File #3353: "SUN_vol32no10_2006.pdf"


September 2006
Vol. 32, No. 10

A Message from the
For years we have been looking forward
to and planning for September 2006 – when
Suffolk University celebrates a great milestone – 100 years of offering opportunity and
improving lives through higher education.
The Centennial has both a public and a
private face. It gives us an opportunity to
tell the wonderful Suffolk story to the world
outside of our campuses. But we who work
to ensure the best possible education for our
students also have very personal reasons
to celebrate. While we will be enthusiastic
participants in the general festivities, each of
us, in our hearts, will have a unique view of
this year of celebration.
For me, the Centennial will be a

Emilio Aragon Premieres New Alma Mater

celebration of the fine education I received

Emilio Aragón, at piano, is surrounded by a spirited chorus of Suffolk administrators, staff, and faculty members as he

at the Law School, which prepared me for

presents Suffolk’s new alma mater. See story page 2. (Photo by John Gillooly)

a fascinating career in the law and as a
professor and member of Suffolk’s leadership
team. Never would I have dreamed that I
would be in a position to set the agenda for
Suffolk’s second century when I climbed
Beacon Hill for my first class more than 50
years ago. Yet such is the power of education:
to open doors and reveal new paths to
determined men and women.
Each of you plays a unique and valued
role in the success of the University and its
students. Amid all the hectic preparations,
you may want to take a few moments to
reflect on what this celebration means to
you personally. Perhaps you will keep your
thoughts private, or you may share them
with a colleague. But by focusing on how
you have helped bring the university to this
important milestone, I hope you will gain
renewed vigor and an enhanced appreciation
of your importance within the Suffolk family.
David J. Sargent

Centennial Celebration Kicks Off with
Speech by Former President Bush
Former President George H.W. Bush will be on hand as Suffolk formally opens its Centennial
Celebration on Thursday, Sept. 21, and the solemn ceremonies of the morning will be followed
by a festive birthday bash.
“The Centennial Planning Committee has been meeting for the past 16 months, and we
have orchestrated a full day of activities in honor of this significant milestone,” said Centennial
Chair Rosemarie Sansone, director of Public Affairs. “Our goal is to bring all members of the
Suffolk community—alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends—together to pay tribute to
the University’s 100 years of excellence and join us in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration.”
President David J. Sargent will lead a grand procession of dignitaries, college administrators, trustees, key alumni, political figures and city officials from the Law School to the Boston
Common Parade Ground. There Bush will speak at an invitation-only academic convocation
that begins at 11 a.m.
The ceremony will include a special performance of Suffolk’s new alma mater, and the program will feature high-profile honorary degree recipients.
Meanwhile, the Suffolk community will be setting the stage for further celebration, with
afternoon activities on Boston Common and throughout the campus, culminating in an evening
cake-cutting ceremony and concert in Pemberton Square.
Said Sansone, “This is an exciting and vibrant time to be part of Suffolk University. The
stage is set for September 21 and the beginning of a year-long celebration like no other.”
See page 8 for a schedule of the day’s events

Black Studies Students to Catalog Historic
Post-Slavery Papers
Suffolk’s Black Studies Program is involved in a cataloging project that will help make
information about the post-Civil War transition from slavery to freedom more accessible to
Students will work with the New England Chapter of the African American Historical and
Genealogical Society (AAHGS New England) to create a catalog of the records of the Freedman’s Bureau, according to Professor Robert Bellinger, director of the Black Studies Program
in Suffolk’s History Department.
“It’s a fascinating body of material” that includes freedmen’s negotiated contracts with former slaveholders, requests for assistance, information on families and searches for lost family
members. “You begin to get a great deal of information about African-American life at the
time,” said Bellinger.
The Freedman’s Bureau, established by the federal government after the Civil War to aid
and support freed slaves, had branches in each of the 11 Confederate states. Its records, housed
in Washington, D.C., offer a wealth of information about African-American life and the bridge
to freedom.
Students to Work in Archives

