File #4116: "Suffolk Journal_1980Sep04.pdf"




or-h•agu1· r,•curd
• :,1·an. ofsmking

1lchn Wllh mOrl'
for fiv1• s1•asons''

inner up for lh1·
Play,•r award four



llt Dat11l'I II 1'1•rlrm111 ha.� b,·,·n narn,·d
"uffoH, l mwr..ll� \ ,1 ·1,·nth rn·,1d,·nt
P.-rlman ,...a, d1u:-0·11 aft+·r J "' rnoulh
llilllUll·Wldt• w:i.rc-h Ill \I, hwh ,urn,· I �.o
ll\ ltw
l'ri·,101·11llal :--,,•an h l\1111m1IL+·•· 11':-,(·1 lh,
1' . ...r· ,..a, mad, upvf fa1·ult\ m,·mtkr-lrum
, .i.-11 .,f th, l :111,·r,111 ·, ,, houl ,tud,•w
1,•J(kr-. Lru,1i·,·-. and 111111111:1
.. 11,11,u1" ,·rn,·n1
.. 1 th,
t <1/Hnllllt't' lh•c·1,u11 U'I j ndal
!" 11. -.uf1ul!
I 1111..r,111 ,tUd1lonu111
l'h111rn 1 1•n of ,...;uffnll,, l 1111..r,1I\ ·, Buc1rdol
I ru,tt·,·, \ 1nu·r11 \ I· ulnwr d\·,1·ntwd
l'n!nrnn a,.! ··,·n,·11?•·t11 d1amp1u11 uf urbau
•·tlu, dt11,•1 ,·mm1rw11ll1
qual1f1o•d In
ha,·k�ruund and ,•,r1o·n,· 11n· tu l,·ad !--uff.Jll,
durin� ht• IY�o· ....
Th,· matonl\ uf l'••rlman ·, a,·ad,•11111

•'Xl"·n,·nn· ha., takt·n pla1·,· al Hon-.t•11'1t
I 11111•r.-11� 111 ('h1cagu an 111:.t11uuon 11,/11d 1
h, t1a., b,Tll affll1aL,·d \l,'llh for ulmo,1
tw,•111� 1,•ar, ROVM'\'t•I! hkt· :--uffulk 1, a
\tnall pn\al>·. urban m,-lllullurt. It d111,...,
11:.· stud,,m,, pnrnanl� from 1-c1111111ut,·r
�tudt'nLl. from th1· Chu.:agu an a
r'nlman wa� unl1I h,� n,,,.., 11pr,.1111tnwnt
\ 1c,· Prt's1dP11l for adm1n1stral11)11 at
!>urm� his duration al tlw
un 1vt>r..1t� h,· ht•ld a numbl·r of ac·ad1·m1l


f ,. .

I\\\\�- -


l1ft.t-d otJ\ uf th1•
:1 .. a:. Hill i·mploy!,
rd each bulh,•fs
h of lhr gan�
11ch 11111 borrow:,.
r, Sarn l't•ekinpah
,h1rr flrl'{"l•dt-:.l'ach
lmg lht•m from th,,
, makmi:1•ach shot
I ac<:t•nluah•� th,•
,. outlaw:,. ,\formal
1urmal p1•opl,•, but
riut1u11 gunf1n• tu
l :, i:-um,hut .,,. hu:,1•
Lh .. urw .,,.h1t'h k1lb
gunman Uub 1-urd
I'll Ill Jaml·�· UV. n
a-.ampl1·r b.•;mni:
Our /lorn, •· Ill,·
ut llll'all th,· d,·alh
I unl'll '>l'r\'I'' lO
and N.1,1,·r1 pr111 1 ,•
...,tll probabl, b,•
'"•'ri, � th,, ;,i:qu.. J
Im of 11 1 t tin:1• and
1a · s rl'iurn tu th,•
lt11• first cin1•mat1c


and 11dmrnislralL\'t' posiuons. Pt•rlman was



SIJF F(),1 \ JOIJl2�4l

unal L,•11.j;!m
1n !!,+77''


