd
for a jaw--droppina 40-S record last
spring. •The looe aenior oo the 1cam
is Rodrigo Meodc:r., who balls from
Oill.e. l..ut yes Mendez WU named
for his Olumndiaa Coouibutioo ' to
themCD's temris propam• .
Alooa with Pioleodez., · Suffolk i1
brimmina with other' international
talent. Yuan Shureiddl,from Jor-
ciao i1 maklns a r e a ~ e. u
e!:=~ ~
;::- 8-:;n~.e:.
Ania,d dtc C-,,■
Ollllp(9-5).· Wora:arSWcCoi-
c:ar,yoweriatolhilacuoa. Aaood CUt9Celare0rqoryO.CO.ud. Arr
portioD or lbat 7.5 team ~ last
'YC#lf ll recmnini ad _
f!Otbd'lldl year-
.-apowc:rflllUMalll.owdltqaad. dcflaitdy be tbc:rc apin lhu:
..,__. ii DIX Ollly ol tbe lop lmml , - - - ~ - - - - - = - -=,L-.JL-_ _;:.;__;__ _ _ _~
~ J Sharp. who comp1aneot DCW·
comcn BH1 Dowacy a tnnd'cr Crom
Qidulp)ac CoUq:e, and franan
Tony Mirotiuoi1.
Widl a favorable miuu.rc ~ both
.. - ■ •-•"OlidWIIIII.
WJilmlhe1995--UICUOllbq,n~ ,leeW--)all .... _,,..... . . . . . .,1- ■
.... 1...... .....boHom ol tbc niath
. . . . . River Hawks bc:f'Cft they
. . . . . ICCft ud was ni:ac:cJ feet
........... occuioa dllouah, it .
_ . . . . . , _ .... _ . . ,
WU jUll nae. win away u .or 3124. Meanwhile, rootic IOft:braU COIICh
a.t.tim Carr WII in lelr'eh of her fUII metl' Suffolk vic:torJ.-Tlle 36
pmcslbemca'1 ~amwillbepla,-.dm . . . fldle.,_eftl'
lormySulrolr-.. Allat--willbe..,lllo...i...........,.c.r
with the IOftbaU tcam 'lbit IP'UII ii bcr PIIC:f, Ka11eJ c.n-. Kc&y will be
will be a sooc.t yes...
1995 ._....., S - , (31
. ...... -
'lictoriashyolreachlq200forhilcareer. WkbMt1t1e 0 17-t
mn. Wlhll
Mpiaa the '95 ,quad can COlldmae
~ the ' SM l(flaad wu doiq be1ue
the seM011 Dltimetdy coded. "We
Hip-··---- -··--"'"' ~-------------------'h¥
,.. _ _ _
lhoori,iioal...S.......,.,,, _ _ - · - - - , a local ' publicllion lhM tervCII the
Boone betiewll tblt the name cl
local P t, commw,hy.
tbtmaurial. Yiolaa the ,pbit ol •
Tbetfint lu, - • 10:4e a.m., cea11y . . . . - . . - , cti11ri1,.
_bad,.....,.ol a molecouplcldlaina u1Cd10("""" maoba,, lbll-1'----=~~;;;;.:==~;;.,;;::a;:;.i;;;~....,;;.,;,.,.._
atap1Q111,wilbdaeimaipciDll"We'n: the IIJUvcniry'a aciediac:babwd•
lbotladalp)'llblljuo(Jam1""aal policy; Tllo policy 1jJOCif1ca11y •
Oel Ibo ma&I"
----- - Ila;"'""'°"""~· -
;,.-:;.,;;::,._,...:::: ,::•:,.":! -:;,~,.":w::. .
OW' wort at the YMC
really showed,'" u.nden&Mcd
PfWIIIIIN, ~ 1!'cre
iocluded .,.,..., . , . _ , at mo1e
.,.. em"" atlho . . _ ,
genitalia and bomolexual rclatiom, Cculey. echoed Mc:Oa11oq1i•1 .....
aa March 29, ~ the cf. timc:nts,aa)'inc"'l'billQflolllilll . .
fendin1 imqcs bd'"to the radio 1'11> place cilbcr • the J ~ or•
11adoo''s office u1in1 the rax ma- ·WSFIL Al the main media 09tlea •
cbineloc:Mmin 11teJ"""'°' office. suffolk.wcbod:lacedto•••Tbe,oply101bo~,iioalluinchldod ample, Ind lhil
ish being a 10-7 Ktback to Salve
W"1 dliok
JOURNAL fflll'f'
Mn-Rellcher's J.Nn homer in the
office&, by individual, within their
organizalioo1••, ·
Nit diaappoi.au me Md maka me
lndividuah working ror univcr- very U&1}',.. a.aid WsFR Ocneral
aity media CkMScu: were. the foa&s of Maa,..c:rU,a McCuJJoup iat .ruc•
■uetilioo wlthbl the: pMt week, u
tioa .to the.incident.. '7bc fax m,-- ,
uruvcr,fty offlcials lcamcd from The chine it not auppoacd to lllCd IM
SM/foll Journolabout • series of pctlOllid 1a,.. abo llid, ~ to a
offer11ive and conlrovenial ru lip p:Jlled ~ file: smcMnc. Sbe
komm unic ~liops between SIi/foil abo ~ coaecn M dm iadFree Radio (WSFR) and 71ie· Slflfol.lc dent wouJd damap dlll repmdoa ol
the radio l&ation. oae Illa shc ha
The 1Df4rnal,aftu reccivina two · beeo .worttna .hard.to rebuild ewer
faxes from WSPR' s machine, that the pat year.
and tossed the winning run out at lhc • <.
plate. The Rams escaped me inni.na
with no funber hurt .IIMf eventually ,
IColley...SOriodoe _
David Leuenou fame, that bad •
dnowmg of mole aa,ltalla .,pcrim.
n ••
L 1 • ...-_
Do /o,u,,aJ '~ telpoolC WU tO ba:Me WI 1111w 11111 ... el . . .
l u l b a o - - - ~ - .....~ - ... comiatiDa ~. pbolosl;lsli of bow . .
·worii "t"'!7. wfiaa\ O!I ll.
----~ ___
. .,,~ .
,,.., __
,·. ·.~.JIClioiiN,IG"°"
_ ....
of.._ •
,. ,. . . . . . . i
,~ 'Dw.'CllarlallooOa,.
i,, ...
• - . - ...
1k fun •coald' corublly k
people IO
nor,- - ......
.... poopla.
Ma.ill, ~---Ckf're
Repaca&ati~ca froai .... . . .
dc111 orsuiutiou voiced atroq
ooadauetioa of tJie dutributioo
of aucb material, wi~in their
One~ the . . . . . .__ bebbid
... jua:l ~ to come to play...
........,. polidao . . . . o, di•- l o D r, _ _ __ loabd•-AD<1-.11ow
topped tbefu, while a baUooa a1,ovc :
the character's mouth~ .. You Hcrraclkmao·dle--=-ofOGalO
s. arn1 o lmpoJ.·
=:..:.=: .. __ ,...,.._?
__ .,. ....
oricelllioe" • ii , . _ 10 "lbc -
, of ........, _ -_- ..._...
m.ioittndcm ol,
- pallci,a._
iirr" a pat ·o1
.,.. ____ ..,._ .,....;;c._
. __
,... _,,..,._ ... -n,,_c....,,.
""'............ .a. ~ -.., .....
1.....-. .. .,. .......,...,..,..,__ •• . .
........... ................... ,uh-
••--.--.. . ..,
By Colleae Pia, ScNt
CHICAGO - Couple,
loday are likely IO'bc <
•topllloatiiii:cw-...aap .....,. 10 ead Cllcm 7 cu pad< . . . . . . . . _ _ _...,.
CAMBIUDOl!,Meu.(Cl'S)-'Eco, plyllalas ... due"io""coun,
,_., M1W1 1re .._ -
' - . ,.,._. -S wiral froa
.ct-.. to foel bcamr."
Aldlou.p die price may accm
hiah, ..._. r -·ilill wonbwlli1e.
....... -- .... .,.._,_..,....,;"""
MI . . _ . IO Joli --.: ...,. vice
.... ...,_
thM't prowided,'f lhe
. . . . . . . . . .1. . . .
..... - - . ..
~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - ~-~ ~ o m a r e
..... - . . _ tbo--..iuoc ........
.. .;::1=:; .. _--~
..... _."'"""_ .... ,... . di-·
- - - - . . . . - - i..11'-.-.tofooll .... lycenmw
..... -
.... - · ·
'Kai... ..,. .... fools ...... ;,
~ 10 UP Kaine Brett more to lier job dwi jldt helping
M'........... llas tried Student rdu ttudeau' fflaldca.
....... ..._~dtedDapy
Wlien abc alves. ffilHIIC,
ndy W111ita.
Kmam iDvica adtats to talk with
...._l...,donc(witbmy..., bcrabcml U)'Chb,a. lfthcy prefer to
-1ll'ollmybodyead-hed ..,,.U....tboop.llhcdoo,°'""'
. .....--o1-..,,.. -ID- .Kni&ht (eds moat •uc•
motnhia I WM Mly
liali.ir-• ft:lucd."
IO come IO
pU:y... .
... _ _ _ _
.11le 0rey-.t ~ lac. ii I
be added:
. Kalpi·• rtnt 101.l ia to make
. . . _ fed coaafonable.. $lie explaillltt-111pn wbal ii i~"!l'-...ll'l .
.....,_ ~ u d fet1 • ~
ceaflll wbea abe'can rdu-a lhldc:at
so much ma lie or &be ra11a uJeep•
~ 'bigal compliment to me
i, . wbea .aomcou not only faJl1
_....,bucallodrools... .a.cuya.
.Multicultural Se~
noo-pn,llt .- ell _ _ _
All ol - · How 2.l • • . _ ,,_ d<,t
............ ..,1.cme~
.,_,, ... even briaa:facililimlO~f« .... 'lbo
. 'ft
-. --::;~
out ol ffQptiaaa.. MA ii tho IDOll.
" ' -· . . " ' - ~ i o t h S .
Tonw-m..U.ob- ltiodol_,_.,_, ...,
birtlldays,1 'i "'
lrldidoully uadcnablcribod moat lllldeatl .... !I MIid ~ I
H.....i Uolwni"ty ...,... (tbo --1,- ~ uld. ·
10n and leaChiq (dlowl have folSc:hlaNbeq's'-ffien. for • clau
lowed tbc lead ot ~ e IW• tt.111-1111 by Profc11or or En1li 1h
dent or1anh:11ions -
of Coaunercc. dia IQ:
first-1lmc mama,ea in J
ICrOII ca.pus.
tt. li5Glaa-.._......~
The flier for ..Ancieat Near fMl ard-akla ~ -• .-diaa in • liv102: latroductioa to M ~ I• UIS room deconlad eadrdy in leop-.
Rd.iJioa.,... c1au ..... by Pro(a. -ltin pd.nu.
ol ,',llyriokv Piolr.Stdokdlcr.
11le pl ol tbo f6en aoea bcfCltl.lftld coune ~ Wormaioo, yoad Cl'UI ~ialian, course.
a bdcf syllabuJ and aomcthio, extra beads Mid. "14'• not a mart.ding or
to attract the aamdoa ol jaded~ comrpClblivc ilalc." MmQ Aid. ~c
pen: a dn'v.ina: ol OOW1.
kind ot did it for the fua of iL"
..1 think it'• problbly a tcclioa
~ tcachen were tkeptiwben you're bavina ~ new coone, cal wbccber ~ would produce
especially durina •hopping period, • aipificw
Lbcy uid they
that you wut people to know it,a• fdt tbc effort.., w<Wtb a tty. M
isii," &aid Or. lour.bu M. MIM, jult tr)' IO pt tbc infonudon out any
Francois-Xavier B•noud. Prorcssor w-,tbatwecan."uidSuanJ.Smilh,
of Heah.b aad HuJUD Ripes.
procram admiaiwuor r« FolkJcn
. Manh'• gc:neral education dee- . and MytholoS)', whole po1ten rea-
Learn about your'ewn skills in conflict
effective problem-sol~r when ~ties
of diff~reoce~ CQntrovers.y and,
tared pbotognpha and c1noon
dcctcbca .
Student, interviewed, however,
aid Uie artiatic eodcaion may have
gone to Wllte. "J really dofl' t think
they' re dfe@ve bcc:ase Ibey blend
in with cvc:rythin, cite," Mid uudcnt
'"They don't really Rand
out ,pct lly, ' Hey, I'm a clan; you
should"t.ake me."'
~-Aaall.u•.11-w 1ac.w-
,:nroro~rnication difficul~.
When; Wednesday, April 12th - 3:004:30 pm .
Wbcte: Sawyer 521
A "Leadership
situations and how to become an
................ edopdoo of
all-lime hip
The itadatics, wbicb
livc, "AIDS, HeaJ.tb aad Human
Ri&hts," drew a packed hall ror ·the
f,na lccw~ but wu ftOC mre bow
mid hiJ ldvcttiaiag cfforu had coatributed 10 the crowd. .
"You bavc to mark.et a litllt bit,"
-he Kid. " It mi&ht &timu.Jate IOfflcont.
10 come 10 a counc that they mia,bt
otherwiac. oot bavc known edstt.d."
· ' Linda Scb lou bcra, i. '1e1chin1
I ~,n
in February by thll U.S
Conflict and Problem-
. •lorioa- __
•wo,le-7 . . . . . . . ol ..... umildleyfind
A rcw decades' qo,
lied lhc knot shortly d
-We pll (fBmJ • P because 1
"Y•-----·........·--you-•, . . ....
- ~......- - - -..b•••--f•""'_. caffa.a .... to ree1 beaer
. . .tyweda of the put.'
. . , . . _ . . . _• • Kaipl. . _ Aaciea. Na" 611c.10l7 .
r _~:-----
for Life" program
Remsbments served
- ~ - w.i,,aWq,ApdlS.19"
..•·. =-~ . --!l'!'Y- ::':,,.;.~
,"~ Q e t.......'l'llmlpy
- Flleri, ~ lure ..........,dass
ldlo9fot.-Jl4 "!Jlln>due.
:1 116t·111e1miftkJ...Wtlb H.--d Unlwnity
, up~forlbc«IDlll8bocane11m~ . _ Joi,- ... IO ha' to pal 00 music GI' uac mallP.: - CAMBRIOOE. Mau. (QJS) ~ 6co- .. ply l~DI the cW.S la ~ coun.e
Ilia ..... a.a ail.•ftDdl••specifieN
nomics JO and Cb.cm. 7 cui plCk.
-balk ID)' IC:l'DllllllS, BUl•whlt
.....,.. --..1!)2? .
To...., ........
--,.,, p11ce co be. Peo,lo who acwo. tn4idoaally ~~
..... ..... ID be lhao ..i,;.ou. H""""1 U m - proles'
ud wiat 1o feel bea«.:O . ,
ion and talcb.ina fdlowl hive folA ~ tbc price m■y • ~ lowed the ~ ?' innumcrable ~Melll« rooa. iliil,'WUtlrtflillc. denl ora1n1z11~on1 ~ postenng
f:ram -=rou campus.
·apro(alioaaldaat youcan'~pt~
The flier for "Ancic:ilt Near~
wllin, h'• "DOI apemi¥e for tbe"scr- 102: totroduclioo to Mesopown11
vice tt.·, pcoYided.'l'i she said.
Religion,~ a class tmght by Profes-
feol amt
...... · · ::i.,.,..,.._ <·,. '"Ila ,.i;. 10C1C11iaa,..;. l(apl. ~
. ....
.......... .., "ltlollo--i\ ■ ,ay''
... W
ta Bcoa-.k:I.
.... - ....... Jab - -
Joe"s .,.._ f19 abot _ bo'a
• .._.,..._ _. wired fiw:I, too ..
_ . ~ J o e ...u to feel t,eacr-
• :.
'l'bc Ualwnity ol ~
· "'Y•-..-.•ctiMc'....
s.lal Hii1111~"6ow:a lhc
,._ dte .._.110 Joi, .ams:. .....
bilk aho pvai........, wort- sor or Assyriology ·Piotr Stcinkdler,
~ ftw .$20 :, . ball 'IIDur: ~ 1kipi . . corocud by dnrmito,y (eatutt:d course~ inf~on:
Halllli ~ ..._.... Jcaifcr roddeM lmlC.'!"· . . ,•
a brief syllabus aDd something CJ.In
~ - - ~ • . . . . . ·~ llltlloaao-oo-oac:scssiomare toauncttheattcotionofjadedsbop-5'iif!iltili ~ the . . . rnadi.aa for her.
pen: a dn.wing of cows.
""'6c- _
_. ,-,·1Bot • m)'ldf a .a n::source IQ
..I lhJnk it's probably a reeling
~ ~
.... iallalhnboar,cbe ~"abeaaid. ..Idon'tdomagic, when you're having a new couflC,
~ lave pal oa tbcir bod- but il'l,,Aice to reel I really can make especially during sbopting period,
illfcar-• KaqbtNid. .. But lean a dlf'faeDce." t
that you want people to know it,U·
.• 1 ; . ~ Kni&III says she feds there is istl," said Dr. Jonathan M. Mann ,
· ·to UP KDior 'Bretl more to la job than just helping Francois•Xavicr Ba,DQUd_ Professor
Molher elto hH tried Student rdu. SIDdcmu' rDIIIClcs.
of Health and Huma Rights.
rally wmb.
When she aives a massage,
Knipt invi~ ttudmts to talk with
'"Wba l W81 done (with my mu- her about uything. lf they prefer to
J (ell my body and ~ bad my silecit, though, lhe does not get
~ hdplmed;..e· ol sensitivity. ! : offeaded. , , J•.··
nea:.'t1 ~y
Kaialit's first goal is to make so much dial be of she (.US asleep.
lludcDla foci comfortable. She b. ~ 'biJlell c o m ~ t(? me
~ wbal i& iarql~in is . w.boa.'.tomeoac rtot-only falls
muu.rc . ~ ~ncl-1ei:{ lb~ : aslcc;t. but ,allo droola.i she say&.,
r:I a _
cai,tmcc.. .
