ALUMNI MAGAZINE Premier Issue//2007
The Spotlight Shines on C. Walsh Theatre this Centennial Year
opening statement//sUFFOLK ARTS + SCIENCES
Such is the power of education: to open doors
and reveal new paths for determined men and women.
David J. Sargent
president, suffolk university
College of Arts + Sciences
President, Suffolk University
David J. Sargent
Kenneth S. Greenberg
Sherri Miles
Executive Editor
Lauri Umansky
Assistant Editor
Nicole Vadnais ‘03, ‘06
Contributing Writers
Jennifer Barber; Robert Conlin; Sharon Lenzie;
Amy Nora Long
Director of Alumni Relations
Maureen Ridings
Editorial Interns
Carolyn Albee ’07; Nina Leuzzi ’07
Editorial Assistant
Ipek Mentesh ‘08
We’d like to thank the following people for their
helpful review of various parts of the magazine:
Bob Dugan; Michael Madden ’05; Fred Marchant;
Ken Martin; Carl Merrill; Marilyn Plotkins
Creative Director/Design
Seth Sirbaugh
Contributing Photographers
Kindra Clineff; Kenneth Fonzi ’06; John Gillooly;
Ken Martin; Peter Vanderwarker; Jade Jump ‘07
Contributing Art Editors
Rita Daly; Jakob Grauds ’07; Justin Louzon ’10
Contributing Artists
NESADSU students: Alison Balcanoff; Kevin Banks;
Colleen Barrett; Jeannie Belozersky; Margaret Furlong;
Jakob Grauds; Matteo Gulla; Catherine Headen; Kayla Hicks;
Fanny Lau; Laura Nathanson; Lisa Raad; Jessie Schloss;
Eileen Umba; Joanna T. Winters
Cover Photography
Peter Vanderwarker, C. Walsh Theatre
Suffolk Arts+Sciences magazine is produced and published annually by Suffolk
University College of Arts and Sciences. The magazine is distributed free of charge
to alumni, students, friends, parents, faculty and staff. The views expressed in
this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or the official
policies of the College of Arts and Sciences or the University. Printed in the USA
by Publisher’s Press, Inc., 100 Frank E. Simon Avenue, Shepherdsville, KY 40165.
©Copyright 2007 Suffolk University. All rights reserved.
Subscriptions, letters, and editorial queries
We welcome your correspondence. Subscribe (free), change your address, or send
letters to the editor by emailing casnews@suffolk.edu. We do consider unsolicited
material for consideration in future issues. Please send submissions or queries as
email attachments to casnews@suffolk.edu, or by regular mail to: Editor, Suffolk
Arts+Sciences Magazine, Suffolk University, College of Arts & Sciences, 41 Temple
Street, Boston, MA 02114 or contact us at: 617.305.6316 or casnews@suffolk.edu.
Above: The first of a three-part renovation, the newly redesigned C. Walsh Theatre
includes an expanded lobby, a proscenium arch of patinated copper framing the
front of the stage, and elegant wood paneling in the orchestra area. Designed by
principal architect Alan Joslin of Epstein/Joslin Architects.
Suffolk’s DISTANT Coastal Jewel
The shores of northern Maine, with unspoiled salt marshes, rivers, ponds and forests,
provide the perfect setting for marine science research at R. S. Friedman Field Station
The spotlight shines on C. Walsh Theatre this Centennial year with stage
renovations, popular productions and sparkling student talent
Award-winning author James Carroll explores war, religion, prejudice and
redemption in his role as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Above: The newly-renovated C. Walsh
Theatre, November 2006, set for the
Theatre Department’s fall production of
Candide, or Optimism.
From 41 TEmple
TEXT//Kenneth S. Greenberg
TEXT// icole Vadnais,
Michael Madden
TEXT//Nina Leuzzi
TEXT//Carolyn Albee
Alumni MagazinE
TEXT//Rita Daly, Jakob Grauds
TEXT//Maureen Ridings
TEXT//Alexandra Horeanopoulos
from 41 temple//PREMIER ISSUE
welcome to our premier issue
I am delighted to present the inau-
gural issue of Suffolk Arts + Sciences, the
alumni magazine of the College of Arts
and Sciences at Suffolk University. These
pages give you a glimpse of our community today. Here you will meet Emilio
Aragon, CAS alumnus and an actor, musician, and entrepreneur much beloved
in Spain; James Carroll, National Book
Award winner, Boston Globe columnist,
and a faculty member in the College of Arts
and Sciences; and Leda Waterman, graduating senior with a moving Suffolk story
to tell. You will get a peek into the Suffolkbased literary magazine, Salamander; a
tour of the new Poetry Center; and a front
row seat in the C. Walsh Theatre. Whether
you graduated in 2006 or 1966, you will
recognize the cobblestoned streets of
Beacon Hill and the bustle of students in
the shadow of the State House. Above all,
you will see the school you loved.
As Suffolk University’s centennial year
comes to a close, the College of Arts and
Sciences has never been livelier. Unprecedented numbers of students are making
us their destination. Our physical presence has extended down Cambridge and
Tremont streets, flanking the Hill. A new
undergraduate curriculum stands poised
for release in September. Faculty of the
highest caliber teach our classes, and visiting scholars of international renown join
us in creative and intellectual pursuit. The
renovated C. Walsh Theatre and Mildred
F. Sawyer Library gleam. The College of
Arts and Sciences has come into its own.
Yet I am keenly aware, as an historian
and a member of the Suffolk community
since 1978, that our past helps to propel
us into our future. Born of a love for the
city of Boston and its people—all of its
people—Suffolk University still insists on
giving back to that community. That mission threads its way through our curriculum, most visibly in the Expanded Classroom requirement that takes students
away from their desks and into the world,
where they can apply their classroom
learning for the greater good. My Suffolk
pride swells to its fullest when I witness
the sophisticated ethic of concern that our
students carry away from their undergraduate education in the College of Arts and
Sciences. Turn to the “Standout Talent”
section of this issue. You will see what I
Next time you are in the neighborhood,
stop by campus. Grab tickets to one of our
theatre productions. Attend a lecture by
a distinguished scholar. Visit our galleries.
Stop by a favorite professor’s office. You
will share my delight: the College you knew
is brimming with energy. We are ready to
welcome you home for a visit.
Kenneth S. Greenberg
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
IMAGE//Kindra Clineff
Text//Nicole Vadnais, Michael Madden IMAGES//VARIOUS
CIRCA 1977
A brief look at how the years past compare with the days of the present.
Temple Street
Temple Street in 1977 (above) before it was repaved
with wide sidewalks as seen today (top).
Longtime colleagues Kenneth S. Greenberg and
John Cavanagh are discussing historical matters in
1980 (right). Twenty-seven years later, Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg and Professor John Cavanagh
are still debating the finer points of history (far right).
Photo above by Frank Siteman, photo at the top and far right by Kindra Clineff
CIRCA 1980
John Cavanagh & Kenneth S. Greenberg
Alumni Magazine
CIRCA 1976
Judy Dushku
Judy Dushku, in her first years at Suffolk
University (left). More than 30 years later
she continues to be an active, passionate member of the Government Department faculty.
Ridgeway Lane
Ridgeway Alley (between the Fenton
and Archer buildings) has changed little
in the 30 years between these photos.
Photo to the right by Ellis Herwig, photo on the far right and bottom right
CIRCA 1980
by Kindra Clineff
The current issue of Venture (far right), Suffolk University’s student literary magazine, paired with an
issue from 1968 (right). Venture celebrated its 40th
anniversary this past year.
Donahue Building
The First Methodist Episcopal Church (below) was
razed to construct the Donahue Building (bottom).
Today the Donahue Building is the center of the
College of Arts & Sciences.
CIRCA 1968
CIRCA 1965
Photo at the bottom by Kindra Clineff
Alumni Magazine
CIRCA 1921
CIRCA 1970
C. WALSH Theatre
THEATRE Playbill
Past students enjoy a rollicking Activities Meeting in the C.
Walsh Theatre (above). In the newly renovated C. Walsh Theatre (top), Wes Savick (author of Centennial: about a 100
Years) conducts a class for student actors and playwrights.
C. Walsh Theatre began its life as a movie theatre featuring the 1921 picture Women Men Love and The
Midlanders (above). The C. Walsh Theatre has since
hosted hundreds of plays including Centennial: about
a 100 Years, commemorating Suffolk University’s
100th birthday (right).
Photo at the top by Kindra Clineff
students today//PROFILES
Some of Suffolk’s best + brightest >>
Left to Right:
Veronica Carlino
Kristina Sarkisyan
John Halabi
Nina Leuzzi
Chantha Toeum
Andrew Curley
Alumni Magazine
Students from the College of Arts and
Sciences are more than exceptional scholars and
thinkers. They are artists, activists, and award
winners; they are leaders in communities, clubs and
athletics. Seeking the unique and unknown, they
tread the cobblestone pathways of Beacon Hill,
gaining more from Suffolk than just an education.
Here we introduce you to a few of these students—
six young men and women who followed their
passions on Suffolk’s urban campus, both inside
the classroom and on the streets of Boston.
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students today//PROFILES
Nina Leuzzi, 21
Hometown: Wallingford, CT
Major: Print Journalism
At seven years old, armed with a grade book and
lesson plans, Nina Leuzzi “played school” in her family’s
basement, using sidewalk chalk on a slate wall to teach
her younger sister. At Suffolk’s orientation a decade later,
she understood the meaning of those afternoons when
she saw the opportunity to join Jumpstart for Young
Children, Inc., a national nonprofit that pairs caring
adults with low-income preschool students.
Using her work-study award, Nina spent 20 hours
a week at S.M.I.L.E Preschool in Roxbury, continuing as a volunteer when her award ran out mid-year.
“Money was not the important thing. It became invaluable to me to serve the community and for the kids to
grow and succeed.” Jumpstart was a perfect fit for the
high-spirited leader, who stayed with the program for
four years.
In addition to her mentoring work, Nina has been
successful in a number of other areas, including studying in Prague, Czech Republic, working as a teach-
Alumni Magazine
ing assistant for a variety of courses, and serving as
president of the photography club and peer tutor at the
Ballotti Learning Center. Her involvement gained her
Junior of the Year and Who’s Who on College Campuses nominations, and her dedicated service to the
children at S.M.I.L.E earned her an invitation to join
their Board of Directors in 2006.
“I’m definitely a different person now than when
I came here,” she says, smiling. “The tremendous
faculty and diverse programs I found at Suffolk were
extremely important to my growth. I’m stronger now,
more independent, and more courageous.”
After graduation, Nina will attend graduate school
at Wheelock College studying Early Childhood Education. “I want to work in children’s book publishing,” she
says passionately. “I’ve seen what works, and I want to
create educational books that children want to read.”
Then, echoing a statement she declared in fifth grade
that sums her up perfectly, “And I want to teach.”
Chantha Toeum, 24
Hometown: Somerville, Massachusetts
Major: Sociology
others, you will always receive good back. Today, he credits his parents’ words and
their inherent values as his foundation for serving people and their communities.
As a sophomore, Chantha utilized Suffolk’s club community to get involved on
campus. His participation in the Caribbean Student Network and his work as Resident Assistant and Orientation Leader introduced him to a “whole new society where
[he] got to know the faculty and experience things that many students don’t see.”
Chantha continued to participate in and lead various volunteer projects, including Connections 2 College and the soup kitchen. He became the SOULS Service
Scholar, a position given to a dedicated member of Suffolk’s Organization for Uplifting Lives through Service. He coached high school track as a freshman and discovered the pride in being a support system for a child. “Working with students of
different backgrounds and personalities has strengthened my character; and at the
same time, my experiences have softened me and shown me what one person
can do.”
Chantha has also worked in Boston neighborhoods, particularly with the Horizon
Initiative for Homeless Children where he led support groups for Boston’s homeless
youth. The Horizon Initiative allowed him to see the full-circle effect of his dedication,
as the children in his support groups found homes and the families stabilized. “While
it was hard to say goodbye to my group of kids, it was humbling to watch them move
on to better lives.”
Now working at Massachusetts General Hospital escorting patients and visiting children in the Oncology Department, Chantha talks about the future: he would
like to revolutionize the hospice healthcare system. “I want to alter the attitudes that
surround healthcare, but I still want to continue working with students and children
because it’s always beautiful being able to give back.”
SP07 Cha ntha T oeu m
Chantha Toeum’s parents raised him with the knowledge that in giving to
Kristina Sarkisyan, 22
SP07 Kristina Sarkisyan
Hometown: Lynn, Massachusetts
Undergrad Major: Political Science Minor: Philosophy
Graduate Major: Public Management
Kristina Sarkisyan left the widespread unemployment and political corrup-
tion of Armenia for the brighter future she felt waited for her in the United States.
A year later, she came to Suffolk with little knowledge of the English language, but
with the dream of gaining a degree from an American university.
Missing her friends and feeling overwhelmed by a new culture was difficult, but
her desire to learn and drive to succeed kept her strong. She concentrated on learning English with grammar guides, and her classes and professors helped her perfect
her speaking and writing. “I did everything by myself. Determined, I went forward
despite the setbacks in acclimating to a new life,” she said.
“When I started at Suffolk, people did not think I would graduate, but I finished
a straight A student. My parents and professors stood behind me, sure of my success.” It was her comfort with the faculty that continually kept her motivated, as
numerous professors met with her outside of class, teaching her practical as well
as academic knowledge.
Four years later, Kristina, always polished with her hair pulled back and dressed
for business, graduated Summa Cum Laude and second in her class, proof that
hard work is worth the setbacks. Yet, she doesn’t feel that education is about getting
awards; she believes that failures, obstacles, and challenges make a person resilient.
“I viewed my trouble adjusting and communicating as opportunities to grow stronger
and smarter. It is our past that becomes the best teacher.”
Now, she is taking that intensity and applying it to her master’s degree program
at Suffolk, continuing to follow her dream of making the world safer and more just. “I
want to improve the social and economic conditions for those who struggle by creating programs to enrich their lives,” she says, with unwavering conviction. “People are
capable of great things, and I hope to be the difference for at least one person.”
students today//PROFILES
Veronica Carlino, 21
Hometown: Malden, Massachusetts
Major: English, Political Science
To compete in a 12-hour long forensics tournament your mind must be constantly ready. You present
your speech repeatedly, using voice exercises and
group warm-ups to release tension. Staying physically
and mentally on point for competition creates fatigue,
but through it, you remain enthusiastic even while
battling with the pressure to win.
This is a routine day for Veronica Carlino, an
award-winning debater. In person, Veronica is as
articulate as she is when competing, something she
developed from public speaking. “You must possess
a comfort level for speaking that reflects the intelligence and passion in your written speeches,” she
says. “Debate requires skills not offered in classes
and challenges you to try the unexpected, pushing
your limits.”
In March at the International Forensic Association Tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Veronica took third place in the category of Impromptu
Speech and fourth in the Informative category. This
came after placing first in these and other categories
in the regional competition. “It is intense and terrifying, but I love it. Forensics is about thinking on your
feet, and it teaches focus and drive.”
Success in debate is not all Veronica has
achieved at Suffolk. She studied abroad in Prague
and Rome, was elected to a collection of honor societies, and was captain of the soccer team. “Suffolk
brought me the chance to do everything I wanted,
opportunities not always available at a larger school,
including great internship experiences.” Internships
in the attorney general and governor’s offices helped
her discover her future.
Graduating in May, Veronica, an Italian citizen,
plans to pursue a Masters in International Affairs and
a J.D. in International Law. She hopes to influence
policy development overseas, and raise awareness
for human rights through the international courts and
other organizations. “I want to lead a life to empower
people held back by ignorance,” she says.
Alumni Magazine
John Halabi, 20
Hometown: Norwood, MA
Major: Government
From the ages of two to ten, John Halabi lived in Lebanon. Remembering the
sunset from Black Peak, the country’s highest mountain, he was drawn to return
there when he studied abroad. He chose the American University of Beirut to
learn more about the Middle East and to satisfy curiosities about a cultural region
he left so long ago.
What John found was a population of open-minded people in “the most beautiful city in the world, where you can meet people from 10 different religions and
races and talk to them all.” Recalling the openness of the culture there, he smiles,
citing times when he was invited into neighbors’ homes so they could meet him.
Enjoying his first time away as an adult, John stayed past the semester’s end
into the summer, but war broke out during those heated months of ‘06. He was
shocked at the devastation, but humbled by the actions of the communities. “I
saw people of all classes take care of one another, whether it be with food or
with shelter.”
War taught John strength and gave him confidence. “You realize that life is
a gift that can be taken away at any second; and in seeing people of all faiths
pull together, I have come to love my fellow man.” The challenges people faced
opened his eyes to the harsh reality of war. These memories, and a deeper awareness of understanding and compassion, remain with him today.
As he enters his senior year at Suffolk, John looks forward to a future at
law school. He credits his growth abroad for opening his eyes to life’s realities.
“Studying abroad, especially in Beirut, made me appreciate all the privileges we
have in the U.S. and to recognize that we truly do live in the land of opportunity;
what a waste to let those opportunities slip by.”
Andrew Curley, 24
Hometown: Navajo Reservation, NM
Major: General Psychology Minor: Film Studies
Andrew Curley learns best by getting involved. Tall and soft spoken, he
became active in raising awareness at his school in Santa Monica, California.
“I heard information about fair trade on the radio, and wondered how I could
leverage the cause.”
After working on campus petitions, Andrew interned with Global Exchange,
an international human rights organization, traveling to South America on vision
summits. In Nicaragua, visiting coffee farms and processing plants, he saw the
struggle of underpaid farmers. “The most inspiring part of the trip was interacting
with the hard working Nicaraguans who toil tirelessly,” Andrew says, “and seeing
the positive outlook they maintain despite their difficult circumstances.”
At Suffolk, Andrew petitioned for fair trade coffee in school cafeterias and
succeeded. He went on to InterFuture programs in Tanzania and Ghana, learning about the “lack of opportunity for youth there.” His trips to coffee farms
abroad have solidified his beliefs. “If organizations would sacrifice a small portion of their profit for Fair Trade certification and payment, they could make a
tremendous difference in the lives of those producers from whom they procure
their products.”
Andrew became vocal in the Boston Fair Trade Coalition, and used his growing knowledge to strengthen United Students for Fair Trade. In 2005, his personal
writings were published in Letters from Young Activists after Suffolk professor
Mark Rudd encouraged him to send a submission to the editors. “Looking at
local action on campus and seeing it as a reporter, I need to inspire change,” says
Andrew, who also contributes numerous editorials to The Suffolk Journal.
For the future, Andrew plans to attend graduate school to study social policy
and Indian issues in economic development. He hopes to use fair trade to educate student communities, and he still emphasizes the great importance of “making U.S. students aware of their connection to a greater world community and
their responsibilities to it.”
students today//AROUND CAMPUS
Text//Suffolk Students IMAGES//Kindra CLINEFF
e urban eclectic ambitious accepting personal earnest excellence strength professional lively international
Alumni Magazine
External Awards + Recognitions
Meghan Tracy was selected to the 2007 GNAC
Women’s All-Tournament Team.
Kimberly Kelly won the Angelo Donghia Foundation Scholarship, based on a portfolio of commercial and residential interior design work; the
scholarship will pay her tuition and supplies for
her senior year.
Marc Exarhopoulos received the Ahepa College Scholarship Award
Caitlin Casey received an educational award
from the Zonta Club of Medford.
Tammy Glivinski was awarded the Geraldine F.
Lavin Memorial Scholarship from the Cape Cod
Alex Pollock was selected to receive the Grace
Le Vine Theater Award, a $10,000 theater
scholarship from the Princess Grace Foundation, and a National Award for Acting from the
Kennedy Center.
cultural hidden local community metropolitan encouraging stimulati
Theodore Goodell’s play, Linoleum, was given
second place at the Region I Kennedy Center
American College Theatre Festival, and he was
awarded a one-year membership in the Dramatists Guild of America.
Christina Watka won the Johnson Paints Creativity Award for a piece she submitted in the
Boston Copley Society of Arts 18th annual Student Show.
Jonathan Orsini was nominated as Best
Actor in a Small Company by the Independent
Reviews of New England for his role as Justin in
Company One’s After Ashley.
Internal Awards + Recognitions
Jennifer Fogg was awarded the Charles Law
Alumni Student Athlete Award.
David Perruzzi was awarded the Migliorini
Memorial Award in Chemistry/Biochemistry.
Bryan Daley was awarded the Bettylee M.
Greenberg Family Memorial Scholarship.
Lindsey Howe was awarded the Dr. Richard T.
Bray Memorial Award in Journalism.
Tabbatha Dio was awarded the William F.
Homer Memorial Award in Journalism.
Erica Lawton was awarded the James E. and
Rose E. Doherty Journalism Scholarship.
Aya Sallat was awarded the Martin J. Flaherty
Memorial Award. continued on p.17
students today//AROUND CAMPUS
ltural hidden local community metropolitan encouraging stimulating diverse urban eclectic ambitious accepting
Alumni Magazine
Internal Awards continued...
Ryan Martin was awarded the Ella M. Murphy
Memorial Scholarship.
Kaitlin Buckley was awarded the Harry Zohn
Scholarship for Excellence in English.
Caroline Nash was awarded the Rosalie L.
Warren Prize for Distinguished Achievement in
Susan Bondaryk and Kaitlin Buckley were
awarded the Stanley M. Vogel Scholarship in
Kaitlin DeCilio was awarded the George J.
Levy History Prize.
Heather Woods was awarded the Harald T.
Reiche Memorial Award in Philosophy.
Edward Nuzzo was awarded the Rosalie L.
Warren Prize in Philosophy.
Colleen Finnerty was awarded the Elizabeth S.
Williams Psychology Scholarship.
Megan Costello and Cordelia Pisacane were
awarded the Dorothy M. McNamara Alumni
personal earnest excellence strength professional lively internationa
Who’s Who Among Students in
American Universities
and Colleges, 2007
Ndiaye Aristilde
Sarah Baldwin
Amanda Bellamy
Nicholas Bosse
Kimberly Brooks
Christopher Chartier
Michael Conte
Patricia Counihan
Heather Cox
Mary Curley
Jonathan Darden
Chantarella De Blois
Danielle DiRuzza
Colleen Finnerty
Crystal Grant
John Hamm
Max Koskoff
Sarah Krull
Alyssa Lemenager
Nina Leuzzi
Donald McKay
Antonio Ortiz
Nathan Patten
Beatriz Perez
Erica Polleys
Michelines Quinones
Victoria Salimov
Karla Schallies
Jeremy Shepard
Courtney Sprague
Molly Stark Dean
Chantha Toeum
Joseph Wolk
The College of Arts and Sciences students listed
above are recipients of an annual award given to
outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic
ability, participation and leadership in academic and
extra curricular activities and community service.
the faculty//sCHOLARS
Distinguished Scholars in Residence
Robert Brustein
first came to the College of Arts and Sciences
as part of the Distinguished Visiting Scholars program. He became a full-time
faculty member in the spring of 2007, assuming the role of a Distinguished
Scholar in Residence. During the past few months, Brustein has lectured in
various classes on Shakespearian tragedies, directing and theatre criticism;
met one-on-one with the Theatre Department’s graduating seniors; and participated in the University’s 2007 Academic Conference, “Scholarship of Application: Integration and Connection,” moderating the panel “The Artist, University
and Society” and joining the panel hosted by Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg, “Iraq
and Vietnam: A Conversation.” In the fall of 2007, the Theatre Department will
be producing his play, The English Channel as part of the Centennial Celebration and the official dedication of the C. Walsh Theatre. Also in 2007, Brustein is
organizing a celebrity panel featuring Shakespearian scholar Steven Greenblatt
and Oscar nominated actor F. Murray Abraham.