1617) 723 .4"100 11323

seventh president

r('c·omnlt'nd,·d fur th,· lkhlllOII ,,1 th,•
Suffolk pn•,11l,·nn h, th•· ,\m,·nran
1· oun,·•I on f-.du,·at1vn l'hn·,·, ,•ar, al!o ht·
wn1•d a., a ,p,•qal a.,�1,1ar11 to tlw d1•pUt\
•·11mrn1,..-.,,11,·r f,,r hll!h,•r and 1 1mtrnu1rl1,!
•·d\tt 'all<lll 111 111, I .., .,ffi, +· nf ,·nu, ,Hll>ll Ill
111 l'f, _ t1, ,1,,1-. ,,I,, l•·d 11111· uf 111
JI .irl,•11111
, 11 11 !' ,i 1 .. r,
.id111111a.1rat1,111 to, lilt \111,·rl'illl l ,1u1111I
,,r1 ,·dlhat1011 lh1r1111! hi, o mplu\!lll'Jll .it
l<,Hl'>l'\l'il h,· ha, l!al11t·d 1tllt'11Ll,,n lur 111,
und,•r.-t:mdml! <11 !fl, urha11 un111·r-.1t,
1 nc l u d 1 J11!
t 1H.,r .. ·1c1I
prucra11 1
rl ,. \ ,. t" fl Ill+' Ill
lulll! rani:,· pliillllllll!
1n,t1tu111,nc1I r,..,•iJrd1 and C•l\•·rnnwnr
ha, .ti�" ..,.n,·d .t• "

n·pn·...,•ntal,,,, lu th,· ,,111u11.1I \ --.,11·1<1tiu11
••f trHl••1>,•11d,·11t t',,l!qtn al)cl I 1111,·r.111,·,
ta:.\.. fur,.. · for urban a11d h11!hn ,·du,·at1011.
Durwi: tu, ;11111ou1w,·rn,·11t I- ulnwr -.aal.
"!Jr 1',·rlman ·, 11u·h11, 4ual1te,•, ,,� rnmd
J.lld ha:, Ull1'11mprorn1,1n.: .... n... Ill Ill,· f1r.t
rat,• l,·d tu h1, uua1 1 1n111u, ,·1t-, t11111 tn th,
I ru,,,. ,., nw huard ..._.,., Dr l',•rlman J.� .i
d,.,tlllRUbllt'd ,·hu1n' l<> 111oh1lu. ,· th,•
fa\·ul\1 ,,(f,)tl m furth..r1111: Lh,· tJn i!"ll11:
dn,,· f,ir 411al111 1:1 th,· und,·rcrnduat,· and
pruf\•SSIUll.11 pru�rarn., uf th,· UlllH'f",lt\ ..

Ashburton renovation injury
hy �ma c;aeta
t'ot1'lrlll'lt011 ,u1.:mu,, .1: -,uff,.1�,
\..hhurl1m l'IJtT b111ldmc 1,1llt1\\lllC d
r,·tt'!\I .lt'l'ld,·nl th,tl "'rll ,,n, mau tn !ht•
t',11hlnw!11111 1<•,r�,·r H,,h,·n \l,,ri1 11<a-.
11,,ir�1ni.: ..11 ih,· �rounci fi<Jur ,,f th,
hu1ldmi: \\1lh ,, · ·K,,b Cat '' nu,111111.:.. J...
1•..-� 11a 111111 o·r 1 1�,. l<1ul. v.h,·n th,· fiuor J.!J.I,·
\<di anrl h,· h•II Morin 1<1i, "Ill 1••
\J;h,;whu-,•!I, I i,·rwral 11,i "'twr,· h,
\\,1,lr,·a1t·d .inci r,·h·as,·d
Ac-n,1cl1ni: 1,1 ,·ni:111 ,·,·r !Jorn .\11,i,d;1,
,\lor111 ha, b,·,·n th,• ,1111� an·1cl,•11t 111·11111
\111,·,· :h,· ,hhburton ri·nmal1w1 b,·i:11 11
1•arh 1h1-. � ,·ar "Th,• l� pr uf th1 11 g that
l1app,·n1·d tu K11hh1 t�\1,r1 11 1 ,...a, a n•al
fn·ak a ..1·1d,·nt I ,a1 1 ·1 ,·,rla1u .... 111 th,






rl1,ur1,.,1,•-..;n 11 Jlhl did
1<.intmc t,1 b,•
1d, nl,lhrl ..;u(i \lnru1 ·,r1,1 1d,·1 1 t !""nw1•t•b
,it!•• d11l ,,,,, app,·ar 1,, b,· 1,•n win,
11.,,..,,1,·r \1uriu did IIHI r,•port h;u•k In
\\"r� lllllil Iii,• 111•\l l<t 'Pk <ifl,•r th,·
.JI ,·1d, Ill ,rnd t!1,•11 "' Ill h,1m, .ti:a111
tw,·au"' h, ,aid 111, -.h,,ufd,·1 1<;i, huit1,•nnl!
\nothn 11,nr�•·r ..;11rl \lurin hll th,·
crounrl " J>n·tl\ hitrd" MHI ....·n-11, t11·rl hh
,huuld,·r uu\ ,,( po,1t1<111 I!,, ,a1rl tw rl1d not
,·,p,•1·1 \l,11111 to b,· ba, h ut ,,.,,r� fur 1
,\\or111 11,ork� fur llua 1w. th,· 1·11mpan�
V. r,· ..k111c th,· llhlC1t• uf th,· bu1ld1ni: Th,·
\ app1 ,·01htru1·t1un 1·ump11n� ,... 111 n·bu1ld
1h,· 111\11h·

