File #3411: "SU-1831_ref.pdf"



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·.-· ·-::-

---_--~-t ' --:---INDEX TO_ ,SUFFOLK LAW NEWSPAPER- -_ ·
:1970 to May 198-5 · · 1--------Note. Oni'y-:-s-elected items. have oeen indexed. This set iS the
_________ __
·best tJia_t __could b~ amassed at this ti~e. _ A list of-~-t--he-i-'s-s-u-e:s-----c-_-·_____ ·.
---i~d;~ed. follows:
'· ·
· -, '
S-uffolk_ate (one issue) 19?0? ~
1 ·
- -·-_-D-i-e-t--a~I~-e-.-2~M-a-y-147--J _____


Di Ct a_ I I no •. 3 De C. 11 ' '1'9-2.3
Di .c t a I I I no • 2 - }ie c • 2 , 1 9 7 4
··:\(\( ----Dicta IV nos. i-~ 1975-1976
· · •
,... ./Di__s,t_a V nos·. 1-7 1976-1977
C1.;__!.:____· ·
- Di c t a . VI no s • 1 - 1 1 1 9 77 - 7 8
J?i. c y·a VII nos •. _1-13 197~-!8_;;-;7~9~-· {'-..,=-----~~----------=-~-_:_-----:--:------,--~-----:
_:.i _J1i.c-t.a--V--- - H:-rsr7 9-:S 0
Dicta .lX nos. 1:-4 1-980-81
Dicta X nos. 5-9 1981-82
Diit~: XI.nos. 1,2 1982_
_New. Dicta:_!. no~,~- l-7_0982-1984
Dicta: II JlOS .• 1-=-71- 19'8·3~8Y
- Dicta. III nos. 1-5 1984-85
I_- --

-.!,..ABA J,aw student

divis:i.,pn ·by Robert Bonsignore

-...._ ·
. III no. 5 May 1985
-~-----:-----c,a,o\d--vice apout vice'-by Nick Poser.II_[ no. ·2 -...Nov. 1984
~ffirmat'ive action by Jeremy Silve.rfine
X no. 9. Dec 10,
19 81. t
Alternative r~lease policy ·needed? (grad.~)
Vil no. 9 March lz', 1979
__ '.A~ican w_ay (jury .duty) _
-~nd on~ view from without by Jeff Chamoerlain (humor on
interview process_) .IV no. 2 No;. 1975
. Antip~rno -law: yes- or not? Mike Hussey and Erin Kemple
III rio. 2 Nov. 1984
XI no. 2 Apri~ 1, 1982
April Fool's day piiody page
Army policy-on Drugs by Rick Con n1~ 11 y
I I Oc t • 19 8 3
--------- ,.,·.. ~- .--irs-saulting--.:_he wcnlr:::e"tili'c by Mart Bona fg-ra--des-)·- III no. 5 May 1985
Attorney pro-Tiles by Sar.ah Carter and Patti Lynch (John
II no. 2.Nov. 1983Harwood)
.AL L-orney Pr:.o file by Nancy Aldrich (Alice Hanlon'balances motherhood and law)
II no. 3 De·c. 1983
Attorney profile by Nancy Aldrich (Dian~ Moriarty)
Ii nQ. 6 April ~984
Attorney Strangelqve by Dan iemire (moot court oral
advocacy experience) ..
VIII no. 11 April 3, 1980
. ·\

I- -



-=--~Y Jeff Baker

I no. 3 New _picta Nov. 1982
on blackacre •• ( prop~rty etc.) by Jeff Bak'e:r
I no • 4 New Dicta D__e_c..-1-9-8-2-____:___------1
·B.a·ker on b__Lac.ka-G--I'-e-{moot court) hy Jeff Baker
ct a Fe 1:i-.-r 19 8 3 f ·\...



















----- ',










____ ·

- .. -.-


4.------~~--c=---~-_:___ on b)ackacre ·br j°eff~Baker (ch.oosing frie_n_d_s-)1 no."' F-New i)4.:e ta___Ma i:'ch
Baker on blackacre by Jeff Baker (lasf exams)
::I no. /~New D~!:;ta~A-pr
_ _ _ _ _·,,,B.a-.lee:r1 ·on Bl'ac~acre by. Jeff_ Bake-r (seat s_election)
·--------.. II O,ct.
Baker on blacka~re by Je~f Baker (Study grdups)
II no. 2w Nov.

,. -....., __

.. i. ~ .



19 8 3-:



II no.
___B~aker O,Jl_ .blackacre bx_ Jeff Bake_r (moO:t~c-0ur&r<.I.L.l~~_.._,'-------~=----I------- - ____
______ ___
·n ri: • . Feb. 1984
B~ker on Blackacre by Jeff Baker
II no. 6 April 1984
.Baker on blackacre -by Jeff Ba-ker· (exam.s) __I I IJ,o.• LJ!i.a_l9_84 ___ ·
Ba-k""'k-e for-m--.- ·
--- - -~--vTno. 7 Feb, - ,1
19 77
Bailey and Balliro discuss law·
IX no. ·3 Nov. 25, 1980
- - - - - - ~ B a l s a dominates ___sBi 'bud-get meeting ·
V n-0. 2 _9ct. t976
Balsa statement on racial v101.-en-c-e- 1 i-n.B.os_top
·- - - ~ VIII no~ 6 Nov. 28, 1979
Bat_tered women"ls -advocacy by Diane Margo-1-in ·
-----------"-- - - 111 no. 2 NOV .--..-1-n9:--.-gn4------- - - - - - -


