File #4145: "Suffolk Journal_1981Apr16_vol36no30.pdf"


Cafeteria Rats in question
,.,11 ho ,1,.,.,,t,f n.. ,,..,.,.., -.a,11 -..,u,.,,,.
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,.,II .,,., lhAI J!<.,ndan,·, al 1n,· Hal, rt,�-,

·•n" h•• t,,,.,,. "'"�""" for uu.. n1 •
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H•1Mkd1111, r... 11,........1ni1 . .,or1n.. ,... ,
.._,, ,,,.11ni 1o, 1h,.Pf•>P,•"'IUl,.n1m,.of1n..
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,,r ..,, ..,1,•n1, 1111,. .. "'"' uw s,.,,i.,.,,
An,.n,,., 11(1,.,. f ur p,,.. .. d,,,. ,phl\an

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.,.m,..iri 1.-..,,� .,.,.,
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\I,., ,,,. h,rlo rt "' Ui, l""i-'""' If•
n,� ,.,.,.nth.- p,,,rr"'-' for th.- Rah"••
•l,,,h,,I rriui.1,,,,., ,.r,,,, ,tud,·111, n,u,1
1,,.,0.,n� l•IVrt .·· sa,rt !;nu, "K,rt� ,.,.,,,
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•t,.. lla l• 11<,I rPlurn,nt th,--.-......... ,
1,,•-1,11a,, ..,. in•• trtu,•.,, ,1,1<1rt,•nt,1n
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1..-.,.,, ....rt
h�••'P'"'4n •·•"'" • •!_"°''''_� , "� ,_"' ' " "__

... Stage protest

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Coin Society

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pro1itJly presenb EX-HOS TAG[

n,,. "'•"'I' and l'o,n -.,.-wt• will
""'""� • 11..01a, .. , ..,,u..,1""" "" A1ml


,\n-.irrtm� 1o p,.--,drn1 �l,,.hao-1 lbl,.••l
,,,,11 i,.,. tr ,,,..._.lh'Nu"ofSuffolka,.ha110,
lo"adnur . . ··•1rhvthr,.N,ll•.-tabl�
""'"Uflll:"•Ul..nd<-n.....,,r ,,.H,.nt

IW1h rt•>l"u,,,..d u,, JUubl1•mnf<;pa~
alt rnd,,n,•r 1h11 h•�J>IIIU"dman, rlut..11!
...-m.. ,,,.,

In lul "'""'' '1 SGA art,,. . f'r,li'lm1n
n.,.. Vu·� l'lh1dtnt Glenn Connou w111
lll<"1.H"11'Pll) 1drnl•l1.-d11n>pr�""nl.llll''t

... Rats

Co""" ed hon, Patt o •
,. "II r•nl 1d,,1 " flth,-r �RC m('mlwro
�•prf�• 11m1tu thou�hb nuw,..,
n,•lh Dl,wh ..1<1 I! WU 1 .., ..ry �ood"
: :�

R,-p,dlnt ►'lann..,;\ <1111.-.lluion of
ch,· l:no<t t'"dl\ Rat, H�h ,a,d. "It,.•
"'buila l of thr un1'•r�I� \ J>Olllllon H •
11<111 ..,.,,.1,., ln>hlUl•un" 8Jorll lillt<I
�11nn,•f\\ rt�,, •. ,,,n "•• "b.,...,t un 1
,..1,,1ous hn!ldl\" and h• 11u.-,1•onr<I 1h"
..-h.-duhnc uf ,;pr,nef�u "" "Crl't'k Good

r. · · · =i· · · ·:,oa1·1.


Dedicated to the Art
of Self-Indulgence


Voted "Best Wme Store" Boston Magazine 1979

April 16 · The Kids

are Allright, 1 pm
April 28 · The Song

pag,• 10


Friday, April 10. 1981
8 · 1 am
at Amarus • Dedham
Buffet beginning at 8

The Trademarks
& Ken Johnson

Tickets available in
tt1e cafeteria.
$3 · students
$5 · guests
$5 · at the door
Co-sponsored with
Phi Chi Theta IX.
May 1 · A con�ert in the auditorium. Featunng hig name bands. Watch tor more
April 23 · ;olfeehouse with Andy Schulman
m 1he lounge
April 29 • Ice cream buffet ,n cal.
Completed Program Board applications are due Friday. April 10.
In the Student Activities Office. 12 noon.

( \ ,J .'

'127-9235 :

Rock into
Spring Party

Remains the Same



: 170 Cambridge Street, Boston

Program Council Events. • •

William Belk

Willoughl\\ rcsig,is
page 8


: Beacon Hill's most carefully selected:
choice of fine wines. Wide selection of!
: domestic and imported cheeses.

visits Suffolk
page 6


Putnam on

Forgery charges
page 3



,4pr1I / 6, /981 Su{follt Je>uriuJl!l'o./tr .1

Student cleared of forging work study slips

Bio track proposed for Comp. Sci. major
1 . . I ,._., t .,11111
tor,, . .r ,t,. 1�,, , · 1 , � t ,,, .,. ,,1u n,
, ,,,.,r,ulto·• m,-1 ,n1• ! • - u ., ,1,., •IH•,i,,~
l lrl>• rltt�"l • t .,m,•· I•,

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1 , Mlfo .,,,.,, )'f,.(fillll l'r••l"'"'I \0 111 t� �

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P"-.!••m .. ,11 11..1 IM • f.,u, .-u 1 11,,tt•"'
h111 • , ,, r c , r , , . , , .. ,. I' " ' ''""' ..r
1,,.,1 ho,t,,h" <l,("·• ""'I. Th" l""l!••W
lh.- pi,11"'�"' "1 • 1"''''
f•nuho"I' ,.,.,, th,• pr1th1pln "' 111,�\o "
hu�"I' o,u1 nl,•�••I• , ,,m1)ut. r "'"''"'
•r1•iu10IU•l1' W1lh lh, ,1o.. ,p1,,.. ,,r i.,..1,,c,
l n t,,. P'"l'"'•I
;,,.,1 •'"'
,,.,,... ..ndoll lh•I "" , u ,,...,,, liull..111,,,r
l!tllll 1�111 !PP 11'1 1 11 1 , t,, •m,,,n..,t ,,,
,,uludi• (h� l .,r, -.11111,., uptum ,ud 111,1
/)r H.-0111,, I '""" IM .,1,torltnth• 1..i ..r
f',u1.-.m l l1r,•, 1,,.,
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,,qu,r, n1,·1 t• ..1 ,n"l'">P<•... 11
pru�••m ,.,u .,,, lun.

,.,..,Id •-••


I _,.1,,,1,.,r1, !!llhl ti, 111,«1' (r,ml llh
full,,,.,,.E ll1ul,,c. ,,,u~• , I I 1"

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k.,, I !ll lnu.. '" \nun•I 11,..1 .. ,,
J\,, . 1 11i 1 .,1,n l\u!•1·,
11,. . 1 � 1 11 ..,111,·1 11<,

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,impV,"/. II i I �
t ..m p ...,.. , 1 1� I l h
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, 1 1 r t n u mpuw, ..,..,.,,., ', ,.,II 1 1, •
lhr,•�i,,d ..:1u,h , ,,u,.,., ,..,,_ t ,,mpul• t
l11fom1atn,n Jt,-\n, ••l ""h'll1•,h lll• L,f,
.... ...,,,., ,
11 ....... ,N afl,• r ,•., ,.... ,,.i th, l" ''Jl"""I
.. •n•I m,•mb,-,-. ,.f 111, ,,,mm11 1 , .. .._,krd 11
1 ·ump ...,., 'l \ ! (FflHl"HA'1 '"""hl b>• 1h,
,,..qutn-d l"oMJIUI"' � ,.,.,,-,. l.ionfUO�•
,..,..,,,.. f.,, th.. ;,ro,nm ·i,,.,,.. w•• •I,..,
,om� qu,••Hon, a. tu ,.h�!hn "' nnl 11,..


810/ 0GY OfPAl-lrMFNr CHAIRMAN 0, A,,,,.,, Wil!'st IS fhr/ S,lt>(>Or,,,,, or ,,,., / ,I�
l 11 1 •"d 11,,, 1 u� '"'"'Id '" 4t, quu, m, "'
r,,, ,.,, ' """' ...,t ,.h,.,,,,., ,,, ,,,,,
,,1.,.,..,.,.,, ,.,"� ,·uul<I h,. lil••• " '" u,,.. ,
pl•,-. I'll , lanfUille' "f lh, pr<>f''"'"I "' "
"" 1 d h • b>• .,,m.,•·hll <atu•· "" lh,- p•1111I
Mi. , ,.,,u,. '""'""''""· , 1 ... �, ,1,•, «1,<1 111�,
\II� , umm,tt, ,, o·uuld ""I �IP"'"' t!L,
l"""',..J uni .. .,,,n,. h ''"""' .. ,.,.. m•th
1., , !1flh ""''" ,,I lh•"" f>o""" Ill

t,,,,.,, .,, ,n,. .,1.alh 1,11 ,,u!of ilu•h•IUf ,·,,,.
,, q11,,.,n,�nb .nrt u,.t :hr l•bvr11un
n•u~•' """l<l b, nqu11,.d tt,.,1.,,p,,.ntrd
uul 1h11 th• t1o<1 ,nt,,>durwr, n,.,~
.1 ..11� ... uh fl,,\ni,•lron. mu,1 ti.. l�k,n II,•

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PHONE - 723-4700
EXT. 342

.1 .., ....,<1 11,.1 ,- r111 11,,... ,-. ,,r .,..t1,,rr.-.du. t•

,.,,rk ,_.,. o,ul t.• •• , ,·pt,• d Ui pl�,, of lh•
n �u,n• m,nh In,, ,, 1., ,.,....,,. lh•! ,.,,.n
-.todonl t,, tt,,,u1h1 up ,., • i.,�1 .,(
' ""'l"'h·11, , ,,. ,,..,,._,,11 fl",l•"f'
\ft,,, ,.. ,m,, ,,,,.,,m,. th, h>t u f , , .,.,..,.,
pr,,1,.~•d l'"'f•am """ .rn,urt, n 1 , ,
,;;, \�:i.11.., 1 02 <1. l . ! !12
lhu I �\ I. I I l \
,.,111 r . , ro1m11111.. , .. ,,.,,., , ,.,. .... .., ,
l'll.- 1..11l f,., 111,.. , .,u""" '"""ld h r ,!j >
/\I thr ,•nd uf IJr Wr, t , p,,,,..,111_.,,,,11
lhr ,·uinm,u,,,. m.,,,d tu u.,.p\ t/1,
pmp..ol w11h tL ..- ..p,-.--,r,,.d "'""""'
n,.- p,up()\,l,l wdlnu.,.t,,, forwa,lltodtu th,.
f. du.-.1,un•I Puhr, Comm,ur,• 1�Pf.'1 for
Ah pr•i,,,n1..d •I lh� ,·/Id or l ll1>
ffl ., " " " l .,. . , I p r o p u , al b,
t"nmmu111u11on, •nd Spr...-11 11,,pt .
un 1-:dwud Hau,, fbm• ,..qu.-,t,.d

Term Papers
Law Brlels,
Cover Letters

254 Newbury Street
MA 021 1 6


th•• th, , , .mnuu,,.- r
,,,,....- 0t.-p,,,pv-11 r.,,
,,,.iuat,un l(.. -1a,d th.i th1> pr<•pu-al ,nll
.idd """ m""' t,., � 1 .. 111,- n,mmun!< """"
and ""·..,hnllJOf u. . .t,.o .. lh•l lhl>I>
•n lllo•mpl l<0 UJ1lrldr ,u1d ,..,,.. """" "'
P "lr•m• •nd <'<>Uf"<", 1111-.. l>o-1nt
:��. " �
Th,-' u,, � " ,t, m .... ,..,,a1..d tu pru,,d,
,n "�I''""" l.u ;m 1nd1,.dual ,-1,-.N .,f
'P""'' " "' • d,.. ,plmr ln th,- p,opo;.,111
,..,...,. d lrum 1h.. , t w ll> pumt<>d
nut lh•I "II " lluf"•d 1h11 b\ t••qu11111�
'""'"'' ,r, a1 \,1..,\ "'"' ,.,,., •fl•I l/lU
,111<1,·nl>. •111 ..m,•11., ,.1th ii 1r•1h-1
knu,.Wd1t<• .,r 1h11 •r,·1 •• ,..,.u .- 1 l!"TI•r�I
111<11n1 ,.r tn.. ...,,nmun,..111..n
.....,.,,.. ..r 111,, tra,·k, .,.
m...,,�11,,1 "' n•lur• "'"'" ,.,r,., .p,-,,f, ,
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�1� ::� �;�:, ,.,:i:::,�1'::1,: : , :;: . .��. �
..,ruuo uf , u rro•nt mll'"'• f•,·ult, u/ 111,
ti.-p.rtuh·nl •"d rr,rullm..nt f1 lfli•"• •"
, ummun111t1on n11,u11••lltnu "�u, ,if • lulll .. r ; lrl• k• ,.,11 t,,
th, t 1,ram(-;,,t 1<,nal 1 ornnou111o •!•"<>• ""'' �
r11.. ••• . ,, t,.,.. ,,,, ,�p,r11, ,,., u,,
111hun1I ..,.,,. •1111 .,.,u p,• rm,1 •111,._·nh
,.,1,.,.,,1,-(l n lMJ,..,.,... , ,.n,mun.. •huu ,1n<1
1n,•"" ul ,.,�1,,,1.1u,n '" r1,,,..1..p ·1,. rn+•
muk<'\alll, ..,.,n,
ll,u, m 1 "'"'"'"" ,,f h•l"d , h,ur, •
1 , .,.•1,,,., .,1.,.,., k ,, ,1,·m
! 1(,.,.,,.,. .,f ro•qu1n-d ,uuro,
1,,1,1,. .,,.,.• �,n� \,•'lr il11d ,\m, 11l11,u11 ••
�r,.n1I pnlo,man, ,. <"nu,..,., w.. ,, r,,...nd tn
b.• m1ppr,,pn1t,, fur l""''.-,,1 ,..qum•m,nt>
.,m.,,I ,cud<onh 1o,II .,,111.., opt lur th,..
,ou,.,.., "' p,n "'l""•lo-nr ••�pt"nrm·•·• ,n
"(h••• arrl• ••l11" '"""·ulum l'h,•atr� ,\n,
•• • •Jlo'NILrt,·d lO'llr ..• -..·•; Lh<>uiht tu h.
'"'IIJIUlfllllt• "'' t,-11,•nl ...qu,...n.....h.
ln,trld Lh.. ,t,•p�fln>t'hl 1"<11 '"'I"'"' '""
' """' ,n t ,,mmun,..1,on fh..or, and <'II•
,•nur,.•whl'h Nnpr,1>1ir, ,r,..••n•llmrlh1,d,
ind ,·uu•·nt rr<o•,oN, m tl\P flrld,. nan,..h
H,,..,1n·h Mrlhud, m t·ummu111.-.L"'n
+f'ubl,.. ',p,-1ku11 \ u,..,.1nd ArlK"UlltK>fl
•nd Th..atr,, A1h •·•II llu"""' '• ,1 111 ti,,
1 1 u 1 h 1 and
will , 1 1 1 1 lfl•••t th•
1'0mmunw11ion.,opt10nfor "u!U'nLL I
J U,m,nauun of C
�.du(•tmn a. 1n un uf �un..,.ntnu,on
11Jur 1 o luk or ,nt<>rr,L m thl•ln'l ln lhr
d '

�;:� ���: �� ��;- ���� ;
ubu,n, n 1 1pp1opr11i... C"OUl'Y> for
,·rmf 0tt1ur, Th• propO!o.11 al.., po1nb ou1

lh1\,tudrnl ,u"f)'•md1cltfdth1\ lt\,- w1,
"1hr '-'Hk••I Ut'I Of lhr Ntnl"\IIUm and
..nml!mruu ,n 1hr pul i,i,,..,. ,._." ....."'
1,--.. 1h1nfi,,- 1011J.iud•nt... '"
t'r1'1l\On uf li'IP Orl('lm�lhO!I
l'ommun1.-111on r,1,·l,; (Truk61
Hu,,. 11,o ,nd1,:-•t•d that 1hr
dt'p. tm•nt -.ould h.l•·• lo "'"tk ,.,th
Jou•n11,,m D,,p1nmPnl C11,irpr.-.on
M11a,1m Jh,,.<'h m tht ur• of lh• Mb!o
("omn,un,,..!ion� ltP 1h10 .,,d that thr
\'ommun1c■11on, l>tpu1rn,,n1 will
pmblbh QP.-plop an 1dvan<'Pd publi<'
'P"•klnl .-ou,w for .-ommunonitmn,

b)' N1m·y Hnl"nd<"!<
A ...,.,. UUd) ,111drnt ..... �lf'•n•d of
hlfl"I) <'h••II"• b) th.. St11rlrnt f'o11du<1
l'<>1T11t11ti...• !1>1 •....,. ,n ,c,, n,.,, m...,11111
"'"""' 1969
ll1p 11n nam�d •tUJlpnl h) Ill• ,1udrn1 ·,
WP,,,fVl"'1U1dlhr fin1no1l11d uffi••
Sl;A � ,,..hman a. v,.... Pt,,.,,t,,,.,
f.d..nn t.:onno"'- • m,.mt.,, or th• ('on,turl
l'omn\111,•t, ..,d th• ,tudrn! ""•• •lltl!"dh
n111n1 ,n th• nun1ti..1 of ha11,-. h<' workrd
and fm11n1 hi\ WP,-r>l>Of\ "'11:DllUIP nn
11,,. lnhf' ,hp� .,.,,.., lai... -...p1 mbfor tt,11
.. ,..,,dmt '" ( """""'· th• ,tud�nt\
"'I"'"""' <i,d r\01 f,I,. .-!1••�••• lfl>M•t lll•
,tuc1,-ro t u'11•/ fpbru11) l','hrn 1,krd " h •
,i...n� to, n-p.,r1
111, '""'""'"" h•d ,.,,i...rl . .
lh• ,n, ,,t,•111 "'lluan ..a•II
l na"' nu
,\, , .,ut,u� ,.. I ,.,.,.,..., \ ut n,,.., ,.,,
Ii.,,.., 1.,.,,,,1,, ,, ,, ··1 1,. w11r,-.,.. ,r••
,..,,,.,,..,..r,,1,1\ h, 1,u 1 ,n u,, ,.tu<:1,•n1 ·.
�. ..,,
l r. ,i.., tr, p,. ....nt ..,,1.-m •
"'l" " '"" " l'"n , 1,nu .J,p , n wluo h ll•
mu�l 11,1 lllr 1111mbrr or hwn. lh� "'"lk
1111�:: :::�� ��
... c.:t::� :!,,. ..

ttudfnt h•• ..o,bd U!I . WN'.ltl\
;:,. ;;
Thr .UP""''"'" •• lh�II ,..q111r,,d lo
n-tum thr tnpllt:'1tr form ,n I iUl�d
rn••lop,o w thr n111n••11J 11d ofC,..,. l)n•
rop) "' 11'1# Inn• !,lip " li•pt ,n 1,,..
,tudrn1·,,.u,1i uud) foldl'r1l th.. nn111r11I
••.t orn..-.
,·ond HJi)) l'""' tolh..
p1,mll df>p,rtm,111 whn., Ill• Mll'<'l ,,
pr,...,....,d. A n...1 c:np, IOI'• l>M-l lo 111 ..
f.Ul)l',vt.or "'ho r-,, th..n ••n� 1h11 th,
,1u11,on1 huwurbd1h,houn. 1lu,-d
Arro1dm1 w Linroln. th• '11111""'""
"h111, • d•> or 1•u tu ,,•nr) th.- t>mr J,p
bo-for• th• rh..,-l,_ d,op,-,,...d "
l',f.,.n ultrd <I 111., r,.,,..,,.,.1 ,,d ufflr,
w,/1 ••u/ua1.. ur 11k• an, ,,.,...,,.., to
hlh!o•n ,1, p,�... nl ""'k .!ud, .,, ,i,• m
f-<'1al .\HI \....,,,• U,....-ror l 'l!n,
Pt-rn """ ,, ,.- N11.,,-,.f 11,., ,.,,.� <11>d\
1>••'(r•n1 ..,11 l , :
u,·1 , ,.n,m..1,1 ,.., ,tat ll!
n�tll 1101"
\\ .,',,. talk.,d
It,,,.,,,,., l .,n.. �n ...,.,
'"'"'�'I """"'""' all<.>ut U• • ..rr,r,.,11,.. nf
lh• P"'l"' \h lh,n� ,t A ""'"" .. ,1..m
•••l •Llud> '

,.,.,t, • ...

ln Ill '""'"'"" .... ..., lhl> month,

• Opportuniiy to mike uo missed
• Votum1nous home•study mater1als
const1ntly updaled by resea,ch•
e,s eipe/1 ,n lhell tield
• Oppo,1unlty to transfer to ind
continue study ill any ol
over 85 centers .


