File #3578: "DI-1324_ref.pdf"




La Habana, 23 de abril del 2001

Honorable Congresista Joe Moakley
Camara de Representantes de Estados Unidos
Honorable senor Moakley:
En d{as recientes he tenido noticias por amigos comunes sobre su estado de salud, y
me decido a escribir estas Uneas, a sabiendas de que corro el riesgo de perturbar su
Acuden a mi mente algunos momentos relevantes de la ya larga y bien apreciada
trayectoria de su sincera y decidida actividad vinculada a nuestro pa{s, tales como su
acci6n opositora a las !eyes Torricelli y Helms-Burton. Recuerdo su gesto de haber
organizado la visita a Cuba, en enero de 1996, de una importante delegaci6n del
New England Council, en las dramaticas e irreparables circunstancias del
quebrantamiento de la salud y posterior fallecimiento de su esposa. 0 aquella
demostraci6n de voluntad ferrea y sincera fidelidad a sus sentimientos religiosos que
constituy6 su visita a nuestro pa{s, a pesar de los problemas de salud que entonces
confrontaba, para acudir a la cita de febrero de 1998 en La Habana, convocada por
la presencia de Su Santidad Juan Pablo II. Recuerdo tambien con profundo agrado
los intercambios que sostuvimos a lo largo de estos anos, en los que de forma
respetuosa dialogamos sobre temas diversos, con enfoques coincidentes a veces,
divergentes otros, pero con la mayor sinceridad y transparencia en nuestras
respectivas apreciaciones.
Tengo la seguridad de que con su combativo esp{ritu, el apoyo de sus medicos, as{
coma el afecto de sus seres queridos, usted podra sobrellevar, con dignidad y la
firmeza que siempre lo han caracterizado, sus actuates dificultades. A su lado tendra
siempre ademas la consideraci6n y el aprecio de todos los que compartimos el
privilegio de conocerlo.




Deseo transmitirle mi reconocimiento a sus esjuerzas par encaminar el conflicto
hist6rico entre nuestros dos pafses par cauces constructivos de comprensi6n que
pudieran permitir algun dfa la normalizaci6n efectiva de las relaciones entre Cuba
y Estados Uni dos.
Reciba usted, distinguido senor Moakley, la expresi6n de mis simpatfas y mi mas
projunda solidaridad.
Un saludo afectuoso.

Fidel Castro Ruz


Havana, April 23rd , 2001
Honorable Congressman Joe Moakley
House of Representatives of the United Stotts
Honorable Congressman Moakley:
I have recently had news, from common friends, of your health condition: and I
decided to write you a few lines, aware that I run the risk of perturbing your rest.
Some outstanding moments of the already long and well-known path of your sincere
and firm activity linked to our country come to my mind, such as your action
opposing the Torricelli and Helms-Burton laws. I remember when in January 1996
you arranged for the visit to Cuba of an important delegation of the New England
Council, in the dramatic and irreparable circumstances of the illness and later death
of your wife, or that demonstration of will strength and sincere loyalty to your
religious feelings that was your visit to our country, in spite of the health problems
you were facing, to attend the February 1998 gathering in Havana, summoned by
the presence of His Holiness John Paul II. I also remember with great pleasure
the exchanges we had along these years, in which we talked about a variety of
topics in a respectful way, sometimes with coincident approaches, sometimes
diverging, but with the biggest sincerity and transparency in our respective
I am sure that with your fighting spirit, your doctors' support, and the affection
of the people you love, you will be able to endure with dignity and the strength that
have always characterized you, your present difficulties. The consideration and the
esteem of those who shared the privilege of knowing you will always be at your side.
I wish to express my gratitude for your efforts to lead the historical conflict
between oi.r two countries through constructive paths of understanding which could
allow some day the effective normalization of the relationship between Cuba and
the United States.
Receive, distinguished Congressman Moakley, the expression of my friendliness and
my deepest solidarity.
My warmest regards,
Fidel Castro Ruz