File #4118: "Suffolk Journal_1980Sep11_vol36no4.pdf"


The plus of a minus added to grading system


rnost 1•xqu11>1U· of a:!
,\[t.,r 11•al1tllll! th,·
• 111 the hom,1.·, 1.11
,howt'r llht'' m
occurrt'd I and qu11•tlv
w l'ht 's l for a w1•apo11
·at.or HPforf' sht' rau
·d1.·n·r ·� ra,.or na:.h1•!>
d dra.,.,, ,lowh anu,,
/lh•lneat llllili,!t-Uf..i)fl
·tni1•·d b\ th,• harr1
final ,ummati,,r: ,,I
nu,111, r,•latu,1hh11 1 ,,
:111 1111:,c• ,,1 ,,., :incl
:i ,111�1, a1•1 I 11i.:1·Llu·r
,h1) .... ,•r ,,·l/lll>llt.,. 11
1.,·,11. '-t'\Ual [ra111•·••1
me r,•1ul\,-, arnunt!
111,,11, , ,11,,,,,1 d ,•/1,
,: J,, hill, .,•• v.urld o!
,,,rid pt·upl,·r1 tn IIH, ...
...,., ,mcl :tff,•,·11-d 0111\
lht• fru,lrnh·cl
1tlllh1l1uu, 1·c1ll l!Lrl
,rh11,1Ht 111urd1·n·r
HI' built Oil a !.llllph­
Jh �nuv. about thrm ,,
fi,, /'alma ,uiaw�t�. that
v. about Owm.It\ 1101
,rnl'l1•f',, 1•1th,·r· t\au• ·,
"' uH•nni:t11:,-..-,ual11,
,, m bt•d a man sh,·
)h1th, am/ �onrwrh,•a.
11,,·sll�at.-i. lwr murd,·r
. mo1hr1 lt;ilian Th1•:,,1•
11gl\ whul,•,l·haral'l,•r­
u th,• now or th,, plut
l\ of /Jn•.-.."-'" To 1\11/
,:rfurtlt•�I\ Ebll\ ]�·
a ... ,,u rt•d and most
1, al OJH'I.' ,t.,,t•dU('tllt'
hu.,..1·r -.c'l.'lh' and cl.!>
., ,•lr,atu1 murdt·r
[It l'alm11\ IOl'Tt'3SIOI!


.ak111i: a ,.,..111 at !>Hutt�
kid Chm 1 \f,•alball,;i
Sad· /frm·11,1 /1,// and

Til11n 1r
that <;(Jnwhuv. found
,11,n :,e-n•,•n first p.,..ards of $30 m11J1on
.,.. 1th
lllUll!'\ �huv. � onh In
111 �u�llll� Ill Engliind.
t"t•rtaml� not in th,�
wqu1•11t·1·i. or lll thi•
urt>i. Charut·tt•rs trut m
n, 1,t mumt•ntanl}. and
/Jfl/(' t·mrr}!l'l> from tllP
'IH' I!>
,� b1ll<'d Ill> man·,, last
11 l<'d1om ho,humrn,•r
'llh•d b� an} toddh•r m
arid probabl� with a lot
11 lh,· Sock ('11wmo :;;-

charge of keeµmg rhe rccorris srra,ght




l!\111u, "'"111'1 h, Ip lh,•m Ill •·1,tlu,ll·•1;' 1h,
,1ud,·nb' ...,,ul..
· 11·, !!•ttlll ! t,, i:1 1 ,· a iwtt,·1 putun· ,,f
r-,,•rfi,rma,w,· m th•· da'-'r'" ,rn · ,h,· artd, 0
s...._cH/\'1T page ?
\ a,., .aru, a,M:-.t.anl
prort•!..•,or of marJ..,•t1ng 1111ri nwmlwr .. r th,·
�.d111·at1on l'ulw� ('ommtlh·•· 1'81d. "I ha,,•
hi•,·n a propun<'nl for 11 for man, , ,·ar- ··
II,,·d th,· d1a111,?r ""as rnad,..for a f, .,..
r,· a"in, Th,•n• was a 1·0111·,·rn U\o•r Im,
man) P"opJ,· mak1nj! th,· l),•an\ i.isl -\J...,,.

1 1 1,...t1 1,, i:1\• ltwm 1, Ii· r:illwr than an \
-..h,·rith,,, ...,, r• h..i11,, ,•11i:rad,·,

lit• JI...,, nnt,·d thal th,· eraduat,·
pr,,t.:ram h;a, h.irt 1111111h gr;ad,·, for tilt' pa!>t

\ an·aro ..;ml tw hart talk,•d w1lh
,tud,·nli. and tl11·\ f1·lt ·· · 1,pp1•rl' rhurt/
...,,1h11ut th,· munhl,!rdd,· ·
i)t"partnwut Chairman
\lakulm Harai•h. also pl,•a),l•d at lht•
d1anR•· . ,·omnwuto•d. "I think 11\ good ·
II,· ft•lt that )(rad,•, .... ould b,· mon•
<11·1·urat,•h n•n,•rll·d

Volume 36, Number 4


(617) 723 4700 ..:323

Sep1ernbe1 11, 1980

Ashburton: confusion picture
t · o n t r a r1 1 1· t1 ,1 11
101 1i.tru,11011 of ,'I •\<Jlhunon l'la1,·. th1·
UlllH•r,.1t� ·, m·" build in)!
' h,· ttir,·,· main .... ,url"'' ,,f 111furmal1Hn
abuul lh+· bu1ldtn)! 1h,• an l11t,•1·b. tlH·
1 n11,trul'l1"n , p ul...,·,mau. ;md th,·
ll1111,·r-H,. ,ill d1fF1·r un lh,• ,.am,• qu,·,11u1h
\\b,•n 1,1111! h,· fin1,lwd. ho-.. mu, h 1-111111
n,,t. 1111d "hit h au,..., ,·r t� n)!hl
111 I 't';-i
Lh, la1to ,d1 ool, ...,.,.� 111�
.,dr1tlltJll/ll an·r, cl1:ll11111, mad,· .I 1)\1)\1'
1 1111,;ir<h 1!1,
, . ,·q11 1 , 1 1 1,1n of
i·af,·kriJ I h,· �ulhdlll
adm1t1l'lrctt11111 . 1101 ,·,Jl.'1'11111! th,· uut,·n
,,r pr,,tnl ll) undt•fRraduah' ,t,1dt·1:t.,
l,·a1frr-. had :ipprmt•O th,· 11101,· illld iuid
th,· 11nd,·r!,!r.idu.1t,·, a ,11.1< I,, har "uulr1 ht·
,.-t up 111 a llll'J.!•' da....sruorn
\rt,. r m1111� nw,·lltll!,.......111,· "·1·n·1I�
h,•ld , th,• adm1111,tr:l\1<ln 11,t•nt l,,.,!,,.111i: fur
mun ,pat-.· aud llt 'l!ul1Jto•d.fur lht• fomio•r
I n1L,·d \\'a� Hu1ld111j!al }oi .hhbunun 1'1a,·,·
Th,• un111•r,.il� h1 111t•d lhat 1111· bulld111t.:
wuuld up.·n wh,•n l·ulham rd1t,·d ,,r
-..,mrtnnr 111 \Yl:IU h1lham n·tm·d m .luh
nf th1, �•·ar. and th,· h,·ralrlt•d t1pr1lllll! v.dl
nut hap1 11•n unt1! 19�1 M:!
l>unui: th,• J4-;'M,iY :uad,•11111" \o·Jr
,tud,·nh. fanlll\ and 1ru,1,,, ., mt'! m th,·
Bu1ld1t11! l'ommill,••· forum oL, th,· l'arnpu,
E,patl'-1011 (\,mm1tt,·,· It .,..ii.� li•arrwd th,·
upp•·r fuur nuur, of .hhburtu11 1\o•rlr1
tt•rua111 t•mpl) au<I th,· H1dR1·w:1� Hu1ldmL!
""l)\Jld bt· r!'bUtlt 10 { ""U noor� l'OJ\lal!llllL! ii

l),,..,.mb,·r IY77 that th,· bu1lchnJ! had ho·,·11
\1.,nda\ ,a1r1 th,· ardHl!Tl� d1an1:,· tilt'
pl.iu, uf 1h,• hu1ld1111! "almn,t 1•\1'!') utht•1
if,,, l'h,·\ luuk ttw plan, 1H1·r ,ind ''d1•,·1d,·
1,, m,,\,·" ...,,111 lwn•. <H d1an l!•· a t'1;1-..\r,1un,
,m,1111d .
Hrtd!:!• ...:11r! th<1t ,wt, 1tlt'n1 1., .,..ronJ.!.
· \\, ma, d,·, 1111- tu rn ..\t• ,om1•th111:
.ir,,urirl hut nut o·\•·r. ,,th,·r c!it, ! nwan.
11 ·, up lu ttw Lllll\t r-ll\ ·, Huilr1int.:
1 , . r1uu111o·, 111,·1 r• 11,.,.. lh,· ptol!rt·,, anr1
tl1,· hlu,· !•r,111� 11 t!w\ 1',Jnt ,1d1ant•·.lh1·n
.,..,. , !1a111!1' ll ' ' In·\ H,·\lr1t•!lt 1•1ll!JIH•1 •r
fur tlw pruJ••1·l ,luhn \\1h,,n .,...,u[1! n,,1
nHUlll+'Tl\ 1111 llw r1,•�1g11 d1anl!•·-.:111d �a,d h•
··,,h...,,n,·, 1111• .,..,,n lo maJ.., ,un· ll 1, tJt•m1:
d,,11,• 111 ,·,,11 1 pt,o11H·•• ...,,th lhl' ard11t,•c·
d,·,1c 11 . .,..l1wh ":ih"-1lut,·h 1� •• \\' 1hut1 al"
,,11d th,· hu11r1ml! .,..,II u1l\:t1 111 :-..•pt1•ml)o•r


Have they been missed}

�\111 1111r1<,<1t1,·11t �l ll\llH·, '\,,w· vr ''"'
n•11nl1,at111 11 1.1 11 ht· dunr 1111111 \Shburto11
1, f1m,h,·d and , an t,·mpumrih huu"·
,tud,•u! ;w11,1\1t·,
\1'1'1Jrd1t11! 1u \';Lppl Et1!,!1Jl1•,•r I )nm
\10111rl;I\ 1h,· top n111,r, tfrum iJ UjH ar1•
,up1•11 .... ·r1 t,, ht· f1n1,lwd tJ\ lktt)h,·r l't,-.\
,md 1h,· n,kJT, fr,.m fl ct,;""·d h\
'\q\o·mlwr l\ll'tl l 'la,�ruum, ;and offi.,
,p.,,·,· v. 111 ho •'"'t!lwd h, I kn·mbt·r
h.r,1ct11. B,tl!�•· and \nd1•r,.u11 drt' th•
an·h11o•,·t- tur Suff,,11,, :-ipuJ..,,,man H1,·h1,rcl

Flannery holds down the fort

by John \la1ona

l'h,· l'n·,1r1
,·nt', t1ffi(·1· I\ ,·111p1, th1,
month. 11·, tw1upa111 a thoui.and milt•,
a11,a� and not n·tummt-: until th,· ,·nd uf

t-r,·,1d,·nt Dauh·I Pnlman ,� m l 'h1t·a1:11.
tn m� 11, i.•·11 h1� hum,·. mo1t· h11- famil, tu
Boston and lw up luo!>I;' ends. In his

lh,• Ho11d11 II
·, of Bandit .
111111,mangt>h hampnnl
1011 of II bab� l'l<'phant
..., ho u1• not onh
·n 111d1stmgu1�habl,• and
1·11 b..fon· It <'an shift
,usl� rnind,•d than 1w,
'' I/ ""'anh to 1·umnwnt
nw and t>gomama. but
urt H1·� noldi. 1., mun•
fu11n, "" a talk-sho"'
t• ht• do,•,n ' t ""a!ol<' t1m,·
I,·),., l'ltr dia),I•, Onh fur
fan, and tho"' .,..,th
a .,..orci

In \tan :1 1111 \1. Bartolo
;add'.-� t,;��.c.:1:1 :::,,;1 ��� �,\ I' di
l nfil 11<rn. rnwu\ gradt•� h,n,· nc\� h,•t•n
,·,,unt,·rl l 'h1, .,..111 aff,•,·t 1·umulatJ\1• 1..'(ad,·
1 "•t• drnry- , - \1�·,,niilll! lo \lan 1 1 ,•frun, {'ull,·l!t'
rq(hlrar. "11 \\a, Lh,· fa1·u1t, ·� d,•1·11,10 11
:-.ud1 prupu...ab an· n•t·umm<'tHi,·d h,
\IITlflU� 1·,1tnm1tlt·1·� w11h111 th,· fa('Ull�
In this t·a:.t• , 11 wa, th1• brlul·at111n 1 '0111·)
Cmnm1tl•·•· whu mad1• tlw prupo,;al anr1
flrl•i,t•nl,•d 11 lo th;• fal'ully of hoth tilt'
r11ll,·g1• of hb,•ral arh and S<"•t·111·•·, and th,•
l·ollo•g1• of managl•nwnt Fa,·ult� o( huth
eullt•I!•·� lht•n \\llt•d 011 a dt•CISIOII
l li·fron ,IJllt•d that sht• had Utthd v.1th
farult, nwmbi•r, and th1,,., fi·lt 1•1 al ch,·

ab .... •1uT
\'11·,· l'n·,1d,•11t and I n•a�un·r
I- ran,·1, \ �t.ann1•0 1, ad1nl! pr,•,1d,•nl