During his career, Brustein, the founding director of the Yale Repertory and
American Repertory Theatres, has overseen more than 200 productions, acting in eight and directing at least 12 of his own adaptations, including The
Father; Ghosts; and the trilogy of Pirandello works: Six Characters in Search
of an Author, Right You Are (If You Think You Are), and Tonight We Improvise.
He is the author of 13 books about theatre and society, including Reimagining
American Theatre, The Theatre of Revolt, Making Scenes—his memoir chronicling the days when he was dean of the Drama School at Yale, Who Needs
Theatre, Dumbocracy in America, and Cultural Calisthenics, The Siege of the
Arts, and his most recent book, Millennial Stages: Essays and Reviews 2001
- 2005. Brustein’s book, Who Needs Theatre?, won him his second George
Jean Nathan Award for dramatic criticism. He has also won numerous awards
for journalism, professional excellence in theatre, outstanding creative achievement, and distinguished service to the arts.
James Carroll has the distinction of being the first participant
in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Distinguished Visiting Scholars program
and is now with the College on a permanent basis as a Distinguished Scholar
in Residence. During his stay at Suffolk University, he has visited numerous
classes discussing journalism, history, current events, the writing process, and
more; has given readings from his new book, House of War: The Pentagon and
the Disastrous Rise of American Power; and was the key-note speaker at the
Yom Hashoah Commemoration (Holocaust Remembrance Day) sponsored by
the Suffolk University Hillel. He participated in the conference, “The Transatlantic Relationship at the Dawn of the New Millennium” organized by associate
dean Sebastian Royo and associate professor Roberto Dominguez (Government
Department) and in the University’s 2007 Academic Conference, “Scholarship of
Application: Integration and Connection,” sitting on the panel, “Iraq and Vietnam:
A Conversation,” hosted by Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg.
Carroll is an award-winning author and a columnist for the Boston Globe. His
novels include Madonna Red, Mortal Friends (New York Times bestseller), Family
Trade, Prince of Peace, The City Below, and Secret Father. His memoir, American
Requiem: God, My Father and the War that Came Between Us, won the National
Book Award in 1996. He has published Constantine’s Sword: the Church and
the Jews: A History, which was a New York Times bestseller and listed as a
Best Book of 2001 by the Los Angeles Times and the Christian Science Monitor;
Toward a New Catholic Church: The Promise of Reform, in response to the Catholic Church abuse scandal; and Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War, a compilation of op-ed pieces written for the Boston Globe since 9/11. His most recent
work, House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power,
a history of the Pentagon, was called “the first great non-fiction book of the new
millennium” by the Chicago Tribune.
Alumni Magazine
Distinguished Visiting Scholars
Tahir Al-Bakaa came to
the College of Arts and Sciences in
the fall of 2006 through the Scholar
Rescue Fund, which first found
him a place at the Harvard Graduate School of Education after four
attempts on his life forced him to
leave Iraq in 2005. Since his stay at
Suffolk University, he has lectured
at numerous schools in the Boston
Public School system. He will
continue to be a visiting professor
at the College of Arts and Sciences
through the 2007-2008 academic
year. Al-Bakaa was born in Thikar,
Iraq in 1950. He moved to Baghdad
in 1975, earning his undergraduate and master’s degrees, and then a Ph.D.
in Iranian History, at Baghdad University, specializing in Middle Eastern history
and politics. He began his teaching career in 1983 in the history department of
Al Mustansiriyana University and in 2003 became president of the University.
Al-Bakaa is the former minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
and served on Iraq’s National Assembly and Constitution Writing Committee.
He has authored four books and 58 research papers.
James Bamford is a
College of Arts and Sciences alumnus
(Government). As a Distinguished
Visiting Scholar, Bamford spoke in
numerous classes; sat on a panel,
“Deception and War Making”; gave
several lectures, including this year’s
Lowell Lecture, “Spying on Everyone:
The NSA, America’s Most Secret
Agency, Turns Inward,” and a lecture
on his involvement in the federal wire
tapping case, “The Essential Facts
About the Case of Bamford, ACLU v.
NSA.” He participated in roundtable
discussions, “The Man Who Sold
the War” and “Eavesdropping: The
Problem of Dirty Hands.” He was also the keynote speaker at an alumni event,
“Warrantless Eavesdropping: Is the President Above the Law?” Bamford has
published Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultrasecret NSA, From the Cold
War to the Dawn of the New Century; The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA,
America’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency and most recently A Pretext for War:
9/11, Iraq and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies. He was the Washington investigative producer of World News Tonight with Peter Jennings on
ABC from 1989-1998.
Maxine Hong Kingston,
as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar,
visited classes, gave readings, and
shared her wisdom on topics ranging
from writing to current events. She
participated in the University’s 2007
Academic Conference, “Scholarship of
Application: Integration and Connection,” as a member of two panels, “The
Artist, University and Society,” and
“Iraq and Vietnam: A Conversation.”
Kingston, an award-winning author, has
published Woman Warrior: Memoirs of
a Girlhood Among Ghosts; China Men;
Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book;
Hawaii One Summer; To Be a Poet; The
Fifth Book of Peace; and her most recent work, Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace.
She is known for writing novels that draw on her family’s background as Chinese
immigrants to the United States. Woman Warrior won the National Book Critic’s Circle
Award for nonfiction and China Men won the American Book Award for nonfiction. In
1997, she was awarded the National Humanities Award by the National Endowment
for the Humanities. Kingston is a senior lecturer at University of California, Berkeley,
where she teaches creative writing.
Beatrice Lazzerini visited
the College of Arts and Sciences in
October 2006 to kick off the 20062007 Distinguished Visiting Scholars
program. During her stay at the
College, Lazzerini gave two public
lectures, “Some Like it Soft: Fundamentals of Soft Computing” and “Soft
Computing: Basics and Applications.”
She made contact with a number
of students; visited the freshman
seminar, “History of Computing and
Computers”; held open office hours
for all students; and discussed
special lab projects with the Math
and Computer Science Department.
Lazzerini received the Laurea degree in Computer Science from the University
of Pisa and the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering from the University
of Florence. Currently she is a full professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the
University of Pisa, Italy where she teaches “Intelligent Systems.” Her research
focus lies in the area of Computational Intelligence, with a concentration in fuzzy
systems, neural networks and evolutionary computation. She is the co-author of
seven books and has published more than 130 papers in international journals
and conferences.
the faculty//IN PRINT
Communication and Journalism
Government continued
A Home on Haven Street
Joseph C. Nahil and Christopher Nahil
Towards the Completion of Europe
Roberto Domínguez and Joaquín Roy (editors)
2006, Massachusetts Institute of
2006, Miami European Union Center, University of Miami
Technology Press
From a variety of angles, theoretical approaches,
and a balanced national and regional perspective,
this volume contributes to the analysis of the EU in
general and the 2004 enlargement in particular, its
background and consequences.
Commissioned by MIT, the authors use
MIT archives and personal interviews to
trace the history of three families that
have occupied the Dedham site since
the 1870s.
History continued
House of War: The Pentagon and the
Disastrous Rise of American Power
James Carroll
2006, Houghton Mifflin
This history of the Pentagon chronicles the institution from World War II to our current situation in
Iraq, drawing on personal reflections, historical
research and interviews to discuss its influence on
American government, policy and society.
Places in the Bone
Carol Dine
Portugal, España e a Integração
Sebastían Royo (editor)
A History of Suffolk University
David Robbins
2005, Rutgers University Press
2005, Um Balanco, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais
Dine’s memoir is an account of loss, survival and the
redemptive power of art. The book received favorable
reviews in Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal and
Foreword. Norman Mailer wrote, “(Dine’s) prose is a
poet’s prose, often beautiful...”
This volume examines how the integration
process has affected political, economic, and
social developments in Portugal and Spain over
the last 15 years, comparing the integration
experiences and the domestic impact of European Union membership.
Images and archival materials in this Centennial
edition chronicle Suffolk’s history and the founding of
the three colleges. Accounts of students, faculty and
staff combine to paint the picture of Suffolk’s growth
into the university it is today.
The Generation of Ideas:
A Thematic Reader
Quentin Miller
The Boston Massacre
Robert Allison
2005, Thompson and Wadsworth
2006, Beverly Commonwealth Editions
This college-level composition textbook provides
a wide array of contemporary and classic essays
organized into themes reflecting students’ past
experiences in adolescence, present experiences in college, and future experiences in
contemporary society.
Everyone knows about the Boston Massacre. This
book tells the story, and also explains why the
riot on March 5, 1770 launched a revolution, and
why Americans in the 19th and 20th century still
remember that fatal night.
The Interesting Narrative of
Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa,
the African
Revised Edition
Robert Allison (editor)
Prose and Cons: Essays on Prison
Literature in the United States
Quentin Miller (editor)
2005, McFarland and Company Inc.
This collection of scholarly essays provides a critical
forum for literature written by prisoners and/or about
the prison experience. The book is organized into
four categories: race and ethnicity, gender, ideology,
and aesthetics and language.
2006, Bedford Books
A best-selling book when it was written in the
1780s, Equiano’s Narrative remains the most vivid
eye-witness account of the slave trade. The new
introduction considers the political and literary
importance of Equiano’s life and voice.
The European Union and Regional
Integration: A Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas
Roberto Domínguez and Joaquín Roy
Stephen Decatur: American Naval Hero
Robert Allison
2005, University of Miami, European Commission
The youngest captain in the U.S. Navy, Stephen
Decatur was the greatest American naval hero of
the 19th-century. This biography illuminates his
brief but exciting life, and the tumultuous times in
which he lived.
2005, University of Massachusetts Press
What are the lessons of the integration processes
in the Western Hemisphere? Tentative answers
are drawn in articles analyzing these processes in
North America, the Caribbean and Central America,
South America and the Hemispheric Integration.
Alumni Magazine
2006, Arcadia Publishing
Impossible to Hold:
Women and Culture in the 1960s
Lauri Umansky and Avital H. Bloch (editors)
2005, New York University Press
Sixteen original essays on the diverse lives of
women—some famous, some not—who helped to
shape religion, sports, literature, music, and other
aspects of the long decade of “the sixties” in the
United States.
Caogen cai shi zhuliu [A Voice of the
Yong Xue
2007, Shaanxi Normal University Press, Xian, Shaanxi
Every citizen should have equal opportunity to
participate in political discourse. This book criticizes the “mainstream economists” who argue
that public opinion is irrational and should not be
used to influence public policy.
Zhongguo buneng yongyuan wei shijie
dagong [China Cannot Always Be a
Part-Time Worker for the World]
Yong Xue
2006, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
The book argues that China should not become
a Wal-Mart nation that can only provide limitless
amounts of cheap labor for large international
History continued
Humanities and Modern Languages
Zhongguo wenhua de bianjie [The
Boundary of Chinese Culture]
Yong Xue
España: ¿La Berrinto De Exilos?
Sandra Barriales-Bouche (editor)
2006, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
In this collective volume, 14 scholars from a variety
of disciplines offer new insights into the cultural
manifestations of the multiple exiles that have
occurred in the history of Spain.
Targeting the cultural conservative movement in
China, the book argues that Chinese culture has
no boundary. Western culture is our common
heritage and should be a part of Chinese culture.
Acceptance and Mindfulness-Based
Approaches to Anxiety: Conceptualization and Treatment
Susan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer (editors)
2005, Juan de la Cuesta
2005, Springer
Orsillo and Roemer developed and scientifically
investigated the efficacy of a therapy integrating
acceptance and mindfulness with cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat anxiety.
Jingying de jieti
[The Ladder to the Elite]
Yong Xue
Camus: Carnets
George Kalogeris
2006, Xinxing chubanshe, Beijing
Carnets is a verse sequence based on the diary notebooks of Albert Camus.
This book is a personal observation of American
higher education and American culture.
Meiguo shi ruhe peiyang jingying de
[Elite Education in America]
Yong Xue
2005, Xinxing chubanshe, Beijing
This book is a personal observation of American
higher education and American culture.
Shui de daxue
[Whose are the Universities?]
Yong Xue
2005, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
This book criticizes and predicts the failure of the
recent campaign of using taxpayers’ money to
build several “world-class universities.”
Xuanyao de zuqiu
[Conspicuous Soccer]
Yong Xue
2005, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
The book analyzes China’s soccer industry in its transition to a commercial sport from a political sport.
Baby Steps: How Lesbian Alternative
Insemination is Changing the World
Amy Agigian
2006, Pressed Wafer
2005, Paperback Edition, Wesleyan University Press
The only scholarly book to examine the broad
cultural ramifications of lesbian alternative
insemination, this thorough analysis of lesbian
kinship and procreation is an invaluable tool
for anyone wanting to understand the complex
stakes involved in AI.
Math and Computer Science
An Introduction to Design
Patterns in C++ with Qt 4
Paul Ezust and Alan Ezust
Uninsured in America: Life and Death
in the Land of Opportunity
Susan Starr Sered and Rushika Fernandopulle
2006, Prentice Hall
For those with some mastery of programming
who wish to learn Object Oriented Programming
in C++. Readers are shown how they can quickly
learn to write complex, multi-platform programs
with graphical user interfaces.
Annie’s CS101: A Charting Approach to
Computer Programming
Dmitry Zinoviev
2006, Lulu
Computer programming for an inexperienced audience, using Python - an easy, popular, and powerful
programming language. The emphasis is on the
way computer programmers think when they are
dealing with their (and our) problems.
Data, Networks, Programs:
Social and Technical Aspects
Dmitry Zinoviev
2007, 2ND Edition, University of California
The experiences of the uninsured show how
the current American link between employment
and health care forms a “death spiral” trapping
millions of men and women in situations of
marginal employment and marginal and deteriorating health.
Millenial Stages: Essays and
Reviews 2001-2005
Robert Brustein
2006, Yale University Press
A compilation of essays exploring important
issues facing the nation after September 11,
2001. Brustein analyzes how these events
have affected the world of theatre by examining specific plays, performers, and productions
across the world.
2005, Lulu
An introduction to social informatics, the book shows
what’s “running under the hood” of a computer and
a computer network, where threats are coming from,
and how the advent of computers and networks is
changing our society.
Eastern Questions: Hellenism and
Orientalism in the Writings of E.M.
Forster and C.P. Cavafy
Peter Jeffreys
The American Repertory Theatre
Reference Book: The Brustein Years
Marilyn Plotkins
2005, Praeger
The American Repertory Theatre, founded at Yale
University by Robert Brustein, became known for
its progressive and provocative productions. This
volume records the personnel, casts, opening
date, commentary and a critique for every
2005, E LT Press
A New Historicist reading of two of the 20th century’s
great modernists that includes unpublished documents, newly edited unfinished poetry, and lesserknown texts, both fictional and nonfictional.
the faculty//SPOTLIGHT
Above: Editor Jennifer Barber reviews manuscripts and poems
submitted to Salamander for publication in future issues of the
literary journal.
A Little Magazine With Big Plans
Literary magazines are like indie films: they
exist to present new talent and showcase new visions.
Over time, those talents and visions become known
to a wider circle, influencing the future direction of the
arts and the public’s appreciation for the arts.
I first became aware of literary journals—sometimes called little magazines to distinguish them from
the larger-format, glossy commercial magazines—
through publications such as Kayak, Georgia Review,
and Poetry, which captivated me in the 1970s both
as a reader and an aspiring writer. Each had a distinctive look and feel; each published very different
kinds of writing.
In the late 1980s, I began to notice that few literary magazines had been started by my generation.
I wanted to create a magazine that would highlight
outstanding, little-known writers, connecting them
with an audience of readers.
Alumni Magazine
One fall, while working intensively on some
poems of my own in upstate New York, I saw a salamander by the side of the road, a brilliant orangepink against the dry gold grasses. In poems by Keats
and the French poet Robert Marteau, the salamander of myth, capable of withstanding fire, symbolizes
endurance, transformation, and the power of imagination. It was a fitting concept for the new journal,
and Salamander subsequently made its debut in
1992—80 pages, perfect-bound, with a cover illustration of a dress floating out of a suitcase. Today, 24
issues later, the magazine is thriving.
Many of the writers who appeared in Salamander
early in their careers have flourished. We have published fiction by writers who went on to receive the
Pen/Hemingway Award, the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award, and the Pulitzer Prize. Our
poets and translators have also earned major honors
“ stimulating, eclectic selection of fiction, poetry, and memoir…
work that will stay in your mind long after you finish the magazine.” —NewPages website
and awards, among them the National Book Award,
the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Times Literary Supplement Translation Prize, and the Walt Whitman Award.
Salamander and Suffolk: a Synergy
I joined the Suffolk English Department faculty in
2004, and Salamander relocated from my attic to its
new office in the Fenton Building. With support from
Suffolk, the magazine is moving forward on several
fronts. Valerie Duff-Strautmann and Catherine Parnell have joined the magazine as poetry and fiction
editors, respectively; Peter Brown is senior editor,
and I continue as editor-in-chief. We’ve increased
the amount of fiction we publish, and we’ve added
a portfolio of visual art in each
issue. Submissions to the magazine from all parts of the country—and from overseas—are up
The synergy between Salamander and Suffolk works in multiple ways. Salamander’s ongoing presence at Suffolk highlights
the College’s commitment to literature. Readings sponsored by
professors Anthony Merzlak and
Fred Marchant bring renowned
writers to the College’s new
Poetry Center, the perfect venue
for these events. Salamander’s
subscribers and others in the literary community have begun to
take note of Suffolk as an important place for literary events in
Boston. In addition, Suffolk students with an interest in creative writing and publishing have the opportunity to serve as Salamander
interns, gaining valuable experience in all aspects of
magazine production.
Salamander has big plans for the future. In order
to continue to attract the best emerging and established writers to our pages, we aim to increase the
honoraria we pay, through a fundraising campaign
focused on garnering significant individual donations.
We are also in the process of broadening our subscriber base through mailings and advertising, and
we’ve been taking an active role in literary publishing
conferences on both the national and regional level.
The launching of an annual Salamander Fiction and
Poetry Prize will allow us to identify new talent and
further raise our profile.
When I put Salamander’s first issue side by side
with our current issue, I find striking differences and
similarities. The current issue is nearly twice as long,
has a full-color cover and eight-page art portfolio inside, and includes considerably more fiction;
a 10-page book review section
rounds out the magazine, keeping our readers informed of new
titles. But there’s a fundamental
similarity: both offer evocative
new literary works, works that
have the power to challenge and
delight readers with the worlds
they create.
The poet Frank Stanford
once wrote in a letter to Michael
Cuddihy, editor of Ironwood,
“There is only one train running for poets…the little magazines are the box cars, hauling our goods.” I feel privileged
to edit Salamander at Suffolk: I
have the lucky task of loading up
the box cars with one-of-a-kind
goods on the way to readers.
Like those readers, I get to listen
early on to the new voices and visions that continue
to shape the way we understand our world.
Jennifer Barber is assistant professor of English at Suffolk. Her
poetry collection Rigging the Wind received the Kore Press First Book
Award in 2002 and was published in 2003. She is the recipient of a
2004 Pushcart Prize and a 2005 St. Botolph Foundation Grant-in-Aid.
Girlfriends Braiding
Each Other’s Hair
(for Chip)
But now they are safe: one seated
before the slender and dutiful other,
the ivory handled mirror that has stayed
in her family glass-up on the rug; the sunlight
finding its own temporal girlishness,
while one brushes her best friend’s
sacrum-length hair, lifts a swath at a time of it
into her palm and untangles it first
without pulling; then strokes it
from root to end with the boar bristles,
weaving it in, and does the same
with the next and the third
although they were fighting
and crying an hour ago over a boy,
over who had turned in the best
essay on freedom. They have reached this
feminine peace and their faces
are faces of women
they will be in good time, women
who have always done this in the end:
not only two but a circle of women,
seated, not facing each other.
Salamander is published twice a year, in December and May. Two-year, four-issue subscriptions are $23. For more
FRannie Lindsay
information, visit the Salamander website, www.salamandermag.org. For a sample copy of the magazine, email
(Salamander, vol. 12, no. 2)
Jennifer Barber at jbarber@suffolk.edu.
Text//Robert Conlin IMAGES//Carl Merrill & Mateja Nenadovic
Suffolk’s DISTANT
Dramatic tides and hands-on research characterize a living laboratory in Maine
The group of Suffolk biology students gathered on the shore of Cobscook Bay
on the Maine coast surely could think of other things to do—like sleeping in—on the
sparkling Saturday morning of Columbus Day weekend.
Alumni Magazine
Below: Hank Stence’s grow-out structure in his hatchery for sea
urchins at the nearby Peacock Cannery in Lubec, Maine, one of many
sites students visit as part of their studies. Formerly called “green
gold,” the urchin population has been decimated by over-harvesting;
researchers are now designing new, sustainable growing methods.
Below: East Quoddy Head Light on Campobello Island marks the
eastern passage of the Passamoquoddy-Cobscook Bay Complex.
To reach the lighthouse, students cross the intertidal zone at low
tide, or pass by on whalewatching trips.
Below Right: Freshman Erica Feather hikes along a trail in West
Quoddy Head State Park in Lubec. Students visit the park frequently
to explore the rocky cliffs and high vantage points characteristic of
northern Maine’s coastline.
Nothing, however, would have produced the
slack-jawed awe they experienced as they watched
the 24-foot spring tide thundering out of the bay.
Churning up the 500-yard gap between Falls Island
and Mahar Point with white water, the torrent tossed
logs and other flotsam on its current like toothpicks.
As the tide approached the tipping point between
going out and coming in through Cobscook Reversing Falls, Suffolk University Associate Professor of
Biology Carl Merrill urged the group of students, scientists, researchers and visitors to observe quietly.
“Just listen and watch,” he said.
In a silence punctuated only by the muffled riffle of water as it slowed to a stop, the tide gently
reversed course and headed back into the Bay, picking up speed and volume as millions of gallons of
water flowed back toward Canada’s New Brunswick
shore on the Bay of Fundy.
This dramatic scene has been playing out on the
shores of Cobscook Bay four times daily (two high
tides, two low) for as long as the present day topography of Maine’s coast has existed. Professor Merrill has
watched it countless times since he began bringing
Suffolk students to Reversing Falls in 1982. That was
the year he became coordinator of the Friedman Field
Station, Suffolk’s crown jewel of a distant outpost, and
the home base for this crowd of appreciative spectators gathered on a spectacular autumn morning.
Located in the township of Edmunds – a speck
on the map if there ever was one – the Friedman Field
Station is a well-kept Suffolk secret. Although it is
well known in the scientific community, it hardly registers beyond those circles.
This lack of recognition preserves the station’s
solitude, says research assistant Mateja Nenadovic.