Suffolk: your world and welcome to it Activities Assistant named
Thb w1•l'k a n,,.,., �roup uf 1-n·�hman
and l'tansfrr,; wdl arnH• 111 Suffolk, eo
through onrnll!.twn. and g,•t lh1·1r
10truducl 1 on lO hft• al Uusl011l>. uni\
pnvat.t- all-commutt'r school.
Tlw� ma} bt• awt>d by th,• fa!.:l thar
tht> tnp from lh" H 1 dgt·,...·11� Lant•
a<:lll'lllt"S Uu1ld111g Iv tht• �1t. \'1•mun
StrPt>l Bu1Jd111� ft-t•b mun· l1k1• a
grut'lmg h1k1• than a stroll. Sonw of th,·
pt>opll' �uu 'II pas.� on tht- wa} to th i•1,
das.srs an· unfortunalt>,ofh·n homt•lrss
and Ult•\ '11 ll•a,·1 • a sad 1mpn•sswn un

tht•� 1·1n ,•am�' h1·n

Uut, 1f tht•1 tak1• llm,· lo luuk bt•\ond
th,• d••hn:. thaL ult1·11 du1t1,n, th•• ,t;1·,•L,.
th,, pt•1•hng pamt. and thr 1
1,ubbl} d,•�k
!ht') will find a \t'r\ n-spt·l·tabh•
1•n11rurmwnt fur h•11m111g and for
m 1·1·t1n.: f"llow stud,•nl� Th••� ·11 abu
find brilliant pruft'�-.ur, 1</io c·ar1· H·n
l'lUeh aboul th1• l>IUd,•rll� and !ht•
quaht� uf lh1· 1 ducat1u11 at Sufful/...

Tht'} will rmd a b••ll••r �lud1·nl t1·a,·hn
rauo than at an\ otlwr l n1H·r..ll\ t•Jlhn
publu· or pmaU• m !ht• an·a And 1f th,·1


th,·m wh11·h w1ll l111�1"r on. J'hi•� ' 11 ufl<'n
b,· fru:.1rat1•d ll} 1h,· fal'l that th1•1r
prof1•'>M>r.. cw• furc...·d lo t1·arh too man\
da.:,..-t•� and dun't al\\a�, haH' a, ruu1·h
tmw to nw,•t 11,ith 1h1·1r ,1ud,·nL,a., th1•�

an• 11mung th1• SlUd!•OL'i \\•ho bf'c-nm,·
1111•uh,•d in ,1ud1·nt urgar111.11tmns th,·}
frnd a
h a r m o111nu�
l'O·l'>.1st1· 11 t·1• bl'l�t'l'f\ h•am1ni: and
1n1ul1 1 •nwnt
,\t Suffolk th,·) 11,1 1 1 lind down In
varth ft•Hu""'' l>lUdt•nL, 1< tu an• 11, ill1ni: tu
::1 :·1 I������

would hkr lo.
� 1 11
�\. ��\�
Su���rk ;� 11 ·� ��
at oth 1•r Ulll\t'f'Sltll'�. l'ht·\ 'IJ !Wt' that II
·� a ralhn JH{'I' plaet• tu Spt·nd four
lot of lht• stud1•nLS �u tv lh 1 •1rdas.w,-. 1eO
\f'Bf'i, as1d l' from all oflh i • ll•f'\' ob\'IOU,
t o work, and l!U hum<· Tht•} ma} 1·1 ·/"\
. and w11rm 1n
\\- 1· would lik,· tu bt· th,· ri r.t 10
wt>ll bf' <'Uld m lhl' wmt ..-r
11,,•konw tht·m toSuffolk.
tht' sumnwr. Th t•\ ma) wondn wh )

::·�:. �:·;t �:




hy Alice Whooley
l·ornwr \!1 Ida .lurnur ('olki?t' "lud,·nt
A1·t1,1\11•-. lhn·1·tor Barbara F11 •111nar 1 ha.,
bt>1•n nam,·rl tu �U\To•f'd Car,11 l.u1·111� ,u
Suffolk\ .i ..... ,Uin! ,1ud,·11t llt ll\llH·:,1.

