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APRIL 19, 1914


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HEN I m:e the word "religion·· I
use it without any attempt at exact definition. vVe all !mow something about religion, - whether we
11 -.e n or not, whether we make it our own
or· attack it, whether it seems to use the
he~ald of a new era or a reactionary fo:ce
to .be combated ;-all alike have some defi~1tion of their
own of religion.
And religion remains today, as
it has been in
all the centuries of which
history gives us
· any
forces in the
life of humanity.
The question
that is surely of
g r e a t importance to any
man or woman
socially is: '' What is religion to
How shall° we relate ourselves to reIs it something slowly passing
way to give rise to something better in its
~ce as an organizing force , or is it somethmg Which we shall ha ve to make our own,
n ,1 make terms with?" very grave mist. ?s have been made through the misap•~~si~n of what religion actually is and


tlie first p!~ce it is well for us to re~l.lber that all th~ great forces are known
b.J,: . the things they do-electricity,
tation_. _r~ligion. Religion is a force
b 5 ~ 3:ct1~·1t1es we see on every hand.
· er, civ1hzation bears the marks of this
~ ~ ty religious force, in raising temples,
111 ng apart Priesthoods. laying sometimes
ng ccmmands on the necks and lives
l ll::en t-nd women, mastering the details of
,r~. One cannot, then, but return
lll(llJ ~ himse_lf. --what is this force? Is it
Whi ch is disappearing, and must
h._r. that we ma,· be 2:ovPrnP<l hv








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rise to it. .T he results of the moment blossom out and pass away, but the great reviving, renewing energy marches on.
All over this land the churches of this
country have been gathered to proclaim the
Easter message-one of the oldest religious
messages in humanity ·s history, going back
in to the centuries before Christianity, which
we do not have data to number. It is linked
with n, en's awe and rejoicing; as he sees
the cold garments of winter scattered by the
rising summer sun, and watches for that
resurrection from the dead when the yellow
grass blossoms into its green. The winter
s leep is over. and death has been o,·ercome.
We rejoice in the renewal of nature-in the
resurrection. But has any springtime rea- ly
incorporated all of that energy : Has any
coming season really exhausted the vital
force? From year to year the world grows
richer in its life, larger in its meaning, more
overwhelming in its hope. To us the resurr. ction means a new humanity, a new world,
a new life, a new power, for God is rising,
inexhaustible in His power! (Applause.)
And so in religion and the churches. Religion is not a force that can exhaust itself
in giving rise to some impatient uew denomination. Some theologians may teil you
that at last the true religion has come and
all has been embodied and the life of God
fully manifested in their sect. We know in
c- deepest hearts it is not true. No sect,
no church, no institution, has yet fully incorporated the returning energies of · the
divine life. (Applause.) And these energies are religion and the churches.
Let me point out again that many · of our
friends, impatient with religion, should be
really impatient simply with the churches.
· (Applau·se.) And we must ·ask ourselves:
"How well-grounded is our impatience with ·
the churches?" I should like to point out ,
to you that all institutions are in the nature
of the case conservative-sometimes reactionary. A little thinking reveals the reason :-that is the very nature of the beast.
that is what the institution is for-to conserve. The winds carry away the prophet's
message without it. All institutions are
conservative: I don't know a more con-

~·tionship with something that passeth not
away_ We are building, not for mere time.
but for all time. The values you and I hold
dear are eternal because they are divine.
And if we can so relate our social hope with.
n,at instinct of eternity, we shall link our- '
selves not only with the future but with the
past. The life of the lonely Nihilist in Sibe:-;,,·· ~
ria today is linked with that of the old
...... . .,:...·
prophets. with that of Buddha-it is eternal
in the life of Jesus Christ, in whom we have
seen God giving Himself completely to hu- ·
manity, with the vision of that larger hope, ·
the promise of eternal value.
I should not like to part with any of the
thrnlogical apparatus under which my religious Efe has come to me. There are many
things I believe with all my heart. And yet
I hope I am sensibl'e enough to separate
them from the great essence of the thing.
But in our attitude to religion we must rem.ember how burdened are all our visions
and all our thoughts by the weaknesses and
extravagances of our own lives and the lives
behind us, burdening and sometimes crushing the Life within all of us. Therefore, let
us. not be impatient with the narrowness
and even the brutality under which the
g;·eat instinct which links humanity to God
.has made itself felt in the life of man. I
recc-gnize that it is easy for us ;:o find a
particular organization or belief in our way.
Very well : do ·your. best to undermine it;
but be sure that as you do that you do not
destroy more than you intend. When you
attack, as attack you must, many of the institutions of religion. many of the dogmas
of the church, many · of the things that are s;:-~.
in the :way of social progress, use your knife 'i:t"l
and make it sharp, but have the skill sim- · '"'"~ . ..
ply to free and not to destroy. (Applause.)
·We are on the verge, as we all know , of · ·
tremendous social changes all . over the
world. If you are going to destroy the
churches before those changes come your
task is a hopeless one. I do not care what
?OU may hope. the facts are all against you.
Never was religion doing more work in the
world than today . ... Christianity has been
stirring Mohemmedanism and Buddhism into greater activity. You cannot help · it. It -,-~---,- •.


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The question
that is surely of
g r e a t importance to any
man or woman
lly is: "'What" is religion to
all· we relate ourselves to reif something slowly passing
rise to something better in its
organizing force, or is it scim~- ·
e shall have to make our own·
ms with?" Very grave misen made through the misap:what religion actually is and

overwhelmin g in its hope. T o us the res urmemuer now uuraenea are a11 our v1s1ons
rection means a new humanity. a new world,
and all our thou ghts by the weaknesses and
r. new life. a ne w power, for God is rising. extravagances of our own li\·es and the lives
inexhaustible in His power! (Applau se.)
l.J ehin d us, burdening and sometimes crushAnd so in religion and the churches. Reing the Life within all of us. Therefore, let
ligion is not a force that can exhaust itself
us not be impatient with the narrowness
in giving rise to some im patient uew deand even the brutality under which the
uomination. Some theologians may teil you
g;·ea t instinct which links humani ty to God
that at last the true religion has come and .has made itself felt in the life of man. I
all has been embodied and the life of God
recognize tha t it is easy for us w find a
fully manifested in their sect. We know in
particular organization or belief in our way.
our deepest hearts it is not true. No sect, Very well : do your best to undermine it;
no church, no institution, has 5>et full y inbut be sure that as you do that you do not
corporated the returning energies of the
destroy more than you intend. "\Vhen you
divine life. (Applause.) And these ener- attack, as attack you must, many of the ingies are religion and the churches. ,
stitutions of religfon, many of the dogmas
Let me point out again that many · of our of the church, man y of the thin gs that are
the first" place, it is well_for us to reer that all the great forces are known friends , impatient with religion, should be in the :way of social progress, use your knife ·
b.Y :t11e· ~h~ngs ·the)'. . do-:electricity, · rE>,ally impatient simply with the churches. and make it sharp, but have the skill sim(Applause.) Ano. we must ·ask ourselves :
ply to free and not to destroy. (A pplause.)
- tlon, ,·rel!g10n. Rel!g10n is a force
We are on the verge, as we all know, of
activities we. see on every hand. "How well-grounded is our impatience with
· civilization bears the marks _ this the churches?" I should like to point out , tremendous social changes all over the.
to you that all institutions are in the nature
world. If you are going to destroy the·
ty religious force, in raising temples,
of the case conservative-sometimes reacchurches before those changes come your
g apart priesthoods,· laying sometimes
task is a hopeless one. I do not care what ·
commands on the necks and lives tionary, A little thinking reveals the reay ou may hope, the. facts are all against you.
,en anf·women, mastering the details of son:-that is the very nature of the beast,
an lite:-:. One cannot, then, but return that is what the institution is for-to con- Never was religion doing more ·work in the
world than today. ··-. Christianity lias , been · ~'.,-.. ...,.
ask himself, "What is this force? Is it serve. The winds carry away the prophet' s
stirring Mohemmedanism and Buddhism in..,
thfag ·which is disappearing, and must message without it. · All institutions are
pear; 'lhat· we may be governed by . conservative: I don 't know a more con- to greater activi(y. You cannot, help'• it. It .-.,_.:: } :;
10-!" -~ .•.
servative crowd than th.e Anarchists. The . is a force tha_ ·is here to stay. • Now; what
little group I know best spends most ·of its
shall we do with it? SH our tents and
►e S~c~a,~-Demokrats in Germany at first
'- ed .an - nswerving antagonism to . re- time in what. we theologians call heresy sulk, or sweep back the tide ·- with our little .f.;irt·
: now they regard it as a private mat- trials. (Laughter.) __for...the most part the l.Jr.qoms, or .seek to understand it-seek to ~ ; ~- ;
As -·a consequence of that earJy attiinstitution cannot .be counted upon to be -know what the .force is, and to come into • -~ ;-'.
'·· '
inany· well-meaning, even thoughtful, the prophet of pl'Ogress, but the institution vital contact with the mighty .streams o r
have linked all social cnange with is the· mother of prophE:ts,. e,;en thou gh she, . enetc&Y that have made men lik~. tv esley and
__·goriism to that which they regarj. is a little cruel to her unruly children. . -t·<'.. Luther and Calvin and , Paul ~11\l ·.E lijah and
And so we need the chqrches. Why? ·Fo~i;•· Jesus': Christ?
··< · .
U,- ·or:, wrongly, as the very essence of
r mora:f ideal: · It would be a frightful
tlle reason t_ at ,,:ve need all i°:stitutions: .·: _This:_ the ~losing messa~e 1·-would ._ieay~
,Iler for· us. unthinkingly thus to commit And let us be pat ient wl,th them, 1:r only .b e~. wtth you: It 1s the most aj:lsurdly unhistori: es.-' - .
cause they em,b ~dy so A:peqtiately our own · ea.J._· mistake to think _. that becaus~z the
,of the distinctions which I wish to stupidity and our -o wn rea-ctionary life. Now,-::, _s:hurches'-are conservative, r.~ligion is :f.eactionary. : . There never hair ' been such a
·➔ · ' •:.
at the· ·very_ outse.t of our discussion how are we going. to rel at~ this insti t utionat
appreciation of the fact that there is life to the gr.e at changes ,vh ich e:ver yone ·o r':. dynamic° 'in . human. history as religion ..· It·
us sees upon =
the horizon? '.I take it that in~ has accomplished that which no other forc e . , •.. · ; ,
,t distinction,between religion and the
- · :::
ons to which religion gives rise. this forum man_y gre,at differen ces of t11ought·· ha,s been able to accompli?h. ·"::.W'J:i·~n . :th e
'.;,.,: .....
'.customs, creeds cannot abolish the· and instinct and hope .meet. u pon the com.:.;; 1•:hole ·world. seemed .enslaved· iri:'Tue tyranny
cliaracter · and message of religion. ~on gtound of 'a lif~, j newer societ~; ~_ of ~ -bloody 'm ilitary power . -a·· li!f}e hand of .
the greatest. -~pover,ty-stricken Arab prQ,I?.~ets-s.!?ok~ words <· ·· ~'.~~
~ : has embodied all that is beauti- a t.fairer humanity. ,·;And it is:~ _
!',e!~gion-no institution has ever em- · .in;iportance that, .whatever p~1cular .r econ, c :' among th.e desert sands thai: not all .tlle em- . _ • ~ --:!:;
:1l!._eJ1:½1ness of the thought that ga-ve · st\-ucti_ i1 o__- society may happ~jJ to b~· ~ou_ '\( Pires of the World have been able to silence ~ _ ··-t'{l:
-you . lmk ,. it properly .. a,nd fra nkly with . • ·-messages of.:.hope to every man enslaved, · _-:;;;:,· '!'. ~.
thi~ · great, ·. Ol_'erwhelm;,i~g force-religion . .. ;,_ o every woman oppressed:; to e ver~'. nation ..•·
,, . ·
nnd :rnswers
<le Ford. ·
(~ppla.us_ :). You and ~~are in ete:rna!_.rela:<<( -. : \~._2 ,C~ontinued on p?,ge