Bi.b.l_i_o_g._r_~~phi_c_tl__e._~~~Y_Q_g_~vi dence by. _E. ·J. Bander
- · ··
- · Vol._ 8 n~2- Sept.24, 1979..
JHg brother is here by E.J.Bander (CO!llputers in
. unive-rsity)
I no. 2 New Dicta Oct. 19.82
Board ends automatic grants by·David Hickey
-Bo·ok. or't_h_e~mo-nth - _!eview of Wren and Wren the legal
rese·arch manual_ by-··o-ar'1erie-Daniele
II no. -4 Feb. 1984
Book: of-t"ne--inon·t1f:- Bardot M. P.· by P>.. P. Herbert reviewed
by Darlene Daniele__
- -----~ _ II no. 5 Mar 1984
BU to buy Suffolk
VII- no. 11 April 10, 1979
BU master o( ~a~pr~gram by Lenard B. Zide
I no. 4 New -Dicta-=-=-Dec. 1982
- Byting by apple by -E.J,Ba-nder I no. 3 New Dicta Nov. 1982


--·----=---=~~~=-~-- _

--L -

Call of the wall~t beckons.stud~nts bey;nd Suffolk by
Alli~_ Weir__ (su_ppliment;_in_g ir1come)
Vo!. IV no, 2 Nov. 197·5
--'---· --- - - -e-ap1-or-1--1-Jnni:-±·s-hme n t -a modest :-pro po s a 1
--------.--------_---:-.------•--f-110:--5::~New-~Dic.t:a Feb. -1983, II no. 7 May f91f4
Chec~list for.constitutional, law and U.S. Supr_e_me Courty · b y E , J'. B and e r
VI I I n o • 6
No v • 2
1 9 7- 9
Check~l_s_t__ for legal r~_sea·rch in law reviews ·oy E.J.
VIII no. 3 Oct. 8, 1979,
updated IX no. 1 Sept. 22, 1980
.-Cl~r~ (Gerard) on the Urban Lawyer
X no. 9 Dec. 10, 1981
Clark competition by Ma.rty He_rnandez
II no. 4 Feb, 1984
Clark competition by ,Jeff Baker
_ II no. 5 ~1ar 1984
Comments by the Directo-r of plaeement on the SBA re~port ·
CD~-Vi co)
VIII no. 13
M-ay 9, 1980
~G-o-111111-u-t-e-F 's lament by Dar] ene M •. Daniele
I. no.
G.o_m._p_u_t'e rs and the .. 1 aw :. i s S ~ f fo 1 k b e·h :i. n d : qy J e .f f B a k er
~~2-:",:-~_ ---==-.:..-=.~~~=no.:. :-~- Fe~~- _

e, ·

__ - - -- - -- __

· ·-.~ =~ ---_


9__8_L__ _ _~---




.. ''--. ! .. .
-· ·._ ·-.~----' ____________ ......
· - ---·- - . ··~- . -_,.- _____











~ - ·--- _.


·---- .. --,-:...,...__·





. ·,· r


s p·e a·k-s--' -0'~1 aw: a na'~crH :Les
X no. 7 -May 4, 198T_"""_._________ _
Consequences· of academic revi·ew - report'4>y Dohna.:·E.
Cohen and Scott Lewis
X no. 7 May .4, _1981.
Conseq·u·ences of academic review: where do you sta·nd-------~~VII (VIII ?)no •. 10 - March U, 1980
. ~- - ..'
Co.nvicts:-·judicial outca'sts--.-by Mary Trombly (Prof~ Ward's.
Prisoner's rights c_o.;.1rs~)
.. VIII no. 9 Feb--:-:-:-2,- 1980
Courts implement· equ-al· rights in stat'e by Pamela Lind-m.ar1c



4 F

Creativity v,s. Law by Nancy Aldrich
II no. 5 March 1984
---Cur"ri cul um. change.~e-'7-ai ua t ions discussed by committees by.
Bi 11 J3.o w_l i.n.g..
.VI I I- n o..-4..-:.0.c.t.... -:2.2-,--1-9-7-9- - - - - C 1,1 r r i cul um propos·a1
'No. l,·Nov. 1970?
C-urriculum proposals· to be considered ··by faculty
subcommittee by Ceci1ia Bal.dwin
VIII no. 7 Dec. 12,.--1979
-DDean de-tails new_. rule·s;- i;_egs~::E_A-2_r-il- fool.~.I-~ no-. 5 Apr'i°l

. °1 ; -· 1'976: -


Dean for a d-ay by Maura H.


1 no.

2 New Dicta
--ocr 1 1;9132
3 New··Dicta

Dean for a day by Je.remy Silverfine ·1 No.
Dean for a day by Robert C. Kautz I no. 4 N~w Dicta Dec.
---:----.----------~e.art1..__fo..r more ~~h :r; j st o pb er S ,· JJ'j l.J...i..a-m-s.,,-----'--------I no. 6.New Dicta March 1983 1
Deau· 1_s-T.rst · or -·Re coiii.inenae·a re"a.'dTng by·Ma:rl<e·- and-'""B~n-aer-,--.- ·
reviewed by Rick Connelly
II no. 7 ~ay 1984
· Debate is on (critique of 'Baker and Hussey)
-:-c-II 110·. 3 Dec. 1983
.De, John. Anno~_tnent of new scho.ol n~wspaper Suffolkate....
No. 1 N6v. 1970?
~e ~iso~and company enier~ain pre-law advisors •••
IV no. 2 Nov. 1975 named assistant d.ean
X no. 9 Dec. 10, 1981
Deliso says, "I'm fair,game"
IX no. 2 Oct:--.,,z,7=,~·-'!'1o9-'ll8e-#O-----~-----~·~
Dershowit z. o.n per j i:1ry :- whe'n Wl 1 I cops come~ean? by
..:: C =· -:L..::..
Peter Doody
, II no. 6 Apr 1984
Dicta· poll yields many .. surprises
V, no. 1 Sept. 1976