1.unu:- 1, pn•"·ntl� ..,,n·inj! a.� ,tud,·nt
aet1\1t1,·, d1rt·t·•11r JI (Juan,1e<11nt•nt .lun111r
(' ,1lh·�,• 111 \\ur1·,·,trr
Thi· 11"\li h,-J�lant :-.tud,·nt ,\l"ll\lllt''
IJ1r,•c·tor f1•1•b at honw at ...;uffolk Sh,• <.;ud.
"I f,•,·1 1,•n ,·omfortabl,· h;,r1• bt•1·;ww I
1<,•1rt to � \t'/"\ big coll1 •f1' for m:.
unrl,•n:rnduat,· �•·at\ tl' \lbl> . \111h,·r,t1 ·•

Slw not1•lthat th,· d1ff,, n;n,·1•, b..tw1'l'II �lt
Jda and Suffolk an• rn,•a�unibl+·. "11\ ii
bll!!!••r schuul ,...llh a lot rnor,· ,tucl+·nh i111cl
a b11:g1•r,•11v1ronmi·nl"
Fwnman n•(·1·111•d 'wr und,·ri,:rndu,1!,
dq:n•t· 111 lh,u,�. ht·r ma�tl'f 111 b::lw·a11un
,\dm1n1stra1111n from Rn,1011 l 111\1•r.1I\
and I\ P"''-t·ntl� v.or�,u� on obta111111� h,·r
I' II.I) 111 l11i,:hn f-.rlu,·aturn .it B11,tun
l'oll1·1?•· part 11nw

1 -'wnman ha� 11111\ tK·,·n at Suffnlk II f,,.,,.
da\' and ,� ,1111 "1..;0�1111! tu '>t'I' "hat 111\
roit• 1�" sh,• !.<11d Slw I!-. t'�p!"c1all� hupl'ful
that two uf ttw Ill'"" orga1111.allun, un
campu� th.- �:H•r11ni: D1\ls10 11 Stud1 •1H
A�c111.l1t.111 !Ub,\J and lhl' l'n,gram
Hoard w 1 ll ha\,· ,un"l.•s.sful 1Pan. Shi• ha.,

F 11mmdn anrl Suffolk

r,·, ,·nll� pla�1·d an m�trunwntal rc1li'.' Ill
h.-lpmR �11 Ida 1•�Labl1sh a pro�ram board
,1rntlar tu Uh· Ul\1' 1ust fvrnwd lll !)uffulk
Fll"nman 1, ab,o ,·uthu,1a�tll' about
:--.uffolk\ S<i.,\ aud .Ji,· <,,•1•, tlwm �0111�
.. n,all) far plan·,"
Fu-nrnan 1� h.ipp� that th,• ,\:i',1:,talll
.,.;tudl·lll ,\1·t111t11·, l)1ri•rtor\ ufr1('t' hill,
ht•,•n m111+·d lu HI.I 1 'h1� uflin·. dm•clt)
a ,·ru�, fr,,m lh•· Stud,·n!
l>nC't:tur. ufrin· at·\·urdmi: tu Fll'nman
�11e) twr � 1·ha111·1• to bt· du$!· tu . ,,,_,hen• lht'

)er 9

1ber 10

Lg skills

II'\ h:i,,· lu ll.,k um· UI ihro:..•
th,· phurw numbrr uf t h ,•
1 fr,,rn th,·m 111 \\,.,trrH
wt pa. , I>\ th,· ...,ludt- n l
'I JI!! _..,tud1•11t t ir11• ntatHH1
· �up1•n 1:,.t1t r ian l ;u1da. or
•ntat1un n•rt·mun, llw�1·
,rn 1hr fl'j!lstrh, uffl(·,·.
l1•ad1•N v, d l lwlp tu llliik1• a

�1ud1•nts �•·1•m mun· v,,,11
nudalt•d b1 th1• i-1/, t' ol th t'
,. an 1·asu•r 1rans1t1un tu
of tht' hard work and th1·



