File #4131: "Suffolk Journal_1980Dec11_vol36no17.pdf"



� All classes that meet will be examined on
t MWF 8-850 AM
W I Dec 17 9-1050 AM
MWF9 - 50AM

9- 1 050AM

Merry Christmas


--------------Fr, . Dec 19, 9 1050AM



MWF 2-250 PM

Wed Dec 17 2 3·50PM


MWF 12-1250AM
TTH 1 0- 1 115 AM

TTH 8·30-9·45


�: ::3�5•:�

Dec 16. 9- 1 050AM

Wed. Dec 17 11 30-120 PM

MWF 1-150 PM

MWF 3c-3:50PM

Thu,s. Dec 18. 2-350PM

Thu,s Dec 18

MWF 10-10.50AM




Fr, Dec 1 . 2-350 PM

Tues . Dec 16 2 350 PM



Thurs, Dec 18. 11301.20 PM


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L-�-�-------q,-.-............... ....

A Chri.-ilmas wilhout I A.�nnon
Set, page 7

Christmas movie pre,·ie,,
s._.., page 10

Women's baskelball "ins for..l
See page 14

SGA rates their performance
ili}�\�.:=·::.1):: I}:\: lt
11,, '""' ,·u•nlrd 11,. -.I.\ '" ''""' •h
'''"" nlflll�"''''' ;o, ,..,,.,,... ,.,n,� nh

l'o1,.v :!Su/111/(J,.,,.,nul /Ji,,mhl" II f•,,11

:: 1'4D P,r,<(k,11 M.ir1>.,wlJ'9,..,,

ti\ ' 11114•y l(, .u•1ult•�
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'""�"'�hnm \ \u I) f.,, ,,.,,..,., .,,p,•,•!�"t
itw'f p,•1f,.rman,·r •11<1 pn•�" "' lhl> l'••I


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In , f'h ""'" ··�·"•· ,rud, �r••lu•h
,1,.,1, .,, .. ,,.1 ''""", ,, \ ""'"''"·• J.,-.·rr
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l',!u,,,.,.,,,.,,.1,1,• ••rll!hl
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� __l:_ir� uf ,H_J_lh,..,�hr U•.•�


, .,,,.,,,runi••rr f,.,.hnc•••nll" Prur,.m
,.,.,,. ,J L rl, l \ n ,.,n,1 ....... . ..,,..1.1.,
h< 11>•1 t,.,,11� "'"' 11'41 lft, -.f, \ ·,huuld
h•" ••••111,·'1 1t,, <l••• """' u,, -, _,,.,,.
,...,,. hum 1n, l' r"'°'am l .,, ,.,1.....,,.
-. ,,,.,. 1 Ill,- 1•,,. .,<1,·nt ,1.,1,,.,. lhcuan
!,,i-111., ..,,,\ha,m11<lo -.,r,o,•pn•ll\ �"•11

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"1 ..-11 •>l.,ofl
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t..11n,1�1••• ,,,, ,eu<l•·!ll 11h \, I '"I,•"" ,,f
••·•'Omph�n,..nli, [J1.r,1urn -a,d h,. would


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i,.·, 1h.. S4,A•1r11d,•uf[) "ld,,n ·11h,nl, a,.
•bud,.,., hur 1011..n 1ha1 m11rlldonr
l't"Opll" luf'l!<II ahuut lh •lr.,,,,n• .,.·,•l,••m..d

,u11lu-1<•\f••�t ."hrYtll

SmcW1un ta,..,,n .. SC,\att1n 11•rn,-uf
..-"""1plll-hm,•11•• ..},� ,n., ·u,..,... .
.,,.,.,,n1,th•1 d,in'IJ!Nrl'•'Ot"•u-d
s11.- rttt'd n<>... th� .,, .,, n....
nnpl,•1"•·nll'd \lhnrl.11,·, ••·••1ml rla• fu1
,1ud,•nb. 111d thr rurr�n, ,..,..,.,.h lhat •
t,,.,n� ,t.,n,. "" thr ,,,.11,· .,r 01n1ni n.-11,·•
,.,m,11u0\1<'1l1<11,.,,1lhlh,· ilolld,i l),N,.•
t lh, ,.,.,, ,.f
,,ngl,,c.,n ;a1,..
d•l•·•..n,w<1,·,,1 1 i,.,m1t,. . ,.
Ch, �,. \ +• <h••l111c ..Hh Uh rn,hl, n, ,,I
""'-'''"'"' 1,1,..,., \1-.,,u,.,1 ...,11.
. .,,,·,fuflrl .. •..·••lhrn\.lth,lumn••m11t•
..,,.,·, ''""" ,.fr,,n. r... 1,h,,,, �n1,
· rt,,.,. ,.ffun, ...,. .,, 1 .. I• "" ,i,�,�•1 1 J"


..,n,.1,-,.,n �M" 11,, -.\, , "' \ r••"• u,
1,•m•• or m... lin(•lud,•n1 ,,..,..,,...,11 l�1nr
••·•1l10l1• tu lh1'm "l'hr ,u,·,-..s... •• up tu
,tud,·n... ,." ,rw -..,, "\\,• �o- ,,.,,.p1, , '"
th. m
Jun�" Ill"' 1'1- ,,1,..,1 11.a.,,., ►n,1rrakl
fnb th11 lh1' SI;,\ rould hi•� rlun,• llo!


Term Papers,
Law 811els

we Toao




254 Newbury Street
Boston. MA 021'16

( ll'Ei'\

•11,,. ha..,.n·1 ,.,,.,,.,d th•· ""I�
•ludt•nl 1in,bl,,m, 1,, . rJ,u.,hl � .. ,l
hl��f'r-.ld "'K.,-.c,.,! "
lhrm "'"•"
'l,,..,11.,nn111r, 10 d,•t,•rmmr \1-u,frnl ·., • ,1
!I,• f!'<•I• 1t1•c ,:il,A rfforH In uht�u,�"•"
111,�11 ·1 b.•rn ui,,•t' l o,.-,r full ,-,1,•nc �. ,. ,t
.,,, ·· ,,., hr add> "thr :,.(,\ d,..-, •�•r
111mc• 11111 dKlu't r.-111, ,�11<1 "'"
•lu1!,•n1.1.nund ,·
r..... uuro,nt ,�m..,.,m ,.f 111 .. ,1,1 ,,.
,·stabl,>hmr t,,.ur• . .,,mmurn, 11 ..,,. ,.,.
\hrtl.,ull,,f ln.,,1.-. .. ind t,,llmr,1.,,1,,
,npul mlo lhl' ,1,.,.1.,pnwnl uf lh, '"•
\..nbum.111 bu,lllmi !'hi'�,\ """�1 1 ..
,., ,,,... <1udtonl .,.,.,.11, >PK" ,n Ul, •�•
l>u1hllnK ••11•• rmp,irl•nt lh•t lh•· tf�•h•
kn""'.,,. ,. t\rl'rl ..,m.-lund nf,p1<1· ll 1o·II
!••hard for,tud.-nt.1,to h1•·�da-••I ,, ,
1,,pof lhl'hdlandthtn h1>.-1u,.all•ll 1 1.•
,.a, ,1u., n hi lt.<11,...,·1) t....n ..
1 U\'()1' ln lhl> � ,... ··uurl1'nl ICII\IIO•·· � I
lo •drl1l10n IH ll'lt' sr� fnr ··�•I•·'
••-t,.·,rn-s. th�nan " wmk1nc on h"-""� 1 1 ,
"'"'"• d•>1o tlon•t.- I g1fl tu 1h, r,,"
,..nmon,111h u�dllll
.a,> ··11 ·s •n ontomi baitIt' •• 11,·t,.,n a,�,••
,1>ou1 lh<' SI,;,\\ po&itton un rn.-""" h1!1
f,l,,d t,1chan,..-Suffutk'1dlar1.-, '•11fl,1,,,
,..Id "'" "rhc1n'1 , .. tu ....�.. "
\ bill "I.• f1h'f1 h, lht'Cltll,lr\lf"-11"1
f• ,,.mutl' ;on �.qu•I Mnd r1o•" -..,rr • .,,
l'h, purp,.,.•of th,.' ""ll •m1
,1ahh1h a lh .. tt. "1
I" ..
ln,,i,,,,.,.,rn,n �rt.11� I n,w,.. 1, II
I"',,.,.,, nu,-,.,,,,. ""'11.ll'ton --ioul 11>•1 •
..,I,\ ,.,II ,ktl•rh ,upp,o,I lf1,• , 11a1h•
11........., .,,,,�lt•lut> d.-1\,,.,111, .. -..,mtll•
th, �t,,\ .. ,11.,a11unl1I all1h,•n-..,ud11
,11rlch,•n,«1 r un1t
,.wi.- r,..m 111.. 1r1>&1N> ' "" " ... 1 ,\
.. ._..h m•olwd ,n 0,.. Ma».achi,,. II•
lnll,- r ,,• nOrnl St..,rl,•nl l'o.hloun •Ml .•,

"hwh ".t.-....-nlll'd b) !Olpl1omon •I••
pr .....n..n1 ,\nnr 111.rnniton Jll1 "1,111t1,ri1
lfth,•<;t;,\l'(l.,lc1M.artlhP,...nn•st< r"''
11:am. H1rnniltOn said shr "°"'Id "t..,,
u...d t,, haw Ult SGA mun- u,unu,-.1
ftwr, wu1lo1ofnonlot'ru.l'\h1t "''"''"
rmKram flu1rd w11111.&ckrd ll>u """t
H1mn1ton '11,1d 1h11 th" S(.,\ .,,II t­
m,. 1,ni '""' 1h.- . ..-.11,,n ano r....1, u,­
. ,lli:,·••h•tmot,•don.-n.-�1,.-nwst,·1
Smi1,,mr f,,,.1� th•1 lhr ,nd"\/tua
n.,.n1b..n ..,.,,.. m1k1nt t<><"1 ,.,.. , •
P"'f"'� -.., .\ .tud,•nl, u,· ,..,,., ,
,,.,.,.,.,1,11 ,-,,m,u,,1ud,·ntan,1f..,,.11
n,mm,11,,,,, "�u,th•nt, ,t,,,,.1,1 "'"'' ,
lo<>k al "hll ..,, • ,., ri,,n,• '...,, , "'"�' •
"l h,·,,..,,rd�,.,,l,fm ,1◄...lf •.

116 Cambridge Street
Canvtn1tnUv loc:11edneuSuflolll


J' ;,lf'11hun,.111;7 J.\f\O

llom.r o/ 11,. Hu110,11C111 Sl�A# ::,.o,nau,..-11
T..tKf OlTT'OO'

Ad Hoc Commlnw .W.,,,�,




R� Rot.rt CWKio d� r,. Ad•Hoc Comm"1ff

clip and save--------

The Program Council Film
Committee presents:

Second Semester films
The Life of Brian
Feb. 12 Time After Time
Feb. 26 Reefer Madness
March 12 Night of the Living Dead
March 26 Clockwork Orange
April 16 The Kid s are Alright
April 28 The Song Remains the same

Jan. 22
Jan. 29


t,., SlOO nulloon t,,,lu., ,-u.,,.nl NUSL
fund11ot Aenmfm• to lhHI' n11 u,fli
Appror•11unn of $100In, lh• phun..
hdl of Lhf P,,."drnl' • Cc.r.inol o(flN·
100.000n,.. .tud�nh •hOU"nlrTl'lltl)
�d•nl IJonsld (:.rr11"" abo nt>ttd lh11 a
rll11blfo ,..,u k,.,. thttr h>1n ,f Lho• nil •
phonP IOC'• w,11 1w k•pl on h .. nlfltt
,u,..,.,.dul Lmn>ln ur,NI �url,.nh to
phon.-unl1I furth.., 11<1tK't!
"'""d"r 111 nf lht'upllon•cono-m1na Lhftt
Approp,,.um1 or $100 f,,. th• i,,:....,
fin•nc11J ••d .,.,-kq..., ind tn "'"'t..-t tht
rin•nrlal •l<I off- ror mon mfm""'Uun
lllll'<"tlOIU phonP b,11
D,K"\1-,I I propo"°rl untndml'nt to
Abo t,,,fon· thr counr ,I ,.... Jc,unia/

- " '" '°''
Co uncil of
1•,::;.:;, :;�� \._) . ..:.
��:� �i:d H 4�::
■ ■■ :':
,.....,. 1u1d l11lft nHTl'nlh undro MUd)
b,.forr thr Ad llur Pubhr1111,n,
' h""'I") ...,11
omnuu.. , tn h,•r ....p,,n, 11.
Iha! lhr Jvum,,/ w1U nnl h, pubhU11na a
parn,1, ,....,. th",,.., \llllmc. "I rlun'I
Ihm• th.- JlatOd\ """"fib n�l.mK th..
In 0111 .., aru,,n t:,rr,,,.. ,h,• ,�,unnl
~Trrnu,r, ',/1rholn liab•n1kob
r•p,.,rtf'f11luo1 th.-n• 111"'Jt,..ntl)$7,0A6!>11
r,•nia,n,n� ,n thl' l'r�wd,•111\ 1·ounnl
-In anSGA n-port.O.:itvt,11.,-. I•.,.•
r•purt on thP uprum1nc pl1n1fo, th,SC.A
J1U 1111)'. l'l�•throw 1 ngn,nl<'1t,1nd "lftoUI
·Appn,pnatlon WU m.-d•of SI:?!, for
th;, l'lycholoO' Club Thr ciub will b,,
1h-Owm1 the mm "R•pulsil>n"' m lh,.
auditorium •t I ti'nLlliff 22
Appn,p111tlon of$2!,to,th•Soa<!I)
nOi'm•nt ofM1�men1...-ho
fu, theAd..
,.di IM! nnms • llj)O!akrr l�tun< on
by Jody Manfredonia
"�Llna&PnM"nt in th• so·, .. liOrtWtim.. in thr
�0111 cwu ,..,.,., J.loll'II •l lhl' '-uv 26
,war future n,,. amount apprupnal.l'd wilt
futlubllar 11 Ril•) ·• Bt-..( and f'ub
prorid, fo1 th• 1.n...1 HJlffl!.H of th..
Th• four victmu of tllt'w cnm.... we"'
An�•lo Pappa• ICnm,, and O.,llnqutnet')
'811. Ann Man• Cwn.1,-. (En.HUI '831.
John Mc0unflt11 /Attnuntmr '831 . Ind
I Sle... Sk�ffiniion t'IIJJ

Und,-, th11 •mendmo,n1, llltll' would IM-1
10111of11r•·l'n sp.l"i/t<"utlclo 1n Attlcl.- JX.
.....-tlon II whu:h runttm fundlnc and
allot::atoon pn><';'O!dOffl FurtMr dlK\IYIOn
oflht 1m,ndm•nt w1UIM-on.ltn 22
fa.lull' IO pua an 11ppropn111un
rrqu ..11 orS\90 for N ..w ou.,rtlon1to hold
I Rdax&IIOn Wttk 1n th, lou1111r which
would hi.., pn,•1dl'd ref�llhmtnt.11 and
""- o• ••'• nt.11durina: Wilek .

Council focuses on Financial Aid

,,n,, ..

Jln-altfut sp,>c-1�. LhP !Mon 1n d��..andwochn, wl..:i•. wup,.
�nd rh1r br01:td b\l"ftn

�1,� l<:ru�: b�a mm i::a"r.Vn�


J-1111 w...-k ·• Cuuf1r1I ..r 1',...,,d,•111.>
nlt't'lm1 htouil,hl l.u fll<'\I� •11 ,mpurt.lnt bill
b..for Ou• i. ..... -duc� C-..m,,...... h..-h
,vuld affe.c:1 !hi' fm111r,.l aid Ralu1 ,,r
i �{,:;.!!1; �� ������11• l.1nn,ln
,p,ok, b;_,for, lh, rounnl fo, L!, m,nut,..
111 "'""' wppun r,., Uwder,.n... ol th,
Nm,nt fm••�J 11d p,u1nm 11,r l h�lw•
►.d11atK>n llr1uthor11-11lion tt,U 1,,. IIR
!11921 .., ., biourhl IIO'for• Con�•,.•• ""
r-.u, 12. UIIIO Ho_,,..,.,. unt!,•, 1!1,
pn,p,>!,rd app,upnal,un, brf,,.., ttw Hou�
Ind S,.,,at� thr Hao...- hdu,..,11,,.n•I
Oppun11r1111 (,nuu rRUJ4,1 •r>d th�
(,u11r •nt.-rdS1ud,•nl l...,.11rt:St.tproi:ram1
..,,II fall rlnm11,aJI) Ulor1 of tho- •muunl
n,....t.-<1 i,, ro,· , � �..u, flnannal •Id
d,,fi, .,1 11f S272m,l!M)n 1•pro-d1◄·trrlh\ th�
t,u,�n=on.alliudg.., !/ffi,-.,1
Mor, iPf'coftc·a.11�. lh, wtal �m,,u,u
11�111or 1h"'Pro&r11m• .. •n 1n..,.lli.,.,r
SI 2 LO $1 16 lulh••n drp,•nrl,nl nn
�l,hln.&t..s and .,.t,..U!,o lh� ma�1mum
1moun1 1ward,-d fur l h.- IU. ()(; .,.,U t,,,
ra1$1'd to $1,900 Aho. unlr>.1 Lh• Bt:()(;
proc,am II mc1l'1� tu lhli fiillll'. wm�
101,000 "Nrr,nl studl'nl ,,.ap1PnC.." _,·,U
1o .. rhg1b1lll)forth .. proe-..m
In add,toon W>1ffwnn1 Ult Bt:Ot;and
GSLflnan<'>ll11d pn,1r1nu.llR $19:.!will
111<;, 1Hl'C'l !ht N1tloruol Du't'ct Stud.-nl
Loan proc::r1m If the HlChtr ►Aluu11on
ltr1uthonz.1Uon Bdt •• �d . Lhe amoun1
1ppropnat..d tor Ule NSDL procram w,u

JJrctmbtr I l,19/J{J!Suf(o/l, Joumal/l'a� .'J





■ :1 i'l

iJ':i :::


n !
b l<'Sporu,blP fo, lh..,r ownl'(l•!,"lh.. ..
Ann �b.n• a...,. .. . 1noth,r Yl<:-tlm,
1.11d. "It probably WHOur own f•ult bul

To:/ i:..:���=:,:, .:2���:! ;: � I
lblhsl<t,llat l'(lmffllllH pr ovldu • COIi
rl(:k runb� th•commlttn.bullh•motlon
"I lhmk .iud•nt.11 would bt d•d 1.0 pa,y a
fulu"' nthlll..H1n lO �•nt Ill,- pn,blrm .
nothlni:h1J)'t'l'-nd�1dt"dupon .

Coats stolen at RAT

Dnmbm& h• (Hl111&, An1.-lo l'llpp•
11id, "S.ftty prtt1Ul10n1.riould br tak"n
I b)·the m1nq:•m•nt11 Rll..y'•lnord�1 th•1
Ril,y' 1 8"-f and Pub Manq<'f • .,.ho
•WINI to wm1 1n 1nonymo,u. aid lhlt
Ril<'y't hu no roatcll•d pohc,· Ont
1imi:lv h1nc, hb �..,., on lh,. han&•n and

l��:t�:•.::: 1!�:•r.t!:::• �

The S GA. Is sponsoring a Jail Day
and a Kissing Booth Today_
10:00-2:00 p.m. in the
Jail Day
cafeteria Dec. 11, 1980,,
Kissing Booth - 10:00-2:30 p.m. in the
cafeteria & Rat Dec. 11, 1980.
There is a position for Freshmen Rep­
resentative available. Petitions are available in the Student Activities Office
now. They are due tiack in the S.A.O.
Friday, Dec. 12, 1980, by .12:00 noon.
All candidates must make a speech
Jan. 22, 1981, in RL 3. t:lections will be
held Tuesday & Wednesday, Jan. 27th &

The Journal is
l looking for a new
: Circulation Manager
: to start the spring
! If i n terested , co me d own
to RL 1 9

C<,J,t ,<,,,, Soc.,.,� ,.,r!S<llrnr T"°'1Ys ,<e,,•r..v


Dl!cerillnr JJ.1 980/Su(falli. Joumol/Poff. 5

h)• • ;r.•i: !i<<f"ma.n
Thi' INild 1\.-, Jl,.r,,,1 .,.,,,.- 1, ,,., ,,11th
n•nwd , ,. ,,..,. nM"mlM'"' •"d "'" "''" � r, 1,1
11> fo,1 ..,..,.t,,,�••f 1n.. ..-m,-.1rr
\"h,· n,,,. ""'mt>.·" •••· ,,,.,,,.,1 J\lih-,

;-:.:�:: 1·:·!�•: ►��:�: ·," :.:.;:::·


\\u, ,J.,. , k1<r.an1 I ,,,,,.,�•" •.,,1 ►Ii.;,
\1' 1\n,thl
\1,., 1 ..rrom, \!,,.,. • luu, \l,r,r.,,
►.�,.,,.,u, \h,th• 111. 1 r�.,11.0, 11 I •• ••
Jrfltr, l\ltnur ""'"""' 11..,1,..,,1,
h•thrr,n, fC,,r,an • "" .,, .,,,� ,,, ,,.�h .,.,1
An1trlll h:orr1no,
\1 1n, mr,·trn� l'r,�,,1, HI n,-,,.,.,
K,..,.,. ,,,., 1,,1,1 nwmho,,., 1n..1 ,, ,.,flh•••
Lh,• ''""'' •n�•UUl ,,f ,npul " ' I''"""'"� 11 ..
urt1n1111,..n·, �,·10 11,,·, l'h1> ""' h,· ..:o�I
11,..,. ,. ,ll ho• '"n,,., .,"...,.. r,,. .,.. ,.,,,,,,,fUP
\OUll !iP<ori K\t• ll> ··
t,.,..,,.,,.., ..,.,1 1n,i 1 ,. .1,t l\, , ·, rund,

k•,:L'itratu, 1 ,o mutt truuhl, th111 ,1 t,
� •l™ "'"" "'' .. 11tt11 1�:;
:r�,� ��"',h<i;�u�t:1�,;•hl��/;�•Mu....◄t

ou1 M 1111t: n�!IW1 ",u""' , 1 ,, 1 nl\,1,• n
Arf<1rd111i tu ,;uftulk fc,.r:,<inr \1,n
ft,.fmn 11,,u ...,mpl..-a1..d a pr,.,.,..,,.,,. lo J,.. lct-tislnl1on tw�uu ,..,·,•r,,t
"'"nth, u.-fnr, 111 .. 1huu1t1c n,...1 ,,..·Nr, 1..
m11<1,. lrlO' fl,,.,.Jt• muW ..., up
-..·11a1 •�,.,,,.... lhl'• wcanl ,., 1.-arn and ,.ll•n
1 11.. , ,..,ti lrarh 111,•m rtirn , •••Kl>tr,,!10<1
1111h•nal� 11n• ma,1...-1 '" <l.udrm,. "'' " "'""
n• turn 1twm hfofu,,. lll•• <t••adhnr l llup,­
uud..nb -.,U hun<tr dratlhn..,
t Inn• th,. "'l"lfal�,n form� 1111• ,,�n..d
,&nd tunlt'd ,n_ t.h,. ,._.aJ -.,,rt,.lk'l.,ru Alllh•·
mformauon "n thr N>C•AratlOfl f,.,m.- "







K•l•Tt'lt. and

1 lo.>rnth,

rondu,•trd unO,,r lhO'dor..rUun,,f \. >I.In\
l'r,,r,.-u ...r '"'"''"""'"I A�""• llauw,
"'"" I, ra,ul\\ r••Pn.,..ntal"•"' !11 Un•

r •••••··••··•••·•••·•••··••••••••••··· �





t.................................... . ..


r.-quMIMf. pl'rldml( pl)l!l.-nl of IU1Uun
Whtn th.. \<"ntt1n111,c {)fr, ...- ...,unrt lh..
��!�:r�bl:;�1,:;,� �::,. ::n
stlMMal .. fomwilly "-'(IUl'ft'd

Mo�• ur U, v tin•') p;!l'",...ur1 ,n.-..J,..,t
m Nfl'IBUOn II don.. b) t'Ompul•r n,,, ..
not """' to Suffolk. m thl' ·so•� l>uffnl�
wu .,,,1th a dat.ll 10"n-"'8t,0nlrador 111d ,n



""' ·· , t,•�u,11,•I• 11 11111 ..11" an<1 1hr01 1"1:11 •
hu(1J••r ,.,1J o..t>,,1,.,..., n .SJOOant1 S!oUO ti..
•"U""t,•d I p,1,rt\ a,, • l�•»illlr "" uf
'"'""' "'"""·
111 lh, '""1 tva .. , , , >jl1rt ,,..hi "•'' \
, , ,, 1 1.m..i,.. 11• h•" h,�• r, 11,,1t1m,,,, ,ll,·c•
c,.,,.. • l'�fnll , lllo, t,, f•nuhan,,
1••" II\• >ll\11 :r,. "" ... ,.,,, � ,1\ """ ! �•I
!l, , ..�,,,1 ..,:a 1,.,.,
is, • .,.,.,, I,.,., " ! • •�I.: I,, . l" ••·•
, .,,, h,, h•�•'"" n,,,,. •• I•" l-1111,,
"• " (""'� \u t" • ""rllllr"' "fl•l"'-"l<"ll
,,,,,w l/1.,l h, ll" tt, 1• -.. h•"'I • h•· •, 1<1
ll , t••IUt I•• t..�•· . ,.,n,.· ll••d••ff,,11 t"
i"•,/' lh1> lllmt •h•11t. ..........•• • <,;,t(I
111 1.,,,.�" !,.... ,..,..., ..a,n pn•--•rll
'"' """'' .. ,11 r"• ahl.. "' """' fllah•
,.,1m.,n,.,,.., I'"""" •nd ...,m,,ni,, 1·u1d
t.. , .nn 111• n1< mh..,�htp .. ,ll tlll'l1H•lr,1n

n,,. Trnm..11 �,,undal1•H\ 1nn..all,·
0.,,1ms up to 79 ..,lluluVnps \o rapalll..,
"'I""°"'°'"• wnh put,.1111111 i.adl'nhlp 1n
;,:dfr,I must llav" � '.I 0
h;:� ;�:�� �•;
,-umUll\\\·r �,..;.. UNIII�. bt> m lllt up1wr
qu:trlf'< of tllr flu. am1 bt> rnrollt'd IT. 1n
undt'fl!radulf' pnl(nim Pft'PIITlllfl fur

":�.;;�/'.° �:

l ;� d�:1::!"p� ;;,::S:,'t;:=��::.� :.

l / 1 1 :--.