A native of Belgrade, Serbia, Nenadovic attended
Suffolk’s Madrid, Spain campus before coming to
Boston to study. He graduated with a biology degree
and is now enrolled in the Marine Biology master’s
program at the University of Maine/Orono.
“This is an amazing place,” he notes, an early
morning blaze in the fieldstone fireplace crackling
behind him in the station’s main building and cafeteria. “I’ve been coming here since my junior year in the
biology program at Suffolk in 2003 and every year I
can’t wait to come back. It’s so beautiful. From a scientific viewpoint there is no replacement for being in
the field and observing nature. I’ve benefited greatly
from this place.”
Nenadovic and others who are familiar with the
station say that Suffolk could take better advantage of it, using it as a tool to draw new students
Alumni Magazine
and to promote the university on a wider scale. It is
a resource that many other higher education institutions would love to have, agree two visiting scientists
from North Carolina who are gathering field research
on the spawning habits of blue mussels.
The station sits on land donated by Professor
Robert Friedman, the former chair of the biology program at Suffolk. He also donated money toward the
construction of some of the buildings at the station.
A consortium of New England colleges put up more
money to construct additional buildings and the station was formally opened in 1973 by Dr. Arthur West,
a longtime biology department chair at Suffolk.
It has grown and evolved over the years, but the
overall sense of the place is of a rustic summer camp.
Set back off a quiet country road, the station consists of a cluster of faded green structures: the main
building, a number of simple research buildings, and a
gathering of basic cabins for visitors. A sand volleyball
court, a basketball hoop and a small solar dome constructed by the Suffolk Physics Department to produce hot water round out the station’s amenities.
“We’ve tried to keep it really unobtrusive and
to blend into the natural environment,” says Merrill,
who became the director of the station in 1998. “The
cabins, for example, were designed to replace tents
From a scientific viewpoint there is no replacement for being in the
field and observing nature. I’ve benefited greatly from this place.
Above: In the middle of the rocky intertidal zone of West Quoddy Head State
Park, an area dominated by strong wind-generated waves characteristic of the
regions just outside of Cobscook Bay, senior Andy Ellison searches for invertebrates sheltered by the seaweed.
In a silence punctuated only by the muffled riffle of water as it slowed to
a stop, the tide gently reversed course and headed back into the Bay…
Above: Biology professor Dr. Henry Mulcahy observes water
passing between Campobello Island and the mainland on its way
from the Reversing Falls. West Quoddy Head Light, the eastern
most point of the U.S., overlooks the channel.
Alumni Magazine
Below: Students and staff sit high above the rocky intertidal zone
at West Quoddy Head State Park, watching the pounding surf.
Minke whales, harbor seals, porpoises, and white-sided dolphins
can often be seen swimming in the water below.
Below Right: A northern red sea anemone, Tealina felina, is
sheltered by wrackweed in a tidepool. This beautiful animal is a
competent predator, armed with stinging cells for immobilizing or
capturing small fish or other invertebrates.
really. Our goal is to create a sense of community
and to break down some of the isolation of the modern world.”
They succeed with virtually every group of students that makes the eight-hour trek from Boston,
points out the station’s educational program coordinator, Francine Rodman. A native of Cape Cod who
now lives in nearby Lubec, Rodman raises turkeys
and “wrinkles” (local vernacular for gathering snails
for the Asian and European markets) when she’s not
at the station during the summer. She says that a
common thread binds all of the groups together.
“The first night they arrive it’s so quiet you can
hear a pin drop. By the time the last night rolls around
people are laughing, playing Twister, acting goofy
together,” Rodman remarks.
The station’s remoteness, rudimentary facilities, and geographic beauty, as well as its focus on
the timeless and complex rhythms of the natural
marine world, influence students profoundly, Rodman observes.
“When it’s time to go you get some crying. It’s a
pretty unique place in that regard.”
This Columbus Day weekend gathering is the last
of the summer. On Monday, the station will be closed
for the year, as visiting groups of biology, ecology and
field botany students give way to the howling winds
and lockjaw cold of a Downeast Maine winter.
Now though, that frozen future seems far away. As
the sun warms and evaporates the morning dew, the
students walk down to the touch tank set up in a lab on
the shores of the inlet. Urchins, mussels, sea cucumbers, lobster and other indigenous creatures dwell in
the tank, which is supplied with pumped in sea water.
Patrick Spain, a 2002 Suffolk biology graduate
and enthusiastic Friedman visitor since 1998, shows
three tow-headed boys a moon snail enveloping a
mussel, an unlikely sight and one only a sharp-eyed
animal observer could spot. Since graduating, Spain
has worked in the biotechnology field in Cambridge, a
common landing spot for biology graduates. It is clear,
however, that the lanky, infectiously enthusiastic Spain
would rather be outside the confines of a laboratory.
“My passion is to be outdoors observing nature. I love
field work and I got my real taste for it here. This place
opened my eyes to the beauty of the natural world,” he
notes. Showing the three visitors the faint marks of a
recent rattlesnake bite (it was defanged), Spain explains
that he is in conversation with Animal Planet and Discovery Channel about producing and hosting a TV show
about the natural world. The pilot, recently shot in Arizona, has been well received, he adds.
In his enthusiasm for the natural world, Patrick
Spain demonstrates the value of a place like the
Friedman Field Station. While the world buzzes and
hums with distortion—cell phones and satellite TV,
chat rooms and in-your-face advertising—the hushed
beauty of Cobscook Bay invites contemplation and
intellectual curiosity, the pillars of learning.
“I’ve never been anywhere so completely isolated
and so serene,” says Kevin Jordan, an environmental
science freshman at Suffolk, as he sits and looks out
at Reversing Falls. “I’m really glad I came.”
Robert Conlin, 47, lives in the coastal Maine town of Boothbay with
his wife and four children. They all spend as much time in or on the
sea as possible.
R. S. Friedman Field Station
The 40-acre field station is home to a spectacular array
of wildlife in natural habitats of rocky and soft-bottom
intertidal areas, salt marshes, bogs, rivers, lakes, ponds,
fields, and forests. Intensive, three-week field and laboratory courses include marine biology, ecology, and field
botany. For more information, visit the Friedman Field
Station website: http://www.suffolk.edu/research/1498.html.
Above: The newly-renovated C. Walsh Theatre, November 2006, set for the
Theatre Department’s fall production of Candide, or Optimism.
Alumni Magazine
The Spotlight Shines on Theatre this Centennial Year
A flashlight flickers onstage at the
newly renovated C. Walsh Theatre one March
evening in 2007. The first flash is followed
by several more, creating a ballet of light as
Centennial: about a hundred years opens to
an expectant audience. The play, associate
professor Wesley Savick’s original tribute
to Suffolk University as part of the yearlong Centennial celebration, showcases an
array of talent with more than 40 students
juggling, singing, dancing, and performing
magic and heartbreaking monologues.
Top: “Hold, please!” The technical crew and designers, made
up of students and professionals, work tirelessly in the last days
of rehearsal for Centennial: about a hundred years. From left to
right, Caitlin Allen ’10, Technical Director Steve McIntosh, Purnima
Baldwin ’08, Alison Peronne ’07, and Sound Designer Rick
Above: The view of Candide from C. Walsh Theatre balcony. The
balcony itself was not a part of the first phase of the renovation,
but is slated to be updated this summer.
Center: “I was sitting in class…” Freshman Alba Gosalbez entertains getting a tattoo of the symbol for pi during math class in
Centennial: about a hundred years.
This remarkable collection of skill isn’t a new phenomenon for Suffolk University. What is new, however, is the renovation of the C. Walsh Theatre and
the growth of the Theatre Department. Suffolk University has given both the C. Walsh and the Department unprecedented support in recent years, demonstrating a greater emphasis on the arts than ever
before and a new direction for the University.
Renovate and renew
In October of 2006, the University completed the
first of a three-phase renovation of the C. Walsh Theatre. Principal architect Alan Joslin of Epstein/Joslin
Architects specializes in performance venues and his
design for the C. Walsh represents his warm, modern
aesthetic yet still retains a sense of the original space
and reflects the University’s youthful energy.
The newly-expanded lobby leads into a transformed chamber of vibrant greens and rich browns.
Patinated copper laces the new proscenium arch
Alumni Magazine
framing the front of the stage, and elegant wood paneling enrobes the orchestra. “The colors and materials in the space are intrinsic to Beacon Hill,” explains
assistant professor Richard Chambers, an awardwinning set designer. “They have just been reinterpreted in a modern way. It’s new, but it fits.”
Built in 1920 as “the Auditorium,” the space was
a silent movie house during the day and a lecture hall
for the Law School at night. The University used the
revenue from the movie house to help finance the
operations of the school. In November, 1936, Gleason Archer started the first student theatre group, the
Suffolk Players.
The space underwent its first major renovation
in 1987 with the generous support of Thomas and
Laura Walsh, at which point the Auditorium was
rededicated as the C. Walsh Theatre and the Anne
Walsh Lobby, after Mr. Walsh’s parents. While many
aesthetic and technical improvements were made,
challenges remained.
Above: “One! Singular sensation...” The full cast of Centennial: about
a hundred years performs the finale from the Japanese version of A
Chorus Line, in an exploration of the meaning of 100.
Plotkins is enthusiastic about the renovation plan.
“When I first arrived here 25 years ago, people told me
I’d never get any more than what I had,” she smiles.
“That proved to be a great motivator for me.”
Something out of nothing
By the new millennium, and with the Centennial
celebration approaching, Theatre Department chair
Dr. Marilyn Plotkins thought there couldn’t be a better time to tackle a major project. “My ambition was
to create a master plan, because my interest wasn’t
just to ‘spruce up’ the space but to also investigate
the needs of the various users of the C. Walsh and
create a cohesive multi-use facility.”
Joslin conducted interviews with all the primary
users of the space and developed a renovation plan.
Phase One addressed the aesthetic concerns of
the lower chamber and lobby, added a wheelchair
accessible bathroom, improved the lighting system
and installed a loading door to minimize unnecessary wear on the space and impact on the neighbors. Phases Two and Three, pending approval and
funding, will upgrade the sightlines and finishes in
the balcony, replace the rigging system, remove the
old proscenium arch and reconfigure the crowded
backstage area.
The recent renewal of the C. Walsh Theatre is, in many
ways, a physical reflection of the growth of the Theatre
Department. When Plotkins began her career as the
University’s first theatre professor under the umbrella
of the Communication and Journalism Department in
1982, her arrival signaled a new era for the arts at Suffolk University. “I was hired to create a real student
program,” she says, “to teach classes and integrate
student theatre into the academic curriculum in support of an interdisciplinary theatre major.”
Prior to her arrival, the principal occupants of the
C. Walsh Theatre were a student drama club and
a few professional theatre companies who rented
the space. While the college offered a few theatre
classes, no theatre major existed.
Cobbling together the courses she taught with
curricula from the English and Humanities Departments, Plotkins developed a major and gave students valuable performance experience that had
previously not existed. She directed one show a year
and created an opportunity for students to direct
one-act plays. She also founded the Boston Music
Theatre Project (BMTP), a professional program that
developed new musicals on campus. The momentum of the theatre program was building.
Plotkins built the ideology of the program around
a principle of openness, encouraging all students
in the University to participate in classes and productions. “I was a communication [and journalism]
major, but it was really easy to jump into theatre
here, even as a senior,” says Wayne Chin, class of
’99 and now the Theatre Department’s assistant to
the technical director.
When Suffolk introduced a residential option for
undergraduates, students could more easily participate in artistic activities that required long hours on
campus, and in turn the University began attracting
more students who desired an artistic component in
their education.
Around the same time, Suffolk acquired the New
England School of Art and Design (NESAD). As Dean
Greenberg notes, “They are now one of the most
prosperous parts of the university.” In light of the
successes of the dorms and NESAD, the University
decided to take another risk and in 1999 established
an independent Theatre Department.
With the construction of the new Law School
facility, Plotkins successfully lobbied to move the Theatre Department into the vacated space in the Archer
Building. Over a matter of months, the old Pallot Law
Library, with the help of a generous gift by Quinlan J.
Sullivan, Jr., was transformed into a multi-purpose
performance and classroom space now known as
the Studio Theatre.
The acquisition of the Studio Theatre was crucial
in supporting students to write, direct and develop
original work. “One of the most impressive signs of
robust health in a theatre department is when students, on their own, propose to direct plays that
they’ve written,” observes Savick. “Our students
have been encouraged to put themselves in a place
of self-reliance and make something out of nothing.”
The entrepreneurial spirit of the Department
can be seen in any number of its students—in Theo
Goodell, rehearsing his original play for the upcoming Spring Showcase in the Studio Theatre; in Erin
Schrutt, preparing for a national open call audition
with Savick in his office; in Brian Liberge, reviewing the principles of design with Chambers; and in
Rachel Kelsey, spending the summer working with
Cornerstone Theatre Company on an adaptation of
A Midsummer Night’s Dream with a working-class
community in California. The list goes on.
Looking forward
In addition to space, the University supported an
expansion of the faculty and staff. The results have
been astounding. Ten years ago, Plotkins taught six
classes and only eight students majored or minored
in theatre. Today, 17 faculty members (including
adjuncts) teach 35 classes and 87 students declare a
theatre major or minor. The Department now requires
more classroom, rehearsal and performance space
than the Studio can provide alone.
Left: The Theatre Department weekly staff meeting gathers in Dr.
Marilyn Plotkins’ (center) office. Clockwise from top: Dr. Marilyn
Plotkins, Professor Richard Chambers, Natalie Wombwell, Jim
Bernhardt, Steve McIntosh, Nora Long, Wayne Chin (unseen),
Professor Wesley Savick (unseen), Jim Kaufman.
Below: The Theatre Department strives to provide individual attention and mentoring to all of its students. Here, Dr. Marilyn Plotkins
learns about senior Jonathan Orsini’s exploits in auditioning.
Alumni Magazine
Above: Students prepare to waltz across the Studio Theatre in Period
Dance for Actors taught by adjunct faculty Joshua Legg.
The theatre program is built around a principle of openness, encouraging all
students in the University to participate in classes and productions.
“I see the arts as one of the central areas of
growth in the college over the last several years and
it’s going to continue that way in the future,” says
Dean Greenberg. “A liberal arts education has to
educate a whole person to live a full life, and for me,
the center of the human experience is seeing and
participating in artistic enterprises.”
Even with the growing numbers of students
enrolling in the theatre program, Plotkins will be the
first to admit it’s not about quantity. “I’ve always told
people that I have the best students in the university, and I have always believed it.” Theatre majors,
like many Suffolk students, juggle a variety of commitments. The necessity of putting into practice the
lessons learned in the classroom requires even more
time of already busy students.
“I’ve always felt really at home here,” says senior
Jonathan Orsini, who made his professional theatre
debut in the fall as the melancholy hero of Company
One’s critically-acclaimed After Ashley. “Everyone is
so open and friendly, I know even after I graduate, I
can always come back here.”
Since the beginning, the Theatre Department
has been home to students with the ability and interest to create. As the Department continues to grow,
maintaining an open community remains paramount
to the mission, not unlike Gleason Archer’s original
mission for the school. “Right now we are in the best
place we have ever been,” says Plotkins. “We have
a dynamic community of theatre professionals here
who are smart and gifted and deeply invested in the
richness of our students’ experience.”
Plotkins doesn’t plan to slow the pace of
the Department anytime soon. Begin Again, the
new musical BMTP developed with Suffolk students last year, is currently in development with
the ASCAP/Disney Musical Theatre Workshop.
Savick, who recently received tenure, has created a professional showcase opportunity for students and recent alumni in the National Theatre
of Allston, and Chambers has forged a new outlet
for student designers.
As Centennial: about a hundred years draws to
a close, nine students enter through the new loading door and take their seats onstage, portraying
the first class of the Suffolk University Law School in
1906. The lights change. We are transported ahead
to this March evening in 2007 as the 40-person cast
takes its bow center stage. The scene heralds the
new strength and growing vitality of the College of
Arts and Sciences and the Theatre Department. It is
an event those first nine students could never have
foreseen. One can only imagine what vision a future
stage will hold.
Amy Nora Long joined the Suffolk University Theatre Department in
the Fall of 2006 as Theatre Coordinator. She is a recent graduate of
the American Repertory Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre Institute for
Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University.
Want to hear more about what’s happening in the
Theatre Department? We want to hear from you too! The
Theatre Department publishes a monthly E-Newsletter from September-May with information about
our faculty, students, alumni and performances. Email
Nora at nlong@suffolk.edu if you would like to join our
mailing list or if you have any alumni news for us.
Text//LAURI UMANSKY IMAGES//Kindra Clineff
Two days before the September,
1930 election that gave James Michael
Curley a third run as Mayor of Boston,
a crowd thronged Louisburg Square on
Beacon Hill. The Brahmin inhabitants
of the city’s most exclusive residential
enclave peered from their mansions as
scores of the city’s Irish—and Curley
Exploring matters of social and political importance
himself—scaled the spiked iron fence
that guarded the Square’s private
park. Once inside, amidst the elms
and marble statues of Aristides and
Columbus, Curley declared victory over
the British elite who had oppressed the
Irish on both sides of the Atlantic. “We
claim this land for the people of the city
of Boston!” he shouted. “What are you
going to do about it?”
Alumni Magazine
Above: James Carroll, award-winning author and
Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the College of
Arts and Sciences, Suffolk University
I am a citizen in love with Boston.
Above: Professor Fred Marchant (right) invites James Carroll
(second from right) to participate in his classroom discussion.
Top Right: James Carroll against the classic Beacon Hill brownstone architecture of Myrtle Street.
“This didn’t happen,” says James Carroll, awardwinning author, Boston Globe columnist, and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Suffolk University’s
College of Arts and Sciences. “But it should have.”
The scene comes from the novel Mortal Friends,
the first of Carroll’s planned trilogy about the Irish
in Boston. It reveals an indisputable fact about its
author: He has an ardent and intimate knowledge
of Beacon Hill. A Chicago native and former Paulist
priest, Carroll moved to Boston in 1969 to serve as
Catholic chaplain at Boston University. He has lived
on Beacon Hill for most of the years since.
“Beacon Hill is among the most civilized two hundred acres in the United States,” he says, citing “the
architectural perfection of Beacon Hill, the way the
bricks relate to each other, the grace of the bow-
Alumni Magazine
fronted buildings, the beauty of the windows, the
perfect scale of the neighborhood.”
Carroll discerns the neighborhood’s social architecture with equal clarity, alert to the irony that he, the
grandson of Irish immigrants, now strides with a sense
of belonging through streets that would have tolerated
his forebears only as washerwomen and serving girls.
“The Irish came here as outsiders,” he says. “They
were desperate. They didn’t come here because they
wanted to. They came here because they were going
to die if they didn’t. And Boston was not particularly welcoming to them. But Irish people stayed and
eventually Boston opened itself to them.”
Carroll tells this story in Mortal Friends and The
City Below, novels peopled with Irish revolutionaries
and waterfront bootleggers, ward politicians, a Kennedy or two, and priests devout and corrupt. Defying
the Brahmin stranglehold, the Irish ascend into City
Hall and the State House. Gangsters from Southie and
Charlestown attempt to gouge the Italian competition
from the city’s underbelly. No one wins these wars.
The City Below tumbles through the racial poli-
tics that cleaved this city in the 1970s. Carroll himself bore witness to the busing crisis. Just out of the
priesthood, making his way as a writer, he rode as
a volunteer monitor on school buses bringing black
children to school in predominantly white neighborhoods of the city.
“We rode those buses at 60 miles an hour, with
police escort, to avoid having stones thrown at the
windows. We were instructed to make all the kids lie
down on the floor. That’s how frightening it was.”
He responded to these events with anger and
shame. “And the shame I felt prompted me to say,
‘I’m going to write a novel that explains why these
folks are acting like this.’”
This is a measure of the man: The acts of violence by white Bostonians horrified him. He felt
shamed personally and acted upon that feeling artistically. The masterful writing that emerged heralded
what would become his hallmark as a writer: He
invites readers into his life as a way of exploring matters of social and political importance—war, religion,
prejudice, redemption.
Nowhere does Carroll extend this invitation more
generously than in An American Requiem: God, My
Father, and The War That Came Between Us, for
which he won the1996 National Book Award for nonfiction. Here he depicts a nation gashed on the home
front by a war that also alienated him, a peace activist priest, from his father, an Air Force general and
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during
the bleakest years of the Vietnam War. “The broadly
political is always personal for me,” he writes. “War
had come down to the war between us.”
Carroll’s hallmark generosity has been at the
service of Suffolk University since he joined the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences as Distinguished Scholar in Residence a year ago. Pulled
often from his Fenton building office, he addresses
many classes on topics ranging from the Vietnam
War to Catholic views of stem cell research to Just
War theory. He has visited classes of aspiring undergraduate fiction and memoir writers, participated in
the campus-wide Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), and spoken at numerous conferences
held on campus. Whether invited to read from his
latest book, House of War: The Pentagon and the
Disastrous Rise of American Power, or to meet with
a small group of freshmen, Carroll typically responds,
“I would be honored.”
The College is honored to welcome James Carroll to its faculty. The fit could not be better. The mind
that conjured a Curley incursion into Louisburg Square
surely belongs at the University that planted itself on
Beacon Hill 100 years ago. Suffolk University scaled
the fence of ethnic exclusion, pried open the rarified
enclaves of higher education, and threw wide its gates
to all qualified applicants. One great renegade on the
Hill has gained the friendship of another.
Yet as Carroll gazes from his office window at
the brick-fronted row houses on Hancock Street, he
seems less the rabble rouser than the adoring son of
a great metropolis. “I just love this city,” he says. “I am
a citizen in love with Boston.”
Lauri Umansky is professor of history and associate dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences at Suffolk University.
Above: Award-winning poet Martha Collins reads
from her book, Blue Front, at Suffolk University’s
new Poetry Center.
A Poetry Center’s Time Has Come
A spacious, sunlit room on the third floor of the
new Sawyer Library is ready for the afternoon reading—
rows of chairs face the podium, window blinds filter
glare from the sun, and refreshments wait on a table
in the adjacent room. Gradually people arrive, looking
around the new Poetry Center before selecting a seat
to wait. Some haven’t yet seen the attractive space—
its tall windows overlooking the historic Granary
Burying Ground, large tables and comfortable chairs
inviting quiet contemplation or lively workshops, and
French doors leading to a smaller room with reading
chairs and a wall lined end-to-end with old, leatherbound books—the Zieman Poetry Collection.
The discovery of these volumes by English professor and poet Fred Marchant inspired him and Sawyer
Library Director Bob Dugan to create the Poetry Center
last year. The collection of classic poetry books, dating
from 1675 to 1930, was donated to Suffolk in 1956 by
Irving Zieman but sat unnoticed in library archives for
decades. Zieman did not go to college, but he wrote
and published four books of his own poetry, which,
says library director Bob Dugan, is what makes the
collection so valuable. “He used the collection to teach
himself about poetry, and that to me is all about Suffolk,” says Dugan. “Students here work hard.”
Marchant says the comprehensive collection
is a valuable research tool. “It’s great for teaching
purposes, because students can actually look at
it and use it,” he says, unlike rare book collections
which are often under lock and key. Dugan and
Marchant hope to add both rare and contemporary books of poetry, as well as literary journals,
to the collection.
