File #4134: "Suffolk Journal_1981Jan29_vol36no20.pdf"


Organizations bid for money at Finance Meeting

Goals and prospects for the upcoming year

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Sl1fHl1.11 UN•VHISI • .. 8EAC0N 1-tlLL BOSTON.MASS

Volume36 Numbll, 20

(611) 123 4700 ,323

Ja nui,.,.291981

Minority advisor resigns from position

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The Program Co uncil
use Committee
A salute to Sufloll(s
75th anniversary on
Wednesday, Jan 28
at 2 pm 1n the lounge
Entertainment WIii be
provided by:



: �;,�� :�:'enioy some
refreshments & have
: a piece of anniversary
: cake

• •


Feb. 15, 1981


Al The Channel . So. Boston
The Bermuda Strollers
D.J. Mike Janedy


Program Board •�., Sunday, January 25
: Thursday, Jan. 22
10 am PCR.
1 pm· Auditorium
Ratskeller Committee 1 , ,,'
: January 29
Friday, January 23
2 pm PCR.
1 pm• Auditorium
Junior/Senior Week meeting Thursday, Jan. 22 at 1:00. All welcome.

The Program Board 1s still accepting applicants to flit the pos1\lon of Special Evenls
Chairperson If interested contact The StuOent Act1v1t1es Offtce or The Program
Council Office (AL 17)






m•tt�••t.aL>m.. nt
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Doyle in














Everyone's in the Irish spirit
n,,. 1•,�n"tl lluud •nd t uun,·d h••
,,...-11,-d ,� pllh!. fur a SI hi n, � '• 01)
parl) a. ,t ronn ...1 .. d wnh 1 !Jlm•I•• part)
pl1nnrd b) lh" l)ludt>nl {:Owmmrnl
A•••lna11un ·• Socul Wmm,n,..A d11,ruiS1Un l)l>t-..�•·11 l 'r<.>$:BIU Ro•rd
l'o-t!S,11•·111 V1n('t'nl Con1r 111d Sup'homof"
<.1- lfrpl'l'�nt1t1.,,. John McOonn••II .
who &p l)f'a..-d II 1h11, .-,...k•, Ptocram
Ro,,,P rr'lf'"1•nt t.o1,.llnwmb.-�bfh11.part)

pl•n•. lh-t·•m•• >0m•••h11 h.-11�d wh"n th,.
11u�,111111 of 111.- SI:,,•• ..1to•mpt lo "'J<'ond
Lll,. f<RC ...un11s,,d
l'or,t,.,un1"d lod,..-u... 1h•nc..rmdm1
au ..mpl. but McOonn../1 ...H ,..1u111nl 111d
...ld thtJ.,urrv,/••b,ou1h1 up'•1h.-1'"'•
if:d,to•'l ""'' Tl'lr J1.111mal ,...po,trd on
lh,,..., .,n,11111111:.wr,n i.,,r wrr•· 1'-,f),:,gm
Bt,grd IOl,Y '" ,, U.'CI. ducu-d "' 1/'lr
Pro,ram 80t1rd mttlllljl /


CuJtural, financial
and relaxing happenings


(Sponsored by Program Council •
& A.P.O.)




In ,I 1,·1 •·n1 1'1ll'r\ I•" \l,,n Ill .., .. t ,1,. ,1 .. h•·I ,�,r, 1 ...... 1•--11,,,n J• � " ..... '­
lh 11 ,,·.d!I 1,n·r.i, ....:,w!r. ,r,,,,·t1h• •·,�,i.,,lrnm••r,1.,·,
\1�fl"• ,..,<! 1h ,u ., ••u•u+,, , ,.f ,,., 1,1..r
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\1Ar1on . . ,,,t lh�I .th _.,,1>r•,..,11,1!
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b\lt h� 11M1 "'111d �1..111111111 t.a�"
•:iMil mmtmll"•· Marlm IJ,,ii "'"

•lunt •11h [)r t'u1,I kubh ufth�f"amP\I•
\hnbll\ t',·m,•r1nd1..-...-11,,.�,_,.,nnH·n1
p,..r,.,.,,, J11hn Hrrx. r1,.,�1op,•d • prn�r�m
L.,f'l,••lw,1(hn1r"rn Ho,.,. ,,., lh••J•ll•tl•ll1
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Th,, , ..,uJt,,.(1h,·-.,•·• •�J ,,i,:, lo,u>•h•III
r,w,rla, and \l,•dn,-.d11, ul lh1, ••·•·� ,n
m. •nd �ndr:, !:.u1h,•rlamt �n<I !ull,..-11
O.,� I,• h,... ,•rn••'l(o-11 oh �,,•,inn,,n ltnd
-,uphun,..,,. k,•pr,•,.11\A!no-(. I" Ill♦'
.. ,udrn1 i;o,�rn,r,,•nl \.-,,. 1.01,,,n
·1n,• ,ut,n1"""1 •,f.,II.,,.,
� ,..,.t,m�u lt,•p,..>••nl ..111,
Thrt•• w,-n- ,,.., ,.,,,,. ,,. ballut<•"•' 1,
Soph.. mut,• wilt\� •••Ill lh1� --·�\
U,11,·••n l)o, lt•
IWnlo• m•ll>l•lm(
-.:,,... b1l101� ,.,.,.. dli>l!"•hfo•II 1n th<•
SophomorP ,...... hwau_.,. or ,mprop,·t
SGA •fl•·""" Oua,w And.-n.,n 1,nd,
huw.-..-r. lhl( lh ...., ··r11Squ11hr d ,01,•--·
would ttol na.. 11!,•IWI th.- •�.sull ,.f 11,..

1'"''""-J' pro·-..•nl,<1 h• ,m,·q,..-1,♦1,.111 ,.f
I h..u, ,·r h, ,.. 1,.., ,,...,,...:.,
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!"•'' '' ''"' ••II 111, "'"h ,t .,1 •• l"�I• • I h.
"'1 •· 1 •1.,, •·r. r,,.,., \\,..11 1•,�1,,, r, f t•la,

.,, _.. .,,.11 •• ,.u,,. '"""' ,ml•••
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h• '"••·� ,.�.,,.. ,,,,.i,. • '" lutl•
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th• uyn, 11
\\oth••"I • umm,ILotoi 1h,•m,o-ll•·•
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l'"•fl"•,;ol, 1" 4·.,,n,• •u<I th.,11 ft'IIO•
'" ' '""'" ''"' .,,..h 11n,p,>QI "••m.od,. to
"" lh,- h·•1u•·•!o-<I �lb..-1tmn fo, ,·.,Im
"J1,1l.,,,1,.,�,•• r,111.. "->U!ll"•"'(j IU l,t�I•••
1 ,• .,,.,,1. nH·n,t.•, 1-.uunod !>oo·h...,n
1,n,p,,- , , 1 lnn,nt"Shak.,,p.-u.. \lud,-nt,.
to 111 ..nd Sh1k.,,p,-1n- f•••lr••l�at H"'nd�o,
h• ptu.,<l,n� 1h.-m ,.·,th ucl,.b :-<'ht'i>n
,..,d,Y,h • pl1n,,.ould ,•n•Uf••U!•t•i:n•1l,•t
,,.,mbo•ruf,:ud,•nl>,.1.111lrlti.-m•fl! llr,..,1.1
po-.ihl) Hnl, 1�0 IA, .!00 pruplr ,..,ull1
11 1,•nd 1hr p.-rfurn,am,• of lntln \\.h ,.,.
u,,. f,.a.,h,hh nflu,ot1(1nal propusal "••
4u,-.1�,,..·<1 :.rh~n "'(li:""'t"d 111•1
hoH,bhd 1,, f"•r!um, lul�wn\ ··Lordvfth,.
Rn\(_.. t,,,,-au..- uf th•· --,u�m• ·· •tu.rho-II
,,,..hulo ll1b,11uk1a>
n-pon ..d thll 111.-,.. opr�.l<l'nth $6736!,8
1o,n frum th.. onr1n.J btJ<it,.t or.S\2.600
l"uni,•1 .Jw1nnoun �d lhll OOd="'
,"''l u..,l,rn.,n lht• ,,,uur1I\ , omrmtt�•·�
t<olall,•d n,•111,· S'.!:l,1}00 Aft.•1 stlo\11111 th�
,..,..d fo1 th,.dub,;i.,,i,,,•kuth••• m.,•n•of
r nd,nc h.-saMI thll th.-liold K,-• lh.>t\of


J:11u.1a,y 29. 19IJI ISuf(Q/k Journa/ll'a1« 3

Reading day contro,·ersy dominate; SGA meeting

• C,




Five clubs split four grand

Co,n1n1Hd loom i:i,ag,e...,..
So<'lt'I\ 1111<1 H1•ll,.n1<· (1uh "'' •� .-11111111
1110.. IIUI wbmttllnt hudt•·h lu....nt th,,
J,,.,.1,11 ,11, ... ,., r,.,,,, ,,,,.
J11...,·111,11,. rrpom·II "" th.. Hrl•••'"'"
� .... l 'I""'"'"'" b, h1> ,,ri:�n11•11ur1 1ml
11..1<1 dunnc r,,,.r, ,.,,.,·l uf l1>1 ... m,...i,.,

, I

ti, .alf1 ,.,ff,.,. ,. .. wn,..t ..11..-11 ,..,,
P"",d,·d for b• fl,Hl4l nm,.,d b) /1,pw
IJ1n•,·11,m>- )"h••M•U•f. h1•h1rln1mr brforl'
1n.. r,,u11nl tvn qu,•,l th, •pprupn1m,n<>f
:)l'ta r..., ,.,.U,·, •itd ..-,tnr, TI1,. n.u11<d
bil,d tu •J>pn,.,. 1t,r •p11rupn111om
,,·q11.--1 dunnr 11, t:,1,.-,,mt,,•, I 1980

'Tight times' for clubs




' o · : � s c; a 1 a c s 1 e b rat 1 o r.
: o • • ::: • -::/ ' S L. " o l k U :1 1 vers 1 t y ' s
75 : n

A n r' I

, e r s a r,.

i n the cafeteria

• Lav i s h refres h m e n t s
• A large a n n iversary cake

from 3 to 5 p. m .

• E n tertai n m e n t fea t u r i n g
J i m f:> l u nkett. J r.

• Door prizes
• P l u s many more s u rprises


This is one party you won't want to m i ss ! !
Everyone's i nvited. See you there ! 1

Continu�d h,;,m p•g,,, one
,..,.,.,. , ,. ,llr nu>�•· of,nlnf'SI
Th, ,·,,unrd ,. ,n I d,ffr.,.nl p,,.,,,.,n
lh,.n Lhr uth.-r 11tt•110,11M!n -,nn II "
uuthn+'d u, lhru ,·h1r1.., 1h•1 lh.,, ,·annol
rharJ!Pfol lR) <>f th,.1f Pll>Jnm;ur ,.wnt.
()t fo, donllMln, 41thu1Jfll LhP �-A

APOPRCSJOf VT TH0MAS0 COIN� tf1.II tJ..- 1,,1,r,ni,vct111,-,,,,-,.,0U,.,�

lh+') do .-hari:r foi wr..kand prllf:ram, and

:;���; :U!/�u':'.:n.':•,.�:.,;:: ;:;:,� •

''"' tr"11>U"'I Uam·n Uunuun adm,u
111 ..,.. Ir� "U(hl Uln<'> •• u,,n,,..,,
••�pl11n..d "all vf u,.,. ,-..,nn11u,,,., .,,. ntl
du,.n ((I th,. m1n11num .mount of ,.hll
Uloutd t.. ,p,-nt " brn ,.,th .tl of lht'
SC:A·• pl1nn,nr Uuno•·•n nmo-dt-• U'lal h,,
fu1 ont' "d 1dn't rn•n nrn>1d1• 1 Spnngf.,•I •·
Mun ,..,.,. n..,.d.-d forLhr K•·nn..d1 hhrl')
noch1. Jun11.1r .,..n....., ,..,.,._ .,.d oLhn

O'Coin elected APO President

by Jodi Mo1nfrt!-lionio1
11mmu l)'l',un 1/h�tun ' 111 1 nb t,,...n
appotnll'd pr,•,111..n1 of lh,. Alpha Ph,
Omria I Al'0 1 1.t'f\'ln' fntrrnlt) r,,pl1rul(
An11tlo l'lppu t(,rlmf' ind 0.-hnqur.,...,
'Ill I, who n•lilKIINI for �nonal
,U pr,• .,d.,n\, O'Con, .,_,d lh•t hf' would
Ilk,. to 111N' APO con\ln11,. IU SO'n'll'e>
t>N:1u... ·wn·,c,r w lhr un1wn.1l) llOnrof
lh.. mtr1nl paruof 011, Of'IMIII.IIIOn .,
fur 1h• fu!11r>o Q '("o1n"1 pl11\J 111' W U)
to l�l APO'• ofn<'P back which wu lakrl\
1,01)" frum lh,.m lau yrar for ""'•lln(
,.�.,...,.., no,.. Abo ti..- $li d Lh1t APO
,ouuld ninunur !l.i "lht'r !l>'tvln'> SU<'h l>


,..o,�1ni ,oUh Vi1mma Sotrn1 Stem• on I
pan) and ch1mpa�nr
Jutu1,,.. 1!11h .,..1..braLl011 111d w1Uuk.. part
1n• Lwod1) '"cl•1n 1,1p Suffolli:" p,0]1• <'t.
Soon APO ,.,Jl il.lrt pl"2(.., for """
nwmbo-r. and <rt:o,n •• h<>PIIII fot • l•'ll•
t11rno111 '"Ju,t b) jlNtlnf on,ulv<'d
frat.errltly ..... 1111..1 p oom.-u11., bolh ..-..-1.1ll)
and 1<""1drml<'lll) .·· h•YICI
0'(' ,n llu 1>,,,.n I mf'mbl'• of APO sin�-.
Mi. rrl'�hm1n y,•ar lh, oLh.,, ...nool
a, t 1 v,t1r� 1ndudr Lh,• J)t,lwllln� Ttam and
lhr t;old K") ltonor S<k-1«1y Abo hr wa.
chu5"n ru, Who'• Who 1n Am,-nc.on
(.,11,.R"� "HI I n, ...�1,r,










in •

Awareness M onth

c ,a l



A ,o appl ,ca1'ons lo, 1 981-82 a,a,lable a he
1 l

Spring College Work..Sludy (CWSPt rec 1 p1en1s must
schedule an appomlrnent with Ms Perry to, place•
Spring National Direct Loan (N OSL( rec1p 1ents musl
sign loan papers with the Accounting Office by Jan•
uary 30, 198 I

On February t 2. 1981 (10am 2p,(. F 1 nanc1al Aid Otl,ce
stall members will be m !he cafeteria to answer any
questions and hand out general aid 1nlorma1 1on I
February 15, 1981 1s the deadline 10 file the FAF for
1961-82 Mass. State Scholarstiip cons,derat 1d'n
March 1. 1961 1s the deadline 10 M all applica11on
material Wflh lhtS Olf 1Ce.
etunos will be ma led ou by he Ac
; ,; n � t,;? ;


- Summe, 1 981 a,o appl,cauon s w l be a a,lable and
due Contact Financial Aid Office tor further mforma.

M YMay 1 5, 1961 - Award decisions lor 1 96 1 -82 WIii be

mailed 10 all applicants who flied on lime
Summer aid apphcants will be no11! 1ed of award dec,s,on
Summer CWSP rec1p,ents 'TlUS schedule an appomt•
enl w,th Ms Pe,'Y to, placement
- All HELP loan apphca11ons should be sent to 1he
Financial A1/'J Office by June 1 1981 for 1981-82 year
,n ordP.1 10 receive check by reg 1 strat1on deadline

•�•mm,u,..- n1o... unc to doi;111bull' lhu;
mum,, ,f thr.,. ,.,. an� moo,..,, 1<-fl ,n,., ,t
h.o bo-,•n doi;tnbut.,d 1mooi th• St,A
, <1mm11h•..,,
PK!.' 1,,.,,..,.,,, K••nnrth KhM'h \lid h.,
'"h ·1hnll,.,t" ,.,th th" 5900 thr PRC wa.
1ltv11rd. Blorh ..,.,d. ",ou alW•>• ..t foras
mu<"h ••• ou rould po,,,abl) wantand th•n
" \ll<'fl tu bo- ,.ul b� 1l h•1,t alhortl '' 81.,.,h
,.. n....,..d lhll ,n th.. bt-C1<1n1111 of th.. taU
...-mr>IN ,h,. POI' ··••k,.d for 1hr moon •·
tt,,..,.,d lh11Uw Pl:lt:,ni..ndstosp.-nd lh,.,.
morw) un a ron,·rn Blo.-h u.,d th11 lh<'
nmrtn ,..,11 t,,, 1,1m1lar IO th,. Hobon l.1n,.
,.,,.n1n..ldlW )"I'

�1�11 1,'.���··1�,·.��- :, 1t":} :�·:;�:;"�����

SGA wants to get things done


The followmg 1s s hstmg of 1mportan1 dates and deadhnes
Iha! should be adhered 10 during the.Spring 1981 semester

.. .,,n,, I n ,...,..,11 ,., ,.k, Uh•n• ,.,/l h,• m(.,..
mrnwl ••11l11llo• f,,.m (hr n:o,n n1vh1nn
•nd from th,. 1,a.,,f,.n •tudrnl ao·uuu..,,

by Keith Fram. on�
Ir, 1h,-o, �P,-l'ch•• !bl� ,...,.k \hr lhto.,.
fr,.<J,n.rn and om, .,,!)homo,.. wl1 n1 fur
l>O"'l1<>n• >1ntrd ,n 1110,... ,-i,,..,..,
lldd,.._d Lh•· ,�,u,., Lhal ti\�\ (<' II _..,,,..
nMl �:·'::��;�;�·:;:;��: .....d,<111,


1 hr

�� 1;,'.'.�:"' ;;:�
rorm,,, -.i;A trra.ui>·� Ah,•m 1,1u,1,,

�. ::.;,�1

,: \;,:�.'.:..��::•
�;70 - ;.:::


;,;;:;;: � 00; ,,�;,�;'.''.;, ,;'.,.:':
. ;,:;
im::::••�r :��:�:p,:b ;; w rnh
,. , 11 f mrn
,•on i,nd..r,. Y,d that lh" r...., that """ h.� tw.>n .,.,,,.,. ....,th th,. 1•,.•�••m Co11n1,1 .. ,u
\l lr,,..
ar .
� .a11on. r...1s thii th" ,,b of • s1,A

rPpn-..,nUUVP .. . ,.,,1ght) .,.,p<,,mb,llty
►allun \111d lh1t !1« w011ld, 1ff'WctPd ,
COLLffN DOYL[ 'in,o..., -, ,
for • uud•nt on lhrboardor tnutPtt " II,
ii; P"'"""11r work,nt on u,,.

� : �



!IP suu...u-d thl1 wnw S..llulk
a d
:'P,:��m•': . •;,: r:11 ir,,�v�_:�;
i,,,1w�n th• 10v,.,n,r11 board and t.h"
stodfnl body 11 l1fi+'tScnm1I Fallon.a,d ,

::::t= �;:m �:.:,: lf�::-.:�
want il)m,u,,111 u,.,). W'!011ld hav• il w,
abo ,,..,-d mo"' mfo nn111on 11bln, hb th..


011,.. ., r,nanc,il lld. to .,11..,.., qu...uon,
u,,i ,111c1,>nt.1 m11h1 h1,·.. ..
In h • • • p , • r h M1ch»I Huly
�l•rx.Dted on wnat l\r w1111 ld do_,, �-"' wa.i;
��:to�,��l��� �:.�•�•t ::
.i1,1d�n1 �rd°""'' know wh,1 1n� SCA

nu i°BER
nu :: spnngMbUDkAMFRO·1M·s2·1981··i.
rea • arch .....21 ,

� :






• P1us 15"- T11x and senkes••- ompl1;1te packa1:es av,ulabl�

For further information contact:
The Student Activities Office
or call the Student Department

Ridgeway X321

908 Providence Highway
Dedham . MA 02026
(617) 326-78(.X)

at COL P ITTS Travel/Dedham




- -:


. ..................................................

Program Board rates its performance

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1 00 copies of one ori g i nal
on qual ity stationery paper
50 matching blank sheets
50 match i ng blank envelopes

$1 5.00 plus tax



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Con11n,...d hom PIQoll lou•
11w 11 .n A," �h•w•d Co) tw w1dthll UI"'
PRC hM fuUlllMI ,.,.,yth1n1 LAIL w.. po.ii
b,l o r• lllffD in lh, Co111UWl10n.


