File #4122: "Suffolk Journal_1980Oct09_vol36no8.pdf"



Special election needed
V. P. candidates tie

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J't.-.,.s, "' lo, htr•� • \,. I" ,,.,r,. I� hoJf•I
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Comer view

'>Pl fl\•" UN•VI M!,I i HI Al nN ..,Lt k\lSION MAS!,

,.,,,, 113 ,a,oo ,]1)

University is preparirrg
for upcoming accreditation



Iluon., I ,m1h.11,l1
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Boston Police praise
two Suffolk officers

In l,r"J:�ma.n
I•" -...ffol� I""'""''" p,,h,, .,ff,,,,
ru.. llrrn ,,,mm,nd,d It\ thr llu•\ h1
I',�.,., I� p.artm,•nl t.,, •Pl'••·hrnd,ni •
,11.p,,, 1 .. 11... u ..111,t11, ........ 11o•d • •urn•n
' " fluril u( 1hr llld �,-,t t1l,mt1 , ,
l •,nbf1d1r',lun-.•pl!L
...,,11 .,,,,1<1 1,,., , , , ,nd p,u...
\t..t.,.,.,, an, ntrd ru, Mpn•f-,..,,.1•....,
....,1 M,••ll... •••n1.-n1· ... , 1,11,,
., nl lo, ..ufful� \ "' f'r,.,.,
d,•111 ,11 11
r,. ... . ....... ..,.,,.,., Flann••"b,tt. .. 1.. 11
r.,1,, ., ..iltranll.n1h•m
;\I ,ppn,,om•l"h 'i pm un !I
,,,,...,,.,, unp,1tml,,n t·....,o,-,11p'1 .,.,.
• "'""•" t,,,1n1 ....... 11.. "'fn,n1 ..r 11,.

V.,...1 11,wr,n
...,u,,1�, H-111"""•' Hu.,<tmt. n • m•
H,,.,1,,n l'i•I,.,· lat..1 d.·nhf.,.d ., 1 1,,,m,.
t,,urn ..,,. !�.,,II
!I \l,,,..,,,,. .,, k, .. 1 ..n
'., •�''"·I '" 11,,.1.,., l',o/• •. ''"""",
n,11r .. t1>, l.ul<t,• nl>o,n,.. j",1..-,l, 11 t, r
.al 11 • ,.,a, uf H,., ,hunh "'"'•• h• '""'
'l'P"""""""d n, c,,.,.d ,ri.. , • -.truul•
\,,u, .., ind \!llhono, h,�11t,"'"'"' unt .
1un r,,1,.., .,.,,...,
1',,1,.,. 1d,nt,1,..., th.. ,,.um•• �th,
,,,..r,.-n n( L t.111,-r-un n.. , ll••lul\
'""•� •· P<""' .,.,d. ,11,,•II 1 n 111,.,., lu
"" ' f...-, _,,.., m,,..u, h111rn,.., 11 .., a11

Stop lhe drafl - � .page 8
Swim. swim. SYlim - see page 11

Misty memories • see page 12

'"""'"" ,..

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0J{t:�: ;:Jt�Jfj� ;�JJ[I�����ii�
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'"'"' , \"'4 "h ...i. hi�• ,1,and••II '"
t�m,,.of f_,.,,u, uu,Jof,...,,u,,n,
..,..,; lw• ,1..-;o<1, m_.,...,,.. m.,.,...,,....,,
,11,ml)l ,.. o,,n \11.. .-.u·..11 .. n.. ato•"'
,11, h •• m ..�1111 lll< ,ncrudlll't.,.>r\


an {)f
l"l", ll•n,.1. Pl•rtm,n ..fl\!
"""'"d ,.,__llo•••II. and 1..... .:M"hool U.-an
lltr 11,a,,11 ...,,...-ant. u,- ,umnliU"" ,,. .JI
"'"""' an ,,..u,n-. wh"h ,..,n p,11111 ,1111
..••••,/"<tull,. tuU\r ...,.• .. n•lomm,u.....




Pledging.}§ a college tradition
\lph• l'tl1 1 1 1 1 1,-p. l,• mn1a "'t•n�
-..,m. ,Ptl,'>!• •ndhuli.•1•11•
tp.olun n........,•• ,.,. "' llwn-am.-.of
11w fr11rtn1u.... and _,.,,,...,, •t
.. uflull
\Ith,.,....., ,..,..... >tl>d<-111,
t1d,..11I• tn,...., "'l•uU.II"'"'• 1h,., Ck•
nut ....,m tub,, ... ,111uvt 1n.,, 11T1•..J ul

,..11,--., ,...,. •nlran� iu thruu1h •
"lt<>'"'" ""'"'C p.,,IUd 1t1 1>,,, .,,,m,.
rull OO'tltrdbrulh•f'>•nd•"""...

Hotl tun!#• UW ,,...p,....ct,,nt for
,n.--mo,--nlllP uf Alpha l'hl (Jtmrll

\l'tlt IW' ..}J t'lat l>hll(llll "'a �Ill
•-II ltial w,, ...ant W...., wllat u,,.
pi..q.... 1,rl,b ...hatl)p,Ortwutllo-n

....... ,_g

Cktubn 9, 1980/1,ulfol/f Joum11I/Pagt J

Two hundred students attend Pre-Law Day
h, 11 :-.-oull.-.'<h
,,,arl\ 1 " " " ""'h,· d •lu!l,u1> ,tt,1,,1,d
11·• !'r, j,.,. d•• '"' • � 1,,1,_,, I ,, , , ,,rd•"t
1 .. f'r,• la,. "•• "'" l��,ul• rol ,,, hnl•


U,•1,r,-... ,, ... 1, ..- t ,..,, 2" i•" '"h""
'"''"' h 11 opw,I""'' r,utlh� l!ulh l" 1 " "
,,,d ,,, ,..<11i..11,ot1 I•• L I " ,lnn•I• , , I II"
�" ,1,un ,,I th• " '""'' lh, 11,,.,,,., ••••
.J.,,,. ••• t>"l'"""''"l�ll h\ ,.,.,.,,, f,.,n, ,r.,
'-" .. ,,,.,!, ,,f i fK11,nl l\.,-1,,n I ,,II,,:,
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fl.,,c ..u I "" ' r,,n
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.,,.,t, r,t•n<l1111 1" ' "t, ,11du1du•l •l<Ul• I
t,,,, ,.,._ ,.f lh, f,, 1 lh•I •• , "ulf,11�, <1,., I
""" • I''' 1,,. ,na�" ,,.ud ltiih,n �••
••i 11.ol-i· ,Hu,1n,•y \dmmnu�i .,,11
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, '''"''" ,., r, �• ,, ,. r,,,l, ,. , 11 ,, 111, -,·tit• ,t

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'•• .. 1,, ..,1 \l , t ... \ ,,.u,. "1"•""' 111.nt
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h l • jlh<>'lol!' f.,• •dd•·•• 1,,.1 u•l•orm•t1,m
' "'""l .;o1t1 .. ,1uri,·u 1 .- , r" l"••••·<t1n 11,.
\tin• "'""' .,fl, . �
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, , p, , r,• 11,,,
lh• f,,rrt<•t u! I.,, I •" II•\ ,. ,, ,nm!•r

n.., ..i..,1 1Wt, , ..1
·hoob u•p,.,..,nlf'd •1 th..
l!lhH Ja,. ..
lh,... ... ., Oil• n1lf hour .wmu, , 1r,clud,,d
Y,.,�i...,n ,,-. t.n1••nd ('ol�flt' ..,.h.•il nr
' r r l ll (tl l � l d . Ml . \ 1H1n..,-.
1 . ..
I n,wr>11' ..,dtuol ur 1.. ..- . \ 1ll1no>1, I'• .
t,aokllQ ,.,,.,,.., L,.1" (',.nt..,, t•on,·.-..d.
\, II lJo•li"Ml• I.a-. ._,.h,>UI. llt �nU<!(I., ...
...<1 I ulan, -..;nuol u( 1 .. ,. ,,.,.
i lflo•�n,. J..,

. .. • ..11,•�· ••., ,.,, ...... ..,,_ ...1 , 1 ,. ...... •
l\to•1 ll11n 1.-, . ,,ud llo"t••" t ",,,.,..,1, •ut1
'"'"'"" I ull,·�•- ti, Id ,,n••••• , " ni. pnur t,i
,utl"I� •. •••" "' ,1 ,.., "•duoW�• "''' 1"
""" Lh• h flh•-..·rlWI•\•·• •14• •U • • IU d••
,.11,1 . . .rn, i. •uf!oll
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, . 1 1.. , • . , " • h<
! ""''""' ,•f h,r,•1 ..,,,.,,..,,., la, ,•m• llt •
dr>a.Jlbo·d th, ,...p,.... ..t ....u..•� •lud,·nt.
•· "�n, uu11,j;!lhl •nd ..,d .n� .. a. naw,.

l',·1!m•n ·••II ,,,,.�,. lh1• ti•·• '""' •h• •
,,.,�,11 •K ••Ill l ."'ul,•u•nl l u!,,<wl liuh•rd
"""''"· pmf,,-,,,, ,,f \hl,t,,n ..,,,.. .,,,. • •
,,,.lh•••,<•• rn 1 ,,..,,,..1, . a, , ,,m,nK 1 , ,
I ..u...,, . .r L,b,·•·' Arl• •nd .... ...... ,., , � . , ,
\11,h-.•I H"IU'\11,• Hu11,.,,,. ,..,,i l h . i 1/h

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,11r1 """ th• fo,·11!1, r,... i. abu111 ,1 r,,,f.,,,
h,• milkl"> • r, ...1 d,-�,,...., vn lh" m•lll'I
l l_. H>nllHUl"rl '" .,._,,,� "1! I> IIUl><,r(lU\1
lhal th• dud.-!IIJI •nd th• f••'Ult• ,.,1,,
th,·u up11"on• abv<lt HOTt' b.-f,.,, U1 ,
1n,11 11,1 1oomu•.-• m lh•1 •"'•

I I\, t .,.,,,i ... 11•1 !'• " " ' , ,.,,..,, 1 1 > ,
, 1 1, , . ., ... , 1 ,, .,,t1 11\, .... 1. , ••1 ...
\1.,u�t• m, nl ,. >.\f l J''"" ti 11-..,lut,•>1••
l�l•!iWU,_, lh••• ,.,.n-u,t,,..,1,,, 1 , . , Uh ,I\••
1,,. 1�,1 ... U1, I I \-. " "�"'"" r..,1
11•1 u., , I \• ....,. tu "' "" ,., .,,.1 •
"' l'l�•rt"'t th, �fl.,rl• 1" •·•1•hl,-1 ••
� : n, �' 7•tram pr,·"' "11\ .,If, . , ,, t>•. ":
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\,, uttl•ut LI,, j, I� 'I"•�• 1 • .,1 I l \'
l>•"IO' I , '"'"t•n�lur "' lh• 1(1 I I !
"-•lllff fl"l"I' f't<o(�-...,, l l 1,,t1 1
,•nt""' ,.., •. ,.....
l(ubh1n-. u,� • .,,eon•l un
,·nr,ollm•u• P••'l:"'m '" " " I\ -.,,.,1r1 an., ..
-..,r1..1 � ,,.,.,,,,.�, '" i.a�,· , ,,.,...,., .1
,,,r1n,,.,1,,,11 !(uhhu1•"'•tlth•lll•" "''"ld
t,., • m,.,, "�ra<t"•I flhW•·" •"d lh•I
�........ .,,. "'"� <1,,,.n ,n, '"'"' ,., -..,,.,1<!

N01sr .,, ,,n<Jetfl'M1,,..1.. ,,,,..,rv •nge,1,tu?""•a

Frustrated students
complain of noisy library
n7 l ,Y llu·n
T"h,·•• , ""''""( '"" """ 11"
,1 , . 1,,.,h"·m ,.. ,1n n,,1
, •11, ,.,. ••111,,.,.
lh••h , ,.,,..11,,.
i, .., m.m alt..rn•L",..
\11 u,. ohr•--· •
�•"• fm '" I•• ">- uthl•
,...mmnnh u..'fl .. n..n .,....,..,b111f ,ulf,,J�

I nl h N h • I ,b•u, liul I ••·• !lo r•rtl,
h<ljh"' 1.. ..,,,i, !h, ,tu,l•·HI ,,,,.,. ,.,� In h•
•1u1el th, •IU'1•·1H• ,r, It, hll••" llo•n,rtl>
, lh,1"" ""ti t.,1u• •l1, ,r1 · ��, •rP<•"'t,•d
• h•ur-·r-,,n .,f 11,, l ,n,." 1 ·,.mmu1o·•
1/1, ,,. •1>11'•,.,1, ,,1 1r,, .. , \ •ll<,u! II •
,...1 ,....1 ,, ......., ,.1 ,•. • ..,....1
,n, , ..... ,,,.,,,,..,.,, .., . , , .....,,.,1 ,,..... .nd
.. fru,Halu,r, ..., Ith l""t "' u ,.. .. n..
lruh > l h m pl h• ,11,t1, 11,•. ,..
lt••"flbo-\ 1:,,. hhtilf\ •• • ,Ut, "'· "l.,UII
,11,• r,�rntin,. ",th �,ti, "'"""'� "'"""fl •11tl
u11•nd d""' " 1h, ,ut,r,
)l,,, ,,..11. •tlm•L• 1h11 1 1, , ,tu<t,-.. h•• ,., U
a, th• 1tlm1n.,,lflll•,r1 ,huu1d -"•1>• lh•
Diam,· " 11",· ,,..o�n�• :...• n,d, ,., bo
,Ji,• ..,,d, "Dul ! I • th,
•dm11...1.. u , f•ul\ lh•I lh•·•· .,, ,,..
,,1h,•r r1, .r1 1.,,,,f, . ih ..,.
n,,. • "m ()ul l •• • fur,n,\i , .,,.,,,t,..,/ f11,
1>-·.,pl, and. lhu, fu. " "�ull '\I lh, <111,�
•'-"'"' hu.. lu h•n•tl.. (111,p,..1>1,-m IHial
,1•, ,. ••••�11., r,., ua H,,-n.,.t , ,,n..,..,.,,. •
, ,u,.. ,...-1,un ,.f hu'" man, r,,.,,c,h• �••


members debate

I" J,.hn ,\ 1 1 ,•y,·•
11,. '-1ud,•r,( l .. ,,,,.,11n, ,,1 ,..,.,K••I·•"
t"t,At t1,f,••1ot1 • "'"'""' 1 .. ""II• , 1u ,
•<•h••I ,,f h�• III l",,,rn,m I uun,,I 1 /"I
,,.,.,,.n,1u,.., 1.. 1, l'r,,,d,· nl \ " " ' " I
c.., ...
.._. , , r•I ,1,,\ nwmbo-h ,iu,••11,,.h·<i
.. h,- Lh,•r ,, ••• ,..� '"""" r,., f'r,,�··"'
1 •.,11u�•I Lu '{h•lld $,\00 ,., ,d,.•11,,.., Lh,
,.u,m l)l,, nwr,,,,
11,•h , r,•at,•<1 utt•n,,
,.._, u .. ,., 1,111r,•na,... Ln "10,I•. butlun•
•nd p , ..,,1, .,h.. h ..•d • 1 1..,,,. f'r,,(111,.,
1.: ,.,..,1
•1 11,,h -1 Lh,n� 1hr m,M1.-, ,. ,.. .p,•nt
,.,..-!) ," ,n..,1.-d .ktnovr l1= l'n•,,11,•nt
Uuu�I., Wh•L.-. who m,LtUrd lh,• ·Ill
nunul..- <1,• bat., 11,·,•• !hr Mpprop<11L,on !\,•
.,.,11u,.- ,n.,.,.,, ,huulll hu,• b.-,,n ,p.-.. 1 ,,n
l'C fu ..rtH.>n> ut U...•ll l<> buh(>ofUlh,• • � • A

.l,uunr I l a " J•,..,,,,,, 1 1 1 11.,,, t · ,t�s• ••1<1
,. ,,. • .,. .,,,, ..,. 'I , \ 1 ,• .,,,. 1 .. 1no- f't • •�•an,
1 ..u,,. ,1. t1, !, ud, ll l l • • \l" ' dlluf• , .., .,,,
lt••• •h• • ""'"'• "• ' '"'t ""'" ""' '" '' '
11,, ,1.,n,•r,L,, �""'" ,,.,.,. ".. • '" "
•ri:•1uul,,.u ,,n,..,,.,11u,
"I l••l•ll, t11-...�••·• .. .u, •h•I <1.-. lar,<I
\\t\11• M !•,·••p!, "'' "' •I 6"'"" .,f lh•
t• , . , �o m < " "'" ,I
I IHuu�h t n ,
o<l•••rl1" "'' 111. •nd ,,,.,,,., "' Uh J,,u1•w,I.
n, ,aud. •nd ••II e,•I "'"'" "I mout>,
•.,,,.,u. , , 1 .. n,•n ,1u<t.-t1L> •t1o, 11<1 ,1
fun, lhlll>
Ml 11,... -.11h Ouvr lha l ,1 •�• � 11111>'
n 1 .. ...-•111,n1 u,d �,,., \ u·.- l',�,..d,•111
l'h1li11 Suth,• rland. "b,Jl 1 \ \ 11 u t , ,ur �••·"' "
tu t,•11 (h� l't• hu1o tu,lh• nd ,._. b11d�••l
nw mull"" ..-.. c1o-r�11..,t 1>, " ' """'''

..un • lut of ,.-al h(• pra,un.• -"'"• •n<t I
0..11 11 .,,,-, HClh..l lo \oori Wllh lhrn,
-,,, ..,11 'ih,••rtd1•d tlla1 , t u. , hall,•n(l<!ll"
h•lp ,!,..,,i,, 111••�nr11,tum,...·l lh, ,1ut1,·r,1 •
\ ij1, .,f lh• f'.. •W<4"1> " " "' " ' """'
tn1,•rµ.••"'""'1 U,•1111•�" t "''"' t "'"''
•nd lJf, 1.,,.1• • 1,,.r, _,,, .. o1 tt,, 1, _., nu11
ll» 'f'O"l ••l l'+l\l lh,-, .• , .,,., .. . ,,..-n
lu •U 1Hido·l1!14'11<•C,,• ml•ro••l•·d ,11 , •.,., .
,nd1,f, plan,,.,,1
1,,.. ,..,u,... " 11,,,,w,,·t1 !•• r,, ,1.1.1,
, .,,.,., •ndhfe<l, ...1.,pm.,nt 1t1r,,u11h
Ill• ••·•..•ti �,... ,.1,·oli:• ul • ,r,-. I •Utl
1n . ...,1c1 ..1 .. ,.,,
11, ,. ... ,t .111111,
� • f lnu,.••· d�, •••<I
�.,.......!(• .. 1 . .....,
' ' , .. . .. ,,.,
,of• • l d1Hl:11, I"•" •H<I
"'I"'""'' �•II huro1,.,�

b I .L ... l ,nff,n
lu lu, up,-•unt •tltlr.-.., 1.. ui. r,,-Jim.,,
, ••:•• l�••"d, nt f'i·rlm,on ti••• l�r,tl th•!
,uffull, ,, n..-. , 111,1111( • n, • ,·r., lhi,
._,,n, ••Pl•m•,111 ,.., r.O,, 1..,, '" u,.. " \
,•lr.-tluo •P•••·•·t..., 1 1 , l -. • • k
n ,. . •1�···· , ,.... h , l<t 1.,1 l h u,-11a, " ' '"'
l!•dt••J•,n(. h•d • h·l•I"•" 1.,,,
1..,n uul ••• • ""'f"l"'d t,, ,,.,, •!,.. !,un,1
-. � ,. •.,., •t • P,•·m,..m 11 lh• m-unc
·wh.,.n llu1,•<t r,,. <!<'irh t"•• h""" ,,,,., ,,1
1h.- ,fl"',...n,,. .,..,.,.. t,,,..f, n,11 .u ..1 1h,
,tutlr<! I> •mpha,,w•II lh•• 111, I Uut lll.-,
"'"uld du th..,r b\.,,I If �•••1·\r<I I" lh" -.(, \
..., , \ \ "·• l',-,,,,d,•nl f'h,1,p ,utl,nla11d
'111.-, •ti h•n<tl••d lhrt<ls.<h,.,
,;nll that ..
.,,.ij Ur '"•• plr1,.-d -.1th ,um• of th,
"'"'� prohmi ,iu,�U,>h, ...i�d dU!UIII! u,,
•1-•h.•, 1nd <0h un1,r.-.,.d b, lll r•
''"" ,,111 "uttu•,1..-,tl .1.. , ' '�'"'"""'' d lh•I
"''"' ••!th••1w••• n,-. ,., ,H """ d,,n l�••"1t I
•r11l ''" I� d lh•t
.,.,.,, ..i.,. tt•d �••n,,
n11, ,,.,1 ,n 11,. ,, , , ,. ,,,,1,1 • • ,,.c,1111, 4f1,,
ti•·, l,� 1,.,,...,,. ,o1,-,
\, ,.,
"•>fllh1m,,r, tl•.,. l'n .,d,1,!
ll•mnrt,.,, ,.., ,mjlo..,.'fl t,, 11,. f4, 1 lh••
"• m•n• .. ,p1.,n,.,,.... ,.,., '""""'t '"'
.,, ,n, ...,,d "\\h,,. • '""in.... ..�.,,,,
.,,.up,-1,1.. ,n ,., .. lh•·•• •r, ., ,,,n p,·upl,
ru11n1nt rurun,• "·•l ., '>h, ..,,d ttia! llll•I•
•n ,nd" "•"" uf Lh•· ir,r-_1 ,n,.,1..,m,•!ll �,ul
h1£h ,p1t11., of th� ,.,phum,,o, ,......,nd J,­
"'"'ld II�� thh '" ,11Ht1nu, ,n th• lutun
h,r lh ,,, pu..1,.,n, hl1llll>� tu
,,. Jim..n. 1t1,,,.. 1n• ,·11tlt 1 p,•,.pl,• runnu,�
r,,, ,·la. , t.·j><••-- nt.>I"• lhr,•,· """""l r,,,
..... f>ft•>1d, n t. a11d rl\,· IIIIU)Ul( fur .-i...
l>,....,.i,.11 1
\Hhuu�h """'' uf "" ll••-hm•11
•<tnu11rt1 tlutl 11,.., •••· •1111 .,, f,.,,n,-d
�boul ..,m, uf th,· ,.,..,,.., '"">l"•d 1n lh,
..., , \, Lh,,,. -.,.,,. .,,.m, ,tud,•ni. ...n,,
"' l>fU'd l"�<tdr,.,.. ,um� ,,t lh, l••f'W>
·.,..1r, 1t,,,.1 ' 1<1 1 M • •ml,llill•
lir1Mn 1
r+,,, 11ff., , uf fr,•,IIIH••II , Ii,.-.
••·?••·..•nu.1 .. ""'"l<"n,•d lhltl n,, h•d h�d
><•m•• r\s-'flrn.... ,n ,li,d,•.. l t• ".-rnm..nt1n
h1i=t, >ritu.ul lndth1thr h•ll ..,m,,,u,·c,-,.,.,n
un,h,ni u,.. \ludrnl ie-,,,-rnm�n, 1n..,..
lAonl,-, ..,,d lh�t h� would hi,.- LO� th 1,
hlpp,•n H ',ufrulk lt�•dm11t,•d lh,11 h,- hi>
nol \o•I lll••nd,..;l aro, uflh��:A m.·.-11..�.
l>ul ,1,�,..-d :hat n,u,�•,11 1 ..11 and unit} "
n,�...,....,. funn, � ; A t u l.k - a ,ur�
Ma,• ►111 .. n 11.u,·..rnm�nl ' IM) 1h1nk1
1h..-,1 \111,uld ... 1 uud.,,1t,lo!I Lh• bunll ol
IIU�l'ri �•>'�1 of thr •lud••nt,,. �k<'d
t1Uun no'" n.. -.,,u•d at·I nn Lh� .,,.,,.,.,
►1llun -a1d lha1 h,· -..a. nu.t , r ! •.. ,.. hn-. h,·
,o·nuhl h1udl� lh" ►11U,,n �l�,..,,d 1h11
ht• wuuld �U <>Y I 1n .,,.. "hll (h.- o<htr
f11•,Jrm,·n lh1<1l, t,,,f..,,• dr<- ,,'.tn1ho-. io ...,
u" 1 h.. m1th•1
l't,•f 1 :1nd, ll'h} \ln l.ump ..,,, •11 1 ,
,· ummf'nt.-d U,.- .. ant.-<1 1., .,... ttt,- ,t ud..nt..