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·n,., St11df'n� Cond11ct Comm111n, u 1
rumm111t• rt1mpru,d of f•t"Ulty.
ad,n1m•lf1t1on, md 1l1>dtinL1,, wh1rtt •�
o"'MIOfl a,-QPd
Th,- "'"'"I <>rt lhr �m,tt,,,, hut
•r•k .,..,,.. l'tiilOeM)ph) 1)1,p,a,tm,int
t'h•lfm.111 Ill l't
1111lp Pearl, Sulltun
A...,.-,ai,- i>rufl'iMlr Rf.mud Mylil!'r of 1.11..
A r r o 11 n 1 , n 1 Ind
8u11nru L11o
U t p 1 , 1 111 .-nh
SophOIIIOlf ..:, ...
Htprt',...lltll'"• John lo llonnrll u,d SCA
►'r•iJ1 m1n na.. V,c• p,..•ld•nt lat'nn
Co11nnfI. S,,vm1 Ii ali...m1ltt IO th•
romm,lltt "'""' sc;A Junm, C,aw,
l"n's1dont Bari) ► 1t�lt"r•I� 1nd �;A
Sophomon• l"ll.a V1<'.o' l"r,•�, II.ill

r�·; · · ·:roa.-1
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: domest ic and imported cheeses.






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DfAN OF sruOENrsO Br1dlrt Su1i,r1n commen11 on for'Jil!"ll dllrgnf1l,rdllya n11(1,fflr
a,{J..v1,o, Pldr� tm;mc,.1,,dolhce



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• Perm,1nent Cenlen open days,
evenm&s and weekends
• Low hourly cost Ded1uled full•
time staff.
• Complete TlSl•n• TAP['" lac 1l 1t1u
lo, rev,ew of class lessons and
suoplementary materials

... 111,bd ,r an) ro,.,..ry h••
L,nroin ,.
urt'Ufn• d, bu\ \h• would IM'llht't ronrinn
nor d,•n)' II 'l)+nl, "th••• ·, 1lw1y• 1
pot.-nu11 "
ln u,,. ,nt.,",...,.. .,,.11.,11 111,bd 1f thn,. 11..
•�•r i..-..n Ul) abu.., of thP pr<>f:tam,
1.inr<>ln •"•""•"'d, "U't', JU•lf.l)' tntn)
pro�ra m thru•·•• ch1nt,,,fot1buW' •·
Wh,.n 111,bd 1f lh• SCA wuuld pt
111,·ol�rd+nll)IMII-OPn-•·•nt thPpowblhl)
ur .,.ork stud)· ,tudPnLI, from 1bus1nr lh•
,;ui...m . :,GA Sophomof'I' Cll.a \IH'.,
Pn-,1don1 William /11yn,•t.. 1n 1l11>m1tt,,,, of 111,. Cundurl C
.omm111rr ,..,d
"ll hbrlt bi-tn brou1h1 upr�t ..
1 ·.,nnor, ,11d 1h11 h• woU "brin1 up th,.
-1u,.,1 n111 al th.. ,,..,, Sf";,\ mf1•t,n1 ·
('.u11nor,. \1nd lhll l h.. 11• 1,.. 1bu..,• m th••

Join theS.G.A in a letter writing cam­
paign, April 23, 1 981 to let your representatives i n

know your

feelings about the proposed budget
cuts to university funding.
It's important'

Your last chance to vote is almost here.
Elections for S.G.A are in the cafeteria
today and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Get involved!

lnternationai Night tonight

Slide show explains Senate Bill 1138

) loi:ithlf'l'n .\trl l<'nnoll
In [.l,..-�mr,,,, l"IIU .$ 1 1 11,11,.,., ,u� "'
""' MA'->ll<"hu,..ll; Mat 1• nw"" �uud
.. ..
,\hnuol J I l l mlllu,n of lll" .,,,.,..,, "
"""'l•d •n t I'> tw1nt, and, ,,rp"r111,on,,.,
-.....111 ,Hr,�• "'"••� Holl 1 1 1,. ,,,,..1<1 Ii�•
tu,·h•nlr" tho�
f'li,-,ho\ · , , .,mm,t t,•,
\1( <11•!

1'11ht1nl ln)IJM•" , ( \ l' l I n.,,,l,nt
WJ,.. "-•P" ,,f 11,.. Ma... 11u... u
I ,..,hll,m hlf 1,,..,,,m.-111 hum ...,..,.,,
Afn... ,\1 ! l l '> ,\ 1 p"·"' n1,,B• ..t•d• -.f•""'
·n,.. M.,...._, 1w ... 11,
1, 1""1 ""'" • I •
,Hn•• \ "11n,·• l,u11
\I I l l '> \ ..Upp,,r1, U , ,l•h h-,I
'- ,..1� Hill 1 1 I,. '''I"'"· lllal •l•h
po·"""" fu,ub 11,, ,1,,·,1,<1 r,,,,.. ..,.,,,r
;\(r,, • '" J�r, I I''"� n,, I""� ,· ,·rt, ft.,m
111 .. , 1,. .,,,111... ,1 , .. ,. ,,
•• p,....,,hl, ,n , ,,m1••· " , ,1, .. ,,i !�•·" " " "
,1--.,..,1,.......cilt,, ,1 , 11 .. \ '"""'" 1 0, , ..
hdl p..... .1 r,.. '""� n '"-""''

h\ I ,..., 1 ·aml'nkr1
lllr lnlrtna1, ..n•I "Wd.nh h.,,. ..:,,.,,
10 11l I• ti"ld1n� llh•,1 \nnu•I 1111rn1•1,.,n•I
,,�toe "" l'l1u,.'111,
A1m 1 \ • fr,.n,
7 lfl I\ •Ill JI no 1n \th '-uflul� I .r,,1,·ro•
l n,,.,,..,.,,.,.1 ,,,111 ,. . , ,,.n,.- f.,,
,1ut1<•nh \o n,...-1 ulh,·< ,1u11rn1� o&11d lu
1nm •00\•I lfl, ,'Ullur., nf , 11,,...,,
�.,11111r,r, A,•,•o,1'1 111� I<> \ 11 i,,\ .\l•�•IML•
, ,...,r<Jm1!v.-of lnlrrn11,,..,.1 ',11rh1 "min,
uf u1, /ut,.,,:n,wMnl>,.,ll,umrnrr,,.-dm
IJWII ""'"· .....,um... ""' ,, \h,,uld r..
,,,,.,....d 1n11 lntr"'"''""•' '•rll! ,. ,,.,.
.,.,,11 ,.,, r.,..,,cn ,111d<>n1> . hu1 ,1 .. c.,,
l l,• rlrnl ,olll f•· llUf.. n•l"r l,,.,d, frum
d1ff,.,,.,,, ''"'""'"' ,n,1110,nr ''"'"'' """
-..,11th Amt'llf'l 10h11·h "'1llbo• Jlf••l)ln <t ll\
lllr rn1rrummr111 ,.,11 t-.
p•u, 1do-d '" l'h,, Ja,.� ',1rf1,,., l/uu1:.•1 •

ll,,.,., " ' '' IM"" '""" "' u, , "141'
l'r""'"' hu,<I du ""' II••• • ,,,. '" n.,,.
"' "" "'""•·• ' ' " " ,i.-n
111,,,,1,ni "''"'"' ,n -.outll \fn,a , ...,,..,
n \\a..,...11......11. k>'dlitnni
• •�•" ..n, ,, 11\rf• ,.,.,h a hrnrlrdamuun\
,t nu•••·• ,., ,,.. ,,., ..,1rd u, .,..,,11r,,,.n,■><I•
! '• • J��m·r ,.,,,�r1h..r1>,,,•har. 1i110,rdoo<1
•11,, u11.m,. 1,1, (lo'l•••••r•l•• Ir,, """1, ,
�""'II t- l■• H,•r ""'d 1 \b,-.. l>u..-11,
... ,,1,1 •• ,.�, ,•.
\nulh, t rr•�•· u,. h" _,.,,uh! I>,
i,.,,.. '1 " ti••• \I"""'' llu" 1t- ,.,,,l,•,- ""''
,,,, • • ,.,,, •/111 .,. I• '"� lhr• .1,•11,,,1 h,
,.,,,.,.,., "' "I>' n, .. .. 1.., , 1 .. 111, r,,,,,,
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•I "'" .. .� , •nd ""'' '"""" , hrnat.., "'

1u .. ,,. 1,l, ..,,u111 ,\fr,,• 1,,.., , , ,mp••11r•
wlu,t, r,.,, n,.,,. th" �" 1 .... ..i , ,.., 1 \r,.
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ll,, 1n..n ,....... h lh,I 111, ..� ...1,-n, .. ..1
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1,·rUI> '"l 'f''"' 1.. ,.,.,. ,a, ,,1 �""'I'·· •• u,,

r..n,1 .. 11.. ..,. , ....,,., ,., \\nl(ll.. l..,i,.. ,• •,,.,
1 ,,..,.l mu," .\ i■,, 11, n.,,,. .. , .,. ,11 .1..,, 1.,
j14f1 uf !�• •·t1h tl..o,r,nwr1 "'"'"l \,lu
,., ,,
1 11,,,.
.. ,u 1>, • ..p,.. ,..1 ... �,n
P•••,. nil!""' t,, ,r,,, f,11�,(11 ,,u,i..nt, ,.r,,,
ho>" th, h1�r•t ,.r,ul1>ti, ••h•r'""'"'"' ,r,
1/lr u •• ,p,,, t"" _,.hunt, Thrr. -..,II ,1,n l>f
• >j>r• 1•I ••·Md pn-....nlr11 !u \h,• for- ult\
nwn>h.·, ..-lln hi, nrlll"d 11\,- ,ntr,nOL,onll
,ludrnl�ll\• 1ll!d t11Lh,-pa!- l . r;o1
ln1.. mat...n•l 'l.,ch1 .. ,u r■ ..,11,i., 1.,,
thr un,., m th,-p,a,t tm..m11u•1•l,1u<1,.11u
from nrnr, .,-r,ou1, .,,11 t,,, 11, tn, , ,.,.,d
wh1<" h �...,111, ,r,rhr, 1mouni.t,, ,.,,., !IMI
lnh•tn•l"�',l] .... ,,111 .... t��, ,, ,­
,,., , ,..,.h,1 ,n th" ll••l '"""
, h•1rp, '"'" I i,11 �,,, , . , 1,h,•lhl\f Lh•! lh,
11,,... .. ,11, ... , 1 ..:�••

. ...�

11. u 11.l•n '>,,ulll M11n1, lilac-I<> an
11..., • ., JlOotl) r"ti..,, ... l ll t> m,11..,11
bl••�, ,.,mpu"d to> I :,> m1lhon ,.,.,,t,,� but
lh, 10 t1 1t.. •r,• tll,•Nl>n1rll.-i, rh,. wholr•
ronttol t17' uf 11>., land ..h 1l,, thr blo,·h
,.,, 1../1 ,.,th th, n-mM1nm• lJ p,-rr.·nl
lli1• h ,.,,,.,.,. 11•lllhr "'•ll" "f "h•l<'••nd
'"'"'"f lh,.m\l'., t,,,lu.. 111,. p()' r rl, l"'"I
1 ",.111p10n,., Jmon,,.i,, ,.r,,1.,, 'llllm'tnlOn
�,u1 • 1,.tlh• <11 .\r,,,lh,.,d " Ill• pulH \ ,.f
"" �f• ill1•"1 ·DIJl"•---11 • �• lh
::::::,. ::��:,
"''"'' P, ••Pl• h,·+ tll•I lh• bl"' ·• ..,,,1
"" � "' 1 t,,k,, ,,..,,..,,,.f..,,u,n ,\fn,,o I'!,,•,
lh " 'O lh •I ,I ,. , ,..111 t- t>o·,1 ,fall luf,·O�n
, , ,m11an..-,1rfl h.r,,,, 1n,, , � , ur...,,n,.. u<�n 1i•1""'' "''11 ""1n, 1 11,1..n
\ Il l " I\ " ' " ' r,, lll, l ll!\�r,11\ .,f
\l.o-,nu"·ll, ••o<l thr \l,·1h,,d1,1 l 'hu,. n
,, ... 11., ..,1,,<1 ' '""' ......u, \/11,,.

Olh..1 0,pn,utoon• r 1 1hal tn•) an­
h..lp1nc -....uth M"ao O.nd lt(l('k,.r..n ,
"'P ll\111 <"Offlp1n1..1 ,Li) In South Afton
bo•n11" lhl') .,., prov,dinl iot.. ror thr
p,-oplt' l!ul ool) Qtlt' l"'"'•nl of lh,.
wntk1ni lo,.... 120.UOU blad1,1 WOik 111
llln; n,mpan,,.�
n,,. ,..u,on 1h11 th•.., ""mpan,-., u•
,i.;,,1 rn1,,n �lh Afror1 1>thalth..\ makr
•lmu>I ,,,.. ..-,. tl1r amoulll of ptto(,1 lhal
u.,., ,.,.,..ldmak.,,n .,., uth•1•�111 ..1r,.
\l, 1\111n ... th1t r">1 Jll•ll •t•t> hut
• w,o,ld\0 1flo• d1•,••tm..nt ,"llmJ>llllfl"\ n
,,..,.d, n 10 a•"'d ,.�, ,n �111h AIrr,.• I•�•
.....1 u,,. •pa,tlw ,d•nd thNr "O!l 1 bo ·'"
,, ., , ,,
-;i,.. ur1.-, ,..,.n, 1 1 i.. 1 , , , �1 •.,.i ,,. ,. ,,.,
,., 111,,r ..
-n;;11,.,, •nd ,..p,,,1,.,·, "'
"'Plt"'1 "f"""•l•• kdl l l ll!



folk is sweepin ' up

J.,1111 \l:at,1,,.
n, .. ...... m,lk I Ul'•'I\II\ ....., ..... 11,11 �.. ,.,· p ,.,11 ,,.. , ,,nnu, 1.-(I '"' ,\pnl !, �"" ��
''' ,.,d.., Ju m•Or "'<11folk J,.,1< "-• n..,1 dunnr ,n.. ,,..,.. � o! 1-'l",--,n,,n1 � , ,!man·,
,.,,1 ► ..-uu, 1 '1pL••n 1 ·1tanm111 •nd J>f<t(,..,
,.., l)f H,.t.,,.. '"""
i "'"""�"
I .,.., "•�d """"'" I"' LIi.- ,1.-•n up 1> Lll•I 11 ,.,U " 'llrlp .nnan,r uur •-�•• a, I'""'
n, •�h"'••• . ,.,d l 'ann•�h llr "l"oaddt'd th•1 ··1 hlllr c,,vpn•U<in frnm •II "lrhh• nl>
.,frh, ,..i,.,v1 f1.-uu, ,w/11n<1,111d..n.1,, w,,uld n•a�,. , , .,.,,.k "
.\ """' ,Liltn,n ,.,U r■, ..,, u p a l 1h,, 1-o..,.., of l)o,n,- and r..mplt' 't""''°fo, th.­
nw11 .. uf1h, , 1..u up n,.. ,1.1,,on .. tll l>o' tht' n1....un1 pl...-.. ol 1h.. pu11r1p1n1.o. 1,
,.,.II .._ lh� I,• •L""' ul l••>I• fuoh 1h11 woll l>r ll"•d ""' brHon1> 1n<1 �.,,.,.1, 1nd "all
k11 1rt,,,/ 1,,.,1," h,. sa1t1
An add,.d ,nnnt,v,, IJ 1 :-.Uf!Olk l n""'"\\ i!>LII ,\nn"""'"" B,,•ron 1\111 Sw,....p
I -;r,,n ..h..-n ,.,u t,,, i""" tuaU vart,c-opanu v,hn pl..dtt fnur hwno1 mo,,. 1oward
"" pru)"f'I
1·1�•n•1h -..,11 tllal tnr 11•rnill c,..,,n,nuur of th.. ..,.,.M 11 Proftl-Wf nl l"llblo,
� fi
11,b llur�.. ,..., unm,labl• lo '"" an ,
n 8


l o � ,moh•d 111 t h • ,......-pup ""' ,.uuld ro,1u,,1 flurkr 1n10f>ffl V,-,non :lil\01
\,.,1,u,111 'tud,,m Ar\lulln II""'tur Karbllni h,nman ,n k•dfO'WI) f,-·, Othrn 10
ront.1,1 II'> -;1uo,,n1 l"1p11111> Tum \\'l ·n,n and Ann Ma,,.. l"lf'nl\l f..-uh) Capt.a,n•
I a>1naih ,n ,.,..,._., .'Off. A..,,..,11, l'n,fr""" nf [.11,. M•r� l',.,1,n in llon1h11,- 1 1� .
ind ll�••d \\h,.,.1,., m \ •mun ,1:,:, St,(f C'apt•m• l'fufr,.,._,, of Adm1nm11l10n� an<f
11,.,,,, 1ur uf Adm.,.,.,o.,, \\,lham f'u112hll11 ,r, Tt'mplr 1 4 . Ka,rn ConhOf ,n Vunon
I0,14 aM J-,1,.,. f:.t,,.ur, ,n Donahur IJ2

Student forgery
a senous issue

'Rats' in caf
deserve a chance

t uu,.,,




! ll•lrL>•·r._,,.


