File #4007: "Suffolk Journal_1976Apr01_parody.pdf"


Suffo.l k University Bulletin
College Catalogu~ Issue 1975-1976
Days• Evenings • Graduate





April 1, 1976

Parody Issue


Page 2

/~itorial-------J Q~"ar Breth

a classical gas.

II rn,I\ .. 1,111 ,,11h 11n.- 1110 111,1n, r11p, nf 111fr,,,, or ,pu, lrn,rl, ,,, m,111,)
\\ Im h 11 .. ,di th,, ... 1111,• 111 lh,, "IHI If Iii , · ,h~• •.. r1u1111f 1111,,I .. 11,ff, ... nu!, nn/
,,r,•. 111 p., .. .,.1hh 111111111pl,ot,• 1111,. .. .1l1111d,•n11111 1••1111111111 ,11111 .1II 1h,· r .. -.,·
111•)!111 1,1 1111111 ,111,dl l-!• •... o;-11 11,. pw k, ,, .. , .. lhP d11.!1•,II\ ,- pl111 ,.,. .. pru)!r1• .. .,, ...,,
"" 1lrn• ..~1h,· ,11,• .,nd l" ''""tJr•• nf rt, ,...,,. 1111111,I,· .ir,,,,.., l'h,• rr)!hl ,ind I.ft
, uli, 11,•"lf•• 11! 1h,• l.1B/1' 1111o• .. 11n,• l1,•1,!111 l11 hnl,-?•' ,1111!, ,p,•11,·111 ,, m11-.t 111.11
,11 In lh 111,111 1111,,,i "lh h111 d,,, 111,c 1111 th,·, 1111\ ul .. l\ ,. \\ h,, t..1,·r 111111,11,,-. \\ 11h
,1 \1111,•111 ,c,1._,,.,.,.,. r••l, ,,1..,,• 11 ,•,11 lh•· p1•l\ 1 101011 In .. h111t
,t f,111
\f1,•1 I,1111 , ,•, ,r, ,11 !-i uff,,I ~ 11111\ ,•1 ... ,,, ,1 "1 111!,•n l I" .1H,,r1l .. 1I 1h,, ''l'I''"
111111{ 1l• nli-.,·n,· 1111 ... hp•· nf flnrid, 111 lu•h,01~1 ,1111! 11 .. ,,, .. 1111., Tin..,
,11111~111111 ,ti ..,1111, ll1nn ho \\1'\•' I 1" 1111111• p1 ... 1d1,tl1I, ,tft,• r ,di \\<' ur,,
1111111,'1'1 ' 11 11; 111,llll '11111 ,., 11 .. ,,.,1 \\11h 11,,, ........ 1,l,h,1111,111 11111,, 11111,,1 .. ,,h,,
... f,n ol 11 11, ,, ,..,..,,11, In ••11111111,11, 1111 .. 11,11111,il ,,,1,,, .. ,,.., \\+'II,,.., 1h,•11 d 1... 1 um
lur! \,hil,· 111,1, n1,\flo•1I ,, 1
,,,,,1111 m I l.1 ..... 11u11n I.ii~ ,d111111 !-.111f11U,.ti11,11' It
..,,,,-111.., 1....... 111 ,1111 111 ,•.,~ 111t"ll1)!1•111 11,l l,•1,!•· -.11111,·111, ,111,I 1h1•1r k,11 h,,r-.
\\ h 11 ,II"• ' Ill\ n h ,•d 'ln ,t !h r I\ Ill.I,! ,11 ,11 11 •11111 ... 1111.1111111 In .. ,,., 1 -.nm,• ._.,If
1 1111111,I
h111h ph, ... 1, .d ,111d I'"" h11l11)!1t ,d
\11 1111!1, 1,111.11 ·-. 11..,,1 hvl11,c11 .11 J.!•n 1•1nor, , l11111ld 11111 111 • h,1111111 11,,, ,.fop
~l.1rf"h.1 ... llw 111),!l.,,,1 11111•1\i),!l'lll ,. 1,,, "' 11r ,ill 1111' 111•,l<;I .. l•·"·1·1•lm)I. th,·
1l11 lp h1n . \\ hu o;l,,m.., 1111 ,., 11!1•111 ,. uf ,uH,•rm~ from 1h1, prnhl••m l. ,, h11 h
j,tl\o•s hun lh,· ,d11l11 y lo""' ,l m1•n1.1I d,,r,,n .. ,• In 111 .. ,11d \\hlll• c.omh.1111111,!
-. 11d1 ~.1 ... 1r11nornir nl n1•1nos1,
Jlh ,.., 11 ,ii 1.11111ml c;,111 h, • 111·q11 frr>d lhrn11,1,1h ll ,rr1,•,; nf-.irnpl,• f, md '1111 11·
•n1m ,ild1•I ,.,1•t1;is1•, from 1h',, l11111l I'd HulhN l) IJ /1 \h ,.r- lf h, John 11
( '. 1111,•r Thi-. \\11rl nor unh prn vic t, ,.. 1ll11.!tlr,11..rl m .. trui;l1nm, on ho~\ 111 o, l'f
uinw ~1u.h dirf1111111, ,.... 11 1h...i 11<;.;ps ,.., \H•II lhc• sunoln)/ 1m111ic.11 111 ns of
,1 fl,11111,•nt srn.1f'I\ ,uul tlw pns~1hl ,· lnn,11 rm1j!1 ' ,•H1•c1
Tiu-. 1s 11111 ,1 s m.tll prohl1•rt1 111 ... 1111 h1 us to ilr,1,1,11111r!ielvP, oH !ht• ,1,1.is1r111
·1111,·1•11,1hl1• ,11rd ri~ht fnr our 11lr,11·111n n,whts' l!'i,, l1m1• \.',,f' stnpp,•il 11111 ... ,•
1111r ,•,p111t'il\1' 1ndind11nls ,,ho h,n1• nu cun,.,,rn fur lhf1 m1111n1n1n -ft1• sh
•1ml111•r11 .,, 11f Bnslon
Thi ... f.1rlm,1,1 .irmmd hni,, ),/111 to slop

Iletters------On the lambs


\\', • ,,1111111 lik1• In lo1~t• llus lmw 111
1;mnpl11n .. 111 Sr..,\ nwmh(•rs G,•rn
l..111111 ,111d lohn Cumm rn)(s for 1h,•1r
1•\1 1 •!11·111
Ill\ t•Sli)(,thvt• t1•1mrl 1111
1h,• prup11~1•cl rrcn•alinnnl for1li1,
1/mJrnu/ ·t -~, '7fi) II 1s 0111 fl'l'l111,w
l h,11 llw /nurnu/ wuuld lw ,I for
l11•lll't )HIJH' r
hn,I mnr1•
n·pnrlt• rs i11 lhi• h~•'l'I
Jul111 ,1111!

,r ,,



Thank , 1111 ,
(;,,rr) l.. 11?lh &
John C:111nrnin"(-.

Exposed Limbs
Ul!ll.f•rnt>d r.iti;n•n ur ll tl!oil O ll I
\\ 1,h lo 111,,k,• 11 knm, n lh,11 1h1•n• ..,
,1 l louk,•r t•H•rprr'-t'nl 111 1h1• St,111•
11 1111,,• I lu•1:.111w m, ,in• nf 1h,..,
' h111n•nd1111,· ,;ilu:illCln ,tfll•r u,rn.
pl,.1111~ ,1 Ion)! ,incl 1•111t•q,ris1n~ d,t \
u l d ,1
,:-.i•, 111 1h r I lnl\ 1•r,11\ I \\,IS
p,1,-.111)! 1hn111)1.h 1h1 111111._,;-~ sm,1\1
f11,1•r ,,hid1 St' f\'t''- ,IS ,t ·-. tu,rl •n ll
rrnm ~II \',•mun Ill 111•,lulll S!rt•••I.
"h,•11 I ,.,lllw ncrn.,., 1111.s 111(,11111111,
, .. , I


,,.., ... ,,11 Al rirst,.)!ln1w1• IS \\ ,IS nh•
,·11111-. 1h,11 lhil'I I luuk ,•r h,1d

h1•1 •11
•• 1r111111d T iu• dr ,•ss 1111 l k ,111•d ,1
pr11p ,•ns11\ 111 ,•1110, ,t u•r l,tln " l11•d d 1n,-? ol ,m n \\llh llw tronp'- "
S1111 ,. 1h1, i11111,d 11lis1'r\',11w1•
1h,•1" h,1.,. 11111 h1•t'n ,1 tmw 1h,11 I
h,1, ,, 11.1 ... ..,,,,l 1h,• St,111 • 11011._,, "h,•11 I
h,t\ ,, 11111 .,..,,,n th,· I lnuk, ·r ,11111.1111
1·11 lh p111 ... Pd n,•,1r lh, • n~hl 1•11
II till!,. ''''II"' Th,· ..
,,.i l11111i ..
,., I'll 1111 1111' I 111.t,•-.1 ii,!\., ,11111 lh, •
.t,•h,1111 ,.,, •.., n),!tll "h,,,,, ,, . . 11111,-?
... hnnl , luldn·n ,111 tl 1111 Pll h •nn1,d

,,11, . .

\,nulrl Jm bJnl pressed


11,·mtl nn rnr:nunter Rumor has 11
!hi, 1look,•r •~ dt-..r:emlenl from ,1
\11n,11 lin e or I tool e rs hul cun this h,•
,1 p1srifi r:,11111n for su ch condon, •d
,·,hd1111n111sm' I appf'Hl 10 the r:omnwn d1 1 rf' nq nf f";u:h memhN ur
1hi-. ,:o rnmunit~ Pl e,1sf•. JlO 1 tho,, •
for )011rs1•IP I prom1,1 '
, 1111 ' 11 '11•1• 1h1• BICGEST I look,•r
,,111'\'1' 1•\1•r imnjitinp d l ,f'I us hand
tn,wrolht•r ,1~, this f'~ rsorc Wc.•11
h,1 ,• 11n,• lm,s 11"1 .. n1
,11iuus l look,•r
111 our f.lir i:11~
C I. H1rm10J,th,1m
C h111 r persnn rm
Sun~ M1tssa chuse11,
t lrlmn~ Trn,1s11r,,... '


IS ,\ 11 1. T I

\h hmfrwnd Ro~er .1n1I I h,1\1'
h1 1l.1lm)I fur o, ,• r l\,o )c.irs nu\,
.,nd \\I' n.• ,1h, J\'i t'n1mt·tl a happ,
nnrmlll r.,Ja11onsh1p On nu r las l
d,111• hoh1•,, r h,· l1Nl m,• 111 lhf!
h,11 k .,.,,,1 of hi" .ind r:m Pn•cl m~
h,11h ,, 11h 1h1• ,p1•r:1,1I <i,111ce from ,1
IIIC M.'\C IIH•n \\h1le d res~f'd, as
Run,1 ltl 11 ll11n,il1! hr mnlf'"ilt'rl me
l..1~1 ni~ht 111• r:,1 llt•fi nw up Jnd
.,~~••ii 1111' 11111 ror Ollt U'illJ I Salllt·
rid, m)!ht da11 • >\(in I s,11d \ cs. hr
t1•pl11•cl "C:011d I Jll~I hnu_llhl lwo
h11ndn·d pounds nr wlln ,tnd a
,,u.11u rn I l,• ,1111• r .. I 111, ,• h im \t'f\
111111 h ,111cl don I knn,, "h,1 1 lu do.
!Im\ F,tr Shn ul<I I Co 7

ll,•,tr !lo\\ l·,tr , houl I cor
llon I ,,nrr, s1 ph W(•le In lhis
"-P••PN f~r oul'\,frer J)i1mph let.
·11,m to lw Ktnk~ and A\·
11.-.c k Pain


l)p,1r llrPlh
I ,1m 18 "'ars olrl a nd mother
\\110 ·1 h11\ mf' n hra . S he sa>S I'm
11111 ,mmi,z ,11HI !hill I here's ple nl~



D,•,1r Sit'\"
You ' ll 1us1 ha,f' to be 1
rn1icnl. In
1h,: mcanli nu: Ir) weari ng ~our un•
d1•rwf-'ar h,1ch, ards

l11•,1r Brt•lh
St•\cr,1I m)Zhls 3MO m> bo)friend
llo hh\ ,ind I h,1d planned lo ,zo lo
lht' rnm 1t•s R,tth1•r than ha\'e him
· pu:k mP 11p I dt•c1dtirl lo drop hy hts
housf' f',ir l, ,i nd ,u r p r ue him
\\11 ~n I du1 I found him runmn,z
,,roun,I 1tw hous,• rlressed in h is




, 11,t,1111"1 .. " 11111•, ..

K,•-.1 1fulh
Hill ll,111,111,1
1'111f,·,••or of 1'-, l11)!\


The Golden Dome

i. 1mi1i111[foryo11 !

150 Bowd01n St, Boston

(.Krou from ffle' Stlte Hou~)

Confused :
Tht• nf'Xl time he culls )'flU up tell
him Jlnncl ·111 ·


Oear Brclh "'
I h,1ve hcen ~oinK oul wilh the
samr ,z1rl for two ~ears We are
rf'alh 111 love I'm wvcn years o ld .
and she 1s six ty•two. O ur relati on ship 1s rca ll ~ beau1 1ru1 except fo r
one 1hin,z She 1old me >e11erday
lhJt she doesn 't want to ~el
marr1ed She wanls us to live
10,ze 1her and MrD',' herbs Bu t I' m
aller,zic 10 herb9! Whj!l s hou ld I do?
Dear Weed .
Eal shil

Oear Bre1h :
M) boyrrie nd br oke up wi lh me
lasl nljZhl. He said he couldn 'I ma ke
love 10 so meone who onl y had three
10es I losl the 01 he r seve n in a
lawnmower acciden t wh e n I was
fokrteen They never grew back I
tried lo lell hi m that th e 1oes would
nol a Hec1 our re latio nshi p. bu t he
doesn't be lieve me . I rea ll y want
him hack . bu , I' m afra id tha t if he
ever does come back lo me, he will
leave me for ROOd whe n he fi nds
0111 1ha1 I have three breast.a.
Uncoo rdina1ed
Dear Uncoordi na1
Hah hah aha ha ha ha h ha h ha.ha
ha ha h 1

S1uffit Joumal
Big 5h11

Ravin,c A.11hole
)usta Fart
Hot Sh i!
Ou mh Sh it
The Troi a
Doesn ' t S hit
D oS 5 h 11

Dunx f ish
Sn eak e r fulla Sh it
Crap Tr a p
l-l eapa Ma nur,
Slin,cs Shit

Ina Jam
t:111111•rnrn),! 1h1• ur lu I+· run in 1lw
~\,m.h r, 1h 1-. ... u,· uf !hf' /ournol. lh,•
1111rnd111 r-r'i,, ,1,11crnl•nt ,1ho111 him b
11111 h +•111): .,hi,· 1u n"11 c.1r .. on n ,•,11. h
\\ 11h11111 f, •,1r ,,.. 1·11rr1•c1 On m, l,1~1
, 1,11 111 rhi• S11111h 110-.11111 ht•,;t·h I
\\,I., ,11: 1 h, lhtt•t• prt•dnm111,111•1, \V III TJ-: ruwd1cs l l ,1d
II 11111 h1•1•n rur m, forl \·. r11ur
111.1~1111111 I \\ 111 1111 h,t\'I'
111 ,t 1,1111 \;,•1 ·illt•.,.s 111 .... 1~ . \\ llt'n I
d1,pl.1\ 1•11 1h,• "t',ljlflll , 1hr tht1•1•
pr,•ilum111,111•I, \\ IIITE honl11 •-.
•11111 ~h rl,•d
11 1-. i:11111 ! 1 ~nm, 1h,11 \\t' hl.11 ~s
h,1 , ,• .. 111111• rt•1011r-. ,• 111 tl1•fi•nrl,n),!

mother's rlothes and pla )·i nJ( Doris
Oa\ al hums When I ran oltl of the
ho;1,r c rpn)Z he )e lled '1'here·s
nolhmr,i \\ron2 with belna ·er "

Joa nn e To rraco
Ma rk C. Roge rs
Ph ill ip Sa nl oro
Brenl Ma rm o
Rober! Pa l ri ck Mich ae l Carr
Ma rye. Bu ck ley
Sleph e n Corbe ll
Pooch Repucci
Pau l Donova n
Cli ckCnin
Pallv Fantasia
Bria.n Wa lk er
Bus tm 8111 Ruth less

Qu ick Shit,
Bruce Mcln lyre
Barbara Ochs

llt-hl11,• llurkf'
r.,111\ l:,11111

~t.mhn C:ult•m,111
,,1nn,•11, • Collins
\l1k1•Cmm u

llri,tn Dunu\',tn
Ch,wsv tl a,,•s
Footh1ns1• l.uncaslor

Barn Ou ll rlle
JnhaOna Rohcrls
Sheri Ro,i:~rs
Rick Saia
Lud) • ih e rm an
Pa m S1rnssc n
Pn) II Ton rl isco

, ............................................ .

Are yo\l lfttereated ln apertenclftl ■ .__. on Cape
Cod •• ••
collea■ atudttta dot WI: haft ~vatl ■ble
up.utod tnf01'110tlon on the follovtna I THI TYPU a,
.1011$ AVAil.\11.1, HII.PP\IL HlMTS Ill S!D:IIIC A JOI CJt CAP1
For tnfor•tl°" and publication pl•••• ■ end $1.00 ■ ftd a
aelf-addrea•t4 ■ ta ■ped anwlope to CAP& COO PUILICATICJrlS.,
1oz 834, Ny■ nntl, Maa1achu.1ett ■ 02601




Pase J




Space Problem Solved



I Came Back

t1111l,.1P!'o ,ind po11nn1,11:11rf1 •1• fnr ,In\
An 11nu lt •1111fwd p,·r!-.nll d,1inwd •.i11 1,d fu11r ll11n r,lll),!1111,! fr11n1
rh,· 1111,• n f • 1111!'.SIII),! l.1n1Hwr1,1h pul1111 ·,d r,tll1,•s 10 '"'d1hnJ.!
!1.:.1h~ ·· 1,l',I lll),thl whil,• ,1pp,•,1rin),t on,n~:· ,1 -.p11k1·~prr-.nn for tlw
,I n,1111111,11 1t•l1•\'1S1un -.ho\\
\\'11111,•n., Co1111nitr,•1• ~.11d
.. , .1111 1h1• m1s-.111),! l.111dl11•r,1th
Tins .,Pm111,ir 1s firsf 111 ,l .,,,rw!'> uf
h,d1, ." rh,, m,111 i., nd,
\\11111,•11 · -. prnJ,:r,1111-. ,d111h \\ill nt
Tiu· 111,111 ,;up purl i. 1l11.; dmrn h, 1.ur d11nn1,1 Thnrsrl.1' ,11 t1nlir•..,
S,l~lllj,! lh,11 ht• 1,tn 111,..,t1111t1\1•h fh hour
R,•l,111v1•s uf 1lw m,111 'i,I\ 1h,1l llw~
1,111 d1 :- pro\•1• 111,111\ rn,111, 1!11nj,!i- h,·

h.1-. -..11tl

Take Pity on the
Cripple Kid

"'\\',· ·,,. h1•,1rd 1h1-. !'o1t11, 11111 rn,111,
.'\ 1:nnJ,:r,•,;-.11111,11 lll \l''ill),!,1111111 L'i
1111lt'S \\'1• IU'il \\,1111 111111 111 1 Ml ti 11nd 1
·n,,1, 1.01111•rn111j« an ,1ll1•J,11•.! ti •
11111." thl' mo111 ·!'. ,;1s11•r -.,ud
1,•J,:,LI 1 ,nnp,111,!n nmlrih111inn 111
p1· ,•,;11lt-nl1,tl



\\' ,1ll,11.1·
A rf•porl l,•,1k,•tl 1t1 ,1 m,•rnhn of
1h,· ( :oni,:rt'!-.Sum.d r.nmm111,,,. on
1:.,·111p,11j,!n C11ntril111t11111-.
1h,11 ,111 und1sd11-.,•d ,1nw11nl o f
11111111•, h,ul l11•1•n Jll\'1•11 111 1h1•
\\',111,,, ,, 1,unp,11/,ln I h,11rm,111 h\ ,t



,;upph n1rpnr,1


"O m .

No Parking

Th,· -.uri,:,, ,11 !',11pph 1.11rp11r.1111111
1h1• n•pnrl -.1,111'1I. h,111 ,1ll1•J.:1'Clh , nn •
1r1l111lo•d In 1h,• 1,1mp:11i,:11 fund 1111 d,·r llw ~11p11l,t111111 1h,11 th,• 1
lltlll ,,oultl J.! l'I th,• t;onlral"'I Ill p111
,, h1•1• I 1.h,11r r. 1mp!'I 111 th1• \Vl111"
111111-.,• if \V ,1!1,11:1• w,111 ,·l,•1:1t•d prPSI·
t\ -.puk1•,;1n,tn fur \\'all,11:,• !'i,IHt,
" t\s , 1,; \\•' Imm, 1h1• Wh111•
111111,;1• h,1,; ,11!1•1p1,11t- wh,·,·1 1.h,11r

A S11Hii'li,. sl111l1•n1 h,,s rill'tl ,1 r.o mpl.nnl ,II th,• llnslnll C:1 1} I lnll :1f1i•r
h1-. i:,1r. ,,hwh h,111111•1•11 11,1rl,.,,,I 1111
r,•111pl1• s, , \\,!', "''"'ti ,1\\,1\ In I II\
,111thur1111•:- ,md i:ru-. lt1·d

------hy Azi Scyem

{ )r11, nf 1h,· char1,1 ~ ma ... in last
proteaJ. was
lh,11 und,•rJlr,uluatr._ -v.·c rr t,e1n~
sl11wh mm t•rl nH the c,1m1ttl9.4-f this
,,,.n, rru,• . ,,,111111 wt• sec news Jr•
111 .lt•~ ,;111 h ,1~ ih,•sp m th o fulurc '1
B,•f•m• ,1 w.11h,•rin JiL nf ~nm,• 400
,1111111111 .;111< lf•n 1~. fanill\ . ancl
rnd,•nl., th,• Suffnlk I lmvf'f~11\ ,trl •
mtnl"lr,1111111 111d,1, dl"dtcale;I 11s
ru•,, ,;1•n•n-l1•\'Pl RuiJlf'Wa\ Lane
lhuldtn t,!
. .. SuHolk,11rnn"

1·n1n•r-.11~ Prf'sldt'nl Ur HowMd
" 1111,,1,• Clw,•th,~m s,11rl th,11 1h1•
d,1, h.1s fm,1lh rn mc m which the
rn,,ss1\/1• sp,11 ,: prnhl,•m has hcen
J.(rt•,111~ f.1nlil,1tcd \\ 11h 1h1s edifice
\,h,, .h \,111 house hoth the C:ollr)le
nf l.dwr,i\ Atl!-. ;md ~r.1rnccs and
rh,• 1'. ,1 11, ·J,?•' 1,f B11.,1n""" :\clm1n1s1ra-

"Charles Ri ve r" complex.
Th e building. completed last
week at a cost of S10 million , con•
tams seven Slories and is supported
In a 150-foot diameter rubber raft ,
r.onstrucled by " !-101-Air Systems,
Inc.'· of Washington , O.C.
The building will mo\'e al an
,1vcra,RC of :?5 4 yards per hour , and
1s due lo he localed in the Azores in
J fe \\
months (pending ocean
1;urrenls and wind 1>at1erns) .

,\s par1 of 1hc "Sludent Excha nge
Prn)Crnm" between lhe Soviet
l ' nion and 1hc lJniled Stales. Suf.
folk tJnive rsil y undergraduates
too_ uff 1oda} fro m tog11n Airport to
pur~tli' s ludies in Moscow .