: Tr.e r,ac• d. F •10 Clul> ,.
• io10 ,r• ,moor1an1 m•el11>9 _,,.
• ·u•so.i, l' tl>t\1,1,; J ,. FtMIO" :

: . JoB .11 ' 00 �n,one ntf<l'>I� •
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..,pnnrf, ,1 .....1 1ri.t "'"'' 1,n,.t,,<1,on
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l'Tur,--,, \,1� 11 .. ,1, ,..1,, , h1un,.o ..1
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ti... 1,,.,..,. • 1t1Wn1 "'"1,....
"un l'fll•·• fu1thr ho..,1 .."\, 11,,,.,.,,., Lah!
,,.,,1 ,,·•• "'llfl"lr,,, .,H,·r,"1 n" p"'' ,,.,,
,.,11,...1 11o .. , ..., ,,,.,.,i.., ...,11
\t..M Kl,· •• .., , n ,1,... u_<t •• lh•
.,,....uni ,n, lutlm1 • nar1>,·r,hup <1udld
,uu•·•" " '" lluar" ,\mfr,.,.,,. ,h,,., i , , . .,f
,1ud•11l a,1,,,1.,, \l,,nd,·✓ ••11,d !,,, •"

,,,,,..... ,n ,unlf rl\ ...11 ...1<1 11,- """'"''" "°
,... ._..11..1� I ptbh ,1(1,n
""" ••••�1 ,rt, "•"" ... ,u,� ,...,.,en, ,
... • ..•••rt•m lh• •U/JU l>1 1 t...1 ..,-. ,..,1,
1>1....-11,,- ,.f lllt ,ho,. lh l..u,... ( o,,J,.
..........1(\ 1111 U•),... .._ t iurn11n 1 f·r1m,
•nd [)o.l,n,111,.,., , 11 1 1 ••"1 \t.,1o. 1.11r1,.,-11
, 1•,_, hull•�• 11!1
\n,.,,., ,nl•• tl•h·•I m 11•rt1, , 1,.11ntt m
lln .ti,,,. ,,., ,,..,1..
\\, nrt,·1 •I nt
i117 . ., 1n, ,,l thP rl,,.· r1,,n
l h.- ,1o11!1nu f,,1 11•1>hr1111un,,- t ,· h !O
•nd1udu""" "'llhl·hrldm ,11uch

,.h.,thrr ,., not ,1 ••MIid b,, h,,ld,
'.1,rj)unn,,11 t,,. told hU.&rrald 1S(';A
h11on lo th� Pl!Ct tho< p&,I) .,. ,d..flntlf'.
bu1 ►·,u-1�••Jd ..,d •�"PS Sf.A m@mbo-n
•unt bro\11tu up al Pto(nm Board
mttllll&> •h<Nkl b,, wbm,Uf'ri t.u html!I
lu om.., l'H bu>•�. ·r,..,w,..,
kPPIM'lh fflu<'k ..
1dhf'w»n1nr,n,.-d ,.11h
1 llr ProJum Ho11d kttp1n1
S..ePBC P� 6


, 1.,

Party competition


Program Board evaluates itself

Springfest Committee gets into the spirit of the 75th

Cononuecl lrom 11¥ one
Pto�run koil.rd \ In' PrPM<trnl llun
ht1-1,·ral<t \lid , .. 1t .. uup1<1 1<i t•ll11>,,.,.
,1 'A.h.•t .,.,,>11•1H tuopprn
Rf1•d•n1 1h.. S1,A·, sonal ( umm111...­
Con1P uid '1'ho-, Hlw- S(_; A l du -�d tu
ttt'I lhf'lf pn.-vnN •nu,.n ...., nmpu, It
lh•, onh IUl'1
•onrpan) rl ,.1llbt'al n1h1
C'ont>- 1h0' PtlC ,.a. unw,.. of 1hi,"
-.f;A ·, pi.n, lu,tn, St l'atnc,k ', 0•> pun
1nd .aad hP hf'ud ..d1ffl'n'nt lhm1.1.. 1bu"\

1,,. ,

,I .
'•I>'' . ,,11 .. ....., .. ,,, .. , _ �� . '......
'• Ao •• , ,,t i,,f,wt!• ..,, 1 � •I • ,..,,,,

I afl'•
"" �
,•• • • • I,,

. . . ....... , . , .. . "'"

January 2!J, IYXI Su{fi,llt Jmmia//Pa� .'j





l " ,pon,.. ,.,. . ., .,..., .. ,en ,o1nr,
""'""•t,un. •• """"' Olr b, Hr! th•n�,
-a,d ""'"''
r,,.. orc:.111111,un, .,.
hrtmrunt lo ,.u,� 1,,r,,tt, ,·r ,.,ti : ·o,n,
"'hu• aho •n•Prr>11·d 1n ...111>h»hm1 111<1UC1
••Pl"•rl ,.,1n1ri, f•••••rn,1,.., .,111 ,oronu,,,
\ 'u ,rn• ,.,i,, " 11,., ,.,,.,.L�I'\ uf :,t , \
thin�, 1h11 th, l'r,1r11m H,,,ard • .., .., .,f
,u11nmc1h1111,,, nu11 11 t,. 11rr 11 lo·1,1 fn,rn
lw1 ,1�nrl11,.mt ••"� •••Ill'\ ·�l h,• f�u�r�n,
ll111nl n,,... 1u1�, �••· ,n!,,mial and n1u,r
.ni.11, , h , ,.., , ,,.,. pui.11, .,.,.,,, .ndnuun,
••11 111<1, 1 .,,,,,. f,•,•l, th•I !)(,A n••.-11nc,

,..n 1••t runfuun1 ind wh�n PUl')bod)
u!li 11 '"'""' · >I m1kn Mr ,Ob u..-r,..lal')
On S(.:A I ..,labl11h111t uf LA• Soc-1al
Cnmrrn1trt' . 0.•yn.. ,..,d. ... dun 't thmk ,1'•
1ood pulM"\ S,:;A ha tht' ncht 111,..t1bhi.h
• mmm,tt.... . but I lhmk th")' UM)Uld wy
•Uh M·ad.-m,r 1rf1,r, and u111h•n1 il>M>n "
tlut h N,nr\ Cun11 1 1'tnmo11on1I ind
l'ublw,1, n,'NJnt 1nd lJarb111 tt....1.1t·,11.... l'h11tpt"Nlnl \IJd 1h11 thP
l"tutnom lluarri h• tt....n wn�l.,l th,,
,, , SloKI Conti . ..Th_. P'l-u�r•m tlwrd h"
.,c,,mph,nrd 1 •rll bal1n,,,.d...,.11l1'fl"<"I
11 .;.,ffoll
boull\ •hu Bir, PIM. ',
p,-,r..m,1111'• fu,thliHllM,.,. \ ,.,d •·H,
•n•I ,.,. "' donP th1> Hlr ,.,. ..t,ouh1 ho
allo•·..d ,., ,....nlln"r n�\I )r&r H,,,o.11a,
fttb lh•) 11,a.,. "wt 11ood pff'('t.'d,,,nt" and



. ...





On thl' t1ilabl1Jhmtnt of lh• St:A·1
S.X.11 Comm1u.... . Conli> wMI, "Il l.My run
unr o, two """"'· lhat ', flllf'. But ,t\
"run1 1fLAt)' !it1rt toeoorfand doall lQrU
11f 1•�....1.1. ··

��t:l��t:t�:ka, bPJ,nmnc
$= ��:;�,:
ouun tw111d lh11 lhl')
W t,,...nn,r mo"' pmdurl,o "I tiop.. thP)
w,,., u, 1lon.. "' 1,1,d Cont>- ..w.·..
u fur OIII r n.1 )t'U 1U

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:Jt�.::�: ... . ;: .':t::

� rf,,111,at,,, 1 11 " ,,,11 \\, ,, �,pl lh•
,., •.,.,, ,., 11 ,. �ul•I• d •nrl "••• ti.oil •n •·" 11
•"�'"m uf '"" ,.J ,.,.� 1,r,,�••"'"""�
,.,,.,.,. . ..,,i, ,. , n r u11 1,, ..rttl th11 ,,.,
,.,1r f11,t • • •• "'
l" 'b,o.hh


::•," .,:•;;:;,t I'.',:;,•,r,.r••'""h•:,,•:·., :�,•,1:l�:�-.,_\
J•:'..:::, '"' ,t


Duties mclude answering phone. f1hng. record·
1 71 1

keepmg Good typmg and affinity Im working with
figures required. Hours flexible

eood l"'UP h""' · " n, w,,d ·1'h•> lff'
pror....,,01111. ·ni..y 1,., a.,nnm..d nut ont)
with Ulf'tr a.,mmrnr.-. but 1IM1 Ulo!o# nf th.,
ulh,r nM'mbtn.. Th,y try tu mak.- .,.,.,,
,-·,nt th, bin! poa1blr """I ••

ho�• IQ - I k H o f p+-tlpl� I I') 1n1 for W.
poilUOM ,.,.Xl),"f'll
Ptoeram Boud l'rl."iUl•n1 ConlP .,.,....,.
With 11-ltll lbe P8C 1111 A &rlldf (CH \.hpi,

1n.. ,on1 .. l h•lp fl"" ltt lh•
\.,..,.lillnl ._,,.,1, "• \, lt\111•·• l!o,,� l•U
tlarn�,) �,,,nn,�,. ..,r,, -, 111, hn1 \""•�111
-..ui<t,•Ul \d"•ln·, l !,r.-.L"r '"' ,, l•••l m a
lunc lm" · ...,,«t l uut,
lunh ..,.._, 1mu.,. ft It" ""'� ,., n,
,umnu1 1 , , , 1,a,,r.,·••1•1•· \\, "••• • , r,.

Part-time Payroll C lerk
Accounting Office


Call the Personnel Office for an interview at
723-4700. exlensron 1 24.





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A look at Counseling Center histor y

!I you would like
i to write for the i
1 Suf olk Journal, I
i• Come down to i•
i•�··········-············ � �i•

.. .;. -. ,. •.•¥ , .,.• ,. , . ' "' I" "·····
· en •I .. "·'., ·�


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PBC reveals

Jwure plans

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..--······ � ·····························

······ ······

Misplaced priorities


SGA members: attend meetings

Social events
not SGA's job

r1w -.1u11..n1 1 •.,,,, n,n1< 1H h.,. ..,.,.,,,,., t,,. ,n.,,,,,, .,1 �
'""'al I umm,11,-, ,., ...., 1h, 11np,,non1 qu•·'4�•n 111
•/h U1t·• th• )Ubuf pn,(ra�n11nr ""'"I r"·hl, ,p.-nrtcalh
.. 11,�,1 parllo h,•l.,ni:, i., !h, ..;1. \ "' 11,, l'r"��"' K-•1t<1
•nd l Ouru d .. t,l("h tlh .,, • \ ..-.1.. bli.h• <I !•• Pl�m!lo• "� ,�!
..... ni,. and IOIU• h 11.. II�•·"" .... ,.1 1·,,nmul h••
II ,. ,1<1 .... 1<>11, f..,, 111. ,;,, • . 1 1 .. 1n ..1Hl , .. 1n1�1, ....h u•,
f'n,�.-.m IJ,>i1M ,n r,..,,, l>l•11nonr ,..h, n ,1 ,. '" """."' •
,.,mp.-t,nt •HII ,,.,If ..,. 111, 1'111 ,. f,11,do·!l lh 1h, ..,.,\ If
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, u11fu,.,,n an<1 v.a,1,-<1 Inn, l"h " " •l•••<h nut,·nl m lh,
1,l;,,mnur ,.f11 J)llrr• fu, \bnl1 I I n, h,,H,11\, I'll( an!11l1,
.... , 11,. rw r,., , .n,,11,-,1 ,1, p••"- 1"' 111, \la,, 11 I I
PUt\ all""'!tll lh� :>I• \ , -.,,.,_., ( .,1nnhH•• h> t.,all••d
,,.,.11 th,-,,-. """' tn, ',{. \ to•• lh• I"'"'"' l•• •·lomu\ah• •h�
/'Ill ,1 ,. ...,_ lo .....- ,.11, th,· l'kt ••n• ••ll••<1th•••r pl1n,
Ill• l'HI h••l•"•"·t1 lh10l 1:,111 rur, ,.,, , ,..,,f.,1 p.,,r11..••nd•t
.riuuld n,,1 11,.., ,., ,.,.,. ,,ud, r !l1• h ,rltl,1 ••m•\ 11••·,. tu
, ... � 1 •I• �,. nh "mp!\ lo•• ..... lh, \ , .... n .. 1 ,. ,1h -.( . \
n,.. J.,um11 ,1,�• - ""' llo,nk lh, ',{ . ,\ ,. d1•llho•r1t,-1,
.. h,, 11.. 11,1�, """' """ 11 •iu ...,,n,., •1111 r11t ,.,,.,u 11ut
,I lh• �1buf ruumni pa11u•, "' r, ldl t,, 111r PRt·•, "'"••I
1 ·.,mmm,., pn,111,•m• h•• 1n .. ...ou1<1 11.,1 anw• •nd ll1•·
-,c . \ """l<l 1111, m"n tu11, '" ,,..,.,,, •u fn<er,,nwnl

l h,• ,-.i,,,.oai,,.n ,,( \lu,.oru, -.1u,!.-ru I J11,•,·tur -..n(h
11,.,... Marlm ,. 1m.u, .., ,!hu,lut,ul! .., lh•· ITTl'l)i•,...d
pn.,,11,.,,,.,11,,.,,,t.,.,hd 11,•a.tbat 1·,1>1 •1�flul•
\h. \1111,n fr.-h that <lnl"'O' lh• P,•�""'" uf Mtn""''
1d1 11,or II Surrulk " uni, 1 pan tlm•• unr thlt , 1 11,d nu•
,,..,. hn 1n upJ}Ort\lnU, t" •<..-<>mphjh a,, mu<"h •••h<'
,.lnh•d lt.l ll ,. n'tiiollrtn�tha! f'rt"'-ld.-nl l',• rlm10 ,..1hi.-,
tb1> prublt-m but u dor,, "''' lwlp •11.- ot\l<lt-nu ,.ho
•..,.,.,m,n� lu M, Marlin wff.., fn,m ��P"'�"'" 1nd
,,.,lam,n " Th lbla•·• ••11d..n1> u -,,.ff,>1� n.•..d I i>"""'•n
•hi! ll1�) <"In I" lu 10 mak.. lh••tt AdJ \l>!m,.nl m th••
pl>'dom,n<'ntly ,.h,tr Suffolk �a,i,•f If 1111• 10b ,. tu �
dull<' lo ,i.,; fvll,-.,1 pol..nU•I th.-n :-...fful• n....d,afollun,,
p,rn.on ,n lhl>jOb
B•"<"•U.., Suffolk ,.l <"O.•mmu11•t -.11,-,I 11 •• wn hard fu,
•1ud,•nb hi m1kr a-dJ11,tm••n1� In •II•• 1lrm1'j!M1·r, .,. 11,-r,•
l""°f>I� l(O •o th• ,r rla,.,.... �u ,., "'"'� and ro hom, ,t ,.
..l,f,.....,au, ,...,.) for 1h,• mtnun1, >111d.-m lu J:t'I �..1 ,n 11,

It ,. 11m,• 1h11 thv ..i,�,,.d ••ffu·••I• nf 111 '<tud,•ut ,.
"'"''a, ,vn 1SI.,\, ro•alot•• lh•I bo·mf an�.,\
i • .,wmnwn• •"'·
nwmbr, •• .I pn,d.-�•· ,\ pro,,l,,:t- . n" 111.llll••r how pl,•
• """ U m1(hl Ill' .,......, ... ,th ,. ""m•• ... .p,.,....b,M1r, n
mapnh of V11• SI,.\ m�mt.-r, ,,.111.,,, lb" but ,1 " Unl"
•h•• tn" .,.. • nuoon 111,i •h•· rnt1t, bo.od, \lndrr,tood
,1,w of Uw rnusl , n,.,,1 n:,l...,, •m �(, ,\ m.-m�• nuul
fulfill •• to bo "' •ctrndann• •t ll1.. ..,..,.kl, �;A mtt!ln��.
,'l,,..,.. m....11nc-. a,.. lh.. v11I) c,m,• tl1,., m....1 a. 1n ..11t,rr
bod• th•· um.. ..11,.,. all of th•• mo,t ,n1pon•n• m•ttr.-. .,,.
1<1n,........a and mu-i ,n,pun1ntl) ,..h,.., 1h•, nu.- sc;A
m..mb,•n sh,,uld vnl, nu.. Lh•· "''"''lm�� Dl'i"lll.,. nt

,...,,, n,,. ,..,;n, •"�on11J ,·,..-.....p1 bo·hmd lho- l'BI lo
n·n1111, lh•• bur<1.-n .,r ,.,,.,.1 .... 1 prui:r1mnunc fn,m tl1r
" • A lh••1>•b,,,,..,ni th• '<I , \ mor,• t,m.. •ud..11 •1th
,111<1,•nl �••"nun,•n!
lf lh•• -,!. ,\ unri,•rm1n,·, lh" pnnr1pl•.bull1 11 llnd •h•
l'Kt •111 J.,..- m\ld> of thrurff ,-1,...n,.._. l'tw· I"" "'"''
, ,-,p,•r,1, ,., .,,11>., 1., t,,, .,,.,., .,,..r111 :,ndn..,,,..,,.•,ond...-,
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,h\1111• \l,,nwntllr, f,·,•hnr nnl,•adtu ...,,n,•ra,h d,..-,-,om
11•,- dropp,oe vut addll'hun •nd ,.,,.n ...,.,,d,. �,-.-,al
,ol'lf.,n•n,�•- ,.,th I mm..r,h aduwr ruultl P"'''"n1 •
11.- 1,.. IW'•n� ,_ m,nd..d ria,1, lhat ::.ufful � " "'-Pandlnf
'A' hrn .-,p1111,on n,mpl,ra.,un> whl<'h m\l<l t.- 1dd1>'1>oO"d
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You must remember this .. . an internship at KISS

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,1,,1,,1,n K.ra•II
,1, 1,,11 111,· 1
,,., ,,.,.,,. , 1 , n.., 1 .. ,...11t1,..,i 1,,, . p1., , ,,
I " " h••"• • ,.,,,.. i,,,..,,, ••I ' "�"'
11 •' ,..,.,,.,n " I f•��t,·<1 "�' ""1 t•l, rn

1 •·• Y• .,,.,� • ,,1,.,f IIM,., I -l,ol"•
,.r,,,,. f.., ,1,1 .• " ' n l•f\:• • •�.,,,1. I•• • •"
♦ ' ' ' ' 'l""''"' i . , 11>, !1,ll• •t l ..t .. , ,.. .111, 11
'" ... ,,� •· • •l,o!Ou� 'h,ol ... .,, f '•M ,,.. � ·
,tn,, lt. •11• �, , \tl•1>(1"1> ...,,,._ I f. ,..nd ••
.,f 1 1 •• •l I\ \ i,.. '
\h•nh,•<I "'' • "''"� -••
l • u fn,m lh•I!"
II\)\, . t,,,,. •"� f.,, 11,..,. . .1 '"" "t'"
,,.,, 1 1.n••1,,., ,.,11, ,, , f,.,n,,. ,,.11 ,.·t1•••
I ..•lk•·•1 "'' ''" Jlh•-'• '•"• r ••r i,.....
•11•1 •h f,,lh .a,l,,J t,.-1••" 1" "'""'•"·• •
, h ,1•�• .. 1 IHr,n� ,m. 11,- \\ ,1!1,1• f<'•
,.,,nt,I• l�,,.,ll'I\ j,,,,..,, .._.,.,.,.,,,. ,,,_. •�• t
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\h,, I r.,t,d ·�•• on. •l'I• "•I
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• ••' 11�t.1 I"•• \ I h• • C I h•• •
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l\h, ,n, • I ,n,�,1 · , "'•· ••,
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,I •�• , ,, ... 11, ,.,. 1 1 �
\, • ••nl•h�
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SUffOL ICSrVOE rsOBHAYfS,o,ur,l.,,,.,�...._,.,,,,,, .r l(1SS IOIJ

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. ., ,

I A ll'l( ,4fr(R OARI\ 111S$,1,r1o,;,,,., L..,..LogM1...o,tl tf't, 2 00 � m 6 00� m ll>lfl
t'a.uh�t fathrr, ...,., du Ill,. "-11,,,. lh1 nc ""
WrdnrMlay ,,,,.,,,,,w,

And He said, "Feed my lambs"

!/\ :'-hnlyn ;\ S11urr

I n • ,�...n t r. "" arnu•·nl .o, lf\r I n•trd
-.u,,. 11 ,_ harrl h• ""'"''" lbU th,,r., an
"""l" r'"•"f"" Jll,l ..,n•!Jo LIIO'•lt,..,\

ln a r.-.. O'fll ·nlrr,,.... . ,,n tltr pM•JI•"
,ffollah>d '"''" 1hr ,-wnpu, m,n,,cr. ,i
""ffull •t•;nWarnrd tflal ,..,f, ,nunatrh

l\,,th II• l 11,nl l(ul'll'I �• <1 ltr,,tb,., l'lul
.,. h h , ,,1 tlw 1'1.!rfutk \l•n,,l,. ,pok.- ufthr
11•u(ntttt bo·mf rlm•-d uu1111•h••b«>o·nw11t
ul lh,. Uld 1\,-.t t'hu n•h, n,,-...11, •rn,..,.
t,'.wnbf•clj:• 'ol
frum Uh fhdi!O'•a•
l>u•ldrn1 ft<.. bl,wm..nt. 10h,.n 1, l,•&.'>l'd . 1•
• n-n1 .., f.,, 1h,, ",tn•..1 prupl•" 1nll th•
Pl<ll'r1) uu lhrd •n Nmn,..hQa"'h"nl'}
-.,,... \lund.l) .-,-.,,.,,.,. 10 w 90 ··u,.....1

� . � ..