"W~ put lflianl up bec,u,e a
most ~ laeaa, t board about
~ uld.
Sdtloubera ~ fl.ion, for a e~s
lau~bl. by_ Pro£e11or of Enahsh
-(lhe -ooono),
tho l~of-~-woaaa..,~.l~p~lnl\.c_locbioa:, ~ ~ • -hvlDI ~ docontcd eat:i~y 1n lcopud-lldn prinu.
, .
The aoal. of tbe ffien goes be·
yOad c ~ ~~ercialism, ~ourse
bcfds ~~ .l\ s ~ • ~ n ! or
~ b ~ e .wue; Mun~d~ We
kind of did 1t for tf!,e run of 1L
AJthoug.h ~~ were skepti•
a s1gmficant ~ they wd they
~dt tbe effort~ worth~ try. "We
JUll try to get the inf~n nut any
way that we~~ saidSuunJ. Smi1h,
program admi.nis1rator for folk.lore
Mann's gencn.1 education clec. . and Mythology, whose posters fca .
ti~e. " AIDS, Heal~ and Human tured photognphs and cartoon
Rights," drew a packed hall for lhe sketc~.
fmt lecture, but was not sure how
Students interviewed, however.
m1JCh his adycrtis!na efforts had con• said lhe artistic endep,von may have
:°:!:et alittle
lrib~~1~ ha~
he said. "It might stimulate someone
to come 10 a course tJia1 ~ey might
otherwise not have known existed."
• Linda Schlossberg. 'teaching
:;~oc;:~e"I= ~~t :i~:
in with cvcrythi11.1 else," said student
Trey Morris. 1bey dona yeally stnnd
nut and say, ' Hey, I'm It class: you
should' take me.""
Coilflict and ProblemMulticultural Settings
Learn about your own skills in conflict .
situations and how-to become an
effective problem-solverwhen
of 'difference cause controversy and
f()mmunkaiion difficulties.
~re: Sawyer 521 -4-
A "~rship for Life" program
Refreshments served
illl..sm.; liiji
"I didn't foci ti& acttina mairied
when I w&I S30,CXIO in debt," 'uya.,. idea. Sutrolk University would lik.C' .1ioD ~
2&-)'C#~ld Tom Savino, 'a aradale ;1o ~ b ■YC1 tllo, .O,poriuaily 10 teach its ~
ofl.oyolaUni veni.1yinOllc:qo.wt.a - ,pcoplealialebilmorcaboulwllatwe' Adii-J
will ~ getting married·in May. "It's will ~'lo__,,•· • achoot
kind of bamllto llart planning fot • 1 ..I don't expect U, on this cam• wbo t
familyWKll~stiU' ................ 1pule~1'.!ftll1 --■--Uy· be ~
·•eut ■ccordingiofigures~ mOlt.cf•.yow,isaliwy~ r~ .,,L •T.
b■ppy.1..b,1r:1.,Ysud.~-Mefld • tbl!Jdj
In Febnwy by~ U.S. Departrnc:at
. -..Jthoush·'&od■y's couples acen'1~ Suffolk.' ~\icnify _ r . . _ • ¥.. lZIIIIO!
of Commerce, the IYcnlgC 11:ae for &euinaman:ied~a.erinlife-;moD folk Uni'lmlily,:ancM'mfully aware ~
firsH.ime marriagea in America is at and women are movina in with each that many people. foci, ror moral ro- result.
1111 all-limi high for both men and
~ at approximately tbe same qe sons, .that dus is not an accepllble
wome n.
.' 11.1coupleawhowererrwried40yoan · lifeaylc., but I do apect ~
· The slatistics, which lll'C based on Bgo, according to Jut y,ear's Univtt• in Suffolk \Unhter1i1y, everybody,
1993 .censu1 fiprea:: say ·that the sity or CbiciiO 1-lmut 1a IWVC)'. every woriet, Cllf:r/ ~ IO IIDavcnae ap for' ·IDOG. C':lll&irinc· marThe ltady fomd •
...- da dmta.ad that, ,oricc • stadem, i.s ca-.,
nap ror tbe.fint time ii 26..5, while 60 paieDl o# die men lllfYC)'Cld. ftnt ~ berc, or 6occ • pcnoa is emwomeo ~ •allwlc'dowa-~aisle 11. IDOYCd in 1"lll • faDale wbm Ibey pk,ycd betc. _.., liap palOD ~
qe :a.f. '24:5.,.
were 22. COlllplled 10 tbc ,... po· Saffoll: .Uniyc:riity • tbic rig.ht 10
Fony yean· ..0. •Wore twO-in-- oe6UCC 'of "ilDIDcn who MR 20 11. wort and learn ln a comfortable en-come ramm,s Jc:re tbc norm, men the time. , l-·
vironmcot," said Arti,..Jacboo. .
married 'Ill an avcn;e' aie of. 22.6
At lc:Mt:a.i,smdent., Vaci Prenwhile women.tint we1 at ■n Sveragc ■ GREYIIOUNDS
dent. of tho fJay AQd Lcabiu Alliage of 20.2.
Continued flam P'&e 1
ance at ~uffolk Greg Lanz.a, fccls
Exporu •Y lbat many factors• them in -lJ!!•~ · 'i or yow pc,-- tba~ in liaht. of ~ ,h1cide1u, t~
could' bo,'pa:tlmaiaa • -aveaae • ' Iona.I ~-;
too to' ieo.vU'OMICftl II bocomma more. unor•matri••11· laclDlll•a collc&b t talk'iJtbeat,lPpal,- ,: mrWi \comforuble by t h o ~ .., be.wort and ftmDcill imllbility.
caaeaadp1tdaciirnoac,.Aa.tpmd-- lieve tbM they wtJC ialCDllcd to'be
ina a few . . witb tbeae baatifu1 fu.nn,y, and I'm. awe thM cve,ybodyaood
pnde' -1mak, ~ involved got a. big ~ah out of iL
will want 10 ~ lhem an home nil Whal ~ e
realize, is that
yoq, 100: ~ •
w~ you J, b like that~' 8:°
What is ,done IO Jbete q i b amre culQR_ or pcc,plc, no jekc as
By' CoUeie Prt.iu" Service
dof.. IDa! : ~y~~" , Lanza IUd. : . ...,_
man --...,
Ntve never .... lbe'cblnct
In fact. Lanza was '°: ,infuria&cd .
inbu~. unfaif• 1.~ ;~
~y•re !iv.in& -C~tu~.
.tbecbuct to DOW ny Olllerlife that b e ~ ~ meetuaa of .~e
thall th■t ~ - iia a •
•orruaictl Jkmd .« TNllea ~ t Affasrs
...;..a.tiock. ..... - - ..... ~ - b e u , f - , c a,
7lUld.lel diem---;~,
Tbey',.-.. far .... ...s - -
-'4<mfc~...-~lNll... ..s_.- --
tioo. ~
-- ~
is re- by
- - : ; , . . ~ ,_.ti,. Plmdonl Erib Cbril<cmco, ro _
the Greyhound Pdea!dl, Inc. c ~ ~~. apolog1icd to Lanzi for .
bouisc--€oleman· at-(-508)- 4
the PCUaUon, •
WOMim Cl!Nl1lR, WOMllN'S ~ AND
~ - Apdl,18~ 1D.811
. •.l
• .,........._~~Ila.
eon. Jain 1181
When; ~y.April 12th - 3:00-4:30 pm
Afen\lle lillflilftlffiariiage~dles
CHICAGO - Coup!~ saying ·•t do"
today arc likely to•be older than the
newlyweds of the •past.111 ~•1 • - .
•A few decades' ago, most couples
tied lhe knot shon.ly after- theit ~
birdldays.tl ,.J l "'.1111 1 1·•:. •••,
; ·:xa.~Tbenp;
llio,, ~ or •
• 'Wllll
- die·.;_. H' iMy ...t.:I 8b
Fiers, photo8 lure
...,..69 dass
..,_c. KMM11 •
· I . U . . f a r - J l 4 . -CnMSOII
doD IO 0dlllml Smdicl... Ilic!~ pit
ffanvd University
· up ftlml for die CCIOIII because 11m-..,. , - ~ . .... la ~ pat oa maaic 0, UIC IDIIIIP CAMBRIDOE, Mau. (CPS) - Eco- _ R(y Ultia, the clul in tJ:,c course
- - • ........... lllillilll O. oil', md flndl out nil sped~-. nomics IO and Chem 7 can patk. ~ bldiDIIDy ~ uuwarc
t111~·,91,p41a ...,,.,._,__,_ v
tecQ>rohlli■,.1 ...,......e.,-..o1111..i.-o.
• ·
-.,,. _ .
..;.·.Kaigbt. ·aboW. Aideat No&r Eul .102? ,
-Wo pill (fltcnl up because a
........ .., '1'•11o........_,,-ilaway·'" TodraW studeml roamaH.ob- podolWtaaalllln'e)'abowec;llhat
•..,......_ ltl9Uflll_place _co be. People wbo scure, traditiooally u.ndenubscribed most ..Mllde°!' Wall ~
pm - . . . . . jib lallniiw.
come IO roe l"Qllly . . . to be ~ Albjccll, Harvard Univenity pro/et- [lbe coaneJ, ~ aaid.
Jot"t...,..,. dtoc ,- bo't 111d waat to fed bc:U«... •
IOf'I and teacbins 'fel.lc,ws have fol~ • • fii!sn, for a class
• ..._ ,....s lad wired &om too
.-.. co&e.,00 WlllbJO fed hotter
n, Horvord
the ·price may seem
bigb., Mot=· feels it,lil wortbwhi]e.°.
lowed the lead of inmuncrtblc SW·
dent O!a1n iuiion1 - postcriog
"YOll-...-..•~~from acrc.1campu.1.
a profeaioM1 tb,t you can't pt dieThe t1icr for "Ancicot Near f.asl
whore.•lt'• .t expcMlve ror ~ sa-- 102: ·intrOductioa to M tsOpotam i ■
.. ' - • · t;;.111 JJ1 ■cn:u: ....:· vice tblt'i pnmded.'t she said.
Rdlgion," a class ~gbt by_Prof"es. . . ....,.
. •
ICaipl allo-&i~.....,c work- ~ t;!f Assyriology Piotr S t e ~,
ftlr .$20"' ball baur. --,.: 11q11 .._ CODl■iClfd by dormitory ,fe■bared
~ n ,-informabOII,
~ ....... 'Dllnplll: ...,_ r..w.t ~ ,.
a brief syllabus~ aometbing extra
~ . . . , ~ •;~
Jk111111, onc-ori-ooe aessions are to _
llltrllCtthe~tl°'!ofjadedshopUlllwnity";" oC f'almylYMia
Slldllf...................._ Ibo
-e~$Ndiab ,..,...
· ""6c,
· al
• .·'1
Che . . . rew■rdiaa for bcr,
. 1"f)oak M myadf M,a f'CIOUrcc to
.· ,
.... ialilllfanbourlhc
pa-their bod-
•tar,-..• IClipl.Mid. "Bull can
W p - 6'DI bcaa'."
Ai:,con8:q, 'to UP senior Brett
....._, WM la11 tried Student
fllllilllll•• ~ aavicc, the ctaapy
"'Wbea 1-..S done [with my musqo), f fcill my body and ncrva had
pcopte."abollid. "ldon'tdomagic,
but it'a,_aicc to ftid I rully can make
a differeace." :
.,. ICllipl uys she fee.ls there i1
more to lier job than just helping
rclu students' .ram,clcs.
When she giVes a mauage,
Kniaht invites studcnb to talk with
her about &Q)'thin(: u: lhcy_Pfefcr to
su.y ailent, though, she doCI not get
a hdploaml-.._ of sensitivity. ! . , o r ~ . •.
· .--rk aat momu,a I wu really
.In f'!Cl, KruJbt fccls most suelimber ad rducd," be added.
ccufu.1 whcll s.be can rdu. a student
_ ltaipil's first aoal is to make so ouach t.ba be.or lhc falls asleep.
~ feel comfortable. Sbc ex"The 'bigat compliment to me
plailll • ~ whit ll iD~m- , is . when . .omeone Dot only falls
mauqo ~ 104-,fets tbC;"'.; ~ but .also drools, 'l she says._
drawing Of C0'11,
tauaht by Piofc11or of Enalish
tboto.,oiofa·W01111alnllriq ,rcop-
ard-lki.a. clotbil'I, ltlndi.OC in a li11-
in& moauioco,wd ctlitdy in leapanS-lkin prirw. • , .
. The goal_of tbc ~ goes be·
yolld ~ ..
c~crcialilm , ~ou rse
bcldl ~d.
~tl~c_usue; Mann ~d;, We
kind of did It for_ll\e fUQ Of It.
Althouah ~hen ~ere 1kep11 -
..I lhink it'• probaly a fechng
when you're having a new coo_rse, cal_w~iheflierswouldP_">duce
especially during shopping penod, 11 11gnificant reapoose. they uid they
that you want people to know it c.x- ~cit the effort w~ worth~ try. "We
isis," said Ot. Jonathan M. Mann, Just .fr'/ togcttbe ~ormanon 011t ~ny
Francois-Xavier Baa;noud. Professor way lb.al wecan," wd.Suun J. Sm11h.
of Hea1tb and Human Rights.
progrtm l&dministrator for FolkJort
Mann's gcnctal education clec- and Mythology, whose postcrl fea .
ti;e, "AIDS, Health and Hum an lured photographs and cartoon
Rights," drew a packed hall for the sketches.
fl.f11 lecwre, but was not sure how
Students interviewed, however.
much his advcrtis~g efforts had con- said the artistic ~von may have
tributcd to lhc crowd.
gone 10 waste...I really don't think
..Yoo have to market a little bit," they're effective bccau.sc they blend
he said. "It mi&hl stimulate someone in with everything dsc," said srudcnt
to come 10 • coum that they might Trey Moois. '1'hcy don't really 1tand
otJ:i~ise ~ have know~ _
exi.s~" out, and say, 'Hey, I'm a class: you
Linda Schlossberg, a teaching ~ould' take me.'"
Coilflict and.Problem-
. Avenlie 611flrilti
ri'iage\'eadie.1 ali.atime hiji
By Colleae PYtaa Sc·ivice
CHICAGO- Couples liying "I do"
!pday arc likely to·be older !hon the
.,. newlywed! or the.past,111 ' J I " - ~
A few decades ugo, moat couple$
tied the' knol shortly afti:r theit 20th
"I didn' t feel fiie ~ 1 'mwricd
when I was $30,000 in debt.,., 'uya
26-re--old Tom SaVUKI, a g....._
will be getting matrjed·in May ...It's
kind1 hard'.lto start planning for-a
birtbdays.n · ,J I .•,11; . 1•··1
fami lyWhcn,odstill'6wa.aamc bank.
8U\_~ n g to figures released, most of }'OUrisalary." 1~ ~ ;f. •·,:
in February by the U.S. [)cpartmcnt
'Althouab today's c:ouplel arce't •
or Commerce, the avertge age for
first-lime mania&ea in America is at
an all-time high for both men and
women :
' The slalistics, which arc baml on
gcuing~cdw,cillala'ialife., meD
and women' arc moving in with each
other at approximacdy'
umc aae
ascouplcl~howeremanied 40yC1111
&go, according to last year's Univcru y ~ the oliryofPdciioludmut11CJtsuncy.
averqe age for •mon- enterlot mat~
The lbldy foud ,pore than
riqe for the,fint time is 26.5, While 60 ~ of, die mm sa,ycyed ftqt
women are waJkias 'down,tbe aisle at moved' in widi a1
wlaen they
an average age :of, 24.5.'
were 72; compared 'lo the ame perforty years -ago, before two-in- cencace of'warncn wbo were 20 at
come f ~ WCffl the norm , men the time.
1993 ,CCMus
married 'It an aven;e~ ijc o( 22.6
wbilo womcn.first lwcd at an avcr&ge
!. ~pau~aay _
that many factors
could b e , ~ lhe-Pengc. a,c i
from page I
them iD ~~1'beain&'ror
sonal ~
,,our per-
'm; Oyjq' for too
ofi matrimoayf •~~•~ _
e<1llcge,i1 J,llk"~ than, ; ; -70D!"biin:d' ta tbdi
wort IDd fmandal instability.
cqe'udpauticitnoae:a.: .u,upmdin,ra few bolin with~ bcaltiful,
ood ~
- pade aoimala, yoo
w&nt t o ~ them an home. with
y01y 100_
What is done to ttae.e.do&I ls
f y,alhqmeaatty· be cducaletdhoae 1invol~rffowncr,
aa)'s ~JesltiaD..a.cDd · thcuiolOf'rmudw\y; ~ l ' ( i l l be
4~11i'll~ •or WOllk ill s.r~ lraled • · • .,.._ ~ . aod i
{.!ni~ty;: and,l'm fuJly ~ ~ iltVCsci,-ion .wiDc:omeas a
that many people feel, for mom rca- result. ·
sons, that thll~is not an acceptable
lifestyle, but I do c.xpcct CYa)'boor'
in Suffolk: , UIID'ersity, everybody,
every worker, QU}', ltUdent. to Wldcntand _hat,.oace a , lbldent tia, co-~ ....
rolled bc:rc. ar OOCC ..a penon is cm-.
ployed. bee; .e-,cry siap:. pcnon al •
Suffolk Univeriity bu the right to
wort and )cam in•• comfortable enviroruneat," Aid Anil--Jacbon.
At lcasu'OD& student, Vice Prcsident
tho (lay And Leabiu Alliance 11 Suffolk Greg Lanza.,.jcels
tha~ io light_ of _thl1 _
incidetn! the
cavu-onment.11 btcomLn& more llll1
c_ocn£onab1t .by tbi, ~om~ "I belicve tbet tbc:y were. inteodcd to be
age of 20.2.
~ that C\lety~y
tnvolved aot • b11 LIi.iab ou1 of 1l.
Whal peop!e_ don_' t rea]ize, is tha1
w~n r)'OU Joke like ~t •~t 8:° •
eabRI cul~ or pcoplc, .nojokc IS ~ y; _, I'm
-unfair, ,~ f f ••
:•:= ; 1 ~ ~ ~:bu-.
~~Jc;'.::=tu=dlcca:; .
