File #3597: "ms-0195.pdf"




1ball jfclks
December 29, 1912.

_VoL. I. · No. 1.


Price Ten Cents,

all loyal Ford Hall friends. He is
deeply and m1se!fishly Interested : in
th!l work, and the future of ttie publi;
cation will be largely depeqdent o~.
his success In selling It.

! The first number of this little pub1llcatlon will re1nlnd some of us of the
Initial Ford Hal~ Sunday Evening
)lleeting of nearly five years ago, At
that meeting there were only one hun'pred and fifty present.· Will . more
'people than that number buy' a copy
of this little bulletin? It. Is my guess
that there will, be more than .that
Of course you have heard abo~t om:
many who will buy a copr,. What do
Birthday Party on February 23 and
you think about It?
about the letters which are then to be
: If• this publication can enjoy anypresented to Mr. Coleman, bound in a
thing like the Increase In circulation
beautiful book. The chairman of the
,which has characterized the growth
com101ttee In charge of that day has a
In attendance on the Ford Hall meetword to say In this, our first Issue,
ings,· It can wield an Influence for
about those same letters. Be sure and
'good almost equal · to that which
read his message.
imarks the meetings themselves,
I If everyone who Is deeply Inter• • If you like this little paper-and we
ested in the Ford Hall meetings will
trust you will-you will be glad to
'take an Interest In extending the cir•
know something of the group from
1culatlon of Ford Hall Folks, our llttl!;l which It sprang, that devoted body of
Ford Hall Folks, as they call themjventure will be an Immediate success.
selves, who :U:eet In the lower hall of
•So many have asked at various times
!If there was not something that they l<'ord building, every third Sunday afternoon, to devise ways and means of
!1nlght do to help along the cause since
i.naklng the meetings better. Already
'we take no collection at the meetings
they have· rendered one Immense serand never ask for subscriptions for
, vice to the committee by organizing, as,.
t!1e work. This Is your chance: Buy
Line Ushers, those cheery men and
coples of this paper every week and
women wearing red satin 'badges who
!circulate them· among people who
are facilitating the filing of the crowd
iought to be Interested In the worlc
into the hall on Sunday evenings. We
:we are trying to do, Send them to
bespeak your cooperation in the ,efforts
friends In other cities and towns with• of these, our new assistants.
the idea of encouraging them to start
a series of similar meetings, '
Mrs. Anna· Carlin Spencer· Is to be
I• I bespealr for our young friend, Mr:
om· speaker, next Simday evening, her
Lori don, who will act as business
topjc being, "Are Our Public Schools"
: agent for om• little paper, the hearty Democratic?" .Mr,s. •Fletcher Copp will
'g·ood will and· active co-operation of be In charge of the concert.





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