• • I " , , • . ,. r,1 11, ..1 , . , , , .
• "" ,,q.
. .,.1 .., .., ,1
l .o• I '1""'"'' \ "1 •·\pt'l"f •
I! , . . . . .... ,.,,. , .. ,,,.,, ,

""' • • h,. •�M I" ··I'•" I �.,,., 11 •
,o,J ,,. •11 ••••••
••n, , ,,,.. to l \ . , f
r,",t .. I• !"'"'
h1·p ,,,u ·p,.·d

• �;,.\ I ,,,.,,,till '" u•� .,. ,

I: ••· "" • """"h, .. t 11>< 11,.fll • . ,t
l lu· , . r t " , •nh r,, ,1 .,,.. r 11.. rn ,,.1,1.,,.,
•• ""h "" ,,,,.,.,, 1,.,1,1 111, 1,,., llo•fur, I
.,,ui,t �• • '"""' ""I .,rm, "�"llh
''"' n1.. -l ,.,. llo,b lb,,·, 1 ,n,,. , .,. ,.
,n1nr, ' """ ., ,,. ,.,,. l f,.lk••"" 11,.un
mr ,111.. 1n•. ,w,,,., .,., m. ,t,n•t1 •nd -..11'
'"'"' .. ,11 1.. ...... ,11.,r11,
1,... ......
h .. a,JJ ¥.r,,:h\

f,.r nun..1.., ....,...... a11 ,,1 1r... 1 .....
m, ur 1,;... t,..,,.,.n,h uf otnn n-tula1
iwuph h,1,-111111111 111�11 ,.,,.,,. '"" I ""'
.,,.,. vf1n..m
I ..., >1lllnl .,·ru» r,.,m J ..i \\ nc•,1
.. tulo '" ""' "" Lh, au ' l"h, m""' ,...,.
,o1�nnc �, ..d .,,.1 all I 1 0111d '1u tu
•• """" h·d�• 111111 .. a, lu " - "' n, I < > """
lu JIUl ,1 m•l<II• l f,,Jt ""'l"••ln•• 1 ... ,
.,1,,.,.,.,J, II. • ,,,...., hi lh• I•" I 1,,.,1 •
-lr,ou� 1,, 1,rl( lh•t IIID ""-' tu I•
!U!�•· lh•l .. ,m.LhUI( ,.,.,, In\ 111• 1 .. lh •
1,,,,. , '" •• 1,1,., I !11111� ,1 "•' . 1., ....1
i,...,..,,. L,t11l lr•ltho,,.,.,
n ,. ,.,, "''"''"' .., ,,..,..,,. .. ...
A•h '" � ,,,., I •• l•fll •h pp1,i,! !',I•• -, .. •• ,
,1...,1um,r1 11!• '1'1<••..- t'r1tl• ulll" '•' I • •
h .,,., p,,,ti..n h ..,..i .. fiu.1...,
\\,U \..-lut• I (11 "''" • •1•11•· ••"! h .,
,,111, ,.,1111h1- Lh!lol n>o1\I " I m • lul>o - "
.,. ,n,.-rn , ""••••• ,1 ,.f p,,.,,.,,n� "'° . "I"
r,u t1n,a11, .. ,, .,..ll•"� "I' ,,,nu,11-r, ••I 1.o 1� ,
,rnd 1•ullinc �11\um•l"t lh•· ..t,.,,. t""""" •
I .ol"•" 11...,1 1., i.ll tu •• nw,,
, mp!,,, ,.,., .., l"''"'hl• 1n u,� 1,, �•• 11\r
,.,,1d, ....,..l' "" th, h•1>p,-111nt• • • ' • "'"•"'
m.-r).,.I ta<l1<• .C•t>ol" 1 1'1 1 1 h· .....,.1 ..
., 11,n1 t,•t•t� a1,d 1 ..,ur-.t 11'1,.h,.ol ••·

dn ld, 1., .,1, n, .n th,· 1'11111,.. \l,i,.
' ,,.<iNH """"'' I r. h• ("' 1h•m •I I > •
,.,nium, n,,,. . , , , ,f,,,.. . ...,..,,,,..,,,1,-c
tu, II<, br,.t 11mr "',-n,·n u,,.,. "l'I"· • •l"
,.,. <1 � .... , p, ..,. :,,..,n,n1 .... •. ,.en,•
\ ,,u h.01• 2"1 lu ,..,.,.., f•,! lh,,.,�n
\<1 l•, ,., ,n•l·l o,
1 1" n11n, •f'••I '' "
""'•"h nlh
l t"""t"•"'I ti\\ f.,.,, mumh, •l i.., ••
\ ,11r, h.o. ,..1,.,. ..11 "" Lu •u "" U1r •••
.. ,, ,al 1 n11• - ,n, 11,11,nc , u nun•ntu,.., ,.,.
•'llt· •"""""' ltl( rnHl•• •I """'"r, .,..t
. ..... . .. . . .1 ..... .., 1 ....
\\�,I, m, ,,,1,.,.-1<.p .•., , "''"' I •
•M·•, ,.,.,.. , . "''t "'"•,. I �" fn,m h••·
\\1 .,1 ··• l'L"'' "'I"·" I �• • ..111 ,,{ .. 11....
fl,• •\OM•I· "' ...
II"• ,o II J �• • I,.., I
• ,t �·
.,t., , 1•1�•" t.,, th•! II•••

P,,,1$111' ,n tl<.>•n tt, • mu! l)f•puN1 1nd
..,,.,,,t b, ,·.,1unt,•,'h,. l 't,,- fo"1l 1> dunllLO'<l
b• thu..- ,.hu lltl' il"U"uflh+'[lrul'll+'m 111d
fr,.l 11'11l th<') •"ukl hk1 111 "1•"' """..
111111' p.n uf 111.. r<lUd hfl' ,.,lb thow f_,
i...,. f,.nun•t,

ltutlh told "f ti,.. um"' U,.01 ,1110,0ntJ,
h••r """" 1n1u UI• mm,un ufr,� '"•nt1n1
1.. l,,.,.., II 111,-, rould dunatr mon..y for
thr h,.n1r, 1nt'ambud1a

\ "UlldNlul tnu• c \h c1.. ,,•tl�onh
..rr,, ..., ,. "hu1 ,1.. u.,-, ,..,., 11••111, !hal
lhr\ ran l,,ul �• "-'"" lflr ,1....-1 •UII ,..,,
•nuth..r plan• th•t 1> f,.,.<tm1 11\l' hllMlt\
thll 0'\M nch1 ,n, ... , ....... ... 11
,\ hlU• f>'l.<'11\Ch h.. f..,..nd that tM

:,,.,ffut• I MI\PnJI\ ...,u n,, and ..
<"Ph•br11m1 ltJ. i!ith •nn1•·• \l,r,ac
b.-urr ,...•) tu <"Pl�bral• an, r•·•nl tl'lan h,
.nanncand ,-arm1 for 1hu"' "llllhlo- ru,.,,...
,..u,on ,., .on<>1h..1 ,., m••" " 1n th1>
,nnauon:ar. u.....

111,.,.. ,�. .....-r.r111nc h• H"bh a d••PII\
.., in.. Pl\.l("'"m .. ....... la th• t,,<lfk'
""mi.-, of l,.,..,.., fo....,,1 th., wornan whu
NIUrdmaL•> 1hr Prutr•m on th<' l>ultrt,n
t>t.>utt "�I'll nnl tu ._.,ffnlk l•n,.,dl'n1
l>an1ol Pnhn•t1'• um,,, m th.. ,\r,•h•• •
It u, 111'...- ltl•I Ml or 1nu... whoi,,,rn.,ush
"anc lO h.. !p non ,�, tM 1nronnatmn
..,...drd lfll'lr ,\f1"hrrbu1ld1n111ono1nnU...

l ,upp,,.. lh m,,-1 •·nJ"l•hlo- m,,11.• t,1•
ur m, ,111,·•p ..1 t....... 1011..,,.,, ..,b, n
l " "'""' ""ll••n1 •n ,uum,litm. ,rx•�.. uuu
th,· muruphon••• 1.-·�. 1.0 Uluu\11/1111 uf
1,.1,-11 .... fn.,,, .,_,.,. H1tnJ>W1•"' to Hllud�
rn..... IOM�n.... in.., 1w
h•t<'ntnK u, "'-- And 1 thou�hL rfifuuld 1w
d•ffir.111 lo lw •n ,nt�,n
WI\ u, '" ln•m l'll!;l, IR� Hnn...i �o,1<>1b�nd
fruit )Iii« 1> 1nrt�full) .._..,,,,...d m lht
,;c,m,.n1 or th� cllun'II , an)·t,m,. an)onf­
••ntJ.1.u ,1.0::, utlwith• c'on•t,on

Tht'ft' u,, utl'l,or th•n&I<. too. All thrwof
tho.., •n �o,�NI m Lh� ampu• m1nbl'}' .
<uppo,1 Lh• pn)lramand urt<" , 10
ho-mm.. I pan of Lt. If 1 11:udt,nt nnn<:>C
lnn•tl' food, ...11, th<"). anrukl•d to drop '"
.Mid 11.-lp lo ..,,,.,. th.- mot Ir not Lh•I
th.-n , 11n.t drup •n for a rilal •1Lh tho"'
•n.:,w h,.n..,, ha,, 11.-.-n .opp,o.s.d, 1f unh

['h,.,... is mu,.. tl'lanun,. k1nd o f h11n,:,r
:,,om.. �md, ,..., fl"•tl• t.1111rird h) h,.lp1n�
1no1rw, p,or,,on A nothtr kond IS futh
,.,.-d b� t>,,1n11 P
"', wh..n ,._.lp,nt 1n d
"11rin� hand� 11,,tp lo ,.,.ltbtlt• onr of hr•• ·•
11'1<,-t •cnon-d way,uf hf - ttlrCNt'bnuon
·•1 ....lrio111W ll\ll'I

The Human Life Amendment


by Ju, llamni:ton
"It'• Ju. \11,n,.lh111� lh•! h-plll'n, r,rr,
Ion, ,.,.,,_ r...,p1.. who lo, h,·n dou, 1
in.ok� 511rll I b111 rt,,al ,,..1 "I " ..,.,ti I ·m•h
8tllwp ulkm1 ahuu1 1n.. 1",,.,.n, nu•I
lnaurunrl.,,n \h ll"n"P " � n•"rt• nt uf
,ub,.rb.ln ,\rlu11tun •Ud ... ,, tn11
9'..hm1t1111 ,...;.d,11tJ. d,.,, ·, "n,t,•,.l.ond
•hi ,,,_.,h....,;and>uf proplt ,�,m• ,,u.,,i,.
.-.1� .opll W r • l u,.,,,..,.,... ,,,,"4,,.,. Hu1
.,.•.,,. i>""JII, l11,1 ,. ,.�l fu1111 \l....,.11u,..ih
lk• , .01,dlll•h
h•ll • r,••..,n 1 bo (h,· r,
inn ,.u,kNl/,.,1n 1!1;1(1,..._, ,,...,,m,nc u,.
t'r..>11,..n 1 ,.f en. l n•c.ct ,w1o,
1 1.,
l-l,•J1<1 hl""" "' l"" la,I '""' t!lhr, ho.-J
,n,·••hr<l h>b ur h1n1 ...,•k �ml r,,t Lh, '" ,I
h "' rt••• lh•, ••�•It! r,, ,. I, '"•t"'•
( 111' \1.....,., t, .,.,\l It• IH•ht• •• '4•••
1 .. 1111n,l h·• n..,, . 1,n ' '""�••l t•••·1,, .. ,.
... 111, '""' ,•• . 1 1.. 11 "'·'""' • '
t .. ,n .. , \1••- hu..-•1,
,,.,,<1 , · •· "'"
,,.,...., .. ,.
,omh..o,._.d,., h, h.ol, J.,11" \ ,Milo , , ,. 1 , ,
\I••••• h·d \\.onn lt,·p••· --•11..ou,. , • .,,.,
..n.-J w..1,,.....,ua1.,. 11,·t ll• • ... ,. lhn,
.. n .. aJh
rt.,·, •to ....,. d .........
,ndi,,t"•I l>"•' "
't,,.oodn,anl 11,_n, n,,nl
\l.,.,..,., 1,...... 11, •Loi• um,l , ,1,nborr, I" " '
..., 1m,.,d,-1! t " { h ,•u, °'4"-• \\u,.1111<, ,
l\lolrn p'1J,od, rt Uh ln...,1u,_1 , .ok••
!,00 iflJ""tJ. "'""'.-ft up ,11u
iu.AO'd b,... l • t Ln,.,.,.tor. .. ,n,rkoulrdlo,
ll\•• fulu r, 1 \,., Loll.. •lh�l1 J1UC1•n• •
Hr1>11bh,1t1rl'l&ll• n�•fllP llllUhl l"'" "'"'
t ... ar<I i..,nc """" 11o • •m11111n, ,.,,
,.. ,.,.., ,�,n 11, \u,;�
lb, ,...m,.. ,,t
,..,,,....,.,..,m•n P.-r 11•-. llo-, an,t 'ol,<h
lfrpn·,..nUII\• \nd, l llld .. .,, m,..,
......,,......t1 11.,,, ..,, 1·,1, 1 ,...,.. ,1.., .),,,,,,
"•r. a. h , "•t1rd 1n1o,.,..1 uw bltr l•lbn
•l><IU1 uw n1, <Ul,l!U cl �od h .... Lh••· ,,n.. ..



u'tlork rw•·•
upp,,;,uon tOttu IILA af'd 1111nouocrdU!.,
Th,. Hull!lln L,r., Anwndm,.nl 11 ,n
nat,on w,d,. camp1,rn tu .u.p tb PI-C"
anwndm• • "'tll<'h h• .....,,. n1rul•cinc
Som.. ofth•1ru11� Jln'!'t'nt wr.., NOW .
1,,,wr 1913 llul,n..r ll
Th.. l,;ath11 ...1L1 won1..111 '1 l'ol1llcal
l'I.. ,...Yt'I p,nrd uppon bt-cauJot of lhl'
C....,,•, Th.. Wom.,n •, Bar AJ.lonlCM.>n
"""l''"t) or lu, ,,.1 and O,,m<Jfrat1r
1W8At . Th• BoltonWomf'!l'11lnlth !look
Cun•rn""'rn wh�h 11.o•� bl'f'n m lhO'
CotlttU�t. Inc., Th<' Rt>hl1<>1u Coalu,on
r.on1n>Y fur lhl' �tf<'WM'iMOn..
for Abon,on lt,chu. and ,n.,mbl'n.of 1A10
,,,.,. arm•ndm•nt, •·n1un ,,, th""'
Populailo11 Gruwt,- , and thr Coal•t� of
WN'1nrl ..,rlMlll), W011ld ,...q11,,.. 111,, f.,111•
Llbor l,nion Wnm<'n,
to i-- ,vn..,O.,rnl a p,•n,>n w,th lull
AJl of ll'IO'l>f' iNUp1, w••rr u n 1l•d m th.,11
t:t,n,utuuonal n�hb, lrld would proh1b1t • n'll'Wl., a,unn th<" IILA. S.111 S�on
"1 l1w p,-rm>1llnC onl) !how mrdiral
NOW Chlptf'I Pt...1dtent L n th1a M.-d,-,rm.
''W• 1ni..ndtolt'lnt'r)'Gnr kno• •bot,1 th
pmr..du,..s n,qu,,..d tu p,...,· lh.. dr•th
oft,-•motl'ln "
d.lnr,,n ofth11 propoSl'<l affl4'ndm•nl1nd
lf Lh,. ,m.,ndon..n t slluuldp,1M. 1t wo11kl
11om,.....1 1o ram1l) llf• "
mnn anrnd1u all1bun1Uru., <'•·•11 1nc�
AnoLh"r point m..od,. It 111,. tonfl'f>'RN'
of BJJI' and IRcnl IL •ould rn...n Lh.ot thr
IS th11 0... 50,aJINI )\onl )bJOnt) • NOT
l"lll . ll'O. an.d nOlf'r funru of buth contR1I
J '"'" rna)Onty ,n Lhn rount') . arwrdonc
IOWld br1lll'cal It would m..1n th1l f'<it'ry
tu national op•n•un pollo tc•l+'d 1n lh"
mliC1mq., nr 'Jl<l""-"l'OII' 1bort10n
J1nu•'} �., of MS. mlt(a,.1n..1 . th..
..ouJd 1w 1n •�•t111i..d W ,..., ,f ,t "'ti
..,.,,mn 1u1,11•II) o,·., 70 II"' wno uf all
...r,d..nuJ or ,nt,,nl10na/, lh11o sub1"<'IIRC
Amrman1, t,,,l.,.,rttut11h<Ht1u n "' • P"'·11..
tl'I,. K..,,...,d 1o cnmon1I pru1,n•1.1t,on And
d...,.s...n fur • ,..oman and h•t doc10,
nnall,. ,1 "uuld m,•n that rnuothh
�\Ol.,o•·.., . I lotal of 60 pt'r .,.RI of
R"lll•n·• HPpubhran (i)n,.. 11uon, .. hu
P"'�n•nr) 1..,1Jo for all wu,n,•n of <:hold
hrarin t ii" n1•1 bl' n'qU!rt'd, l�Jtll Wllh
,.,,., wr.•) • d h • 111.. p,..'il> ,.•.,,...upp,,..,fl
th,. ,..1,.trat,on .,r ..,-.'} Jl""l'nAnr) 01
toth• tlLA
,;u.pttlHI Pl\'IR•nc'}
MNl<"lftK p,11n1.-d OIII that 0"'' 90
At tht,Jln'Sl ronf.,1•nn- ut1WNlnO'><b)
p<'tl'<'RI of t'Ollpl..� 1n lhf' L.S. pn1rt1<·•
• roalll>on ol k>c.ol wom•n'$ lfOU!"
birth rontrol tli11 •n "'t1m•1.,d :!!i m1U,on
1\J)UMO"'d b) th• Nat,onlJ 0'1.IIIIUIUOII
h•1n1 A,,,,.ncan •Dfflf'n ry,,,. h.od
for WornPn or -.ow• 1:IIUt'G 1t.otunH1Uof
1bonooru.. •rod t�I o,·.,, <>n.- mdhua

.. umrn l'l;,,•.. •hu.,,.,m r\O ') )"•'
,\noth•• ,,...,,. n,c..,.d 11 Ulr ,.._,nf.. Fl•IIN'
.., th•I th,. IILA n;1n "utlnuus" lh,..11 c.u
u,., pn,...., of ...-.. ,,. .,.,mar, on Lh• 11. S
Mo'd0'1roi; c•lltd 0,.., &ml'n,im<'nl an
"1tt•mp1 w <"Ontrol ,.om,...·� li•H." ind
,tat•d tha1 th-. Ill.A 11 1111101.. f
Qlh.,r iuu"r11.,.d •<'n' t h ,. fnrufth•
�pl n1m11'1n110ru. ol lhl' amrndmrnt
whorh "°"Id au.., "rhw1" 1( lh,·
1m<"ndnwnt •• P-d, thf p<1541bl• ,...turn
of"•'Cat,h•nc,.," 1bo,uon1. ofthrn...-dfu1
publor .......,.._ abt>tJt 1hr ram,fc•t,on�
hflh•IIL,\ 1ndufth" l\<"'d rm "wn!>ll.UO'
unuun" ,n publll' and pnvall'
',/.al., S..n Jark flM'kffilln Wlt•d lllathl•
,. ..f'Ofl<'Pnw'd ,..,lhlh t..•"of rh,,wn, ..nd
,,..i........:· u...11 b) ll\r niht lo ltf�
prup<lf\,.nt.. IIP alsn .,.,11 ll'l•l lhpn, 11 •
IM'tld for 01111111,auon among$! wum,·n\
(n,u pi..,.ru"6lhr ...-,unu) . •Mti..•1 11m11
.,,11 t,,, .,.....,,.d u, rofht 11'1.. oppowl,un llr
•ta1,•ctu,..1 1h1\""1 d1rflrul1 c ...,,, f.,, n,.,)C
n1,·mb!'D<1f lh� l•i,.,l•l11n• W p- un "
llur,n,. 1..,,-.-r or \r,,, �,11un 11t
t bu1 ln,on lloufflt'n «;11d u1 an 111t.,n1..,.
thil lhr lll,,\,."1n oH�ru,,, tolll•um,.n "
and that th,·1•• b a cr,-at n.,,,.; fur ..lud>' n \Jo
un ('1mpu....., arruM Lh.,n..111m 1u ury..,111,
'ilw al,.. Mt thal 1h,. lll..4aan lttrmpt lt•
5N JM9t l �


Beach Boys and jelly beans

,..,:�� f,.
..., h,.,,. \fl,., monlh• uf p,..puaoon
m;11k,n1 phun,. r&lh •nd ,.-y,un1 wn..n ,1
..., •11 n,mrnt l•J(rlll,• r n,,- Hrpubl•r•n
,,1111111111-r h1<t mad, 1h.. an1n1,·m,, o,1,f.,,
111 n1thl> h,il,I r,,um, •nd all nlflH
t,...ucu..1 .,rn1, 11 ·,i,,,.,n • l"l"I""'•
• • • l •'l!ln ·Hu1 ,1 ·• .oll ,.ortn11 "
, , ., ,.. d ,
I ll •
• a l l O'tl Uijl-1<11
,,,,,,n,.• ,,,r l\all furth, ,1,,.,,. 1., .,pH1 t,,
, t'tr ln,111r11r11 , .,,.. • .,. lho,, ..•,u•d no,t
• .. "P"'"' " " � , .,,..-.n ••lh fan, •­
,. ...,111 (md :JI tl'I• fl,_,_t,,n l•llr(l, n Th•
,.,,.,h f,.rm,·d ,1J11lr h,,.., 1nlu tn, thr,,
•rt" tl"un lllrl •••r, utll,•rh a11<1 ••II
,,.._o 1mo..1h ,n w11, and nr,'""'' ,..1
,,., p,.,..m ••• ,.,,nuc I Ma k t,...-a1f11II
llo•"'1 r '>lurt l'h,• n• pn,t..hh na, flt', ,
..,.,.,, ,urh a f,mn1I nw l ron,·..n hkr ,1
\h.. \m.-fh•• �u,.·rll .., ., lh,
,p.-,unr .t<"t Sh" •PP<'•"'ll "" "IM!' "' '
,h1n1 thU•r>n( ,k, blur d,,...,_ stt..
, 1 1 , m p1r,t " n 1 • n 1
Am,onr1 lh,.
lwitLiUful" ••lhuut..,, m"it< J'hrrr,,,.d
,.,m•· • ,.11.-d ·t.ol.. 11 off• · •nd
,cn,• .. (Lhl ll(llo-tl
tmaU, 1h.. 011,...,n t!r(1u and Lh, tt..a, h
Ho•• 1ppr11r•·d "" ,1.oi•· l'hr Mld11'11<r
appl.outlrd and , n, , r,·d <I!, II\►\ p.-rfurmo-d
...c.,. .,f 1r,..,, 11.,, - ....,,,,., 1,,r1


H.-,,,mltOll .M>J l1tOlfJ.-•, ./uS..'f>h IM"' ' l'lll'fl 8/1 ,,,.,,. "'

1.-tw•rk wai.drnn,tO'l).-•hll'h ,..,LI
not b.- torcou..n b) 11'1.. h111.0'} bool•
Unfort"n•l•l) , Jan,.af'} 21,1 ..,llprobabl)
llf' rnrtuttPn b) the jPnnal pubhr •n 111..
O'llCll.ttmrnt lofJm.>11nd1nt ll'lr n tum u f 1 k..

ho.W.aEf'L Jan111f'} :!ist ".. lhr da, ,.h1rh
1.11,...h..d lhl' brf1nnmc ur • m111on••d•
i:amp,111n lu >I.op Lh• H11m1n l,1(1'
Am•ndmrnl 1HLA1 Th,� .-.mp111n •• unr
,..i,,..h ,..11J •ff,.n m,u,.,,.. of Anwr,c:an.,n
Lh, )••" to ('Vffll'. And ,t "• 1111..oU,
o•rtloollr dtl• lflt mMhil
ln tlk' rin1l anal)11,, l wa;. di.appo,ntl'd
and !,(}ffM'•·h•t mnfu..-d l'I) lhO> t,.rn uf
f-�<'nh Ahn 111..nll,nc n,· n,u p,_
oonf.,,.......,.,�1 11'1.- , tt.,..� nu l<'"6I I
)'II.lo tu1t..d h} lh• tho111hl of llu"
"lu,•kl" I wa. tu � c•o,,• nn� •Yrh i "HIC,
�W'} " l "'" luukm,: r,.,,..·1td lu "�·•"C
ho.. u,,. 1111 """')P•P"" •·,,uld ,..,.,. , tlu
ii.Qr) , and }·r•. ma)!w ••·•n ""''"I m)wl(
on 1hr >1x o'rk.l(-l n.. ,., Hu,.,..,., . ).,;uto
bot> dll1ppu,n1 d bt"'•"w th,.,.. ,...,,.. ,.,.i.
ou � 1m.oll UUr>� about lhll "Hit: .tu'} "
111•H ufLh, kxalpaJlf'n Andthr,...wunot
Hf'n . \llll) ,......,.d , m dtp oa u,.. ,,.

the pill a no-no?