•AoYl!rfflM.£ Touas
JJrfact,l.aazawaaso~ ·
the chance to know any c,da life • that be anendcd ~ meetidg of ~e
thanUofODCiDaca,c.L ~
. or'
Board _ l T ~ .~ J .ut:airs
amtnda track. Lt.t.theol ~ _.!-qe,;., 'CommiUcc.-w.,C_ infonncd aca- _
uif; ~,1ct mcm have~ ·Chance. ,'dcmic ~ ~ S a r g e n t . trusti
They're 1ookin, foi love arw1 ~ ca ~-•mdcnl ~ .
~;,, =~
ti,oo.~ch,w~recei~ iA re,,
Praidint Erika~· to h:pvi
~~ apologized to l.aau.a for
the Gteybouod fricods, Inc.
Multicultural Settings
Learn about your.own skills in conflict
situations and.how to become an
ity would li,ke lion the admlailb"lb<MI'
r\Wlhy to teach . iLS' effort ID cndica&e this problem,
aboutwbatwe·· Aiti►lllcbonwouldoalyaaylhat1111 ,
effon WOUJd1be ~ tO \ft~pte
"I don.'t ~peet tha!, on thll cain- who the pcrpetnltors ,were, ~
mid to
flnlndq. A&ldl 18. 181111
1-1.1180 laC.1111111111.·~
· effectiv_e ~blem,solver when issues
~f difference~ controversy and
, communication 5Jiff!culties., ·
When; Wednesday, April 12th - 3:004:30 pifr-" .•
- ·
~ : Sawyer 571 .l
A "Leadership
fo; Life" progrpm
Refreshments served
C. Walsh Theatre• , tected ~dlyn Plotldu • Apl'il 6, 1, 8 • 8 PJII .
Tickets$ 4
call: 573-8680 .
livop- beO<
Avtn\ke ~™It ffianiiige t'eacties all-time &iji 'llllitAX ·
·By College
~ .ServiCc
CHICAGO_ C.ouplcs aayi ng "I do11
today are hkely lo·bc ol~r than the
newlywedi of the . past. 1 · • · ,·
• •
_ A few ckcades ago, m011couples
U~ the knoc shon.ly after their 20th
·, · ._•'-
'But accordi ng to figures released
"I didn ' t feel !ilcc 1euing married
Wh6r I was S30,000 in. debt.," 'iay1
2&.year~ ld Tom Savino, a graduate
or J-oyola Uni ycrsity in Chkago, Wbo
will be getting married m Ma)'. '"It's
kind of hartNo start planning for a
most of yo11r,11aiuy," 1
~i • T
·,,., -111 ·••
.,,r-Continued fr9ffl p:i~c I
h ..Suf!olk Univenity would
·co - h b:ve tlw..bi,ponunity 10 teach
1people a Ihde birmore about what we
tolcnte- as a school.
.. , don't ei;pcct that, on this cwnlpua;,ie¥Cryl,Jod'f pl , nq:eaarily· bc
happy lhat 1
1,Ys -tldd .lei,bUlll111u.cnd ·
Suffolk 'UniVenity ,oc- wadi: at So(1
f~lk U_
ni\len.ity,:and,J:m fuJ!y aware
tha1 many people feel, for monl reaso,ns, that this ls not an accept.able
·lifestyle, but I do expect everyboc1y•
In Suffolk. , university, every'body.
every wort.er, ·every student. to u.ndemand l.bat, oocc a SUldcni1is enf'Oued here, « OOCC.a pcrJOn is crnployed· bcre., ~ ling&c penon at
Suffolk. Univmity has the ri'ght \0
in Febnwy by thC U.S. Oeputment
Although today's couples armlt ,
of C~meree,_ lhe ~verage _
age_ for getting married unu1 lite!' in life,.mcn
fitsH..1me momqes m Amenca 1s at and women arc moving in with cacti
an all-Lime high for bodi men and other Ill approximately the iame age
The statistics, which are based on ago, according to last year's Univer1993 census fi&ureJ ; 'say -that I.he sity o f ~ laadmart sex survey.
avcnge qe forflnen entcrinC mar1'be swdy found C. more than
nap for the firii lime ii 26.5, while 60 ~ ~ cbe men ~ycd first
WmleD are w ~ 'dow1Mhe iisle at moved in With a 1(anale _
when they
an avaqe age :of 2'.5.
w~ 22, compared lO the same perforty years qo, before two-in- ccntag~ of 'irHkben who were 20 at work and learn in a comfortable encome fam.llic,I v/ue the norm, men the_ time.
• ·
vironll\Cll1," said Artis-J1¥=,ksori,
married at an aven;i &ge oC 22.6
At leastOD! sn.dcnt. VJCe
w~ women.first wed' at an average ■ GREYI;IOUNDS
the Gay And l....esbillll Allisac of 20.2 ,
Continued from page I
ance at Suffolk. Oreg Lanza, feels
.~ ~perts
that many factors them in ~~ ~
yOW' per- that, in light
thia incident, the
could bo-pmlmtJinl die.avenge qc i onal att..J.ti i ,
, ,
fa, '
cnviroruntnl is becoming more un•
of1 matrimoay1• iael•dl•s coUegc, 1 ~lO~ ~ - i" • ~~-!~ - comf'oltable by the momc:M..i"I be·
work and ftnaDcial instability.
lieve that they were inteoded to be
iO,a few hiMfn with lhese beautiful, funny, and I' m sure thal_everybody
· good ~~ aentk' animal$, you involved got a big laugh oul of ii.
' will want 1 ~e them all home with What people don't realize, is lha1
Y°":11 too.
when you joke l.lke that about an
Whal is done 10 ~
-dogs b Cl1lire cultwe or people, no joke LS
nr · d ~n&ic funn)' when ii degrades anotherhu~he;:Cii;in:'~re°:tut1 ·t1ot
'man being," . Lanz.a laid.
chines.. They've never bad thechance
ln fact, Lanz.a was so infuriated
the chance 1o know IQy-~otber life that he attended a meeting of 1he
than lh8I
or OOC in acage; ot nwling ~nu:!::=• ;1 : : :
; :
-~~~~~e ! : l ~
demicdeans,PraidentSargent, trust•
tea and student leaders.
Ptcs.ident Saraem was ~ .
by Swdent Government Auociation
For more information rqadina Ptcs.ident Erika Christcnsoo, l5> have
the Greyhound Friends, Inc. contact peno~~ apologized to Lanza r? r
. ·se·€olcman·at-(.508}-435-5969:- the l lluabOO.
They're look:iq for love and ,UCO·
lion.. Which, wttcn received, is returned. Unc~ditionally. ·
edUCM.e,rthose ,.i:nvol~;¼low.nCT.
1bc' utodr~
, pmpatyl:Jll(iK be
lrealed III al Rplll'ale, maucr.- abd,.ai
separate in~stiption .will come u a
• ·•
,--,-- :::;::;;====-~
''Fires in the Mirtor.'1'an
. ' ,,. .
JOt.aNAl. STMI' '
· acten used by AMa Devere Smith,
o( "Fira in the Mir-
=A(=-=::=. ~·~==~,.~~=
'J'\UI week a.ts lhe debul of the the playwright
uy .
When asked what coo11t1of ac- ,
lioo tbe~Bistration'wouJd take ill
its effort IO eradica&e thlJ problem,
A~Jacbon would Qllly IIY th.al· 811 ,
effort would:bc- made tO in~jate,
who lhc pcrpetraton ,were, :.a to
•lilMAll. & llanult PASSlS
•Wou& Srut1YAIIOI.DP10Gwis
•C\a Roo°AL •
ina na:dolll IO die riolJ ill C:,owa·
llelJlm. BrootJya, New York in
1991. "The ~ dlnicted by
Mlri(yn Plotklu. is u sreating
. drama C. will affect cva-ycme who
ha the cbmoe io see iL
Mohammed (Roc~elle LaMonique
'Me); Rabbi Joaeph Spielman (Heidi
Oilli1) and Norman Rosenbaum
(Christian Cibocti and Emmuuel K.
·Naablaj), brother of slain Yan.kd.
Finl in tltt Minor is a ~
lllillamll~ol•niaJti, .(.,...,. ............ show ....
media pn:IClltMioo inclodiDa slides. takes Dl8PY riab. payinl" off coasid..S video• well u aclOff. Plotkinl erabtyintbeend.lti1.aplaytbal
briap witoellCI, participaaia aod touches Ol'I subjects: blc.e racism aod
UllaalCd pe1iei io life lO detail their perception, and bandla: ·them Ytith a
react.i.ons ud imprea1iqu' of the N8liel)' of viewpoints and·a complllc
riots I h a , . ~ f r o m ~ ~ lack• of. ~~ines1 artd sclf-coa~ , o / ~yowig blq
Garia ~ - A .fflUll•ICC for all
Calo, and the:~
inurde:r'of & folk
as well u anyone wicb •
Jewish divinily 1iudent, Yank.cl the opportwrlty 19 sec iL
RolCllbaum. _•• -~
• ~ play NIii th.is Wedllcsday
makes fu!J.-usc ol her through Satur4ay, Aef'il 5-8, .at 8
diverse ~ . •_111ing male acton.-as . p.ni, ~._$\dfc.A'• C W°~ ~
'~~ 1-i• ~..- :nclcds . . $8fo,lhe-public,
males. w_
hill:;:!,c~on" as A rican- ~ ~ fpr. ltlldents arid seniors.
tbC Machine") ~poradic and ener•
getic touch. Talalay brilliantly in·seru mimakd sepnenu from "Tank
Oids" original IOW'CC comic and she _ _
beP.a the ICbOn aoing. ·
Paty ;a aootbcrplus. Her_pcrfot·
outragt9t1s sequeaces regtlired tq _ .mace ii filled wilb spank and_ • ·
briq h"IO _:Uk_ . ~ ,:.,
._ lil,i. 89"""',es -~ap)tiid . .
SW·llon """'cJ"A ~
-of _alway. iiilirioui. ·• , ,
•-- . - ~
lbdr Own..)
pelfeci •
, _ moric
lffll:._timc ~ CO
lhe heavy
ill doo..,. . , - ~
The latest comic-book-turned•
big•ICl'CCQ•adventwt: -ru11: ·Girt" ii
a fun ftlm loaded with -the kind
~IDd~~ro:: ~ ~
~ ... Easy.•
, duded
,villaio. w b o ~ lld,ecca'~ . • 1&.~y 1W Jla!' ii. the Ic:ngthy ~ -~!
hippie cololly ia lie ..a deal dllt ~ of The Rippers, OOC' of mfla-.,
bu become
a.beccl be-- which is played by rap artist tcc-i. ~ ••
frieadl le< Ohl ...,_. by N - ' They"' a gn,up ol ...,....Uy "'Ii·
Waaaand••hil1fO•Ol!l•miaioa•' DCCRd oulcalta and prov~ a few I t ~
to save the world fnlm dtoapL
but simply get 100 mUc6 Bjmt ,
On tbe way die po cad up ill a ~ time. · 1_,e film would have moody •
8--.. . .
~=.::..::.:~ ~~.-:.:::::•;r.i:..,7~ ~
of Gut,
· 'Jbe ·ftlm is "f•t aod filled with oat beii
Thi,lsjulM.....,..ol"f~ ...... -tinasandwill..;iyplease tlwlbe
--......i coak .....
,,__ ·n.ila .~ ·will- ..ic.: ,.,.._ noc lamJJiar wk!>
Cole Poda'I "I.d's Do IL"
em·•·........._____,. ..... ...
· k it c:ompleldy out of the mabl- - Md tlm is what KU ii apan
fftaocllll' "lllallpllal•li~
COiiie .....,_ 'l'lte movie ii oatn-
_ _...,illl
lbe..., 10 lbe cod.
...... _,...~ .
worth watddi&- '
ORA1E: .a+
!he Sutrollt,J00111ir~;•JI#!/'19951
(ml e ull~Jinaniage~ch~ all-time hij.
'1111111:AX_· •'~ ••:
eotlcsc Pft:kJ Service ..
"I djdn't fed lil:c;...gdtjna married t ., Connnucd from paac I
when I wu S30,000 in~" 1i)'I ideas. Suffolk,..UnirC{Sity would Jiu
26-year~ld To~ S.vino, a &raduate to ~have tlu,, .o'ppon'unily 10 teach
ofLoyolaUniversityinc:-=-aoWbo 1
pc:oeie1littlebitmcnabouiwtw ·,•,;c
wUI be actting married in May.\:ll'a will not lolcnu as a ,c;hoot
kind of hatcbto atart planninl for a I
"I don't cxpcc1 that, on this camfam.i lyWhen,-ou'91i!ltrft.tOmebllflk. lp1,11ii.eYef')'\mdf y,ill, neceanril)' be
Bot aa:ordin:g _ fiprcs rckascd m01t of your!Ullry." 1.
bi.¥P)' lhat 111Y1'1.dd kMi1a11,.1tend
~nwy by tho U.S. Department
Ahhou&h,'ioday' 1.couple1 arcn11• Suffolk•1 Univcnity ,or wC., ll SD£•
~crcc,. the ~Ye.rage .•ge_ for getting married untfl Later in lifepmcn 1
folk Uni\tenity.: and ,J.' m fully aware
mamaget 1n Amenca 1 at Ind women are moo,ing in with each lhal many people feel. ror,moral rea1
all-lime high for both men and other at approx.i~lltdy lhe wnc age aoru:, that this is ' not an acceptable
u couples who were mamed 40 years lifestyle, wt I do expect everybody
The statistics, which~ based on •10. ~ g 1 last year's Univu- in Suffolk •University, everybody,
3 CCDIUI fi1ure1, say that tho. shy of Oddgo1Mdmart sex IW'VC)' , every worku, every student, to un~ 1study ·round that 1')0fe than demand that, ooce a swdc:n1! is co..;e,"qe fot ·meft 'criteml1 l'lllt·
I for the fint time ii 26.5, while 60 pa_:cent of! the meo. surveyed fint rollc:d bcrc, or ooc:e • per100 is em-.
l)eG arc wllkiq 'clown,the msle at mov~ - in '1di a1female when they ployed here, C1'Cry sinalc person ac
compan:d lo the ume pct· Suffolk Univfflity bu the right to
Fofty )"Caf'I qo, before iwo-ia- ceouce of women who weie 20 11 work and learn in • comfortable environmcnt,'" said Anis-Jackson.
f. ~ Wfft the '"norm, men the time. 1
jied. , ac an 1verqe' ate ol 22.6
le women first wcil ac an average
C,ofttioucd from page I
ance at Suffolk Greg Lanza. feels
bcgln('rcir yOUr per· that, in light of this Incident, the
&perta ..y that many filctors them in
Al' b&psokJashla die.average a,o sooal ,ueoo&a;. CryjJij
Joa 1 environmcnl is becoming matt. un0
natri. ., ,- iacl. .•1 coUeae, talk'~ them, tcf put
in their comfortable b- the momc:at.. "J be·
II: ... ftDmcill instlbilily.
caa:eandpat'tlicirnola.'!t.ftu spend- lieve that they were intcndcd tn be
ana a few bc/6n with these beautiful, funny, and I'm sure that evccybody
good ~ - ' lffllle' animals, yoo involved got a big lau&h out of it.
will want 1J~e them an home with What people don' t realize. is that
yoq, too.
w~ you joke like that a~ut ~n
What is done 10 lhcsc dogs ls eabrc cu.hu~ or people. no joke lS
inhumane, unfair, and u~vati~. ,runny "'.'hen 1c dca,adea a.ootbc:r· huThey' re living ci-eatui-ea:';not ffla.' man being,"d.anu said.
chha. They've never bad the chance
In fact. Lam.a was so infurialed
the chance 10 know any other life that he attc.odcd a meeting or the
than utat of (Nit la I cage · ~
Board or Trustees' Student Affairs
an,und. track. Lcc.tbaa
'_Commiuee.. wbc:rc be informed ■cl•
li(~ ind . let lhem haVe a t ~ . ~mic~ PraidcotSargcn1, tru.M•
lootiJll for love and. ,ueo- ees and _
student ICldcn:.
tioo. Which, wbea. received, is re,.
Preaident Sargent was reported,
cumcd. UncoaditiocwJy.
by Shldent Government Association
For more· information regardina President Erika ChristenSOn, 10 have
the Greyhound Friends, loc. COlllact pcrsona.11y apolngiud 1 Lanza for
---(508)-43S--S969. the situatioo.
ICAGO - Couplet utin1 "I do"
'( are likely t_ ·bc older than lhc
•ywedsofthe: pasl. 1' ~
A few decades ago, most couples
the kno< lihortly after thelr 20th
IMlllya.n ~ I ·., .. ,
When asked what coome. oC .;..
cioo the tdmlniwatioa'would ~ ia
its Mfon to eradicate this problem.
•AJtis..JacbonwouldonJysaylhalu ,
cffon would be made 10 investi·~
who the pcrpetratou wcce, -•rid tO
cdUCMc,,those ,invohtt•d,;;'Howaver,
1bc.uao!Of.rtanlw:hny,p,opatyllft'ift be
treated as a, aeparate matter, and 11
separate invc.a.iption will come u a
resu.11 .
''Fires in the Mirror," an arresting and pm
,ouaHAL ,,..,.
!~M== ~•~=:r=~i~~~!:
This week lUIU dic debut of the
dent~~'=~ i.Z:~7a:t~~::
\lsed by AMI Dcvtn Smith,
the playwrigtl.t of "fires in the Mir•
~ and African-■mc:ricanl as
,banoct<p. ~ !he clw-
ina ~ ' to the riotl UI Crown
llelpts. Brooil)'D, New Yod: ;n
for .
will affo:t cvuyone
hu the d...,.;:e to ICC iL .
&Y~ t ID
• &..AIL
& 8arn.uL PASIS!S
•CAI RINTAL • lv.va
lull..-., ..;.....
media preaoacatioo iDtlDduta .slides
-9 vidao • well u aclOrl, Plotkina
briaas wil.DellU, ~~pull& and
~ pmtics to life todewl cbcir
reactioos aod impres1i~ of Che
riots that ~lted Jrom _ .::cidealal
Mobarilmcd (Roc~elle LaMonique
I..... Spdman (Hcidi
....), =
Nublai), brother rA. slain Yanke!.