,.f ,.,ff,,/� ""'l h,c,•lh.., 'ob,- .;o,11 ti
,·l.·,tr<t I rrpr••..,<1t.m.- uf t h+ fr,><Jtman
"nultl d,, llr1 b,,,t lu ...... tha! coat

1-,,,. "''""" ..,u h•�f' ,1ud, ni.. '" ,-·•�•�I
•...,,_ ,1.11.-, ,aul "un, uf u,,. d1fr.. u1u..,
•lu(l,•t, l,, hi••_h lh•l lh,\ ih• - • h<I>) Wllh

" M•••I ..,,,� •nd l'•h� th•! 1hr) d,m'1 h1"•
1,m, 1. . r,l1n,.,., 1h1, ' ""'"' �,.,., lh,m th,
..pp,,,1u1u1, 1,, 11\m� •bo•<II •"d pl••• lho ,r
\n,,tn,, ,.., 1h" , , ,..,,,. .. ,11 n..i1,
,rno.-ni.. ,n, -..,r1 .. "1., 1,., th,-n, • • .,..,
"ir• " f • h u lh<>J, ll<••, "'h•l th,•1 1 1111,r,..,1,.
,.1,,,-,. <ood ,k11l, 1., , a11d h"" 1" ,r11,-ct1t,
111,..., ,.1of\ 1ni, •"·•·1
1.11,, -...ti u,.! th•· ........., ,IUd•·nL,
lhml •nd l�·�•n pl•111nn(
.. 1t.... u,r ,1 ,..,H br(u, 1n..m


"on,n \oOHlf'II r,,_,.J alon� and lblll ICfUUp
hrlp) th,•m '" n\l','I Hthrr p,,upl•• W hu lr,•
tl1"1U�h \l{rnl•, r\jll'f1,-n1 ." 'ihr


\1111,·• •H'"""t,·d " J.uu'-' Pn,.·•·NI\ m
\l,..,,.,., ,.h,.,, Ji, ...,.,,.,.d a H -\ 1n
t',,, , ,•.,h'(\ '>h• ,.,,.,.,-d n,., t.od M ,n
t ,,.,...,..1,., t.<1u,.i1,.,n41 l\ontofl I n,,·rr)II)
•ndhr, t.<1 II ,n ( .,un...l,ntl''W• huh•\ •1
k,,.1.,n1 .,,.,.,.,h
.;,,., i,;a, " t..1 .,f ml..,,•,tn1( •nd
1mp,,-,ll,r , h,,,.al �•pN1t• n•·• l'h,• 111<"'1
, , , ,·nl b,·u,, • ,talf P,)<'hulof:i.t It
/1,r,<l(c,·.. •i.-f, \lu•u -...,�.,... c i,,, ,n t.a,,t
llnde.-•�1,- dur1n• '':flt1,1nda Conw1un1


Speeches reflect a
'New Era' qt Suf

ROTC Extension Program debated

h} \h,·,. \\lu><•I••)
1,..-,rkHI l t,, ,,.,.i l'•·rlrow, ,.,11 '"" ""
l•I••• Ill" mu!I lh ,r ._,,fT.,lk ,. 111 I'"""' !IP
,i.,. ,,, h,,, '""'"� ... , , ''''"" '" , • "1, • ,,,1
l r�m,ue I ••11•
1(,,,..,.,, 1lffo,·r
1 H < • ! t 1 p,.,turr1 ..ft..,,.<1 ,., ,,.,u,. .,;, ,,,
' ""''""

Psychological Services name Asst. Prof.
by J•>d• \lanfredoma
'"'ll•·d In,
'•n• \
p,,•• h••l•"(ir,1 ,..,,.,. ,... . , , , u , , " • " • ..,-11n1
p,.,r,.,,.., 1h .- ...-1n.-h·r
,,�11,, , Mn,· '" �.,rr.,•1 ,,,.,.u,.. ,,,.
1o•1H, tu ""'� " If, ,!1111, I ! II\ •JI .,rlw,
""•" h'I\ "hl<I h,o, • r,/1111o11",r I. ,,
q...,,n, , . .,,...,.,.,, .,. , -4,
lh, ,,h,nr hn ,, ,,, "'''" """"'• ,.,
,u11..1�. ,,,.. ••• ti "\\ •IL,11� up r . "''""
,trr"I I t,,, 1111• , , , ,1,.,1 '" •II lh, �• 1,-,1,
•nd n,.,.,.,,., .,1 ,n 111, , 11 , a11,!""' ""'l•U•
lln ••11>1!"._ • I •111!,•• I ,.., huh
r,, ,.....,,._j . • ,.., ,
• ""n�lrn� ,Tm!, •
•"tl ••t . . .1.. ,n.1 "'"' · '•"•,.IIUt ••n••u,
''""i'' •hll
,,i.,, �l, •
• 111i,a
ll•d <t
�: : \ d
� ��
::��.: ,:;::
l ,
. , I -.j,.
!1tll! IP" ""'"'l'lh r, , .,11,1"'"'1''• •"<!,1,.
,1,o<I• t< l • > • • l,11in � ", I•• _.,, ,1, �I•"�

rnlr,,.>L�ll •llll .,. ,11,nt I" .,.,.,. 1hr
I ll,• r,,,1 ,1,,, ,,l lh•• • u•nm,th·.. ..,1l t,.-,
,., "••Lrlbut• p,•ta.....,. ur(Ulf 1 ..... W
,1cn �nt1 _,,, ... ,.,..,,,.,.. f.,, 1n.. ru1 urr u r ui.,
hh,�r, "I "'"' I " b,• •blr (., -.i,n" u,,.
l • •n .,f ,1,,o�n1, •nd II•• hhn11'\ ,urt
th�I ,.,, ,,111, .,., ,·un,.,
t , ••m ,·• ,,, •.,,,,.,...,., .,r Lh,- �••rnmul>'.. .
\';our••••t1 llul(II•" • du.,hL> thal •.,, •!L�rr,p\
IH ... 1m 11... .,..,.., ,n 1h,· hl>nl'\ .. ,11 .. .,,k
" ! t , ""rt111,,., 1.. tn Lu d,, •ro ,Uuu�. .t,r
..,., t n1o•,.. ,,.., .,..,,, 1,.h11r ! 1•.t1�man
'""" • t.,., 1 .. ,n,,01 '"'""' '""" "l)t'"'
th,·1< muult1
\ ..o..i ...., th, ..,nun,tt•••· l>r('"' bt
,1,.1 nh"I"'( 1,.,.,k,.,.,b ln<1 t,•n�mt
\•mlo·h ho•l'111� th,• J.,�ln, "!-> l!,t :,, , t I.�
• . < 1 l l 1 t , l(,,.,,,,,,. ,h,• f•-..l• L I I I II W:I>
1 fuhlr .i11n1p1 n,.. ""•' ,.,luuun Vlo'
l)rhr,..,,, t> m lh,. "1orUdt'>•• lup.-d iuu,·1u"'
.,flll, .,,, .,. hnburtunl'tae>- H..11d1nt
ll. rartl,. h..,.,.,�,. holcUun ioh,• , h.,pn
••ill idth. "I m ••·'} opllm1>t11 . a. ••m� ••
Lh,. ,Luth-11L, und..,-.1as,d lh11 l m nnl uUI
1.. p,,... t th, lu,r,·•
-.h� .,.,d Ju• '"""I d tr,, happ, 1.. rn....1
� ,1n ...,on.. ,on., "'"'-•d 1,1,., tod1"<'..•' th�
,...,. furth•• u,J can n,, ... nu,1 ..d
1hru..cnth,• -. 1 , ,\ orn....

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l'lltl, "'-�n✓•..,,. 11,,.,t 'i0 l 1. •n•llh,••
,an<t,diit,• fur r,•pr,...••nl,1ll"•· tll,nb lh11 1
,..,,,.. "r •�•mmun11, " 11.-.•drd 11 """"I�
bo•, 1u<r ur ch,· r�,., 1h11 11 ,. , ,,,mmutr•
.,. h,,.,I �h.. -.·•>11ld h�.- m,..-,- ...., 111

•• 11,,11.-. ,.,. 1n,, ........d> .... ,.�u .. dunn1
lh,• ,.,,..� �.. ronfhod,•d 11) ..},nl, thal
Uud•ntl\houlll '"'l,y W r--1 m�ul•NI ..

NEW ASSISTANT PROFESSOR of rt>e Pf','cholog,c11/ Sent,ce1 Crnr,,,, Nanq Mil/He,
!J<'!S !J!Wetl in
M<>lh.-, p,oe11m .i.h,• 1••.. ,.,h,•d w,1n "
l'l;\< hulul!l>I uf .\\,• nt.11 fh,alU> Sen,...,. 11
th,. \\,•1ch 1 t'on1rol lkod) A••n-n....,
l """""'') of Mu.i.a,·ttu...uun 1!176 1!1111
<,«>Up -•ht<·h I> <"u 'fl'•nw,rd I>) 1h,­
Un • p,1111 11- bl�••· ui., ha. 1 Mn•II
Wun..,l1nit LrnU•r 11111 !'hr lltumrn ·,
pnui... ?ta<-U.-.. ,n which u,., <l<>rA
Ptu,iram l '••nt,•• l 1 1>1 i,ouplu,..-om.-nt,,
, .......... hnc and 11.,, �h.- d..,,,�, a..d run•
d1w11... th,•lf probh•m• w11h ,·llmt :rnd
, . , . .,.,. wu1 kshop1 ti i11m•
tn..., ,..,,1<..,11, 1h,,u1 u,,.., 1>,><1,..s
11n•t:<•m,•n1 Sk,ll•.Also•n1-.• nl'S> 'l't1un111,
Ma11..-,,. ,n,·ol...d m th,· �upp,,., 1,rnup
•nd '>up.•n,,..,,..,. C.,mmun1c1Uon SklHs
fu, flrlunun, \\um..,, :\lu<t.-nt.. lh1,1b<,
Sh.- ....)01) .....111n1 U>int• OU\ ,,r
" "'"'n"',r,,d b) <h•• l ounwhnc l',.nt,,,
Pll• h wurl I n d dmn1 qu1lt1n1
•nd n,,. lltum,,n ·� PtUJf&.m c_- ..,..,., Th,.
,..bu ar,•
1roup " "'"''1111.-d fen
: ·,11. !�:i-....:� nds ;;;,.,,';::
:-t.::; � �
,.. turnmc lo :-uffo•k af\rr th"'" \f'ho.,lm�
mu�1,. Also Nanr) ""'"· '"1 .. to•U,.,.lwrll} , I
"'"-' ,.. 1o,rr111,1,,d tr, fanuh . wurk, ,•1,- 11·,
ha>r a sU•mt 1nlNP>l 1n lh;,ps)rholot:)' Of
e<,al ,, 1.. ,,,a1r a "•up1"•fl1>•• n.-1-..orl
<hll"'• anti wum,•n '• d••�••lopm,-nl






1 111� slud�nl "h" " n,....u,1 ro,
>.11\.. thmlu that pupullMI\ I\
ort•n bruu1hl into Lh.- �w1ioni hanl
""lh..-an.tli<>,.-rnm,•n1 'll-! 1 ,aud lha1h,rfl1t.>
u,., M�tr n(flll l<11L11nll •lo,,.. " II� <aid lhat
"muot of Lh1>�ll•,ol •• bu1•1vn pupubrlt) •
10d 'ilrrS.So-d lhal h,• w<rnld ma�.- • fonn
,•omrn1tn1t·nt W unr,•rol}·1nd hon..,,1\,1nd
would U)' to •rprr.. ,.,.,y.,n,•
Uo,.·rn·r. nu1 111 o t 1 h.. stud<'n1.>rhu....
lu ,p.-ak 011 th.- tMUl"l Lnd.a l)t,•n. I
r1nd1datf'fut prr11drnt,'il1d>1mpl) . -l (,,,. 1
lh•I l 1m ,N) qu._j1firdrot thr1'•bb.-<�u,...
l ,u n l l o .,. m '"
IJam• n J>onu\lltn, th,· -Sl<A t.1,·,•fion
Ch11,m1n. d-•d th,- m,..-t,nc b) -a)mr
lhll 111 of th� r1..d1d1tr.. hu.. tuud ,d..
...11 ,nwnt,0...11..d llull h.. hop,-d lhlllhb
11111udr ..-,U,.-m11.. ....,n,1.anL

-····················· ..-.



! Fot Mechca1 Resea1ch Sludy ,n
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on med1ca1lon .








Can 956-5136
9 5
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Parking rare


I Care

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• • • ,nw lf>, d,•� ,,1 "''''"'"''� '""
.,,, ,.,,.,., ,,r I I, " ,pnur u,,. \rm,
tt• i.d ,uffolk -�1..n-,,,11 , ,..,1.,., ,u1u,,
bul lf'• t f'I "�• ,,.,1 ii'"" ,offh LIi .,.,(,, • ,ol

.\,, ,,rt1,nr t,, l<i<llt t •�•r<lo n1>l"' 10•
u, , �•i\1 ,\.,.,.1,nt t.n.n,, f'tufr'60r
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ao,d ti� ,. II rllr, l lllf'
· �; l 1
::, k,'l.l•lr.., ,..,. and
,::. . :.:� ;1..

1,i.,",.'"' "''d••·•"""'"' 1n, ,.,,.,.,.,,.,
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•Yl ll'l, hYl· ao,f.l /.,,t., t>,f.,,• lll¥ d, ,o ,
111, ... n1, d 1. " • �,,n H, .......,,,,, ,,11.1
•• ot, lfUII ,. 1 ,. , .
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t<.,•••t ·' r,�,,., ! .,..,,, n, •t•!"''""tl'"
,..,1, '"' •' ,,,.,,, I�• IO!•-.<l•·ri ,.,
1-.,, •I• ,, I',••maa, r .. ,u.,, " ..-u, n ""'
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If" I• � 11"••••! I' t,, • ,f,t.,.

1·· · ·rti"e-·Jo"ii,nai·· · 1

: congratulates �
those elected I
in yesterday's 1
.:. ..................................................


. .... ......... _..



� Some1se1 S11ee1
BostOr\. Ma:;sacnusett5 02,os

Don1 0.C.� - 0o ..

Thursday , Oct. 9


Black Students Assoc. me�t1ng
Presidents Council meeting


Tuesday, October 1 4

S1udent Government Mee1lng
Council of Presidents Polley Committee
Psychology Club meeting

Thursday, October 16

' " J1,11,1rnal/l'agc 7
Octobu 9, I 980/Suf�oflt Jo,.,

Irish Cultural Club mee11ng

Thursday, October 9
1 :00-2:30
Program Council film comm presents " Saddles"
1n lhe Aud.
Monday, October 1 3

Thursday, October 16
Program Council Film Comm presen1s "fl.ios'-;·atu ,
The Vamp1re

Black studen1s assoc1at1on presents painter Lois Ma1lou
in "F1f1y Years of My Art"

Come to RL19


Preparation and
Pri nting of








: �n�ir�� nagernent.
o�1'::!��t :


Octobu 9, 1 980/Su!folk

'Silence is Golden'

M.n, ",\l'fol k ,111dt-nt.. lLl>t d...-1do-d 1ortth•r d n l l\•H
,1ud)U>l •l ll"m�, J:l.l If> lhP I•• ...-honl hb�I'} will\ U,�11

:�:�;��: :.: ;,b::: h;�ut::�:�! ••��
" ::"::: :�,�� ..::::,;;; ;� �:," ,"���� :arplu� ind ,n a,
., ,

• •

:�:;: :.:.�'. : ,. ::h�;:,:n
c:�;., : :
"'"'" .,...
, ...1 , ..... •lh•n11,L> �.
tll . "tu<l•"1
• •,.,,,.,,.,,,.01 '"'"'•'""' 1" d,, ..,.,, ..,11,n� •1><"11 111,.
....,1,•1 .... ,. 11••1 ,.i, ro .......,..1, ,,,... ""' ,,,.,,,. .,,..,,
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.....1.,ni anilll• lnp1 1,.,s,• .,,n1,-LhmE •�1 lh•• -U•

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Is .student apathy dissipating?

,·.,uh1 th, "·h,..,l i,ohu,�t un,•bo-• •·h•nc111i •t ,urr,,1k •
l'h,• J,.u,...,, n.,1>-" lhat lho- l•1rr u1 nd.ln, •I u,,.
..1... u.,., ,p,...,·n..,. fu, r,.._,,,.,,.., •11d><.1phum "n urr,,..,. .nd
f,u •lud<-nl 1:0,·nnm ..n t ,\_.,.,,..,11,.•n "'1'''''"'"""1,.,.,
u,ark• 1 1n•nd ,., �n "" n•1.,u,�l• aw•r•· and .,,·II ,nf,,..,,,.,1
>IIHh tM,d,
h b ll111,· 11'1Ml llh• " l • \ r,,,·,• • ..·<1 • m) f!•d uf d•fr••n•nl
•d•••. m.-mtk<M111 and,01,n..1 d,,nu""1N1 1" u,,. ,.,)111"'"'
Jl,,. ,,....,,,.f1ll " f t l'l , , 1ud.-u1.>,J,,.uld t>o n·:,n·.,..11i..d

"" 111.. -.1 . \ ,,.,, ,.·,1 1t,.,,. f,·,. ..,t,.,n1,, u,uLts d 1 < , n • ..
11,,.., .,.,,., n�rd '>I . \ ••n l t,, d"mrnah-d b, • f,,.
d,ff..,,.,,, �•.,uµ,.. b111 mu,1 n•n,•,·1 • ,.,.1,, -..m1ilmr uf tht•
<1ud,•01 llud, 1 , 1 '" hu!)• lh•I th, ,•nthu>1l>m ur th1>
•·I,�•,.,,,, •"d 1h,, •-�•· r,..111 ..r , .,..,.,,•"" r,.•,hn1rn .,..,
"''l'huu,.,...,11... t..... ..,.". r,.,,., ... ,,.,,., luWMd th"
w.. 1..,. lhal lh, ..nlhU�!...m and U,, 1nt.·r,•,1 "' ,..,1
·111,n ,.
1�,11u..11 •.-u,,1, thill .,,Ut,, fu1"1tvlh• n un...,• 1n .. ..i...
.,, .., ,u fl,�k .,,,..,,. ,uu1 rnth u-•m •nd ,·,,n,Llnl

.. 11,.1,.,, ••1 ton, • 1 1.�.. ,. ,,rr, , , . , .,,.., .... 11 r,.,. •· 111, n, 1,.
�.!: :�:1
n,·al i,..., t.olk"'t '" lllr
...,.,, ,hmt tw,nr • i•••ff
�,•.,.,,,,. ,,,u, ""�,..., ho r,.,, t•••nc "''" ,,,..
""d•·r¥n<1.,•I• 1,br"" If , ,,u find • • ou,,...11 ,i..,11"� •••
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,..rr,.11 .nd ""' " • p, m• •·�1m1,I•• "' an .,..• •l
..n..uld b.• 1mr,1..n..-n1<•(1
lu lhu;. of '"" ,.t,,, "•nl lu ,tud, ,n th• �uflulk

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hbo.t\ r"mnu1t,·,
!'ht- 1',.ff.,11. 111,ra" ..n,111.,. . . .,.,,,,p,-,..• 01 ,1.1rr 1r,,. , , .


., , II

I,, •II••"•'.. tllr •1>o,l,.hrrwnt u r th r ' " •t o tunr ,oi,,-n
U,. J.,.,,,..,1 , fu lurr ,, 1t , l) tn do•Jm ... ....... un,•
,n,.,1. ,,<1 l h n•uKhuul Liu• l .,,.,...,,, .,f lh•• •,PP,•nunlll In
, l,•1r lhr lilt ho•tw,�•r, llw >tud••nt,., lJUSI�••• alld th,• Jn,.mdl
"" a .,.,. •mr,<>n&nl ,..,... l'h,• ,,...,,..,,.., 11 ,uffol�
1 ........,1, "'""ldn<>C h,•<1•• n1,•dlh,. f,,n,., , ., t ,..1h.., or ,.,,1
• p,.,,,.,,.., I••• 1 ,1uo:1<-n1 ,,..,,. ,.1.1111,,. "" 1h•• l\.,ard .. r

1 ,.,,1...,, ,..p,,o,.O'fl
l •l"• • •ll lu lh,.J•,11••"ll • •ll,.nl"•" lhac th•· " '1 ",JI
""l"'"'I, ,•n11nr,..,11 t" r11/11•r It" �\u(trru
••�amm, l
r l�••"d••IIU • .,
< , , .. ,..,,,,,,.1\1 "'
""·'�"''" '" lh•· l ,,uro• ,1 ..
11\r tu•nu,_ (1,. ,_,,.,n �Cud••nl.\ ,\.i._. •.,..,,,.n,,r lh,• -..ud,•nt
1 1

, � h �;�;,,::: ::..�:,::1 :;,:::�;���1 1:::-�:: �?.�:.�; :;:�
I•• II,.� up l•f••t><Nll• lu lh, -. \I ,.n,., .,,,i,lff •" lh, ••n
�nd P.up.-tul h ,11 pn, lh�• .,..,,. •• • I""•'""• 1••·••·••ful
..,1uu••n lh, , "' .. ,11 n,,1 ,,.. ""�· 1,, ••, •""l'i>•h ,1,
l '"""'" " ' 1 1,, .., 1 1n, ,up1h,r1 ,,!1h. ,·.,t•r• l n1,.,.,1,
l )ul\ldd\\ t ,lrtljl1'r
t ·11.,,q,..r.. u, . t ,,unhl ,,f l'r,•,11lrnt,,
c •.,, ,,rnr,wn1 ·1'1:!
• • .,,.,•.,., •1•ui• ,, I•• "� ' ''"" " ' ....... ,
h•p,,.t,·1 t• <h, l"t• r,1•1'1•• d• _,,l.,J"'"·"I ••1 h••' �"•1
"I>"• " '"· 1n.1 1,,,.,1 ,., r,, ,..n,., 1 11 ,.. ,ti, " ""'•"t' ,
•um,· • qU!/�• ,.f ch • • • urr,·11 '" u,• .,.,. I, •• -, \•
;� ,'.;�: h• n u• Ill• I� tub, r �. I''"'' •--u• .,f Ith "uflull

!1 ,.., .,r,,,.,.,, ,., n,. fn,111 m, ,.,,.. c ••f lh, ""'·"••·"
'"di 111. '' l'•lft•·• h..d "'" 111>1,., t ,·d •11d w•···•"n•,1,•d
<!•·•• -111(1 " I'""""' uf lh•• l ru,h·•• "lud,•111 Afll h
' ''"'""'"" I I ... \I ' � """··• . lh• uu,i,, ,. hp� 1'• ,oilh
1•• 1ual , ""'' •nd ""1(aU•r uponn•n, • .,, <>Umpl... lh,
arl.,.l.-,u,1.-,. " '-u uno• knu1o , ,.hMC!111J< lru,1,..., ,.•ll 1 -,.-1
l'hr fa,1 " th•l ,.,h uu,1.-,•
• ll•u 1n,· ,·.,mmu1,o...
• II••"•·•• h , ,,n11n1t1,•· 1n,... tu1t
,\n.,lh"' 1l•r>n£ ,.,,.,npl,• ••• "!),,•�n uf "lut1••"'-> II
tln1<tl,•• ""lloan ...,,d, ·11\ apr,m.-O<•n..!•l •ow11�,Lud,·11t,.
· fh,· ,ta1.-,u,· r 1 1 u l b n ... a,
a..<1 1h, admrn"tnt1on,
1I •
lll•1 •• 1l, pr,m,• t,,,n,-f L lllll1l prudu.-..,unnmun1t-•l"K•
.,,,on1 t11.. 1ru,t,•,.,,,cud.-111.>1ndadmmo.1r11•on
I ..,.n,1d •l'P'"''alr •l •f ,.,u •vuld pl,••..• ••r
•n¥•' 1 u
"•"· a11ulll .., .,.p,.,flN 1n1>•n"'" m.. 11 ,.,mrfu1u,,, m11,•. "•
lhallh,.f1,r-,,r1h,· n1•Urr m1, bo-1n11 , ,..d
I ,,rd11lh
ll•, SuHo•n
l 1'·anur,1uo. nt.>

John Berl(
tal'Ult\ \,,h-isv r l O C"Arl

:·::�\.'.: :·;� '.·,:�·, ·;t::: :;·� ::·;;�:: :.·,:� '.��·;;:,:·:�
hl���;r ��
hbn" " 'll b.• • 111n�..d pta,, 1.,siud,

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Sunot l\ Jou 1? 11i1.u
-�a.Su drnt 111o1111,.., ,.f th, ,c,.,, ..,., \ffa,f'I ummm,,•
,:,.,H' ! l mu,1 11b 1,"" "'•llltn• '""'""'• 1•u>1Uun \hal
lh• , \! t,,. l11,-,..h,•d • l h l<1t...1 ! ! 'IMl,.,.u• • fo, ,.•,,·11I
n•••un> t otrrn•"l. •l ll,,• p,r."'"' '""'•· lh•• ", \\ ._ w,. .,,.h
••rt1n11.a1.on ,n ,. 1,,..11 , ,..t.,•• 1 1o<lm.,,c,1,.1o,D lrld
cru,,...., na ..• Lhr >n,hh 1 .. m...-1 rum,al h and t.. d•" ""'
w..,.., ,,,J.-,1111 h• 111.. .. h,.,1 1hr , .,1 111.-n f,-,mi,lat,,,
r,w1•,..1> 1n.1 ..,n .-.11u, 1., ,h, 111.. n1, .... ,.f tn,• t1,,.,11 ..t
l ,u,,..,., n,,. -. \1 r.,0,,.1,., ,11..1,111 1.-all•·"' ,.,111 ""
"Pl�,rtu<1•1• l" ,,,,.,., th.. Lru,I>•••• llw ., \I' p<u•u!,•, 1n,
UU>l•,..• ..-,th ll\, "Pl">rl<JIIIC\ I" IH••••I 1t,,• ,lud,•nb l'h•
' \ I p,.,.,<1,-- 1n.. f.,rum ,n .,.h11h 1<ln1+n1>lllln", u",h·•·•
•nd ,1<1n,• ,,� •·11, d1>1"u,. ,.-1,.,•111 -u,.. lh, " '' I"'"""·•
111.. r,wum 1n .. 11,. h lllr m,•rnr..-..... 11,.., 1t,,, ,'f"'"•"'' •"t1
�ri:u1n.-nt., .,f Ill• "th•• m.-,.,t,,.,. uf rn, " \< II<,, ., \I
"'""(!,,, th, r,,rum m •!u,·n lh, ,u,·mho·r,,,on <1, h•m111"
" • ""'"'""d,•ll p.,lh o,·• tnal """Id h<•f."•lull, o•">h• •"•
.,.,1 .,1 ,, 1,,,...1 ....... \I 0[11,,u( 11, .. '·"""' ""' !'"'" ...
•I• ..11,.1 j••I"•• •••<I tn• r••• "'llm••11da11un• lh•I l<>rll"J •I• ,I
••l • •·•r , !'1',...,u,·"1""' "" • " '· ' '"" ""n•• n••· "'• r1...
lur,,. d ..,,, .- f••••••b• • 1 ... I• ,.,.,,,,�.,,,• fl••'fl
ln ltr, ""'' l t, •I ll" 1,,,,\,., , 11,.,,.,1, ,u,r,11-.I . ,. .., ,., ,
! • l•I• .,,.f,,j• -..111, llH -. , , <l"• \,• Iii, • • •l,1\,ni , t,1,r,,.,, lh•
, ,,
I f,,..,1, t,..J ,. " lh•I ·I """''' I� '" 111• ,H.,1• "l•
<<I•,, ,1 ; .. h•" Ill• ••l'l'"H"n,I\ h• '"'"'' •II "! lh• , ,.,,;, • ,
,,. .,. • ,. r · ,1 . ""' o. i,,.,, 1 1,.ac Ill• " ••tk,n� ,, !a"" ••h•P
I� 1 ,. . , o lh• r•,,·111t>," .,f Ill• ' ,, -.1,••.,ld t,, �•••r,<f'llo,
t" ,�., .,,1,, ..,1 I •••uh! ••tl•.-r ..., ''" "Al , , .,,,pr,.. ,1,,1
,.,., • ., ttrr,· • •lll •"hl••ll<H-1 • • • ••"1 • •1" , . , , .., , . , , tui,11h
,,.i..,1,u, • h•«• Ir, II"• "'�""•·• . Ir>• , " , "" <k" 1..p •
.,,.,k,01� n·1�1,""'" 'I' ",111 .,. •.,,. .... ,.,1,. " ..r tll,· 11,.,.,<1 .. f
l tu,h•·•. h••· ,n, ••Pl"'"""'l' ,,, .....,,, .11 '" "''"I .,ru ..
1,u,t••" n<1 , ,1.1bh>h • fl1n , 1 h11, <1f •nf,,,m•h"n bo l " ' " "
lll, 11,.,.,d.,f lrlbfrP••ndU..·>tu<l,•ni..
1111 1h.. '"'"' 11111 •••,....,...,, >hJd••nt �-.o<l,-r,n�,,· ""• k•'
•d••il •llal th.. ,·nnnnllh••• ,�•n bo· u..-d fnr. I rall W th ,•
1.,,.,.,� 1 ,
nu.,11 tn•t 1n, ., ,, .. ,11 ""'k ,.,. llh
l)!"l'"""b •du1,1h•<l II' th, l'ut>lu oluMl> ( t>mnHll•·•• 111
•••t••II l" 1hr «u1d1•l o11,., r"' lh•• J.,..,,,�/ l'h, '- \ I
,...... ,d .,., ......,,.no..-ndal••Ml·••O l•• lh,• 11<,.,d,..f t•u•h• •
•n l ),,•.-..111bo•r 1•1.-11h.1f U1,-Ju,.,_, ,..,.,, j>1,-.,_.d,.llh tn,
l'ui,1,..1,vn, t·o,nnuu.... , ,,·,·nmm..11d•t•""'• ,n,•n 1h,·
,tud,•<1L r,•p,..,.-,,u,1,.,.,,.,, lh,• ,Ai _.,Ut,,. ablr 1u pn•,..·n1
bulh Ill,• J.,,.,,,.,1 • I"""•"" •nd 1hr •l ud,• m., l�»ll•""'
lu lh• I n,,1,•r• ,n •lh•r,dan<"r llw ,Al
l )l ll� t " I L \
pm,·,M 111.- J<,,.,,.,,, .,,1h th, ,.pJ>'"lunm : .. rmalt, b•
•bit ,., �.,,.,,., u,,. p,,.,tJon• vf .,.,m,• , ,r no1 au. nl u,,
uu,1,,,.-. ,111 1h, 411,.,1,.,n,....,.,.�,n,ni 111.. ;,,..,...,1, fulur.