As the start time for the scheduled reading
approaches, the larger of the two rooms fills. All 50
seats are taken and the space nears capacity with
standing-room only for the crowd. Marchant welcomes the visitors and with customary eloquence
and unmistakeable admiration, he introduces
award-winning poet Martha Collins, author of five
books of poetry. She begins with an excerpt from
her book-length poem, Blue Front, and the audi-
Alumni Magazine
ence listens, somber and intent, to her words of a
lynching her father witnessed as a child.
Collins is one of numerous acclaimed authors
and poets to read at the Poetry Center this year,
including Harvard Professor Helen Vendler, awardwinning poets David Rivard and Grace Paley, and
National Book Award winning novelist Larry Heinemann. The Poetry Center also hosted receptions
for Distinguished Scholar in Residence James Carroll and Distinguished Visiting Scholar Maxine Hong
Kingston, as well as creative writing workshops and
panel discussions, and is becoming well known in
the Boston literary community due to efforts to sponsor and publicize readings by major writers.
“Boston should see this as a resource, as a contribution to the cultural life of the city,” says Marchant. He hopes the Poetry Center will eventually
become a magnet for grant support and individual
donations as well as be able to sponsor nationally
recognized contests and awards, bringing a higher
profile to Suffolk University.
M.A. in Women’s Health
On the leading edge of women’s studies, Suffolk
University will launch a M.A. in Women’s Health in
fall 2007. The first graduate program of its kind in
the country, the innovative sociology program will
educate students on the sociological, legal, and
political aspects of women’s health and build knowledge about fundraising, media relations, and legislative advocacy.
“We want to help train a new generation of
advocates and educators to promote women’s
health,” says Amy Agigian, director of the program
and founder of the Center for Women’s Health and
Human Rights at Suffolk. “There are so many people in fields related to women’s health who want
more background on the issues.”
Students will take courses related to current issues
that affect women, including reproductive health, eat-
ing disorders and body image, and the health concerns of an aging population. The Center has a “broad
network in the women’s health community with a similar vision of empowering women,” says Agigian, and
will provide many internship opportunities.
The new graduate program will prepare students for careers in a variety of fields for which little
formal education currently exists, such as patient
advocacy, reproductive health education and policy, domestic violence prevention, and cross-cultural women’s health promotion. Although geared
toward non-clinicians, the program complements
clinical training. “It will enhance the ability to work
with women clients,” says Agigian. “This is a crucial
time to educate professionals who can speak to,
and challenge, the emerging dominant discourses
around women’s health.”
B.S. in Environmental Studies
Students interested in the environment
have a new major in the fall of 2007 with the introduction of a Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Studies. This interdisciplinary program, developed by chemistry and biochemistry professor
Martha Richmond, offers students the opportunity to examine not only science, but also policy,
the humanities and ethical and social justice
issues. “Students need the skills to understand
complex environmental issues beyond a narrow
focus,” says Richmond.
Students will be able to tailor the four-year
curriculum to their individual interests, completing both an internship and a senior-year capstone course, and taking courses in the natural
sciences, social sciences, and humanities that
focus on environmental issues. Several environmental ethics and law courses will further broaden
students’ understanding of the environment.
Suffolk offers many opportunities to connect classroom learning about the environment
with real-world application, including hands-on
research, practical experience, and field work.
The program offers trips to Costa Rica—well
known for its environmental preservation efforts,
and other parts of Latin America, and is investigating possibilities in Australia and New Zealand.
Suffolk also has an invaluable resource in its
Friedman Field Station in Maine, where programs
are offered throughout the summer. Boston itself
is home to many environmental organizations,
such as the regional Environmental Protection
Agency office and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
The Environmental Studies major will prepare
students to work in the fields of environmental
justice, advocacy, or journalism. “This will allow
students to come to their own decisions as to
how they can be most effective.”
the gallery//New englaNd school of art & design
Text//Rita Daly, Jakob Grauds IMAGES//NESADSU Students
Through a solid grounding in visual thinking, students find their
voices—voices expressed in visual communications that perceive
and inform our way of life, voices that go on to influence society. New
England School of Art and Design, which became a department in
Suffolk University’s College of Arts and Sciences in 1996, offers Bachelor
of Fine Arts degrees in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Interior Design,
and Master of Arts degrees in Graphic Design and Interior Design.
Above: Wandering While I Wonder, Alison Balcanoff, Fine Arts
Above: Homage to Randal Thurston: Ouroborous, Jessie Schloss, Fine Arts
Left: Homage to Audrey Goldstein: Circum 7, Jessie Schloss, Fine Arts
Alumni Magazine
Above: Elegant, Lisa Raad, Fine Arts
Above: Graduate Studio, Personal Life Mapping, Kevin Banks, Graphic Design
Above: City In Bloom, Eileen Umba, Fine Arts
Above: Self-Portraits, Various Artists, Foundation Painting
the gallery//New englaNd school of art & design
Above: Graduate Studio, Selling Coals to New Castle Poster,
Catherine Headen, Graphic Design
Above: Calabria Italian Regional Cookbook,
Matteo Gulla, Graphic Design
Above: Section Perspective, Joanna T. Winters,
Interior Design
Alumni Magazine
Above: Jeannie Belozersky, Fine Arts
Above: NCorporate Office Floor Plan & Elevations, Margaret Furlong, Interior Design
Above: Venture Literary Arts Magazine,
Laura Nathanson, Kayla Hicks,
Jakob Grauds, Graphic Design
Below: Graduate Seminar Theoretical Project,
Jolts, Kevin Banks, Graphic Design
Above: Film Festival Poster, Jakob Grauds,
Graphic Design
Above: Graduate Studio, Exhibiting Research Results, Fanny Lau, Graphic Design
Above: Senior Studio Project, Colleen Barrett, Interior Design
after college//SPOTLIGHT
Celebrating Suffolk
Spanish celebrity Emilio Aragón talks about his newest
work as a composer
With the Centennial year approaching, President David J. Sargent felt that
the time was right for the creation of a new alma mater for Suffolk University. Dean
Kenneth S. Greenberg asked his former history student and internationally known
composer Emilio Aragon to write the music. Aragón agreed, on the condition
that English professor Fred Marchant write the lyrics. On September 21, 2006,
eight singers and three musicians performed the song under a packed tent at the
University’s Centennial celebration. The day before, just in from Madrid, the Spanish
singer, actor, producer, musician, director, writer, celebrity, and Suffolk alumnus met
with Dean Greenberg and Suffolk Arts+Sciences to talk about the alma mater, the
next day’s concert, and the role Suffolk University has played in his life.
Arts+Sciences [A+S] What was your inspiration for composing Suffolk’s new
alma mater?
Above: Emilio Aragón, recipient of an undergraduate
degree in History and an honorary PhD degree in Art.
Emilio Aragón [EA] The first time I came here, in 1998, after two years at the
Madrid campus, I met Ken [Greenberg]. Ken has been my big brother, my friend,
my father sometimes. Knowing his work in the field of the African American community and slavery was very influential for me as I sat down and wrote the alma
mater song…. I was born in Cuba and afrocuban music has been very influential
in my composing.
Ken Greenberg [KG] The wonderful thing about the song, which makes it fit
Suffolk University, is the way in which it is malleable and reflects the diversity of
the student body and the people who are here.
[EA] This is a song that can be sung in very different ways. You can do it very
classical, with lyrical voices, you can sing it with a guitar, or you can sing it like
we’re going to sing it tomorrow, gospel style. We’ve moved the words, the tempo,
to make it fit this gospel style. And we hope that tomorrow we can, as you say,
rock the house. It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. The good thing about
the arrangements and the people singing it is that it’s done really with the heart.
If you feel part of this University, if you really feel a member of this big family, the
lyrics will touch you. For me, you have to understand that being Spanish, living in
Madrid, but being an ex-Suffolk student, it’s going to be a very special moment.
Below: Aragón conducts the chorus at the Centennial
[A+S] Can you tell us about your work as a composer and entertainer?
[EA] My story is quite funny and curious, because I am the fourth generation of a
family dedicated to comedy, but I study music in Spain. I started when my father
and my uncles were doing a TV show for kids. I started doing clowning. Then I
had my own TV comedy show, and since 1982-83, I’ve been doing television in
Spain, and theatre.
[KG] Emilio’s father is very famous in his own right. He wrote the Happy Birthday
Song which everybody in Spain sings, probably the most sung piece of music
Alumni MagazinE
in Spain. He also at one point toured with Buster
Keaton in the US. He and his brothers were almost
equivalent to the Marx brothers in Spain.
[EA] My father’s Spanish, my mother’s Cuban. My
father left Spain in 1945 with a theatre company. They
were going to tour for 3-4 months in America. It was
post-civil war in Spain, a very difficult moment. When
they finished touring, the company was coming back
to Spain, and my father said, What are we going to
do in Spain with Franco over there? So they had two
contracts on top of the table, one for Cuba and one
for Columbia, and my father and his two brothers
said let’s flip a coin. And that’s exactly what they did.
Heads Cuba, tails Columbia. It came out heads and
they went to Cuba, and there I was born. We left
Cuba in 1960 and came to America, where we lived
in Chicago for five years. Here they had the opportunity to work on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Merv Griffin
Show, tour with Buster Keaton, etcetera. Then after
a very successful career in South America, where, as
Ken says, in countries like Argentina or Venezuela,
or Puerto Rico or Mexico, the Birthday Song is my
father’s song, we arrived in Spain in ’73, three years
after Franco’s death, and then we stayed. My father
had a TV show in Spain, so I had the opportunity of
making a try. And here I am after many years.
But the turning point for me was Suffolk. In 199495 I had the opportunity of doing a TV series, Médico
de familia, Family Doctor, and one of the episodes
was the most watched episode in Spanish television—when my character got married to the female
character. It was a prime time TV series that ran for
five years and could have run another five or ten
years. But for me it was very tough because of everything, the work and popularity. So one day I was driving the car, literally, and I stopped, and I said, “This
is it, I have to change.” I went home—and I’m lucky
enough to have a wife who doesn’t say no easily—
and I asked her, “What if we just quit and go to the
States, to Boston, and take a sabbatical year?” And
that’s exactly what we did.
After my two years at Suffolk Madrid, where I
started studying just to practice my English and to
start reading, we came here to Boston. After that sabbatical year, I kept flying every month to Boston. I went
to the New England Conservatory, I studied composition with John Heiss, and orchestra conducting with
Richard Hoenich, and when I went back to Spain I had
two or three commissions on the table—I composed
a musical tale, “El soldadito de plomo,” The Little Tin
Soldier, and another one, “La flor más grande del
mundo,” both recorded by Deutsche Grammophon
for a CD that was the most sold classical music CD
in 2004. I composed the classical music score for a
Snow-White Ballet, featuring the lead dancer from the
London Royal Ballet, Tamara Rojo. And now the alma
mater from Boston. I can’t be happier.
Right now I’m commissioned by the Royal Opera
House in Madrid to inspire an audience that doesn’t
usually go to the Opera House. I’m starting to compose an operetta called “The Do It Yourself Opera.”
The main idea is to start with an empty stage; I walk
out and we start to build an opera in two hours, finishing with the orchestra and the designing, the actors,
singers, and everything.
[A+S] You’ve been so successful in Spain and the
entertainment industry. What made you decide to go
back to school at Suffolk University?
[EA] It was because of English—I remember my sisters and I spoke English in our house in Chicago,
and my father decided that in school we could speak
English, but not at home, because we were forgetting
Spanish. Ten years ago I remember having a conversation with my sisters and suddenly I noticed that my
English was becoming terrible. So I said it would be
a good idea to study English but do it in an unofficial
way, and at the same time, study history.
Above and Left: Aragón reheases the alma mater
with a student and faculty group during the summer
before the Centennial Celebration.
after college//SPOTLIGHT
Left: At Suffolk University’s Centennial Celebration, September 21,
2006, Emilio hugs English professor Fred Marchant, acknowledges
the audience, and applauds the chorus after their performance of
the alma mater.
family and I think that being the fourth generation of a
family of artists and comedians, you look at life from
a different angle. When Ken called to tell me that the
University decided to give me this honorary degree,
everybody in my family felt like the degree was being
given to each one of them. It was beautiful. I came with
my parents and my sister. Two other ones couldn’t
come, but they were calling me every ten minutes. It
was a beautiful, impossible-to-forget moment being
on stage and receiving the degree from Ken.
[A+S] Of all the different entrepreneurial and charita-
[A+S] What was it like living in Boston for a year?
[EA] For the first time in years, we could have a coffee
it’s very difficult to juggle when your show is cancelled
after success and suddenly, in a year, people forget
you. You really are at the top of a mountain, then
suddenly nobody calls you…and it’s a curious phenomenon because producers of other TV shows, if
you’ve been in a very successful show, say we’re not
going to call because he’s still ‘doctor whatever,’ so
let’s wait a couple years. So suddenly there are great
actors who nobody calls and they have to switch to
theatre or something else.
sitting in a park or I could take my kids to different places
without having to feel the popularity or to sign autographs…. I love the city because Boston has a lot going
on culturally. When I think about Boston, I always think
about music, literature, friends, and passeos, walks.
[KG] I had no idea how famous Emilio was until one
time, when he was in Boston, we got into an elevator
in the Sawyer building and a person in the elevator
suddenly threw himself against the wall and threw his
hands up, saying “Whoa, what’s going on here?” It
was a Spanish person who had recognized him. But
when we walk through the streets in Madrid, he can’t
take five steps without being stopped.
[EA] Now it’s better. I’m doing television but it’s a
new television channel starting with low ratings and
life is better now without popularity.
[KG] Popularity fades quickly.
[EA] Yes, it grows and fades quickly. It’s terrible. It’s
something that young people have to learn, because
Laude in History, and an honorary Doctorate of Arts
from Suffolk University for your “support of the world
of Communications and the Arts,” and hold the distinctive honor of being the first person in Suffolk history
to receive an undergraduate and honorary graduate
degree at the same time. What has this achievement
meant to you?
[EA] It is such a great honor. In our family we share
everything, we share every emotion. We cry a lot in our
Alumni MagazinE
ble projects you’ve been involved with over the years,
which ones hold the most meaning for you?
[EA] I have a foundation in Spain called Magistralia,
with two partners. We try to focus on scholarships for
kids, and music, to bring classical music to families.
And also I’m a patron of the Acción contra el Hambre
(Action Against Hunger) Foundation in Spain. Every
year we fly to Africa to shoot a documentary to let
people know what is being done there with their donations. These are basically the two things I do besides
my profession and my work, and I am devoted.
[A+S] What will you address your attention to next?
[EA] I love sailing…I only need a little piano in my
sailboat to just sail away. I would be very happy if I
could have enough time to compose. And I think that
teaching is somewhere in my future. I would love to
have the opportunity to teach here at Suffolk—music
or the history of music. I’m a history major. I think
that’s a perfect combination: Boston, teaching, living
here, and sailing here, would be perfect.
[A+S] You received an undergraduate degree Cum
Note: The Centennial celebration performance of Emilio Aragón’s
alma mater, with lyrics by Fred Marchant and his wife, Stefi Rubin, did
indeed “rock the house” and can be seen as part of the Convocation
Webcast on the Suffolk University website at http://www.law.suffolk.
edu. For more information on the Magistralia Foundation, visit www.
fundacionmagistralia.com. Aragón is also president of a production
company, Grupo Árbol, www.grupoarbol.com, which created a 5th
private TV station in Spain, La Sexta. More information about Emilio
Aragón can be viewed at his website: www.emilioaragon.com.
after college//ALUMNI BOARD
Dear Fellow Graduate,
Coming from the all-consuming world of
financial services, I know how challenging it
can be to stay connected to the important
people and places of our pasts. As a double-degree graduate (B.A. ’93, J.D. ’96) my
Suffolk affiliation has always meant a great
deal to me. I knew I wanted to maintain a
strong connection. I just wasn’t always sure
of the easiest way to do it in such a large,
diverse institution with so much going on.
As Alumni Board President for 2006-2007, my priority has been to make
all the Alumni Association has to offer accessible to busy professionals like you
and me. For me, planning is key. So, my colleagues on the board and I developed a calendar of Alumni Association events designed to be relevant, thoughtprovoking, and just plain fun. Just one example that fits all three categories
was the 10th Annual Department of Communication and Journalism Alumni &
Awards Ceremony in March. The evening honored Alumnus of the Year Shawn
Middleton ’90, MA ’91, Director of Public Affairs at Vinfen Corporation, and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Natalie Jacobson, WCVB-TV’s Emmy-winning anchor and reporter.
For alumni who would like to become further involved, we’ve made volunteering
easier than ever. Whether you serve as an ambassador for our admissions program,
provide assistance with career programming, or invest your time as an alumni representative for the board, your participation will be greatly valued.
Our goal is to make every interaction with your university, your college and your
alumni association a worthwhile and “user friendly” one. To know if we are succeeding, I ask for your feedback. Thank you for your support.
CJN Alumni Reception and Awards Ceremony
March 25, 2007
A special Centennial CJN Alumni Awards Reception and Awards Ceremony took
place in March, including a cocktail reception, awards presentation, networking
and dessert. This year, CJN presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Natalie Jacobson, WCVB-TV NewsCenter 5, Emmy Award-winning news anchor and
reporter, and the Alumnus of the Year Award to Shawn Middleton, BA’90, MA’01,
director of public affairs, Vinfen Corporation.
1st Thursday Networking
Nights continues in 2007
February 1, 2007
The tradition continued with more than 50
alumni and friends joining together at the
1st Thursday Networking Night at Vintage Lounge, owned by alumnus David
Paratore, JD’02. Fellow CAS alum Josh
Glionna, BA, ‘02, was the lucky prize winner of two Boston Bruins tickets.
Barbara-Ann Boehler, B.A. ’93, J.D. ’96
President, Alumni Board
College of Arts and Sciences
Board of Directors 2006-2007
Suffolk University College of Arts + Sciences
Lori Atkins, BS’01, JD’04
Chair, Admission Committee
Barbara-Ann Boehler,
BA’93, JD’96 President
Assistant District Attorney,
Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Director, Compliance,
Babson Capital
Management LLC
Allan Caggiano, BA’99
Attorney, Mintz, Levin,
Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky,
and Popeo, PC
Alumni MagazinE
Cynthia Davis, BA’98
Chair, Student Liaison
Doctoral Candidate,
Tufts University
Anthony DiIeso, AB’62
Vice President
Independent Educational
Laurie Jackson, BA’03
Chair, Development
Cheryl Larsen, MEd’77
Chair, Career Services
Development Manager,
Island Alliance
Self-Employed, President
of Franchise Select, LLC
Dear Alumni,
Alumni Night at the Celtics
January 22, 2007
More than 125 alumni and friends braved the winter chill to watch the Boston
Celtics take on the San Antonio Spurs from the Halo Club. CAS alums Maureen Tighe, MEd’79, friend of Suffolk Maureen Matthews, and Dorothy Keveny,
MEd’80, take in the views and buffet dinner in the private club.
Centennial: about a hundred years
March 3, 2007
It was a night to celebrate as 65 alumni and friends came together in the Studio Theatre for a delightful reception and some conversation and reminiscing.
Warm greetings from Marilyn Plotkins, chair of the Theatre Department, kicked
off the evening followed by a welcome from director, author and Suffolk professor, Wes Savick. Guests proceeded to the VIP seating section in the C. Walsh
Theatre to witness an original performance to celebrate Suffolk’s birthday.
Stirrings of Spring
April 12, 2007
Alumni and friends gathered at The Suffolk Club of Boston at the Downtown Harvard Club for cocktails, hor d’oeuvres and an intriguing conversation with James
Bamford, ’72, JD’75, best-selling author, journalist, and producer, who shared his
perspectives in a talk entitled, “Warrantless Eavesdropping-Is the President Above
the Law?” The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Government and the
Alumni Association.
The Boston Massacre book signing
May 16, 2007
College of Arts and Sciences alumni enjoyed a special networking reception, lecture and book signing with Suffolk professor of history and noted author Robert Allison, who discussed his newest book, The Boston Massacre. The event took place
at The Old State House, the original site of the Boston Massacre.
When I arrived at Suffolk University in October to lead alumni relations for the College of
Arts and Sciences, I could see I had arrived
at a school of substance, steeped in the
history of the city and shaped by its own
compelling story.
I began as the University’s Alumni Association introduced a brand new look, featuring a logo designed to be an instantly
recognizable symbol of the many exciting
activities offered by the alumni association. I came here as we launched the Suffolk University Club of Boston, extending full membership privileges to alumni at
the Downtown Harvard Club of Boston.
In my efforts to get to know Suffolk University and the College of Arts and
Sciences, I applied my own background with alumni volunteer boards and clubs,
including 11 years of alumni relations experience with Northeastern University. I’ve
also been fortunate to be able to draw upon the expertise of Dean Ken Greenberg,
who has been enormously supportive of our outreach to alumni. Networking Nights
sponsored by The Greater New York and Boston Chapters offered opportunities
for social and career connections in a casual setting, while a special Evening at the
Theatre provided alumni with the perfect venue to celebrate the original production
of Theatre professor Wesley Savick’s play, Centennial: About a Hundred Years. This
spring brought food for thought (bestselling author James Bamford BA ’72, JD ‘75
on politics; renowned history professor Robert J. Allison on history) and thoughts of
food (the Boston Chapter’s annual chocolate tasting).
In my brief time here, I’ve quickly discovered what you already know: that CAS has
a history and culture all its own. So I’m hoping to tap into your knowledge of Suffolk
University and the College of Arts and Sciences. As we plan future events, I encourage
your feedback and your participation. My goal is to make the alumni association a true
reflection of you, its constituents. I look forward to catching up with you soon.
Warm Regards,
Maureen Ridings, Director of Alumni Relations
College of Arts and Sciences
Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108 | 617.573.8457 | www.suffolk.edu
Arthur Makar, MEd’92
Lance Morganelli, BA’02
Laura Piscopo, BA’02
Dante Santone, D.C., BS’88
Richard Tranfaglia, BA’73
Executive Director,
The Caring Community,
New York City
Thomson Learning
Sales & Marketing
Coordinator, University
of Massachusetts,
Boston Campus Center
Private Practice, Santone
Director of Human
City of Somerville
Annunziata Varela,
BA’94, MA’96
Not Pictured:
Michael Walsh, Esq.,
BS’84, JD’87
Partner, Law Offices
of Michael F. Walsh, PC
parting thought//STUDENT WORK
Woven 3
ARTIST//Alexandra Horeanopoulos
Please recycle! You don’t always have
to buy new things to get what you want. Old
and used materials can be reused and made
into new things, in art, in a house, in an
office… Stop consuming so many resources,
reevaluate what you need as opposed to
what you think you need, and use your
brain to make great things out of other
people’s trash. I’m sick of the waste. And
we’re all guilty. This piece was made from
used computer wires which I got from an IT
department. They were going to be thrown
away. Each computer they get comes with
a new wire even though they have plenty of
old ones. Why?
Alumni MagazinE
Nonprofit org.
U.S. Postage
Suffolk University//College of Arts & Sciences
41 Temple Street//Boston, MA 02114
listen. learn. solve. teach. create.