The National Archives is completing the process of making microfilm copies of the Freedman’s Bureau Papers, which are accessible at its regional branches. However, without a catalog,
the historians, genealogists and researchers interested in the records must peruse the material
frame by frame.
Students enrolling in Bellinger’s research seminar, “African American Life in Slavery and
Freedom —Reconstruction and the Freedman’s Bureau Papers’’ will help remedy the problem.
They will spend time in class learning about the Reconstruction era, but the bulk of their time
will be spent at the National Archives and Records Administration site in Waltham.
“It’s a fascinating process when you learn by going through records,” said Bellinger. “Even
the most diligent historian can’t write down everything that happens.”
History Told through Marriage Record

He cited as an example the wealth of poignant information in a document from Tennessee recording the marriage of John and Elizabeth Patton, which was referred to in a lecture by
Walter V. Hickey, an Archives Specialist at the Waltham site.
The Pattons “had been living together as man and wife for about 50 years and have had as
the result thereof the following children that are known to be living. …” The document lists
several names, then adds: “the last one not known to be dead or living as she was taken off
some years back.”
The work is being broken into small chunks, beginning with labor contracts, according to
Bellinger. Students will share the task of recording information with members of AAHGS New

Executive Editor

The remarkable story of how Suffolk University grew from a law class with a handful of stu-

The SUN is Published by:
Office of Public Affairs
73 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108
Executive Editor
Rosemarie E. Sansone
Managing Editor
Nancy Kelleher


Exhibit Depicts Suffolk’s History in Colorful

Staff Writers
Karen DeCilio
Tony Ferullo
Heather Clark

dents to a global institution is told in a Centennial exhibit that draws from photographs, artifacts and facts in the University Archives.
Suffolk University: Haven of Opportunity takes the form of a lively timeline, displaying
highlights of the University’s mission, academics, student life and buildings. The juxtaposition
of a world timeline gives perspective to Suffolk’s evolution from 1906 to 2006.
“The exhibit presents the richness of Suffolk’s history and shows the impact Suffolk has had
on higher education,” said University Archivist Beth Bower, curator of Suffolk University:
Haven of Opportunity.
The exhibit will be at the Adams Gallery from Sept. 21 through Dec. 15, 2006.  

5 to be Honored with
Heritage Medallions
This year’s Heritage Medallion ceremony

 ill celebrate five significant members of
the Suffolk University community.
This event, steeped in Suffolk history,
will provide a delightful prelude to the
Centennial Celebration. It will take place
on Founder’s Day, Tuesday, Sept. 19, at the
John Adams Courthouse.
This year’s heritage Medallion
recipients are:

Thomas J. Boynton, trustee and board
chairman, 1911-1945
• The Hon. John E. Fenton, Jr., Law School
professor and dean
• Francis X Flannery, vice president and
• Jeanne M. Hession, trustee
• David J. Sargent, Law School professor,
dean and University president  

Welcome Center
Coordinator Lindsey Darling, right, helps two prospective students inside Suffolk’s new street-level Welcome
Center, located at 73 Tremont St. (Photo by John Gillooly)

From the Archivist:
The Amazing Gleason Leonard Archer
a law degree. He overcame a serious injury
For the last year the Suffolk University