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material imperialism. Roman Catholicism
has been done tremendous injustice to by
us Protestants. It has been blamed for :
many things which the universities did ..,
Q : Do you think that religion will be in
existence after Socialism has been realized '!
not only can be but are truly religious withA: I think we will have the best expre~
out any definite concep ti on of a Supreme Be- sicn of it. ( Appi"ause.)
Q D'I r. Isaacs ): What do you
Q : ·what are the comparative social
Fowler's '·Human Science"?
needs in foreign lands where Christianity is
A : I must plead ignorance.
nQt yet a power ·?
Q: Isn' t it true that the schemers of ~
A: Chiefly individual and economic freeligion see the end of all their plans in the
coming social revolution. and that is why
Q: Do you approve of having the Ei ble
they are trying to ally the savagery of the
read in the public schools?
past with the coming change?
, _
A : I wish ,·ery much that the literature
A: You credit them with more foresight
of the Old a nd New Testament could be mas-. than they h a \·e.
.-, ':
tered in the pu blic schools, but undo gmati_ Q: . Do you think the time is far dist~l
when the Bible can be taught as history In
Q : In view of the fact that an religions
the High Schools-the Old Testament to the
ha ve ha d their pe rsecutions a nd wars. how
.Jews a nd the New Testament to the Protescan relig ion bring about these great things
tants a nd Catholics'?
by evolution instead of revolution ?
A : It mi ght come. I should he glad ·ta
A : Religious wars have been the prostitusee it rationallv. and sensiblv done. I see
. tion of religious institutions to selfish class
no cbjecticn to ·it, but there \~ould be objecvurposes.
Q: 'What is the greatest factor in .JudaQ: Is the r eligious conflict in Ireland one
i5m and in Christianity in their influence on
of those stirred up for class interests? ;
1ierscnal life in the world tod oty?
A: Very much so. As an Ulsterman, _
A: The great central truth of Judaism is
am in doubt whether even Ulster is unilll'
the ri ghteousness of God: the great central
imous against Home Rule. ( Applause.)
truth of Christianity is the loving righteousQ: Is religion the outcome of revelatj~
ness of a redeeming God.
or evolution. and is its object the material
Q: Do you believe in Hell, and will you
prcsperity of man or his relation to anot
define it?
A : I do believe in it, and you can fin<l it
A: Relig:o n is to me both -re velation and
in New York or Boston.
evoluticn. In the whole cosmic process)
Q: ·would not the amount of money used
see God writing his message to the inquil'
for missions be better used in alle viating
ing mind. \1/ e cannot separate temporal anl
the sufferings of the poor at home ? (A pspiritual values.
Q (Miss Rogolsky): Why have the
A : Oh, you selfish egoists!
Shame on
always been persecuted where the ch~
you. that you dare say that anvbody in :vour
is powerful. and wh y does the church It'
· back yard is more val uable than a ny Godmain s ilent in view of the accusation ,l
~iven child under the sun ! E very human
ritual murder? (App ia.use. )
child needs redemption. If we believe our
A: A protest went out from the
r E'ligion. God will blast us if we do not tell
tian churches all over the world.
it to every man and wo man in the world.
Q: If it were not for the infidels. would
Q (Mr. Browne ): Are you willing •
we not a ll be idiots?
press ycurself concerning the grade o!
A: That depends on what :vou mean by
li!!"ion that exists a mong both white
"infidel" a nd '' idiot." An infidel is a man nncolored people in some of the
fnithful to the highest he believes. and we
States where they lynch negroes? . . · ;,
can get along without th a t kinct of man.
A: That is not a difference of re11g1on ·
Dfr. Weitzner): \Vonld it not be betmuch a s a difference of cultural status. ter to ha\·e one brotherhood of r eli~ion inQ (i.\_rr. Gallup): Do :vou ?ee any res. -,
s tead r,f co nfli cri ng dh·isions?
why with men who a re not bigoted a~d "'
\Y p e ,·01,·ect \·arious r elidons ait, ·r he: .... no rl 1 ,·i rlo,rl
a r e willing to look facts squarely 1n
T hP _ n-r p ~n rP\i~inn~ han:) not

Q (M r. Margolis): ·which ·'c\farseillaise· •
do you approve of, Charles Sprague Smith's
,·ersion or the French original?
A: I think in many ways :\1r. Smith's. but
why make such discriminations ?
Q (Mr. Cosgro ve) : How do you reconcile
ycur hope for a peaceful revolution with
John D. Rockefeller, .Jr.'s approval of the
methods of the min e owners in Colorado?
A: " It must needs bP that offences come.
l~ ut woe to those through whom the offences!"
Q (Mr. Levenberg): Isn't it true that in
wost cases it is our most devoted Christians
who desire to use violence?
A: I am not sure it is those who are
most Christian. There is a place for lo\"ing
violence. but there is nothing so hard as to
hit a man in love.
Q : · culd it not be far better for us, in
the Twentieth Century, to preach and urge
and practise education and science instead
cf religion ?
A: I do not believe that the y would accomplish what they are to accomplish without behind them the tremendous force of .
the idealism that expresses itself in faith
and hope and love-religion. (Applause.)
Q (Mrs. Soderman) : Did not the Soc' alDemokrats in Germany oppose religion because the capitalists were identical with
the church?
A : Yes, but they supposed . the churches
were identical with religion, and they are
Q : Do you approve of Archbishop Coler.
of Colo rado . who insisted on his lady parishioners taking a pledge against votes for
A: No, I do not approve of him; but I am
not in his diocese.
Q: If religion enables people to discriminate between right and wrong. why did they
lose it in Spain and Portugal ?
A : Again -we must make distinct10ns be. tween religion and the institutional church.
Q : Will Mohammedans and Christians in
time live together as brothers instead of as
A: In a small way that is already takin:;
place in the schools in the Balkans.
Q (M r. Roberts) : What do you think of
a n A hh ott's defi ni tion of re lieion as