Permit No. 458
Boston MA
ALUMNI MAGAZINE Premier Issue//2007
The Spotlight Shines on C. Walsh Theatre this Centennial Year
opening statement//sUFFOLK ARTS + SCIENCES
Such is the power of education: to open doors
and reveal new paths for determined men and women.
David J. Sargent
president, suffolk university
College of Arts + Sciences
President, Suffolk University
David J. Sargent
Kenneth S. Greenberg
Sherri Miles
Executive Editor
Lauri Umansky
Assistant Editor
Nicole Vadnais ‘03, ‘06
Contributing Writers
Jennifer Barber; Robert Conlin; Sharon Lenzie;
Amy Nora Long
Director of Alumni Relations
Maureen Ridings
Editorial Interns
Carolyn Albee ’07; Nina Leuzzi ’07
Editorial Assistant
Ipek Mentesh ‘08
We’d like to thank the following people for their
helpful review of various parts of the magazine:
Bob Dugan; Michael Madden ’05; Fred Marchant;
Ken Martin; Carl Merrill; Marilyn Plotkins
Creative Director/Design
Seth Sirbaugh
Contributing Photographers
Kindra Clineff; Kenneth Fonzi ’06; John Gillooly;
Ken Martin; Peter Vanderwarker; Jade Jump ‘07
Contributing Art Editors
Rita Daly; Jakob Grauds ’07; Justin Louzon ’10
Contributing Artists
NESADSU students: Alison Balcanoff; Kevin Banks;
Colleen Barrett; Jeannie Belozersky; Margaret Furlong;
Jakob Grauds; Matteo Gulla; Catherine Headen; Kayla Hicks;
Fanny Lau; Laura Nathanson; Lisa Raad; Jessie Schloss;
Eileen Umba; Joanna T. Winters
Cover Photography
Peter Vanderwarker, C. Walsh Theatre
Suffolk Arts+Sciences magazine is produced and published annually by Suffolk
University College of Arts and Sciences. The magazine is distributed free of charge
to alumni, students, friends, parents, faculty and staff. The views expressed in
this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or the official
policies of the College of Arts and Sciences or the University. Printed in the USA
by Publisher’s Press, Inc., 100 Frank E. Simon Avenue, Shepherdsville, KY 40165.
©Copyright 2007 Suffolk University. All rights reserved.
Subscriptions, letters, and editorial queries
We welcome your correspondence. Subscribe (free), change your address, or send
letters to the editor by emailing casnews@suffolk.edu. We do consider unsolicited
material for consideration in future issues. Please send submissions or queries as
email attachments to casnews@suffolk.edu, or by regular mail to: Editor, Suffolk
Arts+Sciences Magazine, Suffolk University, College of Arts & Sciences, 41 Temple
Street, Boston, MA 02114 or contact us at: 617.305.6316 or casnews@suffolk.edu.
Above: The first of a three-part renovation, the newly redesigned C. Walsh Theatre
includes an expanded lobby, a proscenium arch of patinated copper framing the
front of the stage, and elegant wood paneling in the orchestra area. Designed by
principal architect Alan Joslin of Epstein/Joslin Architects.
Suffolk’s DISTANT Coastal Jewel
The shores of northern Maine, with unspoiled salt marshes, rivers, ponds and forests,
provide the perfect setting for marine science research at R. S. Friedman Field Station
The spotlight shines on C. Walsh Theatre this Centennial year with stage
renovations, popular productions and sparkling student talent
Award-winning author James Carroll explores war, religion, prejudice and
redemption in his role as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Above: The newly-renovated C. Walsh
Theatre, November 2006, set for the
Theatre Department’s fall production of
Candide, or Optimism.
From 41 TEmple
TEXT//Kenneth S. Greenberg
TEXT// icole Vadnais,
Michael Madden
TEXT//Nina Leuzzi
TEXT//Carolyn Albee
Alumni MagazinE
TEXT//Rita Daly, Jakob Grauds
TEXT//Maureen Ridings
TEXT//Alexandra Horeanopoulos
from 41 temple//PREMIER ISSUE
welcome to our premier issue
I am delighted to present the inau-
gural issue of Suffolk Arts + Sciences, the
alumni magazine of the College of Arts
and Sciences at Suffolk University. These
pages give you a glimpse of our community today. Here you will meet Emilio
Aragon, CAS alumnus and an actor, musician, and entrepreneur much beloved
in Spain; James Carroll, National Book
Award winner, Boston Globe columnist,
and a faculty member in the College of Arts
and Sciences; and Leda Waterman, graduating senior with a moving Suffolk story
to tell. You will get a peek into the Suffolkbased literary magazine, Salamander; a
tour of the new Poetry Center; and a front
row seat in the C. Walsh Theatre. Whether
you graduated in 2006 or 1966, you will
recognize the cobblestoned streets of
Beacon Hill and the bustle of students in
the shadow of the State House. Above all,
you will see the school you loved.
As Suffolk University’s centennial year
comes to a close, the College of Arts and
Sciences has never been livelier. Unprecedented numbers of students are making
us their destination. Our physical presence has extended down Cambridge and
Tremont streets, flanking the Hill. A new
undergraduate curriculum stands poised
for release in September. Faculty of the
highest caliber teach our classes, and visiting scholars of international renown join
us in creative and intellectual pursuit. The
renovated C. Walsh Theatre and Mildred
F. Sawyer Library gleam. The College of
Arts and Sciences has come into its own.
Yet I am keenly aware, as an historian
and a member of the Suffolk community
since 1978, that our past helps to propel
us into our future. Born of a love for the
city of Boston and its people—all of its
people—Suffolk University still insists on
giving back to that community. That mission threads its way through our curriculum, most visibly in the Expanded Classroom requirement that takes students
away from their desks and into the world,
where they can apply their classroom
learning for the greater good. My Suffolk
pride swells to its fullest when I witness
the sophisticated ethic of concern that our
students carry away from their undergraduate education in the College of Arts and
Sciences. Turn to the “Standout Talent”
section of this issue. You will see what I
Next time you are in the neighborhood,
stop by campus. Grab tickets to one of our
theatre productions. Attend a lecture by
a distinguished scholar. Visit our galleries.
Stop by a favorite professor’s office. You
will share my delight: the College you knew
is brimming with energy. We are ready to
welcome you home for a visit.
Kenneth S. Greenberg
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
IMAGE//Kindra Clineff
Text//Nicole Vadnais, Michael Madden IMAGES//VARIOUS
CIRCA 1977
A brief look at how the years past compare with the days of the present.
Temple Street
Temple Street in 1977 (above) before it was repaved
with wide sidewalks as seen today (top).
Longtime colleagues Kenneth S. Greenberg and
John Cavanagh are discussing historical matters in
1980 (right). Twenty-seven years later, Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg and Professor John Cavanagh
are still debating the finer points of history (far right).
Photo above by Frank Siteman, photo at the top and far right by Kindra Clineff
CIRCA 1980
John Cavanagh & Kenneth S. Greenberg
Alumni Magazine
CIRCA 1976
Judy Dushku
Judy Dushku, in her first years at Suffolk
University (left). More than 30 years later
she continues to be an active, passionate member of the Government Department faculty.
Ridgeway Lane
Ridgeway Alley (between the Fenton
and Archer buildings) has changed little
in the 30 years between these photos.
Photo to the right by Ellis Herwig, photo on the far right and bottom right
CIRCA 1980
by Kindra Clineff
The current issue of Venture (far right), Suffolk University’s student literary magazine, paired with an
issue from 1968 (right). Venture celebrated its 40th
anniversary this past year.
Donahue Building
The First Methodist Episcopal Church (below) was
razed to construct the Donahue Building (bottom).
Today the Donahue Building is the center of the
College of Arts & Sciences.
CIRCA 1968
CIRCA 1965
Photo at the bottom by Kindra Clineff
Alumni Magazine
CIRCA 1921
CIRCA 1970
C. WALSH Theatre
THEATRE Playbill
Past students enjoy a rollicking Activities Meeting in the C.
Walsh Theatre (above). In the newly renovated C. Walsh Theatre (top), Wes Savick (author of Centennial: about a 100
Years) conducts a class for student actors and playwrights.
C. Walsh Theatre began its life as a movie theatre featuring the 1921 picture Women Men Love and The
Midlanders (above). The C. Walsh Theatre has since
hosted hundreds of plays including Centennial: about
a 100 Years, commemorating Suffolk University’s
100th birthday (right).
Photo at the top by Kindra Clineff
students today//PROFILES
Some of Suffolk’s best + brightest >>
Left to Right:
Veronica Carlino
Kristina Sarkisyan
John Halabi
Nina Leuzzi
Chantha Toeum
Andrew Curley
Alumni Magazine
Students from the College of Arts and
Sciences are more than exceptional scholars and
thinkers. They are artists, activists, and award
winners; they are leaders in communities, clubs and
athletics. Seeking the unique and unknown, they
tread the cobblestone pathways of Beacon Hill,
gaining more from Suffolk than just an education.
Here we introduce you to a few of these students—
six young men and women who followed their
passions on Suffolk’s urban campus, both inside
the classroom and on the streets of Boston.
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students today//PROFILES
Nina Leuzzi, 21
Hometown: Wallingford, CT
Major: Print Journalism
At seven years old, armed with a grade book and
lesson plans, Nina Leuzzi “played school” in her family’s
basement, using sidewalk chalk on a slate wall to teach
her younger sister. At Suffolk’s orientation a decade later,
she understood the meaning of those afternoons when
she saw the opportunity to join Jumpstart for Young
Children, Inc., a national nonprofit that pairs caring
adults with low-income preschool students.
Using her work-study award, Nina spent 20 hours
a week at S.M.I.L.E Preschool in Roxbury, continuing as a volunteer when her award ran out mid-year.
“Money was not the important thing. It became invaluable to me to serve the community and for the kids to
grow and succeed.” Jumpstart was a perfect fit for the
high-spirited leader, who stayed with the program for
four years.
In addition to her mentoring work, Nina has been
successful in a number of other areas, including studying in Prague, Czech Republic, working as a teach-
Alumni Magazine
ing assistant for a variety of courses, and serving as
president of the photography club and peer tutor at the
Ballotti Learning Center. Her involvement gained her
Junior of the Year and Who’s Who on College Campuses nominations, and her dedicated service to the
children at S.M.I.L.E earned her an invitation to join
their Board of Directors in 2006.
“I’m definitely a different person now than when
I came here,” she says, smiling. “The tremendous
faculty and diverse programs I found at Suffolk were
extremely important to my growth. I’m stronger now,
more independent, and more courageous.”
After graduation, Nina will attend graduate school
at Wheelock College studying Early Childhood Education. “I want to work in children’s book publishing,” she
says passionately. “I’ve seen what works, and I want to
create educational books that children want to read.”
Then, echoing a statement she declared in fifth grade
that sums her up perfectly, “And I want to teach.”
Chantha Toeum, 24
Hometown: Somerville, Massachusetts
Major: Sociology
others, you will always receive good back. Today, he credits his parents’ words and
their inherent values as his foundation for serving people and their communities.
As a sophomore, Chantha utilized Suffolk’s club community to get involved on
campus. His participation in the Caribbean Student Network and his work as Resident Assistant and Orientation Leader introduced him to a “whole new society where
[he] got to know the faculty and experience things that many students don’t see.”
Chantha continued to participate in and lead various volunteer projects, including Connections 2 College and the soup kitchen. He became the SOULS Service
Scholar, a position given to a dedicated member of Suffolk’s Organization for Uplifting Lives through Service. He coached high school track as a freshman and discovered the pride in being a support system for a child. “Working with students of
different backgrounds and personalities has strengthened my character; and at the
same time, my experiences have softened me and shown me what one person
can do.”
Chantha has also worked in Boston neighborhoods, particularly with the Horizon
Initiative for Homeless Children where he led support groups for Boston’s homeless
youth. The Horizon Initiative allowed him to see the full-circle effect of his dedication,
as the children in his support groups found homes and the families stabilized. “While
it was hard to say goodbye to my group of kids, it was humbling to watch them move
on to better lives.”
Now working at Massachusetts General Hospital escorting patients and visiting children in the Oncology Department, Chantha talks about the future: he would
like to revolutionize the hospice healthcare system. “I want to alter the attitudes that
surround healthcare, but I still want to continue working with students and children
because it’s always beautiful being able to give back.”
SP07 Cha ntha T oeu m
Chantha Toeum’s parents raised him with the knowledge that in giving to
Kristina Sarkisyan, 22
SP07 Kristina Sarkisyan
Hometown: Lynn, Massachusetts
Undergrad Major: Political Science Minor: Philosophy
Graduate Major: Public Management
Kristina Sarkisyan left the widespread unemployment and political corrup-
tion of Armenia for the brighter future she felt waited for her in the United States.
A year later, she came to Suffolk with little knowledge of the English language, but
with the dream of gaining a degree from an American university.
Missing her friends and feeling overwhelmed by a new culture was difficult, but
her desire to learn and drive to succeed kept her strong. She concentrated on learning English with grammar guides, and her classes and professors helped her perfect
her speaking and writing. “I did everything by myself. Determined, I went forward
despite the setbacks in acclimating to a new life,” she said.
“When I started at Suffolk, people did not think I would graduate, but I finished
a straight A student. My parents and professors stood behind me, sure of my success.” It was her comfort with the faculty that continually kept her motivated, as
numerous professors met with her outside of class, teaching her practical as well
as academic knowledge.
Four years later, Kristina, always polished with her hair pulled back and dressed
for business, graduated Summa Cum Laude and second in her class, proof that
hard work is worth the setbacks. Yet, she doesn’t feel that education is about getting
awards; she believes that failures, obstacles, and challenges make a person resilient.
“I viewed my trouble adjusting and communicating as opportunities to grow stronger
and smarter. It is our past that becomes the best teacher.”
Now, she is taking that intensity and applying it to her master’s degree program
at Suffolk, continuing to follow her dream of making the world safer and more just. “I
want to improve the social and economic conditions for those who struggle by creating programs to enrich their lives,” she says, with unwavering conviction. “People are
capable of great things, and I hope to be the difference for at least one person.”
students today//PROFILES
Veronica Carlino, 21
Hometown: Malden, Massachusetts
Major: English, Political Science
To compete in a 12-hour long forensics tournament your mind must be constantly ready. You present
your speech repeatedly, using voice exercises and
group warm-ups to release tension. Staying physically
and mentally on point for competition creates fatigue,
but through it, you remain enthusiastic even while
battling with the pressure to win.
This is a routine day for Veronica Carlino, an
award-winning debater. In person, Veronica is as
articulate as she is when competing, something she
developed from public speaking. “You must possess
a comfort level for speaking that reflects the intelligence and passion in your written speeches,” she
says. “Debate requires skills not offered in classes
and challenges you to try the unexpected, pushing
your limits.”
In March at the International Forensic Association Tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Veronica took third place in the category of Impromptu
Speech and fourth in the Informative category. This
came after placing first in these and other categories
in the regional competition. “It is intense and terrifying, but I love it. Forensics is about thinking on your
feet, and it teaches focus and drive.”
Success in debate is not all Veronica has
achieved at Suffolk. She studied abroad in Prague
and Rome, was elected to a collection of honor societies, and was captain of the soccer team. “Suffolk
brought me the chance to do everything I wanted,
opportunities not always available at a larger school,
including great internship experiences.” Internships
in the attorney general and governor’s offices helped
her discover her future.
Graduating in May, Veronica, an Italian citizen,
plans to pursue a Masters in International Affairs and
a J.D. in International Law. She hopes to influence
policy development overseas, and raise awareness
for human rights through the international courts and
other organizations. “I want to lead a life to empower
people held back by ignorance,” she says.
Alumni Magazine
John Halabi, 20
Hometown: Norwood, MA
Major: Government
From the ages of two to ten, John Halabi lived in Lebanon. Remembering the
sunset from Black Peak, the country’s highest mountain, he was drawn to return
there when he studied abroad. He chose the American University of Beirut to
learn more about the Middle East and to satisfy curiosities about a cultural region
he left so long ago.
What John found was a population of open-minded people in “the most beautiful city in the world, where you can meet people from 10 different religions and
races and talk to them all.” Recalling the openness of the culture there, he smiles,
citing times when he was invited into neighbors’ homes so they could meet him.
Enjoying his first time away as an adult, John stayed past the semester’s end
into the summer, but war broke out during those heated months of ‘06. He was
shocked at the devastation, but humbled by the actions of the communities. “I
saw people of all classes take care of one another, whether it be with food or
with shelter.”
War taught John strength and gave him confidence. “You realize that life is
a gift that can be taken away at any second; and in seeing people of all faiths
pull together, I have come to love my fellow man.” The challenges people faced
opened his eyes to the harsh reality of war. These memories, and a deeper awareness of understanding and compassion, remain with him today.
As he enters his senior year at Suffolk, John looks forward to a future at
law school. He credits his growth abroad for opening his eyes to life’s realities.
“Studying abroad, especially in Beirut, made me appreciate all the privileges we
have in the U.S. and to recognize that we truly do live in the land of opportunity;
what a waste to let those opportunities slip by.”
Andrew Curley, 24
Hometown: Navajo Reservation, NM
Major: General Psychology Minor: Film Studies
Andrew Curley learns best by getting involved. Tall and soft spoken, he
became active in raising awareness at his school in Santa Monica, California.
“I heard information about fair trade on the radio, and wondered how I could
leverage the cause.”
After working on campus petitions, Andrew interned with Global Exchange,
an international human rights organization, traveling to South America on vision
summits. In Nicaragua, visiting coffee farms and processing plants, he saw the
struggle of underpaid farmers. “The most inspiring part of the trip was interacting
with the hard working Nicaraguans who toil tirelessly,” Andrew says, “and seeing
the positive outlook they maintain despite their difficult circumstances.”
At Suffolk, Andrew petitioned for fair trade coffee in school cafeterias and
succeeded. He went on to InterFuture programs in Tanzania and Ghana, learning about the “lack of opportunity for youth there.” His trips to coffee farms
abroad have solidified his beliefs. “If organizations would sacrifice a small portion of their profit for Fair Trade certification and payment, they could make a
tremendous difference in the lives of those producers from whom they procure
their products.”
Andrew became vocal in the Boston Fair Trade Coalition, and used his growing knowledge to strengthen United Students for Fair Trade. In 2005, his personal
writings were published in Letters from Young Activists after Suffolk professor
Mark Rudd encouraged him to send a submission to the editors. “Looking at
local action on campus and seeing it as a reporter, I need to inspire change,” says
Andrew, who also contributes numerous editorials to The Suffolk Journal.
For the future, Andrew plans to attend graduate school to study social policy
and Indian issues in economic development. He hopes to use fair trade to educate student communities, and he still emphasizes the great importance of “making U.S. students aware of their connection to a greater world community and
their responsibilities to it.”
students today//AROUND CAMPUS
Text//Suffolk Students IMAGES//Kindra CLINEFF
e urban eclectic ambitious accepting personal earnest excellence strength professional lively international
Alumni Magazine
External Awards + Recognitions
Meghan Tracy was selected to the 2007 GNAC
Women’s All-Tournament Team.
Kimberly Kelly won the Angelo Donghia Foundation Scholarship, based on a portfolio of commercial and residential interior design work; the
scholarship will pay her tuition and supplies for
her senior year.
Marc Exarhopoulos received the Ahepa College Scholarship Award
Caitlin Casey received an educational award
from the Zonta Club of Medford.
Tammy Glivinski was awarded the Geraldine F.
Lavin Memorial Scholarship from the Cape Cod
Alex Pollock was selected to receive the Grace
Le Vine Theater Award, a $10,000 theater
scholarship from the Princess Grace Foundation, and a National Award for Acting from the
Kennedy Center.
cultural hidden local community metropolitan encouraging stimulati
Theodore Goodell’s play, Linoleum, was given
second place at the Region I Kennedy Center
American College Theatre Festival, and he was
awarded a one-year membership in the Dramatists Guild of America.
Christina Watka won the Johnson Paints Creativity Award for a piece she submitted in the
Boston Copley Society of Arts 18th annual Student Show.
Jonathan Orsini was nominated as Best
Actor in a Small Company by the Independent
Reviews of New England for his role as Justin in
Company One’s After Ashley.
Internal Awards + Recognitions
Jennifer Fogg was awarded the Charles Law
Alumni Student Athlete Award.
David Perruzzi was awarded the Migliorini
Memorial Award in Chemistry/Biochemistry.
Bryan Daley was awarded the Bettylee M.
Greenberg Family Memorial Scholarship.
Lindsey Howe was awarded the Dr. Richard T.
Bray Memorial Award in Journalism.
Tabbatha Dio was awarded the William F.
Homer Memorial Award in Journalism.
Erica Lawton was awarded the James E. and
Rose E. Doherty Journalism Scholarship.
Aya Sallat was awarded the Martin J. Flaherty
Memorial Award. continued on p.17
students today//AROUND CAMPUS
ltural hidden local community metropolitan encouraging stimulating diverse urban eclectic ambitious accepting
Alumni Magazine
Internal Awards continued...
Ryan Martin was awarded the Ella M. Murphy
Memorial Scholarship.
Kaitlin Buckley was awarded the Harry Zohn
Scholarship for Excellence in English.
Caroline Nash was awarded the Rosalie L.
Warren Prize for Distinguished Achievement in
Susan Bondaryk and Kaitlin Buckley were
awarded the Stanley M. Vogel Scholarship in
Kaitlin DeCilio was awarded the George J.
Levy History Prize.
Heather Woods was awarded the Harald T.
Reiche Memorial Award in Philosophy.
Edward Nuzzo was awarded the Rosalie L.
Warren Prize in Philosophy.
Colleen Finnerty was awarded the Elizabeth S.
Williams Psychology Scholarship.
Megan Costello and Cordelia Pisacane were
awarded the Dorothy M. McNamara Alumni
personal earnest excellence strength professional lively internationa
Who’s Who Among Students in
American Universities
and Colleges, 2007
Ndiaye Aristilde
Sarah Baldwin
Amanda Bellamy
Nicholas Bosse
Kimberly Brooks
Christopher Chartier
Michael Conte
Patricia Counihan
Heather Cox
Mary Curley
Jonathan Darden
Chantarella De Blois
Danielle DiRuzza
Colleen Finnerty
Crystal Grant
John Hamm
Max Koskoff
Sarah Krull
Alyssa Lemenager
Nina Leuzzi
Donald McKay
Antonio Ortiz
Nathan Patten
Beatriz Perez
Erica Polleys
Michelines Quinones
Victoria Salimov
Karla Schallies
Jeremy Shepard
Courtney Sprague
Molly Stark Dean
Chantha Toeum
Joseph Wolk
The College of Arts and Sciences students listed
above are recipients of an annual award given to
outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic
ability, participation and leadership in academic and
extra curricular activities and community service.
the faculty//sCHOLARS
Distinguished Scholars in Residence
Robert Brustein
first came to the College of Arts and Sciences
as part of the Distinguished Visiting Scholars program. He became a full-time
faculty member in the spring of 2007, assuming the role of a Distinguished
Scholar in Residence. During the past few months, Brustein has lectured in
various classes on Shakespearian tragedies, directing and theatre criticism;
met one-on-one with the Theatre Department’s graduating seniors; and participated in the University’s 2007 Academic Conference, “Scholarship of Application: Integration and Connection,” moderating the panel “The Artist, University
and Society” and joining the panel hosted by Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg, “Iraq
and Vietnam: A Conversation.” In the fall of 2007, the Theatre Department will
be producing his play, The English Channel as part of the Centennial Celebration and the official dedication of the C. Walsh Theatre. Also in 2007, Brustein is
organizing a celebrity panel featuring Shakespearian scholar Steven Greenblatt
and Oscar nominated actor F. Murray Abraham.