�.�,t t'I

J ,. •. �1••1 ••• " ' LI,•< 1 r , I, •., .,., I •• , h•"�•d 1
i,,,,,, ..., . •, ,t - ..,. •"l'i"'"· .,,.unu,·d ,1�1., , . , 1 fu mlo•<I
' "t ... ,,....... 1.., 11 .. , •. .,,,,,,1 1,, \Ull'•l l oh(U"1l li,1u,u, ,
, 1 \l•t , , r,,. '·•u•••� • . ,,, ,., ,�p,,,,,u� 1, 1.,,u,., ... 1 . ,""" .
, ,.,,,..., ,1 t,,,, ,�u• .,,,,.•. r,m,h11 .,,th u,,.
••rt,t,......,.., ""'" """I r•·• ·1•I.. ., ..I hup, tt-U .... ,
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I , Pl 1,,,1.,,. ffl••unl1n� forth,, •tt•• k, u II If 11,.,, d,, "'
I 011,, •ot•f•<1'·'1L U••l !II•·• ,.,It ..�· 11,, I""''"' ,unH•hlill""
,1 " · ru•d• 1,. • ,1,,..1,.,., 41 ,,.{1.,11,

11,,rn,� •b . • • • .. ••I ..,.,c, '" ' • ' ,t•J h•, pn-.. r11> d
•.,1.,.11o,n•I f,.,.,m, ••• .. .nal p.a,rt. .,/ lh•· ,.·ur1d """n
wt... "'•""" • •·nh·,, ,.f nlo-mau n.l •ct.-ntu,n ,u,h .,
'"•14!U• hlP . ln<I /1mbob.. , '"'""' • 11u,11mi 1r,,...,
l"•ot!••m• ,..., ,,,.,, n bo·II• • obi• I•• unll..r•IJlnd th,
"•t"�'I"' "' , .,., , .1d1ni "' , .,.,,h "' u, •.� ,ro·a, I \l' I "•
�,,.. I" ' " h n •·•• t, • • � • • ,,.n, I ,n """ '' m,·ml,..,,.,f 1n,
"Ullul � • , .n ,11ourul\ do>< uw·II " n,,. -..,.·llll H..,,,.111.,hthl,
,T lh�l•rr t du, •ll••II l.a.<l , ,.., I /o r IMlllf'h•�• ,.,.r, 11-,,,
h,.,,..,.,,, ! ),..,,••, t ulh1m f•rul l\ m..rnt,,·r, .ludOL!•
hnh,...,. �n,1 u... ,d 11..tMn,. •nd ,tud<-nl ll•"d t,.a/,.a•
lh, do,• ""'"" "'"' r�l,.· n,..i, h••h and mfor,i,ath•• ,1
"'"' •I•" ,,,,,. .,f lllr f,.,. uppurtunllh'> duttnk \/Ir 1 ,·•t f<>1
,lud,·nt.. lu pul 4 u..u11,n, lu l'r,,1d,• n1 t ulll11n m •
1,•1.u..ll. •nf..,mlll..-1u,,1
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""' h •• 1..1hr• I h"I>" thr ,n.,mbo-D t1r 1hr Sl.,\ ruo>1dr1
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1tuuhl,• t<, •lLtsnd •"'"" .,f t ,\ 1'1 • runrllon•

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' ""'•-• b, S.,ttol• ,..,.,.,,_
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The Journal
is looking for a

Some experience
is necessary . . . and
must be willing to
work Wednesday
nig hts
·------------------------------- L

Jo.,n,oJ/Pa11• 7"

Anti:-draft rally -patr
'I lh1t,l m t,, . •I • 1 , ,. , 1,.. 0 f I" ""'
" t"h""I
I nn ""t<t J,n
•.,,, , or u,�
1 1 .•M�I ff.,n u.. j�"lo" .,..,. ol,u .,,,. .. c1
h ,,ro,1o r f, ,,1r,, d,.h

iotic feelings at the Common

\1"'1• .,f U r d,·mu
<l•lr11L•1t• ,.,, ..

, , t.-1.,,, . , f t h ., ••"•""' "'"'""'..,,1,n th..
l' .."d •f• al•m•• d h • 1 n , n ,..........,.,
n,�,w,i,u, pu,,..,.. ..rti,., I n11..<1 -.ui,,,
" Lh,
p,>hlHt•n• ,and U,r d,.frn..­
nodu•lr> •"· �•mc 111.. rounlr> ..p l, • •
n,·• ,. . , . .,p11uwd 11 1111. • ti..-, t,..�i,.1
h·'ldonl .. 11.. hid l),•..n ............ '" ..
11111nb, r .,f i,,-1,, i,1,,11,i. d..nnJ thr
\1, ln•m l',1,
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"'"\ out ltl• .,_.l&JI•. ,..., �""" ltl.
·ll•••C lh• l'"w1nd fu,d•nc•nn,...,..,. llu1 ,1·, n"I 1<,u lot h> •lop t l •m

¥, ,. " IOI I" lrl thrm lHuw Ul..1 lh.­
ln• '1•o"pouplo ot,.B l ff1111 1 W luwrlt,, II
II rol h• br ,.._, •U'f'P,IIC • .. .. tl.•I
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::"::!,'•�:�:.,"";::: =•':k�d.;

•.,...1, ,.,...,.rt .11.., b,-r,.-.-. n t.n-nna.
•rf• rh•ntu11 ••ut d�m i n t , ,,nt,-n�h II
,,111,,- ••••·d '"'"""' th.,, '""°"''

llu1 ••lh• 1k... l•lf\l • l • - •nd lh, brli•
• h lffl'"d. 11>.. •h,..,_ .tm.....,....,. <h•nfl"d
lllo ,..1.u ... .._.i.,11,0, .,1 u.,.
' ""'"'"fl ,.., >h•ll,r.-d b • • r,- upl>o,n, uf
wvnlb ,um1n1 r,..m
fa, ..nd ur u,,
p,o•• 1.>u,., , ,,...m,,t,..., It'"'" ,n .ntrn..,I•
p,,-opl,. ,w1,1p.-d ,ohal lh"• .,,.,,. d.,,nt•nd
•alrh.-d .l. on,
\huu�nd ma,, II•·••
., . .,n,,•d Ch .. l •>mm"" h• l>f""'"' 'h,· drllrl


'lfll"'l• .t••"m•�. """ , .rn,nc ••�"•·
th• IH1Jh'• h· r> !fHl•·I• 1•11, d l h, !"'f.
"11..11 n,o � .. "'"" I f" " • '"""! f•tlll
f.,r l,·u•u'
lh" •.,,.,_
ul .,,1, ,1,.rt i,,.,,...,1,n

... • ,t.,,.,..,. ,.i,u.,n ul dlfl,•,,·nt t""Ujot
""" 11,rr..,..n1 p, ..p1. I t,,,,,. ,. •.,. "l'a,..n1Jo
.. ,,.1..,,.n,, \1••"•1
\p,n,1 lh,. 11nn
ln,..,rn �.,, . " �•lb,'.ul> \�m•I
n,,,,. ,. ..,. ...,,.�., nl"""'
:o.,od lh,. , o..rt. b16< l• •n.. ,.h,i. l"'"Jllo
d,,_d "" rt,uuh..i, ...... i,." •nd ulhr"
... u, p,o,nwd r.. .nd m , • • ,....,1">;11 1:-·••

lh• •ddr.- 101> ...,·po-O •olh llk- iw,1-oo
,f .,.,,. ll'l<- l n<le-d -.Ul.,, � rb.a
...,,. ,.,.. ,..m..11... do .. .,f 1lw•nt1 •••
,.,.,,u d..rtnf 1h.. l961'Li. n.., ,.a,
• bu t tMaim,,..,. ,.,..,linlWII
f11U ,pr.,ll ollr1d 1nd u,.. ..,.....u, 1> p,....-d
1111 lh• bflnl uf ....1 •i:a•n
tJh-U. ti: ,.•d ho h.., .,_.d,. 1\..d ll\o< r•U
,,f h" hf• i., th.. •nll ,._, m,.,,.m,-nt 1nd
�rrrd •II u,,.,. ,n.n,-nd•nn- 11 thr ralh i.,
• • > 1 t,n.... 1h.-,uuui..ar11n.i m,1n.,,....,

lh. 'f>' •I.•·" .., lh• nll•
.. 11.<1..<1
1\. ,1,..,
l n1,,.•.,t•
hul..-., 11.,,..,d
'"" •na t1an..1 Hi.,..,o..,,. u,., •.,., ...,
.,,• .,,1 ,.ho r,.. rd l l.) • r1" •n tlfl•"n l..,
••l...a-,nrth. -1\-nt.or.,n l"llpo-,,

l,m p,IU.,..d ilnd lum.-d l•llh•• 'I,..•�•·• •
1, ,. ,,..,,. HL l"tur-• .. ••• .. ••.. horn
MIU•r<l ..l .u.-, Mid 11,,....,..,., 114,, ..,,,,,
•n ,�,..•mun ••Ill "•�h,-, tb.•n 1hr, du
.. ,111 u,,. i,,,uo1. , n u,•. , . ,..,n11•· •

thl�••n "'-1n,.-.111r " i,u•nr 1.. �... lo
.,..,,,. ¥to• . ..n I do "••Illini fh.. , •11 tw nu
,.,,,.1., ,1o,r..nd "•
thll••.. tmm111ni.,1 l•' lh,· I nu,•d
._.,,,. ,11 1'J2l ilnd ...,.,,,1 1n lh.. ••m•
<1111rn.e W•itld 11,., J I II, "'"• bom •"
\tm•·n,.. "undq rn� J ur\•..i, rl•I!
• u11n1r, ,. .. .,., .. .,.t,ll,1,,• ,.f th.- .._,.,.. 1
1 ,.,....
"I ..,.11 1 '" l>f" •< l th" ,,..,.,..,,,.nt. llr
,..,d " l . o n 1 ,,mr,,,n 1 h .. n1u"'"'rnt

11, th, 1,m. 111.-.�•I "'"'k• . m.. ,., .,f
!fl,. pout,•,t.-r, lud dnft.-d 1••• 11..l lh.,
•·nlh11•<&>m .,f lhP nrarl, n,o who
••n1a,n.-d h•d r..a,·hro • f..vtt pllrh lbo-•
lo1p1 to thrn f,...• •Mn Ulr 1nt1 '"•
.., 1,.1>1 n,..unt>-d lh• t,p,-U..,.·• pbi1fo,m

\> u,.. lMI uf th.. ...1, duft ""\,.,.,P,,
..,.i.,,...i u,,. 1 ·om-.... u... 1.r.1 ..... h_,
•l,,..d, •.-Nhrll I� ••l.lftall•"' l'lllh U..
t'•fd,or, o,,..,.. .,1,. u,.. ,uu, h.,u,. .., •
hil• ·df\lp 1i,.,..- ,.,, ,. lho..,..nd P"""l,"
•u,.ld nll• ..,••n•l •••1..,, , ..,.,,..,.,.., .,nd
,� .. .. ..n

11 ,..,. " ...1..0,111,,.., or _,,L< 11..
d,•m•>f\.•lt•I"" ,or,,. •n • f,.,,,.. "'•""' ,ond
• n...,,,.d ,o•ldh ;u I •P.-• k••• ann,,..,,. rd Iha\
.. , r, !!> p,,-n..,ntor t h r , u,rnl" , 1,ot,• nl1•I
drd1...-, n-f11i,,•d l" '"l••h••
.,, •., l l .lKIII
r,.,.., thr lktl,tvn ,.,�. •h,n,

\htl•!Uf" .ii u ,..,. p,1,11.,,..unt ,n 11,.
d.-11,.111,Lrll�,r, •••<•' , , 11111t1ilh·d 1,, U,.,,,
roa• ""d . . ... . .n,..d ttl•I ..ndmc d�ft
,..r,,tut""' ... ,..111 ""' ..., ..,....h ,ff,.,.,
,.. , ..,. .. . ,._ 'P"" �h••
..ocrllmr th, •nu dr•fl ,,..,i.,...i ,...,..
,..,,,,..11 lhlt ti... m.,,,.,n,·n t • u..ld • r•l•n
u,.. , ,," n,..., po-,,pl.. u.. pi.,,nr nct11 ,ntu 111..
H u ,.,on,
.,.,,,..11 • •••od.-h

,IM( Rl("ANS P( 4 ( 1 ,IH/ • i'�f//# S t JI rn,.BOJ/IJI• C:t>••"""'' JU \,o/.,1olJ1

II,• .J'Luuh<t
111• • l'Jllu'II .,( Ith
!""1..,.,, , """ n .. ,n "\ .... �""" i,., ·,
lllhl llulh th,.., . 1,.,..,. of• 1hk• 11 •
"'"" lllr , •• h•'l•••• r h•nc,,.••d<••n 1h•
lwO.. ... I/IP\ ••n m.. k. . ........ r.., " ' ,�l
-¥th,. �""'"' \\o• b, t h , • II ,trA .. ..
Oo•I •�<I -1•••1 l,an 11,-,,.,,..., ll••m l�I

Carol Channing -

"uuld ,,.h.- Uu••·U•••t• <Vl>l> �!!II h• l) lh•
<111 ""hl,.,,1,,. 11..pp, I L l'"ol\lld h111p,,n
l�dn l '"" ,.... I "'•t,,• �•u llf>'tl!r,,., •fh'I
1h.., ,icn.,d th,• -. \ 1 1 tn-11,� fl,., , _m
1 .. i:,-1 .-...
nr pr.-11• .,rll. ana .n,-, thr
\l,ddl.• t.a.1 n- ,.m,-, tllr11 •umau, , , ...,

a delightful

\o l, r p..�. n•..n10r,, ,,1 .,,,.. 11,..i"n
•"""� ••11<,.. \1t1m>1 ltr1,.m•1""' ond Lllr
1HAlll11 ,...,k.,d
thr , r.,•d
, . ,11 .. , 1 ,nr ,nur,,.)
lu , .,n11n11.
"fl'•fat,.,n tloarl,.•. 1 11,,.1.,n r,•"d�nt.
dump,•d • handful of rhanl(<' into ,n..
,·ull,..·t,.,n h"II
• 11·, un1••rYln l t 1 1 ,ontu,,...h.,min111>i
m.,,,.•., hl, 111..;· h,• ...a. ..t,,,,.•.111,,- .\...,.r,un po-o,4,- ur .., �p 1r...,
O..n l kno• ,.1,,1,·• 1<•ini ,w, 1n th.. l n,t,,-d
.,.•l.-.u< 111 lh.. wurlll•ro..nd lh.-111 ·

'Sugar Baby ' of stage

b, 1111:h:u-d Hobert l :tpno
,..,,, '\IL11rd., prm1d+·.. .n.,,r...Jl. t• I
• ••m1llr ,,f th.. 11r.,..r,u .,f wnunr: f•••
.,�..,_r,- ..,.,.>p.,P,r fl'l•• 4 •�◄-n,.J lhrot.-r
.-.i.-no,..i 1,,..,. l'A»-" to tn. '\llunLo,
....11...... '" ,t,. t 1111,�1 pr,..t... 1...,,
"'llm1 \ '""'' t,•..., lier ,i.r,
"""'' "'"'"" ""'''" r,.rn l••r•, 11 ,..,
o,,,L,, ,..,.i,, ,..,. .." •L•nt l ah h,nt •
(lt\r/ •h'""" hum Ch, ,Ut• b, ..
•h<•lo--,...,., rh,111i1o(tltl . •ft,.1 plu• l•nt U
lr,,m n•., ll<ld11-... ,.,, ..,11,1iniu"t kul
�•lrn•t tu 1-illl 1 .. th•• •ti• ..r th, ,h,, ...
1 •••� I · h..nn,nc. ••• th1111i..c
1 ,,.. 1h•., ..,th rn, f,.bu h,u, .... 1,. 1r,,
1 .,1.,,,,..1 .,,.,.it, ,! t"
t ·ll•n.,1111 ..,.,,,III�• on,., lh• >/•••" It••••
.,,,..,,.,,., fl•••• . , .,,1, ,,.,,, •. ,. .,. .,11.nt
u11I, •• h f,-, I l,.,11, (h.. ,ll,r . •"<\ L..oll.n�
tll..1 • ' • ' f •l "
::: '. ,,.�, :. :::, �; :�:

:::, ::� ,n",-Jt

Mental abuse 'teaches pledges discipline and respect'

,,_ ......


\l'l) pl,,dr-->flo,., 1<,do., ..,,d •••• .....,.,
u.,r,,c, 4..nn1 ,n� "' .....n 11,,, "'"''
i..'" Ut< 1,,..... •lplUl>rt o., 'uff,,11
• fl,Ph-f ul \ l'I I IM,t••> •"11 11 ..,...,_., ,.,
P,>i p1"1M•1t. -11,, ••fll ll"lh I" ..,._,I
th,, r,,• I•• .,..,,. lh,,,, •"ti i• I I,
l.1 u• •If th• h,1,1h, 1,. '"\, I •ll•t�
..._.._u� \ I'l l , .. '"""'" lra1, ,n.1,
,.q... 1.-d tu 11u1 ,so iu ,.,
• • • h 11lo•<11..

;;;,:; ��:..;:;.t.,.",�1,1 :.,�"'::';�;:.::.

,.,1..n1r, 1 ,n 111.. t lo or+ ,.t 'l..,1o .. u ... 1n.
H�1t11Lr., , ulf\n l lrh• 11.. , du n-·••,n"
hn.>lh,•l\. thr" ""'"'·,.. (1,,11111 ,t.,1> U1d•
r.. ,.., ... 1..n 1r, ""C ........11 " h,-� \I'l l
..w,nb,·1> llnld .,.,, hl"•od llr,,., •nd ..
lt•H11,.••• •• 1••tt• ol \l•..4• !1 ..... 11, 1 .,,,,..,.1
\11ie, l., f••p11;a,, p11•,,.h 111 ••1 \ !••• · "'''
"t1u111,1 1n,. ... 1,, .,, •.,d o r,011 -.-.·l
1"'·4fmc. II�· • "•" '" fl''"' " " "'" l""tu
u,, ..1 .. ,.. 111,, lll•• " ....nh,
,..,,,..lh h, tr,, ,n ""' m�mt,,,-n.p n-.. .,.
a<C'<">fflpl,>hrd II\ '°' .....,.,,, "'"" lh•� �•
... . '!J.
.......... 11,..,,"""''... ..1.... m�t ,t1... ,�. , 1.. u
broAh...., lh.-► mu,1 ,uno •11t-n • t
..,.i,-,. ,., .,..,... 1t1o- ••-,m n .. , .1.., m,.,1
, .11 th, ... N.... '" "\h .., �nd ....
A l\pHal !I.I• •n Lh• hh "I ... \I'll
pl..dc,, ,...,..1a,uu1 •llh 1h.. pl..dl,:, .,,n,nr
111 "' 1 111 111,. bn,111.... ►-"•ll br••lll..r r vi1n•
P"'°" of p,1p,-1" • llll h..., lo• pl,--_... 1.. wrn
'"' on �.arll pl,,-C11P • •�q.. ,nd ,., ru1 ,,.., 4
r-oun. ,11d >fto.. 1nr • ,...,. ,n.., '"'" br • t
•N Um... "lh,_ ,.,. p,..,.-nl on, h,ncb•
th. pl,,CI�. r-"PJ!i"" "'•• l..t.-r•n lht 4n
• pl,odf,,- rno, pui ,n .. . .,uplo· ul .,.. ..,..,
"""" '"•th UI.. !loon u( ..tud,·n� 1.,.1,,,
..,.,. n..m,h.ot.- 111..m ,., """' ur th,
bro,lhrrhuod. '"')' 1-.111,.,. llw1111hot,o,n
•u11, ,...<11, •...-� plt•dK..• r ,.,, ti,,, .,..
,nub> I� r.,,,. l,·••1nr .. h,M,I . tllr plrdt•
,.,,.,,.,rr,<HJI ••lhlth•brHlh•n
.,.,.,,. ..brfmrthn H,m·.-r,unr111 • ,- 1 , ,.
•n Al"ll pl.,dr•• lt•· "")• "u11unl1l nu" •I •
1ui1 t,.,.,,• n l....k1nr u11 1. . 1n. h1utt,,,,.. •nd
r"'Jl'"ltmc thrm 1>·11,ll•nc 11, '""P<" I ..ud
u,,. h..ion uf 11, .. r..1..nuh ,,, r.-nnal
Th, ,, n.. b,·rn �,.., fl"'"'"t h111i.wn..111 •1
•ll. m-11, ""'nw.l. ,11i.., ,�,.ffm11"n

\Ptl plo-dKn .,,. truum·d tu •an,
• • ,i.,n •U"n,. ll •II tu.,.,,
n,.hh.-,. •�1ra
porn•. • duU,r •n , 11anr,,
•n '"-'" th..
brolllrr. n""4thr•n l'b,,, 1,r •l"• •rq..11,.0
lo �nu'" 1h,. """'"' 111if mlddlr 1n,1.. n f
•llth.. bmthPr..
,bffon11,.,,, "" llt.,I th• \I'll llrU
Y. ..- l.-nd.. lo br llo-ld •.,, Ill.- .,..,,,nd
•-b•d 1n ,.,,.,.,,..,.,. "•111 ptu,!Mbh t,,
t11, 1»1 t.-" bo-lu,•r-111n,,n n,., 1,futn.-r,
JUGlt' ) ou •nd .,,t.- •u - - , l • o 11 fP l •n 1n,
h-11 l► ..,,. �ou n nut•ll••"'rd Lui••h•
,1o-�p 1nu ..-.........d
\f't • pl,·dr,.. .lo• . l •n" ••'" , \l.,�•L•rt
,.J, h"' on uld•• mllllf• lbh "'h"
•l<>'•d• I blutllrr l•II Lhol h•l•m•h " I
1huuch1 I "'•rt,1 .., .....11 �.,.. 11, , ...... 1 ltn.,.
•II ut "'• f•..-nlb 111,••� '"" I ...,,..,.,n.
1..1 •dd• lh•I ll,r bruUw,, 4h "" m•••
i..n ..ntonh•rn 1h1n 1i,., u111.-1 1"•dl"'
1 ·•mrrun .., , th11 plrdc1n1 .,, t1, h1,
O..rn 1un.. m1 .-rf11ndlo •nd ,nu.. mr r.-..p,-, 1
lo th,. htulhn, "If , u.. dun \ d.. lh,t
1h11 ', "'h<'IP )I>.. Jl<•l u, U!l..l)l•' ."• t w .a "
ll1rhl1d l', 1it,.,,,1nt"" '"l"111 ' " i 1 n n d,
t h1l i,.,1n.lplrd•r" mo,11, it,'lllnt•·h1n1r
fo1 th• p•nb,,ll m..rh,n.-, ,nd tl"lltnKIYr..-h
ru,u� 1,1n,111,.n
11,.11 .....,h 11.. flrlld • l,nw 1bu11t h..11
•..-l,-nd "l h�•r 111•1 •IMI h..,,. luput •wt•
•••t ftH U,., bn,th.... .., ..... ,Ml r,,l l>M"� II
111..rn lo• • ILllthr, ·,.- o,....,. i., , .,.,ct,.,....i
u... p1.-dr,, l)fl1uO n...., ,
l,ru<l" l'all,,t<. . •Cll.orn"u' · -. 1 1 1u<nrd
\I'll b,-n..,,.. II< " • fr1rnd ,,/ Al'I I
l'rr-,d.-n! l'lp1,..,, tlo h•• I),� n ,p,-11d•n1
""'I" Um• 1n lh• lh1• ul -....drnt.. I I
�111,.. ,,.u,. •. , , uffM•• �•unr .,..,
•don11r....1 M ,n , .,d,
hi.I(,-, h.. •'"' born luCh l•f lh•
t,, to•• •.f \1" 1 "-.., t., l ., h4 d h • • •,.
'"- ••ulT lh• • t" .. ... ..,• ...,... 1 ,n, i.,1
"' 111, "'""�"·'"
,. "' • .. ...... '"
<•'f" t l lh,· Wulh•" r I�• 11.otdnl I
n•,�· Lotn..m • •••II"•" <

\nnn,..,,. 1 .. ,,.,• • ,. . , . ,.,. ,.d,n•
, h•r1, ,., p1. dr,nr 1,M , ·•"''"• "�"'"
"K"'W °'l'lo• ,.,..,,, ,h, l,.,l fllot1, • l•"' °'h••
h�, ,n.r,�1. d 4 n, .. pl,·d�• 1...... • ··"·
rl,·, •d< d t,, 1110�• >I .. l,tll• t,,u,n• •
........ ,. . ,n. lh..,,, • • 11,m• '•l' lll, oJie,·•
�r, •• ljU<r•·d I" II•• Oh "l" u· a,,.J.,.,\. • • A <
n,nu Lor. • "'" m•lo h••• , h•"�• .,,,,i ,:um
fr th•• • or, ,-.1,�hl " . in•"•' lh•" h m It••,
,,.,.•,.,. d•nl<·m, II I�•• to·l .,.,., 1••1
d>•n,.-111, u�., �" 1,,,.,,., ,,.,, ..r 1n.