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Q: Do you be !ie,·e in HeJJ, all(J ,v11 1 you
Did n et the Soc'aldefine it ?
lle mokrats in Germany oppose r eligion beA: I do b·elieve in it, and yon can find it
cause the capitalists were identical with
in New York or Boston.
the church?
Q: ·would not the amount of mon ey used
A : Yes, but they supposed th e churches
fo r missions be better used in allevia t in g
were identical with religion, and they are
the sufferings of the poor at home? (Apnot.
Q : Do you approve of Archbishop Coler.
A : Oh, you selfish egoists!
Shame on
of .Colorado . who insisted en his lad y parish:vcu. that you dare say that anvbody in :vour
ioners taking a pledge against votes for
· back yard is more valuable than an,, Godwomen? •
i?"iven child under the sun! Every human
A: No, I do not approve of him ; but I am
child needs redemption. If we believe our
not in his diocese.
r l:'ligion, God will blast us if we do not tell
Q : If religion enables people to discrimit to every man and woman in the world.
inate between right and wron g. why did they
Q : If it were not for the infidels. would
lose it in Spain and Portugal?
A: Again we must make distinct10ns be- we not all be idiots?
A: That depends on what :vou mean by
. t\Yeen religion and the institutional church.
"infidel " and " idiot." An infidel is a man unQ : \Vill Mohammedans and Christians in
time .live to gether as brothers instead of as . fa ithful · to the highest he believes. a nd w e
can get along without that kind -of man.
Q : (Mr. Weitzner): Would it not be betA: In a small way that is already t aking
ter to ha~ one brotherhood of religion inplace in the schools in the Balkans.
s tead 0f conflicting divisions?
Q (M r . Roberts ): What do you think of
A: We evolved various reli gion s aft er beLyman Abbott's definition of religi on as
ing di vid ed. The great religions have not
"The life of God in the soul of man"?
bei,n divisive. but unifyine.
A: Like all definitions, it is useful for
Q: ·what histor y, apa r t from the :\"ew
its 1rnrpose. What is ~'the life of God'' and
T estament. was the first to mention Jesus
what is " the soul of man" ?
Q : Is it or is it not true that all r eligions
Christ as an histori cal fact?
A : The historical .Tesn s does not appear
and religious institutions are working for
their own selfish interests, especially t hose in secular w r itinia-s t ill about 280 A.D.
Q : Does not the st.rnegle of nations for
of the clergy?
A : So far as they are doing that they are wealth and power begin to fulfill the
prophecv of Dani el?
not religious · inst itutions.
A: I hope not. I think Da ni el's prophecy
Q : Why in America does the church n ot
belong to the goYernment, whereas in Rus- has already been fulfilled. , Ve may have
blnody w ars and catastrophes ,·et. but they
sia it does?
A : There is no ccmolete seoar a ti on of will be la rgely due to our own f<>lly.
church and State here. but we have juster
0: Do you think that the differPnt sects
and more fruitful r elations between them
:a nd reli gions a re becoming unified. or are
they growing more di versified under modern
than in Russia.
_ Q (M r . l\IcHugh ): \ Vh ere· are the visible
manifestations of reli gion, like the dynamo
A: There is a certain differentiation going on, but t h ere is everywhere a ve.v mnch
in electricity?
A :' Did you ever see a li,•er dynamo than larger sense of final and ultimate unity than
Luther, or more visible manifestations than
ever before.
churches and uni versities, or anything more
Q (Mr. Rush) : Isn't it a fact that from
active than a good. wh ole-souled evangelist the 5th t o the 18th Centurv even- man who
going abo11t his business?
·· ·
. to think and e1<ores; his thought was
Q (Mr. Williams)': Can a ~erson be -t ruly
·1 1ersecuted by all religi ons. and where did
religious anri Christian and· yet deny the ex- any institution for th e benefit of human ity
istence of a Supreme Being?
start w ith t he church?
A: One cannot be trulv Christian ; that
A: Tl1ere was no persecution for heresy
would· be .im)iossible : but ·undoubtedly men in the Christian,-church until it became a

Q ( l\1rs. Soderman l :



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pr csperity of man or his r elation
R elig'o n is to me both re,·elation
evolu ticn. In th e whole cosmic Proc~
see God writing his message to the inq
ing mind . vVe cannot s eparate temporal
spiritu a l values.
Q (Miss Rogolsky): Why have th e ,Je
a lways been persecuted where the ch
is powerful. and wh y does th e churchllrtl
main silent in view of the a ccusation
rit ua l murder? (App lause. )
A: A protest went ou t from th e Cluia,.
tian churches all over the world. (At
Q (M r . Browne )': Are you willing to ~
press yourself concerning th e grade or
ligion that exists among both white aui
colore d people in some of the Southen
States where they 1,·nch negroes ?
A: That is not a difference of religio~ 11
much as a difference of cultural status.
Q (Mr. Gallup) : Do yon see any rea~
why with men who are not bigoted and w
are willing to look f;ads squarely in tllt
fa ce. t he Jews and the Christians should n«
work together for the realiza tion of th•
Fatherhood of God and th e brotherhood
man ?
A: Th ere is no r eason. and I am gl ad t.
sa.,• that thev are doin g so. But I shoulf
not like to see either .relieion merge itsel
in :any dogmatic form of the other.
Q (Mr. Levy): Whi,n the Bible teach11
that God ia-iYes life and takes it awav. wht
a re four men goi ng t o be electrocuted ill
New York tornorro\\·?
A: The r egulation dPfence of caoiti
Puni$hm Pnt i,s that t]1P, Sta te acts in jus&
fi;1hle sP!f-defen ce.
Personall y. I clo n
J1elieve in canital nnnishmen t . anri I hllll!
tliat we shall some dav ris e above the neceisitv for it. ( Aoolause.)
Q: Is religion · ased unon s<'ience or 1Jlt
en $UpPrstitinn and fanaticism?
A : I think von dicl nC't ·com e · in durir.;
f·he a ddrPR!S. 1· shonld not stand un to ~
fend am·thin!'· based_ upon suoerstlt1on anC
fanaticism. ·Science is only organized co
mon sense.
0: Ho-w can yo u expect missi onaries,
make progress when such differen ces a':5f
a mong them as occurred recentl y in Afne1





It DUlf ;1ppoln t ~11 c-ll


fl' and ,.b,11

• .l'l!l!!'.•ti'- o,,, .....-or<I of thP pr n<·<'<'tlin;

)(tt1 In;:.

11t l_.r,:-,' In thP J nnr11 :1 l ,,,-,,r,·

e.rdff .-1th th e d 11 thPreor
•nd c,:1n,-e to l>P listed on
ttft"l"'(' uce :t c-nle11ll:1r · o f m r
ftntlo n :it th<' n e xt :-:e:-::~ion o
lf«-tln;:. !-nch list sh:ill he re;:-:
Order o( th <' D:1, for t h e consi
r ~ To\\"n :\IP<'ti n;: :it its next
a114 lbt' motters noted thereon
Jd('l't'd In their dne order nnless
•~tally Yote<I hy thP To,Yn :
.lJIT objection to Ille C:t lf'n :1:ir sh,
aad dl,<po,wd of h pfore the T
-,r Totes to J>r<WPerl to the consi
~ lW Orders o f the Day.
pen! and cause to he Ji ste j o n
• llst or m:1tt er s lying- on the t:il
rent nt Ar1nr,;.

t :it Arms sh:1!1 he respon
n of th e o rJer :intJ decoru
. H e 111 :1:, sPlec t snch n:
..., :ind ot hPr oflJepr s as be
• H e s h:111 PXeC'nt e the o r<l P:
or the Town ::\It,)etin;: :11Hl
dy of thP ]ll'OJ)PJ'ty of the '
tbnn the r ecords p roJ)C rly ii

A Committee on n ules. to consist o

- :ind the ~loderntor of the •:
la~, who sb:ill be ex-officio cb:1i :
. d commlttPe.
Committee 011 E d u cation , to con s i
... /,W·.1.-- ~mittee on I-Ion~111g-, to con sue
A Committee 011 Ilen lth , to comist 01

A Committee on Pl :1 y nnd T:t>c renti o
..._ or ft Ye lll<'lll hers .
.t. Committee on Labor. t o Lonsis
,. ..,__ memher:-:.
· 4. Committee on .T ndi ci:try, to consL
19-ber s.
.A CommittPe on T r :1nsp o r tntion, to
of llYe mem hers.
· • ~ _.C.ommittee 011 ~Ierc:1ntile ,\ff:tir,
of fi'"e member~.
('.o.mmittee ou Cou r tesies. t o consi,
Q,mmlttee on Liqu or Ln"·s, to co
,. members .
Committee on Bnd::et :rnd Appro
, lo. t'Oo sbt of snen mem1:Jers.
Committee on l\Inn ici p :11 Alf:1irs
ot fi~c meru1:Jers.

(Continued on Page 4.)

,;.,-~ ·.


f: .



'J {~~ ~ ,·?:'"
--------- ,"'.: ,·•


I- 1'-~ -:


·.... -' .· ·:..··;
-~ -~·



·:----=·, .