Se11tl'fr1/wr .J, / 9H0 Su{/ollt Juurnal/?age



Mall just one of many featl{fes

Multi-million dollar development plannedfor Assembly Square
;_., �

by Tricia Kellt>y
As on,• l•• <n.-s Hoi-lun. hon\l'v,ard bound
on ln!J>NLalt' 9J. h,· ma� r111t1l'1' a -inkmi,!
blui• watn town
with th,· word:,,
" \s.s,nn l>I� ,.;quar,·" wntt1•n on It III hrij!ht
i,:old. lh- 11\il} �hrui,! /11, ,h1,ulrl,•,-,., and p;i,�
11 uff fur J pli-a-.an1 ,-,ampl, or a
r,·i-tvr.1111111 plan flir Som,·n 111+·. l.11 ti,· ri1"''
h, know that th,· v,atn luv.,·r rt•pr,·..,. ·nL, ,i
1111111011 clullar pruj,•t t
,'\\'lllualh niuld h1· Hilt' u l th,,�o·,t WJI
,,,;tat,· La\ !)ll\ l'l"', IU [h<lt <"II\
"h,· dt •\ t•lupm,·nl u l \,..,.·mhl\ -..qu:Hl·
' 1111 '1::.ts 111 l h n·+· plld:-,1'\, ·1•1u,... 1 IIH lun ....
d,•q•lup111i: J � ] fl OtJU ,411,1 1"1 iout u l fln
,·,·11t1•r 111 1h1• forr,1,·r l- 1 r\l ,,,l1ur:,1I .., 1 1 m·,
r.\t't'UlJH• 1 1rn,.. . lh11lcl11u: It v. 111 Jl,u
111d ud1• .t fulh +'IH'lo't·O llldll ,It lh1• ,JL,• uf
t h 1•
1 urrm r
\lut,,r ( 'om p,rn ,
\�•·rnbl\ l'l.rnt. f'l1a...,, I I 1111uh1·, th t>
t ·.. u
,l d t ,· r l ruut
u ,• 1 1• l u p m , · 1 1 I
n•;,,t.:iuranL,. v, h1, h 1111! b,· huu,,·o 111 th,·
U r\1!111.ill puwt·r pl<1111 , , 1 , · rluul,.111� t fh'
\h,t1t· H11l·r Ph;i..,., II! 11wludn a !iot, I
"'-Ith �00 room,. ,rnd a numht-r of hl!hl
n·"l·art·h n1rnnwre1.1I par!,,,
d(·1·urd1ng ! u .Ju,· l-a10Joru th+· 1·uut r.H·t
monitor ror h."l· mbh :-iquan•
.\s. ·mbh Squar.- I;>, l1x·a11·d HIit" llh,
Oll t'•halr 111 1lt's from Brn,tun·� , ,·ntral
<·omme rc·1al and rrnarw1al d1strn•t;,, and "
�IIUalt· d at tht' mlt•f'Sl•('(ltJf\ nf ln t,•,-,.,Lall· �-1
Jnd th,· .\1 1ddlt-M•\ h•lls l'arkwa1 IL, an•a
mdud,·� I IO acn·� whwh l•,aq B.i, . th,
rl,•1·t-lupm1·nt eorporat1un. w1l1 U'-1· ;,o a1•rt>,
" r m dt'11•lopmj;! tht' thn•1•-pha plan
fh,• �It+• wh .. r,· , :,. ·nlbh :-;qu;in• ,,
\ '-'
lu1·;,1A•d wa� 1)ru:malh a prun,· 10C'<tt111n f1H
,·omm,•rn· I n 1n:16. ' "Thi• Bles.s1nj;! or th,·
Ha\ : · Ollt' ol \:,,v, �-rll,!land', fir;t H':,. •I�
11a� l;1un1·h1•d from th,· ,hurn of th,· \h ,t11
H1 11•r. 1 h l·r :mo Hill'!, lat,·r th,· �·ord
\1mor l'nmpan, rn.tdt· 1b honw at
.\s.'it'mbll Squii.r,. l lt>n•. 0 1 t·r unt· m1ll1un
pas. ng1·r Vt>h1clt-i- Wt'll' produ<·t'd. :\ft,·r
!ht' Ford Motor Compan, ll'ft lht·
1 958. First ."'fat1oniil Ston·s took H 01 n
and US('d lhl' plan I a., a C\' nt.-r '\h1pprnc and
R'l't'H'inC, using tht> Mys111· Kn..r. wh1t·h 1�
the northt'mmost boundan


I - ..,


Walsh also has somt> c-n>at1vc 1df'a.s about
st,11rt111g m•w and difft>rent activities at thl'

. . ...