. . . .....

1'"4Rfl sruD(NtSPI ({)GING A.l'O<l·.. .. ,,,.., __,,,_/ll"OUflly

' · " "' "' "
.... ,
• • i... . ...,.,• •
•"•n1111""' n,.., 1..... .,... ,,.,... ,,..11 ,. .
put '" """'"'"huu" fo•tll.. ..-"'"°'' •lu11nr
llr) •llll• h•" t" '"'"l lll
pl-dt:, p,-nud l

"'vino" ul ,,.,. uunr- ,.� ....... 111..m a
,,..p,..11, ,..,, 1>u1 ,1 ·, 1 •11,d 11I
..,,. ,pflnr tll,n&- '"" t'lo-n.a•• ·"'•Ul •llal
th.. ....i,.n p..t U,,. ....,.._,., 1hrt,ulh Nl\orl
,. .. 0o.,n·1 ,....,. u,,.m a., •n•ll1•n1
ndoculf'l<U h·• ,.,l.•n1 llf"Mnd ••lh.,,ot
1n.... n.,u,,... ,.,. ,1;,o,...,1 ·,..,.....

..,,,.. "'"" l"' '"'•mpl.. .,f .. ,,.,. ,n, ••
Jll'"dtll!I "11,h.,n I •�> II pl,•d�••• lht•f• '"ll> •
11r1 ..h<• ••• •n •l.. mnll ,;h'" '""•d •fl d,d11 · 1
knu" 1h.. 1.,. � �lph•ho l
•h•l ,
-,,rn,· ll11nr ,..,·,. bod, h1• •" 1,..,,... ti. •
• • ll1111 <lilt• . t ....,rurn11.. h11" h• •m1 th1•
,., . u lant. rn wn1 ,·1t1,.., .,, ..,1n, r1d,., .. 1
•••· 1upof111, 1"--"•l t.oblo••n li,., l•"'"t•

C,,1 '"" th..t lhror IW"U 11,,..,l••lld 1
"m<,.lh mind carnn
"'• .,I• I ,omn••
°'•l d<••• nu1 .... li,.,ph ) •u .. k1ndul 1bw.,
ch.., r,.1,.,,.,,,. ...., t"'"• .... • � ...o ..,
l'lrdr-, '""� p.,.p,o,,. • ,,.,.II l•M II"
""' . ,..ilrd•,- 11,nn,, n..-, .,. •i...,
U!hn ,,... M Ult- ..
,i.-r. /.,, • "\h•i.n
''"'' ... 11111..........

► .. 1 ...
, 1 , . m.. ._
l1t lin,tu.·n• • • 11-1 , , , 1 <,l"'"'• "'r pi,.dl•
'"" ......... ,..., '""' "Id,' / ......... .... .
, ...
mm., "'I froM• 1••0 ,., 1 ••7• m•••�r
hoi.., ., - 1, r,o , ,

- � • J"ol h•ln n h Ito, • • • < • . o " 4
..., , t,o1. , .,,.,.., .., ,
1.... , .... ..... ,,. ,
, , I,, , • • • "' 1n, ""'"'h """ h�O n••
•bo,..I lh�•• II, I, 1'1, • k• nll, 1nd •1�..,I
th•nc• 111<-, 1th<• "•Ir"' ni.oO.- lh<m ••"•
pl.-dtn,1 du l'lh,1 ,., h•u 1u d., n.,.. ,.
1h1nr ,,,,.,,,.,..., I" '"h•I ..... hod "'

h,1.., •• •nt>• ,Pllrnc ....1 11 1 11d lhn1r,
1h11 ,11,. ,.lll tL•••• t o d • 1 d1mnK lh,, pl••d1••
I"""' d "Ju)t Ill•· "n�•nt ..,,. ...... ,..,., nf
turnr ui, '" p,,u111,. il..d 1,�1n1111,n• ,10111<1

.;i,... lh1nl,. U..11 1'1...-�r nd >UUnd, l,k, •
",od t,..,.. •1 JUl-l h<·••d ,1 ..a, , 1o,t ul
•UHMI ..p •nd dnn�,nc
M ...,..ncb (t!M,d

1.. ........


l)o',, lfa,11 ,J. ,....,..,,...,. .,.�, ,. ,_,. ul
tMW•rn"" "'l""'�f""' plo-OC,-, ..,t,.,.,.d
• fr..-nd pl,·a«,-d1o,c..1h.., -1ro1•nt.,,1 11, .
.,,.,,. Ullk1nrl" Ll>•·t•rl• Mdil 1"•l•u11ndod
h•• • •..• ..• f11n -.., • r tt.-. 10rd •• d d u

l,•r th• ,�,...,. plrdt'"· Jt>tJ• h.. h• �c•
on ,,.d .,..1 '"II" ti'" .. ,,,." ...... . ,,.. "••I••
..... , •h .. •<••· Lo• d ioll>n ltlo- •If ••
1, r •• d • • " 1n. .,tf,.,· •"d • �
"' '"�"' i,. ...... ...... ,rv,11 1no- ••fl',.,
- 1 , n,.,-1,. ,.,,..,rc • rr4n{I
...,, .,,
11..11. .,.,, ,. �n1'" lfMl•n• ll•U ¥,,...). •o<l
"II·· 11'""' 1,. t,, lun ll• II ••I I kn•••

" • •• ll'�nr • • • ••"'· 11.11

)1m � •.,1 , \t.,,��.-,.,,.,,i · -..1 . , • 1•!. ..�,
... , lh• �� ,.1 r.�11·,mt, t :... "•I' ll• f p,,�,n
1 i..� I II• ,,. ... '·"' n... '" ,p,·nd ...
..! •·H••l•u"""'' "f l•n•• •111111" b1.,ll1tr,
·� d,�•• ""' .. f. ,. • rr•nd, !u/ Ill• rn ..nd

\l•"•l 1>l•dc,.,r. \l , , 1 ....,, ·• 1 1ut,.,. ,,r
• Jh •I Un•.- "'' h, I · • i•� � I • ,_ """'
�" I l" If" •11d I m tu•: r,.. ""( .. K•• •!

Columbus - the

b) \1111.1rN'n l kn d
" l l'lo· \,rn, '"'" ' '"'" •h.-n th.- ,,. ....,.
••H l,...-n 1h, rlt.,,n, uf n•1Un- •n4 "•
>fllll brtluld o •••I • •"'"'"' · u,,. .,., ,....1
H.....,.n pt,11,......,.,.... .._._..,.,.n-,.roi,.
.... ...,nlUflP> '"""'I h..Wn1ru. l,,l,.,n.,kl
p,•pull, ,,..,.
lhat l'llr>"opl\"'
l ol..mltu� •n IW.h.on lll'IPl<>r ..-1 .,.,1
.,.,.,..,,h.. \tl•nlw•n l l!t? •ndd...-.,,,.,,d
lt11> ",.,1 .,,u nln
b..1 ,n n·r,nl \,.II•
lh••h h.., b,•••U hlYrh 1 , ,nt«,.•l'>\ U"'l!U•l
"h" ""' 1hr r,"1 1·\111,,,,.• lt• ..�h1 1h•• ,•. ,.
ll .... ""' ....,,. 1. .11� .n .., 111... um, . ,,

.._ ,.,... 1ha1 m1n f1 r-l m•d•• •n •ttrmp1 1..
1. .,111 lh• "'"" llonCI> uf UI. \1,.,1.,,n
• 1n,• ul Lh• o-lfl,....1p, ,bl.. .,,plnl'"" '"
.,..t r.. ,.., 1h. . ...,1 ..r ,n.. ....... 1ana .....
.,,lh nntuf\ h•>h mOflk Ind ,.,pkH•·•

-.a1n1 Hr,·n<11n b,>htndmoaha. lufl&hdd
111..1 H,r nd•n ""' uul hum t ·uun1, i.....,n
,,..11..d .,,m.. l ll O , ..,,,. .ro 1n n.... .
•land P"'m'"'d tu th• ..,nu • �m1bh
tht< ....•n1 i.-h.-,rdtl'L1>-• llnd•·ouldb·I
.,,n nf n.-.,..n "" "'1111 In • .mall b<lt

,.�=��• .....

,:;,�. ::"..�=�\:· �;;�".. I


,,,_ tl\ \ h1n.... ...1..,,. •., ,.011 A l l lotho>
nuflh•,...l <o..,.lul\m.-"'• .\lou. , n l \16 2
.. l\l•n1 l n,...n.11, r,,u(__,, rll,1...-d.
.. h.-, .-,1.-nw,.- ,..-,n1 lllll fl•• l 'huw
lo d � • ll>Hkllll>l ffl<lfl•..,.•lrd ftont l'luna
,,, t .'! \ II 1hr,.,1-rf11h., \l,,v1 ..n l>IN1t1d
l411Clrd 1n\lr,.,,. n,,.p,.,l,.-..11 puuit,,-dlu
,im•1'"1•1,..., •n 1nr ,.,,1.,.11�. 1•hlt""'"'· •nll
m , t l ,�•••,.. •of .,., , I htfl.. and U,r
,\1t,·,., •n �\,•\'""
\ ILM lu•I b,iul puhh.J1 .-<1 m 1 •171, and
•·nl>tl.-d !h.-, C 'an"' ti.f,.1, • ••lumhui. 111
1,.,,, ,�., ..,.,1,m� •" itn!hwpul,11,-1 . b•II•
!h,• , 1oor, ul •n ,r,,..,. 1\1111. ,\lluh•h11
th, .._.,,.,ut l\m( uf \l•I• Ah..tiak•ri, 11 "
,.,d. """"'•"''""rd lhr r,.u,110,uun "f •
n....1 ,.f ,h•fl' •nO w•l••d • r•l•11d ,n \ ·1 1 1
II, ,., , •., .,.,'l•""" tu hu. n..m,-i...111tndl\
lhuucht 1., h••., l•nMd 111ll u 1ti,,d ,n th,.
7,.;�� �::� •;; "..,..,lhfl"
\l�,Mln nat..n whu ,.,h,ho ,.,.,w,,n
n.-tcru1d ph••ll'1l ,hw.. t..,l>ll<'\. a. ,.,.11 .,
"m•lonl""' hrt"'"'" lh,· 1wu .-..110,.., . " '
PN••f , . t ...•h bla, k /lf.,.,• •n • h • ,..,,.


\ n•""' c.fnM'>I 1> f•m•I.., tu "''"•

:: : � :� ��:�
�:: :
. - : . 1� ,:;:
. ".:, , . ,

;:�:�:f:;".Si::�:�:•:- · \;'.{�.'.:?�-IS::�F.::;..�:

\1111<,u, 11, ,. 11.-n on,,n,n,,..n;i, •n t.-nlt

••·.. l un lr,.l4nd 1ll,• 11•m•t••• 1••,.. ;a �,


, :�•� ..;�: :� .,
,'t�::i.'.: ..: ;...
��... ;,

1.. 1 41•• •n •.nt1•>h ••"•• ..n<1 r•1••"" '
l11n..1n, -. ..
·nn. •l<,nc "11h fo..• ulh. 1
m+n. ,..,.,,.•lrd Hr•nd•n • ""ill'° 'n •n
, , .., 1
h, r, rrp(1<11 ,.t u,,. pr1m,1,,�
•·Ufl,r • .,, .. ,,.d b,•I UI.. ..,n1
lh•tUtllt 1 .. h.., .....a " ........o .., ....�k•
1fh·•lh ..1 ...1 . ,..1 /run, lr•• l•nd, ...,.,,.,,n itn<I
11 .. , . ,mp,i,n,u.. , ..,1 f,�,1 vn ,.... ruundl..nd
l"h•' ""•i• . ht1,.••••r. <o• n·•• d•>nh l u ,ho,1o
ttlJ1 1 l • A> P,.,._ <blr fu, ,1 Ht1• ndan w , ,,.,.
.Atl..nl1t IL d•II not p10,,, 1ha1 ,11, h •
"•••�.. 1,·lu•ll} d1d Wilt.- plllc.- A)od.. f•um
1h.. -,...p110.' u,,.,.. ,� ... ....J proufth•I
u,., ,u,.,..,.,..1dtdu«111
lllr,.- • ..
bo • lhf'l)f) put fon,-atd b)
..-t1,l-ltHU1M •IIK"ll f'W1n11 W.-bt,fnM
/"hMO" \1
....... 1b O•..•n 1:..-) fl(l..d. ..•....d
rrum 11!1� 111 1 1 iO lt>d l,ondo--d tn wh11 "
p,.....nlh ,.•llrd Al.lblma �•ado, ,..,
•mp,...,...d •Ith what h.. r�INI -- 1n,­
p1,..wmt. 1nd rN•lfull•nd h.-,-.1urrwe1 w
ll .i.,..,. n,l.....t.-11 ..,,..,. ..d.,•ntu,....Mn,
,....,n•r'\n..-n. bru\11111 th..n, 1>1rl '"""
found•n,•• nol""'
l .-.11..,,... lat,., . lur,�a tu,.1,,.
n ttrffl•ni t., lh••t ll..........<hr,i,r ,.,p,•l•
v1 • ..,• .._..... ..,. t.,br- uf lnd,.n. 1n \,....,,. .
,.11,., ,p,,l.. •nCl unclr,-lut>d \l,.IJ, ]II,-,.
lnd••"• UJ brlw•.-d tub, lh, .,.._..,.""""'"''
,.r ,1.a.., .nd h.. r...11..,,.,.,,. 1n 1';1:,.1 1h,
Jl•111h1,•n ,,f Ill,. \nu• r,•·•n lf,,,� ..l11M1
rr,·, lr<l • t.1bl<•IIL \!ad1>, ·, 1.,...miPl•t••<11
\l�hama ,..h,ch rrad,. " Ir, .,,..,,,.," ,,f
1'1-,n,• \1•<ii>1. • ""l.n ..,pl,11•·• "'"'
Land,·d•�· rn.. ,h,,r,·•ul �·••btl,· IU., ,., 1 1 , , ,
• n d kn u..n,nd. ,. , 1 11 I t o , Indian,. u. .
" •· l,hl1nru••
-.c,11 onolh•· • 111U•"' , l11mu<1 tt,,,.
...,.,..,,,... • • • • •"""'C lh• f11,1 1.. ,
Ill• , , ,. ll!u•ld
l h1114 lt,.r,
. .r . , .., ,.,


:� :•�=

•"�""' ' ,lo•m• .,.,
n llll,.d b•
m•od•·rn h<>hOft•n•fm n,.,., \ • ••• llf<••uv
��� :::1;.:: 1:n����. ;;:;



,. .. ,..M",..d lu h••• d•"mrl.-d "
r,n,.,.,....i 1, . , , 1 fflt11d• l•111•tr. h" d••m•
"' ' " , ,..,.,,t,,,,.d '" °" "''"' "'h•I f11, . 1 l11I
11..1 , hrnac..i.,c,-i. ,1..11,•nc th• ••"• "'"••
J,O""',; I" \ti• r,,nd..,,..,, ltl•t 1),-t,......n '<.,u
�n.. fXt 1u \ II l hrr• ,. ..,,. •nu, 11 •wmr•
l•h•P�r•I u....
,n.. ..... nu..
"•ti<·<>•'"''"' I t ,. .. ""I un111 .,,m,•lun, 111
lh� Lhir1,· ••n!h r1•n\11F\ 1h11 , oldn ••·�lh•••
r,,.,,,.duu.,1h,. •r,••
\lu1� ••v•<l•• n , •
,..,,Id b,·fo,.1,r,...,.n.·r •n thr "'" "
1·,.,•un,lhl, " ru..nd m lh, l\rn'1nl(I.Ufl
"""''"• • w.1>1..1 found •n lll9Mb• . ..,.,..a..i.
• m m 11unt
"' l\rn•1n11un
n,., •1<.n.. h.. un 1t. fM""r •n •�p111111
•h,..h .. •n l1fflLl•< f1"m ul1ll., ..,,.,.II...,
lanl"•l"" H,,u,hl)lflnWllrd, tl•Wlt"'
"•Jrh1 ,,.�n •t1d l! '"'"''C'""'•"'
•n ..,p1.,r11,.,,. ''"
""•' '""" \ ,nl•nd
,.,-,1 .. ..,d
.,,,. ,. , , . '"'' '""•nc,.,., .s.,
l'l h, n ,.,. , ..,,.. n..m•. ,. .. ,,..,,.d llln,.-nr,d
•·II nlo.,ICl ..,dd+-lld
ll, h.,. 1 , n ,...,.
11, \l;i,- ,..• e., • .1ol •n., .,.., .r,,p,, 1 1 4"•·

,,..,..,, r•.,,.. ,h,. h,IMo d \••• I ..,!
lvn ,11Ufl -.1,.,,.
..-11 11, ....,.,. • . ,..,., 1tu1 ,, .
d• ,.,,... ..cld, ,ull ..,,,,.�,., d<hlrn.,.,r, l"

"" ,.i,,t,-,. .,... '""""" '" ...........0,, 1
lh•d•""'"" "fth1,, ,..,1,n,•nt l f 1 1.. ,,.,,...
" 111d,·,·ri r,·ny,.,. , th..,, I .� .. mnu, , ....."
n.,1 ,,.,.,,bl, h,.,.. t,,,·n 111, r....l frumlh•
• lld�1lfldl.,,.·l fool••!ill•, ' • • "'"- •I ••'

ir,,11 \l.,ul. • I �"""' \1m,� \ "•(.J'L

• •

� , :� K ::pl�;: ;
" n
\� :;, ,.::�:��::�
It. �.0..1..., ,,1 "'�•• .,,., '"""d•oi f�•t,.,
•, I• br�l•tll
'" ••
'"""'" ..,., th ""
I • • • Ito. l�•FII )lo111tia, .,f

: ::l�. ;�::,� :

Ali all defense; throws no punches



1 hu

1 1 .. 1 1 1 1 1. ,n


, ,.. , .
·_, ,.. ,t,,,c "" � ... 1 .. I ,
• · • •• •• • I
,.,,i. . , ., ., , . , ,,.,,. • 1
•• r ,
t � h,r• ttl1l,,11 .,,.,1,11•1' , n I I,, r•�•U
• .,,.,, l"""IH1 ,.�, ru!o .,,.,.,!•·• '"• . I I • " r lo,
,.1, •11 1 1 •1 .... ,, lo, r, .011, '\, I 1tn •••"i.u•
,, .., ,.,. ,.,., ,,.,,,,.,� •• " -i.rtm, .,,It
l h,,,.,.. , , .I !Ill• •"lf,,1; ,.,1 ,1,,,, .,,11 IIH•·•
\11 \111- r u • u tMl!pl.0, . 1 I 111, .c,.-,.,. d
l,•l•t "'-"� •n<I• l •o l .,fr , , ,. '"'� I �• · '"
11•1" '"' 11, . .. ,..,,.
\.,i,i. 1 11 . , _ . , ,,
u.1,,1 \1.,,.,1,u .....
,. "" ,.,r,.,1 .. ,,., 1 .. 1 1 1, ....., . .1 ..., , ... '"� '"
h•;• •11 1 1 •I>•·" mlM1• I • • ,,., ,.,1 1,n1,-11l>

" I •" I •
•• �
, .,jj
• ;�,�;
:. :,;.,:
;,� �I,,
. , ... 1 .• • ., . ...,.,. . . .
1o... , . . .. ,, , •.,, ... ....1 ,, ,.
'\, i. , 1 1.. , t.o •••I •h• •�• ,1 .. lt.o,I •"
.r ,.,11 ..1� ,., •• "', l'·"·, 1 1 ·,, . ..,, 1�.
,, , . ,,. . . ,... ,... , , ..•,. ,.. , ...... 1 , .. 11,,,...
\1 11 1, ,,, , .... ,.1 , ,,,, , rw" l"••O h • i , 1,.011 , ,
1 1 ,.,,,.,,, . , , 1 , , , .. , ,., ,, , • .., , ,.,1.,,d
lo, ! • •OT ' • • " " '""ti • •••·dul•

b)' Jon GoUh�h
ll>f' l>ullO'rn) d,d ""' n... 1 Ind 1hr 111-�
h•dno tUIII
Muh•mnuod Ab , '"nl.inr rvd ta-nn,r
/l'-'l lnolh1', <Hd d1dw l•rt) Holm.,. It.Ml
th•uwr h111 d 1>,.Jlbu l rnomrtti..11oun1
.,,.,.,..., Df (-,u, 11.a, . ln.. ,rb,.,,n ... •n
11"••')""'1 llu101 p,.,.,_.,,,p tto.. l l;ul
l'h, J8) ••• uld rU'f111�1t.11R1pwnc11R1,
nu1 ..r 1 t• u )·,., ,,.11,rm1n1 1 1 1 h 1,11ra1 nau
1Dlik"• -"ot11 bron1 1h,·f1,-1m•n 1.o, w,..
u,.. t,Ur fou, unwo 11,.lm•• lh• \l,,.k\
!t,.,.,..« toun, ,I, hr>I. ""' "".._,..C fu, h,,
nlll tOO'W('uU,, d,· f�n" •II n, � "'" �uul>
•nd COIH
1'111> m.01tll up ,o..,. ., 1 ,1> r,,p1 ,.1,·h bt
•• M llw 1...1 llurf•h le ..., , l,ai•d "' •
..tnft . m,11,.,,. rt•,11.o, .,., ,,,. •�•'""'
1 ;o,• 1ar, r.1.. ,. , .... ., ... ,,1 ... , ,.l,.
\11\11 ,. �• . ., .,.It """"' \I,

,,.·r f.,,m.n,. ""' ,n� unuru,,,<1 .. ,ern,,i,
, m p l u • .. d • i • n,1 th•· ,u"''I
........,1han11t1 tr • • •II .,._f,.,..., •
Hrl•luft of "" f,i,m,·• .,.1f It• ,l u•• d
11 111.- pun.h,n c • h•lil ln,trad. \h t r..-dt"
p,otr.-t h1m,-.lfu,d,
p,·n 1 n11, , n ofth, ion�
•l u-mp1m1Wp\\ • hr l ulr,w,.,u1
Ah did r•rnth n1t1 • lU•••u>I• • •I
•1 1·1•pl IM• 11 llru"'"( I'"'" h " ll• �m,·, IL,
.... ..11.r...r1 )U•I '" ,1 Uh \ rnM r1tll1,.,

p,m,.hll,m .«•Jrnut l ha! J'""••dur, ,. .,d,r,I
ahl• fa,�·d 1 11
finr 1or • ,..,,,i,,. 111 ..n ,n,... r
U'l• lrnlh •nd d•••·1d
ln( ,..., ..d \h •
pn> lrm l l r furw,.,t th•l l h,,, ,p,,1 1 ,. , •l l>d
"bo�•na · a ..d !J'l•t n1 .. 1nt0Hr11..,
n... r
,rt,1 ..a, 1 1u ... n 11 huo1.,,, 1 . 10..n
,,. Mt10o'd r1<ru i..1,. .,-.,.., II ,.,, hk,
.,. ,
,t,nc l�.OOtl ,..,,pi,. inu, ,u.. r 1 ,.·,n1
,oom llw itm.....phn� ,n 11w ,i.and•
uuund l h" ro.., .. .. ... ,,. . .... .. 11,,. 1, ..�,�
plk'l'11 , ...., lh,· d1)m1 ntJ..d ""i• "'••
fnendl) Th• fmwdh1d• ,vmmon cu•I • ..
m ind t o root h kr h.-Ufo,Alo l'h•t .,>vUnE
Harlrd t'Uly •nd h•ppt'n�d urt.. n.•·1lh 1hr
nu,..d ,ha nt,..1 "All ' All • "
1 11,. l,1rd,,n ot,u,.. hid •n r�lr" ,pw,•I
pit,mrnt Krt•....., 111.. Mth and "''"

,,,,_,.,., ..... ...., u,,, . ··1 ., 1,l.l- •
, ,1.,., , ,., .,.,
,,.,, u., ,, , . 1.,,1 . , ... ,,
(...,.· ...., �.. ,.. 1 1 1 • " I\ "'" • ' ·" ... . .,
,. ,.. ., ,•I"""· ..,,, •• l ••t• 1.o*'•·d •"'"''
! 11 1, ., ••• , .,.,,, t' ,,I n,,,.,nt u.. 1,.11 I• " "
,, ...., , • ..i "" .� .,,,, 1,i.., ..... . ""' " t,
• • <tLuu ,1, I • ,, ..
,,, ..,.,,11 , f, k•"" ' ' 111•! ''"• .,,r, ,..,
.,.,t,•r 1,1.-,.,1 �•th � 11,..,, 11.u .ond ,n.1
lho·, 11•<1 ho I• ,1,.,. oi,(,.,,.d !>ult "'' .olld ,,i,
.,,ufl ,uf!,>1� "'"" ""' ha, . th, , ,. , ·••
'Ill" � .. ,.,.. .,/ ulh•·r h'"'"'• l>t.11 Uu, <to• II•"
111, '"""' ,,, ""' •
·••·•• '""" •nd h••• ,.,,�
""'�' h, � • r,,,, ,, ... 11 1 1•� , i..11
,, i...,n •'"' ...,tt llUlt C11t, •• ·•r· h� "rrl
.- 1 11 1• t,,... 11 .,n ,.,.,,,,1, pln,111up h•lt,.,,
l••l,11\wl••"l1"" l>f•• �•IH1•IU!t ,,..,.,)< 1
,.. , ,�11.. 1� 1 . . ,,.... • ,. .,, .,r .....�, 11 ..
• •,. i . , rl.l. t•
·•"' ',. . 11, . . .. r .1, .. ,.
II, . 1 , .1 1,r,, l o • • • I I• ' • , I
I,,,., . "I• I 1,.h,t I \II I• •• I