��::�•�•l ,,',,,• �' ��: ' ,�:�, •I?;;; :�:��,n��

..,,r,•up,• "'"' .,..�1 , ...,
I'll.. •nnuoncrm,,111 um.. """"R li•I
,,. ,,,. k , ("uunnl t � � • u 1 1, .. 11.,ud
num1n•11on, mr,•tonc
t.-.1Juwn11. h" fo1n,a/ uunun1L1on t>,
t" -' l'I ,,.p,.....num .. Al11r \\"h,-,i..,
1·ar1,e,,, addl>"....,.11 ,11,. ,uonr,1 11,. n,,�n
b, nnhl\l lll� ""h»tor11•111 "'lll•fa111,., ,. ul

111, '"'""""""' l arr,�•·• • 111n,.,, , ..
n�, .. b,,,• ., 1 f drr1,·d , IM•• fo,,t u:<1" "1ual t • •
...,., 1,.,,,,.• ,. ., ,ou11nl rhatrpo>N1n
II,· l/lrn annu1,n1· n tll•l II.- ,, runr11n1
'"' a 'ludl'nt t;<t>""'""'"' .\""°' 1411t0fl
"""1,on r,11 11.-�1 ,.., 11.. ,a,n th•I r,,.
P""''"' ' " " t h.. ,·,.u11r1 l m , ic11 1 ni ,... , n;at,..,
.,r • ,-onn« 1 uf 1 n 1.o<,,.,1 H.. f,• 11 thll h,•
1,)<ll<l ··uk.. lh• n..u"ol •n, ......h ,· h••lt"'
t1Ut d1dn·1 tllcnl 1 1 "oulll bo> flrhL W
wt>)"rl lh• , nun, 11 tu u,-, "'l'lak ' 1h11

Allllt1U�h lh,• ,.,;,� ,\Ud) "''"""' m•• ,,.. "' ·· ,.,und"" h
hnan<"tlf A,d 1l1 ft'r!Uf [>,,r,·1� l.,nn>ln s;i,d u ,, lhNT Ir<'
prohlrm, m .., ..n 1hr ,.....nd.,•t vf,, ,u-rn.
Th.. d,i,,,rna wa� mld,. ,·,.,.. .opp•n• lll "ll••" • ""'l ,luth
... bruuKhl b..foh' th" !,tud..nt t'undurt
uud.ont ,.
l"omm,a..,. Thi, wb lhr r,..,.1 t,m, th� l 'omm,11�• ...,
all�d •nto ,,..•�•on \/IIN l9t>\I lri1,>hould bo' l h "1 1 of th..
rni•rn,,.s nllh1> tnricS,,nt
Wh•L 1> mo,.. fn1h11>n1nt lh1n L"" <tud,.nl lort•ne ll••
ld\l>tof', , 1rn1tur• on lh• WOik ,tud, •LIP• for 11', .....1
n1onlll1 •• thr fir! lhal ht>Wp,>n"'°r kn•w lll&l lll1> w1,
(l{Ollf llll lllll d1d nu1hmg topn• • .. 1 1 l 1 I ln . ,, ,i.m wrll ••
lh11ol""'" ,, ""'"�N!o<' fo, an, >IIP,'f'\'1>0r lu I)" nl-•• lh••
Th� J.>u,,.,,/ ,,...1, that th" ..UJH'" '"°' and \hr <1ud,-m
,/IOllldhl\<'t.-.n,.., ....,,u..d
w,. I/unit. 1h11 1h,• S111drnt f,:_,ndur1 l '.,n,m,u.... ,n.,uld
runh... ,n,r•lli!llP (h.. arll\ltw, of 00th l�.. "UdPnt ind
lhf Jd\l,.,.,, SIJP,-n'l>-UI nu-, muu !.>r • "•) Lhll 1hr
romm,n""· 1n,- f1n1nnal 1,d ofr....,. 1nd uu, ,1u!M"n1> <"lln
•111t 1 >1•u-m .. 1t ,11..,,. ..,11tto> add11,on1t rh..rh
1 .11




To.. ,·1nnol bf' c11no1dr,..d1101 •n •wlattd tnr1 drn1 1-0
t,,, f-Oll[Ull<l'n A "'"') ..,,.ou, probl�m l•ltt th,, rnU51 t,,,
,� 11r d now
.. ...

a musical review salu!lng the Urnvers,ty
on ,ts 75th Anniversary

-See a showcase of Suffnlk's "!lost
talented performers.

tli,, _,..,•, R1tn•krll•• t"umm,n ,, hi• wurk•d lunr
hour,, lo t•tUrh 111,.,. -·1111; Jo thr carnpu• h .ti,,uld bt­
th•• ,n,• , Ralh•krlllr Comm1n,... 1h1l tUI" tnr plrl>11n-,

- Enjoy a reception i n the Cafeteria
after the show.
• Open buffet and refreshments.
• Cash bar (I.D. required)


Carriger declines chance
to continue as chairperson

COoNCII 01 PR(SIOI NfS .,,,,,,r,,-,.,,,, n,,,.,.1,1 c-,,,,qe, ,_,,�, ,..,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,..,, '"
,,,., ,.., ,,., , .,,,..,,, , ,, ,,,,,,
_ ,,

A MAN OF 8AO FOR TUN� t1in a �p m f"- lour,,,_ m ,,._
Rr<igeWl'f IJ<,>/d1ng Racan/1'(_ ,,,� /o,,n� ,,,,, r-n ,i COl1nl()II
11,POr fo, .,nlort.,,,1re m•n

of llfflnC lttr1r plan, ind propo,,ab ho-com" 1 ,...t workm1
1llr JlldUallOO fll<"\UI .nould t,,, n1n>1d>'rrd n,..,...""
,n,-n,t,,,r, 111 lhr ,·ornrn1ll "hu .. ,11 nol t,,, ,.,1umu1� to
Uu, 111,tllUIIOn 0( !1• 11f11n� ,n Lh r (IJI 1ml lM••) ,hu<1ld lu•
1bl,. 10-• tllru,.01"koo aruon
Hut th1> i.n,1t 111.. pnrnr,..,,,.,d,-nituor, At,-nduf tn"
,.,..,•. 1,,..l . fllth•lt."ll"' "'""ldC"f' lh• wll""""h a dla"' "
IQ ...,. wllrro• 1hr ...-1rn�.... ,n tllr p,,.p,.,»111 �n• Ill,•
-..oold t"r l/1,• r11mm1t1/•, th,· ,•nl 1r• ...,,nm,., lu •�•·llf)
•"I pr<1blrn1• th•I m11hl .,.·ru r l'hr, ,, • murh """ndo• r
plan 1han lll\lhC thr fi ,..t lhth•k"llilr 1n ...,,,mDF, ,11d
po-;,,bl, nm·,,l,nf thrm •�•m ,,.,., • m,nv, "" ,11..nt
n,,. um• 1> 110" (u1 thr lt1lh>lt,.l/u , 1u n• l u m t " II'•
,·,(, !,ru•

A taste of Paris at Suffolk

A/)fll 1 6, 19H I /, i,,.f(ullf Journalll'tlg.- .i

tn K..n h Fr11n1on�
1�· f1fr
Thr ltuman,t,..• nun-.
tr1n,-.1>, • "°''Ill titth•nnt. d"-.rKh�d to
.nu-.. p,· opl.- 1buul t',..n,-h ronk,nc and
h,"'f)1Uht) . h1uu(ht a t.lW uf 1'111> tu
....,ffolk W t "',....k
fhrr ,. • D an .-labtorl'l<' •rTI) n l t ,.,.,.·h
'"""'"'' frum pL,tty t.o floo,uf 11,ou,ciion
l"l,r ltumalllllf'> (.1uh h,•ld Lh•• .,,.,nl to
m,..,t on,• uf ,u. f\,n, t.,,n,, w t, u h .,., mdmt
UI lhun1n,t1tt Pruf,. <H 1½,udr, ... ,. •· m
,,.,.,...1.. • ,hr, of 1,f,. ofuthn •Wd,,nt.. '
All uf lllr d,shr, ..,,.,.,t -..-,-,- p,rpa,..d b,
<turlr t1l••nd f.,·ull\ wrth n11n1mal fundrn�
/ r u m L hr �tudrnl l . o>1,•111mrnl
,1....... 11111011
ll11rn1•ut1,•• ....,,.,....,,, I .an,.., ,m,tn,
�n,,.,., 10 1hr rluh pr<·pa,...d ,.h,.bn ll'•• r
•nd tn.• H,,�•uf ff.uurc•�non V1a. ;1,..p1r,•d b,
1 ; h , , l rnr O)b>, fn-orh t111n, 1r,d
ltum1n•lw, l.),,parlml'nl-•l•n l A \,ll1d"
'-wu,-.• ,.-a, pul 1or,otllf'r b) Sm, !ho· 111d
,..,an11r f't,tulh, p<r<1drnlof tll,•rluh n,,.
•• • ..1ad Pat�n p"marrh b} 11<•,,vl.. ,n ,,, ,.
ind ....n•t>l-> ur lo•Uu,-.. . tomato•••. 1nd
oth•• •re,tahlr• w1lh tun1 1r,d an, t1u•or,
�01 1"ti..r• w1• .t- t,..n,n
m a ,u1,.,.,n....
"'"" ,•h.-,,..,., 1n<1nb

1 111,..,,.. ..nuu nub hu<p0n,.,,.,d,,
, ha••· """"' ....,,...,.f111. ..·rmd•n1 tu
11,,.ud,,..u �mytli" ..,n ..ti• 1> pl•a.
1houl h.. u,M \(l•k•• Oun111 Jt,.w>ll pt'rforrn
'""'" Sh.- llnpA-H..w,u will dniw I Lart"
1a,1, ·, funrlli>ll
altn,,·t.-<11"'"'•bl. r"''"'d

yourself in the

A page of
personals is
coming in
two weeks.
next week.

l"h,• ("omm,11.. .-un � A � A ff I 1S1un,
•I �u,..,rr, Ar1dt>mN' and ll�i.-11,·h
ln,l1IUl1flfl\l annt>IOn<"M tllil lh..,.. ...
,om.- f\Jnd> ,trll a•·••l•blo, lo, l<Jan� lo
stu<lr11b w h o w1>h lo >lllrl) 1bruad dUrltll
Lh,-rummt wn,nwr l r ) uu 1..-mU-,.."'•d,
pin.., p,c� up 111 appllnuon from l)t
Arlhur I' (1u1»on l"omm1 t1,....0,i1rrn1n
,nf.,nton4:16t,,,fo,,. ► ndl) . APlll2•1

Readership Survey

lu C"' • i,,.n,., ,mp,..,...,., ,., wh11 "'" ,,.ad••tVup
.. uuld hlrtu ...,· m l ll• ,;.,ff<,llJ"u,..,,/ w,. a,,. ,.,.ndurunt
• "'""'' Th., Suffolk Jm,,.NJ/ 1> th• musl ,u,porta-nT-fm'fn
ol rommunK·at""' lhM1 ...._,ffullt. hll> lllll , 1 1,r!.. •nt,1111111
u , .. n,.,-1-,, 1n,- op,n,om 1nd <.rnt,m,•11l� ufu111 ,,-1d..rhs,p
1,..11... ........., th• ..,,,,., 1nrl <lruf' off• uu• ,....,,...,...�.,
'""'"'"' "'''"",Hl.\'.t
l , \\
'h•L -..oul<t ''"' 11�• to ,..,. nl<>t.- uf ,n lllr SUffulk
,/numa/1 a,...,., d,, 1 ,.., r�•·• 111,. J,,,,,n11/ pu1, \uu mu.-h
:! 1 'A
J 1 11.0llld )OU 11 �,. tu ,,..,. n,,.,., ,11 d,·plll .,,..,.n,�r ,.f
IUCII �•U and ....,...,,u,, 'I'"'" "' (1., "'" p,,, r.., """"
ho� ..,.._,..,..�
1 I \\ould Hou hk• tu .,..,. 11\r /.,urn11/ ,..,, .., tr1o•
l"t"�d>'nu ,r11u(Urtl,on •n d p u 1 , , u 1 • �"' •al 7!>th 1....,,.·•
!> 1 \\vuld , ,111 hit.• 1,, .,,.,. '""'" W"• 1&l11.,f\ rluh
ro•..,•tt< ''
!;, 1 Wuu1d , ..,u hkr 1 .. ....- 1.-.. "ud,•nt l "'"'"'"" ,.nt 1rnrl
J>f �n,m !loud t"<»•n<�r o, mu,,:•

;. 1 IJ,u ,uu lh1nk thll th., J,.111'<dl .n,.,..1d n, .. rnu1•
1i, Do )"" lh1nk lh11 t1,., J<,r,1NJ/,llould nrn 1 ral,,ntllr
ofn•n--■t lo,,al �uli..11,.�·•
\I.I \\'ould yuu hb 10 ,rad ""'''•�•• ol p,ofn•1un1L
�mi>.0tkocll.l n....-)"


ltth/f"J �11,mle _.., /Jfl"'' 10,.,m tor
rou ro �" 'f°'" 0,,1t1,o,u , ,,,,.. ,smi
o,., rroe
i,na rho�hn. ,,n.
QI IM S.,rtg/, Comm,#1•/V
l.o•\lP"' mu\! b,• ,ubm11 t.-d Ut lh•
J<Jumu/1 RI . t !j i b,•run � p r11 on
�nda» I v ma�•• th.- !"II '""'l I>

•••• --•"' "'•- 1>'-to•""-'""''V""""
, .. ....
""') •0 .... -...... --... ·""' ""··
•- •- of """'.."°""' •ncllMt


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'•- K•••"F•-,- r.,.,.. c;,,.,,o, "•-•G,o,,-"' t,..
IJ,.r,," ""'"• G, ,,,,,. 11.-,. ,:,..,,_ llffl� .\Oul,..,..,,.....,,
-"'"''fflO"" M,i,o ll,l1c�/, D•-Mu11,,.., 0..,.11,1,,.,...,. R ·
s,.,., ,,.,..,,, ,.,.,.,., Rr,..-, An,, $<:.-,,..,.,,.,,,,. 0,.,,.
Sm,t" .,..., ll,, �" ,,._,_, [11,.., """',P• 0,,<11,n
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1\pnl 16.198/ /Suf(ollr J<Jurnallf"a/1' 7

crr/'11tl ID l't-'il

An ex-hostage's view of Iran

h, l lf'111,..· lt.1h111
\, . ,.,n,nc t .. 11 .m k. 1> 11 .. 1,..,, .. .
• ,. ......... . .1 ,,.. . , , , , t p•·•'I•.. ,.. . . . . ,
.,,..i •n<l ,r,. .,.i,1 1 1,, t ,. 1,<1 "•" · " •1 .. ,,
<1,p1. .n,.1 ,. ., ,.,.,.,,, ,. ,u, 1,-.,, ,.. .. , ... ,,,
r. l�m Ill• " , 1 !! , ,.,J, •11 •<1• I ·• • ' '""
llul ,.t,•l n>•�•. h,, •l•h "" n!,
1 1 , 14,l 111•1 1 1, ,. "'•' "" ' ' " ' ,t ""
\tn• '"•n• k•· PI · •!'''' ' n, ti, "' •• I
+,,.,., .., -·�•"'" ' · 1 .., 1 1 1 '"'',
I\ 1ll11UO !\Pl� ,1 ' ' '"" " '"" , �1 ,. ., ,, r!
,.., ,.,.._ olf• , , 1 .. , ,,,, �1.1, r� r,.,,,,,. , . ,
.., r > h ,,.,,. t , .j ! • " i.�u
•" ,,.◄1 , . , lu,,
"'"""'' I• ,.,,. •tJ, • n,t..", "' ". ·•l• ,.
•"N I I , �,.,,,, ,.,,� ,." "°'" ,11, 1 .,,rt
"'""''" "' " r , ,,t !"''"'" ' r.., ,, , , HO
d••• kul I• lur, " 1•111, Uo1�• t•lt" , " � "!
11. 1
.... rr..11 .,.,,i.,,,c. "" """'"''
...rpu..,,t "'""' l'"' 'l•I• ,1, ltl• •Urt� '"' I"
'l'"'•k•ot k u,dh ,.,n,,, ,.r,1,,,.,.,,11..i.,.,..,.,
n .. n.i,,.,1 1,.,..,.,, 111, 11,
/ ,t,.n ' I 1,-, "'" •"'"'''"" ,,.,..,.1,
�;,,.,, ; d •11 ,."( h� , h��. � :
"'"'' ,,f ,,.., 1 1111. •'"•' H,.,,..,11< ,.
..,111,•lhon( w•· r>·•II• "'" , ,.,., n "
"-•lk • ft11· nl1h l,.,.k,n( n1�11 ut 1
ho· t•n tu, ,1>o••�-1, hi .,., u>i • r, ,. ,..,,d,
""'"'' 1hr ,,,ieiu "'"" .. n.. 1,..,1 tn..u i,, •..,.,
tll• 1bo11�d ,,.,..u.. .u..n1p1 ,, 1,10,, na,
t,,,..n ..,rl 1h.,u1 Lh, 111 n,. >JO,d A,,.,,<1,nr
•" Hrik u,.,, ,,.. !h.. ,....1 n,-r,.,,,
,\, tu "' l!�lk ., •.,,,.• .,,,.,.d !I,• •"11 !h,·
,�n,,, m,-n 1n<1 "•""'" "'""' ·1u,1 d••mr
\h• u rib'' I n fli• I kt-lk had ,.,1u,. 1,•,•r, d h•
lh,•pr,,, ,.,u, Auru,t r,,.f.,,.. lh•