Truman candidates announced

h,n -.ufful\ >1ud••nl• .,.,..,. ,,.,...nlh
..-1..�t.-d •·• 1..-..mrn,.,., 1n \h., 11am S

ln pr..-UCt- . n<1thmc •••�rth1>umph•
f1,r,,..,,. 1ti..,raJty'n�of th1nRJ lhatnn
ant1 du iu wro111 t'o, •nmpl•. min,
,tudt'nb m111t "'1:lit..1Jon �11dluw�
.....,,. 1,.. on 1 Ul,hl l1m• .w:h«t1ulr thL'i
••·••· uou:I U,, fron Both t•ll r,at1.,,1nd 1n
e11h ,lar1 on thr •pnn11 "''"'"II�• Ull•)•· ar
hi•; >ho.trlK'd umr 1n,l1b1t tu
r= '!:! �;�
lldron Thu• L.11tr H1•2,.u1t u,n n11dd h,, a
\1,,o,. m1n� ,11,dentu..c,.tn for ,-..,..,..,
,.,d1uu 1 .., ndmi ,n lh•·u tult,.,n p,o\m••ni­
bo• ft1r, 11,., lk-< I!! t1eltdhnr Th11 mr.11,
th,•n 11,mn h.11,-.. 10 to,, IJ'Ullrd ""I u( u,.
n,ur..., thr• a,.. h.>ird for•·,1,.,rc,.t•,..d
llwnthf'• mu5tla1,• n�lilN
,;1ud•nb wh" r11I tn ht.I allfrn11n r,.,
u,..,. ,.,.,,,.. <'11,,un•, ofl,• n ill'! ,;o,..,:i ,..,1
,.h�n lh"\ Fl lh"II n,nf111111l1om hao·l
th,• , m11 �• 1,.trd r,,, flUI) t"""' thr,•,

h) Juhn Miuonll

New Gold Key members

.,,,..,,,,.,,.9 ,,i..,,.

Bundle up this winter

Registration wrap-up

......,,. u,..- ,,. ,r, .,fli.1ff coml1110,, A ,,.,n
f/,!ll/ ,;/l�flh(} IIO Jot Q/� <1<1..:4 �-op,,<llf>,J

1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 •. 1 ,


·IJU,LOIN(J IJl;l!'f_''



and good luck

j Richard Robert

r•••••••••••••••••••••••-•• ••••••••·• ,

GH. 2t
_ .



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: domestic and impo rted cheeses.

Voted ..Best Wine Store .. Boston
Magazine 1g79

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227-9235 :


b> l..itrrv Bucklt"r
•t� art) \t,i� KO•rt« h• to.. do"" i,,,r,,,,.
111•\I ;o• nu·,�·· ,.,. Si,A l'f<-,1d•111 Mir)
:.inrl,,tun'• main ll""""'" tu tllr Sl,A a,
1h.,, ..
S1ni1<ettJn ,;a,11 th11 thr:;l•A 11., 1>,;,n
iru,nr "a lot orna._.k .. lornot bo• 1n�ablr to
spark ..cudl'nt 1n\o,rut "0Thf 1,,mm1tt­
arr11 "t mu11111. th") ,,..n•1 dom,
•n•thmr." S•nrlrton 1i111d t,,,(o,.. makm1
,trun1 1e,vmm�nn111oni fur SCA an<!
~mm,tt.-.. m..rtini� uw1 u,,. km""'�'
,\mun� thr mo,.,11 n�• to t.. h�ld .,•.,.,
11,�11< ,. • Mll'••hlllf lu ,.,,.,.,,. th,• 's(;,,
n•n"-1lutu,n That m....1,nr ,.,n br lu>ld
�'.-drwlll1)· . ,,._._...mbrr i al I Uil p m •n
111., Rldrw•) l,uungr
11,oraulif' of th,• ab"'""" of l'mgram
Roa,d and n,unnl 11•1W1 l.110,nn Ram
t1u1...--.ld Sl-A s..n.-1.u) Ann f'u•nr
,nfomw<l thr 1roup that th• Pill
1·1,r,"-mti l'lr1) 11!o "t.11Uup 1n ll'll'au '· <;tu
<.111'1 , llo....•·•r.lhal t,.,k•t pnn-,hl\"•1,r.,.n
r,�,-d al $3 for uudrnl, 1nd� fu11{Uffil

rn.. S& �h•'l" ...nm.. •n ..rror1 10 limn u,,.
numb,• , r,f ··,,.,n Suffnlk .iud�nu " f.,.rlt
,1,.d,•!11 ,.,11 bl' hm11..t1 to on.. eu•�t
In oth,., busmrss. 1hr S<:A -ot.rd IO
,:in,(t a Wu,., 10 thr ? Uubllar
l"mnll!IN' n· 1"'0mm,.nd1rt(I a roat chrek
,..,.. 1<..,lw pmv1dNl 'Jl111motion
,;am,, 1n •,..w of a ...-.:,-nt mcldl'nt wllt>n
,om� f'Olluw..,,.'ilt>kna\ R1I•}·�
Jun"" ('111.Y. tt.,• pn,wnt.1111 ...- Oatr�n
Dorw,.., r.. u lha1 tllot. ,.-.s "1 minimum
,..,,,..,. t.o pnn·tdl' for th,· ,tudrnu - Aft.Pr
ill. h� said• ••,..,. !lh• �ud,•nuJ pa� SJ!, a
, ..,, ror �tud,•n( l<"l1Y1ll•" "
Thi' 11..m of hu>tn••"' -..·11 u,da� \
J..,l 11-y K,..inK 110 th. fo, lh• 1>,,n,.r,1 or
t,luhot Silnt.11, toord1n1trd b) l>ono,·1n . 1n
l;'OOl)<'.--.llon ,.,lll th,> TKt: fnt.-rnll) ant1
111,, Suffol� f'h,...rlo•all,·n S,n�WLOn
rrqu•1h· d that all 'i( ;A m,.mt,,,n
JNlffl<"lpa1.. ,n urdN '" •ll<'OUra,\lO' ..,11..,
\(Ud,>nhlo �""'"
··1,u up and k,., ,."'"''rM'.'. f)or,,,�n


Good bye

ANIJ H1.f•l\l1tS


SGA wants to get things done

----.... �:•:-l(,�?/ ..�::,l:t:J �,:;,':h�

f ' I. O � I . IJ!

1. _:





Thur.;., Dec. 1 1
1:00 · 2:30
F338A Student Life Committee meeting
F338B Council of Presidents meeting
F438 Society for the Advancement of Management meeting
Psychology Club meeling
Ski Club

by R Scott Re,edy
1-1 .-...k '1 U1ttf'! rold 1nd thou1h1..Jof
u,,.1anc,...ntrrah.-adhanopromp1NI �
Su(folt Hudrnt.s lO quf'lt.1on lhf'
�ffrct,vf'nru uf I.II• rwat11111 111 u,,.
un1v...,,.1y ·,n..,.1,u11d 1n11
•1'h• tl'ml'f'Bl11A" lhould bl' litl t1"11fl'ft
hh.,.nh..,t. no mnn- and IKl l.-a.""
l<!OOrdm« lO �lint Ph)"�ar l'tant
[),A'd(ff l,;d"a,d f1ll'l'n Oltdu lul wf'('k
\hawf'd th" i,,mp,,ntu,., Ul thl' hnton
bu�do/lf tobo>72dq:,..,.• or7� d"l!ft'H
Th., Ml \',.mun bide ,,.�lltt-Nd at68�· . ••
dod l.hf' l)or111h urbu1ld1n,,whw,h al1U.wrnt
u h'Ch h 70 ' Tl'mp1-rat un,n th,,A,chl'r
�h,I• lhl'
bu,ldUIK "'•• 611 dt•(r�rt
dawuom� ann ,11,r.,,,,.u of 111.- ll.ldi(f'""a)
1d u

::t :;;,�"•;,.;::,�,� · �: :::t
r>•Kl�U-u• d al t,.1 d,'t!,.._.,.
hrrrn !oll•d lh••f<" 1,r man) \lnabl•••
1"IIIC'h aff�n 1hl' h...1 1n1 H• 1aud '"If •
du, IS pmmrd wtlh slud�nb thr
t.-mp,.raturr IS bound to ,.,.. .. 11"
mntmul'd that "lue1tl<>n i.1 f1rtm, 1uu•
Ind ••oo.. fa, )ou .,., from thr Mat
C1pl111n 1 n1 wh� tllr buddmo
tt-n>l)r<MtUft.>511"1' rt<>I Ulllf•>fm. Fa,r�n sa,d, •
·"Ill• d 1ffrtrnttt. oould II0' 1 ..-s..11 of •
do.,.d damp1-t that •� shut down fur J"m•
,�ur.,n " !IP 1,1,d that ho. om....- .... t
knnw (th11)11nl,uwr i,•t 1eall •·
Addlft!llnc 1p1-nflc quPSllon1. and
romplalnb about tht' huun1 in t11,. '-1t
V,.,non buddinK, l'lll'l'n Mid I.hat "Ml
tiad lwu
Vtmon II an old buddlna:. but
n•w boil.u mSIIJleod lut )'H1 ·· 11, md
lh11 lh..,.. ..,,..110mi,•1rl 1erpn>blrm•w1lh
U1l' nrw bollen wh1ch wrrt' cor,>d, 1nd
th.Ill "what •�• probl..m• thC"ft' 1ft' no,.· ,
11R'lwi11J worbd anb)'lht rompany " tt..
funh.,, aid, "Wt may 1w wa1Un1 ror 1
part N ..You can ·t do r�parn without
Comm,nlln, on fa..u,n whodt 1ff�t
th•h.-atbut wh,dt aA"bt-yond h• ron\rol
l'lrn!n spoh 11f th, rold wind tnd ,t,,
3ff�,'l on ,,..rtamJ1dPSof bu,ld,n1>. 1nt1no1
oth.,n. 11, aho ..,d th1t oom• romplatnb



...,. mlllll'n, of po,nonal romfon and hud
toool,,. "
.. lf !K'Opi. hnr a probh>m"y ,.,,ould
call . andi.1 11.1 koo-.." f11ll'l'nuid

. . . Registration
C.,n11nu,d hom page5
th• e11rh· ·70·1 S.,frolk u1t"d th<' <."Omput.r
at Bab,nn C'ollfp on a 11ml' ihannc bal.11
l.�I , ..u. lh,. un,.-..f:111) puKhaJINI II
i,,mpulrr of II• o"·n. frum Prim..
('omputf'r f'a for admm1un111\-.. u.w
t·nfortvr1111rl\. th,·,.. &ft' a,11 prohltnu
w,tn both lhr ntmputO'r �nd t11r·jllftwu<',
"'h1th u,..•ur1 1>,inily pur.:h�'il rrum 111
:;::�:: •:, �•��;:, :,-:::;r�·� ::�,.
.. ,

r,,.. ··

ll••&pll,. th...., problem1�llrfrm1 <')<.l'f'CU
LO<n -,. U\r oouno• ronfirmaloom '0bad to
th,.11udt-nt1b) th., flnt olth<')·n1 "' You
Jua p,-) �w-ry da) ." i,aid ll<'fron . "th11
th� J)'lt,,m ,. up 1nd Ult MmlJ'Ul•• n


Happy holidays ;:
to all
from the

All classes thatl meet will be examined on
Wed .. Dec. 17. 9-10:50 AM
MWF 8-8:50 AM
Thurs.. Dec. 18. 9-10:50 AM

MWF 10-10:50 AM

Fri., Dec. 19. 9-10:50 AM

MWF 1 1 - 1 1 :50 AM

w�\ec. 17. 2-3:50 PM

MWF 12-12:50 AM

Thurs.. Dec. 18. 2-3:50 PM

MWF 1-1:50 PM

Wed.. Dec. 17. 11 :30-1:20 PM

Thur.;., Dec. 1 1
1:00 · 2:30
Modern Language Club Christmas Party
Program Council film comm. presents ··1n Laws"
SGA sponsors· Jail Day and Kissing Booth to raise
money for Globe Santa.

MWF 2-2:50 PM

Tues .. Dec. 16. 2-3:50 PM

MWF 3-3:50 PM





MWF 9-9:50 AM



TTH 8:30-9:45

Tues.. Dec. 16. 9-10:50 AM

TTH 10- 1 1 :1 5 AM

Fri .. Dec. 19. 2-3:50 PM

Dec. J8.

1 1 :30-1 :20 PM

TTH 1 1 :30-12:45 AM

Fri .. Dec. 19. 1 1 .30-1:20 PM

TTH 2,30-3:45 PM

Tues.. Dec 16. 1 1 :30-1 :?.O PM


-=--& ::::
m_ r_
r_ e _b_ e ____� '° '"'
Fran will always be -e_m_e. _d

Rem emberi ng Sist er Maura Clarke

It's Christmas
time again

In l/1.-r;,• hard 1111,,., ,, .. nud "' ni..rntam lh• o 'hr,-lma,
'>pffll Tlw n-p.......v,1 t 11,.i. 1 1"' d.-•u, "' J.,nn l.rnoun
• "

,�It ;::�:,:�,'.:�, )�, �1�� �n� ��,':: �� : ,r.;:��:::
<J..1ppmranll •h�,.. "'INJ'k ltum tn,c
('hr,1,1ma,, lq/111 1l 'iuffnl� ,•,,ul<I lun, ""'""' mlu •
1.,,, • I•�·• "" lh,· lm�M ...,, n,, ,,.,,1,.,n•
Uuh t',.. puh l) l<'{la• tur lhm,• uf ,,.11 ,.lh, dvn '1
•1114: 11111-,trnu ,._,.,I, and �" ,.,1111nK for ' '" �m,11
r,nal 10,-...- IJ, \ltnfl,,, 1h,.,.. ... ,.u �rlla111 llll,., ',puh
11,., 1/1.-,,..,.,., b lh.- l'hn.ima- ..pml llo-tmn,nr ,,.
,nf,l1ra1, '"'""""'
\l , t H •• ,1,,,..,.•11<1 ,n 1h, mu,1 t.-,1..·,, u l maron.-,
• t.K�• i,111 f,.51,.,,, '" m111,., n.... rio.,nn ,.,. fl',·I
l"hn�1m1, " r,r,,, t,. ,,.ad, lu 1- �•• h•l n,r,Jtm;u. huh11

Ed 110,
Tn Ihm� .,f ..n rnr t,m., "' lhr 1,..i fnu r HI"' l ;,1ud
"bH '· t., . n,,.'t,u1 d11 11 thr rnd "l • k"ll: 'w.lffulk cb) •r:!
too� lh~• ,..,,n, f,., �rant,• ,t I al"•H neun"II 11111 lh,.
""•11\11) of 1o<· lloot 1 ,.0u1<1 nndhr, 1,..11mdh<• r d,'U •">d ,1
wa• • l"lllnfur!ln� f,,,.lnie t,.,,.,.,..,., l rn thf'r>' ,.·uu111 ho• a1
L,,a,;t on., Jlf'O.Un ,n ""houl I .-»uld n,un\ on II) ,rn,),,, n,�
Lauch liul 1l 1tl\lJd tu b<'IM",.. ...." .r,da> rn tw ...\ 111(
··�o,-M1 bf"" f,,, lh<' laM llm,, I<• ""� uf Sutfn/k", r.n,•,!
p,,• •n<l k> • Jl<' "'""'l fr<r11/I
►'ran " '""' ..r th.. nh••1,,,..,.. ,,1.1hk . pruf,...,.,.,uol •1><1
r,,mpu11nn.1LC' l""'!lL,, I h••·•• ,.,.., m.-1 Sh,• ,.,II l,•J\I•
.�u rto1• u qu,..11} •• ,11,, ,.,.m,. n, ... 11k nu hanrt .J,ah, �1ul
.....11 .,.hf'l fNm 1M l!.,u,1 of t'rut,teT1, •h" 1·m >11n•
don'1 koov, lh<I' •\l<tt tlul lhal dn,,,,,n'I n\lll•• r '" ► r n

bo•,.auw ••·rl'thm� ,h,• h&> /1,,n,• m Lh•• la,1 f,,u r • •• •r. �••
f llw si:ud.-111� •nd u,.,, ·., rt1o , ,,,,,, ,.,,., ,.,ti m,,._. 11,, 1 11�



M111t1 l"\tl\� "" mu,11.-r.,(! la:<t ,.,.,.l 1n t.l
S.iv11tor Suffolk "ud,• IIIJ, anti farull� r"n1<'mlk-r h,• r oud
"I'll" lh11, romm,mll) to 1ndir•h· tho•,r .,..,Jl't""I fM II"' wur�
b) pan11"tPJlln1 ,n n,,. ,..,,. f,,. 1'>'1.-... ,.h,<'h n>rsum"tl
h,-r 11ft
�Ufl) """' > ru aeo. • t•Lt).-nn,: of Suff<>I• ��nlJ,
olffd f1e,ilt> nwton1t1.. rtn1on Bu11<1m1..-1th1-..oqu1.-t111d
1111,. ,1><" "01n<'n "'llh pow�rful ,.,.,,..., Thf' wum"n ,..,.,.,
MU)·•noll Slo!Pn; who hid ,.....,nU) f'1•Lum.-it f,on, fo•u,o(
work 1n Noairauru• LO tor•ne • IIM'W,I(• w Am.-n('lnp•IIQ
..-.-r, tvnfuwd about "'""•<Vmlnt from lhal Un) -..·ar.tmn
nallon Th; n<<W'l th<) bruu.ihl tu111 wutha1th� S.m,>1..a
suwrnnw111 "'b ro1nrp1 and CNf'I, and 1h11 ota offil'W
atni.w<>f"t 111..,1....i 1n bru\lllll"1 9IIIINl lhiP<,>Offtl llld
u,., "'"•kPII <n thr n>untry 10 k....p th,.m from n1 m u,., Sand.uiisl.ln mun• m..nt In ht:wntf'
N1ura,111. w.. ........ l.lunnf'dbv whll lho,,,S.)o(..n;lOldlU.
p,att1n,llrly b lllf1r •nvunr., ,.frr p.-"'· ,a1 1nd rt'ffnt
Thty b■d b.-<,•n f'Yt Wttn-. W 1ncl'f'•hbl, \'-"TUI m 111••11
l'IPICIIY n l'f'lif'I 1nd l'f'hflOUl WOl'ktn In Un)' roUnlt)
,·IILac" 1n Nnl N,c.ara,ua Th•Y p ....-d • r•n uound th,­
room ad.1n1 for donauons ru, food 111d clulhini; fur
rrlu,...,,. uf lhf' t,,rrur lht) dt-><'.Tll>Nl,•nd ufll..d usall tn
.,.,.1,, t•Wfl"am, and lootttn wmrmb,,n urC
on1-•nd 10
lht �'lldrnt dPmlndml th•t •II 11d to tht" S■mo,a
1;..,,-emmrn t H 1mmNIU11#l) U'rm1"-1i'd andli111 lh,. I S
bl'f'1kd1plum•ltr rri.uons w,thlhlt "'(1nwl ll..i .,..ar1) furitot1,• n 1ho,.. illhPnnK• h,-tf' II S\Jffu l•
unhl IHI. ,.,._,),, "h�n I ,..,. !h,. p1t
·tul1' ol uo, of thu"'
M•'}l>nulls1,tN> n..ti .......... u,,.T \ """'""n S.sL,•t
.\bur� l'b1 l>I' "u d.-1d !In bu<h hid bN>n fuund in 1
.t1111u,. �,..., "' le:\ Slh·ut.. ,."-'mr d1>1.1r,..,. frum u,,. burnt
out '11n ,n .. 11,.11 ,r,,. and s.i,,.., II.I h.1rd and 1,-.,nlhrr
�1..,. had 1.....,. u-.,..ume f,om th,- 11tt><>rt \11.-,
1U..nd 1n� a ,\\11)�11"11 m,..-L,lll ,n ', 1r1ra�ua th�, ,.,,,.,
n• 1urnm� ln 1lw .,uair• "'"'"' th,•} had r.,..-n ,..,,.,ut
wnn �p1..mbo-rufth,.,,.•, lllu,. :k"(U,.-d of murdrnnr
'\lroL) ...,.,,._ .. 110 �,.,.
Lhtm •n .,•r,ri:>I 1;.,,,,,t\/11,.nl !'.•�
dlst•�-•d b, \hr thr1•11.-1unK .. "'� lllaL S1>1,., \bull �/Id
S,MH II.I ,.,.,,. dumi n,..,. I II� l"tln)l)\rd vi pru�M11n,
Jwh,· r and fuud fm bmt ll<:'• ,.hu hi,,., brt-n mMI,
homrl�� h, umr,•I .,.,.. of -,ol"n"" b) •.1 S.Jt111dnr'•
ru�rm,,.,,,.111 l"h.-) 11..i 1J.., b,,,•n ,.·m•1ncto lol'.a1r f•111111
mO'mb#n whu .,., "1n1-1nr·· •11d ft•an-d hO'ld b,
1owrnm•n1 fon.-.· • who w""O'd th,-u l1tk of wppun fro,
lht rowml!l<'ut Jf 1nd ,.,h.-n 1h..) ruund 111lrd villae•• n..
lht) had volunt........i tudf1••r lh•m tu lll,.1 1 horn..,, 1n tlw
ru,uni,-ys,d,. Tha ..-u,t. rnn>id..rNI b• \hf' ffl>'t'mm,-nl to


Fu l m er obj ections

l hm,Lmti t> U,, .....,.., uf i..,�., ll,,, <;pml .,f s1nnc _.
"npo,lanl l111s 11m•,.f •,.•• lt,-mt'mb.-r th1> "'hrn P"'•Ph•
.... 1f U1t•\ r1n borrow ,ou1 noto w �IUd) for lhrn
�.11411W> ht<'r,Lun- ,.um h.,t.,l thr brohn dn"n rnruol
<)>lPm, th,. owrpruf'd mrr,tur,nde,- wd ,11,. ..,,u, W.-.
l""'i>k• ltH lto )I!+

I fl'rl 11"'1 fur •II thr ,,..,,pl, •t 'l"ffol� lh•I rn-•·••f 11<,!I to
k,.,_,,.. ►'ran h,-,.,u._. th,•\ .,.. """'"'� "'"""'"'' lh,•n•�I uf <b
·1thou1 Fran.II
,.,II ,...,..,, fu'l!�I Sur,, <:uH,jU. -..,1tcoun•
w1, 11rrrb,,fm,. ►ranom••nd1t,.,ll•uon 1f\N.tlf'lor1.,-.
'"' h,• r n,.,. J11b Out r,,r 1 ,mall l"'™'n. ,l •J1P•·1r..Jw w 1H
bt' lraHn� t,,.h,nd . bl( l'mpl\ 'Jllf't' lhil w,n n..... , bt­
�,an . .. 11..n '""' ,��,,. ,,,.,·11 11�,· ,.·,th )vu )""' "'"'"
,,,u r p,.,.,.,u1Jtt 1 1 1,ur rharm. 1uur rl'-'> u1d , uu, ,.1 1t
th,nt• "" t,.,•·• ,.n101r<t fo1 fourt,r•L ,,.an, Hu1 Lh�r..u,
1-..., thm�• , .... .,,. furr...t u, '""'" borllmd, 1hr) an- ,..,..,
rrl<'t1dsh 1p Jnd &Tl'•I m,· m,,n,•� !�1lh .... ·11 11-..a) ,hor •nd
,uunn ·1 11�f' lhO'm ..,tll)OU
� ya,
l"nrn Ke;ivenf'}'

bo· 1 Uln•;,1 m lh,.,r!O'nom, , h.t•arnrd thf'm do-ath :,._ <r,
\l•uni !11th 1nd•• 11.1 run! ..,.,.. bunrd ,n tJ
"■ t•, n..u tllr .-,naet whrrr lll.-1 ..u,k•d Ht-t-•u... 111,.
I � JO..,mmtnl support. th• Plnf'nl ,.,.,,,... m 1-J
Sil•ador, I d1plumaU(' IHm WIJi So'nl to mwsii111.. ll\f­
murdf'n So fu, no ,nfnrm1tMln 1111 i....-n ,..J,._d •bout
t11, 1r r
tnf'OKh ..r S.1tf'r .,....,..
11..... •t Suffolk IJld
Wlnf'mbo•r hvf Wf'II Ind WIW\ to n•prat thf'
mt-,;• Vlf' brou1ht htt• 11$1 w,ntf'f 111d would w•nt
bruURht ht",. lha wint.,r 1'hllnw-SMIJ""' ple1S1t,
uw yuu1 1nnuen� b)' "·rltm& l""~n•I
1nd f1cull)'
k'llt'n to nwmbotra of (Or-u- ind ta Ill• '""5idtnl •nd




r., i:,1,o';.�t:

r Z. : l�:
.01.1 n'(lm.1n s,.,1r911u•. l'l(>r hkf'tht
hk,. tllt prrv1nu1 S..m
l)ff..,n, fPllrtW m fJ S&l�ador U1¥" thfm to t>n-•k off
n,latooru with lh" pn!'9'1'111 d""-tanh1p. 1nd 1-0�op •II ••d
IIIIJ Ind ()(hrr htipl,oq p,,oplf' d11ly
lo lhow who li;ill P,,..
hbSISlu .\bura O.rk.•nd k�l(,,..ndtofoun
· Judy l>us.ku
/illti.tst.anl l't-ofHSOr of Guverun1ent

1 �mncl) ob,..c1 t o 111,. ton.. or .\Ir � ulm,,r'• lrlt�, , n
11\� So"l•mb.., 261»1,1,.of tnrJournal �lr fulm<'< flllrd tu
•dd,.athr,.,h11 <Kl1<�hOllilU Lh,. Ol'lin11_.t10n kn,own
.u OPt,'1,'S Rlthtr, hf' ull'd thr vppo1tun 1t) to ,nMilt
,-,.ru,n m,,mlM.-r.ofth,·alumr.1
I wu p,-n,::>nall) �un;: b) th,n•· u1M1II> \1, antr• ma.1..-,
,,_. "'lnl to"h1 I him bli,k " Hu"•'"' J do not fN'l lhit
ltldm- ,n�lh 1> \hr !o>IUlonn 1 •1-o do n.11 fr,,I lhll an,
n,-np�p,,r -hould bor 11.w>d • • • ,-.-hul, foi prr">nal a11a,-�
.\l, t,..lmo-1 ,,.f,.r.. tn a "'hlon.lro1t• <>ftl1wdt'n1 f,,.m.-.
•tud�r,b '" l 11> I> I ••· '} puor ,·ho,.-., r,f -.. ,i,,h l h,• him
"hlonl ,.._,.,. .. " u,uall) hn�••rl w11h r�trnn1St> ,, .h .,
purnoi11ph.-r... Junk"''· 1u.-r,11.. �•• [),1Md,.n 1 mr1n, 11,
111,nl d1lfrr�nt1, . lo h..-r • d1 Hrn• nl upononn Mr tulm,,,
,,.p,,•L• ltm ..urd u ,f ,t ,.·..n· • r1ult 1nh1w,1111• 1 "" "
,·,..,. pu,n1
I ..-b f'5Jk'<"IIII) \l.umk'd b} h» ronun.-nt lh•I "1h,,..­
d..,_,d,.n1 form.-t \.lYdrnl> i.fO' fUnd•m<'nt1L/, ou1 »f lnurll
,. 1 th 1hr pl•n•. pni(nm.. ind p,og,..,.. nf Su.ffol�
l m,-..r.,,h " If lhis 1> trur, lht lm...t11I) ,. ,n 1n,·r
S.., Fulmer IH'9" 16


Lennon 's killer
a 'screwball' but
does it matter?