,. ... . .,,, ..., .. . , ...., ,,,., .... I"""
. ,,.
,i. , ,,, ,, 1. "" ,.. n •"" , , "'" '" I""' •
• '"' I 1,, ,, "'"
"·•I"''� '•" �""'1 1•
" 1'1""' ' " " ' ' •11

Raiders stay on top, 34-28
h1 t ,r . - .i :- 1 1 11,,.
,,.,,r,, �"" K.o,n,,, . 1., "" , ,.,.,, ,
�--n • lh, � ...... n•·• 1 1 4"' .,, Uh '"''

"'" "'"" -�• . , .,1 1 <1> r, m•m 111t ,n lil,
t•m• .o n ! It••· lb•(l•·•• n�hl "" I" • I �"
,,. ,,,., ,.,,., l'Hlo l > I �•I 11, .. ..,.1,,
l'l llo1 ll .opl1 0"• n•l1 1u n•1• lll•• r•m• "'
. ,,nu,,l 11Uf1Jll lh•• r•rt• •l.ol"'> \\, lll••llllo
lt•1dor 11�f"""'•<l u;ut, • fl>ao k Hh I ,.,,,,.,,,..
. uun,.. t,·d fu1 ! u"""d•• " " I"',..,. llw
r."t 1,..,, .,.,,, .... .... .......... 11. ,h,,, ...... ..
•nl1 1t,,, .,...,..,d D, 1&. ,�H • < • >t.o'". J,,hn
"1.. l�,nald l'Hlo1I ""''"'"'" U,, 1 ....
��lB p,11nt;, un u,,. ,.., ,,nd tuu,·ndu.. n
,.,.,1 r
t1\1 1 11. • 1 1 0 lrid "''h\lm, ..ut.'•
,.m•uunt"• lh r for> l h a l l
11.aior• quui.,,rtwrl )1,k� 11."m•n"



Kun1anu Won \t,,, lu,doh du" n I� '
and 3 :lH i.-n 1n u,.,
nalf. \11 l,
Hum1nu dru•r h•� lr•m do,.nfotld
ltum a " u ,onn...,lrd four ,.f .,� l"'Slo"•.
•nol ..dm1t I WIK'hdo ,..n � 14' l 'ap�m
Anlllun) l 'nf'<'a l'twn 1<1d,· d lh• ,,.,,
,o,nu,1n11r thrc1mr al lh r h.llf L•I 1 1
L,,nn� t urMho', ,nu,r,. .plH,n , . , . lilr
u1,.ninc pla, ,�I thr .,....,nd half ,�...
tlo-d ,n
1 Haidri ....,...n,: dr,, .. Moman" 1111
\nlhut1, t,..nru,n I I I f•nl ,s.,.,.,u•�•
m1dflrl.i I..,_. IN•• lalr< M..-k l -,,w,r•n
, 1\l(lll 1 pa», 1 , ..d 1"h fft;ffl tllr pl
t,,... •nd ,... lhnn•n oul <>f IJ,<>Und> flt�
lt 11 .-n d,spulr<1 1.h.. ull l!ul th, ,..,......
,t,•>d nnn oftlilru d • • •.'•>'<>n Hum1nu1nr"
!uu11d hw,-. ,n thr �nd tun... •h•rn put
1h, • H11d...,•�r1d.lO 1 1 llo1>►,vm 1ur••'<·
•1111,•d lhf !W1> pu1nU.,(l>Ullthrlh1 <1�"\hr
1,..d lur U,r f1r, 1 tm,.. 1 n thr t1m .. . !2 14
llw lu1do-r .,_.lrt w "•• ..,.hd unt1!
-,,...., ..,.) l h,..,. • p1.W, w l'om )\.r••·r n) .
•Mt ran Ula ball hum m111l
llotld ..1a 11M '1ld


,,,.. 1' 1 1 .,, • • I ta lrfl to, 1w 1n, 1•m• , . ..,,
P'••• llhr H,,m,.,,,, i,,,..lJ,.g,·11 ,ni,, 11"
, ••il ,.,,H •dd 1 n1 "' 1h, u.,.,, r 1,..,,i
,,.,..,.," , ,..,,,,.,, •., ,all,·il I•" .,/h1d•
1o h � t, � ..111fo-d th, • l"'" •. ,,n l' "'n�• n,,
M .rnl,•• l• ·••I .. ._, ,-,111 1 p,,.1 1 l :" :1 1 .. ,th
" ' ·' " "'"'""'''n lh,•pn••
1,.. 1• 1t1o,,1 ..11...... ..... ,1o,,,,... <1 ..t• •
.,.h ..11 11.,lt ► 111m•ur,,·, • •u1n1 '"'' ' "••
1>en•11d 111 , lm,• ur r, ... ,1n d<• n l'h,
1t..1d••,._ ,co.,n.-fl po......,,,,, ,.f 11,.. tt,oll •"d
'"'' "' ,., ,.,.,� ►"' ,.,.. ,.. . , , . , n 1 1m••" 111�
1(11,..... �
h•r Hum•n11 t.-<I , 1uu,nd.... n
PII'" t" , ...,, k...,. . n,. Ow tu,o..,. f.,i,,.,
t,, , ..
,,n,...t tllr '"'" •�'"" pmnll l,n Ill•
tn,rd umr, •lo-adm1 34 ':?tJ ••U'l 1 I !
rrma,n 11>1 1n 1h.. ,,_m•
T'un, ...., .. Plt\lOl� ttul 1n.1 d•r1
..,.i •tu1• 111,. o(f,. ... ,.,. bum .quad from
""""I Jim Ju)<·• aurnt "'" W'('und
uU<'llduw.. pa.. and PIIWi • I. 1ddrd u,..
1 ..u p("""' · tn,llnc )4 :?II llw tta, f-r>
L11.. <1,ro.prutri\ In run I l lh,. rlur•
PIIW! II. ·, �fr111or hrld lhr k•od<•r• ufr •nd
h•d U,r t>o/1 •1th 20 ....cuftd, lrfl
-...,.,.n..) • 11 11,t au,m111 1<1 lh ro.. •
10U<'hd,,.. n 1o, J,,,•rr "" .. ''"•llrd1w1ytt,
1 ·urn..!H1 lo 1 1h .,.,.,,. .,.,.,.,do 1rm11n 1n1.
PIIWIII. nl k'd tllrtr ,..,·und umruut
l'ltlolJL ,.rn l h> 11\r Im,. of .. nmm111:..
hopon. rurlhrt••nC •"dp,<.,MOlll,. ,.,,nnu,c
W h du•n humaur� bn,b tllruucn
tll• l'll\1111 11 ,...and ,trtpp,,d .,..,,...,..,. .,
"••rnd•nc lh,.1.un..
t h�r•II . M1 h Momvi,, i,,d 1n.. Ha,o..t
.,r,�n ...., ......,,_,me lll uf �I �-•
u,rl .. dm1 r.. u, W
U('hdo.,.n 111,_., and
rn1 111,..« u1 1 luu,·hd"•" h,rn..,lf Thr
lt.,d,•r •I l w• th,.m ,.,,\!, th,. /',lo 'olamN
f.,, r,n.t pl•rr ..1 1n 1 -;! 0 r,•r, . .I! 1'11\IUI ·,
"' ...,. lhrm ,n ....Uftd pl ...� ,. ,.-ll a l I

, uupl.- of ,ltl1tt .. 1"11nw, "p,nlt)
f do t...un n ,,.ad• llK
..,.hluir. .d Mrt a



llw ,..,u .. utt b,,fc,,., 1 1,, ..n.,..t1o, ....
,...,,. ltl .. Holly•uud - llwf>' _... ,., m uf>'
rMnl> ur "Ah ' Al,' /\I• ' · •,.nk "'n•ln
,... th. 1, l,n-1
"') l'o-rk,..., to" �..11 u,
Ah . th") .,..,� u..l) lu l pit)�" llt�
1nLludu1 Uon1 tnd th,, tnVan.-..
ul lht
,r,,p,-,1"·• rn\nu,.r• ,....,.. handlrd ,,.
, l-,,. Alo fa>h 11lfl It ,.._, ,.,KIi} whal th•
,..,.. d ,.an LHI
n,., _...,....,, Hp,r..,,.,.,,,n .,1,·,f••�•u
It qu 1rU, d11,11,pr•n·d
l" r m a l u r r
,,,,,,.c,n,. ' Ito <h:.t1o, i,,,,,.f Al, l.luni,,d
111, mU'fr ,ubdu..., l l u .... 11" •·tm
m,� ••nil• ,urruu ndrd \h a. h,• ,,.uni II"
., ,,,, ... 111, 11r .,u, 1, d 1 n n• u p1• • II '"""
• •,Id ,.,,,.�._.,. ., "" Ill' f._ r •nd lu,·d
p,, l,m""'" tt,-,,.u.. "\laHrl,,uo \\Jf,in
ll �l•t th, n.. ,.1. , ,,,,.,,,.d \
I h.oml"•M1 r... llr,M k lun ........i lo, •
n..,,...., .., i. ,�n, .u>Oa r,-� nunulr ,1.1nd1nr
.., ..1,..., ltacl,,r • hut., ' " '"" paort,
r, . , ,,,,, . 1f ll , • Pf•'""" ""'"' 1 1h.· ro..t
1 1\ ru • n 1
k•"""'• •nd p..m.,..CI ""
uuL,1r.-1,ll,-r l um,h 1ill•11," , · h " n . • d ,.,th
t,,. f,.L>�lt-n,·h--d
ll•1t, , , w,f,. han< -d ht1n • bl(. ,.. d
, ,.,,.., l'tt•I nn,u 1h1 lh, h uu., duwn " h
,.., • un�. l\u,1 d,mb.bu\ ,.,. fmllll) dod
Mir, "•n1 Marv1n<&•dth..._11,,. ,� ,.,.,�
m,..,,. •••. • .. nd m ur., •1-• J'h,,rr ,.••r
,,.u,ul ,.\Ian,.. • \bn•n •· -.puni..n,·ow.
a..d ••rm To b,, h�r�. l u ...., th• k, ..d uf
•�•punw "'ti ,.unh pr!<? uf •dfn,_...,
,..,,,, ...,w, Hu� ""'"'" lb1i.-,·,
ttn,th.. r . 1ouk ,..., hu,k, O■nn) tt ...thof
1..., ...,.11 ,.. , ... 1 , I ..U .,,,..ut.-1 1nd :W
..-r ..d•. • round -� r..,,, n, r.... dMJo)
linorkdr, .,·n• °'h" ' I n�hl> n,n ,n h,.
\ln�n 1hr ..., .... lb , ... .... 1 llp, lh�
lh!UftC "&> lr�ll�d IU � I.II> \ �P,I M"\ U•"
i,,. 1 ,...,,n l..,or, 'P,lllu •nd lto-1n1d ..
lllo h r_, ,,. .. 1th l ,,u,.
"hm,nahu.. .,.. • .,., ruu1h1 bfot .. ,,,.n a

b)' l'Mol• .;m,th

>m•ni off an ,mpr�..1 ,.. """'" 1 n1
,o,n,1 t
�c,,,n \1-,..,,.,.., t·ou. ,... tnr
.,..,,,,,." ·• i..nn,. t,,am 1,.,.,.1�0 l !>1•11011
lu1 1ltu nwi, u f•• •• l'u,,.. eon�i�
l nfollu n•t�I, . lh� ,,.1, p1 .... 1 1 ..,m.. v�,rl,_ "'""" m•u·hr•. 1,.,.. .....,. lh�• run, ·
. .. ., 1 . , . , u , , . t,,...., ,...11 , n ....•�nl
Ill,, flr.i, m•lrll ... pla,�d
tt,,t'"'""' -.urfl,lk'• I•)'"'" kuudll'III Ind
M,m1 An:ard Arrard ,m.,...d,alrl) took
•d•·•"la.f" ur u,., ..1 .. u,on II) h,11mc

;�:�.•� ,�:.7..,.•·�u�: ;�,�-�d ��,;:,n�';t

puw.,ful ..,r,·r 11.. d l rnl(•<1ll•)>•ffrr11•·•I•
With a .,,,-,ff,• ,ar..p ,11 .. 1 ,n LlkmJ lh,• r, n.1
... 1 . &J lioudll'aU\ unr of thP m<a.t
•'Urnprt,t,,,. m,•mbo.• ,- of l h� lr•m.bliltll'd
t11,·k f rom lh1> ,..rh 11,>fn1 ind 1ut oom.. uf
""' ptKlnd>Uub> .. Ol'k
llll 1n lh� ...,...,.d
,,.., A "'""'Pff'..l lt'bfra•n ,.u n ....
do'�"""" lh,,, ""'"...,.. uf 111.. wl
Boud,..1u. on.. ... ......., .., d .,., k•pl t,.,r
, nu,,-n1l,.l>lt) lakmt l11r t ,rllr...,.O't lnd
lh . ....t 1 .. tlw lhtrd ...1. Arr1rd ac11n r•mr
al1>r ••1h hr r pu•rrful t'1'0W, <•uurt ,hot;,
�nit ..., ..,, •nd h•ntt,I) p u 1 a 1o11 l\oudr.-au ,
I ii lioud,..a u , I fanl.l>II<' i.....,.,. pl&)�• .
... up,,rl ,.,th lhr tK1U·un1.. ot 11!.. m11,h.
h uw�•rr 1\ wa.,, ,..,0t, .. 1 11\1t >hr,.l> J U>I
numc "" <trfda, An·.,d ••- t u lh,·
,,twol1on aftdtuok lh!'m1lrh, 0 J n 7, i> I

\ I "� <tlld .. nl(I,-,. Jan,..,. l,,..,• n ,.,.,
mahh�l1 •t111•n,1 \nn,• '"'""" \ 11.""'
.. n,plu)•·d lh.- �m•• ta, 1,., •• h,·r t.• •mmacr
\n.,d 1 11 �,-, 111nr t.n-, " ' """'"f'"otn ••·II
pl•�•d ,ro.., ,,ur l •hut,. l,n r n •h.., ,r,

•b� hl ie<I ho-1 tl!l'fflr On 1r1o • •11 un,l lh,
t,a,,1 h 1 1 1m( \ta,,. �1 •nl1 r,n1lh ,,.,,um tJ,·11
t "· � ..


t h, lh!td ,1 1,iJ..• m•I• 11 "''"' t,, I�,.,.,,
,1,,.,,,., l'n•,.,,., •"d t •ml , I•"' \i:,•nt ..
r, . , ,.,,,. "h••
11., ,1,..p!a,,·<1 ""'"
•'""'llllrlfl•l h•nn .. ,k•!l •11 ■1i lld flf••11"'"
,.,11,·h• ,..,. ..,.u pr,• p.or.. tt "'"" ""'" hn,

n�I pla,•nd puw..rfu1 _...r,,� -i,;). m•Vil
"'"" hi(hl l&ll""l1b) lonl wolW') ■nd,r■IIMI
t,o,1"'""" thr two nppun•nU Sharon
!11•1· ..d wrll """ unN q:am amr,..-d
••• 1, ......... 1>�, t, I

P..rlllP,, lilP rt\Olol ne,llnc rn•kh orlht
di• wa, i,.,1 .......n ruurth 1.milM. playan
!Jw r .....d..., and Mn l)wku...!.111
tn-..dun u,d T)Uko•K• n,hanpd
.. ,... p1w,nall> lortc r■H...., and bolh >ho-.d
\lmnc .,.,,"' tllrnuchout W rnu,..mat.ell
1M nn.1 ...t ..u•n l) l'y,zkowak1by
thr w, rt,.,.. ot w!..
nlft& • nmO'poln l
11,. rukrr n�. do.. nm .. ou1,tru ..1•n
..-cUftd M• I and dupl•)•d ,um� rinr "4'I
pl ay alon& with be1ullf.. 1 drop •hul.4 In
I.Ikon( th• W I, 11-2 ll>f' llllrd Wt wu •
...,. .... , t-tU• and 11"" lh• IWO tnMd
t>MI A nm• puontt1 ..
bn-•ktr. t.h•M'«1Adot
:IN'do-d l.o d•IO'rm.,... 1111
,n.. matrh. .,.,, l
,. , n n p r
L n f0f111n,,1rly . afl ff ­
'1U..>l!un,,ttl. ..alb, l'<>wK1 pn,va,_.d
l<> •1n 111.. matrh. 7 t1 :? 6. 7 6

n,� f1fl h '"'I"'• n,11r11 r..11ur,od Pam
-.i.nll■Ol Ind l'11n) \ Mu1I)n Hall Th11
m•lfh. hkr u fou rth ..n(lri atr1,r. WU •
"'" >&• i.111� 1\1111 llou• t1w f1 n.1�1. 6-1
:-it1n�..n1 b,aul�d b■f k and 1mp,,,,.1•"'Y
tvuk lhP "" und _...t . 6,4 Thr lh1rd ..,, wu
.. p ,n th .. •" fur • l une umr ho•H.,, Hall
fonalh r•mr lhmuih ft>f h,•r lO'am S.'.!. 4 6.


flt� r,n1 d..., tt:... 1.r a m ul Eloudr�•uand
1 ,,..,,n 1ra,....,1 1ult"ll"" """ had hu... 1..,.k
,11 t,,. , ni itrf�•u•d. I h, I t, &eh IH•Y•n

:;. ::::·� ::::·:, :::.::. �:7�-:,.:;:"t;�
"•• tu�l h a . , n f a n uff da,

�., ,,.,d ,t,,wblr. U·•m uf 1 ,,n•

:.:•�::: •,��- •::�• ,:;-�,::.•i;,��:. �.��
,u, ,·,-,,,..,, •.,d ..a, d,•f,••b'l 1 l b l 6

1lt• !•••11 1 r,1111, h ... �, h1thl1thkd I»

�:��·�,;:·:��:!:i'�)i::��'.·�:�� ��0.·�·::

'' .
;�:•�: •��.; :�·�-;..��i �'�tt : ::·;:
n .. , ..... . , h... 1 . 1 n d n 1>,, .. ,t11 nrnc-ti..d r111,
••Hi 1,m, h'ltt'tho • I , h \001 1 4-nr,-,,,u,

<h.onn- .. n,·n n.. pul hbhand•du•ftll• .,,.
••do• • Uft 1 ro up1� .,, ,,...._,n, -.ult . nut
m•..) ,...,.i pun,t,,,, nurlll •• 1n, ,,.,.
mo•·Ml uour>l1
r11.. ,� ...... "'"'' uf lb•· ......... '" r"""d


111 111,· uunh ,.,u..d . Hulm,• • u,,..,m,
mt>f� •�I"'""' Al, ,·on11 11u,•d 1hr p��• II,
t.,,ndn,..n�,. \I,
J0 . 1(11n .... , p, .. 1ho>1
tht,>-. th,. f1u.t ..,,,,1,1..,..., uf • d�.-,."1
PUftf'ft l:l<,1n ,un1,n....d ••tll Nlffl l
b l\lll-..
\J>•tr.,.... , n 11u,,. kl1· bu1 •..,•ttlorkrd Al,
tr'"' lo ......, llolmrS b} pulun1 1..
uuu11r1rl,f'11 rlo••r,fht 1n h,. f1n> llul t u
avlll M or. . part,11 ..Hopr a l .k •pr' b)

All ,
i.rtrd t.odln,-,.,n tlw Fifth Hound
/!uu!, r a n. uu l ti llulm�m•d�flinur,1b1
w•ahnc h<> di ,r,..r,, ,\h ...-.-..1 I > tllr

'"ro1w I 11opr •• lh�m..,, thf1'w • r o � plo• <>I
1,,(1 rt(h l ,.. m ..11mn• ,ni.o Al, . ro• d
r, Al, ramr ,n w 1tll .onwq111rl lflllvf
. .,.
"'"""'" Ac•o... lh,,) """' Wkl-n uff 'tltr
• ••rd••" tin,, Hl�d M("mon Muhammad.

IWII\I U'l•t
,o.. l"U.a ,lol,Offl.. lhmc now
b11.1M1iuy ' M
H<>lm" NNUUIIH'd. lo wail 1w1y a l th•
"Mop,a llupr.Mthmw,..l&offlt'OWf'fMndl
thal taucht Ah ,quau in lbfo ran Th•)'
d1dn'1 .i.op;rr h,m Ab lt,,,l d 1l1l',
m ..thlll"I ,.,th hli alo...., fOf lk> l m n In
rt>mr 11 horn Al• Wt H u lm•• do 1hr
,,.,., ..,.,;1,., ut l h.. pu..
fhm1 wh,10' tc,.
pn,t...'1Pd h1m..,lf 1ftruund1Jk
n...�AJ, <;tiurn,, .-u1111n •nrv,a,,..o,
'" ""''"' ........ ltolmM ro11....l'd All
Ul,IUl!d. ti,,a,1 on Al, ja
bb,,d ,nhr qu1tkl)
uuu · l�#n.,. . d lhr ruund w 1 l h 1 n u lh ..,
Hrup..a d1>P, 111•1 11,,.m,... am� at w,tll
•rn1, • 1nn
Hulm,., did 111,1 rh, u p '" th, �•11\th
ruund '>tmw ur h1< i,un,11... tt,ttn,..i h r�ilk
lht""�h ,\J,•, ,lo.,., 111 11 d,•f�n,..·. but U
•1<·ll•n1n ,.,._, ., bf1.II.II , lh•·lf 1n1p . 1
11,,,o, n,..n ,.,.,.,, nu-.u-d lhMr t,1,,,., •..,
.... h "'"r" t
...... fu,duc ch,..., mMh.
lk•l,....• murr ..,. .ond h.uM .- ..·n hnlo" All

•IJll'""·d lhr '"fUP" •
OJ, n,nU> 1<,wnd ,..., lluln,, .. t,,,,,1 ' "
111.i h,, nun \I, II" ••nnw. 1..r1 u1h1
,·.,mb<» kn•••�d u,.. lol'U1>>1llo• l\,•111 ..rk\
n.<11>•• ,m,., � 1 111<1 11\r rup,-• Ah lr 1o•l1 t,,
"l,.. n,.n uul ,.f ,t . bul h� w:., 1,,..rfh t,.,• \h
"'"' hitd :. N,n"u.w• • - .......111 11i 1 .u,1 11nd•·•• h
tlulm,.,, m u,·MI , .. 1111 ,1 .,.,,..d al w1U •n
lh., i.,,. . 1n rounl1 /\, nU(ht \h ,..nh fuur
,uni1n1 lllu,.,10 U1�f•,.;. .,.dr,n�.. h,m
vfl,.,tJ, • .,.,,....,f ...... 1,-o P<,1,,11&, th,,,
...,.,....,..,..oJ. u,ct11nc "OOblt i 11w wa--,
·,n,,n�r <1•,pa--d lll,, f (ht
A1 1
lio,lm.,. ,.ud lrulhtuHy. "l d,d,ohat l
had to do. •n • pu.t fithl ,ni.,.r,,,..,.
Muhammad Alt >&I .,J.,nll• tn "" ''O'"'''•
hrad duwn.b.-;111.,n
Alo d1,.ppu1 111,•d 1 t1 lh� r111t bul II. •)
11••)�. .,.h ''th.. 1:w1t.-�t" �nlrft.11no>1 of
,;, . n 11h� l ,;,r,, ltulmd. lh• nrw po,...,,,
k�pl th.. tllW Ah. '" loscn1. sull had u
lul ,,4 muft")• •tod I rrw lill'd
:�:; :


Summer Swim for Cystic Fibrosis

CA�rAINSrfVCOAGtE .o,1"e.•1Jfff-cro,,n Suffo1t 'rlllCCt'• lfl•�

E fart is there, but
women 's tennis falls short

lowud• lkJJm"' It •• a ..ottwr rn,,.d
pl<'-f Holmn dod aol ll'OICL H,. t,nOffd
1J1., Dl,OaJ,i> 111d .,,,nun....d to"--n up
llul- •&oboord Ab w.>1;1rbforN'd Ofl
w1l dl1
n r .1 1 1 lbP1f unfoldNI hkt I !Nd
drram f u r A h • .. d ,u�t an<Jth,.• "di• •t lil,.
offl.-.. fo, ltnlm.. ,
Wh,. 1 1 1 .. f1it,t t,o,1•n. \h ,.,n1 1n,,..d h�
r■n 11n1 and '"""' nw, b,n..n rurl,,d
a rouftd �"" lllh.., n.'f•uuily . m.... oottu·,
mu,in1 m�• ..... ,nit)
\b w.rrtill.-.lh
i,,an, d d • " ,n r,.,.. t ..r lkilmr>. ,.UIII
h,m .,n llo,tm... pu l • l•,o<fm,.rh•ndflCh1
,nt" \11. bul 11111 ,.-., 11/ ,\ lot uf
n,u.,• nwnt .,,lh hl tJ.. hotun1 b, �,11t.•r
f11htn n,� •�pin 1 u 1 1 ftlnd
lluhn... "'"d \h t.•oU• d unr """'"'' '
.,,.,,. ..Hof• tn llullnd f,.., l'h"fuundh-d




U •n


Th•• u,mm .... .. 11, � ""' and r ,..,..,
malunc n100..> r u r 111.. vh-1 ,,.., b 1
.... 1,.,c .,,.,.,,., ,�,....,nc r
�. o, whai.., ..r
,.,. ru,d 1u du. a �..1ro1• pn,r -s.,.,. .....
111,,.,.d """� munr)
Th.. 11,u,.,�n•·•·
bo-tw.... n wlwl \tr,. d+d a ..d wll:.t wr 1t1d,.
r. J . ,.. •mrnm1
::.�• nr � .. »t
� ,
�: ;:. ,'.;;
..:..1 ,,nl, d•d ,h.-n.1 1••• mUfl�\ l •�U•
► ,ti.. ,. .. . and prucrun, •c lh� t'1m
\ \I I' \, ,h,. •••m,. d AlOfr m<m�• tn...
• 11 1 .,, n.. uth,·• p•t.,.•panu, 11> du,.,1 th,
m...t l•Jf"' .,,.,, \>.,;i.ur11 •..dunt,un
•• 11 m.1111< ,.
l"ru(,.....,, Juon,... I an
-t,u. .,,.,.,,., •••mmtftl '"' ' "'" ►,tt,.,,..,
•nd 11w \·, ,.,, rruup u,..,,, ...,o.,., .
<•"' •'"''m I ,u,
,t 1 ,1 n»<1 t>,. , • n a i
.. ,,,.,c•i•·"
rh� jlu"I ,. �:, m,.
i,-,. l""l• •nit• lap "
,,, ..n t.•1 1 II} ,11 11nmn,1 up •nd 11m• n th,·
1 > <••/ur,, ,. -,h,. d1d l l l uf th,•m. and h•d
""'' •n h.... , tu u ,., HrallnntJw•.. •m
'"1bou1 1 m,i,, 111d 1 ha1r · , .. ,n h uu r h,•lp,
to .sho.. 11111 •.. q1111P1 re1L


'>hr loul�d . . . .. ......mplo,,lwO, ,&l "'
1r�11 ""'""' ,..1,,1,. >l,uw,..c 1hr ,,....nplmn
"" '' \h . . floctr uph) ..�..,1,.,.n tohrr."and
ptf> not thr llsl ·n...,,. wa,, nun .. of "1 lhuutht l'd n . . ,.,, m1kr tt 1f1r, th••
, hl' lh l1p" tu ,\fwl. uf ....... . mph IWMn.
lob ,11 . ·, b,, .. n ,w,mm,nc all hnt,fr
" t · , ,.
u n i t b .. ,.n � w , m m •n l
, ump,-111,.. .1, f u r t ,.. o w. .an 1 . . t n ''""
A A l m,·,.l>. 1 ..d pl.,...d 11�U l lw) ,,.
...,_.d ,,n nu" r
a,t ,ou,w1m ll lap,,·
i .,
('Ill , ...,,,.... rrum .Sl ....,.. buri, ►II ,
1,-r,.h.. r pa,�ftt,,ab• •"••m romp,,1,u,.-t)
-,1,r ...,u,ff th.II wn... p,,upl .. th•I
"P'"'.,..-4 ..,.. ,. ,.,.. ,rt\ t<"n.·rou� 11,,, of
lh,- <pon.,,,-,..,.,, •.,,..a..druunUd l•I>'
o·<1r,-, 111m,. from fr,..nd.,
In l\1 ,.,. Mlrd ,.,th p,,1,1..-a,1 fa'""
"1 ..-t'• "'" � •· • 11�,1 . •"d ta� .... 1 . . ..rr...
Uil) l\pr ul µ,•1",11,l '"• " "'' 'l:.nd, uul
, ·,.,, 1,...hd H•I\,.....u•m .. nh th•! Vupn,.
.. ,.,. ,,. • 1 u 11,•ff.b..< ..n,. ,nul,• l'
• • t•·h t u lh" "'" • 1on,p1, .on ••1 ur
ieuoc1.- , 1.