""111 b, w,pu11'1hlr fur
pn·,1ct,•11trnl dul1t•� "Thi- ('Olhl.. l� of
m:1111!� c111111,! throui;:h t!w mad," h,· -.aid
and ta!,,.mg ,·an• uf an� arlm1111 ,tr:tt111·

dutn·� tha1 n·4111n· 1mnwd1alt• al Lt·nl11m
Flan111·0 ""lll h1• 111 tuud1 \\1th Pnlrnan
•••n� f1•11, da)" to k,•1·p hun up tv dat1· uu
lh,· l·app,·nml!\ rn th1· l' 111 1 n:.1tv

l'hl\ I� ttw :.t'l'Of\d lllllt' 111 tlll ' pa:.I thrt•t•
ha, b,·t·n adtnl!
pn·�1d1·nt Wtult• 1h,· Hoard of l 'ru�h't·�
d,•l1h,•rat1·d rhou�mR a m·v. pr,•�1clent •

finalh ;;i•tl1111g un l'nlman. Flannrr.
ht•< ·arn,· at'l1ui:: pn·:.1d,�111 Huw1•,,·r. h1• wa.,
on \
'8l'almn fur mosl of his U'rm. Fulham
,ta,,•d nn unul Ftanrw� could rNurn

J.1a11 111'0 -J11d lw IS "luukmg forward to
.,..nrk1111! .... 1th Do,·tor 1'1 rlma11 ." and wh,1,,
h,· " 111 tlw µown -..•a1 ror nu"". tw would
r<11h,·r ,ta, \· 111• l"!',•,1d,·nt ar•d l'r,•a,1ir,•r


F/.1111)l'f\ ,Vl'ilfl,1 r/111,lh.,r

i'1·rl111an·, ...,,,·rl'lan l)ull, �ladd,·n
,h,· , ,,ulri m,1 ,,,mnwnt 0 11 h,·r dut11•, .,..h,1,·
l',·rlman 1, 1:0111· ··t n,,,,rJ d,•ar;in,·,· frum
p••r-nruwl ·

llric11!P ,;11d rh,· hutlc11t11,! will hi• !'Ut11pl1•t1·d
h� .'\,•pt,·mlwr I 9K fur fall t la,......� Hndg,·
-.aul th,· UOl\l'r-11� "JUlllP,'d thr �l/11 a hH
h� ,11111uu11 1 ·111t.: pr,•rn,11un• plans fnr­
,op,·111111! ·• ln :-.,•pt,·mlw1 uf .l�iM. th,·
w 1 n,·r-1t1 -..i1d tht· h111ld1111! .,.,,111ld 1.,
,w,up1,·d h, l;anuan uf l�K1 .ind 111
IJ, n•mh,-r ,,f 1�77. !·ulharn -.:11d 11,,·
.1v4u1�1111111. r,·1111u1o1L11>t1. aud ,u, upa11,,11
of th1· hulld1t11! ,huultl h,· c umpli·l• d 111 .i
,,·ar or 1v.11 mal,,.1111! th,· ,ip,· 1111,1! 1t.11,
.l;rnu,,r:, I �ll'tl I
I p until :-..·plt·mht·r nf JY7K. lh,· fi11al
pun ha"· h:id nut h1·,·n 111o1d,· 1·1111trad1t tm1
•h,• ut11\1·r-J1\ ·, pr,•11011, an 11uur11·,·nu•n11r1

t �•M I
\\ 11"1 11 n·fuwrl lo t,!llt' out a11� ni,,r,
1nformauo11, ,a,m)! Puhli,· H,•lat,0 11,
IJ111·1·Lo1r 1,,111,-. (',mn,•11, · · i: ,•L, dail·.
r,•purh ...,, :-,uf!ulk 1� right up lo dalo·'

...a1d th,• r••ll01J\al1u11 of
\,hh11rl,•t1 1, l!"ltlJ! \11\ovlhl). and d,·nwr1
111111.. r,.1(\
1:8\!' fal'1· dau·, f,,r
,·,,mpl..t11,,1_n ,,f th,· building .ll11""t'\1 ·r.
1,unrftr.., <ht,t1ng b;i, I.. tu l>,•t·•·mtwr 1471
quult 1,ir1 ..u, adm1111,trator-, 1-u!ham m
11.1rt 11·\11:n J. , ,a� !Ill,! lhl' hu1ld1!11! w, •uldj)o
,,..,·up1t·d ur1<• p·ar .iflt•r pun·ha"'
Th,• un11,•r-;11\ h.1., 1:i�•·1t·rl 'SH m1lhon
fo1 n• r11natwn uf tlw bu1ld1ni;:. \ 1, ,.
l'r,·,1'1,•nt an<t
l 'r,·,i-urn
!·ran1·1, \
I· lanr1,·n h quut,·d a� ..a� 1111: th,• IIIOllt·)
l'unt1nu+•d un



A young man holding old creditials
b� Denist• B;,1brn

',LJffulJ.. I t 1111•r\lt\ ,tud,,nt,r, .turn,·d
1,, -.,·hu,•I 1111, p.i,t \\,J11da, ,p,,r11nc
n,•11, doth,·\, IT� 1111! tu adJthl lt1 11<·.,..
,1 lwdul,·, and ant1npat1ng th,· ri·,wwal
of old ;wqm,1111a11,· ,·, ,rnrt th,· making of
n,,..., fr11·nd, l'h,·\ al-.u rl'I urm·d lo ii
......t1Uol that " uno ,,r th,• l1•ad1•r,h1p and
j!u1dam·,· nf ,1 ri,•1-1 IH•·\ld1·nt. l)r [)anwl
I t l'nlman. whu al agt' 11. 1, th1·
,,, ,.. .,•: pt·r-.on ,•11•r to h,,ld that
P'r1·,1d,• 11l 1'1·rlman 1,
rt•h111n•l) 'Yntllll! tu hoW ,ud1 a h11!h
poi.1t1on. h,· moi.t 1·1·rt.1111h 1, nol a
nt·...,conwr lo the ilt'ld of 1•ducal1<HI
Pn·,1d,•nt P,·dman has b1•1·11 rt."""11.:1at,•d
""1th Hoo...,,,,,.il l'n11,·r,1t) rn l'h1n11!0

Jur \11<• 1>a,1 IY ,,·ar, In l�iJ. tu
ht•1·<1mt• J),•an ,,f \dn1tnl'trnt10 11 at
l{,,u"-'\< h. a pu�1t1t,11 11, hu-..• du\1n aurt
"''l"llls1h1ht11·, l,·d t,, hun b,•111 1: narn,•d
\ w,· Pr,·,1d,·1ll f.,r \d11uni-lr:il1u11. a
IH"ltlul! 11,· h,·!d U!ll1I lw111)! , huwn
l'rl'\lflt•!II of :-iurfoll,, ·
'I f,,,.J \1·n furlUtldlt' Lu bt• 1·on11 11!,!
h,·tt·." '<!HI tilt' n,•11, pr,·,11frn1, hh 1(111 '0

-.unwwhat softspokcn y1•t smn•rr.
Ho,ton " a H•('\' t'\Clting ('II� Tht•
.,.. , alth uf <·ullural opportumtw� that

,·,1�ls h,•n· 1� 1mnwt1M' I louk forward
lu :.hannl,! and takllll! part 1 11 111,,...,.
n•...,,uri·t·i. .,..,th Ill� fanuh I :11...i> f.,,,J th,•
,tud,•nt, 111 n· ,hould a,<111 th,·t11't"i 1 ,·, tu
th,· rultur;il and •·dUl'illlOtTal 1t·,11urn•,
111111 ,·an b,· found 111 !k.i,Lun ·




-nt Pll\.\tnli: t.n 1
!J r•- pr.. ...
w1 1rk

'-I \ \ U{A I , �
, l,·r pomt <n1·r.i.e, 1,
, d1v1dme tht- �m"st.. r
1 / l f' 1 h� th.- numhn uf
plt•d 1 A 1 Tht- cumulatn1
avnag,, 1i. detrrmm ..d h,
10nm pumt LOta1s f H I' 1 b�
,., crt"dll hour; attt-mplt·d

Journal alumni Peterson

Get results!

,11d 11 an- 111,n"r ,;n1t1,
r•·pu·.,.·nt \dt1,r;., L"r-

Advertise in the Journal.
Deadline is Friday
at 1 2 p.m.


Program Board on its way
plans its first events;
prepares final budget
l h,· l'roi:ram Huard 1, ri•qu,•,1111.: th,
:-,( , .\ .;llrn:at,• th1•m ll11 1lrlrht111nal '1 1,l llU a.,
J ,;upph•nwnlan hudi,:,·1 11'11-. 1, 1n al1<!1t1un
to 1h,· .;;;ir, .ti:!b Utl that ttw, 11ni:1nalh
r,•4 11f',t,·rl nw S I ; ,\ .,., 111 1 ot,· u11 1tw n,•1<
bo11rct ' i. hudg,•1 ,onwt1nw Ill th,· upn1mllll!
.... ,..,J..
!'h t• i.uppl1•11wm11r. hud�t'L ,,.,uu1d aJlo.,.,
n• prt•i.1•11tal1H·) from tlw buud tu alt1·11d
t h ,• , -:( '( ' ,\ 1;,.at1onal·rtamm1•nt
C11mpU) ( 'un1·,·ntton ,h.\Ul'lRllClll I �J.000,
an offtc1• ul)t.·rat1on budl!l' l ,,r 51.0UO. and
a .S I 00 l'llh'�l'llC} fund
rtwn• .,..,II bt· S:JOU sp,·nt nn th+· 111111al
k1di.-uff publicll�
carnp1111!11 fur th,·
1..'0Ulll'll n11s morh•\ \I.Ill t:w !>l>t' lll on
bu1ton-. . 1,,,, ,.tuns. 1><•11.-,. ancl p, ·nc1I, l'h,·
boarrl " al:,o lookllll( Ullo tlw po<i. 1b1l111 uf
bu\ ml! an 1·l,•1·tr111HC' ....ord bo•lt .,..h1d1


mr Mary S,ngJerori

tu, 1 .. ,.ir1I
.... . . uh! rl" lp II• 8(\H rl l...
up1·1,m1Ul! •'•••III,
I h, Uulartl , fu,1 pr,.cr.1 111 "1 lht 1,•;1r
\l, t l l ht \.,wnlllullon \ .iud, ,111, .,.,Im h .,.,111 •
taf.,, pla1·,· ,m :-. pt,·mtwr I/'\ 111 lh•
dt1d1 111nu111 l h • · pr1111,ram 111dud,·, .i dt1,,.11
and ulh,·r ,•111, rta 1 nnwnt to I n•dlt d 1·1rt u,
atm,"ph,·r,· 1.a,t , ,·ar , , ,rncl1·\dlt• J1,,,,.
... a) 111\1' of th,· m,hl tui.:hl� alt,·nd,·d
prui:ram) uf lhr , ,·ar
\ �"'' ,·ru1.,.·. ,p,,n"in·d h� t h , · h,1ard
I) 11•11Latl\d� '-''( fur :,...•pt,·lllht'r :.!b \ 'h,
band Stnl-.,·r ,,., ho r,·,·,·ntl, apJlo·an·d al th,·
"!'arad 1)•'· · l · tut> ... 111 ,upph th,• mu,1 1 llw
b1 111rd ,� al" ' luul-.111i.: 111to th•· p,,'-'1h;t11, , ,1
h1r111i: a d 1" 1uck,•,
I h,• prui.:r:am l\tiard. om· ,,f :-.uffulJ.. \
n,,..., ,,r ur�au11at 1nn, . ,,., 11! hi' h11t1�·d 111 1 1 1
I l ' h,) offll •' u. a , furnwrl, ,m :--1 , . \ uffu-,·

* A re you handy with a camera ? *
* A re you good a t business *


nf a un,· or l.,..11 da� n admi:
•r l" f
111al ,•,1ini:,., wl11rh ,,.,a,
n b, th,• fu·ull, la.-,t ,1mn;:
.,.. hu 11ut1a1t•d thf' dn,1• fm a
·nod , -.aid tlw S(;..\ should
.,..1>rJ.. un th,• 1d,,a
11rt1,111. Lh,· S( ; ,\ unammou,I,
B H •r ,,r all.. watmgS \00 fpr 11
r 11 :,;( ; A w1•1• k,·nd n•tn•at at
i£1t'lun annuunn•d that :-uffolJ..
woulrl bt· n·pn·�•nt(' (i at ttw
11lt•1• :1�0 Pared,· on Seplt'mbo•r
n,·r--11\ h11,a,·qum·d a Ooat thaJ
f11tk ·� 7�,th 11nr111·rr.-ar.
ffolJ.. ,turl,·nb .... 111 ndt- un tht•
,- alw d1" u,wd n•1ll11Hlt1•11, lt1
,ff11,· m urC,·r to ut1h1,· m,1r,·
•111,• S1nl!l,·t,1n -.aid ,h, .,.. l11
amlt-nanr,· ab,1u1 ,h,•1\,-, 1111d
bft·adJlblllll' llt ,

h\' .\l ll't' Whnolt•y
· 1 ... ,, furni,•r ,Ji,unllUI

client relationships?