was successful enough to build its own buildthrough the help of George Frost, a prominent ing. By the early 1930s he broadened the misArchives staff has delved into the musty boxes
Boston businessman, and obtained his law
sion to include undergraduate education and
of our history, sorting and identifying phodegree in 1906.
women. He also gained national attention for
tographs, arranging and listing publications,
His dream was to offer the same opporSuffolk through radio broadcasts on legal eduand hunting through mounds of paper in
tunity to learn the law to those who did not
cation and New England colonial history.
preparation for the Centennial.
have the money, time, family or educational
As with many historical figures with
The most exciting and continually growbackground to attend the day law schools. The strong personalities, Archer failed to adjust to
ing story for the archivists, historians, writers
school would be affordable and accessible.
the changing times and, as he became more
and media specialists is that of the amazing
His benefactor, George Frost, believed
prominent nationally, undertook crusades that
Gleason Leonard Archer, Suffolk University’s
in his mission, as did other prominent busidetracted from Suffolk’s mission. Ironically
nessmen and political leaders. More imporhis departure ensured the continuance of his
Ahh, you might say, I’ve heard stories! We
tantly, Archer found a wealth of intelligent,
heard stories too. But when you go back to
hardworking and determined men of all ages,
The Suffolk University Archives has a sigthe primary sources, as all good historians and
nationalities and backgrounds who wanted to
nificant collection of Archer’s personal papers
writers must, the remarkable accomplishments
learn the law. Some wanted to be lawyers and
including journals, correspondence, speeches,
of Archer and the profound impact he had on
others were self-made, successful businessmen
radio recordings, movies and the many legal,
the history of education and the lives of immiwho needed knowledge of the law.
radio history, colonial history, genealogy and
grants and working people is the story.
At a time when 2 percent of the population children’s books he authored. They document
Gleason Archer overcame great obstacles
received a post-secondary education, the suchis and Suffolk’s significant contribution to
to gain an education. From a poor, backwoods
cess of Archer’s mission had a profound impact. American educational history.
family in Maine, he left school to work as the
Archer and his students had no standing in the
cook in the family logging camp at 13.
social and cultural world of the early 20th cen- Beth Bower
Through an uncle he was able to attend
tury. To offer education previously confined to University Archivist
high school in Lewiston, Maine, while work“the right sort” and the carefully screened “beting as a correspondent for the local paper.
Despite the offer of a scholarship to Bates Col- ter class of immigrant” was heresy.
The establishment fought Archer every step
lege, he followed his brother Hiram to Boston
of the way, but he did not back down and gave
to attend Boston University so he could obtain
as good as he got. Within 15 years Suffolk
Ju l y, 2 0 0 6

A warm welcome to Sherri Miles who has
joined the University as director of communications for the College of Arts and Sciences
and to John Silveria who has been appointed
assistant dean of students for the College of
Arts and Sciences and Sawyer Business School.
Barbara Abrams, Humanities and Modern Languages, presented a paper, “Rousseau,
The Confessions and Early-Modern Lessons,” at the International Conference for the
Humanities at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et Techniques (INSAT) in
Carthage, Tunisia, in July.
Andrew Beckerman-Rodau, Law School,
participated in a panel that addressed the issue
of whether the use of student laptops should
be allowed or barred in law school classrooms

7th Biennial Conference of the European Community Studies Association—Canada, “What
Kind of Europe? Multiculturalism, Migration,
Political Community and Lessons from Canada,” in Victoria, Canada, in May.
Michael Duggan, Enrollment Research
and Planning, was awarded the Julia M.
Duckwall Memoral Scholarship from the Association for Institutional Research (AIR). The
scholarship, designed to facilitate the professional growth and development of individuals
who work in institutional research and related
fields, is awarded to AIR members who
make a substantial contribution to the discipline through research, teaching or by using
their learning creatively within institutional

Any Title?
Connie Delano Gagnon, a programmer/analyst with MIS, made quite a haul at Rock Harbor
in Orleans. She caught three striped bass, each about 12 pounds and 30 inches. “I was
very excited, but you can only keep two of them, so I had to throw one back, said Gagnon,

who was a fisheries/marine biologist for 20 years in the northeast region. This wasn’t
merely her first catch of the year; “this was my first catch in many years, she said. (Photo

by Captain Hap Farrell)