F1•,1l11rt•., uf 1h"" SI :i m1ll1un pro•
jl'1.1 mdwt,, 40 cluse1s ,1 50-sf'at
,1111li111r1um .11111 :!:!5 fJ1 ;11\t} "c11h-

W11rkm,•n put 1he f1n1sh1nJ,1
1ouch1•~ nn 1h+• l1111ldm~ l,tsl m,Mhl ,t'i
l:111,~J.:1•n l,rni...~ ,11111 ma1ks \\PrP m 'lf'tli•d



J'h,• f1 r,;t " rl n,111n~ " school
h111\drn~ 11111•n1·d this mnrnin~ ns
Suff 1111,. I Jn1\ 1•rs11~ unrl,·r>eradu,11<'~
1 \.1-.!'o1'S ,11 I heir nf'\\





The fm11 educational inslilution
un rh,• moon was ofricially opened
rod.,, ,IS Suffolk Un1\'ers1t} un•
dN~r,Hhrnles ••f!oa1ed" lo classes
on 01wmnl( day
lles11i1e the room y surroundings,
students arc clisgru n1l ecl . They feel
that 1he long•las1ing " space
prohlf'm" has 001 been alleviated.
Ono student poinled oul fhal three
classes were al readv overcrowded
,uul 1ha1 stude nts ~ve re bu mping
info each ot her in mid-air in 1he
i:orri tl o r'I

J't,., 'ilt11l,•11I !',,lid 1h,11 ht• \\, IS f .lllll·
1h,• llm1,1h,u• ll11ild1 n/.l
\,h,•n h,, :-.,1 ,, h1 :- , .1r li,·111)! 111w,•d
,n,,n 11,· rullu,,,,tl 1h,· polu" let\\
lrw I,. 111 ,1 Ill\\ lul III Ch,•IM•,1 \\ht•rt'
!Ill' 1 ,ir \\,1 p11,;l11 •il 11110 ,1 rn,wh1111•
,1rnl .. 111.1-.h,•,t
" \\'li, •n m, 1 ,ir r ,11111• 11111 tlw nlh,·r
-.u l, •, II lnnl,.,•tl hi,.,, ,I 1111 1,111," th,·
-.1ud,•n1 -.,111 1 11,· p,11.I ,t S'.!:i frn,·
li,•f11r, • Ill' 1.ould 1,11,.,, p,1-.:-,•i,.smn nf
111).! 11111 of



A IJP,11 ;1111 I 1111 p1d1L1•111,111 , rt•spun
dtn),t 111 q111' '-ll1111111),! 1rnu.,•rn1n,-e 1h1·
hm ,111d, rush inc~tl1·111. .. , p1sl don·1
~ 1111\\ "

Burnt Cookies
Th,• \\11111,•11 · -; Pr11),!1,1111 ( :nm •
111111,,,, \\111 -.p1111s11r ,1 .,,,rn111.1r 111•>,.I
J'h11r~d.1\ ,II I 011 Ill 1<111 r .;:11 I'll•
1111,·t! " Pr, •-. ,•111111),l Coul,.11•:,. ,, 11h
n,11.- ··
- •\11)11 11, •t h · h11:-1t•:,.,; uf 1111 aftt•r•
11111111 '-. ,,11111,•11 ·-. proJ,:r,1m 1111 ,1 1111 ,,11
1,·11•\1-.11111 -.1,,111111. \,111 ~l\'t.' ,1 h·n.,f
1,111,. J1n "C:11•,111111,.: Your Pans Aflf'r
\ 1111, ,, 1111ml \'1111r I :on kll'!-. ··
.. I'll,· "i'lll lll,11 \\Ill l~rll\lllt· .111• •
q11,1~ 111f11r111,1t11111 fur ,in, 111 •
1,,,, ... r"tl


p,·r-.nn \\h11 \\1111111 hi,.,, lo " I' ll ~la rll '.\• pa y you Tur.sday for a
l,.nm, 1lw h,1 ,., .,:,.,;t>1tl1,d,; Lil !',l'r\' ill),I humhu~m loch1y."

JOBI Liquors
WelcomN Suffolk
Un!Hrslty students to
our Win•



}07 Cambndgo St, Boston


OPEN -9,}0am -3am [7day,j

170 Cambridge St.








Space Problem Solved

I Came Back

fHt1J..1 .. ,

'\n 11n1d11ntif11•d p,•rM111 da1nwtl ,;,,1.1,11
111,,, 11111' ..


,ind pn11rtn.11 wrf1•1• fur ,In\
fun1 111111



"Jlll~Slflj,! l.111tlherJ,!h pnl1111 •.i

1,11111•, lo \\t·dt!,n~
""'-'' ·· l.1-.1 111).!hl whil,• app,•,1rtn)! on ,IHm rr, ....1 -.p11k1•'ipf-'r,un for 1h1•
,r11, 1111,11.1\ 1,,1,,,, ,s,,111 ,111, ,,
\\'1 1111, •n ·, <:,1111rn111,·,• o;,111!
' I ,1111 rh,, 1111ss1n1,1 l.111dh,·ri,:h
rt11 :,, .,,,111111,,r ,., first 111 ,1 ,,,n1•-. of
h,ill\ ... lh,· 111,111 ,;,lid
\\<llllt'II 'i fll' U).!l',1111', \\ 1111 h \\ di 1)1 •
rh,· 111,111 ,11ppur1., i"lu, d,11rn I" ,.ur dur1n.1,1 rh11rsd ;H ,H l1\'il11•o,;
,,I\ 1111,1 1h,1t Ii,· 1 ,in 11i-,l1111 rn ,•h fh l11111r
,!fl ,llrJ~IIH'

K,·l,1!11.:1•s o f lh,• 111,111 s,1, 1h,11 rh, •,

d1 spr11,•1·

111, 1n, 111,111,

rhrnJ,!!-1 h,·

h,I', i.,11d

Take Pity on the
Cripple Kid


\ I :unj,!n•,;,11111,d 111,,•i.l1t,.i,1l111n , ...
111 11 11rnl1·rw,n r.on1 ,•rn1n),! ,in ,1ll1·1u•il II
l• •J.1,il c.,1111p,11J.1n t.11n1nh11llnn 111
pr,,.,1d,·nr1,1I hnp,•ful 1;,,11r),! 1'

\\',dl,11 I'


A n•p11r1. l.•,1k1•il 10 ,1 rn,•mh1•r
1lw ( :1111),!r,•-.:,.inn,tl C:nmm111,,,. nn
t:.1mp,11),!n 1:0111 r1h111111n ... . ~1,11 ,:d
lh, 11 .111 11111ils1.l11i,,l'd ,trnounl uf
1111111,.\ h,nl 111•,•11 ),!1, ,•n 111 th1•
\\',111.,, ,. , .unp,11),!n 1: h,11rm,1n h, ,1
11,1111111,il "llr),!11 ,d i,,upph 1:uqtor,1111111

" Om .

No Parking

f Jn ,, of


th,• c h,1rj,11•• 11rn1f


I.1 st

r.i11 ·,. ··sufrolkallon " ",rotest. \,as
1h,11 undt•ri,:r,u luah•-. ~rri> )Je1 n>1
i.hl\\ h movNl ufr lhl' c.1m 1ntfl,,.li,.fhi~
\\I' ,;;ee ne \\S ar11, . lt•i,, ,;,111 h ., .. 1h,:s1• in th,• futur e 1
B,•fnri· ,1 ,1,!,1lh,•r111,I,! of . llml' ·IOO
,d11mn1 -. 1udf'nf,;;. farull\. an,I
rotl,•nh . 1h,, S11ffolk I 1nh·1•r~1l} ,trt
rn1111'ilr,111,in 1111l,1~ d1•dica1cd 11s
ti • '\\
-.p\·••n -1,•vt•I Rulj(1•wa~ 1.anr

,,,•ri• tru1• \\lluld

"" \V, •'vt' l11•,1rd 1l11s .!.lun Inn 111,111,

11111,•i. \\',, 111,t \\,ml l11m 111
lh, • 111.111 ·i,, .. ,-.11,r .,,1111

11u 1:

hy Azi Seyem

l'h,· "11rj,!II ,ii "'ll'l'h r nq1nr.1t11111
,ti,, r,•porl ... 1.111•.I . h,ul ,1 ll1•1,wdh , 11n111!1111t•d It• 1111• 1,111111.U),!11 rurul llll
t!Pr lh,• sl1p11l,111un lh,tt th, • 1:11rpur,1t11111 \\Oltld .,:,•t 1111' i:o n lr,lf I Ill pul
,, h,•,•1 drn1r ramps in th,• \\' hill•
11 1111._,. 1f \V,dl,.,-,, wn,; ,•l1•t:1l'd pn•-.1 ,l, •111
A .,p11k1•!>m ,111 fur \\'11ll,11.1• :-,1ul
""As far ,,., \\I' know . 1h,• Wh111•
I \!111i.,, h,,., ,11!,•1111,111• ,, h1•1•l drn1r
r.tlll p!<,

A S11Ho lli. sl11d1•nl h,1s fd, •d ,, r.11m pl.11nt ,11 1h1· ll uslun City ll,1II ah,·r
h1-. ,,tr . ,,1111 h h,11! 111·,•11 p,1d,1'd 1111
l",·mpl, • ~I . \,,1, hm,·il ,1\\,1\ II\ i:11\
,1111hnril11•-. ,11111 .-ru-. lwd

• Thi' .. 111111•111 ..... ,1 lh,11 h,• \\,Ht l.OIII •
111).! •MIi of lh,· llnn,1h11,• Bui ld1 11,I,! 1
\,h,•1I h,· .,,1\, his 1,1r 111•111,1,! 111w,·1I
,I\\ ,1\
I I, · (nllo\\ I'd th .. p11l11 1· lu\\
rrud, 111 ,1 111\\ 1111 111 Clwl-.,•,1 "twn•

I ' nn ,·r-.11\ Pr,•sulAnl Dr Howarrl
'" 1lm\l , ' C:h,·rtham snul lh,11 lhP




1:1rn1t' rn

\,h11: h !he

-.p,1u• prnhlf'm has be1•n
,1,1r+•,1ll\ f.u;1h1,11.,cl \\'1lh 1h1.s cdif1r:t•
\\hu:h \\di h1111.s1• hnth lhl' C:ollc,IH'
n f l.1h,•r,II \rt-. ,ind Sr:11•m:c ,; anrl
1h,• f '.11\l,·J.11' ,,f 1J11-.1n,,-.-. .'\d1111n1-.1r,1 11i.1~i,, 1\ ,.

··Charles River·· ~om1>lex
The huddinij .· comp leted last
\\eek at a cos! of SI O million . conlams seven stories and is supported
b, a 150-foot diameter rubber raft.
c~nslrnctcd b~ ··1101-Air Syslems.
Inc.'" of Washinglon, D.C.
The building will move al an
,1vcra,'{c o f 25 ~ yards per hour, and
1s clue 10 he localed in the Azo res i n
fe\\ months (pending ocean
cu rrnnls and wind pallerm1J .




:\s part of the ··student Exchange
Prn),lram " between 1he Soviet
I Inion ;ind 1he ll1111ed Stales. Suffolk Uni\'ers1t} u nd eqzraduates
took 11H toda) from Lot,lan Airport 10
purs~n• studies in Moscow .


t'.•,1111r,•-t n f 1h,• S1 :i m1ll111n prop-c.l mdutl1 • -HI dost•ls ,I 50-st'al
,111d1 1
11n11m ,ind !2~ f,u ;uh\ '"i;uh -

h, hnl"" "
\\'nrl.m••n put tht> f1n1i.h1n),I
111111..h,·-. on th, • hudd1n)! \,1st 111j,1lll ,t.,
l:'1 !IX\),!t'll l,1nl.!> ,inti fTI,IS~S \\,.rf' Ill ·

rtw f1ri.1 ·· fln,11111).: ·· srhonl
l1111ld111i,: op1•n1•d thi!> mtlrninj! as
Surfnlk I 1nn••r-.1h und1•rj1radu.ih•-.
c 1.,·-. ,11 thP1r nf'"





f'h1• f1rs1 educa t1on~I inslllution

nn 1hr moon "as officially ope ned
111d,1, ,1.s Suffolk l ln1vers11" und1•r)?~.11l11alf!S " rJoa1ed" " lo ciasses
,,n ope run~ da)
Desp11e the roomy surroundings .
,;1udf'nls are, dis.51runtled . J hey feel
1h,11 the long-lasting "s pace
proh lem" has not been allevia ted .
Orn• sluclent JWW ted out !hat three
dassrs Wf're a!ready O\"ercro..Yd ed
,1111! 1ha1 studen ts were humping
into each ot he r in mid-air" in the


th, • 1·, 1r \\,,., pu-.h,•d 111111 ,1 m,1d11111•
.111d ,111.1-.h,·d
" \\' h,•11111\ i:,11· c·,rnw 1111 11h,· 111 h, •r
-.1d,· . II 111111.,·d 111.,• ,I 1111 I ,II\_-- !ht•
... 111d,·111 .... 1111 11, • Jl,lld ,I $:!!", fllll'

l11•f11r,• h, • 111111d 1,11.,• pu.,l',1 •... ~11111 nf
111 ... pr11p1•r1~
,\ 111·,u:1111 I 1111 pnlw1•m,111 , rt•spund111i,: 10 qu1 •i.1111111n;.: 1111u.1•rn1n,I,! lh, •
111\\ ,ind 1.rush i11d1l1•111. '" I 1us1 dun ' I
l.1111\\ "


Burnt Cookies
J '1,• \\' 01111•11 ·., Prn},!r,1111 Cum 1111111'1' \\ 111 "Pllll .. or ,I '11•111111.,r Jll'ld
rlrnr .. d,I\ ,rt I HO Ill Rm F,;:u I'll ·

1111,•d " 1'r,•wnlin1,1 C1111l.u•l', wil h
11.11.- •·
" nnt l\1•11, _.. hu-.1 ,,-.:,. uf ,Ill 11f1nn111111-._ \\U1t11'11 ' <1 pn1;.:r,11n on ,1 1111 ,ii
,,,i.,,1,11111 .. 1,1111111, \\Ill ~I\'(' ,I hrll'r
t,dk 1111 "C )1,.1;11n;.: Your 1 ,ms Aflf' r
, 011\ ,. ll11rr11 Y1111r I :uuk11•~ "
"!'h,· ..,,,111111,11 \\ di pnl\ 11!1• ,11lf•'l" ·111• t11furm,1111111 (or ,I ll\ Ill ·
11•1,,.,,Pit pur.,uu \\ho ,,nuld li\..1• In " I'll lilled ly pay yuu Tucs,iay for a
1.,111\, 111,· h,1<111 ...:,.s1111t 1,1IJo' 111 !'l1•rv1 11~ hamhurx...- 1oda y."

JOBI Liquors
WelcomN Suffolk
Univenlty students to
our Wine


170 Cambridge St.


307 c.,mbridgr: St .. Bo.ton

OPEN -9,30am - }am f?daysj



.,1111 -.w.,-.h,·,t
\\lw1111n ,, 11 , ,1111 , ·rnll lh ,· .,,tJ,.,
-.111,· 11 l,11d,,·d l,l, · ., 1111 1,111
-. 111,l, ·111 ... 11,t 11, l'dld ,I s.: -, 1111, •

1... 1.. ,, . II, I ,,,dd Lil, · I'" "" ' .... , .,11 .. 1
h" pr .. p, •11 ,
\li,·,uu11l llll 111il11,•111,111 r,•-.purl
.!111~ 111 q11• •..,ll ur11ng, 11111 •"rtlln)! 1h, •
IH\\ ,111,l r r 11-.h 1111 1d,·111 I !'l"I dnn I


Burnt Cookies
th, · \\11111,·11, 1'111,.:1,1111 l '. urn
',jllltl'-111 ,I ',t 'l1111l , II lltl'( I.

111111,,,. 1,dl

h111-.d,1 1 ,11 1 OIi 111 1~ 111 I - 11 ,•11 1111,·.I ' l'r ,·-.,·nt1n,i: l'.1111l1 ,·-. 1,11h
I l.111
\11111 11, •11\ hw,1,., .. of ,111 ,1f11•r
11 111111-. 1,11111,•11" prn,i:r,1111 1111 ,1 1111 ,ii
1,•l,·11,u1n .. 1,,111111 11dl ,i:11,• ,, hr,,·f
1.dl "" 1:l,•.111111.i: Y1111r l',in, .\ft,•r


JOBI Liquors
Welcomes Suffollr:
. University students to
our Wine
& Cheese Room.

\ I' 1! 111111 Y,11 11 l'.1111k1,•,

I h, · -.,•111111,11 1,dl 11111111\,, ,1d, ·
'111,11,, 11if11r111,,111111 fur ,1111 111 1, -1 ,•, r, ,, I \" ''" "'II 1,1111 1,11111,! l1l, · r,, " I'll ,Ml.tell,• pn, , ·1111 Tiu:scla, for a
l1111\\ th,· l,,"11 , •., .. ,,1111,1! -. 111 ~,·n 111,i: hamhuqtt'.r toda,•. "

170 Cambrid e St.

}07 Cambridge St., Bocton


•9, l-Oam-3am f7day,I



Page 4

hy Cohh Farr

" I lik, • )OU, " I sou l 11, my1mlr



c:omlu:d my hair m lhfl rm rrnr I
w ;11111·il lo 1dl nu· I Im·•· yo u , hut I
dnn ' I wunl 11w to .i:"1 th+• wron),! 11lm1

fl llll'illl , 1r I 111111 m,• !h,11. I 1111,i:hl
111111k 11 alnJ,:hl In hhal 1111 111\'ll'lr
It,,, , ,11 .. , • I \\011ld 111111k 11u • c u11ld ~W I
,1\\,11 \\1111 11
th,11 t

Arul I u111ldn'I h,, v1•

· '"" r, · ,I d,1111111 ),!llml wrilt•r," I
1111,,-.1,,,t 111,1, •, 11!

.. Y,•,d1. ri),(hl 1 knn\-. ·
" Y1111 .,huuld prolmhlv du mnr,• nr
11. 1h1111),!h," I r.un 11nucfl "11011· 1
ll ill k111hlf'!i.S wnnls lo 'lf't'
th,11 nuv,·1 yu11' rr sup1
111!.i•d In 111'
wnrk1n).! 1111 ..
" I hd, 1111 11'II h11u ,,1111111 lhaf1 · nw
,1,k, •d
" :--.:11 , \1111

tlid ." I oHPro•cl

Porl ralt of the artist as a young
" Y,•,1h . uh 1.ik1• oh u11·. 11~ m\.""\ sc hmucks w;iil111.I( arn11111! fur ii. I'm
nw :-..,id .. ,1id1 •h •
11111 1•,1 sy, you know "
" \\',,IJ, dn11 ·1 ·~t•I 11p-.1•I ..
' I knuw. I know "
" I )h ~ rm :,;orr), 11111 I 111st r,•ulh
'' ll1!y, wha1 ' s for dinnur
h,1,·1•11·1 r1•1 .uv ,•n•d frnm 1h,1t pnrl) ·1 an yw.,~, ,.. mt• inq111n!il
J,(,,v,, fur 1lw ~lull:,; 1111 lht• /uurnu/ "
.. Wi!II. IIH!r(s u 1:ou p\1: of six " W,·11 I ha v1•11·1 1•11lwr , , · 1111 p,11 :ks 111 1h,: fn,c."
krum ·
" I 1••111·1 clnnk lwo S IXl'l> J (;;1v ·1
,•v1•11 dnnk on,• s,x ..
" Y.. ,1h . h111 I tlnnk th,• ,, hull' ,1f
f,l,r \\,I~ ,,nrlh II 1)1111·1 ,011·1" m,•
" llul yo u 'n• s11pp11s1•d lo Ill' a 11114
,lnnhr," I insistml.
" I Im, du ,w1 (1).tun:'1"
,th I 111s1 ;:11: I th ,11 wa\ around
" I lo,, d11 I fi).turt• ' IJid -. 1111 h1•,1r t<ot:k Mnrhul Wlwn Wt' ~o lo lhl'
,,h.11 M,11k H.11t).!1'r" -.,11tl ,·\h,•n m1 • 11 ,tl I pour my lw1:r inlo his )(l,iii1s
,1-.k1•d 111111 ,r ill' had ,I ).:01111 111111' ., ..
Sonwlinws I jusl s nl'ak 11 111111 1ti1•
" I >h yt•a h ·cohh, 1t11s IS !ht• hnil lwad anti pnur it Ill 1111' sink That
p,1rl~ l' v1• 1•v1•r lu :,• n 111 Ynu 'r1• th,, ps1•111lo Buh Mc: illnp ·1 know
th,• diff,•rt •ru:1• ..
j:l't:, 11t•~1 · Nu\\ I l.1w,, 1h.1t. .,nil ,ou
.. 11111 I thouMhl )OIi lal.1•1I Rnt:k ." I
knnw lh,11 , hut 11 \\,l"i ,I IIIM•• ' I 111

h, •, 11 11 f:-11111 Sllllll'UI\I' ltk,· 111111 "
.. 1 1111 ..
""1111 Jllt'illl lwc.111~,· h,,·., l'thlur .. r
.. w,,11 . wh,11 ·s 1111' p11111I in
1lw /111111mP "
"Nn, ,1n,111u•, ,111 l11• ,.,l1111r, ,.,,,11
'' Com,i 11111 of llisn,•~ l.1ntl.
I'm ,111 ,,d,tnr•·
... . hmm.l. 11,· h,ts ,1 s 1:.l1•r Arni s tw·s
" \\',·II l\)11 /"
llw sp11 11n' 1111,1).:1• of
v,.1•ll .' 111•\1'r
" ()11 ..

" ( lh 'I "

" 111 •1 ,111 .. ,•

h, • 1. ,1n g o•I 11 1'\1'r\

'\!11 11•11 nw," I prt·~s~r1•d

' llh
" t\11..! lum .11111111 l'h,11111. S.111111111

I \\,1,; th1· .. ,1111111!11•~1
h11-.t "1111" 1111).th 11,•hwr "
'"l'h,11', lrtH' "
• .~Y,•,1h . I i.JlU\\ "
" I 1111•,111 11 \\ ,is such ,1 11i s~1· r ft,.,1
in,1: In h,I \' ◄' 1• v1:q ◄ 1nu CU tilt ' IIJI lo Ill!'
,1tu l lt•II nw how rcu ll ) pisst!f 1111!