. :(

,.,1 .......--"'



. .. :i


·. •· ··


· "'\ •-

·rrr·· r



;i:<St,.·%~:i:t£f _::::;-:, ·,


lalism. Roman Catholicism
tremendous injustice to by
It has been blamed for ,
rhich the universities did ..chink that religion will be in
Socialism has been realized·? .
.ve will have the best expres,plause.l
.:s) : What do you
.an Science .. ?
plead ignorance.
true that the schemers of reend of all their plans in the
revolution. and that is why
g to ally the savagery of the
coming change?
!dit them with more foresight


think the time is far distant
.e can be taught as history 1D
,ols-the Old Testament to the
New Testament to the Protesholics "?
1t come. I should be glad -to
dly and sensibly done. I -see
:o it, but there would be obja-'
relig ious conflict in Treland one
red up for class interests?
nuch so. As an Ulsterman, 1
whether even Ulster is unant Home Rule. (Applause.)
gion the outcome of revelatlOI
-and is its object the mate~
man or his relation to anot~



on is to me both ·revelation ani
n the whole cosmic process l
ting his message to the inii.olr
Te cannot separate temporal
togolsky) : Why have th
, persecuted where the c
and why does the chur
in view of the aceusati
~r? (App lause.)
otest went out from the
.es all over the world.
rowne): Are you willing to
,elf concerning the grad~ of
exists among both white
iple in some of the sou
re they l:<nch negroes?
.• ·
is not a difference of relig 1o•
difference of cultural status.
fall up ) : Do :,o-n see anr re
1en who am not bigoted an_d

-~·· . . ..-oh·












o n


- -~




·.. _




L\, .-.



t. T hP F,;i-11 Hall 'l'own '.\lePtin;:- hns :111 the
)t;rl:d :1tin• power::: possessed ti~ anr leg1slatn·e
Md, within :ind inclncl iu;: the Commouwe:1lth of
)b.<."'1chus•tt5. E,-er~· hill intro1l11cet! into sa id
y 0 .-0 )leetin;.: shall heg-in with lan:;ua;;e :1ppro, TUte to the llody which is supp0.;:•"'!! :u be con- · rin;; the same.
~~ ~ o tl\:--t of race. creed. :--ex. or proprrty ~lrnll
It !lpplit•.J in ,letenuining dtizensll!p iu the Fonl
· tbll Ti)\\"ll ~h•t-tin;;. _-\ny person :-:i;.:-nin:.:- the roll
I ~uh:,;rriliin;.:- to the followi11;.:- dPet:n:ttion shall
ttnpon lit> reg-:.1 rLled as :l citizen
Declaration. ·
;. I do ,olt-mnly declare th:it I n·i'l strive to
tanc-e tlw c-onuuon :;oocl :uul the Co1111non~ltb or Ford Hall hy nil means in my po11·er.
4. ThP <'i<•PtiYe officers of the 'Town :\lpetin;;
D be n )loiler:1tor. Clerk, :11ul a ~,•r;:-eant-at..,. who ,llall lie elected h;· PreferPntial J:al_ot
t_ sf"(•ontl rt;\, !lllnr 1neetin;:r of e:wh :-:Pason. A
rlt.r M all the Yotes cast shall b e necessary


Th<' )lo,l~r:1tor may appoint :1 c·itizl'n to pPr. the Untie:-: of the chnir for guc~1 period tlnrterru of otlh-e :is he 111:1 y e lect.
• ID "'' "" of :1 ,:1c,1nr·y in ·tl,e otlieP of olo,1• or in (•;1se tht- ~Ioderator or the citizen
hy him in :1<·:·ordanee with the preet-~diu;.r,
~b,;t-nt at the hour to which the Town
~t;tnd:-: :1djonr11ed. the cle rl~ :-:h:tll C':tll
·• 'lnl )l e..-tin . : to onl er and shall proPeed
I.h e llo1lt• r :1rur appenr or a tempor:try or a
motl(•r:lto r hp t"lCetetl which :;hall he the
1ln~:-: it1
llod.,tator is ex-officio meml>er of nil com-


Cink 111:1, appoint such :1ssistants as
d~l r,; :ind shall
K...-p ti, .. r,•,·oril of the proceNlin~s of
t-- Town :.\Iet·ti11:.:.

F.nt.-r at lar;.:1• in the .Tonrn:11 ev<'rv (]ues ~ ! order With the ,le<:isiou tl1ereon.
Pare nnli <·a n,e to be listed on one
rer~r<' II Ct> :t calendar of 111:itters
~D.<ldera tlon at the next session of the

'1: for

,toflbe;'tln;.:.or SncbDa~- for theheconside ralist sh:1ll
th e

•nd ~ Town :\Ieet in~ :1t its next ~esC'9alld th .. tnatte_rs noted thereon sh:ill
_ 111 thP1r tlne orrler nuless oth:a_!!leCla_ll;- 1
·ore<.1 h;· the 'Town '.\leet-

• Y ohJtttlon to the cal<'1Ll:1r shn ll he

all tllspo,.--,1





• r:t~ 1•·~ to Pr<><-<'<'<1 to the considera-



0 rcl c- r :.;



r the Da '".

~a n~f" to . he· li:::tf' :1 on one
or Ill,ltter:-: lr1n ,.; Oil the tahk•.

~ •l"'C"1lnt nt .\rmi-4 .

-~~Jt... at .\rm,ordPr :t1ul llrPsponsihlot'
s hall he
· ""'u-n° or
1 h• t r :,;pJpc•t such as:.;i~t1
he 111:1


lli ...