A• Lh.. r..rt·mooy r-.d.-d _mlrl) """' tu
( 11t1Kll'.,•l offor,., rnr,..,·,,puun�'
uf th+' U-1(Uf'\ fn•m �lolt.-.hlljll!\I.J •"nt \n
ll�k,.., and Cunt,,
ntro<?\ <.omr •"nt If> r,unnn11 ruom,
to ..1 do,..n1nll•1trh1h., lnau,ru1alnl'nb
, m , ulor tei.,,..,.,., Othr,l,.,ustadm1,..d1h,
,,..,.. .,fth• llo&>h11111on \lal1tu1M l,.n•-.,ln

\ ,.:-::::::�:� � :: :.:� ha. h•d
II " a dn almu,t ,.,rl""'�II ,...n,..,,.d
1ruund Uh ,.,.,. ,.n,..f �,,...111 t•r Th1\da•
1,,.,.,,.., ,..,,..111 b. d,ff,., .,1 Hunaltl
ltr•�•n \Ouuld .nan lht\ d•• with form,·,
h,,,,d,·111 J+mm1 1 :.r1r, anti th" last
nunulr 11,•(ul 1atu111' f, ,, th• :it l'lu�••�•·• "'
lb< .c,...... ... , ,, r,nra ... Lh ,o11 �rntl, ul
IN Hplo- t i( \ "'PP'•",.,. p.......·d ""\ 111,•n
t H .\ , ,...
,111 k.... and
11, .._,nmi1un ll1bh l ••llo'I!•
n 1 t l"/'
,tud .. •,t, ""-ct •>Ill ,,.., JllmphlO'l
,..,,p1..,nmc ..,�..,, th• 114t.,•n , 1,,,..
,.,..,,.., • ,.,.., <1n·-·•t 11v •• l 1t1l,. -..m
••Id I llu, i..r1..rtna l"""I' •I.., ,.. ,tk.-11
""""" th, pa,.,t.. r•,ut�
' """'t'' ,.,.,. ...1:,ni nuuun, ltll 1loH1i
lho par•tlo n,ui, ._,.,,,, uf tho• Rll>\.t
i�•Jl<ll.i, ,..,,., .aid l(unald 1t...oc1n . On,
1 0 1 11 h,·>1dl'llt ' ",\ml'nra I r,.,
fit.i!tnn 1n1 · "Ii•,; I\,• l m 1 1t,•po,,hln•an "
"ll1fl1)• Ul\, Ar.. 1t..,� Acun " •111,. nmr
• '"'"
Hu.n 111 M lllld fot ltr•�..,••
ff,.iltln " flHI th�
•\n,.. , ,
\Ian, 1.... 11 ,..,uu.,.ntJ. Jl<ll
lt.-.oi•n·, f1.,,nto· , and• �•U\ ""'""" th.,
•nll• 1h.ot "'·IJJNI l'l,m "'"P .mokmc •h,.n
ru •h l ,.,...m.., uf C.1hfom,a un llk'u
i.bln On.. 1,•-.t;11u,am un (:apuol ll1U11u
�••,0J1lo• • • h•11•• l"ih lw1n,o, p.-an111,
Th.- ..., 1hr llu>llllE• -.tun h•d
••rnhll<k•••·d •nd n,.,t o.-,.,m• • p•n 11f
� IH'ld l5

�,,., ,.,,.,�,,.,�o" '"'H,., /.,.J �I Rr�n 1 ,,...,,g.,,,11 C...ii,,,

hy l .uo11Griffm
S.•m.. wh,,"" ,n 11'1.. m•<bl uf 1h.. m..d•a
co,·,,q:.. uf 1r,,, ,..1um uf lhr "06Uf:O'>, tM
ln1,.111n111un uf "ka) run" Run.old
R•11an. and Lh.. Su.1"'•8<••• an ,mponan1
�Of)' WU ,.,u,,., lul'JOll•n "' bunrd b) tM

January 29. 1981/
Suffo(I, Joumalll'ag,, 9

Ann" and "SU,nn1 I ' " ...,... an don•
•l h1Kh 1nl•naot1
A l Jard1n,. 1nd M,kr l.o" uf\Jw flr1,'II
II<>)• .,.,p,.,...,d tt...n 1111hlud• too \ ,....
l"r-"''""nt 1,..,.,,... &Ill fo, 11.o""I 111..m
•pp,o•r 'Tlt,., hllll apP,-•,..d 11 lund111,.,.n
fu, H,un • un,;u,,..,..,,r..1 l"rttltl,,nu•I
nw """ rrt •rnl fur 1,..u n<>un ant'
,ft.,, an ,.nnm• thP rru,..d w1Jk..d uu1 ,n11.,
..,,11111,n11.,n • ,,,...,.t,, 1,<>m.. au•nMd ,
,.- rpuun 111 lh.- Sh"••1<1n ,,ur1h,.•)I
"'.,,..._,,.·d bl II\• 1:.,nr1,· 1trp,,,bl1<"•t1•
111,-,,, ....n 1 11, th, man, b.or- m th, "''
""' ,.,.rt,, 1.,,,,l"lt:,• lt.>wn \l1.n, "'""
,.,... 1,1 �•• h�• l Lu th••lf h11trh t,, ,l,�·p l<H
'"""'rr,,.. ,.,_ ln•"�"••l•uo I•••
h ,..._,, • nuld \flnnt hk•· da, Th, 1)¥r•I
,..,-lo. hllll n.-. n • l•""tl' tuCY, n,., ..,,. ...
,,.,n•ni tn, ti\• (i n• llm• ,n h"'tur. U,..
ln•lllllflll••" ..,,..Id Loo�r plik • ,,n 1r,,. ¥1�,1
.,,,. ,( 11, .. 1 "1p111,1 . lh• ,.ibl u,t,
,h,.cn,, t,-<1 m,.n, fn,,m '"'""'K th•
, ...mun, n,• ...rm il'f!IJIHIIU� hid
m,11.-d th,. hu1.-n ,,.,.,. .ond man..
,.,nd,t""'' ,n frun l ul lh,o t '
•?•lol m"dd\
...,11 , ...
n.. f' p,tol 1nt11nd, ,..,.,,. n,p,•d 11/1
llnl, l)N•pl,. "ho hall th� )"U""' "Sl.lnd,n«
Ar,•11 ·• 1orhls•r,., af1mnt..ct lothr 1 •.."'"ll
,.,.,, lh,. u.ttth of J>r,..,o,.n1•n �nd
\ ,. ,. l',.,.,o,·n1 l,NJ,... liu>h ....,
.odm1n,.1r11\,.II 11 nu,n u.....
P•lnoll<" mu..,. and th,· (11m( of r1nnun,
m11krd th, 1111n,h• r ur pow.., Ind
" spun!>lh<lm fr0<n Lh,. U,•mncraL� w Lh.­
R,·pub,114a,i, l'h, laii• rru•d 1ntrn'\fptl'd
w...,..,. ,..,,,. ,.11...,,..1111d1ppl.lu5f'•bO' to4d
lh•m ti, ·•ti.-t,n 111 ..,1 of n•h11n•I
,. ,...,..1 .. II,· q,ok,. ur h,i; """ ul
cu,,.rnn.,,n, :.. n.. nail Do• fu,.. dunn1 thP
lo,nc pm...n ,.ompa,rn .. 11,.h ""�•" bl,rk
,,. ,,.,. t.n1la11d, )r•1 ...:u

"'•th \b1ur lloh1t,. 111 lh� f\llu!I'
Tll• alnw,t ,.,dulof>o• h R�puhl'<III
p.or1, "'U a1t..11d,·d h, lhO' lrildlnl
ll,,m,,,,at ,n \I•- hu ...111 p<•hlin ·n,,.
•t>•rmur ,.,,.k.,d Lh.. C t. •d ..,1 ..a. •rll
,,.,..,.,,.J \dn .,n-n ,n,wd,•d aruund K•nc
,M h" l•u •llll• l1t.1UJIPn fut pholo• •nd
.. 1u1r•phL 11.. , .-hn..-.1 .,,,..,.f,., ""'"•
'TloddlO' ;ae.-d """'.,.
t_.,r.,pl 1w D a

Inaugural celebration



f'tiRI' Ju .'iun,,/11' Juurnal ,/11nual"\ :!Y,iYHI

.,,.;;• . 9.,.

Women's basketball loses two in a row

tn 1'�11il,•SJ111lh
I!" 1••�1 n, •••• ,., ..,., ,,
h••�• ,,,.,
• .,,, " ..u, r,, ••, '"' ,, 1,r,.1 ,,,,• • �·"'·
••••·h<1 I,, �.,1,.,.,. I ,�1,·I!' l•,I 1 I .,.....-t..,
•11•1 , ,UtH �"'•' • .,, ·t·, ,t,,,rl ,·H•1 lho, Ill"'
1 1 !"
1i,,. " - '"" 1o·<1 llo1,.,11f,.�,, ltu �•""
1 .,,.. "• "", �••1 I I• • k •<I
It� f• ••
111,11u!• ••I plo.• 1.,. r. . , '•'·' • •'""• ""�'
h\ th, li�h,.,1 1, .un
I h• "'-' l f,.J� ,..,.,,... , .,n,,- ,.,1 ,.,,.,,� ,,.
Ith f, ,-, �••••h·r •ll•I IWI "�"""" •l••rrn, - f
•· •" I J p,,u,1 ,i•"•<l l'>\ II" 11•1 1 !th
llo.rn,·H• · "''' ahl, I" ''"l""" lh• II
•Pl'"'"' - , u.,....�h ,..,.1 ''""""•''"'' .. r
t,,,1 1< th• .,jf, ""'' .,,,,1,1. h ,..,,, 1>,,.,,<1,
r�"" ..1..,i. •"'I''' ,.,,, .,,. ,n, ,1,-r. "'"'
·�••r<1' ... I\ 11<-111 ,,,, .,,,. ...., ....... u .. ,
"I'" " ' " , ,.Ul'll� ,1.,,.,, "•01 ,.., f'\
..-h,,un1l •" "(hl l h,-., 1,., . ... ,n,, u , pl•,
,cnn ..11 u,�., t,-amm•l • ' "'"" P'•• • d h•u�n
iOl!�n·""' ,1,,f,-n.,. �"" • •Ill• .. l' ... ,u, .,,.,,.
tunrh •l•• al, fh• f1r,.1 h�lf ,-n,l,·<I ,.,ll
....rr.,1� h••·••l111C t<••2; l >,.-dc•
fh• _,.,,,1111 11.. u l" "'·d .,.,lh """'
i, 111a111, 1•1•• '" t,.,m win fh,· f• r,.•
11, ,,nl• " ' , ""! ,.., ,.,,1,-,t .. .,1.1 ,11 11,,.,1 f,.u,
mu,ui , , rnt" II"
!".""" ,.h,•u 11�11,...,,
r.,,.,,h h,.,1,..- ,1,, 1,·,
tt,,11.,.,u twt•n t.. 1 ..1., 111, n•••..•• .. """

;��·..::ff -;;·�.:"·"�\tft:��-... ��. '..11,,.::;;;:.:�·

111.. ""."'"'" .... ,...u, . .,, ,.,fr..1� ,
(trf•• n.,, ,.h., h•t\ t,,,n un•lll, tu ,,Olll rul
th,• ·�•I""' ,,,,�,tmc ,,f ll•h"'" ,,n,. (h•
f>n.l ha![

11,1,<ul)oo"' NO/J.:Jlf JJO dtrJ.

liof.-n.. "h"h natl '-" " ' ""'"'"""t "'
tnr fir,,1 half b,t•n lo• hn••� ,1,,.,. n
tt.11,..,., f,.,.1,0, lh••\ 1,.,, .. ..n,,1 •!
'"''"" bo�•n 10 ,·.,nlml 11,,u, 1><,1.,\, ,.nrt
toihlrn 1h,• 11 <l,• f,.n..- �off,�� •l.>rt<'d
f.,n'ln« th<• ball m "" ,,ff..n,-• 111>1o••d ,,/
1;,>k1na \h" umr tu .,..l th,•11 plo, ..nd ,.••,..
11<,! t•'Ulll� off l!<JOd ,t,.,4 llah"'111 •
r,•suf"l!•lll"'r "" d,•r,..,., •,..., , , ..1 .... fr..1�

fflll"! ,1 1 11m..a1urn,,...,..
l\.lh""n n>nluiu..11 tu ,.r,,uir ••u• 11
lh•• 1,-.,i •11d fo,.-,.,i �ffol� ml'IMk•'> l"
tmnt u, ,...,,.. ,.,uun ,,.,.. I'""" ·1i1 .hc
,.,1h!,.1 .,..-..nd,lo-/l ,.,. 1hrd,,.l


II•"•"" , •ll•·d • u n...,�,1 ,,,... "•'
1,.,,ku. c for Uh ,.,.. -.hul uff,,n..,• 1 1•••
f• .,..,,.1 ,1 .,.h,•11 ,.,,.. ,,f 1h,•1 r .,.,�,wn up,•n..,1
U/l ,�, 1h, 1,-ft -,,Ir .,i tlh '""rt •"<I

.......... , "" " �,, fl Jump "'"' !" i,,..
lh•·mtho• l,A<1 I \ ·14
,urf,,lk ,111 1 n1d um, w ,11.-11k •""'
"•Ch 01, '" '''" l>ul Ulrn rh•nr•• ' ' '"
...1 ..1,lWd i.h,-n I ,,nn1: µ.,.,. ....
mtr.,,•d b, 1 Hab>o,n "'uman .,.ho lo-1
th,· 1,m, n,n uut "" s.,rr.,1•·• , han,,• f,,, •

Rams lose close one by eight
h, lwn l\lemer

rh,· lhm,, 11,.., ,.,,n•�11 ..m1,t, 11 r u , ,·.,n,,
,,., •• ''""' ·h•·<r fu,1 do•l,at !U..>'UI,
•hthl • �1m•• �am,1 \1 1 1 "'l>IIUI I .-A>\
t,,1n,· l h , (1,-,1' h1lf ,•n<1,·d ,.,1h \t l l
h , 2 1 l 11 tu 111�1 1�•1nr th.. ,t1r1r.-. .,.,.,.
�,...pmi 111, PJ" I""""� ._.,rrnlk .,.._,.,Id
,,.�11 ,1> ,,. ., r ,,.. ,.., th.. i.,,,. uf t•m•

.,.h,.n th• wmnn ,.,.ul<I b, <li•,.1<1"d b\
,.n,, .-,,ul<l ut1 lla,1 ,.hu ln 1h.. .,•,·,111d hlllf
\I I ! 1..111111 lh• ,•,lr• "'"•d !)Ulil up •
ml l1•111t l h•·n ,at ha• � 1ml

::� � ���

h mu,l h•" hr, n ..,m,,.hal uf .,,h..., .
1<, I>, \>1•, m( th,•n ) ,1111 narn• u p "" lh, .. ,u, Ith ,,,1 ,.f 1n, 1, .,,, \ I' I
.11..uun,·, r � 111,rt, .,.•,vull , 1,,, �. •nd •
.uu rl n, ..,. lh•I frlt h�,- • , ., hump,•r
l,.... luie �• lh• ..� , n· h,,.,. •I h•lft•m• I
ma<I•· 1 �U•·" If ,uri, .1 � ...., t,, "''" II\•••
hed lo> uupl..t \I I I • \n,li• fl,nn ,.hu
h1<1 .al r,·Mh furt11ula1,·<I h,·t 1h1hl1••• mt,,
l l p,,1nb
11w �•"'' i.a, r,,.,.1uall, """ !��-�""
"' h,-r l• •ll••r,h•J> •Hl1 n,•, .r..111, I" •r• 11
Ith IYII n,.,,1ot 1hr ,.-,1 ,.1 h•· • W•m
t h•ppo-11 lfl th•" IMh IJU1 p,,., ,.., bul lh,•
(&nH ...., 1•la,,·rl .,, und h.-• l� " lll tUlr<l
1�.,,1 .... .
\I 1hr u\111•• ••ntt uf lh, ,·,,urt .,..r,,,1�
""· "'"�"'' ,,.,. '"" ,,. .,, 1 u mm.-r.
;11n1,-ularh •! tn,· r�r,nnlllt ••f lh,. ,....und
l••lt ._.,,, H•• Jil•,••rl aro olC�r••••n••
d• f, "•"• �•m,· f.,, :,off,�� no:nbondo•<I
.. uh .,,,,.,. �..,,m.-1rn1I tin..-, h• th,- n,.._.p
hut \1 1 I �,·pt lh,. l,·,1d rn •ppl,1n( 1 full
• •,.. n ""'" nirrt ,.,-,:,• ...,m,, !>hun,pun•.
'"-""' ,i,.•h Jl"'!ll> .. urrtl. and guod
n-bo,1md, hlll thr fuU ,..,un pr,.,,, d,lu lrd
m,.,t .,f,t In 11>,-,.n<I thr R.imrlhlu,olrd
"'" ur,•d •11d fn.1>t111,•d. hu! h1d shown 1
11>,ltt) lo po�11,.,.. ,.,.IJ mli r,•ht,un<I at
hulh ...,d,
• u,. lbr,.nd,-d up,.Hh l l .,.,.ll d,,M'f'\1'11
·,·<I b, 1,.,. "i.<1,-lmai,n
l�"nl> fu11.,...
; •n<I !'al �an11•m ,.·,1t, b lh".-rall. Lh,
lo·•m 1.,.,�..d hkr Ur.-, h1,r IIN•loprd I
,1,l, uf i;ta, a11 uff•n..- th..a• ...-u....,,po,nu,
11, "'"'�•or lhr nalt ,nt., ,n,. k,.,
fh,• f• ,-,1 "'"""•n\ humr l[lll\W J• tnda)
,oi:ain,1 ,,.-h,.I> c..11..�.- ·1"'"" n-rorll no"'
,1.nd.> •t I ! m • ...... ,n •hai ', "'-&II\ uni\ .._
11.i ho,r,un


The Journal
is in
need of


,.I..••"'" lh,- "l'P<"'"� .,ffrn"• Ul• h;ul
hn.. au<I II\•• ,1.,, � lln• ••nh "�' 1,, 1:11111
., ,,.1n,1 ., 1u 1,11• •l""K 1n,1 -. •• t ru1 •
nu,11k• lh1t <1<• 1"· ud, ,,,. h""' ,..,•II tn,
n1h,,, 1.-1m ,..a• l> l., lh, p1>..un•
lf lh•• m1•1.ak,., t1,.n •t h•Pl'-'II lhrn lh•
, !,.,� •w11,,nu l h,• lbnhpl.-,••t n p,,·u•
..,,.II 1n<I .m· 1,..,..,nuuc ,.,..,1 l" th"
.,,...1 ..,n. l•r\lbahh mnr,• 1n.,, 11n nlh..,
lt·•m ,n ti"•-""" Ill llup,•fulh lh••.,..
.,,,-r1,m•· i•m,.. .,.,11 . , , 11, hb1ru.,n•nt f••!
ltu• n·11 nf lh•• ..••••""
ln th 1, ,.,-,,• lhr\ <.l"'"'·<l nu ,•ft1, ul
u1un- •h,. r,,ln .,.,ll
panw l\.rh&I" "' tnr f
b,• "'"•~<I Th" do""lt m111u1,-, uf I l•�hl
1111n,, .-.11..11 for ••�p,• n••�r" and "' fir t h "
...._.,. ,n th,. lbm, h•.l"ii•tt m.-,r <h1,.- of11

MW 1)1 11''11


r· "'" ;q ;.,;a

,,.1..,n •n_, ,.,1>•d lhh h, \o•lhn� tn" lbm,
1" l>O' 11a1,,.,11 lh.i tn•• nu,i.k .., ,..,..,1�
'""" -.uff,.Lk 11�h1.<••"'" ,q, "" <l,·fru,..•
!Jul ,, \n,,,• lm , ,-.,•ntualh cul lh•• ,hub
111,., "•nh•d II "•• l!kr a \l.-,..-an
,l•l•(l ufflh•l •>•ul,t h.,.,. ,.,.,k,,lll"' •'llh•••
1,-�11, •
't \n,.•!m ·, ,.• ,.,!d •ffurd h• 1n•k•• •
,,.,. m.,u�,·, afl<I ,.,,•n �•mbl,- a hlll• •nd
11,,., chd lho, D\ ,•n,pkH HlK th.. ul<1
h•, � """' J !I■, Ll �ul lh••ru I f,•.., mnn­
l�••nl• an<I 1..1111 , unuul .,f llw du,•k �.d
\l,1<h.,.., h•t a , uuph•uf JUmp,'n 1n • l1h•
.u11:,· bu! th,- \,., ,., th,- lum oHrn... .,.·a,
tak••II "'"") M \n,..lm\ rru.. d.-d thr
1 • ., .. &nd furr..a 1.. mu"' "- 1.akm�
-.Ufful� \ ..1)111+> ,..o,k"1..,1,
n,.. ,i.,,11 " '"'1 .-ff,"'t'll>r m 1h.. ,,..,.,..
momrnl> uf ta�, 1nd 1.1k..,,l l(f>'lt dral
uf nund ronm,I u, ......r<..,m,. Th,..,. thin�,
u-,, o.:am.i • lk'ff'nM•·-- lo'•m ,n Ur"

dnrh d•d not "l"l ln "' .,.,-.�J,. for
kKls d- nnc ....,.... Ju,1-!otnt hl\j<lb� 1.r1·,
rruk.. ,u,.. M, !.umbl,- •I.IH """'I from
l'.S. tt,,..,rn R,.1,uun,

by BenKl•n:ier

Grumbles about Cumbie

Jmua,;. 29, 1981/Su/(olk JtJurnu.1/Pop I I

PHWOL defeats TKE for flag football championship

I h P l n t r1niut�I t l ll t t ,,,,,h1H
("hamp1onllh1p n» t,,,.,n lon1 n,.., hu! •I
.ru,ulcl i,,...,tnowl"IIC<'d Ut1t 1fi., l'HIIIOI
ir.un tlo-fnt..d Ur• l1'am th.ti """ mad<o
1nt1,- of hefo,.. Utr .,•...,,,. �•�r b,• g111 11u
t,.1pp1 1':p"IOll "ll l1"v"'"�l"'••h•d 1t, n110b
lh• pll)Ofb i.-1 alon• m•k• thr,,nlh,p """•• Th• d,11 ,�.,..� ,.
lh<' l'Onwrtinc of1n o tu :,non\
h1 1