'('lould you like to lay out?

i We l l , come




and fi nd out
I what we're al I about at I
! the first annua l Beaco n !
:Yearbook meeti_ ng.
!Thursday, Septem ber 1 8,
1 1 980
* way 9rat 1 p.m. i n Ridge- :




,•c11tur, .,..,r,
d ...arckd , 1n11·, f,,r 1·\1·,·ll,·1u ,. Ill J<•Urtllth,rn
at -..1i.:11111. lwlta t ' ln , H,•.:i,.,n l ,·un,,•111 1"11
-..u-.a11 1- \' 1 ·t,·1--..111 tl-. ui:li..h · -.11 1. 11,, ,,., .,
,·d1tur u 1 t h , J <fj" M./4 ) , , u 1 11 1 ,,. J -. a ,,. ard,·r!
l1r .1 pl;,n· 111 th,· ··-..p,,1 '\, \1-. · · 1·at,·i.:un lor
,m .. n ,l"I, ... ritt,•n durml! th,· ,tud,·nt ,tr1I- .,
11, 1 ,•hruar. uf l <i 7l l 1 1, ·adhrwct l u l1111·1
th,· ,,rt1.-I,
\hu .... <1 lh !'1, \... t,·r. \ca111
,t, t,Hh·d th, 1 ha.,., ,111<1 harav,n\1'111 "'
J rn,lt·r, Unaril l' \ 111n·nt 1-ulm•,
1111 th,• "'1·,11Hl da, ,1f lh1•,1rik,

Newman honored
l' o-tt•NJII h th•· fir-I :-uffulk ,tmknl t )
,.. m .,(1r,1 1>la1·, .i.,..ard
.1.-ff '\ ,,,,.man. a '-'"lll<H maJtHl!l)t 111
11,, uuol!lll( anet th,· ,/,.w ,,ul ·, photograph}
, d1t,,r 111 "4i� :ill pl,u_·,•d third III th,•
pho1ui:r.1ph\ ,·unt,•,t for h1, phutoi:raph of
th1· t)11111n \lnrk1 •lpl111't• at dusk
...,,ma IN·llk t ' h, h a -.(Jt'1t'l) of
p,.. r.-..�1unal 1,,umahsL w h11·h �lklllMlr\
r,·c,11 n a l
nat 1onal
n,mpd1\111n- l'\l· n \o•ar H,•1:1011 l of th,·
-.. 1 I\ uwl11d1•, th,· '\ ,, ,,., bii:111.nrl and �\1ddl,•

Ashburton delays

, 011l11111•·d from pat-:•· I
"" I l l nut \'1111\t' from tu1L11111

hut 11"111

llu.,..,•1 ,·r \1,1nd1n ,;u<1 th•• n"l h,I'
r,•a,h,·<1 �• q m1lllnn. 1111dlhat (11:ur,· ma,
n.,,, bt·, .iuw uf , uni rad rw.:n11at111n., "11h
,,.,,irl,,,•r, I t•· did llnl .,..., that u.uuld
ct,•fu11to•h happ•·U hul II h II. 1)(,, ,1h1hl}
that rannut b,• n1,·r lo,,J..,-d llndc,• ..a1d tlu­
'""t ... ,11 n·rrUtlll al $X 11111
111111 .... 11 11<1I

.. hu,11 1<1 111 1110\1' llllU \ht• ,·;,f,·lt'na and
1 ornn1 1t mto da"ru11111, l ' nr· llonahu,•
hu11dml(, pa1c1 for .,..1th 1•11d1•·
and ont-:rnaJI,
mt,•ndrd for
unrl,•r)!radua11• u-..·. .,...11 1w total!\ ut1l11,•d
h\ tlw la,,., "·huol
J'h,· undnl:raduat,· hbra� and t·aft-tn1a
.,..111 b,· h ou:,,•11 111 \sJ1hurtu11. anri th,· la,,.,
,, w,,t h h rar. ,,.,,II ,·,pnnd tu th•· \11.,·
und•·ri:radual..i· l1hran
l 'tw fl\U\I' •�
,.,,,. .,.i, d tub.· 1·ump1t•i.1•d h} 1 9�".!



Wednesday, October 1
from 1 :1 5 to 4:1 5 pm
Fenton 1 34 A, B, C
Over 25 Law School Representatives
from all across the country here to talk
with interested Suffolk students.
• Admission requirements and infor­
mation will be provided .
• Chance to ask any questions con­
cerning Law School that you may




&ptembn I / , / 980/Su{/olk Juurnal!Page 5

t • • ···········

If 1l� tnw lhc11 \ , , u r tru,, frlt'nd" t urm• tu \uur il..-.S1 stan,· ·
at lhi· 111111 '\ \
l.lwn \UU n,·t·d th 1·111 t h,· �JU�l t h t ·n th1 •
._,:fr. . 1 1: 1 - ·:;�•:::! . �!, � .. ·r.


l)unni: (IUr n•t't•nt 1·n,1�. ¥. !lt•rt t h,· U,,ard of TruStt'{'S
loh•d tu slash our fund mg fur th t· l !hW 19S! a<·adt' m1c
\1•c1r. \1. 1• rt'l't 'l\ 1 •d �urpurt from fat·ull\ 11wmbt•rs, alumn 1
m,•mbn.,, of t h ,, student bod� . and ,·uun t h·:,,s othn� !f 1 1
¥. t ' n • n ' t fur t his �uppon HI 19 ! t h, ,J,mmal uffit·1• J would
!HII bt· R 'M'1Ulld 1 ni,: With till' :.ound f l)J)l•\l . nlt'r.i and
pt•opll' �-rramrng for s1l1·nn' 1i, h 1 I,· th 1•. ¥.'t• n· on t h,·
l1•lf>phon(' Th,· m· wspap.• r t hal 1� n1,1i, on t h,· nl'""'\:,,t.and�
and ,prawlt•d on ,·a�t·l,•na tablt•, 1i,�1ulrl 1>, 1111 1� 1 bl!• rh 1•ri•

¥>oulrt ht·110 :-.1JffolkJnuma/


l' h1•n· an• 1·,•rtam p1•1 1pl1· v.h,1 muq b,· ,1 nel,·rl 11u1 th,·
m 1 •mht'r- of thr
J �; y l �/'ltl :-. t udl' nt l , m ,•nuu,·nl
,\s:,ul'1at1on 1·�J>1·1·1alh fomwr :-,( , \ Pn·,1 d,•nt \\' 1 ll1 am
Sut ht•rland aucl Hu�·rt , \ lc·( 'arth\ ¥> IHI tw!1wd u, lo plan
lht• 111 Unt\1•r-1 1 , m,·1•t 1 ni,:, and th,· pn1p<1l>llh t ha t v.,•1 1 1
h,·fon· th,· 1·011,·�•· 1·
omm11 t 1•1· th,· m,·mb,·r, uf th,• 1·nll•·�•
n11urn1t t,,,., 1·,p1•1 ·1 all� th,· prof, , ,r' frnm t h o • I I.,\�
facult} l',\1 hulug} l'rufn:.11r \1arg,·n·l !.J.,\ d 1 1 1 ,tun
,or !>c11 1 d I. H,1bb 1 th , C'h,·m 1.,tr) l 'ha1rp,•r-.pu \lan,1
Bona�t' rHUr.un . 1-,, . unomw, Pruf,•,�• r :-.aruJ : -.iv. m·\ ;u1rl
li1uloi:� l'ruf,·,-.1H \ alt,,r Juh ri:.un


nment nn tht' song · · Oon't
ht> ( ; ovi>rnmen t ··1 bf-caUSt'
l'l' JUSt likt' nl} IO\'t>d OTif'S
iard and lh1•} tr) 10 bl< so

\uu ·

" 1 hank
" '._ . rn, lik,· .t 1,•r\ nwa�n p h ra, ..,, tu
•"\plain th,· cr 1 1 tud,· v.,, f+-1'1 tuwi:irrl t/J ,·,,· p,· ,pl,• But . v.,
1·an ,,111� 1•,pr,•" 11 th 1, 1i, II\ than I,, , , 1 u \I, ,. 1i,111 ;1bu 111:,ur,·
\UU that non,· 11f �our , fforh >,1, 1 •n• 11 1 1am I h t • Surfutk
J,mnm/ wilt ,·un t mu,· tu h,· t h,• ,amt• <JUhp.,k,·n and
('IHl1'ilg1•11tJ, p;t prrtha1 It h a , b1 ·1•1 1 111 th,• p;,,[

·s 'or somt' songs can tell us
1 1 our world The B52's t.t•II
1s a �loon m tht• Sk) i callt'd
The> pohCi' descnbf· lht'
lll · ' Walking on the Moon
m� about a vast maJonl} of
1 a Tt•t>nage Labolomy · · and
t'lb, us tha t "Acc 1 drnts 1·an

I h1· t'd1 t ur� and ,,1.c:iff uf th,· Suffolk ./1 1111,iu/ lt•c1m,·d a
�n•at deal dunnJ:! 1lw1r rtT1 •nt l·n:.1� \\,, ha1,• 1,·arrwd huv.
1mpnat1\ 1· lh 1 • n ,11• uf th 1 • , t u clt·nt iournalbt 1, H,•e,1u;;,, w,•
ha11• bt·t•n i:11,•n s1H·h an 1111purt.ant Job t h,·n· an• t·,•rt.. J11
t hlnj!�
f•. J r wh 1 ('/1 \lot ' an• ai . .-ountabh·
\ ,· rt1U:,l tw
l'Vnstanll) a1i, arv of th 1• at"t"uran anci th,· ob1,·1·\1\1I� ui
,.,,.') ,ton \ 1· also n•al11,• that a., ,tud,•nr Joumalht v.,
, t ill ha\'I' a �n•11t ch-al to lt·am and thal II \\ i ll -.UIIW\ltlh''
b,· lo our tw1wf1 t lu .,.,, , 1,, 1 h,· twtp 1 1f ,1t1r fa1·ult\ arh 1 "1r,
rh,· Suffolk ,J,111uw{ v.111 nlll\lnu,· to .illuv. ,pa1·,· fm
lllt'mbt·r. uf lht l't)Ol/llUllll\ t ( I (' U tlH!ll'll t llll lh 1·01,•rni:,·
!I, \lt•Y.� . and lh 11(1l 11 ·w,
\\'1· h0p1• that 1 h 1 , \,·ar. :-.tJffnlk .J,,w11u/ " 1 H O<· .i,
mforrnc11 1 1 1 • .ind thou�ht pruHil,,ml,! a:. 1 1 hh bt·,·11 in
11r1 ·\ u1u:. \ 1·a,-.. and 1� ab], to 1mpru\1' IL� ,1a1 1 d,1 nh

, orw lhm� of w h 1 t·h Wl' can
w si gns or t h,• t1m1· an>
1 rfft>rt>nlly
wy can only bf, romplett>ly
.>Sl' of us who ha\'t' bt•t•n
1usnl. a human \ l"l!l'labl,•

l½-r ----r-r-_.L_�J-...Jl.,....;,:,;.....i.���--�_!


Fendhtg for ·themselves

I h,· ll1th! ,._"•· 1 1t1al p<trt ,if uni �\lffo,JI-; ,1ud,· 11 t ',
t1pparalli- th,· !ir,t ¥11·,·k of 1 Ja,._, h ou,· �m11II pH·,·•· of
jllljll'f '" lll1 t a d1t·1 I,, fur th,· t ,·,t hook, that h,·1· 1m,·
1�11ir,· uutrac,·1> 1hh p ri t·•·d 1•\1•n ..... m , ,t, r rha1 1 , lh•·
w1·,mrl n•,...1 ,. ,.,.,111 1 111 p 1 ,·,·,, , ,J at tm·
Th,· 1110�1 1mp,1rta111 • ,,rnp, ,1wnt uf 1 /w ,·n .... ·11 1 hl, 1 , ,1
mag11·al �l 1 p k rwv.11 11, a rlr,1p .odd f1,r111 i',,"''"-'"1n ufu11,
uf 1 h , ..,.. ;II pn·r1 ... -I, th, ni,:ht munwn1 ,·an 111 :.L
inth mal,,,
o,n,• a 11 1 ,·mh,·t of l h , ,•1 1 1,· l!ruup ,,f :iuffnll,, tho,,· P•·oph
h h l •• \ ,
· i ;m[ I l
1\\\ ;���,'. ::. ;;;� :; i t

::\�:.�i'tr:::�;;:,.r� >�:
t'\t·:: ,;


'i 1:::ll � ,:;� ·�
::�: •. (;�;�
th.it111w ,-an•fu ll1 ,t1pp,·rl 111\u th,· madbu, !,1,1 \pril

!llJI /)I th,· ll!ll•· ,I ,tud,·111 r,·,wh 1·, ...-n1ur ,1at 11 , , J l l d
•·nl, r, tho . .. fm;tl m;n:11 111 i·r,·dih , n·rt,1111 pn\ i l 1·i:n

�) •:•••••••••••.••••••••••••••:
! ,,A
• S.G.A N EWS •

� ·





"'1 '

",,I ' I
1. ) I

__ , ________ ...




l it !
\: . \:






_ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.

