File #4130: "Suffolk Journal_1980Dec04_vol36no16.pdf"


NO MBTA ... How would you get to Suffolk?


I.! .\·u11,,a .J,,11,.1 1.1/ \,., , ,,,'l,,

lH( 1'01 I IS 8AC'(

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k••Hh tr .u11un,
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1-,,..... ,.,.,. ltl••'"""" nl ,oft hn, I� ••I
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l\•I ,Hu,110,.,\br,..,:,rn,·nl "1t hl<1 , ,I
"""lh.-r ""' .,1 �• 1111,t lu-. h,�� I'""'*''
,..,,. '" ,.,lh ••..••·•lou, 1,,m� II, 1,...., f>l!h1
1,,,.nu11.i,. ..,,,..n,n,,
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Last day of finals is last day of Fran

L.-fl,n ,.,,,..,·.,n11,,·,1o•d rflf?u""aflu(
.,.,_,..�,,.,11.. un1.,•NI\ lt.. tr,,caJLL,..,.h,nr
Uflllll< ,h,•m•,-lf) 11 �ffull ,n 196011\d
h�d 1],o \au1h1 rh'I') uf lh<'
t:n,1r,1nm••nt 111 1979 hr .,,,..,.,.11 h1>
do<-1.,n,1.,,1 Wt1unan ll1>t11u1 .. u(:,,rwn<.'O'
,n lirvl Ill" ,......,..<'Cl h� blciwlori, and
mukl"$ dl:v- from Kenton lln1w'1ft)
Wh1i.-11Suffolk l,..flln•·a.,.nwolvrdm
>11<11 t<>mm,tt•"• .. t"''-'""" Coun;n.
L,bruy C,eunmun1r111on•• StudO'nl
l'\ibhc1Uom.Summ•• �.. u,on and th•
Stud, 1 1 fo ,,.11n Al'ldrm1t'1ll)
Rf'CQfn1U'd lnsllluhun,
II• WI> VH'.T p...1,it•nl of th•• x,
Oub . 1 ........uch h1,nor "'"'WI)'. and "'IS
USO<"lllt .-d,tor of thO' "'"�"'"" lhf' urric11I.
pubhcation of1hr northni.l 11r<Cllon o(th�
Am•natn Ch.-mistr)· Sof-11"\) Lr(tin ILld
al.o had lit pubhc.ioons ,n •·1ne>1»
Pnot W his i,..,h,ni11Suffolk.Ufun
Whln.'lit'lr.-hb10-i'hPm1Stw1th thtfl.olton
Vrtf'11111 Adm1n,strauon from
19!,319!,7 WhlM' ll Suffolk, Lrftrn
,,,o,kMI pa,1.1,mr 11 lw»&on Un,vffMI)' IU
A nauv.. of llo'w,.r1) , 1,..r1Jnh1d lll'f'n •
"'"d1>n luft'r1m1111h1m fu, ovt12!iyran..
H r Wh Ill ICliVt' fflO'mbo•• ,n •·1nou­
n•i•n11.1t1nn• ,n u,., t'rammdi1m Jo.wtih
. ('1)fflfflUmly
!Ir WH r,nt p,..,,,d.-nt and • foundo-r of
1h .. J ., .,..,,.,. r...i..ra11011 of c;,.,.,,.,
1-'ram,n1th•m U'ftm.,.1>n1nu-dhunor1r')

'lh• •• ••t11(

\ •..,., lh•I .,,,.,h•d
"\ot ,.,,h ",, 1,,. ho<1 ,, !ru, \fi,r
! u, mt,,•1 l'l 11,.., p,,l, p,1,1, I'•"'""
' r,,,u,.

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,n,·1t11tl\•· 4,,.,w, ,., 1fHmn1 l.anun •"rl
Hu,,..n ""i,d11rt1<011, •• •n,nw,.-,.,
•'>l•Wnt 11·, a n,,... l� fl¥&trd p, INMI
I"m not ••"n ..,,.. nf "h•t Ill IN' d<,lflll
n,.., P""t""" l11>d!bn\Ol&I p<ocn.m•,.,.
,,., •.. n,...,1,.,c,anrl 1hmt,hlr tha1 �
'"" ..i,11 lkHl·t lnu,. ,ohu � non ,.., It,.,
.,r,,. , .. ,i o,, t,,,uu m of tht' ,u,1, ,n
ltodto'•I\ •l>t-n ""' It.II '" fr,,m tho

1'�;... ��=,,,�:.:i -:;:;; k:t;, �\:;�
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:;:�r, ,;:;-��-��." .�, .��;':::� �:,


�1111 • ,n11I, flfhl lw,, � that11 knod, '""'
tit p,-,t,,p,,,.., ln,,.. lllt' ··u0i.. ,·· � ....
\lthouet, J(l•..1 mo� ,i 1ti.-u ...... ,.t,., h-"
0,,,11 k..,,.,,. tu o• Uw--..tti,,, -..-a) � ..n
,nni, , bo,und,ritn.,tnf hrrom.... . t,,,un..,
• 1,-,. ·�111<-1 !lo"'"'· ,nd r,lrul lo ht'r
·1 ........ I do ha,, I fflOUIN ,,,, ,..

;:,�;,,m':" i:..
m.7:i.,� :


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Votumt 36NumlM• 16

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S t•fFOtK UNIVERs1;v 8[A('ON Hill BOSTON.MASS I l611) 123-'700 �323


O.C:1mbu 4.1980

Bill filed to change Suffolk's· charter

hy Aliff 1. Whool•y


MJNf !(Ar?

4Nfvl ,;,.[R,fi

Happy Thanksgiving


The RAT is back...
TODAY at Riley's
Come celebrate the
holiday from 2-6 pm
Buffet and DJ.

Trent Arterberry

Dec. 2-1 pm Aud.

to the

r Coffeehouse

Featuring • Greg Greenway and
Doug Wray
To be held in the lounge on
Fri. Dec. 5 from 1:30-4:30
Free pizza and refreshments

Get y_our tickets
to win a RAT.
They'll be given
to the faculty. staff and students
away free to the from the Program Council
students in the cat.
The winner must be FILMS
Dec. 19
present at the RAT
Florian Hall
Dec. 4 to collect the prize.
Dec. 11
The Invasion of
the Body Snatchers
1 pm, Aud.

The lnlaws
1 pm, Aud.

l(.,p,,.,,. n 111u.. ,,.. '•lf'ulro1IJoomurra1 ·Ytot,umi 11 flt-ilto111J•Uot1
lu chan�,. th• ,harlt'r uf �fful�
l nl\t'l'>II) n,.. 1dr1 .,..a, IMPll'l'd ind
,-un<.'O',.-M b) thO' CJOl>P thf' Orpniut,on
l"romot an t�ull anrl �..,. S..fful�
L'h1nr,·•1..,nw,on th• fomu,1,,,n.,lth•
b<,a,rl ,,f lr\l>lf'r\ lf ui...., 'h•n� •·· If�
,a,,r...11 •n�nd of th,· 21 m ..mbo•ri, "h"
o,:,w .,.,...,. On Ul• board \hr"' w,li b,, ll
lloatd ffM'mtw-r; will nn lonf:,'r ..i .. 1
tlwmj,t·h,.. but r..-ult, ,1ud,,nU. and
1lumn,,. p,.....-111.11,.,..,.,11b,•,•IN•t...irn,m
\�,r,..\j)"·IC.f'UoUP' l't1� 1'>1:,111, uflh•
vn,.,,1 ..r,••m,.111 ,..,,1\11 th,., ,,11,'t•
.,f l1l>o·r1I \than'1W11"°,11'1 .\"1 •nil
111, 1 ...,. ,.h,.,•I ,.,II ,..,, ,.1,. 1 1 11wnu1,1
h,,n, lth'll .. h•�•l lo ..,.,. .,., th,•�•M<I
l llo ,lurl, ni- ,,! rn, lh ........ h,..�....�
,!,·,I""" r,·p,,.,. .,i.,m, an<! th, •lumn,
,.,11 .-1,,1 1,,.,, ""l"'"·nl;o t,,,,, r,,,,,, '"''
,.h,.,•I \JPl,.�S -i><•k•"II"'™'" J,,.,,.jJh
lhpuu-, f,..-1, th11 u,,.,.,,. '""anc,·rnt·nt
,.,JI r"'•to•,,....l,1100 hp, u(tt,Hnimrnt
.it ,wfr<olk n,,. f•,ull) mrmt,,.,- .. ,11 i,,
,.1,-, 1.-rlfo11"'u)••"·th,·alun,n1 forthn-,
1ndth•••ll1d,•n1,furun" IWt_.,_:-,,...1,th•I
,ui,frnt. ,.,II ha,,. h, ho• 1untu••nlo·f>nl

,.,u.....t ..,..l"',.f'....,.•lld undfor>Llnd,r,c
of 111 .. 'OC'hool '· t,rfu,.. thf') ran prop,,th
ful(ill th. -rol ula tnhl..,.
A,...,,.dm, i.,1-t.-p,ur,·1 1t 1>."1mpof11nl
that th,) hl�t I l.lbh' olth• w•huul ,., ltl,.,
All rl•rllun• ,.,II b< l'k-ld ,n Aµnl
K�pu,... rl,...;-nt,,.d th•• 1 ... r,u ..r lh•
, a�,.....d t.,,m, 11\MI ha,ho-o•n tiu,h nu.o,to
llk •·han�,., I> !)o•,orfo ta! ht� ,u..- "') OU H�
11-..1" WUU\I tu hi"' ""' , .. ,.mb,•n
OPt.1'� ron.,1,1u1...,n .i1u,., p,-upl" w


.. ,...., .... .. """''""'

!Ir ,...., tt1,.d1ffrr>'m�· ho•t,.....,. 1h1,andth•
pn..,..nt �Hlf'ffl a. ·•,,,.. 1'1' ""'" brt"lf
.-1,·,e,-<l h\ 1h, •Pl"'•Pfl�t,• r,,.11p 1n<l no1
b, ,.,.,, fn•·nd, 1111, '"'"m "'"uld b,
,·mph hl,1 .-ff,·rll\P
,,..,.td,nJ hi
It, I>"''' ,.,,.,_.�,. ,. i,.,.n , ·f.,.,. •nd
.-qu,1aD1,•opp,,.tun1I\ '
11n-. ... ,... ,1. 1h11 ilh' ti""\t d,•mt'tll "'
1n,•,ha11.r,· .. th..1,1··,r,·1h·,.o-..•p.or•l+<III
,,( !><"'''""' l!••pu, , , ••IMt,.,,�t,•,t ,,n th1>
l"'"'t .......·nt,ul ,Ollld hull) 1nuth••
..,,.,.,� •ruund,. and ,..,.,_",,.. 1"uuld b,•
•IPt"\� (,.,.1, •hal th"• l't'lll••n uf a,,,...,
lh•••<l ,.,U uff,,,a,,.,,,.t\ ,.f .,,.wp,11,u,tu
bo-twMrl n,,., 1.... 11h.01 ..n, .. 11o1h<a, u1t,

Leftin dead at 5 5

lty ;\:inc)• ltezenlif'�
hm.,,al .,,-,r,., "''" h••ld la>I hHII\
fu• , h,•m"I•) prof,.,...,. Jo•hutlah j,.ft,11
•ho 11,.,(1 ,.,,-.-mb,•r 2+, al t"ramu•�h�m
l 11,.,n 11....p,i..l afl,•r ,11rf•nn1 hi' ._.rund
..truh 11..,..,5,5

ariil tillua� a�l\!.I@
Page 2
SGA Meeting
Page 6 ...
Trent Arterbery
Page 8 ...
Page 10
Y.E.S. W<' rar

a n d ,tud•nU .,,. 1111m111I)
"'"·ir• or-1.fd UI�) n11 ofltt thll .,....
..-11h '"'h1t:h alumn1•"'"'°"'1;'Gffn'""'CI
..h.... th• lloll1n, In' to•nc Th,. C"R'•ln I
halall<'t' h) h1nn(I M• p,,oplt who ur
orwn1..r1 hi ,..,_.,�..,•andu• p,P<>plr..,hoar,.
urwni.•dto 1h•f1natnt'1alwrllbr1n1
TIit' Oflanll.allun fl'f'I• that 11 •� onl)
riehl 1h11 lh• ,:o,rmrd ...., bo- lblO' C.,
�u .. bo·uu.... lhal I> Whll Ul• Mwhulr
Amr nun S)•t"m 1> b,awd on" lltpUl'1:l
f..,,1. ,f 1Huw1n• Uud•nU 1nd lanilty
lfW'mbttft oo the boud II I CQnOict of

,n tf'fr.t tMn w>" lflf' pf>'-tf)t..,.111111
•h1rtt UW' l" 111d VICI" l>f"l,ldrnt
luvf' VOltfll powff R.-pll\>C"C'1sud lh.i th"
J>Nlpl• who •"' mvolvlPO 1n OPENS ..,,.
Arrordmi to R,.,.._,... OPENS will bO'
appm..-h1n1 lhf'holrdv,ryooon forlfl•n
fl'ipOM,... to th,. ff\ll\H They alw ....
ukinl ru, lrllen. of wppurt from
cunam•d m�mb,,n of W Suffolk
N>m, t.1 1nly

Credits but no course



h ) l,r+i,t Hl"<'man
!h, :-.turi, rol 1 ,.,,, nuu, " ' \,�,.
,._., .\, 111,, ,.,, k 1'11•"·•1 '" , ,,.,.,. , ,,.., •
l'"'""'"'\ 1,,n,,M• la1! I I•• •n•1a k,,.,.,.
!1oo,lh h• I•·•" ftl I ,1 ..t,, "•"1• •II• t ""'"
,.,.fo,.,.,, ..,.,l l< t,.,. '"' ""•' '""''It;,
I ,l.,h, ,•., hl• """IOI •�•
I 11 f1 1,1 1•1•11• I•" -.,.11..1� , i,�,,,.
._.11,a <1r,.,· "'' " t.•111.,,,,, ,,,,..., 1'" " " '''1
11, Ju,,,,., 4·1•._, 1,. .,.,._,,, ll;ur,. l 1t/C• ••"1
•• 11,. , ,, ,,.r,., .!" -.(, , ""·�trnt t l f�•·t•M

t.1u•--l•·" ... '"'''"" n ,
,rn,frnl• '""""' P•" ''" "'"·'' p,.,,,.1,-,1
'" "' • ·\ •t><1 T r•I• "'' " "" "''"-,, •• • • ••

,,, ...m,,,., '" .,. ' .....,,,,.." ,.,,
, ,,, ,,. ,,..,., ._1 , \ .,,.,.,1,.,. u,,,utll l u,,­
••· • �•�,<! ·I• •
\o I• " ,t '°. \
•�, 11 � I I .'�•· r•llt '" •I 111, 1111• I• II• '>••I
� 1,. ,tul, ,I .,, \u, !,,,. I•• ,.,,. 1 tu
I"' '"' l' . 1no II·• ' "
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J• ,,.�1�111 I " "'" ,I
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\,,, 1.,,,, ll.- '""""I ,., h,iol l� , , mt• 1 I
""r" 11,. ,1 . I h••l lh•I , , I •l'I""'' <I -I
rh,. •nr.• n·1t "'"' -,j , \ ""'"''" "
.,,.,w<tn•t Jun••• llh, lfrpr~·•ll•I•"

1 1.,,.," I �"'"'"'· ,.1,,. •I Lh, ',,.. I • .._. , \
ui,, 111111. """!
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t••�'""' l , ,,.,.. ,I �,i-,- , 1,-,.,,,. "' ,.i,, " "', \
"'"''!"'"'"""� Lh• ,• .,.,11
ht,t•·•�ld '"h" 1• -. • .\ 1,.,,..,,,_ '" lh•
lr,.cr.m 1·.,un<1I _,.,d h.. .,,11 , .,.,.,t !h•

!h,· ;i . . . and � ""'' Ku•t�. L I ""'mm,•,

rl 11\,0I I�" '"' 1ul<! •ff••• I •1uch•n\•
l ht' '\l , -\ ...."'""" ..:,..,..i h, h••• •
L•bl• 1n lh•· t•lrtrn• 1ohrn Slul\<'111"-..uht
,\hu 11,., 11,.....<1 '"" • pn,r,.,_,.I ll•
1 ·,.,,n,·11 vi l',,."d,•ni.. 1" 1 ,·11.,t1ro•1 ,,.nob,

h,.., h•il " • •l•lldlll) .. •..·•·• i•nw fu r
''"" 1.. fnur plMHI'> rh,• rn,•11 on th•
11.., 1n1 r .,ld .,,.. ronu-oll•d "• h•ndlf" ""
lh• ,ldl'�
,op1M,..1<>n• l1.,... l'r"1Clrnl AnlM'
H.rm111<1n m<'nUom-d lh•I lh-t-•mbo•r I
,.. • , 1h,· la,1 ,:b, lo, m,n1an, htll, ro, tn,•
upnlm•nE l•• 1...iu1,r .,.�, :'>jw<1f lolh

tllt'tltlUfll'd Wh lhl' •drl ..r ll'llllll lh,•
d11nk1n� •Kr 1....,.,..<1 lo Ill for fllllptl....,
... h ..-h ,
oud,..u"\Ml il l p... ,ll ... n,....1,n1
\(I,�._.,., do:t111fa ti •» r.. rd th.l,t •u�h
,., ,d•a - , dn('1tm•n
atnt •nd .,.uultl n,>1

:::��:::":!:• ��,


l h,· n r , t '"fl" "'" "'",i ""'
,, ,,.m,t""' ,.,.,..,.,n,nc "'"''
' " n,,
qu,•,l,un -.1, ,nuuld .,,.n,.,,... r,, ,,.,,.,i.,. ,i
r,,..1 ..h,.·nr1, ,d,,1,..<11111,,• <1•1Mto·••nh,,,.

21 & 22. 1 98 1 .





:; ::KE A


ROOM FROM 1 :00 · 2:30 P.M.
COME GET I N VOLVED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SGA Sponsored Events for Globe Santa
"Jail Day" - Thursday, Dec. 11 - All Day
"Kissing Booth" - Friday. Dec. 12 - All Day
''Pie Auction" - Friday, Dec. 12 - 2:00 to 4:00
All Events will be held in the Caletena

l&fm Papers
Law Briets

Co11er Leners

254 Newbury Street
B0s1on, MA'021 1 6

Mike lOdd




,\ ,.�,,rod " �• • JIii dH ,n -. n,d, •
,t10rlrn1 ,•,.uld p;, , o sm1/1 1mu"n 1 to h•••
.. ,nwun•' � .... ,t�tl 1111! ht'ld at Lh,
•ud,lu"""' 1,,, ..,111, othr, nx,n11<, ..,... .. , .
,.� , -. , , f '"" tu,t • r • . .,uni •I I�•

tone '""' hm,·h inti ,.• .,,t,•,t
,1f,t,•n1 ••

;•,l•::,,,•:;:.,u.,,-,th•ul ;n.''..,�:u��;.:.1h,·hn�,'.�;,
, �:-�•;: h�'
h ,
,.,.,a-.1, 1 ..