\ltlloueh t"hrulm1, l!IIW ll not '""'"'I In tllfo "'""'
od.-11 ur 11n1n ,.,. lhnuld ,,...,, m 111.. Cllrulmb sp,nl nf
Jn) k>•• . p,'ll"I' an,1 harm,on ) <lfthr.,••>On IJo.c:k thr hloU,
Your rf'f! and �..,..,n n.-,1 ,....,� u.... tllr mernrsl of
l'hrrnm,.,. ..,,..,n·,. fu11 1 th,• r,omm..,�111 "h-tnt'nl "'
t'hmtm•• andlw wlltmacll \lfm C1irulma.,,






l <'rf••• J"O•""' ..,, uw, 10,um lo,
,..,., "' �•• ,.o,,, vuin,orn. ._,,,,cu,m
K>O fh<>v9"D ,.,,.,.,, ""'
OI /fir 5,t'IOI• (on,r,,,,n,n,
I� HU> mu,t

t,,, ,uhmrllrd lo lhe


.... , ...,• .,, ,,.. _ ,__,.•" o-tvn,1yeN11 ......_
""'" lo .... 1<>m...�,.., ......_... •NI In...
IO ,..
•- ••• of ,..,,,,.,...,,p •NI I•<


.....,,., 'o<
"tin, <o<- --• " "'• ..
,.,..,..,..,., .. �- •o. ooo
rr9/'JI Co/\t-••S<"<>1•ll<C' A•M A.o.,.


.,.,,,., _.....,

__,. ,.,,,," Eo,,.,.
, ...,., Ed,_
5-t• lct.t.,,

C.0.,. E<tn.,
1,c1 s. -..,







c..,,.. a..,,..,,,


s,,u ,,.,, .,.... .,.,,.,,., ,..., B,o<• l•"• au�lr,
,,,c,,_,., R.,o,,,, O,p,,o_ L•u,,.. C._,,..,, i,,,,.,
Co,u,,,,,_,., Co1,,.,. Do,,., .W..,.,_,,Oo__ .W..,1 F,111o,.
o.,..,.. r,a , ..., ,,.,_110 1t,,.,, ,,.,.,_ N,,.,a.,..
/ol>n Gam- t,w (;,.,,,,. K•>nr G1ot1,,._ And•N (;,.,,,
0., 11 1< , ,.. .,.,, ,r,.,,_, .......,.. t......,__ _
............ -• "'-"''_,,,. D,,,. .WM,.,,,, 0- ...,,,..,w. R
S..,iu ;i..,.,, N,,.... R,,u,,,,.. L•• R,c,, ...,,
lk.,,t,r,,,,.,.,,. C.Uo,,. s,,,.,,, .,,,_ ;, r,v,o, ,._,a..,,,,,

Pu1:11-1,v s..uo1, u..,.... ,...
..., ,..,,_, .,_,....,_,,_n,

e.i-,, ..,...,eo_a.-,. ..,.

•• •

And so this is Christmas
\', � I
J' �

hy M1rk M1chel1
11 1> t'O\t,, ,.·,J)1• uur l1 1nd> lb "• "'Mlk
fn,m lohn l,nnun 1 it1w Cu 1M.. dtrl
uHnf thO'm . ... t<> iP"•k
Aflrt •JI ,..,. did rn,1 fin• th"'"'
<lh>U lh11 "'Ill v•nc• uf v,.-f •ntu lhr
•h>fflk•h, nf p,-oplr ....,,,.. I.his il"b. \
.,.,,.,.riau-· ,ho1 h,m 1,1,.•1s,nn•n<lt1rlk,
r�1korl�. l1tr \hrnd•) '""'''""i and •••rt,
fu,-,da, mom,n� ,,.f•rn-d tu l ..-11nu,�
�,11,., •• ·• 11..-&1 " r,• .. b1U· . ...,.,., .. r ,,..,.
· ••11
' "•Ii> "' " "bllb
·a .,_,,1ui,.,t min" ind
"111,( · ·• nut
••lh•r trm, , ,. h 1rli ,mph m,•n t1Jolln....,
Will.Ht .... ,..• .,..,.m� ph.,nr nll,, .-arl\
fu.-Mla, murnrn� rrnm.lohn l..
rnn,rn f•n•
\n •P1•••,.nth luun,-d nuon with• ttnu>h

lol'•..-nl r•ll••d t., ..l "Jlo., ar, l)POplt ,n m,
.-.,untl' r t, n�land 1 �• •ut 10 •rr,•pt 111,.·•

11 ·• !thr ,...,.., ,.f 1...""""" dt•Mh , "' 111>1
tor,•1k1nc dunn� bl\'aH•l>I Wh• du.-< ,1
al-.. 11,s h•pp,•11 m lh, I , ''" It,• U,,•n
mumbl.-d ""n•·lhu1c •nHu1 \l•r un Lulh,·r

r,-,h•P• •

llklf, lmp,.,,•a,n t QU!'�hun
lha11 "Y.b, d,�.., 11 .J,..\, h•pfl"n ,n U1 o•
1 � ···· .. v.11.1 -..,11 1 ...
<1uu.- about 1l <0h•I
-.. 1tl happ n 1,, l ..-nnu111 · murdo•rf'f"
11u1t1�,.11 J.-,• n rnm fan� m ,�ht ,11,:i:•·•t
>trmimc th" <TUl'd l1llr1 h, h1> lO',.c,.--i.-,.
•nd til.-n ,,.1ni1n1hom from th.- l<,pnf tll,­
,\ lt,..,1 !la/I
Thorn•• -;,.,.,_ 1 nn._...
·me p�ct111u,>1 .. 11,.. 1um,"'1 m1u
unh,. pruff'!ililOn, ,.·ould probabl) atr...,,I
1h11 praNU'>' WH ""·<I ..,11, ,u mu,d,•ro•r.
n-«ud�of 1o·t1,.1h.-, 111.-, ,. ,.,,.d 11,11no..-d
..M�nt.1111) Mnt"u, ·•,,...nt.1JI) 1n,an,- ..
In In tn1dt. t"Olltl.-d "Jlt,.rap,-l.lllr
1\•ranny which 1pp,,1r<•d on thr Marrh
.-d 1t10n ul Omn, m'"l!utnr, �)' •t
mu•t f1 nt"l1'C'Olmit" lhll <nm,nals,·1nno1
bt> dmd�d into \wu c11�;oru-. tt,u_,, "'hu
bft•k th.. i.w b;,,cault' thr) dl<l<.),;,. \o •od
lhOJP "h" bruk ll b.-c•u'"' lh"" 'mrn
,Jin,.,-· oomJ1t•b lh,•m todo.11, All �ronunll
l>rh•.,or Wluuld lot- rontrnlll'd b, <nmm•I
La-.. and pS)d,.1tr1,b .tic,uld t,,, ,•,rlud.-d
fnim adm,nisu• ronJll\tla,.
Th,, .-irw 1h11 lh.- 'm•·nt.alh ,If p,•n,,,n ,i
h..lpk-ul) "' th.. jlrop of •n '11ln.-M' lh•L
·nu....- h,m to d1,pl•) almmmal b<>ha.-,.,,
" r1lw Althou�h ·m.-nt11l) ,ll p1>r>0n�
1111) nol flOIIM'IUU>lj chou.,. lllr,r
•)mptom,, 1h..or brhu,ur 1>. nun,•lhrl...
nrndurt "
S11S1. tiwnquc,t�� l,1lh,•11 !\ rhril<'rton
,.ho ...,d 'ThP I� lhmg lh•I nnb.. ..,duf
a lu,uot1c1>Ul&th11a..,.mn>Ur <'IUit'lf'H
lltr madman ,s II()! !htm1n ,.·hohu lo�I
h1> ,.,awn 11w m1dm111 ,s u,,. m111 ,.-110
11., 1or,1,...,t)·t11mrncl'pl h<$"'ll'"'
s,,.s:1. i°'"' un to -""Y th•t ··sul'h �n
.-,;pllnatoun ,. too ampl� ind "'" pamru1
for mod�m 11\111 Just II IT\ln
ti..hrwd 111 r�ll1,on and ,.-u off.-nd•d by
, rxpl111111on1 I.hit dt'm)·>11fiHI
throlol!..--11 llll'OOI"> and prom!SO"S, modrm
man �hPno, 1n 1cl<:'ncY 1nd 1s otfO'l><lf'd b)
' common 1 r nu P lJ1l• n1tion• tlt•I
dt-myM,fy hlt'd1<'1I thl'Onl'• and prom�•
l nlbll' or 11nw1lling l-0 t:wu thr 11,uonblt
1.t�t'd,.., of th.- hum•n .,.-,ndlt,on, pt"ople
now s....k .:iill't' ,n th� ul.opun d11m1 of
p-1) ch11try .,.-,nl'tml"ll Ul� cau=111d ru=
of.-.,•rythmg 'bad' lh,• human h.-art !Shl'II
It 1 ) llard lO WI) what -·•ll h1p�n 10
�11rk !>a-.-,d Ch•prn•n. thr m•n wt>u hu
brt"n a,,n,lil'd ofllkmt •w•) th• hfP of on.­
of thr c,ntr�t mi.5rcal cen•u- ot 111 llmt>
ttow.-•·n . on" c•n b,, n-l1t1 '1'I) l't'<a1n tll•1
h� WIii loO<.)n und.-ryo • num™'r ur
pq rh11tn<' tnt,; -..·h,cll will bo· bruughl mlo
tllO''"'-lrl prot't"l'd1np 1n 111 attrmpl toM>I•
"f1,r"' pu111>l1m,•nl l.h•l "'Ill b,• 1)1,..d Oil
th.. utop11n d11m, of p>'} lil111.t}
,,., ,mportlnl (IUt"l>lktn 1h11 .... mu!i.l
ask nurs,•hf'�. h ,\m<•1..-1n. . is ··t:1n ,.,.
"'II'' ""' h111d,, .., ,•J.S1l) , ur John 1,.,nnun,
drllh b\ umpl) wtih.1111 lhrm on lhr
my>1.,·al p,1ulof p1) rh 11lf) ,.,.,�11..,,·
1m•h-,,rn1 1-1urJ!1un, !lid t 'twpm•n run
l�· nnun dn .. n bl•r1u<o• ho•C'.ho..- todo"''"'
it,d t.ll•prr1.1n iun 11,m du-..n bo-.·1u..- h.­
,.., ,'\ln1p,•ll,·d tnb1 "'""' "1.11 ,lln,.o,;·�,
H.-�1rd1,,. ,.f -..h,•th,·• ,.,, ,..,n .,,.-.11 no1

• --I

by Ah« Whooley
Sh.- ...1 un 1 f0fnr1 "f lhr t,trhrn
l"llUn tO'r rk>l.l..-h"'1 from uw ..-1..h,IIU!K
,;r-,,wd •ruund 11,.,
'ihr ••pfl"d on a
kll fflPn IUmbl.r c>f ('nban •nd
mrthod,all) §fflOkO'd olfl •JOmt mur.- tu
ro,,,.1 ri,,r k>11a t111n tn 1..1 h111h ·1ltr
,11bo r•1,-t�
dN'.'Oratrd tr..,., 1hr
m1Stlrl<>t-, 1nd th" h..
••·••) ,;p1kl'd
p,un�<h w,•r•• •H "·ast.-d on hn Th,.
un1n1.t>lh&1bl,, souudme, ol 111,. �2 '\
blaro111 In th" n,, ..1 room mid,. 11,,r 11.-ITI
mor,- h�I''} •nl'I h,•r hf'ad lthr 11 -..b
too �"'" •ftrt h" IM'alh for hr lu bl•
u.,c-1.1h1.111t Sh.- hadn 't r.-1hll'd u,.­
d.-plh •nd th,. m1111n1tud ur 11.., fo..,,
u 11 11lto n 111ht
II .... km• 11 firs! ,itt>t t,,,1-..·�rn
thrm Th� l)P,, vr ltHP th•I makt"> )UU
,.H. on th� kflf'f', Ind ill up n'l:hl.>
worf)1n1 1huut lhf fWnon ►
.v�n ,.h,·n
s,., fin.all) una.,r,wod 111.i thmo
would .,..,.., -..·ork out bl'twf'l'n Ulrm
1nd th•� hid both ch°""n d,ff,.n•n1
111.rtnf'r.. OhP would l\f'VM fm"ll�t ho,.·
>ht ff'lt •bout h,m Ill' ,.-as11�, fine 1<,,,.,.
and now llr wu dud Sh# pul,hl'rl hf'r
arrt1&•n SWPll"' clOSf'f IU h..r h -�
funn)" how WI")' f,.,.. ,�duatf' studt"nU.
Tonl hl• •U>d•partmtnt>
11.. hid aJ..-1)> bo"N> to..r funnlt
•monc them lht ff'l:wl, 1111' 1.1ewblr
m1br. th� lndN Ytl . lh""' WII IMdt•
or h,m lh•I .... d'llld Ilk# and ""'}
.-ulnf'nblC' Th11 w11 u,,. -IJ� ol him lh.i
she loV<'(I lht• mos( nf Ill Thu WIJ lht
sld,-ofhu. d\uutr1U\11m,adt'ht,r dl,...r
and dip to, h,m wh•n ht appeutd on
thr � S..llo-.n

tlr -·•• «11J all... 10 11.-r His bu)1�•
1tnn, hu. d11rm , th,.way hr 1uuld alWI)>
,...... th• lnlt'r.-...w..D • •n•ppy lnJWf'f,
all of tl'tl'JI• mcn'd,,.nt> had helped w
m•h him • lt was •lmu,;I
1nron f'1'1 nbll' thH onf' Pt'rwn'li mllM<',
Otllt,p0krlll'a and cour-, ti.d lh•pt"d
1 grm•t1t10n •nd lhltlhf'H1dtnCf'WI.I
,till h<'rt' lod•y Sh� notlCTd h-,w hf'1
1,.·,p,· ou r h1nds, 11<, ,•1.sol}
l lh,· rourt
mrmbl-n ..-111 un<loullt.abh ,p,•11d murll uf
1h,•or torn,• d.,lllwrlhn� tha. .,,..1,-unl
,\ud .,.,•• lh,- fanJ uf .luhn L,•nnon, th,­
'ltJl"""-'u• l:lr11<.tt MIUM<'lln ...Jtl.. fltrr.
cnm pu.,., . 111111.,,
ph1l1nl hmp1•t ,,f hrulhnhood Ind

c-011temponrl•• wen, dn-llf'd •nd
,..,h�<'O lh•t hf' hid lnnu.-!KW'd ...-.n
1hat Th,· 1.un that w..rr lwf;onumc 10
formul•Le ,n h1•r •· l.-.w•med h•rlha11t
was 11m.. fur ar1<>lh.-, ci... or Cub1t1
�ll)bt' .ri.. .,.-,uJd Jf'l drunk fflOUIII to
bl�k thP p•m ou1 nf h1•r mmrl,bu1>hr
dM1n '1 th 1nk"1
r 11u,•d
(l\lUII or JW-Oplr
,.nuunc,n, •mirnd fo, 1httr M A, ,n
�- n�ll.t, l�tn11u,.. thl ill,. c1IIM1
rrwnd, .,...,,. <1,U ,n r,o�. plrt)·• n�
"P'"'-' h11.111, ....,,. o,.,, llt,.lltnstma.
bn-al �lff'll'llrd t,,,(ni,, lh•m hb 111
,•ndlt•h ,p1n of IIITIF"� .-njt.1\ ,
a.ppn><'oat,. Ind mo.i uf lll n·ln Sh..­
n-•11) ihould to hom., bul "'"'"ho-..
vi,. -..·unu! 11'ad) 1.1> .Ul' p m l-O th.. ,
d.-..• tl,.d , CambndR• HI Sonwun,• put
<>n 1hr Al-,n 1n<I Ut,. Chipmunk>
f'hnstm•� 1lh11m
h w1; aim<»!
.._,,,.1,�H)U� W,-tt• !h,.s,• p,-oplP <o1
rau�hc up , n lh•U' """ h•·,., lhal U,,-1
rould" t "'•hi.I' "hit th<') had lu,,L� ti.,
h�d r..•,•n 011" 11f lh�m ind \rl hr had
l<> lh•m John l,1'n11nn


11.., hran. hlhl,.nrd for • m,nulr
.\li)be 11 "llt l pubht' ll) Ullnl hh th,.
l1s1 um� �b)bl' n WHn'l !rur fl.,, P)"rt
darttd acro" tl't" toom t u a ..,,t',.l d•�
ofd ropy or 11t.. Ho,1u11 Glvbor !"o,shr
oouldn'I fool h,• rSl'I( Ul,- rrpurllo "'""
toolf'f:ll1mat,., Loo 1utln-lll1<' U\a.lim r
Sh<- rem..mbo'>red llowadam&nU) sh•
and ...., f1lhH had foucht •lloul his
It wu tuo
loud , too
dlSIP'flt'ciful , IOO it'xy , loc.,t.,..f)lhm2
Sri.. llu1hl'ff t.u '"'""'" thm1t,11c lh11
thPy had It> .lhan- 11,. mu•u• ,.,th
'-"fflPOllf'iht'lo>td a.. murhuh,• r f•th••1
!-<>Sll,. df"IU,'d h1m10 Sh..a!tad tumfor
th• Bl'•tl.-! ronffn Althou�h )Ou
'OUld han•I) llt"11 lhr rnu.!.l<' , lhr ,.nlu,,
aura. 1hr mll(I<', ind \h,- imb,rn,-.. of
lhf' U..1t.k-s .r.1>0l 1hrouJh lhf'Jl.ld1um
llrr flU>t•r h•d IO admit, 1f11• r murh
dt•bat••.tll•1ti1 f'r•·,-non1 w1•nl1111ral

dr.-arn,•r . ..1 11 lw '°'"'d 1., a,·,-..p1 lh<'

~,u.,,ffll('1 •nd "•n1 nr1ri
·,1,• ,. ...,11 ,,.dl, rro" Jl'\.'\;;.1(>1",-d lu th,
d,.m,.,, ,,r -�1hr1 l�•ru,uu \11 11, h1>,� ,.., ul
nwUow,ni,,.,, K.,,.f H,,,.,., , 11,,.,.,..;m,
?t>"h•·•· thmt ,..,, ('In bo• ,....,. uf - I l,
.,,od,• nt�· .,f in "P�""'C m -�•hn 1 .,.n,..,n
'4h·> 1t1 1> •lh1rn1> �nd ho"�"

SIH> Wh 1Uppo9td 1.o bf nyln1homt
LO Nrw York tamonow Sht would
ralhr, .-p,,nd hf'f hohday m hu c:ram�d
Uudio 11>tnmf'nt m 111lilud,• Tht
� lhf' Jh!lt't, lh.- p"-"W'nll all
�mtd m"lntnKIPU 10 lt..1

tor }"<"&rs �h,. had <-'1111....,i..-d e.,.,.f}
1n,clf' , loQu•-.nir . m mf'mOl'ob1h• that
hd 111ylh 1na: to du w, th John l..,nnon,
Sh<-f,.ll s> 1nl1mllf Ind dow 141 him Ht
w1w'1 1usianuthr,mu!iK."t•n

�hr lookl'fl 1luwn 1I lllr br1(1hl n"O
••·ra1.1>r ,ho> h;td houj1hl t"Xpt!<'t1ll) for
lh"' n•Jhl Chnum.. w1111·t bnn�mg
M1 any l'-') lluth11 m11$0('1\1d brouJtll
llrr )<>) 11,. •-.ry <'XISl<'n,.,. .-mtd IO
br1nJl JO)' W t/1r-..or!d
l l Wh \rUI) I sucn-wful Chrostma.,
p•rt) ro, '' '""f)·unr but h.-r 1,.�..ryonr
wu Rlow1n1 A rn,11 qu1nht) or ..,..,.
�bt:-l'n ron.wmo>d and mar11u•n• hid
bo•�rt. wnukrd Shr Ulould i,,ol' She
,,..,d tu rrmfmbt-1 wh�n, h•d last
.,.,.II th,. hostr,u Sh.- .tlould11'1 l..av.­
w,thout ,..ymi: i,K>d-byr Sh., p.., up
ane, w�,1111 URIIIC'ttsaful ltl#mpU 1.o
fond hr, 511,. n,•c:h�d for 11,rr c,oat
l,.uddrnly >11e notlc,,d th1l ,o ml'<ln,. hld
fratO'fUU) put •n •nd to Ahm L,,nn,on
wa, illlllnl abou1 Um11m� ind
"')UIClll� O • thf' ,.nd ofU,,. ,..a, htih•d
d..sp...,d Kt much Shr btet'.111 to ay
Sunwont w1, ll1ndmc lwt I btf'1 .nd
all)"'lll, "llr'd "•nl yoc, tu ti,, happy If
111• "'•• h�rr lu- 'd JOm u, un th.. pll(ly
llr 'd h, th•uvt) "

Thal's whll hii hfYhld t,,,.,.n,a hUlf'
Jllfl) 1h11 11.. ,1.., IOl.hf' worldlhruurh
h,,, mu11<' It Ind brou�hl pl'Oph'
totrlhr, •ud m1d,. lhmn "'ihl., ho-..·
!if)O'<'III to,,.. rc,d, and thr ,.holt- "lllkl
11vund tho•m. •nd 1h.. ,rf} hf,. U,.-)
..,,,,., 1o�1n1 WU u� hid t.ahn th..m
lhn>uj! h 1 maeorllmyst•·f} tuur1ndloofl
them stronr,.r Ind ffl<II" fro)I, SM
!vu• urt hn l"l>II :;r,m,, ,.h,,r,• , slw
krn•" • ""wn,
lhuu1.ant1, vf pn11.11,• ,.1,o �nt duwn un

�:�.!z:: ,.";.';,"�:.'..!� r:,i.;,: ::1,:�

hm !k,lll u,.. ,\�t 111d ►\1 hlon/1,1 .. h ...r,
·h•11f.-dl11r1rbrU1d<'ail1nf fu,111a1 1uct " �
'fll'kll>' I" John l�·11nun. i, nod, n ._,. t"h�I
�,"/u, ,.,l! bo•fur,, d t o l/,,1,, 1,,. , , .,,,


The. story behind your Christmas tree

Lovers and other strangers at Christmas





./<tirie\' and a
dreu111 11'irhi11
u dreu11 1

h , '-m.o l i 1,•1a
I,.. ,-..rt,un ,,,.., .on<! lh• 1,.,nlhnc 1,.·lt,
.,f th, ,.,,tw,u• .:tn.o!.-d th, ,i.n,....., tu
1•,i:,n I I> ,n 1111 hool,�•n• •IUllr �,rt ....,u..t
, .,,,.., ''""'"' u,.. ..ui1, .,,�m11n,r,,uf t�
l,,vt hehu. n,,. ,,11....d... l""llo'l l)rpn
\n,\ Ill \hal l>lll,..n, tw;,, u,.. 1ou1.-,1r1
11.-kl lwt bfUlh 1n ..... .OI lh, boll.-1 •
l"'rf..ct,.,n l'h.- ,ofrnntra , .-..._nd.,•
h\prlol 11.-d h.-, n,, llanr111t nan 111 ..
hrm,,,,.. n..11..,..., .,..,,.,.,, u.. -a,.- ,.,
,..,...,.., 11,., 1 ,,1nd1'-'1•a • 11f1 . .. , .. ..,,.n
w1c1,.., ,,.. 1rra, �,•, nua hrld 11,m �•nU, 1n
h.., ann•••id dn-1m..d ,,f.uo,µlu m f1,r,...
,.,>0<1.-11 ..,111,,.,.. m,.. ., �me• •n<I 1

1 -:'��1:':';; ..,1,n.-.1 th, d.on,,-r, 1,•.op
"" 111,, ,t"llr H.-, r,n,.-r,, ,i,...,np�•• <I
1t,,,n,,.1.,.. hu m th,• r.•1mt ,.,i,1 <h••
..nron .. ,......a, m,m,n-<I t .ra , 1,m
n1<.>,,.n,,.nu U -11.. ,.•lrlil"<I 111ra ,n,. fr l1
11r1 bod, t,,•,�•ni,•nu mh ,.-,th ,n� ,.,, "' c.t,,,
h,, ,.,,., an<! 1..1 Ill.•d
tt.,,nrr 'II.- rh,..
n"'"' rm 11,•1 ,,.,_ .. ,..t 1.,,,.t,mc 11.-, 1,.
1\rpth ,,f n,r t,,•,nt V,t,,.,, ..,.,. ..J>O' "•'<l h--•
,.�,.. 1·11ra ., ., d1n.rnt•• lh.- ..,...., l'h•m
h,n . llrr <tr..1m,.1lh 1n • <ln•11n 11..1 ...,u1
,h11, l'lllra ,.0 d,fl,·r•nt. 11.-, hau 1,.,�h1
,.,.,r,,thonc •r,,,u t h < • •o<l•rf••"n'
n,, d•nn·r turn..<1 .ot"""<1 f"'"l""""''
h.-N• lf dol<'• to lt,,. hf,l,,,n, l\h\ lto•I ,
""" llad<I, dadd\ �.... u., .. "" II,•,
ra111.-, <1•d not 11.-11 h,·, ,., ""' d1<1 ""'

�!:! :.� I�• �..


,.., MnU,.1 ind
)'OU IOI your

�;:-! ::���;:;
:e°"=::"is�::!:.:.�:.�!).�:• :::,�� :t'"

.rrift, nu ""11<' Jktn Ulan c.t,,fl�plai:t lt,at you •,� ne1tl.-cl In front of
If any holld1y 11 'f)fflal to ,vuplt•.
Chrillmu II. WhNl.-bt IA' o,,. d<1.,·ntn,.n
Jl,...U ui,I ,Jioppln& man ..enun f llrd
w,th prnpl• l"''IPcl '" '"·•l�m• ..,, ,.lo.,.