Marilyn Jurich, English, presented a
at the annual conference of the Center for
paper, “The Salvation of The Tale and The
Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Wisdom of Women,” at the Children’s Litheld at Nova Southeastern University Law
erature Association Conference in Manhattan
School in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., in June.
Beach, Calif., in June. The paper dealt with
John Berg, Government, was appointed
the relationship between a children’s novel,
to the planning committee for the AmeriShadow Spinner, and the adult novel Arabian
can Political Science Association’s national
Nights and Days in order to recognize how
conference, “Teaching and Learning Political
Science,” to be held in February 2007 in Char- each writer uses the Scheherazade frame story
to examine Middle Eastern folklore, history,
lotte, N.C.
politics and attitudes toward women. Also,
Best wishes to Jean Campbell, former
the Questia librarians voted Jurich’s article,
director of alumni relations for the College
The Pseudo-Utopian Cosmographies of Stanof Arts and Sciences, as she embarks on a new
slaw Lem,” as the best article available on the
career path as director for alumni and constitPolish philosopher and science-fiction writer.
uent relations at Malden Catholic High School.
Originally published in Utopian Studies, the
She worked in the University’s advancement
article is reprinted as the leading essay in Conarea for nearly 25 years.
temporary Literary Criticism, Vol. l.
Kirsten Czupryna, Sawyer Business
Gordon King, Facilities Planning and
School, was the second interview in a new
Management, was a panelist on “Student
podcast, Blackboard Faculty Support Podcast
Series, hosted by the University of Miami. She Housing Models—One Size Does Not Fit
All,” a roundtable discussion of current trends
spoke about Suffolk’s goal for full adoption
in student housing, held at the June 14 meetof Blackboard, including adoption by adjunct
ing of the Boston Society of Architects and
faculty, as well as discussing direct training of
the Society of College and University Planners
and outreach to faculty, institutional advocacy
and technology management. Her interview
Legal Practice Skills faculty members
can be heard at
presented papers at the Twelfth Biennial ConRoberto Dominguez, Government, preference of the Legal Writing Institute held
sented a paper, “Organic Intellectuals in the
in Atlanta, Ga., in June. Louis Schulze, Jr.,
U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Europe,” at the


presented “Whether and How to Integrate
Transactional Drafting Instruction into the
Required Curriculum.” Kathleen Elliott Vinson co-presented “Taking Our Expertise into
the Trenches: Consulting on Writing in Law
Practice” with Joan Blum of Boston College
Law School. At the same conference, Samantha Moppett and Shailini George were leaders for the “Workshop on Critiquing Student
Work.” Also in attendance were Julie Baker
and Audrey Huang.
Micky Lee, Communication and Journalism, will present a paper “Gender and race in
the material and symbolic production of fair
trade discourses” at the National Communication Association Assembly in San Antonio,
Texas, in November.
Jeanne Morton was named project manager and institutional research analyst for
the Office of the Provost and Academic Vice
President. Most recently, Morton was associate
director of the Ballotti Learning Center.
Mariellen Norris, Public Affairs, is serving on the Public Relations Advisory Board
for the Association of Independent Colleges
and Universities (AICUM). The board, a core
group representing AICUM’s 60 colleges and
universities from across the state, includes
members from Holy Cross, Smith, Emerson
and Western New England College.
Sebastián Royo, Government and director of the Madrid campus, presented “The
Europeanization of Portuguese Interest
Groups” at the Summer School 2006 program, “The Europeanization of the Portuguese
Political System,” organized by the Instituto
Português de Relações Internacionais—Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Obidos, in June.
Congratulations to Katie Shaughnessy,
MIS, on her engagement to Rob Davis. He
proposed in Venice, Italy. They are planning a
fall 2007 wedding.
Steven Spitzer, Sociology, received the
Volunteer of the Year Award from the Massachusetts Department of Correction for his
volunteer work with the Jericho Circle Project
at the Bay State
Center in Norfolk. The Jericho
Circle Project
is a non-profit
Steve Spitzer, Massachusetts
Commissioner of Correction working with
Kathleen Dennehy and Stephen
offenders and
Stern, a volunteer for the Jericho
ex-offenders in
Circle Project.
Continued on page 