H,i:..r 1'11 ; � L
, , . 1 1 t" bl1111n1. 1 11 d ronou•·•·n1-&1
,hamp,on$h•p WliUlt1ni: 1n 1 :ll 2ilv1ru,,..,
l.>um,i lh1' t•mr pl.a!�f'> frum o,,1n
tr.o1n� lfl!U<'d talb b} th,. ,..fn....,, "hu
.,,, ,..1n rhll'1<' On 1 nun11>,,rof 0t·,asK.>n>
pJ!V, JI, d�lm<'d 1h11 TIU "" .,ff,,<h
,.h,I,. on offrn� ·1 ,.., uf th� uf(,MI,•
mfnncrnwnb r,-wli,•<I m 1 ... ,. tuurndo,.n
.. uni f.,, rKt fl,t. 1·•puun_lt."'r 11,11,1o,
pruto•\rd I nll th ll """" thr• fu,
r11v.n1 ... 1th lrJ.> lhNna mmut, !" P••• n•
·n. �a,n., l'hP pla, """' t,1, •h"
lJu•t'l"•'-· k l\,·, ,.. J1, dro•1 •p,-dr,;,, � u.
1,,..., •" • �tr-• puml •llrm 1>t h, l'l f \1, 1 1 1
�,in lt"• ..,,,,,-•! lh•d�l _'t) .• lh \hr, • ,. • I'�"'
,r.,.,utl! • , ruw<I uf w Bmbliu� pl.,,.,.,.
"' 111 !Ir "'�•nd, l•·fl •n It" tan,,· Pri,
\l,J .,.<1 , ..uthl Ith p- •nd l"(ekrl ll>•
h4II " " " ' ,..., ui,,11, , ,-.. fu/ 1 11 .otl,•mp1111�
• ., '" N � 1111• hall 11"'1\ \I, l .• • •d l,u,� ,.11

1,,., 1 nad u1o rnou, , 1u,,1o.,11... r, ,.ll,·11
•Pt..m J.,., \lh1>1n1 d,J\l un 1up u( th o
t,�11 "'"""'" h me ht•lh '"' h.111 dll<I 1th
, lnl\ V. ha.. urnn,·d1a1..11 �"I up fr, ,m
H" t•"und &nd u1urd l l1 •t lh• ball had
,o, h1 d lh• fn,u11d hrf,.n· ,·11h,- r \l, I., ,"'
. , \lh.,m, t\ltd nouct11 lh• r,�n l h •
·• lo " • • •tu-Od f,rm ,t1 th••ir ll••• "'"" l "hu,
11,, """ "'",d 111 Zl �O ,n fa"'' ,.f
l'lrn1 11 ,,...,,.nncfu<lh•mb.,111 1n�,,, 1,,..,
,,.,11h, 19/olO�h•mp... ,n�up
r r, , ,.m.. ha, t,,,... u,,., no" fur J�•I
• • • • • month and th,• !\Jrpl• Jl,•ln1,·1
\•uh,,.,. 11f L<».. n..-.. i,,..,n pro,hun11·d
• �•npK>H> uf lh.. n� f1K1lh•U 1...,u� n..
'"rth t.nd Haid...-. hall t r,,ubl•· •�••n•nt
•lo•"'" tn� ,tr,• l<'h •nd lh" pla,ufr, ,.• 1 h \ li,
•"" ,.,., ..., of kr, pl•!•·r. "" h "-' \\1k�
Hum•"" ron, Hum•nu . tl,,11 � tt,m<>um,
•'"" J,.,,.,. Con►l'I�,
1 1\t ,._ ._. n• r11tnl, n,,1 r�Jh•fl,·d t . , '" •
... 1.-11,i.., IM• for,• ti,.. ....
,,on ..�, Ulld•• •
"•' \l, h 1t" htold lh,• ,p,nt uf lh.- tr•m
•�•·th rr Ion, rn<1UKh to Knnd .,.,, •lt'turh'>
..... , tn,· 8omh :,quad :ind lh• ,.,,,.,
• ""'"I""" It.uh•"
rt.. t. d,.,..,_ •ntl\
• •m.-d • ..hut 11 1hr rh1m1.,un,h,p n....
�n, ,p,•rt,.ll i. atn .. ,,nut th"'"'" tr.11m 1,,
run "'K••lh �, . n,mp,,tl!OI PIW.UI h.od
..n,.,p,•d !U�t•lhrr II , .. .,.., lh•I .-p,-rt, 11 lu
h.,,. lilt' numbt-r two q..lfll'lha,·• 1n th,·
I, .-fur -.tan """" �aJTI• wllwh "uuld ""''
1,,.,... • plu 1 for f'IIWUL H.,.k ._,.,.,.,.,.,


<';:::;.;��� ,�•;,+,,tr;,.,;


Ht.,,hUI Ill \1 1<1\ hi• ho,11 .,•"1f»•l1111••
l r,•n• th• "F•nmt 1.ap -...ff,,a h,. p . ,1
, ,i.,
'" 1 1 ,.,,,..,, ,.. r., �,.,. h•"· bt-t-n ,n
uwtt,nw 11ll !lu .,1t1,•r,. df..,. 1., t..•mtth•t
"'I' lf lh,,,.. ,.., . ! 1,.•m! ;/l"l NI,. " ' <I
""'" l" J,•,•p ,on lh•• C•mhrnlt" ' \ I I -,
hlr»o h• " l't•" ""' ,·nd,•<1 ,.. rj.,,..t, .., ,I
h,-,.an """ I l,·l rn.- ··•�ht '"""' <l•ff,.,
111 lh•• f• nal ""'' 1,.,,1 , . .., \\h,•n 1 ,.,,
,) n,mllm• • ,mall l•·�d ,.,u, Oh .,.,1,1, 1 ..
•1•11 tn" twill h"'""h th• •·ud ,uu "
<11""''""'d ,,n•• ,.f lh• ,u r>l'III w, h,uqu,,
.,,,..d,• <1 r.,, • 1.>·•m "' 11,,,.,,�, I l l
l l .,. . , b11, k a11d furth �II ,. ., !\UI( lu•·K
l'h1, on,. had 1 h1ll.. of r,.,,-, 11,u11 uuuldo
''"-"''"'I t1mrl1 p•"'n(. 1>¥� d,,.,r pll\,
and th,. .. wnl..•! Suffolk k,U,•r t,nw W•1h
b m,nu 1.., W iu . St ,\"�•Im\ d••r1d,• rl l<>
,ll un th,. lo-ad. iUtd il.llll lhr baJl t:<,a.-h

1t,o 1�,

11u •n•rr:i..,.k,•d
, rooph ,., ,.,.,.., f..,
Plf\\111 •I lh,· ht-t•nnmc,,t 1hto ....a:,,1'>•1>d
n, Id • I 1 ,.., <>rd t,.,,,,n .J.11, t,.,,� '"' , rh,·
r,,•lm and (UH,..d 1h.. ll'lm ..
·h1'h pl1\>•da,.
• h•1m1nd n u 1 ., ,•••du;ol,
, u l h 1n1 , "" hr u k ,· n .,..,
rnun l'lt � I I I hut , ,,.,1,1 mu,1 tio- t"""
"h"n ,1 ·, ,1u. Tl\� d,,11iaH<la r n,. lra,n
p-, tfurmann· """'" u,,. •ln• u·n ,·rm r,..d
•""'n<l npt•1n V.h n, J.•m f\JII"'"" "'"-'
l t,. t ·, .,·uru1i ma,·h,n,- .... ........11 , ,.,,,,I
•hn• 1,.,.,.1,,i,..,.,., ,.1 1h,•f1 n1lom, ,tt!•111>1
PIIIH JL t..•un \lullan,•,·d th• r,,/,
1, •1 u�rh·l1:l•• k ;u,d "' "" f ,.n,,,.J Jim
l h P.,,lo anrl ._,,.,,. 1'11. h·mp,., ar1<1,·<1 th,·
,,.. ,·h n,·, d••<1 ""'"�th fo, rt.. t l'h,
n•mD,nr<l •·ffon uf l Kt 111 >pra1,• <11o, t,,. .,r
111p ,,.,i,·n n,l,t,,., • •l'•hl, uf ,.11111111flh.­
' h •mp�w,-.h,p
A1 hatr t1m, Uh· .,.,,.. ..a, ru·<I �! " Ii
'•••lh•• • i,•..,., «�11,1 m u,h•r .u, ofr,,,,.•. .,f
4U\ kmd J�, JIU! 1•1 1 " ' II ,,n lh.. b,,,rd
flf'\l "'•tn .. huo1ll•'I u,tu Ill• ,..,.1,.,... fur a
., u lr;ut n,., l"ar1.•n -..a, u,,. ml••nd�d
,�,.,.,.,, , •n Uh• ,•n.t,un� f<>r th�, ,tno P,.>1 nl
. , ,.,,.,r,,..,n bul tr,-,M'111h>d 1nth,• murl"'h•I•·
lf'\mJ lo ••hh Jl\ •, p...., .\fi,. t !hru.,.,nt
,,.., ,r,r.,n,p.,..1,- P"""'"'
\lu ll1r,., 11,1

II! aas OJ



J ..l>'"d lo u,... tht' ....,,r llrt1r I> 1 kid
"II,• , 11110m . """ r "'•Leh Ur" ,h .... un
T \ _�" I'd a,� th •L . 11,..p;urd w l«'l'pl an
lfl>""' rllh,.t "'I) If .h• ,11(1 ... 1•11
"'" to dad and h im. J r tw 1<1•d '")'.-,. .
l>iln� • Nol onl) n,u ld l "·at.•h i llilf hoo r
.Jiu,. I ll1d t•m..d "'"''' -.ttrnlOQn So w ,
I 'm 1>h"m,-d of •h•• n,..thod I u..-.t. J w1
• �,<I lh,•11 1 :u mtw,• ha; l!IJI at IHs• 10 1 ,.1..,



\ '\ilh,an d""" '"·ldtutu lhr ,nm •'"'
O,r touch•t<•"'" , 1m, "•lh t"" ,..,�md,
... "'."'"'� "' ll1" f1 r,I half Th" ....... ,..,1
.,,..- .,r111�•••..t'hd•'"' '"al'l!u,dh, f'IIV.()I.
tll•l I K t .,.ir.,, off,,rt,• ["t,.�. r.,1,.d lo
• ,m..rl lh., ..\lrl pu1111,, t..a,111r 1t1r ;.run
l•r<l .,! h h
In 1tw .,•• •1n,t h.lf YHWOI . k11 k,,tl olf
tu ri.:�- hu1 Tt..� "a� 'l..,..11.h furc•..d 10
Plf\\UL ,U'Uf� un th••lf (1r,.1
P,•-•u11 ufth, .,..,.,md h�lf
.J., f,r,•d � , ,.,..,. r.,•l<I P•" 1uJ11n Ju\1·,
1>L1, 1n� l' IJ\l,f!l. ,., y,..a1 fi,.l<I pu.<mon
Oo· \1111•· ,.,, th.,n up,·n ;,lune tho• ..d.-lmr
.,ui n11tllt JI\'� p..,.. fur th,· l uu•·hdo"n
\�a1n l'flWt)I. f,111,"1 '" ,�,,..,.,, th, ,.,1,_
Tl\� u� lh• " "'• al 1� L � U lh•
Ill 1::. mar� of 1h,. .,..,.,md h.>lf \I..U,,,.. u<l
1n 1 rd <10,.n ,.·,�mhh·II ,n th• P"<'lrt 111.-n
r. ,,.d • ,�•mh 1,, (\Jll,,1111 11,n� ""' �nn11• a1
\ � t ur 1ti.. fuur1h 11m,- .,, lh••11m, n,•1lh,•r
1,1m "'' •l>I• lo plll lhr l>all llt·n,... th •
i"al hn•ln,new ,·,or,,..n 111,. ,._,.,,. pc,1111
rt..� ...d Pl!V.01:, ...., t I"»"'""""" ol
lh, ball ran <1u,. u tJ,., ta11,• un

Pl1"1 1 L ..,., f••rrrll tu punt "Ith .I UK
" '"""'"'I ,n l h, ti
lnl• •n<I p,n.,..d TKr


d...-p ,n th,.,. o,.-n lo'rnlur"j Mullin., on
f>ri;t down na...d • p.1. to .Pn.ull•rJl'l On
thlffl duwn. Mulllllll' "'ilhuol 1111) pa..1
prulo'rllon V1ti l-M'k..d•n lhf'rndton• fur 1
1o1f.,t) Pllllo'OI. h..ld a 1 1 l lt lo--1 with
I !>7 . thl' !<ark w" b) lh'" t"oof Albu1n, .
Oo,..hnc. 1nd llr1M11lr
1 1H kM"kNI url 1111 1mm..d11trl)
pn' PHWOL ,n lh"lt- uwn rnd
Tlunn( th,. ,..r,,11r sH!.On mln) f1!11� h1<1
i,,,,..11 """ ,.·,th I•"' th•.. two m11\ut.-, to
pll} •nd PIIWOI. k,,.,.. Uu.\ Hui JUll A> lh,­
_.., w,11. TKt; had ,warmrd Jt> Kl lh"
,...d,.,u., -&1"1d Juhn Md>nn..,u ,...c111 Ut..
wll)nM'd quanNh• ..� in th" ..ndwn,• fo,
th P ..fl't'( lYmt th1'>rUn- ll L I \•I.
Jay t,.,kPd ulf m "!'KE ,..,tb I 11
ttmainm,: 111 th, \follan.. mtrrd
TKt: duwnfi,.111 "'Ith I I'- 10 W h ,i. On
-·ond llo"'·n PIIWOl. "'•• c:all•d fur
ofh,d,. monnc thr ball -..11hm f1u �u<b
of th" to.. h,,.. Mull1,,... Q t...dodon flr..t
do,.n. hot'Wlltt, w11hapa.1,i1111h,.r1>dtunr

fur lh,. l"uchffl,i.u i'Kt th,• n ma,i,. l l :0 �
1>t-t,au�• buLJ, lrlln• fuh· rl lu rufl\NI ll,r
·n,., p<:Hnu •11p,oarrd
, , 1 ,a p o or
mr1nm 1i..� bul btrr "'""'Id prc.w�
l'Kt k><·�·•· d ufr tu PllV.OI. w•Lh I 211
r,-m1t1n111� '" tlh· om•• Ja\ ..,11 1'11\\UI.
,.,..,, lu lh • 1,.,,. .,f .,.·r,mma11•llu,... '_'() 1 1
llup,..i,,lu ruhr, lh ur ""' lh,. t•m" Ill thr
( J .,..,.,,nd, J nn H,f',.,.,1,, on r,r..1 ,t.,,.r,
,111 �•'<I J•\ .,_,Ill I 11 lrft Ja, t h••n
r<Utn•·• l'"d I p
th :lhL.- ..d ..-llm{ ..p
t h ,rd d""'" J.., th.-n ha\lU( nol�,,t, In
!hr,,,. u, r.rn fur lh•• fir.I """'" _,.,.,�
m1df,.-ld Wnh !l\ ,....,ond, 1u pl11, IJo>\1111.,
... uud,• rhand,• d • pa.<., tn JI\ fur 1n,
i•rn"l) m� 1t,u,.hdo,,.n
1' 1 1 \1, U l. 111<1 TKt. pla\>•n -, u,mhl,·d
ijfuund uw �o•I h•w fur th,· ,•,Lra 1><unl
,v.n,· f'IIV. fJL d.-r1tl.-d f,,runh on,
pu•nl ,.-uh lhr fa, t 111 th1•11 mmd> lh,it
n,•1\11" C,·llft) na,r:i ,·um·••M•·d lh,· Hlfl
pum�, "fl,., ""'"'� 1 11, tuu,·hdo"n J.,
lu_.d a p.... th,ou,:h a,-m.,.lluf pl•)••r, lo
\lrl..-u<l •n 1 ll, ..11dlunt" "1 ...... P_.. .,.._..
iut�l,-d b• :lld .,-od and V. h ,1.. lflrd m a
vsrn •ll..n•Pl tu kno,.k th •• h.all du-.. 11.
Mrl ..-ull t ,-, m t 1o,1,- 1 a f11mif1p <>n tll,• b1II
...\ l\11,;v-,,,rh.. bark .,.h..n npu.,n
,\lb:t,.n, dm1•un11,p»fh,m pr,•,r11t,n�t h,­
hall frum •�'"'"'� ,n ,•.,nla<-l ,._ llh lht•
�•vund l"hr r,•f••n••·• thr,• "' 111 ..11 h1ntl\ "'
u,., '<•I "In.aim( \ft" •·atra f>t"nt hrmE�uod
anfl mu, l'11 " 1 1 1 ,.,m ttw tam, 11,
, u,11 .. ,1,n� lh• unh •• ,1,a pu1nl uf th,
" h 1 < · h .., _ ,
th,• d1(1N1•u, ,•
� • m ••
lmn11 <1,•h fnlll,.,•nc th •· ram,• \\h,tr
ull ·•1 ""•• � JUd1mrn1 , all b, lli, 1>·h

�:,ti"�·:�.�:,:�:t�:;,:: :�:,,::·��:::.';

rhatfl)U"n>h1pand r,,. Ta.. K1ppl> t:ps,lun
" 111.. mh,., lr-&m>. ...hu11 .,.,. ,
- �••
�1�•�•.� :,.� '

;,1vwnof aqJ


llddJUOJ MdU dJ04M V
lSdlTilBdJ d10W lSMd!,\dl d10W

"13U!lli0J S! SUO�!dO JTIOA dJ!OA Ol dJliB4J moA :
{BTIUlIB lSllj d4l 10J pdlBddld ldQ

lh, plm llarH1 n•d !lr ,.■,,hu t of f b)
b,,1h m,-n .,.h,•n h, br...,fllt forth lhPlr
11.rr,.,•. ,,,.,., 1>u1 ,1·, t11,• pm11·,p..J of 1h..
lhlll�(hal hulh,•l'om•• Wa.ll" dom�"'hal•
,�·~•n mu..i do lo. • "'"'"·•· ,n h•j,-vr,11111" If
,, " ho, l, am.-d l,., hn1in,,. ,.f wn·,.·•J h"'­
h, 1,,,1 ht,Ab1h1, 1,, m1ko-1n<,r,,t d,'('t�M>n>"
f 1,,,,., t,,_ ,.,,,� (l,•,m,, h" •�u,..·,rn.-.,'' lhll
t><ll th•• httl,• ,..,..,, u1»d� h•m "-' •.,,., f<lfl:••I •I fln;,n n, .., do,i" l .....,,, !r> l.lllk
;ihuut l h•••r k-�•J pn,hl,•m• Olrr, m th,.
1,., �•·• "" "'' \. th,•m atl,.. ,t
II�,,.. �nd
(hr ,tu �um 01 lh•• hnr uf ,....,mm•�••
bump n,1,· , 1 r llu ,.,Id , ., ..
nn11n . "'"'" ad,11·, fn,111 • tu• ... rw
�n.,.,.·, nulhrn� •h.,�I ,.,11,•u, lJvn 't a. lfw
•·u,.l)u)• ,.h, th,•� • •nnul \I ll' •>n lh••'f
1,,,,.,..., 11 · ,,,,.1,. ,.,m



. AdAlTIS dI4SldpBd"'M

.._u unr ruulcl h,..,. ,.·r11t•n • mo,..
••mollon•I "'"Pl ahout lh1> /lUl w.._.k,
happt"nme, · 'h,. .,,,..n1,, hed a tw-t11111•n,: a
mKIIIJ.- .,,,t an rt1II t
ln1 , l'rt-"dt-nl
ll"agan . th�n lh,. ht"l.l!il'\. and thr Sup,or
H.uwl I tu•• "' ,.11,·n n all ....,.m�"' prrf,.rtl)
111olto•d '" drlnlHH II m■k••• •I ••1.<1rr !• •
p«·� '"'' tht' 1mprrf,.,.,,..,., "ft•I am I
n•m1>l1t11ni inou1' Thr �ndn,1 uft1 111 •• b
(h1o11•1�u111m� ,t ••ot ,1<·kt-n,t1e Th,·
11.- t " " ' k ,...."."" mu,1 hl\·r tun,
...-,m.-1h,n�hl" l h <' lull,,.,.mr
lln11n t,umhlo• ,., '"'"'"""' .I,!• ,,.
l("U,.. .l., l.,..,, "' Hn,..,. .J,•nn••• V.,
,'\I'•� 1 ,,,u 1,, ��• l<,•d••d 11u•••lu,11� ,.,,,i
�,., f.,,.-,.ful ""'"''"" tlut \1, t,umt,Jr '""
I""' *"' �•·• ""'"' 111o·mr11 t,i makr• h�pp,
sr,•,11 ., ,ad ""'" d11\ nut "'urk I h•lf"• ""'
1,..,.. ,,:.,u, r•t• ,uur ' H l lllVM """ lh,
pb,... , ,,., n, ... ,.•m,·<1 llh•l '"" ... anh-<I
'" ""Pl�·n un !l11,.,11-&1 1 , 1.......... ..,u.,1 ~·<t
l ho,p, '"""'' <1,•ni,.t,·d10,,,.,·nnc"l<I""
1 11 \1,.,,.. hurn,. ""•ll1na I ! lh �l , "'!l•t "
IM•• 111 ', 11tu,,•·• 1h,•r•• ,.....,
,·111,•I\ -�""" ..
t,, n., lim1h lu "'hJC lha1 ll'tm a,•t..
llh•lU>• "� •JI �""" ,.n,;111 lh•• nthnt:� "�'
•11<1 �h,,.,t "'"" .,f 1n, m•n,.......,, m.d, 1,.
11t1ra,·1 ,,,.,..,.,,. !l111 ,...m� """' Tr > mt h •
�,-1 t,.·0 1t11! • ln�> a1 ,•...h ulh,•r "'h"111h, ,