·••' 111 .., •1"'"'' 111f'r., .., .,.,..· \t "h•1
••lh•r t,..,.. , ,u1,1 ..1wn<1n1t h,,..,, ,., . ,n,,p


_; ;a _

�,::�n� � �;;:���:!::::••

,.u,nd.....d th,. h�tl•illl
Th" bttlt- &frl htkl h"' 1....
,111 b th"
<1...r,c,,,t.,:1 .11 n.., ooi., . 111,. ....,.a 1>
dlor""iraph,.dd.on,... ff<'lll'd tlw pnn.-.."'











, ... ,j1'


:,u-: �



,,, ..1,., �•m•••
f "'I") frU 1l'll h, "'h"'p,ot,.<I onl" \:_ ¥o h1I• '"""
t! (
}ffl ,.._,--?7�
u 1.,.,. , ,.., J,., h,•.orrl n •n<1 .,.f.rn lh� }1f l llln,,"1 l

;::�;.:·:.�� !:�:.7�h:\:�:;.i�'.:,�:��� �

f.,,-<1 I'• • h,n .,.,,.,. "'"" 1,,,..01<1, \h,
11111, 1111 tlo • pnn,.,...,. 1,,uled •• 111, hl\l,
l"I .onil .,.,.,� ,"1 at11n jh, t,11,, i•rl lrll
lfn,""'"n i,.n II, ,,...,.. ,..., f,a1 ..,,.. ,,.1 Jm..�
1,, 11,.,... ,, f in, , , nr,u•l,uc, , , , I t.. n., ,, r


b, 1>111n,. \hth.-l•n�,
\l,"t 1"�•1•1• 11..11 1 rra/11, 1hr ,.,,.�
1ha1 ............. . i hnunia., 1 ,... 1)41f\lal••"
1hr, th ..,� 1111 Irr.-. tu<I lei"" n..
-1.,,. and nlJl�•nlll •Pl"""' ,n �•b
,..,1 1.,.... lh.. bo•lllfa,' .......\1 ll1u111•
lllufl,o·rtan<1 .nuo,\h1> hr.o•I

b<n,!,: ,:· �u ·� ....:x ..�"�•�:: ,.::

.-,m11h• , l'ilrh ,,,a, 111nm, •• lh., ,,.,.11,,
.,f lhq,n, t1m,i. t 'hr,.a.rnb r..., ..
\fl' cu.L,t•nc ,n ,..,-. """�"•' l\,.bam I ,n

1t,u�111, ,,, ... "I' "' '"'" ..,.,,111 11, n.,,
t,,. ,.,f, 1\1• . . ,,.,, �... 1 1u· blt,l •�•unln
\\, ••nl l•• P""."' th, ht·au1, ,,f ,n,
� ""'" Y., a,,, .,.,_ ,,.,, ful ,.,,.,.. • •·•• ,,,
. ,,11 ,•..: <l••'"" lr• • ·
lh, • ,,tn, f1nuh �• I ,,,.,,1., f\ "' 11"
"'' � " ' ,,. \1, ,.,.n \Ir> H,��"" 1,... ,. "''""
� 11,,11,,1..,, .., ... 1: •• '" \I, ..
,. •• -..�"•• 11•• n ""· k ,..11 1,.,., , , ,.,
• nrt '" \\.,.,.. t,\,.,., U�onc ''"" .,f l�•

~ "'"'

\\, t,,_, •1>,111C hlJll ..,·r.,, ,,f l.onll "p
n,,,,, , ,..., Har "'' ..,Id appn,\lmat.-h
1 001111,•,... \\,,<.1 uf lh.,1r....,. ,.,.,.Hb, i.n..
trur� �,an tu n· l.o,lrf•
n,,,.,., <tor,...
prrlrt1 Vlop• pla.-.-,hb \1111 ¥o,.1J1,nl!.I"
\,oo ,.-u,I luh ,11,.,...h..., ,n tllr l lulln11,n

\,�vf<l•"I tu ll1u1n.. lh., l 1nad1.on
r,,.,.,n,., • "'" suP90rt,.,. uf h,.
pl111u1�,n r11 �,,,,,mn1rn1 ,. ti) "'' 1v
..rc,,u,.c,· p,-upi.. '" �'"'" ,,....., ,.o,,.,han
JU•l nl1 th•·mdo.. n ·h �inl il> "r ..mpk"
\' ad1an ,.,..,�,.,. u,.. 1,,.,, mmn,1 ,.,II
Pl\ lh.-m fu, 11, ...... ....... pa, th,.
'"' °'�"••· h..t 111..n 111.. i,,,·,-mmrnl
,r, ml)u"'• .. o; '"
h', • n�t• buwn� , .... ,,..,.,., �n"•
""'" ,.,.11 ,.,u · 1 1 do, ,.1<·h ,,.ar 1 ....1 ,.,., "''
• i•�"l un.- ¥o� m•d•· S40.000 r...upn1(1 1
A�•• <1rp,>nthon th, ,.,..11,.,, l f , , , u h1,,·a
r.... na<t, 11... , ..r ..n-0" '" nm_ , . ,.. d,,n 1
...,u n,••rh � 10rll t ,·,·n ,ru "'' �"•• trer,
••n,.n 1·t,n,1mnt .. V.r ..ar1·1 ..-ll 1h..m
,., " " " ••lh•· • 1,.,, ,h,.m .,.a, th•n hum

lhu,n, uplll,n.-d tht pnl('nl ti.. 1nd
8n,d 1.. 1hmll(h tn•n�A' th11 tti..11 trll'N
.,,. n bo-1uuf..1 1nd f..ll u poM1bh "¥oe
..i1..11 ,·1rh braM<"h of.-.i-htr.-.. th••••· plln
t" fUI ¥,., 6o lllli, In th, spnn, I )I 1-0.......
"" knu,. -..t,11 Ur� ,.,11 bt rut nrh l�U
fur th#nr)lt fi.,.. >tu,.
:.., .n.., ..... <J1o-11 1h, u,•rt_ ,. .. r..,1111,..
•·a,·11 u,,,. 1111> lll'WIU thal .,1.., 111.. tr•··
,. rut. ,1 ,.-.,n·1 t11n1 )rllo" uo m1t11·1 Ill.I"
rul� ,n 1hr .,,...,n ,.,. ,,.1 111.-m Tho.
,·nablt-• 11, tu mt 1h,• tr,•r• ••r1' anrl l•'1
1h.-m ,..1(1, 1o1 fo . tw-fo,,. 111.. NW ·•
Tlw " 10hll n,akr• th• u,,,
('"" 1..11 and n...i" II m•k,... th<' nr,.<11,,
it!V"' 1n""nd thr
b11111,·h uflh,. lf,...
11lhr1 lh•n jUSI ,,n 1.,.u \l<I#>


Boston 's enlightening

tf 1 1..p11, .. ,.,.,.. ,n pl1,,·

�ri:n;��::t���1:;��� :�:���: � �!..;�:�:�:�..... . . �,


Of rvurw ,-,rn of ,.,.. ,.,,. nol • 1th
IOIIM'On.- Lhl, ) OU lu" llW"°' �lnl> lillll
abound 11•t""-t ,mp,,...,b,IIP not 10 bt
r111(ht 11p ln llll of thr k)1-.-. r11,n1 and
·1,mth lh•I p,,,m...1.-1 thP l1r u 'i ..Leumr
lhll nthr, th.ou hnnc,nc • ,11111, ,., ,.,,,.
1.,, .oil .,, 1111, ,....,,t,.,n onnt• ,.,��•I •

�ou 'K lk>nr' 11\ ni,.;,ona
.P'and Hn anrt oa, and

1 .. .. . m.,ntll bo·f,.,,. 1 11r,,,1m..

1 \.
�� �: r�

;;; ;.:; ,.

:�:,"�i,; ; ' y
: n;'
twouf yu11, 1nd lht motl wondtrf\llpl
,·nu 1"\Th1t It thl


But tbf'n ll'IOff
hftln• to enu-r mf body A nom�.. r 11,
!ii. anO ro, tM nn, llm• 11>11 wuo11 I r....1
"umlh I II.If 11p II lh• 111nu., >11 11
hhn�m, and lh• 51:lllfrt'd 11111, form, •
pn.ial1 lhfH Mlon b1•n d • n W • nrnbo"
ro•·rnnc '™'• .. If I •·�,.. 1n rront 11f •
l"hu�h ,. 11\q<lw,
My ,-)Hid� t>,,s•n LO fttl hu,-. mu\111�
up •nd down to thtrh)lhm ofth� htnt,
r1 n1II\ 1hr hlhl• n1� ntJ mu,., and I ru,.I
l"'•••· atlbl

ti '

: ;.:�:.•;�I:�.::1=��":":.:::, � :�..'::';�:;�;-"'
�.:;: �=,",;.";
::.�::£:f:/,:;_i::::.:;,:: � ... ......, .....

� .:d

r&r thl\ .,.·on" .._.r\, udallfC.Jtf-:�tl

'" • .. "'
n· .. ..naM
l 11 1 'm "'·..111n,.


.....:_, .--t.

i. . ... .�,

..h 1n<1 qull'•

" hr,u..ld,..1 m•h�,
J...., ,n i.n.. nM"�

b1· K�1lh Franzone
r11., l'1t) nf Bo.i.on • 1'>nllll 1·11,uun..
1,,.,. 1,,111,nc ,...,..mon.,.. 1.ake pl1,.., ,._.I)
)I'll' , l"W 1ft.-1 ll•1n• ..1•1111, 1nd 11 �m•
htl' • roullnl' 1ff11r &.,t m..rh t11, 1nd
pl1nnin1 sr>r1o 1nto lh...,. ,.,.,,,t�, ,.· 1th thr
P'Ndfnt\lll tr,... hChhr,r ud rho" ""l"II•
•nd tlw Hollon Convnun f.-s.t1 val b.-•1\1 II••
Barrw K•ll.-r, nf tlw 8tKl.on l'uband
lttc:rntoon l),,putm.-nl and Coll,-,
11f lh• PllblK' lttlaL.on, O,.partm.-nt or 111.­
l"rlHlfnU1I rowl'! lfl'ObOf lhflflnpK'ilW
rolr1 m thr pl1nn1n1 of th.- C'hn>tm�
w-1,on·11nn11alHt1 ••t1n
K.,11,-1 .\Ullrd lllal th.- l'ub •nd
1t..1:r,• 1L1on IA'p1rtmr11•·• ,..,1 1 ,al ,n ,t,,.
Rotlun Cummon wu I bot 111�...,." lh1>
)'"U .. u ..u mo... .. uu1L
11 llCk) It wa> 1,,,., llhl h•I) •nd I httlr
mo,..r,>l'",n.-d .""!>hr ,.,d
Th" l'lu uf Hmton I"')• fo, th1>.-"' "I
..,p111> 1nt th,· h�h1>1n<ll'i111nnthu" murh
..q111pm.-n1 ,.,llb,• n,...d•·d Thr\ th.-n wn<I
out bMh. 1r1ntm1 tlw hchu u, 1h,· h,,. ..
:op11n,i.,h1,, b,dd,·r who 11,..,1 pr,>,,rt,, t,.,.
"'"II m1npu,.,., 1nd .-c,11•pm..nt w put ..p
tn• hfhb
twnlhlll� du,._ nul •1"1'> �• ..,.
plllnn.-d th<>..lh '>I.,. ·,., ,,,.,... w ,-,.PN'\
tn.. .1,.,,..,,.. lubr .t,ol,·n <>n,,,.. ,., 1.,,.,- ;a
,,.., ,\l!,., l"r"l'""t,on ! ,.,,..,rt hurt "'"
fund,nc th•• .oH.ou
-..,d 1\.-11,·

r1pla,m'il 111.01 H,,,-.i..n ,�·� and
, , 1 , mn,h1nu. .. t..• h•" 1),.,-., "•"nl h•
•t..· l-'M�....od 11......-a1�m ll<rP1"""'"'""·r
1hr . ,.,..,. 1ruchl n1... u, 1.-nd .o lh-lp•nt
hand lot kr,•p lh" a Hin �
�•mt thnrnth th,
Hrrnl t .,U,·t h,.,1 of lh• l'uhl11
lfrl•l"ui. ll•par!m,.111 u1 1h,• l"rurl.-n1tal
l u ,. .- , •. dr>r,, b,-d h1> ,ump1n, •
•"-••Unr,· ,n ,:..nine 1hr Chn)lmh
fr)l,,.111<'> .. lld••f"I\ thl'f•• "�,. �Uh<'r I
wr..nt) fott"• lnd ltl Wrf p.•nplr to h..lp
u,th• 1•un.,hu,r ofou• Pfflll"m 'fh1•,s:h,·
111nthy.-•rth11 ..r h1,·,• had lh,. t,P,. 1nd1t
'"'m. to bt mo... ..,...11n1and trfnM'AIIOUI
,.,,.1). y..u ·• l'h• !i!i fu.01 ,pn.,c,• 1,..,-,
dullat.-d b) Nu,.. �ll•. wa, lilhh•d
t'ndl), l>
••<.'l"ml>rr !i
Colh•r 1po�.- uf lh,.,,-rl'fflO<I) 1>br1nt1
..d•ll .-.rnl " ►-1 ,� ll11nd,..d lloston 1r,•1
!IC� rhild,.... ... ..,. moHtNI W •n&•n ltlP
rl>u,r .....,,. ,n.,1..d 11,1n1tann rOf c.t,,-

Dear Santa

IN<•rnbttr J / , l !JSO Suf(ollf Journal/Pb,r &

r11.- n.1111 111 pn,....w. bo>J•n� u....nd
�...n,btr 20lh t.,.h )•lr ··1t ul"" I 0 10
1 2 p.-opl, worlo:1111 fot th,....,.W"k1 to 1r1
1ll lh# lr,...,not 1nd l0itdrd 'A load th.-m
onto ,,...,..,-.J uurh and tndrn and ftlf'
tht• m from :,lo.. St,ot,. u, Munr �rom
1h1••••·.-d11 •• W llolhstor> TI,.,,11,thPpan
m) w 1f.- 1&,,n ¥o'• ..nload 11lof th• tr"""
1n lh.. urd Thr ,.,...u ,,
J,000 or th,.m
.,.-,.nd,•rful "
..Th,. • uur d1>IIIINUon N"nl"I I mm
11,.,., ,..,. ,....nrt uut lh•• •m•ll••r uurll h>Mhvf
urrlrr1tolllfn-U.1h• rs
Tll.- 11,q•n• IIW t,a.,. u-,,.., d1..ghltr.
•11<1 ..,,.1, ,n l1.,.· who ,,., ,nmh·••d ,n th.­
"·lhn1 of thr trto 1n th<' luU ..Whl'n lh•
Clfl> ,..,,,. 1n rollrt.- . u-,.,,r fn•nd• usrd tu
m1l.- Hlll m.:.n•I for Chn.tmP Ylhnt


\r,,.. fm ,.... •t·orold ,.u,k. b..t .,,- h,...
fun '
tlu" do ,ou P"''""' tht ,,.., from
bl'mi 11,ulf,n al nichl� lhQIIIJ dOO"••lt
o.-romr ...,I) ron,...m.-d 1bo..t ll "Wt t,..
th• 1J,.... 1t1>1•1h.-1 ,.,.l) n,Cht 1nd n,..-,
tht'ltl V.r .-1pt'rt wmrto d1l1ppn,,....,I)
\rlr 8..t ,t d,o.-U1't h1pptll UfflUd'IH\O\I
m,cht th,nk lwl,dn, u·s Chnnm... I
c,•rtaml) don 't ht1rud1,- 1nyon• a 1,,... at
t'hn•tm.. tun,-_ �••JI) 1( lhl') 111,,. I<•
,1...1 , 1 · ·

Who •Y• ttwn ■ no Clau1'1 No
one ha y,t bttn able LO proff c,or,c:huifti)'
1h11 ht don not ulst: cynics m1y not
11:C'fpt him, blll Ouutmu 19 not for eynlct.
Sine, 1 bltof opllmltm lt brcin1Un1 LO
-, in lo 1heJo11mo/offlet{prolMoblydut
t.o :>111 1nudp.ilon of UN' a�•••ndl,
we'ff dfflMd t.o ,1., U'I• IIPMnt of
tht doobt and u. 1endLAI him this LPtkr
ff'lilt.f-n.d rnell
Wht� will •• bl Mndlna 11. you ""'ht
ult? WeU, tbJo111T111/hu obt1itlf'd , bom1
ffry i.lllble to11ret, 111 addnu fOf Mr
ClauL Thlt1Gt.1rn lold 111Wt,c,o11llaryto
popular b.lltf, Santa OOF..S NOT llff In
thtNorth l'oll. w,can'l r.w.l tbuddrn..
Wt it th• SIIUolk Joumal h■ff d•ddKI
to 'lmll lo )'OU thb)'t1r ln hop1\h1I
oo mllhl bt 1ble lQ r,...a,d lht Suffolk
mmunlty tor Ill (molllly) ,ood.brh1vior
Ulla )'HI'.
Wt r.aliu 1h11 •• may not bt u
import.1nt1 1Chool u lt■r
..fflor Yall, bul
Wt haft IO� p,.uy 'fl'ld■I p,opl, hen,,
S.111■• n, .Jtwmat Wtd 10m• or m...
pt0ple, .. w,llu 10me ofo11r hlnt worltln&
1t11ff mem�n. wh•l they would Ultt If
IM') a,uld haw- 111ylhlnl In tht llrond fOt"
Of c-ou� )'011 prohrlbl) Will notbt1blt

t "':���
:.'! �•
Sant., - n'lll)' oe.r.... bruit thit y,ar
Som,- Suffolk 11..dtnu. h•� pno;tk■J
Mary SinJH'ton would hkf to be
1blt to 1u.mdthellwi.cboololherdlo1CP
Tom Ltnox would !lb to to.> 1bh- lO r •
,ob1R11 J11d111tlon.
l'trdld■bly, IOftM' p,oplt do DOI w1nl
llt)1.hlnl pradk■I A OM•,-nyplant- lld<l'I.
lo Allllril II whit 8aoy t1ll.1eralCI wo111d
llU mor. th1n l.ll)'thlfll M. 1'np1 &A' &
popular req11tll thb ynr Chttyl Collins
woold lllte to bl ablf l.o. 11<1 W 8'U'llrham
1ad - • r..nactrMnt of Chrill'• birth.
Orrtalnlt Ill 11riCin■I ldta. f'ran c.....
would Ulte to traffl lO ll1w1ll; lllb rully
lln'l to much to ■lk . 5" wti.1, )'OU call do,


·r,s t"- .,..aon r o t. /ally

- lo, t"- p,otlltH>I nd/JHI city gow,rnmf!m

' :·h:::.�
� ::.�:.. i, ::::::
; , ��. :
Popi, mnd..ctu, John v.'111,am,; ..kl
Colli'r ,\IL of th.- prop\.- romln1 tot:tthfr
part1l"<llarly 1mp,..5M'd Coll•r ..,-11.
1Dt"1rhants ,n th,. l'nld,nUII•,.. 111 htlpfnL .
and 1.-. htlpuii lhtm,rlv.>i, by 11tnNmJ
p,,0plr to UW �,tmony ;· M 1t11d
Bt,,nt Coll"' ll not .,.o,ntd 1bt>llt


f11ndm1 h�• , ,,.nl and .,•,·� 110 c111hack b)
l'nidrnll•I To,.rr. ,r. th.- r..1..,.. .. Th"

l.uO u.-nwnoo.., of a f,.!J,.·al IO not want 1u
lun ,n th.- n,1nm1 �<'&1>," h,. ,a,d. With
eon,, and Barn• K,u.., f.-rlmcw >1.ron1I>
•bout •.-.pll'II Chnstmas m llo1ton . 11
SHms 11,..,.. w,U br no problrm rindmt
V11)1'tKlt riln-r h.-n- 1n lht ll..b


AulomobllH topped min)' n.u. Duane
Andenon would nu 1 Po!IM 911
'l\lrbo. Wlllttlna to IUnd OIII oii Lhe
hlchw1y. Arny Sc■fborouvi w1nr., lohlve
htr own p!,lrplt �lU". Don �
donn't an •b•l ltmcl or csr Santi brinp
himMlofllull drltta.
,�, SANTA Pl


h • u,.n. . \\irh,•l• l �•·l1
,1 .. . . p, ....,.. ,1..,,• ,• • , ,
lh•I � • · t•· • l '""l 1!1A 1 1 ,. pU,1,l•l>,•I

' h I , .._ """ ,u-t f'"'" tn
."' ,n l.,t
u,. ""' ., .. ""! ,,,.r.,.u, •l'I"
,.., 11,u,u,
,.,, 1 .. 1.. ,, ,1,, '"'I"'"'
•••• �, .. . .,,., ,... .. ' , . ... ... 1

ilC"IIOC -._,11111.
ftihlDOflpillf to
l l ou t U ld p.-p 1
.. oo-t1M1'1o. Ao
••�ht . but lhtr>

>M mom<'ntl •pant. Qlrittm• froa,
othtr nlchL Whenthe 11npaldblllt.
lh•I WOft l 5Ult, and all f)if-, 141'"1

I " '" ' " "' "" t '-mtm.. u.-.
,,. f,,. I•• • • •• .,.,1 ,1 r,•t,, m,0<,.
, , , n1j1i> ,•ao1 t, ••·at IIIU•ll• l• lh• "'"'"'
,I lht1:1n> I o,mh 1 ·h,o,\m.,, I rn,
, , ..1,,."f 1r+ ' ,,.,, -.. ..1,. t1ao1,..mt1"
• ..,. ,11<1
l ll�l"" �•• , up ,,, -. .. ,. -...,,.,
,.,,,.n1 r,
,.,. �,r, t.•• v., 1,,., 1 1 , 1111, �
,,f Lil•
, "•HI I•• l•r> , ••• Ith f>,·AUl\
" ' , . .... . ... 1u1 ....... ....
...K ..

) of )'O Ii,ind IM ITIOli wondPffll
you , Thal 1 lht
or --· •"n ,, \UII ... 11
1p1 11p ln all of th• IOn, nnn1 ..
nn1h. lhitpe,mntnth•1ir 11 Yul,um,.
I th... bnn,,nc • """h• I" '"'"
•• 1ll uf lh" ,.m,,1,.,n bonf, Jtk"'1 •

�=� ��

� �f�i::




:.....,. �
� .


fh• • .,,,,, r.u,,1, t•·t .. ,.. ,,,h,·•I "' ·�·
,1 ...
, , ... ,, .. \h ... ,1 H,au.. h•" • '"'nl•
, 1 1 11 ..1 .., ., .., 11 •• " ,1, .. ,.. )( .. , ,
', • • " . • lh"' '"" Kruel 1,,., . , . ,
. ••
i •••• ,,f , 1..

1., 1

" • !, ... Al•oUI hlk• ·•·••••>f i,on<I Ufl
h,r. 1•'1 ,,•11• ... ,.,1,1 •P l' ' ''m"" , .I'
1 11t�• u.-., \\,,., ,,f11,. 1,,·,... .. •· ..·U b II• •
n,,..., ,10,...,
1111<'� �•Ml 1,, ,,,ia,li·I\
ru,L V. • al._, r,,., ,
t• n:1••11 -t,,,,,, 1,ta,..-,lll,•
I"'" h lUI �•!• ,.,,,.. .. ,.. 10 Ith f\,.lh>l•II

al poun If
, ou·r •mt .. ,n ,
ou 'tt .01W' IL '. tl10>
l"' •ndon 111cl1111 at1a

,,.,.,,.11,nt ,., 1 1iu,n, t11, t •narl••n
!!''" '"""'"' • '"" �VVofl"" ,,1 o,.
1,11nt.11l••n lh, ,,,., rnm,.nt ,. c int lo•
"" �n,n.K•• f"'"Plo I" t'"'" tr•·•·•, • n.n
h�•nt .,. ,.,. ,.,.,r >I•••
.,._.,.. , 1n••m"-••�
'm,·111 .. ,11
.. I M• ll""'"
1 111.,t,Mn .... ,h
"" tll••m f,,, II• .... . ••h•sih pa, ,n,
•I" l•",."
", ..�, f'\ l>ul U·•
,. ,mbur.. •
It' , • '"\' ,,...,,.,.._, ''"' ·•• '" �"""'
1..,,1, ,.,.•,.1•
t""' ,., M,,.,.- 1 1 11,, , .,..n, .,a•
• l•Kod,,n, Y,, nlaclo :)-IIIIIIMl , l,.l• l'"'fl1
\)o,t do•r ,, 1,<l>""lh• "'r•lhrr If,.,,., hi> • •

f, .. n.ct, ,1,., , ,,f , "' " '" '•'" '"" 11, .,, 1
..,.II 11, ••I• ..,. ,.. II t "'" •r•• ,., t•" Ur•-.
..... , , n l 't n,lma> I " W, ,.,d .,·llthrn,
n•n '"'" '
11 nth•• 1 , , {lo,·m �"•' c


:· i:':'' \\,,.... ..... • .•� ...

an d y ou 't-t
onandon .
But lhf'n• o...,
f ll•
bf.elm to eni.-r my body A ...m� i

t n
; " : ���
i' ::u �

bl•n�mJ and lh• ,c11t,.R'(I «i."' form,
pnw,a•• lh,. ,r l"(lk)n blend ml,u 1 r-,nbo•"'
,., •
-·•one nw. ai, If I wtrr 1n frun•
chu rch �mdnw
M� ••)·,.lid1 bf-¥1n i.o rttl hn" ""' '""

u p •nd duwn t.u thtrtl\ lhm uf lh•· l,rht
'""' ... ,1 1 rn· I
l t,
On1!h Lh,•, f u "" "
p,,.-. , .1 t11>1

:•�i,•w=)'�:�� �:�!t:: ��fo

' .t ..