During his career, Brustein, the founding director of the Yale Repertory and
American Repertory Theatres, has overseen more than 200 productions, acting in eight and directing at least 12 of his own adaptations, including The
Father; Ghosts; and the trilogy of Pirandello works: Six Characters in Search
of an Author, Right You Are (If You Think You Are), and Tonight We Improvise.
He is the author of 13 books about theatre and society, including Reimagining
American Theatre, The Theatre of Revolt, Making Scenes—his memoir chronicling the days when he was dean of the Drama School at Yale, Who Needs
Theatre, Dumbocracy in America, and Cultural Calisthenics, The Siege of the
Arts, and his most recent book, Millennial Stages: Essays and Reviews 2001
- 2005. Brustein’s book, Who Needs Theatre?, won him his second George
Jean Nathan Award for dramatic criticism. He has also won numerous awards
for journalism, professional excellence in theatre, outstanding creative achievement, and distinguished service to the arts.
James Carroll has the distinction of being the first participant
in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Distinguished Visiting Scholars program
and is now with the College on a permanent basis as a Distinguished Scholar
in Residence. During his stay at Suffolk University, he has visited numerous
classes discussing journalism, history, current events, the writing process, and
more; has given readings from his new book, House of War: The Pentagon and
the Disastrous Rise of American Power; and was the key-note speaker at the
Yom Hashoah Commemoration (Holocaust Remembrance Day) sponsored by
the Suffolk University Hillel. He participated in the conference, “The Transatlantic Relationship at the Dawn of the New Millennium” organized by associate
dean Sebastian Royo and associate professor Roberto Dominguez (Government
Department) and in the University’s 2007 Academic Conference, “Scholarship of
Application: Integration and Connection,” sitting on the panel, “Iraq and Vietnam:
A Conversation,” hosted by Dean Kenneth S. Greenberg.
Carroll is an award-winning author and a columnist for the Boston Globe. His
novels include Madonna Red, Mortal Friends (New York Times bestseller), Family
Trade, Prince of Peace, The City Below, and Secret Father. His memoir, American
Requiem: God, My Father and the War that Came Between Us, won the National
Book Award in 1996. He has published Constantine’s Sword: the Church and
the Jews: A History, which was a New York Times bestseller and listed as a
Best Book of 2001 by the Los Angeles Times and the Christian Science Monitor;
Toward a New Catholic Church: The Promise of Reform, in response to the Catholic Church abuse scandal; and Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War, a compilation of op-ed pieces written for the Boston Globe since 9/11. His most recent
work, House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power,
a history of the Pentagon, was called “the first great non-fiction book of the new
millennium” by the Chicago Tribune.
Alumni Magazine
Distinguished Visiting Scholars
Tahir Al-Bakaa came to
the College of Arts and Sciences in
the fall of 2006 through the Scholar
Rescue Fund, which first found
him a place at the Harvard Graduate School of Education after four
attempts on his life forced him to
leave Iraq in 2005. Since his stay at
Suffolk University, he has lectured
at numerous schools in the Boston
Public School system. He will
continue to be a visiting professor
at the College of Arts and Sciences
through the 2007-2008 academic
year. Al-Bakaa was born in Thikar,
Iraq in 1950. He moved to Baghdad
in 1975, earning his undergraduate and master’s degrees, and then a Ph.D.
in Iranian History, at Baghdad University, specializing in Middle Eastern history
and politics. He began his teaching career in 1983 in the history department of
Al Mustansiriyana University and in 2003 became president of the University.
Al-Bakaa is the former minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
and served on Iraq’s National Assembly and Constitution Writing Committee.
He has authored four books and 58 research papers.
James Bamford is a
College of Arts and Sciences alumnus
(Government). As a Distinguished
Visiting Scholar, Bamford spoke in
numerous classes; sat on a panel,
“Deception and War Making”; gave
several lectures, including this year’s
Lowell Lecture, “Spying on Everyone:
The NSA, America’s Most Secret
Agency, Turns Inward,” and a lecture
on his involvement in the federal wire
tapping case, “The Essential Facts
About the Case of Bamford, ACLU v.
NSA.” He participated in roundtable
discussions, “The Man Who Sold
the War” and “Eavesdropping: The
Problem of Dirty Hands.” He was also the keynote speaker at an alumni event,
“Warrantless Eavesdropping: Is the President Above the Law?” Bamford has
published Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultrasecret NSA, From the Cold
War to the Dawn of the New Century; The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA,
America’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency and most recently A Pretext for War:
9/11, Iraq and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies. He was the Washington investigative producer of World News Tonight with Peter Jennings on
ABC from 1989-1998.
Maxine Hong Kingston,
as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar,
visited classes, gave readings, and
shared her wisdom on topics ranging
from writing to current events. She
participated in the University’s 2007
Academic Conference, “Scholarship of
Application: Integration and Connection,” as a member of two panels, “The
Artist, University and Society,” and
“Iraq and Vietnam: A Conversation.”
Kingston, an award-winning author, has
published Woman Warrior: Memoirs of
a Girlhood Among Ghosts; China Men;
Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book;
Hawaii One Summer; To Be a Poet; The
Fifth Book of Peace; and her most recent work, Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace.
She is known for writing novels that draw on her family’s background as Chinese
immigrants to the United States. Woman Warrior won the National Book Critic’s Circle
Award for nonfiction and China Men won the American Book Award for nonfiction. In
1997, she was awarded the National Humanities Award by the National Endowment
for the Humanities. Kingston is a senior lecturer at University of California, Berkeley,
where she teaches creative writing.
Beatrice Lazzerini visited
the College of Arts and Sciences in
October 2006 to kick off the 20062007 Distinguished Visiting Scholars
program. During her stay at the
College, Lazzerini gave two public
lectures, “Some Like it Soft: Fundamentals of Soft Computing” and “Soft
Computing: Basics and Applications.”
She made contact with a number
of students; visited the freshman
seminar, “History of Computing and
Computers”; held open office hours
for all students; and discussed
special lab projects with the Math
and Computer Science Department.
Lazzerini received the Laurea degree in Computer Science from the University
of Pisa and the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering from the University
of Florence. Currently she is a full professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the
University of Pisa, Italy where she teaches “Intelligent Systems.” Her research
focus lies in the area of Computational Intelligence, with a concentration in fuzzy
systems, neural networks and evolutionary computation. She is the co-author of
seven books and has published more than 130 papers in international journals
and conferences.
the faculty//IN PRINT
Communication and Journalism
Government continued
A Home on Haven Street
Joseph C. Nahil and Christopher Nahil
Towards the Completion of Europe
Roberto Domínguez and Joaquín Roy (editors)
2006, Massachusetts Institute of
2006, Miami European Union Center, University of Miami
Technology Press
From a variety of angles, theoretical approaches,
and a balanced national and regional perspective,
this volume contributes to the analysis of the EU in
general and the 2004 enlargement in particular, its
background and consequences.
Commissioned by MIT, the authors use
MIT archives and personal interviews to
trace the history of three families that
have occupied the Dedham site since
the 1870s.
History continued
House of War: The Pentagon and the
Disastrous Rise of American Power
James Carroll
2006, Houghton Mifflin
This history of the Pentagon chronicles the institution from World War II to our current situation in
Iraq, drawing on personal reflections, historical
research and interviews to discuss its influence on
American government, policy and society.
Places in the Bone
Carol Dine
Portugal, España e a Integração
Sebastían Royo (editor)
A History of Suffolk University
David Robbins
2005, Rutgers University Press
2005, Um Balanco, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais
Dine’s memoir is an account of loss, survival and the
redemptive power of art. The book received favorable
reviews in Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal and
Foreword. Norman Mailer wrote, “(Dine’s) prose is a
poet’s prose, often beautiful...”
This volume examines how the integration
process has affected political, economic, and
social developments in Portugal and Spain over
the last 15 years, comparing the integration
experiences and the domestic impact of European Union membership.
Images and archival materials in this Centennial
edition chronicle Suffolk’s history and the founding of
the three colleges. Accounts of students, faculty and
staff combine to paint the picture of Suffolk’s growth
into the university it is today.
The Generation of Ideas:
A Thematic Reader
Quentin Miller
The Boston Massacre
Robert Allison
2005, Thompson and Wadsworth
2006, Beverly Commonwealth Editions
This college-level composition textbook provides
a wide array of contemporary and classic essays
organized into themes reflecting students’ past
experiences in adolescence, present experiences in college, and future experiences in
contemporary society.
Everyone knows about the Boston Massacre. This
book tells the story, and also explains why the
riot on March 5, 1770 launched a revolution, and
why Americans in the 19th and 20th century still
remember that fatal night.
The Interesting Narrative of
Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa,
the African
Revised Edition
Robert Allison (editor)
Prose and Cons: Essays on Prison
Literature in the United States
Quentin Miller (editor)
2005, McFarland and Company Inc.
This collection of scholarly essays provides a critical
forum for literature written by prisoners and/or about
the prison experience. The book is organized into
four categories: race and ethnicity, gender, ideology,
and aesthetics and language.
2006, Bedford Books
A best-selling book when it was written in the
1780s, Equiano’s Narrative remains the most vivid
eye-witness account of the slave trade. The new
introduction considers the political and literary
importance of Equiano’s life and voice.
The European Union and Regional
Integration: A Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas
Roberto Domínguez and Joaquín Roy
Stephen Decatur: American Naval Hero
Robert Allison
2005, University of Miami, European Commission
The youngest captain in the U.S. Navy, Stephen
Decatur was the greatest American naval hero of
the 19th-century. This biography illuminates his
brief but exciting life, and the tumultuous times in
which he lived.
2005, University of Massachusetts Press
What are the lessons of the integration processes
in the Western Hemisphere? Tentative answers
are drawn in articles analyzing these processes in
North America, the Caribbean and Central America,
South America and the Hemispheric Integration.
Alumni Magazine
2006, Arcadia Publishing
Impossible to Hold:
Women and Culture in the 1960s
Lauri Umansky and Avital H. Bloch (editors)
2005, New York University Press
Sixteen original essays on the diverse lives of
women—some famous, some not—who helped to
shape religion, sports, literature, music, and other
aspects of the long decade of “the sixties” in the
United States.
Caogen cai shi zhuliu [A Voice of the
Yong Xue
2007, Shaanxi Normal University Press, Xian, Shaanxi
Every citizen should have equal opportunity to
participate in political discourse. This book criticizes the “mainstream economists” who argue
that public opinion is irrational and should not be
used to influence public policy.
Zhongguo buneng yongyuan wei shijie
dagong [China Cannot Always Be a
Part-Time Worker for the World]
Yong Xue
2006, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
The book argues that China should not become
a Wal-Mart nation that can only provide limitless
amounts of cheap labor for large international
History continued
Humanities and Modern Languages
Zhongguo wenhua de bianjie [The
Boundary of Chinese Culture]
Yong Xue
España: ¿La Berrinto De Exilos?
Sandra Barriales-Bouche (editor)
2006, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
In this collective volume, 14 scholars from a variety
of disciplines offer new insights into the cultural
manifestations of the multiple exiles that have
occurred in the history of Spain.
Targeting the cultural conservative movement in
China, the book argues that Chinese culture has
no boundary. Western culture is our common
heritage and should be a part of Chinese culture.
Acceptance and Mindfulness-Based
Approaches to Anxiety: Conceptualization and Treatment
Susan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer (editors)
2005, Juan de la Cuesta
2005, Springer
Orsillo and Roemer developed and scientifically
investigated the efficacy of a therapy integrating
acceptance and mindfulness with cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat anxiety.
Jingying de jieti
[The Ladder to the Elite]
Yong Xue
Camus: Carnets
George Kalogeris
2006, Xinxing chubanshe, Beijing
Carnets is a verse sequence based on the diary notebooks of Albert Camus.
This book is a personal observation of American
higher education and American culture.
Meiguo shi ruhe peiyang jingying de
[Elite Education in America]
Yong Xue
2005, Xinxing chubanshe, Beijing
This book is a personal observation of American
higher education and American culture.
Shui de daxue
[Whose are the Universities?]
Yong Xue
2005, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
This book criticizes and predicts the failure of the
recent campaign of using taxpayers’ money to
build several “world-class universities.”
Xuanyao de zuqiu
[Conspicuous Soccer]
Yong Xue
2005, Yunna remmin chubanshe, Kunming
The book analyzes China’s soccer industry in its transition to a commercial sport from a political sport.
Baby Steps: How Lesbian Alternative
Insemination is Changing the World
Amy Agigian
2006, Pressed Wafer
2005, Paperback Edition, Wesleyan University Press
The only scholarly book to examine the broad
cultural ramifications of lesbian alternative
insemination, this thorough analysis of lesbian
kinship and procreation is an invaluable tool
for anyone wanting to understand the complex
stakes involved in AI.
Math and Computer Science
An Introduction to Design
Patterns in C++ with Qt 4
Paul Ezust and Alan Ezust
Uninsured in America: Life and Death
in the Land of Opportunity
Susan Starr Sered and Rushika Fernandopulle
2006, Prentice Hall
For those with some mastery of programming
who wish to learn Object Oriented Programming
in C++. Readers are shown how they can quickly
learn to write complex, multi-platform programs
with graphical user interfaces.
Annie’s CS101: A Charting Approach to
Computer Programming
Dmitry Zinoviev
2006, Lulu
Computer programming for an inexperienced audience, using Python - an easy, popular, and powerful
programming language. The emphasis is on the
way computer programmers think when they are
dealing with their (and our) problems.
Data, Networks, Programs:
Social and Technical Aspects
Dmitry Zinoviev
2007, 2ND Edition, University of California
The experiences of the uninsured show how
the current American link between employment
and health care forms a “death spiral” trapping
millions of men and women in situations of
marginal employment and marginal and deteriorating health.
Millenial Stages: Essays and
Reviews 2001-2005
Robert Brustein
2006, Yale University Press
A compilation of essays exploring important
issues facing the nation after September 11,
2001. Brustein analyzes how these events
have affected the world of theatre by examining specific plays, performers, and productions
across the world.
2005, Lulu
An introduction to social informatics, the book shows
what’s “running under the hood” of a computer and
a computer network, where threats are coming from,
and how the advent of computers and networks is
changing our society.
Eastern Questions: Hellenism and
Orientalism in the Writings of E.M.
Forster and C.P. Cavafy
Peter Jeffreys
The American Repertory Theatre
Reference Book: The Brustein Years
Marilyn Plotkins
2005, Praeger
The American Repertory Theatre, founded at Yale
University by Robert Brustein, became known for
its progressive and provocative productions. This
volume records the personnel, casts, opening
date, commentary and a critique for every
2005, E LT Press
A New Historicist reading of two of the 20th century’s
great modernists that includes unpublished documents, newly edited unfinished poetry, and lesserknown texts, both fictional and nonfictional.
the faculty//SPOTLIGHT
Above: Editor Jennifer Barber reviews manuscripts and poems
submitted to Salamander for publication in future issues of the
literary journal.
A Little Magazine With Big Plans
Literary magazines are like indie films: they
exist to present new talent and showcase new visions.
Over time, those talents and visions become known
to a wider circle, influencing the future direction of the
arts and the public’s appreciation for the arts.
I first became aware of literary journals—sometimes called little magazines to distinguish them from
the larger-format, glossy commercial magazines—
through publications such as Kayak, Georgia Review,
and Poetry, which captivated me in the 1970s both
as a reader and an aspiring writer. Each had a distinctive look and feel; each published very different
kinds of writing.
In the late 1980s, I began to notice that few literary magazines had been started by my generation.
I wanted to create a magazine that would highlight
outstanding, little-known writers, connecting them
with an audience of readers.
Alumni Magazine
One fall, while working intensively on some
poems of my own in upstate New York, I saw a salamander by the side of the road, a brilliant orangepink against the dry gold grasses. In poems by Keats
and the French poet Robert Marteau, the salamander of myth, capable of withstanding fire, symbolizes
endurance, transformation, and the power of imagination. It was a fitting concept for the new journal,
and Salamander subsequently made its debut in
1992—80 pages, perfect-bound, with a cover illustration of a dress floating out of a suitcase. Today, 24
issues later, the magazine is thriving.
Many of the writers who appeared in Salamander
early in their careers have flourished. We have published fiction by writers who went on to receive the
Pen/Hemingway Award, the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award, and the Pulitzer Prize. Our
poets and translators have also earned major honors
“ stimulating, eclectic selection of fiction, poetry, and memoir…
work that will stay in your mind long after you finish the magazine.” —NewPages website
and awards, among them the National Book Award,
the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Times Literary Supplement Translation Prize, and the Walt Whitman Award.
Salamander and Suffolk: a Synergy
I joined the Suffolk English Department faculty in
2004, and Salamander relocated from my attic to its
new office in the Fenton Building. With support from
Suffolk, the magazine is moving forward on several
fronts. Valerie Duff-Strautmann and Catherine Parnell have joined the magazine as poetry and fiction
editors, respectively; Peter Brown is senior editor,
and I continue as editor-in-chief. We’ve increased
the amount of fiction we publish, and we’ve added
a portfolio of visual art in each
issue. Submissions to the magazine from all parts of the country—and from overseas—are up
The synergy between Salamander and Suffolk works in multiple ways. Salamander’s ongoing presence at Suffolk highlights
the College’s commitment to literature. Readings sponsored by
professors Anthony Merzlak and
Fred Marchant bring renowned
writers to the College’s new
Poetry Center, the perfect venue
for these events. Salamander’s
subscribers and others in the literary community have begun to
take note of Suffolk as an important place for literary events in
Boston. In addition, Suffolk students with an interest in creative writing and publishing have the opportunity to serve as Salamander
interns, gaining valuable experience in all aspects of
magazine production.
Salamander has big plans for the future. In order
to continue to attract the best emerging and established writers to our pages, we aim to increase the
honoraria we pay, through a fundraising campaign
focused on garnering significant individual donations.
We are also in the process of broadening our subscriber base through mailings and advertising, and
we’ve been taking an active role in literary publishing
conferences on both the national and regional level.
The launching of an annual Salamander Fiction and
Poetry Prize will allow us to identify new talent and
further raise our profile.
When I put Salamander’s first issue side by side
with our current issue, I find striking differences and
similarities. The current issue is nearly twice as long,
has a full-color cover and eight-page art portfolio inside, and includes considerably more fiction;
a 10-page book review section
rounds out the magazine, keeping our readers informed of new
titles. But there’s a fundamental
similarity: both offer evocative
new literary works, works that
have the power to challenge and
delight readers with the worlds
they create.
The poet Frank Stanford
once wrote in a letter to Michael
Cuddihy, editor of Ironwood,
“There is only one train running for poets…the little magazines are the box cars, hauling our goods.” I feel privileged
to edit Salamander at Suffolk: I
have the lucky task of loading up
the box cars with one-of-a-kind
goods on the way to readers.
Like those readers, I get to listen
early on to the new voices and visions that continue
to shape the way we understand our world.
Jennifer Barber is assistant professor of English at Suffolk. Her
poetry collection Rigging the Wind received the Kore Press First Book
Award in 2002 and was published in 2003. She is the recipient of a
2004 Pushcart Prize and a 2005 St. Botolph Foundation Grant-in-Aid.
Girlfriends Braiding
Each Other’s Hair
(for Chip)
But now they are safe: one seated
before the slender and dutiful other,
the ivory handled mirror that has stayed
in her family glass-up on the rug; the sunlight
finding its own temporal girlishness,
while one brushes her best friend’s
sacrum-length hair, lifts a swath at a time of it
into her palm and untangles it first
without pulling; then strokes it
from root to end with the boar bristles,
weaving it in, and does the same
with the next and the third
although they were fighting
and crying an hour ago over a boy,
over who had turned in the best
essay on freedom. They have reached this
feminine peace and their faces
are faces of women
they will be in good time, women
who have always done this in the end:
not only two but a circle of women,
seated, not facing each other.
Salamander is published twice a year, in December and May. Two-year, four-issue subscriptions are $23. For more
FRannie Lindsay
information, visit the Salamander website, www.salamandermag.org. For a sample copy of the magazine, email
(Salamander, vol. 12, no. 2)
Jennifer Barber at jbarber@suffolk.edu.
Text//Robert Conlin IMAGES//Carl Merrill & Mateja Nenadovic
Suffolk’s DISTANT
Dramatic tides and hands-on research characterize a living laboratory in Maine
The group of Suffolk biology students gathered on the shore of Cobscook Bay
on the Maine coast surely could think of other things to do—like sleeping in—on the
sparkling Saturday morning of Columbus Day weekend.
Alumni Magazine
Below: Hank Stence’s grow-out structure in his hatchery for sea
urchins at the nearby Peacock Cannery in Lubec, Maine, one of many
sites students visit as part of their studies. Formerly called “green
gold,” the urchin population has been decimated by over-harvesting;
researchers are now designing new, sustainable growing methods.
Below: East Quoddy Head Light on Campobello Island marks the
eastern passage of the Passamoquoddy-Cobscook Bay Complex.
To reach the lighthouse, students cross the intertidal zone at low
tide, or pass by on whalewatching trips.
Below Right: Freshman Erica Feather hikes along a trail in West
Quoddy Head State Park in Lubec. Students visit the park frequently
to explore the rocky cliffs and high vantage points characteristic of
northern Maine’s coastline.
Nothing, however, would have produced the
slack-jawed awe they experienced as they watched
the 24-foot spring tide thundering out of the bay.
Churning up the 500-yard gap between Falls Island
and Mahar Point with white water, the torrent tossed
logs and other flotsam on its current like toothpicks.
As the tide approached the tipping point between
going out and coming in through Cobscook Reversing Falls, Suffolk University Associate Professor of
Biology Carl Merrill urged the group of students, scientists, researchers and visitors to observe quietly.
“Just listen and watch,” he said.
In a silence punctuated only by the muffled riffle of water as it slowed to a stop, the tide gently
reversed course and headed back into the Bay, picking up speed and volume as millions of gallons of
water flowed back toward Canada’s New Brunswick
shore on the Bay of Fundy.
This dramatic scene has been playing out on the
shores of Cobscook Bay four times daily (two high
tides, two low) for as long as the present day topography of Maine’s coast has existed. Professor Merrill has
watched it countless times since he began bringing
Suffolk students to Reversing Falls in 1982. That was
the year he became coordinator of the Friedman Field
Station, Suffolk’s crown jewel of a distant outpost, and
the home base for this crowd of appreciative spectators gathered on a spectacular autumn morning.
Located in the township of Edmunds – a speck
on the map if there ever was one – the Friedman Field
Station is a well-kept Suffolk secret. Although it is
well known in the scientific community, it hardly registers beyond those circles.
This lack of recognition preserves the station’s
solitude, says research assistant Mateja Nenadovic.