PHOF[SSOR .JOANN( CAHH ,. ,,.,.,,...,,,..I' tu, Cn r,c- ,,t,,oi,1 t1v1w""'"'"f 134,..,,,


Oclofnr 9

/ 'J/Su(f,i//f Juurru.1/ I � 1,,;i,., <I, I �r/11

Channi ng resurrects vaudeville in Sugar Babies

Portrait of the artist as a confused man
"" ,, ,,.
, • ••, , ,.., ,,.. 111,
. .. , •. ,.
,,.,,.,,•. ,.,.,
,. ... ,, //J' /"
It, , • � , ,,, /W '""
I ., /; �.
I �., Ii··'�""'" 1,.,, , /1o '"''" 111.1 i ,.,.,,,i
.. ,, '"
1 ' .,.. ..... � /•'
1,. ,l,·ff l\1 111,1111

1, •.,,.,.,,.r 1 1,, ., , , , -ur ,1 ,.,,. ..1 , ,.
.1 . r,1.,, f,·•ta•l •l"'n.. ,r,,t 1" •
• •<l,,,1 t,111•1o loin, . ,,,,. •1 lh, lt,,h·I
,1 ..,11,.,, ,,, \11... 1 .. , ,1, '"''"" '"'""
ll,, I • • lldrh <.1!1•..,!••"•· lu, 11, •udl,•11, ,
'1h •11r,. , •ti•·• •<Ulh•II•• "" '"I•·• r..r11d111�
lh,•m�l>o ■I
• >1<1
I"', " " ' " � " •I
11 >•
.. .,.,,.,.,,. ■,�. th, rt,,fm•I•" •!'''"t••"•
.. .. ,,.1 ,.,•,, ,,.., 1,. .nr t,, ,,,. •

1 , . .. ,,,.,. lt.olF• rq, .,.., "I ••• ...,,
l " "•Ch•I• h,n.,,
lh,. ""'"II'""..,'"·"' 11, l,,11,., ••"1
ll'"'"tdo, I "'' l"·fmF•t•·• � • - •1\ \l�•ti •
�,• .,.1 , ,1,...,,!"""'•nr ,,,.,. r, 1rn -.1a, ,,,...,
1,, ,.,.,..,., l11,i,.. , \(l,.n 1 Rn rt•lh■lt" ..,•,.l
d,•h•1,d n.. 1.1,,,1 "1r1lo•ll•.. \u■I f1illl "l!IUh(
rt\ln<1•�1 ,1 udi,• ,., .� u1,,,.,
' ' """••••• ,all,
,.h,. 111a111 In , h■�i•• h ••"•h•nllMI ••n!l•nc
... . ........,, dUl!ll' l" • "'""" "l't,,.,•l••ndrni
m "Ju, 11•••""" · ••Kl hh �11 111,• l>och ,.f
•"'"'"� , fll1< , a11<1
� "' k ,•r•• II •I
,.,....,,.,1,1un• r•n,, -.. ,,., ._ ,.11,. d,·,·p .. "·,.1
C»"h"l•'(U·11 uld p..ln1> • l 1uul,.llli,m, 1 "
II .... ,!,• h,• H•h�mr11t1, .,,.,...IC""' 1 .. th

,.,F<Ull\... . r.... 11n1t ,·rn 11-,, f.,, h,.
1•r"'""" ",1u111d. hlll•• r1l11 1>. ptu111 ,-,n�
lt111 hr ..,11 .u,• n 1p1 lupa, .,,..,. �lh•hth•ll
lo h u,,.�n ,uffn•nl •"I dnn 1 f,.,.1 fu nn,
•"'"'•"• • · 11,, ... ,,. " I •••l atn11,,d lh,.
,.,.,ld•nd 1U l -• ., hu man •"ff,.nnf 1
h " J,.m(\llh ''°""'" lhllt \11,• n
mt.. n,h l\ioi. , ■, "" au t"b"•lCl'•pl\" �·
,ar,.-a1u 11• th•• r.lrn rhp,, •h••"" It t • ,
"'ll"•P••• m" "'" '""""",J' 1Fm11n. . ,• n t , r
\11,,n "• •'llrl1,•1 "'"'k t h ,· , u.. �• ,.,�, fur •
■h•Nll • lu�• I • • ••
\ llll••ll•
"'"'"'"'•'• l<J/1, 1n, 1,,.,,•. , �"•' H " " ,
durum, 1ll1f' ,r, 1, n•rru,on 1/i r "n"I••
""'IICl>1 "hu•,.•h l1<'>IFn"'l•l)r""•11•hhr,
• l' I'"" , m a l • • •
I u,ad,�, ,
,-..un1,• r1i•r1 ,n � ,. ·, ,11,.,,1 I ,,. 11.. � , ,
"afll,••I /., /\n,.,, ll>.,1,11 ' ' 1 �t•d lh,
t..tluu 1mlo(•f\ ,.f ,11.
, ,.,.,
d111 fr,.m llh
'"J n t, 1 1 ,·• IUII '. """••. -..·l> 1< h "fHII•
,,o,.fo,1 ,,rrt1un,·,• ,..,111, !h,· •t•••
un1r,:;, ur In/�""'' , \JI..,. , ••1n1,•ll,•, lu•I
"'"""' h.-n lh. ,,.-,·11m•n,..,. ,n Jllot,•, hr,
•••h•• lhu..• ul pn•,1<",, ,Ul,·n • hU••·I.,·,.. •
Pl("'Ull lnRlu-.t , Hu... •p•,1 m,•n1 l o b thF
-i"du '"' �.,.,. lhr lub>l••r" Ul \n111r /IJ/1
hi\ •IO•F b••Hir,.. <Jfl h" m•ld Ilk• lilr
, ..mput•r,t•d \>1,·h ,-11 m "�rp,• &nd 1,,.

(�"'""' �..,, ,, , ,,og ·olhO•<!I ..,,.1 IW..,,.. Cn,,u,,... jJ..,,11,,i, (lt<Jowl
W00()> \ W0Mt N
<I•• • •'""''' .\ ,,.., .,.,,,..,,,,,'!/ ,.,,..,,,,,,,,,,.., ,.,.,,,�,... , , ,,,.. !lumlttJI.Vem..,,..,

(lrtfn•nd. l>ot-T"' 1n,.,1o1, Kampl, ..1 1.
.,.,..,...., h, 111 ,.rn,,1 1r,e,.,1n11,, 1 1 , ... , , ,1<1
""''"•• n, .n,n� ,,., ,..1.11,1> .. ,,t
• • "•�·• ,•..,.,.. l l • •.. m1••• u 1/anhJl/,m

"�"1,.. r lf,·n,• .,,., lhFn. " Atl,•n , •

:.�.::.:· 7:,;,, '. �� ', :;i::.:;:{;·�11';� ::,.�,r.1:.::.;

•"I"•""'· ,t, r,■nill,•1• ,,. lll•I ,•-rli•• f lm

U• 1n..,, ,., ,..,........... 1h1n ..f •ll•Pir•t .. ,11
fl.Ii,-, i,,..... r,·lac,,.,"h'f" .,.,1,....1, , .u,d•• •
• • l • l • n •h I •
" f•
,. t h
• d < • •n•
n1 1 , 1 , . . . .
, ,1
f1lm • 1lh•n1 (lln• f,otmat lnil)IIUlll,.,
a1 1d •"" ,,.,_ ''"" "Ill .,f lhF
�-, ,
l u r ; n F 11 to•d •t1M ....... tu hu,..,·,
,t1p1,• \ll,1
I",.. """" /lut Lh,- ,.n·1 1 . , , 1.
�,.,au, , n�
••1tu"11,,,u_ .,, r••·• • a11 • ff,•,·1"'" ,.tlf•• .,f
••� h•• • • •m•·•lt..•ul a • • I < > " l•• !l••mc .., 1 ,
h•• • •ar,w 1u l!,••1n11r, -.. , i h /,.,, ,,.,,,
�lat/I"'' \k,.•.,,,,, ,.,1. not U<l I dim, ,
- u, li.•,im■u ·, - 1..11n,. 1>u1 vn \11,.n ,
t,,, ,. lh" t<J·•• •rr ,tai,,.flr ,•■Its Lhr
1nfllll■Lin1 p1r,oon 1 · ',11 "l1h "•..r, a"d
""''•· •· u ddlin« up 111 1th !lorn. , hill)' 1h11

"'lhP) P"'I ..,,,,,ih1nr wondFrfol •n 1ht-11
li1nrum" ■ud lhP <"hl,.,..t,,u 1,, ,n1t10"
a b u lll W<'llll..fh
m,1111 1f1r•nr • .,,.,.. t>-t>. h�• \lh,on •"d
lh1111, ind 1 '1Un •n.t'lutt ,.,,.�mrn1.>uf 1,,,,,,.
llull lh1n "• ,t,.,.,th lloM",.. ! >1/lhu,uth ,. •.
�'"·" !h�t '"•· •1»�•11 ,....d, -..·hop,•nh-.,..,
•nd tnl\ 1••••• ,,.11 .... \u1/ ,,,1u,..n, .... oth lh•f
l� th•••1 ,., •llh,·• vf lia1,, u1n,• 1 " ..m..n .
Ila,-• •J,·»•r• lhur,,•• • •n<l 1,.,11,,1 i \b11,
l 'hr1>1111F tt.J'noLl!1. u, , 1<1•./u,/ \f,.,.,.,.,,,
n•W••I\ /111 1 11>,. , h•....-t.-r •b.otH ,-hi, h .,.,
,•.•,.. ,11•. 1Fbl l> lil1.., h,ms. 1 r
11,, •• • Wl'r,•.Jul film 11,...,·1t11 ....h..
•11robu1>•• tu, ""'�.,. ,., lurk ··,f I ,..,,
Dorn •n l"l■nd, "' Ho·rh.., I a b<• �
JJ,. ap1.1tm,... 1 "
! , >di ,
dr,.,r1t••d ,.ilh m ural• uf th, \lar,
11,.,11>,•r, 1 1•<1 l wtn1m,•w ,.,••,·u1,.,11, It,,
ch1uffru, ,. 1r,,.,1rdfur m••I fraud .. h•IF
,..,....., him
<1m 1nt •nd
n1bl)ll-�i, h t,., h1h...,__ lnd .,..1.>h,- ,.,,-,i
"" fm• I IF ll�,., "�k lhff!IPII .. ,1h UI
Iii> hr..lot1C SK) t h,.IM>I
•h.- piublrm>
•>1 IOl(11... t11m . � 1nrU111 "hr kn.,,.· ,•1h1,

..n,1,, a <1ud10 ""<'<'UU•"
too •rU.
,-..,mpl•uu. th•t ti. , u11.- or ,11._
f,lmm•hn """ Ult'> 1,, "dorum,,,11
P<'"�•l 1,11ff••r1..1 •nd ,oti u ..rr a, ■rt "
.\no1h.-r SlUdlO .., ...,.m-.. pr�,..., ho• "fofl
U•1•• t>-11• him lhal. "fm ■
of l•u�h(,,1
,,,. "hu m•k"' ru.. u, n,.,.,.,,,. <h•• • I kind
ufa ,1.-,.,,.,..,. ..
ll • l r • fl•IOJnd••"
r,·lauon."1 1p-, •u<1 u-. fllm•"tr'"l"..-1 ••.. .
•..,..,1,,,t fo,m •II "dr\ b• h 1• f•m lllld
,-,11,n· rrut>-•�u ,• IP!lnu ta,...... ,-:ii,..-d 1n
• i t h ... u • I 1� •
, ,....m•l•nfl'•ph,·1 1 ...,d..n '41th, .-\<.1UB1(,,
1>1..-k �nd "hn, c,hn\<'ll'llf>h\ l•■tl\hly
m•d•· up "'"'�•••. •ltlf,•<1 m J ' l l t l ""
, ,,•� ,.. ,. J>r••trudo• onto llll(F> loft
•oh,·,l•n� n1<1 tr1b,it1un, f,., 1ut>,,r,•,i 1,,.,,.
,..,,..,111<,tl>, < ln, .-, .,,.........,,. lndthP ',,•w
\,,rkl)l< t,h1 ·omm,tlt'F urf.-nn1
.,.r..,·••• •l>,1u\ )'1t'."'' ....d lh,. l , u) an.
,.,.,,. '""'"'· ,a ,vm.-d, .,rdmr tu lu
b.-u 1 nr 11 u lu1r•ph, on
\l"nuch ,otF< 1 11f r�
1.1.. ,.r..,,., .,f ,,,,.. -..i,. ,..,_ n•• l--�1. •nd
br.-a,l> ,n�u•nnw vdwlht"f h..ha, .-,,., l\1d
l!tt>-r< OU""• -..uh •n• ""! ul •n•m�I ind
h i m . •• did
• L>nf•»•n�
,.•• ■
1h11 ·•1
& u l u r r ■ p h l l u n t,,r,
·-r,.■n ·· , , ,n,. •n du•lr,.,u, n,mph, l hu

h.-r hushanddn,� h..1,n r,omc nnn.,,·un.t,
,,.p1,,t, w•lh bnJ•nw, and hl>h •nd a
'and, liato•• l •hlft. lo• " � 1 , n h,. hut<,I
bo-d. bo•r1u... a p,;, rh1, h&> tuld hF1 th1l U\t'
and illllM ,. ••, .. �do>•Ull<'d to m1kr 1 L ")
\nd ,rt illlF, ,. rn,•r•I) 1e1n�1tu"' 11,'llf'n
thr fl[fn -..1th111 1h.. f1 lm vnd•, 1nd l�t>-> IOr
1> 11 .-.11..n • ' " •••·•·n I th11d rhu1�Lo•t")
•·nlN, thr " , ..,.,1 1n11 room to ,,.t,,n� h-.
,u..,i_... '"" n-a•11.. th11 wr dun'l ntn
•nnw .. holh1> rhanirt.-• 1>
1r .. . . . ,.. ,.,rrl1i,,S1a,u,.., .11,• 1nu,1r, to
�.. !A> \11,•n l'"'tt' m u,.h 1 mplor... "• to
d"'• IJk,n ll I> Allrn. nol H,u.,,. whu,.lh•
UU!il ln turmu,I •ndSlardu,1 .11..,.,,,,,.., 11
tu rbulFnl ,•nvu11h to ram,f, th.. -•hon
11,r poorl) dr11"n d1u■rt••,1 Slf>h nol.t'•
of n°1>0m•• d•><man,.,. a. 1hr) lum bl.. and
rla,h ,n /111.-�· fum r..m..mbni,wn
1,·lhm llk,. ''".te•·ni • lun,
\11 .. n ,
•·l.-phanl •111 1 .,._.,.rt.-d b,,arh u[■ h•ndful
,of hul au biUuun, wl ai,,1 n.,t th,, ..,11'11
,k, .U• ,111 krn,c. bul .'i#rm suanpl)' UUI of
pl..·, tu, llw fLr•I t,m,, >1nn
, 1 '1 7 1 , . h,. \o'<'ond,ir�. ,\llpn ...,,.ml
r,.nfu,.-,t ira,p•n� for 1t,■,.,1 d rl">0rt1n1
lo h., ,..,1,,,, nlmJ. 1nd h1, ,do... lkrtmln
a11d t,-llln•. rnr ""l''fltl<>n
lr,,n,,111,. •II u1,- 1n•p11111on All�n
n••.-d, 0< wpphrd b1 1 rro.,p of muu1na.
,.,.., .,�1 1111... r..11,,,.,nc • n1rh• or 1 wo
"at.rh,n( "\ou "·•nl to do m111k•..d 1 rnl
"'" "'""'• •th" l,..dn &>lu. liatP>.
.-l,•,:llumr Hmokl) n 10·,-n1
�T,.fl fu nn,..1 JOk... ··


Al ll.'t'

\\• h oo lt")

Ir, Jo•h� I .,
_,..,.,. 1/1,,,;,.,,,,.i. , 1 '17 1 1 ,
•h•· ...... �. .nd 111 11�•· uf !hr••• hudd1<•, """
"�" 1u,t i...1 • <l<•ar lr1<•nd ,. llnimn11.. d
n,,. filn. ,. f•llrd .. uh ,,., r1..uo111un,
,,, •.111,,,.,•. and ,·vnl~,,.n, l lt-•l"l<• ■ll ut
... lli.• r.1ni,.,..,
•m•llf ..
.h...... dr
f..,.L, •rr� d••tlrhrd at •·nd •·' • • • r,1m
lh,..,tm Jo»i.. ...., 1,.. """"' l" ha,,..

.,,.,,.i, In all. .,, a,,. tl•Fn a lu•rl,
"htfol . II"'� a l I f'">II' uf p,u11I,- '""" II•
.,.,. ,,m•laJ t.,a lut uf �plr Muund u•
•nd1Fn 1 uln.•1•lllo•. 1nd <rn hum1n
Al! of lh<' rh1,.••tFr...-Fm l<• h■••• •••m•
(., I t urr1 1ni po>n l ... n,1� ,ru.,..,ne \h,.,r
hu m•n•1• \ \ • t h a l l 111,. ,.,ph1>u,·•11un o f
""" ,.f1,.,1 .. to•fhmq u,•,. •nd ,1un l•n•• lt,,.
nurr,an ,,..,,h ha, t,,.,.n ,,.,..,...,11mm• ir.-•l
toumb<•• ,.f th,· fllm, lh•I hi,,, b<� n
,..1,.• .., urlat,•
11,F , ,..,.,. Ir.. .... •I I ln>Ul,Fd '"
t,.u .,,.
, u u nlrr • u l (u r r , lfF"f>

�\}:;.itl�!I}It.��;ifi:{ .," �f{}f11tfI�)�;

�tt:�:; itli�1!

-..,1,.. d,,..,n ·1 h.a,·,. u,.. mn,1.1nt 1.....,� fu,
�:n;":� ;�:1�: :�::.: �t,. :::��

d"nk,nc, •nd 1.,,,.m•••n1 llut. th,°"lh

hrr Do)h1c..d " a ••lilH Jln11ht pohtK'•I
.. '
• ·
::,�� ,:-: -:,i
, .,tark Am ..
u, "h" ha, t>,,,,n thro,ich tuo

'/.:::t, •{����

lru,...•d of f•lm•n�S;•,w, •n d11�.>lUd1u
hthl . \h,. d,,....IOI bnnp w. tu \l,. .,
l'h, rut,:...t ,••,. t.ncllnd
,·nu 1>tn \ldP brin,, b;tc k frrhnp "'
,umm••• 11•�1 •nd ,.,., ,.... a1m,:,,,1 ..,,,..11 1n..
"-•(• ,�,..•l, 111� dunn � 1hr r,.,,�"Ul
"11h " \>,IJ.1/11(.f hud,,•l . "") I,•, h••
• n••1<•11 • f lm 111h.,-1> ,·i,ptu,r, 1h•••n�•.-t•

'"" lh• ...n.. "' !<.A> lllal tho �-..,... 1..,,,
.,.1, IF(I ,.,Lh •rtr, thto o0\1nd rU1) 70,,
\hhuuth lh., < h1nirlp,. ;o,,- wph ..lM·1t"d
1hr) a•r ,uln,·rablr and lo,I l'h1> •• •
b,,au llfu lh ,.nltFn fllm wh•<"h ieru ■rro'°
lh• rnn,.a�r lhal •·rn utdlOI') P<"t•pi�.
••th ....) Ordllllt) pNbltms. ca n , 1 u,,.
1Mln> uf thr rh1n«nlh1t1 1k'cadr c1,i..,•
l'hn� ur nu '"P<'ntan or r\lllU1d1 n1n
,·hu.......,,.. ,n l h1i f1lm l,b)"b,, th1l•, ,..h11
makn • I W <'h)tO rrlaU' to
Tor p,-rformlll�'r> .,,. •ond,,rfol.
•llhoueh n.,.... ,Umb....,t1mon1 1h.. ,r•I ••
mono 1n,port1nt- Uouy ...ood ha, \flt'd tu
,,..k,. Mm>wh11·1> ,·1111urrd thr"'r»t'uftlw
,;,o•, ,n ,I .<:mol/ / "11d, .,ff· r,,-,.,1, .1111 ll
•uon t>,,, .n,,. 1....., ,..,.p. up,•fl•h 1'hr
, hva, 1.... ,,, .... ,,.,, 11, � lhl> n-�rt) r Uf hnu
,,,! .. hul •1� 1t1<•:,,1, lh••m,.•1•�
nu, 1,1m h1, 1 1,�1,• "h"h ,me, uu,
1nd 1 ''"" ,.t,o,-h o>bo• ltF,...,blr l n 1 ftl"'
, .... ,ti.ti ,n ;!I c1a , , 1ho• f,•,•l'"c• uf ,
\ Pf•• th btt
i, ,,..n,11un •••• •t,pt u,.-d
,., , ,.,.,j\l,,J,on,-m f,,. 1 dm , i, , r , f,r,1 f,1m

1 ,,
. .. ""'
·"""'' 1 41 .._ .. . .......... ,..,...
1 •ruul ( ./lat1l>l"I Y "' I Hub.-rl If,,,,. II •r,,
' "�'""'/ ,,,..,.,,, ,...,.....r11 \,,,
by lhchard Hobt·n l'apno
lforl-i11•• ,- a i,,rrn "' " " " ''"•t,,

fnt•llfn lt> mv•I .:-..Ure,, >lUd•nt> .\f(,,r
,,...,,.•• n••· bolu,r • p.,, ur .�l<A'<l, R,.11..-, .
m, dr(1 n1 hvn "uuld b,- �h,lu,...,,. .,.,.u••
•nd r \1,..mrl) •nlo>rtlr�,n�
Burt.-.qlf<' IIIO thfft>-,4,,hat � '>ull1un
,... w lf'lf'UWOn !lit- ...u fU>l .....p on
romin1, ueh mor.. ,.. , 1h1n th,· la.I ...d
qu11.« d,rr ,..n1 from th.. nnl . uul1 ao uL
fum1 ,r h .,.... 11mrm1)hi•rn,m..;i1;1 1n
:-u2ar Jlll)w• •• :ad• l)U•d from 111.. llruadw•) l)fu<lu,t,on. w�..-h
,tnrFd Ann Mlllr1 and �l..,lr1 l{,,unP)
What mil,.. th"' pr,,d,...twn .., ....Kl 1> th"
,btrh•·> ,.Flr 11"atFd !>, thPt.oL..n1.> ur thr
pr1nc1 p•l po-1fo,mFr,. l ·:uol t 'h1nn1niand
l{nb,,<t �•.,.,,. a1"11thrl f bnial •h•t lt...,
du br>l m•k1 n1 po-uplrl•uCh
,\ full ht111..... l..p1 lhF lauKll....,, •nd
appl111,.. 11:"'"I for ""II o•n tw" •nd
"n"h•II hOUf\ l'h,• JUkP1 ,,mp!) �-p
n,nnrn1 .-untlnuutuh Hlarkou 1, t,.,1,.,..n
,�rl.c"h.,. ,.,.,,. CHlh ,...,•und, lun1. '<• 1h11
!h• ,._.ruon ""'" vnr .....n.. ,i.,.aJI , ,...
... iu uw n,o�t
Voun1, old 1nd m bo-1-.. ....n. ■ll ,-niJ'••d
lh,. P" \b\ 1r � 11 ,m1 n 1 n d l'h:a,
Llu,.w k"pt 1hr uld fulk> 1n ,11tr1>,-1
t'ha,in,nr ■nd \Ou,.,.. 1 .. ur,, uf th,
m,ddlr I.KFd , 1vwd l'h•· ,,,un1 1,,•1 ,.�,
lh""'"�hl} t'n\nT.a,nFd h> u, ,. aptl,
•ndv,.·�d. •nd u,i,.ni..-d. ,,i�a/ l\llh1•• •
! om•·d} 1,,..,,., n« •�.. hrrn and •II ill!•·•
•I'<'" ' th•• .rt rnuon ,.,. lh" n,�,.
l >ulllh . •I lh•· lh..atn. llU 11f1h,.o, t•"'
,,..,.u,. ,. tho• ,1.1"". D\J1 .,w.'a• H<,11,. ,
rvm« rrom tlw fr,int. lhe •�1r, 1nd1bu"•