Dicta's pick of watering holes

(e~aLuation of bais)
I no. 3 Nov. 1982 New Di-ci:a
1Dism·antling of the. Bill. o-f rights
J.e.ff ~<?°fien
'-- - - - m .no.
~--Divestiture: is it- right for Suffolk Univers-ity by .arrell.
III no. 4 M~r 1985
Dos and don.t.s by Edward· J. Ba-nder
II no. 5 Mar 1984
Dr. Johnson on the. Law by Edwa'Td--.:J-. --B-and.e.r
III no. 1 Oct 1984
II no. 3 1Dec. 1983
Dream e



__::__:_ ==:..:=:..:-...:..:---·---


-E- --------

c _ _ ·_ _





2> A p~_i 1_:_J_ , · 1 9 8 2
;lj'I' no. ·2· Nov •.: 1984
Edffice comple~
Editor.,.s lam'ent - things- I-should have ·1cnown oy~ifiy - Defranciscco .. ·
X no. 7 May 4, 1981
81 g.raduate presents class_ a·wards by Corinne Merni:n
X rfo. 7 May 4, 1981
-83 grads - be prepared :::-...Ji_d_vic·e for evenitrg studen-t.s on
. bat exam by Tom Hammond . .
2 New Di c·ta Oct~ 1982







-Y no. 5 Ma~·c'h ·
da--tion estab-Hshes cha ter:.. by Frederic·k .
-: :---;-·- Wa-tson
X no. 9 -nee. 10, 1981
Aa essay on eating a~d"g in the-law 1 - i b ~ ~ - y - - ~ - - - - - - - Edward - ~ n ~ e r
.__ I no.~· 7 New Dicta- ~~ 198-3
-Evening law· school 1.01
1 no. 1 New Dicta Se'f>t 8, .1982·
Evening student .gains house seat by Alex _Weir (Mark
4 Feb •. 1977
. '·., Exa"m-writing by R,i_~b Tµr_coJ:te ___VU_I no. 7
Dec. 12·, 197-9


no ...


VII no •. i3
May· 14,. 1979
Fac~lty/c-0urse evaluations
Fatal v!sion by Joe McGinniss reviewed by Nancy Aldrich
. III no~-- 2 Nov. 1984
A 'few ebd~of the year thoughts by Ric·k Connelly
I no. 7 New ~icta April 1983
l-'-~---.:.-~===F:::::j=f:!'.tc,1.-Y'.--=___wa=c,l-X-L--1=='===:'.o=l.~ca y_e yp_ur 1 _a W Sc_ h O O LQy Ri Ck CO nn e.1.Ly'
I no, 6 New Di~ta Mar 1983
>Final report of the ·sBA Chairperson by Debby Bagg·
X----no. r-May 4, 19 81
Financial aid
I -qo: 4 ·New Dicta Dec. 1982
F~nartcial ii~ n~ws
1 no. 2 New Dicta Oct 1, 1982
F-inancia1 aid notes
IX no. 4 Dec. - 1 ~ 1980
Financial alternativ:es by-.Robert J, Glovsky (money market
funds, -tre·,fs-1.iry s··ecurities, ba1* deposits)
I no. 2 New Dicta Oct. 1982
First year jitt~rs b~-Marty Hernandez
II ~o. 3 Dec. 1983
First .year law sc.hool exams': the bane of the stud.ent, the
promoter of hysteria by Mike Hooker
III no. 3 Dec. 1984
Flunking out "~" by Jeffry Spahr (what happens when you
fl u n k· out) - - - - ' -I--n-o.- -4 New D!-e t-a-D.e-;G--, - 1-9-8 2
Flunking out - respose to article by anonymous strident
L no, 5 New Dicta Feb. 1983
Former defender to lodge suit (W.G.Hollingsworth0
·V no. 2 Oct, 1976
Fdrum on the SBA - Art Luongo & Fran Fitzgerald
-.JJ-1 I I--n-o-..---6--lfo.v~-·2..8-,.---1..91 9
Fourth Amendment rights: is the excl~sionary rule dying?
. by Jeff Cohen
· II no, 6 April 1984, II no •. 7- May 198_4
Free love on trial by Jerem~~Silverfine _
I no. 6 March 1983
FrJ;?edman n__~~es perjury conflicts by Marian M,
-----~---- ---wo·tot-ki-eWid-z° (Monroe H._)
V no.


Tlie Gallagher Incident

(la• review imbroglio)
Vo1.' II, no.
. l




2 May 1973





- -- --- -= ~ ----··- -----





Ge rt'ne r speaks on~, sex disc r i.mi naJ:_i_o~ _ by Ma_r~i.i:rn"'- ~ - ~ ~ : :__
V no. ·-5 March ·.f.97J--Getting the summer job by Matt Erskine III. no. 5 May.1985
God, i n-c. ··
- _________ : --- -_ --- -- -------- ·· ..:._ H-:__Oe-t~--1~3
Grade· comp~omf°.'se· (edi.torial)
V no~ 4 Feb. 1977
Grade. mean· relea-se awaits faculty vote
v-· ae. _·). Nov. 197-"6 are in on first-ever SLS evaluation by Alex Weir
Vol. IV .no. 1 - ~ ~-rs··


·-~-~ ..



HALSA on acr·onyms by Isabel M.