,, ....,.,., .., ••� '"�>11111 "' • �"-""' ,...,11
hu! ..,,, n1rmt..-r,. -.Pn-u,,t1,,,,t,,rt •• t,
""'' ""ulol !)o• 1n tit, buo1h


h,.,lhrl ••l1,►1,m,,-.,�-l lhrS-. ,,\

m,,,,,..,,. d tu pu1 s�ouo r�"'"'"
,.,,.,.�,t lh•u u�n ,1u d..nt ..-1,.,,,.., (,, .., t• •
1n1.. t h. . �11,•t1l fu",i







$1 5.00 plus tax

4 Some,se1 S11ee1
Bos1on Massacnusens 021()8

I''"''""' "

:::;.. ;:�;'n: ,t::,�i�������:! .'::'.
romp11hol"j drill 11hhouch op
...... �••nd• .... ... ti hn, J>,, ,ml Nl d
( •mp ►.d-.�1d,1 no ymfonn, "'om on
•••npu, b) 11c1n ,111<1 hb
l"hr �<td naJ P,•Nmn,•I !hal will Ill'
n-<1.."'·tl • f 'luffolk b,-,,·nm,._ .,, . .,.x t,.n., u n
.....,L»r-- ,.,u ........rt.._ ..,.. . .. m.-.-, 1nd on.


::�;;',;: :,;� ��: �= � .�:��::.:�r:=
1h,- ,.,.... ,.,1 ••·•• Th11 " th,, m._ murn
""'"' ' " •",.,1,•m,..11 ,,·nt,•r
P,-r,..,nn,·I n•qu11,•m,·nb fu r I "ho,t
,n,1,1u11Qn .,.. r,.,. .,ffj,-. n; anrl r,,,.
nun<'Ofnmaud.•f\ �l,u ,torac•· ,;pac,._
hhrar, and •ut1 1 0 -,wul up,1bd,1 t\, ..,d 1
'pl1r'l'lu nu:--1


J"h, nl>� ""E lllrn ,...,,1.,,n ••uu11n
�, ,,.,1,.. , •M<t �•r111• U> ,....,,1 th•• ( ;1.,,,.
�nu, •·ffort ,\ s,ablP 1rl,•1 -.., " p••
1urw,n ,n """'" p,r\ wu uhl tu• 1u�1,un,d
,,ff ,,. 1>t- t11t,,,.., ,n th,. r.,.,. ,., , mt "'"'"�
o '

1 00 cqpies of one origi nal
on quality stationery paper
50 matching blank sheets
50 matching blank envelopes


Vtc�rnbu 4, I YIJO/Suffolk Jr,um<tl/Page .1

"ti lln>f'<h If ... >Ult' nu f , r,'flll -., •, .
..,,,ncl•hrt,u l h••· • I O I I "

'"'" 1h11 1hr (,"umnolum (;umm,n ,
11.,. •••h•d on thr,..ur. 11 wlll t<• lollw t.Pt
•111! 11\,•n tO lh• ► 1< u l l , ,\\.,•mbl\ (! ,.,II
t. lilt' �a,ult\ ,'u..<-mbl\ who "y•ll rh•·n
..,.1.� ,t,, ,..,,.mmr11d11,.,n, t" th,
f>ll"-w<I u,,. •urmull
H •'>•
� ,n bo·
,i,w, (our>.o If,,.J,m,.n ,.,.,1
..,pt""""'' , , .,,,. l u u, ..-mr,h•• """"'
1,,,,., JU·t "-nw,t,•rl op,•n lu ,11 St1ff
l .,,.,.NI\ ,lud,·nt,,_ Arl,11\<"f•d (".,ur,,•
qun,or 1 ..-nH11 )1'11'>1 I0 \ 1 "'"''"'"''
huur, tOlal ..-qumnc th• •1cn11..,,- u f •
,�in!n,rl "'llh u, t S ann, pn,m,....,t
th,..., )•· 11 ••· 1>• dut, • ,omn ... , •�mp


n·tl'lt10l1" -. u ,u n.,. � .,\ (h.. 11 '"""'
,►Ian• lo r.,.,1 ,,u1 ,•�a,·ll, hu-. "'fl ,Ltu,.. ,
,.,..k.,, d,•,,d,nr Lh•· ""'"'") '"P"
"'"" ll -.·a , "'"�" p,..f,.r,,n,-..



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-,J,,.,11,.,, !Wnt lo puhll<'IU 011' <'"' !II not
l o f"" n,nuu l u f ,t W ln• l"r,>tnim
t ·,,un..,1
�,A n-.•mbo·o <jUl'•llom•d "'h•lh••I lh•
,\ ..r11v11 1)11 .hould bl'·h.,ld a.,, [ln,pu..., d ..,
hl�ll'lald ', plan\ .-1U•d f o r bo't'r I O b,
..,.n-�d .,,d lh" nuehl ..x.-luM stulk-nh
whn 11 . . n u 1 ofrlrmk 1n&ai!f
►•Jt.tnild Loht lhr S(:A th1l h•dltl""1
l'IM" 11 1n•• 1u forn>11l1L» ll<'"' pl1n1 •11rt
•nuLhr• m,•mbrr ,.-.,uld h1.,• tu..,url .,u1 •
plan for • C:lobt- !r.lnla •Wnl 1f •h� ..,. , \
► •Ufrn,lrl ..,,d lhat n1>pl1n ,.u · ·unl•
"" 111'.,.. •"d "olilt'I po•oplt' hld<1lh,.t "1'••
,,,, i,.,-. 10 01c1not� ,1 ··
llo•nu••II " ""'" 1►rfln11m1 tli,· 1 ,1..1.
.,.,,u, _.., ..1,antl ..,,d 11\al Lh,. A1J1 '"'" loa,
"•••bi>ndun,-n · htht of bt-ltl'rlh1t1�,
Jail t.• t" lM h.-1•1 I.... 1 1 '"""!"
"• \ �11d fn1!o•rn11, m<'mbo'" ,� •
I"''" • •· j)llll! ti\ ,1,.rl,•nh t-, •rr• •
n,�mr,, r, "' th,· -.,.ft,.ll ,,,i11mun;I\ �,
.,,111 .,, 1., p•, 1 .. t,. n·l•••..,·d fr.,,n ·"'
lh.· �, !�••Ill ,.,.II t,, lwh! Ii, ,
""'' llommln ....,n ,ulfull • 1t1n,, ..�,.,
i,l.,n, -...nll 'um!,.,..,. , \I" I "' 11'1"" ,
,,,, ni "'"' h, lwlrl II, -..,II (•• 1
th•• fff"P,·• • "•"'"'' n, "'"' "" lu,t. ·,
1',,,.,<1,-,,1 l' rtn,., ,., .,., lw ,�ap11••"•I 1..,
1,, ,.rnt

FAD Lincoln speaks at SGA meeting

h\ ,J 11hn .\Jal rn,o
•:!p�: \,:,"�:::":,.i :.::� ;�;::;�
,u t•nh •t....111 fin1n1·,o.l �• d 11 1111> ,. ....�•
�•ud.-!\L t,,,.,.mm�nt ,\,,.!,!.._,uuuo ,S-.,A1

The Journal is
looking for a new
Circulation Manager
to start the spring

: If interested , come down 1
to RL19

'Jail day' and Kissing booth planned

'.;.:·:·_�-,�,-�:_· · :,oa1·,!:.



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•••UUI r,·,1u•t• lh�
''"" •'"' • l•' !'""""� • f',,1.,.,.,J ram, 1 • A l

,,,llh f1• •• J r, , ,. """ '" I , , •••I
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•"ul-1 I� <•·•1 um·t1 I" .,�. II•• •"'· •·••1
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,..,ffld I;. "f'l�ll••l f,., "1ho1 .111,j,
• ,,., lfl•I ,, I <l•·• «t.-<1 �!"''

20 years of teaching

First Coffeehouse of the year

In l-. .11J,1 l' appa,,
I I" f'•.,�•�m I """' ,I ,,II 'il'"'"" 11>
•,,,, , ,,ff, , ,,.,., .. . .1 1n, ., 111�,1�, IH'• -,
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1,.,.,nr,, lh, , , ,I!, �11........ " 1,.., •nd .,,n
1�•1un •11t,""',nm,·n1 tr, t,r--t t , ,... n,..,
.,,,t 11,,.,� "••• k,·fro•Jlm,,,.i., .. ,n .,.,., 1�

Co,,1,nue<1 trom iw11 " " '"'
l •O·'lil, 11! of Ill• "'l:�!11/Joll• ••• •11•'1 ,. "'"�
•' l'""•<l•·n1 !,,t l • u " •"'
II, ,.a, •h" ,n,uhr<I 1n ..�t•Ni,111111 ,11..
J. 1o 1<h lt,·p,trl,•f • 1>11bh,.u.. n .,f th•
,,,, •I••• t ,1n,111�t,om J..,.,<J, , •1111mun,1,
l t,· • • • • n,.•mt,.·,.,f r-.., 1,h �h ,.hJJ..m
uf h•mon(hom •nd hl'lprd ,fl
,mp1.-m, n 1 1 n 1 1n,
J , "''"' �am,h
,.h,·n· h•• "'r>"d .&> lh•
"f'l:illUIU«>n , f, r-l prr"<h•nt
l.,.,•lt,n ll ..,, l\l'ld ,.,.f'I .,rr,,,. •l \1\1
� ro m,ncnam "'"' 1:,; ,.f llW J,,,.,,I\ "••
\ ,1rron,.,ri:an11•l"'"
., ,. , 1,.,1 I " " " ' " t ' , n , m, , 1 , .
1h•paru1,,111 prod""" '" •ml l,•,111,,•,- •"'
, 1.1nrn1I, u-�,nu,1 l....r1,n , ll\n•••• ll••<n1>lf'I
.,f Ill,. """'"""'"" rt.,_...,. And ,.,,.n,nc
••flll"" ,nrmMf'I ta1>,,,a1,,,_


I''""" ....-..i lun,1mn .,.,lh • bud
•lmo�pll,•n \01\n<' 11•01,I• c1n I'"' ...1,,
0n�1 da,....,.,.<1 m,·••I nr" J."'"plr • · Ho,ula,


t'h,..,.. 1,p,,,, of h1rw-uor1> llO' ,.,..
popul••un l•'1�r un1p,.,,...b11t bo-c•11>ruf
bud,,., 1111111.1 ,un,, -.·� prubabl) w,U unh
b,• •bh• LU pl•n � ur J t'&("h ... mN\rf '
11,,ul•• •dd..d
K,.,ula\ •00 add�d 1h11 <>lthO"lh lh,
..,,..,, " Mun 1lrnhohr '11• hop,,• for 111{,<.>II
>1udrn1 1umoul


\,,,• .,,1,,.1 ,,, , n, m"l" ,1, v�r1n1o " '
, ho11p,,-r
,uu \l.11• [i.,,.....111-,,• .,,.,mo
,.,d uuh,,. ,om, p,,..p1, fn1111 ,.i\1\111 th,
r11,·1m,u, ,,..p;irtm.-1'1 ond ••ti 11,,.. ,,,.,.
mrmbrr. tu h•lt"h l)r J.,·fton\ :,11
,tud,•111,1.,. tll•• up,,,nunt>rm.-,1◄-1 llh· �
plan, hll•• •W l • • l b,'<'nnnJ.111rrt . ......
II, t,.-11,11 " ,.,,_.,.,d n,, 111> ,.,/,
\l,M,,..i t lh1n, a dllufhl,.r l.,nd.i V'•" I
>I !,ro,•I •nd 11 ""' lbt" , . f llnih!"n II,
onam .. r
al,- , I,•�"'' f,.u, hrulllr,.._ \nr

�::1 t ,: _r
�.u� ::i
�rand, h�,lr..n
� u,wral .,..,. . , ,., ,.�.,. 11�111 •I 1 �mpl,
ll••ln "h.ior" ,n h•m,nih�m lluna l ,. • , m
t """ "'�ham ' • ' " � ll�b"''" l'f'm,•I"" , n

i:':,��/;';:: ::,�:: �.7i.��n•.�u:;••::;'��::.:�:t ��,���t�,


lkumbf!r 4, 1 980/Su(folk JnurnaJ/PaJ?e 5

Please stay Fran!


11on ·1 1. , han 1,u,c!-14
Althourn lh• Stu!h-1\1 A,-tm11... umr,. m1, r11,,,
1no,111,-, orr,..,. "'I"'"''"°' """ non do u,� lhou'-l!nd, uf
d )
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>lud• tm1r <Jl,...b n,.,, ,.,II no• kn11" hu1o 1mp,.,tant ,t.,,
' •

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r,o!I Ln�u ... , llom, I n, ...,,. 111•1 '�'"' ur 111.-... ,.,.� "" n
,n, lud..d on \uur �•h d,.._, "I"""' "�• " ,,,u �••I lllf1•<l
ll<,n°! xu ► r111 l ,u1r1•
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hue ur I" ,mil.- rn11 ,n11I•· Ill, nlld•• lhr -;tud,•nl
\1·1,.,1, .., ••ffw,• ll 1,,.,.h 1>l•1 e t,, ''"' ,.,,.n ••n lh•• """I
l�•n ·t i:-• •n11lluut•
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•"' 1!1111,�,·ll�, "' �uff,.11. ,p,,n... ,,..,1 p;ui> , ""
,,,m.-mbo•r , .,,,. .,,.,.·, hlfihdl\
\,,u �n • f'l!lll"rd

,..,ch,,ul <tllllm� 11'1•"' ..1 '" ,.,n., ..,m ..11m... JU>I ,tru1�:..
JJunc r....1 1111, nur ,·,,., -,,. r,..,dh •·•�• 11lrr> ll d;i, utfur
t,, Hid�•,..,
1 a
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/)<,n'1 1:o •nn c:u,na
II " 1mp,...,,bl.> lo t,•II 1, ,,. mu,11 .,,, ,.,Jim�, ""' If
""' du l<'ur 11 1nmk \uu .,.. roll) '"'"�' ,1,.11 ·1 ho
...,,pn ..-,1 ,r ,.,11 ,..._ ,,,. ,t,..,p,•rah· phun,• ••II• fr••m
,1u!l••nh IJ,,,, ·1 1�• ,uttm,.·11 ,r,ou h1,; • 1,,1 of "uffolk
,tud,•nb on '""' d1l,• b,,,,� ..�•t•nt lo Ila•• l11n<ll with
'"" /J,un ·1 t,, ,u,pn,.·d 1f thr,.. ..... .... tu" .-h"<f "n th..

k· i •
:::,. :,1;•':. �:,', :�,�•,
1 :n;: ,� :•..i�� �•"�,
\01(1\uul \ Ou Wr"ll 1t";, 1 l • 1 ahant ,• H"n
,\lthuu,:h ""r Ir•• Ouod,•d ..
·,th ,..1( .., thou1th I> .,,. " •nl
•1111·,t,.,,,1 for ,uu lw h•pp, "''°"'""" po.1tton If,,..,
,ion m•lr h1lf 1;, nu,n, lnrnd, lh,..., l"••• •thud .. m•n•

�•: ;.,i;:; .�•�;·,::;r:::::.\,�n•.
r�;:;• 11

The finals blues


•ma,,n( ,....,ma11 1nd}"" "'·1llb,• "'"'*' "'',..,.-.dll,,h1nd thal
<#lf'rlnr \)P'' ""rtU'r 1n ,our (1rml'f)l'ln>
Wrr1n onl\ kup., th11 )"" ,.,11 ,<tfu, llut
�now•nt,uu . ,uu w,11 �rt,ucl h)� 'i,�1l mi,,,uu

Sunot l\ JouJ?i-.i,u
...,..,.. ....,• .., w,._ .,._,,.n-n,,r,tv•nct•
""•v •o .., ..,,......... -- •nct """•
to •­
u,o,e tN, of pa,-,,..,..,,.P •nd fM, ol ...,pulM p-iucl,_"


·-s..., ....,..,. ,_..,....,. ... ..... ..,....... .... ,.,..,,~.,••',w..,,.. 10.000
191!11Coo,,.,o,,.S,:-n0,.,,.. "'•"A""
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l!fJUA ltla1s.,,,.,. o.., o,

f..• ••• Ed,lo•


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RO C,-11

"'"'' "''""•'·

�:::o�•'"' �''"' ;.:;;:..�::Loss of a dear fri;nd

I 1110.. I c,tthc1 ( l,Hh1ng . 11110..· 1 ,._ ;h,·,, l\,1g, ,

I. .._1,11, .
-\o..(o.. ,-.,1r11.·, 1111 i\·lcn S \\ omen .
111h b� R.llph I ,11110..·n . lu.,1111,
\ .._ ,h & 11.11,
t l11 h! - l 1111h,:rl,111J � 1 1 , ,._• - J ,111, I .una .

\ho..•,· p,�111

f()V'p d1<.1fllllll 1,11/r 1h1, 1ul

l'ht' 1dmrn1>trauun. r1ru lt) ind �1udrnl.1, uf Suffol�
lo� mof>' U'l,n I 111ftrd protPS.or ,...,th th,. IM""•n,: uf
Ch•m,.tr, Pruf.-..-,. J,•hudah 1,..f11nla.s1 ,.,,..,k tht) k»I
• "•1J fr11•nd ln ho,20 ) t"ln. of...-,.,C'O'tothr um,.,r.ut} . l h .
l,..ft,n ..:rumul1h·d •" ll'Tll) of frwnds, both ,vlh•a�u•·•
1nd�1ud.-n1.1,. wl\o ,:r...-1 1h,, n.-w, ofh1>dPJlh \01thsotro"
II, 1...t1m uu,:ht h1, .-t:lSW'> \O'lth 1 .,..�. 1,prun,: frum 1"
drd1011on to h"'"Ofk1nd h,- ,lud.-n�.and. 1nthr "·urd,
vr l°Ollt'tr .,f l.1b,•fll Arb 111 d Scw nN> l)t.111 MH•ha.,•I
lton••nr, "1 tn•mrn<tou, •mount of ro111•1•· •· Dr
1 ..-fl,n ', :oluwmbrr l;! <t,olw ,.·hh,s ...,.·und ,n th,.... )•II\.
h• had wff,.,..d on.r ,n 19i1 . bul n'IUmrd to 1h.­
un,.,,,.,11, follo" 1n1 th� spnnc .,..mnt..,
1'11n, .,,, ru,,..nll} bo•n1� m•d, hi t
Cha> tt><-DOU MMnl Kun1,·..n1ur• 10 fo ll l••fl•n ·, P""l1un
111nn-. m1�1 b,, 1blr \uu.k.. n,.. p,;,..1oon bu1 n o un.. ,.,n
,•,·r\ b,, lblf' tD rt'pllN U man


C••..•••tc1.. M•-•

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G.,,.. DulM••�
.w.•.,... s.,.,,,


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Ju"'• Ge,.,,,.. 1 ,.. G..11,,. >I••"• G""'" .-ncr,,.. G,.11, .
0.-..11 >1 .,,r •- K- Borr..•• 1.r_,,_., Jofln
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Saw H-. N•"<� R�••n<lu t,,. R,cl! A,.,,
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s,...n 1,1,,,..�
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,.,.,...,_..,. Sullol� Un....,..r,
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T-n,"8 _,d.,.,n,ln(lt,y
&.1_, ,.,,.,.,.eo . 11ot.......1, MA

fJ.-, ,•mf>o·r I. I 'J/'10 Suflulk Journal Po� 5


=>Jease stay Fran!
,\lthu111h U1r St11rlo•11t A,.,,.,11..., nm,,. "'•' fu"I

.>llwr om,-,. .up,•n,,.-,r ,.h,. ran d .. thr \hu11-..n<l ul
k•,o"durwn <l . 11 w1lln..1ho-,u

Th,•) w1! 1 nul kn' th•l • h1rr1,•d J.,. ,...,J ,•<!<in,
rwtim,·• n,�>do """'" Lu 1rm11ut ""' tu "f" 11,•r ,.,.,�
d) I IITW dh..-1• Thr, ,.,U ,1o>1 knu,o h'-''" '"'l•lfl•nl • I "
ol ,uffll'nn,• ,. m thr Studrnt /1, 1,.·, i ,,... ,.ffo, b,•(ur,
l(),,, tho lhr l
.,"'"'" 'lh lh,•f1 r,r rad1,, -i,,,,. ,,., 11, .., � H
II d•) "''-'" I �¥1 ,·n, •frtt ,,ut uf p,.,t of 1n, " 1,m,
h -.·111 !lo• ' ' "i"''- 'hl, to, fiott '""' '""' ,., k,11,t ,,. 1,,u \I,
udl h ,- • nir, jo•f" " ' " " • • l• a, ,·,,,np,• l l d• I •"' "''
� ,1,11 n•m<'ml••" '" ••• In•· "'"""'"' r••uj>l• """ • ""''
o th,,.,rr,.,, •·••·"•'•" 11,,.,. 1hr1 u, V.h,, n,,.,,.,i. , n, ...
I) \UU �A' t<>U 1 1.,., •l,.•t• lak,·" th, 1rnh I•• ,n>1h \ . ,,,
,,, l)p•d pap•·"' f,,, . uurul,·•• !h•oklul ,tu,1, ,.. \ ,.,,
1whu" f"tn�n1ti.• "huha,tt,, " """k' ,,Lo•• I" " ,1,
I ''

• 1hffN1•1U ..m,•,· •nd "h" 1....., ,! th, ,...,..,. r.., u..