\,,s. ur un,,.l#nlmnal h•PP"l''"IJ
,..,. bPUtr off Ol'fu<tntf m 1 romtdy, Bth..,
If S(}mrlh1n1 funn)
Ulan • dnim,
arr1<1,,n1Jy hipp,-,u I<> In •�Wr '" •
R)mNiy, ,..,II all tha- 1,..d,..m:• ••II do ,.
llukl'l. 1nd lhll hlll l41 h.,lp oul lh.. nnl run
\lf ,O�H lnon• ..-..nMn tM'huulhuUit', lh•
....,.,.,,..,, pl1)rd b) -..II)' tt,,n111l ltnOth..,
,...,....h.....11.> n1u.-.. 1. -�M"lu Mon,, kl
h.,d h1> h1t A'lll>,.,1f1.ll utf O,,.cut1t1n
IUk'hn, 1, ,, IM 1ud..-nh', bu\ flobby
1dhbo hll •'l) lhto>11h ,1 1..d thr ..,...n•
runt1nu..s1>f110 1U h l•noryPnd1n1
Ot/W'1 ""'n"' ,...,, !tu• I.IPnl#rtl'"lnl
1 ·ia- ,po,nd• mu1t of11.11,1r t 1n,,.u1,nr No
""t rm>d. bu1 ,·1..d, '""Pl'•·n. • m,i,.,:iol
"""'"'· namm1 m•h hr• ind ht npr. lhd
, ,prrll,... Ho•1101 1 1nd Ja) 'it11a,t prov1d•
..,.,..111 mu,,rU numbrn and !iall) It.and
-..uuld h1,.. bo·FH prt...d uf h,. f1.. d1nc..
p,-,-furn..-d b) Uiru• ,\An ll;u,-h �nd Ill•
-..,..,, 1t,ab,... · !ll.>..- .. 1l.w a 1111pu,iu.. by


To.. _n,.. wl\rrr on lr!Of Of l,.<1 In..
frum 11,.. ,udlFIW• ., ••• '"" ,ti., r....1,nl
1ha1 1 uu u.. a 1 . t..n111>m11<h )uur ho•ad
�""P• m,,;v,nl llu11nd
,\nd \UU lt"l mu" th,nJU>t • "'"'" fl>f
Uh hr\O'I p,,... l'a,k,.1.1, .,f '>UIOI l\iill,..,
, ;,nd, Ur lhW,.ll l•• lhr lUdlFn1 r ll\ lh"
mio�• •< IU1• •nrt lat"' m.. r........F mrmb,•"
tu>i uul ��rl••'> ,.h,, h had h,,r11 pullo•<1
frum th,•u l•1:, •1 1d b,,.,,. , ,ala•. l ,n1 f1,.d
m,.,,. ,11 ..,,h1 1
/ly1 ., ..-,1II ., ,. ,h, n-<111• •"'"' 1h,
•Kant, .., .....,r uf
"•UChlll\.-\> .. u , , l h•· W
\hr ""'""' """h .,.,., ih" pb1 ,u. hf,.
�mF of 111•• <l..Uhn '"•r• ou.... nn(hl

-> ,



Mf rt'



ONE OF r�( SE\lfN w/'lo -.,u,,n1 "'""

thFln ,.i\h lh,-pr,tdU<l""' n.,. .,,. ..,,,., ,,f
lh,, uld lto..ud .. uuld hu, 11.-..n pmud •

H r , n ,•1\ I\ p•r111,
t I \1 7 7 1
r,ha11,11 ,.. d,r..,·t1•m. lhr Mm\ ,ul••
u,·�.-nar..n ' •"Ulf•·
'"1.o>r..,11..c conf'l'•t
,.,,st,� f11 1>,,,und
ffumJ..u L;oci
I� htnl\l, •I.> "'"') •••1l1blo !W fl••IO,rr l
nuan,.,. """ Hplrntt'd and �ilfflm,.r,,d
1<:n>to> ,.·,th ftr,,,..r, .-ha.racto:nol•rl;M"luf
.,.,Dll�l) i,o th,c. PHn lhouth lh,. conrr•I
nr,·tt fUll) dt-•t>l<>Jll'd. lhr,.. ,... nulh1n1
lrflto<'\ plu•t
Noth'"K· lh•t "'· ..... lh.. moo...,
pop,.rl•nl) •I I\Ulln..d and tnr m:uk,•tal>lF
...,...,.,pl ofl.odaim..d111,1.1,
So rno.- 1 rdom·• """'' prnii•.,.,.
1 ,rwn...,1 fut O,,,•m rrturru III c,r, r;,.41 •

Roo,t, Tu-u, ,.,th th<' llllrnllr_.. 1.,tt,,•rt
Cit.,. II ,,,.,,,., !Sll'lt Fut 1,, f'
Su1n1nn 11•-"">. 11,,.,.., /JrTarn• l. iul
\/an,..d Coup/,- '" ,1,,,..,....., d><FCllnf
Cai,,,, ffl1rr> lhr 1,1mr >up,-rf1e 11l •p1u•·•••h
lo h11 •11b1...-1 ,.- ,th R�m•• r. bu! •,t,,..�n •t
1,11�d .. ,.,.11 "' lt..,n.., t,,-,·au,,.. h1• R•1
fuolhrr pmb,,,lm, th<' ,1.11,.
n1rlr, 1t ft,,,..,.,. •t 1..-.1. h1d t1 p,:,,..,, ,.J
nuv,-11) to hi> t,,,n..r,t. -..h,lo• f�1.., •• l,·fl
'"•ln nothinc l>ltl • dt-:.dl>u•.,. tvb,,•1

J'tee"ve andinco.,
Stranded tllne
A IAlC 01 fl/W{(fSS t0Vf

,n 'O,,Go,!l 800• rwo

Oh God! Not again

U God ' Bur•• 1'u,u A {rim <111,•, l,•d t,,
G,llx•rr C4lltS. u,,m,n t,y Ju•h ,;,..,,f!'l,J
gnd llal Gokt1111111, frr:d S �-..,. �"'""
.hrub1., and Mtl- 11,11,r. and •"'"'""
G,or� Ru,n4 O.u,d
P�Ul,ffrand '"t,o,fu,;<Jl¥/,u"4n"" ,tr lhO'
SU<'• Pi AIU', �ml•ub,irbancm,-1na>
by Jefr 1-'ulnam
lf •• • ..• • r.Lm d1d not •n•l'"" 1 "'qu<'l. 1t
wa, t:&rl ll1•1<1t>r"> r�pln1 111·•• !Ill 1;,�1 •


•upriehl) fLlthy hrfM:l lh ladj .. ,lh nll"

WAI nol !"rnt) on,•. and \h• �Fpl
,..,,,dt,.n1 1f thF u.ii..,,. ..,.rr ro,n1tor.rd
hN '11wy d1dn I
n,..,,,. "'u �uu "'""I d ""'"' _.,. on
c,,l•, 1siun No1 r.,•n w1 thJohnn).[lo<and
�.d L._.,.� IJll)'I ... op,•n, ru.. ,.ho ,.
n>tl�llnll) 1111..rru pt.,d b) oth,•t """'
""· mlwr. ,.,th .,,nw or 1h,• dutw�t Im••• ,n
•tat• h<>lt>I) Anulh.. r J k1t ha.hFrpl<1) 1 n«
in llunpr,an kn•f• lilru,..,•,. w,ih Hubb•
"",.,.. n lhr unlll<'kl) ,ot unt.•>'r f1um 1h..
audwnno n,� .,.,..,,. 1\ funn• rn,,.,lfh bu1
:;: n1. ,.h,-rr I 1ml l)l�u ltahh1 ,.

Tl,,, f,n�I.. . • 1<1b111.- 1,, ,\m,,r,ea.
,•,,.ploy, 111.. FUllf,. ,·a.t 11, "Ynu c1.11 '1
i)lamr ,uu, l nrL.. �mn1) " ln d l h P !Ult' nr
1u,,lf• t"<)llltnvmm1lr1 I f11r,ouo llt't frum
111.. tum <>I 1h.. f'l'IIIUI') C&tul rndi Iii•
.t,vw d,.......d a. llw 'tlllu• of l.ii,prl)
)t,,n John d1d
1 look,.. 1 m>1rh lwllt'!lhln �
1n h1> llor�ni,,nn11l r....,...,•i
A n H po-rwn,.., ,,i,·h u lhuillould nf'•.,r
hr p&i,l,t'd up Thr FAl'rr) flow..d from lh•
tail 1 n1<> th!' aud 1rnf'r Afl>'I _,,,- 1n1111I
rwrmu,rwu. lh,• patron� 1rt,.. I"
l 1 11 Kh•n11 w■� ,•or,11111100,
lhru,i�houl 1/1,.,h.,,.
\1ud,.,·,II•• iln<1 b,irl•"">tjU•• ma, h■,,.
t,,,,..n d>-•d. hu l I »«� I 'h1nn1n1 •�•um• n, d

rii �


1960s return with the Secaucus seven

1 (,1,.• d"r,trd
H,·1,.,n ,,(/M .
an,J ,. ""'" h, J.,�,. "" ' '"•· Qnf1 """""'
fvurr lfurllw1<1/d, -..,/J, HnL:,. ond \tart
�q.,// 1 1 111, IJr)<, n ll,r/1,,H•m,-..,u

/ 980/Suf{ullt Ju,v"•llh. .,

n,.th.-1 I :,•m�••
"�' hal 1 "'"'°• l ,ud
mton••· In un,ni,,r,uonal
fo,�shldu'"•..t 1, (lh r;..,,t• Huu.t- T�••
up,.-n1,. 11, hf' loob O<Jwn ,ipoo th<> l'lrth
thrU1,1,:II I bank of duud• It ap()<'an th..1
UI.- l:'hUW'.. Unr of(M Gud'. >UiM'rmllllt'I
ma,,a(!t'rJohn U,,n,,•1. ru..ionr unht't'd,-d.
andlhf' "'Ofld h &, 1'"'•• l>ork l o i U. "',rkFd
-..•n. pion,p•m� a •••tu m (, ,1 1 fmm on
ho�h 10r11<>1r1no•h.., 111n,.n•n1 pm1>heLIH
�lt.-mp! lu 1,•fUllY,n, ... · wortd ..., , : ,1<1\
••\l�lrn,•r ,\:lrt llrtto• r tn prumolo•lh,•
..,,i1<•n,.,. ur t ,ud than 1 n,1,• a. • but tun
httlr (lll lpll),-db) ..,.,.,.om,.r. l.0111nn,•
·, 111 bro"n �)... •nd,.,,,,ln ·• and•
lutlr ch,ld .tlll1 1Nd lhtm:· 1,.,,... 1 1 61
,.,,._ dl<kh 1 [111 1d llu M \ I 1> t11
So fturn, •1Jp,,&n lhmUKh dl\ 1n.,
,...,,1auon to 1hr �oun1>1.o'1 1n t'h,nri<'
h"">tlllf'�nla. m Md)onald's, '" hFI r1th•r·1
J,,..p lt,•11<',adr, 1nd i• a �u,.J,t h0>l on th,•
!.'.anon ,h.,w t.u p,-n11ad,, hn to rum•· Ill'
-..·1 1h a,,1d•<'rt™n1oJU111nfurhim . uk,n11
,..,,. frum m<>df-m r•anrl'"'•• t:od ha!.
d.-rtd.-d 10 'm.irk.-1' n,m,...lf Aft.-1 1 r,. ..
d"'"'U 1tt,,n1p,1.> t "lkn,• du you SfWII
tFho ' " "I, 0 IJ"! "l,od ,. butl1>h un
humanu)"l. ·rn.-.. 1nd h<'r mdu.-t110<1•
J.opa,,..,.. p1aym1t.-. Sh,..r<,o 1John l u lfl.

hll upun th,• 1,.,,.., bul ntrh). �- ti,nk
C,od " Sou n t t1r mo1to1pp,••n•tl u-,• 1 th,,
pl.,... on I.....,,, tt,•nrh.,,, ....,1.-phonrpvl,,•.
•·r•""'· and ,1.1,., u,.11..d ch.. rommun,t)
�nd. •n • r..,. ....,•••• on 1...ndr.>n bUSJ,r>. th,
...... ".


JIMIII Seymou, "'1d Ch,,llop/lfl' Rf!fl.-r lock �- "'

,:.,,.,,.,.,11..,r ,,. T,mr ,I {,Im dtter/rd ll,
J.-anno, S.:11..,r. u•r,f/�n ll, 1/,rl>�r,/
\f�/1,,•S()tl,. 1111tJ •lo""''< "hru/upl>rt 1/,·r,� .
J,mr . ._,,,,.,.,,.,a"'1 ('11ruluphn /'/u,,i,,.,.,
�I 111• 'wK't tJ.aae"" //,II and fkl>urllan
byG� llffman

n,,. Y"" " 1972. \hr pl,,... ,. • ,01111
'11,w Vur� roll,•r,o nm1>u> :Y'hr (1 n1
p,•rfonn ;m,..- ol T<Ht Muri> .'iprtn,:. • p!11
b,· H,-,hard l.,lU,.,r lt.'hri,IOl)h�t lt•..->F) •�•

Colhr1 " lw'"I
,,..oundlni >Ut"n!o>
ron,:r11ul1trd II) thr aud,,.nn. -..h1,
l!olOkTM him hF IJ, <>fl hi> •l'I to
breom1n 1 In 1mporu.. 1 pl11-..111h1
1 · 1..r ,.
t...,yth1nr ,. II<''"( ,..,11
1>,,•m 1n1
�udd,•nl1, ho,.,.,,.,. f'olhrr"• t.m•I,,
b • r u m ,.. • dumbfuu ..d�d
mpt<• nou, .. ldrfl)"
woman '" V1rum1n
dr.-.. f'm�rcr• rrum tn,. ,;h1dow,uf lilr ,�1,
of lh,- thut,,1 ,..d w1lb lowud horn Sh•
h1ndl. lh• Uf1"'n1.oull'IU1 1 dm..-nn1told
pu<'k.-t•·11t� and -..h"P<'""· -Comf' bark to
mr Th<'II. 13 quockl)· b>h• •P�M.,d, u,,.
:.ln,n"°"OITlln d,,p1t1$.
Th1i. Sum<'u.rllr:rr "' nm,-·• OJl"n•n1. ,.
1hr (1/'!il md1nl 1un i<>fflflh 1n1
1mportant ,.to happo-n w lt1ch.ardl ·
11 ••.ol11n th,· r,n;1,nd1r,11unurs.,,.,,,,.11,,,..
l'h1> hu�•· • M'Fn,.
,,, r,,.,,.·, ""'""
,..,,.,.mbJ... .,,,nrthinl 001 of 1 ·1ai,w ,
l'h1 > film. "' r1r1. ,. mur•·
ndo,..,lou• Lh.,, "'°"' , .....,,/,,- • �ltlt<'l>
FP"'� ""'"'" """ m r,.... . 11 ,nph h•

prov.- \hll tm,,. l11,·,,l ,_ p..,..•hl•• and !h•1
thPrr 1>1n■flnhf,. "'h11 1 t ••·luUI � pn:,,.,•
•• lhat .,h,J<, I IUl••�11<n llmnln.,... 1111)
prondo> .... tr,1.1mnwnl f<>1 ... u•·nwurk•d.
U..lollQfwd h<>U!o'-..·lf•. th"" l)P<'" •�
nrtlonh nut ...,,....thm• upon wh1rh 10
ba... a m•to• mut1t>fl p1< t>1r"
Wh.... ..... n..\l ..... lh, 1!•1d · ·.,u..., , 1 ,.
1 97H th, ptnh l'h.. .tr,,urn.... ,, 11<...,11.c.-d
w•lh num<'h'.•u• •--••rt• HIil h• 1> nut
:,,.,nwlh•Ul b1Jlh,.m1� hnn I.lo
h•,,.p,•11nt lh• WflllUX of h•> ..F\I .
.iil.o'd pl•� � ruit<ato•d, l 'olh,.•
111� 1011,h �,
c,·u m h�cv•nd 'l,..rd,ofl, ..,1h ...,.11,,�
ufh1> Clt:>URllll•>fl
ll" d""'"' '" -.i.... Vurkand rh..,.h•ntu
tn.- -.a.mF huU'. lh1t\hp mj,t,,<1UlblllUfflan
•lll) ,.d ■I lh,. n11(h1 uf h,. <'<>ll"1r pl1) ·•
prrm,.., At \hr hut••I . l"'l'lllf'I b,,rnm,-.
lf"'Hboundl b\ • ph,>1u1ra11h uf t: h.,.
\kt;..nn1 1J1n.. .,..),nuun. • 11r1ut 1ful
.,.u ..... ..h. . •<-hlFH-d prum,n..n.... '" thr
nrt) 1900!. JI,. doo ........ ....,..,, h 1nd
1<11'1� I fair!\ r,•('rnl p,o:l>llt' ol th,,
ro 1111,
no..- d•"'•"•d fonnn •i.r
a,1on1shm.,nl, hr 1mn1Ni111f'I) •••c-t: nw,-,,
,,.., •• I"" •um•n who p,., h,m lhr 1old
w•trh .ond •�.-cl h,m 111 n,m., l>ot'k lo hf'1
l ·uu,... dN: HI••· to 6" ,..,1 thit ind• •n...
'"""'·h ,.ffor1. ,u,·ttuf11ll, un..h EYrk rn
11m,• lu l !:l l :!
l'h1> pk,>t d,,,. 11phon •l.,.,h• "1<•"'• lhr
r,w1.,hn..._, ur . .,,.,,.,..,.r.,, ,,, ·n ,,.�
h1 1
�••nnut ,,,.�.,

.,,.,. t..,1 •f....,ml)f,,d tn
.... l""J■I



Firework sparkles at Crosswalk Theater
h, l(,.h,u,I lluh,•11 1 .i1 ,r1"
, , .... ... 1, It,,•"• r.. �••· .i ,,
i • • I'"' ' ''"'
• ' • \I ",' • '
��, ;,/ . : :.
, ;, .... . ....rul
� /, : ,
• ,.,.,,1,,., .. .,,. / •,. /1,, 1 , ,,,1 1, /1, ,1 _,,.,I
// "w ·•,,j' l ' -1 • /1 ,
« lli, ,,.11,r"' ' " 'll ll•, .,l ,, •,l nl " l o t
• •-•·• • ,, '""' •I'• • ,.1 , . , 1 -,,tt 4 ' ,
,•• , . , 1""'1 ,. .... �-· '
.,. t • ' " ••1
' ·• · 1, ,,.,. •◄ 1


·••·'li'""· • • <I

lllf4'8FR� or nu CROSSWAI K TH(A TR( />rrlo,m
, .,. , .,..,,., ., .,,,.,.,, �,,.,..
, h1ld •hn,,hl ,In , I ""�ht 11 • hr, II •I ,,
l u • lrul, dr•n••l " •""•· · • " 1..d ,n,1....
l>h•I""' • � , tuhl ,, .h,..,n l,•fl ,n hrt
h••'hv,,11 ., . 1,n-,11�11 , um,•• ••U l lh t l)III.,-..
•"'l !o•dd,1!•·•1 Iii, ,·h1l<1 -...a.,"·u,•d h,,1h,
�l>l'r•••n•�• ,of .o ('I;• mo.,k,•d f m•m•n 11, h,•r
,n,..k, foll,•<1 wum •lld ,11, 11,d und,·1 h, r
hr<\ l11o• fn•..,._.,, t1•bho•d • t"' ,11,1,-..rt uf
l hr , .._., ,.,,.., ,1,.,,..1h, , t1,111arop1nn(
1.. th,. n,,.,, ,,�hnr "' lh, -.,na"'"· •nll
� ,..•,n111r f,., n,,11, 111 .. p,,..-.-du" "••
•·\ l>l••h••d "' " "'•l•I" ••-l nun1b,· r . •Pih

Terror Train derails
.,..1, ' ,.

I•·•••• �•·./ ..-�- "• '"" • / •
/(, ' /..� - • "'"' ! ..., I • ·1•1� •,,M

""•IM·n�· """ ""l""'"'' l lll(fHh. r, l t, ••
h, ,,., ,, film \\11t1,,u1 ""I'•"� •·• • ''"
•t•·•\•'J! ,.f ,r.t �"'� • :nn,.. ,., , .,.• �·• '"
''" II ,, u,. ••� " L Ii, / , , .
""' •1th r , ,t • I ,·• U••n, I.,,. l>1"I�• ! t,,,,., ,r
• •l!1 - lo lM r, l,•.o,. ,l 1h.- , • • < ll , 1<•1!• • II·•
,.ni, • ll;or�, h n•IO, a, ltl• -,lh• "• .ot
'"''"'"" d,r,.,t,.,. .... n,,t.t,i, •l•r• •uft�t
H ••Ulltf \l11at1 11,fl"rt, 1,.,,., :I" ,,,1 ,,.,
"'•cu..u,, "''"""" · "•·• •nl ••11"(. .011d
h, '" ,ab1h1, ,,., ,\fll. 11 ,t., •'"'"'• I •• l"t
•.,.,,..11,. 1n,· ahll11, ,, . ....1n u,, ....o,., 11,·, ,
.u... u....
I 11'•'<'lnl U,.�r< �1,.,11.•.. •••I• "'""'"
i . , hnh.111,., fr,11n Hit, " ' ' " � (11n, .,..,,
1•''1••! ,n "•lllllC lh, ldlll"• \•d••d b, •
l•">ll "npl f«"TI " r, , n-..n1, 1 I \ ! Ir•••
.,,,.,1,,,,.,.,.,,. form, �.,,•.,. ,,.,,. ,,.nlr.1>L>
1� ,..�.., lh•· 11ai•n,.., ,,f 1hr 1.. ,11 tn,rllmc
lhruut:h lh,• ru�hl Jnd Uu 1,u,, ,.n,t,• ,nu"
0>11,•f•!\I lh" ' "Y!\!r\•uh 11, U"'' (ti,
huno•" p,,,..., c.. h" •a••nC..i!• n,
<h-1,.,•r,nc bo•lh lhr r\1"'� 1 , 11 Hltrnucll \h,
"" ..t • .tt,,t.,., , (,cur•'" •nd 1n,
u.,, , ,,.., ,NI. ..rtrr,nc 11<, h,, •• ,, 1 ... ,,1
UO''l(lh•d h> ·•�·J> ""' i?Ur...,_n,�
I nfununa1.-h . "l"'u"'"""<l• -...,w,
lhf••• 'fUilH,•t, .,f lh• Uhll l•' b,•fur,• Lh,
• t ll\►11 t,,•i!II\> ]l,., ,.,,.,.,,. ,_ 1,,(1 i,, ,1,,-..1,
l)u! I IH p10•••••• nf Lll,· j>ut1 I, l<'l(••lh,•t •r"I
f,�""' uul 111. k,u,., lllr .. ,,..•u l)IJ),
1,,,,,r,, •>n 1"'1"''f, bul lh•• r11,,.tord prudu• 1
ll••r• ah,nc uni,( lhr l1llm�b,•�1n, l'h,•1r 1>
""'U•l"''""·(ul ,,dc, .... .,.,·pth,• • M' "•'"'""'
!h•· rdr• uf l hr,r "U• •"'•Hon( lh,. ,,.,,1
n,. ,,.a,..,nh,>f lh,.la,-l ui w>JWn.., h,•,
,.... r,,..11 ..... ,Mici, d•·•m '"' ,.,u lo
undrnC..n<l ••.o, n ..nd _,,.,) , ..•ra, C.• r lh•l
•l•P,.&r, ,.,, th,• ,..,,.,.., Iii> ,h•ra,1,, ,- i••
1Htr1, h,,pp,n� frwn "'" , .. r •nutln•.
..1..., , n·•··•l111c •r>••lh••· fa,�•\ ,,f Clh•,r
,,.••, Kul lh, .u(l..,n,, <1...,,.. 1 . .... .. 11 ,
,.,,,. f,,.,nd1> t,,•!••) n>t•'1••lh••••""'''' lh1>
i!ltl ,.ani,. ll' h•••• ", ,.,lh •nulh••I
'"un,.,, , i,.,. fr,,·ud u,,., � •••' I" �n""'
"ho1>n.,lun llh· h•l li,1

'Superman' can't beat Time _______ Channing
can11nued hom pall" 1 3
,..c,� b,•1rl1 t,-rrt11 1n J.,i, , /I, lr••L>llu
•lut\ dt••dfulh ...n,,u,h . •• ,! ,1 wr•• •
mouum<'nUI p.,...., u( , ,nr•n•l•• ••I I�
dr•J"'llt�t1 !IW\ l" <'T�I!, .01n••"l'lln• In
utdrr IO r<•� th, \l,·...rnnio ptu\ra,: •"
rn<·hanl!nt. m"unl qu•hh . -., ...,. ri... ,1
h.lU11'1l 1n • •l31.rl,, di ,..11 "�'"' oat,..,,..
• t,
1 .
:;,:.�i �nd : w:i:: itt� I

l ..
fro,n lh,• R<Jld rr1mrd pti..1uir,aph ••
1 'ull1N app,011rh,.. ,t
lAmi h.-ld duwup, ,.j Uw •·n lr•n.- , d
1 ..11,.., i n d lhr •1>••llb1nd1nc \l.- l\r111,1
p,.,,uan ••• "''"'""""'''d b, J.,t111 H.IL,., ,
l,iud, '""P' -,,,,, frllunnl .,f,11 �,uull•
hkr a m1lhu11 ,,,,1.,,. .\Uur-.,.,.,, .n ...,
dr.11m• u11h add• t" tnr .ol>•u<ll•I\ ul 1111•
,-1101, p,u,-, t
►u, lllruc.,pt,,·1 H...-,,., th• " • n••�"
d1-\rr tl,• ha,ro·p,'llrdl, ...,ld 1h•1h.- •••
"''� ..-lt<Cll"' ,n rh,-....,1nr h,-. fu,1
pn<l ...,prrm&rl ">lr. rr1<"<'tlni n1 •11• 1••11•
bo•r•u.., h, ,..,,1,�..., h.,.., ,mp"<t•ri! 1 .,. II
b,r 1n \e,m,ufr,tirobl0>h1nth" r,•pu1.11,,,,.,
a11 •.- tor h ,. rt,ffi,ull '" ,m�111n, n..-.. In•
ul 1hr Olm, ft..,.,, l urn,•n rt,,..., '""ltl t,,
•nl -..or,_., th•n lh1> nl1• 111, • l1•••• !rt
,t,ul> nu\ _.,ph,-1,.�1.-d •t<d h,,, ,,m,•• •11