Vi.dal ahd· :rere__Vieg:o
· I I no. 2 Nov.

a sa p~om1nen
in na
\Lt. No, __2 April-. 1, 1_978
Has·sett new- SBA j?res; night ,electi·on'-a-voided
-----------· -_/.
V no. 7 Apr.:i. r:· 19_7.7
Henderson (Wade J) c-q_lloquiu.m add_ress X no. 9 Dec. 10,
Herita~e proj~ct: t'f·acing the· -1 aw school's history
VII:! no. 3 Oct~ .8, 1979
- H~y -;Jo·e, how have t.hese last three ·years treated youz _by
_ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . :._I,=___cI.. . . .::.n:__::co .• 4 Feb. 1984·
High and dr~ at 7-5 bi Mary ·C. Trombly
VI· II no • 4 0-c t , . 2 2 , 1 9 7 9
How can you defend those_ people by James Kunen 'revi'ewed ______ s ey
II I no.. 1 Oct. 1 8
How m; ch i s Ho 11 i n gs ••• w o r-t h? res o 1 v e d ·
· VII no. 9 March· 12, •1979
How prOfe. . ssors assess exams bu Prof, John-. S .. Geer
V no,, 4 Feb. 197'7
-~-How- ~0" avoid- being called on (humor drawi-ngs a-rra',. ·
----V rlo. 3 Nov.-· 1976
· · How to_ do your best on law school exams, a -review -·of---:-John
Dela~ey book by M. Jeffrey Spahr
I no. 2 New Dicta,Oct. }982
How to by.._E,J. Ban-der VIII ·no.· 4 Oct.-.22,
19 7 9
----How to start a law practice by Th_eodore P. Orenstein
l no. 2 New Dicta Oct. 1,. 1982-J _·
How to sta.rt a law practice by Theodore Orenstei.n
I no •.. 3 New ·Dicta. Nov. 1_98.2 ~
How to start a law practice (i n-s ui:- a·iu:e) ' .
. :r n~. 4 New Dicta Dec. l 9tl 2
How to start a law practice by Theoj~re ·orenatein
I no, (, New -Dicta 1983
How to start a law bi Theodore P. Oren&teirt
I no. 7 New Dicta.Aapr 1983
(cli~nt develop~ent)





- ~· _

I am what I am by Jim Roberti (O'Donnell bo~'-'Dp. D~adly.,
· II no.- 2. Nov. 1983
If Jack ~icholson were a trial lawyer by Jeff Baker•
. II ~o, § April 1984
Da¥id-Rose Williams!'.>n
III no. 2
Mexico b
No •
-In the splkit of ~razy Horse by_Peter Matthissen reviewed
by Fain Gildea·
III no. 1 Oct.-\984'

-~ -~---- --- .·-··1.-··------··'"··



----··- -----··

---~-(_;" -------

--·~ . --:.--'~,-~----·_._.·-----~.
\, ...



- .·

·=·· . . -~--·

. .


( ~ t •• .-


tn·£.al)ib.i:j,;ity of technology: time to dispel the -myth by
I.he Phantom Cook
·----- VIII· no. 12 April 8, .1980 :
Int'erv:t·{~ with Frank Bellotti
.X no.· 5 Mart:.ii 16, 1981 :· .
Intervi.ew Wi:-th P:ro'f. Kati ..
;VII no. 4-0ct-•. 30, J978 .
Intervi.ew;_ _Art.htir MiDer by Diinne D.DiBla'si
t-'--c--------..,.--......,...------------------1±---no. 7 Ne 1v Dicta Ap.r. 19 8 3
Interv:f:-1:!W by Cindy SQr;:ci o
_ II no, 2· Nov. 1983
Interviewer Sender talks' -about interviewi'ng·by E,M.
-·caJiahan .
-----;V ..
·It's oeficial Suffolk gets accr"'W·ita·ti?n·V· 7 Feb;
.JO, 1977.
aye _ urn a_um
Vi.II no. 7 D.e c. 12, 1979




- .



-J--- _
___,_J.fc)jj; -Sm.-i-th·: t:Zhe='fi n~ 1 days by'

. .
III no. 4-Mai:cq 1985
rhyme co;test .finalists
· . ..
. .
I no. 7 New Dicta Apr.fl 1983
. ·\,..., . . . . .
Job hunt 1981: placement office points tbe way to .
·' X 110 ._ · 8 _Nov. 9 ,-'"_ 1·9.81
.··em pl_g_yme n t b-y P a_ul White
__ J_ob ·hunITri.g: ·.the necessiiy of geograpJliLfl~:id]>il.Uy_hy_
- - - - - -hfnn_._P-r-e-n-d·e-r-ga-s-t;
VTII no. 6 Nov. ·21f~ 19 7 9
.J o-hn the~-chef i ~ r v i ewed - by Mike Ho6-ker
II I no. 1 . O,c t 19 8 4
------------a~'o'hc-n---::-W;.h-1-;-7t-_e·•·_s--w'h-c-.i.-:-t e 1
t e r r a w( o u fTi ning·)-~
·- .
i r10. 1 New 'Dicta Sept 8, 198'2.
John White•·s ... White·letter law (comme.rcially~pr:e,parea
I no. 2 New Dicta Oct. 19@2
Justice League of Superheroes vs. Batman by Eki~ P•rker
and Todd Smith
-- II no.· S Mar 1984

Studen-t. )



·p·ub1fu-s--=-{tli~ -n~on --s tud,



- _----











-KKapttein - law:;r,er a·s _agen.t by Paul Rufo V no. 3 Dec.
Knowing a little about a lot (space across frQp law.,.
school by Mary E. Trombly
VIII no. S Nov. S,