In • .,.,,.., ul �"'"'"'"' •lld •"'"""
Hrlk w1. •bl<> lu r,• I• • • 11t.. dn,1w111, ,-1,•nt..
<1 f 1h,. 1"11p1ur,• 1n,1 ,111111,.,1, 1ud !h•
,..,nLUllfl'l.,•"' •"ft,,..d.,rt,
A1'furd111r1u tn.· ln"'"' •"• •11M•
I ., rmboo.,,, d1d11 '1 hi'•• 111\ , t,,,,, . r,
· n,, "l•I•
fll lll� Ill' Ill•• ,,n,h•,.,
1:,.p.,cm..1,1 na,t r,,,,., ,uf,.rm•·d i.1
...,""hd•• • lh, ,mt>,,.,., 1u<1 1111.11 . , �•rt
t--.-11 .,,,.,,1..,. ,,... to r,., ....n K.-lk
11,.,,,,,,. m,l,Uonh .-nl .. rrd \II• I" ""'
r, nt 11,,1� WIid h, !lluu�Nt .1 "'" 11 , ,,
" "u ld I•• • ,,1 ,n ll••m••n•lt•t"•" n,.
lran11n, h1<1 pr,• ,"K,.J\ l1k,•1 1,.,. ,,,.,.
n, ..11r,- 1J1Jt;.1'1,• "f l h•· .-mt,;,..,,, " " • l> Joul
in.. Am�"'"" > • • a n
nun. rt,�,,.
,11.,.d<•,' K.-1� .,..,1 lNII 1 11 , I -.
t'" · rnn1e111 h�l1 ......., 1 ..,, "'""' d .1.. �,1
m, 1.1k•.,,. •. , • .,<1 ,,1111 ,.,.,,d• " "' 'I' 111.,...
,,..,,,1,, ,..,.,, ""' tl•••t1 llt,• "f'l'"'""·'" h•
eo-, ,...,

11.•lk ,.,,1 , 1 ,, 1 11 ff.,1,ll(.,,hu11 1 " n, 1,..,.
111, lrarn•/\• ,.,,,i,•d \u nul,1 lh•• m hu,1��•
f•., "' 1,.,,� Ht,t h, 11,,., •dll••l1 1 t'lo ,.,.\,
lh.. lran,.n, r•·«r• 11..0 1.&0,11t lh• , rntt.....,
1,•..,, n., 1,.u ' And at,,n h, ,. , .,ofHn•· d
"'' r,..ion(• I•• Ch, 1,.,,�.. ,....-91,
..,,.,.,., ' bitd ll•'"I>'� fh,,, "••ulr1 h,o,, •h•(\
1 . . . 11,•., , ,.•u_,, '
1 h•• , unq,l r l , . ,. .. ....... , 1 .... �
•1>r,u,1111atoh f••ur r,. ,,.,, 1 1., ,,,,, th•I
hm, 11.•rO and .,11,.,. r "" "°'r>1rlm,.n1
•t,•,tr,,..,,1 •II ,1,- um�111;, ,.,m,...,�n "' f,.,.• ,
n"lh111t " ' ll\,-,r !>"'"''"'"' "•• ,..,.,,,
1'h, \nt•·th111!• '" • •• t,,O, f,,.,n 1n,
, mhri.,., 1.. • ,mall , .., 1 . , !>1111,t ,, n,. ,
....,. n1i..n,...,1,.,t "•I� '""" h•n<t, l•·•l
r. n,,,,1 ,11,. ., ""'�' n,. 1an1,.,,. P"'"" •• r
lh• 1,,.,,•�• tJl,r1 �t.. 1,1,,,t " I\" h •Pl• 1o,, II ·"
.,,.ca/111.-,_ "' '"'l'll"·•• •nr1 "' 1 I •"'1
'" " " " ho·••nh • ,,mt� "' lh• � ...ue, ,

••• l•�••I> n.. ! ., r,,..,, .fr, I 1/� t.1,• H<• I
11..1, •It" m...,,., 1n. I"•'""
11. ti,,. fo,1 ! '" " ,. ,. . .. lh h•"'"l-•
" ' '• n 1< •••·d l,,u, ,., 1 ., , 11m,·•
II. ii • 1•1h• , u ! '"" I�••• <r,, 11 ,.,
' " " "' ,,.., 1 1111, , I I • �· · l .u, n,,,, -..., .,.
f 1 , , , n,r,. , ,,1 l ·• '• ll, ••• •n1. 1.. ,1,-..rn,
. ., , t, n1•I• ,, , .1.,,..,, 1-... 1 ,,!h• t• d ,,...,, , ,. ,1
"" • 11 1 .... � " ' ' u1 '""' ' •• rum It• �••
1,.,,. . .,.. ,, r. ., ,. ,, ,. , , ,..,.,1><11,,. ,,., .. .,.,, ,.

\\, i , , 11 1.. ,J, ,,p . , n n , . tt ., p. .,..,t,1,
11.•ll ..r,11 h, hnn..•U """•II, E"l Uj!Ml•"'lld
INJ • tn \tC,•r •·•�•• 1\111� u,,,, ,.•. ,_ f,.d
bh•�lht "h,rh n•r,�,-t,,d 11( b,.·ad •lid
t>utl..r 111n to•• II ! •.Ill p m ill,., ,.,.,,
l h •· m...1-. tlh>•I "'
i1,�n """lh,·r nh·,ol
1n,- 1un, ,. •. ,. p,..u , r,,,,,t " -,,,d ko-11
f ,. p•-.. 111,, \1mr 11.-!k <11<1 ui"<>ll
pafl .. Lllul, , h.......i p..,u.1 ,., ..r h,_ ,.,,,
\l\ l.oh• r ,.,.,1, ,_,,,_ ,.,,.,. t,,,�011nm1 I"
l oul hk, 11•• " " ,nl"d 11,. •lw ,.,u,1,.
'\t1<1..u..... 11..
1, . , 1 , , , . ,..,,, k.i1ur1h.-�
"'"•t• luh1,,. f, ,Jo,0411, ,.., ,.,.,,(! f"••
IJur111� 1hr muollh• ,.f •11Plr"!\ k-•11
uflh ,..,. ,,.. 01h.-1 ho,uo1e<• • •nd h,. ,.1,
�,t, .u......,i "'"""' r, .. t,m�, 11,• l,ad ""
10t'1 , , r 1 1t.- ,nt,•n.,, ,,.,.. , . rn , n \m,•rn·•f"'
lh• r,.,,u,�, , H,, al,., h1<1 "" ,<1,,a of 1h,
r.,1 •.,1 ...... u ,, ,, ,,,n,pl �n,,I I�,, I � "'"'''
l11 t • (•1d, 111 lhr lo• 11cl h ul l1m•· IM,•\
... ,n "' ,apm,h 11.·ll ,(1hd 1 1 • 1 n,
. ...·1 ...,.,,,d �,..... lh• r,...,i, ·1 ..r lh•
l n1l,•(l "l•I•••
1t., ,,_,., J,•rl lh•• r•-,.·u,
al!,•nipl "'"' · • "�•Ir ,,I l . m, li..,.w., "'
ti , l•n" , l, m ,· n! 11,., ,.,,ul < 1 <1••f h•••
l•>.od• 1 1 , ...1 11411 lld� d•-"I•·• l l h, , I• • 1"•1
.,J H ..�1111 n1d""'"'lll,n C h • fl•• · " " l .. 1,
... 1,.... '""'
Im••" • .. ,.,,,, , .. ,.1, , 1 1n,
�u,rt ••f pr, _,,t.-ul lh, < rh , ,I ,., lfl�t
P•fll•Ul•r 1 1 '11<' h• �11! · t \1\,11� IIIAI ,
"11•1 h•• !\•J>J>••n••d •�luo
lh 1 11 u,1rn..., ,,f l '< 1<1 J 1h.. n•"••t-·• , .,
l h.., ......ld ho 1:u1111 nun1o- l t n lth l loth uf

Some ideas for Easter entertainment

Lo y l ) a n ,\lumanf'
·· tt••• nm,.,, 1•, 1..1 l <1ll,.nl.;,1I
htopp,ngd<1",1th<' l>lln11, tr••I
,• .,,, P,•tl'! » •Im,,.( •I lh•• �unufh,,
tntol •.:..M�• ,, >;u nt1•1 n,,, rn:1.,,..,.,�
.... • f<'W Wff•"hOO• or ....., 1 .. d••
t.-ro,. . du rn1 r 111<1 •f\�, th.. n,>11<1•,
l',,rhap• �""' n1, .. . 1,...1d• uwuct,1 .,, of1h..m. p,.'rh•f11,,.u hij,,• ,,.,t
I'll� Uo,l<'• ru•d>• "• tr•dihun . ..,<1
wt,u ur ,..� l<J m�"" ,.,U'I U•d1hun'' ...-.
ru oul .. i"t ,.,.,,..., ., lhU .......
,t guh I n�,.
bonn"l Wh,lr ,,.., •,..
dn-... wit, l>lth rot>,,, und�r,,,-�•• 011d
..o.-h v...,•u ,....1 '"'" ,n ,,,.,, n,,,.
dothr> and ,f )OU wanl to lr•I "'""
t,o,1...,,. Nlu1" thrm 10 1 1J1J• P'"'""l>.
�:a hunt;, ano tun fu, rh,tdfrn of
&ll 1ft'1. liowu,r , ,r yuut p.o1¥11t;, ,n)l•l
you .,., LOo old and ,,M" to h,dt th�
f'CP, JU.i, p1drunk1hfo n1(ht b,-fo,.. &nd
bul,, lhrm y ...rwlf Thu w•}.you11 bo
LOo hunp•• 111 tilt moounc w
...mem� wh"" lh�)' Uf, 1nd y ou 100
cann_loy thrlhrillofU,rhunL
C.U up ...-,nJ ,..1tauran�&nd m1b
,.....nal--., for t1ot•nl)'•frtf_ Of..,...,.. ,
you and I know y ou •on·1 bt th,,... but
JUII lh1nk of UM lool on tM m&1111' .d'1
faot wh•n ll'O ont illo•1 upon Sund,ay
•I I 00. Th..a, lw•r a ,o<Ml lau&h
f.11 dlocol.llt' w11tll you U,,uw up
You •IH.>Hd lotl o f aondy , .o buy ,n
OaCI' you
bul•. bt-tidn it'1
ha•e your .-ipplin, ,u IO iL Rip lhat
bun11y '1 fa<:f' on'. Gna• CJ11h10laoil. Sud.
his lnalOH ,..L Thow •IE" ••lb lh•
rn-am DI Ow middle will tum u,11 IJ>r

t>r,,·l o,un th,- pf•t •n<1 .,..,....m ,.,.. ·,�
i,,.,.n P."""",.<1 r�u .,,.., 1,111.. bmcn..,
,nu •·•n 't 11,, 1,••,., no.. �«h h<' 1> irod





Vin Maloney - "Blessed with a good horn "

��� �
::•� 1�"A: ,�:�, \
••� I nrl,• Jlw k "h"r,, nr"hul hi> bolll�
th1. i,m,, You will t,,, lm�d hO"
quo,·•1, 1n,, whnl., f•m•h ,.,JI nork
1ruu,11i 1uu r11,. ,.,JI i,., ,.,,,,., ,r,IJIJ·,..
•hll huoi,.),,., from h•dm� lh• rot..,
<'U>Tak• tn.. rahb11 1h11 ,ou,.,,i.r, rot
for t_u,, 1nd i.-1 1 1 IOO!il' 1n th• bark
,ard. Th•n ro an.., ,,
wolh • bo•
1nd1rrow Th1,w,1t r1< � v w 1 rerl1 niof
"hll lift "'b hk� t,,,fo,p Star Mubt It
w1tl1IM1makr you1\IIU'r "'•f'<'<'h
Drop thr ha,d-bo,led, nilon-d ru,,
wt thr tllordnourwtndo'W 't'ou Q n W't'
,f lh•y ft'III)' In> hard boiled 1 n d 1bo
drop lhrm on p,i'Opll' you don't hb
Thu will1PVP)'011•mothrr101T1rth,ncto
d..,.n up on Mond,ay, •hrn VI• hu
notbn1 1 b.<tll'r 10do
l.aat, but rulliotynol lH•t, youun
fOIO lli• tlolld1y lnnin Som,nUlt1nd
ta,.i.., &nny Th1t•11lehl, lw11
bl' llippll)' hoppinl from II� lo llblr
"' lti• m.&ln dinin1 room. His bi1 lloppy
u11 •�I ,:o.oo-dinal.e •11h hla pink fur
and whit. buthy couonull. f'or lhow
ii no •::.:Si., Bunn� .
•ho 11:now
llwn y ou mldll a wtU k.i:io• th11
bth,nd th- blc whbltB wm ba o.....
8ndley Alto knowl'I, up until now . H
mat"tlolllln Ofthr llollday lnn.
lf you hav• noth1111 l<J do on
Monday . you ca n ro tocourtandwat.:h
o..,..·, .,r. n1r rord1•orw.


Go I.U rhwrcb £•rn ,t yw arr no! 1
drvot..Gwonh1p,,r, eoanyw1y Youcan
vu.-,.., 11 IN' IH'OPW in tht Ilk,.,..,.. ,
•ho 1,.. _ann1Lmt yn,'1clothn. Thn
ll1l&0•n opportunity to.tlo•offyour
IW'• •ardrobt
Want IO bo thr "'""'r of 1ti..n1>on�
Thra ti,. obn.aaiools at IJ>r r1mUy
dinn..r. T•tr I btlt' . lhPn r,plt thP food


J1nu1n th• nnh\lm, tuld k,,,I� �,. ""' •
,.,,.,d,fl•" ,., br f1•••-d 011,·r tt..,1 i..,ardr·d
th, .,,pl•nr in�, .... ,., 1lm<ht "-'"' 1t...,
,.,,n rumr n,.m, ll.-lk trrall,·d hn,. th,
h1n,�n 1111l1uo11i. \111,.d l'P "" bo,th ,uto•, ••
th• hu,1111-· •"•· •• llornr\1h11 ftum tt1,, t,u,
'" 111•• ,,rpl•n,. •n<1 ,tu,ulrd 1111 tu..,,
-n,�11,1.. . \n,
lh•·, frll l h , , ru"I "'•"' llo·ll,..,d
11.• lk <1,.•.,,, -1 f,·, l h• ..uff ,, .11, ,11
l•"• h"luto••I ,.ff�, l• ff,,m lh• "rtt-•al
t l n , ,- u11111 n1, . 1 . . ,1.. 1nlu,, ..,.,, . ...... ,.
I •II! ,. ••·r,
n, ...1d
•It•"'�" ,;,.,t po r..,,n I ,, •h• - ' , n,,,
.,,mtnft•hl• ,.,thnl\ '" II
rt,, IHb•f1 11� " ..,,• .,,. 1 11•1 !h,
1 1 1,
•u"l•>1< • h•<l t·•· ••"• '" ' "'(Ch. u fam,h .,,11
fr,.,nd, .. ,.,. pr•n11r 1h f,., P"' "••l•<E"•'
,. .,,,., a,, •.,<11nr I<• Kril Ill,·•• ,...,.
"""II "'"'"" 1,.,kn1t 1! nuu 11,· ,., "
,..,,.,,,.,..,� •"""I 11,, """ 1,.,. •••11 th,,
..�,,• •uml,•tu<l! •t,.,ul '" .. lh l"li! Oo,
.OUltlO·h • •
,..1 u 11 1,1 1 n.., ,,1u11,.r1l•• \m,1·,. <1,rt
Krl• lu ll, ,.,.i,,. i, .. ,. "'"�" th• .\m....�...
P,·•'\>l, ,.,,,•. , ,..,• •.,n,,t ►.,n•ul.. ltun1 lh•
•"I"'" ,n \,.., \ .,,� tu "'•••11)00111
l,•d••nl\ ..., ·ch•· nH"'l h,>&Ul 1 (UI "fl\l
h,• r,,., "'�" ,,. n" t,f,. .. ,.,d k,,ik ··hu
l l m,1.-. ,, ....a-1 ..,1 u/ A...,.m •n n.r,.
IW'lk 11.,.., f,.,.1 ,om.- 11<oo-d h1> n,n,.,.,..,
" f l lh• h•M•�· ,,r,tr•I Cn,- 1 n1 1<•<1�ta�,
n11, n,.,,,,.,.. .,.,,,,, un,f,..d "k,�ht """'
,.. ,. .. , ,1n•nt!• 1<1i:,•th,-, no fm,· uuh:1
n,n.,,t,,r t.o/l•n• ,.,, Am.,.,,... '
I n, ,.i,,.,n.. 1, p,,..d 1n11 rm 1n
�" '"'""" r,1,i, n I m proud 1h11 ,c na.
�nlll'd lhl' •.,,.,,nln " tt,, .....,1 un 1. . ....,
··1•,..,111, �r., "' l'iu"' '""' l'h•l\ ,.,..11,
f1n1.1,111 '
k,,ik ...,., 11,m. ·lf••• hum•n,1111111 ·t
11.. -,,,,, 1 1.. ,,..,.,n c
n,-1,.., , H• f>o'"f ll•
�, ... ,. 10 -�pp,,,1,n1 • 1e<"•rnn, I"'' ,..
l',•.,f!I• h•'" a ••�Ill t,, ,·I••• , � ,
1-...1 lh• eu•,.tron,.•nl n,u,1 f\l\,. •·0111p�•i<'
,..,d I� lk 11,.,....,., Ill• fl""pl,
p, ..., ,
"' , ,,1<1,0� to K.-lk 11..,,. 1n,· r,rnt 11,, t,anr,
lt•• l!m<'fnnu•nl llu 1 1-l,,lk f,,,.l, l\hnmrru ,-

�:':,�,:::;•II-.�:• ",'�,...,:. �;',:�:.:�it�\1,1

� :1
.... ,.,,.,, l\h••nW,U >1h•"• • f •• n•• ...,, ......
.,.,,., r., ,,.,,, ..,11 b n,-rn n,111
tt,.10 P'il• r•h ll " " r 111111, to1..1,d,
lr•n•�"' I 1 "Ul<1n I hotr 111, llod, 1f I
,, .,,<1 1 .r l • P""" l •1 lhr tP,t or 111,, ..,..1u
•• d,111 1 .,,...f1 ,...,,nr, l'lh·• ·•• mado• Lh,•11
p,>,nt "• , 1111Hu" f1 •t tn.., , m ,>U1k.-onr
llu1 <1.n1n,1 oon·1 1,,111 11app,•n 1r•,n ··




Cut out dotted
circles to make
bunny ears!

' l 1t1•11 k l ,vdth•l l ,o ., t,1.-,..,.,t ,.,Lh •
ft,,...., .,. 111, .....,,. ,,/ 1 ,.,
,...... """'
,1.,,.,..., l h , 1..•nuf ku.1..n i,,, ,.<1, .,1,,­
" " " n.�-' .,,,,.,., � ....11 11. 1.., 1,., ,., .1.,, , . ,
\1uni,l , �r1. ., , , "'••••• , , f 11,,. .1. . . . ""11
" • 1
� :;, : 4 � .·:..: :�,'\

bu ...n..�• r,., I!, , •• ,., n.,, •t ..,. ,,. 11.. •••t
!'>11 1\Hlltl \\l,n ll,.,,."
n,. ..,�h \lal""' , " "" , �•• ..., ,
••u1,p,•ho 111.on , , I " ' ' , , " ' t,, , �f�" ,.,,.
•"d r,1,,t ,,,..,,1 ,.h, ,. 1 , ,,u., . 1., r,u .... ,...
Jt, .. ,.,,,un .., n,. 1""'• .,, , , , , .o , < 1 , ..
" 'P'"'"hl, 1,,, ,
t» , ,,., t
11.. 11,,..,,.
llf.,.OII• d I"!
Ital""• 1 �"' r., ,,,, ,1 " • ., • 1 , ft, ,
!,,-, ,.,.<1,1 "' • \\ I'll"
'""'· "
l'r,,.,ci.,,.,. ll ,l•tl ••t ..1.n " • � •
I" r ,.,... �
k.n,,. • d "'"• " "'"'' ,, , , ""
• •"il'1 1!» l "" ' "ll'I" ! n1 •"'' ""' t l rt
,,.1. ....
.. , 1MIH th• .- 111.. ,�'"'"
t. ,,,.,,., 11.�1 , ,.. ,. ••· .,,. ... , ... '" ,�.
,.,,.,r...i p,,,,,.., , "'' ·• " " · ,.,1.. . ..,. . , r.,

��·1,,::t ,:��"'�':.�-..