,tl,.nt 1, u,-,.,.., p,.,,..,, l\hu ,.J,. ,an ,rnfl '''"nl•l"•"
-k,,1�. kr,.p 1,,,,.� ,,1 1hr lh r ,•it.,,r rh,· p1,,1 ,,1 ,••,,. ,.,,
�ll!l/. and mak,• .ur,· , , ,.,_ .,.,, , 1 .,• ,. pu1 l111t •ll lh•
'""' •n�r,•dwnt,,11 tll, I'•• �- 1 ., lh• �,.,,. IUU•
In lhr pll>l lhu• •nrt • f.,.lf ' ' "'' ">" " m .. �. ,, ·•I'
lib 10lh,• h><lr>�•· n110d• "'" ' "' "I"· hruk• 1t,, ,hu,�"' "
, ...r !hr Hi<li:•·"·' h,nhlrn� "•lh•I P•·••I�' Ull '" lh,
,.,.,, uffo�• a11d h,•Jp.�t ., . . ,.1 ,11., .11,mat, "" u,. h,11
<I th,•., ""' hvm. l'n, ...,,. Ill•• ""'" .,f,h, .. t�,� "'"
iud,•d 111 '""' �•bd,•" 111>1 ,.,n "h, u 1 '"' .,., t"" rt
l).,n't �" � ra11 i •.,,.1.
fou e11r h,•lh•r a,h,,,. Iha, h ..,111, ,,.,, .,,.. •''""' �ri�,
th� h,•ul.h••" '" h•11dl, uu1r•�•·ri 1,,,,f, . ._.,." ••• I' 111
,Q •rr f,nd,n� ll hull h, ' ''I" ,011h th,•n ••• l•c• •�•
1d,•n1;, \ .... . .. ........ ,,.,. h.,,, 1,. 1,,1,.n 1.. r,., ,..,.,..,,.,
E, ,., 1,, ,nut� I ll•! ,rml, h•• n,�,1, lh• -.1,.,� •I
1nrt1r, uff,...,. ii 1.,, •. 1, [>la,·,· 1" ,,,, I •. , ..., . .,. 11\, "'"'
malof rlai •
l).,11 '1 1., •ra,, 1 •.,,.1.,
\ou·,,• t,,,,.., ,.,,.. uf ii•• 11,,1 l"••Ph ·•• 111, �•" ,1 •••I ,,
, l!tih,�,•U•• • •• ..,ff,�� ''"�'"'" ri ,,.,., \ ,.,,
1wn11 >,,, ••.,.,_.,.,, .· . l>1rtht1.- \ ,.., ••• .,,r•n11,-,t
lhouc m �,n� ,n,.,... nl u, ,.1,,. ,.,rn,•w11,·, l"'' ,Huie!•
"'t t,•rl u,f, .,,.,· \ u u ·, , luu<II, ,., •. , ••�•· " • ,,., .,fl "'
d • "'' � d11\ 'nu •n m•lf• ,.._,
.•nt••I \., 11h llul�, "•'
nrhu1 l lr rnia•1b• jHnhoU ,.,,.�1,on,� hm,•,
ll,,n·, t" �·ran 1;u..i11
It 1, ,mp,,,..rblr lu t,·11 t,.,,. m,,.t, ,.,, ,., 11 111,.. , ,.,, It
,., du 1,.,.,. I I lhrnk , uu .,,. r•••II, t 1n� I 11..,01 !>
rpnw,I 1( , .,u ,.�·,,,. .. ,1,,,p,.,11,, 1•h•
"'" ,.11, r,.. ,,,
Hl1•t1h 11,.,,·, h,• ,.,,,,.,,..d ,f '"" h•"· ,. 1,,1 .,f ,.,,r,.1•
1d,•1U• rn '""' ,1�l• bo•ok "•""'� t,o t,,.,,. tun, h -.,11,
�• Don ·1 ti.•,u'l)f!"•d,fLh,•n·•,.. m•r" tru,,1,..,t,,nth,
.1 d•• ur rm.1, 1 \,,, ....• ..• 111 kq,, .,u,c,,.,1,.. .,,, '"'
"' ,.,11 ti.• for '"" , ! ,1,.n·1 �n"" ,, ,., , "" , .,.., ""

thuu l , nu W,•11 �1<•• ,t • •�lr•nl ••ff ,11
/lllhuu�h,..,,ar,• Ou,Mh•d .. uh .,.1r,.i, ' """eht• ... , . . .,1
,a1 •, t,,,,1 fo• •uu ll<• h•pp, ,n ,,,.., ,.,.,. r,,.,11 ..11 lf , ,.u
n ma�l' h1lf11, mam fnrnd,1h,.,.. h•••• 1 th1rt1.,. n1•n•
uph· b h1pp� a11d '"' l<jUUlrr ••fllw ..m,· (IUIOlll, �•h
,u •II h,• dum� IM•l lrr thMn a11, uf u, ,·,.ulri '"" ,or,• �"
11a1,n1l wum•n 1mt ,,,., , ,11t,,, ..,..,.1, m,.. ))o•ll11ul 1ha1
l,•,·tnrl)P,•"'"lrr rn , ou r fomwr �••n,
W,• nn unh hu1M•lh10! \llll "'u ...,,,,.,,,r:,,, ,,11 ..1 ,.. Hui
.,,..-111,,u.. .'!'u , 1 ....�1 h,, l\,• ·n ,pl ,, , ,,.,

l H AR\/A R

Pust 6/Suffolk Juumal/J)ecembe, <I,/ 980

Arterbery: Time to Mime

I I) lll�nllj Cnrta
1hr ""'Id ,,r """''' ,, , -...,.,ld uf
, ,,mmun,..1,un "h11h 1111> no ,.•.,d, l l
.1,,.t.. ""'" and ,-,pn .......n,
It , ..u ,Op .. '" WIik
""" • ..,.,... -...t,..,..
,11,,n, ,. b,m� �,f,xm,d. '"" -...·u,1 111 h•ar
"'-'lhlnll , ..... \OUUld b,•dnd >11,•M•· At
f,,-1 lh" \ll¥nn' -''""'• ,lnu,,,1 It ll) , but
,,..,�• , ,,u -...olk,-it bt th, pol� lhlt ,..,
blt><k1111 '""' ,,.. ,. '"" r•n .,.,. • "'""
p,•rfumun1 m,m..
,,n,·• \uU I,�.,. ,,,..,., ...,,.,. m,nw . ,uu
d,,, ,,t,, lu "! du,.n 1nd ,.atrh 1l l1 11 k1nd
nf ,.,nflrnni ror)UU ho-CIIU"'' )Ou ,·�mr ,n
1h,•nuddlr uflhrl<'t Yo-u lu<1k1round anr!
...,. ,h. 111d1..nn' r,'.,.llntlolh11man ,oho
�.:;; "1 :1�.. �
�:;:-;.;�; �
va.:efol . '"" fU\lld�IOol) (Utt!- .. nit .......
1tUmton H,•,.·a,pork,n�•l'Pl ,from • t r,·,
.iid t1.\llnr 1 h,•m flnn' h,.fuund \hrappi,
n .. ,.ant,.d lhP<Ci'nrrnd•·d
J11,. •r11ur, , 1 n d , ,p,,.,._,...,,. ,.r,. "'')
,.,phn . th" 111d1l'nf .. .,..rm..d Lu .,..pontl
tu lh" \I,• -...·u ,o(lu lr l. lhill bf,1 ..·r�n ik·�
•h••n th" l,�hts wl'n! ,1u1 )·ou did 1101 .-,-,.n
hr•< him wuu1c up ..q,upm1'nl for thr n,••t
:.Udrlo'nl� )UU h•ar nHl51�. and l'M' ...
l>Hk on ,iae:,. ind Jl"rforms ar11on• to
,....,1T•.-p1rnr1 tu th.. l)'hO of lh• '°"ll
.. Walk lll f ,n th,• lta,n . . 1 11) mo•·n11,•nu
...�,.. fr<,.. and ,·u• . 11lmo!t 1, ,r h,• .. n·
Tho ik l rmr'lhn.1ndh,.i:,,....,1n1<1•n¥I
..,th I uolrn I t ,• 1,..11;, o,,. nohn a. ,r H
,.,.,.. • -.ofl .iid rra�•I• womin -...,th "'hunl
"'' " 'n lovl'. butknow,the} mu,1 1111rt.. \•
)'"' ,o·ur hrd o,,. ..·rn, }"" thr>u�ht up
.,..,,d, ,n ,uur n11nd lh•t ,..,..., aw..-1atrtl
,.,tn ..-na1n.. ....,,..}·•n c 1o <hP•·10hn 1 n•n
th" ..,..n.. ""d• with h,m play •n• . 11,...,


The finals blues
....::: ::-:·.�."..:���::::� :;:,,:;·:·t,���:· ,'::·��·."�::;, !�.�.: ?,'.:

:.::J.: �;:,���:::�.::•:·�.:�:: '.:r�:.:·:�·:i:':�.�::�i::::: ::�:•:.:•�. ::':

��•111 h 1> �rn••--•nw l" thrn• tn ;1 lhi, .,
' "'nl _bul rl ,, l u1•l• .Oh •,r•l, .,,, ,. hr,l • ,. m> •nnu•I
a .... .,,,, rh, • 11..... • ,I ,,,, I�-,,,, .,h,,.,/ rl,,,,
• Ill• di, ,, ""
n.•r """� ,., 1,.,k ,111,,

�; �
,•:• � :
�: :t,:,,-�::'::•:::,·�.:• ;:,�.�,:,",".,'�: .,::,••'�,:.:.�,;�:: ..",�.::,;.:· ;:::··:;,,:,":.
. ,


0,- . ...... ... ..... _ ........... .,, ......... ,M.,,h •nd o
.... .. ,o ... .........h,... ...... _,,.. •..., r,MO
,• .,..
__, ,_ ,,, p,,., ........... . .... ... ...,....... ...., ...t . . ,.

...,_,� ......

. •, ·"· •- •ol)LO)

lh,•,11n\111l1"n fa, uh, •ru1 ,tu,1,·nb .. 1 ,,.(1.,1�
1..,, m..... lh•n .o (ofh,,t p, t,. , ..., ,.,lh 11,,. I"""'"'� ,,1
l'h,•1111,ln )'f,,(,·..,.,1 J,.1, .u1•r, l d1u1 1.o,1 ,.,.• -k lh,·t l• . r
• r. •l irn·t1n ln h1> 1n , • •,, .,f_,.,..,, , , . 1h, ,rn, 1 • ""' lt,
l .d1111 .,·, un, ul•ldl •n anal ••! !,,,,,.,t, t,,,1h , ..11,••SU • •
.,id ,1uit,• n1;, . """ �•"'I 11,, n,.,., ,.f h1• d.•al!\ -.,1h "" ' ""
!It l.dl111 lau thlhh•l•,,.� -.,1h•1••I ,iuu11( fr,•111n.­
d,-d"•U"11 i,,h" '"''' k •1,1! n,-,tu<l,uC. ..,,,, oi,\h, ,.,,,n,
,,I I ,,u,"f, ._,f l .,bo ••I ,\rt, •"" -.,,. ,,. •·• I � "" \1 ,h••
U,,11.,n, ··a u,•ni, •i<t,,,,. "' """"1 " •�''""�•
I� fln1 •, �.,. ,.n,l>o r I 1 ,u..�, -� •• h,, "' ,,11r! 111 111,,. ,, •"
!I� h•d ,uH,•
n•d ,,n, '" 1 '1 ;7 hu1 r, !un,,·rl I,, th,
"""••NI\ tullu,.,n, 1t,,- ,pn11�••"'''1,,
,,.u , .,� �
Uft>•nlh h,u1t .,,.,1, 1.. , .,,•. ..1 "
t •h•••J>•••"'" �bn• S.,n•"·nl<lra h> foll l . o ll tn·, l"'"'I'
i\th,•n. m1�l1l bo• •hi•• ,,. l•h 1\1, 1�•,.,11ull bul "" ••t1•• -.,1 •
,. .,,,t,,• ohl� lp r,•1•1•" lh,, "'""


"A•'i.n, •••' ..,,,.�.,

1 • '. · "l' n • t• M

�,'. � �. ,;, :::. � :�• l:::

A,u lo,oo,

Loss of a dear friend

l um•·• lh•· ISntl, onthr,10lln�he111mn
1, 11...., ,
Jh ,....,. , ou mw.1 tw wnnd. .r1nr ,ohu
..h,· u, 11,. n•m.. "T, Arwrtwr,·. and
t,,, l\l)bro-n dorn. m1mt ru, l"A )Hft
Artrrht-1'} 19t mtrn.• t,-d ,n m,m,. ,ohi,n
h•· �· 11• rollet• · 1nd l,IW I m,mr i,IIOW
l t,r .,. 1 , th,..,,. JWOPI" pNfufmt'd
fa..,.,nllrd· ,mind i..,,,,d lU U\ 11
l lr ,.,-,.n1 1u Cahfum,aand uud,..d ..,.u,
,.111,-1 m,mn
.. ,..,am,nt fn,m th,.m Lllu(ht "'" moff
lh•n I l'<iuld hl•r lomrd fn,m afl)

.. 1,.,..,1 " h 111Jit
S,no lh�n. Anr•,bo·I'} hu ,,.,,.11'd all
m�I Lhr t:a,;1 C,,til. Lh• \"Int. and Lht>
Suulh do ml arl> that h• ,.-n l.r• h,�lf
\l.'hil.. h.. 1r1••t.._ h" w1f,. sQoy>.homr Sb•
dUf'o not hkr l o tra, ..t mufh
A,\1'fho-" hu 1ppro�om1u•I) • .an full
uf .-qu,pm,•�1 1ndp,up, . io,rw m h11 111l1n)
a<'U Tn-nl •ann h,s l<'l> l<'CUrdrnC 1<1
·· ,.·n111 ,.., 1 f.. 1 hb dt>1n11. ''h• •
Ont' Lhm• buth,-,,.d Artrrtwl) 1r,nu1h.
11.. ..-., nol ••n happf w,l.h l.h• ,.N>wrl
1 un,ou1
ill 1 hr 1ud1ton..m this pasl•, "lwnuld h.-·• h�..d mo,,. po,oplf
,n lh,. 1ud1..n.,.. "h,. �d "8u1 l 'd ,t1ll llk1
W ,vm• bKk 10 &iflolk 1115} b,• flf'�I )'rll
Tn-m\ p,•rfo nnanr·,. ,..,., �,,.,.t . wh,ch

co.., t�.,.,.
A.d s............

'"" ' "•¥•>

...�. .... ..�

, .....,,.,.,,

'�.: �. :::::.:
�';;.}'i ':,

,. .,,

,,.,•r .,., , A-- /1.-r,>,u J ,. d·,,, • I•"• /1., ,,..,,
" .. ,,_., ,..,,,.,., (;,�-, l•-•• i;.,,,....,. .. ,,,..,,
l."""•"'•• e1 1.·.,,,..... o.. ... ....,....... 0o..., ...... ..,.....
o,.,,,.,. ,.,. 1 ... ,_.,,,.., •., • ..,,. ,,.,,,,,,,., "''"' c.,,.
,.,,.., Go,n•,� , w G•.,,_,. � .,,,., G, , .,, ••�''"" G, r,,
U, • .,� . .. H- , ,....,.. a.,o..,. , ,.,...,,.....,., ,.,,.,.
......... ....., ....,....-... 0.... ........ .,,. o.. ............ "
).,m 'I.....,, -.. H,.,.,.,,,., l "' """ •••>o
s..,,,,.,,o..�" �.,,.. s... ,,. ""' "' " r•• � .. ,._..,.,., ... ,,
;> ....., ... .....
0..."1l 1',>IJO
..,,.,.,,i,•d 1r¥�• U•"•••w..
ond "'" -- p,.,Mnl .....,_,..,.,
T y_,,.,,. ..,., .,...,,.,,.. ...
e-,.._,,. ..,.,,,..c..


Macy's Pa, af Fantasy
; !,e
n,,, ..,..,1,:,.1.,, t,,•11,•run 1,•l•••·. ,.,n
l'h.• .,.,,.. bl\t,•frd p11,h,-t1,rp •nd
d lf'1\ llnr <ould .-,rn.,... lh•· "n•t,·n marl<,
.....ct, b\ thr rlrlrh ,,,1hlr 1u..-hrd
l"hr, ,. ,. .,. •lmu!l Ult•·IIPll llli ._, lhr\
, •.i ,hldu,.,o,r1 1nr rr.,,. d
A uru,nn uf ··wo,,,;,· ,.,.,udrd ., 1n�:,
m1d.• ,:1.,,.. ,all, of k,., ,k, .,,·npo-"­
.. nrn a11,-mp11n1 tu turn lh,. (f,•.,h�fuu.