'• 'I ,·,,




• Freshmen elections for Class President •!

! Vice President and four Represen- •

• tatives
• Sophomore special election for Repre- !
! sentative

• Pick u p you r petition in the Student •
! Activities Office beg i nning September !






• They are due i n the Student Activities
Office by Sept. 30, at 2:00 p.m.
• All candidates must make a speech on
• October 2 at 1 :00 p.m. d u ring the
Activities Period i n Ridgeway 3.
• Elections w i l l be held on October 7 and
• 8 in thEt cafeteria from 1 0:00 a. m. to
2:00 p.m·.



•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••

,h.,ulc! b,· i: 1 1,•n I t hon I� loi: 1 c:i! that upp,· r da,,nw11 , ,,, ho
m moq ,·a_...., rnl,,,, i·u1ir._.,, that an· p r,·n, 4u1:.1tt,, for
i:raduat,• ,huulrl b,• i,:n,•n �p1 ·1· 1al 1·un,1 dnat1ton [\ rim•,
nut ..i·,·m th.i t ,,,a, at :-.uffolk t h i , \Pllr
( '1 1 untl,•" numb,·r, ,,f ...,,n 1 11r\ \l. t' fl• t'l,,_. , rf ,Hl\ uf da,w,
1hh .,,, 111,·,1,• r
rtw trul\ 11(•rh·\tll� th1 1 11: abou t c hi ,
pl1,·nom, 11,.
tl 1t · " · ,a 1 111. da""'' i·nn t am
1, lhat
uud, rd:h,nw11 rtt, ". r,,·upl,· 1i,1Jl .ill hJ\r "PP"rturHt1t·, lo
t .i k,· th,·" , 1..,...,., . .c;un
I �ll·r,, !11 \1, t I), ,1 ,1 J I
1 11
t h 1 , n,·v. n > Hlplll t· n t ,· il
r, ·c1 ,1r.1! 1 t111 1 / 1 .11 1ti, 1w,·d, ut " · n iur, ,·;1 11 h,· \'o11 '1 d,•wd
4 )n,· p, , -.,ihl, "JI 1i, <HIid b,• lu ..
th+• ,,·nr o ,r, tu n·i:1,1 ,•r

· r

1 : � ;,1�;;� �: ,'. 1:�: ;
� �l::•:\'.: 1::1 1:'.ra' t :::;1
Ila\� lht frth tT.Ul•HI /1 11d lh,· t ' \ a,p,·rati,,n . , r thi- \ t•ar,
upp,·rd;1"m1 ·0




..,,.,., ,• of 1he paper pr"•"n•1>opporlu1>1ly and • du ty
to 'laY som•lh1n9 e'our•11•ouJ 11nd Uu•
10 "•• abov• I••• of
<>iHll l,,l"Jh,pand l11ar of pe,pul•t pr111ud,ct1
Jo"'llh Pul"'" '

Ht'\I i ,,111•9<· llt'\',\\JJ\Jt,! ,n 11h• t uur,11 v ! 111 ,1.hvo,

CUrllll\.J l l o ! y un{l�•1 1 0 000

1 9 79 1 Co1 11rlll,,c1 $ t lllll<1 \ I " Pr ,·\\ As,11

' ! u p lOlt•·gc rh'W'>Pill>t.'1 111

t111 1 , 111 I '\ t 'IIIH
\I \' \1,1\,1, �
.Ill I I IH

w England · ·

t 1 977 & 1 9 781 S gnlil Delta Ch,

.1.-ff f'u tnam

l<u·I,, ( ' r,•1·d1J11

,lut111 \ l it • } •·-.

lltmna 1,.,mhard 1

H. \ I l l{h U l l I OI!

\ H I -.. I· Ill It ll(

1'/11!1 1 11 , 1( \I'll) 1• IJ! 1 , IH

l ll•111w Babm

Jani'! t·u1 1,t.11 1 WI,,,·,

\hr} ,\J111 B<1 rtolo

l , , •rr1 l �illl·rt \

H1t·hard ICubt·rt l apno

Uan \1urnan,

l ; rf'I! Bt•,·n1an

Joh n �lamna

Publ,shl!d b'f Suffolk Un,vt1rsny .tnd run under sluden1 m;
Typ,t' wtlllng and P'"'""'!I by Belmont P,onttr>9 Co • Belmonl MA

******* **************************** * ******** ******




£·7H U! ·w·d 0£: �
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·oapff\ pue 'S W!!:i '11 1 Uf paJsa1aJUf auoliue pue
'aIdoad e1aweo-a4J-pu14aq 'saofle uos1ad tJ/ V·NO
JOJ_ 6Uf)f00/ Sf - U0JJ eJ s /\1 S, )f! 0JJns ansM



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uepuo.1." 1nu ·.1qqnt.1.,H , 111nr ,t ,r q ,11,
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+J,•¥. \)lnllql\·'1 1111 '<1ill' 114 ) JII \Jl,J,I\IU \
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s,o,.,/1: ., .. ,, \1,i•·1 " ,,, .,.,., ••, •·•·11//S JF' SJll,1/"IIS,14J IH.11J.•..'<1, tlJ /Ul'\"OJ Swtl01
.JH SJIJ.IW3110Hlu11 6uip/1111.J /F'IIOl/1µµ,• IU/ Slll!fll Jii1J1!J 61101 S� Nt/J't 11:J]d 1N ]0IS]l:id



4iln,,1111'' f>HI?
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41\tl ,111 un · ,i , ,11111 1 111urn, 1 II\ 111 1-'•I Jll,11,1
u,11p .,;t.11111.1 ,1,r IP.J,11.jq 111nu, r · .,.1.,110 I
J.llUl 4'-, iluip11-•11r,.,_J •'I I ., 11.,110.1 l.jH ¥o
fJ.lll!f.)11'.._I' U ,.,q ;111"1 'l?lf Ur.'IU IJ,lrl ]t1,1p1�,1J,j
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ur J" ,,,nn� •l/J ;,11111111...,,· 'J"I ,q 11-n·,1
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;"111<1! \
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1•,.1pn1 HII q.11q>1 •1 •d 1 ' 1 ,11.,;11'11 • 1 1 J , _ 1.p1u1• 1
ll/ l ' j ] I \\ jl11t lJl' lll'lUJJ •,j l t l t/l l \\ :IUIUJll ) <J
<ti II " II\
, µ1,1•11 pur 111'1 ,,r.1
; 1 •11111 H-•JL>f111 • ' ' " : 1 1 1•11 ·•1d11, 1 1 •q 1
1J •11
1•1•11J p•:p Ill ;1Ul ';J"\\ •11111111" • HI • p ,d,.,
'II'- ,.11]<ptp• ..ip J\UI UJI' 'I \II :1111111''1 1,1tt ,
q·,J ,,r,1 I w.q, ' " ' i lJ"' I" \11'1 "'I "I I
I" 1f • "I pr1, ""H'/1', ' I ' .,. ' ll'IIIJJ-•d
1• •J•• 1 4 • • 1 " '1I llj l Ill •IIJ<ltj !' J < •J :111 1 '; • " '1 !Jll•
,11· \fltlll'I '"I pqi· I PWIJ •,j li"i"�i 1 ' l IUII/
,, 1 , ,., • ,,.,, •. 111111•. ,111 :,1,·Jt1 pur ·,1,J11,, µu••
pp,, 11Jr dr !JI' 11 1 ,-11,111 ' l ' l ' 111•11 ,q,11 \
•I 1 1 " " I l •)JJ" Ill \' •IH\,IJ r ,1 11\ 11 11l¥o
1 . .u :11 1 '•"\'-Iii'\ I 111 I' •uJIII 11 ·. 1rtup,,,1
111 ,p1., ,J, t •1' • •11 111 11P•ll ,11Jr 1 1J • ·· l 11 \ ll o\
1',.,1>11 1· \.I" 11111 • •111 ,11,,.!;"•d ••J ,,rq
1 ,- ' j lllll 11"1J lh, I" II, •\IHI • 1 1 :,,. q .,.,111
1, p 1 1 ' >1Jn; ;\!11';""1 -\ •1/ IJII"- •H IUl'>l l ll I
I Li 'P' ,.,t J •HJJ••1 ll'lf: ·•1q1•11 u•,,n!d1• •J•>UI
•1·111 •O 111 ,,u , • ·11•11 ,p •,j 11, 1111, oJ,j
l l l'llllJ •,!
1111"- 1 1' 1 1 1 ,, , "' •H 111 11m1, "1 1u ,n1 , , . , . , ,
I' l)lllj <Ill\' I' •JI' ·1,1 , ·l llj ,ll')l/1 1t.J,•J),I\\
,1p IU!•JI ,111 •!llll· 'II 11 IJ ,._
•tt•J 1111'JJnd111,
11• ,P1d • I \ ;11111111,111,, 1 ,, '11• • , 1 n, , " I
' 1 1'11 11 1 \ 1 \ l ll· • • 1 1}or"1 1':'i�, •I \HII'
11 . . n orul
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• 1 1 1 1 1 1.n1
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,1u,,pn1, ,r · )ltoJJn-.; 111 ,J.)J'U�J\ pm!
, 1 11.1pn1, PP!" Jn 111,1w1111111., u1 ,.-.;11,u.1u1
, , r. '"'Ir 'II , 1 u,>UJ,O\IIJ(hUI :t,11ppn11
ll"UOl!lµµe JIIJ ue1d ,,;1ul!J �11111 I p,>UIIIJU,IUI
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)'' 1•''•'1 "' •u r ,1\ll\OJd 1 1 1 "' 1e41 J.11ndmo.1
l'\ ,1 1 1
,11Ul,1pll 1 11
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Ill) ,IJI\JIIJ ' I l l 111 '-•Ill )'llll¥o UH p,>UOll'•'nh
,;111 1 p 1 1 n q
111•1u p-•,1
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I \ I L.•l'J ] IP. • ... 1 1 1 1 1 1111 •1'-•H pur
'l " ]�"H ,,1'1Plll 111 4 1 ,1Jr1l ••1l14 lJI' ,I \IJ.IUll I P
1111 Jlltlf,lP µ •n111111n.1 UPlUfJ·'J 1u,,p1,; 1JJ
" ,1 , J • • 111•• ,1,ur4 1,nf �lll Pl"JJ I!,,.,
•41 u" dn ,,11 1 , 1 1 ,qe1-.. , q i dn i1u 1 4.111111
111'Ul'f l ' ' "" •111 111 1 \\ ,;1 mp1m4 ,un1,11.1 JO
ll•lfl"\J ,..,,Jlj \HJP 11111\\!JO J\JJ 'Ill Ill \\,U.lllll
, 1 q J'' •'1<•11• ' l l p,u,,¥.,uP. 'LI 11,•tp p111:
l ''I" 1,!, I'll IJP. • I' ,,, p,,qlJ "· '\l '4 lllllj ·•'1 1'\U
p111 , 1 1 }l'ljl •l!j J" )ll'J1 I' \\I >llllllll P p,-..:n1•d
1,.,j ,JIii JII .. ,1q4<lll
,11•111;J.•, ! 1 11.,p,, 1J , I
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. 1 : 1 1 1 • • J 11u,, 1 r 111 p •1r 1111 , •ljj•• . 111·'1-'''·'',I
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•••1;,� •,t 1j:'lli•1lllll' !JIii' \J<>JllUJ•1µ IJrtu,
,, 11 ,,., \1111' ,11<11111• , I' •11'1/ �--••P \ l l'J-•111: 1
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•1µ, 11-1 111-•pn1, ,.., , 1 , ,1 ,. ,;,,,t i' '·' 1 1 11q1n .,,.
/ 1 1 111 J..1•'1'' 11,, ,Jr \ l<j! •J••lj 'I', • IJIIIIIHUIII• '
•·n • n
'I''' 11•pu11,
'"1d uu11nu1•
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Jl'II IIII• · \1'\\ \lll'\11 UI ,1 IJ H 1 111111 I •'I d •
•ll'lUil,., I •l •'l" \ll'J<\11! I ll•'l "''"'>l