A native of Belgrade, Serbia, Nenadovic attended
Suffolk’s Madrid, Spain campus before coming to
Boston to study. He graduated with a biology degree
and is now enrolled in the Marine Biology master’s
program at the University of Maine/Orono.
“This is an amazing place,” he notes, an early
morning blaze in the fieldstone fireplace crackling
behind him in the station’s main building and cafeteria. “I’ve been coming here since my junior year in the
biology program at Suffolk in 2003 and every year I
can’t wait to come back. It’s so beautiful. From a scientific viewpoint there is no replacement for being in
the field and observing nature. I’ve benefited greatly
from this place.”
Nenadovic and others who are familiar with the
station say that Suffolk could take better advantage of it, using it as a tool to draw new students
Alumni Magazine
and to promote the university on a wider scale. It is
a resource that many other higher education institutions would love to have, agree two visiting scientists
from North Carolina who are gathering field research
on the spawning habits of blue mussels.
The station sits on land donated by Professor
Robert Friedman, the former chair of the biology program at Suffolk. He also donated money toward the
construction of some of the buildings at the station.
A consortium of New England colleges put up more
money to construct additional buildings and the station was formally opened in 1973 by Dr. Arthur West,
a longtime biology department chair at Suffolk.
It has grown and evolved over the years, but the
overall sense of the place is of a rustic summer camp.
Set back off a quiet country road, the station consists of a cluster of faded green structures: the main
building, a number of simple research buildings, and a
gathering of basic cabins for visitors. A sand volleyball
court, a basketball hoop and a small solar dome constructed by the Suffolk Physics Department to produce hot water round out the station’s amenities.
“We’ve tried to keep it really unobtrusive and
to blend into the natural environment,” says Merrill,
who became the director of the station in 1998. “The
cabins, for example, were designed to replace tents
From a scientific viewpoint there is no replacement for being in the
field and observing nature. I’ve benefited greatly from this place.
Above: In the middle of the rocky intertidal zone of West Quoddy Head State
Park, an area dominated by strong wind-generated waves characteristic of the
regions just outside of Cobscook Bay, senior Andy Ellison searches for invertebrates sheltered by the seaweed.
In a silence punctuated only by the muffled riffle of water as it slowed to
a stop, the tide gently reversed course and headed back into the Bay…
Above: Biology professor Dr. Henry Mulcahy observes water
passing between Campobello Island and the mainland on its way
from the Reversing Falls. West Quoddy Head Light, the eastern
most point of the U.S., overlooks the channel.
Alumni Magazine
Below: Students and staff sit high above the rocky intertidal zone
at West Quoddy Head State Park, watching the pounding surf.
Minke whales, harbor seals, porpoises, and white-sided dolphins
can often be seen swimming in the water below.
Below Right: A northern red sea anemone, Tealina felina, is
sheltered by wrackweed in a tidepool. This beautiful animal is a
competent predator, armed with stinging cells for immobilizing or
capturing small fish or other invertebrates.
really. Our goal is to create a sense of community
and to break down some of the isolation of the modern world.”
They succeed with virtually every group of students that makes the eight-hour trek from Boston,
points out the station’s educational program coordinator, Francine Rodman. A native of Cape Cod who
now lives in nearby Lubec, Rodman raises turkeys
and “wrinkles” (local vernacular for gathering snails
for the Asian and European markets) when she’s not
at the station during the summer. She says that a
common thread binds all of the groups together.
“The first night they arrive it’s so quiet you can
hear a pin drop. By the time the last night rolls around
people are laughing, playing Twister, acting goofy
together,” Rodman remarks.
The station’s remoteness, rudimentary facilities, and geographic beauty, as well as its focus on
the timeless and complex rhythms of the natural
marine world, influence students profoundly, Rodman observes.
“When it’s time to go you get some crying. It’s a
pretty unique place in that regard.”
This Columbus Day weekend gathering is the last
of the summer. On Monday, the station will be closed
for the year, as visiting groups of biology, ecology and
field botany students give way to the howling winds
and lockjaw cold of a Downeast Maine winter.
Now though, that frozen future seems far away. As
the sun warms and evaporates the morning dew, the
students walk down to the touch tank set up in a lab on
the shores of the inlet. Urchins, mussels, sea cucumbers, lobster and other indigenous creatures dwell in
the tank, which is supplied with pumped in sea water.
Patrick Spain, a 2002 Suffolk biology graduate
and enthusiastic Friedman visitor since 1998, shows
three tow-headed boys a moon snail enveloping a
mussel, an unlikely sight and one only a sharp-eyed
animal observer could spot. Since graduating, Spain
has worked in the biotechnology field in Cambridge, a
common landing spot for biology graduates. It is clear,
however, that the lanky, infectiously enthusiastic Spain
would rather be outside the confines of a laboratory.
“My passion is to be outdoors observing nature. I love
field work and I got my real taste for it here. This place
opened my eyes to the beauty of the natural world,” he
notes. Showing the three visitors the faint marks of a
recent rattlesnake bite (it was defanged), Spain explains
that he is in conversation with Animal Planet and Discovery Channel about producing and hosting a TV show
about the natural world. The pilot, recently shot in Arizona, has been well received, he adds.
In his enthusiasm for the natural world, Patrick
Spain demonstrates the value of a place like the
Friedman Field Station. While the world buzzes and
hums with distortion—cell phones and satellite TV,
chat rooms and in-your-face advertising—the hushed
beauty of Cobscook Bay invites contemplation and
intellectual curiosity, the pillars of learning.
“I’ve never been anywhere so completely isolated
and so serene,” says Kevin Jordan, an environmental
science freshman at Suffolk, as he sits and looks out
at Reversing Falls. “I’m really glad I came.”
Robert Conlin, 47, lives in the coastal Maine town of Boothbay with
his wife and four children. They all spend as much time in or on the
sea as possible.
R. S. Friedman Field Station
The 40-acre field station is home to a spectacular array
of wildlife in natural habitats of rocky and soft-bottom
intertidal areas, salt marshes, bogs, rivers, lakes, ponds,
fields, and forests. Intensive, three-week field and laboratory courses include marine biology, ecology, and field
botany. For more information, visit the Friedman Field
Station website: http://www.suffolk.edu/research/1498.html.
Above: The newly-renovated C. Walsh Theatre, November 2006, set for the
Theatre Department’s fall production of Candide, or Optimism.
Alumni Magazine
The Spotlight Shines on Theatre this Centennial Year
A flashlight flickers onstage at the
newly renovated C. Walsh Theatre one March
evening in 2007. The first flash is followed
by several more, creating a ballet of light as
Centennial: about a hundred years opens to
an expectant audience. The play, associate
professor Wesley Savick’s original tribute
to Suffolk University as part of the yearlong Centennial celebration, showcases an
array of talent with more than 40 students
juggling, singing, dancing, and performing
magic and heartbreaking monologues.
Top: “Hold, please!” The technical crew and designers, made
up of students and professionals, work tirelessly in the last days
of rehearsal for Centennial: about a hundred years. From left to
right, Caitlin Allen ’10, Technical Director Steve McIntosh, Purnima
Baldwin ’08, Alison Peronne ’07, and Sound Designer Rick
Above: The view of Candide from C. Walsh Theatre balcony. The
balcony itself was not a part of the first phase of the renovation,
but is slated to be updated this summer.
Center: “I was sitting in class…” Freshman Alba Gosalbez entertains getting a tattoo of the symbol for pi during math class in
Centennial: about a hundred years.
This remarkable collection of skill isn’t a new phenomenon for Suffolk University. What is new, however, is the renovation of the C. Walsh Theatre and
the growth of the Theatre Department. Suffolk University has given both the C. Walsh and the Department unprecedented support in recent years, demonstrating a greater emphasis on the arts than ever
before and a new direction for the University.
Renovate and renew
In October of 2006, the University completed the
first of a three-phase renovation of the C. Walsh Theatre. Principal architect Alan Joslin of Epstein/Joslin
Architects specializes in performance venues and his
design for the C. Walsh represents his warm, modern
aesthetic yet still retains a sense of the original space
and reflects the University’s youthful energy.
The newly-expanded lobby leads into a transformed chamber of vibrant greens and rich browns.
Patinated copper laces the new proscenium arch
Alumni Magazine
framing the front of the stage, and elegant wood paneling enrobes the orchestra. “The colors and materials in the space are intrinsic to Beacon Hill,” explains
assistant professor Richard Chambers, an awardwinning set designer. “They have just been reinterpreted in a modern way. It’s new, but it fits.”
Built in 1920 as “the Auditorium,” the space was
a silent movie house during the day and a lecture hall
for the Law School at night. The University used the
revenue from the movie house to help finance the
operations of the school. In November, 1936, Gleason Archer started the first student theatre group, the
Suffolk Players.
The space underwent its first major renovation
in 1987 with the generous support of Thomas and
Laura Walsh, at which point the Auditorium was
rededicated as the C. Walsh Theatre and the Anne
Walsh Lobby, after Mr. Walsh’s parents. While many
aesthetic and technical improvements were made,
challenges remained.
Above: “One! Singular sensation...” The full cast of Centennial: about
a hundred years performs the finale from the Japanese version of A
Chorus Line, in an exploration of the meaning of 100.
Plotkins is enthusiastic about the renovation plan.
“When I first arrived here 25 years ago, people told me
I’d never get any more than what I had,” she smiles.
“That proved to be a great motivator for me.”
Something out of nothing
By the new millennium, and with the Centennial
celebration approaching, Theatre Department chair
Dr. Marilyn Plotkins thought there couldn’t be a better time to tackle a major project. “My ambition was
to create a master plan, because my interest wasn’t
just to ‘spruce up’ the space but to also investigate
the needs of the various users of the C. Walsh and
create a cohesive multi-use facility.”
Joslin conducted interviews with all the primary
users of the space and developed a renovation plan.
Phase One addressed the aesthetic concerns of
the lower chamber and lobby, added a wheelchair
accessible bathroom, improved the lighting system
and installed a loading door to minimize unnecessary wear on the space and impact on the neighbors. Phases Two and Three, pending approval and
funding, will upgrade the sightlines and finishes in
the balcony, replace the rigging system, remove the
old proscenium arch and reconfigure the crowded
backstage area.
The recent renewal of the C. Walsh Theatre is, in many
ways, a physical reflection of the growth of the Theatre
Department. When Plotkins began her career as the
University’s first theatre professor under the umbrella
of the Communication and Journalism Department in
1982, her arrival signaled a new era for the arts at Suffolk University. “I was hired to create a real student
program,” she says, “to teach classes and integrate
student theatre into the academic curriculum in support of an interdisciplinary theatre major.”
Prior to her arrival, the principal occupants of the
C. Walsh Theatre were a student drama club and
a few professional theatre companies who rented
the space. While the college offered a few theatre
classes, no theatre major existed.
Cobbling together the courses she taught with
curricula from the English and Humanities Departments, Plotkins developed a major and gave students valuable performance experience that had
previously not existed. She directed one show a year
and created an opportunity for students to direct
one-act plays. She also founded the Boston Music
Theatre Project (BMTP), a professional program that
developed new musicals on campus. The momentum of the theatre program was building.
Plotkins built the ideology of the program around
a principle of openness, encouraging all students
in the University to participate in classes and productions. “I was a communication [and journalism]
major, but it was really easy to jump into theatre
here, even as a senior,” says Wayne Chin, class of
’99 and now the Theatre Department’s assistant to
the technical director.
When Suffolk introduced a residential option for
undergraduates, students could more easily participate in artistic activities that required long hours on
campus, and in turn the University began attracting
more students who desired an artistic component in
their education.
Around the same time, Suffolk acquired the New
England School of Art and Design (NESAD). As Dean
Greenberg notes, “They are now one of the most
prosperous parts of the university.” In light of the
successes of the dorms and NESAD, the University
decided to take another risk and in 1999 established
an independent Theatre Department.
With the construction of the new Law School
facility, Plotkins successfully lobbied to move the Theatre Department into the vacated space in the Archer
Building. Over a matter of months, the old Pallot Law
Library, with the help of a generous gift by Quinlan J.
Sullivan, Jr., was transformed into a multi-purpose
performance and classroom space now known as
the Studio Theatre.
The acquisition of the Studio Theatre was crucial
in supporting students to write, direct and develop
original work. “One of the most impressive signs of
robust health in a theatre department is when students, on their own, propose to direct plays that
they’ve written,” observes Savick. “Our students
have been encouraged to put themselves in a place
of self-reliance and make something out of nothing.”
The entrepreneurial spirit of the Department
can be seen in any number of its students—in Theo
Goodell, rehearsing his original play for the upcoming Spring Showcase in the Studio Theatre; in Erin
Schrutt, preparing for a national open call audition
with Savick in his office; in Brian Liberge, reviewing the principles of design with Chambers; and in
Rachel Kelsey, spending the summer working with
Cornerstone Theatre Company on an adaptation of
A Midsummer Night’s Dream with a working-class
community in California. The list goes on.
Looking forward
In addition to space, the University supported an
expansion of the faculty and staff. The results have
been astounding. Ten years ago, Plotkins taught six
classes and only eight students majored or minored
in theatre. Today, 17 faculty members (including
adjuncts) teach 35 classes and 87 students declare a
theatre major or minor. The Department now requires
more classroom, rehearsal and performance space
than the Studio can provide alone.
Left: The Theatre Department weekly staff meeting gathers in Dr.
Marilyn Plotkins’ (center) office. Clockwise from top: Dr. Marilyn
Plotkins, Professor Richard Chambers, Natalie Wombwell, Jim
Bernhardt, Steve McIntosh, Nora Long, Wayne Chin (unseen),
Professor Wesley Savick (unseen), Jim Kaufman.
Below: The Theatre Department strives to provide individual attention and mentoring to all of its students. Here, Dr. Marilyn Plotkins
learns about senior Jonathan Orsini’s exploits in auditioning.
Alumni Magazine
Above: Students prepare to waltz across the Studio Theatre in Period
Dance for Actors taught by adjunct faculty Joshua Legg.
The theatre program is built around a principle of openness, encouraging all
students in the University to participate in classes and productions.
“I see the arts as one of the central areas of
growth in the college over the last several years and
it’s going to continue that way in the future,” says
Dean Greenberg. “A liberal arts education has to
educate a whole person to live a full life, and for me,
the center of the human experience is seeing and
participating in artistic enterprises.”
Even with the growing numbers of students
enrolling in the theatre program, Plotkins will be the
first to admit it’s not about quantity. “I’ve always told
people that I have the best students in the university, and I have always believed it.” Theatre majors,
like many Suffolk students, juggle a variety of commitments. The necessity of putting into practice the
lessons learned in the classroom requires even more
time of already busy students.
“I’ve always felt really at home here,” says senior
Jonathan Orsini, who made his professional theatre
debut in the fall as the melancholy hero of Company
One’s critically-acclaimed After Ashley. “Everyone is
so open and friendly, I know even after I graduate, I
can always come back here.”
Since the beginning, the Theatre Department
has been home to students with the ability and interest to create. As the Department continues to grow,
maintaining an open community remains paramount
to the mission, not unlike Gleason Archer’s original
mission for the school. “Right now we are in the best
place we have ever been,” says Plotkins. “We have
a dynamic community of theatre professionals here
who are smart and gifted and deeply invested in the
richness of our students’ experience.”
Plotkins doesn’t plan to slow the pace of
the Department anytime soon. Begin Again, the
new musical BMTP developed with Suffolk students last year, is currently in development with
the ASCAP/Disney Musical Theatre Workshop.
Savick, who recently received tenure, has created a professional showcase opportunity for students and recent alumni in the National Theatre
of Allston, and Chambers has forged a new outlet
for student designers.
As Centennial: about a hundred years draws to
a close, nine students enter through the new loading door and take their seats onstage, portraying
the first class of the Suffolk University Law School in
1906. The lights change. We are transported ahead
to this March evening in 2007 as the 40-person cast
takes its bow center stage. The scene heralds the
new strength and growing vitality of the College of
Arts and Sciences and the Theatre Department. It is
an event those first nine students could never have
foreseen. One can only imagine what vision a future
stage will hold.
Amy Nora Long joined the Suffolk University Theatre Department in
the Fall of 2006 as Theatre Coordinator. She is a recent graduate of
the American Repertory Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre Institute for
Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University.
Want to hear more about what’s happening in the
Theatre Department? We want to hear from you too! The
Theatre Department publishes a monthly E-Newsletter from September-May with information about
our faculty, students, alumni and performances. Email
Nora at nlong@suffolk.edu if you would like to join our
mailing list or if you have any alumni news for us.
Text//LAURI UMANSKY IMAGES//Kindra Clineff
Two days before the September,
1930 election that gave James Michael
Curley a third run as Mayor of Boston,
a crowd thronged Louisburg Square on
Beacon Hill. The Brahmin inhabitants
of the city’s most exclusive residential
enclave peered from their mansions as
scores of the city’s Irish—and Curley
Exploring matters of social and political importance
himself—scaled the spiked iron fence
that guarded the Square’s private
park. Once inside, amidst the elms
and marble statues of Aristides and
Columbus, Curley declared victory over
the British elite who had oppressed the
Irish on both sides of the Atlantic. “We
claim this land for the people of the city
of Boston!” he shouted. “What are you
going to do about it?”
Alumni Magazine
Above: James Carroll, award-winning author and
Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the College of
Arts and Sciences, Suffolk University
I am a citizen in love with Boston.
Above: Professor Fred Marchant (right) invites James Carroll
(second from right) to participate in his classroom discussion.
Top Right: James Carroll against the classic Beacon Hill brownstone architecture of Myrtle Street.
“This didn’t happen,” says James Carroll, awardwinning author, Boston Globe columnist, and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Suffolk University’s
College of Arts and Sciences. “But it should have.”
The scene comes from the novel Mortal Friends,
the first of Carroll’s planned trilogy about the Irish
in Boston. It reveals an indisputable fact about its
author: He has an ardent and intimate knowledge
of Beacon Hill. A Chicago native and former Paulist
priest, Carroll moved to Boston in 1969 to serve as
Catholic chaplain at Boston University. He has lived
on Beacon Hill for most of the years since.
“Beacon Hill is among the most civilized two hundred acres in the United States,” he says, citing “the
architectural perfection of Beacon Hill, the way the
bricks relate to each other, the grace of the bow-
Alumni Magazine
fronted buildings, the beauty of the windows, the
perfect scale of the neighborhood.”
Carroll discerns the neighborhood’s social architecture with equal clarity, alert to the irony that he, the
grandson of Irish immigrants, now strides with a sense
of belonging through streets that would have tolerated
his forebears only as washerwomen and serving girls.
“The Irish came here as outsiders,” he says. “They
were desperate. They didn’t come here because they
wanted to. They came here because they were going
to die if they didn’t. And Boston was not particularly welcoming to them. But Irish people stayed and
eventually Boston opened itself to them.”
Carroll tells this story in Mortal Friends and The
City Below, novels peopled with Irish revolutionaries
and waterfront bootleggers, ward politicians, a Kennedy or two, and priests devout and corrupt. Defying
the Brahmin stranglehold, the Irish ascend into City
Hall and the State House. Gangsters from Southie and
Charlestown attempt to gouge the Italian competition
from the city’s underbelly. No one wins these wars.
The City Below tumbles through the racial poli-
tics that cleaved this city in the 1970s. Carroll himself bore witness to the busing crisis. Just out of the
priesthood, making his way as a writer, he rode as
a volunteer monitor on school buses bringing black
children to school in predominantly white neighborhoods of the city.
“We rode those buses at 60 miles an hour, with
police escort, to avoid having stones thrown at the
windows. We were instructed to make all the kids lie
down on the floor. That’s how frightening it was.”
He responded to these events with anger and
shame. “And the shame I felt prompted me to say,
‘I’m going to write a novel that explains why these
folks are acting like this.’”
This is a measure of the man: The acts of violence by white Bostonians horrified him. He felt
shamed personally and acted upon that feeling artistically. The masterful writing that emerged heralded
what would become his hallmark as a writer: He
invites readers into his life as a way of exploring matters of social and political importance—war, religion,
prejudice, redemption.
Nowhere does Carroll extend this invitation more
generously than in An American Requiem: God, My
Father, and The War That Came Between Us, for
which he won the1996 National Book Award for nonfiction. Here he depicts a nation gashed on the home
front by a war that also alienated him, a peace activist priest, from his father, an Air Force general and
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during
the bleakest years of the Vietnam War. “The broadly
political is always personal for me,” he writes. “War
had come down to the war between us.”
Carroll’s hallmark generosity has been at the
service of Suffolk University since he joined the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences as Distinguished Scholar in Residence a year ago. Pulled
often from his Fenton building office, he addresses
many classes on topics ranging from the Vietnam
War to Catholic views of stem cell research to Just
War theory. He has visited classes of aspiring undergraduate fiction and memoir writers, participated in
the campus-wide Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), and spoken at numerous conferences
held on campus. Whether invited to read from his
latest book, House of War: The Pentagon and the
Disastrous Rise of American Power, or to meet with
a small group of freshmen, Carroll typically responds,
“I would be honored.”
The College is honored to welcome James Carroll to its faculty. The fit could not be better. The mind
that conjured a Curley incursion into Louisburg Square
surely belongs at the University that planted itself on
Beacon Hill 100 years ago. Suffolk University scaled
the fence of ethnic exclusion, pried open the rarified
enclaves of higher education, and threw wide its gates
to all qualified applicants. One great renegade on the
Hill has gained the friendship of another.
Yet as Carroll gazes from his office window at
the brick-fronted row houses on Hancock Street, he
seems less the rabble rouser than the adoring son of
a great metropolis. “I just love this city,” he says. “I am
a citizen in love with Boston.”
Lauri Umansky is professor of history and associate dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences at Suffolk University.
Above: Award-winning poet Martha Collins reads
from her book, Blue Front, at Suffolk University’s
new Poetry Center.
A Poetry Center’s Time Has Come
A spacious, sunlit room on the third floor of the
new Sawyer Library is ready for the afternoon reading—
rows of chairs face the podium, window blinds filter
glare from the sun, and refreshments wait on a table
in the adjacent room. Gradually people arrive, looking
around the new Poetry Center before selecting a seat
to wait. Some haven’t yet seen the attractive space—
its tall windows overlooking the historic Granary
Burying Ground, large tables and comfortable chairs
inviting quiet contemplation or lively workshops, and
French doors leading to a smaller room with reading
chairs and a wall lined end-to-end with old, leatherbound books—the Zieman Poetry Collection.
The discovery of these volumes by English professor and poet Fred Marchant inspired him and Sawyer
Library Director Bob Dugan to create the Poetry Center
last year. The collection of classic poetry books, dating
from 1675 to 1930, was donated to Suffolk in 1956 by
Irving Zieman but sat unnoticed in library archives for
decades. Zieman did not go to college, but he wrote
and published four books of his own poetry, which,
says library director Bob Dugan, is what makes the
collection so valuable. “He used the collection to teach
himself about poetry, and that to me is all about Suffolk,” says Dugan. “Students here work hard.”
Marchant says the comprehensive collection
is a valuable research tool. “It’s great for teaching
purposes, because students can actually look at
it and use it,” he says, unlike rare book collections
which are often under lock and key. Dugan and
Marchant hope to add both rare and contemporary books of poetry, as well as literary journals,
to the collection.