Fire, in tlw Mirror 11 a departu~
Jo,..,. ... . show ,....
likes many risb., payin1 off conlidcnbly in the end. It is a play that
tooebei on subjects like racism and
~ . and blndlcs them with,
\landy of viewpointl and • compclC
lack of- prcacbiaeu 1od self-eon·
deadl of a Youn& bid male, Gavja ~ ~~.:A, .. · .,..u
--wdl ·
e.a,, and lbc S U ~ murder. of a IU&a. Jewis h divinity student, Y1nk:el
P,lockins makes Cuti use of· ha,
diven:e cut, u1io1 male ~ al
f ~ £ . . ~ f~e actqp u
males, white . actor~ 11 African-
~y~ ~
_, ....... WIUI
the opportu.nilY to ICC IL
. 'the play nana this Wedoelday
thiough ~ y. April 5-8, ac I.
p.rn, 11 ,S\d(1?Jk"s C. W~ .~
T"l4ffl arc $8 for t h e ~ public,
~ -~ foe studeoli and senion.
I.he_ ~ n e") sporadic and ener•
---'~==CC.....- -
Girll" original IOUrCC comic and she
kecpa the action Joing. ·
Pctty i11nothcr plus. Hcrpcrf01out,.gOOt.1s scquooces sequired to imace LI filled witb spunk_ and atli- ·
The new soundtns:k for- the mer
briqit ·1oaa1&-. .
tion pictlS '"Tut Girl" ii simply tbc
SW h>d
ffl06l coasilteot ii.I enjoyable alter·
Their Own'1
fidmci •
The a m t ~ • ~ dme nitive rock cailectioe lince the mu•
the heavy mew ............ ill . . . . . af'-~lillCly -Hoaor
lie (tom
'Jk IOmlllttack Ihm WU ~
duded by •Comtne)' Love from the
('"A Clodlw"!_I< ~ ~ . . . . ., .• •
~ H~ ..n.ove' a tavy arunge
v!llaio,. ,11!bo Ollll'o,ed Rebocca'1
~ ooly l'Cll Oaw ii the lengthy
,nnuence 1boWs oa muy o( I.be
hippiecololiyiadlO.,.._.,dlat appwaaccorlbcRippen, oncof
hu ~ die ...._ Rlbc:cca bo- wtlich i1 played by rap artist lce-T: album' s lrtCb. Howcwrer,--Love doei
frieadl let Oid ...,.. by , . _ ;
poop ol,......,.Uy Ollai· notlimkdler.-otdleWauaaaddtehiOp-~•millioo nmred OUICIIU 8111d prov~ . few lt-ffflfjidle-tlyliljpor
Bjork 'and Poniallcad to the cacchy,
tn uve the wuld tr.. ....._
ta111hl buc simplj get 100 mUch
moody s.do IOUnd ol Bush ,nd lhe
On the way dtc ,-o cad ap i.a a ,crcea time_ Tbe film would have
~ and saap dlc 81a llilariolll hem bcaer off dediclli.a& a storyline
The uolqudy:i:..ci..
and ova-tbo«lp -,ioc:c; a . . IQ. Tak Girl' s other lidckic.k Sub
tbe~feeloltbefihnwitbucol, 9....iw,- ~ vi Oir!.
OUC bci.. toO dart. It ~er forgets
Cole Porlu's "1..a'1 Do IL"
' The. film ii fat and filled with
thatthc,'nffll; . . ....-1,froma
'lluolojut•oumplevl"Tuk pmono-tiaon,ndwill .... , _
co.io""'batk and
flm 'o( ~ ccaie ICD· cult pop
The· latest comic-book-tufflcdbig-acrcen-adveiiture "J'ank Girl'" ii
a fun film loaded witb-tbe kind
-,., A
.....,_....... . , - ii..._.,~ .ol _
::borw:;:r=: ~_r,w~ro;.: ~w~~
no, _.,
.Itf. .
i.l:~~riH I
·(:. Walsh Theatre : Dii'ected by ~rilyn Pio~• April~ 7, 8• 8 pm
, ·To order , call: 573 - 8' 80 ·
=a.....__. ::'°°~~~i:,.f=ic-:; ~.=..It:
, -
_ .... ....-.
-~-,··~' b ilcom,lddyoutoftbemaift.
dlil is wbal ICU it sprt
.... ad
Ina...,.___,..• tivo-KOOG
CMlc ...._ 11te mcme
ftllii ... lo,plyuiponol
wllChfala. '
..... ., -Jca _, _ W-""J
__ .,,,._..,.._like
whole reaac of Cole Pona-'s "Let's
they are- llmq die time of their
rrfage \leaches alJ•time . .
"I didn't reel@; gcCti ~
when I wu '30,~ in ~ .. 'uy1
26-ye~~ld Tom Savino, a arMuate
11(1JU , fl
I do"
n the
of Loyola University in Cbicqo, Wlilo
wm be aetting married in Ma)'. "It's
kind of hartb10 staR planning for· 11
~ Conticwed from paae I
ideas. Suffolk "\JnJvcrihy would Ii.kc
10~~•¥e tilc•.o'ppottuaity 10 Leach
p6op,lc. • liule bit more about what we
will not tokril:e. as ■\school .
I .. , don't c•pect that, on this cllffiPIM!:~ ,Y.t-c,d1 y,.ill, neceaurily be
Suffolk-'Un.lVenity ,or w~ al S11ffolk Unlven.ity., aiwM'm fully aware
that many people feel, for moral rea-
(amily When lJ'OU llill:0.0-tOIDC bank.
cased moctof)'OW"!u)ary... ,.
c for
is a1
and 1
·Ahhou&h ' today's coupkll am,1t •
gcuing Dlll'ried wJb1 later in lifc,.JDCQ
and women are moving in with each
When asked what c:owx ol ac>tiop ~~nilfflllion'would take in
iu dJon "to eradicale• lh.i1 ·~ lem,
Arti9-Jackson woukl only Illy thac'a.a •
effort would be made JO investipte
who the pcrpetraton were, 11\d to
01~ •However.
tffiMcd Ill al sq,a,ale matter,- ahd 11
separate in'Yclliaation will come u a
=~~Jli=~-:;:: ~j~:y:~n~~ =.:~ :«:tw!:; .~-'--'--.----_-_~-_-_-_-_~- -
•10. according to last year's University of Cdctco 1andmad ,u IW'Vq'.
The lhidy foaad that i;nore tljin
11rhi~ 60 ~ of,cbe men IUl'Veycd tint
tie at moved in with • • female when t!ieY
were 22. ,compared lO the aamt 'per.
'0-i~ CCllUICC or rfll&nat who were 20 1111:
men lbe time. 1'•
I t.be
t .,•:,, t;P.
:: ■ GU\'119UNDS
''Fires in the ~r,'' an arresting and powerful
in Suffolk. •Univcnity, everybody,
every wortcr, every student, to understand that, once a swdent1is enrolled here. er ooce a penoo is cm-
ployed here. CTcry Angle permn at
Suffolk Uni¥cr'Mty bas the rig.ht 10
work and learn in a comronabk en-
This week marts the debut of the
s.trolk Studml n-ttc proclDction
rl Fira lit 1M Mlnor, a play detailioa rc.:tioat to the riots in Crown
Helgllts, 8rooily11, New Yort in
1991. The prodlctioa., dinlcUd by
Yit0nmen1," said Artia-Jactson.
Continued from pqe l
ance at Suffolk Greg Lanza, reels
ctoB them in cg~'begina'ror yol.ir per- that, in light or this incident, the
'- . . , 1 ,ocw ,rtcotidn;.. Cryjd fo, you 10 cnYironmcnl is bc:com.ing more un•
Iese, 1 talk ft> them, lOpul ~barid In their comfonabk by tbc momCIIL "I be·
cqc and pat ttieir no1e1..After spcod- lieYe that they were ·intended LO be
iQ1 a rcw ~ with thele belutifu.l, runny, 111d I'm wre tha1 eYerybody
amde uhnal&, you inYolYcd got a big laugh out or it.
will want 1 ~ them all home with What people don' t reaJize. is that
. Y°'¥ IOO.
w~n you joke like that a~t ~n
What is done to these dogs ls ennrc culture or people, no joke as
inhumane, unfair, and u.,t'<qlvaftlC. _
it dqnldes anothc:r· buTbey're liYing cie81ures~ dot ina-' man bein,," Lanz.a said.
ddnel.. Tbey'n never bad tbe chance
In fact. Lanza was lO infuriated
the chance to know any other life that he aueodc:d a meeting of the
thanthalof~inaca,e; or' Nnniha Board
Trustees' S1udent Affairs
arou.ad a tnd. Ld,.tbem tno,,r a.GCW Committee. whete he informed aca•
hu tite chance to see IL
media prcseewion iacludia& 1lidel
and videq • wdl u actorl. ll1ockim
brio11 wiLDeues, participants and
react.ions aod impres1ion.1 of. the
riots mat: rt1Ultcd
the accidcDW
death of I }'oung black male, Gavia
Cato., and the subscquellt murder ol 1
Je wish divinity 110.dent , Yank.el
Rosenbaum .
P,lotkins makes full use of her
diY ctlC cutt }ISinl male acton u
• Aovemal!TOUIS
•CAI RDrrAL . Ta4YU.QIU)l:5
llf~ ~ . 1
~ baVt_·a ~
- demicdelm..PreskScntSarJent.bUSC-
Tbey' rc looltina· for IOYe and fUCbliOCL Which. when received, ls ~
turned. Uncoodidoaal.ly.
For m0re infomwion reprdina
the Greyhound frieods, Inc. cmtact
re~ £._
ees and _
student leaders.
PTelKlcnt Sargena was reponed,
by Student GoYe.mment A1SOCi1tion
President Erika Olristemon, to have
pen:~!~ apologiz.ed to Lanz.a fo~
males, white . actors as African-
..~ .., ~r1 J(1
Theatre• Dii'ected by ~rilyn Piotldu ~ April 6, 7~ 8 • 8pm . .
, ·To order. call: 573-8680 .
Jewish used by ~ Devere Smith,
the - aclcrl clwoot<n. the playwright or "f°lfCI in the Mir'tf.'I,.. are Rew:reod Al Sharpton (Tina
E. Oaffaey) and Mini1ter Conrad
Ml)b.ammc!,1 (Roc~Ue LaMoniqoe
....); ....,.; Jo,q,1, Sp;el""" (Hcidi
Plottlu. i1 an arreatin& = o ~ ~ r : : i n
cnma tbll will affect cvuyoac who
americans and African-americans
Nublai). brother of slain Yankd.
Flll$intlwAtirror iladeplm1te
£or ~ tbcaUe. and a show !hat
flllOy risu, paying orr considc;nbly in the end. It is a play that
tcucbes on aubjocts like racism aad·
pcn:q,tion, and bandies them _
Mth 1 •
variety of viewpoints and a c::unplpc
lack qf pruchines1 and ael{-coa~
- -A mull~ !Ol'• .U Saf-
f~:;:=:,~~tnyone ~
The play nans llu1
throu&.h Saiu.rcJay, ~pii~ 5-8; at 8
p.m,.• S\df~'• C. ·W,J,h ~
Tic-"" S8 fo, t h e ~ J>!'bl;.,
S4 r0r; students a.nd RDiOfS.
Everythfug's coming up Spade
E & L..
.~At'.-ct•l.-...~e~ t ,
· - , .. , n , - ~ ,1
~A~ L ~ l ~ '-'F~
''Fires in the Mirror,'' 3-0 a ~ and powerful drama
americans and African-amcricans a
This wcct mns the debut of Lbc the pllywrtaht oC ..FU"tS in the Mir-'
Suffolk S11idmt ne.tre production ro,,.. are Reverend Al Sharpton (Tiu
cl Flru lit tlw Minor• • ~ decail- E. Oatrney) ,od Mio.isu:r Conrad
in, reacdoal 10 lbc rioel in Crown Mohammed ( RochcUe La.Monique
Hei1l111s, Brootlyo, New York in Page). Rabbi JOlq)b Spielman (Heidi
J99J. The prodDcdoo. dirocted by Gillis) and Norman Rosenbaum
Mwilyu Plottia.a, ii u anaUoa (Christian Cibotti and Emmaaud K.
chm.a NI will affect CVU)'ODe who Nuhlai), brotba of t1aia Yankel.
hu the chance to sec it.
Fires in tlw Mirror Is a departure
U&ina fv.ll ldvlll$,llc ol • multi- for atudpu theatre. and a show th.II
media prcsc:awion iacludul& slidcl \aka many riw, payina off COASidlllld video• well a.s acton, Pkiclins cnbly in the end. It is a play that
brings\wit.nesse,, pa:rticipam.t and touches on aubjocts like racism and
i.dlaestcd s-,tlc:s to lire to dew I their .. pen:eption, and handles them with a
reactioas ud impression.a of the variety ol viewpoints and a complete
rioa thal raul&ed from the acddcatal lack of p~hiness and sclf-coodeath of a young blade male, Gavin tcioumeu. A muic-sec for all Suf.
Cato, and chc subsequent murder of a foll:: swdenu, u well u anyone with '
Jewish divinity ,1udcn1. Yankcl the oppot1uni1y 10 ICC iL
The pity run, th.is Wcdoesday
P,lottiDJ makes full use of her lhrougb S11urday, April S-1, at 8
diverse casl, using male acton u
p.m, tt Suffolk'• C. \Y'~ ~
rematc f hanc\crs, f~e tct.Of:1 u Tickets are S8 ror I.he gcncral publK:,
males, while tctors H African- tnd S4 for ll~ts and seniors.
The lttest comic-boo):-wmcdbig-screen-advenam: '"Tank Girl" ii
-~~':.;'~=:=-_ :,_ ....
l::icn:~-=u~ :: mu:~
_ ..... _
..::~;:::;r.;;:. ~
~~:.:?-..~~~ of
~:;~v~ ~~~~
if it.ir~U. ti
.~~: {:= ;~,~ ::,:t.i:
' ..
- it~=~,.~::;.~~';; .:;:~tJ1:~=-~
"'lllnk Girl" soundtrack captures the fun of the movie
By Justin Grieco
,c:)(MIAl. rr.v,r
The new soundtrack for the m~
bOR picture -rant Oirl" is simply the
most consislcnt and cojoyable alter-
~ ~~"&!.~~ ~~~==
s.-Com- •·
• raiaccl in Soocudalc, Ariz..
leaded n
Colsons Hoccl ln Bever!)' Hills. "It's Ill.I (jcrtc). lnthilmovic,I' mkiodolu.t, qe a - d ~ S(,l&C, where~
kind o( mean-spirited and w.holey. espcdaUy iq.,.lhc fira half. I' m jull icd aottu-c,Stl)IOIJ and busincu. HC
l'malittlelikcthat,sute. lwrotom01t rippull ,Cliiil; up. That's why tt tbc oev'er flllllhed IChool. " I think. l 'ffl
or my wff. ao I stepped ioto my own end I like. that I Id to throw in a little about 90 credits &bore," be encb,
tnp. Tbat'swbat~wantoa'SNL'
tbc .s•i~i.uradstmdapcom
They" sec wht(-;'(?lb ~ chert lhcy
uitouS telephone com.mcrcials7
want you lo do it, but sometimes
"Tommy Boy" casts Spade as cdy, ~ & • clubs and c:.:;J
That's a qucition lots of people when I write looficr stuff, WC don'I Richard, the bitchy riJbt band to Bia ~ Hcjoincd"SNL" ill 1990
have been uldng lincc Spade came do it."
Tom Callihan (Brian denathy) , and hu made bi, nwt with &Uc:h
to prominence. and it's what they' ll
Spade doc1n' t seem too con• owner cJf Callahan Auto Parts. When cha,-ctc:.n u the obno•ious nitht
be wonderio1 ·ucw throu1hou1 a cemcd that 1ame people may mis- Bl& Tom dics,'t'h l1 cOMivlna wife attendant ("Buh, bye" ) and the aceraood ponion of "Tommy Boy," the Lake him for hi1 characten and think { Bo Dcrtl) and her IOll (Rob Lowe) bic Hollywood Mi nute reporter
co,qcdian's first swrina role tfter he's, well, an ushole. " I think some plot to wrest the company aw1y from ("'Cliaplio •• .It 1hould be Craplia.")
,maller ptrts io " Reality Bites," do, but most people ue. paiy nice ir TommyCallaban(fartq),BiaTom's • These dtys, of COW'l,C, "SNL"
"c'oneheadJ," " Light Sleeper" aiid they' re fans. I think tbcy undcrscand good-natured bul oono-too-swifi son. seems to be the bull of every joke, the ·
"P.C.U." The film teams him with his that it's more of a joke. I think they Uhimately, Rlf hard and Tommy recipient of every conceivable criti•
main "SNL" partner, Ovil Farley.
koow it's io me," he ootcs. "I don' t embut on • luc.--dilCh effort to save cl1m. Spade bu hetrd lhc barbs.
"I'm terrified of myse.lf," jokes do it to Lbem tt tll. I'm really nice the company, durio& wbich. tbcy be- There arc problems. be achowlthe wiuy, leas-than jerk-lib. Spade when they come up to me because I come &Omethlna rescmblia& pals.
cdp, but the sbow's dcah odl bas
d\lrina an in1cn'.,iew a11hc Four Sea· think they ace scared that I'd be a
Spade rcportS that be~ Ftrley, been sounded before, and it SOfllerrazucnt "SNL" &kdch pannen aad how bounced back. h's his hope that
close off-1ereco friends , enjoyed it wiJJ do so apin.
"""""I IOguhu fo, -r.....i, Boy."