""'""' i,t Bruadw•• and 511th SI,....,
I nd,•tdoi 1kmn,•d hl' <hu1on 1 l1mpp,r4
••11 •1 imlllln� how lh•·•• fit br•1,.·-n
tho.., bu•ldmcJ.' · st.,t..d on,. ,p,,rt.,tor 11
la>! .,..,..k · Ma,.,,\ rh1nl,toint l>a�

l'•rad,, n,,. toP•f of "°""'n,lll1un·• Thr
hup noau. 1h1t ct11ld1..nilllo•..r lnlK'lpalt
,.· ,1chm1 ,ach Thanksg1�1n11 mommc
Knm1t Ult t·rOll 't g,..rn ,..,.,nol uf 1h,­
rollrn1 h,11, of lri>land 11,. .....m...i l<> bt­
suff,.nn1from1caw of 11t wfkllt'»
:,muk..) th• Bu,·• "nnkl.., i,t,u,.,.d
h<>w Lh1', hid ur,k.-nlh�r, IQflon thr
p,oto rtor of lhl' w1ldrm.-""
Bull,o·mkl,. '• "'d and "hu., 192:0 '•
b;othm11 wrn ,..,.¥1h-d mur•• lhi1n ll,·u\r • n,I
,..h,.n ,,..,.,-d from b,-n,-aUI 1 1 ,.,, ,n d•,..
......d o fa 1•1lor\1Wrdl. . 1ndthrr1d
Wall f>osn..) ,0011h1 h1n roll..d r . ,..,,n
h" ira• 1f h• .,.,.,,. on hand to ,.,rn..,.,
Mi<'kt') Mou..... ,tat• uf ru,n Yuu wo11ld
lh1nk hr N>11ld •ffo•d wm, pll>ll<'.Ult,."
w1thilllh,. m1l11on,
Snoop) dl<in •t ,.._.n n11k• n lu th,
)"ltl\ <;'t'l bn,Uon Ju,,t hk1' all of uo. h,.
"as•uffrnn11 from 1nn 11"" '
rh,. uld fo t•) • ,..,..,... shufn,n� on do"n

to1n�o•nnwn,,,t O..p•rtn1�r, 1 , 1<;m "hrnh,
,·m••r�t•d "' th� rl1.urnn· • "! h,· ,.., a
m1... uf hJu;, . 11,oble lhmuth• th,•tn-r,on

�:;•. v ;;,.;, � ����;
lh, um,. 11,a1rt11 out ,n f"'"' ofh,m i•,.
th� •PP''a•an, ,. ,,r h,• fh1nf
"l1 · ..,up,•1m1n ' " ,hout<� • i•11nr i h•dup
!�" on h1> hth,.r, .hould,•n, Yr,. 11 wa•
� ui,1•fln10n. 1hr n,•,.·•·>l ..-duoun tu tbr
1nnu1l,..,,•nt \U lO!ifrr1u(h1n1
Th, nuat ,.., ..,,111,•nl, nm 1,
1t1to••r•t•n11 8u1 1h,, 1<1tlr hlond b," m th•·
,.,. r,,.(r Wu.
H,· had b,•�n .,..\ b�d, Imm th,· uowrl.
h,rddl,-d 1n th.. cuml'f of u1w of th..
tho,rl,lnd> of ,·1mrn. s1<> n "' thP 811
Appl<> lht )O un& mothn . 51.nd\nibf-hmd
• hnn. lr,,-d lo Olrf lo h1> n,..,d,. ,oi>,.,h
...,..11,.,d to l>o• m•n) ••nrr lht' p,U1de hrld
lrttlr rnl,.rl'ol fn r h1m
Kut th�n 1 1 ,• look..d •bti•" th•• ,trl'PI
R...:o�n,toon . m11,;.-d ,..IIJt 1,.·r . �trurk h,m
lho ")"° wKM'n�d. h1> moolh oprnrd. H1>
rhubb} r ,nKrf pu,n\Pd upalSUJl"fll1llll Hr
knpw 1hr ram,hu hn' fnrm Sal"rd•)


U • • n onw w1Lh ilrnt.11,, h,. did
...mwthin& nr•N bt•forr 111rmplrd 11..
,i..n�d ""' uf \hr .-amat•·. lri,·mi h11

muth••f · -,dr 11ndrntr n•d • • •owd •>f l -... u
m,lhon. "' pur..u,1 uf h" h,•r.i 1h� moth,•r
hatln 'I nom,•d SM ,.a, 1,bnrm1 •1 1hr
, am,•ralh1\"1••.,..nlrdfu1t'hn�m"" "'
II,. ,.-,,, oUI n( "tht· ,.h•·" ,Ji,. r.nall)
ialn,...d at th•• ,·
mp!) ,.,.,,.�?"
!t om,, ,t.,.·kl'n . ,h� ,.,.111 from
p,•t•t11 i,1 Ill .p>•••t�U>f 11,kmJ abt,ut hrr ,


wn 11 1o11, 111
Shr noufi
ll<>uro had
'l?>ndHn ma r
tno\11,.r r..:ha,
C,.ntral f'l,k,
tw, way \<.> lh


Thinking of marriage?
h) ��,•� t:\:.�I � ::: m,,t• •"'' ,,.,,,,
........... r,, un lh•· IOM\• •ll •h• hllH
\11 0,nrl, ol h.-lp •· ••••l•t,l, t.. ,.,.
"'''"" "" lh• numt,,,,.. hu• " f,.,
,,.11t,1n1 ,._�r,,lprd
\.•I"�� ,. ,1,._,,,(wd h, -,,n•• •••
p,u,·<lu -,,i·fl•• llth•f' "'••ulllt. l r,·1
.,.,1 uf bo-d •n lll, """'"n1 v,•tn,..,1
, hr.l,,. l l hrn , h•rt• I• �1,,..,.,1111,�..
n"1' •11i-llu.. an, of1h, J"'"''11,lu 1•·, • 1t,.
h•• 1., �""P an up,-n m••lfl ,,. n,, ..1
•••t\ lhrn11n lhl'hf,.
\n A,1,,,1,,�, , .,,11 ..,
1• ill •�m ""•ould "'"l'I• uni, ,.,u,
lh, .,,,�, ,.h11h•r• .,,n,p.lahl,.
! 1 . , f I ll • I"'" ,1 , f /, r , r, t
, i.....r..-,,1�,n• ..r "rtl• • �••t�
"•I• f �,.,. ond •••• ••• i> ••••
lhu" ""'• "h"m •••" oh ,,,
1 1 .-..ttn ,.�, rt,. ""' "'" .. ,u. 1,,
1 , r.,.• tl" ·•"' " ' '"''"'"•I••

Anerbery: Time to Mime

I... !(I N�IW'\ I <•'\.I

,.,. I ..r., IN• "' ,l • •Pt•
h • "" "' n I,, ••I� •o••• • r,M•llo ,.,,. ,,
1nmi, ,.1.. n, t l" •l•""'' " ''"' "''""I !" •'
1 ••
;-;;:; ;�, 1;;, '..
'"" • , "• "•I·• ol '" Ill• !••I• lh•I "•

."·:• '.!:,:�•.�::�: �· �·.·� • . .::

I" ,•,.rni<1•� n,,n.,
"•"'' •"" """ • "' "' • ,.,n.. ' "
k • .,1, ,., �1 ,. .""" •n•• ""'' h . t \ t '""I
·! , ...,,........ ,.,, '"" ,.. ........ ... . •""
h• 1..t•1<ho ••I I I , ... 1 \,.,. �M•• ""''" •1 • •I
� • II" ,...,,.,, "" n "' l•"I •., llio•UIAO, """
1: : :.·:::�.."•:•,: �- ...
�··· • t,,1 , . .,, , '"''" , ... 1, c,..... ,. ,... ...
• � " ti. ••· I•� • '"• •N•h Ir"•"• u,,
..,, 1 •••I r,� •h• 111 '''" • ' • 1,.,.,,.1 •I" •f'l•I•
, , ,.,..,h,. lh• "•·n, , .,,\, d
1 •.. ... ....... .,,., • • 1'••···•..· · • • < • •'"
, .,.,.. ,1 •tt. .... ,. , ... " •.,....,1 ,.. ,, ,1••t1•1
... ,1,,. ll, .,•• •"'l"l• • lh•l h• l " • • " •• I
..1 , ,. u.. 1,1111, ,. . ,., ..,., ...., .1..1 ·.. , , . , ...
• , ..r l111n -, 1• •••t "l' "l"•l>JT..-ul l•" l t , .,,., 1


t.�· �:\

_,lr�t,I, '""•"• "''"" ••di� ,um••
,.., � .,., ,t..�• onrl I" ,1.,.,,,• ., U•.n• '"
. ...., '4,.,n,t tu 11>, 1,,,•. .,f m, ""'•
1• , H ..,1, ti,- .,,,,., ,.., · •
'A •1\,,,r
,., " ff•• .rul ...., ..,..
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. ,, .., 1 •• ,,1, , · .., ..t h, �• • , ,.1., ..,. .., I
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,, ii" t..o•I • ,... lh• 'A , ,1 .,.,1 •h•
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'Ah1l, 1>o U,o>•h h l • " •f• •lO•• hu1ok "'"•
,, ... , ..... 11�. h•tn,,dmu< h
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, I ..,, ..nd f• r• "�"• or, • ,,n1p.1t•III,
• 1 ,•1rth •nd ,... l<t "''" ..,.
, umpa1..nh
'Atul, lh•• •••II fh·••llh !h" I l l • \
,..ldvm •·•lfl••n "'hU ,1 " lh•I lhn
nwan \11 •�plan••"'" f• �•••"''
Th, / ,d•a, ,, ,t,.,t1,,11 m•"' "' -'•
tli,,,.lth,.,.a,•<>b' lh,. ,.l•·n..-n l " h l l h
rulr- th,. "'" 1 1 , ,.,... ,.t,. fuur
..1rnll·nb ,•11:u thn• • ..- ,nr,•, ••1n, 1"
rl"od• onWLh" "l"'" "fth,./
.o,d1a, •
►.a,rth "I"• an 1 •l"""rn la"""
•nrl\ •rcu
'A1tr1 "I'" ,.,. \I•""' • h••tl•.-11
•t anr"" " •"l"'U •nd l"I.. .-.
\11 'ltll• •" t ..·m•n• t .,r,,. �•!11
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lh,..• lhont,,.opl l • • • " ' '"
l • 1h, -..•l•l ,.•ll 11u1 ,.ulth, for,
!1 llw flf, ,..1 1 .. ,, Jh, ••h·1 ,.,

I <• 111 • I" ,1,,1111•·1,, " " tr••• ""'' I
..,.... n,. a.,.,..,,. ,.i.,. .,..,.
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\ ��,h•• •ll,U, , I fl.,m A··••

.t••..• •..•l•t ,.,u .., •po>t•I"
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n,,t.,,du.111 , '""rt •" r,,od lh•
,umh•,,.l",n ,.,..,Ill b, l'f'lduCII\•
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l" pr,odU<• ,.n,f"f\
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, .�,r1, n.,·n ..n<I .,.•,.,.. '" ,..,1, '
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•"" "'"' h• .,,. r, ,. •I"••• lh• , h•n• •
,...,1 ••h• r ••JI'� 1, ,.,II n,..k, •"'
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-,�• 1, •A•I' ,,r om NI• ,., n h,
""' " n•• • " 'I"••• '"""" ,..,.,
l••�I ••I'■'' I• .,, rn, ,,-.1 ,.f lh•
p1.,.. .,...,,1,
lh th•• 11,I, .,j '""' ,nlo, 11\1•• •I
,..,.,1<1 ...•n> lhal "ln• •'""'ld n,.,,•. .,,
, • ,t., a 1<1 th,.t1<h ••f thumb
lh, .... 1o, "in• ! •n,..-1 '"'Jl••oond
�,...., """"ltl ,,.. 1u ll" l uUI .,..,,...,,,,
frun, •n •·•rlh ,1111 • l l l'"'"'" T1uf\l•

\",i ��lh ,h••ul!I ,11<\ .,,lh 1hr f• ..­
.. 1,., 'A,thuut llf ,... f. ,... n,n llum Un
,1 · 1 ,.,m,n• l.•h•� �nrl A4u1u•u�•'""''"
n. ,�n '""'INll-lhl• wllh A11r• l,ru111!1
�,rr 1nrl ,1nh ••II mal, •.nl• nlruf
,.,, � h .."1 ,II' th� ,.,1rol•'I''"' ..,, ,\11
and .,.,,,., ••II ""h �•,. • hurn<-an•
t hu... .,f .. ,.. •hu tu,,,. �.lrth
" "'"',. \11.,• hu"' • h"'n1<1ror •� ,...,...

... ........

►,., ..,n1o ......... ,.rothn thl' "hul,.
., h• r,, -m• I•• h, nuthml mu,r lh._r>
• umm"" " "., .........., do\,,.. .,..,,.
:· ;:.� ,:::.:·
All 1h, • •!• rl• tlhu.. "'h" �n"• .,,
rn,ut ..r,,,u1 ,.,i,uh'I!• lh•• lh•·\ ha"
"-f1•h, h•••·• •I�•"• ti ii 111_.I ""'�' • •H
,,10, rl • ""' 11••1 ... upi, • -l•uuld .,.,h
1 ,. .m n.. ..
1,,. , t t - , , r
,. ,1f,, Al•<�

:i.'.. , ;,";;,.�:-�,:'. 7.'.,�"""I,

IJtc:rmtwr 4,l9HO'Suffoll, Journal Pbl" i

Check your charts

4,.,, ..ttf"lo 1 .. l..-0 ""l•ll•r•u
p,••h•P,, l,1'1111r>t
f11i.,1 11, \ •l"l" t "I"'' '"" onn l''""hl•
r.,..,,,. 1 .-" •r>d -"" ,f th• .,..
...,t,·r>ond nM••• m•1u 1,
1"1>1n and
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( •I>'" """"n r,_., , n.,u�h pul •"'•' l,Jf
1h,,1 --• - ··••'
\<jl>Of•U• \•w• t f lll• t,.-.. ,1)1>.l"'f'·d \h l•·• o h;i, \ ..·•ll lltll• l,hn
.,1 ,r .. 1 1,.l>f•n m;,J, m d a l....• f•m•I •·•
\I.. , 1 ,�m,n• ,f 1r,,. L,•o ,-an ,un<1 th•
,.,,,_., ""�••uf lh•• !ot•m,�•
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lau•"' ,;, •••P<" .,,,,t •�....,
I ,,. ., \•I"•""' • 1_..,f.mat• •I •••II
••" ,10,nl hrt h,••IIE 111.. 1>,.-. p,,.,.,t,h
-..,t,Hof•U• •ilhHUlh \h�• d nwl•· >o
IMll•l put,,..,
"• '"'"" IJ1>rw, ,I •"" n t>"lh
'"""' "'"'"' 11 •ow ,-an lo-1,r, 1,.
•JM>l•'ltll• •nd 1...._. 111!1 ""h ,.h,.n lh,.
..,. ,,.p,u " " mal• Ind ttw l..-<, a frtMI�
! ho ,,thr f ..... 111,,urtd n.-1t� toumu, II,
'1111'11�"'" i ..·mnu ,f ,ou ·,� 0,,11,
'''""l"'ld",u 1o-,,m rt1,m on.- uu,th• •
1 ..... .. 1<>111 •• 11,.., , ..n ..i.ontl
��•llana,1 hluntn,..,_ om! l.•h•� of lh•
l•hfln "• "'''n!•n
l d/J<lro/f'l l1unH \nn. • ' ' " " " u�
t•• •h•• • h••1<••• 1hat 11n AfW'n •>ll t,1,.,
, ,......, . . t.,.,, •• , ......,...1 ,,ppu,-11,
ran .upph thll .. r,..-h "}II la•·• •nd
""'' ,,.,..,, , ,..1111111 and \ ,rro. ,r llt'tlh�r
uf ,,,.. l..h 1C1o ""'"'"'�•rld ..llll p,<"k,
l'uro \luon rluldn-n. Ubr• bu11h,,
, ,ould ho tlnwblr 11 ,hr.rt t�•m affalf
unh , \ 11cu .....m, tu bo- 1hr rnu,1
, ,,rnp,11llbt• !<,. I'\,...,.
l'.h,ol 1 .. r,p•·•·• r,.,m • ,-,,.u•I dot,
fn•rn Lh, ,t,ff,•fl•nl ••tn• ,.fl•n "
1t•h n·•IIIIC l"l>U"""
\ •., , 1,.,,.,ra,1 ..m . ••�p,d ,.,man,,
/,,1,,u, \ hml • ""rhhop 1( 1h,, •••
.., 11..u, \l u• h tun, d•·"ol"d h• .. 111111
up huu,. �,., l""'""d �11n• fi n�•"""
,., ..,.,,. off ,..1n •"• 1p•n (.,.,, ,
-•· m t" m•\" up ,,.,.,. m,mh nfl,•ft
, umpotu,f•"" '"'Lh ,,th,.r> •n th.-lfhl•

11 ,ou ..••· ..•11uu.-. ,uull haH lll l••..
,..,,.,al ·rha1• · ••th ,.,.muu •huul
"h"tt< )uw buth ,
ll,.,,n / ·1t,j,J,.-n KH'p J111«- "1th lh•< r
n••od, ... 11 •..a..t Lf."rlhat ,mp,..,...,.,.
,f,.,w 1r ""'"""),I) hlltt
/ ,·., I AUKh •I lhr11)otlt•• but ,....,·,•I
tn..m th•" pnM ,.,u not \Ltrwl fn•
•"""'• l.lu1h•nc 11t.....,
\ .•ru Hon ·• t" h> •h•nt• plan• K,
punrtu•l •nri � •Un ihlfr•••n thllllf_ "
.. ,11 p1,nn,-d
I ,1>,a LJ,,.... f,., Uw ,,. ,.,,.,•.,,, Ih,·�
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....,11 11,h· rh,·) ••"1 ·1 pu1u11••th "'1d
1..1� .,,..,,. than ,,n, ..
i m�:i��.:"
1,,.,· l l• ••m\,h r,ou,
-...,.•,II•'"'' 1�11 th,,m ,.,.., p,.,1>1.-m,
thq lu•I' 1U h.,lp Jlo,nl d"•u•• th•
"°"" p,,obl•m -..1111 ""'""" .,\..,
1t1<,ulfl Ti..., ,.,.,, 1 L,h,i
, �,.,,..,.,n J:I,, pr�p,,....i ,.., • bud.I•· '
ond ,ou,ton1• l""r.nm 1 hr, ,i,.�,,
•<,rn ,11,,..1 111,.,, .,1!1 ,t,-tncl •hrthr•
,h,.,r •111
.,Lf.h ,,. _..,.P 1hr ..,.ir
lmm lhr!lu•M
I fl<G'•"•
.\,, rpt 611 •P<�•r1t•r•
1•••1<.>U.J\ 1 t,, ••� .,.n •JII 1.. f..,11:,- t
th,·1 h••r • dJto•. ••Sf>o•,·111Jh ,I
.,,m.-1h1ni • u,..,.• •lontth..1 t.okr.lhN•
,nt.,f••>I ,,.,.., mah ,. ..,.,.n,· ,n publ1<
/•,.,,. WILat<'••·I '"" du �,thr, I.I\•
t •rt uf \OU hr..,,,. IOU p,l.-- •,n �>h<lf
"'111 Lf_fa\llutl, _.,.,.,,,h..., t,.,...p up ••lh
th� l1lnl III lh,· P\HhH ,.,.,Id 11,r
pn,patt<d 111 r, 1., ,1a,_., ,.,. t '! l' •rld
ni..n ""' h••r •I 'Ah•·th�r o• 11ul
.,u,>1,,r, ,-an mi,�, ,...,,,. ll>'mt
m•ma«,.., •ho·, lu ,,., ·• ,., ,_ �1,..
"�·m• tu han ,·,.m, up •1th "'"
drfo n•I•"• ""'"••n. thuulh Wh,ol
,.,,.n1•1 lh �.,, p,nr•11•,prn m,nlf"'

�'.";::.".;, it:,.•:•:.� ..



Macy's Parade Fantasy
It", l•••• ., ul 1>,11 . , "
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...,, hn>c••• h n,.11\,tl\"ll m<•rlHlll
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,,.11•n1 r,.u, .,, 1,�1•�d 11� .... m,·tl t.. h,
""lf••flnt h"m • r•"· ••f•""• ••"·"
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,,.,,. .,... •••"' h-,1 to\, 11 llh • l t••ll ••II I\. ,
l>'"h� 1.,. ,,f lh• ••Id•,,,..,.
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\1•• ••·• \l••u ... , _...,.. ..1 n,,11 \,,., .. ,..,,,1
111,nlh, • . ,11!d ofl"'l1 '"•"'• 1,i••IU "''l•t\
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••• ""fl,•r,u. from ,n.hlt<•O
,.,._. •�d fut,·• • ,.,,. .Jlulflmt "" <�••"



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\114,!, lh• • ••Unl ll"'II " ' ,unt1,urho• h<11rt
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.,.., ,,,..d tu t,, 111•1>• '""' Ill• pjit>o,h• h..ltl

,..,,., .,,........