111111d "

111··~ 111,,rru•d ·








yo u ,Nonna huve unolhl'r
'""""" I nsk,:tl hf•~ ituntly
"I dun'I know I mm111 I dun 'I
know whNhN lo hovi• anuthur one
riMhl ,twa v ur In kt'Cfl all lhns1•


1111• P,,11 .1 ltl1•n1•ss uf lh, •

of 111,1 drt•,1111:. •·
·· i\rul Ill'',; J.llllll).l lo 1nlrml11e,·




lwr '"

" \ 1.,11 , 1111 I II' \\on ' ! h it rnt• )WI
n1•,1r h,•r Nu l ril(hl IHI\\ JO} w,1y 1
1,t11 , •-.:. }1111

;11ultl s,I) lu- knows me

11111 w1• II ··
" Th cni·s nu w.1y )1111 .:an t.:ha n~1!
th,11 now ." I sau l " It's lnu l,111• to

llll't'I !um for lhi! firsl linw "
.. , knuw . I know. ·hul l'\11 ' w11 a
pl.lJ.I "
" What's 1ha l'' "
" Kuck said h~: wants lus s 1sler lo
m,1rry ii 1lnr:lur. So I fiJ;iurt· 1f I can
14r,11l 11 a ll' from hi:-rc hy 1984 I'll only
111: :t4. und th,m . "

IANff~-- I

zen and the art of


Mark Rou~e r

Mr llarna ss
1.lmirnrnn Row

A plaslic planl
A Choru:. of Suffolk Orones

Chorus W,• an• studenls rrom Suffolk 11
W1• .ilrP wmurcls proud ancl lrnf'
If }!Ill nrc rcadlllli! this \\ f' mN1n )UU
Wt! f•at} e r slew
,\1r Hon·uss ( !'rvousl} IUJ«lll~ his heard And mumblin1i:l Oh, hear
1lwm c:h,m f J11s1 h1!ar them Always c hanting hchin<I m) back. Always
plullrnM 111y cluwnfoll. (Aside.I Actuall~ I'm ovr rjoyed lo have such a plum

l'ullhum Now , nov,. Nu1hmM to \\Orr) ahoul II will hlow over Ill a cou•
mun1hs S1trin...:1im••. )OU knm"
Murk Hou,:tl'r Sn:1 1 ii catch of huhhlinM heaver hatch
1:hn1r111un How W,•11 spok,•n . NO\\ dm,n to business.
,\lurk H1111~1 •r Ex1 .U!lt' plem;c. honnrnhl,• one. bul why nol ha\'e an Az1ec
s,11;rifu :1• lif'nP,1th ,1 hurnm~ lh'arnul hush'>
S11111(u zulu t:om1• on. no\\ Lf'l'S ~el senou~ l.ook , Chairma n \\ e need
s1,1,11:1• Nu. 1rn1 rnlnplan,•liir). hul rc,11 malerrnl spacr
Churus O irnv !:,Ill \'Oil St'tHW
1hr11 ·,1 1.. ,,,: s1t11il't1t'l'I f'\ Pss,s
pl1• 11£

Whitt wf• so prnudh f•'(h,ii,~
I Ir sn ).t,1\1.rntl~ il1•n1essss
Chu1r11111n Hno l.uok . Chrt-t, )OU must ',f•II ~our 1111 1,1, lo us We' re a
ht•1HMn non-pruplwt ,is tablis hm e nt. Ple,1s, • don ·1 :.poal uur heautiful
1•11plwm1 sms. What cl,l you fe el ahuul thb so-called " S11Holk.i11on." tl.1urk?
,\lurk flnuw•r l.1h n prn)(nunl .!lUrclme
1:humnun nm, And vou . Mr 8Rre.1ss'>
Mr llurcuss Oh
oh: fine . nu problt•m IAsulr.J Wh) me., Wh) du they
ormnn1 nw? I \Ike m ) joh
Fulllwm The whol+· lhinJ;i wall hlow m 'Hr It's Srmn.,1im e
Mark llouMrr rAside:) Polly wan1 a crnckr.r?
Chumnun Row Ami you. Mr Au1hor o! Ihis par()(ly. How do ou

frn•I '>
t\u lh nr L
.iku Culi len. reverent ,ur. ahnul lo resi nd hum hi) 10 your divine
1nlc rventiun
C hnrus Join us ncxl y ur for Suffolk S, ndrome No 2
ThP cost may he more 1han ~o~ can chPv.
But why should we he Sfl hlt1 ?
We know that wu have nnthinM 11lse heller to do.


111111 • · • · \\ltl

"l""I'"' ,, . . ,., .. ,,,,,.

l ,.."

I li,11,,Ln ,II I 1111 111 l< ru I ll ,· n
1111 ,·,I
P, , ,..,,-11111h.! I ,,.,1,,., .. , "11h
I l.111
\11111 11, •II\ 11,, .. 1, , ..... 111 ,Ill .1rr ,•1
11""11, 11 111 11 •·11, pl"t1),!LIIII 1111 ,I lni ,,I
r,·l,-1,,,,.11 .. 1.,1,,,11 11111 j,!t\•·" l1n,·f
1.d~ "" 1 ·1,-.1111 1H! , ,1111 l' ,m, \lr,•r
'I"" •' 11 111 Ill 'I 11111 l .,,11 1,,,, , ..
It,, ..,.,111111.11 ,, di pr,., 1d,· . 11t, ,
•1 11.tlo• 11 !1111111. 111 .. ,1 ' " ' .lfl\
1'·1 •· .. 1o•d 1'•'1 .. ,,11 ,,hn 11111dd hi,,, , ,. , " I'll ,t lad h • pll\ , ·011
l.11,,,, rh,· h ..... ,, .... ..,. .111 1.d, 111 .. ,,, ,111 h:imhur,c:1:r tcula\ .

JOBI Liquors
Welcomes Suffolk
University students to

&·Cheese Room.

T11 1•., 11a,

fo r a

}07 Cambridge St., Bos1on

170 ~mbridge St.

OPF.N -9, JOam - l am [lday,i

Page 4

hy C'.o hh Farr
" I Ilk, • p111, " I siw l to m ysl!lf ,11> I
i:um lH'd m y hai r in 1h1! mirror I
w,1111 .. d In ,,, II 1111• l lm·1• p111, hut I
don I w,111t nw 10 )WI 1111' wrun_l,! ult~
/ I m, •,111 . 1f I rold nw lh ,11. I 11111,,:ht
rh111l. 11 1
dngh1 11, .. 1111 m1 111\ si•lf
' "'' ,111..,. . I 1,1111 1d 11w n,uld w•t
.11, ,n ,,,rh ,1 Am i I 11111 ld11 ·1 h,1\1•

'...\ " " r,· ., d.1111 111 ..:110,I "ril1 •1 ·• I
t.11,1 <;1 ••.I 111:. l,•,111
"Y1•,1h. r1i,,:h1 I k111 ,w ·
"'I ,111 -. l11111ltl 111 1111, 11 1\1 tin 1111ir,· 1,f
11 , though ." I 111nhn111•1l " 111111 ' 1
Bill H11thl1•ss w,inl.o; tu, .. ,.

lh al noVt•I ynu ·n • -.11ppns1•d to h1•
wurkillK on"
" llul ~0111t·ll l11111 ,11101111h,11""'

., ... l. 1•!1


du! ' I 11Hpn•d

Portrait or tho artist as a young

" Cl h ..

lurlrny .

'' Y1•,1h . nh l .ik ,• u h
1111 • ,,1111 , 111d,•h•
" \\'1•11. don ' I ),!••I

1111 •.

11h tn~' " \

Up\t•I "

"I >h . I'm sorr} . hut I p1:.1 rt•11\I\'
h,11•,•11 '1 11'1.IIVt•n•d rrnm 1hn1 p ;trl y ·,
_l,!,111• !or tlw -. lulls 1111 llw /uurnu l "
" \\',·II I h,1v1 •11 ·1 1•1 1h1·r . }""
l.m11, .
Y1•,1h . hut r lhmk 1h1• wlu ,I, , ,1f
L11r "''' 1,nr1h 11 1>1111 ·1 ,·011 1 " 111, •
" I lo\\ du ,1111 f1,1Z11n•·1"
" I ! 11\\ du I f1,1,tun· 1 1)11 1 v1111 h,•ar
w h ,11 tl. 1.1!'1. Huli,:Pn, ,,nd ,~h,•1 11\1'
;io,;l,,pd 111111 1f 111 • h, 1d ., wmd IHl\1 ' 1"
" l)h ~ 1•,1h ·i:uhli. 1l11s 1 till' Ill's!
p,1rl ~ l' v,• l'V1•r h,·1•11 to You·n• lh, •
~rt :,111•~1 ' Nm\ I l..1111\\ th.1 1. ,md ,1111
k1111w rli.11 . hnt ,1 w,1-. ,1 111:.:.,•r !11


f :'0111 snmPOIH'


h1111 "

s1:h11111d s w a ,lmij 11rou11d ror 11 I'm
nul 1•,ts} , v1111 kno\'\ "
' I know, I know ..
" II 1
!y. wh n I ·s f nr d, n n ,: r
nn yw,1~•1 " mt• inqu1rt·cl
" Wdl. tlwr(1 , I t:nup l,• or SIX ·.
p,u :ks 111 l lw friK ·•
" I 1,,111 ·1 rlrrnlc two s1x1•:. I c.1 11 · 1
1·,1·n drink nn,• !'1 1'11 •
" llt al }r111·r,•~11 pp11s1•d In h,• a h1,1,t
ilnnk,•r ." I 1nsis 1t•d
"N,1h I 111sl :ir.l lh al Wil} ,1ru11ncl
H1H.k Morhid Wlwn w1• J,:n In 1h1•
11.1 1 I pour m y h1•1:r into his ,lll,1ss
S1111wt i1111:s I j11sl /'1!1 1•ak 11 inl u tlH'
!wad :md 1mur II 111 tlw sin k Thal
11sP11 iln Buh Md(illnp , ' I know

1h,• ,hff,·rt:111:1• "
" ll 111 I 1'11111,1,tht


" 1':11, ,111,0111• 1,111 h, · 1•d1111r. 1•11•11
.in 1•1 h111r ·•
" \\'1•!1 \\In , ..
" ll p1 , ,11 ,1• ht • 1.,111 j.?l' I II l '\ • 'f\
111 , 11 11,.·., 111,ll"ll!'d '


" C>h
''1\1111 lum ali1111I Ph ,11111. S,1111111,,

I I,• -., 1111 111,11 I \1, 1, th,· -.1111111111 .. :.1
1111-. 1 ,im,• 11 11>:h ll1 •flll'r "
" Th,11 ·-. tru,•"
"Y P,1h . I\\ "

" I 1111•,HI 11 \1,1i.-.11d1 ,1 p1 i.i.,•r fo, ·1
int,t 111 h,l\' I' ,,,, ,•r) IIIHJ 1:om,• up 111 nw
,md le ll m,• how rcall)' pisser m, •
,1111 1 I am "
" \-\ di. yo u • )<nllllil hm•H 11n11lh1•r
orw?" I ush, I hrsiln nrl y
" I dun '! knuw. I nwun I tlun 'l
knuw w lwlh t•r lo huvt• anol hcr une
riKhl .1wny or lo k,w p a ll thns1•

116 Combrldge St.

. Sub



Ii i. eel Hui:k." I

,1:. l. 1:t!

"Y1111 m ,·,111 lw1:a11-., • h,•·s ,•,h lor of

) 1111

" I 1111"

" W1•1l . wh,tt's 1lw 11111111 111

" Co1111• 11111 u f n, :. 111 •) I.and ,
i. .. hm111:~ I le: h,1s ,I s1:-,li•r Ami sh,•s
thl' i.p1lh11 ' 11n,1,1,t1• or
wdl .' IW\•t• r
mind "

· \;11, 11•11 nw." I 11r1•:.-.11r1•tl
" Sh1 •·., 1111' 1•,,11 1 hl.1•1wss 11f 1h,·
,1,t1rl 11r mv ,tr,•,un:-, ··
",\nd h, •., j,!111n~ 111 111tr11d111.,· ,1n1

•wr l"
" J lt·II.

111 1 111• \\1111 ·1 It•! 1111 • ,Rt.'1
111•,ir IH·r Nu! n,<hl 110\\ ,,111~ W,I) I

~1111 c:011ltl s,I) ht • knows nw
11111\\1'11 "
" Tlll'r1•s 11 0 w,1y you 1:.111 i;h,1111,,:1!


th,11 IHI\\ ... I s;111l

" I I':. 1110 Ja l! • 111

1111•!!1 l11m fur lht• r,rsl ltllh' "

" I know. I know . 11111

l'\lt '

1-:111 a

pl.m ."

" Wlrnl's !hat?"
" Hock s;11d he wants h ,s s1slcr lo
marry ,1 doctor Su I fi~ urt• if I ca n
),:radnato from here hy 1984 I' ll o nl y
Ill! 34. ;and lhc n

zen and the art of
Chara ~len
Mark Rouge r
A plasllc plant

~t r llarl'ass
C h1
11rm,1n Rm\

:\ C:horus

O Suffolk


Chun,-. Wi: an• srm lcnls from Suffolk I I
W1: .irt• waslrcls proud .tml 1r111~
If ~ou ,ire readinM 1h1s \\ l' nw,1n )OU
We f'UI l.awver s ic ,"
i\ lr Hnrt•oss 1N:,rvo~1sly lu)ot)(mJl hi s !wa rd and mumbliniz) Oh. hear
tlll'm d1.1n1 Just h~ar. t!fl!m Alwa ) s c:h;intir,g hchinrl m) back . Always
plullin~ my dnwnfoll (Aside I Actual!~ I'm ovcqoyccl 1 have such a plum

Eullhmn Nu..., . nu\\ NulhtnM lo worr) about It \\ tit hlow over 10 a coup It• of n111nlhs Spnnt,;linw. )OIi knm, .
Murk Hou,zn Sna lch ,, caldt or huhhhn~ heaver hatch
C:h111rmun lt nw W1•1\ spohn . N1rn do,, n 10 husiness .
,\l urk /l uui,,:,• r E,1.usC' plt•asc. hnn11r.1hl,• one. bul \1h } nol have an Aztec
-.:1,:rif11:1• tH'rwnth ,1 hurn111M lwnrn11 1 hush 7
Sp111unu/u 1:om1• un . now',; ~cl St•rmus Look . Chn1rman " e need
s1Hw,· N u . 11111 111tnpl:1nl'l, 1r) . hu1 rt•,11 mnll'rinl s1m c:1e.
( :horns l) :.a~ t .,111 ~ ,m S•'f.lCC
th r11 , I I.a\\ s1urlt•n1 's 1'\t'!>S',!t
\Vh,1 1 111 • sn proudh P).h,111•
I h• ,;o i,,:,111.intl~ d, •n1t~ssss
1:hu, rmun Um,· l.1111k . C:hris . ,ou rnusr -..·II ,our Hh•,1., to us \.\' c·rc a
h1•111,1,tn non -pruplw1 l'Stahli sh~f'nt. Ph•,1 s1• cio11 ·1 spoil uur beautiful
1•1111h1•m1 s ms Whal 1111 yn11 fepl ahoul !his so-c,1 ll ed "S11ffolko111 on." ~turk?
,\lurk /1 11u,:w r l.1k1• ,1 pr1•gn,1nl ~.,relin e
t:hm rmun How 1
\nd vnu. Mr Bareass 1
Mr llon!oss Oh
nh: fine . no pruh l,•m iAs11 le: I Wh> mc 1 \-\'h) do lh C}'
turmenl m.,, I like n\ ) job.
Fullhum The wholf' thinH will hlow ovt?r It's Sprini,111m e
Murk lt nul(n (Asirle : J Poll y wanl a c rnck er 1
, Ctw1rmon How Ami you. Mr Author of this Irash~ parody . How do you

fo ,•n
t\ulhnr 1.ike Ca lilco. revere nt sir. nhnul lo res,nd hum hi)' 10 your divin e
Chorus loin us n ex l y ar for Suffolk Syndromf' No 2
Tht• cos1 ma v he morn than vou can ch f'\\
Hui wh y sho.uld we he so hl;1e 'f
We know !hat we have no1hing e lse bettor to do .


Pagr. 4

h y C:oh h Fa r r

" I Ilk,· ~1111.'· I sm d lo rnyiwU a:. I
mv h ;11r tn the mirror I
\\',11111 •.t In ii•II nu • I Im·,• }OU . 11111 I
d1111 ·1 \\,l ltl 1111 • ln).!1•! 1h1· wrun),! 11!1 •,1
fl 1111 •,111 . i( I 1111d nw th,11. I 1111).!hl ,.
1l1111l 11 al nµht 111 , lt1t 1111 ru\ ,.- lf
lt1•1 ,111-., • 1 \\1111\d 1h111l 111• • nm ld ),!1'1
.,,,,t\ \\1111 ,r 1\1111 1 11111liln I h,1v1•
'I n11 n· ,1 d,1111111 ).!11111 1 \\rtl1 •1 I
1111,1 .. 1,•rl ,11 .. 11•,11!
.. , ,•,111 n).!hl I l11m-.
'I 1111 -.huuld ptnh,1hh du 11111r,· nr
11. 11.11111).!h .'" I 1
·n11t11111P d ·· 1>1111 ' 1
lldl H111hl .. -.s \\',ml , In-,,,,,
th,11 II0\"1 •1 ,011' r, • '>11 ppos,•d In h,•

1:111111 ... d


worJ..111).! Ill\·
I )111 , 1111 11-11111111 ,dmut 1h,1t, · 1111•

.. -...;n

\1111 .1111 "

I 11fr 1•n·d

Pnrl ral l of lh e arlisl as a ynu nK
turk e)··

" ll\1 ..

" 1 lh '' "

·· y, ,,t h . oh 1.ik .. u h uw n l, 111, • ··,
m ,• -., ud , md, •lv
1•1I. dun ·l ).!,•I 11p.,1•1 ·
··clh , 1'111 -.orr} , 11111 I 111.,1 n •a lh
h,1,·,•11 ·1 1,•1.11,·,•n •d frnm 1h ,11 p ,,rt ) I
).!,1\1' lnr lhl' -. lu h, 1111 1111• /nur,111/ ··
'" \\' .,II I h,n.,11 · 1 ,•1th1•r ,uu
J.. 1111\\' ..
" Y,:,il1, 1111! I 1l11nk 1/11 • wl10I,• ar
fair ,-.,1:,, ,,nrlh 11 111111·1 , 011 1" m,•
" I Im\ du ,1111 f1),!1ir, , r ·
"! Im-. du I r1..:11r,•' llul vnu 111•,t r
,,h,11 M.1 rl 1(111,1.w r-. :.,1111 ,·vh,•n 1111 •
,1.,l,·d 111111 ,I hi' h,ul ., .,:nutl 11111 1• 1 • •
''( lh ~1•, 1h ·c:11 111>. 1h1 s as 1111' lu•s l

.,1.hrn111:k!'I w,u1111J,t ar11u111I fur ,1 I'm

t'•'"' - ,, 111

knn,, ·
I kn,;w . I know ··
.. II I ' )' . w h ,II . s r !Ir d I n n I ' r
,111\ w,1v'1 " 1111• 11
" W,•11 , lh..r,•s ,I 1.011pl1· uf six
p. ,t.k , m lh, • In.,:·
" I , .111 ·1 dnnk lwn -.1,:1•:,, I 1 ·1
,·v1•11 drink 1101· -. 1x "


~n:,111•-.1 Nn\, I J..nm, 1h,11. ,uul )1111
knu\\ lh,11 . 11111 11 \\',I., ,1 !JI !>~••• Ill

" llur ~
·nu'n• s11 pp11:.1 •d 111 l11• , 1 1111,t
drmk,·r."" I 111s 1Slf'll
"N,,h I p1s 1 ;:11.1 thal ""' ,1ru 1111d
Kud. M11rl111l Wh1 •11 w,· ~fl 111 th,·
I l,11 I p 1111r m y h1•1•r mlu 111 s J,tlass
S11ml'li1111•s I just -. n1•,1k 11 111111 1h1 •
h,·,icl ,rnd pour 11 111 till' sink Th, 11
ps1•111 l11 ll nh Mr. Kil lop 1lur.:m·1 knnw
lh,• diHPr1•111:,· "
·· 11111 I lhuu~ht ) OU li~1·il Km :k.' I

h, •, 11' 11

,l!-olt •d

p ,lrl \

r, ..

l ' \' l'r 111 •1•11 Ill

r :-0 111

Ynu'n• lh1•

S1Jl l11't11\1 ' hi,,,, h im "

' "'1'1111 m1•an h , ·G 1U '>t • h,,·....t111ur .. r

·· w••II. wh ,1rs 1111' jlllll\l Ill

1h,• /1 11111111/'' "
· · ",;,1 , ,lll \11111• 1.,111

lu • 1
•d1111r ,

I'm ,111 1•d 11ur"'

··\\1 •11."h, r" B,·,

.11 ... , •

h, ·

, . ,Ill




111.,:ltt 11,-·., m ,1rru-1I
·· 1 )h

·· And hn\\ ,dmur Ph,11111.


I 11• ,,11d 1h,1t I \\,1, l)w ,1111l11th1
hu.,I .. i111 ,, 11 11.,:h I li •fn, ·r ..

" Th,,t' .., 1n11• "
" Y,·.~h . I l,,mm "
" I 111,•,111 it\\ ns -. 111:h

' Cu m, • 11 111 11 r ll1!.n1•)l,1ntl .
,1 .h11111c:l 11.. h.,s .1 s1s ll' r 1
\1111 sh, •s
tlw s p11!111 · 1111,11,t1• nf
\\1 •11.' n,•v••r
11111111 .•

-...:11 . 11•11 1111•." I pn•:.:.un•d
'Siu•., 1h,· 1•:..,u t l1l,•1wss uf rh, ·
},( lrl
Ill\ dr, •.1111, .
" Aud h,•:. ).!n 11li,t In 1111rnclu1.,· ,1111
111 h,·r,..


" I !,·II.


n,•,1r h,•1

p1 ss1: r fm •I
in),! Ill h,1\1 ' PVf•r}llttC i:n m1 • up 111 Ill!'
,rnd tdl mf• how really pissi!r 1111•
,111d I n m "
··w,•11. you Ji!Onna lrn vf! onnt lwr
111w '1 " I ask<·il ht·silan lly
" I ilon ' I knuw I nwan I don'I
J...nnw wh1:1 hrr 111 h av1• annlhf!r one
ri,l(hl il\\'fl Y or In kuc p all lhos1•



).:Ill's:,, ) "II

I It· \\11 11 °1 11'1

IIH ' ).! t 'I

Nut n>(hl 1111 \\ ,lll~w,1y I
:u11ld S, I) l11• knows m1 •

luu \\I'll ..
·'Tl1t•r c ' s no ,-. ,1~ ~uu 1:,111 i.:h ,1111-tu
lh,11 now. " I sa ul " 11 °!-o too la lc 10
m1•1 •\ l11m fur lh f• fir st hnw ··
" I know , I know . hut f 'v1• i-:11 1 ,,
p\ ,1n.""

" Wh.i1 's 1h,11?"

" Huck said Ill! want s Im; s ister In
marry .i d or.111r So I figun : ,r I cao
1-:r:11 lua111 rrom hurt! h y 1984 I'll nnly

zen al\Klthe art of
univers~ ·maintenance
C hara cters

Mark Rouke r
A 1
>las11c p lant

Fullh ,1111
f\.1r ll.1 n•,1 ·s
1:h,11r111,1n Ro\\
A Choru!'I nf Suffo lk 11runr.s


-.1ude n1 s from Suffolk 11
Wt• .iri• wa,1n•ls proud ,md tru ,•
H \IHI ,ire rf'ad 1nJ,t 1h1s ,,.,, mr,tn ,ou
1•,11 l..1w~ t? r s ic\,

i\lr llnrt•uss jN n vous l) IU.11,J,ltn)I! hi s !ward end mumbltn,z) Oh. hear
1lw111 chant Jusl h1•ar th1•m t\lwn } s c.ha n l tn)( heh ind m ) back . Alwa ys
plu11111~ Ill ) duwnfoll jAsi ii £ l ALt11all~ I'm ovrrjuyecl 10 h ave s u c h a plum

l'ullhum Nn\11 nm, Nn thm~ lo \,orr} a hout It "111 hlow over tn a cou pl" of mnnlhs Spnni,.:llnw. )Oil know
\lurk lh1t1.'(i 'r Sn,tli:h ,1 1 lllr::h n f huhhlin,w heaver batch
t :h01rmun Hnu \V,•11 spnhn ~U\\ chJ\\ n lo business.
i\lurh lluu).!1'r E".ns,• Jlh•ns,•. hnnor.ihlj • o ne . hul why nol have an Aztec
-..u:rifu .,, tw1w.11h ,, hurmnJ,t IH"arnul hu'ih ?
SJ11t11111ulu l:oml' on. n rl\\ l.,,f., ,Ill'.' ! Sf'rmus Lnuk , C hairman we need
sp, 11:,• Nu . nnl mlf'rplarw l,lr} , hu1 u•,d malerial space
c;huru, tl
1.,1n \lltl s1•1•1•1•
1hr11 ·., l ,,1 s1ud ,•n1 ' ,; 1•,1•s:-:-s
.\Vh,11 "'' sn prourlh t•,h.1lt•
111• -.o 1-:-111 ,11111\ rl,•n1+'~sss
C:l1u1r11111n Hnu l.ut'lk . 't':hns. ,011 mu:.1 -.,• ►I \nt1r 1d1 ·,1'> lo us \.V o' rc a
h1•111)(n 111m-p ruplw1 f'S lahlis h~ cnt. Pl(•,ts,• ciun·, spoil ou r hcautirul
,•11ph1•m1sms \\'hnl 1h1 ~011 fe('J ahou l 1h1s so -calle1! "S11Hnlk,1110n.'" ~ l ar k?
Murk /lou)(t'r l.1k P ,1 prt!J,ln,,nt ~archne
Chu irmun How 1
\ncl vou. Mr Bareas-. ·,
Mr Hu n!uss Oh
o h : fine , no prnb l1•m jt\s1dr>:I \\'h} m1!? \\'h~ do they
turm c nl m1•1 I lik 11 m ) joh.
Ful/hurn The wholt• lhing \\Ill him-. O\C'. r Ifs Spnn!r,!l1m e
Murk ll oUj(l'r (Aside:) Poll~ want a cra cker ,
Clummun How And you. Mr Authur or this pa rody. H ow do you
f1 :t:1 ·1
:\ulhnr l.ik1• t:alileo. reverent s ir. ahnut to resind humbl y lo you r di vi ne
\\'1• ,1r1•





lnin us n ex l \' ar for Su Holk s, ndromc No 2
The> cust nm,; lw morn th,tn w1~1 r.o n chew
8111 why sho.u ld w e h e so hl~c?
We know that we have no 1hinJi! e lse baller to do

he :1-1 . and lhcn .. "

116 Combrldge st.


Our Specialty


1-· aslr.ner .