o tli c t>r:-<



0 1' ttu~h:111 l'Xl'l'lltl' tlif' or,hir~

.., ~ r1i:.o~~·.1\.?.~'. :t:~i11: }1,n ◄ l



18. After euterin;: upon the considera tion o!
~- . A. Committee on City Planning-, to con:-:.L:--t of :-:eyeu me1nbers.
the Orders of the Dar. the 'l'own '.\leeting s!Jall
0. A Committee 011 Im111i;:-r:1tion and );aturpror•pe<l with the1u in regular cou r se as follows:
:\Iatters not !!·iyi11:.r rise to a n.1otion or debate
alization. to co n sist of se\·e u mewbers.
sh:1ll he lirst . 1lispose1! of in the order in which
All of sai<l co111111ittees s hall he nominated hy :1
thc,r st:rntl in the c:1lenJ:1r; aftn which the matnomin:tting- eo1nmittee cons i:-:t i11g- of seven citizens
tPr:-: th:1t were p;1s~ell oYer :.;hall he con~iclered in
!'lectl'<l hy t he Town ~leetin;:. -The :-loderator of
the Town ::\Ieetiu~ ~h:111 1le"siznate oue memher
likP or<ler :1111I dispose d of.
of f'aeh of :--aid c·o111m ittees tO act as chninna u
l!l. " · h en the Town '.\Ieetin;; does not finish
the eousi<le ratiou of the Ortlers of the Day. t!Jose
10. The '.\loderator sha ll appoint :i committee · ,yhiclt ha<l not heen acted upon shall be the .
Or,lers of the next :1n1! each succeeding- clay
of liYP to he knowu as the Committee on 1Vavs
until 1JisposPci of, ,1111! s hall he e ute reJ in the
and '.\leaus, who s ltall prepare for the r.onsider;1 .
c:1 lPnd:1r. ,Yithont chan _:e in their order. to TJrec
tion ot'. the Com mi ttee on Budget :11ul . -\ppropri:1 \.
c·t'de nwtters :tflrlecl under rnleR 15 :ind lG anfl li.
tions :111 esti111:1te or the prob:1hle expense of the
Tl.le untini:.;hed hu:::iness in whicll the 'fown :\[0etTown ~lel'tin;.:- for the current season .
in~ w:1s e ng-a;.:-et.1 at the time of atljournmPnt shnll
such estimate h:is heeu considered ,111<1 ordered by
h:1Ye the prPt'er!' nce in the Orders of the next clay,
rl1e said Committee on Btul;:et aml Appropriations, the saitl \Vn ;rs ,nHl :\leans Co mn1ittee shall
after motions to reconsi1lered.
e xtend thf\ t:t xe:.; necl:":.;sary to uu·et snid l>udget
S t>t><'ial Rules Affectini: the Conrse of ProceedoYer the 'ro\\"n ).let:1ti11g atHl :q,point all otficf'rs
necessary to r·olleet. ,-are for au :! tlisuurse tile ·
same in orderlr aull regular fashion.
'.!O. No 111:1tter 1
Yhich lrns hPen 1
luly placed in
ll. BPfore sai,1 Committee on Bu,1:.:-et :ind Apthe Or!lers of t he Day sh:ill be <lischar;:-ed therepropriations shal l tinall;· appropriate any s111 11
from. or co usitlPrc• l out of the re;.!'ni:lr <'Onr:-:e.
for. the :.;nppnrt of th e Town ~let.. tin;.:- in its YariThis- rule s hall not he rPscincled. oi· reYol,e<I or
011:-: fnnetiou:-: it ~hall repol't it:-: e::-timate to the
snspe1«le!l ~xc,•pt h)" a yore of four-fifths of the
full Town ~Ieetin;.:-.' :1 ud 110 :-:neh rt.•port sll:1. ll he
ntemlJe rs present antl Yotiug tllet"eon.
:ulopted unle::::-:. apJH'OYeil hy a yote of two -thinl s
'.!l. If, under the operation of the pre,·ious
of the memlJt-rs present :1t :l re g-ular Town :\IeetfJ.t1estinn. or otlwrwbe, nu amend1uent is 1ua<le
at the secon!l. or third readiu;.:- of :\ hill substanl:?. All measures iutetHled for presPnt:1tion by
ti:11ly cl1:1n;.:-in;; the .: ;reater p:frt of s uch bill. tile
:rn~- c-itizen sli:1ll be presented to the Clerk on
fJ nest ion shall not he put forthwith on orderingpaper fnrnishP<i ily the Cie ri,. The Clerk shu ll
the hill to a third rea!lin;;. hut the hill. :1s amen,1i-ea,l :111 mPasures hy title :111<1 tile :-Io;lerator s!Jnll
r <i. shall he pl:1<:e1l in th,. OrdPrs of toe next sesthen - refPr then, to their appropriate commit tee8.
sion :iftPr th:1t on whiclJ the auwndmeut is m:itle,
hefore the onlt'r of the da;· has heen couside recl
:111d :.;hall then he opeu to further :1rnencl1ueut ht"ilt eacll rrown ~Ieetiug.
Ther ~hall he given a
fore s uch question i::.,; put. Iu like manner, when.
consecutive ntt111her hy the Clerk :1 nli slJa ll thereunder tlJe oper:1tion of the preYi<Jus (]uestion or
after be referrPd to h~- numher. title and by the
o therwbe, au aruentlment is ma1Je in any propon:1me of the r:ilize n in tro<luciu:s tile same.
sition of such :1 nature as to ehu n;;e its c b:1r:1 c<'onunittees to who1n ~:lid 111easure:-. nre referred
ter. :ts fro111 :1 hill to :111 order. or the like, the
sh:ill consider the same :is promptly as may be
proposition as amendetl s hall he placer! in the
and mav in sa i,r cons id Pr:ition c:ill before them
Or•lers of the next session :tfter tuat on which
tile o ridnal -spo nsor of such measure or any citithe amendment w:1s n1ade.
zen "·ho if. in f:.l vor of or opposed to ~aid mensurP. In :i cl,lition t!Jereto s:1i<l committees ma~' . if
they slrnll so Plee t, calJ before tiwm :iny person.
~'.!. "\v·ben :1 motion for reco nsideration is ,lrwhether :1 citizen of the Tmn1 '.\leetin;.:- or not.
cidell, that decision sl1:1ll not he reconsiJ e recl. :11wl
whose e vide n ce or ar;::umPnts mi.~ht. in their
n o question shall he · t\vice reconsill<'retl;
_iudg-mPnt. he valuah le to the committee or to the
shall any vote be reconsi1leretl npon either or the
Town Meetin;:- in tlJeir 1lPlilJn•ations on the p:ufollowing 111otions:
ti<:nlnr rne:1sure under consit!er:ition.
Sn i,l Committeps sb:1ll . :is speedily ~s possiure.
to adjourn.
report to the 'l'own i\Ieetin;:. · their concl u sions
to lay on the table,
upon the 111:1tters referred to the1n. ;;iving- in conto take from the tabfe; or,
~isp form the rensons u11on ,Yhich saitl conclufor the previous question.
xions a r e h:isecl.
'.!3. Debate ·o r motions to r econsidPr shnll be
limited to t1Yenty minutPs. a nd no citizen sh:111
o<:cnpy 1uore than tixe 111inute:-::.; hut on a motion
Petitioni-., etc., and Re1>orts of Conunittees.
. ..;o reconsider :1 ,ote upon :111y snl>:-:icliary or inr·i,lent:11 question, <lehate shnll he 1imited to ten
1:~. Petitions. 1uemoi·ial:-:;;. remon:-:trance~ an<l
minntes. an,! no c·itizen shall occupy more tha n·
p:1pers of :1 like n:1ture. :111<1 rPports of committhree 1niuutes.
tePS shall iJe presenteil h!'fore the Town ;'.leetin:;
prncee,ls to the ,·onsideration of the Or1ler of the
Rules of Debate.
Day. :11ul the '.\loder:1tor sh:1ll call for such
2{. Ko citizen sha ll spea l, more t11:1n once to
the p1•eyention of those who h:1ve not :--pokL•n anti
Patters Addressed to the Town ~lee-ting Xot
ile sire to f-pt"ak on t h e :-;au1e question.
:!0. No c itizen s hall ~peak more than fixe 1nin11tes npon any mea~ure.
P:1p!'rs :11l1lressP<l to the Town ~lee tin;.:-. otller
, 1. .. ..
.. ,. +. ;+.: ,.., ,.._.
11 11-. 111nri:1l.:.:
l'l'lllO II Stl':lllCt' S.
• 11~
Tllf" nr11po11 e nt o f :,i1y 111e:1snre 1u:1y spe:1k




r..f - · . .




, '.

-r,,.. -"i-

t•:..-u1u, ,..


•••~ •••· · •


;:.~-J-v•:~:-. vfr~,{~;- ·~l ·1., i·ii .. t·;; -:111

r·om1nittee~ to who1n :-::drl 11wa:-:11rP~ are re ferrf" cl

shall eonsicl er th e sam e ns prompt!;· :1 s




CJ<' rk m:ty :tppoint sn c h :1ss ist:1nts :1.s
sl rt• :,ud ~h:111

tPr nt l:1r;:::P in the J onrn:i l evPry qne s-

they shnll so e lect. c:111 h<>fore t lwi n :rny person,
whe th Pr n citizen of th e Tmn1 21I Petin:.:: or not.

:,.p thP r,•,·o r<l of the proceecling-s of
·;irown ;\leer in;::.


order with the decision thereon.
pare nncl ,-:1use to be listed on one
for refe rruct' a cnleudnr of matter s
nslcll'::1tion nt the next se ssion of the
Mectin;::. ~nch list shnll be re;,rnr<lecl
e Orclrr of the Dny for the consider:iof the T own Meetin;:: :it its next ses""d the m:itters noted tllereon sh :111
uslderecl in th eir due order unless oth~ specinlly yoted hy the Town :\IeetAny ohjection to the c:ilenJar shall Ile
ond disposecl of before the ~own
lni: YotPs to J>roceed to the consideraof the Orclers of the Day.
p11re and cause to he Jistej on one
a Jlst of m:1tte rs lying- on the t:ibl e.
Sergeant at Arms.

S,,r;:ennt :it Arm s sllnll he responsible
J<erY:J ti on of the order :rnd decorum of
~l!'l'tln:;. He 111:iy select such nssi st l:ee1ier s, and other officers ns be mny
;,airy_ He sh:1Jl exe<·u t e the orders of
,tor or the Town M~eti n;:: nnd shall
.cuirtody of the property of t he Town
her _th:111 the records properly in the
the clerk.

follo,,;:c st:inclili;,: committees slrnll be
~allot from the citizens of the Town
Committee on R nles. to consist of six
berll · and the ~Ioderntor of the Town
ng, ,.-bo shnll Ile ex-officio ch:Iirmari
Id committee.
'ommlttee ou Education, to consist of
C.o mwitt ee on Housing, to consis t of
, members.
~mmittee on Health, to con~ist of fi.-e

Committee on Plny and Recreation to
1st or fi~e 111c-mhers.

Cc,mmlttee on La hor

a member:--.






.., ·

Committee on .Judici:1r, to consi st of
5ommlttee on Tr,insportation, to conv•.. 11Ye memhers.
;£ommittee on ~le1·cantile .\ff:1irs to
...._ or t!..-e m e mhers.
~1i:.!~ee on C.'ourtesi es. to consist of
t'.!)mml~t__ee on Liquor Laws to cons 1 st

IDf!Dl • ~rs.


• v

;,~:,mitte:e on Buclg-et and Appropria:
Co consist of se..-en m em hers.
on l\Iunicipal Aff:1irs · to
·. 0 un, members.

·- _ mmlt

Rec onsi<leration.

cided , tlla t det: isiou s hnll not l>e reconsiJcrecl. nn,1
no que stion shall be · twice re c:on:--iflc•rell;
shall any vote be r econsicle r e cl npou either of tlw
following motions:

S:1icl Committee s sh:111. ns speeclil y :is possible,
r eport to th e Town i\le<>tin.". th<'ir conclusion s

to acljo urn ,
to J:1;- on the ta hie,
to take from the ta Ille : or,
for the previons question.
'.?3. De\rnte ·or motions to reconsider shnll he
limited to t"-enty minutes, nnd llo citizen sh:ill
occnpy more th:rn fiye minutes: hnt on a lllOtion
. .;o reconsider n Yote upon nny subsid iary •
Or inc·itlent:11 question, cleh:ite shnll he limited to ten

npon the 1n:1tteri:- re ferred to then1 . g-iYin ;:;- in con -

c-ise form the reasons npou which saitl conclu sions are hasecl.