Experimental Faculty Works on View at
Trace Elements, an exhibit by South African-born artists Sophia Ainslie & Ilona Anderson will
be at the NESADSU gallery through Sept. 21.
Ainslie has worked recently with compacted trash, while Anderson has done unexpected
pieces with embroidery. The artists, who teach at NESADSU, often respond to political and
social themes in their work.
A reception for the Trace Elements exhibit will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14,
and there will be a gallery talk at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19.
Nature Scanned, an exhibit of works by Tony Andrade, will be at the adjacent Project Space
through Sept. 21. The artist uses a flatbed scanner to directly scan botanical specimens, showing details that would otherwise be unseen. The images also reference still-life motifs as
Andrade manipulates the compositions and color.  

Illona Anderson, Trace Elements, detail of mixed-media

Former Employees Reunite
Marie Hastie will always have a special place in her heart for Suffolk
Hastie, a Suffolk alumna who was senior administrative assistant to
Vice President/Treasurer Francis X. Flannery for 15 years before “retiring” in 2000, still keeps in touch with current and former employees.
“Suffolk truly creates a family atmosphere,” said Hastie, who now
stays home with her three young children. “I remember when I got
married and all the Suffolk people who were there and Mr. Flannery
dancing with me because my father had died when I was 13.
“I worked with so many wonderful people at Suffolk, and I hope
they miss me as much as I miss them. I would rejoin them in a minute
if I could.”
Former Employees Reunion

Well, now she has. As a member of the Former Employees Committee, Hastie is helping to organize a reception for former employees on
September 21, the official kickoff to Suffolk’s Centennial Celebration.
Connie Ferreira, a good friend and former colleague who worked
at Suffolk between 1990 and 2000, has joined Hastie on the Former
Employees Committee.
“There are many of us who have fond memories of the school and try
to keep in touch with old friends and up to date with the tremendous
progress that Suffolk is making,” says Ferreira. “This past-employee
event will be the perfect venue to do both.”
“Some of my very favorite people in the world I met while at Suffolk,
and I still keep up with them to this day,” said Ferreira, now manager of the annual fund at the Boston Architectural College. “I loved
my first Suffolk boss (Gail Mansfield) so much, I followed her to two
other jobs! And Jean Neenan Campbell was married in my backyard.”
Campbell, who recently left Suffolk after 25 years, also is a member of
the Former Employees Committee.
Ferreira’s daughter was born with leukemia in December 1996, and
she said she always will feel indebted to Suffolk and its people for the
exceptional way she was treated during this turbulent time in her life.
“During her hospital stay on a chemotherapy protocol and subsequent short life at home, I felt blessed to have had a very strong support system from Suffolk,” said Ferreira. “In addition to the calls, cards,

visits and gifts, … I was granted an extended maternity leave and
assured a job awaited me when I was able to return to work.”
She paused and then continued, “My father was also ill at this time,
and at his funeral, as I gave the eulogy, I remember looking around
and seeing so many Suffolk friends there to support me and my family.”
Joining Ferreira on the Former Employees Committee is Gail Mansfield, her present boss and one of the people she reported to while
working at Suffolk. After nearly two decades, Mansfield, a Suffolk
alumna, still finds herself smiling when thinking of the 10 years she
spent here.
Mansfield worked during the era of Suffolk President Daniel
Perlman. “I’ll never forget that he came to my daughter’s christening wearing his infamous red checker party vest and yellow bow
tie,” she recalled. She also remembers being eight months pregnant
with her son during a biology lab in the summer heat, and Dean
Michael Ronayne’s warning her constantly “not to get too close to the
Mansfield, Ferreira, Hastie and Campbell, director for Constituency Relations at Malden Catholic High School, are looking forward
to bringing together former Suffolk employees for events throughout the upcoming year. They will be supported by current employees,
including: Centennial Celebration Chair Rosemarie Sansone. Athletics
Director Jim Nelson, Budget Director/Risk Manager Maureen Stewart,
Assistant Treasurer Mike Dwyer, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management Christine Perry, Karen DeCilio of Public Affairs, Carol Powers of Human Resources, Lisa Keaney of Advancement, Lisa Vigliotta
of Human Resources and Brian McDermott of University Media Services.  