" I lhi nk m y

au ii asleep!"

Page 4

h y C:ohh Farr
1 l1J..1• \ 1111 , ' I ,,1111111 m,~1•1f .1~ I
• 11111'1,•d Ill} h,11r 1n tlw m1rr11r I
w, 11 lll•d 1t1 11'II 111 1• I Inv,, )otl 11111 I
dun I w,1111 111,• 111 ~••I 1111' wr1111~ '411•,1


1111 •,111

1r 1 111111 m, • ,1i.,1 . 1 1111),!h,

l/1111J.. 11 ,dn>,!111


In ,1111 un 111\',!'lf

I \, 1111ld ll11nJ.. rn,· • ould )WI
,n, ,n \\ 11h II \wl I , ,mldn I h,1\ , ,
h, ·,

,11 1-. , •

1h .11 J
, 1111 r,· , 1 d,1111111 ~01111 \\rlh • r
1.. 1.1-.1,•d 1n, 1t •,1rl
\, •, 111 n~hl I J..11 ,1\\
, 1111 -.huuld prnli,d1h du mnr, • nf
11 , 1111111),!h ." I 10111111111•11
" 111111 '1
11111 H111hl,.,:;,; w,1111, In.,,,,,
th,11 1111\1•1 ,1111 ' rp •mppos1•1I t11 lh•
,,nrJ..111>,! 1111 ••
I lul \ 1111 t, •11 111111 ,1lm1111h,1r1 . 1111 •

· \l o \ till dtd .. I nrf,•ro•ol
c lh .
I Jh' "
" Y1•,1h . uh l.11..,• uh 1• 11• nh 111\
m, · ,.11rt ,1111!.•h

I" \


" \\'.-II . don I Jll'I
)h . 1'111 Mirr}•. hut I p,~r ri•11lh


h,l\l'!l ' I 11•1 m,•r1•d rrum lh,1 1 p,tl'I) I
)!,l\1 • l,11 1h1 • -.l11li-. ,111 1h,· /11urnul "

" \\',•II

I h,n ••11 · 1 1•1fh.-r


l..1111\\ •

' Yl',lh , " ~" I tlunJ.. th,· \\ hol, · .• r
f.111· ,,.1 -. \\llrlh 11 llon ' I ,1111 1 " 111, •
" !111\, .!11 ,1111 f1)!un• "
·• 1trn, du I f1.1,t111't• 1 1)111 "'" h,•,1r
\\h,11 ;-.,1,1rJ.. H11l>,!••1, ,,111! wh,•11 1111 •
,.-.J..,·d 111111 1f h, • h,1d ,I 1o;orul 111111• 1 "

·~h ,,•,1h ·1:nhh .

1111, 1,;



p,irly l'\<1' ,•v,·r hP1•11 111 Y1111 ' n• 1h,·
).!11',lli·,I Nti\\ I kllfl\\ lh,11 ,IIHI \1111

J..1111\\ lh , 11 !1111 II \'1.,1'> ,I 111'>'>1 ' 1 l u
ti, •.11 11 f:11111 ..,,,111, •1111,• l1J.., , li1111
"Y111l 1lll'a11 h1•1 ;,ltJ',t' 111 • .. , ..d11ur .. r
1111• /11ur11u/ r
" No, ,111\Ullt ' , ,ti\ lw 1·cli1,u .
I'm .in 1•d11111 ..

h, ·

" ll1 •1 . 111 -..•

111.1,tht 11,· ..

I , HI

J.: l'I


l ' \l ' r\

111 , lrlll'd .

.. \ml hrn,

11,· , ,11.t





\\ ,I'>

1111•,111 ,, \\',IS




pi sser


4:Ullll' IIJI lo lilt'
.11ul tell nu• hnw ren ll) pisser 111,•
,111.t I arn"
"Wtd l. you ,1,1111111:i h avf' nnollll'r
on, 01 " I ,1skfHI h1•silan ll y
" I dun 'I knr,w I nwan I il nn ' I
ku11w wlw llll'r to hav1• ano lh,ir un,:
nxh1 .I\Wt)' ur lo k1i1•p all thost•


Ph.dlu S.1111 111 11
lh, · , muutl11•,1
l1•f11,•r ··


h,1,1 ,1111 ,. ll11.1,1h
" Th.11, tru,• ..

1•,1S\ . ,1111

11 •11

111 .. ,.



·stu• -.

·1 lh

111),t lo

wm llltj,f ,1ro1111d fur ii I' m
knu,, ·
·1 km;w . I know
.. II,,)' . w h ,II . s r II r ti I II n ,. r
,IIH w,1v·, .. mi• 11111u1r1·1I
" W,•11. 1l1t·q• ,; ,1 1.m q tll' nf s u p,u .k, 111 l~JI' fn ,1,1 ..
" 1 1,111·1 drink lwu ~""'~ l 1,in · 1
,.,,,n dnnk nn, · six
But ~1111 · ri• -;uppu..,,•d 111 Ill' ,1 111.1,1
d1111k ,•r:· I 111s1sll'd
" N,1h I p1sl ,11:I 1ha1 wa, ,1r111md
H,11 .k Morhul Wtwn w,· i,,:11 In 1tw
I Lit 1 pour Ill) h, ,.,r 1111 11 his ~l. 1ss
S111 11 !'111111•s I 1us l 1111 •,1k 11 111111 llw
h,•,1d .11111 pour 11 111 1h,· srnl,. rh .11
p~1·111 l11 lluh Mc:K1ll11p rlm:~n ·1 know
th,· d1H,·r,•n11• ··
" ll111 I tli11u.1,th1 \ou lil-.,·d H111 .k." I
,1,l. ,·d
" I d11 ..
" \\'1·11 wh ,11 1 1h, · 11111111 111
· t:11111" 11111 nf ll.-.n,•, l.11111
,1.hmnd, I J,. IL,1~ ,t ~1sl1•r And sh, •~
1h,· ~11111111 1111,l)W nf
\\t•ll .' 111•\ ""
,1 . h111111: k~




1l11 • ,,,,111 l1J...-n".,... 11f th, ·
,i.: 1rl u f 111, dn•,1111, '
" \1111 h1 • '>).tlllllJ.t In 111lrml111,1• \OIi
lo ht•r 1 "
' I lt•II . 1111 I I•· \,1111 ·1 I, •! 1111 • ,1,:i-1
1w,1r l11•r Nol n~hl 1111\\ ,in, W,I\ I
gw•o;s )1111 could ~,I) h,· kn;,ws ·nw .
luu w1•II ·

'"l111•re 's no w,t) )IJU 1.,111 d1,in1,w
1h,11 now ," I saul "f l'~ too lal1: 111
nwd him fur 1lw firsl 1111w"
"I knuw . I know, 11111 f'v,· ).!nl a

pl,111 ."
"W hal's th;1t'!''
" Hor:k s;1id he wnnts l11s s 1slcr 111
m;ury a cloclur . So I fiJ,ltirt• ,r I can
J.:rnd11, 1l c frum he.rt! hy 1984 I'll onl y


lu: :1 a nd tlu:n ... "

zen and the art of
C haracters

Mark Rou1ter

Mr n,,ri•,1-;s
Ch.11rm,111 Ru\\

A plas11 c pla n t

.'\ Chnru~ nf SuU olk Orunrs
\V1· an• -.1ml1•nls from Suffolk I !
,t{'' waslr,•ls proud .incl lrnP
H )II ' ,ire n·,uhn~ 1h1s \\P 11\('dn }IHI
\V1• i•bt l..t1")t!r sl~\\
,\Ir lltm•us~ I Prvutt:'il) IUM)(lnM his lward end mumhlinRJ Oh, hear
lh ,•m c:h,rnl f11sl "1•ar 1f1t:m Alv-.l'l)S r.hantini,: hehind m~ hack . Always
p\1111!11),! nl) lim\.nf,1111A&U41• I A1.1uall) rm ov e qoye d lo have such a plum
t :twru,


Fullh11m 'Im,, . no\, NulhlnH lo \\t1rq ahout II will hlnw over 1n a COi)·
111,• 11f n111t11hs ,'pnn),!llnlt' . ) rlll knu\\
Murk /t11uj(1 ·r Sn,111:h .1 1.11 c h nf huhhlm,1,1 heaHr hatch
c:hmrrnun Hm, Wf' I\ sp11k1•n t-.:m, c\u\,n to husiness
,\lur~ Hnu~wr EJ1u1s, · pl1 •,1st·. h n nor,1h\., nn e. hul why not have an Azlec
, ,11rif111 • h1•n1•,11h ,1 hurnrn~ h1•,1rnu t h11,:;h 1
Sp1111u ,-u/u Cum,• 11n. no" l., •1·-; ),I('! s1
•ru111s 1.ook. C hairman \\e need
,p,1c,• '\J u . nnt 1nh•rpl,1111•1,1r) . h ut r,•,1I m,111•rrnl space
C;/111 ru~ l)
L, 111 \OIi
1hru ,1 1.m, -;111d1•n1',:; 1• \• 's'i '>!'>
Wh,11 WI' '>II JlrlHUlh 1
11,· ,;o )!,1ll,1 n 1I ~ d1 •n11• sss s
I :t1111rm11n ll ua l.ooJ.. . Chn-.. \ OIi must -.. •11 , o ur ult-, ,, lu us \.\'e' re a
lwm.l{n 111m -11rnplw1 ,•stahlishnwnt. Plt•,1 s1• riorl'I !!>pu il u11r heautiful
,•11ph1•m1s ms \Vhat dn ~nu fef'I ,1hnut 1h1s s11-ca l11•d " S11ffnlk.i110n." r-..tark 1
,\lurk lluu~1•r l.1kl' ,I prc,.:n,,nl s ,1rdint•
Ch(//rmun Ho a :\nd ,1111 , Mr lfare a s~ 1



1 r /l ur1 •11ss Oh - nh : fint!. no µmhl, •m (t\sul,, I Wh~ mc 1 Wh~ do they
1ormcnt m,• 1 I hkc ffi) Joh
Fullhurn The whnlP lhlllR "ill hhl\\ n vm It's Spnn,1,111m e
Murk Houj(11r {Asirl c : I Poll y wanl o i:rncker 1
Chcurrnun How t\nrl you . Mr Aulhnr nf thi s I rash) parorty. How do you


Aulhflr l.ik,! Coli leo . r evernnt sir. ahnu1 10 rcsrnd hum hi) to your divine
anh! rvention
c:hnrus lnin us nc:<1 y~ar for Suffolk 5) ndromc No :?
Thtl cos l ma\• h e morn 1h,m \OU con che\\
Bui wh)' s hn.uld we h" so hl~1e ·1
We kn ow 1hat we havP nolhinM else butler 10 do .

116 Cambridge St.


Our Specialty


.__ __ _ _ __ _ _ _•

1-' astnnr.r.


" I lhink m y au Is aslee p! "

, ... s

c,M1nn1nn nP.w tn 1stees





Page 5


swinging new truste. s
•\l11·r 11H1111h-. 11! pt••.,,111•• fnun
,md r.11.1111\ , 1h1•
1111 ,11 d or T111, 1t•t''i of S11ff11lk

,!111111111. -.111d, 111-..

I ! 11 1, ,,r..,11\ h,1\ ,, I111,111,

ul,,, 11,d


111•\\ 1 ru-.1,,, •., IJHlh und,·r 11111 ,c,1r ~
old rh,• Ill'\\ B, 1.irtl rn1•111ll+'r, ,lfl '
,tl -.n 1111•111l11•1, nl 1111111,r,1\ j,lru1111~

~ufrnllc: ,111tl,•111-. Ill p,1rt1n1l.1r h,1,,•
111•,•n ,1ppl,1nJ,! 1•n•~-.11n• 1111 rn•mlh 'I
fur ,t 11•\\ ,11 1111~1•1 f,11,•-. nn lht•
ll11,1ril Th1•1 r d1•m.1ntl.., h,1u • f111,1lh
l w.- 11111 ,• 1

l'IH · 1n•d,ill,,11t1n 11f 1tw n,•,,
11w111h1•r., Ion!,, pl,11 ,..: l,1 <11 Frul,1,
,.,,,nm)! .ti 1111' 1'!11 ••r llnu,, · 111
11,,-.1,,11 wtwn• ,1 d1nn1 •1 ,,,1-. tz1,,• n
111 hon111 of 1111' 1\1'\\ ,1ppnin1t•1 ·!o
· ' tu~ rt•p11r h •r.was ,1\lowi•d 111 1n•
trn If'\\ hnth llt'\' mt•mlw rs durm)l

.inti ,1 f1t•r 1b,· hl ,1r.k-lit• nrra,r

\lr ,,,1, h \11-., Choht• h,i-. ht•,Ru n In
d,•111111H,lr, 1lo• her rt•putt•tl 11t1t-. p11k1•n1•s-. I l.1lf ,,,n 1hrnui;ih tht!
n •,trhnJ,l nr thP nunu1r•L shC intcr1"' h•d .'\ hhi,!,llo!11UIILI U1'
1~111• 1 I ,1s ~1•tl \li!l'i Chnhf' whut
~h,· h.i.J tn ••,1n1 -t,;... 1hu, s~11f'm1•111
1:1,hhhh 'llu: rPplu•,I. wt'lt llljl hn


,11 1hi-. p•l~ I lh,11 jml)(r
Hu,,, .. Ch,11rm,1n of 1h1• Bunni. ,, as
h,•,ird 111 1 11111111,•nl. ' \\ .. kn,•,, 11
wuuldn t IH • 1•,1-., h,I\ In!,! ,ou njl
IH'op l" nn 1h1• Bn.ird 1\ nf our
ulP,l'i ,ind ,1t111lulcs ..1rr rl1ss11111l,1r I
111 ,-.,,U ohw1;1 lo p,int-\\1'11111!,! tlu r111),/ mtwllni,!'i , ,1l thoui,!h so me of th(!
Truslccs f'll),!,llo!1' 111 ii from 1im£' to
lirnr l.1kr• I s,1, . II \\nn't hr t_>;j ,;, •
h111 \\f•n• comrni1t1•d ··

JJi>,:h Sku Chnhu. 1lw hnll n"''
Trns h•I' , 1s of Asian 1•>;,trm:1rnn. Shr
1'1 tlw , ·1111n),l••,1 p1•rsnn ,•n•, tu sen·f'
nn lhc ll oa n l
Sf'\'r r.W r~ t<hru,, s wrn• r:userl
wh1•n llijth Sk11 cn lm l~ ordered milk
~ la hu lll t> fnr her :1pcr li f, hut Vu:,,
l'n•si cl 1:nt Fl,111111•n Jrnslilv 11xph111u~ lo tlw B11ar;I lh nl lh;s \\US
an nld Oril'nlal 1

S1a rsk y and Hutch al Gay Lib ra ll y.

Tht> sor:ontl now 1rus1c1•, althoui,!h
,, me mber of,, minority (lrnup . hos n tht· rP1
Hling of !he mi nibes , bu l goes beyo n d moderatio n is
mur.h )lfelllt•r rapport with lhf' 1hry"d µ ul th e Pope t slee~ Out- dangerous a nd no good . I also e n joy
Bo,ml. " 1l e's a gre al MU):· com- sicie interesls' Well . I H \ 't! scteral gardening and dati ng: ·
nwnlcci Thomas Fu lham . Preside nt cats ,11 homr that I en1 0 ~
All in a ll, stude nts of Suffolk can
of SuHnlk "We s1iem 10 speak the dcahnJ! wilh s111de nts fJ like to pa rly look fo rwa rd lo better rep rese ntas;rnu! h1t1>,1Ufl)ll! No. I don ' t thi nk the a lul. th,lu~h 1 feel anythi n@ that lion o n !heir Board .
hu-1 th.ii lw 'i-. relat e d to 'th!'! lud.,i e
\\Ill h.unpn u r bias his perfor- r - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
nrnnc1 1 hihuld Row,• {lhe nrw
• \rc
tru st l't•d
cd .J 1s a free »linker ··
Tlw j,ul)(l! a>,irccd . " Mnny timfJ'I,"
lw co mmPnh!rl . " Archlhuld and I
would h e o ul S\\ rn)lin>,i lhrou~h the
lawnlnower p ushing will beco me
Crab Grau
!recs. and \\c '"n had mam lele-ll•
a rc h aic (c r ab g r ass n eeds n o
(Creepus Crud)
tutes. I w.1s 1mp ressecl hy his bn!'llc
r-..1a ryjano. it's a ll ove r the fr o nt taming) .
concern for studcnl geed!'! ...
Yo ur ne w ye llo w-green lawn will
lawn . Let mo t'Xplo1n. dea r rea der.
An Un1lisclmmd sou rr:r.. howe\'cr. since it's no l what )OU thi nk. She is be th e talk or the !ow n. fA t least
.;nal 1hat Archibald Rowe hnd mv wa,c hcan on 1he wi ndow sill. 1h a1 Is a ll th ey' ll be sayi ng abo.ut
f.11 h~d in most nt hn pruft•ssions anrl Y;slt'rd,1, ,;hf' ph mentod my youJ) Sil hack and watch your
that lhe lud"'ti me rel) sci up h is hmn . im~i nM 1ha1 Ke ntuc.k)' Bl ue ne igh bo rs siave on !he ir yart\:S. Now
~r,inchmn in this sint;"Cure for lack nf Gr,1s~ would )ll'I Secreta riat 10 do you ca n spend more ti me wilh your
othe r em 1
>loymen1 \Vo have no way some f.1ni :~ .sle ppin)l.
Javor ite pl a nts. T alki ng a nd cud dl•
of confi r min>,i this
But this mor n inp. Ma r yjane. ing feve n tickli ng) them .
Don 't yo u r plants have feeli ngs ?
Arc hihu ld , indeed , denies this. " I th ere .ire ycll o\, fl owers wilh six
think I c,111 re lrthJ well lo the grctJn le)Zs craw linl( a rou nd the Shame an vou . You 've bee n ns th"em. Ti ll nex t time.
Truslres ," h+• commontucl. " Of 1<r,1ss Oh, swtict :--Jntu rf' (it's not
r.uurse. somf' th1n.,is thnl )Ill on bore ri~hl to fool Mothe r Natu re'). happy cu h ivalina!
m•: ~tan~ 1111ws I nod nu! riu rin!' you\•c do ne ove rn ighJ what I've
lriecl to do fo r the lasl two weeks.
T hat clnrk h lue-Rr cen was ju"st too
piscatory murders
clrnh for ,1 law n ; it needed so me
\ PII••" h1~hh~h1s to be a nt!i)Zhhurhnotl ,;ho\\ piece
You ,, 111 rrnct it NIS~ lea rn ing 10
r,11!-r hf'ailh y crnb MrH$S . Go lo a
Thomas ,\. Fulh,un , Pn•sidcnt nf ;,1 1la art• !win~ held as sus pects hy
univNs it, iwcurih lnnanc hclic\'t•s neiizhhorhnud of fairly wea hhy.
8u ff o lk I l ni\'flfSII\. 11fficia lh nn nnunt:t•d 1
orla, 1hC di•,1th of f;mr of that 1her~ nr,• pos~1hl} three people middlc-a_wNI pf'ople You know. 1he
y,irtls \\.ilh th e s1rnv..,~ha11ed greyh ii-. lr-411))1:lll f1~ h . FrNlriclc . Eziclwl. in\'O\v+-rl m 1h1s ,llh•jl:Cd clondPst inr
hai red ,z,1rdcncrs fthc~ ·re so cu te
l 1t1!l j llCS, ,m d Jo,• . Thi• C,IIIS I' ur IIH'
when thP y ~runl) in thr fro nl . a nd
ln nanc suid 1hat Fu lhom told him
clc•;1 1hs is unk nown .
1t\\'1mmi-n)Z pools and sundecks in
Allh nu~h 1lw hollies \\e r e fou nd thal Spinnzzola h ad said . " Per tht! h,1Lk Finding such a location.
th ree tl ays nijo. the a nn ou ncement snnall) . l ha te fis h."
_you' ll hnvc lo walch ho\\' they h anwns wi thh o ld cl ue to th e in vesli ~aT he link hc twccn Ham mond and d lo the pla nt, then do lh e opposile .
lio n hy loc,il a u tho riti es.
lh c fi s h es · rl ea th has no t b ee n
Don' ! use 1h ose po ke rs a n d
" I tl nn 't 1111df'rsl,1m l i1 ,' · Ful ham so lved yel. hut ii is a ll eged 1h11 1
ni trate poiso ns (ho l s1uH!J th e ga rsuld " I r.a mc into m)' offi ce Mon- Ihere is some conneclio n he1wecn a
de ne rs use . Seeds a re eas il y obda)' mornl nj,( nnd fou r of my fis h pns1ca rd siK ned by Ha mmo nd. th al
ta in ed. or )'OU can lra nspla nl th e
we re floal inM o n th e lo p or th e w:1s nen r the fish tonk, ahd the
crn b grass. You w ill find ver y Hui e
wa le r."
m yste rious 1leaths . T he posl ca rd oppos i1ion to lift ing a pl a n t or two
1' he p resid e nt ~aid 1hat oft er he dema nds 1h nt e ith er Fu lh am relUrn
from n neigh bo r's lawn .
hnd o hsc rved the in acli vi ty of h is his lihr,tr~ honk ur o IOC r: ha r,1,: e
Q nce you have n cou p le roo ted in
f 1s h, he .r.:nll ccl tho.u ni versi ty sccuri - wou ld be accruecl dai l) fro m the
your lawn , MettinM mo re to grow is
1, nrfir.c a nd o rdered th o rn lo be,wm d ue da te.
si m ple. A ll yo u h ave lo do is wa te r
i;11111 C>rl ia ll' inv1 •sli)(a lion of w h nl
Anoth er susp+'CI , w hosf.\ nnme 1
hc pl a nts T h ey wi ll go to seed
1ppcarctl to h im rts a dnnd cslme ,1ppears on a mail o rder in;urnnce
th emselves
sche me 10 ove rt h row the presidenfo rm which \-\as l)ing on Fu lha m's
If ,011 \\rre smart 1n trn nsphrntcy ,
df'sk a l 1he limr of lhe dea th s, has 111),! . you pul 1hr pl.mis in a spnl
Pete r In narw. chi~ f ur Su rfnl k
nn l hmm loco lcd fo r qucst io ninK. w h ere 1he p reva 1\inij weste rl ies
IJmvo rsily s1• r.nri1 y a nd coo rd ina tor
,rn tho
still sea rc h in~ wi ll carry 1he
or 1hc 11wf's tii,:a1io n. curnmc ntml 111 The dt1l'!o> nt ies arc 111 thr \\ h+•n•• across )'Our duparachute-like. seeds
ll )Zrt!e n lav,m So me
nc s men. "Then· an· fou r cl ,•,ul
mort• ,,,, IN ,ind sunliMht ;ind ,1ho11l!o> of lnhn Dot•
fi sh. Wf> urc j,!Ol ll.l( lo fi nd oul who
Cumpltcntions h.t\ e arisen con- vn il a• - six legs spread ing a nd
d mwi l '
yt1 ll ow fl owe rs reachi ng sk yward .
A 24- hou r vi,1,:i l Kl 1lw moni to r ccrnin,< the cornp l4!110n of lh t• inAfte r a week or two th o prob le m
tltisk in th t" Uona h1w 1.nhh v is u n- vcsli)(ntion An aulops, cou ld not
of dull lawns wi ll be solved. Crab
dn wny prf'p ,1ra1o r) tc~ soh:ing lht• he performed since the fonr fish
Krass wi ll have been successful in S_ 1 my wax bean on the window
he 1
bod1f's h11,1 a lr,•nilv been flus hed
m ySMU°)' of the four dcu 1hs
iuking over. Thr. Saturday ri1ua l of
· •
T 1•d 11:-nmnond nnrl Ch ris Sp111n1.- dl)wn 1h,, 1 lc1.