Petitions, etc., a n<l Re1>orts of Con1mit.tees.



remon~trnn cei;;


tuinutes. nnd

p:1pers of a like nature. an<l reports of commitT
ePs shall h e pre sent.Pd hefor e the Town Meeting
proceecl s to tiJe eonsiclerntion of the Order of the
Da~-. :111<1 tl,e 1loclerntor sh:111 c:1Jl for s u ch.


to the To wn )leeting


m e moriali;;







1 ~ -•.

citiz<->n sh:111 occ n 11 ~· more than·


three minutes.
Rules of Debate.


'.?4. Ko citizen s h all speaJ, more than once to
the preYention of those who have not spot.en au,1
clesire to speak on the same questiou .
2:i. Ko citizen shall speak lllore than fiye min-


Papers ncl <lressecl to th e Town )leetin;::. otller
t h n11

" T n n motion for recon~itlerntion i~ ,1<'he


whoi-:e evicleuc·P or :1rg-\1n1Pn t s rni;!h t. · in their
jndgmPnt. he valn:thle to th e <·ommitteP or to tbe
Town l\feetin . in tlwir 1l Plib Pration:-. on the par~
ti e nl:tr tnPasnre nn<l e r consill e rntio11 .


01·de r . or the· like, th<'

prop osition ns am e ucl ecl sh:Jll he pla<:ecl in th e
Orders of the ue xt session :1l'tl'r that on which
th e nm e nclmt•nt w;l s made.

:1ntl m:1y in ~:1id c·o nsicl 0rn t ion c·nll he fore tlle111
th e orig-in:il spon~or of sn c h m f' :1 s 111•l"\ or :111y citi zen who ii:- in fa,·o r of or oppo~ea to s:1ic.l 1ne:1~1n·P. In ncl ,l ition tl1p1·e,to s:1i<1 emnmittce ~ may. if

:, •.":

utes npon :.1ny 1n ea s ure.

rf'monstr:1ncr--s .

'.!G. The proponent of ai,y mensnre may speak
for ten minutes.
~7. Upon unanimous cons0nt of all voting ·citi-

may he presente cl hy the i\locler:1tor. oi hy a citizen in his pl:1 ce, and sh:ill h e i·e:\Cl. unless it is
specifi <:all;· orcl e r<•d that the re:1cling- he clisp e nsecl with.
14. Ko hill shall b e ncte cl upon hy th e Town
~Iee tin;:: nntil it has lwen reporte :1 h.v the rom mittee to whi ch it hns h,•en r eferr ed: proYid e d.
how<>,·<>r. th:1t th e ~lodel"!lt<ll· may call npon any
Mm111ittee to r e port n hill \wfore i t. if in hi$
jnclg-11wnt ~ni<l report i:-. nnclnly cl(ll:1>·r-- cl.
hill s h:111 hP pnt to n fin:11 Yote withont hnYing
ht>{~n re:hl thr(le i,;pyernl tin1C'~.


llrescnt. :tny :-:peaker mny


the pri,i•

l<';;e of snel! fnrth er time as the said Y0ting citizens present nrny cl e 3ig-:r;.:t te.

28. Bve1·y motion shall he red nc2cl to \Yriting,
if the ~Ioderator so directs.
'.?!l. ,YJwn a question is hefore the Town Meetin;;. until it is dispose d of. the 1\Io:ler:itor shall
re<·eiYe 110 motion that doPs not r e late to the
s:llu e, f'xccpt t h e motion to acljourn , or so1
other· motion that h:1s precedence either hy ex-

Order~ of 1h e nay.

_.-: pTPS~ rt.ile of the r:I.'own )I eeting or hecanse 1t 1s


nills favor:ih!Y r eport0d to th e Town J\Ieet- ' priYik;::e cl i11 its nature : :1J1<l h e shall r eceive I\O
ill;; hy committee s. ·and hills th <> qn estion of the ' motioll· r ein ting to the same, except:
r ejectioll of " ·hi c·h is neg-:1tivc cl, shall h e pl:1ced il'l_
to J:iy on th e table,

the Orrlf'r~ for the next s<>si;;ion. n11<l. i! thPy h :1,e 1
l1P0n rP:1 tlhnt onee, i;;hnll :;:o to n se<'o::o :1 re:1din~

witl1011t q110stion.
He>-olntions r e port<•il in tne
Town )le0tin . hy c·onim ittee s sb:111. after they
are r e:1d, b e plnc·e d in the Orclers of the Dny for


fQr the preYio11s que stion,
to clo:--e the tl e lmte :1.t :1 specified tim e,

to postpone to. :i- time certain,
to <"Olllm it (or recommit) ,
to :iw.end,

th e next session. .
JG. R<'ports of committees llOt hy hill or re -

soh·e shall he placecl i u the Orcl ers oi t he next
session after th:1t on "·hich th0;- are m:ul e to the
Tow11 2\le~tin;::: ,,ro..-icled. th:it the report of "
<·mnmittPe ·n:-:kin . : to h e from thP fnr•

thrr <"0llsid e rntion of n snh.iect nnd r ecommen<l ing- tb:tt it he referred to nnother <:ommirtee, slwll
h p immediately co n sider ed.
17. Bills orclered to a third reading shall he
pl:1 cecl in the Orders of the n ext session fo r such
rea ~


wlli c h


~ ..

1riotio n ~ sh:1ll hnve prece clPnce in

t he orcler in -which the)" are arranged in this rnle.

PrcYious Question. ·~


All qne.stions of. ,or c
ler arising after n motiou is made for the preYions question sll:1JJ he
rlec,id ecl withont dt•hate, excep.ting on :1ppeal:
:rncl on si1 ch appe:11 , no citizen shall spea l, except the appella n t aud the Modeptor ..
31. T h e adoption of tbe pre'l'ious qnestion sha ll
put an end to nll clebnte nnd brin;:: the T own
~Jeeting to n direct vote upon pendufg " :i mencl-

. .: ; ..

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By C:.eorge W. Coleman .





R E VO L U T I O N .

(Continued from Page 1.)

as you ha\·e done about :.\'.Iohammedanism?
A: It would depend largely on the geographical status of that person. (Laughter.) ·
Q ( Mr. Foster J : Is not Christianity be- -·
coming modified by contact with the East,' so that we ca n look for a new· Ch ristianity.
t1 cm that transforIBation '?
A: Personallr, I do not believe that we
ha Ye a s much to learn f-rom :.\1ohammedan-·
ism and P.uddhism as \Ye once thought.·
Still. Christianity was originally an Oriental
re ligio n whi ch becom e Occidentalized.
Q: Is Spiritualism a force for good ?
A : 1 should not like to spea~ dogmati- •
ca ll,· about that. Such phases of it as I have
ccme in contact with have not been, be-:
ca use they nave been commercialized and

A most unusual woman is the subject o.f despcndent of its political future . We must
this thumb-nail sketch. She has clone exlink religicn. and with purpose and in te llitraordinarily fine work in helping to de- gence, to sccial reforms, that our revoluve lop the idea that is back of the Ford Hall
t:on be not one of violence and blood, with
:\1eetings. Without Miss Mary C. Crawfod
the natural reaction ot' ,·iolence and blood.
and her untiring energy, clever initiative, bnt the revo lution of springtime, so tint
and unswerving faithfulness, onr growth
new life takes possession in the name of
would have been very much slower and "'e Goel. with all the old, hallowed a nd sp lendi d
might have failed a ltogether.
For it was
traditions of th e past ent erin g as into th e
she who stood ready to take all the exe(·n- :\1asrer's house.
tiv e detail off my hands after the first seilson when it wonld have been absolntely impossible for me to continne to give it the
ne cessary time. For five years now she has
( Continued fro m page 2. )
been indispensable in the management of
our work.
in the Episcopal church ?
It is little wonder that :.\1iss Crawford has
A: The <lifferences a rose in England. not
One of the greatest thi n gs in t he world is
meant so mu ch to F'ord Hall when yo u co nin the foreign field. The Christian co-operafaith-faith in ourselves. faith in our neighsider the qnalifications she brougbt to the
bors. fa ith in the wo rl d's nt:ed of us, anci;
work. She is college bred a nd has had · ~o tion in the t'ore:g n tield goes ,·ery. ve ry far.
Q: Do you think the Christian church is
greater than these. faith in some gre~t
work for a living.
Very sn ccessfnl as an
Pnwer wh ich is ma nifesting itself t hrough
anthor, writing a book a year fo r the last _jnstitied in sending missio naries to Mohamns and through all other pe r so ns a nd thin~
ten years, she nevertheless has been a !ea rl- · meda ns, Jews and Buddhists? ( Applanse.)
A: Yes. just as they are in sending mis. Wi th this faith warming our hearts and
er in practical every-day affairs as Secrebrains we are blessed with that philosophYtary of the Woman ·s Trade Union League sionaries to pre-seine us. The question is
whic·h enables ns to accept as trne that state:,
and in connection with the School Voters· not nea rly so much one of converting them
to any fo rm of do g matic C,hristianity as
men t of H enr~· \Vard Beecher's : "Men
L eagne.
of 1he raising of the great essentials of r e- think God is destroying them becaiis!!
Sh e has the ne wspaperman 's nose fo r
ligio u.s life in all of us by international cohe is t uning them. The violinist screwS'}IP
news, a good idea of relative valnes. and
the key till the tense cord sounds the ~OJI·
first- class execntive ability, n combination
Q ( Miss Crawford): Are there any concert pitch: but it is no t to break it, but ~fo
-of ta lents not often fonnd in one per so n. Alstructive measures yon wo uld ad ,·oca te to
nse it tnnefull ,·. that h e st retches the striri.~
though a lo.ya! Episcopalian in chnrr h conbring in a pure and undefiled religion ?
npon the musical r ack."
nection she has never lacked in s_ mpathy.