111 lh• l'<nu,_ h•· "•' • 1,, 1,-,"''"'
..11,ll, ,rn1au .ond ,.t1 to•• ll, 1h 111 l., h, 1,t,,,,1
•' •nlu,t wh..n n.. """'"'""'•lh ,n,uh �d
"''� I I • ,..b,-• I
11.o ,.,..., ,.�. • " " ""'k "' ,..,..i,
,. ..,.111 ,, ••�• ' 1 ,., " " · , n,..•·••••t ""
11••'1 11r n••••<ln•t "' "'l h1••I"'" h,•,11
r,,.,, /1. 11,o. , ,.,i,.,. .w.- •<><1
••, .... , II• ,t,..-, ,., '" • .fl,1
,tu,.,., n,, r.,u, n., ·,.,..,o .. tt ..t
""·••l• .,f ,,. . . •••I< '1•" •I'll 1"" .oh

-�'' "

·l!!h,..,�h \l•1,.,,.., " ptu,u1 ,.r h,,
,.,, . , 1, .. , ..n1pohln,·1 1,,... 11,, · n,.,.,
"""• lh•n111 ,ll11 nc,.J,_. 11f.,uduft,,.
..,. ,11,t •·•t fur hf., tl,• ufl,.11 r, .o•l• .onfl
.,. .,1, .,,,,,h,, ,p,,r,· l•m,.
,1., .... ,., 11,·lo, .. lhMI 111.. ru,u,, ..f
1.,,.,n, .,t,·•f • 1ll hluif m•n, , h1r'l1e<·• lt,,
,.,.p,,, 1 t.. .. . .. . ,,,..,,.., ,. ,11 ,-10.11r """ •
"''"' 11'"11"• 11t1M° n.-1111 '110,_ n .,1 lh"
, , .,, 1, . , ....,. l m co,,11 ,,f n,·1rn1t•llr•u•
fi,... ,,11<1n1urd.,,, \\lw u h , 1e<•t ha, � r,um
11.,,i,t II•• II h• .,..,. ,.,,..1,,_. llpo'
,... ,.,,i, 1 • ., ,h, r, ,,1 11.,.., r... n ....r,.,, ,.
n,,o\;nr •I ., ... ,drral,•<1 pi,• CO<bl •nrl
\l•l un,., "'ut11d••1h.., c,, haw•1u b.:l,1t-,

Learning about the Lane

hv ,lort1 \bnfrt•ttunlll
It"" rt,.om 1uur• 1'11,,. ,,,.,, ,uH,,·d
up u, i1,,,.,, H 1df•· ..11, l-1<>, ,,. •..,, .,..,
fin,•, ,,.,.,. n11,i.., lh,,.,. t,n,,.,• \\l,�1
I \ P• uf .,b,11,, I � • n.,,. , ""
S,n,,• ""llh•ml,.., . m, r�p,..,,.,.. ,,,
wal�mr up an<t dn"'" R,di,,,.a, l .;i,.,
n., .. i,...,., ,.,., amu,m1 Ju, 1 , ,.,1,,,.u,
r.., ,n.,uo,,. .. l 1,111mhl,-d 1nt•ou1n ,n.,.,,,
I .,,..,k\ '"llllh o( '""'""'" • !fart>&!!•

:.�·��! 1:�,;� ��:::\·; ��:���� ��:�

1 1'.
th� rt,nduw><I thll n, ,,. .;,, mu,\ h,,
'"" n ...un, 111.. 1r ru r,.1n.. ,un"•1o>d••I
,.u,. �run, m,1l , ..1111e• JII"' fhh
ll.,.·11 \la, , , n,,1,.�!I• •rod ham In
'"""'� lh,, I .1,0 ,..u 11<1 ••mpll
,1,n.f<>•111 pa◄hr,· , ,t11>• ,,,.,., m•••I
, ,.m,·, ,n •I 111.. -up,•tn,.,1,1, and •
• 1"-'PI" nf • 111j>h br,\r, ..( .,,,.uff•t•
'"""" d1nn,.r,. •m1r,1 11.,,. 11,ot,n ., l•h
n11hl ill ll1t ••lr ,· 1
, ·,.01u,u n11 up 111,, 1�0.• I n.opp,..,,,<1
I" .rufn, tllf•tutli I 11,h "I />"J"'" I
,.,•ht,-d lf:r\ 111u,1 ha•r h,·lunJ"d '" �
Suffol O t n,.,.,,11, ,1udr11 1 l 1m•rm•·•1•
IMll d;irk h•tHbOJm.. 1,111 ,tu"1• n 1 ,. h o
whd• u u h" • a • t" ..ii..., dn,pp,•d ta,
PIP"" Qu .. kl, I r,-,,.,c thmu �h 1 1, .
P.l"'"'h,:,PH\J h > f1 n d 1 n•m" "'"''' n •
ph,.n,. nun1t..<1' I nfortu11.1h·h nl\
"'"•m •rutrd ••lh nu mo,r k111 .. l,•d�
M ) b.- 1 '11 hl\<• lurk nnt 1 1m,
H) no" l uo n11 r w " up tti.. 1,n..
M) no... l> )IUnl b\ I >t"'n1. p u11C,,rll
odor I look aruund bu 1 <"•n n<>l fu,d

,lj\\!h 1111 ¼ l tt>•N1 -. 11 n m 1 .. •lk.bul
ui, "du• b,•rum••,mu,h ,,,.,n1e<•t I luu•
lo m.- ,,1nr ••ld lh.,,.. , , , . nn, ,mp1,
t>.>111,. ,.f J�-• lkn1..l, 1nd an �mpl} .u,,
p,o,k uf M,rh,-lnb r,,.,,-, Ob,.ou>I,
,.,m..un, .,., h•,lnf -uch • 1uod t,m,.
11,.,, lurrul LU lhru" •"I) lhl'11,,
J """<1•• 1 how u,.. , m�•1 or f,.11 •fir,
lh•I •"'''
r1,.. ,..,1 .,f m, ,...rk u p th<' l•n.. ,.
,.,,,. u{ ••u1d1n1 lm••••r. tla,.,, ,11,k1
bullhl, rum doc ,,,.,.1.. ,nd1h, p,r,-oo•
I l\a1 , fmall, manr- 11 1n 111,, tup I
i.... k bi• k ll th. ,t,,ph;,.n1.. .,,,r,,1 of Ln,
11~ l luul. 1n<1 • •>nd0'/ 11n, .nould
H 1<1'"""', lnol hb th,>' \ uu ,n,1,
..n,,.,. , 1 ,1-11,1 nc thr f1fl lh•llhl' i!.1 h
"'"'";'"'"' , ,,mm1t1N• " pl•nnu,� •
• h •n 11p kt-•• ••" ll,ll d•," 111 ..·tnrh 1II
.,,.(f,�� ,1110,•nh -.,II d•·•n u1> Ii...,.,,.
11,U \\,.If I .a, ,. n,,.,p,-,· ' U1d 11 t.ob
u, .. .... r,. .1� I n,, •.,..,. •dm,>IL(lll
, ,,,11,, t " ,,·111 11, '"" lau,· mu,t t,,
1,., ... ,r•
\\t, 1 1 ,, , 1• ..,,•.d ..• ,.,11 1,,., 1,,
,.,.,1 1•11 ._.,lf,� l • 1·�•111 �""""'"'"
'"r •I \•1,.l>o' , lr�n.-d •111n� I l h 1t1k ,r ,,
,,,•. ,�,1)1>11.,b,l,h .,r ,n� '"""I• ,u ffolk
l n 11 , r,,1, , ,.,,,.,.un1l l<>k.-vpth,• l..on•
• 1,.�" 111,., all ""'' 1h,,u1 IOll .,.,ff.,I�
,rn<t.-nt.. ""I� up an<t down 1t , ,,.,.
<1•• ·
""ddo-nh ! "'•• 111lrtf\Jp1•<1 h -.-.,
n\\ l>l,<'ld• H()o' "it, Jod1, r<)ln( d""'"
t h.. 11n,," ,in,, 1, k,-d " \ p,," J , 11d1r.d
tue,-tn,., ,.,. h�Ml�d off,1111111 lh1•t1m,.
d<>.. H,dtf'WI} Lan,•

l p,.,, 1nr<1u ;,1m1 rrum h!fh ,;o;-nool
. -Ilion¥, .. •11 l<> work hu l th�n dr.•1·1dt•<1
..11h .,.."tan•·,. fru111 '!;uh) Suthnl•nd ht•
h11f11 .,.,.,,.., hum.,roum �1rhrr IO tf1 ll>
,,ollrr,• ll�\IM1k1 11,ctn n,u,.,.. 11 •.m.-,.,.,,
l�•rn•ur nu,. lu ,,,,.,c,, •.,..,,p<,w"' n•11,..,
f.,1 • 111 1tu· • n u.... r1.,r,dm( lt1ho• • I•"·• • •
fl,, •ll�nd<•<1 .... Hui� 1 _. ,. ,;, h•b•I II,.
.........-d • O<'lr,-.. , n 11,. IH,t ll1, n•·"·•
1..... , .. ..111...
\1•1un.., -.pob 1.-1 l hu"�' "' lh•
hl!lur, ht.r,lrtrn� 1l.,-,u1 hi• •·••�,., •1>d
••P•t•! """ · 11,. ,.,m,,tnmt ! llal )OU Ilk••

•nd J:t'l p,,ul Im > I " h � 1d\1.....d 11pmn1
�•urn1l1�u 11,, 11.., lll'h•••Pd I kno,wlrdr
:nd•>h 11nJUII:" ...... hPlpful 1nd
..r tn.. �
know1r.c how tq' ""°II W111 • ha>I< ,lnll
..-h,..hhadiub,, �trr,,d
801n ,n 11<...1on . !olal<,n•) ,.au 1t11<1U1t<'
..r .,.,m,-n,11,• ll11{h .,.·n,,,.,1 ,,1 ...,,m.n1U,­
ft,i(h It, lr•rn,•d th.. {lnr, p<)-tnt;,of'P""'h
111<1 ,u.J ron1 mun11•tum fmm S..1h,.,l111d
-.i,.. 11,-lp.-d h,n, frl ,nto lb, �t..11n1
....-...1� •nd h O' •• •Pnlualh bonn ,h.. <'la·
orator .\11!011•·\ -· !,Uh hf,.�...,, Wllh I
rr•·•C "hurn-

·'ii! �·__


- -c


- �,.._..__....... � .

:,-::._ r---=. · ·--::- ·
· --

.:_ • ---..7

. .. -·:



A f·. .

:� ·
fi. �





-. �

.,. J,




.,;� ·

• �� �:

,"'., ,:- ,':.
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_. f

�- _, ., ' -.;

lltDGEWA Y LANE ,. fU(lfl()i,,d ro /Jt!r/;t,in,Nul) w,11 , , , r1N10Nl1An,lhow loflfl

..,.11 ,1 Jldyt:INn«I'

The l:.'cl'iler Season -

Not what it used to be

by l)onna f'1lk
Crn•m thmt• b,,.-omf nolatl\'I' with
llfflP 'llun11 lh•t WH.. rll1h shlllt'rme .,
.,.. fi•·• -n1 nd1<"Ulou• 1I 2!1 llune• thll
..,.,.. ult1mu• tol1�r .. a rt,,ld ""'
ult,mlll'.-<'$\1,(') """'
k•""'mb,,r ho .. )uu h111>0 tobo> ...nt lo
brd or for<'w'd 10111down101 111n l of,u,1k,nr 111d �ttpmc w,r�
•nd polltori' f
lwo of tht hllrd••' pun,shmrnu lhruil
upoo u,urhtld,..n
I r. :iom.on, ordt,..d mf now ui
nap m 1ht 1rt•moon. o, fOrN"d m• IO ut
fflfll1 1h1tho• 1l,..1dy bttn prfpU•d fi11
m•. btin1an1dul1 would bt 1 lol t1•1tr
FY•n hoUdlp low mudl of thf,r
duldWt my.i1qu• u ,.., 1row oldu. Ell)i,,,
!1 bt,n1 Cf'lt"b11u-don April 19 th1s yn1
The d&y, of huntln1 for t:.,i.e1 rui 1nd
w1kin1 up11 d1•n1,.. ov••
Th• anhdpallon and ur1lt'mn,I of
dn-11ln1 up ,n bnnd ntw clothH hu
diJIOlvMI • bit, ir ii 11un·1 di"PPU"d
•ltofPlhff. I "''"''""'' tht Wttb btro...
i::& 11 1 little pl whfn my mother
to ""an:hin1
marched m, from
for tht P"'lllf'Sl d,..... with thP P"'lllflt
fl1ll11n d � lhllwe could nnd. '
Loo•in1 for m1tchln1 p1i.nt lulhu
lhou utd poc:Utboot, tnttsocho, tifhU
1d�d IO th,- tun. Huin1 Morn nu my hnd
with et1rleri 1nd pin1 on E•• hy�d
up the mood for IJll' iw•t rnomln1 tun

1.1,,. ,


So,-, th•lut th1n1 I thmkabou1 wh•n
E lfr roll> tround •• I n•.. OtJlfil and
hun11n1 ror f' sL•• •t1C• 11 ....m, hb lht
bf,)! thln1 about lh• hoUday 1> u,� mn- f1�1
th1t1l'> 1 h ohda) 1t1 d l dJ't'Off
Who on u,... , rlfhl m111d would choo,..
Ul l"I up wh�n t,W, wn brnh" Noon hmt
looh .w •ntlr,n1 111d the Iii.moon mnl 11
1h.. onl) JUSllt1hl• rH1,Qn for.-.n rolhne
ou1ofHd 1t&IL
Whfn fl 00 Lm uwd ID rome ,re.,,,
wll•I wtmf'd Ith boun in bHI , It COIIIM
around ,u LOo qu1d:Jy now 1flt'1 • lone


Villon,, or •mptyln1 thr £u1..r btibt •
doun t,mrs no lonlf, du.,. In my hud.
Tht Joni Elsl-fc1 11\tmooo i.tnt.:hnahnd.
Wh•n countm1 _11Hy bt11111ulf'd c.o t,,. tun,
findln1 1 spoton thtcouch to1 1 lon1 n1p
,n fronl of lh• pua� or Crltlcs pm, 1•
Tht df,y1 or drul!n1 ., and Q,..f\lUy
ptttin1 ID � W1tr &111ny .,..
ront, l"robtbty tht ntat tlmt webtc,;,m,
uriud by • Jtlly bt 1t1 o r 1 chooolac.,, rq
•ill b,, wl,.,n wr•,.. •aldlln1 our own
t"tllld,.,n on Wlf r momln&,
y..._ &II thinll� •ith linw. Whilr
�ruM-d t,;, bt•n ucilln1time ror m•y
n,U<)nl, 11•1 ,tlll &n ucilln1 lime, bu! for
different ,..,�n1,. I p.-u !on1- timt
U'llctltions wijl ntv..r rhutl". just � tlnd
ofpriari1y ptil:Nl on l.bem..

The Journal
the Suffolk community
a happy Easter
and a
happy Passover

Progression - retrogression

Ram Baseball

Aside from balls and strikes
Walsh handed
t he reins

' walks away'

h, J ( urtul

t " t ,r,•� "I"""'
I In \luto<t.1 •I! • "' '"'''
11,,11,..,�nln I.fl .. ..... , .., ,,,, '><Jlfn!�
,,,,..1w,u h· •·" II ,u, ... �, h , ...1�. <1 ....
1>"ld1111 n.. n, .,, .,,. • l , h � 11 pl••••f\
.,,. r,acl 1,, ,, .,,., II, i.,r, ti n,,,.,,. ,,i.,,,1,
, ... 1 ,,f t»• • • ' ,.,,,.. lt., , ·r,.,1• • ft, ... , \
I"" ' ' " , r• ,1 ,..., r,.,. n,•<1ul,·<I '" Ill• P•" <h.­
lo••!>l ,.,, ,1 , c•m• •�••11,1 1 .. n, 1 ..u, �• ,11,.
.., . , N, , t ......i.., ,
\ ,, ,. .,r II" ,..111,!••n• .,.,, ,.,,., ,,,
l'.,11..u1t1 t" '" .,�·•• ,., 11,n, 11,,..,. "'"
�rouj> <1,.,..,_.,1 l'.,1,,.,,�hll\ ,,."�"•'·'"'
!I>• ollh•• 1•l•• • •• ,.,•••• •l 1ll lh, •l.!>HI>
•ICl>U1� .. 11, Hh·r ·•! ""' " h"l<I lh,
� tu•dul, <1 p,., ,,, •
1.-n,p,·" ,.,.�•" ,,. n•., •..,,.,,,_ """' .,f
1/'I, h•llpl•••·•• .,.,Ill • rep,-1111', �ll•••ll"n
· -.11 .. ,, "'" 1.-a!lo•r·•
"" ""'
\;tll,1" J l u , , 1 , . , J.,,..l>h "•hh
Uu ,,..,,1,11111 . ,,., !, 111u1, , "•ll•..,thtl\ .,.••
,ppuu,..,,1 h\ \lhlrh, llu,• J•ll1.,,
'-••J.,.,n ,, 1n.. ,,..,., h,·••1 , • .,, 1, .,1 !h.,
r,;,,-. b,11 1,•'\'
11>• ,.. .,,n,1 " '" .,,, • ,..,...11 ..r
\\•ll•"l(l•t>\ lhr<H•U\(11 h•I .,.,., lllr l>a1 1 il\�
,-,,r., U>"•"l> lh• <'h•rlr, ,1 1.,1 • ..,,., •,
p,,.,1. .. 11,1-,, nut•f"'tl ,,.,.,.,.,. .,f -.h.,
h,,.. ,
,..1..,,, ....,. �. 1.. 11 , u.. .,,1111, ...11 11,..
n,m • 1,•mp"'"" 1u•• »I ,l»o•m�
1\ 111,n•&hh\ "''·' lnhl n"I 1,1 b,• p,,.,,.,n! 11
11,1 �!UHil\ , tloubl, hr•dt-r •�l«1>t
\,...,mpu,.,1 I ,�1,•f>' ,.,i,,._,n Jold th,· 1 1m
b,•fuu 11,.. llll\.. Lhal �ll>h ...., ,n1..nm
, ,,., h ,n pl1,._. u1 11•11•>11�111'>\