Lack of response to grad party miffs '79
alumni.C.C.Baldwin VIII no. 3 0.ct. 8, 1979
Larkin ••• what makes Frank run?__
Vol._JJ:,____N.o..........2-M.a.y 1973
. La-w deans det?'e*6nce racial violence VIII no. 6 Nov. 28,
Law educatiq_ns_ costs up for 80-81. VIII no. 9 Feb. 2, 1980
Law Ie~iew Reform
.Vol. II no. 2 May·l973
Law review. selection provess · I· no. 3 ·New Dicta Nov. 1982.
Law school is a love/hate relation·ship by L1!}da J,
IX no. 2 Oct. 27, 1980Law school by proxy an alternative approach -by Dante R.
I no. 7 New D:i,cta April 1983
Law school experience: narcole'psy to nirvana by Mike
I .
III no. S. May 1985
new appointment by
Tom Carey
_ .
..c..-- --V-o-1..,...,I-v-·no-;·--i-o}y-:-·- 19TS~
--~laCO.S rashes oµt at legal establishmen~~-X-1_:t_g__tili.s.ts
~_.:_--"---'-~------~------·---·------1, ---· ---·- -----..
-------------·-. ---- --·;-- '"'""'



~-.--~=---..- _ _;____,___








_,,i ..


X no. 9 Dec. IO,. 1981
Lib,,rarian Barfder joins sta.f·f
\TII ·no. 1 Setp. 11, 1978
Li"br·i:rry··c.-letk bare; sou_l
V no. 1 ·sept 1 ~ .
_ ,._List of def_initions -of law by Prof. Stephen Hicks·.·
-· - . ·v-I~I-r---NO-;- ----?· -n-ec •- h , 1-9 7 9
-~-----~------~--Lo-r-r.aign_ Cove on privacy, credit hours IV no. 4 ---F'e-b·.- 19:1-6.Librarian retires; by Ric.hard Mori_ VI no. 6 Dec.
'12 , 19 7 7
back. and ahead b
Steve Kramer VII no. ri A ril
23, 1979


·l 982LP_s dt;em~~
- .... ---


. : __:: °"C..


F~e~- Hos..i~tns


1. no_.- . l




. McEttrick.,,:,Joseph.~ Fee shifting:

the winds of change
V no.- 3 Nov. 1976
McLllughl.i n award b'y ~arl:y-'-He'tnandez
II _ne. 4 Feb. 1984
Making of 1·awyers:,.wh.a't's left ·out by Michael Hussey
no. 3 Dec-. 1983
-Making. the g,tade by lfi'ck - Connelly
II no. 4_,F-e-b-.- f984
Mass. lemon l'aw by Diame-.M1,ear_n . ..._ .--------:-YY-no. 2 Npv. ~.983
Mess~g-e from. the Chair~y Debby Bfagg (SBA reportT
VIII no·. 13 May 9, 1980
· Model an:,swe.r
·_y- np. 3 Nov. 1976
Model answer: an idea whose time has come (humor)
·- ..,
' - IV no. ' 1, 1976
'Moot. cour:t competition winners
. _ Xl .. no. 2 April 1, 198 2__
·Mod't court ·c1ett·er. by eveni-ng students as to)
· - .:· . ·vr=r:,,.-n-o. 8 Feb, 2:6, 19 "7-9
Moot c~urt board by Adrienne Markham
VII I n.o • 1 1 9 7 9
~.Moo""'t .cou-ri".boai;d by Richard McGbvern
Ill no. 1 Oct. 1984
.Moot,, Court ·19:80".'"1-981 {bo·x -score-of names of teams--and---what ihey accomplifh·e=ct-)- ·
X no. 7 May 4, 1981
Moot ~o;rt.executive board recovers scholarship grants
VII no. 2 -Oct. 2, 1978
Moot court justice (E.J,Bander)
VII.,.:I)!p., 8 Feb •. 26, 1979
Moot. court mad-e simple by Rich Turcotte·
Feb.· 12 ,' 1979 cou,rt adds video, gears up for ne·w·year by Alex ·weir
V. no • - 1 Se pt • 1 9 7 6
Moot court ·notes.
. I no, 4 New Dicta Dec. J.J82
Mo o t co u r t t e a m·s- by Ma r t y H e r n a:-n d e x
I I no • 4 Fe b • 1 9'8,,4
Moot court team·s take nation-a4;..7t,:l;_tle8"} III no. 5 May_ 1985
More positi_y_~ attitude needs to be show·n by ::i"tudents by_________..------B·:irl 1 0 I Hare
VI nb • 5 NOV. 3 0 ,
Mr • Do o 1 e y a ru!, Mr • fra n d e r
· X n o • 6 Apr i 1 9 ; 1 9 8 1
Mr. Dooley-on commencement speecheB by·R.J.Bandir
II I ·.no. 5 May 19 8 5
- Murderer convicted by mock trial court
III no. 3 Dec. 84
Mu t ua 1 f-u-n s
I· no •. 3. New ~Dicta_!!.9~-l.98L-- -~~~. · M:y tr i p to _Ch !_!lJLl:i y E_. J • B c!__!l_Q.~-r:-------.:--+1-1>--"no:-;-3 Dec . 1 9 8 4



. .I


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~~- --~~---~-- ---~-------- -


- . -f';
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New SBA by-laws passed
VI no. 8 Mar ch·l=:,,'-T97fF-.
. New Woburn state re pr·e sent a_tiye __~i~!c__ P ale o lo~g.o..§.:._J~y_....,B::=i""'-J=J='~··=·==,~--~.......-='==111--OLli-?re
v n o....:......3---o v. 1.9.1................=···~6
. Night st ude·n ts d·emand e 1 e ct iv es b-y Kenneth Myers
VII no. 3 Oct •. 16, 19'18
No AALS accreditation fok Suffolk in 1976
V no. 3 Nov.
Non l e gal_ ~ar~,-~_~s~ .] a W.Y e..r s.;-- .a-n--ABA-r~,pj;,.r-t:==--cc· -~ -_. - - - -.. -_-.- · Nuclear power:- -y-e-a or ,.J:1.ay?