,,osr•w•q100,6'11•.l,-J IIIJl�NOIJ.:JV

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************************************ ******************


l'ul·• I.! .\ .. 11,,/t /,, .. ,,.,,/ /,muo11, .!�• 1,,,.1



,, •
·· ,; = ::

Close encounters with pop metaphysics

\-,.. n ••• ,,.,tt, I>, "("tin i,., l h " •' ,!
• • •• ct,, , , , .,.1,1 '" "·''
••m•••• '""<1 ,..,, "'"'I' •••<I "�••l r,,
•Ill• ol,, lu•I- U�• I ,nh•III• I • •n tu ltll'°
IIHfl "" <lrup"UI . ,,. nlr> , ,, ... II
,.,r h """�II! , .. r,,., thrm..-1.,· • hum
n.,mh mi I> .111, \In,<! • •1••�.,.,,� ,t,.,i,
h�, 1 ,11 t>,•, •"" "'I!"' •tlhonf lh,,.,
•••'"'"•" uut,,,i.,,,•i,-, """ ''"""' 11,.1
Uh 1.,1 ••• ,,. uo,•I "'"''" ,,ni r.., �
11,r l•rl/,,·,I 1•1•• ,. f.,, "'" ,., "'' hum
�" 1"1• .... 11,� I• ,.,,11,n Ill• 1., ......r,,n, ,
"'"" '"""""'"
..... .... . 11111 .. ,111,n .,n, ,
lh, lf!IJ ,., �,um••\ h•• '""� l>,·rn
. n..,1,f .,f lurra1un
,.,,., .,.,, ,, ti,..,,.., ,
t l • w • • d ....,,1 f.,r th.. ln,..,n �,, 11., 111,

,><J,_, ,11,. ph,,...-.1 �•urnr\ bnn •n
.-rf,·,·1,., •11,•tun f,u m;111'. m,•u11h1 ,. . .1
.,-•n h f,,. ..,1( ��•Ir I " "
"'" N•rl•ml\
,1,..-,,,........ I'll> n•lllft' "'"'"I" '"" m•h !lo'
dt-h.-d •1"1 •nl•• h1><.,n..-..,...,....., •n-n , n 1
,.,.,. a ,, """J'&'•""�\ """'"t & > I vn11d ,
lfrwl "' /lf,t/f'I,·... . .\lulu•
nmrll1 .
,..,,.1lrd lh" n•111,.. uf U>r ...H ..nd uf
<-0.-...11 bul b� ,1..pp1n( ,nw t11.. ,,... ""d
..r ..,.ntral Af•,.1. r><>I •nw th• du•n•M
,.h,d! h•• fuund ,n 111, uwu llnt! �
:,t11 ,n
U1r fllm•nfth• l•L• l!kiO.and r1th l\170,.
th• phn1oal Ill""'�\ • and ,.,,,.,. Mahn1
h�,.,. ••th lllr i.-,1 film, .,f thr p,-nudl
r•m•m•d a. ...,.;1al1Llt1:on,., h h ( on.-.11·,.
for u,,.,. ""llfi"n• r,ni,.,.>utt mlv th"'"
rnm1 Ill, l)..nn1> llopp,-, , E••
Hid�• and S.,11 l(,.f,.1..,,. ·, 1 •,; J: f'l�rr•
, and "'•"'"•blr ,·•,..,•r•n r.. madr f,,r tllr
mrlu,1o,n uf ,\rlllur 1', u11 l ,t1lo· H1t \fo"
..nd \brtrn -.. ,,no..,. , ,t/,., H,�.., ·1 , , . .
11••• " " ' "I•'" u•tu " ' 'I I I �n•up•nr•
lh'l�rd .. ..,.. lh•• ..,.,1,1 ,.f ,•,h• m1I
r,•ahll .,ffn•n,t m,,�hi •,n., II>• "'"rill ,.f
1 n 1 r r n 1I
t,,.,.,,_ i ..11pul1 ,
...t111L•Unn "' t ..n,MI , ,..,,l 1/" " ,."I'"'
�""'"" thr -.pmu,.,1111 .,j Ui,
""f1111I •"'I •h,,.np••••••t cn, ""'""' "'"
•111,,. ...,,;al,umn• .-nl•""
rh, 1111,m..1, , rn,·m•fl• lnp ,. ..,.,,.,.
,uni, . h"tm,• , _ ,.,., 1 �,..,, . '"""•'
I " " " ' ' , ,11, l•l(i" ••• •I ,...,r,., , ,.,•. , •II•·
r,,..,,1111, .. . ,.,..... ,., ...., • • •,... . ""'· '·
IBot., .. •111• fl •l I h, .., •I ·• .,i,i,
.,,. •11
"'" ""
•'••• nl•oll "'" ·"'

1. . 1.111, .. , ,,.... , ., ..... ..... ,.. ,.... ,, ... ..11, ...
.. . . . ... 1•1,,,.... ,pt . .. ..
�..,i ... .. 11,.
fom" •'-I« '"""' ,.f ,,,. 1 ,1 1 · • 1•
hhn<1.·•( , ... •I• •> "'"""' • ,w.,r, •1•1•�1• <1
••- lh• .. r•·• " •· • l""'•"l ll••• h•"•m•u
..t,.-.r, <1 •11 t••H�)· •t1, I• I• I, ••I 11<, ,,,_ t,
...,.., ...11 .... .. , ,. ..,,,. ,... . ,.,. ....,,. ... ,(

'1· ,,-,,al ""IIE•h
.. , ..,,,.,.,,.
H , , ,. ,.I
•f•f' • • n·l" "l • th(•"" °"'
11.. , •·• n,1, , .. 1,. " tr. �• • •" .. "" 1 1., ..1

1,; I, fhn Pu111 .. m


"'•' '
, "•'• •
1.,.,11, • I I••• • ••� h,
f; Y II Al,, Aj
•·� •I
.,, •., ,,
,, �· ..1 •1••· , ·•· ••• , ••• ,. , ..,
., ,1 1 1•.,,,l,h
,. """"' I�" I.• ·•�•� 111, •1•11" .,ft (h,
(iltu •n pn••• • . . 1 I< ,,..,.11 , "•11tU.,,� ul ""
- n·•·11pl•• • t,.,, ,., , ., "'l"·nm1••..·•I ••••·•
, . , h .,f ltu,... 11 E�•r,.•u , •milo:•"' llu-11
l11u.!lr<I l•"�hH1 r,�, 4'•• , • .t 1 •h.,,,.l,l1
p,rutl•• _, ••·lllofh
,. , 111
olll•• ""l"•�
...u 1Nno<1,
• i" •f• Lh ..,.1,urn, """• "'
1 'ha,,.f,l• t.1l,., n., puff, .,·n111, ,u..,,,
\n""'"' 1111 t•"' ..,.,...,,h
tlu>M• lt ,.,n,lh, tllllll•• ,. • l h l 'h11rr,h In•
,·,r111t,.l1� 1.,....... 1h,• ,.., h• ,unµI) ,am11,t
1•u11C• ,.,,, .,,, \l11/r , uf1 li,,�f,l,
Padd) Cha)rf>k} •• 1 l>OI' -..m., ,

' " ' "' ' •••"/Nl•h·<1 , , l l•n•1 •"a•••"•••1
Lh, �• . .111 ' •"lh•• '•I• ul l 1t J•• �,U •••d
\1, lh,I, Ill t. <1d1o l,·......,P• �•ll"'m ll11fl1

' 11
n : �:'. .�� / : : �� � � :;� �,:
;:: •
• "'''''
,tq,.,,at••"' ••111<•11n1<·m,
-u-.i>r,oll,•,I "' ••h·r •nl1 <lln•ud<<1 ,.,
•� h lN"t th, u ,,.•�•nal
,· mpl.., n,• nl •• m.,,,.,..,1 u, � u•u ""'' "'"·
,..,.,., ,..,.,, h1> ....,1.,...n tin� i... p, ..1 .,If
,....... .., 11.. ., ........,,......... .. t,, ...... ,,.
,.,.1,1,.,..,1, for th.. wh,nut, uvch of
1111,nan•t • th rurrl•nu1111 th,...,..m,....,_,.,.,,
1w,unrl all ,t.11nd1rd, uf 1af,•1 , ••><t
• n ir , • 1 11 1
1,a1!u• 1 n 1 1 u "
\1 r \ 1 • 1n
mu,llruum,. J,.,...P tr.,•n th,, namr !.-If'\,
ot>nou, arril)IIIN I<> »�•ru.on ·, d•r•naNI

: �,·:.��ttl



" 'II• tl•I' • n
"l'I" 11 ... ,..,





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• ,.,t,nt rn, .•• 1 , .
...,�. �1,.,�•
"" ' ""· , . ,. , ... .. ,,,,. . . . , . , ! , , . •'
..· 11 , .. ,
'"' '"
,, ••,.,...
•••• •· ••I ''" '" ""'"' ' " I� ••II ,r,. 1r..<1,
Ch ,.tj •h•
"I />• t• >KC\ •·.,I 1� ,.. ,n4I •






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I,� k,·<1 l
"lhll• lh• ITh'Ulbf�I>••• .,f l!t•
r,um•" "'•'" \l,•r. �•• h•"'"•' ' " ' ' "''"''1
n ,ul ,t1•h "" ,,.h�ln••n� .... n •• ,,uh t"
1 . , . 1 . .. ,
,�.,... ,....,,,....,, m•• u,.. ull•m••• ouch
,n, , ,.., ""d r.n�I trulh ti, ", •• ..,1,11
� ..,.. �l/o•J ,,.,u, n,,,.,. <11•• •·-lu• ,,
,t,. , ,pl"<•Lh,rr uf th, ..�! •t n,uld t,.,
,vn\Hl••f>"d lth .!UO/ ..f th., d,;11(t, C>ul
mrlapn,.,,.ii. \1/, n•,I ,,.. ,.., " • la•lu,,
r.. (t,•..-nl), ,1 •• ·•111. ' "I' f!ln, "' lh,
" ,n<ho·u,•, ..,l,• I• 1h11 •I " • "'"'"
fair pn,durl ul m, r,·,rNOf ..r 111,
Lum,-0 ,:
Ul. <lrup11o•d
uu t
<vu11t.., ,·ultuh -..h11n t•••l p1.. , duw,r
1i,.. l!HO, tl l\lpn,<IU<I n11 l patl11on .,f


ut::: .: :.,'"';';.,,';, '.,'�,t::::."::!

<1�ratrh aHPmpl•ni l11 tl'alMn'nd hn
.,,.tt l'>llll•I ...n.,11,1,1, �,r,.,,.,1 >;/air•"'••""
LIi,· ,aun,• 11o•11 .. •11"h,IU\ '""h ( '111.,.hl• •
lanfur l,n th•· l '••mm"" \Ian 1/u,u
,.,,.,,..•• th,. t.11,., -..1, •lr.,p,•d ,n
n-•n�-..••• 11,,. fur..w• + hl \�,i.,,nr ,1nd

r,1,, ll"•(IJ/11/• "' •'" 1nnp,,d u,tllr i,11l:un "I
t,•. h11,.1,,c, Hu.,...11 -..•,...h ha,, h» • lu"'
plu• thn.u(h l'hl\P\IU) ,top n.-a,, hn.-,
al '11">.•mun, lhn11t),. and muc-h of 1111'
d•,.fu�U.. b,-n,,n,.., nlllll�BIPl1 un Lh,
.,,.,.,,. • 111...,nuni ,.,undt,a,•l • �,,..,..,/
.�1a1, . , . r 1m�d 11• \l,,ia.ountl -..111,h .. ,.m,
nolhrnt """' lh•n ..,.,..,..,"lt"•'•�d ""'"d
h•mnwf>"d 1hh,u�h Ill• lll,.•h-rh• •n •rn11
"' ,11, •�•'"' ' l;nn "" .. ,h ,utn, rfu�•
..,,,.....,.futh , •..,... al, n,.,, •.r,h , I'"" Ila,,. dHp11<> th,. 1-oc,f,.rou,
tlPJh'IIIIQn .. r hh ... r.. . bn•I) 1Rl.i1
Un,.,n1 . a11d h1�,•ull•·�u,·. Ma:.<•n • l 111,1..,.
ll1,<1 1 •nd -..•lh lh,. ""bm1...i.,., ....i,1a11t·•·
.,fh1> f,...nd MU!urt8ub lblaDan1.thru,t
n,m,...lfun1<> 1ll.. bnnlt ofh1> n>n>nOU_........
1n.. bnnl uf human ,
i:,..,,,nd '"h"h ,- drpo.i1..d man\ uhun11r
lrulh hh,. .,,...,.i..,,11,,.,_,to til,,p,,,t \lorrd
••th.,, ll1> n>n,...,...,,n,..,. �p 11t-1m, 10
ph• "··•II\ ,..('nn,C•tUI.. t h"
,•,p,•nmn\hl .. • pnm.,,d,11 b,•n,c
·lo, illd bun.. blil� b..nralh 1,,.
f1 hl mu..
,lu, t..i.., h• " •hull, 1r•n,fu,n1r<1 1rr1u �
•+m••rr Do me
h• •• 111.. m•»mc ""'
1(,.,.,,.., fr•·• (nun h,- ,.. ,!11i,,n U,nk. h,
t,o,, nm.•• • murtl,n,u• bo·a•I b111rltl'\Hl1111


., , urn, �u,,rd, ...,11 •h..•mhm.,·ln,� ,,�,
..,.. mah
O,rp,• • ,..,.,. ,...,.1,.·• J.,...,p
1 , 1.,
,..,c,n,n� •um...l f
••·••• ·•••tul,
,m•lu,1 ,;,ntrn1 , 11h up,,n
•�•1,.U>K m llh ,1,,,,., 1 1u�h•r.uh fr,-, ,.llh
"l'l�•"rif: Llluml)>
urrld f• n1J1, .11,1
,..,�.,,.,.1u11rrt •• • -..r,1hu'I( pl1.ina111·
r,, to,·rfk••h
1hr r1,r11rrn.-l1 mufhl<'f Uflh•
""Jh'f,• , l .., u l whu·h lu rk, wttllu,11, 111
·1t11· nn1J 1ru1h 1> 1h11
J.-...ur, .... 11.., c t•••
u.. ,. " "" truth 1ru1n , 1,im,11""
•• ••
h11m•n 1>, •nc, ..n,.11 U• n·1J
•. ,",_,.nu•L "'l�•-.iulal••m ,,.. th, n11u,, uf
1h.. unl'r"-lll (rvlll nfhuman11 \ u, \/r,,,,.d
., ,.,,,._
w1arn•11""' p,;,p m..,a/
-up,tf• r,.i b, wurd, 1 1n,t not •'4"""1111)
• • 1 • 111111 un,•, 11
.. 11...11
... ,..,,. 1> lh, "'lul'oll••m uf
t'h1> rt.k\ '• l�•P
""<1rnt11h-,,, r..1,a,, -1/r,·,,'1 \1111,.,
d�"ll"'' tnt'llph, ""'
Hr,,,,, .'1111,, " •·nu,....nll)
•• • th• m,..i ....h,hBllfll
, , .. rm1t11
,. , .,..,,..,...,. <Ill"' Sl,.,.,l'I
"l'+flbl'rt • ' '""' Jnrr,,.,.,,,.,.( 111, Tlurd
Ji1n,/ 1 \9171 • .,,ot nr, film wht<"h barl•,..d
nwt.apll)M•'I fur pop m"'ll"m bu t '"h•c-h
.....,.,. •U. .......tHIII\ opt'llh
ranwuOrc•rc •I w•th ruho,11rd ia11Con
!iu..srll to11,., do,.· n h1> 1Yph'a/ Antun•un•
hkr nwal ..�pio...,..n,.., dunn1 Alt�••d
Srar,., na.rn,lin- porrn,n,. ttwr>1nt I.Mm
fur �P·• WJ)ICO with'" homsrlf h11


w,�"<lu.. b1bhr1I • hom u.., ltoolu uf
... and R.,..111..-,..
,1 •woru. hu.
tnnJofTR.l\lQfl of ..m,h ,ntu an l'IO!it

hL1rd. 1nd th,.n 1lllurr1 •1lh h,., hulbandl,
llll.t> 1$AJ}d ..,ulpl11r f#,or>OulJ) •rodt>d by
buff•ll l'IC w•nd, and h1> u... of �1al

no11ll eff..,.u, •rhit llr111 r..,,..l'l, .tartl •..I
,pnnu lhl'OIICh UM t-1..-rn• of IM hum1111
hod) n.lmm•unc ,rr ..11d. bn-1thta1t,n1
•mlfn of pubaUnl f•ll•>n txplochn1 1n10
atnu,>b,.. f• ,.,...,urlu Rw-tl hti1n1..ful lo1
"' ru.. th!till•n1 lbolll in l''•
..,.npl and •t ,. • lldl uf • l.>1 ol fun
..urh•nt ll•m .,t/1,.,.,.<I .S111r,.. !"'lk, wh,.n
1111.....11 1r1n....,nd> 1 ·t,11 .. h�} ·• b<,,,n,h
111u-Urrt11•I •"''
bulhrh&S)•l t(l.,.nd mr
uut ufa n1m up11m1>tor1ll1 thr,..,.11�Tht­
\fut,1o /.,.••.,. ,-t,n1,• B• >lnrkrn ltu1<1,11.
-..huh pr>•mPt<·li l • h••�,,.,b tu ,nfr,·1
h,m..-1/ ,.,th th.- f.,_at <1....1..- al'lft-.l!,IIM'h
l,..r,·rlo-d h" ,..,f,. uff 10 a ,...lh\llh
r,·puf_,,., ,.,.,....,. &>\lum Ul<· p....,.d.,
'"'l'h"'t or11 , d -,,,·,..11 ufh,- II It l.a,. •rn,...
"'l•I''"""" 11.,,..,n n / . ,,,.. ..n,rh • U
:::�:..1 � .!;;;:::, ..::-:�;!...":t:� : ,"�:
•n •h••
\lp,n,• ,,,.,,.
,• ., n Lhr "' �
,·.,p•lah,lu ... • II ut '""'"" ,n -. h.rh
11., mvh \l.°""..t -.•• >Mll<ln llh l"rturrd
h1 1i,.. \• ,<I !Ju,.. n �" I ,,.1, t. ,...,. .,.., 11••
4 ,,u..,, ........ .... . ,, H..,_,, ,.,plun..d b)
h1> ,h'lllll!t• r•n1th,- m11lll,.r J,,.....,p,.o-an,
If,. wm,-.r• •rl l""""Ph n l • h•l\l.,f lt11�•11·,
h• n h,·lltwnl .... -...1r
,t,.. 1,uq,.,., ,,.. ,.,.l
,,.,.,..h,·,- r•n.,.."Ul•lrd
�nd di•"� h, , , .at11,111 •II• 1"r1u and
•trHlll>II ,·, plu•lrd
h• ., 1hr nlUIP
,1,......,.1, fl• ,. lh.- \r1d ll11•�·n ,,. h,. ...•••·n
r,,. lhrulmn•" in,•n
\nr1 .. 11,·11 n, , , ,.... ,+,., hl\ .. . 1, ...1h h1•
fm•J .,J111ld.41•"" ,-,. 'IJJJ'<'l• !"lht final
CNIII "' lh•I •lh n ,- ,;., lrn•n , .p;irk 1
" " + 111 n,n, •II"" t.. ,,..,.,.n I h••• f,�, ·•
!'••I> lm• l ., ,t H.,- 11 , ,,.. , " "�•lll•a•1t
,m..E..r\ I h.., . 1,1
,. -ir,,u•� !nt ,,.t
�,...1tur ,,, ,.,. i.,11,,,..,1., ,,.... 1....,
\. '""'� 11• " " � I<·• fl•rr• li<••h \ · t m
111.olt •• l'ldl "'"1 I 'm out �""'t l" Uk,• !l
.,., ,..,,,.
1.. 1.. """111..111>1 th, nu,;

., illl ufll•m"I" '"
"""'" ''ftho• -up, 11111)
,.f th,- mt1•"ctu,1 1 1.,,.,.,,., llu....-11 h••
• •tac•· •• "'' ,..,., ,, .,t,,,,�utrh
hnll11n! lh11J11th•1UL
drll\1•r1h, l,n,• -..1lh
. .. l oo• ufct,,f.,., 1'<11'""'""' .,.",.... ""
l'VUllll'll40<'1'. l(U,_,� l o dl\>\a,,.f,.} ••

1 n d • • •l1wal•U•r
•nto h•)
1 , p ,r•I I) dour ,......m ..m Wln·n Jnwp
rh1psod.x.... •h<>111 tlw ..,,d oflh� ..iul . lhll
U\Pf>" t:1nhl-nofl"n1Unrh11maninnl.a('I •
d1s.1,·o,.1I of th•• nal�d ,·mb.-..<> m wh,ch
1w Ind tm1I) ,,.. •ni,.rloc,ktd - th.-rr """
t. no ,.,.alot\ Uwft' rw, M no hop,- lty
.JirrddtflC 1hr 1�1.-n, uf Jruup·, •11,.,..d
<11Lr• of r..n.,.1t•U"lr�l t<> ,.,po.,. tilt· ¥<>Ill
uf th•• hu111111 !I UI amt "'-"'ft lnC lh•I Lh•�
..,.d •• t h.. bl>I• ..r llum1n1 11 . Alltrrd
.�/11/r� " not an <>d)""'") ,nt<t th,• l.'onBd••n
bran uf du•"""• •I " 1 rl.,.,. ,.nn,unc,• ,
..11h •h.. ,"1J11d.,•lr 1 ll•p 1rr1 u 1h.. 11r1r1 ur