A: Just such a meeting as this is such a
appreciation and respect for earnest souls of
measure. ( Applause ..) Liberty of contact
other faiths and of no faith. And her early
' ·Wh€11 once v0 u have learned th at it ·is
appre ciation of the great social changes of religious life in all forms is the construc_
as sure a si!!;n of wi~dom to sa:,; you ·do not
g oing on in our midst is indicaterl by the tive thing.
Q : If Christ died a Jew, how di_ Chrisd
know as to say ycu do know , when yo u ha."{
fa ct t11at she gradnated from the School for
learned th at it is p_ etense and not ignorance,
tianity start?
Socia l Workers in 1906.
A: It started because Jndaism in its mistha t is shameful, when y-ou wan t to be ~~,
Innumerable have been the writings of taken conservatism flung it out of the syna - teemed for nothing· except what you reallrMiss Crawford for newspapers and maga- gogue. so that it went and proclaimed itself · are, a nd to hate nothing so much as to be
zines. It was _by this labor chiefly for a
to the nations. It ha d at first no intention
praised fo r what you are not, then yo u
number of years that she supported herself of leaving Judaism.
be at ease in a n y company, everyb ody fro
and her father 's family , being oiJligecl to
Q : Don't the preachers think too much
servant to savant will enjoy you a nd, as _ :
leave Radcliffe College mid way in her
for us. and ought we not to do more think- said to Rob ert Burns, you · will be equal
course to take up the burden.
J:Ier first in~ on onr own account?
at home in the society of farm laborers a;,
l.Jook, " Romance of Old )l'ew England Root'A : We all ought to do more thinking on
the polite world. Genuineness and mod
Trees." a collection of magazine arti cles. our own account than we do. and the prina re the keys of friendship."-Frank Crane.
was an immediate success. And in fa ct all cipal function of a Protesta nt 11ulpit is to
her books have been revenne prodncers . To awaken moral autonomy.
prepare for her book on Goethe she made a
Q : Will you detine the differen ce beDon't waste yo ur time explaining you~~\
tr ip abroad in - the spring of 1911 .
Ylis~ twee n r eligiosi ty ancl s pirituali ty '!
to ~-o nr cri tics. Xo eagle ca n be t he k1' ;
Crawford is a ctive in the work of the BosA : Re lig iosity is th e liark without the
of bi rds who wastes his time explaining hi
to n Authors' Club, and is chairman of the lr ee. and sp iriti.ality is the tree protected
aetions to a barnyard hen.
entertainment committee of the new Wn:11- bv the bark.
an·s City -C ln b of Bosto n. one of the mcst
.0 :
f :\Ir. C"o ll '.. •r1 ·
( hri~t -.:~id thi-l ·, v ,,

n ,-. ~,.., . .. ; • • 1 , . ~ •

11·, .'
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appreciauon or tne great soc-ial cllan~es
l!Oing on in our midst is indieaterl by t.he
fa ct that she graduated from the School for
Soeial Workers in 1906.
Innumerable have heen the writings of
Miss Crawford for - newspapers and magazines. It was by this labor chiefh· for a
number of years that she supported· herself
and her father·s family, being obliged to
leave Radcliffe College mid way in her
course to take up the burden.
Her first
book, "Romance of Old New England RoofTrees." a collection of magazine articles,
was an immediate success. And in fact all
her books have been revenue producers. To
prepare for her book on Goethe she marle a
trip abroad in the spring of 1911.
Crawford is active in the work of the Boston Authors' Club, and is chairman of the
entertainment committee of the nev.- Woman's City Club of Boston, one -0f the mcst
astonishing manifestations of club life that
any city has ever experienced.
Mary Crawford is a Charlestown girl in
her bringing up. I sometimes wonder if we
do not owe to her rector for man,· years,
Philo W. Sprague, a long-time Christian Socialist, a debt of g-ratitude for the social
vision that is so vital an element in Miss
Crawford's qualifications as a leader in the
Ford Hall work.
While Miss Crawford is always full nf
business and knows how to penetrate the
clevuest bluff of the most adept four-flusher, and can hold her own in any emergenr;y
she has a side to her nature that is ultrafeminine in its simplir,itv , and winsomem,ss
and no one can be with. her very long without feelin!!: its Pharm.·.;) ,'She has grown
£trong and eanable . by°._ ·the nePessity of
wresting a living. 'frorr{_ an unkindly eeo11omic environment. · · ..'.l;h·ese are [)Ualities
that even• self-res]'l'ecliri·g-· woman should
emulate even though t1'e:-i.·m ay he more· happily acquired. Iri the ·midst of it all she has
, kept her woman_s· heart 1rns1ioiled and with'·
out bitterness· ." oi'. unfaith bas pursued her
course, achievin~success, fulfilling ·respo!lsibilities, radiating _,good cheer, loving the
best things and a·oirrg a11 she could to mak\!
the . w_ rld a little better for her having
lived' in it.
·~·. ./ :::,

.. ~

· · .~.._...

tive thing.
Q: If Christ died a .Je\\·, how did. Christianity start?
A: It started because .Judaism in its mistaken conservatism flung it out of the synagogue. so that it went and proclaimed itself
to the nations. It had at first no intention
of leaving Judaism.
Q: Don't the preachers think too much
for us, and ought we not to do more thinking on our own account.?
A: \Ve all ought to do more thinking on
our own account than we do, and the 11rincipal function of a Protestant pulpit is to
awaken moral autonomy.
Q: \Viii you define the difference between religiosity and spirituality?
A: Religiosity is the bark without the
tree, and spiritnality is the tree protected
b,· the bark.
(:Mr. Coll:er): Christ said the axe
had to be laid to the root of the tree. not
that the bark should be split. Do you think
the coiffing transformation in society may
~e accomplished by a religious revolution
and the coming of a new religion outside the
dead form of the church?
A: That is a possibility. though again
I shculd hope that the existing religions
forms would grow into the measure and
stature of their larger life without revolution.
Q (Mr. Bodfish): Is not God sovereign.
and If so, can we really choose whether we
\\'ill go forward by evolution or revolution?
A: God is sovere:gn, bnt He has left 11s
a great deal of work to do for Him, and He
is giving us large choices_ ~w we shall go
, .-•1?i·
Q: Under what denointnation of religion
wculd Russia- be better socialized?
A: The Russian civilizati_on is a mysten·
to the Occidental mind. It would be im])OS·
sible for an.Y of us to see how Russia is to
work out her own destiny. I have great
hope that . Russia may survive her troubles
and rise as one of the great brotherhood
of; nati<?ns.
Q (Mr. Fraser):
What do you think
-would have happened to a Christian man or
woman 300 years ago who talked as kindly _·:;


· 1. ; •,


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L,. Grimes Compaay, Printers, ~ 81
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This poem by Edward R.
breathes forth the prayer which IS 1n
the hearts of those who understand
the spirit of the Ford Hall Meetings,
and who are most vitally interested
in the spreading of the - Ford Hall
Send do,vn Thy truth, 0 God.
Too long the shadows fro\Yn,
Too long the darkened way
Thy truth , 0 Lord, send down.
Send dcwn Thy spirit free,
Till wilderness and town
On e temple for Th,· worship he.Thy Spirit. 0 send do\Yn.
Send do,vn Thv loYe. Thy life.
Our lESser lives to crown,
And cleanse them of their h:ite
strit'e.'Thy living love send down.
Send down Thy peace, 0 Lord;
Earth's bitter voices drown
In one deep ocean of accord.Thy peace, 0 God, send down.


Pearl Street, B_-;;~t<in;' Mass.






' ' -~

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u C:ll

Don't waste your time explaining yours
to your critics. No eagle ca n be the kl
of birds who wastes his time explaining
actions to a barnyard hen.

/, ,-

_,. .... -!'<-, ··.