Hui lhrn n, �.. •�•·tl ""'"' th, •If•'*
ti•·• •1nnu"' m1'r<1 ,.Ith"'"' ,1111, � h,m
It,- r,,., ,.,.,_.,...,t h1• m,,ull\ HP,•n..d JI.,
• huDh\ f,nr,-, p,.,,,c,•d01po1 -.up,-,m..n llr
�""" II\, f•m•IIU 1.,, fr,,m -..•u•d••
, 1 , . ,. .,,,., �1th t;antA,, h• ,1 111
..,n1,1h,n1 n, , , , t,,f.,,, .u.. m1ot•-d 11,
1•11•·•• ·•UI .,r lh• , om•�• l, .,dll h
111 .. 1 • . t·• ,..� •11 1 1 ,.,,,, ,, •• . , ,.. ,.,1 ..r 1 ....
rn.u,..., ,,. ,,u,..,.., .,, ,.,. ,., ... 11.. n,.,•n, ,
,, ..,,,. t ""I� •·•I '!h, ,.,., �I•'" ,111 •I th,
• +ollh n llul -t,, ,. ... 1,,1 1,,, 1 ·11u,t01•··
ll, ,..., .,,.1 .,j "lhl ,.h,u ,1,,. f.,,,. 1
,.. ,. •• d.1 •h• • "'"'' ' .,""c•
11.,.,,,, •Ir•• •• " ,h, ,.,.,., 1,.. ,,.
..p, ,1.,... '" .p,·,1... ,,, .,. ,, ......., • • ,


�•" 11 �., .. , n, 1 ..1 11,,..r,1.,·••l'<l •'ll"
:-,h, ,,.... r., d lh, p 1 .. ,, .,,., c1,,· ..
,1, .. npt1<►11 1hn,u1h t,,·r "•t,...
!luu•• h•II 1111,..·rl ""•·• -..uuo llnll ""
,,,nd•••·•• n.. , 1 , d th, p,,rod, ., f,nltl, Th,
n,nlh,•r ,,h,ou,1,·d Lt>JI>\ hun11n1 lhf,.uth
1 , Hlfol hrl d,·, ,d,<1 ,,, <"•II ,1 a 1t1, l)n
t,,r ,.o, lu ll\.. ,.,t,.. 11\ •111\!<JM .,,, P"-d

' ' Super Secretary' ' moves on
Q<l<'llllued l1<1m 1»9t l


•h• •n1am.ou, nmr,...,,<1p Shr.iorii,-11 1..
,.,.,,., 11 lh•• nm••'11 1h11 1h,• uu lm, tPT
dr.,r,-d rh,•n thn,uch I,•�" ,.,,., "1,· ,..., •
man•ppn,,o, h h•• l'l••••·• could•l bo•h,m
, .,, • In 1hr •n.o11 ', h1111d .,.11, •h• h•lll1 ••rr1, 1
1,1111 1,...
-.r,.. d,a,,·, ,,.,1.,. t11• .-t,,·ntur, •nh"
•.,,.., -.h, 1u,1 p,,k,•<l h • t hlll•"'"• hunn•
11p•rut hugwd

Hulda nm.. tu .!>uffol� 1t1 1971 Sh••
lllrnd rd 'A alpul,. II itll 1',,1bud\
S..r1rt.1nal �hool and ,.,.,lrd fur Rutlr•
,\u1um1t•r••l )f'(CrrUl,.. r,,.fo,... ,ouunc1h,
Suffo,l l ..i1ff Stw rn1<" • ••nn1 1nd ..,,II
t.a�,• o .,., � off brl•••·ll )'•b• fUf • ,�1
�ran • •n t•· found han�mf uut •! th•
"tt..• •"ri•• ·· "' IJ,-dham ,. ,1i, 11,rha•rl
...hurn .,,,. ·, br•n d;ol•n- for t,.,, ,,.1,,
.. ti,·, m, "Lh,•f h•lf. l'WI bt•l1r• . llhl
uth,·1 1.. ufh> hon "11•• • "'1 .,1,,1 11,d
mu.,r••r> 11..·, •n • IM•HI but \hr• >1111
don·, 11.... • nam•• " I rh•·, ·n• ullh �·n
tor••1h,·,1.,,. ,n,,n\h•

11,· hal ... 11 "'" m•,o m-u<t ,.,.,_,, ,-hr
drJ14ft"' ru• .,.....,.... pas,,.,.,.� "Oh. rn m,s..
U,r t•d• Ul<' m<I"- 1i1 m._.,. u,..m br<-IU!of'
lhr) ·,., �n a b11 pe.rt <1fm) hf• f<>• lh"
I.tit four )Un." mu,..d I m1�) .•,...i t'nn
'1lw lut du •tl l bto lh"•ont "
ni.,,... 1> I\U ,..,,d on hr1 1"placrmrnl a,,
, ••I
"lhf' ha• rr1 ·1 <'•�n ,111rt,·d

::�;,:-;;:;.°� .:•;;,,�: �i",.';t�m�"o,,::

Superman 's

,.1.,,.nf 1,, ,rnnh and ,111"-'ni ,i.ffh"' "
h1ndlr r,r• 1hm1, •·

rtw "�up,·r ,:,,,•r..,tlri, - h•• l"'-' U<"
Lhmr tu ,a) w th,• fn,.nd.,, ,-hr n ln•mi
t,,h,nd ·l l,..,,. lh11 ,oml"Uf!O • lll lt'platt
m,,1nm, ,ob. bu1 rdl1b1u th•n•ih..c nn
un,• "'•II ,�pL1,..., m,•,n lh•1f h,•a•t>-. bo� �,...,.
,,.,., ,.,u .i,..1, ha,, a .p,,, 11l pla, • 11,

n)n ou1rn fu• U1,• ,1r,ou• nl"(an11at"•n•
"'.irhmM u,,. , flfh'<'n wu•� •lud, •lUdrnh
.-nd ,-ano11,....-..,u,rral nu1...-.

lllrn n nu duub! 1h11 han ,.,u I►
'""""" llan, w•II •�"'''""" tu po,11 u• aorl
, rll .. H, htn" �,nf�II••• _,i,. " i""' h ' ,
h•td tu h<••�• • ••■•• ......,.

l h"Jl" lh•· lnn••l...n .. �1 b, .......,u1
"'" l-r.1n Ttnwn ,1 ,.·,11 0, tft•·

I I., 11, 1 1 , r n,•t '•••r> ' "" '-'"'"" •I
lh•·• ,t., 1i1 �,II lh•·m

r11,, 111111 ""•l•·d ol tlW ,.,.,... 11,. mu>l
h••• br.-n • n.-wspap,-• man 1- ......, ,. ,.. ,.
••P,>rt.-r", n"h•b.,.,l h•nl1111 uul u f h1>
,.....,t pu<ket 11,, 11..,.,� ,.�,, I b•I fu�•
fn.,n1 1hr n�d Ill,, ,11.1,h m4rh un hi>
•lh• 1nuth.., thr •mpn•�UHlh•l
h, had n'f'rntl\ lu.t ah•lt,f•••�hl
�,., th•nhrt h,m ,..,., ond ,.,, , •1.on
r• •!"'"". '""' ct �•••• •"d • n,,Q ul
• •
;�; �: �I�
-.h, ... 11t►•d lum ...11 .,,.,., .nt1 , n to • •
h·lo•phuu, ,._M,th 1, >h• h,•�d•·d ru, IM•
o<h'.jn�•i:�)h• .,.,.tit "'" • .,,.ltl ....... II,



/Jrc1•m/Hr 4, f9tJO/Su/f11/k J11urru�/il'ap. 9

Pialat 's cold, dark world of rhythmic passion

At the outposts of the American Dream

If,""' ""'/ /1,·,,<1••1 I ,,,,., J,,, . h I •
" ••fl•" �. fl
'•dllld" h, "''"'
, ,,..i.1,.,..,, .,,.,, ,1.,..,,.,. ,-.,.,! / • \fat \/.i• •
�,n11't1,fll'o'/I l'vno,·I<, /(�,,/ ""'' J­
I{,,.,,.,.,... .4 i r o n • ,,/1,,u. ,.,.:QI/• ,.,�.,/di
I�, I ,.-r.• ;o,/ I �.·or,·•

"Demme desires

h � J d f l'ut n11m

\t• . ,,, l1un>tn•• J>ull• '"' 1•� � "I' "'" •
..ii 11•• ,i.-..,n..i n,v,,.,, •n� h ,
.,,., .. ,n,. ,...... � .. n i,, ,.nn•'•
, b,,r,, ,.•,Ju_,,., ,,I lh, """"'"' ,.,thl Ir,.
". • · ,j, ,,.,nl h, •Ill uf "" II••• L
••<l'ltl,1 ,,ilY!!l,r1•h •lh, l«-l\ n."1• o l •
"' .,.., , .,.,,.., ••• t,,i.,fl � •II• •r.,I • ,.,,.
i, •ltl,·r ,o, L. I ,. ,..,., �,_, t.• •�I, ••I ' • ,
. ,...,�.i... ••'""' '" I••• ••·•I , lw�, ,,. t 1 ,
,.,, LI, . .1 1,1...� 1 M , , ... t , ...... 1 1. . h 11 , ••
1,,,,,.,.,., ....
,1.11.. c" l•fl•n• " " ' ''
•�• fr,,.,, "•' ,,I �.. . .,,, L ••Ht <In>•• ,.r•
,,.... ,, u.. n,i1, ... .- c.....,n. 1 .. , , ,., , . .
.• , L rn , ,t1,..J 11,11, I •• n . - t.,,.r,.
""'i'"n""' 1 .,,.,,.,11, 1 ,....,,,,., . ,..,.,...
�••1 n,... ,, tlf<•l ''°''"" "" p ,...,. ,,�,·• •
.. �11 .. , , .....,, .. , ""' ' ....... , .. ··�·..·
1 1 ,.n, m ;, , , .,.,,,,.. nt,.,< p,·u, h.,, ,
1 1 ,. ,,. ,,, ,. , •l + • l•• I • i.
• • • n t u oll•

"'" ,.f h" n,1,. "'""'' ,�•�•
"•up,•d � 11 ,,, �! ,,.. •I • "'' , 1 ,11 ,.,
...nru,� lh, t,,. tu.. 1. 1.. 1•1
""""" ""'"' " ,.. " ,. """''!t ••,...u
,.,r, r•fl
\1, t "'''" I,
l �•utlh
�•••! tl,1�h,·,
1'1, .,1,1 '"'""
,. "" ,._ • <I -,�n• z ,... h••l ' I , ,..,1,t l't•••
II• 11�·d '"" ( ,n 11""""1 lh,�1,,,
... t.., h ll..111m., ,.,.ri.. .. m . 1l,,·./1 1•
on\h•>< 'I ••· ••II 'll,,,n,.I\,


: :::::�."::.";,�"'..:::\.�:·,,:::,· ':",�· ,\', ·:

Jo••,arn..n 11, mn,.. ,.tr, •"• '·l, I'"•· '�"•
�"1 "' .. d i h!w, ,...,\, , ., . M
• .,,....,.....(n.pti-,1 l�l • "1'"'"1•►1 t,. n
..1,-.1 f,hn. lf,11 ,••.,,. 1 1,. ., ..,,1 ,,,,., , , 1 h ,
l "'t•n..,<t •·n,1, ,.f 1h, 1 1 1.. ... .... 1,ro ,n,
,u,, ,..,
l�•"•nl lluti., •-u ..11,d,
ll<•flr••"I h, J,.,.11 tl.,1,..n1, Jo 1 • ,.,
t•1hm \l•·hu\ 11.."'"'"' 1, ll.ornuu�I• •nri
,,n,p.1t,,,1oolh n••lo,•·ri l!\ l'•ul ( . \la• 111
!/1, llt',J l"•rf,urn•11" .,f ..,, •.,., ,, 11. 1, ,�
""" """•••l ••• n• .. -lh •· nf uf.. ,.,.,,.....,• .,,
\Jumm.,, ·, l•r• r, m n .. d<· ...n .,,.,.....,••,
,.,111 1 1..,11.. unl,I th, tn&J ,n ,-huh
ltu1h .. ,
\I"'"'"" , 11
.. 11.. n
,._........1hrf1 Sl�V nulh"" •" ltumm�, ,.
1llro..,n •"'I ..f "'"'" l),,rnm,• drr ••l,
llummaf , lo!,· . •• ,u,111 ...,p,,.I• "' ,n.
,\n,rnun llt1• 1m ,- l'l,Uarfl I ••h �n<I
l . l ndfilr. 1••hf,1m,;o
••lh thr ..,m,•
.. , un,tr .,NI '"'"• 1,,.. ,h •ll�h l<'mpr,..d
h .. r,.., ••11d "flh l , n.....11, ....r1.,nwtt

11S . . . 10

I • , lo. u,,.,.
,..... .,M.,, ,, .,... ,, ....... ,r, ... u .. ll••t••
' .......,. •, ,.i,.. '" ..., • ,•.,,, • · ' .... ,,.�,
I •• I• ••••1 < �. IIJ'"<� I" , •·,t •
I·• . .• •�"''" '•· • , . f •·" ""
""11• •1 ",l,, r,·1, .... !,.l•••• ''" l"•'!'l•t" ••I
I , •U>l"�""J' '" r,pl �H• r, ,.•h • <1
// , J · . •, •1
l,.,,:dhPI II, ·,
1/.•,. • , •·'> , • , • ,.If, t IMU, f \ r,,. ,
.1 •. , .•• . ,, 1 .., ...... , .••, . ..... . . ., . , . •
h•·"I ,_,l•• ..,1,1,.1 t•<• ,. I I � " "•• • •
' ....... .., t i , .,, '"""'""' tc..,. ..
, ,.,._,. ,,.J
1., \ . J, I" • •I I
II ,I/·.�,�· I lh• ••I
.,,,. • 1"1 t I • . ,
' •Pt• I f : , , .
• •• I H

... ... ,, .

• •"'• •hj•.r•r f•1, '" I ._I\H�• .. . • I ,,
l h ""' '' , .,.,,1� • •I '" •1•1!• • I••


1,. ��:1.,.,,. , .....
d •q ! , "'"'''
"•l i,, ,1 lh•I lh , ,..,,.,.,., l••l>•I · • '
�.. "... •I• ••· •��• h ! -.,,ol"•I• • lljl"lh
, . , . , ••n.. f. 1t ,, .. , 1.., " '" " '" · ""
" •''" "• '• • I U•· h,. , .,,.,, f.,, 11,. ,n,1,.1
,. " "'" 1,,,,1�• , r,,,,, • ,.,,,1 .. u,n, ..,. r,
(,,.,t. h.m• lr • n..•n•l>• · •• .. • h•1n o11; ••
u,., � <ln·o111
,, 11,, - •" .,, llun•m•

•u1f1lfrd 11n11, •1tll 1tr••rt" rl•·n",,t lh•
, n..,,. ��••t ..,,1. od,. I ,. '"" ••, ••'"".. 1
• ••lori•h ;IM l -.h"\o •l • "•• Ofh\ '-•'11'"
, ,, ..,,. ,., n ...,od..c lh• ,...Ell1� r.. , . ..1
l t • •h•"• IJlllC -...u,.,. ,..,,11,•• lll•l l..,
ht•·"••� lln ..,n ,.. ,.,,, •m•I•
1• d,·,lu111 '"' 111 llu�hn , .. munet.>r,
...., . ,..... hur ,n , n·•lu,C•P •n--•!Ul>h· lk•nd
.,f t,.,,,,..,1,1\ "'"If<' ,.11,·d u, 1u l,..Lth
l n(•lt,.-r lh·mm .. d�,1••• ... lok• \\,, t,111
�,u!ll,,�•n1 l•• " "� h•�••!t,••r
I np•n.11••!•-d t,, •n, ,...,,i.• 1111�•••"­
\111< n• lll• r,1n1n..�,, lJo.n.m, ,,.p,u,..,,n,
m1tldlo ,1,......,,.,,. ,.f1h.. .\no•no •n u,,..m

,, A triumph of simplicity
I I>, F J , 1>1>�11 I , \I�" /•l<n I> , /!,.,.,,.,.,
l'umn,,.,., /111..,·u,/ lh J,vt 1/ufi,...
.,11"•"'1 Jrfl llffH'VO, 11..-n H..11 ,.,w
1 •un1"f'ltl J ......,, ,11 I,... -.�ul)o-rf ,..,_.a/•<'
l�•vll,tl> 1..-,,.,.,tw,

H"m•11 IJ11nii, lh• lnn.. r S..,,.i. 1llal "
1oh•1 Tl>,• f:i..p1u,nr ,\lon ...11 .ov..1 a•..,.,t
un 1 trur ,tun of lh., hf•ul.lvllnMrmrl
1 ..r pi., •llo111, th• aud..-n,.,. 1onp,..,.,11
uf lh<'n •m<.>11011> 'V. h•lh•r • o.. ...,.,1. "'
, n '"""''llt,,, dfr, •rfl
John \\rm, k ,..,. a .,,.n •hu " ""
,,.....,, d,.turn>.-d �, m.,. 11 ., , l h , 1 ,• •. .11 11\r
,.,.,...,, "'"" ...,, ••• ..urnd lum ,nnc.,fl n
f,.•• andh""'N ,t Ill,> 11i1f11 urh,m 1.k..11
•" l�•nrlun H,i,pu•l 1>1 lh h••d••n, L
! ,, , •.., hr ,p,n• 111• IA\1 fuu r , ru,.,fh,,
lrfr Ci'>Nr m,�·1111( lh,• hr,rl',1 of 1�u1d•111
,,.,.,..1, ,hank, lu u, I�•••·• ,nd \It,
,ti l<"t t,•.,. •ho h,•fn-tto:lt-fl
M,· tt" �
J..11 11••.,nCI •l.o p,,nr1, rf1
\l•1nrk <Jll tt,.,.d,._a, pla, , llh 101.. •u
p,,rf,.<"1'°" I nl,kr Jol,n 11..,1 on u,., .....,,.
,rn.1vn. lb>rn1• ""'> n.. nu�....p '" ,t,,,.,
u, tll• ph, ..r1l d,• fonrnt,r vf M,.,.,,k H,
I'""" and r,..,•un, llo t,,,,t, tu "'"'" lh•
,1,.f, tu,...mrn1 ind nu,•u•l.., •h.. tonr or
h1> ,o,.-� tv p1'1•1dr "' •·1th 1wimpl� uf lhe
'1,ffl�..11) Mrmr� lllld 111 sp,,akmt
r,,.. �md I)! l'n-•r• 1> P••�NI b, 1,,,..,
K11•• -..llu •�•n-d 111 •11� .....,.nt fi lm�
tuul,n AnH,n, •nd r""