'j��;q��s , B;i.�t·;,' "��ithe/ii��;-��� ·�;tr;: -:-.: . ;"

J:11111a1"1' 29,l!181 .S11/(r,/I, J,,uma/ l'ag,• /,'I

,• • •
,,,. i,; ,,,.,.•• • , ...... .,..... 1..1
llfl<'lr(o,., U ,,11,,, lh 1
Au••.t II,/ ,.,...,
•"""" 1/11, Sll<lrlfn
f,ld<hull /'rt,, C,u/k,jfh.., Qnd 1-.ullA•11/
11 /1\, -..,, l 1·1i,,,1. , �fl</ lt,l>u,l>un

•I lllko III l"IP•tll lrll...., II • a- ..,t,u,.
punl Nn�K ll¥kfo,rd ,..h u , u p fur
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brfot,. th., dln'C"lur "tll"1t lh•m . Vo.ucm
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Hackford' s fallen /do/maker: a faulty fantasia

h, JeHH·\ l'u1 narn


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•hol uf 1hr ,1u, ,.h�f1' Tumm, fl,·,.
hp,)n,h, hi• ft•I \IIICI• llnd,,
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•llljUWll•� '" ,un,,pl fl,, /du/niat;, 1• no
" "" ,.u. , 1 ... " rr1f11alN•M 1h1n H•t1dll
........., < :�" f•nta"
fi•rQ,- , ti,7111,.,.r , dr,-am.. utld .... pup,.,1.-l<'d b\
.............. ,tr,u,d of l'OOU
ld. H.,,d , ,,.nlril ,.,,.,.1..,..·, ""'h •"•
mhr1,n1 , \ �r•m 1nh•l11h • 1tk><11
.an1111.r<I 111,•.ohtalKln uf ,,. ,. '"lk C11\ ·, ....r'llllnl hul II,· ,.,.,..., d.. ,..1up� I
..,.,.,..,..,.,,,, bol"•'" \1,am •nd1h•• l1ran
,ur�t,,,duwn ,.hw·hr1, ,ir11i,
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f.., h1, d•m• ,1,,,... •h,,..,, h•• mOf.hrr
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,Jf ,., \•ruur ,un1fu11 ..11,1, ...1,·ll,n1h"'
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""'"'' not apart ofhl'>f•m•I)
and 11r,ppo-d ul h!S <'lhmr b•d1,:ruund
11l1nuu�h 11.. l,fl<'•k• and looks ltah111 .
Vinni<' 1> far moo- An>rr,ca.. lhan ltahan1
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th,. f lm .,.,. mrrrl) Pl'flt"" rp•�r•

l1•1d•n1 tu •U sham"I""" i:uda
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111.. bar ,..h.,,.. h• launc-.,..d Tumm} o,.,.
Ind ('....,.,.. a,, h11 forT!H'r lovtr. lrt'n
m•tatl!W rd1to1 H,.,nd1 lfot,,,ru 1Tonh
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1 ""•n>lrr '"'"� h,•,w•th I p,•pul11t
·,1,1,,,n,. bo<•,h bo,:m, to f..,.rl vn thr
,,,un,t, ,nd ,n1tl,•n,.., ••"(I ! l l•.,d
U1• h(,•cu•r<1 111<1 K•thl
1\lan•nn• ll1ll1m"""' "'"' U\,• h- of
a,,,.,n, • mnthr,
,.-ho m..i.-110..,h
<fi,..pp,·•n-d A,·Lu•II• luth, , muth•• ,..,
_.,,k,·rt d,,wn ,.,t,, th•• �nd • n1.-1I fo, lh,·
Th,• pn,blrm .. ,tn u,,. .......... 0 that It
n1pp,,n,·d 1 1nnu•d11trl) •f\rr thP m,,...,
,,i,,-n,.., lllrn• ,. ,.., ""'"' lh11, 1.1\n'" 01
fuu, Im"" u: un""''Vl::"ll1111" do•Jocur
t..-fn,.. tl\l' Wom&n •• k/1,1 1n lhr ,,.,n,nc
no!r of '""d Bk><>m '• atlf'mpt .. W
mmwdiatrl) !ttork th� 111d1rt1N' bfoful>'
lhl') ha, ,. • rti1....., tu!il'ttl<' 1ntoth,.lfWI\A
II"""""' th,. quirk >hO<'k "'"tll()d
lhruw, 111.. &ud"• nr.. 1mn,tll1•1 ,.ly 1nto lhf'
my,i.•nou, 1,1rubk-m , .,, d m th,. pn.,.,...,,
Yrnfi,...,, rhla<'trt dol'lopml'nl , ind
rJP<'Mlll) rh•raM,., l>l<'k,:mund 1'h,·

....,�,,.,� ,......, .,.., .... ;o h \ hH1 " •
1,1,.,�•r<I ,., ,.h, t.•1h, lrfl h,·1 n,utn .-1
•r•d th,· r,,.,,h ''""'"' 1,, � • ,.,.., ,., ,·,,·n
"'" ,,,.IIH ,rnd tr,,,1 ·, ,,..,,,,,,,, ,,,. .,.,
"'"�••d""' \\urt ,n11�•1'111uU, i., u,. , ..,.,.
,., 1h,· n""'" •ll•·n,po,-<t th• •11<11rn,·•
"""'I �"""' "11111 Uh "'""' ' ' , ,. ,.n, ,1
,,,.,,, "h�I • I 11,.,, "' fl,,,. u,. h,-11 ,1 K"I
Uh• r,• m 1hr ,,,., pl••�
l l u l .,1 1hi. I•• � ,.f rhua, r.•r
,\, w�,,,,n,•11 1 , u,.,,,. • pl>'th, tah,lt1, thll
Nuh .,.,, •h•n,, lit" r,11n n,., uf 1>,,,ne
" . ,,
n,., up,• 11111� lh-ath ,.-qutn, .,
'"'""'Alt l1.11h, ·• mu1n,•r brm( w,krd
mtu u,,. ,.n,t "unr ,,f th,· pn,hlr11,. ll�d
lhr ,.,,min �••• 11,,.1,prurd ,,., 1hr 11,,...h
.. unuu t lho> iud,..n, , .,....,111 u.,, l<'lual
mu""'' thr '">fl"'"' ,.,u/d Ill••• bu1I\ ll\lu
•n 111111,umt d1m1>. lh n1n un� •• lh,
"''"'""'"' of an 1t<tu•I n,,,,,,1,., 1 .. un
,,.� a,,..,naJ n,..h..,, ..r 111, .,,,,.,.1.. r, bud•
•" urn ,,, •l lr••m• � 1<111. r1, , . Kluom
• "ul,1 !la"' .,.,.,,1 U1t• ".,.,,.,, .,f !hr 11 1111d1•f
I"'"'( ,un,nulll'd f,., n.. dm,.. 11,11ld1111
"''i>'"n..- up to th•t d1m1� ltad Kh..,n1
<J1u,.·n unh ""'' Of I"" •du•I "'"no .,j

pr,,pl.- >l>Ullh t,,,,n( rt..wn mlu th.. ...,d
r1th.., th •n •I,.·••• <Jlo,.,nc ..,,.') mum,,, hom PIii'" 9

,luh u,., n1hu or womrn 1nd u,,. u nooru
,\nd r,rurlh •nu1nr1 ,vn,:rm or thr
rual,uon ••with tn� "d1rl) pollt,n " bortnk
Ul,l'd h\ th, lt,ih1 w,nc In ll'<'l'nl )rln,
lhf' itlU"th oltnno ntht W,nl<.'r>""'"'"'l'''
11., up• his �"" phr,,omr111I
H•mplo• th•• t·.,,,..,,,...t,.-,, l'1urb which 1,
1,-d b, 11,..hlrd , \'•�••ri,,, Wb 1blr to
••- •n r,lllnlll"d SJ!:, n1 �IK>II to $40
null1nt1 ,n 1 9,;(l 1flrr w11d1n1 out 100
1 , u ,,r, r,om • rnmpuh·r,,.-d
nwt1m1 '"' "' ,uppon <>f ro.,..-n•1,.,·

:::;': .,�� .,��.'.7���t
�now,; lh1t �,.,') rhu1rtr 1 lhl-l 1hr NIIIINI
f,W'U,...•llrnuon ,m ,.,Ub,, dra,.n,.,tolh••
,and m th•l YO<<al di>pll) uf murd.-1 Th,•
,·u·11rm,•111 '> ie,,nr , ll<'cau., 1.1>,, aud1rno•
�nu-.o, """ w,11 !M' mur<1rn•rt -.h,•n thr,
,.,ud,.., an<f r�...,h h<>" th.., ,.,11 11,..
l'r.-,h,1abtlu, " nul uni, m11111"
fl\Jm "h" h lh1> r, 1m ,urr�.,, A>. p,-r• �..-a1
11...1 uf thr ,..,.,.,u hum,r r,pl.,,111,.,n
film;,. ,n.. p,(>lln r....... lhal 1>'-'4kmd, t<J th..
,·mis I!< f•. l•·i. 1h1n p,,rfl'<"t Min, ofth.,...
�ruul>' nf offlr,•r,, In' l""lra) f'd &>
11ownucnt btlffoonJ. fflo,;;,J &-!H'�
n,.,.,.rm,.1..a, h..,,t, .rt•n-nf lluffuun,. lrll
b, flurt Younc , whu tum, ,n onr ,.,f lh�
wun;1 p..,fo,m•nr,., uf h1> <'Uffl "' ,
WU.It) un,....._') rhlrartr1 Wh, d,,.., I
t'IJ1form1 polH'>' IUl<T n.,,t1 ll ,lm·rnl,
11,•ll<rll•<' whu l'u11t1nu,•,1t11-111� 1Do11I "th,·
w1, ,.,. "'""Id du n ,n t 'ln,·at0" II,"'Pt'"')" .,.. no lJo'lt•r 11'<1 b, JuhnSuon
m 1nolhr1 i.... Lh1n "" aJ rolr for I on....

�;��.,!';, ,�:•.�/rt,�;�


bmuth • "··�•·\•• · .. 1 .., ,.,.nun I> r..-.. r..,
, , , ,. . ni , n ( ,. b , , r n , 1 , � , ••

1 ·,1nin-..,,.,,m•11. l><ll ,,..,.,vn 1·1111·1 11�b h1>
1�,1,.-,, fnr.-. "·hu h L> lo ,.! nut ll 1JL
\hut uf lh, ,..�, ul lhr ,..,, ha,, htti,o tu
,.,,.\ •·uh . .nd th..., .,., • ,f th,,,. r,,_,
.,.,,...,, o "' fu,,,./1 th r r,lm wnn,,uc l•�"'l
.OIi) pr1<1,· 1n l.l>r finlJ l'rudU�I
l 'hr fiJ,n ,i,.., -� •, ,..,po-, I th•
1 nll'll 1 � r n ,-.. uf '"'""II"" l,,.nt ,•d
1tl1lud,,. u r l'•hfom1• 11,,,,,.�,.,,. m1, bo•
d1ffo•r�n1 thin lho,,.• vf th,. ,.l)t ,�••st t,,,,1
"''bo<i) �th•• '1up,d to <'Ulllmu.. '" ..-tum
1" Lh,• .,.,.,.. t,,,•,•h .,r,,.,.. • ,.,.,n,t,•r hb
"111•'1\!t• d r,.,,., b,,n,.�lh lh•• "'"d l" 11,1(•'
t,,,,...h¥'" r, t-,p,,,· 1111, t,,·�·""' ._,, I ....

,,.,mmrr ..,d "lhl\ hra, h O 1hr t,,,,t un,.
oruun<1 •· 11.,,. min) U·Nllll:Pri du ,uu
�II U"' 1/111 put ,w,mmm, 1ud I Ill('< \a,n
•hu•·r ln,nl'
f, 1� :�: 1:: ����•�,,:.•,::;:: ��.�� ,. :

rf'malr� ,,... 111 u<rr lhf' tw1,·h ,..di dl>'"'°d
,.,.m..n abound ,,. lhr n,ihth fr, •nd
"wrdt>h ,.,..,.,d,.....,, Uokr 1,,.,.,m rHu
.,.,o, \hr main rhanrt,•r. tn n•mr I f,.,
••••mpl r , uf .,.,ulJ p,>n.u1s.1•·rnn•
ltomanrr hlu"""m• 1111<• lund .,.,. 'll't'lln
n.•to•·,..-11 thr tif,ruud •nd h1> '-wrd1,r.1t
pla, n,at.- . f""'i 1h,· .,,,t,,..,,.,, "'m.-1h"'I .
1.1, pl) 111 ..11t1un to olhf't l.han u,,. mC>t1•'"'
K1,....... ....... ,:<.... , .. ...., r..., u... 1hr
,r�u•I d,•K•1d&tu111 ur I W<1lnln b) • rap"'t
und..mrllh th� pu•r 1.1>11 IIO'i1t lhf' rnd or
thr b,,�•·h In h11, o•n ta<-k)' .>"115" uf
"'°""""1 llloum m1ktt w,... lh• r•p1it1ti..
ho 111�1 l)O'!llll) h,- 11 &tllrk..d by lh"
lf'IOll�t,., ,.-ho ,-i\.l happrn• to b,, undtr lhf'
lw1rh undf'r lhf' pwr .. Wf'U I n th,, mOJt
<(USILnl[I) thuu�IIU....,, >Ct'llt Ill Uk film,
two )"""C 00)'• l•uih1nct) NII up lo thr
-'o¥<'11l) dt-lrct,-, •nd lhrow him u,,.
..-m,in•uf t.n.-r1p1it',pr11u., ..-,.,,...db) lh.,

· ,.. ,11 , , • ••mpi.. ..r 1 n,, 11ru-..1r 1
,,,,.u�1h ,,f11<• n�hl .,,nil m•"rm,•nt " lh.01
,,f 1 1>, ,�,�•n•f , ,.n,,.,-,.i,.., Puhl,.,11
\,1,,,,. 1 ·urnn1,11,-. ,,,. 'l'P,\I I an<1 •
. . .,, . "'"°'" ''�"" nrJ!M"llll,UII fuu,,.1,-n
n, .
\\1U,11m t
llu,kb·• ...
u.-d \uun�
\11,,....... . 1,., t,.·,-<1,.n, , , \ t , ,1 .1' \C
1•,.-,,,1, .,, 1,.1 ,, I 1 1..i..,, n,1,1 • po·,·
.,,. 1, t• 1u , •ll• r l'r. , I<• •�•" , I• , I'""
"""""� ,r,, I'" .,,!, t , h, I '" 1..11.,,. I t •
·,.,n,1,, p,.,1
, ,,., , , ,,., ..., •,, ,
•,. 1 .... 11. ... ,. \ .,t ... ...1,1,, .. ,,. ,•. • ,.
... m,u� \( l' \I ,, •. '•(�• '• <1 �II hih , ..
,.,\,ohh vn
l , 11
•.,, ,1, ' • •· ,I 1 • ,; 1 1 1 It l I
I-, , r,n,11,
.. ,n� 111,b illld 1,�-••• r,,,.,. \!• 111,,u,, ,
l1on l '>l1\t
t 1,-arh lh• ,.._., . , ...,,.,.,,.,.,!.,,� 11,, Iii \
•" �,1r,·n11 h ,,,,un•" '""I \1,U,.,n, ,,t
\r,wm ..11• .r• �• •m� I• • '" .,'l• • l• � n, 1r,,
•mr11<1111<·11l 11 H ,._ 1'"-'' ' < 1 _,.,., Lil•
,,.m,fo ;1to.m• ,,I ...,,.,, .., ,..,,.,utn,..n, an
1,111 , .,.l'l,.ll• II , • I, a, th•t 1n, '" " n�n•

\, fur th, m,,n.i.-, ,,hl-n 1 1 ,.
r n..lh ,nu,odu. rdlo tn,.•ud...n,-.. ,1 ,..,,..1,,
• pour tob uf •P"<'••l rff..rb ltt..-mllhnc •
1,.,.,, , '""' i,,,1,..,.,.,, .,, u,·rrdfl•i,w•d
11111,,. ,.,."
and 1 \ ""'" Fl, Trip u,,�
thml " fo,IJh n,n,>d,-...,t di'>lru)••d .- ,1
•nd rn,· jhrr ..,... hlu.,n up lt.-,r1llni 1/k
••nd,n� h,•r, ,-u '1 ,•ruu-lJ . IM•uu... du,• to
,h,. &lr,• •d• r<l•hll>lwd 1,,..doru,b,ht , uf
111., r, 1m "'""'"" ,uni,. 1,, r ,un-uul lh1t
,,n..,. lh., •�•uni,
" wnll•I m,·ni,un, thr l"'"
"b1i1I) uf
rrtr.....11uu11 JI hlPl>"II> IJI ·~™' lhr
rr1un�1<• • ,. nu" blu"n up m\u a, 111 1lhun
h\tlt' IJn-r •••· "' """" hUI,. mvn,1,.r,, . ,.,.,�n
.. ,u .., lll••msrl,·r• und,• f th,• brl<'h and
•ll¥k p,-..plr fn,n, nuntlntd> ufd•fr�l>'n\
" r'
;' ::,.� !� ;;�; �::::.�:

�.,,1,,-d ob••,..u>I) .,.lllnl lh.,mio,I,·,•• up
rm an unllt'<'nl,11') ..-qul'l . drpt"n<1mc on
1hr 1,1«,ftla m11lk' fn,m thrW1Kinlll
E,.,11 th,. m111 ·, ildH<hMfl� camp,,,ilJI ,.
nu@mrl) 1•ul!habl... •nd 1>drawm11 1 L1 ri1r
numbrr uf rurntMI\ SN'hn.. All uf th..
••nou• r•lrh phfti-n u..-d ,n thr
,d, rt,....m...,,.. .,.. r...iu,,.d .. d,.1orur m
th,. film l'Sf)N'"iall) u,., phtaM- "JU>I wh..n
) "" lhou(hl II ...11 ..rt- 1.o su 1n thr -..1t.-r,
'"" un '\ �..t 1., ,1. '' l'ht humurouo, l'&mp)
<l)lr of ad�NIIM"nwnu 1n- l.-1din1
iud..n,.• W makt tu11 of lh• lllm. m,u-1d
0ft,e1nc fne,i,,u.,d b)· •t
Thr 11rd,.,n,·,.·• N!k'lton u. tn1thful.
bo'cau..- tn 00 way 1, thi. nlm rr11hu-n1n1.
(at1 IC.II l<'IIIIJly u,k, 1 filmornoull) th•t
,. du.UllH.ll.l'd b) tht- .lo-IT) tOf'CHI,
Oll!•"•uuon and prud\lred by Su ltun
ltun Sha... Tab 1,0mfl ad11,..., ,;I.I) •w&}'
fn,m lhll G,,:,.., p,uducuon and Run Run
•""•) from • rou, dollu ..,Ult o(lunt',

,." •t�,.':',.:









and put your opinions in print.








41 �999 V�QV99 Vi/ff999999�¥9��99ff999�999999�¥99¥Vff¥999

n» bw-n und•,...it1m1l�d b) �'"""'"' lllld
th., rl,,m<1r or th" !t\o,ral Ma1Un" ,.,11 "OT
d,,. do"n hrfuO" thr 11n1,.lr<"Uon ,,.1, of

►· o nlllh "'•n 1nto·nt<'" ""lh Suffolk '•
\ """"'"� '• \\om,-11 , f'f<>1��m
t'h,.,-1 f'oll1n, 1(-,1<,rdlfHll<HI ,w.i..d thr
full"""'I ,1.1..nwn, "Th,c lin1uatPuf 1h�
� hfr .m.-ndm.,nl It, qu1IA' OtR'm,.
o\, l un1h•,.,11nd 11. nfl r\n-,i\1tom ..,11 1>,>
o\lll<lr "' , ltl,l' , •lf n,n..,t ind rap,. It " an
,nd.,r,lltrmrnl tu ,_., th•I lh1> I>
., ....
.,,uhnc ►unn,,, Jdv<><'ll"' ur thr
human 1,1,, ..m,•ndml'nl "'t'k to trnnm1L••
�, rdur•l�,n dh'>I'\ ,n 1hr ('UUn tr'<·,
,. h,.,,h l f-( ,t,.,nth lll•t _,., ,.duatoon
.,. ,11 r11•n<u311• 1.. .-l,m111&lr th,. n...-d
f , , . .,,M,11,,,n 11,,.,1, �h<•rt�•n ,1,..l f " .,..,
• nu-lh,,ol ,,r hlflll nonlml ,1tll<1 mu,t b,,


·:±,� ·!�:�r

• • •• " , \ . ' • r, •• 1,1, �"'"'""' \h.,r11•"' I•
• ;, , , : • 1...., , _ �, ,1 ..,,• • -1 .. 11,m.... 11
.. 1.,. ,. • ., , . ,
...,, ,,,,..
· , , ,, .,.,,� '" ''" I • thJ I t,,•/,Jft
.r.,11 ,,., .,.,. ,,.,.,·•••! �t•Jlt>•um•h•h I
..,1 ,,! ' """"'I' ,.,.,,,1, ,11, h.od 4'M•rhOth

:.�:·.�:.·:•:�i':.:�:.:1.:::.::.:. :::::�:.
, ,.,, : ..

. .,,.
.,,1,-,.11 1h•l "'fr .1tbu1t••n•

,.;;, � ,i,•:•�,;,;�'::. ,1::�·:; .n�•,';,•,.;;:",\��,:·�;�
,,.,1 ""•'
.. ..""'''