"I lake all Ibo blame.• be joca.
lfthclilmis~hi1. chancesarclbcduo Then be hims serious. "I'm ju.st a
will ancc movie ~ for a long hired hand. I 1how up and try 10 be'
timc.'"'l don't thlnk 'a DCX.t nWrt' WOOib funhy aocl ti)' t0 write IOfflethlni for
be a "Tommy Boy") seq~. 1 lhink I.he show at ldut once a week. If It
By Dtna Barbano
imaac to be JIil 01:1 a mouse pld from we wowd do ju.st anothe! movie like aeu on, it acts on. I have no control
AbbOlt and Costello or Lewis and oYer that I ju.st want to bold up my
Martin. I'm kind or ' SU1UJ.bter, and tent pole when I'm in a aocnc. 1f I'm
~ Tbc lnicmet, the Supcrbiahway, ROMs, and pmes on,.._ Some or Chris is aooficr. 'We-tao both be s up~sed 10 be straiaht, I'll be
the" ~Uy, really big cunputcr blur, t.be boob are in-house· ~
w '.
has gone ~omers to use, IO
·ortcach othe\-,".aayl lhe -30-year/41d 11Hie arli1
ude: '
runnymtn, who it smg1e. :1 get'• rCW
."We just have to ride it OtJI and
is, .,BuiJcli'
ith Tech- Newt or your favorite 1'epillticaa 10 actual jQtes io there. I get to say hope cvcrytbina worb out for us.
oolOI)'." 1beir 1'llpbij, lloro ba 50 harass them o r ~ . ___..., j some thfngs that makc~mc or ~ It's ltill a job. It cao got everyone
DCJWoftcd computas wbctt;'youC&II
Wbca ..)ao.... . . tiio ... ...,, ~-dsc 'laitgb., bw. J'm!j,;euy mlich wbeft!\bcy Ire now.Jt's till fu• (or a
v .. ·ftdi•1o'1lii,- ,, o.lioe •.11·i.mwilb•duolil'rl•~ the straialu ,ft'Wl.
hand~ or peopl~. People still come
1trviccs, <;I> ROM, -Virtoal Rtal.ity, . of com.puun, and a11ii ~
..I 1ipcd up kociwiag ic was me 10 my colleac 1i11. Wbcn I do
tnd othcrr "break throl.&all-~9:; the &tore, c..plainiaa tile
aod Ftrlcy, and I know- the exdte-- Lcttamao, there's a jood crowd for
gico,_:: Once you log on.- ilic'oj!i!ciil ' all the high 1p,od. hlp'1DC~ W..1
;:.~.:: ~.:
also iOClu d ~ about the &tore, lion. Tbeycocounacy• ,-..,.. : : : .
aod you cao even order from the care lions, aad employees were friendly, just want to bold my own. It's ~ (Carvey) and Dennis (Miller). Back
respoodin1 to qucsdom: with speed. when be', loud, falliog dowo ud thco, they were scared of 1enJn1
Membcr&hip II Cybentoilb costs Their tips were io laytcrms aod really doina the bcad-ban&in& and things cancdcd.. People were sayina, "The
only ooc dollar for • debit card to helpful. Even lhO&C people who arc that make him rWIDy. Just to stand UI show aucb.' and aow they' re aayini
purchase monctary amounu of time not computer-friendly, or comfon• the same room wi&b him, yfJ6ttt, aak- ' When (Carey aad Miller) were there
for louina on al any ofthc tcnnioals.
ioa for rrow,ic. But. Farley ii &ood al it.wU aood, but
pys . . _' ljuaa
Cards can continually be recharged
slwinc, and I like worting with him. try to be iood every week and. hopein d i f ~ amounts for up lo six
We' re aood t.oadher-"
fuUy. thc tide will twa.. ..
months before the membcnbip nms
out. Some of the rcatures you will
lind arc a clear, "front page" access
and Interface to the lntemeL Th
"hot lists" on their eleven Internet
stations ioclude: Politics and Activ•·
nitive ~ collection since the music from '"The Crow."
lla& IOIU'ljmlCk tibum wu produocd by Cowtoey Love from the
Hole aod Love's heavy srunae
influence 1ho1t.• on many or '!he
tlbwn's track:t. Howevy, Love docs
h .~fnxii~cthcrcalstylingsol ·
Bjork and Pbnisbcad lo the catchy,
Samc toUod olBusb tnd the
heavy metal nasb of L7 •
n..lOWldtrad: uniquely catches
the~Jllllc: feel of the lilm withucal. ~ - - - - o{ Girl.
Cole Ponds "'Let's Do IL"
· The lilm is fast and lillcd with out being too dark. It never foracts
Thill Is jwt • cumplc or "Tank pCIII CJn&-liaen and will surdy please that the ,movia was •Pl,-S rrom a
cull pop ~ ~aic book and
~fore.....,..a. 111t011pC:1irmJy
ten ID over iL
the comic book. Petty mllkes it tll i.n e ~ .
ll is completdy out or tbc maia• worth wttcbiaa.
~ n In the
tUam ad lhia is what KU it ~
fn:a odllr 'aucmptl al • livo-lCUOO
Porter'• "Let's
coaJc book. Titre movie it oatra•
t 11 • -wildly campy musical
Ir-. "'The ~ aim~ 10Und like
~cy are havina the bmc or their
hves. /
v(H, ol• ..,..~
Rociy Horror
Pkwre Show" croslm with "Mid
. \ " A ~ ~ " ) - - . . Ealy.•
villain, ,wlio ~ Rebecca'•
Its only real 0tw is the lengthy
hippie colony in die Ylllt dcaat that appearance of The Rippers, one of
hu become the ~ ~ be- which is plt)'Cd by np anist lce-T.
· friends let Oir1 played by 'Naoo,ii They UC• poup of gcncdcally eogiWam_ dlc twb ,o• ol. a miaioa DCetCd oultaa,. aad provide • rew
to aave the world &am droupt.
lauabs but aimply 1c1 too mUcb
On the w.y die po cad up in a acrccn time. The film woukl have
bn>lhdand ..... <lltfilmlbilariout boa,bea,roffdecticllins•~ ...
and over-lhiHop ~ a mu- to Tank Oirl'1 Olbcr ~t'°Sub
lbc hetvy mclal ~ ~
By tan Spcllina
Colleae Press Service
WASHINGTON - Is David Spade
really ·like thi; quk.k, msu1 met cut-
Boni iD Binnin&ham, Mk:b., and
Cup of coffee while you
check your e-maH? >
Wild and-_
Waclcy '"I}mk Girl"
1he Machine*) s pon1dk and energelK: 1ouch. Tt lalay brillitntly inscrtl animated aegmcnts from ''Tank
Girls" oriJiaal ,ou,cc comic and she
keeps the action 1oing.
Else.where on the al buJn, The
Ml&pll,cau Bastards lend t ca.ichy.
mtdc-for•radio ditty "Mockingbird
Oirl ,.. Hole mixes their old sounds
wilb lheir new souiuis for "Drown
Soda." • gripping, knockout blast of
arena rock, and Bu.sh corltribu1cs a
song from their smash allium "Si,;lcca SlOOc" and it should please (ans
of NitvlDL
Belly is in top ronn wilh a vocal
ahowcuc called "Thief .. Vcruca Sall
provides lyrics to ~ ' on with the
sortertlben darter "Aurora" and L7
lsas ca1chy, quirky and rou&,h rpgtd
as cvu on "Shove ..
The album al~o includes two
lrflcb which do not seem to fit into
the ovcraJJ rec1 of the other music.
Howevu. Dcvo's leclmo-rock "Girl
U Wani" embodies- the visual en·
hancemeru of the film and Ice-T's
"Bia Clan" buju.u the riJhl amowit
olbad--. . auitudc.. Bo<hrracksblcnd
into the m~ 1moolhly
Man! IO~ndtrac.lc °.ibums are a
hit-or-miss l111enin1 experience or
seem to lose power when taken away
from Lbe soun:c film bul '"Tank Girl"
easily stands .i,onc as an
coll«tion or &real rock
. =~~t:~t:~:~
Sila. Shoppii,1 and
lions). the latest ud hippest
Q) ROMs to try CIUl (ten atttions),
I.he lttcst 10ftwarc game systems io-
cludioa Atari Jaguu, Sep Satxaml,
Seat-Ocoesis, Super Nintendo and
300 (ei&hl ,tatioos), in virtual reality, two lhffi>dimemional sames:
Dactyl Niahtmaro aad Zoae Hunter,
and also a FaceMocpbcr wbele•Cllftomen cu expaimeat by ~
manipulatina it as you wish.
Prices for time-based fees are
17..S cenu per mhwt.c for the different stations, and $5- for oacb vinual
reality expcric:occ. Tee UWU. m11&1,
1M other items can be penonaliud
- .--,--,--:,--:---=--
.. ,
~ me"
Ilia Shaw-..- ... then, wouldn' t
-•-"•ar-•iuJ•Tiru..,.,....._ ·
' s
. Prinwily bdoa me April Pools cdltioo NOT lako over
meeotin,_,. Plol.liao,oledi10r1.-yiMTyWalsh
'Al moll of you out there
kDow, ABC's ""'Jhtline";,
ooe ~ my favoriie tdcvfaioosbowi, right nut to Play~y"s "Hot Rocb." So I ~
tut you~~ not surprised
wbp_I tell you. thal l was
wa1ching It lut Thursday
wbul somethiog stnJCk me
odd. Actually, J would call
11 insane
and Co. were
Senate bearing
personne l trai ning pioce, durea, wheo the testimony
swud to aet...rau.nchy. You
sec. the FAA has come Wider
fire lately bcc-.ac their persoond uain!ng methods arc
being COfflparcc1
cult ini•
ti ation ceremonies There
hive bc.c.n docum~ted • •
lllnCCS of inten.se physi::,
intimidatioo and emotional
abuse dwiaa' the "clusroom"
• sessioas;
Foolecl' ya!
ADd eachse.-eatcr, the P.ditor-in..Qic(wilJ chuckle,
and rq,ly •Uli, no.•
Tho sal!jc,ct of u April Foob bsue II lho s.JfoU:
to a ~m • iJ,eviOUI editorship had wttb • conuoversialitlue tblll n:suhod in the suspension orthe JCN,mal's -
· pablit:ation for a yew.
'Bditonsinoc then lend toerroa'"thetldcof caulion.
WeO. W11i1 dus ye,,.
Thodcciiioal6dnowlcdFAprilPools 0:,.Ylhii
~wuaJona-comidcrcd<lae.but wefulallydccidcdto
boil!lioa......,...Y oimeS,tfoU:-oodindus
....... ~ w a n t to see that wort,o up
Th'e Suid.olk JI rr~ wan'!R,,IY>'Y~'
' 'ou---'
•~ ~ J.i·
lhiswcck.~'su.JJolk..lJfM!IL,~ Jimnalwasdone(oc
all1ocnjoy, withnomaliceintendec!lowardanyone. We
.... ~
• • ' .I .,.., ' " " '
conlriblltbl'lo this ,,
whose colo"miu ate •1;
:; ~ .
. for.the ""51 ~ -~ ,Y
• "1"°"'1' ~11> . . . . . realityilalreadybc:rc.'"
- QfrWlaa cibotd,
ooe or the stars or Sufrolk
Studcnl TbcMrc production •fil"CI in the Mirror,· in '
response IO IQaCOCIID._ cc:.nmcnt. ·You're drtan,ioi•
bulld¥tl, _
. _;. ,..
-».vm·yoµ.. .Jf YQt,tb3.Y~/;m.Y
• 1.• I .::;:11 .. 1,, "· ••;· ,
,c1 .• •~-•.
1,e ,1, u:.iqbll
odw :ill.
cpfmilerits Qr opiniQnS.:3.boltt '8
IT'tln~:-n,r"I .. ,,-,
to the'Editor. The Journal is
YOUR student newspaper, let
::::IFoolsbsue, wemayno1-eachothcrfou ·
stor:y in.the Journal,, write. al,etter
enrertain you, oot fool you.,
in the"PmC way they did to the last timcthe/ouma/tried
On the other hand, if it goes over well, next year
Sllllib. It is feltlhaumny Suffolk studcnU tum to the
JOfU1tlll ~ dial tbc news we report will be accuratc
IDd fair, to the beat of our abilitfel (this despite the private
joteamoa1)~111ffo-sorourunomciaJmotto, "all
.A .. 5() ~i~ftQinclude an insert to our ~g\llar issue
your voice be heard.
(Yea!t, I know you've heard it
befo~ but it's still true.)
with z::ium~mnplalw of -get this•
iuual baraufflenL
Can you believe it?
uw the-leafy-eyed tel1
timony of man who w~
obviously deeply. troubled
..., wbOI bilppeoed' lo him
oa •-Oii:iiljob. He ftal~
, • .,, to
have • dozen people all foo...
dlina ,ou1
I know 1--id.
Oecz, l'd ~Y aood mt]!Jtl- lO
work at a place where,t,enal
ha_ usmc nt is the noim..__I
think sexual harassment is
Jim. I loff1L I rill I!-' iJ·
would happen to me more
often .
Ub, oh. I think that l hear
moansfromthecrowcl. ..-How ·
can h~ b~ so ln.muitiw:1..
1 ~ ' .~
r WM, M ~Id
l/wsk ~It happen~d to hun 7..
Well, I II addrcas thole points.
ID fact, I hive been sexuany·twuscd in lhe pasL It's
ll\le. I came into work one
day, wbeo my boss. whom I'
hada't seen in a while. came
up to me and greeted me.
"Ob. Mike. It's been so long
since l've'Scal you. You look
greut" Then the harassment
'em -cake.but only
t ne~ ••W... .
says Jim
, ...
Jim Beltt1- .
. _ wu 111 -~ b or~
limidea pc-■illuili■Hl--liia;
1 .,.
own rc■lity. Iwaslookina f«
a cheap eat.
Sothcft.J SM, CQ,joyla&-a
w ty Fresca It lhe kma:, teet-.
an.a~ gulq-1~ ~ t i
the ~ y furbished Sultofk
ca!et.cna. I was preuy ~n.
Fo.- l0IDiC rcuoo. ,the ■tmosphe~ of the cafeteria was
drap1n1 me into the bowels
or my own person Herl.
_ couldn't put my f ~
on •L I fdt like u exile. 'A
,Su Holk Sob.b~nitsy n. A
Ridgeway Ru.sbdie. ~
And lhe ca.feteri1 food
smelled like baked weucls.
'"",ct i
pan; shc m-,..,bu .".""""
u You,and cam~io
and 4! _ _. ,.-... .,
ts SOOO good ~ & · Have 1 &C..
I r;:uu up focliog like
yoa bcc:D wortiaa ~ r ~
an °1...1~ ~ wart. The
I'Dadmit..lwaubittaken w a l l s ~ ~ ~Cllflh
•~It. ma~bc even a )iule wu. quaking. My miad !~ B u t l ~',l ~ ~~F::.cddcril~
o ~ la facs _ lbougbl
is•~••• ~
~ I .~
my . . . . ....,.,
To die ...... ,.,. it's
AndUll~tbeU-biultt . about friulaa dme! I've
~ 111,k
yaued oat from u ~ me rormuc:b10D\olls.jlck. r■
ud replaced whh a kinder, human. 1 --■--•, MWI .,
soft«, roullder, JDOft. euily emlDrc h.iall scllool •i•a
acceuib'° table ot love and a"irangeme1us any loaior.
Joyll Hallelujah!
That's wby we .-,_
Now I can enjoy my cit• moolah u, aacnd this dllmp,
rus ~enae fn sp■lial hip- right?
Tu ition isn't just fot
t broke through the ·op- breakfast aayrpcn. ·
prcuive ' 70. prisoe' funk !
We pay Suffolk for 10
I was free to be me! Oh. many pretty flaky reaao■a,
bow I daoccd on,thal table.. J wby shouldn' t we.· .a latl
stripped myself ha.re and enjoy our foodl oo ·tbc roullllddanced ~ it wu the fint est of MUl),d tables?
dl.)I ot,ry1ifeoo that $15.000
' Now, if they could Jlllt
I ~~
~ ~·~,of'da■~
,'M'i,, ,om ''"'"• ,,:JY-'!"ll! -j,i,'3~•
, ~Ji!id"1\""
polar . . . . IDWlld _pilllic
----=eilreaHsdcorsnc- :·ailly
, o d ~. willbo acal.
,odbe w e n ! ~ I O
c-icuPQ!'Ove.A,,loo&• upbydte _ _ ..., o i l - -•008-Hjll
thebou! Whalamoronl
How maay'pys-9 pk
tcm .pabyoublckl'Ubavc g'.r¥p ,lho.cooscq11CDCC11. of
oo probka with ii at alt
thdr reform.
:. ~ t do .y ou think_ th6
'f L
~et f°'1 that
reli~:u,.air:~~~ a
.~ J h l l was
rocket lo tbc moon. I WIS the once an animal or 9 -vqI
SP,A rcpruentative ' from c:table, Jhlll would be real
fl.art. . .
. ~•
•}able .. ,. Maybe it's_; . IDCt bDl
iups. l ~ashappj••
, ,
,nor~u. wbo bave ~
.dw.apin& II the bit IO pqc
"··t \~
tbal,i(,fbc,~!f"4dillh •l,Pl'• 'g:(., ~"'1,i ~; .,
Into sbe bMl~bellhk:19 lake
the ffi&ht 1nwer., 001y•to be It. So I reach!~ ~o
"'"""nllod by lati• poup ~ bet- buu. ,pd .
r of , wt,meb- fn>ffl both 'sides. kitwpYl ~ s~ had ,~
•. ,:n.o .womcn-lthen 1
procc,cdcd II! _ .. ..,\.':.,''' , _; ,~~
. to ll'llke-commtiaU tnclwliha -:t>r ·~ ~ my
''Oh,lfflO' t thblejeanstigbL" , tbeJ.~Y,ofsexual
" Ind 1 bel&'l"j<OIII,• o~,WOI '\·YOU ... do It
., 'tol·•lhete'ffl •)'Ollt i-u... and - ~ ~ iJ no problem
one woman even
Dc,a tp,.mewrong;
is dcfulitd laboo,
blltl~ 1of'hi.i ~ nabbed. ~ i,-nocc:nt comment
his cbest and wd-wui. •· thewcd:placearc~
hairy chest you bawl"
In race, if you'd like to
This is diqnce..
res~ IO .this column, don't
Wlw wu be thiating? wn~ a leaer; come up and
This~ had aa tCIISl a tw.s~ i•n imc:rpretcvrry
~ < # I l l e - - p,tbtolhebull os• oepti.,c
siieWtpojllaallll-llim, ,..,,....,_...,p1,iolhe
Suddmly, ■ flod;v/cool
cate.. tkiallikc,,aoat-Myua
The Suffolk
tJZ , 1
. 1mich me·there.~.please
.. , L
".:iot >" ,,
OUl ..... wouldn'l
ooe or ffl)' favorite television
~ . l'. d pay aood money to
· :;~•;H~tocn~~!~ t ~
t~l you~r~ nq_t . surprised
wbeo I c.cU you thll I wu
watching it last Thursday
wbc.n aomethin.a sLruck me
u odd. Actually. I WouJi:l call
it in~
Ted "oppcl IIBd Co. were
al a Same bearing on FAA
personnel traioing procedu.res, when the testJmony
started to get•.. raunchy. Yoo
sec. the FAA has come under
fire \aieJ.y bccalse their pc;rsonnd trainina methods arc
be~& compared µ, cull ini• .