.... •• ...., ...., ·· ""

as snre a sign or wi~clom to sa,· ,·on dolt
know as to say you do know , when ,- 011 11
learned that it is pretense and not kno~"'
that is shameful, when ,·ou wam to lien
teemed for nothing· except what Yon r
are, and to hate nothing so mu c:h as to
]}raised for what you are not, then You
be at ease in any company, ever,·hody fr1
servant to savant will enjoy ,'ou and. as
said to Robert Burns, ,•ou will be equal
at home in the society of farm laborers a·
the polite world .. Genui_m',1:1ess and moci~
are the keys of fnendsh1p . -Frank Crane. '








n tl,1:l'l


are iron and from \-.ihose hill~ you can mine copper. 1OWhen you have eaten your fill, give thanks
to the Lonn your God for the good land which
He has given ynu.
1ITake c.ire lest you forget the LoRo your
God and fail to keep His com~andments; His
rules, and His laws, which I enjoin upon you
today. 12 Wben youhaveearen your fill, and.have
built fine houses to live in; Band your ht:,;ds
and flocks have multiplied, and your silver and
gold have increased, and everything
has prospered, 14beware lest your heart grow
haughty and you forget the LORD tour Godwho freed you from th~ land of Egypt, tile house
of bondage; l5who led you tluough the great and
terrible wilderness V(ith its seraph serpents ai1d
scorpions, a parched land with no water i~ i,t,
who brought forth water for you from the flinty
rock; 16who fed you in the wilderness wi~h
manna, which your fathers had never known,·
in order to test you by hardships only to benefit
you in the end-17.ind you say to yourselve~,
"My own power and the might of my own hand
have won this wealth for me." l6Remember that




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-n~7· :l[Tp C,9.=?1 l~~T ~~x- 1 TI7i?.~~ 13
1;~7 OJ.) tll : ;,;µ7~ :17-,ip~ t,?1 l]
:1~,~;~iJ, -;l"iJ7t$ nin;-n~ · J;lt;i:;lW1
~~__il3CL! 5 : tl11~.¥, n";i>? 0:'}¥7;.1 Yl~~
t'\lo/ I.. WD:J i<7i.:itr1 77FT . I 1~7>?~
.K,;f_!=3iJ cir,q,~ l)P~ 1i~~~/ .:17p~;


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P-'~7· -;po:1.~


w~r,70;:r .,~¥~ o~6 '-.]7

P-l'ltX7 '1!fi~ 1 ~'"'[~~
:·;ltl~lQt9 '!PY.,iJ? 1J:,l·t:,~ l'l~7, ~i;,·~~.
ilo/¥ ,,7 □:t¥i \r:i·:3 1?.~?'.:l. D7~~1 1'
;r,;-r,-n.K r-r,:m 1s : m;, ',,nn·nx ,',

!), iron ..• copper The wording ref!ec.ts d1'
facr chat iron i5 mined from the surf.tee, while cori•
per is mined underground.
I I. forgetthc LORD ••• and fail to luep Ht!
cummnndr1unt:s Liternlly, "forgc:c che LORD b! '
failing co kc:cp His commandrnencs."
15. seraph serpnits literally, "fiery sc.H
pc:ms." Creatures whose de~dly bite c:iuscs :
burning sens3tion.
bro11ghtforth water On cwo occa5ions whe
w;,.(cr was unavailable., God h.i.d. Mosc:s obt:\in wa
ter for the people from rhc inside of ;1. rock (sc







♦ -.•-





Exod. 17:6; Num. 20:7-11), [n the. Sinai rhere
arc limc:scone rncks from which small .1mouncs of
w:.i.ccr drip; a blow co c.heir soft surface cm cxpo~e
a porous inner layer comaining warer. 011 thCc occ~~ions in question, rhc: rocks miraculously pro- -~
duced enough for the entire: peoplc:.
16. ustyou byhard.•hipt _
Refers ro the entire
wilderness period, which ·aho che lsraelitc:s for the fucurc:.
to benefit you in. the md · The lc:s.son of its
deprndence on God would lead Israel co obey
Him an.d eun His coininu~d benefact.ions.





When you bave eaten your fill When one
10. Biikat ha•Mazon, the prayer . of
· rhanksgiving after a meal, is the fundarnc~tal eats in a spirit of gratitude, whether che;re is
mitzvah, because all people should be en• much food or little, the m~al is satisfying
pable of feeling grateful th3t the earth has IShlomo ·of Kazlin). ·
produced food for them to . e:it {Mcna.l:iem
Mendel of Kotzk:j.

~:~ti:~jII~~:1f:;i:~~'.;iI~~~B'J{~~:~i.~ .JJ~
!it~Nw;i' ~~;1it.1i½#~4;~~;:;,ff!I\;




3He subjected you to the hardship of hunger
and then gave vou manna to eat, which neither
you nor your fathers had ever·known, in or_er
to teach you _hat ruan ~
do~s not live on··bread
alone, but that man may live on anything that
the LORD decrees. 4The clothes upon you did
not wear out, nor did your feet swdl these forty
years. 5. ear in mind that the LOR)) your God
disciplines you just as a disciplines his
son. 6Therefore keep the commandments of
the loR.o your God: walk in His ways and revere Him.
7for the LORD your God is bringing you into
a good land, a land with streams and springs
and fountains issuing from _
plain and hill; Sa
wheat and barley, ()f vines, figs, and
pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey;
9a land where you may eat food without stint,
where you will lack nothing; a land whose_







Se~ Exod 16:15.31; Num. 11 :7.

f;l1/1;-x7 •Wl'.$ 'p;10·n~ i . ~.~1 ·~;,n~1
x7 ·,-$ ~~71;, WJ;!7 ·;pp· ; l~~T K?1
-i,;,-'7v ,? n1~v ;r1r-;ii ',1 ~ OIJ~iT?.1/
~0 ?'?t?-' 4 : OJ.r;<;;, il}.8: i1, ht,~ .rq·;r.,
ill ili?;.f;i K? ~?rn ';r~:v ,. ·;,i:, 7~ x'?
,~ 12.;i'?-031 f;l).'1~1' :il,lp □ 1 ¥;,.7.t(
n,1;,7 ,i~1-ri~ w,.I'.< ,y,:~ ,tp.t$:;,


ilJii; · ri: =fr.i· n~ . ~7,;i., . 6 : 'J19~l?
:'J:1'X il~7,7~ ,,~77~ l . J.7 11.fl',~
ii_ 1'1~-',~ ~~,;l)? ;pry ., il}il~ ,~/
o,~¥, :r,iJ·m;n n'J;~ 07: i7c;9 Y1K...
,.· . '
1~}1 irp,o/~ il1;?t1 Y"J~ a : 1 ~~ i1~p:;i~
: Wtll l>;lY.i nirr1tc 1i 1 1 ilJt:<J:~
□ r:i? n;r,~x·f;l r,~~9~:;i x. itp~ Yl~ 9
~h~ i7! 1,H~ 1w~ Yl~.rr. ?:, 1 ~1:irr~?

grains, from which bread, r.hc staple of the J~rad-

4. Another indication ofisr:id's dcpenden,e ice diet, was made . .
on God and His conrrol ovc:r narw-c:. The Israel. vi"n~s Import~nc as rhc: source of gr~p1- and

iccs' clorhing and fe~t were immune to the eff,,ts of nature during the years in chc wilderness,
5. The hardships in the wilderness are a paradigm fur all of God's disciplinary accions with
Isr~cl. Thdr aim is c:ducational. k in th~ case of.
a farher :rnd child, the: discipline: is adminis,m:d
with love.
7. The goodness of the Promised Land h a
majoc thl!me of Deuceronomy, graphially illustraced here. The phnse "a good land" occurs no
fewer than l O rimes in the: book.
8. wh114t and ba.rky The und'.s principal

wmc, the prcdom1nanr human-made dnn ·
figs A favocirc fruir, eaten fresh or dr d or
baked into cakes.
p"megranaus Another popular fruit.~hcir
juice could be drunk or m3de imo wine: AL val.u~d ns opjeccs of beauty and symbols of fe 1'lity,
they were used as decorations in Israeli re rd ious
and secular arc.
honey Because this verse is a lisr of a~rkul~
tural product~, *honey" -muse refer co tl1e Mo:;uof daces.
.... (!~,,..~ ,

3. man does not live on bread alone This
familiar verse is usually caken to mean that
people need "lllOrc th:1.n bread"-including
culture, art, and food for rhe spirit. ("Heans
starve as well as bodies; give us bread but give
us roses .11 ) But in context, it is better uudersrood to me3n-µiac people can survive on "less
than brcad"-namely, the manna from heaven


with w.hicli Cod sustains them ..
4. The clothes upon you did not
out The fairh you practiced every day
wore out nor did you, while the
you took out only on special occ,!sions_
and became too sm:il.l for you. Similarly
children's religious ouclook grew with the





they grew and manured (Deur_ R. 7:11).

~ E.~nj,~¼~it~~Iti\t:j~~1~;i)t~iS:H*it,~!;'.ii~~t;:1.
i,.;.f\c~t; ~arley, grapc:s, figs~om~\l,ta.J\ate~;ohv~s; an.a ,dit~ ·(th~ ~ou~cci o{tfie ..h?,~~r).i ;~

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