--- ----

'Don 't quit on 111e,
I 'll be with you

'-e l ...,;, ,.,,11,••ll,.<1 n,- ,·1,-. •I Ill l�l •n•
"" Munda, h • m....1 -..,u, 11,ltuurt" II•
..rr..,.-d � ,11,...rnb� in ,.,1rn"o" "' n ..
1...,,. ..r ,11...n,·.. b u 1 h ,· .. ••fu....<1 rr,.,
r,• 1-0Pl [,,r th� ,., 1..11,1,,n ,.._ I<> •• �••Utl •n•
,.mba.f1a, .m,•n1 fur .,.,ff,,I� I n•••·•"I\ •nd
W,lluuehb, � ,..,n ,,.1,,. ,.,
\nthu,I\ ,,�nnan 1•�11
pl■,�,, ·•1r • < >1o """' ,up11, ,uu >flo• . ,1
\nu <luo l "1111 lo pl.. , .,u 11<m·1 ,hu..
hu1 r m �'"'� 1,, pla, .. ,,,.,,.,,, , ,,ro,.,•
th•• •>lh<r ,.,., 1rlil111 uf th, t,•am \lod · ,\,
r.., ., lh• ,.., 1 "' Ill• ....a...., f:""•. ,1 ,up'"

Cn,1cn Wi/1(/ugl>h� _,, nfrf rnm•,ng n,il(i#g•H ,1 1f'l� 00"''"'9 !Jit",.•fl""'SI ('.,,,, Cnil('j/<"
"'' r'"'""'"'"'' "' "�''""' 119 ,n., R..,.,, 10, ,,_,me,.;nsi n,m tn,c<J.K'n•nt)10h

_ mr,ndl\><IUaJ
ln 1 1,,1�1,11...,,- '""'"•"" .. ,111 ,..1,.,.,,..,�bb, ...��mnl, \11d "I ... "'"
p1..1,..d -..,1h 1n.. e,,,, <hr.., 11011 u,, ...,,m
,..t., 11..111m1 ·· u " "''' w,u.,..�hb, ,..n..1k
man1e,• t1.,n• .,..,., ,,.,, •• 1 1 ... 111o• mj1I>
' M, h,,H,.mu ,
w,11,..,�nb, ,.,a
prof1nr l1n1U•l!" •lld tr.,, 111,ow•nr u l 1 bao1
.,.,.,.. nut ,n -...rro1�·, t,..,1 ,ni.-r.-,t,-, ,.hh h
r..,,••d m, l , o n• .ir,, l'lolh,u(h ll, .......,1
•,,,.,11, rnr. ,<J u• 11•,1,tn r>1n n,.,1,tuldl••
, 11.,.�.. n.. .,,.,.,..., ..r , .. . 1"11� ,1 11,, ,. .. 1,,
r.-m1•n hr•d , ..., h
n,, •nt..-, h,

"\ i 1w )!.lllll.., n·mainin1!

h,· H,n Kl.-ni.·r
l"r•di) •O,.m,...., 111, ..1111 ..,,. .,ff.,,
...,. 1 btl m"" n... ,,. 111.,, u,...11 J,m
�,Uoul(hb\ " �""' Lh., puN• ""' h....n
mforn1o•t1 "" rlH1•o. �u<l ,n r.,1 n 1n,• 1 ,1,.11,•
and H•·•alt1 l'IJ,,n,r h•,••11&11 ,- \h, r,·•I

,,..,.,,, fot pullmt "'1 th,• '4'lko hut llH·
:-urh,H b,rlo'b•JI lr•m hi• ""' ,�..... ... lh•
-iw11.r111 ru, 1n.. ....�.. ur 111, 11m, ,L,..1 t
rll.. . .,.,,..,,E 1ffa,r " h�• lh• 1:>1,u1,d <1f
7,- ,1 ·, n Mur\ the,_,,... ,.1.,.,� 1<•n• •nd
, 1 ·, um,• hJ �•I t)ark ID .,.,,.
Ju, \\'11\h .,.,11.11, .. ,u,., half m,
.,......-. .., , ,,...d h1n, ..n11 h,- IPl"•..,h
...,,..1d r..· o, th, n,... l, 1ppuu11.-d , •'"•h
"YI�-,,. it'�I IU .....� "'" ,tul•r••· · l"hon(,
hh 1oh•l l<> <lo.,. • l h m,•n ,>n f,r,t and lhord
tiou, ..,,,,11 .1 ti..1 . .,,.1 .,. 111, r...10 n,.
,•,,·,·utouu ufpl••• lnd ,lt•l••i"' 'hl,l"d••
.. ,1h 1n, , u<1fotrn, , ,.,. n.,r 1,, n,.,, ..,..
�,. hi>•· t•< lh,n� h,o...-lMII •11 Ill•
, ,,,,,. I h••J•• 11-. pl_.,.,, • • • •·P• u,.,

'"l'P'""•h , ho•,·au" I n\\ '4•11 Mmru,Plft"K'•
11,t 1ho• w1, "
Man, of ,ouar� prubobl) lh1nkm11nu
,h,.1>1nmh_., .-hapt,ouf ''Jo,,k 'f1lk " 1>u1
1·, 1,f , o ul lh••" "" th• b-boll do1lm1"1d
f .,,,,.,,., uude1,11nd, wn1t Pl(>nl,. nln>
1ruph•"'• ""d (rr11 ,•a1,h,,.,,. h,,, t tu firld
• 1 ..1m "lh•I·, •blr 1u 1 ..1r l•!I 11u,1<11n,,
..nh • "nll" Dound· " ,.,,n.., 1 11.-1m
,·om.. [n,., or ,n ,.,,,.., <1 1 b•h\\ M, n1om
brp•rmph•"""t th,. lalt t u f lh••"' t"u
••hon,f,., .. ,.,.., 11.... miO\ f"'Upl,• h.o,r
\vii m.., lh•I ....,••d n,«h "" u,... .. ,\ T \
1,,,,au..- thn tlo-nfM'd tu hll n,11 th,·t<
,., ,,.,.,., "' 1h.. ..,.,,ru ..r • 1 'hn,tm1>
"'•l<J> ,-a11l,, 1,, n.,. """'. h•ll•ur
1,111,, .. ,. m....,. l'"u """" :.. lh• .,,r...ld
�rot! " J>t•• 1•••a1,n,, f.,, \hr r.,,,., 1•�rl• nl
r.,11,.�� n.,..,,b._U
\nlh,,n, ,..,,,,,,.,. •�••
,,f u,, fr•m• ••Pl ..n• , 1,,1 ..1h,• nr.-dl,.,
11,ut,.•••un ,.., 111•• t..,m,, huh1on��• � lh,•
t•l..,,1 ,. , h•••
H , -.,·nt ,.., ,.,._, ,.., II

p«f11>1m•·d ..,a lh, /1n�U•l!'' h• " ....11 ........,,
"" "'"'"""'"' 1 0 (, ,.. up th,• t,.•m P'""1"
1hr pm, Kut n.. ,..fu.,•d 1u rtun1.. n1,
m..ihod 0f r,>1�h,n( wn,,·h rr,ultrd m 11,,
J'h,.,� ,,.man,, h•lh•n1,..,. ,.,.,..,,.,.,, 11,,.
tMllp�)'" •n" ,..1...n llUI ..-n11 hi>
h;1pp,,n..d ,. nvw n,.10•• 11',llourhll• ·, 1.,1
"urd, b,,lor.- dmrnt JP•
·•• ..,,.,,.. "Oon·c

��:� ·�."'�-�·-�·::..:a::. . :.1:,�: �

1n,,f!uir,.,ut. 1lunJ>11k•lht•ltl.
; i.,,.,.fulh 1nr b1Jlpl1,.,,,. ..,,u ,....p,, 1
\li1J.h 1, u,,_ nail r,><J1o·rt,d �,Uou(hb,
1,oc,d1u,k Jo..



l\i,.,b, m,11n•uf ot " • m -.unu1�,
,,,.,. tio••d h;,.-..• hall , n•• h '°"I .,Jun,• •! n,,
do•,� ,n tlu• •111 1,·li• ,.[(.,., ft,, dod n••I l•H•�
ll�r • ll>llfl 1n•1 !<•II ,-.,t ,.., ,.,.,.,1 •
II" p,,,,.,,d ,.,I""''''� •· h, ro• •d It!•
m"""n�, ,p..n, ..,..,,,�,• ,,rn, •ntl
IJ,-r1ld l►·lfetl th, h, 1 11\al t,, ""' h•r•111
10,1, umf.,,1.,tll, ml1'•0•"' 1>""1l"n
Ill.-,.. ....,., nu ,m,lr• "" n.n,i,.1.•�•·•
no ph◄0h<1Ef10J>hrr . • • "" i.,..l ,....,u,. ,,.,,.,
o f t h r 1..1m n,., ,,.1h 11,.,11,,..., ....,, ..r 11..
l""d,· • •" "''" •IJ• • •1,u 1.i, d1,m,.,.,.1 •ull
1 h, •·· ......., •.., ..,... u1.1 .. ,11 .., , . .. t..•lh,•, n,•
.,.,,..!d h0\• • le•m f,,. u .J1,•m•••<"�am,
ai:•111.i h1ft.
1111• ""' ""' IM• ,,,.,.,,..,., th•I 1 ..., n
"'"'"' h•d w,,.� 1 1 f,., n,� ""'•"'""" "'
lh• .,..,,,,.,, ,u,1 tu,d <1,,.. 1, 1u,.,,11 .. ,ur 4,
lh, dull ..,rf,• re d th•fr•h ..1 \ I O '' I ,,.<J
l" I ,,, , ,,n,p•lmi• I " " "" ,,,.,,,., ,,,d
¥1,ltl ,.•• h h•"- .,., h pn,,11•,. ....,..,,.,.
lh, nf1 r..• 1 ... ,..... 11.. f,h1l,....,pn ..,, .., ,11,·

had •"••h ••Ill th., ,...,.,,1,1,.1 h•II (r•'""
... .,1,•r
1..,, � ,,,1., ih• ,u, t.o•r..n· 1 11,e
11,,ubl,•h•·•do•t •�llrl•I ,\-.,.ump1,,,c1 ¥1'1lsh
,..1Jkrd uff 1h, p,a, t h , fl<'ld ln•1 ..-t 1n
mululfl tl\.t "''"''"' "''"t� tn11 .. ,,..ldi..•d
I" llr•d 1',,_,-n l'l•llouJhb• ', "'"lh•l•on
and \11'1 1-.h ,,.1,.,,.l1<J11 \o lh,. ,pu1
l t ••• t10t 1n••- Oi'< l>0"'l h111 u•"• l hll
h... f,U had tu i.. m1<1t> " t ,,. t,,.,.o
q:,,rutml U\PI u,,. f,., l ('Ollpl, ,..f .,...,.h
t')'"I 1u oo -.11.i ·, nr111 for ,h., ,...&m .. n..
<&•d 1, If 11"1 •• iWII• "1,..lh1! l\,.hlld dvn�
1h,, n�hl tlln1f
rt,, ,,., .,,,1 h,, .... •• '1>"•.., fo, •l,,..lf
'-u1 1u,1 lhr ..Ufl •nd lo,.1 1r◄ <,fd bul l11,
.. _., u1 ..hi<'h th., (VI>� hl\r t..-n lo>l
.\11111M Fnm1n,=t1am <;Ul<" :-.Uffulkhad .011
l l I ,,..1 1111u1 ..,,n1u1II, Lo:,1 HI t� i·oa<'h
�,u.ou 11nb, ·, , ,,11.,p1 uf mo11,1N"U.._ "
�•·•I l,ul th, h•1m f\Jndam,·ntol, mu,1 I';.,
!IIH• ,., !>¥k ol up All lh•• ,s,-,.,.. ,n lh•
.. ,,.1d .. .,11·1 n.-lp 1 m,-.d ru1nfl rn1n ura
m"up.,.,,n, hall
rr,� 1,m,. ...,,m, "I"' Im • rh111r,· nf
,tue,t,"" fur th•• tnm �• ,noui=tob, •
fmn,,., m�mbo· • ,.f 1n,, RPd So�· ,nramou,
Kuff•lu H••d• n,,..,.,.., 1>,,,.nnuU>dfu,rhJ\
an,111•.-, nf .ummunl('IIH>II A r,,... sp,m
Ind I h"tOI') ,.f an11c<>n1>1n w,lh
mu1.o..,.,n,..,11 '""' mik" fur I rood N>!OI
m•nt>u< nut rw,-.,""""" 111ood rn1,·h
\'o�h l'l al>I• ,..,th h0> P""Ph fPrordof
........... ..,1h 1 ri1>1(MHt..d f'� f'OUH"1 nw\ t,,,, 1u,1 ..hit Ill• H•m•n..,.dto
1urn ,1uound
�•Ii-Ii .io.. i. looLed up •nll ..,•d"I Jlhl
huP.. "" Un (rl o l lOllf'lh•• • fo• thr l"'"'I"
h•m1,nlnf r"ffl"' on Lh,. >f'llrdul,• " lf lh•
t.. 1 m u n1Jr 1, ,1runt t.,th�lfnt'"' <"Oa<"h, <1
-houl d br t■>)







'' "
2: 30









Want to
get your





Advertise *
m the

and get

: results fast ! *

The opening
day experience

)' � :;!� �fla nd ,n 1_,.,.,n_ '"""'h
•rm111,..d •iu•mant .,.,., ,h.. 1o1,a,,, .,.1,
1bruplh •"'•��11rd b, thr f,.,11,1 p, ul
m•-• ut Pf'•,pl, -.h,> w1n1,,11 !<> -..11,.,..,.
u,, t.1;1nn,nt "' • fa,u.,,u, N..,..�11



R,,.,<t,., lh• •nlu •J"'l""" .,f • tr••I
ha,.,.1)•11 "'"'"" m1n, '" °'"'" 10◄ ►, 1
n,�d• f\ "" I r,...,,,t. .. r lh• f>"'I " "'"'" lh•1
.;i1 nr11 1h,·rn lh 1t ,- 1hu-..• ,. hu r, ,,., .. ,..,
111.-,0 ll<'bl» �rwnd>ll•P• 111 ,,.,., lh• p,o.t�
.,.,Jl bo p>rkrd up •01n th,_ _,._, -..·11,.,..
th�, l,,fl utf 1 .. ,,.., ,, "' ...'-IU""'llo•...,

.,,II ti,, ,luto•d lhal ,. , I I •' >tlllh ,n1. ,
fro,·nd1h1p>IU l>o p1<�•d U P •lil., " l f l , r th.­
.,.,,,_,,, r.-..nai:,.,. ..,11 11o- up 1u 111..,, •.,,,. ,
•111111 rn 1n.. 111r.,11..,,. ,, .,. ..u ., n..••b•
blllbo11d utn, lh•· rbo·•p,kat,· h�J uf
l'hr P'"'" ""Uld 1Cf•• � l ,•1o·h ou,,,, .«a1n
(u, •nothPI """'"" and culumn1>t,
.\lonl\lllr, f1llll:"flld o n d l,1mbltl woll I),•
.,.·nun1 up 1h.-11 liO 1,,...,. "PO•l:te'ttU>•)
O' (.'onnrn, C.,ll1>. l.,,•f') . l)f,nm�, R-1-..1nd
lAlb,,ll w,11 hP polo>h1n1 th•" m"'rophOr\o
Phnto1111phM, ind ,-.mrnmrn 1hkr will
<"IPln thrir wn..... 1,1,1 lh11 u,�, nll) ..rap,·
111r O.-ld of pla) 1nd1"• Ulr publl.- 1h,
(tUI M"Uun, ofUl)
Tor l1rr C11ro "CTI ,..,u.,a,nbr<vm.. ,
d,,...-1,on1I landmuk for lh.- ll't'ktn�
lfOOdol' Frnwl�

***************** *









\ rnil,,n •�1 .., •out III Krnmu,,. ',qUII<'
•nd \1wktl ¥11> t"lhnt (JIii 111.-11
pr◄'Mlu,·h ,n hup,• <Ir alln•·lm� llluw fan,
•••ho d<dn · 1 JI"! L� rlf "'""'hit thr ,,•u
11, fnr,• <lf lhr .,•a, b,,fur, Of !llr -,ar
1.r..... V,ndo>" ...,It 11.... <'llt>I II> lhr
\<oh•m• .,f hunr,, pjiln�. ,, ....11 .,. 1n
• h•l!lr.11, "'"' ..hHh 1>111 h, on 1 hH'.Jf"\
t�(K• l th•n trwlf ,IOmUh,
l'h, 11,.,-, 1u,.-, ,.,11 t>,, ontun,..,,.,. •, . 1 0
11,. 11 .., n ) ou pr�r.., l 1ru ..
,. 1,m,1..,1 1., , ..,, 11o-rn ,ri,,, ,1111dm1 "'
"' 1.., •" mn•nr �nd • n1Jr fhr, ·11 \•·II

'" i. ,.,u. ..

•Ud<J>nu1 1nd11>k qu,..,lk"l•l1k, 'A•t,,111
m•k•n« th, 11r,,,-•· •nd "[)o "'u �no..
11,..,.. , . p.rnron·•
ll1r o,:·tupat,on lh•l un,• �1n nul forl(t'I
" 1h11 ,,f Ult' pwk poo �rb. .,.·ho-..�I bi> oul
,n loru Lr\lnl tn nrlf'h r1n� off O,,.,r
ru••lb If ,.om.on.. I\ ...-1lk1n1 hrn,nd �OU
�nd ...,m,•,:m, ,.1.., bump, }<l'I from u,,.
h,..,1. <1001·1 b,,.,..rpm
,edofth,0111) ,t..n, rn
\t>Urb&,-kporb t ll " ln"P""Vd b, :!1 "
Wh,11" ,n u,., ,11nd� pol1n- w�l ha•r th.-1r
nand, full ,.,u, 1m,11toon� of Sucar RI)
z,..onut1, .\luh1mm,.d A . I.arr) liolmo
1nd l1d..-,mud wr,,,ll1n1 0111,,, f•n. ..-,II
<1rc,pth,.1rrnnrr•,.tmn1,r1hopt>ol....,,nc •
,\n.d 1fu,r,1 1>.UooH1h., f1n.w,U n10,r
..llll lU•tlr'P""d to•ud th<' <'&lll.induk
urll othrr. "Who •on� •·n,,. .,,pl) w,llt,.,
"ll•Lht,..mrold krdSolt "


. . . Walsh

Contonu•d from PIP ••llhl
do tlw hol wr ·can 1n tllr f1>m1mrn«
Tht iil'HOn IS 11,.lf ,...._., Wh1!'1 1lw old
"Pucr Corp11" quHhOn , abovt 1hr half
rl■si or • II• It half rmpty , o, h1lf

ru1r• I O, 1>,,11,, )rt. whn do wr 10 rrom
h�n•• �
:ntrr "°""" W14h fo, 1 pow,1bl•
ln•.,•I "8) u,., •nd ot U,r wuon, lhr
"'""' WLII 1w proud lo pil)' ba.W'ball II
Suffolk ,.,p,dl-of wln. •ndl<>5-M>,."