-::::;. I�:•:.:




U l'o,:,, �
/ . / !)JU} Suffo/. J,,urn(
.f#r"rt1br1 /

The story beh ind you r Christm as tree

strangers at Ch rist mas

" n, 1n•I
lt'l(t'"' npi.u..-d lhr P""...
1h•l lhr1< ti•·•-.
H,ud l" throuth ,,.,n,u,..
"' '
Hf' u h.-•u11ful 11><1 foll a,
lh • L "' • 1>U<n
-twu,•..-h b1•11�h ,.f,•»<'h lr•·r
lu n,1 "" d" Lh" on th• "(11\M�
t \11 ,.., h ,, ..,
"' •' �,,.,,. ..,hat 11,·,·• ,.,II t,,• '
fur ltw n,•>. l fn• ,.an
..,. ,.n,111,
-.., .ri.., .. , . ,11,..,. 111, 11,,·,
u,,. Ir••
. ...,, Lh·• 1- .. ,n.u r,·,th•l aft..r
. .. n, , n.. l •·• I"'"'
. ,ul ,1 '""" I 1un, , , 11,,
-a,-,n ., , . n,l th•·•n l ho,
,. .,h u, 111,· ..
\ •"11 �• I
, 111hl,,• u, tu , "1 thr If,.,.> ,·orl
!h•·m ,.,�o, l" �" r,,,f.,,, th,·
II" Un•
llh -t>..a f llll " ,.t,.1 n . l••
tn, .,.,.,11,
tr,, .. lull •nd l!• II m•\•·•
,.f t/h u,.
�'""' •"'""" lh• "'"""' hron,h
,.,11. , 111 ... , ... , . ... , .... ..,1,,,

b , Kt1th FrMn1. unf'
1l1• fol\ ,.f 1:1,, .iun ,l'IIIUal ! hfl\lm..,
"" "
u,.,. hthllnt ,,.,r mu11,... 1.11\• pl1,·,
•• ;,..-m,
, rar 1u•I ,fl,., f 11n�>C"'"� •r>d
11m,, and
hh I ,.,utlnr atf111 t\111 mu..t,
. ,
,.,lh lh,.
p111,n1nt ,..... ,n1,1 111. ... ,. ,.nt, .
l"t\ldfnll• , ..... 1.�11111,c •nd rflOlf
lwml ' ""
•r>d lh,. """"" Common f,.)l ,wll
"""",.\lbof'lt,. , n lh,.C'II•
ll• k•••"I
lt,ilrnr ll'.•H..r . ul thoo- llu!otuu l'
11... nt t'oll,.,
Hrr "'"""" u,. IM'r,m,.nt ••Kl
nl uf1nr
uflh r t'llbhf l-l•l•l 10n, l 1¥putm<'
.. ,. ,..,,1ort·t1•<'
l'rnd..ntial r"""' JPl'�" o f 1h
.. t'hrnlmb
,.,1., ,n th,. p(1nnm1 ul lh
,-,a..,11 ,1nnus l1rUntl"
h• 1'11h .,,11
Krll o•r ,talt'd lllll t
,n 1n.•
k...-,. .• ,..,n U, .putmo•111 , 1 ..,11,i.l .
,._. 1n1>
11,,,.,,.n t',,mmun ••• • b•- ,...,.,
�.u•l \111,, ,.., and n,,1
ar "It 1oa. m.u,.. ,
.,,.1 11 l,111.
tar\, h "'"' I,, 111 11,·n
("'"'' ,h, "''"
'"'"" "'
c , , ., .,1
rh.. 1\1, .., .....,...,,., 1-., , r.,,
h••"' n,u, 11
.,,pt;1h1n1 1h.. hclll, a11<t f1c1m11t
r,1u•1•nw nl "•l1 h n,, rl,,d lh,·•
Ill< l�hl> '" lh• 1,,.,.,.,1
,>ul l)tcl, (rlllllll•�
""""' h1•

t•'>4'"""hl loi<III• • "' "" n""' l
•·• �,ul ••1u1111n,·ut t" 11111 ur
""' " "'"""""
th• h(Oh
• � .o•
� ., r\ Lhlll� oh•·• H••l •'"'"'
• \\, "' ""'' '" , , , ,
1 ,1an,,..,1 u ..,u,
o•ho -l • ·• •···••l" ' ' " 1 '"" ' •
lh, J.-..u, f tut•l
't"l'""l�••· ; ,uul•I hurl �"
, , ar \I,., l
"'•I t.. 11, r _,,,
IY· .,,.,., 10,""'"""'"! " • ··"'
.,, 1......1 10.1 l\, •-l•" •
" ' " '" ' " , i t "
, 11, n,, ., 1,.,,i. .. h.. h•" '
I>. ,,.,f\n" h 1 "'',
1 ho l'a,�• 4nd I<, • :,·,olH•"
l, n,I .1 n.- 11,u•�
Lh• , ,.,.. •u�hl ha,, t••
•· �., r '"" .n ... � ' '� 1h,.,.,.n
i •

;�� r :
.,f 1h, l'uhh•
l\r,111 i .. 11,·• r,o,o,1
lh• l'turl,·11 \IMI
K, 1•1••0• • � 1•atlnh "' ,n

" • ., , , h . d 1.. �•m1••n•
1 . . .. .. , .
lh• 1·1111i\'ll••
...,,um,.. ,n r..ttllll
..V.r p h••f I
f,.\11\lh·, und•·,...I' U..-r ,
.,.,•ur>l' f,,n·•• •r>d c,•I ;.u,ff p,-op� 1>ih•
1 \l11>
1n th,.La u11ch1n�u luu1 proc11n
thf' t...,.. and ti
runth •••• thll ..,. hl\t' hJd
nt1nr.,,rl 1nm�uduu•
... ,,n1, to 1w "'"" ,•,
.. nw !,!> ,,.,., ,pn.1,., ,,. .,.
• .,.11 .,..,
"''"' hthlr4
clun11o•cl b\ ,.,,.,, -..,.,1,1
tnd•• l►o-mt,.., !.

,. 1> bo •nr•
l·ou,., �put.,• ul ,1..- .......,.. ..
►,.,, 11undn•d H,Mun
" ,•la.... """"'
10 ""I 1n ltl,.
...11001 �h,lcln•n ...,.,.. ,n,·,t,..t
r,•-. for th<'
dlull' ·•y,,. ,n, uo-d d111n,ta


Boston 's enligh tening



�".H!.II-!"JI-!'.M!'.M!,H!-."1-!='.M!=';l'J.!=".H!:.. •

'li P""''" h,•tm• .,,,u11n
lh• •UIIU
,,.n,t,,1 !11111,·-, h \rf! U t.11\,..
hfl•• .. ,.�kl ,. . r•I
1 2 l""'I'!• .. . .,1. m� , , , . t
u,. .. , ,.ul 1n<t � . ,i,,,t \\, �,111 lh•m
o!I t
, . , .1 uu, \,incl 1n11�" 11111 f•"'
,,nt" ...,
,n, • " '"
111 n1 tr,,n1 ',nva ._,., , , a 1o, ,\la
IM•·h "' ,l,,.,. 1o ltol11Uu l l .,,., lh•·
"" .. ,r. � • .,., V., un�•arl all .,f ll1<
"' LI , •�rtl l h • ,rndl ,,
L I.II") ,,f th,•m
..,,n, rful

011, l ,,.,. rl1>1,,11u1,,,n , ,•r11, , t ..
h·r• ,., .. .,,n ..u1U11· •n••ll••• t l. h,
..,�r.,.lulh•· ,..t.111lrn
• ., u , n , ''•"�1,u,,
n,, 11,um• .1.., n
,.,h,•11 111 IM••
•ull "' "' u\ I•• .,1,., �• I ,n
... thni ul th• U n • 111 lh� �,t. V.t...n
thrlf fn• ull•u<,o•\1 I••
o �•
tnl,.. ,,r, m noll •
tllu• m"" .,.lhnl
m•••· r,u , m,,,..., f,,,


Olll ,., 11�"
1fl·•·• 1"' m• h, ,.,l<I "'"'�
l un
11...., fr,m
1 1 .... ,,,. ,.,u p,.,1,..• ch
'• 1101(1(111> rlu,•\M l
b,·•11l ,u,kn &! n•1t1 1
II V.r l"
ho'•"'"" ,,.... ,..,.,...,,,..d ;about
:h1 1nrl "'"•,
Ill,. ti<>..., 1<•�••111•• .,.,.,.. n11
"'.-pprlf •"'"
1n rm llo• r«1)o• • l "'"" '"
1 ,·,r tlu1 11d,,. .>11 \ haPl)<'ll
{"hns1m•• I
m,1:h! Lt"nl 11,,,_,(\••• ,,·,
rw • ""' •L
, ,.,u,nl, c1..n ·1 ,,,..Ndt<' an, o
,t thn h�.,. 1. .
1 "hrnlm1> 1,m, ..p,-c,�11•
,w1l 1\



by Gret; Bftman
Who uy1 thtrY • no Slnl.l Cl,.111� Nu
t.o pNvt' (ll>ndut,1vt'I)
on• hu )"Pl bttn .tilt

:i:�p��.!�ui"�,�::�r.;:;:,c;:-ron:- i.o
Si tt a b11 f opum11m ■ bt&1.nni111

-pin to th•Jou,...,./off k:o, \problblyduf'
I0 ,"11r lnUcl�tio11 of lhf Wffll'$let 1 tndl.
..,•.,.. dttldPd to ci.,.. Ul• lw
\hf doubl 111d ..,. wndLDC him lh"IPltrl
H1W.•ndma H
\..-t1•n will wt 1w W11d1n1 ,1, you m11hl
from •
uk'? Well , thtJoumol halob1.1m.d,
for Mr
"'fY nliablf M)IIICI'. an 1ddn-u
CLaua . Thi.«:iulff t.oldUJ IMt,(l01>tf
popul11 boollff , •DOES NOT llw
lh1 North Polf. Wpcan 1 nvnl thtatidrftl ,
buthtnillht lftlU

\ Dea r Scu l ta




Wt at Ille Suffolk Jouru.l hu., dendNl
\0 wrltt I.II you lhitynrln thtboPf"lh
you mi&ht bt 1blt to ,...ard lht Suffolk
,;,ommunlty for !ta jmcutlyl l()Od 1Neh1v1<>1
Lbll )

Wt nti.l1u 1h11 • ma not bf' u
important 1 1fflool u !i.atvardor Yalf, bul
Wf Ila� IOffiP ptrU)' Jpf<;ial ptoplP

::�� .�::i�:::::!�
st.aff m,pmbfD, whll lh.y would hkf' ,r
thl'} could h1>' ln} lhin1 m thf' WOrld
Of cour., )OIi probabl) w1U no�bo-ablr
11 IHSI ) OIi
IQ nu �n nf lhf... n,q11�•tJ, but
huP JGffiPlhl"I I.II WOlll "''llh l!.ln'temtK, . wr 11'all) dnt'n.., a bff1lt1h11 )tar
Som•• Sufrol k 1tudfn� ha,,. prKl!c•I
lO bo­
rf'quHls �IH) S.nci,,1on ,.- uld lib
ablt l<1 1Urnd lh .. i.dlool of hrr tfl<1lft'
rind •
Tom Unox would Ilk.- LO boo 1b(,. to
l'rtdicUbly. M>m,. P""PIP do nul ••·,ml
U ,: k..1
1ny thin1 pnoctkal A OM·• ) ' plan,.
to Aullritt llwhM Batr, fiut•ri.ld would
llltt mof'II th,n 1ny thin1 ,l11t Tn� afl'
popullr niquni lhis ynr Chff)'ICollin>
would Uh to bt 1blf to I" to S.thltham
' blrth
1od 1tt • ,. pna,ctmenl of C.ttrul 1
'ran G uidi
Cntainly UI oriciMI �L �
would lib I.II UHl!I IO Hawaii, this tf'ally
lan't l.ll ml.lC:h SN wh1iyo1.1Clll do ,


httlttnc rt,.. ,,.., lh1 t:J<l'fll•ll("'I
r� ,mu Uul) ,. un•••.a1o111 w1th
l'or• n,ndu,-tu, Jvhn V.,ll,am, .
·011.., All uf th.. pruplr <'Uffllni •uc..thrl
puunilul) m,p,. _d ('oll•
... 1h• l"fudrnt,.i a,.. •U n.-1pful .
and II>' twlpmc lhrmwh...,, b•
pn,p1.. 10 1 1 .. ...i,:nun� "11<- uid
ttr,,nt l'ollf'I _. 1101 .. ,11n•d

fundmJ h" , ••nl o,Mt ..-n nu n.l l bad,
"'Ih• ,,
l'n,d.-nhll 'u"'�"' ,n 1hr futuO'
wut m,•nclou,.,f1 ft'\ll\allu11ol • l
.., , t \l,' 1 t
hlvt' III LhP n>llUOt H&r,," 11,,
l'.oU.-r •nd Bat,,.. 1,(,.1•'"'"runcl)
about hfpmJ Chn11n,1• ,n lltolnn . tho-,.. "'111 I>, oo prvbl•m f1nd1ni
t1d,o,C'ftl', .1 M.., tnth,• llub
, u1t

AutomobilH LOpptd many li.U. lhwl,
A�n would llltt I al'fff Pol'lhf 91I
T\trbo. W&r\tin1 LO ...,.n,c1 out on the
hl(hway, Amy Scarboro11Cf1 "'"du I.II
Mr own purple Con'fllP. Don Canitfl'
donn'I Cllrt' whll lind of ar
hlrnaslon cult drhes.
1 � t S A N T A Pl t l!i


l\.1gt' 10 S1,11,,/1, J,iurnu/ l>vr,•mbt• I l . 1 9HO

@«\li @J @liil\l@rr\l@!liilfiilil@liil\l

h, . l cffPu 1r111rn
lh, mu,L >1 �1ufo 1nt ,.,,..,. .,r 111,­
nuh<l•• ..,..,,.,n •�"" r,•i,•ll>< •I all \l"hMd
1·mu 11u ', S ' ,mlliun l/,·u,, ,, . 1,,.1,• "'"'
,.., ..-11,•<1 II\ rH1 fa, .,.,J I n,t.-(1 \th•h
' ' "'' " ' " ''' •fl,•t ,1 < •l"'
""'t t,, ""•"' """''
rrm,••J <hs,ppro,·•1 "' ,,,,. Yvr� la,1
r .. ..
, ...
"'""' h
J hf' 11,•a,,-.. , , ,..,,
rp,1,,m,1 •·• Lh•• fa,h,r,. .,f lh• ,\ntt•m· a n
, m,•ma ,.h .,·t, "' ,-um•nlh dununalrd '"
,1.,d1u�"'• N' ,�,th, �•,.•Lm artl<b btu
b, hu ,u,.-�.. n . ,. hu.,.. ,m1...11» 1• mak,n�
mun.-� . nut "''""'"
Thll /l,,n�•11 ·, 1;u/r .huuld ha, .. I<.> 1,..
r.nlltd . II\ th .am.- ,.,. ....,.t,..-, ,.-hv
,1 ,n\u ,..1.,..,.. t,.,_.r,:,n• t'11nmu r.-11
"'tur,..d ..
,111 h1> r n,.h,-d pn,durt
,.,,.,np11r..-, th.- rum•nc ,\nwnnn ,iu<110
,Hh•m ·� rn", m \lmul1&P1r<!Usl) fr,.1lm�
pruf u ind ,.,,...""' Appa,.- ntl), 111.. <inf1
ha,, !Uffl<'d t u Lhr prur<b Jof duvm 1. a.,,
r lnLS hk,, /'I!,• lllur• 14.,,11in, ••H1
1 · ..1,1> <hort and Tltr l;J/ur /.Al(,,u"
pn,1,r,.,1t..'1dunnc1h.,pa\l "'mm,-r
1""''<'111, . !hr uni) films ,.1,,,11
l\<'��1...:1 ma�" "' um.-.. ..,..,.,... 1h,,
,urnmN ....,,. th .. ""' sold SIDI ll'a,, ....qu..!
1!,· 1:..,;1,r,, .' lro�r, /1<1.-t . •nd Uu•
wrpnsmr out - f n u '" h"" ' A,rp/4nr• . and
1 � u n l ) , r,.,.. r 1m , 1,._,,,x Hod.-"' · 1,,,....,,1
n, K,11. n,,,.·S/unt Man- found rum with
th.-("r,t,c,. , lhf' Aml'r,un ('Ul<'nll ,n 1
has found ,u,,,tr f11hnr 1 n both,u pum,11.a
monl'� and mov,.., ...h,ch m1k.-, th,.
Chm,IITII> ,;,••!i<ln p1n1n,l1rl) �ntinl for
Mori' d�sp,•r1h•I) than Ht'<, th.­
An ncan on.-ma d,•m•rld• 1 batt.-,; uf
w�ful films - IK:oth mu<H•Unh and
art 11t1ctll} - m u,d.-r lQ "'i•'" ,t� form,•,
pom1<1n u 1 1,..d,n1: and llouruhm(
l<lnal cm�ma 1ll• Chnstma,; l<'_,n

o�,1,1.,11a11, h•• ..,,,.,.,1 ib • m•�"
n�,,.,., m1km� prnud f.,, thr ,n,1u,tt1
•lth,,u�h la.i ,.,uunh 1,. .,.,.,,. ., ,.., l,.,.,,.,r,
�•n••n•d an, l"""fr,,.. ,.,.,n...,, 1ntl rm1L-.!
1,-, 1�1111 ,. 1,,1,, ,·,p,•nsa, rp,c, hh .i la,
rl!, l/ulkm l'rru,.•f11l..adumall,
/ 1' A
If thr f,,-1 ,,.1, .._... ol 1h" nmstmu
au,t, f'UJ,11
.,.,,.m 11111<, lh• 1 ..un-ntu, · 1
1;,.,,1..,, ,.. ,..,. k.,. ,n thu OMUt'I . u an,
m<1uat,on . 1 h11, ...1..-m hod.-• di 001 uni)
fur Ow ""''"' ·l:Ut'r, hul for thr induslr) I>
,.,.,i Onl, \brtm s..-oo.._... ·, HQ/tUIJl Hull
arw1 l<ul);-n Allman ·• J•.,,,.. _, off,., in)
hum•\! 111111,c hup., f,:, , thi.s l'hnstm1s
,.,.,.,n , allhouch liud ltrn,; ' du�ctorial
•nl #"am,h , arid John A,,ld�n·1
drhut f'
Th•· ,.-,.,,.,wla oould �•·n.-nur:;omr mtr,,.ol
ohn 1111(-•n,.•Jan.- t'ond1 Lil}
lluL u ni, l'
lktll) Pan.on ,
-.h1eh·. 9 10 ' ·
"'""'·• pr,.,m. ..-11htoo, omef'
11.-rr follow,· . a P'°llllOSU of lllf' n-lrasr•
,.h,•<iul•II for thr l'Jm ,tma1,..,unn 1 9HO

Christmas movies :

� f "U I \/,'# Of s,A,S()\!i
Ma, t..,,.,.. , ,\nlhon) t!upk,ns, \1,,. harl
llr1ndun •nd llo [J,•rr� �, ' " th,. mid
§rxu1l n ,u nd.-la) ,nooh,nt I hot1w,.1fr
1Mad,1m,• 1 , h,•r hu,handlllopk1ns1. thr1r
<11u1htrr , Lhr'� m,str•lll> ( r,..,rk 1 .
thr d.outhto•• • bu) f,,..n.d. th<!' houyw1fr'�
ho)fr,enll (Brandon/ . nd thr huiband '•
t' n fuu•(!� No1
m,strot. ' h 1 h r 1
wrpn1,1n�h' Ch.In,� 11'1' >·ou won 't b,,
1ble tn kl-rp \nrk ofwh11' 1 gotlijl ,;,n rv,•n
with I �,. 1t<i - hut wat.,h out fo r th•
tal,.ntrd MIi'} Horth Hurt I /nlrnol"I., Hro
llorr 11�r/:i1 a,, onr of tht cru. . . mos.t
loko-1) thrdlughli'I 0{)1'111 ,'rr,/av, /-,,.r /9
al 1hr Sor// HrlU"On /111/ onll a,/)u,Oon
rin,·ma• f'Tugnn\l� unhkrl>

.-tSY W'I//Clf 11',t Y l'OU CA .\
"'-•r knu.,k!.- hr1wl.-r Ph 1l,:, Ek'ddoP tOml
fu1wood1 n-turru m lhi1mr•1t.ab!t wqutl
tu 1978 1 d15n1al €e,,,ry ll'ltlO'.'lt Way IJut,
l.ooie . llld ht- 1:mng1 ...,th him Gtott.. )·
J ,r,.· · Sondn Loct.r, Hlllh Gordon and .
uf c,,,urv , Oydt Uw onrcutan for :;om•
mn r,- rood old fuhi<lnNI$h1nt
lmoitly dir-,,ct_.d 11 baddie \o, 'illiam Smith ,
on wh1l th.- pn-s,. blurb a.JI$ "onr t>f u,,.
moil spectacular rights r-,.., r.lmfll. ,. II 11
U151t likl' Lhll t1nd Its p,,,d�Ol'UOr f !hit
h,�,. 1•-nrd Eastwoods bo.-om� dout
for "'"" romp1nto•rl) 1up.-rio, r 1nu u
lhi• >t1mm¥r , mueh.mallgn<!d 1Jro1tro
11,u,. Opt,ru, Wtdnl'Sday . [),,,c_ 17 II thl'
Sack Suun and suburban cmtma,,
Ptu gnU6!. bleak
TOI' Sh"/1:y Mar:LJ1M ..,,d Mich�
8r;,ndQ,, ,n ·,11 c,,,.� ol S,.,.sor,i

BOTTOM Rich;n-d {),•ylug r,,td Amy

In h,sfir,11 r.lm
TIit" CO.\IPl-:TIT/0 .\
ilnN thr lung.t
oriottf'n Tht nw #"ll
119781 . Rldlan:t Dr•yfu.a1t111 u 1 ronef'rt
p11m'" oompt-un1 in• muskal com5M"t11ton
with ind filling in kHt wnh Amy lrv•n&
Wntu/dU<!ctor .Jc.l Oh1M-li:y'1 (ilmi.hould
1ndud� :;omr cood ..,tin1 and • fine
cl.asa,c1J i.cor, . bu t othrrwiw tounds likr
eirl. bo)
ll'il llOOlhfr boy
c-omp,>lrl • Wllh • CLrl, bo) raJl• . ,n , lon
with . elrl movi� Op,111 ,..r,doy, Vu / 9 a t
1h, Sa.-t Cher, J>'roeno&i, quet.tJon1ble,
FIRST �-AMfl Y - Buck l\enry '1
dutttonll drbul rona,!'TII nollf oU,er thin
1he111lion'1 f inttamily , 1 nd,:,f<:0u,- . Ju'"
foll<1wlng 1n rlectlon and proettdlnc tl••
1111ucura1. lon. lhr nlm i.hould havr•nouct
lnrn'"t 1en,rai..d m<!'rely by ,..llonll
politin. or courv . th<!' prov..,at,w ca.i.ine
of Bob N..,..hut as the pn-.idfnl. Madelin"
Kahn u tit<!' finl lady and Gtld1 Ridner u
theu daughter, ■nd H•nry01 1ypie1lly
hum,:,r,:,u1 acnpt lhould 1M' 111 1hr
ron,·mcm1 th• publk nttch . Op,c,u
Thursday, Dre. �5 at rlu- s,ull Charty.
Pl-oC"°"' promn1n1
TIIF . #-OUMULA--!l'fi:N<1n 8",nd1Hnd
l;l'Otp C s«,11 hndhnr John Av1 ldwn•1
film of Stew- Shlf:an'1 Minncure no,
Tht Formula , 1 my$1ery thnller «nc.,,..-d
on 1 1ynthellc fuel formula . A.vt.ld•n and
Shqan e1tllt>r teamed on Satll' tit, Tit<l'r, •
film abou t ITlllt m•nop1u1e, 1wh1ch ramNI
.lick IA'mm on 1n �rl •nd II will ht1nter-,,n nc how lhey int.rrpn,t • thnlltr


1Jum d1d n't fr&rular.-• intolhr pr,.....nt 1nd
T//r Ju.u SirrJlt• probably won't either .
motU) duPto tltr unli'$l<l'd'dl)0
hm,trdl pol.<l'
ntlal of Diamond - who 1J1<1
wr u t, , 1 wholo- IJltt of ton,, for th•
W)UUdlrac.k. l,() thll even ,r thr mO YHt
bombs, lw'll 1Hl ha ... pltnt)' of ap,tndlnc
ITTOIIP) Op,ns Fmla>. fXr l9ot tlieSael!
Chu, t1rrd a,burllatt c1nt.ma1 f togn,:,515
iolvt'nl,but >Ujl,l'r(iclll.l

bah humbug!

: ::: :r t1t;; �';',,:
1nt1igulnc twist . Q�,u 1·,
111oy. f>u 19 al
the Sod' B01ron II<// 11M a.llul'f1an
ci"«mw. Procno.i1
pnrratn mort
1nl.<!'"11t lhanprrmium.
INSIDE MOVES - John S.vac• ,tan
1n out-Of•IL1ck drlrt•r who unllt1 h11 pttn
11 • bv for lo�n Ill 1h11 drama wlitl•n by
Barry LelinJoOn and VIH'rie Curlin \And
Ju,IIC<!. F'or All). Thr pre• adnnce:s for
this hlff bHn .parw u Jhould UI•
1 u d l t n u , u n d •itrndly 10. O�"'
Thur,doy, Dec . 18 at thc Sorlt Chorle1
ProcnolU: bound to!M',:,.-.erloobd
,an w
llh Slr UurenC'I' Ql v,er In lht.1
rem1b of thf' fLnt lOI.IAd fHtUrf film.
about I younc J,w,sh man who bn:1h
wilh f1nuly tr1dihon tu cantors] ind
becomna f1bulou$1y pupullr r ntrn1 1n<l'r ,
a nd then rmnt fa.c.-. not onl)' thr tr11l1of
Su<'C'f'll but115llOfh" t'O nllC1f'llff ,l,';!a,li




..,Nt' m nv,: - t:olln lltULt'II II
<'f'rta 1 nly not ont of the bP$1 of today',
comic 1t:TI't.'nw11ten !Harold 11ml Maud,.
S1/l,lf'rSlrr:olt, # oul Play} . but lhrn M rr•ll�
�t had 1ll lhat muchtaltnt •o1k1ncfor
him - •n lnf':itp,.'n•nc.-d 11•1 Ashhy
d1rtct<'d Rud Cort and Ruth <:Onto11 ,n
1/arotl and Maudc . Arthur Hill• r dll'fftf'<I
G rn<' Wild�• and fth:hard Pryor jwho havt
yrt to lf'l as 1 oomNty �Im, nol# Sllr
C,a;:y b<l'low1 1nS,luerS1rr:oJi , and d1r«1"1
Ch.,') ' � and Goldif' llawn ln Fuu/Ploy
hlmxlf .b,v F,:,nda 1n,d Uly Tomhn 1n­
t15ily th<!' moot t.lltnl h• hashad to work
with . and Doll)' Parton b tloncforthtrid"
m thrs rornfll)• about w-n1eru1 lffl'
8'au1e of thr 11.11 quality ot iU thl'N'
,tan, Nm, To p,,,., hu bttomt tit<'film
•otrd molt llk•ly to 111cllffd th,.
Clmstma,,, no matllr whit tllg1111
man&f:l'i to romt up with. 0�111 Fnd<1J1.
Du 19 11 tht Saclr Chiri and suburllon
<"irtimllS f'n.>trno.MI .-.-1Uhy,bu1 probably
nt1t herhr1lthyno,.....,

!; �
":',;'°::,--.. 1 ���:��

TOI' Miltkl""' K#III> 80b Newh.J,r Jmi
G1/<¥ Radntll lfl "f11u Fam1ly .