No •. 3 Nov.


----- ---.-L

,.o,·:srien ·hangs em up (Joh.n F.X~)
V n..o. 2_0ct. __ 19)6
- -on~roe-a-ter1: reiiponeiible. advocate _Q.L_-R__rofessional
peformer? '-b-y--Herb Travers
VIII no.. 7 Dec. 12, · 1979
Qn .. la·w:.,.examina-tions.' strang..e hypothetics by Thomas J.
'Filbi'.n (poem)
· -IV· no~ 5: April l__,_ 1976- - On '-r, and the Law (Derrick A •. Bell Jr.)
-·--"-- .I~I-.. -n.o--.---- ·--5---c-Ma-~-- 19-8.4_:_
· - 01L.s..tuaying by Riclc Connelly
'II no. 7 May 19.84
_One down two . . go by . Robin.Moroz 1 no. 1 New,Diet Sept
..... to
--·-:~ ·- --·-/....
8, 1982 percenJ solution: the Nader's Raid-er -in law stude·nt
IX no. 2 Oct. 27, ·1980
Open door grade policy by Al an Weir
.V · no.. 1. Se pt 19] 6
· Open letter from the SBA board of gover:-~ .
~--VIII no. S Nov. S, 1979
Oppehheim defedds moot court
VII_no. 9 March f2, 1979
Ortwein, Bernard.• Plea bargaining, a necessity
------------------, ----;.
V no. 2 Oct. 1976
O'Toole·on 4-pgrading_ _by Alan King_
IV no.2 Nov. 1975

Over th~

transom by Jeff ~aker (why I went to Law School)
II no. 7 May 1984


ParCtime _jobs by Nancy Aldrich
II no. 2 Nov. 1983
The Partners - book revie-w - by Jeff Baker
I I no. 3 Dec. 19 8 3
'Personalities and persiflage by Mi~e_Hooker (interveiw of
· III no. 4 March 1985
Gaither Brown)

Phantom co;k •••. (financial ~id)
VII no. i2 April 23, 1979
Pl~cement expansion absolutely iiecessary IV No. 10 April
14, 1978
Placement office report by Mike Hussey
III no~4 Mar 1985,Placement offj.ce ur·ges ~isits b.y all stud_ent·S
VIII No. 1 1979
Placemen..L..steering committ·-e·e formed by Lynn Prendergast
_ _.Y_III no. 10 March 11, 1980
·~ ----~~- - ---Pl:a·nning ptoblems plague social committ_ee func.tions
.. XIIT D<h' 5- Nev. S, :i-9,7:9
----~---~--'-~_..P..,n"'_J_i~~..g-a.~i~n"S~h a r a; s men t by Daniel H. Perlman
--- , -- ,,IL ~no·. --2Nov. 1983
.Politics· as usuaJ at .the law review ~...B'al:h~~ine_ Downing




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- -~---'---"--~-

- - - -' - - -

Practice 'of law

Ji.mmy Morell~ style by Rick c:onnelly
I . n o...._5_:New Di:c ta Feb
19 83.
""1'.rep~ring fen:· arr -1 rrre-r-v-e-rw-1,y----r.""11"ur.:e-n.c.c_e_ J ~ s·tyol e
T no·. 4 New Diet.a Dec.:: 1982
President Fulham retires· after ten 'years ·at· Suffolk .
. V:rII: no. 13 .May 8, 1980
Priirnrrers' rigbts defended by Paul Rufo (Prof._Cla.r..k.._)_·:'" __ _-_~-- ._·_ ' _____ _
~ _3___n_o.....:.:._s ...,M.a.r-e-~l 9-~ ~
lis (evidenee)
II no .• 2 ~ · 1983
Pro-choice actions u~der att~ck~br_Michael Hussey



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_ ..:...,-- -~ a.



_ •.




Profil~ of _Bob Woolf b_y Davicl_ T:l_!_ l-!~ntel
--· I no. 4 New Dicta· Dec. 1982
Prosecutor's program by Nancy ·Wagg-ner
II no. 5 Mar 1984
Pros_ecutor's s.tory by Nick Pos-er (Grimin~L piosechti-on of
III no. 3 Dec·. 1984
the poor) ·
Put library books on the shelves by Maris Eshreman
VI no. 4 Nov. 14, 1·977 •

-RReagan's Tbrihinf battle with legal standar~s .by Mike
-n n.0-. 6 A p r.W-1':9 8 4
Red Hat·_goes bfg time "
II Oct. 1983
Rehnqpist plans May Suffolk.visit
IV no. 5 April 1, !976
-Re"Je--ction letter· ·(a poem) by Jack McGreen I-I no. 7 May
~port on word proce_ssing for students ancl- faculty
Ii no. 4 Feb. 1984
Report: Suffolk Law School planning board meeti~g-by
Jeffrey Long
I no. 7 New Dicta April 1983
··- --- Re-·quired co1frses hinder stidents· by;_ Robert Sins.heimer
VI no. 3 Oct. 27, 1977
Res· ju_dicata·
the year in reviewX no. 7_ May 4, 1981
Resources in placemen·t 11 brary by Ca·thy Boskey
I · no • 5 New Di ct a Feb • 1 9 8 3
Response to professi~nal responsibility (evaluation of
course on) by Roger D. Donoghue
1 no. 3 'New Di.eta Nov.· 1982
iesume saturday and _the search for em~loyment by Darlene
---- -.. l no. -1--New Di-e-t-a---S-e-p-t:-=-8-'--,-:.;--l--'9.-8-2-·
Revising the Mass. criminal justice s~stem
III no. -2 Nov. 1984
Rewarding year fo·r ·a11 ·in mo·o-t c·o1rr:t ·prog-rams-by- Aarienn:e-· - - -Ma'-F-kham •
VIII no. 11 Ap-r-il 3, 198-0
Roll call oreeds c-0dd.led lawyers by Randy .Warren
(attendance critique)
V no. 4 Feb. 1977
. lRubino lays·aight line on gay rights: things are
changing by Alan K;ing.
IV no. 2 Nov; 1975