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p,,nll ll!I" '

puv )fJOJ uo SiJ)flJJ JUoP!SoJ.d M.iJN

•41 u.odn 1,;;nf Ulll JM JI · "'""
uo 14itu �lll \ 1 ,,q p1no..i P\JO
,141 \11 ,1,)UJISIX,I UII\O ,no 01
,,uq ,,41 4110.¥. II·'"" d u 1 I! �1
,nn.1n1u.11p1 u1 1snl 10;
q1, ,141 1e ,IIUO.lJ,I.V. , ,'\eM111 ,,
iluq:nnd ,� l'ml .ue I
1,n/ ,l\lrtl no, 11?4"' inoqe )I
pull \Jdl ,Mlllj no\ ,l,)UO pm,
\1"41 �unq�.mb .141 1nq - �UIUJ•
Jl·"l' ••J IS .,41 un �UJWUJ111 I
•lj l \1dum 1011 �I 11
Ill! ,1 IIIH
(J ,t}':i \W ·,1J14
u1,11e,.; lj\Jnr,.. 111 ' 1 1 I J l l\Clij l
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l"J ;lu1 \P.,�j 1�nr ,IJ,IM \,l!jl
P·"'''P ,lJ,1 ¥. '>J,ftpn ' S)l.>Ol 4 1 1
1J,>¥o ,11111Jp · � 1 11!4,! JJlUl'II ,
p••q H!lll durn.1 J,1\1/lllll• P. j
•lll pe4 \I ••Jh ,141 JII
111 dn
p,,u111d,,, ,n
'f 1rq .,q 01 p,11.1,1d>.,1 ,111� ,141 ,
!'''I ,141 11141 'i.ll?,>ddn �'
�1un1qw4m ,141 01 p
l"l ,11.,1 11iuu1t.J,. , se p,11,,JJn
,,!11111 ·,1 01 ifonunJ,1J puw · ,u�
,'.ll'lJJPUJ J,IJI/I J I! ¥, ' ,l'Sl!....,1(1
µ,1J,ljJ I I ,1q Ull,l
,;1 \ J ' ' ,>,IUl!J l?,lddl!">lp ·'Ill flJ \
,:1•llj 1µ nu 1nq ' , 00<;° l
l'\\ ,]I'- '¼l lP.41 p.1pnp,1p '
•q \ 1 UP Ill! J ' J p n q \I;¥, \I llj
,ltj l'\ ilu1 ... 0U'1 11,....,.1.ud 01
\J 11, 1111 I! p,,,,pUI ,1 11111
,1 ,,11 0,<1
� u r , 11 ,u,,4¥. · .1.nt1d ,,;ie,o
p1mnJ ,1 1141 UUIJl?lUJOJlll llll
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J I • 4 1 J" 111:I 'IUl'1Un1n1 I
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•ll l puP.1ilu:,1 ""•'. \ ino411n,
•Ill•!• 110£ J,1 \ 1 1 :llllp.iO.>,IJ
in1 ,,1q1suod�.1J u.:t,.q n4 dn
J l o(l"H ,q 1·96 1 111 p.,punn
' ''" " ·'ll \,l(J11lb11uv
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,,,,.,, Ill ·1.,qw,11d,1s .lllll
r .., 4 1Jll,"•'J J.i4lJOJ ll'l{l p11
,11, 1111 1v. .,µmi! e · .,uo1..; suu
, !(JI' p,lUllUP.\,1 \l,'l'iOl,1 U••••
1'\tli ' 'II'> ,141 jll JU,1,lJ,1(1
.:11, 11110 111:p 1 1 1
I I prn p,U,lJJn pul? ,IILJO,I ,I
• iPitlllJO,.j pUl?Ull'd'-l '•o<l
;, ,:r1 u,.., .,, . , .., Jo .,urn-> 1,>1

l'Jll.jl!4UI •'41 \llljl ·,llUO, j
• < ' \t l IJ,1 ¥. �i!Ul}IJ\\ •141 11!41
' !"]' ·'Ill JII ,m,... LIO pun
. • .jd up OJ '11' '41 111 ,
1 •' J , M,ljt1Ji.l ll ' l1"-I \JJ IIH •; 1
. r 1l""' 'Ill puat,., J.14un;
I• .r >LUil Jl-'41 J I I .,u3
, p"ud 1111 pu,-...:1,,µ 01
"!'Pl ,
--p4 P·•U-¥.0 '1·•11!
111111.11,-<:nd 1c41
• ' l lltl) ·111:?qrn4,[ JO '711,
• I I 1,.1;1,ln, ',lUO}\ 1.jlJIIU ,II
· "l l l • un ,,1uo1\jl!J.:t\,1o., .l U
• • >1 1,of.J HIII J,HUCt-- Jlll11.j II
H \J 11''1\ Jl?ljl ,,,1e.>1p111
!• id ,1Jll)C.•J '141 ·,m
, 1 1 1 : ;'. lU"JJ JI!}' ljtJoU
l'◄IJ/\'l I '4 ).l'o \1<1IIQ 'lld ,I
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1 .,. ,1J"l' ', I ,4 dn I•"' u,,,'4
' ' ' ·111 IIH!li\liP "•'IJ\ 1 111) '
· 1 , •• p,1r ,111 •111Uilllll '- "
, . ·"IJllll\ .1;1q<.lt1' J , 1 1 1 1 1 '

paumssv al


tfl(M puv
'Ol(M tf/J
"t1J;:JJStfUI O /

S_l II!H t(.1,



S('p / 11 mi n•r I /. 1 ':JH0 1Suffo/k Journa l/Page 9

Caligula: still crazed after all these (2000) years
ll\ H1dlarcl Hnht'rl ( ' apnu



a.ssun•dl� 1·011tr i bul.-d
11 ch11pt. n in ll'>t'
.rnc,• or th t • Anwrican
• longest and rn·h,
� uf 1rn, nation 's. l'h a t
l t' St.'rt.;llS Wllh ( !f�Nl
and l.,ttlr Ca,·sor an d
and Jnfolerancc. now
I' /,aguon and Xanadu
rs and Hoadu· and
,r un1t.atmn 1•i,(al&t.•d.
i, \atw,iaf l.ampoon 's
7 H I • .Wont, f, lfwn "s
�l • . mau-an (ira/(1 /1
1 t I !17� I app1•an•d
,ar i ous 1·ombt11al11m"'
\ a t 1011al I ampu1111 :.
1L , oung,·r t 'a nad1an
, · , \1,-atbuf& 1 b,·, am,
r11111 -.1n{·1· ·"'"' lturs, a,
n�111ut1om f,·11 pr"' 111
!'Ii , · lrn<frm,
,• 1 � t balb "'n•wm�
alad1•m\ (i11rp, 11 hwh
tHJl/s. bruu�hl 111 nld,•r
10/h:.h a ,urnm1•r ,·amp
JlollH•b1l1• d1•1t h·r-.h1pi,,
th,• A nwrwan Y.a,
I old,•r -.<·n,, up, '1,·d
,., Dan¥1·rfh•ld .... nh
111 Murra� 1 a niupl,· uf
,u,• �n-..t r101t•n llat.
,v. upl lu ,,.,n•ak ha,u1
tn dub llufh 1n,o<i
11 11 1 i!ht uf h1·l1 ra1"lll l!
a buneh uf oldn ltT11'
,, llll' l f han.:uul
l'll"''' dov.1 a11d uno•
·, uff tn \' tl ' ln;im 1 ",rt
'/r/1 b\ v.a\ nf \ a /11,rw/
/11111-.·1 f "h<',·,·h an,I
r,,1 1,• , 1111t1 11u,•d Lh,
,rna,·hr,1111,11, '"--aull
;h lat,· i':fhtl ' , dl11
.u1d \l 'r\ untunrn

1 1 \ 1•, 111,,11 , 1 11,
I\ il lld \1111111.t�lll.t\ l\d\
1 1 \fos, ·�. 1n�l1 •<1 d 1 d
m1,t.1k,·11 f11r I 'hr1 ,1
m 1 ,t..1l-.,·11 f,11 \1,,..,.., / ! I.
.t,· Ill 1L, 0)\1, 11 nt;!lll. .... a.
,h·h lh•· d 1 , rn al \/1ddl,
,•rl \' h,· ad11•11 tun•,
Ha11d1t ..., , r,· m·,·dlt ·,,h
, l,-1'\ (//Ill rlr1• Ha111/11 II .
lit ih una�111a1 11.- a, it.
lroarl11·a, 1< lb a 11uu-k 1 1 ·
Ja.:: a n d t h , th,•n no•l


1<1•r1·11 · 1 ,·;inn1bal1L l lli:
h i-r. of lh1, ..umm, ·.,
riwd to t1•l1•1 1 n11 for
;m,g Shuu \ 1ot.'11' and
'I 1 ( ,' 1>1 Srrwrt ' i v.,•r,·
•·�pil/lSIO!l) of Lh,• lit' f ll ' '
p r u n g Jluu f o IJ('a/ th1•
ng would ha,,. mad,· a
uc-, ,·11 • n for th,· nH-d1urn
,i,- Ill,• ,•pl)Odlc- / l1r
bd"" •d on th,· ,,.al ltf,·
Sc� page 9

with a mental,ry

/ Ii, 1,/1r,,11J/1· , , ,1.., . , ,1,,,, ,, //1, ·11, 1,. , .,
· ,., /l,J,
\,,rn - muth,·r•


.luu, 17 l·1 ,;U • ,1 ddl• th,11 H.otwrt
( , 1HTltH1 t 1 1 11 1,,,,1,, h,u l,, 11 11 l't tlh 11 ,11111,
H'll" frum 110.,., l , ,wmc h.t, k 111 a plu,h
, hair 111 on, . . r 111, n11m,·, h, · 11 t,·11 fr 1 o urh
uf h1 , fun 11 1u- h, pl,i\lUI! ( "u/1.:1, l.i 111
lh, .J,,,-.. ..., ,,..11 · 1 d1111 1c .... ,11
< ,
pla11n)! 1,1 h.11lf 1•111 1 11, h,111"t"'- ..., h, •11 11 1 a.
s;,•11, d \ft,·r lhal Im,·• .ipp, .i.r,•(1 fur , \o •r.
,huv. 11111,
1 h ,1 nl,, 1 ,,u
1\,,..1,,11 , � ,m·,I
On !hill rla, ft1r th, rir,t 1111,,· 111 "" '
f,,ur 11•ar, d ma1or fitm -..;i� -..,·11,-d 111
Hoi,ton. th t• la,1 h.•llll! f, \ l1d11lu,11 rlurm)!
1 1,
run at th,• c ·uwm;i 1,7 t,un 11,n,·
111 1d nth. r
p u h 1 1 ,h..r t1f /',·,,0111u-..
rnaga1 1 no•i,. 1 ·,,uld 111,1 ha\, ht+u)!ht th 1, k111d
uf publu 1 1 , at an, pm·•· \ I th,· 111.itm,·,
,huwmi: tlw rla� lwfun 11 ..., a, w 1 1,•d tlwn
n>Uldn 't ha,, ht·,• n mur• lllltn \l) P• ,,pit ,II
t h 1 • th1•at,•r
\\ haL 1, 11 Lhal , auwd th,· t II� to 1 111111
(1 v, n -.c, ht> a,1 un th1, n1111 ·• •\ f\l•r all 1 I
.... a� �ho...,111)! 1 n th1• 1 ·,1rn hat /,un,·. v, h,·n·
film� dt'pn·t i n� a, t, ,,f ra1w. 1 1 111, l t '• ural
"''· mul 1 lat11 111. ann •;udunl\ an· ,hu.,.,n
houri} ,\11 1 ; u ,·r1u n1 • did v,a, tu put th,·m
all 111 on(' film ,\!i a 1·un,unwr . 1 1 v,3<, nw,·
lo <;all• • I of that mono•\ and Ju,t pa\ fur
Thi• r.lm 1 1-..•lf ha, .t ,trang,· h1,lt1r.
'u/11,!ufa 1 1
On)!inall� tlll,•d . ( ;ur, \ ufo/ ', (
flllath canw out as Cullj!ull1. 1'h 1i. uc,·ur,·d
.,.,h,•n . afln 11 t'Wl1\)! th,• final prudu,·l. \lr
Otht'r, 1 1ndud1111! dm•ctor
\ 1 d11l n i:•d
J ',nto Rrass l dt>ff'<"lt'd from th,• film al.;o .
making for somt• vN� �lran1w 1·n•d 1 h 1 •·
· · pd11ing b, thP produc-t1u n· • ·

lsth t • mu\ 11' l l1il-'1f 1< 0rth\ uf ,, , 11...,ir.h 1p
though" '
( ;rantt·d. th,·r,· an• man1 i,(raphu ,n·n,.,
of ...,, , and ,• ,tn•nH' 11uh•rw1• \rtnr, ar,•
conSl.antl� rkp1ct1·d a, ht•1!11! !)t'h,•ad,·d
('11strat1•d. mutdau·d l,r d 1s,·m hl.J v,l'l,·d -... . ,
occurs (rt'l'I� . opt-nl} and ufwn
Thi• actual Cahgula ...,a� fourth III th,
lmt' of lht' much hProlrh·d r .... ..lH• Ca,•,
Il ls rl'1gn. from .17 lu I \ .-\ IJ . was on,·
fillt<d v,• 1t h lt'rrur and dt>pra\l l} Th,· '-(."rt••·n
�huv,, th1s m full dt'la 1 I. and that ,, 1<h1·n
tht> problt>rn hf'�
,\n�ont • .,., ho ha, ,•\,·r r,•ad Huht r l


._, · ·-·
•' \,
· " '- • . -,
. , • ' _, r.r� • ..