MIOOL E Robt!n De N,,o fstW1t:1mg o,r
•hJ,n 'Rill!J,ngBull
BOT TOM RoD"" W,11.a(fls l'1d $11,,1/ey
Du.,al/m · peye '

�r artoon nan Robin (Mork) W'iUb.mi ..
tlw bttty •1rm<'d sallonn1n, lbe p 1 SMllry


we � 1 3


�.-'·;.. - 1*

���-- -.
--"c ·




Dricembrr I I ! J !JiJO!Suff1,lk Journol/l'ug,t JI



Rutwn Altm&n"• 1001,.
,.,.,� ll''nt or IM lepnduy E. c. Se
pr t:anoon • Kob1n !Mork) WIiii= u
the bo1-()' •Hml'd l.allonnan . lhfo ll'"•t St..llt,y
.,. Pi19f ll

BOTTOM Robm W,11,am, ;,ml S,,ell�r
o.r.-.,1 .,, "Po�� -

/ ,,.,,,1�, /1<,Jl,,11 ' ••/••/ .,,.,/ lf,.,,.,�, k
lfrk/... I I�, -... t I , ,.,... �
'"�11•'1.i!'l • I "' ""''

!,,, • "'hul� .,._..,, IIM- bt-M1 Jo,,..,, 1>
•••pp,•d ..,1,-h .. • 1�111 1>1... lo-•lhf'r
l_.<11f' r ill,, P• ...,,.,. l•-1 lh•I Ill•
f •
f1 lm1n� ,.,...,,. ,�1 1!>00 w11u,,. . r...-1 .,f
pruu. - 1...111.. , · · , tt..1 l•••• th,• n,•ul\ 110,,,1
,.,,n,..n nr \llf lC th,• 11,,.,.,1,.,. hurm .. , ,.
;: umarn• tu li<lllr-->
1: :
�h..n fl�>h IMt<l"n lh•· ,.,mH >lnp
. . .. , ,,.11..d h� \lH tu,m, uHt III l!l-11
""" h,•111•1 lh•n ►las/1 !,.,Idun th•1
nuihl, \\ml,.,I uf .\m•·•"•n d•·m •H rM'}
""' , n,. 1u n,,,.,.,. Liu• ,.,,, nf � •nrllt
,1,,,.h t..-•tt m1 fur gl••b•I ,.., ' ►.ml"'""
\hnc .,f \lungu ,.mbudH'<l lh•L ror,.,-i,.
•·•�. "hK"II IIMlfl'O'd P""'"' h, anfllhll.ltu11
rh11 U• •hlril 11 .-., ,u pl'nu1 1n .t,..rq1h
\l,ni l"luKlal.-.t ll'lu"'' •h<>m h,. 1>rL,.-,�d
tllu�• •ho bh•rt
,.,.,., 111r,•11nr t" h,m
hlu,. ur il(hl ,,..,.n, "' ,.,.1 Htlr� f,,...n
bluud ,,11.1,,,,.• ll'll•>Ulll M111r·, .,. ,n,1
.\11 111 \IOn �\do•1 praNK'ff! •
h� h,.nd'lm.-n ,
nithlo-.. ~uform•l)
11n1fnnn• uid h11• ,:,.,rndun �"' 1
•tnibol 1ppr,n1matlnf th• �mpa.,. •od
,qua,.. of fiw-ma..nn• 11fr•rr th,..., ,...,, •
mo r• ,·onfonnm bunrh ' I •nd lhr
,pa,.,..h1p, llo1lln1t pa..t 1hr p1J1,-.
,,,1.,,. alhr p,..p1n-• lun1.1m lloW . bo-u
D&nnrn rl'ldmf •• All """ ' " "' J m.k,­
11ndt'l paJn of
M1b 4"<11 I'""' h,m with IU<IMne ..tulnuf
"11�•1 ,\11n1 , • 1ud o..., uf h1> ..,. t,.:
rr>'" " ' f ll! lhO' t:M'ffl<II) uf Jr,.· ,,11
,....,.n11.i llln� /.v�u, 1'l ,,vol1 .nil "'<'"IC
•n 1ma1ro( Adulf lbtl,-1 lllu ,U ,.,11 thJI
· 1,, ha,1 P,(lffll!-0' ..
l l od1•·• tprot>allh un,n,,.,u ,.,11111,,
d-pa1r, th,- ,nt1,,n-nt ,truui.- 1w, .. ....n
ilOOd •l'><I oil brfo,.. r... nn r ...n la) 1h
fo•Jnd11.,,n thr blondP.blur4')MIJu,...,,,

P.. �QpjQg",,. R�.�,�µrentiis' Flash

t,, .1�rrl'u1n11m
11111 .. . .l,..�••II• r,., , .,.,. ,, ,
I ,,..
' ·


: :� ,,,;':'. : '.�:"'� �:,;, ,.,..: ,��'�: I ��;!
'"I" �,., ., ·n, If.,, � h,·,au .. ,1 •• '"'°'"
!u" •I lho· , ,,.�11•• •mt tlh " ' " ' " ,H1j>
t,, ..t .••K ""' ' " h •II• l.,• lll•nl• 1> jW>t •
""'"' ' ,,..,,,,, .. , , ..... , [ � 1.........1.,, """'
A ,,.._ 11.. •�""'
f,,, ru,.n,·,ni: "" to
,,.t,t,,t, ""'' .. 1,,1111� . . .,., ..1...11 1, . ...
n..n ,..,.,,, • • ''"" J J,,n.-, , jl,, ll••rrl, ,
hu.,,and ,n 111, •n<l \lrf."1, '""'"'"''" ,,.
punr•• ►la<h , ...,,,.,n •n<I lltlW \ttlrn
, ,..,.,, .. ,un 1,,,.. , ,, .. -...mplr Jr ••hum
..,. "•"• lu Lhanl. r,.. /lul"•�•• , " r, p,.,,,.,. ,1
,u, h mrmo,n,Olr lm,•, ..
llflk- Un Fl•.-h .,. ,,...,. rh4n.., f>lan,
m th.. 1111ddlr uf l>(>•hn.. , [IHI
,,..,, n, .,,, ...... ,n. ..., u ru .. 1and 1n,:·•
►'LuJ1 tbrralu'l 1n10 a ••nO I ,..,
.r,...11 ) ,... .d W lh al ' '\u '
dllf'<1ot M1b lk><lli:,.. ,-11.,. u n<•­
hamlllnl D b<.IS\ l1111 •..·•·•1 n1,rn1 . and •·hu
"·· lhru•m l n lO f, J,,..,, (;,,,,,,'" "'""' Lh111
hr ran lumdf.• """' n,> 1ahh ,..,
S.., h.t • """ " " bot.II. n lrn....., ,n
""'.,. .. ..
• I�•
,1,,.(1 -.,f>"Tn,an •h11 roktf
,l.,.JHl<"•ll> a
ti,, ,. , •·,.1nn11 aud hr ""t)
11a1111n .
... •I 1.-aM
an,,.-,.,,.d ·p,nl," bu l .,.,
llut111.-• tr....dia11 unphc-11..,n, uf II 1>
Hll• and ff'pl'llf'nl tlot,1t(;,,,.,.,,,,. • .,,11.., m._hm,r 1u m on tal•-uff of thr
un11n.1J n>m1r - ' "P •1 lra.i 1hr 1'17!,
f.f.·iih c;,,,.1.,.,
pn,,,., paa-od,
'•>flhn,111 , n tll, .,.,,.ah!\ IJ,,. 1..u...ntu,1
"lntrd thr,.. u, hr ,-1n1rth1n111> 111 n t11
(;,,.,,,.,. to 1Hrar1 !h mo1mm,.., anrl
1bdd1r,. ,.1,o had t,,.,,n ""•n•,•d 1111<1 Ll�III�
:hO n 111\lf'nn.-s \" ...,.II hait·k Jo, aru,11,,.,
-••re 1 .., .1 ...&>l k.-.-p th..m ,nll'f"•INI
throuch th.. r1n1 oort , w 11,,.,,. ""'

�:�:�:�:�::�7� ��: :1.::. �;:·:E\��:.· :::;��:�:.::!�.';;� �I:::�::���·�� I



11r-n ,�..


::�.:%���,�\r}•�· : s:;7i;:-;n�f h�••:::::;

brlunt u, I ;uprr ,.,
hr boh-om,-,, �
bod,.. r...1...... 11 1uod •lld ....1 u.. C.M,
br<'vlllft . Nnfo,m•l upu,n MWO)lnt

rHE LA rf JOHN tfNNON lfh,nJf,om i.tll .ifhtMS.-

Ll-nnon·1 muMcal c:arH1 ®n t ,nv<'d ,.,th
by Ct!rry Pym
►-011,..., 81-1\J,, Juhn l..rnnon '""l
• ..,lo 1Jbum 1lif'PJ/ul,rOno &n.l 11
m u rdru d n u t 1 1 d P h11 )lanhll.Lln
,.....,.,,,. followfd ind wuwm1-tu�-aapartf!Wnl Monda ) n l(l,1 11,. dw4 m lhr
n... mN' 1,ncN' bttam.- • dawc \fo,J
Gu,n,., wu rrio'Mrd ,n l!llS ll"oU, 1111d
E..,..,zrn<") lt,,um of Roow•·..11 Hotp1U.l of
Hrlil#f'• wu produ� ,n 19H , uid Ho.-t
11ru.hut wuundo
l,rnoon ••• l\alf of th" pr 11,n,.
ijn,/H.,//•·Hh11Ln1i.u lo�rrm1 ! 1!11:0)
..-nnon and w1f, Yoko nun Tl'llnlrd
-.illnt tnm frum .; ..•rpool l'llr
Ho-tilln aptu
10 ubinlnl) fol)o,. me Ho� 11nd Holl
n-d 111,, h.-.n1 .,r,,.,..
l"hr11 pioflln • rn- n-latt..,..) ' lo kr) 1nd
IIIN111hout thr '60o !Ir ind l'lul
McCart...-)' , , . 1..r1 ""'" l
1hr l\o' ....r;, "''"'> -n ' " IJ<lbhc- 11,,th t n..
- ..
upp,nc 11111 ...m
lr1JI' o f hD nn• 1lbum / oubll- f'•nloo
aa "l lli'.nl lUlloldYour/land" lnd "' Sa•
John had bmkrnh1>fi •·•)""fll>1'1'ntt,.·11h
IN'r Sunduoellir,.. ··>.11r;,.,.h . thr Ro-a1 ,..
1 n-11r•rd •110,
an'\lmulalrd I mlMl•t' folln••n1 ,.h,ch
L.-n1W1n"1 nrw ,m1tr ·· u.n,n� u..-,•
would m•k.. lh�m thr mo,1 <tJ,....,.rui t'U<'�
•n ' roll band III h11tul) Thr fruu p p ,rhd

• Pt1•Jl'nlrd1 rad1c1lchanK" ln h11, Uf..,1)I�
�: .. ,, 1n hu, tllfl't'r M hid nr1111tlrd ,.,1h
upwllOff Churl. 1.-n; lrftoff
. 1 .,
A Hard !lcu 1 ,\�r. Hub/J.-t Su1.1( 'VI
dn111 uid 1ln>hol !kit •· 1 th h11, lat.,.\
rrWur .luhn l,rnnon had brt<n ,..born lif
,-..ppr, ·• /..u,v/, 1/mtQ. ("t,,,t, IJAnd . l.n II
8f •nd th ,, T�.- ,\fbtwul 11u1rn Tv.., .
..a. twa:mn,n1 10 ,,. hu. hf, w th,. fu U...1
l'h..n h, "U ,I\Ot 1ndall h l!t d f•
.. �,,. JtU\ I r,.. u( thr ,...... ,c- albu,n,.
•t.1n1n 1 Uwr Wfn' .tlaltl'rl'd A ll"l(rnd '•
n-ln)O'd \li'r ,tln1 wna1 or lr,•' lo,,•111d
drran11 <llnl'IOI b,, labn awa) frum h,m
1'1) .-h.-drhr dNC• CLSU1. th.- bln,t ,
•ul'n-.. rontu111rd w nuunih llo'"""" ·
Son wh•rr 1n thf' Rod. 1nd ll0U l1..1,,.11
John 11 "'t.11n1n1 o,�, "" fir will br iadl)
d11r lo I l..-11non �k-C..ann,-) Pf nal11,
l'luh thf'rn,u pbruk• up •" ' "'-��c:.c:.

Goodbye John Lennon

fLASH GOROON ANO DAI { AROCN IS.,,, J . Jor>e¥1d MrtlodV A,11,.,w,,1 ,mOr..« m
.,,,.,,fn¥»m, «ang .,O, / ,,,. ,rono1 ir,..,a,,,,tuo•J•"'
,,.,. . .,.

\hnc t,,.nl,.d, 11 n 1 • 11 r,1l \\111i . 1>u11 \\1ni:
nun,-lhr l,-.,
A, th,· mu l
"''"""""' uf th.. �incoom unu.-.t 11ndr1
ltln,.,. l',a f ln 1 l 1mu1h,
fla.h\ all,
11•1tnnf . 1f
l,,, \\111� , f1 1sp•1�h l>o-t'Ufn•• •
�atrl(ioN'Op1< hlu, l
�nn brllu"· • "t1,,m
Inn�, "'1 . lo-tr,,-r,. t»...... o( \\unt,> 11..,
• .,,.,.,11.., , n p,,,..,.
\lmr • rutni,,,,j,
ronfu•mu, ,,..,....,,,.. lt•nn\ h1rmon1.­
, , ,nfnrn111,
.\• th.- ""Pl••,..dl} d,-..t t'U)•·'1 \1111 :
n . h.-. bad, Lu rl'tlll'\ 1• h 1, k"1 n l l l • l lh�
,...,,,..·111�n . th, lo'(rnd '" r . tnci� · ·nbh..,
onl.o th• 1e,....n Aud• from ..u1111 ,.. up


fu, • IIOSllhi.. ..-qu.-1 111.. <j'lhlK"ln ma,�
rl'l!lfur,.... .\lm1·• undrfin.-d ·•u1111ruu..
.-n,, " 1. 11 lh•I ..,1111n
, ,h "' th� un..
\hr fonn nf 11'1• 1ppa,..nt1, ,mmurUJ .\11nt1
. •Ill Inf fo,,.,,.,� Or 1> Iha! all humallll} 1>
whrt/1tr ,•\'llut h0'1t
and 1h11 1t• ulllmal.. f'l,ll i.1 m.....,, ,..... .,
T1w .,,,,,....,. _,. 1<>11 ,n H udp,
t,.,..,..,.. dll'l'<110 f1 •mldu 01mlo ,0,..,i-.
�,•/Im, .S..(i,rtrun (dlu,11t.1
•'\I"'"" "" \o•li. .f11d 1l',J,.,.n '1 lwn1gn l •1p1r1
..-o,r llw pufl)OW' of hr wnwmmat.­
can....n 11 m 1mbut fllll'rtamnwnt with
mtan,nc - f'i.t.J, GOidon pro<oon ntLllwr

WICKED FA rHER AND SEOUCrtvf DAUGHTER. M,'"9 � Mf'rc,ltta (U.Jt Von
S'l,do,..1¥>d A"'1t /0r�i.. Afvrf/ N< h -,r Fi.t11 Go,1Jon lor ddl.,.,,1.-.f--,
Off V fT) A tt<,w/t,, And"' " ())bur"
, o,
l'i,t,/1,J,, J / \,.,,.,., .!\(> p,,,u, llll!i\
by Ric-hard Robt C,1100

t11n'I htlp p,ck,n« up tlwnnt ont.and Ill,.
nul. 1ndtlwat1u . un1 1l y oo r d lntc,rat
b11 JU..-) o"" U th.- "fld \ili<'n ) OU finiln
yo11 don t f.,.l blolt...d,l>ul M11Lsfit,(I
l"ohum hu I nn., knowl,dJ,-o f lloi.ton
ind 1IJ JUnounrl,nc i;ubur1». 1ndh.. k>e1J
ru1or 11 ,nu-r,-.i1nc th• wmnc . b11
rhuM"lr"' I"' °"" ,. , t h •·horn ,.., .,.
f1m1lia1 .,., , !10 ·1 kno• lh"m p,,n,onall� ,

Dul l"'OPIP JUII hh lh.-m A rt
ldPr w�l fttl
,.-,mfo,ut,:., w11b pl'Oplr that II. knowo.
r..,n 1f hr donn'I hkr tht , and 0ff/)i,h
11hk,1 r1md) rrun,on
oo&h . ma,·ho man ,n 1;00•1 1
W�hu,· Lhi•t
1nd 1 n,r1mc t.ohia ro, h11 ,.,r,. Chi,;,- ,. .,
<'COl. i.-"fl-hudN1 f1moly man. 111d h� w1 fr
•• lil"IIWal . loY111i11 and ,nt..-lli(tl'nl tor
11,-lf:hbon, CCMlu m I'"'• 111 I !1Hffl 1n1I)
1-ow1nll) husband l"'ho ur1 kno,-in1J)
.a,·,.• hr. w,f.. 1 hf•111nol hi> pll) fUI w1f,­
Wh1lr ,.,. tui.... all '"" th1y ,:-t,11act,n
bt-forr . Cobun, &1>.-S th�m drpth ind
mak.-. lh� m !l!Off' lh1n JUS\ wmd<J•
Off IJuh won 't t,,. "'mrmbrrrd a. a
l"lliMr. but 11 11 f'>;tnmrh rnlo>na1n1nr a
fi.,.. \o'I) I011P<"nd 1 lono-l) """'111 . wh,;,h
ranl• 11 far ahrld of Kimi' of \hf pu l
Mlwrt1..0d b llt,•ratu • l h.-M d1y1 .\lo<1o1f
.,.d o f 01 IIM't
u , problbl\ h1,., ""vr, h,o
And,..,. C b11rn,1Ju1 ,-h,-nt,,.·s famo,u . •·r
tWI N>) th,l \orYt nrat 10 h1m1n lnf:h)h

Of Duty_: Suffolk
grad mqkes good

It u. 11-UI) I pl�»Uri' W rr•d I fQfM1
buok l"h1• f...,lm1 d hrJChlrnrd •h•n lhf
l>uol. u.••nnrnb) .,m"'°"""' !i> )ou
AndN'w l'.obun, Ind I •.,. ,..l1lf'd 1n lhO'
farl thll ,.., ha•t' bolh 1llt'11(Hd S u ffoll.
I 'nn.-nll} .lull anutltr, ,.umpk> or ,
"'rro1• ·'1nid"1111drsoo,cl
Uff f>Mt,- llthr third oo,,.I by Andr,,.
Coburn. hil oth�n ,.,.,.. Th� T'1'i/,..Uo'TI
•nd 7'hr HGl)Yllflf'• 1ln�IWl\ P <'fnlroon
1h.. 1,.,... of IW-O ltH'n . Kupl'n t;c:wLt. 11\d
'n,nk au,.,. t;,>,,u •• Bn..ion 1 (.
'h,.f of
llumlrHi<' and Clw.,, 11(:0.t;i"J u P,.tlllt'I
fwfo,.. {l'I- IPfl 1tw ru, , h, 111d l:.U..u
trwd 0111' bll O("lll.- ro, thf'mWhl'\
ll nfonu,>I)', lhf') c-ruM an uoo...-..,.,M
l1na1>1n 111d oldlt'Or.-.muatb(
TI,., no,·.-l bn'1k.1 do•·n mto •pu,,"1"••
"l<'h or whirl, • fillfd w11h 1<·t>on . m.•• nt
A protlkom
t h.. no, 1 ..,a,;1 quori.l)
,1,.,,.1,.,� wh,-n )OIi dl1l'Uw-r th11 , o u•,..
,1, d ) p1St pacr lll0 . 111d r,r:11... . ..h11111,,
h�II . )UII n111hl U ,.,..u now. th,• bo.. k 11>
on• stllmt
CobuOI hu • u n,qu,. 111).. amon�
m()drrn ··d.-1.-<1,...·· .,..,,,.h,b ll11 .-h1pt•n
.,,.. hk,- I U11I of rand) \·ou •..-p trlhn1

,ourvtr thll ) uu ,.,. had ""°lllh. bul )'"'

fhr lluut•· • lfa11 A f•bn ,1.,,.c-,.-J .,nd
.,.,,r,..,, ,,, ( II, '·"'""'"'· lllil il•n'lrljf
H,.,,.;.,.,,,.,. \w-hu,_l.,w
.\w.11,..;, , .,• .,
uld Joiln ,.,,.,.,,,. ,I I tM �• , .,_,.,.

hy U..- l" Mull1 �
T'hr Hooe.., �,.,, An ..mo1ruu111• .,.,m
luf< an u11kno•· n q111n111, :4. o.,.. hn ..•••
d"hnO'd •·haL I ffool•)' Man 1< . n1 brtll'I
,,.1_ •hu h,. i. II• r,,11111 b,, lh" 1.,n,1
""ilhbo1 ,.,th 1 ••ff 1nd t•u d'11ldt,-n u ,
lh t'nLIA'd lu 111111r 111•l t'11C1P'"d fr
,Or\lln . hr11ou,
••I U}lum Y•l un.- U l l n ( U l
i,,. f.,u.-d
1111• panN-ula, lao·k u tdt-nlll\ ,u,ilrt
pl.,...U'lf' t1n,,e,,) \t•n 111 •ts� •­
th• •p,,rf,...t k111,,.n ·· ,n hl�••lurr anrt nlm
lhr m1">1,•r,. <llm•u ndm1 1h.-rh1,-, 1,.,,.
t,,,,ch ,.nrd lhn•11Kh ,-a.chmd1vo<lual111rn"c
01 .,,.,...,.,.flt�• ·• u•n mi.,,,p,..1,a1,unuf th•
1ndtonU1) uf 0'h 1m·· • •,.') OIi<' knuw1lha1
thr ll,,.,c�) Man D a k1llrr th.-1ntnru
""' lnK ho,. hf �1lb ll ld hlO r,,u,,111 for

v.., t h.. , ........ and l"llf'rlhl) O f lh r
R<,up-, � riianr'Ur tan al.., bf, lhr
p,,rfr� ,.,nu,• "' w..U Th" i.nn 1V11ld hr
1pphNI 1.o any murd�n-, ,n ui •fron 1.o
hypt'a pruclu,·l,un , IWI matt�r hn,. roohlh
l rh1Bf'l•• 11
Du.-rlor ..,...,.,,..""'' and pNdu,..,
! 'th l.ommrloff..n O l o ty � nf,1prur
1n bu, latnl r,rm , 1'/11" Ro.,,p,, \11111 Th,­
Mm 1150'1 lhf' IUISr uf Lh11 m) •lt'rio,a
rh.,...-lrr to hldr a ihalk>• SIO l) Wllh• n
1.hallu,.,., rh1,.<1,-q Th• R,..,,.., ,\Ion o
noth,n� bu\ • dlHp w�plo1t11 1nn film
1111n� 1hr rur,rn t lf(lpul111L\ of hom,r
films w pm .,- ,..... to lwttf'• lh,•11 rn 111'1
Ac1ulit\ thr 8ooc.-} .\lln app,'111 r,.,
uni) lhf' nn1 i...n m1nu lu o f th.. film
l"u,orld,-ntall) . Lh.-.e arr thf' l>rll p1n1 of
t l1 • (
lltlr LI<'>') !Su...,n.ti l.o..,11i'nd
dm L
�,II� 1-.idlolai U.lwl ,,.. fathr,i.... and
th"" mothrr 1 ,,,.,. 0,)) fn,,,nd hai ui odd
hab1, of 1, m 1 thrm up wh1lr hr ha. ,;r�

with Ulrlr alwhohc- mulh,r TlW' dllldrrn 1t lnd l.ano) lh•1•flo!C1oon 1n

th• m,'"" a lflll) kllb u,,. rnotht'r'
11,,- mirror eatchn all th• •�I , ind ,t
• th, 1p,n1 uf lh• )ln)•fri•nd tor '"l\ootlr�
,\.tan " n l.omm•I want, u1 to bfh,.,,.l t/111
d._.,., ,n 1hr l<'tual •1Um1 from 1h11po,n1
nn .!>lnC0' 1t u, th,- 1p1n1 dnn1'lh,. kllh111,11
trnd• l.o m••• 1h<> 1,1... 11•in. lll4' llooc<')
\\•n • n<•t • ph}MCal ..nllt) Ul)ffll>f• . •nd
Lh..... for• ,. "" " ' "' to rl'latr Ill M .
rral1$11r �II�•• Add u, ll'lath• f1<1 ln1t lh.­ Ii ,,...,., ... r......r1 .., ,n Ill) of lh.­
d,al(lfUO' , •11<1 th� 1111. look, morr and
mo,r hkr I P"•mnllonal df'•ilr l hrlp
•·1 Lh lhr bu• offk.-ffl11rnJ
lomm r l d .. l , 1 • n • p1omu 1nt
mtN><lu t'IK>n l<>thO'il.ol')" fnc,u11111 on thr
trau ma 1ncu,,..d i,.,,.nty ) Un lat.., wh•n
l.1"") and Will) 1rr 01<1,·r Th,- csmrn,
'm1 ol th,.
plle.Yi ,u lllrnllon on th,. prul>N
ps)Chl' , Un lTIC'mOnf'l oftllat nif:ht . uidll'I•
1uull1n1 n1c htm11 a ..-hich o«"llr