An· lnnane Story

weeds i have known

... '(,





11111r,1h ..


,111d , 111,


\lr ,,, 1, h \l1-., c·.h11III' h,I'

111,r n


,111d f,1111l1\

th ,·

d,,111,,1\',1!,1 1' •

I 111,11·,·-. uf Suff o lk
l lnn, •1,1 1\ h,1 \ ,. 1111.tlh ,.J,•itf'd l\\t1
11, -,, ' I r u,1, ,,. ., l11,1h 11 1111 ,•r 11111 , ,•,,r,
uld 1111• II•'\\ ll 11,1rd lll+'01h••1, ,11,•
,tl,n fll••nih ,•r-, 0 1 11111111nh ),lroup-.
11 11,ird



;:t,~.,;• i,


lt ,•,·n 111"1

1 11
, ,~~.•,•

r.i ,hhhh

l~•'1'1: ; ; , : ;: '11 .::;:·

tJ:;k 1;~111~• 1~:


,)wrr p\ 11 ,cl ,,,,•llrnJ,lh"r

11 ,1111 ..,

for 11111111'1-.

I! \\,,.,

,11 th l <i pnft th, 11 Jucli,.:t•
1:h .111111,tn n r th•· B11,1rcl \\,IS

I h1• 111,1,dl,1111,n nf th ,•. 111,\, • ~:•;;::~c1 11t~i

111 '' 111111 ' 1"

IH')lUll 111


ll,tll\\, 1\ 1hr 1111)l h th1•
1,•,,d1 11.1,1 o f th,• in1n11 IE>~ ~ht• 10l1•r ,,,, 1,,,t
\hh_w;q,!1111111111• ·
l.,tlt•f I ., .. ~1 .,1 \1\-.-, (:hnlH' ,,h,11
.,1,,. h,,d 111 , •,1111 II\ 1hu, ,t,t lPtnt•nt

l..; 11 1f 1,l ~ o;111 d, ·r1t, 111 p,1111nil,1 1 h,1\••
h1> , •11 ,1pp h 1111,1 p1 '''"'"''

l1t •1

-. p11!.., •n ,,,.,

;:'.'.m:'.~•~~ 1 h.~~:~ krtt,'\/

\ ,~•~t:I\~:

p,•np l1• on 1l11:ll11,1rd \l,1r:: o f nu~
d'1 : ·.~
\ 10
•1d1•,1" ,ind ,11111utlc<1 ,ir f' d1s,.1mil,1r I
j'n h,in111 nf lh•• n,,,, ,1pp111n1,,,,,; .
m,•wlf o hp• t:I 1;1 I p,rnt-\, l'lltnj,! dur 1 1
Ttn, n •pu rh•r ,,,is ,1llnw+·d .In 1n .~
1 1~~ ;~~ ~~•\~,. ~~u;ihf:~:1
Irr \ 11' ' ' lmlh IH'\\ nwmh,•ri,. durinJ,!
llmr 1.tkt•
s,1,, 11 \\.on ·1 hP P,t<;\

nf'\\ l1ut
i:umrnlllt>d ..
. S!hsk) and Hu1ch al Gay Lib rally .
Tru'ill'• '. ,., of Ac;rnn t'>.lnu:tinn Sh,.
Thr s1•urnd new 1rusl c1• , althou11h
.., th,•, oun1rw,1 pi•r,. 1111 1'\'!!r tu st•n 1, •1 mPmber of a minori1r llroup. haii a 1h1• rt> ,1ding of the minutes. but J(oes be)ond mod e ralton 1s
on 1h1· Bn,ml
111111:h ~rea!Pr rnpporl \Vilh 1ht• 1hr~ 'd pu1 the Pnpe lo sleep Out• dangerous and no good J also enjoy
S1•,·,•rn l .,, 1,hru\,s \\;err r,usml Bu,,nl . "1 le's 11 great guy ," com - S1rle intercst5 7 Well. I have Jl!\'C ral ijardenintz an_ dating,"
'"h,•11 ll11,1h skn c..,tl mh urderml nulk mcnletl Thomas Fulham, Pres1dcnl f ills al homf' 1hal I enjo~ I e n1 0~
All In all. studenlS or SuHollc.can
:1 l.1 111111],, for h,•r ,q;crlif. hut \'u 1, nf ,;uffnlk " Wr ~uem In sp,•ak 1he
ealm)( wi1h s1uden1s' l like 10 part~ look forward lo belfer represen1aPr,•siclPnl Flmuwn hnslih f•x- im mc l.111111111),!•i No~ I don "
f"think the , lul. 1hnu11h I feel any1hin),! that 11on on their Board.
pl.111wd 111 llw Unurcl that this ,,,is f,11 I 1h.11 h,• ·11 n•la!i•d 1n'rhr furl~e
\,ill h,1mpcr or baas his perfor- ..,..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --.
11H11u.1· Arc hihahl Rowt• llhe new
lrw,r, •,•d
eel .I 1 a fn•.-. l-hmkrr"
Tlw JudJ,!1' ·•~reNI :· ~tan~ times."
tw i:mnnwntcd. " Arch1hald and I
would llf' 0111 S\\ m)(in11 1hrou){h 1he
lawnmower pushins will become
Crab Grass
tn•es . mHI \,,>vr had man, lt•lc-5archaic (crab grass needs no
(Creepus Crud)
lf•lt!S I \\,1s 1mprcsserl h) his hasic
~l.1ryjanc . it's all over the fronl taming) .
,·nnt:t•rn fur SIUdPnl OC'Ctls ..
Your new yell.oW-green lawn will
•\n unclisdosi•cl !$OUrr.r, hnwevt!r. lawn me (!xplai n. dear reader.
,., d 1h, t Anh,h;iltl Ro" e hncl
since ti's nol what \OU think She is he the talk Qf the town· (At least
lhat is all 1hey'1I be saying abo.ut
f.1,l,•d 111 11111 st 11 rtwr proft>~srnns untl Ill\ \\,IX' h('lln on ihe window sill.
y;..,1,•nl,1\ .,h.-, cnl11imentfld m) you 1 J Sil back and watch your1
~t;::~,:~,:·n ~:: :~~·'i ~i~,~~!;r/;~r ~!>ckh,~; l,1,, n. sa\ in1,1 that ' enluch Blue neighbo,rs slave on th eir) a r(\s. Now
uther t•mpln~ nwnl \Ve have no wa~ Cr,t'i-. \\l;uhl ~1•1 S1• r1•1ahai to do you can spend more time with you r
favorite plants. Talking a nd cuddl•
of 1
:onfirmin).! 1his
smn,• f,1n q sltlppin).!
ing (even tickling) them.
Don'! your plants have feelings?
Ard11h,1ld intl,ii!d, rlP111es this "I th~:~I ,1~:is\'C~:,:n;~:~e~: ,:~a::~
1h1nk I t.,1n r1•l.11e well lo lhe ~re,•n lei(; craw lin){ aro und 1he Shame crn you . You've bee n
l'rnsl+'i''- ... h,• 1
;nmm1•nlecl " Of ~r, 1..., Oh . swt.."!?I '\',11ur~• fit 's nol neglecling th em. Till next lime.
n111rs1•, :.nnw lhlllj,!S that ,1,111 on bore ri).!hl to fool Mo1ner Nalure 1 1. happy cuhivaling!
N(:W l r u s l cc enjoys dinner al
nw l\l,in~ 1111ws I nml nut durinJZ ~ou·n· don!! ove rnlsht what I've
Park e r I lous e me eti ng,
lricd tu do for the lnsl two weeks
Th,11 ii.irk hlue-jZreen was just loo
piscatory murders
clr,1h fvr ,1 l,1wn. it needed some
, 1•1\11\\ h1).!hliJ,!hls 10 he a ne i1,1h•
h11rhn111I .. hm, piei:e
Ynu \\111 find 11 Pas~ lea rnin1ii 10
n11o:;,, hrallh\' c rab grass. Go to a
Thnrnas A F11lh,1rn . Prf>s1d1•nl of 111\.1 .ir1• IH"in1,1 ht>ltl as s11spcc1s h~
Suffolk l lm, ,•rsll~ , nffir:inll~ nn- u111vPrs1t\ s1•c11rih lnnant! hcl11•v1•" n{•1,whhorhnml of fair!~ wealthy.
nnunn•d tnd,1, !hf' dPalh nf four of 1ha1 !her~• ,1rn pos~1hl~ thrrt> people n11d1lle-a11NI ,,Pop le You know. the
$l('d dand1•st1n1• y,mls \\\lh the slraw-hauerl greyhis 1rupir.;d fi s h : Fn•drir.k . 1-:zwlwl. in\'Ol v+·d in 1h1s ,tllt~
hair,•d ~,mlrners (th e~ ·re so cute
lai:qut•!,, .111d Jrn• Thf' t:lltl 'il' of 1h1
lnnnncsaid that Fulham 1olll him \\ht•n 1h,•, ~runll 111 the front. and
clealh!-t is unknuwn
Al1h1111~ h 1hr• hollies wcru found 1hot Spinnzzoln had snid. 'Pn• S\\ 1mmin1rt pools and sundedcs in
lhu h,1t.:k- F111dinM such a locaiion.
1hrl'c ,h1)'S llKn, the announr.cmenl sonally. I h.tle fish .''
The link betwcrn Hammond ancl ,uu ' \I hnv(• tu watch ho,\' 1hev hnnw,1s w1thhclcl due to lhc invcstigadie 1he plan I. then do the opp.osi1e.
lion hy locn l a111hori1les .
1hc rishcs · cl ea1h hns not been
Don't use th ose poke r s and
" I dun ' I u111t,•rs1,111cl it. '' Fulham solved re1. hut n is a ll cli(ed that
s;11d " I cnme i111n In)' uffic:c Mon• there is some connection he1wccn a nilratc poisons (hol stuH!J the garday mon11n11 anct four of my fish pos1card signed hy Hammond. that dene rs use . Seeds are easi l\' ob•
,.,•,:rc flunlin M on 1hc lop of 1he wns nenr the fish tunk. and the tained. or you can transplallt the
crub grass. You will fn,d very lilll o
mys1e rio11s de.1ths. Tho. posl card
Tho p resident ~mid that after,. he clemnncls 1ha1 c i1her Fulham return opposition lo lifting a planl.or two
had nbservod lhe inac tivit y of hi s his lihr,1r~ hunk or a !Ot c:har~e from a neighbor's lawn.
Once you have a couple rooted in
fish , he ca ll ed the university secu ri- would be accrued dnih from 1he
your lf!wn , gellins more to jlrow is
ly office ;:hut urcll!rml them lo ht!gin due date.
simple All yo u have to do is water
11nmedmtl! invmit11o(u1tun of what
Anolhcr susp11c;I, whose name ihe plants They will go 10 seed
ap p1•arcd 111 hirn us n dnndt!stine
schcnrn 10 nve rlhrow th e presidcn- apµcnrs on a m;11l order insuranc:e themseh1
fnrm which was I) in),! on Fulham's
If , 011 \H'rl! smarl m 1rnnsplan1• cy .
PL·tn lnnan e. ,.hi.,f uf Suffolk rlcsk ;11 the 1imr of 1hc deaths. h,1s • lllj,! . ,.0 11 11111 thf• plants in a spnl
l/n1Versity si ·r.urily and coordina lnr nol hcf'n loc111cd for questioning. where the pre,·ailing weslerlies
of thi• invf'sli,.:atiun. i:ummcntml tu The ,llllhortlil!S nre still s~nrchinJ,: will car ry the parachute-like seeds
f11r 1
.hlt's l1•,1<hn}! tn till' \\lwrt•· acros~ vour dull ((reen lawn . Some
newsmen , "There are four d,•ad
· murl' ~..•,11n and s11nlifr,!hl and fish We are goinj,! lo find 0111 who ,dm11t:,, nr lnhn D,..,.
Cmnplicalions h,nr.· ,inscn con- \'oiln' - six legs sp reading and
tlmwi 1 ''
1 rnin~ the complPtion of thu in• ~ i•llow flowers reachmg skyward .
A z4.hour vi)l:il .t i 1h u monitor
After a week or two the problem
d,!sk 111 thf' Dunahu" 1. nhhy is un - vcs lii,(atiun . An au lops~ could not
d11rw,1r prc1mra111ry to solvin)( the he performed since th•· four fish of dull hm ns will he solved . Crab
hodirs have .ilrc•aclv hei•n flushed 1rtrass will have been successful in S_ Is my wax bean on the window
myslf'rY nf 1hc fuur de,11hs
inking over . Thr Sa1urday rilual of
Te<I I ln11111111ncl ancl C hm1 Spinaz- 1luwn lh e toil1•!.

;~~:~ : ,~~in,:•:

l· rul.l\

·(~~·;,~~r ;,~:~r~;;s,



weeds i have known

An lnnane Story

"'""""" "" ...
1'1,•.,,d,•nl 11,rnnl'n has11h ''"pl.11111•11 111 till' B11,1 nl th,11 1!11" \\ ,,.,

s,tm t• l,lll)c'H,IW' \Jn. I don ·11hmk lhl" ,1 lul 1h1111,1Eh I feel an)l hinJl 1hat lion nn 1he 1r Uoarct
f ,HI lh,11 h,>., r, ln1t•d Ill· 1h1 l11dJ,1t'

\,di h,1mp1• r nr h1a'i h l"i pcrfur - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
,Ill o ld C)r11•nt,il 1,t1'ilOnl
m,mu• !\n.h1l mhl Row1• (lhf' Of'W
1r11 -.1, •,·d
rd I 1-. ,1 rr,•,• Ml1nkt'r "
rh, · !ml>,!t' ,l)c'rt"f'tl ~l,1m ltfnf'"' ,.
h•· 1 omrn .. 1111•.d · Archil'mid and I
,,1111ltl 111• 11111 s\\ lO)c'LO)c' 1hrm1,1c"h lh c
lawnmowe r pushin~ will become
C rab G rau
1r,•1•'1 ,rncl '"•·n • honl mam l!•h••fi•
a r c hai c (crab · r au n eeds -no
!Creepus Crud)
\t'tt •-. I \\ ,,., 1mpr rso;ed · h\ his has1c
~I. in JJnP, ifs all O\'er the fr ont 1amin.11I
10111.:,•rn fnr ,it ud r nt n<•i'tls ··
Your new yellow.gree n law n will
lawn I.•.') mf' 11 ).plain . dear reade r .
•\n 11nt!1sdt1!iPd 1murr:i• howe\' l'l".
sinu• 11"1 nul w hnt ~nu think She 1s hP the 1alk or the town (At leasl
.,,,ic\ 1h,11 :\n h1hald Ro"e had m, \\I.I'( hr,111 nn 1he wlnclo,.., sill
1hat is all they' ll he sayinij about
f,11 l••d III mu..,1 111h1•r prnf,,,.,11ms ,mrl y, ......_, ·rd,t , ,-tw I u mph m rnrnci m, , nu'I Sit ha ck a nd wa1ch vour,
th,11 1he !111~0 nu!rel, set uv his l,1\\ n ~.,~1n)c' 1ha1 Ken1uc:k~ Blue nl:!1ghbors ~lave on th eir, arqs No':"
)c'f ,IIHlso n in lhl'i 'ltnPC llrt' fur l.1 ck uf 1:r,1-.-. \\H11J1I 1,w1 St;>crP!;lr1,11 to d o ~ou ca n spend more lim e wilh you r
ullrnr ••mpl o~ nwn t Wt• ha, f ' no wa~ -.onw f,1111. ~ .,11•p111n)l
favorite plants. Talking and cuddlof wn f1rn11n ~ lhi-.

Dul this morn1n,ll. ~lnry1ane. ing (e"en ticlclingl 1hem.
0 011·1 your planls ha ve feelings ?
At1 .h1h,dd 1nd1•1•1l. d1•111 cs 1h ts "I ltlPrt' ,,n~ vullm, fl ow1•rs wit h SIX
1h1nk I ·c. ,n r1•l,11e ""II lo th e · jlrPi•n le)ls craw lm)c' .,round 1he Sh,1mc d'n \ ' OU You've bee n
l" rU'lh• 1 .. h,• c;umm,•nt..!•tl -~or )I[•"' flh 'lw1
•PI \:,11url' l1fs nnl negleclin,c them . Till next time .
Now 1r11 1 l ce en jo ys dinner al
11111r<11 :,,onw 1t11n)c's th,11 )lll un bore t1)c'h l 10 fool Mother Na tur e'I. happy cu hi\'&ling!

you ·v1• done ove rnight what rve
Pa d w r ll m11u mee llng .
1111 • ~ l ,1m 111111'~ I nod 1ml rh1t1n>,!
ln ct! 10 do fnr the last lwo weP.ks
Th,11 d,1 rk hlue -~rcen was )Ust too
piscatory murders
d r.1'1 for ,1 l,1wn. ii needed some
' u•llm, h1>,!hli)c'ht.s 10 hf' a nc 1,1c"hhnrh11111 \ ,;hm, p1c1:t>
l Ynu \\Ill f ind 11 P, IS\ lea rning tu
l'h1111rns ,\ Fulh,1rn l'rf'su l, •nt nr .1 111.1 ,lfl ' l11 •in~ hl'lt! ,IS '-llS J)l' C I .. h~ r,11 ,;1• hl•,1lrtn c rilh grass Co lo a
Suffulk l lnl\ ,:rs11, . 11ff1ria lh ,Ill · uni\ Prs11, :,;+ •curt\ \ lnn an,• hd1,,,., •., 1w1)lhhn rhmu\ of fuirh wealthy.
1h,11 llwrt • ,1r,• 1ms~1ltl) lhrt•1• Jlf>op lC' m1d cl1 P-a)c'1•d 111•ople You know . th e
111111111 ,•d 1otlm th,: d1 •,11h uf four uf
111., 1rnp11:nl f, -.h , t-"r1•dt1d, . E;111•h1•l. 111\'oh nl 111 1!11,; ,11l1•,1c"<'tl c lnnrl,•i.1 1111• ~,1qls \\J lh th,• ,;1raw-ha11crl grex•
hn1 ri•d ,11,m\1 nf'f'i jfhe\ ·re so cute
laci pu •s. ,ind Jui- l"lw 1 ,,u._,, nf th•· u111•r,1l111n
lnrn1n" s,lid lh,11 Fulham 1 1.,I tu m "h,•n (ht!\ )c'runl ) tn thf• front , and
t!P,tlhs is unknown ~
s\\ 1mmin~ pools a nd sundecks in
Ahho ,1>,!h thP hrnlws \\l'rf' found th,11 Sp1nn uo l,1 hacl 5111rl .. l',•r •
th,• h,11k F1111hn,il such a loca tion .
thn•c 1hl\!-o ,IJ.!o . 1h1! ,111no11m:cmcnt sun,1II~. I h ate fi sh ··
,011·11 hnvf• to wot ch how 1hev.-han wa s w it hh e ld du e lo !ht• Ln\'CS liJ,!a•
The hnk lu•twcrn I lammonrl ancl ;11., the plant. th e n do !he opPosite
·on h~ locn l ,1.uth11ri tif'S
1h1• fi shes· ,lr.tth ha s not he cn
Don 't use thos e pok e rs and
··1 dnn ' I untl,•r~l,11111 11.·· F11\h,1m sulvml ) e t, hut it 1s allcJ,!eil 1hal
~ lid " I r:nml' inlo m \' ufficf' t>.1nn• 1twrc 1s some co nn eclmn helwcen ,I n1tr,11 e p01sons (ho l stuff' I lhe gar•
clen e rs use . Seeds are easilv ob•
day rnornm),! nml fo;,r nf my fish pn:,;tc.ird siJ.!ncd by I l,1mmond. I hat
iained . or ·yo u cat trnnspla~I the
Wl!rc flualin>,! on 1h r lop nf thl'
w.i s nenr 1lw fi sh 111nk. and the cr.1b )!'.f llS.!i . You wi I !incl.very li ttl e
\\'O l l!r."
nl)Sl c rmus 1l<•,1ths Thi' pnst Citnl opposition 10 lihi n a pht t or two
Tho prcsidcnl saul that aflcr h r demands 1h,1t c11hr.r Fulh a m return
had obse rved the in,1cli vjtv uf his h1i. hhr,,n hun k or a tnt r:h.1r),!1! from n neighbor 's la~n .
Qncc you have a couple o led in
fi s h.~ c;a ll ccl th1• univcrsit~· sr•curi - would h1•· ilCCt11rcl d,lil) from the
your lawn . l(ellinM mo re to JlrDW is
tv offir.f' and urdcn•tl thrm ·,o ht!)c'in clu e rl,11r
s1mplr All you have lo do is water
,;n1111•1l i,111· 11w1•sl1>,!,1!111n of whal
Anoth<•r s us111•cl. whost• n,1m r lhc plant s They wi ll ,ilO lo seed
ap1warncl lo tum ,1s H daml,•s11nc
appears o n a mail ord1•r rnsuranc,• lhPmsP l\'es
schcm11 to O\'Prthrow thi• prnsu lcnrorm whir.h was I~ in)l un Fulha m ·s
If \1111 \\f'r1• .. 111 a r1 1n 1r,1nsp\11111 c,
l'il' sk ,11 th e 11mP of 1he cir.1th~. h.1s m>,! \ ntl put thP plants 111 a spu l
· 11c 1c r lnnan,• . c.hlt'f of SuHn lk
nnl hC'rn lncntcd for quf'stmnm)l
"hcrt• the p renulin,I,! wesle rh cs
I lni ve rsi ly s1•curilv ,11111 cuonlina l ur
Th e ,111th11t1ties ,ire still srarchin!i( wdl t:,1rr, 1he p.ira chute-like seeds
of th e in vus li..:atmu . co mnwn11•d lo
fur , hu•-. l, •,1 d1 n>,! 111 tlw \\ h, •rt•· at:tnS!I )Our dull ~reen luwn So me
ncwstnf'n . ··Th1•rt• .tr1• four d,•,ul
,1 11011 1~ of fohn llo,•
mun• \,,11n ,ind s11nli)c'hl and fbh Wf' art· j.!Olllj,,! tu r,nrl 0111 w ho
Complic,1110ns h,1, P ar,scn cn n- \ mla ' - six legs sp readi ng and
tlmw 11 ·
A 24-huur vi),!il nl 1h1: monitor t.P rllln),! 1hc cu mplr11 on of th,: in- ~ "llow flowe rs rcachinR skyward .
Af1cr ,1 \,•ee k or lwo th e problem
d, •sk m 1hr IJ11nah111 • \.nhh y is 1111· \·csli.l(,1!111n An .1111o pS) cou ld nnl
cl c rwa y prcparntoQ IU sulv in)l 1hc he perform ed s1111:f' 1h,· fom fish o f dull l.mns \'\ill he sol\'ed. C rab
)c'rrtss w,11 havr been su ccessful in She Is my wax bean on the window
hurlu•s huv e nln•arh hi~cn flushed
rn vs lPn• uf lh t! four denths
taklllJ,! m·e r Th<• Saturd;iy ritu al of
:r,•d i lammnnc l and C hn s Spin,11- down th t• ioilt•t