Ju l y, 2 0 0 6

Richard Torrisi Named Fulbright Scholar
Richard Torrisi, associate professor of international business, received a Fulbright Scholar
Award to lecture and conduct research at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and
Management in Warsaw, Poland, during his sabbatical leave for the 2006-2007 academic year.
Torrisi, who stepped down as associate dean of the Sawyer Business School to resume his fulltime faculty position, will continue his research on the European Union and Emerging Economies while in Poland. Previously, he has lectured and taught at the Jagiellonian University in
Krakow, Poland, and the University of Aix-Marseille in France.
Torrisi is one of approximately 800 United States faculty and professionals who will travel
abroad to some 150 countries for the 2006-2007 academic year through the Fulbright Scholar
Established in 1946 under legislation introduced by the late Senator J. William Fulbright
of Arkansas, the program’s purpose is to build mutual understanding between the people of the
United States and other countries. Recipients of the Fulbright Scholar awards are selected on the
basis of academic or professional achievement and because they have demonstrated extraordinary
leadership potential in their fields.  
Richard Torrisi

Faculty Publications
Lisle Baker, Law School, had an article, “Achieving Smarter
Growth in Massachusetts, Some Ideas for Moving Forward,” published
in the spring 2006 issue of the Municipal Advocate, a publication of the
Massachusetts Municipal Association. Baker is a Newton alderman.
Frank Cooper, Law School. His article, “The ‘Seesaw Effect’ From
Racial Profiling to Depolicing: Toward a Critical Cultural Theory,”
was published in a book The New Civil Rights Research: A Constitutional
Approach (edited by Benjamin Fleury Steiner and Laura Beth Nielsen.
Celeste K. Cooperman, Humanities and Modern Languages, and
Lydia Martin, NESADSU. Martin’s painting, “The Border” is the
cover art for “Secrets in the Sand: The Young Women of Juarez,” a
book of poetry by Chilean poet and Wellesley
College Professor Marjorie Agosin. Cooperman
translated the poetry.
Oktay Demir, Physics, co-authored a paper
“Specific Heat Functions for the Orthorhombic
Nd+3 in Scheelite Type of Crystals,” (with Fuat
Bayrakceken and Ipek Karaaslan) for publication in Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular
and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. He also published,
“Theoretical Investigations of the Specific Heat
Functions for the Orthorhombic Nd+3 Centers in Some Crystals” in Spectrochimica Acta
Cooperman and Martin
Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
(available online April 3, 2006).
Dwight Golann, Law School, has published
two books co-authored with Jay Folberg. They
are: Mediation: The Roles of Advocate and Neutral,
Aspen (2006) and Lawyer Negotiation: Theory,
Practice and the Law, Aspen (2006).
Marilyn Jurich, English, published an
article, “Poetry for Children,” in three volumes,
Norton 2006, the first extensive encyclopedia
of children’s literature.
Oktay Demir