I nd,,rcullllllt lh,a dn•arn ll'qUf'll(O' • 1n
•frrcuw k-,.buard l) nthrt!urKllffrlnM
.-111.i1,· twtp, 1.0 hnld y ou, 1tl#n1lon

lakn l llOIO'dl.,,..fl lOQ, IIPO'dt pro!•ulon1I
h�lp Carra'1,n, l,,ohol 111d tlrNI, and hu;
1<1ffll makn th• IUdlt'n<Y old Ind lLIN
Thrd111CJCu,, 1>plulic,and lhf'mcu,.,e<>n

lltcember /l,J. 980/Suf(olltJ<1umaJ/Pa,e 13

Watch out for 'The Boogey Man '

ouo,1>,.uldf•om p,1911 1 1

UuQ.!l 11,01,...- t))l. l'li11l l>ov..., .. lliimp,r
and Pa ul L Smtth •• P111110 l'todu.,..,
ltol><'n ►:vaRI plild«n thal />o1,..,,,
prof-• . Ullln<t>&J ptllkll•>Ph) uf
Olymp,an wlf ronfiltrnr•. but l'r:ip,,•r·,
m,,11 11trlll1..-• qulli1!) oiuld b,, th,- unKI " •
ttm1n tn•at,.d 1nd a<UU.mrd
1tmoq,h,.,• A
1n W<'h (ohm ti ,\ atil'lt ,J,,. and A ll'•rldln.l'
fhtt., •ud nul wrh fllm.i N Quu,/,-f. .A
rrl ,-.,..,,,.,_ and llf'11llh Chu WI th,.....
• K•••
Mmo.1, • •hat Alunan unols ll
, .,l,,hrMl 1un ()p,•llj ,.,.,1,i,, n.•r /.!allh,
\MIi n,...-mo \ 7 i,o,J 1uf>u,1,.,,, , ,n�,n.,,
l'n.otcn.,.,., ,.h..,.n

buur 1n ,..u,,-nwnti lhuultl b.- th• boosl
film or th,..,....,n Ro«,n,t 81.1ll t/lo1.11t/J0<n
'COnf'll''a llf'a,, $/,n/1 ind Tu, Or_,..
mud,-n, r1rwma daa,cs . 1( Scnrw• mn
"'P""'" hunil'lf In l h11 . h,a n,.i fnluN'
ilnc,, th• dla,lppo1nun1 m1111HI ,•,u Yorll
,,.., Yurt 119771 and h11 fini mm ""N'
th" dontmr11W')' 71,,. /,tUI �ol,_. U971!t .
h11, N',:ord of lhl' Blnd '1 la ronet"rt
Hrll(IIIJf H1.1II probabl) won't rrap 111
run11.....,,.. nu rwn-r hid 1
11n�-0rria a1«Pw. and n ..-1,0 ,11 111$11·11
mub!ahl,. pl'non.ohl) , bu! 11 .\hnul'1 -. fl
lh nwai:r• ,-omP,-lltlOn ,n l"'ml of
,11,ru,, ,,,,,.,,. f•1d11 , l#r /!111, ,�,
alk/ ...�..,..... n """-�
-......-1 ,..,..
l'r•<i"'"• h... llh• �Hd "I"' bol p,,-..1>h
... ,1 .. ..,111..
, f f. \/, I 11\f 0/ II //�If. ,
l11hr, d ,on11nuaH, <to,.,nn1U
-..n,.,n lu, ,

wnc,, Th,. Odd Coll{IW blcl 111 1 9 , hr '•
l>ffn •nlllMnUI /C,.,,,,I•• T\roj, f..eb),.
,r,.r11p o.. ,,.c:11v,1 1nd do•nn1111
(Lui of tht' RN /fol
u nlnlf'tftllllC
I uun•J , ocru,on1II) wrfa.c1111 on
m1ddlm1 mat nal hb T� S1uulurv 8a>•
and this■ 1ITl!tch1111 11 1 b11 n,,.
(;uodb)'" Gvl. wh,ch _.,.,.. ..-dt
tmNl D)
Lh,- p,-rformaoco:s of W1llt'r �btlh1u and
(;N>rt•!turns tm lh• fOnM f lind Rid,am
Drr)f11• HM laltf'lf Sf',.,nj LIit,. Oil
r,mr, . 1h• f1n.t .......,npt.a, Suno• ha,,
"'"llrn dirrt'll• for tllr tc�n , r•un,tn
c � ,Jd"' 1 11,.n �nd C"h�•� n,15" from fv1.1I
J •llf• ,n )"l 1tk1th.- , ,nn1r f11..- lf �mon· 1

B> th.. mutdlf or th• mm ""'ry ttunc
loob low bu.S,t<I 'flw rolun wr bland,
and 111,- hchuna: p,t,ful. u th, sun
mynf'f>ol.l.. ) vii and <UM II "'111 Ill lhf'
Th,. tO'M.111 uf hr10• W'rhn,al llaw, ar,.
ttaln, JIU.... ind • pour PRU) 1n \hf' ,!uh
and I""' ,w,...puakn Co,nnc!Pnull ) ,
,.,,.ry1irl mu1d•.... ,,....,. .,cooddf'alnf
h�, clothln1 brfnr• dym1 AH th� wo�n
aTl! Rllurally JIOO("l l,1t:1kml, •n'1r..,n\fnot
mutd,.IPd . wraN,111 .. . oi o.,.tly wc,ou""
dOlhmi 1lw blood 1h11 dOft lflpur 11
....,..1,..._ arnt , n m <Mt ta� . 1111�

w':.:! Z.�J��.�1!


Sod"") l'ol1w1d1rrcli
t,o-,,,- "•ktf'r Ind il.och&rd f'r)o, . in 11!•11
r1nl mm l.o�thu i.tllft thr •bo>mina.blf
• • u • cnuplr of 1howb 11
S1/w, Sft u
hop,-ru b who 1.1kt lob1 11, 1m11n1
..-oodpr,.kfn and nnd lhflll•loa fn.ltH'd
fora ba.nk rul>bfl)' 11, nttf'll b) pla)WIJChl
!:!Net .la) Fni'dmui ,s,.,..,.,,,,.,,ii, s,.,
C'nL.' • �.1 lh,- pot.,nt11J 1.o i,,, •.,,.ry lut "l
11prollr10V.1 as 11J 1Wi
bol lh,n '° dod
S.,.,,,_, S1,ro.t S1".•• .Sr,..u-·• ma}U f
probN'm WU thll "'Id,,' and f'r)or JU.ti
•·t'rt'n •t w1.-thrr .-nuu1h l h11 and Cohn
t 11u111,· .,.n 11 t ,,rmurv1 bu1 111St11Cra. ,
lhP! 1h uld hr 1•1•·lh�f
"'""'"lint th.-mw·l�n 1.1, I prumomi
9M..- (J11�n• J,·,,c111,
RWM"d) lram fur 11,,. I
/H'.- / :.! a1 11 .su,• c1w1,kJ a,1,J, ,.,t,.,n
, "1•·-• h,,cno-i, 11nhm11,..t 1J<1tfnt11I

Raging Bull heavy favorite inChristmas free-for�all
\\.,nm ....,,,,... ,
H � 1 , / \f, Ill 11
•'"' """ h11,Craph uf mnllu" hlll f1�
lll� l .;i \l"llij IP, > f lr•H•l h, H..i...n I �
'"" "'h" c•u.,.d '"" puund, tu pl,- tn�

u11 •h1t·JI hr hlM\ I br...n fur ""'" lh&n l
,t, ,.odo- . "'"" c�... a nd 11...,, (Vllktn 1
,,.,., 111, ,...npt , r n.. ·, or r . r..,z,., 11 11,,.-n,
f , .fg, l1,, 1• 1 J' 'li, .s.,.-.t l'• AJJ.·1 ,u"1
"�'"''"'' , .,, . .,111, l'I' •••"'"'' ,fh ,,.,,,


I\,,:,. I I Sutf,,/1,J,,urnal !Jo•rrmf-w, / / , /"NI

ln Juhn llofrm,rn
I.a.I J'1111r,,,ta, :.urr .. H laru .......
""•l.,d 1., • 'PN"t.Ni.r ,k,ublr o...n,n,,
ba11...tball 1• nw boh
"'t'n ttl,, l n,.rml)"f
'-outh, m M•m• ind \hr Suffol\ Itam, al
1t1.. l'&mhn<11,. YMl A
I nfortun.ol.o'I) �>Ulhrm M•1lM' """
',t,i \'"'' I'"'� th,•,r ,.,•,ml unih•(u,.- 11
1 (/ ltul !h, lu111• 1a, lh,•m h .. 11 I'll,
.lbm, "h" ,..,111<1 r101h t,, und, fr11.-ri 11
lh• p,,1111 " th,., ......,n ('afllO' .. '" 1hr
fir-.t hall 1...,11,,. 11' .I! .. nn a .,...... ,.
1 111,
h• 11111 1111 1 Jom \klt.,111 had ,.,..,.n
l'""'h •" John \ldN••<>Ulh ,n,rrd four
l'""u� •"" pullr<t ,1own .,.,.-,.n ,.,t,,,,u n,h
t>ut l11, hq f1<1.o,,.a, lhr!>alllla ..dlm1 1n<
u,,.... ,tral, t l'u Hull\ 1h11 f>UI ",uHulk
1n U,.-lurk,- , ,.,oonln<1m1
\I th., ,Uort <>f 1hr s,-,�•n<1 h alf ',1,•.,•
ll1111rt 1111 1,.·u quirk lulskr1.1 u, put thr
ltam.. up h) ll p,:,,..11 . 1>u1 South,•m M1111.1·anl<' ,.,,nnc r.d t,,,h,nd th� \hoot,naof
.\l,k,. .\h1'11h, 120 po,nL.11 IV tw 11 up at
12--12 n..., th.-n took I.h r l�ad �9- 1,1 ..
\lu,pll) .,,......,, a ll'lfN' p"1n1 pa, -9

Juh,o M,!.an '""'' "--'1 U puu11.a h l l•u
ljUlfk )Ump ,J\<>r.. :.urtul� r,,t l>arl lrll11
�•·ai 1huu1h •• l"um \1,-[Jr,u,.ll,,h 1 1 2
1�•111t.1 <11n1•d h1111n1 fn,m !h• lu91 nr 1hr
..., •rKI t..r1 M11,-h...., , 1 � p,,,nb and ;
rrlk,und•I hn>...:hl u,., M1m• ••lll111thr,�
•I f,/1 112•nd for,·••d S. ,ulh,•m Mam.- tuc,iJI
1 1..wou 1 w1lll 6 32k<n
n lrad .-h....rd hand.I ........ .....
-.uffolk it"' • t..nch l.ffhnotal foul 1n<1
Murph) l11t II p,.111,nK s�, ah,•MI $11�
n.,.1 1h. .n r1IJ.-d 11m,ou1 .. uh 2 HI Wn m

Plymouth tops Suffolk
b&Jl and .tio-1 1 1 1 n dr'f)l·ral1<'" b1,n tl r"IINI
urr lh• nm wndn..: lh,.111111r ,nwo...n,mr
1 1 60 . fi 0
Th• n�1 n...r11m•· •n1h•d 116-1 tU 1flr,
!, mmut�• of c,iu1iou1 bllUpi.ymc Jun Ro,
h111t,,, nn1 1Milr1 puum1Soultl•m.\111n,,
up6260 .\111eh1.., th•n 1,.-<1 11 ,..llh lp.111
,(fff"l<ltl,. w,woth I mmut•ll•ft
ltoylh,.nh1t1noth�r<ho-l•nd Motrl,,.,..,
� bad c., !NII.Ch n wndmc th. e•rnr
,n o dollbl• OVO'rllfflf' Souu,.. m Ma,....
fm•II) •nd..d O,r IIJTIO' 111, .\111,Ph) put a
11uirk ,ump,r l.o 11.., lht-m • 6 i� lod
And) t>a,!rl U..n 1111 1 lmd >IMII for th.­
R.anu to Nt th.. k-1d 1U <H1r _ t:,ut Rm amr
t>a<-k ,.,Lh • o,,.... pumt pl11 Aftrr lha1
Joh.. Mdk,"'°"'Ch P,••·rr,od h• WI) fo, •

bas,l.N undttl>O' •Lh11nd f<11c..d )rl &n(tlll.-r
1,,-ou1 bJ' Sl>uth•m Mauw ••lh u,,. ""'-'""
...... Dae,•! th•n m•d¥ I '1fl0\U blocli
of• H.o� >hot 111d Surfolk had I.he b•II bM-k
11od ..,u.... llmN>UI •·•th I 27 M'fl And�
l)ac,•I lh .. n p..-k.-d 11p • fuul but S M .

Jurd1n m._d 1hr foul •hoh . b111 Lh,••
n,uldn• , ..,..,.. •nhrr ...d South.-mMarn,,
IOI t h.. ball t.d, •nd \l1l.- �,11,_IN wa,,
foulf'd llr hit 00th I,.... lhlVW� ••1th 'lf,
....,,.,11, ,..mamlnC •nd 11 ,.� 11rb111t•un"
1ri , -, h th,.nna1 ....,..- 7!'I
llll'pmr !UO'lf lhow..,. lhat :hr ll&m•
'"" ,;,-ap•blr nlbrahnC JuR ahulllanyonr,n
lh�u lfl(II• . •nd "°"',. pll)ofr l,m,. Hf
o,.., mab II I IN') jUP: micht "" that

Rams lose in double time to Southern Maine

by �n Kl•m�
Th,olhffda) lhl' ...-w Suffnll l>ai,,,-hAH
nOKh J1m W1llouChb, m rl m<hY'ldu•II•
w1th i,o1m hnprfuls. andtold th•m wh•thr
..�p,-,b ·- m W'1' lhf') alrndy koow
u111 1r1dn a11<1 Ch• rMpon•1h1ht,..., ..r
IM'mc ,;in • �NII w•m I w•nlr<I ta nu
111..m ,n nn wh•I lfl �•po-<1. . and •h•I I
•�JH'd '" Thr 1.,..m ,..,II b, •Ofklnt out 1n
lh r ('&mbfldC• ' Y .\ I C A . do1ncn,1rur• .
br-rom•"I"Mt"all, •nd mNIIAII) ft'ld\'
rn,111r 11.a11ofo,,...,.,,.,.. •·
1llf' .,..,. r
,o•rh ...,nu to h. 1 ...,.,011,
r,pproarll 10™' , &nd M l™°ntlOn.-d
tluln>uffl iru.tnH'\IO.. on lh.. "'I)
of p,1d11..c •• II• alto ••nlrd cu � .,, Id.a

�• UNl th.. pmo- up•1 !).ll•II �,th
�8 ••,..,nd• •�ma1nm,:. Jo,, lk>an• 1111 boih
••n11- or1,_,.,...,... f.,ul _.t,.,,1 pu111nc:.\I
11p60 �8
Tum Md"l,_,uou�h 111, .. hll M,1.-hn,·1
..,u, 1 .,_ to llf' up Uw c•mr Mllt"hn,,,
u,.... 111-0ir lhr balJ .. 111 1 -1 �ncbM'fl bul
11 w.. knod•d 1>1.11of bounchby lh• .\umr
<l••f,111# "'"!lh 6 � o..d, l•f\ ,n "'1Ulltion
1'11• Rims ,nbo,undf,d Ill• puo and u rot
k><tio" unfll'r lht- ho p INfl'>'pt<"b·d up 111..

:::::::·:7n...\!::"'�..���;:.. ��

hlY<'I p1rll) lood ml\lU'1' •>I pll,)..O, . II>
f■r u ,,.., 1 .. l<"h<>fll_ •nd potol_,.. c,:, .
V.1llou�hb) ' brn>m1n1 •••n- nf thr
,-on1p.-t,hun, Ind . .
.-.lh lhll, h� ,, Kr!L1n�
•n 1d1•1 ofhu-.. !upr,•1111� Lhr t.-au f
, nrtro,•

,\n) pla)n• who wan! to mr,,-1 •1th
fn■th v.•11louchb) M'10111d mah an
1ppo1ntm•nl ,.·1th lh., Athlrllt olfl,-.- 8
,•ormnc io 'lufful� IM'fon- lh• wuu . illl't.
""1-.., h r t.o pn,,p&l"•. •nd •·1n tr ) ou
.,. •") 1rl11..,.. 1'l Ed Armtaut..r. 1_,..
&rn..u . o, Hobb) 1:nrh. «>m• on "'
...,wa, In ..-11,1, ,..,. •,...u !2..., ...,...,n ,


Willoughby preps hopefuls
b)' l
�n Klemer

Lilt• 1 •.,..11,..r bad -.. uth r, ll'l••ln-ak
amt to a h•tl Thtllf'flk t
ndrd w1th th,­
nN Suffol ,.,n 111' 16 pmn. An,...u� .
111 '1' • rn- 2 WlnL C\in-y i l#lffl fo,fiUNI

0,� M'bOn, whlt"h IN) hu., tw-tp,NI lh•
Rlmr11n, wt ofMonda)· .. 1dlt
•lnm,olwd 0�•1 8r.ndrh .-1tJ\ a
rffon. 111d l'l»ffl Ro..
hid l II 10 l#N lboul. tn .. IJm,. ,.1111 1
l<!u th of pndf'
A r0<fr11 ,. l1kr r,oll1n1 •ni • maur f
1,.' You t&n ll) )OU ...... <Ml... but
,1 •, n o1111nc to '1'ally bra111lo111 1'111. l hr
pm, with Brand.,,, wu •
•mf'd, ind
offitoall� itoppNI 1hr lo1m1 Uruk w11h
,....11nc. • vw10<y by partw1pa1JOa Coa.-h
R...i ...n...-wd.··• ·.. mon-1;1P4,1m...i.o.· th•n
\lot .,..,,.,n . Th11 r,11 •• l#am h.. mo,..
play•r.. and 1t10M 0Ulalndu11 ,...w !.al•n1
Thr- r,..thnwn. f'lltl nan.i • Jlll""­
k..,...,ua, and tllen K,,,can han• "'•Uy
lt\lldtthe laam r,;i mt lO lift
T1w ...1u1n.1 btlPf-d ClnJ 11nd lud lllt
wam eou._. b11,btlall • r11 romPf-lld..- taan hip lcllo(,l balJ, Uld
I.Mh !)ffN'nc.,, ,.. • b11 put ofO., optnlio11.
Capl.alru Mary Mmlh.■n ind &.tty
W.-0.n n aff ,ood ,umplK of this. Tht
i...w,uup 11,1111 tn.- nO'II" ol th• ptM. ud
Hlpolnnperl•..Cftpl1y•r. 1M1yupl0p,ar
Su., RM . wbow tVl.a IO hoop MlpNI
th.- Sutrol• ofl•nllwt attac-k work °1LN

auoo DA•�ru..u 1n.i,n.-1, ." •r,-.,rdmit tu
Ma)·br )ou"•I' ....,.. twr aruund vhool
If \<Ki hav• D<X y•t. ,ou will Sui 1001 S.,,8urnola makes h•• pNYnn' known to
oppoo,n1 d,f,nw,. •nd • 1 n,.,....
/fflOllnd.-1 Ak>nc wuh V4' 51..d.-lman.. .
W<"On\tOl lf'd lhf' bo.lnhalln1ct,1lo"(
:1&m• Bu<:kt) .. c;i..... w pl•y•nc h••
lwU ,\('COfdlnt to R<>U,/. 1h r ..f\llli thr
1•1m ••f) •·rU. "' • ln'•t b.U ll.,,dlr1•nd
w1M ro..lllbut,o fur0>r , 11 Umf' � o.. ••

Women's basketball ends streak
with win over Brandeis

Stir'• n ..rvou• 1\ um.-1. but Ii o•·l'rrom1n�
Lh•I With lhl' n.>llep ball np,ri,n.-...t,,.•,
1r t11n1 Th,- ,..,n wu pmalbl, bfflu... o r •
,trr,nc . ft'ad). 111 d •bl• brnch O,rryl
Snuth •nd JauK.-.. C:'""°n h•lp,NI wnr
Rrandf'1• dow11 . who ...., rnll)' lw•t•n h
1h r half A full court pr,,» ••• o,,. m.111
fartor . Hd • �1ro..1 lwnd! 11 .....-df'd IQ
•PPly on•
Wb.11 dow• UP'fl lo-in lht 1'11111,..�
. AcamM Enwno.11. WI' want w, nu!, th"'
d rf•-Wt d U... 10 Ut'p lht ball
m,;,,1111.and -•• on our (.dlbn,•lt w,
hu, p,,ople who a.a bttU pmn wld,f,
OfliHI th"' ,_,., - bolt! indrtldudy, and
•ork1n1lopthtr ua'"-n1;• 1AH1 1to.1
So, • "'""Ill II bom. Coad! Raul kM>k•d
:��:: °.: : �
wi .
f- U'l'l bop,ttbt LffM'tLn c.nt"OnUn,..
lh,11 wlnnlnc ..YL Th• BranM\1 1am,
hOfN'f'lllly mad, , perm.ant ..! ltlt.mffll
�v... .., can N




b y BenK.Jemer
T'h r SuHotk llarm k111 l'u,,oday n11h1.1
c•nw6-3 bt>cauar al • i.d of l
At tmw-a lookt-d hh ,..u
pl.f.yfflllon . •nd ,;,lhu umn. lllt ,t •u •
ll'lm t,)·0111 Thfw l,.fl otyi., of pl.a)•
happ.-Md in all lh'""° Pf-noch Whrn lh�•
.,...., p•�wuic. U!•y ron�l'd now.
111d when °'"f .. •mply Wurc. 0.f'Y
-..·a1ffltd ,1 .U c,;, by Al thla A.atf O( lllr
...uon thty 1"' t.r,)· 111cw1th ..-.<:10ry
lwfore th, pm.-. (0&<'11 Conn.,IJ
••w• ·w m110.-1t1mr diU111'PS.
and ti� d1ffe,,iiil'l'8fflb1nat11>n.1 Om"I "
II• nl<'nt.,nNI thu .. tl'lilll.l_illllll"tincw
ICl"l'pt U!r (act 1h11 it i.110W a l#am. 1nd
11<>11 c-lub Wbnr. l haw1 prad� . Jupecc.
,.,..ryOfW kl lhow up ll hockry l11 alm11
l.00 much lime lrom work . o,r w:hool . 1
dtd.ko n b u l.o bt madl' 11,•,. hawkldnw1
•1rw� WIOW up for pnctlCIH. llf
don'l•apr,d M:i p(.y lb th• pmn.
Dwire 0.t pm.. IIDffll'lilMI tht �
- unar t. and th•CM<:bllmdy llthry
-Id ha.. ktpt th1t IPOmNIUm up. Uwy
wa<11d llaw bowled ,;,,..r Pl)'fflOlllh. Maybe
(I h• IOmtthlns kl d,;, wllh I lotl ,;if
mn-ctntntic>n. Uk• a r1mll)' •eatioa
fln.lly b1comlnc • rullty, Mom
"'nwm�tbe own S,O mU 1w1y.
In 1M bftlnntnc Ult piaa, looked lib 1
banoom 011 p,ayd•y . Sllllolk charJ d up
and doW?I lM la with authority . lt>d 1
Ply-,tb Sl&c. fan rommt111l'd. -w,•,. i:n
to, • blQwout .. u..101111nat,ly . t.b•t wu
,Utl •n o«unon.-... uMI O.t two ll'l.!N
play� al 1n rwn pa.-.. •t lM rniddlll' orU!r
Plym,;,11th Scatt rot a bfl'•k w11h
°'" ........, first co,al . n'SUlhnc from I
ti. ■mbM' tr1 fr'Onl ofth., .,..1.lhtn •not.hf'r
on • slapahnl from tht lt-(t ix,int
Plymouth rt'1C"O'lnod th r 1t■mnnnt(M'na
•nd thte R.amt hlKI • dulnN" w mu.. 1
rom.-b.■<"k. but hld 1m11bl.- brin1i"l lh•
puck up IN' Th• p1"nal1y t
ndtd. and
l'lymoulh ronunuf'd to d,;,mina� 0,f
1<1.K.>n . and e,;,1 1110thtr c...i 1;1.. 1 t1p ,n
T'hr r
1n1 p,onud rndrd w,1h 1'1,--,
r'"', l ....., ..) mo.,. �nna oppo,lunml'I


Tht btll 1t111nd.-d . and t ht lum1 taJM
<>Ill IIHlninc 1.. U!• _..d ptnod ror th•
r,nt l!o "'ln111u . Sulfolk wa, in mnttol
w1 lh l<>ffM' h•nl work In lM COmt�. 111d
IOmt tlf:bl fo..-dl«klnc Thf')' -mtd IO
tw rwllt""I 1M 111M wu not ou ,;if n,Kb.
and •.,,.. lhowinc 11 on th• I� Th r
qllftillon •t Ulla 11-&C• wu - wukl lhry
b,.. p il up•
Tiw,r work 1ot ll'ltm I coal . and o,�
.-. m,d '° bf on lhf'ir way Thtn ltl,y loot
that con... ntn""d effon 11,lmrwh,,.. alone
lhthnr,and l'lyrnouth -r.d n n 1 f..-.. off
In lh•Sulfolk t-n-d. The period tndl'd. and
il ..., ... 1
TM Wl penod ii 1uppoal'd to 1w lh,
11'1• · Thil timt- Suff,;,lk
bigW. 1M fl� 1
wH 1'01 u -afftlll,... althcluch tbty did
11CX>tt the 111'1& 1()1.1. llwn lht ao'I• camte
on. and flo• of o,,. 11nw r:b.anctd.
Suffolk wu In GOllbOI. of lhl' Camt M lb•
pt1illt, btpine tht- pud ill thof PlyiltouUL
Stale IOIM, pUlnc . 1<>al for th•lt.. wor•.
dlmbltia doRrS-3
II thl')' -.w rolne IO OOffll' blld and
.;,. ti. flQw WU \.Jlt- timt . lbt baot:Uwtabr
wua finaleoaJby Plymout.b.th1onlyl(lll
out ol thui lh1)' ICGred that deenly bta,t
ll • Sufrolk 1oalltncll'1 . 1nd af'i.1th1\Ult­
Cllffll' WII01"tl.
ln tht- Pffl" &offolk hu playltd 1t1 far .
thty ,.. hld pltnty of ahoU01111tl, i..tlh•
tc0'"doll' tllldlca1tlh1L Tlwy.-,lllUlilc
_,1111' NnU1 paan, bvl I( yo.a Willi M> win.
you ha,.. kl prea,lhte OUlter Wam for th•
tntn 1amt. TMR.arn. ha,..ahowa.i,n.01
what thf')" .,. capa.blt o f dolnc. W..ybt
wh.-n thty put io,-thtr I wt&I lfUI ,no11
for 3 perlod1 It aoiH !NI.. them IHI betltr.
'Jlu Qday niclll llhowf'd IDII\I' dayll;dll. In
OUlf1' word1, they ha,.. wh•t II IWf!dtd lo
w1a. It 's JUtl a quKtto.. of how IO put it
tai:•lhtr for 3 swrtod1or hocby .