, ,._,_ • '

l,r.iH·, 11 011'1 ,_ ( ·w u,!,u - ,, ·.-di dY.dfl .,f
1t1 1• a1 L 1un, and pt•N•llll! l t\ 1 ,f t "ahiut .. J l ld
h " pro•d,•ro·,
..i,r. f1 b,·rnh t ,n11,,, l,-a1,·, 111,
dt>Ubt a., lll "tllll•· of th,· a, l l Olh uf t 11,- ._,
tl't o I\ rant .. l"h,· knt1,h L t-h·11,10n ....-n,-, ,,f
th, ,11.rn,· n;im, iun·d t v, u ,· 1un l'H, 1
duri n\! th,• p;ist \ l't u 1,-ar.,. al5,0 j!_.i11t• 11,
\1,,.,.,,-r, .i, f>t·,·k at .... hat .b,•hind-tht' ..,. ,,n, ,
Hom,· v.a, rn
,111 hk, \�ha! (,ra1,•, a11d th,
HK\ ' �<IH' u, ...,a:,. fur 1h, mu,t part
h1:,l1H l l all1 act:urat,•, ,rnd 1f .,., , :al.,· v, hat I'
j! l l l'll u,. .... ,. \,ill 1 11\ai,(llh what oth .. .
,.trunti,•, on·urt ·d ( ,uC't· 1 un+· l,•a\r1, u" v.1\h
no ,u,pt•fl<ot• Lu hni,(o•r fur ht• �huv., u1, all
t-rom thl' d,-no v. ,
•nng uf a bnd,• and
)!roum llll lht-1r v,,•ddmi,( ll lj!.hl, l.J l,·,b 1an
Im,· "l'l'lh'' and a 11 1 11,ht 111 b,·f'I ... ,th { ahl!Uld
;iud h 1 , hur-..·. ('ulltulll hold, 11uLh 1 t1j! b11.1·k
\\ ,, .trt J10v. 1 1 th,• hluod and j!ort· ..., , "'''

1111, ,1 1 111·, no..., LIii! ,,ut 1 1f a )!Uard, )luma1·h
.... , l l•""'- 11 1'):it1rll' hi th,• a,·tun. and
,1c-lf•' J>.W'- \\,• ,�.in -..- nd our 1m11.g111
f,ir lv.u ;ind un,· half huuri.. b,·,·au',(· uur
If II JJl'f)Orl ll> ): 1 1 1 '11 h1r,b a:- lo th,· di tUdl
d1•1,r;i1 1 t\ uf a d 1 .tr<1\l.-r. d l 11I l t-a 1 1 , th,
th,•at•·r l-.111,...,111c that th,•r•· v,a, mun· t,, th,
film that rm·,·t.:. th,· ,·11 lhat 11, an·,·ptahl,
Hut Y. tl t' n th,• rl1r,·1t,H takt•, lht• 1 u•v.1•t
111,·r th, h 1 w , from th,• 1 nf,·rn•d 1,, th,
.tt" lual r1u,-, that mak,· a lan!• d 1ff,•r, nn · •

\\hdl t ,1, .1. r..111 u1f, r ,, .ti! , ,plu1t
panurama ,,f rt,·, arh- 1H • \ .ir•t1t1• ..,,,ua,
"'" m.tll \ f,.irrn, ,,f mut 1 l.i11un and .t
plt ' lh 1 1ra .,f madn,·-.. h port,., \ , c1 I f un,

I, .ti,•, f,, Im): ,ho• ""d
-..tdd, n,-d .inrl
horn fwd thJI m 1),!nt bt lh, -..tlllt Tl'J' tu,n
t•ll• v.oulr. .!• I b� , 1 th1•r fl ad1 ni: IH h1·ar1 1111.
.. •d� and 0t•oph• If a d 1 rn tur
11f th,• -.a,n,· d ,
tn,· d 111 -.hn1< th,· Human� m all .,f th, H
i:1�,n. 1< 1th ,.., ( a5...,1unal ,, ""'"' of ,11 u, I,,
,uw m 1 i,(hl -.11qll fur""' th,· bad antl 1d,•nt1 h
v, tth tho· bt·,L l,un·1 mw j?l\,• , u,th• u,
JII of II• i:lol'\ an d h,d.., n,,n, ,,f II 1< 1 \h
But v, h , 1 1, 1 u d..t,· rmm, .. hat 1,
r,·,p,.•( t;i hl,· fur ,u-1<111� ·, \fam t'\1'1'\ th11111,
that .,.,a, portra,,·d 1n , ·u1u;1.1. la
.ipp,.·ar,·r1 1 11 nu,l•·;;,u;oLh,·r klrn,_ 1 , I u.,t
foi!J,!o /11 l'ur,, , :11,,· v, --udom\ . 7"4. J,,. 1 /lm.l!
.. / ....1.,1, , (;,-.,,-c,· ,twv,,•d l,-,b1 a 11 1,m , rn\>t
ha, d1•f 1 11 1to·l� ht•,·u u11·rrlun,•. and almo,1
no·I'\ U l!rad,· hurr,,r film ,hnv,, mu1 1 la1 1 u 1 1
, rn, / ',·.HJ' f ' lum, �w, \/<J,..arr, I ll-•I
l/,,u:,,1• ,,11 //1 , / ,·{/1 l f im,·or t v, ,1 furm , of
d, ·prn,1 t, ,an h, ;illo..., ,
•d. Y. 11 \ nut ha1,•
th,•m ;ill"'

\, ,·om,•d i.1 1 1 !nm :--mt•th,•r, ha,,uu,-d
\ 1 1u rluu ·1 Ilk, v, hat\ o n . ,hanJ:r th,·
,t.at1 un l'h,· h,·,t v. a1 tu f1)!h! and uppu-. ,1
f i lm ,urn a, ( 'ulu!11!ll 1 , 1 ,,mph 1wil,•, t 1 1
!' h,· ad\1·rt 1 , 1 1 1c m frunl ,,f th,. ,a, k :-ia,, ,n

1o,h, n •l .. ;i, or1 1
�mall1 �11 v.. n unld it.
w 1 1un I h.ic! nu 1·11,·tur1•\ ur \lllls from thl'
m,n 1 1 n,,thmj! rnr 11\IIIH."t'Ot \ UUllj!_ f'�(•Slu
,tao· ill I Y. hat an- lllf1HC"\'lll } OUllg t'l l'\
rlrnrtj!. .11 th,• .-.,mbat 1,uw an, 1<·a1'1 1 ',o
t 1 t 1 lalm� .1d1, r1,.., m,•nt.. appt•arrd m ma1or
nl d � d / l lW\
¥i lth
1''(('0•pt1on of
1 ,un 1 u11.- · , , . ..., n /', 11 thuu ... , \.. l n•call . nu
,,,,,. d' , ,,..t, r1 m,· un I r••mnnt Stn't'l and
f,,r, ,-,t rn, ,nto th1· Lh,•al, r I hn.,.,nn.had
: " fur,, Ill\ ,;ir111m
I h 1 , ,h,, .,., , th, 1mportam •· uf a patron
r, .. dmt? -.. 1 , nl r,-, 1 1 • v, , ,1f <1 film '\ut don,·
,unpl\ t,, "' ""..., th, r,·1 1 , ...,., , · , p,·r.onal
,,p 1 n 11,n ,,f th,• film . but tu ai.t't •nam ,u
n,nt,·rl\ 1 in, , " 1wr-11n 1 , 11war1• u f t ht'
, ,r,1, r.1 .,f .t film an1t'l1ng '-lut happt>n,
.. 1th1• . th, 1 1 + ·.it,•r 1, uf th,· patron's u ..-n
, ,1l1.:1,/a 1, h.t\ 1 11 11, t h , ·'-' attracuon
til ,1 ! / 1, •I' J fir,,uf 1,.id ....1.,ral \f'ar. back
l t. <1 1 1, , h 11 1 •1rn" \t , l \ dollar,; a th ro Y. ,
nut mat1\ p,·opl,· 1< 1 l h h 1 p buttlt>, an d
pop, 11rn ho, , , .tr• ,11t, ndmg 1-\,r four
hu, I,,, tn,-, 1-an ,L.t\ Ill th•• Pu..s, ral ('m ,.ma
.tll d,11
,,. f 'ufotuiu " atlnl" l l nJ tht'
tl: w,· pin, 1" '1 1 ,·,1,·r nul'td Wh 1 I,· mwa
11atro11, nu, J , mtu t h , \rt l"m ,. ma. peuplt>
JI th,• t"h, n art• paradm� arounrl hop1n.:
-..,nwon, th,•1 knuv. v, 111 St'(' thrm
I ,,, J.ta 1 I pan 1 1·, art ..nh1 1•nt"d b� qut>slloru
..t:1<,ut th o · film I h,· n,, ..., ,, ,t sl.alUS s1·mbul L!,
1" "'-\ that , n u -.,av, tht> f lm . ..p ci

pr,· nm(p,1· rwn
�or that n"asun . I k1·•·P
m1 -....a,.,n ,tub in m1 pt1t·kl'I ,
Jr, h1, fmal ruhni!,. 1)1)\nt'l Judg1 I-la�
Harn �talt d that altht,ugh thl' film
, untarn,·d 11ff1•11:,1 1.. ..,.., '-<"l'lll'\. lhf>fl' was a
"t'nou, p,.,h t1 1·al mr!>..�•· cun 1·1•m111g tht•
ahu ... of pov.Pr m thl' film Toan�Ont' v, h o
h a !> "t't'II t h , · film. thal mdr.-d 1 , a m1•ssagr
that l'flm, , a, ro<.,, plamh
hdd 1lw \ 1 1 ,,, uf all of tht1"t' around tht•rn 111
th,· p.tlm uf th1·1 r hand
\ �nap of th,
f1 1111,,•r, n,u1d 1·o�t II p,•r.on hi<. hf,•. 1f th,•
, rnpi•rur v,i..h,•d fh..- d,-nu1<t>nni!, of th,
tmd,· and j!roum ,•\l•mphfi, , th,, p,,v,,•r
llunul l auun. mutll:.uon and ,•1rn drath
, 1 mpl\ Lu ..at1'f� th,· ,•mpo·ror. d,•s1 n · fur
pl,•a.,urt• \ urd� alo11,• 1·uuldn ' t t-vn,,·, 1h 1 ,
f,•,•hnc but Co/lJ;! , acuon dot's
It 1 , nut knu.,.,n ,•,,11 ·11\ huv. lone
'u/U!ula -..111 bt ,hov.1111!. m B�•i.tu n. and if
,,,u mi,� II t)wr,• Y. t)!l t h,• a d,-fi111tt' \O l d I l l
11111 1 hf,· but th,•r,· ma, nt'1..r bt· anuth,·r
f i lm hJ..,- 11


Simplicity replaces creativity in Amer(can cinema


, ,111 r1♦-n, ,·, 11f h,o,rnt,
hunt, r lidlpr
l�,,r..,,n. ...., rn,·d ,,, h, 111,,r, , 1,,,...\ ,
r..l,1t, d 1., ,1.,r -.1, 1 , \!, t/u, , n · , , ..rl .
" r ·, ,. u ,.,1 •, ,i /1,a,1
\ ,, 1 , ; 1., I . • ..
1 ,.,, ,,1 1, , ,1 t, ,1 rt .1 1 1 p>i .11 1 11 .,.t, t,,r I \
'l \l!\ • \I ,.: ,1 •.t1 ,,l!lJh' l1�!,t ,p, • IJl • !I, • '
,,nd ., •11,,1, t.i•·•· tn • 11- 11,, , • t " 1 1 '.1;r,