PROPOSED Pl ANS fo, rne Somerv1l1e 111,al/ oorr,on or rht• Assem()fy S11uare clevelopn,en r
l'h t ' 1 Hr1t•1· 1 ·, 111,,r .rnd 1' 11,· .\l:ill an·
,1h,·duli·d Lu b,· , umpld,·d 11, th,• l·dll of
th1;,, \ l'ar
!"h,• ,·n tran,·,· to tht> I lffil·•·
( ' ,·ut..r 11111 bt· ,·nhann·d I i . d fuur,ton
,1,,, l 1 1? h t1·d :1tnum
da,,. v,alh-d
Ii ;. \ · ,
, orpctrJI•
• 11•1 a t u r , .
h1·<1dquarl!·r- a.r•· .ilr,•;id\ l,wal,·11 h,·rt
. \l.111 v. 1 1 1 h,· a111· hvrnt tl\ l\mlHI and
J,,rrl;.r, \lar-h . and ,..iJI uwlud,· •�:\ 11tlwr
tor,·, " l"h,· t1n1!1nal ,k}l11:ht, that 11,,•n·
u:,.,•d to hj!!ll tilt' h1n1 .•\:,.w mhil plant v. 1 1 1
h , • prt·wl'\t'Ct tu llj!hl t h , · \fall <'O!l(' OUf'••'
!'hi• ,·\ pu"•d ,t1·,·I tru\.w, and ,k\ hKhL� ui
tilt' uld phcnt h.t1t· Oo.·,·n U;>,1·d t,1 tlu- \\.ill
Jrd1tt1•1·L tu h,·lp ,·n•.it,· th,· 1/wnw uf th,·
1·1•nt,·r. a ' :!O's.,in•d 'l'••ru•." ,,,,a 1 , Fa1·aloru.
:,-;tn•t•t lamp,. j;!r,·1·111·1"\ and larj;!•' manhul,·
1·u1,•,-,., Jn• bt·1n1: U'<'d Cu j)lU/l't'l th,·
auto111 0 1 1 1 t· uld 1 1 , ,.. 11 tlwm,·
l'lw \!all v, ill .tlso mdud,· a �l\ -,1·rt•••n

Walsh replaces
Walsh as Asst.
Athletic Director

By Joe Coughlin
JoSt'ph Walsh. ,1 ! q 7 1; gradual;• uf
Suffolk l'1\L\ t>r'Sll} . has llt.'1·n nam1•d
A s.s1st.anl to t h ,·
I n tramural
D1rt><"tor. and
Ba.wball Coarh. Ath ll'lll" Um•t·tor Jim
Nl'lson has annount'1'd JoSt'ph Walsh will
n>plat'1' Thomas Walsh t no n•lat1on t who
n1s1gnf'd last spnng
Walsh was \"l'l'Y act1v1• 1n sports wh1lt·
attendmg Suffolk 1tnC hi' ft•t>ls that th11, w1ll
h¥1p him 1mm¥ni.el} m thl' program.
"Thf' intr11mu111I program was rf'ally Just
gl'tting urr tht' ground wht>n I wa. tht> n-. A
lllllt' llllt'R'Sl wa.s JUSt starting to spur. !
n-all,· <'nJOyt-d my l1mt' al Surfolk. bt.-ing
as.sOC11tl.t'd with ba. ball.
baskf'lbail, and croM country . ' '
Walsh h a s an opt1m1sl1<' 11lt1tud1·
'l'mmg all of Suffolk Sports. and ht•
has alrt>1tdy t·ompll(•d somt' goals that ht­
would hkt> to St.•c• ac<"omphshl'd. His hight-st
pnont} . how..1·er. seems tu ht' IIICll'E'ast>d
�tUdl'nt part1c1pat1011 in Suffolk sport.\,
�specially 111 lht> intramural leagut>s.
"I want m� lt>agues lo bt• so guod that
pt'opK' wouldn 't mind gettmg out of work
for a big game . Th,· intramurals an- a gTt'at
way to rnt>el peopll'. You rt-a!ly ha1·p tu
catch thf' 1magmat1on of thl'sludenls. 'J't•II
tht>m to 'h•, . comf' on out and play a httl,.
ball. · Thi> ;ntra ural program brings a
little eommodity, tu pt>uplt• . I don't l1kt- to
St't' studenLS Just go to cl&.SSi'S and go
straight home. I'd hkt> to rhangt' that. It's
going lo Lakt' some hard work and
co-opt,ration from tht- studt'nls. .