�on,mul'd loom ....,. 9

"""'• ,.,m, J>l•upl, hn• •�•mh111,.d
pr1("!1nh1 • 1111dlu;u,-. 1 1,t., lu,i,o,,.uuld
hk., a <tlll,...,nd ...... �.,•ll•h•" lllll <h•••
r... ..n tim,- Im hn d•w·• 1hr <111mo>f>d•
•111 !Nib lh., 10ll•hn11� 1u �11,k a1 10hrn
-,,., , . .,...,- k,tl'wtunt'
TI,, l hr1<1m .. l"'�'-'111 ··•11111 r,..-lh
,1•. ,..,,.,-..,,ukl ho l• ndn lll l • • l h , - " '""
.. ..Ji u t1ouuu, t, . . �1f -;r,., ....,.,ld h�• • l rn

'-"•II lfll..<rnllln t, .. ....... k a, -..,,u ., . ..>1
,r .,.,. alhum,t... 1n, •l•l••n 11.... , , . ,
"' ' """ldb, . 1lhnt tu t1" "P ll" •ll""n'
l••t • l•Ml•it1 1 1r••""" ' " '
\' " " ... ,u l>I h•l'I" ' " � , . , ,. 11••1 .,,.,,.
1 • ·•pl, . ,, nu\ r,. ,nc ..-1r,.i •I . th,,
I I , . ,1 11,., 1 1,, n . , ! �,
,,.,.�, "'"11l, •'""'
.11 .-1.. , ,, 1,,.. u , ,., ,,. •• . , r,1o n '" .o
,,.,., .n � 1 , ••1 ....., ,,. , .., , ..... ,� . , ,

rmo·ma , .. Am,·m·a • •h•t "'uUkl mo)I
pl�- J.,f! l'lltn1m A1.. ,, h., •u111d hk•1
d•t,, tJ6 :!1 161 lU ilffl>ffiP<ltl\ h1mlu lh"
Jo.- l ou1hltn -.,...,Id hk.- lo• ha,.,
\h,nda)"• p,,Jlo'r ,n �nd•• .u th•• h•nn
••n """' n1<m.. \ Th, ""II"""' <>f John
\Ulh.., ., • .,mpl r u n.. , ......., 1 rr,c, R11l
t r...-don ,....,kl ,.-111, Ilk!- ,., ..,. .. r. ,,.,...,,

---Dear Santa
...... "'' ,� ,,, ,• •, . .. ., ,. . ''"'I'" ,i- 1.. ....
II r �•Ult,AI •IA!I -..•ti•• ,,I Ito• " •" "'".J
•••·•!'" \h, , - I V.t�•• o- \ ••• ,1<1 b�, • ,
n .. n J., ., ,.,, 11,.,,..,. n, h••"' ' " '
... ,.n,- u • I• •P,•�•nfur l'tu,,.• lo•uthun,
....,nllt \t• unlnn•••••t ft>·• I'•" ' " ..,,. ,..
'o\ Hu-hut! Hob\lrl l '111,r1<1
"•II ful� • 11 , I hr,,1m1• lun,- "t•on
l h...1 ,.,....1.l �n •,l lh<' "·•f ... hrn ,.,o
t•I to, .,p,-1• b.,,.,, •U1,p..<1 1nlh"""
1,-.1ou11ful f'l',l11 <- r 1n.1 ,,..,hu� ..,..,_n
t•rll .,,,n t,,,, ..., 1 1111 ,..,.,ld m•� ... ,,..,i,.,
hlu\h ••Id ,,.n,1,nu,c thr,., JI"
'" "'
....-�, .onfl • II'" krl o-1Wn<lu •1th 1,,.,
1,.,m\ n, 1, 11..," .o11d Aun, •.1,., .,. ,
Ch,.,1tt11» l)frw•t1L.1 t,•11 t h ,, ,./
, ""'
l"''" ,n� "''
rt,, ,..,ur•J
pn>l!,�,..••n tw-,m, •Uh to,,
•nd nn,h
1 -.. h 1t ' h I ,..,ul<t ,1111 ,..i,-,, 11.idl\ l . I"
J>M)l.n,.•. to .,.M.,.,I dlftll .., t""kuh
l,N,k •L lhr n...,• ,r•l an<I IM, ... , .. thllt
l,,and""' ta•• .,.., , .. , rm,.1n1 un l11
"11th •n<t 1,,. , lh,n all .. 1 -hl'r .nd
,..,lvl!,nr l h l h..r r • m r , >U l lhN•'"· h n
ha> M>rt n- , - .- ,_rd .. ,11,,.,llld "P""""'
,h.:,n fo, 1'\,nW.m.,)· \U,1 11b, , . ..,...
Aum ,. h u handlr, h"n .nil '"'"
P"'""nL, fu, 1h .. no•, ..... ,..1 t hn.i1n••
and h<f'hd••••t•• U�.-11,.on uf l fma1• ,
1t••" m,,...,, .. n,...1 lro.-nd, fn• 1>',.,. , ,
-..,mu,hfut fr,,.mhh•JI"

II, 11••" ••111 • • nl •�•ll l• ••"I " 111
•uc� 1h, f111i111n .. -• , . .,. .nd 1h,
1,u, h ,,. .cm i,, •1•1> 1r ,,n '""'" ,,.1,
Jol lh· , .,•ll •P•' .,., lt,•1 ' " " • Mn,..., 1f 11 ·,
l .u.. ,,1
,, ll.1m,1t,111 .,. "• •• • •• fmh,11
JA, l.. ,n p,..-ku•� , ... 1 1 , •. , . .. ,,,t • , .,..,,i
,.,,. . • .d tt.m11,•I ,.,., �,. ,,.n �•-ti

. - ,,,.11, '"" E'""' Ill) �11<1 l H• I, J••

ounu•, up Lu ,,,u ,,11 t "hlhln>•• .oJ,<1
hllll<l,,011 • n.,nl, '""' ""'•' , up,.\
.. , ..n ,nouth•ou ,, 11<-..n r,-d,nt toud at
h,•t houw• n,-fnr 1nd ,ou -,, lh•nk,

111 .. 1.1>1 11·<111""' ... ' · " • '"·" '"'''·'
' ''"<h hl ,, ,,.,,,..., o l{f,., -...p,-,, .... ,
f 111.. 1 ,u,tl.o -..,11 t• h ••u•i .....,fl.,I� w11,n
aml •• -...,ul,t 1,�,. hrr 1 " 1 h•l'P• m h.,
11,-., �•h \
!,.• ,. , " ill IM hlpp, ,r ,,,u , - 1,
'111d ... ..,,.,r,, 1..Jf "' ,..1.-lh�•nl upatll,
•n<1 •••m •• •nm for n.. , ,..p1.,,-m,·n1
\, 1.,,.11, """'• 1q,1a,-..1n,•111 '" 11,.. " '""'
,.,.,,t •l h'1UK� ,..,,.,...,.,.. 1o,II II�• .,.,.,
•••• , p,,111.,n J,, .. , u ., , . , - i,, rrpb,.-<1

'>\�II "'"I• ,. ..,,. t 1,r,.im .., -.., ••Ill
" '" ' "IIE h• .. , ,r ,,,., ,.,m, 111,.•u�n "•
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\l,-rn l "hn,tn,a,,
l h " -...ff,�� J,.,.,,,.,;

'"" hi",..,,. n •• •Rwl,o<\ulthuu<I
!)f ruur.,,, 1 f , u 11 1 n- • Jlfllh,. • tl,."•
,t�m� pft1t.1>h '"""Id 1w r,•pl..-.-d 11,
f,iU, r111ht1u•n• ,klfh r•mnt•
p,,ru m, 1nd p.ntu .. ,1hlh• d1> , ul
1h,, -.. .. .,l un 1 h..m ltut lhrn , ,. ,..,111n ·1

Growing up with gifts

kul , .,.,., , 1n- rtumt•nt •nd ,1 "
u...111, fn.-nd, 1h11 11,.- lh., m"'-1
wn"-l u.- ,urpnunl •n<l uw•f 1, ri. + I
l•" ' • r,wnd • '"Ind u p •nnnal 1h11
, ,n 1n.. na1n1u b t"rorrlrm ,.nlll•t
11.. unh n1<1 � ...,.,..,,., ,1111 A1 k-u1 ,.._.,.
1,,. h1<i • vu•I tn 'll\001 ru, 1 I r,,.- J 1n,
-,,,.� "'"' '""o. nb rn, 1-..u lnll�
11rph•"'" I •u••·d tn11 lh"' -..uuld
11.-•·•1 opo-.. • 11fl &nd 'I> · ·1, ..., lh""h

�m• Y.h11 • 1 •,.•1 • 11p,, fa..• fi,:h11n1
--� .;r,.,,11.. si,,p .. 11h mobd.- m j.>lt
11unrn..,, 1mt n1,h1nt l•..-1 bunu u,<1
uh of .p. .. pt.,pl,
lho.L • , all•
n�,i •
And 1n11 •a1 ·,,. '"'
,nm,lh1•11 h• JII•• •1th •M1 t
� u, 111,. r,•atl, d,._ ,,mo<QO inf hu,,.,,
! hr1,111,.., oo..,, ,..,1 1t1o � •ntul •"'1
, , , .,,,,.,.,...., �• ,,.,.,,.r ... 1 " " " , .,f,

1 .. .. .. .. .. ,,. . .... , .... .,t n .... 11,11( .0H•I
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rn,- .. 1 , .� ... .,,. Ohml• •h•I , .... , •n ,,..
••r hu\ h1t,,,u,, th.,l'h,,.lm.&,
It, no, ml�, lh.,,. I.Ill, , •• �•rn•
1M,11/l,•,th•l ••>Y t<1J • , 1 k,d 11>, , .n,
"h••,.- ""' nod ,., •n•nr-- .ail .,f Ill<'
nurntM-,, ,n • 11�, ""lllin ,n u,.. nt.hl
,.,<1. . , • \ . . u th.. ,.. " """ an lWluh �""

��kt rn:�.r·; :�. :'·��,-� i:t

hy O,,!a lJ;a11,u

rm not 101n1 u,i,o11,-uuwha1 l ••..1
1,,. ("hrotm..
"11,....t,m... t lhonk
11111\ ,.,,.. of lhow qunuon, U'l•I no
,m,- ,,.all} ., .,, .tr,,,u\ 111•1111,"'"' bk,
111, , .. ■rquamt.lnn lh11 .. \> '"lh •
11..... ..� \011 '
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h,•n,.,., Uilh u! th,- t hn,1n11\
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,fton t/lMn n"I lh•I bulttb• 'f'llll "'
llf• ll\ h•ltl l<> forKI ff.,,. u,- 1 1• onth•

' •
• ::' 1 " H!I frn•l• hr•· !h1t11
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1 ••, h•m o,11 ., .., I•• •• •11,1 •n.•u1 rl'l11
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• " t ,..,, .,,m.- fll f>l:,. h•
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l�1nn,,.t 1., ,. ;11J.,, th1l l >r"1 ..,.1, , ., . 1
..u .1 , ,u , k , d up1u
, .,u �""" ll'lr bniht h'lhh ,,.u .,...
"" Lh,- lt...,1u11 l"ommvn •nd \11,
bo•ullful,,..- tr.·, cl,,,. .. •I 1hr
' , u<1 .. n 1 , . 1 , ...1.. , • n..-, ,. "'"'
r.,. bo•Ku" tu , ..11111 , !�•! 1 11r1<1m1
" 1., .,1,J,• •h"""' and pu.t,,,,� \hrll .-...
lhn111rh u,,,....,_ 1nfl "l"'n<11n1 ,,...,,..
111<,n,., ut1 •>1h,r, th1111 , ,.,",1<1 "n
n.. ...1r
V.tu11 l"h�m•• n••aru. t,, m, ,.
rnmminc Im f,nal< ,.,.,k,n1 u,.-n,m,­
for mon.-)l p1, m• ril•'1!r .,...,,11nl.l,
'>e<•ll•n� lh,
llrld l&) b�l, .1n<1 oft, n IJffl•
.non ..ndoftt,.,, Mork
k..,....m b, r on f11,.,1rmo, t,, �--•nr
nut ril<>n,J•t r and ,..-...k...., rur -..nt.aan<I
m,-mbo•r !h•t th11 ..-u
kudulph" l ••
}nr.•nd,•.or.lll!u 'l.u.- all l n-fflfmbn
po-ndm1 C1milmu t.w loo:bd up ,n
::;: • •Clun Mall ...
-.,i,n� on ,n,t,,
��:, ;, �
\.-tuall) I 1u,-.. l'\,n.tnui, Jt 'i IU�
1h11 rVl'n lh1n1 .,ound mr rnUt':1 mr

r..,.1 oo pri·,ou,..d • n"'""'" rt,,• �hools
.tlu,uld br rk,1,•d lo..l llrforr ll•n<mt.,
19th A d 1alk aboul tw"l.-buhn1 o,,.,,.
rwo doo,..•y '
':'.'.!'!tu�'f:.: m
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llul "'bll 1\,.,.., that m•• .." WhM
........ ,·hn>lnuo• .., 11i11..,.n1" nw, ·1
•l•• • lh.- •fU••f n>M.,f'Unlt lh• fatl
1h11 11 , tra<II
IM>n 11 °1 alw, th•• >•ar
..,...1,-.- .. h11ndr.-d � •
11h1, _ 1nd ,...,M
1d>1,orn.,.,b\ o,.. ,..,\<dr \ll�hr-...­
,1,..,,1,1 ,unjun· up, ..,n,,. ,,.·,. tudtlMI "
'.,t with
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l\ah '"" 111�1<• '1 lhMI II a.-n"I
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1 ... u t.alk111'( C.> lh1> m■.. 1br uth•1
<1•• " " ' ..,.,<1 l hn••m•• '"•,for h , m •
u m , , , I ,u,,"41 "' ""ho,11,;o .,.d�w,l11n1
""I th, w1 ndt,,.
I Lht>Ufll l lu n,, ._.lf H•l" •'"· f ul• • ·

Jenm�r I I J!JRO Sulfr>llr J,iumalll'a� I S

Xmas apprehension � College style

&1 h.. , ..... ll lo 'i \ lh•tho- 1' n.-dl.u
k"A •' •ll th• hu>li,. buil�_ th•P"'IJPlo>
,.,., .. .,,, 1n,urKI hkr • pM"k of wold
h1d11n, \11,• h<·•ui!lul l,chls . th" fro..t
lhll it-olh•r\ aruund lhr .. .
·,nt101n. lhP
.,11111ons . U1rd\1l<11 rn llr k>� W
f•• I 1h11 •II th•t <"<>Yid •�"' wuhuut
h•m h..·,r•I! I" nrn1r1bul• a fhmM �or
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l u '1<n m 1 f h r ,to,..n · 1 , . an110 . U!1t•1)
"" llutldup •nd th•..-•• no
�: , �n
l 11<1ppu.,.• holod.a, f.,.h"111f11 fnl(tn n
"'""" l"'<>P► Th.- hohda,-• ultrn
n,nf11,.. a lot of �oplo- •nd ,()m..
"mph don"t •·a.., c.1 l•I 1n•oh,·d It \
h••· nul -..-....1m1 ..-. raH m lo • � fm l.. u
.,f rrnmrhurt
11 lhmc lhal l�•th. .... ,n.. n1<"t
•IM,u1 Ch11stm•••th111t h1, t11•n<I lt"s
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h·II ""'""'°"" )ou •d k,.-.. I dllmtlnd
... ,th ro, Chnstmu Ind u,.,) JUH h>ok
•• 1ouhk . - youh1-..four h ..•d•
I C.tld)OUII WHf&P,-IUI\'"

Ju 1 nrt,L
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U.., >"" ....' " d1uppm1 up llll<1
rnmp&n) y,.., .,mph ptuc th• panl...,,
puh ,·ru,nc nut, ,,.,t,-,abl,•• rru,l.l, .. ,
,n1o "''" ""'"o •nd th.., pul1,11.. 11, 1h,·
111, t,,, f
n>t• \h>UII,,..\ llu t... �larhm,
r..-11 of th.. "'""" r,.,..,.. Tn 1 1i1t1.tll u11 \hr rmo,k,. , ro, , m...,.$9!> ,\nd
1·1w,p,n m, 1tar.,nt
"""' h•• mtr,,<turl'dan AM t M nid>o,
llo·-.1 uf ill 1'1' tnr hlll" pf'•,. - t ll,thll
••th 1,.,, ,p, l�••n. 1h;11\ nu llfJ�l lh•n
.,.., 1h,u� up •rut m��.. \t,U,,...lf
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-..,m,•1nmi rna1 ,,.., , ,...c .. ... ,111 , , ... ,
lh, m1rlo-1 f.11 n<t,•••tam•> l'lll•I"',..
... n..11<1, ,,1hrn>o..1 p,- rvinal i1ft lhlll
..,., '"" ••n f nd r•"
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l hmln,•• 11 .. ,11, lhouchl •nd lh•
!n,,u ..,.n<t, -..,n,, uf th" trlo·•Nun
hn>o 1h11 » ••lu•hl• nul 1hr "�I"'"'""
• 1 1 • • h m•·"h "•" Hll•f•h•nl••hl,
t111lmt th;U ,,,u ,an .ai••• •l•llb.. �
,a ... u.-. .r1,lull,nt �UUIIUll•l , , .,..,
"n 11,.. Um.- """°r.-d .:.Id ft h1blr
tAY•IU, ,,..I f \ ' Jlll ,,..,,., 1 11 , 11 ,.n'
pr, ...nt r... 1 nb...,11 wound , uu r n..ld
n,.-. .. "' , ,.., ,. h,,.., ,,.nd<- •,...,d
.. .,.... m,.u.. ,...,..,,..,.,nd,U111 •ai.1 . i.,, 1"1n 1<1•udl 11hH1r1I •<>• ,1.,..
<1,.,. n n•lw<1 und.., 1hr 11.- 1nd ,.11l fn,
"' lurk h.-<1,•n<k ', ,.f /lun, ...,,.,a h...
lh11,n,- �..11o ~m•hhffl• If
-.Au..-, ,n mlM mall, Ind """' ......,
lhM don·1 ro..... 11rt..... , .... ,..nat .. •)•
fur ITl•·ry.- ,
' • • IYnpl•, Wllhlh�tr..n W' I




I 111l 1 1.'Jther ChJ1hmg . Brich.. a,l , . B.1!-!, &
.\,,·l·-.,t1nl.', fllr Men & W om,·n - "ihl·l
·r-.�m Coa 1 , .
·-.1, &. I l.:1 1 -. - Boo,, t,� Ralph I .nm
:n, Ju,1111 .
t>.rn P,1-.1
I unhl.'rland & l· r � l - I ,m� I ,1111,1 .

1 00 copies of one original
on quality stationery paper
50 matching blank sheets
50 matching b!ank envelopes


O• "•·•"'"' w1,1 1/ " ""

4 Somer5et Stta-et
Bos1on Ma:sach11se11s 02108

$1 5.00 plus tax


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X mas ap1>rehension - College slyle
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1 00 copies of one orig i na l
on quality stationery paper
50 matching blank sheets
50 matching blank envelopes


4 Som8fsel S11e,e1

$1 5.00 plus tax
0on l 0.l&, - Do d lO(I••


Boston Ma3sac11useu, 021\lH

T'btr 16 Su/foJI, Juum,ol fJ,,f'tmtH, 1 1,/ 9/J0

Cllftl ......edfr...., po.. l
ine.-, \l.111, ul thr n,.,,1>U. 1111l11,11ncn1><,df a,, " n
l<'U•rh 111.,oJ,� 1n 1l11rnn, .. ,,.,,.,..
I •rn 1'\lnrn\h ...-tune ,. u,,.... •r•r 1�,m -trl 1<..,·1<>< ,,t
1n,t ..-nrt•l \l11m11, -u.o,,..1,,.., , .,,,n t .amll ,- t,..• ..,,..,
uf lh, .\itHrm, • ll.a.,h1nc1"n Il l rlla111r1 1n,1,.11n •nn11al
fund .. ,111n1o ·�, r,., 11,ac _,...
1 • ,m u,._. ,..,. .u.-rw1,
...ffulk I•"
. \nn, IW• ,..,...,.,h •Llrntl•"1 IIM­
l 'l'n,ll!'nlo,I 11111 •�•nr " " " ..,.,,,�1 "tnr, rla,..,.,11r\
,n ..,(.,.,1 .,, o,,. Jud••nt pn,1,.,1..> .,f J 'l;'I MH � l � uf lh•
� :�:;
n:;::i:�n.!-lZ �h�t�:
1o11 t n.,10,..-d min, ,,,.,,.. . ., f ,111< 1,·m , ,. ti,,p,,n1< 1r,ir<1 m
bnn11n1 n-qu.-1b lnr ,mp m••m,•nt, t>dnn• th.- B.,artl ,.f
' 11\IM,...., l u .,.,,. 1n.. l rn.,·r'III\ frurn1n, t11nfr1 ra11>1·tl
b\ ou, b<'mtoutnf h•Ur/1 , p, rh•p•\h t ulm.-rUlould.,..,
to 1! th1I .,. ,. huld "" alunuu uff1('t'>, 11lrnd nu 1/un1n,
• "·nt• ind r,mlr!llul,. "" mon..., tu U 1 .- 1nnu1I fund,.,
n ......,,n.t l"''ail••p,h ,,f ,,, � ulm•r·, 1..u.-, tunfu.""11
mr !Ir Ylfl . ·· 11unn1 1.11..., ,......111 Jlwd.-nt ct.yo thrM'
d11o.. cl1trtl " 11,. un•c i... n-ftmnc to
111dmdu1h ,., ,..
\lnpp,nc Ill\ ..r WI .,, ,am.-d d&llirO<lm rn-dll.l M)
d1pl<>m1 111,.c&4 101hr f1<:1ofm, ..,,n-Mf11l<Umplf l l0fl o f
n,11<11" ,�qu.,,.m,.nu !Altlluutth I d , ,. rn..mb,>r s,,m,.
1u ,-mpt tu r•p,-1 • f,.,. of thf' "d1a1d,,nu", Hr 1ltQ ran •1
m,-.. , lh-' m) ,..puu,uun 1111 docnod11,.d M) r'l'CTIII
-lrrtoun io u,.. ,lumn, board •k"'f1 '"llh lh.-<n<>fk'lll10h l
'"'""' from n11mrrou, mrmt.,,.. ,,f 1 1.. ._.,Holk
h,.., "'
n>mmun�• ....-m. 10 pnn• t IIIW ll<tl br,,-n ut.lncLrf'd
11t..1 "'"'• \11 �ulmt'f mnn b\ · dU<:n-d11#d 0""
f11uJt) M, �ulmr• ulk, nf 1 "n,n1,n11o'd acl..,�
pollun-" .. ...h • ·•i..,,n trnllonal and IOt&II)'
ltTflp.,n.,bl.-" \I• 11111udt- 11 not an aclw,n,H)' °""
Ho,.•-.t ,1 pfflbaftl) will lw<'Ufflf' on• ,r M, t'
...,,nUnJr> t.u M1r1.t.. nl<' b l rNutt of •urll lt-1tPn M� um,.
U ffl)ffl<lllr) rr>alt.-1 i.1mo- Tlnw•llld-11·ouldh1,. bttn
"""'"' IOd,,,) un alumn, ,:ommltl..., ., .o rl • t,,,,1n, IISf'd
IIUIHd tn C'OfflP,:,W lt>II i<'llfl Thr'mll,,1 2 Juurnal
1mYN1 1 1 m , hum, .,.·,1ll,n 1 ff,. d1)• ••fn1'n>Cl'l>lnft.hf'
fint r.untrobuuon "n"'lor-"fol lh• l9�1U annull fuo,d
nol lh,.t,,,,,1 ufn,r11mst.1n"'•
on,, !,I) on..n ,n 111.- Ptil . I am
/\g11n . u I 11,,,. d
r,,-•mJ tllr ,.11,.nt of m, r.umn11tmf'nl to Suffolk
l mvr/Slt)· l 1m nu\ .WI'>'11111 ,:,1mm11,....nt can rnd ,..
•IIN'nahnK Lllrur.- o f M r t'ul..,..,
"'hrn l hl'>'lt.-llf'd ll) lh
l'h,- rln11 affront 1u "'" ,.,, M, fulm.-rs do111n� 1111,
• •r,sp,-rt
• ._u,it lffp,,,rt ll .. l<'ft mt'
\1'11,i •·1111
IMt1llo-d h11n. 1n1r).
C11rol} ' n Ehubeth Power5
humer l.>UlliKlent Student
Cunent Otwdenl Alumna

:� :�!�

::t�� .;.:�

by PhyJiu IJ•S1nt11
•partm,.nl nutr S■ni.
Julln tPno, . • d
l' ro, 1.>ro..-, Oa,n,n ., \l,-1ltllarn ...
"b.-lnc a ..
n11 ra
out b) th.· rmlof
trrr,,_ ,. h ot•
..ao11 -n,., kM10
fu..,·n •ndd<'lnl
,t rwn w, much f
1111. I 1111 1r1lh
\lck " 11<· \11d
� ..rr,� 17 •
'-"1i.,nu1An 1,n.,..
t 1 ,•,� /rum (1hfo
lmnc fo, 111uu1 I
1� "
11.., .. Nf'W UlC
w....., t k.,..w
1111\l.l) tnt wllh

YMl, -IIYkN- IO m111ulft to ..l
romplf,�I ) "
l'rrrio 1llrl...t work lnJ 11
"ffk brfon, Tbanl1111
111111l !1 30 p m. :,n c

Santa for the fun of

. . . Fulmer

'\ ('\\

by Cula S.1,01
Wr >hlllt'l'l,.bfatr
lunit mU..-n,,• yHt
And pl.I} makr bt-hrw
w .,..u ,' "'
Prod11m:!Omf'th1111 ,...,.
AndpR'lo-ndlOfOflt r l
W r lh1IIUl•n,ohomP
W1b up
Andnut1t'P nolhmc'1 ctt,111.-d

\ l'ar',
l·. H'

an ,.,.,

Uhd nw l
1h• iob." i.., i.1d
Sa11u. 11 not an �HY iob t o f 11 111101 no1
many pt'<lplP ... l\'l)llblr for hu houn."
1o11d t·,rm
IIPlikf'I workmc II Gro�t Crumn11nd
...,,n11d•r1 11 1 nlttlt0r. ll•rnakesSJ . 7� an
1wurndworh Mundly thru111llf'rld1y . l0
1 m to !t p m Th• ROR' suppl1"th r ianll
f'ulfrt l'"n' lk>f's lie. n.n mat� and

• 11m.uln1lh1t llt'1 1
t.o bP I 11.nll al
uni.I "l'w bNn
ror1." •� l'e-rrb.
Clm•tma, pan1"
• • If\)' ruu
thttkl Ul1t make
""11�bf. 11

mi" look likr eood n
" •
on not Ullnk llr will t,o, • unLI
l',m1 d
' m not iony I
ac•in nut yur but uld ."I
ld_9,l,-1n• )Ob . l l 1111 b,,oon I IHmln1
uprrwnco, "