: : ~ ~:r~::::rii~~~
stances or intenJe physical
intimidation, and emotional
abuse during the ..classroom..
,... I
sessions; along with numer•
CIUS b:wnplainu of -get !hissexual harau mept.
C.an you believe ii?
J p w the icary-eyed tes:
iimony of a mDn who was
obviously deeply- troubled
over what bappe!led to him
!~\: ':;,":::.~;
Tfte Suffolk Journal, wan,t'i'tn:bear
Hi .. , : fi.'om;Y.Q.U, ..If you baye.;m;iy'
• ~J 1.d .q:11,1,i'••.· .. .- ,
,t'l-'J r~:•\
1:,: .,.
,i ·•
YOUR student newspaper, let
YO!H voice be heard.
(Y~ Hmow you've heard it
befo~ but it's still true.)
l,;; • .,. ·
think 1uuat harassment i1
pail. l lovt' jL I wiSJf tliiil: ij.
the flight tower.• onJy
. of womm"fn>m both .......
bad ' "'I\«
,,:nto .womcnltben :procceded a&J ,~ - ,, ,•
...• •.
to make-comineats tnchldi."na -~~· ~putt. my •~ 1! 11
'"'Oh, am,'t thole jeans tigbL" lbe J~ or sexual bJuusmenL
" Ind ,Wbat 'a balg!OPl'Ol",•"~"'9<11 ,uyou,andoil ri_gbl
·• ·l(ll•thchdn~ -paii\.r;"and ~~1snoproblemw1th
c,newOCJWl e V C O ~ ,t:-nwa tpA fflCwroDg; ~ .
· ~ definitd taboo, bqt_
tMiu::W idf-'hli wn1, nibbed f~ mnocent comments, 10
hi, cbost and ..,;.i •
•Wbll , .
P~"" . - J\u,•
hairy chest you have!"
In fact. .'r you'd bite~
This is a dis.,.cc.
respond to _ colwnn, doo t
What. wu be thinking? write a _
letter. come up and
ThiL penoa1had at least a barulme.l'llincerprctevery
dou:n members of t,tll!. dppo- grab to the butt u a negative
site SCJ: groplftl till•ovetldm, re,ponf9, ev~ '&"'b to the
and he went complaiaing to . c ~ u J)Q!ibve.. As loq as
theboss ! Whlllamoront---·
Ieat1pbyoubaclt l'llh4ve
How mao)'tpyt and airll no problem with it at all.
to the'.Editor. The Journal is
Jim Behrle~
ure. l tiu~•goat.Myass
Suddmly,a tlockofcool
I wu in search of the is as bi1 • a beadablll.
- people came to~ out~
limitlol!. poeeit:Wti of li6s,;
Kelpl-SOMliiodyl-Akor ..-:.\llti aaeiill ._ ■IICllel I
would happed to me more I Waf 1ocm.D& 1o ~ - , my
1o lbc 1111111. I say, it's ·
owureality. l wulooklnafor.
~odln~chcU-~sl about (riaaioa time! t'vt
Uh, ob. I think that I hear • cheap
. f·
Slddcaly the table was been isolllcid
moans from thcc.toWd. .. How
So there I Ul, cnjoyiilg11 yaabd out from u ~ me for much tooloas,jack. rm
can he be so in.mui1i11e1.. last)' frcsca al tbe loq, rcct- ud Teplaced with a kinder, human. t shoulda."t have to
TheyareallaskingOrmaybe :,:ugn~Jy fu..:.~....
~~• softer, rouader. ~ore euily endure lliab school ~i•1
it's " I wonder what he would
rolalEU »1111'ofk acceuible table of J
OYe and arrangements any loni er.
thinkifithap~ne_Jf to him 1" cafeteria. I was pretty down. jo,!I HalJelujah!
Thal•• why we pq,bia-tiffle
WeU, l'lladdrauholepoints. For some reason, the atmoNow I can cojO)' my cit- moolah to_aueod thil dump,
In fact , I have been sexu- sphere of the caf~eria was N I beverage in spatial hap- right1
ally hara.ucd in the pasL h's dragging me into the bowels- pinessl
Tu ition J1 n't just for
true. I came into work one or my own pc:rlOD Heli.
. I broke through the 'op- breakfast anyiporc. ·
day, when my boss, whom J
I couldn' t put my fi~er prcuive '70s pri~ ' funk!
We pay Suffolk ror
hadn't seen in a while, came on iL I fell like an exile. A
I was free to be mel Ob, many pretty fl aky .reasons,
up to me and greeted me. ,Suffolk Solih eni11yn. A bow I dat>ced on.that table. I why t houldn"t we •I least
"Oh. Mike. 11'1 bcen ·so long Ridgeway Rushdie.
stripped myselr bare and enjoy our foods on the·rouod•
since l've·seen yoo. You look
And the cafeteria food danced like it ·was the first est of ftKIDd cables?
great!" Then the harassment smelled like baited weasels. da)'oflfly life on that SIS,000
' Now, if they could just
cam: : :
~w"li&1:¥Ja'i,:··,\ was a -!l~lo~~tua~y ::- .
·1.rr, "" {
di~ i t
1• 1 ti ft
r> I,
is sooo good looking. Have age.an
up ec1nalike _rocket1othem90n. l wuthe oncC an animal or &•vegyou been working out?'' ,
an oxy--cut.cd
watt. ,The SR~ repre1Chlative ' from e'tab1e, thal woold be a real
I'lladmit,lwasabitWCO wall.lwereshaking. Tbeeuth Wonderland.
ftarL •
•~It. ma~be even a .little was quaking. -My mind' wa .'
'what.a diJ i ~ a table ' Maybe it's JUii me, but
s ~,But I ~ •t ~y achina. The cafetaia
J w aj hiw'j' as a
b~ ofchole-my..
tlu\lM1 lo. f.:t, I thouijhl , me all Frcsca lQng.. l
fhc.-t::.w,aJ<1d~R i\ ppt,
"(~ ~d ·''fiiin~~·~ , •.l, f "•
1 1
shcbad~beoblo IOU!<' ~ yl;:.;.,.;'l,~&iluahl I'll
, . ,IQ /i,Y , ~•
it. S o ! reach_!'d ~round, ~vfl"
. f m a faal- ff!,:.: "'"''.' , " .
: ~•b~. -. , . '.,.~ .-i " 10
~ ~ er butt,apdtol,4 _ ,
,. •
0: ~ .
lri"'/IY,'.-(' ·~
u·..qb 1I :,vl:!! 1.11h,1 '.!l1
cp~erits <Ir opiniQns.: ijboot a
· ,
.,,.,n,,:,nl'!"I •·
,st,ocy. in.the Journal,, write.aL,etter
• ,,,,,. I \"
'°" 10 Let 'em eat cake, but only
at new~ says Jim ·
Mike S h a w _
-~- ~-t- ..':~~ :::·~ :=·, '!::
~ ~
fo~c/a:-dt~~~ ~-
~ ~~,
1,wiec1 ·,;fflf19J.·~
le!Y'~ ..
':r,ai', D\,ro,;,;llo.
,.,,,r~ .~
'1!fWJ4,:l',-i,i'l110 ,rh •,it ~~ bn&!l~
' :•
..,,;-:"J';'~~ 1
1-Jtc;H 01,nl .. ..10, I ,.ilun~ ~-~
.. f!'pppn .for . i,iq.l~Wthen
1 • .Jsr~ !fev9Urta1 tbc 1 qi, Jlt~,1
J)91idcap ~
· ii" •·,ritb l'f!H,llll~AfA,RJre
- ~ ~ ! ~ ( < , < ·<!ll=•~ o ( d e b o l o f!";•
~ ~ W - ~ ~ , . . . 4 ,~hJ\cl; C/il
°'-~ ~ -,~
,Jinkc:r':J~ U , _ , . t . . ,'i"tielioYe ,_.u iciJdloica bardUUW.--,-plal~
r, ·- 1u
1 .,
. ~ to.)re-m~wllauomoeop/)l(gwd-haye ,~,pvc4.Jbe i, . .._.......
c,r 1
..,._,.,.., ~ - • ..-,...i,!'I \l'l!illll:of n;f- ,~
Unfon~ely, t h e ~ t u e b . . - ~ 'l'be-k:t
-,1'1aeacn.._.119DpuQr:alilt.1, w.bo have be.ea rauiM, . . . . . . . . ~ 11G11fk con,equeaca ot die
.clWjDping at the bit to pUlp ~ . . . , IOftrd public nicmtrd"ormwillcome.i.rooitbe ,stMe ofiu'\mmOtiYlled'° .UUllaCC-il~orpnic- ·· cally,••duect·rawr-otdle
aod "wl.PQductive'". will ho ticaL
cffqrt to pall aa:ipic:aC1 i .
cbokin&. po the bait aav9d
~ ~ wt¥f ~ployaaa ta,, me priup by tbeOoYaa wbon dley oil ......_1. . ~- ~
,..,, ~ ,.,
Jf¥P •thecons~iaeocea1
pf ...,_ . . .,_.Ol:dlleaide
. vmaA,
their reform.
of: ~
or Hmkhrg
P'F 8
Vo/cfl8 of Suffolk
.· What do . ou thlnlc: ~• the
Mike S h a w -
AJ mO&t of you out lhcre
know, ADC' s "N;l!hOinc"
out tho,e wooldo't , ... to
sho~,. Hot Rocks." So fPlay- ;:,"u,m",,•1""', w,h•,"",o..,.nnuoll,
boy's .. riaht nut to hope
watcbin1 it 1last Thursday
when 1omedtin1 suuck me
odd. Actually, I would call
11 insane, .
Ted Koppel and Co. were
Senate bearing on FAA
peraonnel training procedurcs, when the testimony
gct... nwnchy. You
ICC. me 1
FAA bu come !olDder
fire lately bccalSe !heir
sonncl U'llinin& methods arc
be.ins Compam:I
cull ini10
tiaiion ce re mo nies . There
have been documented in•
stances of intense physical
inlintidation, and emotional
abuse during the "cla.uroom"
. sessions: along with numcrnus 'almplaitns or -get thissexual hanmmenl.
Can you believe it?
I u w thc'tcaf'y-eycd tcs:
ti rr.ony of a mllD who was
obvlOu1ly deeply- troubled
cri'cr hat blippcncd to him
C:Crini {Mclof1bit•flt«"d:ays
-thol job H
alb!d I
: • flighl ~ow~.--only n=
)'.Q;u,., f YQU b~yeJmY
o:iql!ttl :,vt:! °''"" :,;,
1t/! ,. 1:.:. ~
nts or ·opiniQOS.:~trout a
1eJau~ ~.;· utter
~tor. The Journal is
stuJient newspaper, let
~ voice be heard.
I know.you've heard it
i'e, butit's still true.)
~ SIJfl'olk Journal
ICstudents,ITK t~students,sincc 1936
.•Dan Couley, Editnr•in-Chicf
! '\\
Ctwisrian Engl«, Managin1 Edlto,.
Karen M. Counocy, Bltllneu M--,cr
~ .. ,1,l<lil><
·11 .N)f>d!.ul u ~t
'~ ~•• ~ • i l l
Norine Badp1 i~C6nsultan1 .
Let 'em eat adte, but only
at new .,.IJ...., says Jim .
\filng you? I btow I wottla. .
have a dozen people all
~ ;~~~,:::":'::. 1~
~to~• '
j/m Bffhile~
u.re. l DU.like a g-. My au
1~ • ~ '" :::;:•;,: : _:: •
would happed to me more l Wlf
Uh, oh. I think that I hear a cheap eat.
Cmoansfromthccrowd. "'How
can h~ ~ so in.mtJ{tive7 " Wt>: Fraca at the Iona,~ThtyareallukittgOrmaybe anautar autaa-liu ~ . ,
h's "I wonder what he would I.he pimly furbished Suifofk
ihink if iJ happtned to him? " cafcccria. I was prctty, ~n.
Well, l' lhddrcsstho5epol nts. For some mlSOO, ,~ . ~oIn fact, I have ticcn sexu- sphere of the csfctcna was
ally harasscil in. lhc put. It's dra&Jing me into lhc bowels
lJUc. I came into ViOrk one of my own person Hell.
day, wbcn my h9U, whom I
I couldn' t pul my fi!'&u
hadn' t seen in a while, came on iL I felt like an exile. A
up to me and ,ac:1cd me. ,Suffolk Sob.henitsyn. A
" Oh. Mike. It's been so long Ridgeway Rushdie.
since l've·scen you. You look
And 1hc caCetcria food
great!" Theo lhc harassment smelled like baked weasels.
part; she reached around apd .
What can • gu,y df>? l
grabbed my butL "Your ~· came in ~ get a c~ bcvcr.
is sooo good l ~ g. Have agc.and f codUpCcelinalike
you bcco working ~r I
an ox_y-aited pus wart. The
t'lladmit,lwasabittakcn walls wcruhakina. Tbecartb
•~k. Ola~bc even a liule w~ quaking. My mind wa
.But 1 ~
• rciahY aching. Tbe caf'etaia ihook
0 f!'~o¥.,d. 1n fact, 1 thought
°'¥M',fher~WJ,\4 d!AJli 1hf>Pl, •~
she had bcuer be able t o ~
It So J reach~d arou nd,, ~v~r arad,~
f• ,•~.. • (allJffibb.cdhcrbutt,andtol4 _
be ,
·,;oe,. lciDI/IY,~ •~.... ~ "'Ii'<
• ,no ,womcn ltbeo :proceedcd UJ 1<?R~-. , •··
..~ ·,
of· WOffle\t ' from both
'J'q,,tae ...._ I say, it's
Andl.q ~
theU-Juwhl '
Saddealy 1be table Wu
ytllked OW. from u~
ud replaced with a kinder,
softer; rouoder, more easily
acceisihle cable of love and
joy!! Hallelujah! .
Now I can.. enJoy my cil•
NS bcvcn.gc in spatial happinessl
I broke through the 'opJ)fCS5ive '70s prison' funk'!
I was free 10 be met Oh,
how ldaoccd on.lhat1ablc. I
stripped my1e!r bare a nd
danced like it was the first
da)'oCmy lifeonthatS15,000
table. .
,. t ~~ -ligll\' J ~ r:"1
. 1 :...li.i lhe
Sp_~ representative ' Crom
Wondcrl\ nd. ~
'What• di f f ~ a table
,,-., ·1
~ hai>Pi' as •
Suddenly,• flock r:A cool
~ ~S:.::,:"
my~ raljty
about fri11ia1, time! I've
bea>. itolated
tbe world
fcwmuc:btoolona,jack. l' lli
human. I lhoulda' t baYC to
endure hiab acbool ea1ina
arrllngeme1ui any JOn j er.
Thac.'1 why we pay_bia-wic
moolah 10 attcod this dump,
Tuition is n't just for
brcakf'Ul anyrporc. ·
We pay Suffolk .for so
many preu)' naky .rcuons,
why shouldn 't we
enjoy our foods on the roundest, of round tables?
Now, if they could just
~ct f ~ tha1 actua)Jy re•
-~bled iomtUwia.i that
; ricl' an· ~rfiriia(o;· a . vCIctablc, that would be a real
ff~;:~,.: •\._ .
Stilte,,w___ ....,onn
. . ,
-IS sbo
rwk.~ TJW;.;Jd1a
•nf- :.·.,. bnt !b dL.'lt?l 1't' "(nWla
• . .,
tomake-commeotsincludiiia -o·· ~ ~ m y ~~ is ..~f?!J ,r_;tc-;,i\ ino,1~
$) .~1u11i J ! l o ~ ~
-. f¼I PW"'•f.l?r . &inale..'~
''Oh, aren'ttllblejcanstighl." tbeJ~ .ofscxual ~
nL •~ ,"'fMSC~ -,d ~vQ~P.I tbe 1, 1" .~ tJJi91idca "" po_Ji,IIJ, ii •· Mlh1P.MIJdlikk'Da t5'°rM)lre
" iod ·"What, bol...yw>,o ,~Jli<t&as yoo can do ,tn,lht -- ~ , ! ~ lot _-" ' 9 ~ . , ; f.ot_ ~
,!il',tlle __,.,
·' • '·tbd'e:° •yoorpaku:'"and ~~1sooprobl~with ~ c l f • ~ ~ ~ :.1~11fttl,~ qfJ~luc,es; '¥
oocwomaa. cvcnappi08i:bcd ~ f ~ t ~et.mowrong.~- ,s1Dkc~,::~
8 P ~ t . .~ J l l l ; ir ~
t.rdlNUis _.,.,_~,,_
11dcfuutt.l tat,c,o,bu,11
r 1isu sed...
~ ·1a.i,caiyopic ..... 1C11DOll;:ob1,1u~ ioehii
ion_occnt comment~. in 1
llf?11d.h!-Ye .~
spvt4, ,1 ma ......,.
· ..«
ot,. ~..,._... ,Di
hi,obdtaod...t'-wb..-a. the-.O<kplocc""~i'uo.
hairy chest you have!..