1 ,,,,., h•, m,�,•fl f,r11nt• 1tu1111t lh, ph,
• •u,..d b, ,\l•mrlt. ', d.._.p t,•h•l<•U>
.... ..,.n ....n.,n,
'""'"'""""· •nd 1Tl',
bo-h•b II• "''"'' i-o1frr•h h.lpp) •t
pn,.w;l,nc M•mrk "'"h h" r, r,1 ·hum.. · a1od
,,,..uun1�• ll,.lun11nt 1nd r1v,.u,
Mn K<'ndal pl&)•d b) t•
rom,1. l"n M•m<k llu. r n1 1111,
r•l••"'""''P fu•h d.,.., not pn,,,mu••
M,..,.,.1,,. n..1 1hn, .,, • m.-d1<-..I ,..Uln for
h,- m,l,.I IIHNl"•l ,n hom Mn K�nd,,.I
"'""' Mrrn,·k•• cvn,pan, •ndlh•• >J)t't1n
.n..,,....,.,,. Wt""lhn , ....tm1 •nd ..,•. ,nl
lhl,. fla, \t,.m,·k m••ntoon, I ..•• ... hi>
n,..,., ""'" ' "ahfl •un1..n 1r, .,.,,. .,f,h,.
""'" dnom..olll .. .
n.:', "' 111, p1.. \\"
1,.,.,.n,o1 ..cnp,10•11.. ,. .... . .-..uwn« \l,nh I
lu ""' · 1 h,_, n,.,,., ,..., •nq..1nt "•
l'lhac m�k•·• \I,••"� "' "'""d,.rfull,
trr,h .. h,- """ ' " II• •·•1111ul 1,., "
u,i,,..,, ,., ,.,., h•b11 ..f ,a,1nf lh1n1,U1a1
"'' don·1 rn,• •n It, ,1.... ..c,.,n,,•..•n.1hm1
••lh • •h1ld •"•t•' "".,. and ,, hun ....,.n ,,.
,. ,.b<.U••ri fu1 h...,·un""I'
lb"d J..n1t,,,._ -n"'l " ..mp1, 1na
'""'n ..i1.,,.,n1 111, ,..,.,., ,., ,n.,,,. .i,.,..•
fr,,·h ,1nfl al d,Hrt,•n• um,... .,11n� •• •
hu,p,1,1 ""'"' · • ,..,n,ul • ,\al<' •r>d a
\lllmt ""''" In f•,l
lh• ,.,11m,1
•••mplo1'0,•••h••"'h•�r pl•• "'"pl" ol •
In rn,• 11,ph�nl \IQ'f lh•n- .... "" '"'"d
..... nu l1rw.. p,..flur,,.11, nun11>r,- ""
n10•rn,1n1lll•, r tu·,,· ,.1u� c,....,•rt1nr
..nd 1 mu.,n1-tnn. All rumb11!o'd II Mlrl,
u11•o• "'unri.rfu1 ..,..nonr

,.i.,.,, ..i,..,. ,l> ,.... m"""" ... ,al,
•to•"'" I • • • •n••h•"� U,.·\ "'"1
,...fl.r, r11 11, llumno;,, r ,., ,,r. l ""1•
.. h••� , .... �•H•
\l,r,. 'l••·nl',u,y,11
:,Oo<lf•••I .u nd, , ,r,,n•I ......,,,1, "' •
�.r. "'"" " •· 11a... , .1h • .1,,. 1,, • h•rl•h'••
,,,"Inn, 1n, , ,
,.,.-' •• I,'"� •• , ,,w
•� ' " ' ' •II •••u~II j).•mrn, ·, ,,,,..,.,,. ,.
•• \n,..,. •• ,.n,r• •• ,1... un m.-.n•rn•I
..�I •1•"1' • 11.n,11 ..1 .,f "' n • .,,... U
�11.,1,.,1 ''""". ,,1 • •lu,I, 1>, �t•t ,rut n • ,,u;,
, J ·• U•1!10,,r· HI •I • •I•>"' \n,..11•• ,1,
•l,,I> I,, i,n•NOI•
, ,.,,..,••,,
,.....,n II·,< u, .,,, 11,,.
l•••l••• , , ,-t, """ •II 1 .... \ , ,:,,, "
,.t•. rr1Hitll 01!1• J,,,,., ....t .'1 1 1""' ' '•1>'1
'•'"' 'h• I"'' ,,tu, ••••l , 1"1"�'" ,•,•••lh• ,
n•.,, ..., � 1• • 111.. ,1, ,. u .,,. .,..,,,•. ,, 11, ;,
, 1/. .,.,. I •'"""" '". ,...,.,,,.,.., f1,t1,•,,
h lh, •"' ••I lr•·•m• !lun,rn..r
• • • t,
•••• 1••--I 11., "'t"'" •I lh�h•, ,1 • I ,;1, \ •·�••
n..P..""'" ., Ill• "' """'"t "•fl flm..,
, ,,,..,,
..,1,,.,. '" ,........ 11., r..11un, .al lh• , nfl II,
•ol• I" • •••!u t i"''•ll�'•••ll••• l lll<·H f•,M ..11••
.�, '"'' ,,,• • I • 1r1,h\ ··••mllu1,1,,,,, ,,I
I�. 4 ,. •1,,· ,1,. .1, ,11fl /, • , \f.,t, " /�·•• ,1111
• n l , r. l , rlri• '> • lllfl fl•n• ••r,.,n1,-,1anll••
r,•n•• • • th••II J,,..,. ,,1 lh P" \\h,·n 1h,
h l)" •lr, ,.,,.,. h.,•1 •11,·t!11"'" th•• \!,.h "
•"fl l • nfl, rr,,d, ,n \no..,·,n, 1 ·•r,r,.,,.,.
111, i,.,.,,. ..r 111.,,. , 1,n'1 -.t,., l> mu....dl•
,_.,,,,.., LM•I lh<'\ ,, .... .. , t,,-..n • .,
111,n,,l•n<t llw, n.·,·,111 • lh,1 fln•..
n1>1, 1n \l••h n, ·• .m;,,,trn•U"n �,, 1,f,. , . •
pn,.i,· ll1,nr, 1and . r.,11.-, ....,1fl .. n,· n
• > r n. t.. ltltm..o• ,•,,-1 . ,f.,nh t,,. 11,1,..,,..,.n
•• H•• h�, "' tu,11\ ,..,., hi, lfb-tlrrl 1111!>
lu •
'•"l• ·, :...,u 1�·fl I 1• .;i,.,�11
II"�''""'"' , ,.h," �1,.•• • f>llbh-.hn1e



,_ ' ·�·- '""""-�

IJ,/, ,n ,.n,J //..,; ,u,/\ ,t,..11\1\h f"••d..•>n
U,•mm• ·• n,ni,lan• .,_,.m1H1r,ca11un of lhM
•lllt'h M..t.,11 •alb
Wf' ,.., - than
hL•h cho,""" not •v ..-kno,,,l<'dC,,I 11nlll
lll• ...... <'t}n('lu.:...,,, or .h.. (\Im 111..
und�n.d of lh.. Amrnr1n Orom
nu·n ,.. t,., "'P"_,. n.. lruck 111ri
"'"'"" 'rt.. and •hr •num,..,u, ,ppl..,..,
..,n,and rur .-anh 11 lh•,.,.un..,., I
,. .. ,tf1 111 "· ..,rl't th,,... ,.hu ,·a11 ·1 d•n..,.
ttaou« ,L,ndl\ 1£p 1Un,.,. ,. .bl,l,lu1rl)
•If"•�'"' ,,., .,,.. ..1hmatrh ....n1.> •·h-1'1o
(111111 ,..,. ,&11d,u ""d"'n•·U ..n<I 111.,,. '"'""
••n·• ,1nc .,11r 1 \t..r,,n h•• "' "'lrt1 •notll..,
,.,, 11.,11, ,..,,,.1,,,y\ lli, hh .. . nullt.m•n
j,., •II• lhw �'""'"t lbt,r, '""" .. r,,., "nt,11
•hrlf l lln••m.. ,,.1111••" "'"'""'I ""•"
r... n, lll•••u<l,..t1••· • l,..,n,,,,, , ........ t,,•,. ••
• ,,.,.-1, <• 1111, •llh"u�!· \1.. 1.,n IN·l1•· ••·'
•n th• ...n... n••n llr,•n• h, Hlhll\ol, U,,
...nd .., lh und,· Nd•· 11,,, l• 1n..
.,n.,,..,. , . ...
11.,h ,1,J,111 .... ru,·• r,,,m
I ,nrl,0 • l•"" .hu• •lrnl
IIH,<lti. •
1,,,n1 ,, ... m-, •nfl • �•�Hfl I"•"" .n,llh,
\\,.nr,.,n .. � n,,rln•m " �n�,..p1
\11<1 �•-l t,,,i,.,.,nl 111 !he dn·•m "'"" I
n..�•. " �• l'h,·n , • i.,,,... ,r.,1 """ ••!
\l,·1,m •fl,·1 h11n1,n�11> .. ,.,11 , . , 1 ! l , ,,rr,, ,.,
,f lh, l 'hu« .. .,f J,•-,,, ! 'hn,1 ,,f l_.11,·• <1.o,
-.,.,,.,. l"••m� .,,.,.,. • ,p., ,.,... 1..,,1, ..,
•fld 1n.. M o •n · 1n.1 m,1n1, n • • P•A•I•
" ' • " ' " "t , ,pr.,,,.,.
<1,, .,.,, .,,.,
,,, ' \\,1.,n
'""'·••IM•n• •
l l•h lll••
r,,«t, uf '"•Ir• ,. 11« '•"•I -.,.i, L L.
n,,..nJ .., 1r l'"" "'•n,,, ,1 .f,••• .,,..,,.
\ld•I! , fl<••ltl• ••• 1 �,l.,hflh• ct1,,r ,,1op
i•uh ,·.,, u , .,.,
\n•t n1ur• O,I"""• ,..,1, l,·..n. •"
•l· •• l'i"' 11ln1<H! •nfl <11ullu,,..,,..,,.,,
\Id"� 1un,. 11,. �1• •UO .,,,,flf1II lfum
,... (•nh _,,..... •"l•• • P,. f•hn, ••, n m,o<l,,I
«•m• • ti..,h r•fl ' ••!•II•• • ••II• 11�ht<
,..i,, •n•I .,
h•l l'•·'<l •ul1>m•l•,..Jh :.....
........,,.... 1..., , .. .•1 ....... . ....,pp,·f,
• •l '•• hoM •I• J 'h,- ....,...1,, \\, 1,,,. .., ••,1, ,n
• U· P " <1r•·••n• ,n,1,·•rl .,f r, ehl,nt
,.,ndm1ll. h. • n1o
,L,l\td••"'" l'"''"•·nl,••"
"t"'" I •nil• p,.o, L , •II ..... IM·h•ncu11,
•t1•1 hu�I.,, h�,.....1f •nd •llr,r ' '" " , 1'>,ldn·n
""' "' lfl,- ,,..,0r1 ....,.,, Hh,• '"'" ,.,,,fllm�,
...,, ... ,1 1,1 b<·�.. n •" .pr,,1111 l�••mt ..._
\l•· h,., f.,, 1t,.. ....,,.nd 1,m.. VI• h,<rai••
n,m , ;o.11 •.. l ..''" ""!ll1n, 1Kr1 a l••"'' \l�,rn
,, nol
h • 1,,..., h•• ,, • h<'lpl••"'
...... ,.... , h, , pull1n1 th.. ltn1 ..r I brokt'n
•lot ni.., ..,.... but ,.,u, �,.,n qulttf'f II•
•J"'n11,. n.,-.n...-.,, h,. rh11,..,., .. r ,.uinmr
l > 1«t., lrll- h m1 uf r,,.,, 1i frlo111 "dn>1 m n f
h••m� • � •••n, n ,nto·t1!f<'t.•r " · llu• , ""



..... P"'Jl' 9

I ,..,1,•., ..i t,/,., ,,,,, ,, d h• \1...,.,.,/',.,.,1
.. ,.,,_., ,,, ,.., , .,,t1 ,t,_.,,.. ,. ,.,w, ,...,n.,
a11il 1/unmt 1 , . ,.,,, //,·f><Jn/•·u /,.t,,•llo'
1/upfW•I �111.I (;11, \lu,r.....11d �I 111.- 1 1 , .,,.,
h)' Jf'ff l-'\Hlllllll

J.., tho ml,- rllu_,..,., of �M'IKII
d1rw'tu, \l,11flo• P\al11 , .u� f1 n.• film
ltl I),, ......,.,,1 In """'"'*<'• I a W�IIIII\
•or1nu11�. 11n,n,p10, ..n lo.•-• -.i�u\ ,.
lll<' .,.. ....
u, i.p,�� ib<.t "'l..alh
""''"'"'' ,.,1, ul • ...11 ..mph,,�
1rfl,rn1\lnr , vcull\• l"h,·, nk-o l Url• n,111•
,n .. l'an-,1n n,.,. u1h,•<1u, 11nd d•m�•
IUW:••lh•·• lu" ,·h,., •nd '"" ufl,·n f.,, , ..�
"t111t •" ,..u,
....., Jo.•""-'••nd
°'"fl'"' ,. ..,, "•P· ,,.,._ ,.,.,.,nd ,., •.,,. ,r
tlh ..-,11111..<1 , ,.,,.ri,,r,. vf111,. ,.,.-.,, d•n••
h•II .. ,,.,1 ,11,. tl• ,.,,,n1o,1h•· fl�n,,. n,�., ....1
frjl"fl• l�,u�•U
L,o..., lh•I P (hl j_,ulou 1 1 ...,arfl
11,,pufl..-.. •n ......... r1..n, t,,,1, .,f,11
•"'"'' 1rnd '-•• II• ,l�t.. 11. flupp,,. "'""
1>l" • th•· ,,,1, .. ,1n 1h, ,,..,u.1 f,•n,.·11, uf �
l<Crl ond •hr fl..,.,1, pla, fuln..-• ,1f •
��t•n• ��•· i..-, •n . , n,•p hul•t r,oum
I ..� 1014' .. ,. IJll)t'I l�•n•ndlll•Drri (i!llll•
"�l•p_,., ,.n<t4'r lh•· ·• ,..,,(hi ICul l'\al,t ••
.,,1 ,.,,w ,·n"fl "t t h !lh ..uol1t, ,.f 1h_.,r
,n, mn,m.· nl •• '""'h ,- t,_. ,, ,.,1.. 1..,
""'''·' .. , lh..,, f•l•lt<•n>ll p •n(I
,,.,.,,r.. .11, .. ,1n 1t,. °'u•ln, ,.f•n,, ,,,,1,.1
" , �al ••II• ••Ul'I• P 1)1,, ,,,1, •nd <1, I'" I"'"
,. � • ,,. rn, n�o<t, ' " , ,,, m• �•• ,.,,,,.,,.. fl
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.., •""•" •••
IUI \,l!b'< I ,,., ''•
/ /.,,,,, I n,.. I, •,•I• fl ••• •n 1,,"1,.rfl • "'�••
lJM• I'• u · I� \ ., , .n.f,. •I •• " '"•�•
,.,. ,
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,.,., _,. ,,. "'" p,.,. ...., .... m t aJw,,1,r,
.., , • ",
!h• •• lo·n•�•n•I 1..lfollni.,•U "'
""lu11 1, 1 <1ri>•·• l'r•l•I •lrip,, "'\ Ht I
r•, rn • n l o • l•ITI
th, .,nh ..,umilro, �
,.,,,,mr,•n•m• • 1 • ••• 1n, ..._,.,.,,..� ,,l h,.·fl
hrfl -11nnr• 1111d ,n\ lhr,11, 11..�" IH•·•lh•nt
ond it,..,. "" "'• ""''""l • •m•·•• ,nil,·•
•,..1�1 .Jluul• 1hr. ,.,..,, vf L,,..i.,.. ,no
',NI, ,vput,1m1 ,n u,, h••.tt l,�111 .,,1.... ,.
11<,1,l room from,,.f.. ,mridh-'1,.tan<• ._
'"" un�••n 1n1rrlo1"•• , on,-.. If••
,mba,ra,. fl anrl
,..,,m.., d or lh• .o• c
11, f'1lh•• 100m do,.., ur pin a.. •• from 11
l'i•lal •-n• lllal •1111 " ,mpur••nl
�bQut ...,, " .., ,.,..1r tnd ,..� 11 .11.. u•n
ruundoll<1n of l."ulUII·, ..,fl ,,11, ·•
,.,J111on,.,,,p '-rlh l�ll\ And,,. ti, ..,
\larrllondl •lltl ,hp �)• ••lh t.-,uluv
bo-011.. \ti• hh• lo ma k• lo,r ..-r,_ d1,
,..h.,n W 11'1� hum, rrom ,.. on,_,,.. "'"'kl
1n hrr hu�nd \off,..,. .... ,w l.nulou •ta)•
humt', dt 1nk, tit-•• and >l••p•I lnt•ndrd .,.

buld a..,.n,,un Oo-('Onk'. . .,...... ......11l1un
11t-, ..u-.t>and• \d.,,•lu,m \nilf<' "'nl(nlut
11111 lll,,.. mu>l b, mUl<' lr> •llplfJ)•lfOld
11\&U<l�t' lhln ..,. 1nf1 ....n-11... r.,,
tdl'lhtl\� Ito•• • ptl)1f<'il w<1 fp1nt11•/
un11\ •1th ',.-!I} Andft'.l p,obl..m u nut
"'h•lhrt h•'-""' '"11) t>u•ll ph)\K'all) and
,pmt..1lh ..,. d.,.., lh• f1,l11r. 1.oarhw>r
hr, 11\ral 11 1 .....,l1ufll,.1n•b1hl) I0 1¥1h1.r
l h • rvmpi........,tan. ...11U<>nt1'11p of
pt,,.,nl 1nd ,p1nt111l lo\'.. _ d..,.,not
pr<'t'lud<• ,11,, .,1..... ,n,i,,,-d oo, .,.,._., t,,
ou�m,·n• lh• 1Jth•<

,1,oo,.. ·. , .,,...,.p11Un uf ..., ,n,..11i..n 1o,.
�na..........111.. •11lluui 111,· ph) ,.,11
•••la1M,,hhop .....rt, II,• ..,..11......, • ..,•
11111,1 bl�um• unr ph\>1nll• .,. t,,,,�,m,
•..,. mr111&lh 4.,f ,u11""' Ill• ,..�,.,,... .,411.,.
b<.• �i.• ,..a1.,-.,. that ,n Ill,
hu t1 • n..,h "' rnurl�m "" ,..., ...,. p11,.,, .i
••ft,·11 pn•, •••1• Ill• 1p1"•u1J1 -...� " nul

m, n " n·,
n ,., pn>Cfrtllun 1>111 "pn
••flrn , ,1 .. 1i'>• • ,..•l• un 11r 1t,.. ba._, ,,.f 111
<I< .,.,.-., ,�1•1,.,.»h•P
ilk• tn� ,..,.. fvr
,.,l,· fill...,.Jy
so h " l't ..\ndt••
,ll.,,•, l'hl\ pn,r,,,. uf
. ......,,, •t1•· fo11nflat1nn vr an 1d.•alllo'd
r•l1uo11,t11p .....-.1 AUi bl' 1 fflll_,....,.,�
•nd,.••uc 1hkr Andrr·•I. Lo11Jov1 and


'-rll\ \ phu•rll ...1,1oon1it11p ll•• nul }..I
brwmr .,, w;l..11 11n11kltl(NI """n II
1nrhn , h 11 1 1 , matr pll)i.oo!QCical
rund111<:,n r,.,.11) ·, p,•n•·•

Lollk.ou pl,-d.�, IO nnd I ,ob .. IUOO "
1h.. bab) "burn 1fllr doo<,, ll1ul11ly,..1t111I
un••·••••b•lr" 10 ',',-ih
nu lone�• will
lh<'\ t,,, •bl• ln n11b Iv,.. �•<''} di� ,.,14
p�••p,taU' •llr 1..
nnon1ll<.>n u( 111,>11
pfl)'K'Al,..l•l>on\h•p And" thr) M•,.11<"11
••• u1n..-..nd�d ,.., .. • ...t1tion,t11p ,.,
"""P lh• bab, ,.u11t'1 ,,..C1•• th.,lfpo\rnhlll
f<X lr> td•1i ph,,u11l 1nd,p111tull..qu,!1<>n
.._, -.i,11, llu 1n,11,on ln drn,,n1 1hr
ull,m•to pt,,..,,..,,,.11 �nd uf 1n..,1
pll,u••I ,..1.uon!.11,p 00111 '-•II• .,,<I
1 ....1..11 n�• 'II""� lh• rru,11....n... ,, f m.-1,
"'""'°" ., knu..,i..d�•nf th•t 1ti.-,�m11•• ll<
"',m, lhml '"""' t.,,.d ,.llll ttlr , ho,r,. ,.f
(1ndm1 ,>lhrr pattnrn ',.-lh , .,. .,i,-:,, .
r,, l'>lf,� 10 Andn, ;ond l,o,uluu nn ;al•••·
bo-d lkim1n1q11r 1 •uunr n••�hbl>< "'"''
1rlol11.r, h,m
<X ln1n..:•nd1n1 W 1 1 u,.n
ph,,;,n1 ,..1111...,,n1ph1nt,. ,,..,.h,.,l.ouJvu
nur '-•·H) •n- p,• n·,·ptl•r •· no111b 1..
, ,,n..,.,.,...i) n•1ht,· ""h • d,.howm,
•n1n.,..•ndena< hrn tw<-om.., oo• •
,.,...,..,... clt,,nw.,n b<.1 t >Ubnon,.
•nd n,1un1l - pNl'f1,W,Un1. thr) ,..m111n