weeds i have know·




An lnnane Story






,•o 1ou,n 111•· ,., .,,,,. , .......... .
h1, 1rup11 ,d f,,h h,·dnr k En,•111'1


l,u.qu,·, .11111 ]w· Jh,· , JII"' nf th,·
rl,•,11h, 1, unkno\\ll
•\ l1h1lll).!h th,· 11111\11•,; \,,.r,. f,m rul
1hr1•1• ,la\s ,1,i:1, rh .. ,1nno11 n 1 l'Oit •nt
"'' ' \,11htwhl tl ,11· to 1111' 111\ 1'Sh)lrl·
111111 h\ l111.,11 ,111 1hor1!1Ps
1 d1111 1 11nd,·r,1,111d II
I· ulh,1111
,,nd ·1 c.11111' 101 0 m, 11 H11 ,, ~tnn•
d,1\ mnrnm,11 and fnur of rn~ hsh
\\l'rt' fl u,1 l111)l nn thf' lop nf th1•
\\,tl!!r ..
Th e president s,1111 lhal nf11•r h,•
h,1d n hservcd 1h1• 111,u:li v11~ nf. lltl.'I
f1,;h, lw cal11•rl th,· uni v1•rs 11v Sf't:Uri•


h 1 ►ff11 . 1• ,,ml urd,•n•d lhPm In ht>)llll
11111111•1lt,111- 111, P,ll,i:,1111111 o f \\ hat
,1pp1• ,trcil 111 hun .as a d,inil,~s,1111'

sdwmt• to n\•t>rlhru\, 1h1• prP. irh·n•


· 1•., l•· r lnn ,11w. 1 lu,·f of SuHnlk
I ln1vur-.11~ "'' urih ,md 111oriltn,1111r
of th1• 111\'l'!> llj.!itll nn . 1
:0111111,•nll·il lu
11 ,. wsm ◄ i n , "Th, •r,· ,,ri• fnut tl, •,1d

fish V1.1,·

,lrt' J,!<11111,! l o


U\1 1

,, tui

donP 11 ·
,\ '.!-I -hour \ 1)l1I ,11 th,• munilur

tlw l}o nah 111' 1.nhh~ I!. un •
d,·rwa~ pn•1Mr,1lor~ 111 !.n lv in)( 1h1·
lll\~t,·n o f 1111' fou r d,•, 1ths
·'f.,il i1,t mmnnd ,111tl Chn:. Spin,11

d,·:.k 111


,h;, ,111, ~u-,1, l.1nrl,•,11n,·

,,1rds \,11h 1h1• -.1r,1\\•hnllf't1 Ji{rey•
h,ur1 •d ~,1rd1•nr•r., fth,•, ·re ,o c ule
ln11,1n1• <; ,url 1h,1t Fnlh.un 111!.,I tum ,\h,·n lh••\ ,.irunt l 1n th,• fronl. ancl
'"1mm1n)l pnols ,ind sundecks 1n
1h,it Sp1n,111ol.i hncl '111111
1h,· h,11 k I rndl!lJ,! -.uch fl locat1nn .
',ll/l ,111 }' I h,th• r1sh'
\IHI II h;n,• ln ,Hitch ho\\ 1he\' han Tht• link lwlwcr>n I l,1mmnnct ,1n1~
dl,· 1h1• plan I. lh!!n do thr oppos1IP
th1• r1 sh .. s' 1lf'alh h,IS nol hl't'll
Dnn't usr those poke rs a nd
~oh .. ti , ,•t. hut 11 IS ,1\11•J,!cd 1h,11
n 11r,11e poisons [ho1 slu rf 'l the MAr ·
1h ,•r1• 1-. sum,· n,nnt.'1:IIJlll h cl\H't'n ,I
(hinns use Seeds a rc easil ),irtl 'ilf,111 1 h) lt ;,immunrl. 1h a1
t:11nNI. u r ,1111 can lr,rnsplanl 1he
\\,IS n1•,ar lhl'
h 1,111k, ,rnd the ~91ss You \,111 hn d ve ry l111\ e
nl)S h!n uus 1lt•,1ths Th,• pnsl Cilrtl
11ppos11iun lo lifhnJ( a plan t o r two
demands 1h,1t i>ll lw r Fulh am rf•turn
from n nr1J(hhor·s lawn
h1'I l,hr,1n hnok or a lllf rhaqw
One,•~ 011 haw• a co upl e rooted in
\\uu ld tw .n:Crul'rl tla d ) frotn lhf' ~our lawn , ,.ic111n~ more to $!'row is
tl uf' rl,tlt•
,1mplf' 1\1\ ~ou have 10 do is waler
Ano lh t•r 1,usp,·ct., \,hns1 n,tinP 1h,• planl s Thr\ wi ll Jil:O lo seed

,1pp1inrs on , 1 111,11\ o rtlt>r 1ns11r,in r.t• thf'mschi•s
form whir:h ""s 1)111)( on Fulh11n1 ·:.
If \1111 \\!'fl' -.m,trl 1n l f ,lll'l l ,!Anl·
ilf'sk ,11 lhe 11nw of 1h1• 1l1•;1ths,. h Js 111)! \ OIi p11I 11H' pl.1n1:. Ill ,1 spnl
nttl hr,•n 1111:ah•d for qu,estmnin)l
'\,hrre tht> prt•\,11l1nj!. \,esterhes
Tht• ,111thu n111•s ,1rr ,;1tll ,r,1rch1nJ,1 "ill c,1 rr~ 1hc p,1r;:11:hult>-like seeds
f111 , 111,,, 1, •,nhn),? In 1h1• \\l\l•rt• · ,u.rns:. )OlH rlul l ),lfl-'f'll lawn Somf'
,.11111111- 11f lnhn I)w•
mon· \\,tll'r ,ind !.t1nh.11h1 nntl
s ix lc)ls sp read ing and
I :111n pl11 ,111nns h,n , .•insen t;un- , mla 1
c.(•rrun)l lilt' , ompl1•llnn of th,• m- ,clln,, rt,J\\ers rPachm~ skyward
Af11• r ,1 \\'t:f'k nr ""' thf' problem
'fi!S II J,!,1111111 ,\n ,1utops, c:1111\d 11111
he pcrform1•t~1'1111.1 t~· fn11r fish of d ull l,1\\ ns "di ht• so lved Crnh

hml11•1- hav1• aln•,11h lull'n flushed >t rass will h,1\'f' lwcn successful i n
1ak1nµ o, t• r Th" Satu rda y r11ual o r
down 1h,· 1

111\11h,·d 1n

r, ..

S_ Is my wax bean on the window





Page 8


- ~ - - - _sports - - - - Rams Nip Stubborn Scurvey, 203-32
In· Tun,· F1111,tullo
I/,·\ 11\+•r h,•1, l +'I.., 1.w1 11,1,!h t In
1h, p•11nr , "11 .. h1111ld,1 ..,,,,,n 11 '\n
,,. 11,·1 -.1dl 1111 .., J1nu lt l,1 -.1 ,1, ,·d ,,,


\\, 1! 1h 1•d

'•\ 1111 .... 1

tu h" ,II
,wdd ,1 \\ •' Il l l11 Suh 1..,
md t,·,,..,, ,,.i ,.111 ,t p l,111• 11 ( hnmt·
111,1,I,• po1,,11w.., ,in d. ,•,I,!~.., A n\ 1h anJl
,,,11 11,t,1 111•,•n 111111, 1 ,,,u1 1nj,! rhun 111
\\ 11111 ,..,, iii, · ,,1.!dnlu,rn null of th,•
H, 1111 " :!II~ I:! I 11 111/111' .. I 0\ t'r ! ht• ill •
ruld, •11 S, 111 , , t :11ll1•,1,t• · ln-. 1 n1)!'hl in
c.,1111hr11l ,1,w
·1 h1 • lim·-. pl,l } Pd \\' t•ll. " PX ·
d,11111,·d 1h1• ,•i,,tuMc: Rnms pcrf'nnrnl
h,1 sl.., ,rli,1II h1•,1d hnup co a ch mc nlor
C h,1rl1, • Fl ,m " llut winninK 1sn·1
PY1tr} 1!1111,ll i\lnEo hnpu rlantl y I try
ro il',11 h m, lmy1 lo develop fl leom
~piril ,ind m,•ntnl npprf'cintion for
th, • ).! ,11111• l'h,11 ·-. wh ~ we i:ardull~
,1,: 11 l'h'J•r din•, 1111/1 -. tu the C.unhrid,,11•
Y~IC:A l1t•fo n • 1•vf'r~ pr.idto• And
nnw ,,., ,di knm\ hm, II) drt!Sll
o urs Ph f':i 111 lhP l111.krr rnom
\\ llhnul ~l'ltlllJ,! lm 1 ' l11,11IH•c h1111hsh'
,11111111 11 I'm pr1111rl nf them The, 'rr
.t ,1,:111 11 1 h11111 h u r !mys ..

l;t< , ,..,··


11t, ,

,·1ch1 C Ir ,1111,

1 n~hl. sn !lwy' rr• ,111 strnpin~ up
111 rn1111dh,1II tl,•;m K<'d Aurnlrn r.h 's
-.1,11ul,11d .. 11~,1, ·, Sn lai-1 ni~hl the
hn ~., from lh•,11:o n I till show,•tl !he
S1:11r\'\ q111n11 •1 that the) ' n • no
111111,u,1 of this d111•, 1~t , •1 \ , , ,.., 0 -U, t,;Lllr\) show,1cl f' JI:·

Th,•~, u ra.;tl thf'

u ·ll1 •n1

pois t• 01 thli1 poml in the

~,1 ;n;~,.h;:~•!:n~x1:~,c~~;5 -~-~;,~'~::
homlun,1,1 hejt,m

l.,•,1d111,ll lh t Rnms a11ad. was
ulhf'r 1t1nn !ht· 7'tt " Puerlo
lfo ,,111 •ll t•,1ron llohby Fnr-Far 0111.
C lnd in lfi" plalfnrms lth111 surclv
would h,l\'I' pul the Spinners in O~·

The buzzer proves loo much for Donovan Belittled.
hit) fin~! a blu c- ancl•gold black
le111hor jllckel. Far-Far Out bum1wd
and husllcd 1hrauHbout the co nti1st
{which no oon les1l collcc lm~ 16
firld ~ouls , IZ c aroms, eight dSS1111s
and lwo cheerleader,. Truh a s1t11I
in o pas tu re oi younM filli es :
Chris " the CrucHie r " Tristos
added u dozen from the floor as
well as 12 from Lhe charily slripe,
and throe more from the b e nch clurin_w hulf-lime while no nnf' was
wntching. Tristos showed wh~ he is

,1 throe•lime winner o r the NCAA
D1v1~ion Ill 'player of the week ' by
slipp1n~ the lJ PI reporter a sawbuck
Captain John Howareya . playin '
rn much the same fashion as his
perennial idol Ernie D from P.C..
twiste d and turned In a slyle similar
10 Far.far Oul's cousin Vinnie's
sister down on LaCranji! e S1
llowareya poured' 10 shots and a
quan uf Gat o rade ~1h~utzh lhe
strinj(S for Z2 poinls.

l:-fi,rh man for the 1eam was Steve
Barellu . wi1h a record 48 points and
seve n jornts for his mos! p!)bductive
night of the campaigr.. 86retta WH
instrumental defen!ively for the
Ram11, locking up the lane and
nrres ling iifvo Scur\lys for usauh
\\llh d e adly elbows
Pat Cryan was hurlin ' for certai n
a ll nigh!. Cryan wH unproductive
1hroughout and finally fled the gym
al 10:45 to hil the paclry for a quick
..!ix before they closed.
A near-catastrophe developed at
lhe ,zame 's end when Far-FatOut
ancl Donovan Belittled pulled
swl lch blades on a sporls
pholographer for taking their pictures. "S heet." explained Belillled,
" I thought he were from Roxbury
Dislnct Court or sumpHn '." "The
sucker scared lhe shit out of us,"
con fessed Far-Far Out. "We didn't
knov. what was gotn· down."
Assislanl perennial mentor Gym
Nelson comme nted on the game
after the game . "tt was a great
fam·e. ca n you guys gel lhe
rntramural standlnp in the Journal
this 'A'eek? Oh, by the way. aoftball
roslers are now being accepled In
the athletic office. Can you gel that
in the /ournoJ, too? Hey , thank.I."
When asked about the xame·s
. lopsidedneu, Pub1ic Relations
Director Lou Cornball quipped ,
"Well. I'll tall ya. There wen 10
many turnovers in the game , I
1hou1iht I was in a bakery." Hey, did
you see Don Gillis over there?
C' mon , I'll introduce ya. How ya
doin' , anyways?"
II was a game to forget about. So
forge! about it. I'll say what I said
befo re al the beginning of the story.
This ,eporter shou lda went lo
Salvi's. Pass the gnucci.

Coath Flaw Eyes Japanese Import
It's uHidul! Suffolk Unive rsity
c,111 now l)()nsl of a leller of inlenl
from 1hn1 laparH'sf' hnskcthnll ,t cP,
I IPJ.!f' •llrn-P> ij ust lhink . 1he risinjl
Sun ·,; h1~h sdrnnl MVP for threr?
r.1111:,cc:ulivc sjiusons will soon lw
sttulying in hf' shadow uf uur"
llcnc.;un C lmmbf'rs
In an f!xdusive lnlr.rview ,,ilh
lh1• Assor:i111ed Press. exclus1v u
lw1;aus1• unly AP coul d find I lcMe
0111 111 1ha1 bo)l of a rice paddy
wh..r,: lw works, 1lcMe freely clisc uss,..d 1he rn"80llS for his d1•cis1nn
AP - " Whal mnclc ,·oll d,•r:ulc tu
mak1• s11t:h n hlM mov••;{"
I lt•~c - "qh 1ha1
111s1 scr,tpc y0ur shm• on th,11 rock ."
l..1IHf rhat ~ll) . . " An)w.iy. I
sur111d thrt111j(h nll 1lw 1unk mnil nncl
I wus rm1llv lrHu:h,• d hv n h•111•r
f.-11111 l\tr ch:1rtit• Flaw 1,;,1 nw n •111I
t'OI) 'IOlllf' of 11 ' 1lcJ(I' . . I ,Jill Ill·
ti•rc-.tnl 1n , •1i11 I ,1m 111tcn•slNI 111
your fulun• · 1 ,un 1nlt•rt•Sll'd 1ll \0\lr
fu1ur1• Hl our honorahle r:nuntn ·
h1• ,<u1•s on like 1h.11 .fu~ n
,,l11lt• ,.
" Bui \\h, cluln ' t \11 11
(.huusii II s1.,houl ,, lit1h• clmH'r lo
) llllr hom.-r ·


ll c~u " Well, I've olwn~•s
,,,tnted to li(O Lo Bo~lon . You see . I
hrnrcl there WilS an intercsling ru Ce
prohlem in Bos ton ·Sn I fi)lurecl if I
dicln ·1 do so ,<norl with bask,•th,1lt I
r.uu ld nlwnys laku up runmn~ ..
1\P - "Whal?"
lleMe " I said ' I hca-rd
Boston .. ··
AP - "l\h. ye ah ... hul wh) Suf.
rolk 1 "
111!,<C - "Su ffolk Universi l)'
finished this yea r wilh a 19-6
record . Such H flaw less record plus
!ht• 1uospect of p layi nJ( i,ny coll ege
earner nl the lavish facifilies a l the
C,11nliritl_wu YMCA I w,1s 11\'t!r•
wh,•lnwd ..
Mt•anwhilf' in Boston , Chnrlic
Flaw ~a\'e his t:nmm •n1s on rh e
µri1.1 • 1 onqucst " 1 lo)tr 's hi)!h school
s1,11is1u:s are rrall~ 11npn•ss1,·1• - :ts
p111111 scurin,I,! ,1,•l" 13 rehouncb
pPr J{ilnw . anrl uni) 4 counls of
Urt•,1kin~ nrnl EnlcrinM ,"
" Wt• 1h1nk he 'll fil inlo lhe lt>am
Wt• hopt• 111' 1s a t1iM man so Wt' can
l1111ltl ,1 stionJ.: future lriam aro und
him "
r,,.1'Panwhile h11 ck 1n 1ho tlnr

Perennial basketball hea d
mild.mannered pose.


Japanese fishin~ villaMe o r Tippin,
f ltJMe·s high school "Conch ancl the
\ 111.1~1• M
!crclarv/cook st.ind in the
Puhli c I lul School His screams
er:hu w11hin 1ho hl:lmboo wa ll s .
"No, you slupid woman . 5 comes
aflt!r 4 How mon\' limes do I have
tn h•II , o u lh:11 ·,he onlv time 5
comes heforr 4 1s when W{; m~asure
lleji e for Ame ri ca n college

coach mentor Charlle Law In •
Th f' secre1ary/ c:ook .. could only
surmise impishly. "Gee. I hope Mr.
Flaw is as amused by our WII) of
measuring as you seem 10 be 1"
Coach repli ed knowingly , " Oh
yes, dear, Mr, Flaw will do just fine .
Afl e r all he works for SuHolk and a l
Suffolk their motto is "We make a
li11le go a long way' . , Why! Have
you ever seen where 1he ch eer~
len ders p ractice?"

, 1dd,·n '-t, ur \, t ,1ll1·),!•• ),1,1 111),lbl 1n
1 .iml11HI~,·
lh,· ho,, pl,t\rd \\1•11
1 l.1111i,•,I 1h,· ,,,1,1111 R,1111s lll'fl•nnt,11
l1,1-.lw1l1,1II h,•,1d h111111 r.11,11 h nlf'nlor
t h,1rl1<· 1-1,,,, ·· nut w1nn1n~ 1sn ·1
,,, ,•n tlun),! \lo rr 1mporlfrnllt I Ir)
t11 r,,,u h rn, 1111)'1 lo develop Q. team
,pm l ,ind 11w111nl npprrd11tion for
1lw .C,llllt•

rh.,r ._ ,,h,

n, .-r du,.,


!11111-. 111

sbc before th ey c losed

\\I' 1,1n•fu lh

1111' C,unht1d,1.w

) \I('\ l1 ,•f11r,• ,.,.,r, pr,11111 ,, And

run, ,,,. ,di ~JIU\\ hn,, In drt!S~
1111r,,·I,,·, 111 1h,, In, k,•r. i;: rnm
,, 11h, 1111 >,?••! lin )l l1u1 ' h1)!h --.dmol1sh '
.,t.11111 II

,, J,?ond




Ill pr1111d
1/11•111 Thr, ' rt ·
It nf lun ~'


\ll t1),!hl. 'io 1h,,, ·r,· ,1 II s h,111111.M' up
111 rmmdh, dl tl,•,111 ~,.d A11r;th;u .h ·.,
,; f,1n d,11d, nL1 , 1 Sn l,,,_1 n1,1th1 llw
ho,, fn,m lt, •, 11 .1 ,n 11111 s h11,, ,,t1 lhL·
Sn1n , q111nll'I 1h,1t th.,, ·n • no

r ti,, .,, nr~l 1tw

0111-. .. 111( 1h1"!


., .. 1,•1 ,, .,., n.o. 8u1n, ~h, n,, •d 1•,.
u •ll1 •111 p111-.1• nl lhis· pnml 111 lh f'
,:,11rw, hnldrni,i th ,• Rnms sr.u n•lpss

The im zzer proves lob muc~ for Donova n Be littled .


,1 1hrce-11me winne r or the NCAA
1>1v1sion Ill 'pla yer o f lh e week · h)
-.Ji pptnjl !he I !Pl report e r a Ja w-

(\\hid, ,,.1snucon1est,J r::ollefl1n,1116
ht"ld ,1roa ls . 12 caroms. c,~hl ;15,;1 ts
,tntl twu drnnleadcn. Trul ~ a st, ,!

hu, k

fnr 1h,· first -.ix sn:n ntl s Tlw ~ 1h1•,. 111

h11rnl11n)I IH',1Z,tn
l., •, 1cl111,: 1h e R,1ms .lltaLk ,, .1s
111111,• n1hN 1h11n 1h1° 7'1 I" Punl u
Ru ,111 -B, ·,u on ll nhli}• Far-Far 0111
1:1,ul 111 ll'i .. pla1forms ftha1 sun• h
,,u11lcli,.1\1• put th,• Sp inners in o ~-


h11J untl ;1 bl1w-,1nd-11ohl hlack
lr,11h,•r j~ckol. Far Qui humpPd
and h11~1l1•cl 1lu-ouj11bou1 1h1• Lon1,•s1


y~ ~l~~~:~;?.s. Traslas

,11ldl'd ,1 dozen from the flo u r s
w,•11 as 12 from 1h c ch.1 ri1y s1n p••.
,tnd lhrtw more from lhe bc>nc h dur111,IZ h ,d£. 1ime whilP no nn ,• wns
\\'.ttr.:lun~. Tristos showed \\h, hi> 1s

Capfa tn John Howareya . pla yin '
mu ch th e same fashion as his
pcrenninl idol Ernie D from PC .
lwisled and !urned i n a slvle similar
lo Far-tar Oufs cous1 ~ Vinme·s
sislcr down on LnG r an~e S t
llo w a r~ ~n poured JO shots a nd a
qu.trl u f CJ!o rdd1~ 1h rou ,wh1 1h e
st rin~s for 2~ points

A nea r-ca1astrophe developed al
1he game·s e nd when Fa r-Fat0u1
and Dono v an Beli!tled pulled
sw11c.h blades on a sports
photographer for ta klns their pie•
lures. "Sheet. " explained Bellllled,
" I 1hough1 h e were from Roxbury
D1111nc1 C-oa1 r1 o r sumpfin'R·· ·'The
sucke r sca red the 1hi1 out of us."
co nfessed Far- Far Out . " We didn ' I
know whal was gain' down.''
Assi5tanl perennial mentor Cym
Nelson co mmented on the ame
aher the game. " 11 was a great
gam·e . Lookit , ca n you guys gel the
intramural s1andings in the JournoJ
this week? Oh , by the way. softball
rosters are now being accepled In
the a1h leli c office. Can you gel that
in the Journal , too? Hey. 1hank.f."
When asked about lhe game's
lopsided ness . Pubti c Relations
Director Lou Cor nball quipped ,
" Well . I'll tell ya.. There were so
man y 1urnovera in 1he game, I
1houjlhl I was in a bakery:· Hey, did
}'O u ~me Don Gi llis ovtr there?
C' mon . I'll introduce ya . How ya
doin' , amwavs ?"
I I was ·a , to forget a.bout. So
fo rge! aboul ii. I'll H)f what I said
before at 1he besinning q(t he story.
This reporter shoulda went to
Salvrs. Pass the gn ucci.

s Coach Flaw Eyes J~panese Import
I t'!- 11f11nal! Surfulk lJnivcrsil~
nn\\ hn,1~1 t1f.,.,r1 IPllcr nf inWnl
from lh ,11 l,1pan1•s P haskcthall ,tu·.
I ft•),!f' •l lm . P, Ju~I think . 1hr rism>1
S t!Jl.· ., 111),lh si:hool ~1VP fnr lhrcl'
c11 nsei:1111v1• s1•ason.!> "ill soon h,·
,;111d~1n),! 111 llw s hado\\ uf 1111r
l\1•,11 :on <:hnmb,•rs
In ,Ill 1•xd11siv1• inlPr\'iP\\ with
lhe Assuc:1,1ted Pn·s~. 1• dusn•e
hecu11sf' unh Al' cuuld find ll e,ze
uut in that · ho,z of n ri c 1 pndrl y
w h ore he wnrks , ll e,1-lP frne ly cliscu~sed 1lw n•, 1so ni- for his d1•ds1nn
AP - .. \Vhnt mmlc you d l:r:: ul c IU
m, 1k1· sni:h a hi),! mm·cT·
·:(i.)h tlrnt
p1i.l i.i:r,tpc ~
•nur shw• on lhal roc k: ·
l..11n th,1 1 du }
.. An~w,1~. I
surled 1hrn11J,!h all Iht• pmk mall and
I was n•allv 1m11:h,•d h, ;i l1•11t•r
c;1;,,rl11• Fl.1\\'
111,· n •,1il
\11 11 '-0 111('
II ' ll ei,:c.
) ,un Ill ·
i1•rt• ... 11·d tn yn u I ,Im inlt?rt•sletl 111
\ llllr f11111n• J ,1111 llll!·n•stf'tl in \Ull r
fu111n• m o ur hunn rahll• rountn ·
ht• ,110,►s on li~a• 1'1,11 •fo r. ,1
1 ,m





\\ l11l1 • ..