In fact, if you d bkc to
This is diagracc.
rcs_ ondto .thiscolumn, don't
What, was be thinking? wate • .ICW;- _
come up and
ThiS pcrson ' had at least• ~ m e. l llmterpretevcry
doz.ea mcaiben of lbc oppo- • grab to the butt as • negative
tax_,s,.of, ~
- .• ~ ' 1 1 ! ~ - f " , n;f_
Unfonuutdy, the sm~r
p:1or.,U_11s, wbo' ~ye. bee~
.chqmp&n& ~ the bit~ pqc
lhc ,1ta1eof1t1~VMC:d"
and :-UOproducbve..: will bo
site sex:
au over him, r e s ~ ev~ grab to the cbokin&. pa the bait saved
and be went comp1:aiaiD.g to . crotch 11 ~v~ As long u up by the Qovcoor when dley
\.the boss! Whal• moron!-·
lean a,abyou backl'U have a~p ,lhc ~ueocea1pC
How ma:n)',pys and pf.I no problem wilh it at all.
their reform.
""C •
Voices-of Suffolk
· What do you ihinl< ~f the
tuebiacome..,.,..._ 1befiict
_ . _.~
nllllilUlldall:~~ ~ comequcacca ot ak
~ ~ ~ pab1ic ra::mtrefonnwillcomc,~-
,lllilllllCCtsfClllillicorpnc:- . ciJly, • adilec(rauJro(dlte
c:ffcpt IO paa ro:ipic:ab IIO. ~ the aaab- .
pri• oil
~ Hill
t'f • .,
blticw • .,., .... lidc. ti
ol! willldnMac or lim.iliag · c ~ C. Jii&e 8
--~_..,. ........ __
-.w111_ .. __ .
........ _,.,o,,.
...., ...,
..- ..-...- ....
....,,,.,. .... .....
Cafe Uberty i■
Caira! Squme C..briqc
--...Uup IO 15 peoplo,
_. ..... _.bdttiba
subwa, platform for live
ablc. ........... c:acrui,e
Howewr, die ltll't ia not well
w..-.d O'I' bowledaeable
0. dllD be8dy Genera....
,,,. ....
c.iiiJliellfft:a .p11e5
... ..,...,...CC.• ..,.il,_...dlrmp_,--.....,....i·.-.......... _,,..
Cybcn:mJdt iaa'C lhe ORiy
~ &IOl'elcafi in Bean
T~•- Cate Ubcrty in
Ceatnl Sq~are Cambridge
· opened a few mooth, aao.
Tim a,fc ii ,uppmcd to ac~
up to 8$ people.
mil bave a IIIIC built like a
• .•, Wire "!lou1e, 20 Part
. .,,, Cybenmilh IP(I smiuy't- J'lua (at · the poiot or the
On-Lloe -Cafe, 36 Churcb Slf,llcr BuOdiq) Boston .
Street, • Harvard Squaic, Phoac (617) 292-0527', and
Cambridae. Phone: (617) ~ are 7 a.m. to midnipt
Fu : (617) Mon. through Sat., aod Sun.
547- 8115, e-mail hvdef 9 a.i;n. to 5 p.m. (Sunday
cybenmilh.com, Houra are brunch 9 a.m. to J p.m.)
tubway platform for live
mmic. Ttiey also have three
MaciD&oda computen avail-
able. where pabOftl can cruise
Oii tbcnodyGenera-
■ VWllA
Cooliaaod- ..... ,
ealam& tbc WOik farce may,
........... IOlbe law, be obio
to temporarily,.. ol
theil' be■ofitl ti-bile ,tm•
pioyod. la ~ ......
that ~ill be paid by, )'OU
the Commoawcalth.
law may al.lo bavc ~
implicadom Cm the childlm
of MusachuMUL The i4N
ofa "family cap", ortbc limillllion of benefits to existina
(amily members, miy lead to
the abortion of those chilwho (all above aod beyond such a cap. Such an
eventuality.is ironic bccaliac
many o( the most zealous
Wflfarc reform advocates
the Wodd Wide Web for free.
Howew:r, the mff is n<M well
vcraed or taowledgeabic
..... ~Sai.9a.m.to
tlp.m.mdSan.12. noooto
aaloa-line-...,.. . . o1 10,....
Cml.Jhaly. 4971,..... will aoaa 1141 OIi Ille ol cbarp.. nilo adaen re-- llrdllllem Aftl)UC. c- the
"lfll',-Olffee. --.I ,-.. qais;e ii prior KCOllDL The ~
- Bai.. ftiabt club), ill
md oc1m IMCb are. avail- WiJil}lomelllofealunsu.s ~
-Squrc Cambricfac.
!'hio _,. Sml1ty'1 Do- oC.....-...Sa"Jl•. .od. -(617) ,m.<9900....s
.,, • ~ S.,.., ...,..;_ - - 10 ..... ., J ..._
I · Ii ,....., be' .;....i: 'lalie TV, ...i..t live - ,·day. •
· ',
fiad-J""'""Y-ni n
Perhaps~such 11ron1
eat cak~ but o~y
~ ww.Ac:c:altodlei.~ ,,_ PIP 5 - - ii pollilM~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . COIIII• aaloe-U.O....,_ol
- - ~ - - wbicb_be_fnc
. ...._ .ul . lON N oa me of cbarp. wllilo_..c:i&bl!I ff>.,..,_0611. - . I jn:,ei. qt.ire • prior accouL The
- ' CIIMr amcb are mil- \1fareHoulc"lltofeaaualllBI I
r.___..:.: we. 1 kiu like a goat. My ass
Sudden!)', a fled: rAcool ·
people came lO ban& OQt wilb
___ .. iw.i--.•--- To
search of the i1 as bia u Ii beac:hball.
:;;t.'::;c~::1s ::~i=~
•~ =i==; :7ov:-U.Z ~:;:1t!\:.J°~i::;:.
: cafeteria wu
into the bowcb
cnon Hell.
1 p.at my fi~cr
joyl~!~ca?!~joy m)( cilNI bevcn,c rn spatial happincss!
I broke lhrauah the ·~
prcssivc '70s prison' funk. I
slrippcd mysel f bare and
dwx:cd like it wu lhe first
cafc1eria food
baked weasels. da)' ofmy lifconthat$ 15,000
t a guy do? I table.
~ i cold bevu- ,. I
ligt\(J ~ir: ' ,I ~ a
f up ree1in1 like rocket In the moon. I was lhe
pw wart. 111c SAA representative from
uing. 'Ibeeanh Wort4erland.
~ ~ -.
enjoy our foods en the roundest of reund tables?
' Now., if they could juu
~et r ~ that actual)y re~ ~eel .so~ii&~
~ w~
once an an1maJ or a •Yea•
etable, th.If. would be a teal
Howevcr, tbeacaffis not well
veracd or knowledgeable
. about computers..
0. Ole trendy Genera•
tioa-X-. &be Wire HOUK
II .._
Pim abo ha a
~ . . .l:ul fot C1lS-
.. Wire House, 20 Park
~ Cybcnmilh .:I Saitey's Plua (at the point of the
Oa•Uac Cafe, 36 Church Swlci BuHdinc) ·801100.
Street, · Harvard Square , Pboae (617) 292-0527, and
Cambridge . Phone: (617) hioun'are 7 Lm.to mklnigbt
◄ 92•5857 j · fax; (617) Mon. through Sat., and Sun.
5 ◄ 7 • 8 115, e -mail bvdGt 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Sunday
cybcrsmith.com. Houri arc bnanch 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
_, ..._,_!""
~,.a....,. ..-km~•..., ~ ex•
=-~e::.:.= :i-::.-::r-..•,;i:,
otoy,,i.la .......
·enc, aeceN1rJ to imple-
lOlo'!' _..,_ ..... llacipicols
willatillexisa;daytmcom teetororwo41orlllcwdfart
that will be paid by, you cliedd:
In order
pcued it, the ~)"Cfl of · for lhc
comthe Commoawcalth.
mUnitJ• service o r these
Ano!herprovilion~f~ pc:,op&c.jobt'w11\_.hlve _
l9·~xlaw may also havo profOWJd ist. Since _publk sector Job
implicatiOCII r« the chiklreo opp6riwii~ tre tcaree,·JDOSl
nf MusachuMltl. The ~• will li~y participalc lo some
ola"familycap",or thclimi- type~ publicly funded job
talion of benefits to uilliD& program . Such community
family members, may lead to service cmploy!Mnt will have
the abortion o f those chi I- to be c.-pnl%ed. directed and
drcn who fall above.and be- ~pervisecf by lla&C, and per-
haps local, burcauetatl. Typi•
cally, reformers find bureau•
ctj,ll antithetical to aood a:ovemmcnt and vice vena.
Which brinst a to the
bigcst obataclc 11> 1k sueCCII of thlt or 'ioJ ocher refonn dfort ~ - A<cordina to recant studies in-
-, .
ddu,qucol ciiiii
~s:· ' '
'> 1Jilll,--.,.-
CdoUbal)', 4971,MM- _
,;;r =:;=~.:.::- :::· / L&~ .,_ ......
• ft:ltiplina t!ie:'lriplementa1
~ .tu~
..C: ' ~m,.-a
Tui1ion isn't j ust for
breakfast aoymon:. ·
We pay Suffolk ~or so
Coadaued rrom, paac.. 7 (CJll!ldld 11111
·vae lOClor. Slaale motkn ,.... . .
AYCmuc. (IMW tat ICCOCdiDe to 1M law, be a1,&c
~ Eal&.,Dipt dub), io ID t m ~ ..,._. !O'll8°'
e..mt Sqase Cambridae.,. lheir ·bca..Ct11, ,i,hile ,tm•
011, . . . . . . ••
Cybcnaidl lu't lb8 Ollly
lalenlet aaorekafe in Beas
Tow 1. Cafe Libeny in
Ceaual Square Cambridge
opeocd a rcw •oaths ago.
Thil calc k IUpp0ICld_ 10 ac:~ up IO 15 people,
ad a.we a ltlF built like a
subway elatlorm for live
Dllic. 1ky alio have three
Macialo&b coapolCrS available. where pacrom: can auisc
~ -m.p s.iuy•, o. . of--ada"J;,..,.. -(617)492-9900. ....
my ..-.ii: ~ !
lbe abllt. t say, it'• .
Andlacamc:,theU-biulsl ·about fri11i1111 time! I've
~ f"
Sllddc::ll!iy· lbc (Nie WU beco isolaled ·~
tbe world
lua,ctljoyi6c• yanked ow from under me formucbtooloaa,jack. I'm
it l.bc '°°C, ,cct- md rcplllccd with ■ kinder, human. I lhoulda't have 10
.._dlroupS..9a.m. to
II p.dl. and Son. 12 aooa to
.... me.. Accclll ro dae i., .._, uwoup S& t a.m. to
teneeilpcaillledmJu&bteW· llp.m..lDdSun. 12DOOl'lto
cnlon-liao---.tolDlof 10 p.m.
,.._.mpapticaliJlter. wbicbeaabe---,free. Olfo.Uber'Y,497bMu~ will.ION be oa ttae ' ol charp, while otJNn re- .. ~Avenue. (near the
"NM". Oaffee. . - . l )aii:a, qoire a prior accoant. Tbe . . . EMt nipl club), in
IDd otber~am:b are avail- Wue Hoac: abo feiaua i... c.trat Sqa.n· Cambridae.
s-;'~y•, ~ _of~ad•"Jiffand. ea.-.c6i7) ,m,. ~ aad
.i. ... ......_. com-
__ ..,_
1uddcnly, a flock- « cool
le came to bana out wilh
measures thw1d have been
O:iotinuedfrom,plft.._ ·,, . r ~ - o a ~ ~
·vaae seccOI'. Sina)e mothers l"dl!l'"lhln ._., e:motJOO,
~ l a w , b e a b l e wirwe.ftbea ~ .aee tbc:ex•
to tanpcnrily_l'CC8UI aom,e- o( ~Qn of J.e ' ll.atc bureaJLlteir buefi11 .;-bile ,em.- cl'IICJ ncce:IS&l'l, to impleployal; 1a ~co~- ment~acwllw'. Recipients
II fri11in1 tlrbe! ,. I've
r;, .......
Q; =~~.t-=:",.10 "'.!"- t i._~ =..,-.,,,:t= ;!i":tt~...,'9;~
u,chtoo\ont:, jack. l'. ai
an. I sboukln't have to
0:-=,-;: ~!·:
be ootcct:
eybcnllliUI iao't tbc oaly mmic.
ire luab · icbool eating
ngementi In)' lonier.
'1 why ~ e pay_bia-tirne
lah 16- attend this dump,
Central Square Cambridge
.,_•few moalhl •10.
hition i1n't just for
kfas, anylpore, ·
We pay Suffolk for
y pretty na1r:y f'eUnn1,
1houldn' I we ~Ml leaal
your foods on the rou~>f .-und tablcs7
Now, if they could just
nu cale i i ~ to ac~ up to &s-people,
ad bavc • 111,e built like a
subway pla tform for live
muac....Tbe)' abo have three
'M.cuilOlh computers available, where patroascan cruise
.• =:~::~j
· ••
Street, Harvar4., Square,
Cambridae: Phone (611)
fax ; (617)
547- 8115, e-m•i~ hvd @
cybenm.i1h.com. Hours are
willWUexilt; dayMcosts
Phoae (6 17) 292-0527,
hiounare7a.m. tomidnia,ht
Mo,.: through Sat., and Sun.
9 a.m. to 5 ·p.m. (Sunday
brunch 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m.)
of these
people,jobl-Will..have .to· exisL. SiOCO __pubUc KClor job
will li~ly ~cis-te in some
type ,of publicly funded job
proaram. Such community
service cmployfflt will have
to be organized, directed and
Another provision of the
law may also have ~round
iri'.lptications for the chi1dreo
nr Mugach"u1eu1. The i<tca
or a "family cap", or the limitat.ion nf benefits to cdsting
family members, may lead to
the aboriion of thnse chi!-
drcn who fall above and be-
cally, refnonen find bure&llcrats antithetical to &Cl® gov-
ernment !U]d vice versa.
Which brin11 Ill to the
biggest obstacle IO the success of this or,~ y ocher refnnn. effQ(C bufOocrau. Ac-
J.tu~ ,re1 th~} .~
1 ~
~ an'1
ti!t!r a.v?
le, that would be a real
~•Ybe i\'• j
~ - :\
·~. Wire House, 20· Park
::;:i:?~u~4i:;~n~:!1c~;t ~ Commonwealth.
!1.be:~;;;: .;~ =:-:: ~
munlty."· Service
~::~~ ~ t
delinquent a,
t~ _,. _. . _,. ., __._ _
n.s.11o1t-.., w-.,,April5.J99.i.
Sol.9Lm. ro
! 0....,hm-...O~ 1a111111iipollibledu'oqhaev- II p.m. andSua. 12noonto
lbll .... ,......... com- draJoo-if-M'\lkloa.aomoof 10 p.m.
,.... _. ...,wc..i uur- which ca be a:ic..s tree • Clfe UberU'. ·.t9'1b Mu..... will ba OC!, tile · of chaqe. wltllo otbcn re- • ~ Ayeoue. (_. the
"NIii'. Oalfee. - - .)ldcea, -qo.iro ' prior a0COUIIL The ~ &it niaht club), in
ad CIIMr" IMtb arc avail- Wiro Houae mo featwa lml C.Cral Squre Cambridae.
ablo dll'Ollpi Smitty's 0.- olm.apziac:1,~,. ..Jive&lld. ~ (617) 492,. 9900.' and
";, ~ Jea"' s-a,y
boas,.,are 10 Lm. ID J ~
k , . _. .,_ -..i; -...,..,..TV,MdUve -,day.
, ',
Cybenm.l_. isq,'t the oo.ly
latcract 11Cftkafe in Bean
Town. Cafe Liberty in
Ccaual Square Camb"
opeoed a few months aao.
This. cale ia ,uppoaed 1p ac~ , - , , t o 15 'people.
Wire House, 20 Park
~ Cyt,enaaith Md Smitty's Plaza (at the point of the
On-Ua~ Cafe, 36 Church ~tailer ltulldin,) Boston .
Streel, Harvard Square, Phoae (617) 292-0527, and
Cambridae. Phone- (6 17 ) hioun are 7 Lm. to midnia,bt'
492-5857~ Fu : (6 17 ) Mon. through Sat., and Sun.
547- 811.S , e-mait hvd.• 9 a.m. 10 .S p.m. (Sunday
ad bave a ltlp ht.lilt lilr:e •
tu bway plaJ!orm fo r live
IDUlic: They also b11Ve lhree
MacuMOdl COlllflUterl avail•
able. wbcft i:-rou can cruise
cybersmith.com. Hours are
■ VI£UtA
,.....,..aboujjl .... bceo
SJlle..; 7 , r ~ o a ~rdleclioo
·vaae ICICtor. Slqlc motben nthe!rthaa 1-lt ~
eocc:rina tbt wen fon:e may,
accon1iQa to~ law. be lb}e .
temponrily ttllllio IOlDe ol
their beaefi11 -.,bile ,cmployed. l a ~ 10 ~
,call. dill Cf11 _,,...,...,.
will IOU aist: day M coas sector or work for the ~!fare
that will be pa.id by, you checb tbey .-e tall. In ocder
gueued it, the tupaym of for the Mate to demand com•
the Commonwealth.
munilJ· service.- or these
Another prOViaion o[ the people. jobs wi,tJiave to ex•
law may also have profound isL Sinco public sec10C' job
impliclltions ror lb;: children opporir,miticsaeacaree. most
of Mauachusetts. The idea
o(a'<family c.ip",ortbclimilation or benefiu lO existing
family mcmberl, may lead to
the abortion of I.hose chil-
brunch 9 L m. to 3 p.m.)
Maly r d ~ 1n11y also
~ .... ~ t e e ; ~ ex•
~ ,,,..., . . bwcau·
ency oeceaary...,. t~ ,mplemeatlbcatlWIIW, Reeipicnts
ae r,o,,I ~ I O d~
will ~ly participau ia some
type~ publicly funded job
program. Such community
service employment will have
to be organized. directed and
:=:d~~:,:~cs:'!~ :~~ :=:.~T::
evcntuali1y is ironic b«ause
many of I.he most zealous
welfare reform advoc11e1
fukl abomoo JDOMllly n:puananL Pcr6aPI , uCh sttong
versed or , kn owledgeable
about compu&cn..