..,th u,-tt otlwl And '" .11.. (iftal Wlol
Louk>u ind r.�tl} h.old,nc•ornot11..,. up
\tumblf'QJ\lnkrnl) down•d11ll lllry,lhe1f
111u1..1I ph)51nl w11p,1n. .. 1th 11, ,p1n 1..
Ullplr<'IUOtuo. WJ.lpllnU wl H lh• bul1 of
thf'tr ,rlatoonUup lu 1hr) bttonl<'
1nd1.1,11nruu.h1bl) on.. lfJ th• 111..,, ·, d,m
ltrtu "' too d<J 111.. > brflomr on� ,n sp1nl
nnl•·•f1,., trcurnwn1 •n• fru1t l>'ut1n> uf
•hPH pa.....,n ran .....h • U1iflle'�ndl'n<1'
t hHp ho••I ,..
om, ind .Jta.o:) bin
, 111 1 1 , 1.. d ,ou,do,. and ..nkf'mpl
l>·d•uom,. u,d<'II) .u....b and llt..)'ilil b)'
ta,nU) n .. 11.. "n1 •11-•1hc..h ind n11tunc
• "'ofid un,r ..n b) , rhylhm,r
P""'"'n 1'11111\ 1'1n• ...-...n1bl.., nolhrns
,,..,, t...,, M.111,n .,_u,_,., ·, '1/p• Yorll
,,.. •• lhrrh\lhmM.-....oauf •bo- tJi•irr
1n,,...,,.., •hil ol tho· lom,rr Wm•h
t11\Mpll.., l',•lat '• .., ....,.,Ir t1/anlo11.Ju
p.o,,ni •lflP• / 'l".'" of •h p-nn ..
,.,,, .,..hnith •• ,;;,,.,,..., p1r1ni flni,,
Tu, IJ,,.,, 1 \ '+i•• • .......,fl� ,c.•I"
• "n,luMun ..........,.. ', "'"rid ••iplodn.
wnd,111 fn,,,. K"klo un "" 11nn11r1dal
,p,..,. P.,•111 , ,._,,,Id ,mpl•>d.-.. ,...nd1111
1�111lou ,nd '-•II• off ,n1u lh• <'Uld. dark


LOULOU ANIJ NClL Y rG..,1rd �flMd,.,, H!lr .,.,,, l,aiJ,l,IH! HuWM! � "'• .1ubwayu, rl,c,ng ut>twr tlw cold r»r� wtNld ol

oont,nuKI hnm P'9't I
nn 't 'f>t'lk � ••nrll... 11.. .-.,mm•nr.,. "l lolfl
\<JU tt••••fltnm " ..nrvtatb

,. ,11 •n;
�ui'>«''l .. ''ntl) .., .l�llmK h i• pn,a••• lt f•• h1>
11.,m,· ,.Ud 11" (1 11,nt ,Utt1<>n - 1,an•furn>o•d

m,��(�::::,:� a;.:'.!c,.,:,�: ��:

0.-mm• , rflllM'I""'· • ,n Hondlr '< ,tit
f'i ,· nunr.. u, doff•t<'n• drum,....n,, bul
nu,,..1h..1...., ,..,.,......i .n ,1Nnr tll••1 •·01r,•<
�rwt ..n.•-1ef1 ,cnpl "' N'plrW ,._,th ,..1,t1,.
•n"II.,> ,u,h ii> Ill• 1111.. ,pll} uf (lln<"•••
:::h:: ;.;:
,nln lh• d<_.11 no!(h\ lnn,.,.d lhal ..nun
n•l<J(U•· Ill """h •h•• ,,t,..i,..,. ma,ll1n"•
... ""
•1•• foll, ,,.._ , .• •·• • ••n1,,. rmll""'"'''


::•::.,:,•:::i::���••l•::;�.:r�..:::. •;: ::::..;t,�:•�I�;�, )��::;�

<o·,und ,._,1, lio•nn• i l'amrla 11.....t ,.11,.
p11.,.fl i'-lh 'iu,r m l'l ilt.-, 11,u-. 'I'�, / u•,.:
H><I, , ,.,,n ,-,n1,n..,·• t . , •· m.• rre, ..,. .,.,, ••I
.,.,1 ••,uni .,..u, ....,1 .,,fl
• th..,. , n ,lfl,,.n
\\•h•n n•alt1•
.. 111,. .uth h" ran!•""• t,,.,.. m..1..r,.,.,..n
h" I"'""" .,.,,., n, n,.m�,1.,· llopp,nr...
A ,,·purl<', •I th• r...... n,nf..,..,,.,
f•�l"'"'"l l..r d,vlo,u1r o( tll<' "\lorn>on
... ,w· .,h M..1�m "Ill!\ \00 .., .., rw, ..., ...
dr.-1m lib 1llo rould rom.. t,..,..,.. \\!'1,,n ,.
,nl,.rn,pt.-d b,,ru,.. hr nn an,,,._..,., bullhr
11..,..•.,fu,.. umn,pr,,wn• bn� t>h inn....,...,...
na, ,·an,,;t,,,,t from hi> f1a-. n•pllt'<'d b\ •
•t•m rnldm••• t•mp,orrd b} 1n.. hu1llnK,

uf•�l)l'Mf'M,. 1nd d,wlluMonm..n• M•l"n
llad alwlH bo-ll••·rd I "fl<'t'1m l,b lh•>
ruu!d rom lnit. bul ..Ii ..�prrt,i..,n, of
bh»l., ,t,u1r,..d 1n th<' nlln>ofh,. pn••••
hf.. l pon 1..a..111 1hr P"'hm,n1'} hrannc
C'O<K'l'ffllnl lllr •oll \1•1.,1n .m,l... •nd t.-ll•
II�• 11,..1 , r 1h11 h,. �"""' •llai ....,1 n,,,r,
,,.,...,.,. ,.... nMJ11r, lrf1 1oh,n• lt\ ll11c11,.,
llllt •• ),•••I "llo,.lrd 11.. Kll,.••ll•l \ld\!n
l)umn,. • • "1111 11,.,anr 11 "M,h1nbram,
Th,· ••If•' Amrnun ()r,-1M " n<•I
II 1> drm,or,11..
,n h i,
<'nl,1h1•nn1 > n t
\l,•h111 1,•un, 1h11
malrnah,t" ,dr;ai••o• hullu,. andln11 •II�
ll111k,..,•·d ,. ,..,.,aJ •"llWIII\ •nri

"Melvin 's !t/ i,
a private
Disneyland. "

lu 1,1nih,. � � -s.,.. �p""sit-,v, ·
n•• -·
dt>lrn,,n •hr 1nr1ndr.,.,.n..,.of C' ldman·•
1 t •..,u .. •rr1p1. [).,mm,,', nq""""
dlf,...ll•>n •nd IA' .\l•t•, _,,d Kubuth
'l"'llllinflmr p,••fmm•rir.., Th• ,·,.n 1111
1ha1 }.lrtun ,nrl l\u,.1111 •1•· •bl•• l<o ""I
•ue,-lh••• n•E11dl.... vf lh•· ,.ipodrt, .,r
\ld,,n ·, 1-, 1,_1 �11'11h,• •l(l..,,• ""al
11 11�111,,·,. 1, 1t,,. ,p.-n•l llil< .. uf \ld1 "'111,t1
,,,.,...,u/ ..... ht·-t Am,..,,c,n cvm,·• ..,,,..,.
V.n.,d\ \li.,n ·, ◄nnw llo/1 1 1 97;, a,,d •h•
......1 \m,-,,.,nr.1n1 ..1111o , ...,


---.r--- �-��iilllii._:.56

Please submit
all Christmas
Features by
Friday, Dec. 5.

INf"tm�, 4.l �i'J0 Suf/ollt J11ur,wl,/'bgr

u:, Ill s,..11,,/k .Ju,..,nul /k,,•mh.·1 / /�H

h) John AlablM.I

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Jt,, l"'°'' m _._,lr<I .. t h lh• .p,,r, •'
.�.,l•C •••d
lh• flf... _,..., •10 ,11nrr ,11\
I. id• "' " 1•1i• n tu lh• J"I" , I , ..,.,
' I· -. 11�, .,.,... •·•I .,.,., ,,11111�1 .,<1, .,,.,1 •
,.. 1 ; .,d no1• .... ...... f.,u, p•uc••""
.. 11 .. 11 ....1u<1r .i. ,.,r "' 111.. .. ,..1o-,
. .........., fNl,n� .....i t,o,.,i. 1np. ,.. u,.
... 111 ..,,..,
f, ..,11 lnp, •nd II•"'""'"'
,t,•nM•l1•l<•U<>II• <hlllllt .. .,.,.. 1 •nd .1... ,
..n..,. • u•nm,c l""'"'m '" '" " " " i. .11,
k-lm ,., t...<HII• ..o ,.,., ,.,,..14" t,,li•
n....-11..,. • .,i,1 1...i.....
A,h.. kud ,. .., • '"'"'I "" • .., f,.,m
knthl••n .. 1,.,hu11� •n,11m1 •Hrit11dn I h....
..n, ru1u,.. "' n1md r,.1., llird n ..
ft•·• hMI• ..... ..,.,1 '"' • n1,t,-,o ,�,
,u1np1n, ll.- H>' ....,n, olh>'n lo ••-11 ho,
,�,It• lhruuih ' ► -, lwl,11,· l,i�lfll \hi,
�•h 11,nt "'Oll>'d m,,,h1n"• f,,, ,kt -••
.,.,.h .. \•11 1 ·,,1,,nd,, 14�•· hi',,,.. U\d
....... ......111.""· ..uulll IA>' \,. t.,,p ti lllill ·ld•lb,­
•lllhl th.- f,,,..,h ..,.. p""'1"11nl • ·"lllf
J"•• lho, ,,.a, ...,<1\lodh•m•
' � S n,r1t•\ lla> U'"' I U\IU ,.·hut
,�,. for du•nh,11 ,k11nr and � "'"'" "'
.n, .. , ,,"' •�"· ,.,u, lh• numb,-r uf
t,,..,b ....u.11mt1rnn1 1..., ,1,,. b, fa, n,.-,..
•"' •ll llon11r,1 b\ 1ndu,•"' ..,d ,lunt •Uh
Uul up W Ill) IN\\) lloUM>o ,.. hft \1rhh ar.­
ll<11ta\MI b\ ',I 11,n,.,..n, J., ..n-ro .,.,.,,.
J,.t,n M , l),111<,uth •f<'d I) •nd hi.
rn,.n!l r,.m 1 ..nnn11"" •�,.d l h ..,.. l"''
'"" ,,t lh>' �Mh ,..,.. ,n.,.i••d ,..,LIi \' � -,

',It,, dun 1 ,..., J;.,.,
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,.11<,ul� ',l hai • '"" t1..n 1 1,,,,_,.. ...,� 11,,.11
,,..,.·, )UIH rll.on,.. 1.. 1...,n
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\11n1 t ·,,uf>r> •"
J.,,;,..,n • •• I""'""''''"""'' "'"'' ''"'""'•
..•••••bl,. tu lht- .:,u(futl,, ,nm,,...n,u
.,iin, t uu.....,.••·-'"'rt "'l"'1r1h 11,u.11,
'""""11 1...1 .. ,·�n fuu• lu "'� .. ,,..., .. 11h
,_ ,1.1,.. . .., ... � •,.. furu.,..dun,.,lh.,,
p,,n •nl'",..,.nl ,,. Pf'"•d1.. n, n,(
fh,-., .,.. nu.. • h dll , ,.u,.,..., .,1,.,1
'"l'I'"•' h••tr11n1 t.., fun 11,,.,. ..,. n"
r,il<I,,, •11<1 J'l<I .. m,..,n,.i fr, ,uni.-,,
... l>'""..-• ..n h1[111
tl,,. piucum .. n.n ,,un,1>ut1 ••lh
1 1.. "'u"""' \,-t1t11,.-, , 1ff,,.. ,.,,\11, .nc1
• h•• -.1ull•rll 1 ..,.,.mm••II A.,.,,,,n.11un

�. 7�,:.��,.�� :::,:·�:::::v.:·:�: �::�::

l o h , , Pol llu ll• Jnni. • • 1.,1 .• , . . .n,•,
"' th, �uJ 111.. r<1mr tum u.-.1 ••n•· "" lh•
••�Ill n,•!ur,
llulh ,pun J1t1 dr,br,l.�I
..,,.1 ( l,11.-d ... 1hdd.,.d h,- ..., all M.,..nd
Uh ,.,u,. llh 1>•11 ,vnu,o1 '""" ,n.. ,...,m
J••wh" �,·pt !h• k.0111, m"'"'C •l•ri •llh
cn, 11.oll mo"'"C••• •und.,n,,fl..11,. ,,.......,.
"""' ,ti,.1_.,. ;u,d hup,-fu•h mo.,. p,11lll•
"""'' I.I\, bolt d,..,.,.'\ dn,p,n ,1· ••,.1,t.,,und
cu,,- •"d t,,·I,, ,,. ..,. •- "-•..·,m.....,.,,,th
-.1, ,, l•lll� II,, Jrt,·n'-•• " 1,-,111111,.,�
b• ·I'• 11
I''' . , n ,
U1ru111t,,"'I tho ,..,,. It" brulh,., And,
1h•p.,...,,h .. ,lh• ..-�uf J1t...,nA1_",..
1111<1, ,.,. •11! lltt,... 1 .., , n,11,l h••" "'""
'"" Ii, d �.0111,·, "" th,·n 1111,,. .. ., ,h,... ,
,�h• 1hr I•"" ..i, I hi \lihhon n11<1,
hi• p,nr...-, frh •"' th.- t,a,l,,b,,11d, M I
• - up ,.,u, ..,,.... ...11 ........,.,,..,..,.n,,., 1,.
lh• "'"'P :-.Uf1u0
,\•1>,111, tu "'u•\ 111.- ball
•1<1und. ,..,u1t11,1 ,n t,,,.i...u ••uw·d , t I
1 .. ..t•nd aruu11d ••u! ..
·•trh h ... 1!> !�

tUM1tH·l l(l'I
1.. � ,..,,. ', J,,..,,..1 11 .,, ..
. ,Ul!Nl lh•I
1,t11dr..i.. ..11apar\..J•1 ctiart.1 HM,.. hr•
11111• •'-"'•t1 11Ulonc ,• •..,•.. • d1w:oun
Stu,;t,,ni.. "'"" •m•• al Charin ..,v..
(;•rap bo for,. Ill 00 • m w,11 ,1111 ,....,.,,...
U... d, Al,t) lh" Ulpltll' DI pao, 1
'"" du.,., It\ lt,_m"') IIPI' or tt
�n,�,1 -,p,odurhulln-"t"'

"'h"" N>"'"'d flllr-l uf Uwball 'P'<lal
>1luM,uru.. ump,flnl ltthmqun. •nd huw
11,.rn,,, u"' Ill> Nl�IO th,•11 •dunlal•
r1,. nnh 1,m1u110 .. "" m,n, r""""' .,..
,1udfn�· 1m.1c,nal1,.,.,•
kP1.1Slr•ht)ll foo mon, ,.....,_ ..,11 n.. 1 ho­
,....,. , . r � .te W 111 u,., ,1f,u-n•1nd••
1n,. '1.-\Uoff11� lkl,�1
II •011 .,.. ,ni,•,..,1.,,1 •nd '"•nt
a<tdil-1 1111.,rrnalllOII fM 111 •owrll w1lh
..,n,..,.,.,. .i u .. -.All nff., ., nt \21J J 1 I

',I t ► l l l.t. 1 '- 1 \ t k-.lT'

t,,., .... ,.,p1.. i... , ••, , . ......,.. ...
.,,, , , , u Th,nk , ,..., H.o...ii.u ··

\ \H"IT' IIOt t. t ,
l'trilJ 1'1111

,,..,h,.-,1<>,11 1


.,K,,,1,m , .,ll,'t"' II

l h , 't

l'l, m,..,1n '1i.t.. 1·,,u,·••
• H,.nu.., (ull>'l>'

;.,....,., k

\•I 111\\I


0,.., ..,, llo•lh t,,.,n -....,1h l\. ..1u11 ...:l no••
• • .,-1 m•11• r,,..ut1. 1h•••11rh .. ,,,�mi ..1
� � �
K111 lh, (..,.11d, lh,., h•'"""" ",..'•I•
Kl•� 1 1 ,....,u,l .....,.,Ji .w,d "' ,,1h.,,
\,._.,.,d,..l I" th•m ' t ., ,...
"ll>'n.,fl • ,,.... "'"rld fo•th•mb• l'l'"ld1n1
th,• m lh• •,PP,•'1Uhll\ h • � • l\o>fo•" ' t -,
lh0'\ h11n1 1n 1n.. nu,. ,lub ........ d..., .....
\t." •·,.,,.,n,., ,.,,. pn<e••m d,,....i.,,.
!uo ' t -, •llrl�d off•• I ,ulu nl...,, ••lhl
lr•n AI'• r,o<U, ..h• •mlltlt"• lh,.tr,p,,b\
, o>11i.,1,n11h• ••1 ..,.... . bu, ,.,.mpan, ,
oJ1d d••hn1 ..ulhlh• ·�""'· '""''"
,ul,,,.,1 ..hll m•1n ,·un1nbuhu.. , ._ .,
ha• m•d• .h.. n·,r,und...t ·h • t1<•l 1 lu1<1f
l,d, 1n1o, ,..,1,.,1 ,n .�.,..I •nd tt,., ,,..1dou,,,
11 ·, •n "' II••\\ ,.,.,.,. ,,.u ,1 111 """' w
,,,·ll" IU frl ln Mld ..- 1 ......,r,t.. .nll
II�• ,ul l>''l'"""h1ht�-. A 1,11 ul l,,1d, ha,.,
t,,� ••111<• •'""'11...., ,1,,,..,,. ... -�11 ...