Raul de la Fuente Marcos and Carlos de la Fuente Marcos,
Madrid campus. Their article, “Multifractality in a ring of star formation; the case of Arp 220,” was published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 454, No. 2, pp. 473-480 (August 2006).
Joseph McCarthy, Education and Human Services. His paper,
“The Educational Work and Impact of the ‘Transylvanian School’: A
Research Agenda,” was published by the Educational Research Information Center.
Joe Nahil, Communication and Journalism. He has co-authored a
book, A Home on Haven Street, with his son, Christopher Nahil. Published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the book chronicles the life and times of the three families that resided at 80 Haven
Street in Dedham, now the site of the MIT Endicott House.
Sebastián Royo, Government and director of the Madrid campus, has published two articles in the Spanish newspaper Cinco Días.
They are: “Mucho Está en Juego,” June 19, 2006, and “El Síndrome
de las Nacionalizaciones,” May 22, 2006. He has also published two
articles, “Portugal, Espanha e a União Europeia,” in the Portuguese
journal Relações Internacionais from the Instituto Português de Relações
Internacionais. No. 9, 2006, and “The European Union and Economic
Reforms: The Case of Spain,” by the Spanish think tank Real Instituto
Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos, June 2006.
Joyce Wilson, English, has published a review of two memoirs
by Floyd Skloot, “In the Shadow of Memory (2003) and “A World of
Light” (2005), in Harvard Review Number 30, Cambridge: Houghton
Library of Harvard College Library, 2006 (197-199).
Denyce Wicht, Chemistry and Biochemistry. Co-authored
“Platinum(II) Phosphido Complexes as Metalloligands. Structural and
Spectroscopic Consequences of Conversion from Terminal to Bridging
Coordination. Journal reference: Organometallics 2006, 25, 3370-3378.
Da Zheng, English, had an essay, “Encountering the Other: SARS,
Public Health, and Race Relations,” accepted for publication in a collection of essays on popular culture.  

Michael Arthur Honored for Lifetime
Management Professor Michael Arthur received the Everett Hughes Award from the Academy
of Management, Careers Division, for research over a lifetime in the careers area, in particular for
the adoption of an interdisciplinary perspective.
Arthur was honored at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management held in Atlanta,
Ga., in August.
The Hughes Award, the highest award of the Careers Division, is given only when there is a
nomination of sufficient merit.
In nominating Arthur, Professor Maury Peiperl, professor of leadership and strategic change
at IMD in Switzerland and former chair of the Careers Division, said “Michael Arthur has been
a clear leader in careers research and in linking this research to other fields, for some twenty-five
years. He is surely one of the pre-eminent scholars of career management in the world. Many scholars’ own work has been energized and transformed by Michael’s inspiration and collegiality. He is
an excellent mentor to aspiring career scholars from a variety of fields and, in particular, a variety
of countries.”
The Academy of Management is a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations. Founded in 1936 by
Michael Arthur

Continued from page 

and community settings. The project creates
circles to help men become more aware of
the connection among their feelings, perceptions and behaviors and assists men who have
broken the law to face difficult truths about
themselves so they can identify and pursue
more productive directions in their lives.
Athletic trainer Jeff Stone was inducted
into the Bay State Games Hall of Fame for
Lisa Thurau-Gray, Law School, was
elected to the national board of the American
Civil Liberties Union, an 83-member governing and policy-making body.
In June, David Yamada, Law School,
spoke on a panel “In Search of an Organizing
Theme for Employment Law” at the Labor
Law Group Conference in Saratoga Springs,
N.Y., He presented a paper, “Workplace Bullying, Mental Illness, and Employee Benefits:
The Frayed Safety Net,” at the American
Psychiatric Association annual meeting in
Toronto, Canada, in May.

Three Law School faculty members participated in the 16th annual District Court
Conference held at Williams College in June.
Michael Avery presented “Evidence I: Hearsay” and “Evidence II: Documentary Evidence.” Joseph P McEttrick co-presented
“Equity Jurisdiction in the District Court”
and “General Laws Chapter 93A” with Judge
Robert A. Welsh Jr. of the Appellate Division. Marc Perlin, associate dean, spoke
on “Civil Procedure and Motions I & II.”
McEttrick said they enjoyed meeting with
Massachusetts District Court judges who are
Suffolk Law School alumni. Presentations
covering recent Massachusetts statutes and
appellate cases provoked spirited discussion
among the judges on challenging litigation
situations, he said.
Denyce Wicht, Chemistry and Biochemistry, presented “Development of a
Short Course in Green Chemistry” at the
symposium, Building the Community of
Green Chemistry Educators, for the Bien-