As the start time for the scheduled reading
approaches, the larger of the two rooms fills. All 50
seats are taken and the space nears capacity with
standing-room only for the crowd. Marchant welcomes the visitors and with customary eloquence
and unmistakeable admiration, he introduces
award-winning poet Martha Collins, author of five
books of poetry. She begins with an excerpt from
her book-length poem, Blue Front, and the audi-
Alumni Magazine
ence listens, somber and intent, to her words of a
lynching her father witnessed as a child.
Collins is one of numerous acclaimed authors
and poets to read at the Poetry Center this year,
including Harvard Professor Helen Vendler, awardwinning poets David Rivard and Grace Paley, and
National Book Award winning novelist Larry Heinemann. The Poetry Center also hosted receptions
for Distinguished Scholar in Residence James Carroll and Distinguished Visiting Scholar Maxine Hong
Kingston, as well as creative writing workshops and
panel discussions, and is becoming well known in
the Boston literary community due to efforts to sponsor and publicize readings by major writers.
“Boston should see this as a resource, as a contribution to the cultural life of the city,” says Marchant. He hopes the Poetry Center will eventually
become a magnet for grant support and individual
donations as well as be able to sponsor nationally
recognized contests and awards, bringing a higher
profile to Suffolk University.
M.A. in Women’s Health
On the leading edge of women’s studies, Suffolk
University will launch a M.A. in Women’s Health in
fall 2007. The first graduate program of its kind in
the country, the innovative sociology program will
educate students on the sociological, legal, and
political aspects of women’s health and build knowledge about fundraising, media relations, and legislative advocacy.
“We want to help train a new generation of
advocates and educators to promote women’s
health,” says Amy Agigian, director of the program
and founder of the Center for Women’s Health and
Human Rights at Suffolk. “There are so many people in fields related to women’s health who want
more background on the issues.”
Students will take courses related to current issues
that affect women, including reproductive health, eat-
ing disorders and body image, and the health concerns of an aging population. The Center has a “broad
network in the women’s health community with a similar vision of empowering women,” says Agigian, and
will provide many internship opportunities.
The new graduate program will prepare students for careers in a variety of fields for which little
formal education currently exists, such as patient
advocacy, reproductive health education and policy, domestic violence prevention, and cross-cultural women’s health promotion. Although geared
toward non-clinicians, the program complements
clinical training. “It will enhance the ability to work
with women clients,” says Agigian. “This is a crucial
time to educate professionals who can speak to,
and challenge, the emerging dominant discourses
around women’s health.”
B.S. in Environmental Studies
Students interested in the environment
have a new major in the fall of 2007 with the introduction of a Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Studies. This interdisciplinary program, developed by chemistry and biochemistry professor
Martha Richmond, offers students the opportunity to examine not only science, but also policy,
the humanities and ethical and social justice
issues. “Students need the skills to understand
complex environmental issues beyond a narrow
focus,” says Richmond.
Students will be able to tailor the four-year
curriculum to their individual interests, completing both an internship and a senior-year capstone course, and taking courses in the natural
sciences, social sciences, and humanities that
focus on environmental issues. Several environmental ethics and law courses will further broaden
students’ understanding of the environment.
Suffolk offers many opportunities to connect classroom learning about the environment
with real-world application, including hands-on
research, practical experience, and field work.
The program offers trips to Costa Rica—well
known for its environmental preservation efforts,
and other parts of Latin America, and is investigating possibilities in Australia and New Zealand.
Suffolk also has an invaluable resource in its
Friedman Field Station in Maine, where programs
are offered throughout the summer. Boston itself
is home to many environmental organizations,
such as the regional Environmental Protection
Agency office and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
The Environmental Studies major will prepare
students to work in the fields of environmental
justice, advocacy, or journalism. “This will allow
students to come to their own decisions as to
how they can be most effective.”
the gallery//New englaNd school of art & design
Text//Rita Daly, Jakob Grauds IMAGES//NESADSU Students
Through a solid grounding in visual thinking, students find their
voices—voices expressed in visual communications that perceive
and inform our way of life, voices that go on to influence society. New
England School of Art and Design, which became a department in
Suffolk University’s College of Arts and Sciences in 1996, offers Bachelor
of Fine Arts degrees in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Interior Design,
and Master of Arts degrees in Graphic Design and Interior Design.
Above: Wandering While I Wonder, Alison Balcanoff, Fine Arts
Above: Homage to Randal Thurston: Ouroborous, Jessie Schloss, Fine Arts
Left: Homage to Audrey Goldstein: Circum 7, Jessie Schloss, Fine Arts
Alumni Magazine
Above: Elegant, Lisa Raad, Fine Arts
Above: Graduate Studio, Personal Life Mapping, Kevin Banks, Graphic Design
Above: City In Bloom, Eileen Umba, Fine Arts
Above: Self-Portraits, Various Artists, Foundation Painting
the gallery//New englaNd school of art & design
Above: Graduate Studio, Selling Coals to New Castle Poster,
Catherine Headen, Graphic Design
Above: Calabria Italian Regional Cookbook,
Matteo Gulla, Graphic Design
Above: Section Perspective, Joanna T. Winters,
Interior Design
Alumni Magazine
Above: Jeannie Belozersky, Fine Arts
Above: NCorporate Office Floor Plan & Elevations, Margaret Furlong, Interior Design
Above: Venture Literary Arts Magazine,
Laura Nathanson, Kayla Hicks,
Jakob Grauds, Graphic Design
Below: Graduate Seminar Theoretical Project,
Jolts, Kevin Banks, Graphic Design
Above: Film Festival Poster, Jakob Grauds,
Graphic Design
Above: Graduate Studio, Exhibiting Research Results, Fanny Lau, Graphic Design
Above: Senior Studio Project, Colleen Barrett, Interior Design
after college//SPOTLIGHT
Celebrating Suffolk
Spanish celebrity Emilio Aragón talks about his newest
work as a composer
With the Centennial year approaching, President David J. Sargent felt that
the time was right for the creation of a new alma mater for Suffolk University. Dean
Kenneth S. Greenberg asked his former history student and internationally known
composer Emilio Aragon to write the music. Aragón agreed, on the condition
that English professor Fred Marchant write the lyrics. On September 21, 2006,
eight singers and three musicians performed the song under a packed tent at the
University’s Centennial celebration. The day before, just in from Madrid, the Spanish
singer, actor, producer, musician, director, writer, celebrity, and Suffolk alumnus met
with Dean Greenberg and Suffolk Arts+Sciences to talk about the alma mater, the
next day’s concert, and the role Suffolk University has played in his life.
Arts+Sciences [A+S] What was your inspiration for composing Suffolk’s new
alma mater?
Above: Emilio Aragón, recipient of an undergraduate
degree in History and an honorary PhD degree in Art.
Emilio Aragón [EA] The first time I came here, in 1998, after two years at the
Madrid campus, I met Ken [Greenberg]. Ken has been my big brother, my friend,
my father sometimes. Knowing his work in the field of the African American community and slavery was very influential for me as I sat down and wrote the alma
mater song…. I was born in Cuba and afrocuban music has been very influential
in my composing.
Ken Greenberg [KG] The wonderful thing about the song, which makes it fit
Suffolk University, is the way in which it is malleable and reflects the diversity of
the student body and the people who are here.
[EA] This is a song that can be sung in very different ways. You can do it very
classical, with lyrical voices, you can sing it with a guitar, or you can sing it like
we’re going to sing it tomorrow, gospel style. We’ve moved the words, the tempo,
to make it fit this gospel style. And we hope that tomorrow we can, as you say,
rock the house. It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. The good thing about
the arrangements and the people singing it is that it’s done really with the heart.
If you feel part of this University, if you really feel a member of this big family, the
lyrics will touch you. For me, you have to understand that being Spanish, living in
Madrid, but being an ex-Suffolk student, it’s going to be a very special moment.
Below: Aragón conducts the chorus at the Centennial
[A+S] Can you tell us about your work as a composer and entertainer?
[EA] My story is quite funny and curious, because I am the fourth generation of a
family dedicated to comedy, but I study music in Spain. I started when my father
and my uncles were doing a TV show for kids. I started doing clowning. Then I
had my own TV comedy show, and since 1982-83, I’ve been doing television in
Spain, and theatre.
[KG] Emilio’s father is very famous in his own right. He wrote the Happy Birthday
Song which everybody in Spain sings, probably the most sung piece of music
Alumni MagazinE
in Spain. He also at one point toured with Buster
Keaton in the US. He and his brothers were almost
equivalent to the Marx brothers in Spain.
[EA] My father’s Spanish, my mother’s Cuban. My
father left Spain in 1945 with a theatre company. They
were going to tour for 3-4 months in America. It was
post-civil war in Spain, a very difficult moment. When
they finished touring, the company was coming back
to Spain, and my father said, What are we going to
do in Spain with Franco over there? So they had two
contracts on top of the table, one for Cuba and one
for Columbia, and my father and his two brothers
said let’s flip a coin. And that’s exactly what they did.
Heads Cuba, tails Columbia. It came out heads and
they went to Cuba, and there I was born. We left
Cuba in 1960 and came to America, where we lived
in Chicago for five years. Here they had the opportunity to work on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Merv Griffin
Show, tour with Buster Keaton, etcetera. Then after
a very successful career in South America, where, as
Ken says, in countries like Argentina or Venezuela,
or Puerto Rico or Mexico, the Birthday Song is my
father’s song, we arrived in Spain in ’73, three years
after Franco’s death, and then we stayed. My father
had a TV show in Spain, so I had the opportunity of
making a try. And here I am after many years.
But the turning point for me was Suffolk. In 199495 I had the opportunity of doing a TV series, Médico
de familia, Family Doctor, and one of the episodes
was the most watched episode in Spanish television—when my character got married to the female
character. It was a prime time TV series that ran for
five years and could have run another five or ten
years. But for me it was very tough because of everything, the work and popularity. So one day I was driving the car, literally, and I stopped, and I said, “This
is it, I have to change.” I went home—and I’m lucky
enough to have a wife who doesn’t say no easily—
and I asked her, “What if we just quit and go to the
States, to Boston, and take a sabbatical year?” And
that’s exactly what we did.
After my two years at Suffolk Madrid, where I
started studying just to practice my English and to
start reading, we came here to Boston. After that sabbatical year, I kept flying every month to Boston. I went
to the New England Conservatory, I studied composition with John Heiss, and orchestra conducting with
Richard Hoenich, and when I went back to Spain I had
two or three commissions on the table—I composed
a musical tale, “El soldadito de plomo,” The Little Tin
Soldier, and another one, “La flor más grande del
mundo,” both recorded by Deutsche Grammophon
for a CD that was the most sold classical music CD
in 2004. I composed the classical music score for a
Snow-White Ballet, featuring the lead dancer from the
London Royal Ballet, Tamara Rojo. And now the alma
mater from Boston. I can’t be happier.
Right now I’m commissioned by the Royal Opera
House in Madrid to inspire an audience that doesn’t
usually go to the Opera House. I’m starting to compose an operetta called “The Do It Yourself Opera.”
The main idea is to start with an empty stage; I walk
out and we start to build an opera in two hours, finishing with the orchestra and the designing, the actors,
singers, and everything.
[A+S] You’ve been so successful in Spain and the
entertainment industry. What made you decide to go
back to school at Suffolk University?
[EA] It was because of English—I remember my sisters and I spoke English in our house in Chicago,
and my father decided that in school we could speak
English, but not at home, because we were forgetting
Spanish. Ten years ago I remember having a conversation with my sisters and suddenly I noticed that my
English was becoming terrible. So I said it would be
a good idea to study English but do it in an unofficial
way, and at the same time, study history.
Above and Left: Aragón reheases the alma mater
with a student and faculty group during the summer
before the Centennial Celebration.
after college//SPOTLIGHT
Left: At Suffolk University’s Centennial Celebration, September 21,
2006, Emilio hugs English professor Fred Marchant, acknowledges
the audience, and applauds the chorus after their performance of
the alma mater.
family and I think that being the fourth generation of a
family of artists and comedians, you look at life from
a different angle. When Ken called to tell me that the
University decided to give me this honorary degree,
everybody in my family felt like the degree was being
given to each one of them. It was beautiful. I came with
my parents and my sister. Two other ones couldn’t
come, but they were calling me every ten minutes. It
was a beautiful, impossible-to-forget moment being
on stage and receiving the degree from Ken.
[A+S] Of all the different entrepreneurial and charita-
[A+S] What was it like living in Boston for a year?
[EA] For the first time in years, we could have a coffee
it’s very difficult to juggle when your show is cancelled
after success and suddenly, in a year, people forget
you. You really are at the top of a mountain, then
suddenly nobody calls you…and it’s a curious phenomenon because producers of other TV shows, if
you’ve been in a very successful show, say we’re not
going to call because he’s still ‘doctor whatever,’ so
let’s wait a couple years. So suddenly there are great
actors who nobody calls and they have to switch to
theatre or something else.
sitting in a park or I could take my kids to different places
without having to feel the popularity or to sign autographs…. I love the city because Boston has a lot going
on culturally. When I think about Boston, I always think
about music, literature, friends, and passeos, walks.
[KG] I had no idea how famous Emilio was until one
time, when he was in Boston, we got into an elevator
in the Sawyer building and a person in the elevator
suddenly threw himself against the wall and threw his
hands up, saying “Whoa, what’s going on here?” It
was a Spanish person who had recognized him. But
when we walk through the streets in Madrid, he can’t
take five steps without being stopped.
[EA] Now it’s better. I’m doing television but it’s a
new television channel starting with low ratings and
life is better now without popularity.
[KG] Popularity fades quickly.
[EA] Yes, it grows and fades quickly. It’s terrible. It’s
something that young people have to learn, because
Laude in History, and an honorary Doctorate of Arts
from Suffolk University for your “support of the world
of Communications and the Arts,” and hold the distinctive honor of being the first person in Suffolk history
to receive an undergraduate and honorary graduate
degree at the same time. What has this achievement
meant to you?
[EA] It is such a great honor. In our family we share
everything, we share every emotion. We cry a lot in our
Alumni MagazinE
ble projects you’ve been involved with over the years,
which ones hold the most meaning for you?
[EA] I have a foundation in Spain called Magistralia,
with two partners. We try to focus on scholarships for
kids, and music, to bring classical music to families.
And also I’m a patron of the Acción contra el Hambre
(Action Against Hunger) Foundation in Spain. Every
year we fly to Africa to shoot a documentary to let
people know what is being done there with their donations. These are basically the two things I do besides
my profession and my work, and I am devoted.
[A+S] What will you address your attention to next?
[EA] I love sailing…I only need a little piano in my
sailboat to just sail away. I would be very happy if I
could have enough time to compose. And I think that
teaching is somewhere in my future. I would love to
have the opportunity to teach here at Suffolk—music
or the history of music. I’m a history major. I think
that’s a perfect combination: Boston, teaching, living
here, and sailing here, would be perfect.
[A+S] You received an undergraduate degree Cum
Note: The Centennial celebration performance of Emilio Aragón’s
alma mater, with lyrics by Fred Marchant and his wife, Stefi Rubin, did
indeed “rock the house” and can be seen as part of the Convocation
Webcast on the Suffolk University website at http://www.law.suffolk.
edu. For more information on the Magistralia Foundation, visit www.
fundacionmagistralia.com. Aragón is also president of a production
company, Grupo Árbol, www.grupoarbol.com, which created a 5th
private TV station in Spain, La Sexta. More information about Emilio
Aragón can be viewed at his website: www.emilioaragon.com.
after college//ALUMNI BOARD
Dear Fellow Graduate,
Coming from the all-consuming world of
financial services, I know how challenging it
can be to stay connected to the important
people and places of our pasts. As a double-degree graduate (B.A. ’93, J.D. ’96) my
Suffolk affiliation has always meant a great
deal to me. I knew I wanted to maintain a
strong connection. I just wasn’t always sure
of the easiest way to do it in such a large,
diverse institution with so much going on.
As Alumni Board President for 2006-2007, my priority has been to make
all the Alumni Association has to offer accessible to busy professionals like you
and me. For me, planning is key. So, my colleagues on the board and I developed a calendar of Alumni Association events designed to be relevant, thoughtprovoking, and just plain fun. Just one example that fits all three categories
was the 10th Annual Department of Communication and Journalism Alumni &
Awards Ceremony in March. The evening honored Alumnus of the Year Shawn
Middleton ’90, MA ’91, Director of Public Affairs at Vinfen Corporation, and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Natalie Jacobson, WCVB-TV’s Emmy-winning anchor and reporter.
For alumni who would like to become further involved, we’ve made volunteering
easier than ever. Whether you serve as an ambassador for our admissions program,
provide assistance with career programming, or invest your time as an alumni representative for the board, your participation will be greatly valued.
Our goal is to make every interaction with your university, your college and your
alumni association a worthwhile and “user friendly” one. To know if we are succeeding, I ask for your feedback. Thank you for your support.
CJN Alumni Reception and Awards Ceremony
March 25, 2007
A special Centennial CJN Alumni Awards Reception and Awards Ceremony took
place in March, including a cocktail reception, awards presentation, networking
and dessert. This year, CJN presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Natalie Jacobson, WCVB-TV NewsCenter 5, Emmy Award-winning news anchor and
reporter, and the Alumnus of the Year Award to Shawn Middleton, BA’90, MA’01,
director of public affairs, Vinfen Corporation.
1st Thursday Networking
Nights continues in 2007
February 1, 2007
The tradition continued with more than 50
alumni and friends joining together at the
1st Thursday Networking Night at Vintage Lounge, owned by alumnus David
Paratore, JD’02. Fellow CAS alum Josh
Glionna, BA, ‘02, was the lucky prize winner of two Boston Bruins tickets.
Barbara-Ann Boehler, B.A. ’93, J.D. ’96
President, Alumni Board
College of Arts and Sciences
Board of Directors 2006-2007
Suffolk University College of Arts + Sciences
Lori Atkins, BS’01, JD’04
Chair, Admission Committee
Barbara-Ann Boehler,
BA’93, JD’96 President
Assistant District Attorney,
Suffolk County
District Attorney’s Office
Director, Compliance,
Babson Capital
Management LLC
Allan Caggiano, BA’99
Attorney, Mintz, Levin,
Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky,
and Popeo, PC
Alumni MagazinE
Cynthia Davis, BA’98
Chair, Student Liaison
Doctoral Candidate,
Tufts University
Anthony DiIeso, AB’62
Vice President
Independent Educational
Laurie Jackson, BA’03
Chair, Development
Cheryl Larsen, MEd’77
Chair, Career Services
Development Manager,
Island Alliance
Self-Employed, President
of Franchise Select, LLC
Dear Alumni,
Alumni Night at the Celtics
January 22, 2007
More than 125 alumni and friends braved the winter chill to watch the Boston
Celtics take on the San Antonio Spurs from the Halo Club. CAS alums Maureen Tighe, MEd’79, friend of Suffolk Maureen Matthews, and Dorothy Keveny,
MEd’80, take in the views and buffet dinner in the private club.
Centennial: about a hundred years
March 3, 2007
It was a night to celebrate as 65 alumni and friends came together in the Studio Theatre for a delightful reception and some conversation and reminiscing.
Warm greetings from Marilyn Plotkins, chair of the Theatre Department, kicked
off the evening followed by a welcome from director, author and Suffolk professor, Wes Savick. Guests proceeded to the VIP seating section in the C. Walsh
Theatre to witness an original performance to celebrate Suffolk’s birthday.
Stirrings of Spring
April 12, 2007
Alumni and friends gathered at The Suffolk Club of Boston at the Downtown Harvard Club for cocktails, hor d’oeuvres and an intriguing conversation with James
Bamford, ’72, JD’75, best-selling author, journalist, and producer, who shared his
perspectives in a talk entitled, “Warrantless Eavesdropping-Is the President Above
the Law?” The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Government and the
Alumni Association.
The Boston Massacre book signing
May 16, 2007
College of Arts and Sciences alumni enjoyed a special networking reception, lecture and book signing with Suffolk professor of history and noted author Robert Allison, who discussed his newest book, The Boston Massacre. The event took place
at The Old State House, the original site of the Boston Massacre.
When I arrived at Suffolk University in October to lead alumni relations for the College of
Arts and Sciences, I could see I had arrived
at a school of substance, steeped in the
history of the city and shaped by its own
compelling story.
I began as the University’s Alumni Association introduced a brand new look, featuring a logo designed to be an instantly
recognizable symbol of the many exciting
activities offered by the alumni association. I came here as we launched the Suffolk University Club of Boston, extending full membership privileges to alumni at
the Downtown Harvard Club of Boston.
In my efforts to get to know Suffolk University and the College of Arts and
Sciences, I applied my own background with alumni volunteer boards and clubs,
including 11 years of alumni relations experience with Northeastern University. I’ve
also been fortunate to be able to draw upon the expertise of Dean Ken Greenberg,
who has been enormously supportive of our outreach to alumni. Networking Nights
sponsored by The Greater New York and Boston Chapters offered opportunities
for social and career connections in a casual setting, while a special Evening at the
Theatre provided alumni with the perfect venue to celebrate the original production
of Theatre professor Wesley Savick’s play, Centennial: About a Hundred Years. This
spring brought food for thought (bestselling author James Bamford BA ’72, JD ‘75
on politics; renowned history professor Robert J. Allison on history) and thoughts of
food (the Boston Chapter’s annual chocolate tasting).
In my brief time here, I’ve quickly discovered what you already know: that CAS has
a history and culture all its own. So I’m hoping to tap into your knowledge of Suffolk
University and the College of Arts and Sciences. As we plan future events, I encourage
your feedback and your participation. My goal is to make the alumni association a true
reflection of you, its constituents. I look forward to catching up with you soon.
Warm Regards,
Maureen Ridings, Director of Alumni Relations
College of Arts and Sciences
Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108 | 617.573.8457 | www.suffolk.edu
Arthur Makar, MEd’92
Lance Morganelli, BA’02
Laura Piscopo, BA’02
Dante Santone, D.C., BS’88
Richard Tranfaglia, BA’73
Executive Director,
The Caring Community,
New York City
Thomson Learning
Sales & Marketing
Coordinator, University
of Massachusetts,
Boston Campus Center
Private Practice, Santone
Director of Human
City of Somerville
Annunziata Varela,
BA’94, MA’96
Not Pictured:
Michael Walsh, Esq.,
BS’84, JD’87
Partner, Law Offices
of Michael F. Walsh, PC
parting thought//STUDENT WORK
Woven 3
ARTIST//Alexandra Horeanopoulos
Please recycle! You don’t always have
to buy new things to get what you want. Old
and used materials can be reused and made
into new things, in art, in a house, in an
office… Stop consuming so many resources,
reevaluate what you need as opposed to
what you think you need, and use your
brain to make great things out of other
people’s trash. I’m sick of the waste. And
we’re all guilty. This piece was made from
used computer wires which I got from an IT
department. They were going to be thrown
away. Each computer they get comes with
a new wire even though they have plenty of
old ones. Why?
Alumni MagazinE
Nonprofit org.
U.S. Postage
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41 Temple Street//Boston, MA 02114
listen. learn. solve. teach. create.
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