,uf1u l k 1 , U.••ll•lf
lliaL 7 pumt Wa,I -...Holli ho-Id •J l/11•
i,,.c.,..,nc uf lhf' .,..nnc1 11111 ,,,. ,.,,,...,.
..,.a,111• \I lh, rn<1 nf 1b. h•H th.,, w•"'
• '"" '" ""'"111• •""' "''1n \h,• c•""' •nd
,n th,· lhlfd l,IUlltlO'I �..r1n1\ mllpll\•·rl
, � I
.,,.,nl\ IIO� ..
.,,.. uf -.urlull,,·• n,·"
fnund ....., ,.. I •• •i•>nhl ll\f'H bo·n , h
h ••• • I..•• , ►. I .... 111.-d • "'""
,.ff,...,. ..., n du••II 1,1 p., , ,..,t..Jl'lf'
ullnC •11<1 .....m,, ◄lo-h•n.., H, lhl•
Un,.. .,..flul\ ,,,ukl h a" pla>•d •1th ' ""
th.. n, .... ....n .. ,,n
lh, �lld r
.... J>I•• · "
p...... nrd lh• " ' " r . . u, and ....... IIWffl
, , t 1· , ,..,1
,,.n,.,,,.d .. fullf,llrd ,..
,,,i-, .., 11. · 1t1,·'1 .,.,.., ...... ,.,, �"'" ""'
l,·•d oll,· r th ,. f1n1 'lll•fl,-r ,1,.n1bwdw,1u
,un ""' """""
fh, c1o r,.,,........r1.... ., .
.... n 1n m..,, ..... .......... ·d lu 1 1 .1 1
'4••• <1 •llh Ml ,� ,.,,_,,..,.1 hill
... .....1,n1 f11U ,•,,..,c vr•·u, ln 1h•• ,.nd
-...n..1� had,...d 1t,,, Wad .. ,nn,nr
1 1 11! •nd r••"·llll:"'"""'" l""m...i,..., ,..
1t,,,pn• •·.. n,, "'.,, .,p,....,,-nt • .,,,..lh..,n
\l11n,· 11, 1 .. h• h ,.,.,,,n, 1,�,. th,. 1111,.
,.,. I \ ,1,,. 11 m , n t1 n 1 n,11..rt,, .01 11 01
-. .... ,11�, n
\I Mn,
h.od ..,, '- A I \
,,,..,n....,....1 1 •"' "'.. ...... ..... ..
,....i, 1. . ,•••
,u1t..1• \ .-1.01, 11.., k • • h.oll 1•1• t
.. ,il l•• lhrf• 1,·od• lu <ull .,,,th fh., "·II
pn,.+d, d f,01 \fl• ....,,,....,.. n,. t_ ,-nlf•
"'qu•"' ' \II \ ••11,"'• •Ml.of\rllh•
,.,..,. ,tup ,ntu U,.., ,,....,b, 1 1 1 8,-..l , up
..r ...11.., , ., , had 111 ,11..h,l, r,,.,,hint ••"•n
•·•••111nc 1,ri,,•1 .-11i.••••mn1 , 1 1 1

hfu p,-nrn1 ,.f tt,.. ..�..nuallu.. "
fund...-! h, ,tun•uon, .,.d 1h.-•m"u..1 1h,.
�,,h IN' un thr lnl" .,.d ll••• ,_.h..,

,.,,,.,., ,,.,m,..,rpo1111U11, andruMnd•\1un,
•-•lll 1t1nt.. M".J,.,1t1,..n
I\Mt, I� 1,, 11 pa,nw,p.t.- ,.. u,, •�
pr,1cr1m 1nd p11, .,n1, $ball•d" h • i!<•""
1n1,1, n,,. pr•·• 1r1>lu,l • thr hf1 , . , 1,,,. 1
hnob pu 1..,
clu'"� h..i. •nd
tr•n>P<•rl•IMJn 1<1 th, n1<.....u.n
llu. .. . , ..n ,·hnp pr,...., W bo po,,..,
t...•11... 1 1tfl ur1ir, wd•) ,. prn'rd ••h•ch
'"" u, duU•n t:11,.m.11.. ,,,,., i,.,nr .. un
' t. '> for I:! ..-.n. l,,fl LO •11 MI Jl,,..ard
hut hoof
K<lu..,, .. ..-lluOI Ml\\ ,.,.,
r,,ntnhulmn, i l , t :, ,.,. ,....,,unll....,
' t, :,, •
ho h.. 1b u.. n ,k, p&ttol •n<1
...-,n1t.-1mand timr,la\ ('0Uk1 ptud11..,. an
uhlrlf'• ,.,.., E,·rr\ ,,.., ' t -, h• 1t..
""'" buuih •I u,.,. .-,nua! ..t, .,r,o.. h"'" ••
lh,J.,hn .. lh,..., 1u<1,wnum , t ., .i..,
........ . J.,<lcr 1n ko•tf\u .. u ,,.-h.. rt' lh.- h"lf1
O OlfflP"'"') >llfflll,..r fu• lutl,cl'ri 1 1,. I I

.. h , hl , bn'n• <1rh·'I.,,,.
.,_., f.,1 11,,. Wa,n,," dwnnc IM ,....,1.,
.,...,.,.,. l\ad h,_ ,,..... r!lln,:,,,,1 •""11 ,,.. •..
,,11.-d up,m b,
hi> 1.-an,m•t,., tu
>juar1,. ,b•1 � lh•• •111(!1• d1lhtr1111<m IN•,.,ff
,.,.... 1p,n,I 1t,,, ..... .......... 1ho, J>ll>I

n,. """"""" •1Lh•"'' qu,11..
M1<·• :,,..,..,. , ..nd t,,,un J.o, ..110, 1m,.,d

!. :"C it,�.,�,.,"!';.:;.:•;.;n�

, , .,::
1u N,,. • nlh' ..fl>'""""" 'f f<wtball
O,• V. atnnn ""' tn , , r,ambh..l
ti.,M1II.. h11md1a1.. th, '-" ,.,,..,. 1 1, 0
l>.•\hll� .,n1•»•d l h • ,potLIJhl. thro. .rn1
1.,11, l\,u• h..u.. n pli-• n1nn1nc fu, tw11
,,....,.1,11o,.,,,,. ..,a..,,ft.,....U11t fm \ l u11 1 u f

:• �

n,,. ,onh "'""'"'nl u,., '" ,.,,,...
�n,,..-◄1 ..., • .It� \t,k.,,.,. pl-6 lu l,.-11h
1•,on•n1 1,, p111 "• i""n""" th,.Dulfd ·n,,..
lllu•h<t""'" ..., ullrd bail,, bi'<MI'"'
Cun..nt ftld unt. , ..., uf lh,· n'<llll,-.d lh,....
n111,.,.. h,.t,,.l1
J,,.. Alb•o;nu l',·lr \\,. 1,..,1<1 ...<1 ft,.'i'I
lh,.,,hnt prt>•idrd \Ii, m11•·;, ,,...,t1,.d pa_
'lo '-•m,.
do· f_.n., f.,. l ..•\11Hr
,i.•r....,,... ••"" pu1 PP'""" "" 1).-M,n..
1bru11chu•n tt... •ft,.moun . bu• lh") la,ll'd
1 0 ""
t., 1hr ..,..,.,.,,.., on ,mp..,u,nl
o,.,.. n,
1i..\11II, ,...,, no,t IIM'onh "ow h,rn�"
th,. ,p,'4hlhl h • • • n r ,
•• ,. , r <I
1 ""'
t n u ,·hdu • n • and n•d lnr•�·
,n1.. , . , ,,... ,..,,. ""' ,r.ult,.,t "' • •••nn(
<1•"" fUI •"" ',1 11 ,,.,,. .,,,th I"• lh..n •
,.,.n,.,.. w11 ,.. u,.. n.ll
It. """"'"'" ....nt un th• •Mr-ltl ,..,
!h• "l"•n111t <It, . , "I th• (am, 11, )hU•• ,w•
1hm! <l•1•11 "•' ' 'u"·'1 uu1 . , f t h , l"" k,•I
11"""' . 1,,urhdo•.. ,. .,... 1u \lb.r,m .. h • h
.... . ,,,.. ,,i,a,....,, ., , ,.. _..1 1 1 , ....,. d
\l.. t...,.rl 1ddo-tl lti. r,lfl p,.>1..l•lo>S->i..n
,..d I•
r••h ,; II 1,•.,, n,,. ..., 'l•m..., app,•..
i , 1 _,, ,,.1 th,• h<>a111 .. ,1h • l""'l1< \1t>l•"

O, 1 1


Jan \!,

\Ju,....,p,.,. l,,U, c,

i .HI



kr1111.., t:..U•i.-

; U


'-•.. ll1mp>h1t• t;o{l..c,

j I!>



• p..,p1.- ,...\ 1<,m,. '""' d u u 111 0 0 1 1 '
""" 'ol. 1U,•1n• "I nwrl k o < ll 1n1,nld
•h11 h•.. •.. ti.""on b111 ha,,. n,,,.-r �.... tu
l'ambrw1t" .ond b\ lh.. llln• th� .... ,u
lh>'\ ""Chi f"I 1'> R._.,,,.
I•·• •n
f'du,,u,vuil lo<ll, . ,............n th•l f'#\ b,
dun,, b) • f11 •1<1 u w•U .. 1 ,k1..n) •od "
, t. :. h.. ,,,rr,.. 11unc ..• � "..,.. l!Hil!1nd
.. ,11 ,...11un... w ,,.. ... •1\h )OUI WP\)Oft
,· 1: :-. • • I bo- hu1nc • .p,,c,•llh.. )O'•I
11n 1..i..,, n,,, ,p,,,·,al wdl 1,,, n1m.-d 1t
',l •t,."1H, \llll•�
-.:,... llamp,111,.. o
l»Nmbrf 1 2 •nd ,.,11 b,o, •IIHI on O,an,,..I
' t, :-,
hi' np1111dt>d th�,r
.,,.,1nom 1•••111 �,ti, f,um .. ,., up ••
,,• 1110 \bnrhot.., '"" ll•m�,,..
1nd ,.. fa, down &1 • .,..,, J..noP) and :,.,...
h>1k t·10 l f , . , ,. ,. oukl llk• to brt'om,. ,

u • "
�,.� 1, ,.,..�� : :, ,:, ;��; !otl 't--1:..�


.,, .., .. ,,.,-• 1utll\ k1d•


Warriors eliminate
tn• t :ri"1t Spu101
l' ,.,, lh'Mdl,,




COMf 'IAtt -,,. • l ) ,.,., .,.. , 1_,..,_. rh.- hr t l S ,oltff1f"' I.O""_.....,i,'

Rams win 74 - 62
\ I',, d1 ll•r,·n,, 1 1' , ..,..,,., ht£1U·,
t>,.n uf '-• • ► ndand l ,oll,to- •••
,.,,..,1....- ....u..1� pb,t"d .., .,,.d,ni tu
l h • u 1•n,.. plan ll1, ,,p,,nm1 ..,.,.,..,.,..,1,,
lla1o·, ..h \lm1l•r .. , 11, ;:,.,.,p1,.,n, 1\11,..,
1...1 ! 1uatth lhol 10• "'" .,f ch,•lf ,.,,�, 1n
1 n,
,.,und hll! •nO t"" • • • lt..-, ,t,.,ol
h"" ...,,.,.,. ,.,,.Id hi" e:,,...., •� ......,,...
"' ,,..,. th n•m•� 1bam..11,..11 ,,. "' ""
\ 1,1 '••l lh,. ,·•., l'u!'Vi•• mlhlhu...., , ,


'"' l l


h, H,·n Kli·m••r


n,i, Hit lh• nu.., ,............ ,...i, i..
,..,....., ""\lf'IC 1ntr""''"'fll t...-hflll4II"'
p,..-1"' .,fth, .,... .. w,1 1... ,.,.....,. 1 l'PH
, ,. ., , , .
,p,..,d,.. 1 d 1 n 1
,t,ort,...d,nll t,Ht I \Al 1 , M.A I '"' " "
. ,..,,... •nd .bu.,,..,.., •h"h ,. . ,ta.....,
, ..,m ul , ,,,. ,.,. w h..lp ,,... .. )!,, ,,nt
\t , n , ' "" ' "
""l(\o>lun ,,p1.,nrd tll11 ,r ..oo, fll 1h,
p,,_. n , , ,,..,,,.., ..,. 10 , 1111, lllu>r. • 0 11 , 111
n.•r,.. ..... , .... � b, ,.. ,1,nc ,n u,u,h ...,ti
n..,.1 1h, '1,\II
-,1,,. ,-1<1 1n..1 1• " nut n<•·..,..,,,. 1,,h..•• •
lMW•· O""" "r ... ut1o•11t.o l11 bo-t,,11 ..,,. •.,,i
th•I ...,t. • <St--r,,.,... d,p,,nd> upu 11\,.




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►,-b l

il l nl\ . ,...I) of \b,-.,t,11.,..lh


t•b \0

l 111,,.f'!t, of'-"" t1�11\d

j 00
7 I!>


►•II 12

- ►11.-hl>u•r:,t•1.. c.:..i1�r

hh 16

• 111.. uwrn.. t:oll•I"

l JO


►f'b 19

\I I r

► O'b JI



II 00




!, 00


lk,m,, ci,,..... pi;,, rd •t 'ol.1lt,,r Um,. .. . \,
11,.,tr,n \ .. ,.,,...c,

JM$H,at,,.,,..• .,,



, 11, h ,n lh• ••ndwn, h) lA•n•n• rh.. ....
th• to:M1rll® ..n "nnw11,r d
n... v.- ti..c1 1 1 0 ....ct ...,,,. .._
l�,,.1,rq1111dJ,o., Albann• np,,llf'd up• holo
f,,, IJ,,,M,11.- •hu buuth•crrd into lh••
.-nd1•t1h• ll lh• ':1 11 muk Whii 1>11mbo•
a p11-. pl•) ...
1lh 1 �,. ,,.m11n•n1 m l h.. r1 ...1
ll•lf. [)r\1,1 It.,.. t,o,>ll<'ti,,cl 1nh,1 th..
, ndL...,..f<>ftlw 10Udld0•1
Tt,.. 'oloarnur� with I lw•lth) bJII l f'ld
..an1 . t1 lu hok1 off Ul• No -..,.,..,. ror lh..
,,.m....m1 lwu m,nulr• ar lh.. h1lr n,,.
V.111-,, ,..,.,.. "'°"' lh,.. ...,"ff'Vofvl
K,,a- pwbd oft • 8ab Kapt.111 pa...
,.h,rh ... t 11p uwlhr1to,wbdo• .. Unth1rd
du..n ..uh J!> i,,-rund,,,.m11n1n1. 0,,)hll"
r,,..nd l,;r,. . n,., 1n lh• •ntlt1>11,. 1nd b\11h
U,.. V.arnor lf'ad lo :!ft O t,,. \h,.
i,,.... , n LIM' -- M.. L..odlddrdlh•nlu
pmnb (l\llll! lh•',l un.,,.. • U•• Cllndll\11\,






n .. ,,, ,,..,,,., ..... ,.. hup,nt r.., l h.. ud,
'" •h•IIC" ,,. lh,. .,.,t<,nd halr. bw1 nuth,nc
,.1, en,ni: 1 ..
..t1anf>' for lhP '-:o '-•mn 11n
1hr kM"�..ff t,,,.,th Cun,n1 taufhl 1111• b&II
1nt1 .,.,·,rt,,•nl.dl) ,.,. ..uluf buund, un lh••
INlllm.. l'
u,..,.I we,� u,,. ... q...,hrba,1,,
•nd ••• not .r.1.. 1o kn,mpl,J1 mwc-h \
bid ""•P •hlf'h fa1l,d w ...-aih t'on..n1
,....utt,-d ,n • 1 .. 11Ufnl ""f"" for th,
Wa,non A> ra, .. ,n.. '-u '-am,.., ,.,.,,
.,...........d. lh...1 ..-awnhiid ..ndo•d
li. M,IIP .odd.-cl l"'u """" Wllrhd..i• ..
l>l'-• to \1hM'1n, 1111d t.n,·..,,.., 1., r,n,J>
lh� "�'""' r,.m Cunnv ... rubbo•d m ,11�
•• tuf') bf J1mm1nt N11 r.,n,,• rt.i1.,unlh•
1n,1111d l'11.. V.1,nunrn1")Ml \h,,ir ,•...,..1
,w\u') uf tn, ...._ •111111 rn..111n·1 n..,,
••-•1 • hrn... 11m,
fh• ',11m110 lb,11,•r,,. l I,► 111<! lh•
ti.•111b S4111d .. ,u >ljU.oh• ..rr ,n • d.,uhl•
..1,m,n•t,on pll\ofr
�,•.,, 1.,,rli<l ..
k.d..1 Vl•rnu, """"'lk>•..
11w ik.n\h
"llu..d .-,d nil M•• ,.,, ,..i..111..- .,f
pll\11tC !lo·ll<I aod n111d1n1 ..,th•• • lh•
11• .il,•r, 111 lhr Wun,,n th,.1 h1m�1r,n,l"P

Come to RL19


f >, , ,·,,,h.•• l,/ W.lJSutf111/t J,11mu1/ l'vv l l


tu Juhl\ \latH"'-'
1111,. """ ' ,..., J.,,rr, ,.,. ,,,.., "'•' '"
.,. h<M�·• YI h•I · \ "" d,,n I �"""' h""' YI•II
h,·o• , 1 ,,.,, , h_.n,, ho h•Mh
\lno I ,.u,..,., u, '"" � ·•�•• .,.,1
J.11, ,,,_. ,. 1.,,, .,,,. "t "'""' '"'" , ,.,.,... .
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M'Comi- 1
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Coffeehouse Comm1ttee
A winter Coffeehouse
•• Greg Greenway and Doug Wray on
•• on Fnday. December 5
•• from 1�4<30 ,n !he lounge
FREE p1ua. popcorn
••• and relreshmenls.



Details at


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O>me to RL19.



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A Christm,
See page

;_ ­

AII classes that meet will b exammed on
MWF 8-<!.50 AM
Wed . Dec 1 7, 9 1 0:50 AM
MWF g.9 50 AM


,.., .' I

Thurs . Dec. 18, 9· 1 0'50 AM

MWF 1 0· 1 0.50 AM

F n .. Dec. 1 9, 9. 10:50 AM

MWF 1 1

,t t t 1 1I I\ L '\ l\ t ll,11,
\ \H'l 1 \ !II K I\I \


Wed.. Dec 1 7, 2•3:50 PM

1 1 .50


MWF 1 2·12.50 AM

Thurs.. Dec. 18, 2•3:50 PM

MWF 1 - 1 :50 PM

11.. 1 .. , ...,.,., II
, .......,,, .., \1.. .... ,

Wed.. Dec.

1 7, 1 1 :30· 1 .20


MWF 2•2:50 PM



Fn.. Dec. 1 9, 1 1 :30•1:20 PM

TTH 2.30·3 45 PM
.-><1 nu.,d<lm JUDl"IJ

Fn .. Dec. 1 9, 2-3:50 PM

TTH 1 1::J0. 1 2:45 AM

IVINTfR IS ON ITS WA Y ••Id ..,,,, ,1 r<1mn v>Ow m,cAs
,., R,,!yf,-�t•,...


Tues.. Dec. 16, 9- 1 0:50 AM

TTH 10. 1 1·15 AM

I 11..,, ,
I\ !I..,,.,

1i•UII, �•"'' •pl•• • <I •I \\•lh I Ht••" +l \1, '+•
11,.,r..n L '"'' ,...,,, � .. , tt.1.. '" � ,, 11, ..,,�

Thurs.. Dec. ,18, 1 1::J0. 1:20 PM

TTH 8:30•9:45

• .\. .un11'1,-•nt,�lrr,

••L n,.,•�u, u/ \\,1......,hu-,I••

Tues.. Dec. 16, 2•3:50 PM

MWF 3-3:50 PM

hh I
t,h ;



Tues.. Dec. 1 6, 1 1 :3(). 1 :20 PM













Cofleehouse Comm11teP.
A winter Coffeehouse
Greg Greenway and Dcug Wray on
on Fnday. December 5
from 1 .30-4 30 in 1he lounge
FREE p,ua. popcorn
and ,efleshments






tongmal 1950's version)
TODAY at 1 pm
in the Auditorium.








____,The Invasion of the
Body Snatchers
Film Committee Presenls.


Social and Special Events !
Committee - Tuesday ,
December 9, 1 pm RL3.
Program Board Sunday morning
December 7 , 1 980
at 10:30am
Pres . Cont. Room.


Details at a later date

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