,, •

I'd hk.- • u ..,.'I' mun· than th•·
rrgular ,µurts . �Hilt' of h" 1dl'as rndud1• ;.
b1ggPr and bt>tlt•r t1•nm� tou rnamt•nt. �llllt'
roadractng . and poss1b1l1t� ra<·qUt•tb.tll. H,,
would also hk.- to st't' mon• parltl'1patmn
rrom tht' f1•malt> population at Su Holk.
. .\ 27 } l'ar old bl!.c-h,•lor. Walsh would
11kt' t.o br1dgl' tht- gap bt-twn•n tht- athlt>lt•s.
,tudt'nt bod� . iind .-\thl£'11c lh>p.artnwnls
"I want to ht' around th,· studt-nt body
mon- You 'll St't' ml' arou nd, organu
pt-oplt". Coach Nt-lson and I will mak.- a
good warn. I'll bl' handhng a lot or
pap1•rwork h u l I'll bf' around the school
too. !'ll t.llkt• what l han• and 1mprovl• un ll
I want to gt>t a spmt going."
,\thlrlL<' Dirt>l'lur Jim F\1•!:,,011 ;.lso
bi•llevl's Walsh will be a fint' add1llon to th1'
Athlt>tll' Dl•partmrnl.
"What Jot" bnngs. t n add1llon to his
famihant) with Sufrolk l 'rm'NSll) . 1s an
t' n t h u s1astK pnsonal1t�
and <"armi,:
att1t udt• which III thl' long run will bt- a
gn-at bt-nt'fil tn all or uur athlet1•� 111
mtramurals and 111\t•rrollt·giall's. Durinl,! his
pnsonal m tt•n·w w JOt' unpn·ssrd mr with
Mlffi(' llt'V. c nlvpts hc> wish,·s to bnng to

uur program.
Although Walsh rt'Sld{>S in \'11lton ht· IS
morl' wt•II known in Dorcht>stn wh1·n• hl·
has bttn assoc1at(•d with man) orgarund
programs mdudmg CYO and lht• Boston
Nt>1ghborhood Baskrtball J,{'agut-.
In Ma) Walsh ts planning an Alaska to
Boston b1kr ride to rai� mont>y for the
m t> n tall)
t·hildn•n at "Camp Joy" 111 Boston . He is
hoping to tl"cru1t soml' Suffolk peoplr to
Jotn him in this worthwhilf' charily.

'-\a,·k ! · 111,•rna:· v. h1d1 1, ,., pt·, b·d t<> h,· "
1wuph· nt
maJUr ,1Llr · t1011 tu th,
_..; nnw n,11,•:·,,·, � a 1 ;.lur,1
! ' h,· 1 ,.. , , n•,t;1 uranL that art· 111dud,·d 111
l 'ha."· 11 v. 1!1 b,· ,·uhann·d h, th,· ,·hara, t1·r
nr th,· rurnwr pov.n j;!l"lll'fatinj! ,tallt11\
fh, rmnn 11·1 ,·I of th,• Po,.. ,•r lto u...
r,·,t;rnrarll 11, i l l b,· 1·:dl,·d 1't1thm,· l lal l and
1,1JI haH· .i 1·ap,:11·11� w<lllrlR of I ; ;, 1 h,·
IUV.l·r 1+·1,·t v, 1II ht· ;1 luun�t· . ....-aim� \ �O
!'lw louo)!.1· wilt f1·:,1un- ,·nt,·rta111nw111 and
1'1wtt· v, 1 11 b,· parl,,1111! .i 1 ;, 1h1hl,· fur u1,•r
.::mo l ill"', l 'ht· mall ,·;.n b1· Jl'("l''-- '11 I 1a
thnT roan�. "\\ tq••1·,·1,t·d.m l rb:m •\1· 1um
1 ; ranl frum Hl l J ( Huu,mj;! .ind l
l l ,·11• lopnw11 1 1
dull11rIt v.111 b1· U;,,t•d rur r•1ad"' a\
1mpru.,.·11w11L� and fur n·lorat1un of
1>rup,•rt11·,. · · "-3\ , � a 1 i1l(1rt,

\1·1 11nbng t u .!ohn \lattht•ws. th,·
[ l l r,·,·tur of ('omrnu111t,
' " " 1 ;1 11 1
l l1•1,·lupnwn1 m Suuwn,11,·. who has
"' urkmg on th,• \,..,,_·rnbl� :-;quan· �1all
,mr,· 1h ht·l(Hlrlllll!. ' "Th,· \lall w i l l l>r1111: ii
n,•v, •·•·unorn11· \ I t.tilt� tu tth· 1·1t\ . .
..i,tant l'tanrwr or \,. ,·rnbl� Squar,·
\\.ill .l,11·�- ! 1 · -..:,- 1 1 . r,,.,1� that ttw \lall " ' 11, 111
,upph I :!OU JtJ lh. mu,tl\ fur -"'om,•n1II,•
r,·,1d,·rn., ..
!11 a pamphli·l IH<Jdun·d h\ lQ,· �.a.,t Ha,
I )1·1,·lup11i,,111 I ·urpora\1011 . I h,, qut'�ttun
V h\
,·all th,· ..it1· ' ,\s. mbl\
....quart··• ·· r, J,l,,,•d �..t,I Ila, r,•pl1t·�. "in
urd,·r tu t•1t,1Jr1• th;.t th1• ,·\ l t l rlj;! ruh• that 1l
p l a� 1•d m
1h1• 1ndmlr111I and
,·nnHlwrt' tal gruv,th uf "ll1• v, England
r1·n1a111, fur1•mu,t III tlw rn1nd.s or th,·
thOU!>alllh or pt·uplt• Wh() 11> 1 1 1 work. ;,,hop,
111,1, ;.11d ll·arn h,• r,• .


n,, ... ,.