II ,,.11 h,1,,· ,1 '$ 1 � ' . J•'" ,.,u11n1,: h•r ,,,.,.
H•u , <>uld h,1,,· ,m Anwn�.m 1:. ..-pn·,� C,trd

r1�Jl1 II"\\,
I• .J.. 1h, , . 11,I 1 , ..-1 ,, h. , , u•nu.:,·,,·I"\ .I.I\
I, •f !11<· \ .irJ ,, �di h. H•lllC 1h,· r,...1 ••t
),�1 r,· ,h,111, •• J..,1, ,·-...h,,,t .111J,·r11,·1 ,.,.!,,,!,·
nn, ..,,ri-1 ) , . 1 , ,· 1. •1 1..•1-•,u ,. ,,.... 1 .111o�1- ..., ,



J, ._ -\111,·n,.1111:�1•r,·-., h , r , , .,
1 1,11·, .,.Jn -\muk..Ul �,rr, ,,h,,. , r,·.,1,J .1
,,,._.._ 1,,I rl,m 1h,,r r,-..111.,·• th, 1N1.1I ,1ri•l1,,111, �,
1,-..,1111\'lll.:nl•---· 1,•u ,,111 !. 'I 1h,·( .irJ

r i.,r,•

1 , • 1 1uu,h ,,.. h, . .I
\II ,,,u n.. J h• ,l(''l'h ,, ,, �11\ .:\. ' .-.i- • ..- dw
['f\11111"-' <'l fllll
), , 1.1·11 u 1h,• l ...1 rJ 1he .,.,-:ild-n .m,I rh,· .,..:!I·

r r ,,d,-..1 1 1-◄,· t •1 N,,u,-·,, 11 :
11,h,·• t,.,, ,,,. � •rh,·•
1,., 1,,,rl r,,1 11 11: r. •r • .. .,11,,11 , . 1, ,r ,II � r i- . ,1
,o.-r -..h,,.1 ... 11, .11,·•
• 'n,· .<1 illl" 'llf,...1 " ,1, r,,,·, 1 ,H,,I, , , ,,... h

• • • •l .4" , Ul .1 • 1 1 \ , ,.- 1 -..,•1,· 1fr. 1,L ,...1.,Ht.l ot,! .\1..,\
1 11,r h... 1nc 1lw ( .11,l ci\ ,., , • • , 11i, , 1 1. m,,· 1.
.,,, .,rl 1.J1 ., .,.,11,l , r,-.!11 r.1 tmc
..., . ri...l,· "1· ri.," ),., -ll w1,l ,rrl,, ,, , • • •,,:nu­



••• , m11 • u• h,lkr111 h,u,I, l 'i , ,II ,.�I 11,·,
-.,\ ;,: .. "1.\\' ,.,.1 1•l h•I 1 ..,...., 1 ,l --11 ..l..-111 .\;Tl•
, ,11,,n -\1 1,l ....,., 1 , � i r..... "I' 1. .r 11,·>1 · ,·, 11 1'<.·t.,11'
,,�1 11111J, rh,, . .11,·

April 16.J 981/Su(follf Journolll'a•" l I

Modem Romance: an affair to remember

\f,.,,_.,., ff.,....,,,, , � f./m 1,A,, t,,,,I II>
1/r,.,,r /fr,�,... u "/lr'! II• 14,..,,,,• ..,,,/
""""" J.,1111�,,. ■ml ,tu""" lfr,.,,4·,
#i�o,,.,,, 11..,,..w ,.,,.,,,, 1 1,tn Jam�• I
,.,,�,,,. J,i,.,. 11..11,,,..,, �ml 1,, ..,....
•J\rnn,·,/, 11 11t, ."1r• l'1111> ,.,.,t .,.,-.,,.,_,,,
llul•·fl I ,nr I \ � r l kt,�•·•! 1
,,.,,,. 1,.._ ,,,n,,.,11,.
.,., ,, ,,. 1 ,,1,.,11 .. ,rn
1.,,� hrHf t1•pp, -.,1h,oul ' '' Jt, trll,l!,­
(Ulfr.,·nfl \l•n i,.,.1t,n• 11.,,.,1<11 u,.,
thru " •1 "�'" ,p ,. .,.,., ,.,,
•r••n '"""' . ,,.,,,n, r• h,n,.. lf u,u JM,,r
rrl•1 ' "'""P ""' • ''" ""· ,uuao""' ,··1,.,
•, ,.. , " •n<1 lhro, le'"'' /.-,..,�
I " 11 ""
,,. r
t, 1 ·•• t... � ltr hr•t., r, , It.
h••lr- "' I•·• •· ,,, r p,t, ll,· r,u,, ,rr,•w•l•I�•
,:, I I I " • • • II, r,,.,... '"' ,1,,,-..,, •I
I�'"'" •• <1•· · , r, II, ..n,1.,,11, , ·r, lo· , ,., f
,:, · '" 1 �•• ,,r I!,- "'" +l
�,,. ti, ,.,
,.. ,�� r ..r r.. r
It, ,., , ,,., \,,.1 ,, o ..,
J • .,,, , ,,,,t,nt -�• h n, n,.
' .., . - .. v.,. r1,,..., , -,,, ..,,.... u.•,
J • ..,. ...� .. •• •"
,r1..r• ..,i,. ,1,r1
hi •� •II 1h<·•I f• lal ••"'.Ji•p
J '"•

,n. ,,, ,,..,., .t, •I • ,,.,1 • ••nll>t"h• nd
"" ..iua11,,n aod
· •"•"P' ·•• • "'• "
tt•• ••rfl -"• ,1., . • . ,,h, , ,.,, ,. .n,,, 1n. . .
""h"t,1.o•"* -' • tn••_,-, hu,.t,•mhl\ >;t,,.
1 ••, . "•n• ,n-., , ,.,, , 1 ,•11, •n •""'""'" h"
• • n, •.,1., .., ..1 \,11,·m • n l n 1o ma1. ....,.1
1'-• •wh • ,!,,
•·• •·>,.•wl,•• •I f lrt.•I h
..... ...,. , , ,,I'>!.,. • •, llh• dr,•am .....l ..,
• •m -,.• 1,,, . ,,, 111. m•l••1w1 .. ,.,ld < 1!
h.,,,.,. ,. ll• •• • •"n1a11I" .J,•.,.• h·•h•C
11.. , .,.. ., ,,.., rt...,,, ,. .. n,.,,s,,,.,


A. P.O.

/If, /1,,w ,.,.,, I .�, ./, • '
/1ot.,1, ,, • • I I • ,, �• -"•"" "' ' " <1•1 •/�
/#o • llatl, •• /-,., ... t \/J,,.,• , 1.
\f. .n, . ... ., •" If,• ., •n. /lo
i.. f{• ..,,l
l••lf� < .,,,.,,J.•1• ., I f ....��. •� /I •t• I
., ... ��· ·�·· fr• ..�,.
�,:1 �;:;;111 , �,
:�: �:�1
,.,. 1\ 11,
lh �•\,a ""'ll
1 ·,n◄1uu1.., ,,., .. ,,,,.., l"tu, '"" .,..� ,••,
.,,,.,.,. '""' q11;ai•l•fo o!n•••rn• lullo 1>1,1�,11�
' """ •"rl """• •••1•lud,,.K n, 1d, nnn.01, ,1
K'""ln, ,,, .; •1 11·.. fl !•,.· • h,, <lo•!<••• 111�
,la1· ,., � l•t ult E•i... '" ,1...... inn•
m,.,, ••• '••rt." ,.4 • .,,.,. ,.., • .,f m,..,.
r,•.,.. In,, 'I"' 1•1 �!I, • I• �• "'""
I I • • • ••• ,n. 1,1,-1, •h•• '"•�• 1•·- 1•••
... ,m ,..1 ,,,. a,,11 ,n, "''"'"''' ,...m
•"-' h lf>W.
"·l"' ' " d rh,
l h,·I ,,.. ,.
,.,u<1.. n, (,\., '" lh• lk•H•I ""' ''
"..,.. .., . . ..,,..,,,,., nu••• "•lll lh• 'l" • '"I
, r,,.. I• .,f th• fdm 1 n ..n ••lh 1n. p1••1 ►tin•
hu1IIC"h ....• .. ••◄1,, •••d .. •· •.... ... na.. 1h,

,.,,.. ,.f,.. ri , l,,!llfrn .,.., •'-'•"' ""'·rl
, ,n., ,� • ••rit ..n,.1 , 1 , .,..• ,,

• ,..,� .. ,, 1
\l a(• :: IC••h l\"tlU•
;a1... . .. ........ r1 p<•••• .,..... .1 l l n . 1.. 1
"•· 1.r.1 •· .,,. h.-•11
,.,,rL I�. 11..,., ·�
ul • jh1•al ,.jl,, •• , ...p.ttnhlll '"l h•
• • I•,.'"•�• • r,,.,,, I"''' ""'""
P•••�� •• "'' lwd,or I If• In, ,,.,1,1,1, 1/, 11•11�·
11,.. ,,.n, 1.. o.• p,..n l • lur, n, o- ••
n1u•h • •!all • th• ••'•"' • • ' " ' " '
1-'••�I<" • ,-an•1 <l•r•· • lu,!lal/'111� >i"• ••I dfo·• I•
!iul lu1

n,.... .

!i,./lrr1 , ,.,,.,.111,. ._,,, ,. .h... ..r ,,, .."
,!o nw,11,, 1.,, ,., f,..,,, u.,,,,,.._, 1 ,, Hu mbo·r1 1 0
�• lh,11,ouihh pu,_..,,.. u<• r • p,utn,·r 1h.11
·�• ,,.u "" "• b.•• """ •nt,.n,.w•.-d ,n on,
,,.n....,ndml um.. uan..·..n<11111,,·,
ti,. 1,,.,. " an •ni,.n,,,., ,t,m ,.n•IO<llo-"
pu,,on 111 ,.·h�h .. 1m&n....,. r•rn lh" m""!
,...., ...A ..11 .n, wnlrr m.. ki,.. 1> n"""
,mpo.,�nl lll.ln llf• 1....,lf ...,, !>N'vm,•• •
..,m,c•n• lfl<'Utod ..r ,ni,,rr,.i.u,.., ,.,..n
,n1rU,.. 1wa! ,-,>m mwn,nhun , Nmbl"• .,.,
"an,f,..41J •nd ,,., •I ,. u,,.«111• ur liot,,,r1
..nd \1.,.,. -, ,..1.u..,,..n,p Afi.,,rffub,,tl trlh
\I.,.,. Utal lh.-u ,-.l•ltUft>ll1p 1> ,,.., h•
,onf• itr• ,n ,.,. '""'�"' r11m rd,1<11 Ja,
<lin111<1 l\irh,• lfla1 ,._. an!I M.,, "f,oucht
•n,. h>Urhl and thrn had ll't'al "'' ,.,.
11,dn I 1.alk .. ·u., ..... .,....d 1<1 t.11L·- ......
J1, ·,p,.1 _,.... fo 1.1tlk .- 1io,...r1 1n,,.,.,.
1(,.1>,, ,1 ,111,,-, m,.ant in1.-1�r\111I ra1t1,,,
Lhan "'\11•1. 111t.orl'O..f'!o' r,,. n••d> tu lllk
\!..r\ " "'hull, W11t.-<·,.pl1H ..n.. f..h to
-,n....,,..iand h,, ,umantoc'l>ffl ,. ol'f•ndrd
tt. hi, l"al.,.... 1n11 ,- ,nfw11&l.-d b\ h,•
rl'"''" '•'""' "• th,. '"'" n1n•un1h
,..,,.,:.I•· •nd ,..unLh• 11 ,. , .,,·l• of

Enough to leave an audience howling

1, ,.., ..

�::::•::. ��.',..!':,;���'l.tllr,�m••,:�,.;':,�:•:.�

,.uh a "'omanh,. ,..nnul trm.-mb,,r and ....
,,..n,...d n,maniu .,m1nd ,..ah,m 1.-.,1 ..
-.-au -m1n1h ,,.,..,,. , f"' h,m to m-1 1,,.,
uf pain 1 ,.,.. •• a ..n,o,..J ma....-11..1..­
and rind ,r .,,,. ,. n,,:t,,ou11, fat o•
•·• ltb Koh,,rt 1.,.,. w
111..nou>l� ,o,,......,1 b,_.,, .,.,.,...,.1,.n1•n1
llt-•pll c,... , ............. .., r,-11 Lh&I W•
•Col,• .,, lh ,\Ian 1h11 lh• had t,,,u,., dn
,·annot h•IP blil hwr\ ,,..,,,..h,., 1n o,ur
"'""' .,.,,.,n1 on 11,., kn•t dno" i,..,-...,.. 1>,,,
..•af!h f,11 Ulal IN• ttln,.,.ud,,nl lo,•
'n,pplr• loo� I,�.. ..-.oall• " and 1,...,
I�"" " p&m ts,n,,k• "'hu d,,.., t..d and
.,..,-P,,,_t,.h tu <'On""'• 1,,., I<> uik...
, o ,.,.,1 ,,..1h \!Oft1•1 Juhn,..n1 \'""'"'
1nut...., dr.-.. 1,:,,.ur1 , l'ht,nl"I.,,. "" f l.,,,
H, ......... . ... ...u. �• thil rfl\,aDI•
It� ll"'0PI• •·It<> .,.. nul lhrn, Ula\ nnh
ab1ll11 1u 1r1n,f,., ...,,11 . . .....,.. ,.f 1hum,
,_pl' lha1 •, all th,., o,,•1 •nd br1lli&nlh
,n10 1 1our,,..p
"'lhlrd ••1t11•1t ta ft'Jll••Nl>'G t ·ui..
\fNtr,., H""'""· , ., •>nh lir<WJL,
.,..,,.,..., ,.., t,,, ..uim,n._ hnd1n1 onl,
ll•• 1t1•lh1n1 tout
-.·und fr""'"" 00-1tl,,••nd1 h1111"" rvnlllum,.,.,,. .,f
.....,,,k,krd H,�, , .,.. . J ..1"11 ..011 •• nn,
B ron • >
m .. l L • d t. • · • p • u h • . i
bul h,. hi, ■Jr,.ad, ma,l•r•II th•
do.ulJl<'nllr\ �,y1.. ,-.m..,1...,wk and p..-.•
fwnclam,-111&1, .,f ,·vm " ,..,,.,,.,, 11...,
1,,nd .Uodrrn R111nan..,. •n 1,r of ,...a1.,.m
\t,,,J.-,., H1•Mlt1ff " "'Pl"t.- with wl>tl,.
Brook) 1> n<>l a r,,.n,,1J ,,on,.- am.i llb
<rt>n\ 1 1h,,ur,, I OW 1l 1 film •ll•l<w h" <'III
.. n,.,... >l)I• ,t,,,,H "
Wood\ Allt-n
n11k• nn t<ll'lr"un •••th,n hi> hh•I
nm.r,.,u• part>d) lirouk• r lm ,. nul
•\t,.n!l,od 1nt1np•l1ui, l l'ol• ma�••• a dll•
ron,tNr.,,<1 J,k.- an Allrn r.lrn ,n ,.,h,.·h
""'""•ln- budl an>u11dioLr._b) no mn..,
" .\lu,Jnn Jm'"IJIM• •• conlll\rd •• (h,.
'""'k uf M�I llrook, 01 :,,.,.,1 S•m un 'A'hol••
-.:•rn• • m .1!1�1.-,nH.,ma/l..,.'lW',. m .0 1111u,al
a, ,.,•tw •mpru•,.,,.d 1hr ,-n11... ,,..1111rant
runfronlll•Qn op,-mn1. m wh•rll Kot>,,n
v.d .\-1i') q111,...11..d bn"lkUp, orlltl'r 1na
fl""al . -nr •• lh,. dlff'<'l<>r il.o" (;"'n/
<'<nlo, Jam.-, L. liroobl uf lh,. f,lm on
,..,....,. n:tlr I\ wo,k1n1 and coi.. d,--..
....rt.a,n <'hlnC"'• •nd ......,.,nc ,.. ,...,,.b.
,pa...- mrlod11ma ,t..arfln( 1;..u,i..
l,'.,.nn.-d> HN>Uk> hu mu, 1nd ,t)W u,·
p .. , . o n a l t n a n A 1 1 .. n · ,
m o , .l'tr.-1""" ,ndur•d lwn..-)
Ha,.,,.,,,:-,. ,•• t,,,1i.-, -1.. r1rmthan An1Tw
\l,,J�,,, Hu,na11u larh All,,n', -.·op,, 1n
� 1111,r H•II.. •hwil •IM'O,por1i.-d I
,pra,.hn1 .or,.J romm..n1 aboul •&>lt'Oll•I
,,.....,. wr>I 1•ou1 monh.•
n,la11on,.t11p,, a..d • pan or n■•r
.....,.,..,L> Modr,n
m ad.. fur .a,·n oth.-•
Humon.-.. 1> • Pt'"""'al r. 1n, wt1..11
,un,rlnrd •.itr• a pa,r c,f Nn....,.,i.-d
m a d.. fo, ... ,11 .. 11,,., rial..,. ,, ,.
drmnn�ttabh un,v,...,.,,._,,t ..-,u, ,oc,11 1 0,
Lhr <ootld uf
,..1,cw• mrand,,n111•
liot...r\ Col,, " ,t,,f,n,,d b)· B1ook>
.. Albtfl Hrool, nil\ b,, lit..
rr...1..,1 .-,:otoouut nlmmak•r All •n
.\Jo<frrn Homanr.- orbo1• abu..\ him ~ wr
11�•tw ••rn bo,ron,.. fully 1cqual11i,.d ,.,u,
Mat) . hu1 th.>n Co1. � 1101 ,.1ttt,,r t:,,...
lioook,,· ..uural 11,,:,.u - C.l-'Pf'••·
Holi)•Oo d panl.... -.pot1m1 ,:ood•
.al.-sm.-n. p.,..tuk,•ouphlitini.,,, - a,..


"The at

The Channel
25 Necco St.
Near South Station
Sunday N ight
After Finals

8:00 p.m. • 2:00 a.m.