nial Conference on Chemical Education at
Purdue University July 30 through Aug. 3.
In conjunction with the conference, Wicht
participated in a two-day faculty training/
brainstorming workshop for the Ambassador
Site project. This effort aims to facilitate the
incorporation of green chemistry into the curriculum by integrating the identification and
development of new laboratory experiments
at regionally distributed “ambassador” sites,
with dissemination through the Greener
Education Materials for Chemists database
managed by the University of Oregon.
Da Zheng, English, led a group of Suffolk students on a study tour to China in
Dean of Students Nancy Stoll has
announced the following promotions in the
Student Services Division: Dan McHugh
to director of student activities; Bessie
Chuang to associate director of student
activities; and Chris Giordano to associate
dean of students.  

Ju l y, 2 0 0 6

Centennial Kick-off
Also see main story, page 1

1:30–3:30 p.m., Boston Common
• Temple Street Fair & Centennial Student
Showcase, featuring performances by
University dance troupes, musicians and
improv groups
• Faces and Places Exhibit

2–4 p.m.
• Trolley Tours of campus
• Law School Timeline Exhibit, Sargent Hall
• Sawyer Business School Open House, Stahl
Building, 73 Tremont St., 12th floor
• College of Arts and Sciences Open House
• NESAD Open House and Faculty Exhibit
• Athletics Department Open House, Reagan
• Welcome Center Open House, Stahl Building, 1st floor
• Suffolk University Centennial History
Exhibit, Adams Gallery

3–4:15 p.m.
• Anna Deavere Smith lecture, Boston

4 p.m.
• Law School Reception
• Sawyer Business School Reception, Stahl
Building, (12th floor
• The Center for International Education
Reception, Welcome Center
• Former Employee Reception, Stahl Building, 13th floor

4:30 p.m.
• College of Arts and Sciences Reception

6 p.m.
• Birthday Celebration, Pemberton Square,
including cake cutting and musical performances by Suffolk’s Ramifications, as well
as One Moe Time, Averi, and The Temptations Review featuring Dennis Edwards
For more information, go to www.suffolk.
edu/centennial or call 1-866-882-2006.


Celebrating Boston Connection
As the University celebrates the anniversary of its founding, it has made a $10,000 donation toward restoration of the Founders Memorial on Boston Common, which commemorates
Boston’s founding. John Nucci, vice president of Government and Community Affairs; Dean of
Students Nancy Stoll; Sarah Hutt, Boston’s director of Visual Arts Programming and director of
the Boston Art Commission; Public Affairs Director Rosemarie Sansone; Athletics Director Jim
Nelson; and Boston Parks and Recreation Commissioner Antonia Pollak gathered for delivery
of the ceremonial check to the Fund for Parks and Recreation. (Photo by John Gillooly)  

Emilio Aragon Premieres New Alma Mater
Suffolk University artists fine-tuning a new alma mater for the Centennial Celebration
worked on the school song with a group of staff and students this summer.
With lyrics by English Professor and poet Fred Marchant and wife Stefi Rubin and music by
Suffolk alumnus Emilio Aragón, the new alma mater expresses both Suffolk tradition and the
University of today.
“The alma mater captures the spirit of Suffolk and the heart of our institution,” said College
of Arts and Sciences Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg. “It’s a powerful and moving piece of music.
We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from many people in our community.”
Aragón, a celebrity in his native Spain, is known for his achievements as a musician, composer, singer, actor, producer, and television director.
He visited the Studio Theatre this summer specifically to preview the new alma mater for a
Suffolk audience.
“It was exhilarating to have Emilio Aragón with us to talk about his inspiration for the alma
mater and to teach a small group of students, administrators and staff the four-part harmony,”
said Theatre Department Chair Marilyn Plotkins. “The song is fantastic, and it was a wonderful
experience for everyone involved.”