Welcome to Suf
very own game show
"Let's make an education "
hy Dan M umant·
W,•11. ht•n• w,• an· hark f11r anuth1·r }t·ar
11r fun. "llo. I dun ' t m1·an llw up,·omrn.i
part1Ps. lht•� will bt• 1·nJu} ablt'. not run.
Wrun)l . ._., ,,mi: all �our rn,·nds ai::a111 will b,·
plt·asant . not run Nopt•. par1a· 1paung 111
intrdmural sport� 1;, c·omJ>t'l1tn,... not run

. . . Humor . .
Fun 1s pla)mg th1• rmanl•1al a1C1.
n•g1stral1011, drop · add game. D,dn'l )OU
1augh h)Sh•ncall� wht'n )IOU fl'l"t'IVt•d �our
�·ht>dul1• and dist-uver(•d that ,•nu wl'n·
taking, riv,, c·ourst-s all al lht• san;,. t111w CHl
lht' sanw da� . Som,· Or v.-h1(·h art· not r1·1·n
Trying to gt't this <"om·1·1A·d 1:,, fun111t-r
than LUI") and �
�tht•I rn tht- chot:olak
fadory . You waddit' up to lht- lfrg1str
and st.and i n lint•s longN than "Thi•
(; n•atl'.�t Slur:, EI.Jf'r Told. . lfrn• �ou an·
amu."Wd by prt•,law studt>nlS who Wt-t'P
w h f' n
t h t•y
a no told . " hoffil('ldal
Tend1·nc-11-s m Donwst,c FPluws 1s r llf'd."
! I havc> a pain Lil m v sidt• Just lhm}cmg
about 1l. ! Wh1·n · yuu· do advanc-1• to thP
window tht-y ll'II �ou nolhmg can l:M· dont>
until a<"t·ounting vt-n fit·s that your tu1l1on
1s paid.
S m 1 r k 111g
AC',·ountmg lo gt>t tht' ( ) K. No,.. 1sn 't this

run· • 1 t · , ,u,t ltkr ''I.d ' s Mah r\ Dl'al . with
windows 1nstt'ad or doors. Oh no! You
p1ckt·d lh1· wronj,! door. I nwan window.
,\n·ou ntrnc 1s th.- salami. Th,·y say you
11w1· 3 , 2 3 1 dollars and 27 U"nts. But . you
can '\l1lt go ror wmdow n u m bn 3 Finanriat Aid.
With mountmg t'Xl'lll'mrnt you charge
to lht• Financial Aid Offit't'. Men• you gel
lo play a kind or \Vheeluf Furlurw Chuck
Wool('r) . posrng as an F. A. councilor spins
\Our lilt•. $200. $400. tuft luc-k bankrupt.
Your B!::OG was aud1tt-d and vou have to
tum in a notorizt'd stalt-mt•nt showing that
your pan-nts f't'ally did pay the vet $9.98
for your dog's rabws shots i n 1972. They
also want a <'Opy or "Snuffv's" bNth
You gu homr and spi.•nd tht- next wN:-k
t'UIIVIIH.:1111:: )OUt pan•nu lhal 5C'hool n•ally
wanL lh1.s 1r1format1on and vou are not

trymg to drivt> thl'm 1nsam•. You get what
you rwl'd and 1 t· � ba<"k to Chuck . Monty ,
Mary and D1ckl'r and D,ckt>r of Bt>aron
Hills. Now doesn't this beat Monopoly''
Fmal ly, you n- n-ady for drop • add.
This 1s similar to "lwat tht> Clock". It 's
Thursday at '.! -15 and drop . add musl bt>

m by Fndav at 9 e m. Can vou do 1t'1 You
t·hast- Ll'a<' ht'rs ovn tht' ha°ls and through
the dog do-do for tht>ir signatun•. You bt.-g,
borrow and stt'al to l!t't th1• da.sst•s you
n1·1•d. ,\l last, drop • add slips pile up and
bolt into lht• Hrgistrar's al 9 02. on/} to
lind the) hav1• 1·xt1•11dt'd th,· drop · add
p..riod until Munda� and tht· fun 1s 01·t>r.
Oh wt•ll. at l1• tht' boo1.1• cru151• v,jll l)t,