May 10
Tickets $4 · with Suffolk University 1.0.
$6 · Guest
Tickets in Cafe & RL14
April 27 · May 8
D.J. & Backup Band

undtor1•n�d D, h" ,..1f o,,p,....a\lon Hruot,
manae,,,an 1nl11ca1 .. balaow,w. - a b.alan""
OObbl,,d It) All,,.. 1n llu. fflN IKl-nl
lof'>Ok,. >)mp, lh)
�fGld'f>I \lf',norlf't
rn, co1.. •r.d 'l(muiu.........i, parod)
n,m,,-lf li•oo••,..m,.,a lmernunh,. r..-.
&>h1> NJm1f' m.&>lfflf'lu,nt.o mrl1f111hul\
and ,,., h,, ,..,....n, .,,.arh np"-tn.
and thf' .-.mrra ..,..,.h w loot,,, fo"•·r, It,.
boti,,, Hroo�, 1, u....1me h" ch&nwlr•
h,m.,.lf fo,no1 11k,ncan)arl1ffl!~•n11)•1
,.-alotf'> lll lhal-hl.lrd bta111"ofh1> 1.f \ h,.
ali.,,i f'Coh,.,o ,. po•"'""""- n,,..,. lon1
rt-"P• .,... d•,.•drlll) nut m•■n• or
,..,1,,.., , ch.., .,.. ••·•Mn..,. of
>11ln••■h1il1> H..twrt Colr 11 ..,.,,., •n
ronttol of h,, 11r. ... ,. <LID/N'I W h1>
llw i.,,rhn..-.1 •klll wh,rh
ha• mad!> h•m -on,, or th• b,,JI rllm l'd,ton.
1mu11,t" ha, "" tw■nn� on 111• ··•ul '"
world lh, ..,i.p,.,u,r world ul Kob,,r1
1 · o1..
t:oi,, ·.- •o•ld ,. mo,.- ,·11mfort.1ltlr t to
u,1 than AU•n'1 Sindy �t,•• ,.,Hld 1n
.-:1..-.1..u Mrrn&�•, ·n.ourh m bolh ,
•Xp..rl<'nl'r• I"' P,,ri'•""d !ll•(Ml&/1 lh�
rnn..-..,...,,,.,.. nf 1..., ....,.n,ral rllara('\c'f
har-.h n,chtmur
,ohabll•d h} l'IIOM C,Mrin) i.,,
Hnrn<1nr.. o • pl.,,t, da) d1n1n propll'd b)
1·0 1 .. ·•
p r r . o .. a b l " r . , ......,,,.,
Undrnllod1111 1>Vt.llnl .and1loofd11'1'<'10f
I m 1t·hu 'P(NhnC tood,, .alf'Wnall . a
llr••ldr-rrd d11.,. Moo,,,,. Ro,nanC"t ,. ruu
or whom thr m0<1
nf ordrn•'l pN>pW'
boq,,.,. •• t:OH> h 1mw1r. l,.nlfonntd 1n10 1
..,._., b) h,1. rom.-n1,rum Colrmat... io.,.
to h.. ap.artm•nt an.i dropp1nc1 roupl• of
Quulwd,,, S1umbl1111 dow.. a halt, hi.-rally
llounnnc on tt,,. ... ,.. ,.,. rnnfronu i,,.
-1 ....,. m} -d. l
,.....o,d n,IIKloon
111,.-,. .oo man) p,n ,....o,dt'" - 1 d an

"""'°""'' ..,., •

� =��.

� ,. � �:�1�:: :_°,,,.m:�,

"°''P'-'>t.- lunalo<' t,,,aiuy, hr h&> m111•d 1
unr.-l'noll lodr. ,.,. all wnh lO""°""' P"'I
rnma,w,w. to lw ablf- 10,w....p ou , lov,." orr
of u,•.,r-1. rnh•• 1n 1 p,-non1l •·<>rldor
rumant1<'1\ln In • WI) . Col••• 1 r.-<-rpt.lbl"
of ••-"' n.1m1r n1 11n·..,,... 11,. ,.(f"'u1.11..11
,1 1> nol h11d t.o ..... ou,wlvt1 &1.
h,rn - 111d )rl tw, dt-mon,lr■tn thf'
hm 1Lal1on1 of ht>.,,.. .. romanurism nl'Hr
..11,n.d wllh 1o.,.. n.-vrr happy w1lho,u t
luv,. MOOun Homan�. fo, all of '"'
h11mo, . 11 1 dou1 v1ltonof' IOl',. - 11 p,o.,.,
th.II loo i1 alway1 h..-onc to .,.y you a1?

nu ..r1,,, ,t, .,f. op,,.. of run,,.n1..,nal 11<,,-,.,,
rn .. m.., �•lh lh• 1,..1 11 .., !.1.... 1.. r1
1� "'"'""1 h�,• dm••I"' .h•• llu• l,. 1111<1
., r,·,·n " r1 1.., J.,hn ..._II•, /�. II"" /"•�
1,r, .,,.,,., ,n ,n1t•ru•111 f,1m ..1111 ,.,,....r n. ,
"""l •nlrr!&,n1nt of t• 1n1
!'k,.,,. ., .,,.,,. 1n llw f,1tn tn••• •I" ' "'
�ff,.• 11. h,,.,,., , , l••rih• •nll ..._, I,•• t,,.1 1•
•IUll,· 111, ul h•'lflll ....d I\ m,,.., , ,�,.,• .,
H<>I"• I urma11 h•••' ,.,..,,-11 t,.,th •
•U>f!•nw(ul •nll ,..llf•ral 1,11, fwm IM•
l•• IC"t1d uf th, ••n·.,oif lh• ,�wll ,. lh•
t,,,,1 ..,.llfK.i houu1 f1 lm ,1n◄ ,• \l,ll\w.,h
1·.,.,'11.' �•�n.t, •1tl, .,,
-.i,,i,..,_ .,,.,,... mu.I ,.-, ..111 ,..,,\, th• .,.,....np1.- ro, /14/IU'IJ,,,und
Tltr Slat>•r.d d1 ,,...11nl fl>" Htt"'"U( r1t,
. .,...,..,., ,,i,·n. ,n,....... 10 ..,.,11•ilfll tn•
•,ulrn1 - of man b\ 1n.,�t!nC lhil l fllr•
n1>L> IIIII U., •l ..,,. m•n.,1r .-umpll<'rn1
1a.,1, p1....... nun1u . ,.1 n1•,. th,. •D•III•
to ,,.n.lorm th,.n1...h..,, mlo f•1n 1
.,,.,,..,,t1f fl9'atw••• Ill,- ph•numr....., of
dupll)lnl UR• • "(l'"'"'•nr�,,, u,,.,.ulf
f0<m 1>1•11l•blr lo• "'l.,.1 f,.,. ••l ,prrad
••Ill 1hr u-.n,f••nn1 o4 th•• d,,...a.,. In
In Ill• op,onmi a I\ ,�ptHl,rr l\u•n
llh.1,. t li.-.. llal!arrl u plinuf'd Ir. •
P•)<'hollt' l•llr1 1nd ,n Ut•mpl1t l '<I .,..I
up hi,, ..1p11U• •nl•I:"• •n 1 n,�tmari,n
r ctu ..,,n wh11 ,,w II'' "·•""' •• • man

ffauni- n..nrn ►••d ►ran,·.- 1 K.-,n1
.\tct ar\11, ,. 1n th• nam.. ,.f f•m•n"t
Ul'f'>l!pli.r �•um•h•m 111, lrl•••>1<>n
cam,,.., 1nd Ill• p..1,.-.. ,,1h 1 bo•hmd n.. ,
.11nllha,1 d,•a1lp,. rh<>t" l " 'fl"'IILCn L " " h "
,..,..,..,..,, a, ,...1 1 .. 11,_ u.,n r•pu,ll't
'•mlill.111o•o11,h l � 1.,.,�e,, \\,un11, ,
f f'IIIK k \la.. n,� I I\ 111,.'f\l,ml[ h1' '""'°
huo•� •�• er... ,i..1.,.n ·, ,..,...111r lalk ,hu..­
lrldmc p,,, 11,>1,,t" al d11bhl, ••Ill th,•
.ta1,un·, "'"''"' uf li;ubu• \\1Jt•n. 11,.
""'" boO� dl'ih .,,th th•'"" wb>l.1nOl'of
!hr �,flu .1nd fn,1h•1 m 111..,,.,1hthr 1dfo•
t.,1111,d chr nun .,.......u1f t,.n,fnrrn•1...,
th1t t.•rnc th• ,,.,..,,., .,,:1, ..r nun u..
p,,f,.,- 1uch1n� uf1h,. p,·r,onahh 1,a1 I • •
r;, f 1 ••ul p..,;,d,-,rtum t..a l l "1""' rh111 tn
• "'"" ,.•lh n,. bo.><,L
hi, utf,,,
41PP"'fl',._1,.h l•ll.-ll rll/ 1;,J11 P"'""b"'l
•fr0<hlu1orurul man·••"""..1 , 1c•
v.1o.,,.·, m,• mu,1t·, , ,,m, '-k ,.,haunt
h.-1 , 1od ..,,.. .....·1 rum-,�•n u, ,..,, p.,.,1.on
h ,,n •" pt l'>Ol1•hll .., l•�IMI[ lh,. lfUorl
dt1t\uf·• 11hM• -h••·nnolhl,,-,,, a11dh,.,
hu,na11d H•ll ',.•ll 1 t'hri,to>phr< 'ltH1.. 1 1nto
a thr,.p) ••'•••I ,11i..11 I'll,· C.:<>IQfl,
Sr,·•r\hrl•�· th,• !l ll[hh ••• fllll l)f h<>,.!•
fo,..1 fo1. 1nll lh• """nd,uf r1111.. ra111n1
prr) to P"'d110,,. 1'1111 " th,. ...-If
pro.-La1m,.d hom r ofthr wrr,,•olfclan
1)1n1.. chOO!W, tO phulOfTlph lhl' WIH>n
u,11111, •n �ofl t0<"•· 1nll lht• 1dd, to th,,
l'l'n• ....11in1 of lh• for,,R Wrrt..·ol•h
1pp..a, from brh,nd t .....,. ,..d r•#n
1r■ndurm r,om lhr11 human ,i&t,. u, th.,
hi•') IC'llir,,.,n1h, pn-.,.n�• or1h.., ,
P•") 11nd lh,. 1udtrn,...I Th# a,·1,on ••
.pi..-nd,d. •nd m rombtn111 on w,lh lhr
u1par...i.,.. .1,...,.ps lhr filmmo,,1nr u 1 r


l nfonunibl, lllr l<htHlanlllllf'\llll't'
n>n•Ulwi.- U1,, tnt..- ... b!.11n,·.- of th.- f1tm
Ill• plot o, uln-m,.I) pr•dir11blf' ..,.d
loob m ..rhl,kt1 rrm1kP of r1>,-/,Jondu(
An)""" .-1111 pr,uoon
•"P"''"'nf" ,.,u, ho,ro, f,lm• nn .-a..h
r,ru, ou 1 111.- t....- 1wrn, of tll• pi(>I
, .-1 thi, ,sn·1 ,mponanl I> )OU .,,.
llucturii throurh ..,,..,.., nf ..om1alh
••e,-1-ati& hu man• ttan�fonnf'd ,nlu
cann•l>lh>IM' ,.,.,1.., ...d,,•uun111 ,.,,u,.,
>1Go>• nf hrlf <>1 tllr ..rt,, or.,,....-,...oman
rMn11nc •nm 1 ,..,.,.. ...o1r 11u 1n.. .,,.
o·,-1nrL """'� /\oth•n�t...ll""• lhr \lt11• uf
01111 and s.,1..,,, 1..11 lrn th1> ,,.., r. Jm
r•ma111, 1n ,nl-rrnlml•nt.,,1a,n1n1d,,hfllt
h -m• 01n1..\ ,du t,,,11,nd mak•nl
/Ir•· Huu•lu11: w1, n<ll 1n 1..1v• lh••..d••....•
,t,.,..k,_dij la Hallo",.,. "· bul tu �Fldllllll
lou•ld ,u,prn,.,. lhruOJth lhruw ofth,....,,..
l'h,. frirtu romr• from lh••nl
w,n,fo,n,auun of th" h11 m 1n. ,ntn
�•r,,,.ul••• 111 11 th.- f,,ro,·11>11••UJ11·k, thr,
pl•, .. un n'fman I""'
l'hrr,, •• ,, ,.
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humo,and lhr ,1,ll uf t.... fon-,\ -.hM·h lutl
th,. ,., ,.. intu • fah, ...n.., uf,..,um•
vni� w ha• • • ..,,.,,.01r .m,••1tt• fr·,m th•·

Lik• l\•un 1·onr.u , , \f,,hl Hr/L r11,
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ur i>&•O•h ralh•·I lhan .... 1..lflthu,ro, , ••
hmh..·, 'P"n•l ,.ff,.rt, fl<U"d" lh• bndc,•
bo',,....,n ltlr l,.1> fl'nn... •·•h•b•un1 n11I
11trm..11t 1> °""
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ui f,....t, ,i, ,n an olhl',....,... .,ui., 1,0,,u,
...,,.,...,-.., n... Hu.. 1uw .. a ft'al ...-r1"1m

Get Results
with an ad
in the


rHf HOl-\tlNG'

1 . 2;39, Clubs/Organizations
Tuesday, April 21. 1981
Stamp and Co,n Club
F430 A&B Modern Lang� Club
Thursday, April 23. 1981
F430 A&B Modern Language Club
Council of Presidents
F636 A
Gamma Sigma Sigma
Film "El Salvador-Another Vietnam ..
F636 8
Tuesday, April 28, 1981
Literary Society


S.G.A .

Stamp and Com Club
Council of Presidents
American Marketing Assoc1at1on

Shop Talk Series . "Footloose in the
Bahamas-Lecture/Slides ··
Auditorium Film - "The Song Remains the Same"


Chuck and Steve of 'COZ speak at Suf
hy ,lod, M11nfrl"don111
"Wt'OZ 1> 1h, numt,,., I •M ••do,,
,1-11,on" ,.,d """'• •nd l'ubh• Alfa,r,
•f"I.Of l1111('t Mo'>honll. •nd "Cl<>rl•
ll1rwc.ur'i1,,� H.14sma11n
"our ph1lo,,opll1 a1 TO/ ,.u, 11i.� """"
m,k ind I,," t;il� Our lllrl,""' IM••n,nt
' h•
::: � �· �::� - � •�• ••I
\lu<,l,unl/ illld ll;iu,m,111n ,--.n,- I"
" " r f n l k lul "''' � 1n �uu�,
, , ,mmufl� ,1t,or1> ,..,.� ...,_..,.,,,..d h1 ',1rr,1•
ll.-11.1 t · h, lh• "� ,..1, ul l"tnf�...,,..,.al
J,,..rn111o,,- 1w..11o,, t.1l�,n1 •"'"'' en/,
11,,-, 1!"' r,..,,,.1,.,1 rh..11 ,wt1,rn,, ..,111
"'"" n..1ph,l h m h m 1l1r f,.,ut ,,r 1,r,,.,1, 1,1
lbu=u•n I I U � I •m,• ,...rn 1·,,11..,,
�radUllr , d•�·l1t,• d 1h11 ,tu!lo• nt, .,.., ho• ll•r
,.fl r-• 111111 1 ...u r•undt<rl , .,11,I!'
,-du.-.11 ..... !h•n JU•l """� lO hn,1d<••l illl
,\1..,, '" "'"'"ii• 111,,_,-d ,ll1<l•·n1> 1u i:, I
n,t., ,m 1111<-111>11,p J""�'""'
1,ni.,,,n..t,11" 1 •P n.,,1pfol l>rt1U.,. \•'4l f,·I
, ...,.. , f.,,,1 ,n IJl>' ct,.,,1 \ uull ie,-r t,1knn"'

�����";:� :,."�


S P O R rS O I R ( C r O R


m&P)' p,H>pl� and ,f yaii"l'P eood you 'U boo
no11a!dlorlC1mmrdla.lA'ly "
..Btcommt I bU11dcut JOum•hit
,n,otvu 11111,nc 1Jr11n pawrr 1nd �,n1
p,-mit,,nl ," rtport<'d Mmhont.z, . cr•dUllf'
from th• l nr�H'i,t) or C.urom11 11 Santi

.)<pH! lu illrl 011l .rn1ll. h• w1rnrd.
ind boo pr�ptrtd to 1a·111k )'OIi• wa) up Ir
\,.. h1>·,. u,1..nt )OU'U mtk• 1t
Whol• 11 cull.,c,•. l,loshont.z wa. • dtW'
�,..k,•� ro, 11,. roll�t" n,d,o �talion "' I
dldn 'I thmk l{llnnln( rw:o1d• WOUid boo
,.,.., fulfllhn1 or ,..,..,d,nl, ,o I &QI
,n,ol�rd ,n nrw•" hr ,.�pl11n�d. f3:r'fo'1'
romm� 10 »u,ton II� work•d an La• Vecu
u I T\ r,.port,,r for or,� ')Hr 1nd Lhiofl
booniffi>' ll<'WI dirKIOf 1nd ro hml of I 1n 011l1,
ll1ur.m1nn, who "'orbd 11 WHOII
wtul., ,:<>1n1 thnw&h l,l"IIOOL, ,a,1d. '" I I011r
>90rh tnd wa• alw1yi. 1n1.t>ni1.t>d 1n rltdio M
Compl1m•nl1n1 r1d10 IIU
ll1usn11nn �nek'd h11 llllk by r;a)•n1 tlia t 1
111d10 1ud1•n..., ,- mol'P 1 w ilN' ind
1nt,,rnt,,d lhln • TV au�nff

Babanikas nominated for Council Chairperson



1 -2:30 Clubs/Organizations


Tuesday, April 21. 1981
Stamp ana Coin Club
F430 A&B Mode1ci Language Club
Thursday. April 23. 1981
F430 A&B Modern Languctge Club
Council of P1es1den1�
F636 A
Gamma Sigma Sigma
Film El Salvaclor-Anotl)(�r V1c1nc1rn
F636 B
Tuesday. April 28, 1981
Literary Soc1e1y
Stamp and Coin Club
Council of Presidents
American Marketing Assoc,auon
Shop Talk Series ··Footloose m the
Bahamas-Lecture/Sl 1des··
Auditorium F1tm - ··The Song Remains the Same··

April 22 - Coffeehouse In the Ridgeway Lounge
FREE Food and Refreshments 2 - 4 pm.
April 23 - Abrams and Anderson comedy. �ime.
1mprov1sations. . . 1 1 :30 • 12:45 in the cafeteria.

TODAY - April 16
The Kids are Alright
1 pm • auditorium.


April 28 - The song remains
the same - 1 pm - aud.

April 29 -

FREE 1ce cream sundaes
(make your own) in the cafeteria frorrrl-3 pm.

May 1 - CONCERT with Private Lightning and

The Rings in the auditorium. Tickets available
Guests· $4
soon. Students - $2
WATCH for FREE T-shirts, buttons and more. .

Upcoming Events.
April 20 - Delta Sigma Pi Party at The Quincy
Bay Inn, 8 · pm - 1 am tickets available in the
cafeteria and at the door.

The Program Board would like to wish
the Administration, Faculty and Stu­