\ 11, r11 ,1n p,· 1 .,1 ,\,t, m l\<> v. , � , r . fr,,111
· t , 1, ' hr, , \.., d , , ., r, , 1 \> • ., , ,,r,1., t111nl,·'-'
.. t11,!, •,,r •l.u 1t, ,l),rt H , df,,rd I r/->u •1
, ,,, , fl .11, (1 ,, • •thl • Ill• t<1pn,,r '.,..-Lh,
\,, ., \\,
.1 •11,, • .,•1u·al hl1ll ,11 .11 1
• , . , n11 .,,1, " '''""' · h u l 1 , 1 ► ._.,. ,,,,., ti a:1 . t
! ..1(l • •t,,hl , ! , 11 :.. . · I ' rl1 ·!!>'Jl1 f,1L1 {111Jt<> ,1
, t1' ,, ,I . , , , 111 .1il,,;r '"r .J,.hr

l.,t 11 1� 1, 1 ,I. ,11 d I l,1 • \ 1- ·,, 11 ., r ,
I I ., . . .1 1 , ri \\u•• •• 1 1 , .!! ' ,,,, ' 11 • • ,
· ·,, , ,, ,.,;lri "1'1 2r"" ,q,
, � l' , ,
,,..,,11.,'1 " l' , \n,, rl • .,1 :1.1hl , ., ·1 "' •
',,nc ,, ,l,, 11 , Jr , t .1 -. , 1 , r-1 .. r , 11 -.. 11
ti,, 1 1 •:,,.., 1 1 1,! r, ud1t 1 , ,:1 ,,1 t,·u, , t ,,.,,. ,
""I'" r· ,.,, I :11♦ ;•1• " I • , �,• !LI\ I · 11,,rl, ·•.
l .,111, , f<l,.,-..r,.
\r, U . .1 I r., •,l,.I r., 1
I .tll n ..., .11 .u,e J, . • r [ .-, 1\, .. ,1,,, r , 1 1uldr.-\
r,- d , , 111
' ti ,
Jl;. , , t
· · ·"•Ulldmj! .. ud
K l, \
llhih.trl• 1 1111! la i lur,·, "' .,11 nf th, ,unun,-r
r.-1,-a...., ,., .,, tho..., .,., h 11·h ,·,h 1 b 1 t,d th,·
,·,h.tu,w,n ••1 lr.idilt,onJI . \m,·u1·an i:.-,1r,· ,
1 , 1<1·,t,rn
/ 1 1111 1/unJ. lh, \1,.1,nturn '
\f,11 th,• mti..11 al • .\u11cd, . , th,· lu 1 ,• ,1on
,,.,,1,-\ ,u, ).-1, ,..,�,
th,• ,·ap,·r 11•01 u
1-inu�h / 'i, /,. Iii, ach, nlur,· m , 1 1 1, Ha13,•
lh•· !1tanw1. and lh, r 1 1o•, ,,f manhu,,d
rnu, 1 1· J h,,.., / 1113 /huu r ,,•_, , llf n iur-..-.
th,-.... fll. 1lur,·, b, nu mran, 1 1nal 1 d<1t,· th,--..
1?1·11r,, , _ th,· fa1lur1· 1 :, of 1h1•rn-..·h,•s. not uf
lh,•u i;,• nn �u, h fa1lun·, ,u ggt•)I that th,
-\m,•111·an fclm, for th,• mu, t part. ha,
b.·c-um,• UtJ hnj?l'f t ,,mfurt.ablt• v,orklll)!
v. . th g.. nn·• w h ,l·h ha�;- ,•Ji. 1�t.-d ,,1,.n bt·fort·
th .. of sound
J'hos.o• handful of mo\l f's ac-h1t•1 mg
1ar11•Ul 11•1 ,·ls of m,•d11K·n1, 1< 1•r1• plagut"d
b� nmn1, tmi,( mlt·nuorh
al one•·
a11 ..
mpt111g tu mnralll,· or ••Ji.amm,· th,, wa,
1 1,,•
toda\. , but �unulLan,•uush
subm1tt111g to th,· afun· nwnt,on,•d i,(rn,·ral
lUl't·,•i.s ronnul11 Th,· fin.I hour or "u 11f
Hrubakt •r y,a_ thf' tnO\I P'--'"" nfull\ l.-1\!,t• ,,r
all of th,• ,umm1·r ·, r.•l1 •bo·, in ,u

•.,. ,,r,., '" •T,l l '!o l f<·fl
ri' ,tl 1.,,., .,, -.. ,tt 01,
· •,, l, r1 1 111 t h,
, .,,,.. , ' I , .,,t ,h, - t ..1 .,
1\ 1 111
\\, < -.1 " ·' l, · 1 11 ,1u,H, d ,,11! "'
\r,·, r , .,, ,�.,2,t ;,,,p , .-1 h 1 l1t\ t h .tt ,t
., 1 t, 11,:,t.,1 '.• , , .,n i·, I ._ ,,, . , .,.,11,.t1 v .1
,, ... •11 ,1 II\ . I ncl 1 ,I\ d.r,·• t,11 ..

1:1 .tr1 •
\I.I!, ! ',,, t, , 11 ,. ,,1bf1 ,, I\ .,,-11 ,1,., 111 1i..1t ,1 I.
,\ , I I, .... , 1 1,, I ,·r\ b.11 .,I' to, I • \\ pn,du, 1,,,n
1 1 umh• ,,. , ,-nt, r,·d .ti th '- • ..., 'I url,, lhl!h
-.... houl 1nr !h o • l',-r1urm 1 11i: ,\rh. but Inst u,
,p.srJ.. .,, 11 r,•,nrt, r1 t•> �hov. bit d 1l·h,•,
v, h 11·h II r11•11h,·r ,,,cpar1d,•d nnr 1-,plod1•d
\r, u,,.J,;,?uu r,I ,·,,1u ,-rn,·d ,t.. ,•lf .,.,,th h1�h
" nnnl bull11,m but ..., .,\ Lou roundabout
, , .i m 1 n a t 1 i n
I n 1· t' d l 1•ss l 1·
1111,1rµur11t1n11, rn,·rl' llt·" \1' 1•n1•� v. 1 th !ht•
.t,._-..-d \Ullth"� fatht'f and vandmoth,·rl.
1111d 1 1.S u l 11 m:i\,• p,11 11t v.a)a11 too � 1mpl 1 ,tu·
dUd n,,t 1,•f\ t·unU11t•ndabl1• (\1 oh•l1l"•• a� a
,·un-al t l m .in\ 1·a:-o·
Of ,thul>l· !,Im� ri•l1•a....,·d th 1 " :,umm,·r
..., h 1l·h mam•�rd to l!t'lll'ralf' fnorabl,. 11r
uni} lu a ,mall d,•�ft'l ' l Cl"l l l l"al 1 111.en·st.
onl, \\alll' r It.It\ br1 lhan1 chrun1dr of lh 1 ·
fin�[ da , � o f th , Jitnlt'S 'I oungl ·r gang. Thr
1 1,111: UuJ,,r). _,J:ould bt• cons1dt>rt>d a
1·ru.,., nmt,: a,·h 1t•11•m1•nt of lht• Hoth woud
mal·h,n,• Paramount'� ,\ 1rplane 1 , .,;,.r1tt1• n
and dm •t'tt'd b� Ji m Abraham:, and J1:rn
.. 11d Ua1 1 d i'.uck1 •r, was h1•r11.ld1•d mort• f0r
1 t.:. h1j:!h t'f\1•'¥,� parud} of d1sa.slt•r l!lO\'ll'1i
than for an� arLJsllc m..ri t.. S1rtmg Uurks, a
minor 1nd,.pt-nd.. nl m11\ 1f' wnll.t'n and
I " · • ,! ' , < .1• !
, ' ' ;•"! ' , 1 • . •,

See page 1




l)lt' Ht'\I ulll' "" lll l(l'l II
-..,11,nal ,h1,b uf nud,!,
,11, 1nL,·n•,t,·d h,·t111 , , ,1
,tlH �uppli,•� llt>lll' u f
-.i-n appi•an. II. !<> a lu�h
lU"-' daughl,•t ""a:l. kdJ.-d
.nal \t'ill", rarl11 ·r nw
murd.. n. of , 11,·h uf lh,•
, with ttw 1!1rl wh,•n :loh,

(' urt1� ,tar�. aru\ , uu
at ,h,· had j;!Ul h,•r- 111
f',t', ht'l!ll! a JltOm, Lh,·n
·,·n,· and dunnj! 11 t'h.:b
1cl,•rful 11t·"" of & mod,•rn
wd t u b ,• th,• fir-,t 110111·
dr1H' 111. /'rum \' �hr 1� ,1
nt fur drupprne uul of

11f light app,·ar, from
• ll11·kinson I\ �1•11 111 a

,onth, and 1
11,mth, ,d
11,· 1i,•..., in�. -.onwlh1nc
,·.,�·d Tt1 K1!/ J ust11:> la:!o1
,n,· had to ,,t thrnu1:h
11 , · n . a11d \�ht W11V,'
l ,:Hn1 . d, -.U I\ .... a, Liu,

'/ ,all,•d fur l\\u 11,•v.1111:,
rw I wa,n 't :l,llrt' .,.,h,•tlwr
1•a11 film HII It� 0 11, n , UI
1:uod aft,·r Lhn·,· mo11th,
, ,n·ond -.ho .... mc I ,,.a,
, uul1 �•H>d ,m 11, u\\o

�111 . trur 1<, lwr · 1•11111·•·
a1·1 111 411. hut ,up+•rb
!\ari.-, .\11 irnd .\11d1a, ·I
11 ,,., a!> tw1
L•·r than f//,
t hroul:111 th1, r11n: up to
ma took l i ltc ht·od. on,•
1� film i\ h1I,• !ht• • �fa:.l!•r'
lllUll run .... 11d . Dt-l'alma
uf th,· blood and gur1• ·
,hvuld ha1t• i:
uod m 1.1>1 < ,
th,· mu, 11• " a-' t'XN!lknt
ft·n·d throuj!h an,· 11f th,·
! fil m, \" UU UWl' \ ;_,Urwl f a
H d , ,,, d1•fo111t•h· -..•◄• th1�
1 11 ·1

.:11 Sp1o·lh..r� :. UJ.I I :.huuld
,, bt• i:mninj! uf lh.- 1 ·1HI f1H
id m<whirw · · Aft,·r all.
Lut'<h and I N • Palma. 1,
· , , f lh,· film i.:1•11,·ralu,n ' ,
·arl1o•r ( "(.,., F11nm11t,·r:; of
l I �II ' ; I ,,.,a� a bnll1ant l)lt'I"•
l,!.1·nl"ap,u tat111i: 1•q•n thmi:
111 -\rn 1 ·r11·:i 11 ,·1rwrna
and full uf II IU\,• ,if
; o ,hon , ,-ar� lat.•r. 19-11
•H·r� thin!! d1�1
11al 11b<>u1
hlual,·d 111H1
dtnv. o;a ur l1k,
l\1lll, l'< uod
uf 1 L, own 1"'\("1 •:.,...:.. th,•
1ww Amn1ean nrwma ma,
Ont·(' fri·t·d uf Uh·
(! on th1 •m b, th,· lllll'hlrlt",
nal-.,·r� :.ul"h a:. :- p1,•lb..-ri:
o;)llflll�l11·all, ,11- .... ,·d lh a
m :-icun.,•M· Hobt•rl Allma1•.
!'au[ Schrad,·r. 1" 1·rn•n,·,·
nc·1� l'oppol11 I whu throui.:h
•·•·••!>:. ha:, 111·h1,,, .d II c,·rt.arn
11dt'n1·.- wHh h,s prudul·tmn

1·nt"an /, N,trupt• i and , · , ,
t·t·tur� l1k1• Alan Pakula.
II', Willuun �·rit>dkrn. Ph1l1p
A. hby m1i:ht fun11 a strnng.
111,•ma. l1k1• lh11t o f Lh,- W1 \I
:.b1ndn. llt•r
1u". W,•nd,•r,,,.
StraubJ 11nd th,· rap1dh
Mntl1an., 1\\,•1r . H1·rr),,({urd
n a t ional 1·rn1•m.i u n1Lrd b,
!ari,·, rnlh,·r !han bu�1n,•��
, th,• 111111, l'<ond rnad1 111t
1k.- !{and:11 1-\1 1•1:>t'r 1(;r,•1hc",
and ,Jnhn Landi- 1 \ a fuma/
i,,.,,c/ llou,,.·. Hlu,•� IJruth,•rs ,
It 0111, hit,t,·11� I L 1rnp,·nd111}!
II lht• d+·.tth of llnl:, l'. 1M>d
b1rth uf a 'lt " l'o Am,·ru llll
.,, )h11uld h11p,· fur
p.•rh.ip) v
oppola\ 1 ,hra:-, • 1 apo,·111\ µw