0. tllc trendy Generatioa-X-. &he Wini HOU.SC
Plal also has a
~ ..._i.ul for cus-
cally, rcfOnners find bureaucnits antithetical to good govcmmcn1 and vice vusa.
Whkh brin1s us to the
igest obstacle. to the sueor this or lfl-y other n:cffort: buf$.ix:nus. Ac. g 10 recent Sllldies in•
"ptin& ~plemcntao(
in t!r~,~:~
· , even
one an:
__ .,._______ ......,._ ___ ....,.. __.___
-.,NewEn...ntlfwd~••baft~I•? I
.. . .
. ,..,
............. .,•-■••
==-=~..:.-:.:.-::-..:::--u:::..-:.==:.... .-..=...--=
' --."1! ··•
The Suffollt__.
Aaiedc Doi-n.-o Comply with NW.HOUllln& Rule
"'" - •
, .,___ - , , . . ....... "°° -
of ftKn
"' .._
....,. belllad"'" policy.
'-n/e pup,ae ol tlul Nie
. < .... 11(:AAWl~IOV>C,
pe,eeat, , ·
IL .
··-r1N: nle la .to nu-tbet .·~
NCAA roe Cally !•lea.-e a111de1u •alb.Jete1
ftle•partofits 11110. thc aoacraJ 1tuden~
___, . ~..,,_.rtJo,i
colleaamembal o..ct.,NCAAdim:loro{
....-. illiWl''-1 aoo- lqblalive Mnicea. ·
um~,. o1 ~~~
1111 . . . effcictive ~ - em_ Looia1aoa Alhlelica Di1, 1996.- 0..111 Mhlel1e ~tor Nellon ~bc:uayder
donDiliory Goar or wtna can- . said he agtced wath the _
Cfoo~I l> 1
,oc\ .~edtd,
University DateLine
'>ft•>" .lit; • -~ _._., '1
11 •mt.1CIL..at
pop;i,ii Thli rule woiilil Le --;, wlubc
~ us. up."
call team moeciap bee~
Som,C .1,s'111.dent1 who (footbtU!layen:) ..wlll_~ :
non-alhletet u~•ed · aprad9". ~llliid- ltnugbt .
wu · min.d fedinp about livina: t,e. 'dtllblt
cmmo1 P(llS8. I
llllfairto_t b e r a 1 o f t b e ~ ~
.,.,._ _ _
:JJ1!'11Jitwor. , sai _ ~ma, ~
t~cfvet:nai t'wt ~_a
JO be
u~ football _ •~er dis- depeo.; ~ lhci chcmillry _ 1 liulc of s i ~.. - ·
airocd,. ., .
.. belween the twO people. Jt.',.
Some collqes alre.ady
rule ll no •~• like wbco you-.move in wjth have lia'fObd rylel requiring .
pad Bnan Jacbon. We. som~y JOU. doo't taow • llhletcl , &o live. with regular .
to beala yhh,. - you.jwt coll4i:JC 11ude911.• for ex- .
W .p Woril(~ -are
for ~ tlbleu:a.. 11M1
Wz z
~:!!;~=~-:~;~ :..Wia~.':, ::w:
• ISIO'SinJ.dC.JTheCiti•
ollin"""'1Sl>ffi>nl Loan, ,...
- and.our adusiw Goo.,~ Aas!Loan.
have to live with iL" ~. ,.
Head , foq1&all cQ.1Ch
Nel5Qn Stottci uiii con·
· can among coaches is keeping track or athletes scattered
"I. like · to know where
they (the_ . . .ball players}
arc," said Siok.Icy. "Spread·
ingthcmallovucampusleuens the control we have as
coac~-aind-.we ~ the ones
. 'pen something goes wrong
that &Cb iL"
Lo&istically, thi;ngs could
be m0te difficult for athletes,
many or whom mu.st comply
~ith c urfew ctaecks . the
. night. be fore games, said
~~hexll;Byckr. 1
ample. all frabmc:n ahleta
at Nofie Dime 11ft: n::quired :
tolivewitb'"DOD-a~hle1cuheir i
£int · yes 011 _
camp11. Other .
colleges sue!\ • Tcxu Tech
allow j!IJUor• a!l(I senior-year
football play en IO live off
campus if they maintain a
grade point averqc of 2.5 or
Stokley said be ~ y is
searching for rtolutiop.s to '.
problems coru;enlioa the
housing policy,1
"I think lbcre aro pluses
and minuses,.. ho said. M
big on keeping Jbc guys 10gclhcr,butI~tlleNCAA's
view. We.' re jull going to
have to work lll:rough it."
..., 1.o,n
Fs ...... -......
1 :00· 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00.· 2.'()()
1:00 • 2:30
·1,00. 2,00
1:00 • 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:30
1:00 · 2:00
.:00 • 2:00
Open Office Hours with President Sargent
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting
CLAS Dean's Metting
B.LC. Study Group - Chemistry 212
Entertainment Clµb Meeting
B.~c. Study Group • Accounting 322 :
lnlCmational Student Association Meeting
Philosophy Lccrurc; "Manin Hudcggcr. Language & TcchnolQ&y"
Council of Prcsidenu Meeting ~
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Archer Fellows Meeting
B.LC. Study Group • Economk:1 212
8 .LC. Srudy Group • Accou.nting 202
Economics Association MCWDg
B.LC. Swdy Group • Physical Science 2
Men 's Vnrsi1y Tennis vs. Salve Regina •Colle8c
Suffolk Student Thcall'C: Flccn in the '4irrPC
• . ahdoncl!OD-fra: number
Oordoo eoi...,
Sawyer Sawyer . .
SaW)ler 911 •
Sawyer 927
Sawyer 1101
Sawyer U34
, Sawyer 1131
-~ 2 0 '
or anyone int.crested in new~ writing
3:00 • 5:00
4,00 \,__
6,30 - 8,30
or newsp~r production.·
Emcnon CoUcp
UMASS Dartmourh
- C. Walth-
B.L.C. Study Group · 0.emisll')' 212
Collage New Mus.C: Series
B.LC. Study Group • Oicmistry 112
· . next to ihe Fent9n building.
1,00 ·
1:00 . 2:00 .
1,00- 2'30
1,00 • 2,00
1:00.- 2:30
1:00 •
1:00 .
1:00 .
1,30 -
pnva1c I CCIO
~ p t iJ .oo.'l!•Ylil1
.,._ All...._.aredjJ
pblo.La•llelp. Fi>rmon, .
info, call 1-800-263--6495
CXL f.50231.
, ~
Sawyer 430
Mit..a . -
W~OCl 5.1
;:':'w~-=,;.;:;~':,Nol a....,,..,. -.it'.i. Fall'
8 .1..C. SIUdy Group - Pbfflcal
Seminar for Sophom~ with Undcddod M.,n
B.LC. Study Group · Stldsdt:a 2.50
8 .1..C. SIUdy On>up • - , 201
Model Mugi,,a-Self °""'1c & -
Mm'1V...;;,,~..: ..... 21:r'
8 .1..C. SlUdy Group· Cllamiay
MPA As,ociatioa
4,00 -....S,00
'File KltcllcolBada, - - - - S1,600
• lacl'""1 bcai Ind bol ·, llor- I )ID+loft oo
-- . . SL S1500. Bo1b . . ...U. fer Sl!Pl).-;l.e~ ,
-- .• _· . ....,.•.'!
B.LC.. Soj,1,,0roup - - . - , , 112 . .
6,30- 7'30
........ Bill: Mo4,n, lwuuy I BP Duplex oa a-... SL
"MIST~ Sc:uic>a:
Sawyer 430
C.WalthSawyer 430
8.L~ IUdy Group • Swistica 250
8 .L.C. Study Group • Accourl,tia, 322
8 .1..C. ·slUdy Group • A..loui.ua, 202
Women's Varsity Softball-vs. Endicott Co~gc
11:00 • 12:00
. 12.-00·- 1,00 ·
1,00 - 2,00
llMABS8C. Walth-
Program ollm F«kral
Stafford loans and our
Women's Varsity Softball vs. ,UMASS Bosion
Suffolk Studcn1 Theall'C: [lea In the Mla:oc
Women's Varsity Softball vs. Pinc Manor College
Men's Varsity Tennis vs. Emerson College
Men's Vanity Baseball vs. UMASS Dartmouth
Suffolk S1udcn1 Theatre: Flea· in lbc Mla:oc
CitiM<w<,11.o,nPn>gr.,m . ,..,,_,....
, ' ·.·, •• ./, tji~Qlld;;:;.;~:tothe1o'urnafoffices.
Ftdcr'al Stafb,:I
for mo« ulfonna1ion
Loan,""" ou,ac1..,,,
'- """on',pplialoon .,, •
·.!'irst floor pf the SttideritActivitie.~Center,
Citibanlc.Graiiuatcloan. l r ' :.:'.
~ •• ,-•-;
Sawyer 430
.r.. ,ppo,,b,
- ask for ~fo,r 256'.
and • -
Sawy,,r 1031
8.LC. Study Group • Acc_ Wlling 20 1
~: .,. .
B.L,C:/1..anguage Related Services: English for Academic Pul'polQ-Rcacu;b-:.Worksbop _,;
·,_°PY ed)to~, advertising representati~es,
==~Tht ·
12:00 • 1:00
1:00. 2: 15
~ & '·" ··• ·; YOUR studc;nt newspaper_
needs writers,
number~ origi:nl~ or
N~You! ·
.lowintcrclt raics.
HR Trainini Session: ~
.Acrou F ~
B.LC. Study Group • Swistics 250
B.LC. Study Oroup • a.emisuy_ 112
B.LC. Swdy Group • ~ a , 327
B.L.C; Study Group • P.conomica 212
B.L.C. -Siudy Grqup •
8 .LC. Srudy Group • Phytical Science 2
MIS Training Seuioo: Advanced L.ow,JQuauro
Mt;.n's Vanity Baseball vs. East.cm Naz.an::nc College
Women's Vanity Softball Vl, Gordon CoUece
. 11:00 ': 12:00
12.1)() · 1:00
12.-00 - - 1,00
1,00. 2.-00 ·
1,00 . 2.-00
1:00 • 2:00 ·
1:QQ· 4:00
3:00 • 4:00
The Suffolk Journal
9:.30 • 12."'°
Now that you're going to ·
ii ._. school,_how ,
do you pl~ to pay far it?
Suffolk University's Cal~ of Events.
April5-- 11, 1995
M.-._il.,..·•w•il j
Spooton,d by Uai--,
-1--_,. ..
· -,. -
Jalzdy;.,-,ilSuffolk Univmiti's~c:tleDdlr. Par...._,.IIIY....._.....__,.,o1._..._.,__ . . . . . . . .
lbot,- •
.......,..u.m-,on,Acom..-.,,...f!'-• ......... -aod--lor ....... .....,. ...... _
~ -'
ThcSuffolk.loonlil Wedllelday,'.~pdl5, 1995
U~versity DateLine
•"" thet I
, becaUJe
ayen) will bf'
~ il;wjl bodiffi- t
~ -io~vcto bc .
1 ~- 4'$
9,JO • I 2,JO .
B.L.C. Study Group - Statistics 25()
B.L.C. Study Group • Olemistry_ Ill
B.L.C. Swdy Group - Al;countiaa "322
B.L.C. Study Group•- Ecooornlcs 212
B.L.C. -Study Group - Accou.ntift& 202
B.L C. Study Group - Physical Science 2
MIS Training Session: Advanced I..otusKNattro
Men's Varsity Bascbol.l YS. ~tern Nazarene College
Women's Varsi1y Softball YS . Gordon College
i-.ts.• Por uve.•hb reaular
1:00- 2:00
~ lthJetes
12:00 - - 1
-Olhu ·
1.•TuuTec:h '
,crs to live off
bey maintain a
lVerapofl.5 Of
:aid be already is
or aolotiops to '
:on;ernina the
," ho said. " I'm
~ She guys tO.
= just ioing to
~ i t ''
J,00- 2,00 ·
1,00 - 2,00
1:00 l 4:0{)
p,c 'ui-rcquired :
• 3:00
. 4,00
1:00 - "2:30
J:00- 2;25
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
·,:00 - 2:00
t:00 - 2:30
1:00 • 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00- 2:30
1:00 - 2:00
3:00 - 4:00
1:00 - 2:15
Oonloo Co~
-. _
--___ .,, ,....,., ...........
--·· .........
........... •....,..,_~·
One Beacon, 2Sth Floor
fetllOO 615
_,.,, .,
Sawyer 427·
Sawyer 430
Sawytt 101
Sawyer IOI
Sawyer 921
Sawyer 1108
Sawyer 1134
Sawyer 1138
Econoa!ics Dcpartrncn!,- 20 Ashbwtoa Place
• -~
Sawyer 430
' •·
Salve Regina
C. Watsh. 'J"heatti
B.L.C. Study Group - Accounting 20 1
... "" • ~ \.
B.L.CJLanguage Related Services: English for Academic Purposcs-8.cscardi~orbhop
- · Nola . . . 4-2.
lliJ4,lli"I ........
Sawyer ~30
Pine Maaor
Em,crson CoUqe
UMASS Dartmoath
C. Walsh 11am
6:30 - 8:30
11:00 - 12:00
12:00·- 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
9:30- : 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
1:00- 2:30
1:00 • :
1:00.- . 2:00
1:00 - 2:30
Sawyer 430
Sawyer 1021
~ J, P,,opo&ofield
MIS Tru.ning Session: loltnnediale WordPerfect 5.J
8 .LC. Study Group ~ ct.::misuy 112
Student Government ~iatioo Moctina
fu,andol Ml U!1D ~- ~ Not Rewmu>a 1i, Suffolk ;,, Fall "
8.L.C. Siudy Group >PbJ!kol ~ 2
Seminar for SophomO(el ttith Uodecided .My)n
'Mls, .Oao _
Sawyu 1023
s.~~ •
1:00 -· 2:30
1:00- 2:lO
1:30 - 4:30
4:00 ---.S:00
6,30 - 7,30
Program Council Meecin&
CLAS DcM:'l Medina
Modd Mugging-Self
Sawyu 1131
Def""' & .
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Sawy;::r •30
8 .L.C. Study Group • Statistics 150
B.L.C. Study Group • Accowtting 322
B.LC. Study Group • AcCOWltina 202
Women's Vani1y Softball vs, Endicott College
8.LC. Study Group ·
8 .LC. Study Group - ~ t m l 201
1:00- 2:00
crn11pllUhc die r • veaaa die dillMce yd
bofon, mai!m& recordlllJ 11
""'daysI-.IO W1- die lalt
· ....,.ma, badbecacallod.
aocbaralia ,_ilp
C. Walsh.'l'bcllre
Sawyer 430
P<>Jjce Crime
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·Men's Varsity Bucball vs.:'Mau Ma;idme
8.L.C. SIUdy Group • °"!"li"Y 212
MPA AllociatioD Mocdlli,
s.w,,r qi
Sawyu :lOI
UMm:,lg , . , , . i.J Suffolk Univenity'1 IDUlCCcalmdar. F o r ~ oa an:y tcbtdaledovall. a,dayoflbo ---'c year: or IOliltm...lhu ,oa . . .......,eall.573-8082. Acomp<dlcmll,,.~of.- ■ ........ -llld--b..-.,pll>lldlyo,_,i-•
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B.L C. Study Group· Chemistry 212
Collage New Music Series
8 .LC. Study Group · ~istry 112
3:00 - 5:00
C. WiJshllam
Women's Vani1y Softball vs. Pinc Manor College
Men's Varsi ty Tennis vs. Emerson College
Men' s Vfflily Baseball vs. UMASS Dartmouth
Suffolk Studcn1 Theatre: fjcr;,j in Utt MICDK
: writing
Sawyer 43Cf
Saw,,.;r 1021
MlS, Ooe.Beacon
Women's Varsity Softball vs. UMASS Bos1on
Suffolk Student Thcauc: Flea In the Mirror
tie.Ii Center,
Sawyer 430
R.ici,cway 400
Open Office Hours with President Sargent
Alpha Phi Omega· Meeting
CLAS Dean's Moct;og
B.LC. Study Group - Chemistry 212
Entenainment Club Meeting
B.~C. Study Group - Accounting 322
International Student AssociattOO Meeting
Philosophy Lecture: "Manin Hudegger. Language cl Tcchnoi~gy"
Council of Presidents Meeting
Beta Alpha Psi Meeting
Archer Fellows Meeting
B.LC. Study Group - E.conomics 2 12
B.L'C. S111dy Group • Accou nting 202
E.conomics Association Meeting
B.LC. Study Group - Physical Science 2
Men's Varsity Tennis vs. Salve Regina College
Suffolk Student Theatre: Flm In the Mirror
12:00 - 1:00
HR. Training Session: Com~unicltion AA:rou F ~ ~·
,lleau l.liudy
lcNHdiJcta their ,
11:00. • ll:00
12:00 - 1:00
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Suffolk University's Calendar of Events
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niversity'_ Calendar of Events
CMO, Ono._
S."Q'<' 430
s...,.. 430
:atia, 322
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Ill Science 2
Sawyer 4)0
Sawyer IO'lt
Fenton .530
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. Oonloo Colleae
Oo,doo Collcec
FtiMea 615
w-y 212
s...,.. 427
Sawyer 4JO
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"""'ucr. Laniuac• a Tecltnology"
Saw)'ff lOI
Sawyer 921
Sawyer 1108
Saw~r 1134
Sawyer 11 38
Economics ~ e n!, 20 Ashbunon Plac:e
ni«2 12
~un1 202
~ Science 2
11c Reaina College
Sawyer ◄30
Salve Realna
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rices: English for Academic Purpoact-R.esearcb~Wodtsbop
Sawyer 430
Rict,cway 400
UMASS Boiton
C. Walsh
Pine Manor Collqc
=rsoo College
MASS- Dartmouth
Pine Manor
Emenoa Collqe
UMASSC. Walsh Tbc:Mre
try 212
Sawyer 430
C. Walshn-r.
Sawyer U>
• 250
tiq )22
liq 202
Sawyer ◄30
Sawyer 4l0
Sawyer 1021
....,,_ J. Puopolo Pldd
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