" 11111 ,,11\ d1t l11 ' 1 ,11 11
1 h11us1 · ,1 schnn l ,, i111l1· dosn 111
~ uur hum c 7 "

ll c,1(1' - " Wi•II , l 'v c• alw,1~s
\\,1n1rd In ),!U lo Brnun n Yem Ref' . I
lhl'rt ' \ \ ,IS an mlt•rt•slm,I( race
prnhli:m 111 Unslon so I f1,1r11n •cl 1f I
d11 1n·1 do !'141 ,l(und w1 1h haskPth.tll I
t:n ulrl .11\\,l)S taku up runn1n)o! ..
AP - " WhAI ?"

·· 1 said · J ht•,1rd
Boston .
AP - " Ah . ~ca h
hut wh ) Suffolk >"
ll 1·,11e .. Surfolk Univmsi l>'
f1n1shc•d thi s year wilh a 19-6
rccu rrl . Such a flawless record plus
th,• prospcc1 of pla y ing my college•cr al 1he I.wish facililics a t the
C:,unhrid,1,11• Y:\tCA I ovn,dwlmNI "

Perennial basketball head hoop coach mentor Charlie Law in a
/\h:anwhil1• in Dos1on . Charlie mild-mann ered pose.
Fl,,w ),W\ , , bis co rn men ts on lht>
J.ipan esc fishln,; vdln~c of Tippin, · 'f'hp scc rela ry/ cook . co u ld only
pri,w conqu f•sl .. I l1•,z1• ·"' l11,1ah .schnol 111',l(e·s hiJ,!h schonl coach and 1h e surmise impishly . "Gee. I hope Mr.
Sl,1li s t1cs ,lrt' r£•all ~ 1mprPSS I\ ,. - 35 , dl,1)-!1 ' st•1 n •l,u, /cook sl<tnd in th e
Flil\\ 1s as amused b )• our wa y or
pmrll scurm),! ,l\ f'r, t),lf' . 13 rdm1m<b . Puhlrc I l u l School I lis screams
rncasurin~ as you see m to be!"
pn ),lam,• . ,rnd only 4 r::ou n1 s or t•cho w11hm 1hc hamboo wa ll s .
Coach replied knO\.\'ingly. " Oh
Uri •,1ktn,lo! and En lninK ··
"No. you stupid woman . 5 comes yes. dear. ~1r . Flaw will do just fine .
" \\It• lhtnk he'll
inlo lht> IPnm
.1fle r 4 How manv limes do I ha ve After all he works for Suffolk and at
We hu1-.ll' h1• as it l,11),! rnan so w1• ca n
ro 11 •11 \1111 th.11 ·11w on ly lim1~ 5 Suffolk thei r moll o is " We make a
hmld , 1 str'1111),! rutun• 1n1m .\round co uws h11f11n• 4 1s whrn we measure
li11l e go a long way· ... Wh y! Have
h1111 "
H e~e for Ametican co llege
you eve r seen where the chee rl'•an\\ hil e hack 1n tht• 1111>
rcr::u rds ?"
lea d e rs prac li ce? ..


Pq:e I

- - - -Good Sports in.Action- - - -


Page I


- - - -Go·od Sports in Action - - --.:...:

Why is f.lyse Wolfman smiling?

the ni cest sci uf S's on Beacon 1-1111.
Nurse's office plagued
. by dysentary vlclirru.

Wal ch my . .

- - - - - -arts- - - - - A Child's.Garden of Leprosy
·· 1 du11 ·1 ,,,,. wh} w1• c11 n'1 do ,1
l,1 s t.,ful s,• rH• s ahout a fam1h of
l1•p1•r-, 111 Frf'lu:h Polyn,•slil " ·
Norwm Sh1•,ir . hn } wnnd,•r


1111n 1inpn•s11r1n snl al his d 1•!<ik in
Vt> lnur lmlllj,!lllj,C_paj 1
11nas and pink
s111•d1• E,1r1h Shoes tlisc uss m.i,: hi s
11111•~ 1•ffnr1 . ,1 lhirlccn •parl rn1111 l:>••ru•s " 111 1lw 1r,11 li1ion o f Hu:h Mon .

l'uor 1 nn ·


T lw -.1111),\ wi ll foll ow the Do l,11,1 m II f.11ndy 1hrnugh thrf't'
1(• •1wrnlrnns 01.s lh cy miJ,Cralr from
is la nd 111 island 1•nc11 ti me. druwinJ,t
du!-!cr tu Tal1111 u ntl th e w rruplinJ,t
mrlu1•11 r.,· nr WC's l';';rn 5ocich· In 1h1•
sPrics pilot. t\1idrnlcne Ooh;jnmu 1s
lol!!,. al s1•,1 1111 twr wu y to ltw flcshpot ir of P1tpf'1!li'
Thf' n•llf'll111us l(irl w11sl1Ps up on
lhc lwa ch of ,1 rf' mnh• isl and l1 ·p"r
c n lun} ,in d lu•r.nt111•s 1h 1· first

nll'mhr r nf ·,~e fam:l y lo r:nnlrn) I
tlw ii1s•iniic !In fnlh e r and nlcilr
l1rulh1•r S1111un #1 ,ind !-i1mun f.;!
r,•o;111• c ll\ e h r. hanc:t• upnn 1h 1•
,~I.incl 111 11rn1• In tPSUlf' lhP colon\
from a vu lu 1110. hut Mit.:hcl1•nl' 1
1011 1,11IPd In he ,rnv,·tl Whilt> lh f'
isl. ind d1 :rnppears ma mtsl nf 'il1 •,1m
,ind hrims1111u•, lhEt ,1url lnk1•s p,trl m
,1 h,1cch,111,11i,1n dPh,1u ch \s\tlh o
~ruup u l Pu rh 1)1Ul'!lf'
frnm Mac,10


Slw,ir <ia ut th a l he 1sn ·1 )!Oill)I m
fnr shnck valut' d1 •s p1t c ,wv1irn l w ntr11v1!rsi,1\ sci!ne'i. 1n1 lm lir\)I o n e nf o
hula dance r fnlhn),! ,1pa rt on sr.rce n
f1•1•I 1h;1t lhP lush st!ls and
hurnnn in1er,1ction will ovns had uw


1111' sh111 :k1n,1,1 11sp(•c1s of lht' show:·
h1• smd " Wh al we ·rl' trvinR to d o 1s
-.ho\, huw people 11s1• ·lrnmnr and
cu mpil'iS\1111 tu nv .--.rcn mf' ml\ rrs,,

1.1rr.11 ms The cri1 1cs have
m,ulu ~ s link ahoul lh f' foci 1ha1
1h,•rt• were three murder! , 1wo
\ok.moes , a sea s1o rm and a r p. pe in
!h i' p1lo1 What can I !e ll ~-ou?
You·w• MOI tu j(et !he aurlience ·s
allcnlion with th e firs! shnw Yo u' re
wmpe tin)il w ith Sru rsk )' ood llufch
You need a h11l e action ..
The second show dea1s wilh
S1111on /f:! 's r.ffurts 111 h e l1r a .l(rllllp
ur Indochinese le 1>ers retu rn home
111 ,1 leak>' hua1. Sh ea r sa id !hat 1he
h,1s1c 1hrme uf this segm ent 1s
rac ism S imo n ~ refuse! 10 sell the
,wroup ta r lo ~pai !heir c rart .
d,•s p11 e the ur)li11.f1,s o f t\,is .wn . The
prohl,•m 1s solvt!d'when -the 5enior
B11la1amu·s h+!atl fall°i'tnM !he ba y.
T hf' pruducf'r pninls proudl y lo the
hu.:t that the re 1s onl y one murder
,111rl nnc . easll,r m 10 the sucond

Here eome De Judge
It had hcen one nf thnsl' n il( hls I
drt \ In.I( a ro u nd wilh a few
fru•nd!>. _Mtt llin~ lwis te tl anti ilinkinJ,t
for s11nwrh1n,11 111 tin \V,• wcrP
11111)1 muri• flp s p1•rn h • h) th1 •
m1nu1, •, \\ht•n 1nsp 1ra1io 11 iilru ck
\\lh~ nnl .1(11 sc i~ a movie·,
\\11: cnllctl up 111 1h r I h,wh Allt•y
rlll'nln s1•11 111~ " A lud,w,• .incl ll1~
lloJ,t " 11 ts pruh,1h ly th e most im p\,1usihl1• muvic I howc ever sc,•n.
Thn ch,1rn cte rs a r c ;1h11ut .i. s
llf'licv,1hlP as lht' pruspcc t nf a Tl C \ \
Rul,'! 1
!\\'/1~ IJuildin~ }' lw 11111\ ic wn s
,1• 1 hi,1,1h upon a rit"prcssin i,c hill in ,Ill
1•\ 1•11 m on! dcpressinM c 11 y. Tht>
1inw 1s somcwh1•rn in the rt•cc nt
11,1s t Tlw s tory opens in 11 plush
"1rncl -p.11H!led o ffi ce . Thi!re's n
l,1rJ,t•· clt·sk promincn lly 1,osi 1i onf'd
in th t! n11ddlc o f th e roo m. Tlw
i:,111rnr.1 pans in , slow ly, on th o dn;k
,inti foc:uscs un ,1 w il y .l(ra y-hnirnd
man \\llh a Dass1•1 1 lound o n hi s


Thi• \\.l) lw loo ke d ,11 1h1• d o)!
s1•,·111 c1 I unn,1111r,d \Nh ,11 \\,IS 1•\·1·11

hcluw it. "Chairman." We h ea r hi s
voice . li e a1>pears to be talkinR to
himself. yc 1 the rlog HI looking at
h11n as if it urtderslands ever v word
IH'in~ sn1d . t\011:ril y th e judge ~nor1s.
"CnllcMe kids these da y!. they h a ve
1h1~ Jr.!all 10 thi nk they shou ld h ave
th,• rt,1,!hl. the r11Zhl to ha ve so m e input . h;1. inpul mto 1hc pOlici es o f
1hl!! tnst1tu tuin In m\ d,1v \\C knPw
our place Wf' went · to dasses. We
, 1111 l11·d \\'1· il11tn · 1 \\ilSIP nur
p ,tn•nls ' molh'\ on rall11•s. nn
h,1rnssin),! trush•ss
.. Thi"' rlo,w
jus l s hank his he ad in agreem e nt.
Now. I have see n biza r re mo vies,.
bu l th is one was ohvio usly going 10
hP. the topper The . p l1111 became
more pervcrsf' h y the minu te. All o f
n sudd e n 1hr door fli e s open. In
slorm 1•1,wh1 typic,11 coll ci;re s1uden1s ,
,111 si:rcarn mJl an d yc llmM something
aho u t " suHucalwn ." Th en tht?
sc:cne sudclc nlv shifts Now w e sec
lhc fun c111m r~om o r a plush hotel.
A ),!rnnp nf about 18 men a rt:' s 1t1 in!i
Portra it of a crafty. evil hauel aru11nd fac inl( tho jud,llc and his
ho und .
(Continued on page lZ)

srran~cr w;:1s the nam e plate o n th e
frnn1 of tbe d es k All ii said wos ,
"The Jud,we": end 111 small lc ltcrs

The Truth About Orphan Annie
b y Eldrilc h Gorm
" It look SC! ri1111s srhul,1r1•h1p tu
1hsclns 1• ,ti \,1st th,• full 1•,1t•nl uf

Orphan Annit• '!> dru,w prnhlPm h1r
\'IHll'!i 1111' 1r111• :- i,wn1f u:,1111.1•
id,1nk ltt1l 1• ,•vt•s h,1d h,•,·11
uvnl111 1kf'tl Cl,•,1~h 1h1• ~111 \\,1.,
~t1111cd mll urtwr rumtl "
E. Trump 1'1 ,1rm i~,111. Ph II
,1111h11r o f th ,· 1
:,•l1•lir,111•d Ill'\\
,11:a ri1•m1C; :-,•ns,1111111 F1·ur und


l.11u1h111J,1 111 1he Fun,n l'apc rs, sal
h.u:k 111 his En)lhsh Dnpl. uff1cc 1
,.,p .. 11,·d ,mnl,.,, rru111 ,I llll'l'r "' h,111111 Ahn\:1' Ins it,,,k h1111J.!
purtr,111:-. nf lht• lwo rlll'll h11 ft>cls
1110-.1 111flucnced his un1vcrs11y
1·o1r1•1•r Manhew Arno ld and Irwin
I :un'\
'" I i11• Ct llllh '(.!Hlll, of \C
;Otlr/W. \\,l!<i

\\ ,1rl1111 ks," h, addt.'\J " 1 larold
t:r,1\ ·s nii,ihtmarish \•1s1nn f'V l•n tn·
lutl1•tl 111£' Jo(II. Rf'cr nt s111d11•s havf•
i-uAA' '" IPd lw 1,.vas SN•i n)(
hut if
\ nu !011~ c\o~,, ·l ~ ,11 tlu • rlr,t\\ 111,1,!S ~Oll
1 ,in 1,·II ht• \\dsn ' I ,1 du,w ,ll ,d i 111•
\\, IS ,1 l. 1r~1• 1hrt) sh,•t•p \\ho u·unr,·d


Charles Ric,er
- . 10% off with


Prl'{,(.Tlflllutl F1Ul·d
E:,,,·J.."'1.,.(t•~ Rl'f"'lr,•J
MON-FRI : 10.5:30
TH R: 10.7:30
T EL :
SAT: 10.3:30
l, B -8736

In It,,



d11t,: "

l'1.1rm1.,i,111. urw uf th1• must
r1•-.p1•11,•1l pruf1•:-.snrs of Anwr11:.1n
S1111\11•s ,11ul r, cultun• 111 tlw
uillt•j,11' 1
,nlllffllllll l\, n1n\11Hh"" lo
hr ,•,,k nn, 1
),!11\,lll\1' 111'\\ J,!rountl Ill ·
lnprt·llll),! for us " iht• I hun ,111 C1111 1W.11un II \\Ill h1• rf'nwmh,•r, •tl th.ii
P1 ,1rn111mn \\',I!< 1hu f1r~I. 111 h i:. ,,I'll -

knm\ n cr11 k al 1
•ss,l\ " Love and
l11 •,11h 10 CuplCJm Kon,!i!aroo ," lo
re\ c,11 ttw ~.ulu-masoc h1 s11c tcnclenuf'!> uf :-..1r Gr{'en lea ns: ancl, more
n•c:en ll }, P111rm1i;!iln 's se minal work
flhu/11t frnogn r m --o;ck ood Jon e"
shtl\\erl onn.• and for ,Ill 1h e urhanc
s,1,,1,.w r) of lhP modern 1
>rim t1 r
" It' s 111cc 1 lw kn ow n," adn1111cd
th ,· silHr- hui red sa~e . "For ii lt1 n~
111111• I \\ilS utterly 1jLllort•d , )OU
.1cadc mia 1s a diquish
prof1•!<is111n Bui \\ twn I ,11:hiu vNI
11•11111·1• \\ 1t h llw publication of m)
-.rnd) of 1lw ruo1s of 111vcsl1Jt,tl1\ e
p111t11,1l 1,111 l"\Vood\\,1rcl . Bernstein
,1111\ 1 lur - \\'11 t'kh fl 1•mln" - ,:rl .J.
1h,· I\ orv 1m, £'r n•cu,wni :.wd m e as
1ruh oru• nf its 0\\ n The shulcnli\11\ ,, nw , n,11tira ll ), ~ 1111 should s,• t•
th, • 1•nmllmcnt for Dr S euss a nti
1tw Anwnc,111 lth:n IUl "
lrnmacul,1tP 1n lt•u th1~n ·t11• and
l\\ 11 1•11, ,,1,1 rm 1~un 1
1n•ssed 1t1huci.;o
111111 tht• howl of his pipr w 11h 01w

program . though there is co n side rably more lechery.
" We have to r emember that these
are primitive peop le ," said Shea r .
"And primitive people fool around
a 101. I mean. ifs natural with them.
They don ' I have ou r ha n,i•ups abo.ul
sex .
Asked if he i nt ended lo film o n
location , Shear said yes. the seri es
would he filmed on loca1ion al the
old Ci/ligon 's Island set.
"Ou r budget d oesn't allow £or
scr e wing a r ound in Polyn esia
Beside! , the French inter-island
government wasn't too cra zy about
having an American film crew poking arou nd in o n e o f its le per
The producer doesn ' I fee l 1ha1
· lh e sh ow·s c redibility will be hurt
by the facl that eve ryone in his casl
is Irish a nd has red hair and green
e)·es. " H ey," h e said. " When did
yo u eve r see a Chi nese Charlie
Chan ? You think lames Caan anO
H enry Winkler a re Italian ? I rhink
1l's kind or a nice touch , using Irish
peop le to p la y Pol y nesi ans. Le nds
sort o f a universa l appeal to the
whole project. B~ides. 1here are a
lot of · big-moth er Samoans in lh e
Bay Area where I liv e, a nd I
wouldn'I wanl to o Hend any of
th e m "
As for (uture plans. Sh ea r said
1ha1 he 's always thou,iht that a rea lh fine co rne d,· cou ld be done about
<iu.icl rapl egic; " II w ou ld have to he
h andled w ith laslC , though ." said
the produ ce r as he flipp e d the keys
lo his air-cond.ilioned Be n1l ey . .. It
shouldn'1 be chea p o r exp loi 1a1 ive.
Know \\hal I m ea n ?"

lea rn ed Cinxe r . Although aMe ad\anccs him , he sla~s resolutely in
s l~ le; hi s h ai r is combed care full y
forward from the n ape o f his neck.
a od in compe n sa ti on for 1h e,
1hinncss on lop h e 11po rts jaupt ~
s1deh11rns t h e s i ze of t ea
sa ndwic hes.
" But 1hr! rt>al co up Ill f'f'or and
l.ou1hrn~ is mv exa mination o f the
feminist co nsjurac~ in , 1,~1 Bf'O r
Yoj:i 1s ohvio11sly d e p1 c1e1t as the
mnl<' tlomC'sllc, pukrni;t nrou n tl those
111cn1c haskuts th,~ wn~ hr does RII
1lw llmt• /\ncl he 1s cons lanth accom1Mmed h) a c hild 1ncompe 1en1
de,1rl, l;1 h e ll ed ,i n ,1uiclP n\ of
f,11l1•d ·birth ccm lrol Hoo-Bon. ''
P1.irmt)l'.,rn lcnpl 10 his fet•t \\ 1th
th,1r,1cter15 11 c t.•ncr10 , sc11.ect a
volu nw frnm his 1;.1pnc1o us s h elf
,tnd s truck n rf for lh e auditorium It
\\il S hi s cluy to jii!l\1(' a dramatic
n •:uhn.!( frnrn The Cr,meslopper't

T1•'7tboo k

Pase tt

An Educational Cliff Hanger

hy Pally fa n i.u ,•
( h11• 11f 1111• )ffl!,1h•sl in v,•n lmn s
knn\\ 11 tn i:nllPl<'P s1ml1•nls 1o; h1•1n,1,1
dt>n1l'd lo thos1• pnlrnml'lll,I,! Sul
folk ·-. hnnki.tun• This 1m 1•ntmn 1-.
knuwn ,1s tlw " 1111111111•"
An 11111110,• i,,urnrn,tnl'l'.S u ! rl 1
puhl11 ,111011., ass1)(nt>d II\ th"
En)(hsh d1•parlmt>nt This savP,., 1lw .
s1t11lcnt nrnm prt•cious mornl'nlo; of
rnnd1n,w: the
,ind ,1ll,ms him tu
1rn1 lh,• 111111' 10,, nrrl.s mun: 11nportanl tl11nr,1s. sur.h ,,!> l1•,1r111n>1 hn,.,,·
muc:h h1•1•r h1• con c:unsunH• l11•furi•
passrn~ nu! nr rl11• m1•1.han1rs of rollin,1,1 ,l Jt1IIII
For l'X ,11111111• ti 11111• '"'rt' ri •,1d111,1,1
Oos111, Pv:1k\ ·'i C:nnw und Pun1s'1 11wnl ·and ,~·anl ~d In d1si:ovnr wh, 11
h,1pj,?1'1l!> to R,1slm_lniknv . ht• would
h,l\~u rend 546 pa,1ws Ill 1he now•I
lq tk.-' n11 1hn1• hr• r.a n m1sih turn lo
th e pn,w,• marhrl "Epil11,w:i.1e·· nnd
two ·,1,1rJphs tluwn discover 1lrn1 1h,•
.harnc11•r rec1•1v1•s nnlv )I six-,1•ar

The I-louse of the'

Seven Gables

NJthanie! Hawthorne ·
ltll""/111 f!llll h 1 J'h1!,p l'l•1l'U.!



Tht' lyp(' U"if"d Ill the u11tlin1•s 1"1
muc h t•a~r In rn,td 1h11n 1h t11 m
mnnv llll\'f!ls. Thts a ll ows for Pas,
skim.min),( nnd 1111d,•rlinin,I! Wlw~
skimmm,w n novel. al tunes lhP pr1111
is su sma ll thut wo rd s rnn 10,1,1c1h1ir
and .i re cliHi cult lo c11mprnh1mrt~
The print in 1he 011t lin1•s is lnr_wC'
1: n oui;rh u nrl spaced fa r cnnu.wh

No ,·el vs. Oulllne : The Lon,c and ' Shorl of II.
;1p,1r1 In b1• skimmed with a
rL.-.hhdll "l111 h prr•, 1•n1:-. ,.,.., ..
As am s1udcn1 knows ,, hen he
marks a honk. tht' 11nde rlm1n),! has a
t1•ntl1•nc~ lo hur.ome lan!illerl
h1•c,1U!tl' 1h nrn·s nu hreathi n,w rnnm
luotw,•cn wnrds Not onh do 0111 •
hnf's provide 1his spact> . h111
l.1 vis hl y J)fO\'lflP ii ht>IWf"f'll
p,trn)lrnphs as well
ThPSC wonderful t1me-sav1n,w
drvir.cs cun a l~o s,tve a tu11ion

JHI} Pr from spendin~o un lless.
ll'Wless h ou rs In ov r-crowded ,
11\er-heated c1au room . 0~ goes
to an English c lass a nd alls a leep
lislcn i ng 10 the professor ambl on
fur 10- lo 15•mrnute inlerval~e
h11 makes a pornl about the currenl
work Then one mus! rouse himse lf
surfic1entl~ to mentalh digesl the
rnformation and scribhle it dow n.
For 50 minute!li three limes a weel'c .
this .:an he ne rve-wracking: for 75
mrnutes twice a week. ifs a c ru e l

and unu5ual punishmenl
Ou1l111es perm11 1he studenl lo
mm ahove all this Not onl)· do the)
prm ide co mmenlaries analyzing
1h e ac11on more clearly and mo re
cuociSel~ lhan does a professo r.
lhf', also ~JVe an in-depth descrip11on o f each c haracle r in the piece.
which IS shorter, )Cl more involved
1h.1n bits 1
111d pieces garnered in
class discu s1ons
As an added bonus. 1he outli ne,
have one 1hlng t he educa1ors nev,e'r
thare. They fealure exa m ple, of
pmmble lcsl questions and their
nnswer:r1 This Rivy the student an
id ea of whal will be expected o f
him on an exam and provides him
w ith a writing style and ideas h e
can co1>y. One nev~ r appreciates
1his full) u ntil he finds .himself
lea n ing o\'er a mid•te rm with a
hangover from parlying the night
before and having .had no lime lo
Ou tlin es are o n e o f t hOH. thirt8-'
which should be immortalized bYi
the college sludent. Because of this
value, 1he)• should not only be sold
in the bookslore. bul sh ou ld be
Kiven away fr ee ly: one for eve ry
S,5.00 purchase . This would serve as
a symbol of goodwill between both
J)a rtie s a nd help furlh er the
11ude n11· academic ca reers.