"It ' s just a shirt "
by �ma Gael.a
('aul1u11 J lw \,•" ' urk \ an l-.,·,·, ma�
..arduu� tu , uur lwalth
h. . ha1
Wh,·n Kl•�g11• 1,ut, 111 th,• pni...1r1p,•,
outfi.- ld,·r- j!n,an \\ twn l\u, 1-. , ,,., ,,ar- tlir
thrn bhw hn,·, . 1'. tHll!'ll ,,,., , ,on i\h,·n J
ildorn '""" ,um•· ,tnp,·,. p,·11ph ,huut rn,·
1u1 1 k , 1u i..111. .il l,·, 1 ,1 11 1111,lnn
, u p pn-..
I ,Ju111ld
l!r • •
llut l-.1!f<1l111d ,,11 lhll< Ill\ f
r,•r, • lo\,tll\ t,,
Ill\ '1 ,1111,.,, ,t,irt ,t;irh·d Yn t'l,,I , fll!hl
lo, all, \., ,11\ ,t11r! 11 .. 1 th, : , · .,m I .,,
1-. un ., H, c 1•1 • fr,,m \llHlitlll ,11 d 1\111 l,. 1 l'n
)11, ,' 1 ,,ml"'" t,r,11,,i rh, r, ,1 • 1t,, L,·.1111 • .,
1t " •' ' ,l '.ut \ .1 .:u,t ,1.,. th, 1-. i nd ,.f d,,.
l'. ! 11 , t•r• .1: 1.11 _ ,, 1'.i,1:l°JI .,,.,J fl11 · , _, I .,.
p, .. pl, ·, 11, n , · , 111.,r, 1 1 ,,ni ,i...u,,1 I h, t. !H1
,,� dd1 ,u I r • .r,c , ,,ui,t h,,pp, 11
\\ I h1r1ti r l .1 1 1 ., . . . 111 , , ,.. , . 1,., ,, ,, , , . \ I .
I n , nrl l,111, t .,1,rl ! " ' n _,,uth • ! I \1.1,•
\,,·1w, 11 \rl111�11111 11!1t 1: ,h,· ,,,),·d m,
l'. )1.s! I -.. .1111, d fur 11n h1rthda1 I hJt ,
"h, 11 ! 1,,-t m, 1n 1 nd i,,r J "' ' 1111d
d,,n t
,,i,,. 111, 1,h,·r• I\ ..... lit hut -.arnl\ ·'"' llttl
I'. 1th tllt thd! l!lll\Ul, I lum, <f 111\ h,·,trd i1Ud
l"h,• :--h1rt l'. ,1 ,!!lllk! up rrt nuh
I h,· IHI\\ hlu,· ,•mbl, m
l·frr1 :--.. , 1 1111
rt•i11·h,•d uul ,1rul ;:rnbb,·rl 1111• l ho• ,I,-, k
pmk ,1n1wd hlu,· 1111,·, l'o11 111rl rn,,11 h .ir1,
parr ,,f J•· .i n , I uv.rwrl " ' ] l'< .t nt !hat th,
Y11nk,·,· � h1rt
Jarwt JU\I uudd,·cl "1th ., , uu'II h,·
,011wd11, ·· lu•il-.
!h•· -./11r1 l'< .t •
�h t:urtt1da\ , a111,· and 1'.t> llt � ,·ah I !,!<>I
th1 • u·wal ,tuff . I l'.j1, ltapp, to n al"h 1 ·
rnll1ona1 drmkml! a�•· a, ,-ra�,· uf :.!l kul
""1Th' ht1 1'o ]l11 -"tnrl n.i,twd Ill m, nlllH�
I had rw1 .. .,, n .J;,1wt clun11g 1h,• l'< ,•,·1-.
that fullo,,.,,,•d m, t11rthdi.1 bo·1au-..· ,h1· 1\:t,
,1�1tlnl! n·1at 1 1,•� 111 \1·"
YPrk il!Hi
Ph!larh-iph1a \\ twn ,tu· arm,•d back in
A Kl1111{to:1 , ,h,• c·alh•d nw and -..ud ,h.- had
,,.,11., 1t·1
,,.1rn,·th1111: for m,·. ( "oulrl ti b;• ·•

New faces in sports

.\ah. i>h1· ' d n.-q•r n-nwmbt-r l"h.. :--h1rt
'-tit' did Wrap?(•d 111 down pap,·r 111 an
athl;• 111· ,hurt) ho'= la._ J'h.- �h1rt t lh !I ,,.,a,
bt•au11ful. l'h1• Shin. and I Th,· ..;h,n 1,
� nouj!h. l.01,• of Shirt 1 " a ' th, pruurl
ul'on,•r vf ;1 Y.inlw,· pm ,Lr1p,,.
u ,
m,,�n�1: �r�u�� ,
:��:. � y
\h u m I, ,111pp,•d rn,· . hlu, 1,., "'"a' tr. . o
m, h,,u .. II, ,4u1111,·d .11th,· ,·'l1hl, 111. 1 1,
1, ,u,·h,·d IIH· f.ihr11· ,,11 Ill\ ,11, "ilcl, r ! i , 1,,1d
Ill • I v..1, , r
J/1 I 1:dJur11,·d ! , , ,1,· 1• ( 1



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' !1 ,11 • · r , ,,,1, ,m.,11 p·.•111,. hr.,I,.,, 11 1 ·1 .. �

hr• .,i,.1•,� I • , "!'1
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,, .,r, I c• 1 d ""It ,di.,11, I t1r... 11111, I " ·'
,,p,·111 t,, .. ..-o l: 1--.,, d .il ,tn d l,!lo1n·r!.it
I r, ddh fl 1,,v.11 .I! ,,11, p1,,·, t ';1m!H1d�,
-.11,·, l h;1, I I , ,h,,n .. 1 1,,cr,1 1 \ h . JIU! ,·1,·r.
,11,· ,,f 1
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,,1,·r 1,, 1111 and ;t \1111J,t 1nt,,,11..1 t , · c l m , 1,1111
111, t ;11111 . th,· Yan I-.,·,·� ,u, · k · 1 11,.,;n r
l l-.11,·" 'Ah.ii I "li' 1•> 1111! v. /\o'11 I put l h,·
-.hi rt 1111 ... , ! rnu,t,., th, ,,,ri,,,• 4 u,·111 , ,
Huntll!II! JHlt• tlu l{ 1 tlct•l'< .t\ llllddrnc I
,11mu,1 krllt·d an un)u,p,t ttnl! ...-111,,r
l'<altllll! Ln h,111· h1, pw\ur,• tak,•n · ·1\h
1 . . ,d . ,IH ', d 'l.,nl-.,·, • · · I I ,· m11, ha,, hur-1
uu! rn me l ,,.,.1� h11!h L.:11l1nc 11 1111,, ,,11, ,,f
I th,iuj!hl l ...,a,, I h,•i:;in l.., r, l,1\ (
, u11)!ratul,!l,·d m, .... 1 r fur l'< •·armc 1 h,
"h1n · ·You ·". )!11! J !ut . , f aw n ,-." 1,n, c u ,
'cllrl a , h,· ,tut·k h1, tw ilrl m, 1 d,· th, r l t � , r
· · \ ln t o f r w n , ·
l' h,• d a � pru.:n·,�• d qui, 1,.,1 ,
\ ,fl•·r 1hal
dnd l l'<atlt·d fvr m} nd, l .-1 , 111,1 ,J, h,• . ,
· ,
;i du· h11rd :--,J\ ran, and hh ••·rnarl,.,, , t huul
luntmued 1 0 l"'!l� 1 7





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IJ\ Jul' ( ' oughllll
- ]Jiira l- allun . a tran,f, , ,tud,·111 frum
\la,-.a,·hu-..,11 , I nl\1·r-n1
"111 ht- on•· of th,· ,,. " fan•, aruund :-,uffolk
th1, � all .,, ho .. hl'", prunu.-.t" uf tllilkllll! 1!11,
,pon� ..,.a,o n �••r. ntt'n'\lUJI!

· · [Jara l-illlvn " ' II prubabh ht· d.'
,·nrnpd1t1H· . .1, 11 tup n,,t11·h rur:n,•r. ..
.. n � um· m D1,1,1on thn·,· thil! ,,., ,. "di b,­
romp,•1111� al!lHTht · �id Cro::.� l'ountr.
l uadl Rdt� [ ) 1', \ l'f. ltHTinll' llll!lj! un hr,
r, 1 ru11 "II,• 1 , q u u ,• 11 runn,•r · ·
10 '

a f:,'.� n�, :�:::! � ;�ir�:t�,� :-���... \�eh
'>('hool. to hdp th, L,•am · Ja( k 1, romrnl(
fru ":1 a n-al good pru�ram at ,\rlml!tun
t ' athulrr and -..hould h, u.-. uut · ·
Tht· l'111,, l"uuntn ! ,·a·n 1, ha\lH� "
nwt'ling on Th .1r-rl11\ and l)w, ,·r "' v,ould
".-konlt' th•· add1uun uf a/l\ Ul\t" ·· ( l,,., � ,·r
L still waurng tu h,
•ar frnm ....,11·ral runntr­
""'"" ha1.- P'\pn·,
..,.·d mt,·n•,1 1n th1·
p rugrarn "'Th.. lo._.., nf Hr1an Hur1r, , frurn
111',I \t•ar- ..quad1 ·o,uld bo · ,1b,.. 1rbt·d b,
il 'l : •Hll' ,trll "
[ 1 ,.,. , .-r "t•ula al -.u hi,.,, _,,m, mon,·n r u n n ,•r., tu Jt11n \ ,·t,•ran, karb,u..
fit-an and D,·bb1, liurk. 11• md,·r tha1 J
! h, L 1 ·1t111 1, -... h, rlul..-d t,1 rJn !h, ,r fr-!
fill, I
d \ ! d l rl • I
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\\.,m, 11", l,•1 111, l < >,ul, l '., ·1 I{"" .,.,,
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,1111 l n ;1! .. , , , r il, r \ , .1 1 •1 ·!1,, . . ,, ... , ... I r.r, ,
1 r,·,t · rn , · n \l.irt.1 1 <1r1 ,
1 , ,., t r,,,t,11·
., d l'.111, -.1.,n,1., • .11 ·11,11r, . 1! H , ,-. .
. ,I
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, , , , !1 :, 1 l!f""
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,·,.! t,.,, i,.r.. d
, l , 1,:11, ., . d "

.,,, •,_,, , · ; ,
1 "" : r.,n -f, r l .H\• .\ .1
' i " • t 1 i: t · . l,111,, l , r ,
\:1 • '!,
,1 ,, I ,,ur, n f;,,udr, .111 l r, , • r \! .,...-., , , ·
I ,111111n11,1•, I , ,ii,·!!• l"1!h u" ('..• ·,,,, p, 1
"' n , .... ti t ., ,,.,,,1d pr,11, l" I• ,Ill ., ..... l ' "
111 • t, ,, m ]l,,1h ,I I • ., r. ,1r, ,11i: ,1111: '1,,,,
,1..,-1 ,tr,,1-., , ·" , , •�d 1 11.: 1,, 1(. ,-.1 .. 1 ,

'orwi:l�d ro .J 11e,,,.,, �,1son



"h,1p.-, lei ..,. , th,· l'< t imrn l'<tlfk un
P Jlhhlo·llt"\ dlld ,om,• rwt pla\ 1101'. .
l ,ina l ,;, fn,rn �.a,1 Bo,tun "a'
<1!'uth,·r :1t " ' "!11' r f.,r K""I · · \llhuu.:h
,lh n.1., •1,· , .,r p!a, ,·rl n•mp,·1111,,· 1, 11111,

:... t,,r, tt>, 1111, n·,t 1, tn,•r, .111d ,h, ,1u11rl
r-,·lp 1 h • t, .1m ..,_,1rl H«,,1
\, \L:11h.1 · n . , ' " , .,pl.1!1l . .1 la,t
-,-,1.,,11 · • .- ,,111, 1. , t>.. ,i,,,, t h.ill \ • <1!11 ,, ,ti..,.,
.,,. ·•I! t, r,•1., ,, I n tr·:, ,,·,,-..,1· l{.,.__,1
, \l:·1,'1 ,,· .· • ;1r , " , , , " i l l " n, ., du,,
;• ,r;,,,.. h\ •,. ,p r.,• lh• ; , I'.'''' t, .uu ,!IHi
.11-- - � • • : • • .: h r 1' - �l.ll" l • •! l!1,· h,1,l-., · h.1ll

I • t' ,1. ,: , r, !,Hl, I I! pl,n • I , , r
' 1 , • .11•, : h , , , , . , r , , 'I h, "' • l l l t o l I ,,1r,1111,
\1, .-,u, l'.1m "'1t , i,,..,,, ,k, ,,1,, , ., l'l,,1. , 1 u1,
o•l \ • ·..r� • • .till J• .t• • •l fh • " •111\ ,, 11ri, , 1ti,·<\
,1· ,,h,·IJh • �tt• -' Ill fo l !,f!, l!11, " ,1 .. ,1
I t1o 1,·n1,,, 1t ,1111 1
•r,,, 111·• , ,·1 , n 11.1\
' r • •!II i
pm ,HIii 'l, ' ,\ m, !tll>t•I"", Jf• ., \\J\'
" ,·I, , ,111, .h , ,,r , 1,11� r,, I{, ,�,1 111, t, .1111 v. 1 1
! , n , 1 · r f r , 1 T,.,1 t , " ' ' - .. p t , mt>< r ! .. .ii
, ·
1..1 -.,111,

Notes From The
Athletic Office
I ntramu ral 6-man flag footbal l . Roster
avai lable at the Athletic Office, 1 00
Charles R iver Plaza. Roster dead l i ne
Wednesday, September 1 7.
Varsity Golf team Meeting Thursday,
September 1 8 1 :00 PM at the Athletic
Office. New candidates welcome.
Cross Cou nt ry team Meeting Tuesday,
September 1 6, 1 :00 PM at the Athletic
Office. New cand idates welcome.
Women's tennis practice, Monday
through Friday 3 to 5 PM at the Charles
River Park Tennis Club. Sign u p at the
Athletic Office.
Varsity Hockey Team Meeting Thursday,
September 1 8 1 :00 PM Fenton, 337.