\ I , , • I• • • "' r, , ,J ., •
.,,, ,1, .,u
" 11 , i"-' I • -1�• , ,11 "' , I, "'" 1 ,i.,
.. 1 1, ,,.1..p p,, ,,.J, ',t, l•J I ''" ' ' ' ' "' "'"
'" ' I, ,10� , ,_ , f f ,r, · jH•t\!•\, ,I.
,,.,,!, � lo,i •· •I -1, ••ti, ll•'i • I.,, \.,
I>, !• ••"I • ·t
I - •Ud!, ,f 1" I"
,1,, .,,. • •1 • 1,,....1 .. . ,., '''"""' ,..
' .,.. , ,.,1 11.. ,, 1,,, .,,,1 1,-,nhrnc
•.,,. , 1...1 11t, ••• 11,-, u.� d 11,r,,uin..u1
' ,,,,.-... ,� h., • • '""""I Uh HI lu IH•••ld•
�••od llw•l•·• 1.. •II , n,111,, n ll> ••m•
,n, h><I• u11>• �r•11u� "•"Cln•pr>o·<t •mt
,.,,,,.,• .,,,,. .,,,,., d . n,111,.. n ,1, 1h• •.,.,,..n, ,
ttn,,. lh, If l""'lu• 1,,.,,_ •>1t1 l « I�
�.,,1, ,_,,,.,d ,.,, • .,.,,.,,t\ . ""'••l l••rnll ,ond
, ••�ll•I "" 1,-,,,I "'�" l•IIXt1•�• " , n1rl••I ,•d
lto••·h u,r,.u�h,.ul . anll 111,, pl•, , an ,,.
•1J.!t••<l •rn"h,•r•• .,,n,plh•I\ ,ub,t1luh••
l••t �lud,n,...,.. •nll 11 "•••�•
•I •' ·
• •1 •
• •
. �

•• 1:: ,.::, :� 'cn��• �:: ,, �:,n�.'.'. , �� ; �
f ,..., 1<u11,• .,,,,.,1, ..d.-CI ....11,,i... and ,,I
•''""' ,m,,k1n,. •,. Jot.,,.nu dani:,,n,u,,I
"''' , ....11r,,r,,r,,1M·rh llul 'lm11h •hU.. 111(
• ha! ,t.,,L, ru,•, i,n l ,..,, ..,ito II • whal •

()c1obrr 9. 1980/Sul/ollt Juu•-llf'<ue� I t,

\ It,. I ""'• ,pl, ,1�1•. /lo k,i.,..,,,, •r,<l
'"""' l • ,c1, • .,n.. •" '"11""'"�1, �,..,., .,.
u,, , ,.,,,., J.,,.,, .. ,., n,.1 •., �,.,,,t "" ,.r h"
, .. ,,,. , , , ...1, , 111.1 ..1 1 , , ,,.,,.,"' *'" '""··
11,� .,, •., lh• k,.111,� •< <I .., t, "' • f•th• r
f1rur, .. .,., Ill• '""'I' \, f,., , ,.,.,.. ""'
m...... th, fuu•lh 1,..,.. 1/1,1/�•·· • • >l ,,,.
,,,, . • ,.<I J',,,m \ ..;111 ... r1. , ,,1n..... , 1h,1
,n, n., 1,,-. ,. u,,,... 1,, u....1 1 a ,n1.n1,,,..,
Un, ""'"I• " .t •h• • ll ,,,,., h�" � "'""'
• .,,,,., <>Ul/,1!1, ul b, '"I • l, 11,•1 , l .,r�, I
l'h, trn, �· WI� -�ri,r, ..., ,,r lh•· f1 h11 ,.
1 h ,[ ,,( l l•, u1 0 , ,1>1,1,,dh·ld b lh,• \lat" '""
f1,.,,,� • '"��" ••" II\ 1no<1, •••·rUtmh h,•lt"
">lh ll," I"•' u�, •I '"" �.. . , •• .... ,11
"'" """' •lll•�•!hllr,. ... "" ,,.,,, ..,.tkal
U, rh \, r,.. ' '"'""' "'' u,, �..d ...n,.. ... llh
�h m•�" • .,., , lh1llt 1,,.,,., • ,.r,un, HI(
I•""' �,,,, •• ,.,,.,. ,hub '"'" ••n•• ll•M••
•1,.,11,-,.,.,.j,. •II"" lh,• ranir<;o, '"
m•••lft"h ' "Pl"•rf1d<f •••1 1.,.Hlo•�• t•
,.f "" 1..-.. 1,...,,..r
pn•<h• •·•�"'• 'IM•II,--..,_.,,,. ...,., " •rr,I
,........ �,..,,..,iu, ,1�hlH11r, ,nn •·I
· , , •1Jd1,,11.,
n., ... ,nt bl,.,(1 I•• •fl,
••••• lh•I\ \ •·I 11,,. ,, a, !U•II, h,•lil I,, �
"""""""' "� " "'"l'"f'•<t tu . . 111.,, (lln,,
hk,• , .,,,,, . ,,,. I .,� ond ,. ,,. , . IQ>
• 'IM,,n,,..,. II�,..
,.,, .,, , •nd •ln•h•� "''
.1.. , pr,· ., Ill •• • ,n,·Ulud ,,f •d•nUf> •n�
.,,tn t/ir l.r,·nac,• ,·w,.d '
lf"'• '•'•"n« lh1> r""'" u t>o•.-nn,..,
,,,,.,.,u, th•I u,.. m•nd ul 1.... .,,.,. h.,n,,r
d,,.., 1,., ,, c., ,ra,, ,.,1h ,trnna,·h 1um,nt
p11..,u1 mu,<1,,,- l"h, l111f,, •nd (h,• n

m ., ,,�,� ,,,,., .vr, l,o,,, ¥fr NJ •"Jhl, P�,,,, l �to1>, Q1,.... C..-v, .Jt,r,

n,. /u,,n,•n
u11o·<1 -11,up •"" u,�I
ho•Mlllll lh•• -, r,• am,. r, lu•II• I" , .,,_ !h•
• 11,1d1....,,.1,
Jn ,,,,,. "''"•' ih,· ur,p,,n.o,,., ,.f "''''"!
th� forrno•n a,. • f,1,•nd.•nd .1,., u,,, 1'"'1"''
f"•�•·duro• for t•• U111� h�lp •• '"""" llh•
rm,•r1?•11n numh,•1 <lll 1> al,. , r , pla,n,..t
\',h•c m•�•·> th,• pla, ,...,t.,t111d1t11 <>lh•
..r,•h """""'t'' 1ha1 ,t put.> ,,.,,...,_ � ...n
""l""�nl fa,•t " ,,.�•t�d m•n. lnm·• .• .,
lh•! ,t b, •,,m,,. .-n�r•• ,n ,uur mind
k"! 1hr mrlhud n,•,·.--n f.,, , uunt
, 111ld,,•n tu ,..,,.,.,.,t,,.r 1n1J>u1t.1nl 1/1111�•
\nd l hll mrl /h,d .. u,h ....11 r.., ,-111,,1,

p,•,'f'I• .1 .. , Jl11, 1, � i•lu• •• ,t.l1>l!•">h•••
,hu• 11 lh•I l"'"pl, ,•.,., •�I t,•.,. lhr ..
1>1ubl,• m, ,.,u, f1t,•-..f..c, .._, , h ,ldro·11du
f .,,.,. .. ,t· ,. ""1 ,,. ..nd •ii ,., n"'
p,.•,r11t, ..11 . '"" " n o,i.•nd,•d '" h,, H
•hnw,. an nrn1u,,. u ..., w1U, fi,, >11frt)
P"'t:''""'• 1n _,.1,,��•. llm 11la, .hould h•lp
�•r•1l, ,., i,• ll1ni u,., (1n- -..f,,1, m--,..
••'""' '"' ••unc,L,•n
• rv»,.all .. ,u t:,,, on "'"do-""' •t thr
\t.., .,r lra, ...i,u,uu,w, ,i1111n Uui
• 1nlrr l',,-,.�I, pwdurtoum •,.. ,rhrdulNI
1.. twr1TI 1n ,,.,rmbn •nd tht<n.•m �n} <>
•noJabh• fur loo;,l p,rrform1n....i

· 1

�t�;� �:::��� ;��: !r;,� ,:: �1 : :.'�!.

�onllnued l1om (I;<.,.. I J
�.u.1 ,,, .. r. a J.>p.,11..... l(ll•d, " .,,n u,,
�•fun••�"'""' i l" bt 1 ,.,n • ll""' �••nf
l,.q ll.>k> h•m ,..,,. n., 10,-1 11,,..,0 1
p,rrlorm 1 mm.,·h• l,0 11»p1n t,,-li,•f. •ndllr
•n•wrr• 1har p,• opl,• •t•• jlfl,n,• 1.,,,.nwmh,•1
Lh� nm1dr ar1d forl:"l l h,. ,,_,..,, t,,,h,nd ,1
n,.. .,,.,••• prd..,ll,an nu... h·Ul••llltlo· ..
1hr form ufOh (;ud1. but na,fu•11<•l l••n•u•
,.1,... n�Hf �•,.n , ..n111>11rd> lh• pfln,,pl..-.
bfhmd IL ll�1n,,f• mo.,,. """ I E••ntlrt
p,..,.ursor e1f ll<H1!• "''"'1M • / of, u/#lnan
1n tll1t ,1 o am, •h• •ndh""' p,,upl•
chU<.lk lO b,,IM'Vt' uf ..,,,.,.,.• • H.i..,., \
l1Jpt'rr,�,a111, (MIi} ...n,•d IU d..f,at lhD­
pu,po... . 1..mmt II m to a ""''� .,, lu1
r orr 1lurn1· ,..•urt�ntnr,1• f
Ca1.11-• approach l!i f•r m.,,.. 1);1,,1< h,·

,.,,,,..,. 1,,.,. "'

. . even Burns

,.-cJ., Lo •II bul th• m....1 ub,1,,u,
"'Pli.-a1""''"' th, 101>, r.·nl ,,.,.,,,n lfo}I,
< ,,,., bo• , ,om, • ,..b,d,. fm Kurn• b,
dr/ault. 11111,,�1 H.�,t r� .. 1>,., ,,.,,,... ,,nr
h, c1..,,,,,, t •h•• ......L, .. mb.-11,,runi Oh
1 ,,.,/' /loo,� ti," ,n , ,r(l,• r !u k..} un /lu,11>
p ri•>"•n,·,, . bu\ llurn• •Pfl"ar) lhruu�huul ••
nuth1n� "'"''' than I l101r. '"i'' ,p,-,. ,n�
d 0t·hrd b•L> nf "lt>dom 1"�obu<1> '•
p,,rf ,1. h,• h·ll, lru;.•\pl11<1mC '"h} li•
p11t th.. kn,-..,•P> blc- kward�un n1mmc,:,.1
lnitrad. l.01.1111111,- ,i.,aJ�U\o> folm ,,.,y from
h,m,.,tnh,r rounll.-» puulJ.and t •·1nkl,n1
r,..,,, bu\ ,.,,.., tt,,..., ""' fa, loo
,n,ubsu•11111l 10,.1,rant 1nu-r�L
Un (;.,,/, H.,ulf l'u u • mrS$.lfl•. lhal
••l•Jll•>n h.. bo•,·••m� a bu�1n,.1,> ind I ,ud, •
markr1;1bl.• rommud1I), ball lu<> 1ru,• n,,.
pruDl.-m1>lh•lO� l.11<l'/l•H,tTuo0> rnu,1•
• •) mp1om uflh•• d11,.-1,,., 1haua d,a�n,.,1,

con,,n,.-.:1 !,om � 9
�mpnsm�I). M,.. f h1nn1n« wa.
.,...,nu1(1, -...-11 ,rst..d, a fl,., an .llmu>I
th,.... huu, i,.,rformln<'I' And .i,., t0·li
,1111 ,n n,.,. h,...,..,n..,. fo.rm K 1 ..... d,d
�I� to w� "'UOIIM) lbout htr O"ln
rdu,..11on.andtt1• ..,h,-r1. ofr,> b
... .,1 ,and , ...., lhal rtaL) •t>1.-.. .. 1h,
,.,.,, Qlkmr uff,•· ;u ,t o> tollrn <h.. ,.
\\ !wn �-�• d ,r ,hr pr,f,•m•II .. ,,rkn1t
.,. •"" �••• .,r ,n1rrtau,m,•nl ,,,,.,
••,.,,,,.,,, \1,.,. 1·ti.11n1ni d••m..d thal
,tu duh, t "l�·u•r•· Uu,n, i.,ld "'" n,,,,, ,
lu ru,,. ""' m,•<11um i>••·•1nt,lt1r1 , l h1t
.. ., , ,,u,.i,n ,.urk r ·,,,.,

\flo·• ..·•""( llrnn1uitun thll••l...
.t,,. pl1,rd 1n 60:ston. lloll, ,.,,.,d &nd
,,.,. \ url un /lro1d..a\ <11r1u1h,•• b•1
bfl-... "lh,.n n,n1p<-• Jul� St)'n• .,.,d
lhll ,h, wa•h1> l;u,-(.o t,,,, l!,• r rul,,,n
1 ,..nllrm,•11 l'rrf+-r khmdr• IO'd 1,, hN
111u•t fam,ou• rut,·. 1h11! ur u,,11,
l,1U1Mh�r (,..,, \\h,� r,la, int /lull,.
\lo\J (" h • n n 1n� a�h•d ,n l �7 I
'"''(.,,rnan, ..,. .,.. . ,., m�\Stni a n1Khl •nd
n,••·rr pla\ltll lu an rmpl\ , Oulh
1rn....-d ,..,., _'!, m,u,..n 110111,. a,,d
• ' '.
•nd • t ·n11<
: -�7;:,
hr, , ";;,:,, ,


!·.,m,..I) •p�n 1.. b, \ 111UI
1 l1nmnll' lnl ,n tor• Tu ,.,,,.t prupl..,
...,m,•d) ,.nuld appra, to b,, an •••�"''
�,k for an a<,lu, lhan dr11m1 Hui �t,M
C 'h11,nmr d11,al(l"r•• d "Th, mo.t ,..r1ou,
'""r. thJl )UU <'ll n d o b com,•d)
ha,.. tu makr �•·rf) t h1n� IJlp+'lf ,., ,1 1r
1 .... au<11rn<'>' d,,...n'1 th,nk lh1L1 11'1i,•f
Ula1 ot rouldn .t happ..n tu t h,.m . 1 n..n
th•, ..on·111ur'1 ·

•f;r.11e1r All•n pwb·d. mp out tu work
..,tn f;,.or,., liurru. !'lhr w• dy1nc lh•TI.
and .,,., want.o<d mf to work w1U,
l ,...._ hono,,.d," �•d
1; ,.u,Jr
l"Nnn1nr -.h, 1, pl1nnrn1 tn du\Offl•
i,,1,,,,.,,,,, "'"'k ,.,th I,,, ..,� •n th,\', ,, •l >u lrllf""d .,f ti•• f1jlUfUU\
rnullnr lh11M,.,,l'hann1na. •n<l lhr•�l
,.f .th•• 1·11,1 , ir:,,.•• lhr.,u1h Aft.., , th•�•·
bl•Ur p.-.r ..........�- iUd � pr..u
' ""'"""""· .h,· ..,, r,m11 1., ,.,..,,......,.
rum,•r .....,,. IU<•• �n<I t>,,r1ntop,..p,1r•
r... lh-1 . .....,,,, , ..ti.... J'h.. l•m• ..,..
,.rll p¥>l rhe lhlf!\
\M1 ,mp,,....,., .... ....• ••rnu�
">h<- lpJl'<'•lfd •••lo,-d ,nd r,,n1fu1�bl•
'1"'•k1n1 -..11h u, 11 •lln• •Ith u• u
OJ'P'-""'d 1u "1., w•·• \,..- ,.,uld ).l'n.,.
lhat,n.. ...amrd h, t.. 1h,•rr, n,il«n1pl)
arcun111mda1,111 u,,. thul.., ,\nd .,,�
rl\JO} <'II 11,..... 11 l'ho fl• ..... ad ..CO'.
,�m,n,., ,n�.•nd "I''"""" ►,...,,1h,n111
•·-•dI '""'-' , t1t1f ro-r,r, t11�•11,

11 .. 1n,l\ 1 ..1rm r....1onrth•l nu••
ltm,urh ,ou -..h,<1 '"" ,..�,,,. lhll th,•
"KU," p,,uplr d,1n l .lf,.1•••• l lh r f"I�
nfhLaf• th.-, arr pl.-•...,nl .;,d cannr .
1101 n,pp;,nt •nd n,,t,. h,r hr ,.ffun�.
''"' l h•nn,nr 1( """ uf 1h,
"J-W,1,�_ r · .,f all t,m,

'tland1n1 1 n a wh1t.. O,,u•h-n11:th mb,,
\I,,.. l'hannm1 allt'rnat•d t:,,,1., ....n
hum..• and .,.,,.,u�nt"" .. \he r\..lrt..d
11ur,t1uM fruni l h" 1111drn1 i,,umah,�


Prog ram Board and Council
H a ppenin g s . . .
Upcoming Special Events

\. °'' ,,,,..,

f,lm tuda) 1 1 ,. ,.,.,,,.,.,,..plar••. Hln. •� .
unh,·•nt uf !111,• -..,,nd,•t, 111•1 f 11t�hr,J<'l
,,,uld h•.,• >1 1111••••11 ,.,!h ••ul"r f, lmanil•n
H r.1111ni
\• ei ,·,rn "'llh •ll lh,· lllCr>'d,..•11.•
,.,.,..,11,al ,., � h,.,w, f,lm an ,n1.rU,1rn1
.. npt. 1uud , hanu·t.·••· an ,.....,., ..-11,nc,
uod d""lh , "'llhuul lh,• l.- th"' of
,u.,,..n..••ndr..,,...-1 p1,.1bu1ld1nr. thp folm
... �1 i,,,,·,lftl,, I .now,...., f.., murdn fll,,
a ,..r mo"•'ll',.,.,,. tumrllufrb) nnd"m
•"d "'"''-""t �dhnp l'hnr mu>I b,, •
,....., brh1nd 11
ro, h,•m lu ..-c.• pt th,
0 �� ,'
"l� >lli.-.. . ,,.(1,, (""r• lh,• ,,.•.. trlhaC rr•"·"'
•·a,h Hul hrr,1i,·• l.• ) nU lu ..a11 11>wuch
ll>, P••tM·,. U,., b,.,.,, a11<1 1h, ra,uJI "•'
unlll h,• " rr1d, In Jr,�ht, n ,,.u a�ii,n 11,
lh" lutt• , ,.,,,,. /,aur ha• "'" ""' .,f

Nobody's perfect

� "�"'••d humbl•• ft.,..,, •• hkablr. but ••
c.,mp!r1,.i) >Uanll..d1n th1> 1n.,p1d ru!.•
.i.n, ...,)hl uY• .. HlfO•m••I\ t....u ttful
u, d -h"'"" "'"" lalrnt &> ,.,,u
1 n/ur1unal•·h , <ti, tt,.,... nut,. rood
,u<12m...,, •• I•• n d•o,.,nr nlm p•rl.J., &>
,h, .., •"'" UapJ>Ht ,n Jnutn.., ,un,-nt
bomb Uh If,-..,,·�/, 0.,11 l1111>U•ph,·r
l'IWTimrr u,..,. Lt> bn·ath, l,f. 1ntohb •UII•
, hara,1.r1.bu, ,1,.• lu111.. ..,,.,,t
\ I lrtsl .;.,,.,,... 1,•.,. •'1 /,,.,. ••
• • ,.,,, . , ..f\lh1ni•bo,ul1 l lS l.r(fll>I,
t , , n • h,1•,t••r ,,,1,.,,•,,t ,p, 1al �nd••• ••n
...i..,t, .... " 1..,,.. ,,,.,, 11... '> ""' , ,.,, •
folm ""•"' 11n11,1 , ..n,,•pt -..a. p,um""'l
l',h, 1n,,.. 111,.,1.,d ,.,C/1
r,,.,, d1,1 ,,.,1 ,.·•l11, 1n., 111.. d,r,•,.,.·apad,
..� b, \ti,, ,,.,..., ,d.... , ..r ,t., plul
d...,mrd fru"' th• \Qtl. ,. tw,or.d
,mq1nau..11 ll11, 1,M,h mun· hb u,., d,m
,�,, t,·l.•'1•u"' 11,-1,.,.,._ ,.ffn dunftt th..
,..p,,at ,.1 1 ch•n • map" 1h,·atrwal
, 1,.,,. In h<t, -..,.,.,,,� ,� "' / ,,.,. "
•l•••nrl, ,rm,11,.,. •.,,, .,f 1n ,·<111>1J1, ,.. u,,u,
I !I� l..l,,filn1. la,,l '""•, /�, r,,., ll,<1/1/,
, 1, , ,.,, , . , ,,
If .,n1, ,mw tr�,..i .....,,. l""'""h!,•
.,,,m,•i, h,•,· ,,o f,n,, , ,,uill t,,• -,rrpr,, d
n.,f.,,. •L>•lart


Remembering 'Bonzo'

hy4 ;f'IT}' l')'m
J,.,h,o llunham. llnmun,r uf th.- •urk
truup l�• d h•pp,,hn.wti foundll,•1d1n ho•II
1'1 th•· man.,nn "r frlh,., h•p rn,• mbl'f
Jttnrn, 1-.i:,, m w,nd,ur, ►.n�lBnd twu
.,.,..,,h•i:t• Th.. caue,,• ofd,1!h t'<1uld n,,t h,,
do-t,•mun,•d b) ll1•1ul,ipr!,)
1Junh1m, ,,,mm.,nt, n-rrr,.-d to •)
"' /lon,o," !:>.-<'au of hi. man,..-al
dtumm,nc, hn pla)· rd on .-...,, i' pp..lm
Jlbom «nf>' th,. band•� dt<bu1, /r,I
/rrr,,,,./rn 1!1, dti>h drum ,..,(u 'Moh,
11,rl b n,n)ld(-r.-d b) ffl.OJl <uc- k fan, 141
Ii,, """ ur lh• b,-,;1 Hr .., pmbahly b,•,c
knuwn for lh• hunm,.nn� 1nttu t" "llU<'�
•nd Hol1 '" lionhan, ', puund1ni h1, b,.,.n a
'"} mr,,>di,• n• lU lh• ,u,·r,,.,, nf u, •.
/.r1>10,•hn ��r,•pc rm th,. ll' tiu •nd tt,,.
l(ullln� :-'tun.-,, I .rd /,,•ppo>ho ha, ,uld
mu,,, ,,.,·,.rd> th•n an, oih,.r h,I\"\ m,•ULI
Jo lh•· l.o·d /.,.Jl'P"l•n mu, ..·. 1'�,. ·'"'"'­
/(,·rn,1,n, T�r ·°'"'". ltonham ..., p,rtur,•d

on hLi ,.....,_, l,(nl)l<' 1ft, wu ""'" nd1n1
-H,• 11'• Ani,,I" on • 11:arl..) llu•dMln
nu� wa, /11>1 on.- o(
mulufl') dr
"liona.'•" w1/d.•1 >1d<'• ,\I hom.- un hb
w,.,,...,,1,•nhm• farm , H.onham .... , ram,ty
man h•m� "l lth hi> w1f,• and\wo rh1!dl"\'n
llon�u wa, no1 JU>I a manLacaJ rock
In 197:l. l..-p1whn r,•l,.be.'d un,. uf th•
n1os1 !IU<'t..W.fut �,n,:I,.. ••�• "SQ1rw•1 Tn
llrawn • ,.ui11 1 w!f ► \I r<'<lu"'1 1<1d1y
llonh� '• r,mtnbut,on WI> 1nul�bl• »
lh, ,..,.,.rd ..rnt un to ,m ll>h ....-01d .alH
un bo1h,1dnuf th, AU1nl1t
"/1,,"i" ho•ad p,:,unll1n� drumm1n1
h"' l"''" "f••d )urh /,,•pl"• hn l"la,..,, ... u "lbe
lmm1.:n,n1 �•n�. " "Whol,• l�•lla l.u�•:·
":,/,,bud,·• �•ull /lu1 \ho,,... •nd �Fool In
lh,• lbm '"
John H nhtm •• �uni• r..,,.,,.,., •nd will
bt• ,_.di, m1-,.,•d 1.,•d t.•pprlm ,,. ,II hav•
t,.,, I»� Jot,,... tu r,•pl1..,. if th,·) plan UJ
,..,lllmu,,.,n ,,.,1,.: 11,,.-� and llnll

October 1 4 • Comedienne
A. Whitney Brown. 1 :1 5-2:1 5
"U nder the
October 21
influence" • Jean K ilbourne
1 . 2:30 Auditorium.

Upcoming Films
TODAY at 1 pm in the Audi­
torium • Mel Brooks' Blazing
October 16 • N osferatu, The
October 30 • The Exorcist

Watch for Program Council buttons, badges, and t-shirts. They're
free to all students but, supplies are limited. If interested,
come on down to the Assistant Director of Student Activities

r..11� 16'5..(f,,llr J,,..,nal l h 1,,hr1 'I

�ltaily Double
� - �-

Is Not

· A »rink.
But It Is
One Of Suffolk Downs'
Happy Hours.



"It' s security's fault ' " says

by U;m \lum:aM

lo!l1 and hU111�i..... niim