What's Worse Than Seeing a Roach in Your Sandwich?
T Iit' ccho nf the shol!s clirn.ixed
"Wha1·s for dinnpr?" ask,•rl
C h1-1rli1•. an exprnssiun of an1if:1pa li on rlashin~ acruss his for.1:
" \Vt•II. il's usunll~ pol luck
a round lu-rt>.'' said 5nm . "Ev1!r
si nce 1h,•, found Suzv in lh e hrt>ad
rlrawC'r ,~·l'\' P lrnd lo la kc ,,•hat w,•
can J,H'I ..
C harli e looked al tht! pe n ci l-t hin

... seei n~ h a lf a one .
.!>h,1 ft or li.wh1 fiilcrin M lhro uJ,:h the
1 ruck in t h e Wil li , th en rubhf'tl his
anltinnae hrisklv .
'' llo) . I hOJlf' itw y leave soo n. I' m
sla r\' .··
" Rllinx . ~ •ill yu·, lrs Frida) . thuy
l1•,1vf• f!llr ly. Besi d e s , you und I nm
1hc o nl y o nes nrouncl The rns l of
1hr. ,wnn,I( wen! In Prim o's for a piz7.D

A1 thu sound o f n loud click. tho
light from 1ho c rad diluterl l nl o
dn r knc8s . Cha rlif:'s f1tco lilup att h e
sr.ram.h lusl fo r lh o exil.
" ll~d on:· cried Sam as ho
j,(rahhed Cha rli t!'s Ion),! brown hody .
· '.' If you {'on·1 s~lllo clown you·re j(U·
111~ to wrnd up likt> old Ben - a spol
o n the so l,· of so111l'hn1h ·s shot•"
An nudi lil l"' trall of fn~1 tstups ~ni,v
softe r anti softur 11111sirh• !he crack .

"11h 1h .. h, 111,w


,1 dusin,w dnur

.. OK .'' s,11d Sam "Tlw




The two hu~s cm" led nut onlo
lht! kitch1.•n rl our . Tho air was hem•,
wi 1h the rumnanls of a full d,1 v o·r
rlf'ep-fal :ind hurj,(Or Mreast' 1h~11 ~1
inlu lh c atmosph erP h) fourlePo
hundred dcr,1rcf'S o f fryinj,( Tlw GO ii •
slunl hum of rcfri,w:orafiun motors
11nd c r c 111 an ntherwisf' hlr ,1k
l.1,wh1 from 1hc cn feleria crecped
under lht> duur. c:ullin)l throur,1h llll'
darkn c!>s and rcflec:lln~ off the lunr,1
sHtin lcss-sleel c:ou n ter
"Ou vou cal oul much 'I" ask1•rl
Churl ie· as the)' wnlketl do" n 1lw
lun~ ribhc cl counlc r
"No t mall~ ... replied Sam "I ROI
lnrnetl off lo ii whun I was a kid Wt~
us,•d tu cul n l th,! Chines<'•
nround th,· t:o rn e r Th~ foocl \\US
ijrc.1 t, h111. you know . 1hrcc hours
lalcr rrt IH• h unij r)' n11ain ··
" Yeah . I know what ,•011 mea n."
siml Chnrlie ... I went 10· n ~lcxlcan
rcs1aurun1 once . I had hc,1r1hurn
fo r thrN• days afte rwards , nn d oh
the ~ns ··
The lwo 1111>:s scurried 111 anrl out
of a ll 1111• nooks und cran n ies on 1hc
counlcrlup Fund was scarce. hul
1hc scavcn,l(f'rs eventua l! ) found
their w:w Ill th e snack stand .
Slancli.nM on ,1 round cellop h,111cwrnppcd 1
mck'a~e. Charlie let lrmse
n hnpµ y cry
"Oh. wow' Chocnlalc 'c hi p
c:ciu ki,•s. f\h favo rit e ..
" l)nn ' I e~1l 1host• ." warned Sam .
" Ynu'l1 p ro hah ly hrnnk your lcelh ."
"' \,V hy'1 " asked Charlie. "Arc the~
.!tlah• ~ ..

'Tvc ea ten froshor poker c h ips,"
n•plil'li Sam
" \\'ell. ho\\ ahout 1hosi•'f" ht.•
oshd, pornttn)t h is untc n mw 111 a
p,11:k,lj,(f' uf dnrk c:.upcakui. w11h
,, h11e sq111),U,!I~ ic111,1t
" The~ ' rt• O K. I suppmw, 1ml th••~
w1•rv rn1u h hotter hcf.orn ITT

hmt,wht them out·· Sam ·s antcnnae began
10 wave violrnllv in the air . H e

,:aulious h m oved h is h ead fr
sidf' 111 side sensin~ dan~er .
" What's wrong?" asked Charlie
n e n 'o us lv.
"Sn m eOne's comrni;i ." said Sam .
" I can feel 1he vibrations."
Slrong lc,'ls ca rri rcl 1heir lonJi
slippe ry bodies down lhe rack and
umlcr 1hc c:011nto r JU.SI as 1hc door
npcnod and liMhl fl ooded the roo m.
A man in uniform cnml! into 1he
k11chen and surve)ed rhe~ a.ea .
\Va\k111,1t over In !he rock, h e look
1he package or cookies Cha rli e had
stoun on .and went back oul !he
··11c·11 he ,orry,'' snickered.Sam,
Decidin~ a~ainst anotht;.r trip up
the snack sland. they h enderl for the
~rill arNl in hopes of a meal.
" I low come , uu know so much
ahoul this place·., .. asked Charlie .
"\ ,w1s horn h ere." replied Sam.
·· 1t'nw ,1hou1 you? ..
.. f\lc 1 " lau~hcd Charlie " I was
hctrn 111 a Ma~ laK washinM mac h ine
c: ,1rl on
\\'1th a ~rin like a Chesh1r"" cal.
S11m nskcd . " An• !hey really 1hal
lo,wh t'
" l.r~ k over therc 1" cried Charlie.
point1n~ tnwurds 1hr Hri,1,1c of 1he
S,,111 ,ind r:h .1rlu • !>1t111tl mo1111nl,•~-. Tiu•, ,:nnld not heli;':\ 1•
1lwll' 1•~c•s Stir.kin)l half\,.i~ out
from tht• hil'w of 1ho !ilrlll was a huj.!f'
"/ lt'1 \, , .. s,tid Sam " This rnusl
Iii' uur lu ck\ d,1v 1.ut's cu t"
11111 Ch,triu• d;cln'I h,1,·1 lo lw tolrl

,rnd \\,1s alr1•,1d~ at1Jck1nj,! th,~ fond
Sam did no! hosHa le 10 1ui11 h im .
I l,1\'111,.: ci,•,·(1t1rt•tl Ill(' l"'J\ltrt• mu,ll•
hall. ho1h hu,ws fl cL1drd lo s lop ,'Ind
dir,,!C!!I their rnpnsl ,,r1cr ,1 short
,,hil e C:harlir lm)i:IIO lo cry out 111

"O\\\\, m, stom,u: h 1 I mus! have
ca1,:n too 111;u:h "

"Me. loo." c ri ed Sam . " Maybe we
should lie on our backs fo r awh ile.
What do you think C harlie ?
harlie 1"
.. , .. ,-1'
Turning his head. Sam saw his
compa n ion lying mol ionless .
t\fomenls later. overcome by the
pain in his stomach. Sam's legs gave
wa~ a nd he collapsed into a dizzy
stale o f unco nscious ness.
Af ter bringin!il oul 1he eggs and
ute nsils for the breakfast rush , !he
heav;y set wo m a n stooped down to
lurn o n 1he fryolater .
Uuering a ~hrill cry. sh e ju mped
back, start led al the sight of the two
brown bu!Zs , She saw th e lighl
reflec1in~ off the ir shiny leather
C.Jsings bu! noticed their lack of
Crabbing a w hisk broom and a
piece of paper, she swept the bugs
a nd threw them i n the trash .
Standinjl still for a momenl, she
though! out loud:
"Gee. I wonder v h at lcilled
lh e m? "



Paperback & Texts
100 Charles River Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02114



, . , . 12


muvu• wmm'I a lpllll loss, ii! the enrl1n)l was ratlrnr am usin)l As ii
turned out. the s tude n ts we r e com•
(Continu ed rrom page 10}
dog. These d is1inguish ed men seem plaining aboul the exeuive
amounts o f animal ...wast i on !he
very unsettlecf about something
Then . lo and behold , the do.I( heJ,(nn 11idcwalks and streels. I must say.
1h e delive ry of the last line was so
10 address the asscmhla_ge.
He 11poke io n quiet tone : lhe lwisled . it oJrnos l worth lh e
audience musl s lrn in lo hear " Tui - price of admiulon . The big studenl
tion increases dldn'I bolher them . rebellion had been quashed , the
Do you rea ll y think thnt this suf- boa rd m et to snvor !heir vict,,ry
for.a linn businiiss is J,(OinM lo be ..11 The do~ st.pod before th e nsse~ly.
proh lf'm·, 1 n." he said c;1Jmly .. I tlH! 11pplalJ'!II",. h1m1~tous. I-l e mi eel
huv e ne ve r madt• a h ad policy d1• c i- h,s paw high i n the air and rls1nn hdure. and 1 nm not J,:oin,w, 10 tltt!S!icd them Whal hr said ·as
s1mp l1 • "'They 've been do1n.l( 11 for
slntl now"
W.cll , 1hal 1s th e wny th,• pin! , cnrs. nncl n ow, all of ,I sudden.
pro1i:ressetl . J,(f'llin,ll mnn: ari..d lllll rf' ihe) tr y 10 trll mr 1h1•y·rn hr ed of
11nbcliev11 hlc . •C:n uld vnu 1w1• r im- 1,1kin1e m y crnfl"
Now I ask you . 1sn·1 th at the most
ai,:in,· nnyonc taking ail 1hmw lh10f,l5
l )· mg down ·, Rm1l1y 1 I m11sl SO}. unhclir.vahlc plol imaginable . Who
•ver, t h r nctinM was rPnlly in his riJ,!ht mind could ever write
supurh ns a whole Thomas Rlll1
J,:h something 1hat ridic:ulous' It's no
f1h1? f11dAel wns rPally co nvrncin1i1 ai; wondn no n n e 100k c redil fo r the
a mnrom c puppe t manipula1ed hy scrcenpla) . Whal's eve n wicrder is
tht• d o,z;. Th e doJ,:. \..•h o n•mainrcl lhal the hou5e is pac:kerl fnr eve ry
;monymuus. was co nvincin,w, 111 his p •rfurmarfc e., t'Vf'll 1hnuj,(h t he
µor 1raynl of the crufty. evil Das,ml 11 l'rilll .qualil ~ 1s so poor I \\ould
l-lound And finallv . 1hat fine cast of 1ldinilf'l y sugJzcs l avo irllOM 11 nl a ll
ac:tnn who df'pi c:ied the Bnarcl uf co!II , PsprciaJl) no\\ lhul I he ar the
.:Prush•e5 , the y lo o k ccl !lfl d1s - pru;t' nf .ul~ssmn ts ,w,nin)l up lo
lll 1c res lml Iha! I coul d haVf' sworn $1850 Surld cnlv I rf'ahze d it hadn ' t
hePn just o n q c;r those nigh1s - it'!!
t he)• rco1 1y wer<• s leepin1i1.
I suppose I 11 hnu ld nule : !hf! heen om• of those yea rs

.. . judge

...,.__Up Vours---t

Aprtl 5, Monday
11 :00 p m - SuUolk Unwersll ) President Thoma, Fulham will !llVf' his 1mnua l
SlJte of the College add re11,5 Topic will he "'Fads ancl 1he M1un1enance or
S1uden1-Adm 1nutra1wn Commu n1 ca1ion .. Speech 10 he presPnt,:o,I aw Pres
Fulham tt reulu down Rid11e\.. a¥ Lane

12:DO pm - The Twelve O 'Clock I hJilh Cluh spon.,ors a ·· Roach-Fhd:1ptt con1e.s1
en the roof of the Archer Buildm,, Con'ie up a'nd see how
far 1he}· 'will ao

J\ pf'II I , Tue1da y
t :00 pm -

LIFE Com m111ee pl'esents renowned ax-mu rd erer /oseph Bar•
\Kiza Ope n 10 all in aud11ori um .

1:00 pm - SCA Film Comm 1
11ee presents " Mary l-lcfi:,on, Mar)' 1
-lefron," a film
v.h1ch explores the harried life nf a Colle11e Re,,lslrA r from lhe da1h· violence 10 recenl alle,idtJpns o f an eHair
w11h John F 'Kenn edy
Z:00 pm -

ll'l.11nan111es Club presents a vo.ashluh srmphon} fealurmlil Ma and
Pa Kellle. Bu ck Ow,. n• . teroy Scru(Uta , and Bo J11n11lea.
~,,It Vernon Street Bulldinp. Ari S1udio


Apri 7, Wednesday - i\10N ,OLIA IIOlJR ACT IV ITIES • To be held on the corne r or Temple amt
llcrnP S1n•cls Atlrmssiun Whatever can he pounded out
~ou Schedule.of
+'\!'Ill!! f•1llo"~
Sho..., and Tell
10:0S•I0:15 pm - Mon1,1oha and }Oil , customs and pohlic., as the} apply 10 1he
SuHol._ Communal) , Noh Cbans.


IO ·Ze pm

\\urkin"110 mercome the cripplm11 problems nf horedom and con'illp,1l1Un C:ra}on 1lep1c11ons 10 be p ro\idect

10:50 pm - ht•c ~nm plea nf authentic l.lpma-Foo-YonM Thia Mon!fOhan fa\'orile
""s pri•pared 1n the kitchen of Nam Chee 1us1before her

.,.,,1, hheraled

h\ Cha irma n Mao

12:03 pm - A1hl,•11c DPpl pre5ents a lecture by Dean Sullivan Qn "'Tenni1 and
the Admmis1ra11on of a Colle,1te : or SucceMful U!M! or the
l:Jackhand "

Landmark on Beacon Hill dcsecraled b y vandals.

---•"Thtt Fnendliest shop in town." - - -...



Sales, Repairs on All Makes, Rentals .
Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm
383 efUiUIIUB&F 51'.



Wed. Thurs.
Fri. · Sat.


12: 30 pm - C.1mmJ Pl)lm:t Si~ma preaen,~ a " Bluebert) Pie Ea1-OH'' 1n RL7
Free Tab ror all p11rt1r.1pa nts
Ap ril I. Thursday
1:tKI pm - Th,, A1To11n tmw ,md F1,nanc,• Club 10 con1unct1on \\llh God presen1s
Suffolk I 1m\'ers1I) \ ' ice-Pres and Treasurer Flanner~ as
parl uf an Acc11unhn"1 S} mpmnum on "The Ari of Penny
R11ll1n"1 .. 1\111:m: In 1h1• 1ume of "Sc\cnteen Reasons 10 lnr..rP,1 1
11• Your Tm11on \,111 he ptµcd into Room V-401.
?:30 pm - \\ ,lttwn ·s S"1mm1nM
Bl·iunnrr s Brc11 u Stroke Chnic. To he hekl
·near \,atf'r

A pri l 9, Frida,•

ALL IJAY -1,•~!>0ll'i ,,111 hr ),11\'t>n o n h m, In II.Sf' the phone ,~ste m Conlacl 1he
Bur ..M 111 fmrl nu! tlw location
'2: 00 pm · l ·00 am -

R·\TIISKF:1.1 ..-\ R
hie - beer \\lne . .se and ,ll(IO(I
, h,•,•r ,11 nnmmnl pri r.t"s 3rd fl oor Charl es Rtvt>r Pla:r.,1

lllt-:Wt-" \\II .I. HE\.{) C l.l 1B ~IEETl\.t ;s DI IE TO I.ACK OF
(,1 I 1nl!'res1

lh I ~l)JU'
[,: I run,ls
l•I I .111 of tht• ,thm••

Sun. 4:00-11:00
Qua/it food

Primo's Italia Sub Sho
all orders prepared to take-out
Partflatters also .A vailable

742 - 5458

Beacon Hill, BOSTON

"Gi m'me a pig's fool and a bottle or b e er."

, ••• 12



m11v1e wa!ln·1 o lolal lo!\5. A-' the f!lld ·
In,!,? \\;ts r,llhf!r amus 1n,1,: A!I ii
turned oul. lhf' sludent5 were comp I ain i nj( uhoul lhe eiceniYe
amounts of anima l wasle- on lhc
sidewa lks and slreer.. I mu.!11 .!13'.
1he dclive.ry of the lasl line was so
twisted. ii ..... as a lmos t wo r lh !he
p r ice o f adm1ss1on The big sludenl
rnhellion h ad bee n· quashed. the
hoard mel lo savo r their victory
The dn,11 slood before the assembly,
pruhlf'm ·, Nu:· h,• liillcl cR lml~ ··1 !ht• epp lalJ!.!" tumulilnus. He ra jcd
luwc nm·•ir maclt• ,t hurl policy d1•c1 • h1l'! paw h1~h 10 the air and d!'11111 hdnrt!. and I am nnt gmn.i,: 111
drnssrd lhPm Whal he sa id as
stilrl now ··
sun pl l:' "Th.,y've heen dnin),l ii \or
\IVcll. that 1s 1lw wily lhf' pin! vt•o r s. ilnd now , a ll of a suddrn.
pro,1,?r4!SS1!d, Mellin,!,? more und 1111H1•
ihcy try lo tPII rnr lhf!y're lired uf
unhclicvnblc. Cou ld )IHI ever 11n - t.ikm,w my crap"
flMint! nnyone l.1kinM all 1hosP 1h111,1,?s
Now I ask ,·ou . 1s11·1 that lhc mnsl
l)·itlH clown ? Ren ll y• I mnsl sa}. unhrlicvahlc· plol tmfl,i{IOab le Who
however . the ac tinR was rrally in hi s ri,wh t mind cou ld ever \Hite
superb as fl who le . Thhm11s Rou,1,:h .!IOnwlhiru;i 1h n 1 ridiculous '? It's no
(the Jurlsiel was rnnlly co nvincinK as wonder no one took credil for lhc
a moron1°c puppt!I manipula ted h)· screenplay Whal's even wierder 1s
thf1 d og The do,il. who remainrd 1ha 1 lht• housP. i.!I packed for rvery
anonymous. was convinci n,1,: in his p,•dorm,1rfc1•. 1•vr.n lhnu~h 1h1•
p o rlrayal of lh e i:ra fl y. evil Bassel m•)•rall . qualil) 1s so poor I would
H olY1d. And rin:ril y, Iha! finr cast of d11i'11ul1•l~ 'ill~~sl avoulin,w \I al a ll
n r.t,ff:s who d e picted th•· Bonni of C:CISI. rs 1
>rciall} •now that I hear the
Tru.!llccs . 1lw v lnoki•d 511 d1~ - pnr;,• of arlm1ss111n 1s ,woinK up lo
i!rtcrestcrl thnl ·, cou ld huvc ,worn S!H!;0 S11rldenl" I rcalm"rl it hadn·1
th~y rea ll }' w,m~.!llcepmg
lu•r•n 1ust om• ~f those nighls - i!'s
I .!IUJJ (>O.!IC I !!hnuld note : the l11•rn onr of thoso years

.. . judge

(Conllnu ed from paKe t QJ
dnJI. The"e distingui!lhcd men seem
very un!lellled ahoul somethin~
'Then. lo and beholrl. the doH ht!)i(Un
lo address lhH assemhlaHe.
H e ffpoh in n quiet ton e: lhc
au d ience must !'llraln to hear .. Tui tion increases dicln·1 bo lh cr rhcm
Do y1111 rt!11\I)' rhink thnl lhis suffncalion husinf:ss is ,11uinH lo he a

~Up Yours---.
A pr il S, Monday

Suffolk lJn1ver■ 1l) Pres1de n1 Thoma, Fulham v.11l ,1(ne his annual
S1,111• of !he College address Topi c \\ill he ··F~s and the M aintenance of
~111den1 -Arlm1m11ra1ion Communication ·· Speech lo he presenlNI ,ts Pres
Fulham s1reaks do"n R1d)!ewa y Lane

11 :00 pm -

12:00 pm - The T"t:lve O"Cluck ll iHh Club '\J)OO!IOrla " Roac h-Fl1 ck mj(" co nte51

on the roof of the Archer A111ld1nJi Come up ¥1ri see how
fM the) a-ill au
A'pril I , Tuesday

I :OG pm -

I. I FE Comm111ee presents renowned ax-murderer Joseph Barbout Open to all 1n audi1or1um

1:00 pm - SCA Film Com~lltee presen11 " Mary Hefron , Ma ry Hefron:· a rilm

"'h1c h explores the harried IHe bf a ColleJle R~Rlslrar from 1he dailv violence 10 recrn1 alleJ1at1on• of an affair
wi1h John f ·Kenned\
2:00 pm -

ll'\man111es C:lub presen1.s a \ooashlub srmphqn) featurinr,1 Ma and
Pa Kenll~ Buck Owens I.Moy Scru~. and Bo Jan,i es
\h \'('rnnn S1ree1 BuildinR Art S1ud10


A pril 7. Wednesday

~IONCOI.IA IIOI JR ACTIVITIES • To he held on the co rner o f Temple anrl
n~rnf' Str+•• •ts Adm1s!lmn \\'hale\'er can he pounded ou1 of you Schedule of


Sho" and Tell
10 :05-10: 15 pm 10:211 pm

)'OU . customs 11nd politics as lhe) apply 1 lhe
Suffolk Com mun1l) . Noh Chana

~lonMolrn ,md

\\ urkinJI lu m err.ome lh~ cripplm,i problem!! or OOredom and con•
SIIJldlrnn Cta)on rlep1c11uns lo he provuled.

10:50 pm - f-rt• ♦! immples of auth ♦!nl1c l.lama-Fno-Yon11 This Monj!Olian favorile

\\its prPparnrl m 1h•e ki1c hen of Nam Chee Just hefore her
\'t llai,1e
lihrra!ed hy Chairman Mno


12:0 l pm -

Landmark on Beacon Hill d e secrated by va ndals .

~ - - • .. The Fnendliest shop in town." - - -..

Athlu111· lleJJI. presents a leclurf' by Dean Sullivan on •·Tennis and
the Admmi st rauon of a CollejtC': or SuccCMfol Use of lhe
Rar.khantl ··

12:30 pm -

G,1mmil Pijlma Sijlma presenls a ·· Olueberr) P1e Eat-Off• in RL7.
Frei' Tah for all ,pa r1ic1pan1s

A pril I , Thunday

l :OG pm -

l"h,• ,\, 1.uun1Lni,1,111d F1n,mc"' <:luh m cun1unc11on "tlh C.oc.l Jlre.-wnls
Suffolk l 1nl\ imut~ \ '1c~-Prt>s and Treasurer Flannery as
p,arl o f dO Accm11111nJ1 S)mposmm on ""The Ari of Penny
R11llmJ1 \lu~1 c lo lht> lume o f •·se\'enlef'n Reason!! lo ln1;r,•,1s1• Yuur Tu1llnn "ill he p11>ed into Room V-&01.

Z:lo pm - \\'om,•n·., S\-.1mm1n)l
IJc)ltnnPr ·s Rre11,,i Stroke Clm1c. To he hekl \\,lh' r


April 9, Friday

ALL D.<\Y - !,•,!Inn" \\1II h~ ,lll\l'n nn hm, tn usP the phone -..ystem C'..ontact lhe
nur'l',1r 111 fm ri nul tht• loc.ilion
? :00 pm· 1 :00 am -

Sales, Repairs on All Makes, Rentals

ha. - hf'er. ,,mf•, !If'),,. ancl )lOO(I
r. h1•er ,11 nnmmal pru.~ 3rd noor Charles Rive r Plaza

(J r,11,1 t11J"ullnn.1I ~lt'f'llllflS

IIIERL \\II.I. IH·: '\"O Cl .I 'll "-IEETl~l:S DUE TO LAr.K OF

Open 7 days, 8 am - 9 pm
363,efUIIIIUB&I! IT.



Mon. Tues.
Wed. Thurs.
Fri. Sat.

Sun. 4:00-11:00


,pecializing in
Quality food

Primo's Italia Sub Sho
all orders prepared to take-out
Partflatters also Available

742 - 5458

Beacon Hill , BOSTON

"G im ' m e a pig's foot and a bollle