.S.a..t..g.e.nt_ I>J_!!gs night school
I no. 2 New Dicta Oct-. 1982
SBA, facultycol.ITd-e on funding r~ferendum issue
- . - - - - - - - ~ -IV no. 3 Dec. 197 5
__;-==sB_A _f_un:d-f-ng-"'-'m:et1i-0<i ~ i-~ mad n·;-;~--i;-y-tre_x_
V no. -1 Se pt- - -'
SB-A-makes- appro'priat_i~ns
VII no. 5 N"<iv. 26: 1978 --:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __...,....._."-"'-Ul.Cl--"·~rs bud g~-- a 11 ocat i ~-n s for 7 9-8 0

- -- 9

·we-i r



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VIII np. 5 ·No.v.· 5, 1979 ·
SBA and D~cta embroiled in controversy. III no. 4 M_ar:i985 .
XI no. l Mar 3, 1982.
-SB-A- pla.ns__f.o_r_$_pring
SBA·_ po 1 :Ct i cos? ( f i_n_anci al pro ced-ure s) V--no. -2-0ct·.-----l-9-7f,--c:
SBA :studf findsl Suffolk's placjment services inadequate
. '
VIII no: 13 May 9, 1980
Sl>A votes· to· head eff .S:ULAB lottery by Alan ·King
___--·__________. . . ] ' t l ~ ~ . o .- 2 Nov.
School opens with some new procedures
V no. _l Sept. 1976""
.-s·e--c-crrrd-:-a-n.-n-ua-1 Edwar_d J. Barr~~_E_-~<!i_s~in uished essa
process ·and book overdues)
TI no.- 4· Feb----:--T9-84.
:Re1i"po.n.s.e· t·o·· e,s.say---by_ D. W.,..:Sear~_ IL ---RG.------5 Mar 1984
Sexual harrassine¢ no laughing matter by· Fredrick ·Watson I no. 6 New DJcta March 1983
--S-h:a-d-e-s-:-e-f-g-re--y-:-by--R1. c-lc---e-o·nne-t-1--y--fi--r:rterverw ex per i e"U:_c-e_)_ _ --.
II n-o, 2 Nov. 1983
Sheriff facts court deadline by Paul Rufo and John Riihie
VI no. 2 Sept, 30, 1977
-So-.--wh-at-. do .you__tb:i.!!,k? by Cee Cee Baldwin (women and l~w)
VIII no. 9 Feb. 2, 1980 _;--.Some reflection~ of the first year class by Sharon Liko
__VIILno__._l__D._ec. J2..,::_19T9
Sons of Suffolk controversy
II no. 6 April 1984
S. pr i n g r e·v u e d r aw s, n e a r f u 11 ho u s e VI no , 1 1 · AR r i 1 2 ~...... ·
__ __:_ _.___S.t-ude.n.t-a.i..d.-i::0---b e based on need " - VI no. 3 ·Oct. 27, 1977
Stuaent as a teacher of childrirn (
I·V no , 4 F e b • 1 9 7 6
St-ucien·t-as admin°{"st:-·rator by Ale~ We'ir (on Eddie Jenkins)
V ·no. 2 _Oct. 1976
Student fn a Small firm (intern~ship) by Ted Harris
______-~----cS---______..._.---_.V no. 1 Se pt.. 19 7 6
Studen·fs get voice in facu-1-t-y . ....committ:ees.
------: ___ _
Vol. II, no. 3 Dec. 17; 1973
Students on WBZ with "Legal Briefs"
V no. 4 Feb. 1977
Student Strike set
VI no. 9 April 1, 1978
S_uffo]k-Bankrup.t---------V no. -0 A-pr-i-l l-,_--l-9--7_3
· Suffolk._ community loses biggest supporter (Frank J.
VIII no. 2 Sept. 24, 1979
Suffolk dedicates Pallot library
1 no. 3 New Dicta Nov.
· Suffolk holds anniversary colloquium (Law School
Training, the.Urban°L'awyer and Ne·e-ds of di.e Public~ America's
unfinished agenda)
X no, 8 Nov. 9, 1981
Suffolk hosts CLEO institute
I no. 2 New 'Dicta Oct. 1982
~-----S-U-f--f-0~1-k's inquiring photographer: are you content with
- · _ ____!.b.e.-:admlui stratLo.n,.!_!,_po-licy. of· havTng:_ex:·ams after the
- - s,~~e~ break rather t:han·-be-ro-re
III, no. 3 Dec. 1984
· • What are your favorite and ileast favorite aspects
-of S.uffolk?
III no. 4. Ma-rch 1985
· Suffolk profe~sor r~appoin~ed to co-chair national
~'CO n f e re_Jl.-ce- 'of 1 a wye r-S- -and -S c.i e.n-t i-S t S-( z )_
"[-lY--. IX no. 1 sept 19, 1980


---:;- ---- - -

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_________ _


-- - - - - - - - - - -


- -

Suffolk stude·nt a_i;gues be tore -""s· wins .. bY irt}lU:r-.G.
IX no. 2 Oct. 27, 1980
Suffolk iuition-up $340 still lowest of priva~es
III no. 4 March 198-5
Suffolk University a profile
II no. 3 Dec. 1983
Su£ f __w..el co me s.-:.D-r ·• Per 1 man, New P r·e s id en·t
·IX no • 1 Se pt 1 9 ; l 9 8 O
·Su-f-fol ~ ve-te-r-aa- -br-i-eH~OG--k-i-e---s-----b-y----.-cR-0--b-e-r----C-R-u-m-r-i-l-l-'--- - - ------ ---,---- -- - - - 'I