'�•• �-,,,>I, "'""Id lrc1.;bh

2::.�'..:,:_:'.''',':�1 :��:-:;1:::1:·:.::�::�:�:!�'�;.�

Inaugural celebration

O>n11nuffl horn P.,!J'I' 9
1hr 1111ututalmn rr,..mon•·, .,.a, ,· ,ui,·nl
\�u""' ,ohllon, ,.,.,, ,.,, " .. n,.,.. \l�n•
•••11d.i1��,.,, ..,,1,1 ,,,II""' loul!vU• ,...1'11'1f '' I
,.., , n \\ ,1t.,lun�tun .. h,-nth" lk•!il&&•••l\ r,.,
�,..,,d ,lauu•" �'O. 19MI ind ..\\,.1,·om•·
!,a,,·� llml��•' • - 1 ,., ,,.nlllJl'd ll hu" fa,t
lh•• , w• nt •· ,.,d • "• nd<u ,n rronl uf !h,·
l"�p,uol )11lton ·1 ,old 1{)1) ,n l"\t • h�lf
hour '
11w L11io.i�11•1I Kall, �•"'.. th,· c,n
1,,-t1n 111 1hr,...,,I d11� n,thl. Th..,,..,,,uld
b,,nm�1nall ..a.-n fill.-d w c■pao:-,t)
th,• t 5,000 1tt..nd.-d u,,. ,outh S•LI at
thr M,}no,.,, llulo'I 111 ,•ach ,,r thn-"
r.11,,d ro,om•. band� pl1\l'd , fnturm1 Ill'
fOCk. 11,nd "°"' mu50r l�..dt-nl Rr11Cat1
,...,d,• h1> f1r,,1 1t.lp h..,r Thl' rro,.·<1 J•'"
ll,· 11111 a 1nun1b> up tn•r1m1 .. h,. luld
ihf'm llu" h,- wutlMllhl', had,..i'OJ"'""d
",t ..l) hm.. r.:.,1,·hanlt" - ,,,.. ,.,,.,ld,•n1·,



,.b,.uary 29, 1981/S'i,(folk JoumallPaltl 1 5

Human Life Amendment

l'ag,. 1 4 'Su(fulk Jm,mal Januc.l"\ 29. l!JHI



., th(' C,,,,1.,J ro ('fllrtlril/fl

Ror,111n R""9il" , ,,,.,.,,,..,,;,,,on• 11>r 40," p,.,,,,�,r ol r,i.,

U,"/t,J Stil/M <Jl ,l��ol


The Journal is
looking for
a new
Come to RL 1 9
for details.

;:,11 �l!� llu�
il..::, e1111w b, 1nd r,•b>ur,•dthr 1>"(1Plrlh•I
... ;.r1i.1uu11 h�• Iran ""uld "'"'"' h1pp,-n
lliin und,.,1h.. n,.,. ■<1m,n«tnrl10n ·•

::���;; !1;..�":��-�·�·-��·.:::::;�:,.;t:
���:;�:�• t,,•�•:::

I ru �•l• .,., •11',..,•._., 11, • """'"
i,oup ;.., , m11" 111 .,,1..rt" pr,·p .,·huul
, t ud,,n 1 ,
m , h t an ,,ff,..•· n
Jud,·111,. •,.,1 • l•ri!• KfUUP r,..m th,
f"rrull, n 1·, •hn• mah• t l. un•ka C'ullrt•·
\lo..t ,.,.,. <1,, ,,.,11 fo,m,JI� .nd rn,,.d,•d
1h,• m�,,, nar-, r..r llm1b �nd tu �•ah
•n�UKU1::itl &lh--·••n<1 nap�1n,


fm :��� ��:;--b�
;:::t �,� -���:.�
•nd "II,-'• !,,, .,,,. .. had 1tmo,1 ''"'""""
da1l<'n1& on !It•• l1m,lrd n,",r >fll'"' Thr)
do•dl("ltrd tJ,.,n ,unf "ll1pp1 n.,u" t o lhr
f'rf'!IMl1• n1 and 1n.. au<1wm r
Th, lnaU(l\1111 &lb had b,•rn lhr rm•I
""'nl uf th,· lnlUKUf■I ··•• lrhl■!,un rn,
nHl d•• m•n• ,..,,..1,1 �•fht "' aruund
n,.. ( ,t JI' .Juian r.. , thru f't,,.,d�n11&I
waompilfll "b ' Anw rn a
a (t,a! """'
t>rtmn,nc"' rhr -'"K"" "" ln•u�unu1111
O" ,.1,apptopn1t� tn.,fallrn p•n, "II
b,•tUUIIIIK -�·"' •nd � 11rn11p of .!12 ('l111rn,
,.,.,- 1., 1>,-t:1111;!•1nth . ,r 1,..,.,.,,1,,, t ·.,ur(.


THURS. 1129
FRI. 1130
MON. 212
WED. 214
THURS. 2/5
FRI. 2/6
MON. 2/9
TUES. 2/10
WE0. 2/1 1
THURS. 2/12
FRI. 2113
MON. 2/16
TUES. 2/17
WE0. 2/18
THURS. 2/19
FRI. 2/20

P H. W O L vsTKE
P. H.W. 0. L. vs RAIDERS
-NO GAME- volleyball tourney
T.H.W.0. L. vs RAM POWER
T. K.E . vs 76ERS
:.eR vs
��; �



MON 2123
TUES. 2/24
WED 2/25

All games playetl at the YMCA Union Hall al 3 lS pm



How will .
the hostages
l,,, ,1 h t un,.,n,.




1,, I,,! ,. I'"'
11... .,. ..

, .

'" 1
,, I

!( . .., .••• ,

l, : �
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,.,, .. , . ..., ,., 1 1 , .. ., , ,,....
,,, I
\1,r, , ,. 1111• , ,, \1.,.-.;, ,
·•••l I" l>o '"'"" It"
I■ .
.,. I 1 1,,
.. .(T,, 1••11 · -�"'"


,,. , , .....

II •
,., . .1
.,,1 ,., .,,.,1, ,-1 .. ,,,\ I I•
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,i,,, • 11" U t ■ •· ,,. II,�•,, 111 •· ,., Ho•
,1 , , 1, 1■ ( 1 1, , ,,0..-!rr•l••·•\ h,· <l,t lll•<•"'

1 1,, ,, ,.,., .. ,rn, , , m1wtn, '"' 1,,..,,1, ,.1
lh, '""la,,·, .. ,11 1111<1' t•l•l"1 lh•
1 •••• 1
ll"" "''" ,.,,rl
,....u, .• • •, 1 , , .... VUI ,n
,,, "" ,q:,..,..,,,,t In.-, na,, ,_,,.u11d.-1 •
,,, .,f ..1,,..,. ,.,,.1 "•'' t-•n• ,n,,...�n
I h,., 'II h 111, t-1
I'", ,,.,!,,�,.• ,11, "'


;n� � :� �: ,�:�:�: �;

:'.";:;,�•t:::•\� "�,•.,


lun 1 n,.. 11
h••h :�:::
llohho 11•11 J,,..nt•l•"H 1',I,
• r..11, ,
...., u, .u11IJ1< .i- . l,U llh ,.....,r,,lmo·nl
,., ,., ,1 1. 1,1 f,.·u11
• � I•, .. 1 ..1 ·1., , n..., •1>•1
,., �, '•• ,, •I '"• ,,,. , �.:• • ,·• • '
, •" \1,.,1 1 t" ,• ,,,,, ;�•II• •I!, h
' " ' " " ,t
•�',• � " 1,1 I" I • •
•• I •
,!,�! oht

,,... '

Degree requirements nearly complete
Reactions to former minority advisor's claims
Rat's fate up to presidei1t

b y L u11 Gr1rtm
,UL.-, Umust th""' Hat, ur "'"'Jo. u..­
C11,•1r11l11m Co1nn11u..., ha• -••h
r u m p l r 1.-d ,n,.1n1 th,. d.-1rr,
ft'q11,,,nt.a fmSuffullo. st11dt-nL•
ln1t, ..-1,"11 1a1t Th11nd11 tt,,,t·,,11,,1"
of Li�I Alb allCI -"""' 1t"lAJ,,1
{'11•ncul11m Comm•H,... "'''"'"'"d th•
ft'1'll"tl dr1n gf u,,. t.'umnilum propo..l
and ,..¥..-cl- or th�hr»NHOl)11w 1n
tb prosx-1 0,1irman of lhf' Comm,u....
AiMXtlU' liUlOI') Pl-ofr111t,<1r 01\!d 11.ubbmo
..,d lhld th• rtlffl!III Pl'UpoMI \huuld tlO'
rompl,• l<'d 11111 wad) fot appro,al i.. U••

Volu,... l6Num�, 11

h) N � n n Ri,i.,.ndr,,
-..,rfollo. 1 .,,.,,nu,


I'" ~••• ..n., hnrrl m1nun11
,t11do·n1, ...., u·• •,..·•.i
·1 rlun't 111,n� "' II••• " ,.,n" '""'
,ul11l10nal "'"'m,un.-nt ,,1
,1,,l>lt- , ..
_,,.,Jmt,..llh ,_.Ntl
l h.-...- a,,, wn,,.,, 1h• n•�..,,n11d, b,
,..,..,ui, farult) Ind a,(ln,mnlr1wn 1bu11l
111,, "'Lrnwnl• mad.. b• forrnrr "'""'""
-.1111t....1 Aih·li<•t -...ndra 11.ln,,., \11m1
n•x11dint ,.<llffl ll :O."flullr.
\lllrt 1n "'-"ln<-d m J.,.r,,n,l•r lrum ,.h•l
,11., ,1IINl '"1 1Uk<'ft l'<"'""" lr11 J,,i.,,w,
int.-,......,. i..i ,..,...Jr. \l•n111 >11!1 sh.- had
wurlr.,.d at !r•Nal ,.,.,.,,,.,1,,., t,,,fu,.­
Sllffotkandhad ''nt-••• .. .,..,.....M r,.-..
hb lwrr " ).bn,111 -.d that ·•u,,,,.,', 11,0l
rnuuch do..,.•• for monontw, •t '-11tfolk
s11.. also said 111111 thr ron�
.,.,n, of 111,>
m,nont) a11df-11b W dri.11 with 1Mt11dfood

r11ll far11U1 ,•ul) m \l,,..h
........ ,..... .. un th, "'°'"'llC Yid
n,.. ,
Kobbt.. , H• tuld 1h.. <unun111<-o- 1h11 ,n h"
-....,..,m ,.11h1·I.A-.l►11n M1<·ha.-1
i.t.-11 d...
1 h r p..,po,..I hti brion
lluna) .. ,.
ll'n .... ,...i, .....,.p(,.d - lhat tho­
rwnm,U••" ,..,JI tlO' abl,, 10 h;Hr • ....t Nn
foran) ultt1,·� n,q111,.-n1,.111.a 1hat ha,,
bort-npropu,...d1nlhl" ,
Thf, ,..,,i.rd prupoyj •oukl ••>< ..,.
-.,.. .-han1"• m th1 dr1,.... ,..QlllA'mrnb
and ffllJO• and ,.-latrd rl,.ct,.·• •�'"'""' It
"uuld alwi ">" .\II Coll,,�,.
•�11,,..m..n1> wh,.-h .,,.,,-. ,u.d,,m wuultl



1- mb,." of lllr Studt-nt l�f"
Commotltr have 1pprovtd 1111anunuu1I,
Ult "''t�d s111drhnl'> 11f 111,. Rlllhlbll.u
('umm,utt•• propot11I 10 bn111 th.- MXIII
..v,.nu to thr Suffolk ln1,,,.r\1tf a,mpu,
ltathfk•llar Luirman
nwma1 VIIQ.\ pm,rnl#d 0... ..,.,.. Pl'opoMf
IO thr rommmtt ),t,11.trdl) At I pn>WKrlll
m,·•hnc m Urtu1M>1. l.Jff' <:ommru...
Cha11man A..M>c:11Lr �IIWI Pmf....,.
�r,,dt-nd: Mam'W\t rubd Vno• to
IIPJl&doo lllt- propuu,l l,rftQ.\ Wlld thatthr
.,o,mm111...- "'a,,i,,d "mon> lpi'r1n.,. on
S...-ll"t) ..
hflan "''•OT hf'ld 1n thf Suffolk
car•t.en1 11p u..11f l.u1 0tc.mi,.., ,..hl'n 1
r,,111 tn1u,•d a1111111 rornwr •111n1d,• nt
Tllomru �·ulham IO n.nn-1 lhf l'<tnll foi
thr '"" or Lhc- )'""' th.t11, 1hr
1nfurmal r11d1y 1fttnu,011 SOC'll1
c1thtnn11 han bff11 llrld at 11.,1..y '1 flt¥f

Cual ur tllr"" "'H�oni ,. pnmU1I) ·i.1
Hlill"' ti\# <'\poJ11r• or all (.·I.AS i.t11do•nu,
u • '"'-'"' lhorourb nv.trt::1...11
1a1th111 d1••....... and 1mun1 d,vwonJ!than
d••d b) ll\co wn.-nt Ike•�"
:: .,!" :
lllf' All t.°-0114-11:"' ,...q111n,m..nh ,.,,..Id
t11dudoo Ill• folkJ,..1n1 ch1n1,., fur llul.h
fl A ind a-, d<•1rtt 1-t11drni.. 1four )o1


t6111 71J--OOO ,J13

thft� ho11n ur 1,..1o11m1n rrw.,1h. 1011t
•ncl.-h .,,..,u .. r.nt 1nd..-rond�,...,
II ...Ml llln·,· buun In "'"" u/ u,..
folkJ,..lnl l'UIIP�
._..,lo() �)ltholol) •• Nl11nl>t>11
tOU-flllQf'QI #,COftOffllr' Of hOIIU'lr)
f,...t,m,.n 1nl<'(ral•d<t11dW!i
for h1111>1n11w,1>Pt1C111 H .A l),,r,,.,·
fow1111 lanc�• 1-1\ hulln
In) hUmMIII'" (1rld lhl'N' boun
fr,,r.hm1n 1n1�1ratrd ,11,d,...,

Feb<u•y 5,1HI

drp"""'"'" and ,wi.u...,
.. 11...t1 sho l,•ll ',11rfu1k .. ,hot add.......,...
I ,,..,,., onr,. h.,ard mm,..,,. .tud,•nl>
,.,d t,,.,.,...11,11
,., SllffuU, • """'
, ...,,., n,,,.c1U1 1\,.nn•th t ..rn,
1·,..,,.. ,11, ,.hll h• f,.11 ,.,.,.. 1hr
,v11u-,,_ uf m....,nl} '411doo!H• h,- �•d
n,,., �IJ,. u l d1ff..,rm .......,. 1lw, ,.. ,,.,-.
"'nur >l11do•nt,, th,• � ,,.
rnu, h l,lr.,
,�mn-nwd ahu11t 1h.- •1.-d,.m,.· pru�and
..too,111 <'1•••··...
o\f'n,rdmc lu l"'an uf "ludffiU JI
K,.rtlo•� S11lh1an 111..,,. a,,• 'Z!ltl mrnonl)
\lud,.nh ,.111 uf •lulal l.�6!1•111d�nbtn 1JI
!h•..,dWl"'al Suffollr.
\1artm w1d>h., I\Nl d,,1J1,.,Lh ,.,m,.'.!OO
mmOl'H) >ludrnu whd• •t �urfulk . b111
att0rd1..."'ll to l:.Om, lhl' l'<>11n...,1J..1 C...t..,
onl) "'"' M> m,rwnl) ot11d,,nt,, on tM i-.t
A.;.kf'd wh,1 ..rron, w�,,. t,,,mc 1T11d•· 10
aaul ,n,ocmun. t�1 1,11d 1ho- Cov.lUl'b111

ASSOCIA TC PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH FrwJM,d M11rt:h#,r ,,._,""'11,ro,,olilll�

bt• Nancy Rniitndes

11.. ,. l" mn1pld� In ordr, In olu11n •

A«-<Mdl"I i.. ,...,<rd dnrt u,.. .._.,.,d

1ndl"ub11n l\t,...O,ardon Sl
The 1111.h.U,11.1, Comm,un 11.u bo-•n
workms to, 1h.- ,.-111m llf Lhc .. R11a·· to
Suffolk thro111h 1UbiU1.in1n•"'· s111dMnn
1nd 1W1..rm,n1n1 .i11dcnt.1.' fMhnc< on thl'
,.,.,.,u throucll a "'"""' 1jllftlwnn11r•
1..r..ox rondurt,d lh• q11•U1onna1rt a1 1h.­
,..q11� of f"r,...drnt Danwl II "'1-lffllll tu
dtt•rmirw 1,1\ldO'nta• main ,..._, to,
1ttoindin1 T1w -111u ,...,,.. fuorabl,, ..,
th• ma1oru, ut1howpalif'.dd1d no11tlf'nd
lhr R&11,w,1 1o dttnk l1q11m
AC110rd1n1 IO v-� u,.. IPfltu\l'lf
P"'l'O�I "°"' hu 111 tlO' p,.-wntt'd lo
l"wsidrnl ""rl11ian (Vnttm1nt IU fin1J
appNYII l,rnox llld, '"1'¥rlman ....nil
rrfdbac:k fromrh., 1dm,nu, tram, �nc1I.
th.,nllt'"Jl rn1kr h,. (l.-,:1.,nn •·
In addltwn 10 �rlma11'1 d.-c,..un. a
N«>ntmf'nd1Uon ml.Ill bf wbm,tlf>d from
1, ofSludrnbll Br1dl r) Sullh-1n
See A1 " P q Two

ASSOCIA re PRO((SSOR OF GOVfRNM{N r Joh11 8..-y .,.,,,,, ""'IO

"ffi"u'p0i., dral •1111
1·, 111.,, NI• ....kl .....,.
lh,., , , .,,11,•m• 11,,,..,,N ·mu,uno..., h·nd
i.,� 111 "" p11•inom, · ,.,d 1-a,rm \L 1n
,_., and .,,,,.,..., ,. ,..�op twld 1ft
'""'mho·r unh ,,.o >111Jor,n" um,
\,.-.,rrl1nr1u1iam,. 1h�,.o,�•ho1, ,. ,. , ,.,.11
hnc (',.n.,.,
pt1bh,,1MI ilnd 1h, (."011.....
,. •nt ....,. .i.-p h,nr,,-, ·• ..,l>d,nc
111\111110'" 1,, l!l :,u """""'> ,tlldo-ttb

i,pMl'lllll •"'°''� "'nln •for1U odud,•11L, "
" l lunc•ll••., l)o-.-11 ,I.,.... t1Hl f,ar'11 In
addlhOII la, 11-w MAP (flllll .....ffof� •• 1hu
1pph1ni fo, 1 r1ur rt,,..., rr1nt ,.h,..h .
.,,..,.d,n1 to 1 ,1m1 ....,.n, 1ur a ""..""''
•flN'lll A<Td, n:.,,>rd1nalm "'"" ,.,II Grill
..,1n /wnd'l..-app,,d and fo•t'lln <111rt,,no. ..
.....u ... mu1<,r,1,.., · ·

•hu,� ,.1th I),, l'lul Ko, .. ul lh• t'uun... 111,�
l ,•,u,,, ha• t,,,..., ""'km& hi) oblltllllll ll
1r1n1 f,,.m th,, \l,norot, ,\rhM'><'m•·nl
Pl-ucran, 1\IAl'1 ur 111o- �atoon of
,\ni.-nun l'oll....,, n,,. 1ranl "'"lllrl
f'Nbir Ill• Coun"•hnc C,ni.•r lo dr, ... I

Lhr ""'" ....,,, ";,, ,u ,111,,,..,h·d ,n ma�n•�
h,,, po,,u,un ll rvll llrn,• ...... "If 111...
"""·• ,.,,,.. ,..1r:i. 11,.,. ,..,4.,d," ..,,d
\lar1,n. ·•1h.-> 'd putur •,1r• fund1n1 ru, a
f,,n toni.- po,,11,on .. ··w.,\,.. t,,,,.11 f11htu11
S,,.. Rf'«l,on Pq �""'

�:��:::::i�.:��:::::;!{·-;��-.�� /:���1 �Ii��.::�, �:J.�:�.���"'�ii��::

folk takes a new direction
by M;uk M1<"heh
,\ ,, loCl' e11n b<> f Lhrou1hnul
thr halb of Sufrolk l'n,wn.11\ Cnrl.
IN'llil..l tlw Sll(folk ('(tmmun1t) uf brln1
an 1mp..fl0(!11al pl...,.. on.. tbat Uwn1t�
nia..t uf 11fi .,....mbt-n i.ho11Jd no• lw tak•n
1 ..,.,.,.,....
S•'"' llm•rloon•
h lhll)
0111m.t11l10n affllia(rd ,.·,Lh :.11ffolh�
rouru,r,linc c.nt.rr, la hr1nn1 th......
p1.... ro, hrlp lhll .,.. 111,,nt lo "' ffilO)
J,>1n df'k'l'[brl lw"'°'I( a, "1n nldN
P"ff0.. 11 Sr.,ffolk. '' Mtn 1 th1rt) )•It
abM'n� frum formal sl"hooh111 .i.... d,,cld•d
lo ...,..,,1111.. hH edUl"lllun. flr\l ll


l\urth"°"' Cummun,Ly Coll"II:"' 1ud lhrn at
'i11rfnlk .-.h.. fou11d 1ha: ad111,t1nr 1u h,••
""• rn,,runnwnl ,..,� ,.1>1•• 11 �urtb 'mun
"M> r,nt '"'I"""'""'' uf :>1,1Hollr. ,..,.,..
nOI ,·,.ry �oud I fou..d ,1 ••f') 1mp,,nun11'
T....r,, "' ,..,II) IIO pl""° to ,.,...., p,-opl,,
h,..,. •• _,,.. �d s,,.. wff,.f>'d ... ,111 lwr
fr•l.,,. uf at...natoo.. 11>1 _,.....-st,.• l)o-fo,..
.,, ·
,_.,n,nc lll<' ,... ..n , >t1pporl �ruup 1
1roup ,pun...-..c:l b) th.- Wom..n• C".,nt,.,.
ilnd ti,.f..,,. ,1opprn1 1» ow� ... u,,... ,.,,..,,
11ff....,. loe1to·d m ll.1d(r"'•� l.anr
"'lf,1 ...1,n'1 fo, tt1..,,., ,11pp.,r11mup, t
t/lm� I .....111<1 h1" lo ft Surfulk. •
amt11111,.d ·,�,. On...-10011, , , , ,..,..lcomr
hk.-n,·d to lh•• .,,,mth 1nd1t ,..•pt1n,�·unr
m1�hl lw.>p,• w •�,,......., ' ' ,..111mm1
ho.,... 1f1�, I lun.e 11111•' il\Q) I t • a trrnf
� New o,,,.c1,on1 P
..t\11 S.••"