.... -

.t"""' •




..., t


. - _

Suing the local

police department by Mik~ussey
II no, 5 Mar -1984
- SULAB by Rick -Connelly
II· no. 6· Apr --1§84
SULAB- p-r-0posaf for credit increase. by Bradf9rd Louis on
.VIII no. 12 April 18,. 1980
SULAB; two credits in reality by Mary E. T·rombly -VI II n O • ---s--N-ov-;_;-2--S , - -1--9 7 -9: .
-T- -




A talk with the Law by Sylvanus K.

I. Ibenaria (interv{ew
with a law)
III' no. 2 Nov. 1984, III no. 4 Mar 1985
Tenure (unsigned student article)
I no. -5 New Dicta Feb. 1983
-- ,Tenure .=--a. no-cut K by Rich Connelly
- -- ----------- --I nuy-3--Ne-w--Di. ~uv;-1""91:n
lhree blocks so far away by Michael Ru~sey~(Charles St.
III no. 1 Oct. 1"984

The three credit blues by Chris Williams


I no. 2 New Dicta Oct. 1982
Too many _lawyers? by Michaef Hussey
II no. 4 Feb.· 1984·
Tools of the trade by Alfred I Males~n
1 no. 1 New Dicta Sept.-.::'"8, 1982
Tort law and taught law by E.J.Bander (10 most famous
tort cases)
VIII no. 12 April 8, 1980
________________ -----'I.D..r..:t..s__ p.r_o.L...aiili __ w:lf~ propose remeclies for nonsmokers by
, ··
Anr;l.rew Sigal (Prof. BrJdy)
VI no. 6 -Bee. 12, 1977·
Transnational law jl gains recognition from
V1I no-. 2 Oct. 2, 1978
Transnational selection process by 0 William DeVoe
--- - - - ---It---- --·
-- -------I no. -4·-New -Diet-a -De-c. - 19-8-2
Trial tactics not often used (anecdotes about law) by
VIII no. 9 Feb·. 2, 1980
Trustees alot $10,000 for heritage prject
yII no. 11 April 10, 1979----•------------~T~r~1~1s~te_e.s__r_a_i_s~e tu i t ion ; dean _ c i t_e s ___ hi g her· co s_t_s________________

V no~ 4 Feb~ 1977
Truth vs. consequence (eviden~e) by David Friedman
·- II no. 3 Dec. 1983
Tuition _hike: _g"oo_d things are ~n the way b) Bob Marra
VII (VI1I?)no. 10 March 11·, 1980
____________T~u.i..t.i..o_n __u_JL $ ~-2 0 i IJ J971:lA.Sigai and M:w. VI no. 8 Ma 13,



,. .,..,:


by Ralph ~-.\
TwEinty nine ·reasons Il'Ot to go co La.r school
II no. 2 Nov. 1983'
Warner and To-ni - Ih.ara
_1;1_11_9_._ 6__ 1\.pr.i~ 19_1:!4 .
-. --- ~--- Who - s.a-i.d-..~,__B_-a_n_d_1~_ __


" •


;-----_-::;,==--~--=-=========.c....-=----------------'---- --~

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- ~ - - - - ~ - - - ~ _ -.. _ - . ·----· ··-:-c -----


Unanswered questions abou.t exa~s


by Mary Tro·mbly
____ .
1V J; II no .. 8 Feb • 5 , i 9 8 O
Uniqu·e facts _abou.t hub law school plac~ment · of-fices
____ _
VI no. 10 14, 197.8
University counseling center ~ffers help to ·1aw students
X no. 8 Nov. 9, 1981

pa:;=::a=======~F(O£CPl:'f!ltn:ffi:lt;.Saa:·"r"ry=-de f e nii e-r-s-·by=-M1rr·ty. --Hern ana e z

Ya t e d u e · n e c

II no. 6 _April 1984
} 7 on A AT S by Ao g_r e w s·~ g a 1 S-L-n.u-.~-.....,...J.-Va,.,____ _ _ __,,._---'-'-----'----i
14, 197.7

-wWelcome to Cathy Bo·\3key by ·Darlene M. Daniele (advise to
students· looking for jobs)
I no. 2 New ·Dicta- Oct. 1982
What tb.Efy see is what you get! (interviewing savvy)
IV no. 4 F~b.:.-:-1976
What-you were afraid to ask about raw school
VI no. 9 Apri-1 1,- 1918
Whe~re are the books? by Marian M. Wolotkiewicz (criticism
of s·tude t res-helving)
·_v no~---3 Nov. 1;'97'6.c.-------------:cw=h-e e~as all the money gone? ----vTf .no-: 6 Dec. r2,--1-ns
Wh ·re the jobs ~re and aren't; report from the placement
office by, Shar_on Li-ko
VIII no. 5 _Nov. 5, 1979
. Wlio·• s · best befote'" the _b~ Fred Watson (compari'so-a--of
_b.a-I'_:·review courses)
I no. 3 New Dicta Nov_. 1982
Who's really_the top of the hub by Rick Connelly (Dreier
on .Bosto_n-p0l-i-tics)
II no. 3 Dec. 1983
WLC speaker ·gives hints to job hunters by Marian M.
V no. 4 Feb. 1977
W.6men's law caucus .•• battered women by Diane Ma_Lgolin
III no. -5 May 1985

.. - - · - - - - - •...

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